A STUDY 0?: WNSE RAE’fiS- £15333 UMOMZAWON !N THE MEAT PACK 3‘38 ENDUSTR‘I’ EN MICHSGAN A Research 93:38: 50" {uh-9 Qegree o§ Ni. 3. NJCWGAN STATE UNWERSWY Wi§§arc§ L MC Lead "6&3 $45: WJ IV. McLeod, Willard L A study of wage rates and union ..... M S. Thesis 1963 MSU LIBRARIES m V RETURNING MATERIALS: Place in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped beIow. A STUDY OF WISE £7}??ij AND [HEQI‘IELATNEN IN TLE MEAT PACfiIEZG 1331231321? 33 2‘ ICEZZG’KN by Hillard L. McLeod Submitted to the College of Agriculture Hichijan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of a Com-7"?" Ifi €\ «7,11. -'i fibula“ F GLJJLJLE Department of figricultural ECONQfiiCfi .IQQS b. ' V ' t o J ‘3 . ‘7 . 1 't :- . ‘ 'Q' ' w‘ ACKEICW LEDGLZZQZ {T3 The author aisles to express his gratitude and appreciation to all those who helped*with the completion ofi this study and the preparation of the moript. Special abpreciation is expressed by the author to his major professor Dr. Harold M. £1167 for the guidance, inopiraticm and encouragmuent which he provided. 'i‘hatzlu are expressed to all the staff: more of the Deparmm of Agricultural Ecoaamica, who have given freely of their time and advice whenever it was requested. .Flnancinl assistance provided by Dr. L. L. Eager. chairman of the Agricultural Economics Department, made it possible for the author to continue his are-mate study. Thanks are extended to Don mine, Pistrict Extension Agent, Marketing, for his help in arranging interviews and apyointmenta. Thanks tra also a-zpressed to Mrs. Janet timer, Mrs. Cathrm West and Patricia Head for trying the first draft of thin manuscript. ii TALL}? OI' CLLELIJTS Thagtcr I. KTKODUCTIOH . . . . . . . . . . . o . . o . Other RESCEFCh o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CLjECtives o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o 0 Order Of pretentation o o o o o o o o o o 0 II. 5C3“? (‘ITGI‘NIZYIITLAL CIiAF‘f'CTIPIS'TICC OF TIMI) HICHIG N REAT PACKING INDUSTRY . . . . . Hunger, Eize and Location of Packinr Ploutu Specialization and Relative In ortance by 8120 Category 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 Wayne Ccunty Vs. Cutstate Nichigan . . . . Packer Associations . . . . . . . . . . . 0 III. ‘FICL CTFAYIZfiTIFN :33 LfiTCP COMTFLCT TRCVISIORS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 Degree of Unionizntion . . . . . . . . . . The Three E-Iajor Unions . . . . . . . . . . Major Labor Contract Provisions . Later Clossifications and Vage hates . . . H. P. H 00%.)?" 11 12 13 13 13 16 5“ v‘ Table of Contents--Continued. (3:3 :ter IV. A PILRT STUDY OF LALCR IERCTICES ASL LABOR REIT PACKING PLPVTS I? P-‘I!‘.‘1‘.IC!‘.I‘§”S ICTT‘OR‘ZCtion o 0' o 0 Selection of Plants “HG’tionnaire . . Labor Contracts and Practices . . . . Labor Utilization and Protlers of Measuring Ships 0 o o o o 0 Problems of Measurin? Current Labor Problem LIST 0? REFERFECES . . . . . . APP r‘ Labov ”C O ati and Developmen a on Labor Costs Inwut-Output Palation- Labor Costs per Head f.‘ ‘1' iv 0 O C t of O O O O C C 4“? "In \..'\.I .‘d C O O O O O C O O C O O O I O as “3 M3 an H7 u9 50 51 5M CHAPTER I Introduction Hagea end aaiariee accounted for over 50 percent of the total operating costs of east packing plants in the United States during 1962.}! .Theee labor coste are not uniform throughout the United Stetee. but very greatly from region to region. Average hourly eerninge (or production workers in meat packing plants in 1958 varied fro- a high of $3.11 per hour in Minnesota to e low of $1.38 per hour in North Carolina. The regional variation use from a high of $2.70 per hour in the west North Central to a low of $1.65 per hour in the South.Atlanticc£/ It ie hypotheoized that geographic differences in labor costs effect the relocation of livestock slaughtering facilities. Thia etudy ia part of a larger research project which attempts to analyze peat chengee in the location of liveatock slaughter plants and then eeke predietiona of future changes in aleughter plant location. Other Research Thirteen Midwestern land-grant colleges and the USDA are presently involved in a national study of adjustments in the livestock and meet ‘Lfineericen Heat institute. Financial Facts about the Meat Packing Indus- grz. Chicago. 1963. p. a. 210.8. lureeu of Census. Annual Canons of fianufaczurers--1953, Washington 25. 0.6.. 1960. O L .1." ‘, L v ,. ' o I ’ J l a ' , t ‘. J ‘ _ . Lo -‘§ 0.. , . r I ' 1 _ K . J . .t . I .‘ ‘ , t - A l a ‘ _‘ I, I, s . ' .1- ’\' v .1 or 1 I . I I A ‘ ' l ‘ r 1 ~‘ ' ‘ , x ' . a ' " ‘ e I ' id . t‘ . .a l ‘ . . ' ‘ . , o I - . ' 1 3 ' ‘ I .t ‘ 1‘ ‘ 'v e \ ' U '0‘ 3" e..- J k n. i e , '_ . . | 1 ’ ~. , 1. . . .' , ‘ . VI 1 . I ' .l -. o 2“, . . . .- . - . 's‘ A l '1 .x . ‘ .. ‘ .‘- f“ J 1.1 ' § 5‘. ‘ ' " l t ‘ v v I - 93 l ‘ e I ’ —. . ' o. J ‘ A Q ' V c, H 4‘ ~‘ _ 0 .‘l J .‘J ‘ I I V‘ - -.« v . ~ ‘ ‘ ~ . ro- .rr \ . - .‘-'- I- ‘ W ‘ ‘ -. . . . ' (A '- u. . - ‘ . : ,é- ’- . J .' a i . u . ' — .‘ e e . - - . e. (r t . o r’ ‘- ‘1 I e o ‘-' J ‘ . '9‘, '3 . l a. K — \ O’nl ‘Q- “Or ’ P’” 'O a "..’ -" ”no“ Jr“ .5 -O . P- . v . r . . . , - J , , y - . 1 1 -..-. a. ‘. g L _ .‘ r e o . ’~ a ‘ _“ _ in . _ a u . ‘ ' ._.‘_ .- t k ,3 .t “r A ’ i A -,e f D -17 v1 .10 "Ov g. C 'l "J .2. industry as affected by changing patterns of production snd_consumption.§/ The objective of this study (nan-25) is to estimate the effects of ex- pected changes in the pattern of production, consumption and trons- portation costs on (s) the location of livestock eerketing and lust packing facilities and (b) the patterns of livostock end neat shipments within the north Central Region and between that region and other regions in the United States. Phase VI of this study-~Potontisl Adjustments in the Livestock end Heat lndustry--has the following objectives: (s) identify and explein changes in the organizational structure of the neat packing end processing industry fron.historicel date and (b) employ this analysis in projecting and evaluating future spetiel organisation of the industry. An integral pert of the Phase V! is the Michigan Contributing Pro- jectf-Ihe Impact of Geographical Differences in wage Estes and Unioniza- tion on Entry. Exit end Location of Meet Packing Plants. The Hidhigsn project is national in scope. Objectives The general objectives of the pilot study were: (s) to develoo some undorstsndins of the lahor situation in the most packing industry in Hichiaen in preperetion for sore extensive studies on.a national basis. end (h) to identify labor prohlens in the Michigan‘= Heat Packing Industry end to esseuble information that would be useful to nest llfiCfl-ZS-ddjuetnents in Livestock marketing in the North Control States to Changing Batterna of Production and Consumption. unpublished project outline. ,_ ' r ‘ , . . I. a J D bl‘ . .... o , . . o '~.§ 9' no iq'r ' ' .' I vb .. , . . . .1 - -... , ~ . I O I l I . . J. a \ . U 0 . > ' 4 ' ’ 4 v. . , ‘l e ‘ | I -~ v r ' "u t v ' . I V . b t . _ .. .... . - ‘ ' k I .“ - : .. '- I 3-? ._ ' a.-/ L 3 . ‘1') ; ‘ J‘ . . < -. . ' . Ii ‘ . 1 I ‘ u' a . .— , . A . A. -! ‘r . l I e -. . ' l . " an..." . v-.- an-..» e- a. ' . at! 'u 1 . . ‘ r ‘ ‘ I. . g _ . 0" , ‘9 K‘. 2.4.: ..: i' .r ‘ . ‘ .. ‘ . f I . . _ . £ . v i ' ‘ a 'I . " v.0 a . : I’~ h ._ ~..,, ‘ -’ 3 .- ..:-.. , f .. ~.v .. ‘3’ ‘Al‘ . ~ ‘.IM-*»-*O—fl ‘- H v“... \- .c i . ".- - .1 1r. 3 . E"! ‘ 3 ’3‘ packers in solving these problems. The specific objectives were as follows: 1. to determine the degree of Unionizetion in Michigan's Heat Packing Industry. 2. to describe and compare major labor contract provisions. 3. To determine the degree of uniformity of vega rates across the State. 4. 'COnduct a preliminary investigation of labor costs and labor management practices used by a sample of slaughter plant operators. Order of Presentation In Chapter 11 general background information about the Michigan livestock slaughter industry is presented. This includes the nunber. sise. degree of specialization and location of slaughter plants; a comparison of the importance of Wayne County and Outstate lichigsn. which includes the other '2 counties. as to slaughter volume. and a brief description of the too pecker associations. Chapter III lists the labor unions which are active in the meat packing industry in‘flichigan. their relative strength. and compares the major contract provisions of the three major unions.: a comparison of labor classification and wage rate data for the three major unions is also given. ‘ A summary of the information obtained from.the pilot study of lichigaa packing plant operators is given in Chapter IV. This includes data'on labor problems, labor management practices, and where available, a comparison of the labor costs for slaughtering various classes of livestock. ‘L. A ' s . , v _ f. a A .. 4 t. A. - I» ‘ ‘il ‘ 'sj ,1 1 1“1 . (L) .r“.‘ P " I‘ ' . "‘ ‘ ' ' . ‘ V" 'v I‘ ‘ "'7 . -J L" { I1. I ‘,| I )1 U, ‘ D b ' r ‘ i ‘ 1. It t .4 T.’ ‘ .1) C} ‘ J I Q. ; f .f . 1 >1 ' " ‘l'_l_,. A - ' f ) ‘V‘ a . . .1 LI .. , i.‘ a . . a 3 ‘3 1h iJ»- 2,! l . ur- ..~ . " ¢ 1 A ‘ ' "‘1’ ' I’ ., O" - ~ . —. . C v (ff ‘ A. . ‘5 . I '~ ' 4 . ‘ oi it» J1 }, .lg'.1.‘.> . auti‘ v. ‘ . V, . " ~ ~/ ‘t .' : --' V I. ‘ J i -y " ‘1' .l —‘ i )3 I 1 ’4 , . .av ) ‘77 :1‘15 If: fie .u - . ' 4' ‘ . ' - '2‘ t ' .7 “ ' V ;, v . --. ~.~ e . '. ‘ 0 1 ~- ~. 15.. -; ~' '5" ‘5- - J j. 1.," '3 Min-5. . ‘QvLA,. ‘,_I’; I;1;-i.i J .1 .' '_ ‘ a I ( If. '1. .I ~. . . .. . . . v . s a- ‘ . ‘ , ‘J - . f. . . I u ’ LI ' a , ’ l t a s ’i ‘ . I . - ' V . O ‘ ‘ V _ ‘ . a . ‘ .. ‘ - . ' ‘ l . a 1'. - ‘1' m . I - ‘ ' . n ' ' O 4 ~ cs pv . . . _ _.' i 0 ~ . . . - , . , .._\ , , . ‘ ._ .' ’ ..' A e . ' \ i" J. . ‘ . . ' 1 ‘ f ', _ _ ' l .1 -. . . m .50 O D 1‘ ’ - I, i ‘ p '. ‘ ~ g '. ' . .3 ‘ t ,L A . ‘ J ‘ L ' . 1 . i -da - .1 g _ ' . . , --< . , , . . ‘ . I a I t' ' I a I .J. , . . e ‘ - \4- J . .- . ‘ ' a 1 J . ‘ . ‘ _ r t ’ V 4 .‘ - ., a, J . . v - e3 ,- ' 3 ‘ a . .l ‘ _ . ' : I ‘ in ‘ . '. . _‘ L ' r. s » . \ ‘ r .- ‘. i f ' 1 5 E . .l , I \ J J a; ' ' C. 0, l‘ . . ) _‘ 4 . r! y r - .- ‘ r . . . y _. , u ’l. ‘. I ; s g . I ‘ . * - . , ) s e #1 a . - o (.1 _ . a, ., I l ' I ' - ' 1 .1 1 ‘ ‘ 3. .5» same I CHAPTER 11 Some Organizational Characteristics of the flichigan Heat Packing lndustryfil The purposes of this chapter are: (l) to list the number. size and location of meat pecking plants by county; (2) to compare the degree of specialization and relative importance of the different size categories; (3) to compare way-no County and Outstntcr' iiichigan in terms of their contribution to total state slaughter; and (5) to de- scribe the two packer associations. Number, Size and Location of Packing Plants There were 714,000 cattle. 369.000 calves. 1.754.000 hogs and 842,000 sheep and lambs slaughtered by the 233 firms engaged in the slaughter and processing of red nest animals in Michigan in 1962. These plants are classified on the basis of live weight volume into wholesale, local and butcher categories.2/ The geographical nghe meat packing industry, as referred to in the report. includes all meet packing companies primarily engaged in the processing of most animals and the wholesale distribution of meat Products. This conforms with the definition used by the American Heat Institute in its report. Financial Facts about dhe Heat Packinggjnduatry, Chicago, 1963. p. 22. QIThe tern “butcher" refers to those establishments slaughtering less than 300,000 pounds live weight annually. ”Local" includes those plants slaughtering between 300,000 and two million pounds annually and “whole- sale” includes all plants slaughtering over two million pounds per year. These categories coincide with those used by the fiichigsn Cooperative CrOp Reporting Service. mwv-Mn‘ n .-- _,- f . “H‘- a 4 I. -.. "-II ' f} .‘I ‘1‘." slv - .“" 4'“ ' 1 ":i" ’7' v' €i¢'l." .- .I' ‘ w .I '1): r " 1' ' '- 1,. 'f ." l -. 1 . ‘ -, .‘j .1 . Cu”; 7, .J" Ul- l I . v ‘ .. " ' . i I ~ 1 .c . ' 4 .fi _-l "‘1' 1' I... ~“ CO-r-nv .4~-.—'¢qv~a-- .r s e A \ve' v u ‘- a . I 'I ' l ..! a) 7'. . 3 1 u . ‘ ’ ~ ’ - I r 1 ~ x. .. . .. .. . ._. - o 4 “-- I - , . xv" ' . a -II 4 . . - v. cs L: | .4 l " _ e r " ‘1 I *... 214 l- .- ~ .-‘:.. l. -. . t _ . . v _ ' . . I . ’ .\ _ ' ‘ O . .. . - _ . e, . . ., - A . ‘ . f 1 s . i g: . p. ‘ . ‘ -... .‘ . . s .l l ' . ' J .1 . ‘ s. p,.. e L . . f ". ' ’ a . e a s f . .‘ a“ . ’. . 5 . location of the 82 wholesalei/ and 74 local plants is shown by county on Tigure l. The greatest concentration of plants (28) isioceted in Wayne County, the meat packing center of Michigan. The second largest concentration of plants (21) is located in the three western Hichiaan counties of Huskegon, Kent and Ottawa. Three-fourths of all plants are located south of an imaginary line drawn from Bay City to Muskegon. Specialization and Relative Importance by Size Category The wholesale plants. although comprising only one-third of the physical plants, are by far the nest important from an economic stand- point. In l962, the wholesale plants, including federally inspected, accounted for 92 percent of the cattle, 96 percent of the hogs, and virtually all of the calves and sheep slaughtered in Michigan (Table l). The bulk of this neat moves in intnastate trade and only that portion from the six federally inspected plants can love interstate as well. Approximately 16 percent of the cattle, 35 percent of the calves, i9 percent of the hogs and bl percent of the sheep slaughtered in Hichigan in 1962 were slaughtered under federal inspection. Local plants slaughtered 6.5 percent of the cattle. 