‘VH‘NHNWlldl \ $ HM“ l 4 I W — —-__’—___——' — — WWI '._‘_‘N I _s .CD-bCD AGGLUTINATION STUDIES Thesis for Degree of M. S. Ferns F. Loomis 1926 . . .. . , v . ...a. .. . . .. . I A. f. _ . 2- . . ... .. ‘ ‘ v 4 3‘ . l ,u : ‘ . 4‘ 4 ”M" I f.» s ‘ . ..,. . ‘ . v. . . r C, .r a: _ ; ,. . it? a, . f 3&3: .23 4“,._...l.é .25 a fig . , h.» m? .9 . .. . ? r7... , .._._ . .. . o , , .‘ . . ‘ .£ (‘1 ..¢.Uot ( . ‘.. . .UITMh‘ . k ..., r ., 1‘71] (I - ,(p are" “J” __l .- (C =2... k, 3 Chip I: SLUT 713;“ C321 STUDIES Agglutination Studies Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Hichigcn State College of Agriculture and prlied Science in Partial Fulfillment of'the Requirements for the fiegree of Master of Science. Ferns F. Lgomia June 1926 J'H Esm- III IV VI VII 2. r."n'."1~\ r \' ‘.$ 5.0“* 3.1 Introduction. Review of Literature. Technio Employed. Experimentnl flork. \ n. Croee Agglutinutione. 8. Salt and acid nglutinntione. C. The Effect of Innubetion on the Eydrogen-ion Concentration. D. The Effect of Omittine Fhenol from the Antigen of B. pullorun. E. The Effect of Organic Coepeunae on Agglntinetion. F. Application of the Lbcve Findings in Increasing tee Sensitivity of.nntigene. G. Routine use of Antigen Prepared as above. 1. In Testing Cloudy Sera. 2. In the Stenderfiizeticn of Bacterium Bullorun entirene. Summary. acknowledgments. References. 102335 5. arm! 1‘ «If. p)? ILG'AS-Cdvuit “a The :gglutination test is now generally recognized as having great significance in laboratory diagnosis. Only comparatively recently has active research been con- ducted along this line, and when all the findings ere com- pleted the results seem astonishingly meagre as computed with.the Eisnificence of the probless involved. In general, further work on the agglutination tust is Justified by the feet thst the subject is not complete, and that the test is widely used in the identification of diseases in.;nn.und animul. Any improvement that can he made may be of considerable value in the system now used, and further mey mute the test adeptable to other diseases. In taking for-the subject of this thesis ”Agglutineticn Studies" we recognized the brosdness of the field, and the necetsity for concentrating on a few definite phases of the subject. Accordingly the work has been divided into the fOIIOW1ug sections: 1. Cross agglutinations of the four organisms studied. namely: Bacillus sunguinsrium, Esoterium‘pullorum. and Bacillus typhosts, selected becnuee of their close re- lationship, and Pseudomonss pyoeysnee, chosen as a repre- sentative of another distirct group, totally different from the other three organisms. 2. Salt end said syrlutinnticns of the three organisms. 4. 3. The effect of incubation on the hydrogen- ion concentration of the tubes. 4. The effect of the preservative phenol on the sgflutinetion te:t for Bacterium pullcru:. This was instigated by the report of Rebrnssier (69) that pseudo- egglutinctions with this organism might be avoided by the omission of phenol from the tests. 5. The effect of orglnic substcnoes on the agglutination. 6. The application of the shove findings in in-' crossing the sensitivity of the antigen. 7. Routine use of the antigens prepared so above. A. In testing cloudy sore. B. In the standardization of B. pullorum antigen. In this laboratory the problem of cloudy reactions has proven a distinct annoyance in the routine tests for fluc- illary Shite dicrrhes in chickens, since the standard ssglu- tinetion text does not function with cloudy sore. In order to avoid cloudy earn it is necessary to starve the birds for 48 hours Before bleeding. This definitely interferes with production, and is greatly objected to by the owners. Hence the introduction of a method for testing cloudy corn may be considered a distinct addition to lsborstory tech- nique; both from the stsndpoint of the laboratory worker, and for the convenience of chicken breeders. 5. The standardization of antigens is of great importance, especially in testing for B. ullorum. Kullnann (l) in conducting rescarch over a period of tee peers found the variability of difgerent strains of this organism and of the suns strain at different times, to be very greet. This necessarily hcs resulted in inaccurate tests, depending upon the particular strain used for the antigen suspension. This difficulty has been overseas, in part, by asking up large quuntitics of enitgens from a known strain and preserv- ing for use in the tests. Fowever, a method of etnndcrdiz- lug antigens ageinst a known preserved serum, in such a say that the results would be censtunt and dependable, weuld be a decided i-iprevearnt upon the present method. RIIVIII -' C 3‘ LIT? 317577;? Kolmer (2) defines agfilutinins as "antibodies that possess the power of causing bacteria, red blood corpuscles, and 80:8 protozoa, suspended in a fluid to adhere and form clumps. The first obseerticns of the agelutination reaction were made by ietchneloff, Cherrin and Rogers (2) who in 1889 noted unusual devc10pqents of Pseudononas pyocfcneus when grown in immune serum.. They did not recognise the importance of the reaction and went no further with the experimr: nt. Schn years later Gruber’and Furham (3) and GordetIZ) while investigating the Tfeiffer phenomenon discovered the agelutinution reaction as such and beli'ved it to be a 6. particular function of gonna