__:_:.__:___:. E__:_:_:_=:_::_:_.:_::_§_. .1. .01 M. c . a. C .0 .1 a This is to certify that the thesis entitled Development of a Negative Stain for a Direct Microscopic Count for Ruminal Microorganisms. presented by Karl Kereluk has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for l‘l,S! degree in BaCteTiOlog‘y Maj professor Date June 6, 1952 0-169 bar]. Kereluk WHENT OF A NEBATIVE STAIN FOR A DIRECT MICROSCOPIC COUNI‘ F011 W MICBDORGLNIS'IS (in Abstract) Amberofnethodsforthe countingofruninal nmormims has been developed (Kohler, 191.03 Van der ms, 191.1, 191.8; Bortree, 191.8; an, 191.9). Gall has developed the better method in as much as her total counts are higher than those by aw of the other methods. The Irrita- has observed that stains made by her method have given some difficulty in use. It was the purpose of this research to find another stain thich would be satisfactory. A survey of the majority of the negative stains, which could be applicable to this method, was made. These stains which were unsatisfactory are: congo red, indulin, netlvl blue, aniline blue, and rose bengsh The follofing steinpreparetionnsfoundto be satisfactory: Mgrosine, water soluble, certified W the Commission on Standsrflzstion of Biological Stains eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 10.0 m Distilled Inter eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 100.0 101 Fomslin (W) seeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeee 0.5 In]. One part of the aqueous nigrosine stain is added to three parts of 95 percent ethyl alcohol and filtered through s Seits filter tiles; Otrtl10fDQOQNQdIOIFIF£OrDOIO IYQQ‘.QF“OOU‘OQ4O IO$OODIOiOOQPI".'V‘ Karl Kereluk A control user should be made and mined adore- scOpioele. The smear should have an ova: distribution of the gray-black color 1i thout any perforations in the curtain of stain. Bell's method has followed with three exceptions: l. A two .mmmeter loop was used in the place of a three miJJineter loop. 2. A circle with an area of four square centimeters was used in place of s. square their, 1951). 3. The above described stain was used in the place of Gell's. Comte on feces from cattle were run in dualicate using the above described stein in Gell's method and the chamber saluting method. ihe modified stein, a direct. microscopic count method, showed a higher nunber of organism than did the chamber counting method. WHEN! OF A NEGATIVE STAIN FOR A DIRECT MICROSCOPIC ' COURT FOR EWINAL MICIDORGANISMS Karl Kereluk \s AMI!) admitted to the school of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requiruents for the degree of mom 0? SCIENCI Deparhent of Bacteriology and Public Health Year 1952 rumor com Acknowledgments.................................1 I. Introduction...............................2 11. Historical Review..........................3 III. Methods of Procedure.......................8 IV. Experimental Studies......................12 V. Results...................................21 VI. Conclusion................................23 VII. literature Oi.ted.....;....................24 m”.COOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0COOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO00.0.26 ‘9" (V Acknowledgments The author vdshes to express his sincere thanks to Dr. H. L. MsJJJnann for his helpful suggestions and guidance. The writer appreciates the financial support given to him by the United States Department of Agriculture, Agri- culture Research Administration, Bureau. of Dairy Industry, Washington, D. 0. Be is also indebted to Hr. E.‘ S. Churchill, Dr. C. K. Mth, and Dr. C. 1". Hufman for their assistance in one we: or another, and to Dr. E. S. Beneke for his help in taking the photomicrograph. Mr. s. Ellsworth collected the samples. - Introduction .. Of all. the symbiotic relationships between manuals and micro-organisms, the most important to mans' economyis found in the minants (Hastings, 191.1,); the ruminating mm such as cattle, sheep and goats construe and digest large quantities of pasture grass, hay or other cellulose-containing roughage feeds. It has been shove: that micro-organisms are ' chiefly responsible for the decotaposition of cellulose in the rum and that investigators have failed to detect the presence of the necessary cellulose-digesting enzymes in the digestive secretions of the host animal (Mdnally, Hillipeon, 19M) .