A REVIEW AND SUMMARY OF LITERATURE DEALING WITH HOUSING AND rooo SERVIRE IN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF M. A. . ‘ MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY .l; - MARY KEEGAN -0 .mwmg'm u t; 3 ‘ Man... a ., ‘0“? N I P EIHVI'V 1n \9‘ .I. Lt ff 1‘: . 1 \~:;{L,-’ ‘. .WQ‘T- \‘5’93 ilk; '. ‘- k ”a! UALVWW ~, AL;.I_.1.:;~. ”a!“ gun l‘mg .. I‘D“ “ . ‘1‘“4“. 'w "v. ~—-——-——- A" I‘lva'Tlfo.’ I‘m Sorozv .32 ‘0‘". '1» {IF LI1‘I.‘:".AI'U.T’I 3“”III' "I'II‘III ’I' III'JI" A} I. II) I'OOI I‘IlfiI‘I'ICIE “'7 III CCIIIITTTZZS MID III II ““I‘I‘ by 19“", fH‘IHI‘fi. 1-43- 5 tuklufiinl A T332323 ' 311.121-1‘5011 to 1210.531100] of Gradm‘ 0 531.116ch (11' tic‘ulm'x 311.2110 ‘Jnivomit w of amicdmuv ma J‘ngnh ed Sci .190 in 311111.311. i‘"I"'.I.2.1::C .1. (1171.219 rc;._uirc: 11:31.1: £0; the (4:37.139 0:? IL'I.‘..-‘I‘.’I O? A311" “I! Do 1112171.; 11'. of Hotel, ..."SI.I“I"W‘ and 1110.112111103'11 37:111.".(trxmnt. A M91731, 1117‘ \ '1 ”Hm. ‘ 'QL;.QD\,5O a...» v5; .- Job! 110 miter 31.3333 to 0:. 11:10:33 her cinccm 3.113111313343111 to Dr. S. 1.11:1 Thmysm who 1-1.1.“ 313.; helped to define the «115.3 311' 31.141393 3.333.333.1133 in 103331.111; 33112133 1121313311131 and 31130131111530.1313. 1’1'13321331. the 3-111: 5331/ 111.3 of 11:11:33. 13.313 (Lid. 33.13 5.3 5.11.3333311 to 21:1. 3.111.311" 113313311, 313112.311.” cf 33372130113 .231 130:3 SCI: v5.33 at 12132113321... “ 13115.1!3; 15.11.51, 1:210 {311.133.31.131 3/ 311 1; 11.133 110331131130 11.11.335.31 £11m his per-331131 library. 123.111.3310.. 3.3131313131131 1:11. in also due 1.}: 30 food 3:111 homing I offi‘im .I 311.! 31311313113 31' 3133313 31.11! mricxucaln 11:31.0 33:133. 5.133.131 in I; 'mxtlom surveys C3: 1111133311 in congujwtion 11:11.31 1.3213 31.11-23.33. II. If. TAIL? O? Ci..'.'."l 313‘?) .Y.’ r?‘§“‘f .HLL $1.15: I. my”: Hi“ Io-al ‘ {111033011 6:111 of tho {721011.103 .1 o . an o .1. a Q Sigrij.‘icr1r‘.00 aft ho 111033.011 q o o u g o n 31:11 “111133.." 0:21-1:11 811111;; 0 . .- q o u . a» 0 II. (1133:3131!) 1’111‘11 111.1111.) '31:; 1.1).1132‘1 o o a, o a o o 1711'31312‘1113" 1’110111121111’100 . g Q o o A Q g u o o 9 110335.: 121:- 9.110 to 1 “our! and 1:110 2121.; Di meters 1“! .‘v' (\“r'” a “53'“. Unl- 7 .t. 11011-351133 to m} 1":- 70m III. .._1... fl. {‘V‘ (“ctr-I S I.“ fl .. um. “L; a) J yo "I‘1TI‘I‘I A“? {nun-1 (‘f' ‘ 1r" 11'! 1' ““1“”! ' Yt" Y?“""" J.“. Ixiikly.’ "...IIJ 15-F-3 $‘ -;.-0 ”1.12111 Ja‘ldl L0. ‘4: IJIALU c' I - f‘LJ‘l" job 7 3 (17?” In \ I' Ifiom m- (Irv-II? a'v-J v )7- Nngu' d: v, 11;- n x Q 1:11u11111'n'11 1..“) x, A) UJJbv’ V4.1 L11“: L‘L v - 51!]..10. CL 0""4‘ 9' '-'. VA"... [‘5 1:. -,-:-J:‘\':‘ jJ A? ‘lCl'361'111": A "’ 11‘7th K Afr" 9 Own ( 1V») II no ‘ ‘9‘. 7)! ,MO‘ . ._D D ’ I . I. c\w~ 191233011112: C - 11423190.? ‘0 111311110 ‘3 1".p;‘13.‘1;3:71:: C - 11011110? to 111?. 3 ”31101-0 Scoop-no.9... 1:111 Uhocoo.aonoouo~ 111111“ I a .0 O O O O O O I l I O I O I 0 O I O O . O O ' '1 .‘11 . g 1"“! 9'- Iw‘LII-G O OQOOOC‘OOOQOQCQIIOOO to load and It‘o11'35111'3131mc‘1‘101'a . 111300.09000009000 00900-000 IOOIO...O 8 -u v4.1:wm'kv3W-sr. ‘1. a .4". n. T3313 P 1.". 1:13?! { 0!? 1.11.0 311161111'mj 1.1111113, $.13 11.31.3611- 111101103623 (1) to collect 133.331.11.- 013113.31 1.131.111!“ 21:1..i.'.:1.".'.16.1n 3:: 113612121313 both 11:: 1111331021 and 11.11171111113113d 11.2.1. 35.3.3. 1i".16.111“..:1.-<;1:.“L to {.110 11.13.331.103 of 3.. 1.61 3113"; cc £3311 "3‘63 ;(2) to 1.16:1de (1.11:1 11:11:33: this :1: 1.3..‘6'211: ‘35.?!" t1.) frat-.1...” 3' 1.63 1.1.3:: of 1.31.0 11:111.. 1.123;; (3) to 3.1.11. 33:13: the 1.121.31'11'1131 for 3:”... :61 39.1.1 .23 10331.: 7.21.3 5.11...“ 1.1.. 31.10.11 113111.121. 1' 1." to a 131:": 11.12.13 132131.211 [13:23:13.1 tr: 1:13 1111.3 (:1) $1.11: .112; to o1.1:1.11.::1.':.3 1.21.3 5.1.1‘3111‘33301 '1]. 0.31:1 17:11.. '20 11333.11 3'... 1.1-33.3 for 321211111311 .- Lfi.:;:1..1:.1:1.3 33333112111151 £00111 ...1 31.333... ,3, 611111113 . 33.033 1..“: colleges (-1.1: . U“’VflfUNtLCSQ \ "' .« 7 17¢"th (5’1“ +“h 1&41‘10": [1.11.0“3.Cf1.21 crfl'fieges (1.1061 1.1101? 31031311113131. to Q 3 13.111331 rim-11.1.1353. 31' o: 1:11 31131141113. :1 Iflucr .co lad c0113 £11m L‘- 11.11.11-113, 1:31:61 3111121311311 to college 2131.13.21.13 would 131011313356 1131113 11:10.11 {.3 0 3111.333 ..--.1;‘:.; :13 111) 11.13.4221: ....c-..iccd 1:111 (20112131131 and 11.1117. 11011111311, ' '13 .1 11114.1“: plan 1:11.43 not 111:1 :1... .333 3.11--" 611.21 £11213 ‘oion 613110131131 11311.13ch 11.11.1311 .to 3.361 3.3111331}. I? $31.0 116111131111 1111' 61" the ..1.1C..11r1..1.3‘1 can" 111:], 61.11.10. “1?. riots and 21.111111111161113 3:111 11331110 3. COTS-:10“! 033111.11 .333 11.4 1:13.111; colleges, 331;tcc;1r.11y in tho 1:331. {1.11.11 17111-113311. [dualjxlilfbd £2110 I‘OUldOHbifll plan. L 7.. “A A ' l J]. A- L .LJIJ‘L .. . ~ - '1“ "pl- ..'-f.- .._ . .fl'.‘ . 1‘, ‘ ‘ At the turn 0331.10 301131121; movement 113:1 star-tel, at. t...o University 01' 61113353, to m—ost. 31711.33: donfitorics.1 T313131 1:33 vainly 13.1.10 to the 30-0311! 3 of mu‘ univcraitica and {:mriufillcf moi- dance $131.30 for ’ “.111 121021 3:31 1:33am 1mm ruimaztcd, until 3.21 1932, re 3. i.Cl"'.CO 2:33.33 were 13023:." in mime-fourths: or 3213:1133“. habit 11233.. :1 ‘23: E33 L:'l'.:'.oz1 6.31.. were cazzsi' 3:32! 1:313. *3L'2LL-.. 11'... :3 07? 3113.1 n I I ' 1233;333:3333 1'33; 195‘}, 1": 1 1311:; 1313' 33y 936,9? 82.12.333.11 1.10:0 215.1313: on an: 3.11:) in. "113: '3cm mugging 17mm 21230127013333 17033.3 1:33!) II 1333*;“33323 to Ezr-301'3xdi 1133.13 of bazaazfiy a. nu! (.ictim. ..;-.3:1. 2110 c333: .3:1.1:;;c<:2 .13."... :.m a. i": 1* 3:37 firs-'1 over 3.11 0 l0’_ {1323:3313 0:? our meow: 37.39123333173' 0331;391:3333-.. The c: 2:1;-33.r.11 3 13:11:37.2: r... ?ZL‘.CILL‘L(:'.L:: {3333.0 tiring--3 '33; 3.11 3.9.1! 39.21 be 3.135.317.0113} a. ;'--:L-C."~.3. 0.7:."L..;>10 31;? 3.2.3 "210113133 9: (133:3. 3" of 33133 cm. 1‘31; tim' t1." 10 then) 1:33.333:sz 3321's 113:: ?'I:. 3:133 on cr-rsjm . They ha. 1.30:! a can! 5.1103 trf-"Ll 0. 1.211310 3112113231241 t1.-.'r:::‘.t.;; cw. (71.3138, .921 that. 1:33 oufifiaicnb (1;.ch £03313. 2.13:1 1:320 1 :.zzl'. 3.1 to 1'..- 3'0 011 C. 3111.3. In the 11133033; L‘.~'_2r..ri.‘.'.o:*;,*, trio r031" 31:33:31.3} t. 11:13, :..-133.1“. '035, t..o.3t.x*:15.r,i1.. chairs 0...! .. 3c. tidy H ...;r unfun- 1. \ O v-J 3 ~ 2: J—l c r3313 213.. 3220 0.! 31* two (231.23.: 31*: 0:1 1. cm cw: misizcd, 3113 '31:.c;."..n rvz'ovidc’. their 0.7.1 531:: 3133132311. : ”'1 .y..., ‘ ‘L ,1 .1. ., ,3 9‘. I9f\ .. -. ,_. .1 , 7,}: r ‘* ' [(0 ()QCrKJJCl‘ 1 (Inlfi kt, .51. f), pi“ . IV 5- V' * ‘I .L. J hav- ‘ ' ‘1‘... "tfluf. l. C 1:133, 31'. 3!. TE'10'1333037 0” £3thch 3‘ 33.13.0315. 3:13. 'imwbxj. (HY. ‘ ' 1’ r'l-h-rlltfi It“ a --‘ou.‘-II-»-c-' «‘1’. 2. £11.31. 3.3335 $33.3. l";1‘*'13"“"'*’-' ‘".11:*'-.‘cy a? I'm 3.11 13.. 1311 I 1 College. rut“ ., JD): 3’ ’0 50 cc ’ 1 T_‘. ‘l'. r\ I 1 , n 10") “4}. 2.3 Jvi.‘ 11116.20? Ms -Q*~“M chug .- l') '....- I #1,..,1...‘-....~ 'I.._..‘ ,I M, '$ P 1, Qt, ,L. V\ 4’ 13:"... ".9 i "" " :C" “W ”.3. .3-.--.M‘. :.-.M' (11...; :..}..CI “C-T 3.01”: 1.13".“ - Ina, - .. . ’0! r1- In, G O: A 41:13:“; 'r‘vfl, Lek-K: bakvd. :J &;'\:}U. kw; 2’ ”OJ-J; (~LG 1"“ ‘M01. .bvv :- 9",)“, . ’3’ r, 'u . i415). ‘Idbl . f.“ ‘ '_0 ". ~ .3. Tho 310311.133 033300 was cmpriood a! 0:33.11 0031. or wood 121321133 stamps ozmod by the students themselves. A donutory housing 01:23:; efficients had for plumbing £523,130.) , two iron cinna- and four mtor 01.300133. There v3.3 301 don: hot. water in (my 01‘ the 0311.21.33: and even 1333 3041a: an opporbmity for 31321131312: ..nany of U 10 buildings. '. If a 3 51110111? wanted a brth, ha tmymd 1:13 3031: in 11.3 30201 and took of! for {.110 bethLouno 131101: 13.13 3 little building nos. 2‘ tho 00 .13» of 0:-..33110. 1‘, {1" 530n‘oatmd a. pool twelve feet wide and twenty feet. long It 3:33 Mm {633 1:12.103" 37:51:04.1 , 1mm ho bathed and it 2333. be added that. $213 1.3.120:- m3 mt 0323:1301 more: after: than 112:3 awolutoly macaw} Those 00211111.“ -0213 mw'muy improved as schools 03 11:113‘10d that. 3.333013%, attaining ”out s‘mxling madame 31.100030" while 2.1% in torrmry (:11..- water in possible, more 13 a 01000 relatiozmhip between the. mamhm b0: :01" 1.3 01‘ 0013030 06130333. on and good 111mm 302. 33.235.0313. .3 3. M30). ,' most. schools today roe-0011: so they 0m «1th mt. a mind but. a wreath and that. GUM-03.333 (monomer: of irriividualo um tht. as ing>og§~mzi as 313332303: mamricncco and require £111.13; as 3110:: 913mm and 31.16.3300. In dovol taping the ”1111010 madam”, it. would 30021 that. tho 1035.033. 910.00 to nmfldo no." .n3 for this dot/13101133111. 13 :31va tho (student 31:10:: and 33300131303 Hi 1: other students u in housing 11211120.: 1. mums, Lloyd 0. The Objectwoa of 5233.. (20033 11313. Opcmtion. "03400 me '!~?_’,L_ "'1 ”“313" Co:1f'omm_g.f'ichimn State (331105100 ' 1.3131) L‘o 11$)st" 12101115711.” 11001.2...1302175h' 2m. 6. 2. Sifferd, (33.11113. :1 3. “1'3?" l'T‘j‘PO (”navy-‘1 21". Blowimton, 1334:1015: McKnight) c: 1.0 might 11.13.33... 43. 4312021904137, 11330, 238 pp. 4"———“;A"~— w‘. #fl‘” 4"- .3... According to 1.1.: ind: real-.30 0:100 halls can be instrimntel in helping 103050000 cc:s.~.':'=-;:.'-.ic 03:3 0001.01 life, can provide onporbunitioa for 0:. stifle 0:: 7014102700 {guru-.133 00113-0 ' 710003.021 00:1 can 00.10:. in re- 5301*. 110.7; 13:7:1302' 0.1:..0 at it. 80:: 011101211 0. 00:13.. 3:21.17 ::>;.'.r:._~:-.ch. 3.1 7.211. "'i::r.:~0-:::~., in 1.1.5: (100.0103. (1103020001007; {mm-000:: the - mile-1:10;; as: (.1. 00" ""01: to to aimed 0’: in x10V010j~2.::: 000100000101 in- O :.. p ., ”I. “gas Dhi.‘ 3 ,a r I! ‘ . 3.. 1" .. 0...-...:~.’...-. £003 to an 000110.110 0.2'.".‘.. "ti-201:1: 11".- $020111 ‘3 L: {2-5300010 0w- 0::- g-omh :'.'.'.0.’;.::t'....00 :.o '3.)- 0 :1.';:‘.’.;v. C... '1‘. 5.3:. mi ....’:.:-'.'. “.1; my; 1000;213:7- v0, g.-:.:.-.',.-..~:;0 and ...m...-:.~:1 i=7. :.0 .J".:c........t."0 cf.c7"t.0. .. 03.0.“: for l";:;;1.:;:.-‘.1 1,211.11 cabin? 'buic: 11'. :rc].i:1.0 (70:10:03 to whom 1.".0 0.31.0150 0m “,0 1'0? (2::le 3313130. 1102. 3 :.n (".210 33-— tr:...‘1-3::;:.;::'.b 0'3 0130-1; 31:11:11.1 0.21.1 time 00120:}.-- 1:3. I} '- .. ..1 . - a1 a w h. a n . , .9. . o... 11‘?) ...C. .031 fa)? v.10 ‘SU‘VL‘ :18.-I‘21U 0L a;~.~1~:..-.c.. $13.10!! 0 u , ‘ ,; O ‘ , 2:": :10: :003. 1;. 2.0 :j'.~._.~::;~ 097.100. 7.221%. t... mu \i:~.3;e.'..1.0;.00 up- . -. "‘ "‘ . ‘\ ‘0. v \ .h . V . ... ’ l.‘ 0': 0 :- ...,....:. 20:... .7 ...1.:"..L1<73 of t..0 17.11:...173 O 2- '10 -‘ {!"."' ) \l I‘) {.J‘v)v(kr~ ‘54 ;;‘C)1flf 3. 11100193930: :0 u of pro 0:: h..J.'-. ..ts for 1203.11.17 0.1.21 0m. ‘ N L 9.. ’- 3' < 76“ '. - o. . 0’- o 0. o a. :10; 5. '1‘. u. .'.‘~..‘~‘.1, ..i 1 1C . X_.u‘..'1(.}.,‘ J 1‘1; H.,S:":;_C‘ 'L, 3 in "a 1:} 'v3 '. .. ‘\ , . -. r" .— —, 0. ‘ a n - :.L-0 320.7% 0, :.1'0.. for 0 20:70.00 :1 21‘. r00: 0 -....E, on :15. ;" l I -‘-~ . - 1' : fl - I .4! ~ 0' \ .. UK. -b ”.1.: 9;... 5sz §:C:q(‘ \ 1.. [1’ {:.. TJ\:1,‘I ..3L3P.','\)..:..) Tor...t.‘{1 “‘- t4..l .LKI- .- l 2.0 C.“P .. .. .... » ,. ; _ , . , Q ,n . C't:.'...-'..‘.. 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W“.-.i~lout a a“ a ‘ ‘ AAA—“f: “ “ . J“. 3-7—7 A1: q, ‘ w u ‘ “ " .?’ . I . .“\ ”1:2 .".’(:-\? _ “(-2." 2.316.}0), ‘ ‘. Jul... 1).)". 9 1" h“,- "?r. W" .-‘»" ':'.- up! an " V" V" :7, 11'1"" "’ “"‘ 7 ‘ 4... 230! \4,_/',;)," ll. 4.54,- U f., l .- . _ I In L )0 ”:7, L! (...:"11'1‘ ...- a "s has-“o -..»-.. “-...v-uo-M “m“ ".L‘l‘._".4_.1‘:1(" *pvlfuftm T. ,. - 1“” _. ‘;,- .....'.... 3‘....:.,'o‘ &‘ U ‘ j '. ' I I . A“.’. -'I|vo.....; L“. 1“:“ 1” i . . ”:.. nth—rau-Q-n-“- ......“u‘ o".- o on. a rat-M4. ‘ ~¢ po- .0. no -m M's“ 0320.511. L'..i»c..._:._. L:.'.L.:..i..1.;:.:i'%, 1,493, 30:: m'. " Pod leaves: 4— A A“.* .__L...‘._ “ ..z-‘L 4.“...54‘ f. i u“- of 000‘} 11'1"” am; .7.- W n “"90? «:40 -... . -- I'll-11 --1'..15.v0mity .21.».231. .....- 101.. 1t in "-1" 1.0 0005.01. 01103321033 05‘ two 110000 5. "1111.00-01 05‘ 13751311111103. c1...,,11':'<>:z".:. to ".3310 01101330110 of m1m1;.1:1".y 15.130 in 00010110011121 with 03.30.? 05.0.: 021."; 1:0].- i‘uro. {.77 1.00100 “1.1:," 31-.1'E.1_..1'1 :15, 2".II-;l.‘.1.-'5....31.1;I.-0 0 1.30:. 1:010- {2301.13.11.23 ”5,005.00.“ .13, 1:55.11. 0:12:15 31.1235; (1:132 con- :3L:"'~.z.1.;.5.1.";2 11.0%,"? 2-1., 1'4; L3"? 5...wa01',:'1'?.':1.';=z'3. 05‘ I113. r'L'r..--.'..'.’. .10 00111003 0:? 5&1"11;:.L5 33:00:15.1; 00:11:: 1:1 0 {1101.32 (:3 mlor CK); L*l*':3v-\IH;¢\.‘~1. "251.0 0112.0 "002:": 032‘ 55310 0035.1031ch .1011 :11: 3110..., hmmvor, is If) :.3 '23..er .43.}, ' 08102.3.ILXL01153123’0 by 3-9 £70.: 919 can. 70 1.20 1. rill have , ..0 0.011.530 00.5. 11.11.". 0:10: .133; 0.1.1:. 11 13.3.1101 053 !.,..;0,03' 1.15.03: r1: __-.. .: 30.233 0 05.13;; 31.021 0.11:5; 1211.01.10.05» 01.7011 5.310 ::-:.I1..-:.'&'1.1.1:.': 03' 19-46—57. I? "03.3. 0:10.505.- 11:13.25 31.10.1010; 001.113.1151, :1" 01.13.13. man that; 1110" 5.03.1. £905.11... " 01.11- 0 1.1.3....3. have ".20 3.0005101 021.0 fax- 00.13.; 2.7.7510 than at. 12:10:03.0 0.1.21 51:12:01.3-1‘013 1.10:1 CC 1'3. -1.: {33:11.11 1 ”0:10 0:13.10...1.0'.5 111*..01“ 3.53:" .2 . [3:13.000 11.11 0:26. 30d :1 31-0;"10'1.00:115."..5..0.110r.1.'1..5.co 0.1.0 '15-., 1:10:23; 121000;!" 0.11.0 1‘11. 1.11:0 313:1 "'00....00 1:13.100: bo 01.110 to 0 5.31! 0011010. This presents 0171.0 of 1...: 5:10:10 .1- ‘11“:1. "1‘ rn\l‘. 33.03“]. c'. ..l‘l"H'-'Q" of 0111‘ t-’. o . .13.. A. o .. ... 1| .' , . 9,. , 10.2.. 1.21.... 0 5.3.0 00... 0.1.1.). .0503 0:10.; «1.00 5100:3103 £3. ‘ ‘00, . ~.\ .9? "J. ‘ t A 1|" ~ nyogAOCwLVO Su"d&-.QT.0$ 120031 50.; 0.1.: 1.15 ,SCO,OL0’&}OO , . '1 .04. an 0.1. .. 9 .2 .3. 13;: I. 110 (2'1. .1331. 2.11 1.30.... . .1... 0110 3.0 "...-1.0 0.-.... v .0022. £00.00 0... r0:.;.1.::?0:1:00 32023.0 011.01;- t’1203r 11.11.11. 5.10011 consume“ .0d, 0.0 0:1 (,0 '1‘ ”mod 0.0.533? 5.0 osaczttmf. “. .L1.0"1'".1, In. .1 tm5.:1.c 1'5 00." (31.10. 5;. 01‘ 5931.0 (1.. ...vo 1.03611 objsz-rctivcs. .1151. . ."1. came-mauve 5.00 for 5.11.000 2'5153 is 0000101 «9' 0 ”4‘3. '15? them 91k aha. 131001100th , well- 1 to the a'ttnirtmnb 0.05.00 35.01.10bion: lo “LIL, D"). 1)n..l.U-1‘1. 2. 1' '1, ((100330 {I}. an"! .30 .0. D. 1201251. The (3011000! 0000.1 0.1.1 135:... Lit—5.131111? 3"151101.?g5.71:1. (sz11'12" 1955). ——- ....- __.._~.__ .__ u ....- I N). 1111301“: :21L01y, £011 11310 (I: :10 11.101100 00. a staff, the 01:011.? ..0 00:10:10... 1101110021.: to 00110530 11011012130. '11‘001 0011:100 , is 1.11:1. 130:1 ...n 001.1310, 1212:1013 00:12. ’.'.6.'2.1c.1.:1.d n02. 33.1710021113' 2010...... T1 5.1 1:: (21.1.0 11:11.16. 2.2111: L0 :1 1; CI: 0’.” 00:11:11,015? .01: 1101311171011. 00151100 ‘1 , '0 .. . .. . A. . ... A1. . .1 . 0.11.1 {20:11.10 0,- La 1.1.0 1220.. Limb 1.220. 01.10 00! 52:10:13.0 to ‘00 can- ." . . . .J n .-. . . .. 0.1120101! 1.1.1021 2.110 11:00.. 301101.101 1.0.10 01‘ 0011030 and 10111-011010 12'! L230 02-010 10 0 00:21:02. 050.001.0212 01‘ 1.31.0 prob-11.1.12, than 211—20 01171113100000 1‘ {121.10 02:11:22.1; 1100 21.21 1.110 £0.01. 11:11. 210110 $01.11.: £1113: 11-11210 , 10 :1 01.1131: 013 (:13. 2:10.21, 0111011111110 5.313011211131011 0111;131:111, 1.110 1.10.11: 1.1 - 00:10:10 01‘ 0011030 £001 00:! 110120103 00211410003 12.1.2; :10‘1 2200!: 0.31:1 01:111.. 0.1.0 :1..10 b.1021 1101;110:011 and tho 110211111001. 00221.30 2:2 .10.. ”1;: 01.2111. $1.002} 00 L.:.-.L 113-20 20.111011 my toll :11. 0. {31:10.00 1:210:10? 0.1-." 1101'. L! 0 '1'. 1.2‘: 02.11.0102: 111110001" V0100 to 11110; Liz-121‘ ..0210 10 0. 071111510 11001114 1:310 1113.03 21001011 to 10032.0 0112121133, 011011001310 21.1.11): .00 020 1.20.1. 0110 0.: {110121301011 122Lm100t or t0.‘1.1':.1.; 02:22 .1.:11JJ.:,', 1:. 1.10 10 an wan-03100 of 1.1.0 mate: 13.01; :10 00:51.11 1....131 1 11017121110 0.11.1! 1100:12- .11"11.. .1011: are 1:11:10 for further 1101105111011 210:. 1 111 1131130 :10 1110220231 00.111 valid 2121. '1 1101101110 £10113. 11.33 for 1321.0 1230 of three 00.311101 1. 0110 131.101.0000 01‘ 110110111" 02.1.1 £003. 21.3 F * ”'11"? \" 1' n V U H. xiii-Ill»). -..Ln-J- 5.. - IN -' .7. Ifig'fifi‘gyflt‘is of $50 37:51:41 In a cmfillation of this type, it is diffiml’o to know “ncfily where to obey. 32:11:; wars and articles are on tho Mater 3.1210 cm: the prelim hccmca me at Mat t0 luau-.10 and mat. should to exclude-:1. Tho author- therefore act. up an arbitrary criteria for w o ‘ (lemming. B." it. was £03.: timt. the :.ntcrinl could in any my 1101:) I {3:10:20 engage—3. in college rowing: or housing to do a mom effective job, the crbiclo was include-:1. I“. second 15.. its/310:1 was that. the bibliography was ligated to include crly college cycmtcd housing mi food nom'ico facilities. z'xl’at-Ioug'h excellent mt; :33.er 13 am 13223.0 on opémtic'ns such as fro.- tcraitics, S'fil‘fll‘ltififl ant-1 c1‘f--c.:‘-:1;r.aa 1161151113, mution is mdo of this materiel 0111;! if it minim to or can In (13'131'1196! to coucgo ogcmtcd housing (25:1 £2201 carrier) facilities. The final Livittztion was in tho ecopo of the study. t. 1110 a. great may of the curly boot-:3 and articles were inclwled as a name? “.5 historical micron: ans! for'tho convenience: of those neod- Enfj; bacfzgi‘amnil mammal for rcsmrch, t3: major animais 1:210 placed 0 on ini'onm‘oion published within t‘n past twenty years. It. :...3 felt. that this was the infnrtrgabion mat matted and of the most. value to pcz'cozm 1131.13 the linibliozmtmyk H: v-‘r lxloqof'QUI n“) «WID‘: I": V‘N' 17", - VA 1 "I \‘ ‘I 3 1‘6”:ko .5 ‘ua ".HJb—bo. After the :zvz'o’olcrn had boon dafinod and tho 3.2111111 1 were established, it became otrrious 3.311.110 1311:1113 1201.301! 01‘ oz. - 1: c.4132 (3:11... 1:011:11 be 9410311. to to r:3."c1 the cos-1111010133. 0 Coverage 0:11:33 for by :1 31:03.10: .1 of this use 10. It. 1mg thus (101:3.ch to use 1:11.133330 :1 1 111312.31 so :13 to roc‘ 11:10 the ponsibifi .3133: 2.3. at. fingertmt source '3 131111131 overlccdmd. 3.: or 0131131601231" ccvoml 903311111. - tics, if; 1 :11; (103.3. 1043 um“. the following: mbhods would 313.011! the b01135 :‘CDUl'GGo 1.3-1111". 1'1" - The first method employed 1.113 to utilize the i‘acfili‘ics :13. 3131,3111 State University and those in the 311:1 1m 31213 are: :3. 21' this mans, nos 1'. of the mo c::r::1o;1 refers-11:: co . 73003. , 11113301011 :1 1 10.1.1115 in [Ker-3.040313, bro- (321132123 ,, {.11 ‘11:?" ...; 1 ":1 3.31021. :3 0.11.1 (3731101 ..ations, published 19111113013 of 11:10:13.1 3:3 :11: :3 co: 1:30:12: 1:303 921-! :'ovcrz'; 11111:. buuctinu were competed, arm-11:13:39., cmmwxcr‘ 0.3:! cl: mifrlc: .. 1’ 1~~:’:, ’ .-.; " M331 F313;".W: 33011213311 Dfmctnzg - After the lstmxvf ciL’Mttcs. ' arc c::1"~v~"'c,t!1o author 1111:3111 to 13003116 in 3:320 £210,163. of :31: 1:113:15 fccdfnr: 111:1". 31011311153 for aid in 1301100151114; material which eifihctr 11.113. not be on {111111111111 had mad 1"" .1th ciz'cz‘lgzt 4 -0... i A 1.0:“. 3:.on- 0:21:1111‘193 the no. tum of the otudy and romant- 1.11:: '13. r: i‘oro 1cm 1..-.3 cent to food and housing directors! of 3.. Soc 1911mm: A. all ca 11mm and. uflvami'i cs int ho Unihcds tutoa with n ntmfcnt. Otto-OWL) conmz‘ of! 3.000 or mom. For: 51 were inch ad in or. latte" for “f :0 com'crrfivztce of he roclztiorxt in nu. Mitt 1:13 the nemmwv ..11,"r2:*‘?f'1ticm. 3"*'*"‘;“37....""" .“1'7'*";’.f331"m n!‘__."-'1"'fn, To??? nr‘yicn‘n my? ermmla w 'n ’ t. t- 1‘0 ’9 n m! , 0 Hr .Af')’ ‘9‘, \. C' fir‘c‘. 5 ..Ix.-""‘A_Lq - *‘10 31:30.1 0 ' r \3 :1. thod oi‘ 0013.001; 5.123 duh}. was: a j, . v ‘,.....,. . \ .. u o ‘1‘» v ‘ D. lcfiucr’ as.» to $1113.: 1:». m of 3200.13, 13: r50;‘."-_cr3_a 8.1.1 d0:.-;l‘.lg of I. 1' .. - a}! ,1- 1' t a"... cud}. 0530..-: .....uzzs, 513.111" to. i.-.er c0513???) mic-'1': t to call? :0 213212.111" 211:3 1.308 rm 3. (31:31 1111:.” :30. It 1:16 r0 i‘c 11:21:03 ‘Im’c am carrmzxtly out (1? L9. 3. Al A9, a . 0:1 ...;0 tat? '1;‘._“"..I'1<31‘31‘1 o. ...:c (1...,ovc taro .1. Sec fiwycnrlt: 33. r, ’13 . 121.0..523)CY.».3{ C. print and also so ‘ :.tio )3 public 310d by tiw'lr am? L's-0:132. 01. met no mod 0. mm of uncovering Lugxaz'tzmt. wad as a check 60 ’J. .9003 — -4. p L4 1.1"...»- ‘4- _ -L "An-A4: “A -1__‘_._-; -. .. ..L,_‘~ -.....u. AL- ~ -3 “q ~10— 021C .‘XZ3I.7A"’IUIE Ci“ ‘3‘}!55 STUDY This shut} in divided into thmo parts: In the immiuw titan, no problem in defined, its aigmtficmzco 3.9 cuamzood and the ’3"~*‘t.s.ti’_ons f0 1531:: study are esta‘ulisl-zcad. A brief description of the 0‘?» "Eu. p: . n ,V _, n . 3 . v. . ‘.I .— gcmml agvrwm 4.23 invlmcd. 131224;. tam (30223353133 ‘31:: actual Mbfiiogmfé'zy. This is listed in two £0335 . one alpha-.L- ticnlly by author and can set. up by subject msbtcr' of the: :zz‘mrls ' The final ccct.i~..n contains the evaluations and conclusions of! the author. fern-:12: which have mmzlvod the most attention, ammo which 32:: 'c rcccimxi th 3.31mi; attention and areas much, in the opium ion of thus author, new} :3: m research are discusscd. '91.. 1 15: 1111;) men 3111mm: mom-(rum: .- Am‘HOit 1.131211 {91.13 . b \ 1.. Abbott; Hon. '. M10 i’xmchoooo Feeds uufi'm’ Concave and 2. 3. Macias“ the Seed-.oorvico director should be reoponoiblo for the zmrcfiooo - of foodstuffs. 111mm; I-‘i'iinl: c. Adi”. "13,” M:.Iw0 U. L1nt1.fim:13tg mot-1:135. 11+ (may 19!}.3), pp. 5. co tho question of 1fl1e‘her tho purchasing agent. or gogfiowsgeo 0113111110211 111:3. \‘fcohingtom 111-1121101121 Council {.11 Lduco‘bion, bulletin 57, 1953. 86 pp. Studom 7:11.530 in tho United States; a report of tho comfor- cnce'hel'd at Iiavorford College, June 1953. T21 (1 11011131114: Officer he qucot or. Tommi-L 5.11m; .. '1‘ho___ 3’5." 1.31 hnn1**7.Cor1fc:~o1 on of the '1'1'1004'1”: .1 o1 - tqi'inrn r; .- hm" 1:35:33 3:61: 3.1. :1” 1.1"?“13. 60:111.: :11 {zuuozoitm 1e: 11:73.2: 1 1150112, July, 1,)!" pp. 3-3.1). ziooueooe housing £13m the :1 11111111101111; of the 1111111611119 who are go: 11;; to live in the 1101193313 occamodo We: ., wherever 1103f 1:113:130. In Admin, Josephine. Sanitary Wevioiono In Food 11111-133111". 5. 6. 9-1101“; .1 J0}!!! J0 'y-znxicr‘ 113‘.c31o_o_1_. '11?! Lhivoroi. UV. 9 (1937): DP. 3134101. Sonitozy provisions .11 food 11mm" are (1.0113 the 1 oat. 1n- poz'tont. prob}. :13 1111 ch :1th be not. by on; concern sewing: food to 1:110 pub lie. The author c" .iocuoooo areas 111 food *1ond},11g1fi1.:re co mom]. (2.... ..ocdo to be taken. ‘- a Mo oo,‘ 2.. O. The Finishing: of Wood Floors. Mariam Schorg: 9”! En ‘,Vl""93+‘:.. 13 (1914].), pp. 190'193. A bd'cf history 0531711911 ruling, improvements that have been 11110 1111111133 11:191.... 1cm. 1.1011 1.011213. . , Ifuot There :11 Another meideneo Hall Fire? grungy 11111! 13115301101111 7711311103. 8 (April 1950), pp. 19-81. Dcooribca how liven can be caved in residence 11:11.1. £11100. 3i .32.- 7. 1111;211:311, Heston B. The P1: 00 of Residence $221.11 (realization In the Studen‘ Pomonswli 21053111111. ”11111111101111? 5.0-! "111101.0- 30%633 '“"""“h""“"'. 11 (1119120? 19)1)'mp)g {$7U3. Discussion of the author's 001.215.0111 mm: the entire 1110 100?; of (30113100113; management should be included 1111:1011 tho 11111101101113; 110113 01111.01 11110:: 3.21 if 1111. benefits of: such {1111;111:111 are to bc realized. 8. Allmfdcsnie. forzcn'a Dormdmries and The Women's 5011'- Covcm'm 1t. Aoooclct ism. Jn'.1.r':1..".;_7! of _t‘.-'1c IL‘tMW'L N: anointing gi‘ 011.. ..1 05.11011 121.51), pp. 11.3.12»). . 1101-: 31.110 fiamzx's domfltorios mvl the women's calf-30110111111031. 9.830111111123011 1:02.13: to:ot.‘:1<‘.1x1 on the University of Wisconsin 0147133133. - 9'. Anemjflcnk-y C. The Design (3fo "1.111251 and Sleeping 3.00am and LVLh FcciLtics. 13:13er.11:ng 19121:?“ 'n’nmq'nfl Cn- 1{‘(w~(\ncp. 2‘1 “0111311... "3t ate 0011030, that 1.15.. 1.135.113,, $53., pp. 11.47. C0: 111111110011. of Costs between (30:11:1'00211 03 with cent: filmed bath 1f. .cllit...ca and (101711.11. 0.1.0:: 1.1}. 11.11 a bot1.1ccn each two study» 81.110111113100115. 1110111103 to 11.3. 01.101 .141]. 0001'. of 1.310 :.LM’O..1°1_11111.ld111;:3, the cost prr c1x’:'.c £011., (1.11;! 1.1111 ..t'. 1': cos 15.1011 apuzl'cfi to build and 01:11.11) the 3.0. Allen, Joana. L‘o‘rz “111011“11‘4’1119 11-11031 fl1flmvfortzc t’xo ‘Iqmjtim 093309.3ui'pq1flr 6*:35 14:03:31.1!“ .‘n 51("11ficn EH11 I'lst‘rrfix : '1'"((‘ ('0..- 107: 1.3-: 1" 1):)”12“. Ui¢£- db)..4.u.l'~a\l 14.1.3. +"CSLSQfilU1-r3 ubfluofi 1201421105 15253., 10’. 1113330111011 loaves. Attzénpto'to develop a. job description by r0103, for t‘m otwlmrtonupcwisory p033 ion in the men's 11.116, 1011.. 01.1.0 (3011980,; 1‘353-19511. ~ 11. Allen, amen o. mnmmhy of 320051.10an 1.111. Iowa 113'.”th COllCLJ'O, 35);, 3 I) (.7! \ 'rzttten in 195 2 for the orientation of student. mmcrviooro (1100.11 11.111.1de a) of men‘s hallo at. Iowa “1.01.0 College. 19 was. 32.. #:1022103 :3 D...ch'c.’ .LC fzssocfntirm. .4“. (344‘4’0 'f'n "-"lm “for“; 4449134434}. .17- I'M, .Hr’ ( ..I. 1‘ (I‘m ‘\ rxzrvr 3:!” ~11 3‘13. 6..“ I ‘1. ‘¢1LL\‘~:‘ uJ4.:J, 5.31“.ng“1. LA £12.43 U0 ._1>L:1J, Ml bf, 107 pp. “1:54.: ’l‘ho c--4::':.o;.’;. of “0.2.0 312.034.13.11" 9 cenccmod With pmmmticn for a 1.3“... “:21 11:: “- 0,123.1 an! t‘ 20 vapor-1:43.71 *Sclf.i The 1'0“: "r em- {33:3 12:11:03 30'; C. - “113:3;‘43, 34.21) S;':43431£’3.c.-t.:.4.3:1, and the selection of c 2 4103:0133 the 1331.014 00.100; 113 1:05.! 0:10 of tram: 37:1, out- 15.1163 1'0." 0.330120 t14::i:x7.:.3', 034.3. cw: lm‘oion of we proycxn. J3. Macrlcrml‘ "‘ 03913-3. :00ch v.1...on. Flaming the Floor 1.134011%. for t'10.-‘o.3.l*{:crv5.ca f 0'?“.1’L‘:~Q 1:; 4. 1‘0 rt, 1. 104344-341 n? M?) c 1042241410111 124-- 3,01,01,10 1.423001 ntion. 23 (Janm'y DH), 14;). Sir-37. {tart I covers the follarlmg: (1)301: to start. planning; (2) 1444:4444” ml staymco; (3)1110 1110:. " and fish 0.1.30; (14,)1‘110 vc-j Labia 11.171” 5)":le 000.2'3 1:1: 03 (6)1110 k..:cr's wait and (7): ..10 L1 ....f‘d 1......u. 31.. Maximal Diet; chic .csocintlcn.‘ .I’lamflm; the Floor Immut for the Loo-.1 30w; )0 5.?032111‘br'1c711t «- Part; II. Jnurm‘ of “L" ’4‘“ 3‘?4."-?;.r:-f:.-*'C‘. 4,:‘."-~u‘:“5_.";'3‘..‘4 rm. 23 (I’obrml‘b' 1..-457), 23.). 329'- Q “L “H." ‘ ‘_ A. ‘A v 1hr}. 13': (20".. m the hilarity" (1)1110 diet kitchen: (2)1110 * 4.1: (15:11:14: r0411; (3).;‘1403; cowl. cc; (1,)1‘210 naming a n A . . C‘- ‘vil U U000.