serum. In addition, archer obaerved that noeolute specificity did not held, since agglutinine would react with antigens of allied rpeciee of bacteria. In 1895 Ffuurdler discovered the threed reaction or Trundler'e ThCHOJfiflOfl, in which beateriu developed long thread-like growths when ere n in immune serum. at this time the reectien was ceneieered en important diagnostic test, but Wee later eupglented by the ecelutination test. During the Eu 1‘: yeer, '{Iiddl and. Grunbaum *(2; favored the theory that ugflutiains are dell receptors having a haptoehore grO'p WHICfi oexbines with the erglutinoren of the bacterial prot0p1een *nd a zyuoehore groyp which is directly responsible for agglutination. Due to their complexity he designated then at receptors of the second order. Grucbeum {2) made proctieml LPDIIGdtIOU of the agglutination test in eiegnoeinr tyyhoid fever. They dis- covered thet agelutinine for 3. tyrhoeie developed in the serum of typhoid patients in the eerly Etufisfi of the die- eare, and applied this Knowledge as a diagnocitc test inown as the Grober-Jidol reaction. Free the first there have been VuTiOU? theories as to the :nchenie; of agglutination. Gruber (2) believed that the ugzlutin in acted upen.the bacterial meqbrane increasing its viscosity which in turn canted clu.ping of the becteriu. relteuf's (2) idea was that the egglutinogen united *Ehrlioho 7. Iith the agglutinin and was precipitated on the surface of the bacteria. Bordet's(2) View was that of molecular physics and consisted of two phases: first, the preparation of the cells by the agglutinin which alters the molecular attraction between then and the fluid in which they are suspended, and second, produced by the addition of salt which increases the surface tension of the combined bacteriumragglutinin particles so that they form clumps, thus decreasing the surface tension. In 1901 Jcos (5) in summarizing a series of experi- ments with Bacillus typhosus concluded that salt was necessary for agglutination, and that in the absence of salt the serum became inactivated through the action of bacilli, without decreasing the vitality of the latter. In 1902 Nicolle and Trenel (4) arrived at the con- clusion that all free cells possessed the power to agglu- tinate, and sensitiveness to agglutination, particularly bacterial cells. They anneidered motility and the presence of the bacterial membrane to be essential factors for pronounced agglutination. At this time also, Defalle (5) stated his theory that agglutinins were formed in the organism.through the action of the bacterial membranes. Hence the degree of agglutination would depend upon the develoPment of the membranes. Smith (4) adsanced the idea that agglutination re- sulted from the action of Salts on the precipitate. pre- sent on the bacteria. ‘ . ....rnn f.i.n . . . . , .... .... . . . ...L.. ..t: . .. . .. ......... .4; .4 o a...-.... 8. Cne year later, Jose (7) made the statement that the role 0: salt in agglutination was that of actively assisting the combination of the agrlutinable and agglu- tinatir~ as t .nc es. J1Le was succeneful in substituting other salts for EL‘ diun chloride. In 1903 Lnith and cash {3) distinguished two classes oi a~~lutinin., one act ng upon flagella and the other upon the body of th' bactsrLa and found that the flagellar agglutinins eight be denonstr ted with a much lower deéree of imaunit? than those which act upon the body of the bacilli. Upon contirucd research (9) these men also found certain agglutination relationships between related bacteria. Tiurin3 the sap Mye.r finescrman (10) ap lied the knowledge of afifllutinins and preciuitins to Vaccination and immunity. a little later Hicollc (11¢ urged a uniform.tech- nioue for agglutination tests. to enyhasized the in- rortance of the flagella in producing the reaction. In a later paper Smith and Reugh {12) stated th heory that the presence of 1.ud19 a~~1 tinins produced an affinity between the motile and non-natile races, making it pessible to distinfiuish between the flusella and body agglutinins of the nmtile bacilli. In lied arer and fissile (15) found that the applica- tion of heat would further distinguish between flagellar and body agglutinine. Rossi (14) believed that the flagella were primarily responsible for the phenomena of agglutination, possessing great sensitivity toward the agglutinating substances of specific sera. In 1907 nichaelis and Iona (15) found that when an indicator is used in determining the pH of a solution, the color is affected by the jresence of neutral salts and the results may be wrongly interpreted due to an apparent decrease in acidity. In 1908 tech (16) made a study of anslutination con- cluding that this phenomenon resulted from a softening of the surface of the organism and the subsenuent cohesion of use particles, as differentiated from the precipitation of colloids. Shortly after, tichaelis {17) published a contrary statement claiming that the agrlutinating agent acts princi- pally through its ability to increase the surface tension of the agslutinable material. the change in consistency being a secondary consideration. In 1908 Bechold {18) demonstrated that the positive ion of the added salt is responsible for agglutination, and believed the variations in the effect produced by different catiens to be sue to four things: first, the extent of