‘ There is a distinct need for a satisfactory method of determining microscopically the amber of bacteria in run contents. Methods uploying a podtive staining of the bacteria have been matisfactory due to difficulty in distinguishing between debris md microorganisms and inability to see the minute nicrococci appsrmtly comma to rush contents. Although the counting chambernethodisperhapsbetter than the stained preparation it is difficult to use and the results may not be too accurate. A third method consists of a stained preparation using negative “9131118. lash of the latter two nethods have boa recon-tended -2- for use. Each has its limitations. In this study an attenpt was made, first , to improve the negative staining technique of Gall; and second, to check the improved negative staining techniques derived against the chamber method. - Historical Review - There seems little doubt that cellulose-digesting micro- organisms are extrenelv important in the digestion of plant materials in ruminants (Tappeiner, 1884, Baker, 1935). However,“ attempts to grow them and to study then under controlled condi- tions lave been \mifomly unsuccessful. Some of the men proto- zoa have been shown to digest cellulose (Hungate, 194.2). The re- moval of these protozoa does not impair the rate of cellulose digestion and it is concluded that other organisms also exercise this function (Becker, Schulz, Emerson, 1929). Henneberg (1922) applied direct microscopy to the de- tection of the micro-organisms concerned in the digestion of structural cellulose. He showed the preponderance of micro-organisms that underwent a blue color reaction with iodine. He observed the cellulolytic bacteria within the eroded cavities of plant material. He emphasized the relationship of the micro-orgaxisms and cellulose on this basis. Baker and Harris (1947-108) confirmed the work of Henne- berg. 1316;? observed and distinguished between a free iodo- phile population consisting of micro-organisms suspended in the ruminal or caecal liquids and a fixed iodOphile popula- tion attached to and acting upon structural celluloszbc mate1~ -3- ial of the ingesta. The morphological characteristics of the iodophiles were studied in detail by Baker (191.2) who distinguished the following forms: 1. W.W a colorless spore-forming osdflnrian. 2. A mt m, divided by transverse septa into spherical or ovoidal compartments. 3- has: ”Esta! 233459.210 It. An unidmtified W m (bacterial forming rosette-shaped oscillations of 5 to 30 units. '5. m’m of 2 to 8 units. Elsden (1948) states that true criteria must be fulfilled before an organism can be said to be a functional member of the men pepulation. First, the organism must perform a chemical reaction known to occur in the men; second, the organism must be present in the rmen in sufficient numbers to perform this reaction. He also pointed out that the isolation in pure culture and study of orgatdsns responsible for the chemical changes in the runenaremost important, butthat analysis ofruaen population will. not be achieved by the "haphazard application of standard bacteriological procedures." ‘ 69,11 and Huhtanen (1951) state that not all. bacteria present in the men are true ruse: organisms. Contamina- tion of the men is constantly occurring from outside sou-cos. Since there are about one hundred billion bacteria -1... per gram of men content, only the organisms present in one million per gram, or not outnumbered by more than one to 100,000 by other bacteria, are considered significant. is the rmen is an anaerobic organ, it would sea that an organismmustbeableto carrysnanaembicnetabolisnin order to survive. The following is their criterion for Judging a true runen bacterium '1. n1. bacterium must be anaerobic. 2. he bacterium must be duonstrated to be present in at least one million per gram of runs: contents. 3. the bacterial must be isolated repeatedly under these conditions. At least ten isolations of the same pure "type" culture, as shots! by selected‘screen tests, are considered flmmm. 1.. n1. bacterium: must be isolated in the animals in at least two geographical localities. 5. The bacterium must produce lid products thich can be netaholissd by other ma: bacteria to end products found in the men. All five of these conditions should be net before a bacteria: is accepted as a tune runen bacterial." Since micro-organism play such an important role in the breakdoun of cellulose in the rumm, a total count of the bacteria present would help to shed some light on the complex problu. Kohler (191.0) was among the first to attack the problm of finding a method of counting Moro-organisms present in the men. His technique involved centrifuging a suitable -5- dilution of rumen sample at 800 to 1,000 rpm, concentrating the sample by a bacterial filter, and staining the bacteria with carbol fuchsin. Then 0.01 ml of the material is spread on a cover slip over an area 30 x 2700 139:2 and examined microsc0pically. It was difficult to distinguish cocci from debris in the sample. Rods and cocci were counted separately. In the case of chains of organisms, each cell was counted separately. The direct count for the rods averaged 2,373,900,000 per ml; and for both rods and cocci, the aVerage count was 12,980,100,000 per ml. Van der Wath (1941) reported a method of counting the infusoria from the rumen of sheep. Material for the infusorial count was always withdrawn at 9 A. M. After shaking the