~‘.:1 CO: 4 , L, ,. 1" -_‘J.‘ ..‘ fi ,3 Y - 2.31.1 80.34.4030 0.. :..: 3...: 11:31:91! (5)013: midrg. .-.- ' .n "4~-'~n41 'r- A\:fl.':/\"§ ‘flnnw’ns ‘-4 ”A Van-F44" ’ 15. Inf-{.- .‘l‘.(.... ”.1 bun-«UV 9.3 I v- IVH-.\-OJ~.4J~¢. BMo-bLofl‘ 254...: 04-0-— '3.” “44.1““ o” 1. .3 v . ‘ Jul. UQ:\3 ‘ V”, fld| :1.» ..C‘ 3 LR‘L ":0:' L. fi‘QIU - J ‘4th IOOI. ‘. ‘ .-' n; L n :40»): 434.44, 44.‘ 4 .44: 4444444,: £114,433,, :23 (41:40:51,414); 144‘. 435-559. )fi ‘L‘hw #m w ‘— .— Part; III covers ..10 £02.10 2mm (1)".9. met: and tmzz‘ .1 storage; )H1~VP:,S:C.'1:3 10“ c1[\'y.::1‘11'9; (322101.:1011 0' I'ficc, (")I:; )10; ‘00 1430343 . 33,344; (53m33c13 3...: (6)3110 mm of the pa. .9 c'gu‘ln tho 14"".(210. ‘6. far: can 132;: 0 I‘m 10:25.00 .hssncl: ...;Zcm. . 111:3th ion Too.“ .cznioo “ {5.00 6.41.1032. .4444 24.»! ' 44474 ‘5‘: 4'4- 44444444444444 14.4.4 44 44:44:; 43444 :zchmj. S‘ S} ( ‘fi‘, £1451": '(fi 4:...“ 4(\.-_;".'. .... , :...iL, at 1: Q l) l;{_!.u;. it: J .- L.,OC.;F.Lim—.v ¥A “A .-“fl-.* : IA a-.'U: 14.x. .1041 LJLKL.LL.H.;'..}’ 12);.) {fiscvnccn er’thzm con-3?. actirm ate .nxmn! :3 for $014.00.... " and collom rirzllpl.0:r.04::3. 17¢ 18. 19. 20. 21. n (.2 O .11... inc-r1002: Sch 0.21. an: Uniwrsfifiy. {71122012310213}. . 01953. 1""123‘3-10j‘f1; I: ’24'24'27‘- (2?“ L1. 23147444 4." ’ '31- 135 ( 6 5-541? 55): P ’0 65"?!“ 33.304.233.03 ‘L‘w c wrarc‘ao .-.-2421 '2" ..ovnt of 042111022123. 02:21 11114121122" 1‘25?» 3220122: 22:23 flames on do: 354221;; bulking. 12122022102221 £20320 )1 .2111 T.‘:2J.\4'0:‘aity. .2200: hi. 02ml Building: In 19 33!... 2.22:: 25.02222 :fa‘uxf'. :“2‘: I.”:*.4..10r2:*:2*?,t;;;. 27 __, 5.195 6), pp. 65.72, M4 133210110303 12320 02:23:14.3 0. 9032003.. 121231115415: crmsbmction in the "-\-. ‘ A I t h, 0 ‘0‘? 1 J I". u. ....tcz‘. :..-t; 2:4 021 0‘. :3. vo.-..1..o 12.2.1 cost 00.0.41 build- 21223:. for 22,334, 22.3 3.22:3 22.237211. 4‘2201210011 Soc: '03:] of I? 2:15;} n" and V0 zztiht‘nr'. F‘nfz‘r. 01:9. CI‘MMO ‘fi'fi 3"")fl a {4‘ "-.n ‘ _Ll"",\‘9 ‘f,\ f "1‘ '{(‘-¢-a ’4‘q1QVC,“\\'fp+'" .“‘.\}0 ”www-Mmom Nu an... ... .1.-.1 a a. .- hub-‘wh our.“ m-..” O—on. n-M. :1(0~J .‘qu o: I ‘Lkup‘c' 4.1. ‘IJ‘Jkl-w‘u Var 0" 1 :MLI-UuLalu’. ,if‘bd VLJ-¢U«lkv ”:...l‘: 4: “Si... ‘I' .41. 2.43, 11.1333, 16K. 0 ., ). 3112; £1.30: .2.*1‘.‘4;..*... - -;‘4.'1'£.”.1:’.CII can 1.40 113.333.3021 by 04.1110 *03, 1'? 1th :2 24.121 zafc 22104) .Lo .4. . 22012243 53:222.! 1230 for 2444;211:223 and 3‘0 . ' c, 4. v 'A ‘JC \JU:~1\:3 U. :..13 0" ”lac“ .13. 1122203, 43.25., 23.3. '2 wait: 12.21! 13.53. W330. 220002232 {)01'222’12302‘103 at. 22:21:33.2 (20....-0 *0. .‘.f~0‘:‘trj,_4*_'r,2*2r*.1 FOR-1’1. 33 (April 1923), Pp. 1133- 1’36. W W” ' 7.30 022'3’1022, 32101; {2202102211 {2320‘ 03112252123 01‘ three Crawly dormi- r n. c 51-3 '4 ' r t k)- ‘:.CJt 1 Mic-W “-1 UOl- LC‘JO. 1122230330”, 0.? 03‘1": 02100.1 ‘I'c “4'23 for 331012110012 .3 Compounds 2:2. 3:4: max 1955). pp. 7. 73227.5 3.3133010 (1.1:; 0224:2021 8:33:23 .c‘ii‘i d rmthodo of cftcc‘i 22.3 dish- 2:207: .3223 022.431.2213, ric:301.'..2'..21{' 11320 «L? ““c 2022!} car. 4 122m ard how 4.. v a. n, . t. “443' C 2'1 11:334.: (-0 {SJ—1. 5224;222:2333, $224221“. 21., {1:13.130 Guy and 21:21:21 "orfjsm. "12"‘4 422222122 F...“ 'hj‘n'rzk.’ cpn T1] t1,“ :'fi nib-291;. oFflfl {tn-(1 win-n41“_ ‘30. Tn! {’11 [L350 “new- .9». ”L04“... --.1‘— ‘ -. ‘. [.‘1 I «5‘. « , vvvvv . t.‘ 1‘ "fi ( I "' ‘0 ,f.‘ (1.:‘fil.:.‘(~3 :1:— tl :4 ‘3. ‘§-.‘ ‘I. “'6ch “Unwijw - :’31‘;LCL‘3° ~-I--Or---‘-‘-Al-‘-:O-“fl'.v '—- W —-— tot-154“¢!' {Vlg' J/Jl. T120 33.22.er :10 a ww‘v 05: 1‘ 111030 PM? and pmcti cc: of 5010““ 0011-0(34‘sur221 mu. ' 1.702.235.1210: in b’ 20 01022:: 01' (1)2300“: conducts, (33):):304'121221 23152.1 r001 selection, and. (3)1‘031 chumps in ‘20 homing of: 12224102'3222411121‘. to women. l ‘1; r H‘A.‘ ...-‘4‘ ..-... “5.4 _. .-.- ‘o-C' ... . - . . . -« p1—ug-...—. .._ . 1- .15.. 23. I‘..:‘;z*.‘ .0, 310051.13 12:13:13 Com-n "33.1.1121 Settrscn Pocidm- co 11:13.]. and b01101 11:1 1"? 2.-.-..342 ..a‘.~.‘10"1" 12101111100. {:130'1011001 1' "-':“::.’.";-'.""' 1231.1 15 (hawk; -953), pp. 394 0. 1’3. .11 7“ .0 (11.01: 11:11:00 the 00:11.1‘0‘0r"*"l quest. im a." to‘ .010 other ‘ r0011: 431.001 10 L“ 10.11% ‘or 1.0 glishs ‘01111'. 1.11:1 0:1 0....-.1’11 5.11 “.‘r*".‘.'.:;.:‘.;: 1111312.: 2.71.: 13.1.1," 0311'50-33 "1;! f. .10 01133031:- 5.103020 1.: ‘00 2100:. 5.21 23.21.] in anticci'. 1", the 130301- 1:53.153. {13:81:62)};- 3’ 11.7.."0 1111015. 33.; if) botmcn r0:::‘:..-.‘-.<.‘.3.C<3 31: 1.3.1123 9.31.1 0.1..-.” v; 1031 L9“: 53:130. 7‘ L 0.21 0. 410.1, wharf. C. “3‘0 m“ :13. 310:: York! D. 1.3331101 0‘1 and 00-230113}, 191.3, 13:1] A .131: "y of 11:13:03 7:11 . :110 15.. 1'0 in {-101‘10" ..‘1 Univ 0130111100. l":() c: :ra-rLCwP 1‘11." “L'MHLD .391. ‘1‘}, :1: JICV':"‘:U to till” 13133303313031? 1° ’-' t M? .. ‘- t’ 9.10 (3.10 (2 011.1%? 5 cu... u'l 00110.1... IIOUDAASQ l 'I Am, :.-:.~. 11‘2"; 17.11.1001. 8.233-. Low (30:. b Lodcm'lz... Lion (Ln my 1 Ziijzw‘ "'11.“? 3:; .-"‘.-::'..L.... .111 l-‘oud Service. 0011.030 0.110. Univomgfgz 2.0 (1:: 1931). pp. 2.7-4.9. :’1 (1113 0‘13: 1:11 of 310:! 1111-. :0 001.300 1:10-30: 1.1111011 what :10": ccmld 1+0 l.‘.i?-"I:'.1. '30 01-1300 (1121765313 15130110111! 1'; rod“. f-‘Lcllitica mac.) CL'.‘.';'-‘.".<:l. x... 11?. 11110113}, 11. .1000 0" 05:05.04; Can DJ Roy 0.- Try Those Tips. 3'». u P: 7' ‘3 .3“ 1'1." .'gr b 3“ ‘ “L“ F :fi‘lé. M33 (30 Oiytmlwr 10253 ), m. 65. 4...— ".... mW—w—v 0:110 03 git-100. A job 213:0 3 .120. '11 of 03.010“ 0.021313 5.0 xmoentod. Ar‘ 0:101:10, #73111 S. {:..-1,.» mg ‘;"(~~r~,‘\fi"l(‘?.’__-:A 10110;! cm 3:0 33531011111ucntjg}. 113.13%. ”:3. 5331.30 (303.1030. 170111-10: 190421111 P333301. 110.! 10.12:: 10373-5: .l;'=.'.'..2. .00-: 00:11.13; 12.2.): )5»: 1)). '1‘le 111010 ['2‘ 10:30 of ’Lizo 1:003:10 to 2101‘: 1'0 .001 ty makers to 300311110111-3101‘00112101 CCl’UiL L" that we 01' form! on 1103.}: czuzgnrxl. Aflsom .. h Chili—Lt 0:0 . .'.'r000:.’.;3 a. cmyrchcmivo picture 01‘ residence hallo. .... --_._-.-A_L—M-l‘ -.. A. -....-u. 4 - I . _ _ A ‘ A -“ A~‘lv"' -‘.‘- . - .11.? . ,. .1 _.A ( -‘AA‘ . _- --16— 1‘39. Amo'tt, Trevor. (“Horn 11-1" '31111111111111? P11111100. Kim! for!“ ...-o“ vuuw- M v ...-u... ¢ ~o) (‘01.01'1‘... .- 0111"".11114 .112...‘., 3. 141., 2.1:...“1111. I: 3‘. 111111111; of {'13-'10 r12:*1.11<3";1103 11.311302313an comm no count. 1215 3.1251 1.320 use 11:21:! 0.390 of 1.131.131. f1-.1<1, {111:3 010(11):: 1:11’.'_.?'.;?.'11n of a. (31:11. 115.1120, 313?. 31:91.0, c~','-.;.'.o:3 011’ callom 13131123113 1.12.1011 has ‘Cflfl €23.71”; (1:33 “Co-“v“, satisfy-M 'r~'- of)...“ 30. firemen, 11c (:33? “'33:;11'“ 111.1} "331‘1'2'1137'1'11'1 ".316. 3'31'100'3'" ‘33:. 3362-: York! C;.' 1th '1 “0.1.1“ -J:JU!..;J ”J, wild“, LIIIX 1).). 310 11.3.1329 (3:12: “.1131 3 1.110 (leveled c... decom'..ion, ..ho cl: "W" 11:311.? <3:1 0.111-331.1721, and 1.1.0 pri:~.c5.p..os of docum’ ion. J.... ‘1‘- 3". Ar. :13ng ‘cccyfiz. {1"1'1 "1r~"1~"~'~"" “of "11m1‘1‘11'n. 1301: Yox. :1 jun. «al- d -.-m' gum! C; . 5:1 L‘LL13‘1W‘..:)3.(.‘1W~J, :../.'J‘: H, , 11.”!ng I.) ). A 1312-30 1:99.30 be '1': c“: "1::L"'11'3, for the c’lc‘c‘ 213:3 of details, the vr:r._-.-cr~.1.’m11 c1fr.:1:'.1..;‘.3, 1.1.0 1:133:17..- 11" :21 0.. 0.031313 and {1,711.1 N-’\ 1133 05 93274-101"! 1' I vN’ ‘ all ‘JL '1.tlh ...). 2. .913121'131', 1.. 3-130 In '1 CCUOC‘O 110211302001ng Apart. 113-... 01.1an 21'7”” . "A.“ "'_‘_"":1". 1,9 ..JU~O-,;RJ(71‘191}3.); pr}. 3u¢g:3L.' . J O “...-QM”... .... L1) 1""cw7 ' 5.13:1 c1:1..P<*"1""0 1.1.1:: ’ (1.} ct. 1:11.11:ch hanlmfltmnl \ltl Jw. ‘)"““ 1.01.3030 11.9213. "" ' , 13351.1. 33. 11331.1”, 31:33.0. 1'. 33.3330 Cu In .*111‘.:1*..nt.1w To 13.1.13 Gt" Residence. 7.- '."'1"'<‘: "‘- ‘ 'n': 1‘1'1"."."-"“"”*'o 5 ( C 11:11.11} 1951): W. 150-15!» “or out- WWW-.61... 1’1'1: :1 1.31.1"0..'.'.c.1 :33 an :..-..c. .."-.‘1'... .'o ..o residence 131.3..9. 3', _ ”1 ‘rr’ 1'-g‘.1c. {1:11:sz van-Y 1’7 :?£siiicnco. Whom T’I‘Ql TH' stAfu" ”junififl‘ ...‘g on...” ' 1'. 5’0:1b. A“. .. c s) -. -..oowua .';‘..‘.1:;’i‘.1...:'3.t‘1.. LCZJ‘ 1.6.1 .1, 1213312113.. DUCT 3.101 “1]., 17/0», U ). 1&0, Coluzn 2. 1‘1 3:111:11 3': (fibrin: 1r:11’.<:r';.'~:.<‘.-.1.'1tos mat. of the benefits 0! «1‘ 1' . .1 . .M..1'.1.1.<“.c::c 1.1.11. 0:1."12’1. 1.13? 1.31.”: :1 to reside. U U! o .‘-.t.‘.~:.1~.s"11'1., 11.13. .'Tlcvcn toys To (Tom! 37.11 .mrjmnnt. 0331,0310 11.1111 I'w 33:31 a 19A~y “10-h”. \w-«rvrl. 5 (”OVWJJC‘I‘ 9"“ )’ p.11. 16. M “.‘A A“ C. c111 1"1'1'1'1" '10:? in C131" cite foo! cor-1:100 is (20;;1on‘30nt to n. r .0711) 031.01%. 11:11-13 um {CmLurflfuu and an 13.1 (1111.3. on of Devon 11:01.30 3:111:31 1..-1:3. :1: 1212‘!) c3113....1'13011 11 1.1113 :.'.~::‘c--o. i: Q .17., i' 1*. ‘ \. 36. Atldneea, MB; . feels for Control. gmamfiemgmmmm 3311333988.? hammer 2.953 , pp. Md. The ewzer diecmeee the menu ’ the basic: for all food compel. _A eelective menu with efiebexfie—tmn service :15 - offered in her college food epemtim, and the pattern is ‘.- 531C131. .«c 37.. Attdnem', Aji'B. Tools for Central of Fee: Costa. 931mm and "' gratigc33§z933mezfm:32. 33 (December 1952.), pp. (dB-19‘). Accenwmrim this article are six form which are used in we eutfi'zers‘ food service operation 9.0 tools for east con- trel. .: The use of these forms is briefly describe}. a w 33. Mensch; mm. 12.- Tools for Control or Food Costa. Geller-e aw} {1313;3qu it}; We? #1:: :1. 3.6; (Jammy 1953 ): p3). lyS-b'i). alumna-bee matfiemien fem, amuse recevd, and per-antuel finveneery £03113 used by .Teechere College Feed Sewiec, 001W . * wavereity. 39. Aug-whim, Grace 2!. Social Ree-.23 In Dem.ter'les. '1‘}er Joann; 9;?ng 3160131732163. 22’. (215.3,? 1930), pp. 3739.375. 31': mm uf.‘ e. abut}? conducted to find out the uncut and cinreetez'. es the $138.60 allowed for social zmrzaeeee in (3.01“; Omani-.33. ‘v 2,. i . . . ho. Ammtim , Grace. fgmflfipmc; 9.15.3? 3'2 "1:3 mp? Rn 031303004323 fez" 15mm. £302! 7532‘112 F. :5. ":.‘ex‘ts mid. Corlfxu‘zgr, 3.935, we: pp. Cez'midelfi the mmezw required to staff and operate the heme and food 191% g the cemlz'xime of their (repleyzezz‘o my}. labor hazre‘m-zdeeete of such service. Also comidem menu pliznfijxg, ceemmfflxe residence mite 0.32:1 12:13.3;th a? oxymzzlitwe. 131. £113th , 'Gmee, T. M:3im' and mm. :Iet'lnlcy. A Study 03 Food Costa and the Nutritive Content. 01‘ Foods 130:." . 933103» my}: $13951“;- Yi‘fgjgzrgg. 10 “21111 1951): PI“- [$64530 A e’sifly e!) the reviewer. hetero": cent. dietrim’eien and nutritive 0221* .-.,.u 01‘ feed at price levels fax-wailing dmfexg 19w. *1?»- 1.2.2 Auwtim, trace 2%., :hrjerle IE. hefflnley arr! firth II. Geertrzer. “130(30 0335 1.33222)... 122:2;- VL LOLTFCS. (303333 meg! uti*fereitff 771123310120. 2:; 63330136? 3.0 I.) ' pp. “my.“ V .. . V _ W — cte'enefim'we fret col. lege feed eeralee depart: 22.353 en the use er eth-ent caplemee. 143. 16...», lama! G. 'V’ e Fez? eMfi. (‘e-mwrmM one. 1", mnc‘ a» "When Wt‘qm 3.:th “$02.1: u»:l..::r‘ ‘54:; ngjy'b; Uity; ‘cs;,, (2.3, 53/3 I". h This volme he c three 12 memes: (3.. to cieecrihe these federal pro. ..rem 2:: ....ch have had the u. mete et 1mm et en $313M.t13."e“.01".9 01‘ higher learn. ‘1"; (i? to e::*::3.:‘.e leery ‘ ..em develop: :ent of federal. m3...1e3.ez‘.-"$"ect:1zzrr th- 31:23:: 3'33. "wee 1t 21? hm rfizcr edtteetien; .12213)t.e present the r." ’23? 3.223178 03‘ our tire 'V‘ver'rW' “a?"t lens 1. xettreen the feleml" 2. e”. 32:20 ...‘t (22121 the mt Liam's eellefiee e226; ~21222vc reitf. 0:3. .‘ I u .r ’5’}. [fittcfl1’v‘lfi 2 1'1 '1'"! T! ““nMthann fay-:0 Aw} V'QJA’ 1,47 ‘14 n1" of“ Cn::‘cm gx;n1:-‘0Hc: “91.1-4, 1'10“... {J.:E:\..) 1.210;..le as :Ql‘l. uJ.."L.CLU)Q Lu}... {2354.19,}, 1 in"fz). 53£ecuecee cite, amoral at meterei' ..etume, eermtee :3: stem, 0 twlent ream or..." :32: 22ml wees. - / 3:5. I‘ntzcr, ramped A. Feed Cost Centre}. In CeVVcrje ... fl’l‘m'Y‘LOiZ than fifi§0~v.£fiL ”HM!“ 3p ‘nqafm‘nQ-Rch. :28 (301740111301. l‘;‘)£)’w .. W“ fl). [191]?”le ‘1. 22922213609 the £001 cost cez'rtrel which results from (3)32re1m' examining, (32):: 22W ..V.-r1m‘cle;:aec1 test Kitchen pregrurz as the 12:20:76; fer fee} mvxi‘emien centre]. em (e)the 1:13“ rtezzt p‘eoe 0: {1:39- 4.05.215 SILIAJJW ..SUJ-Q . ; M’- 12bit" Her, Percy. S‘Vrzflnfice Stem Control. “CeVVLm nrz’; 11:73va “.‘m WNW“. 15(530275m93‘19fi3): IV Vii/*5”. A (2.23;. 2.275393 05: 1,330 gjupmmods torererzz cent- 03. mom. new in cfzee' a 0.1-." . eeie tirrpi State College. A remit of the 323.12.214.22 05911.1" system ...3 reduced lee e 12:22! ..., in CNBOQ‘ACLCO, 3.033. ,ecz’ wereive record Ezecer“. M-.- ._-.-—'————-—-’.--“_ ' " ~.——_'_‘_ h——_ ‘- “‘9‘. \ £7: m. L9. - 5 3.. __._ . . " -- - -~~.W%An--n.-v.¢. - - .- ..p.‘_a..’._ . -v. ... ‘ . ' . . .19!— mrber, $.31. "“10 tree: 3’3an Mutts A Homohold Peer... united bbetcs Do 11:31.: 1215'. of Ag" nice}. tum, Wazzshlzgtm, Famera {mlot‘ .3 13.01, 3.920, 11 2733. Various see-2.3102523 for Mont inc: food. and a satisfactory ant 0:12:23 to be use}. as 0. pr :bectien are dcscrilnd. 1hr” Von, .Zemwvy. Swat—3m! fmcmt -ma In 91:11:1ng]. and $17.33*; 5hr. 9.113;" I! “*1 '"1 .ve r. {3' TV"""V"“ 13. 15 (my 1951')! rm "0 3 _ o .2 I w—v' vw—v-vw v —r 13-: um.) Vex of mean :r 53' 15.3 bet. .or for an institutim to ‘1”. h; M 5.13:: om food ermine ormmtien 03‘ to lease it” ‘Ofi‘b-uo‘ egrembiez. to an out: We erxntmeter or cencessimmlm. B'V‘""L"‘.CL31, (3.3., ”.8. C?“ 311 051315.5’. Dom. 510:! To mtmlm A Harte: of the! Cost. Coz'ttrel. (.‘eV'VC'T? nest! thwart”: 7*‘2'3’! “" ”3'3. 10 (FULVL‘VJ‘Q’U 1?:‘1 ), 1):). lbw-4N. ”MOM Erased-'1 ~33 1.3.341 in :3 min: up a coat control record system EXEC-1 1:!‘11 emu. ' V0 1; EC .24: 112.1 in feed Wilma and nordcoa £0 :2 e weer-:31}: 31 0131021 em V'Vseusced. {hm-in?“ -., Ce we $135131“. The Conant: 'lomL-r: {rostrum Can Do 3313131031. 90"}an my? (7‘ “Jeremy; Defamer. 53 ), PP. 11":mo Cr -0... Pay-01")?!» “7:2 2:2 (PIT-:1" 2! q l (a I New the "11‘qu ereftgr of I'V err-Ar. found help in aolvim its he i” 32‘: w'a‘Vm ‘! ire-1' ;h Ti‘le 1V or the more 4!; Act of 1950. This ;.~. 0 1 ei'i'e Vere-we..-” 10.7 intcr.:::t rate govern- event; 1:37:19" :1 '34:: .. in r. 12:. 1243:: it msei‘ele to build self 341-111211tizzrt 203.112ij :23"! 3" 13.1 vJa-l "b51131.u r39. .:‘.'!.‘-'..'Z.o re:.5;t21 V. charges. 11.1 seem .1. Beer“ .2, Herold. "chcn' New To Control Food Costa. -;net.fl.t1231@ .3:'.‘-."".~ 3.3%.“... 36 (2.. J 19.9 5). pt). 93-1 - A discussion. 0.. mrie'm rm to control food costs. ‘lLknA‘A LL AL W N“ “M“ *“Ir—J "“‘ "4 ‘ H 043% h) .1.... m9.) April 19¢”! p4,. law-'13)}. \‘I ‘0 r. w.- 7m “In" Q ”ECO 0031.3 1.0 $1331K10d. «.le 53. Ectdhr, I‘I',I31.C0130 70 .‘rvu--b(.uuU..'O. {Ye-"I: mach 1:03:13. Dorm“ tom; mime; nncc .fi;rc*;y"t_ngmp‘]¥§x{cogl. 2Zr. -50 .'01 ‘U‘W‘NS an tram-5.0.3. light on tho affect on main-- to: 192130 of 3:0 two main cvum‘nt at 5:103 01' €101?“th t:m7.;’.toc"‘1;'¥3, 3:01;..10 "11'! 001033;. A marry aim" of t—t 91_ 80043¢1~r. Cu (...)vk“ A: :.1.’ 8, ...,33.r,), p). 303‘1205. ;; b 0:? 03:0 0:29;..." c.II.—.::‘;;0:: on {mo 31‘. *L’ctm’c. “H,“ "I?" 3‘ 6 (P 13-33211 1‘4 2:9), 5'5 . 37.38. ”on”. On». I‘M/.4»: q vvufwwfi 1w... 0 III' .0 “I151 170 are: 103112621603 by omimmzmrb with I i .' i I E T130 ('11:: I II'LE. II 15:: 311330121210 mu: lives a: 1 cmrmrocly {mt enviromom I 02:01:11! L20 0:: egg-0:13:01 0’: trim, 1:0 cm in oxu'I.1w:3. 110 I £0010 (2:37.1qu 27113.19." ..iI‘I‘ZS 6 mm“! not ‘30 in t3“? (JG «2110 3'13 I ‘I‘;s:'z".:?.c:;:‘;:00 0f the 1II-31. but that they 01:01.14 m0 '0 v5. 25!: the I £12493 cz'I-E 122001le the c m.- 0 01' 3'04: vs at .L! cttitmico. I 5!“ 135.123 Izchr, I‘rmfi: II. Inc {11:10 Cn 0.54m. 01:10:23 In Uctonxlninc E “Ia-(«- 135.2211 305.2021: for P. £23301: Ifrok‘cb. LVLIIZH‘CG I101; 9:23-14»:- 4‘:_‘;_mjf_. Ellw?:i;;:::1 S" to 0011030 , L‘EIEL ilu'wb‘ng, 1 4.0. :-.. ;"..I, .1.": ;, 13;). fry-.3. Factors to be 021233110 '02! in do hon-11:11:13 cmmbmo’aton methods fear a {"5 :0 :I 1":2.‘-:)f;:20'2: :.z‘o (1100132305.. T‘Icy 111011110 (1)31t6 car'tfitf: n.3, (3);‘:«'I:I;;In':._1:10.1 lc.0*~b:10:1,(3)t3'1‘-0 of cblucbuml 11.0. r 5' ' .. ”:1 to 20 amt-:2, (12.24103rm 01’1'5‘1: c: .foty remixed, (53):). 1:: mid I-WIJCW'wu, (6,3000 3533.110 1" .1::.:02,(Z) doc irod 3.130 0:31.30 3311‘s": ‘0, (3)2 041).: 05.011 (If C. 33271633111101] tire to a :Ilvljr‘ wav- ‘J ((2)::‘11'. fnl c "\utumostj‘q'z eds-33,4 (10)CS tzzc'uico of ' {23:0 01;, (3.-).=.::‘.::.:I”: 6 Kit! w * .20 20:21.: 0.1:! (3.3ch1‘.sz 55. 3023011, :1." .. 1‘1 :0 I‘robocbim Pref: mm. 2311ch an! Univomiltz swarm-m the £0:- 2‘ :Ix‘m 0 of adequate fire protection. in n ‘0 COL1C'r’Cfl"'Z‘:1{.-:‘l tut: ‘ 31‘- cm the selectim: of 05.30 effective: C 9...:'e.;:.:_u:.,1..3 LI: CI .X‘31.Z..C;.::::1I:I.I «.363 thin czufi imam; ip-v-~v:ntion of DLIf'alalfu‘QI: 3301' {I'll Izasmtt’ni's combtfl 012338 ‘ education 03?. {LL 1. 0.7;. :30: port: .1....01. and the t. 3.1.0:; and. 56. Dcmcon, 1.9. Tho Business! “3362' 100.33 M”. Food Services. ngjg'r: nrvu’nfirmr'flfgfImt'rtnn'I. 9(13cmmbor 1950). P170 56. ', : no areal-I. mentions for bccwim a successful food service it: a. college altar 5-01 are 11% m! H \~. , . . ”4—414- --4 .“MJLL‘VJ; _1J-.u '14..'__-..L..__‘ 1.. (...... ‘ “g --...a" ”21‘ S7. 13 3313" 313.916.. Haida: :99 $911 M. I'ontsnn State. Cn‘m 131‘."~"<'13+‘r’.t;~* 3113?“.er1. 16 ( ”SUV-3929' 1‘; 53.). PP: W0 i-=£‘SCL"£.1""=<;"1 91‘ 15.3.9 f....;t. v~z9r:9::" 6.0.9:. {torJ’L on t! .9 99.1-91.9 03 3733.33.99 State. w.1..i.1".:«..'...129 0 3:3, 31.39.31: 1111 III/$9.113, ram. «.333 Tinpbll'? .091: ml 1"}.92431 are 3339131. 5'3. Pfll‘ffst. 2939“, Jim. CI... WV“ or 7. Eklzzczztfim Outside t! .0 Class- . '"GCL‘ :. 1:13;; I -- 3.1.3 .-‘.f.;x-....:-:.~.. 38.4.1-3, Jo? U1 Gulf. 11111521". 0 9 l o r. TYNE. 9' .‘ .19 .1 "(1?! V 1"“ " ""\"1‘ h‘ ‘_ .H" :91” 1’“ :1‘. 23/113... U\11’ £|1sccmin' Av “...“... ...- ”a... amt-.... M.“ -.~' ‘ I O Q ; Wu- 4.10 hathI-udogud CM. .:.:.- -'\.;'—‘r.;I-'.L.‘L -..LlstJ’ l?~f,9, 2;... "’7 p1). r‘.‘ v. ‘ - ... 4 9.. c Q ' v . ‘ ' n. .r. .519 23.. 1‘ v- was 1.2.0 9 -1..‘3.:.1..:'.‘lc'1‘.1 1:11p“. maxim :- cm- ‘0‘ 1.". , I .I‘-- I‘t POr . .‘ I bu; 933.113 it.) 3919.1...1 ,3...s.:....19.;.1_;r::: 2x 7! to tho ’ f.“. l 5 "-Q Q ‘ ’ .n .1...‘ ' 9 912323391121 9 .19. ...:J 19.3.9 91.339993 c... 11.1% 91399409. ' V 59. 11.7"1:'23*,‘.foo":.‘:*r '3. 33“.: 3709.13 9.99.1925- SJ“ -.. 9590 19:31 Imtvcmflgz “sow-,v‘fwfl-M 7 (£53., "...-a. 1.992,), I)... 1.9‘11. Qa- cum-wan“. ,3733 3:29:21 311.9211 1‘] .09:- 93:19.3 CS :1 no (a: £0019 139111111? at E‘cmr. .u'l'tuzln. ‘91:" U CCZUCCC. 60.. 111199.39, I“. -311952133 ZI§.{;’.13.’.’."1Ibgkcomd Plum Colon. Food Q‘:'.anrw9t. 2) (1)8313”, 1. .1)“. :33). 17“. L5. "9:13.93 ’1 3:: 9931.99 9:. .9 rm 29:0 increasod mnmr proluctim, 5.33:. :3- ...ma .9123: :, inarovcd a: \lognco namlo um 319.30- 13.161}. 61.. mfi.ciz‘.JL..“‘:"J, 0.79.. I’.‘:.Hc. 13.3319 ‘- mligntxczzt qu‘m'od For A Cafeteria. é. V~r"_f°' .‘9. '(*__:‘:‘ ; 5.";313'219. 33 (3006150? 1951;); P?- 90. 1*. table 91' c:.‘; 9 191910 (.'“113.'_:';C‘;zt 211303.951 for foaming 250 to 1.00, {.01)- to I???) 3:11..” JO to ”7 ii!) C9119 is dawn to help in cafe- tan-9'9 ~91 .- 99-9199" H‘- .LO ;'-1. Amaofiog,. ‘3 9 70‘ r , ~ G». mo., a... -. 33.9.99... .293, try. 171 995:1" 0.19.6..‘91r1t9mm An 1131:1313: 39.11.301.319... .’.T“."":‘."f‘«".‘.‘. £1,993,979!" 9" ‘ '99923190. 33 ("on M 02‘ 3.95.3). p.757...“ .. -- A c VT .9123”; “0..“ Nam-Um; 3:39.999 mad p113;\9mt10:1 OQIJiTtm. in out. 11:13 139': ' ..w 3.1.10 1:229 5.9.999 .Cthon is given. Iniou‘ntim on < .. .'.1.:'.’..‘.t.9 and 9.91:1. at. m to mmIn-Jo 13 110w. m--.- H._._._ _ w...- *0. ~ ' mi.“ ‘0‘)” 63. mn 09:00:30, 39.19.1100 19‘. 930*: A "990 .03." For 99. .00 800190.300. ..«IIIIwc- om Ifivnww “.-.... .0. 3.9 (Dccmbcz' 1955), 1 L Q «39:31. . , ‘ j 990 Mari: 0.90:1, 3.9.1 939.109.902.33 and £100:- plnna at the twenty unit 9.". 30-9.; 2.30, U Ii}.- 9.9m 9‘00 twice! (39.06.0090 at. Union 001.1030, I (“'39 “’71“‘Om‘f:11 0, ..... 0110337. 6!» madman, TJS. anI'ILItJ of Immw Fonda Issued F0. 031105.03 3011199009013. V 0’ 2.. :62 IIII'.‘ "IIII'IIII'II‘J I‘I'I'IIIIIIIa. 1.1 (9» 02396029200 1{;‘£'l),:\:).1'9.)u.l 0079. I30 9.010910 on t! 9.0 legality of revenue barns issued for U. 121’ C0212} 2.0-003. 65. 1:29.20, 92..9y:1..“v¢ n. (‘IIjggIIIrIr‘I For (3019.003 :'m. 9903: York. 9). [IIIIzlc’m "10.231 COL”; . 9.9.935 l‘JLo, 22.35 9;). ”£910 05.99. of this 99009: 9.9 to 0.9391320 the needs of 00310510 ‘99:..1'102“. 303 {III 0 009.0%. of View of mfidanco, to (1100mm the 09:90:: 09" r319". I.‘I:III.00 in co}... Macs for 9109‘02‘9, and frat: tho 23.". 209901 £01,200. ' 0.9. £201 9:910 000999.09 male, to 0115:; I009. o. to: 99.3.35.“ 99:0;‘21611 £00 0002319.: 001'. LII": in a. mroomel dugm‘b- :30. It. 0.3.1 0302:0ch 9.910 0:) 9Mr: 0 92: .10 for (100.1100 9. 99.93 89.19.9039. fut-31 1" :(i(\ L: mt ". 66. maker, Ceramic C. 0.33:! Yntzmrmo 9-]. 990MB. Labor Hours And nth-01* Cos 933 In A (303.1030 (19530907310. Jmmm‘l of thn 6:202‘3m'g ”191*" ...... 20:1“ thaw: 1;. :33 (3 I35, 1950),?“ PDQ 1" 94:3!” M "‘1 I‘L'qul'bn 09‘ a. 0999:?” 2:22.909: maimed tho Labor hours and 000998 in" .. 00.9.1000 cz.'-.‘000'.9.0 to $9.201 (Dunbar hours, (2)3990: ($0.903 Pill (3)10 (33.1,;11h3. 5?. 9111:; re, '1'. 2301:0090. 002*} :anienco with Coin 020th 1.0th 0.199.200. (377139“:0 959433504105.“ :1 93109.m03.6(9121*c11 199.9), mo 3». 93900190000 1:930 experiences of :90..ch iffo College 10.9.93 coin r: I 021 2.302312" 1.0193100 , both those 01:0mtod by outside: ' A'u. 00000900 0.91 tlmao 0.030229 by 9.110 00110550. 190920 00" Sound Routine For 1330530001033 01' Food 1335““: Lflpt4n~33 Iflw 0:3" Vii-no. 35 (110-vmm 19A)’ v— w. 1106.9, $3.95,. Deliveries 1790 300 Tim author vote up 0239;009:3931 by which a good food 09an can rat; 93.9.09: 0 muty £00.! 02390 cave 0000:; too, by 303.2100133 r0. 2.09.00 1‘s:- 1210100999 ....mr: foo). dolivmdeo. ..L‘M_M #Ai Ll.“ ( . . \ ' _.‘ _ . L - - A t -r A: I .1 ..g g..- . . .. w. _ _....).1';.'.\)..~--g‘..‘_.’0_.1-.:3..'\vaF’U-uA‘.31111' .... . . .‘ __‘h.v4.__._.._ “ ‘ ‘r 69.. 11031.33”... 13:01.1 A. 5. ("033313301400 2‘0 332233.333 £3133 133301'03'1'0 3005002100 1’1‘1‘:Lflt.j-v~ “1‘54. .W‘ZI‘I'I '13er 3d ”1.“. 3. 3v "II-3. UA‘; lb-zL-Ji‘Vu ”‘1‘. train. E?L..TG~«.--. $1.0 00.0.0024 03; «I00... :10, 1951, 3 3 m: xlromd 1003x100. {3333000300 a. basic 73:10.31:er 1:210:10}ch or v.33 0 0002000000 and 12:39. 1.5.0000 " 030130220 (:03. 3232001141333 .0 a domitory 0:, 310 0133010100. 70. 13001:, 80013530 5.3.3031. 5 “0'33 m‘.‘ 0'01 Davy! 3130.21.33, (1%" For“: mm; 1‘! O 3 1 I Q Q \ 1p . I u c 34 A ..Tfil ‘ 3 g I . . v")',‘33"s.°'.‘."."' f. .-3_033,.‘.i37:133,r3:z 3.3.3:...3 . .1311 .333 32 .2 v.3 3:3 .3 3 3 1" .03 “$.ng- I In.) ;. .‘ ‘.?';‘..‘« .i.".'2." ‘II.‘..-‘. " (II. 7 1‘3"" ."I ’ 5‘0 ’- :’"J .I 0 .0 1.. Jinan—Inu— “u M ...-0W". «Jr-q...» MI- W*“ 9.- w z—M‘A 3, V " I. 13" 3 a _. . I. ' ‘ I ‘ I I"I ...“ «If: “.3‘3"~3"*‘.3‘..3." . ‘IIL 33" IL“... 1 j ...-vbtmwuy—uo-Iu‘l-Jt‘au d1”; Quinta-:..- . ”. L; .“ 1:“ “it J.;a.. Li Lgui 0‘ L la Lulu; \okpuwb‘, in”: wa‘d-I.”Ibo‘$" 309 I55, :39 { 1C" v03. 19007:} 1.? .0 III~II..-.r333 {III-.1 23:30-00:13 history 01' 0101323100 110001:ng are III3000210001, 300.”, 2.1. 0::- 013011 00:; 20 ......Iflca of 0 ”000.0000, 1737;13:3300‘. 01:32.03 03.30 0;} 0013.0. '33'13. 11213303313010 0!." the: 3'02 .0050 10 . 03.400 (1 t0 the (3.0 3II1 0 . 3.0122. 0.3? 13013.33: :20 1%. 11003113.": facilitioo 5.033 1.231235} 01.33: “€0-00 0’0 '0‘ .0 U:- .ivorsfl. y of Virginia. 1'00 :.- 20:20:20 fl. p230 M000 sitc, £1003: 111.0 2.0 for 4:351:53 UI'L “bins" [:I‘U‘l'j ‘0, 130.004 [713.113 1.0!. WUULTLIS 011306 :.. I32;- 33:. 30330.3 I..: 1.3. 0 00:3 00001301 000nm 00:1 (101204.310. '73.. 130.43., , 5‘33- ..c:~~.~.~.~.a1 6-. 0.03.". 1.0-0 D. 8.011510... road Sanitation (Ind/or 1'30 231-00 01333233Im000. .j0I333I3 3.1 of? mm 53303330301114000Mc {3033.007’3rifx331. l.(t‘ct01.0r 3.955), 1M. 9933-3))00 (30:11:14.3 I: 3.33 I; .30 ("Ion- (1)uhcn 19 £00100. 33" 0t0tim an 3:3- 0.0.010; 33.031 in the 1:. 900010110 13000000; and (2) III: 3.3. 0 '7'0 2:. :0: 5.033....00 123.130.310.00 only in tho ontixruo (some? 73;. 1302323000, 112100023 0.,“ I. . 110M {5012130 Dame Cut. Fuel 0021010100100. 9537'} (13:53.33); 10113501025713," “33 3‘00"» 7 (30; tumor 191.9): 171’. 331' ”'30. 3 3 It. in tho of this 053155.010 to describe tho 03mm M :00 02:37 33.10.3113, to touch b01013 on the control 03030033 13:21.9 3.3-10.1 00:1 ’00 {2:10:01 00.3.20 detail the 03,2010 Linu procodura “02.3311. 1.031 ’00 {3.13.0 253.05 maxim in 1‘ L103. cormmrbion. 7‘3. 230330122330: ,0).bcr’00. A Con .ributim to the Stmizmiimtion of 03:0 03.11.1003 In 0013.030 1103.18 for \I'omcn. Tho ngmfli g Homo 7.003316175205. 9 (1‘ka 1917), pp. 33%1120, 2021101000..“ 0:3th to 00:323.: out. t.‘ m cont. of food p013 carats per 3110001"; mr day, I11 00.. 3203 percent of ho 12100.10 client; for 0011 0107.02.00 of 100310’001‘1’0 and also the 0000:1000 of Operating. 353101011215 1201:0021 and mzmr. 7’“ 76¢ 77. 739 79. L’_._-...- 4 . ... ' ' . -- - ‘ l — ‘- - '— ... _ ., ... ,q- ...A.n.-— . 4- . - . Douala, 12.11. (Samarium ..., {302N100 on the 6011020 60mm. College 23:: {hmijnxurz’effit {3:1'13:‘n".‘1. 9 (:30 £20.er 19J0)0 pp. 1‘7. 7. 0100000 03 210.! 0 catorlz‘z do; mrbmnb in the food nor-vice 0320213022103 will pwrialo 0 source of revenue that. can be used Lo 3:041:00 L310 price 0:? L110 ctmxzzmd 0:01;; mm. Munster, Uylio film-rt. grjmjmxm (‘3‘? A (207.1 qqgjlnr‘fljmm 1’ ~'w' 30"? _ 7 .{. .u'r' W ... 'm'eun- l f'n '~ *7 ”an '9 (3’4. UllflubléudKDd L‘AQ 11:853.“ng liqu‘rnz uvulvo DUI-108,0. $1.1“. ' n otwly L weave t‘m 5L1: .Ionts' ideals or (10:0 -zitcry 0170:1130- xrp .113, 00.113er 01.3.03 0.10! “9:200 3001'. into an "Meal dozuitory" 0.1:: L2 0 2.0 :' Liza’s £120 <2 mi :1 will prove 40:;sztcfiv0 00 0 pm 045.0313. problem in 0'17: 30010.22." 00 1:01]. 0:11.... ... ::“1:l mm: the Live 0:21,».3 Co. 00mm 103.100 of such a building. 80:10:03), Inns. 3301'. Mary 130015-21 and F405. moat. Ammo-m . w- 709.75). 2:». sax-30:3. 3130133303 $5.30 0:? 11.13.30, location and oxfiontatlon, the min flow-2% (”rum row. my! iitchun, fitment rouse, floor and L's-3.1 Zia-12. £2.00; :.L... Chub-1101'; 0*;11-3-413? “:0 rt. {bailey , 1..... Getting Tho 2109?. For The money In 0mm Btu/inc.