. . . . p .. .. .a I . v . . . . v --.- ...‘v 7—.— v—v '10.... O WOO-cv- CNO'OMW’W. an. MFA-.- o~~¢~ "HWJ.3.% .. . . .. . ...-..H. .... ... . c . ...... ... ......x... . _ _ .. _. . ... o . 4 o o _ . . . . . .. . u . a o c o . v < o . . o . .. _ .. .. . . . . . . . . . . _ .. . _ . . . . A . ADAPTIVE UREMENT SYSTEM M E I... B m M G O R D... TA CONVERTER FOR AN ADA — . t I .. ... O .' .A n . . .C . ... . . .; ... . nI.. _' I I .. S. c for the Degree of M a IS MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY s e h T .41. a. u . ... .... SIGURD L. LILL EVIK 4 1.974 . . .' - ....px..... ......o.).p... if... ..... . 7. 0 ¢ . .. .... . . . v.4. .20.“: . . a. . . .. I. .lvo- . . . o .. . .. 0...... . .. .- . .. . . . ... ..J’J.. . . . . . . . .. . ., ..o .o . .. . . . .. .. . o . o. a . . ... .o . . .u . o. ... ..o.. . _ . .. . _ . .. . . A . . .. 4 . .. .. c . 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Lillevik A data converter for an adaptive programmable measurement system has been specified, designed, constructed, and evaluated. Its function is to sample analog voltages and translate them into digital formats compatable with Computer Automation's Alpha-16 minicomputer. The data converter has been designed to sample 32 analog volt- age channels, upward expandable to 256 channels, at a maximum sampling rate of 10,000 samples per second. These voltages may range from -5 V to +5 V and have Thevenin series resistances of less than 1 k ohms. The input impedance of the data converter is a shunt capacitance in parallel with a resistance of 10 megohms. It is shown that as long as the shunt capacitance is less than 0.16 microfarads, the analog signals will not be significantly attenuated. Since the programmable measurement system must be adaptive there are two modes of operation (manual and automatic), each with three schemes of operation (sequential, random, and static). Resolution of the data converter is 2.5 milli- volts, and it has an accuracy better than 0.1% of full-scale. The output of the data converter is a 12-bit binary word. Several experiments were performed on the data converter for the purpose of evaluating its performance. It was demonstrated that Sigurd L. Lillevik the data converter's control logic functioned as designed, and that the accuracy (0.09% of'fUII-scale) exceeds the required accuracy (0.1% of full-scale). An example is provided which illustrates the basic dynamic properties of the data converter. A DATA CONVERTER FOR AN ADAPTIVE PROGRAMMABLE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM BY . CW.“ . Sigurd L. LilleVik A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Electrical Engineering and Systems Science 1974 3° ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank my major professor, Dr. P. David Fisher, for his guidance during the entire course of this research project. While the thesis was being prepared he provided encouragement and inspiration, for this I am deeply grateful. Special appreciation is extended to Dr. L. J. Giacoletto, Dr. J. B. Kreer, and Dr. G. L. Park for their thorough review of the thesis. Others who have contributed to the completion of this research project include: Mr. Stephen M. Welch for his advise on software decisions, Mr. James W. Maine for his advise on hardware decisions, and Mr. Gary D. Bauer for his diagnostic program. Finally, I wish to thank my wife, Sandi, for her typing of the thesis and encouragement during the final stages of this research project. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. INTRODUCTIONO00. 1 II. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONSOOO0OO00.00000000000000000000... 3 2.1 Output characteristics of the signal conditioners ........ .................... ...... .. 2 Characteristics of the minicomputer I/O......... .3 Transfer characteristics of the overall system.............. ..... .. ..... ................ 2 4 Environmental 1imitations....... ..... ........... 2.5 Ca1ibration.................. ......... .......... 2 6 Summary.................... ..... ................ mu £0me III. SIXTEEN-BIT INPUT/0mm MODUIE0.0.00...00.0000...... lo 3 1 General description............................. 10 3 2 Loading of the signal lines..................... 12 3.3 Software Implementation......................... 13 3 4 Summary......................................... 14 IV. CIRCUIT REALIZATION.................................. 15 4 1 Theory of operation............................. 15 4 2 Component identification........................ 18 4.3 Circuit description............................. 19 4 4 4 5 Construction of the prototype................... 36 smarYOOO0.000......0000000000000.0000000...0.. 38 V. PERFORMANCE00000..00.0..000.00.... 39 5 1 Verification of control logic................... 39 5 2 Calibration of the ADC.......................... 43 5.3 Determination of the static accuracy............ 45 5 4 An example of the dynamic response.............. 47 55 smnary0000000. 47 VI. SUMRY... OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0.0000.00000000000000.0000... 51 mmmw80000.00000 ...... 00000 000...... 53 APPENDICES A. Glossary. ........ ........................... 54 iii B. C. D. E. 16-bit I/O module signal definitions........ Data converter photographs.................. Data converter dynamic response program..... Data converter parts list................... iv Page 56 59 63 72 LIST OF TABLES Representative environmental data required............. Experimental results used to determine static accuracy0000000.0000000000...0.. Results of the dynamic response test- Without multiplexing000000...00.00.. Results of the dynamic response test- With multiplexing ......... .0.0.0000.00.000.00000000000. Page 46 49 49 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Block diagram of the programmable measurement system............................................. 2 3.1 Block diagram of the 16-bit I/O module............. 11 4.1 Block diagram of the data converter................ 16 4.2 Data converter lower register circuit.............. 20 4.3 Data converter upper register circuit.............. 22 4.4 Data converter switch register circuit............. 24 4.5 Data converter multiplexer circuit................. 26 4.6 Data converter DAS-l6 circuit...................... 28 4.7 Data converter control circuit..................... 30 4.8 Control circuit timing diagram..................... 31 4.9 Data converter I/O (1) circuit..................... 33 4.10 Data converter I/O (2) circuit..................... 34 4.11 Data converter I/O (3) circuit..................... 35 5.1 Data converter manual operation algorithm.......... 40 5.2 A program to verify the data converter's automatic operation................................ 42 5.3 Calibration circuit for the data converter......... 44 5.4 Circuit used in the dynamic response test.......... 48 C.l Data converter, teletype, and Alpha-l6 mini- computer........................................... 59 C.2 Computer Automation's Alpha-l6 and dual cassette tape transport..................................... 60 C.3 Data converter front view.......................... 61 C.4 Data converter rear view........................... 62 vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A programmable measurement system has been proposed for the pur- (l) pose of monitoring and managing pest-crop ecosystems. This facility must be adaptive and must be capable of providing real-time environmen- tal information in a form which is readily available to users involved in the design and implementation of pest-management systems. One essen- tial component in this measurement facility is the DATA CONVERTER (see Figure 1.1). It links environmental signals with the minicomputer. Specifically, its function is to sample the analog voltages on each channel, and translate these into a digital format which is acceptable to the minicomputer. The purpose of the research project reported here was to specify, design, construct, and evaluate the data converter. The output charac- teristics of the programmable measurement system, its overall transfer characteristics, and the I/O requirements of the minicomputer, establish the design specifications for the data converter. These design specifi- cations are described in Chapters II and III. The details of the proto- typed circuit are presented in Chapter IV. Experimental procedures used to evaluate the data converter are described in Chapter V. The exper- imental results are also summarized in Chapter V. Housmsooflcflz coflUUMkucH Monaummo [i .Emummm ucmfimnsmmms mHAMEEMHmoum on» no EMHmMflp xoon H.H musmflm wHQMU O\H mmfimm>200 «Eda ZI>M mommuao> mosmnwmmm A? m 2.8 _‘n1 i Q. ? m H l mumsowuwosou H263 CHAPTER II DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS The data converter is but one component in the overall pro- grammable measurement system (see Figure 1.1) and, as such, must inter- act with other components in the system. Its basic functions are to select a predetermined analog signal line, sample the information on the line, code it, and present it to the minicomputer for processing. This sequence of events must be accomplished under program control with- out the necessity of operator interaction. The principal design spec- ifications placed on the converter depend upon the following: 1) the output characteristics of the signal conditioners, 2) the I/O properties of the minicomputer, 3) the transfer characteristics of the programmable measure- ment system, 4) the environmental limitations, and 5) the calibration requirements. These design specifications will be enumerated in this Chapter. 2.1 Output Characteristics of the Signal Conditioners In the initial application of the programmable measurement system 13 distinct types of environmental signals will be observed (see Table 2.1)52)From discussions with the users of this equipment it was felt that the data converter should be designed to multiplex 32 analog channels. Also, in the event that, at some future time, it becomes desirable to increase the number of channels, facilities for expansion of up to 256 channels should be provided. 