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I I I ‘1‘ ‘I‘N‘fin'Iqun; I a."'”’C’kg'e’:'3‘3‘3‘1‘““V3335 LI I I I J‘I'I‘I‘.‘ N I 4' ' I . . . .IIO“'I‘.O‘.I ‘III';\.‘II‘QC..O.‘¢‘ ,III\.II'¢.. . . . ~I'I I'H‘I \.I "I.\.I-I’3I‘I1I~. «guz‘fi‘I'I‘I‘IlIII’I'I...I¢I.I‘I.I‘IWN it of 0.95 contail in Pea tests R086 % :gooho Stability of Briquettes 24 Road Oil *__ Emulsion ‘__ Outback $~Material Lb/Sq.In. fiffiaterial Lb/Sp.ln. $.Material Lb/SqTTn. 2 1550 2 1920' 2 --- 3 1610 3 2300 3 2100 4 1700 4 3500 4 2710 5 1730 5 7530 5 2830 Chemical Analysis Nitrate 2 P.P.M. Phosphorous % “ Calcium 0 " Magnesium 5 " Iron 35 " Chloride O " Potassium 10 " Intensely acid Ph. 3 Soil # 5 Longrie Type.Mackinac O.Veatch This soil was a dark gray having a specific gravity of 0.98 and fine uniform particles although the soil contained a great deal of material similar to that found in peat swamps. The following data is the result of the tests that were made on this soil. Linlld. limit 0000... Plastic li Shrimage Percentage Percentage mit ceeoeeeooe of sand of clay ............ 00000000.... Percentage of silt ............ Percentage Ro d Oil 3‘ Water F135 0 23w 4 23“ 8 2 3/8" 12 n 1 6 275" passing 200 mesh Capillary Action sieve . PIBStio ind-ex 0.000000000000000 Field MOiSture 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Emulsion fi ater ise O 0 fl 4 1/16" 8 3/16“ 12 '" 1 6 a" 35.0% 0.0% 4.8% 22.8 7.6 69.6 26.6 35.0% 36.7% Outback fi a er 0 4 8 12 16 ise ‘u ‘11 ‘11 1 1/8" I“ 25 Water absorption by Briquettes ROAD OIL p Road Dry Wt. at Wt. at Wt. at Percent Material Wt. 24 Hrs. 48 Hrs. 72 Hrs. Absorption 2 143.9 144.1 144.2 144.2 0.708 3 155.1 155.2 155.6 155.6 0.323 4 144.8 145.0 145.3 145.3 0.345 5 179.8 180.1 180.0 180.0 0.111 EMULSION 2 160.8 164.3 165.7 165.7 3.05 3 135.4 137.8 139-7 139.? 3.18 4 180.0 181.6 181.9 181.9 1.06 5 138.9 139.3 140.1 140.1 0.79 CUTBACK 3 139.5 140.0 140.4 140.4 0.641 4 174.9 175.3 175.8 175.8 0.515 5 174.4 175.0 175.8 175.8 0.805 Stability of Briquettes Road 011 Emulsion Outback f Material Lb/Sq.In 96 Material Lb/Sq.In. 96 Material Lb/SqJn. 2 900 2 2290 {X --- 3 1290 3 5010 3 1540 4 1380 4 6960 4 3100 5 1450 5 9560 5 3260 ' Chemical Analysis 10 P.P.M. fl Nitrate Phosphorous Calcium Magnesium Iron 4 Chloride Potassium Strongly Acid 333:: ooomom Ph. 5 . 5W! 8!. that}. .......H’C~A .3 u.iV. JVWHA‘ -, vat, 26 The water perferential test made on both soils indicated a very strong affinity for the oil with very little soil settling to the bottom of the glass jar. According to a careful estimate, the percent separation of both soils was around ten which is entirely satisfactory. Figures lb and 5b show the trend of the capillary action of the road materials as they pertain to the two soils. It is noted that the road oil showed the highest capillary action in each sample with a maximum rise of four percent water for soil one and of twelve percent water for soil five. Following the road oil, the cutback and emulsion are in the order named and again the highest capillary rise takes place at the same water percentage for cutback as for the road oil. It is thought that the water percentage for greatest capillary rise should be near the liquid limit as happened to be true in the above cases. The emulsion shows very little tendency to rise which probably is due to the fact that the emulsion contains water thereby the evaporated water out of the soil is partly replaced by water from the emulsion. Neither of the soils show a Inore effective capillary action over the other. The results of the absorption tests prove that in both soils the waterproofing qualities of road oil stand alone when compared to the emulsion and cutback. Although the road oil mixture had the greatest capillary action and the best waterproofing qualities, it had the 'Poorest resistance to shear with the emulsion mixture 27 acting in the reverse order of poor capillary rise and waterproofing but showing the greatest stability. All the mixtures increase in stability as the percentage of road material is increased. Observations concerning the physical and chemical tests show the following: Both soils contained sufficient sand, approximately one-fourth, which appears of necessity to provide stability along with enough clay, seven to ten percent, to give the sand a binding material. Also each soil contained over twenty five percent passing the 200 mesh screen which gave sufficient filler along with sand and binder. Each soil was strengly acid in.nature and high in iron content, indicating soils of that nature can be stabilized economically with a bituminous road material. 1.4.. 1 1 1 . .1 1 t .Ilr‘ v .. I1 .. 11 . . .r...‘ . ..v .Mu.u 0.1.. ”4 I . .1.1 1.1 11th . 1.4. Ib|Fl.-¢IAI.F. 9F." .I.NNL.I‘I . l. LIA‘¢\r-..RM. 0 .. nlflgl.llr..1'51. . ...Nrnhah. .W‘...’ . .....i .1.I.e.. .Ivl. e'Y'10r4' e .nns: .Lna-u.,uun.a., can candleuI-uuivnn . .aanaulnuzhwu.wv runntrmux.reauwmea.w prune-Iawu-r.-anI-wo.u.n 21. . o.qu.:u .cn pascal-en hrnnovtirvh I ..audu.4ara< iunfle ..aewanarrlt ulatastoau .hrru..oleI¢II-ce ..IutuI- ”(11 rrxl..>tleob-vidaunl "I:Il;raeuol s.«tr...;nlyc.uazn 10-. «0111 .lll‘xluo_euuoun . ..LLn.wim.r.r. ...... «in... I!£s.1lI.I....1rr. grunt-z tram.._..rhhn.1:13 ._Irnn.ai-§.Y.I:r0. Pactskglolatfis p.541 .tzr.uc - Farce.... sr.raaa.r:r9rnn..Inuuumurnua.uuu.exIn~0. ~enc.J-nnnrllnnvau:ann .«clsquwanIe-urn.a.e ulfiulur-oslbilasutnsamyIGEn.a,gt-taOrIIIIUIVnI Ilu (taunt-In.rhenb IanVnIIVQIathaaw uILeuIelalua.g:uxqu Inn0. IIIIIablrsirwthvl.1000010a-IKIJ-a«In-wanna! Ian-(fluuuitnasr0.2005.0;nnI-IIrvIIkIIIcn Ins-aywaualu- p. Orxnnessallvanw..CIVIv'twLnltlt.~a:aaIuI.#1.:vnriwn.72:0.warsvuiatn .. l. .LIIIII~I - u.ulna03wwl0stkvlfificu1aluI0.casew:£puus.vr.awerIfiIlau£Ina;ncnrhuIIuaztuaaun-Inaa c" 00001.. I 3.4I‘r2nnrcal want-vine 8.. as .ulalzaluull PIrIzzi0 Ilkawars-storyawncci.lllwllsn.kuscuqxttew. LRReIIII Iluranlela I. II IiII um“ ‘00uilcurlieilnfl dunes: ellulra:liwa.uuu020«l 01in unIIIIrIEeCa Ivrda Ink-ILJB InwwewzlsaflnfillquIK Illlnhsl. Iselstisluw «JFIOIUI :. It til-0n! I owe-eocw-a-rusaauua aaqfisc..ea4u.yakama .vJLuInnnsl-wnu a: . rva Incl-vulnSIxIKAusrc-aiaII art: I. I. LIIIiIII-Illalllnu 0.0DI0IOuI,:auaav“KwHWBA1urn;mt&rlulasanvaalzlaun-anuwoal In II. llalIuI‘watwv:.Clue-"Juan fly!- I It I. IIIIuwIIIIIlolI II . .nmuwuwru Iurn-ahVUSIKr-uuaurnin.Hulwerufltilln la 50. InaflrthnlncruaUI wsrslrII Ihlb w r. I. .II-uIIII - I Iauzvav- 5:31.nwa-nanflunnvunr0n\.nlvsruni-nth no 40: ElllquwmuJIIiEI arsulllt H-II. r I. .1 In .lrIIIIIUQIafthInIII.8Incxwplnwulrt.IOdIrquI 50 aIw Iruanl.luaflrIlI« asvlii000 ’eIQ- I a: a II flrIOIIIuSIIcI..laqwerqlatllsvuuurhuIFlI~00' . . ; . II a! rvualnuwaslrxbu.nc|llnu III- I II II .Inewiuu.cnv. cats.Itazlltrnnvv»lnniafiullo new.uLIIIIIIHIIIHJRIIceu«his.naudvcrv.4:un Ia aaanlcnfluvuan0u1rrir00l IuII L In 00 awrtnhlyalr.10:20r00.!ulllhnt.uIr-auurslrilfilacnIDIIluLuvoflIIivaxr-noufifi.1..\unmu rev 2' s.thlnnfl.l\nrunmrrnllud hall I n 00 IIIHMJII.uwl(wrn004-hIOIvaneamllinrzwmfih KlIIrV-rltln IOtSKIlnsawrQQsaz1ILLnI110a~2~r umltlearurtwmIIRCrrzaa$00. 0.. 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IalexVIHua.anurl.. war .10 e 0‘00 .-Itnvwsn'.nntnsxrr renucuaxluurhl.z. 13n0-9adflnlflal.ungulnae‘unhp JIIMaIILI..x nus» urasn.aan..60lI€0 y Irr 3.9 I “01"! ..I wart. £11..-. . I»...:I:.ac0..r. .uIl. .le.0€w...c 039-30I:1ue~.-l0010 .1 (\ll... ...-Ir0lr... It... v...1.ahrnt. .015. I .1 «area»! I SQQIC um uaatw|nnnunnunu—uhwunwiIbeuV.200utzau~v:orra400lunvnahand010nwnn=a\ub. .K.IIwrelwuncr (CIA attain-u..FIIIVJ .: berets» n .00. Iuv.nel.1r:II [at now. J:udnaII.rallwrnmr‘13:.q.IHIIIUIJEIIInaIafi.a:m¢w. 1 IePIer- II.J.IUIIIu1ua o-hIII an:M.i Jet s .00 Irraca.!llwurz. -.F5900572nilIICva.l..u .uu...1.-u“"0w‘t .-nt.Ujurnvanuxa41aulcnnapwharisauvnfiawIRaolvamelllla Us. u.:.(l w 00 In.mc.hnrq1..‘.-e .ulwndialruInIHVJaor .nu 3:2.0020 N: L Ilfiztlrelmnnwfinx.btlie. .:srraIIIIIVIIn1BII?.wdclm0lw .llsfinnnrglrr I .0 axial nuae 3 hrs.ru~vn500uvcoanh 1s; n.ar.-.1vrulnpl dtlaanrcaau Iausfleunfitarnw.Jun-JI~0~ran"urinata.m000¢r «mud-cerlwz.nn~ t. 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III. 0001 ..I ..I0 II “III..I.I1I I. I I Im II III». . II I ”I! .tn ..1. I I... .I II I II .I It .II I .II III. I II IIIII. IIII I I. I II \IIIIIIII IIII I II .I” I I I ‘3‘?! I I IIITI n II III.I. I .IIII :IIIIIII.IrI I.IIIIn III-z :0! IIIII .-IIII .. . . .. I II I ..IIIIII..II.II¢II.II.I IIIIIIII .. . .... .IIIII . II... I .IIIIIIIHL ...I I. .II. .. ‘ IIII.I.IIII IIMIQBIIIIIIIII.IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..I.. . I II". RI..IIIIIII.I II IIII. ..o . . III.IIIII..II I . "I. II III.III..III..I act-III ......III-III.IIIIInIII..IIII-I..I .III. IIIIIIII IIII III I ..I... IIII. II-IIIII.II. IIIIIIIW . .. .I. ..II.. ..IoaIIIsuI. ......s. W.. {WI-5...... . I I x I ..II‘H...’ - ‘- 39-. -I‘ ‘1'!- fl.:II liar}! \d‘! .1- . \ III! A." . I‘. |.l. filo FIJI: ...IC. ’- III-J. 1" I fll'n . . fl» Itkdéuflcrr. . ....luEhlan'iluJII-tn a ..m 8011 3; Naponce Silty Clay LCLm 5011 f? Fox “pay Sandy Loam Tnvustivation c; James L. Plvcrd 28 .Jahtulli Ail'tllu'llt'x‘h‘ui“ ‘5. . ,. . . x . m [It Soil is The results cf tLe preliminary tests cn Soil f2 are as f011U\" 8: Physical Licuia Limit ----- :8. C plCLuLiC TJi“.1L----éo.:':.) Plastic Tnuex—---a4.lfl Ficlu ‘ucistupe--—CQ.C: Shrinna e Liiit--l/ Clay ------------- UOo:: Sana ------------- l7.tfl Silt ------------- 17.8” PassinU LoCC ————— 89.&GH Kaponee Silty.Clay Loam Cut-314.1 cal I I Calcium ------- z C p.p.m. Chlczides ------ a; p.p.m. titrates ------- ‘5 p.p.n. Can anese ------ C Ammonia -------- C Haynesium ------ 7 p.p.m. Cap. cnates ----- Rig; DOCaSbium ------ C Aluminum ------- l p.p,m. Tpon ----------- lC r.p.m. Nitrites ------- C Phospxerus ----- C‘- Suliates ------- C Acia Pe3cticn-- Stronily alkaline pH 2 S This soil has a hibh clay ccntert and in its natural state fits in a grsctically no stcncs nor op anic matter and Ew stasle When cry, soon becaze very unstasle. Soil {7 I lhe res ults of Lue are as icilcws: Physical Liquid Limit ----- 32.2; Plastic Limit----18,5p Plastic Tnuex---- 0.7” Field moisture---18.zg Shrinka_e Litit--15.C2p Clay ------------- 170 ZEN Sana ------------- 70oIp Silt ------------- CoCC,: Pass inU (sCC ----- 8.8” yard 1111:2114 V fCrT"... treliuinary Fox Cray Sandy Loam AZ Tt contained 8 VSPy Cut aCSCrCed water cuite papiuly and tests on Ecil fi? Chemical Calcium ________ 43 CthFiQeS -'“""3C Nitrates -------- 5 Han anese ------- c Ammonia --------- 3 Car Chates-----— C POtassium--;-—-_ 5 Aluminum -------- c Trcn—-—- ........ 1g 29 WP.‘ 'v-J' 14w. I IN", .19.. ‘! uYKIq 30 Nitr tes ------------- C PhcsinPU‘ ----------- 1’2 (low) Ha resium ----------- 15 f.p.n. Sulfates--------——-15C p. p.m. Acid TDeacticn ------ Stpcnily acid FL! 2 5 Tnis was 3 rec loam w;icL ccntainea scme pieces of coarse awkrebate tith a :aiimum size of a cut 2" Tt also contained some pieces of organic matter com- posed lapbcly of small hair-like poets. It was cuite custy when cry, Cut campactcc well unen get. Tne cata for the final tests ape es fclloas: Capillary Action Soil fie--- Poad Oil Soil fC--- Cutpack Percent water T“is e in inches Percent water Fise in in. I . (“1" .t -\ J 10 L) V/) .‘i -; . .n-I &IJ l‘C/E ‘1/9 .9 8’") l o 7 8;; o 7 Soil g7--— Road Oil Scil f7--— Cut ack p water Pise in inches 5 water wise in in. c” 1. 9 ,"3 . 6 4,13 s . 7 3,”; l. :3 8,13 s . s 8,; 1. e 14,; 2.2 12;; 1.2, 163,; .3 . 2 13,; l . ‘1 ———-——r_--*__—_____‘__C__ _ .1 alflflvuwcfl u. m up re: » ...!" refit; - 3. [u N~Q~Jq-leKWFBCQ-Qxlflltbetf m o H H new \1~3.\7l\' quantitative apppcxiuate Absorption and Eitumen Euulsicn H The '1‘,Lep¥ffefdr€r}i%_l_-.£§§£ is net 011 I.) Eta Bitumen CW .3): -3 K? 01 a” 11V; 01 .p. Q! 0" 'N J (22 IV? (:1 H? 03 l\ (N b" C1 I-F r? Les I ;ut merely SLCHS the relative and L o 1 1 y—J .. Absorption "1'7 (ad 15 Chi .U/J o 0’.) 11.5” (\CTU‘N -(',)(_)()C)Cr!("2l\)("n('7(")('_.‘(3\7 .1” .eafl . (IL-Ill.) 