.‘J! Y.¢&QVW.VQ '0- AfideJ in: ‘. 1' (R'UfS’Ifl ‘. ',‘ l'.‘ :: “dun“.l-‘LWG ".; s 2. ‘l. ‘9 ~“. . " ‘ 1' ‘L ‘ " § ..‘c v:zl\ad“¢a;u Li’s"; Ufa\~az"~:'.x u :x . 0 \ 'u ; \t a 1._c."r1 (v.4 5.1.0. o- r. .1 f. u . *4 - -o'o’4 0-1 u'éo é~$‘$ J‘M ..- Q d to 0 to ‘i'. .' {'4‘ ff. ,' ' (ca; , L'-‘o } g - "_ '3'“ G x‘l‘ ,' u: . .3 u: u. . .~.2 ‘ba - -' n- x \f - -‘:b 3- . ‘l-’-~ \. 4" I...--4 a «O 58‘ -: “3‘3. I J nv . ‘ . S "c . ‘ I _’ ; .!NM'nr mAJmm ‘hfl ma wfl ”(anal-2‘3 ¢4n$d 3 ‘ ‘ . INHERITANCE OF LODGING RESISTANCE IN CERTAIE OAT CROSSES By Donald AlSOp Wheeler W AN ABSTRACT Submitted to the College of Agriculture of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of EASTER OF SC ENCE Department of Farm Creps Year 1956 Approved INHERITANCE OF LODGING RESISTANCE IN CERTAIN OAT caossg Genetically weak straw is one of the common causes of lodging in small grains. The inheritance of lodging resistance and lodging susceptibility in oats was studied in the hope of finding a practical method of improving lodging resistance. The parents used were, from strongest to weakest, Craigs Afterlea, Clintland, Craig, and A587-lO. Host of the possible combinations of these parents were obtained. Only seeds of Clintland x Craig, Clintland X ASB7-lO, and A587-10 x Craigs Afterlea survived an excessive disin- fectant treatment. The three Fi's were grown in the green- house. The F2's were also grown in the greenhouse. The parents, the Fé's, and the F3's of each cross were grown together in the field. Readings were made when the plants were in the soft dough stage. Following the method des- cribed by Grafius and Brown in the Agronomy Journal 46: hlh-hlB, a chain of known weight was hung from the base of a panicle of each plant to determine resistance of the culm to external torque. The distributions of the observations were skewed in the direction of lodging susceptibility. There was no reduction in skewness in the F3, which indicated a problem in scaling. When natural logarithms of the data were used, the distributions approached much more closely to a normal distribution. Dominance relations were assessed by compar- ing F and F3 means to the mid-parent. Lodging resistance 2 was dominant in the cross Clintland x Craig. Lodging sus- ceptibility was dominant in the crosses Clintland X ABBY-10 and ABBY-10 x Craigs Afterlea. Variations in the F2 and the F3 were separated, using the method preposed by Mather in Biometrical Genetics (Dover Publications Inc., New York, lghg), into heritable and non- heritable portions. The heritable variation was further divided into fixable genetic and non-fixable genetic compo- nents. These components of variation were calculated both from the observed numbers of links of chain supported and from the natural logarithms of these observations. Little fixable genetic variance could be demonstrated in the cross Clintland x ASBY-lo. In the other two crosses the use of legarithms increased the proportion of fixable genetic variance. In these two crosses the fixable genetic variance calculated from the F2 plant readings was approximately 15 per cent while that calculated from the F3 means was approx- imately 35 per cent. Selection for lodging resistance prior to the F3 gener- ation seems likely to be on the basis of non-fixable differ- ences. Selection based on means of F3 families utilized more fixable variation and seemed to be a good start toward isolating superior lines. Logarithms were valuable in determining the effective- ness of selecti-n in this study. Logarithms did not change the order of the data; therefore selection can be on the basis of the original measurements. Lodging resistance was defined by Grafius and Brown as a ratio of torque resiStance to height. When either factor is held constant a change in the other will change the lodging resistance. Selection for lodging resistance should be only on plants of similar heights. The quickest advances by hybridization would be made by crossing strong plants of the same height. INHERITANCE OF LODGING RESISTANCE IN CERTAIN OAT CROSSES By Donald AlSOp Wheeler A THESIS Submitted to the College of Agriculture of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Farm Crops 1956 ACKNOWLEDGKEHT The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Dr. John E. Grafius for his guidance in this investiga- tion, for his advice in the preparation of this manuscript, and for the photographs included herein. Acknowledgment is also given to Dr. Carter M. Harrison for his helpful criticism of the manuscript. Thanks are extended to Dr. Pichard L. Kiesling and to several members of the Farm Creps Department for helpful suggestions in the field. In addition, the author expresses his appreci- ation to his wife, Doroth , for her aid and encouragement in this investigation and for her assistance in the prep- aration of this manuscript. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION REVIEW OF L TERATURE MA'ZRIELS AND KETHODS THE COMPOHZUTS OF VARIATION RESULTS Clintland x Craig Clintland x A587-lO Clintland x Craigs Afterlea Consideration of Linkage in Clintland x A587-10 DISCUSSION S MMARY LITERATURE CITED 12 19 22 27 3o 36 38 M3 INTRODUCTION Lodging of small grains is a problem of wideSpread occurrence on soils high in fertility. Lodging often oc- curs in low areas of a field, on fields receiving large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, and on much areas. The immediate cause of lodging is generally a windstorm ac- companied by rain which pushes the plants over. Indirect or contributing causes include high fertility, high soil moisture, lack of sufficient light, high temperatures, and genetically weak straw. Grain which has lodged is difficult to harvest and losses in harvesting are in- creased. Often the yield and quality of the crop are lessened. The stage of development of the plant at the time of lodging determines the degree of damage. Several common oat varieties have genetically weak straw, therefore they often lodge badly when grown on rich soil. It is desired that high-yielding varieties with genetically strong straw be obtained. In order to accom- plish this it is desirable to understand the inheritance of the character. The aim of this study was to determine the method of inher tance of lodging susceptibility versus 3 lodging resistance in cats. A further pureose was to ascertain whether lodging resistance could be improved by the ordinary oat breeding method of crossing and se- lecting within the segregating generations. PO REVIEW or LITJRELTUELE Pendleton (8)* found that 90 degree lodging at head— ing time caused reduction in yield to 63 per cent of that of erect plants and a reduction in test weight to 79 per cent. The yield was reduced to about 85 per cent by as degree lodging at heading time or by 90 deg°ee lodging 20 days after heading. Thus the time when lodging oc- curred determined its effect on yield. Several methods have been preposed for measuring dif- ferences between strains in respect to lodging or lodging resistance. The standard method is to observe a nursery where lodging has occurred and to make notes of the per- centage of plants not standing erect in each plot and to note the approximate number of degrees by which they de- part from the vertical. This method can be used only on plots where lodging has already occurred. The breaking strength of the straw has been used as a measure of lodging resistance. Several machines have been developed to measure breaking strength of straw. One type of machine was that described by Helmick (6). "o I Numbers in parentheses refer to the "Literature Cited." b. In this device a bucket was suspended from the straw and shot we added to the bucket until the total weight was enough to break the straw. The instrument described by Salmon (10) measured the pressure required to break the straw. In this case the pressure was applied from above; but the results of the machines were comparable. Atkins (2) stated that while lodging was not significantly cor- related with breaking strength of straw at one station in one year, the two were highly correlated when considered over several stations in several years. Atkins (2) also found a high correlation coefficient between breaking strength of straw and weight per unit length of culm at the base of the plant. He advocated use of the latter measurement as being quicker. Breaking strength of straw was only one factor con- tributing to lodging resistance. In View of this fact there have been recent attempts to find a more inclusive method of measuring lodging resistance. Hamilton (5) gave a lodging index based on a discriminate function whereby the relative value of root type, diameter of culm, and height were assessed. This function was approximately the sum of ten times the diameter of the calm in the sec- ond internode above the ground, less five times the root type on a scale of one to ten as given, less the height of the plant in inches. S Grafius and Brown (+) gave the definition of lodging as the extent of resnonse to torque caused by external force. In order to determine this response, they hooked a chain to the base of the panicle and observed how many links of the chain were supported when the culm bent to an equilibrium.point. They derived a formula for lodging resistance: ch '*§’ where F, the force applied, was the grams of chain supported, b was the height of the plant to the base of the panicle, and c was a preportionality con— stant to convert b into a force, based on the assumption that external force would be roughly proportional to plant height. Inheritance of lodging resistance in small grains was governed by many genetic factors in most cases. Ramiah and Dharmalingham (9) reported one case of single-factor inheritance of lodging versus non-lodging in rice, with the lodging factor dominant. Atkins (1), found that the character of weight per unit length was transmitted from a parent to its progeny. He cited correlation coeffi- cients of .609 between F2 and means of its F3 progeny lines '1 / o 9 and of .023 between F3 and means of its F) progeny lines. L HATSRIALS hHD XSTHODS Four parents were chosen for this study on the basis of past lodging history. Two were commercial oat varie- ties, Clintland and Craig. Of these, Clintland was more resistant to lodging. A third parent was the experimental strain A587le which was very susceptible to lodging. The fourth parent was the variety Craigs Afterlea, a very strong eat from Scotland. Crossing was done in the field in the summer of lgSh. Crosses were attempted among the four parents in all comp binations. Several seeds were obtained as the result of crossing; however, most of them were killed by an over- dose of fungicide and consequently only three F plants 1 were obtained. These three plants were from the follow- ing crosses: Clintland x Craig, Clintland x ABBY-lo, and ABBY—10 x Craigs Afterlea. T‘ 11 (D three Fl seedlings were started in three-inch pots and then were transplanted into ten-inch pots filled with soil. These plants continued to grow in the green- house throughout the fall and winter of IQSh-SS. The pots were watered daily and