dissociation of the salt; second, the Valence of the ion; third, the motility of the ion; fourth, the v electro-afiinity of the ion. 10. In criticizing Bechold's work, Buxton and Shaffer (19) showed that the dissociation of the salt is negligible giving as an example sulphates, which although always less dissociated than chlorides produce the same results. These men agreed with fieltham's theory that the coagulating powers of th; ions increases geometrically with the in- crease in valence. They also maintained that there was little evidence in favor of the motility theory. They showed the definite coagulating powers of heavy metals, especially fOr normal bacteria; also that the resulting metallic hydroxide and the hydrogen ions worked in opposite directions. They observed the phenomenon of "irregular series" in which a given salt will cause coagulation in the highest concentrations, this followed by a region of no action, with a lower concentration, and at still lower concentration is again brought about, ceasing at the min- imum concentration. This is different from the anterior zone phenomenon, in which there is a certain range producing coagulation, while above and below there is no seagulation, the upper zone of 00agulation being called the "anterior zone". In comparing the value of different suspensions Buxton and Tongue (20) later found a marked difference in coagula- tion of (l) unorganized suspensions (2) bacteria (5) im- mune bacteria. HaCl and Cacl2 coagulate imnune bacteria, but not normal bacteria. Anterior zones appear with normal bacteria and immune bacteria but not with unorganized LL. suspension. Coagulation begins with a lower concentra- tion of Belt with inaune then with normal bacteria. Feels and £1613 produce irregular eeries with unorrenized suspensions; F9013 with immune bacteria, end not at all with normal bacteria. In investigating the electric charges of the above suspensions these men (21) found that each carries a negative charge in pure water but that in salt solutions the sign is reversed between the zones of no coagulation. They did not consider this neutralization of the charge responsible for coagulation. Their conclusion was that "bacteria show no irregular eeriee but always anterior zones unorgenizcd suspensions the reverse". (22). In 1510 Cornetto (23) arrived at the conclusion that Bucl acts upon the ugglutinins to prevent both the receptor groups from coabining, leaving the (auctioning group free. fihile Kreus meintmined thet if a serum preci itated the filtrate of a given bacterial culture it would also egglutinete the houologous bacteria. Gafihtgene (24) found that the precipitine uppeer in the eerun before ugglutinins and concluded that these work independently. He showed that the precipitetLon reection is more dependable with the layer method than when the serum and tested solutione are mixed. In 1913, Kicheelie (25) in a series of experiments proved that proteinr may be identified by means of acid 12. agglutination tests since the optimum concentration of hydrogen ions precipitation proteins is constnnt and characteristic for each protein. He showed also that bacteria mey be identified in the sine manner, even the most closely releted species heving a different hydrogen ion optimum. This test is even more delicate than agglutination with specific antiseru, since in the letter method the different strains mcy hinder the test, while with the acid egzlutinution test, the hydrogen ion concentration is alone res onsible end the kind of acid used does not in- terfiere with the test. The practicsl erplicntion of fiichuleis' test hes proven successful. hecillus typhosus urglutinutes at a hydrogen ion concentration of 4 to 8 x 10-5; Bacillus para tynhosus st 15 to 1.3:: x 10‘5. Bacillus 3011 is not agglutinated by acids. Later in the once your Beniesk (25) corrorborutod hichselie' eXperiments. His conclusions were as follows: "Reither the acid, as such, nor the anion, is responsible for the agglutination, but only the hydrogen ions. This acid agglutindtion is produced only by hydrogen ion con- centration within certein definite limits, chcrecteristic for each species of bacteria. There is also an ortinun concentration constant for eech species". This method, has been found of particular icportcnce in differentiating the members of the colon group of bacteria. Still later Poppa (27) portly substantiated fiicheelis' work, but she unable to differentiate the members of u 1 :2. 0 group, and at about the Euflb time Pouli end Blocker (28) nude 3 study of the reletien Oi proteins to inorganic colloids and the salts of hecvy metals. They divided the colloids into two clesscs and called the first group suspensoidz, while the second were nened lycocolloids. The letter show greeter viscosity and stebilit: than t e suspensoids, which ere very sensitive toward electrolytes and become less stcble with age. Copper sulphate is on ezcnnle of the suspensoids and ferric hydroxide of the lycocolloids. In the precipitntion of proteins an excess f the suspensoids does not interfere with precipitction, while the udditi n of electrolytes hinders the reaction. Lycocolloids, on the contrary, if used in excess our com- pletely nhibit preciritetion. The addition of salts hes a favoreble effect. Fydroxyl ion assists in the precipita- tion with positive lycocolloids, hydrogen ions