STUDIES IN AGGLUTINATION USING BACTERIUM ABORTUS AS ANTIGEN Thesis for Degree of M. 5. Harold Kenyon Archbold I 9 2 5 .. . . .. . , . . . w \ 3 IV 4‘ .l.’ f . .‘VUs. \ 3 .. I . .. , . . , . . . . . . ‘ x V l , ‘ A , . ~ vaflY} : .x . . . ‘ A ,. A . . . , ‘ .. . . .. . a: f...!U.._.mA .. . _ . , . . . . . , . , ‘ . . . . . . V . . .. :. .....L...‘..~.\L 3. null: ..,. .H if :23.) 122 9.4. . ., , r, ‘. ‘ ‘ . . . m ‘. .. s 9.33.? 1 . . _ . . . . , . . VI .;.(.. .. ‘ . ‘ > . v . . » ‘ u ,. HA. 3.»... ..?. . . y»...?,.~u¢.n.illl,..1. : . t. 7 it“, u ‘ . a l y I . . . _ “ \ . u ‘ h r. a. U . \ ‘ IHESI gin. .‘U...ea.. . , {a .\t smtmnza IN AGGLUTINATION USING BACTERIUM ME; AS ANTIGEN. STUDIES IN AGGLUTINATION USING MCTERIUH ABORZQfi AS ANTIGEN. THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of the Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Heater of Science. Herold Xenon gchbo 1d June 1925. JHESIS TABLE or commie. 1. Introduction. 11. Bevin of Literature. 111. Technic Employed. IV. History of Strains of w m Used. 7. hperinental data. a. Cross Agglutination. 1. Comparative Charte. 2. Average Chart. h‘. Agglutinin Absorption. Tables of Results. c. The Effect of The Hydrogen Ion Concentration of the Antigen Upon The Agglut ination Test. VI. Discussion. VII. Conclusions. VI 1 I .Aclmcvlelgment . 11. Bibliography. 93788 studies in Agglutinatien Using m m as Antigen. Int roduct ion. i'he agglutination test has generally been accepted as a practical means of diagnosing bovine infectious abortion by most investigators, although a few prefer the complement fixation test. The latter claim that the agglutination test is too variable in its reaction, uhile the complement fixation test is more delicate and specific, and the reagents which enter into the reaction are more easily controlled. Recent work, comparing the results of the two tests, show that they agree very closely. At the present time a different technic for the agglutination test is employed in almost every laboratory, which in all probability causes a considerable degree of variation in the results obtained. A study of the various factors which effect the agglutination test and their subsequent solution will lead to a much more reliable method of diagnosing bovine infectious abortion, and consequently make the test more acceptable to all concerned. Within recent years much time and effort have been devoted by investigators to the detection and formulation of distinct imno- I logical types among the members of a given species of bacteria, the members of thich are culturally identical or nearly so. The purpose of this study is to determine the existence of different imunological types of m m, and the possibility of .1. existing difference in agglutinability, (both of which would effect the reliability or the test and result in a marked difference in the reading of the results by different laboratories) by means of cross agglutination and -2- agglutinin absorption tests. Also to determine the agglutinability of antigens of different hydrogen ion concentratibn. Review of Literature. Xolmer (1) states that, "lietchnikoff, Charin, and Rogers had noticed peculiarities in the growth of Bacillus pyocyaneus, when cul- tivated in imune serum, which we now believe were due to agglutinins, Cruber and Durham and Bordet(189d - 1896) were the first to recognise that the agglutination reaction was a separate function of imune sem. 'hile investigating the Pfeiffer phenomenon of bacteriolysis with Bacillus coli and the cholera vibrio, these investigators found that if the respective immune seruns were added to bouillon cultures of these two species, the cultures would lose their turbidity, flake- like clumps would form and sink to the bottom of the tube, and the supernatant fluid would become clear. Gruber at the same time called attention to the fact that agglutinins were not absolutely specific for their own antigen, but would agglutinate, to a lesser extent, closely allied species of bacteria. I'In 1896 Pfaundler drew attention to a peculiar phenomenon ob- served when bacteria were grown in an immune serum. Long, and more or less interlaced threads of bacteria deve10ped, tie a... regarded as due to agglutinins. it that time considerable emphasis was laid upon the importance of Pfanndler's reaction, but at present the ordinary agglutination tests have superseded this reaction as a prac- tical diagnostic procedure. ”In 1896 Widal and Drdnbaum first turned these facts to practical use in the diagnosis of typhoid fever. These investigators found that the serum of patients suffering from typhoid fever aegires -3- a ma: agglutinating power for bacillus typhosus, and since this phenomenon generally manifests itself comparatively early in the disease, its recognition has considerable diagnostic importance. It is purely accidental that we speak of the 'Widal Reaction' in typhoid fever, rather than of the 'Grlinbaum Reaction', for the latter observer conducted similai-‘Zuiiidoegendent of Vidal, but, owing to a lack of patients, Widal preceded him in a publication of a more extensive work. "At the present time this agnostic reaction is known as the Gruber-Widal reaction. It has proven of great value to a large nuber of different investigators, not only in making the seam diegnosis of typhoid fever, but in other infections as well“. !he agglutination test for the diagnosis of infectious abor- tien in cattle was probabh first used in 1907-1908, by a Danish veterinarian, Grinstead (2). His results, haever, were not published until near the end of 1909. Grinstead showed that the blood of cows which had aborted, agglutinated the abortion bacilli in higher dilution than the blood of normal animals. lcradyean and Stochman (3) were the first to demonstrate that the agglutination test was of considerable diagnostic value in the abortion disease, Very shortly afterwards Holth published similar preliminary observations upon this test. The former investi- gators concluded from their rather meager data