'llll'l ll m“) I NC) {1 "4. if? 01" This is to certifg that the thesis entitled A Study of Diesel Power Generauion For Summer Use at the Michigan State College Plant. presented by Michael Delich has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Master of Sciencedfigree in Mechanical Engineering WV Major professor 't l _c_,._._____. V __.'g . VFW vy— v v 7‘— v ‘r 1 _""I ' . I . ’ x , .4. l \ I , ,l l o I ' . . I . . I t v I l , I I ' , .‘ \ I . .. .V, . 4’ t ‘5 l , \ i .l ‘ ‘2 ‘ l : ‘ C " | O I ' ‘1 v" 1.1 " I l ‘ t ' _ _ J \ s “ A ‘3 ' I w \ _ 4' ‘ I l o I r v I l f. l l ' i l ‘ I. p. l l “l": .' ‘ , l, y . l . J . ) / J ‘ ' ' l t .. n 1 1 ' . 1 ' l ' / a ll- » I l 'q l‘. l \ I I I. 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"finnnnmnnnmnnnnnnnnn,nannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuannnnnnn NNNNNNNNNNNN~N---~N-NN~N~N---~NN~N~NNNN-W”NNNN ___________________._____._______._________.fi.________ €£-—=2£:Bfi:28258889233333332333333339333383331332H58-“:_ ae9:;aeaeeeauaoaeaaaaaaaa==uaaaoaaa.aa.ua==afi . ago... 3. new m: w A A STUDY OF DIESEL POWER GENERATION FOR SUTTER U83 AT JE VICHIGAY STATS COLLEGE PLAHT By Michael Delich Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIEVCE Department of Mechanical Engineering 1951 Te as. s: , u.‘~ 6/1 ‘1 /5’/ £34717“ ACKTOWLBDGHEUT The author wishes to express his gratitude to Professors G. W} Hobbs and J. 3. Campbell for their valuable contributions to this project; Kr. Douglas E. Lee for his assistance in carrying out the work; T’r. Joseph Slater, "r. Norman Tufford and other mem- bers of the power plant staff for their splendid co- operation. The author is deeply grateful to his dear wife, Dorothy Delich, for providing inspiration and encour- agement. ********** ******** ****** ##1## ** a; f :"" ’. “"11" a) {“13 u’ L" 3-09 3" TABLE OF CCrT‘T'Z‘ £738 I:TB:.UDT_TCTIOIT00000ooooooooouecon- CITJECT C7? T'CC‘CVC!‘ IO:........................ EIACTIZICAL E LLOY- " .13? T233738... .... . .. . .... . DIESEL PLMTT PROPOSAL...“ .................... PTC ES STEIL-‘i FIEQT'ITE 'E'E-TTS.................... PAC} \CE BOIIL'L DA". A.’........................... PLESETTT PLAI‘T'I‘ COSTS TE‘IWTS YEN PROPOSAL COSTS. DISCL'SSIOZT AID COITCLTTSIOH...” ............. ... a1- Tcr‘T'r-zv L-fi J‘J‘L. .LOOO...............0.0.000......... 'jPE-: 311:3........OOOOOOOOOCOO......OOOOOOOOOO 11 14 20 23 24 DTAwIFGS AuD GRAPES Steam and Electrical Energy Used. Load Duration Curves. Predicted Load Duration Curve. Steam.JIOW'-‘fleekday hates. Vinimum Rates of Flow - Red Cedar River. Vacuum Correction Curves. Fuel Rate Curves (LSV-loT Cooper-Bessemer Engine). Diesel Plant Labor Data. Schematic Flow Diagram - I. S. C. Power Plant. Condenser Cooling water Data. IVTRODUCTICN The recent large scale expansion of power plant commitments at Lfichigan State College has introduced operational problems. In particu- lar, the summer operating condition presents some disturbing features. It was recommended that the author investigate the possibility of meeting summer generating requirements with adoption of a Diesel generat- ing plant. The project resolved itself into five major phases: (1) elec- trical energy requirements, (2) cost of the required Diesel proposal, (3) process steam requirements, (4) cost of the required package boiler, (5) comparison of present and proposed costs. Data on items 1 and 3 was obtained through perusal of existing power plant records and by actual measurement. Items 2 and 4 required calculation of data associated with information received through corres- pondence, personal interview, and reference material. Results of the study indicated that a Diesel electric generating plant would require an increase in present costs. However, the increase would represent relatively small investment for the advantage the in- stallation would provide. It was concluded that the Diesel proposal offered a favorable solu- tion to the summer operational problem. -1... OBJECT OF IT‘T‘EST‘IGATION The year 1946 represented the beginning of a tremendous expansion in campus facilities at Vichigan State College. These changes have ffected the college power plant obligations. The major function of this plant is to provide process steam. Of a secondary nature, the plant supplies steam.for power generation. Figure 1 illustrates the effect campus expansion has had on steam requirements and electrical energy demand . Under the circumstances of having to provide steam for process and power generation, it is possible to have an arrangement that involves exceedingly high thermal efficiency operation. Steam can be produced for power generation and then immediately re-used for process requirements. That is, the same quantity of steam serving a dual purpose accounts for the high thermal efficiency operation of the plant. This desirable combination does not seem to prevail, however, during the summer months. The demand for process steam drops off while electri— cal energy demand remains comparatively high. Hence, for this period, high thermal efficiency operation of the plant is not anticipated. The summer operating period is defined as June 10th thru September 15th. The summer condition is further aggravated by the following: High electrical load with low process demand implies that large quantities of condenser cooling water are needed. It is during the summer months that a minimum supply of condenser cooling water will exist. At the same time the condenser cooling water supply will have a relatively high temperature. Appendix I illustrates how unfavorably condenser cooling water supply compares with amounts required during the summer period. Appendix II demonstrates how high temperature condenser cooling water results in unsatisfactory turbine operation. The substantial year-around electrical load leaves no time allow; ance for major repair and maintenance responsibilities that must be scheduled for the summer period. Likewise, problems are encountered relative to vacation scheduling for power plant personnel. The accumulation of difficulties associated with summer operation has become of major