- £22130? rt?!jY0“:'. «25- mnttin, mfim. 8mm at 1mm and am mtoo thing mm In £2 Colleges and Ikfixoraltios. gvojglma and 1331530225113; 1353.1395552. 8 (Jams-w 195 0). r323. 15. A sw~.:tnry or? wage and min-2V mbca being paid in 1.2 oolloma 0.31:1 Lutlvcwltioa to macadczxic 0123103005. mam, 3:11.35. The "3 "33.4.: To Ogmflqowmflljtg giving. [realm Institute, 19150, 333. PP. fi '21:!) r3311; to organize and 11:13 limits! a cmmriaon of policies 9.31 the 8.13. and (selected liuropozm countries. I mixhvm, (33.30.00 11. Iht~.t~g‘.tgo~fit'g:§nr matcz'm1 Pfo‘gc1.nLBonifi.tn}£4 W (:7_.~~‘v~. rtfi F‘irthmlra: 1.0:: 30:32:: films: mhliuldna 0033mm]; 1:10., Mold-mo...‘ Q . ..- .p 3-791); 3.40 13;). A ample-go math job descriptions of the work of each mtaloyoe mm lhlzocutmo House-Inqm to Ruth mid. misfit John Evin. The School out! Ru Arctdtoct. The Merl ». ,s 0 I '5‘ ~ '1 gpjtm ;.__:~.t-ru~:~.~~§:~.pw:[vq. l (19%].929), pp. w. t A mflde to the (selection of an architacb. 3:0163, timato 0. 3‘. 37?‘.71f7’.‘~0‘?’.2 for I‘d-3.0731 Cuntaiinm. ”1100131.“ “-m-A- ‘DMM““~ " k _ ‘ I” .‘. '.,,...,. . ‘u F. :1 , 1 .1 .\, :.ol:.~.~c~.s-n: :.Ezc [Law-gait; oz. :.cbmam, Tu“: ‘ , E pp. - 1‘. Mail’wclz for {333:va3. cuitmlirms on the tccizmnuoo for the cam {:11}. mintczm‘zco of: school Udlnflngo my} maxim. mafimiry, 23.. P. utildinq 002203. 99331330 “em! }hi»~oz~0fi.tg fimfiffzcfin. I). (350*.'£1,.~lx3r 1‘)“'l), pp. JESS. The author paints Cut th necessity for inpmflng mum codes 32.3 an aid in mtlucflngx cmmtxuction caste. :fiodnor, Carlson and mocha. gqfi’i'rgxmc £03)! my} image glqgcmbirra,‘ 110V York: MIMI!) L’ubliddlm Caspian], 1:10” 1.)), 1"U W. Camlcto infoztmtim on food and bmrcmm operation .- pur- clz.,..3-mv~3, receiving issuing, mammary?" .53, pmznmhion, angioyno tminin‘j , budgetim and ccoomzting. -‘H 1 o 4:36- 87. Drool! to, 21.11. Back 8113120122200 Can Bo Prevented.1o 0 22212322113 .2332 13125132008. 901133 1950), pp, 13:“... 0100110003. hm Incl: 012332022030 cam be pavvunbod. 38. 911201122012, P0111 Jo 313123022 Lf’omnnne; 2112ch in 60mm], 132120.“: 3022. Washington, 12.0. a Imzcriccm council in Mutant-ion, . . E»): if? 970 This 2203202220,. 21333292012 for them who work with atmiontu .- teachcm, 00132222307020, 0112321221100 2221202213 .- a! "222-203 121:3 '0 to 11112220 2222,32 and 0:2.tinfy tho 2200110 01‘ 002111022120 amend: the . 01 use of facwhmxc devices 0211 of 2202200121201 0022121 00:2. 69. M31, J00 3.. L 1‘2“an firm-2‘22 1,204.12 n! thn I‘Sflmnchfl. History at T113823 T127223 $212.22.: :2: 2221;»?! 2322812 <32? $2231.21 (2:21:12: 222.1223”). 4212111161106 1M2. 202.123 0011.030 01 Arts and 12202213322100, 19111, ‘ 31.30 n~~...r.2’.;20:~o'.1 3.002300. '1..o (10:22.12, 02-2120 of t. 2.0 Tc: 22.0 College of 31m and Mmtrieo 70:20 12:20:22,330“; at a 10:20. 21:2. Bram in the camoity of (102223.002?» and master‘s, 125.11 thin emvoy at the 1':2:2.r22~clz21 223.232.0117 of tho 001.030'0 dormitories with 0 v3.02: L02: .2211 1203‘? 0.2.2 22:23 financial ~32 0001123200. 900 . Moo, K. 2102.: To 1322123214 022 Job TmJfi-flc ”mm. 00110320 and E4ngwj€+wp ‘H1n‘fihfi1. w (npm 195 5), m). 24,6. W {32100220003 (32.222022: 2222.1 problems in Job training W and hat to establizh a 00222:! program. ~ . 2111:; 91. 112,259.22, Jury do Game. Food Service 1’10th m'collogo Field m 2 951. 110110220 0222.! 1.221212122252102!32.205320534. .1]. ((1013011)). 1951), PP. 1254;!“ A discussion of 001103.23 food 001212100 woman: in 1951. 92. 13123222 .22, 122.123,! and Etta Hardy. R2222” nh‘nm 12nd T'mfifnmt for P12560120“: 1: “32.130. 110W York!“ LOhdLC‘L‘O C 323101231132; .2, 1933. ' 2 A 00212211102221.1022 of the 1201241222 202220 112241 memwnlatiom sqvnozated 1’022 furnlatuxms 0.22.21 011111pr for 12001602160 for 12:15.00 of 60,150 12:21 £100. 7’ 4%.; ... ..AA.. AA ._ ..2 L.._.o M -... A. Jud“; LL -.‘Aéfl . ....x_... Ak- 2.; _-_' 2L~Nu ...... x.._2 95.. 9°72. 90- 222?- Ryan 1201227 do Gama. 2222222202022. and Financial Policies 12: cod. 2 0223:1120. 001102222 r232 lbflmmltv 22233.2. 00. 6 (22232 A discussion of armament on! financial. policies in food 0012232100 in 003.122.2200 and 2.2212102120125100. 'Wm,' cry 22-2210 Como. 210.222.3222 For Domtory Food 8032211220. 2332332513300}; 222.21 10.2.10 3.22. °9(J\12ril 19M»), Pp. 13100223200 {2.2201522252222231 considerations: in 91mm (10:215.th food. service and ozhiitioml (lowing 122222.; must. be considered. Bryon, r’m do Como. .3202. About Food Costa? Cohen: :2. .1.-2221mm? *3 “222222212220. 1 (220001121222 192.6), pp. 31:. P0221103 tron oovontwfivo 60110305 and 22213320129212.1013 were mooivod .222 a survey of typos of food 002220.009. '1'120 resulting figmrco 2.20.2213 intorpmtod to (suggest trends and 220011.23. 222922,:er do (30.12.10 om! 12110011. 2221222123222. Lubes-110m and Co: Lo 12 House and Food Dorortmnbo. Jon; .. . ICW‘VE’L’T CO. 21 Ultra.) 19-39), Pp. 163.11 0 Tho ouzvoy 22cm reported was node to gather Manhunt widen 2.212312%. cowo on o connective 12220101121 for further mm: of 0130220201223 002.3 and efficiency in rmrmm. Dnmfi, 21.22. To Opomto A Food Sow" oo Snocoaoful‘iy, Cultivate Food Cost. Comciouomoo. (39110116 0.2.x! {3313.202201ng 222272222220. 15 (00W 301? 1953). PP. 139-30 013105000 tho 1.212220220222120 0.. (202201on a food coat. omsoimm in the o; 202.2122.2 on of 00110220 dining 12123.18. Ynjor arms of o'ctirlty 1:222 .. fool oom'ico 22221312220 (1); 21222020012233 (2)120coivin5j (3)....121312 and 1:” 22.3 (Mntzm 123...: 2.2211222; and prooun’oi on; (5) service and 00111223322211 (6): 22123020222. which mum; 1212222, direct 0:221 control. ' 81112120122012, 2:. Fraction "1120 m Caro o: stardom: 15mm. Pool; 22221211222212.1220. 27 (2212222212 1955), pp. 78. (3.3120 01‘ r1205 010.30 015001 to 122022220 decimal 02m yoora at W two power: moo. wfi'hfifi «28-0 99. W, Hub and Ambol Konay. 00011110011100”. wring. govern and Unflvcarst'ty Nrimsq. 9 (momma: 1950), m. 6. TM manic!) of tho dcsimbility 0: mm mm grams in residence hall dining room in diamond. 3.00. mm, "1% J. xhsidcnco “all From. 6.116 9:1 'J‘f‘lm“ ‘1' hwhwha. 6 (April 1910); We ’53:: . The author an. Joya queationa concerning roplaoacmt of Imitmv, be). since for dom'ltm‘ioo, nmttmaaoa, utilities and {imotcr mlla in clamor roam. I 0 2.. . 1:93.? Mayne, Jma‘ ‘1. 1131313131130? 1113112311,; rgflmm: 69.315939”, Unpublished" 1 .A. . thouio. muvox-ui'ty of 221520116111, 195‘), / 33 nmbcmd loaves. _ Smrmr or pram ‘, o? jcctives, history and materials used in ‘ 1. RC..- 1 x !\ fratcmfiity msiuom Cowzcsolom mm at uncertain. ’ /o( c, 1.92; Hunt. mu, fills... 'd J. This Reruns-cohort} ibuiclonco 31:11]. ”as half. ,1 - . Pro Zhinbom; .c0. 99“ 1mg :~.z:1 Uni vet‘flt‘tjf 9125:1099. 3.0 (April I. 19):), PP. 3335. i A description of the plmmim; that. was 15:01.va in tho coo- , ntmcticn of Swami .. Inn on the momtm mum. L > Illmtmtio: H and floor plmm. . 3-03. Mac, Amid J. Dovolozzzacnb 038mm lhoponuibflity for School . ~ 9.3:). 0011ch 111131313. Arthricm " {3310031 631_ thine: ‘oity. 13 (1916): PP. 15356. WWW A history of the: dovo].ozmon$ of state responsibility ra- ochoal and collego Imucthmo. 10!». Wt, much. This Stadim Houses stmmto. 3.19 may; - M. 2!» (Sommmr 19’ 9). pp. £13. The Mmctar of 11L~tozmion, Fort. lays, taxman Sumo Collage dcccri boa tho conversion of apnea mu tor the otudim into housing for men tutu! who undor a owmmtivo plan of lining. 1°50 106. 10?. 1C8. 109; no; «~29- { 1‘ {mm L. Good Food Service Depend: m tlouootmoping 3mm. 22 one omLJhflyomitLJ-‘fgsings!). 9 (member 1950). pp. 1&5. Iiino myo are listed by which good hmwczmoping in food non- vico mite. can oovo non-0y. Thcoo points we follow by a. diocwsoicm or the throo oosontiolo of good housekcogm. Bur-1m, Loo. outcome Din). System. magma ondgfiuivomig 14L “" w“ .- ”18"”“Qfl. 9 (Augumo 1950)’ W. 28%9. A short Motor}; om. doscmption of tho tolophoam system at the University of 1415002121111. Bums, Loo, Front: mldzrin, Alico nelson, JJt. Primlo, Don lfllbmma or {9.0. EroComxoll. {hr-.01 Discussion. i‘x‘onntylinm .. . :"1"'WL finfinnl ’nf-Knvw“ (”031nm ,10‘133qf‘: Cnnrnvmnpfi. {chican 1&8.qu 604.19{ :'J, Lao-Qt 13:3“ 1‘13, ticklifw :m’ WAuLmh 1“;le Diommoion of mmmcl rolntion, maintmmnoo prooodmo, om‘ollmnt prospects, advisory oyotom, oooimtzom and nooimmut prococimrs on: ogvorotim cooto on they involvo sowlon‘b hmmimg. Duns, Loo. Tolozfilono Facilities. Colfloml m guivowitz Mair-Loos. 9 (Soptaubor 1950), pp. 0 A flomomoion of telephone facilities in eleven midwatom maivomi’cioo. Buttonmrbh, Arthur 8. Eco») It. Clean. gonom and [mgvoggitz _ W. 7 (August. 19”) 1 m. 31.33. I A (11361.13st of food sanitation no rcgwda (1)1‘ood poisoning: (minnow; mt! rodent. control; (3)0th of bacteria, bath air . homo and contact. mots, Porter. Sam molioomom of Honolulu. 1‘ 23;. at he Jou- Honor) want! 8 (January 1937), pp. 27-8... cont” m 01;: 11.17 £131,137: 39-9!» A 31:.wa or student. moidonoo at. the mivoraiby of Wisconsin. to (uncover in detail what the ouhotituto for homo mint-0mm in, what otm‘icnbo do xdth their non-ampldm time uni how can effect: tho other. W‘s?“ _ . . ‘ . 1, 7 MN, ,»_.-_.. 3- -. ., _ _ . ......‘.«.3,..M ._, m. 3-13. 123;. ”9-" 4-30. Calder, mm: a. mm Lounge, mmaum and 0mm Ame. Pnsificzwcq PHLP'I. M“ '1" ConPoz-ronco. mam State 0013.030, _' wet Iin‘tsylg, oliCfliQCLu, 191d}, 13'). 2042. A diocmoicm of the residence hall facilitieo which will aid otmlorrbo in their intorumrooml mlntimwmlno. Those facilities #:0111310 1012336 roam, morontion room and cattle. armo- Gold 703.15 Frank C. room: 1:. mm". new York: l'nmillm company, 1930. 386 3319. It is the function of this book to room! the mount statue of the 60101100 am art. of lighting. IColifezm. 13.33. A Practical Approach to the Pumrmoo at Kitchen magma. £339.1g31nu'unggggrg. 73 (October 1953). PP: Us. Emphasis is placed on having the correct tools for the Job and on Icoezxmg moo with tho oEmmiug ncodo of the food service oznrotion. A check list of otmxmnl kitchen azuigtmut to pro- ocntod as. vol]. an a table on oquizant oaznoity. Canaan, D. 3.. 6.1,. Thtwm 8!!! "OP. 10116. "w to Wm ‘ System of hood Cost. Commit. (301.1005: ammuvm‘o? t1; Puoinooa. 10 (10mm 1951), PP. 135-438. Procoduroo used in setting up a cost control recon! oyotan which will {armada tho momma in food value and oowiooo for a successful ommtion. Caflmrt, A.H¢ Beauty 83M MMtim. 80,1001: 811.1 30010132. 27 ("PH-1 7, 1933); PP. M0 The autho. proposoo that tho omrimnt of the Mutant, the ourrothJm tlwomfi a which ho walla; Mo omlont 113:0, comm boamy or t! .o loci: of it, two on 1301:ch an! no mm factors in his tutor lira, ito oo wimtiono and ideals, no my- thing he can not from printed mgo or final (11118. 0mm, Adi. Campus Flaming Objectives. Schoo n 3 tot. 27 (April 31*! 19:33)) PP. 1339-43131. A diocuooiou or the objectives of ammo plmmlng ouch on efficiency, oomico, ooonozw om beauty. 117.4. 1190 Carlson, Ikodnor and Iiaachnl. Prof? tabla Food and We! ~31. Gum, Am. camimmnmutymmode -: ’ Mime m A College Campus. 531(- 21.0213 uclxm :1 and {kgmmgtw 3 (1936-1931). Pp. 13-19. . . A master plan for (mum trimming, considering primarily and directly, efficiency, good omAmtim of elmxta and basiovm sound design for use. Carlmrt, am. New Camrnmos for Old. School and Soc! otz. (April 21, 19133). PD- 463-4559. Tho author presents the theory that. a. mn-tizoumm-wb campus plan in not a rnmcca. but it hm: its purpose. .A diocuamlm failure: of the oflmn‘wgoa of such a plan. r Game, 0.12. “Day School" Feeding 19 Different. gonna; 933 O Un‘wmuv narujnmg. 17 (August 19)“. m). 1. Problems in 6011080 teatime tomfl when the 00mm has no "residents", when most. 812116.0sz live at 110110 and when feeding is 001on a. day/tun Operation. ()gmzwcbion. new for!“ Ahmna inbliohinz: Bonanza 1110" , PP. Cazplobo informtim on food and beverage operation . mm, 955. , receiving, issuing, mnu-mldag, pmmmtion, unplug/co trawling. bulgcbing and accowuting. Chamberlain, Ihrlon uncohu Ideals In The Ammotmuon at tho College Don fltory. The Jog-:3“; Ingram chnofica. 3 (Xlovmbor 1910); PD. W. . Tho author pmuonts her ideals an to what. a omega domitory Ghoul-d be. . mm”. mu; m: and Adminiotm’cimg Judicial momma at 1101153153, Discipline, and Mexican]. 01' Stulcnbo In State lnatitutiozm of Manor Ienucctim. mm .a of ”rho“ Mumt. z (Apr-n. 1931). pp. 3.954%. 1.3311 limits of moidonta 1n (Ionization at. educatimal institutiom. 123. 122;. 125. 127. 4% Chapman, 0.". Portion Control Fran Mariam Point of View. C 1... . Univomi‘b‘ Timinooo. 81(Apr11 1950). pp. (.5. A doocriz'rtim of tho pror'm'n which Purdue {kuvoromy in £01.10:er for ho control of portion oooto. Tho opgrootm ho o bcoo wow p.\3dot01‘rfi.xmbion of mean, caplomwc ozmcii‘iootiom, nothing on a. contact-.13 ...vo bmrlm oyntom and moclclm; and in.» gmcoion :15 goals orrivo. Chairman, {in}. Guicmnoo In Stmlon’t. Pooidomo 110.118. 4 mem a? 11-3310? 1115;055:593. 1? (Jammry 1946). pp. 26-30. This article is a diocuooion of tho grout. voluo of tho moidonco 11311 no a ploco to help tho (student. bcccno more mzturo. The author diocuoooo tho pmblous to bo omnountod bofom ouch o guidance owtozn can to immummtod. Reason: are listed no to why a dozmtory in a. good place for (mom and tho cgmii'icationo of a residence hall counselor are given. Steps in setting up 9. mmlmoo program are dioouoood. Choo!., 221w Ashley. foo-Organized Rooidonoo mm. gem-m; 95 1: "Der thjfioqo 7 (October 1936). PD. 371-376. Dioouooion of tho author'a'viwo that the future of moidonoo hallo lays in the integration of tho academic and non-acacimio m0. Chicago Comorciol deoo Ino’oitubo. Pmcbi caLUnholotoz-i 09 Chicago, 1111:1016! Chicago Marcia]; ”Erodes hmtituto, A 1:033wa for uzmolotoring. A A (now, 0.1!. How To Win Staff Approval torment Somatic: 135013133, 33231 3tub5m B E 'Qfir'."5.nc._ 31 (August 1952); PP. 2.5 luchigym Show College's Damnation progmm to doooribod, - or tho need for xrholohoorboi cmmmtion of on. oufiomoa 1| otrooood. Giana, now; 2. College and “may Ooopomuvo "m For Uomn Shulonto. Jonm of tho morica Aooociom. Eniu‘ngnfisy Fiction. 18 A otudy or cooperative homo provisions for moon amnion“. i —— Afi! —— '—v——~a——m--- "...“.— _ 0 H33- 129. cam-kc, Jam: 9. ‘myton Remodels Kitchen manuals and 19%) “067.7 0011(3n-(3 om 5" Wot-cit moinooo 16 (Farah ) ’ pp. “.30. _ ( Floor plans, doocnx'rtion and illxmtmtimo of tho may fowiolod kitchen and dining room at the University or bqum. 130. (mark, Jaoot “well. Idwhtinv m PolotSon To 1111.10 flout . Baltimore! Millions and humus, 53”“ H ) pp. - .. A diocunoion of tho miiool and limiolqgiool aspect: of tho ocionoo or illminotim. 331. Clark, Selby, until undo and Uiltrod mm. 111.503.2511in In College Imoidonco Emile. fgmomol and ('9.deon J moon]? 21 (Docozrxbor 1952), pp. 139-193.“ * "W ’ ‘ " Tho amiclo sets up guidopooto for ooluoving o dooimhln ototo of diocigslzmo in moidonco hallo. It emphasizes that diocipuno Incaom'cs ourlxt to holp otwlonto develop into vol]. mljuotoi ir'uivldmlo, oblo to mohair! their inlividuolity and at tho amino time adopt to tho noodo of the group. 332. Clmmm, Angora. mefijmonté'ntntomnco throng... . New York: Marcus manning comm, Inc" 1953,15 pp. Easy-tmmd charts (Iovotod to fiftyuoimt different 151000." of ki’ochon or;1fi1mnt, oom'o tho dual purpose of training employees in the care of oqulmont and of longthotfing 1t. life. ' ‘ . 133. Cocldnc, Eoltor D. Collage Dormitories. pontoon School 225 . mfixrcrsflfig. 16 (1953;), PP. 9507. 5 Both a bibliography and on oboowatlon on tho shirt in annual. - from the college domitory as a "boarding houoo" to its occoytzmco on on oducotimnl hbomtoa'y. 13!... Colo, noon. :1. Tho Collage Housing me. mum room rum». gmhitccmgmnconi, 117 (Jammry 1955). pp. 151-151». A program: report, including moontotivo ozmmploo or pro- Jocto fimncod undo}: tho pronoun. ' 135;. 136. 337. 333.” 339“ 115,0. “-33.9 Colo, Aroma"- 0. . riotslmvom Yale vault): l‘roso, $0. A history of :{ount ltolyolzo, including cannon“ about tho oorly residence hallo and dining foomtioo. 00an m; mummity moinooo. DAMN; COoto Survey. 530512510 noilhivopoitflhx donors. 8 (robruory 1950). pp. 19. A annoy of building canto, inoJucung typo o: oomtmotim. total cost, coz; tract coats, conic toot costs on: oowrccdsmto nogo mtoo. ' 00110530 and Univomity moinooo. mama Coot: annoy. Couom r35 5h~5vom5ty Ehrlnosa. 9 (July 1950), pp. (.2. A cowoy of college outlaw; cooto,1no1uding typo of constzmction, total cost, contract oozto, cubic foot count. .2551 (13.. ~ 'o.....‘ to 5.15:0 rates. Collo’o and Mmroi oy moinooo. Ia 15m: The Tina To Build? ‘ «mom on} {"15\’f""“”17 IT 8335233. 7 (rzovonlnr 1959): PD. 70 A omvoy of [>sz 11:15: coats, inolmung two of construction. " total co: 5., contract costs, outdo foot coat and opgamdzmto wage rates. 5 College and adversity momma. Bunny a: mining Coot: In Couogoo. 0015940 and Byway-nit}; moinooo. 10 (January 1951): PI”. ~30 A chart shoring ooapomtivo college: mam: ooota mrtoining to two or ccmotmction, total cost, cubic foot coat, general contraction cooto and (Loam-Mata wage rates for ohctrioiom, 2mic:flmom, macaw, plmboro and oormntom. Collogo om! Lmvcroity luminous. Survey of [holding Costa 1:: 003193303. Co}. love and Ikxivoroitx Moments. 10 (Fobmary 1951): I”?! )0. A olmrt naming comparative mum coats ramming to the two of oomtmction, total coo t, cubic foot ooot,gomro1 co. 'urumotion cooto, and op rodxmto 5mm mtoo for electricians. hrioliayrI-o, moono, plwdaoro and commuters. 1AM mg 11.5; comer, Kenneth M. Analysis oL‘l'ho Financial Status of 55011135 and Uomono’ Residence Halls of Scloctod Stctc Touche!!! Collor’oo, Unpublished H1. D. Uioocrtation. Indians. Uni nivcmity, 1953, Financial status at rooidanoo halls of selected teachers! colleges . sources of income - cost of construction - oxponsos for maintormnco and operation - disbursonwzrt of funds and the proportions in which funds are used in tho . - women's and man's rooidonco halls. canine. Jun Planning School moors. Wei-m University, 22 (1950-1951.), pp. 314-3 + o ' ‘ An oxtonsivo stuciv on various typos of flooring for schools. Also cuocmaoos floor maintenance. Cook, 8.8. Low Diming Foss, High Food Costs. Gallo Univer31tlm151n033. 1 (member 19%), PP. 5‘ Home of the innovations that will help keep dining toss dam. Cook, Harol ~. Plastics for Institutions. Proceedings - Th1 [tummljgtioml £03.1ogo IIouoinnLConforonco,fi Elohim to. 0 College, East Lansing, liichigmx, August'ESJ... Backgroumi data on the Dow plastics, their characteristics, com of their properties and a tow of their uses in tho college housing field. capo, Harold 0. Small College lam. Cogggg fl [sliver-op! Buoiooso. 9(Doccmbor 1950), pp. 384.0. A description of tho laumlry facilities at Form College and how it has proved ocmtcnucal for them to maintain their own lcuodry facilities. Corbett, Maclmrray and Wurotor. Girls" 00th for tho wivorsity of California. Architectural Form. 79 (July 1914.3), pp. 148-51. Description, floor plans, photographs, roan plans and Pheammigg outline of a girls' dormitory for the thumity 3127. 1’30 ”29. 150. 151. ' .36- Corbin, Alberte.’ ' Zvicthodo of Obtaining legislative Ammorn'ietions For News's Demitorics At Kansas Irmtitutiom. ”mom-39,2 "o 01? tho fog '3031A‘ ;‘j} R1331} 5mg Amnjyglpéw. 60 (lg-m)”, pp. (”.31. The author discusses hm legislative emu-omega“ for "0‘7"“. ‘3 dom‘itmics €13 muses izwtitutims were obtrm'wdo Coultor, E. horizon. Concave Li ..i‘e _.T,n_ The Old South. Atlnno, Georgia: The Univewity of 2362223122 2220523719223, 320 pp. A history of the Louver-city of Cosmic, anlufirg descriptions of early corp torios and food service facilities, Outlay, 01‘. 14.11. The History of‘ student Residential Housing. some 9222! Society. 1,0 (sooomo. 1, 1932.), 1):). 705412, 63.22., [,0 (one... war s, 1931.). pp. 753—752.. The author rovlmrs the history of student residential housing in the belief that an mmeuco s o- the influences of femur ti; 222 u my be e :mctcd to 13.122 that e and mumps give better direction to present and future practices, 0mm, 00:23.1! J. has Izuoh honey Does A Collem heed? EchooLora Society. 32 (Mr J. 1930), pp. 6-4.0. A discussion of how much it cost in 1930 to operate a four . 3031‘ college of literal arts that is to represent without cxtmvsganco all the essential fmtures 01‘ a good college. Grain, K. University of Idaho lakes Dormitory Boarding Syetaa Pay. {mascot}; :z‘fiestnumnt ’ :Irpttine. 26 (hey 1M2). pp. 6).. A description of the University of Idaho's boarding system. :‘Cmnshew, x cry 0. azxi Joseph 2:. Crenshw. Notes To An Architect; ' ' 2933-230 cu". Uflve‘r‘s‘m it 8122035. 1!. (I Larch 1953). DP. ISA-35. Discusses unsung plenum: and design in toms of a fireproof residence hall for 100 students. Cross, Perl 1!. Deters; hing Factors cc A ‘Eound Selfdiqmdatm Project. Pres Age Urns - x‘higgi {221222; '2'! I'stjez‘ "2._! College ”or. 2.122“ 00: 11(31101100. 122021132222 o tote Cello-we, Lust wwimg, ilczzigam, 1211;322:383, 1‘] 51‘ 2 The author suggests some factors which should be considered in connection with a some! ”1:42quth college housing please. .v a... ~37. 152.. 01-083, Earl R. madame No.13. Bond 10m PM The mm 155. 15611 1571' 159. Crow, Lester D. 11. Intrrx‘uc‘t! 1. D0311, cm 1‘1. ”hi‘fi-‘f" "(30 7'19}! ”91119;an ‘ 01' £316 Educatioml habitation and The Invoomxt. Wm. 1301,11 ,1. 39 1111 m «1«1 «113" (:v .11 owwrc. 11303119113 State COLWCOg 11.15% Unllllu'if', 5;.61ii1A11-L' .1./J11, 1’1’)OWW57. 11153113203 the point that if the sources at fumls am to be 1 1:10.110 cvaflczblc 1.11 19.111ch (:2 i0 rosiderxtiml Immim xmjocta 1_ - to ccmo, m. :1 the bent. to; 1.1.3 um L10 b3 occurod, $1011 a mimic-0:1 ”-111: o-mad p mxrrm in reL. 1.1011 to caletal whiny for to 11103061., no well :13 0110110113113 bzdgcts, will secure tho b03111 support. of the 1921’.ng I mtitut... one one. Crosson, 11122102111. The mutant A335. cums In the 001-1:11.01“ JON-31%}. of t? o lintfor‘f‘l 5""01‘1 1114- 19 (UCLOQ’ JP lJIfU), p1). 21:3” .1 A discussion of tho rolo of tho student. assistant. in the college (101111111117. To Guidance Pfincinlca a. I’rnctfl cc. 1301-! York: 111.10wa hook Cunany, 951, ‘0 pp. W. Discusses the all-inclmiva aspect of guidance and the clm'olo 121-111. of a {1:111:11 1cm cttitmto. (mentor 17 is 3 (1.1130115: aim o" 51 41112100 in tho 0011030 situation. - Grow, 8.8. An Organised Approach To mm. mmm‘ 23 (31w 1921?). pp. 11116. 1 A review of the atom to be taken in 1161101031111; a 1mm woman. The nine pmcoduma cLommsod are given in tho 1 ccmml onler in which they uhould be 04311111011011. They are . epgaicmflp to any 1511.11.11 ion. 110‘.) York: liar; 1111' d1: 1 «01.110111, Housekeeping rmnomnt in hotel!) am! institutions a Wine. upkeep and amatmtim. Dam, Crete-11; 11m 17 1101111 . Stamford, 00111.! 1110 mm. 19110, 1113 PP. ' 11011111111: mml for xmofesaiomln 11. 1711110111150, me am. can of mttmesca, 01111-12130, pillars, ohooto, blnnlmta and 6mm. 1 A Mam' dictimmry of 250 teams. ' “mm “In- / Mg J.0. who, 192.1, Door purchase atomlordn and their one for quantity coda-.7. Mommies to:- fiwmtit ’ omen 933.51ng Cangmv, 915.9, 163.. 01111, «1.0. mafia and: momma PPOfl‘bOQ uni}. 403.11, COX J7... Mill 93 pp. = . _‘ Food control for hotels, motomnnto am institutions. Sow-loo. 162. 00.111, J.O. Coffee Solution I’rommtion and 3mm, COLX'L‘IQ‘ Tho . :3 p9. Cofi'oo selection, prognmti on and service for mamtity 000: 10?. of no, Toma ‘ atom“, Gama 163. Dani. $3.0. Motions. Tho 01:11:13,121 pg. A dictionary of nmm tomato 2.62.; 130.311, J.O. Food m1 rem motim j The mum, 1).», 9a pp. Food and norm dictioam-y with two thamnd menu tam. cooking toms and wmoo and cniz‘ito. mat. new 101‘!“ flower & W": 165.0(1111' DalflgGJ.O. litCL‘C ! 19w. 3&5 w. Ilitclwn mmgomozxt mi countmtim, planning and: mmmum. or Profgoniomln m (nmntitz 8002mm. ‘ ‘ 9’ 195‘); 2% pl" A mforonce boot: for tool mmoutivoa in hotels, custom“, clubs, fomxbaina, caroterlaa and imtitutimm. 3-67. mm, J.0. :fin;v.m I'nmmvtrm. my! (“antral for mmthz 600! :32 l‘a‘fkp:.’r='0. Quit .uucu, KID-”0310‘ lilo 153.1ng Milk), d} 133’. 55011313001 mum “aunt and cmth. for quartity coolzczzy gn'ofito. gurus...” .... . A . i. . . y .. .. . o». L.‘ 1630- 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. ~39- mm runny A. must: mail We Ton. Thu £30111th {per cm; lichen]; and Unhami‘tx. 3 (1930-1931). PP! "" 7O ' W v—wfi ..f—Fv— swrgoct a norm of tho mall problem which must he answered . _ in tom: of local. diffomntoticm from general 815031134110 to fit the apccjfio noon/13 of the educatioml magma. Only, 11.0. Tho Selection of Ihtoriolo for Interior and Itnctorlor Finish frat: tho Stomlmint of Utility om Durability. RMHW‘W‘GJWLTJ. l'!"3‘." L4?!" Co: 15‘_G_1~(~3lnc. Iddlifiln State 0011030, 5 was. QIWU; doing. 31, 19‘)!” 1);):“3-32 A damnation of points to consider “not: selecting materials for interior and anterior finia'l i‘mn the atomhninto of bath utility and dmnbility. Dam, MI. Basic Principles at £1th um. Motown 'mr‘mrx‘t. 60 (212ml: 19107): PP. 1530 '~ The furlmonhmls of modom kitchen planning. A 1186 a! fifteen £mukmontal food service layout primixfloo am given. mm, Arthur W. Food Sowioo mama. ”YBJJMHQm-Q} mp;- “131" move-“o 1M1. liaison State Colfizgo, I'D-Uh WIN-"8; I'Llcaigfin. 12%, IL). 36400. A three mint op roach, from the otcmdpoiut of who, 'xnrtioulnrly who selects and mm *ticizntca in selection: the my, the principles and critcrin that are involved; and the must, nuns illwtmtioxm or am; zlco of those mini 1103 and criteria. Dom, MU. Layout xmoipm i'or Wty Service Kitolmnn. 0 ..(1 ’ 'vn'lr’P'IC .72). 5]. (Ihrch 1957); PD. 14-443, Coats. 51 Irvin-£1. "'1' W3. p5. 50- 0-52 and 5). (June 191(1). pp. 1.2-4.7. A discussion of tho fomoot finrkutmtola of modem kitchen , rflamfim. mm, A..:. mam A nodom Potmahing Dopartmmt. Postman “ Inmmmfib. 71.03.9111 '19»), PD. 50. Tho (1039 and dw'to to be cmidomd in ramming, a comm are detailed brlm’ly. . 221633.210 xmttraolmw in larva o ozxzt’uno in dicmmsmi (ml three. tune of marines are illust ntcd. 1 hr)“, AM Prinoiol a or ritetnn mm W 7%!(5‘39‘56111301' 1947,131’0280 , . ' . This: article is concerned with receiving and storage niobium. It dicmmoeo imtamng a {minim olwntoa’. dioposzmg of garbage and rubbish, oolocting the right angles, wing t1 101:3 or skids, locati m; the otorcrocm pro: :orly, hmlling mat in otomrgo moon, modem food mum; emigrant and how to store pomolmbloa. 