I ZOIO Ph This is to certify that the dissertation entitled TOPOLOGICAL ENTROPY OF THE LOZI FAMILY presented by lzzet Burak Yildiz has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the degree' In Mathematics 72% Major Professor's gnature TIDTL Dater MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer OLIBRARY Michigan State University _._._.-.-._._._.-.-.-.-.-n-.-.-.-n---.-.-.--.-.-._._.-._.-.-.-.-¢-o-n-.-.-n-.. PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 5108 K'IProjIAocsPres/CIRCIDateDue.indd TOPOLOGICAL ENTROPY OF THE LOZI FAMILY By Izzet Burak Yildiz A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IV'Iathematics 2010 ABSTRACT TOPOLOGICAL ENTROPY OF THE LOZI FAMILY By Izzet Burak Yildiz We study the t0pological entropy of a two dimensional map, called the Lozi map. The Lozi map is a piecewise-affine analog of the Henon map, one of the most studied examples in dynamical systems. In this area, it is extremely important to understand the complexity of a given system and t0pological entropy is a nonnegative number which measures this complexity. We investigate how the complexity of the Lozi map changes depending on the parameters. In particular, we study the monotonicity and discontinuity properties of topologi- cal entropy of the Lozi maps. In 1997, Y. Ishii and D. Sands showed the monotonicity of the Lozi family £09,, in a C’1 neighborhood‘of a-axis in the a—b parameter space. We. show the monotonicity of the entropy in the vertical direction around a = 2 and in some other directions for 1 < a S 2. Also we give some rigorous and numerical results for the parameters at which the Lozi family has zero entropy. Moreover. in 2009, J. Buzzi showed that the entropy map f —+ ht0p( f) is lower semi-continuous for all piecewise affine surface homeomorphisms. The upper semi- continuity of entropy was an open question for these maps. We prove that topological entropy for the Lozi maps can jump from zero to a value above 0.1203 as one crosses a particular parameter and hence it is not upper semi-continuous in general. Moreover, our results can be extended to a small neighborhood of this parameter and hence disprove a conjecture by Ishii and Sands which states that there are at most countable number of points of discontinuity of the entropy map. We conclude with numerical results for the entropy of the Lozi maps for a large set of parameters which coincide with rigorous bounds given by Y. Ishii and D. Sands before. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I am grateful to my advisor, Dr. Sheldon Newhouse, for his excellent. guidance, pa.- tience, and providing me with a great atmosphere for doing research. I would like to thank Dr. Martin Berz for his interest in my project and his helpful suggestions. I would also like to thank to my committee members Dr. Kyoko Makino, Dr. Zhengfang Zhou and Dr. Michael Shapiro for being very helpful. This work would not be possible without the support of my parents. I thank them for their encouragement and love. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures ................................ v INTRODUCTION ............................... 1 BASIC CONCEPTS ....................... 11 1.1 Symbolic Dynamics ............................ 12 1.2 Topological Entropy ........................... 14 MON OTONICITY OF ENTROPY AND ZERO EN TROPY PA- RAMETERS .......................... 19 2. 1 Preliminaries ............................... 19 2.2 Pruning Theory .................... - .......... 21 2.3 Results about the monotonicity of the entropy ............. 25 2.4 Extension of the results to l < a _<_ 2 .................. 30 2.5 Results about the zero entropy locus .................. 39 DISCONTINUITY OF ENTROPY FOR LOZI MAPS ...... 45 3.1 Lower Bound Techniques ......................... 48 3.2 Discontinuity of entropy for Lozi maps ................. 49 APPENDIX 61 Bibliography .......................... 64 iv 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 LIST OF FIGURES Henon attractor for H1_4‘0.3 and Lozi attractor for £1,105. ..... This figure shows the directions "U-i = (N3, —1) and v3 = (N3, 1) along which entropy is non-decreasing. 1.2 < a, S 2 and b small ........ This picture gives a summary of recent results about the entropy of the Lozi family. When a > 1 + Ibl, entropy is positive. The light gray area on the left gives the parameters for which entropy is zero. The darker gray area with complicated boundary represents our numerical results for zero entropy parameters. In the darkest gray region on the right, the entropy is log 2. In the triangular region, Misiurewicz proved the existence of strange attractors. Note that maps with |b| > 1, up to affine conjugacy, are inverses of maps with |b| < 1 and so not interesting. In the rest of the picture, nothing much is known. This is a summary of our numerical results for the entropy of Lozi fam- ily where 1 S a. S 3, —1 S b S 1 and the height is the entropy. Observe the consistency with Figure 3, especially zero entropy parameters when b > O and the maximal entropy parameters. .............. Symbol space (I) > 0) and the sets 215,3), Z and C ........... This figure shows the approximate monotonicity results for different N: and N3 values where 1.2 < a S 2. The topological entropy is non-decreasing in the direction of arrows. ............... This figure shows the primary pruned regions, Day), of maps for given parameters. The :r-axis represents Cs and the y-axis represents C“. One can expect to find some elements of 7501, at the boundary of Dal)- Primary pruned region, Dal» for original parameters studied by Lozi: a=1.7 and b=0.5 ............................. 10 28 37 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 The picture shows the unstable and stable manifolds of the right fixed point of £1115. .............................. The shaded region gives the parameters for which ht0p(£a,b) = 0. This figure shows a portion of the left unstable manifold of the fixed point p1. Note that all the points on the line segment connecting F1 to F2 are period-4 points of £ ...................... Trapping region R(gray) and images £4(R)(darker) and £8(R)(darkest). 53 Themset Wfihickest solid_ broken line) and the part. of the images £4(W)(thinner) and £:(W)(thinnest) which stay outside of R. Note that everything above EC is mapped into R under £4. ......... This figure shows the quadrangles N1 and NZ and their images(thinner boxes). Notice the covering relations: N1 => N1, '1 => N2 and A72 =' All ................................ vi 43 44 52 58 INTRODUCTION In 1963, Edward N. Lorenz, a meteorologist and mathematician from MIT, published a paper[21] which included a set of three dimensional differential equations that had important implications for climate and weather predictions. He observed that the so- lution of the system exhibits complicated behavior that seemed to depend sensitively on initial conditions. In other words. small variations in initial conditions would cause large variations in the long term behavior of the system, a phenomenon now known as the ”butterfly effect”. Moreover, the solutions seemed to form a complicated picture which was later called a strange attractor. These discoveries planted the seeds for the chaos theory. In 1976, Michel Henon, a French astronomer, introduced a simple two-dimensional map, called the Henon map, that exhibits chaotic behavior similar to that in the Lorenz system[11]. M. Henon studied: :1: 1+y—ar2 H=Hagbz l—r , a.bER,b7$0 y bar A simple affine change of coordinates put. this map in the form: :1: 1—(r12-i-by H=Ha,b: H 7 a,b€lR,b;£0 y .r Originally, M. Henon used the parameters of a = 1.4 and b = 0.3. He observed that an initial point. of the plane under the iterations of the map either diverges to infinity or approaches to a set now known as the Henon attractor. This set seemed to 1 be locally homeomorphic to the product of an interval and a Cantor set(See Figure 1). Although the map is given by a very simple formula, the rigorous mathematical analysis of it turned out to be very difficult. The existence of an attractor was proved years later only in a small neighborhood of b = 0 [2]. In 1978, Rene Lozi introduced another two dimensional family of maps which is very similar to the Henon family[22]. The Lozi family is given by: :1: 1—a|.r|+by £=£a,b3 t—r , a.b€lR_. b7é0. y :1: Thus, the quadratic term (1.32 in the Henon family is replaced by the piecewise affine term a|r|. This results in a considerably simpler family of maps. For instance, in [26], Misiurewicz proved the existence of attractors for a large set of parameters. The triangular region in Figure 3 shows these parameters. Past Work and Recent Progress Symbolic dynamics has played an important role in the study of iterated maps. Milnor and Thurston have developed a kneading theory to study the topological dynamics of piecewise-monotone self maps of the interval[23]. In their study, the itinerary of the critical point, kneading sequence, is one of the most important ingredients. They