were supplied with a complete nutrient solution at about ten-day intervals. Incandescent lights were used to maintain a day length of at least twelve hours throughout the winter and also for supple- mentary light on cloudy days. Under these treatments the F1 plants continued to tiller from.October until Harch. Each plant produced 25 to 50 culms. As each head ripened, it was cut from.the plant. In early February all the seeds which had ripened thus far were planted in rows on the greenhouse bench in a mixture of sand and soil. Water and nutrient solution were agplied as to the F1 plants. This planting was made a little later than desirable, so, in order to mature seeds quickly, the F2 plants were sup- plied with continuous illumination. The seeds borne later by the F1 plants; that is, F2 seeds and the seeds borne by the F2 plants; that is, F3 seeds were harvested for planting in the field. The F2's, the F3's, and the parental varieties were planted in the field in the spring of 1955. The rows were two feet apart with plants three inches apart in the row. The three crosses were planted in separate, adjoining areas. The progeny of each F2 plant was planted together. These F3 families averaged about eight members. The F2 seeds were divided into groups of ten and these were ran- domized among the F3 families w th a restriction of one F2 group to each three to six F3 families, depending on the ratio of seed available of the particular cross. The parents, in groups of eight, were planted with the pro- geny at eight row intervals. Clintland was planted as a uniform check variety throughout the area. Each other parent was planted, in alternate cheek rows, in the area with its progeny. Locging resistance readingrwere made when the plants were in the soft dough stage. The method used was that described by Grafius and Brown (4). The culms to be used were visually selected to be at the same stage of maturity. Some plants from seed which germinated slowly were so badly affected by red leaf that they produced only one culm; these were not studied. Neither were readings made on the few plants which had previously lodged. One culm.of each plant was selected for study. The height to the base of the panicle was measured. A chain was attached to the base of the panicle by means of a hook. The weight of the chain caused the culm to bend over and the excess links of chain piled up on the ground. Then the culm ceased bending the number of links of chain still being supported was determined. Figures 1 to 3 illustrate Q -1. she differences that were shown by this method. In Figur l, the chain attached to Craigs Afterlea caused it to bend only slightly from the vertical. The opposite extreme is illustrated in Figure 2. Here the plant has lodged from the base and is supporting very little weight. The most common reaction was between these extremes, as exemplified by Figure 3. Figure 1. Chain attached to lodging resistant plant. Figure 2. Chain attached to lodging susceptible plant. Figure 3. Chain attached to plant showing typical lodging reaction. 11 l2 TIE: C EIPOITZBUTS OF ‘33 .‘LTIOI‘I Variation in a biometrical experiment, according to Mather (7), can be partitioned into three components. The first is non-heritable variation resulting from.the action of environmental factors. The second portion of variation is due to differences in character expression between home- zygotes for each gene pair involved. Heritable variation between true breeding strains is of this kind and in this sense such variation may be described as fixable. The third component of variation is comprised of differences between the expression ofiaimtzygotes and the average of the corrCSponding homozygotes. Such variation may be des- cribed as unfixable in that it cannot be utilized in the selection of true breedine strains. Fisher, Inner, and Tedin (3) developed a method of determining the contributions of each gene to the fixable and unfixable components of variation. Following the designation of these authors, let the average effects on the character in question due to the three genotypes for 13 \l 5 gene A—a” be: AA = da BB = db Aa = ha , for B-b: Bb = hb , and so on. £13. 3 ~da bb = -db Aa K \ 4 i m-—- a 0 AA Figure A. The d and h increments of the gene A-a. (after Mather) Figure n represents the d and h increments of the gene pair Aa. The zero point is chosen mid-way between the homozy- gotes. Then d represents an increment in a constant direc- tion along the scale of moas rements, while h may be an increment in either direction. The variation of the measurements of true breeding parents and of their F1 is exclusively non-heritable. Therefore the variances of these measurements give esti- mates of the non-heritable portion of the variances of the F2 and later generations. The heritable portion of r The A—a designation of allelomorphs here does not carry the conventional implication of dominance. 1h the variance of one of the later generations is the sum of the contributions due to the individual gene pairs providing that there is no linkage and no interaction of non-allelic genes. In respect to any one segregating gene pair A-a, the F2 is: 2AA; %aa; iaa. The mean measurement of F2, ex- pressed as a deviation from.the mid-parenn.for this locus, is ida - iha - %(”da) I kha. The contribution of A-a to the sum of squares of deviations from.the mid-parent is , EdaZ - %ha2 - %(-da)2. Then the contribution to the sums of squares of deviations from the F2 mean is .1. 