’—— if BESS ELECTROPHORESIS 6F TURKEY SERUH ALKALINE PEOSPR‘ATASE ESOENZYMES USING. POLYACRYLAMIDE 5E1. Thesis Foo i'm Degree of M. S. MERE” STETE UNEWESETY John Richard Beck 3974 ‘V. 9 IFS'S . LIBRARY Michigan Sta tc ' University ABSTRACT DISC ELECTROPHORESIS OF TURKEY SERUM ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ISOENZYMES USING POLYACRYLAMIDE GEL By John Richard Beck In this study the isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase in turkey serum were separated by disc electrophoresis using polyacrylamide gel as the supporting medium. Comparisons made by previous workers between polyacrylv amide gel and several other supporting mediums used in electrOphoresis have generally indicated that polyacryln amide gel will yield the greatest resolution of alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes. The author was unable to adapt polyacrylamide gel disc electr0phoresis procedures that had been described by previous workers as successful in separating the isoenzymes of avian alkaline phosphatase for use in this laboratory. After a period of laboratory experimentation, a rapid and repeatable procedure that yielded excellent resolution of alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes was devised. This pro— cedure involved a step—by—step determination of the follow— ing: a suitable gel system, buffer systems, staining procedure and sample preparation. John Richard Beck Test subjects consisted of 103 turkeys maintained for the "vibrator" condition at Michigan State University, average age at first sample was 15 months :_2 months. The females were housed in individual bird cages and the males kept on a litter floor. A second flock of 46 female turkeys was also tested, these birds were of the Nicholas Broad Breasted White egg—laying strain. These birds were housed in two-bird cages and they were 42 weeks of age at time of sampling. Approximately one—half of the Nicholas strain and all of the "vibrator" birds received a standard turkey breeder ration. The remainder of the Nicholas strain received the same ration except it contained 10 percent dried poultry anaphage. The protein content of both rations was similar. Blood samples were obtained from the "vibrator" flock on two occasions: one week after the birds were subjected to a forced molt, when egg production was zero, and at a later date when the hens were in peak egg production. The Nicholas strain was sampled a single time when these birds were also in peak egg production. Egg production records were kept in order to identify laying intensity. Semen was collected on three occasions and individual semen production was calculated as the average of the two most similar yields. Thirteen distinct alkaline phosphatase bands were isolated from the serum of the turkeys used in this study. John Richardeeck The thirteen different bands were observed to occur in thirteen different patterns, each pattern being classified as a separate zymogram. Zymogram types II, V, VI and IX appeared only in the "vibrator" birds and zymogram types VIII and XI appeared only in the Nicholas strain. Two zymogram types, VI and X were observed in females only and zymogram type XIII was observed to be limited to the males. Zymogram type III was observed in the forceemolted non—laying "vibrator" turkeys only and types V, VI and X appeared only in the "vibrator" turkeys after they had been stimulated into peak egg production. Zymogram type XII was observed in birds classified as high intensity layers in both the forceamolted and the peak egg production periods. In the Nicholas strain, zymogram types I and.XI were normally associated with the birds classified as high intensity layers. Isoenzyme banding patterns did not seem to be influ» enced by either the "vibrator" condition or the difference in the diet fed to the Nicholas strain. The various levels of semen production did not seem ‘to be associated with any particular zymogram type. Iiowever, when grouping together the two highest semen prOF Cincing groups with the two highest groups of laying intensity, zymogram types IV and V were commonly observed. [Inder the assumption that egg—laying intensity would John Richard Beck represent reproductive ability in the females and semen production would represent reproductive ability in the males it may be possible to predict the potential reproduc— tive ability in individuals displaying zymogram types IV and V as opposed to the remaining zymogram types. DISC ELECTROPHORESIS OF TURKEY SERUM ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ISOENZYMES USING POLYACRYLAMIDE GEL BY John Richard Beck A Thesis Submitted to .Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Poultry Science 1974 fAL w ACKNOWLEDGMENTS With the completion of this thesis I realize that I have not only learned how to conduct research or how to evaluate and record the results, I have also profited from my associ- ation with those people that assisted me: Dr. T. H. Coleman and Dr. J. H. WOlford as my academic and research advisors; Dr. J. R. Brunner as a research advisor and committee member; Dr. H. C. Zindel as Chairman of the Poultry Science Department who made available the funds and facilities that I needed; Mr. Sulo Hulkonen who supplied the photographs on a short time basis; .Mr. Mike Mangino and Mr. Larry Hood as fellow graduate students who were invaluable in helping me solve procedural problems. This thesis is the embodiment of their wisdom, patience and generosity and I am most grateful for having had the opportunity to work with them. TABLE LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES. . . . . . OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . REVIEW OF LITERATURE . . . OBJECTIVES . . . . . . . . METHODS AND MATERIALS. . . General . . . . . . . Procedure . . . . . . Apparatus . . . . . . Chemical Formulations Photographic Technique PROCEDURAL EVALUATION. . . Buffer Systems. . . Gel System. . . . . . Staining Procedure. . Sample Preparation. . RESULTS. . . . . . . . . . DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . SUMMARY. . . . . . . . . . RECOMMENDATIONS. . . . . . LITERATURE CITED . . . . . GENERAL REFERENCES . . . . iii 12 13 l3 16 27 29 30 30 32 33 34 37 54 60 62 63 73 TABLE 1. LIST OF TABLES Page Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in the "vibrator" turkeys at zero and peak egg prOduCtion O O O O O O O O O O O O O I O O O 0 43 Strain differences in serum alkaline phospha— tase isoenzymes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in the ”vibrator" turkey hens in relation to laying intenSity. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O 0 46 Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in the Nicholas strain turkeys in relation to laying intenSity. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O 48 Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in the "vibrator" turkeys in relation to intensity of Vibration O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 49 Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in the Nicholas strain female turkeys in relation to diet 0 O O C O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O 50 Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in the "vibrator" turkeys in relation to semen prOduCtion O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 51 Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in "vibrator" turkeys in relation to sex. . . . . 53 iv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE Page 1. Polyacrylamide gel (disc) polymerization raCk O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O 1 9 2. Polyacrylamide gel (disc) electrophoresis cell. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 24 3. Upper buffer reservoir, polyacrylamide gel (disc) electrOphoresis cell . . . . . . . . . 26 4. Turkey serum alkaline phosphatase zymograms . 