— 7 _ 7 77 7 7 7 , 7.. 7 7 7_ 7 ,_ — — — — 7 - 7, — — — — —— — “a- ~_.-. A BRIEF STUDY OF WELDED JOINTS OF STRUCTURAL STEEL THESE FUR THE DEC-REE OF B. S, A. J Hawkins 1931 THESIS Illtlillhi 'I"ILVI|.|. Illlllil'il’, ‘f It‘c‘liv‘l‘n (I 0'" ,‘Ir n'| III v ‘i" _ ,. .l‘- _ , I I . " \ l'. ' . - . w >r '. .fl' ' . .' -"'u -‘ -. . A: “ . ' . V I . 6‘ I." a’II ~ UWW H; 3' * -= 1‘5 ~ w. .I w . ‘0 A ' l - ; ~' - oo‘.‘ . s ’41,” . x? *f .9, tab-“c 5-.- :;',‘~-V-"‘. . . rfirv I r.‘ .gq ‘3‘}; I _ mt 9“! 4L - r - -- ~. 7- ‘ .«fiifl "4 "w m kiwi ,‘W‘v I. o 0'; . . ‘, . ,' . _ '. ,“. I. J ‘ 1".“ " I F”. '" ' fab ”1'” '(1' J'w. "‘2’. '5’.'..r.:{.fi X 353.1,,“ k.» '33:} A: 1" ‘ _ ' . o 41%? v. «Ma: W _. ”MW-4.. N. . ‘0; - V, L‘ 771‘33?! ‘1'?,.'~ .’ ‘.\h‘:‘ S": v r ufiC-Vu'fi‘yy _ " ‘.'7'“r”.‘.' :' 1‘1 :1" " r "":I"I.A"1'—' . . . ' ‘_ \ I» ' ~ sl'\ "iv-J ‘1‘. ‘ '0' . . v. .I .0 .." ‘ ‘ 'I ‘ v , ' < ,. \""‘.’""3 Vi" '4: ~ I" .H r‘ I'-. o_ ' (I ‘. «mm x :2 non”, : t . 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A '7‘“ A ,3 Q“.3g{~;?g““fl'.r:-i; 33"".‘7; 17. {t‘ {V'V‘gia ‘ ‘ I A ' X ‘n- J ‘3 ‘ A: ‘9‘," ;'1 J‘i" -‘ e 4' \ A Brief stuay of Welded Joints of immaturd 51:35: 1. I A Thesis "ufiranuu to THE ??31133 of "In“??? '71 1211‘ Hr: no? 'r “5"" 0' ~. m .. fiu-Ov - .c-d ._= .- Want! . \' . -—'-AJ J of fin"""‘?" "1" ‘5'? \‘Y?) “'7'? ‘ _‘ 9,2,“? 0'? ..-U.¢LJ.LJ—LJ n‘.l‘n 'm ugh ‘U U‘J J.. ‘J...’ A; J;_§3yk1ns Candidate for tTo negroc of ,aohclar of Science Harch 3.9 '51 TH E515 ‘3’ U (\‘J|\ 1. The subject of "Welded Joints of structural Steel" was selected because of its personal interest to me. The object or this brief away was to secure data for my own in- rcmation end for the Jarvis Engineering; Co" who mpplicd me with the samples for the various tests. Very little info!!- ation upon this subject is available, end that which is avail- able has been in use only a short time, and only by those companies who have had special tests made for their own use. This being the reason for Jarvis Engineering Co. desiring information of this ktznd in connection with their purposed types em methods of welding of structural steel. This experimmtel study was the cmaricon of weided joints with similar riveted Joints. All data concern- ing rivets in tension and shear is known.and.a comparison.cf the tectypes of joints may be made from the following data as found by test of their special welded joints. Sample he. 1 was n.6flB' diameter round structural steel rod with an acetylene taper weld. This rod was tested in tension end found to neck and break at 13.950,#. This we. the actual tensile strength or the rod md the acetylene weld showed no defects due to the tension test. Sample No. 8 was a 3/4” dimcter round structural steel rod with en acetylene taper weld. This red was tested in tension and found to break at 24,320 lbs. This break did not occur in the weld but in the parent metal adjacmt to the weld. This is evidence enough to prove that the steel was doi’ectiu. due to the process or welding alone. 1011'78 POUND STRUCTURAL STEEL ,LE WELD 5,7,; Pops TESTED In 7E1”! on! #1 flarYLE/VE 523' a) - il"22' .. 4a" 41 C I j ’3 EL£€TPIC 4%” w *4 " "75' av # .5 " ~13” o * 6 " %" o 2"): Z” x 24" do - SWUCTUPHL STEEL WITH ~59," PNET WELD . SAMPQL E TESTED FOR SHE/u? IN WELD. SAMPLE “ 7a I '_i I w II rd—G—u—v ‘r—JL-fi — e e — NOTE: THIS METHOD USED Ins TEAD Or Gasser PLnTE mo P/vm N07": HEAVY LINE: SHOW WELD: 3. Sample Ho. 3 was a 5 3" diameter round structural steel rod with an electric taper weld. This sample was placed in tension and found to noel: and break in the red at 14,060 lbs. The wold showed no defects due to the test in tension, and may be used. as a comparison to the test of 5&7"’1"')10 No. l with the acetylene taper wold. Smyle Ito. 4 was also a 5/8" diameter round struct- ural steel rod with an electric taper wold. This ample was placed in tension and feund to neck and break at 14,080 lbs. showing no defects in the weld due to the test. This test checks very closely with that of Bangle No. 3. Sample Ho. 5 was a 5/4" diameter round structural steel rod with an electric taper weld. This sample was tested in tension and found to neck and break at 24,680 lbs. with no defects due to the