175. Davemort, WA. The! Efficient U30 0: Vacuum-Cleaning I‘qui rimm./firer*mn no mo! and Unfiwroity. 11.. (191.2), 2.12;. /\:" Defladboo the contrary oral incronnei elomimoo mo ting from the use of mmmlomscro. / \. 176; Davidsm, m. A amplified Student Prom for "mu ~ Donniéforics. :L‘c'zol 31:9 genera Jmmnl. 22(0cto‘oor 19”» 13130 70 ‘ 1, 'i‘hia article in o decommim or the otulont assistant m- m part into effect at Inmate atote Teachers: (303er in the full of 1950. Twice discussed in tho moldy training scooim ore cit'on. An evaluation of the promo: by the cmmseboro is included. 177. Davidson, Mary :3. Fame Comm}. Sneeificetims rm- matrlzn'! for A:".er~.:'.n-Z,o fl’.::i‘.f§.*102300 Hails. ibx'iwley. ‘ ezuveroity 0311;230:2113, 1‘11. .. A diammoion 01' some general azmcificatm for itana recpflmd for odoqmte residence hallo. 173. Davis, Farm-rem Dotter Lama tor Schooio and ammo. (work-2m bored! and Ih‘vor'fi tx. 1.5 (19103). PP. 330-030. 'rintozmmo or a. good, dense, uniform atom of moo on 1103330. 3-79. Davis I. mark. . £32m. mt Zero amt: r .. :14 ' um '03:“. WW momma: m. D. Lriuscrtntion. hitch Univczr nity. 1955. tonmntiou of criteria. for (pollute wormtm for college ntmmtn personnel xmrl: and norm/nit of p015 clot.) and ed- uco‘ttlmml pract' ..ccu of crud note prqmrm of (Italy for college stmlont Immanuel work at Indium mum-city in tour.) m them whorls. 180. 181- 182. 1330 135. ‘9 4.1.- ihm, moi n. that Momma should on W m k , 001103022001? Balloon and Ihivomit Ihzsinoso. 8 (February 1950 , pp. 2 A discussion of tho i‘umiohimp that should he provided in a college room. Davis, Million 12. Food Service Dimctor Should M It mu t'ith College Busincsa (Ifficor. Cont-2m and Univorsit w. 11 (Mm-1t 1951); pp: 1.543 The food director should discuss with the W saw his tunnels]. allocation, his objectives, and tho long rang! momma of tho muvcrsity. mvio, William P. Isothods at l’inmcing that count CoiJorvo om! 2hflvomitjr Momma. 9 (11mm 1950), 291mm. Rosuitc or a qusotiommim to loom What colleges cad _ unwrsitioc wot-o doing to fimmo new automation. -. ' DocEdn, Doris $1. Mount Roiyoko wilds A 1’th Student 2 Residence. 0011:1021 and If: ivornit summons. 7 Soptcmbor 19199). PP. 1 ~19- Doscriptim, floor plans and details of comtruction of a fivwctmry rcsidcnco at 12011211, 120130320. _ sensor, George c. and R032. College Rousing AWO a: 1955. United States mmrtnont of Health, Education and Welfare «- Office of Education, Unclwxgton, 1955. 11 pp. Discusses tho ammonium: to the College Housing 2W widen wore opprmcd by the SLth Compose). Decker, George 0. 6011ch Housing Loon Pram yiwr fluent on. 8 (Hammer 15, 1951), pp. 69-71. A discuss-1m or the college housing loan W Includu tho mod for the prom, provici om tor securing a loan. m3: iciotrntim of loans, don'md for collage housing 1mm, mourns to be not and cancluoiozw. 5 4 4.2- 106. Dacha”, $002139 021790. and John B. no The Oman 1101 35.1mm; «1300ch J30? 1991». Uni Btutoo minim-nu l!ooJ.bh,I ducation ml lioli’nmw Office of Muentim, Washirgtcm, 1955, pp. 1;. . L‘iscwoca the pmarm'b college hauling situation; the (lwolofinc crisis in houuim and tho «mm: for the Mm. 187. hem, mum. ”amen-moo or School 6530111213. Mariam 8011037] 3:15.! P Livml‘st' t‘ 0 m (19!;0) ' m}. a7'H223. min‘ocmmco p1 oblma my be mmw mic: the mom}. types of areas fowzd in avemgo achool m'owum n turf. 0mm, paw- manta, thaw, shrubs, and other plums. 1138. Dmmorry, J .11. Adm“ Cost. Control new m Proper Food 13mins; Immim'cn. Corona m d Unjvomit 31131314230. . 10 (31" 3011 1151). P90712350- Diocwscs the folladnc np roach for £001 procummnta (1) find what foods are amilfimn that e musty tho new (2) develop sgncificabicm to nerve those mqaimm. 11.0; 233390 1:11:02 “1.31m: 35.2" Juma that. beat apuly to n nithbion; (2.) check all food dclivcriou to ammo satisfactory caleinmo with a ncificatiuzm. 189. Did-12mm, my. mama 01' Ibducing the Cost. of mudmno 11:111. cozwm'uctiun. Residence 119.3 Plnnu. n Cmfi’ewnco Michigan State College, Last. Lamina, Lid. gm, 2" u DP. 333850 Discusses the mrrozvzrm of determining first mm in ‘ mated and than discussing it. with the architect. and con-- .tmctor so the coat can bu dotomimd before putting the . 133mm on tho market. 190. M?’ ’B.3., J04. m w 3.3. MW. W m3 ataxia. Emit-h coinage. gagtccbm Fox-133. 30 (April 1923). PP. 183-1136. . Doucrirrbion. plat plan and photographs 0: than our): 1 amultozsios at Smith 003.1050. - 4:3?- 1911.. new, 13.. Grace :1. Augustine and 33.31. 1mm. A am: or Food Cam and the Nutrl‘o v0 Content. of Foods flowed. . 94333;;er 11.331333313333331”! 13‘: :3 43303313. 10 (April 1951). pp. 1.6-1.8. A ctwly of the relation botmmu coat. distx'imtim an! nutritiw content. of food at. 13:31.00 levels mommy; during 19138. 19" Dow. J.D. Pest Control. grailcgqggfl thxivnmjtv 3311333145593. 193. 192» 195.. 196.’ 15 “USU-3t: 1953); PD! ’63. States that. them much to ouomm’oim batman the mums domrhmrnta on tho commas am the post control operator. ' Each :.iopzrbmnt should do all it can to keep its hummus and prudsca in coalition and the peat. contztfl. o: 3om~ 0.3.3 mm :2ch periodical irwmctiano and treatmnt. 11' post. con" 2.301 18 to ho mtismcbory. Dordot, 31. Sam Carma! uninfectantc. 1mm Staten Damn.- mm of Agmculturc, Haulainabm, Fam' [111101.133 926. 101‘}, 12 9"! Indicates briefly. the properties and m at acnc of the dishiccwma tint. are oocmomqy mod. box-ban, u. 0.1an: Hall Looks To The Mum. can... am . , Universfitj P19131608. l. (.3an 19138), PP. The cmmtruction of the not! dining hall at. mm 0011050. Abilcnc, Tana 15 described hare. Tho puma arc $.11me. oquilecut in the kitchen and dining roan 13 noted and con- struction data is given. Downers, :mm. The ...sthom Pegsqmml P0110100 Firm-1% Practices of 1'3L3‘31‘3Hhrtm333 I 3. 3'31;13:L21:3"tcsm31 (3;:1J333c3'1113'1.w (1100311331, 15:33.: 10131:: .333 L41 Adioslufiim 0d: Toddlers Cofleuco, 19130. ' 67 nmborcd lemon. *3 A dummy or living cczrlitimm in 151. cm collagen. Draper, 0.. Food Waste: ‘In 1113:1313: Your Profit. W Media» W] 23mm n, 5 (July 1955). pp. 2. The author contends that it tho toad ogmtor will who can of meta. his food costs will mm mm of 11.3031. ’91! «Mr. 19'] 1113333633,}: 3. Plorcdng of School 0x30313113 tho uniocope ’ Ai3cf£toéb.a. ‘torica: 35cm. 3cm Univoroi z. 2 (192 9—1930), pp. 1734'”. Princizfloo of 11123103333330 plmmim , inclwiing comidomtim of mo 33:." ctical romrhmmzboo. the problm 3.8 will no the boau’oy 033* ..110 com flatbed dovclo x 3.331.. - 11.98. Draper, 153232111. and 3131333110 0. 1'c01m.ou_'3‘1. 'mo 1103131213; of Fo.‘oi;,.'15tuzlc....o. Tho JO‘YIUI‘. 1113335333 T-kluo't’Iit'sx. 21(J: mm‘y 1953), pg. 55—35 Tho 31111050332133 of the University of mmcooto. mgmxiim the housing of foreign cowl-onto. 199. Dukoo, 1’. Food Services ace Allocnti om Subjnct of :‘c :3th. LVM§1'3$-i_r3fig 113*“973'13. 29 (AuP'LIB’G 1951): 23-30 ---0 A report. of ”Inotitzfi ..iono'" study of blur-prints ma 8:303!) r.uoc.3tioz1..‘t.a from .corly 200 of then. 1.1.0331 loo: 1.13;: 3:373 no foodim: ambitions; ..o is presented. 200. Dmxccm, F.D. Mum-3 .ont. Domwitory for 11050:: of tho 3'3 010*” Staff. COLTC’m n31! Lowe-33311.1 3.317 30331.. 16 (3”“011 .....5. 13:). lob’J. Descrf. 31.31023 {3.33 :1 floor { of cm apart.- song-ion. tor: 3.:"3..1.ch 13:23.3 13-337.16.331! a. 53.51353339013“ mzmmr 3.3.0 ”no 33:01.13zzo .fz :ciity hO'wlZIJ for 3:33.033 at. blast. Co 4301:1132; Co' Llcgo. 2m. Dun: r‘y, 1‘313r‘3mt. A Study of Certain Group Limit}: Erotic?!) In 11033333313 11-33 idonco Hallo. J()‘.‘.1"r‘.”. n‘f‘ “1:333 34* 3 'n'.‘. 3,; ”morn-”314.33“ or 13036913 01"! [0*305)1. 11;. ~a‘:—;;1 ”133m, 1);.14\!:'.338. .‘.-3.-‘.: 0313.1 mcsoizntoo otuicn‘c. 331301.31... 33:: as do £3123.le 1.33;. '3 '3.ch onto .. 1*.363'333... :3 m1.“ M3113 13c..3.3:‘:1.:‘.:‘.3 at; to 13.013 the 3:3.2...1..33..3.o 3.1.3.; 1. be ‘r. .9, r ., 53 '2‘).‘. \ Na. .3533, (13.1.3931, Joy. Fedora]. Aid In Itooidonco 119.11. 22.3.: :.clr-n . ...p'tt13‘1r3333r‘ . K313113335 33*3fl10 (‘Ofianngfip’p 11011153341 3‘ 48* 3 (3,371.; ...-:1, j. : :..-$3 h‘LA-‘A .5; j, . is 1.1.; $3.32, 1.233., m. 1.73351. 1‘21' “downsion of 3:11:32; tho 001-9”1103133313, bro-3:53.: 3. (>3 .3 1.1:) 101‘311 i:'..";"'......1. n {3.3 3.311 as «not it cam: Lo. 206. 20?. ~145- Duyor, Them: 1". Design of Mama I»!!! haunting Syd-Juno for School mum. 11036533" dVentiIn‘5. .. 27 (Sogr‘m 1930): P). 65700 It is the mrposo of this which to describe sitters malleable to various twins 0! mm, and 3:233. oh have given mtiafactory man...” as. Fe. 513031, 11. Five Factors That Affect The Appetite 11mm}. of Pool. Hotel Innargcncnt. 13" (October 192.8), pp. 84. This article discusses: the five factors: which affect. the appetite appeal of food: contract in color, fem, rumor, thturo and temperature. Eberhin and} icClu‘bo. {gleam}: Pool: uf__ Por5cd Fxgthttm. maladclslxm: «7.13. LipJ' Tacit Corzptzm', 19113, .311 m). "3110 :mcticél book of period fumitum, troawm $331331th :1? the 33,1121, Amori can 00103223.]. and post. colour; and 1.226.310.1333). 1133031011 pelican. 13131222313, Sim-12m H. Prescmuw Treatm "ant (If Hoods. Govern :3" ["310- ”3‘31 T3"'3.“_’;..“30 7 (031': O 3231‘ 1959); P30 35")fo Describes how proswvativo tmatmnt or wood in comtmctiou proves to be maztpenoi‘m 1:133:32:ch against 3. aging 0231 clubbing. 2131:3213, Ifabcllc. Nolan-zinc The Life at Food Senflco 14033-133033th Mort’cnn Scum? and Lhfivcrflitjr. 15 (1913), pp. “237—1350. liczhods om means or momma food com-5. co 9: uizunrh. 3322023, Lucy film. Light Hamel-:ccping! 3:210:13 College istmlcrrbo. '2‘310‘Jomt‘3‘11: of 2233 133333-33 jazz. "3(lfocmmr 1931), pp. 1130-1132. A dis: 3:11.021 05: how ctulczms dietary habits can be tamarxed. \ PVT]. 1:213‘. u. 13.!» and [rod 331303131113?“ ‘nmwhm :"c‘ gn‘! "'L'l‘m" $$¢io :00" 333.311. 1321533311 01. lMUJ-U—U .59, ICQL 0.»; 1,1} DQLJJ’O, Uu].1:;l.la. U2“. ‘mmlty, 1'73 5'70 pp. A cum '61“; '3". teatime on 2111. 33:30 my 61‘ 5:: 3031 3.1233,. 333:, “mlwia. '33:: us- Cl‘ltic'zll‘] at 3:1 ca: alctoly .230 tool .1756; .333 and aim 13109 1 ' 2v: a‘2-muan-1r1nc. 1zoqv ;J»CV.CU ~ 23.0. 2:49 436-. L‘anrdt. 11.1.. 0.1!. Room and Carl Host. '33:. mm mm Strauaqlz for Onombi m and 17:3! mnoo o 1:333:93: :1'.:v.b 3.33 do IL‘lor: -s o: 2.2-. MW” Wing. Lou Kort: ism-G211. of Wmhum’ ranchers Coucrro, Colmbia mummity, 1935, 1’1". Tho ogaomtim and mintemuwo of physical plant in collagen and mfivcmitics. Infonmtion included can be: used to train the opcz..tion and mintenmzco staff no.3 in service or to mice a. emprchcrmivo survey of cmufltim'm to be round in are; one aim-310 plant... ' 211. films, 33:3er 3. Start. Early" 30 Select Emma for Tint! 21';- .. It for , Ibztwnl 0333033.. . Co‘f‘cm 'Ttu ‘3 931.133.1123. pollogo 3.321 [Inf 13':- red-'- 03. '3! “ a; . dawned. I?! :3 3.33333 10 (June 1953+): 130x: K3333: and 33113315133 in the early abuses of devolo‘rwnt, 3.3.3331 35.3 help of a qualificx‘ Im‘hm cozwultarst, will load to the b: {3803‘ 331313233th .3333 of tho (133.311.1333 prom. ’31-'33 5:?2fnc300d upon denim by tho different. txnsm ”Inm‘amm and to soar '- Lax-(1.323.301: of mature tan-cs. Ensign, P. mum Pro-55mm for :3th Workers. 0:311:33 and Egg-ivjmpitzz Mair-mg. 1.8 (June 1955). 17.0. 139. A inscription Of tat») 1.333111. :3 ”(warm for studmt. food service 13:33 33:23. which was imtit mined at 131533010 3 2:30 210:: :31. Uzflvoroity. Irrft, flatmoth R. that Is An Adequate IMnLomnoo Procmn? Collrem :3.an Uni‘mrnw' Wu 3133004. 9 (ibcoxzflxar 1950), p13. 1.2-kb. The author discusses an adoqmto nfintonmco pmxm; in relation to the buds“... 3.8391133, Shirley. Students 11:) 3:30qu Arm's; amt. Domitcry. 5033:"..331J3flfrg3c. ‘ c;33."::t’cs. [.3 (."r arch 1‘} 51), 13;). 201;. A description of a housekeeping omrtwontnpm xxcucn'o (1032;211:303? :3: Damon 113335.033. tuxd 0013.030. 5 not! Collofio Tife. Boston: ‘l. G. LQ‘GP, 1917,72‘4’ 12" Ar. " Moonssion of the 9.239 and t-zo'hhooto of college study and 33!: main 31:33:33.3 oé.’ college life. ”J! 4.7- 216. M, ED“. W1“ fhintmo. V511, izfiuigfla m [321394; m K'Eamvcs'zont. A6 (lhy 19%»), pp. 32,. mm or prawntive mintmo. '23. . chmdc, P. Payroll 006% mm. (”follow and mivcmw fineness. 18 (Jammry 1955), pp. 5. I’mplamfing the use of labor at: a. basic factor affecting payroll costs. 218. Fairchild, 1mm. rm Unit‘For Food Service. - Genome and Enyersitg 33310113039 15 (September 1953). PP. ab. ' Descrizmion and illustratiom of tho um: food acwico unit. at. zimns 0013.630. - - 219. Federal Housing Adminiutmtiah Sjgzpqrtmd Shut vs 1521’; for min-g, linutair‘wl. lfaahixxzton, D.C.I I-‘olieml Housing naturdubrabiw 9 import; 1301110sz of Domain, 0.3. Gownumb l'rintigu Cfi'ico ,. FJIJL. Porn 21967; 1950. Space and mum-m for rental homing as regards litehom, (13.:th spaces, bethmm, and public stairs. F0139, Carl. W Problma of Colleges and mivomitico. £305"? c731 fichg»; 03:1w (Wyoming. 20 (19143-1915), 11;). 32-37. A general plan for zfxgrsical dcvelozxxmt. or m-de‘mlo,:.mzt is essential to tho smooth £mctioxtlng of the educatiaul :‘mumrzo Painted, Loom I-Iioo. Doufltory Commonly: and Social Adj Coll mzbz'rmt. A“ _ :13 arm-:1 Ik13.:omit1_§2;pgzr7nc. 21. (April 191:9). ‘\ n I‘{" m). BVWJ~~ o requisites necessary for Musing to Matim within the pcruozmol cc: $5.069 of an imbitaim. Formy, Dorotim L. Hem: Plating. [galleria and Ragnar-134.3; Trains” W m N. 7 (lhczxz‘icr 193.9), pp. 159—31. ' Mamas-30:: tuoz‘rty factoru tho fictitim 1mm. consider in planing her :.zcnu. ' .' 4.6- 223. Form , DJ» mooning mm In A Quontianmo Pmoticc. CoLngo “1‘; University ihzsinoag. 9 (mtobor 1950), pg). M. Tho aumzor motions the practice of coma colleges of coating mzms before use and pr. cents a discussion of tho Momma:- macs of mvcosting norms in a college: citm‘oion. I 221.. Pinon, itilton. Deep Tunnel Rooting At. Tho University 0! 113.2an aha.- Homingycnd ‘inn'hflltfixm. 313 (Aqut 191d), pp. 15430. A description of Matt is believed to bo tho largest univer- sity plant in tho ration. Includes illwbm time: , ~ bloo and a. Man of tho {Adversity of z-tlnnccotn' a comm showing location of pipe 1512731019. ' '225. mtch, K. ‘ Sanitation; F003 13:103.. 130cc: :1". 25 (Motor 3.953): DD. 92! . r . A doocriptim of tho "scientific molution" in food 1mm. swimmer; in the last. game:- cogtmy. Tho aufltor Stigmata ..rioun two: of inn-phat. and outside control. 26. mam, Jena. I’z'ozmr Cara of the Varimm Tax-ac of Floors. frictional 53011932. cud Emil/praitjh 10 1.937); pp. BW-éllln Floor care and mutual-mica should be planned with t! no thaw 1:; c: protecting a Large im'cs tomb, is‘mzwbm the general aymmrmcc of U x0 builclfmg, keeping tho 1733413113 sanitary can clean mad cccmafliulnlzm tlda a: the loam-ct cost. zxmsiblo. 3'37. Fonz, rpm c. Salary Survey. Comma mt vmvmity fiwfmsa. 2U; (Jammy 1923). PP. 36-37. import. of a calm? survey of top runawrmt pmihimw, 5.x”)- cl:.u‘.:1m: dormitory 1322325102: and fond 905$.ch director, by typo of school and ctulmb cm'ollmz'at. \ 228; Ford, 13'1th 8. Ammrzmmozrb and Barium-zit, of School Cafeteria I-iitchom. fl‘TECEICIZIYL School; and Uni’gxijg. 5 (1932-1903), W. 3133-391. ' Prom? plnztrlm of the sczwzal cafeteria kitchen. ~159- 229. Footer Nor-y, v.13. Brookovor, Carl M. Hem, and J.P. Thoma. 2 22-22:) boat Force-'3 3t3 (2.211: ziwr o! Ihgfitor-r 130* 2220' 20230 of "222 2:2-420%: nix to 21212612033 Got-122. to J: ”3-4-3742. 11113012113120} H... W ‘56.} mt O AAA-(“L"LWX Uta-Va UiliVO‘oJity’ ilc;0wr 1955; L9 p.). The first portion or this report is dc'rotod to tho one-moi of gob-oral ponu‘iotion tron-Io related to col-142.70 enrolijtonts. This is £03.10 ml by the forecasts of mm col-logo [2:2-"032mm and o; cif‘ic romeo sto for tin five 0m to macho :20 colic goo. Tho rozmrt concludes "it h (222 a: 2:2-1.32313 of 0:22- 3021?) how 5-22: 2200 is (mi mcorzruom.’ .tiono for tho construe «ion: c.2241 rim-2.2 12;: of: ‘omitoflco and rohtoi facilities. 230. Footer, marry, W.J. Embed-o, with IIcCoJ-‘Lmn. I‘m-making: Eboidonoo 1212.113. @2ch on! iiwroitl‘mjrfg 3-0 (dz-2m 1951): 17;). 60 A discussion of the question of which oyotom has proved more effective in decorating or rmuflohim; o. moidonco 120.11 - to harm the work done ’by contract with on outside (loco-mung and fmtxioluim ormaflzotion or for tho maivomity to 1212-22-10 its own. 231. Foo e22, Emory, P.ItcCormo11, P. rm, 12.13. Stow-art, F.1’. Hid-23 and 3.173. lemjxom. thud-ed {2.22:1 (hm-22212220 Student Housing. %=-.m \fl"hy‘?afifis - (”10 “.“""1.A“?,1!q1:-COIZJ‘?:T“"Q (Lf; L'E‘O AJH': ”‘5'. fins-’4." Ah..— __.: Q 2‘ ”‘ 1‘ '” 1 4111 21222-2213; Eio '1 ' 211‘2‘12L‘3. 00.22. gall Lnicoroitzh' _....-__ w—VV 415-202, Lie-J 10221:, July 1951., pp. [213-323. A discuss ion of mt ionoi trends rot-322152.13 mr'iod oai gjoiuatc studer: u3, too: n13 at tho Univcz ity of $13ch 223122 with mi‘cronoo to tho zmmro. 202233 a. 21(- down-ls for homing of gunk nto ohmicnto, cttit 2.103 to co conoidoroi 121:2: lo} (222i rm .‘Lnoo 022;: 1:0. 2" 1201232223, ori. liaison-23:1 on and o oration of: tow. porn :2; 232222101 stoic-22:2; 12922-51213 facilities 0.2.21 tint. should be do: 0 ( hon-221m; for! mm'J-Cd (2.22:1 gmxluaco stories” -..:3. \ 232. Factor, 1mm. nrriod Studont and Pam-t y Ronni-w. .3221! Lfi-V-fini'qJL 0;? 9:.qu $11!” 11.41;“ Annqcfi «st-1&0“ at C O'TLQIEN hwy: 1.11:..."'.‘..0.;(:-E,‘Y 3 ...;1 '2.";'»-r:'2.:';;. 2201: b. icons, tsp-“.11 1395. . 15:43 {:.L-.1 A descrigfoion of and cost cozm'ruction data for the mmiod -- stoic 2t ago 22t222221to at. Erich-1. "221 State U. xivorcity. 233. F01}? or , iii-tn Foyo and Doouio mm :0 most. Foot! for [Ff-22’2". .'IC-“J :Yoxin John alloy and Sons, 1310., 3.950, Ag”. 1)). A 22:22:22 I: that .3‘202.~.J hcm to 121mm, 12- 1:2- (222-. 32.22.20 food for {3:20.130 1,211,022 tho on 6. f2. 2113. .50- :231... Francis, A. G. Combat-1a Flaming on! mm. Co one and 11.1%ch tn‘r 311252122930. 5 (Hm/mm 191.8), pr). 23'. _ 2211:: article deals with tho prooeduro involved in mm a 5331022522213. The ate 2:: to be considered in ouch pl: mam: om exam): 222122221. nlustmtml in the or‘oiclo 9.2.20 1511,20: rim for argon ..2251 oncloood kite: 2on3 and for dii‘fcwn’o tpco of combo:- turns. _ 235. Fran-.21, Paul 1'. Smco for 13-min . rm Y0?!“ Doubleday, Damn 8.121 0032mm 1:10.. 933’ PP. ' A book 0!: cmtivo intoxica- dococ'otion and design). 236. French, 123an K. Elem 82.21112 1:: and The Coot Factor Ind-moved Cut. Co'lopo and 2:2-22.512.230.222; 11231225239. 32 (Niall 1952), PP. 33"»00 I 212'. Fmdu points out that it. 3.0 still possible in 1952 to build moidcnoo heal-13 for a. coat per ocomamzt that closely named-13111.00 pram-r coats. . 237. P12022552 , 1min K. Faculty nouns-mg. %i2.£~o and mammal 2.2. ...-...... 33 (IIovczbor 3.95:2 ), pp. . _ ‘fi (‘ {)‘J‘J‘tl. " .... , 7r. 5222:2224. A iiéoosion-of—t‘: 29.1mm. 2.5mm o2 :bml’o‘on bwtitutim 22'1on $1112.34 housing to its staff. ‘ 233. French, Leigh Jr. Caron Room-23 and mm mm. gmhitoctxgg; For-.22. A3 92002-212012 1935), DD. 337‘3L0o Moor-117510213 of void-ova college and mrlvomity (11211223 and CUE; :1 r0333. 111113.229. .221. 0' vs 0 ~39. 11-05mm, 12.11. Fives tom ‘x‘o L'fi'ocbivo Im‘tltubianl‘ milk.“ 2393:5222). I-Lorsg'mi. 65 (J one 1923), PI). 95. Five basic steps to 2-o2u1 big/1:23 om (fiver: 5202222". 101111216 cot-o: 2:2-3.5.221. Stop mo ammo: to tho buyer min no 2222011 infer» .... 1'5222 norms-.1216 from his cotabliohod oourcooo. o2v221y. 2&1. 21:3. 2’3}.- 2&5 . ~51- Pmaan, m. m. steps 1'0 wean“ mammal Food Buying. W. 56 (Juno 191.8). pp- 35. Particular angina“ 15 placed on 4:101:0nt what. boat {its ones needs; and on written specificaticmo covering foods regularly used an} mhcmoed. Also included are food chart: giving infomation on food servings and on cost. per sowing of carnal goods. ' Fromm, AA. Five Stops To Effect“! Inntitu’oioml Food Wong. Tho Rota 350nm . 56(Ju1y 19w). pp, 22. This article is concerned with working out. a 11qu pro- ceduro and deciding on a course of action. Sixteen points to consider before adopting a particular hm proccxlmn are enmrcmtcd and discussed. Fromm, lull. Five Steps To Institutional Food (twins... E1; Hotel month v. 56 (August 19w). pp. ho. :oro animations for preparing practical food haying pro- . column. The major rostriotioxm in cover-mom. zmmlmsing procedures are aloo outlined. Frocmm, MA. five Storm To Effective Institutional Food Buying. “‘he Hope]. Kcmthly. 56 (Seytongor 19143), DP. 31. Open market buying and negotiated Inning are the two pun- chasing methods diocuooei. fiei‘omnco 13 made to the buying pwrgm of Eurdue Uuivomity. <32chde and irmpoction of all deliveries 13 considered. _ Fry, In”. T1110 Building For Food Only. 9:011:39 and mvmrsim 3751913113133. 3 (April 19:97). pp. 15. Description, floor plums and flow chart for tho food service buildim at the Univocoity of 115.031.1381:- Cacrbmr, Ruth H... Gmcc H. Aummtino, and Imrjorio ES. :ioliinloy. The Use of Etuzlont 13311101023. College and lhxivehrh 53,1 j‘xmztncop, 13 (October 1952), pp. Air-£43. , Facts and figures rm": college food service dqm‘uzonto on the uso of student employees. 23.6. 2&7. 2198. 2&9- 251. -52. camber, Pager 1"... Dovclovrucnt. o; fiensscloonmk for 212mm. 11131101194 21m. thesis. z‘icnsso " i'oi‘ybocimic lsotihrbe, 1.951., 300 mmborcd loaves. A tocimicsl treatment or a housing devologrxcnt, including grams, plot plans, floor plans uni sgmcifioctims. Gomotol, IMF. Good tumm- maincss. 7 (Doom): 19h9). PP. Discusses maintomnco practices which are: necessary to unseat deterioration of the plant. Comblo, Guy 0. The Improvcncrrh of Cafeteria Service. flgcgrlcgm Schoolflcmi {Elmmit . ‘3 (1930-1931): PP: hm. , Problems involved in receiving cumulics and the cars of foals of various kinds oi‘tor thoy have been received are carefully outlined. Gcrlcml, Frances. Institutional Linens. Collorvo (:.an [hir'oroitx 'z‘cusirzcss. 9 (July 1950), pp. 5 - . A discussion of Must, to consider when purcMsing insti- tutional shoots, pillw cases, tabla litmus, twols and bL’llfliCtS. Gcsry, Blanche. Considerations Gavcrxumv, Prozm'oion 0! Floor 913:3) for “moon's llorrdtorics. E’rocoodirgggflof the Madman fdiacritiommoocintion. 60 (1932;, pp. 717-4221.. The author discusses tho various considerations govoming piraz‘omsion of floor plans for woman's donutorics. Gcrcn, Preston 1:. 01:11:13 Hon Pacino, Domitory Rom}; Henson Toms. Comet!) and. l’nivorsit Hgsmjggo. 7 (mootas'e‘scr 191.9 , pp. 23-431.. Description and floor plans of a dining m1). at. Tome :‘Etoto College for woman which roplccos two coulomb clitxlm; halls and o grablic cafeteria. . ’253. 251» 253. 256. 257- -5s- Gibbs. Elizabeth.- Collcce Domitory Plan mascots. gigchitcctmnl 9.00033. 99 (April 191.6), pp. 1.27.129. A chock-list of roommndcd practices for student bed an! stmiy roams, both and toilet facilities, social 8311 res-- restioml rooms , sxlflni‘stmtivo utility e ate and student Utility Clix'lcntfl. ' Gibbs, 5.0. Gross 1.321th the residence Hall Staff. 1 01mm]: qi‘imsjlconrrigg. 3!. (January 191.2) , m). 1?. Suggested courses for students preparing for positions in residence halls. - Gibbs, s.c. Democratic Living In A College Residence nan. Jourmlpig: limojbonwglcg. 31 (Jam 1939); PP. 365-363. A report or the Colin-21bit; Teachers College) eslzfacrimnt of pen-fitting six humircd women graduate students to magnum their mm meals x~d.thin o. collcmgnmtod domitory. Gibbs, Elisabeth 0. Housekeeping In Domitorics. 3101222111 oi: fcnoivicm ttlctotics. 1? (road). 1914), DD. 336. Discusses three izngvortont factors in houschccying adminis- tmtiom (1)3clzcciules and stcmmmicoi instmctiors, (2) coojwrstion and fair truck-wot and (3)5..‘131‘zectim. Gilbert, F.L. A New Apprnch to Clowns. 1;? (August 19’”), PI). 23. Stresses the ixmdoquscy of present day 0160le methods. The suti‘zor presents a formic for determining the clearing area to be sno‘tod to simmers. . 23116.?!th . Gleason), Hollie. Don't Ignore The Food Director when 1’11:an A kitchen. gouge and University: wring. 13 (August 1952), 33?. 1&7. fl v W ‘ The food director is tho most logical person to ably soc the ~ moment mintsu needs and foresee possible meals for the fut- ure in pm'rflsm a kitchen. 3-5190. 258. Gleam, Home. Food Service com mama Admmtmuw P53201280 Too. Gallon and Univcmit Business. 11 . (August 1951), W. 5. A (Locumion or the mamas coat!) in Operating a food oer- vice dommm. ‘ .r 259. Gleason, Rania. Hm: One Small College Sets Up Ito Food SoMm. genera and Univomit Boom-ms. 5 0mm 192”): 9?! ~19: 'E’ho layout of the kitchens at Crime]. 00110530 and their pcmonml are discussed, as are pommzol policies. The mogmmibilities of the food service director {mi of the dietitian are described and tho dining room aowioo is discussed. 260. Gleason, name. Rating Scale tor Wanton. Canons Lad lbw;1*.'em5.;t , Waitress. 10 (June 1951), pp. kw ‘ A descriytion of the rating coals used by Crime]. College ‘ .l to evaluate the work nttitmios and habits of etudonb waiters. 261. Gleason, Homo. Small Collage Inning Mom. Colic-’0 on; Unhrcercity “Whom. 7 (Septasbtar 191:9), {31:735-416. 0;.womtr3. om). and psychological problms or the arm. coLIsge (mum? roars-2. 262. Glamor, Fem. Sam Aspects of Plannim and Mnamxmxb of Cooperative Residence-dial]. Food Servico. {gamma {chm}: 93.1iq_419g~m35tX0 1'3 (19191), p). M94531. Careful down is ca: ontial to tho oucccoai‘ulz: 13:39.36: out of cm; ortfivo residence-lull]. food service. P19.m.22{’ o2 ovary dong-Ll from tho n? 1351631 layout. of the writ. tom’o coomlfimtion of the work. :mri’uo' 3311 by who ammonia in 1;r~o- 1m. 1m an} Garvin-3' t‘ as food mast rec ive abbc; 172323.011. . ‘ . 3G3. Glaser, Pom U. mm}- 3w ..‘t 3.0: :er cost. 903.30% and Ummmitgz '*"‘“1‘3""J. 3;; (~38; Mdflr 1.952), p1). “9.)1. Engraved control of costs to Mme costs comm to be the ammo? to quflity at. loamr cost. 26!» 355. 267 9.69. -55- mm:, Frederic. Seven mung Clubs Undo: mo moot Show A Common Lomgo. Couovo P9113 L'nivovo‘t. "4244522039, 1.1 (October 1951),, pp. 14'? 13mm noting olubo, traditional port. of Stanford 15.60 since 1912 are to In housed together in an 13-52mm! atosczflgrtion, floor plan and illustratiom. Godfrey, Rosalie. Housekeeping As An Adrdxmxtmtivo Problem. 45:24:25,433. 