«W 1| 1 I Hi HIIIM l (I 1 m l l I I i f l I . | 33% ‘IW'H smmés 0:? ma iNFwENCE a: mmm, mtg-Rm c2:- SEED, Am: mvmawmm. EFFECTS: 9N ma GERMWATION mm Emmame as: CGMMGN emanate. EEANS (masgaws vumAms 3 ma MMA BEANS {WAS-{“2” LUS 51%.: 'E‘l'msis fear fiw Degrm at“ Ma. 5.. fw’tECi-iéfiséfl STATE CGLLEGE Themag Vivéaa étfisa-Wis WM Thu 1. to certify that the thesis entitled Studies of the Influence of Variety, Source of Seed, and Environmental Effects on the Germination and Emergence of Common Garden Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and Lima Peans (Phaseolus Sp.) presented by Thomas Vivian Morris has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for _li._5.__ degree in __H.Qnt.:1_cnlt ure Major professor Date Se t mb r 2 STUDIES OF THE INFLUENCE OF VARIETY, SOURCE OF SEED, AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ON TH3 GEREIEATION LED ENERGSNCS CF COMMON GARDEN BEANS (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) AND LIMA BE :3 CEHASEOLUS SP.) By Thomas Vivian Merrie .- A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of. MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Horticulture September 1949 IH :51: ACKIIO'.‘J'LED GLENTS The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Doctor R. L. Carolus for his guidance and assistance in the planning of the studies, and criticisms in the preparation of the manuscript, and to Doctor Arthur Isbit for his criticisms on the writing of the manuscript. Gnu}. m/Dl 2w (-1 9 b TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I INTRODUCTION AND STATEHBNT OF THE PROBLEN...........1 II REVIEH’OF LITERATURN......,.........................2 III METHODS AND NATSRIALS...............................7 IV’EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS...............................l7 Experiment I.......................................17 1 Influence of Variety, Source of Seed, Incubation Temperature, Soil Sterilization, Seed Treatment, and MOisture Level on Germination and Emergence. Experiment IIeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeooeeeeeoeeeeoeeeee00.40 1 Influence of Variety, Source of Seed, Tempera- ture, and Seed Treatment on Germination and Emergence in EXpanded Mica. Experiment III.....................................54 1 Influence of Variety, Source of Seed, Seed Treat- ment, and Planting Date on Germination and Emergence Under Field Conditions. V DISCUSSION.........................................69 VI CONCLUSIONS........................................78 VII LITERATURE CITED...................................80 INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT OF PRQBLEM Many varieties of comon garden beans (Phaseclus vulgaris) and lima beans (Phaseolus sp.) germinate slowly or fail to germinate at 1" soil temperatures. Parasitic fungi in the soil may cause decay of the seed if germination is delayed. In order to prevent seed decay, the use of seed protectsnte has become a standard practice. The specific purpose of these experiments was to determine to ihat extent varieties differ in their response to adverse weather conditions and whether’through the use of chemical seed protectants these differential responses may be modified. ' . Because of the possible value to been growers, a study of the various influences of variety and environmental effects on the germination of common garden beans and lima beans appears to be warranted. 2 REVIEW'OF LITERATURE - Chemical treatment of bean seeds prior to plant- ing is becoming a common practice among bean growers and gardeners. There has been considerable work by Crosier (3), Felix (S), Leukel (13), Cunningham and Sharvell (4), Bay (9), Horsfall (10), MCNcI (15), and others to indicate its importance in protecting seeds from.the destructive effects of soil microflora. Recent trends in the use of chemical seed protectants tend to favor the use of chemical Tetrachlorcparabensoquinone (Spergon) on beans. Studies by Crosier (3) indicated that Tetra- chlorOparabenzoquinone gave good results when used on many garden beans and lima beans. Bay (9) found that infestations of the mold genera Cladogporium, Penicillium, Rhi 0 us, and Alternaria caused decreased germination of been seed. These experi- ments indicated that there was little difference in labor- atory and field tests, and gave evidence that Uspulun and Sterccide treatments of the seeds tended to reduce the number of mold infested plants, both under laboratory and field conditions. MCGuffey‘(14) reported that Coated lima beans failed to germinate, possibly due to injury received during the coating process. he also stated that germination 3 percentage of coated wax and green bean seeds was slightly higher than that of the uncoated ones. Kbtcnski (12) showed that the Optimum temperature for germination and the fastest rate of emergence in beans was in the range of ?O°-86° F. He also found that the time rate of production of seedlings at different temperatures agreed well with van‘t Hoff's temperature coefficient. He stated that the course of biochemical change was related to the chemical composition of the seed. Goes (7) indicated in his work on the germination of Fordhook lima beans that, because of the cracking of the seed coats of many seeds used in his experiment, fungi in the soil more readily attacked them.and caused a lower percentage of germination. Cracker (2) reported that seed coats which excluded exygen caused delay in germination. He also found that . in nature, growth of the delayed seeds came about through the disintegration of the seed coat structures by a longer or shorter exposure to germinative conditions, and that the length of delay depended upon the persistence of the structures. Harrington (8) stated that by using alternating temperatures (15-2o° C.. 15-25° 0., 15-300 0.. 