AN ANALYSIS Of THE PILE FOUNDATIONS UNDER THE MICHlGAN STATE COLLEGE AUDITORIUM “unis for the beam of B. S. MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Stephan John Pafoprsfy I949 An analysis of the pile foundations under the Michigan State College Auditorium A thesis submitted to the faculty of michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied ficience by fitephan John Pate rsty, a candidate for the Degree of Bachelor uf Science, 1949 Introduction This thesis covers the analysis oi the design of the pile foundations of the College Auditorium. The original plans for the foundations were found and the data was Obtained from them. This data was then uSed with the text books on reinforced concrete that we have used in our studies. At this time 1 ea nt to thank Dr. Pian, Professor Miller, Mr. Rundson the Architect or the Auditorium, hr. Beniger the builder of the building, both or whom; gave me much information which was never put on file, and Mr. Dave Lassiter who is a construction engineer. 13 p. «I a) f INDEX Title page 1 Introduction 2 Index 3 Specifications 4&5 Constants and Abbreviations 6 Formulas 7&8 General Footing Elevation 9 EXplanation of Cowputation sheet 10 Explanation of Table ll Design 1A 12-14 " B 15-17 " C 18-20 " D “l—sB " E 24-26 " F 27-29 " G 50-52 " H 55-45 " I 56-58 " J 59—41 " K 42-44 Conclusion 45 la ELI}. f?!” it?‘ gm! :- QUPQZ H W "a; 5A "Y 2% I taisstétsi‘ t i! S!" a: ’2 we; a 5.9m! * «my, 5‘}, f?” 9"} fi " , g , E“ V V. 3% 3.33% E gm“ gawk/g a {fig Mag :55 a H. m 3-1 “9 A- .2/ ‘ 0"“ W (\th if: 3 L1; ‘ 1%,,5“ f" h redo...“ U I< Part of the Syecifications for Filings by Eowd Manson Co. 4) Cast in ylace piles shall be cast in steel shell rrhund and which shall remain perhaiently in the U which shall be driven with ; mandrel unless the :all thicnness of the shell is at least b/lo in. The shell shall be of sufficient strength to prevent its dis ortion by the Lrou d treasure develOHed by the drivirg of adjacent piles. After piles are cast in place the original resist- ance to which the shell is driven must Re maint— ained. lhe .se of piles in which a fresh or unset concrete is placed a Lainst the Soil will not be permitted. the miyded minimum dieneter of the straight cast in place tiles shall be 15 inches. ‘ne minimum diareter .f tapered casr in blace ,iles shall by 5 inches at the goint. +he taker shall be four—tenths of an inch in the diameter for each linear foot tf lehgth of the file. The nininum diameter of the cap shall be 15 inches. “hen the length of the pile does not develtye the required diameter the toythen must hate a minimum diameter of 10.6 inches. (cont . cont. Specifications for Piling 5) The concrete for all piles small he 1-8—4 mix of Portland cement, clean, coarse 8a nd and 3/4" gravel or broken stone. 