'z' 0 LL51.) ‘ ,. o Obit) .CH terH ’fi 9.": F'“ (f) H w Statility f.“ (‘1 (\7' H C) \1 ‘0 O ‘0 Cl 01 H pr. «7 H O ()(T) \7m(\(>(:("~c31,p_ C.“ U1 (‘3 C) (:3 (‘J (J; V (j) (3: \I-QC»: CnH( V (:10 (> ”N ( ,- rr (n (T) (T‘ in (:1 Q. (1 30010 O U] Fifi accurate arfinity of the cust for cil or water. Tne results of tnis test snowed that soil [3 had a («J- pr‘ecl La er affinity for meter tLan for oil, apCUt Bap-Tcfi of the uust settled cut of the oil to the cottom of fop oil and did not settle out Tne results of results of the a scpption tests, tlie e tests the con tainep . {-3. p6 Soil {7 spewed a Lpeatep also s'pne cut by the water quite freely and soil {7 atSOpLed very little water a ll/L c any apypeciagle amount. 31 32 For the assorrtion_tg§t the samples wefe left in the «ater tath until they maintained a constant weipht. The Naponee Eilty Clay Loam absorbed water rapidly and had reached its maximum weiLht at the end of the first day. The Fox Gray Sandy Loam assor ed very little eater and at the end of four days in the tater oath in most eases Lad aUSCPUEQ less than 1;. Some of the clay samples fell ayapt when taken out of the water aath and consecuently it was impossiele to sane stasility tests on t.ose samcles. Other clay samples cracked sadly and WLUD put in the water bath assOPeed water until the eater reached the cracks and then the a_sopption stepped. These samples ¢ave inconsistent readinbs for both the atSOpntion and staeility tests. The results of the acillar; t§§$§ indicate that the wetter the soil, the greater the deépee of capil- lapity. This would see“ to Show that if the stabili- zino agent is to Le apilieu to tie read in a manner that depends upon capillary action, it would se rpef- epaole to apply the stasilizep in damp weather Op else wet the soil aoove the level of the statilizino agent. The emulsion used in these tests failed to rise any appreciable amount, out the cutsack and road oil pose cuite evenly. Tte ee;pee of carillapity was slightly @reatep in soil {7, which was the soil with the least amount of Clay. is The sta_ility test snowed that the statilii ‘1 d 35 wnicn was tte clay and a_sop;cd the most actor, in practically all cases ”as very soft when ;aLen from tge ‘N‘ 6" CD ’1 m fl f“ h: '3 Q. c... (T (P (D Q "*3 n "S (r r+ C.) .Lility. This soil Lave inconsistent results and mas too set to .e st";le. Soil “7, which seemed to contain an iceal niattpe for statil' .... [N m r‘ p.» C '3 u § ( r‘ very hard and resisted hiph loads oefope failin . For the Fox Cray Sandy Loam the eeulsion seeueu to as more efficient tlan the Others, thile the cut ack was setter than the road oil. Soil {a L-u too _pcat a :popOPtion of .lay to se statilised a; so small a percentave of eta ilizin¢ I agent. The ;=;sica tests, which were gate according to specifications, snow that {2 is a typical clay soil while 57 is more of a sandy soil. The results cf thee standard tests ape viven in tie p ecedin; ta.le. "a . l A (n f.) O P. H r* C (W ‘4 O- (.0 fill the g; were made according to J ins-pucticns in tue scollet st C. W. Eyuptay of the A picultupal fingeriment Station of Michiken State Col;ege. These tests showed tLat the Yaponee Silty Clay Loan was stpcnyly alkaline and the Fen Cray Eanuy L-am was stronvly acid. The various ciemical constituents of the soils Lay te fourd in tne preceding La r-‘l C [0 It is rather futile to attempt to make any definite conclusions at ut all soils on the ,asis of these two E’EFP... .... ..lfuu. (1,17,... jails: u 34 alone, so many more soils will have to L8 investipated o. ,+ aerope accup te s stetents may te made. Feveptteless it sculd te int.pestinfi to se_ if tte stability and the assOppticn of a soil to te statilized are inter- degendent in any deupce as those two soils hsgpen to indicate. Other possicilities include the investiwaticn of similar soil with just a variation of the chemical constituents; unfortunately neither the tine nor the lapwe variety of soils were availa is for use in this investigation. .I 1| . 1 b..- - ......1 ml. . 1 .1. 1 II .I . .5...I.1I.LI.I..,011 .IID I. ‘1IaI1II IIor1II. “IIIIIHPIID! .II.11II1.?..II.1 . II.II¥.....I .II L.‘ .1IIIII1JII IOI..IIO.1II.I IIIIIIIII IOIII‘IIIIJ ..II..IIII II'orIIIII I. II . . ”IGII . III a... II. II.19111. at In. .I. rII II. .II 0,. ... II I: II II. ..II\ II 111 4D.... IIII1II II I. .III Illa. II II ... .15... II II II IIIII. I I.— . I .IM.I .III I II . . . . II IIIIII. II IIII..IIIIIII111III1II GIIIIII..IIII IIIIIIII. IIIIII11III1II1311IIII III-I1“... 151-11011 II II1IIIIIII¢IIIIIIIIII . ..I1.I1IIIIIIId10I I.I1Io.TIIeI;I. II IzIIII .II IIIIIIII. .. I.~I1I .I....IIIII...1I I. IIIIwIIRI .. II “ .IuIle III II . . IIII III II. ... 1111.... “- I...II I ..II .IIIIII’ II .I.-.1 II _,11.I11II.I. III I .IIIIIIIII 1 . . . III ueIfiowlfl I I,QIAII. II11I...III11IIIII«IIIIII- .IIIIIIIIIII..- . III. 1 . It‘d I...III.I-I1.IIIII111 I'II101IIIIIII.OIIIIIIIIIIIIII_1III1IIII1.. I1. I . 11.60” .....IIIIOlIIIIIIIUIIInl II. DI1II—II.I.-IIIIIOIIIIIII..II~ ...-1- I II. I1. . ..Irl I .I ‘0'! "'0 ' ..IIIIIIUI I. 1 I II III . I I I14 III.1nII1II II'1IIIIIIIII IIIII. IIII..IIIIIIIIIIUIIllctll. I III... 111IIIII1111II ..III1III 1. III-.1110, I11r-IIIIIII I- III glam-II..-wslIIIIalIIIIIIII .II-I II.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIII1 i 1. 1.0...IIIIIIUIIII I.III.I,1.I. II..IIII..III-IuIIIJIIIII111111II1II. I1. II...I.1.1...11.I.1.1,InIII11I1IuIIaII .IIII II..IIIIIIIII1II..III.1I1I_IvuIIIIIan .l o I. win-1 .. IiioII-IloucII III I III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIII ... "...-11 II 31.. III . — ...III Id .III I- ! .I.. no .I.I "I ..r 1II.. -1. III I I... ..‘ ...V r.. ”' .101 I1“.I1 I I, Utahuhlh1| ‘IIII II III... IIIIIIIIII. II. II II..II III... I... III-IIIIIIIIII1‘ “I. .I.. ~11I¢_.1In_l. 1.1- :III.1II.III1IIII. ..I 1..... . I1OI .I.-0.1 JIIJIII IIIIIII_ . II IVI .....1. 'Im...1 . nu... .IIII 4...!1 III. II . III I II... .I.. I .I i...- In (I’m-O . .I.), VIII Ia “III. II 1nd. 9...... I I...‘ ."I "ol. .0:- I: 1 1:1: .IIIII '11.I1.II I110 I1IUI11.IIIIoII1I1II1iIIIIIu. 1 1...... 1 III! 1..... . I IIII1IIIIIII1IIIIII1 .. .I.... .Il\..1 IIII ...IIIII1..II.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 ‘III 101.1 .I .J .. . t ......I ...... [.I. 9.1 ...II‘ .’ I. . IIII ..F I1 Dino II I. 11. I111I..I11IIII .‘ I1 1¢IIOIIICIOIIOIII1.I‘IlAUIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIICIII'IIIIIIIIII O ..IIIIII. I-IIII.I.- _ IIIOIIIIIIIIII...II.I.II..III .IIIrIIIIIIIIIIIVCI IIIIIIIIIIIE I ICII‘IOO .iIUIIIIIII. IF. .U. DCIIOIIIIINOO ...... III II. III II..1II I1 ..IIIIIII1rIIIIIIII 1, IIII I1 ,IuI. 1.1 . IIIII II I,- .I. 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II c 1 11¢9....111;.I1.1IIIII.I. I I III .I.. III ,. I“ .91. ..1.1I:IIIRI.1 I .3...1II:II 1 a ., ... i1 .IIc 1.1. IIIIIIIIIIaa IIIIIIIIIuI.1 1 .Is 1 "II.- .1 I I”: I .I...- .u '4. I 1.1. I”: III .I I1.I . .. I I. I. I 111. I... .1. I II". 11 1. , .. . .111I1. , II. ”II ".InI ’fiI I! . ... O ... -‘11'I 1 --‘WI- 1‘. l.’.' I . I111 0.1": IIwnIIa111111. 111 1..:ulIaIIvm‘Iu 5:411IIIIII11I1IIIIIu1IIIm11 II ‘I. “I... .. ..‘I.Il.l 1 11.. lll‘. I011“ .I. . 111 1.1 . ........_uu1.Iuv.1I vIMI.mIImIvu:1 III. .. 1111 Ira-‘0‘ ‘91,; 11... .I.-uI InI... «u 5.. Illa .I..IU.I .I.. 77.3.. I.III.II...II.IOI.I-:,.II.I .mmuv.1IloI.I1\-1.I I1. ...I..11 r ..JIII1...I.I ..91 1.....I.I.1.Iu “... III .. I, IIIIr 1..-11... 1III 1.1.1... .31... . . 51...... . _ . HI! I I.III.1III...I1IOI‘III-...Dn . .I.. 1 .. III. 1 u. 1 I1” 21.”...1I I In U.” 0- ..I1 1 1. . . "I IOII .. II III .I .. .. .1.....1...I1II01 ....II ,l‘WKNJ. I11. I... .. I..l.1.I1.III..O"I \I 1. .... . I; In I... I . . . . . . . r .11 ...1. .1. I 3 I .1. I. ....11. .I 01.1.6111. 1.11:1...11. I 1.1. .m ..1 I. ..1 Ia." u. I ... .I 1.....1..1...1.1.....:. I ..II 1 Q. .4. .1 . .. . C 03‘ Ito... OI‘Im .11 .. Teal-.111; I . 1 ,1 1. ..Iur . 1... ..u . . .11 . . . . 511-1 aIIuIIa ...l UVIrl.'\.."O.I. .1. I. I. U..‘. .I..I... I. 6 SI t...f..lfl'n "..fi.‘€'....’. .....t.." I..1II..V.!~11111I.I1II11.1uuuquI1 ”H1 .... .1.. .II ...-IJIIIqIIII IIIIIILIIITNJ.. IIIIII 1..-IIIII.h “..\ iIIII‘.‘ I. IJIII. A , l\..I..II_.I ..I1. . .... II 1..! I‘IIIQI I.II.I .- . .MIu..~..u.. .Iun...u.1.I:I:11 «ammuumu1du13u1: ..1I ...-.I. II IrI1.IIII.n1mu.I1; nu uuuHInuun.1uumunuu III“... ”"1. ..I a: .3“. ....r 1I1..1. . ~111.I11I111 .- . 1.1.. . . 1 . V. r. .I .1 m “I1111 .I.I.1 1091-1 N 11I1.I III1I-u" I II. II. I I IIthIu III.” II1 M .IIImIIIII IIInI. 1111: 3.- IIIII-IIIIII1II.II1.1.19.1. IIIIIIIII1 .. . ... . .1III... Inn. III111111111III.I I IIIII- IwolinII1. I . IIIIuI III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINI “119111 ...-1 ..I-II116630101I s. IHGIIIIGI Q .."fl. _ .1111 I I1. 1(IIIIIIIIIIII01II1IIIIII- .IIIII 1I1II'I11I ....I I1III IIIIrtII II.I "u“ U “an-I"""IIJI"1_HHWI I . . ‘I I I “an" It! ...". II_II1I,1I.I.I.I“ DID..II.IIIJ..1,I.II. IW‘ I111 III .I.. IIIIta1I I. IIIII. '60.... .1. 4II . IIII '11.. ...-IIIIIIpIII IIIIII .. .1 Dal. '61 .O I .I.-.ualca I... SCI. IADOI .I.. IIIII I I1 I11 1I1II .. I... 311111... - 111.1111 c: IIII I16 I11 1! ..1I.II.1111I\10II..1 I 1 . . 1..-.1: II IIII liui III 01. ..IIIIIIIo ... .I III-I IWII.1I1II".II.1 I III IJIII IIIII- IIIIIIIIII ..II II 111 I1. .IIII-1I. . 1113i .Ial IIIIIIIII 1 1 I.III1.1: .16101...IIIIouncutuaIIIIumIeurlnnI. 1' .Faifimlid JO n. '1 Id In'laflnliu “’1' Full pit II 1 a I| I.- h.'I1 -. [ll III III. I 1’ '1’llll’ll' *I ~, I 0 i . n ' I a Y t u ,1 . a n- \r . 4 a \ v . . . p D O .. . . . . . . . I . . v , . . . . 9 , 5 i ft. ‘I I 4. ,. . '§ In ‘D . 4 -~ .5 In 9 a ,. C . ,. ,c ‘I I . u . . ’I § L’ . u I" I l p . » ..- . ‘ V ‘I '| . . .1 I ' :l 5 _ V. a -E. o. .. (In- .t .0 I . g n , i ..' ‘ I l ‘4' ‘I ..II _. r‘ .. ’9‘. 1" 0. ~. MI .I \ .‘OQA 'I . ... I O o . 7' ' O -"- fl 1 q ? r . Q o to O 9 2 s u ‘x . ‘u. :,- v ,- . ‘. ..‘ I I Q . 1 c- 5- I § \ O . ... ‘- OI. o . r n . ‘ ! ’ I . . I I ' .‘ C . v I ~_, ‘ ‘ u I ‘ o . . x , r u . .- I 'I ‘. a '. . 9‘ ..K b .‘ l n .0 .. . .~:I . I v I . ‘3’. 0.. ' 0 w -\ ‘ r I ‘1' p ”v * ... I ‘ Q n l “N'. n v o - ~ 5'. 4 . o l . 1 , $ 5 u A U ~- . I a-v -. . 1‘ I .l ,o 8 CV ) -u ..." ‘D 9 V- r~ ' 4 1“ 0.00 .3 6 n ¥I 0" \, 9 q , . x A'- U . . . . . q 1: ~c'. a l .. . J r! . , ’ , ! d u .l ‘ - » . ., . . . . . ‘ u ( .- ~ . :1 A A. . 1‘ n '- .I . ~. L g I 1 , -ui ., _ I Q g I .. 1‘ a..- I . ~K 2 IOK . z . g. r . l .. . . . 1 r. . s A! ... .. 'v . .' . ... ‘i‘b I‘ a I. Ch ' . Q 0 . , . a . . . ,. . . I .- ... . ~ n O U ‘\ D ‘ «I ,. I' 6 -0 ‘ O n . '- p I5 .4 L , , O l I V ( I . ‘ \ I I ‘r ( , . ‘ u . . - I l' \ p . v 9;;- ~‘ .. ‘In I I . W 'l .‘ , . , .. “ .I I , I . \ . v ’ ‘ xl u .. \ '- ' ‘. , ‘lfi' . .... O I .. r 1 k' ' Q 0’ I. .~o .0 us» ..-¢ .. . . ‘V ‘. , A ( . 8" . . r -. ' Q. . . .. ,An . . ,4 rc- I . ., . EEK! ELLE... ,3: ,. . w“ 3931103 BLVLC NVDIHSWI It: 9 2.: M 'f‘ i I V J l ulnar». ‘~ - Iflflih'ts , 2-1 1 Ivy :— SI 's1suga1us‘13 ., -. \ ill ¢!.II.1 um '01. 7 nil‘ III "I la VCJuntt- st gnu )3 I! a rut-lasflnsb .. I'D I 3"”: I IDII3NIID”"Iflnw “ h: ., ... -r Mr - ,v9ur' : I nurut‘nvlfl .zgu ‘ 'zI’ ~ca flu;fi~.!p1fl' lltlnlblrc'Vth giuuru :. up. :n man: 54 .;;-d I. Ifl'b1112 unavaaus‘ h“‘ Hfll‘hu fl'lID'OilkitilIIIaIvclflrnvlahaonlnucluuwu- 1n Illa. v “' -h nu. I! 'IbsIuAI ;I4"9/ a ! - ~v9wl.tfiwj atop Alluunwanprnaolv nun-unnuu-D-Itun-navqtao nrvd' ‘ ' ud IUOQII‘ gnstflun0I34npiw flu ’ Mir-"U! 5|it""ll.llfi;o:lilllllflrl(;iflvbfi£311‘=€lflllfi£gll ;§::r "I I - -----au(1 Inc. vs .nrzaw- . “ rot... nanoclna noun-a Ill-FYV\‘rhooanvafiIw~noujluaflt In I] II II-IDQI.IS~IWQL_ tzf élila "IJHIB‘IIIIQH Flt-t.uzciurwituuudlnqu.:.snuIclwvdaua. :34 an an finupuw -u s'fiwfli II. -n..-l¢auill town-Ulnsib Ituer ..fiii“ ~ I O n "‘Owi U 1 ‘;.ruw- r 54 T anwvofiucu I II icfzslccxtuvcl angnuannom-IQ. 't.‘ Iznvsu: and u u uuals:u: Ugsun*09tv~n in _M¢..‘ u >rt nonV u a. a J'r IhTQIIl\J ‘ 0 l3 surnu' I I::EII:" :lIun‘u'K ? Ingu,‘¢4.vun.mrcurInRI-o;wr.van!:‘ncll:c!'a:lnanuseannchucgnilgl.a::u'15a a II::I:II. 3 "J-Onijlpflo./"' - I ” F“6”'h“.