3.5 percent of the hogs and less than 1 percent of the calves and sheep in 1962. The meat from these plants is sold locally to hotels, restaurants and pri- vate persons, primarily. Considerable custom slaughter is also done. The butchers play an insignificant role, handling approximately- 1 percent or less of each species, usually ins custom slaughter for farmers. fi/Fizure includes the six wholesale plants that are federally inspected. . ) 1 . ¢l~l \ 1‘ \‘ I , ‘ l‘ '- Q . . "a - .. .4 , a ., . . _ . *L ' I 1 l ‘l ' l O ' a .‘ a ‘4 ‘ l N ‘_ l '_ . a I .~ “ l - - ' 1 I n . a , 5 .1 4 _ I . ‘ . ’ ' s.‘ O - v . . . ) . ‘¢» . v ‘ q . ‘ . j 7 . .- . t l . a ‘. .,( . l \ an ‘1 . . . V‘ 1 I ." 1 _..-. -wne—ae ——.—- -m. w---—.-.-.— ~. ~ . i ,v ‘I . . . , _ \a‘ l J “l - 4}) ex \ I \ ' l.‘ e .‘ _, l ’ ‘ ') c.f3 -— l t . O a \ ' , i 7. . ‘J l e , ‘ ‘ '1 a 5. a ,. - a Q '\ t .. . g x . ‘1" l e .3 «a' J 1 ‘5 '-1 ‘11. f 4 ‘ti. {'5‘ s s - _e I , 4.]" a .J C? ‘ ‘ ...\..‘ '. ’- 2V .. p .. .. D k £4 0‘ - O .1_s~. . a e v. C . .1 g' . ~.) ' 1". » . NV 17...: J' u = a; e Jl! I ‘ ‘V e . Q . e -. z. . . 1 ' u . v ' e . u ‘4. .i . f;\l ,- ... - 'u‘ ‘I a 7 .' V'... 2' a at“ ." :1 3"" .’ab ‘. e ‘.3 a" f u l ‘ l n v ‘Q _ v . s L . “J ' v‘ ..' p I 7‘ .. u ' t n ‘V 7". e . .a a 37:7 ‘ I. e a . l ' , v I ' ~v t e- v-_ 5. '- . ‘ u ‘- ‘-.> “N IANDIffltALLN L003! LU? OM I” -. - \ .a . ' ,n ' g .1"; egos as so as so spouse _ ., Figure 1 Location of Wholesale and Local Slaughter Plants by County-1962 -.-‘ L..- Source; ‘ Reporting Service __ . ';: j.". - -‘ , , — ,2, ‘-“-.___ §3=fii:_ hot no u s s Vila lee h? was we I712: O Hichigaa Cooperative Crop a: ' e. I 3 wuscoeua "4'... F i rm , 1w“ ! . ran--. 0 .' J 1 EFL—ml FL... .1. ' m‘JW ,,,,, _‘ ‘ - | . PM ' | . .- ‘ . L—_._:--a ! . y . . rum ‘ r- L‘ I : ,/'~\ , ‘ I I .-€ o_/ ‘ neg ' ' l. '6 lbs... mscousm 2 . g \ \ 1. ' w [‘9‘ ‘. .. ‘ W '\ I . no: ? n m Table l Ruhber of H ad of Livestock Slaughtcred by Plant Category in michlgsn--1902 = v Fmrxw'cfkmnd Plant Category Cattle Calve. huge Sheep Federal Inspected 113.299 123.579 327,9o6 3b8.629 Wholesale 545,590 237,843 1,336,0Q0 £90,300 Local 46,663 2,l30 2.500 1,160 hatchet __£;EE2 700 65990 130 Total 713.679 369,259 1,753,556 8&0,0l9 A l¥121;3{3¢ Federal inspected l5.9 3e.8 13.7 41.5 Eholesale 76.h 64.4 77.3 53.¢ Local 0.3 0.0 3.6 0.1 Butcher l.2 0.2 0.5 ~-- Total 100.0 160.0 l00.0 100.0 Source: Michigan Agriculture Statistics. July 1963. published by the hichlgan Cooperative Crop Reporting Service. The 150 local and non-federally inspected wholesale plants were grouped into deciles on the heels of annual dressed weight slaughtered. The approximate dressed weight slaughtered was calculated by multiplying the number of head of each specLOSslaughtored by each plant times the average dressed weight of that speciaa.lj There were l3 plants in each ZIAverage dressed weights of 562 pounds for cattle. 91.6 pounds for calves, l2? pounds for huge and 47 pounds for sheep were used. These weights were computed using 9.3. dressing percentages and mlchl§sn live weight figures. This base data and the number of head sleughterea par p.ent in fiichiaen was obtained from the chhlgan Cooperative GEL; Ec;ngcgen nvaICe [or 1962. .c—_’— ———.—-- .- .. “d” a a“ '—.r .‘m-. m“ -.—.- .—-o .o——.— ~—.. H. V .. _.._._____.___--_ ' ~0..- mv-o-H- . r . ‘ .A , J .. y . l - - -- - -+_ ‘m- .— .. '_ . ._..... - -—-—- _ - .- - --— .. -au— .4 --—.-- - up .a-o....o . .o—u .— ----.-.—--—-~-. a...‘ v--_v_ , , _- . -_— --—_-——- o . -- a 0.7 - - A' -..._- —' ——- .-.m-. o ., . - _ _.. _ -_.~.__..- —-_-__.u__. . -.._-- o-.. .. I .._u -- -.—._-__. . _.. ~-_...__ ---_- .- . . n—v- . --:,- y .- ,. ._ -_ - _. _ o ' _ q , . I . I . ‘ . at . . . ‘ I . ‘ . l . h I ‘ ‘ . I ' . \ O .. . . . .. . . ‘ «A A . 1 . . . .. ‘ _ ' . ._ . . a 5 v . Q. .1 O .- x .. --— m- '"A‘ -.——~—---- - Q. -—-—- w- H . a . A ‘. ‘1 . . ' . . W . > ,§. . . A . -- .- . \ | ‘. ,. I! A I . - “ . a . . , . \ ' 1 - ' ' . a ‘ n. . ‘ .. - _ U; . ' . ‘ I . . , ‘ l '3 < V _.—-..._—...- _.-.._. a... .I- “-0.9 Q \. *— _.- --—-.- ~40. docilo (Toblo 2). TM locol planta aro grouped in tho tint tlvo docileo. Tho drooood night 701“ tor thia amp raged tron ale! 0! 50.000 ”undo to a high of 1.098.000 panda. rho uholooolo plooto oro grouped to doclloo 6 to 10. rho actual tango in dressed weight vols-o val 1.111.000 panda to $1,222,000 panda. Table 2 Docilo Groupingo of Slnghter Planto laood upon Drooood night Volume. Michigan. .. Dooilo Snalloot Larsoat Docile Bongo in Drooood Hoisht Volt-o group PIE t gloat Dressed Weight of Average flgo Plat (Thouomd Pounds) 1 so 216 166 259 2 216 I 303 87 203‘ 3 . 30/. 363 0!. >334 I. 368 523 160 1.34 s 626 1,098 (.72 l 019 o 1.117‘ I. 1.992 373 1.605 1 2.079 2.974 895 2.533 a 2.001. 5.178 2.174 3.931 9 5.421 9.529 4,102 7.230 .10 10.901 61.222 L 50.235 19.940 41.— _‘_.__ ..___. m: luck“. Cnpontivo Crop leportins Servico Woo federally inspected daughter Tho tango in drooood weight within each decilo no then calculatod by oubtroctin; tho drooaod weight of the ugliest plot in oach docilo group tron tho drooood weight of tho largest plant in tho: oao docilo. rho rouse no .alloot for tho oocond ond third dociloo indicating a largo cluotor o! pluto with a volumo of 200.000 up to slightly undo: "7- 0 y ' _ "' - > 'v“ - r.’ 0 9 «(r ' v a . ‘ . .. ’ -- . ' - . ‘ . f 1 '. . u' l - . 2 .’ - A _ — “ t x ’ - -; - la. ‘ - ‘ a O ‘ .A ' ' - - 1' l u- . - . (0 . . 4 ‘ . . '. - . ~ . o . l.- ‘ 2 I' ,1. s I ' t . ’ I ' o - ‘ C ‘ p ‘ '- ( . , . - o y. ', I- a ' a. . -1 ‘. — ‘ J .. ' . I 0 A o . . . , - ~. . . 0 - 1 I _ . .. . . . - ‘ ‘ a " 2 ' n ‘ I ‘9 d, . - . J . l . ‘ - 1 a...—-_— ——.-—~ .0“. -~.- —. < ‘— -.-o I ”“hv 0 "pr-v -“ - - m C C M .-'—.-C ‘M—* w..- 0'.-- —-m— '— -n—.‘- w.‘ ”—‘o— or. wry » . . . -.- ' . -‘~ - ..-'g-— ---' o a «v2 -'-v ‘ .u .- o... ._.o a... -u.-..-...a-—.-..' - -.~ - .1—.~ '- .c... -- l“... . 0 cu—--- "' ' .. - .0... ~§ .0..- - . -.. ‘ .,... I. ‘ ._ 3 , . i Y .' ., o. “ ' "‘ " . -‘ Q . I n '0 ‘r'.." ‘v 0,. .~.-.,’._ ‘ . . . . ‘ : - - p r~..~ . I o . 0 v , -a - o- u - - .- ‘o A . u _ .- n’ y ‘* —v .- M . - - -v -v d ‘ . 2 . ‘ ‘ '0‘. 3 . l- 'v \ -- JO 0. O - K ‘ ’- 3 3 \ ’. 3" 1! ! 'uv j " . .- "' ’,‘ x' . a _ r ' - ‘ v A ' -‘ ; '- 4‘ ~ ‘ .0 ' ‘ 2. a. " ' t‘ ’ ' ". ‘ “I ' [i Q ‘Iu-V 1"... --.\-~' J ‘I A ‘v’o‘ 1-‘ - »._... “- . A. . v-mm _.....‘-.. .. o . ; ’0 , . . . , l “a... .-'_.‘~ ,p‘, 4' . _ 2w . .- _ ‘...__-.,_"u~_-. “V. . . _ I . . .' - I ~ ‘ . ‘.. .0 ‘v .r V 7 v . r .. .. q u" . I J ~;v‘ r V '40.; 4 - 'l‘ 3’ La ' .- as’v~ . 0e. .l I - . : J ' .., ‘ r . ' I l . _ l ' ‘ i ,. ~ .. y r- , ». 1 _ . _ _ , ‘ ‘. ‘ v ' 0 3 ‘ ' v ‘ I v. ‘ . ' 2 .I I 4 ‘ v 1 y ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘4 ‘ ‘ ' ‘ '1 . 'r « -. ‘ ..’ . ‘ . a “u" f ,1 ‘ A v . - , I v - ‘ ‘ - 4 v . . ~ . t-' . . l’ 2 ‘ A . x ,. ‘ .) I 1 . .l I 1 . -n,.. _ 3 u ‘ v o “ \- ’ I ' ' i ' V .' , ry .‘ ' ' I ' . , ‘ 7 . , , .2 5.; ., . ., V — '2» - .x I 1 '. If n. a . u . ‘ _ H . , - v . .. ‘ . . n ' - i ' i' l . ‘ . I ~- ‘ - \' ’ , ' - . 2. - I . c" n . “v _ ..~ 1 l > ..’ C ‘ t .- " I g ’ ' ‘ . ' . a | . . . .1, _ . - 7.- J , : , 99- 400.0(!) pounds dressed weight. The rage the: intreeees etedily up to s will. spread of 50 eillioe pounds for the teeth docile ehich indi- eetes e very lerge veristiee in size non: the l! letzeet pints. the dressed weight to: the evereze site plot in eeth docile group ves celeuleted end fund to range from 159. 000 parade to: the first de- eile grohp to 19.9“. 000 pounds for the tnth. , tho i: lsrzest plats,- oa-pzum 10 percnt o: the totel mum pints. elnzhtet over 50 percent of the Stete's ecu-federelly inspected I slnghter. The eoabioed slmghter of the ease 15 plate plus the 6 lederelly inspected pints encounter! to: 63 percent of the Stete' s tetel 1962 slnzhtet. ‘ . . A Inch higher degree or spetielieetin by species is round in the wholeeele es tampered to the local nd butcher eetegotiee. As than in teble 3. 24 potent of the eholeeele plnts speeielise ie the sleuth“: of eettle. easpered to May 3 patent of the loeels. lens of the locals sleight“ hogs. eheep. or eslves end sheet nolesively. Over 2‘ percent of the noluele pleats slughter eettle. only it percent specielise in hot slenzhtet. 1.2 percent hill sheep only .30 6 percent hill eslves end sheep only. All 5 of the specielised eel! nd theep slnzhterers siloceted in time can. Stetin; the degree of speciel- isetioe nother vey. 18 potent of the eholeeele plats sluzhte: ell four eluses 01 livestock while neerly 30 percent of the locels elnihtet ell cleeses . - [I ~ _ 4 I o ".A o '9‘ ‘ - ' - V n 0‘ o . . ,‘ e f I, ,_ ,- 1 ’ I. .4 ‘ I V v ' ‘I" . ' . i r 7.1‘ ‘ J ‘1 L ‘l 4 . - A; . .‘ . , he. - . I l ' . i .. ‘ .. . J- | v 3 a o t .o v . e ‘ 'e‘ ' ‘ . r t r 1 . ,..~ — L w, . L g -1 I s a . . . \fl'. “ O . . I ¢ 1 » . . o If v ‘ . . 4 ~’ 1 \‘J. .» ‘ ‘ . ‘ ,I ) v , : I ‘5 ‘ ‘, o ‘fi . _ , s a “ " 3 . K A -‘I I I» .- u ' I i ‘ s _ __ . e . . o z; >1 I - . e V #- . .- - ‘ I e w 5J1 L V . “-t we .‘ l/ 1-- .0 l 1 A o. ~10- .auaeae conned-3 Duane—wen sized e25: eases—25s eoaeuem gauged .55 £332.05 e333.» usuuaom I, figs .13 «.3 .2 3: in o a o in 98. 283 n.3 o in mi «.2 «.2 h... «A 92 «.3 0.9: .3333... nude: we uneouea 3 a 8 a 3 .2 n h 2 3.. .5 ~38. ‘2 ._ 2 S h . .. 3 e o o o ¢ a .83 .. 3 . . o w .. N . S a a u 2 2 «- H.333: e. 4,-“ .7. r . . .. . .73. - i. 4 a 7} _ a .. «Io _. .3 , h :4. lo I. ‘ .33 lo lo Io to...» one: 338 . «a on... 33.0 3.58 '38 :36 .258 . lb. }3mw8 ,. .r sauna £38 1 i 1 11 J .. ofllulat u. tufl .4 I v . MN MW I‘ ”I“ . *‘l 'H‘ .33 {.1}:- .o.s3.e..~seu ass-sun:— ne—usuaues: owes: «sue-3.!— !! heal! n 33.“ “'1 . .. A . . . . _. .. u v . f.. a. . x .. n N. f .u. §. . . .4. .I ...... .- ._ n: .7 u .. ’l‘l‘l‘}-lll '3’..." ‘c‘l -10.. 0". ll , ‘t'i'. .ll-’.’ Il'uul': . ‘3‘. ‘I.-!‘|Illlv. 5| - ‘ - .ll- 'Ii‘ll-\'l--‘lu . I! 1“! . ¥||| Ill- - -.l.‘.l..|.nll| ‘II. Jill: I] O. '9‘ '30-] 0| 9'!"'.‘l.b!“ 0 -II I! it? I lot x‘l‘!" II cl-..\r' Ill.-."ll' II Ill" 0 - -III! 07!- '4’i!l I. I. I Ill. n: I .‘t..’.c- [I II .1... v. |i vol- ‘5' -l l o .9 Al- .0- .' ‘1‘... iv! dll‘llllll‘tdnn .l Ill-I: cl- L v 1 h z a a | D ' y w . o . ,\ V. w t . l .l I) .V l I I. Isl I I. ll In! I d J... .o I I A ‘ ‘0 In a o ‘ .9 1- list. I 9.....- I atfi‘ I 3' I! .l 1 .. 5 Q r .. I. .‘ 'u - ’ ‘1 II. KI _ ’a ‘. ’lklu."l 'i- - l‘illl .‘l'l'l. .,l 1.1 "D-"‘ I. ' .I'|||‘ "l‘. I‘l" ". v-‘l|' ! 5".1 ". .I.“ t ll ‘1”, I, b,‘ til "‘ --.‘I."‘I.I ‘ '- ‘l."l.‘| '1' .0 I a r x. V I: L‘. lo I l. n. .‘.11. Ema County n; cutouts Michigan Wm. Cmty. the nut pockiog center of niobium contain 18 ”rout of tho include and local plants but accent: to: opptoailutcly 90 Wt of tho attic and hog- nd over 90 parent of the coins at cheep “31511th in tho Into as shown in tabla A. cutout. Hiatus. mod- '0! the othor '2 mm, olmghton 52 W o! the attic. ‘7 p.- cutofthohop,|pmtofthoedvuoutpace-tutu”: and id... A11 5 of the plants that specialist in the doubt. of. -- calves ad that? an located in Wm Comty. I'm of'tfio nix ideally inspected plants in Minn or. located than doc. Table ‘ Distribution of Simmer bottom time County ad cutout. 1mm”. 19‘! lpociu ' ' labor of Bend PM Rayon County ~ cutout. ' WW County ‘ cutout; (mm-u) (thou-cod) uni. 343 ' 366 ‘ as ' ‘ 52 can; 348 11 - 9A 5 nos- ' 939 ' ' 815 53 in Show and i ' ' up» _ 179 q . . u 92 a “tattoo: ”Michifim minutiae Statistics. July 1963. publiohod by tho nichizm Cooperativo Crop Reporting Serving and USDA Livo- utock Marks: Reporting 8min, Detroit. I * . I . ' I 1 ‘ . ‘. ~ . Q 0‘ \ _.l ,- ‘ ‘. ‘ . ' \ a . ’ ’ ‘ ‘f "- ’ “ . "' ‘ - '. ".n ".51 V r ‘ ‘ r., " 'on..¢ ... . , -. ' b. . - , . -.- -, -& .1. ,4... ‘ ._ .4_ .. ~... , o u - ' I . 1 _ _ v - . v . o u‘. * ‘ v -u I . .. ' . ’ 0 j A . 'f y ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . .“9 . ‘ I I - . 'l. i. ' 10‘ .. A I-‘y i . ' ‘ ’A ' ’h 7' a . 7', ’ s . ~. . . . p . , . ‘ .. V . . ' .Q '9 ' _ o‘ I _, , ‘ ; v _ - .- . . 0 4" ‘l I .‘3 5.4 ,1. . u . ’ .J. , ., ) L . . . ‘ ‘ > '3 ' ' ‘ , ‘ c ' _‘ _ . ,* v ‘ ‘ ‘ , ._ ‘ ‘ ’ - w . - -- . ‘ A x '.n --. - I. .A p .. 1|.“ o‘. a'.\.o k‘ ~ I ~J‘v ~-- J U" -- ..' - «A I 1" \g n .. ‘ . -. . ., j : .-A _— " . - . ' .... ' . .; . c _. ‘3 , 't” ‘3- ! I. ' . , ‘ i . ‘ ' g ' ‘ u— . -.- .' I , v I ‘: ‘p ' . . = — “F. . ' - . J .' . ' .9. — o '. . A .. Q.) ‘ . V ‘ v . K V _, r , 7‘ ‘ I , ~: v 1 A . . 7 ‘ ‘ . . ) - fi-g )fl. u ,- ‘-1_ a} ' 0-1 \ ., 1 ”\J _ . . , . . 1 .' ',. ' .. .., 4 .' t , / j u. . Ll _ ‘ J .4 A . , . . _ . ,. J \ - . _ .‘ 1 “i . '~ ' ‘, ' . -‘ ' ‘ r ' Av . ‘I -. N '» . ‘( .4 a J ‘J-O""‘: ‘. ' v‘ 1 “ -\ _§ ‘ h .I - ’1‘ J.‘ .— - . ~ . r . ‘ ' . ‘ ‘ ‘-a, ‘ 0 . . “ t I l . V . v 7‘. .‘ .— . _ u - _., 1v — - I _‘ ‘ -' D . .p‘ [A] ‘5 1 'u 0-. ‘9‘: I’ ‘II ' "OO' ¢ 4% 0'! ‘3' 10 J . .. I ‘ F . u , ° .‘ . ., a - .‘ ‘ . . . (o . ‘. I - ‘ ‘ ‘ he ."hl Ii. _ ‘ . -‘ l. - .u .k.‘ n ‘ -’ .‘ ,. 1 1 g. ‘ " . I I. ' - l ‘ ' ‘ ‘I O - ; - ’- N. g , r , > ‘ , . ‘ . . l. I _ .50 J .._ . . _. I . ‘-. ‘_ _ . r. I . ‘ ‘ I . . a .’ . .“ ‘- " 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ -£ . I .4. .J ' - a ‘ "l . 3 -.- n v 1-. .~. I .- . - w- a..- "C -. . — .