3 . u n . mom meecmo-um 0H-o H anm - - o o\mso\Hmo mu u\~su\Hmo mom-o H 30g >ufimstCfi unwed wuflommmo un\wmm so weH u eHmHm mOOHio H mumpmHos HHom unx=omumH =H.o =H6... HHmmchu=ovuo H coHumuHmHomum un\wom wm ma H wmmno H xuwpflesm H£\.mm.:H mm. .mm.cw hm .mm.cw m.ow.mm.cfi m.Hmuo.hN H whammwum oeuumaonmm :Hs\oomH oH 00H“ commuo H coHuomnHw ocHz owm\nm20m ems H ems H“ ems omuo H emmmm ecHz AmUMMHSm-nsmvug\moN AmumuuswvcHs\mom . . mom“ moomHumm 1.:H m.m.H.ov v mnsumummsmu HHom :flE\m0m I I moNH moomaummu H musumnmemu HH¢ oEwu mo pass muwm mom kuwfimnmm “mm Umuflsqwn on» mo mmcmno mo UHonmmHLB momHsood mmcmm mucwEmusmmoE wwpmemumm mums Esaflxmz mo Hmnfisz .Umnfisgwu sump Hmucmficouw>cm o>flumucwmmumom H.N magma Because of the widely differing characteristics of the environ- mental data, two sampling modes are needed. The first mode involves a fixed sampling rate, whereby the minicomputer changes channels according to a predetermined pattern. The second mode uses a variable sampling rate, the minicomputer samples channels only when it has received an external stimulus (i.e., an interrupt). To determine the maximum sampling rate of the data converter, Table 2.1 can be employed as a useful guide. Wind speed has the great- est rate of change of the parameter per unit time, and is found to be a change of 60% of full-scale per second. If 100 microseconds are needed for a complete conversion, then in one second 10,000 conversions are pos- sible. As a worst case analysis, let us assume that 200 channels must be multiplexed, then each channel receives 50 conversions per second. Now if 5 readings are required to accurately determine a full-scale change, then 10 full-scale changes per second will be achieved. Since only 1 full- scale change per second is needed, a total conversion time of 100 micro- seconds appears adequate for 200 signals similar to wind Speed. When fewer than 200 channels are multiplexed, great improvements in the sampling rate is realized. The signal conditioners present the data converter with a Thevenin equivalent voltage source that may swing -5 V to +5 V. and a Thevenin series resistance of less than 1,000 ohms. The input impedance of the data converter is a capacitance (due to the analog signal cables and other stray capacitances) in parallel with a load resistance. This load resistance is mainly due to the input resistance of the multiplexers. Because the load resistance is much greater than the Thevenin equivalent series resistance (10 megohms compared to 1,000 ohms) the signal conditioner and multiplexer 6 act as an RC low-pass filter. This RC low-pass filter model can be used to determine the maximum allowable capacitance. Of the environmental signals, wind speed has the highest frequency --1 Hz (see Table 2.1), If we assume, as a worst case analysis, that the highest frequency of the RC low-pass filter is 1,000 Hz, and that the series resistance is 1,000 ohms, then the signal will attenuate 3dB when the cap- acitance is 0.16 microfarads. As long as the combined capacitance of the analog signal cable, and all associated stray capacitance, is less than 0.16 microfarads, the environmental signal will not be attenuated too severely. The data converter will have single-ended inputs, thus, there will be a common signal ground for all channels. This analog signal ground will be separate from the digital circuit ground, only coming together at the system power supply ground mecca. This technique of using distinct analog and digital grounds allows separate current returns for the low- frequency components of the analog signals, and the high-frequency com- ponents of the digital pulses. (For further details on this subject, An- (3) alog Devices has published "Analog-Digital Conversion Handbook." ) 2.2 Characteristics of the Minicomputer I/O Computer Automation'SAlpha-16 is a general purpose 16-bit word- length digital minicomputer.(4) The I/O data lines transfer information in bit-parallel, word-serial, manner. These lines conform to standard TTL logic levels and loads, and operate asynchronously to accomodate many peripherals with widely varying speeds. Because the minicomputer can per- form the data transfers in the microsecond range, as compared to 100 microseconds required for the data converter to operate, time constants in the I/O module are inconsequential with respect to data transfers. 7 Details of the minicomputer's I/O structure will be discussed in Chapter III. 2.3 Transfer Characteristics of the Overall Measurement System The measurement system must select a predetermined analog signal line, sample the information on the line, code it, and present it to the minicomputer for processing. This entire operation must be accomplished without the loss of required information. Representing this loss of infor- mation is the degree of accuracy required. Accuracy is the difference between the measured value and the actual value. This difference is usually expressed in terms of percent of full-scale. As noted in Table 2.1 the required accuracy is 1% of full- scale, to provide a margin of safety the overall accuracy of the data converter will be .1% of full-scale. The overall accuracy of the data converter can be understood in terms of the following parameters: a) repeatability, b) linearity, c) hysteresis, d) sensitivity, e) resolution, and f) threshold. Each of the above parameters have established meanings for measurement 5 systems (see "Measurement Systems: Application and Design", by Doebelin( ) ), and it will be required that the conglomeration of all these errors is no greater than 1 LSB. 2.4 Environmental Limitations The environmental limitations placed on the programmable measurement systems, will determine the construction and packaging constraints. It is envisioned that the entire system will be housed in a standard 19" rack-type cabinet. This method of mounting is desirable to compliment the rack cabinet of the minicomputer and asso- ciated peripherals. The size and weight of the entire unit must be such as to conveniently fit inside an 8 foot by 6 foot by 7 foot portable utility trailer. Because the trailer may be moved from point to point, steps must be taken to eliminate damage caused by excessive vibration. Power will be available in the form of standard 117 V AC, 60 Hz, presenting no problems. Three power supplies will be distributed through- out the data converter, +15 V DC, -15 V DC, and +5 V DC. These three power supplies will accomodate both analog and digital circuits. The ambient temperature within the trailer can range from 0 degrees Celsius to 60 degrees Celsius, and the humidity may vary up to 100% noncondensing. In either extreme the measurement system.must be operable. These design and packaging limitations should not be over- looked, and must be included in the design considerations. 2.5 Calibration Several aspects are involved in the measurement system's reali- ability, or "trust—worthiness". Calibration is an important aspect, for it guarantees that the measurement system has the required transfer characteristics. To facilitate the calibration procedure, no special- ized or sophisticated test equipment should be necessary--test equipment should be "built-in" to the circuitry if possible. Probability of failure should be lowered by providing means by 9 which the minicomputer can evaluate the integrity of major circuits. These checks can be included in the initialization section of all software data taking routines. When an error condition has been detected, some external means of warning should be available. If these few aspects of calibration are implemented into the design, the measurement system's realiability will be increased. 2.6 Summary At the present time, one can not purchase an "off-the-shelf" com- mercially manufactured programmable measurement system which meets the above requirements. In the future, it is expected, this will be possible; however, until that time important biological research will be unnecess- arily delayed. An alternative approach is to have the programmable measurement system custom designed, and a prototype built, by another firm. In terms of man-years and cost this is a poor choice. Delivery dates and price quotations can be exaggerated, causing the project time-table to be sig- nificantly altered. By designing and prototyping the measurement system from'within the project group personnel, again in terms of man-years and cost, it is usually found that results only differ slightly from an outside firm. Yet several benefits will be derived from an inter-project effort, benefits such as the experience and expertise gained in this area of instrumenta- tion. CHAPTER III SIXTEEN-BIT INPUT/OUTPUT MODULE (6) Computer Automation's "l6-Bit Input/Output Module" facilitates the unambiguous exchange of information between the central processing unit (CPU) and a peripheral device. The module is comprised of four principal circuits: control, interrupt, input buffer and output buffer. These four circuits are illustrated in Figure 3.1. A general descrip- tion of each of these circuits will be provided below. 3.1 General Description Control Circuits- The control circuits "select" and "sense" func- tions both internal and external to the I/O module. The external control circuits are of primary interest to the digital systems designer because they allow the CPU, under program control, to select unique functions within the peripheral (such as setting a flip-flop which enables the paper tape punch of a teletype), or to sense the status of peripheral defined functions (such as sensing a flip-flop output to determine whether the paper punch of a teletype is indeed in the desired state). Interrupt Processing Circuits- The interrupt processing circuits respond to externally generated interrupt conditions and generate a vec- tored interrupt request. The CPU responds by branching to the vectored software address and executing the instruction at this address. The next branching of the CPU would depend upon the nature of this instruction and the priority level of the interrupt. As a specific example, the instruction may authorize the CPU to jump to an address and enter a data acquisition routine. 10 ll .mHseos oxH anuoH man no smnmmHe xuon H.m mnsmHm User's Peripheral H ummsgmm umdnuwusH HBzH Half-Duplex I/O Bus Housmfioo oHumemHm b! mmamm Hmcumuxm emmuomm muHsouHo Honucoo Houncoo Hmcnmuxm exmuoxm Imam unease memsHmv - 1‘ muasouao Hmqu oHv mums usmuso mHomuooom . . ‘F Hmmmsm mnouum “mumsm usmuso mew .AI spasm gunman unease mmo usmuso Amsm DDQCH memEHmV - u'. w 390.30 He 6 meme usqu QH H as. He mH noon “woman m on no 3 sun n um mm m u H emm unmaH HHsm umwmsm usmcH mmH ' 3.338 g m umms mm udsuumch mezH mchmmooum II pmflunmucH 12 Input Buffer Circuits- The input buffer circuits temporarily store peripheral input data until the CPU is ready to accept the data. If the buffer is empty, the peripheral device places the input data on the input lines and generates a strobe. The strobe clocks the data into the input buffer register. Output Buffer Circuits- The output buffer circuits temporarily store CPU output data until the peripheral device can accept the data. The CPU loads the data into the output buffer register. When the per- ipheral device is ready, it reads the output buffer register. 