6) All piles shall be driven by means of a single acting stea m hammer having a failing part weighing not less than 5,000 # to a snfiicient depth to carry a safe load of a0 Tons / pile. The capacity shall be determined by the following formula, 2 WE P - S f 1 Where p = safe hearing catacity in #. W = wt. in # of striaing parts of hammer H 2 height of falling in feet 8 - Average penetration of blow in inches per blow for the last 5 blows, for gravity hammers and the last 20 blows for steam hammers. Constants and Abbreviations used A(s) Area of Steel b Width d Effective depth fc' Ultimate compressive strength of concrete 2400psi: fc Comyre sive stress in extreme fiber .45 fc' llESpsi. fs Stress in reinfoxcing steel 20,000 psi. 3 Ratio of distance hetween reSuitants of stresses to effective depth. .866 k Ra tio of distance between extreme fiber and neutral axis to effective degth lu6 L Lever arm M . Moment of Bending n Ratio of modulus of elasticity (Es) to that of concrete (EC) 12 P Pressure or Load of Pile u Bond stress .05 fc' - lsSpsia V Total Shear v Shearing Stress .65 fc'- 75931. For the depth of the cap M = kbd2 d=ILL hb However flor a two we; reinforcing use the factor 85% Therefore d =".b5M K However the depth in {his case is determined by the shear since the moment arm is so short. A(s) Z M mid d = fCS) jd Ms) .Jé However for two may reinforcing use 85% There fore d = .85 fflS)jdAtS) M Shear is checked at d/2 from the edge of the cornmn or the edge of the footing cap, unless the center to center distance from the two outer most piles whose shearing forces are being checked is greater than the d at d/2 from the edge, then the center to center distance is used . cont. For checking shear to calculate d ujd V d = ouj However for two way steel use 85% d : .85 V £0113 d also checked by v = V de d 2 V ij However in most cases and expecially in the case of a completed building the depth d is known so the formulas were used to clacuiate the maximum allowable load that the file footings will withstand. GENERAL FOOTING ELEVATIONS «4/ Column l i T Footing Cap ‘1’ 1o Pile Cap I }§ C '3 r-- r ---1 r‘*--1——-TL-l I ! ! ! V , 1 I I I x? Piles 2"covené L33! / g 22:3 I, / zit § 3/4u ¢ bar j a / HOOK CONSTRUCTION All cap bars are to be bent as shown Exylanation of computation sheets The number and size of reinforcing bars, area, and perimeters The naximum moment h = f(s) j d A(s) The maximum shear u b j d The maximum shear V =JZO