. RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. WITHIN THE TRLCOUNTY : Ramon ' ~ 4- '1 ' ‘A ComprehehSiYe.P'.roblém Report ' ' ' f for the Degreé ofM. LA. _ MICHlGAN STATE UNIVERSUY ‘ DANIEL W. DON-BUN 1967 THESIS F-w " ‘ “a I HITOF‘ .142\ fl. - - 1" War .tL Ufiiv’ti‘x‘iy .ABSTRACT RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE TRI-COUNTY REGION by Daniel William Donelin Recreational Development Within the Tri-County Region of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties examines the existing open space within this Region, and the recreational needs of its inhabitants. In carrying out research in a regionally oriented manner, needs for the Tri-County Region were determined by examining some of the social and economic factors influencing recrea- tional demands of the Region: such as, regional location, place of residence, vocation, education, and age. This infor- mation was compared to the results of a nationwide survey conducted by the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commis- sion. The development of an open space plan is prOposed (l) to act as a basis for the regional development of recrea- tional land; and (2) to correct deficiencies in the quantity of available recreation areas. The corridor system was chosen, following the drainage patterns of the Region. This plan was chosen to form the nucleus for Open space development, yet could include other Open space plans. The corridor system restricts intensive development making these areas ideal for recreation. Daniel William Donelin Water is a major part of the corridor system. Watershed areas are examined and proposed as nodes of quality recrea- tional land within the Open space plan. Due to the lack of usable water facilities in the Region, watershed impoundment areas were studied for their possible water bodies. Open space goals were developed to provide purposeful reasons to include the impoundments as part of the Open space plan. General and specific criteria were used to facilitate the fu- ture selection of impoundment sites and other recreational areas 0 Basic interests of the residents of the Tri-County Region were determined. Among the more popular were camping, swimming, boating, fishing, golfing, picnicking, and sightseeing. A study was then made as to the quantity of land needed by 1980 using the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission's means of land classification, pertaining to the Tri-County Region, namely: Class 1: High-density Recreation Areas; Class 2: General Outdoor Recreation Areas; and Class 3: Nat- ural Environment Areas. Of the three, Class 2 areas were shown to contain most of the activities desired for partici- pation in the Region, yet had the greatest deficiency, re- quiring the existing 485 acres of land to increase to 6652.5 acres by 1980. Major activities were also studied, based on various standards, and showed deficiencies. A particular site was chosen in order to test the criteria Daniel William Donelin and to develop a plan of a Class 2 type recreational area providing activities both needed and desired by the Region. Each site will dictate its own standards due to regional con- text, historical significance, topography, vegetation, and soil conditions. A perceptual study of these design consider- ations, including all the extrinsic and intrinsic values of the particular site, enables the site to be develOped to its maximum potential. Spacial requirement standards for the activities to be provided were studied and used as a guide in the development of the Master Plan. A functional diagram of activity relationships was used to show linkages,both positive and negative, in order to strengthen the design conclusions. From these design considerations, evolved the Master Plan for the development of Columbia Creek Recreational Area, having the following major provisions: an information center, swim— ming, fishing, canoeing, picnicking, camping both for day and overnight purposes, nature center and hiking trails, ed- ucational farm, and a nine-hole golf course. RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE TRI-COUNTY REGION By Daniel William Donelin A COMPREHENSIVE PROBLEM REPORT Submitted to the College Of Social Science School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER IN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 1967 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his thanks to all those who have contributed to the completion of this work. To Mr. James Wicks, landscape architect with the Recreational Resource Planning Division of the state of Michigan. Mr. Allen Amsterburg, civil engineer with the United States Department of Agriculture. To the staff of the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission for their time and information. To all the professors in the School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture who have provided a stimulating learn- ing environment. Sincere thanks and gratitude to my advisor, Professor Carl S. Gerlach, who not only gave of his time, but also provided able direction in the completion of this work, and whose guidance has made my graduate study both invaluable and enjoyable. To my Mother and Father and my wife's Mother, who have pro- vided encouragement and stimulation. To my wife, Latane, who has given so much of her time and energy in the editing and typing of this thesis; and it is through her efforts, by providing constant encouragement, advice, and inspiration, that has enabled us to attain one of our goals; and to whom I owe so much. 11 And to Lyn, our daughter, who has provided us with a purpose and in spite of whose help we were still able to complete this work. 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments ii List of Tables vi List of Figures vii CHAPTER I. Recreational Demand Analysis 1 Introduction 1 Demand for Recreation 6 Factors Influencing Recreational Demands 10 Summary 25 II. Justification of Site Selection 29 Expansion Patterns for MetrOpolitan Areas 29 Open Space System 30 Land Values 30 Environmental Corridor System 30 Open Space Goals 41 Problems in Recreational Usage of Watershed Areas 41 Summary A3 III. Determination of Tri-County Region Deficiencies 45 Classification System for Recreational Land Evaluation 45 Major Recreational Activities and Facilities to be Improved 51 Site Selection Criteria 59 Summary 72 iv CHAPTER IV. Analysis of the Site The Site Regional Context Historical Significance Perceptual Study Investigation Of the Site Climatological Data Soil Study Program for Site Development Summary V. Development of Columbia Creek Recreational Area Master Plan Provisions of the Plan Conclusions and Recommendations BIBLIOGRAPHY Page 74 74 74 77 79 80 84 85 97 111 113 114 115 133 137 LIST OF TABLES TABLE Page I. United States Leisure Projections 2 II. Estimated Recreation Visits to Selected Federal PrOperties 2 III. Percent of Persons 12 Years and Older Participa- ting in Various Outdoor Recreational Activities 12 IV. Urban and Suburban Activity Participation Percentages 21 V. Relationship of Vocation to Activity Participation 22 VI. Relationship Of Age to Activity Partcipation 26 VII. Activity Days Based on Income 27 VIII.Data for Potential Reservoir Sites 36 IX. Existing Recreational Land Classification Comparison - 1962 and 1980 52 X. Regional Examples of Quantitative Needs by 1980 for the Tri-County Region 52 XI. Normals, Means, and Extremes of Local Climato- logical Data 85 XII. Soil Limitations 96 XIII.Comparison of Participation in Other Outdoor Activities by Campers and Noncampers lO5 XIV. Golf Course Yardage 129 vi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. Regional Location of the Tri-County Urbanization in the Tri-County Region 1920-1960 Corridor System - Major Physiographic Elements Corridor System - Watershed Impoundment Sites Typical Recreational Node in Relation to Corridor Open Space Plan Camper Destinations Regional Context of Project Site Site Analysis - Perceptual Study Soil Types Acceptable for Camping, and Picnicking Golfing, Soil Types Acceptable for Building and Road Support Soils with High Water Tables Soil Types Master Plan Layout and Design Of Camp Sites Considerations for Hiking Paths Character Sketch vii Page 14 19 32 35 41 50 75 81 88 89 90 92 114 122 126 131 CHAPTER I RECREATIONAL DEMAND ANALYSIS Introduction Decade by decade, the expanding pOpulation has achieved more leisure time, more money to spend, and better tra- vel facilities; and it has sought more and better Oppor- tunities to enjoy the outdoors. But the public has also demanded more Of other things. In the years following World War II, this process greatly accelerated as an eager nation, released from wartime restrictions, needed millions of new acres for subdivisions, industrial sites, highways, schools, and airports. The resources for out- a door recreation - shoreline, green acres, Open space, 3 and unpolluted waters - dimenished in the face Of demands ' for more of everything else. This quote from the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Com- mission's (ORRRC) report to the President indicates the im- portance of evaluating those areas remaining which have re- creational potential. A complete and comprehensive inventory of potential open space areas especially those within easy reach Of our expanding urban populations is needed. Michigan's population is expected to increase from 8.0 million in 1962- 1963 to 10.2 million by 1980. The shift in population is away from rural to the urban and suburban areas, thus in- creasing urban sprawl. People will be more affluent, they will have more leisure time with the average work week being reduced to four days. Employees will likely have another week of paid vacation and more will retire at earlier ages. This extra leisure time is due to the automation of today's soc- iety, which allows one to accomplish production goals with 1Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission; Out- door Recreation for America; January 1962; P. l. 2 the minimum of both labor and time. A sample Of the expecta- tions of the leading authorities on the future of leisure in the United States is shown in Table I. TABLE I United States Leisure Projections Clawson ORRRC Item Unit 1956 I980 1960 1976 Leisure Avg. work week Hrs/Employee 40 32 38.5 35.4 Discrety. leisure...Hrs/Week 30 38 N.A. N.A. Paid vacation Wks/Employee l. 2.5 2.0 2.8 Paid holidays Days/Employee N.A. N.A. 6.3 8.5 Source: Research Report 42: Natural ResourceszMilstein, David N.;"Michigan's Outdoor ReEFeation and Tourism" Project '80 - Rural Michigan Now and In 1980; Dept. of Resource De- velopment, Michigan State University, 1964; P. 15. But what are people doing with their newly created leisure time? The attendance figures showing the recreation visits to federal properties gives some indication as to the ex- pected future trends with leisure time. TABLE II Estimated Recreation Visits to Selected Federal PrOperties United States Agency 1950 1960 National Park Service 32,780,000 72,288,000 U. S. Forest Service 27,368,000 92,595,000 Bureau of Reclamation 6,594,000 24,300,000 Corps of Engineers 16,000,000 106,000,000 T.V.A. 16,645,000 42,349,000 Source: Research Report 42: Natural Resources: Milstein, David N.; "MichiganTE Outdoor RecreatIOn and Tourism" Project '80 — Rural Michigan Now and In 1980; Dept. of Resource De- veIOpment, Michigan State University, 1964; P. 6. _ H ...- .— n. ( I “we 'a,_ “M...“ .H.....~,..-..._._—_. I n . ._.-._ -1 I 3 Recreation provides a balance between one's work and home en- vironments. Eight hours are spent at work, eight hours Of sleep, and leaving one-third Of the day to divide between eating, bathing, shopping, and recreation. Recreation gives one the Opportunity to exercise muscles, develop imagination, or to experience such feelings as achievement, dominance, \ and self-expression. Recreation is a vital need in today's world. It is per- haps the greatest Opportunity for self-expression, for doing what one really wants to do, not what one is forced to do, to earn a living. The very phenomena which have brought leisure and income have also brought serious - tensions for every day life - both working and living place hurriedly, under crowded and often noisy conditions. Recreation under conditions Of one's choosing is necess- ary to relieve these tensions. For many the physical activity of outdoor recreation is vital in building and maintaiBing physical fitness and in discharging nervous energy. Man is finding it more and more difficult to find areas that can provide him with the type of land and water resources needed to accomodate recreational activities. The increasing penetration of the automobile into the countryside and the disappearance of the wilderness areas that are being devour- ed by urban expansion are adding to these difficulties. Only a small minority can afford to travel the distances necessary to participate in recreational'experiences. Cities have sprawled to such an extent that in some cases it requires hours of driving to leave the urban area and its neighbor, suburbia. Once past the suburbs, one is still met with the 4 barrier of prOperty ownership which forces trespassing or re- treat tO the heavily used and more likely over-used recrea- tional areas. Ecology is the science Of the togetherness of living things and their environment.3 Although man is now the dominant species on the earth, his very survival depends upon the intricately complex ecological balance among all plants and animals within their respective geologic and climatic environments. When the population was small and the resources of the American continent appeared to be virtually unlimited, one tolerated a degree of resource exploitation that can no longer be sustained. It is now firm national policy that the soils, water supplies, and the plant and ani- mal life Of the country be protected, lest the ecologi- cal balance be furtfler upset and the nation's welfare be thereby endangered. In order to protect these resources yet allow for the growth of one's society requires wise usage of the land. One of the landscape architect's roles that will become more demanding in the future will be to suggest and develop areas possessing unique recreational potential. He must be trained in the re- cognition of and in the method of planning for wise usage of the recreational resources. It will require an understanding of man involved in a symbiotic relationship with other ani- mals in which each depends on the other and upon their nat- ural environment for their needs. In suggesting recreational areas he will be required to de- termine the region's needs and evaluate how adequate the ex- 3Chermayeff and Alexander; Community and Privacy;P.45. uWebber, Melvin M.;"Relations Between the Social-Physi- cal Environment Of Outdoor Recreation and Mental-Physical Health"; P. 248. 5 isting facilities are in fulfilling their purpose. After de- termining the needs, the amounts and quality Of lands must be identified in relation to such things as accessibility, land usage, size of site, and site requirements. Finally, the design of such areas must be prepared in such a manner so as to as- sure the proper execution in fulfilling the recreational de- sires of the people. The need for such recreational lands has been emphasized by Joseph Wood Krutch, as he wrote in Life magazine: We need some contact with the thing we sprang from. We need Nature at least as a part of the context of our lives. Without Nature,....., we are compelled to renounce an important part of our heritage. On some summer vacation or some country weekend we rea- lize that what we are experiencing is more than merely a relief from the pressures of city life; that we have not merely escaped from something but also into something; that we have joined the greatest of all communities, which is not that of men alone but of everything w ich shares with us the great adventure of being alive. 5State of Wisconsin, Dept. Of Resource DevelOpment; A Plan for Wisconsin; P. 70. THE DEMAND FOR RECREATION Need for Recreational Activity W. G. Carnes, Head of the Department Of Landscape Architec- ture at the University of Illinois, in "A Study of Recreation and Open Space in Illinois" defines recreation as many things. It is the refreshment of strength and spirits and satisfying diver- sion in the outdoors ... in many different ways ... through the contemplation Of inspiring natural scenery; through insight into the geological and biological forces of nature; through visiting sites and seeing structures and objects associated with significant events in history and with cultures of prehistoric peoples; through acti- vities such as picnicking, boating, skiing, and other outdgor sports; and through enjoyable community activi- ties. Recreation is many different things to many different peOple. Yet what can be said with some certainty is that Americans enjoy the out-of-doors. The crowding of our parks, beaches, picnic sites, campgrounds, and other facilities is proof that recreation is an integral part in the lives of most Americans. Recreation has not always been looked upon with favor in the United States. The colonialist felt that recreation was a wasteful use of time and energy. There was plenty Of work to do if exercise was needed. Work in those days was vigorous and diversified; and there was not the need for recreation as there is today. Leisure was Of little concern to the family 6Lewis, Philip H.,Jr.;"A Study of Recreation and Open Space in Illinois"; Division of Landscape Architecture and the Bureau of Community Planning, University of Illinois, P. 9. that worked their fields until after dark to assure them- selves Of food. A great change has taken place since those embryotic days of our nation. The growth of our pOpulation, our cities, our economic gains, and other factors have changed the nature of the American Society, and magnified the importance Of recrea- tion in supplementing our leisure time. Since World War II, the work week has been shortened, in- comes increased, automobile ownership almost necessitated, and our communication systems expanded, all increasing our leisure time. These facotrs indicate demands for recreation are many, yet the greatest of these factors must surely be our wealth. Medium U.S. family income has approximately doubled since 1950, from $3,320 in 1950 to $6,570 in 1964. After adjustment in terms of 1957-1959 dollars, these incomes become $3,960 and $6,080 - an increase in purchasing power Of 54%. Present trends show purchasing power per capita to about double each generation. Not only is the dollar volume expended for recreation growing rapidly, but it is increasing as a prOportion of the personal consumption expenditures. Approximately sixty billion dollars were spent in the United States for recreation-tourism in 1964. A statis- tical series maintained by the United States Department of Commerce estimated total spending for selected recrea- tional items at eleven point three billion dollars in 1950; this was 5.8 percent of the United States personal consumption expenditures. By 1964 it had increased to twenty-four and one-half billion dollars and 6.2 percent of the personal consumption expenditures.7 In most areas of the country the need for recreation has be- 7Blank, Gunn, and Johnson, Johnson, and Roy,Inc.; "Guidelines for Tourism-Recreation in Michigan's Upper Penin- sula"; November 1966; P. 18. 8 come a demand. The degree of industrialization and speciali- zation of our society produces, according to the authors of The Theory_g£_Play_and Recreation, a monotony Of repetition, a lack Of Opportunity for eXpression and sociability, and a strain from the quick tempo of today's industry.8 Recreation is a fundamental and universal need. There is a striking similarity in the forms of recreation that man has used throughout history as an outlet for self- expres- sion and personal development. Though this expression takes on a variety of forms, recreation is a common heri- tage among all people.9 It is especially important to provide recreation in or within easy access of our metropolitan areas where, according to the ORRRC, more than two-thirds Of our nation now lives. In 1900 there were only 30% of the pOpulation living in urban areas, today there is 70%. This influx to our centers has produced higher and still rising standards of living, which in turn has resulted in a movement to the suburbs by the peOple in search of greater space and better living and working condi- tions. This movement to the suburbs has caused massive new problems. What had been at one time Open space surrounding the city has been replaced with extensive suburbs which con- sume more and more of our hinterland for development. Thus the metrOpolitan areas are engulfing the small communities and our Open country, running one into the other. These large concentrations of peOple are generating great demands on both 8Sapora and Mitchell; The Theory g£_Play and Recreation; Page 208. 9Edsall and Hewitt;fRecreation and Open Space"; P.3. 9 non-recreational and recreational land usage. There is an unmistakeable note of urgency in the quiet crisis Of American cities. We must act decisively - and soon - if we are to assert the peOple's right to clean air and water, to open space, to well designed urban areas, and to mental and physical health.1 We’must place a higher premium on the correct-usage of our land to insure its prOper usage not only for recreation but for industry, farming, and housing as well. One of the greatest challenges facing planners in the future will be an attempt to define recreational needs and to pro- vide recreation near areas of population concentration. Too often the case has been that land and water resources are available in areas of low population density and conversely the least amount of recreational facilities where the popula- tion is at its greates density. The ORRRC has outlined a number of pertinent facts of recrea- tion demand and supply: 1‘ 1. Demand for outdoor recreation is growing and the de- mand for the future is becoming greater. 2. The type of recreation people desire in most cases is , relatively easy to supply. This includes a path to walk along, a picnic area, and an attractive drive. 3. People want these things where they live, and the trend in living is in the metrOpOlitan areas. , 4. We have been failing to use land effectively. The phys- ical supply of land and water for recreation is plen- tiful; yet due to the ownership, management, or loca- tion it is unavailable. 11 lOUdall, Stewart L.; The Quiet Crisis; P. 184. llORRRC; "Outdoor Recreation for America"; January 1962; page 81. 