¢~' ! III Intg-‘thtiihli'III1l‘uI'I liflwolltuizd . Jhlcl I'D I fill hi! uutwar‘ '. 4 cggn.,.a»-uuu we...‘05:. III-unuylsrutin-avI:‘iqn..IIANI 5 I5. ll- !II:I InIe inln&:(-— . 'o.' -I‘ .IYdOIV-Dlllnc Ill‘eLAuIISUI-CIIID .O-h‘! My ”ul! Stan -=—--=.l“) .30 4-4.5 did u = fl7filgllll 23“! CII'IDKHVbHIOGtIN :IIPIIfllIflliilildall aural I¢.w' rby StillIIUWP-Llflfllu:i4.‘dl7¢lfl"tf§l25.970lfl III I.:§ — _:__1 u.- HV .0 I I 19‘ .- ‘ul i ”Ouflw'c "I9“ aitflbullib‘flflizsl-Il :;>¢neriu‘m av: -=- :1 I... “DI II‘IUIII |cnil e l ‘wvl' F.K:fi8fiullu>=Hflhltwtnihfl~*,tifi onuoaII-AII.;nkrluIc&a Au! -1 01.4. «or annuity-l. a 'I"-F.IJ'I‘ P3063IH9.~II"u'd’finnluwuv.fwvu05ununnu-Jan). c an: «an Ina-alt :lIf' It: Ila-I at! :0: IsanI§4L5;-r “sog~nncnfiwngtr’u7“'3'n5“7112 «us-Ira 3:5;r‘llulsvbul ‘fi l!.?l::. .6: in I IIIIPEJ lgigl C*~BI".10* "dAB'~PN”'W’m’u‘fi§I]l"‘i“!!£‘”"'\d§ lavauIWVI-Ltlu #3 : Univ. tlhhhr--n I Iwranwltlfll ,DRI-nctnirv a‘ ‘I-Mnr bGiBQ'FftitlfilI£J~IF' nuclxltllliaaluflllhilfl'IiIOIl .vlanulnlsslll ' I ndazhunellnl cunlcn‘"- T.VL*‘ . '1 ~“hV’-~D'IHD“~I‘J‘I.\ '. ".FC.....IIICIQI.&NII .0"..- I.‘~I‘. O‘- an "if”.FUU‘..IEfl-I‘..LQI.S" .-1-. 4' £6?.UE'Figflil0‘hllltOIIIIIHIOIIIIIIlficlxdl IJIIDI .Illtl INII’<:SI llkr ~‘ICIIII'WIIII'L“U“rh V 4:.« OO\M«OIII a... c I' Gnlvrvluw-IQII-Cllllin MRI... in:; I nn¢.. I. anon:IIIWIrafinllullluuutx 4 W “: ." unseat-nuauualnsnsasrza.:lvlounulzsr 'I .1 ll q I??’D&* 'IIIJILPIIllinlfsllllncflf'-‘ 1 _ ~-- de‘MF‘fBII‘CJIu Din .III r cud! univuo Ila art-L Ek'l q thunaxrazyauur I!PIH“¢I‘-u; I “N! ‘ vIvu'nglulidacvallnuvalnfier.uua_ I'li Int In.ulll III u.l an I fling-IlfllnbtuUInJIVIIflflF 5 Int: \.mr~nn~it1lln:OII~Itulz R'llllll‘ .- - a, AK‘IIII It.»-aa tutu ~|| VII-arrugalnnc'..var ' .«v-ns -- .fimumaululvvrnlnlvr unscuanu nu .- I I an Iosu vv tags van-c vu-n *I&~I~'~h“ h'l'ltlv uuLItQOH'U'I'39‘13K rnvdiiu h l . t‘:fill a: vain! lctnnll sulfizu'u, . '.Ar "Int.l!':'EIIdeIJ.JHlaIIIl1:ID I Ilatt.hw awnJ Nautiludlqui In.;uhzx" w- "n r*-arbvnruv;rfl‘tIJUOAI§AOIIIQ 0:, I II‘:ivIv Q‘I- tflAQ‘. nC-aanx'kav v-afbng.u O r! fist-eanfignl‘Ielnaulvhukot I, ICILIDK Ilhn tulqvornllclnnllnltuh) - ' lufiuwconovVWquWIVIcohlhrlI‘r3'¢.l~::L3rL1h. I Illglsc II I Ifll”filflii use-Ord'Fi c.h ‘ I.. a «I. I..1GL.M'J..MIIIflF-Iht46- a -- I .I. II c IIIDIDIUIIK 3’. I 30"19 en;;nrwn=1u n. t nvril'“r.nllavuu-IIaJIE-Ih 0 II 1 'I: lauhzlu 70 r'nax‘ con-nor|.r 5.0%-§LIU8M(IIGFMvflhflnliiflltl. II’ II J 'U .n-Ivuln ..¢:-.r—~» IOp-rm~urn axvrhsldulsaI-naltrnnru:uv'I‘I III a ICI'flanVI urn I‘lv ; . Illikh-< arqz: \.~1III5UINII iavuflillilurl Ill d :I..J.uVNF UIIaanID7 «ancienXI . Q'IVIHHAOH5KVIICIG:.§IIVMDKfl-W‘T‘. III p IIIUG ht :‘3rhvl.‘ . Whicol¢£,a¢;'.n thuman’yucpoa mughul qa'I‘Ll“ I IQ! II. V uu- : ':ffinbra' ¢I~IOI nun .c IIH‘OIIQICIW;fin.[III-ODINIRC'IH“IIIIM'I 0' In. I ‘l 1 “JQGESIVUI . nunlaflvn‘.xnauanI--ue ...wnl-‘lhonmnpusuxafi v: u p n a. p-;u:u0;v flcebuu-C- taxi BILu7.uLu‘lux BNIIRI3N9$"I012IIIII It a. I In. 1:. ” Iu-«hv' W ’ SI'hlsFVIC > 1 ixfl-R‘flfi.‘i,‘~I-CJA‘IEIOLISRIBGIC “ODE-i I‘l-I'L‘I.Nll. 5‘ I ) Ii)". "yea: .<-q- I h.é.I-IQIDH.I%$ lvsrwcnuu bsAleFCn'«UIIavrQID I “DIH' clan .erqar- JRODQIMU'UU‘II'Iltlufl “55.20... il'tnnl!nnfllifiiiflll ‘ . :‘194' \Ilruliflfi‘~it’ ~’-~II.IIU%‘KW.. Oega'INIIHIIFI .I.-ISUIOIIIISI'I 1’BOG'II ‘ . . Hr:« at I‘l.-v«grécun .nuhn*n:“.-IQIUQ. Illlilklfi UgguivwowlOIh Iur Ari-I‘ll I I. - cnruwwn ‘ hush-rmflfito.1sr10s )taflvv‘di="£‘lulnnilf V‘D Illdllllj! VII utaglo DIIBIIDIRYHIP‘ tdlllnaut.:1t"‘u!fiv *unlall I ‘IIIILOIOIUDIIIIIIIQIIU' IIII>I=’I O Ini'.-“ uh. nn—cvcu .y.p.. a lel‘ll'¢-.l‘M:§..'U’xcii-Cflfl'ifi....I-.. h D. ‘ INCHI‘Btf.‘fl-f‘ _ Ilr u'u‘1fllzlh'fillli'l3ICUIII O 'lOn'QfilllhIU‘ICIIII‘fiIOIIII, :: I. Orvlttavawng iolth ~wlv ~I9Ltnlw;nw303:0~¢~ I..C&-nw9t.ltuuanll Ilncllutl II II a |Ihlflv L r: unzt'hnu.~ J 0!:lnnoGCLr’rruu.trl'I-s t".!allfl!¢tllfi|lln_“- I wigglIlUIIIfllltflll I! a.n Nd! | u’ys::!'::IIDO-‘~&' f \ an: th;ngLnlwu»«on-IntcvaUth-L~qu - I I. (I: - en 3:. 3: raunI~*OQIE-ra~ru vault-lwsv- ‘ m2 n.0r-uvnummon¢n~\'v'wv.rnsntaoaI~-nou Loctx-vnn-rb qua-In: agon- ’ ’5 ‘ I: I u KRQ=Dfl ant-I I ' 1 'qu?:5\ 1r N'ELUK‘hn‘fififldvl."qllfi' fi'nLINIII:I buirll I" v I V'I!.Wh¢.fi”-..r II‘IiIOIlI i A‘|"L:n '1‘ ‘|]Ix‘f 'a1.xruhvltszuflllciztlblfi D. Iflutl‘II'n U, I nth llfl'vlikuhritb ' "ru9huua Ilb¢2:uhz~*cialnfiiun’Ifiuuvuutltlylu Ira. Ill. - ~I’QI % Illynnltoutnati’v-r“ , Inqurfl'uuarin-"‘d,vlglihwux;Inufiudtfiltlliiuflfll ulna! :II- J“ to I “ll31c32 A III h-'- 1 sc-I-r. OMSWDN'I-ll'l N"'Kuvnr-Irneaulrlngur DI... I .I.:ul "FlUKUldfll-”'U~ an Ir\¢::n-' ' "anun'y Ir .0 atlpc‘sgnc:n'.wp Ia . ffilumtlull'l':0thr-lau ... n : :-__ _-“ a "“.I .1 Lu. 1.. maniac. an”: I ‘e.n¢ll~.u Irrtutblfl' n‘vvfhnnlveulrulluu:rrfinal Innllronll IIHI'l-QQJ ‘vgglrvnnull O ulufilvuLzasqufl' ‘ Blair. IlhfiBKtRCdetlhfizm-"nil... I'Iflr I'll. Ilnmlglnaull 0|! " surge] nannag c:1p|l~. v . : .rvrpaacanuvunq..nvLLv-quovnlv'an:mnls aaaao‘n I-mu {wnluunon! r.-- -' nu § 0". Ut-‘r ‘I' ? llglloidvut‘yinru ”I u- ssh-runnilnwaciuu;“ Iliesnllui [or I rlll:t fly. ‘Iilnnlflr*t‘cntq a " I'Vluh5ibr‘rw 4*‘vrln’t'ihatwulUfllinl-KDCDI IIItgHJQII Illl 51 IIII DH‘HIISCII ’Cl‘hl? CAI ‘IxfllfltaAlaligr‘ a. 'n"::£‘~l'flli‘fl$flfidc \clm. ' .I. In I v urluxll an 93‘ l’fipflixnhh 11‘s.-auvvip3‘annt at: .- r"I""1~}FISDI:‘UQIIU In!!! “sh u .vlgn:nlcslufi .IPIAIuVQI;\ I amuok'nn'u- N |¢h~ “.1n!hvr.~tll£.¢n!Lnlnnsn?lIlII - .:: [GI-3.0.0 !: Lia I u bullfilnhnravrtrkfiv1! r-r:- .M? ~ .fin.*. 'W'~W9fi~‘l|. ...»..onn-Isnuoqn puu- - ‘ an. 3.. run:- NJAJOI lie-inlayuuggngcag.fi‘ !l« r u I c! §flti 1&5: CthlnillnI‘lhllIitflclI‘. = =B:I39Ilil‘ll {Ila IUAAmI49r-unthui;utnu‘gvux-I¢hnn \ 111 ; :v ‘ . c:4 Qiiflrcnlums‘lsul‘lrvalui IHLI‘ IIUIlIiI 3:: 1". g-IflIDVL;4-Hlmudtvfihfly..qp .LL .; - '0. o ' : ;!‘FHI‘IIIIIVCIIFP I‘vll. .I. at. . uni-uvu-an JLIICI'flGIBCUNHD'w'II 9~-+x nun pun-O‘IIJIIH=¢-r I‘lltih I7.- I RIDIbflafibvotril'U¢ll“I l'lnfi\:”'flxflihd- us. 4'IIID.CIQ‘1 Ii J, nun. qr I=:= .I.-I‘vtvdaunthllrbti Ilflnfifip‘tvn‘ria'-' 21' :ulcln'afil‘uriul - IIIII In. III-tuna! fill 94:.- I In :J" -w-'LWI' I . (HI! I: ‘lttII: SDI-I:- IIIII I. IIUI3l 'Cnnawsnlii III I V‘P’i‘“ 5‘» Inna-I I I.'«Cl aV-l DI: I. lab: III ‘1'. li‘ I bu-rw nu.dw 4 IniilllgilllmQfl: "'3‘!" I I IIIII [lb IICIIlu'tlflru-IlruLDE".h nut-III Il~‘ne‘I -oq I 3.. a. an I‘ll-NPIIIIIII'F‘IIeIJ‘SQsir nuintutaplnan,q. =‘g‘p‘I‘Osz I VIN I "58’ ‘Ol :otouq-ounuuaw « In:::lruuatqntnt annczuau-~\ IIIII“*Q=HII nub-u INA—\n: (“Jun r ‘ an IOIIIIIIIQI =:-uleuuurnn gnu anus nl'iir inwsvanl4 in «5.. ‘ . allwulliogaqzcxl .* Ito-annulus. iturv-Innnn-q:l-uLI-Qttbr k V‘Lb ' 1" :gubnlnulIIu-a-u '1. fPllIIutill I IOIIWIuluOIII LII vn~usqnpnuu pan-w m .. Dr’D'I$IUI’IIII III:|;‘£‘!VIQ II In-xcaqlamb IIO‘INIIC’S‘al! xx“ 4 -i: Otillfit‘lu IUD-Pl at”. =g§3¢i~f'ixl l:¢ll Iu- . I'llrxtsnzyun c1"; J. ..Ullllfl‘ltvlvui'rfliilI :fls‘lg u llvlrimfltululltwilwaivmn:luglun", q w'I. l:uo¢"u¢h.nu.flludll Dunn III- 'J‘I-ISPUIWiIW .‘IIW': Ins mi ~ur “ amu I "ta-allltlilnlllusnlt :::::|: llllrlllhuhDO nutter Istutvu‘11» ' M In I an"! PllfillIlIIIfll-tlli —--—- ‘OI!=:UtlIHUG-lillggiiaquglfizrrlfib 2| s :lnl II‘:GIII’I'3IOIIIO$,:::I III! :1 Ill’.:IO I oul 1nd.cv~1t :L‘ h lull-fl!l II‘CIIIIIfiOlanu I. .IIIII .I.. . IIB:2 "i.lfl1:‘r":_p . x y.‘ | ' ‘JH'HUIIPIE“II...".‘N Hflnlflllfitl ”IQCIIQIIII CIIISII I‘lhfifiptlr»13‘ l- :v' I dun-c Futhazl01 put-wuuvaui sgl.lqt‘zqdo=uluvault-IHRtlthwnahxm I 3 :.~ !.= .drayuamrion -. all =‘a=-‘ .5- ibxlliwifl II3::."wfl‘1=dfllflJDrBi I r- w .-u Innud:yrrmltlli l lflIIfll‘IIII‘O ' -:= .:anninllltcl Diana-I «unlgaana . wt-I at: IIIDIIIIKlr IIIlefilltggllli I::I :1 :ltlrliblu Isalttnllgfiqtfhwauaa n J" 4 Itvtu'u ‘ a! utnOIII-wn'hvvtaotlfllll II. : Diana’llun I Cafiznu LIP. Len:lu: 3w._ a arutllli In 3 === InhlsunvaIl-III It] I. II I =s==uuvIOIOII¢II “undilvsna-vu-u. n aunt. ‘4.“ =‘f0'051-hdfibulnflzliiill I-H .- .‘Otlil’ IIIIA-nflill :lghlatnLI Ul.mbh3ln-t , I... It'lmn IIIM£IUHE‘EIFLB I'MIII on" :: I"fllll snnufilllfi i ‘0 IUIDUIWQnflfllih'BU- f A lllll ll tull'r‘tflllOVL'D;Flili: lg! I51 I ...-I n‘ltbiti I IrGULOvIW-gnkuushrdvg t'IIIlFllII‘I zunuv-.uv~n=u:l:s I I III :- u .‘I IINOIIFIODIUI.‘CIIS v Ilnnnluuu- Itrrhflifluzr g..'-..§¢1. all!lunl|ll~=l.ri I: ‘II I I : IlIflIIleltlll;“ I Ihflufillnnlfltallfiafiua w Iflbfiilfllilafiaiilblltllli Idrtal .0: a I Ins.-‘::¢Inuollu: n: uganuusuaumaznnacnc.- SIOUOCI'IH :0}.-:(D II'rr"IIIn a 10-1.: .‘fil..ll:m II .- ' Ilirun-rm htwclihlfiuasl Olil '-.'l.a3AJ!II R i I l‘fillllli an.“ I‘ Illa-unuz’ 1 Q'IIIF‘IG'«Inilmfllilvlzuw‘r&3|!I— z «lam-.50... an I u.:::u ; willnv:::unrlilllullal,{usual-I) t II‘JOOIIlflIIrKIIl II on hxng. . n Inorrn lux'liflh-Iiflfldbutlhllli a I: a I. 3"! In nt-n‘omru-J" 1 II'\III.I‘HR:I‘B‘.I»‘0IIWIIII!IH I I II II: {In ‘I l... n‘ukkrt I.’4!Iflnfllal llllulgtl'lilltill! I II I a: u u "d‘ffl.pufgvg ‘ I SI“UQIQII.ICIIRO 'IDR‘II'IU'GQ‘ I J. u a. .9....p..p~...'...p- . U .. - diary-Allin;lingualtatulgw' u I. I! .00 .- OIIHIIQI. taut-51v 7 1 . .1.BIII lllltulvldsililsfi Ii In It‘lllllflluutll I: II “i’ill &IVWHF~ V ‘tb'll IIIII'IUIUQI*|II I ‘9 .IIIIIIIJIIIICI I z: l.‘ifl.:l~flhluc . ‘l-um-u I‘lthIIIVIKIIOu .- 2:90 nun-Iltuinssl In till:ll'llaunC¢LJ wilhuflllwllllalvlu Ill. ll _ I. IOOJ‘ IIILufll I: Olin-IIIIINREIOIIM ‘ “insanuq‘uI-ntnflni I C‘DIIIII1 'gII aqua-D"’6qn ..IQCIV l Divan-Haj!!! snruti“ ' l~§IlUlflxfiIIII III ' .I‘iflnfl‘llgi III-laQIIIUII‘.:IIIIIII:CL ll =:IIHC-‘{lhIilnllunr q I «In: laun- a. ,p' it IIIUC:I:I.II Ill! =5a II. I: In ...-D. Cpurywx an. ~ ' I IIII its-n a a II. C I I. ‘0'! I in). II .InvOUDI-alllek ;uuuu ' CI!II:'.I II 'Iullnuallnxiluu lllllntlalan I. CIIIInIaIlIQIa studs 1.... ...‘fl. gas-...... a IIIICI II M I ll. IU¢II Ill’fikiinila . union-3:::}=llin :OIII: II II! I Il‘ a!“ llamsa"rar.l . C III!!- II v p I I‘P’ D I I ll canon-1"“,0u» . A .u-n ugnnu-.snuuwunu at ouonl I‘ll“. C l I I III-'etlggiioltnxr' a. '5’ II-vcu-UII I I ‘IICIEIIBII‘. IJIIIIIFUIIII:IImJI III! k07~rfllz II HIIIIIvtuIIUGII I Filllllhll ’Cllla Ill-l! I. II Ilul lh~lflrilf" - ...-LnfluflI a. ' 1 .I. 90“ - ‘1! Illua I’JHID"' r ERIREIHIII ii: I: ii I Or I I l!"flllll~ ‘Ifi‘llllagnl: n [...-In C Iflt' ' the C =_ ‘:-‘- I I'lllflt‘.~‘ anti-uni Dual. IIID I ::I00tin 0‘" v le III-ruin I - - -uaataanrnzwnw“ RIIQOOHI00nnuanI-DIIIOI l 5 III I II! a an Dunc-anli “....'§E'fl.60'~”§pflim DUIXUI fitoasrrnI'l Iran I I lulull Ilill uralv Icmmlgglnmlll «llaauuclrlhnmhsornvt' rI-IOIII-Q'n' I ”aw-c IRIEUOIIIII I II :IIINDIOIIIIII Ila-gun H‘IIDOIII III-.I. lw'ihlrlsrflllirwut‘.u ; ...-unan,‘pyugxuaucinu base-"ll - cl «Io-IruI-nnar II'NCMI lthflflilflllfllllfll‘lll curl-arrivaant--J1 POROIIIII‘stag-0(IAIUUI.}Una-?:I III III a... I'IIIIIIIQIII .lehJIFTDIIEBC Ilflfilll IIRI IIIUIKIfllllunfiflali" J ...-illlllfliflllonlll-II Ilupclclllalllitt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKDIIIIC6"Ivauun COCO-IF IhiocICdltfinIltntedrwnsa 1 ,~ -. . uHI nau" -;; . t 4 until (,1, H - Uta r19;'¥ ' I9\nfl.fl“u “ k'flénurr 6L1 ' l '1': ‘ (r. , ‘ rL'hI “an p. “ IN‘tI-bfl‘ . q i .» unun I“; . J -‘_w'.l 0' ‘- MICI'Isnflr I'Ififll.'.‘fl MPH-KL; ltn Ilbbflfi Cur". nil-flu 'fi“‘I ‘, RENEE 'SIU" I '1! I ' ”1"! :3" ..b ‘0‘ , I: l m. “...-......z'. o‘- _-‘. .a‘,‘ “‘4' -.—-..——-s.-r w—w—varm— l- -‘-'I » xifl-nk‘u 'd I 0 'd 5 I . i O . aw o v I r I' . a I 'I J ' l t 4 [It . I a ‘ 1 . I I r Q\O ...“ I 1’. ,‘ I. ‘ .I0 a . .. I \ ..4 - ' c I, I 'I I' o I. ‘. "'4 ‘~ . 7" ' . r 8 . ‘ I g . I a . ‘w (I I’ I. . .‘ 1 ~" I .0 v. .’ ‘ . ..2 . ... I I”. . 'I l ‘ Q 4 -\ ‘ O o c .- n , A I .‘i . D “t he I b 'D .. Q ' r. .- $ 4 . I' h. A J‘ C 'I'! I I ‘- I‘ ‘ J . ‘L. In . 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' I , J . , . I a -\~ I Y..\' \ O . . 4 9 II . ~‘ ' .p .I . (I. . 0A" - s .- . ' . . . ’ . J 13‘ ‘ l "wl. .,. ‘V ' .’ .1 40‘30' "n-Itl-t I. I . ,- -I ‘ r ... I . ...-b .10 ‘ ' 7. ‘I I-' ..§ 0 Q 1 to v I I I. (II. . .