This is to certify that the thesis entitled Studies of the hteric Bacterial Flora. of Raw Savage at East Lansing, lichigsn presented by u - -v— _———.—.—F_—.—.--——’—-—-. . . Irving Dahljeh has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for "mu—1'3 degree 1112;922:9198? “‘n’k Maj professor Date-M SWSOTMWICMCTERMWOIMNM L'l' HST WING. MICHIGAN by Irving Leno: 3113.11 A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan Stete College of Agriculture end Applied Science in pertiel fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of mm 01' some: Depot-ant of Bacteriology end Public neelth 4 195° THESIS “WW the writer wishes to eeknowledge the assistance end ed- wice of m. I. L. Hellman 1n the work end the suggestions offered from time to tine by m. I. Olitsky with reference to the psrsoolobeetrun group of organisms. Acknowledgment 1s else node of the courtesy extended to the writer by the nichtgsn Department of Health labor-stories 1n the becteriophsge typing of organisms suspected of hetng pethogens. 23395383 mm or com Imowcmxou......... ....... ...... 1 nsmxcumm.... ............ . ....... 2 METHODS or Isonnon.......... ............ 5 minimum smnsmnu... ........... 10 mscussxon.............. .................... . 17 oorcLusIons................... ....... 21 mu ..... 22 mmsWHm... .................. .. 25 INTRODUCTION m isolation of enteric pathogens from sewage has been re- ported in the literature on a number of occasions in recent years. lost. if not all. of the pathogens isolated were obtained from sewage originating in areas where the occurrence of enteric infections was either endemic or epidenic. furthermore, the methods used in the identification of the organisms isolated were often incomplete and render the results reported of questionable value. A review of the literature revealed that no study has been reported on attespts to isolate enteric pathogens from sewage origi- nating in an area where the occurrence of enteric infections my be considered to be rare or non-existent. Because of the present tendency to use sewage and sewage solids for the purpose of soil conditioning, it appeared advisable tonaheastudyofrawsewage fronsuchasourceusingwarious nedia which are currently advocated as being emerior for the isolation of enteric pathogens. his thesis presents the results of this study. HISTORIGAL m '31s isolation of Salmonella typhosa free water was recorded in the literature as early as 1895. Iillson (l) in 1905 summrised the instances in mch g. tnhosa had been isolated from contaminated drinking water up to that date. According to hia. banner reported that up to 1895 there were 65 cases in which it was claimed that _s_. tnhosa had been isolated from water. lillson states that. 'It is possible that in some of these the bacillus was really that of typhoid, but the evidence of identity is now known to be insufficient and none of these cases can be accepted as conclusive." The 1895 isolation was from the Berlin water supply. he isolated organisms exhibited all the then-known characters of g. typhosa and were afterwards confirmed as such by Pfeiffer's reaction. hon 1895 until 1905. various workers have reported the iso- lation of the typhoid organisn free 11 water supply sources. Since 1905 (2), there are 13 instances in which _8_. ms; or related enteric pathogens are reported to have been isolated from water or sewage. Special nention should be made of the work of the London letrepolitaa tter Board Laboratories which is. perhaps. the most com- plete and carefully controlled. Immated by the late Sir Alexander newton. the 1913 report and each report from 1927 to 1933 (5 to 15) carries sons reference to isolations of enteric pathogens. In the 19133 report, 23,353 non-lactose fermenting colonies developing on plates planted naialy with eagles ef London (wring ) or Bendon sew- age and also individual samples froa Dublin. Belfast. Edinburgh and Aberdeen were examined. He was unsuccessful in isolating a single g. mhosa. and concluded that the typhoid organism is not uniformly present in 0.00066 ml. of crude sewage, and that this amount of sew- age contains 70” excretal bacteria per ml. Benton. in calling attention to the difficulties of the task, writes: 'Sewage contains such an enornous number of bacteria that it is quite impracticable to examine nore than a very small amount of this material. for exanple. to examine one cubic centimeter of crude sewage for typhoid bacilli by the direct plating method would nean making at least 1,000 mcial plate cultures and at least 20,000 primary subcultures, not to speak of the secondary and other cultures for the purpose of differentiation. It is, however, quite practicable to work with as much as 0.01 of sewage spread over from 10 to 20 special plates, and therefore to nabs 200 to 1100 pri-ry ennui-«J lilson (16) states. ”Ion-lactose fermenting organisms are so cemon in sewage that many thousands or hundreds of thousands of such colonies would require to be examined in order to isolate a single typhoid bacillus. ror