2 .1: 2 1 1 1 2da - zfla -(£ha)2 or gdaz - ghaz. Summing over all genes contributing to the character being considered, total heritable variance in F is -=1-s(d 2) ism 2) “- l 2 23 a " t‘; a o The F3 families derived from F2 individuals of the genotypes AA and aa contribute da and -da respectively to the F3 means. One-half of the F3 families are from F2 individuals of the genotype Aa and in these families se- gregation is occurring in the same ratio as in the F2, _. . .1- _1_ ;L_( .1“ 1 giving contributions of Qda - Bha - 4 "da) = aha to tne mean.. Thus taking frequencies into account, the mean of F3 means is iha from the mid-parent. The variance of F3 - 2 " '1 means is ida - %(%lia)2 _ a‘(-da)2- (flag or gdae _ haz 15 and, summing, the total heritable variance of F3 means is esmaz) +-};;S(ha2). The variance of F3 families can be represented by i0 + %(%daa + Thaz) + £0 ' idag +'%ha2 since only the fami— lies derived from.A—a individuals are segregating. Summing, the mean variance of F3 families is %S(da2) + §S(ha2). In each case, these formulae contain a part S(da2) due to fixable variation and a part S(ha2) contributed by non fixable variation. Denoting these by D and H respec- tively, and remembering that observed variances also con- tain a non-heritable portion, we have the equations given in Table 1. Table 1: Components of Variation in F2 and F 3 F2 F2 variance 1/2 D + 1/h H * 31 vii; Variance of means of 1/2 D + 1/16 H * E2 F3 families VFB Mean variance of F3 1/3 D + 1/8 H * E1 families Number of plants 10 Clintland M1 Craig 30 ‘ M‘d'Pore nt 35.5 10 1 2O 15 10 16 MeEn‘» h2 fanfllos: I Weakest ' strum"? 30 55 15 25 35 *5 55 65 Numbers of links of chain supported. ‘3 Figure 5. Frequency distribution based on number of links of chain supported for parents, F2, and F of Clintland x Craig cross. 3 Number of plants 10 l7 5 Clhnland 0 M1 5 A 587-l O O -—’ l l - —::==__. 23 [Mid-parent 32 10 5 F2 0 ___I; - 31 20 PS 15 10 K Sta ard deviation 5 0 an __ 29 psfamilies: I Weakest I Strongest 17 h2 10 20 3o l+0 so 60 Numbers of links of chain supported. Figure 6. Frequency distribution based on number of links of chain supported for parents, F2, and F3 of Clintland X A587-10 cross. Number of plants 10 18 5 Craig: Aficrleo O c-3n;::r-wr*""al eLr *'-=== 72 5 A587-ib o ——1”’T"“T-—— 23 lMid'pare nt h7.5 10 5 O A 36 20 15 10 5 Stan ard "‘“5661 tion I 0‘ Me n l g 33 [Weakest ' 'Strongefl fF?’ families 15 N7 15 30 M5 60 75 90 Numbers of links of chain supported. ~Figure 7. Frequency distribution based on number of links of chain supported for parents, F2, and F3 of A 587-10 x Craigs Afterlea cross. 19 Figures 5, 6, and 7 show the means, standard devia- tions, ranges, and approximate distributions of the ob- served values for the number of liics supported in these three crosses. Host of the original curves appear to be skewed toward the low side. In order to eliminate this condition a transformation of the data might be useful. The taking of logarithms would tend to shorten the upper end of the scale; therefore this would be a good trans- formation. In accordance with these considerations, nat- ural logarithms of the data were taken and several sta- tistics were computed from.both the original data and the data transformed to logarithms. Table 2 presents the num~ ber of plants and also the means and standard deviation for each generation of each cross. The transformation to logarithms has reduced the coefficient of variability (the standard deviation expressed as a percentage of the mean) for each of the generations. In order to find the components of variation several variances were required. Variances were computed for the F2, means of F3 families, and mean variance of F3 families in each segregating population. Each of these variances apnea» IQHQWP mo pcoflo naeaeeo e pepACLQSan ac mg:wflam mafiacmoan paw mezeama pow ) (q i O l \n .0 \Jo \ \. H\. \W‘ .0 t\ . \. d.:_. A- 1.‘ ti an o e; n u.mH n.no : w e a meawoeeq «Lawto 1‘ \JIIIIII l,\(| r Nave mmao Hmem Gama mama :.~ mm mm «seahopwd mwmm&o smfiififi< ea.“ am.m m.s a.mm a.» an a :oan ,u a eeei .eao n1\ \ \) . W J N 1 o 1 4 .< ) -111. ro.© anam <.; view a.. ma h .oauwwmd x pcma+cero \ \ ill. ‘Iqu \ LI i. O 4 6 \ .1 Jq 1.. I.. w 4 .Ju eds; ream 3 ea eaa; lfl\ Hm D ..Haao : raaa+awro E u .1 \\ a l. .‘w I! W 4 N i O .i., .I .1 1‘ K). {am 0.: (3.; Get 5. a {$9.0 ._. Em p53 ma.o no.3 0.3H 9.0H W.He .m Amv eeaeeeaa mimeeo adoo moem c.9m H.m -Hamm c.w m oalwmm eo.c mm.m «.lm H.m wamm mew ; eflmno Hw.o mm.m no.3w mew .HQHJ mew Hm pnmapgflao \v i i_ .rpeaefa .imflpip Q50: omeenpt: mo nacho deflpmw>om No; min: .mewaflimm mtumam use: lflidcoo pamrnmem amen .Ipflpmnsfl mo .pc mazes; . .o: swam we .0: coflpmaocem so heefiamb fifrH $0 60L aoa Hm::+TH phenomena eases do .ez msowpmfl>em Usersmpm tum amuse: ampsmaa mo panama 21 contained a non—heritable component. Since the parental groups, F2 groups, and F3 groups were of approximately the same sizes, the variance within parental groups can be taken as an approximation of the non-heritable component in F2 and F3 variances. The non-heritable component of the variance of F3 means can be estimated from the vari- ance of parental group means. Many of the F3 families contained only a few plants. In order to obtain a fairly good sample of the potential of a particular family, only families consisting of five or more members were considered in calculating F3 variances. It would be desirable to have larger families, but, if a larger number had been required, the Clintland x Craig cross would have been eliminated from.the study. This same requirement of five members per group was applied to the parents in determining the estimates of error variances. Since the parental variety Craigs Afterlea was badly damp aged by red leaf disease, only two groups were usable. This was too few, so Craigs Afterlea was not considered in determining the error variances. In its place, a pooling of the variances of the other three parents was used. In the crosses involving Clintland the estimates of error were obtained by pooling the variances of the two parents. 