-'¢.(.I. l-‘ .v..,.A..-~,. I .3 'I .I. Q , ll“ .‘I . 1‘ I .I‘ I...‘ .l-. I I - ; .- .4 -A-s . -I a .. .. I D .II 4‘ ‘ 'or- ‘1': -. I, . ' I I I '9 I v . o " o ' I Ii h . ' V i _ . I _ II ‘S’ . w . . , .. .4 , ‘- 04’ I I It}: i n I . o’ .‘ 1‘ I" - c 1‘ . a .I ‘ I I u 'h . v cl ,. . w l AV ‘ o 9 ‘- It. 9' \v . .. ’-( ' u ,- ... . -0.‘ I h . . t I- " I I. . 4 -. -. I . -. . ~-. . .- 1 I 1..- . ‘ I 0‘ ,. . . ! ";.a~ . I 4 . . r ~‘ -< O"-- .4 v \-‘v~l' ‘ .. , ‘ II "5.5!. 1... . I" 'l a 7. ‘ C. . . . ‘t n 9' f ' I .‘s‘ 9.‘ n 90 "v . ‘. 3- " .‘ , I 1.; lo. a. I 't'l' c ' - I9- _, I‘. ‘ “I I . .- .. .‘ ‘ I II -.V t o I I .. ”1"" .0 --. ....q- .r. .v-\- . ‘ , z- . . . . . ‘- vo- ‘ ’ o ’m 4-- ~ll‘.Ig'I5. O. ‘ I . I- - . I 1.. ; 'I' 4‘. i I G I. 31f“ 'e .... I i .‘u’ . l 5.4 1.! 5 ..x . vl" ' .‘II 1 v F-‘- "'f . ‘ ‘ 4 I. I .4 A . 0 I: r. . .... I. . 1' n . 3. a .. .v 0'. J . . I I . - . .l‘¢ l' J‘ .... . 4 I 4. .o .4 :. a I -4. '.'-". Q'TI I- An " I . V) -’ r .. . .. . ... ... ,_ I ‘4‘; ' 1' -|‘ p.:)‘ .t‘l ‘. 'J'l: 'Iqu. DUI! wt 1 9 '-c a. g I. . r I‘ ‘ PEI!‘ U \ I v - v' 0' be. . . .rgu‘ -- .’ 3 I .3 ._, 350. I , "I. ... ~l IOU! IYI-I ’.t" III: I I L-" ..l .'I' my I t'I’ 9‘. 'x n can: ‘ I a ' I, of. I‘- J . .Iyl’ .sou 1‘ 'l 4 a. i. o In I.- ..o a. l. ..x NI up. 9N .' q. \ g .. at. | . . ’I .1 I .' I’ Al V 0‘ Y '0 . ‘ I J ,.; . ¢,, , 4 ’3... I» z. 4 I . ' U. a .- . I .- o . . j. a 4" ' no, I, '\ I .I . i - , I' '1. - I I'.-‘0 I . . . Q 9. o *n. ~- ;r".. .. . .0 'fi . I I l_-q " fig 45‘- .z... . I I I ;. . ~" I *v' I’o .....I l‘. o ... . . I l .. I .in I “ I... :I o. '1 Uk' .0 ‘ .. _,.. . .. I" AxII. \ I. \ I z. . a ' .v .. 03’s.. : . ,4- ..y. ,I ~‘ .\ .9\- ' ‘4’ '. I h .I.. v I: - ,- I- —" 'l‘ I ‘ . ‘t ‘ J I l -1‘J In; . . .. . . ., ..'- ...u . I. I 'I I. ,v 1 I .~’ .-3 .' ., . “'1“ ._, o L. ....». 1 V! .I.’\! C’.‘ V \ I. V a .' 4 9 I . I 4 > r I l . _. . . . I ~ I V 1 I o I! ' ‘ I l , . ._ . , ..1. ‘ l. I'D . )3» I - .... . . .. ' 4‘ , j . I 'V ’ ’ I. . . a U . . ‘4 a' 4 4' 2' .5 -4 ,. I § . A ‘ -. . -‘ l '. v ‘ 4 n‘ ’I' . . ,- f. 1 I I . g I .I I | IQ l ' .‘L .-- .M 4... H'- .\ .. . Q I ' J " I ‘l ‘ .‘zA>~ ‘ . l ' ‘ -. 1 o . I“ .' o r Ony ‘ 7 t 5. n. V ’ \- 'l'fll""!‘ a \ '-‘ b 3' _ 2f | ‘I . ’ A ‘ I 'a I L ' ‘ l- ‘ ' ' 1' C I .. a.' I. '4' I: = 3 I II 1 -' ‘ I,‘-"I.°-"‘ . 4 .4 ~.-.An‘-..-I- I4~ .- .I "‘ ‘w' 0 - - o ’I .b . .':k . D .l- [..o~ 0.. C. .. c \. I . “|J . III. ‘ . v . t 1 I .4- ll : 4 '0 . . u! '1 f . "‘ I...-.,~uoa d‘F9 . ’\ ‘ x I . . I -. M5 .1. . I . 4 . . I 3‘ :_ ---~_ g. «c ‘3 1"}. ¢' ' '..' A ‘. A 4.5. . ' ’l. ‘I'I " f't'. .0 v .0“!I 0‘ . v -.I . ~.. .‘ v‘ q ,-,. I,“ o . I. I‘ - ' .. '1 .l I cut" I x ’ '1 0 ¢_ ' .i--'I ,r' E .t l~ K II o . II .- .y". I ol l ... .. I Q. . . . . II- §. ‘0'. ' ' ‘ " ' («9‘ . ~- IU'w' _' ~ .7,‘-'.'. _. I. ....‘g "-I. .e‘,. 'v _I" so. .I .o‘ .‘ . 0 ~, :- l' "I.‘ o 9 I '." ‘~ {‘9 94‘ '5‘0...‘.' cst- .- ' ‘:¢". I .4. J” I ’ 5 '- ".~ dl. .4) s v}. P. . ‘3- u‘ -.a I a Q\?O' 'JI"II'IO I- . f . ‘Q‘l. ..I " I ‘. . '4 o I .x‘ l . I v II ( '. 1 I I. I, ‘I ‘l -¢ I u I D. \ . ..- - r. 1 ‘. v t 1 c f I ..I, .I.] . . I‘I‘ I . 9 I. I . If. I .. '. ' 0‘ ‘U I' ‘ .. ‘¢ 0 v-w . 4- .I . '. J In). a)- I '4 . \ .. 1‘). C O 0". ,. k. I .o I A. d' ls ”II: .. .' 1 ... 1 p. . ') 7. I‘.‘ i . I.'.. . . Q "I . I~ o‘ 4’ I J "V I '7‘ § s .‘ § 5 Q I. a .I.. v. n'.’ ‘. . III fl 8 .4. . '?‘ ..v "l. Q.‘“ ..e -"| {I gel .. ‘O-‘ HS! 0". 'Q 13‘- ID' t... .I f I‘y .‘ h‘ (on .,' rags. A) .. II I 3" I .... A \ . v ‘ __ .. 4. 4 . I ’ I I I l 'v - I :5. - . I ‘.I I ~ -. ¢ , . A. ' . 4, I ' u . ’U I ¢~ - v _. . . I. ...II. I . ...\ , . I . k at 4 v - u . .. ,. . ¢ 5.. ,. '1 I .- I . . _ :I‘ .l ._ I n . ‘ ”. I too I I . . . fl‘h , o . . . . . :. . V’. . ' I. I . a I ! l.‘ ‘I a 3 ‘ fl . 4 I ' I v ,- . .. ~ . I .0. ~. . l O’ . ’ L ‘ .. p . I- ' ,- . J I ' t 4 ‘ . I l A - I 1. . . . ,_ I, .,. . . : I .x 'II c. u-' ‘. ‘ n o . g . v I .b.‘ . . z 40 s _- . . .. . I 'I . I; a ..1 ' I h . -‘ .Ifi . a .‘ I ‘0 -_ . . 'x ' I . « Q 't , h " Z ... I. . ; . ,. , 4 . ‘0.. T ',. I s . . I -‘ . . . ‘1' I < O 'I ' I ,, . . .. r t . .I‘, I .'- ' - .. L b,“ I " I .. V‘ 4 ‘ s Q 0' , I". -- - . I- ~.' A " . I . , . . Ii \. ' I '1' . . . .i "I . ' I.. .- a . . t a. ’I l .I. a ' § - I I I. i > \ _ .K a 4 ““Q: C'v ' - 4-- 1.‘ h . o: ‘-." - c' ou‘..-~..a .4‘ I! . D. i... I ’~ - I. . 1'. ;~ ' .‘ ., . p . . ‘ . ‘ .! a v. I . . 4 -\ ... .4." , C ' ‘ ' . 0.0' _ ..- , .' .t . .q . . U. . " I. I ’1' l -- I.. ... o . I. r- - I 1 I..4I.-o I .~ ~ . ' I I. ‘ ‘_. 4‘4‘ox' ... . 0:9. I r . I.’- ' vr"- v‘. ‘ r. ‘- . U. : . U I. S, I a. ‘ 7 F'I- \‘ '\ _ . g‘ Inauu' \5 4 a . ud- =Iy.o ' 4 . I. ... ,' ' ’ ‘. I'JOI ‘ ,- .. . a. ‘54 I '. “" ‘ I ._ . _ . v3).~n.ds--QI : -' 6. - O l - no'."l.‘"'l"o “8 1' I I \~ ‘ I r‘- ’I" . I .v‘ -‘ 5 '.‘ “.v ..-9. ‘I I e'Iflb ~‘_ov I‘ I w ”1" ~I' I- [4'4 ' - \ J‘I"|L‘.ua-I! '\ any a. tuI 8. ‘10 \ ~-- .V .I.. I - I ha .’I."ILO.' \~ 34“ 3'0! ‘3- . .~ . _. g‘ . o ' ‘.‘. V '— . v . ._ .~;. I V .‘i. x l, I ...‘.;‘._ U. ' . I y‘. S3. 1P ‘ .-\ ’.OI"~8" . I" .. 0' .m’." 19.-.. ....-. ... ...f..- uupfm~~, LO . . In 4“ I1- I': '. .h "at IIrIJIII ll Soil 3% Fox Stupbis B 24”-38” Soil [12 Composition X Tnvestivation ky D. Duane paubh 35 36 "h” ’ ‘—" H T-n‘ ‘ 0.. ' ‘. _ .” ".' $1.11 3‘: IL)“ Etmi'uls :1 an: ~18 The results of phwsical and caemical tests cn d Soil gs are as follows: Pnysical Cnemical Licuia Libit 37.5; Nitrate C plastic Linit 17.8g Phoschrus l p.p.m. Plastic Truex 9.efi Potassium C Shrinkage Lisit 2c.cs Calcium present Sana 80.2; Car crate absent Cilt. 5.8g Antonia 2 ;.p.m. Clay 1%.;g Nitrite C Passing ZCC 22.9p Ma_nesium l p.p.m. Fielu moisture le.6p Tron s3 p.p.&. Soiltex pH 5 Aluainum C strongly acid manganese C Sulfate C Chlorine O This semtle consisted of a soil somewhat resemtlin; an Ordinary type of road L,ravel as it might come from the pit, using of a recuish orCun colOr and containinb a large amount of stone, varying in size up to about 5" maximum. The sample La a consideratle amount of statility in LLB cry condition and a consiucratle por- tion of the samfle was in larbe lumps, :elu together by the presence of clay. Soil #12 X Brand Tne results of tLe tests of the Soil #12 are as follows: . Pnysical Chemical Liquid limit Ze.ep Nitrate 2 p.p.m. Plastic limit C Ammonia 0 Plastic index 2e,ep Nitrite O Shrinhave limit 23.Cp Phosphorus C Sand 46.0p Potassium lO p.p.m. Silt 57p Calcium present Clay 1?; Magnesium O gmi - .1 41.11 57 Physical (cont.) CneLical gccrt.) PassinU 3C0 50.8w Tron 50 p.p.m. Field moisture 25.tp Aluminum C Soiltes medium acid Car onate C Man_anese C Sulfate C Lloride C Sodium C Soil #13 has a fine, sandy loam, li_Lt vf?;1EL in colon, with a large forcertevc cf silt as “as determines by mechanical analysis. This sample contained no lumps, deralle amount of U) F]- or stone, but did cor. in a on O ornanic matter such as fine ttpeadlike rocts. As this sample qu limited in quantity it was ierssible to mix samples for out tack and road oil in more tLan one percentage and tnerefore there 5 insufficient data to {lot all stasility and absorption curves for this soil. Soil - bitumen Q of Pitumen fl Absorption Total Load fig Emulsion 3 1.3 3,aC u " .3 1.9 5,5CO " " 1 1.C 7,7co n H 5 1.6 6,1CC‘ " Cut.ack s 2.4 6,35C H " 5 1.51; 7,LSC ” " u 1.1 1;,1;c ll " E 1.5 6,1CC " Road oil s .7 s,&;c n H 5 .3 7,13; H II ‘1 0C C ' n E 0]- T,‘LC': #‘s Evulsion s lC.8 O " " 3 1.3 -c,2:c I! N ,1 2.6-. 11,5‘3 " " 5 l.a 7,CCC " Cutaack 3 1.2 9,553 " Road 011 3 18.5 C .....1 1... v.11..1 ..UH.1.1..14 34g: . . w. C; (I) CAPILtprIII Eoil aitunen 3 “step ?sik t \ircn-s is Cut-ack C 1.58 II N ‘1: l . V E " " 8 1.75 " " In 2.55 n " 1L) 1 . 5 " btad 011 C 2.1 If H ‘1- 1 . 5 " ” e 1.5 ” ' 12 s.53 ” " IS 2 . 4 " Emulsion C .5 II N It . E r u 8 . 7. 5 a! H l; l . C n n .. .- _ L) C o (J U “I in L. ‘L __ Lt. Ck C l o H H ‘1 l. E H II 6 lo ” ” ls l. 1! H 1L) 1 ” seed oil C . fl ()1 C. L1 {‘5‘ C) K) D' H Ch b-F- to C) (I! 0') HF \. H P0 l—‘ l'~’ C?) I ll .'. :" (.0 H H '1; o u H H :- 0 u H I! -._ P 5' id 0 ( U I, ll . r1 1L) 0 (5 TLe ;;to.: s;gflt_pp;§g;gntial_test made on Loth soils indicated a strong ;pefepence for the oil. The - ‘ _ R ‘,’I‘A“ ._ ' r. . v. . .» . #1 ‘3 (_ -, 'L ~r‘ L ““ pcStlts oi ULCA here oiL lap in trot in caCn t;s one oil sepepated iron t.e mintupe ard sark to the tottog of the cottle, l.avinc water on top. Tais gas due, pepnaps, to tne fact that the soil particles n:d a 11 and "..ecame Ll‘lOr-Ctlchly mixed 4’ high affinity for tLe (\ with it. Tnis mintupe of oil particles and heavier CJ (5‘- soil cpains formed a mat of mat.pigl wtich nad a specific vpavi*g VrBQLGp tLSn ttct of tater :nd tnus sank to the tottom of tge settle. As tLis test is not atcupate in a quantitative sense, it should be sufficient to o.sepve tnat neither of these soil samples einisited an sgjpeciaole af" The results of tne cagillanitl test are brought out in tne precedinU fipuges. Tt is noted ttat in each sample the peed oil snowed tLe,nignest cagillapy action, sit} out ack and emulsion nent in order. Tt was cesepved tLat the cuteack and road oils showed evidences of capillapit; defope the emulsion, wnich did not tend to rise in t-e tune until the soil Lad bevun to dry out. It is thouvht that tLe oil replaced tne water papticles as evaporation totk place. Hope eiiective capillapity took place in the case of Soil fa tnan $14, wsich was a finer texttped soil. This is explained 03 the fact that smaller particles pe- quipe a lapvbp quantity of aspn lt to cover the sup- iaces of a certain weight of soil. It is significant to note the upward trend of all curves, and this trend is verified Ly the otsep- vations made in mixing samples of soil for DriCUGLteS. It was impossiele to mix asphalt with perfectly cry samples, as tue small amount of oil caused the sail to ball up. As tne amount of water LES increased, ease (D and completen es of tie mining was noted, until the moisture content odomewnepe ayppoacninU licuid limit . gmfitlu .. ,1..I.1v1.l.....l.r.1§n. was Peacned. : r‘ ‘ ‘ J ’- . .’ ‘ “ - - ~" . ‘ a v‘ o . q ‘ \ ilxa.results ti LixicieuCP#thn tAMLio, thh the exception of two tangles, snow absorption of less tnan up, and tte per entabe seems to Le indeyeneent of t.e quantity of staeilizer after an anourt suffic- ient to coat soil garticles is provided. For exam- tle, Soil {is with in emulsion assorted 10.8; mois- ture and “as incapaale of nithstandino any load. Tne misture consisting of 5; emulsion, however, a;- sorsed out 1.3t and ads nighly satis actor" as to staeility, and addition of more as L”lt did not sgpreciasly in;rove resistance to shear. T;e other sample having a nigh amourt of adsorption was Soil filo with on road oil, wnicn assorted 18.5” moisture. This ”as close to the licuid limit for tiis soil and disintegrated under sliunt load. Tt is rewretteole that insufficient samples of soil made it necessary to limit tne numt r of samrles to one percentage of road oil and cutoack. Tt should te well to make a few gens a1 o-ser— vations adout tnese two soils as snewn by physical and chemical tests. First of all, it should be noted tLat each soil contained a fairly hiQh percent— tis- PD a'e of sand, anion se::s essential to o;tain s factory stauili y. Tt is also important to remem or that Soil #2 was of a fairly sta.le nature without addition of any stabilizer. .lso each soil contained V'— over be” passinb throu h the ECG m sh screen, as well as a consideraelg Quantity cf clay. Tn reyard to cneuical tests, pernaps the 1 outstandinu ocservution is tLat toth soils are acid in nature, wnicn may or may not se an indication of the success or stadilization. Tt is significant, also, tnat each soil was very nigh in iron content. As a cneral o-:ervation it should be tentatively V concluued that soth soils may o8 economically staoilized Wits a oituminous material. 4|. If!!! I?" --l—.--‘...‘_-§ - a_-."*— ....“.I ".:.I I ‘II::I£I;:H I'D. ‘ .""| .I 0‘ : ._J~-‘ .I.-mu -- . 