3.2 Loading of the Signal Lines The artificial boundary that exists between the I/O module and the peripheral device is composed of 90 signal lines. For a more detailed explanation, see Appendix B. All of these lines are uni- directional, and each line terminates on the module at either a signal driver (for output signals from the module) or a signal receiver (for input signals to the module). The signal drivers are open-collector NPN transistors. These driving transistors may each be "pulled-up" to +15 V DC with a collector resistor, and can sink up to 40 milliamperes when driven to ground. These open-collector drivers are very flexible, and in some applications may be used as a "wired-or" gate. The signal receivers present one TTL unit load to the peripheral device. (A standard TTL load is -l.6 milliamperes into the module for a logical "0" volt- age level, and 40 microamperes into the module for a logical "1" volt- age level. Ideal TTL voltage levels are 4.5 V to 5.0 V for a logical "l" or high, and 0.0 V to 0.8 V for a logical "0" or low57) ) A standard TTL inverter, a 7404, is recommended by Computer Automation as a peripheral signal driver because it has a fan-out of 13 10 unit loads. As a peripheral signal receiver, Computer Automation recommends any standard TTL gate with the multiple emitter input transis- tor. These loading requirements are very modest since the I/O module was designed to see standard 7400 series TTL circuitry. Computer Automation also recommends twisted-wire pairs be used in the I/O cable, and that there be at least eighteen twists per foot. With every twisted-wire pair one lead is always signal ground. To terminate the I/O cable, at the peripheral, a 330 ohm 1/4 W 10% resistor is recommended. Computer Automation suggests the use of a 220 ohm 1/4 W 10% resistor for the open-collector driver "pull-up". These strict loading and matching rules will keep signal deterioration to a minimum along the I/O cable. 3.3 Software Implementation There exist four types of I/O instructions applicable to the "l6-Bit Input/Output Module": Sense, Select, Input, and Output. Sense instructions may be used to examine unique functions within the per- ipheral (using ESOO-ESO7) and to perform conditional software branches on the results of these status checks. The Select instructions may be used to control a given function within the peripheral (using EXOO- EX07). Input instructions read data from the input buffer into one of two working CPU registers. The Input instructions may be combined with the Sense instructions to form one conditional Input instruction. Out- put instructions move data from one of two CPU-working registers to the output buffer, and may be combined with the Sense instructions to form one conditional Output instruction. Two special features of the CPU are the ability to perform 8-bit (or byte) input and output transfers, and the ability to mask (logically "And") input data with the receiving register. These two 14 special CPU features, along with conditional I/O, make the software instruction set extremely flexible and powerful. For high speed data transfers directly to or from memory and the peripheral, Block I/O and Auto I/O instructions are used. Both instructions have multiple word formats (two or three words), and dur- ing execution, may be thought of as direct memory channels. Block I/O has been designed for in-line programming, whereas Auto I/O for servicing peripheral interrupts. These two high-speed instructions may be used when I/O transfers must be made every 5 machine cycles. 3.4 Summary The CPU can easily control and sense functions within the peripheral and set up high and low-speed data transfers. The I/O module provides two very convenient digital buffers, and has been designed to see standard 7400 series TTL circuitry. Finally, the I/O module will enable the peripheral to utilize the powerful and sophis- ticated instruction set of the minicomputer. Numerous trade-offs exist between the software and the hard- ware. The module has been skillfully designed to encompass a wide spectrum of applications, and because of this, unavoidable ambiguities exist. Let's say ITRAN was enabling the input buffer continously, why then is EST necessary? The obvious answer is that an EST strobe is required when ITRAN is off. The computer can be programmed to operate a peripheral in a sequential manner, and it may not be necessary to use the buffer status lines (IBF, OBE). If the digital systems designer takes advantage of these software-hardware trade-offs, the interface design can be greatly simplified in certain applications. CHAPTER IV CIRCUIT REALIZATION The design specifications require that an analog—to-digital con- verter (ADC) and an associated analog voltage signal multiplexer be inter- faced to the minicomputer via the 16-bit I/O module. Realization of the required circuitry involves the following sequence: a) the theory of operation must be conceived, b) specific components must be identified, c) the circuit must be described (schematics drawn), and d) the prototype must be built. This chapter describes the above process, and reveals the implementation of the design specifications delineated in Chapters II and III. 4.1 Theory of Operation Either a minicomputer under program control or an operator must be able to interact with the data converter so as to control the ADC, select a multiplexer address, and read the converted data word. A gen- eral block diagram of such a system is depicted in Figure 4.1. Because both the minicomputer and the operator must be able to have control of the data converter there are two fundamental modes of operation: manual and automatic. To distinguish between these modes a Gating scheme is employed. The Multiplexer Address Generator (MAG) has been designed to scan between a lower multiplexer channel limit and an upper channel limit minus one. Upon loading new limits into the MAG, it presets the multiplexer 15 [I‘ll llllll E I‘ (II. (I... I. 16 mommuHo> «Hmuuo>soo mumo m3» m0 EmummHo xoon H.v mHSmHm GUCOHOMQM BONE mwmcoHuHosou HmomHm Eoum H nmmemHuHsz smHmmHo one 042 1 Houmuwsmu mmmuoom meonHpHsz mmHmmHo can 00¢ 1 kuum>ooo HopHmHQIOB HousmaooHon ImoHMG< OB HousmfiooHcHz Eoum Houuoou I I, msHumw Houmnmmo rllww Eonm 17 to the lower limit. After the ADC has completed each conversion, the MAG increments the multiplexer by one channel. When the upper channel minus one is reached, the MAG automatically presets the multiplexer back to the lower limit. The output of the MAG, the Multiplexer address, is available to the operator on a light emitting diode (LED) display. The MAG may be operated using one of the following schemes; namely sequential, static, and random. When the MAG holds limits two or more channels apart and the upper limit is greater than the lower limit, sequential operation is possible. This type of operation involves scanning from the lower channel to the upper channel minus one, presetting back to the lower limit and so forth. If the limits loaded in the MAG are one channel apart and the upper limit is greater than the lower limit, then static operation will occur During this type of operation the MAG increments the multiplexer only one channel then reaches the upper limit. It then presets back to the lower limit or original channel. Static operation enables one to take multiple readings of the same Analog Voltage Channel. The data converter can also be operated randomly by loading the MAG with new limits (and presetting) before each ADC conversion. Random operation requires an extra step (loading the MAG) compared to sequential or static operation, but the data converter can "skip" channels, providing maximum freedom. The Multiplexer receives an address from the MAG and decodes it to select an Analog Voltage Channel. The selected analog signal is "caught" by a sample-and-hold circuit while being converted to a digital format by the ADC. Results are available on a LED diplay, or can be read by the minicomputer. PL [fl‘l-Il [II [III I‘ll-III. 18 4.2 Component Identification After the basic theory of operation has been identified, specific components must be selected. These components are of three classes: linear, linear-digital, and digital. Justification for the selection of the components to be discussed, is focused on the requirement that a .l% of full-scale accuracy be maintained. The agglomeration of the selected components must produce this accuracy, and experimental data verifying this will be provided in Chapter V. It was decided that the linear and linear-digital components be obtained from Datel Systems, Inc58)The linear components include the MM8 eight channel analog multiplexer, and the SHM—l sample—and-hold module. The lone linear-digital component is an ADC—M128 converter, a 12-bit succes- sive-approximation type analog-to-digital converter. Both the linear and linear-digital components are available as a modular package (the DAS-l6). This package also includes additional system control logic and an LED display. The digital components were purchased from Signetics, Corpfg) and included the following: a) 7400-Quad 2—Input Positive Nand Gate; b) 7404-Hex Inverter; c) 7475-Quad Latch; d) 7485-4—Bit Magnitude Comparator; e) 74121-Monostable Multivibrator; f) 74l93-Synchronous Up/Down Binary Counter. The digital components are all standard 7400 series TTL logic, and are compatible with both the Datel product line and Computer Automation's 16-bit I/O Module. 19 Once the basic modules (the linear, linear-digital, and digital) have been selected, the schematic diagrams must be drawn. This process can be difficult due to the many subtleties involved, such as, maintaining logic polarities and fan-out/fan-ins, matching module properties, cas- cading similar components, and maintaining the prOper timing character- istics. 4.3 Circuit Description The circuit schematics are comprised of nine drawings, each rep- resenting distinct aspects of the overall data converter. This section will describe each drawing, delineating the data signal lines from the control signal lines. It is important to note that the number within each symbol corresponds to a physical location. Lower Register- Figure 4.2 depicts the Lower Register. It acts to store the MAG lower limit, and originates the Multiplexer address. Inte- grated circuits (IC's) 1 to 6 are 7400 Quad Nand Gates and implement the Gating scheme represented in Figure 4.1. These Gates accept the data lines BCO-BC7 from the minicomputer (lower 8-bits) or the data lines SRLWO-SRLW? defined by the operator. Control signals SRENBL and SRENEE' select which set of data lines are to be presented to the 7475 Quad Latches (IC's 7 and 8). These control signals are originated by the operator and are changed by using a toggle switch. ,When the Quad Latches are strobed by control signal CLK, the 74193 Binary Counters (IC's 9 and 10) are also preset, by control signal PRESET, to the same number being strobed into the Quad Latches. The Binary Counters are cascaded to form an 8-bit counter whose output represents the output of the MAG. Control signal COUNT incre- ments the counter, which changes the MPXO-MPX? lines and the Multiplexer channel. It. [\{lll'l l" 20 k 00v. Qthxwww 334$» .uHoonHo HmumHmmu HmsoH Hmuum>c00 sumo N.v whomwm i ® .3.