39 INTRODUCTION Electr0phoresis can be loosely defined as the use of a minute electrical current to separate protein samples that are applied to some sort of supportative medium. In the past a wide variety of enzymes and other proteins have been separated using such things as: cellulose acetate strips, paper, agar gel, starch gel and finally, polyacryl— amide gel as the supporting medium. The advantage of using polyacrylamide gel lies in its greater resolution capacity for all kinds of proteins. Unlike the other forms of supv porting.medium, polyacrylamide gel separates on the basis of both molecular size and electrical charge. Interaction of the polyacrylamide gel and protein species is nonexistent. The pore size of the gel can be varied by changing the ratio of acrylamide to bisacrylamide and this allows the gel to act as a very effective molecular sieve. The bisacrylamide functions as a cross linking agent in the formation of synthetic polymers from acrylamide. The pore size can be varied to accommodate proteins of almost any.molecular weight. Another important advantage of polyacrylamide gel over other mediums is its greater ability to separate proteins on the basis of their electrical charge. Unlike the other supporting mediums a uniform voltage gradient is attained in which all protein fractions of a sample will receive an equal amount of electrical attraction from the electrodes at all levels in the gel. Ions in the buffer function as leading, trailing and counter ions. At the onset of cur- rent the leading ion precedes the protein migrating anodally (downward). The trailing ion, moving at a slower rate anodally overtakes the protein. At the same time the counter ion migrates cathodally (upward). The combined movement of these three ions creates a uniform linear voltage gradient. Alkaline phosphatase is a group of non-specific enzymes capable of hydrolizing a large number of primary phOSphate esters. In vivo, these enzymes are associated with calcification and bone formation. The obvious role of alkaline phosphatase during egg formation has led to a variety of investigations. Through the use of electro- phoretic techniques the different forms of alkaline phos- phatase (akp), termed isoenzymes, have been separated and studied. Some of the earlier papers attempted to define the inheritance of akp isoenzymes in several species of fowl, however, the electrophoretic medium used was starch gel in most cases. In a comparison of agar gel, starch gel and polyacrylamide gel it was observed that the latter was capable of the greatest resolution of akp isoenzymes in chicken serum (Tamaki and Tanabe, 1970). The onset of egg production in Japanese quail has been observed to alter the migration rate of one isoenzyme in polyacrylamide gel and the similar attainment of sexual maturity in the males caused the disappearance of one isoenzyme band. These results suggest the influence of factors other than genetics upon the composition and elec- trophoretic expression of akp isoenzymes. In human medicine it has long been ascertained that diseases involving bone and liver have profound effects on the isoenzymes as well as total enzyme activity in serum., In human medicine electrophoretic assay procedures have been clinically used in the diagnosis of a variety of diseases. A similar procedure applicable to fowl might possess commercial value in the selection for higher egg production if the relation of egg formation and akp iso- enzymes was made more explicit. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Alkaline phosphatase (orthophosphoric monoester phos- phohydrolase, E.C. is a group of non-specific enzymes capable of hydrolyzing a large number of primary phosphate esters regardless of the nature of the organic radical (Posen, 1967). The term "isoenzyme" has been used by Harris (1969) to describe different forms of an enzyme exhibiting identical or very similar enzyme activities. In vivo, these enzymes are associated with calcifi- cation and bone formation (Pearse, 1968). It has been pro- posed by Bide (1970) that the increased levels of alkaline phosphatase (akp) in chicken plasma are the result of an increased food consumption stimulated by increased metabolic demand rather than being directly related to bone formation and calcification. In an attempt to attain a background for developing a rapid and repeatable procedure for the separation of turkey serum akp isoenzymes on polyacrylamide gel many papers and books were reviewed, these papers and books are listed in the section of this thesis entitled "General References". Considerable expertise can be gained by reviewing these publications. In studying the literature it was found that a pro- digious amount of laboratory investigation has been accomplished with preliminary studies of either serum or plasma akp and the separation of its isoenzymes. A number of things have been shown to influence the activity of akp in chicken serum and plasma. Lust and Squibb (1967), Motzok (1950) and Sanger §E_§1. (1966) have described the effects of certain pathological conditions on total serum akp activity. Reports by Wilcox (1963), Bide (1970) and Bide and Dorward (1970) have indicated the influence of starvation upon akp activity in chicken serum. An in- creased plasma akp in high producing hens as compared to that of low producing hens was observed by Gutowska gt_§1. (1943), Tanabe and Wilcox (1960) and Wilcox §E_gl. (1962). Svozil and Pavel (1971) reported that akp activity reached its peak in chickens just prior to egg production, sharply diminished at onset of lay and then gradually increased. Their data did not indicate that the akp activ— ity recorded in layers could be correlated with these birds' akp activity in their pre-egg laying measurement. A correlation between enzyme activity and laying intensity was reached only at the fourth month of egg laying. Rao et a1. (1969) also observed maximum enzyme activity in chickens preceding egg production. In addition, pre-lay hens were reported to possess greater akp activity than the same hens following one year of egg production. Following selection for high akp activity, Wilcox et_al. (1962) reported a heritability of .36 and estimated genetic correlation at .50 between akp level in chicken plasma and egg production. A phenotypic correlation of .24 was reported by Wilcox §£_§l, (1963) between egg production and serum akp activity in White Leghorn hens. Auchinachie and Emslie (1934) and Stutts et;§l, (1957) were unable to corre- late plasma akp with egg production in chickens and Common (1936) observed no correlation between plasma akp and intensity of lay. Using starch gel electrophoresis, Engh and Wilcox (1971) reported that "fast" band akp frequencies in fifteen strains of chickens selected for high egg pro- duction ranged from .29 to .96 and thereby failed to indi- cate any correlations between the "fast" isoenzyme and high egg production. Electrophoresis of Japanese quail serum on polyacryl— amide gel by Savage gt_§l, (1970b) detected an increased mobility of the slowest moving band upon onset of lay. In his study the attainment of sexual maturity caused the disappearance of one isoenzyme band. A number of different methods of separating the iso- enzymes of akp have been utilized with varying success. Deactivation of isoenzymes by: heat (Moss et;al,, 1972; Soto, 1972; It-Koon Tan §£_al., 1972), urea (Bide, 1970; Horne §t_§l., 1969) and L-phenylalanine (Green and Antiss, 1971; Warnock, 1966; Johnson gt_§l,, 1972) have been useful in determining tissue origin. The stability of akp appears to be influenced by the nature of the serum in which it is dissolved. Moss et_§l. (1972) have observed that the pH, urea concentration and protein concentration of the serum are minor factors influ- encing enzyme stability. With the use of neuraminidase-treated serum, Beckman §E_21. (1966); Law (1967); Robinson and Pierce (1964) and Yong (1967) demonstrated that the electrophoretic mobility of the various isoenzymes is in a large part due to their sialic acid content. Dymling (1966) concluded that akp