22 Clintland X Craig The variances calculated from.the original data on the number of links supported in the segregating cross, Clintland x Craig, ~re as given in the following five equations. VF2 - 1/2 D + l/h H + El a 121.9 VF; . 1/2 D + 1/16 H + 32 = A3.6 . V 1 0 Ta - } F3 = 1/4 D . 1/0 H + 51 - 93.1 V within parental groups = El - h7.7 V parental group means = E2 = 22.0 The first step in obtaining the least squares estimates of the four components of variation was to multiply through each equation by the coefficient of D whichit contained. The new equations thus obtained were summed. Where D did not appear the equation was omitted. Thus the following equations were obtained. l/h D + 1/8 H + 1/2 El = 60.95 1/4 D + 1/32 H .1/2 32 = 21.8 1/16 D + 1/32 H . 1/i E1 . 23.35 (1) 9/16 D + 3/16 H + 3/4 El + 1/2 32 = 106.1 23 Similarly multiplying through the original equations by the coefficients of H, 31, and E2 and summing the following were ootained. (2) 3/16 D + 21/256 H + 3/8 31 + 1/16 32 = 1;.u.8 (3) 3/h D + 3/8 H + 3 31 = 2 3.2 (a) 1/2 D + 1/16 H + 2 32 = 63.6 The solution of these four simultaneous equations gave es- timates of D, H, El, and Ba. Mather (7) presented a method for solving these equations using a matrix of multipliers. For the purpose of this studv, these equations were solved by the standard method of solving LJ simultaneous linear equa- tions in more than ore unIInown. That is, each equation was added to or subtracted from each of the other three in or- der to eliminate one unknown. The remaining three equations in three unlwnozns were compared and another unkiown was eliminated. This process was repeated until a solution was obtained for one rhnown. Then the other equations were solved by substituting known values. Solution of these equat ens gave the following values for the components of variar ce 1n the cross Clintland x Craig. D a 10.7 H = 27105 £1 = 51.1 21.6 F a) l 21+ Upon substituting these values in the original equations he expected values given in Table 3 were obtained. Table 3: Variances of number of links supported in Clintland x Craig cross Components Variances computed from number of links observed xpected deviation V —-. F2 1/2 D + 1/4 H + 11 121.9 124.3 -2.4 V—— / i F3 1/2 D + 1/16 H + mg 43.6 44.0 -0.4 'Va -1 .333 1/14. D + 1/8 H 4' 11:1 9301:}. 8707 507 V within parental groups - El 47.7 51.1 -3.h V parental group means - E2 22.0 21.6 0.4 Components Variances computed from logarithms observed expected deviation V . F2 1/2 D + 1/4 H + El .066 .064 .002 VF; 1/2 D + 1/16 H + E2 .025 .026 -.001 vF3 l/Ji D + 1/8 H + El .052 .052 .000 V within parental groups = El .039 .041 -.002 V parental group means E2 .Olh .013 .001 23 Q The variances calculated from the natural logarithms of the number of links are as giveL in the "observed" col- umn of Table 3. Least squares estimates of the four com- ponents of variation were obtained by the same procedure used previously. It should be noted that the left sidesof equations (1) to (4) on pages 22 and 23 remain constant for all experiments of the same design. Thus only the right sides were calculated, and these equations became (1a) 9/16 D + 3/16 H + 3/4 E1 + 1/2 22 = .058 (2a) 3/16 D + 21/256 H + 3/8 El + 1/16 32 = .024 (3a) 3/4 D + 3/8 H + 3 E1 = .157 (4a) 1/2 D + 1/16 H + 2 E2 = .039 . Solution of these simultaneous equations gave the following values for the components of variance in the cross Clintland x Craig. D = .020 H = .051 E1 = .041 22 = .013 ‘ Taking tne logarithms of the data has greatly reduced the relative value of H and has increased the relative value of D in relation to the values for these components com- puted from the original data. An estimate of the fixable genetic variation 26 1* n the F2 generation was obtained by dividing the portion of to- tal variation due to D by the total expected variation; that is, using the __ 1/2D expected Similarly, 1/2 D . 1/4 H expected __1/2 D expected 1/2 D + 1/16 H expected origi --43315 x 100 12”... 3 ’D .1322: x 100 1214-0 3 nal data .4 . o 4.3” fixable genetic var- iation in F2. 59% total genetic vari- ation in F2. '—r5*15 x 100 a 12% fixable genetic var- L44- 0 L, iation in F3 means. fifing x 100 51$ total genetic vari- ation in F3 means. Using he components of variation computed from.the logarithms of the data, 1/2 D : expected 1/2D.1/4H expebted 1/2 D _ expected 1/2D.1/16H_ expected .OlO .' ‘ 00!. O \’ ~1- these values become 15.6% fixable genetic varia- 3S.9$ total genetic variation in F2. 1 w . . 38.5» fixaole genetic varia- tion in F3 means. =7 . . . 50p total genetic variation in F3 means. 27 Clintland x ASBZle For convenience the calculations for both the original data and the logarithmic transformation were carried through at the same time. The variances calculated from.the segre- gating cross Clintland x A587-10 were as follows: using no. using log- of links arithms VF2 . 1/2 D + 1/4 H + 31 = 74.1 .094 VF; . 