concern to Professor J. W. Campbell, power plant superintendent. In his approach toward a solution for this situation, he cites the following possibilities as meriting serious consideration: (a) Augment condenser cooling'water supply by installation of equipment such as a cooling tower and continue the present method of operation. (b) Install a gas turbine electric generating plant and include a package boiler installation for process steam requirements. (0) Adopt a Diesel electric generating plant along with a package boiler unit. It was suggested that the author investigate the details involved in possibility 'c' and present the results of that investigation in thesis form. Thus, this paper represents the results from an investiga- tion undertaken to determine whether or not a Diesel electric generating plant along with package boiler equipment can fulfill satisfactorily the summer phase of college power plant operation. -3- ELECTRICAL EYERGY REQUIREWSNTS The consideration of this alternate method of summer operation in- volved the following: Establishment of the present electrical energy requirements. Selection procedure and cost data associated with a Diesel plant proposal. Establishment of the present process steam requirements. Selection procedure and cost data associated with a package boiler unit. 9) Comparison of new proposal costs and present charges. (a (b 53-00 ( ( ( As noted, it was necessary to establish first the electrical energy demands on the present plant installation for the period in question. In the present arrangement, power output of each steam turbine driven generator is denoted by its respective indicating wattmeter. Likewise, the distribution of power generated can be accounted for through watt- meter readings of the various circuits being supplied. Turbine room.procedure includes an hourly recording of all watt- meter readings. Thus, electrical power data accumulates in the form of turbine room log sheet records. A study of these records is offered as being representative of what power requirements must be fulfilled. The author preferred to present these figures on electrical demand graphically and, in particular, on a load duration basis. Load duration curves are developed by grouping all the hours during a particular oper- ating period when a particular load occurred, and then by starting with the largest value of load, hours are accumulated for all preceding larger load values. Thus for each load value plotted on the load duration curve, -4- the time corresponding to that load is the summation of all the hours at which this load as well as larger loads occurred. Since the abscissa of the duration curve represents time and the ordinate represents power, the area under the curve represents energy output. Figure 2 shows load duration data for the college plant (in relation to summer operation) as of 1946 thru 1950. The data results from log sheet information ap- pearing in the appendix portion of this treatise. DIflSEL PLAYT PROPOSAL To establish figures for the required Diesel plant, attention was first given to the problem of plant location. In this instance it was thought that there were two locations to be considered. The plant could be located adjacent to the present turbine room and possess these desirable features: "The present distribution switch- gear could be utilized most economically and a tie-in with the present condenser cooling water system.could be effected most advantageously." The alternate choice would be a South Campus location. The advantage here would show as follows: "Objections to noise and vibration would be less likely to occur. Appearance of the building would be less critical. Fuel storage and fuel delivery would be less apt to create undesirable situations. From a long range point of view, the power plant installa- tion would be located eventually on South Campus." It was decided that the North Campus location should be selected. The disadvantages associated with noise, vibration, etc., could be over- come more readily through additional financial outlay as compared to in- vestment required for proper inter-connecting facilities from Diesel plant to present distribution system. Also, the cost of a cooling water system.is an item of considerable magnitude and should not be slighted. Selection of Diesel engine size and number of units would not follow in terms of the 1950 load duration data since canmus expansion is still continuing. The author suggested that a predicted 1952 load curve (Figure 5) would represent a maximum.for the 1950-1960 period. This opinion was based on a study of the load duration data presented in Figure 2 and prospective building plans. The foregoing influenced Diesel engine selection: 1. Quotation from.Ferna1d & Orrok, "Engineering of Power Plants", "A station with high load factor should have few units and large ones and the most economical apparatus will quickly pay for itself. A low load factor will mean smaller units and a large number of them.and the economy of at least half the apparatus is of no great consequence, since it is only used a few hours every year." 2. Quotation from Horse, "Power Plant Engineering and Design“, "It must be remembered that the investment cost per K37 of capacity increases as the capacity of the unit decreases. Probably duplicate units will not meet load requirements as well as units of dissimilar capacities, but, on the other hand, there is to be considered the saving in first cost brought about by duplication of sizes and dimensions of pipes, foundations, wires, insulators, etc., when dup- licate units are installed." The 1952 load duration curve represents high load factor and there- by item 1 was involved. From Figure 3 it can be seen that the smallest unit would be approximately 2000 KW in size. Correspondence with the Cooper Bessemer Corporation revealed that their standard engine gen- erator units in this range involved 1950 KW and 2620 KW. A study of the estimated 1952 load duration data indicated that two 2620 KW units or three 1950 KN units offered possibilities. Hence an estimated Diesel plant installation cost was prepared in terms of these combinations (See page 8). Likewise, similar data was compiled for a combination in- volving four Kordberg radial engines. Also, a cost list was prepared .nonpsnoasoo nonsense nsmooo .Hspoa.:a osmm .Asoso.sa 000mv B0HIsmu 039 I e .om Hemoaona .qoupssoaso0 sosommom soaooo .Hapoe_na 0000 .Agoso ma ommfiv BNHIsmu oases I m .0: Hsmoaoam .noHpeaomaoo wnHaSpodmsce: assesses .Hssoe 2a owes .Agoeo ea osfiflv «page menace Hansen HHIcmam egos I m .0; Hemomosa .COflpwnomhoo .aosn s saga nopmcasppoe .Hspoe an mass .Aaosm an msemv w.m ease 00mmm one I H .0: Hemoaosm 0mH mmfi 0sH H0H as use pmoo .pmm mma.mfis 000.000 es0.eas emm.fima 9000 omeanemm qeaoa 000.00 00N.es 000.m¢ 0mm.es msooqsfiaoownu .0H 000.0H 000.0N 000.o mam.0m escapeessoa .0 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.0s ameneansm .m 000.Hm 00H.0m 00H.