example, in Belfast sewage I find that on an average l100.000 to 500.000 organisms develop from 1 on lacOonhy lactose bile salt agar plates. and that of these more than one-half are non-lactose fermenters. In such sewage I have found about one typhoid bacillus in each cubic centinetre, so that. using -3- and Aberdeen were examined. He was unsuccessful in isolating a single g. tnhosa. and concluded that the typhoid organism is not uniformly present in 0.00066 1111. of crude sewage, and that this amount of sew- age contains 70“ excretal bacteria per ml. Houston. in calling attention to the difficulties of the task, writes: 'Sewage contains such an enormous number of bacteria that it is quite impracticable to examine more than a very small amount of this material. for example. to examine one cubic centineter of crude sewage for typhoid bacilli by the direct plating method would mean making at least 1,000 mcial plate cultures and at least 20,000 priury subcultures. not to speak of the secondary and other cultures for the purpose of differentiation. It is. however. quite practicable to work with as much as 0.01 of sewage spread over fron 10 to 20 special plates, and therefore to make 200 to ‘100 primary cultures.' Iilson (16) states, “Ion-lactose fermenting organisms are so cemnon in sewage that many thousands or hundreds of thousands of such colonies would require to be examined in order to isolate a single typhoid bacillus. for example, in Belfast sewage I find that on an average l000.000 to 500,000 organisms develop from 1 on hacOonhey lactose bile salt ear plates. and that of these more than one-half are non-lactose fermenters. In such sewage I have found about one typhoid bacillus in each cubic centimetre, so that, using -3- and Aberdeen were examined. He was unsuccessful in isolating a single g. typhosa. and concluded that the typhoid organism is not uniformly present in 0.00066 ml. of crude sewage, and that this amount of sew- age contains 70” excretal bacteria per ml. Houston, in calling attention to the difficulties of the task, writes: “Sewage contains such an enormous number of bacteria that it is quite impracticable to examine more than a very small amount of this material. for example. to examine one cubic centimeter of crude sewage for typhoid bacilli by the direct plating method would mean making at least 1,000 spgcial plate cultures and at least 20,000 primary subcultures, not to speak of the secondary and other cultures for the purpose of differentiation. It is, however, quite practicable to work with as much as 0.01 of sewage spread over from 10 to 20 special plates, and therefore to make 200 to 1600 primary cultures.' Iilson (16) states. Won-lactose fermenting orpnisms are so cannon in sewage that many thousands or hundreds of thousands of such colonies would require to be examined in order to isolate a single typhoid bacillus. ror exasple, in Belfast sewage I find that on an average l{00,000 to 500.000 organins develop from 1 on lacOonkey lactose bile salt agar plates, and that of these more than one—half are non-lactose fermenters. In such sewage I have found about one typhoid bacillus in each cubic centimetre, so that, using -3- the meonkey medium, there would have been a chance of isolating the bacillus if 250,000 non-lactose fermenting colonies had been tested. In all probability, even after such a Herculean effort, failure would have resulted, as the chances are that the typhoid bacillus would not have a clear space on the plate to develop, and its growth would have been obscured and inhibited by the coliform colonies. The addition of brilliant green to the medium would doubtless render the isolation of _B_. tugsus (_s_. typhosa) from sewage not quite so difficult, but even so the chances against a non-lactose fermenting colony being composed of typhoid bacilli would be many thousands to one.‘' Kehr and Butterfield (11) in 1918 presented a review of the results of some recent attempts to isolate pathogens from sewage and an interesting discussion of the indicated relations among the g. 31- 2132 density of sewage and water, the coliferm density and the typhoid fever morbidity in the co-unity. Dunlop (18) reported on the isolation of typhoid, dysentery and salmonella organisms in the final effluent of the Denver sewage disposal plant. lbre recently. Dunlop (19) has reported on the quan- titative isolation of pathogens from sewage. his work, however, cannot be accepted as conclusive because the evidence of identity is insufficient. For example, he assumes that turbidity in an enrichment medium is presumptive evidence of the presence of g. mhosa, and the appearance of non-lactose fermenters on solid differential media and characteristic reactions of the Salmonella or Shigella in Kligler's iron agar results in a completed test. gthods of W“ and Related Pathogens from _!ater or 39.92 Various methods have been used or suggested for the isola- tion of pathogens from water or sewage. All of the methods fall into three main groups: (a) Physical