1/2 D + 1/16 H + 32 = 27.7 .035 VF3 = 1/4 D + 1/8 H + El = 70.4 .091 V within parental groups :31 = 44,6 .036 V parental group mean =- $2 = 20.8 .018 Least squares estimates of the components of variance were obtained by the same method used in the previous cross. Thus were obtained equations similar to (l) to (4) on pages using no. using log- of links arithms (lb) 9/16 D + 3/16 H + 3/4 31 + 1/2 E2 = 68.5 .087 (2b) 3/16 D 4 211256 H + 3/8 E1 +1/16 E2 = 29.1 .037 (3b) 3/4 D + 3/8 H + 3 El = 189.1 .222 (4b) 1/2 D + 1/16 H + 2 22 = 48.5 .053 28 Solution of these simultaneous equations gave the fol— lowing values for the components of variance in the cross Clintland x A587-10. Using no. of links Using logarithms D = -1.6 .006 H = 121.2 .208 El = 48.3 .0h6 E2 = 20.9 .018 Since D is a sum of squares, it cannot be negative. How- ever, the small negative value obtained for D cannot be considered as different from zero nor from.the small pos- itive value obtained for D using logarithms. As the data stand it is not possible to demonstrate any fixable genetic variance in this cross. In this cross, logarithms in- creased rather than decreased the relative value of H. F3 able 4 shows the observed and expected values for the sev- O eral variances using the components as given above. Table 4: in Clintland x A587-10 cross Components F2 1/2 D + 1/4 H . El 1/2 D + 1/16 H . 22 VF 1/4 D + 1/8 H + H1 V within parental groups V parental group means Components V1212 1/2 D35- 1/4 VF; 1/2 D . 1/16 a: 4. F3 N VF3 1/4 D + 1/8 H . El V within parental groups V parental group means 29 Variances of number of links supported Variances computed from no. of link observed expected deviation 74.1 77.8 -3.7 27.7 27.7 0 70.1.}. 6301 703 = El 44.6 48.3 -3.7 3 E2 20.8 20.9 -0.1 Variances computed from logarithms observed expected deviation .094 .101 —.007 .035 00314- .001 .091 .074 .017 = El .036 .046 -.010 '3 E2 0018 0018 0000 4§§1¢10 x Craigs Afterlea The variances calculated from the O segregatin 2587—10 x Craigs Afterlea were as follows: V within parental I 1/2 D + 1/4 H + H1 1/2 D 4 1/16 H 1/4 D + 1/8 H + El groups = El V parental group means 11 Using no. of links 172.1 CI’OS .137 .041 .018 The least squares estimates of the four components 30 8 Using log- arithms were obtained from.the following equations which were de- rived in the same manner as those used in the precedin. two crosses. (1c) (2c) (30) (he) following 9/16 3/16 "fv'he n D . 3/16 D + 21/256 D 4‘ 3/8 D + l/l6 these simultaneous equations were solved, H H H H + 3/4 + 3/8 El 11/2 32 Using no. Using log- El +1/16 E2 = E l + 2 E ’3 L 1 of links 50.0 64.9 367.3 74.3 arithms .129 .055 .317 .070 the values were obtained for the components of variance. 31 Using no. of links Using logarithms D = 6.2 .020 H . @87.2 - .BMQ E1 = 60.0 .057 E2 = 20.4 .019 The expected values given in Table 5 were obtained by substituting these values for D, H, El, and E2 in the o- riginal equations. It should be noticed that the devia- tions between the observed and the expected values were quite large due chiefly to a difference in the values of D and H between the VF2 and VF3. Such a difference might have resulted from the effects of linkage. In the case of linkage, the heritable portion of var— iance was no longer simply the sum of the contributions due to the ihdividual gone pairs but also involved a factor derived from the recombination or crossover values. Kather (7) derived certain formulae for D and H when linkage was present. With linkage, the values for D and H in the F2 differed from those for D and H I-h n the F3. To test for the presence of linkage, then, it must be determined whether this difference in D and H between F2 and F3 existed. In the exteriments here being reported, D and H of the F2 generation were estimated from VFZ and “F“ while D and H H.212. r)... 1.. .(f. . .1.1. 4.!(9 .U.\I J‘ C.-.( 7 .0 CILDK muChO ‘L lxr .\.O 1:1 ....L (C 1.an 15.. _r MI... 1 e d... Mar ,. . . ..\ \ , n. U --. : J. F Ctr . . H1 .rLC.+.P\/%rs. I ....I4. 4.. l a. .r. prrvrw. ODFLOQ mcaao+wa m.. La. . 1 . ,\ .... .. 4'... k,‘ -.. \x 1: r 1)....0 ..x,.. o rt. rxa .. 4 . -. . A 1? 4 L ....ww.r.L CF (11%.“ O ..--O J! _. H O a re a ...II ,. .0 J , r.. F. .r /J A ... O \ ... 7.4. . . H C .l C N CC .0 .3 II M. \_\ H T ( "LL 3.. 34.1.. ....» A..- -\ r fix. v.¥ r1 , .1 1. c t 1.- I C.......L.-.<..»CCL h. r _ . .7“. 1 II -.... .0 . - I .|.\rl}wu~1 Cfx 0 ¥ ff 1!. o ‘14. ...4 ( _ I.. . 4 .. I. T . . ....AIO‘ r} .I pa » L. ..M f}:r.r\ a?.o 1!. .... -... .... o .1.1.. -.-c H_”rk anuw \rrH/l.L..1 F“.W,Hnfiasuuuvl) r-- . , .-o 4.1.4.. r p{, r! I! + *5 w.“\ r + Q , x . O C v + .l‘ ...-1 *- 1 . s . . 01, L. T x -\ r . -- 0 P... .r« ..- .-.. Fr. .f u + D» (x F! + be mocaaahw: x. 01 . ..3 Ln) - i .. CO H» H Ukud! CLCLL _. rmnmhxcs; Hupsosmo 1.. 6 r w; ......)_- . .UJ1 Mich: . . \ . o.-(kr ... ...! 1 .\ .1 . J. .4.‘ 1 a 1 I IV a... 1 .. I . _ .y I D l.‘\ .irmerflJ -2 QH‘rwpxtsnw CW. "x. Wrectxéupmw VuMpfiFHr no PC." ..ZCP CC UCDACA...»G§. .L a... L ._ - . . -w£+w: r a“ ..- ”1...: r. ...r C. F .- .\ r... - ... ‘.~ I "ll .-r C\ A: by 0 .... ... .4. r.... C C\ r. Fv 4 \U_ w+awp b nt/xp E... mflrmh 33 of the F3 generation were estimated from VFB. If DF3 and HF3 differed from DF2 and HFZ resuectively, a perfect fit could have been obtained for F3 by adjustment of D and H. is a result of this perfect fit in?F , the sum.of squares of the observed variances from their expectation would have been reduced by this adjustment of D and H. The es- timation of D and H from the complete data for the cross ASGY-lo x Craigs Afterlea has previously been done. The next step was to estimate D and H from VF and Vfi‘, assum- 2 3 ing the perfect fit in'VF . The variances required are: Using no. Using log- of links arithms VF2 = 1/2 D . 