20-250 Q) on the following seeds--carrots, cucumbers muskmelons, 4 millet, onions, watemmelon, timothy, sorghum, parsley, red top, beets, upland cotton, cowpea, beans, peas, and vetch--all germinated equally well with all alternations. He also found that the smallest number of days required for the production of bean seedlings in soil was four days and that beans produced the first seedlings in the smallest number of days during the moderately warm weather of nay or during the latter half of June. Clark (1) in his work on germination in onion seeds found that the actual stand of onion plants in the field was not as high as in the laboratory germination due to adverse weather conditions in the field. Seavers and Clark (17) have done a considerable amount of work on conditions favoring the develOpment of micro—organisms in heated soils, and have concluded that the increased concentration of the soil solution after heating favored fungus growth. Johnson (11) stated that practically all soils when sterilized in the ordinary manner by heat at tem» peratures approximating loo-115° 0. produced temporary retardation in seed germination and plant growth followed by increased rate of growth. He showed that germination in beans increased after the soil was aerated for 90 hours or more after sterilization. However, he stated that the Solonaceae and Leggginoseae were quite susceptible I . 5 , to the injurious action of high soluble salts. But with seeds resistant to the toxic action, marked acceleration of the rate of germination may result from heating soils. He further stated that on heating a soil to different temperatures, a gradual increase in toxicity usually occurred to seed germination and to early plant growth which reached its maximum at 250° C., but gradually decreased to practic- ally no toxicity on soils heated to 350° C. or above. Walker (22) stated that for the common bean (Phaseolus vulgarig), a satisfactory treatment has not been perfected as yet for the chief seed borne pathogens: bacterial blight (ththomonas phaseoli); bacterial wilt Mobacterium flaccumfacienfig and anthracnose (Cg_]_._l__e_-_-_ totrichum.lindemuthianum). He also reported that Arasan and Spergon have been adopted widely as a protestant on sweet corn, onions (pelleted), lima beans, and other vegetables. . Aeration of the soil has an important influence on germination, and is related to soil texture, moisture content of the soil, and the oxygen requirement for germination of seed of different kinds of plants (21). Shull (18) found that a rise in temperature lowered the oxygen minimum needed by Xanthium for germination, and suggested that this might be due to the increase in 6 anaerobic respiration at higher temperatures. Hunn (16) reported that seeds that showed weakened vitality in laboratory tests gave poor results in the field. However, Fuhr (6) concluded from her experiments that soil is the best medium.for germination of all seeds. Toole, Miles, and rooie (21) conducted germination experiments in which they used soils containing varying quantities of moisture. They reported that germdnation was significantly poorer at 60% moisture than at lower moisture levels. They also showed that germination in light sandy soils was greater than on blotters. Whetzel (23) found that in saturated soils there was a greater infection by damping-off organisms than in unsaturated soils and that gzjhium debaryanum.requires a temperature between 70° and 86° F. for infection and optimum development. 7 ' METHODS AND MATERIALS fisheriassi.l The varieties used in these studies were obtained from each of the following sources: Ferry-Morse Seed Company; Corneli Seed Company; Associated Seed Growers,Inc.: and Rogers Brothers Seed Dompany, hereafter referred to as sources A, B, C, and D, respectively. The following varieties of beans were used: Snap_Beans Lig§,§g§g§ Idaho Refugee Peerless Red valentine Henderson Bush Black valentine Thorogreen Tendergreen Rival Pencil Pod Black wax Brittle wax The object of this experiment was t0'study the effect of variety and source, incubation temperature, soil sterilization, seed treatment, and soil moisture level on germination and emergence. The ten varieties from four sources were arranged in a complete factorial design with four temperatures (40° F, 50° F, 60° F and 70° F), in both sterilized and unsterilized soil, following 8 treatment of half the seed with tetrachlorOparabenzoquinone, and in two moisture levels (60% and 70% of water holding capacity). Thus, there were 1280 distinct treatments. Half the seeds of each of the 10 varieties from each of the four sources was treated with tetrachloro- parabenzoquinone, while the other half was left untreated. Half the treated and untreated seeds were placed in sterilized mineral soil which was later maintained at 60% and 70% moisture of the water holding capacity, and the other half was placed in unsterilized mineral soil to be maintained at the same two moisture levels. All were germinated at four different temperatures. The designated amount of soil was sterilized in live steam for three hours, after which it and the unsterilized soil was allowed to stand in baskets in the greenhouse for approximately 12 days. At the end of this time the moisture content of both soils was determined by weighing out 100 grams of each soil and drying in an oven. Then the soil was weighed again with the difference between initial weight and the final weight being calculated as ' the moisture content. The moisture holding capacity was determined as follows: One hundred grams of each (sterilized and unsteri- lized) oven dried soils were placed into different 9 suction funnels on tOp of filter paper and the funnels were allowed to stand in small beakers filled with water until the soil was completely saturated with.water. After this, the funnels were removed from.the water and all free water allowed to drain by gravity. The soil was again weighed and the difference between the initial weights and final weights represented percent water holding capacity. After these procedures were carried out, a flat each, of sterilized and unsterilized soil was weighed to determine the weight of soil in a flat, then the moisture caitent was subtracted from the total weight to determine the weight of soil. The remainder was then multiplied by the percent moisture holding capacity. The product was then multiplied by the percentage moisture desired for each soil. Results are shown in Table I. hpaoeame wcHeHos oaspnfioa on» no useouom s 10 HnH.m emm.n nmn.m we e.een n eemmfi Haem eoaaaaaeaenn nmn.n can.e ea.mona «a e.ome n enema .Hs .as .msm u _ .nsm R .nsw a mom a Roe hpaosmcc anaconda weak «em new moves new venue wawcaon mnaeaon onspnfiofi accuses Hana no news! .Had Hops: .pad snapnuofi canvuwofl no .vB unsanfipfi .vs Hopes Hfiom couwawuoum me<flh OB nfifin< mmadg ho BZDOH< mma MU mZOHH.muuc>oa m6 uo.noae>on &H nooneonH:Mau new coanUou mononomuan 20 r 7 HM“ VIWH" S. .3 mean 3.3 emmém 883.6558 Ir. . 