proved that a continuous, piecewise monotone map of the interval with positive topo- logical entropy is semi-conjugate to a continuous piecewise affine map with a constant slope and the same entropy. For unimodal maps (one critical point) with negative Schwarzian derivative and no periodic attractor, the kneading sequence gives the com- plete classification up to topological equivalence[17]. Also, the set of all admissible 2 I 1.5 0.5 r -0.5 ~ 1.5 0.5 -0.5 1.5 0.5 - -0.5 r _1L. 1.5 0.5 -0.5 Figure 1: Henon attractor for H1_4,0_3 and Lozi attractor for £1,105. sequences can be obtained from the kneading sequence. Applications of the kneading theory lead to a proof of continuity of entropy and monotonicity of the kneading sequences for certain families of one dimensional maps. On the other hand, there is no general symbolic theory for two dimensional maps. In [6], Cvitanovic, Gunaratne and Procaccia presented a two-piece partition of the plane which leads to symbolic dynamics of two symbols (-1 and 1) for the Henon map. If a symbolic sequence corresponds to an actual periodic orbit it was called admissible. They introduced subsets of the symbol space {—1,+1}Z called ”primary pruned region” and ” pruning front” and conjectured that they specify all the periodic orbits (Pruning Front Conjecture(PFC)). In other words, if all the backward and for- ward iterations of a periodic sequence under the shift map stay away from the pruned region, then this periodic sequence corresponds to a periodic orbit in the phase space. This way they measured how far the given map is from a complete horseshoe in which case the pruned region is empty. They used this idea to obtain a numerical estimation for the topological entropy of the HenOn map. A Pruning Theory for surface homeomorphisms (in a more general setting) was given by A. Carvalho and Toby Hall[5]. Monotonicity of the Lozi family Rigorous mathematical justification of the symbolic dynamics and an analog of Cvi- tanovic’s Pruning Front Conjecture for the Lozi map was given by Y. Ishii, following suggestions of J. Milnor[12]. Ishii introduced a similar pruned region which distin— guishes the sequences that correspond to a point in the non-wandering set(admissible sequences) from the sequences that do not(non-admissible). This characterization has powerful applications. For example, he gave the boundary of the region in the (l-b 4 parameter space where the Lozi map has maximal entropy log 2(See Figure 3). Also, in a joint work with Sands, they proved the entropy increases monotonically with a for small fixed values of b: Theorem 0.0.1 ([14]). For every a... > 1 there exists I)... > 0 such that, for any fixed b with |b| < In, the topological entropy of £a,b is a non-decreasing function of a > a... The main step in the proof of this theorem is to show that when a increases, the primary pruned region decreases, and as a result entropy increases. It’s natural to ask the following: Question 1. Is the entropy monotone in other directions? In this dissertation, we partly answered this question by proving the following theorem (for details see Theorem 2.1.3 below): Let us define R2>1+ = (a, b) E R2|a>1+]b]}. Theorem 0.0.2. For every 1 < a S 2 there exist NC], NE E IR+ and two lines 7172 : (4513,6132) —> R2>1+’ 51,2 > 0, given by 71(t) =.(a+Nc]t, —t) ands/20‘.) = (a+N§t,t) such that the topological entropy of £710) and £72m is a non-decreasing function of t. So we can get the monotonicity directions given in Figure 2. Discontinuity of the topological entropy A well known result. in one dimensional dynamics is Misiurewicz and Szlenk’s lap number entropy formula[27]. According to the formula, topological entropy of a piecewise monotone map of the interval, f, is given by: ht0p( f) = lim,,,_.oo%log£n( f) where in (f) is the number of monotone pieces of the nth iterate of f. In [16], Ishii and Sands give a similar lap number entropy formula for piecewise affine homeomorphisms of the plane. In [15], they use this formula to obtain some rigorous upper and lower 5 C l k |\ l \\_ l \\\\\\\ \\ \\\ l l N l \I \l \\\\\\ I \\\l 1 2 1 4 1.52 I 6 l 88 2 16 : (10,1) 135 = (2:1) / a v2 = (3,1) \ C t L , Dr... J l,» l / 1 /',/'//{/t/'4 I 1 If I / l /////’////// I 12 1.43 1.59 1.7 TIQ Figure 2: This figure shows the directions 23—] = (N3, —1) and v3 = (N31) along which entropy is non-decreasing. 1.2 < a S 2 and b small. bounds for the entropy of the Lozi family. Analyzing these results, they proposed the following conjecture for the Lozi family: Conjecture 1 (Ishii and Sands [15]). There are at most countable number of points of discontinuity of the entropy map (a, b) —* h(£a,b)- Moreover, in [4], Buzzi proves a Katok-like theorem for piecewise affine surface homeomorphisms which shows the lower semi-continuity of the entropy map, f —> hmp( f) The following question was asked by Buzzi: Question 2. Prove or disprove the upper semi—continuity of entropy for piecewise afline homeomorphisms of the plane. In this dissertation, we proved that the topological entropy of the Lozi maps is not continuous depending on the parameters showing that it can jump up from zero to a value above 0.1203 as one crosses the parameter (a, b) = (1.4, 0.4) (see Theorem 3.0.5 below). Moreover, similar jumps occur in a small neighborhood of this point along the line a = 1 + b, disproving the above conjecture: Theorem 0.0.3. In general, the topological entropy of Lozi maps does not depend continuously on the parameters. For 61 > 0 and small and [62] small: (i) The topological entropy of the Lozi maps with (a,b) = (1.4 + 62,0.4 + 62), ll(£1.4+62.0.4+62), is zero. (ii) The topological entropy of Lozi maps, h.(£(1'4+€1+62’0_4+62)), has a lower bound of 0.1203. Zero Entropy Parameters In [15], Ishii and Sands give rigorous entropy computations for some rational values of a and b. Unfortunately. their algorithm gives poor results when entropy is close 7 to zero. So, the precise shape of the set of zero entropy parameters is unknown. On the other hand, it is possible to use Brouwer’s Translation Theorem to prove some sufficient conditions[15]. The light gray region in Figure 3 gives these parameters. In this dissertation, we modified the use of Brouwer’s Translation Theorem to prove the following (see Theorem 2.1.4): Theorem 0.0.4. In a neighborhood of the parameter (a, b) = (1, 0.5). hmp(£a.b) = 0. The proof of this theorem can be extended to a larger set of parameters. But it. gets more complicated especially as b gets close to 1. So, we give some numerical results where our proof seems to be working and obtain a picture (See the medium gray area in Figure 3) for zero entropy parameters. Numerical Results Besides the numerical studies of zero entropy parameters, we also introduced a numer- ical algorithm to approximate the entropy of Lozi maps. Our algorithm measures the growth rate of the number of intersections of the unstable manifOld of the right fixed point with the y-axis. For most of the parameters, entropies we obtain are within i005 of the rigorous computations by Ishii and Sands. For example, for the original parameters studied by Lozi, (a. b) = (1.7, 0.5), our entropy estimate is 0.5146 where as the rigorous upper bound obtained by them is 0.5087. Summary of our computa- tions are given in the picture below. However, we are not able to yet obtain rigorous bounds for accuracy of our estimations. Another interesting point is that when our method is applied to the Henon family, one still gets very close approximations for the entropy. For example, for (a, b) = (1.4, 0.3), we get 0.465 which is very close to a recent rigorous lower bound by Newhouse, Berz. Makino and Grote[29]. We will not go into any more details here. Figure 3: This picture gives a summary of recent results about the entropy of the Lozi family. When a > 1 + [b], entrOpy is positive. The light gray area on the left gives the parameters for which entropy is zero. The darker gray area with complicated boundary represents our numerical results for zero entropy parameters. In the darkest gray region on the right, the entrOpy is log 2. In the triangular region, Misiurewicz proved the existence of strange attractors. Note that maps with [b] > 1, up to affine conjugacy, are inverses of maps with |b| < 1 and so not interesting. In the rest of the picture, nothing much is known. Figure 4: This is a summary of our numerical results for the entropy of Lozi family where 1 S a S 3, —1 S b _<_ 1 and the height is the entropy. Observe the consistency with Figure 3, especially zero entropy parameters when b > 0 and the maximal entropy parameters. 