10 Basis for Selection 9£_Tri-CeuntyRegion The reasons for selecting the Tri-County as a study area for the evaluation of recreational facilities and the develOp- ment Of a recreational area were many. Some of the more signi- ficant reasons were the availability of information to facili- tate the study: such as, a recent recreational inventory of the Region; recent USGS topographic mapping and up-to-date soil information provided by Dr. Whiteside, professor in the Soil Science Department of Michigan State University. Another major reason for studying the TrigCounty Region was the lack of recreational facilities within the Region brought to light and emphasized in interviews with Mr. W.C. Roman, executive director of the Tri-County Regional Planning Com- mission; Mr. James Wicks, landscape architect with the Recrea- tional Resource Planning Division of the state of Michigan; and Mr. Allen Amsterburg, engineer in the U.S. Department of Agriculture studying water resources and watershed develOp- ment in the Grand River Basin. 7 FACTORS INFLUENCING RECREATIONAL DEMANDS Many factors have been shown which influence recreational de- mands for a region. In order to plan effectively for the fu- ture some inclination as to the demands Of the people must be made prior to design. For example, it would be impractical to construct bicycle paths if only 1% of the residents knew how or cared to ride a bicycle. This is not to say that the 1% should be denied. Yet in all probability it would be better 11 to provide a type Of facility that could be used by a greater percentage of the peOple. Thus it becomes necessary in pro- viding recreational facilities for an area, to be concerned with details that provide information of the future needs of the Region. There are many factors that should be studied that reflect recreational trends of a region. Some of these recreational determinants used by the ORRRC in its report to the President in 1960 were: 1. Regional location 2. Place of residence 3. Vocation (Income, Vacation) 4. Education 5. Age These factors when studied expressed some ideas as to the recreational trends and needs of our nation. For example, there are definite differences in recreational participation between young and old. The young are involved more in stren- uous activities, while the latter are more interested in pas- sive activities such as car-riding. The results of this re- search can be seen in Table III on page 12. Some caution must be assumed in the use of such information since only 3647 persons were interviewed to obtain the result of the survey. Can 3647 persons determine the primary recreational attitudes for a country of eighteen million peOple? Probably not. Yet the information can be used as an outline in exa- mining a region to determine its recreational needs. 12 TABLE III PERCENT OF PERSONS 12 YEARS AND OLDER PARTICIPATING IN VARIOUS OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ‘IUnited States North Central Percent Rank Percent Rank Picnics 53 l 58 1 1 Driving for Pleasure 52 2 58 l _ Swimming 45 3 42 3 , Sightseeing 42 4 47 2 Walking for Pleasure 33 5 29 6 Playing Outdoor Games 30 6 35 4 Fishing 29 7 33 5 Attending Outdoor Sports Events 24 8 28 7 Other Boating 22 9 27 8 Nature Walks 14 10 15 9 Bicycling 9 ll 10 10 Attending Outdoor Concerts 9 ll 11 9 Camping 8 l2 7 11 Hiking 6 13 5 13 Horseback Riding 6 13 5 l4 Hunting 3 l5 2 l6 Canoeing 2 l6 3 15 Sailing 2 l6 2 l6 Source: U.S. Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Com- mission; Study Report 19, National Recreation Survey, Washing- ton: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962; P. 120 Table 1.01. Outdoor Recreation Demand; Volume 1: Methods and Mo- dels; Tgchnical Report NO. 6, June 1966; Milstein and Reid; Page 5. . 13 Regional Location Effects Of climate, resource availability, population de- mand, cultural background of the people, and other factors all form attitudes toward recreational activities. Physical Setting: The Tri-County Region is made up of Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton Counties as shown in Figure I on page 14. Together they comprise over 1500 square miles with a population of approximately 339,900 in 1965 and an estima- ted pOpulation in 1980 of 489,200.12The highest concentration of people is found in the City of Lansing which has a pOpula- tion Of over 65,000. The region is expanding rapidly due to the influence of the state capitol complex with its Offices, and employees; manufacturing oriented toward the motor vehi- cle industry; and Michigan State University. The Tri-County is located in the South Central portion of the state and bisected by National Interstate Highway 96 and U.S. Highway 27. Large urban areas surrounding this region are: Detroit - approximately 75 miles to the S.E. of Lansing Flint - approximately 30 miles to the N.E. of Lansing Jackson - approximately 30 miles to the S. of Lansing Kalamazoo - approximately 65 miles to the S.W. of Lansing Grand Rapids - approximately 55 miles to the N.W. of Lansing. 12Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; POpulation Data compiled April 1966. 14 13., . ;:-:111TY 1|I / lg: ~(h 1{h I 1 A - l P111 11” ‘ l— 11‘ 'téiii ........... - I 'II 0.01.: - .. , _ ' o. ,’ HIIIIII —-- ”““ ‘In on .’ not}. m iiihcu :z: :E 5:3 I. Y 1’; LEDO 3 V - "...—-—-——--I i l 1 12110.1 1 Lb Figure I. RegionalL cation of the Tri- County 15 Physiography: The Tri-County Region has been formed through two major events in geologic history. During the Paleozoic Era (200-300 million years ago) which resulted in the lower peninsula of Michigan becoming a great structural basin creating several hundred feet of sedimentary layers consist- ing of limestone, sandstone, and shale. The second series Of events took place about one million years ago during the Pleistocene Period. It consisted Of four glaciers, the last of which, Saginaw Lake of the Wisconsin Glacier having the greatest effect. Water from the melting glaciers became ri- vers, eroding glacial drainage channels forming valleys; de- pressions left by the glaciers formed the lakes and concen- trated deposits of sand and gravels. Topography: Very few areas within the Region have slopes of more than 10 percent. In fact 80% to 90% of the Tri-County area have less than a 5 percent slope. The highest point of elevation is 1052 feet above sea level, located in Leslie Township, and the lowest elevation is 640 feet above sea 1e- vel, located in Clinton County. Local relief is restricted to those areas having particular glacial features such as eskers, moraines, and kames. Relief can also be found along river banks and in areas where man has excavated for minerals or has stockpiled materials - soil or waste material.13 Sgilg; Seventy-five percent of the Tri-County Region is in a medium high fertility range. This along with a moderate 13Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Physical Development Factors"; Pages 5-6. 16 climate and rainfall were responsible for the high producti- vity Of the loamy soils. Many of the more productive regions within the area are being engulfed or isolated by the expand- ing urban develOpment. How serious this is, is unknown. With expanding technology in farming and with a greater knowledge of soil productivity, the farmer is increasing his output and is unable to forecast his future needs with any degree of accuracy.14 Historical DevelOpment: The first permanent farm settlements in Clinton, Ingham, and Eaton Counties were established in the early 1800's, predominantly by farmers who migrated from the state of New York, and later farmers from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and the New England states. A flourishing fur trade was established by the first settlers, and the word of low-land prices brought a rapid and steady growth in population. Later settlers farmed small clearings in the densely forested area on a subsistence basis. The in- crease in land farmed was rapid up to the early 1900's as the virgin forests were cut to make way for agriculture. The first settlers were intent upon farming; and the forest cover was considered a hindrance. The land was cleared of the trees and much of the lumber wasted. Lumber that was milled, soon exhausted the pine supply by 1925. On January 26, 1837, Michigan was admitted to the Union as 14Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Physical Development Factors”; Page 10. 17 the 26th state. In 1847 the state capitol was located in Lansing, and by 1863 it was a bustling urbanized center. Since then the Tri-County and especially the Lansing area has experienced rapid growth both in industry and population. Climatological Data: The climate of the Tri-County Region alternates between continental and semi-marine. When there is little or no wind, the weather becomes continental in character, which means pronounced fluctuation in temperature. This results in temperature extremes, being hot in the summer months and severe in the winter months. A semi-marine climate will develop if a strong wind comes in from across the Lakes. This results in milder winters and cooler springs. The average length of the growing season is 154 days. Precipitation is distributed fairly well throughout the year. The wettest months of the year are May and June. Snowfall for the Region is 45.2 inches, light compared to the average snowfall of 115-130 inches along the northside Of the Upper Peninsula. The average number Of days with appreciable rain throughout the year is 137, or a little more than one day in three. There are almost twice as many cloudy days as clear days throughout the year. Much cloudiness prevails during the win- ter season, but sunshine is abundant during the summer months. Similarly, relative humidity remains rather high dur- ing the winter, but is only moderate in summer. Tornadoes sometimes occur in this area, but their frequency is less than in states farther to the south and west. De- structive thunder and wind storms are not uncommon. Flooding 18 of streams and rivers in the Upper Grand Basin occurs in about one year out Of three, with floods causing considerable damage in about one year out of ten.15 Place gf_Residence The degree of urbanization varies across the United States and appears to be an important determinant of outdoor recrea- tion. The trend seems to be toward..."urbanization, decreases in farmland and scatterization of residential and other urban land uses over the rural landscape...".16 According to the Department of Conservation 87% Of the people live in the southern third of the state. Of the 298,949 people residing in the Tri-County Region, 47.6 percent are considered urban and another 34.7 percent are ru- 17 ral non-farm according to the Bureau Of Census. In planning outdoor recreation for the Tri-County, the major emphasis must be on serving an expanding population which is concen- trated in relatively small areas within the Region. Figure 11 on page 19 shows schematically the growth that has occured in the urban areas Of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties be- tween 1920 and 1960. The ORRRC has found a number of activities that are more l5U.S. Dept. of Commerce; "Local Climatological Data"; Lansing, Michigan; Annual Summary With Comparative Data, 1966. 16Dept. of Conservation;"Michigan's Recreation Future"; September 1966' Page 5. 17U.S. Dept. of Commerce;Bureau of Census; 1960 Census, Michigan; 24-A Number of Inhabitants; P. 24-16. l9 CJARLOTTE -—————-- “---.— f. ""jY— P, 1 , . Q '-‘ .k-ufi \ J ‘- _________________, __-, ;____~ ____1 l ' " ‘1 AAPIDAANZEQ AQEA in. £7,301.1th __ .é 1360 . i l Figure 11. Urbanization in 9 Leave L the Tri-County Region L__.J J 2O actively engaged in by the urbanites such as driving for pleasure, picnicking, and particularly swimming. Whereas the outlying areas participate more in those activities that re- quire roughing it - camping, fishing, and hunting being a number of their favorites. Since the Tri-County Region has both high percentages living in urban and suburban areas, the Table IV on page 21, compiled from ORRRC information shows the activities participated in by these groups at least once during the year. Vocation One's occupation (Table V, page 22) is shown to relate to the degree of one's participation in recreational activities. Professional, technical, and kindred workers, according to the ORRRC, have 36.7 activity days per person; managers, of- ficials, and prOprietors having 24.4; clerical and sales workers 32.8 activity days. This white collar group repre- sents 48 percent or 53,115 of the Tri-County workers. The white collar group is among the highest paid and has the greatest amount of paid vacation. This group has an average of 31.3 activity days per year wheras the total average days for employed persons in the United States was given at 28.2 activity days per year. The blue collar workers are the second largest group of work- ers within the Tri-County with 36 percent of the labor force or 39,297 workers. These include craftsmen, foremen, and kin- dred workers with 30.0 activity days per year and Operators and laborers with 27.0 average activity days per year. 21 mommpnoopom coapmmfloapmmm mpfi>apo¢ cmnpsosm Ocm amps: .>H opsmfim _ .0253 - Mo<flwnw01 OZESAO 0.20.0 «07:53 (OZZMm JXLrKIOXI JiJZJflrl ...-3:32.322. :pzn—fl—E—up—mi , / i..-.!-:i--- it 62500 W1 Em—EEE fl 24£W3fi3nw HM :::=E:=E=E==a _ 24053 00 00 cc on w 3 ON ... ow , Os .3 a .2 2 1 >5 wk4aioFuCuddl 22 TABLE v RELATIONSHIP OF VOCATION TO ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION Tri-County Workers Number Percent Activity Days pergyear WHITE COLLAR WORKER 53,115 48% 31.3 Professional, Technical and kindred workers; managers, officials, and prOprietors; Sales workers and clerical workers. BLUE COLLAR WORKER 39.297 36% 28.5 Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers; operators, laborers, and kindred workers. SERVICE WORKERS 13,038 4% Source: Tri-County Regional Planning Commission. A Report to the President and to the Congress by the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission; Outdoor Re- creation for America; January 1962; Page 41, Table on Ocafipa- tion. 23 If a person has a short o} no vacation, he tends to be a low participator. The ORRRC studies have shown that as one's va- cation increases so does his leisure activity. The average number of hours worked per week in 1850 were 70, while in 1960 it had drOpped to 40. The eight hour day, five day week is almost standard. This along with the many time and labor saving devices now used in both our homes and at our jobs has had a great effect in the rise of outdoor recreation. The future prospect is for shorter working days and weeks, and for longer and more widespread paid vaca- tions. A reasonable estimate for the year 2800 may well be an average work week of about 28 hours. Income: Income has an effect on participation. The ORRRC re- port shows a tendency for participation in recreational act- ivities to rise from the lower incomes of index $3,000 to the $7,500 - $10,000 income groups for all activities except hunting, horseback riding, and fishing. The other activities surveyed - swimming, boating, skiing, hiking, nature and bird walks, picnics, camping, and automobile riding - all showed some change and increased participation as incomes rose. Some activities such as boating and skiing require a good deal of both time and expense, and it becomes evident that these sports are for those in the higher income bracket. Those activities that require little or no expense such as hiking and picnicking are participated in more frequently by those in lower income brackets. According to the Tri-County 18Clawson, Marion; Land and Water for Recreation - Opportunities, Problems, and Policies; Rand McNally and Co., Chicago, 1963; Page 5. - 24 Outdoor Recreation InventOry published in 1962, the average income per family has increased sharply within the area. From 1950 through 1958, it rose from $4,820 to $6,340.19 Education Education has shown itself to be an influencing factor in activity participation; those having higher educational back- grounds being the more active participants. The one excep- tion is that high school graduates are more active than col- lege graduates. The ORRRC report is somewhat difficult to interpret since the lower educated groups tend to be Older and not able to participate in physical activities. In the Tri-County Region, Ingham County has one of the highest num- ber Of median years of school completed by a person 25 or over in 1960. This average for Ingham County is 12.2 years, while Clinton and Eaton Counties have 10 and 11 years, respectively. is: Age has the greatest effect on recreation of any of the other variables. The Older people become, the less active they become in outdoor activities. It is a progressive rela- tionship, each age group participates less than the next youngest age group. The decline is most evident in those activites that require the greatest expenditure of energy such as camping, horseback riding, and skiing. Picnicking, pleasure driving, hiking, and fishing are actively partici- 19Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Outdoor Recreation - An Inventory"; January 1962; P. 2. 25 pated in until the age of 40 and 50's. The relationship of age to participation in specific activities can be associated with physical abilities, and advancing age is one of the greatest barriers to outdoor recreational activity. Under age 25, participation in all activities is high. As one becomes older, activities taper off. Participation for the residents of Tri-County Region would certainly include swimming, boat- ing, canoeing, driving, picnicking, and fishing as indicated in Table VI on page 26. SUMMARY Factors Creatinngecreational Demands The Tri-County Region is eXpecting an increase in pOpulation to 443,558 by 1980. This increase will continue to add to the urban and suburban areas. Predictions set forth by the Michigan Department of Conservation forecast that by 1980 there will be one-third less land in farms, and half again as much urban and suburban land. These groups have some recrea- tional similarities, such as, swimming, boating and canoeing, fishing, driving and sightseeing, and picnicking. Leisure time is increasing, the trends are for people to start work later in life and to retire earlier. A study,sponsored by the Senate Select Committees on National Water Resources,projects that leisure time will rise to nearly 75 hours per week in 1970 and 85 hours per week in the year28000. This compares to about 72 hours per week in 1959. 2O 26 100 so '70 pg {(531}. "-lT (3C PQF’LLL ACT-10M u 1.) \ \ \\ I 5 7o OF AGE. DISTRtbOTION m TRl-COONTY REGION / u! l: m 0 O D 3‘ munmunmuunmlmmmmmmmmm 11111 g.— =s ~§ UMVER 2 7.6-}4 554.4 46 54 5 540%} —-— —- RELATWMSHIP BETWEEN AGE AND PARTKJPATIOLI 1M ACTlViTlEb FIGURE VI . 27 The Tri-County Region has 48 percent white collar workers who have an average of 31.3 activity days per year. Compared to the national average of 28.2 activity days per year, this group has the greatest Opportunity for leisure. Only 14 percent of the families within the Tri-County Region earn less than $3,000 and the median income for the Region is $6,340 as shown in Table VII. Table VII shows the rela- tionship between the national average per person of activi- ty days per year to the percentage of families making a cer- tain income. Again as shown with vocations, a relatively high number of activity days are evidenced within the Tri- County Region. TABLE VII ACTIVITY DAYS BASED ON INCOME National Tri-County Income Data activity Days/Person % Families No.Pe9ple Less than $3,000 18.5 days 14% 10,549 3: OOO "’ 4:499 33.5 19 132520 4,500 - 5,999 33.3 15 11,021 6,000 - 7.999 40.5 22 16,108 8,000 - 9,999 42.4 14 10,078 10,000 - 14.999 44.2 12 8,746 15,000 and over 49.7 3 2,406 Source: Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission; ”Outdoor Recreation for America"; January 1962; P. 96. Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; Population Data and Incme Data Compiled‘April 1966. The forecast for 1980 places this at over $10,000 for the median income for the Tri-County Region. This expected high— er income will allow families to spend more of their time 28 and money for recreational purposes. Education has increased from a state-wide average of 8.8 years of schooling in 1940 to approximately 11 year average for the Tri-County Region. Thus students have more oppor- tunity to receive training and education through school pro- grams. The median age for the TfirCounty Region is between 26-28 years and is relatively an active age. These factors are com- bining to assure a great demand for recreation. PeOple desire to undertake such day use activities as swimming, picninking, fishing, camping, etc. It is, therefore, with some degree of accuracy that we can assume the ORRRC's ranking for the North Central states as shown in Table III on page 12. Deterrents £3_Desired Recreational Participation There are three major deterrents to desired recreational par- ticipation - lack of time, lack of money, and a lack of faci- lities. The lack of time is the greatest deterrent to desired recreational participation. Yet with the increased affluence, shorter working hours, spread of automobile ownership, and the decreasing physical effort required on the Job, recreation is supplementing much of one's increasing leisure time. Lack of money, also a deterrent, seems to be a minor one within the Tri-County Region where the median income is over $6,000 and expected to reach $10,000 by 1980. However, even picnic- king, swimming,sightseeing, and relaxation are activities that can be participated in with relatively little expense. Finally, the third deterrent appears to be lack of facilities, which will be examined in greater detail in Chapter III. - CHAPTER II JUSTIFICATION OF SITE SELECTION Expansion Patterns for MetrOpolitan Areas In order to propose a site or sites suitable to supplement the recreational needs of the Tri-County Region, an overall plan is develOped to ensure that the Open spaces have some relationship to the pOpulation and that the spaces are organ- ized to provide a continuous flow between them. The expansion of the Tri-County Region has been examined by the Battelle Memorial Institute in their study of "Alternative Long Range Water Use Plans" for the Tri-County Region. From this study "regional economists have noted that most metrOpo- litan areas grow according to one of three general patterns."1 1. Planned Sprawl 2. Satellite Cities 3. Corridor Pattern Planned Sprawl: The "Planned Sprawl" postulates that the greatest economic and population growth would take place in a ten township county area surrounding Lansing, with relatively little growth in the surrounding area. Satellite Cities postulate that any further economic and pOp- ulation growth is to take place in communities surrounding Lansing and that the present urban core would remain, with little if any growth. 