that, "having regard to what has been the experience in other diseases for which the test has been extensively used, the difference between the agglutinating power of a serum of a cow affected with abortion, and that of some normal animals, is too slight to inspire confidence in the test". Later these men reported favorably upon the agglutination reaction and its value as a diagnostic test in infectious abortion. In this report (4) they state, "In conclusion it may be said that the agglutination test has now passed beyond the probationary stage, and deserves to be adopted as the method of diagnosis which is most generally applicable in suspected cases of contagious abortion. The discovew ef such a reliable method of diagnosis removes what has hitherto been the greatest obstacle in grappling successfully with the disease either by private effort or under state regulation. It my also be noted that it provides an easy means of ascertaining whether there is any real foundation for the view that other organisms tlnn the abortion bacillus, discovered by Bang, are responsible for abortion on an episootic scale”. Iohler and from (5) made a comparative study of the value of the two serological tests and recommended the agglutination test, due to its simplicity and the saving of time, except in doubtful cases, when the complement fixation test may be employed to advantage. Seddon (6) pointed out several very important factors in connect ion with the agglutination test for infectious abortien. Re is of the opinion that this-test is not simply a matter of dilution, but a quantitative reaction. This same fact has been reported en by several other investigators. Connaway (7) states, "i'he serological tests, agglutination and complement fixation, when properly applied, are as reliable for the diagnosis of infectious abortion in cattle, as tuberculin is for the detection of tuberculosis". billions (8) expresses himself as follows, ”The frequency of abortion in a herd usually corresponds fairly well with the intensity of infection with Main My. In those herds where abortion and other interferences with repeoduction.occur, the agglutination and complement fixation test usually show intense infection with W am. But such reactions can only show that M93212 9.3% is somewhere active or has been active, and cannot showrthat it caused a given abortionP. Fitch (9) after making single agglutination tests on all animals in several different herds and checking the histories of tin animals ‘with his tests, reaches the following conclusion , "At present the results of the agglutination test cannot be utilised as a basis for control measures for abortion disease". Birch and Gilman (10) commenting on the three statements above state, “If these views represent , as we believe they do, a fairly reliable cross-section of opinion as it exists in regards to the value of the serological tests in the practical handling of infectious abortion it is evident that there are yet fundamental considerations on which all are not agreed, nevertheless there are many well established facts which are quite universally accepted which additions are being made”. In a later paper on further studies with.the agglutination test, Fitch.(ll) states that it is the most reliable of the serological methods of diagnosing infectious abortion. He says further, "It'will indicate the amount of hemJinfection, although it'will not pick out individual aborters. A positive reaction to this test means past or present infectionP. Rettger (12) believes that the agglutination and complement fixation tests may be satisfactorily applied in.the.diagnosis of infectious abortion. their constancy and reliability make them.inp dispensable in the study and control of this disease. -7- According to'Williams (13) "In the diagnosis of contagious abortion the most practical method without sacrificing animals is presumably by the agglutination or complement fixation tests. In the application of‘these tests to abortions occuning in.clinics such as the ambulatory clinic of the low York State Veterinary College and others, combined with cultural searches and guinea pig inoculations from the abort and the membranes, the presence of m m is recognisable in about 60% of cases. But in many of these, other bacteria are also present, Ihat relation, if any, they have to the abortion is not known”. Schroeder (14) states that ”If the agglutination test for bovine infectious abortion is oxjcan be made serviceable to distinguish with certainty between safe cows which, though' they have been exposed to infection, and may have aborted, and.may show'some reaction, and dangerous carriers of abortion.bacilli, it would tend greatly to reduce the difficulties that must be overcome in attempts to suppress the abortion evil through the use of sanitary measures". It appears from the foregoing review of literature that the present day investigators are gradually accepting the agglutination.test as a valuable aid in the diagnosis of bovine infectious abortion and they‘have come to look upon it as almost indispensable. Of recent years many inyestigators have atmmpted to separate strains of an organism into different addefinite groups by means of the agglutination and agglutinin.absorption tests. Some of these investigationdhave given valuable information.on the subject while the results obtained by others have been fruitless. 