®0 000.H0 sessanseo Hecaspoofim .a I I I omo.m Eopmmm .nxo one wasde .0 000.0m 000.0m I 000.00 seesaw pops; seaflooo .0 000.H 00N.H I 000.N Seesaw.sne masseuse .e 000.a 000.0 I 00a.mfi seesaw Hno open .0 emm.a e00.a emm.s 0HH.a seesaw Hess .m ¢0s.m00 000.e00 000.0«0 00N.0me .enseo .mso easecspm .H a .on m .oz N .02 H .02 waomoam Hemomoam Hewomoam Homomoam emoo ZOHH¢AQ¢QMEH Hznfi moaned aoEEsm on» coESmmd m“ 9H oo.Hmm.OmHm oo.ooo.mH oo.oo oo.oom.om oo.osm.e oo.oom.mm oo.He oo.oem.e oo.oam.m oo.OmN.NH oo.oem.H oo.ows.onw mmflfibm mam Hmoo H4809 AvemOHQEocsv momma panda Homowm AoOAOHmEocsV momma pnmam Ewopm Apneam anemonmv momawgo maoafion ommxoamv womaeSo AHomoHov wowamno .nwms aofiwop owwxoem Hana aoawoo ommxoam .ome a afleaoa Howofla .>aoa5m a momma Homoflm Hao opsH Homowo Honk Homowo eoxna eoaaa eoxaa .o .m .w .m .m amoo wmfipwnoao .H oo.oN©.Hwmemnrpm mam amoo sauce oo.oom.wm oo.OmO.mH oo.ooo.Hs oo.oos.mH oo.oofl.ea oo.oem.ew mowaaso .omHE e maweeom Hosm gonna onwpnse honed aoawom cocoonopnfiaoasm eoxaa .N on Aev nov Anv Adv meC wafipmhomo .H soaps: opennmpfie senses seaweed Aomumemfi sea» uH94m4Enoo -19.. DISCUSSION AND COYCLUSION It is necessary to note that adoption of the Diesel installation would promote economy relative to cost of purchased energy. Appendix 6 illustrated hOW'the proposal could effect a saving of $5200 per summer period on cost of purchased energy. It should be remembered that the author preferred to engage experi- enced Diesel plant personnel. This probably represented the most ex- pensive procedure available. It is quite conceivable that steam plant personnel could be trained for Diesel plant operation and hence consider- able econony effected. Another factor influencing analysis of the problem has been des- cribed by ”r. F. A. Wbolman.* he has written: "With loss of the electric curcuit which feeds the plant or the complete loss of all campus circuits the plant is automatically secured because all auxiliaries except one boiler feedwater pump are electrically driven. Also, if the north campus house circuit fails, the plant is without a source of feedwater since all water pumps (both feedwarer and raw water) are in the north campus plant. The only south campus feedwater reserve is a 50,000 lb. storage tank which is a half hour supply at the most. It must also be kept in mind that while the turbines may be out of service the heating load is still in demand. This may cause a serious condition as this demand for heating steam may draw the boiler pressures down to the danger point before electrical supply is resumed. At the present time there is no auxiliary lighting circuit." Investment in power plant equipment on the basis of summer opera- tion alone would be undesireable. Since the prime purpose of the * F. A."Wbolwan, "A study to determine the best operating and maintenance procedure for a 200,000 pounds per hour steam generating plant," V. S. Thesis, Vichigan State College, 1950. -20; college plant is generation of process steam, it would be necessary to establish hOW'effectively a particular proposal could contribute in that direction. Because of the prevailing circumstances, the author deemed that attention to the aforementioned was beyond the scope of this investigation. As seen on page 19 the proposed installation would require an in- vestment of $18,330 over the present charges. The following advantages would accrue with the Diesel installa- tion: 1) Boiler and turbine equipment would be available for major maintenance procedure each summer. 2) Vacation scheduling for plant personnel would present no diffiClllt}; o 3) Cooling water shortage conditions would be eliminated. 4) Reliability of the plant would be increased. 5) Vere flexibility of operation would be available. 6) Fore economic operation could prevail, particularly in the matter of purchased energy. 7) Educational facilities in the Diesel engine field would be increased. 8) Further expansion of campus facilities would not act to upset the required balance between steam and electrical load. 9) Process steam capacity would be increased by 40,000 pounds per hour. 10) Electrical load capacity would be enlarged by 5240 kilowatts. The author concluded that the results of this investigation showed, "A Diesel gencrating plant along with package boiler equipment would fulfill satisfactorily the summer phase of college power plant operation. It would mean additional expense but the return on the investment would justify the cost aspect. ..22- BIBLIOGZAIHY Justin and Tervine, "Power Supply Economics", John Wiley and Sons, 1934, p. 216-229. Torrow, L. W.'W., "Electric Power Stations", VcGraw-Hill Book Company, lst Edition, 1927, page 10-27, 184. Tyers, D. F., "Reducing Industrial Power Costs”, TcGraw-Till Book Company, 1st Edition, 1955, page 93-108. Anderson, J. W., "Diesel Engines", VcGraw-Hill Book Company, 2nd Edition, 1949, page 499-521. Torse, T. T., Power Plant Engineering and Design, D. Van Fostrand Company, 2nd Edition, 1942, page 26-30. Landis, J. 3., "flngineering Analysis as Applied to the Selection of Type and Size of Power Plant Equipment", Trans. ASHE Vol. 49-50, 1927-28. level, A. H., "Generating Stations", TcGraw Hill Book Company, 2nd Edition, 1935, p. 62-66. APPENDIX 1 