1/i H . El . 172.1 .137 VF; . 1/2 D + 1/16 H + 32 a 53.8 .052 31 = 17.1 .Ohl E2 I 20.5 .018 Equations for least squares estimates of the four com- ponents of variance were obtained by a method analogous to that used previously. Each equation was multiplied through by the coefficient of D which it contained and the result- ing equations were summed, and so on for H, El: and 32, This 31. gave the following equations: Using no. Usi.1 log- of links arithms (5) 1/2 D + 5/32 H + 1/2 El + 1/2 32 = 112.95 .094 (6) 5/32 D + 17/256 H + 1/H El +1/16 32 = H6.39 .037 (7) 1/2 D + l/h H + 2 E1 . 219.2 .178 (8) 1/2 D + 1/16 H + 2 32 = 7H.3 .070 Solving these simultaneous equations the following estimates were obtained for the components of variance in the cross A587-10 x Craigs Afterlea. Using no. of links Using logarithms D - 5.H .038 H = h89.3 .293 El ' @736 .Oh3 E2 = 20.5 .017 The expected values given under the headings "corrected” in Table 5 were obtained by substituting these values for D, H, E1, and E2 in the original equa ions. It was ob- served that the relative values of D and H had been changed when VF was omitted, which gave strong evidence that link- age was involved in this cross. However, there was no more recovery of parental types than expected. This indicated the presence of several linkage groups on different 35 chromosomes with rand m combinations between groups. In a wide cross such as this it was eszoected that there would be linkage of factors fro on each of ti 1e diverse parent m . Estimates of fi: {able gen etic variation obtain ed from the original data, uncorrected and corrected for linktge, were about the same. However, the percentage of fixable q, genetic variation was increased by using the logarithms of the data and was further increased by the correction for linkage. The bronortion of variation due to heredity is presented in Table 6. Table 6: Genetic variation expressed percent of total variation in A587-lO x Craigs Afterlea cross Using no. of links Using logarithms uncorrected corrected uncorrected corrected for ling- for link- age age Fixable genetic 1.7% 1.6% 6.hfi 1h.l$ variation in F2 Total genetic variation in F2 68 72 63 68 Mi able genetic _ . / Vafla atiOn in F3 5.0 5.0 19.6 35.0 means Total gene ic variation in F, 59 63 63 69 J mo c’ll’lS Consideration of Linkage in Clintland X A587-10 Consideration of linkage in the calculations from the cross ASST-10 x Craigs Afterlea was shown to increase the ‘proportion of fixable genetic variation in relation to to- tal variation. The deviation of observed from expected n the cross Clintland X H. variances was also fairiv high A587-10, especially when logarithms were taken. Therefore a test should also be made for linkage in Clintland x A587-10, using logarithms. Least squares estimates of the 3 components of var ance were obtained by the same method used previously. The left sides of equations (5) to (8) / . . u . 0 on page 20 apply in this case. when the right Sides of the equations were computed, the following equations were obtained. (5a) 1/2 D + 5/32 H + 1/2 El + 1/2 32 = .065 (6a) 5/32 D + 17/250 a + 1/h El +1/16 32 = .026 (7a) 1/2 D + 1/i H + 2 E1 = .130 (8a) 1/2 D + 1/16 H + 2 Ba . .053 The following estimates for the components of variance were obtained When these simultaneous equations were solved. D I . 003;. H . .23h El a .035 E2 = .018 37 These values are only slightly changed from.those obtained by using the mean variance of F3 families. Therefore evidence of linkage is lacking. Lo 03 DISCUSSION Mather (7) gave a method for calculating the standard errors of D, L, El, and E2 from.the sum of squares of devia- tions of observed from expected values of the several vari- ances. This method involved use of multipliers which were not calculated in the present stud“. Lacking these stand- ard errors, there was no reliable way of telling whether the values observed were significant or not. It seemed that the high values of H in the three crosses indicated domi- nance. Changing the data to logarithms changed the value of H in the cross Clintland x Craig enough that, lacking its standard error, the preceding statement was not certain. Dominance relations could also be assessed by compar- ing the Pl and its derivatives to the mid-parent value. No Fl's were grown in the field, so the F2 and the F3 were utilized in determining dominance. The following obser- 'V vations were based on the data presented in Figures 5, 6, L) w and 7. In the cross Clintland x Craig tnere was domi- nance of the factors favoring lodging resistance. In the cross A587-10 X Craigs Afterlea there was dominance of the factors favoring lodging susceptibility. In the cross Clintland x A587-10 there was douinance,to a lesser ex- tent,of factors favoring lodging susceptibility. This reduction in degree of dominance was probably due to a balancing of some dominant susceptibility factors from A587-1O by dominant resistance factors from Clintland. In plant breeding work it is desired that individuals selected for any trait be able to traismit the trait to their progeny. Selection is accomplished on the basis of individual readings or on the basis of family means. These individual readings or means are subject to variation and this variation will be composed of D, H, and E portions. In order to increase the heritability or ability to trans- mit the trait to progeny, it is desired to increase the preportion of the variance due to difference between home- zygotes represented by D. The best way to increase the proportion of D is to decrease the proportion of H.and E. In