'Iithout a doubt these efforts, in some instances, have served a very useful purpose, but Torrey (15) thinks that we may extend this method of grouping in such a manner as to depart from a natural system of classification. He states -3- that a type or group, if established upon a rational basis, should represent a distinct serological entity. By the use of the agglutinin absorption test, Hermanies (16) showed that gonococcus could be separated into six distinct hetero- logous types. The agglutinins produced by strains of one type could not be absorbed by strains of another, In five of these types, the agglu- tinins were always bound by the strains belonging to the same type. The antigenic complex of the strains forming a type seemed to have a similar constitution, Strains forming type 3, however, varied in their agglutinogerb and absorptive capacity, for, while a number of strains bound the agglutinins produced by some strains completely, - the binding capacity in others was more or less limited and variable, and in d few entirely absent. Warren (17) reported that the agglutination test does not serve to differentiate strains of gonococcus into serological groups. Torrey (18) reports, ”An analysis by agglutinin absorption methods of the serological relationships of 7'! gonococcus strains, isolated from cases of acute and chronic gonorrhea and its complications, indicated that they may not be distributed among a number of clear-cut immunological types. Straight. agglutination tests have yielded almost no evidence as to specific serological relationships". Ilaning and Clemenger's (19) results indicate that the B. influensa of Pfeiffer is really an associated group of bacteria without the marked unity in its immunity reaction as is seen in other epidemic causing bacteria. Their results "show that almoet every strain as regards to agglutination is a law unto itself!, mall and Dickson (20) were able to separate nine strains of B.inf1uensa into four distinct groups. Their work was based upon -9- cross-agglutinatien and checked by the agglutinin absorption test. Bell(21) maintains that the influensa bacillus represents a heterologous group of organisms as shown by cross-agglutination and agglutinin absorption tests and tint identical strains do occur. Using cross agglutination, agglutinin absorption, and protective tests with strains isolated from different localities, Boos (2:) reports that the various strains of B. influensa apparently do not differ in kind. from laitland and Cameron (23) studied 38 strains of B, influensa isolated /_hospital patients during a period when no cases of epidemic influensa were seen and found that nearly all the strains possess a serological individuality as determined by agglutination and agglutinin absorption tests". Rivers and Kohn (24), working with 13 meningitis strains of influensa bacillus, found that eleven were culturally alike and fell into two groups by the agglutinin absorption test. Seven strains fell into group 1, Three strains fell into group 2, with one intermediate group. The other two strains stood alone culturally and serologically. Peasier and liar (25) perfonied a series of absorption tests with formalinised suspensions of Ms m and Baot. melitensis which led to a fourfold grouping of 14 mg, m and Bact. melitensis strains. The grouping revealed these principals: . l. "in antiserum cannot be exhausted by strains of another group". 8. " A strain acts in a uniform manner(qualitatively) on all strains in another group under the same absorbing conditions." 3, "Strains within the same gr-"rup do not necessarily act in a uniform manner on one another when absorbed from the same antiserum". -10- Evans (26) reports, "The agglutinin absorption test with 4’ strains of Brucella meletensis has shown: "1. This species may be differentiated into at least seven serological groups. Four of these groups include only one or two strains each, and are relatively unimportant. "3. The majority of bovine and percine strains fell into one large group (30strains) which is designated variety abortus. Two strains of human origin were in this variety. Twocf the mall serological groups are so closely related to this one that they should be considered as subvarieties. '8. Simple agglutination tests can not differentiate between varieties, abortus and melitensis”. Iliger (27) found a aiture of a typical 3. coli and B. dysentery shiga, which yielded immune sera possessing agglutinating properties of practical equal quantity for each other. Absorption experiments made with their respectibe sera indicated that two distinct agglutinins were produeed in about equal amounts in the process of imnisation of rabbits. The agglutinins were specific ones, each for its culture, and accessory ' agglutinins left the specific agglutinins quantitatively unaffected. Avery (28) found that the biological classification of pnemococcus distinguishes four distinct groups. He based these types upon well defined imunological differences. Hooker (29) found that strains of B. typhosus could be placed into three fairly well defined groups. He based his classificat ion upon the complement fixation and agglutinin absorption tests. -11- Technic Deployed. We The sera were obtained from thirty rabbits each of which had previously been injected with a suspension of a different strain of living m abozgul. Each strain was grown for twenty-four hours at 37°C on a slant of beef liver agar. The growth was suspended in sterile physiological salt solution and diluted until turbidity corresponded with tube 5 of McFarland's hephelometer. Immediately after preparation one cubic centimeter of the suspension of the organisms was injected into the marginal ear vein of the rabbit. Each of the rabbits used had previously reacted negative to the agglutination test using a strain of M. m as antigen. Three weeks after injection,the rabbits were bled from the ear in order to determine the titre of the serial. The titre in each case proved sufficiently high enough for the study. The rabbits were then bled from the heart, the blood allowed to clot at room temperature, placed in the ice box over night, centrifuged on the following day, and the clear serum re- moved and placed in the ice box until used. The same procedure was followed in building up sera for the agglutinin absorption tests. Tn this case only eight strains of m M were used. c utinat T 8 Ten tubes were used in the cross, agglutination test. Two c.c. of salt solution was placed in the first tube and one c.c in the remaining nine tubes. Two-tenths c.c. of serum was added to the first tube, giving a dilution of 1-10. One c.c. of