sample vigorously, one ml was drawn into a wide mouth pipette and added -to seven or eight ml of corrosive- sublimate-alcohol fixative. After washing with alcohol- iodine and 70 percent alcohol, the sample was stained with borax-carmine. The stained nnterial was suspended in 3 ml of oil of cloves in which it was preserved. After diluting to one to ten or one to 100 in oil of cloves, a dr0p of known volume from a capillary pipette was placed on a glass slide and covered with a cover slip. The total number of infusoria per dmp was counted from which the number per m1 of ingesta was then calculated. A Petroff-Hauser bacterial counting chamber for making ruminal counts is described by Van der Wath (191:8). After -6... thoroughly shaking the fixed ruminal sample, a final dilution of one to #00 is made. Three-tenths ml of 1 percent nile blue sulphate is added to the final dilution as the stain. A Thomas Zeiss pipette is filled with the final dilution and the counting chamber filled. The chamber is allowed to stand for three or five minutes in order to allow the bacteria to settle. Ten blocks of nine small squares are counted (giving the total number of bacteria in 90 squares) and the total bacteria computed by a known formula. Van der Hath states that these counts are, of course, not necessarily true total counts, since an unknown percentage of organisms penetrates into or becomes absorbed by food particles. The total count as given is, therefore, always considered as less than the true count. Bortree 91; _c_a._]_.-. (1911.8) used a chamber counting method similar to Van der wath‘s, modified by using another stain and by the number of small squares counted. At present in this laboratory, the counting method of Bortree 93 9.1.. (1948) is being used for a ruminal bacteria count. The method will be described under procedures. Gall.g§.§;. (19h?) were the first to describe a counting method employing a negative stain. The principle used in the counting method is the same as that of the direct milk count; however, certain modifications were made to adapt the technique to the Special purpose of counting ruminal bacteria. - methods of Procedure - The counting method of Bortree ,3; a}. (1948) is as follows: Preparation of the stain: Ten ml of ethyl alcohol is esturated with crystal violet (gentian violet). One ml of this solution is added to 1.9 ml of distilled water. The stain is'heated to 60 0., filtered and used. Usual procedure and dilutions: Five ml of men ingests is added to 10 ml of 10 percent formalin and sluken. Three ml of this samle is pipetted into 22 m1 of sterile distilled water and again shaken. One ml is pdpetted into eight ml of sterile distilled water and one ml of stain is added. This ismixedwellandheatedoverablmsenburnsrmtilitbmnps slightly. The counting chamber is filled by using a mona- Zeiss blood pipette. he counting chamber is of the Petroff- Hauser type. One~htmdred mill squares on the top and the bottom of the ruled area are counted and the average of the umber of bacteria per 100 squares is calculated. h using the following formula the total number of bacteria in one n1 can be determined: , No. of bacteria .. Ave. no. of bacteria per 100' squares I per m1 of sample ution 20 20 0 000 No. of mall squares counted 20x203dseofsma11squares orAOO 50 " depth of material ulth cover slip on the chamber 1,000 " conversion factor to change an to 1:0. No. of mall squares " 100 (after average has been found) Recently a slight modification has been made in dilutions -8... and in the counting of the organisms in the chamber. A fecal specimen1 is diluted one to ten and used as the sample. Ten m1 of the sample is pipetted into a test tube containing five ml of £50 percent formalin. The dilution is now one to 15. One ml of the above dilution is pipetted into seven ml of sterile distilled water. This gives a dilution of one to 120. One-half ml of the one to 120 dilution is pipetted into a test tube containing four ml of sterile distilled water and one-half ml of crystal violet stain. This final dilution is one to 1,200. A portion of the final dilution is pipetted into the counting chamber and the organisms are counted. Two hundred small squares are then counted, and by using a modifi- cation of the first formula the following calculation is made: No. of bacteria .. No. of bacteria per 200 squares per m1 of sample " x dilution (1,200) g 20 million 200 squares The disadvantages of the Petroff-Hauser chamber counting method are: 1. Movanent of the bacteria in the chamber. This takes time as the chamber on the microscope must remain stationary until the bacterial movanent has stopped. This waiting takes from two to five minutes. 2. There is a lack of clear differentiation between micro- organisms and plant debris. The direct staining method 1 v For the work on this problem, fecal material was used in the place of ruminal material because of the accessibility of the 88111131850 .