self -pollinated crops the D component of means re- mains constant while the H component decreases by one-half in each generation. Thus Selection in later generations becomes more and more effective. Economy of time suggests making selections in as early a generation as possible. The D component which was calculated for the cross Clint- land x A587-10 was very small. The greatest proportion of fixable genetic variation Was nine per cent fixable genetic 110 variation in F3 means. This low value indicated that se- lection might not be successful in this cross. In the other two crosses, Clintland x Craig and A587-10 X Craigs Afterlea corrected for linkage, the proportion of fixable genetic variation to total variation was about 15 per cent in the F2 and about 35 per cent in the F3 means. This 15 per cent of ariation due to fixable genetic differences in the F2 was low enough that selection might be ineffi- cient. However, by the F3 generation, the figure for fix- able genetic variation had risen and selection might be more effective. Furthermore, this incr ase in fixable genetic variation increased the probability of retaining the best progeny. The statistics utilized were not sen- sitive in determining tne size of population to save. Another way to increase the preportion of variation due to D would be to reduce the proportion due to E. In these calculations values of 30 to 60 per cent of the to— tal variation have been found for non-heritable variation. Replication would have helped greatly in removing or ac- counting for much of the non-heritable variation encoun- tered in the experiment. In the formula, ch -‘§, given by Grafius and Brown (h) lodging reS1stance was a function of both the weight supported and the height. The weight supported, but not n the height, has been considered in this study. Height of the plant is inherited separately from.the factors deter- mining torque resistance. When either height or torque re- sistance is held constant, a change in the other factor will cause a change in lodging resistance. Selection for lodg- ing resistance should, on a practical basis, be made only hts. Similarly, if it were de- sired te improve lodainq resistance by hybridization, the quickest advances would be made by crossing strong plants of the same height. Crossing of strong plants of consid- erably different heights would give a wide“ range of heights compounded on the range of torque resistance. Then the desired combination may not be found in a small sample. Conversion of the data by taking logarithms changed the proportion of fixable genetic variance. The original H figure might have included a part due to interaction of genes due to imprOper scaling. The order of the original p—l. data was no: affected by logarithms; therefore selection (a H o. 6 :3 :2 $3 "3’ 9 o :3 (F m . H H) should be done on the basis of the fi under selection, it would be necessary to consider whether he original scale was adequate. The logarithmic trans- formation used in this paper was, in effect, equal to hano- ing a heavy chain on strong plants and progressively li hter chains on the weaker plants so that all plants might bend to the same distance above the ground. SUUMARY Inheritance of lodging resistance versus lodging sus- ceptibility was studied in three oat crosses involving the parents Clintland, Craig, A587-10, and Craigs Afterlea. Crosses were obtained for most of the possible combina- tions of these parents but several seeds were killed by excessive disinfectant treatment. The parents, the Fg's, and the F3's for each cross were grown together in the field. A chain of known weight was used to determine resistance of each plant to external torque. Lodging resistance was found to be dominant in the cross Clintland x Craig and was found to be recessive in the crosses Clintland x A587-IO and A587-10 x Craigs Afterlea. Variations in the F2 and the F3 were separated into heritable and non—heritable portions. The heritable vari- ation was further divided into fixable genetic and non- fixable genetic components according to the method pro- posed by Mather (7). The distributions of the original observations were skewed toward the low side. There was no reduction in skewness in the F3, which indicated that the problem.was in scaling. When natural logarithms of ’43 Q the data were used, the distributions approached much more closely to a normal distribution. Conversion of the data had an important effect in increasing the proportion of fixable genetic variance in the calculations on the crosses Clintland X Craig and A587-10 x Craigs Afterlea. The fixable genetic variance, in the two crosses where it could be calculated, was approximately 15 per cent when the F2 plant readilgs were used and 35 per cent when the F3 means were used. Selection for lodging resist- ance prior to the F3 generation seems likely to be on the basis of non-fixable differences. Selection on the basis of means of F3 families seemed to give a good start toward isolating superior lines. Logarithms were valuable in this study in determining the effectiveness of selection but were not necessary for selection as they did not change the ranking of plants. l. 2. 3. LITERATURE CITED Atkins, J. M. Inheritance of weight per unit length of culm and other characters in Kanred x Coppei wheat. Jour. Agr. Res. 76: 53-72. leB. Atkins, J. M. Relation of certain plant characters to strength of straw and lodging in Winter wheat. Jour. Agr. Res. 56: 99—120. 1938. Fisher, R. A., Immer, F. R., and Tedin, O. 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