concentration produced by agglutina- tion, chemical precipitation, centrifugation or filtration followed by isolation on differential solid media with or without enrichment: (b) isolation on differential solid media after preliminary cultiva- tion in selective enrichment medium: (c) direct isolation on differ- ential solid media. {the various early differential and enrichment media have been adequately reviewed and discussed by Prescott (2) and lilson (16). h good purpose could be served by enumerating and discussing these media here. Mfice it to say that the media more recently developed have proved to be far superior but are not all that is to be desired. Laine (20) in her work reviews the development of more re- cent media and discusses the author's reasons for race-ending each media. Sons of the media used in this study have presented problems not ordinarily encountered when the media were used for the isolation of enteric organisms from other sources, such as feces or urine. I'or this reason, the media used will be considered in some detail, even at the risk of presenting material adequately covered elsewhere. as specific problems encountered will be considered in the discussion. hodifications of some media were attempted. a discussion of these is not included as it could serve no purpose other than add to already existing confusion. for the purposes of enrichment the udia most favored today are sodiu tetrathicnate broth and selenite broth. Sodium tetrathi- cnate broth was first found to be useful as an enrichment medium by meller (21) and reported by him in 1923. be usefulness of the media is based on the regulation and inhibition of the physiological activities of contaminating organises by sodims tetrathionate. this is formed by the reaction. of sodium thicsulfate and iedine. Iodine is inhibitory to gram-positive organisms and the bile salts contained in the medics inhibit the non-intestinal types. Pretecse peptone aids as a buffer against too great a chanp in the reaction of the ndiu and serves as a ready source of energy for the bacteria. Calcium carbonate serves to maintain an alkaline reaction. Idefson (22) in 1936 described selenite I' broth. me devel- opment of this medium was based on the observations of M1 and meodoraecu who, according to Oath (23), observed that Echerichia 931; was such more susceptible to the toxicity of sodiu selenite than was 5. m. Idefson showed that the selenite broth was not sufficiently toxic to inhibit fecal coli and enterococci coqletely. mwever, he found that the colon bacilli were refined in numbers during the first 8-12 hours and thereafter increased rapidly. he typhoid bacilli multiplied fairly rapidly from the start. Proteus and pseudomonas were not inhibited, but dysentery and alcaligenes were inhibited. ‘Pruary plating media are used for initial isolation of orpnisms. the composition ef each medium is usually such that it will readily differentiate groups of organisms, or be selective for a particular group of oranisms. hedonhy's ear (23) described in 1905 continues to enJoy popularity as a differential medium. his present modification not only serves to differentiate strains of g. m from members of the coliform group, but has the added advantage of supporting excellent growth of all Shigella and Salmonella strains. the differential ac- tion of this -diu is clear and distinct. Isolated colonies of coli- ferm bacteria are described as being brick red in color and may be surrounded by a sons of precipitated bile. fie reaction is due to the action of acids, produced by fermentation of lactose. upon bile salts and the subsequent absorption of neutral red. uphoid, paratypheid and dysentery bacilli have little effect on the appearance of the medium. dram-positive organisms are inhibited by the selective bacteriostatic action of crystal violet. 8. 8. (Mlle-Salmonella) ear, developed by Difco Imb- oratories, was devised to provide differentiation of lactose fermenters from lactose non-fermenters. and to give maxim. inhibition of coli- form ermisms without restriction of the growth of pathogenic gram- negative bacilli. Shigella, Salmonella and other organisms not fermenting lactose form opaque, transparent and translucent uncolored colonies which generally are smooth. Lactose fermenting organism which my not be inhibited are generally recognised by the formation of a red color in the colon. some coliform colonies do not show a -7- definite red color, being pink or nearly colorless with a pink center. dole Proteus and Salmonella types produce black-centered colonies; a characteristic large white or cream-colored opaque and mcoid colony my be developed by some types of aerogenes. Bismth sulfite agar as mdified by Iilson and Blair (23) is a selective medium used by almost all investigators in recent years. the cognition of this media is based on the fact that the Salmonella areable to reduce sulfites to sulfides. In the presence of a far-- mentable carbohydrate and metallic salts, this reduction results in the media