process of testing the weld. Sample no. 6 was also a 5/4.” diameter round struct- ural steel rod with an electric taper weld. this red was test- ed in tension and was found to neck and break at 24,980 lbs. with no defects in the weld. This is also a very 5005. check on the weldine of sample No. 5. Sample ITO. '7 was cmposod of two 2"}:8"x{;" angles with one leg; of each angle welded together by a .2" rivet weld. This weld was made by punching two-1" holes in one leg of one angle and caremlly filline: these holes with weld after the two angles had been clamped together tightly. $his sample was tested in tension, or for shear in the rivet welds. The first rivet weld sheared at 88,270 lbs" but the second i 3o started to pull the steel of angle 1 Hi th it. '33he shear“ test was slowly continued and the weld finally cheered at 29,790 lbs. hit left the steel of angle 1 greatly deformed. This type of weld is being; used. replacing, in many cases, the method and practice of gusset plates and rivet construction for similar Joints. Sample No. 8 was a 5" standard I-beem out then weldoi back together, the weld hairs; on all mrfeoes of the beers. This sample was tested for tension in the weld in the lower part of? the 1-hour; by a method of placing; the load in two places as shown in the following: diagram. The load was applied until the hem become so deformed thet the test could be continued no farther. L'he 1:: ad applied was about 22,000 lbs., and the test proved that the weld was for stronger than the beam in bending and there were no defects in the weld arising from the test. The following: diagram will show how the beam was supported and the 1 sad applied. A“? Warm- “. ..Zv ... --- -5); _,IW Hu' J;- -u -—-f~-~-- - OW W W, -.,. A” Sample he. 9 was mde or a 5" I-beom in the some manner as aosnple he. 8 except the re were two ‘"X:3"}22§" plates welded on the tep and bottom as shown in the figure. rl‘his cartels was tested in practically the some summer as no. 8 except the load was applies. at one point only, directly over the weld. This ample was obviously much'stroncer than 5'I-BEAM WILDED 01v flu. 5105; (5 pOINT LOADING USED) #- 7753751) In! BE/wmc SAMPL E 8 3mm: '9' E 5 "1' 135mm Wager ON ALL 3105: WITH 4"x2mx 74” PLnriL WELDED On Top AND 80 rrom ( 2 Pomrr Loan/N6 Us” - 753750 In BEND/N6 ) flare: HEAVY Luvs-3 Snow WELDS 4. the other one, so the supports were arranged as shown in tho tiara, thus increasing the load or the testing machine s srcst mount and obtaining a mom desired rcsult than if the sup- ports had been spaced ram:- sport. The only informtiu obtained {run this toot was that the weld was for stronger man the smile of films: in bonding. - 1m» .. W.-- ..__.--.__.Ja!.!.= .. --W- __ Tb load was carried to «.000 lbs.. and the only «root was the commotion or the web of ms lobes: right at the weld, and the bonding of tho hm. Samples No. 10. No. 11 were constructed moth alike and were tested together. They were composed of n'xz'xfi" angles out then welded together, tho wold being on all sur- faces of the angles hat were ground mod: on the outer side or cash angle. the: were supported and loaded as shown in HlfiTi' r U I 3 m A"... W... Tbs load was carried to 7000 lbs. before it was cwidont that tho wold was man stronger in bonding resistance than the structural stool itself. Thsso angles were flattened out under this Magi-u. I! 4-- 2 3'2 3/4 Srrucrwaea 571521 5 72's TED In BEND/Iva ! #- SHMPL £5 ‘70, ’74 ”/2. a73' 2 b 7255 7'50 BY J POINT' Loan/”6' 21? TESTED BY .2 POI/V7” LOADING Nort: flu. WELDs 6170009 SMOOTH 01v Our-511): 0F (.1 5"CHn/vnfl. WITH 4'1}; PLATE WELDED W753- BflCK 0F CHANNEL _________________J _____________ t: Wan Haw: 94:5 ”are: WELD 77557151) F01? BEND/N6 AND SHE/9P fir SAME 77M£ # 54mm: /4 No 7": Han Luvs; SHOW Wuvs the load but the weld remains. unchanged and seemed as strong as ever. Smplca no. 13, No. 13 were of the some construction as Ito. lo and Ho. ll. The only difference being in the test made. These angles were mpportcd and. l odcd as shown here. l $ r - ,i‘ 2’73 m H' Mix [Wk “353 The land was carried to 5,000 lbs. and the only deformation H :27 .:=‘:: g/J -.n . .