Figure 4 depicts the results of measurements taken relative to turbine condensate. This data applies to the August 25th-September 20th portion of the summer period for the year 1950. The higher values indi- cate a turbine condensate flow of approximately 40,000 pounds per hour. Assuming the steam is to be condensed at a pressure of 2 inches of mercury absolute, each pound will reject approximately 1000 btu of heat energy to the cooling water. Thus, heat energy will be absorbed by the cooling water at the rate of (40,000)(1000) or 40,000,000 btu per hour. If each pound of cooling water is to undergo a twenty degree change in temperature and thereby absorb 20 btu, 40,000,000 over 20 or two million pounds of water per hour will be required. Since water weighs approxi- mately 8.33 pounds per gallon, there will be required (2,000,000) over (8.53)(60) or 4000 gallons of water per minute. The Red Cedar river flowing thru the campus provides the supply of condenser cooling water. Records on stream flow as compiled by the U. 3. Geological Survey,'Water Resources Branch, were consulted. This informa— tion has been presented in Figure 5. It can be seen.that a flow of 4000 gallons per minute was not available in six instances over the period 1931-1949. In addition, there were five situations when supply was very slightly over 4000 gallons per minute. It was concluded that ample condenser cooling water is not available during the summer period. -24- APPEVDIX II In a IOW'vacuunlsurface condenser the temperature of the cooling water may range from 10-25 degrees below that corresponding to the total pressure in the condenser. Assuming the condenser cooling water discharge temperature to be 100 degrees, Fahrenheit, and that a 10 degree temperature differential exists between condensate and cooling water, the condensate temperature nmuld be 110 degrees, Fahrenheit. A 110 degree Fahrenheit saturation temperature corresponds to a saturation pressure of 2.6 in. Hg. absolute. Under these circumstances the turbine design conditions of 2.0 in. Hg. absolute would not be available. Figure 6 shows that a loss in generator output of 50 KW'would result. Likewise, a cooling water discharge temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit would mean a loss in generator output of approximately 90 Kfi. Undesirable discharge temperature of condenser cooling water re- sults from high inlet temperatures. The operator is forced to operate the equipment at other than design conditions wnen cooling water supply temperature is high. Figure 10 denotes cooling water discharge temperatures of 100 de- grees Fahrenheit or greater obtained for the summer period of 1950. -25- APPBVDIX III It was decided that a complete Diesel plant installation consists of the classification: . ) Standard engine equipment ) Starting air system ) Fuel system ) Lubricating oil system ) Intake and exhaust system , ) Electrical equipment ) Cooling water system ) Buildings ) Foundations ) fiiscellaneous Items 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 appear in detailed form (See following pages). i Data on costs was made available through the co-operation rendered b ersons associated with Diesel lant work. 3 ecific information on P jv standard engine equipment was obtained thru .r. D. E. Levering of the “ Cooper Sessemer Corporation. Ir. V. *. Holmes of the'fiorthington Pump and Pachinery Corporation provided an estimating data and cost sheet. H I: w _iro 13.. .l. The Nordberg ”anufacturing Company, thru its representative, Dow, Jr., contributed information on cost of equipment. A personal intervieW'with Vr. J. I. Keen of the Helverine Electric Co-op served to further verify cost data. STARTIVG AIR SYSTEV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I‘ 1 IL‘ TI“: "L SYST 5‘! Compressor Compressor motor a drive Auxiliany compressor Aux. compressor engine & drive Air cleaner Relief valves Globe valves Receivers Receiver support Pressure gauge Piping 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 25. 24. 25. 26. Fuel oil tank Filter fkter Thermometer Condenser pump Gas reservoir Pressure regulator Pressure gauge Globe valve Check valve Surge bottle Transfer pump Booster pump Transfer pump motor Transfer pump engine Relief valve Storage tank Unloading pump Unloading pump motor Purifier Purifier pump Purifier pump motor Gas scrubber Filling tank Gas meter Piping N00 Req'd NO. RGQ' 6. Engine per Plant -27.. lldidididfdtdld Hll HI 1 HI¥>HMIPL§NHHHH I 30303040303010! l—‘I—JOJNp—Jl tdcnrJIAIaiatdrdrardl Included i H 1! n fl 1! Included 1 N I? saw Remarks 1500 n eng. bid M H 1' 11 H fl '1 1‘ fl 1' H H Wo. Req'd No. Req'd COOLITIG TIATFIIZ SYS'E‘fi‘T per Engine per Plant germ-ks 1' “0’60? driven canto pump 1 3 Included in eng. bid 2. Heat exchanger 1 3 t! n n n 3. Temperature regulator 1 3 " n n n 4. Temperature alarm contactcr l 3 " " n n 5. Surge tank 1 3 v n n n 6. Thermometer 2 6 '1 n n n 7. Gate valve 9 27 " " " " 8. Check‘valve 1 3 n u u n 9. Rubber expansion joint 1 3 n n n n 10° RaW'water pump - Incl. in cooling equip. bid 11. Raw water pump motor - 't '! it n n 12. Solenoid operated valve - " N n n u 13. Gate valve - N n N u n 14. Check valve - n n n n n 15. Piping .. 1 n u n n n VISCE‘ILA’EO’S 1' Pyrometer 1 3 Included in eng. bid 2. Thermocouples - n n n n 3. Indicator cock on each cyl. - - " H u n 4. Backfire relief valve 1 3 " n H n 5. Complete set of tools 1 1 " n u n 6. Rigging and hauling - 1 $8200 7. Labor .. 1 53,37,000 8. Erection superintendence - 1 $7500 -28- No. Req'd No. Req'd L533 OII,SYSTEE per Engine per Plant Remarks Included in eng. bid H N H N l. Sump tank 2. Filter 5. Totor driven pump 4. Heat exchanger 5. Filter 6. Temperature regulator 7. Purifier pump 8. Purifier 9. Storage tank - 10. Dirty oil tank 11. Transfer pump 12. Transfer pump drive 15. Pressure regulating valve 14. Relief valve 15. Thermometer 16. Pressure gauge 17. Globe valve 18. Gate valve 1 19. Pressure alarm contactors 20. Check valve 21. waste filter 22. Flexible connection 25. Piping “>0! 1! I! H N fl 1' 1! n 1! 