surrounding the colonies becoming blacloened. he acids produced by the organisms from the carbohvdrate, which serves as an indispensable source of energy, facilitate the characteristic changes by bringing the metallic salts into solution. mini-at green pre- motes the blackening of the Salmonella colonies and aids in the inhi- bition of the colon group. bis-1th in ccmbimtion with sodium sulfite causes a suppression of lecherichia 29;; without reparably suppressing the development of the Salmonella colonies. sodium phesphate is used as a buffer to absorb excess acids produced. Iaine (20) used Boyle's brilliant green acid fuchsia ear which was recomended by cruickshank (25). She confirmed the finding that the medium was particularly inhibitory to Proteus. he mediu had the advantage of eisplicity in preparation, and good colonial differentiation was obtained. Sodium taurocholate enters into the compositien of this Indium and seems to stimulate the growth of en- teric pathogens when present. At the same time, it is inhibitory to non-intestinal organisms. Hilliant men serves to inhibit the growth of gram-positive organism, while the decolorised acid fuchsin indicates the production of acid resulting from the fermentation of lactose. Jeter and lynne (26) developed and described acid fuchsin methylene blue agar. his is a medium which was formulated to provide a mre satisfactory differential medium essentially free from objec- tions described as conon to other media of primarily differential nature. are objections listed for ether media are: (1) Generally, only colonies ef lactose fermenters are colored, whereas the color- less colonies of non-fermenters tend to be naked by the diffusion of dye from fermenting colonies. (2) the medium may be too toxic for the growth of delicate enteric species. (3) Deterioration may occur on exposure to light. (it) weak fermenters my not be differ- entiated from non-fermenters. Acid fuchsin methylene blue agar con- tains, in addition to peptone, lactose and agar, a coflination of acid fuchsin and methylene blue buffered at an optima concentration of 0.3 per cent. Colonies of lactose fermenters take on the red color of the acid dye, and colonies of non-fermenters take on the blue color of the basic dye. m. is possible because the dyes do not combine chemically. The optimum buffer concentration of 0.3 per cent prevents the making of non-fermenting colonies by these pro. ducing acid which occurs at lower concentrations, while higher con- centrations tend to prevent ready differentiation of weak fermenters. he recs-ended pH is 6.6. since at appreciably himr values the increase in adsorption, and therefore in toxicity, of methylene blue results in dye-sensitive species, such as g. gmnteriae ship and .i_. faecalis failing to develop. -9- WW S‘NDIES a study of the organisms occurring in raw sewage. with par- ticular reference to the incidence of enteric pathogens, should be a useful contribution to knowledge. considering the conclusions drawn by Houston (3) as a result of his failure to isolate 5;. whose, and the statement of Wilson (16) regarding the incidence of non-lactose fermenting organisms in sewage, it at once becomes apparent that it would be desirable to concentrate the bacteria present in the sewage into a small volume in order to in- crease the probability of isolating any enteric pathogens which might be present. It would also be desirable, if not absolutely necessary, to use some form of selective enrichment media to increase the number of pathogenic organisms and, at the same time, inhibit the growth of non-pathogens. Various methods of concentration were tried. is a result of these trials, it was concluded that precipitation of the sewage using alum would best serve the purposes of this investigation. Other workers usually add a constant volume of a 10 per cent solution of elusinnm sulfate to each liter of water or sewage. Iilson (27), for instance, added 2.5 ml. of a 10 per cent solution of aluminum sulfate to each liter of water and then adjusted the pH to about 7. In the present investigation, this method did not give satisfactory results. Aluminum hydroxide is amphoteric in nature; the varying kinds and concentrations of mineral salts present in water or sewage definitely affect the solubility of the precipitate. hperience in -10.. water treatment has demonstrated that each water has a definite opti- mum pH value at which the aluminum hydroxide precipitate is least soluble, and that the optimum pH value for a given water may vary from day to day, or hour to hour. the composition of sewage varies considerably, and it was decided to carry out all precipitation at the optima pH as deter- mined by jar tests. Growth and the production of ensymes by bacteria are closely associated with or dependent upon the pH of the medium in which the bacteria are seeded. no subject enteric pathogens, already in an enviromnent not conducive to their growth, to additional adversity is not likely to enhance the chances of recovering such organisms. Porter (28) gives the minimum, optimum and maxismm pH for the growth of several bacteria. the minimm pH values for all of the enteric forms listed are above MO. lhen aluminum sulfate was used as the precipitating agent, the cptismm pH value was often found to be as low as 3.5. in. effect of such a low pH on the organism, which may have been adversely affected from the conditions of its environment. is likely to be death. Aluminum ammnium sulfate was found to give optimma pH values ranging from lt.6 to 6.6. on last lensing sewage, and for this reason was selected as the precipitating agent to be used. A. number of enrichment media was tried; and in addition, experimental enrichent broths were devised. None, however, gave entirely satisfactory results. 01 the enrichment media used, -11- Bacto-‘l'etrathionate Broth and Bacto-Belenite Broth showed the greatest inhibition of the coliform organisms and were selected for enrichment purposes as representing the most satisfactory of the media available. For primary plating purposes, a large number of media was used. Goliform organisms grow abundantly in all media. 011 Dosoxychol- ate Agar there was a tendency for the coliforms to overgrow or mask the non-lactose fermenters. It was found that best colonial differ- entiation could be obtained on Bacto-Bishluth Sulfite Agar. Date-88 Agar. Bacto-IacOOnkey Agar. Bnlliant Green Acid fuchsin Agar and Acid Fuchsia Methylene Blue Agar. Brilliant Green Acid fuchsin Agar was particularly useful in suppressing the growth of Proteus, although a few strains were found to grow on this medium. :l'or prinry differential screening. Iligler's Iron Agar, Triple Sugar Iron Agar and urea Broth were used. xliglor's Iron Agar gave the best differentiation as far as the Paracolobactrum was con- cerned. urea Broth was ideal for the differentiation of protons. Secondary differentiation was accomplished using dextrose, lactose, saccharose, maltose, mannite and xylose in Bacto-Purple Broth Base. he Mic reactions were also determined. than it was considered desirable, motility tests were also used. For final identification of suspected pathogens, agglutina- tion tests, using specific antisora. and bacteriophage typing were used. 'Ehe general treatment of the sewage samples is shown in outline form as hble I. IFares 2-liter portions of sewage were collected at the sow- age plant in sterile flasks for each sample. Ono portion was further divided into ten 200 ml. portions in 1100 ml. bankers, and varying amounts of aluminum amaonium sulfate solution were added. After thor- ough rapid stirring, the bankers were allowed to stand and observations were nde to determine in which beaker the precipitate formed first, and settled not rapidly, leaving the clearest supernatant fluid above the precipitate. 'Ihat portion was chosen having the optimam condi- tions for concentration of the organisms, and the pH value of the supernatant fluid was determined. this pH value was designated as the optimal. no proper amount of alminum amoni'om sulfate solution was then measured into the remaining 2-litor portions. the flasks were thoroughly shaken and the precipitate was allowed to settle by gravity for a period of four hours. The supernatant fluid was decanted until the remaining volume was about 200 ml. The entire amount of concen- trate was planted. me procedure generally followed was to plant 1 ml. of the precipitated sewage directly onto each of the various primary isolation media without prior enrichment. The remaining precipitated sewage was planted into the various enrichment broths in ten-fold serial dilutions ranging from 10 ml. in the first tube to 10-.9 m1. o in the eleventh tube. After incubation at 37 0. for 8-12 hours in the case of Solenito Broth, and 12-21} hours in the case of retrathi- onato Broth, material from each tube was streaked onto the various primary isolation media regardless of whether the tube showed visible .1}. TABLE! General Outline ShowLng Treatment of Raw Sewage I. Concentration Prec p tation using amenium aluminum sulfate at the optimum pH value for flocculation a) Centrifugation of precipitate and sediment b) Gravity settling of precipitate and sediment II. lurichment 15 Sodium Betrathionate Broth 2) Selenite Broth a) Primary Isolation l. Bismuth Sulfite Agar 2. 