- 9 - stains both the bacteria and plant debris making it hard to distinguish between the two. i . ' 3. The filled chambers cannot stand for a long period of time as evaporation will take place in the chamber. A. It is very cumbersome to fill the countingfchamber. Time, practice, and patience are needed to do a satisfactory Job. Gall g g... (1949) described a counting method for rmninal bacteria using a counting method similar to a direct milk count. Certain modifications were made to adapt the technique to the special purpose of counting ruminal bacteria. In brief, the method is as follows: "A 0.01 ml portion of the properly diluted sample is mixed with a 3 mm loopful of saturated methyl alcohol solution of watemolufle nigrosine and spread evenly over a 2 x 2 on area of a very clean slide. This slide is dried quickly on a very hot electric plate and 10 to 20 fields counted.u In following her inadequate descrip- tion of the counting technique, these difficulties were noted: 1. When using a clean slide (following her cleaning methods), the sample would be repelled by the loop 3 containing the stain and run over the 2 x 2 cm square, marked off by a wax pencil, before contact could be made. This may be due to static charges. A rapid contact of stain and sample gives a similar result. 'mis phenomenon occurred frequently enough to warrant mention. -10.. 2. ThemarkingefaZchmsquareonthe glass slide rould always leave may particles of pencil 19.x Itithin the area which has to be used for counting. 3. There is no mention of a control smear made on the stain alone. As there is no specification made on the filtering, the filtering was done with ordinary laboratory filter paper. If bacteria were present in the stain preparation they would, therefore, be counted on the slide. To rule out doubt that the organisms seen on the slide are organisms from the sample, a control smear should be made and the stain preparation containing bacteria should be discarded. 1.. When the 0.01 ml sample and the 3 mm loopful of stain are successfully mixed, the slide is rocked side to side to effect an even color. Slight shrinkage immediately takes place on the edge of the smear. The slide is placed on the very hot electric plate to dry. ihe smear dries unevenly or concentrates toward the center. On microscOpic examination of the smear, cracking is seen in the concentmted area (about one-fourth of the total smear). The cracking and the concentration interfere with the counting of ruminal organisms. Gall stated the following about the stain: "A large supply should preferably be made, so that it. can be used over a long period, since minor adjustment in the amount of dye desired to give the proper black background must be made with each lot, to suit the individual.” As mentioned, her stain is a saturated methyl alcohol solution of a water soluble nigrosine. The only adjustment which could be made would be the dilution. This lightens the background and reduces contrast. Due to the unpredictable behavior of the stain, no counts could be made. Cumley (1935) maintains that the (bra is derived from varying degrees of sulfonation; and the manufacturers make little claim as to the possibility of duplication of arm batch that has proven satisfactory for any special purpose. This may explain the unpredictable behavior of the stain. - Experimental Studies - It was the purpose of this research to find a negative stain which would overcome the difficulties encountered in Gail's method. A direct staining method was ruled out, as a direct stain only stains the cytOplasmic membrane and protOplasm while the cell wall and slime layer are not stained. This decreases the visibility of the organism. A direct staining method would increase the time necessary to find the smear with the oil immersion lens, inasmuch as a high dilution of the sample is needed to secure 10 to 30 organisms per field and it is difficult to focus on a smear when there are so few organisms present. A negative stain will increase the visitility of micro- organisms. Definition of small micrococci is important. Baker (1931, 1939) noted the action of small cocci in the -12.. disintegration of the cell wall substance. ihe cocci were present in clearly defined zones of erosion. The size of the cocci was 0.25 to 0.9 E and 0.1 to 0.2 gt}. Knaysi (l9h5) made a commarative study of the cell width of My; mug and M coides. heasuranents of the living cell in the median in which they were growing agreed with measurements on similar cells stained by a method shoudng the cell wall. In stained smears in which the cell wall was not visible, the cell appeared much smaller and represented the shrunken mass of protoplasm. The cell wall and slime luer are not stained with a negative stain but the stain outlines the cell wall and slime layer. "The organisms measure larger than their true size owing to the fact that the