\...... . sighs at... me 21 To help illustrate the above consider the following example: Suppose the minicomputer's output buffer contained 11110000 (lower 8-bits) and SRENEI:were high, (SRENBL low). If CLK were strobed the Quad Latches would store 11110000 (IC 7 all zeros), and if later PRESET were strobed the counter would preset to 11110000. Now if COUNT were pulsed, then the MPX lines would increment to the value 11110001. Upper Register- This circuit is schematically illustrated in Figure 4.3. It stores the MAG upper limit and compares the lower and upper limits. In much the same manner as in the Lower Register, IC's 1 to 6 (7400 Quad Nand Gates) perform the Gating scheme of Figure 4.1. These Gates accept the data lines BC8-BC15 from the minicomputer buffer (upper 8-bits), or the operator defined data lines SRUPO-SRUP7. Control lines SRENBL and SRENEE select which of these data lines will be pre- sented to the Quad Latches (IC's 7 and 8, both 7475's), and stored when control line CLK is strobed. The 4-Bit Magnitude Comparitors (IC's 9 and 10, both 7485's) monitor the output of the Quad Latches (the upper limit) and the MPXO- MPX7 lines (the lower limit) originated in the Lower Register. When these two sets of data lines are equal, control line A_;-E goes to ground. This control signal will be utilized by the Lower Register to preset the 8-bit counter to the lower limit. An example that illustrates the Upper Register interaction with the Lower Register is as follows: Suppose the upper limit is 00001000 and the lower limit is 00000000. After seven COUNT pulses the MPX lines con- tain 00000111, on the eighth COUNT pulse both limits are equal and AF;_§' will go low. This change will cause PRESET to be pulsed and the MAG will be preset to the lower limit, or 00000000. 22 .owoouHo HmumHmmu nomad nmuuw>coo sumo m.v whomHm w 00 0 Nut 2me kamo an Hawk 0s us he M. :7 .3 («u 8.. \ v fix [gnaw [Susana lie Jufl© 9! Q 3 r unsung Hawqujmav v :36 * nxOQ‘! on“ ..§ 3 23¢ 434$ 0‘ Nx MN V346 23 Switch Register- In the two previous diagrams (Lower Register and Upper Register) the data lines which establish the lower and upper limits were from the minicomputer, the BCO-BC7 and BC8-BC15 lines, and the operator SRLWO-SRLW7 and SRUPO-SRLW7. The Switch Register circuit (Figure 4.4) establishes the latter two data lines. Both sets of data lines employ the same signal scheme, a SPST toggle switch either closes (for a zero) or remains open. In the open position a 4.7 K ohm l/4 watt resistor is used as a "pull-up" to provide the 5 V "one" level. These signal lines are then used to establish the lower and upper limits of the MAG in the manual mode. Control signals also originate in the Switch Register circuit. SRENBL and SRENEE are formed here by a DPDT switch. These control lines establish the two basic modes of the data converter operation, i.e., manual and automatic. TWO other control signals, LOAD and CNVRT, are also found here. These signals are activated by depressing normally- open momentary toggle switches. Through the use of RC contact bounce elimination circuits, these toggle switches develop 1 microsecond pulses. The last circuit in the Switch Register is a LED driver and display circuit. The LED's are to be read by the operator to deter— mine the current Multiplexer (MPX lines) address. The drivers utilize anRCAum 1c, the CA3081, which contains seven common-emitter NPN tran- sistors. The transistors are biased "on" by the digital counter and are essentially no "load" on the TTL logic due to the 10 K ohm base resistor. The 150 ohm resistor in series with the LED's serve to limit the power dissipated in the LED's. This type of driver circuit is ideal for this application because it does not affect the fan-out of the digital logic. 24 H SWITCH KEG Lot. A Figure 4.4 Data converter switch register circuit. 25 Multiplexer- This circuit accepts 32 analog voltages, decodes the digital address received from the MAG circuitry, and provides two analog outputs. The first analog output is for channels 1-16 and the second for channels 17-32. The analog signals are connected through a chassis mounted BNC, and to a DPDT toggle switch (see Figure 4.5). In one position the analog signal is sent to the MM8 multiplexers by a 28 AWG coaxial cable. In the other position the MM8 input is "short-circuited", and the ana- log signal is loaded by a 10 K ohm 1/4 watt resistor. This technique is used to isolate and terminate the analog signals for testing purposes. The Multiplexer has the first three channels dedicated to ref- erence voltages of +5 V DC, ground, and -5 V DC. These voltage levels arise from a resistance voltage divider across the +15 V and -15 V power supplies. These voltage levels provide the ADC with full-scale, half- scale, and zero readings. Only the lower significant four bits of the MPX lines (MPXO- MPX3) are needed in the multiplexer decoding circuits. The upper four bits (MPX4-MPX7) are used by the DAB-16 ADC system. Because the DAS-16 has 16 channels of multiplexing each channel is sub-multiplexed by another 16 channels. As a specific example suppose address 00010011 is contained in the MPX lines, the second channel of the DAB-16 and the third channel of all sub-multiplexers would be selected. Since only the second channel of the DAS-l6 is selected, only the third channel's signal of the second group would by converted by the ADC. All other sub-multiplexer third channels would not pass through the DAS-l6 mult- iplexers. To achieve 16 channels of multiplexing from the MM8 modules 26 alike lOK MMLTIPLEXER Figure 4.5 Data converter multiplexer circuit. II." ,ii' Ir 27 (8 channels of multiplexing), they are cascaded using a 7404 Inverter. This Inverter supplies the necessary condition to switch from one MM8 to the other. Following this idea MM8-l and MM8-2 are used for channels 1 to 16 (output is IN16HI), and MM8-3 and MM8-4 are used for channels 17 to 32 (output is INlSHI). The MM8 modules conform to standard binary decoding, the MPXO line coresponds to the LSB. DAS-l6- This ADC system includes 16 channels of multiplexing, a sample-and-hold circuit, a successive approximation ADC, and internal control logic. Inputs to the DAB-16 (see Figure 4.6) are the analog voltages from the sub-multiplexers (INlHI, INlEW to IN16HI, IN16LW), the address for these channels (RAIl to RAI4), and a CONVERT control signal. The DAS-l6 produces a 12-bit data word which is displayed by LED's, or is read by the minicomputer. The other DAS-l6 output, the BUSY line, changes logic level during a conversion, and is used fOr control purposes within the data converter. Operation of the DAS~16 system is as follows: When a multiplexer address has been presented to the system, an analog voltage is con- tinuously observed by the sample-and-hold module. At this time the CONVERT line is pulsed and the signal is "held" by the sample-and-hold circuit. During the converting process the BUSY output changes state, returning to its original logic level at the conclusion of the conversion. When the BUSY line returns to its normal level many circuits are affected, this is discussed next. Control- This circuit is responsible for distributing the con- trol signals throughout the data converter and to the minicomputer. The control signals cause the limits to be strobed into the lower and upper 28 Figure 4.6 Data converter DAS-l6 circuit. 29 buffer, provide a pulse used to increment the binary counter, pulse the DAS-l6 to begin a conversion, and initiates an interrupt. The Control diagram is Figure 4.7. A timing diagram (Figure 4.8) has been constructed to aid in understanding the control circuits. When the minicomputer executes an output instruction and loads the output buffer, a pulse is sent out on the STB line. Likewise, when the user presses the momentary LOAD toggle switch a pulse is formed on the LOAD line. In either case, one of these pulses (200 nsec) will trigger IC 3 (a 74121 Monostable). The output from the IC is a pulse (CLK) used to strobe the lower and upper buffer, and preset the binary counter using the PRESET line. A length of time will go by, at least one machine cycle, and the minicomputer will issue a SEL :12, 3 (Egg) instruction, or the user will push the CNVRT toggle switch. At this time IC4 (a 74121 Monostable) will trigger. The result is a 5 microsecond pulse at CONj VERT, on the trailing edge of this pulse the DAS-16 will begin convert- ing. The trailing-edge triggering of the DAS-l6 is intentional since it allows the sample-and-hold module 5 microseconds to settle. The conver- sion process requires around 10 microseconds as shown on the OAS-16 BUSY line in Figure 4.8- When the DAB-16 BUSY line returns to ground IC 1 (a 74121 Monostable) fires and is trailing-edge triggered. This pulse is used to provide an external strobe (ESTB to the input buffer. When the EST pulse is received by the input buffer, it acknowledges by sending back A0. This A0 pulse is then looped back to the I/O Module to provide an interrupt stimulus at RNTl. Thus, the minicomputer interrupts and reads the input buffer which contains the ADC data word. Notice that 30 74/1/ 0.,“ 4546 Bus)’ 3 . I .D 9‘2 J” 7m 1: ‘ fl ‘7 I3 74' ’2’ Ito In“. <§>CJVVK7’ can VEfiT @ @512 um. ’5 _ 740 @‘3 $335— CONTROL. L 0 C. D ©5REN3L Figure 4.7 Data converter control circuit. 31 .EmummHo msflEHu uHsonHo Houucou m.¢ mHoOHm T2: 0 _r Wm H 0mm: OOH O ‘ BZDOU H : owmc OOH o AHezHO o< H E owmouoHE H O — 9mm H ommonoHE H O NmDm mdlmZOU H T _ oomouoHE m 0 ABM>ZUV mxm ._ T .... H owns OOm , ‘ BWmmmm 8 3 mus me E C 0mm: OOH com: OOH O MHU H : 0mm: OOH O I AQ¢OQV mfim . : coma OON 32 EST is only generated when SRENEE is high. This is to prevent an inter- rupt from occuring when the data converter is in the manual mode. When EST goes high IC 2 (a 74121 Monostable) fires on the trail- ing edge producing the 100 nonosecond COUNT pulse. This signal then increments the binary counter, thus changing the multiplexer by one channel. This completes the normal operation of the MAG unless the binary counter has reached the upper limit, for when this occurs ATE- goes low. When this happens IC 8 (a 74121 Monostable) triggers on the leading edge of A_;_§: The pulse which IC 8 produces is sent to line PRESET, putting the MAG back at its lower limit. I-O Cable- The final three schematics deal specifically with the I-0 cable. Figure 4.9 illustrates the input data lines, IDOO-IDlS, to the minicomputer. The signal drivers, IC's 1 to 3 (7404 Hex Invert- ers), cause the logic level to be inverted. This problem can be cor- rected by simply grounding the IPOL line on the I/O module connector (a ground logic level will then be interpreted as a one). In Figure 4.10 the output data lines of the minicomputer are shown. For each signal, BCOO-BClS, a 220 ohm open-collector "pull-up" resistor (to +5 V DC) and a 330 ohm cable matching resistor (to ground) is used. Both these resistors aid in maintaining the quality of the digital signals. The third drawing, Figure 4.11, depicts the E8 to E256 data lines (which determine the vectored interrupt address), the interface control signals (EST; STB, Ei3), and several lines used to establish the digital ground return for the minicomputer and the data converter. If the desired vectored interrupt address is :92 (hexadecimal), as was the case, then switches E16 and E128 are left open while the remaining 33 CA R D 7... ALPHA -I€ Figure 4.9 Data converter I/O(l) circuit. 