with the negative ones. The precigitction of txcessive amounts of protein, by either the suspensoide or lvcocolloids, is hindered by electrolytes, only a snsll fraction of the prot in being precipitated. These men also noted peculerities in the behavior of salts of hecvy'nstuls then used with solutions of electrolyte-free proteins. chen very smell amounts of the salts ere used precieitction results.noro concentrat- ed solutions dissolve the precipitate enfi still larger amounts of salts usein cuuse precipitation. The follow- ing salts followed this rule, ferric chloride, cooper sulphate, Eercuric chloride and zinc sulrhute. The ex- planation offered is that in the dilute solutions, 14. hydrolysis of the eults permits th formetion of insol- uble compounds with the proteins. These compounds form the precipitwte. Rhon certuin concentrations of the salt is reached the hydroxy-protein coupound is replaced by an ionized suit-protein compound and no procieitste is visible. A concentrated salt solution depresses the ioniZution, which in turn forces a preci itstion of the undissociated compound. Two yours later, Licheelis and Pechstein (29) were able to determine the iso-electric point of casein. A little later, hicheelis and ddler (30) reported that "The acid agglutination Optimum for Bacillus typhosus agglutinated with hydrochloric acid is at the some hydro- gen ion concentration as with acetic or lactic acids." In 1912 Dean (31) published a puper on agglutination drawing the following conclusions: An agglutinating serum contains two essential factors, these being first, the Specific antibody, and second, a non-specific substance which may be serum globulin. The interaction of antisen With antibody causes an aggregution of the molecules of the globulin, resulting in turbidity. If th: antiserum is greatly diluted it may still contain an udenuote emoun‘ of the srecific antibody , while the globulin, or non- specific substunce, becomes insufficient. This may be remedied by the eddition of globulin free nornel eeruu. stuber (32) advanced the theory that agglutination is caused by the fatty substence within the bacteria. He considered these substunces to be true agglutinogons, 15. which by stimulation of the synpethetic nervous system lead to the formation of egflutinins. The Specificity of these fatty sub tenses is only rcletive. In 1317 Barrow (5?) mode a comparison of the micro- scOpic and macroscoeic methods of erglutinetion. He found the macroscopic method to be thirty tines as sensitive es the microscopic method, due to the different conditions under which the tests are conducted namely: The time limit for the microscopic test is much less than for the.mucrc- scopio; the microscopic test is conducted at room temper- ature and the mecroseo:ic may be incubated in a water bath at a higher tempereture. In the letter-method convection currents aid in the union of antigen and agglutinin. In 1018 Topley (34) node a definite study of the effect of convection currents on the rapidity of agelutine- tion, and found a marked difference especially with the antigens which showed relatively poor agglutination. He also noted more repid flocculation in tubes in whiah the fluid contents were onl" portly submerged in the water both. In 1918 hierkowskie (35) demonstrated the possibility of obtaining an increase in the agfilutinetion titer with Bacillus tyohosus and the vi rio of cholera, by a simul- taneous increase in the amount of serum and suspension of three to ten tides, in such a way that the degree of the dilution of eeruh and other constituents remoined constant. He obtained a further increase in titer by adding small amounts of five to ten per cent acetic acid. the action 16. being depressed by a stronger concentrution. He also found that the titer nicht be increased, especially with B. typhosus, by cultivation on media which is weakly acid or weakly alkaline, or by Warning the bacterial suspen- sion to 56 degrees, but not over 64 degrees. During the same year, Bauer (36) experimented with fetty acids and soups, concluding that cleric. steeric, and palmitio acids have the greatest effect on agglutina- tion, while soups and isohydric mineral acids have went- er action. The higher fetty acids were emulsified with sodium cholate in non-agglutineble concentrations before use in the tests. . In 1918 Hicolle. Jouen and Bebuins (37) were able to produce agglutination by treating gonococcus serums, which otherwise failed to agglutinate, with normal E01, heating in boiling wuter, cooling them, and neutralizing with HuOH. Several races of pneunonococci were likewise treated and gave siuiler tests. The above results were due, according to Forges, to hydrolysis of the mucous capsule. desne (38) produced agglutination of red blood cor- puscles, suspended in a large amount of isotonic solution of dextrose, by the addition of 0.04-5 sodium chloride, and believed that sons hydrophil colloid played a part in maintsining the stability of a susyension of corpuscles. Also in 1318, b‘ means of cross agglutination ex- periments with anti-typhoid, anti-peretyphosus A, anti- parutyphosus B. end anti cholera sera of high titre. 