10 Chapter 1 BASIC CONCEPTS Throughout this section let f : X —+ X denote a continuous function where (X, (1) is a metric space with metric d. For k E Z. f k denotes the k-times composition, i.e., fl" = fofo-nof (Ir—times). Definition 1.0.5. The forward orbit of a point a is the set 0+(a) = {fk(a) : h 2 0}. If f is invertible, then the backward orbit is defined by: 0'(a) = {fk(a) : k S 0}. Them-the (whole) orbit of a point a is 0(a) = {fk(a) : k E Z}. If f is not invertible we take f‘lfy) = {r = f(I) = y}. ' A Definition 1.0.6. A point a is a periodic point of period n provided f "(a) = a and fj (a) 79 a for 0 < j < 72. If a has period one, then it is called a fired point. Now, let us give some fundamental definitions connected with convergence and stability of periodic points. Definition 1.0.7. A point q is forward asymptotic to p provided d(fj(q), fj (p)) goes to zero as j —+ 00. If p is a periodic point with period n, then q is asymptotic to p if d(fj"(q),p) goes to zero as j —> 00. The stable set ofp is defined as: W3( p) = {q : q is forward asymptotic to p} 11 If f is invertible, then a point q is said to be backward asymptotic to p provided d(fj(q), fj(p)) goes to zero as j —> -:>c. The unstable set ofp is defined as: W" (p) = {q : q is backward asymptotic to p} The next notion has a great importance in dynamical systems theory and this document. Definition 1.0.8 (Attractor). A compact region N C X is called a trapping region for f provided f (N) C int( N) A set. A is called an attracting set provided there is a trapping region N such that A = flkzo fk (N). A set A is called an attractor if it is an attracting set and f [A is topologically transitive, i.e., given any two open sets U and V in A, there is a non-negative number n such that f "(U) H V ¢ 0. Remark 1.0.9. The existence of attractors for the Lozi family was proven by lVIisiurevdcz[26] for the parameters given in Figure 3. For these parameters, he also proved that the attractor is actually the closure of the unstable set(manifold) of the right fixed point. 1 . 1 Symbolic Dynamics Following [20], let us define a finite alphabet set N = {1, . . . , n}. This set is a metric space with the metric d(j, k) = 1 — djk where (SJ-k is 0 if j 7E k and 1 ifj = k. The topology defined by this metric is a discrete topology and N is compact. Let us form two sequence spaces. The one-sided sequence space is 2,1,: = {1, . . . , n}N where N = {0,1, 2, . . .} and its points are in the form (50. 51,52, . . .) where e,- E N. The two sided sequence space is 2,, = {1, . . . .n}Z where Z 2: {...,—2,-—1,0,1,2,...} and its points are in the form (. . . .54, 5-1. 50, 81,52, . . .) where e,- E N. We put the product topology in each space. By Tychonoff’s theorem for products of compact spaces. both 12 spaces are compact. A set of the form [70, . . . ,‘idt = {5: (1) t = 2'0, . . . ,5”; = if} is called a cylinder set or a block. The cylinder sets are both open and closed and they form a countable ba- sis for the topology in each space. Every open set is a countable union of cylinder sets. 1 — (5 I I 9° 5'5.- . The product. metric (1(5. 5 ) = ——2i—1—‘ on 2?; generates the topology. Sim- 1=0 ' 1 — 6 I I ' ‘ 5'5- ilarly, the product metric d(s,5) = Z 21. I 7' on En generates the topology. i=—oo Note that both 2;: and En are homeomorphic to the standard middle-third Cantor set. Next, let us define the shift map, a, on both spaces as 0(5),- : 5i+1- The shift map is a continuous. onto and n-to—l on 2?,” and it is a homeomorphism on Zn. Definition 1.1.1. The dynamical system (2,1; ,0) is called the one-sided shift on. 11 symbols or full one-sided n-shz’ft. Similarly, (2". o) is called the two-sided shift on n symbols or full n-shift. 1.1.1 Subshift of Finite Type (SFT) A subshift is a closed, shift-invariant subset of a full shift. Equivalently, let D be any set (finite or infinite) of cylinder sets. The set SD of sequences that do not contain any element of D is a subshift, and any subshift can be expressed in this form. Example 1.1.2. Even shift: Let SD be the set of sequences consists of 0 and 1’s so that between any two 1’s there are even number of 0’s. So, D = {1(0)2k+11 : k E N}. Definition 1.1.3. A subshift of finite type ( SF T ) is a shift space that can be described by a finite list of forbidden cylinder sets. Another classical definition is as follows: Let A be a square {0, 1} matrix with its rows and columns indexed by {1, . . . , n}. One can define a closed, shift-invariant subset 2A of 2;!” (or En) by selecting sequences 13 E E Z A with the rule that A5137.+1 = 1 for all 2' E N (or Z). The dynamical system (2A, 0) consisting of this compact space E A and the restriction of the shift map is the one—sided ( or two-sided) subshift of finite type defined by A or topological Markov shift defined by A. The matrix A is called the transition matrix. Example 1.1.4. The golden mean shift 2 A is given by the transition matrix A = l 1 1 0 Remark 1.1.5. Although subshifts of finite type have very nice properties which we will not discuss here, the Lozi maps which are discussed in this dissertation can not be represented by SFT’s. In general, there are infinitely many forbidden cylinder sets. On the other hand, they can be approximated by SFT's (See [15]). 1 .2 Topological Entropy Topological entropy is a quantitative measurement of how complicated a map f is. A rough interpretation could be given as follows: Suppose one can distinguish two distinct points only if the distance between them is larger than a resolution 6. Then two orbits of length n obtained by taking n-iterations of these points under f can be distinguished provided that there is some iterate m between 0 and n for which their distance is greater than e. Let r(n,e, f) be the maximum number of such distinguishable orbits of length n. The entropy for a given 6, h(e, f), is the growth rate of r(n. e, f) as 72. goes to infinity. Then the entropy h.( f) is the limit of h((:. f) as the resolution 6 goes to zero. Definition 1.2.1. Let f : X ——> X be a continuous map on a compact metric: space (X, d) with a metric (1. Two distinct points at, y E X, 1? 3A y, are called (n, e) -sepanated for a positive integer n and E > 0 if there is at least one 771, 0 S m S n, such that. 14 (l(f"‘(1r),f""(y)) > e. A set U C X is called an (n.e)-sepamted set if every pair of distinct points I, y E U, r yé y, is (n, e)-separated. Let r(n, e, f) be the maximum cardinality of an (n, e)-separated set U C X. By compactness. this number is always finite. l .. . Define h(€.f) :: lim sup Og(7‘(:’€ f)) Tl —"00 defined as: . Thcn topological entropy of f, h(f), is h.( f) = lim h.(., f). 6—»0,€ >0 Note that this limit exists (can be infinite) because for 0 < 62 < 61, r(n, 61, f) S r(n., (2, f), so h(e, f) is a monotone function of 6. Remark 1.2.2. The original definition of topological entropy was given by Adler. Konheim and McAndrew, [1], using a different idea involving covers of open sets. The definition above was given by Bowen[30] and independently by Dinaburg[7]. Remark 1.2.3. Note that the Lozi map 5 is defined in R2 which is not compact. To be able to investigate the topological entropy of the Lozi maps, we take one-point compactification of R2 and extend the map continuously putting C(00) = 00. For more details about this continuous extension see [16]. Now, we would like to summarize some important theorems related to topological entropy. Most of the proofs can be found in [31]. Theorem 1.2.4. Let X be compact, f : X ——> X be a continuous function and k 2 1 be an integer. Then, the entropy of fk is equal to k times the entropy of f, W") = khm. Remark 1.2.5. If f is a homeomorphism, then theorem becomes h(fk) = |k[h( f ) for any integer k. Note that we make use of the above theorem when we prove our discontinuity re- 1+\/(5) 2 sult. In other words. we show that. for some specific parameters h(£4) > log 1 1 1 and this implies h(£) = 4—h(£4) > Elog-—+§\/—‘(—52. The next theorem says that the wandering orbits do not contribute to the entropy. Theorem 1.2.6. ([30]) Let f : X —> X be a continuous function on a compact metric space X. Let Q C X be the nonwandering points of f Then, the entropy of f equals the entropy off restricted to its nonwandering set, h(f) = h(f|fl). Another related theorem states that any map whose nonwandering set is a finite set of points, has zero entropy: Theorem 1.2.7. Let f : X -—> X be a continuous function on a compact metric space X for which 9( f) is a finite number of periodic points. (For example Morse-Smale difieomorphism} Then the entropy of f is zero. We use the above theorem to prove the zero entropy results for some parameters in the Lozi map. In other words, we show for some specific parameters, the nonwan- dering set consists of periodic orbits only. Now, let us give the definition for semi-conjugacy and conjugacy which will allow us to make comparisons between the dynamical properties(such as entropy) of two systems: Definition 1.2.8. Let f : X ——> X and g : Y —-+ Y be two maps. A map k : X —+ Y is called a semi-conjugacy from f to 9 if: c k is continuous, o k is onto and 16 o kofzgok. The map k is called a conjugacy if it is a semi-conjugacy, one-to-one and has a. continuous inverse. i.e. k is a homeomorphism. The next theorem gives important relations about the entropy of semi-conjugate and conjugate systems: Theorem 1.2.9. Let X and Y be compact metric spaces. Let f : X —) X and g : Y —) Y be tow maps and k : X —) Y be a continuous map with k 0 f = g o k (i) Ifk is onto (i.e.. a semi-conjugacy), then h(f) Z h(g). (ii) If k is one-to-one (not necessarily onto), then h(f) S h(g). (iii) Ifk is onto and uniformly finite to one, then h(f) = h(g). Note that k can be a conjugacy in this case. Symbolic dynamics may be very helpful sometimes determining the entropy of a given system. If one can find a conjugacy or semi-conjugacy between a subshift and the given system, then we can use the above theorem to understand the entropy of the system. This is actually the idea behind the monotonicity results given in this document. On the other hand, finding the entropy of an arbitrary subshift can also be difficult. The next theorem gives a useful tool to compute the entropy of subshifts: Theorem 1.2.10. (1') Let a : En —+ 2,, be the full shift on n symbols {one-sided or two-sided). Assume E C 2,, is a closed invariant subset. 