1Battelle Memorial Institute; A Summary of "Alterna- tive Long Range Water Use Plans"; P. 6. I 3O Corridor Pattern: This~"Corridor Pattern" plan fosters growth in the future to be along major transportation routes connect- ing our major urban areas. It is impossible to predict accurately just where peOple will locate or where industry will build. The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission does expect 50 square miles of additional urbanization by 1985. The formulation of a plan for Open space development which would provide recreational lands regardless of which pattern develops would be desirable. Open Space System Land Values: To develop recreational lands near pOpulated areas requires wise scrutinization of soil types and the evaluation of land values. Those soils which possess a struc- ture favorable to building or the fertility need for farming may be poor choices for recreational land. It is difficult to prOpose lands for recreation that are desirable for build- ing in urban expansion and industry or needed for farming,, since recreation land removes money from the tax roles where- as building and farming increase the tax values of land. Environmental Corridor System: Thus it would be desirable to develop a type of Open space plan on those lands that are not suited or needed for urban expansion and farming; and that could bring together the already existing major Open space areas. This suggests a system based on land surfaces that are only encourageable to recreational useSJESuch an Open space pattern is the environmental corridor system. It 31 is based on such natural elements as steep tOpography, a low— land surface that may either be water, swamp land, or an area subject to flooding. Phil Lewis, in "Recreation and Open Space in Illinois”, found of the corridor plan "...that the quality resource which is necessary for recreation, tourism, and open space does lie within this unique linear pattern."2 In landscape resource ananysis at the University of Wis- consin, land forms have been shown to be a sound indica— tor of quality recreation resources. Working with slope and water combinations, Lewis was able to block out cor- ridors and nodes of quality. More than 80% of 200 identi- fiable resources such as key wildlife habitat, water- falls, and historic sites fell within the corridors and nodes. These lands, due to their bottom land locations, steep topo- graphy, and water surfaces are undesirable for building, farming, or any intensive development, making them ideal for recreational usage. Rims along the corridor provide stable areas for road construction and are valuable for their view- ing potential. The steep lepes provide the interesting topo- graphy lacking in the Tri-County Region, and are ideal for hiking and exploring. The surface areas (water, wet-lands, and flood plains) along the bottom lands add contrast and provide a close contact with nature. The elevation as shown in Figure III on page 32 shows such a corridor. The corridor is limited in width by the natural terrain or existing devel- 2Lewisé, P.H.,Jr.; "Recreation and Open Space in Illi- nois"; Page 3. 3Hart and Graham; "How to Rate and Rank a Landscape"; Landscape Architecture Quarterly; January 1967; Page 122. I .HHH mesmam 2.22.323: 322.22.332.22. m=2222us.1:2.-- - 1 a. ail: 2:... 2:2,: . 2:2; . .31... 2.. .. 22.22.. Eh....2..._.2....h. is... ....2222._2.....§ 4%? \\ 32 14-3 Jazquim 3:3! . 2.2.332... 33 Opments along it and in length only by one's imagination, since it may go from the largest river to the smallest tribu- tary feeding that river. Historic areas should be develOped along the corridors to provide interest for the tourist and pride in Michigan's past heritage. Along many of Michigan's streams, rivers, and lakes can be found artifacts of the In- dians, trappers, and early settlers. They located here due to the abundance of wildlife and because water was the major means of transportation. Thus, water patterns - rivers and streams, flood plains and wet—lands, and steep topography over 10 percent slope - are lands which are the least produc- tive, provide the best scenery, have potential for recreational development, and are the least expensive to obtain. Most of Michigan's cities are located close to water, also because the water was needed for transportation. In fact, no point in Michigan is more than six miles from a lake or stream.” It is no mystery why the Indians named this land Michigan - meaning "Great Water”. Thus by developing a corridor system, one could link Michi- gan's cities together with linear belts of recreational lands. The environmental corridors can become a basic resource unit for recreational planning including within it both intrinsic and extrinsic values of the landscape. The inventory and mapping of environmental corridors en- courages planning for the total environmental develOp- 4Michigan Department of Commerce; Travel Brochure; - ~§ 34 ment, rather than for piecemeal and perhaps haphazard de- velOpment of a picnic table here and an observation point there.5 Water Resources and Watershed Areas: The United States De~ partment of Agriculture has published a review draft Of a Grand River Basin study. This report presents a plan for the future development of agriculture water and related land resources and the potential for solving other water problems and meeting projected needs through programs and projects in the Grand River Basin. This basin, located in lower Michigan, consists of approximately 5,560 square miles or 9.8% of the state. The Grand River outlets into Lake Michigan as a port of thg Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Drainage Basin. One of the major objectives of this study was to identify watershed areas, locate potential dam sites, and evaluate their potential for flood prevention and possibilities for water storage that might be usable for recreation. The corridor system, following the drainage pattern and the relation of watershed impoundment sites within the Open space plan is shown in Figure IV on page 35. A list of water- shed impoundment areas by county of the Tri-County Region is given in Table VIII on page 36. A watershed as defined by Webster's New World Dictionary is the area drained by a river or river system. In order to lo- 5Dept. Of Resource Development, State of Wisconsin; "Recreation in Wisconsin"; Page 177. 6U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; Comprehensive Water 527 sources Study, Grand River Basin, Micggan - Appendix M - Agriculture, Review Draft; April 1 ; P. l. 35 onmnon svsuu - ~\v 36 TABLE VIII DATA FOR POTENTIAL RESERVOIR SITES Drainage,Area County River Map Number Square Miles Acres Clinton Lookingglass River Sub-Basin l 3.7 2,390 2 5.5 3.550 3 9.8 6,326 Stony Creek Sub-Basin 4 20.1 12,873 Maple River Sub-Basin 5 82.8 53,000 6 11.1 7,135 7 503 3,421 8 10.0 6,400 Eaton Upper Grand River Sub-Basin 9 3.1 2,000 10 3.7 2.370 11 4.0 2,540 Thornapple River Sub-Basin 12 13.0 8,320 13 24.0 15,360 14 15.6 9.973 15 71.7 45.930 16 3.4 2,170 17 23.5 15,056 18 28.8 18,400 19 11.2 7,208 20 9.1 5,842 21 6.8 4,360 22 4.5 2,930 23 3.8 2.451 Middle Grand River Sub-Basin 24 10.9 6,945 25 6.8 4,350 Ingham Red Cedar River Sub-Basin 26 32.0 20,480 27 32.5 20,796 28 26.7 17,051 29 21.9 13.974 37 TABLE VIII (continued) - Drainage Area County River Map Number Square Miles Acres Ingham(con't.) Upper Grand River Sub-Basin 30 3.2 2,050 31 14.8 9,477 Portage River Sub-Basin 32 8.2 5,200 33 18.2 11,330 Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Forest Service, Soil Conservation Service; Comprehensive Water Resources Study, Grand River Basin, Michigan - Appendix M - Angculture, RevIew Draft; April 1967; Pages 129-131. 38 cate its boundaries requires the defining of all those areas that are contributing drainage water to it. A ridge or a stretch of high land usually divides those areas drained by different rivers or river systems. The strategic importance of water resources as a man- nature problem now and as a critical factor in future develOpment raises to new prominence the watershed re- gion. A watershed is the land area unified by a surface drainage system. It is well known that in the arid wes- tern sections of the United States, the availability of water determines land values and land use. There is now an awakening realization that the once adequate water resources of the eastern states are in many areas no longer adequate, without further develOpment, to meet the needs of the future. Solutions to present problems and develOpment of additional water resources require that the watershed be studied as an entity susceptible to coordinated design along with the overlying socio- economic regions in a unified framework. A significant legal, economic, and biological community of interest is created through the unifying character of surface water. It is the same run-off water that passes each section of the watershed and any changes in quanti- ty or quality are the result of the use pattenns and regu- lation throughout the watershed. In this framework, land and water emerge as closely re- lated resources. Most human activities involve the use of both land and water resources with varying effects. Wa- ter resources and land resources can no longer be mean- ingfully analyzed or developed in isolation from each other. Because water resources are more limited than land resources, watershed factors and water use deci- sions will play a leading role in determining future en- vironmental health 0 nditions and the most feasible settlement patterns. Earlier civilizations realized the value of their water re- 7Farness, Sanford S.; "Man-Environment Problems in an Urban Age and the Role of Universities"; (unpublished paper, School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, Michigan State University, 1963) Page 11. _A 39 sources.Dams, although primitive in construction, were used to impound water for periods in the year when there would be no water. PeOple learned to dig ditches in order to supply dry inland areas with water for crOps. Water was an important means of transportation both for peOple and goods, and was essential in sustaining life by providing drinking water and food. As the nation develOped, new and faster means of transportation became available. Water was still important especially with industry and water began to transport the waste products, pol- luting the rivers. Farmers began clearing their lands care- lessly, allowing water to runoff faster and in greater quan- tities. Cover crOps, woodlands, and contour farming are all necessary in order to lessen runoff. The river channels became wider as the rivers were swollen by the additional runoff and finally the inevitable floods came, destroying lives and property. This often becomes the incentive for action. Both the Corps of Engineers and Depart- ment of Agriculture are developing watershed areas to prevent flooding. The Corps of Engineers is responsible for the con- struction of large dams, building of levees, and the improv- ing of stream channels downstream. The Department of Agricul- ture is concerned more with the prevention of flooding in the upstream tributaries. Conservationists have urged that small, rather than large, watersheds be considered in watershed manage- 40 ment. They believe that, first, important work must be done in the headwaters of streams in order to make the construction of reservoirs downstream gs effective as possible in water resource management. Mr. Allen Amsterburg, an engineer with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in East Lansing studying the Grand River Basin, believes that a large percentage of all agricultural flood damage occurs on the watersheds of the smaller tributaries rather than along the banks of the big stream. The typical flood has already done most of its damage before it reaches a downstream city. v/The watershed contains much more than a drainage area. It includes the soil, forest, grass, crops, wildlife, and in some cases it includes cities, towns, and people. What hap- pens in the smaller watersheds upstream has a great effect on the water downstream. If water is allowed to runoff uncon- trolled upstream, it may cause downstream flooding. Soil runoff upstream means muddy water in the rivers, which is undesirable both for fish and recreation purposes. Wildlife need water, food, and cover to survive. With careful planning one can assure the continuence of existing wildlife or pro- vide a more desirable habitat for them, through correct con- servation methods. 8The Report of the President's Water Resources Policy Commission; "A Water Policy for the American PeOple”; Wash- ington, D.C.: 1950; Page 125. 41 Open Space Goals: These watershed areas would be incorporated into the previously discussed Corridor System. Since these watershed impoundments are scattered throughout the Region, their develOpment as recreational nodes in the corridor sy- stem should provide adequate open space, including quality recreational water. FIGURE V. Typical recreational node in relation to corridor Open space plan. In addition to providing areas of recreation, this Open space plan, by develOping and including watershed impound- ments, would have as some of its goals: 1. Help prevent flood danger. . Conserve forest lands and wildlife. . Protect existing and future water supply reservoir sites. Help reduce soil erosion and silting of reservoirs. Preserve needed drainage ways. Provide breaks in the urban sprawl taking place in our metrOpOlitan areas. . Promote community identity, character, pride, and values such as preservation of historical sites. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Problems in_Recreational Usage 2£_Watershed Areas: If these watershed areas designated primarily for flood prevention 9Bowdy, W.W.; The Review g£_an Approach Determining Land Suitability for Regional Recreation and Open Space; Thesis for degree of M.U.P., Michigan State University, 1964; Page 53. , 42 could be used for multiple purposes, this would increase their value. This has been suggested in the recreational develOpment of such sites. Recreational usage of watershed areas conflicts to some degree with flood prevention. Reservoir Fluctuation: For flood control the impoundment site requires an area with sufficient surface to receive water from the melting snows during the early spring and to store water from heavy rainstorms during the summer. This requires the individual study of each watershed area. It is possible to assign a number of watershed areas pri- marily as recreation impoundments and designate other im- poundments for flood prevention. It is also possible to de- sign with the increase flood water in mind: by providing a dam and impoundment site large enough to hold the additional water and release it during the dry summers to supplement the flow of the river at its low period. Facilities must be situated above the expected flood design stage. Peripheral Development of the watershed impoundment site must be carefully controlled to protect against indiscrimi- nate development along the water which may cause pollution and erosion problems. There are many examples.....of reservoir sites being abandoned or altered because of the creation and expan- sion of intensive land use: within the reservoir area.10 This requires control over the immediate area surrounding loOlson, George T.; "Preservation of Reservoir SitesBP.6. 43 the impoundment area but also those areas upstream that could contribute pollutents or excessive sediments to con- tributing streams. Summarization Three types of urban expansion for the region were examined and an Open space plan, "the corridor system”, proposed. The basis of accepting such a plan was the need for water-orient- ed recreational lands that didnot conflict with urbanization nor the use of good farm land. The corridor system could pro- vide the much needed water resource for this region. In addi- tion it would be develOped along lands that would require ex- tensive development if they were to be used for urbanization or farming due to fluctuations in water levels. The plan would act as a nucleus for an Open space plan that would not rule inland lands that have recreational potential out. Watershed areas within the Region prOposed for flood control by the Department of Agriculture should be evaluated for their recreational usage. Recreation opportunity, both present and potential, should be considered throughout the planning of water resource programs and be evaluated fully in all decisions to construct water resource projects. In densely popula- ted areas and in regions where natural water recreation Opportunities are limited, recreation use ma be a con- trolling factor in water resources programs. Major water impoundments so located that they have high 11The Report of the President's Water Resources Policy Commission; "A Rater Policy for the American People"; Wash- ington, D.C.; 1950; Page 256. 44 recreation values should be constructed and operated to insure full realization Of their recreation values compa- tible with other beneficial water uses.12 Both these recommendations made to the President in 1950 in ”A Water Policy for the American PeOple" indicates both the desirability and the need for the develOpment of the water- shed areas and their possible function as multi-purpose use areas. These areas could be designed as nodes of activities along the waterways of the corridor system. 12The Report of the President's Water Resources Policy Commission; "A Water Policy for the American People"; Wash- ington, D.C.; 1950; Page 257. CHAPTER III DETERMINATION OF TRI-COUNTY REGION DEFICIENCIES The summary of findings from the "Outdoor Recreation Inven- tory" published in 1962 by the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission pointed out a number of short comings in the RegiOn's existing recreational facilities. The most out- standing of these deficiencies were: 1. Lack of good recreational water areas; and 2. Lack of large regional park areas. Classification System for Recreational Land Evaluation In order to examine the recreational land available to the public within the Tri-County Region, the system recommended by the ORRRC for classifying recreational resources shall be used. It will provide us with a means of evaluating the quantity of recreational land within the Region and discover any limitations within the Tri-County Region in the facilities provided. The areas included are: Class 1 High-density Recreation Areas Class 2 General Outdoor Recreation Areas Class 3 Natural Environment Areas Class 4 Unique Natural Areas Class 5 Primitive Areas Class 6 Historic and Cultural Sites Of these only three pertain to the Tri-County Region, Class 1 High-density Recreation Areas; Class 2 General Outdoor Recrea- tion Areas; and Class 3 Natural Environment Areas. Definition gf_type g£_classification: Class 1- High-density Recreation Areas: Activities include intense day usage - kinds such as picnicking, pool areas, Sport fields, and golf 46 courses - and have interior rOads and sanitary facilities. Location - these areas are located within or near our urban areas and are usually easily accessible to the public. Land requirements — tOpography and soil that are adaptable to intensive land usage. Class 2 - General Outdoor Recreation Areas: Activities pro- vidcd are facilities to sustain a large and varied amount of activity - camping, picnicking, fishing, water sports, na- ture walks, artificial lakes, beaches, etc. These areas may also have nodes of Class 1 areas such as golf and intensive game areas. Facilities are segregated to maximize use of the entire area. Location - these areas are usually found within a 40 mile radius from our metrOpOlitan areas. Land require- ments - varied tOpography; interesting flora and fauna in a »natural or man-made setting; adaptable to a wider range of recreational Opportunities than Class 1. Future needs for outdoor recreation, particularly in the growing metrOpOlitan areas, will create pressures for more general (Class 2) and high-density (Classl) recreation areas. Class 3 - Natural Environmental Areas - Activities - the pri- mary recreation management objective is to provide recreation- al usage of the area in conjunction with other resources. This type of an area possesses a natural environment that en- courages sightseeing, nature study, camping, and boating. Access roads should be provided along the periphery of the site and the major emphasis placed on man's closeness to 47 nature. Man-made facilities should be limited. Areas such as this serve vacationers as well as intensive day and weekend usage. Location - this type area is within an 80 mile radius of our metrOpOlitan areas and should encourage users to make use of the area in its natural environment. Land requirements should possess interesting and varied tOpography, lakes, streams, flora and fauna in a natural setting. Classes 4, 5, and 6 - Unique natural areas; Primitive areas; and Historic and Cultural sites - For the purpose of this evaluation, these classes shall be eliminated due to the ab- sence of any unique natural or primitive areas. The Capitol area and Michigan State University provide the only historic and cultural sites of any value. Table IX on page 52 shows the breakdown in acreage of the ex- isting recreational facilities within the Tri-County Region according to the descriptions given of Classes 1, 2, and 3. To evaluate the meaning of the chart, a standard for desired acreage must be determined to assure adequate facilities in the future. Each recreation agency...should establish its own stan- dards, in accordance with what the peOple consider ade- Quate and are willing and able to pay for..."1 1California Committee on Planning for Recreation, ' Park Areas, and Facilities, 1956; "Guide for Planning Recrea- ftion Parks in California; Page 34. 48 Determination 2: Amount gf_Needed Recreational Land For many years the National Recreation Association recom- mended a ratio of 10; acres Of park land per 1,000 persons. The New York Regional Planning Association has recommended a standard of 12 acres per 1,000 persons. According to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Commission these standards have been acceptable in the past, but the parks now being discussed are for the future, so it would be preferable to establish a goal of 15 acres of regional park and recreation land per 1,000 pOpulation, in view of the continuing increase in leisure time, in growing ac- cessibility to outlying parks, and in the expansion Of built-up land.2 Determination 22 Type gf_Needed Recreational Land If we accept both the 15 acres per 1000 pOpulation figure and the predicted pOpulation for the Tri-County Region by 1980 as 443,558 persons, the recreational land need by 1980 will be 6652.5 acres. As shown in Table IX, the Class 3 area would appear to take care of these needs. Yet these Class 3 areas consist mainly of Maple River and Dansville State Game Areas and Rose Lake Wildlife Experimental Station which are administered by the Conservation Department for the state of Michigan, Their main purpose is hunting. The Tri-County is fortunate to have these lands within its boundaries, yet hunting is not the greatest recreational need for this Region. Intensive use of these areas by people would destroy the ecological relationship between plant and animals. 2Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Commission; 1956; A_Regional Recreation Policy and Program; Pages 11-12. 