17. Caprono (59) demonstrdted that homologous species are agglutinated to the sure degree either in saline sus- pension or a growing broth culture, but that heterolo- gous series show egélutinstion in higher dilutions in the broth cultures, especially before the period of heevy growth. In 1.19 Buchanan (40) made the statement "Bacterial agglutination is s colloidal phenomenon best studied in the light of colloidal and physiccl chemistry". During this same yedr Bergel (41) studying the mech- anism of heuurglutinstion and hemolysis dedided that the lipoid of the red cells is the true antigen possessing the huptophsse groups and that the receptor with which it combines is a non-specific lipase, a constituent of the mono-uncle r white cells. His explanation is that a specific innune body is formed which reusines attached to the cell for a time and is then set free. Re consid- ered this inmanc body to be a spmogen, which, activated by the complement already present, attaches itself to the )ipoid part of the homologous red cells. At about the game time, hensfield (32) presented a physiologiccl explanaticn of agglutination. Kc claim- ed thut bacteria are maintained in a permanent suspen- sion through the action of s protectife colloid, and that agglutination is produced by the action of a di- gestive ferment which acts upon the colloidal substsnoe. He offered as proof, the feet that there is a direct proportion beteeen the c nccntruticn of the agglutinin 17. and the speed of the reaction, as ie also true of other ferments. The t-mpercturo curve conforms to the same rule, He considered the presence of sodium chloride important to the recotion. During the yehre 1921 one 1922, nnueroue findings were node. In 1321 Janelli (43) offered the theory thct the passage of an electric current through agglutinating Bern woulfl result in the division of the egélutinine into two parts, each of which had no egjlutinetinq powers. The agglutinnbility was re;tored when the two portions were again coabined. Also in 1921 Barrett {44) offered -n countion for estimating the hctian between egglutinin and antigen, y t 9 m, where y e the concentration of the egglutinin, t - tie agglutination perioa, and m a a constant. Later in the some your, Boll.end,Tineley (45) made the statement, "Chencee in agglutinobility of organisms are associated with Variations in culture media". In 1921 Gates (46) one able to produce agglutination mechanicnlly by the use of the centrifufie, the results coinciding with theie obtained with the etcndurd test. The aaVentepe is the elimination of the inconetent tire factor. it about the £819 tin. Echochenneier (47) was able to flenonstrete the use of purified bacterial fete as agglutinogcne, with on‘y relative Specificity. Soon after, Fcbry (4?) wee eble to chow that by attenuating microorgnniens (3. typhoeie) by growing them 18. on media to which was added increasing amounts of phenol, the agglutinating powers became greater as the strength of the organism lessened. During the same year, Ishii (49) recorded his ex- periments with the colon-typhoid group of bacilli. He found that acid culture media favored agglutination while alkaline media retards. In using formalin he found the most favorable concentration to be 0.011%, 0.05 %,to 0.2% showed a retarding action on agglutination. Traces of sodium chloride were sufficient for agglutination, while the addition of 0.1 % phenol, or 0.01 % mercuric chloride had no effect. He considered 37° the optimum temperature. Soon after Eersch (50) in substituting immune serum for a fraction of the saline used in regular tests, found a resulting increase in aldalinity which he believed to be due to the differences in the dissociation constants of the reacting substances and their products. Gunn (51) was able to produce agglutination of cholesteral suspensions with ricin. He considered this to be a non-specific action due to the precipitation of one colloid by another of the opposite sign. Von Szent Gyrmgi (52) classified pathogenic micro- organisms into tow groups. In the first group he placed those organisms which are concerned with local disease processes, and produce no immunity, as Bacillus pastes, Bacillu: mallei, and Bacillus anthrasis. These organ- isms have a tendency to flocculate when grown in fluid 1’3. medium, and give a weak agglutination reaction. The second group comproses these organisms causing acute diseases resulting in immunity, as Bacillus typhosus and vibrio cholerae. These remain in suspension'when cultivated in fluid media and give a strong agglutin- ation reaction. I In 1922 Horthrup and Defiruif (53) in studying the agglutination by electrolytes found that electrolytes ' in low concentration affect the potential primarily while higher concentrations decrease the attractive force be- tween the organisms. In a similar report (G4) the same man, experiment- ing with agglutination in the presence of proteins normal serum and immune serum, found that when proteins or serum were added to bacterial suspensions, the zone of acid agglutination broadened, and the iso electric point shifted to that of the added substance. Proteins used were egg albumen and globulen. At the same time, Eggerth and Bellows (55) obtained practically the same results using egg albumin, gelatin, protalbumen, hemoglobin, edestin, and heteralbuminose, adding them to suspension of B. coli. They found that at reactions more acid than the iso electric point the bacteria had a positive charge and failed to flocculate. This lessened stability was also shown in suspensions