this mixture was transferred to the second -12- tube, giving a dilution of 1-20. This process was carried through the remaining tubes and one c.c. of the mixture in the last tube was discarded,thus diluting the original serum one-half on each transfer. To each of the ten tubes one c.c. of the antigen was added, which again resulted in diluting the serum one-half in each tube and de- creasing the turbidity of the antigen one-half. The final dilutions were: 1-20, 1-40, 1-80, 1-160, 1-320, 1-640, 1-1280, 1-2560, 1-5120, and 1-10240, The tubes were incubated at 37°C and readings taken at the end of 24 and 48 hours. The thirty sera were run against each of the thirty antigens thus giving cross-agglutination of homologous and heterologous st rains. W Thirty strains 01' seam spams vero arm for 24 hours at 37°C on liver agar slants as recomended by Huddleson(50). The growth of four slants was washed off with phenolised salt solution, pH 6.0, and the suspension made up to correspond with tube number one of the lcParland's nephelometer, and stored in dark brown bottles in a cool place. W The bacterial growth from 25 liver agar slants was washed off with 20 c.c. of phenolised salt solution. To the suspension, 20 c.c. of homologous serum (diluted 1-!) was added thus giving a dilution of 1-10. This was incubated at 37°C for two hours and placed in the ice box over night, The suspension was centri- fuged the next day and the clear supernatant fluid, which in reality is the serum diluted 1)“ 1o, pipetted off. no agglutination test he run on the series, using the homologous antigen, to see if all the homologous agglutinins had been removed. If there was an degree of ~13- agglutination, the serum was reabsorbed in the following manner. The growth from five slants was washed off with the phenolised salt solution, and the suspension concentrated by centrifugation. The supernatant fluid was discarded and the sedmented organisms added to the 1 to 10 serum. This as incubated as before and centrifuged. This method of reabsorp- tion was carried on until the agglutination test showed that the homologous agglutinins had all been removed. Then the absorbed serum was run against 26 heterologous antigens and the results recorded. The agglutination test used in this work is the same as that used 'above except that eachbf the tubes contained one c.c. of salt solution and one c.c. of the absorbed serum was placed in the first tube. The method of making progressive dilutions was the same. The resulting dilutions were: 1-40, 1-80, 1-160, 1-320, 1-040, Only five tubes were used at it was thought that this would give a satisfactory end point, which proved to be true in each case. The tubes were incubated, at 37°C and readings taken at the end of 24 and 48 hours. mly the 48 hour readings are recorded here as they were approximately the same. 0 f 00 in It was necessary to prepare a calorimeter which would have a range of pH from 4.0 to 8.8 with a difference of a .4 p2 between each tube. A prepared tablet for each pl requied was placed in a tube containing 10 c.c. of distilled water and dissolved. The following indicators were added to the corresponding tubes: Tubes pH 4.0 and 4.4 eight drops of Brom Phenol Blue were added, tubes of pH 4.8,. 5.2, 5.6 eight drops of Methyl Red were added, tubes of pH 6.0, 6.4, 6.8, 7.2 and 7.6 eight drape of Bram Tumol Blue were added, and for tubes of pl 8.0, 8.4, and 8.8 eight drops of Cresel Red were added. A crystal of Thymol was added to each tube as a preservative. This calorimeter) ~14- is used as a standard to prepare solutions of corresponding hydrogen ion concentration. t f Anti e o Differen ‘: Strain 2a was selected for this study, Antigens were prepared with the following pH values: 4.0, 4.6, 4.8, 5.2, 5.6, 6.0, 6.4, 6.8, 7.2, 7.6, 8.0, 8.4, and 8.8. Preliminary tests had been carried out on 10 c.c. of distilled water to determine the number of drape of [/1 £01 and 1/1 Naon it’took to obtain a buffered solution which would correspond to each of the above pH values on the colorimeter. A capillary pipette was used throughout the work for the HCl and one for the NaOH, in order that the drops would be uniform. 200 c.c. of each buffered solution was made up using the above data as a bale, and each solution was checked with the colorimeter. A 24 hour beef liver agar slant growth of strain 2a was washed off with each of the buffered solutions. The turbidity of each was made to correspond with tube nuisber one of llcFarland's nephelometer. The suspensions were checked to determine their value and stored until ready for use. W m Eight tubes were used in the test. 2 c.c. of the antigen was added to each tube. The serum was added to each tube in the following amounts: 1st tube............... .08 c.c. of serum, giving the dilution 1 to 25 2nd tube............... .04 c.c. of serum, giving the dilution 1 to 50 3rd tube............... .02 c.c. of serum, giving the dilution 1 to 100 4th tube............... .01 c.c. of serum, giving the dilution 1 to 200 5th tube............... .08 c.c. of l to 20 sort, giving the dilution 1 to 500 6th tube............... .04 c.c. of 1 to 20 serum, giving the dilution 1 to 1000 7th tube.................02 c.c. of 1 to 20 serum, giving the dilution 1 to 2000 8th tube............... .01 c.c. of 1 to 20 serum, giving the dilution 1 to 4000 Seven sera was used, including two negative and five positive. The tubes were incubated at 37°C and readings taken at the end of 24 and 48 hours. 0 The lattems recorded here as both readings were approximately the same. TABLE I. History of Strains of Bat-M91231 anloyed in these Studies. COCOOOOOOOOOOOO...0.0.0.....00..0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Strain Date of Isolation Origin COCCOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO0.0.0.0000...0.0.0....