5.323324343143413 University. 10 (1938), ‘pp. [HI-A72. Factors in the mintomnico of residence: mm , inoludhu solution of i‘finiohzwo and rwwunonfi, mrhkmcls, selection 01‘ ozzzgwlogmco and trofiirdro: ample; ooa. Goodrich mm‘ixwth Domitory momma. on. The Jourml of 3:14:32: ”women. 7 (lurch 171.5), m». 13);. Digest. of a questionnaire 4142er out. by the Comittoo on 3303:“ ..ito. or"! Smwwlsion. . . 005302.444, Peroifixg F. , In A mm Comm foruculorly, Table Sowioo Io Ethomont. [1017:0363 arrnggz'ggr-cgggl {4135314253. 17 (swemmswer 1954»). pp. zoo-o. ., - 1211:; $3.. "1422431. 003.1.ch toolo that. their food Borneo dogm’mont and com 441 pl}; mica]. plant 4413.445 1:413:14: 90rd. co for thorn a. 1):)":Jibili‘tyo 001313233115}! Filo. COLL; Of .7413}an Fpnnfltg; In '4 ('D‘JOV'O "“TWVMC'O £1.31 131M 591...":imc‘EL’CJA'I’lQEZO LEI;- J’QL'ATL 9113.115 1.3. 33310338. iidfiELéall {Straw College, 19:53}, 536 nmlwrui loaves. "1443 study was twicazwm‘mn in on attozrzrt: to iocwlnto frimfi 131219.343; cos-4.3 1n 04311L~gphzut4i4zoo hill}. food ouzvloo. For 1334;104:143 Duo , tho beor cos“; of the women's mrimw 32:11 £005 ccz'vicco i‘ 3103:1541 31.4.34: (301.1034: we. t::-.4.L;rs;:d. Gray (fog ‘om E. and mm 13113342.. oia. A Jtuzq/ 0.1" 3" :.t- waste: In A 104743131sz Roan. 3": 1'41 1 of tho Agnim 1354223033134: :‘4;:54c.=_p.55,4wr3., 23 (April l,".!,'(), 14:5, 340.. 0:. jocLod vnz'ims5, mm in the mom '3'. of w: :'to, 4.43:1: (3:311:13 on the ylc of :zcxfiwico {ml t2 .4: ; on... 4:53:44) 31-324.: 4:- v 1;! 'roroh n" :ofioiac. V 1 “d l So ~55» 270. Woof? 44.41. mm Gram. 00110305 ma Univomitioo. ' United ototco Qt’tico of Education, 44551111432044, [111102.511 28, 1930. Dr. amnion! hon editod, consolidated and intonareted ro- por‘ es roqui rod by I on the funds and on t! 14: 42425555250110 of l mod-goo .nt'. cello-4:413, to prouozro a cmamixomivo and 9.1.1!- incluoivo picture of 4.1441419 5.110525. muons. 273.. Groom-mod, Grace. How To Obtain renew for marital-105 by Private 411144.41. Promo! 521443 of the “”4511 22411402.” v.03 1"”“39’n25’: 1: 60 (1955-9); 2).“. 73391330 The author discusses how to elm-15.x: money for don-ratcwioo by :wrivrzto gifts. 272. Gribolcov, 23.13 P. Coopomtivo Domitorioo At Iowa State Cello 59.410 JO‘L’EZ‘CL of firm Fcn'w' on. 25 (April 1933), PP- 30.5-30.3. A description of tho opomtion of the comorotivo dozxzfltorl 1:14. Iowa State 00111330. 1273. (2.0120, Caroline. "011415114: 3.154141%..- Coryiitflono of 'Bmon ".twim'rto. 120.: York! Toochow' 42011030, (2011:1553 41.5.4011: 442.1355 1‘03: 50 pp. rousing and living: cmdibions of woman utmcnm in the Home Illinois Show ToocImra College at. 22414141111. school years 1911:“ lfi’)9. 27!» Greta, Caroline. A 3224.142y pf the 229113511" on? nth Con; 3.535va of Loumnnl ttsflcvfl o #13) :'(HH flout-:.L“ '1 I 1;! {rift-“1.3 :1’;’;~:13:_~C~'-\rh “ku; (‘ (f {fir—:.L: t‘ 2;..z1cr11.) (an; 34': 1115;543:110. 24.4: York- : 42011.1.“ .241 22.135413: :.L; Lamau o- 21141.1(...42145143, l/JU: ~00 1):). results of n 8 .213; of housing} and liven? cmxfitims of 1mm) - 5224.22.31.43 5.411. mac-:3 1115:: :.o Sta-to woman's College at 12:14:09.2). fin ~ 5. Condom .11. llama. 124530420qu Job IncmmosOc 4111;142:4137. ‘ollor'o orteuhz'l'.ro:'o12’gr 2211475310134). 8 (Jammu'y 1C 50), p11. {'43-‘39 2.x'3ooc lacs how a minimum Job inomaool 2.210 0414.111 4 my 01‘ a 114mm? 151335.011 £33m twenty to 0:10 Funk. '41:} and five girls. ~57- 276. 0111121113, coda-go 11. 01141111121711. 01119111. The Efrem of 1’03” Wm 903:0.th Counseling on Academic Ac! 13.0mm. $11.1“ CmLfbnco 11011111. '11.. 31. (F0 113118.111; 1953). I31). JUI-JUh Ewart. of a atwly 11211021 01:11:11;va tho Mira-0:100 in {gm-ties between three groups of Precinct: dmun £21021 darztltorica, one group 11:1:qu received 0300111111310 (1011;111:013ng one group having 11nd Immoral cmtact. with (:01 colors 12.11:! cm . 11-...1r31113 no 001111001. at. all. 277. Guy, 8:111:10, mom 1111130111011, and 1111110111 11011311. Wilma 01m and {111.003.0004 Tn T210 31011513: 0 of 17111101331111 11:11-03 110' .111 1.11511 {301311.12 111:1 {:1 1:? 0 11:111¢:§..1z:1.““un10 1or‘o1fi 81311113, £9,290.14: 1.1121}. {35.9.}, 19)). '1‘110 51 11111;.- 111 a. amwvcy of fidlonogmr and pincticcs of colccbcd colleges and universities in the 11:30:10 0)? (1)1003 contra 0‘10, (2 ))”Cf0”0“uiu1 110011 selection, and (3)1300: changes in the 11:10 35.113 of 111111: ram 31mm 1101:1911. 278. 111110.11, 112., J. Gould, J.A. Prinz" o, H. flicker and 11.11. Scott. 0t1"‘o:r‘:. 001101721011: Ch? (rovcnmzont of dtudo 01:52. ngrfjfim - . 1:."119 ;_;‘, fi'x'rm‘! (30' 13'0"!” 0 of the A:1:700‘:1'o1111111;__1;11§1.11:0 r1317! .13: {IiL :.7C. '22. 60331113“ L151) “10 J-LVJ’ .Luiti (46-0, 6‘ . :1!) :..:IU : :—:‘.’:. fill! 31“, “pfiv‘: “ 5 17'0“. 1.01'1'.’ 13.1127 1))“, 53130 (W O c 1111 erzgzlwati 011 01‘ 0:11:13 of the 11011111011 1111:1110 that, 0:130 in the 11:11:; 31:11:12 1:1: gov-11111110111". fig... 3.11.0 the tab. “.1 university 311031210, 11111 the 1111:; it 113.11 work with 11110 1'00;le mrgmmimn for the muggezgcnt of the 11:03.3 11:33. for tho mafimaum; in 11.310 31:13.33. 279. Rack, L.F. fitment Labor Prom: M. Brace]. Is Lnbomto; v 11‘ or Carnality Lviny. 10110011 (1111!. 1511111 1311'” 3:. 1'1"" :1. 9 (:bVfl 50“ 19:20), 13;"). “'45). The 111105111121 discussed here 111'hlvea tcchnlm 013 W 1’s. can be used 133,? d5.c‘z.-t 11.1213 and £0011 service (firecbom to 11:13:13 the 1120112: 03310111011120 of Utuden‘a 0111030051 in 0 0013.030 115.311.635.011 ram-1 more to 01:01sz 001100311013. "U‘h-‘O “'00 3"" v.10, {3:11, 1 olby 01m: and‘ iltmd 1111111133. “4561131313 1:1 00110513! enco 11:11.10. «11"..‘1- 11111013131; C 1.11 J 31mm. . 1(3300-33110 I‘l‘,‘52), (lb-U. ”9.122;. 3310 article 00133 11;) puideprmto for 0013101311: a do .3... of: 6.111121112211111 211:1 :'jmicluncc (”1.1.1-200 1.31.95 1:10;: :20 3:21.101: 011'“ utO 12:13.11 13:23. 1011.33 develop 5.1130 :01...” .JJJde :1 1:1...1’..-‘Ls, 13.11.10 to 121.515.111.31 ..11 $21”: 11' 1:11:11: .3. 1 1:... t3: and {3-1-13 (-.1.-3. 0., to 11310 110030 021.110 gar/11;). 1110 atato d1 0 019‘ I! A” 431 0’91: J 9.40 6.1.. 5.3 :3 “53" 23!. Hammad, am 2:. Site mung, comm). mum Problems and Appoz'bimuont of Space by Mutation. Residence H011 I’Mmfiflg goai'c‘l'cngq. liichim Stato College, 12232: 1.122.923.2132, Idud'v‘i,’ 195“, E723. $.12. Discusses: (ley build residence halls; (ammonia: of the res sidozwe hull and its scone: (3 )sito eclecbmn and develop- n-c :2 3 0:23 (h)nrch..tcotuml dog ran. 2:22. Imeton, J.I.. Safe Practices for 22:: mm Leftovers. n'v‘iw‘ 10:223. 37 (Hovmbor 1955); pp. 152. Do's and down) for leftovers, 283. Ham’y, Etta H. Planar Intermla tor maidonco 223139.239 Jmu*2'7:=:'?E of Haw I‘conmt‘. cg. 23 (130mm 1931), pp. lCLS-ICR‘). Discussacs selection and maintenance at floor :ntoziala for maidenco hallo. 2111;. Randy, mm and 1m 12mm. Etam‘VShflnfla amgmg 21:20:21“. for “.....mmno 12221313. 362! York: :caa‘m ~23 Colin :0, 001qu 11111 90:33.1.Ly’ 19.13. C A consideration of the ‘mmfimto mu! mcdncmtim 912 rental for rum? :3- 212229 and oquizmn'h for moidmzcc 123113 402‘ mitts 0f 60, 150 am 150». 1’35. Ikmdy, mm :2. The Izodom College: Reamome mu. 11129.40sz 01"202'3 ice": ion. 26 (Jammy; 1931»), PP. 12-112. W A discus mien oft ho concm mower .co hall - a. cozmi: 0-3.1021 of 1:320 firmcim; of the willing, the emit-$0231.22: .22. :23 3:: 9.221 its m].<-.L2ia:1 to the 34130 c1201: ,tizc 122“:.~r£ or ”2:22:20. 3:20; It and fuwrlsiizxjs, and the effect: of then. 0 factom on the residents. “[3 -- 2n “ W6— Elm'zdy, mm. H. meant. Personnel Problem of H.220: ".52; mm ‘ 11131212222125.0213. lawman :‘uc‘tzvovl 9.22:! !.¥:~::‘:ve"."!3'zt‘fl'. 9(1937): DP. 1:60-42:06. in anflynis of 50:20 of tho 12:333ch of v: 2133004 t'zzrxicr relations to decorum 1:2 2.» 0::tch‘c. to 21:2 c‘ the ' «31.110121 of 22:12:: :3 20:12: in any (skies: in: '.? L: .3102: hum bran $.22...ng to 122.0 cm. nm: £02222! 0:30:15: r 2:210: 093. -59- “a“ 7. 1m, Pg. 3. Post”, ’0 23ng an”. Sth, [1.3. “mg and 3.13. magnum. mrriod and Graduato Stu-lent. llousim. Promoting? -4 The Sfingfijggynl Coffiozjgico of the Acmcflatim “(133 CoiLLQp ar::i_j.1:fi.vcsrs3.lt;g £20311;be (lilting-0. 0011103.]. ’ Eti'vcrsity, lumen, new: York, July 1953+, pp. 5:52-53. A discussion of national trends ragga-11m: married and (gradu- ate otmicnta, mm at the University of 311500230511 With rcfcrome to tho mnwmzczms and (team-ads for housing of . graduate students, thituc'ios to be omnidcmd in muffled and graduate student. having, atkri'liutmtion and owmtion of tempera. 7. married student housing facilities and mm. should be dam about housing for max; iod and gmdmte students. 238. Harding, L.A. Amuucation of floating and Ventilating ‘si‘icocnrch. gmtfigzn‘i’figaim pm! 31; figmflfiggrwm. 2 (Sammbor 1930), PD. 73w" '( "z‘lo ‘ b A discussion of tha prmfimant rack-£15.03} much; scientific and engineering rematch has punyod in mmving the art of." 210365.113 (mi ventilatirm; frat-1 m‘movhndn oafimmcflwha 031.com». 28‘). Harris, Ifltherino w. and Gertrude G. alxfimr. labor “ours and Labor Coats In A College Unfetcrin. git-:16). pf IrFIOJ-I'EIiC-Q-fl gatgtic Ausncgaticg. 23 (Hay 1955’): 17.). #33451" mmm of a. study winch mwm the labor Mum and costs in a. college cafeteria to find: (umber hours; (2)1.obor costs; and (3)rocoipta. 290. Innis, 30a. Swim; Food in tho madman gargggrgthn Anon!cagfingc-LflcmAgsociribfig}. 1.3 (I’obmm'y 3.211;»: ) , pp. 101-102. A mummy of methods of waste prmrctxbion in the college Idtchen. 392.. 11cm, Fran}: w. A Stanley! Stat Schtwwgfing Cp’lp. Alum. AL 2546;: Earl: C. 1’." 1:11.132;ch and Son, Inc... Lil», 171': pp. I‘msents building codes of all the states, in titular, 0333,!- n‘crcnco fozmgrzci Given a caploto not of mammal form which can be 1:33.341.qu for 0291ch m1 efi’icim‘fi. cmz‘arol of 0. some]. magma program mm 1:200: 713:7. an t4) caplet-.1031. 4% 292. mm, a. 1mm rum W boat. Control. passage-A Ham” WW1). 7h (July 1952), PP. 98. The cm nor omya each racot of the r-uchimn State Unhea- sity food service (narration and «331.155.2309 tho fact; that no 533310 panacea for cost control mists. 293. 1mm, 8.1!. :MMM/Food mmmra' John Carver Safety, ”$1303: DIM-1'28- $583-$313 ig‘gixrfigg. 31;, (it‘mh 19510. 13?. 163: A discus 31011 of training atwient maplowaa , pull 1:. 63:31.03!!!) accident prevention, cchedulmg am! hem of work, way-,0 plan: for stwlcnt a:~.plo:;cos, method of my pmmadm'c, oici: leave, ~ gnrovlsiozw for substitutes, and abscntcoicm, fimmuml cm)- ~ ' (5:301, and selection and care of equigmcsz. 291;. 1mm... 5.21. Introduce Gamma mtg-mm To Food Service range- neat M. Its nest. gamma 03:3 E'ngnfigg. 33 (member 3-953): DD. 1090 Suggested Qtwimtiona for MN 8 and x-tm'o residence Ml}. food mmmm are given. A 22¢le pattern 1391:3031: :mzl him {bcmmmdod Dietary Alignments for the college age group are given. 295. Harm, 5.1!. Pleasant. Fbod Service Flamed for Collage-Am Patrons. .Ilgnttltutima E-‘gzcmzino. 3:. (Jmnyu'y 19%), pg». 8!}. Preference ourww are a- nexzwmldng tool for tho I'cn's inhm‘clo of E'IINUB Urdvcruity. Siosgazmibrkl‘l‘biea of residence 11:233. food managers are also (lcsvxibccl. 296. unfit, 3.35. Tolls Tocmziquezs um: mwrflno Rzgfloycca. Q1625,“*bi01m t'amrgipg. 33+ (5’ch 1951;), pp. 1.2, Describes how a 2:110:11; auzcmisors, Job dwcriptiorm an! careful hiring can improve the stmlczxt 12.!er oitmtion. \ r) ’ . ~97. Ixzz'vcy, Jumcc. Imacnt 01' the Yomtg Head erzsidont. erm'z .. (11‘ the. :'..':;t"3:y-.1jnstfi-::i_."._t.!._qn okiqans 121' {‘o’t‘ftftfl. 33 Yn‘ ««««« . ' '-_" I. . A.\..-. 'u‘ v—W Uti-"y'-..a6fi' l;):]), 1);). (J ’q'. ’. Obsczrwzsbicns and attitwlca (103;: itory positions in an anter- tninirx', a! 201% articlco ‘ 299. 300. 303.. 302. 303. 3C!» ‘ Haskell, 13.11. ' Evalmttm or Food Box-vice mm}. mung 170mm. gaitimiona ranging. 35 (Number 1924), pp. 50. 33111121311223 the twat-twice of good; for food service personnel. - 115610911, 11.21. Outlinea macaw-e to:- 0111111132 v mam. gatitgticaa 3351325131. 36 (April 1955): P37: 3 Qmmtioml and 119.121th necessities which must be carded out if dish-rm. 3111113 12:10an am to porfmn efficiently. 89.010011, 11.11. Plan Efficient Hand Unsung For Ifitchon Utensils. plat? tut“ 0315 Pfimtim. 36 {larch 1955). pp. 132; . A (lest-.111 Ition offs. Miafaatory my to meet mum remin- mta 111. ”muidiamms Mug by non of a mane-mt nathtxl pm: 01:11 by a Minna of the utensiln. Rant, Harold. Tam Modem muectm 011 Tim cm; grcnitoctuml ”word. 10? (June 1950), pp. 101. An appeal for modern mlxitoctm'c on the collage ammo. q 11mm, c.s. Take Time How To Prepare £0:- 111:: mm. Nave. $3116.31 aggguhti‘sgrr‘itx 2119351131393; 19 (Downinr 1955), W. 19-22. Km rim or the fixture incmasing enrollments, momma the mayonsibfility to plan well no the nee: led. capacity can be mdo walkable men re mired. the article outlines a fcmr point I’I‘OSI‘CL‘E}. Hawk, Ira Cassatt. T3116 19 The 111111 That Stulcnta 3:35.115. _ £311,331::o__c:1r1 :Lfizi.tjct;t35:tg_jm.§:mncs. 6 (Enron 19119), pp. 21-22. . § . .1 rc;:m~t of the men's residence hall that tho stulonta am building thosmoh‘cs at E1119" ‘xrgtm 0033.030. 1L 1:101! 1113311. ffztr‘ftivc ‘L’oi'jm “-131! Cost of Food flamed :30 1:31: o: t1: waits. “Wadi-.041 bbafma be 11.:me of M r..c1..!.t 1m, _ 'uf' ..gl'li 1:80:1’ PL- 73811:} 89’ lQNQI 20 Pp. ”110 Writ: vc value: of the food zeta; 13.13 can 11“ Cd by otmhcntu is cm;r=‘urcd ui' I1 their est mt. d nutritive 11:: 35 and tho am.- 34-‘515 of cost is (1150 precon‘tmlc 305. to 8 o 307. 303. 3070 310. Mayhem [£33. Who Concetta The Wm? 303.10% and Hotvcmit .““.£’i‘.\£1§0. 17 (October 1951+), pp. BM‘fi «63- Ihyee, Han-1.0m. Collage Random! nuns and The Social Hood: of Stulozxts. The J_mum,Lo£_l’m Ecomfwdicg. 23. (1939): pp. 756'7570 Discusses the five things which are nccarmry for n 2101331 9.31 desirable social life for college. Haws, Harriet. 3333.31.11 .r- :f£§.aiernccj’oiu.nugor mimmrgglmtg J w v '.._ _~ fl :1 ‘ w . " , a _o‘. _" 3L! , * :r 7 ..fi ;_:_gy:.«o..xtsz In $393312: 15:13.10 (:3 83:31_LZT.L«7.‘7.'CU.U_§.’JS_Q ..cu ion: 533m: of FSULLm‘Liozzo , Iciclfi‘u College: 00111311113 University, 1932, 947 p9. A series) of points, um should, in the autiwra 0131211031,!» given cami‘vl considcmtion in tho planning; of atmcnb rosizmzma 11:13.19 mach will be 1:15 L1 butioml in cim‘acbcr arr} :rcrt. serve an a has. Hayes, .Iarrict. ;-_~'3_5,c7.encg_jjgua to;- H039?) Stufiegtgsfljgh‘nts- tzvjflye E’l'itlcfigslej‘jg‘. *Feco lung. ' :‘Jasidnc-bmit Ifa‘biozml szocda'tion of 5:02.213 of: iiumn, 192.7, A mam-y of the problems not in maidam mm in collagen and mdvcrsitioo am! also in a discusaim or the philzmoyay {3:133:13 workers in thin area. '0 fizz/ca, Harriet. fitment Residence Halls - Esau Halal. marina. £2295; an; I 12119015534. 5 (1932-1933), pp. 295-3fl. A diccuusion or what. a. domitom should provido. Emma, 13.2“... Cafeteria Operation M. A than University Sum 1500 13.2313 A Day. (trauma mat! (3213\"(31‘3313‘ ruminant}. 8 (£03)er 1.950), 3.1%.. j . 'm1-;01~”qnt mimic for aucccasf‘ul colctcria ommtion at n :nll sz‘ch'sity. \ \ A rcwrt. on hoz-J 11.6 inst tz.:t.5.on3 handle the m1:- manurous . business of ha. "inzpdu; 3:1“; 3'1" “"5? or am , Lm”?! .-.-no. a It; . Q-r I. ‘ v u.- -,~ -'. ‘ . m" r v._ 11:22 Luca :..... «f:- .63. 311. ”06:308. 0.0. Control at Cleaning Supplies. m 1 no 1“ (Juno 19113). PP. 110. A control cyst-m for cleaning 01121233100 10 suggested. 00:11.110130 instructions arc 33:00:01? cleaning pmcodurom 31.2.. 11012130,- Stalla E. Tyajqngifigli tomatcccmr'a 3232143300?“ Huston-{1111021, 123002.11 ‘ 101103: 2501:: h (3131013113 Baptist Hospital. 19339, 66 :10. _ ‘ Part I: (1210311103 .1011 and Function CEmrta - F0110, requi- sitions, 0230. Part. II: the 01.11110500111du0‘21mr: and 5.233211110253113 maplo‘yoca, 1:001: 02mm and 21031013111100, ting 33100110, 01.0. Part. I}. I: 033110.31 I11foz~rrntion « fer 31301211001031. Fart. IV: 00110203. 11:. 313-0103111115: {Part V! (3010.. in 1130;151:1010. Port VII 15311113131111.1352 and 51112111015: 1'“! P141311 15320213" W0. 333. 23021101, H.011 and D.C.'tor?101d. Double Trouble, 0r Too 1413113? Kitchtms. 201.“ 10".. and Ihfiwrs't‘, ' 331.125.0033. 19 (1215' 19133), PP. 230 \\ A .001: 0:: fete-1:13 0b the Univemity 01‘ 1310001111111 has food true! 20:”. £001.: :1 00112120.). kitchen. The equigzent peculiar _ to this 1.13110 01" food 090121111011 is described and 0110111215113 1111011112213 are taken into 00001301022131. 321:. 1101-1112111, throw 11'. 19°52 60:10:13 of Facilities. 00" 10:0 and 11:15.139‘931333 11301.0003. 15 (30.1110. 1210.? 1953); PP. 12113-435. Cc:.s.:1 0.? caller-0 and mulvomi y $00111 1100 in {3‘10 United {33:23.33 1:“: 192.4 marinated by ""‘ 00110130 0.11 Uhi‘ rcmity §l1;:3:1053". 0:103:10 on {1013415103 {1“ 01.031051 in 00331207100 312.113, 1‘ 1:31:10: L.n;j-:3 r1111 3.: :1011 0011:1100 3111123131....0 11:11:10, can 000 11. 15031 ‘1 0.1611113 1301111300 and buildimo 011:1 31011111 0 11': 1:01:23. 02.11.3110 (11-0 tabuL-‘L ted 5315931193 (101.01: 3.11012 by 1 1113-21221? 0:? 5111:3130 onmlled. ' . 33.5. 150 .:1 4123:10ch '11. T210 Food 22010300 Picture, 1950. 00.1.1000 Wfl‘n‘.“‘.‘ 3;: T311: 2’25: 1‘0. 9 (Oct char 1‘) 50), pp. 116-43. 3'00... 1“ :1 0.? a 011.ch cozxiucted in 1950 11;: "0011030 and J 2119301111213: 2711:: 211130 wa” 1101:1191 5.11.13. cubed 11:31.1; 311:1 1:111:10 for - 0:1..111‘01.1.‘L'.‘ 0 0131111311.]. 01302113, 3:110? 1111-00 11:11.11 1030.115. to the rri :10 :1? 0: 1,. 11:13:00: 2.0 tubal ch‘Jllnozm ("El 0.3.10 ti‘o {110023100 " 0.113311: 311.30” 11019. ‘ \ L- .L 316. 317. 31.9. 319. b) 8 c6!»- Hem H.“ What About Feed 3687100 176011115160? Collem' and U'fixéfic'thhwiws. 2. (April 1958), pp. 12. A discussion of new or the details or e eollege food ammuon. Roman HM. What's The Story On mm 91-015mm treat? Coll gym Uriamrgityjmfiinees. {Search 1950), p17. 1&5. A diecussim of the advantages and dieedventegoe of Inning meet. aw: zwultry en the precut frozen basis. Harrington, Donna. Men's neeidence M111. (relieve and l‘r‘wmwwfg "vz‘imee. 13 (November 1932), pp. Em. Doecfi :Mon and floor plmm or 9. MM maidence hell at lien: ma. State Humanity which :13 136111? finmccd by a. federal 30791339211; 10cm. . Hertrxeld, Km. Aeeomzting Syntax: Ia Hewmary Tool For Dining Semce Control. Celjem m5. Unmet-31w mtt’ rose. - 1!. (k ehnnry 1953). 132). 55:. The dietary commuting system at the adversity of Rochester is described and three account-1m tome are sham. Hemzi‘cld, Kurt. ‘ wen. Operating Policies for Residence Ilene. SLQLLGJES and U11 Vemity P351 to ea. 15 (October 1953), pg). 2.2-1.1“ Decimale mt‘eerm or ezmmti‘m end echieverent in my; rd to the social and educatieml pm; mm, the heueelzce: in: (:3. *- zasim, and cemtmctien. 12mins, Barry L. Bonnitery Projects. lineman fichqfl. em! Larvae 20 (um-12w). pp. 17121?» \ a. p '4 «b 3 3 “.59.“, of maidertinl projects, their deem: mien end lemma; and. est weed cost, for which F 41.3%.. eplmmm eaves: as for plmurb‘g. \ 475- 322.. 16.1.1, Henry :1. Jr. When the Musing Agent. Turns Ilia Thmnfiabe on Jexdtoriel Summon. Collerre em Lhimmit Immerse. 16 Uneven 1951.). m). 35-: o A discussim of these mteriele most cutaway used for the cam em} clearing of our buildings. 323$ Hintz, Pope, R. FOC‘tfir, F. 23.00033311, Pp Hmu‘Jm’ Rd}. Stm, and 8.112. Thompson. Iterated and Gmdmte Student. Housing. meow-£33329 «- 'flze 33.53,! meml Coaxfi‘ejtpggeq efuthe fitleggimim w n ‘~ ‘ - .1: V .. v- a! L ' _‘ r a: It .... a V'— , ¢ u; Lelia-30. mi; 1’.’1:*~.-ea‘1....u;rjtummr; 11;}..3131‘8g (Jormll U; ‘§*ez~sit:f, lance, 142:: 163‘}er 19%, 55;). new. A discussion of mtieml trends regewiing mmfied and medu- ete students, tremls at the Univumity of Wisconsin with reference to the rcquiremntz an}. demands for bowing of {neglect atudcu‘es, a‘btitudoa to to camidcmi in :rmmfitx! and graduate student, homing, ecixzinietmtim em! e;>cm-bi5. U: Ifa: :.ed —_._: ... _— vital,“ 22.2.03: 1311:: .3 ".22: U:.2:.I“‘:.I..i.y, womb... 3.5/55, 49 DD. lI‘n '“ho rim ...... pvt" 01 of thin rcz'or't. is devoted to the 0.113;.1210 of comm 1 pomimti on {22‘s 12113 related to college org-311......“ 9:12:19 :13 fixing} by the forces. 315:3 of total 03.712533 enroll» .53.: 9.2221 syncific fore 31.9 for 12.20 mm state teachers CUB-0:306. T320212 fantasia37.211.911-02!th 2:" m". “L““3J'313 of simian ‘ Emu: 7.2”: nee-'33 and ram: .orkz‘ am 1302‘. ‘ 20 Cox»- 312mm ”23.0.22 £221 2'." :.I 3271;101:133 oi” dorfitor‘i .3 11....1 $012.1;le 1’12." .Llitica. 3336. Homer, II. .C. Ccmwuzg Telt'itos .22 8:23:03]. am! declare EhLilIimgs. {..nrwnn School an! Ufii‘fiwwu. 1!, (3. 93.23), 171’. 157'"le "‘27:: planar: of (:21; rating tor: 1.71.5122, is £13.. mom. 7.21102" three Iw‘ 1:22:25: (2!. ). .o: 3:5; (.4)builr” 25.21 3:: already cracked and n It 31‘1". infested with ti‘RY’LuOS3 {Ind (3)2311}. 21:25 4“ ....Iczx‘y . erect-ml Much Envy Men (m 2:43.”; by ”any" .I.I.c=.I:.. ~83- 337. flatten, L222. The 21011 1an Cam To Dimr. 033nm and ' Ether-32’ r 152222159213. 13 (132211an 1955); 131’. 7:5. A (Lac 2.1112111 01' part1 es in mid canoe hallo hm‘itutod to Izccp ’01 26 food Gem co irx’acms bin." and 022?. ai‘ the prov J01" a1 rut of banz'uing school meals. 38. Iior'oxl, 32.12. Fool Sanitatim. :30 2221 22122112123323.5291. 69 (Jul: 1912?). pp. 102. A :vrlw or the numerous times c6 azmibntion. 0n the Job training is 'utmosed in the food 02131132131211 mvgzmm 3390 “1.0331901, 1n~ D FOOd Smmtim. £20 (Ucpbcflmr 1912?), 1:1. 55. 2021' 8 32132213123. 121:; cmmzn . .2 Nina; ~ ossamwg for C1 mfe an! sanitary (Brim 3:22 :'«Ji 02:. 3’20. Hocp, 11.”. Housing of 122... ...ai Students. alumna emanation 0‘7 V" "'*"S3*" «“6» in. 39 (mm 191.6); :92). 1 "i213 ' 31*.2'13 011252: 11:22: after! 71*“ 21 War II 102* 3131:21'12'32'1firx'5.0d 'l ‘S‘. $22!: 224-3. q «~11. 2205;231:3153, Co11r’t.“uil. 12m "22’1rv*‘l*"'~:2 1.1;).13 "Z”DYW"? At 001“-“ 0 A. ("$14 .2 {0.}. Incl-...: .L-v. 3.1.0 O 21* 212:2“ 11.52011, 210132-2210 13.x. Lv'Lc ‘ 25532.3 .323 212:. ’.x::~::r:1 1”!»75 a. T329 2122:1130 of 13-113 C3112: '3; 1:219 fro-($01.23.: (:1 )tg son-.2» Mr} e'J2.122"to object. 21:1 21:13:: from !.'."c:22‘y Jay Cm! :1’22‘ .22. 222.: C...2.(.-.-"“" \J the “221.311; (3.: 1 mantim :21? “mimmmo 22233.1 0;. 201': . H362“. ii. (1:110:- to drmloy C; $222235 mm]. mm .11‘211*’1.u«';12121213‘.23.- I! (303512: <1; 1222‘! (“>172 it“s: " 121:. ..21221:.*ch2 251' 2:13 .121 “232 :2 .332: mm for 01‘31. 2.213 to 21:1": in r0212- 7.22:; 33 11.211 m1 2:: 22:23. o;.-c:. wt in}. m .. . .. 3%. 120222.."21,L.0. and ".11. 12211102113221. ”122:3; 1:21.331. 21222.2.1mtoa 'Jcrm'l; 2:21. offi {3'11 cult 2213, 2321311141, ‘5.”1 J21, C2.....2.'*:' 122110.531 851, 11/23”: Cm'fl Pf). _ '1': 21:23." .1 . 122’} 22;; C‘iz'cztirna for 56+.th rid of 1'"1c.., 2,1223 arm. cle 18.3, 01212312316 m the 11:13.2121'31021 21f taetiz. 01:3 052‘ 0.3.5; 22'. .2 Lin; 1132* :31. 22:12:) .121. f«?="CV--'11’.-fi_.tzfj the br-2C...13.'u13 of Lies. 0 ~69- 3223. ‘ 222.009, 12.22. In Watt-503215032 sumo 22.202222220121022 £10 a: emote:- Assio'umco to F0023 0.5120: In 1210121254133 (222-. 6022:2020 P22013103 In Iaflu‘toctuml and 1323.13.15.13 P102202 2220000152120 02’ t 20 77.“,Hy2r21 22mm gigggf 131202120 112.25%?“ 222...: ‘.:;0_. {LL, p3. 1..-00. ' A discussion of the 220.30 in which 01201.0 01.23012231155 00 cm 130 of 322003012 0.001050:qu to 00031 01222012 in 23022104130 acumen 112.201.3301: in arc. ‘25 ...tccturo 0.11 131112152222 133.0120. 31;!» 1123422110271, 110225.00. Food 302221100 Finance 122 The 2.20111. College. 70110220 and 1122.3 verm5t 352.205.222.000. 15 (July 2.953), p272. 1.7.50. 23011 072222 :...220..ed 0011030 food service 222200121 have 0 three- £02221 objective: 7300:. , 13220230012500 0.510120 012025.012 0 (101.1022; 0.0.21 0thmc’oim 0.5 20:73. "20120 210220220 01.2.2210: u 000 022.303 52,120 03 may 05: 1'22“ 0.2.0 0:221 000005. 12.00. 1.20222211202: 1003.0 2132". 300d food 0021 500.21 00. 2222.100 230021 23.2 u 00.23%. 2:23:20 5,130.22. poo: 300:! 0. .. poor 2 1 3%. 112212023, 1322222210223. Ono 001105230 2512120030 0132201000 17522-212103. ' 0033.07.30 70.22.21. 17215722201205.5213}2.053000, 13 (Aug 9195?»), 130. 3&33. Ivory 12102121072 03101202 om. 2022031127 1202201100 5.2.120 120.2212. 02‘. 2.2121012 22072100052005“. is {20220 00000.22 .1022]. than 1202222212. ”.1022 this 120:3 0220 it is 022123001210 to 1220001222100, 0012 .2215 for the 012.120 of 012.2; 0221'. 1221:0105 2 (2.22.1 2.022010, 1322.1. 1002.000 15’. :10 (3000. 1322001222000 1302002211 0. The 02:22.5.ch (100225.100 120:1;010112 C 013.030 1200113021 this 272322013102. 33413. Iiwmto, Thad L. fliaaam 1:22. .' ‘22012’25 0222211'2222'2'020222‘ 05.: Col‘nflq 77.7.2 227 74122922222112.5220. 10.: 230221; w".'00 .1 2.20 0011.0 '2), l/lfi)’ 310 p). A discussion on [32207015001011 9! buifiow. Q 3137. 1322,2153, (122.2201. 5.220 L. 000:! P12090110. 0:20 In. The 0161:. 11212.0(! {10052.00 002.025.2012.. of 1172,- ”culture, 1'002212231021, 12‘02'220220' 1313; 1‘ 72.27"}, 23 p73. . 7:0 1:1.sz of foods 000.2101 and the 13220 202015.00 in 2:22.501; 1.325.200 £00.10 0 be used. M‘s...» 359. 351. 352. 353. \ \ ~70- mmr, mum. Bow Frame 1mm Denim and 12.93an Can Loosen the Problems of Residence mil. r-mmcm‘o. tinkering 333103 and. Unmet: 1‘33}, . . 11 (1‘39). lhbaiiod summationa based on manrimoo with residence hall maximum ..-ginearing Society. A 1'1"?"th “1:21;...“ch icq 561’s“ char}? 7""‘+""”. New York: 111L111“? ; z“. 2;“ mix; uOCJfl'uJ’, 17w, (9 pl)! The prim pummso or this swam! Pmc'oica has been to establish criteria of good iLmimti 0.1 for t3 0 {7.31;an d? are: t’cct3,o Extinccm, acilool woplo (31.22 omens inter. “:t‘ou in the come :v-nbion of ntalcnbn 111810.211. in the 0? Infill-(3. “rnbtflntion of otai’fwotul om ratios and a“ ”If costs at. txmnty- five selected amazon and mltmi U105. / Inge-mm!» William 21. Dormitory livmx ,, '- 191:2.. Amritsar: $332093 m. :mwmatz. :3 (19m). 1m. £32437. W Sari-"3:? of the 110113533 "made and profomwoa of do omitoz'y dimefiom in Won maven college memrm, William H. mnine; non. a DOLUitOP“ .03 for Toany and Tatm’x‘w. enema?» {-‘C Wm? ‘37! 1.11::qu U. 6 (1933-1934): P?! 275-873: The mthcr (3.8813308 the increasim importance of economy in the 9131mm; and co. tructim of denim-91.03. Irzgm,d:1.u I‘w‘ ..mncim Rosidcmo Facilities Throw": Self- m 13' INCMVQ [0110er WV? 1!; ‘:‘W.