7r «soommm .h cor .h 000 .h 000 .m 60¢ onnpwnomaoa 1 0 rr 7 noflvwnbona madmm m0 20H9¢ZHHMHG HZEOMHM MES 20 HMDBH fiflmda uoaaadu coon omnuwmn me omenobe as ea muswam zoom.e m.onnRH .¢.¢-Jun ooseoquanmau Mom quHonu mononomuwn 5.5 3.8 we. a 5.... $8258 7, yr 7 unmouwm amount Amsm ncuena nomnovnom haoaneb it new it Lu... oroow Hmoom anonn doom: «woov emmomw noavdnuaumw usoouom Nd; Heb Madam com . ocapseam> sappfinm HHosom HdemWWonwnouno* Madam cannoaeb com humanmb ’ y ’ bl! mz<flm flEHA na4,zmnm¢¢ 262260 MU ZoHafiszmmw Hafiommm awe ac HHHHM¢> m6 flUHHDHhHH HHH Ema . 21 The influence of incubation temperature on the over- all percent germination of the beans used in this experiment is expressed in Table IV which indicates the relative influence of each of the four temperatures. The percent germination was highest at the highest incubation temper- ature with the lowest incubation temperature giving the lowest percent germination. There was little difference between percent germination at 50° F and 600 F. The overall average percent germination of those bean seeds obtained from sources 0 and D was higher than the seeds obtained from source A and B. (Table V) Seed treated with tetrachlorOparabenzoquinone germinated on an overall average of 10% higher than the untreated ones. (Table VI) There was a slight but highly significant differ- ence in the overall average percent germination of seeds in sterilized soil as compared with the overall average percent germination of seeds in unsterilized soil, Table VII. As shown in Table VIII, the overall average per- cent germination was twice as great in the soil with a moisture level of 61% of the water holding capacity than with that of 70%. Table IX expresses the relative influence of 22 TABLE v ’ INFLUENCE OF SOURCE ON THE BERGENT GERMINATION 0F BEANS Source - WI . f _, A. B. c on mitt ‘ Germination . 51.14 52.05 _ 38.1 54.2 Difference required for significance 1% level-3.30 5%'1eve1-2.78 * Each figure is an average of 320-20 seed samples TABLE VI INFLUENCE oF SEED TREATMENT ON THE GERMINATION 0F BEANS figgfi,treatment"" ' Treated with Spergon Untreated Percent germination 40.08* ~ 29.7 TABLE VII INFLUENCE OF SOIL STERILIZATION ON PERCENT GERMINATION OF BEANS o 8 er za on 8 er 1 so So 813C611 germination 3504* 32.8 TABLE VIII INFLUENCE OF SOIL MOISTURE ON PERCENT GERMINATION OF BEANS Soil Mbisture 70% 60% Percent . Ll germination 22.27* 46.5 Required for significance: 1% level-2.59 s Each figure is an average of 640-20 seed samples 23 TABLE II INFLUENCE OF IN CUBATIOH TEMPERATURE ON THE PERCENT GERMINATION 0F 10 VARIETIES 0F BEANS Inggbation Tem erature 40° F. 50°F. 60°F. 70°F. Average for Variety - ‘ 5 Variety ..Percent Germination Idaho Refugee 38.12* 52.03 42gg4 51.09 45.89 Red q . valentine 21.56 ’49.68 ' 54.37 54.53 45.03 Black jalentine 32.5 55.62 546.71 54.53 ' 49.84 Tendergreen 31.09 41.56 49.53 45.46 41.91 giva1_ 25.62 35.93 35.46 36.56 33.39 _g Pencil Pod ' Brittle we;_, 16.71 28.59 32.18 29.68 26.79 Peerless 1.87 2.65 2.03 15.93 5.62 Henderson ‘ . Bugh 23.28 17.5 17.03 45.93 25.93 Thorogreen J_ 11.56 16.84 13:12 17.45 I 17.45 Av. for Temp. 23.59 36.44 35.52 41.51 Difference required for significance (V x T interaction) 1% level-11.11% 5% level- 8.82% a Each figure is an average of 32-20 seed samples 24 incubation temperature on the percent germination of the 10 varieties of beans. The lowest percent germination was obtained with respect to all snap bean'warieties when they were incubated at 40° F. Two varieties--1daho Refugee and Pencil Pod Black waxo-gave a significantly better germination at 50° F. than at 60° F. Peerless and Hender- son Bush lima beans germinated significantly better at 70° F. than at any other temperature, while temperature had no significant influence on the germination of Thorogreen lima beans. The figures in Table X indicate that varieties from different sources differed in relative percent germ- ination. Five of the varieties from source 0 germinated significantly better than those obtained from the other three sources. Seed treatment markedly improved the germination of Thorogreen, Brittle wax, and Tendergreen and signifi- cantly increased the germination of all but Henderson Bush, ' Peerless, and Pencil Pod Black wax. (Table XI) 3011 sterilization improved the germination of Idaho Refugee and Brittle wax, but did not significantly improve germination of any of the other varieties, Table III. The relative influence of soil moisture on the 5 percent germination of each of the 10 varieties of beans 25 TABLE X INFLUENCE 0F SOURCE OF SEED 'ON THE PERCENT GERNINATION -., OF IO VARIETIES OF BEANS Source variety A B C D Average for variety _ . _ ‘ Percent Germination Idaho Refugeel40.78* 43:75 52.18 46.87 45.89 Red _ 55.46? 31.56 41.71 51.4 45.03 Valentine Black 4 q _ Valentine 46.4 41.56 60.15_ 51.25 49.81: Tendergreen 35.15 37.18 42.21. HA§BO9 €429 Rival .29.68 35.31 ' 33.12 ( 35.46 e33.39 Pencil Pod wax _47.81 51.09 58.43 50.81 ggittle Wax 6. e27-18 27.93 33.5 26.68 Peerless 2.96, 212.18 4.53 5.52. Henderson , . Bush 27.34_m_32434 e1291532 14.5. 25.92 Thoro reen 5 46 7 16.94 A;. for Source 31.0 32.05 38.1 34.2 Difference required for significancs--5%'level-8.8% * Each figure is an average of 32-20 seed samples mmaassm coon omnvo me omeuops no mu whammy scam: . www.muno>en Rn uw.wtne>oa RH Asowuosnmuna an H by «mossoamasmau you umnasuon oodmuohmwn O O 0 £ _ 6 ea ‘ e on w e n w p.58 m.on n.nn e.ae m.ne aeoaeoe Mom mmnmkh N. O O O O C o no men. .aw om _ on an we me an me me we eoeeonase 68.65 ne.mn en.en . ne.ee 86.nn e.on .mo.ee someone if . _ Swab cannons Soapssaauom pnoonem he mu me u m. "use .5 Ana 8 % mm m m. s I. man we as who WM anonymous «.2 o I 4 so P No 1:9 Js m S S T. 1. II. T a HR. a nu. 9 a I n we LI T. a... w . “do ””8 w. I. a S We m m. m. 9 n. u . v” m. ”fl. . m_ a . 9 7 I huounm> madmm MO mHHHMHm¢> OH mo ZOHH¢ZHEMHG BZHOMfiN mmh ad Hmfisfidfima Qflflm m6 HUZHbAhHH HN mflmwa moaaade.Uoom emcee he omenope as ma onsmfim sewn: “mm. m Hopca ma RN. m Hebon RH Asofioosnepna .m. m N >V «ooseoaufinman non confinUem 27 6.6H 6.66 6.6 6.66 6.66 n.6n 6.H6 6.6a 6.66M 6.66 apogee. , H _ you amassed 8.0» bo.mm av.cw o.m 6w.an v.Hn mo.mn om.n¢ 80.66 Hw.me p.0n afiom canaauuoum m.mn nN.mH na.nm en.m H>.Hm mm.on mw.nn mw.o¢ H>.Ho mm.pv. oo.H¢ HHom couuaunoannb I F Wu} . nomadsflanom unconem . soaps_fianhopm Haom SV 1 an a me ma 2 1 AR AS HI an w. mm a nu. mm u. m “.6. mm. mm. 1 1 ugv 1 .