u j d Checn moment Allowable load per pile Total Load Total Load - Wt. of Footing : Net Load 10 11 mm me Hue m. monmqummm .m:HEmao pdohma mop no 959 one msop .mnapoom Op womzwmo zone one Q« moaflm ma sedaoo mflme Mo moped: one .weapooe who no es eofiamfipflea eh flee one mdnfle wqflpoom on» oHHm Hem ewoa eeoa Hmpop one Mo pandas one oHpmsoHH¢ one eeoq pom manpooe no .9; eeoq aspoe .Amzedaoo oep .Hompm Hop exp m50H>HoQ exp Ho Ho meopmefieom .m menace nos» HoHHmem copy exp and mmoapm mmoa on 9mg: meHpoom was . econ pans .eoofleeopoe machpeesdow mp eoQHeHopoe mo msaemoa one Moose op mo women one mmfims demo on has Haas moo cap 990808 one we now enema page neogm gouge oge adaHNoe one adafiwoe age q x m efisOuu> 20020 f. Hmonm econ Seem amoeon dwamoc .Kmfi Hmozw .xofl .opehonoo ozp Mo Hwonm wand ox» hp doSHEHopoc mo women Haas has one page “ween Edaflxoe use cwpdu> Hoozm page Easy usage .mex Hue .oaam Hog moo» on seep mood on pmdfl .soflpoom peep pa evade Mo Henson age so eoefipne Haven qmflmoe .Nme oze oaam and wood oapmsoaa¢ no eons one mp eonHeHopoo mo agape HHHB moo on» page pqoeoa Bdefiuoe one .Hoopm REEZmEus Amvd Bone psoEOE O yamd .nmoo ma when mnfioaomnaon Ho quM can Henson one quOhoezaom 12 DESIGN A 2 Piles sea” a I __g_/i\!/f\ T \/ \‘I—t i! t l ._/6C.|.£.5'._. L~/%#¥1 ...__ ['2 ”_.J Column size l2"x 12" Wt. of cap. 150 x 5t-o" x 2'-6" x 2'-6" 4,680# Use this design for footings no. 25A, 32A, 85, 04, as, 86, . 94,97, 105, 106 20 Piles ~-~—- 10 Footings 15 6-5/4" ¢ A(s) 3.64 in.2 .z(o) 14.14 in.2 m = 20,000 x 1.02 x 1.75 x 2.64 92,500 #' <: H 125 x 1.03721 x 14.14 57,h00 # V 3 75 x .666 x 24 x 50 46,800 # 57,200 x .75 - s7,s00 #' ck. 57,200/1 57,200 #/pile C). .Q h {\C O C (‘3 II 74,400 # 74,400 - 4,700 # = 69,700 # 14 % e Oms.e % % oom.>m oHHQ hum eeoq one mangoes to .p; eeoq Hepoe ease capesoaae .eo .% us % us .% we . _ .oo zme e ‘ =¢\n -0 q s m _ . e38; 3.255 Elfirfleus $0020 a. mango econ echo Hoogw pass Amvm Scam anoEOS qmamoc .Kmfl Hmozm .Nms Eoym amaze .Nmfl p:oeofl .xofi moaoeoezflom DESIGN B 5 Piles I 31.. 1., fl \/ «Sid— 6 6" I / 4. I! up... \ TGI «#3:. Column size 16" x 16" Wt. of cap 150 x 2.5 x 19.6 7,550 # Use this design for footings no. 56, 57, 58, 59, 46, 47, 48, 49, 56, 57, 58, 59, 66, 67, 68, 69, Total 21 Footings-—- 65 Piles 15 16 11—5/4" g A(s) 4.04 in." 21(0) 235.96 in.2 M = 20,000 x 1.02 x 1.75 x 4.84 170,000 #' c: I ‘ 125 x 1.02 x 21 x 25.96 68,200 # V i 75 x .866 x 24 x 50 46,300 # 46,800 x .19 = 8,900 #' ck. 46,800/2 = 25,400 #/pile 46,800 x 5 = 70,200 # 70,200 — 7,300 = 62,900 # 17 .Mo oom.m A N m Moono vGoEOS % ceoq pom e t K. Hwoflm ,Smamoc .Hou e omn.e menoooe do .53 % oom.oe chucwu> coop Bone semen .xsm % com. ’ smog as 05 on 4.: % em Hoonm Song amaze can» pass .Mog % 00¢.nm oHHQ mom neon oapmsoaa< —% 000.05H lmxeszus Amv¢ Eonw 9:0802 .882 mnfioeoezwoa DESIGN C 4 Piles + \ + :7 \ 7‘ I 1 31~T~x I I O! | / 3 / +\ L \__ t \\ Jr~ / i:—+ \,/ 4*/3—J.