‘7"31.t'7 ‘ttry? 't‘fixsc]. L_~-_... 1.1 (Ldongmnbx' 1953.), pp. 50. ‘ Factors to be 153.1203 into co. onsidnmti on Lon p.113) n33 to b0?" ‘0: fun: .a £0: resin! 02.3.00 ometruciim to ho 59.13- qu‘fitingo —-v:._“ 473:- mmbeth tudant labor In Collage Fad Service.- ng 1'18}va .firmfiaanumctofic Assm :7.-.10: . 17 (April 191277): M £32" JIWo'Wo A dammion of the student labor program in effect. in the Join Jay 1:013. 131.713.7353 Roam at. 001mm {131530170107 355. Ioboll, Paul, 1..,0. Pcfldns, 171.0. 8310:1332: 071311. some; flaming 0.33.1 {111111321103 the 1960 1393100000 $123.10. iromrggjgm - 'l'hg "77"“: 2707173341077907707370 of the 1‘0 Lochtim 0'3 Cd’lcwo 12:; :0-.. 7.7377 1 017777377 1::7'3' “7.001777 0. “$017303.“ Linivvsi’oy, 3.032.300, .1181! .0132, gully 1‘1)»: P23. " P4070 A disowssion 02 pl: and funfie‘mr; the 1960 moidm 17.0115 1.05041 cm a 132703.173 0:11 mporb (307.701.0an12. t southern Minis; 31‘1‘1737\~:.:7u\. 356. Jeffm'a, Ehrlm. 1:30:73 a maiden” {3011. con 1w, and 'W 711037702733, 17 (Jul? 195117): PPc W130 13000117 “hi on of facilities and flow 01mm of Games-lo Tech Ken’s 1.00:4! 021ch 1103.1. V \ 357. 30.3103, 1723mm Jo 00115330 Maidenco ”111150 1002173177773. 9 (2-1» "2:02: 1917), pp. 101-103. A brief history of maidmzoo halls and a discussim of tho renown for cummisiflm: a. 037017.07: of residence 11:11-10 at. a university. The Jew-.72? of 11am 358. Janos, 2101727017: 0. Housing 030013.01) Etuw .2730. «magnify L§PL"Q4:‘:;"I751 A0? $130410 ibjjmrflj 7.13.306. lmyf“\:4‘fin‘ lu'.‘ ” p2). 8:3”liu6. W + Covers 22:19:30: resent. status and future 0077007130 03 collor'o :7 . 0 student. 117 .mi:7 . Contains M's-‘10:) 017.0:er 3x70001717; haw-73.1773 facilities in "“3 720.711; $31103 Of hi“; :0: 11202;:- 0 ‘0 71022:). 359. Jams, LN. Evaluatoa moctflo 1.0121700 0:1 170310 of {70:71-30:1er {a 7 Cost, Ihirrtoznncc. g7777'77t7'73m7 . 33 (Lou-7wm1956), pp. 0.. Guides the institution 7.7 zmrjer in 001m 717,1.“ 12790 for a given 97.11779000 and 100713-071. Dover). 701w and 1:707 77‘ 77: :7.;77 co ( are given. -73- ' 360. Jamsm, Samuel. H. Adamtmnt Problem or (hu'mmity Girls In 3611.. 363. 363. Collective mung. Linda? Porno-:3. 17 (2' 11y 1939). pp. 2(3- 2030 The (macaw intend mod 571 girls in a. min-mity to anon-min their nttitmloa toxmd 8:): phases of collective .1...v4 M demon, Ad. Before You‘ does: hood. Primo. can”; r11. erz..v~1"a1‘:3; 2.x! 31113131373. 1; (Jammry 191.9), pp. ”13+. 'i‘ho uthor ohm-r3 ,thmtdl illustrafimw, ho: efficiency was mamas. ad and nanny saved in tho food. cornice clctri'lz'mzt of the: {humanity of fame. 'i‘ha may s-LGggwtzions "5. cm can be up wiiod to: my food sowioe unit. lem, {1.8. Know Your Floors To Know mm no.1: Mamet). Wflrlinm. 1;? (April 19299). {37.30 W. 2303:1130; 2.2.1ch tips for the moat canon flow finishes are 1:1me T‘zoco inclulo asfimt t1 .10, 3.1: 01022:: and Lanai!» ..Lbcr- at! amino: Min and wood and coach. 1225.1 P. Tho Selectimx of I’m-stint: 3 I“ ‘38. 1110" MM fig“ 3:"? .‘ 2'51" ( (‘P‘FCV W‘Pc. 2": “$1;an «mite 6013.086", (at; '9 ii .. >3 513’ 1 ’ 50-03:: ff; 30.1: 1‘25". f, Eku. l’wg. ‘ 3:: 0.131013 (1685.3? ..., fim'ituv and $127110}ti a- 9.1.“. 3 ‘1. 30:3, fistc1i.inn 1313;133:133, sham be consil zed inn 1.: :2 1303321533. In cm. 1 a. ca: 3.1 whoa! field, tho author stresses, it :..-3 iigmmn“ to coal: good whine. 00-1mm, A.J. You 1'de Imwtum Should Do {Tow/"1:03 Inb " went a}... C-r~_.1.‘!<~r'o_ t‘.‘ :1 "fiv’W“" T""""'" 32. 8 ( "“Ch 1950): 1.3.) ). 3:,33. 90:3ch .109 ttm study mm. has been ni‘rcn 13a “.20 mar "it to! £15313; . L730 ”All CHI‘i I “-31% t:h”’.! '3: 1 3123.0 1".) 33'013w1xkl It“ 10‘ 332.0"3 ref... .01: '8 3:11: . 01.5.1; '23:: the 11.03.31: "3121-13 at. 1.2:! 1:: c'. n- 01.1 vol :15. Emmy: to arrivo at. the 1'3. 32;: ca. "1.3:? $1113 a. 23.21310 in: :1 1.1113101. ‘ L ~732- 365. Jd12'23m, 2:. 63me the 12222221112331, 11mm. 22.132 rammtm C“ “3‘2"" “‘1"*”""”’-”" m_,;"i',,13'x;. 19 (52,22: warmer 1955): Dec: .23.. ‘ :2 bias: of the magma madman a: toads 2mm in 0124 231515.021 at. tho Lh‘.w1.a.by of inmoswba. Also 5211‘ (2:23.. Jabion on abov-by-obcp buying of 2.2222242222101233. food. 366. Jamuon, Eh'mr 1!. The 11151122523 22:25.02; 12.212L Gram-2 15.43}? In the: ’33:3.3313223212335552: 12.1 .21.2..3."2d 15.11. 12: W10 , U115. 1:12.; 5.52:; at ...1‘ waist-'2, i231; , 525].” 21231.22 .. ed leaves. This thesis discusses, frm the social 055ml 23‘ '221‘2'02’ “b , the prolific: 1:3 and forest: to be camidored in :1 2.212231% 6312221151 11231153.. .153 dcrmlo3m—2nbo. “506 (bullies. b 367. Jonson, Prado- “5.0 B.21'15.:1bc121'2.nco 0.21:1 Qmmbim 0:? A University 1.2.2.... Arum-5222221 chm! 51:11 5222521222202." 80.. 236). 12:2. 152—127;. ’ ‘ -”" The subject 05’ 92!: 41b mintem'nca 5.3 6.5.2.: 6.1223025, on tho basin of cozxL'bfi .0213 found in one flmibub! .011 2!. zero 1.110 21120331212123 of cmumb" ..tm are 1112000113 to only :2. very ...ni'l 81-001.55- 1 a “7’63. 230512132221, 5.0. and George 11031.. 130.223.3206?" of 51,331,145; ’ Mom‘jtm‘f’t‘ ””22 3°” York: mam-4.2m " 2242.21; 01:11.3:le 92.9. mm for amlfitocta, (Ecaim'm; (mi co mumbim 02225420633 . my! cm'bmcbom. Camila}. by a etc..~2<£ of.“ 13:3...by 5112.13.33.13 b3. 369. Jam's Cartzl'bboo «- 1155;110:111 Asuocinbim 002.2115 of 1521:2231 and 322.125.02.- '23. Committee 0:1 Safety 1111161525011. F5221: ii» 2 for C #212222“ #52 2:225. 122110222 3122511" 5:54:52. lhbioml 3a"2.:..l2..«.1 2 323-2352435215“. 1" Ow; .922 1’39 ALI-23.220353! to ctuicnb 12. -3311: 231 032102.532 (2215.! 3.1'?“.'.‘:'2£‘1 in 00215:: to 53262323 1232521: 111.2 ('52. the“ (2211 do in :32: -."2";-.:' .22). 8:112:33 out. a. flaw-Gm? cty p-2o-';1'2:.:'. in college .12:- 43.2022.) 1 £23.10. \ n _ . .370. Jozms’ Iblnm 2!. A Car. :31‘:5 fl‘," {3. H \$1(\2:E‘,‘M prI‘T ~v~3rd ‘ 2.2.3. fictL’s ‘I'A ~ 9 I' 1’2 3 y. *2 — Lt‘!‘ " - Inly ". Ant CunZfi-O‘ La. 2 “'1‘4 ‘3:'\.’ I» v.2: {rt-1.. ‘ ‘39 ‘1‘)ka ...-Ln.\‘, 6 H fig)..~..§.)‘ ‘4:‘a LvL-o‘ 2’. ‘15in .2 'I‘ OJ. 15,243.; £210.63 HULK}; figuf': ..CO' 1215§, 64"., 13.1. _ A sumo ,2 a“ 1221.53 5.3 12235 .213 (50:12: 5.31 co oztsbmtc'aion 0;. 11m married cb...:.;~11'.'. at 2.3 2.1.1. .‘ 'uubcm mile-2:23 (2.11;. 121’: 12:25.... on. ”M‘MW up '0.- «rung-auto» 371. mec, Stanley 11. A T001114 "me To 1:13:15th the 114‘ Tracthmnr ,9 ~71.- of! I-GO:?¢‘.{11I3C 11:11.; 1.0:;111.3.I.n ‘1) 71 “(.1123 .1131“th 2.1.13" C1. 1.1-;112113. W, «WW-om 011:9;101'10’1 01311113 ~ Lkdvcr‘ 311:; of. 1115112118, 1952, bi 12;). Desert! 1115.01: of tec‘nflcmc developed to (103.00er xd1otl‘cr or not a forced 0.10100 whim: 0135110 in suite-.1310 for 11035.1."ln3 the 031cm: ..venoos o... co‘xmclczva in r051 1.221% 1123.13. 3%.. “602309 ”113419 8.312311ch 11.11.]. for 1100 Hanan. 601.19% 11.11! 11:14 gersmbz 312112133. 13. (1" senator 1‘} 5...), pg). 333‘). 113:" 0111';, 011.121. waction dc‘ ".113 ,1 11111311911111: (1:121 floor of a. residcrml .11 for 1103 was: on at 13"an College of ::C-:d:35.~ 11:3th 373. Valley, AIDE-561- 311111.51 111111111111. Cmda..mti 111121 05.11%. (‘qfl'Lflqn ”vi"! HHfiarom-{4't9 ”IT'VEQQ, 9 (ihc0w1an1950), 1):). 6. The thotion of 1.110 desirability of carving ritmd [3230:1116 in residence hall dinimj: mm is discussed. 3711. Kelly, Jay-2t. 1131103. Carlene 1.9.5312 and The "mm. 112.: York: 'i‘caamz's Collage, 0011211113. L111; {1,119, 3113 1313. 1111110303 of this study are: (1)150 925.113 the more: and mfitwo—uztrk: cu? the collage (3111‘1 “15.1.3; by their origin 511111 11211111311112; (2)110 8.030111%: 21312315111. 11112111310 on the (1113113; m1 (3)10 11m: 1:~.;12.-1a~.11w £0? 11:» “'20 of! educators 3‘94 :mrmar“ ...ol 110:“.zom; arr} (1)120 1301:1130 111.110 need £011 :03- 0001-11.":1‘12‘1 11:11.. .mzlmt-ion at“ 1.110 r. was to m pzvsmh 03.113. ’ 3'75. K131221011 11:31:10. '10:! Do You ‘ucccssful‘w Foal 111-...ch 1‘13? 3 1 "514"”.- ~“lf‘13-‘Nmmfi 04' {$0 Pnu-w‘h frag-:1 «l "0 1 n y". wan n‘“ ‘ "...? ?"1_""._".('_Vf"fl_1 “:‘WW W . .‘-_.-'¢.".'I)f'. 7311]“ ()1. :1. 1f ‘-‘ ‘v (33‘ 1. .3113? j?{:‘:' Lt}:- \‘ '?;ol\;'. ~ "a; 14".". U L~$u..w’ qu-‘u- mmM-Oun.” (0“; «0W- - ‘uukq p ‘ ., D: I sAu‘..ul :4, 4"»;1. :%b 1J3”, 1i”). J~.J). 1‘3-‘1 1“ ‘H l‘" 9-» 3-17‘!‘ t «u true t (“0" \n r .“ ~ ‘9 fm $1.11.») rw-4en) .ix). .iaUJ 0 CL“: .x‘UC; ‘ 1:1 5 we"; On...1wu813-‘~..~3 ‘ J ‘ i '- ‘! ugl‘f tr -‘.'. n u‘u».u‘.~...u.). (’6. 1216111, 119311111. 1:191va IIomlc In 60110 '0 Residence 21.111113. glovxg‘né': 111;.12113031311131 2191271.. .3, 12 (11121.12- .11; 1952), 1.7;). 115-416. 111'; 81:17 '21:}. re 4111. 11191.03) to be 1: 1111111101?! in '."..':.'1..'.‘..2."‘....11(‘ 31.1.1“) 2110.3 11.11111. ‘1. :11 .9310 0:1 (42131110. ‘4': 377. 373. 38-3. '3 "3.. On. ~75» Kidd, John 11. The: Hood For mum Rumors 1:: Colleen incidence Halls. gong-*3: Vcwlvjhi .’0..,f.t1)hgcflp.cc:._3. 1'5 (June 1955): 1790 36‘370 The basic prize lyrics to be obscvmd in smlcnt counseling work. m. 32:21st tho mod for mintmco markers in college (107:! 21" 02.23.03, macaw t3; and 6:730:13}; 22312303 and rowing 3335:1333. Imbaum, Eon, Lao Dams, Fm: mam, Alien 1701:3023, (Mi. fl“ ""310: and IRS. ficCom-cu. Paulo]. Discuss: can. i‘zmmr‘ja "s «- ‘I":'3_‘~1 5.31.1711“ 1..""7W1fl7 £377;th ‘17- WWW" 0‘73? 77w7‘ ‘7"; 142-0514113371 E7qabe 001;! '03:; 1‘.qu Ll'uiJé ’ ..LQ-nk 5.2., kkv‘ 7:77:27; 17;)51. 21.303.335.021 of mammal relations, 2351.. acrzcnm m‘modvro, an- , mike: v 12mg snowman. advisory system, 3335.:ij :11: and as sign- amt procozlzms, ... .nd 0 cmtfm costs at: t". a"; inn-11.nstmlcnt ho» ”“7“"..1' Katmy, P034321 Imam. 3139_pr33.th_ Pm': of; P133; upmo Fig-fl:- ats'} E‘chfimisfizrim. Hatfiork {9:22.}. may, 1. £50, "20 pg). The c xylem bvo to 1‘03.qu game 7!}. ..of fumi um mrmir and Miami-9.3 - may ‘51: step-brazen 12c: binds. Manor, Bond $5.21. 33m: Bantam? fer! '4 -Q‘igim “* bate 1703‘s.}. Comm. fifififiv7'cn~fi Sn31nm1; ”1"", ‘VHw‘rc-nv-flé-vr . 27 (1955.1j56)' ya 31¢ 7‘3500 :T'actom (sat :on into music}- ..tion in p1 12min" the mzfidcfico 2133.1 .3 $0533.21 for 4.10 future at .3.clzi;:m $3.729 392.213.). College. 133mm, Olmrlco Z. and Imrbcrt C. 1:130. 314313133... How You: Chariot: 8cm”: marl” “ 16:33, Cn?‘ (1m- _!_‘-__‘f‘$:“-: ' ( nM-myn ljle’ WBVJ- 1);). 00110313 3m~c§zit~acb we in Anemia. 3:! its part. imttm (137010;)... 337111} of the comma. Sec ca me @113, ”5:: '1',“ a? VII ~ 2:01:35 iv .3.) ~17 to: 1G"3 ’73“ 1‘3? VIII ~ #332173 .1.}. ‘I' 1:211:1“77: 87.3....713 C771 cahL’wCl'JJXS. 110;? 3.1 015.13; (:31! Cizz'113’oc1‘ Kent '9. 23:3: 103;. I” Mora, Gom’cn J” Deon: 1.33.90 related, a. ’ 1.1;; ""27" I? may 1:; :riczmc'n In ‘31: c“ 9331!}? mm U143. Jam-m3. a if}: - Fawn? hmnmn’vhw 05' “Bit? '3 Q."._ ""9”“? w (.....AJLI l' a in; ’ t .1.7 .3 “.9435". VB :1 9.0 .7. . \ I. ' :16 mm mm 5.5021313 (1).}:0 ..‘:._ magma-’3 oj.‘ .. 1 (:1ch .1021 in a .- .. '. 0. , .. 7.. 7. _ h. ,3 , .'1 . :1... . v ~ .Lt' . -RJ'FW t3 ‘1‘1'1-‘I1 :‘1 7 'u’l-LU: ”J. 8:21 (.‘D‘QC ..‘Jl7;l.’ ’93.:“.:C CI}. UV‘E:‘\"‘I 13‘.J¢.;) arrl O U u n’ d . '1 _~ wlp 9:: 3:: .1) 3.. :3.:r 11317.5. . ~75 383. Mahler: Robert a. A rm m. At: :31: cm“. 119‘ (Pobnmry 199!» 9 Pp. Constantia: and ozmtion of two coopemtiw dqmitorio‘o for men. 3813.. Koonig’, AldOlph J. Pol}. Charms In A Schema (Imam T11¢fi3+*ro"imwgmop '24 M" "1". 71"}."11‘12‘" T”! {:1.r«1- 11 To The '§E.1‘.’.;~T‘.‘£‘ Wm “Winn-Joni...“- mat-y... (If LU- "f"1t3___‘:“0 !hi (2 "39%. {In ”so 14A. £43313. {Elwin} 33in. "uJLJJl {19’ 2 , 10:) nun. m‘cd loaves. Semling of policies (at-513 mmLGmn" Colleges and Lilivemitit35¢ 335. Kohl, Peter 1!. Cafeteria System. Counm (“1’1 9432:3333. 7(Docma‘aor 1919), pp. dj-Jd‘u. Doscri boa the my in which the authors Multitution 031,6:th an of£octiva food aarvico ta may on magma. 336. Ko’wchm, wt. This Kitchm mu Ffitu‘m. Ccmsm cg; ' {Eli $916313") wi. 1'9 (July 1955), pl). "5? Donor}. rtion and floor plans of a. rm: fad service mm a' " ontam State University. 3b . firmer, mm M. and with (maximum Food Selection uni ' I‘xpo. inLuro In A College Cmmnlityo T310 5031"?) ”1'13“ 79"?”in‘3433 13 (Jammy 194.6), m. 14:23). Romain of a 6151ny made to ddteztruw 1.1ch: to): windows re ceivo the 00110:. $3313 of an adequate dict. met: no they my £1 irly m: acct in return for a 1‘0. amiable 04193331131111: for b30111. a . \ JV“. Kmtcclm, VJ» dhon student. Labor 1:: U301. Colleen and I? WroM‘IMr Ih2111iggigg. 5 (Xia’mfl'cr 193:3), pp. 3:1. Ihjor dis dmnta tea to student mules-mm. m! m 4:10:13 which 13:: '3 been med to W30 these (13. Vadmz‘wus are dismssod. k _‘..‘M.“..‘ 3890' 390. 391. 3923 3.93. #77. mean», Alta H. and Jams P. Dex-ten. rep thmmnom Inset. Stall 0r mu m? The Favor 0! Good Emmet: . $1043. Proccndi. we «- Thflfl Antm'fl. theiem CeiHewe "0 12:10.0 Cezzfi'ewme. 5'3 '3 an eta-be, wot. “251. A (110033001031 of the 10707-02300 of heueebmpim in a residence hall 01th011. ' wing , we. 33.27.31, human; Lebeo, Willie G. Fire Madmen .. Their Selection, :34» 1303300200 013.! Use. mm. 1. 6013.000 003. linemen: 33333:? 31003. 6 (Janmwy 1950), 1321. 37-69. , Discusses few tyne of fire «rewfimherm (Deter mp 10:31:03 (2)::nencartridce tater filled 0:, :30; (3)3000 and acid two; and (wary chemical typo. Lubes, willie 6. Fire megtesmre .- Their Selection, 11:35.13- temme and Use. Part. II. 001.1000 031:! 1031003071101 P11313333. c (Fobr-m 1950). pm 1.1-4.3. A discussion of four of the 013* 1:113 recognized £57500 0. fire wraircflehcrec (1)c0.rlzen-die?:1rle 23:, >03 (2.)!2'003 two; (3) vaporizing liquid type; and (“leaded 033.0033 1'3“; G Lubes, 333.1335 0'. Fire mammosma- 03:33.3: Selection, 2mm- temmee and Use. Part III. ' 001303 0:31 11,731.70 071.15" Famous-3. 6 (2120011 1950). 13:1. 139-50. Polnte to be considemd in the selection, m‘mterrnee 0.23:1 use of fire ezmhmui shore. 113mb, 11.11., v.31. Adams and J. Godfrey. Food meemcee at 00110301101303. meml of 11:20:60.0- Dficte’eic 31.3730050331021. 30 (i Eomfinr 195.; , 13 3. »‘ Hermite o: e etudy 131 which food profoxx‘meee 0.13;! 00.0.qu imbibe of warm) of Tome chkm>1mrlcfl College were mtmfized to (10:03:11. the rernflmflty of? eating in the roe: 1.10: :00 10.1.1. "the otm lento? meetione to £004! and 01. air memory-[33:31 eating habits ere 0100 re >ertod. ~ "- - "...-... ”NM. —.—.v--r~4-_ ...?a. '3 111.14 an! 6%. Homeroom. Trends In Diet-037 M1000 or 9’” Coilc 30.130000. . .. of 3030120030: 00.. 230 (Jammy 193138), PP. 190 11000100 at 03 away made at. Tome Tecmmiegicel 003.030 to 0000:2000 whether education in mmrium results in better dietary practices. 395. mm, 3311000, 00110 03.00: m: mm. name. 01901312330 In 001.1033 {109161013130 “13113. Fem 33331.3? and ('23 {cameo 1102310111; 23. (11307331313? 1952), PD. 13")" )0 'i'he 01701010 00130 up 503.333.0333 fer 001310117333 0 007717101010 00000 of in 1700100300 170.110. 7:. 07.111.705.000 that. 00001131131707 measures ought. to help 0130101309 develop into well adjusted individuals, able to 007011.010 their .1. 3:17.102’. du- elity 033:1 at. the 00:00 ( 0:10:31; to the 0007.19 ei‘ the (3000.33. . 396. mug 03332030 :13». Hate 0192.1 07100020. 65000077319513). . DP: “ o 7. 333332.13. we - m 120330030100 end Waco. , 39?. lane, 111. mm Flooring .. new 73.3 1.00313. 01701301310033 1:. . . 3 .e 650133-31 195:»). 13:». 61;. mmmemfietiee of vinyl flooring . new to install 0330 0.1330010 11). 396. 10.315337017131237, 0.9. mm... Immetimtiem In Relation To 0.1.0:ng Rea: 3m'77x3cnb. The .1330 773301 05;}!020 1700110773 co. 2 010330013037 3.9135: We 5291531777: This article autumn same of the. 0031711010723 \37 7:01:11. 1:03.30 be mt if the diet 0.’:‘ the institution 10 to 130.0007; 321731.310 (mi 1700102301 00 well no :rflztalfle. .399. 1000031, J.F. and 13.11. Palmer. 0.7303100. (3051 .0770. New York If]. I"). . [$000073 the college 0003:3133 and various types 01‘ college buildings. 900000000 styles in 00210.30 oufirlteebme, the selection, 007.773.01.00 and co 3130170001031 of the 1002;100:223 , 0mm!) 13k0r3i:;3 0m! (1000.110 of emcee devoted to various i‘mcbimm, . 12301131213 residence 130.110. ' .79. we. 1.0130120. Father. A Study 0: 0.1.0130 80100000 [07 College 800003200 Fran A 00111030001071.0110. The Journal of Home 100330277100. 25 (F 01001273 1931;): PP. 7' 0 [10001.08 01‘ 0 002.313; which was 1320073000 to 01303: the nutritive value 0.77371 coat of the male selected by 0070102200 in 0 college MIL. 120073121103, LU. How To 140171: Out. 3033112001032 Plan For 879001in Institutions. 07121120010333 ’hmeine. 3]. (.10ng 1952), pp. 2. The 0100331230 and 00011013212743 13270006130703 in use 001037 are 7 0:701:00 down into five 01.0330 ~ 103355.770: (100.7130, 0010002100 or 00130171040, 13027003727201 twining 0:321 ", 00307311050700, 7 0231 0100121233 2700 3100. AC2. Lumen, Kenneth D. 110:: To 110100 ”3011170 A 0mm 00.101333. g "7335. 15 (Septmlbor 1953), pp: 33. In building 0 0130000er1 W120: from the 33774000073000 end 13000000013110: point of vim. it. in meeeeary to (1)001‘100 the \ {30:70:1ch 131020110173) (2111337001: it do 01 in (1012:7113 (”033001.100 the smxctim for its relative 0:220:03»; (h) 33.703000 the future develemnb 00 10 003.710.3033 to 137011. 250774: 11730321. 0772371 00301377000100; 0:371 (5).!00100 000130 130917. 1313301003. mum'gcazmt, materials to be used 0:31 0:301:31: epece 17013013702001.0- 1303. Lumen, 11031230013 D. 12013310100100 end iloueelmfing. 1 07000011273770 , the 1007.71.13 112703.332. 6037503031100 0.7? the 17107.j- 1037.771 1‘0. 007' .77.. 10:1 0:: 13013312357 “ L53- veroity of U0 "02.7.7010, 1303-1010:], 1:00.330 19%. pp. 133-51. nieceeece :7.. 310303077200 end 120de7311743, mentimt (3.) 12107773302573 (2)001’11700100 0.7731 30300373170001.1013 02‘? the 112301.130; 0:33. (3)0 33001100 of the 00170230 aficr the 0.313.713.3810 107.11“... 1.0!... 1037:0033, Emma: D. 0:102:33 Dom 7.71m mama: 370.31 1.330. - 0:011:73: cggigizgwereiggz 3 (1102:0300: 1913'! )g m7. 5’2. _’ ‘ A Description 01' 0 171107.001. Cafetczie 01. 1110172153032 {371.0170 003.1030. 8:37.30 of the 13.001300 01311372203731; 1:: described 0:3 well 00 the .. - 33270002110700 involved 1:: 0017mm came of 005.107.! 01012.00. 1:05. 106. W. A08; 1.09.. £0- ' Lennon! mu D. ammuon Taught A: Woman! In Rama Boladom'. Eotitutiovafihmzino, 3!. (Juno 19514). D. 28. Prom in 0:1th maple to the need for better cautiona- tion am emummtod as well no the typos of educatioml tochniqmo for a poroormcl trrdnim; gum-mm. The sanitation program: of Michigan State College is outlined. ‘. Lawson, Kemth D9, F42. 1331667111, A. 13310031, and J. 113m. Panel. Discussion «- What In On Your 211111? woo-071mm - Tho Sixth Mum}. thg‘oz‘wgo of Tho Association (to? mascara: n21: t.?:?i"v'c‘.r:3‘3.b’- i'z'mzz:5,n«'r (i:;’§.’:’:.co:"3. 0023:1331 Univomity, 1913042., on: - ' '01“le 111:7 195!» 111). . A panel discussion on variozm college housing m'oblomo. . N Lay, Clmrloo D. Factors needing Consideration m Tho 1:.sz- ocapm of 5011001 Gmfls. [omflojq pchoolflmx! {1811333353 Lg. (1929'1930) I PP. 1774790 Discusses factors such as airing Maxim to mac and Wing, problems of topograzm, real: and water 612.35%, am! winning mintcxmoo to a cmmm. Lamar-o, Anthozv D. Communism the 3W Dollar. - - 13 (I-Jovombor 1952); J pg. 2"«29. Tho author discusses hot: mm over tho what; whore, when and why of minwmnoo qmmtiono can pay (anaemia. Loo, Ruth H. and Louise 1‘. Bolomior. 23w York: HoC-rmHIill D001: cmznm'. A mfldopost for decanting; in which the outlaws diocmo: (10mm pmminm (2)vur:louo rundown otyloo; (3)’c.2;o con- Umucbion of fmmitm‘oz “Entries and \rinlm unatmmts; é5gcolor ml coonlimtion-g (6)1‘loor covoz'lnfto; (7)2maklngx accessories; om (Worm, 1:14:33 and mblo‘ sobbing). O U Inmptt, ME. 11‘!!!) atvskztt Unite.“ 031'! was trons. new ‘ 0331;. MW 1111331851113 “0.11.150”, 1110., 9);). A harflboo: for Mutant. trawlim. 6-81:- m. Laban firm. mmmnmcmmwtammmm , {a . tmwroit‘. 2? (1955-. Doooriptim or a new collogo union dining hall. 1&2. man, Cor). M. Should We Lot. mom Paint Their cm W? Couom m! ”n Momma. 16 (meo 1951;). pp. Bis-35" The advantages and dimmmo of a Non touch parents otwlonto of muffton ‘Comao to mint. their am mom. w. 151m, low E. Are Pronto Locum; cut. Tho Inez-z Door? Tnmflm'biom 3m"..no. 36 (June 1955). PD. 7. lhproporod food,equ1velom to cook, amt be coma-mod from to o tine it, 19 (hummd until it. in ' MEN. A Loouooion of Mono control. toolmirrooo. Ml» * The author omdioa tho torooo mxl'otmooco that. oooom'od when 110.0% individual: were wood fro: their accmotozmd czrvimmon’o and wore out in a mall living area. Ho doocri boo tho Muencoo of. poo» moupbca and i‘coijo, hm those were threatened and mint. developed any; the inbornooo on! between them and on mkmzio tmbivo out; .xority. Gorzzm'isom booms-:1 group moidooco units on a college cm)- puo and tho groups described in this book are mod :10. (.15. mimton, Cambonco. Studont. meo and 331261: For ksigmmd for Inim. «(inflows or“). throws: «r room-“v33. 11 (fmbomr 19.”) 1 pp. 3844-0. , \ Doocmzmion, illustmtiom and floor man of tho otzvlout. 10m and cruel: bar at woman! Junior Col‘lqzo. A16. IonLo, I... Utonoiln. vows new In noun rcmmcs. ' A description of the mumfoctwo, ' proportion and came of the materials from moon utensils are male. I’oiuboro are given for tho oolootion 2211 core of all typos o3 use Jails. #17. MB. #19. 1:23.. do. Invert mmmamm Ton-ImStmlyorm Cootogx’u I‘thtivo Value of The Solid-Mood Meta of 00110:» Girlo. Journfl. «1:11am Eonnofigg. 55 (inrch 1953). We 3366310 V w V ' p - A report of the kind, ammo, cost and mtritivo valm of the food firewood and Bowed by crown of ham commotion otudonto living in o. oooyorotivo domtory and mcznwiblo for their am mall moms: on! Immovotion. - Dada , Eleanor. Hillard mills An I‘hanil'flrtt In Homimg Fresh- roon I'lonon ot lioxflwootom thus'oroity. {ighool my; .‘iociqtz. 32 (00er no. 1930). p21. 52* )32. The article dooorlboo the uofiimo at a domitory ”91031 homoo 150 warm, n13. froolmcn. The various rocpoczoilxilitioo and duties of the izmvldznla in charm oro doocrilxzd. Tho ro— lotionoixip of tho domitozv coverzmcnt to tho 11.361 and to the Dean of women in dismood. mule o.n. American Society a: floating and Ventilating Er. com Coda or lilnirm immozonta for nos. tins and Vent tion of Iklilflimo. Hootinv Viola" and no; 0023:3411; (mi: ... 2. (Juno 1930 , pp.‘ . .24ng Comments on sections clown and tx‘rolvo on! tho Code or Imfimm {nimmzta for floating and Ventilation of 1%. mm, 3.12. Specification for Heating and Ventilating. ”05135.3“? 1‘5 " 2 (Ihm‘hlhy 1930), DP. 199-363, CUE‘WQ. \ +03” “:43: 5,!“ Mam mtlinoo tho mJor specificatim items in on ovomgo public twang plant, and Bumtocto moo of tho quooticxm which mat 'oo dotozgmxocl by the omcii‘ioatiom. \ Helztcnfclt, Ru! Good Food In Not Fhoum. Compr‘o a!!! {flavor ”33:2 I-‘ztsinooo. 17 (my 1952.).- pp. 50-51. . A discussion of now of tho toctom that wlumwo otulon‘o ' ottitmloo in residence hall fool oowiwo. «e. #22. Lichtenfelt 3.3 incidence We: Student mm M”. 0.2:! IMQWRitim 25.71033. 16 (Hay 1551‘). pp. 49. . 1b... Lidltontelt tools that a college destroye ite etmlent union by divesting it of its: eosmtiel facilities and its revenue pmdueimz fractions in order to promte those in mm. porpooe residence hone. , 423. womb, Hosanna c. Intritienol Mounting 1:: mm good For Institutions. Jenna). of the Merriam Metofzio home :ti :3 (Jam 1952): PD- )0)“;— Dooexibee a procedure that will fluvial: monomers on the mimpmcy of the food Bowed in institution. #21» august, Rosanna c. and Edith n. Tote. “.3131. «- Food or Inotitrttiom. Washington! mama Stator: mgmdo‘mxi'. 0“ ~ Agriculture, Amdotflmxre Ikuulboek 16, 1951, 95 pp. A hmxtbeeh doeigmd to help personnel in imtitutiom eerve ~ mll-nlilzegl and nutritiomfly adequate meals. mantles a food melamine guide. . » #25. 14nd, 1mm. College mm a An memo: Force In The now I‘ducatim. fi.oooeflo’.‘.3.on of .v‘o'zoz'ioan (7033.0 "on 2:310:21- 32 (December 19 , pp. 5&9-53 . A discussion of the writers experience as "Inmctrlee" of e moiclence hall at I-tt. 310130132. The author me e. focmty nerd-oer teaching a light; load and aha diocuwoo the cowoutegee thin offers her no head counselor. She also otmoooo the value of Mon-n]. cowolinc. h? . mm, Iblvn. An Foqaerbzmxt m The Art. of uvmg. govnm of 114 nor on otio. A 17 (November 191.6). pp. too-4.3m. December: the auoeoee of a 82111.1 W3 residential home at lit. llolyulte in provicmu learning Mimic-noes 1' or t! 2.0 etudcnta who new looming French both from the mirth oi‘ vie}: of mooterbm the tummy om custom o: well an fro: the social otlucotivo point. of View. A27. 523. 1:29. 160. 531.. um, 11.11. ~81;- 11mm Jdm. m We Dacia With today's Intuition ' . mo» nose. 6 (April 191.9). mob-o7. Discusses rm mtoriolo ecemting to their use: matador mil Interline} wimlotra; interior ml]. morocco) floors) coilizvo end ortii‘iml illmdnetim. Linn, “.11. Economics In Plant (130th 5:0r1mn..»chm1 gag Univomitz. 17 (1945 )1 PP. 2914-4333- I‘ emanates in the mnemtion of the pumice]. plum {30me will. be found in one of mime major aims! (”personal eer- vice) (2)11‘tility mvioiene; and (3)0; mama engulieo end opium: rt. The Manor: 1 mm, ”on. F100” :0? mtwatioml MICE-1133. SC. 1001‘ $31 Ufléwimétiz, 19 (1%7O19h3). pp. The clmmcteriotioo of various typoe of £11m end emcee . where each type is epze'opz'ioto. Cunt 014mm” Ifnmmoimrfi Ilen‘tmo! to: York! {men 01' muticotiom Teacher.) Co “3o, Colmhio University, 1948 , 25 6 pp. Pmmrod to give the school custodian e better mulemtaalim of ome zircon of his work, {3:11me in the ore: of cleaning and ram]. househoo oopimg. 4-. upsecnb, l'hry L. and Room Fenten. Using waitery In ‘i’reixmlg Guidance Specialists. Renee. and Sneietv. 57 (Fem-:7 2?, 19153): PP. 9% 9. 281119 study, in which 29 universities coolxmtod, is concerned with the “amazing of guidance workers in donnitczo‘iotl. limit-Jetway Bower and “STE 12% Ruth 53311219 AYLUW‘ "3-“ “In“, 3. omit“... rm”?! to}, ,L' "“91. Ed‘ ”10.0.1- 1n“. ”0!! 10' cam“ zilllw tool; Cozixmy, 1933, WU PD- . The book gives the philosophy and organisation of the ctuiont- -poroo;nx:l [momma ozfldoole mther coztpletely with its fanatic-om. A plea in covered which etevto with precedent: of ‘ cofllo ;( selection and oct'tzicolon mil £01le noon-c at Ly accepted homo; Joel oowicoa of t2 :0 college tiu'orogzh to p].- ore ..... 