of eellusose, nitrate, cellulose acetate and oil em! ulsions when similarly treated with proteins. Northrup and DeKruif (56) upon further study with Bacillus typhosus with regard to the concentrations of 2C. variou; Salts required to produce agglutination, found it convenient to divide electrolytes into two classes. Ehe first calss comprising those in which the agclutin- sting concentration is not influenced by the concentrat- ion of the suspen;ion, and which do not roversethe sign of the change. Class tia includes those whose arglutina- ting conc'ntrction is increcrrd with an increased tur- bidity of the suspension. Those with the exception of zinc sulphate reverse the charge. To quote from the paper, ”These results are contrary to the idea that the cenbinaticn is caused by a d ffercnce in the sign of the harge carried by the immune body and the organism. They agree with the assumption that the immune body forms a filn on the surface of the organism E0 that the effect of the charge is the result of this film. Wolf {57) advanced the revolutionary theory that antigens are fatty in nature. Defiruif and Horthrup (58) found that by repeated Ia hing with distilled water, they were able to complet- 01y remove the imuune body from sensitised bacteria. Contrary to their original belief this removal was as complete at pH7 as at FY3. Hohn (59) in 1323 studied the effect of culture media upon the agglutinalility of B. typhosue. He found that when green on clear sgnr the bacilli loose the power to agglutinate mueh more reseily than when the mediuu has not born cleared or when mannitol, galactose 21. or dextrose are added to the cleared agar. 0.1 g gel- actose is especially valuable for use with cleared media. In 1922 Ehionoye (60) investigated the effect of ions on egrlutinstion, and found that us the Valency of the cation increased, the limiting concentretion at which agglutination would occur became lessened, the relation being such that the curve of the Valenciee and limiting concentrations equalled a streight line. During the same year, Yumsguchi (61) reported that the increased viscosity resulting from heating emulsions o! Bacillus typhosus lessened the sgslutinebility. These could be restored to almost the criminal viscosity and agglutinebility by the addition of acids. Ea elso (62) treated emulsions of the same bacillus with a 1.05 sol- ution of son. When neutralized, these suspensions showed a lessened titre with serum imwunized with live cultures but no change in sgrlutinebility Was noted when seruus from uninuls immunized with killed cultures of the organ- ism were used. Also in 1923 Kine (63) found that the egrlutinin- antigen complex became dissociated upon etcnding at room temperature. Khen normal serum was substituted for im- mune serum only partial dissociation occured. The organ- ises used were stuphlococci. In the same year Krumwiede, Cooper and Provost (64) stated that " the absorpticnof specific ezglutinins must be used to determine agglutinatire identity. DD I‘D Evans and Small (65) found that rerun dilutions of Bacillus influensee were made in beef infusion broth at pd 7.6 instead of nor s1 sult solutien the results were more satisfactory sepeciellr with the less sensitive en- tigens. In 1:24 Duets (66) discovered that earn alksli with a concentration of .01 normal minht be used in the sep- aration of antigen end egélutinin, 42° bEIH? the favored temperature. He found a 10 Z euccroee solution more favorable than a solution of Eacl. Lendsteimer (67) and Sander Ccheer, also in 1924 by means of partial absorption methods were successful in differentiating the blood of different species, even when the precipitins were much alike. They inclined to the belief that the essentiel differerce between sgglutinins and preciritine is a chemical one shieh determines the ageoificity of untigcns. Jacobite (GB) differentieted between ertificiel acid agglutination used by fiicheelir, and bioloricel eeid anglu- tinution induced by the acid formed by the bacteria dur- 1ng their growth in anger solutions. then the former method is used the bacterzs die euictly while in biological acid agglutination.they'rsy'live for u long while. In 1526 Rebrussier (69) in studying the effect of phenol in the pseudo-agglutirdtien found thut by onitting phenol from the antigens, this trouble could be practically all sinutud. 23. -3m2131:$1mrb The seru were obtained from four rabbits uhich had been previously injected with suspensions of killed cul- tures of Bacillus sanguinarium, Bacillus pullorun, Bec- illus typhosus, end Pseudosonus pyoryunee respectively. The organisms were cultivated for twnety-four hours on liver agar slants, the growth washed off with physiol- ogical sult solution, the suspension diluted to corres- pond with tube 1 of x Fsrlsnd's nonheloneter end heated in a water bath at 60° C. for one Lil? hour before use. These suspensions were then kept it 1008.und injected intreperitoneully in one hslf c.c. amounts at intervals of three duys, for a period of four weeks. it this tire the rabbits were bled iron the our and the sore tested against the respective antigens. “ince ouch serum gnve a positive test at a concentrstion of 1:640, the titre we: considered t: be sufficiently high for study. The rabbits were bled iron the heart and the sore obtsined were preserved at 10° C. for future use. asses Letssrxngrxis ssurxrs is a preliminary to the agglutination studies, cross agglutinations of the four organisms selected for study were made. These cross egglutineticns were con- ducted with the usual antigen prepared by washing the growth from liver agar cultures, incubeted at 37° for e>wfis H oxoum beebdauzeewuzm wanna « . 