0 :::.I. .....I pod-IIIDI I :IIC”IOI|a-. IIII: u'. ...- '0‘... .o-cliuuiill OIII‘1UII IIIII! 9;. In. .l.l UICII' I u :I ;I.' upgf :Itqoir -J "I-I. \ . . ‘. 1' 3 ‘ I, l i . . I-I_ I‘ '0.- "I 1 CI. . 19'". ‘S'I.‘ ’l.| O : ‘1'.) ’l .\ K ‘ioI' . I' “ ... ‘ _ 1. ...I . 'I ~ 0‘. ,~ I II" I. 1 g'. | no II- I. l‘: . '1'. ,-:, . I II‘-II'CI‘ I. a', r ' : . .‘I‘ u - _... » '6: '1 I". 3.: r- ..: ‘ " " 0' I. t O... 4 .0. -‘.I n 3"..- :: .OOI- Ia, - I' I,‘ ‘9‘ flail“ .... ‘I'."Ih."..'lj, ., u... I”: i ‘5: :: ...-gator“... a .. "I In: I‘II oItII. ..I- . ' i In" his {I o 1‘. --O.‘ - A ' “1:: “.3" I: I I . ' ‘II' 4' I‘D? II 9‘” I. IO‘I. , I 'P‘U' .l IDIIII. . :5. HI [v Cone-I . ~ .2 I'll! ‘I .II-' II- . .I-Itlr 2 ... I.” .0 bs'oo , .-. .¢4 r9 ul .0 .I. .111 'I-‘ '- II‘II I .0: IV' 'I- I l'flh' ..I' In. court I‘M .Ifl I|I I‘P’IIL:OI i IDUOIICI'a an. ‘I!l'.‘.‘l. ; .I.-II. . , . ... .: I‘5/Oi‘ . a ‘IIOODO ....._ .IIpIi-Qd‘l III- IF:II1:IIIC Q. I'I'II . | ,Oet“' .IstIIIIIIuII [W I I.II.OQI‘III "-'- -‘ n I ...-1" , ~ 1 .3. Um I. I. I III“;- | -.I.1 II ll ‘ ..1 1:. :=cmiu.a --~II. n '. i:‘.' O [5,. III-HOA, I - II "”I "i' » '3 If? :83- ._ 4"!II n . . : 'a IIIII-z. "- I: a“ I ‘ I'CII' .|.‘II‘-II|II” III a. ' 'II ‘ ... ”EHVUI. - " ... v- ." -*‘3- ‘ ' g I- !v' :| II- I 3:". I 2~I III I ICIQIIL IO “IQQuI. a". .9 .5- 31" ‘ I. IIlIouu. .3: .... ..f'.‘ Ili‘l _.g.. .u; .-' 4 I III 1.3-: ,‘ O. '9’. I". . ' 'lll ; I]. "III ' 1.; .I-DOOOF'II III, ...-I ' 'J IIIIH‘II- II. ’I". . -- .’. P (II I .3! .II. ~UII‘I‘.- " .‘II. if, ‘ .| III' I. I). II “ ' I. II . .. I I 5:. z :; ... ‘I 9 ...}. t.‘ I I; Q0 I :- _ 4 .. ... a 8 : Ii] «‘3 ,. I'Z‘ ;.-. I .- IL ;:I .I guy 9%, " ‘,.:. . 5_ - I, III.I..:1IIA:I¢ II I! O‘.Oei.idfi. 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" 0’..- ‘ a... . ‘5‘. -.. .a‘. ‘- .v. 9; .I.. -oI.«' J‘ I ‘1’" ’l- I ..‘-.- ' ‘u ' .- u I- a 3A..“ . . I. .\ d -, ~ l t ‘3' . ',. I " ‘ ‘ ‘4' n . LV“? ,.. . v . ’\ “"Iu. .. .. .»~,," . I; N" .Y. “ ' . .u . a. ‘O ' t."‘ .-.g,c,l~.-- . L". '1-l"~.‘ .-~9 e. -‘ p¢§al.-~ ‘ '19.».‘0 "I ‘l',, . 1' ‘1 ' .... N 0‘. fl . I v’fi'! I IN} " ., . .i" " 7' ' ...-E- .-.. . _ ""'~ ‘-¢~‘§fi-‘ ._. ‘1‘," PI] .jH. . uh I !o l“'){ l {11 .I1l1 I F T19 Hillsuale Jcresville in Soil #11 Hillscale Hiami Tnvestiéution Donald Maplatt The results of physical and chemical tests on Soil # 10 are as follows: 43 Physical Chemical Liquid limit 27.6% Nitrates 5 P.P.M. Plastic limit 16.2% Ammonia 2 " Plastic index 11.4% Nitrites l " Field Moisture 24.9% Phosphorus 0 “ Shrinkage limit 8.3% Potassium O " Sand 54.0% Calcium 100 " Clay 30.0% Chlorides 150 " Silt 16.0% Magnesium 0 " Pass 200 sieve 43.0% Iron 25 " aluminum 0 " Carbonates 0 " Manganese 0 “ Sulfates 150 " Soiltex Test PH-5 Strongly Acid. Soil # 10 was a subsoil taken from 24" to 38" below the survace. sand. but was easily broken up. It was a light brown color and approximately The soil in the sample was mostly in large lumps, There was a small amount of small stones, but the percentage of stone was very small. Results of Physical and Chemical Tests on soil # 11. Physical Chemical Linuid limit 45.3% Nitrates 2 p.p.m. Plastic limit 22.3% Ammonia 0 “ Plastic index 23.0% Nitrites 1 " Field.Moisture 23.8% Phosphorus 0 " Shrinkage limit 25.5% Potassium 0 " Sand 22.0% Calcium 100 “ Clay 64.0% Chlorides 50 " Silt 14.0% Magnesium I “ Pass 200 sieve 71.4% Iron 10 " Soiltex Test PH-9 Aluminum 0 “ Very strongly Alkaline Carbonates 2 ' ' Manganese 0 " Sulfates 150 " Soil # 11 was a gray color and mostly clay. It was evidently a subsoil. The sample was in the form of till!!!" 44 small hard lumps and had to be pulverized before it could be tested. The sample contained no particles larger than a number ten screen. Capillary Action Test Soil #10 Road Oil Cut Back % water Rise-~incHES. ¢ water Rise--inches 0 1a, O a 4 2 3/8 4 1 8 22 8 1% 12 24 12 1s 16 22 16 1% Capillary action Test Soil #11 303d Oil Cut Back fiiwater Rise-~inches % water Rise—oinches 0 ‘a 0 I 4 4 4 ‘3 8 1 8 1a 12 1% 12 1 7/8 16 2 16 2 The Emulsion would not rise with either soil. Absorption Table for Soil # 1O % Stabilizer % Absorption (% of dry wigght Emulsion: of briquette) 2% 3.8 3% .5 4% ‘07 5% 1.6 Road 011: 29 8.8 3% 1.2 4% 1.1 5% 0.9 Outback: 2% 3.1 3% 2.0 4% 1.6 5% 1.4 I 3! ..id. .151! 37.1.. 45 absorption Table for Soil # 11 % Stabilizer %.Absorbed (% of dry weight of briquette) Emulsion: 2% 11.6 5% failed 4% 11.5 5% 4.? Road Oil, 2% failed 5% ' 4% 10.0 5% 8.5 Note: failed means that the briquette completely disintegrated and could not be weighted. The shortage of material in sample # 11 prevented making the briquette with the cutback as a stabilizer. Stability Tests on Soil # 10 T %’Stabilizer mu 3 on ca 1 u ask 2 9,800 4,300 9,800 5 12,500 9,500 --- 4 14,600 9,800 12,200 5 16,500 9,000 13,000 Note: In tables of stability and on the stability graphs the total load is used instead of shear. Thebriquettes being of the same size, the total load gives the same comparative results as the shear would. Stability Tests on soil # 11 % Stabilizer Emulsion Road oil ' 2 7,800 failed 3 9,000 " 4 13,000 5.500 5 8,600 6,000 No samples were made for the cutback. The Water Preferential Test on soils # 10 and 1! showed that they both had a greater affinity for asphalt than for water. Soil # 11 showed less than 10% of the soil settling out, while with soil # 10 none settled out. The soil raised c. i, ..IE it, 1"!" x ? 46 the specific gravity of the oil so that it settled to the bottom of the bottle and the water‘went to the top. The absorption test showed that the amount of water absorbed depended on the amount of stabilizer used, and also on the type of soil. On soil # 10, the absorption on the 2% samples were much higher than the other percents. The 2% Road oil samples absorbed more than the cutback or the Emulsion. Soil # 11 did not stand up very well under , the absorption test. Both the Emulsion and the Road oil absorbed more water than soil # 10. Probably the reason for this was that soil # 11 had a larger percent of clay content than # 10. Soil # 11 was a very strongly alkaline 3011, while # 10 was strongly acid. This may have had some bearing on the absorption, but it is believed that the clay content had more to do with the results. The capillary action test on these soils proved very interesting. The rise seemed to vary directly with the percent of water in the soil, for the cutback and the Road oil. The emulsion would.not rise at all. This shows that stabilization with emulsion.would require a more thorough mixing than the cutback or the road oil. The oil and cutback in the samples containing the water rose much taster at first than the dry samples. But at the end cf the period of three weeks, the difference was not so noticeable. The stability tests showed the strength to vary directly with the percent of stabilizer with the emulsion having the greatest strength and the cutback next and then the Road 011. This does not necessarily mean that the read 011 is not as good as the emulsion because the road oil is a slow setting 47 asphalt and did not live time to reach its greatest strength before the briquettes were tested. Soil # 10 was more stable than # 11, probably due to the larger percent of sand and the smaller percentage of clay. The chemical tests did not snow any thing very conclusive. The stability of soil at 11 was lower and the absorption higher than # 10. Soil # 10 was acid and soil 3% 11 alkaline, but this is not very reliable because of the entirely different physical composition of the soil. A". ‘ i t. . " . '1 I‘ n . ‘ i .- ‘ .‘ ,1.- I’ . — . . l ’ .- . 'I O;‘ , "U 'ilo. ‘ 4e, .' ‘ i . a. .. ,. " ‘5 | \f' o . .. . — '1 a .. I . A u ' ' . J .1 I ... l u . . v 4,. . . t ‘ '1 s .- 4 | . .o a ‘ . >1 v ,- . . .. a ‘ 1 w . - . ‘ I . .4 - .. v g . ... a ‘ . '-q .. C l‘ I ’ a. _ ’ . . . .. _. ‘ . w: I ’- ‘6 § - -i I) . u g ‘ n 'I e .- b . A r g . .. ' ,. .l, .. - v. . . 4 n I. . in ~ . . 11 .1 . e. . 0’ J 4 .~. l 0 , ,. . e . . a . O A I C u v - “ it ' a . . 1 ‘I ‘ . \. i -‘ “ , I t — . ‘e I .. d O ' r .. 'r I l p. 7 . . . I v"4 6 ... 'a“.'a‘n 0") U.‘ i ..‘J . . . a. A :— ~ ".O ’f.’ I 'gv . I . ‘."‘-,»".‘ “-“~ \ I . a e. v vam. o . '- - 1.- :.. i 'fiv ‘. " i , ‘ _4 ’ I v - ' , t I ' I e- " ~ ~ -. up ‘v ’5' “ .- . v . . , , . v . 'I .. .4 . . ~ - .- .‘l '0: "I . ,. . I - 0 o ‘ . . f ..‘O i ' ‘ ‘I—“th. 1 .‘fl’. f .I. L ., x . . O .. '. 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' -‘.‘ \ . . —. . . ‘ .1 ‘ V I ‘ l. {L .. .‘ .. . . 0 ‘0 .1 ?("-0 .o' 6' .ngr . .5. . .I., c- -- ‘ o. | D» 0 I: ... . ‘, .‘5 Ir 'f. )8 0 0 ." W. “ - .. ‘I [’0 .4. 0. - 9. ' 0 . 'Q -. ‘ . «'00 Soil 55 Van Supen C-Hcrizcn Sauwatuck Sail fw nOselawn Sanuy Loam Tnvestioation David John Hall 48 ...W'm (A . ..' Arr. “REID-1 "1"‘w‘7fld-f ”4-.--Yam 2—" ..- ...-N: 5011 5a Van gupen C Horizon Saugatucl TLe results of tie gaysical and chemical tests on sail {3 were as fclloas: Physical Cnenical Liquid Limit 2;; Nitrate 2 p.p.m. Plastic linit C; Phosphorus l/Z p.n.m. Plasticity inuen a“; Am cnia 2 p.p.m. Fiela moisture 25” Nitrites l p.p.m. Surinhaye limit lLH potassium lC p.p.m. Sana Sop Calcium ac p.p.m. Silt CH Mavnesium C Clay 1” Aluminum 3 p.p.m. Passing fat; 1.1?” Carsonates C Sciltex pH 5.5 Manbanese C acid Tron 1C p.p.m. Sulfates 6C0 p.p.m. Caloriaes EC p.p.m. Sodium C ThiS ~cil consists of a liLnt tan mixture and is of a very uriICrm L,rain size. It was loose and tnepe seemed to ;e no tendency to lump even when wet. Sieve arelysis OD 51C) .23” -ass $13 on #50 .CS} Pass gap on #13 5.z2§ Pass 335 on file: 25.1o; Pass f 03 on {ago 1.78; Pass [4L3 1.17” Soil is Foselawn Eanay Loa1~ Brown Horizon Tne results of the physical and chemical tests on this soil were as follows: Physical Clemical Liquid limit z6.8fi Nitrate 5 Plastic lisit C Amncnia o *6 o E? 0 'U (7(“(5 Plasticity Incex 36.8; Nitrites T . '\ f " ‘T '* '4 f} L . J." p1 1 ’ C‘ ‘ | ’5 -o .1 I P‘ '9 ilblu “cistupe HQOVN .ncstncpus lla .p.m. X— ...-z- ..‘fi _. , -— w—w—W——v—w-v—v w “-'"-- .- Pnysical (cont.) Enrinhave Li it C Eédld Eta; Silt C Clay is Passeu fiaC” l.le Sciltel pH ’ stporplj acid ‘109 Sieve Analgsis A r. ..‘ U i457: ‘ Puss h ..Lv 01’] '1', by p s a s get on Jae Pass pad on 505 Pass :65 on f CC Pass 51cc on gage Pass 3500 ChUMiCQl Potassium Calcium Havncsium Tron Aluminum Carat-hates Sulfates Caloriues o \«Ule r‘ ’\ ' ”fa/a '. ( ("1 () (‘b()(1()()(ii(uv ("I 50 LCCDt.) P'opomo p.p.m. p. 130130 Tnis soil was a capk crown in color, ppcbatly 00minU from unuep tLe tOp soil. lumps anu the Upain size seemed to Soil Bltunen A Bitumen f5 Emulsion 2 II II 3 H II ‘x H H r) " Cut Jack B H H :5 II II fit :1 II I: " Road Oil 3 II II 5 n " 1:: II II 5 go qulsion a II H U II II ‘i H I! 5 " Cutoack E II II 5 H II ‘1 II I! 5 Tt cont inec no fl aostption 9..” 93 H FJHIJF bra CICrIONOJ-QUDCD Q C 0 (um I' Se uniform. To lys. tel 1: per SC failed 8C0 1,750 5,85C ECG 1,CCC 1,95C 1,620 fai ed H I! ll z,ccc 2,;CC 2,500 2,800 3,100 2,130 2,2CC 2,60C S" p. Q: n. ._ ‘u‘ .—.x‘ v ”..‘ up... . .0 I q 1 b u . III-Iv.|-II‘~IIF Eu, n 5| ' - ' F ' iced . 7 ‘ "'4. v. _. . aV-SOPLtlon 101d]. Soil pitumen H situmen w 1 . _ - i , 1 4 1 ,_d - < imlled Ial CLO- road L11 3 c n n I" II 0 " ', II H 11 ,1 '7 ‘U A n I: k; U 9 " C n u ‘ ' ' ‘-':. C‘ .. f ,n in ' 3011 D158 1n lnChbu Soil bitumen p “at 1 1n 0 C: C A; EnulSion . C ['1' II ‘1' A n 8 E II b H 1s a n A b n " 10 v I, C '31,"?t " Cutcack 1’5 II " ‘t 1",. n 8 I ,‘t n 1 (-1 l 8 II II .I./:4 r21 / .. 16 ~33 n ‘ 7" b H roam 011 V 1/3 H ” ‘x I) ,6 II 8 ,- n 1:“) e u b / ‘ n :1 16 11 b u . o e #5 Emulblon C I: II ‘t I n C r 8 A n ,-. b n 14 i n l" U I! I! 9 l " Outback V 5’8 H ‘i '11/.'- n ‘1 c; u 8 l/ n ., ‘ 1 4 ll .LZ ’1, " 1,“ 11 .9 n n L? 7/8 H poad 011 Y 3’& II 1* l/ ' u l 9': n n 8 111/ u 12, I 9:“ n n b u " 10 ' ‘. ‘ ’ e We .. T*e water ypefepential test CLLlu not b r p AL V .4 ‘— ‘ ‘ ‘3 “iv - Le lack of formed on 00th soils because of ti ' '2 *l' *mu . In one of material necessary for bud to-t .'J " e iie matepi °“ils a test was run a th anat little f no U fine the L3 1 -‘—r-* .