-— -..--o-— a. - -—..---..¢— _~ ‘ ..——-—.—o < —-_.—.-.._— .—.-- cs-w- . -.—.-- —.-..._ o -- ‘1‘.- --..-.-.—..- a —. -.-. -o. -.... on- .g‘---- — ~--~ .—-o.—. -o —-—.-. -- —- o -. -— ca- -—— .«-—-~—_¢N- ca--— “—c-n- ---.— . J“..- “-<- - ---------~ I n ' ‘ . \ ' . .- ' o ‘v: .' -.r‘ . t. _ ,., ,~ t V s‘ .. . .._ J A . s . - .. o c... y- I '~ -a‘— .. -u. ‘0 L‘... -. 'u - -‘Q..Ow§ fi“...".- . a q ’9‘...‘ .- ‘.. a-II .. v ¢ -‘- ‘A- n «9... N“ g -.a. y- - . | t . . .. I ‘ . ' . I) ’! ‘ a ' l] . . . ‘ u) ’ . ~. 1 . . I a ‘.l J.- - . - l I .l ' .I- ~. .0 I 9. , l . - u “on-‘- v n... 0 -V. .n . an!» -<~ cuc- - wow vF'A-yx-u- ‘a‘ ~*‘.~"O—~ . o. c I 'fllw- fin ~O~o.--M ‘— ~— " - ,_ < ‘ ‘ a ’ ,. . . " ‘3 . IA . - .'a.' ' .l ' I ' s r v I ‘ .. - 0 v- “ - ‘ o ‘ 9". to c ‘7 ‘ ‘A w ‘q‘ “' ‘ -, ‘. ‘ 0| . . ’A A .7 ‘- 7 a. ‘--'\.;l. i «I ” ' . ‘ " ‘.' I § ‘ l y I ’ ‘0‘ '— ‘ (, t'. L a: X -- "I . . l -. ' .r. ‘1 .\‘- - I-l \ \ u - - 4--~ “.mc . - ~v-y-i l‘-‘ - -> xv.- ¢ Avona mooxoameo hpo>o vcm cone no» amooa wucm ou cmuoswoo ucsoso zoom >oa man comes HmOOH on» “0 moow newumwuwcm noxvco mono Adm ucoaoopuo was» cu poomzso Homoflaso coma mo >ma on» eoom uuscov on moonmm oo>oHaso 059 a .oom .ucos n>oauso omega wcw3odfiom >mo yuan any can» hound 0: sewn: an» we atonsoe cmmaoh vow oeooon Hanna ucosooaue nan» >3 vooo>oo noo>oamso ohsuau van ucomoto «do won» nootux >coafioo 0:9 .mhooao: twozu oco Hmo> van sand on» was >Luw=ocm xtom van Loon >>oox can :4 mho>wku om vowmwmmmno moo>c~aao ado new Newcuounwn obwu auoafiou ca o>HHMuconouaoc obamaaoxo on» a“ sea:: on» you» oouooaaocxom mam moumcooooh oo>oaafio fish A .oon .50.: mm 3.3m a coma .mxmg Housman gum: huMELCLcCU cw zauomhuo 0a; Imowamum on Hamzm omsmao occw news: mack .ucos>oaaso Laos» m:«:o~aow mow yuan on» cozy pound on seas: on» we uponsoa camaoo vam ogoooa Hanna ucoeoonum «any ha copm>oo noomoanso oaaunw and acomoha Ham pony moohum >nmaaoo och .cosmoawm can moo>oHu new cognac awom>oamco moonw>ooasm we sawuaouxo ozv new: uncaa mmcu cw moomoHan dam Lou >Ucoxm namcwmu Iowa o>muuoadoo oaom acv no mean: on» nouwcwooou magic 05. .. , a .omn Suuucmooox c015 . . otwoh pooppcoo mtmucm onu mom «comma ow on Hanan newumumaonuuo zoom wasp oozum towns: mw um .aofia: «nooq on» mo honnmmotkuthHonuow HomecoCML may cu eon» ucom Hanna oao .Om on ow mean taco onu wcwuwnozusm ow nonaofi game no» mucoSmmoomo cam .moCflm .moav .zucce uumo mo xmo >ma Aymav vmoww can no no mmo xoozo ow mooomm >cca .200 on» .oo>oaoeo «msnw>wocw on» 53 Squamaofiso coca?» m we cow—5 one so ocwuouconona on» :oam w .uom .msmq «mfiovon cum: ma«&homcoo cw mauufloum oaamoHaaao on Hanna omamao mono cofia: mach ousoE>0Hmao owocu gcwxoaaom moo wean any cog» pound oo oo«:: as» mo mnuaeos cacao“ one cocoon aamcw Homeowpwm was» >n nooo>ou noozoaaeo onsusa was acomoua dam umau mootgo zcmusoo och .>po>«doo amooa can mow>flov unoaacmou .cosmoamn .noo>o«a use oowmuo .moo%o~asa mnemwbtousm mo compuooxo ecu saw: wanna 0;» cm noo>o~afio Ham how hocomo ucchom Ito: o5muooaaoo oaom ozu mm sews: onu nouuowouoo scwasoo any a .033 oiv I : l . mood .sH am: a Noam .FH mm: otoumeoop ‘JLIHI «enhance mo ouma ooauuommm woo namcntonmq zoo“ .mfi .uoc u Hmmalqwd .uuo «:QD IIHII4 ammo .mH .poo - mm.~‘.mfl .uoo , mama 2.3:: Low; ootcp 0.3 Low acommw>onm uncoucco gonad norms any we conwocaaoo < m odnmh .JA, .hwu mo oumu nod: numb ocu Am\d av maoncooo oco oomu he cums on» no so» vwoa on Hausa hoopsuam no ooaLOWuoo «he: H~< n .oou .xooa hoaoowu Iowa uccu cm oozes Amnv osua>vnuzu mo moooxo Cm ”expo: «Loo: nun pom >wo mo camp hmastot own Amxa a. mamnloco vna «adv cowoooa anmcm oomofineo any cozy musooo >mvwmon a zofizz cw xooz oru acuunooxo ”>ma mo ouch hmasuop osu Am\~ My mama loco new oefla mo ouop ozu um how vwma 0A anoxm xoo: moo >om :« mono: Aczv >uoou houmo voELOmLoa soon Add d .oom 01,30 .3mu: um meow n .oom .wmuz am ago» a .oam .mmuz an osom H .omn goo: mo madam .3mux ms comm n ooam ohovoaumm no uofihom noon ma 0» x90: vmdnoocoo >apma= two; Low Name mnom noH30fiuhoa omen: moohoaaoo owonu ou zaaao you damn» ooHuooa mwzu .oo>oson voow>ooa xmdooumm no doooom ahma x903 Mao how vwoa on fiasco Amxd av maocloco vow weak m .oom onuon was won shouemou on“ ma oo>o Icownx axoo: adv oco an @930: Aogv >utow no .>mv one aw own=Os m we mmooxo :« voahomoom zoo: Law mama on Hausa ouch hmazuoo o.aohoaoao co Am\a AV Mdonsooo coo onwh « ooom A .uuuhuooo was» to £3 a: mafia. 83¢:ng gonna ho noun! nonuo and no“: aco«u aoau0mao ouoa noun. hdo>wuooddoo you Add: an aaoouo hammsoo on» m .oow o no mmmaoc OH on? Head oswu Had .muzv fibhu vovoOHoL mgobuuoommo mm on away any aauoo .m« mhmum moo van xooz Lou upoooo cu nopovso ow oo>oango onu umzu onwu on» 509m mouzasoo on Hanan 05MB .oa:E«c«a on Adana wooeoanuo many un now vouwoooo >ma mo moumm .Lomoameo on» no oom>uon an» cu anon» mowu Hfiw tow odcu an Hams» acosooowm was» >2 ooso>oo moothmPo HH< Aozwu pom wwmav : ooom .voocao mm: mmocwmzo mo oooam oxu >mv Lowe to» >mo mono: Amy uzfio 25002 Scan «932v :o .33.... omega :0 coooau mu onocumso mo conga ocp wfi can .mxovmao: anon» mo >mo nooo pow sou mono: Amy uc:mo dam; on Hawsm .oszomx 50% tom seconmo: :omm >nofio: .m>mcmaox amazoc ogu o>oomoo ou opwuoc was OH on: mo«x&03 we: Spawn rowaon on» no :omoaaso >c< mm: mmspmfipzo 5mm pcwbwmmxcoxh . two nonmq >ma oocoocooovru boa Hmaooaoy >mo atmox 3oz nmAMVwHon mr«10A~0m any mo sumo ho; nopmt oowu uzfiwmouw um hog mono: Amy usumo vmoa o; Hmozo vco oowmowaon woodmmaob one osmo cwaon mcfi3o-om ozv mopcotm on Hams» ucoooooao oqnu >2 coooboo mooboHcfio one .mon mo ouoh hoasu0h on» Any ova)» ac flow vwmo on Hanna o>mowaon oo >wvzom cc ooELOMLon xooz HH< n .oom 019. .13g: no oeow n .uom ohm nooor :92 o>m mofiumwonu xfla mmfipnwbcu has wcw>MMnxcmsk hm: Lona; zasn mo no: xwa coflpmoooon swowao woos hon whoo» 3oz um>QUMHOn mowIOAaom on» no omdm o:m moocum no vosoomaoo x903 dam now owns on Hausa ago» Amy cannon m .oom oho%odaeo on» no vocusnouov on Adana moon wouaswoa nu aoauhooo can: Ac .5: Op vocuwooo am .303 $2,323 noon on coow>ooa oxpoz mo mono: any Lace vooucwtwam on anocm vantage: a“: >n vohwsoOL no >ovooumm cc 3903 90; atoms...» on: oomouoao comm 3 oaoau ow vocmunmc aw xhoa ho>ouozz ow oooonaso .ooo«>0bo .aaasodolo Ado sou xoor vooucouoou mason Amv nan mo asoaoua a on «aun- sav xtos .3» An N .uon . .o>oc abmuouoncoo any nsom cw voou .ocoomzm one zoo: mo mono: «any ox» Impounu can: zoo: uowudoz n mcwhzv umooxo .axov o>wusoooooo Amy o>Hu cw v78) .«0 0.50: A3; stow cavemanfio coo Oasvonuo Lanna >A votuorat on x90: how phonon or: ooo>o~aso omws soot -< .>ovunu zuaotzu scene: on Hams» xoa) goo: vaaucooozu och H .oom ‘l ‘ .mpma Manson on» um on dance mcwbwnw no: can: cam» n.no>uoo you uaasxaa scam .cwaa no «Hana .uapuov an» «a «flown on :mzoonp poooo noun: .u:o«uc~:moo auwo no auouw .aoaaoau maubuo>cu onouunaoap auooquauhoo ho noooanaao uo was-ah .mmUx ao aaom m ooom ozmux in 080m u .oow xco: 1&0: vacuooumoc .oumcLOu ho aoau .mvoon .ohadwmw oozom an no.3 .mfiafioo «Au mo Hobgoo on» vcoxoo moouuaocoo hoxvoo acofiuoom> .ooaoono xhaunuao> .aunmcomwv gnawuoo hooowaouuoac .asooflao: owoo .aoxwauo ohhancw .amocxomm o» .90 hiboanlo no mo «nod mason mo honed: an» an oaoavoo on , «Anna 3003 Joe: ocean-has» ass a .uom .xoo: zoo: soon a“ mono: mm vooucmhmnw on «Hugo axooz xpox zoo meansv x90: 0» vodsoonom ohm oz: can unapoqcoa occuovuc o>uc oz: unmagoo on» no oooAOHmsm ‘ . H aoom .oaowocom mcwzozom ore ow ucwvhooom occaumomtr o>moooa Haw: moomoaafio HH¢ .xooz cowumom> cooo pom ouon >aoson oqu unowmouo 039 um xooz one: Aggy muLOM 6 how omen on Mango uroeooouw was.» .3 cohoqoo noomodafio :m A .oom .mmot mm coo mason omd ouow once 90 momo> an no“: oo>o~aeo uaooxo 3mm: mo oomm H comm «acmumoo> .zmua an 05mm a .03m noouoom poem oodavocom fix“ I=Q~H0m om» cu yawnooouo ocoHuooo> hmonv o>woooo Hanna .ohOF to grow nay one we weapon o hem mcanOU on» mo oow>noo mao::wuooo ocu :« coon ass: on: ooomOHQEo uu¢ H .oom .90uoam cocoa nouns mono; Asv know cosy 9905 x90: ou oohmscoo ooo mono oo>o Icon: co>um on «non» weapon anon ouocws Anny cooumum < cummnm sou mo Mac: mcmogoo onu mcwpsv aoomoam 0&0 «do cu cooum a: damn” oopscwe Away camumfim to vofipca “not a a .oom .hom was» new xpoz .mhsoc Amv u:n«o not» mmoa we: toouuoumsu 99 Hanna 1L0: on you can :« oodaou mto>mov ohvxm Ao .xoo: scam mcm890mtom we coconomoom o>oc Hausa you“ >ufih0mcon on» no coo poocao onu xno: oEwuoozo Aao cc Av or [I l. an :H cow 5 «o>ooa can om .moc o: «>oa o>oqo wzo on o.— .. z z m n 39.5 wood“ a I; a umcuxhox ooaodaeu ammmum 04... gram 3 000m .rmu: no ozwo m .owm Cu Lo>o vomoaoo o3 no: man man onv ohm >onu sown: cw poo» one no ouco voucmou on Haw: anewuoon> 2 oven .Haom m>ovwaoz god 2 2w axon: osu mzmpao mooquoomb Ag LO .o>mo. noflxmu udo:u4:.mflmfccwufioo> Am ”new muwozroo Hmfiooam o» wcmmnoo ozu >3 co>mm 02 Ada: cofluooovww 3:00 ooquumaoao uaoaa ucofloflwma zuflz uzounmwcoo was muwooflcoo ucvam on: no was now: ooaodoooun cw oohoaoao sumo ho oohoomooa nowaoa on“ new wouzoom on .oaqqmmom om now no .Hamz woodwoom> m ooom .c0«umoo> co ow oomonmo ocu ozwu on» um poomwo cw ouch oowu uzmwohuw m.oomoaaso oou mo mwwoo oru co wouaaxoo on «Hana mom mo opzofi a mad Hm emu 3“ «NH 3H mad ma om Ha m ca . :5 a . we a mm p cm 3.1... t... .95... U... .o>mog .mam m coon oboe no ooh» mm on ma oH mnmhmm 8 8 . a can» wood a .9» a maggooa cahoanau no owkonummv yo: 5m; Lancaaao on» uwzu .ho>o3o: aonH>cou momozoooo nonupsm “gonna: comhccomwv on >65 o: mowsoo gown: acmgso .nwmmn Hoop» woo Ixuawzu o co base wmmoanto «a «Hmzm “an ucoFooLum many mo moowmfi>osm ozv gown: 1&0: Hamnu oo>o~aeo 30: < m oomm ooaoqoon moxoaaeo umawu on» o4 Haozm who wand moonnEo umoa oau .xLOJ ea ucwahsuoa CH .oomoamuo on» new amass oru an >Hu2mom ocoe on Cu ooHuoCfiELouov zoom "mucuomM mcmcwELouov on o« wotovwmccu on Hanna oonofineo vmmw mo oom>hom mo :pwcoa oca com oo>ofiafio opp mo ocow xcoa amasomotom oz» umnu vovm> uoou mmwo nmmH «coagmau umtfiu any oa Hamnm wocws ooonmEo umoa onu .momzoo oumeMuwmoa Locuc no x903 mo xomH mo owzooon ooL0m vcmxto: any memoswoo cH .oocooooopa ogmuoo>c cw vow moo>oHaoo -mo wcflLMSoL who mmOI>oA onu cw awm>mca Hflmnm ouwoowcoo vaubum A .oom T3 - .nmmt Away Gmulmuo0m no“ couapmumnzm mm ammo Anwu muxwm .uaooxo may: no osom n ouom aRmUV mm 93..” « .uog >pr0wcom no vowmammmHOIoh ovopoommcmpu .wompmcomfiv on mm; o: nowooa uozu :H:wH: coo .oo>0aaao xaocowu lagoon a no vodommon on «dozm o: .ooanaoo 23: a mo ouw>hon mo w>oo homsoaoo Am1g ozuuxuoou Aumav umhfik one mawosa a .oam .uooaa o.>=oaeoo on» :w pooumo c« on Hausa humoowcom asoooouomnoa a .oam 111‘! 3.80% v4... @rfim m .oom omoOHuauo> o>aoooh no ow coavfipco 04 won Adana .ovooo souooa how Tomnocomwo coon no umso o>mn on: moomoaaau m ouom ovOMhoa :oMpmoo> 0:9 mo mcmcswmon onu no man oomumom> ofioxu o>woooh Haw: van ”anamoon oo ooco>oo aw saw no vcflooa :owumoo> Lon ho was mo wowufiuoc on Haonm pouosooon mnowuooo> Low oanfiuwao wooxoaaau chock acoscooASm mow .COMQS oz» mo vmphouoo omocu mama Ow Jotwsroo on uoc Hamco oo>o~aso on» use .muooo Iwaumm oanmuwzm ovm>oom ou moobscm aozuo Haw cum: >uwczu905ao amoco cows: one o>mu Hamnm we .cao: amaowu Immflm awooc ho>0HnEo 0:» nor? 2 .oow . .moonmzn 039 :w :omumumaoo Loruo to umopouzm >pouowoaota >co ofinmam no ommzooaa omhowuoo use umcu to ucogawzro Lodcumzo> Locus he toawmtu yam Layaway ho\v:m acuumou guano omogoozm mox0mnso :3 yoga aucoo Imaanao doacwuzoo yo aomuwvccu a mo .uuwarvu pod 4Hn13 coxofiaao och m .uom .ucwuwox ma cowcu HmUOH oau >uwuoa «Adam Lancamao may .oOMLoa movuhunwcp on» cane“: onwaauomwv mo ammo om .umfia >uwh0waom podsmoh on» no voowan on «auto womenaso ozu .muoo >ucazu ooum< .:owc3 amUOH may mo nooneos uncwmwo mcwumCMEHLo Imwu ho pcosooono omzu momoo>o mo oooaooa oxu ooh onwanaOmwv .? I)! it: mm wEmw a .00m .xtcx ou vwaaooop coon no: on couuo amass cflmum homoowcom mvthuaoaa was oo: 09 toxoaao on you Had: .suwocwcom ovmxtuooau mm: ucwmwoaoxo no vomumzw mmomoa c eoooozu on: comeduqo a< umcmzoauou mo sewn IMTTM Low ugooxm 3&0? ac 09mm n ooom ucoawacaov vac ocu cm haathaom ow: owed «Mono on .oodhoa mun» mo nno ”:9 pm vooootozzau o: teas: scum acoauomaov onu aw >uwao~com own cwouwu who: Aomv macaw: hem .aaocm honuozo ow uaoauommov was soom oohaommmmou mM 0:: oomoauqo “4 : .uom .mumflxo xufioowzow uzmam 0n omnowumom> mo oowonu on: muflwocon one M:MCfi3nouov cw zuwaoadom Hood; we on: ogu vow sequaooxo oouoflucoa o>oom away coax .wuowxo muwaau thongs 039 no coco mo uzofiutmuov :30 omega 0» conuOL «an:m woo acofiuuoamc may cw mooxoauso «an O» oowzzw wouonamzoo on aamcm 3oz: .mnflaawm mo oaoogoo ago moan coda: umwxo umqq huwoowcom dopamfiuomnoa o5» cachon anon mouxo ww ammo Ingmaoo nonuoaa ow mu«90«con panda «ouou nwozu omwoooxo on; ucofiuoomoo 0:0 ooou uuo vwoa mmohoaaau .voofizcoo 190: 0:» ow cu suwaMam may o>ox voaaooon no oozwouoh moomoamao away mawnfi>ooz .maamuoh vow mwon>oa mo havoc ozu =Qo>om Hanan soqhowsom Houcofiuhoaoa n comm .otwc mo oumo a“: no am an“; >umLoMcom ocu =0 voomHa aw 05m: ow: .ooHoom och mo woo on» u< .omcsoooo uaonuw: havoc >=o ow Hmonowoa I “nh‘a‘fllfib I Q... .‘~“ Id ‘.‘ \A .U .