colloidal We film retracts on drying. A umber of negative stains was tested for their suitability in a direct counting method as prescribed by 0.1.1 gt 9;. (191.9). A control smear of the stain and a wear with a 0.01 ml sample of rumen liquor (diluted one to 100) and the stain were made on the same slide. As no comparative comts were to be made, the area covered by the smear was not controlled. It was important to have a clean slide for the prepara- tion of the smears. be following method has been used for cleaning the slides: 11:. slides were stored in a chromic acid cleaning solution for a few due, then rinsed in distilled water, dried, and stored in a clean (met-proof bots. Prior to using the slide, they were flamed and allotted to cool. -13.. Benian's Congo red method was the first staining tech- nique to be tried. stain preparation: Congo red (80 percent dye content) - 2 gm Matilled water - 100 ml Staining schedule: 1. Place a drop of the above stain on the slide. 2. Hi: the stain and the 0.01 ml diluted rumen sample and spread out into a rather thick film. 3. After the film has dried, wash with 1 percent hydrochloric acid. 1,. Dry. 5. hairline. Results: The cells are unstained against a blue background. be blue background as heavily textured. (A texture similar to the crinkly finish caused by baking certain types of black enamel.) m. textured background interfered with the visi- bility of the organisms. The torturing was found to be due to the fomalin present in the original. fecal ample. The fomalin was added as a preservative. Per further studies, fecal samples without fomslin were used. However, this staining method was very unsatisfactory because large sheets of the smear float off when the 1 percent hydrochloric acid was added. The parts of the smear which ranain on the slide show a very even distribution of the blue color. The stain gave a good contrast and the control smears show little or no interference from other organisms or artifacts. Various strengths (0.25%, 0.5%, 2%. 5%) 04'- the Wall-0H0 80541 were used to minimise flaking. This was unsuccessful. -11... A one-third percent hydrochloric acid solution made with 95 percent alcohol was tried and gave the same results. Two and one-half, five, and ten percent aqueous solu- tions of anilin blue, indulin, rose bengal, and methyl blue were next tried. Each preparation was heated and filtered before using. Smears were made in the same manner as that used with the Congo red stain. All the stains showed poor contrasting backgrounds. Two staining procedures were used. The first method was discarded after a series of 21.0 samples were tested be— cause of a desire to find a method that would eliminate the objectionable features that were found. In the first method the stain preparation, designated as nigrosine stain #1, was as follows: ' Nigrosine, water soluble (American nigrosine certified by Commission on Standardization of Biological Stains as orfinarily satisfactory)......................l0.0 gm Distilled water.................................100.0 ml Fomalin (AD percent).............................0.5 ml Ethyl alcohol (95 percent)........................5.0 ml The nigrosine is added to 100 ml of distilled water and stirred until the nigrosine has completely dissolved. Next the formalin and ethyl alcohol are added. The stain is fil- tered tvdce through a Seitz's filter. The stain should produce an even dark gray color on the slide. Procedure: The sample (rumen or fecal) is diluted in distilled water so that there -15.. are about five to twenty organisms per microscopic field (a dilution of one to 15,000). Ten ml of a one to ten dilution of the sample is placed in a test tube containing five ml of fonnalin, producing a one to 15 dilution. The sample is shaken vigorously for 30 seconds. One-tenth ml of the one to 15 dilution is pipetted into a dilution blank containing 99 ml of distilled water, producing a final di- lution of one to 15,000. The diluted sample (one to 15,000) is vigorously shaken for 30 seconds. I A 0.01 ml sample is pipetted from the dilution blank and placed on a clean slide. Care should be taken in pipet- ting the diluted sample onto the slide. The tip of the pipette is Wt into contact adth the clean slide at the cutter of the inscribed circle and the 0.01'ml sample is released. The tip of the pipette is lifted from the slide and again gently touched to the slide, near the original sample, todispellth'elastsmalldropwhichvdllcldngto the pipette. A 100p made of nichrome wire, with an inside diameter of 2 m is dipped into the prepared stain and is placed in con- tact trith the 0.01 ml sainple. By means of the nichrome loop the stain and sample are completely mixed and spread to form adrclewhichhaeanareaeffourequare cm. Heir (1951) used the migrosine slide technique des- cribedbyGallgtg. butmdifiedtheZ‘chnsquaretoa circle of the same area. He noted that less shrinking