50, (EUR?) is a subshift. Let wm be the number of words of length m in E, i.e., , I j forO Sj < m for some 5 E Z} (I) L07" : {(50 '° '95711-1) 15-7-: 17 Then, lo to h(o|E) = lim sup M 1n—+OC m (ii) Let Aux” be a transition matrix on n symbols. Let a A : 2A —+ X] A be the associated subshift of finite type (one-sided or two-sided). Then h(oA) = log()\1) where /\1 is the real eigenvalue of A such that A1 2 IAJ-l for all other eigenvalues Aj of A. Example 1.2.11. Using the second part of the above theorem, one can easily see 1+\/(5) that the entropy of the golden mean shift (defined before) equals to log——2——. 18 Chapter 2 MONOTONICITY OF ENTROPY AND ZERO ENTROPY PARAMETERS 2. 1 Preliminaries Since its discovery in 1976, the Henon map[ll] has been one of the most studied examples in dynamical systems. It was introduced by M. Henon as a simple model exhibiting chaotic motion. On the other hand, the Lozi map [22] which is a piecewise- affine analog of the Henon map has been also important since it has a simpler structure but similar chaotic behavior. The Henon family is defined by: .7: 1— 0.12 + by H=Ha.b: 5—» , (1,1)ER, b7$0 y :1? 19 while the Lozi family is defined by: x 1—a|x|+by £=£(I,l): H I 0.,bER, bTéO' 'y I 2 in the Henon family is replaced by the piecewise affine Thus, the quadratic term ax term alxl. This results in a considerably simpler family of maps. For instance, in [26] the existence of attractors is proved for a large set of parameters, while in the Henon family, this is only proven for very small b 74 0(see [2]). In this article we improve some of the entropy results obtained by Ishii and Sands in [14] and give some partial results about the parameters at which the tepological entropy of the Lozi family is zero. The following result about monotonicity was obtained in [14]: Theorem 2.1.1. For every a... > 1 there exists b... > 0 such that, for any fixed b with |b| < b..., the topological entropy of £01, is a non-decreasing function of a > a... Our results can be summarized in the next three theorems: Theorem 2.1.2. For any fixed a* in some neighborhood of a = 2, there exist b’] > 0 and b; < 0 such that the topological entropy of £01, is a non-increasing function of b for 0 < b < b’[‘ and a non~decreasing function of b for b; < b < 0. Let us define 1R2)1+ = {(a, b) E R2 | a >1+|b|}. Theorem 2.1.3. For every 1 < a S 2 there exist 1\"(],N3 E R+ and two lines 712 : (‘51.2= 61.2) —) Riv—v 61,2 > 0, given by 71(t) = (0+Ngt, —t) and72(t) = (a+NEt,t) such that the topological entropy of £71“) and £720) is a non-decreasing function. of 1‘. Theorem 2.1.4. In a small neighborhood of the parameters a = l and b = 0.5, topological entropy of Lab.- lltop(£a,b).- is zero. 20 Remark: The proof of this last result can be extended for other parameters as well. But it gets complicated especially when b is close to 1. So we give some numerical results for such parameters and obtain a picture (See Figure 2.6) for the zero entropy locus H0 = {(a, b)| ht(,,,(£ay,) = 0} when a > 0 and b > 0. Outline The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 2.2 gives an introduction to the Pruning Theory and some results by Ishii and Sands that we are going to use. Our monotonicity results are proved in Section 2.3. Then, Section 2.4 extends these results. Section 2.5 describes the results about the zero entropy locus. 2.2 Pruning Theory The Pruning Theory was suggested by Cvitanovié[6] as a way of obtaining symbolic dynamics for the Henon map. Certain conjectures were formulated which still remain unproved. Motivated by this, and following suggestions of J. Milnor, Ishii[12],[13] provided an analogous Pruning Theory for hyperbolic Lozi maps (ie. those satisfying a. > 1 + |b|) and proved an appropriate ”Pruning Conjecture” which yielded a good symbolic description of the bounded orbits of hyperbolic Lozi maps. Let us recall the basic elements of this Pruning Theory: Let 2 denote the symbol space {—1,+1}Z with product topology. Define the shift map a : 23 —+ E which is a continuous map given as o(. . . 5-2,e_1 - 50,51 . . .) = (...E_2,€_1.€0-51...). For any _5_ E Z we call ,2“ = (. . .e_2,e_1) the tail of; and is = (50,51...) the head of ,2. Let C" and C" be the set of all tails and heads, respectively. So 2 may be identified with C“ x C3. Define p(. . . , 3-2, 5-1)(0, b) = 1— bs_2 + b23_28_3 — b33_gs_3s_4 + . .. where 3,, is defined as s" E (2.1) b ——asn + b “(1571—1 'l' b _0'571—2 + — Similarly define q(.—:0, 51 . . .) = r0 — foil + was — . . . where f.” is defined as 1 7‘.” E (2.2) b 0511 ‘l" b (15114.1 + b a'5n+2 + _- Note that p(§"‘)(a, b) and q(§5)(a, b) are defined on C“ x R2>1+ and 05 x R2>1+’ respectively. In the rest of the paper, we identify p with poiru and q with q o in, where 77'” : 2 x Riv, —+ Cu x 1R2)1+ is the map (§)(a,b) —» (§”)(a, b) and 719:2 x Rift ——> CS x R2)1+ is the map (§)(a,b) —+ (§'9)(a, b). So, we consider p and q as functions p,q:ExR2>1+—>IR. For the proof of the next lemma, see lemma 4.3 and 6.1 in [12]. Lemma 2.2.1. For fixed 5 E Z, the functions p(g), q(§), sn(§), rn(§) : R2)1+ —> 1R are real analytic in (a,b). Moreover, p, q, 3", in and their partial derivatives with respect to the three variables (a, b,§) are continuous. Definition 2.2.2. We call put) E {i E 2| (P- Q)(---5—2,5—1 '50.&‘1...)(a,b) = 0} 22 the pruning front of £01, and Dab E {2’ E 2 I (I) - (1)(- --€—2,€—1 -€0,51...)(a,b) < 0} the primary pruned region of £091, The pair (7901,, Deb) is known as the pruning pair of [rab- We call #40,!) :—: Z \ UnEZ onDafib = {9: E 2 I (p — q)(o"§)(a,b) 2 mm 6 Z} the admissible set. Definition 2.2.3. The set P“, E Pub 0 A“, is the admissible pruning front. Let K = '1; denote the set of all points whose forward and backward orbits remain bounded. For a point X E K we put 7r(X) = (. . . e_2, 5-1 - £0, 51 . . .) where +1 if but), > 0 52'. E a: if £i(X)x = 0 —1 if but), < 0 where * can be both +1 and —1; and Yx is the x-eomponent of Y. An element of 77(X) is called an itinerary of X. So a point X can have more than one itinerary. Now let us define the standard partial orders on C 3 U C'”: Definition 2.2.4. 1. Let g" and Q“ be two distinct elements in CS. Then there exists the smallest number i Z 0 such that 5,: ¢ 6,. W’e say :5 <,.-,. Q's if one of the following is satisfied: (i) The number of +1‘s in {0 . . . 5,-_1 is even and 5,: < (52-, 23 (ii) The number of +1‘s in so . . . 8,-_1 is odd and 5,: > 6,, where order on the symbols is -—1 < +1. 2. Let g” and _6_'” be two distinct elements in C“. Then there exists the largest number i < 0 such that 82' aé 6,. When b > 0 (resp. b < O), we say _e_“ <1, 6“ if one of the following is satisfied: (i) The number of —1’s (resp. +1’s) in 5,-_1 . . .50- is even and 5,: < 6,7, (ii) The number of —1’s (resp. +1’s) in e.,-_1 . . .50- is odd and e,- > 6,, where order on the symbols is —1 < +1. See Fig.2.] for the case b > 0. In [12], Ishii proves the following version of the Pruning Front Conjecture(PFC) which was motivated by Cvitanovié et al [6]. Theorem 2.2.5 (the pruning front conjecture). Suppose that Lay, satisfies a > |b| +1 and let _5_ 6 {+1. —1}Z. Then there exists a point X 6 K5 such that g E 1r(X) if and only if a"; does not lie in Due], for all n E Z. Next, we will summarize the results of Ishii and Sands [14], which prove the mono- tonicity of the entropy in the positive a-direction. Recall that the tent map Ta : R ——> R is given by Ta(x) = 1 — alx]. Definition 2.2.6. An itinerary of a point x 6 1R under the map Ta is an element of i,,,(x) E {55 E C" | 5,1203) 2 0 Vi Z 0}. We call [{(a) E i(,,( 1) the kneading invariant of Ta, A Proposition 2.2.7. Suppose I < a S 2. Then 7r,,~('Pa.0) = [{(a) where rrs : Z —-> C8 is the map g —> gs 24 Lemma 2.2.8 (Stability of ’P). Suppose a > 1 + [b]. Then for every neighborhood U of Pay, there exists a neighborhood V of (a, b) such that Pa 8 C U for every (5., b) E V. A o o v “I I . I " Defimtlon 2.2.9. We say that (”Pa (”Ad b) < (’P~ “A. .) if A,, b C A, . and P, . fl ‘ " ‘ a,b a,l) " a,b a..b AaJ) : 0 The main step in the proof of the monotonicity in [14] is the following theorem: Theorem 2.2.10 (Local Monotonicity). Suppose f : (—6, 6) —-> REM, 6 > 0, is C1 and dip — q)(:)f(t) dt t=0 >0 for all g E 73f(0)- Then there exists a C’1 neighborhood .7 of f and a neighborhood I of0 such that for any C1 curve 9 E .7: the map t E I -4 (Pg(t),Ag(t)) is order A preserving: ift1.t2 E I and t1 < t2 then ( gltl)"Ag(t1)) < (Pg(,2),Ag(t2)). A It is also proven that if (”PayAab) < ('P . A. 5) then ht0p(£a.b) S ht0p(£ a,b’ a. (i,b)° 0(1i - q)(:)(a» 0) do they use local monotonicity to prove the following: In [14], Ishii and Sands show that > 0 for any g 6 730.0. Then Theorem 2.2.11. For every a... > 1 there exists b... > 0 such that the map a E A (a*, 00) —> (Pugh/4011,) is order preserving for all |b| < b... So Theorem 2.1.1 follows from these facts. 