isoenzymes could not be separated on the basis of sialic acid content or molecular weight after filtration on Sephadex 6-200 and treatment with neuraminidase. The removal of sialic acid residues by neuraminidase is reported by Warnes (1972) to decrease the mobility of human liver akp isoenzyme but has no effect on enzyme activity. The isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase have been separated by use of Sephadex G-200 chromatography (Dunne et al., 1967; Smith et al., 1968) DEAE cellulose (anion exchange) (Dunne gt_al., 1968) or electrophoresis using a variety of supporting mediums. Electrophoretic separation of akp has been conducted on paper (Baker and Pellegrino, 1954), cellulose acetate (Kitchener §E_§1,, 1965; Korner, 1962; Bergerman and Blethen, 1972; Soto, 1972; Romel gt_§l., 1968; Horne gt_§1., 1969), agar gel (Demetriou and Beattie, 1971; Maeda gt_§l., 1972; Rawston, 1971; Dymling, 1966; Haije and De Jong, 1963; Kramer, 1968; Suzuki §E_al., 1969; Tamaki and Tanabe, 1970; Winkelman gt_§l., 1972), starch gel (Arfors §E_al., 1963; Chiandussi gt_§1., 1962; Gahne, 1963; Green and Antiss, 1961; Wilcox 1966; Hodson et_§l., 1962; Keiding, 1959; Langman §E_al., 1966; Robson and Harris, 1965; Smithies, 1959; Taswell and Jeffers, 1963). Electrophoretic separation has also been conducted on polyacrylamide gel (Barakat §t_§1., 1971; Brown and Manley, 1970; Epstein §E_§1., 1967; Green gt_§l,, 1972; Johnson §t_al,, 1972; Kaplan and Rogers, 1969; Kazuga, 1972; Savage gt_al., 1970b; Savage, 1972; Smith gt_al., 1968; Sussman and Gottlieb, 1969; Tamaki and Tanabe, 1970; Walker and Pollard, 1971). The term "zymogram" was proposed by Hunter and Markert (1957) to refer to cellulose strips in which the location of enzymes was demonstrated by histochemical methods. This term has subsequently been used in the literature to describe any electrophoretic supporting medium that has been specifically stained for alkaline phosphatase activity. The fact that serum akp is subject to genetical influ- ence has been reported in humans (Boyer, 1961; Robson and Harris, 1965; Beckman gt_§1,, 1966), sheep (Rasmussen, 1965), cattle (Gahne, 1963), Drosophilia melanogaster (Beckman and Johnson, 1964), bacteria (Garen, 1960), Japanese quail (Maeda §E_§l., 1972; Savage gt_al., 1970a; Savage, 1972), pigeons (Brown and Manley, 1970), chickens (Law and Munro, 1965; Tamaki and Tanabe, 1970; Wilcox, 1963; Wilcox, 1966; Stutts §E_§l., 1957) and in turkeys (Stevens and Garza, 1968). The great bulk of investigations using electrophoretic methods has involved humans. The primary interest has been directed to the relation of human akp isoenzymes to patho- logical conditions involving liver and bone disorders. The following supporting mediums have been used in an effort to find a reliable, clinically useful, diagnostic tool for human medicine: starch gel: Skillen et al., 1972; Rosenberg, 1958; Newton, 1967; Keiding, 1959; Hodson §E_§1., 1962. agar gel: Haije and De Jong, 1963; Yong, 1967. cellulose acetate: Bergerman and Blethen, 1972. polyacrylamide gel: Barakat gt_§l., 1971; Connell, 1970; Epstein gt_al., 1967; Kaplan and Rogers, 1969; Kazuga, 1972; Smith et al., 1968. 10 Comparison of the different supporting mediums has suggested that polyacrylamide gels yield the greatest resolution of akp isoenzymes. Japanese quail serum has been separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis into seven areas of activity by Savage §E_al. (1970a), and into eight bands by Savage (1972). In both studies, two to four isoenzymes were observed per sera. Separation of quail akp on agar gel yielded six different banding patterns (Maeda g§_al., 1972); two or three bands per sera were observed. Savage §E_§l. (1971) separated chicken serum akp into five distinct bands using polyacrylamide gel. Individual serum samples displayed one to four isoenzymes. The separation of chicken serum akp by starch gel electrophore- sis has yielded only a single "fast" or "slow" isoenzyme per sample. The advantage of polyacrylamide gel over both starch and agar gels was reported by Tamaki and Tanabe (1970). In their study, starch and agar gel zymograms con- sisted of two patterns containing a single "slow" or one "slow" and one "fast" band when plasma was used. Polyacryl- amide gel zymograms also consisted of two patterns which displayed either two "fast" or two "slow" bands. The best comparisons of polyacrylamide gel with other electrOphoretic supporting mediums in the separation of akp has been in papers dealing with human subjects. In their 11 paper comparing starch gel with polyacrylamide gel, Green §£_§1. (1972), reported that polyacrylamide gel would separate the liver, bone and intestinal sources of akp isoenzymes. Similar separation with starch gel required heat treatment of the serum in order to differentiate the liver and bone isoenzymes. Smith gt_gl. (1968) also reported a better resolution of human akp isoenzymes using polyacrylamide rather than starch gels. In their comparison of serum and tissue extracts they were able to separate isoenzymes correspond- ing to kidney, liver, bone and intestinal sources using polyacrylamide gel but did not obtain similar separation using starch gel. In both of these papers, the polyacryl- amide gel required a lesser velume of serum containing fewer units of enzyme activity than did starch gel. Johnson §t_al, (1972) utilized polyacrylamide gel to separate liver, bone, bile, intestinal and placental iso- enzymes and normally observed two or three isoenzymes per sera. By use of cellulose acetate, Soto (1972) reported that three specific forms of alkaline phosphatase exist in humans: intestinal, placental and non-placental non- intestinal. Normal zymograms contained two peaks of enzyme activity when scanned colorimetrically. OBJECTIVES The primary objective of this study was to develop a reliable, repeatable assay procedure for turkey serum alkaline phosphatase using disc electrophoresis on poly- acrylamide gel. In the second phase of the study an attempt was made to associate alkaline phosphatase zymograms or banding patterns, with reproductive ability in turkeys. In addition, the differences in zymogram types due to sex, breed, diet and reproductive state were investi- gated. 12 METHODS AND MATERIALS General Fifteen milliliter blood samples were obtained by braChial-venous puncture from 103 turkeys selected from the Michigan State University flock maintained for the "vibrator" condition (Coleman §E_al., 1960). Sampling was performed on two occasions: one week after a forced molt (at zero egg production) and when the birds were in peak egg production. The birds were force molted by removing the feed and water for two days and decreasing the day length to eight hours of artificial light per day. The eight hour artificial light day was maintained for two months at which time the day length was increased to four— teen hours per day. The peak egg production sample was taken six weeks after the fourteen hour artificial light day was initiated. Average age at the first sampling was 15.months :_2 months. This "vibrator" flock was composed of 21 Broad Breasted Bronze (BBB) females, 42 Broad Breasted White (BBW) females, 16 BBB males and 24 BBW males. A second flock of 46 BBW turkey hens was also sampled during peak egg production. These birds were of the 13 14 Nicholas egg-laying strain. Their age at sampling was 42 weeks. "Vibrator" hens were held in individual cages and the males in a litter floor pen. The Nicholas strain was housed in two bird cages. All "vibrator" turkeys were fed "ad libitum" a standard turkey breeder ration consisting of 17.84% protein, with 3.06% fat and 1280 kcal. metabolizable energy per pound. Twenty—three Nicholas birds were fed the above ration, the remaining 24 received a ration containing 10% dried poultry anaphage (mechanically dried poultry feces). Protein con- tent of the latter ration was assayed at 17.79%. Collected blood was placed in a 20 