49 Class 2 areas must be greatly increased by 1980. Much of the existing Class 2 areas within the Tri-County Region have not yet been developed, such as Grand Woods Park and Priggoris Park, both owned by the city of Lansing. Sleepy Hollow State Park is being develOped to the Northeast of Lansing, within Clinton County. This will only provide an additional 2000 acres of Class 2 area. There is existing an available recrea- tional source in nearby counties. People looking for outdoor recreation are not interested in political boundaries and with increasing mobility will be attracted to those areas that best satisfy their needs. This is evident in that the most visited State Forest Campgrounds by persons from Eaton, Ingham, and Clinton Counties was the county of Roscommon 3 where water activities are available. The tOp six destina- tions for State Park Day users from Ingham County in 1964 were: (1) Waterloo; (2) Holland; (3) Yankee Springs; (4) Grand Haven; (5) D.H. Day; and (6) Higgins Lakei The locations of these camper destinations are shown in Figure VI on page 50. It is evident that the people of the Tri-County Region are seeking recreation outside their own area. This available source Of recreational facilities does not fulfill the needs of the Region. Not everyone has the time, 3Milstein and Reid; Michigan Outdoor Recreation 227 mand Study: Volume II Activities Reports; Table 7.16, P. 7.35. 4161s.; Table 8.17; Page 8.59. I. I. DIV svvw mu : f. Hangman mums, 50 IIIBOIIS LAIE .-~ swqmmxucn. 60.6.1qu . Pianist-1111:; ? Maximo, . A [ -1 _l IIAII IAVEI \ O sw1mmmq PicUZ¢KIU64 ban-nun. :W1MM!Ncq' “QEL‘Id -POATIHA _ -. I Pto momma YANKEE sumo: W» 1‘}, Jailsjfifii .»EM*' {4) MW- 3? XS, 1"" destinations of campers IEBIOI "OI II! III-COUNTY 172.011.3340 2.: V II E I [00 y‘uxmmtua . ph.‘J~"-.>L;'V$JCI bC‘ATW 8" L Lumen; 0 5 15 scale in miles Figure VI. 51 money, nor means of transportation to allow long trips. It thus becomes the responsibility of the governmental bodies of the Region to provide or encourage develOpment of recrea- tional Opportunities close to home to facilitate access to them. Major Recreational Activities and Facilities tg_b§_lmproved Class 2 areas have been shown to be insufficient for the Re- gion and that peOpleare leaving the Tri-County area in search of adequate recreation facilities. What facilities are need- ed and could be included in a Class 2 area to improve condi- tions in Eaton, Ingham, and Clinton Counties? The following are the major activities that have been shown to be the most desired and used by residents of the Tri-County Region and should be included in any design consideration for a Class 2 area: (1f:Swimming3 (2) Sightseeing and hiking; (3)/éicnic- king; (4) Boating; (5) Fishing; (6) Camping; and (7) Golf. A comparison as to existing activities within the Tri-County Region and what would be considered adequate by 1980 is shown in Table X on page 52. Swimming: This activity is ranked third in pOpularity by the ORRRC for the North Central states and ranked first by the Department of Conservation based on a study by Central Mich- igan University. People camping at state forest campgrounds from the Tri—County Region chose areas having swimming faci- lities. The Region has only two public beaches found at Lake Lansing and Community Park, having a combined length of shore- 52 LAéb ACRE?) FIGURE IX 400, 5,57% ‘ '_$ s, 1 9 of: 35‘ I 1,000 «*7 FIGURE X I mmmnm‘. 1mm Labia 2 mm:::;-:_: 455 ADDm omx L- 250:.» -_-L-l_i, - MW “-7 iLH_U_r -_ “Heliu_l,c,_ -_ ism; were; CAMPWC» :=_____Ww incur: ' J I l25OOFfi F s LlN. CT. Acczes . ACREb 1 ACRES: ' J assoc \y ”__Y FL lg J r\ I ' iaICOO : —7o {‘0 "I? EEK“; DEA/’82,: {ZED PST wax—was)“ STATE. ‘ WWW~Wfl AD! or,» 3:: Existing Recreational Land Classification Comparison | AC? E‘V zoos I (1;) i 7‘- I a? 5 - sill , 5 Regional Examples of Quantitative Needs by 1980 for the Tri-County Region 53 Table IX. Existing Recreational Lands of the Tri-County Region Source: Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Outdoor Recreation - An InventoryQ; January 1962. Table X. Comparison of Recreational Lands in 1962 and 1980. Source: Tri—County Regional Planning Commission; "Outdoor Recreation - An Inventory"; January 1962. Candeub, Cabot and Associates; Preliminary DevelOp- ment Plan for Mauch Chunk Creek WatershedfiArea3 Carbon co., Pa.; (for picnicking standard) California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan Committee; California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan, Part1, 19603 (for swimming standard) Onondaga County Dept. of Planning, and N.Y. State Dept. of Commerce; Recreation and Open S ace in the Onondaga - Syracuse MetrOpolitan Area; March 1 2;_Tfor_boatifig standard) New Mexico State Planning Office; New Mexico Compre- hensive Plan for Outdoor Recreation; August 19653(for camping standard) Sacramento County Planning Commission; A_Report on the Park and Recreation S ace needs of the Sacramen o MEtro- politan Area; July—1960; or golf standard) 54 line of Moo feet, and four public pools — one at Williamston City, one at St. Johns City, and two within Lansing. Private membership clubs provide eight additional areas for swimming. Low water quality is one of the major reasons for failing to crowd our existing beaches. Numerous studies indicate water is a key attraction to most areas and even more so if people can participate in water-oriented activities, such as boating and swimming. It can be said that no matter how adequate re- creational areas are, residents and tourists will be attract- ed to them less if they are without swimming facilities. People are interested in spending their vacation and weekends where there is water and the Opportunity to swim. 'Sightseeing: is ranked second by the ORRRC and participated in by 74.7 percent of the tourists visiting Michigan during the summer of 1964. Within the counties of Eaton, Clinton, and Ingham the residents and tourists can investigate the Capitol Complex, Michigan State University, Fenner Arboretum Park, and Potter Park Zoo. The greatest sightseeing potential within the area is the farmbelt area which supplies the large Metropolitan markets of Detroit and Lansing and others in the area. The farmbelt now provides easy access to the urban dweller. It is doubt- ful with urban and suburban growth that this closeness will remain. Tourism is mentioned due to the great amount of income it adds to Michigan's economy. It contributed 400 million dollars in 1950 and according to the Michigan Department of Conserva- 55 tion, it will increasetn over one billion dollars in 1967. More facilities should be develOped to encourage tourism within the Tri-County Region. Sightseeing was also ranked second in primary purposes of visits to Michigan National Forests with 1.265,800 participants.5 Picnicking is usually an accompaniment to other activities, such as hiking, fishing, sightseeing, etc. There are over 1500 picnic units provided in 51 developed picnic areas with- in the Tri-County Region. The size of the picnic sites range in area from one-quarter of an acre to over 90 acres, and the number of picnic units at these sites range from 2 to 150. Picnicking ranked high in the number of visits to Michigan National Forests totaling 188,300, and was ranked number one for the North Central states by the ORRRC. Yet many of the areas within the Tri-County are poorly designed, lacking shade, toilet facilities, adequate parking, and are over used with inadequate management. ‘3 Boating: The pOpularity of boating has increased steadily in the period 1958-1962. In the Tri-County Region, boat registrations hgve in- creased from 10,900 in 1958 to 18,262 in 1962. Many problems are confronting the boating enthusiasts. There 5Milstein and Reid; Michigan Outdoor Recreation De- mand Study: Volume II Activities Reports; Michigan Dept. of Conservation, Tech.Repnrt No.6, June 1966; Page 7.84. 6Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Outdoor Recreation — An Inventory”; January 1962; Page 20. 56 is a need for more launching facilities. Few lakes within the Tri-County Region are large enough tO accomodate boating act- ivities. Pollution, siltation, weed growth and over use Of lakes are affecting the attractiveness Of boating resources. Excessive boating reduces the value Of lakes for fishing and Other activities and_even discourages the boater. Fishing is the primary purpose Of visitors to the Michigan National Forest. It is listed by the Conservation Department as being participated in by 52 percent Of 6,872 vacationing tourists surveyed. Fishing is considered tO be the second most popular use Of water. Yet the Tri-County Region between 1955 and 1960 had a decrease Of almost fifteen percent in the number Of resident fishing licenses sold. One Of the chief reasons for this decrease is believed to be the lack Of good water quality. Pollutionf/especially in urbanized areas, is reducing the fish habitat and creating pressures on remain- ing waters. Water Problems Of the Grand River Basin: Surface water re- sources within the Tri-County are considered to be Of gen- erally poor quality. There exist six major rivers - Grand River, Looking Glass River, Maple River, Thornapple River, and Battle Creek River 5 which provide 760 miles of water- ways through the three counties. There are also 628 water bodies in the Tri-County Region containing 4360 acres Of sur- face water. They range in size from small ponds less than an acre to the largest lake, Lake Lansing with a surface area of 57 453 acres.7 * C.J.D. Brown of the Institute Of Fisheries Research, Michi- gan Department Of Conservation, has evaluated existing lakes and ponds Of Michigan. His research shows that five inland counties have less than 1000 acres Of lakes each. Ingham, Clinton, and Eaton Counties are three Of the five counties, and together they contain only 113 natural or artificial lakes.' The Tri-County "Natural Resource Problem Study” focuses on a number Of reasons as tO the undesirability of lake develOp- ment. Among them are listed: 1. The smallness Of lakes. 2. Limited access tO the lakes due to the many reSiden- tial developments aroundthem. 3. Excessive land values. A. Poor water quality. The reasons for the poor water quality are (1) poor water circulation; (2) feed streams that Often drain poor soils; (3) shallow irregular bottoms; (A) high water temperatures and Obnoxious vegetation characteristics Of the summer period; and (5) waste dumped into many lakes. The rivers and streams Of the region also have many problems. The rivers rarely exceed a width Of 40 yards, are shallow in depth and either contain a high degree of suspended materials or are contaminated with sewage or industrial waste. 7Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Tri-County Regional Transportation Study! Natural Resource Problems;P.51. ./ 58 Camping within the Tri-County Region is unavailable tO the tourist and difficult for the residents tO find. Most Of the existing camping areas are used as day camps for children. There are four municipally owned yet undevelOped camping areas, six privately owned by such groups as the Boy Scouts and the YMCA, and an area at the Rose Lake Wildlife Experi- mental Station. PeOple within a thirteen county region according to the Mich— igan Department Of Conservation represented 19% of the state forest campers and were the third highest in the state in visits tO state forests.8 This thirteen county region, Of which Eaton, Ingham, and Clinton Counties are a part, is the only region tO be without a state forest, thus requiring tra- vel outside its regions. Large campgrounds with swimming facilities were definitely preferred by the state forest campers in this region, even though they had tO travel past many smaller campgrounds on their way.9 According tO the Central Michigan University study, 54% Of all tourists participated in camping activities. Golf: As has been stated previously that within Class 2 areas, nodes Of Class 1 activities may be developed. Such a node Of activity is considered to be a golf course. 8Milstein and Reid; Michigan Outdoor Recreation De- mand Study: Volume II_ Activities Reports; Michigan Dept: Of Conservation; Tech.Report No.6, June 1966; Page 7.33. 91bid.3 Page 7.34. 59 POpular interest in golf has been steadily mounting through— out the country in the past several years. It is now a form Of recreation enjoyed by three million persons in the na- tion.10 The Tri-County Region has nine 9-hOle courses Open tO the pub- _lic, of which six are 70 acres or less. There are only two l8-hole golf courses Open to the general public. Site Selection Criteria In order tO provide areas Of recreation for the Tri-County Region, general criteria were used to facilitate the selec- tion Of those areas most desirable for recreational develop- ment. General Characteristics: The following criteria were used in Southeastern Pennsylvania in order to facilitate their selec- tion Of such areas: 1. A site should possess conspicuous scenic value typical Of the region and adequate recreation resources. Be- cause Of their greater social value, unusual recrea- tion resources may compensate for the absence:of out- standing scenic beauty. 2. A site should be characterized by scenic and recrea- tional resources Of kinds which are unlikely tO be preserved and developed for the enjoyment by the pub- lic Of this and future generations under private own- ership and which are sufficiently distinctive to at- tract and interest the people Of the region. 3. Sites should be sufficient in number, extent, and variety Of character tO meet the present and future demands Of the peOple and which are not ordinarily supplied. 4. Sites should be so distributed geographically as to serve the people Of the region adequately and with a minimum of required travel time. lOTri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Outdoor Recreation - An Inventory”; Page 8. 6O 5. A site, if at all pOSSible, should provide a water feature for scenic value and for a recreation resource.ll These criteria are both general and somewhat vague. Yet, pur- posely so, in order that no site might be overlooked in the investigation of areas for recreational lands. .’ if Specific Characteristics: A more detailed and specific out- line Of criteria was used by the Cumberland County Planning Board Of Bridgeton County, New Jersey, to investigate parti- cular areas that were thought tO have recreational lands. The criteria used in their analyses were: I. l . \OCO '\] mm-Pwn) Need Topography and soil Financing Of land acquisition Highway access on existing highway system Ease Of land assembledge Size Of area for parks and possibility Of future ex- pansion Relation to pOpulation centers Of the area to be served Availability Of water for recreation use Scenic attraction Of the site 10. General character Of the surrounding area 11. Compatibility Of park use with municipal plans 12 This criteria is proposed specifically as a basis for evalua- ting the watershed impoundment sites as to their recreational potential. The impoundment sites have been recognized and studied by the Department Of Agriculture for their flood wa- ter retention in preventing floods. These water bodies may 11Southeastern Penn. Regional Planning Commission; A Regional Recreation Poligy_and Program; 1956; pp. 13-15. 12Cumberland County Planning Board; Cumberland County, New Jersey; Published 1966; Page 72. [|| l |' I.||. ‘ll Ill! lull . 61 provide excellent quality recreational uses. Nggg; Needs concerning quantity can be measured in a number Of ways. Three methods described in the "Recreation and Open Space in Illinois” report are: (1) Current Practice; (2) User- Density, User—Preference; and (3) Share Of National Total. The"Current Practice”method requires the study Of recreation- al Open space plans Of other areas as tO the amount Of land in acres per 1000 population they are providing for Open space. Evaluation is needed as tO the adequacy Of these plans in fulfilling their goals and selecting the better one or com- bining to meet the area's goals. "User—Density, User-Preference” method entails identifying, by survey, the quantity Of people who would participate in a particular activity on a particular day. Then density stan- dards can be determined to handle the expected participation for each activity. This method is considered tO be the most accurate in evaluating present need, yet is the most expen- sive and time consuming. "Share Of the National Total” method assumes the national average Of Open space per 1000 pOpulation will be acceptable for the area being studied. This requires evaluation as to the growth Of the area being studied and how well its develOp- ment is in comparison to the nation's.13 13Lewis, Jr., Philip H.3 "Recreation and Open Space in Illinois"; Page 107. 62 In order tO determine the activities needed by the peOple Of the Region, their age, income, distribution, education, and regional location were studied; and then compared to a natio— nal study done by the ORRRC. Certain trends were evidenced: such as high participation in picnicking, swimming, and boat- ing; etc. and determination Of the generalized activities for the Region were made. By comparing standards, used on a national basis by planning agencies, the major activities were studied as tO their quantity tO supply the pOpulation Of 500,000 by 1980. TO in- sure the location Of these activities to be within easy access Of the pOpulation, the Class 2 area was defined as a general outdoor recreation area usually found within a 40 mile radius from our metrOpOlitan areas. This enables determination Of shortages in Class 2 open space areas and those activities involved. Finally, by again comparing standards throughout the country, desirable spacial requirements for the site design Of such Class 2 areas were selected. Topography: The form of the earth surface can foster the types Of activities pursued if changes in the terrain are not desi- rable nor possible. Those areas possessing level or gently rolling terrain are suitable for active sports such as camp— ing or picnicking; whereas those lands that have a rough ter- rain Or steep slopes are attractive to hikers. Much can be done with those sites pOSSessing various types Of terrain, 63 especially if the need for activities is varied. The Tri-County Region as has been mentioned in the preceeding chapter is limited in tOpographic variations, thus any area that possesses a lepe greater than 10 percent (lOfeet in 100 feet) and is in conjunction with a possible water surface should be evaluated for its recreational potential. It would be difficult tO build or farm on such areas tO any degree and dueix>the flattness Of the Region, these lands would not be competition for such purposes. The streams within the Region, besides providing the contrasting element Of water, also cause local relief due tO the erosion Of the channel bed. The relief and water surface form the backbone Of the environmental corridors discussed in the previous chapter. S231; Inventories Of existing soil conditions can provide basic information tO the planner. The primary benefit Of generalized soil information is the ability tO identify those areas having poorly drained and unstable soils, thus limiting intensive development. Optimum supporting soils for building foundations are those having high percentage Of sand or gravel. This is true Of most building construction such as roads. Soils will vary in their ability to provide fOOd and maintain a prOper bal- ance Of air and water for good plant growth. If a wildlife habitat is tO be encouraged, development Of a soil that will support fOOd producing plants is necessitated. Soil types will also determine carrying capacities for cer- W 64 stain activities: Vegetation growing in rich ground with evenly maintained moisture is far less sensitive to moderate use than are plants which are barefiy able to support themselves in poor, gravelly soil.1 The ability of the soil to support plant growth will also lessen the expense of soil cultivation. Drainage of the soil can effect carrying capacity in that poor drainage limits activity within the particular area. This is detrimental es- pecially in such activities as golf courses or picnic grounds. Vegetation: At one time the Region had an abundant supply of forest cover. As farming became the major industry and then later with urban expansion, most of the timber land was cleared. Those existing woodlands yet remaining, besides adding landscape attractiveness to the countryside, provide relief from the hot summer temperatures and the cold winter winds and facilitate soil stabilization from erosion. The biotic character of a recreation site, when consid- ered with terrain, may add great value for all types of recreational experiences. Hiking, including nature walks, is the outdoor activity that benefits directly. Nature study is enhanced if a wide variety of biotic types are available, or if one or two atypical types are abundant.15 Vegetation can also act as a space definer, a wind break, visual screen, or a physical barrier. If animal life is de- sired, analysis of food supporting plants will be beneficial 1”Meinecke,E.P.; Cam Planning and Camp Reconstruc- tion; California Region, 19%4; Page7. 15Milstein and Reid; Outdoor Recreation Demand Study Volume II Activities Reports; Michigan Dept. of Conservation, Tech. Report No. 6, June 1966; Page 5.30. .l Ji|-| .‘l‘ll'lldl'1ll‘l-illl il'll‘tili‘ '65 to sustain their existence. 5 Approximate Cost of Land per Acre: It is difficult to place a price on our environment especially in evaluating our fu- ture recreational needs. Lands possessing high recreational value need not necessarily be the most expensive. As we have discussed with the corridor plan, those low lands subject to flooding and a hazzard to intensive development in terms of prOperty damage and loss of life, can contribute at a reason- able price to the region's recreational needs. An effort should be made to obtain other desirable recreational lands not in the low-lying areas if they possess outstanding recreational characteristics or low-lying areas are non-existent. Highway Access 22_Existing Highway System: It is interesting to note the impact of highways on camp- grounds used. Those camping from counties with relatively easy access to interstate highways ordinarily used them in traveling to the nearest large campground.16 As with any area that is to supply large groups of peOple, ease of access to and from the site is desirable for the efficient movement of people. Activities should also be of easy access to those traveling through the area. A study done by Central Michigan University in 1964 indicates that of those tourists vacationing in Michigan 77.1% partici- l6 Milstein and Reid; State Resource Planning Program; Michigan Department of Commerce; Michigan Outdoor Recreation Demand Study: Volume II Activities; Michigan Department of Conservation; TechnicaT Report Number 6, June 1966; Page 7.34. 