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0......00......O “0.2.H 16 30 28 60 100 200 300 600 808 1639 2010 Berlin C D1 3 higland G. B. Swine H16 3221 J King I. Boadard I Unknown 1915 1910 1916 1915 Unknown June, 1917 1919 Sept., 1919 Feb. 1920 June, 1920 Jan., 1920 1922 1922 May, 1919 1923 Rec'd 1920 Unknown March 1917 1923 Prior to 1916 unknown 1920 1922 1924 1916 Unknown December 1920 Unknown Unknown Received from B.A.& prior to 1915 Aborted fetus (herd A, Mich.) 0311‘s EXP. State AbOl'tihg '0'. Aborted fetus (herd A, Mich.) Udder of cow 995 (Abortion Exp.herd) In laboratory prior to 1916. Aborted fetus (near Owosso, Mich) Placenta of cow following abortion. (near Ubly, Niche) Aborted fetus (herd A, Mich) Udder of cow (herd A, Mich) Udder of cow (abortion exp.herd) Udder of cow (abortion exp. herd) Aborted fetus, Michigan. Aborted fetus, Michigan. Placenta of cow following abortion (abortion exp. herd) Udder of cow (abortion exp. herd) Dr. Graham, Illinois University. Obtained in German 1919. Aborted fetus (herd A, Mich.) Aborted fetus near Detroit. Unknown. Royal Veterinary College April 1919 Aborted fetus of sow(near Lansing,Mich) Aborted fetus, Kasas Exp.Stat ion. Aborted fetus (nutrition Exp.herd). Aborted fetII (1161‘. B, M1011) Obtained 1923 from Dr. Stockinan,England. Aborted fetus (herd A, Mich.) Purdue University, 1924. Wisconsin University 1916 kperimental Data. Win; During the last decade many investigators have attempted to group strains of an organism by the use of cross agglutination. A review of the literature shows that some very encouraging results have been obtained, but failures also have been recorded. In this work, thirty strains of M11122 gbortg. were used in the production of thirty sera. Thirty different antigens were prepared from the same strains, and an agglutination test was perfomed with each serum against each of the antigens. Charts from 1 to 60 inclusive show the results of these tests, each chart representzhe results of agglutination of one serum against the thirty antigens. The black columns show the end point of agglutina- tion at the end of 24 hours, while the red calms denote the end point of agglutination at 48 hours. It may be seen that antigen £221 is agglutinated only by its homologous serum and by heterologous serum 2a. There were seven sera whose agglutinability was variable. These seven were H221, 806, .1, D1. 7, 1, and 100. The variation was quite marked in several instances. The agglutinability of the antigen was not constant for each sera. lo line could be drawn to setcff any one group of strains, unless it be antigen E221. Taking the results of agglutination of 29 of the antigens, excluding B221, one will note that the average end point of agglutination is about 1 to 1280. There were some antigens which were ' agglutinated by a serum in a dilution as high as 1 to 10240 and as low as l to 40. (Chart 31 denotes the average agglutinability of each of the antigens against all of the sera. Two antigens differ from the remain- -17- inc antigens very distinctly. H 221 has the lowest average of all. The average agglutinability of Roadard is much lower than that of the remaining 28 strains. W: In addition to the use of cross agglutination in attempting to classify strains of a certain organism, much work has been done with the agglutinin absorption test in this respect. Better results have been attained with the latter, although failure has been omen. In this work eight of the onginal strains were used to produce sera. They were, 3221, 806, 400, 2a, 2010, Boadard, Swine l, and I. Each strain was absorbed .by its homologous strain, and to make sure that all of the homologous agglutinins were taken out, an agglutination test was run on the absorbed serum using its homologous antigen. A negative test showed complete absorption of the homologous agglutinins. If a positive test was obtained the corn was reabsorbed until a negative test was obtained. When the serum was proved to be absorbed agglutination tests were run against 26 heterologous antigens. Serum 400 was absorbed also by the heterologous antigen 2a, and then the absorbed serum was run against the same antigens. Tables 2 and 3 give the results of these tests. The results were recorded as P(partia1), + (positivq, -(negative), and 0 (no test). Strain 400 is the only antigen which absorbed completely all the agglutinins from its homologous serum. Swinl left agglutinins in for one strain. 2010 absorbed all agglutinins except for two strains. 806 and I left agglutinins for three strains. The remaining tests show that after absorption of the homologous agglutinins, there remained agglutinins for a majority of the heterologous strains. W Many laboratories vary as to the pH of the antigen used in their agglutination test. Table 4 gives the results of the agglutination tests using antigens of different pH values. The only marked difference shown is on the antigens of a pH 4.0, 4.4, and 4.6. In these, there is a tendency for the acid antigen to cause the formation of a flocculent precipitate in the presence of serial, which settles to the bottom of the tube. It has the appearance of EB“! to vhich alum has been added. The occurrence of this phenomenon was constant in tubes of pH 4.0, and 4.4,and in two sera it occurred with antigen of a pH 4.8. It occurred in the negative serum as well as in the positive. a..- -_._--_J a o . — ‘ o - - . . s— v» H t'fiCMA) )(as (-13 n ..... .1... t om _ m m Aw NU I .w 3 L, 03 g cm» . La- -,_.,\V.~- 117516.111 Odo -.._ _ . i n . M . , . A a . . . , 8m” “’9..- m , owmm I an“- -a - ONHn ciao“ _- 7 . mfla inmafiogafi , . _ . 536353 sense. MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE “hart 2 ...,._.,.., Lev—e .*.7. -n. i........ UtF—‘ARTMENT C7 MAXHhMAIICS II}. I MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Y'Hw «~—a—~L+¢’4e . - 74$4LL ~ ..o-e—e .4 . ’“rH”’*" - 400 n._. '"VOe >09000+4J .94 58.1. “75» +a....-- —ao>~>v»> “‘s‘—§‘ '. . -a«e e44 a -~+->-->-- a-a .AAr DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMAIICS MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 4 Ob‘fidbd-d .4 0744 an.» a ‘ 9+94—e «4* ., «a > b-oeoa4 ..a—‘»>e-¢-oe—o 44 - >-e*4 a L.....». $4 >>-v-<—4-- 9.9 see. ‘0‘ ea~ee¢-v _ .aoeoa- ....e.. o‘rho—‘re~f<$ o .4 a» e o- —.»