1t. 3% Work A nm'tlmooto i g .3 1‘3, 9 9, This otudy ixfliooteo the atom that how boon tataon to com on factors of tho mivoroity to Motion for the coho of tho otwlozrt. 1:31;; tom, 11.14. This momma nan HM Unusual Features. - .. 185m 6 (lay 191.9). I)“. 17-19. Doomdption and floor piano of two residential hallo for amen at Pom State. 0 1:35. long, mp... 13.3. mu and cm. mum. now To Introduce A SW: of Food Co: t Control. t‘ 11o . imtxro ".311. v Wrxfimoo. 10 (5‘on 1951), pp. 55443. 3) Ibocodureo used in oottiru; up a. cost control record 0;, than mica will provide tho m‘dmm in food valuo and send. coo for o succesofifl. operation. ) I36. Lopes, Frank o. mm Com mono Imam m—urlimw? from}. 10] (Juno 1.950). pp. W103. Presents Wm tor omtmaomry denim on tho college 081' VHS. ‘67. how {am Cameron. The mung of Dorcxitwios and Sooiol men. PmnM/iirr-o of t? thtiom f‘dzgnntig.g_hnrpcigtm 60 (193°): P). ”-'./b" 1 0 Factors to consider in the planning of dondtorico and 0001111 Wilcog. \ 53¢. Luczdcoh, It. . wtttmo arr! 1 1’1 t5. a If‘ffocto. new York! 1110501 ....wa flow szrvw, 9.1:), .3120 :3. Pr}. nary aim am: (l)to ohm that decorative features do not moooorily inhibit tho incorpomtion of tho 3010: 11.354; oozxtml o? ligfi‘tgund mzd(2)to extend further the i: ..-ot of 15.3130 on main: of o: moo Sion. 109. M1. 141:2. 1:151» 1:150 . ~86- !Amemn, mu. Effect. at Rousing m Canaan scholmhip. mm; and 802%» 52 (Septeumr 23, 191.0). pp. 233-4259. - Study mad: at. Bentham State 110me School, Spruzzf‘lom, :30qu Dakota, of scholarship or studmbo 11m in and out o! dozmtorios. ' ' mum, William cu. Selecting An Architect. mam: “choral mi. thd‘mvsit v 3 (1930-01931), pp. 32;- ' mm to select and pay an architect. 1mm. 0.3. eh: m. Mr». am Central: cut. Locum m I-‘oodzwcmtion. Inshitu ions: 3*." wait 31 (July 1952), pp. a Swen summations for Wondhy of portim aims. ' mm, 3.3. We cosmology 01’ "mo Gamma“. Kitchen... tvfiicms :12 gm . , 36 (April 1955). :12). 5:2. Traces the develomcm of institutimml l-itchcxm and their devoloztmt, as romio magnum . Mord, Carrie Albarba. The Scum}. Dory. H. 31mm and 0mm, 91%., 2x1) pp. Sum 11:: briefly tho mum that. arias in large grow: livimg, and discusses solutions that, have berm faint) of who in educatioml institutions whom modem Cambium]. practices are follmmd. Imam, William ll. 13an for Illinois Imrriod madam and Faculty. Comer-o mil lhivemziv Paaimca. 7,. ‘ (member 191.9 , pp. a. - A Dcncripticm, architect's model and floor mm: of a 212 aznrmenb project at. the Uniwmity afmimfia. mamas, I. Saleem: qua Tminmc Food ficmrioo I’cma'ml. Gallows and Utgavcrsity mainmg. 18 (my 1955), pp. (.9. I’rohlcvm of college food aormtco units. Sole-30mm; ml awning food service person-ml in coalesce to (lbw-”.330 oyscmtim costs, (2)1«oiuoo 0319312331120 fan czzgfuzxw; m1 shuicnt mwbrmora, (3)5;agvozru service an! (2;)prwxgcc the) Lent 1;~osuiblo-£ool in Roofing 111% the hulfgzzb. ~87» M6. 110mm, RN. at. «2th Pasta A low cost. Incidence null. 1:127. 121295 “50. 01.10.80 1 2mm“ 3.869.10‘me 1951). {113. 35-370 flocculation, floor plum and 11112an of tho Almzin 113.11. residence hall at. St. Jolm'a WWmityo 'l‘he mourn). book at pox-10a tumibmv. mending mum of the English, American colonial and post colonial and principal French periods. McConm, Edith, Emory Pastor and Lid. 22mm. maxing ‘ I—bsidcnco Halls. {£11606 and Uggvomitz 12113511080, 10 (Juno 1951), PI). I A diomzsnion of the question o: 2. 212.1822 9528th has movod moot. effective in decom 01318 or tumiolxine 8 22001210228222 hall a to have the work dam by contract with an outside decorating and fmzrlsldm cupidzation or for t! c university to 12:21:11.0 its om. 1200601151011. p.00, ".9. MM, A1100 ”0130113 L0. 1.8me. 12!.J. 150122.021, J.A. 9223.22.22)», 22.0. Shin]. and 1722222221; Foster. 1102) 1‘0 1121112.! A Success .21 [ P2: 22292122228 0.? 12.320 022.2“__[2222222'! 602213521222an of {23222 15%! 22212;}21 3:2: ‘2. ' 2-2 m.‘ '7...’ WM Lima. 3. :2 (Lificam, mummity (if Mun, 2.21 .2110“ Aug- 2233:2535, 1:22. 93:41. lam]. diomwsion covering coma, 00:29th 1022, what, can 120 done in the present. mar! 28%, what. can be dam: to boat. some the 8t22dent, residence 12:11 mimtc and mi: .tcztmco 2.2221 hour-2221120. 91.23. ' SicCorimllg 17.0., E. 905120”: P. Human, 3“" Show?“ 1".“ Mint: and 3.13. Thermon. 1222.122 210d 822:1 022122.11: ta 32.9.1812; Housing. Imwfirflw‘r - The 2“":"2 '2 222221 I‘.‘ 3.22133; 2‘.‘ 222': L222 ‘Cufl-Nf. q. the" L228 22* 2E5"; .. .. fl. .2222“ {32-22.233.122 ‘mm. Wmomu Hm ”W rq—dr-WIW UOJIJ.‘ 1.]. L113. V011) JuuUJ' Ito“: 441' 'o 5U J WYU: L‘.’ UE‘,’ 11M, ‘2“. ”)0. A discussion of tmnio regfmfm'zg mar-2.21021 :2. -1 ctc 83223022128, trams: at. the 12211222222222.2221 cf .32 80:23:75.2 2.23.222 ‘31'01'02100 to the m amaznnto and dcr. 2.12239 fc‘: [172.233. 2.22; m? 12:132.!th stwlcnts, att 11.2.2183 to ho 8322313212221 in 222.2. :‘2‘2.’ 2d 2.22.1 mm. 12.2.0 ctxnlczm homing, aLt LL2L13..1..2......- ml 0 8:22.108 0‘." tax 0228212! married 8 u out 22 1231.22.12; f: .cL‘LLti :3 m“. ..EL‘ :2 812.32.23.21 be done about 12222833. for: 22222222.ch an: (32 L 22.: Lo utmonm. 44.11- 1.51. ”women, 14.0.. Loo m Frank wan, Alice 110114011, 1152- 1153. (1514'. 1155. 1156. Hum arm», Alberta 8. Causes and Cuzco or fiuplm lhci’aflmw, Alberta 1'1. ELcI‘arJnm, Adi. In Your Food Sundae Efficient? -L_‘_;_«4 111141.117 41.491.111.111. 5 (411441111: 19.4.3). pp. 25. ' A report. of a series or papers presented at 11 ca. JJI. 1‘14ch and 01m 111111311241. Panel Biawaion. Prooeoimja «- Third 1414mm]. 11411011111 00110.40 1101131“, 325432 'r‘ ‘42‘. "1 _ {:3 316:1.“4'1, august; 1951. Dlaczmsion of personnel minnow, mintmnnco mmcclm'o. anrolkxmt prospacta, advisory gamma, assimuent. an! as 915-5114142111; procodum and Operating coats 2.11 1.110;; Lwolvo student housing. P313513”. Confirm. and 141111123133, . 131151114129. 12 (April 1952). 1514- 50-52. How to stop up the pmluctivitg 61' food service argzloycce by tux-1.111112 than to do a better Job and 411.120 110m mawnsihility. Cannon and 0111400 :1: Employee tandem. .151. 116.103. 12 (251.2431 195:): W- loo-50- ‘ma tear. que o! mendtmc,tm1ninc and Mammy: food service pomonncl 1n institu 10ml food service 0111;142:4033. (30114310 1121'; 1.. iwm?‘ 0 30116440 and Stmgcctions are given as to hdw a food service director 0311 mi .c 9. 0111444434.; 01’ the aftioimcy of his 01141141131011. A list of ~ term to chuck 42.11 1411111; to look for in each case is given. them-0301', 1201an 3!. A umbrella-1 Ezqaerzkmd'. In Food Services 115413473 and 1'H1vfi‘m 9 A discussion of 5:11:10 of the autmnmgcm of using a mnfcuoiomny mums-:11 fund . scrutico. By Contract. 955): 17130 1+5 .tt‘ PL: 85:083. 19 (mac-:11»? IWEalfi, 4'03:th an! Pram V. 511602.. 1111143331 1 (303.1011!) 5'31» hum. egalxtmgtom limox'im Association of University ifamflifln 9 PP. . “£6343:sz on housing college students. It W domitory (101315411 (111! plmifig,o 02441131411111, food service and rimminqami includes dos c145. rtiona of housing plans at. a 1411:1110? 11f 5119:1441“. 21.111: :1 0.1121 10.0113 on "coommtivo houses". 2957- #58. 1959. 1950: 1.61. 163121on, Numeric 11.. (2ch H. Amati!» and mm H. murmur. '1. (.5 line of Stirlont rapiajoca goes. comm 9v 1 {hivemib 3.1319395.st 33 (October 1952), pp. 0 ’ l‘n. eta and tumor: In: college food comic: doportmnta m we use a: student. employees. a"! Fartinloy, mama :1" Oman )1. Augustin: an! inhamm' ’A Study of Food Cost: and Tho Imitive Content. or looi: Served. (:9. 31m and 99.1 mm; mum-ea. 10 (Am-11 1951), pp. thJ' re. A surly of the aviation team 6031‘. dotrilmtim and mItI‘Z'. tivo comm of food at price 10min pmvo mdlim (1m 19!?) 0 money, mam-1:11. Food 1105?. Control. J01 m1 of tho ' 11:0"th “3.011%. FPO (“9' “£5.30 This paper includes: a dismmflm of food com control out food cost. control practices in college: and mdvoroitioo flat. mrmcizmtcd in this ntuiy. c Associatim. 21. (October .1.“ 543 . 11:131.!» Fred 1'. 179.309 Ramiro Not A mam If You Have A itocozivo {rattan Like This: (31:. £5,110” 9 3.3.1.: In (my 1951). pp. 27—9.... The mgroz'tnnco o3? caboblioldmg a reserve to provide for «remix: repairs that inevi‘imbly trim on 8. 6011050 034mm. 12cm"? lin, R. W of 0011311209100. gig-ghi'goctgvgoljiqng. 1’3 900”“‘1301‘ 1935). PI). 327‘3320 Tho demon-113231., 131823111114 design and cmwtnmtion a4: mammalian at Princeton muvoroity. nlxmtmwzl. ‘ .-Z.'1c1~od, Annie L. and 11:27 A Grir’rm. Dietrmy Stu 1;; At. Vassar _ (20118136. 1mg nggflfll 917310'1'3 ‘oon 1'91 (9:3. 10 (I 3:.1‘013‘1938). DP. 97M: . Results of a. study min at Vassar 00114130 with the object. of obtaining accurate data no to 1m mount, 111:1 on! «gm: 1 by of - , the food command by Vassar stolen: a 9. rd its maxim. .0 vs Inc as cozrmd with the thoom pica). re vim so: m of ucbim air * of the 9.3: of those 3* ...:ulczrbo. .90- lhclood 3am. College Stwtonto' Acmto. ‘ no Jam.-. can > motion. 10 "(October 1918). pp. #575535. Table: (shoving: (1.)cmzaomtivo m;uo:flitmoa of mung otuiouto for two eriodoy mi (2)::vom1zo ogzon'iitm'co of oturionrbo doing coag‘aomtivo 1101:8631 mama. mowed, Sam. nouoooloaning 1211110 Poster. united Stator: Department. of Amiculturo, L'Iaoiwugbm, 13011113111! Quintin 1330: $231: 31 I313: now to who housoclauung omzflnr and cooior and at. the mo Lino {not full oomioo from too mum-131... moi in tho £1u...olmm and cam oi tho rouixlomo (ma 1.12:: giro 3.0m diocwmod in this bulletin. thwm, Halter A. 1 - " var. How monoxide, 10': Jersey: mum-a ‘ mommy 1:053, 9'53, 32.? pp. A ooncioo dinouosion of how to ouvo mate by food 011021141130. Useful both frm the o'bowipahxi'. 01' cost. cunbrol and 03'! camLaLion and hmlth. Q . wam'my, B.F. Acoustics In School 3le Colic go mimrmo. 1 \vnom can ntic 5.00; and Unjivomgtm.17 (1955). PP. Ham->0 Covoro tho comm]. field or ocomticol corwctdon ao mwourrborod 1n ovory any practice in rcloLion to school and colloco 111211115110 . 1213.1, Hobart. It. noon and Down! Fooo, Ac ml]. 3.0 Tuition Peon, On A I’ay-Lo-You-Go Him. (3013.931 ("1! U 1 Lo 3115,: “W'ho'o. 15 ('3¢£’v‘33~’0” 1953): W. 2mm 310:! Conn $1.0 Institute of Ted 21.010; J hmxllco o 110;, «0.53- don-{:0 plan for ohmic-um who am hmdhng their educatio. .21 02:1;an while czxmllod in collect). 21111.an1, U.L. Factors Involved In Cleaning and .igdtrfi 21:3. doom: 3..; 9. o.‘ Lho sonican :Jicto‘bio Amocistz'o . 23 (Juno 1952), “513,505.93. 1 Dissonance tho widow motors hxvolvod in 0331121.qu and snow. ~‘J ~911- W. 1211mm, 0.1.. interview an sanitation. {001 0033.39,. 17 (11013211 1955). We 13. We 0.111010 001.1000 mm; mints in which a progressive food will be 34113000013131. .1111111'3 "3 . Woo-.130. 0.1.. 1300431011210 £011 Floor 13010002101100. [1311100 mamm- 3.91.7), pp. 18. A 11011130.: of floor 11101110000000 which inclmiao (11001-00 100.0 of floor 00.310, 1:1...1203 and 15101101100 and floor 130131.10... 11.0111041- 1150300. 11.111 dioodvmztofno of v0.1.1.1.ouo 0110111000.. A chart. of mtholo of 013001111113 mammals 0.21:1 0311 for floor mointomnco 10 listed. I371. t'orlcsooin, 0. 0013100110510 1111311011 to 1mm F4105. 3‘00th 1 {31:10:11 «m. 7:. (February 1950). no. as. - haven of the Film] 00111000 but often marketed canons of £12.00 0.1.10 noted and photogmzfimd for: 11:10 01101010. 11%.. 11301001., 0.1.. ' CwImctmo. United 3001300 11031111011110 of 31330001011110, Hashinghm, 11011301101 [111.101.3111 658, 1915, 3.5 pp. 0000;111:001 tho 0002:1021 dazootio roochoo and 310-11310}; can be controllodo 1.73. 121.112.2130, 0.1.. Home Anton lands: and 2mm: of Control. 11211130118 1.0.000 001nm: out. 01‘ 1131100101110, :10 0101131503, 1020101101 1111.11.0th 711.0, 191.6, 12 pp. A description of the 00.21000 125.000 of 1011”: 52101110011 11.1030 onto 0:311 110;: they can to con “2103100. 1:?!» 13011311, 110:1! mm 13.31.1110ch 00013:: of Floors and i0! rm. 10:10.1? MVP 313110 1111111111 01111 "6:11.003 my!'0301'. 2“" (l94h1939). —-‘-‘AA-_.-— 13‘). quf.L wvw' A 11:13.0? and mam—0001.21.10.31 0313.10.17 Lion of tho 21.111012021300113 01131.0 31‘ 00.1.1 and £10): camizmction. 1.750 . 1.76; #77. L73. 1.79. 1.430. .92- Ihmht 11.8. SW for Mango. matimwxm gnimtnme, Juno 19)“): W0 90 ;’ ’ licomng atom: go omco tor all types at road, «Amt. t'mo am now free 5.3 a grossed. Tho 1:1:be watery steps to mm in otorlngv various t; 10:) of food am dinewsacd. xmm, Done. 0350 Inc tituto'd Ibeidonoo 11.1111!sz "lab W”. ‘W J. IWWbmc Ixcma. Co ‘om “1:! (Infimmzttr Inseam, Mae:- and Carbon. Prof?! Gallon", anal “‘11'va‘”? "HH'V‘SO. 12 (IMO?) 1953): 131’. 354-370 Cass Institutc'a avoidance lull we built. at low capital coat, but. it is felt. tint it trill be a ttmctive, 3.379101), from and up to :13 a £0. Emu years: at. Killian mintmmxoe es: 718'. so and tritium 6:351:13 periodic mint: ilitabion. Riflififlcf). 9 (Gawain: 19)0). PIN 1130 A disczmsmn or basic atom in the pmoooa of momma 12103113. tabla 'ood my! mrm‘z‘mo 2km York: Alumna £11311" 1mg Coatsgmw, Inc” 955, Complete maximum cm toad and bovempo ommtion - 11m- chasm: , mccivhm, issuing, mam-mum , pmgnmtim, campy!» tmizmu, 139me mi aocomtnlm medal, Row '1‘. Control of Food Wang, Receiving and We, ¢ Cato: Sm. 20110530 an} lhfimntfitx ‘ mamas. 1.5 (Aupuct- 1953). 331’. 53")!“ Li'fic‘lcx'xt food Operation requires pure Musing t.‘ We Izcc 10 shocks ‘ to 0. 1:51:25... .21: recor- 3.3"" ark! storing 1;? .013me t‘ .38; up!» n 011) :1 034033;} chmzflzco of the Gamer-can :1le mean! tee Hm t!:..5 531. can as much work men on accombim for all food i‘fizzo w 1.13:3 cot: troucé )lncca on tho 00:12:1le at cash. \ atha'sm, L018 F4 flip-ll. “10 mt? " OP .Umfin. ’mtvm. ‘10 $211130!)- 4331341 CGTLV, 3,915,131 .31: her This clxtp’gcr uiscusms the nm'alem of living; cmlitioua and 1:05.? minbion to social cmxtltiozm. ~93- 581. Battles! 11.0. [1111111113 A m1.vomityum'a Donutory. Am ca 80210:: cm". thivcmi t! 19 (1947-19153). Pi"). 3394113. Dec: ‘x'lybicm, flow nuns, nits plan and ztotoympim of 033m Dicigan Hall at 002ml]. University. o M32. rump, 1.3-9. Ruth. Harbin: Molnmhing m Iimtim W111. w ' 50116101. _I‘::m1~.1 J 0113-3313;. 107 (fulfilsh 19144): Pi". 37' ' . OJ WWJM 035w— w. \Dlsfinmsiflng pl‘occxium .med‘ 1.83.; Ezcnmhmolz, Foley, Scott. and Tmmmn. A Lou-Cost Residence" - 132.13. for £31311. . Sc. 00. (‘31:! U: tvcvzgit, , 11, (191,13). Design foatuma of a (101125.th with low origami cost. and low ruintommcc cost. . :..-31.. 210mm, warm 5. Low Cost Residence Hall. 603.59% and U: {‘mmlt‘ Efizsimc- . 11 (Augwt 1951). p33. 35... A {105012743103 of tho new men's Incidence 1:311 at the Ihivoruity 05! Cincirmti, "Erich, bccmzoo of singing tomgmyfiw will have 1.35. 33 Nor, 210.1: G. km Residence 213.115 tor ma. got'nge om. - Lifistvfifizflpg‘ficg. 17 (Oc'bcvlw 1951;); 1'32). Bit-4:13. Antioch restores historic north 113.11, at. a saving: of 538,500 per shalom over my comtmctim. Uoscrlfiion. illmtmticm CY. :21 1.100.? plans. ' - (+36. I'ici‘dgran State College. A Study of the Acyt‘ml Cost 0:? reeled rainbow. 933.1030 and thumps-1L1 molzwqa. 15 (Nahum. 1953), - I739 53‘5“. m V “W \ @320 actual cost. of peeled potatoes 5.11:3).qu the first. coat. or 1')Lll‘CII‘-.30 91100 of the mint-.009, plus the sin'lntngjo 10.33 of inciting plus the Labor cost of lira-5-11.123. ‘Lho m'tiulo donorlboo how the last. two my be quite difi'omrrb 11.2110» dim'mtnt. 2.121.314.1li oi’ h:‘.:~.1«.l'}.:'-.n{3. 1:87. (>38. £590. £91. 1:92. ~95- mm, Samuel J. What. Are Cleaning 15300151010? How Do They Hafiz: ‘30.. 52'. ".3 of the 2550:2501: Die 0101100005005. . 2? (datum 15).» . 17.2. 25-.- 151.305.209.00 first, the various parts of the act 01‘ allowing 015.1 0000551, the 01:: 30:10:30.1 010:: 0.135 mtiom into which 0.11 51.506.55.303» 0100321213 substances 0:11: 2:0 mound. Inner, 11.21. In A 00:21:00 l'itchon. 0013000 and Unimfit 152251515233. 17 December 1951.). 155.156. 8cm of tho problem tho 15.0mm:- 0: 0 00110953 diving; hall 372“ "t- face. I-‘illott, John 0. F5 2515305210 Hither Miami-.503! In The 135111.04 .5 ' Mar-:3. new Your: . Co 12.5..le vacma. y £55300, 9;)», )U.) pp. '1'0;rl cs diocusood m:'(1)01>3000.v00 01’ 315.3100 035. 0105i; (2)00000 an”: cchdnttmtiw; (3)07 “000 01’ .3010 3 (I )bho Immunities for fuuuro fizmxcinw and (5km tag}: a. 0...}. 1m, Theodore H. nix-Jays Consult the Food Service {Erector In E'fitCZmn 118mm 60130555 and :.ivemih [515.23.25.023. 1.7 (Wham 195’»). pp. 59-00. . (my tha food 0 Nice (1.53000. 10 one of the bout. 005.15 0:! to 025055150! cor‘zin infommiun 000cm. ...al in the initial 1512000004. 21120.02: (MIN. I’imh, Theoloro. inning Roan Am cements. W 17:15 0:5:555; “1:355:020. 8 (my 1950,1515. 6. 1253;001:3009 the advantqgcs 0.0-1 disadwntacon of havim the Iitciacn on 0. lunar floor than the (mug: roan. 5 $555.55.: 1, 5.311. Daria, T. Parlor, C. kicker. 01111.31. 1103.0 In 1960. 2" .500 2': '0 - “5‘33 ‘ J35”; [5.5551 5.11} (3035' 0:31:00 of them .15." fifig'fl‘bim .’vL) ‘(fi :19 I :5: ‘L‘ “A «(0' ‘fia‘.":~‘t I 3;: '7 .‘gf‘: i0{§?fl. 60.1351; , “w“ "73:53.“; JLLJ 1;)”, 1:). 6"150‘ ‘0 U», :.L-:‘- (“:., A..- nA-J— A W. —. ,‘. ~--‘,.:"|:*" ‘b V.“~~O “'O'Uu‘ ’ I “5-3.5; 1.6;. 5.6150 "3301 01': (1)153: tho fizzfl : ".110: 01; 51031.0 0:50 going to - be fed; (2)‘J0.;.Ur:3 mob 2300 in $0.71 comico; (3)0;5012 .3 in coed- 1505...... :11 (1.1mm: r0550; (h)uC-b10 service: and (5)00xfisuary v0. ..z..J.-.rl-..l 1:? 50m). '95". 1.93 121mb 11:00:10”. Duke thivnmity Dining mm. 35300101201333. ' :Ménm. 32 (110250111953). :50. 10-11. Thin 1030.115. 0011.501 0 1055035 problem 00 Duke no: 09010000 the 0:: 52.12.50 activity n" .011 1.5 an 51035000, 5020:5000 in 0. 235mm). cinnamon 001-5.513555 30,0550 cafeteria 0le 113,000 003's. 0 0.5.0; 000111.020!» they L113 It. be 0 30025.01 to 000 1215100 til. "‘2': Pu] 500 a - ‘ 1.9!... 13.00.51, 11500015011. FATS- A Catering 80550100 for Iboidonco 1123.1 25.021 At. 001:0. '033000 :5. :fi (1.515305504 55v 15503525000. 10 (“5.5011 1951). pp. 39-00. A dcscriution of 121 20 03.01: 00156100 that. mo dovolopod 01'. 125.221: University to 13000 the 0mm) of the 0 “1.5.00 5.15.0 who waited to 1315032: 3.02.0 evening study 11:12.21 0. 1.1511; 02 £5.04. . 1.95. 521103.51, 'L’hcodum u. Fooi Servioo Director's Job 0mm 1.51 P15001150. 9511000022! jhimmfigjgnflnmo. 6 (Alia-11 191,9), . 00.3940. " * “" 5311.9 01501010 tens what. the {5.0010100 of food 001554100 director 2505133120 and 1105.! 0 pcmm 122‘ch for it. | [.96. 11:55:11, Theodore 24. muffins Food Sowioe Costa In 1.1210. 601ch ~ .5315." 352.021.35.000. 11 (Docczzbor 1951). 131-5.. 139-5153- Sinw it 5.0 1100000503»: to 60:50:51! on 00120350 to help 1:00 5 000.0 45'; 15.510 , the 0.15.0110? 0153150003100 the {3250151 05.21 from the 00.4.; of t :0 fmctiozm of t! 5.0 13550111000. 15.97. I" 51.1, 1155535410150 U. Thoro'o An 110012103; To Plan A vaoity 5"‘000315: 1500.11.53.05“ 6011000 tan-3. Unzlrcrnit.“ 155.105.300.51. 15 (11mm 1953 ), 15:5. 1355-03 . | . In (353.323.17.005; 210 (112123.523 hallo of tho 13021'0 (1150012000 00:15:01.5 015 . 155.5120 adversity, tho moi-5.115.001; allow! the (112.5000: :50? (3.515 210110 to plan U20 1.0550025. 03 the and 0 0.5.5:...00 (5.15000 1:212:00 he 3 2.0112: 01.0 ..1'501‘ tho build;- 3.1135. 1,111.01) 150-. 3.1.0350; 1.1 1:10 to be the ideal my to (1005.53: a. fend-.1250; facility}. 5.5.2120 (5.105.010 tolls 5:15;; 25.0 0311:2120 00.. (0 ~96- - madman 1W 1.. mum 11mm In rat . mm 103. Jnmttai of 0320 In}?! on I} chat 6 .asoc.Ln.t5.on. 23 Jmnmry 17X” 5 3 P30 45-300 ‘ . 13:: amt. 1:3; 3Z‘WOBCX'I'GS in institutiomfl. litclmm. 1599. Ifltcholl Emsorlo. State Flux. (Mignm my! wims. 9 (am 1950). pp. 32,; 3' :2. Description uni! floor plans of maven mm. at Cottoy Junior 003.1033, whom 100 ymma mmm 111m, ton in each unit. c’zmtim a 00312011 living roan, mm: and utility row. UM vomit 500. 2300301., Fred L. flouting With High Tempcmtm Water.- Syroficsna ~ At. flatmra Lam'somity. Amr‘yim‘. 83'qu (ma! Univrxct‘s 73? (19554956); 2311.. I» . . 0 up"? Description of a high. taxmmtmn water syntax: for the Usher: 3:; Heights (infirm at Myra adversity. 560.. «moo, mm matron. Food Service Rates A wading at It: « le'; At. The 'vaomity of Silt/311mg. 6013;03- mfi ngxygsrljg; nzcizwns. 10 (190131sz 1951), m9. ~175Mb. ' .scrlftion, illwtmtiarm and floor plums of $323 was», ”€111 1" 001 Service at film {twicmity 0:? 133mm ‘ ‘KJ‘ 502. I503}, Pamfmd Dawfim Spencer. 1.51%th ‘Ikgigao minimum :..-3.80.: Aclazican—Jloolcy Press, 1:10., 12%;, ($.13 ID. The boot: has two aim. (Into invade a bazfibwk on lighting, winch rises ubma the descriptive level and vivid: {magenta a act 01‘ mama-32ml principlm in o. qufi-Mim nmmcr) and (2)50 present. a cumzrtprohensl‘m design method that can be used by gratxctfinirg unfimam in devising high-(132311}? 1:1; 'Zzbia'; swam; £01? poms. 5C3. mama, Charles. harming R1;31¢;0_~3Q3:2103,’oe Emittiorm. :E.‘\'C:"-u'3".i3.“"3 ~ $33243! :'anttm'l. Ifntintwl Co't‘,.mn I!~w:.‘r‘~.w; (.33"?1".'f92‘02‘.06. ;.';.z...1;?‘.5;.':.n L-r‘uzr.‘.~0 00.110570, 211mb 132231133; iamziy'z, :zzsgjwo v91. ' Uiscusuicu of fma.l:3.~3::nta1 zn'lnoiplco in a,plomzw:431105130 WEI/$310113. «92"- 50... 3030100330: carom. 6033010005 1130 91m 3w. 0011039. " 03:30:" . 7 (October,19!.9).33z3o 91.. M. 1.230 12323302302033 of 12100033332, avur 023.3300 23332213302! 31.1300 02.333.33.350 3:02:30 £021 25111300 3730010 daily 3.0.32; 0:032:33 in 0 3.3301211 f1. 23.. 3.23 0'2’0001'320 33135.10 00302.3... "2. :2 01330053294102 0230;323:3031. The 353:: 02-20 33.33;; 002302. 333302.200 (21.2": '20 3.22.100 330230 ovarcazo :20 00.305.321.321 0.3.2 the 31003.3 131.2313 0.2" 2.30 003023013213 0002.200 10 give: 3.. liquiyncufi; :10 0.3.00 douczdbcxl. 505. 1203.33.23,, mom 22. 1333320330033 033.2 3 3.11.20 (My. H." 10:30 .3 r..3.'3"l 7":31":‘c30:3 .233 ’23.?! 230'3'32223 of 223; 3'3“in 313. 0 "W03 In“ «mm-Mm Wan-hm “Wt“-ma a. 02.3033 - ' 02.00 I I}: EM“: (’11-). :ffin ltfi'FL‘ W'EI .: “$612. 1W9"‘36 {'a‘.“-:&-J‘P:CI‘N .w-W ‘ a ' mun“... Lg," 115;}. WfiQuM 2230 03.2.2; :20 a smwy of 132122.:0033233; am”. {33300010330 02‘ 001002.011 032.1233“; 3.032330132310100 in 2.230 030.130 of (IL); .23 '03, ‘ :2) 33:33.33: .- .; 33:29.1 r000: 00100” 4.0213 (3 )mm 01.01300 .2: 3 2.230 2200013333 of «33'1"3‘3'3v" Iii-.3390 gunn. ..A‘AA—‘JA—LA“ 3 3 2'33. 7 (October 19.2.9), 13;). 26. --.. 0:4- 0‘4...“ 502'). L30? "’13, 15 .G. Bet or Food 0000 Control. 3.31.0003 92'3th 2:120:01? 3: 3‘33 "rue: ..0 on food 0002'. c 3.32.3301 :33 it. an 1.2.3:: 13"00:.32‘..&JJJ to . :.L-- 33 food service. Your 0000: 330153.10 to 0.23.0322. 3.:3 52.33 effec- 0.330 com: ca: .0302. 05013011: are {33305: 02.2. 0:32 {.330 0 00:11.10 "2 of 00233301 0330 1.33;:(322531110001 (33.3.2123; 10001000042 and :3. 3‘3"”..133'33" {mm‘dzfi'e 1:1 outlined. 507. 230mm, 23.6. 23335330113100 0.? Control 0.23.11 Their 1"3'3J;‘ "“3130. In 001.1938 27003.2 5533-0"? (“1‘3 "“”‘._..““.............‘"”” "42...;- 7 (223.100.3230? 193.9), pp. .3. . '2230 00.0301000313333033'0 131 £031 93301330021033 5333:.- 2:23. .. ' .L “1.2.." .a r33 :0 3.1.3-2233." 1330003221,, 0131.25.02.03: 0002'... ' .2200. :.2-20 0 (-1.1; L I\/»VJ im‘ 503. P0: '3‘." 2023624; P. A 31.11"” XV‘?W1’1‘1”X"’{"‘[ ”30 PI“; ”'33P“ O 0" {053? .( :nvlno . H. W-é-‘fifinl- *“M‘Abr 2 33’20. 33.313.0wa.20 .1.... 0.33:; 02.3, 122.30; 3..-.22. 3’ OJ. ~2 v.32... 2111: 14990: 9;. 3.3 .3... 3230330.! 1.233109. , ‘ ”230 13010 of tho 2300001011003 23.2.0 0310332033 an! 330:. 32 33022322112100. ‘ “2333' 3 my 01‘ 01‘1"‘2..33:!.""l‘..—.r>!'3., 0030'. 2.3.3130 { 1:001:30!) of tho 3'02... "’- Z 1300 13011 1.32.30 7:33:23 332'. 3.2-2 0:. 02.3131. ~90- 509. 2301mm Etta Loo. mtorf,’ Velma tor mum. yawn: m3 Eight". 39 (1333333 16.1 1939.): PP. 363'353.» 13.25am of a. study mum; ndxolnctio wdewwsts of minimum living: in vmcioua tyycs of homing. 21.0. Manual, Romrt. 6. album: Fire Safe Sohowfl. W and U: :’meooltn . 5 (19331933 ), pp. 1.3445. 50.13% to cans-ides: in buimng rim cafe animals. 53.1. Ivioultm, 110mm 8. Hatimm. fi’im Codes fax: 5‘21',:7..z.zm{;:_§§9.23v and £3”? Tv‘gg'vgvfizfg. Einstein magma. Fiz'o ;'m‘occ5;;-.,;z Assocmtiwu Vivi-’3 7.55 33:30 In general, tho mma included in this volxm .'tj;-r.-<::‘.z.‘y the Izzcatlu‘l of? fins" $5.031 of the vaniotm kinds of m-yj. 1:11;“; but do not attempt. to rule as ’00 the confliticxm male? mad; the swam). tans 01’ mmctiou would be :wfiflw. 531:. 3303.16, {fallaco A. Us Use 09: 11053111»: Ehirzhcxmco 22cm 1mm ' :wclccalm‘im. £913.0er and Urivmuit‘t ”mimosa. 12 (mm: 1993), m". NM5. ' . ' A (Liscuuaim Which indicates why the: {humanity of Cazwctimt bolicvcs a better result 5.3 obtaizwd. thmw’fiz utilimiflavn of mfxmth‘y 131.4120: Karma pcmomal in rode comm 0:). of :'csitbrrzzco hulls 0.241 3.: Each, all mania]. 3:111:11; otmctums Um if this vori: is dean by 602.1th bmfl. armngcrwzzt with outside lutzting .. ‘. -- p ‘. a. C'Do E's/111's; Man—VJE. '53. money, Otto E. Some amzaatimmmul Aramm Dazzling man Housing and Food "earl metidm In (103.10 tics: and msivozrsw no. “1151821033 0.3:: (1118". mm m:*w.:’.n.mr: to fund cornea, 81241111321?) CU'JCLtI‘LESIZt, married s'buctcmi‘. hum. ‘73, ftxzdtmw :LLC’. i‘:.11'-:1;I~.Shima , \..\ bandit}: c151 $001.1 81300, i’izmncial Wuvflmr, ! 133-5317101339 061 crazy-2.13 , : .'::3.:“ic:‘.ca ma*.xfi.rczrm1to , first; stage is ;_>-:i;1:‘.::'?.:‘.;j REM 1 ""II-..,. 21-... u' C‘.l" 7'. - .. '1 o a. 1* v r ‘ y-~.n»'-"- b~ ’~ Lu-...;.:.«...c;. .00 1mm), (L...n. ,0 do__ out. :. c300 , mt. »o.‘s.v3.:,.!.\.>.1, ‘,.-..z_;.ue,.:u1co Law} Cczugittcz‘.'1'.:;'-.r321'.a3.. 11 V1.2 "If: $105.1...“ tied. (982%.. MA \bmmq “No-«l1 aggam 531» ‘. “99' mum, fbbsrb B. How To Buy molasses Hall 15112111321511.1313 mood on E'qsorionso At 1mm. 6011st my! I}: ‘ vomit? 31:37? scan. L?- (Juanita? 1952); PP. 3&3). 111'. miles discusses grammatical of the initial butlgzct, im‘m‘tmtco of a project. file, a tam/fishing; suzngv, woods and finishes , mbobcs ml cheat-G , beds amt Inkling, plastic as uphelmsr‘ing tutorial, was, ., gusting! and draperies. 515. Pan-my, John. Rssiflsnca and Altamstivaa. p1: .porsfiiios (fixzrzmcz‘lg. 5 (August 1951), m. 375*379- A mums. to the residence plan mmmw by w. Iris Ashby. 516. rivers, James It. now To Plan and Equip Yaw.- flushes. 1:33:34 1512?..irmfl Sfivmflm. 33 (August 1953).:19. 37-99. mints to cmxsidcr and this-‘36 to look for when 1mm... t: a some. 517. Eyes-s , James P... Hat To Select. madame: Hangman 33.13'33}.*35.1!“::‘;";:‘D:_3_’aj’3§331§. 