8.8. Agar a. laoOonbey's Apr . Brnliant Green Acid Zl'uohsin Apr 5. Acid ruchsin Methylene Blue seer III. Primary Isolation as in II-a without enrichment IV. Pr Differential greening l Iligler's Iron Agar 2) Triple Sugar Iron Agar 3) Urea Broth Y. Seoo Differentiation 7W 2) Lactose Broth a; Saccharose Broth Maltese Broth 5) Nannitol Broth 6) blue Broth 7) IIYid Reaction VI. Identification 15 nglutination in specific antisera 2) Bacteriophage typing .1)... evidence of growth. After incubation at 37° 0.. all plates were ex- amined at the end of 18, 21} and lle'houro. Only those plates showing isolated colonies were retained for further study. An effort was made to secure cultures of all different types of organisms growing on the plates, although colonies which showed the typical appearance described for E. coli and A. aeroggnes were not tahen. After purification, the mltures were planted in Iligler's Iron Apr slants. Triple Sugar Iron Agar slants. Urea Broth and Car- bonrate Broths. me nmc reactions were also determined. Broth cultures of g. M and g. schottmuelleri were added to raw sewage and used as controls. The results of this study are given in 1Ib1e II. -15.. run 11 Cultures Isolated from Baw Sewage at last Lansing, Michigg Mber of sewage samples examined. lumber of colonies studied "her of Pseudoamnae. . . lumber of Proteus. . . . . tuber of Paraoolobactrum. lumber of Aloaligenes . . merofg.go_li. . . . . lumber of ;. aeroggne . . “er of g. M . . . Bomber of other Salmonella Mer of Bhigella . . . . -15- .656 323 no 103 DISCUSSIOI m greatest concentration of organisms in water or sewage, when using alum as the precipitating agent. was found to occur when the precipitation took place at the optimm pH value. In the present investiation. it was found that the optimm pH value when using alu- minum anonims sulfate was higher than when aluminum sulfate was used as the precipitating agent. then a constant amount of the precipitat- ing agent was added to a given volume of sewage, poor settling took place and the supernatant fluid was turbid, having the appearance of colloidal material in suspension. Gravity settling for a four-hour period. when precipitation was accomplished at the optimm pH value. was superior to centrifugation at 3,300 r.p.m. (3.600 x G.) for a period of one-half hour. lhen precipitated sewage was planted in enrichsent mdia, there was little inhibition of the coliform organisms. IJ'Ehis my have been due to the massive plantings of coliforms. It is possible that the great numbers of coliforms were able to overcome the inhibitory effect of the medium, thus allowing more rapid growth. In the em- ination of sewage. there is a definite need for an enrichent medias which will be capable of greater coliform inhibition and at the same time allow rapid development of enteric pathogens which might be present. 0f the plating media. Bismuth Bulfite Agar showed the greatest inhibition of coliforms. The development of numerous black colonies during July. -11- August and September by organisms having the ability to reduce sul- fites confirmed the observations of lilson and Blair (16). the chief characters of this organism to which Wilson gave the name B. effluviei are as follows: A gram-negative actively motile bacillus with growth on agar resembling g. 923-33 it liquefies gelatin. is medal red nega- tive and gives a positive Yoges-Proshauer test; it resembles B. clcacae. from which it differs in its reduction of sulfites and in being a non-lactose fermenter; it grows in Ioser's citrate solution: it ferments glucose, maltose. mannite, saccharose (and starch) with the production of acid and as, and has no action on lactose, dulcite and salicin. and it forms indol and does not decomcse urea. Acid ruchsin Brilliant Green Agar was excellent for elim— inating the troublesome Proteus organisms. It did. however. allow the more-cr-less unrestricted development of coliforms. IBhe plates were usually overcrowded with lactose fermenters. making the recog- nition of lactose non-fermenters difficult. It should be mentioned that difficulty may be expected in using this medium if the somemt alkaline pH value of 7.“ is not strictly observed in its preparation. Salmonellas have a tendency to be inhibited at lower pH values. Acid luchsin Hethylene Blue Agar had no advantage over the other plate media in the examination of sewage. d Ilotile and non-motile, indol-positive cultures were iso- lated which produced no pay from carbohydrates when originally iso- lated. lien: such cultures could easily be classed as Bberthella or Shigella. but after varying periods of laboratory cultivation. many -15.. of the strains produced as. Stuart. Wheeler, Rustigian and liner-- man (29) include these in the Paracolobactrum group as anaerogenic variants of coliform. mey found from serolcgical and physiological properties that the Paracolobactrum group is intermediate between normal coliforms and Salmnella. mere appears to be no sharp dis- tinction between the groups, and a more-or-less continuous series of types exist. Ii'his group of organisms was the cause of considerable concern as they were often mistaken for Salmonellas on original isolation. During the early part of the study. Hollenbach and DehlJelm (30) isolated an organism on Bismuth Sulfite Agar which gave the typ- ical colonial appearance of g. typhosa. When first cultured for biochemical reactions, the results in lactose and sucrose were atyp- ical in that acid was produced. continued incubation resulted in these two media becoming alkaline and thus giving the typical reac- tions expected of this organism. Subcultures from the original isolation all gave biochemical reactions typical of those described for g. mhosa. Agglutination tests were positive in a