‘t~\n'l1v It‘lIl. I‘ I‘ ‘III \lasiu .oocomnm mo o>oo~ Magus? ucvs>oHan asw:mou 0mA< .w0mpoa cocoa o>~o§u bcm cane“: mucoe [woman—u... amour.» anybfiaop LC omsmd voou yucca“: oocomnm mo o>oo~ voowoonyzm cw unmnmooxo no mmmv oxu :Mnuwa x90: pow upcmog cu mnoawmu .oooom 03» ho>o mo vomhoo u so» umo>m~ .umsc sow» 953Hc> .ouuwsommo umcommoa mzwzodaom ozu you umo~ on admxm huaoomcom m .oom .ooon :oxmu obon o» comoadm otm hmzu oumc on» scum mono Amy o>fim cocoa: wouuwansm on umoa Cowperopm honotasfi mo moucm>udou HH< .aofiuoaooa Low wouooaom on Aawzm huwoowcom umos on» now: one ozu voooowmcoo mom nouovwnnmo voflm twaoso haamsvo 03» coax .ouonwvcmo on» mo oocmatomaom umom vow huwamnm .uacos on HHH: cofiuoaooa mom otouoam homamna use .wwnmo ocwslucoam o co oooa on «AM: mcwuwon o: .nommcmou m mo moonwmov no new:: on» >3 covufiflmsm coon o>on momma omen: manoeupmzot honuo cook nooxoanao notwmcoa «aw: mamasoo .mhsooo uw sown: :w ucofiuomoo aoom voaawm you mm wcwcmno mH .Lnooo won» noun: cw uzocupmaoc onu ca ammo mswxno3 Amv 03» Low mmcwcomo new umoa Add: >=oaeoo ozu .maon Montcaaov vcm ucosuomaoa xnfiamwcw .130: no comm xmo one we coHumouxo on» auam e .oow e .oom .voohoomomhu ooo .mcfimoao ucospgoamv Lo mcowumtoao anon: ucoaa 3o: Cu >ua uomaa 5cm mo oocm>vo ow oofiuoo m>nw locaaom cu“: Lowmcofiu on muacauooamo Aowv uuxwm cows; oau o>qm ou moohuo o>on vouuouum moomoamfio .comumhoao zccasoo oak «unmxodacw mo coma 50pm woodwucoomwu nu panda o mo Iwwvo pom umooxo mmox no meow unosuhmaov o no woman a nozm m .oom . m .uom .howoomou mo 3% 5am 33 323 22. Iuoomov so: one ow haahOanoa own van - 2C .mmmomod no oowuoc too: am mo¢>0amoo o>mu cu ooopuw >cmacoo omh a” oozoto>om oomoooh mosh on "mo -wwmm coo “gooxm :mux mm scam m .wnua am 95mm b OUQM .mnucoa Maw sumo ooumoa use oomfi>oo on Hausa umfla muwoowcom oak .tra m .oom oozucos o>wusoomsou Andy cooucmwo 90m mmo vwoa ohm xozh Avg .mmomoa m wcwooaa0w dams voaouowwoa ma vowuquo: oqwon poumo nsmv Andy cop easy“: x503 now poomoo Op damn sock on .omsoo umsm .hma now wmmhozonwv com xoah any guano >och Amy cow» ”mm muzmfin >uwp0wnom Haw good Adonm mooxoaaom .oom a .oon .xooa ocu ucMEQOMhoa mo oaoonmo ooo hosu MM maouowcofiow gen onu hem ouou on» o>mooou aaozm moomoaafio ooaawxm .m:0mnoa zoom wcwnwz oaomoa cowuoo conm mo >uwmoooo: ozu cows: on» now: annoawo Haw: haoaaoo on .mamscm>woc« ooaamxm nwouoou aha: on mooo: xcoasoo any soc: moomu ohm agony wasp ooowomoooo gown: oak .oom r .oom .zuOA to >cmmsco onu mo o>wuoucomotooh ho homozme on» vco coma: any mo Hmwu Iwmmo ow coozuon oocohomnoo >m «oownh .Lowmnms HoncOmtoa no ucooaoucwooazm ozu com anewcn emu mo ucowm mmoommsa can vooxoum aoxm ozw coozuon oocooowcoo mm unccoom ounoaugmmov oon no man mo ameonow any vsm swon Lo .uumaoum non» on» .oomoaoeo co>mwtmmg on» oooauon cocoooucoo >m «umtwh «ooanoo toga mamzoaaom ozu nu“: oococtoooo ” a“ noauuoo on Mango noocmoomhu 7 in $5 38% 3:53 3 S H oomw .aouo acouom ocu uo vowconota oozm>ownu Loumm mono: :m canvas ooaoowz on vascnw .vo>ao>cw poodcousquoazm oz» one oozoamao vo>owowun oz» .oouuwooou moco>owhc ozu mo coshmono ozu woo voo3oum mowgo sewn: o:u sooxuon "ocouon .Uo>ao>a« udosuuomow mo cosouow vsm o>auouzooooaon rewcs oz» coozuoa oaog on aaozm mcmuooa m .co>omoumo mm sews: ocu con} Anv .mhso: :N cazuwz vodocmz haansms ouo>ao>aw >vcaoL0u no cmsohom any can dpmxouo noosuhomoo ow: .oomoaaao oo>owomxo ooozuom on “umpwu “oozcma amaonHOH ocu am voauuom on Adana .omwoo hog sown: .xnur no osuw ouommwo xcm «may nooouo «a uH H .oow . . a .oun onovaUOLm ooco>oatw .owcozoawo mo axon om oflnum: xnoa pom muuoaoo on wovw>OLa x90: ozu wowov mo adamamo >Hdo04m>za nu flow oouoosomwo >Hnouocozmwo coon u.cmn: o: vocw>ota thi soon now ouoo ucoooso any firm >uwoowcoo man now: ocwa ow ooaodnaoloh on Haw: oow>uoo :05» mo oOMuccwELou coo: .>o:ouL08u HoQCHuM7 mo oswu cw uoo noAMEMo to cuzuoum oow>how o>wuuo~om >=o hone: 00H>oow stopwaaz ouou oouosooq ao>oaoeo >c< H .oom mooumswoh mo meow .oooumsook on ofium .ooc ooon ‘H _ a . a0a>hom shuuwawx I 1: It? . I ‘ an in- . u . I . Q‘I‘ 'i-.l.‘{ -II‘II I. 28 - - .4 .vozommoL mmL Loam Loumo owov «DAV cow coL+ Lopmd voocoooua aw Lows: .uo urmumHv oL «Hm: ouzm>omtm oz .ucoeooamm own“ noun pamk+aom LO 0+ vow 0+ hoaca so m>nn «Hogo :ofiuoow«nt< we vLmom oxh .cgoou :C«+a.uoz Loamh ooc+w 9L9 >L wouw>otu wtowwtuHLtm no unwa any Lou; cowcnu ma HHfra conhog tL.LH 6L9 Caro .ccmaom tt.mL» are so ooar: otumu 451+ oH .acmcoc vodrw m +Uvamm anL. »oL.~ ooutm v. are o:.r omOLP mar %ccoasu on? we o>4+c.:omoctoa :0 vcm coma: oru we o>m+c+comonaoh one Lo uuwwcco afimso cow+nuu4m < 0-H .._O 2:. Ira—Tc..- bofikmmv . m9 .1]: .. «mozoou can: cofi+ocpwncL mo cocom 31« co totcooOL o; ~4ogo .oMmom ao+m vmofi on» uc:;o any :H .Lwaoou .osoéooaoo owzw flopm uuahugzw mo ow do: ow pogo; any opoz no: «data ooaymu£90 sawwmopmaoo ozh .>:ouoco wow 42m seas: on» :9 wcwucwn adm:o Jowooaon ow ocwuasaoo :04 .Mnot4LL1 o.p Ho cammmooo 05H ohouxhp44hn Afloov fiL4L~ may we o> ow 44ozn town: 343om 2:4:qo3oo ozu can c4c4sfir L oven» mo Amv ooaLu we worm: oxmhwm Hawk >«Lo; LoLwo ozu out unwa oLv .Lotm mmowmpwwnum Amv oouLw no no.2tr oz» ox4gwm 441:” cow+mtuwoam mzw+mrrmou o:u corp mom» “raw coouosow cM_.u4z Lo+vuu moo wowgu cup :0 vocomor oL v.5 o tcouoopwm -3 5.33....qu .3. any nu>ou mo 49:1; m ovozs4uz. Cu ova>oon cowwmwaqoccu 34o cowvoflvog Honorou oLu Heooooo aaypwz. aaoLu mooufiod 03» 9:9 o.o:.-.n vamnw ox+ 33a: magma ou oaadzz ohm mom; sac; 02+ moms» oxmo Anv o>wm :Mgeax NH .ozu unomm any x: eouoomom 053 can .cowca oLu ha vouuoaom oco .haoazou 0:» AL oa~004om one .ozomhoa oonou Mo umwmzou cu dewwoauwoo< . mo mouuwojau o.ou dowcooota ..u:Mo4q3 so oooaooa .uzdoazaou . . _ .. . 252 .L ._ . .. .4 opooa toqdoda hanmaoo.vco dawn: «coowuoz . on“ we o>wu~uzunonmou zooaooa . u .nuhoom . ouaozomocoa zoom I .1:.. -,: ::J;: ‘fiou.mcv och scan: \n oovmcownoo oouv4azou ooca>o4~o ow voucoaopa ,1 -.i. .i - - - new unwrmu3.ou vooocou on Hanna .aoum ocoooo cw coawuoo no: u: «shack . “a L .. ‘ I .. .r .34.. . . .-. . t . L . .. 3,. , L J . . - l o.. .. .. .. 4... . .. ... . . -u. .0391. n0m>o~aec xuwuchmm scam how vaau cowmcea mmcpm ummznuzom can umdwnusom .meMHm ampucoo way can“ >mu cu mmmsnn pmuoamac ash ocwcca Loncwfimo nomo no flaw on» ”Bum mam? m~ macaw: mvmfi 9A Hana mucuexma H~¢ mwmfi .ha >mz o>fiuummmg om.mm nmmfi .5” >cm o>auuauma oo.nm nom>oaaev mumheficwm some Lou mask oammaom Lawmaéok mo eucahumcou cmuwcuM: as» Oucw wan cu mompum ho>oaa§o 959 H .uan .Hmuwamo: go houoov cu semuwuaoamcmuu mum Ham: >mmasoo .E.m ooum cu .s.u no»: abhm vananaq go xown mmmmoamav 90m oawu Cu saw umafim cm seaflmaw acmnmm m muzzn.umn Hamcm nswmsCo .vfim umnwm o>ww o» compcm uwcwmau m .e.m ooum ea .s.m scum 39pm uzmaa Gnu cw mans 1~Hm>m w>wz Hamxm mummies ash A .uvm a .uem :nuy mm oaem O guanom vpm >umwmm a .25 .co«c3 amooa mo unvvwmmsa ou mmowuoc mnmzwaa Imumwc new ficwcpmz mo mmwmou o>wm Haw: mamaeoo .mmmmo Ham am An“ .mugmcomwn an Hamcm huumcma 0:» .wmcommo Avpnv chase Auv .mmohma xmv any wmzzw .mwzmmmo nvcmv ucoowm «Lu .xawchmz an Hausa mwcommo Aummv umuwu “my umzoaaom mm vmzwaawunwv an aamcm «gm ho a: .mmnuxw cm wcw Igmwchsu @9302 mm away“: no hsmaeoo ecu acuhmwuca ham20w>enm usonuwr mmc mcmxncz mo v0wuoa mam new x903 scum accmAm am moaoamao cm .vo«90m muses «a mum cwguwx «H oempmnumwv mo ammsmo namepa .mbwmzaosw mamdow we: use .ozu mo 9:0 mm uawawuaomam Hmsuwnwz puny >cmnaou any vca acazn .mmom um 030m on» anon %n acumcwooon m“ 9H A .owmr‘ a .00m ammomucvun< -30:- xma aucmho>om “magicaHOu Laws: vwmm an uoc «aw: 5mg musmhc>mm oucwauhmmmv “0 Human we acmmcao mo flmsvova zzmnsou 809w rmumnmmwm xaucmnmauma 9: 0&3 nowzam azozzwusoo azucce on new: avosoamso on 3?“ 6A .3sz .39. 3amho>mm a coma N 00$? .nCCMumASme Hmhmvou tax aumum :uw: mocmwfimsoo Cw seas: can mpowofiaee an mfiucwcm comm .vmsoumwnwavm xavumkmmvn ma «aw: vcsw cemmcwm war warm «Lemamz 95v umcu mmmnmm mm uH JwHowuam mwgu >n cvum>ou uoc mommoflaso xgmuoafieh .cuzoa coma mo cs» mo mmrn ma :wcumz came on amps mucwzmmm 2mm“ .bfi >mz opfluooumo no.m mama .ba mm: a>wuoowmo oo.m mam" .5” >6: o>wpoowma no.2u .... .pcoruvanmfimwa wzm sums: amucauwood no» acmum awcomu vanm as .moceazm:H mmmq oommmv 0pwauu 0:3 «mamodnsu >uwpoflcaw mama .mH mgmscmm mswuumwwu ”umwuxu vLsn waUfi mm wfinm any .mfizwsmkm Ham >wa Hfimgm scammoo wzw vcm ma?" .ma ahdzcrc houmm vcm cc >c¢uaco may >3 vowuwaem m: Hamzm cmda meoau cram vmzcwescommt as» o» LmaMSMm @wmaa I>oc wucwnamcm amowvm: I Hmownnzw a kuwamom mmfi>cnn Cu nauooaom an ”A“: nefikhmo mucmuzmca pmsuoc< ”unwoxa gnaw mm anm a .00m .mosmqma xx; Hanan scamgbo on» can mquwcmn cuzn how tacos w ob.mw 5mm Hamzm Aswan xmo: am a co ammcxomw we xmv sup yo ucmvmuou we act uma umbou cu moa>o~afia mama new omm tum momxoamfiw sawsmm new mtm mo muwumnma xowm xaxmmx .uncanaafimfimwa ho cpmvn HMpcvauo< Lou ooc.mn HmCOwuwficm.cm .muswhsmcH mama oom.~mv onwmvt on: suwpoflaam gum: mavmcHnEm any .mucovcmacw hwmzu new mowmoamfim vwmm new :n: swam 10mmwunounu02 twaconu m I: mmcgv ¢=~n soc way we umcurnasy wzu ham Adm: mccmeou 9:» movmoaaav sawhoMzam Log Adv w .umm .nonAIommH ccmgm. mcMLo>oo muompucoo pmumamve 6cm <3m3 .3mox awzuom «eonsom luck .uumuucou mmnu no epmu cowumuwmxo mzu o» hcwnm wrdv Aowv muxwm umama we .mUqu: zvyqu: a .xuuwm umgyo 31y cu mcw>mw x; usvfimonum wasp cswfim ho mevos .xmun mm aemm .2mUw mm 03mm .wum2HEhou %ma «puma pmzuwu a .093 a oven 4 .uvn L,’ unmfimmhu¢ wo comumcmshwk m nm>o new mad mxa a :HH : No «\H m om a mu m\~ m me m 3m «\H H a: a om mtg .mxmwm maoscwucoo zusow nucwcbu mmu .mzmm: mo gonads any msmunmfioo cm ran: 03 nu ma easvosum mamzoaaom och ocmaucuwr mo manmficmm :3on 9:» . .5" unscugwaoc no Hana; pmzuocw ow o>03 o» mmswmh on: mvaxoaaao OP Am . oceapmaMMmmh musucaao> mo mammu cH A: .omzmo you vampm50nwv mM3.Mom0auem any open: wwmmo cH an gunmauummmv a cane“: moonom mo cowuozvmh a On oat mmo uwua noo>oamsa 09 Am .00m>hmm onoaawuaou mo maucoe on cmzv ”mod nuua unchanaao on «A f '- .... . I I I I p C o. .- - n a D I For I I a. . ~ . n .. . c .u v I I I. I“. D I fi 0 I ~ . . m C . . O . I . u I -- Q “lggdcgig 83 swig-i‘ ‘ E nh . H . 0} f EGG;H_NWH ‘ 3 ? I . .. I“. L». .c . 4.1?141 .93 .9 . .- ... . v . ... Egg»! 4‘...“ .0... rs .- If } V II! I} I, V..|F.|Dlo 4 ..5 *1 . ,. ..ux - c v.3...J» t 1 11 +1 . 5m... - f g.» ....2. L39: a. 0.1mm -. . . . DJ £3}th - - t L, Rambo-Bun E2 «3333 :Vuflfibfid . . a... ..fin... o .46.“: i... . _ a ...‘14Jkfi’ it..b. 32 - in a standard or blanket ”Heavy Beef Industry" contract between the Teamsters and coon 12 packers who bargain as a group. The contracta analyzed do not all coeer the same time period but each covers part of the six-year period between 195’ and 1365. Labor Cleasifications and wage Eaten Workers in meat packing plants are classified almost entirely upon performance and ability. A worker's proficiency in handling a knife and the number of different jobs he can perform determine his yaluo to the company and thus his classificationl The tun labor classifications which require the greatest degree of skill are de- fined as followsziil firm: 1" ”Any ouployee who is able to skillfully and speedily bone any cut." Skilled Hatchet ”Any employee who is nhle to skillfully perform any job on cut. kill or boning Operation." Skill with a knife, although coming more easily to some persons than to others, can be developed through practice. Unnkilled employees are often hired and put to work in tne fhipping room or kill floor where they gerform tasks requiring a minimum of skill. Throngh obnerving skilled knifemen at work and through diligent practice, often without pay, the worker can aceuire the skill in knife handling that will quality him for more skilled and thus higher-paying-jobs. fi Lgllntorviev with Mel Hoffman, President of MCEM, Local $30, August 5. 1963. J33 a 31 o 0 , F ._ . L. x..“" . ... ‘J 5 f .1 =.‘:s.3'.'r 4 . ..c c 3\o if? s) 'Ill’wl) 't 91,35. ’ V i it a ‘1 ‘i m a] . -* 9 c, D‘ o ’ U O 24. 321'. 9‘ 9 ’ l- 3 ‘H‘f. v .-.. an O J .0..- ...... U l I“ . I .is v a; .. 1L - o I ( r. ., L” I 1|. 0 _ o I. . It .- .J \ .’~‘~ .x - L‘ .4 9.- aifi ,. E’; b 0 Clint a» -~~o- ma.‘ 1 - n .1 t v .9. . . m. .60 . at Q - . . A a _ 1‘ . .y _ . .n l . Q o a . w r \ ‘v :1 I3. ' t -.i run. --——-—.-. ‘- ...-“.-.... w ...-‘4‘. ,- “.....- I A“ da ‘FOF l ..\ ‘ ... . ... Ia J a... p. The moat common labor classifications in the Hichlgnn meat packing industry listed in descending order from most to least skilled are as follows: Skilled Butcher loner Butcher Semi-skilled Laborer The 1363 labor classifications and wage rates in the Detroit area for membora of the H839 are on iollouazil/ Beef Slaughter Butchers - $2.00/head minimum. sunny in divided axoong the butchera according to ability and qualifications. Head lonera - $3.06. 60-hour guarantee Shroudera - $2.66/hour General Laborers - $2.17lhoue Cooler Hen - Wages vary from $2.50/hour up to $330.00/ueek, depending on the man's ability and amount of selling done. Houra vary from 50 to 60.per week. Veal and Lamb Slaughter Four of the five veal and ladaslaughters in Detroit are organized under the MCBQ. The piece work rates are nearly uniform for the four _ _ r slaughter: today and all will be under one contract by l§64.l§‘ The ..1...l .‘u '.- . ..‘ --°a : ..'.‘ . .3 J -...i '.':-l: 'J 13H: '22:? . . t :.v . ... - . ': , '.-.' -:. s . 1. .':l ~‘.‘- .1531 t‘:..l“".t.-' : uoIZ-‘ ea :15 'i'fl..:u& '.;'.:.‘..".1 19““! seabird 0.1-3-1: 'ud' ‘a ...n. 35.0.1"! ‘-1 , ,, 9,."I 1'1 "' ;. ' ' '. n -u- .-'-.{13.-'de'2 13.-.»: c.\“1 It".- \|'; . .. ...L. . .. 9w .-...:. ta; ”1-: c.-.«..a¢ 2.41 a .n. ....‘..; .39 . . .J , . -. h. " u -:v r .n.. ..' t -. "w. .25 - enlil‘ .1! ..l...' ‘..\.' : ~-'-'. .' .5 “wind.” £‘*°...a3ud " 952.7313 .22. '.. 3 3 .vi .-; - Iii-1:; 24-4: 'u dfih?.