1‘ H II n H n N H II fl '1 11 V! 1+4 luatotaiatvsa n N n 11 fl '1 fl '1 n N N N N N H N N cnra HmHmmtfimmmmCfli-‘HHHMCBCNOICRCN " fl 333333 [NI mHoonpmmNr-Jl IITAKE AWD EXUAVST SYSTEV 1. Air filter 2. Turbocharged air cooler 5. Air silencer 4. Exhaust silencer 5. Intake flexible connection 6. Exhaust flexible connection 7. Exhaust stack 8. Support for piping 9. Piping Included in eng. bid 9' I! '1 N fl 3! fl 1' fl '1 II I! H H N I! n N C2100 Included in eng. bid " N N N ItAi4i4+AIAi4tu FJOJOIOQOUOIOJOJOI ’14 r’ 0 m :3 ! ~. ’0 Req'd U0. Req'd ELJCTHICAL ECUIPWEVT pe gine per Plant Remarks l. Generator (complete with damper windings, generator field rheo- stat and field resistor) 2. V-belt driven exciter 5. Exciter drive 4. Exciter guard 5. Synchronizing motor on governor 6. Conduit and wiring on engine 7. Alarm circuit switch 8. Pain and auxiliany'wiring between machines and switch gear auxil- iary transformer 9. Generator panel 10. A. C. ammeter 11. A. C. voltmeter 12. A. C. voltmeter switch 15. D. C. ammeter 14. D. C. voltmeter 15. D. C. voltmeter switch 16. 5 phase ammeter switch 17. Synchronizing switch 18. Governor control switch 19. Indicating wattmeter 20. watthour meter 21. Frequency indicator 22. Unit type voltage regulator 25. Oil circuit breaker 24. Circuit breaker support 25. Current and voltage transformer 26. Synchroscope 27. Synchroscope bracket 28. Complete distribution panel for station auxiliaries - 29. Erection of switch gear equipment and distribution panel — 50. Station lighting fixtures - Included in eng. bid 71 N fl " N N n ‘ W N N fl 1! I! fl 7! H N N t! H I! I! I! rabAiAIdnardnd oaoaoaoaoaoao: Included in elec. bid 11 H 1! fl 7! N I! I? I! It fl 1! 71 1! II 1! fl 7' N H H n '1 II N H H H N I! |I4r4t4+4iardtaiArAtAiAtdiardidbard I FJFJOJOQOJOJOGOJOJOQOIOJOJOIOJOIDJOJOQFJ " I? n N [...a " fl 1! iAiA " N II I! _50- APPEWUIK IV Explanation of items comprising "operating cost for Diesel plant" Since the abscissa of the load duration curve represents time and ordinate represents power, the area under the curve represents energy output. For the predicted 1950 load curve, it is seen that one square inch of area is equivalent to 538,000 kilowatt hours. From planimeter readings, it is found that the area under'the curve was 16.5 square inches. Thus the total energy output per season would be (338,000) 16.5 or 5,580,000 kwhr. The LSV-16T engines operate on four percent Diesel pilot fuel. Hence, four percent of the total energy output (223,000 kwhr) would come from Diesel oil and ninety six percent (5,550,000 kwhr) would be furnished by a natural gas supply. Figure 7 expresses the economy performance of the LSV-IGT engine. The engines would be operated between 50-100% of full load in.this in- stance. The 50% full load condition would give minimum economy, and from Figure 7, it is seen that the fuel rate for this situation is ap- proximately 6700 btu per hphr of engine output. It was necessary to multiply this value by 1.39 to account for generator efficiency and a change in units. That is, at 50% full load operation, the fuel rate would be 9300 btu per kwhr of generator output. Similarly, at 503 full load operation on oil fuel, (.36)(l.39) pr .500 lbs. of Diesel oil per kwhr of generator output would be required. -31- Assuming the heating value of natural gas to be 1000 btu per cubic foot, the volume required per season would be (5,350,000)(9300) over (1000) or 49,800,000 cubic feet. If the Diesel oil weighs approximately 6.82 lbs. per gallon, the volume required per season would be (223,000) over (.500)(6.82) or 65,400 gallons. A personal interview with Mr. Chester Alder, Consumers Power repre- sentative, served to confirm the belief that his company could take on the task of supplying 49,800,000 cu. ft. of natural gas during the period June 10th to September 15th. Also, it was pointed out that the price schedule for this fuel would read as follows: 4,000,000 cu.ft............................$ 2400.00 6,000,000 cu.ft. (2'; 52¢ per 1000 cu.ft...... 3120.00 39,800,000 cu.ft. @ 47¢ per 1000 cu.ft...... 18700.00 Total cost............$24,220.00 Information received at the Portland, Vichigan R. E. A. Diesel plant indicated that Diesel oil would cost approximately 10 cents per gallon. Hence, the cost of Diesel oil for-the season would be (65,400) (.10) or $6540 dollars. Vr. G. C. Boyer, "Diesel and Gas Engine Power Plants," reports that for estimating lubrication oil consumption in connection with economic studies, one can usually assume 2000-3000 rated hphr per gallon of lubri- cating oil. ”r. Boyer arrived at this figure through interpretation of data presented by the 1937 ASHE report on "Oil Engine Costs". It was interesting to note data from the D. B. U. A., "Report on Heary Oil Engine Working Costs, 1940-41". Page 33 lists lubricating oil -32- data from this report. Page 34 shows a more uo-to-date picture on lubricating oil economy. It was concluded that the figure 2000—3000 rated hphr per gallon of lubricating oil represents a reasonable value for estimating purposes. -Data from 0. d. U. A. "Report on Heavy-Oil Engine'Working Costs, 1940-41": TABLE II LUEQICATIYG OIL 500301138 Year % Stations with Wore than A11 Stations Average 2380 bhphr per gallon bhphr per gallon 1922-23 29 1330 1923-24 25 1390 1924-25 22 1455 1925-26 33 1615 1926-27 36 1470 1927-28 32 1490 1929-29 25 1345 1929-30 23 1385 1930-31 24 1720 1931-32 32 2010 1932-33 44 2385 1933-34 37 2190 1934-35 44 2150 1935-36 43 2185 1936-37 47 2275 1937-38 40 1870 1938-39 48 2030 1939-40 40 2140 1940-41 43 2120 Data from.ASHE, "Report on Oil Engine Power Costs, 1948": TABLE III EHGITE DETAILS AND OPJRATlfG IUPORIATION ) Plant No. Engine No. Rated Eng. bhp Rated hphr per Gallon new lube oil) 82 4 3300 5370 82 5 3300 3471 82 6 3060 3088 82 7 3850 2640 686 l 2250 5131 686 ,2 3850 7882 686 6 3850 9121 52 4 2865 6442 52 5 2865 6739 52 6 3000 8105 1381 l,2,3,4 4 @ 3060 4115 109 5 2250 7229 109 6 3200 2829 111 6 3000 2410 42 2 2250 2842 42 3 2250 2789 1280 4 2000 3274 289 6 2150 5791 46 l 2250 1453 129 2 2250 2489 831 l 2250 2630 From the preceding, total engine output would equal (5,580,000) (1.39) or 