—T ~9Q-- . . . a . LL»... + . . .4»..~-—.._>.-. .J- . . 9-4 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 5 o>~e>&§# ..-. 0‘ -e . .ss 0... a ~a-e-..a.—-. O‘OL-w—A-L .7.90ue.-oo .7...7..A—»> .7- - o+‘ a. -a- -ro—~L—e 4 DEPARTMENT CH: MATHEMAI [CS MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 5 .CML ~‘J . A-.-..4». . . . v e-¢-_..4¢4 “.74 - . +-_-_-_._.» - A A—rro L4 . Y‘IEPARYM F..'-I OF M A It- EMA l ILS MICHIGAN ‘vev I" " r¥§vy~o ,4. . a w 9" AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS lu—qm ..I_II.IIII|.I.II.I. II. .. .. III ..a . I. .. «ll ‘- ‘1‘ U, ‘I‘I.‘lu‘lll"\ MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 8 1..-, . . .I. L-..__. .__-—. *c—o—mu-O-q» .-, .,_-_, ,.. .I »— a... L-w I ,.r....,.- . .“H§I v I —o *QHF' - +4».-. DEPARTMEh ' or MA IHEMA‘ILS MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE chart 9 56-“ -004b'.- p.-- pe-e—ee h. at a .006 v CERARTMENY ()F MA I HEMA I ICB r—.---...+T 0A-.. “77"“. ‘5: J- 71‘ I" "t'If “ I ",1"? flag... . O I »,-—_. I I I I .q— .w-- — -.—."~c- —_~L e MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COI IV - 9 . . . L . t . . I I . . . . . I , . . . , I I A . . .'.l - ta - ¢ —'-a...-... . .. . . . 11 1' --- .,,7,K~LI:(3AI4 AGRICULTURAL COLL???w Chart 11 1' I i , H ms DA 111 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE hart 12 I I r—‘wv v-v—v-a .7». . .» o a L....a.a—o—.. .4 . a—>~eo I.: _ I): IIAIHI'NIAIILS MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLL EGE -. -o—o-ayoe I oeooJ--e 17-44 9 79 e . MM,-. ..,- '_‘€FAR " ML NT () I- MA I MtMAIICS .Fn...t I «vs-JV Ara." h IV 5.14 .a e a .MI:. .I. Uibdhdru“ -hl V d‘h‘fifigo‘u I _ a . .A-.44. I 5 ‘1 r1 3 .I . ‘ - I I .. G r! P. g 'F' 1 n» O O O up A m o I N’ H In 0 IO N 3 ‘ ".1 :9: x A. ;;._..._-....-.L.i-'.;;.t__i_---A._; A. _——————___—— MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 15 . , . . o .__.¢,--ov¢- - we re—e—e -_. -a-a do A: see -_ 0&0 «- (”4 MA 'I1gMAIIC5 M'CHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 16 *hN ...-a .L-M~ .La . L> ._?---_-..- I I A-........—,.o-e-¢—rv-f—o v—rv—r‘ s—ar- apba. 4- .4._-__ .qura-t .<.7.e" 9—0-0e b 4 1.....v_. .I . A+o>¢.-wv I UFVAPT‘A-h‘? In: cannumnwlus MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 17 .TTTT; . I , , 4*..-” A l e . I I3 “WW—I-_ ~9—u- .. -a. *, I I vI-v . . I - r.-a >o~I G "It'rAH‘VI‘ .I' I," Mulwr'nAIICb ' MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart '1 8 .Khmafituédhr‘ 09. .w; .. a ‘4 GFtICUl‘TUF-f; l- Cr". II-JQE‘ Z I. Z :- -L. I m. ..-g -.O i I -«Wr I LILLWMLAIW I"; i .I.... .._ “‘I.‘L"-‘I\AF—’»w "I: “\I‘vItMAIILS Chart 20 8.11 ,a...,. o.. . L FHJ‘AHTMI-‘IT (If u. .HtwAIIL.S I Anti ' i I % sacrum I x‘II‘FIIC A \' AGRICULTURAL COLLEG vcfl- ”w -p-.-_'.-._‘o-'T M ‘ ... v C' k, Chart 21 V'ItI ICIL ,II .C'Iin Fund. Avon I10 LIIIu d n r21... a .evaLRhW< -KVWOCIHMWAHECWU L. L . — MJCHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 22 9—"‘ Aesa. 44.... a.$a... ‘70.. to... v- a---—.¢~ar? . “‘If‘? d$‘a-‘.--" 6'... a—u........-- . O -H..6alaa a A.’+‘ .».—.- Q‘OQ—O _..a +4 ‘4 _. A «A—4 —4-1-¢ H—O- eo-¢~L‘—d—. .vhi . . . DEPARTMENT (J'- M A I HEMA I ILLS ._AI‘. fid--aa_ 7-1, .- ...._....... :.I7.l.v ... I R MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 44. wo—onov 44 AMA uH—A I . .AI 1 044 I “o-e - DEPARTMENT OF MAIHEMAIICs I _ . I . , . . n , I . u I . . m I . . . u . . I I a . . M ..... I . . . . . . A . . . , . . , I I . . _ n _ L , A I d A .' I . . 1,;III q y L ,III Inotaontmon tt_tvra m :.uzatk‘ o+epehacfioo . L.:, L ,_7L:: A... .7., 1,2,: ,, _, .I...I.II.I.:...II. .L.) 16!. MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 25 ..~.9oeao'uo‘v coca-ea i - I. -._._.._.-...-H-e I . . I.o-.. , .-. 1 < . o . -. . a-.. s .~-—‘ ‘ . -po atogILa a-aae a-. 0‘.-. v .-..I—a.a A... \I6D‘ .4... - *‘A‘+7LL—Ao¢ o -_..e»e.c—-- P. TI H44 WT . , ’Avveoa..' r * f" .I): M I. art-IAIIL‘J .Q “-9 \fIwfidHnsAIflhadefiMtHéI °>H.Umflhdfiisfihu .. . ...1....... 11 1. I . h I. s . ‘ . . . . .\ L._ ....L 1 . 1. x . \ .1. ..\ . f , .. 1. . . . . . I 1 . 1 dean-Med Send 0..." . . ‘I! I fa1l4-II1I. III ‘r1'(‘.HiGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLE >.-..»..r9. ‘ GE 5- .- Char+ 26 v. ‘ v. 99. 0 ~ k'oi-‘oQOO t.+L-—>——4 [TEPARTME'NT (JV MA I HtMAIILS 1.....\~ .1 11”.. 11ll4‘ 3”“. .'FJ .'.. u.qr. EEC". .. I _._._\.I__. .1. \ ......... M!CH|GAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 9 V v H A-MINT...“........._-.-.. + A—‘»u—-A--- ' -‘;--Il ou-bw .LI._$_A_.{.... . * I ~ Mun-y ... ? ‘ H--.-. . . . --I-o‘o--.'o , _-.-.I..I-l.. . ... , ..-. .1; l . .. 1 ..».’o 9-1,3. . % g ML-..“ u. .. .. . .-. ..--.-l '. . .--..-.... L. . .H...—I»-‘-‘ . ) ~oo—o -... o- l LN...” ;.. . W~-- » . . P,“ .. . ‘W .--~—- - ..__ 1.”. -I ' l ' . >—-~---> ¢ ' ...‘. ... A , .1“ -- . 1 l p .94--—v~-*-l<‘ - q o H~~---->r . <-.0—>*-‘—~'-I - 5 .4.- -. 1- , ‘ -,.———-——-—-—-—vo_—.I----I— __. q . -....—.-.- .. _. ....-.~»»>-1. I o‘I-c‘o. 1 g M-.. .1... . . . ”MW“ 1.. . . . ”-0094vh: - ‘ P‘*oto->o -. .1... WO— G. - n .. Mw-l. ..._.- . . H“---‘-~u--‘I.—.II.- . . . ,,. . y..— t ..... I ”.41. . > . . . . . . . . . . . .._. ._..-.. I. .. .IL -. . ‘ I } v L ¢-., ...,- . a ., I ‘ o v v 0 J r O I $ t . v . . . . . A, ‘_H.._.v1-- _ HHfich—oo .51441 . . I I . . . . . . 'FL‘ I Q—‘O 4 AV. 4 ,7 a I . . n A ¢ 4...“.41 .-.. .7. . . . . ‘ L-A —0 >01 . . . . . . i I . .‘ ‘1 ‘—l . o .4 o . .«91 . , . ‘ ‘ _.L - . I.-- .<_- J. . . . s . . . . . _ "‘"r A . . . . _.» _ u.. . . .. .. ,_.H , l A _._.. .I-_ - _. l . M,- .. .1. ...l. . M‘-‘_h_v>r _..-, ,.|., .. "‘-‘—<-H,.‘ .,» .. ‘9 rt—OI .L. V . "5‘4 11...’ .. .. ‘ I ,1...” | u -‘ 7-1. ~.-. 'Q.‘" ,1 .‘ ..1 HM ‘ ‘._ _ I‘l_ . Ha-.. ‘ . “I | >u-.._~‘_ - o ‘ H...“ 5) . . M,._k, fl ~’-»»I-.. .; .. ‘ »-h < ‘ '- k‘- V¢—4 . I... c: f t- 103w l7512° _.I» _ . o . , . . . . . . . . . a v - «.|-. . , . . . . - v ' ~ ‘ . ,L. ~. .1 . . l’ ' . A Ll In. , v-«O ‘ >7- .4..+‘.- ‘10#4—O—.