€‘ z '2.Rnusd€ 5 ' ‘ .1”? " 11% dd“: 10139.33 .-"“‘ 1- L m a; 1s.r---'\..r..‘.’ ‘ vnvf.-.;-t! - .:.'. 2553.0 fut...’ ‘.- :-.'- id'- -:!"" --.1 2n uh na. 23.”: );'-5 . ' ‘ .teevuq a; o: 9: an! an m .a-qvh. a 3.4%.." ~38. .- -'- -.-' Monuar' ream.“ In! he be! -5145 #5 W at nudged-m fee {w evil .3“: u we! 'ihaan on has ieea eoelq ”at is! J‘é‘éii 3,13, some» one ”but: ed life He oath-138:5 "_ _ “ . , ' 1 ‘ ' ‘ O l-._ ‘ i. . "f ; r.§‘.‘l"! a.‘ me-.’ A .H -- .__._ #- w— i - 34 l labor clase'uicatlons and_wcga rates are: I Butchcra - 33¢;head for lambs, élc/aead for calves. Guaranteed $llO.GG/wcek. tima and one-half (1-1/2) for large animals HHQ weighing evcr LL; pounce dressed. .Calt Skinner§-- élcfhead. guaranteed $123.63 per week. Time .and one-half (lrl/Z} for largo animals waightlng over 225 pounds dressed. All piece workers after one year got 22 of gross pay for vacation, after three years. they get A: and after tan yeara get Ea. final Baners - $3.9Ulhocr. &$«hcur guarantee. Laborers - $2.22/hour. lug é. laughter Butchers - 2.5Jihour going to $3.25/hour within year depending cpon skill. 36-honr guarantee. Semieakilled - $2.49 to 2.5filhour. Laborers - $2.lO/hour. 'Ram pamper: - $2.6&/hnur.t Rendering men - $2.25/hour to $2.50!hour. The above wage rates are not necessarily uniform among all firms in the netrolt area or between Fetroit and Dutstute firms. The absolute wage rates vary somewhat from these basic “ates due in part to tha differances in bargaining strength of the various packers. Although the above rates are for MCEN contracta, all available ovi- dance indicates that wage rates arc nearly identical between ncau and UPHA contracts.- ‘ There 13 less varlation in wage rates between the lamb and veal slanghterere than exists among the beef slaugntnrers and/or the hog .. p v s a .. . o ‘ . .u n v. . .. I D ~ . . . , . ,. t \ ‘ \ .31, . 4 o 0 w I . . . . . , . ”a a... . 1. y - . . L a - , . O. 1 . . ..., . .. ‘ ... . .. u u A 9 Q , . o A} n t a ._ ... ., ... 7. . . . . . CI. , f . a: 4 u ....s; .,. . v . y um. - A 4. ' J _ . _ . . 0 . . . _ O _ l . p u x . . . . o ... C .» . .... t . . ‘ 6 1.. n t . I I _ ,\ . a . . ‘ . . . . . A, I I C . . 4 _ o o 1 v .I .. A 9.. ~ .. ‘ r‘. h 4 r a o. u o .I § In 4. . . . ‘. y. . . . . J , . . .‘ O. _ . .L ..J .... J . . c. . o A 1 k. . + . . .‘s a I .1 I - _ . i .1 I a . . . 1 . . o q ‘ ..u. . . I - 35 - slaughterers.lllThis ia very likely cue to the smaller number of lamb and veal slaughter plants operating which mares it lass diffi- cult to negotiate a contract acceptable to all. The lamb and veal slaughterera are also more uniform in size and hence there is less 'vnriation in bargaining power. : Labor claaaificatiou and wage rate data for two branches of an i Outatata firm is given in Table 6. Although one branch is organired nndar tho KCIU and the other undar the UPMA, the labor classes and mega rates are the same. The wage rates listed are based on the ' i '2 -July to. l963. Consumer Price {hoax i31.5. fILbla 7 comparea wage rateo for specific operations in the ho‘ hlrughtcring Operation between a selected Detroit and an Out- .aclot lira. The greatast variation in wage rates for a apacific onaration'ia posaibla {or the ions: skilled or laborer claasification. These iaaaar skilled operations in the hog killing operation allow R . 1 x . for a feasible variation of 84 cents per hour. A possible variation of 6‘ a nta cxiata in the hog cut phone of the Operation. The 1 I A largaa viz. vlriation posaible for 1964 will be cut to 69 cents and ; I : 52 cfinfa respectively by provisions already built in the labor 1 1' contract. ; 5 . :IIO figural in tho table should not be taken as typical of the "ralaéiV. Inga pattern existing between Detroit and Gutstate firms i ‘bocnlacx (I) the two plants were from a judgment comple, (b) the . ,g r; Ulghgratao;for ti, Detroit firm are minimums that are exceeded in li.'i a: '7 ‘aa-igplanta. and (c) the wage rate alone in not always indicative , r I i AAJL -Wi£i1~ ”(-3 ‘\ I or V K . '3 t 'a .v. ra»—u-¢--~.- .2' a -J .I ,‘ 3’ 'r a D.- ‘ .‘. J W \ I. t e ‘ O '2 . w J .A. , c r ' 1 a ( I " a .. 7'. .1 r; F , «I \ a . . _ 4 l I +4 -.- o A .. ' "I ‘ a . . . g :- . I._ r" ‘ .t- . . .- . ' .‘ 1 ..~ -9 , o ‘. _ :5 . "..., .. - ‘ \ ‘ \.- ' H a. . t — ‘ I .Q O D n ' ..4‘ ' ’1‘! _r ‘ 1: ‘v- ‘- . '.' . " c 4 u N ’ . I o r . , .1 , .. , . ' ' l‘ 3 - ’ I I" .44 -. a r .. I ‘ :9 ‘ ‘§ 5 I l U a I ~ -. 1 - a :2 o - e .g 1 ' u ' ' 2 5 - .- A - . o t "- J. ‘-' 3 fI‘ ; fir - I; f? 0‘. f i .v , ) . 1 . L .‘ f _ '1 ~ ~ ' ‘X e- ' ‘ :r ,‘ fi . - .‘ ; ' - ‘ t. A 'M 0-0.“...- _-, ,"','. - --. .. ¢Lo>ocm more: cuxm soAxUmsm coco: mac use our; woo; Haam mom: ouch noon euotooom atom 3mm mowed oouhum mowcu«m amok nousm corp oxoaam saga moooasocm aqua so.~ noooooao - chasm mama cooosc mam: xco: cocacoa woo: sow ocom Loazum Loom noocOm xcom . poxooam we; nounoom Loszwoh adaom Loxuocx toxUmom new: :mxm «\H nh.w ago: «so nocom x00: o>oeox Lennon: on“: mac: :cac Loonum oLOcOm Loom ouoyowflnm memo; was; :m.n coaawx oco poccwxm «flow «\H do.“ oco++maam mooaesm .unoowm . . :~.mw WEE; ‘ “amigo I 4 :E mom; 1“ i ill . unawuou«m«mnmao now "I oceuam >Husom 2 an x $3 - roofinmflw our on... zoos t8 33 ovum can: can comuoommHonwau och <3m: or! you: a .3; \I D' C. 4. ‘4 ...-u h Ill. « i. .. . 7 u . It a . . t . _ o r o t. . .. e v , . -.. I.I-CI' :’ l.’ I i .l :n 0’ I ‘I' '.- . ", II - - ' I. ‘ I . I ‘ '0’ I l ‘1‘! V. O. . - I I ’o | - V ' I. n'l.‘ - ‘ al! I‘ 'II A'al» ' " .I'".l-‘lv!lle..a -l 4.. ‘ 1|."' '1' 0|" I‘ I .'\.ll '1 '- v. .0 .. IIYI‘..- (9|. ‘ ll- x,‘|--.I II .4! .00 I. I 1 I O .. . . . c C t. ...]..‘O'OI'- {all ‘t'-l‘.|.t'lil"lll ' .. a!" "4‘4. ..0' t a. -f - ‘1 .I . .... l.- .. .n 1 - .. . .e‘ O ‘ c I... ll .liel’ !-I..’ {...}..‘I‘I... .2-.. I I . 1'. a O ..- . 1 ”"1 he‘- _ ,... , . LII . ....aobmn «0 ubvcu econ eon scam eeuowaeo wan Gnu coast as u. «may gone now one: sea Racov «so» one no eocoaoaua ae eauooon Manna noehoamao am; noon on elongate en Amoco eocnaonao m=a>ua mo uuoo ecu .coomonooo no womanhood own man can aceeeenwe no chad unusao one» man no mu oenaw>oz to ma um: so: no nu- .éfirt 3...... ....bsokEEE sear W n a: needy H sowcum . maze xuauk . . one: zoom ”1 N mama daam .. i «one: «amaze a: cacao . V axons» cmocam atoxuzhh l cougo no «snow cocoa ovoao . Lennon e300: :0 you cauzo.co «Loam a: cacao awe: era» agent» coca tendon omo: noca emo: noon _ sqguam .uom .»«ta _awom noun a:.«ns..« caucus: wauznenm M nausea: mcacauxm . hocwwoz N rescue: ”Nana soap “auto our» gunman: xoam «no copy annex each heaven: accuwo>uq eeaoacm exax heaven: xuovneaua one: aonnsmu edxou cuxm novaotgm «one: «are «anon pagan «\H mm.nm acowuuoqoanuuao sou 1‘ coumm wanna: AveacuuCOUV u CHAIR uol.xf“ ..l-C .I‘~ 4'. ll. ‘0'. « .I...-’d I!- 17"..." :.|.... ...! r 0| t ‘01.... t"\'. ‘1’-.."f --I‘ a Illisd o q s: . x. 4, .. . . N ' . o c J A. Q _ .I. ,.I.. a . a! v « l A k .0 . . O ‘ t J. .. Q I ,z t .. , a. M u 1 - w n {-l '1." it .fv".‘e. 0"... KI .0 II- :! 'vl ‘ (cc; 9 0 . ‘ A .1 d I o 41 [:1‘-l: ..-. .-- Q -.. ...-..i. .....- ' .5 n L -I‘I-u\ 'a". all. lls.1it..¢. ' 0|. 0 "z .1. .- "l. ' 5.1!"! . IIII .i'I" ‘l.’\‘n I ,II. sl‘?-i’ I I ii..- .59 O'...§'I.$I‘O ‘1) ’I." ftllgt‘V hints... 31". "i' l“.~ K I. r 4 ... . . .. c > a . I . r 2 ‘1' ‘.Ia o . l. I. It 01: b ....I :1 Ila tit-trill- ill! kn lat: ii 9.0.}; ...‘Icill‘ $.1‘v I‘. «IriIClllf III..-" ' .. I . .fip ~ .il... tll... 4 z/ '3‘ h. b. V .. .‘ t ... I .1 on F c n . 3 4.. h . o I .... \. Ho'- u‘- c \l . W II. a F. O .44. v . I! 1 to 3.1.;‘5 I .‘ ‘ . .. . -33- Tkg'ui 7 C0fii/xii1303 CF H.536}. 1"J.'I'...S FOR SPLCIFIC CYERATIOSS IN Ti}; 1103 SLALLLl'iTthIiG CELLFJIUIS LLT'JELQJ A DLTHCZT Adv OhTLTATd flkm - 19L3 Hog Kill Detroita Outstateb Operation Ha,e daze aglittqr 22.1. $2.8H Cyan 5053 i.M5 é.8u Cut hogs *' ' " 2.u5 2.u~ ~— bticker 2.95 2.73-1/2 bcaluor 2.u5 2.73-1/2 Trim Plucks 1.03 2.0a Sap. cuts l.u0 i.eu face fiams 2.N5 2.94 full Loaf Lard 1.8;) 2.9“ Remove Tongues 1.80 2.uu Cut Off hoaas 2.HS 2.6a Shacnlor 2.15 2.6. Skin heaos 2.H5 2.64 Snavsrs 2.15 2.6“ Trim Head» 2.k5 2.56-1/2 Gambrul hogs 1.80 2.55-1/2 Livestock handler 1.80 2.56-1/2 Weigaer 1.80 2.5b-l/2 Drive hobs 1.80 2.“? 510;) Hogs lo “v0 2 o u 7 . — ‘4 -..-u“. ..-...'--~--v> - .. o‘...-‘ ...“..- "flint—o. -.....v—‘n ---.‘-— - ‘ .-- on... -‘n—g “...-n- a~-~- -..- oh.'.'" .’ tau-".- 1—- “ --- ...-“v.0 .. -..-J . on...- o - -- — ..-—c *u-—-m—.-- C _.._ cu... m or c - n... . Ji—u—--vc ~U... 0-"-- I' .ln'mfl-O‘” .— ,_, q—v- .— ---- to “m. ...... , a o I I I I o l - , I O C r I v _ _ t . . o , 3 . I I o o .' - - ‘ 1 . j l ‘ c s . - . , o a . 1 _ n u . - v o o - I‘ . . a . .. I ' a _ . . . .IV - I h - 0 Q u v 39 ~ Table 7 - ContiLuad Detroita Cutstatab ‘ C orntluu ““19 F313 But on books $1.50 $2.u7 Cuiaal heads 2.H5 2.u7 full Jaws - 2.u3 2.“? Pusu hobs 1.80 2.h7 Truck Guts 1.00 2.u7 HO; Lut ?u11 Loius 52.u5 #2.&u hiubcr 2.1: 2,3u Remove heck bones 2.15 2.8% Skin Hams 2.N3 2.73-1/2 beLly Trimmer ..ub 2.73-1/2 'Pork Boncrs 2.53 2.73-1/2 56nd Jaw 2.15 + 25¢ 3.7J-l/2 Premium Trim Shoulders 2.H5 2.uu Trim flutts 2.Hb 2.6a Trim Picnics 2.15 2.0a Scribe Loins 2.u. 2.6% haw Hams 2.15 ..ou Split aides 2.15 2.39-1/2 Skin Jowls 1.0J 2.5u-1/2 Trim Fat Back 1.80 2.56-1/2 bkinning fiacnine 1.30 2.5é-1/2 flofining Hacaiua 1.0) 2.56-1/2 Push h0g8 1.80 2.u7 ..- ....“ -.-... *0 ' J - . .. LL ‘ , ‘ . I I —' u y'- .mo~~- I- c .‘ . . 1‘, . 4 I. . ‘ 0 'I o. a ‘ .0 V A a‘ . ‘ v I . ‘ - no . Table 7 - Continued ' Detroit“ Outstatcb Opgration Wage Wage GU16! Eider $1.80 $20”? Clean H: 1.80 2.“? -~‘—- Source: Actual operating contracts of tho Amalgamato Feat Cutters and Butcher Workman of North America - 1963. a/ The listud wag. rates are minimums. 57 Includes adjustment made for visa in Consumer Price Index to 131.5 as of July 15, 1963. mo ...,“ ~‘ub..d:u~ "H- a. n “..-,r‘. - o. '! com- -75 v -0 M u “.M-._ ”'u ‘ ’ n . ~ I - l 9 I l r A ‘ ' ‘ I n..- . . . ’ . - J . .J . . ¢ .. ' 1 .. . ,- I -- -41. .;of the total cocoonsaticn a worker receive: for his effort. Fringe benefits, both explicit and implicit. incentive programs and bonuses ‘ all affect the total compensaticc which an employee receives. ‘ I tho data on Labor classification and wage rates presented in gThblc-a is taken from I tyoical Teamstet contract. The data for ‘ only on. contract is presented because Icanster contracts are "standard“gg/ for :11 packer. in the industry. Cattle and bag slaughterers pay their drivers accordin g to the Hacvy Beef and Pork Induotry section of the contract and lamb and veal slaughterers pay according to the Lamb and Veal Industry section. 32/”3tandard" moans identical or nearly so. In practice, however, the « rate varica aommwhat with the degrec of bargaining power possessed by tho packer. / I ' I C U Q ' . . ’0 '5... - ‘ 'v-‘J A-‘ J4 ‘J-‘o AU :"jJ' 5.3 w n31»; 1:3 1-” L33 5 14;.s'tt‘4;3 €2JV}'S;) . -! "~'~I -1 »“Q~".L“fl h ~~ .“v. .. co¢‘-u- o ‘ c .\ a. \ .D "I 1. ,Y ‘ ’ I \‘ . .4..- a .l‘ ‘5' ‘ t " ‘ ' a: 1- c .'I ' t. J 0 h i " . } . C .mwma .54 um: c wood .sa hm: ocuuoo mcuooroc «ocuucou houoeooh doouo< “009:0m Ill" {‘4‘ JJ‘ 1 III‘ .ouoh oocoqanou-o ecu con» nova coo: oi .mouooccm xhom no; Aoav cacao hunch no concaaao A. .oauoo whobmmv tuna on 0» coo van moom >>mor no 03cm an .4 Hanna nachdnv :02 Am . xocu wcq>mnv cos: .ovOMhoo wouwsaa >Anm=ouaon can uni>upc coaacc am no nmmu .»H mm: mama .ha um: mocomooao no ounce ca >~co abo>aoo vow :cma .hn >o: cooxuon om.u coo toad can an: ooozuon oo.nm on can: an an can anomao: Am cmoa on «Am: mnoSuoc xosph Au ofioo on Haw: cho>fihv Muzak an 635% $3 .2 >2... $3 .3 mm: naasmun no» name» can“ ”med Aoonv was nmam .ha tax camzuen na.~m use mama .ua an: a.oauon am.mm mucoo Aunqnu owon on Hausa oho>wnv omen on.-a: noo>fioo xoaoe Am own; on Haw: unobuhv x0399 Am umwamm cu >ao~mo vomOAQEO .aomcoowa mozowmoono agony“: no cocoapoaxo nmma .hd >5: mama and xom mca>onv upwucauxo uzcnuwz ace Tan momn .»~ um: cacao-n m5.~m was «mag .94 5:: nonauon mm.~m a. voaocou .n. on: agenda: Aw «Ham 0» do“: montage xoaak .‘ ‘ gang on «an: anasuno guano .< i 1-2.31 1 m t flagrant? 1 I. ...-a uni: can enema-oocfio.aau «on.» A ‘ u u . q; comuzowm cw zwumsocm upwxucm you: onu cu wmwxoo: connect acme; houoaoop ham uouom can: can occuuoowuwuuoau gonna a canoe t"! CHAPTER IV A Pilot Study of Labor Practicea and Labor Coata in Michigan'a Meat Packing Plenta Introduction Thin chapter'auumarizce information obtained from a aampla of eleven hicbigan neat packera who were personally interviewed to: (I) obtain detailed information on labor utilization practices that would be ueeful in planning a national etudy on goographical difference. in wage rate. and labor coats, and (2) to determine tho nature of labor problela currently confrontin3_tha Hicnigan moat pecking induct }. In addition. it was hoped that tho pilot atudy night help define arena where lateratudies could be conducted by flichigen Itata University which vould be of service to the moat packing industry in the atata. Selection of Planta and Dovelopnont of Quoationnaira Work on the pilot atudy was initiated during August 1963. Representa- tives of each of the major unlona were interviewed to determine the typca of information that could beat be obtained from tho uniona and from the peckcra. A judgement aampla of alcvon wholesale packera uaa then selected. Six of the packera were located in Detroit and the remaining five were located Outatata. The sample nae selected an as to include planLa that alauxhterad one apccioa primarily. because it was believed that more accurate labor cost dnta could ha obtained when only one opociea waa slaughtered. No attempt nae node to aeloct "average" plants. ofljc‘ 'e g . .