66 pated in swimming; 54.2% participated in camping; and 52.0% participated in fishing.17 Our capability to travel is growing twice as fast as our pOpulation. From 1949 to 1965, passenger car mileage Jumped 74%, while population increased 32%. Mileage is expected to double by 1980. Better roads agd cars mean more and longer trips to seek recreation.1 Ease g£_Land Assembledge: Areas should be investigated for ownership. Usually land close to urban areas is not only ex- pensive, but to acquire any sizable land area requires the dealing with a great many property owners. Further out from the populated urban areas, land parcels become larger and owners fewer, thus costs and dealings are reduced. Methods of land acquisition include outright purchase of fee; public lease of land; easements; eminent domain; condemnation; tax foreclosure and private donations. Public acquisition of land has its disadvantages in that costs are excessive, and there is a loss of land from the public tax roles. The Federal Government is stimulating Open space acquisition of land with such programs as (1) Federal Housing Act of 1961 - Department of Housing and Urban Devel- Opment to make grants to state and local authorities of 50% for the purchasing and develOpment of land within urban areas; (2) Food and Agriculture Act of 1965 — Department of Agricul- ture provides grants to state and local governments desiring l7Michigan Dept. of Conservation; "Michigan's Recrea- tion Future"; September 1966; Page 13. 18Ibid.; Page 6. 67 to purchase cropland for public recreation. Grants cannot ex- ceed what would originally have been paid the farmer had the land been in an agricultural diversion program; (3) communi— ties carrying on Small Watershed Projects, under Congressional Act 566, 1954, are provided extensive aid by the government. Reasons necessary for develOpment in order to be eligible for such aid vary a great deal; Flood control and prevention, fish and wildlife habitat improvement, recreational develop- ment, or municipal and industrial water needs are some of the reasons. The size of the project is limited to 25,000 acres; and (4) Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965 authorizes the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation to provide Federal Assistance to state governments. The state may then distribute the funds to the local units of government. Local government can either through bond issues or general revenues stimulate open space land acquisition. County governments are increasingly involved in acquiring parks and recreation space. Since the county governments have the largest tax base of any unit of local govern- ment, and have broad powers and responsibilities, they are able to act to secure significant open space sites.19 Water usage and county planning should be closely related. Rapid urbanization and industrial water requirements are over-loading streams.with pollutents. Availability of water sources will certainly effect future development within an area. It is with some urgency that coordinated and workable lgsouthwestern Penn. Regional Planning Commission; "A Regional Planningstudy: Regional Open Space"; 1966; P.234. 68 programs be instituted by our local, county, state, and fed- eral governments to protect and develop existing and potential water resources. Size of Area for Parks and Possibility for Future Expansion: To quote from the National Park Service Publication of Octo- ber 1959, ”Guidelines for Determination of Needs": A On the basis of pOpulation, it should be possible to de- termine the minimum amount of land and facilities requir- ed for physical activities. But it is impossible to set a figure on the amount of land that should be set aside for educational, spiritual, and esthetic values. From the esthetic point of view, the limit of an area is the horizon... 20 There is no absolute standard that can be given as to the amount of acreage or physical characteristics a Class 2 area as defined earlier should possess. In order to differentiate classes, a suggested minimum of 100 acres for Class 2 areas. was proposed by the ORRRC. The extent of such a Class 2 area should be determined by the area prOposed for development: the size of the water body, the activities desired and the expected pOpulation demand upon the area. Future expansion of an area need not necessarily take place. Yet the sur- rounding areas should be examined in order to assure adequate spacial expansion. distance a person will travel to a particular area will de- pend on a number of criteria. The type of roads that exist 20National Park Service; "Guidelines for Determination of Needs"; October 1959. 69 usually influence the traveler: the person will travel fur- ther on a four-lane highway than on a two-lane country road. What type of landscape he will pass through on his route to the park and the type of facilities and activities that are available at the site will determine the distances people will travel. In the Tri-County Region, automobile registrations in- creased 31% from 84,000 in 1950 to 110,000 in 1960. The number of registered vehicles per 1000 persons in the 21 Region is 20.25% above the ratio for the United States..? This along with 5,000 miles of streets and highways within the Tri-County Region would allow all areas having recrea- tional potential to be given consideration, since access and distance to them would not be considerable. Availability of Water for Recreational Use: This is an espec- ially important criteria for the Tri-County Region due to the limited amount of water existing in the area and its lack of quality. Since water is generally considered as a focal point for recreation and these sites are so few within the Tri-County, the presence of running streams and landforms conducive to water impoundments should be important loca- tional criteria. Water impoundment sites have already been located as to their desirability for flood control. Now they must be evaluated as to water oriented recreation potential. This importance is emphasized by the ORRRC report to the President in 1962 which said that: 21Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Transpor- tation - An Inventory"; January 1962; Page 25. 41" ii 7O nearly one-half of our pOpulation prefers water based recreation to all other forms: roughly one-third of all Americans fish for sport; boating is among our most pOp- ular outdoor pastimes; ...; swimming, already high on the list of outdoor activities, promises to top all others before many years have passed.22 The evaluation of a water body for recreational usage should include size of the impoundment area and its adequacy which has a spacial effect on bathers needs, and the size has an effect on the water temperature. A very large body of water, if of sufficient depth, can be a very cold one. ..... Swimming is not a pOpular activity if the water temperature is below 68 degrees Farenheit and temperatures above this are preferred. Size is also important as to the activities that can take place on the water surface. Boating, fishing, and bathing age not activities that are conducive to one another.2 The shape of an impoundment site will determine boating activities. Sail boating requires a relatively large Open space and a water surface unprotected from winds. Motor boating and water skiing are difficult to execute on narrow water bodies such as rivers, whereas a large rounded one facilitates boating activities. Water quality and its maintenance should be enforced to prevent pollution and ensure that no limitations be im- posed on those seeking water recreational activities.24 Scenic Attraction gf_the Site: Since people do not perceive the landscape in the same manner it is difficult to analyze the desirability of a site that will ensure attractiveness 22U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; The Yearbook of Agricul- ture, 1963: A Place tg_Live; Washington D.C.; Page 356. 23Milstein and Reid; Michigan Outdoor Recreation De- mand Study: Volume II Activities Reports; Michigan DeptT—of Conservation; TechniEal Report No. 6, Tune 1966; Page 5.33. 2”Ib1d.; Page 5.34. .i 1'1.‘ 71 to all. The National Advisory Council on Regional Recreation Planning in 'A User-Resource Recreation Planning Method' suggests six types of values that may be used indivi- dually or in combination to measure the outdoor recrea- tional experiences. These are: physical, emotional, aesthetic, educational, social, and intellectual exper- iences.25 ‘ The physical experiences are the easiest to measure for it requires active participation by the person as in swimming or horseback riding. The other values are more difficult to measure since, as in the case of an intellectual experience, it may be participated in unknowingly. Some positive measures may be taken to areas, to improve the site's attractiveness. Variations in topography and in plant life, various types of spacial experiences from open to en- closed, from confined to free, and differences in textural variation from fine to coarse, all contribute to the per- ceptual experiences of the visitor. To provide scenic attractiveness, general park design factors suggesting spacial standards are used, in order to provide adequate activities and facilities. General Character g£_the Surrounding Area: This entails a policy of using lands for recreation that does not conflict with one's ideas as to what the out-of-doors should provide. 25Milstein and Reid; Michigan Outdoor Recreation 237 mand Study; Volume I_ Methods and Models; MiChigan Dept. of Conservation; Technical Report No. 6, June 1966; Page 5.21. 72 Such conflicts would arise if the odors of industry, exces- sive noise, or the unsightlyness of junkyards were a part of the recreation scene. This in conjunction with the final site selection criteria, Compatibility g£_Park Use with Municipal Plans, will ensure against such conflicts as the above men- tioned. Land use planning will facilitate area selection of recreation sites by generalizing those areas desirable for urban expansion and industrial locations based upon soil desirability and land values. Summary The Tri-County was shown to possess three major recreational areas, Class 1 High-density Recreation Areas; Class 2 Gen- eral Outdoor Recreation Areas; and Class 3 Natural Environ- mental Areas. Of these, Class 2 areas were selected for fur- ther study. The deficiencies in the quantities of recreational lands were studied. The results indicated that a total of 6652.5 acres of Class 2 recreational land would be necessary in or- der to provide the 500,000 persons expected to be living in the Tri-County Region by 1980 with adequate recreational facilities. Certain recreational activities that have been shown to be desirable for participation by the residents of the Tri-County Region and are desired within Class 2 areas are swimming, picnicking, sightseeing and hiking, boating, fishing, camping, and golf. These were quantitatively stu- died and deficiencies noted. The results assured the need of a Class 2 area and the facilities the area should provide. 73 Site selection criteria were outlined to provide a means of land evaluation and selection. General criteria were design- ed to allow all areas having any possible recreational poten- tial to be evaluated. More specific criteria were prOposed in studying particular sites thought to be quality recrea- tional areas. Due to the lack of water quality and quantity of the Region, this criteria was to be used on a watershed impoundment site in developing a corridor node. CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS OF THE SITE THE SITE: Regional Context The site is entirely within the Grand River Basin and shall be known as the Columbia Creek Watershed Area. Columbia Creek drains an area of approximately 14.8 square miles or 9,477 acres. Columbia Creek Watershed Area, shown in the Regional Context Map of Figure VII on page 75 is in the southern part of the Tri—County Region. The site is located approximately 13% miles from Lansing, Michigan, and 3.4 miles from Eaton Rapids, Michigan. Columbia Creek Recreational Area, to be developed, is divided by the Ingham and Eaton County line. The area within Eaton County is located in Eaton Rapids Town- ship, designated as the eastern portion of T.2N-R.3W Sections 12 and 13. The area within Ingham County is located in the western part of Aurelius Township and designated as T.2N-R.2W Sections 7 and 18. The northern boundary of the site is Columbia Highway, a two-lane asphalt paved roadway. To the south is Bunker Road which is only partially paved. The eastern boundary is Gale Road, also a two-lane paved aSphalt road. The western bound- ary to the prOposed Recreational Area is the Grand River into which Columbia Creek empties. ‘ I a r . m _ ._ . e . .. . + _ ...: . .-.... 4 . . . . . . -. i _ . + . H . . i . I . u x . . . p. L .J O‘Dl‘y..l. m. I .A c . .. . . . . m . ..Q . ..v u m _ .. O . w _ .4,.r..~ .. .v Y . 1.... . my ‘ _. t. a . ‘0 a ...“. .w . -.. . + . .. .m u . . . . . n . . .. . e i. a 5, ~05- Iort BOITEXT REGIONAL Figure VII. 76 The proposed Columbia Creek Recreational Area will cover ap- proximately 1700 acres, which is 2.65 square miles. The boun- daries of the site as described were selected so that the Grand River would become a physical boundary to the West, with an additional prOposed scenic easement of 300 feet a- long the west bank of the Grand River. To the North, Columbia Highway, the major access route to the area with heavy traf- fic expected, was chosen as the park's boundary. To the east Gale Road becomes the boundary, since the land further to the east is relatively flat and uninteresting. For the same rea- son, Bunker Road becomes the southern boundary. Interesting topography, vegetation, a water body formed through impound- ment by damming Columbia Creek, wetlands, and the river are all included within the site. Future expansion does exist in all directions since the area is surrounded by farmland. Yet it is believed that more than one area should be developed as suggested earlier of the open space plan in the Corridor System, thereby increasing the value of the Corridor Plan. Lansing, located 13 miles to the north of the site has a pop— ulation of 139,600. Eaton Rapids, 3.4 miles south of the site has 4,270; Mason is approximately 6.5 miles east and has 5,020 people; and the city of Charlotte, 12 miles to the west, has 7,900 people. Each will contribute users to the site. It would be unrealistic to propose this site as the panacea to the recreational needs of over 150,000 urban residents, not including the rural pOpulus in these areas. 77 This watershed area, Columbia Creek, is but one of thirty- three possible sites throughout the Tri-County Region as shown earlier in Figure IV on page 35. Other sites would be developed as their need arose, and in relation to the expand- ing pOpulation. The size and extent of their development would also be based upon the Region's needs and the quality of the land in the watershed. Historical Significance - Present Land Usage: The dominant usage of the land today is agriculture, both within and surrounding the planning area. There is some re- sidential development, and this can be expected to increase. The Tri-County Region estimates that some 225,000 dwelling units will be needed to house regional residents by the year 2000. An additional 62 square miles of land will be consumed by residential development within the next thirty-five years.1 Presently, the land is zoned agricultural, and there are no known municipal plans that are being develOped that would change this. The land as seen from the rural roads that surround the site presents a pastoral scene. Corn stalks, pumpkins, sheep, dairy cows (Holstein), the sound of barking dogs, the old barns, horses, and deciduous tree rows defining the farm fields identify the type of area that is being engulfed by urban sprawl. Sand pits are located on the site, owned by 1"Metropolitan Growth Predicted for Area"; State Jour- nal; Sunday, October 8, 1967, Section D, Page 7. 78 Ingham County, another by Aurelius Township, and a third by Eaton County Road Commission. A cemetery exists at the corner of Bunker Road and Waverly Road. It contains recent burials, yet many of the markers in- dicate a very early history of the area. Marillee Norton,who died August 26, l829,at the age of 26, was the first burial in the cemetery, although many stones were illegibile due to weathering. There also exists a small park of Aurelius Town- ship along Curtice Road, which has a pavilion and picnic facilities. Vehicular Circulation: M-99 connecting Lansing with Eaton Rapids is a major highway by-passing the site. This is a two- 1ane road along which traffic moves at 60 miles per hour. There is limited passing allowed due to the under design of vertical and horizontal curves, limiting viewing distances. Columbia Highway connects with U.S. Highway 127, which is only 6 miles to the east. All the roads surrounding the site are paved in asphalt ex- cept that portion of Bunker Road which is in Eaton Rapids Township. Two roads penetrate the site, Curtice Road and Waverly Road. Curtice Road is paved one-half its distance from Gale Road, and gravel the remainder of the way to Waver- ly Road. Waverly Road is entirely gravel. The width of these roads is approximately twenty feet. With the expected increase in use and number of automobiles 79 in the future, it will be necessary to increase the width of M-99. From Highway M-99, by way of Bunker Road, a narrow steel trestle bridge must be crossed in order to enter the site. This bridge is inadequate for two-way automobile traf- fic. It is suggested that the bridge be used for one-way traffic, or be retained as a pedestrian access to the site. Land Ownership: Ingham County, Aurelius Township, Sections 7 and 18 have twenty-one prOperty owners. The smallest land division is ten acres, the largest being 120 acres. Within this section, Ingham County owns 40 acres, Aurelius Township owns 40 acres and Eaton County Road Commission owns 9.4 acres. The average land owner has approximately 65 acres. Eaton County, Eaton Rapids Township, Sections 12 and 13 have eleven prOperty owners. The smallest land holding is 22 acres; the largest is 137.5 acres. A cemetery consisting of 50 acres is located in Section 13, owned by Eaton Rapids Township. The land holders own on the average approximately 47 acres each. Perceptual Study: In order to assure the full recreational utilization of the site, a perceptual study of both intrinsic {aw—Ex L '3... \ . and extinsic values was conducted. The intrinsic values in- —_.._-v clude such elements as water features, topographic/character- isticsfsuch as steep land over 10 percent slope, flat land \ under one percent, high points from which views are possible, forest cover, wet lands, and other features of the site that .y possess dominant natural attractionsg’readily perceived by 80 one's eye. AContrast and variety are the most widely valued perceptual attributes of environmental patterns. Contrasts in high points and between land and water features, and variety in slopes and ridges are among the scenic resources which enhance the setting for recreation.2 Extrinsic values are man-made elements altering the natural values of the landscape such as roads, buildings, land usage, utility lines, bridges, mining, and cemeteries. The place— ment by man of objects or the altering of the existing land- scape has an effect, no matter how small on the environment. Both of these values, natural or man-made, have visual signi- ficance on the impact of the design, and have been indicated on the Site Analysis - Perceptual Study, Figure VIII on page 81. The analysis was made from USGS topographic maps at a scale of one inch equals two thousand feet, aerial photo- graphs, and on-site inspection. Investigation p£_the Site: The site is basicly agriculturally oriented, yet there is evidence of the land possibly becoming residential with ur- ban expansion. The area has some residential development al- ready, and commercial areas are springing up along Highway M-99. Topography: The planning area has approximately 100 feet 2Maryland—National Capital Park and Planning Commis- sion; "Preliminary Master Plan for Rock Creek Planning Area"; September 1966; Silver Spring and Riverdale, Maryland;P.76. '4’ ..l...lll_‘1ulll.1||llulx III. ..lllu .{. £I.l|lfl' :l‘ui .14" 1 Jedi". Ill-nun. ‘zlllllil‘lll.’ Il‘lllll 81 .HHH> enemas ‘0‘ »‘ =22=ucouu amuse 2.83.39 1i 1“... 4g (.0004! 98* =2. ...:33. n .35.: :3 Id: hzul‘OdU’u- u&<90.-¢.— CHIC antacid”? a...) :II: qua-p0... 2. o. e 3:: .2: . a 33.... _ L U... Hypo-I luv-«04 8 V VI / I O 9 v . 'x . ‘1 '0 5. ~ v t ‘ N 0‘43 it o... g .3... or! 036 “NH" .86 I“ g i on; 09.6. g .1. 0.1101540 as... ......- :53... .4 mma OP kn“? was .38 125i“ ; 0‘ L j. c? 35," _. I“ L‘jvt ht )- § 7‘ ’ J .3“ {3 . "fi. ' , 82 difference in e1evation.The river bank has the lowest eleva- tion of 850 feet above sea level, while the highest point in the area is in the southeast corner of the site with an elev- ation of 950. The land is generally a rolling terrain. Areas having greater than 10 percent slopes are shown in the site analysis on page 81. Steeper slopes are generally found along Columbia Creek and along the banks of the Grand River. The sand pits have some very steep slopes, fifty percent and bet- ter due to the excavations. The mined areas are hazardous in places, yet they add interesting topography to the site and provide excellent building sands for construction of roads land beaches, and add contrast to the dark brown soil. These sand pits would certainly be a favorite for exploring, after some reduction of the steep slopes. There are some wet land areas on the site that may provide interesting surprises for the hiker, and provide desirable shelter and environment for many species of fowl and fauna. Columbia Creek which bisects the site is approximately 8-10 feet wide, and at points narrows to 2—3 feet in width. Its depth in most areas is about 2-3 feet and the bottom can be seen to have a sandy base. Water movement is swift and small fish and tadpoles can be seen darting about. In some areas on the site, water can be heard running in the nearby creek, yet due to thick undergrowth of deciduous plants, one must follow the sound until access is permitted by an opening in the vegetation. 83 There are a number of areas that are low and soft underfoot. These areas are easily recognizable by the appearance of sedge (Carex filiformis) a wire grass. The Grand River mean- ders slowly past the site and the water is visually clean. Sand can be seen at its bottom which is only 4-5 feet in depth. Soft mud flats along the river's banks indicate that there are frequent changes in the water's elevation. Old canoes and small rafts built from wood and large barrels lashed to- gether with cord are secretly hidden by the river's "explorers? As one moves along on the river, the banks are too high to see beyond and the meandering of the river provides an en- closed space. One wonders what lies ahead around the next turn. The trees along the banks are deciduous and in some areas very dense. They provide a means of judging one's speed which is not very fast. It is just as well, for an old oak lies three-quarters of the way across the river, and careful vavigation must be used to avoid hitting it or its submerged branches lying close to the surface of the water. Vegetation: The forest cover consists almost entirely of de- ciduous material with small quantities of pine scattered throughout. 