“J‘- “...—— M‘- - o - -—-—- -.-=‘M£-'r V... .II. .I.]?! III .4. aas available and this showed a strong affinity for the oil. tvoselatn Sandy Loam.) Tn executin; a test for tne affinity of both the soils for Later, tne soils here plsceo in a container and tater toured over tne; and tue container sLaLen vipcpously. Because of the lack of fine material in the soil the material iunediately settled to the bottom, leaving the water in a clceg state. For s‘ue reason, pposawly due to the lack of fineness in tne material, the capillary action test upcuwut nebative results. In scth soils it seemed tnat the tituuen pose to acout tLe some Leicnt no matter wnat ger cent of natep gas used. Tn some cases, road oil in particular, capillary action seemed to decrease with a higher per cent of water, out this may be attributed to the lack of proper tanpinb of the test sample. A conclusion as to the capillary action when tLe grain siie was almost uniform would we that there was less surface in Contact to transport the bitumen carryin; water. Because of tuc fact that it was impossitle to mix the Oil, cutaack and emulsion in a dry state with the soil and have an even distpieution of the material, an amount of water, aoout ten per cent in tne oils and cutoacks and up to the liquid limit in tne emulsion, was added to the soil when mixing. Tn the case of both #3 and [6 soil tge briquettes 52 1;" rm“— “Ore very lhttavle uuen couinb from tne mclding macnine, tut on dryinp tneu for tnenty-fcup hours in tne constant temperature tnepucmetep, they cecame staole, aith tLe excertion of tne road oil sixes. In tne aLSOpption tests performed on the finished spicuettes, it was found in every case that the soil agstsed water varying directly with tne gopcentabe of bitumen in tne s mp1s. Tn every case tLis asSOpptiOH was very low, and this is also attpiouted to tne same reason as the low capillary action tests, tnat being the urifopm brain size and tne large voids size in tne opiouette. In tne staoility tests, usin; the compression machine with a speed of UpCp of one half inch pep LP K A minute, none of the imples seemed to stand up under any real load at all. Tn the case of Soil #5 there was a complete failure in the mixes using road oil, a total load of out 1950 pounds in the case of a four LCF cont cut_ack, and a 585C tound load in a five I J oer cent emulsion. Emulsions proved to give the stronwest min in ooth cases, probatly due to the setter distpioution of the bitumen. In Soil #6 tnepe was little apparent connection tetwecn the amount of bitumen added and the breaking strenvth. Tue total breaking load was low in all cases, and in tne oil there was failure in every instance except the five yep cent mix. Both soils were nearly all sand, anion is too much to make a real s anilizeu mix. Vhile a ;p03t0p percents e of tne soil stould be sand, tnepe should oe a certain amount of clay and silt to help fill the voids and make a dense mass wnen mixed with oitumen. Since ttis study took only the natural stil with nothing added, it would be helpful to L,0 still further and by addin_ finer materials see WLOH tne most stasilized stil could be ottained. Tn tLe cnemical test, both of the soils sn0wed acidity, and tLis might nave some connection with tne staiility ootained, out since t;e biggest factor in stacility is the fineness in the material, not much can as catained from the chemical tests, as they are covered up oy.tne peepness of tLe soil. Soil 56 contained a fairly lapwe amount of sulfate and calcium, wnile fie contained a high amount of cal- cium. As to tnece cnemical tests, it mivnt oe wise to ooat the testinU in another way, and by the addition of tnese chemicals to a known stacilised soil, see unat their reaction would be. As a general conclusion, it is shown that both tnese soils ape uneconomical to be stacilized with a oituninous material. - .. 1.... . . .. . . . .. .. . . ..n.fil1.§§ I I. I II I .. I . I \ I I II I I I I . |. a .I.-II ..'-I‘fl.~. II . ..I. . -.IIIILI‘nI .- . .I. .I.]. v. . . -I III} Iu.l.«.I.I I ..'-I” ”I hi 1. II I I .I. VI. ....CIOIOIOOII..I.I,IO..O. N,..WI.&...'H. I. I ”I. .I....Ii ......I- .. fisu'.‘ . ,a . ..I ‘5 J. _ I... IIIIIII II III-IIIIIII EIIIIIIIIII. — III r; ..IIIIIIIn .- ..III .LMILHI. .II III:. ,I I IuIlozI. . ...-...IIIII..Ir.l I "iIi... .II I? II. IIIIII. . III III. .IOIIIIIIIIIIII .II IIIIrIIIIII; I u.) . ., . .,...I II. ‘5. III.- I.\I ...?I A ..I ,IIIILIII IIIIIIII IISI I_IIIIII.,I.I«I. I vim... In: III I.....II...I.,I 6......1 .. ... . ...: . {I . u.I VIII.III IIIIIIIII. III IIII III ...-......s,oI..III.I.c III I._I.I..I_.flI II! . (NAM. I. III-«III IIIIIIIII—HII .IIIn...vc IIIH.I 6": II....I..I IIIIIx... ..II.. I‘liP. I ..ntlh~.§ .I- u-II IIIIIIIIII IIIII ._.IIII {III-III I IIIIIIIIII. ,u.” ..WIIII. IIKIIII ..a..,Irdm ,.I9 0..” r I . III IIIIINI IIIIII.III|III.I. .. IIIIIHIIII. I. III I ’I.II.. .. 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'55,... .-‘ ~u “"l'.'.'\" a” .fi 1- I. -.on “(I .-. - u . -. .n . ‘ ~' . . “. , ~V~ 4 . . .‘ .. ‘ ’ ‘ 1 . . . ‘ . . - . . . _‘ ’ fl. . . . q . 1 t . ' . ~.~.. .. r _ . ' ~ .I ' t . V ‘ . * ‘ ‘. . . > ' o _ ~ ' . D n - , .p - ' w . . ' '- r . . .7 ., . . . . . ‘ g . . . I ‘ . ’ ‘i ‘ l . . ' . I v ‘ ,I . g * ‘ '1 . u - r | n - \ . ‘ ‘ ' - - t. " , 5 'f ‘ .. - . r o ‘ ~‘ ' IV- 'I ‘ t ‘1. ' " " .I J}! v ‘I ' . . . -.., v .. - . q. ‘. I -: r~' . v o . ' . ‘ - ‘ . 0 \ . c ‘I‘ ‘ k . I a ‘ \ a <.- .' y'- u a v .,,¢.o ("C 1‘] Soil 56 Uillsuale Yiani Soil “9 Ontonauon Clay TnvesLiLaticn L) I" warren C. Jissell I Soil ,6, naheu sy the soils oepaptnent Hills- oale iiaui, is a liknt grey soil wnich is Lard ard lumpy when upy. After water Las been adued to it aha it has seen screenea tnpouvh a 2C6 mesh sieve, it is found that 85.&g ,asses tLe sieve. Tn tnis samole there were only a few particles of acupse sanc present. Tue clay con;ert was fours .o_oe patLep Livh 135.3”), thus accounting for its pasty charactcp stics unen glaced in water. As is shoxn in tLe accompanyind tasle, the capillary action increased aith tLe tater content. Usinv euulsion in tue ca;il.apiiy test, it was .‘T; noted tuat no capil_apy action took place cespite E; L the varyinu water CCLLezt, sit usin_ tge cuttack g , . H . . , , . . ! anu pogo oil, an inopeasec water content increased ; tne capillary action. Tt can be easily seen that the more water present to evaporate, the more space there is for tLe cutuack and road oil to fill. The evaporatinv water creates a vacuum and pulls tLe oil up to fill the voids. Tnis is not true of the emulsion, oecaush tne water in tne soil teros to cilute it. The soil has found to be strongly alkaline. Tt was nigh in calcium and sulfates but low in nitrites, aluminum, nitrates, manganese and sodium. ‘7 Tn nixinw up a Latch of s1a,ilised soil, it was thLQ liquid liuit, tne e ulsion, cut ack, and road cil woulu min very 5811, tut if t.e soil has rdied dpv tnat t3 addinv eroubn Hater to cflceed the tne Jituuinous material nould collect in Lunches LLrChVnQuL the sastle. It is a pewpettanle fact thin t: Liléf‘e was prd little of Soil f8 are "9 to It so octeined, and tnus tLere CCUlQ .e no a sopption anu st silit; test run on tLe soils usln outpack and road oil. Capillary neadin? Water Content V13 {cl-J a» ‘,J 10,0 10; Rater Pphfepential Test- 5611 {6 Data Physical Cnapacthistics Licuid Bi it 36.4; Plastic Limit 15.9; Plastic Tndex 22.8; Field foistupe 19.2“ Shrinkave Digit l4.CA Sand :32 «5,. Ccnv. Clay 55.5” Conv. Silt 35.9; Passing “so: sieve 88.3g Acidity pg 8 C {vise in inches) Emulsion Cut back ”cad Oil 0 2/8” 1 o,'/8" (3 7,23" 13,3” K. 1H 2" o 1 2/5" 2 ya” 3 1 45” 2 We" 1C3; in oil. ‘i—L " FM 4- "Il'l . ‘ f 31‘.va ...nS‘l-u,’ . . . 56.. P . . ()1 Cf) Stabilisgd Soil {8 Data Euulsion tater assorted Stacility 2,,“ 1109 1) QC, L2,. 7.2. 5,555: ‘tlJ ‘i,’£‘-3C :79 ebv Cut sack (‘19 10.7 3,CEC peas oil 2; , zl.g C Cnemical tests Nitrates l p.p.m. Tron lS p.f.n. Pnospnopus 5 ” Aluminum 0 Potassium 2Q " Manganese 0 Calcium so; ” Sulfatcs GCC " Ha_nesium 4 " Chlopiues EC ” Amonia 1C " Sodium C Hitpites O Carbonates present Acicity Strongly alkaline An analysis of Soil f9, named Ontonabon clay, revealeu that only one tenth of one fer cent was retained on a 2CQ~uesn sieve. From this low per— centape of material retained it would seem_that tde soil would us very hard to stasilize because of a lacs of coarse natepial which is necessary in an ideal mix. Tests confirm this suspicion. Tue soil came in lapwe ped lumps and became very red when wet. It required a great amourt of work to pet this material in shape for testing as it was very hard to pulvepiae with a rubber mallet. ’CH ('3 lne nigh clay content and low sand content of tn se soils npOducec a very staule material wten it was dry, cut as soon as the samn t es of statilized ...} material were places in water they becaue ppactically usele‘s for SUPTOrtifiV wei ht, Ev absorb quantities of water. On testinU tne soil for its Chemical content, it was fourd to be strongly alkalire. Calcium and sulfate were tpcsent in prMG nuantities waile very little sodium, LanVanese,aluninum, nitrites, ammonia, and phospnopus were found. Stasilizea Soil {8 Euulsion p water a screed Stacility s” 25 sec ‘1») 13.7 C at lg.9 55: Chemical tests Nitrates 1:: popOC-Io IPON 15 popomo PnospnOpus l " Aluminum 0 Petassium 5 ” Manganese 0 Calcium 400 " Sulfates 3C0 " Haynesium 7 ” Chlorides 35 " Ammonia .5 ” Sodium C Kitpites l " Carsonates present Stron\ly algaline Physical tests Liquic limit 45.4g Plastic limit 34'1H Plastic index zl.bp 31810 moisture s9.sp Shrinkage limit 9.53 Sand 11.5,.) Conv. Clay 65.5” Ccnv. Silt 25.9” Passing {etc sieve £9.9H h Acidity pHZe Capillary hater Coutent v'\ ' \a/J «1,9 'o,. 1.,. Water prefepen r"\ _ .1 f“) Peadin s tPlse in incnes) Emulsion Cutbach ncad Oil c 2/8 c’a c 5's 1 2/8 c 2/5 1 23/13 0 1 1/s 1 We c 1 1’8 :3 1’8 tial test: itog in oil '— ;# _-_ _=‘_. .. a". ...... ‘1: —' .-‘. v— s 7;. ¢;__‘.. :33. ..-.=.:-‘_—..—.-= .- - -. ... MD...“ - V—r—‘wfitfiyfifl MICHIGAN .TATE COLLEGE b 4 . ‘ ,.U 71 .' ‘T "+r‘ f“: ... Jét 1';- .fl. '. s o I I' '7: 3’; I . ... . a . . w “V‘. ". £4.33 ‘9 a. ; . . 1 § > ‘x l . . u. a o v . A a v u. u - I 'i u ‘ . . o ' 4'. 1. ,. . b'.‘ ‘A "a .- l'. |.,.{, . c .I ) , . ..' ‘ ‘ ‘ ..1. ' .. ‘3 -. .I ~ :- - 3.. 3' . H. ' V. .- - f I." ' .. ‘_ 'ra...-v _-_ ' an." .H ' I «V- --o .’ ’. ’ = ._ ...u .' o. ..‘?- 1d ' ‘ J ' ~V '3 \ . ' g i ’ . . 1:. I' ‘ . -' ... 005 9 ., ., _ 1‘ F =-. . . ,. 1: s ‘ . . 0...: .. 1". '~ ' o .' -0 ..‘ ’1‘- ' 5"?! K' I ll" J t.av-r:a.nfitQO-‘. \5 El . § p ' a!» 'I - .... ’ ‘ ,- v 7 _ ... , v . . ~ . . . . .,. ., .z. t - - ‘ u- ' . ’ . . 1 .9 ‘ 9 . I - O h. ‘ 1 " u . ~ To a\ '-' ‘ ..' t . : "'“ 5. , -»' . . . . .u.- ‘4 0" a'gn! ' .- n a“ in. ’ ' " " x -- vnu' ..'» ‘ ’ ' ; :_ «1'. j . — _. . -&.:a . ' ' . -‘ v' , » - . . :' 40.‘h= ' . ‘ ' I ‘ l . .r ...~-. .7 z ‘9 'v ‘ ' .‘d‘w ..‘ . - 1 ‘ -" “‘E‘ gala: ' I I‘ v . - - )‘b- ' V . ” 1 a .. Ji 1' ’1. ‘ 'r- ; ~. ' " " ’ . . .u' .w -‘ ‘ ~ . 1‘ - ~ , »; ' u .I, - ‘0; 1V . ' 1. 4 -" . . .' ‘ .- ‘ n' . . .‘ . v.-J‘ 0n. . '. " " " '- ' “ ' ‘ , . . .- 3 9 t " A‘ ‘ vf. : , i .1. 97" Flt ' ' ' 2/5 ‘. . -: ' . \ " -" " ' ' ,0_ [iii-- ‘ J’ V ' ‘9. ‘9 "'- . \. . Va. It . \ 9‘ :r‘ 7 ‘ .' I u n fl . 3 .-. i - ‘~ "“' ' a _; n ‘v. .5 V. G: 3“ ‘0 .P‘ 4 . . . v ‘n‘ r’ S ‘ . . a I :- .n u 5 "’ "- " 1, 1‘ '.‘ I!" ’ “\ "t- ‘ ‘w v ”i ‘ ' ' . h , . 7 " - ' " ‘ e \ ¢ . l . ' . ... .... P. .D ' ”'1 .~ I, . K. A 5: ~ -. n r- ' .- 4.-~ , ~ I 'A ,0 y ' .... .0 o a _ .4 .. .i .- J . 4 ., o a ,3 v.-. 3‘. ~" ‘. ‘J‘fi ‘ v f' . . ~t 1.5 V :- p. . 5 . ‘.‘ 1': (n J. L r . -. a 5,“ .- I1 , g; ‘ w ’2 i" 3‘ ‘- "' " ... :- 14'. .- ... -‘ o r- Ir . *s w . so a v n-~r~ ~ - ° a r- .t » -' , as‘v r .g . " f- : ', § , ‘a 3 ‘ V h" an? ... .d .-"r:"_ ' 9 ' 0‘.» l" 9- . ' ' - ..‘ - .._ _ Q. ,‘t. 34 ‘ t’ ' .- I . - 'ss'e- .