~oor> -1 L A AA LALLA MlCHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 28 ---+. .I. ”9*‘40 . -o~4oy- -9“¢.‘ - nov900¢> oo-.*or0 . 0-» so .--.-roiy—om 17—b>-4to -_.,.;.... o-oo.oo- -000 b0»4- ~71_.4~»v~r—o ~ .A¢,-—- 6->qu9>$ .—o 60--.. .1.. " vH3I009~. o .- ‘rA—o v WQOTo§$ ov-“ooOOb .9 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 29 O a 6 o—o—o—o-O-£ § o t 0 fi‘.._.—‘ . -mL—ovov 5-- O—Q—H¢>b—o—¢-‘ ~¢n to-¢Q 4 .. 4-‘y—a—o ~—LA—o-. H...» .H‘t »._.I .0 . 4-‘. .A‘».¢0Ao -1~o5>-o¢ WES" \.F-:TME‘IT Or (a 3. I [ILHAHLS ‘———_ MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Chart 30 ‘ -*0—¥&6 y. LLLL1_‘.... . I A»- » 5-.-&i+ . .1....;. ‘,A ..i DYI“ R'ME'WY OF MA? ‘1hMAllL.$ Chart 31 v.— ‘— .i-Tt" (j .7 !_ ' "RICULTU FILL '-z 7:, AN A; p.-. - _ ...... .Ifluw Ha.“ I. .. : m H its: .HH...LHUL.MCW.U.«. n%“ ..I §333 .._ ‘ . 9- o a: g. 9.: own 0¢w . _. ‘J-;\— “at. meH O ’1‘; .Io.«.4-~_-.-~;—-. ~‘ -'..~‘., \ ..... Antigens. _, 100 Berlin 2010 Boadarl Swing 1 3221 T—T—‘fi—WWFF — +» - —- __ w p—o -— .m — r—u a sn— —-1 p.— u. —— n.‘ ‘- u. _. . 4 . L. —-< —- .g —— —-1 — T‘ —- .I. Tabl. 30 Runltu of Agglutination after the Absorption of Serum 400 with Antigen 2. Sam Dilution 1 to Antigua 40 00 160 320 640 . 199 - - - - .. 301-11: - - .. - - 2010 - - - .. - c .. .. - - - 23 - - - - - n1 - - - - - 1 a“ - - - - . ‘ - - .. .. - henna - - - .. - J .. .. - - - L - - - - -W 1 .. .. - - .- noadm - - - - - - goo - - . - - so - - - - - 3 .. - . - - 3 - - - - - “II—T of Antigen ‘.0 4.‘ ‘00 ‘02 5.0 _—_—___—_JL—.-._I....__-_. I 654 5.8 7.1 7.6 8.0 8.4 -1’- Discussion. From the data obtained in csess agglutination it may be seen that no two antigens were agglutinated to the same degree by each of the thirty sera. However, there were many antigens which were agglutinated to the same degree by s single heterol- ogous serum. Chart number (8) shows that antigen 100 produced agglutinins to a markedly low degree for antigens 2a, 400, and 316. This occunsnce is difficult to explain as no other serun ,sgglutinated thse three antigens to such a low degree. In many cases the agglutinins produced by an antigen gave a much higher titre for heterologous antigens than for the homologous antigen. The charts show that strain H221 differed markedly in its agglutin- ability from the other strains, or the agglutinins produced by the other strains with the exception of fl 2a were of a different type than those which are necessary to cause a clumping of this anti- gen. If £221 is to be considered alone, some reason must be given for such an individual inagglutinability. Kmiede, Cooper, and Provost (31) report the possibility of existence of degraded variants. They den-ibe such strains as having lost their agglutin- sbility and a marked loss in antigenic power. In this case 3221 scene to have a very low agglutinability but possesses an average antigenic power. Therefore, one of its prOperties function, whiflle another has degraded or has been lost almost entirely. Krmnwieds (31) and his co-workers also state that a degraded variant may stimulate the production of agglutinins which it is relatively unable to find, One may notice that 3221 antigen is agglutinated in relatively low dilutions by its homologous serum, as compared to heterologous strains. -20- All of the other antigens stimulated the production of agglutinins of a fairly high titre for both the homologous and heterologous. It is possible to conclude from this reasoning that strain H221 is a degraded variant. The fact that serum 2a agglutinated antigen H221, however, cannot be explained by the above reasoning, 'But let us refer to the agglutinin absorption test for a little information. When serms 3221 was absorbed by its homologous strain it removed the agglutinins for a Zn also. When serum 2a was absorbed by its homologous strain it removed the agglutinins for 3221 as well. Therefore, we may be led to believe that these two strains are closely related. In considering the final results of cross agglutination it is readily apparent that no group separation of the thirty strains used is possible, except, possibly in the case of strain 3221 which might be placed in a distinct group or the torn degraded variant applied according to Krumwiede, Cooper, and Provost (31). It IUOUC that the agglutinability of a given strain is of considerable importance, especially from the standpoint of accurate diagnosis and the obtaining of comparable results by different labor- stories engaged in the performance of the agglutination test. The charts reveal that antigensnrepared from different strains are not agglutinable to the same degree by a given seru. This finding in all probability explains the great degree of variation of the agglutination titre obtained by different labOratories on the same 801'“. In the agglutinin absorption test, after absorbing the sera with their homologous strain, agglutinins remained to a low degree for heterologous strains in every instance but one. Strain 400 removed from its homologous serum its homologous agglutinins and -21.. those for 26 heterologous strains. In this case strain 400 was able to remove all agglutinins, the production of which was due to the stimulus of this strain. Ira-wilds (31) and his co-workers believe that such a statement can safely be made, but they report two exceptions to this. First, normal agglutinins may be present; second, agglutinins whose production was stimulated by degraded variants may be present. They state that all of the latter agglutinins are not always absorbed by the degraded variants which stimulated their production. We will consider these exceptions under those cases where agglutinins for heterologous strains were present after absorption. When serum 400 was absorbed by heterologous strain 2a both homologous and heterologous agglutinins were removed. This tends to show that strains 400 and 2a may be very closely related. The seven sera which contained heterologous agglutinins, after homologous agglutinin? absorption, present a different problem. we might’explain their presence by calling