0f the approximately 1740 acres on the site, 450 acres or over one-fourth of the site is in tree masses, not including the tree rows defining the fields. At one time the entire site was covered with trees in a maple, oak, hickory, and elm association. There exists very little erosion on the site, due mainly to the vegetation cover and farm practices. Soil characteristics concerning plant development will be 84 examined in connection with individual soil series types. Climatological Data: The average number of days with appreci- able rain throughout the year is 137, or a little more than one day in three. There are almost twice as many cloudy days as clear days throughout the year. Much cloudiness prevails during the winter season, but sunshine is abundant during the summer months. Similarly, relative humidity remains rather high during the winter, but is only moderate in summer.3 The normals, means, and extremes of specific climatological infor- mation for this Region are given in the Table XI on page 85. Soil Study: Effects gn'Vegetation: Soil classifications of the area have been studied in order to predict the behavior of the soil in their different uses. The engineer and build- er examine the soil for support, the farmer for its nutrients, the forester for identification of soil and plant relation- ships for optimum production. Soils vary in their ability to supply water, air, and nu- trients to the plants for growth. Some soils might supply plenty of air to the plant's roots, as a gravelly soil does, yet food nutrients are leached from the soil so quickly with the passage of water downward, that plant subsistance is difficult. Some plants require more water, others more nu- trients, and others more air. Plant root systems are different 3U.S. Department of Commerce; ”Local Climatological Data"; Lansing, Michigan; Annual Summary with Comparative Data, 1966. Page 1. 85 TABLE XI NORMALS, MEANS, AND EXTREMES OF LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA TEMP. Precipitation Wind Mean No. of Days Prevail- Sunrise Normal Normal Snow,Sleet ing to Sunset Month Monthly Total Mean-Total Direct. T.S.H.F. Cl.P.C.Clo. Jan 24.3 1.96 9.4 ssw 4 6 21 * 3 Feb 24.2 1.95 9.6 w 4 6 18 * 2 Mar 32.4 2.40 6.9 w 5 7 19 1 2 Apr 45.7 2.87 3.4 w 5 8 17 3 1 May 57.1 ~3.73 (P S 8 10 13 4 1 Jun 67.4 3.34 0.0 S 9 ll 10 7 2 Jul 71.7 2.58 0.0 S 10 12 9 5 1 Aug 70.2 3.05 0.0 $3 10 ll 10 6 3 Sep 62.0 2.60 T S 10 9 11 4 2 Oct 51.3 2.50 0.1 S 10 10 11 2 3 Nov 37.9 2.21 5.9 S 5 6 l9 2 2 Dec 27.5 1.99 9.9 SSW 4 7 20 * 2 Symbol Key: 01. - Clear P.C.- Partly Cloudy Clo.- Cloudy T.S.- Thunderstorms H.F.— Heavy fog * - Less than .5 T - Trace Source: U.S. Department of Commerce; Environmental Science Services Administration, Environmental Data Service; "Local Climatological Data", Lansing, Michigan; Annual Sum- mary with Comparative Data, 1966. 86 in that some are tap root and extend into the ground a great distance, such as oak, while maples for example have a very fibrous root system. Also effecting plant soil relationships is the topography. Plants on the uplands need special quali- ties such as survival against wind exposure and usually drier conditions; whereas plants in low-lying areas are exposed to excessive wettness and frost pockets. There is a great diversity in soils, from coarse sands to fine clays,from wet to dry, from level to steep tOpo- graphy, from low to high organic matter content, from thin to thick coverings over bedrock, from high to low content of plant nutrients. Man has learned through years of experience that certain soils will react differently than others. There are approximately twenty-three soil series having approximately six types on this site. In evaluating them, identification of their suitability or limitations in their ability to support certain types of activities will facili- tate and strengthen the design decisions. Effects gp_Land Usage: Camp sites, picnic areas, and golf fairways are usually subject to heavy foot and vehicular traf- fic. The most desirable soils are those that have nearly le- vel to gently leping tOpography, good drainage, freedom from flooding during use period, a texture and consistence that provide a firm surface when wet and the ability to sup- port good vegetative cover. Intensive play areas need similar 4Dept. of City Planning and Landscape Architecture; Regional Landscape Planning; Univ. of Illinois; Page 43. 87 requirements, yet the ground slope should be restricted de- pending on the activity. Figure IX on page 88 shows the areas having soil types acceptable for these uses. Vegetation supporting soils are used to determine areas that would be acceptable for lawn areas or for ornamental tree planting. Building Soils as shown in Figure X on page 89 are those soils that will support roads and buildings. Buildings evaluated are those that have suitable soils for seasonal and year round cottages, washrooms and bath-houses, picnic shelters, and service buildings. Paths and trails used for the movement of both peOple and animals as in cross-country hiking and bridle paths are assumed to be used as they occur in nature and that there will be little if any disturbance of the soil. Consideration should be given to placement of paths and trails on sloping relief to reduce the erosion hazard. Soils possessing high water tables shown in Figure XI on page 90, as could be expected, would be considered poor building sites. Any usage of areas possessing such soils would be restricted to dry seasons of the year. The siting of septic tanks over such soils would be dangerous. Soil Types Perhaps the most useful grouping of the soils in this area .xH enemas 08.30.30: d .3300 .o:=I¢u .0... I... ”0.... tang... 88 8%9 .x msswfim «20¢ car—sense» a700 $0 $31 A! H.003. .mmigam “I“ 30fi0.fm E SW 00326.0 .00 9.2.10 “40.840 .OF 30000? Av ... .... ”JAN. 1551. w... 4... a sauce .3» r00 as (2.23600 0 .00 aw>ozoc JOanOouo No . r «00.. figuwaxu .51 .5132 aim. graham...» .. on. .... . ..... .. .. ..... Clot .0 """"" ........ ........... ........ ..... .............. In! I I lllllllllll I! I I . n I ....._...._.E____ o ooooooooooooo ....... ...-.... OOH”. oooooo // 93 black surface which is rich in organic matter. Drainage prob- lems do exist and contribute to the decreased value of the land for farming purposes. These soils provide an excellent source for the development of a plant cover and a food supply for wildlife. Lowland vegetation - deciduous forest, sugar and red maple, beech, elm, ash, hickory, basswood, and swamp white oak. Well-drained Loamy and Sandy Soils: Series included in this type: Perrin Pe Hillsdale Hi Owosso Ow Fox Fo Soils of this group are light-colored, usually described as grayish—brown, and have a low content of organic matter. Erosion is a major problem although the soils are moderately well drained. Where problems of erosion exist, the land is gravelly or cobbly. Vegetation - oaks, hickory, sugar maple, walnut, beech, and basswood. Well-drained Very Sandy Soils: Series included in this type are: Spinks Sp Boyer Bo Celina Ce Tuscola Tu Sisson Si Metea Me The characteristics of soils in this type are: loosely coher- ent, low in humus, light colored, low in moisture-holding capacity and low in natural fertility. Vegetation - deciduous forest, sugar maple, oaks, beech, elm, and basswood. 94 Alluvial Soils: Series included in this type are: Shoals Sh Sloan Sl Ceresco Ce Wasepi Wa These are soils of the bottom lands, or those consisting of recent alluvium, lying in the flood plains of streams. These lands are subject to flooding with the water table fluctuating between 2 and 10 feet from the surface. Soil is mottled with rust brown or yellowish brown, indicating poor sub-surface drainage with poor aeration and oxidation. Vegetation - elm, ash, sycamore, soft maple, swamp white oak, hickory, cotton- wood, and willow. Organic Soils: Series included in this type are: Carlisle Ca Edwards Ed Linwood Li Houghton Ho These are very poorly drained soils with 12 to 42 inches of muck and peat. Organic material derived from woody plants mixed with fibrous material. The land is nearly level with depressional areas subject to water ponding. The water table is at or near the surface unless drained. Soil is character- ized by a dark brown or black surface material. Vegetation - mixed hardwood and conifers, ash, elm, white birch, white cedar, balsam fir, tamarack, cherry, aspen; shrubs — willow, dogwood, and alder; marsh grass, sedges, reeds, and cattails. Degree gthimitations for Various Uses: The evaluation of the soils, expressed in terms of degree of limitation, are pre- dictions of the behavior of soils under defined conditions. Four degrees of limitations are used in the Table XII showing 95 the various soil limitations on page 96: 1. Slight - relatively free of limitations or limitations are easily overcome. 2. Moderate - limitations need to be recognized, but can be overcome with good management and care- ful design. 3. Severe - limitations are severe enough to make use questionable. 4. Very Severe - extreme measures are needed to overcome the limitations and usage generally is unsound or not practical. 96 TABLE XII SOIL LIMITATIONS Camp sites,Pic- Intensive Lawns 5011 Series Bldgs. nic areas,Golf Play Paths Rds. and Shrubs Well-drained Clayey Soils Miami 1 1-2 2 l 2 1 Imperfectly & Poorly Drained Soils Brookston _' 3 3 3 3 3 2 Sebewa 3 3 3 3 3 2 Kibbie 3 3 3 3 3 2 Conover 3 3 3 3 3 2 Corumna 3 3 3 3 3 2 Well-drained Loamy & Sandy Soils Perrin l —' 71 l l l 2 Hillsdale 1 l l l l 1 Owosso 1 1-2 2 l 2 1 Fox 1 l l l l l Well-drained Very Sandy Soils Boyer l l l l 2 Tuscola 1 l l l 2 l Metea 2 2 2 2 2 2 Spinks l l l l l 2 Celina 1 1-2 2 l 2 l Sisson l l l 1 2 1 Alluvial Soils Shoals 3 3 3 3 3 2 Sloan 3 3 3 3 3 2 Ceresco 3 3 3 3 3 2 Wasepi 2 2 2 1-2 2 2 Organic Soils Carlisle 4 4-3 4 3 4 3 Linwood 4 4-3 4 3 4 3 Houghton 4 4-3 4 3 4 3 Edwards 4 4-3 4 3 4 3 Key: 1. Slight 2. Moderate 3. Severe 4. Very severe Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conserva- tion Service in Cooperation with Michigan Agricultural Exper- iment Station; National Cooperative Soil Survey, August 1965. 97 Program for Site Development The ORRRC recommends that a Class 2 area should be managed to provide a wide range Of outdoor Opportunities in a rela- tively natural setting and that the facilities and services be dispersed to maximize the use of the entire area. The de- sign of a recreational area is not one based solely on physi- cal space. There are other experiences associated with re- creation such as the emotional, aesthetic, educational, so- cial, and intellectual experiences, that are effected by spacial allotment. Much Of the art and science of land planning is revealed to the planner when he first realized that he is dealing not with areas, but with volumes or spaces. ..... A well designed area is a series of well organized volumes, each volume skillfully devised to provide the most useful and pleasant space for its specific function.5 Dr. Hall, in his book, The Silent Language, indicates that spacial requirements of people and their cultures are many and varied, with each of us having highly develOped spacial zones. These spacial areas or zones allow one to use discrip- tive words as crowded or empty, and thus, communicate one's feelings. Yet each person has their own idea Of what crowded is, or when their feeling of space is being infringed upon. It is more evident in animals. A bird will take to flight and the dog will bark when their spacial requirements are encroached upon. This occurs among humans, usually unknowingly. When designing, it is necessary to consider the spacial re- 5Simonds, J.0.; Landscape Architecture; F.W. Dodge Cor— poration, New York; 1961; Page 79. 98 quirements of the people, and ensure that the spacial zones are not violated. Through experimentation and user surveys, standards have been developed to provide adequate space for different recreational activities. Identification of those activities that are generally classified with Class 2 areas, and especially those that have been shown to be lacking in the Tri-County Region, have been made. The requirements for these activities as to their desired spacial standards will, along with their functional relationships be examined. Standards for Activities Picnic Areas: According to the Cleveland Regional Planning Commission, the best location for picnic sites is bottomland, preferably in the flood plains in a wooded place. This does not eliminate other areas having soils that can withstand a heavy carrying capacity. Layout and design of such facilities should be such that picnic units could be shifted to new sites within the same area when detrimental effects to the soil and vegetation are observed. It has been the author's experience that peOple choose to drive as close as possible to their picnic site to lessen the distance picnic baskets and coolers must be carried. After eating, the picnickers are willing to leave their car and walk. Activity areas should be provided near picnic sites such as softball fields, or the area could be less developed, and an - open field serve the same needs. Fishing and nature trails 99 are also activities engaged in by picnickers. Swimmers will picnic and sites should be provided close to the water. Spacial Requirement Standards: National Park Service: 10 to 15 picnic sites an acre. Minimum size Of 90 to 120 picnic sites an area. Each tabl accomo- dates 6 to 8 people; 2 to 3 tables per fireplace. Forest Service: Units should be spaced 100 feet apart for privacy and to prevent overuse of site. A unit consists of l stove and 1 table. National Recreation and Park Association: An average of 10.5 tables per acre with l charcoal grill per 5.1 tables. Saturation rate is an overall maximum average of 220.1 picnickers a day per acre of land. Nature Trails: Trails should be located to Offer hikers or riders as many interesting vistas or views as possible. In- terpretive signs should be used. Trails should be planned with numerous access points and inter-connection links. It should be noted that these statements are general and that each area due to different landscapes must be evaluated to insure that the trails take full advantage of the site. The Opportunity for the designer to provide visual interest and variety by alternating Spaces and views should not be over- looked. Standards by the Bureau Of Land management-average suggest grades for trails not to exceed 8 percent. 6U.S.Dept. Of the Interior; National Park Service Hand- book; ”Special Park Uses”, Washington,D.C.,April l961;Pp.l-5. 7U.S.Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service; Forest Ser- vice Handbook;”Title 2300-Recreation Management"; P. 75? 8National Recreation and Park Association; Management Aids Bulletin No. 4; Outdoor Theaters; M.Foss Narum; Washing- ton, D.C.; May 25, 1961; Pages 8-22. 100 Nature trails have strong functional relationships to the camper and picnicker, and usually originate from a Nature Center. The Nature Center could provide an ecological history of the area, plant and animal life to be studied, and infor- mation as to path directions, destinations, and what can be seen along the way. Spacial Requirement Standards: California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan: Well defined and maintained tread up to 10 feet wide, grades not to exceed 5% average with a maximum of 15%. Minimum parking for 25 autos at any access point. On short, scenic, well known trails this might be extended to 100 auto parking spaces.9 Bureau of Land Management: Trails should be located to offer hikers or riders as many interesting vistas or views as possible. Interpretive signs should be used. On extended trails, rest stOps should be about every 3—5 miles and overnight stOps, about every 10-20 miles. In heavily used areas, overnight stops may be equipped with tables, fire- places, and pit toilets. The trail should be planned with numerous access points and interconnecting links. Average sustained grades of trails ahould not exceed 8%; sections of 4% or less, at least 500 feet in length, should be used every mile if practical. At the beginning of an ascent, "pick up" the grade slowly at a rate of 1% per 100 feet of trail. Width of trails vary, depending upon use as shown below: (a) hiking trails will be narrow as possible to permit single file use, with widened areas every 200-500 yards where terrain permits. (b) riding trails where no pack stock is used can be a little wider than a hiking trail with more frequent passing areas. (0) a pack trail needs 8 feet of clearing although the tread will be considerably narrower. (d) an interpretive foot path will be about 4 feet wide for medium use and 6-8 feet wide for very heavy use. (e) multiple use trails will be designed for widest ex- pected use.10 9California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan Committee; California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan, Part II; 1960; P.85. 1OBureau of Land Management, U.S. Dept. of the Interior; Recreation DevelOpment Handbook; Washington, D.C. 101 Comprehensive Plan for Wisconsin: 50 people per mile of trail. Trails are l to 2 miles long. With a turnover rgie of 8, there are 400 people per mile of trail per day. 021$; Since the golf course is not a family activity and does not encourage spontaneity in other activities, it need not be closely related to other areas Of activity such as the swim- ming area to the picnic area. in fact it is best to isolate the course to stOp interference Of the game by non-players. The course should be laid out so as to provide a considerable distance between the fairways, to act as a planting area, thus giving each hole its own identity. Traps and rough areas should not be eliminated to speed up play. They are very im- portant in the development of the golfer's skill, requiring accuracy on every shot. Grounds care is very important if the course is to remain in a playing condition. Due to this well-kept appearance, the golf course gives a pictoral View Of the landscape. The use and combination of evergreens and deciduous plants heigthen the visual interest. Some of the amenitiesthat should be provided for the golfer are a club house, parking, and a practice green. The size of the club house will depend on its purpose. It should contain food service, act as a starter house, provide locker space for changing and rest rooms. Parking is necessary and a vehicu- 11Wisconsin Conservation Department; A_Comprehensive Plan for Wisconsin, Outdoor Recreation; Pp. G-7,G48. L/‘7 102 lar approach up to the club house is desirable to allow golf- ers to drOp off their equipment. A practice green is used to provide a waiting area for the golfer, give him some idea as to the condition and speed of the playing greens, and allows him to loosen up. Spacial Requirement Standards: Sacramento County Planning Commission - 9 hole golf course facility - One 9 hole course for each 25,000 peOple. Each golf course has 75 acres that include: a fairways, roughs, greens, and tees, 43 acres. b club house, .25 acre. c parking area and service roads, 1.75 acres. d natural area, 20 acres. e landscape area, 10 acres. For one 18 hole course, double each of the above require- ments.12 National Golf Foundation - 9 hole golf course facility - An 80 acre golf course located in a gently rolling area with some trees is preferable. Minimum of 50 acres. 18 hole golf course facility I 160 acres for a good course. Minimum of 110 acres. 3 Camping: As camping has been examined earlier, under the Re- gion's needs, there were no facilities provided for overnight camping. In designing these areas, it would be necessary to provide for the different types of campers: some using tents, others having trailers or truck campers. Camping could be participated in by Michigan residents as well as out of sta- ters, depending on the closeness of a highway to the camp- ground. The campers could be expected tO stay for at least 12Sacramento County Planning Commission; A_Report gp_ the Park and Recreation Space Needs pf_the Sacramento Metro— politan Area; Sacramento, California; July 1960. 13National Golf Foundation,Inc.; Plannipg and Building the Golf Course; Roy Holland, Editor; Chicago, Illinois;P.3. \.|/L\.lr/.\.. /\ /x\ I. 103 one night and probably longer. Mr. Wicks, with the Michigan Department Of Recreation, Resource Planning Division, said that campers like to take their equipment and camp overnight pre- vious to long trips to make sure of their supplies. This is one type of camping area then to be develOped, short-term, along with longer camper stays. Facilities that should be pro- vided are those found to be important by the Gilbert Study for the ORRRC}!Jr Interviews with campers indicated that water, toilet facilities, garbage facilities, tables, and preserv- ing the area in a natural state, with no excessive crowding were the most important. The design of camping areas should be simple with the realization that people are attempting to experience the outdoors rather than duplicate their residen- tial surroundings. Spacial Requirement Standards: Soil Conservation Service - Camp sites facility - 3000 sq.ft. per unit. A unit includes tent space, vehicle parking space, and use area for cooking, eating, wood storage, trash disposal, etc. 14 units an acre or 56 people an acre. Camp sites average 4 persons each. Dimension of tent space is 16x16 feet or 12x18 feet. Privacy size is 4000 to 8000 s .ft. a unit; 5-11 units an acre or 20-44 peOple an acre.1 National Park Service - camp sites facility - One campground should provide a minimum of 90 to 120 camp sites on 12 to 30 acres, with 4 to 7 camp sites per acre. Each camp site should contain a parking space, a tent 14U.S. Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission; As Evidenced By User Satisfactin; Study Report 5; Page 121. 158011 Conservation Service, U.S.Dept. of Agriculture; Recreation Memorandum -3, Supplement 3; Washington, D.C.; April 23, 1964; Pages 1-2. 