7,750,000 hphr. Assuming a value of 2600 hphr per gallon, the lubricating oil requirements per season would be (7,750,000) over (2600) or 2980 gallons. “r. J. U. Keen of the Helverine Electric Co-op remark- ed that 55 cents per gallon would represent a current price for lube oil. Hence, the estimated cost for lubricating oil would be (2980)(.55) or 1340 dollars. The estimate on plant labor was based on the following: Tr. G. C. Boyer, in his "Diesel and Cas-Ergine Power Plants", presented a graphi- cal illustration of plant labor data using information from the 1937 Le) AS‘i Report on Oil Engine Cost. This information appears in Figure 8. With reference to'Vigure 8, it is seen this data indicates that a capa- city of 6900 bhp would require 4 man-hours per installed brake horse- power per year. The foregoing would mean (6900)(4) or 27,600 man—hours per year. For a season of 94 days, the labor requirement would be (94) (27,600) over 365 or 7100 man-hours. Figure 8 also illustrates T"7r. Lee Schneitter's interpretation of plant labor statistics for 1937. In terms of his graphical presentation, a plant of 5000 KW capacity would require 25,000 man-hours per year. For a 94 day period this would mean a total of 6520 man-hours. A study of the 1948 Report on Cil Engine Cost revealed that six plants listed had essentially the engine size in question. Data on these stations is offered. -35... Plant No. Total KW Capacity Kwhr per man-hour 82 11,622 862 686 8,976 861 52 8,379 1084 1381 8,220 1267 109 6,831 663 42 4,096 814 The average kwhr per man-hour for this group is 925. Since this proposal involves 5,580,000 kwhr per season, the man- hours per season would be 5,580,000 over 925 or 6030. It was concluded that 7000 man-hours should be used for estimating purposes. The probable average wage rate to be paid in this locality would be approximately $1.75 per hour. Hence, estinated plant labor cost will equal (7000)(1.75) or 312,250 dollars. Fixed charges for power producing machinery are determined generally on the basis that an equal payment will be made each year covering both the interest on the outstanding indebtedness as well as a portion of the principal. The annual fixed charges required to spread the investment cost over a period of twenty years was determined through use of an equal annual payment table.* For a total investment of $750,000 and as- suming a 63 interest rate, the annual payment would equal (750,000) (.0872) or 65,500 dollars. To establish repair and miscellaneous costs, the A0”E "Report on Oil Engine Cost, 1948" was used as follows. There were six plants listed whose installations involved engines approximately of the size under consideration. A tabulation for these stations was made. l Footnote on payment table. -5 6... REPAIR.AYD VISCELLAYEOVS C03TS .- - o. - _.—--_- .. -- Plant Yo. Plant ”0. Plant V0. Plant Po. Plant No. Plant 70. 52 82 109 686 1381 1352 1943 1.14 - - 0.49 0.27 0.96 1944 1.11 - - 0.83 0.47 2.48 1945 1.67 - - 0.27 0.56 1.35 1946 1.56 - - 1.00 0.53 2.99 1947 2.45 2.29 0.43 1.00 0.47 - 1948 1.22 2.45 0.53 0.79 0.64 - The author concluded that 1.5 mills per net kwhr would be a repre- sentative value to use for estimating purposes. Hence, this item would involve a total of (5,seo,ooo)(.0015) or 5550 dollars. -37— APPSI‘T'DIK V EST “ATED PACKAGE BOILER COST DAT Fixed Charges-- (1) Cost of a (VU-10)163, Combustion Sngineering- Superheater, Inc., boiler complete with setting materials, burner windbox, gas burners, forced draft fan.and drive, combustion control, and including the services of a superintendent........931,500.00 (2) Cost of labor required for installation........... 15,400.00 (3) Cost of alterations to North Campus boiler room... 10,000.99_ Total investment cost..............956,900.00 The annual fixed charges required to spread this investment cost over a period of twenty years was determined through use of an equal annual payment table. For a total investment of $56,900 and assuming a 61 interest rate, the annual payment would equal (56900)(.0872) or 4970 dollars. Operating cost-- (1) The estimated maintenance cost would be $1575 over 10 or 157.5 dollars per year. Since the unit would be expected to operate only 94 days of the year, the maintenance cost ntuld be (157.5)(94) over 365 or 41 dollars. (2) It will be assumed that package boiler labor can be con- sidered as part of the Diesel plant labor costs. (3) An estimate on fuel cost was obtained as follows: Assume an average flow of 30,000 lb. per hour for 94 days. This would total (50000)(24)(94) or 6,775,000 pounds of process steam. Assume a liquid at 140 degrees Fahrenheit -38... entering the boiler and a saturated vapor at 100 psi gage leaving. This would require addition of heat energy at the rate of approximately 1082 btu per pound. Since the heat- ing value of natural gas is about 1000 btu per cubic foot and assuming overall boiler efficiency to be 76.1 percent, the volume of gas required is (6,775,000)(1082) over (1000) (.761) or 9,640,000 cu. ft. Applying the data in Appendix IV (cost of natural gas), the boiler fuel cost would be (9,640,000)(.47) over (1000) or 4540 dollars. -39.. APPBHDIX VI The data on "electrical energy bought and sold" enotes that 94531 was the purchase price for 181,000 kwhr in the period June 10 - September 15, 1950. This would represent a unit cost of 25 mills per kwhr. The Diesel installation could be used to handle such a situation. Inasmuch as fixed costs, etc., have already been charged to the summer account, the cost for this additional service would involve cost of fuel required, lube oil charge, and cost of repairs. That is, the unit cost of operation would be determined as follows: (30760 plus 1640 plus 8350) over 5,580,000 or 7.3 mills per kwhr. Thus the Diesel installation would reduce the cost by (.025 minus .0073) (181,000) or $3200 per summer period. ELECTRICAL EHERGY BOUGHT AID SOLD TO LAESIHG BY THE XICHIGAH STATE COLLSGE POWER PLAT? M Period June 10th - September 15th KWHR KWHR Overall Year Bought Sold Liability Asset Cost 1945 49,000 269,000 $1231 $558 $693 1946 41,000 297,000 1031 594 437 1947 149,000 293,000 3731 586 3145 1948 175,000 398,000 4361 796 3585 1949 161,000 392,000 4031 784 3247 1950 181,000 388,000 4531 776 3755 4 . . I. ...t. - .