ml. glass tube, stoppered and allowed to clot. In an effort to maintain enzyme activity, blood samples were quickly placed in either an ice bath or a refrigerator. Blood sampling was consistently performed in the early .morning, approximately two hours after the lights had come on. Clotted blood samples were centrifuged at 10°C for fifteen.minutes at 2500 rpm. Serum was harvested and each individual sample placed into three one-dram.bottles for storage at -20°C. Throughout the experiment the blood or serum were not subjected to room temperatures for any length of time. All serum samples were processed by polyacrylamide 15 gel electrophoresis less than one week after they were collected. In a preliminary experiment, blood samples were col- 1ected in a heparinized syringe. The resultant plasma was found to be unsuitable for use in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Daily egg production records of all hens were kept. The Nicholas strain hens were handled in order to determine which birds were laying. In those cages with two laying birds, egg production was taken as an average of the total eggs produced during the 12 day period prior to taking the blood sample. Egg production per individual was classified into one of four groups: A — zero eggs, B - one to three eggs, C - four to six eggs, D — seven or more eggs. Semen was collected on three occasions at three day intervals. A one ml. tuberculin syringe was used to measure semen volume. Individual semen production was calculated as the average of the two most similar yields. Semen pro- duction per individual was classified into one of three groups: A — 0 to .174 ml., B - .175 to .324 ml., C - .325 ml. or greater. "Vibrator" turkeys were classified arbitrarily on the basis of how much shaking an individual exhibited (Coleman §£_§1,, 1960). Birds had been classified as: Normal, "Vibratoerinus? (infrequent and mild shaking of head), 16 "Vibrators" (moderate shaking of head) and "Vibrator plus" (frequent and intense shaking of head). PrOcedure The procedure used to separate serum proteins was originally described by Davis (1964). A modification of that procedure by Savage (1972) was used to separate alka- line phosphatase (akp)in Japanese quail. Additional changes were made to adapt the procedure to separate Turkey akp isoenzymes as the result of much experimentation. The pro- cedure and apparatus used in this laboratory have proven to be a rapid, repeatable method for electrophoretically separating akp isoenzymes on polyacrylamide gel. Departures from Savage's (1972) technique have served to greatly improve resolution and perhaps decrease some of the drudgery of using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The procedure was as follows: 1. All working solutions were removed from the refrig— erator and allowed to reach room temperature. 2. Glass electrOphoresis tubes were soaked in column coat solution, shaken out and air dried overnight. The tubes were stoppered with a rubber cap that had also been soaked in the column coat solution. 3. Tubes were inserted into two 12—place gel poly— Amerization racks and secured with adjustment 10. 17 screws (Figure 1). To insure that all tubes were held perfectly vertical, the rack was levelled using a built-in spirit level. One batch of separation gel was prepared, mixed with a.magnetic stirrer and added to each tube in the first rack to a scratch mark 55 mm from the end of the tube. A 5 ml. syringe fitted with a 6.4 cm. X 20 g. needle was used. Tubes were gently tapped with a finger to remove all air bubbles and insure a flat lower gel surface. Separation gel was quickly water layered to permit polymerization and prevent meniscus formation. A 2.54 cm piece of beveled plastic tubing was slipped onto a 6.2 cm.x 20 g. needle to facilitate the water layering step. A one m1. glass syringe lubricated with Corning stopcock grease was used. Steps four to six were repeated for the second polymerization rack. Frozen serum samples were removed from a —20°C freezer and allowed to thaw. Separation gel was allowed 30 minutes to polymer- ize and the water layer removed with a one*ml. syringe. Excess water was blotted with a cotton— tipped applicator. Stacking gel was prepared and 0.2 ml. transferred 18 .xomu coflpmNHHofihaom Aomflpv Hom oUHEmHhHomaaom . H 9.33m 19 H musmflm \ — - . “It ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20 to each tube and the stacking gel was water layered. A fluorescent desk lamp was placed over both racks at a distance of 5 cm. and photopolymerization was allowed to proceed for 45 minutes. Serum samples were prepared by mixing equal volumes of serum.with 40 percent sucrose. Tubes with completely polymerized gels were in— 8erted into the rubber grommets (after careful removal of the rubber cap) in the upper buffer reservoir, and then centered between the upper and lower electrodes. Lower reservoir was filled with 3 liters of lower reservoir buffer. A hanging drop of buffer was placed on the end of each separation gel to prevent air bubble entrapment. Upper reservoir was then placed on top of the lower reservoir submerging the lower 3 cm. of the elec— trophoresis tubes. Upper reservoir was filled with 2 liters of upper buffer and the gels were gently flushed with a buffer filled syringe. A 40 microliter serum sample was carefully layered on top of the stacking gel. A cart carrying the loaded electrophoresis cell 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 21 and power supply was then placed in a 4°C cooler. Electrode leads were connected, anode to the bottom. Power supply was switched on and the current ad- justed to 25 milliamps for the first five minutes. Current was then adjusted to 85 milliamps, 100 volts, for the remainder of the separation (approximately three hours). Turkey serum was separated until the blue colored tracking dye had migrated to within 13 mm. of the end of the electrophoresis tube. Power supply was switched off and the cart returned to the previous laboratory. Buffer was decanted and the tubes removed from the rubber grommets. A 5 ml. syringe was fitted with a blunted 6.2 cm. X 26 g. needle and was used to remove the gel by "rimming", i.e., injecting water between the well of tube and the gel. Gel was then placed into a glass tube containing 15 m1. of modified incubation mixture and allowed to react for 1.5 hours at 24°C. Stained gels were stored in glass tubes filled with 5 percent acetic acid and allowed to destain for 48 hours before reading. 22 28. Any serum samples showing diffuse banding or light staining were diluted 1:1 with distilled water, centrifuged at 8500 rpm, 10°C, for fifteen minutes and reseparated. Apparatus Electrophoretic cell (Figure 2) was constructed of 3 mm. thick plexiglas. The lower buffer reservoir was 17 cm. square and 5 cm. deep. A plexiglas tube 15 cm. long and 5 cm. in diameter was mounted in the center of the upper reservoir to hold the electrodes. The upper buffer reservoir was 17 cm. square and 3 cm. deep (Figure 3). The two elec- trodes (Figure 3-A) consisted of No. 19 platinum wire mounted into two grooves 85 mm. apart on the plexiglas tube. Twenty-four holes were drilled in the upper reservoir, equally spaced and equidistant from the central electrodes. Electrical grommets (Figure 3-B) were fitted into each hole to hold the electrOphoresis tubes. The glass electroPhore— sis tubes were 75.mm. in length with 5 mm. inner diameter. The upper reservoir was fitted with L—shaped plexiglas "legs" to facilitate loading and unloading and also to secure it to the lower reservoir. Power supply consisted of a Heath Regulated H.V. Power Supply.Mode1 IP-l7. A Corning Model 12 pH meter was used to make all pH measurements. A Sorvall RC-12 automatic 23 .Haoo mamoHOAQOHpooHo Aomflov How oUHEMHMHoomHom .N oHsmHm 24 Figure 2 25 .HHmo mHmoHoomouuoon Aomfiov How ocHEmHmHoohaom .Hwo>uommu Hommoo Home: .m whomflm 26 3 Figure 27 refrigerated centrifuge was used to spin down all serum samples. Chemical Formulations 1. Stock Solutions (Davis, 1964; Savage, 1972) A B 1 N HCl - approx. 