1 + + J . a n . u m . a o . a m . a $0 . a «mo . a o o . 3. too qqur.wo.wlr WWII .w..4 . . . o . . . . d . 9999 . 9+9 . 99 . 9 s - n ' o ' c if- Q .l n .I . - n C C "H a - c .I c I. n . . . . . . . 9m99 . 9999 . 999 . 99 . . n .0 a .c o -t . §‘ - H c . a - c 9999 . N999 . 99 . 9 . . . . . . . . 9999 . 999 . 99 . 9 . - c - c - u - o 9.99 . 9+ .H‘ . o . 9+ . 9 . «H . u . . . . . . . . . 9999 . 9999 . M999 . 9999 . 999 . 99 . 9+ . . - ... o I o C o I . 99W9 . 999w. q 999 W9 9 . O . . O . 9999 . 9999 d 9999 . 9 . fl . 0 . 24. 48 hours, with physiological salt solution to which 0.5 3 phenol had been added as a preservative. The antigen was diluted to a turbidity of 1 according to :e?drlend's nepheloneter. The tests were set up using earns-antigen dilutions of 1:20, 1:40, 1:80, 1:100, 1:320, and 1:640, physiolo- gical salt solution being used in making the dilutions. The results obtained (Table I) were as follows: Pseudonones pyongenee serun tested with its home- logous entigcn sure u titre of 1:640, while with B. typhosus antigen 3 + test one obtained at 1:40, with a 3 at 1:80. 31th 3. sanguineriun and B. pullorun an- tigens nerntive results were obtuined in all dilutions. 71th 3. sanguinurium serum, the homologous antigen gave a titre of 1:640, B. typhosus a + Lt 1:640, B. pullorun a ff at 1:80, with a 3 at 1:160; while 3. pro— Iran u untiren gets a 9 at 1:40, with a ‘ reaction at 1:80. It will be noted thnt B. typhosus antigen geve the highctt titre, as would be expected, while P8. pvoryenea,_ en unrelated orjunisn, hdd the lowest titre. B. pullorum serue with it: heiologous antigen gave a distinct positive st 1:640 with 3. typhosus untig n a 9 at 1:320, 3. sanguinorium 9 at 1:;60 With a 1 at 1:530, while P8. proryunen gave only a 1 at 1:20. These results are ell cooperuble, indicuting a close relationship between 3. typhosus, B. sanguinerium and B. ,ullhrum, and the totally different nature of PS. pyocysnee. STUBIEd 11?H ELL; AH‘ i313 iGCLUTIIfiTI7fl Having determined the titres of the various sera, both on the homologous and heterologous antigens, it was possible to study the effect of altering the test from the standard procedure. The first modification to be studied was a comparison of the effect produced by the various salts as compared to sodium chloride .85; ordinarily used with the standard test, incubating at 37°, 25°, and 10° C. and also according to the rapid method. In obnducting the stdnddrd tests for the four ergon- isms under consideration, the set-up in each case was e32 follows: O.d§ c.c. of serum, 0.2 0.0. of antigen suspen- sion having a turbidity of 1, and 0.85 e.c. of 0.85 5 salt solution in each tube. Dilute hydrochloric acid was, added to obtain the desired hydrogen-ion concentration. The serum~entigen combinatiwn of such of the four arsen- isms wee tested Lt ph values 3.0, 4.0, 4:2, 4.4,‘4.6, 4.8, 5.0, 5.2, and 5.4 with such of the eight Belts used, nearly copper acetate, sodium sul hate, buriun chloride, ammonium chloride, magnesium sulphate, potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, and sodium chloride. Duplicate sets were ins cubuted at 87°, 25° and 10° respectively, endslso with the rapid method.- 0f the salts used, calcium carbonate and megnIsium sulphate were the least effective. The former, when used Iith B. sanguindrium serum and antigen, with the incubetion 26. at 370. effected only a + reaction at pH 3 and 4, while the letter produced the sums results, 21th an additional 3 reaction at pH 4.2. When used with B. pullorum serum and antigen 03303 permitted a o. reaction at hydroren pH 3.0, + at pH 4.0, and 3 at pH 4.2, while "3304 produced only a + at pH 3.0 and 4.0 with a 1 at 4.2. With 3. typhoeue serume and anti- gen 03003 allowed a .... ct p23, +9 at p34 and 1 st p?4.2 while £2304 ceused a 9+ et $33 with 1 at DP4 and 4.2 With P3. pyrocyenee serum and entiren Cucog gave a . . at pH 3.0 and 3 at pH 4.0 and 4.2; egeo4 +. at pH 3.0 . at pH 4.0 end 3 at pH 4.2. dnmonium chloride was slightly more effective, since when used with 3. eenguinerium a +++ reaction was produced at pH 3.0, .. at pH 4.0 and 3 at pH 4.2/ With E. typhosus e ... reaction was given at pH 3.0 . at pH 4.0 and t at pH 4.2, while with Ts. pyrocyunea serum and antigen 3 .... reaction occured at pH 3.0, +. at pH 4.0, + at pH 4.2 and 3 at pH 4.4. Barium chloride and potassium chloride were next in order of efficiency. With 3. sunguinerium the effect of these e.lts was identical. Both gave a ++++ reaction at pH 3.0 and 4.0, .. at pn 4.2 and 3 at pH 4.4. with B. pullorum the degree of agglutination produced by these t‘o suits was again the same. The reaction pro- duced at pH 3.0 and pH 4.0 use in each case +++§ while a ... was indicated at pH 4.2, ++ at 4.4, and 3 at 4.6. The maximum results were obtained by the use of copper acetate, Sodium sulphute and .odium chloride. The results of these salts being much the some. . with B. sunguinuriun all three of the last mentioned suits dove 3 .