~ 1 by ‘ .all?‘ (,1! 1 , 1 0 l. . .. p v ‘ l! 4 .9 - x . . .. -. 9. _ . . a . J v u m a to y. b 9 . .D o . ‘ l\ n ‘ , L I 0"l t3, [-4 a .93.,” 99., ., 9.3 03.... or?) 4 9,3 3. ..o o. . —\J A .... (L 7 § . PS» 3 wasp. mom k»... k.» . ll. .4.) \l l .11 .4 ..J...»DLU ...M .4. r S. (rd, 'b L a V“. VIN F... VuM‘ 7. 5. pg- 1 . -\4 r' m; 9% r: I“. “fir; ( ‘ . t n a ~. ..I . In... ..I ’4; ..u ‘0 . r. A r U. ..gL . -.. .. a ....I .1 I .... . .‘ , n. . ... ... . .... . It, .. . .... o. f \ .. . .... - v.1 a . _ .. 1 _ a r. 1.4.4. a). n. ,1): d. r :1 . ....du . ... L . . ..d .a y . . .; .x .r 5.. ‘. . . 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I i -...‘ ‘ To.) -3 a) - \._' '3 . l J j river-itafirflw-‘HMP‘IH I . - - . - . g (4) ‘3." C .1; .1) H.) 1L- [1! 'u .I’; .lLJ-flC: ,1 ’1 3.: v"- ;,.\ I :4, P4 Pa H M r1 r4 '4 r4 .4 I } a; ~o <2. n“; =0 a x.) h r» :- ‘ f - ( 1 C) L,_‘. (..L b T) t v ,3 ".- 5 r‘1t'ir"r"!r4r4r‘1o-4HH r I ~ #4 l, _ , H4 -..- ». saw u 'n .4 .4 .. ,4 .9 c; ".- 4‘; 9.4 (5 ¢ . 3 n A’. ,, O 4 q ; J i . H ”51' ;—- . a ' 0 .v. (“Q .‘1 .J 1:» IV 5 1". N '95 1‘... l .t‘r'v' -. .. ...!- ... ..‘._ ... ‘v'\ ‘9’. , '. 'u'r‘ ‘§f tff‘l .Lm .- "'- 1, x. lili'lll r‘ 1 of 2 sheets “LIT-233 Sheet No. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Running Log MW MICHIGAN_SIAIE_QQLLEQE_EQWEB_ELANT Wa— OWL Delich, Michael L D.“ N931. 22 '19 5Q LL L L L L L L L L L L L L L . LoadL No. Total No.LTot21 No. TotalL No. potal No. Total zLIKW) LHours Hours LHours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours iours A . L L , _ 1L2600L--L--L 1L 1L 129L357 L 557L18L 94 859 2;L 2500‘ - - L 2! 5 L 1’10 .1177 L 71 815 ' 70 909 3L 2100L 11 1' 0L 5 L 90 [567 ,L 70,1 885 L 117 1026 4: 2300* 0L 1L 5: 8 L 50 i617 ‘ 68 L 955 L 88 1110 L 5| 2200L 5L 8 58' .86 L 61 L678 L 91 1088 L 120 1250 L 6L 2100L 5; 9 55L 101 L 90 L768 L 91 L1155 L 118 154A.[ 71 2000L 17L 26 167L 268 L 80 '848 L 118 L1255 L 185 1887 L 8L 1900i 85L 71 159L L127L 105 .951 L 87715LLoL 105 1592 L 9 1800 L 119 190 122, 5‘09r 1761127 L 188L152L1L 161 1755 i 10L.17oo. 1&7L 557 105L 658‘ 128 1251 L 107 L1651 L 155 1886 ; 11L 16ooL 115L ASOL 100L 754 96 1587 L 198 11829 L 151 2017 L 127 1500. 150 580 175L 929 11611165 L 58 L 1887! 95 2110 L :ni 1800; 106, 686 1581 1085 171 1654 _L 167_L205u L 107 2217 L 14 .1500: 108; 790 175L 1256L 21L 888 L L2 :2096 L 90 2507 L 15! 1200' 11191 958 215,: 11171 599 2287 L 57 L 2155 L LL 2511 _' 16; 1100L 208 1182 198L 1669 80 2527 L 1 J21511 L - - - - L 17L.1000L 597 1559 L677 2155. 24 2551 L - - - - 1 - - - - L 181 9004 550 2089 205; 2556 9'2551 L - - - - - - - - 1 19L 800. 216L 2505 8L 25487 1 2552 L - - - - - - - - 20L 700L 2LL 2529. - -L - - - - - -L - - -- - - - - L 21L EOOL. 11 25301 - -L - -_L - " " 'L " ‘ ' ‘L " "' " "' 22 L . . 1 4 L L L 23. L L L L L 2A. L ..L ; L 221' L__- ,1- L _:L___-_1 _1_..._.,_.___..____L____ __1 -L- __ um-m Sheet No._2_Qf_2_shae ts MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE RunningLocol I -T or MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE POWER PLANT Lee, Douglas 0W{ Delich, Michael { Date NOV- 22 .19 5.1L 1216 1917 1918 1919 1950 6 Load ‘ No. Total No. Total No. Total No. Total No. Total 2 (KW) Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours .0°_4.°°Q‘PR.°°-‘°"‘ SD var-a “.9 H H .... H 9‘ Pt-..“ N 16 Silfi ES §3E3 E323 33:3 1600,. ------ . --------- , --------- 1. 1. 1500 ------------------- 1. 1. 2. 5. 1100 ------------------ 1 2. 5. 8. 1500 ------------------ 2 1 5: 15- 1200 ------------------ 5 9 lo, 25 1100 ------------------ 6, 15 22. 15 1000 ------------------ _ 9, 21. 35. 80 5900 . ------ .- - -. --------- 20 11+ 57. 117. 5800. - - -.- - -. ------ . ------ . 55. 79. 50. 167 5700. ------ .-- -.---, ------ 53 112 55. 222. L 56000 - - -‘ --------------- L 69. 181. 12, 261 5500 ------------ 1 1. 11 225 55. 297 5100 ------------ 1 2 18 275 16. 515. 5500 ------ .- - -.- - -. 1, 5, 18. 521. 51. 591.. 5200 -- - -.- - -. ------ 1 7 61. 585 15. 157.. 5100 ------ . ------ . 6. 15. 71 159 52. 189 5000, - - -.- - -.- - -.- - -. 11 27. 85. 512 65. 552 2900 . ------ . ------ , 21 18. 50. 592 12. 59 - 2800 - - -.- - -. ------ _ '50 98. 61 656. 79. 675. 2700..- _ -_ ...... .- — -. 110 208. 55_ 691. 72, 715. Rbnuwku “LIT-232 Sheet No..l_QI ’5 shaats MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Rm.“ Log .7 013101111115;0 PROCESS 5153111 911011 MICHIGAN STATE COLLEJE 90129 PLANT _Ls_a_,_D.o.uglas___ °m{ Delich, Michael { Dueflot. 6 '195_Q_ F s s M T w » Th F s s H (\l N'\ ,j- LI'\ \O L‘- CD 0\ S p .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .8 .5 .5 a 9 9 9 8* 9 8 9 9 9 311 CD U) U) U) (I) U) U) U) (I) U) 5 1 ______u_ __ ___ (Ppunds per HQUPLL-___1 _1. 1_____ 1 12-1 -28000 51500 29100 51500 51500 10100 58500 28700 50200 29800 2 1-2 .52500 50200 51100 50000 11500 11700 56500 50900 50700 27600 3. 2-5 -51100 51100 50900 50600 15700 10200_56500 28100 51500 29200 4 5-1 .51500 50100 29700 51100 55600 15100 58100 29200 50000 29100 5 1-5 51100 51000 29800 51500 57800 12200 55800 25500 50000 28100 6 5-6 -50000 52100 51500 26100 55500_58500 56000 29900 28900 21800 7. 6-7 -22000 27800 50600 55500 50100 15500 59500 21500 51000 21500 8 7-8 _12500 55500 28500 50500 29100 11600 12600 25500 51100 12000 9_ 8—9 .59500 50700 51800 51500 57600 19900 12100 26500 55100 50000 10 9-10 29000 52500 29600 55100 11500 18700 11100 50800 51100 52500 11 10-11 50600 55000 29500 50700 12700 18200 58100 20500 50100 50500 12 11—12 51500 56000 50100 56100 16200 16800 59700 55800 57100 29800 13 12-1 -12500 55800 52700 51800 17200 16700 52100 27800 57500 50500 14. 1-2 .51500 28700 55200 52200 12800_57700 51200 21200 28100 27700 15. 2-5 . 1200 52100 51000 55100.59700 11900 55900 21800 52200 51700 16. 