48 m1. 1 M H3PO4 — 25.6 ml. Tris - 36.3 gm. Tris - 5.7 gm. TEMED - .46 m1. TEMED - .46 ml. water to 100 m1. titrate to pH 8.9 with HCl titrate to pH 6.9 C D Acrylamide - 30 gm. Acrylamide — 10 gm. Bis - .8 gm. Bis — 2.5 gm. Water to 100 ml. water to 100 m1. E F Riboflavin - 4.0 gm. Sucrose - 40 gm. water to 100 ml. water to - 60 m1. Terms A. Tris = 2—Amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-l,3-propanediol B. C. D. TEMED = N,N,N',N'~Tetramethylenediamine Bis = N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide Water = deionized distilled water (fresh) Other $01uti0ns A. B. Ammonium Persulfate Solution (AP) Ammonium Persulfate - .14 gm. Water to 100 ml. Bromophenol Blue SOlution (BPB) Bromophenol Blue - .03 gm. Water to 100 m1. 28 Column Coat Solution Tween 20 (Polyoxyethylene(20) Sorbitan Monolaurate - 3 m1. Ethylene Glycol - 3 m1. Water - 94 m1. Upper buffer, modified (Buchler Instruments, 1966) Tris - 38.4 gm. Glycine - 7.0 gm. BPB - 2.0 m1. Water - 2.0 liters (titrate to pH 8.85 with Tris) Lower Buffer (Buchler Instruments, 1966) Tris - 29.0 gm. 11.4 N HCl- approx. 11.5 ml. Water to 2.0 liters (titrate to pH 8.07 with HCl) Gel Storage Solution Glacial Acetic Acid - 70 m1. water - 930 m1. 'Incubation Mixture,.modified (E. C. Apparatus Co., St. Petersburg, Florida) Alpha-naphthyl acid phosphate - 100 mg. 4—Amino-diphenylamine diazonium salt - 250 mg. Magnesium sulfate - 7 H20 — 260 mg. Maleic acid - 120 mg. Tris - 12 gm. water to 400 m1. WOrking Solutions Separation Gel Solution A — 5 ml. Solution C .ml. AP — 10 m1. I U! Stackinngel Solution B - 1 m1. Solution D - 2 ml. Solution E - 1 ml. Solution F - 3.ml. 29 Photographic Technique Polyacrylamide gels to be photographed were placed in 20 m1. test tubes filled with gel storage solution. The test tubes were placed on a sheet of white glass and light was transmitted from below by means of a lS-watt fluorescent lamp. Exposure time was set at 1/15 (one-fifteenth) seconds at F—8 using Panatomic-X film. Prints were made on number three contrast paper. PROCEDURAL EVALUATION Upon attempting to separate the isoenzymes of turkey akp little progress was made when using the disc electro- phoresis procedures that were described in several of the papers reviewed. A confusing array of buffer systems, gel systems, sample preparations and staining procedures have been reported. The initial experimentation in this laboratory consisted of making:many comparisons among those papers dealing with polyacrylamide gel electrophore- sis in order to find an optimum procedure for separation of turkey serum akp. As the laboratory investigation was conducted in a series of steps the discussion will proceed accordingly. Buffer Systems A suitable buffer system appears to be a crucial com- ponent of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A single buffer can be used in both.upper and lower reservoirs (continuous) or different buffers can be used (discontinuous). Hjerten et'al. (1965) recommended a continuous buffer 30 31 system for optimal resolution of the protein species being separated. In addition to the chemical constitution of the buffer of buffers used, an alkaline pH (approximately 9 i 1 pH unit) and molar concentration ranging from .05 to .30 are necessary for separation of alkaline phosphatase. The maximum activity of akp was reported to occur in a .30 molar buffer (Babson gt_§1., 1966). A number of continuous buffer systems recommended by E. C. Apparatus Co., St. Petersburg, Florida were investigated: Tris—Citrate (pH 7.0), Tris—Maleic Acid (pH 9.0), Tris-Glycine (pH 8.3) and a phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). A Tris-Borate buffer (pH 9.5) described by Green gt;gl, (1972) was also used. Turkey serum akp subjected to polyacrylamide gel electro- phoresis using a continuous buffer system consistently failed to migrate. The zymograms normally observed con— sisted of one or two bands in close proximity to the gel origin. In all cases of akp electrophoretic separation with a continuous buffer system,Cyanogum-41 gel (E. C. Apparatus Company, St. Petersburg, Florida) was used along with the incubation mixture described in this report (Taswell and Jeffers, 1963). The activity of akp has been reported to be inhibited by borate (Wilcox, 1966) and Glycine (Smith §§_§l., 1968). However, borate has been successfully used in the electrophoretic separation of akp (Bamford et al., 1965; Chiandussi §§_gl., 1962; Epstein et_§l., 1967; Smith et al., 1968). Glycine was successfully incorporated into 32 the upper buffer used by Savage (1972). In the present paper, the use of glycine in a discontinuous buffer system yielded the best resolution of turkey akp isoenzymes. A slight modification of the upper reservoir buffer used by Savage (1972), resulted in a shorter separation time and sharper bands. The modification consisted of adding addi— tional Tris to attain a pH of 8.85. Gel‘System The initial polyacrylamide gel investigated was Cyanogum—4l (C—41) and mixed in concentrations of 5, 7, and 10 percent. The result in all cases was diffuse banding at the gel origin. The use of a 3 percent Cv4l "stacking" gel had no effect on akp migration or band sharpening. A probable cause for the poor enzyme resolution with.C—41 .may be the high percent (5.0) of cross—linking agent (Bis- acrylamide) in the gel. The gel systems described by Smith §E_gl. (1968), Green EELEi: (1972), and David (1964), when used with their recommended buffers, did not yield satisfactory results. The gel system described by Davis (1964), was modified to produce a five percent acrylamide gel with two and one-half percent Bisacrylamide without success. The achievement of good isoenzyme separation was realized in the present system in which the "separation" gel contained 7.5% acrylamide and 2.6% bisacrylamide. 33 The importance of using a "stacking" gel has generally been denied in the literature (Smith g£_§l., 1968; Epstein e5;§l,, 1967; Green et_§l., 1972; Hjerten et_al., 1965). It has been the experience in this laboratory that the sample concentrating effect of the "stacker" gel at the interface of the two gels will improve the resolution of akp isoenzymes. StainingiProcedure Due to the non-specific nature of alkaline phosphatase a great number of substrates have been reported in the literature. The substrates investigated in this laboratory included: Sodium phenolphthalein diphosphate, Sodium phenolphthalein monophosphate, p-Nitrophenol phosphate, Sodium beta-naphthyl acid phosphate and Sodium alpha— naphthyl acid phosphate. The enzyme substrates were used in combination with each of the following dye-couplers: 4-amino-diphenylamine diazonium salt, Fast Red TR salt, Fast Blue BB salt (Gurr) and Fast Blue RR salt. The combi— nation of Sodium alpha-naphthyl acid phosphate and 4-amino- diphenylamine diazonium salt used in a stain buffer of pH 9.2 proved optimal (Taswell and Jeffers, 1963). Chicken intestinal alkaline phosphatase (Sigma Chemical Company) was used as a standard to compare histological staining techniques. A number of different stain procedures 34 (referenced in List of References) were able to demonstrate akp activity of this standard when dissolved in either dis- tilled water, normal unheated serum and/or heated serum (60°C for 15 minutes). The staining buffers reviewed contained Magnesium and/or Manganese for enzyme activation but the optimum pH of the stain buffer was reported by Babson ggyal. (1966), to be a function of substrate species and concentration. The specific staining procedures of a number of workers were used unsuccessfully and consequently discarded (Green gt_§l., 1972; Maeda et;al,, 1972; Brown and Manley, 1970; Smith gt_§1., 1968; Savage, 1972; Kaplan and Rogers, 1969; E. C. Apparatus Co., 1971). Sample Preparation Throughout the literature both serum and plasma alka- line phosphatase have been separated