2.3 Results about the monotonicity of the entropy In [13], Ishii mentions that although we have monotonicity in the direction given above. we do not know anything about the monotonicity in b direction. We look for a solution to this question near the point ((1,1)) = (2. 0). Now we want to concentrate on the point (a, b) = (2, 0). We will first figure out the set 7320. Using the stability of ’P this will give us some information about P293, for [b] small. After that we will use the local monotonicity by taking b-derivative of (p — q) to show the monotonicity in b-direction around (2, 0). Proposition 2.3.1. Let 6" = (+1,—1,—1, —1...). For (a, b) = (2,0) we have 152,0 = 77:1(63) = {6“ - +1,—1.—1,—1...|6_” 6 Cu} and D10 = Q). Proof. First note that by Proposition 2.2.7, rig-(752,0) = [{(2) = (+1,—1,—1, —1...). So. 75290 C 7r.;'1(6“‘). To prove rr;1(63) C 7520, we need to show that for any 6" 6 C” the sequence 6 = (6“ - +1,—1,—1.—1...) is in 7520 = A290 ('1 732,0, i.e. (p - q)(o"’§)(2,0) Z O for n E Z and (p — q)(6_)(2,0) = 0. Note that for an ar- 1 . 1 1 bitrary _E_ E Z, p(§"’)(2,0) = 1 and fin = — and q(§"’)(2,0) = — — —2-— + 1 1 2511 250 2 8051 —.——— — + —1 7' + So, 53 2,0 is maximized at onlv 23505152 ( ) 2"+15051...en (IL )( ) . i=oo i - I 6‘“ = (+1,—1,—1,—1...) and its maximum value is Z (5) = 1. This shows that i=1 for any (_5 E its—1(6“), (p — q)(6)(2,0) = 0 and (p - q)(o"_6_)(2,0) > 0 for n 75 0. This proves 7Ts-l(é3) C P290 and also D270 = (ll. Cl Lemma 2.3.2. 3(2) — t1)(§)(2~ b) 1 for g 6 P21). Proof. Recall that p(. . . , 5-2, €_1)(a, b) = 1-l).5‘_2 + b23__23_3 — b3s_gs_3s_4 + . . . and (1(50951- - .)((I.,l)) = 7:0 — 720721 + 72072173 -— . . . 26 where s" and fn are given by (2.1) and (2.2). Taking the partial derivative of p with respect. I) we get: 53—15 2 —s_2 — b.S'I_2 + 2bs_23_3 + b2(.'_28_3)’ + - -- Since .9." are analytic V17. 5 —2 we obtain: 01) 1 1 .07) b=0 : —S_2lb=0 = (15-2 = 25-2 = (+1,—1,—1,—1o) we have g such that g3 73%; first note that for where :1: = (a — Va? + 4b)/2 (See 3.2.2). Now for b = ) (a. + :r) (b + :r.) is continuous with respect to b; a calculation(See 3.2.3) shows that: q(§)(a, Since % 2 ob b=0 — (Ho 0b ’ 1).—.0 0b (a + 1:)(1) + x) ‘ a(a - 1)?‘ So for a. = 2 we have % b=0 = . D — s 2. 0(1) Q)(_)( ml _ depends on 5-2. (9b The previous lemma says that. the sign of Proof of the Theorem 2.1.2. First let’s define: .€_3,_1,+1-50.81.€2-“} Z {---€_3,+1,—1'50,51.E‘2"-} Also define the curve f(t) by t E (—6, +6) —+ (2, t) E Ril‘t where 6 > 0. a” 6 C“) by Preposition 2.3.1 Note that we have 7520 = {5‘ - +1. —1,—1,—1-- and D2,” is empty.(See Figure 2.1). 27 cu ...+++. IIIfi+I DID-+I III+-+I O I I-+-I I O I++-I CO I '+'+++ l+£1114| Figure 2.1: Symbol space (b > 0) and the sets XJ’, Z and C 28 (P — q)(§)(2, 1)) 8b Then by Ixamma 2.3.2, 0 is positive for g E 73230 n (X U Z) and negative for g 6 ”P10 0 y. By continuity with respect to g there exists a cylinder set C around 752,0 such that 0(1) -— q)(;)(2-. b)| 0b b=0 >0f0r§ECfl(XUZ) and 0(1) — q)(:)(2~ b) 0b lb=0<0for§ECfly. Again by continuity with respect to b, there exists a neighborhood B C (—6, +6) 3(7) — r1)(§)(2ab) 0b around 0 such that if (2, b) E f(B) we have > 0 for g E C (W (X U Z) and 0(1) — qgéélag b) < 0 for g E C H y. Now we want to show that for b > 0 and small, 152,!) F) (X U Z) is empty.(See Figure 2.3) To do this, first observe that C“ x C is a neighborhood of 752,0. By stability of fi(Lemma 2.2.8) there exists a neighborhood V of. (2, 0) such that V(a, b) E V 7501, C C. (9b exists a neighborhood B C (—6, +6) around 0 where (p - q) (g) is increasing when b is > 0 for g E C D (X U Z). This means there We also know that increasing. This implies there exists b’i‘ > 0 such that for every (2, b) where 0 < b < b’f and for every g E C n (X U Z) we have (P — (1)(§.)(Qa b) > (p - q)(§)(2= 0) 2 0 In particular this tells us that all elements of 752,1, are in C n y. But then we know 29 0(1) - (1)(§)(2J)) 8b is non-decreasing as b demeases to 0. that for these elements < 0 and so using Theorem 2.2.10 the entropy A similar argument applies for b < 0 and small where it can be shown that. 1321, C C H (X U Z) and that the entropy is non—decreasing as b increases to O. 2.4 Extension of the results to 1 < a S 2 In this section we would like to prove some monotonicity properties for other a values as well. However, we are not able to prove the monotonicity in the vertical direction because it is not possible to use local monotonicity when we move away from a = 2. 5(1) - <1)(_s_)(a.b) is The reason behind this is the fact that for such (1’3 and small I), 0b positive for some g E 7303;, and negative for some other 5 6 750,5. So we prove the next best thing: Monotonicity in the direction of lines which make some angle with the a—axis(See Figure 2.2). To prove this result we modify and use some of the computations done in [14]. Lemma 2.4.1. (Lemma 11 in [14]) Suppose I < a. S 2 and g3 E n(a). Then a3 + 2a2 — 6a. + 2 < 0(p — q)(§)(a., b) < a3 + 2a.2 — 6a + 4 2(12(a — 1) _ 0a (a..0) — 2a2(a — 1) 6(1) - (I) (i) (a: b) I Z(\/§-1)/2>0'ifaZ\/§- (9a In particular; (a .0) Lemma 2.4.2. (Corollary 13 in [14]) Suppose 1 < a S 2 and g3 6 16(0). Then 00) - q)(§)(a, b)| ( > 0. (9a (1,0) Lemma 2.4.3. ( Corollary 7 and Equation 3.11 in [14]) 30 Suppose I < a S 2 and is E K.(a). Then Z(_1)i=‘0_--_:€L-_1 = 0 (2.3) i=0 at and QC ; ,-5()...Ei+j 1'50...€i_1 .5 Z<*1>’+’7+7+T‘ =l—1l—aT—m) <24) i=0 where we define the empty product so . . .s_1 to equal 1. Now, we use these results and similar techniques to prove the following: Lemma 2.4.4. Suppose I < a S 2 and _.-:_s E h‘.((l). Then 1 —2a2 + 7a — 2 < 0(p — q)(§)(a, b) ‘ 1 ——2a2 + 7a — 8 0.5.2 2a3(a. — 1) - 6b b=0 _ as_2 2a3(a — 1) e .b 1 Proof. From the proof of Lemma. 2.3.2 we know that MI 2 . So we (9b b=0 (151.2 6 5 .b need to find some upper and lower bound for _(m—dbulb 0. Remember that q(50, 51 . . .) = 1‘0 — fofl + 1:01:11“? - . . .. 00 Let’s write q(€0,51...) = TO—T1+T2—T3+. .. = Z (—1)"Tn where Tn = foal . . . an. n=0 Now we have the following: r | — ————l — l 71 _ — A _— b—O as" + b7’-n,+1 (=0 (1 and . 0(7‘ )(€)(a~~b) . - - 5 I n _ . 2 ,I _ +1 rrzlb=0 = 8b lb=0 = — r,,(rn+1+brn+1)|b:0 — — :3 Taking term by term derivative of q, we. get the following. Note that 50 = +1 and 0) 1=—1: (1" I J 1 1 g: 31 I I. €151 5052 1 8052 —-=— r+M‘ +—+——=— 1 (r 710 0 1): a3 a a a3 a4 a4 I . AI 52 50 805153 T2 = (7'07"1) + (7071)72 = —5 — I1?) -— a5 I 5253 505 5051 50515254 _T3= —(r0r1r2)r3+(r0r1r2)r r3: (16 + a6 + a6 + a6 A A . . A . . A . A 525354 505354 505154 505152 505152535: T’:7‘T'I‘07"1‘~FTTT9T r'=— — — - - — 4 (()1 - 3) 4 ((ll _ 3) 4 a7 a7 a7 a7 at (9 a,b Note that. ‘1‘ 3: LE _ Ta— 7" + T'— --+(—1)"T.’.+ I I 1 n—l Claim: Tn = (mrl...rn) = -—an+3(Z:OEO-~5i5i+1~~57! + €051...E,‘,5n+1), , z: n. 2 2 where 50 . . 3.5-1375,“ . . . en means 5,: is missing in the term. 5‘71. Proof of the Claim: Note that T’-— — (Tn_1rn)’= ,,_1—+ (forl . ..en_1)7=;, = E . S E . . . E _E , , T,’l_1—n— — O 1 n n+1. So the claim follows by induction. a an+3 ~ 32 .2538 mEESQmESU 2: E 953 23 mo 52m. .2: 385$ 33 ame— mfi “as... was: $2 .38 mzmcaoagtg .2: E £53 2: mo .55 23 3 12:5 3. :CIVV:E:_8 $5 2: 5 £53 23. “5.5.“ 5.55.: miko=£ 2: E 2.23 .2: osiewao m: and .5 —“2 I v . MN+I|I .m. .15. 2.3. m... r. $5.:va NQCIu 8 n+2: n+2: n+ee Tree 2 2 v I.I... I l .iii... I l ,I... | y... I), | .2 | :.....I. 5:; _l .55; a wrist easel . label hell he I Ibeln hi a. nmmmmmfimcm mmfimcm «.mflmom «.mnmcm wmnmmm L. .c o: o: a: m. 3.355 $8 3.6 Ed 1 I we alel %I a ”cameo so we 1.. v: v: H mmom fi \ I 33 Since the series which give the derivative of q is absolutely convergent, regrouping the suitable terms together, we can write: 8q(5)(a. b) 1 5052 0C 1 ‘ = — + *. + S + R db |b=0 a3 a4 Z n 1121 where 505152 50515253 5051525354 *1 = _ .- + - + ao ab a7 _ Sofia 80:1525354 EOE—15535455 *2 — (i _ 7 + 8 _ a a. a 511—15715n+1 50- - ~5n—15n5n+15n+2 + (—1)1)+1 .- + o a 0 “n+0 __ ._ ,150. *n'—'( 1) “n+4 and 1 5. 5051 5:51—33 F‘ ”Ll—1) ai+5 and 5051553 8051-52554 j+150"'5j-1:5j+1 =:—- . . —- . i> R (1.5 + (16 +( 1) aJ+3 J 2 First let’s start. with observing that by the equation (2.3): _ 1 50 5051 505152 _ Secondly, I 1 1 1 R<—rl+-+—+... :— l I — (1" a a2 ) a4(a — 1) 34 For 2101:] *n, by the equation (2.4) we have: i: 2 - 2-051 2 *1(-a 50:1) = (—1) 02 Tall) 9 505152 . *2(-a‘€1€2)= (—1)3 T"(1> T a. and *n(—(125-n_1€n) : (_1)n+li:1;_fiflnn+l(l) SO x 1 30 "0:1 ‘2' 1 '+2 ,- - ...