5-1 ”51700_51800,50900 52700 58500 12800 58500 27000 29700 50200 17, 1-5 -55900 50800 29800 52200 57500 11900 57800 27100 51100_29500 13 5-6 ”52900 50900 59900 51500 58500 10900 52700 51700 50100 29500 19 6-7 ,51800_52800.50600 51500.58500 10600 52500 57800 51000 29700 20 7-8 .52100 51200 51100 50600 5800o_59100 51500 56100 50600 29200 21 8-9 .51200 51700 29800_50800 57500 57700_52100 50900 51100 29500 22 9-10.11600 55600 55100 28500 15000 59600 28800 55800.50100.29500 23 10-11 56000 51500 28500 55900 11700 15900_55500 52800 51600 29500 24 11-12 52800 52100 29700 51500 52500 11200 52800 52100_50800 50500 :25:- Remarks: MLIT-ZJZ Sheet No. 2 Of" 3 sheets MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE CALCULATED PROCESS STEAM FLOW MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE POKER PLANT Running Log of Date OCt- 6 .1959— Hour I ___.._._..1.1 12.31 Sept. 15 :3 Sth 0 Sept. 11 g“ .12—1 . 1-2 . 2-5 . 5--l . 1-5 . 5-6 . 6-7 . 7-8 9. 8-9 10. 9-104 11.10-11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -28800 .29900 -28900 -29100 ..27500 -50600 .21900 .51200 .55200 55700 55000 12.11-12,12100 13,12-1 14E 1-2 15, 2-5 16. 5-1 17.11-5 H1 5-6 19. 6-7 20! 7-8 21. 8-9 22, 9-10 2310-11 2411-12 Remarks: -59800 -51600 .57500 155500 .51500 .27100 .55500 -51500 -50000 ”28500 .50800 .21100 -:2111:11_ 2.9500 29500 .28100 .27700 28700 -28700 .28500 27500 .59500 57100 .55900 .51100 29000 .59600 .51500 55800 .55600 ,56600 35200 .51900 .52000 .55 200 .52700 52100 .51800. .29600. .29100. .29200 .28800 .28500. 28800 .56000 56600 56100. .50100. .58500. .57200. .09500 .56500 556100. .55100. .55000 .57000. .51500. .55500. .55100 11600 11500 18900 52600 52100 51500 50100 51500 51100 27200 51100 .19000 .18600. .57100. 17100 16500 18600 16100 18600 15500 11500 18800 11500 11800 16800 .56900 .56200 .55200 55900 .57500 55500 11200 17590 18100 55200 19900 .52500 51700 50100 50800 15200 15500 18500 10500 Sept. 16 m ; (Pounds.per.flour1- Sept. 17 02 1| Sept. 19 5% .59100 15700 16500 18200 12700 55900.17000 15200 11500 55700 15100 16100 10900 55200 16100 11800 51000 16200 11500 .16800 11600 55100 50700 10700 .56800 56800 51000 51900 - - - . 51500 51500 51600 15500 16500 50500 15500 18500 16500 58500 16500 50300 58800 16100 19100 19700 18800 .55100 18100 50100 18100 17100 51500 19000 16000 16000 18000 50000 756100 56100 16100 17900 50100 16800 51600 60100 Sflwo 59600 56900 51600 55700 53700 57500 55900 55700 56100 52600 50800 10800 15000 11500 10200 16500 51500 58500 57700 59900 59500 55700 18500 60500 56100 51000 51600 50600 17600 17100 10000 56200 56100 11500 15000 Sept. 20 55200 1 51900 . 28200 . 51500 50900 - 55500 v 28000 . 10200 n 55500 1 51500 - 57000 . 55700 51500 .. 17800 - 10500 . 58600 . 56900 - 58900 - 10700 - 11600 - 51500 . 55200 . 56900 . - - - o MLIT-232 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Sheet No. 3 of 5 sheets Rmum.‘ CALCULATED 9900205 5151*? 9110:; MICHIGAN 31:22 COLLEGE 901:9 PLANT Lee. Douglas OW mDfillQll.._1M £118.31” _ { Date Oct- 6 .1950_ F s s M T w Th 10 18 $3 03 2} Si 51 3 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 8 2 2 2 2 2: 21 2 ___£1_____ __ _______-___(Pou_nds_per__-Hour),_. _ _ __ __ 1 I _ 1 12-1 - - - 27800 20500 17600 - - - 51200 29900 2 122 - - - 5000 20100 18700 - - -_51200 51600 3 2-5 -- - - 25000 500 20500 - - - 51100 50700 4. 5-1 -- - - 21500 12000 20500 - - - 55100 29900. 5 1-5 215 21500 19600 18200 - - - 51100 51500 6_ 5-6 - - - 21500 27200 15200 - - - 51500 55700 7 6-7 - - - 21900 18800 25200 - - - 56000 51000. 8 7-8 - - - 32700 18100 50000 - - - 27000 52500 9 8-9 7- - - 21500_17100_28500 - - - 11800 55800_ 10_ 9-10 - - - 25200 21100.55200 - - - 27100 57100 11 10-11 - - - 20100 21700 50500 - - - 56500 57600_ 12.11-12.- - - 20000 22700 56500 - - - 56900 58100. 13 12-1 - - - 29500 22800 55100 - - - 5860055100.. 14. 1-2 - - - 15100 19700_28000 - - - 52500 55100. 15 205 - - - 50100,22600_52900 - - - 55500 55100_ 16 591 .- - -.l1700 20500 51600 - - - 56100 55800 17. 1-5 -15600 25200 20600 555000- - - 55100 56500 18 5-6 .21700 11100 18900 55600 - - - 55800 51500 19. 6-7 .21500 27100 22000 29700_- - - 52900_55100 20. 7-8 .19700 25700 19600 21800 - - - 55800 56800_ 21, 8-9 ,26800 19000 22500.57100 - - - 55500055100, 22. 9-10 28900 21800 19200 29700.- - - 55100 51100. 23 10-11.18800 19900.22900.51100 - - -.56600 56800. 24.11-12.25900.21100 20500 21900 - - - 51500.55700. 25;; HLIT-ZJZ Sheet No._l_Qf_l_SllQ6t MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE ‘ \r Runnlndlaoflof I : -~ N :I D: : - g"... '1" ul . 01 .a. STEAM DATA - MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE POWER PLANT Lee 0 0mm{ Delich1 Michael { pm Dec. 28 ,195Q_ 1 1 1:11:35; I I ' ' \o ! [\- (I) ‘ 0 i o I I 8 , l 1: ’ 13 ..3. ' 3 3 ) g I ’ g‘ ‘ 3' ' 03‘ ‘00 1 E? 4 l. I m ! m J 00 , 00 . 01 . 2° L , |LEOLJII is per Hour) 7 f 1'. '1 112-1: I ...... ; I 21 1-2 1 i -------------- 5— - -I ‘ I 3: 2-5 ‘ T - - -L --------- ‘- - -I ' 1 41 5-1 I I - - -. ------------ I I I 5’1-5‘: { ---' --------- 7---‘ I II :07 I ---; ......... ---I 7 1 :I. 5.7:! g ......... I---I I a. 7-9 .3 _: - - -I ......... :— - -1 I I I 103 9-10I I - - -{57600 - - -§- - -:19800 - I 11I10-11: : - - - 55500- - -.18000‘16500. I I 12111-121 i - - “551500 28800 18800.19200 4 _ I 13112'1 ‘ 1 .- - -;- - - 21000 19800.198001 I L 14; 1-21 I 52500!29500.26500I- - - 20500_ 7 L 15I 2—5 I I 55000151500 21100 17200 20100. .I [ 16%.5-1 1 i 50100750500121800.15600T- - -' I L 171 1-5 i 1 51500I55500126900 20600?- - "i I i 18. 5-6 a ! l50100.27100f21000 - - -§- - -I I i 19! 6-7 i !- - -§- — -I- - -I- - -I- - -I general . .--} ------ 1---; . 21 8-9 1 '98899 - - -; ------ I- - -_: I 1 22! 9-101 I 51500?- - -l- - - — - -4- - - E i I 23 10 III » 21500';- - -’ ------ l- - -. I 2411-121 I 20900-j- - J ------ 1 - - 1 951'- 5 I __l_._,i___:1l___._____L __._;._. _._ i_::—_:l— :2 :1 —, 1:11 — - A; Remarks: . h . fi . u 1.3.. _ ..N‘a...ku1 . c] Q.. 0 1| - . u. . 1 .0 r , .. 1. . .. ......d... 1 ; ..- n. .1. -1 1 . :11... 1 .\ . Ila—flu!» 33 .1399: Ix. . 3" ’.O r. . o. .14; .1 . . . 1183311...... 1-.. . . 0. '7 ..., . 11.. . V... 1 1 J/vl» . .. 1..! 1 l. _ 1 4‘11.l ~H‘111... «:91 o .‘I‘ . . 1 L ‘ I V I L. .ov _ w. 1 . . u m ¢ l .1? 1 . . . . 1 7 . A 1 L .1 . . 1 L ...“MV 0 . t“.|-o&\3\ ‘1. .. 1- I 1' ‘3 . . 11 \ .... ..HW....3.. . 1...? _. . ”'IIIIIIII111111I1111[11111111111111111111'ES