34 ALMA- /6 CAR!) Figure 4.10 Data converter I/O(2) circuit. 35 7404 CARD 53$,” ALPHA-[6 / Figure 4.11 Data converter I.O(3) circuit. 36 switches are closed. Upon recognition of an interrupt, from the data converter, the minicomputer will then vector to address :92 (hexa- decimal). The circuit is now completely described in terms of a theory, specific components, and electrical schematics. What remains to obtain realization of the circuit, is to construct the prototype. This step is outlined in the next Section. 4.4 Construction of the Prototype The data converter is housed in a standard 19" rack-type cabinet, four panels are mounted. Each panel can be removed from the rack by detaching a connector. One panel mounts the 32 BNC chassis connectors, another the power supplies, a third holds the switch register (for manual operation), and the fourth panel mounts a card cage assembly. It is noted thatin Appendix C, several photographs of the data converter are available. The BNC panel also includes 32 DPDT on-off toggle switches for the analog signals. Running from each BNC is a 28 AWG coaxial cable. These cables are tied together to form a larger cable. This larger cable ends at a card inserted into the card cage assembly. Located on this card, besides the 32 coaxial cables, are four MM8 multiplexer modules. The power supply panel has a +15 V DC and -15 V DC (at 300 milli- amperes) analog supply and a 5 V DC, 3 ampere, logic supply. A toggle switch controls the AC power, and a fuse is mounted to provide overload protection. The voltage outputs are located on the back side of the panel at a terminal strip, but may also be monitored on the front side using bannana jacks. 37 The switch register has 19 toggle switches mounted on it. They are situated on the panel in three groups: control, lower buffer, and upper buffer. Also included on this panel are 8 LEDs, which display the current multiplexer address (the MPX lines). The LED drivers are mount- ed on a small board located on the back of the panel. Signals from the switch register panel are sent to other circuits on a cable which stops at a card inserted into the card cage assembly. The fourth panel contains the card cage assembly which holds nine cards. Each card slides into its own slot and plugs into its own connector. Connections between cards are then accomplished by wiring from connector to connector. Whenever possible wirewrapping was employed. The IC packages were inserted into wirewrap sockets, components were soldered to wire- wrap stakes, and modules were plugged into wirewrap socket terminals. Characteristics typical of wirewrapping are flexibility and density. Both these characteristics are desirable whenprototyping. The I/O cable was constructed with a twisted-pair 26 AWG ribbon cable. Six lengths of this wire were necessary to send the required minicomputer signals to and from the data converter. The ribbon cables were tied together and ended at a card inserted into the cage assembly. The other end of the I/O cable was wired to a plug which mates with the 16-bit I/O Module. Located on the card are the I/O signal receivers and drivers, along with a special IC which contains miniature switches. These switches are used to determine the vectored interrupt address. This address can be easily modified by these switches. Because the sockets into which the cage assembly cards are inser- ted has wirewrap terminals, the backplane connections are wirewrapped. 38 This differs from the card wirewrapping only in wire size, 24 AWG compared to 30 AWG. The construction of a prototype involves numerous steps, many of them too tedious to be discussed here. It is pointed out, though, that these decisions must be made and can affect many aspects of the resulting product. 4.5 Summary Circuit realization can be achieved only after the design specifications are known. The process begins with a theory of Operation, components are then identified, next circuit schematics are drawn, and finally the prototype is built. Before the prototype is installed in the field, it must be tested to see if the design specifications have, indeed, been met. Experimental procedures, results, and a discussion of such tests are the subject of the next Chapter. CHAPTER V PERFORMANCE It was necessary to perform several tests on the data converter to evaluate its actual capabilities. These tests can be grouped as fol- lows: l) verification Of control logic, 2) calibration of the ADC, 3) determination of the static accuracy, and 4) an example of the dynamic response. The first test demonstrates that the data converter's control logic oper- ates as designed. Calibration Of the ADC, the second test, adjusts the ADC transfer characteristics for optimum accuracy. The final two tests, determination of the static accuracy and an example of the dynamic response, illustrates the DC and AC Operation of the data converter. These four experiments will be outlined and discussed in.the Chapter. 5.1 Verification of Control Logic As stated in Section 4.1, there exist two fundamental control logic modes; namely, manual and automatic. Each of these modes has three schemes of Operation: sequential, static, and random. Consequentially, six dis- tinct sets of experiments are required to fully verify that the data con- verter's control logic Operates as designed. Verification of the manual mode follows the algorithm outlined in Figure 5.1. Limits used in the sequential Operation test were 00 (hexadecimal) for the lower channel and 20 (hexadecimal) for the upper 39 4O Select MAN mode 1 Set Limits in SR 7 Depress LOAD 13.1) Depress CNVRT V Read MAG LED Display Test Finished ? No Figure 5.1 Data Converter Manual Operation Algorithm. 41 channel. Using these limits, and following the algorithm, the data con- verter sequentially stepped from channel-to-channel, and preset, as re- quired, when the upper limit was reached. Static operation using the manual mode, was achieved by followb ing the algorithm and loading such sets of limits as: 0-1, 5-6, A—B, and 15-16 (all hexadecimal). In each case multiple readings of the lower channel were observed. Random Operation using the manual mode, was simultaneously verified in this test since the lower channel was changed (preset) each time that new limits were loaded. A small program, see Figure 5.2, was written and toggled into memory to verify automatic operation. The program begins at address 100 (hexadecimal) by loading into the data converter the limits found in the X register. After the ADC interrupt is reset and armed, the convert instruction is given. Following the convert instruction is an endless loop. The minicomputer will interrupt while in this endless loop and vector to address 92 (hexadecimal). Here the input buffer, containing the data word, is read into the A register and the program stops. At this time the limits in the X register may be altered and the program started again. If the limits are not to be changed the operator depresses the run switch (on the minicomputer) to continue the program. The pro- gram is continued and another conversion is made. To verify each scheme of operation (sequential, static, and ran- dom) in the automatic mode, identical limits as used in the manual mode, were stored in the X register. In each case identical results were Ob- tained; therefore, all six possible schemes of operating the data converter were verified. Address 92 93 94 95 100 101 102 103 104 105 42 nge_ Mnemonic F201 JMP $+l 5896 INA :12,6 0800 HLT F20C JMP $+:C 6E92 OTX :12,2 4090 SEL :12,0 4091 SEL :12,l 0A00 EIN 4093 SEL :12,3 F600 JMP $+O Starting address- 100 Comment Jump to next word Read input buffer Stop program Jump to :101 Load Limits Reset ADC interrupt Arm ADC interrupt Enable all interrupts Convert Loop to self Figure 5.2 A program to verify the data converter automatic Operation. JillIIIIIII'IIII‘. '1 lfll“ ( I. I‘ III I’W‘I‘ ‘ 43 5.2 Calibration of the ADC This process began after all equipment had been powered for one hour. The circuit used for calibration is illustrated in Figure 5.3. A battery was used as a reference voltage to eliminate any "ripple" that might be associated with a power supply. The voltmeter used to cali- brate the data converter, a Wavetek 201(}l) has an accuracy of (I) .ll millivolts on the 10 volt range, and .01 millivolts on the 1 volt range. Resolution of the voltmeter is to 5 decimal digits. The volt- meter, then, has sufficient accuracy and resolution to be used for calibration purposes. Calibration requires the adjustment Of two miniature lO-turn potentiometers located on the DAB-16. The two adjustments determine the ADC off-set and gain. The off-set is adjusted first by selecting a channel which pre- sents exactly -5 V DC to the ADC (this voltage is monitored by the volt- meter). The data converter is operated manually, and the Off-set is ad- justed until the converted code is 000 (hexadecimal). This determines the zero code of the ADC. When the ADC off-set has been set, the gain adjustment is made. The data converter is operated manually, selecting a channel which pre- sents exactly 4.9975 V DC (as monitored by the voltmeter). This volt- age is determined by subtracting 1 LSB from the full-scale voltage, or 2.5 millivolts from 5 volts. The gain adjustment is varied until a code of FFF (hexadecimal) is displayed in the LED's of the DAS-l6. This adjustment determines the full-scale code of the ADC. When the Off-set and gain adjustments have been made, the data 44 22 Volt (Burgess 5308 or equiv.) 100 K ohm Resistance Decade Box 10 K Ohm (lo-turn) Voltmeter (Wavetek 201) Data Converter Figure 5.3 Calibration circuit for the data converter. 45 converter is then fully calibrated. A convenient third voltage (the half- scale value), analog ground, can now be checked and should yield a code of 800 (hexadecimal). This type of coding is "off-set binary" since the analog ground code is 800 (hexadecimal). For a detailed explanation of the calibration procedure Datel has prepared "Applications Handbook For Adjustment and Timing of Analog-To-Digital And Digital-To-Analog Con- 12) ( verter Products". 5.3 Determination of the Static Accuracy To determine the accuracy of the data converter a circuit iden- tical to Figure 5.3 was employed. Data points were taken every 0.5 volts and the results are tabulated in Table 5.1. The final column in the table, total error, includes both the error of the data converter and the error of the voltmeter used in the test. The largest error was found to be 9.21 millivolts or 0.0921% of full-scale. Since the required accuracy of the data converter is 0.1% of full-scale, an experimentally determined accuracy of 0.0921% of full—scale is, indeed, satisfactory. The input voltage was varied in both the positive and negative direction, and no hysteresis was found. To determine if all channels were identical, in terms of accuracy, a 1.2 volt mercury battery was con- nected (one at a time) to each analog voltage channel. For all 32 chan- nels the DAB-16 output code was identical, thus, the calibration and accuracy tests performed on only one channel are valid for all channels. It can be deduced, therefore, that all 32 analog voltage channels main- tain a .0921% of full-scale accuracy. 