—/¢I I In J' u_.J" /J“T Column size 22" x 22", 94" x 24" Wt. of cap 150 x 5 x i x 2.5 9,580 Use this design for footings no. 95, 95, 96, 98, 104 Total 5 Footings ~—— 20 Piles A 1-1 19 15-5/4" ¢ A (s) 5.72 in.2 Z'(0) 50.6 in.2 M = 20,000 x 1.08 x 1.75 x 5.72 200,000 #' V = 125 x 1.02 x 21 x 50.6 80,000 # V = 75 x .806 x 24 x 50 46,800 # 40,800 x .55 15,400 #v ck. 46,600 x .25 11,700 #' ck. 46,800/2 a 25,400 #/piie 26,400 x 4 - 96,600 # 95,600 - 9,400 = 64,900 # 20 _ .00 .1 005.HH who .% 000.0H A % m 00000 9:0803 % .3 000.90 0000 000 0 000.00 3 House Smamon .Kafi % 000.0 0000000 00 .02 a 000.00 efisouu> 0:09 eoum Hwonm .x00 0 000.00 doofl Hopoe % 000.00 0000.» Hooch pass Boom 20020 c Hwtu % 000.0m oaflm Mom 0004 vaposoaad -% OO0.00N 1 .00 :M0 Q a :% Ind 13.0020qu Amv¢ th% psoeoa .902 moaonomnfloa 21 DESIGN D 5 Piles a l 1 '. I + J / \ I / \ ‘2 —(—— .1 + 7 i \ V-h/ “K \\L / :| ‘ .. 1 1 _ ? s ‘7“ l ‘1 b " \ -\ \b /'1 ‘\ r /"I ‘\ 3 \\~-’/: I \\1,// E: J 1 a F. [15‘ "—fi ~—/-3:.-.__1.'j"_...~_.2.’2 "__ .‘_/,3;'_ .6447" Column size 28" x 28" Wt. of cap footing Pile Foot.150 x 2.5 x 6.8 _-; 12,700 14,500 # Use this design for footings no. 9, 16, 27, 28, 87, 92. Total 6 Footings ~—- 50 Piles 15—5/4" ¢ A(s) 5.72 in.2 {(0) 50.6 19.2 H 3 20,000 x 1.02 x 1.75 x 5.72 200,000 #' V = 125 x 1.02 x 21 x 50.6 60,000 # V = 75 x .866 x 24 x 46 = 72,000 # 72,000 x .75 = 54,000 #' ck. 72,000 x 4 = 66,000 #/pi1e 66,000 x 5 a 100,000 # 160,000 — 14,400 = 165,600 # so no 4 000.00H 4 000.0H 4 000.00H 4 000.00 oafiq and 0000 one 0000002 00 .0; 0000 H0009 0000 capssoaae .00 .4 000.00 % 000.0s 4 000.00 .4 000.000 :10 o 0 gm -0H A H m choouu> enasu> Amvmenamvmnua 20020 x. noose econ 90H“ Henge pass A014 Eonm pauses cmdmoe .Kmu Reese .203 809% 980:0 .Hon pause: .Nofi mofionoesflon DESIGN E 24 .6 Piles a II ~—/-’7 -—-~ 1 u I 3 /‘l‘\ / T‘\ /+\ x \ I 1 4L 1 _+ \ j ‘1' I \ 1 1 Y j t \.-/ \~./ \-L :0 i - _ L. ‘ I ~-“ ~ " /+ 1“.) ‘3 /7 \ / \ / \ 5‘ —(-+ ‘ a = ,‘ +0 + ; t \*_,/ , \~./’ \’4-’/ :5 u i l I I d If . I0 u 0/.{31—‘_ I; 1 {1; ——..-.