titre of 1-320, and a culture sent to the Michigan Department of Health Salmonella Dping Station was reported as having the somatic anti- gens II and III and the flagellar antigen d. The organism was sluggishly motile and the presence of ti antigen could not be demonstrated. Agglutination tests using the control _8_. ghosa organism were positive in a titre of 1-5.120 using the same antisera as that used for the organism isolated from sewage. Iilson and Blair (27) -19.. when discussing the identification of organisms isolated from sewage state that. "me identification was completed by seeing whether the organism was agglutinated to full titre by a typhoid agglutinating serum. ' -20- CONCLUSIONS 'i'he results of this study indicate that enrichment media, which are quite satisfactory for fecal samples and urine. will not adequately suppress the growth of coliforms found in precipitated raw sewage. Interic pathogens. if present in raw sewage at last Lans— ing. Iichigan. were not in numbers sufficiently large to permit their ready isolation by the methods used in this investigation. Irhe use of aluminum ammnium sulfate for precipitation of sewage at the optimum pH value is more satisfactory than the use of almninum sulfate. A greater concentration of the organisms was obtained with aluminum ammonia sulfate. me Baracolobactrum group of organisms often give bio- chemical and serological reactions similar to the" Salmonellas upon first being isolated from sewage. mic is especially true of the anaerogenic strains. -21- 1. 3. APPENDIX Aluminum amonium sulfate solution Aluminumassnonium sulfate...... ............... ..... m.t111.d nurOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 3K2 grass 1000.0 I1. One ml. of this solution. when added to a 200 ml. sanple equals one grain per gallon. retrathionate Broth (Bacto) nth base Proteose-peptone lo. 2 (Difco)..... .......... ...... mm.b11° "lt'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee calcium carbonate.................................. Sodium thiosulfate........................... ..... . Distilled water............ ......... . ............ .. Iodine Solution Ioum ca‘t‘1.0000eeeeee eeeeee eee eeeeeeeeeeeee eeOO Pom.iu iouueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee m.t111.d nt.rseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeee as. 5.0 gram 1.0 m 10.0 grams 30.0 grams 1000.0 ml. 6. 5. 0 fit 2 1b prepare 1000 ml. of media. to 1000 ml. 8f broth base which has been boiled and then cooled to below ‘15 o.. add 20 ml. of the iodine solution. Shake well to mix and dispense in 10 ml. quantities in test tubes. taking care to obtain an even distri- bution of the insoluble material. ‘lhe medium was found to give better results when freshly prepared and used on the same day. Selenite Broth (acts) ww‘mumeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wt0-mt°..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo Disodium phosphate. 8011‘“ “1d “I‘m“eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeee 'i'o prepare the medium. 23 grams of the dehydrated medium are suspended in 1000 ml. of distilled star and heated to boiling. It is then dispensed into sterile culture tubes to give a depth of medium of at least 2 inches. hcessive heating is to be avoided. W autoclave. me final reac- tion of the medium will be pH 7.0. -22.. h. 5. 6. ”non, .m‘“000000000000000.0....00000.00.00.00. lacconkey's Acu- (recto) (DeMdrated - Difco) ...- wtO‘PQPtoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeee eseeee eeeeeeee ee w“-mt0'°eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeee ee Bacto Bile Salts 30. 3............................. Sodium chloride.................................... ww-w.eoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo mm‘mtr‘l "doeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseem mm‘cmt‘l “Olit (DeGe‘a)eeeeeeeeeeeeeoeone.oee e Distilled water... 1000.0 ml. né’é’fiifi o o.- F 8° Taxonwpu-e I-‘U 1b prepare the medium. 53.5 gram of the dehydrated medium are suspended in 1000 ml. distilled water. Boil for one or two minutes to dissolve the medium. Sterilise for 20 minutes at 15 pounds pressure. Bismuth Sulfite Agar (Bacto) (Dehydrated - Difco) mmmooooceeoooonOOOQOOOeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoo B.“ “untoooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a “It”.........OOOOOOOOOOCOCOOO0.000000000000000.0. m.°d1mphO'phuseeooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Bi.mth.n1£1t. 1m1c‘wr0000000.0.0....00000...... w...CCOOCOOOOOOOOOOO0. Brillmt y’enCOCCOOO......OOOOOOOOO......OOOOOOO. m.t111.d nt'rCOOOOOO......OOOOOOOO00.00.00.000... 10m.0n1. N H OMOWWO mooQoooo assess iit55533 .