46 Table 5.1 Experimental results to determine the static accuracy. Input Octal Output Error Voltmeter Total voltage code voltage (mV) error (:mV) error(th) -5.00 0000 -5.0000 0.0 0.61 0.61 -4.50 0312 -4.5068 6.8 0.56 7.36 -4.00 0626 -4.0087 8.7 0.51 9.21 -3.50 1144 —3.5053 5.3 0.46 5.76 -3.00 1460 -3.0078 7.8 0.41 8.21 -2.50 1776 -2.5048 4.8 0.36 5.16 -2.00 2317 -l.9946 -5.4 0.30 5.70 -1.50 2627 -1.5063 6.3 0.26 6.56 -l.00 3144 -1.0058 5.8 0.11 5.91 -0.50 3461 -0.5053 5.3 0.06 5.36 0.00 400 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.50 4315 0.5004 0.4 0.06 0.46 1.00 4631 0.9985 -1.5 0.10 1.60 1.50 5147 1.5014 1.4 0.26 1.66 2.00 5463 1.9995 -0.5 .30 0.80 2.50 6001 2.5024 2.4 0.36 2.76 3.00 6316 3.0029 2.9 0.41 3.31 3.50 6634 3.5058 5.8 0.46 6.26 4.00 7151 4.0063 6.3 0.51 6.81 4.50 7465 4.5043 4.3 0.56 4.86 5.00 7777 4.9975 -2.5 0.60 3.10 47 5.4 An example of the dynamic response The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the basic dynamic characteristics of the data converter. Figure 5.4 depicts the circuit used in this test. The oscillator was adjusted to produce a sinusoidal signal with an amplitude of 10 V peak-to-peak. A program was then exe- cuted by the Alpha-16 (see Appendix D) which enabled the sinusoidal waveform to be sampled several thousand times. The channels to be sam- pled were specified by an operator via the teletype keyboard. This program was designed to record both the maximum and minimum reading, find the mean average all readings, and print out these results for each channel. The dynamic response test was performed using the static (without multiplexing) and sequential (with 32 channels of multiplexing) schemes of operating the data converter. Results of these two tests are tabulated in Tables 5.2 and 5.3. It is noted that as the frequency of the oscillator was increased the min and max values began to decrease. When this occurred the sampling rate and the number of periods observed were not sufficient to detect the desired min (-5.000) and max (4.997) values. If the sam- pling rate, or the number of periods observed were increased, then both min and max values would agree with the lower frequency cases. This of course, is only true as long as the aperature time (5 microseconds) of the sample-and-hold module is much less than the period of the sinusoidal signal. 5.5 Summary The results of the experiments described in this Chapter clearly demonstrate that the data converter's control logic is functioning as designed. Also, the experimental results verify that the accuracy of Hewlett Packard 175B oscilloscope A 48 Hewlett Packard 200CD oscillator Alpha-l6 Data converter Figure 5.4 Circuit used in the dynamic response test. 49 Table 5.2 Results of the dynamic response test-without multiplexing. frequency(Hz) minimum(V) maximum(V) average(V) 0 -5.000 4.997 0.002 1K -S.000 4.997 0.002 10K —5.000 4.997 0.002 40K -5.000 4.997 0.002 50K -5.000 4.997 0.002 60K -4.978 4.997 0.002 70K -4.924 4.997 0.007 80K -4.909 4.995 0.007 90K -4.885 4.992 0.009 100K -4.836 4.963 0.009 Table 5.3 Results of the dynamic response test-with multiplexing. frequency(Hz) minimum(V) maximum(V) average(V) 0 -5.000 4.997 0.002 1K —5.000 4.997 0.002 10K -5.000 4.997 0.002 30K -5.000 4.997 0.002 40K -4.975 4.997 0.004 50K -4.963 4.997 0.004 60K -4.909 4.975 0.007 70K —4.904 4.956 0.007 80K -4.839 4.941 0.009 90K —4.819 4.904 0.009 50 the data converter exceeds the design requirements. A software package for the data converter is currently under development; it will enable an operator to conpletely evaluate the static and dynamic capabilities Of the data converter. Some of the important features of this diagnostic package are described in the next Chapter. CHAPTER VI SUMMARY An adaptive programmable measurement system has been proposed for the purpose of monitoring and managing pest-crop ecosystems. One component in this facility is the data converter. The purpose Of the research reported here was to specify, design, construct, and evaluate the data converter. After carefully considering the overall programmable measure- ment system requirements, the prototype data converter was designed, constructed, and its performance tested. These performance tests demon- strated that the data converter's control logic functioned as designed and that its accuracy was better than 0.1% Of full-scale. An example demonstrating the basic dynamic properties of the data converter was included in the experimental tests. To further evaluate the dynamic response and to facilitate the maintainance of the data converter, a software diagnostic package is being developed. This package will be Operator interactive--the desired tests may be individually selected and executed. Static performance will be evaluated in much the same manner as previously described in Chapter V. The dynamic performance, however, will involve finding the time constants and delays associated with converting a signal with a large time rate of change. This may be accomplished by synchronizing (interrupting) the minicomputer with a -5 V to +5 V ramp, and sampling it, on the order of, 50 times a period. By decreasing the period of this ramp signal these time constants and delays will become measurable. The dynamic perfor- mance tests described above will be included, along with others, in the software diagnostic package. 51 52 In retrospect several design changes might be made to suit a particular application. To reduce the cost of parts (see Appendix E) the DAS-l6 ADC system could be eliminated, and separate ADC and sample- and-hold modules could be substituted. The full capabilities the DAS-l6 system were not utilized in this design, nor could they be used in any application requiring greater than 16 channels Of multiplexing. For this reason a saving of $300, or 15% of the total cost of parts, would be assured by implementing this substitution. Additional cost-savings may be realized by deleting the manual mode. The Gating scheme and the complete Switch Register circuit would not be necessary, and about $100 could be shaved off the parts list. A final recommendation to improve subsequent data converters in- volves a third mode of operation. This mode eliminates the need to execute a convert instruction for each conversion. Once the limits are established in the MAG, a convert instruction is issued. The data con- verter then provides its own CONVERT pulse (and all future pulses) for each conversion.: When the upper limit is reached the MAG presets and a second interrupt is issued which signifies an end-Of-block. By using an AUTO I/O instruction and two vectored interrupts, one for each data word and one for an end-of-block (or ECHO), this new mode could easily and efficiently be programmed. Since the ADC would essentially be "free-running" from lower to upper channel (once started), converted data words would be available and read into the minicomputer every 15 micro- seconds. Using this new mode of operation the data converter's sampling rate would be increased by nearly a factor of 10. ‘ 1". Illx \ \ Ill)|l III). 1 \llu'l' I] i . REFERENCES .ll ‘ , , I \‘l‘lll‘ 1 ‘ll’ \llll! l) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) ll) 12) REFERENCES Dean L. Haynes, Richard K. Brandenburg, and P. David Fisher, "Environmental Monitoring Network for Pest Management Systems", Environmental Entomolpgy, Vol. 2, no. 5 (October 1973), 889. Ibid., 895. Analog-Digital Conversion Handbook, prepared by Analog Devices, Inc. (1972), p. II-l64. Alpha l6 & Naked Mini 16 Computer Reference Manual, prepared by Computer Automation, Inc. (1971), pp. 1-1 to 1-28. Ernest O. Doebelin, Measurement Systems: Application and Design (New York, 1966), pp. 38-203. l6-Bit Input/Oupput Module, prepared by Computer Automation, Inc. (1972), pp. l—l to 4-16. Sigpetics, prepared by Signetics Corp. (1972), p. 2-1. A/D-D/A Converters And Accessories, prepared by Datel Systems, Inc. (1973) PP. 1—33. Sigpetics, prepared by Signetics Corp. (1972), pp. 2-1 to 2-173. RCA Solid State Databook Series (SSD-201A), prepared by RCA Corp. (1972), p. 170. Voltmeter Model 201 Instruction Manual, prepared by Wavetek, Inc. (1970), pp. 30-32. Applications Handbook For Timing And Adjustment Of Analog-To-Digé ital And Digital-To-Analog Converter Products, prepared by Datel Systems, Inc. (1973), pp. 1-29. 53 1.] ‘lll \(Jlllj‘lll ‘III APPENDICES APPENDIX A GLOSSARY .gl nfllllll [III‘III‘|[llIII|.I fl'lll‘llulll‘ I‘..l’.‘llulll| I'll I'll. I’ll APPENDIX A Glossary Note- Definitions are from "IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms", Std 100-1972. asynchronous computer- A computer in which each event or the performance of each Operation starts as a result of a signal generated by the completion of the previous event or Operation, or by the avail— ability of the parts of the computer required for the next event or operation. 23E? A binary digit. buffer- A storage device used to compensate for a difference in the rate Of flow of information or time of occurance of events when transmitting information from one device to another. ppgf One or more conductors used for transmitting signals or power from one or more sources to one or more destinations. central processing unit- The unit Of a computing system that includes the circuits controlling the interpretation and execution of instructions. conditional jump- To cause, or an instruction which causes, the proper one of two (or more) addresses to be used in obtaining the next instruction, depending upon some property of one or more numerical expressions or other conditions. decode- To produce a single output signal from each combination of a group of input signals. diagnostic routine- A routine designed to locate either a 54 55 malfunction in the computer or a peripheral device. half duplex bus- A bus arranged to permit signal flow in either direction but not in both directions simultaneously. hardware- Physical entities such as computers, circuits, tape readers, et cetera. interrupt- To stop a process in such a way that it can be resumed. interface- A shared boundary. EEEET A pattern of characters that is used to control the reten- tion or elimination of portions of another pattern of characters. pgripheral device- A mechanical or an electric contrivance to serve a useful purpose and is outside the computer. real time- Pertaining to the actual time during which a physical process transpires. register- A device capable of retaining information, often that contained in a small subset (for example, one word), of the aggregate information in a digital computer. routine- A set of instructions arranged in proper sequence to cause a computer to perform a desired operation. simplex bus- A bus arranged to permit signal flow in one direction only. software- Computer programs, routines, programming languages and systems. system- An integrated whole even though composed Of diverse, interacting, specialized structures and subjunctions. transfer- To transmit, or copy, information from one device to another. APPENDIX B 16-BIT I/O MODULE SIGNAL DEFINITIONS APPENDIX B l6-bit I/O module signal definitions Note- Definitions are from "l6-Bit Input/Output Module", prepared by Computer Automation, Inc. (1972), pp. A-4 to A-8. A9: Input buffer regenerated clock pulse. BCOO-BClS- Output data lines to peripheral device. These lines can be either positive or negative polarity. Polarity is defined by use of the OPOL signal. E8;E256- Interrupt address select lines. These lines are user defined and ground-true. ESO-ES7— External sense lines. These lines are positive-true. EST: External strobe. Generated by the peripheral to strobe input data into the input buffer register. 