—/.3-q 711" Coldmn size 26" x 88", 26" x 50", 22" x 22", 28" x 28". Wt. Footing cap 150 x 1.5 x 8.5 x 5.5 ;_ 1,960 Pile cap 150 x 2.5 x 5.0 x 7.5 14,100 16,000 # Use this design for footings no. 1, 3, 4, 6, 12, 15, 25, 26, 29, 30, 88, 100, 105. Total 15 Footings ——- 98 Piles 25 13-5/4" 0 1(3) 5.72 in.2 .ZKo) 50.6 in.2 m 2 20,000 x 1.02 x 1.75 x 5.72 200,000 #v V = 125 x 1.02 x 21 x 50.6 80,000 # v = 75 x .060 x 24 x 40 62,400 # 62,400 x .75 47,000 #1 ch. 02,400/2 = 31,200 #/pile 51,200 x 6 - 187,200 # 107,200 - 16,000 - 171,200 # 000 .0 000.00 A N m 00000 90080: %0om.HOH vmoq #02 N.) Hwoam swamon .203 % 000.0H mnwpook 0o .93 0000.00 0000“.» 0:09 Scam Hmmnm .202 % 000.00H 0000 H0000 %000.00 unadu> vazm 80H0 900:0 was: .Hwfl % oaam Hum 000A oanmsoaa< .0 000.000 :00 0 a =0\0-0H Amvmcnamymua Amv¢ Scam psoEoE .202 quOHownHom 27 DESIGN F 7 Piles ‘\ 7" / ..__+ fl 1 /- 7" + I 0'. T . \ “‘ * ‘1 \b/ flh \i/ 1 \ r , 0 _ x T J'\ «m [ <2 / \ m, / \ § 4 £ - ++ 21’; \/l T‘ \J../ L \\\\\\~ I // \ J//// l ++—)§- / ' \.-/ l ‘-——2%z7———u-—-x%2L——a~ 5‘99" Column size 24" x 24“, 50" x 30" Wt. Footing cap 150 x 1.5 x 3 x 5.: 2,020 Pile cap 150 x 2.5 x 6.5 x 5.8 ;_16,600 18,600 # Use this design for footings no. 11, 14, 35, 4o, 91. Total 5 Footings --- 35 Piles 28 12—5/4n 0 A(s) 5.28 in? .Z(o) 20.3 in.2 M: 20,000 x 1.02 x 1.75 x 5.20 185,000 #' < I ' 1.85 x 1.02 x 21 x 00.5 74,500 # V = 75 x .806 x 24 x 40 62,400 # 62,400 x .67 = 41,800 #' ck. 62,400 x 51,200 #/pile NEH ‘1 ll 51,200 x 216,400 # 218,400 - 18,700 = 100,700 # . Moo — “km. ts 000.00 A H m 00000 pauses 0 000.000 6009 won 0 000.00 A ywonm cmamoc .Kmfl 0 000.00 mmwpoom 00 .u; w 000.00 0fi0ouu> 0:09 800% Hmonw .xw: Boga 0 000.000 0000 00000 0 000.00 0000“» 000:0 pass .2023 .H03 0 000.00 oawm Hum 000a canmsoaad .0 000.000 .00 :0 0 a .0.-0H 102020;"... Amid 800w pzosofl .an mo00000swom DESIGN 0 30 8 Piles 0,.3:.La"... ,1, 1.._ ,1, "._.J._ ,3; d .1 0: i /T\\ ' / ‘\ # { 4- / I f -+-—+— l \-L/ Jr \0_/ ‘x ./ \ ‘3—‘" 1i J' T :5 , ~ I/ I / \\ V ”R 3r f g .+ -+-—+— 6. \ \ \ \2 0L/ /fi“\ J../ +——— 10—:— i ,J \. // - 2. /’ +‘\ 1’ /'T‘~\ J L+ 0 +-)— .t \ . \ o9 +/| \I,/ ‘\ i l .1 f J¢ZV’ ‘ Column sine 24" x 28", 26" x 28" Wt. Footing cap 150 x 1.5 x 5 x 5.; 2,020 Pile cap 150 x 2.5 x 7.5 x 6.8‘219,400 21,200 # Use this design for footings not. 2, 5, 10, 15. Total 4 Footings —~— 52 Piles 151 20-5/4" 0 A(s) 0.010% 2(0) 47.210? M = 20,000 x 1.02 x 1.75 x 0.0 200,000 #1 v = 125 x 1.02 x 21 x 47.2 124,000 # v = 75 x 1.866) x 24 x 60 03,600 # 95,600 x .75 = 70,000 #' ck. 25,600/3 - 31,200 #/Pile 31,200 x 8 = 249,700 # 240,700 — 21,200 = 228,500 # 0 000.000 0000 000 .00 .0000.00 0000.00 0 0 0 Mouse 00 000nm unoaom :m0000 .N02 0 000.00 0000000 00 .0; 0000.00 0000000 anon 900% Hmozm .N02 0 000.000 @moa proe 0000.000 000000 000:0 0000 5000 000:0 . 000.00..” 0 000.00 0009 non 0004 002090000 .0000.000 00:00:00.0"8 0004 800% 0.000053 0 Nam.