by electrophoresis. As was indicated earlier, plasma was found to be unsuitable for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The absence of enzyme migration in plasma samples could possibly be attributed to the presence of fibrinogen. It has been reported by Maurer (1972) that fibrinogen will migrate much slower in particular electrophoresis gels than would be expected due to its molecular weight. The fibrinogen mole- cule is triangularly shaped and apparently blocks the pores 35 in polyacrylamide gel. Starch gel was reported to be un— affected by human fibrinogen (warnock, 1966). In this study, caution was taken to preserve enzyme activity by cooling the blood samples and storing the serum samples at —20°C. Gutowska gt_al. (1943) reported that the activity of akp in plasma will decrease gradually corre- sponding to the length of time held at room temperature. It was recommended by Sanger et_al. (1966), that chicken serum be assayed for akp activity as soon as possible. Taswell and Jeffers (1963) observed that human serum could be held for long periods of time at -20°C without appreci- able loss of enzyme activity. Individual serum samples were divided into three ali- quots to facilitate repeated separations of those sera displaying unsatisfactory enzyme banding. Thawing of serum samples and subsequent refreezing was reported by Rendel and Stormant (1964), to decrease the akp activity in sheep serum by fifteen to forty percent; in addition, the decompo— sition of the isoenzymes resulted in slower migration rates in starch gels. No attempt was:made during this experiment to standard— ize the amount of enzyme activity contained in each 40 pl serum sample undergoing electrophoretic separation. In the case of Wilcox (1966), chicken serum was diluted with saline to produce equal enzyme activity in all the serum 36 samples being separated on starch gel. He observed that actual banding intensity varied from very faint to very dark in samples of similar akp activity. In addition, he discovered that increased dilution of serum samples re- sulted in decreased enzyme mobility in the starch gel. The activity of human akp was reported by Fishman and Ghosh (1967) to increase when the serum was diluted with water. In some cases an eighty percent increase was observed. In the present paper the isoenzyme banding pat- terns of pure serum and diluted serum were compared. Turkey serum was diluted in ratios of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 with distilled water and "stacking" gel buffer (stock solu- tion B). Dilution normally resulted in fainter banding intensity while isoenzyme mobility did not appear to change. As was mentioned earlier, dilution of turkey serum 1:1 with distilled water was discovered to increase resolution of the isoenzyme bands in those sera displaying poor resolu— tion. It has been proposed by Hjerten §E_al. (1965), that the dilution of serum will sharpen the zones of enzyme activity during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis due to a decreased conductivity of the serum sample. RESULTS A total of thirteen distinct patterns (zymograms) of turkey alkaline phosphatase were observed. Isoenzyme bands were observed in thirteen different regions of the poly— acrylamide gels. The isoenzyme possessing the highest mobility was classified as band number one, as suggested by Brewer (1970). The remaining bands were numbered in the order of decreasing mobility with the slowest moving band assigned number thirteen. In Figure 4, a photograph is shown of each zymogram type observed in this study accompanied by a schematic draw— ing to help illustrate the faint bands. Each band is numbered as indicated by the arrows. Zymograms were "read" and classified according to zymogram type on two different occasions. It was observed that individual gels could be accurately classified with a repeatability of approximately 96.3%. The data, presented in Table 1, shows each zymogram type observed at zero and peak egg production expressed as a percentage of the total number of each zymogram type observed. Data for this table was obtained from the 37 38 .mEonoewm mmmumromorm mcwamxam Ednom mmxHDB .v ousmflm 39 poocflocoo v ounmflm fill], p..ll. pruglb V '. Clo- O a 9 .I .3- m~ II.. as 40 Z; concHUCOOIIv musmflm 90. o 5 I i F 2, pp 41 /» «fil 9 .I up omscfluc00Ilv Guzman 42 1... 3.2.... a! 3:22,. .323 wmwpaocoottw onsmwh ‘. 0 43 Table 1. Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in the "vibrator" turkeys at zero and peak egg produc— tion. Total Production Level Zymogram number ‘ ‘(percentage of Zymograms) type .observed. V , zero . .peak.. I 45 35.5 (16)1 64.5 (29) II 9 33.3 ( 3) 66.7 ( 6) III 11 100.0 (11) 0.0 ( 0) Iv 27 74.0 (20) 26.0 ( 7) V 15 0.0 ( 0) 100.0 (15) VI 7 0.0 ( 0) 100.0 ( 7) VII 25 88.0 (22) 12.0 ( 3) IX 8 75.0 ( 6) 25.0 ( 2) X 5 0.0 ( 0) 100.0 ( 5) XII 33 63.3 (21) 36.7 (12) XIII _16 25.0 ( 4) 75.0 (12) (.201 1 that the percentage represents. The number in parenthesis indicates the number of samples 44 "vibrator" flock. Zymogram type III was observed only in the zero production period; whereas, zymogram types V, VI, and X were observed only in the peak egg production period. The data in Table 2 illustrates strain differences for the zymogram types. "Vibrator" birds were observed to lack zymogram types VIII and XI because these particular types were present only in the Nicholas strain. Zymogram types II, V, VI, and IX were not displayed by the Nicholas strain. With one exception, zymogram type X which.was observed only in the Broad Breasted White "vibrator" birds, both "vibrator" strains displayed the same zymogram types. In two particular instances, zymogram types I and.XII, which involved fairly high numbers of individuals, each "vibrator" strain possessed a reasonably equal percentage of either type. The data in Table 3 compares the zero production period zymogram types to the peak production period zymogram types of the "vibrator" hens classified as to laying intensity during the peak production period. In the zero production period, zymogram types I, IV, IX, and XII were observed to appear in the birds classified as high intensity layers; whereas, in the peak egg production period zymogram types II, IV, V, VI, IX, and XII were associated with the high intensity layers. Zymogram types II, IV, V, VI, IX, X, and XII were not observed to occur in birds classified as 45 Table 2. Strain differences in serum alkaline phosphatase Isoenzymes. Total "Vibrator" "Vibrator" Nicholas Zymogram number female & male female & male female type observed BBwl BBB2 BBW I 47 51.1 (24)3 44.6 (21) 4.2 (2) II 9 22.2 ( 2) 77.8 ( 7) - III 14 50.0 ( 7) 28.6 ( 4) 21.4 (3) IV 31 58.1 (18) 29.0 ( 9) 12.9 (4) V 15 60.0 ( 9) 40.0 ( 6) - VI 7 71.4 ( 5) 28.6 ( 2) - VII 34 55.9 (19) 17.6 ( 6) 26.4 (9) VIII 3 - — 100.0 (3) IX 8 87.5 ( 7) 12.5 ( l) - X 10 50.0 ( 5) - 50.0 (5) XI 8 - - 100.0 (8) XII 42 45.2 (19) 33.3 (14) 21.4 (9) XIII 19 68.4 (13) 15.8 ( 3) 15.8 (3) lBroad Breasted White Broad Breasted Bronze The number in parenthesis indicates the number of indi- vidual samples that the percentage represents. 46 .mucmmmumou omnucoouom one were mmamfiom HMDUH>HocH mo Hones: mop mounoaoofl manoeudmumm cw Hones: cram .msmw NH an mmmo ones no r u a macho «name NH ca name ole n U @5090 «name NH ca ammo MIA u m macho «mmmo NH Ga ammo o u e ozone “mmfluommumo mcHBOHHom one no moo ooze oocmflmmm moz when some can moaned moo NH o How pwcHEHmumo mm3 anamooucw mswmmq H mm ma m N mm on b N om>ummoo mamumofimu Hones: Hopes AS EH 3; m. “3 RH I E m. A3 54 ad m. I ”fix any m.~ 34 RH I I I I I I x AHV m. I I I Amy m.m Amy h.H I I NH 3 m. I I I Go o.m A3 m.m I E m. HH> Amy ~.w Amy n.H I I I I I I H> Amy m.m Amv o.m I I I I I I > Amy N.v Adv m. AHV m. I AHHVN.m “av m.m Ame m.N I >H I I I I So o.m I A: m. A: m. HHH AS >4 A8 m.~ I I E m. I I I HH “oav m.m Aev m.m Amy m.