31+ (Fchz'tmv 19%), pp. 33. ‘I’hia article deals with the nmtigxls-um: type ditslumshcr. Raina: to lost: for men taming this 120315.119 as troll so a 39mm]. descriptfion of all {531133 oi? (list-anchors am prion. A as 1332011 of figuring tho disi‘zmshiuc 10ml of! an institutisn is presents . 5113. Myers, Jams R. Selecting Grim an! Grills. Iglfl'tfl-t-Hiigg 519. .3531"? (gains. 3!:- (Jamar-J 19%), pp. 98. Questiszu to ask before marina are listed, as well as t‘dl’lt to 1001: for, 1.0., tam, mmmi‘mcbumr, construction, design, finish, cantrols, and minbszmwo. . trey-.3 , Jams R. Selecting Saxltluim E11211 meat To ram-x: (imam-rem (:.Lccsn. Ingfigginrgsj'sg tags. 35 (Segabrztfirsr 19%), pp. M. This article about: several Luustmticnm of different; glass- mashing units, plea holgé'ul smggzcsblons far the ou-smtors' mr‘oiculm‘ mods on hm: to choose a glasswahsr. 520. 553. 849 J“;- 23:; afiorml fissocinti of Student Panama]. Minisgmtors. W0“; ‘ ,T of m Assn“ onggg. 19512, 200 pp. ibg'oz't besisfim: on pans 92 has excellent. mtorinl on [1:522:33 v m 20:11; 11161.2.ent2151 faciliti cs. Ibddcrsm, mam 1!. 0031qu atmvlmxls In maidsnoo 11:03. (twat; action. 003.1935?“ “71'! Ibivemitx Business. 11 (member 1953.), pp. 33-3.). A (15.3 012395.021 or desirable 0621:ka in 12223121232»: hall cm '1'... wet. on an dovslozm. in mummy, Califomls at the ' ‘zzi'm; '35 ..tyo... “Califomis. 30134.11, A? -1093, Pd). 1000mm, Hop. W't, $9.102 30:11 "OJ. ”2’12. ‘21-’33} (35’. J55. ifi‘ir‘clo. "U" TO M A {26.3305 £1. E: 11mg}: . {“mam‘EWfi - $2.23 1’02"“ ‘1 Arms '3 093131232253 of - M , _ ‘ W ‘ 2? . . €311: 32.22-22.25. "Usos'v.-:t.-22~-21 2:22;, 's'u': ' * (1;: 5239 "g {sun's-mil)? can“..- up WW .2 oi‘ was...“ , is..-l:::.1.e;,!, ‘22: 3am. 14:25., p.12. ‘ mm). disc: amnion savanna costs, cw :.tmction, 252.24: cm bu (13:20 in tzza *2 131222.: ': 2:715:23, Lint can Lo dorm to test some 172.23 autumn, moi 2.031 G Emil Enigma 22.22.22 :..212'2bo.2.2nm and h' 2» c1. 2-:2~= Him ' Eels”, Mice, Lao 1m, rm. Palhdn, 21.11. Prlrwlc, I102! 233, u,“ 212.; 22751 LG. Itccommu. Panel 9' smmaion. fur-r22“: ’* 21:: ~; fflngyl 532.351.5323]. (Jellggl 312'2121‘1531'1 I. w w (3212:].‘2': ‘13. maniacal State College), last. Lfilwiiijj;11d‘ ...—i- “-‘r-“I 01"“: :k'qkTIV lkiljl. 5.6715350123152211 of 2'»: same). roJ;'.§2i<:2:'2s, 222221.22: QEJ‘ILYCO mus-32mm, 2.2 1.2171; 2:12; pros: vests, mlviso 1;! 9,1. sums, c.515r7*1"'t. CM P2835. 22;": :E'. yrmoauzm, and o; 22:. “mi-443 ecu-1:3 :.3 2310;: irr'ol‘m sum: 1‘: , hm... ?" 3:14,. Q 3:03.1'3213.A24’3l3, K.D. I131,“ ’30‘1, F.C. mild’in’ and Jo lit-R3. 1"":‘3191 Man * 22112222”, a: 301333531» E2"-...'.....:....£.......'1 .2‘:‘i""!"'.7 5?":ij (to ()3 5:. 2'3 JJ‘ZIqu :53’: 1'1”. r 1‘.‘.")3"!} "Z‘ 2“» :5 cr-o worm—ram. .. loom GuomM-nflm Dr- out. :..“- 4v.” Ono-.14" ‘4' o. ‘l' ,‘1 I.’ :’l vf'., "S‘- “a CH) :Lfi ...,HV \ 5. J -'9 2 :2; ~ \. ‘i‘. \ ‘ .A { ula. ‘Ju- "U , “‘0‘ 1..;1'Hu'17Mr‘ H o mun—42.4 ninth-um 'A pm' 1 (41322122221021 on waists collage housivg 123010: ‘11. 535. 527. 530. Iblsmx, Alice. Y‘Uvowitwfium'2 51,-.”- I327: .iv‘c'z'5ft4y, 3595521 1212. Comm xction, cost, 1‘5 21401113 m1 gamma wonmtion and data with r209 poet. to donfltoz'ica and azrxtmuba com: tructod 4-4 Inliaz'c. mum; usity from 1912? to 1955. refiners. Life In Plantar: 22221.1. Ybnomgao. 7 (huztmt 1955); pp. A pictorial tour of mum “all, tho 2:2-”: 2222212122222» at. 130513422331: 2313302411 State Teachers 001105;: at Mzmvilla. 22222292222222» 7 (August; 1955). thi‘OSOOWQ 7 Life In 55354503 ”all. ll 53?. '1 ' .0 pic .orial bow of nataon 112511,!4 tho Isr-n'o 12231123222» at. ’Torthcasti 3.33m State reamora College at. Kinnmillo. 2392mm, C23. x7011 V. "MH‘YHCS £21” F23 m-E'car 0011022222: Ydu't'ti 5" ”’5? 4‘14““)0 (15;. 3"! "1'". 5.112335%. 2: 37222212.: l-oz'b 0mm; .’l'LILV, “vi-410., ilm I317. . A joint abmly by the: Association of Colleges and 122444312424: (15325.: Bork mm 14312135th Illumtiua De “'44 22315;. I: .7 Kori: ' {'42. to CQIZiSSiCm on vmmum. Veatilfiflflm. NW York: Bureau of 1- mlica'omzm, Tuachom 00142:: "c, Col'mbia UIIW1wi+33 193 .3", 73 m). ‘31:» o nary of conclusions 1:: 3:10:32; 35. Jitter 42f. in th: Lt it 1‘2 2 '1 '10 31151454 ‘Iwa'm n for he: 0.. 4ormive 2142;322:213. J. 01122.2). 4:254 :40 2'2“: sz'LJJJ re 521.5le 121,114: '24:; pl" 2.043.220. 22103122213, G48. Gentr'l M4245.“ Plants for Unwlve: :Ltic'C. 2 :Yr; T“ flew? on, 11315322 _"' ,3 (19°04 '31),_17'>o"??-31. 3101.5201'401' 2222321012311 in enming for a centre ":21 he: 11.5412 plant. .vm-v 531. ”EN: Jcp. mm”; m The new Tahy?’ 0. love and Italy :3 t. “In. :5028:3;§31. 2 (June 1931-7): W. 340 The author nm the basic shape to bo taxman in 1mfarim; mm”: for college food ca: ..oc. He also nus-feats badmi- quca much help to camblioh b'ztelugonb purclwsim' power. 533. Ich, Ifm‘y Sizer. Foods mm 8:; Collage Students - Acccytatili 5', Adequacy mil Cost. Joann]. of the: Amric. pijC'??%5.C J‘CDM.‘J‘$"LOE‘Q 30 (April 19):) ’ pp. flip/"JUL. "this stwly m3 \mrlcrmmn to discsmz‘c the (leave?!) a? adequacy of the food. smvod in the women's {amidmoe new at the (River-city of was! Lawton. 533. O’Comm‘, 3.13. 33331210300 118.11 For 100 lien At. Trinity College. 901163335124. EM.WZ:‘@§1.L&L€¥;&SS. 6 (lurch 191-57): 131% 16-17. Beatrlption, typical floss: plan an! i‘umitura armngagmrw rm a residence lull for cm at Trinity 0011050. 5339. 0' Donmtll, {.11. 150mm Floor Clearing mamas. 1": (tuna-m ;§’~?§";3“= 202:1. . 73 (Emma-221:0:- 1953); pp. 1J2. Covers purchase of floor care o'guiznrmt and tnmzim: 63.;337,03”fi0.‘1 to use it prayer V. 11.100 cavwa can: of townzso flows mu! Idtchan floor-a, xmdnc: and t1 :3 use of tho mama clammr'. 535. omomu, 1J3. mutation 90111313 Chock. Erfi5t11t5.aqs_t'mz"fi (- 32 (my 1993). m. 158. : $230333 in thorough sen-Mom 012101: a: thu £031 sczvico dcznmc- mm: to 0314561: on smuta’aim am cmummwd in this article. § r - ' i O‘. R. J35. 0111mm , 2mm: 1!. An III-GCMCG Truinbm P3033112: of? my: :..tury %'.‘-.m.;13-31.<)m. “cairm‘tfinrxs. 29 (April 1953.), pt), 53.3.13!“ m \ A mkltjmstod training pmgmm foy‘x‘lmtdtory 9012123910113. ~m~ - 537. (New, lmrle H. Mommnzxts ma 139914203200 mu museum. $7.151?) mayhem! P'v‘cho} 00108 7393mm. 10 (butt!!! 1950), PD. (#5: The author stat-ea that the gemmi objective or donfltory Gamma] 12343 5.0 to enable the attrlcnt to but ”er unharmed. luwelf.‘ arr). his rel. tiom with others wrench daily can mteeta. 3130 discusses three basic issues which are invelved in achievm: this objective and mmnca a 3m3e‘metiwl oituetion. .298. (3:13:32, Merle H. Fvalmtion of match; Commcler'a Services. I":{itsi'fa‘b5flr3r'l 33C 775' 3’20? 040'.“ (“"3“““1” * 11(Ixu3mn 195.1,), 15?: {lei-HM. ‘ (mew: emanate the plan for the rating of colleagues used by the numvez'ei ..y of Washington an} the medal of $.30 staff '3-‘2‘ Eva‘s 13:4mx'1 the plan. 539. Mm, Iufi. Organization, homotion an! 383in tor-c Iiultiple Unit. Ozmzntien. Bauer am 1:13 xmit ’ (I‘cbmm‘y 19513.), 1:23. -‘ 50¢ “SJ'JMSQO. me swims that. romance from the murmnmtim of zswclmeing reverence 1:: the feed service dc‘mrtmenta oi’ the Graeme odzoeie are discweod. 51- . mime, “.13.: Residence 113.11 “waning. (hollow (Lg {WH'mreJ‘W PM" "1’?”8. 11. (Deccan? 1951). PP: M. A clieeteeim of the mhrzm ..ageea. «fusing rune? .ed cards in meicieeco hall accounting. 53:1. (11:..sz , 17.3.3? I. A 13m!” m2: Mr Residence Get new” . Colugbia, :L’. -J~3‘DU.1'17 Ste 1:13:53 L9 '0' .4", 1’59. ‘3 A discussion of the Stamens mummy eel its 89311017510333 in r'*ezlt’=:’zco hells. Job 33 were-.33 for Gulf" member.) em pro- v3.‘.".€‘d} teemizue are cruel. Level; ..nd eve“ net 13:: is djccmsei. \ 5.5:}. org" 9;, firm], 3:, 330.: Winery At adversity 0.. (teem Page For _. I“Qom‘ £‘T'1" .5155 cfnl {90730033 “3;, LU‘ l‘.’C“‘S'.7,:X. 3(16/90’1931)’ ‘ pr). #004; U}. ‘ he M0552. 92.109. of a self-Jimzicm. ting doxrltozy at ‘he Urrivcroiby :1: 7’ ARC 30.... «10'?- ee. app, cm B. Aecamting Control: In 3mm Houeflhg. 00110 are 317-53.;ZQ‘3215WL-t‘ Mam-'3- 12 (Mam; 1952). re. u Visibil’ity mi the use or color and simflim: devices lava afiwfifiied the accemtixg 31,-ohlam cmnmctod with tho musing operation-s at the mummity cu? Florian. 5U:- Opp, me. B. How Our 1301-: Record. syntax Helped With Housing. 993.1333}? magi {rage-{3&3 mamas. 32 (January 3,952), pp. 27-29, A metal: for ameni‘fim and speeding the hzuw‘fixxg of housing assignmit records cost the Mmmity of Florida 1633 than ° {'13. ,02'30, navel than $2,603 the first year and {33,060 a. sea run than 013.. ~ 5%. Crime, Ruth. Cmmeeu. n- m Ibofiqu... ca 13193;». '31:»: Yes: :0 Mean of Pulitcate om, 339.173.143.110 College , (2011:.le mummity, 1.950. The «maximums for cammcwr; mulch a 114m! resident 113.8,. are outlined and the melons lcvole of commemm cm (assessed. Stables conlueted by the author of the goal for Ccsmmlima (remeeeofi by meow-.3 are outlimd en: ti. '20 gentle: «.3 am elem emceeeed. 'mm 22m: 11mm maxim of a. (10:353. 23¢ 3:51;? (mew-010? and variants counseling techniques am dealt mm: at com Imam. 546. ~ Ostez'held, n.0, Cost Accezmtim For Food Opomtiom. Corinna: 9:211 Yggejggzz‘ggr maimeg. 13 (April 1955 ), pp. (.5). Disseueoce four tmn‘tant points in cost aooaunthg for row owes-teleamat (1):.Zegaa'eerntwm -' "muons (2 13371434150 0! total Cut (3 )recogritim of the 5:“.tgvoz'tzmcc: of "3.3:: cest cmztmls and (Ingrrmwment and use at! ca:;;;m‘e.bivo cost data. 51:7. O'Icfimlt, term :3 Siam. Dining Hall Jhintcmncmami t‘hnagermt. 4"s‘wefipfxrgfichart-3.33.114;”remit". 3 ( 9330-1931), pp. hill-Jew. 4...- Thv fia-erzmiml pifinciplcs in the mom'tion of a mumezficmd dining hall - intonigcst 4mz'1-zmmhip, ormriueticn, jmilciom mm: :.g, (-4er in am'cngment and 179-1200;.» , and 03;? ' matter: of mate , 5.:‘1clming control of overhead are discussed. 405- 553. 010.2%»?!- mum W. fining for 210:: Quanta and Professiaml Studenm. Eafimq‘jgflgpn Panama - ‘1‘ . .. . image» 1»... vomit”. b (I-‘obmaxw 19953. In). A .1.!..--;m:»::1m‘ of housing; policies and practices for mu gm'..n‘.~..r~.tc and professional atulmw at the cm State Uzrlxt‘owi‘ty. 5:59. Father, Arctuo I-‘I. and! J.F. Larson. Archimct.;§m1_?1mvj :15 ca Tim Certificnn flotinga. Hm: Yum: 3.3mm: £15.11 inst: oazuuny, T2213 , LIL 17;). This; book was concern! to' met the than mdrg dazzmd for a convenient mfcrance «on: on tho mexm assets of college arcitltcctm‘e and its relation to the oduaztioznl mama: of the college. 550. Palmer, Imm‘moo. Thu A.B.C.‘o of Hood Floor manning}; A°'.:\2j'..":.f.‘?‘. School 3.3;! Em‘?.p~c.‘-:.fl;g_é. 1.". (3.952), pp. 161-1411;. 31.3 ussea woois for floorh‘zg, treatment. 01' now mom, flour 552.111.1153 ans: top surface finish. 551. {mine-m, mm s. Acmmicm. Treatmm In School and (Extremity. Amer! can Scfm mast! Vnivcmit 3 (1933 0-1931), PI!- 73""?60 I':--.r':—-;*.:m n few of the more 1:21;:m'xt aspecta cf acmntical H1341: art in adumtioml inmitntiom mt! gives, “10323, carbvin magmatic-’21:: as to lac: Lian, typo of trmfimmt, etc. "'4 55:3, {233%, any. Nam: Sumstiozm Fran Tho Stwlcnta. £332.94“ "3:11 y .qnifzrtfifi, 9(06'60'531‘ 3.950); I327. 3'34}on 1 1 i f :’.\;:m~...‘£.a 05‘ a 5m cy undo ct mat-z College to find out 310" . o 9 ' -. . ‘ c.::1:.:u:..:13 53ml scrum con-1133.035 owls! be imvoml. 1‘. 1 32*30213, 8342;:01. 'J.‘!m Art of x:- 2'?! £3chan 3 ragggtttxa . 232:: York: H O! 1 .-." ' ',. "i l ‘ W 7 ‘ W V V 1' . 1‘, :‘1312‘238 so. tyl , ‘I‘Lb, fl§ ? m). ‘ tn '1 L) o , 2110 art of L'mdscnpc. architcctm‘o, its develo;r..~.o:rb, am; its an licxztzhm to wxlum Maniacnpo mioxdnc. V’- ww- M . - - {in}, Y.',-. n.’ (-5 .'“-r “'31-." ’7 (”tar-tn... ‘f' ' ~'~ .-o'. -' F- we. ‘ '1 n 1 1n: (1 —~_" EV ' . ~9- . _.‘.'. ‘1 ‘1 --c-. . .1./or»- s~V~ do. ...-n. V‘. '04 o—mio'h; -~.¢ {9“} ‘o.~l ,‘VAOto‘-..’ i' )‘ui‘kh C-\1V7 :.,-ft ?,....z\v‘\:‘~ "'5', r-‘rE. if": .1 ‘10:" fl‘r‘s ""!\'=P-"\'v'l"'."“"’ ‘3‘“ "".""""~ \I Jdgua 5,- »I’JHI. ‘- ' ‘ ' o t . ." ... '. .-‘ nol.-‘-‘ 4’. *:‘ .LA-T-lr ‘ .‘A‘ AJ—‘A—A A‘A“ -‘AA ‘ '1 A 1‘ .‘ ’?"‘, .’~“.r.fivg' ‘[,".'-‘ 90‘} .... s. k.o:.=.-.'.~’-A¢ d Jun}, "v a “1. Jr" ...,J. o~ji I. n. J- I W‘ I '. '9 \ '11 '- ‘ of. ' v. ' "t‘x ! 3+4 ivfi "I! .’r ‘14- I-quv . ‘év—u th‘ct) Jib- 13"” Until! \“-‘ W v.7 \bkn. .UB)’ {L'o‘t Ann. ”...C‘; l‘vu‘J I C u‘n9—_" .’V"' 1“. :‘f"f‘ :.., I. bhi" 21-)..0'4. ."',’ f. ‘.‘..:..,' 1‘ .k'. ~',1,.‘" 'f..:..‘|.‘l“pl,u. Ht! .- ‘ -..le V UHWI-bsa‘ .. \u'~'“lu‘) “0y H9'..~J.~.--QUH U.I(.ffi‘.. I),vov.oar nix-0’ 3'": r-mw w .'1 '1': w" C 3' -_-. ? .r-u-s ‘ -_ -'~ In. -,c'u' v‘q k-w " - t¢nL va‘ ' «..v - IJ' ‘3‘ “wk! . '0. r . I “x .' 31mm“ q “~(o'~'~. WA" ‘31“;fl ‘1“"‘}".‘\' ‘ ‘ "fit" -; [infiflpffi tiny-3 ~'~'>.,fi {Mt-us 1511* '1' r .‘J. "- l- - ~‘l’ 6 paw-a _ ’ a- . n’ ' .v-“" ‘a' “Wu: 6“ a.) -cUU-‘g .«I-Jn p 7“. \- .- t Ll'b~"' 50L .‘.~-u . I-n \v'x.4 . ‘ ' v I I ‘ “1.11;: 1, x';1 ,u.{:‘ it: 2‘" .- ‘F - I l-fih‘111". ._I —~ .~‘ ... " {-1.9 (-9“ I‘d: “.—.I ‘l I. A‘: l'fi- ‘p‘y': ' l ' ”J ' . .. . L s. .1 . .. b ‘4‘ as us)..- ‘. erfiqou” '- " l- . fun- 1m. so .. :a flu an 4-uu‘finfiumm. Deg-.16: W "in. '«g; e’o-o- ‘” I . 3 3 ‘ .'l \“. .- a' sv-v'c'h'wv-v‘ «iv/nu): '.~. 9 01".J'JI \ 4 I 0 o .R‘ ' . .y. 1" ‘o ,9 . ."'\ f N ‘5 k‘f‘ ” ‘2‘“ ‘y-L -? p‘ C' x..3‘-.s‘ o.- r!“ “ I‘Laxg‘r‘-- \‘l n.‘ v,‘ -'-‘?tn “ -V-._D~' «‘1. -> ..., .1.-é “a “-..-J \uI-J nit-‘4 d¢.§0 -—‘ “v.,..4 ‘lV-JLJ.{.I4:‘-p "van. 5,-nh‘l’ craft 7 ( \. MM. "4“” ~" '-'f"'\ '1'”; 1!“? 1 \-‘-..-m.-'-a--"~ ‘4' u s»-,dv— 0'0 . ..cs' 1.:- MA... DI , -. ‘ I . A :1" :../I '1. ‘r"‘ *7 .'- 5‘ ' '11*N{Ifs(§"_'--- -"'}’nr‘\ 2‘ "l‘PV‘ .Y\l} r,".‘1§,?us\-’fi' ‘pq‘z gi1fli'l "T‘r-I‘ ), kl. thin-.uw-) 9.... J.;'-4vn w ~'. v 2"” d.-&lo ¢ ‘55,.-. r..§\ ".au\.6.*...-. "Us: “ - . - ~ ‘ . .' \.-.J W-fiuww qu--\,<) . .~!~-h’l V\Ir\?\_- .;‘.I'\ '3r1-3‘ kc». , a“ "t t'r \ "v‘ a . ‘ . w‘./\.v“3” . ‘1'} J”: 3..". ...} I. u" L'~,p. . -. ...~ ~~l 4‘ -‘ Maw. 1! V .. 1 . u -. ' -' y - ‘ ,- . :., r l-_ . ,'- a -fi'\ - P3,, (‘ ”1"" A -r'--')-r--u'1r‘:4\~r q "’1‘ ...-11‘91 r- I «7" 'n‘.‘ “—3-!- ‘ "a. I'- n.‘ um «50%. 'Jw'u‘nv was .-pri \-d . ~§ .1 w Iv“ ..‘J‘J VLJ- ~QV¥§ “3.2, ‘51‘. - -..‘ 0 .‘~ Us ilr‘s' ,(~"'_‘\ 111 {‘"v'7nv'Twu'uo 1‘21‘.."1."".'f ~.o .0‘9-.. 6",“ o—w.~ u.-s4-.-V-w ‘J b... .‘ ‘0’ m..- “.g I... a )k!? 3 W"'z‘.’V'."'n""‘l V") I‘-? ”A ’V 'i”. u“ “.' V . J1 0'~'fo. 5‘? I) ”fl 5:, In" .pt—\v“ O" 'tl‘cffii‘ ." IV :r' x d ‘. 1' I J"~ ‘f uni" hnfifivhfilfia In . ”Jflv ‘Iuhlv‘w ...-l.- .0‘ \/\¢'. '9‘.‘ n‘ 9Lk1'a' y. 4-1.1 r" b n”. ‘ i r O D ‘ . I Q - ‘ - . Inna-3' . ,. { {tn-“'0 , .1......‘o. H-t-"v , ”,Y‘JW'Q flew-r (‘owuflva‘ 3'}! {In ..W ‘-1., I' “‘4' ~~-‘- I—xl“ -‘ Lu 0 ~C--- a) .' L‘Jlrm U‘vac d . ‘ . .‘- . I ‘ 1' ' I. 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FK'~ -. . i"! -o'no\ 5‘1” . 1“" N5. i', r“ I; . c. O . u. . N ... 1" a” \ 5.1-. -')-~~ I - 5 .49: .-.-to..- 4-...- 4 mwu-‘WWvuc—mwufiw-m "" . 2' ‘ I, t . I ...- . ‘ a V’“‘ Q n- c 1 . u I v Q o q I n q I . 'n;.—;-... ,.- .I;.n-(.‘.! 15' ~ 2 -. ru.‘ 4. '3 :' "-r‘-\..‘ '. \‘H" (lt'o \r ‘x" A; ‘u, N ,\ "‘4 o ..v‘. ‘ L" ~.I‘ r." , "‘..“r.~.' ‘- Aq-drpoo... Ko~ . "...—II-J U ---~"‘-.~md§. -n '1' \.‘..'~- -~ U...hJ-.¢ .1-. \—1 ‘v-"r-A..~~~.J p U... "I. v . A 6 ~ 0 v f ‘.‘ J? 1“. ~ -‘ O J ‘-‘s "\ -' j "“335." l-.".r‘. ' '- ‘3 ‘-‘; in Us; 3“; . 1 r U- ,“r‘. n 5 ~-.- W. Jul ’ 'v . ‘0" ‘ 'r “Hui \1 -N A an». i 5"" U...“ -tL~‘~n’ ~\-" .0 -."-|I. oil-.-.rn'. k'U LJ‘ . .'~ ‘ '0 u ’ l"~'~»’ ~ '.. '1: ... T“. ‘V O ‘r . 7 ...-‘0 ,.:. ..j-' _. ..‘.:. 1.". x. .,\ . ,p.‘ fi-b-l' .‘ ~¢ ray-j ‘0’.v'-' 'u-cn-uoh v.9 6.3,..‘JJ b-s- \J’ y 49.. ’4‘, . . . ‘ .. :‘.:.;’1' ‘1‘ 4".")"‘ C 1"1', f. Tl. “ ..- ‘ fa.‘:‘ ..r’.‘.‘ “'11’t’ .‘f\ r“..- .,:Q 3““ . IQ. 0.1."70 ..‘qfi' {,4 If. IU-Jw‘lu‘J on-Q...a c... . ~ -. 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Vt" ' ‘ 0o» 4' ‘N-w ‘ “"V'. “i _.)_k___‘_ “.1- 1 ‘— —. H ' m-.—~fl-'-\-*“}" .“Q !.- r‘-o_p-| ‘, .,‘~.“ ”f‘f‘fi .lr. If 0“ .’Q" L ' Q “5 l8. ‘-»" ..-. -’J‘ 3 o.- . fn" r". A Q, J. n ,,Q .u .g. -1. .. .- v. .1. I“ , ' .'k w :0 C": Cr:. ‘st‘;. m: :tls Pol-1;} I'L“Aa base cc'o ‘ .fi'?“.l :uCU.o‘-. -:5 a. (.):. CA .'3‘1: .3-.. I'!\q...°.,~.:, ’-" 3135...”. ("\’ f- it‘.~‘ffi:. ’1 ‘-~-.:-f‘ CK‘Q‘II go... 1" ("r‘.\rq;"“fifl (‘ov‘ '~ u'f- -- \- "'~-' ' "‘Ir J. r '1' . ;, ‘ jld. {415.5} o-v-a "er 21- H'U '.v-.-'V'd ‘J-ac‘.‘ I .Q.‘Q'I .'W «I. ‘n‘.~ ‘ .‘og 1 {I 3(:‘-: ‘f..~:.1l"‘f"fi' .-~ 9‘!” :I .‘=-. n." -u .Lf\r U I'-'- ... vJ“--"’ l, \-"h'rd ~)’A '. col—aha -“-\~-'q Ud--~3"0¢L’\ J r’ ‘c Q a 7“ w c. n *8 s "t ""f v ” i‘ "' ’ _‘ w" . ., n o . “9“ ' I-y q-Q»;wv P" m ‘ ' ‘H: 1'»"-\" . .‘fi‘fi". r nan. -‘ :1. - -- (an. ant! n) - my" “:2- -~’7' :‘5 -‘~" :‘ “”"L. 0 1,-- 1") .'-.‘...'_" " .1 ' Lfir‘ ‘ "W; .. ;;:.. ‘;!“"*"i" —" ... «1" " ‘~"-"r 1h..“fi’..u ‘57“ n”! f: ‘7'“) . “w' “. 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L J . g A . o. - ~ A t I Q . r . ' I U '.‘ V -.."- . ' {‘.‘n.’ ‘.’.‘Y 14'".,.: ."’)'l { "1‘!‘;"~.~‘.'¢ 1.“.5..- }\. .:‘. .\y‘,.,... '3...» f. 1"I", ’ 3‘? ‘ * . ... ' I I ' o . . . ' — . ' . -~ ‘ ~ . -' . . I wa‘y \u " -....- ”Iva-'9” , \ ’.’.» -..rn apl~~‘l..-1. s ~-o-~y H .r-v - nun-c... A -~- 9 a I- ~ 3.». tt-O .. ‘.‘. . u \ . ... 't ”1‘. '- . , ' t I "I ' I 1 . I 0 I1 0 . ‘ u ~ I .I .-."'\»'.rlvr ---~ wt 1 - 9 v9 .- :h-v -;- . ' 1yv ,.- , . ,vnqw: urn -\ . - "(I _. s v - .um m. w. ..v‘. w . 1 ~ m? or C, . x... -' ‘.' ' 0&7. 6’3. 62:9. .322. 3:31.131, Mary L. ' 1101i: 8 myflifia'zticn. Sgilgfipunnd jh’tvmflé; 2115153033.: 22 (Juan 19-32), pp. 3MB. Increasing food cornice efficiency and mmlo throw}: wort: 53:11:33.1Eimtion 5.8 diccmsax o Smdclmr, 13.23. The Fires Iiavo It In Food. 9033.03393Lt’ni‘mart-Lt; ’.‘r-ztrtzicrsz‘331 3(Jl‘17 1957), m" 31‘ I”:'.::Emsizéo the :‘mmzfimco oé.’ carefuly plmz'rcd attractive . mama. {Etmcial 05351111353 is placed on the inclmim of :33. ads in 132:0 12291111. Saar, A; Killian. n ’?cf’.*~.‘.‘n:~:~.n:2 ("n*1¢:~.‘~‘.‘ze'e .‘T't'.r~r’-t‘.an NEH” tn"? M--~a~r ...... ~ ......m- nudi- n 3.,?r=ci*"":. ":1;3*.11)3.iszzcdis.4*¢. thesis, ;;c:ziL;-;;a amigo 9:;.€.-n-r;.;;§.-ty, Ctr—Cum “wig/... A pml‘lmxnry stadium dogfitom’ denim. Ito attempt in mde at cicbafiinm. who zmrpoao in to a: ivo at e. 502102231, mammal, wort 1.32.0 -_'pmn. Sodcrm'ccng 1m... How To Keep Floors Shizw'zmpo. Food fix‘mmivn. ‘ 25 (iiovaszcr 2.953 3: PD. 70. A reference guide to clearing, 00.23.5133, Iminf.o.fi.“dr;g my! immgtfiu $1.:ch 193.1303 of floor}; 1:; appcm'o in wintry £03.72. L‘imxrwlmsocl on contractors. rag-.0930, show the cm: or: xmzzviwa types of new flooring. 501mm, Lydia. :hmlii'icationa and Twinks, (if The Road 0: A 0‘ College Eastiborj. 'J’Im Jana“), ni‘jfcvm 13901151382. 2 (ilovcmlch 1910), 1313:3253'2/9. fl '3220 '11th discusses the mcossary qwifii‘iczztiozm and training: of! the ham). of a college Cozxfirbozv. ° .Jprrci:,,?:‘z~2:ccs V., and Ehthryn Ifcflclc. 71012519121Qofij'pga‘jtzimmn. ‘.';DZdJ’sawn, 0.6.! [cwz‘icml Associmicu (:..: Usivcmifig' gazed, 1931» 959:). A report. .053 a series of papers prevented at a cor£<:\.::;: a on housing college atmlcnto. It con: .20 Conzrltozy denim) (:23. pk: m3, ocztflyztzozza, food (service 3x1 financing. Included are descrimixma of houczlz .3 31:41:: at c. 22.32123»? of invitations 0.22:1 repoms on “cc ,pozrzztivo houses". 6 PO 0:2.) o t“: " r0 '7 CN XI! 0 .‘J‘.~.)- _.l ‘.q _--g_a“”fi "“.‘!.' y ‘.'-'R‘VVT"! 1.9 f .__‘ .'(‘10-. . .’. ‘ en’fi'!‘ ...,. ‘1 §; u I . -.."-.‘4. .‘. LI ', J u‘st‘; ‘1‘? 6.). ~U’ UL r! l’ I' “am. K); 'L Adds. .o ij MCI A b~.4wou\. I I ... ‘1'-1 I o . ‘II o 1'. 1' ‘.’. ‘.‘ »’ «.‘| "'n q‘ ‘ 'C-‘:;‘-‘ ‘|' a n“ l. It. . ‘.’-cf :0 '3 .33fllu" ’1‘ ‘ o 4 \--.¢ LII...I\J' ~‘4Lv~ «:03: ...C' o\.- \‘0 n": L, 1:C:J:\I.O ‘-JU\-:\'-u(3-IN b.) {\' \ I‘A . I’~~:‘.r‘u~OM-oro.fl "' -.f"‘*'\"b-""-“-- "\1I”'I-' W ‘u'ffl ‘31 "..‘I'.’ ,- {‘me '.‘-.. 1'7"??? ' ., , ' » ...... s: \c 31.1.. 4.. I...“ ”II/M" q : J. 5 ‘- '. "K ‘. ,. Comm-acumuwao-“nwn mow—......” 4 a w -. ' ‘-“ '0‘; o - a v, 5 . 0' "My": -"‘v " ”3" “'1", “a!“ 99 av») awn/3:“ . fi-v-19' - 1 1 '- .HMM‘ ‘ L 'yl- ......‘. d. .‘N ah ...-.‘. \l‘.~’9b3~4(.’;.l‘-I H IJf ‘ . .. .b 54‘;“; \.l L) a". J )‘.A..L."«5 {Jr-:1 Lane in. A: ‘Mku' A h u r. _ g g 1 q .5 4') \‘0 _, I, a. f_ I; ° " "’ " :.' “Q ‘4'" \”l.(".‘. "4'3‘ ’.‘, .nr‘r, , .. if“ U?) .,.__-\,'.J 53.1" \’u.-,‘.c‘ vf-‘sa—usd :- (:.:)tJ-: 5&1va 3 ~‘vO-“\‘Quk Av’ ...; k 33m .1 . "3|” ""\ L!‘ " .1‘n‘15...(l -:.x(‘"d"‘. "l'-‘"1 u... H‘s...» L4) ‘IJ-~>1 l!" ‘}:3 ‘.‘-'N-Ou . )/ /~:'(~': - LL. H n"-’I‘\v'\~nJ|-JV'I-. (‘3 ‘.Ju'- l\w~a—'o--‘ Q ..p K‘ 3.3 (..n Rt 4;. " . -' 1.:- 37 VUCA‘M ."ov '1' J‘J Vkr.. .Al" O I. .'. . 40:35; J"- L. kt‘ v ...‘JL? I; I — :1-.‘ I: ‘ F“... V 0’, v‘ . 1 0 .. f‘ ' ‘9 '.’! .I' 6. 1 ‘ ’ ‘-‘ (7“ T- -"' D: {5:17}. 1 J.C.I-.'LI" a 4.132154 £013). will 3.3. :.JTVLCHI» “ n :‘f. 0.? o (2; .. - O ‘.‘p 1..-“,1,“qu ..‘.~n l’fi-fi'7y“:‘(’ ’r-,.A:1"‘l.‘.‘ f". £-9"—‘, ,lr‘duu" m;'-!\ ’.‘...‘J-Hf" .r‘ 't - . ’1") t ‘ I: I d ._..o'm “U. I.’ \uh ' ‘4'. ‘ - . . \" 5...; u .va- a Ohm-.lw~‘t.flo{.u.‘- ‘.‘»Wn—ducuwfl ."""-"1'._‘ u," n? q‘y‘ ‘l' ‘- ‘ ‘3. (::‘fl. \ ' j , 3 ‘." no"?- "‘ - % J ' 9 I ~ A 4 o 0 IN', . [115.“ W') 'l I" ’> “\I‘. .‘.:31. 0'! f'w‘Jn (“'1‘" ‘-" PM 0: g bVA.‘ .A, "L' 'V'g ta) 1'“ J n -CJ‘L'.LDQ.JIU ...; :l':¢-\ -1L god ‘.f‘Uw‘ ‘.'.‘urfi .l... V‘. aJ-‘c‘. 0d k-v‘ ‘ I :- \ I} O , 1 .‘.-'5 '.’ hj'-r\:'T.v m 1'“. . .fiQV3 m .'"1‘ I'l' ' >\ u. 3”“ (“Q-q“ Y ‘ J‘R. I] '1 L. ‘ W) .I’ C‘J- nut-'- ._...fl yN—Iu c.- ‘1'-... .'. l :..—‘1 L'EI'L. “'.'-‘JC Ic' J‘d (IV-I‘I’ '1‘ . ‘.’-m .’C ..0 .06.! ’ Alli-1.1 I .s \ q o n 1‘ o o. a g a - a 'Q w ~ 0 4 7' -‘ 3|" ‘~u\‘_ (Q ‘I-",“. "-.‘uv\,- '= a ‘ f ‘ «\1\ ’.‘-'.' c lI--- \ a. fi . 1.", :11" ' ‘.'f'"‘.."l fil‘n-A'bun} :..-J not"- "C 5”-->-->.:-4UK.‘Ucc-in t4.»-.'~ 'V U‘ 5“” C’quv.’ 043‘ 11‘0“ LIV U--'—’ ‘1“ o".- r' a-nr' “‘.‘! '.... |!J\t s - ‘V' 7' "' ‘- ‘7‘ \, Ag ‘ . 3" :3,- . v- 3 _ HU-a-fl’r. Q’u‘fi f q-.!":‘1“‘ J‘n" \% In 1 s . .C,‘~91.;!o I .v .4..-’ .....I It. A ~0-_ r‘v‘.. -..Cv-A‘i "Q . "vs-.‘.... .’.-Ab . M...“u\'lzo&fi~.h If} t ‘ ‘ duo ? .'t végh "" "1. CO?- ‘11"; :’zg\".-’.T_~ .7 CM..." )""-“'op" ..., r.4\-Z K: '13. I’m. all.) ”(4' -r‘..ov'~-.‘_,-:.I ...4rp 0‘ an» hnL'U-fi; 4"... '3' Inn-z) W 01:17, Ivy .L-{o \M/ {.4 , "x ‘.’ 0:0,f’fiwjujd. Ebb ..IM mmmmh;--0~I~A. Aw mslunq‘QMounA-d u‘ 6 Q I I C . .. ('rlfio1yfif‘cA34‘ ...-'00 >4- pv 3*. '5-2 v-r‘f' :ML ‘0")01 Iq ’“N ‘ ,‘, ‘Q1-3 ." n. '- --. 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Jab'J—o bt-h5L h'\f(J-»-L»7~:‘vw ~‘-0V\‘:), “.'.-‘0‘“..2...‘ “to ...w“ .3 . 3.. 5.) )' "'l ‘s u ‘.’!A‘ 4: Allel~pbll ‘-' .‘. . a I O .‘. . .a‘f“ - “'.' .—.§>\“fl ‘\qf(| r."‘" f ‘\.. n‘“‘ ‘fifie1g‘i-rg; . n‘ n .‘. [i I'- - '.'fii:“'} 11'.\a"4 {C‘a‘t 5""- ‘hc-l \d; ‘9)" ‘l-‘t'i-“Ju K I ' r-uo‘r’ wilk)»: .‘(Jhw C. ‘9' V o;— -"' In!— 4' ... ‘.‘ ‘:v-L‘~J- 1‘ U“" "'7- 1 “j”. H".- W! awn? NM, 'i-p- “(1m nx-aw -'\' n'. ("at rn .rpr-.:¢- in --.. 3ft} :1 '1...~-r";‘:“.- L}... L ...... -.-.' LA. I - '-- -;—-‘ § 3, IJ.‘ ‘.‘. 5.1 ..N. ~c‘-p \J‘. \J J-g . :...G C. ."Q': .‘. _~, I, n ’.‘._»‘;"-‘1 ~_r!o"o-‘("-\ 2.43“ q r-.“\‘:‘.—p~' 5' -..‘h “a UH ‘.‘} ‘4'. G. ‘v— ‘-’ a." 'I'l-v (v b.\4\‘.~‘ '- ’- 9.49.1... \ ‘4 f" .. ’ --v‘.'- ,- h' 534‘ I‘WH- ~s'u~ hm" ”hp “5‘ \ (Md. 7? "1"‘2"~ 540:). :.,.“ \fl ‘v‘vi- I|\~o- U d---.ai. {-‘fi \‘l'v\'l‘J‘ \- ‘.‘ LI-l-I 93.. 9‘ ‘-‘\"~ .- duhil tau-I‘M s) I} '.‘ :“1-2‘ '4 ’.' va'. '.' -'. cm“. 5‘19')o‘I.--\t. ‘3. asp." ‘ ':‘L.n E-,‘Irr‘-. v".- '1 F ~fiQ/vju.) .""- -\- ‘.'F, ,-"5 )‘fiv' AA .- ‘ '.Q‘-._.l .: ‘u’...|).’_‘ ‘5). ' ~ ) I' ‘ ”Pd-cl m» §~nhb¢umnnfiio~uwogw ...-nun”!- —d- a- Itoa-JA‘QM 9 r. ‘.‘“; y I :...‘a‘ ’.‘" ’.‘ an ‘ \‘ . 1..; “\.l _ .-.’;a‘- . --,‘ , -.‘ | ‘.r .12‘.‘ ‘1" " ‘.‘” .~ 7 l" -‘ Q-:->“O \ . \* "" t- J~'~ '..v \ .‘fi k)1$.._.9'~-a~)...v ... )u’na‘n. ." I “u. ...... .-¢.a.c...¢ .J-o- A. u. ‘- .‘~ 0 “...... And “(l-v» dk-u-u tr Ibdlwoouo on ~M. a V 3- " ‘ ."x a ' ‘.wl 'w‘ '1' I ~3 Cu. {J:4..','.u ‘_.-.. \J-A.- , ‘.‘-‘g .. ;:f 3 ii “‘.u-d .... JOL, gl.‘ '. kin-o- ;,- ‘- . ‘ r. .‘ . . il. ”H.305 '.J} C<‘.._ll(.‘ '1‘-:.. kar~u ‘r-I _.- '. ‘ H” "r "Um ~ ~ «w ’-°~ u' ru- ‘ 4“ (‘.*\ Afliflw. an ""7 ‘~~.~ ~w-\- r‘: »- 9"“ ¢ — .-"9 4, .q _-._- ‘. .. ‘ . . - n . ‘----' ‘f . n... a. ‘4'“.-1 ‘ ..J-Jv-J C’JD -\'..~b\J.‘.‘J ‘5! KauA— “.460 9.)") L .'v...IJ ‘od‘hJun '. ‘.’- ‘u’. u‘ 9.4 MLJ '.p1l'. ‘-n‘.l'. Iii/‘.VI11"C‘:~.‘I :59. . Lalo“ \u‘w’ . .'.--'.d ‘Mv S‘,.‘-d. "-9 '31 Q 1w v." 9‘ 1.3-0: 9 1‘. ‘ .II .9 _.‘.’\$i. 1‘... I L‘ ‘ ‘ c ,'.l I On". '.’ II"‘."‘" ) o.“0.‘ JxvCQ'.—.'— J, ‘.h. :J.’ I... O ‘Jl-J'EIJ z 9 *I . b nkfhh ’Js v. ‘\I J-nu’ ll . M;4‘v~--‘71 ‘ ' 1t.-—OU§-’, Q :‘ I- Q - '.' 1 A A v. _ hun- _.“.-?'._~'wa-\~~ "V ' '.' . -‘ 1' . ' t" ' . ‘ ‘ I " ‘ 1 ' .. ' "I '. l' ' l I ‘ l M- n- u. an a-..» A. “.’.-4. ‘4.-- 9‘:4-v6- mdon¢1-L ‘.-.5 u... J~J‘:M~—~ ». ....m- --.--- I‘-o:—«4.M a — ‘, ‘I' _" \J-Mo ‘ “-9- ‘-'-n ‘.‘, ' 3 ‘ W ' ' 9! . ’ ' . 5 ...,slozl "r ~$x9 ’ ..‘C ‘ ...“; -:’ I: ““1 a...“ ’9; -J l" . ‘.'...‘wJ‘J I C Q A ".4flljv‘f\q‘:‘» "‘.'1 (3.2? ‘,‘ ”(‘.'-u 'fiL“ ’1‘.I—.| ‘- V1.3 .I’A‘,§l\ ~‘\|.-11~“A-III‘I \- {\p‘. f‘.‘ ‘J‘ {“r‘v.“o§h C‘ \-_,-;v,,. 451.5..4-yq 4" U."- \r_ ... ... M..." . ~u .x—o tuna; \ l-.. \.. u»; ...) I Q 4 D o n ~‘ I,“ 'cgo., 'nu-r‘ J'“'a/‘I'I\ ‘fl ’1': J“."I-‘ 3.71.“..“7 ~4‘.‘..' .x r ‘.| 4.,“,‘--1r.‘...‘ .'. 9“ ‘v\ :Ctlp‘fi"...c \yl V~-’--V}-\'W’ U... «.‘.-Q ‘.‘.) 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"he 0.1.13 1.0? 5c .1389!) the various factors which 341.: 1.11:: (“011050 (10:1:1'114. 2:; a 11:11.. 7323. 55:11:11, 11.31.5901"; Cor Err-.511?) for EithHcI Illumimtrzu'g. foc'witnm. 23 (ZEQVCS‘EQC‘ m.“ {1959), pp. 67. " ‘fiiacxzsses 3303311119 tgr 30:3 .uf’......c.1n1 “1*"r1'vm...r.n and 1.1531319 to ca.:"‘-"rm in "“"1‘": 3- so MPH"). :...» . .. . _ . . _ .-. ‘ 3,.- ' .' . 1. J. . 4 t 8.. ("'.: .. " .‘.. ‘.'.9 .. .. .', - . '.’. 2‘ \_ 73!}. 113.121, mum}. £333.": of A: um"! 01112.13'31'21'10'121 2": Wars”. ..13 _ In Baum“) ilcaidm'xcc 131113.13. 0 NW“? fr',"5'1:fi -'.'.=".'7r,.-.'..".1 '..n't':r'~c:f-.r¥t'7,rrn. “\S- -l“.“ A.. .‘. .‘.-wa- QW ‘5." '. , § ‘ .’., 1- '!‘i IT' ‘ ‘ ‘ I . £— .¥.A ‘Cp_-33~Af_.£“3 In” an. 16 (l .‘.411‘Ln‘ 34;?)3 ) ’ I): 3. dip-’WJ‘Ju.‘ 4.2.-.. .71" 1‘00} r05: '1'!) '9 .."3113 ‘(""'.‘.;54L.'... tOL 32"];LCL.‘ v.44. .10 If 33.; 3.4"). . ’ ‘..-"7:313, COfiCl .’..v {‘.:-.3, ['.A‘U L3 z‘: )1 (‘.‘.‘333. '2 l :1 » 5 $" 5'! 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