“ mm0ohowz0om 33 DESIGN B Q Piles 0/01» M" = - w: A ”"1 l‘ l 1’ +% %+% % ++ ‘1 \‘4"/ \VL/ \‘v/ 3‘ N.‘ ‘1 f‘ 4N ‘ , I V‘ ’ / 1 ‘vx ‘ + 4. € } F+ \00/ -L \__/ \& -- ‘ Ans /- --'-\ w 1 / \ / \ / \ I ‘, '0 +0 0+ } { +fi— 3* 4:: \ +/ \+ / \+/ N ‘ l J 0 M51" Column size 30" x 50“ Wt. Footing cap 150 x 1.5 x 10.5 x 3.3.; 7,650 Pile cap 150 x 2.5 x 7.5 x 10.5 ;_ 29,600 37,200 Use this design for footings no. 101, 102 Total 2 Footings ~-- 18 Piles 34 36-5/4" g A(s) 13.3 in? 2(0) 06.0 in? M 3 20,000 x 1.02 x 1.75 x 18.5 440,000 #' V 3 125 x 1.02 x 21 x 66 174,000 # V 3 75 x .800 x 24 x 90 140,000 # 140,000 x .92 = 169,000 #.v ck. 140,000/5 = 46,667 #/ pile 46,700 x 9 2 420,000 # 420,000 - 37,200 = 382,800 # 35 4 oom.mmm 660a pom mqflpoom 46 .0; ..Mo wooo.o¢a 4000.04H q M m chaouu> Moose x Hwogm dflop Eom% w... 3, pauses mmamoo .Hma Haozw .Kmm % ooo.om4 4000.06H anw “00:0 4 006.64 oafim Hum @004 mapwaoaad .%ooo.o¢4 .66 :m4 0 0 cm: on AmrarmEna Amvd Eon% pzoson .xwu mqfioho%zwom DESIGN I 10 Piles "' *fl? L-L*/{J’ '4‘ /-’J 3L»? Lib/4 1~L /-’3"—~-v—/13 4... fl; ':.1 36 T 9// Q ‘3 /1‘ ' / A“ \ ' —i { 4- } % .I / \ 0 - is: s. ‘J \ /’“\ V .. , I 1 J \L t \ T f l— ] K \_0/ \--/ “N ‘{ . 4, l 1 w \ / \ / :1 + i % + i { aw \.+’,/ \.+’,/ \\ \ t 1 M 1;” 001umn size 50" x 30" Wt. Footing cap 150 x 1.5 x 6 x 3 .: 4,050 Pile cap 150 x 2.5 x 6.8 x 0.6 :22,000 26,000 # Use this design for footings no. 53, 42, 43, 52, 53, 62, 65, 72. Total 8 Footing —-- 80 Piles 25-3/4n ¢ A(s) 10.3 in? 2 1(o) 54.0 in. M = 20,000 x 1.02 x 1.75 x 10.5 $¢l¢¢¢¢¢ 360,000 #' V 3 125 x 1.02 x 21 x 54 142,000 # V 3 75 x .866 x 24 x 88 157,000 # 137,000(.67) = 92,000 #v ck. 157,000/5 = 44,250 #/ pile 44,250 x 10 = 442,600 # 442,500 - 26,100 - 416,400 # 50 %000.0He «000.00 0 000.000 % 000.00 oafim Rom 0200 062 0000002 00 .02 0200 H0000 0000 magmaoaae ago .2000.00 4000.20H 2000.20H 2000.04H .% 000.000 .66 .me 0 0 =m -00 q x m 0nsowu> 0200.» Amiw0wamimhue 20020 2 H0020 0Cop 902% 200nm was: Amvd Scum unoaom wmawou .Kmm H00zm .203 802% 20020 .203 unoEo: .203 mafioho%swom DESIGN J 11 Piles L-flf—“F ,.3"_.L_ /-f;”_..L #9:... ,13’1..- /.’3 1.1.. /.3 1... ,.:,»"_. 2 f ‘ .5 1 AK ,1. ,1 \ /’1 ‘\ l /' \\ . /’ \ l /’ \ * ‘r + ¥ 2 -r % TL + % { + —)- I \\ 4/ / \ / \ / \\.’/ , z ‘2: \§ 2 1 M \ \° t 1 + 7 1‘9 \ +/ _4\_ 2 w ‘0 P- \ ’7‘F§’—__ 1 ‘7 7t~ + —+—— 3, \ 1',/ \ ‘+,/ \ _1 Column size 36" x 36" Wt. Footing cap 150 x 1.5 x 5.5 x 3‘; 3,700 Pile cap 150 x 2.5 x 10 x 6.8 :. 