+ o e o. 9.6 e . nnq .5 O a T. 1. I. T. 8 HF. u 30 3 3 J a T. T. J 1. 1. a a I B I 8 an I. T. 8 a o 8 .d I u u . .J a u o e a a ? o u n. e I u hpowhmb m madam mo mmeaaHmas 6H 66 onaemHsmae assemmm so oneon an Rm.mtae>oa RH madam m¢ mMHHHHm¢> 0H hU . ZOHH .30 TABLE XIV INFLUENCE OF INCUBATICN TEMPERATURE ON PERCENT GERMNATION or BEAN SEEDS FRo'ii FOUR SOURCES Incubation Temperature Source . ,-- Percent Germination. . j: m A 21;g§i 25.43 '36.87 39.5 51.0 BB 25.81 35.37 29.56 37.5 32.0 C 24.37 42.31 39.56 46.43 38.1 D 21.56 43.75 ~ 36.12 42.62 34.2 Average for temper- ature 23.2 36.4 35.5 41.5 Difference required for significance:(S x T Interaction) 1% level-8.2% 5%llevel-6.28% *Each figure is an average of 80-20 seed samples TABLE XV 51 INFLUENCE OF SEED TREATMENT AT DIFFERENT INCUBATICN TEMPERATURES ON PERCENT GErilEATION OF BEANS Incubation Temperature 400F..50°F.V 60°F. 70°F. [Average m: 3 ..Percent germination : I I I . _ Untreated seeds 21.06* 30.6 52.59 37.31 Treated seeds 26.12 *44.62 38.4 45.71 Diff: Treated L -Untreated '5.06 14.02 ' 4.81 8.4 Difference required f action) 3% level-3.6% TABLE XVI or significance: (T x STInter- INFLUENCE OF SOIL STERILIZATION ON PERCENT GERMINATION 0F BEANS AT FOUR INCUBATION TEMPERATURES Soil Sterilization Percent Germination WW 1—._ =F-I‘ Unsterilized Soil 1.5a 33.5 34.6 41.9 32.8 Sterilized Soil b5.5. 38.9 36.4 41.1 35.4 Dif?:Steri- lized -Un- . sterilized 4.0 4.3 1.8 -.8 2.6 Difference required for significance: (ST 3 r Interaction) 1% level-3.6% 5% level-2.78& *Each figure is an average of 160-20 seed samples TABLE XVII 32 INFLUENCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES ON THE PERCENT GERMINATION OF Incubation temperature Soil Heisture 40° 1. 1 50° F. 60° F.I 70° F. Percent Germination 60%' 28.84 49.18 49.71 57.4 Diff. 60% - 70%” 10.50 -25.87 28.37 31.78 Difference required for significance:SM x T Inter- action 173 level-3.6% *Each figure is an average of 160-20 seed samples TABLE XVIII INFLUENCE OF SEED TREATMENT FOR DIFFERENT SOURCES OF SEED OF BEANS Source . A I B C 5 Seed Treatment Peggent Germination ngzfiggn'lth 32.35. 35.84 46.43 40.46 Untreated 28.96 28.28 29.9 30.68 _______ r‘r-fx—T———-=.‘-a=i==t=== -- -Untreated 3.39 7.56 15.53 9.78 T Difference required for significance: (S x ST. Inter- ' 1% level-3.6%, 5%’1eve1-2.78% action) *Each figure is an average of 160-20 seed samples 33 The response of seed from each of the four sources to soil sterilization is expressed in Table XIX, which indicates that responses were significant in sources B and C and not significant in A and D. Table XX expresses the influence of soil moisture level on the average percent germination of bean seed from each of the four sources. All sources germinated better in soil with a moisture level of 60% than with 70% with a greater increase in percent germination being obtained in seed from source 0. There was an overall increase in percent_germina- tion of seed treated with Tetrachloroparabenzoquinone and planted in sterilized soil over the untreated ones. Table XXI. Table XXII indicates the influence that seed treat- ment had on the overall percent germination of seed planted at different moisture levels. The response to treatment at both moisture to treatment was practically the same. Table XXIII expresses the influence of soil moisture levels on percent germination in sterilized and unsterilized soil. A higher percent germination occurred in unsterilized soil with a moisture level of 70% than in unsterilized soil with the same moisture level. The percent germination in sterilized soil was greater than in unsteri- lized soil at the 60% moisture level. However, germination 34 TABLE XIX INFLUENCE OF SOIL STERILIZATION 0N PERCENT GERMINATION or BEAN SEEDS FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES [ Source L B C I D Soil Percent GerminatiOn Sterilization Ugggirilized 31.15» 29.56 35.84 35.59 Sterilized 31.06. 34.87 40.5 36.34 Soil ..== 3_ Eiff: Steri- 1‘ 3’ lized - Unstery ilized 8011 -.09 5.31 4.66 .75 Difference required for significance:(S x S.S.Inter- action) 1%'1eve1-3.&% 5%’1eve1-2.78% TABLE XX INFLUENCE OF SOIL MOISTURE ON THE PERCENT GERMINATION OF BEAN SEEDS FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES Soil moisture Percent Germination 79% 18.21* 21.12 22.09 26.87 sq; 43.59 44.18 53.62 44.21 Diff. 60%’-70% 25.38 23.06 31.53 17.34 Difference required for significance: 1% level-3.6% 5%'leve1-2.78% (S x S.M.Interaction) * Bach figure is an average Of 160-20 seed samples 35 TABLEHXXI INFLUENCE OF SEED TREATEEFT IN STERILIZED AND UNSTERILIZED SOIL ON THE GEREINRTION OF BEANS Seed Treatment Treated Untreated Soil Sterilization Percent Germination Sterilized Soil ..9 34.34* 23.20 Unsterilized Soil . -28.33 24.33 Difference required for significance: (ST x S-D. Interaction) 1% level-2.59% 5% level-1.96% TABLE XXII EFFECT OF SEED TREATMENT AT DIFFERENT MOISTURE LEVELS N IE PERCENT GEREINATION OF BEANS §Sér80n ‘ . JTreated Untreated Percent Moisture ' Percent Germination 60% - 53.054 42.95 70% 27.84 I 16.46 Difference required for significance: (ST x S M. Interaction) 1% level-2.59% 5% level-1.9&% * Each figure is an average Of 320-20 seed samples 56 TABLE XXIII INFLUENCE OF SOIL MOISTURE IN STERILIZED AND UNSTERILIZED SOIL OF THE PERCENT GERMINATION OF BEANS SoilVSterilization =_ #3 Unsterilized Sterilized Soil Soil Percent . Moisture ‘ ' 4P32c3n3_flg:minatjnn 70% 22.37* 21.93 60% 43.45 49.1 Difference required for significance: (3.8.x S.M. Interaction) 1% level-2.59% 5%bleve1-1.96% *Each figure is an average of 320-20 seed . samples 57 in both soils was higher at the 60% moisture level than at the 70% level. The average number of days to emergence as expressed in Tables XXIII (A) and (B) was practically the same with beans incubated at 40° and 50° F. while the average number of days to emergence of beans incubated Hat 60° F was 4 days less than those incubated at 40° and 50° F. Seeds treated with TetrachlorOparabenzoquinone germinated slightly slower than the untreated checks; those in sterilized soil slightly slower than unsterilized soil; while those planted in soil containing 70% moisture germinated slightly slower than the ones planted in soil containing 50% moisture. There was practically no difference in days to emergence in lima and common garden beans incubated at 40° F and 50° F. However, in beans incubated at 60° and 70° F the average number of days to emergence in lima beans was greater than in snap beans, with very little difference being noted in varieties of snap beans. 