'EXO;E§7; External control lines. These lines produce an 800 nanosecond ground-true pulse when activated to control user defined functions in the peripheral device. I227 Input buffer full. Conveys input register status to the computer and the peripheral device. A low output indicates that the computer has accepted the last input data transfer. A high ouput indi- cates that input data is currently stored in the input register but the computer has not accepted it. ID00-ID15- Input data lines from a peripheral device. These lines can be either positive or negative polarity. Polarity is defined by use of the IPOL signal. 56 57 £229: Input register polarity control. If the data lines are ground-true logic, IPOL is strapped to ground. If positive logic is used, IPOL is left Open. ITRAN: Input transparent. Causes the input register to be trans- parent, permitting peripheral input data to be applied directly to the data bus. 92E: Output buffer empty. Used to convey ouput buffer register status to the computer and peripheral device. A low ouput indicates that new output data is in the ouput register and that a transfer is imminent. A high ouput indicates that the output data from the last transfer has been received by the peripheral device. 923g: Output buffer ready strobe. Generated by the peripheral device to acknowledge receipt of output data. Causes the output empty signal OBE to go high. 22927 Output register polarity control. Grounding this line causes the BCOO-BClS outputs to be in inverted logic form (ground-true). Leaving the line open causes the output data to be noninverted (pos- itive-true). FED-P84; Address select lines. These five lines determine the 16-Bit I/O Module user defined device address. These lines are ground- true signals. BEELET Interrupt request number 1 RNT_27 Interrupt request number 2. 55927 Interrupt request polarity control. A ground-true RPOL signal causes a ground-true external interrupt to be recognized. Like- wise, a positive-true polarity signal causes a positive-true external interrupt to be recognized. 58 §EQET Peripheral strobe polarity control. A ground-true polarity signal causes the EST and OBRS signals to be recognized if they are ground- true. Likewise, a high polarity signal causes the EST and OBRS signals to be recognized if they are positive-true. STE: Output data strobe. Goes high for approximately 200 nanoseconds. . ..3o0 .5... :- APPENDIX C Data converter photographs a i b??? ““5“ .u ,_ 1' ' '1 I," . ’1 5 3. \ If ‘1..."‘1 in 1 _ I . igfii‘a,ta.-h~ . _ ..1 'V " :3- u o ‘ (Kg5 ,k,.- ' wit. 1? ~~- . ... r- “; 1‘... rhythh 'r‘shl'ia 59 ter. minicompu Figure C.l Data converter, teletype, and Alpha-16 60 .uuommcwuu ommu ouummmmo Hmso pom OHlman< m.sOHumEOuo¢ Hmuomfiou N.O OHDOHE 61 '9 2'- ‘ ... ‘.‘ , . . .. .. .{d i; ' u ' . h . ' .-‘~ '. ; a“: A? M . .. v ‘ '. ' - .. ," , L, . --‘;: '_ Iii-3;... ,J l‘ \51 l ’5. . y. 4.9V“ 7 '5, T.- - “’J'Péa. ‘ ...;3'0 v'J. . Figure C.3 Data converter front view. “F. ‘ ‘,"‘ o .4", .' MY ‘ 6w. .-; I h 'v"’ . "a-l ‘1‘. .1"? ... . ?. 17'5".“5’3155 . 62 _I Figure C.4 Data converter rear view. APPENDIX D DATA CONVERTER DYNAMIC RESPONSE PROGRAM XAO PAGE 000! 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0003 0009 0030 001! 0012 0013 0014 0015 '0016 0017 0013 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0023 0029 0030 003‘ 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0033 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0043 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0000 0000 000! 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 0008 0000 ICED 0008 000? 0010 III! OOI2 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0918 0019 001A 0013 0092 0092 0093 0094 9912 once 0001 0000 3006 DID? 0123 0162 038? 0600 0260 0900 0700 0800 FDIO 3007 CODA arr! D8I9 r213 OIED F893 0800 5096 a APPENDIX D 0 j s DATA CONVERTER DNNAMIC RESPONSE PROGRAM 0 t atteststttttstattattmttttttttssatststsaa t a a DATA CONVERTER DIAGNOSTIC t s WRITTEN BY GARY D BAUER a s 4/I8/I974 a t a *ttttt#*****#it*#****ttt*ttttttttttttttt BIT ECU :12 RTC ECU 8 TTY EQU 7 EXTR CRID: EXTR MPYS: a ABS O LINE RES I CURRENT CHANNEL NUMBER COUNT RES 1 TTYURD RES I TTY VORD INTERRUPT TTYUCT DATA 0 TTY WORD COUNT TTYBAD RES I TTY IYTE ADDRESS NEUAD DATA *LIST-I MESSAGE ROUTINE ADDRESS AP RES I ADDRESS POINTER TO PROCESSING LIST DATA MAXMES MESSAGE ROUTINES DATA AVCMES DATA DONE. BUFAD DATA BUF-I MAXMAX DATA MAX MINMIN DATA MIN TOTAD DATA TOT AVCAAD DATA AVOA AVGXAD DATA AVCX M768 DATA -768 ZERO DATA 80007 COUNTS RES I BAD RES I COUNT2 RES I TEN DATA IO LNUM RES I FFF DATA :FFF . IMS RTCONT INCREMENT RTCONT RES I TIME KEEPER JST 135+! SYNC INTERRUPT DATA TIMERR ‘ * A85 :92 JST AIN WORD INTERRUPT LOCATION AIN ENT AIN BIToG TO READ SIGNAL 63 PAGE 9955 9956 9957 9958 9959 9969 9961 9962 9963 9964 9965 9966 9967 9968 9969 9979 9971 9972 9973 9974 9975 9976 9977 9978 9979 9989 9981 9982 9983 9984 9985 9986 9987 9988 9989 9999 9991 9992 9993 9994 9995 9996 9997 9998 9999 9199 9191 9192 9193 9194 9195 9196 9197 9198 9992 9995 9996 9997 9998 9999 9994 9999 9990 999D 999E 999F 9949 9941 9942 9943 9944 9199 9199 9191 9192 9193 9194 9195 9196 9197 9198 9199 919A 9198 919C 919D 919E 919F 9119 9111 9112 9113 9114 9115 9116 9117 9118 9119 911A 9118 911C 911D 911E 911F 9129 9121 9122 F998 4993 9499 F193 91F2 94CD 9499 9443 9449 2719 9999 5F5F 9899 9C99 4944 4999 9119 9893 F463 FFF8 9491 4892 F294 FASE FFFA 9488 9899 9119 9899 B995 9896 F456 FFFD 9499 4938 5839 CIAE F222 CIAD F29E C389 9939 29CF D942 F291 F612 8899 8899 BITCNT RES BITAD RES EXIT CHAD AVGAD MAXAD MESAD MINAD SIGN TTHOU NINE MULT COR * START READ JST SEL EIN RTN DATA BAC BAC BAC BAC RES DATA DATA DATA DATA ABS DIN SEL SEL ZAR STA JST DATA BAC SSN JMP JST DATA BAC HLT ZAR STA LDA STA JST DATA BAC SEL RDK CXI JMP CXI JMP SXI TXA JAM CMS JMP JMP ADD ADD 64 *CRAD 811,3 AIN CHNDNE MEND-I MAVG‘I MES+S MNMES-I 24415 3809 :I98 RTC04 31750 TTYVCT TTYMES -8 SMES-1 9:2 GO TTYMES '6 RTMES-I LINE NEUAD TTYMES -3 READY-I TTY.O TTY.I O O LDONE 0-0 rx-a :80 GO NINE 5+2 GO LINE LINE WORD COUNTER VORD ADDRESS END OF BLOCK DO CONVERT ENABLE INTERRUPTS RETURN MESSAGE ADDRESS MESSAGE ADDRESS TO PUT IN CHANNEL NUMBER MESSAGE ADDRESS SIGNAL CONVERSION VALUE CORRECTIVE AMOUNT DISABLE INTERRUPTS CLEAR RTC CLEAR 16¢BIT TO CLEAR TTY PRINT MESSAGE MESSAGE LENGTH MESSAGE ADDRESS CHECK FOR RTC CONTINUE PRINT MESSAGE MESSAGE LENGTH MESSAGE ADDRESS UAIT'FOR CORRECTION CLEAR A AND LINE NUMBER TO RESET ADDRESS POINTER PRINT MESSAGE MESSAGE LENGTH MESSAGE ADDRESS SELECT AUTO ECHO READ INPUT SEE IF o YES IT IS SEE IF '-' YES IT IS CONVERT T0 BINARY DIGIT PUT IN A ERROR COMPARE UITH 9 OH IF < ERROR IF > 9 PAGE 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 0129 0130 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138 0139 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 0161 0162 0003 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 0129 012A 0123 012C 0120 012E 012F 0130 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138 0139 013A 0138 013C 013D 013E 013F 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 014A 014B 014C 014D 014E 014F 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 8800 1352 8800 9800 9801 F612 0110 9801 5B39 CIAE F20D C380 0030 20E2 DOA2 F201 F625 8801 8801 8801 1352 8801 9801 F60F B001 D000 F62F 0000 1357 A000 00D0 9800 0110 EOA4 00A8 9DOA 3842 B233 CSFF 9DOA 0128 3842 072A 9812 B000 4040 4042 FA02 0A00 F600 0800 4090 LDONE STRTCH EMA LLA ADD STA STA JMP ZAR STA RDX CXI JMP SXI TXA JAM CNS JMP JMP ADD ADD EMA LLA ADD STA JMP LDA CNS JMP NOP LLA IOR DAR STA ZAR LDX DXR STA JXN LDA LXM STA IXR JXN LAM STA LDA SEL SEL JST EIN JMP ENT SEL 65 LINE LINE LINE COUNT READ COUNT TTYaI LDONE :80 GO NINE 5+2 GO COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT PX COUNT LINE GO 8 LINE LINE COR OtBUFAD 5-2 TTYAOB 255 0*BUFAD 5‘2 42 COUNT3 LINE RTC)“ HTCaZ STRTCH 81710 * BY 8 . ENDS UP WITH ICLINE + A STORE NEW LINE TOTAL CONTINUE READING CLEAR A GET BYTE SEE IF '.' YES IT IS CONVERT TO BINARY PUT IN A ERROR COMPARE WITH 9 OK IF < ERROR IF > 9 # BY 8 ENDS UP WITH IDCOUNT + A CONTINUE READING GET UPPER CNN COMPARE WITH LOWER CRN ERROR SHIFT CHANNEL WORD FOR CONVERSION ADJUST TO CORRECT CHANNEL STORE CHANNEL SELECTION CLEAR A GET TABLE SIZE DECRENENT INDEX CLEAR TABLE LOOP UNTIL DOVE TO RESET MIN RESET INDEX INCRNENT INDEX LOOP UNTIL DONE GET RANGE LIMIT AND STORE IT GET CHANNEL RAN GE ENABLE RTC ENABLE SYNC SELECT CHANNELS ENABLE INTERRUPTS LOOP HERE .16-BIT CHANNEL SELECTOR CLEAR INTERFACE PAGE 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 0179 0180 0181 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0187 0188 0189 0190 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 0196 0197 0198 0199 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0004 0157 0158 0159 015A 0150 015C 0150 015E 015F 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 016A 0160 016C 0160 016E 016F 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 0179 017A 0170 017C 017D 0180 0181 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0187 0188 0189 018A one: 6C92 4091 C705 9819 4092 BO0A 9896 B010 9895 4093 F70C FA06 FFC4 0490 0814 0812 F221 F65A 0800 4090 4044 8003 3141 B200 9802 E607 B400 9AOA 0150 9803 B401 9A07 0150 9804 4938 F601 403C 6439 4030 0A00 B003 3141 4938 F601 403C 0C00 F402 0103 9801 B005 DONE TTYMES TTYAOB I MINMES OTA SEL LAM STA SEL LDA STA LDA STA SEL RTN JST DATA BAC IMS IMS JMP JMP ENT SEL SEL LDA JAN LDA STA LDK LDA STA IAR STA LDA STA IAR STA SEN JMP SEL AOB RES SEL EIN LDA SEN JMP SEL DIN JMP LAM STA LDA 66 BITCZ BITJI 5 , RTCONT B‘le BUFAD BITAD M768 BITCNT BITaa STHTCH TTYMES '60. MES-1 COUNT2 COUNT3 MINMES GO BIT00 RTC54 TTYUCT 5-1 TTYAOB TTYWRD TTYMES 00 TTYAOB+I TTYUCT 01 TTYAOB+2 TTYBAD TTY03 5'1 TTYCA TTYoI 3 . TTYOS TTYUCT 5'1 . TTYJ3 5‘1 T7704 02 3 COUNT NEUAD SELECT CHANNELS ENABLE UORD INTERRUPTS TO RESET RTC COUNTER ENABLE IND OF BLOCK INTERRUPT GET BUFFER ADDRESS STORE FOR AUTO'I-O GET '768 FOR 3 CHANNEL LOOPS ISSUE CONVERT INSTRUCTION RETURN PRINT MESSAGE MESSAGE LENGTH MESSAGE ADDRESS INCREMENT CHANNEL NUMBER INCREMENT NUMBER OF CNN LEFT CONTINUE UNTIL FINISHED START AGAIN PRINTS TTY MESSAGES CLEAR INTERFACE DISABLE RTC GET BYTE COUNT CHECK FOR NOT BUSY GET TTY AUTO I-O INSTRUCTION STORE IN INTERRUPT GET RETURN ADDRESS GET BYTE COUNT AND STORE PUT FOR INTERRUPT GET MESSAGE ADDRESS STORE AND FOR INTERRUPT SEE IF TTY BUSY YES IT IS CLEAR TTY START OUTPUT SELECT WORD INTERRUPT ENABLE INTERRUPTS GET BYTE COUNTER LOOP UNITL DONE SEE IF TTY BUSY LOOP UNTIL NOT CLEAR TTY DISABLE INTERRUPTS RETURN LOOP COUNTER STORE LOOP COUNTER GET ADDRESS POINTER PAGE 0217 0218 0219 8228 0221 8222 0223 8224 0225 8225 8227 8228 8229 8238 0231 8232 8233 8234 8235 0236 8237 8238 8239 8248 0241 8242 8243 8244 0245 8245 0247 8248 8249 8258 0251 8252 8253 8254 0255 0256 8257 8258 0259 8258 0261 8252 0263 8254 8255 8255 0267 8258 8259 8278 0005 018C 0180 018E 018F 0190 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 0196 0197 0198 0199 019A 0190 019C 0190 019E 019F 01A0 01A1 01A2 01A3 01A4 01A5 01A6 01A7 01A8 01A9 01AA 01AE 01AC 01A0 01AE 01AF 01B0 0101 0182 0103 01B4 01B5 0186 01B? 0108 01B9 018A 01BB 01BC 01B0 010E 01BF 01C0 9806 B093 9813 E014 0128 0110 0F00 F900 0015 0E00 8822 9913 C701 6803 8813 9813 0801 F60C 0F00 E014 E50C B09F E8A0 9813 C704 9801 0E00 0110 1903 0020 F202 0000 8823 8822 0813 9913 0801 F60A 0F00 BOA0 0813 0813 C503 E801 90A4 C4AB 3082 C4A0 0310 0E00 E913 0F00 EOA3 DLOOP FIN MINLOP NINA STA LDA STA LDX IXR ZAR SUM JST DATA SBM ADDB STAB LAM SIN ADD STA INS JMP SUM LDX LDX LDA STX STA STA SBM ZAR LRL CMSB JMP NOP ADDB ADDB INS STAB INS JMP SUM LDA INS INS LXN STX SUB LXP JAP LXP NAR SBM STXB SUN LDX 67 AP NESAD BAD COUNT2 cnzoi TEN ZERO #BAD 1 2 BAD BAD COUNT DLOOP COUNT2 0*MINMIN MINAD SIGN BAD A COUNT 4 - TEN+1 NINA ZERO+1 ZERO BAD *BAD COUNT MINLOP SIGN BAD BAD 3 COUNT COR 0+0 5+8 +BAD MULT AND RESET POINTER GET BAD ADDRESS GET CHANNEL NWBER INCREMENT TO NEXT CHANNEL CLEAR A SET WORD MODE I10 SET BYTE NODE +8B0 STORE BYTE IN MESSAGE TO DECREMENT ADDRESS INHIBIT STATUS INCRENENT LOOP COUNTER CONTINUE SET VORD MODE GET CHANNEL NUMBER GET CHANNEL MINIMUM GET BUFFER ADDRESS SAVE SIGNAL RESET BYTE ADDRESS STORE BYTE COUNTER SET BYTE MODE CLEAR A MOVE DIGIT INTO A COMPARE UITH 10 OK +7 +380 INCRENENT POINTER STORE IN MESSAGE INCRENENT COUNTER KEEP GOING SET WORD MODE GET SIGNAL INCREMENT BYTE POINTER THE NUMBER OF DECINAL DIGITS CORRECT SIGNAL SET TO THIS SIGN INITIALLY SKIP IF VOLTAGE IS + ELSE SET AS - AND CONVERT TO ABS VAL SET BYTE NODE STORE SIGN SET WORD MODE GET MULTIPLIER PAGE 0271 0272 0273 0274 0275 0276 0277 0278 0279 0280 0281 0282 0283 0284 0285 0286 0287 0288 0289 0290 0291 0292 0293 0294 0295 0296 0297 0298 0299 0300 0301 0302 0303 0304 0305 0306 0307 0308 0309 0310 0311 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0317 0318 0319 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0006 01C1 01C2 01C3 01C4 01C5 01C6 01C7 0108 01C9 01CA 01CB 01CC 01C0 010E 01CF 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 010A 0100 01 DC 0100 010E 010F 01E0 01E1 01E2 01E3 01E4 01E5 01E6 01E? 01E8 01E9 01EA 01EB 01BC 01E0 01EB 01EF 01F0 01F1 01F2 F900 F900 00A1 C606 8813 9813 B013 0000 9813 0110 F900 0015 0E00 8822 9913 0F00 0801 F600 C702 8813 9813 0110 F900 0015 0E00 8822 9913 0F00 0806 F106 B090 E014 E50B F640 B014 0048 8800 9A03 BSOE ESOF F900 009C F64A 0800 FE85 FFF4 046B F6E3 0800 MINB MAXMES AVGMES TOTAL TIMERR * JST JST DATA LAP ADD STA LDA DAR STA ZAR JST DATA SBM ADDB STAB SUM INS JMP LAM ADD STA ZAR JST DATA SBM ADDB STAB SUN INS JMP LDA LDX LDX JMP LDA TAX ADD STA LDA LDX JST RES LDA JMP ENT JST DATA BAC JMP CHNDNE ENT 68 MPY51 CRI DI TTHOU 6 BAD BAD BAD BAD CRID: TEN ZERO *BAD COUNT MINB 2 BAD BAD cm 83 TEN ZERO *BAD AP *AP MAXAD COUNT2 O+MAXMAX FIN COUNT2 TOTAD TOTAL O+AVGAAD O+AVGXAD CRID: I AVGAD FIN TTYMES '12 BMES-I GO Atx l10000 TO ADJUST ADDRESS CALCULATE NEU ADDRESS GET BUFFER ADDRESS DECREMENT POINTER STORE.NEV BUFFER POINTER CLEAR A /10 SET BYTE MODE +300 STORE REMAINDER IN MESSAGE SET WORD MODE INCREMENT LOOP COUNTER TO RESET ADDRESS POINTER CLEAR A l10 SET BYTE MODE +800 STORE IN BUFFER SET VORD MODE INCREMENT ADDRESS POINTER GO TO ROUTINE GET MESSAGE ADDRESS GET CURRENT CHANNEL GET CHANNEL MAXIMUM FILL BUFFER CURRENT CHANNEL AS INDEX ADDRESS OF TOTAL GET GET GET TOP TO AVG GET BOTTOM OF AVG GET AVG NUMBER OF ELEMENTS GET BUFFER ADDRESS FILL MESSAGE GET PRINT INTERRUPT MESSAGE PRINT MESSAGE MESSAGE LENGTH MESSAGE ADDRESS RETURN CHANNEL COMPLETION ROUTINE PAGE 0325 0326 0327 0328 0329 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0335 0336 0337 0338 0339 0340 0341 0342 0343 0344 0345 0346 0347 0348 0349 0350 0351 0352 0353 0354 0355 0356 0357 0358 0359 0360 0361 0362 0363 0364 0365 0366 0367 0368 0369- 0370 0371 0372 0373 0374 0375 0376 0377 0378 0007 01F3 01F4 01F5 01F6 01F7 01F8 01F9 01FA 01FE 01FC 01FD 01FE 01FF 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 020A 0208 020C 0200 020E 020F 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 0218 0219 021A 021B 021C 0210 021E 021F 0220 0221 0222 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0228 B010 9814 EO0A 0E00 B001 9820 1328 6802 E8A0 6804 EOA0 C202 E8A0 B400 1303 A820 802E 2105 0F00 FE9D FFEC 0477 F6FB 6803 13A8 B400 E020 0F00 1353 1303 050C 900C 0000 0500 F201 900B 1200 800F 3203 1350 1300 000E 9DOF 0E00 0130 0000 0000 F202 F613 3001 9820 0814 F62B 0F00 CLOOP CBAD CGOOD NOV OUT LDA STA LDK SBN LDAB STAB LLX SIN STX SIN LDX AXI STX LDAB LRA XORB ANDB JAZ SUM JST DATA BAC JMP SIN LRX LDA LDXB SUM LLA LRA CNS STA NOP CNS JMP STA ROV ADD JOR LLA LRA INS STA SBN IXA IMS CMSB JMP JMP LDAB STAB IMS JMP SUN 69 M768 COUNT2 BUFAD LINE+1 LNUM+1 1 1 SIGN 3 SIGN 2 SIGN 00 a LNUM+1 FFF CGOOD TTYMES -20 CMES-I GO 2 I O0 LNUM+1 4 4 O+MINMIN C+MINMIN 8+MAXMAX 8+2 0*MAXMAX 0*AVGXAD NOV 1 I 0+AVGAAD OtAVGXAD O+TOTAD LINE OUT CBAD LINE+I LNUM+1 COUNT2 CLOOP GET -768 STORE UORD COUNTER GET UORD INDEX SET BYTE MODE GET LOUER LIMIT INITIALIZE CHECKER CONVERT INDEX TO BYTE ADDRESS INHIBIT STATUS STORE INDEX INHIBIT STATUS GET INDEX INCREMENT TO PROPER BYTE STORE NEU INDEX GET UPPER BYTE SHIFT DOWN TO CHANNEL MOD TEST WITH PROPER RESULT MASK OFF LOVER 4 BITS CHANNELS MATCH SET UORD MODE PRINT MESSAGE NESSAGE LENGTH MESSAGE ADDDRESS RETURN INHIBIT STATUS CONVERT BYTE TO UORD ADDRESS GET INPUT VORD GET CURRENT CHANNEL NUMBER SET VORD MODE SHIFT OFF CHANNEL NOD RESTORE TO POSITION COMPARE VITH CHANNEL MINIMUM REPLACE IF LESS COMPARE UITH CHANNEL MAXIMUM SKIP REPLACING REPLACE IF GREATER RESET OVERFLOU ADD TO AVG SKIP IF NO OVERFLOV SHIFT OFF SIGN BIT RESTORE TO POSITION INCREMENT SIGNICANT PART STORE LEAST SIGNICANT PART SET BYTE MODE INCREMENT TO NEXT CHANNEL INCREMENT ELEMENT COUNTER COMPARE UITH LIMIT OK ERROR RESET TO 1$T CHANNEL STORE NEXT CHANNEL INNER LOOP COUNTER KEEP GOING SET UORD MODE PAGE 0379 0380 0381 0382 0383 0384 0385 0386 0387 0388 0389 0390 0391 0392 0393 8394 0395 0396 0397 0398 0399 0400 0401 0402 0403 0404 0008 0229 022A 0220 022C 0220 022E 022F 0230 0231 0232 0233 0234 0235 0236 0237 0238 0239 023A 0238 023C 0230 023E 023F 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 0245 0246 0247 0248 0249 024A 0240 024C 0240 024E 024F 0250 0251 0252 0253 0254 0255 0257 0258 0259 025A 0258 0250 0250 025E 0260 B000 FEDS 0812 F099 4090 0E00 E001 0030 9000 0F00 9812 E814 F6AC CECF AOC9 CED4 C502 0205 D004 C3C8 CICE CECS CCAO CEDS CDC2 C502 AOC5 D202 CF02 CECF A002 D4C3 808A CGC8 CED3 C3CE 808A BE00 808A AOA0 AOA0 AOCD C9CE BDAO AOA0 AOAE AOA0 AOA0 AOCD C108 BDAO AOA0 BMES CMES RTMES SMES READY MES MNMES MAVG LDA JST INS JMP SEL SBN LDXB TXA SUBB SUM STA STX JMP TEXT TEXT TEXT DATA TEXT DATA DATA DATA TEXT RES TEXT RES TEXT 70 LINE GET CHANNEL SELECT STRTCH SELECT CHANNELS COUNT3 INCREMENT MASTER COUNTER EXIT RETURN BITo0 STOP READINGS - SET BYTE MODE LINE+1 GET 1$T CHANNEL NUMBER PUT IN A LINE - LAST CHANNEL SET VORD MODE COUNT3 NUMBER OF CHANNELS TO LIST COUNT2 IST CHANNEL TO LIST MINMES GO 00 MINIMUM 'NO INTERRUPT' fCNANNEL NUMBER ERROR? 'No RTC' :8D8A CRLF 'CHNSCNf 3808A CRLF IBE00 '>' 8808A CRLF ' MIN- ' 2 ' o "A," ' 2 ' 0 AVG. . PAGE 0405 0406 0407 0408 0409 0410 0411 0412 0413 0414 0415 0416 0000 0009 0261 0262 0263 0264 0265 0266 0267 0269 026A 026B 026C 0200 02C0 03C0 06C0 07C0 08C0 0900 0260 ERRORS AOAE AOA0 AOA0 AOC1 D6C7 BDAO AOA0 AOAE AOA0 AOA0 026D MEND MIN BUF MAX AVGA AVGX TOT RES 71 2 TEXT ' EOU ORG RES RES RES RES RES RES ORG END 3260 256 768 256 256 256 256 END START SAVE ORIGIN SET ORIGIN FOR STORAGE RESET ORIGIN APPENDIX E DATA CONVERTER PARTS LIST APPENDIX E Data converter parts list Item Quantity Description Unit cost ($) Total cost ($) 1. 15 7400 Quad 2-input Nand gates 0.55 8.25 2. 5 7475 Quad latches 1.40 7.00 3. 3 74193 Binary counter 3.90 11.70 4. 3 7485 4-bit magnitude cOmparator 7.00 21.00 5. 5 74121 Monostable multi- vibrator 1.10 5.50 6. 6 7404 Hex inverter 0.70 4.20 7. 4 MM8 multiplexer 99.00 396.00 8. 1 DAS-l6 ADC system 695.00 695.00 9. 1 DPS-1 5V@3A power supply 32.06 32.06 10. 1 BPM-15/300 115v@3oo mA power supply 89.00 89.00 11. 1 MS-7 BPM socket 3.50 3.50 12. 40 10k ohm resistors 0.10 4.00 13. 20 220 ohm resistors 0.10 2.00 14. 20 330 ohm resistors 0.10 2.00 15. 10 2.2m ohm resistors 0.10 1.00 16. 10 150 ohm resistors 0.10 1.00 17. 10 1k ohm resistors 0.10 1.00 18. 10 10k film resistors 1.34 13.40 19. 50 0.01 mF capacitors 10WV 0.15 7.50 20. 20 TIL 210 LED 1.40 28.00 21. 32 BNC connectors 0.76 24.32 22. 3 3-termina1 connectors 0.55 1.65 23. 3 4-termina1 connectors 1.05 3.15 24. 1 AC line chord 1.50 1.50 25. 1 Pilot light 1.00 1.00 26. 1 Fuse holder/fuse 2.25 2.25 27. 1 Can of paint 1.75 1.75 28. l Bud relay rack (table) 18.00 18.00 29. 2 AMP DIP switches 3.73 7.46 30. 16 JBT SPST toggle switches 1.60 25.60 31. 33 JBT DPDT toggle switches 1.58 52.14 32. 2 JBT SPST momentary toggle switches 1.90 3.80 72 73 Item Quantity Description Unit cost ($) Total cost ($) 33. 2 Bannana jacks-green 0.95 1.90 34. 2 Bannana jacks-white 0.95 1.90 35. 2 Bannana jacks-black 0.95 1.90 36. 2 Bannana jacks-red 0.95 1.90 37. 2 RCA CA3081 NPN transis- ' ' tor array 6.24 12.48 38. 1 Beldon 8700 28 AWG ‘ coaxial cable-50 feet 14.40 14.40 39. l Wirewrap wire-30 AWG 59.25 59.25 40. l Wirewrap wire-24 AWG 25.34 25.34 41. 1 Bag of 100 wirewrap stakes 26.85 26.85 42. 10 Printed circuit card connectors 3.90 39.00 43. 1 Bag of wirewrap sockets 12.30 12.30 44. 1 Universal card cage assembly 31.44 31.44 45. l Bag of card guides 6.75 6.75 46. 10 Universal cards 6.18 61.80 47. 2 Boxes of 2-56 machine screws 2.00 4.00 48. 2 Boxes of 2-56 nuts 2.00 4.00 49. 2 Boxes of #2 internal tooth lockwashers 2.00 4.00 50. 1 100 foot roll of twisted- pairs ribbon cable 48.00 43.00 51. 50 Augat 16-pin wirewrap DIP sockets 0.89 44.50 52. 30 Augat l4-pin wirewrap DIP sockets 0.79 23.70 53. 1 8"xl9" vector board 11.00 11.00 54. 1 Bag of 100 clear cable ties 1.10 1.10 55. 1 Misc. aluminum & machin- ing 50.00 50.00 TOTAL COST OF ALL PARTS- $1976.24