-‘_ g I n=l i=0 Again by (2.3) we also have 00 _ l :x: V775051...€i_11i+2 Z *7, — ——4— EH) —i——(Ta <1) — a) a. . a 17:1 2:0 1 T 1 - 1— T 1 - for any a 6 IR. Let a = —+——a(—) and 0 = _—§£(—) = %. Since 73(1) 6 [Ta(1), 1] for every 2' Z O we have —6 S T};( 1) — a S 6 for every 2? Z 0. Note. that by direct calculation 7112(1) — a = 6(2a — 3). This gives us: 0° 1 5 s s ”glint = _le(Ta2(1)— Ct — f(T3(1)— a) + %(Tj(1)— 0') _ . . ) 1 1 1 1 2a2 — 5a + 2 <——52.—3-(5— — — =——r—— 2.7 _ (14((0 ) (a.-+_cz.2_*-(L3+ )) 2a‘5(a—1) ( ) Similar calculations show that. so 2 _ Z *n. 2 -2%-35;:£ (2-8) 12:1 a (u— ) Now. combining (2.5).(2.6),(2.7) and (2.8) we get the desired result. [:1 Proof of the Theorem. 2.1.3. By lemma 2.4.2 we know that for any 1 < a S 2, 0(1) - q)(§)(a—~ b) l > 0. Also by the previous lemma for any such a, Ba ((1,0) ' — 5 .1' 6(1) 051:.)(0, )) |( 0) has an upper and lower bound. So there exist NJ 6 R+ such a. _ that N1 80) - a)(:)(a, b) ‘ “ 6a, _ 3(2) - q)(:)(a-, b) ((1,0) 81) > ((1,0) and NE E R+ such that 0(1) - q)(§)(a, 1)) ((1.0) + 0b N2 0(7) — (1)(§)(a. b) i a 0a (a,0) This means that the directional derivatives of (p — q)(_s_)(a,b) in the direction vi = (Ni, —1) and v2} = (NE, 1) are both positive. So by local monotonicity theorem, result follows. E] 8(19 — (1)(§)(a,b) and do we can compute the directions in which the entropy is non-decreasing Since we have explicit upper and lower bounds for both (9b (See Figure 2.2). 36 | X 1\‘ 1 l N l “I \l \\ \\\\ l \\\l 1 2 1.4 1.52 16 1.88 2 6’2 = (10,1) 172 = (2,1) < 27' = (3,1) ( l ...—————>l Ml /l 14/7V/r/l/ll If! I f l / l / ////// l 12 1.43 1.59 1.7 (I2 Figure 2.2: This figure shows the approximate monotonicity results for different N01 and N3 values where 1.2 < a S 2. The topological entropy is non-decreasing in the direction of arrows. 37 Cu Cu cs 03 (i) a=2 and b=0 (ii) a=2 and b=0.1 3 3 O 0 CS Cs (iii) a=1.95 and b=0 (iv) a=1.95 and b=0.01 Figure 2.3: This figure shows the primary pruned regions, Dab, of maps for given parameters. The af-axis represents 03 and the y-axis represents C". One can expect to find some elements of Pa), at the boundary of Dab- 38 CS Figure 2.4: Primary pruned region, Dab: for original parameters studied by Lozi: a=1.7 and b=0.5 2.5 Results about the zero entropy locus In this section we turn our attention to the parameters for which htop(£a,b) = 0. Note that it is enough to consider the maps with |b| S 1 since the maps with |b| > 1 are. up to affine conjugacy, inverses of the maps with |b| < 1. Let us first. review the following theorem: Theorem 2.5.1 ([15]). If the Lozi. map £a,b satisfies either (2) —1 < b < O and a. S b — 1, (2'7?) 0 < b 31 and a. S —b+ 1, then hf0p(£a,b) = 0. Proof. If a _<_ b—l _<_ -—a then £0), has no fixed points. When b < 0, Lay, is orientation preserving, so by Brouwer’s translation theorem[3] it has an empty non-wandering set and therefore zero entropy, proving (i). When 0 < b S l and b — 1 S a S l — b, there exists a unique saddle fixed point p = (1/(1 + a — b),1/(1 + a — b)) in the first quadrant. Also note that there is no other period-two points. Now v8 = (A, l) where A = (—a + Va? + 4b)/2 is a stable direction at p and W’flp) = {p+ vst E 1R2|t > O} 39 is invariant under £01,. Also 1&2 \ (111(1)) U {p}) is homeomorphic to R2 and £2 b has no fixed points there. Since £39,) is orientation. preserving when b > 0, htop(£n..b) = Now let us start stating our results by the following theorem: Theorem 2.5.2. For a = 1 and b = 0.5, ht0])(£a.b) = 0. Proof. First note that when 0 < b < 1 and 1 — b < a < b + 1, £031, has two saddle fixed points: p1 = (1/(1 + a — b), 1 / (1 + a. — b)) in the first quadrant and p2 = (1/(1 — a. - b), 1/(1 -— a — b)) in the third quadrant. Also there are two at- tracting period-two points: m = (N, (1 — aN) / (1 — b)) in the fourth quadrant and 112 = ((l—a. ’)/(1—b), N) in the second quadrant where N = (l+a-b)/[(b—1)2+a2]. By a direct calculation of £31), one can check that there are no other period-four points. Now of = (Xi, 1) where A3 = (—a + Va.l + 4b) / 2 is a stable direction at M and I'Vflpl) 2 {p1 + v‘ft E R2|t > 0} is invariant under £01,. Similarly. 22% = (—/\u, —1) where N; = (a+ v a.2 + 4b) / 2 is an unstable direction at p2 and VVflpg) = {p2 +12%. 6 Rzl t > 0} is invariant under £01,. The more challenging part is to show that the right and left parts of the unstable manifold of p1 are attracted by 77.1 and n2, respectively. We will show this happens when we consider £4. Now, let Z be the intersection of the line 61 = {m + "off 6 R2|t > 0} and the r—axis where vi‘ = (—/\'1‘,—1) and A“ = (-a — MHZ See Figure 2.5. Claim: For a. = 1 and b = 0.5, £3212) ——> 11.1 as m —+ 00. 4O Proof of the claim: Let us use £135 2 1:. Let P be the polygon whose corners are given by Z, £2(Z). 134(2) and 116(2). Since 58(2) m (1.223, —0.375) is in P, £2(P) C P, i.e., P is invariant under £2. Now consider the Lyapunov function V(.r., y) = (:1: — 771(711))2 + (y — 772021))2 where m :R2 -+ IR and 7r2 : R2 —-> R are the projections to the :r-coordinate and y-ooordinate, respectively. It is not hard to see (with the help of a computer if necessary) that V(£4(:r. y)) — V(:1:., y) < 0 ,V(a:, y) E P \ {m}. This implies that,(see for ex. [8]) Z (actually every (23.3)) E P\ {n1}) is asymptotically stable to 72.1 under £4. Similarly it can be shown that £(Z ) is asymptotically stable to n2 under iterations of £4. Now let W,-(p1) be the forward iterations (under £4) of the line segment connecting p1 and Z. Similarly let Wg(pl) be the forward iterations (under £4) of the line segment connecting p1 and C(Z). To complete the proof of the theorem. we apply Brouwer’s translation theorem to £4. Note that R2\(l ’ i (p1)U{p1}UW1‘ (p2) U {m} U Wr(p1) U {m} U Wg(p1) U {n2}) is homeomorphic to R2 and L4 has no fixed points there. Since .6“ is orientation preserving ht L = hto £4 4 = 0. E] 0P P Proof of the Theorem 2.1.4: The proof of the above theorem, using similar Lya- punov functions, works for the parameters in a. small neighborhood of (a, b) = (1, 0.5) as well. Remark: When we move away from a neighborhood of (a, b) 2 (1.0.5), it is sometimes the case that the unstable manifold of the right fixed point intersects with the stable manifold of the same fixed point causing a homoclinic point and positive entropy. The parameters for which £a,b is numerically observed to have zero entropy is given in Figure 2.6. For more details see [32]. Note that since positive entropy occurs as a result of a homoclinic intersection of the stable and unstable manifolds of a fixed point (which are piecewise linear), the boundary of the zero entropy locus 41 is expected to be piecewise algebraic. But writing the equations explicitly requires more work. The case a=1+b: “'hen a = 1 + b and b > 0, it can be shown that the portion of the line f : y = —.r + (1 — b2)/(a(1 + b2)) that stays in the region given by 1+aat+by Z O, 1 —a(1+a.r+by)+b;r S 0, :1: g 0 and image of that portion of the line f under £0”), give all the period-four points except the fixed points of £01,. In other words there are infinitely many period-four points that lie on two line segments. But it can be again observed numerically that as long as there are no homoclinic points, the unstable manifold of the right fixed point is attracted by these two line segments causing the entropy to be zero. Note that when a > 1 + b, the period-two points become saddles, so we can expect that some portion of the line a = 1 + b, b > 0 is a part of the boundary of the zero entropy locus. See Figure 2.6. 42 Wis-(P1) 52(Z) x V Figure 2.5: The picture shows the unstable and stable manifolds of the right fixed point of £1.05. 43 //W 88888 0. 0. 0. 