58 TABLE XXIII(A) AVERAGE DAYS TO EMERGENCE OF 10 VARIETIES OF BEANS AT 4 INCUBATION TEMPERATURES 1 Temperature 0 0 Average variety 40° F. 50° F. 50 F. 70 F. for ‘ Variety Idaho Refugee 18.7 19.0 14.1 8.1 1499 Red Valentine 1904 19.2 14.3 8.5 15.3 Black 0 , valentine 19.4 19.1 14.6 8.8 15.4 Tendergreen 19-5 19.4 14.9 9.0 15.7 Rival ' 19.3 18.9‘ 14.4 5.5 - 15.2- Pencil Pod Wax 19.4 19.0 14.6 9.8 1507 Brittle wax 18.6 18.9 15.8 8.3 14.9 Peerless 19.0 19.1 16.5 10.5 16.3 Henderson Bush 19.5 18.6 17.2 11.8 16.7 Thorogreen 1905 19.4 1706 10.8 16.8 A" f°r Temperatlfifz 19.0 15.2 9.4 1 When cotyledons of ballheads and snakeheads had emerged 1 inch above soil level, the counts were made on emergence and when primary leaves were formed and plants stood fairly erect, emergence counts were made on normal plants. 39 TABLE XXIII(B) AVERAGE DAYS TO EEEEGEECE 05 10 VARIETIES OF BEANS Soil Sterilization Seed Treatment .1 q 5011 Moisture Non- . I Steri- Steri- gen- variety Llized lizei====4=::::::=ireated 70% 60% RedvalentineL 14.0 17.6 15.1 15.5 16.3 15.1 Black Valentine 15.4’ 15.5 15.2 15.7 16.3 14.6 Tendergreen ‘ 15.5 ‘15.9 15.3 15.8 16.1 15.3 Rival 15.1 15.5 15.5 15.4 15.9 15.0 Pencil Pod ' Black yax 15.5 16.0 15.7 15.8 16.2 15.3 Peerless *1002 13.8 1105 13.7 11.4 1101 Henderson Bush 17.7 17.0 17.3 16.8 18.1 16.0 Thorogreen 16.0 16.6 16.8 15.8 17.0 15.8 14.8 15.7 15.1 15.5 15.7 14.7 4O Experiment»l£ The Influence of Variety, Source of Seed, Temper- ature, and Seed Treatment on Germination and Emergence in Expanded Mica. The data obtained with respect to percent germina- tion of the 320 lots of seeds used in this experiment was analyzed by the method of analysis of varianceslg) Table XXIV is a summary table of the analysis for experiment II. Second order and higher interactions are placed in the error term. The data on percent germination are arrayed in tables XXV to XXXIV, respectively and the data on aver- age number of days to emergence is arrayed in tables XXXV and XXXVI. Based on all factors, germination of all lima beans was considerably lower than that of the common garden beans. The variety Peerless gave the overall average lowest percent germination in lima beans and the variety Rival gave the lowest percent germination of the snap bean varieties tested (Table xxv). The influence of incubation temperature on percent germination is arrayed in Table XXVI and shows that a higher percent germination was obtained at the higher temperatures. . 41 TABLE XXIV PERCENT GERMINATION IN EXPANDED MICA ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SUMMARY Source of Sums of Mean g. variance D.F. *Squares Square alue Sig. Total 319 10,169 variety ~9 6,190.50 678.83 156.05 *5 Temperature 3‘ ;695.67“”252T525“"53755 ** Sources 3 *369731"”125.105’ 28.29 ** Seed Treatment 1 5.52 5.52 1.26 NS V'x T 27" 1.166.18 ‘ 43.19 9.92 *e V‘x S '27' ’ 443.44 "16.423 3.77 ** V‘x ST 9 " 42.23 4.629 1.06 NS T x S 9 167.62 g 18.62 4.28 *4 T 1 ST 3 107.56 35.85 8.24 *4 S x ST 3 0.15 .05 *5 Error 225 980-42 4.55 * Significant at 5% level «5 Significant at 1% level 42 moHQESm amen omumn mo omsnm>s as ea shaman gamma nm.¢|am>mfl Rn mn.ouHo>mH RH ooasoawfismam pom cmuasvom ¢.bm aroma Ooom flmeHm ”Doom neomh m0.¢m mooam L. “H a 8 Hi WWI AS AH a m “a a a am A a an In 1 VJ? .4 57 «go 8 D. any a o a T. 1. 3...... T. a UN. u in 1 a T. T. .m m” n" a w n a mfd 1 u u a u um v.m. % e s u m u netwm’ nw.~.w nowusnwsuou ammonom ll [Ml hpoahs> ZOHH¢ZHfimmo Hzmommm awe 20 MBflHmdb MU fiUZHDHhZH bHN MHNflH ¢OHS GHQZon Km «an.oaao>oa In ”consoamaswau you nominee» oononmmmwn $8.00 «0.00 mo.an 00.08 «0.00 nm.nb nu.nm two.mm 0.0m 0N.om consonanb . an.oo no.on an.om ea.m6 n¢.mm oo.«e ne.nw an.oo em.om .eo.6m newsman spa: anemone noqpaflaaueo unmouom 1 vnoausona doom a me a 1m mu m a an as mm o e.m a n.» and .. u 7.9 7.9. e 1 U..P J 1. 09 B P as a nu. O 9 T. a... 3...... T. 8 US. u so 3 I a T. T. J n... 1. 9 I B 8 9 A An I. We 8 a .u 8 n.d u a 8 u 0 a 9 u D. e 7; 1-.ssn¢a:-::nn ;c---mw-:1-a.7-7:zlla;-n -. 7----z--7;;-7 hvoanu> Madam o_«n a.an n.an m.mn H.m n a.m n m.«n N.mn m.nH N4mH enapcoam> pom N. on N.ad «.0 a f.nn m.un “.mH a.mn u.un u.«n m.nH eomsmom ogscH Hz a A o .m a hpewha> oousom madmm ho mozmomMEfl OB mwdfi ma¢ 20 E2m394mm9 Qmmm.mc HUZHDAmZH HSNNN HHmoH en b.mHoHo>oH Huoccmoayacmfim you nonflswou oesonommfin o.oe o.nn o.H¢ _m.co m.m> n.oo H.eb H.nm m.vm“*n.vb soapmsfianow 0 «soouom 8H .6 a 8% H I A8 AH HT... 302.5 MM n.. e 1 rtu t. s 8.1. 8.8 9.? 0 en a I so A H In IP 1% 1 nun. J 1. 0.; 8 “9 any a n O 8 .L 1. 3...... T. 8 UK. u 30 an I 8 T. I 1. 1. 8 J 8 8 8 ”ml“ 9. I. I. 8 a 0 8 9.0 .4 u u a u m X? e a, a u e a x u mZOHBHono QHMHmeMQZD mfi m0 MUZHbAmZH NHKHN MHMdH 59 TABL3.XL INFLUENCE OF PLANTING DATE ON PERCENT GERMINP TION OF BEANS Planting Planting I Planting II Difference Variety Percent Germination Idaho RGfugee 11cm 6 32:54 6:5 Red Valentine 83.33 87.95 4.62 Black Valentine 80.37 85.2‘ 4.33 Tendergreen 79.25 82.91 3.66 Rival 60.0 75.1 13.10 Pencil Pod wax 78.79 81.45 2.66 Brittle we: 62.1 80.2 18.1 Peerless 25.16 56.87 51.91 Henderson Bush 40.0 51.91 21.91 Thorqgreeg_ ‘ 25.55 55.21 29.88 Average for P.D. 60.5 71.2 13.7 Difference re uired for significance: 1 level-15.7 5% level-11. 