\D J I .L' f 1 ') . .' . J- . ..u, x rd 0 .- "IJ . . ... a l u t- ”I '. . a . ‘Q _~ Q 1‘. . 1 il‘ 3 L ’5 ' . ‘.“U . . J ‘ei ‘ l .' j'.‘ x. w". o. n J 0 .,' « . J'I’ . . 9'. ‘.. 'e '1... L.) ”I .. I... -44- mmmmmwmwummmmu ”penumbra-Luce: (nemnliMonw'l-tmm of ”addiction.“ admit of Max. (2) '1“ meet-d mmme)iaborutiuaetiaaudiaboeeeetnmad (”Hannah-areal. Amqmmuwum- tan-slur .-ne£irateilqueationeentbquetionnairemegeneralinneme MWBWMM. Minamthrmaghfourtemmdeaiuwdugiveinfmonx (”variation inlabarcoetractproviadonaforngeaete.“thenetroit t'packeraandbetwenthenetroitandmtatatepackera. (”Wot Wauwmmtmmnummcmmnd (”tedetereinetheextenttovhichtheraerelocalermmim "operating inane: pacltingplanta in the atete e! Richiga. ' hmponaetoqueationaeven."uithvhetmionadeyoohmlabor eontratti‘l". fiveolthenetreitpeckorareportedhavingcaetraetauth boththLC.n.fl.mdthe2eaetat-e. Mreportedhevingeontraeta with 'meU andonevaeerg-ieedundertha mum. enema packerueermiaedundarthel.6.3.w..threahadeontraetaeithbeththe IJJIA.“thare-stere. Methamutepacheraaidhhdhiem verbaiagrea-entvithhiaeqloyeea. naeaidnoforealoontraetodated mfinhmmmummloyuammtmymhmmaud W otummmmamumwm in m a! the ninuanance and operation of refrigeration equip-ant. -t T. ... . . ' ;.'. ' p _ A . ' ‘ O ' '! 9‘ . ‘e a- De 3’ 'i . .' . \,,j ' .' . .~ . A ‘ _. L a 4 .. . - - -‘ - ..., 5“ J. . . a a _ h _ . -- I . . -,- . v " ' . - -} J 1‘ e - 1 v} t 1- . J ‘ ‘ .- A .. 5 J t r .. . b . .\; J. A t. '\\ .1 -’ ~ ’ -- " 4 " -, .. ’ E . ' . .. . - . _‘.a .."«_: 2,13”? "'1 .l A - : ’ . , .O 2 .‘ < .. t ..l ..‘g, J . .. a ‘C" -‘e‘*e—.-- -. h x. A. a v - - . , . . . I 7 5‘ {- ‘ o ' ‘ l -. u U ’ 0‘- -f t. q, .- ‘r '6" 1'- ‘“ Q ;."‘I an; Q . .1 I‘ U. .. ..J- . ‘_ _. .... .a .' .5 1' ‘ . 'u .. , h . eat.' '4 u: C 0“. .f - ,, . .. , t r ' e . a'. .. .'. ~' . x ‘ ' ‘ u .. L, ' - o - .' J U‘v .1 t A z 3‘. “ l '. f. uv I ‘ 1 ..‘s- ... h. ,‘a H . - ' ' . e. . I \ ‘l. t . . 4 , I ,7 v x- , v.| -— " "fl ‘ : 1 “. . -; *1‘. *4 ‘ . r“ - ‘., . ,. -. " . ,‘ _ ‘ ,_ ..‘ ._ _, -, . \. , . L. i -J b n g ( J -1 . -~ ,1 5-; ‘1 d ,‘ -. .e -, 0. ‘ ‘ a . 7 \‘ - ’ i . . . . ‘. 'l ... ,w ‘I; " i '. . . ' I i ." . ~ " o ‘o " . c. _. . .- ~. '..’.' J-» I .Q . .4 .. a . O 3 ’ J", k (I t:; g 1‘?! . -.‘ .t ‘ ‘_ ." , t - . V. 1. fl. § ,.. \ . , .- 4 .' .7 - . ' . . a. . .. - 1‘- . I .‘J:Ij..' »_=~.--', - t -‘ ‘11‘ .l. - . . \‘ 0 . e. a ‘ . ‘ ‘ ' . ' ~' ' r ' * 9 'i '.a. ' _ 1 ‘-' , e. ,' . - . . v o ' .J . ‘ ' . ) . ' - I x (l J a'. c. J - -‘e ...)", aiA I‘d.) -.-I' I. q Q Q . ’ O a . .k g. -"_ ‘ . . ~ . {9 . - I e-w‘ n, . e.’, _ .L . 1 1. ‘ .-. ’1' f 1 4 J - L e . da- ‘4’ t . . ..¢ ' . A ' ‘ .4 "In. ‘J-- 3. .~ 'u. u..- “v gr.» —.J~— ‘- v .‘ -C’ t” f" :' ' .' av -" ,7 \ ' ~ '~ 3". 09' '~'-"' - .‘ ~ - ' '.. ' ’ uh I ‘ . "- ' ‘v . .g ' - ..k- ‘_ _ . ‘ R4. . 5r. . . v at. a . . .‘z‘ .... .4-‘ J ..-a'. w; ._ '.‘ .. " j “-..-e m4...) Ju‘.‘ . I ,. I $ ' . . .. - ~ ,- ,r -» r.~. t. .v ~ - \ 2' ',, . . J - - - ‘ ' r :1 -0," .. .J .‘ t .. ~ i .é 'w.» .a . ’ 935 I1 ' "‘a . -- . .1 ~- . L'QWJP ‘J. t‘~‘-‘ .‘ J - ') - I “ ’ s ' " . i .I ‘ ' ' ' ‘ , . u . . » , . ,. . 4 2 . - .‘ ,- _. ‘- ‘ J..- ..- ‘ . ~_ . . u - u . ' ‘ 4 3 . dum .‘ -5 .' 4 \4 ‘ J - .)~e .' ‘ . J: .. I L.‘ 0: ...] eL 4J-'..d :5} v.’ a \l’ ' ‘ . r - .. . , e . ' E J 1 ~ t ‘ " ' ‘l ‘ {'1' '1 ‘ "’ . " 1' 9".' ’5' 3t.‘ . . ., . -, a a. ‘4 .5 - .... _- a...‘ bl. . .,. .1 ‘u ‘Q .~ ‘- ’ .a ‘1 -’- ~ .‘ ‘}_"., '~-'§ ... . . 3‘ 1 . , _. '5 ... " r, - - vg- . v - . { ...] . . -: .._ ‘ 3 r . I' _-.;- r' c .e‘...’ '.,I - up I .I ‘) . I i .5 CV x e ' e ”'3: , a ' ‘. e .‘ , - a: v't‘I‘Q A --W' . I q " J-“—«—~. ‘mg‘ 1. . a 3 - - , u ~ -. > e u _ U ‘ e _ r. 1"” a 'o ' ' I ’ ’ ’ .’ a ' '1 1'. ‘ ’ . " _- " *. ’ " 'p " 9 *.fi Q .- _ . ‘ .. 51“ .a l 1‘ ‘ t- v :‘ ' J ~' 4' -e»~ _. ‘.‘ ..l ; 'f {1 ‘2‘) 2) -~ ‘ ~n-‘h,:ljvae\ J . - ' w 4 I U q . e I ' :' .t' ’9 r b v‘~ " Q'i u ‘. 7‘ e I N '4' " w '0‘ ‘0. ’V "' “j 0.. ..~ ... \ . -.—A , ~ - u - - . a — ..J ~a’ --c L- . . _ . . . .I'aa I u-. .5 . x I .\ .- ‘ ‘ ‘ ' t-e r a 7 a ‘ I — r p. . ’ A q ’ e v. . \ ' - , . ,. I .i I . I‘ ~ - . V ea 'uf-l ‘- " O "O ‘0 l ":‘J J ‘v - ‘ - .. -<.,-» I“ 9 as. e.) I ' " u'J'L |O“. ' '- ‘I" h e ‘ ~ . ‘. ._- _ , 1 , r .4 J “a , ..a. .. ' ,. ... {a ..,.__- .. ,._- IT‘ ...- n: .g_,-. L a1 - a c‘ 1‘ .- 0‘ ‘ .‘ - - ~. 1 -‘ 1 .i . ‘ . . -‘ .-., .v‘ ~- I , -.'- a I.“ 2- pf ’ ...044 I: u . . , - . a. . ' 3 4 '. 4 - _ . J , . a t. , 1 4‘ ;_ . I ; "0 a3 I .... _' 1 ' :1: ,- , i t .' a; - . 9 .| ..'- - - p - , M t .. ‘~ ‘ ' ‘ . _ a. _ .‘ ,‘J‘ éd " ‘. .‘ ‘ ' ‘ s “ ' F : ' . ‘ J . l ' " ' ‘ . . :. . ' ... I - P’ . ‘ . v . . , .3 1:“ r .J .L' .t -- 5 4- - 1 J c a' - . ‘ ‘ J!- ‘ {Id — -.. “vi .1 . ¥ ‘: ', {'51 ‘4 a 3 .' . ‘ . . e I l ' " , . ", :{ ‘-. 5 . 4r ' . * ,x . ‘ . ' ‘,' ' 'r' -. '4 - z ' ~ 2 .- v . t. fine—i ' . - m‘ - -‘. J t \‘a 1A . . i . '. ...-l ‘.-..-. " _ - , \ t - u '{y (4"! “g... .LQ-i'tl %’ v-dvxm ”can”-.. . ' - .1 -' ... . . - h k a , 0‘ '7 ’ ' »' i v ‘- . . ' - o»-.: r I . a - r 5 . ' t I ' ~~ . ' . e' -- - v . e . ‘ ‘ e.) . I L J ‘9 '._ ¢ ‘ “I I 3 .4 ., - g. t. ‘ _ . A : I an 1 .6 f. J u (an I 4;: ‘h . U f ‘ { ...- I ’1' " '. e a. '1 I ,- , ', . ,' i, 4‘ ‘ . _ ' t . ‘f. . ' I ' a ‘I‘ ‘ _ L";' I H. -" ‘5'. e4. - ' I». ’ - L. a? V" : ‘ . '1‘ J‘eel 4 1‘ -..)." a.) 'J‘I .45. no deeire to join e £01114 union and: as the “J’s!“ muuMubiim‘u_Wmtb-Jmmclmiflw nun-summsrsu-ssmurortnmmmm" Ana-era ummmmmohhmewmotlwfl~ mmunmwuwmemurummcwnu- m-lwmmmmimbmmmnmn submarine-unwound- Quid-eleven. mummyuuuaummms. tar-rm any mink: «summa- «W3. van and in MybmeflMpm-Mwmanim,mut. w.MJJodIJ.H.A.fl-tlmthettheeeiumired Job mummozmmuammrmqumm guru“..mo£mswmdthrttbu.s.l.mmm woman‘s-mum. uncommon-ma tuba-eenbueliealhlinaepackastobrinxieemnedm lfldwm'tmilabhvithinthepm. nominee—en mmwmmu.w.cm.urmmmmmuu mum-immunewwmmimemrsaum-nun anion-it’s: Whom-yous ”lumuieuheda‘laborpoois" .. "fidenbpethenplyet skilled knife-an shorts .mmwmt ' -uusquw—numsmh nwmmmuau'emumunnmum Mg“. ' . ‘-7 I , or“-rnuanmmwoommmo Wrath. hammmmdiftheyereeapableof C in“- ; “up. 0 ‘ ' 7' " w; , ‘ , , ....,.V,‘ .), .. , 47.0... ... .. v;;, . . .p . ...a. __., ,z- ...-.za:.- )jzza...‘t3 v v x I ‘ s I O o ‘ ‘ ‘ s, A 4 a 1 e . s ' - p I ,, 'v 0 t ' v ,.. ’ . A : .3 ' ’ ‘ . .- ' x . I.’ ‘ u - . - ' a i-.t \JJ 45‘ A‘lr: . ‘ . ' O ”'0 * fl , I! . J , A .,. . - s. - -_ .s .1 . r. . . ~‘ , ‘1, ' . 4 I_, ~ . ‘/ o, s: ‘. J . ‘ . ' v _ 7 a. '. eI r - ‘0 . ‘ o . " ‘13-! ,4 a. ‘1‘ .Igo'9-s‘ I .I a v . ‘r h ' _ - “- . . _ ‘f P ' {I "s ! a - i I. - Q . -'. ' J I~ -# _ 7 ’.- — . 1.. 4&- v J - \.—s . v‘o'eo b . ' ' - ~ v o w 3 4 . v r ‘ .. n ° .. ’ r") ' . t, ’1‘” ° -"- pr": .- , i' v . .N .. - ‘ .. . .‘ ,‘ ., -... g. .. . ‘ (“I - u ' g - .. a 0- .- . 0 q, a ... o - we MI. 0"‘ V. I a. . . ~I . . 9-9: , Q C 4 a . . .I g e I .)‘ J V. - -‘. 1.. I. , --.-’ I do u ‘ ' hos... . “ J ‘V -‘Jet~"of.1 e h o I . . .- ‘ Q' . - . r . l" . e. ' ‘ ° ‘ I I I' ' A ' v‘ I ’ ,I ' . 1“ ’_° . t... 0" d no - . \ a - I. 1‘ b v. -'~ -. \I '0 a J“ ‘o a. J Le‘ :. -)- J ‘h‘ ‘ I .- ‘r ‘v " 1 . N ’ f A . ‘ne-. ' ' ." af-I . ' « l a: v I _ . t , . 3 . 1 . - .. a . - . \ l o J u c! s O ‘ . s . .~ . 0s . . a.. 0‘ . .no a \a ‘ ‘ - , - .l 1 ‘ . s g »’ g—o . . s , a . h - ‘ v f " ' ‘ - .._ . ‘ n. . q" . ‘ 4. -- .- 1 . ._ ~~ -- .J . . - ... - ..,‘ 11 C ‘ ' ole A. o. - .' ‘ o X Y i .- ."' 'J 3", g ‘1 ‘ 3 CL'HI > ’ ' ' ' 5.0 - . '. , . A . . . .‘ . ( - . ‘“ . 2‘ ' ;’ . ‘ - ,. . .. .. ~ .. . . s 4 I . 4 . .... .' . f"..’ an.“ .O u- iJ-) .~ -- ~J‘ 1'; 5. ’ ‘ -~ L274; -.’. L‘TI{3«J .9. e, a‘ an—'\") Q D O I h in D- | { .'. J. Ln 5. L. a l U 3.3 M v—‘P 1-- t‘ ' J J‘. —-« h‘. v- has C'V 1,. . . . . 1‘ '- ' y . '. .I a. - I ) e ‘ 1‘ e. ' I'. . ta 7 - » .i ‘-- ‘a- I " ...! ._ I. ..'. r . ‘3\t.1."~. A; .45. ; 4 ‘ 1 a J. ..o. .1 ...i. ci.- ...L ..' J n e’A“.‘ .‘J' (‘4 ‘ 1 r . w . . . a.‘ . , - . . ' . .. L ‘1 . r- .s' 1 sun .w " “vol -. 1' ° s ~).' 5 ..t "- ... v u. ‘1 11' .ri33 ‘30 ‘ 5 ‘ . ~ - - - .. r I a l' ‘ - ~ - r . . ‘ - , ‘ : . I . ,1... ... u ‘t I } . s 1L. ‘0 or ad -s’3 ‘ « s .eer- . g ' .. s; “a 3 ‘ i -I - ...- - ‘3 ‘ in e.‘ ‘5'." ....A-q) '( s} I v. ‘ ' O I: ' \ . . . a . . v' . "1‘ ' all f'l 0’ ‘t or- I ' J... . s0 ' I‘ if! It: ,‘ ' | \ . . e, 1’ f ‘ ~ ‘I " ( ~ 0 - I r 1 . n 3 ‘ .3] v 4 g". e‘ ‘ C so ..‘I J ‘1... \' ’4‘ .et-d .t. " r e e- - e to e , . - - e d J 5‘ , ' ' :03? I' ' ‘ , .7. - - o) ' . 7 4RD“ t - .. r . \ I - ( . -v ‘- r 3-: a... b. J t’kl... e . A. v _. — 4 wit 5 e‘ - ..D.‘ a -t I I I 0‘ ’6 :e:Jie «It-I 'L;q.‘ ’ fol 1.1 ' . . s y ‘ ~ 1 . . 9 ’ u ‘1 A < ~ ‘ ’ ‘. J r‘ ’ ‘ , g " .- v a .II . . .s'r .-es ‘ . J r '. .. .4 I . g I- ‘J _r‘ ’,|‘ 4’ Ed ‘)“’l.‘\ v I I u e I t s -... ' ' ' ' ‘ 1 r: ‘ -.' ' 3‘ I ‘ J t u .I . I ,"‘ “‘ ' . I I .v ‘ .: I....- i. .. K‘ , J . 2 f - ‘4 «‘ ,' ‘-v. u \ ...'-' \'- .. J on It.) ‘ _"-e~a j 9%.}. U; ”("3 ..‘3 ‘ . e . O~ e- § ’ 4..e‘“ . ‘- ~k‘L‘uefln'kl y a . o < . ,, A s V > .’ I l I ' ’. -- ' .,..., .p ' . I v’ O ... Ta" '~~. .. +. m ‘ o- I: ‘ ,_, '1 - .. «..., {2%. r: r! .I 7.1%] ”a: - ’ 0 ~' «‘11 '7‘; --~I. J I...- , h-- J .1 s it we 0 , , x IE it 1. “- ~“ - v ..- ‘.1 3: '9 -i.).g“—’TD w'”" a" vfi‘ ~46 performing tha Dork, thay ara put on tha par-auaot payroll. Tha anaaata glvao to quaation tualva. “Hhat ara tha ltlnca banallta provldad to you: labor mtractat". aara qulta uulton’ anon; tha tan ant-niaad plauta. Thay atatad that thay follouad tha unto. contraat alnoat to tha lattar. 81m tha athar .pachar lutarvlauad had no tor-a1 ulna, 7 ha Ila not Donna to pay tho uaual frlnaa banalita. Rowavar. ha atatad that ha pal! ttlnaaa aqual to eight parcaot of tha aaployaa'a annual aalary plua holiday and vacation pay. Tho trlnaa baoaflta included at: paid holldaya. ooa Hoax‘a vacatloa. than and coo-halt to: all tlaa worked in axcaaa of forty houra par uaak. baalth and accldant luauranca in addition to Hartman'a Conpaoaation Inauranca.'aCbrlat¢aa bonua and a clothlns allovanca. - . _ . I . Duly on. Datrolt packar and ona Outatata packar aald 4na" to tho quaatlon. “Do you hava locantlva prograaa (bonuaaa atc. ) or tringa banatita that oparata outalda of your union contractf”. Tha co-nanta uara aa {ollava aaong Datrolt packara: ”troll: ahatlng for aalarlad anployeca“ . "lea food ataap booka at Chrlatana" . ”Ctva turkay for Thankaglvtns and a has for Chriatmaa" . ”I xiv. a Chtlataaa bonua" . Conananta tro- Outatata packara aara: . ”lea a Chrlat-aa bonua and party" . "l glva amployaaa work clothing and Chrlatnaa bonua” . ”Bava an tucantlva pay plan baaad on afficlcncy of ovar 100 parcant. Chapaqy ran atady and Jacaralaad lOO‘parcent attlalaocy. Ia aaa pay non for ovary percontaaa point ova: 100 percent. It efficiaucy ona day la llO paraaat. a can Iakla. $3.00 pa: hour sata $3.30 and a can making $2.00 (ata $2.20". - .. a 7 " .. ‘.‘ ,. . v . , ‘ I . ; . 3 .-.~ ‘ 5 a' » . sf... 1"» . . . 7‘ ‘ .9 _ ‘ ' 3,, A ‘ s 3‘. f...’L ‘ 3 g,‘."‘ .~ 4',‘ ‘ - ' 5 ". ' ‘( ' O :1... 25“ ' o- 1.1»;.‘. X» ’ J )4 ,5 '1 .. .. .Iz . I ;« ‘ . 4 , ' , . “ ..' . . . . - ,_e ‘ ,' 1‘ ' .-' t 9., ‘ "3 J” '1‘ - J . ‘L . .' , - I . fl _ . . - n g a l H. '1 ,6 1;. ‘5‘- d . J :2}. .- \ h ' ' A ‘ a» . 4’- ’_ - '- ’7 ‘ a ‘v.'. - S - ' ‘ a t A ~ , J 1.. “ ...! "4‘ .. _ ..: ;. 4- ‘l 4 _ A ; ’ . . . > ' - a q ‘. .' c _ , ' .v . . 1 1 I . ..- ; . 7 ‘- --. w t - ’ ’ ‘ a a ' ‘ ‘u .I - ‘ ‘ \ ‘ ' 1‘ " ' ‘ 3 .5. ' . " - - .t . . .u. 1 - . . .. . y aln “. I a I Y I '. l ‘ . . . . 9 ‘ - ‘ a ‘ ‘I I ‘ . a I . .. . . . :- .‘§,. 't’ .!_ . J u’ 5 ‘ ' a , - ‘ - V A. .0 ,. , J . » . A .‘ --: “.J 3:.- -. ;: -s-. .. . - . - a '\ l' ‘ ‘ ,‘ I' ‘ t ‘ u _ ' r . _ LA, ’ ._ 1. I z I ‘ . t ‘ - . ‘ I 5‘ ‘ wal ‘ H "" ~1 N .\ w r A I. a , 1 - ‘ - . ~ . u ' , . ‘ V , ‘ . ‘. -'\ - ‘, ‘ fl 0‘ . > 5 . . ., ' . ~ ‘ J - ‘ ' . A i '. .a ' ‘ . I \- ‘ '5' a a . . _ v . n u i, ,. ‘.' 6' 'u‘ no 4 f O“ _ ..u' . o O -‘ > . . . A i .1.. ‘ ; . , . ' I ' .l . ' , 1 . ‘ _“ *Vr' . ’ ' . a ‘ ‘ . ’ I .I . \ _ P '. .‘ ' , I a. a ‘ J . ‘ _ .h " o 4‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ' a i . a ' 4 _ . ‘ . . L . . -. ‘ - “ ' ‘ '. ‘4 ’ -47.. A «an: qmstim, "What otha: woe: ralatioua actlvlttu aim carted on by your organization”, gava' tha following. an only batten W ‘ «Inflammation poaitlvoly “HM Wake-1193“ N 6th: finbatmitpackaramadthequaationmivaly. mtha Outatata pachau. thea mall paidwly an‘ be ans-and Mb. Co-nta ma a fallout "1 M aoft'ball. bird hung m". «smammmuamuumuu-"o ”I lava a auggaatioobon but amployoaa an: uaa it”. Jim: mutation and mat Costa _ .mummmmmmmumu.m ”mucotmmmmdmmormcmmlm 0! play matte: Ian: ”at!” ad 18, "Volt... of llvaatock 'W All“ ”KIM” momma ware «inland to 317a tho mud-ta late: 0901: of billing. cuttln; into vholaaala cuta and plating «ream ofthvarlmapatteahthaoaolatroadyhramw. mum-nu mupmgm-amupmmummdy.mm mwmmmmpmumnmqmmmnuu tha’utmnmoaamaudytormp-att-pdeSJGu ”flack-a1. “mu-aluatofflcantapathaadlammdto wan-huh. uMMmemmzuM-u mummmatockyuda tothaalauntar plant. bflmtfiummulmmmummmm' mflummmmuopmumamm.somw_ hQfl-ItoQL69yathoadlntlltothar. Alargavoluaaandhlghly . .t - J- .l '0. "l ‘ . ' 2 Q 'a o ‘ ‘ W .. a ‘ n '5 a. NJ a n ‘_ i V..." a .U -: U x a .- A Q ‘- u ‘ a E ‘ ' . .‘ 0' ‘ i \d‘ .