104 area, a table and bench combination, and a camp stove.16 Bureau of Land Management: High density campground facility - The high density campground is provided where use is ex- pected to be continuous and intensive over normal visitor season, and where primary activity sought is not camping. If primary purpose is for lodging on a scenic trip, or a stOp on a fishing tour, the campground may be more in- tensely developed. The units have table, fireplace, and tent area. Density of campground is average to high. Garbage facilities and comfort stations are provided. Electricity and water stations may be provided at comfort stations. Spacing is about 95 feet to 105 feet along centerline.17 Campers should be functionally related to the nature trails (hiking), boating facilities, swimming areas, and fishing due to their popularity with campers as shown in Table XIII on page 105. Day Camping:,as defined in the Regional Recreation Lands Plan by the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority,is organized day-long outdoor recreation for children between the ages of 6 and 14. Basic physical requirements include sufficient acreage with interesting tOpography and vegetation to supply visual variety and develOp inquisitiveness. The day-camping program is oriented to the out-Of-doors with crafts and nature- lore being of special interest. Supervision is very important and the consolidation of those facilities requiring such is important. Bathing areas, shelters, playfields, fresh water, toilet facilities, and nature trails are all functionally l6U.S.Dept. of the Interior; National Park Service Handbook; ”Special Park Uses: Campground Planning"; Pp.1-5. 17Bureau Of Land Management, U.S.Dept. of the Interior; Recreation Development Handbook; Washington, D.C. 105 TABLE XIII COMPARISON OF PARTICIPATION IN OTHER OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES BY CAMPERS AND NONCAMPERS Percent Participation Among Those Who Went Camping Activity Often 1-4 Times Total Not at all TOTAL (col.1) (col.2) (col.l&2) Outdoor Swimming or Going to a Beach 4 68 Campers 3 25 31 100 Noncampers 25 20 54 100 Boating and Canoeing 6 4 Campers 31 2 57 2 100 Noncampers 9 15 75 100 Fishing 46 8 4 Campers 2 7 25 100 Noncampers l7 17 62 100 Hiking Campers 22 25 47 51 100 Noncampers 5 9 84 100 Horseback Riding 8 8 6 8 Campers l 3 100 Noncampers 2 3 94 100 Source: U. S. Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Com- mission, Stud Report 20, Participation in Outdoor Recreation: Factors A ec ting Demafia Among American Aaults; Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962; Page 68. 106 related to the day camp area. Spacial Requirement Standards: California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan: group camping facility - 5 acres for 50 persons for short periods of time. The 5 acres include sanitary, water and basic cooking facilities, Open space for bedding or tents, and spaces for 25 automobiles. Organizational camping facility - 5 acres for 100 per- sons. The 5 acres include develOped permanent facilities and structures for eating and sleeping. Parking space for minimum of 50 cars.1 Swimming: The lepe Of the beach above water should not be greater than 2 percent for control and erosion. The beach should extend well into the lake at a desirable grade so as to effectively dissipate wave action. The slope below water level should be within a 3 to 10 percent grade and extend far enough to allow sufficient depth forswimming. The sand beach should extend at least to the six foot contour of the lake bottom. The depth of the sand fill should be at least a foot deep. The design of the beach should require a minimum of mainte- nance, including ample room for complimentary facilities such as day use areas, sanitary and bath house facilities, as well as room for auto parking. The complementary facility areas should be provided with adequate space to handle the uses that are encouraged. The beach development should be easily accessible from the parking facilities and other use facilities should be well placed to serve the public's needs. 18California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan Committee; California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan, Part II; Sacramento, CalifOrnia; 1960; Page 84. 107 The lake bottom may be undesirable for recreational use owing to the presence of undesirable sediments or peat. This factor alone is one of the most frequent obstacles to overcome in beach develOpment in the northern portion of the United States. It is generally thought that, where feasible, the unstable 3 foundation material should be removed and replaced with a de- sirable sand fill. This eliminates many of the problems that result from sand mixing with foundation materials. Though this is the most desirable method of construction, it is often not economically practical to remove the great quanti- ties of unstable material that may be present. It is possible in some cases to have enough support from the existing shore- line material to establish a beach by placing an even layer of sand over the existing sediments.19 Swimming is a major activity and is functionally related to campers and picnickers. It must be remembered that water a- vailable for swimming will be a popular attraction to the site. Spacial Requirement Standards: California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan and Huron-Clinton MetrOpolitan Authority: One effective front foot of shore- line is defined as comprising one lineal foot of beach with a 100-foot wide band of water suitable for swimming. It has a 200-foot strip Of beach for sun-bathing and play, and a lOO-foot wide buffer zone for utilities and picnic- king. Where all attendance is by automobile, an addition- al 265-foot strip is needed for parking. Ten effective front feet will provide space for 20 persons at any time 19Truncer, James J.;”A Brief Look at Artificial Public Beach Development in Michigan"; 1961; Resource Development Department; Michigan State University; Pages 5-6. 108 and provide space to park 5 cars.20 Boating: Although motor boating and water skiing are pOpular activities, they can reduce the value Of the watershed area for other uses, such as fishing, swimming, and canoeing. Spacial Requirement Standards: Comprehensive Plan for Wisconsin: water skiing facility - One person per 13.3 acres of water. Estimate 3 persons per boat, 20 acres per boat may be adequate, but 40 acres per boat is more desirable. Boating facility - One person per 8 acres of water surface. Estimating 2.5 persons per boat, or 20 acres per boat. Small lakes with restricted motor sizes could support more than one boat per 20 acres?1 Louisiana Parks and Recreation Commission: Motor boat area facility - It takes 20 acres of water to support one po- wer boat. 13 boats in the water would require 260 surface acres Of Open water to support a ramp. With 2.5 persons per boat, an Optimum day with 40 launchings would pro- duce 100 user days per ramp or 100 user days per acre of land and .385 user days per acre of water. This amounts to .01 acre of land and 2.6 acres of water per user day. Water skiing area facility - One ski boat requires 40 acres of water, therefore, 13 ski boats would require 520 acres of water to support one ski boat ramp. With an average of three persons per ski boat, a ramp would pro- duce 120 activity days during an Optimum day use, or 120 user days per acre Of land and .23 user days per acre of water. This amounts to .0083 acres of land and 4.33 acres Of water per user day.22 Boating and water skiing willnot be a part of the development program for the main water body will be but approximately 120 acres. Canoeing will be provided for, with rental available. Canoeing is functionally related to campers and picnickers. 20California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan Committee; California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan, Part II; Pp.48,84. 21Wisconsin Conservation Dept.; Comprehensive Plan for Wisconsin, Outdoor Recreation; 1966; Pp. G-lO,G-ll. 22Louisiana Parks and Recreation Commission; Louisiana Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, Supplement I; August 10, 1966; P. 3.0.15. 109 Fishing: Fishing is certainly associated and a desired activity within Class 2 areas, and would help improve the fishing Op- portunities within the Region. The impoundment site could be stocked, thus providing an excellent fishing Opportunity for fishermen. Care should be exercised as to the location of fishing sites. Overuse along the banks Of the impoundment site can create serious erosion problems. Winter Sports: Water has a multiple season usage, for in the winter, it provides a slick frozen surface for ice-skating and ice-fishing. Hills covered with snow can become ski hills or sliding hills for sleigh rides. This particular site does not have the tOpography for skiing. Winter activities would be limited to ice skating and some sleigh riding. Spacial Requirement Standards: Clare A. Gunn - Winter Sports Site Facilities — Areas with less than 60 inches Of snowfall per year depend upon artificially prepared snow. A good winter sports site includes over 80 acres of both hilly and reasonably level land. Skiing and toboganing areas - These activities require elevation differences Of over 100 feet and slopes from 10 to 60 percent or over. Nearly level but well drained land is needed for building sites, parking areas, drives, and skating rinks.23 23Gunn, Clare A.; "Location and Site Selection Factors for Winter Sports Areas in Michigan"; Quarterly Bulletin: Vol. 40, NO. 4. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station; Michigan State University; May 1958; Pp. 743-746. 110 Outdoor Games: Outdoor games are related to beach areas, picnickers, and campers. The areas should provide free play or softball facilities, and should not add greatly to the park's maintenance problems. It is suggested by the Huron- Clinton Metropolitan Authority that an acre of game area be provided for every 2 acres developed for picnicking and beach development.24 Hunting: Due to the closeness of the Dansville State Game Area and that 60 percent Of the private owners in the Region allow hunters access to their land, hunting has not been prO- vided for. Also, since a nature center and trails are being developed, a natural animal environment is desired. Horseback Riding: It is difficult to estimate the Region's needs for this activity, and due to the maintenance and cost involved (usually three dollars per hour) this facility has not been provided. 24The Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority; The Elev- enth Biennial Report as of December 31, 1963. 0:11.03. fir- CL >Fu< washes; 11 III .1562 Y4w3 Elm KVZOKLIW 0 11029.74de .uC MMdea. 025.400 «2,4400 «2 CZXHZ 62.5553 Fill. Summarization The site has been selected from the thirty-three possible watershed impoundments within the Tri-County Region as pro— posed by the Department of Agriculture. Its selection was based on the nearness to populated areas, recent topographic USGS maps, tOpographic relief and vegetative cover, in addi- tion to the suggestions of both Mr. Wicks, landscape archi- tect with the State Recreational Resource Planning Division, and Mr. Amsterburg, engineer with the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, as to the possible desirability of Columbia Creek as an impoundment site for recreational de- velopment. Site selection criteria was used to evaluate the area as to its recreational potential. Both the perceptual study and the soil studies have been made of the site in order to dis- cover areas possessing satisfactory conditions in the devel- opment Of a recreational plan. Defining those soils and per- ceptual qualities of the landscape having limited recrea- tional values, facilitates the utilization of the land to its maximum potential. The spacial requirements are used as a guide in the develop- ment of the site plan. Standards are variable. There could be as many different standards as there are designers or re- creational sites. There are different recreational experiences and people have varied spacial requirements, therefore, in the develOpment Of the site plan, 112 we are dealing with the total organization of space, a space which is loose, continuous and dynamic in nature. This space is formed with buildings, earth, rock, wa- ter, plants and light. The criteria for visual success are first, that this space be imageable, i.e. well struc- tured and vivid in form, endowed with a pervading sense Of place. Second, it must be conceived as a sequential experience, rhythmically organized, with contrast and variety, yet with strong continuity. Third, it must be meaningful: highly expressive of the nature, functipp, and value of the place and the uses that occupy it. 25Lynch, Kevin; Site Planning; The M.I.T. Press; Cam- bridge, Mass.; 1962; Page 87. CHAPTER V‘ DEVELOPMENT OF THE COLUMBIA CREEK RECREATIONAL AREA The park site, Columbia Creek Recreational Area, as shown in the Master Plan of Figure XIII on page 114, has been design- ed tO be develOped primarily for the potential water resource available that would occur from damming Columbia Creek. As has been mentioned earlier it is only one of thirty—three watershed sites throughout the Tri-County Region. Each of those should be investigated for their water impoundment va- lue. Provisions p£_the Master Plan Facilities that have been provided on the site are: Information Center Swimming area and Pavilion Fishing Canoeing Camping Picnicking Nature Center Nature Trails Educational Farm Golf Course ( 9-hole) Maintenance area 114 . HHHX 9:;me ...: 3:... :1: hum-.033. gan-ac.— ‘d no; ». ova-g... r, ns-I.sg i ‘10 Jli‘SIJII mand ...-Dace 115 gpproach and Entrance t2_the Site: Users can be expected to approach the site along Columbia Highway, the major access route from M-99 and U.S. 27. Waverly Road has been designed to be the major entrance to the park due to the adequacy of the soil for road develop— ment; and it was the designer's intention to provide a path of movement that would introduce the character of the site to the Visitor. From the entrance road can be seen the river, some old barns, stands of deciduous trees, and the beach area. All of these contribute to the imageability of the area. Information Center: An information center is located near the entrance to inform visitors as to the parks activity locations, to provide in- formation about the surrounding area, and the state of Michi- gan. Also camp site assignments would be made here. Parking for the information center would be provided perpendicular to the curb for automobile stalls and a pull-off area for buses and camping vehicles. 116 Swimming: The entrance road to the beach area is located one-half of a mile from Columbia Highway south on Waverly Road. The road is far removed from the park entrance and the information area, to reduce vehicular congestion. Due to the extreme shortage of quality water in the Tri-County Region, the swimming fa- cilities can expect heavy usage. Parking for 500 automobiles is provided for the beach area, allowing the maximum daily usage, according to spacial de- tails mentioned in Chapter IV, to be 2,000 persons. A Pavilion has been provided to accomodate food preparations, changing facilities, and outdoor eating areas. The beach road termi- nates in a cul-de-sac facilitating vehicular maneuverability. Parking lots have been designed to provide the most efficient movement of peOple and automobiles, provide additional pic- nicking areas for the swimmers, and to break up the large asphalt parking lots. Each lot has provision for approximate- ly 83 automobiles. For the public beach, Figure XIV shows the development zones that have been established to assure sufficient space between activities. These zones are (1) developed swimming area not less than 100 feet; (2) beach 200 feet in depth, with a sand surface; (3) buffer zone 100 feet in depth provided for pic- nickers. This area is to be in grass with shade trees. Picnic areas will extend out into the buffer area between parking areas. (4) Parking to be develOped within 300 feet of the "'11: I . I. 1.. ! ' l. ;L I I h HWWL i: 'i‘ 1". . I . :11 wi‘m i swki'Tnmin 100InhL kinq 'max. par 300 DEVELOPMENT ZONES PUBLIC 1" 3100' 117 buffer zone. The beach is approximately 1000 feet in length and will need intensive develOpment due to the existing woods and the muck soil that exists. Fortunately these problems can be taken care of before the dam is constructed and the land flooded. Sand pits located next to the beach area will reduce the cost and time involved in the development of the beach. Open space areas are provided adjacent to the parking and beach area for activities and picnicking. A pavilion is pro- vided to assure the swimmer the necessary amenities with a minimum of park maintenance. Restrooms with changing facili- ties are included within the pavilion. Concession machines serve pop and snacks. Elaborate service facilities have not been provided to reduce commercialization and encourage picnicking. Water Elevation of Impoundment: The water body has been de- signed with a recreational level of 880 feet above sea level providing a 10 foot depth of water. In evaluating the flood prevention elevation of the Columbia Creek Watershed Area, Mr. Amsterburg, a civil engineer with the Department of Ag- riculture, used the Manning formula with a 25 year storm design criteria. It was determined that it would be doubtful if the impoundment area would receive more than three feet of additional water from melting snows or summer rains. Yet an an additional two feet was added to the height of the dam and 118 to the building of levees along the northern edge of the lake. The flood elevation provided for then is 885 feet a- bove sea level. Buildings, roads, and other intensive devel- opment must be above this elevation. The woodlot in the impoundment area would be destroyed. This is a controversial conflict of interest. In providing one element of recreation, water, another element is destroyed, trees. In planning for recreation, according to Mr. James Wicks, landscape architect with the Recreational Resource Planning Division of the State of Michigan,water, due to the Region's needs, is more desirable than the existing tree cover. Trees can be planted, yet only a few areas can impound water. It is more desirable to have the water area as Opposed to the tree cover, especially in this instance with so many of the trees being elms, and already affected with the Dutch Elm Disease. 119 Fishing Fishing is allowed along the banks of both the river and the impoundment area, at places provided with fishing docks. These are provided particularly near picnic areas and camping sites. Parking is provided for watershed fishing in the boat rental area. The impoundment's stocking of fish is to include some or all of the following game fish: large mouth bass, Pan fish, black crappie, white crappie, blue gill, and wall-eyed pike. Also provided is the gizzard shad as a feeding fish. Canoeing Canoes can be rented to be used in the impoundment area for the enjoyment of rowing and exploring the water body. A shelter has been provided for the storage of the canoes dur- ing the winter season, and in order to make repairs on them. Toilet facilities and concession machines are to be included within the shelter. 120 Camping Facilities Two types of campers are expected to use the park. They are day campers and overnight campers. Day campers will include groups from such organizations as the Boy Scouts, YMCA, and other private associations. The entrance road focuses on a large grouping of deciduous trees from which the road turns toward the campground offering a surprise View of the impound- ment area, Columbia Lake. The road brings the campers to a drOp-off point near the shelter in order to facilitate trans- portation of the campers and to provide service for the area. Open field parking has been provided near the entrance to the Columbia Creek Day Camp at Gale Road, thus allowing the interesting land nearer the camp to be used for camp activi- ties. A swimming area has been develOped with a length of 200 feet and depth of 5 feet, less than the public beach for supervision andsafety. A shelter is located near the beach area in order to provide changing facilities for swimmers. The shelter will also be used as an eating area and used in the instruction of hand-crafts. It will include toilet and drinking facilities. Wet lands, woodlands, nature trails, an outdoor classroom, and Open space areas providing for ball games and archery are additional amenities within easy access to the day-campers. The second type of camping is overnight camping and three divisions are provided: River Camping, Watershed Camping Area, and Open Field Camping. 121 River camping has been designed basicly for those interested in river canoeing, either as a starting point for a canoe trip or as an overnight stOpping point. Electricity, garbage, toilet, and water facilities are provided in a central area for the camper's usage. The camp sites are more of a wilder- ness type area, restricting develOpment of the area and re— quiring concealment of the camp facilities to some degree. A canoe landing constructed of wood, parallels the river bank. The watershed camping area will probably receive the greatest amount of usage due to the closeness of the camp to the beach area. These campers will have more SOphisticated equipment than those along the river. Trailer and truck campers will mix with those campers having tents. Toilet and water facili- ties, and garbage disposal is to be provided. Open field camping provides the third overnight division of camping. This camping area does not have water for recrea- tional activities. Yet it is situated between the impound- ment water, Columbia Lake, and Grand River, allowing easy access to both. Also the nature trails and activity areas are close by. Again, drinking water, toilet facilities, and gar- bage disposal areas are located centrally. Typical camp unit layout and design considerations are shown in Figure XIV on page 122. .be opzmflm mm»; 38:. “3 23am: 3: ~=e>x mLSMAm 23a: “53.—- .:: 22:52:: 53.6 91.1 um Pugh—bozo): §163 ataflwvtu r3§ou 3‘ Iran)... 1.3 0.? Ufa-«Oat C 915... a. 12...}. 3... 0:5... 305 a; \ '\ . . s .. .22... .2.... _ .53....3. 5.2:... 3:... .32.. §...L.__¢..r T C x1350... rah-{6... 1! 0.18)! 99—33 127 Vegetation throughout the Site: Proposed vegetation has been planned to provide: U‘l-P-‘UU [Oi—J shade in both picnic and camping areas; definition of spaces, a visual screen and a physical barrier; protection against erosion; food and cover for wildlife; an increase in the overall aesthetic appeal of the site; and 6. a wind break. Listed below are some plants conducive to the development and support of wildlife habitat: Trees: Shrubs: Ash, Mountain (Sorbus americana) Ash, White (Fraxinus americana) Birch, Yellow (Betula lutea) Cedar, Red (Juniperus virginiana) Crabapple (Malus, many species) Hawthorn (Crataegus, many species) Hemlock, Canadian (Tsuga canadensis) Maple (Acer, many species) Mulberry (Morus, several species) Pine, White (Pinus stobus Pine, Red (Pinus resinosa Sourgum (Nyssa sylvatica) Sycamore (Platinus occidentalis) Tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipfera) Arrow—wood (Viburnum dentatum) Bayberry (Myrica pennsylvanica) Blueberry, High Bush ( Vaccinium corymbosum) Chokeberry, Black (Aronia melanocarpa) Chokeberry, Red (Aronia arbutifolia) Coralberry (Symphoricarpus orbiculatus) Cranberry, European (Viburnum Opulus) Cranberry, Highbush Viburnum trilobum) Dogwood, Gray (Cornus racemosa) Dogwood, Red Osier (Cornus stolonifera; Elderberry, Black (Sambucus canadensis Elderberry, Red (Sambucus pubens) Honeysuckle, Tatarian (Lonicera tatarica) Huckelberry, Black (Gaylussacia baccata) Rose, Pasture (Rosa carolina) Rose, Sweetbriar (Rosa eglanteria) Sumac, Smooth (Rhus glabra) Sumac, Fragrant (Rhus aromaticagl Withe-rod Viburnum cassinoides lSzabo, Bert; "Attracting Birds to our Homes";Woodland Trails; Akron MetrOpolitan Park District; Vol.6,No.2; Feb.l966. 