————- was in bonding; but there were no defects in the wold due to the test. This method of construction could be used in place of the splice angle construction at a much lee cor cost. Sample no. 14 was a somewhat difficult sample to load but due to the foot tint such a structure is often used in ate-:1 construction it was important to obtain some very (good results if possible. The Sample was composed of two parts. a standard 5" channel with a Md" plate welded to the back of the channel, with the weld on the upper side only, as chem in the figure. This sample is used in practice in supporting brick veneer over doors and windows or my small arches. The emot way in which this would be loaded is not known, so for the test a load was used which wouldbe the maxim in any case. She load was built up as shown in the following figure in such a manner that the load was almost unifcrmally distributed. offset piofe " I" ' e +14 tors/pm runner %l:=—==-='=+"~"L ~‘=' “:53?( , ’-' c.- ' A load was applied as shown and carried to 18,000 lbs. before any defamation was noticablc. This is for more than am; loadinft on an arch from veneerim. At th is point the plate etc-mod to bend downward; the loading; was continued and was carried 26,000 lbs. and here the test was halted. The plate was bent down on the outer edge about 3" below its orig- inal position. All of this particular defamation was not in the plate alone, but a great part of it occurred in the channel itself. This sketch will illustrate how the defamation occur- red. "he weld seemed as strong as previous to the t..-st and shows: no signs of pulling from the adjacent steel. nor did it i‘lsice in the process of testing. This ample was not welded on the under side of the plate becamse it is seldom can] for a weld- or to sold the under side of a structure men it is in place and this type of construction is entirely field work. It also makes a much smoother structure for the fitting; of frames such as doors and windows. It is soon from these tests, also from recent tests conducted by many construction empanies, that the ad- Vantage-as and disadvantages of welded Joints are somewhat different trad those of riveted Joints. The following; lists are some of 7. the advantages and disadvantages of each type of Joint. Advantages:- l. Dependable and calculable strength. 2. fligidity due to the added motel of the lap or butt Joint. 3. Resistance to vibration, im_cct, and to rapid changes in.tcnpcraturc. 4. Parts are drawn tightly together. DisadvantageSI-‘ 1. Difficulty of repair. 2. Increased Opportunity fler corrosion through holes and river heads. 3. Conproniscs in design to acoomodate riveting machinery. 4. ”schemine of plates at holes. :pldod Joints. Advantages:- l. Full section of plate is available because no holes are necessary. 2. Low cost. 3. Speed with which repairs may be made. 4. Smooth surfaces for linings and insudotions. 5. Decreases weight approximately 15%. 8. Disedvont egos :- 1. Tendency toward brittleness of welds cost in place. 2. Uncertainty of strength. 5. Lack of uniformity in composition between the weld and the parent mete-l, resulting in variable corrosion resistance. 4. Unmrlmcnlike appearance of much welded work. Many architects and builders have had a longim desire to erect a one-hundred story building. This desire my new be realized only since the development of the new type of electrically welded flooring which materially reduces the weight of the structure. Recently a new floor construct ion, known as the "battle-ship" type, was announced? and {given its first public demonstration r‘t Biloxi, mile. This floor is one in which steel plates and steel beams are used end are stitched together to form the flooring. Machines for welding; this type of floor- in: have been designed by the General Electric 60.. so that hand labor is required only to wide the mecF-iine end the still- ed electric arc welder is no more neefied. {the speed of this machine is automatically controlled and may be adjusted to various aces of welding thus eliminating; any chance of over- heating, the parent metal of the weld. This steel plate flooring or steel deck will set as e girder to prevent any torsional distortion or the build- in: when wbjcct to wimi or earthquake action, end in general