38,400 42,100 # Use this design for footings no. 23, 32, 73, 82. Total 4 Footings —--44 Piles 40 26-3/4" 0 1(3) 11.7 in? 1(0) 62.5 in? M = 20,000 x 1.02 x 1.76 x 11.7 410,000 #' V = 125 x 102 x 21 x 62.5 165,000 # <3 ll 75 x .666 x 24 x 110 171,000 # M = 166,000 (.67) 110,000 #6 166,000/4 : 41,260 #/pile 41,250 x 11 = 466,000 # 466,000 — 66,400 = 416,600 # 41 0000.0H0 4 000.00 0 000.000 0 000.H0 oafim Hog 000g pom msauoom 00 .0; 000g H0000 000A 0H wgoaad ,.0o .0 000.04 0000.00H 0000.000 0 000.00H .4 000.0H0 .oo :04 0 0 =0 -00 .H 2 m 2.03.» 03?» 3:62.30"... 00000 x 00020 emon 800% 00020 pass AmV¢ Eonm unosofl .nmfl000 .me 00020 .205 6029 000:0 .203 pnoEou .203 mnH00003002 a 42 Wt. Footing cap 150 x 1.5 x 5 x Pile cap DESIGN X 14 Piles L413 1... /"J’h-“- flip-*L- /—3"-L/-’3 ’L... /-’J Lip—#31»— /.'.3".. 7 n T"‘ l { '+ ( T , + +-i7— \.‘/0/ \‘4L‘/ \‘40’ 38 “2 //'\\ ‘\\ | / L _ , \ _ 1 L J K 1 72* K 1 15 \\ // K.J/ \” \ 1 _ _ _ ‘ E0 L I 4 K /”“\ / I \ .1 i 2 T 2‘ 7 I K I ‘ k \“D \ / ‘ I 1 \ t \ I“ T 7 ’ ’ -- 0 /”[\\ /’ ‘\ “f———-- -+ 1 9 4 4 t / \ / .0 \ 41 4 {, j 1 g // ’1’ H Column size 44" x 44" 5.: 5,625 150 x 2.5 x 8.5 x 6.3 : 20,000 25, 600 # Use this design for footings no. Total 69, 90 2 Footings ~-— 28 Piles 21-5/4" 0 A(s) 9.4in? 2(0) 50.5in? m: 20,000 x 1.02 x 1.75 x 9.4 330,000#' v a 125 x 1.02 x 21 x 50.5 130,000# v I 75 x .866 x 24 x 62 128,000# 128,000/3 = 42,867#/pile L a 42,667 x 14 = 600,000# 600,000 - 25,600 : 574,400 # 45 44 o .%005.5HH 1H N HM 00000 onSoS =000.000 4000.00 0000 000 0000000 00 .0; 4000.000 4000.00H @fidowu> .5 Hwoam 0:09 50H“ Cmamoc .Kmu 00:0 .203 0000.000 0000 H0000 0000.00H 0000.» 00020 00:: 9000 020:0 .Mflfl 4000.00 oaam 000 000A capmyoaad .4000.000 .00 .00.0 0 =m.-am AmEEAmZHE Amvm 600% 020503 .Nwz quOHomnwoM '45 CONCLUSION The results of this analysis are shown on the footing layout as the allowable load that each footing will support. However if there were more time a further investigation could have been made as to just how the load of the building was actually distributed and in this way the footings which were over loaded and those that were underloaded could have been determined. This particular topic was chosen as a thesis with the idea of gaining more know— ledge of the theory of pile footings. During the study and esyecially during the invest- igation in the way of interviews , the thesis was of great interest. . - .. 0 r1 , v . 4. . . 7 3.. I . ... y ., . . . . . I 0v! 1 ~ ‘. I 1 I. I 1 \ ‘ I O ' I. ix ‘1! 0c ‘ I I y _ . 1. v .1... . .5 L .3 ...\v..v$.. .1 . .. . Ill-'1.» ‘. 7:. I :4 ‘hr....‘ I. a .. :r . I, .11).. 16-19. . 3...: .. 0!; 1:. . 4. pl 9 C. .b 01 y' I . . . y s. ~h£ . at! o hi}. .1 1.1;. 003. 0300 0000 0 .0 .,.1. L... .00.... :2; 0.: __:_____:2 __ _ :3 a. K s ._ n .. . . . J . 0.. .4 "v . .\. ‘4’. la. .I|..Lr . .u u... f}. ..< J , .5 Jr. mm.m:wmw>_23 wh