~ “NV h.H va m.m Amy b.m NANV >.H I H O U m 4 Q U m d mam“ powwow cofluosooum mmm room oOHme composooum mam OHmN Emumofiha Hamfioumoewn mo wmmusooummv MuflmcmucH mcfimmqi .muflmcmucfl mcflhma on coaumHoH ca moor moxuou =Houmuofi>= mop ca mmESNcmomH ammumrmmorm mafiamxam Eduom .m canoe 47 non—layers (i.e., zero egg production in the selected 12— day egg production period). The data in Table 4 shows the zymogram types in rela— tion to egg laying intensity of the Nicholas strain. Zymogram types I, III, and XI were not observed in the birds classified as non—layers. Zymogram type VIII was -— observed only in birds classified as non—layers, while type I was observed only in birds classified as high in— % tensity layers. Table 5 shows data for each zymogram type observed in the "vibrator" flock after separation into groups of birds displaying the "Normal", "Vibrator", and "Vibrator-" or "Vibrator+" conditions. No noticeable percentage of dif— ference was observed due to the intensity of vibration. The data in Table 6 shows the zymogram types of the Nicholas strain in relation to diet. Except for zymogram type VIII, which was observed only in birds that received the standard diet, the birds on both diets had similar percentages for all zymogram types. The data in Table 7 shows semen volume in relation to zymogram type. Males classified as high semen producers (Group C) represented 30 percent of the total population but were not associated with any particular zymogram type. In addition, no zymogram type appeared consistently in the males classified as low semen producers (Group A). 48 Table 4. Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in the Nicholas strain turkeys in relation to laying intensity. Zymogram Laying Intensity (percentage of Zymograms)l type .. A . B. . . C. D 2 III. - 2.2 (1) 4.4 (2) - IV 4.4 (2) - 2.2 (l) 2.2 (1) VII 4.4 (2) 4.4 (2) 6.6 (3) 2.2 (1) VIII 6.6 (3) - - - X 6.6 (3) - 2.2 (l) 2.2 (1) x1 - 4.4 (2) 4.4 (2) 8.8 (4) 1' XII 8.8 (4) 6.6 (3) 2.2 (l) 2.2 (1) Total Number Zymograms Observed 16 8 V 12 .. 9 l Laying intensity was determined for a 12 day period and each bird was assigned into one of the following categories: Group A = 0 eggs in 12 days Group B = 1-3 eggs in 12 days Group C = 4-6 eggs in 12 days Group D = 7 or more eggs in 12 days 2 . . . . . . The number 1n the parentheSIS Indicates the number of Indi- vidual samples that the percentage represents. 49 Table 5. Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in the "vibrator" turkeys in relation to intensity of vibration. ‘Vibration Intensity (percentage of ZymOgrams)l Zymogram Vibrator & type Normal Vibrator— Vibrator+ PT I 6.5 (13)2 9.5 (19) 6.5 (13) ‘ II 1.5 (3) 1.0 (2) 2.0 (4) III 2.0 (4) 2.5 (5) 1.0 (2) . IV 5.0 (10) 4.5 (9) 4.0 (8) £1 V 4.0 (8) 1.0 (2) 2.5 (5) VI .5 (1) 1.0 (2) 2.0 (4) VII 5.0 (10) 4.4 (9) 3.0 (6) IX 2.0 (4) 1.5 (3) .5 (l) X 1.0 (2) .5 (l) 1.0 (2) XII 6.0 (12) 8.5 (17) 2.0 (2) XIII 2.5 (5) 4.4 (9) 1.0 (2) Total Number Zymograms Observed . 71 79 . . 51 lVibration Intensity: Normal=No shaking Vibrator & Vibrator- = Infrequent and mild to moderate shaking Vibrator+ = Intense shaking 2The number in parenthesis indicates the number of individual samples that the percentage represents. 50 Table 6. Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in the Nicholas strain female turkeys in relation to diet. Zymogram Diet (percentage of Zymograms) type . Standard .. I 7.10%.Poultry anaphage , “m I 50.0 (1)1 50.0 (1) III 33.3 (1) 66.7 (2) IV 25.0 (1) 75.0 (3) I I VII 66.7 (6) 33.3 (3) VIII 100.0 (3) 0.0 (0) x 60.0 (3) i 40.0 (2) XI 37.5 (3) 62.5 (5) XII 22.2 (2) 77.8 (7) XIII 66.7 (2) 33.3 (1) Total Number Zymograms Observed .. 22 .24 l The number in parenthesis indicates the number of indi— vidual samples that the percentage represents. 51 .mocmmoummu mmmucmoumm men “may mmHoEmm Hmsofi>aocfl mo Hones: may moumofioca manorucoumm ca Hogans cram .mooao> 30H >Hu> ou OHoN Eoum common moanom cofluopooum mom OHmN mcfluso oo>nmmoo noesHo> cofiom .ucflom mononomon or» mm m canoe ad oowuom mafia mamfiom on» on mummomm .HE whoa Ho mmm. u U msouw «.HE vmm.lmha. u m msouw «.HE vha.looo. u m macho ”mos oEoHo> or» one oofinmm cofluooooum mom room oru ca pocHEHouoo wok coaposooum omfimma Ame m.ma Ame m.ma HHS b.m AHV h.~ Adv h.m «av h.m HHHN Ame N.m Amy N.m “My N.m any N.m “my ~.ma “we m.oa HHN I I I I 3 RN 3 TN. on I AHV h.m AHV n.m Awe N.m Amy m.ma ”HO h.~ HH> A: BUN Amy N.m I I I I > I I I id UN is e.m I .5 I I I So Tm is e.m I HHH I A: Em A: UN is e.m I So Rm HH Amy m.m Ave m.oH Ame v.m I made h.m I H U m , m U m d NooHHom cofluosooum mom room Nooflnmm soauosoonm mum OHmN memo EmnmoemN Hamfioumoemm mo omensoonwmv coauonponm :oEom .ooauoooonm cofimm on defiumamu cw mmoxusu enouoHoH>= one ca moexucmomfl ommooemmoom ocwamxam Enumm .h magma 52 The data in Table 8 shows the zymogram types of the "vibrator" flock in relation to sex. Zymogram types VI and X were observed in females only as these particular types were absent in the males. Zymogram type XIII appeared exclusively in male "vibrator" birds. 53 Table 8. Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in "vibrator" turkeys in relation to sex. Zymogram Percentage of zymogram Type type Females Males I 73.9 (34)1 26.1 (12) II 66.7 (6) 27.3 (3) III 72.7 (8) 27.3 (3) IV 88.9 (24) 11.1 (3) v 60.0 (9) 40.0 (6) :- VI 100.0 (7) - VII 52.0 (13) 48.0 (12) IX 75.0 (6) 25.0 (2) x 100.0 (5) - XII 31.3 (10) 68.7 (22) XIII - 100.0 (16) 1 The number in the parenthesis indicates the number of individual samples that the percentage represents. DISCUSSION Electrophoretic separation of turkey serum akp iso- enzymes on starch gel has previously yielded a total of four bands (Stevens and Garza, 1968), with individual samples displaying up to three bands. In this study elec- trophoretic separation of turkey serum akp on polyacryl- amide gel has revealed thirteen different bands of activity with individual samples possessing three to six bands. This increase in isoenzyme numbers is attributed to the use of a more refined electrophoretic technique. Due to the electrophoretic procedure used in this study, the actual composition of each individual band observed in the poly- acrylamide gels can not be determined. The existence of thirteen distinct molecular species of alkaline phosphatase possessing similar enzyme activity was demonstrated in this study. Alkaline phosphatase may be similar to other enzymes that are known to exist as isoenzymes in that the bands observed may represent either complete polymers or their component.monomers or dimers. The effects of egg production in chickens and quail upon either akp isoenzymes or total akp activity has not 54 55 been clarified in the literature. It has been postulated by previous workers that chicken and quail serum akp is controlled by several genetic and physiological factors (Auchanachie and Emslie, 1934; Savage'et_al., 1971; Savage e£_§l., 1970a; Savage et_§l., 1970b; Tanabe and Wilcox, 1960; Tamaki and Tanabe, 1970; RakO'et_§l,, 1964; and r‘ Stutts 3331., 1957) . ‘ Rako e§_§l. (1964) and Rao et_§l. (1969) observed higher levels of akp in prelay hens and reduced levels when the birds were in full egg production. Tanabe (1962) ‘ observed that onset of lay would increase serum akp activity. Savage et_al. (1970a) reported an increased mobility of quail serum isoenzyme "AKP-QO" upon onset of lay. Female quail in egg production were observed by Savage et_§1. (1970b) to have only "Type II" zymograms while nonlayers and males had only "Type I" zymograms. In an attempt to find zymograms indicative of laying status the "vibrator" flock was sampled on two occasions; when egg production was zero and during peak egg production. Zymogram type III was only found in the forceemolt period (zero egg production) of individuals of either sex. Zymo- gram type V was observed only in the peak egg production period of individuals of either sex. Since zymograms type III and V were found in either sex they may reflect a particular metabolic state rather than the effect of egg 56 production. Zymogram type VI and X