diffi- -16... culties were apedenced with the circle than with the square and the resultant slides were more uniform in density. A circle with a radius of 1.13 on gives an area of four square n. The slide is placed over a guide and the smear is made. After the stain and the sample are mixed and spread, the slide is rocked back and forth and side to side to achieve an even color. The slide is rapidly dried on a hot plate at 700 P. (A Stmbeam hot plate, model 1h B, was used.) The drying takes five seconds at the most. The slide is quickly removed, as a longer time on the hot plate will crack the slide. It has been found that 3 percent of the glass slides hill break from the intense heat of the hot plate. The breakage is usually due to imperfections in the glass slide and not from the short exposure to the heat. If the break occurs through the near, a duplicate slide should be made. After the slide has cooled, it is ready to be examined microscopi- cal]: and the bacteria counted. The microscope is calibrated by following the directions in the 9th edition of W Methods for them p_f_ alumnae. The bacteria will appear white against the dark gray of . the negative stain (Fig. 1). Care should be exercised in the counting of the bacteria. Spherical abberation of the oil imersion lens will obscure the view of the periphery of the field. Therefore, by means of the fine adjustment screw the bacteria, which would be present in the peripheral area, can -17.. be brought into focus. Artifacts present in the smear will cause undue crack- ing, formation of a dark ring of stain around the artifact, and irregular white forms. Some artifacts will be stained also. Dirty slides will cause undue confusion as mall grease spots till appear as bacteria. "Strip counting" should be anployed. The smear till be light gray in the periphery which will afford little or no contrast for the bacteria. The center of the field Idll be black containing large cracks and the bacteria will be ob- scured by the heaviness of the stain. The larger area between the extreme, the light and the dark, is the preferred area for the counting of the bacteria. Conditions here are cp- timua for contrast and for ease of vision. The llstrip counting" should, therefore, be done in this area. Ten or 20 fields are counted. Williama and Heir (1951) stated: "The relationship between the numbers of organisms counted in a nigrosine smear and the numbers actually present in the salple, however, is not nearly so satisfactory. It is exceedingly difficult to distinguish with certainty betwem artifacts and bacteria when their size is less than about 0.5 mg. The counts present in this stw arbitrarily exclude all bacteria less than about 0.5 mg, even though the presence of more minute organisms can be demnstrated in stained preparations. As -18... a result, the number of organisms counted are slightly underestimated." Baker (1931, 1939) showed the importance of smaLL micrococci in the rumen and noted their size as 0.25 to 0.90 g, and 0.1 to 0.2 m3. It is therefore indicated that organisms under 0.5 mg should be counted, othervdse a com- plete picture of the total free rmninal organisms could not be made. Thus in the strip counting, all organisms seen are counted. 7 In the previously described technique there is a valid objection to the fact that the center area of the stained preparation is too heavy and that shrinkage occurs around the edges. This forced strip counting, which may not be a rep- resentative count of the total smear. Steps were taken to eliminate these objections by fur- ther modifications of the stain mixture. . To keep the mneer in place during the quick drying on an electric hot plate, several experiments were tried. Varying concentrations of agar and gelatin (0.5, l and 1.5 percent) were added to the 99 ml dilution bottles in an attanpt to increase viscosity. The 0.01 ml sample was pipetted to a clean glass slide. The usual procedure of mixing and drying 19.8 followed, but neither the agar or gelatin prevented the smear from concentrating toward the center. The higher con- centrations of agar five a textured background to the nigro- sine stain and interfered with the counting of the bacteria. -19.. A cationic surface active agent was added to the 99 ml dilution blank; but it, also, was unsuccessful in stepping the concen- tration. different dilutions of ethyl alcohol were tested. A stain was then found which would give a completely countable smear. The dilution of the aqueous nigrosine stain with ethyl al- cohol has overcome the difficulty but has sacrificed some con- trast. The following is the fomula of the stain:2 Nigrosine, water soluble (certified by the Commission on Standardization of Biological Stains).........l0.0 gn Distilled water.................................lO0.0 ml Formalin (40 percent).............................O.5 ml One part of the aqueous nigrosine stain is added to three parts of 95 percent alcohol and filtered twice through a Seitz filter. The smear is made in the same way as with nigrosine stain #1 with two exceptions: l. A nichrome loop calibrated so it will deliver 0.01 ml of the sample is used in the place of a pipette. 