- ~ ‘ v. ' c .... . .. n .3 ._- A ~ 1p». r o .‘1'.’.‘f..1 a. ' "'6‘ V-V 1 ‘ , u .. . in - th‘” . , ‘ a . it" A . ' l .1 . . .. .. . l 1 . , v u- ‘I. . ‘ . , .. . ~. . . A ‘ ‘ i v ‘ . t . b . v . ,~ - - . :- .. I I} . . . . . v. l-c. .- . A a - "-. . . o . - ~ ‘ , an: n 7‘ . v . ’ ‘0 v . . . . . .. . , , . . ' D . . a D -. ‘1 . . . _ ". ~ ' 1 V . _ ~ ‘. ,. .. ‘ o . .' . ' . . , ..'. ‘ d l - ' . a , , . § . . u .. . ‘ l \ 1 v I. ‘ , "I‘ .l . " 3 . t 7 - s , _ , . . -. ~ ‘ g , . . . .3. :4! - . t ,, ~ . _ . . ' ' I I" - . ~. ' u . ,. a: . , A: ...q. . . t ”,1... u' ' |\ "' v . - .. . s . ~.' . ' , J ‘I ‘ '- 1 v. .. . - -- r 9‘ ‘ > | - 1 .. . , < o t- . ...... . v ' ‘ . .". '-5¢. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ -3 . iv -' - x \ .-‘ V st. . ‘ ~ c '. ' .A _ . . y .. v» . . - .. A'fl. __,‘ l I '\ ‘a - - ' : '- . ' ~ "‘ 1"- _l -: ,- . ‘3. ,__ ..v ‘ V - ' ~ 1 ’ ‘ «s u~ '. J 3' . ' ', > I . * ta ‘. c \ .1 o. . - ,, . . ... _ 4.! - ‘. . , . . . ‘ A . . , . ‘ . . ‘ . , . . - , ' r ;. - 2 ' ~ _ . , u d t » . . . _ ' . . ~ ' ’- \ . . 5 . - . . ' n ’ . ' I V , . .- I I .. ' .7 . ‘ ' ' ' ' .. . . - c ' v' . ~. ' - t " . . \ _ .¢ , ~ 5 , - ' .0 'I'. F'.OI‘,.." .‘W‘I fi‘o... ,Q"Qn'|,.. ‘pfi’. ‘,‘-!,.'q"“.' fi‘ ‘1' ~o ‘ r A ‘ ‘ ‘ - ' -' ._,, ~ A. . r-V- ' .- “n- av.::ar ( v 0 ‘o A l . d .- h ..‘ . v I I Q .1 ‘ 'll 0 n ..’ I A .v. ‘ . ‘ . D q \ y. -I D I. I l’ u t t C .4 _ . _ . . ‘ v ~. - . . . - ' . ‘ . . '2 '.\ -‘ a _ o ‘ . I _ ‘u' ..- ~ | ... . '9". - In ;: ... ~ "«~’ 1 .. “‘..f 1* "- :~ 8' ‘4 .. 'o- F . _. 3" .' O I ... .0. ‘ . 4‘ f '4 'l‘ I 0‘... .G: J¢,.‘ ..-u:~. so . r1 -. a I” .n a o' ‘0,..v- .. ‘ ‘ c " l - - Io fi'as- . -¢-" -‘ -I‘ v- '1‘ -Q. 0 --. z , q”- -- .v. ‘ I.» “'u ‘ 1r ' " ' - ‘ . ‘ ... r o. . .. . .- - ' . . ‘ I. ' r a . . . - t‘4'-; -“, ' -. ' - " - , .. . x ‘ ' ' ‘ h '. . ' I i a .v‘ o ' - ‘ ;.|_" I . -“ ‘-- l' r C. c". lu‘fi: -‘ . ... ‘-'--‘." -‘."-- ‘3‘ ..’ a 3‘ r o ow! a fl'l 4- (Ilro.; -,-s:. a . . to. A . a. _' .9 vg~l .- “ fl"'~> '- ."' --“.‘."“. .Qr: hBlittfl‘ot‘ 9", g...uy,v_\.‘. ,Q~,., ; v...-¢. ‘5' I: a r -_ _ c, ' ‘ ' .‘ _ ' c ~ 7 . . , -, .. . _. ,a -! 5 ' - ' ' ‘K " '. . . . . . ‘ . w- 7' 0' ‘ '0 ~ -. ‘u -. o . l . «,0 , b .p r - . u . - , ‘| u b - ‘ ‘. I. 4‘- ' ' . u ' v . . . n. “a, .'~ :- ...- ‘ .o- _ ,. . In " ’ ‘ ‘ -- " ~.'- u. 13' .. fit- , \ q u d N ‘ A" .‘ .- - " ’ -.. ‘ ..' t . ' .,-. - ..‘. €‘il‘ I. ‘ _, . . . .. - , , -. J :‘ . 1 d ' I ‘ . a. . 4 I . *vr ' -. V f v .n - .' » I , 1 ' . ‘ . -: . 4‘. _‘ a , , .‘ . I . - . ua‘ ' \ ’~ , A . .. ,7 fl 7 .. .. .. A ‘1 A. _‘ ‘ . . .' . . “. . - ' .. a :q' , _ , ... ,_ ..’. 1 ' A > " ‘> " . "V “ ' a a an 1‘ - . . ».~ ., .I., ,~ ' _ - 1:1‘,‘3._-.p .. J h .I.",,.. b _ ' - .. . ,, . _ , _ . _. _ .- . ....f‘fu - V . "1‘. 3‘,' ..oly n‘a ’s’ u . ”CHI“?! ”A" COLLIGC v MK: J‘ SUMEAVY ('1 Tue cagillanitj te;t in a wenepal way illus— trated tne imyoptance of water in tie ninin_ fro- cess of stauilization. Unlike other types of cituninous road supfaces, which may 2e nixed not and upy, this type of tp.at;ent, in order to te done econonically, must Le mined cold, eithep by the uiied-in-ploce npocess op ay a surface tion tpeatuent. A cold niainw process seen: to require a certain gcp entewc of moisture affpcach- J inb the licuid linit of the soil in order to pro- vide a nonopenecus mixture and uniform coatind cf soil particles. Tt was ossepved that after the mining process was completed the san,les pecuiped L from thenty-foup to seventy—two LOUPS to dry, uependinU upon the testupe of the soil and the amount of water present, in order to se of the ideal state to compress into briquettes. avepape percentewe of moisture was estimated at acout 5g. Too little moisture caused the soil to crumtle then compressed; too much moisture caused excess plasticity. Tt may is noted that of the three asyhaltic materials studied, the emulsion showed the least tendency to mix due to caIillapity, especially dupinU the first few tours of the test. However, as the soil cried out throuph evayopation the 63 euulsion tended to rise, reglacinp tie tater gart- icles as eva;oration toot :lace. Tt was 0 served that ca,illcritg was practically nteibiole in the case of fine textured soils containing no water whatever, out suOted up VEP“ J zetisfactorily as the moisture content was increased. lhis is illustra— ted in the composite ,raphs showinv capillarity in the case of soils f2, f8, and $9, each of which contain a niLh percenta;e of fine material. 0n the other hand, it is si¥nificant that soil $12, Which was hivh in sand and contained a considerable a cunt of gravel, showed the greatest heibht of rise. Tn practically all tests, however, the trend of the curve was upward as the percentage of water was increased. This verifies the opservation that water is a necessary medium for dispersion of the asphalt. The tater-Asghalt_g§efcrential test seemed to furnish a fairly conclusive mesns cf dete mining the affinity of a soil for an asphalt and yrovided a fairly degendaole criterion for predictinh the success of stabilization. Tt is noted that this test, as it was performed, was not strictly a quan- titative one, it peinu iipossiole to measure accu- rately the amount of soil settling cut. Tn cases where the soil encued ni‘n affinity for asphalt, the heav1er soil Drains comcined with oil particles and caused this heavier material to sink to the Awflfiultv 35.19 .IIIII LiLri. , cotton of t.e Mottle. Soils eshi;itin this tetuenoy in LAC water-rsfhalt treicrential test were successfully staeilised, while these snow- in“ little or no affinity «ere, in beneral, un- 1. £3 successi There is a very definite and close relation tetween at?uiliL17€KQ atggr ._t;s s. For euauyle, a sahple a sortinm here than two or three percent moisture curing atsorption test ordinarily will atsoro water throunhcut the Whole briquette and in this plastic state will to 51‘: t (—.- nave yractically no cility. On the 0 her hand, .93 a saurle havinv a sh . ll nercentage of aoscrrtion is yractically as staule as the oribinal dry sauple tefore absorption. It should be noted that from the contined statility curves, those sanples which were strcnuest were those wnich had a lar e gercentage of sand and a fairly low quantity of clay. It a;;ears desirable that a soil should contain at least at; sand and from 1st to 55$ clay for maximum staoility. Soils having a hi,h percentage of silt, or having a nerrerta e of clay of less than 5; or more than SCJ, cannot be staoilized economically, and furthernore from the trend of the staoility curves it is cuite safe to I of these types of soils is not appreciably increased uy the addition of bitumen. (x (.51 Etaeility and aes0r3tion tests also indicated that after an ancurt cf gitunen surgicient to ostain a low assorzticn factor n38 added, there was not additional gerefit derived from again more engralt. Tn corparinp tne three situnens tested it was noted that stability of all srmfles nade with cutsachs and enulsions mere very congarasle Leitner succink ucfinit superiority. chever, samples stasilized tith road oil were somewhat inferior in strength as compared to those stabil- ized with tne otncr two as erials. iris condition say so enfected, since the ease of eoth emulsion and cuteack is a hard tstnalt, and in the one case tne water evajoratcs, causing the asphalt to cement tne soil particles to etner, while in the otter, the same result is Oetained throuvn the evaporation of tne lignt volatile fluid. Doad oil, on tre ctLer nand, consists Cf a soft aspnalt as a .ase and does not set up snen exposed to the air. This should ezglain any road oil is not so wood a stabilizer as emulsion or cuteack. Tt is very probable that soils sta,ilized with a road oil would, after considerasle teatnerinb, increase in stren th as tne lighter r‘cnstituents of the road oil evaporate out. Tt is felt, newever, that the results of these tests on staeility are not too conclusive. It has seen definitely proved ttat stasilized soil .\l.l|l Star I Ulllllll 1|. sannles are introved ey weathering and axing. Perhaps the OUtSLaDan“ feature of the results of tte cteuical tests was that tnose soils anion aere niynly acid were those which could be 0 easily st.oili;ec, and those soils which could not C is Sta ilized were alka inc in nature. Tt is UCUeLfUl if the acidity Cf a soil has an; effect on the staoility, out it does seem to furnish an indi- cation at least of the success to be exjected of stasilizinu. Tt would is interesting to continue the investi ation of the effect of acidity on kw sterilization, a US this acidity test can u: very easily made in a few minutes anywnere in the field and, if it ,roved detendaule, would pe very valuable as well as single. Tn reward to other crenical tests, the results of tnis investigation stow no outstanding connection tetween clenical analyses and staoility of the soil samyle. As a result of the c servations made of that data studied in this investigation, it is felt that the following conclusions and oouments are justified: ) l. Soils containing let: than Efl or more than 5o; clay cannot economically be stabilized. a. Presence of water is necessary in order to mix bitumen into the soil. u. Optiaum moisture content for mixino is somewhat less tnan liquid limit for the soil. .01}; a1 . INCL: » , 4’! . . ‘Kifivna‘fi‘ , .. .lv .I‘IIIWUVAI-ngrl , : .u'u'hil.‘ulu, .. . . If I r1 . .1... Jar. p. . - . 2 CC? F] ..J U '4 K? fitter mixitw, stils Lust LU cried from as to 7s Lsurs nefsre ccngressir; Cr rclliny the surface. fisscrttien cf LCFG tnan L; ncisture is an incication tLat the soil will fail. fact soil Les a ucfirite gcrcentave of titu- men requires to C tain stauility, and an in- crease in this {ercenta_e will not egnrecia- sly st.envtucn tie ninture. pretence cf titunen in a soil LevinU a clay ccntent cf over 73g aces nct incrcas resist- ance to asscrgtion. Ca;illary action is higher with cuttscls are read Cils ttan with enulsions. Cutuacrs are emulsions Lroviue nivnsr stanility tnan read Cils. Tne mater treierenticl test uses not seem to inuicate tie anount of a scrption to Le ex- peCtec. The only scil to settle cut cic not q a“ CI. {EV LZOPB miter Mf‘lfi SCHLC Cf LEG OU'CI‘S. C, r f‘? T96 E C) iltex test fcr acidity is an indication of tne success to te expected of stacilizetion- IJ. In a so 1 iith uniform rain size, capillarv K. action is negative tecause of the full v01d sgace retaruing capillary action. 61 Soil Liquiu Plastic Dlastic Field Shrinks e Linit Linit TUQG; Mcistupe Linit in N in p in N in p in 3 1 1&.C 12.8 1.2 15.5 6.; s 18.6 su.: :5.1 39.6 17.1 3 L4.C C s2.o b3.0 C & 57.2 17.b 9.2 Z&.6 s;.c 5 35.C u 35.Q 56.7 &.8 e LG.8 O 66.5 bd.9 C 7 zc.b 16.5 3.7 10.8 15.3 8 560% 16.6 ’3.6 19.2 lQ.C E2“ @501 341.1. 21.0 6903 Son) 1; 27.6 16.5 ll.& z&.s 8.3 11 35.3 LL.Q za.u 25.8 b5.5 ls 4%.e Q b&.¢ 53.1 s5.C Soil Sand Conv.Cluy Conv.Silt 5 Acidity L290 1 27.6 16.0 es.& 29.3 5 a 17.5 $5.1 17.5 “5.5 9 3 90.0 &.c C 1.2 5.5 & so.s l¢.C ’ 5.8 ss.& 5 5 25.6 7.0 69.0 26.6 5 6 9c.0 t.O ‘ 1.5 9.5 7 70.7 l7.& 0.5 9.8 5 8 c¢.6 16.5 ZJ.€ b6.$ b 9 11.3 05.5 b5.d 99.9 8 10 5%.C 5Q.C 1G.» 15.Q 5 11 sz.c 6%.3 1%.6 71.& 9 13 $0.0 17.0 37.0 56.6 5.5 .I.!TIIIIL HICHIOAN "ATE OOLLICI MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Ml? -...Ilflr u. JAIL. I ..I........" .. ... t .v . ’Iu\. . A . ... , egg: . MICHIGAN ”AT. COLLIOI LY] ;T W n‘j .‘.L" 91" iué‘l‘ImumR.J; ....uwfumvaflns 4..,1 )vi.? u :- lu'll}. .. .IEH 1.... .L .... ... u .u l......... . .. .4 ..-...-..r.....l...a. .... \ . - . . . .. . atlas! v. ...-.. s .. «.1...’ .. . . .. . - . a . 1 . . .. . I pgi’uzti‘oil. «1‘...)Q ..‘ .a .7; ... ..r 4. , .I.i!l.. ..’ ... . t... ..-.Iflllllrnit . u... “..’. DAMIEN»! :‘qu‘ntlit ,..|..I..n.l Iii >1. . . .- - . . v . fi . u t . . . . . . a .. . u: . , . .. p \.. . vn . u . I . , . o . . , . . . . . J . .. v . .u 1 . .... . a , . . . D . . A . ’ u . . , . , . . . . .. . . . ‘ . . I . . . . . , . . _ . _ U . . . ... . . . . . . q . . a . . . .. v . . . . x . o . . . . . . .. . . u . . . . . .. . . ... . . A . . . . k . 