were found in "high intensity" laying females only and may indicate the influ— ence of both egg production and.metabolism. Rako et_§1, (1969) observed a negative correlation of akp activity with total egg production which seemingly indicates a definite role of akp in egg production. However, Auchanachie and pan Emslie (1934) reported that the productivity of chickens I was not related to plasma akp activity and that the enzyme ; plays only a minor role in egg production. The possible effect of laying intensity upon akp activity has also been explored. Gutowska'egyal. (1943) observed differences in total enzyme activity between good and poor producers. Common (1936) reported that no corre- lation existed between serum akp and intensity of egg production as measured by‘ trap-nest records for four weeks prior to sampling. In addition, Common (1936) observed that past and present good egg producers exhibited similar enzyme activity. Egg production was measured over a twelve day period in this study in an attempt to associate zymogram types with laying intensity. Zymogram types II, V, VI and X were observed in "vibrator" hens laying from four to twelve eggs during the measurement period. In contrast, only zymogram type IX was observed in the same group of layers in their zero egg production period. It is interesting to 57 note that zymogram types VI and X were observed only in females with high egg laying intensity and that these zymograms were separated by several isoenzyme bands on the gel.media. The influence of genetic factors upon akp activity and isoenzymes has been recognized for some time. Stutts'§§;§1. (1957) consistently observed different akp activity levels in various inbred lines of chickens. In this study zymogram types II, V, VI, and XI were only observed in "vibrator" birds, conversely, zymogram types VIII and XI were observed only in the Nicholas strain. Engh and Wilcox (1971) noted varying frequencies for a fast band in starch gel electro— phoresis among fifteen strains of chickens, however, since all of these strains had been selected for high.egg pro— duction it would appear that this band was unrelated to egg production. Savage et_§l. (1970a) suggested that isoenv zymes AkP 89 and AkP 90 in Japanese quail were undergenetic control. Stevens and Garza (1968) reported that bands 2 and 3 were mutually exclusive in turkeys and that codominance could not exist between these isoenzymes. Studies of the inheritance of chicken serum akp isoenzymes observed using starch gel electrophoresis by Wilcox (1963, 1966) and Law and Munro (1965) has led to the conclusion that serum akp is controlled by a single autosomal loci exhibiting complete dominance. The increase in total number of akp isoenzymes 58 observed in turkey serum in this study over that number observed by Stevens and Garza (1968) suggests an improve- ment in akp isoenzyme electrophoresis procedures. This refined technique now offers a better opportunity to investigate the problem of isoenzyme inheritance in turkeys and perhaps quail and chickens as well. Due to several generations of interbreeding, the "vibrator" flock is assumed to be genetically similar and such individuals would differ only by those genes responsi- ble for the vibrator condition. Inasmuch as.most zymogram types are displayed equally among the vibrator groups such results appear to be consistent with the literature. The minor change in protein source in the diets of the Nicholas strain would not be expected to affect akp zymograms. The only exception to this is zymogram type VIII, observed in birds fed the standard diet. This particular zymogram type was not observed in the "vibrator” flock and its association with a particular zymogram is possibly due to chance because of the low number of individuals involved. Zymogram types VI and X were restricted to females only and zymogram type XIII was observed in males only. Sex linkage has not been reported in the literature and such results suggest a possible influence of sex hormones instead. Brown and Badman (1961) demonstrated the effects of exo- genous gonadal hormones in chicks. High levels of estrogen 59 and progesterone were observed to decrease total akp activ- ity and these effects may serve to explain the wide vari- ations in total enzyme activity observed in some laying hens. Zymogram types V, VI, and X were not observed during the zero egg production period. These particular zymograms were observed in the peak egg production period in those p1 "vibrator" hens laying four or more eggs during the twelve day period. Such results.may suggest the influence of estrogen upon these zymograms; however, such an idea would be refuted by zymogram type III which is displayed only during the zero egg production period by hens that were both high and low intensity layers. "Vibrator".males producing high semen volumes (Group C) were not associated with any particular zymogram type(s). Zymogram type V was observed only during the peak egg pro- duction period and in both Group B and Group C individuals. Zymogram types III and IV were again observed in both Group B and Group C individuals but only during the zero egg pro- duction period. Production of androgen by the males was probably not as low as the production of estrogen by the females during the zero egg production period as some of the males tested yielded very low volumes of semen. This fact may possibly be attributed to the lack of a specific zymogram or zymograms associated with high semen produc- tion (Group C). . SUMMARY Turkey serum akp from the Michigan State University "Vibrator" flock and the Nicholas Broad Breasted White egg- 1aying strain has been separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis into 13 bands of activity or isoenzymes. Following electrophoresis these activity bands were arranged into 13 different patterns or zymograms. The in— crease in total number of isoenzymes observed over that observed by previous workers is attributed to an improved electrophoretic procedure. Zymogram type III was observed in the "vibrator" flock only in the zero egg production period while types V, VI, and X were observed in the peak egg production period only. The latter two zymogram types were observed in high intensity layers only. Zymogram types II, V, VI, and IX were observed only in "vibrator" birds while types VIII and XI were observed only in the Nicholas strain. In the zero egg production period, zymogram types I, IV, IX, and XIII were observed to appear in the "vibrator" birds 60 61 classified as high intensity layers. Zymogram types II, IV, V, VI, IX, X, and XII were not observed in birds classi- fied as non-layers. Zymogram type I was observed only in high intensity layers of the Nicholas strain while type VIII was observed only in non—layers. Zymogram types I, III, and XI were not observed in non-layers. The "vibrator" condition did not appear to affect iso- enzyme banding pattern. Semen production levels were not reflected by any particular zymogram types. Incorporation of 10 percent dried poultry anaphage in the ration did not affect akp zymograms. Several zymogram types appeared in high intensity "vibrator" layers only and several others in high semen producers as well. Such band- ing patterns may reflect the influence of sex hormone status, egg production or simply a changed metabolic rate as the result of an increased artificial light day. Zymogram types VI and X were observed in females only while type.XIII appeared exclusively in male "vibrator" birds. RECOMMENDATIONS Further investigation into the inheritance of particu- lar isoenzymes would yield more substantial evidence of the influence of genetic factors in akp. Assuming an influence of gonadal hormones upon akp zymograms either an assay of blood hormone levels or direct feeding and/or injection of such hormones may serve to '5 explain the presence of such a great variety of banding patterns. 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