a building havin; 11.21:; two of floor conntmction is much more ri::id in every reegcct. Cmycmtive ooote have been figmmd for thie type of floor using; a heavy {grade of linoleum om norm-me a ms to reduce noise, and the ole type of concrete slob construction with a wood I‘l::>orin3 and a rug which was requir- ed for quietness. It was found that the "bottle-ship” floor- ing with the linoleum covering; woo much better because of the lower costs and because there is no chzmco whatsoever of shrinkage and cracking. Also it is considered in a design that if a port of the fom'ilation should foil the floors of this type mum eesily tel-:0 cz'ere of the failure without e11..)w~ in: crooks to appear- This type of flooring; is equally applicable to residences, wiltiple story buildings, and oven to bridges. For builalin; cone tmcti an it W111 cove from :30 to 60 pounds per sq. ft. of floor in dead weight. In a 75-otory building, it is estimated met with floor panels 213}; ft. by 22%- ft" the saving in deed load on the foundations for each column is nearly two million pounds, which indi cotoo that its use will permit an increase of 35 percent or more in tho heirht of buildings or in tho mmbcr of floors without increasin g the loads on the foundations. Practical tests eve been wide in connection with loaded roof trascoa. Ono arc-welded roof tmce with a 10. 54 It. soon was erected and found to withstand the maximum loading for the beans and angles end use much more rigid ‘ when loaded with snow or in heavy winds than a some rivet roof truss. The saving in weight of this welds; truss was found to be 15.5 percent for the entire roof. In some cases it has been impossible to sold all joints in e structure in the field but new equiynsnt end.methcds of construction are being introduced which will enable the welder to sold all types of Joints. AL; orcsent some companies wold ell Joints constructed within the fabricating shop and rivet s11 field joints; others reverse the order but seen all joints in stool work will be constructed by the walling process only. Hnny objections have been.nsde by city commission- ers to the noise of tie rimting hammer and in some cases orders have born issued to eliminate the noise of the rivet- ing boomer by sneezing it or by'use of the electric wold. Electric welding docs n": eliminate all of the noise of erect- ing a steel franc but it does materially lessen it. Electric woldin: has been applied to about seventy buildings, verying in height from one to eleven stories, to a crest nnny’roilroei bridges, to many stool horses, to some ships, and to mnny'miles of steel pipe for transporting oil or water. It is because of these applications in practise end tests that the desirn of welded steel structures is no 1 veer guess work. 110 rector of sirety used is 4,5, or 6 which gives the safe or permissible stresses used in.woldod Joint design. 11. To secure the greats st YD luo possible from welding, the dosim of the ruin steel members, as well as of the Joints, should be made with welding in View. their angles are now being sldcd to coluzmssnd girders within the fabricating shop thus eliminating a great amount of shop hendlin-g of‘ booms, girders, end colums to the different punch presses. The buildinzi': code of many cities does not per- ).3 mit a contractor to use waldo construction within the city. ’1- 421:2 means the t he mu t use the I‘fiV'?t1.’3&3 lit-moor and create the undesizrtble noise again. 'f'ilzh tih :in vie; most of the oi ties having; this tyne oi‘ buildifli’; ends are revisfng then and porn *nittin; t.-e cons t‘mmction and erection of welded buil r31 use . Intent; the first to Insure the correct ion was hittsfield, Ross. It ms the first city to incorporate welding into its builc‘in’: code in any form and the first eastern city to adopt the .sinericen 'T'ulr’ring Society (3066. Essen: he largest of our cities the use she did not make any chongc urea- Philadelphia, I: e York City, Chico-710, miles, Schenectady, and r‘ittsburr . But it is my opinion that these cities will adopt the code pemitting welding as one moons of securing cuiet in the vie: nit y of he: pit-1:123, hotels, spertmcnt houses, schools, and C31 ”rice builiings. ROOM USE um