than normal agglutinins, but the sera of the rabbitsvere tested before injection for agglutinins, and 1 all gave negative results. The presence of heterologous agglutinins might be explained by refering to the strains which stimulated their production, as degraded variants. Isit logical to say that out of eight strains. only one could be classed as being normal, and the remaining seven as degraded variants? The presence of heterologous agglutinins in the absorbed serum, might be explained by calling them non-specific agglutinins. It seems possible for a strain to stimulate the production of two kinds of agglutinins, namely specific and non-specific. The specific agglutinins wouldbe absorbed by the homologous strain only, while the non-speci fic agglutinins would remain in the com. If a homologous strain removed its homologous agglut ininn and also removed others which were thought to be heterologous, all would have to be -21. those for 25 heterologous strains. In this case strain 400 was able to remove all agglutinins, the production of which was due to the stimulus of this strain. Kruwiede (31) and his co-workers believe that such a statement can safely be made, but they report two exceptions to this. First, normal agglutinins may be present; second, agglutinins whose production was stimulated by degraded variants may be present. They state that all of the latter agglutinins are not always absorbed by the degraded variants which stimulated their production. We will consider these exceptions under those cases where agglutinins for heterologous strains were present after absorption. When serum 400 was absorbed by heterologous strain 2a both homologous and heterologous agglutinins were removed. This tends to show that strains 400 and 2a may be very closely related. The seven sera which contained heterologous agglutinins, after homologous agglutinin? absorption, present a different problem. we mightlexplain their presence by calling than normal agglutinins, but the sera of the rabbitsvere tested before injection for agglutinins, and I all gave negative results. The presence of heterologous agglutinins might be explained by refering to the strains which stimulated their production, as degraded variants. Is it logical to say that out of eight strains, only one could be classed as being normal, and the remaining seven as degraded variants? The presence of heterologous agglutinins in the absorbed serum, might be explained by calling them non-specific agglutinins. It seems possible for a strain to stimulate the production of two kinds of agglutinins, namely specific and non-specific. The specific agglutinins would be absorbed by the homologous strain only, while the non-specific agglutinins would remain in the serum. If a homologous strain removed its homologous agglutinins and also removed others which were thought to be heterologous, all would have to be -22- classed as specific. This occurred when serum goadard was absorbed by its homomous strain, for the agglutinins for Berlin, King, and 2a were also removed. Thus the remaining agglutinins were non-specific, and also the homologous strain was unable to remove them. This also occurred in the other six sera. Therefore, it seems possible to assume that a strain may stimulate the production of both specific and non- specific agglutinins. Variations have been noticed in the agglutination tests of various laboratories on the same sera. Investigators are de- sirous of eliminating all possible variations in this test with the ultimate view of standardisation. It was thought that the pH of the antigen might be one of the causes ofvariation in sgglutinability, so a series of tests were carried out using antigens of different pH. The only variations noticed in these tests were recorded in antigens with a p! of 4.0, 4.4, and 4.8. It seemed that in these antigens, the con- centration of the acid was so strong, that it had the prOperty of causing the albumin of the serum to be precipitated to the bottom of the tubes in a flocculant mass. This interfered with the reading of the tests, so it was thought advisable to use an antigen whose pH was some- what higher than 4.8. The antigens used in the cross agglutination and agglutinin absorption work had a pH of 6.8 and all of the reactions were easily read and no precipitation was noticed. to differences were noted in sgglutinating power in, antigens from pH 5.2 to pH 8.8. The alkaline antigens did not appear to interfere with agglutination. So, if an av— erage is taken between these two extremes it should give an antigen of a pH which would give satifactory results. This numberical average is p! 7.0. The literature shows that agglutination test is more efficient‘if the antigen is slightly acid. So, if the p! of the antigen to be used in the test is 6.8. it is believed that the results of the test would be much more constant. -25-. Conclusions. Gross agglutination does not serve to group the thirty strains of W m used in this study, although one strain appeared to be of a different group. The agglutinin absorption test as used shows no specific differences between the twenty-six strains of MILE! abortgl used. This test, however, has possibilities and should be given further study. The hydrogen ion concentration of an ant igin does not effect its agglutinability unless the antigin has a m of 4.0 or below. The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to lir I. Forrest Huddleson, Hr. W.L.lallman, and Dr. Ward Giltner for the assistance and helpful suggestions received during the course of these studies. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (a) (9) (10) (ll) (12) Bibliography. Kolmer, J.L. Textbook ”Infection, Immunity, and Specific Therapy". Page 279. Grinstead, F. ‘ 1909 Maandsskr, fr. Drylsege. Page 395. McFadyean, J. and Stockman, 3. 1909 "Observations on the Distribution and Diagnosis of Episootic Abortion in Great Britian". Jr. of Comparative Patholog and Therapeutics. 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