} l’ ‘. J . I { _ ‘c‘.2 §' ‘ I” ‘ '.' f‘ 0’ ...,o ' 7.. p a I ‘ .‘... . o . .J. I I.” a. I .1 . , ;. I. >aa ~7 '. O. xv v\ o o -a D . It. ‘ C v. - 3‘1‘5- --.,. Jo". :3 ‘. - . ’_ . ’0‘. C‘. i. ‘- ha -*"I o" 1 , .l..‘ ' I bl ; we -. a . . . n I n a —‘ I, .J - a J \ ,., . | t a s Q I a fi ' l V; " . ‘ . . a ‘ . ,3 ' l . ‘0 )E <’ I"‘ c On an. "0 I I - ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' - g ' ‘ «Hr 1.a. " ‘7." 2} u ‘9‘ r‘ : t I: . t. ‘) --- " v.3 “J '~ ‘30 l "J —. . ’ :‘r . 'y . ~~ -' c . t x .0 4. a- - ’°r‘- 2’ .‘4 ‘- "- J.- .. r t . a." .g I'- _' .’o‘..t1¢ O J- . D . - o . ‘ . ‘ ". ,_ . ‘0 . ... A ...- - "f. ‘ ' it I I \- '~'-‘| f .5... (a ti. . Li J ‘ su‘ ’ I. ‘ - ‘ ’ ‘ .— . 1,—3 '. ‘ n- f. "...-“3.x: 1 ‘ ~" J-#.aa-' . 0“)! h' D dw’ in, ‘49 "I” 1 a a t . ' _ u a a - Q ¢-~~ 91 ‘an . H r" t-r. l . .. L3 4 9.: v.4 I an“; 1 ‘ ¢ r I. I . i a. . - , ' , it s. .0"\ .0, ‘r- ,1 5 _. .‘ .- I . . " ‘. J ‘- - ... '. -. . . . aL v o v ‘ D‘ .’ - , . -v “. 1 T .— ’Q' 0' l ' . 1 .. u: .1 ,.. ..-.u ’1 .14: £-- «3 . r 9 . - A, . .7, . A 0 " . . _ o , Q o J J.J'v— ‘1. "LL.1‘--‘O ’ a u .."v at» I ,I . ' | kn. ’ I ‘L ‘ 40- - a— as. , . . I _A :‘- . . a.‘ _; ... $ " 9 na-‘ —.‘.a . .’ a... . . . ~ a. 4‘ o v ... .' *‘.~~" “t“, ’3‘.‘ . Q}. 1 ' . a . - °,A,o ‘ ... - q» . . ... 5 ' Y . ‘ 't-‘ u“ y l .- ' ‘ i ‘0 ‘ I -‘- - a (' .t "t ~--.\) 333-! '4 3-" l . , . , ‘ '. . . . a ‘H 1‘ . . » v ._ a . U . i' ... I Q '. ‘ d-lt'.o& kt ‘L’ J.~..l- 3 mt} " P ” I; . ' ~ ' 7". 3“ l u"“.-' ‘ ““1. . .r‘ .' '-.‘ ul- 4‘ 3r - J ~ ' a . i". J;:‘ V" ’l . I . . - .' 5’ . ‘ “.- m »~ -. \v :5 "fl *- ‘ "I ' ' . ° o. J ‘ . ¢. .aao a 4' Jinn Ck" -. . r; ' ,A a“ . .- ,, .. -.-t :1 . 3' ,,;5 .‘u . .-.--.3 c. 1...}; an»? JG _. A ' "‘ ~3 ;' l . ‘ ', " " ”‘k '1‘ 'r'. t I‘ I: I 0" 'F‘ - J. - h, ‘ : -' '4 t. - .:--~.. -y' ‘ an. .4 r s P.. ' .3 . .p ‘3 a, s - - . ’ a ‘ - - . . , . a r v' ’ '.~ ‘ ‘- ' ., 'I u ... J'- i‘: 73-... I u "a ‘ -5: to‘h -Ao-¢~" ..'-.‘) .-~ a . ...;‘a . .3 «.a . v. ' w .l.‘ a ‘ .. I -§ ...a. .r a" - ’ ... .‘J '_ ..a a) ‘ - 3 a 'u 1- .13 . u —a ‘- J .. .5 . ’ ..‘ h ‘ . {.0 .I .u '. . .-. ‘ I‘ , g- r ‘ f-". . v—U‘ ... ' . A, ...L .. -. win"! J‘ 1 '3»; a . a . ' .... . “ .7 “ ' " v ' . 'r :1 *- :1 ( ' . ..I ..v. v .‘ ..L. .-9 -... » «a w E Q' ‘~ In A 3‘? '0‘. a' O A, A . . . . "r -‘ L. ' ‘J ' It I"? ‘. ""v ‘ ° ' i-A- ( ’L " V1.1 J r J n .A’ at - . .- “~5-v 0 '-~ 4: ...-4".» ‘r ' ' T ‘5 : .L "' 3" ‘r‘ p “ ‘r"- 0 -‘ a ‘h' at": I ,. J '3. ' '. .‘V -«u. .‘ 4.5.4 " 3 -3 3 7 p p a - a - n , ‘o . ' . at, . f a‘ D as a! ' “ . .. ’J. ‘ .9 _. 4.x“; 1;. 3“!” _. . » , l . ‘ . o f u I ~ ’. . ‘ v0 . o a V-4 ‘.. x- v- .“ . ' . .5 . ,,. . .1 - ”L .4‘ ‘ I! ‘1‘ ‘ o “’3 L d ’0‘ ‘-L- (I I. . I ‘ . w .A - .\ c‘ r -- - ‘ . ! I ~” " a) - .. 1.. . A... -\ —’ - Q ‘- '-J .Q- tOJ Q. a J.“ i .- ‘48- mechanized plant may help cxplain the low figura of $1.30. the plant quoting tha $1.69 figure, although not aa highly mechanized, waa very wall managed and kept an extremely caqpletc set of coat figurea. Tha plant manager could not only quota $1.69 at the labor cost of processing each hog but broka the $1.69 down into ita component parta of $.86 per head to kill and 0.83 to cut. Usable labor cost data for lamb and veal alaughtcr waa obtained from only one packer; but due to the small number of firms slaughtering theae speciea and the high degrca of uniformity betueen their labor contracts. thia cost data ia probably reprecantativa of veal and lamb alaughtera. His direct labor Costa were 8.67 per head when alaughterin; in the ratio of one cal! to two lambs. 'Since the 3.67 waa not subdivided, the actual aiauahter coat per call and per laab could not ba determined. However, I.C.I.H. rataa give a coat of $.82 for killing and akinning each call and '.38 for killing each lamb. The coat of uni-skilled and cannon labor mat be added to theaa per head costa to ziva the total direct labor costa, however. Qucation nineteen, "Hhat ia the extent and nature of the adjustmenta in aizc of labor force with fluctuations in volume of livestock for I1805hter7", waa anawered .. follows: Only two Detroit firms and one Outstata firm indicated they made any aicabla reduction in their labor force during the year. Adjustmenta within any given week were practically nonexistent because the union contract containa a gurenteed work week clauao. Uorkara are paid for a (.11 week if they parlor: any work at all that week. week to week and acaaoual adJuatmenta were mada by two of the Detroit packera and the one OutatatL packer by laying off tho-a nonessential workers with the least aeniority.l The other Detroit occker said be varied hia labor force by firing nonessential workers. Tho reasona given by the other packera for not varying their labor force were: -49- 'Wcmfcrtobqalaborhmuatohadtoauluml-aabn andpayavartinawringthchighvolt-auaaon". "liycrwviaapecialiaadaow'hcantlayoffanybodr‘ "I don'tleyoffanyooator tear of loainc tun. juatcnthdwratc36 flmwmm." . mmmmmacmui-aud'frmww tvalvauhaaycat. flab-intwa.m..dlrinxthcalumbctw«n madman." mum.%atmmnnmumnmmmu thiaycatyaart Mist-hiywénflwaapartlymbym mun..u-ucnmmnmu'mmum thatriMIwuulqnu-atabh. Motmmbuaqumdflthwidc thetmattbdrqlayaulaltanyacaormotauiority. mime: plmhthM-tuofio-lswmmirhbom cm-stmulmmmwhimy akillad labor claaaaar . l - rtlf tee).- of min; hunt-Output ”mm QummumWmem tiul. uuwnm-~umummummm iffll‘flhfimmmm ”will-thumb Wfidmm'“¢hmmmm “Mum: ”Ala-halMWJahm-uthhm. ntlalldmfihwmflm. aumumuucuunuummm. run-em mwmfimmiocmuuupmmn Icahn! ' . ' . . ' .‘ 5 ‘.‘ n .. .-l ‘ ,. v. ... . . .2 , "~..‘ ... ._, .~ ,. , "yr . ‘ '.'. "‘1‘ .. ~ ~‘ '. ., ~ I. I ... l— . t. '1... . h" J a a: - 1‘ H I.“ ‘ , \ a .... ..a\ ‘: I .1 - ...- .. ' .‘..‘ . - - -I‘ ‘- a . -- o... '-b a. ' -' . ‘ i . ~. 0‘ a 9 ~. l‘a. - .7 f .0 . t . . L . .x. .1J.-.Jl ' .4 J- t J '.,J. .. . - i'. .0 11.- -. , r‘ ' '1 -. ..t ' w‘- . ' I. H . ‘.’. . .- .-, .. yo. r ’31'1 . V‘ V .. a ". .... .... , l , t. ‘. . P."‘ ( f. .l ' .- a D .‘t -"f: .‘. nJ .. . r . J. . L. V ‘, ‘ ,._.-.‘. . Ia. A ’4 .- ..‘J§|..p,ggt' ‘. ‘ a a K. a 4 c . C ‘ l. ‘ .3» " . —.' - . ‘J P . ‘ e ' . - - ‘ .5 . _' ‘l‘c‘ _ ',"'~ ‘ . - ~... _.~‘ . ,.. “. .‘W ., . , .-. § 1‘ ~‘ - 4 3.1., " 4. “u n; - .- ...\| w. -1 ‘.. - a ' - ‘ ...-“0 ' ‘. l -.. - ’..‘ .7mmi ‘.' r _ a- a .. . .‘ r ‘r 930.)! (L! 'J.. tJr'J —’ C " ' a I , _. t. . . V .0 I' - ,- J: O - .-I I 4‘. '.£' 0‘ -d~d‘)-‘J‘u , “z , ‘ _ ~ \ - _ .. .. . -3 .. -' . .a - - v . ‘ .. q , . . . . ,. . ~. . n... - , ,,—° . n...‘ .J- -. v- e '- '_ .4 .21; .1...» . «J -( c; J .. r‘ .14-- .L -'- J I i)‘; 9.-...- q'. t. - ' i.“"""J A" «10“; -‘ . ' o 1‘ ‘ a ‘ 6 c ‘ 7 "' w l ,0. ). {P .( a) -‘ -',. r- .,..-’- ‘* . -. . ‘ , ' .9, .- '.¢ ' - ‘ r, ‘ 0..:. r a " .r o- ', - ' 3 . . .-' . .4 . . ‘ - .4 a ‘1 . .. . .I . '. ‘ ‘ . X. -. '- . . . .7 a r‘ J . ' 3 b ‘1'... i J.) .‘ J J . a” , I h t ‘ , .. w , 9 a- a- p . Q J 1 v ,' . (Q. ‘4 ’ fl' " ." » '0 ' .' " ' ' , .. ’ 1v I * v’ ' ”w.’ ' _ _ f .1 -' .. - .3. .a. .. , ..,, -'~n.. .1 La}. ; -3‘-) Ivar" ...-I. .. ._ -.- .3-‘ - .‘vh J. J- - f i.‘ 5.1., . \.JF‘J'J.'.-n . . . v . A u . ‘7' 1 ' r j a ‘ " ' f ‘ .' .V - > . I v! .' . . a , , ,. ‘ d. e - - \- - . — n‘ . - ‘ ' It c .Q ‘ o_c.~ O - . . a . , . :1 “' .3 ~~ J's-0‘. 'u ._ .4 ~.- -J o. .. Ju \l , ~71 d . ‘.’ ’ ‘ ~ . 3-.- ~'!5d qu-‘u . l U I 0| JHJ- c“ {0‘ ‘Q 3"; a c g .. t d ,- L 9.4 ... “- ’ v‘ I -~ .I I‘ ~ ~. .' 0-; I g'cof. -. frnj .‘ .\ r, w ~ - r .-~ ’Q I ' A 3» " "'." . 1'. . ' t . x ' ‘ t .- . ' ‘ . .' ‘ .. .'..-. la. "I- . . .. .._<," .. I'.. .a . ‘ . _-l I. a. 10 ‘ . — ...‘ . .'.' U .‘ . -( ,a : . a A ,1. d . O \-<..)m JB.“J . . w . . v I . o - ... A .. a. ' --. ‘ 1 , A . - —. ‘ - "-1 ' I? .x ' -‘ Art -(. ~ ... ',“ .‘ -\,‘ . .9. o .- n ,, .... . ., .J. A .‘ -1 .~ . g . h'.’ .1 ~ ...-'. .1 ,4 t d a" 1- “.- -. { .- -u i h. k} w ...J.".. J .'. 9-51.r (T I. a O I r C ‘ - r Q .~ r O a I . ~ ' , J . -- ... - ' d r ally ' _ -‘ - -‘ ‘ f v‘a _— C 'a ~ 0“ ..y..;..[ at, .e ‘ --“,,- \ - ... a.,_,., .3 ._ .1». .. .... -..'v..--,. -. l ”.g- . 3-1. . ... 0.. h 0\ w (.....‘J. ." ... .1 . .u‘ L. ..f Gd..t.'.-1.t.'u «.3940 1 3 ‘t Ova. r .UJUE-J J v ' l’ . 1 , . cw ‘ . " . D a n r. _. v , - .. ‘I.. n, A c , a 1"." . 9. ....‘ 1: , 4‘ _- ,,p. -,.‘ ...,j 4..." ., _.* . a . .' .l- “J 1 t . . '.J..L. at t - ‘ .. ...i ‘4 t -‘ U- K. . o ‘ . _ . . . ‘ ' .. ‘1' ,_ . ,o _r__ a .f .v, I ‘ . '.- a. . .1” - I -’p - . 9 . ,.. a n _ cg, '. 5 w ‘ ,, . .4.) ). ...»)- ‘ , . t..~,...‘...|,.. L.. .\'.,.- J- " . L'--v o l-. ‘-._a»’.}...A‘ ' . . . "'...-. .a.( " .‘D'a. l L w u r * I ... .‘o ,‘- . , . ., . _. Iv‘v 0. .’ ‘M - , . .5, ,t'.‘ .5 ~ . y‘. .1 4' ‘p _p .. ,0 .,.¢ . .1. '. We .‘ .--.’.¢ . 1.2.3 ...‘-‘.._.. ," .54. ,«': l-.'- .4 ,. . '.. '13....2 ..~ \I‘.’ ' ~. -a~-- 3 ' .2. (3-4 ... .3’443.‘ 7' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ~ ' .. ' 3 ’ I a rat " ‘ I " i. o o ' -r_ '10 1r \ .0 b . I. h“ ' 2 ' " ... t. _. . . ‘.. ._ , , , _ .- . . . .1 .. ‘ '5 . ‘. ‘ .. _.'.. . ... . ,_ ’ _ .3 u-wI4.-;¢'.- -“.JJ aa..£r.o I H .o'. o‘.‘ .a ' «5-4 n-~ '--..' 2.1".) ‘.'.‘..';~.‘Ju;'; w 5; IQ;f;‘-.:..i:? "-0 flag... 4'. {32 2 “..II" 1,). " ', E . " .‘ -‘ I ‘v r l“ 3"” ‘. ,I "- 5 . 4 '- I . b . "t I-- r' '1. -'l' ... f! “P! ' : r "'0 2"). I .‘ 1’. " H < . . .-J .. ,. '5‘”. ..4. 1.... ,. .--. t...- 9.9,»... ...-5-21.1.- .l ."thd .a __ .. . a . ,1 . ...l .‘2 “3. Ln '. ‘f‘rti .I'f ax. 2.1;"..3'uzewlxj frog "‘1‘: 3.- .2; 337.1: 1:..3 32:97:": :33? 3 WTL‘E {rut .50. ”undue-upwasumunm'umm chow sunu-ummdmunmanmumum ‘ph-nt meuhw'thofiw-l hummuummu—uaww ulna-CI. 0de ommmmhmommmnmautuu ‘ucw a)umwala:mmwv- ”lunch-ana'u-nuugflv Immuthtrazlotlmtfimfl 11) nabmeeiam nu Mfia 10m ' .u)mmkernpaldbymmorbythobd7 ‘3)mummotwmmatmmdyumv ' mm labor tore. Mummy with mom” 1:er 101m? - v-mx -mmumwcommm ' ammammuammmwummm. nil-um mwummmmmozm amt-mun Dudaufiflnflnmm. bum-"till: "'«mmeb-mwmmnhhm ~,-w-Motmlyandex-ktm. W91.“ ,mm‘fllr‘daflfimdmfimnmfim -.Wmmrwmmdmmbmedmn Kflhhfi8w~m ‘0 to“ I . £1 .' .. , { Q \‘ . Z I L- ., -. —A ‘ h ‘ ‘J a ’ . Q ‘ " «J 1 .~.. . .: . 1. J; H ‘ .4 u . A - " ' .1 ‘J 2r ,4' .1. f v“ ." 3. I. . . l: V . '~ -‘ 1: ,L - ‘I . :fi ‘- ‘ v’ ' r. ‘J o o \ .- ~ ... . I - x '.'l .‘ w p) . I l -‘ l ‘ 1 v . -~ . . 1 ‘n, a I u ’ v _ m 3 .l 'a _ 1 ,, .1 ' ...3 ,. .5 ‘ . ‘0 - l o . .4 ..- 'l . i, 9 § I ‘ 2 . ‘ -. . . H ‘ .t.‘ .9" Q a 3- {o l I ‘ I ' I' 7" - . . A § ... l.- ‘ “o ' 1 ' . ‘ ‘5 fl 4' '3 t" o . .. ’ I. .. _.J .2. . ‘ . . I. ‘ ‘ . . . ..~ . I ... -' ‘ u. ..- ‘:.¢ 5. ...; V.})u y 1 .. ' . "I ‘ . . ’. . . . , _ .3 .- _\ ..- -.,‘__ 1.1:. 3.- . c3 .... .. q, ... . ‘ Q "‘ ‘0 .‘ k .0 ‘. z , . , , ,. ’ ‘ ..u....,. r. .m .4 -..... .x. a ; ~ I h I - ... , , a- ‘ Q. I- ~ , 0. V ~ . . o I -J. ’1)- 4‘ j" I. A.“ j d; 1“. . " 0.. In" ‘5 ‘. ‘»- Q: n».- 1.,” . .- ’ .- '3' '~ 0.? . 3.. . " " l’ —" 1} ’ 1 q-r-JA‘J 0‘ J ' ‘§ ‘ q ~‘ k\' r .' ~ 0 _ ' .' ’ . ’., J Ill u: L . A, '::J...‘ ' 1, if g;- 8.. ._‘ d .)f'_ \ ‘. ‘ & a ‘ ~— ' o‘ .. ‘. -o . . F -l .1 ‘; a: . '. ~. . I, - § .. _...fl -6 .9“ :4 .-.; U..- 4-..; . g A v ‘ ' r 3‘ ~ .. vc - .-., . : ._ . ) w I , u ”y "- 51x,--“-'—.- lidhh- 99.; gA.‘ V - nu. ' 9 - - A ‘ - . ,, 9‘ - Q, . ‘ .3- I. z.- :3, J ' - ' - i (1 O , cl :0 ‘5‘ - ‘~|r‘ . _— ‘ - E , ‘ — o.‘ o ?- n‘ s ¢ . ". rv‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ o‘v' 9.x...“ J F‘ .0 do» .6“ or. %' a. . I. r 0 f . I . n _ . 3.. . f - .... . . .. . a 1.33 .- ..}-‘A- l 2 V' ...v. z 3.1..“ ... .g ."‘l;! ’, "'J .._ -1 . I, ~, «9 . . A ' 4 ..Q..’ ‘\ '3 ’v I -. i 4 0 W . . A ..-! 4 . . “A - O’ "3- ,_- I"; -', L . a.- ',J ‘..‘ .5. J a. 3: '..e an!» v: ”1 -' ‘ 1- L A “" 1 . ‘ a. ' g . «7 .l l c in. A ‘ J 'y I’ -; l -_ . 0" I 1.‘ ‘- J “a ‘ bu K i Q .f v- t.——c- . - , ,9. a...) a .. j.) 3' I. ,‘_,.r...,,, .. ., ““Tff vt..‘ .7 ‘ .& .JJ’.‘ .‘ {a I“ -{a .31.." ‘ ‘4 ‘ ‘ P v - n c . ‘. -._ . . U L; § ‘ {134' ~3 cJJ‘o’ ‘ fl '0. f . r 0 ‘5 & ff . ',.I:. ‘ ' .‘- r - ‘2 Q‘ I; ‘5 fl J... .- .. n a ,‘ .1 J.‘ ; .‘,(J a _ , ' " L. ‘3 .. i'dff 32 , ' ' -' ": "T932? . . 4 . . ; .. . «' . ‘ ‘ 7 * --. r‘ ‘J .‘ u v‘. ‘ i ... t \n "a "I II» -" I ‘ . 9 .. . . ‘ "s ’5 T ' ». ' .5 l 051.. 2) Th. cos; a: fringg benefits vary'between plants, becausc 6119107“. 0331131“: firing. hermit” in (races. 01 duh. stand in the labor contract. . ... ‘ . 3) Different mounting proceduea an used to prostate coat of fauna. ) Ban plan: men We cost of boudmm. ’uation I and explicit gang. com on: an unar- airy-cmmmuomm figure fixed as 1am au- payment-g , T ,. '_ ‘ ' I.) mum costs such as free malt. clothing ans-1m, chum home. etc” about My counted to 119113. and W against that pd head coat of “might“. mean twitch. can) an W and urtui aid are enact-u my difficult to m match. ' _ fugue-flan "mummthqudkyotmmntce napkins” 131:0!“thth «woman-M. m VIM}; nan. produc- Ioro than @ I could hit. mum“. WWImmmmmimcatchum'. “trunk-ymhuzoodnmv“. DI Wham mu van: ”Go get butter labor than Detroit far less my”. w 01 18111.6 hut!“ in this area". W .th by acetate packers to the question, "no you have my 1150' Mona. at labor utilizatt: ;= 920319128 that have mt been named by the We?" warez“ "W ital-t ”obla- tl high wages". "my“ a". Goo min). today". ”W and persona feuding between workers 1: the biggest: headache" . ‘~l J 5 u ‘1 . ’ . -v a. ‘ I ‘.A p . . ‘ .1 I. ‘ $ ’- !t 7 - n 1 . . . ’. ..- . . _ . . I t r I u »- . . . - i A Z ,. ... . ’F' .- V l’ ‘ Q . .r L. -'- s ‘0‘! .5, '5.‘.- r. ., .5" .‘a “I . .- . _ . . I n ' q ‘ o u I .