5 *Each figure is an average of 24-100 seed samples 60 during the first planting but was better than Idaho Refugee and Rival during the second planting. However, they did not germinate significantly betternthan Rival or Idaho Refugee. Table XLI expresses the relative influence of plant- ing date on the percent germination of seed obtained from different sources. The relationships that existed during the first planting prevailed during the second planting, with seed obtained from source C being highly significantly better than seed obtained from source A and significantly better than seed obtained from source B at each planting. Seed treated with tetrachlorOparabenzoquinone and planted in the field germinated on an overall average of 4.85 percent higher than the cheeks, while those coated germinated on an average of 12.81 percent lower than the untreated checks! Therefore, coating decreased the overall percent germination and tetrachlorcparabenzoquinone treat. ment increased significantly the overall percent germination, Table XLII. Table XLIII expresses the influence of seed treat- ment at different planting dates on percent germination of beans under field conditions. The overall average increase in percent germination of seed treated with tetrachloro- parabenzOquinone and planted May 14, 1949, was 7.7% higher 81 TABLE JCLI INFLUENCE OF PLANTING DATE 0N PERDENT GERMINATION 0E DIFFERENT SOURCES OF BEANS Sgfirce A B C D Planting ' '~ - Percent Germination I 5/14/19 , . 55.4. 56.1 . 66.7 64.1 II 5/30/1949 , .:,.. 68.8 .69.9 82.5 75.7 :".._"=:w fi Av. for Source ‘ 6201 63.0 74.6 69.9 Required for Significance: 1% leve1-9.97% 5% level-7. 6% *Each figure is an average of 60-100 seed samples TABLE X'LII INELUENCE 0F SEED TREITNETNT 0N PERCENT CERIIINATION 0F BEANS UNDER EIEID CONDITIONS Seed Treatment Checks Spergon Treated Coated Percent ‘ Germination 70.05* 74.9 57.24 Difference required for significance: 1% level-2.67% 5% level-2.04% eEach figure is an average of 160-100 Seed samples 62 TABLE XLIII INFLUENCE OF SEED TREATMENT AT DIFFERENT PLANTING DATES ON PERCENT GERMINATION OF BEANS UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS Seedwtreatment Checks_ Spergon Treated Coated ——-—=fi J Planting ‘ PercentGermination Planting I 5/14/49 ’ 6098* 68.5 ‘ 520‘ Planting II 5/30/49 79.2 - 81.4 62.0 ‘1' Required for significance: 1% level-2.67 5% level-2.04 *Each figure is an average of 80-100 seed samples 63 than the untreated checks, and germination in the coated seeds was reduced by 8.4%. However, seed treated and planted‘May 30, 1949 germniated only on an'overall average of only 2.2% higher than the untreated checks, while germination in the coated seed was reduced by 7.2%. Table XLIV expresses the influence of seed treat- ment on the percent germination of each of the 10 varieties. Coating had the effect of reducing germinationin all varieties except Brittle wax; however, the percent of the coated seed was not as high as the seed treated with Sper- gon. Coating had the most pronounced detrimental effect on lima bean varieties. Spergon treatment caused all varieties except Idaho Refugee, Red Valentine, and Black Valentine to show an increase in percent germinatiai. The influence of seed treatment on percent germ- ination of seed from each of the f>ur sources is expressed in Table XLV and indicates that the coating material used on seeds obtained from sources A and B was relatively more detrimental on germination than that used on sources C and D, while there was an increase in germination of Spergon treated seed over the untreated checks in seed obtained from source C. 64 TABLE XLIv INFLUENCE OF SEED TREATMENT ON THE BERGEN GERMINATION OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF Isms UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS, Seed Treatment Untreated Spergon Average for Checks Treated Coated Variety ; Percent Germination Idaho Refugee""81.75*‘ ‘78.06' 63.06 74.5 Red valentine ' ‘89.06” §$.82 79.0 ‘86.! Black Valentine ‘87.68 87.56“' T4.0 83.1 Tendergreen 82.75' 86.62 73.8 ‘74.1 Rival 66.66 ' 69.06 63.93 66.5 D Eggcil Pod wax 84.00 86.18 "70.18 72.9 Brittle wax' 60.06 ' 80.5 76.12 66.6 Peerless. 42.18 51.25 29.62 41.0 Henderson Bush ‘60.25 67.5 25.12 53.6 Thorogreen 46.12 54.06 20.62 40.0 Av. for Treat ments 70.05 74.9 57.24 Difference required for significancezl‘,level-10.38 5% level-7.91 *Each figure is an average of 16-100 seed samples 65 TABLE XLv INFLUENCE OF SEED TREATMENT ON PERCENT GERMINATION DE SEED FROM EACH OF SOURCES. UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS Source A B C p D Seed Treatment Percent Germination Checks 67.2* 71.4 72.4 69.2 Spergon Treated~ , 71.5 74.1 80.2 74.0 Coated 47.6 43.5 71.2 66.6 Required for significance: 1% level-11.9% 5%‘1eve1-9.1% *Each figure is an average of 40-100 seed samples '6'. Table XLVI gives the average number of days t0 emergence of each variety planted in the field. There was little variation in number of days to emergence with respect to common garden beans. However, lima beans were slower germinating than common garden beans. Coating delayed germination during the first planting by 1.3 days and during the second planting by .6 days. Based on an average of all seed and all treat- ments, the average time to emergence during the second planting was 6.9 days less than during the first planting.‘ 67 TABLE xnvr AVERAGE DAYS TO EEERGENCE'QE 10 VARIETIES 0F BEANS UNDER FIELD coNDITIOEs Planting First Planting,5/l4/49 Second Planting,5/30/49 *ET {STEP NT ST 0 Av variety Average Days to Emergence . . JAWS 15.2 16.1 15.3 8.9 8.9 9.8 9.2 Idaho Refugee Black - Valentine' 14.1 15.1 16.8 15.3 8.5 8.7 8.9 8.7 Tendemreen £503 15.4 16.8 15.8 9.7 808 9.4 9.3 RiV’al £505 1504 16.3 15.8 8.4 8.6 9.0 806 Pencil Pod waxh5.1 15.0 16.8 15.6 8.3 8.6 8.7 8.5 Brittle wax' L6.l 15.8 16.7 16.2 8.3 ‘ 8.5 9.0 8.6 P.3r1e88 L805 1702 1805 18.0 909 l0.1 1006 1002 Henderson Bushl7.3 17.1 18.6 17.6 9,9 10,1 11.5 10.5 Thorogreen 17.4 17.4 18.5 17.7 10.6 10.4 11.1 10.6 Av. for J 1 Treatment 15.8 15.8 17.1 16.2 9.1 fi9.1 9.7 9.3 * NT-No Treatment ST-Spergon Treated C OCoated szAverage 68 TABLE XLVII SUMMARY’TABLE 0E PERCENT EEREINATIOE CF BEANS IN’EACH OF THE THREE TESTS Artificial Variety Soil test Sterile Media Field Av. ' a Test a Test Idaho Refugee‘ "4§.8 82-6. 