5. . . A . . . I .... . .... .. I v . . . . . . u . . . . . . .. .0 . .va; “0...... fi x .. . . . . . D . . 0.7 . . o w . . . . . .. r. . .Q . _ . . . . v . . . . . .. .... . .. . n i n. . s 4 . n . . . . . A. . v . v ., . . . . . s . . n . . . 4 . . . I ~ . .- V. . v, . . . . ... .. . p . x . r . n, v. . r n p . .. , . tho ‘1 . . w. . a . o . . , ». . L .. .O u . h. . . . . s . . v . . I o c . ... ..v n 1 N a ., . x . . h . a . x v . ... V n . ... w c. . . J t . l m .I. . c .. . .9 Q . » V v uu a . . u. . V O I .. . . . s .1 . . . ... . I. ... ~ . ... u . . o , . . . . . ... ~ . .n . . , . ... . . . . .V . . ... . . .. . a \. . . l n . . .. . .. . . . ....a. . . L ., t . . .0 . a u 5 I. I L . . . . . V ... . O s . . . . . . . . \w . . . . ... . . . I .. . ”v. » P .- . . . . . I . . . > . . _ . . u . ... u. s .. . u ... . . ; \ . .. . 1 a r x . . . .. . 5 . .. h . ..v . nv . . - . . . .v . ... . A . , a. . . . . . ... . . ... o . . x .. u’. \ . .v . . c . p . . - _ V . . . v v . v . V . .. o .1 7 . . . . m . . . v .. . y u , V1 . . . O . . a t 4 II A . M .s . . o! . . . D . p ,. . a t >2 .- .... .. h . . . .. . . 5.. . . .. ,. u v. n . . x . . . .. . .I. n . . . . ... . . ..s . a . . , . V. \ . I. . .V . . . rOv . . . . . .. . . a . . . .. .... . . . .. . r .. v . .. . u . . . i ..' . . v ... .I.. . . 5 . . . . . . I t J. . .o. ‘ . .v _ . . ,- . .. .. a .. . in... . I _ .. x. . . .. . ‘ u. u a. o ...s . . . y . .. u . . ‘ . t . . . . .. . ‘ .. .y . r .. I .1 .. . . V L. . .. . qr .. . .,. . . . . v .. .. O o n I . . '1. . e u . . I . . r v . I. . . . . . . . t on .. a .. Ill . ~ It.» . . . n . a. e A, y .. .. On . 0 b . . . . .a l I . o .v . .. . . .. L.» .1. . . . . ... . . l‘ v . ..w . L .- .. . p. r I .~ .y . .. l. v. n .... . x . u . n . .Q . u _ .I -a J I . . . . , o . . . 1 . C. . DI . A . r... O r . . .. . . . . . . .. ... m. r . u . . x . n . . . u . . . .... u ... . . ... . .o . I .3 . 4 . c .9 ... . . . .v .. .u . .. i . i. .u i ‘ .... n. . . . . . V.. . . a . f. . r e . ._ a I . . I i t . . 1 n . ..' 1“ .- .... .40: . ... . . ... ... . . p . u... 0..» .1 . .,. . . . L .. R. c .u n . f. o... to . . . .. u . 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I. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . , . \ V . a .. x . . . a ‘V . t . , . .. . . . . r n _ . . ... . . . . ... . u . . . ...d . o , . ..l. . . . . o. .. . . . . A I. n a-.l-NEMI:\J. at“.l.l..b. ......A. tit-...“: (warn. .1 LI. lvtflfihluifll!‘ 1 _ 1i. . . . . . . . I ‘ I . . Vth _. Oil-l ‘lu’l. '3 ”Po. rah ya ..r-..1009.vu-c.ut' .. to... ...... .Iucct. It..;. ......t361a... .....It .Ulbiunlllllh 01x. r4fi.POs.Qoflfi .aunnpasl§¥4..4ntil.‘wtnph Inas.|aar.on. a. it. .rr050Nd..vov4o.Ia Cu .IQ4NIQQI0 on“! ....outlIbnsfiuflino.u.Déutnr.. . ns’ourq,FbIa. lhosnovulsanne..l :0 N90.II‘¢I- sh“ «It. w.M0vU1Ion'!¢nho (II.O¢atl.l vasectvovvv.vvr< h.aa.xott..u 1. 0.3.nh.al .noh.|a al.03~u00¢.ull¢| nova» al.100-w«lutit. tr) «0... tin. In 3.0.0.- ...“l 8: U. I~pflbiiP3no 7i¢ho‘sv..ouho¢b-.Lm-: I. L. In. noudl 0' ‘fllfuinliu. luulba.Ii .- ‘l Oil. Itlbo to. . n‘u IDIII- Ifitlr.0ID I. C. I‘D 0"». I. U 1‘.- It I. A: II (I. I vs a: an .....- Ind" .0 a... I Ia Cu. '0 ..I a I... .0. u I DID it PM: CI ‘1 I . a. an. OI any" an I. u U I ID .Hfll ... int-r C. .I O a IIJII. nun nun woman... "a r . . to: onl'flfl l“:.a¢l‘ 4 .D a;. a. . 8': a‘.‘ v...) I. . 20.5 .4 I. Jim 3.80.... In I x... ‘1.~ .....l'4n I... It‘ll... K. ..9. u-I.- 0.0:.VIOCI.11 {uh I‘vflueo 68- .I. Iris! ted... I0! 9...... ...u. IIoOI.QIO-l~¢l00.:nll In O.|AO _~nnr.nx 5:. II... 0.! scandal v once-... a: “.150 a: . ..a. a... I... nor-loo a. pvl.\lo.t ... own I it Ioll “t I lost IO. ...-ion nw-glinilv at O "a... I ......v n-HAOII .mv;nxo-ol I‘ ..chv. «IIUOs. ......— . a. “u .9 Q'- . I l4.p10'0.1l Qulanu i .IHIeIth'g ."I I'D! «so ...... IIIIOII\I.1 I ”a n ” AOIIVOl-Oln I an. I .tcODII: a..." up. . .ulltfin-l-neanulc . e a . 05.....10 I. o tin-IQC-Ilolaui otV :OUII. L D n 4 .‘u.clo Inpcnltcslu.nc v. d .... I. do- .1 I Q.!s¢olillbvvllluon 1..-.51”. I” O!!! a I... ...-..‘.II ..'. 5' u ...«I Id Oil 3‘ 0 6.x»,tofiloniul‘s‘fllfiuflm liou’blal .IalioI—o o. w .‘i .1 v0. 0 D c: IOA‘I.0UI1.QI:U!O 30.00.0- . ”w _ b O" M. r. 9. s l ! ... t ”.M.Ic l ..- L s. I I “D 0 |b .t. as c . ..0 low I.£..Al at v -.Qd-D‘. taken 04- ... “It p. oraIOOI In to... u—. II a. a. «5.0 In 4.4.. 0" 90'! O4. . ‘9.0F" a .AaOlQ I... ll: ... .4 ... o O...“ a... ..’u. .G ... .' 03.1. to... usI 4 I .u -..-or 3 Que...- . .u . Iuch. I’MHI‘uIa i. .I....l a nu... .. 4h .a_u- ' leans-... 2. 60v . I.IUII is. .I .33... ..‘-ouo. O 0. fl .nac. .v a: mini... In. 0....- c ..Iu.‘-qc«¢- aO-a.n a: ll tuc.ln: . ..Iu .-'-ozl. 1..-..' a. . Ill-v.0...h u.ifl_0....I-.o.uflp. . q-.v‘ehrIIlDI-D flvnv I ...... nil-I: .I.. (a: [.I. .4...... \I ,1....Il-.QV.. \ ...... silo. tolsDQ-V.III 0...... In. .lv1-otivllo..l.v.|.. 0 il thrusn nasauh1.a. .1no.um .c4a. O'le‘.-.Ict .Inuul‘.uo orovtoovhoh.:. .95, ‘3'... ll.|..- 41. . IOU-I I .“Ovalr'! .000. ..‘!‘l'. .I. sntl..c~0b§un~‘¢ .nuum ha4ognobba Iceman“ . tvusqu.uflblsvu~ In“. . u ... Iognzl..l III abovdollnbo.llo.t\ ... .u ‘o-III. 4. V I i :au-o_-I|4Ib .uopctbo Ioiauv\oc.auutoucguJCr A: ...»~ 0...; c 0": ..r.l.1. a... at. .v’OIUQCtIiIacv -.a1: 13‘ x a. QC . ..'-I no 921.... a _ .uulioiiln...lflol otI....I .0. .494. Ilt‘in._.......o..o v caps-Punnflteiim v «I u to 09 1...! r. Cases... II ..c o.¢~r0i1u ennui-Q a... u...s.u.50.¢o. o. .I..“ nu. cou.vw ru .. u. D... an navy. J Ava. u.i.l~ can. .I...- -.-u. ’1. as. e .r so l.v. b .a ti .. I! a... at 0 rs. .pl.I-asiloo It»..szilvm In Ofli. ; Q n. t .9 0.. ll 1 .14 ...... ii", 3.: 0.4-... d ‘ I. c . I. .6 O ...i n ....V J . . . Cyclot I v; a nu Cw4vuo Us 1 a! a at. .muole.. 4aoar. .u era a IIQ.:-oo.o. a no iln-.¢.o r 00- an»: a at? .ds.\OBwIIUIv.. .vt ~¢.nl )9», It 00!...th 4 1..- ...l a at. 4Jupll'lgn40. L.l.44. in b: I. t. 1&4... .n do... ..I.. _. ..'. «bachIIX2IDIuniatv.J’d- s (I '-QH.IOI I r ..o ... ..I 4. ...... In In .ICIvsdl H..I.I in.) - Inn at. ....ll4nuv .... 4| I .- 1.... I 0.! .09 r... c. 4.1 .u III...¢ wool. . pas ha-A1o4I at. 4 on... v ...uva I'1I10\ on... 9 at. ..'-clan ... .wil . II... .‘O7il 01.nahl 0: so . r. :nlt.¢..1.. Don I a. p O. I vua..rv owns. 0 o» .1 n0"!.‘ 5"! I.‘ '0‘... ‘. s. ... vv , '...'.. IAOLU .‘IE. 1 ’il.... .1- .I .A ..‘ I...»- 'r O... ‘. ..‘ .I.. 0 dance a. .uvo ,3 Ian ...:J 1v on anal-n. . .. .VQ asuv . 1 near at.“ woven Illrnnn cabs. n0” n.1- .uu 069,4iifiu stoves-‘vu-.s J‘Q-I a. «col .2 t...cl.ul «owning-roonu. I O\I-n . I. ...-b. .' .4......onai 'trcsvsonodu .4 «I . . . It. . r a n 010. .02 v.90! idl.s..ncnu.o .ul .. Q - . ”V”... .. ! H. I. ..‘. alts Ural I'v-lua...o-a... a! n. n. .w:. nun-o . unall. a. a .laa€0lvwr.xolh.n n..lcou. «.4 v~cc no.9..uho .nns.uac-.a... a. u. VI.; {1'2 .O‘: v.23... .. . a. ...... ...?huiaxa :an 1.9 .80 9 ca. ....“ ‘1. J Quip I «no-v.~r. u in .a . . -.‘ J: I ..n‘3 u. IOI. b: 1'. I ..'... ....l ... ... ll .I. Aiv . .{£ ..'-.0 Oil-r DIEIIOAunrxi all fil.a. ..h. v. . be I on ‘14.. n.9,. .0. min... (.4 u: (‘4‘ ...-I.¢tl ih‘c Ar. 5!. ... I: u ICtt It“. IICo.l¢.OD'- I 3.. -. rw.. H, :vs r O to r~'Ws¢.s so V:aDO;~ I w! flal-wvu..if-I-IOU..d-I :4... It. uh. .la‘pu 906 an O «luIaUOIoI . -- . .... ..I n..... . new. we. $.r ... ..au-u-Alba ca Olv~l4. Rv.ndoun ... not. 001.. all .lnu.o no. a... data-d.4 u. ...a... can .... n. IIP\.-.....—......nufid..: ro.as..uo....o1n~l at ~II.vsunlI .34” no... II. .-.13 ..‘-rt- Cu 1 .. AIAOII .I I.‘I .. l Alla On! oawgouifuon‘ CunJ.I.r III-(cu. .I.. I ..'):.~. ... urn: ca.....0.¢. allalom :. ~-....I.a.a u . as» \. ..I.II .Y.- I! n ..‘ aV r = .-v..v-:1AJ II. ..ooo-u out. at..3 is. -.. to».0‘1 or: .Iunp..~nl.hs4 . -- 1" .uIOI..4cRn..a0-n-4.hd.. ..‘—u... .I.-mu. an. nu.9~II.r.u« “In-n ALA. 1'; noaqfiui I . ...IIP.1 QIVuvI .. .. ..x~fl...?..'t..ou outvl... t fair: “I5' 5. d b.tl*'o¢...n: I ll. "luv ...l Q. all. C D .nswr. ..-nuumoa .. q ‘u.‘-.»-.nu -4-0v«.'Ibwus a.s..udlauanswv.4fl prov...» vs. ..'-:1 CI crane. DIO4D90 ....fi. :1 ..- ..vI . ...I 6.. _ m .-.... a .1... 4.0!..‘Olt. ..Ir..l.r .I.).. I“...- lfl. ...-.I.. ..l mall 109 ..IU... tc|_0u V. .I.. t\..:. ........... u I ......P'.I...4fl...-\. rvs-..’ ..~ n...lp4—uv.lo..‘. o GUI-...u4l .....OMI ssio.vlo_l he. .1 at; ,4 ..1 s».... a. ... s :. u.ionnasuu. as ante-pl... .I.:.ol. vtooob an. calcou.4|.u I... I ......I-‘ no. 9 an. . .nau Van. no .....un . n .a . w .01» ..uonann... it“. . I..¢U¢ou 1!. a cc... 3... I. a ...» .xc.e!abl. as _ a. 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IV': .... . .q. .... .finw' 3 1" .91 ~ ..’. ... . . n t . r..-.. fl. 4.- .‘u . n , 3 _ A. l I . 1. i o a A t .. VI .1 .... b C .4 a...4 . . ‘ ..P.k_. ..‘... BLBLIOQEQ‘ ‘ h: BOOKS : Agg, T.R. Construction of Roads and Pavements McGraw Hill Book Co. Bartow and Doane Sampling and Testing of Highway Material Krantz, C. Emulsion and the Effect of Hydrogen-ion Concentration upon their Stability PERIODICAL LITERATURE : Barr, J.H. Stabilized Surface in Oakland County. Roads and Streets, March 1935. Birula, A4K. Russian.Experimental Tarred Earth Roads Roads and Streets, May 1936. Colbings, W.R. and Stewart, L.C. Stabilized Soil Engineering News Record May 24, June '7, and 14, 1934. Crandell, J.S. Flexible Type Roads Summary Highway Research Board, Vol. 14, 1934. Dow, A.W. Cold Laid asphalt Pavements Engineers and Engineering, Vol. 47, June 1930. Gilboy, 0. Improved Soil Testing Methods English News Record, May 21, 1935. Gilmore, F.S. Soil Stabilization Work in Jackson County, Missouri Roads and Streets, Oct. 1935 Gray, B.E. Recent DevelOpment in the Construction of Asphalt Surface Roads and Streets, Jan. 1936. -.IJI,» ”.I.".gfli in...” .. . Hogentogler, C.A. Practical Soil Stabilization ‘ Roads and Streets, March 1935 Housel, W.S. Discussion on Soil Science Relations to Flexible Type Road Surfaces. Proceedings Highway Research Beard, Vol. 14, 1934 Knappen, T.T. and Phillippe, R.P. Practical Soil Stabilization of Muskegon. Engineering News Record, March 26, april 9, May 7, 1936. Moynihan, A.J. Progressive Rural Road Improvement in Indiana Roads and Streets, Feb. 1936 Procter, R.R. Soil Stabilizing and low Cost Roads Engineering News Record Oct. 19, 1933. Procter, R.R. Fundamental Principles of Soil Compaction Engineering News Record, Sept. 7, 1933 Procter, R.R. Field and Labratory Verification of Soil Stability Engineering News Record, Aug. 31, 1933. Sachs, A.S. Bituminous Stabilization in Missouri. Better Reads, Jan. 1936 Reagel, F.U. Bituminous Soil and Base Stabilization leads and Streets, Feb. 1936. Vokac, R. Stabilized Soil Proceedings--association of Asphalt Paving Technologists. Dec. 1932. BULLETINS : American Bitumals Company (1) Bitumals Penetration Pavements Bulletin # 1. Calcium Chloride Association (1) Calcium-chloride—-Stabilized Soils and Aggregates for Low-Cost Roads Bulletin # 24. Michigan State College; Grantham, G.M. and.Millar, C.E. Study of Sandy Soils and How to Manage them. Special bulletin # 248 McCool, M.M. and Bouyoucous, G.J. Causes and Effects of Soil Heaving Special bulletin # 192 McCool, M.M. and Veatch, J.O. Sandy Soils of Southern Peninsula of Michigan Special bulletin #128 Spurway, C.H. Soil Testing: A Practical System of Soil I Diagnosis. Technical Bulletins # 132 Spurway, C.H. Studies on Active Bases and Excess Acids in.Mineral Soils Technical Bulletins # 57 Wheeting, L.C. Some physical and chemical Properties of Several Soil Profiles. Technical Bulletins # 62 Solvay Technical and Engineering Service: (1) Materials and Methods for Construction and M aintanance of Low Cost Stabilized Roads Bulletin # 1. (2) Methods and Equipment for Sampling and Testing Soils and Calculating Stabilized Soil Mixtures Bulletin # 3 VI. m E 89 “Hum M ”U “U R ‘T In: .' WW ‘ .I .1: MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES I III III II IIIIIIIII 0744 30308