0. //W 2222222 Chapter 3 DISCONTINUITY OF ENTROPY FOR LOZI MAPS There have been some recent developments in the study of piecewise affine surface homeomorphisms. In [16], Ishii and Sands give a lap number entropy formula for piecewise affine surface homeomorphisms and in [4], Buzzi proves that under the as- sumption of positive topological entropy, there are finitely many ergodic measures maximizing the entropy. He also shows that topological entropy is lower semi- continuous for these maps. The following question was asked by Buzzi: Question 3. Prove or disprove the upper semi-continuity of entropy for piecewise afline homeomorphisms of the plane. Also, Ishii and Sands, motivated by their rigorous entropy computations for the Lozi family, made the following conjecture: Conjecture 2 (Ishii and Sands [15]). There are at most countable number of points of discontinuity of the entropy map (a, b) —> h(£a,b)- Our goal is to answer Buzzi’s above question by showing that topological entropy of the Lozi map is not upper semi-continuous at a given parameter. Moreover, our 45 results can be extended to disprove the above conjecture by Ishii and Sands. Let us start with a review of the subject: Piecewise afiine maps: Let f : 1R" —> IR” be a continuous function where n E Z+. An affine subdivision of f is a finite collection U = {U ,..., UN} of pairwise disjoint non-empty open subsets of IR” such that their union is dense in IR” and f ] U,- = AilU, for each i = 1, . . . , N where A, : R" —> R" is an invertible affine map. A piecewise affine map is a continuous map f : R” —+ R" for which there exists an affine subdivision. Example 3.0.3. Lozi maps are piecewise affine homeomorphisms of the plane given by: a 1—a|;r[+by £=£a.b= H , a,b€lR,b7é0. b :1? Note that U = {U1,U2} where U1 2 {(13.31) E R I a: > 0} and U2 = {(13.11) 6 IR | 1' <0}. Let us first review some of the related results in different dimensions. Throughout this paper, we will denote the topological entropy of a map f by h( f ). In one dimension, one can work with piecewise monotone functions. Let I denote a compact interval of IR. A map T : I -—> I is called a piecewise monotone function if there exists a partition of I into finitely many subintervals on each of which the restriction of T is continuous and strictly monotone. Two piecewise monotone maps T1 and T2 are said to be e-close, if they have the same number of intervals of mono- tonicity and the graph of T 2 is contained in an e-neighborhood of the graph of T1 considered as subsets of 1122. It was proved by h‘Iisiurewicz and Szlenk[27] that the entropy map f —+ h( f) is lower semi-continuous for piecewise monotone continuous maps. They also gave upper bounds for the jumps up of the entropy. For unimodal maps(two-piece continuous monotone maps) entropy is continuous for all maps for 46 which it is positive. In higher dimensions, let C r(M ") denote the set of Cr self maps of an n-dimensional compact manifold. It is a classical result of Katok[19] that the entropy map is lower semi-continuous for CH“ diffeomorphisms on compact surfaces. Yomdin[33] and Newhousc[28] proved that entropy is upper semi-continuous in C°°(.M") for n 2 1. Combining these two results, one can get the continuity of entropy in C°°(M2). This result does not hold for homeomorphisms on surfaces. Also, Misiurewicz[24] con- structed examples showing that entropy is not continuous in C°°(.M") for n 2 4 as well as examples[25] showing that entropy is not upper semi-continuous in CHM") where r < 00 and n 2 2. For piecewise affine surface homeomorphisms, the following Katok-like theorem(sce [18]) is given by Buzzi[4]: Theorem 3.0.4. Let f : M —+ M be a piecewise afiine homeomorphism of a compact afline surface. Let S be the singularity locus of 111, that is, the set of points :1: which have no neighborhood on which the restriction of f is affine. For any 5 > 0, there is a compact invariant set K C M \S such that h( f IR) > h( f) — 5. Moreover f : K -—+ K is topologically conjugate to a subshift of finite type. The lower semi-continuity of the entropy follows from the above theorem. The goal of this paper is to disprove the upper semi-continuity by showing a jump up of the entropy in Lozi maps. Our results can be summarized as follows: Theorem 3.0.5. In general, the topological entropy of Lozi maps does not depend continuously on the parameters: For 61 > O and small and [62] small. (i) The topological entropy of Lozi maps with (0,1)) = (1.4 + 62.0.4 + 62). h’(£1.4+€2.0.4+62)2 is zero- {ii} The topological entropy of Lozi maps, h(£(1.4+61+€2‘0.4+€2)), has a. lower bound of 0.1203. 47 3.1 Lower Bound Techniques There are some computer assisted techniques to give rigorous lower bounds for the topological entropy of maps like Henon and Ikeda. They were first introduced by Zygliczyi’iski [34] and developed in [10] and [9]. There are also more recent methods by Newhouse, Berz, Makino and Grote[29] which gives better lower bounds for the Henon map. Let us review the following ideas which were used in [9]. Let f : R2 -—+ R2 be a continuous map and N1, N2, . . . Np be p pairwise disjoint quadrilaterals. Note that we can parametrize each N,- with the unit square 12 = [0,1] x [0, 1] by choosing a homeomorphism h,— : I 2 -+ Ni. We call the edges h,({0} x [0,1]) and h,({1} x [0,1]) ”vertical” and the edges h,([(), l] x {0}) and hi([0, l] x {1}) ”horizontal”. We define a covering relation between two quadrilaterals in the following way: (See Figure 3.4) Definition 3.1.1. “’0 say N,- f -covers NJ- and write N,- = Nj if: (i) For each p 6 [0,1], f(h,({0} x {p})) and f(h,-({1} x {p})) are located geomet- rically on the opposite sides of Ni. (ii) For each p 6 [0,1], there are two numbers t},,tg 6 (0,1) such that f (h,({t},} x {p})) lies in one of the vertical edges of Ni and f (hi({t?,} x {p})) lies in the other vertical edge of NJ- and Vt; < t < t?,, f(h,({t} x {p})) E Nj. (iii) For 0 S t < t}, and t?, < t S 1, f(h,,-({t} x {p})) 0 Ni is empty. If one can show the existence of these quadrilaterals and associated cover relations, they can be used to give rigorous lower bounds for the topological entropy of f: Theorem 3.1.2. ([9]) Let N1. N2. . . . N], be pairwise disjoint quadrilatemls and f : 48 R2 —> R2 be continuous. Let A = (an) be a square matrix where 1 _<_ i. j S p and 1 if A} 2 .‘Vj a,j = 0 otherwise Then f is semi-conjugate to the subshift of finite type with transition matrix A. In particular, h( f) _>_ log()\1) where A1 is the largest magnitude eigenvalue (A1 2 [Ajl for all eigenvalues of A ) Note that there is no easy way to detect these quadrilaterals. They are usually found by trial and error. In [9], Galias introduces 29 disjoint sets around the non- wandering set of the Hénon map and covering relations between these sets. The transition matrix obtained gives a lower bound of 0.43 for the topological entropy of the Hénon map. Note that these bounds also hold in a small neighborhood of the studied parameter. Later, this bound is improved in [29] using different teclmiques. 3.2 Discontinuity of entropy for Lozi maps Since Lozi maps are piecewise affine surface homeomorphisms, topological entropy of these maps are lower semi-continuous[4]. In other words, if parameters are slightly changed, entropy of the map can not jump down. There are also some monotonicity results(see [14] and Theorem 2.1.2 and Theorem 2.1.3 above) about the entropy of these maps around the parameter b = 0. It is also known that the topological entropy is continuous for all Lay, where a > 1 and b = 0. We first prove that. the entropy jumps from zero to a positive value if parameters are slightly changed from (a,b) = (1.4, 0.4) to (a, b) = (1.4 + 6,0.4) where 6 > 0 and small. 49 Theorem 3.2.1. For 6 > 0 and small: (i) The topological entropy of Lozi maps with (a. b) = (1.4, 0.4), h(£1,4_0,4), is zero. (ii) The topological entropy of Lozi maps. h(£(1.4+6.0.4)), has a lower bound of 0.1203. Proof of the Theorem 3.2.] (i). Let’s denote £14114 = .C. We will prove that h(C‘l) = 0. Note that £4 has the following fixed points: (i) p1 = (1/2, 1/2) and p2 = (—5/4, —5/4), (ii) the closed line segment (’1 which connects (0.15/29) to (~20/29,35/29) and (iii) £(l’1). Note that p1 is a saddle fixed point and cf = (A3, 1) where A? = (-7 + My 10 is a stable direction at p1 and WT: (p1) = {p1 + 1ft 6 RQIt > 0} is invariant under £(or £4). Similarly, p2 is a saddle point and cg = (—/\‘2‘, —1) where )32‘ = (7 + x/8_9)/10 is an unstable direction at p2 and W}: (p2) = {p2+u"2‘t E RQIt > 0} is invariant under £4. Let’s call the left and right parts of the unstable manifold at pl; 14"}; (p1) and Wr(pl), respectively. If we can show that Wg(p1) is attracted by 61 and W}(p1) is attracted by C(61) then we can use the Brouwer’s translation theorem in U = R2 \ (Wi(p1) U {m} U Wfflpg) U {m} U Wr(p1) U (’1 U Wg(p1) U C(61)) which is homeomorphic to R2. Since £4 has no fixed points in U and it is orientation preserving, h(£4) = 4h(£) = 0. W} (p1) is attracted to £1: Now, let Z be the intersection of the line m = {p1+r[’t E RQIt > 0} and the x-axis where 211‘ = (—)\'1‘,—1) and [\‘1‘ = (—7 - J89)/10. In other words, Z is the first intersection point of VIE-(p1) with the :r-axis. Note that Wg(p1) = U30=0 £4n({p1 — aft I 0.1 > t > 0}), i.e. forward iterations of a small piece in the unstable direction. Let the portion of 1475(p1) which connects [1(2) and £5(Z) be called W. It is not hard to see that Wg(p1) = iii-3c £4"(VV). We want to show 50 that every I e W(so every :1: 6 WA 121)) is attracted to £1. Trapping Region: We introduce a trapping region R around 61 such that any point :r E R is attracted to a point in £1. Let: R1 = (—20/29, 35/29 + 0.2) R2 = (—20/29 + 0.1, 35/29 — 0.2.3) R3 = (0, 15/29 — 0.25) R4 = (—0.2, 15/29 + 0.5) Let’s call the left and right end points of 61; F1 and F2, respectively. Let R be the hexagon with vertices R1,F1,R2,R3,F2 and R4. The sides F1 R2 and F2R4 are parallel to each other with slope —5/ 2 and they are stable directions at F1 and F2, respec- tively. Since R1 is in the stable manifold of a point in 61, it is attracted to £1 under iterations of £4. Similarly, R4 is attracted to F2 since it is in the stable manifold of F2. So, the quadrilateral with vertices R1,F1,F2 and R4 is mapped to thinner‘and thinner quadrilaterals for which one of the sides is always 51 = F1F2. Similarly, the quadrilateral with vertices F1,R2,R3 and F2 is mapped towards €1(See Figure 3.2). So, R is a trapping region. we want to show that more and more portions of W is mapped into R under forward iterations of £4. Let’s start with the part of 11" which connects C(Z) and 163(2). The image of this line segment(under L4) is the portion of Wg(p1) which connects 165(2) and £7(Z)(See Figure 3.1). Let’s call this portion W. £5(Z) and £7(Z) are both in R but there is a part of W which is still outside of R which we denote by W, ie. Wis the closure of W \ R. Note that [’6 : y = 1 — 1.4(1+ 1.411: + 0.43)) + 0.41: is a critical line for £4 around F1. ie. images of lines which transversally intersect (c are 01 A ‘ 7 Figure 3.1: This figure shows a portion of the left unstable manifold of the fixed point 191. Note that all the points on the line segment connecting F1 to F2 are period-4 points of £ 52 ’QQ R1 ¢ >117 Figure 3.2: Trapping region R(gray) and images £4(R)(darker) and £8(R)(darkest). 