71.3.,“52.2 Red valentine 45.03 ‘ 88.4 84.8 72.7 Black valentine 49.8‘ 89.9 83.1 74.2 Tendergreen '4149" 84.6 '74.1 66.8 Rival 33.3 72.6" 66.5 57.4 Pencil Pod wax ‘50.8 89.5 72.9 71.0 Brittle wax 26.6 91.5 66.6 61.0 Peerless~ '5.6 " 20.0 41.0 ' 22.2 Henderson Bush 25.9 55.7 53.6 45.0 Thorogreen 16.9 57.4 40.0 38.1 34.09 73.7 65.6 Av. for Tests 69 DISCUSSION The aim in'the studies here reported has been to investigate the influence of variety, source of seed, and several environmental factors, namely tenperature, germinating medium, and soil moisture, on the germ- ination of beans. In addition.to studying these influ- ences, studies were undertaken to determine whether through chemical seed treatment germination may be in- creased under adverse environmental conditions. The experimental data give evicence which shows that the delay in emergence and the reduced percent ga'mination in bean seed may be associated wifii low soil temperature, which cause longer exposure of the seed to attack by soil pathogens. However, source of seed and variety had a great deal of influence on the percent germination. These studies indicated the necessity of germ- inating bean seed at an Optimum temperature if good stands are to be obtained. It is possible that oxygen supply might cause a difference in germination, and that also differences in soil moisture resulting in differences in soil temperature might also be involved. For example, bean seed incub ted in expanded mica which was well aerated germinated much better at all temperatures 70 than seed incubated in soil which.was compact. Statements to the effect that any temperature below optimum decreases germination and retards the rate of emergence in seed are found in much of the literature on vegetable growing. .Kotowski (l2) showed in his work that the optimum temperature for germination and most rapid rate of emergence in beans was in the r nge of 70° to In our investigations the temperature fer germina- tion did not exceed 800 F., either in the controlled temper— ature chambers or in the field, but results indicated that beans incubated at the higher temperatures (700 F. in controlled temperature chambers and 80° F. under field conditions) germinated faster and at a higher percentage than seed incubated at 400 F., 50° F., and 60° F. These results are in accord with the findings of Harrington(8) who states that the smallest number of days required for, the production of bean seedlings in soil was four days and that beans produced the first seedlings in the smallest number d' days during the moderately warm weather of may and June. Apparently germination did not occur in bean seeds incubated at 400 and 500 F., until fliey were moved to the greenhouse where temperatures were higher. (Tables XXIII A and B and XXXVI). 71 Several points stand out clearly after a stidy of the data showing the influence of temperaUIre on the germination of different varieties in different media. It is particularly interesting to note the very marked influence of relatively low incubation temperatures (40°- 500 F.) for 10 days on the germination and emergence in soil as compared with that in eXpanded mica. For example, the ovi'all average germination of seed incubated at 400 in soil was only 23.5% while those incubated in expanded mica gave an av rage of 64%. The overall average percent germination of seed incubated at 50° F. in soil was only 36.4% while seed incubated in expanded mica gave an average of 69.1% germination. Factors observed whidi may have caused lower germ- ination in soil than occurred in expanded mica may have been: (1) soil compaction, (2) high moisture, (3) poor aeration, and (4) the presence of soil pathogens which caused decay of the seed. From the evidence at hand, it seems clear that some change took place in seed incubated at low temper- atures which did not take place at high temperatures. In the case of seeds subjected to relatively low temper- atures for diort periods, some change must have taken placé during the IOW-temperature treatment in expanded 72 mica which was altogether different from.the changes or influences of soil and temperature on seed incubated in soil. The nature of the changes brought about by the low temperature treatment was not determined, but compar- ative data and observations indicate the possibility of ‘the presence of soil organisms which.may have caused decay of seeds in the soil. However, some molds were observed growing on seeds of the lima bean varieties and the common bean varieties Brittle'Wax and Tendergreen in eXpanded mica. Considering all varieties and all facts-s involved, the relative percent germination of all lima beans was significantly lower than the common garden beans, wifli Peerless giving the lowest percent germination. However three varieties of common beans-~Brittle Wax, Rival, and Tendergreen showed a significantly lower percentage germ- ination than the others. In view of the fact that significantly poorer germination was associated with the seed of the above mentioned varieties at low temperature, it seems possible that there may be a definite relationship between seed coat color and susceptibility to decay organism, since 111 varieties mentioned above are either black or ten and 73 white or varying from black to tan with large white spots. This, of course, does not prove that tlere is any causal relation between seed-coat color and susceptibility to soil borne diseases. It may be that some other factor or factors, not determined, was the cause, and seed-coat color may have been associated with this factor causing germination. However, when these same varieties were incubated at low temperatures in expanded mica, a sterile media, germination was as good or better than the varieties Black Valentine, Red Valentine, Idaho Refugee, and Pencil? Pod wax which had predominantly black or red seed coats. It was observed however, that as soon as the variety Rival imbibes water, the seed coats burst thereby leaving the naked embryo uncovered and Open to infection. Results of influence of soil moisture indicates that 70' soil moisture is above Optimum for bean germina- tion, as better germination was obtained at 60% moisture than at 70%. Observations revealed that molds grow more profusely on sterilized soil with a moisture content of 70% than on soil Wih.a moisture conten: of 60% and more damping-off occurred at the 70? moisture kavel. Alfllough determinations were not made on the oxygen content of each soil, it is probable that oxygen was less abundant in the 0.30 74 soil with the 70% moisture than in the soil with the 60% moisture. All varieties except Peerless germinated significantly better at the 60% moisture level. Table XXIII) The response to chemical seed treatment was greatest at 500 F. in soil, and germination was improved markedly in the varieties Thorogreen, Brittle‘fiax, and Tendergreen, and germination was significantly increased in all other varieties except Henderson Bush, Peerless, and Pencil Pod Black