-'-o I a . . \ 4 . A ' ' v . ‘v ." , .A .. a. l. ' . ; ~ . ‘ ‘- . I, pl .1 J. . .- 4 . . , ‘ l r i F. - . t'- y. ' VI .. ’1, ‘- . . 1.. ' -l-_ 9 ~ 4 . ,.I I‘ .3 r J-- A .. .‘o - l.‘ a J at o q x ‘ '. ,. a O ‘ 0‘ .I N. l , _ . ..‘ .l. 1 \ .... J .A I .“ . o u»! “‘ , , .‘J . . ‘ l J ’ .- ', . A .1 J' .. _ Al _' . . - - " ' 'c .‘P _ ‘.. ' ‘- 1+ _ . v .3 ’\_;. , s " ' - ' 1 ‘., , . ' , . ‘ f a ' , I ' ; .<. . .‘n a! -1 . 'sdé‘.‘ ' f - ‘ H u ' .J’ ‘ '1. ’.' ..J 0‘ a) . ‘- .-- . A . , , A .. .\f o t J. ‘ . ...- ... -" ...~-- 4.... - . .. ..n‘ i 5 , . . — , J . ... ,. c 4. . (- .. - .1 _ 4 ~ . x '. f ‘ ._l \- ¢ : h‘tfi ._ - .. . v .- ‘ ' -' v. ' ~ ‘ I ’ ' ‘ .. ' '. . .s \ 3 'I’.- . -‘ . - .9 - ‘ . .13 .-v - , . .. . ‘ f , a .'..-1« ...- _ ' a o 4 -O I. ‘~-‘ \5'3 fi.‘ ~'M‘ - . r r w 0+ ““137 '- . v « .I - $ at i - ‘ ‘ --— o—‘ «..- “ ,\ V .‘ . v. "‘ “iv. ‘, ... | .IM‘ . fi . ~.. ; ,4 ,-...l .. |.. ‘ ‘ . 4.0 9 ‘ "‘t \,4 ‘ 1.. ' Q n p | D -‘ 1’ ' .0 . .‘ ‘ . ‘. a. . I g; I - A. . .a . 'u‘ .0}. 3 ‘ l"'i 1. .7' ‘ . a '9 Q .0 I‘ g ' \ ,“" h | ' .4 . 7‘ . ' ¢ ~ u I -c J - o‘l- q‘w ’ i. Int-3 ‘lf. —- J .4“ u * . . - ~9 ; _-‘- - V " ‘ .- I I Q .1 ' ' Q ~ | . . a - 4 .1 a -_ a. ' -- -. ,,.A ...‘ r_ ;. ' . ) J ' '_ L. I _, .3 43'. H. .‘1 A Q . a L ‘ ¢ . ‘ ‘ 'f Q I ’ ‘ ' I . . " . “ ,- I o -~- - t - -. ‘ 4‘“ t I L 2 ~ '3 ‘J a " .1- . . _ -‘ ' . ‘ '«P I. , v.09 .: l I J 0 ' v! ‘ -’ .4 ' " .' a 0" I -‘3 '0 Int-9' .I..'.:: 4 Q P ‘ ' 4 ' 3.4 > " o ». c.¢ . . . p '4 a. o J ’ a ‘ 3' - v " g 1 £ ’56 a ‘d..: u ”’ - 'l H - ' .‘ v '1’ a ‘ ‘ ' ~ '. t9} .3 I” ' P, ‘ a~ J- -. '4 -‘ —. “ -- v « I :3 ~J- ru. -.: ' u . - V ... f" ."' o’ v n ‘ . . ... w“ l . - - 3 O 't . 3'- ’ o’ ‘ ‘. V. 0 - ‘B e. u . r-~ ..3 “If s‘a‘ . A V g, . - C - I }‘ 3" . ‘u'1" ‘ . 5" ~Q'! b . -...-\ -" J ’I .‘ V b.» ' v " q '-3- o. ' ... .4. . 3’ , .\ _ .0 4" _ . Ll" o - j . ,_~, -. )u’u‘ !‘ u u 4 ' , v a . n . .0 . ~ .' ‘ . . , y , I a . A -o I: #1 s»- »~ . rd ‘ 3. -, s... .1 C’ 43.: i 3' .W l‘ .r ,c ‘i ’3" 1, ‘ I .2 - a l- n {s “ .‘. - I ".-' -‘ I - ‘7 ' ‘9‘¢’ .‘ . I . . . ; a ‘ . ’ . ’ ._v a . t- _- .9 I . I :4 . "-.uz - .. .. .' 5' .I' .1. ¢ . . ‘ n:- I . x . I ‘l’ " .a 1.2. r...“ .a’. .._‘.;£'.~ r. . ‘P' i O ' ' 2"“:i n.h, ..- a . 3' . ‘- . l ‘.c $ 7.x .- .53 v0 1 O . 7. » a .’ . . . ‘ v ‘ .. J . ' O ‘r 4 ' “ ‘ x l ‘ . . ‘I x...‘ 'I t ‘ v . - ' ..7. ’ . I ’l .‘ b ' y'. ..A J I .’ . 1 rd _‘ I u . .9 I ‘.J 'g. I“ ‘ vi t. l‘ 1:311! ..xt-tziflf I" r V“ rt!" (. h. ‘- .6 'Q J ...; 2-,1 . fl ., .52. "Could hire better Inn of! atreeta than can get from Union". The Outatate packera who commented aaid: "Hiring akilled labor ia a problem becauae mat nova up nan with aaniority”. "So-e Ian are too old to be efficient but Union keepa then on". ”Can't fire a ean"l "Due to anall aiae of acne planta and lack of akilled kniteuen, aany anall packera in the Grand Rapida area are uaing rotating kill gang". "6.1.0. haa ao Iany atewarda and counitteenen they are denoc‘acy bound". During the course of the interview aeveral of the peckara commented that they would like for luchigaa State Univeraity to conduct a atudy on the "Coat of Slaughter”. They indicated that they would like to have aone relative coat figurea ao that they would have a baaia for deter-lain; how their plant coeparea with other planta alaughterina the aane apeciea of liveatock. Such a atudy would be of aervice to the individual neat packera in lichigan and would help aet the atage for eloaer relationa between Michigan State Dniveraity and the neat packing induatry. x. . . ' _-\J§.‘ .' 4 " ‘ ' ‘ 'a :- ‘ r 0‘ 1 I. ‘ ‘J I I 0‘ I . .. ~. ’3 I r S ‘.:. ." _~' "( ‘ fl . at .t .- i ' ‘ .«l ' O . '. ’ . . . 1. .. A ' . a t A : 1"" f L .ii31v ‘ '1 ' h 1 " ‘ .' u {_ ‘ :o-J ..j (a; BIB-WE? .53. LIST OF REFEREQZCES Books 9d Perio licsls American Heat Institute. financial Eacts About he Meat eckin ndust . Chicago, 1963. Crawder, Richard 1'. and bionte I. Juillerat. Variations in mar Efficiency yfielected CostsflAmoPg Virginia Meet Packing Finns. Virginia Agri- cultural Bxperiment Station, Bulletin 542. Septanber, 1962. Yoder. Dale and H. G. Heneman Jr. Labor Economic s and industrial Relations. Cincinnati, 1959. E1222 lished liateri 2._l_ Amalgamated Moat Cutters and Butcher variation of North America. Agreement between and X.C.B.H. October 15. 1959 . October 15, 1961. (Typewritten) . Agreemen; between and u.c.3.w. May 20, 1962 - May 20, 1965. ('l‘ypevritten) W International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehouaemen end Helpers of America. Agree-mat between and Tematera. May 17. 1962 - Hay 17. 1965. (i‘ypeuritten) United Packinghouse, Food and Allied Workers. Agreement between and U.l'.U.A. October 19, 1961 - October 19, 1964. (Typewritten) filter gources Amalgamated Meat Cuttera end Butcher Variance of North America. Personal interview with Mel Hoffman, Resident of Local 630. August, 1963. International Brotherhood of Iemsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. Personal interview with Jimmy Cliff, Business Representative, Local 337. August. 1963. United Packinghouse, Food and Allied Workers. Personal interview with buaineaa representativea, Local 569. August. 1963. .\ a , A ‘ ) n .- 2 I ._ . 9 .-0h I .7 a . . . .J'..i . 4 , . ""1" .: a ..a- g . .h e- " v v u a ..-\ , . . - _ , fl ». 1 . -_ ’ ‘ a .‘a F — C ‘ " . , , .... _. .. , . .- , , . a C Q . N r c v - ‘ ‘ o D ' " . . V - . t I ‘ , a O i, _ , . .7. . 1 ' . -. a. ’ -. I l , . ‘ —- aA ‘ ‘ ( . . o a e ‘ ' . I O ‘ ‘ A. . 3 ‘ J -- I . ' . I .a. -0 a-(-~~- I , . ' ’ , . fl p» c - .- I .., I . v ‘ c . . . .. . l A ,. . . .. __fi ( . -.. ‘ - ..J . \ ‘ I ‘ . . - _. _. “ _ ‘ ., . -.A .v . I1 ‘ . ' 4- ’u .. k -; . h . ’ - u - a! r ‘ . v / , . . - .1 W a g » ol , 1 , a a. . . l - - a» _ . -. .. ., u t «1 1 ' i. r .. g r. ) a. :- a‘“ . ‘ I . f- , . . . .1 . $4. -' O .-- ~' A". l a - r ‘ I . o a -. V .. ‘ l Q. A e. . ,4 t r e' A . - a _ .. L. a ‘V .. .-' .4: O . c -.—< ‘ ‘ . n ,' c J ‘ ' v n o l ' -t - v V' I J O . . - - . , fi‘ 0 .- a . a .i I -- l' ' K ..- ‘ ‘4 J a“ L- 7‘ ute- .p. -.-—- -.—o . . .4 \ . pa. ,J .g . . t‘ A K x - h‘ .I I a A . . . e at to ’ . '. t _ ‘ , O .. f .... , e - t ’ ' ‘ t . ‘ I I D . v I I - I ..'- ca v a- ’ _ .« , i,~' i i >, u a -a ...- ‘_ . . v , ' n‘ .p v . - ..«J 3 “ a} a- , ea ’ ro'. ' ' . . ~ e ... . J- , A. a. . . ’ g . I I- IV ’. Q '1 . . , a e v -' . ., . O 1 ‘ . . ...hu' . I ' s ,- . . ' . i K 3‘ ~ é , .. ., . . . - . ,. . D . , . . A) .-. - . ‘ ' . , ‘1 .l , - i. \ .. ’0. - ‘ l A -J g a . ... . q.*M—eal a ‘h ‘- . '. i . .- .- .f .a o’--.o' ' ...: a ' . ‘ . . . ~ o . 'L , - , .7. « L . -_ -. O . I 'i . . . A . . . . u l d ‘ I ,_,, -- . . ., « - ‘. \ . V . ‘ l I ' ..--- _ i ,. I c . ~ ' x. . _ . _ I a O at . r ." ., I , w.. . a . -. U C ‘ r “ ‘ i . .. _ I . u \ h .. . ‘ ' , . i x- 3 '. , — ‘ A‘ I ..- ..,. . .- W ' ' . I J‘- I ( . u Department of Agr. Econ. Confidential Michigan State University Plant No. East Lansing, Michigan Packing Plant Questionnaire A study of Labor Problems in the Michigan.Meat Packing Industry. General Information 1. 2. Location of Plant Type of livestock slaughtered-~Ju1y 1962 - June 1963. Percent of total dressed weight by types of livestock. Cattle 7. S&L 7. Calves Z Hogs Z Total IOOZ Source of raw materials--Percent of total dressed meat handled. Beef Veal 1&M. Pork Plant Slaughter Meat Purchases Total 100 100 100 100 What percent of the livestock are slaughtered for "kosher" trade? Cattle Z Calves Z S&L Z What is the extent and nature of processing operations carried on at this plant? (based on dressed weight) Cattle Calves ‘§§L (5.1) Percent boned (5.2) Percent retail cuts (5.3) Percent wholesale cuts Hogs (5.4) Percent to primal cuts (5.5) Percent cured Sausage mfg. (5.6) Percent of tonnage processed (5.7) Do you render lard? Yes No N.A. (5.8) Do you have an inedible rendering department? Yes No What do you consider to be the effective slaughter capacity of this plant for a 40 hour week? Cattle _______head Calves head S&L head Hogs head .-sy Labor Contracts and Labor Relations 7. With what unions do you have labor contracts? 8. What are the effective dates for these contracts? 9. When did you first enter into contracts with these unions? Name of Union Dates for Dates of present contract first contract 10. What are the major worker classifications and the pay scales provided for in existing labor contracts? (Copy this information on the back of questionnaire). 11. Describe the procedures you follow in recruiting workers. Identifiy any particular difficulties in recruitment. 12. What are the fringe beneftis provided for in your labor contracts? (pension plans, hospitalization, paid vacations, free meals, paid for time not worked, etc.) 13. Do you have incentive programs (bonuses, etc.) or fringe benefits that operate outside of your union contract? If so, please describe. ' z . ' ‘ r ., _. ._l. H . . - asu _. ‘ . '7 . ' I . C . ' ‘ ‘ K , ' . . .4 . ' . . I’ . . ' . ' . . | l h ‘ ‘ “w. 3'56" 1h. What other labor relations activities are carried on by your organi- zation? Labor Utilization 15. What was the size of your labor force last week? (Based on your contract classifications). Class of labor Nog_9f workers total 16. How many additional persons are employed in Administrative positions? 17. What was the number of man/hrs. worked and the labor cost for different phases of plant operations last week? Man hours Payroll Yardmen 3 Kill floor Cooler Cutting room (pork) Sausage 18. Volume of livestock slaughtered last week. Class of livestock No. head slaughtered Approximate dressed wt. Cattle Calves S&L Hogs 19. What is the extent and nature of the adjustments in size of labor force with fluctuations in volume of livestock available for slaughter? u . .5 ,. .. .... a a A' . P‘ a . . .. .~ . ' 1 , .. a- «a. , gar.» poo ..- . ~ . .— .74 —¢ as -. -~‘- u ....~ .- . ... . 3 . '- ' '- . . » w I ) . . n . . - . ‘ C. .. ‘s ‘ A 7 l ' ‘ . . ‘ I \c . . . s . . J u ‘ | . r . ~ .. x . ,. I I l‘ ‘. r' . - .. . . I l . ' . —~ " ".0 0-~—- 1'» - '- . o ‘ '- -'-c - - . \u- . . ~ -0 Q‘.- ~. .._... .. ., . 4 . ‘I-....-.-.. .---..-.-.. v“ - In \u-Q. ... In, 0- r - ¢‘ ' ~— I... - .....s». an o . a ... .. , ... ., ... s - - -4 u N t"‘- ...-p, .- A- -.A . - ' --'J-4'.. u -—.. . 0 pl. .. . \ ' ' ‘ r . . .' _ _ ‘ ' \o u' ’ ‘ . _', '.5‘ . ‘. l‘ ' ‘ . . ‘ o r . ' s s , r. l ". V." ‘ .. . . , I . O u u | I 1' u v ‘ x 1 . . --. ..-. . «v- . u - I‘- . -- --.--¢° ~c -- g. . ...¢ .0. - - .. . . . o— .v 0' u - o... .. .— ~. 4-... ... . ... . .--__ . 'u ,. -.- u‘ a O a ..-, . \I-- .‘ -.-hv I“ II .. . . ~ . v . .- . l A, . . ( . . . I ' v ' s - I ‘ -. .., . .- .. «, ..- .- -n a . ~«.n.-,--~..~L , v . u- . a . . v . . n..- n t - g . -‘ -.. h .... .- .. ...; .. -- - - . . .. . ... . ., ..., .. «- -.-..— . . ... . . , - ‘ . I' . . I} . . . I I C V _ . . up , , , o . . ,, ’ . 0.. ~~... _ .-.-c - .a-nl-.--4 ..-. .. .s§ " e .. . ' o .- -O -’ .uwg-ou ... tr.- v -- .1. - o ‘0'.» 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 -57.. What was the largest volume of livestock slaughtered in any . week during the period July 1962 through June 1963? (No. of head) Cattle Calves S & L Hogs What was the smallest volume of livestock slaughtered during a non-holiday week during the July 1962 - June 1963 period? Cattle Calves S & L Hogs What was the size of labor force and payroll during the high volume and low volume weeks? 7 . . High volume Low volume No. of workers Man hours Payroll ($) What policy do you follow in making adjustments in the labor force within a given week? What policy do you follow in making adjustments in the labor force from week-to-week? Does your policy for making seasonal adjustments in the labor force differ from the policy for week-to-week adjustments? If so, how does it differ? 20. What has been the rate of turn over in your labor force this past 'year? (July 1962 - June 1963). Class of labor No. of new employees Skilled butchers Butchers Boners Semi-skilled Laborers . . I , 'o V" ... 4 . ...'j ,. s A ‘. \ .' ' ' -. . » A . ' . . -. s ’ .. . .' . l . '- I j . p ‘ ‘ - . V.‘ -,- ' '. , o . i . I . ‘ ' l . o . .. D . I . ' ' t‘ ' . | ‘ . ~ . ~ - _..._—, , V - . I I ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ .s s . . .v . u 1_ u . . l: ' . f . --‘. , A . ." . l - i ~. . - . ._ .... . .....‘ .. ‘0‘ l n ' .~‘ c .0. ,~. ...H .. . tr'. I ~ . r.: ‘ e - u “- - . a I " _ . v 7 . ,~ . . ' . . . , . . . . 1‘. ' ‘ .. . .‘ ~ 'I 1 ‘ ' . . . . . . .. s , v . _ ‘ . ‘ s . A ‘n I I' e I. . I 'I . I ‘ ~ . a . ‘4 , .~ ’ . ' -\ a ‘ -<--" o -- .os. - 4t 1 I v I ‘ . —- I v'- on . wt ...... - .xfi. . I. a. v . ... -...;... ._ . r a .. l' - . ... -. .., .uv uu~ ’ .s .- . ...o .7... .. 0" t-u- . 1.3! .-¢. v‘ 4 .. U l » .‘P— .. .-’- . . | ' v \ ‘. .. I 4. - > 1 ' r l. ' -v . ._ ...- 3 ‘1 ‘9 , r . . 2,‘ I 1' ' u - l b, , , , , I 1. ‘ .4» .va «a. -- ... -° - .. ...».-. ‘ '0. -' s 't .. ." . I! _w .s on . . . ., . . . . s ‘7 i I ‘ v .. ... ‘ u \’ ' 4 o T“ '- qs _ AJ .- ~..» . ‘ A. I ‘ ' .' A... r’;q.‘. . ... .|-\, .. . . ,‘J": . ... ._ -_ I 1' ._ .- . g Y 21. How would you compare the quality of your labor force with packing house labor in other parts of the state? 22. Do you have any labor relations, or labor utilization problems that have not been covered in this questionnaire? If so, what are they? ANCH, AG .5. co REFERENC STA"? h. D E ROOfV, / CHIGAN STATE UNI IVERSITY LUBRARIIES | NIH lll llllHl llllll