2. The final dilution of the fecal or rumen sample is one to 3,000. "Strip counting" is not employed with this stain (nigro- sine #2) for it does not concentrate forming an uncountable area in the center of the smear. There is a slight shrinkage only on the very edge of the smear caused by the initial 5 This stain will be referred to as "nigrosine stain #2". -20.. drying. Ten or twenty fields on the smear are counted. Fecal samples from cattle were run in duplicate using the chamber counting method (Bortree, 1948) and the modified Gail's slide counting method. The nigrosine stain #2 was used in the place of Gall's stain. - Results - Two hundred and forty samples were counted using nigro- sine stain #1. Sixty-eight percent of these samples were higher by the direct microsc0pic method than by the chamber method. Two hundred and thirty-seven samples were counted using nigrosine stain #2. The direct micrOSCOpic method gave 89.5 percent higher counts than did the chamber counting method. Figures 2 to 8 show the fluctuation in counts for each cow, of the 237 samples tested, over a four months period. Five two-hour rumen samples were taken from one cow; the first sample was taken at 8 A. M., the other samples at 10 and 12 A. 14., 2 and it P. M. The counts by the direct microscopic method showed a higher number of bacteria present in the samples than did the chamber count (Fig. 9). - Discussion - The first rdgrosine stain preparation develOped (nigro- sine #1) gives a smear with a large uncountable area. When the smear is dried, this stain shrinks and concentrates toward -21- the center of the smear. The center portion cracks and the stain is so heavy the bacteria are obscured. "Strip counting' must be uployed. To overOOIne these problem, the mgrosine stain was diluted with ethyl alcohol. The increased amount of alcohol sllnvedthe unearto drynore qtdcklvthus eliminating the concentrated center area. It was found that one part of aqueous nigrosine stain to three parts 95 percmt etlvl alcohol gave the least shunlsage without a great loss of contrast. In: lesser counts ofettwl alcohol are added to the stain preparation, cracks will appear in the near. then greater mounts are added tecthe stain, the contrast is less, making it difficult to count the ndcroorganisms. 'Ihe direct microscopic counting method using the nigno- sine stein gave consistently higher counts than did the chuberootmtingmethod. ImmMgrosine steinflluasused, onlyBZpercentof 21.0 samplesverehigherbythechamber counting method. “tn the elimination of the objectionable features in the nigrosine stain #1, the counts were still higher. Only 10.5 percent of 237 samples were higher by the chamber counting method. Not only does the direct micros- cepic. method give higher counts, but it is essier and faster to me. -Inthe aha-her countingnethod, there are three sepa- rate steps when making the dilutions of the fecal sample. A Than-Zed." pipette is used to transfer the fecal sample to {-22- the counting chamber. The chamber must rest on the stage of the microscope until movement of the bacteria has stepped. In the direct microsc0pic counting method, the dilutions take only two steps, and the use of a nichrome 100p facillitates a quick transfer of the sample to the slide. When examirfing the microscopic field of the counting chamber, it is hard to differentiate between plant debris and bacteria for this method stains than both. The negative stain makes possible a rapid differentiation of plant debris and bacteria. The bacteria are not stained and appear as white micro-organisms against the black of the stain. The plant debris is slightly stained and, therefore, becomes part of the background. - Conclusions - l. A direct microscopic counting method using a negative stain is presented. 2. The formula for the negative stain is presented. 3. The direct microscOpic count using a nigrosine stain has several advantages over a chamber counting method: (a) There is no movement of the bacteria. (b) Smears can be stored for future checking and reference. (c) The method is faster and simpler. (d) A rapid differentiation between plant debris and bacteria is possible. (e) The counts are usually higher. -23.. LITERATURE CITED Baker, F. (1931). Preliminary note on the role of coccoid microorganism in the disintegration of cell wall substance. thralbl. m Bak‘beriol. Abbe II, orig. 8153452. Baker, 3., R. Martin (1939). Studies in the microbiolog of the caecum of the horse. Zentralbl. Fur Bakteriol. Abt. 11, orig. ‘99sz. Baker, F. (191.2). Normal rumen microflora and microfauna of cattle. Nature 11.93220. 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