Wax. The data from all studies indi- cate that seeds that are susceptible to soil disease organ- isms respond to seed treatment bes whereas seeds that are less susceptible give less response. The great response to seed treatment at 50° F. may be due to the fact that disease organisms are_quite active at this temperature. Soil sterilization significantly improved the germination of Idaho Refugee and Brittle Wax, but did not significantly improve the germination of other varieties. These facts indicvte a possibility which may exist in which the varieties which give significant increases may be highly susceptible to certain organisms, which are present in soil and killed by sterilization, thereby resulting in significant increases in germination. The significant inc ease in germination of seed in sterilized soil at 50° F. here again may be due to the less activity of organisms at this temperature. Results from all three experiments show that seed 75 source had a marked influence on percent germination. Seed obtained from source C germinated on an overall average at a higher percentage than seed obtained from the other three sources. However, germination was not signif- icantly higher than germination of seed obtained from source D. It seems probable that the differences in germination may be due to: (l) the condiaions under which seed were grown (2) harve ting technique (3) and mefilods of sb.rage. It should be noted that the production of seed- lings in soil involves not only germination of the seed but the penetration of the soil by the seedlings--a process which is influenced by the vigor of the seedlings and may be retarded by excessively high temperatures. However, the higher rate of emergence and higher percentage germ- ination at the highest temperatures in each of the eXperimen;s is a result of a higher rate of metabolic activity at the higher temperatures which enables the seed to germinate before soil pathogens attach severely enough to cause decay. It should be noted that when any severe Check in rate of emergence occurred whether in the field test or in soil test in the greenhouse, the use of the seed treatment chemical tetrachlorOparabenzoquinone significantly increased germination of seed over that of the untreated checks. On the other hand, when conditions were favorable for rapid 76 germination the increases were not as significant. The detrimental effect of coating was more severe on lima bean varieties than on common garden bean varieties. However, there was an increase in the germination of coated beans of the variety Brittle‘Hax over the uncoated checks but germination was lower than the Spergon treated beans. This is in accord with McGuffey's (l4) findings in which he reported that coated wax beans germinated slightly higher than uncoated ones. However, different coating materials vere used in his experiments. Results show that the coating material used on sources A and B decreased germination by 23.8fi'whereas the coating material used on sources C and D decreased germination by only 1.9%. The cause of this variation was not determined. It is possible that the amount of superphosphate used could have caused the harmful effect on germin tion along with.phosphorus containing parathion which was used to coat sources A and B. Coating delayed germination during the first field planting by 1.3 days Whereas during the second planting germination was delayed only by 0.6 days. This was probably due to increased moisture of the soil during the second planting since dry weather prevailed during the first planting. Other factors which.may have caused decreased germination and delayed emergence in coated seed could possibly have been (1) decreased water absorption, (2) a 7? reduced gaseous exchange and (3) too high a concentration of some of the chemicals used in the coat. Comparative data from the experiments show that the germinating medium had a significant effect on the germination of beans. For example, the overall percent germination in eXpanded mica was significantly higher than that obtained in the field and nearly doubled that obtained in soil in flats. However, some varieties responded differently and no definite conclusions are drawn as to what caused these effects. 78 CONCLUSIONS Delay in emergence and reduction in percent germination in bean seed may be associated with low soil temperatures, high soil moisture, and goor soil structure whi ch may cause longer exiosure of the seed to attack by soil pathogens. On the basin of 2080 observations involving 10 varieties of beans in 3 experiments, the following con- clusions relative to the influence of variety, source of seed, and environmental conditions on germination and rate of emergence in bean seed appear warranted: 1 (0 Lima beans give very low percent germination when incubated for 10 days at temperatures below 70° F. The variety Peerless showed the lowest percentage germination. The influence of temperature was quite variable. The varieties Brittle Wax, Tendergreen, and Rival were affected most by low temperature, whk:h caused them to give a poorer percentage germination due to possible susceptibility to soil pathogens . Higher germination was obtained in seed treated with tetrachlorOparabenzoquinone (Spergon) than in untreated seed. The shorter the number of days to emergence, the less effective k3 Spergon treatment. 79 5 The highest percent germination in soil was obtained With 60% moisture. 03 Better germination was attained in expanded mica than in the field, or in soil in flats. 7 Coating reduced germination in all varieties except Brittle‘Wax, with lima beans being most seriously affected by the process. 8 The variety of lima beans Peerless did not germinate appreciably when incubated in temper- atures below 60° F. whether in soil, expanded mica, or in the field. Observations revealed a possible relation between seed—coat color and the ability of seed to withstand adverse weather conditions which result in longer exposures of the seed to soil pathogens. While no definite conclusions are drawn from these observations, the possibility exists that the pigment might contain anti-biotic properties. 80 LITERATURE CITED 1 Clark, Ben E., Comparative laboratory and field germination of onion seed. Proc. Assoc. Off. 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