° 8 Suspend all dry ingredients in the distilled inter and heat to boil as rapidly as possible; then allow to sinner for a minute. Into sterile Petri plates pour 15 to 20 ml. of the medium. This medium should not be autoclaved as rolonged heating destroys its selectivity. rinal pH 7.6 -. Salmonella and Shigella Medina (Bacto) (Dehydrated - Difco) Beef extract............................. ....... ... mm..'pept°meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeon... ...... eeeoeeooe mtoao.0......00.000000000000000.00.0.00000000000. Bile salts......................................... “um citr‘“000000000O00.00000000000000000000000. Sodium.thicsulfate................................. Jerric citrate..................................... meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mill-mt m’neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mtm redOOOOOOOOOOOO0.00000000000000000000.0000. 0e m'tillod ”“rOOOOOOOOOOOO00.0.0.0...O0.0.0.000... 1m. 0 O ...- “NGOU'IW OH Out-i O. ofium ox'numa o o o F???§3???3§ -23- 7. Dissolve ingredients in distilled water. Steam for 15 to 20 minutes or bring to the boiling point. Do not allow to boil or do not sterilise. Pour about 20 ml. medium in each sterile Petri plate. Allow to dry with covers partially removed. Brilliant Green Acid ruchsin Apr _Btase medium mooeoeeeeeeeeee oooooooooo eeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeee MmeOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000.000... 0 0 Sodium taurocholate....................... ....... .. 5 Sodium chloride.................................... 5. Distilled water.................................... 1000 Autoclave at 10 pounds pressure for 20 minutes. adJust pH to 7.13 and filter. Add 10 game lactose. mix and distribute in 200 m1. quantities in flasks and sterilise at 12 pounds pres- sure for 15 minutes. To prepare plates. to 200 ml. of base medium, melted and cooled to 50° 0.. add 2 m1. of uni-ow. indicator and mix. Add 0.8 ml. of freshly prepared brilliant green (1 per cent) solution. Mix and pour plates. Acid fuchsin Methylene Blue Agar Difco peptone. 10.0 grams lactose........... ...... ...... . 10.0grams Dipotassium phosphate.............................. 3.0 gram Acid fuchsin................ ..... . 0.5 gram lethylene blue.. 0. 5 grams Agar....... 15.0 grass Distilled water.................................... 1000.0 m1. Dissolve ingredients in distilled water by heating. Adjust pH to 6.6. Sterilise at 15 pounds pressure for 20 minutes. -2h- 7. Dissolve ingredients in distilled water. Steam for 15 to 20 minutes or bring to the boiling point. Do not allow to boil or do not sterilise. Pour about 20 ml. medium in each sterile Pstri plate. Allow to dry with covers partially removed. Brilliant Green Acid l'uchsin Agar 48‘ medium mOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO mtomOOCOCOOCOOOOOOO......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.... Sodium taurochclate.................... .......... .. an“ cmorid‘Oeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeee. m.t1n°d nt‘reeeeeoeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeOOeeeeO Autoclave at 10 pounds pressure for 20 mimites, adjust pH to 7.1; and filter. Add 10 grams lactose. m and distribute in 200 ml. quantities in flasks and sterilise at 12 pounds pres- sure for 15 minutes. To prepare plates, to 200 ml. of base medium, melted and cooled to 50° 6.. add 2 ml. of Andrade's indicator and mix. Add 0.8 m1. of freshly prepared brilliant green (1 per cent) solution. Mix and pour plates. Acid Iuchsin Methylene Blue Apr Difco peptone............ ..... . Lactose........... ....... ................... ....... Dipotassium phosphate.............................. ‘cid m111...............s eeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'e lethylene blue..................................... Wooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. m'tillod nt'rOCOOOOO0. Dissolve ingredients in distilled water by heating. Adjust pH to 6.6. Sterilise at 15 pounds pressure for 20 minutes. -2h- 1. I‘illson, H. 8. 1905. The isolation of 3. mm susfrom in- fected water, with notes on a new process. Jour. an. 5: 1I29. 2. Prescott. 8. 0.. Winslow. Owl. i.. and McCrady. It. ISM-5. fiter Bacterioloy. 6th Dd. John liley and Sons. Inc.. New York, N. Y. 3. muston. A. c. 191% Tenth Report on Research work to Metro- politan Water Board. Inndon. h. undon. 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A brilliant green acid fuchsin medium for the isolation of Salmonella. Dull. 53's. 18; 505. Jeter. I. 8.. and lynne. D. S. 19149. Acid fuchsin methylene blue agar: A new differential medium for enteric bacteria. Jour. Ract. 58: "29. -26- 27. 28. 29. Iilson. I. J.. Blair. 1:. M. McV. 1931. Further experience of the bismuth sulfite media in the isolation of Bacillus typhosus and R. arat hosus D from faeces. sewage and water. Jour. Hyg. 31: 1?. Porter. J. B. 1946. Bacterial Chemistry and Physiolog. let M. John Iiley and Sons. Inc.. New York. N. Y. Stuart. 0. 1... Wheeler. 1. u.. Rustigian. R. and Zimmerman. A. 19%. Biochemical and antigenic relationships of the para- colon bactetia. Jour. Beet. ‘#5: 101. Bollenbach. s. 1.. and DahlJelm. l. L. lane. Unpublished data. -27- O A..- Ix e '0 «.1. .c ..e.. .e.. ¢'~e.4 . 4W. .l..t 1 a. I... v .3. 1 L. L' ~31»: \‘12 .3: MICHIGAN STATE UNIV R ITY LIBR I AR ES S 3 1293 03070 8261 IE