128 Educational Farm The educational farm would produce small and variable quanti- ties of farm crops as did the first settlers that came here from New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Corn, oats, hay, and potatoes and possibly some truck crops (lettuce, onions, or tomatoes) would be grown. A small number of animals would be displayed in their farm environment also. Pigs, cows, chickens, and horses are certainly all apart of farm life. The farm selected exists in the southeast corner of the proposed park area. It was chosen due to the seemingly Operational effi- ciency by the owner of the farm, its cleanliness, and due to the existing silo, barn, and equipment present on the farm, reducing development cost. It would be advantageous to pur- chase the farm from its owner and retain him at an annual wage to help in the develOpment and management of the same. Vehicular access to the farm and open field parking are pro- vided for visitors arriving by car or bus, such as 4—H or FFA groups coming to examine and learn farm practices. Trails from other areas within the park lead to the farm. Restrooms and picnic facilities are also provided in this area. 129 Golf Course The Columbia Creek Golf Course is located in the southeast section of the site. Since it is segregated from the other areas as to activity participation, its own entrance and parking area have been develOped. Approximately 40 parking spaces have been provided. The clubhouse is limited in size, providing food and drink machines, locker space, caddiecart rental and storage, sitting facilities, and restrooms. The clubhouse overlooks the course and many of the holes can be seen from there. The location of the clubhouse on high ground gives the starter sufficient sight coverage of the first hole so as to control the golfers starting times from this point. The third and fifth holes have water hazzards and the golfer must traverse Columbia Creek by foot-bridge. The ex- isting woods and tOpography have been used to make the course more challenging. The 9-hole course provides a difficult 36 par round of golf. Table XIV. Golf Course Yardage HOLE MEN WOMEN PAR 1 3OO 300 4 2 370 300 4 3 300 300 3 4 375 300 4 5 470 400 5 6 375 300 4 7 400 300 5 8 375 350 4 9 250 250 3 TOTAL 3215 2800 36 A 9-hole course was chosen over an lB—hole course due to the limited amount of land available, and in order to lessen the maintenance costs. 130 Maintenance Area Many of the farms in the park area have barns that could be used as storage facilities for maintenance equipment. These barns would add greatly in preserving the existing character of the area and contribute to the extrinsive perceptual qualities of the land. Figure XVI on page 131 shows a clus- ter of existing barns located along Waverly Road. Equipment needed specifically for the golf course maintenance such as special green mowers, fairway mowers, water hoses, rakes, and fertilizer all would be better stored close to the golf course. Storage of picnic tables and benches close to the area of usage would be desirable. A maintenance area is required for major jobs such as equip- ment repair, paint shop, road repair, construction crews, and tree maintenance. Groups with daily schedule changes would be located here to facilitate park organization in assigning work loads. The Park Superintendent, his assistant, the na- turalist of the Nature Center, and the construction head would all meet here as often as deemed necessary to present progress reports as to the time being spent on projects and future projects to be executed are announced and planned. Due to busyness, and the activities around the maintenance buildings, this area is set off by itself with adequate ac- cess both to the site and also to the road system around the site. 131 .H>x mpzwfim .uoaeasaa uoeaeoue_a=. gen ao=_a~og au=_a:=a n aches» =u~o<¢<=o _. . ......f; ..., ggiacfifizJ Way. . 5:. 132 The Park Superintendent has been supplied with living quar- ters on the site, as has the green's keeper. Their quarters are modest and are set back from activity areas to provide privacy for their families, yet they are within easy reach to answer any emergencies. Houses that exist on the site have been used for this purpose. 133 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Recreational Development Within the Tri-County Region of ‘Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties examines the existing Open space within this Region, and the recreational needs of ..its inhabitants. In carrying out research in a regionally oriented manner, needs for the Tri-County Region were determined by examining ”some of the social and economic factors influencing recrea- tional demands of the Region: such as, regional location, place of residence, vocation, education, and age. This infor- mation was compared to the results of a nationwide survey conducted by the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commis- sion. This enabled the general selection of activities that would be participated in by a large segment of the pOpulation. It is suggested that a more detailed study of the recrea- tional activities of the Tri-County residents be undertaken. A user preference study which would determine more accurately the inhabitants' needs and facilitate the formulation of density standards is recommended. 1 An open space plan is proposed in order to provide a recrea- tional land develOpment policy for the planning of the Region's total environment. Too often it has been the case that indi- vidual tracts of land are designated as Open space without consideration for their future integration with the ever changing environment. The Corridor System, following the drainage patterns, is suggested to form the nucleus for Open 134 'space development within the Region. It was selected for the following reasons: 1. the obvious lack of recreational water within the Region; the desirability of the Region's residents toward wa- ter oriented activities; the inexpensiveness of bottom lands due to their un- desirability for permanent develOpment; the closeness of water to our urban pOpulations; the interesting tOpography which the corridor possesses; the wooded shoreline which is usually provided; lands needed for urban expansion or farming would not be interferedwith; a greater interest in the development and protection of the Region's waterways would be created; and a unifying recreational element, water, would be pro- vided within the Tri-County Region that would extend into the other counties of Michigan. KO (I) NOW-P: DU I'D It is suggested that further Open Space plans be studied as to their effect and cost to the Region. An example of such a study area would be the use of farm land in providing open space between the existing urban areas and their further ex- pansion. The lack of quality water usable for recreation within the Tri-County has created a major deterrent to recreational participation by the residents. Water, being a basic element of the corridor Open space plan, would help eliminate this problem. ‘ ,Watershed areas are prOposed as nodes of recreational land along the corridor system providing a quality water surface. Columbia Creek Watershed impoundment area has been designed as an example of such a node. It is but one of thirty-three such areas located within the Tri-County Region. It is 135 suggested that each area be evaluated according to the speci- fic criteria used in the studying of Columbia Creek. ' Basic interests of the residents of the Tri-County Region were determined. Among the more popular were camping, swim- ming, boating, fishing, golfing, picnicking, and sightseeing. A study was then made as to the quantity of land needed by 1980 using the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission's means of land classification, pertaining to the Tri-County Region, namely: Class 1: High—density Recreation Areas; Class 2: General Outdoor Recreation Areas; and Class 3: Na- tural Environment Areas. Of the three, Class 2 areas were shown to contain most of the activities desired for partici- pation in the Region, yet had the greatest deficiency, re- quiring the existing 485 acres of land to increase to 6652.5 acres by 1980. Information giving the strengths and limitations of soil types for the Tri-County Region is available through the De- partment of Agriculture at Michigan State University. This information, due to its detail, can be used to validate de- sign considerations, and to lessen land improvement costs. It is recommended that the future expansion and development of the Region rely heavily on the usage of this soil infor- mation. It was discovered that many agencies are involved in the de- velopment of recreational plans for the Tri-County Region, some agencies seemingly unknowing of the others plans. It is 136 suggested that a closer correlation be formed between Federal, State, Regional, Township, and City governments in recrea- tional planning to provide an exchange of ideas and information. Although there were no new ways used to evaluate the regional landscape character as to its desirability for recreational usage, the author has shown in the Recreational Development Within the Tri-Countpregion the possibility for a program of recreational develOpment to fulfill man's needs in the future in this Region. 137 BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Chermayeff, Serge and Alexander, ChristOpher; Community and Privacy; Doubleday and Company, Inc.; 1963. Clawson, Marion; Land and Water for Recreatiom- Opportunities, Problems, and Policies; Rand McNally and Company, Chicago, Illinois; 1963. Helfman, Elizabeth S.; Rivers and Watersheds in_America's Future; David McKay Company, Inc.; New York, 1965. Lynch, Kevin; Site Planning; The MIT Press; 1962. McNickle, Roma K. (Editor); Western Resources Papers 1963, Water: Development, Utilization, Conservation; University of Colorado Press; 1964. Sapora, Allen and Mitchell, Elmer; The Theory of Play and Recreation; Ronald Press Company, 3rd Edition; 1938: Simonds, John Ormsbee; Landscape Architecture; F.W. Dodge Corporation; 1961. Udall, Stewart L.; The Quiet Crisis; Avon Books; 1963. Wells, Donald T.; The TVA Tributary Area Development Program; University of Alabama; 196fl. PAMPHLETS and PERIODICALS Hart, William J. and Graham, William W.; "How to Rate and Rank Landscape"; The Landscape Architecture Quarterly; Louisville, Kentucky, Publication Board of the American Society of Landscape Architects; January 1967. Landmark Magazine, 1966; Department of Landscape Architecture, University_of California. "MetrOpolitan Growth Predicted for Area"; The State Journal, Sunday, October 8, 1967, Section D, Page 7. Szabo, Bert; "Attracting Birds to our Homes"; Woodland Trails, Akron MetrOpolitan Park District, Akron, Ohio; Volume 6: Number 2, February 1966. 138 The Yearbook of Agriculture 1963; A_P1ace tg_Live; The United States Department of Agriculture; U.S. Government Printing Office. UNPUBLISHED MATERIAL Farness, Sanford S.; "Man-Environment Problems in an Urban Age and the Role of Universities"; (unpublished paper, School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, Michigan State University, 1963). Truncer, James J.; "A Brief Look at Artificial Public Beach Development in Michigan"; For Resource Development 870; March 14, 1961. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Meinecke, E.P.; Camp Planning and Camp Reconstruction; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, California Region, 1934. Michigan Department of Conservation; "Michigan's Recreation Future"; September 1966. National Park Service Publication; "Guidelines for Determination Needs"; October 1959. "Outdoor Recreation Space Standards”; Department of Interior; Bureau of Outdoor Recreation; U.S. Government Printing Office; April 1967. ”Proceedings of the Inland Waters Seminar"; June 3, 1964; Sponsored by Frank J. Kelley, Attorney General, State of Michigan and Michigan Natural Resources Council. The Report of the President's Water Resources Policy Commission; ”A Water Policy for the American People"; 1950. U.S. Department of Agriculture; Bureau of Plant Industry; "Soil Survey"; Ingham County, Michigan; By J.O. Veatch, in charge, H.G. Adams, E.H. Hubbard, Clarence Dorman, and L.R. Jones - Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station and J.W. Moon and C.H. Wonser - U.S. Department of Agricul- ture; Series 1933, No. 36; Issued March 1941. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service in COOperation with Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station; National C00perative Soil Survey, August 1965. h 139 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census; 1960 Census, Michigan; 24-A Number of Inhabitants. U.S. Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission; Stud Report g2, "Trend in American Living and Outdoor Recrea- tion ; Washington, D.C.; 1962. U.S. Department of Commerce; Environmental Science Services Administration; Environmental Data Service; "Local Climatological Data”, Lansing, Michigan; Annual Summary with Comparative Data, 1966. U.S. Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission, Stud Re ort 29, Participation ig_0utdoor Recreation: Factors AfgectingDemand Among American Adults; Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Pr n ng Office, I96§. Webber, Melvin M.; "Relations Between the Social - Physical Environment of Outdoor Recreation and Mental - Physical Health"; Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission. SPECIAL REPORTS "A Summary of Alternative Long Range Water Use Plans for the Tri—County Region, Michigan"; Prepared by Battelle Memo- rial Institute; Columbus, Ohio; January, 1964. Ahearn, Jr., Vincent P.; "Land Use Planning and the Sand and Gravel Producer"; National Sand and Gravel Association, Silver Spring, Maryland. Blank, Vel, Gunn, Clare A., and Johnson, Johnson, and Roy,Inc.; "Guidelines for Tourism - Recreation in Michigan's Upper Peninsula", A Report and Recommendations; November 1966. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior; Recreation Development Handbook; Washington, D.C. California Committee on Planning for Recreation, Park Areas, and Facilities; "Guide for Planning Recreation Parks in California"; Sacramento, California; 1956. California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan Committee; California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan; Part I, 81 pp., PartII, 203 pp.; Sacramento, California, 1960. Candeub, Cabot and Associates; Preliminary Development Plan for Mauch Chunk Creek Watershed Area; Carbon County, Pennsylvania. 140 Detroit MetrOpolitan AreaRegional Planning Commission; Regional Recreation Lands Plan for the Huron-Clinton MetrOpolitan Authority; April 1964. Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture, Univ- ersity of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois; Regional Landscape Planning; Allerton House; November 1961. Edsall, John and Hewitt, Clinton; Recreation and Open Spaces, Holt, Michigan; June 1964. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; "Title 2300 - Recreation Management"; Forest Service Handbook; Wash- ington, D.C. Gunn, Clare A.; "Location and Site Selection Factors for Winter Sports Areas in Michigan"; Quarterly Bulletin; Volume 40, No. 4; Michigan Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Michigan State University; May 1958. Pp. 746-748. Hill, Russell G.; "Watersheds for Water Management"; Exten- sion Bulletin 364, Revised June 1962; Michigan State University COOperative Extension Service. Humphrys, C.H. and Green, R.F.; "Water: Bulletin No. 12, Preliminary Inventory of Michigan's Artificial Surface Water"; Department of Resource Development, Michigan State University, 1962. Lewis, Jr., Philip H.; "Recreation and Open Space in Illinois"; Division of Landscape Architecture and the Bureau of Community Planning, University of Illinois. Louisiana Parks and Recreation Commission; Louisiana State— wide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation PIan, Supplement 1; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; August 10,II966. Maryland - National Capital Park and Planning Commission; "Preliminary Master Plan for Rock Creek Planning Area"; September 1966; Silver Spring and Riverdale, Maryland. Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station and COOperative Extension Service, East Lansing; Barlowe, Raleigh; Research Report: 52: Natural Resources: "Use of Land and Water Resources ifiIMichigan”, Department of Resource DevelOpment, 1964. Milstein, David N.; Research Report: 42; Natural Resources: "Michigan's Outdoor Recreation and Tourism" Project T80 - Rural Michigan Now and In 1980; Department of Resource Development, Michigan State University, 1964. 141 Milstein, David N. and Reid, Leslie M. and associated staff of Department of Resource Development, Michigan State University; State Resource Planning Program; Michigan Department of Commerce; Michigan Outdoor Recreation De- mand Study: Volume 1 Methods and Models, Volume 2 ActIL vities Reports;Michigan Department of conservation; Technical Report No. 6, June 1966. Mueller, Eva and Gurin, Gerald; "Demand for Outdoor Recreation" ; Institute of Social Research, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 1961. National Golf Foundation, Inc.; Planning and Building the Golf Course; Edited by Roy Holland; Chicago, Illinois. National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior; "Special Park Uses"; Handbook; Washington, D.C.; April 19 1. National Recreation and Park Association; Outdoor Theaters; Management Aids, Bulletin No. 4; M. Foss Narum; 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.; May 25, 1961. New Mexico State Planning Office; New Mexico Comprehensive Plan for Outdoor Recreation; Santa Fe, New Mexico; Aug- T1956 Olson II, George T.; "Preservation of Reservoir Sites"; Center for Urban and Regional Studies; University of North Car- olina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; 1964. Onondaga County Department of Planning, and the New York State Department of Commerce; Recreation and Open Space ip_the Onondaga_- Syracuse MetrOpolitan Area; New York, March 1962. Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission; "Outdoor Rec- reation for America"; January 1962. "Parking for Recreation"; Prepared by Vollmer Associates, Eng- ineers-Landscape Architects; American Institute of Park Executives, Inc.; Oglebay Park, Wheeling, West Virginia; May 1965. "Recreational Potential of the Lake Superior South Shore Area; prepared and written by Prof. I.V. Fine, University of Wisconsin, Department of Commerce; Philip H. Lewis, Jr., consulting Landscape Architect; Department of Resource Development, Wisconsin; May 1964. Sacramento County Planning Commission; A Report on the Park and Recreation Space Needs of the Sacramento *MetrOp oIItan Area; Sacramento, Califbrnia; Ju IyI1960. 142 Saint Louis County Planning Commission; "The Challenge of Growth - A Study of Major County and Regional Park Needs"; Saint Louis County, Missouri; July 1965. Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Recreation Memorandum-3, Supplement-3.( Re: Ratios and Distances BetWeen Land, People, and Facilities in Rec- reation Areas ); Washington, D.C.; April 23, 1964. Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Commission; "A Regional Recreation Policy and Program"; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 1956. Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Commission: "A Regéonal Planning Study”: Regional Open Space; November, 19 . State of Wisconsin, Department of Resource Development; A Plan for Wisconsin - Stage I: An Analysis of Future Prospects and Needs; 1963. The Cumberland County Planning Board; "Open Space and Recrea~ tion" for Cumberland County, New Jersey; June 1966. The Huron-Clinton MetrOpolitan Authority; Eleventh Biennial Report as of December 31, 1963. "The Importance of the Management of the Huron River Water- shed"; Selected Papers from the Conference Program - Huron River Watershed Intergovernmental Committee; Sept- ember 9, 1963, Michigan Union, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Growth and Change" Preliminary Development Proposals for the Tri-County Region; November, 1965. Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; Information Report Z; History p£_the Tri-County Region. ‘ Tri—County Regional Planning Commission; "Outdoor Recreation - An Inventory"; January 1962. Tri—County Regional Planning Commission; "Physical DevelOpment Factors"; 1961. Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Transportation: An Inventory"; January 1962. Tri-County Regional Planning Commission; "Tri-County Regional Transportation Study: Natural Resource Problem Study" U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, For- est Service, Soil Conservation Service; Comprehensive Wa~ ter Resources Study, Grand River Basin, Michigan-Appendix M- Agriculture, Review Draft; April 1967. 143 U.S. Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission; As Evi- denced By User Satisfaction; Study Rgport 2; Washington, D.C.; U.S. Government Printing Office. Wisconsin Conservation Department; A Comprehensive Plan for Wisconsin, Outdoor Recreation; Madison, Wisconsin; 19 6. THESES Bowdy, William W.; The Review p£_an_Approach Determining Land Suitability for Regional Recreation and Open Space; Michigan State University, A Comprehensive Problem Report, East Lansing; For the degree of M.U.P.; 1964. Chubb, Michael; Outdoor Recreation Land Capacity; Michigan State University; A Comprehensive Problem Report, East Lansing; For the degree of M. . .; l9 . Massey, Robert; Regional Park for the Tri-County; A Compre- hensive Problem Report for the degree of M.L.A.; Michigan State University; East Lansing, 1964. Robinette, Gary 0.; Guidelines for the Establishment of a Regional Trailway Network; Michigan State University, A Comprehensive Problem Report for the degree of M.L.A.; East Lansing, 1963. INTERVIEWS Amsterburg, Allen; Engineer with the U.S. Department of Agri- culture, Studying water resources and watershed develop- ment in the Grand River Basin; August and October 1967. Roman, Wm.C.; Executive Director of the Tri—County Regional Planning Commission; April 1967. Wicks, James; Landscape Architect with the Recreational Re— source Planning Division of the State of Michigan; September 1967. Whiteside, Eugene P.; Professor of Soil Science at Michigan State University; October 1967. m 23an 5290 l I, II I I l I l- i I l I l l I. l I all I’ I III ' ' I II II I l Ill ' I: I'll ' III I! I! l l' l I I II'. A A III. [A I' 3 1293 03071