53 broken lines. Let 7:; = £4(r:(,). Also, let W n RIF] = WRI F1, W n 82F] = W32 F1, W D I: = ”ch and the intersection point of W and 6}; which stays below I: be ch' W consists of two parts: The line segment which connects ”"31 F1 and W35 and the line segment which connects W7C and W R2 F1.(See Figure 3.3). It is not hard to see that W2: is mapped into R in the next iteration(under £4) so all points on the line segment connecting W31}:1 and WE; is mapped into R, too. On the other hand, W120 is mapped to a point on 2;. So, the line segment connecting Wine and Wt: is also completely mapped into R under £8. The only part left is the portion that connects l/Vgc and W’R2 F1. But note that Ill/321:1 is on the stable direction so forward iterations move towards F1. Wgc is mapped between WE and F1. So, one can repeat the same argument to this line segment connecting 31(ng F1) and £4(VV[C). This analysis explains that forward images of W consists of some parts which is mapped into R and some parts which stays outside of R. However, the parts outside of R gets shorter and shorter attracted by F1(See Figure 3.3). Now, for the other portion of W(connecting £3(Z) and £5(Z)) similar arguments can be done while this time the critical line 8c is the 1 —axis and the parts outside of R are either mapped into R or attracted by F2. Also. note that H’Apl) is attracted to [’1 implies that Wr(p1) = £(ll’g(p1)) is attracted to £(I'1).D Proof of the Theorem 3.2.1 (i2). We want to show that for any 6 > O and small, there are various subsets which factor onto symbolic systems and so give lower bounds for the map £(1.4+€.0_4) by Thm. 3.1.2. I I Q Ell Figuie 3.3: The set Wflhickest solid broken line) and the part of the images £4(W)(thinner) and £8(W)(thinnest) which stay outside of R. Note that everything above E is mapped into R under £4. 55 Fix an 6 > 0 and denote £5 = C . Note that the line se 'ment connecting (1.4+e,0.4) 8 F1 2 (—20/29, 35/29) and F2 = (0,15/29) consists of period-4 points of £04.04). Now, let N1 be the quadrilateral given by the four vertices: A = (0,15/29 — 6) B = (6,15/29 + (my) c = ((5/2)e,.15/29 + (5/2)() D = ((3/2)€, 15/29 — 26) Also let N2 be the quadrilateral whose vertices are: E = (—3e., 15/29 + (7/2).» F (—26, 15/29 + (5/6)e) G = (0,15/29 — (1/2)e) H = (~15, 15/29 + (13/6)€) For Nl. let. the sides AB and CD be ” vertical” and the other two sides be "hori- zontal”. Similarly for N2, let EF and GH be ”vertical” and the other two sides be "’ horizontal”. Note that the images of N1 and N2 under £3 are also quadrilaterals and vertical edges are contracted since they are chosen very close to the stable directions around (0, 15/29) and (—20/29.35/29). By direct calculation, it can be shown that the images of the vertices under the map 56 £2 are given by(See Figure 3.4): 53(4) = (ii—2:6 0(3), $3 — $36 + 0(3)) z (1.686, g —1.756) £2(B)=(:(13::6 + 0(8), é; — 173—21596 + 0(8)) x (1.706, 2% — 1.816) 52(0) = (—:::36 + 0(62), g- + %36 + 0(3)) m (-3.286, é—g + 2.926) 52(0) = (— 13252155036 + 0(8), :3 + %e + 0(8)) R1(—3.316,-;% + 2.986) £3(E) — (—19—82182£56 + 0(62), é—g + £36 + 0(62)) 2: (—0.516,-;-g + 0.426) £2.1(F) = (—:::g:€ + 0(62), g + €67;ng + 0(3)) a: (—0.426, g + 0.346) 53(0) = iii—2:6 + 0(52), % — gig—:6 + 0(3)) :9 (2.006, :4; — 2.066) £?(H) = 151433578546 + 0(62), é—g — €3,17—g6 + 0(62)) m (2.086, é—g — 2.106) It is not hard to see that we have the following covering relations: N 1 2 N1, Nl :5 Ng and N2 => Nl. So the transition matrix is given by: where the largest magnitude eigenvalue is J5+1 ‘2'— process 11(in): 1h(flf) 2 ilog 5+1 > 0.1203 by Thm. 3.1.2. Now, we can extend our results from (a, b) = (1.4, 0.4) to (a, b) = (1.4+62, 0.4+62) where lfgl is small: Proof of the Theorem 3.0.5 . Let L denote £(1.4+€2.0.~’l+62)' 57 . Since we are using £21 during the All - £201) I / J 13(3) 41“” MA) < ’11? Figure 3.4: This figure shows the quadrangles N1 and N2 and their images(thinner boxes). Notice the covering relations: N1 => N1, N1 => N2 and N2 ==> NI 58 (i) The entropy is zero for [3: For IEQI small and fixed, we still have two line segments of period-4 points: the 1 — (0.4 + (.2)? (1.4 + €2)(1 + (0.4 + 62)?) the image of this line segment under (I. So, we can still find a similar trapping region . . 6 f 9 ,6 hne segment connecting F22 = and F12 = £“(F22) and using the vertical lines and the stable directions at F? and F52. The rest of the proof is the same as in the case of (a, b) = (1.4, 0.4). (21') The lower bound for (a, b) = (1.4 + 61 + 62, 0.4 + 62): Let £51 = £(1.4+E1+62_'0_4+62). We need to find two boxes as in the case of (a, b) = (1.4, 0.4) which give us the covering relations. We slightly modify the points we used before: For 61 > 0 and small, let N1 be the quadrilateral given by the four vertices: £1 = (0.1”;2 — q) B = ((51:17;52 + (7/2)€1) 6* = (camel. F;-2 + (ES/an) D = ((3/2)q, Pg? — 261) Also let N; be the quadrilateral whose vertices are: E = (—361.F;2 + (7/2)(1) F- : (—2€1,F;2 +(5/6)61) 6: = (or? — (1/2>e1> I? = («1.17:2 +(13/6m) 59 In other words, 6 is replaced with 61 and 15/ 29 is replaced with F262. Although finding the images of these points under £31 looks difficult, it is not hard to see the differences between this case and the case (a, b) = (1.4,0.4). For example, 3641(3) consists of terms including 61 and some others not including 61. Observe that if 61 equals zero then F52 is a period-4 point, so the terms not including 61 in [3211(3) add up to Fg2. On the other hand, the terms including 61 can be made arbitrarily close to the terms including 6 in the (a, b) = (1.4, 0.4) case by choosing small enough (2 values and letting 61 = 6. So, our new boxes also satisfy the previous covering relations giving the same lower bound (0.1203) for the entropy. 60 APPENDIX Proposition 3.2.2. For g with 5" = (+1,—1,—1,—1...) we have where :r = (a — V a2 + 4b)/2. q(§)(aa 1)) = b (a + .r)(b + 11:) Proof. First note that since :3 = (+1, —1,—1, —1 . . . ). 1 1 b a) = = g + ‘ where :1: = b a ‘L b a + 7 —a + b b —a + — —a + — b °' _a + — b Note that the continued fraction for a: can be written as :r. = + and this equation —a. 1' gives two solutions. We choose .r = (a — Va,2 + 4b) / 2 as in [12]. 1 , A .’L‘ Also note that rn : for all n 2 1. So rn = 3 for n 2 1. b —a + b —a + b _a + _ , . - A A , 1 :c I2 Now we have. q(§)(a.b) = r0 — rorl + rorlrg — = (1 —— — + — — . . ) = a + .1; b b2 61 a + 1(1§0(—‘3)n) = (a + :L')(b + :17). D 8_(1| 19:1_ Lemma 3.2.3. For 1 < a _<_ 2 (”Id § ’5 752.07 8b 1:1)“0 (91— 1:0"? ’ “m ah b )_H 11—.0017 (1+r)(b+.r.) —a(a-—1)2 For a = 2 we have lim 8— =0. 1,...0db Proof. Note that by the above proposition, we have 01 8b b: 0=1im—gzlim-(I?-( b ) b—+0 0b 17—.0 8b (o.+:r)(b+:1:) 0q_ (a+:r.)(b+.r)—b[1’(b+x)+(a+:r)(1+1:’)] 6g N — —. etc that 0b_ (a + 1;)2(b+ 1:)2 .To find lim 00b we need to apply L Hospital’s Rule twice. Applying L’Hospital’s Rule the first time, 0g lim — after cancelation. becomes: b—~0 0b —b[1:”(:b+:1)+:1:’(1+17')+x'(1+a:')+(a+:1:)1:"] b—~>0 2(a+.r)1: ’+(b+:r)2 (a+1:)22(b+1:)(1+:r’) which equals: l'm —b[.1;”( a+b+2.r)+2:r’(1+.r’)] bl—.02(a+r)(b+.r)[(r’(b+;r) +(a+x)(1+1")] Applying the L’Hospitals’ Rule. again, the b-derivative of the numerator becomes: III —[-.r”(a+b+21:)+21:’(1+:r')]—b;r[ .’”((1+b+21:)+;r”(1+2.1:')+21"”(1+I’)+2.7:r] and the b-derivative of the denominator becomes: 62 2[(1"(b+ 1:) + (a. +r)(1+1‘.'))(:1:'(b+ :r) + (a. + 1:)(1+.r'))+(a.+ w)(b+1:)(.r”(b+ 1:)+ 27:’(1 + :r') + (a + r)-7:")l Now, taking the limit of the numerator and denominator as b goes to 0 gives the , , a. — \/ a2 + 4b 8.1: 1 result. Note that 11m 1: = 11m = 0 and — = 1:’|b_0 = —— and b—.0 b—+0 2 0b 0:0 - a 8233' = x/ll : 3. (Dbl? b=0 (’20 a3 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] R. L. Adler, A. G. Konheim, and M. H. McAndrew. Topological entropy. Trans. Amer. Math. 500., 114:309—319, 1965. [2] M. Benedicks and L. 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