++. reaction at pH 5 and 4, N32804 gave 3 4+4 at pH 4.2, while cop or so tote end Ecol gave 3 ++. Copper acetate and 30230 produced a 4 at pH 4.4 while 3 4 was indicated in the heel test. Copper ccetute and 283304 gave a 1 reaction st pH 4.6. with 3. pullorun serve and antisen the reiults at pH 3 and 4 were the race, all three salts ermitting a .... reaction. At pH 4.2, Ns2304 and H201 gave a .... , while Capper acetcte guve e +++ reaction. At pH 4.4, Real gave u +++ test while Capper ucetcte and E3280 gave ++ . 4 At pH 4.6 the test WLB e for each salt. With 8. typhcsue each of the three eults gave +1++ at pH 3 and 4. Cepper acetcte and naCl gave +v+ at pH 4.2, while £32804 gave ++. At pH 4.4 Heel produced 3 ++ reaction while copper acetate guve a o, end E32304 3} Heel and Capper ecetute gave 1 at 4.6. Tith PE. pyoryunea ...+ was indicated in each case at pH 6 and 4, the HuCI test rhowcd ++++ at pH 4.2, while copper ucetute and 3.2504 gave ... reaction. .At pH 4.4 Heel produced 3 ++ while the tests with £a2804 and copper uc-f'tute indicated a 4» reaction (Table II) The tests incubated at 25° averaged one point less than those given for the 37° incubution. 28. Those placed et 10° for 24 hears showed et the meet'only doubtful reactions, but when held for 43 hours the results compared favorably with those obtained by incubuting at 37° f0 24 hours 0 29 TABLE II ‘ffeet of salts on Agglutinetion. B. Sanguinerium ' 'bu. : v 1 v 1— 1 1 ’ , pH igcetateJ 83804'321012 {IT}! «'3 W150 'KCl 'cecoq '11801 f 1" TV" ' ' ' 0 t v I 3.0; ++++ 1.****4L **+*- o++ e ++++ + ++++ - 4: Tr , T i ’ i 3 .‘-0_*++* . ++++ ****- ++ 1 + '++++' e '++++ f ~ :t: , r. 1 . I I O u + e 4.24_ 9+ . +++ ++ - ' - _: ++ ' u 9+ fi'r ' v v T “t f I 4' + e 4.4: e i' + _17 - ' 1 1 - ' ' - * Y + 'V— vi T— T r U : 7 :— V ' BA pullorum _ A ' i 0 5.0L ++++ AA¥++++~L++++1 + ++: + :++++' ee ’ ++++ I t f, l r Te I ' I * g '6 + ' 4.2 {+7 LA++§+ L +++ 4+ 0 L a- k ¢++I 4. +§§¢ r’ ‘“* ' " we v I I I 4.4! 9+ - ++ ++ L :_ : ++’ ' ¢++ ' v T * —v ‘T— ’ T v t 4.6' + + I ‘ ' i 1 " ' v * "T ' ' W— v r ‘08. t . ' ' I ‘ .TABLE II ( Continue ‘ d) Effect of salts on Agglutineti on ____:U_ B. typhoeue f acetate'Na$304:Be01' 28 I g mason-15° I no 'KCl '08 CO 'NECL ' H a 3.0 ++ ' 0+ ;i++++ ' 4 ' v ;++++’ +++ ' .0 * ' ++ ' - +*+ +++’ . ++++' +++ ' 4 2' :; I +++ + ' + r ' *+++' o 1 +++ ' if 4;? - +*+. ' «: , A ++ . ' + T ++ l * .7 + - I + ri ++++' 4.4~ fl ML - . + r ‘ ' * 4* A r r +++ ' a . 1 #1. ++ ' ‘r A \ ' o I . * o v - ' _# PB ' . ' _r o v, ‘i . D:ocysr nee . 300’ *' . ; ' i?“ ;++AA»++++ ' ' ' j . fir :: ++++ ++++ ' *f 4.0 * . t + . I 0 W4 ++i ‘HLH. ++++' +++' 4 o *f 4“ ! ++++'++++ ' ‘1 ‘T’ i.+*+. .2; 00+ ' ; § '*++ . * ' r +++ ' ' ++ - ' 4 0 a : ++ 4.... ' ' w' ' ’HH... 04 ... + t _. - ”9+ ' * . ~wr _i + I , * r A1 - . w, L - - ' T ++++' 4.6. . ' i ; U i | r t . f i o c v r , *+ ' v L‘ r 4.8’ #1 k . 1 c ' . ' : _f o I - t . ' ' ' v I I t I With the rapid method, results corresponding with those given for incubation at 570 were obtained. Here the buffer solutions were substituted for the colorimetric nefhod of obtaining the desired pH, since by so doing the time required for the set up was materially lessened. The sane serun antigen dilution was used as in the above trste, the tubes shaken for two minutes, and incubated for 15 m nutes at 37°. The results would seem to indicate that physiologi- cal sodium chloride solution is as efficient as other salts in promoting egélutinetien of th. four organisms studied. In view of the feet that these results checked with those previously obtained by other investigators, the evident conclusion seemed to be that physiological sodium chloride as ordinarily used in the routine agg- lutination tests is as efficient as other salts, at least those tested did not seem to average higher in results produced than those given by .85 5 Heel. Change of Hydrogen-ion Concentration During Incubation. The next point in question was to what extent in- cubation at 37° would effect the hydrOgen-ion concen- tration of the ugglutinuting mixture. Accordingly set-ups were arranged for the four organisms, using 0.05 0.0. of earns, 0.25 0.0. antigen {turbidity 1), 0.5 0.0. buffer solution, 0.5 0.0. phy- siological sult solution. The tests were urrsnged in duplicate for each organ- ism, at the end of thirty minutes, and 24 hours incuba- tion indicator wee added to each tube, and the contents compared with the pH stunderds to determine the extent in change of th: hydrogen ion concentration. The results were as follows: 51th the half hour incubation, the tests averaged one point increase in slkslinity. while with the 24 hours incubation, the average change in pH Value was 1.5 toward the sideline side. Ehile this has no particular sisnificdnce, the con- clusion may be made that the pH of the incubeting tubes tend to move tonsrd the alkaline side. The Effect of emitting Phenol from B. Pullorum.intigen At this time an attempt was nude to substentidte Rebrassiers (69) clein that the so-oulled pseudo-re- actions in the ugslutinetion of B. pullcrun mirht be In .5... P ‘] avoided by the ondssion of phenol. Routine tests were run in the usual manner, but omitting phenol fron the antigen used. Tests were arranged in duplicate, with incubation at 37°, and 25°C. for 24 hours, and 10° for 48 hours with the following results: Almost with out exception, the tubes incubated at 37° for 24 hours showed sufficient growth to interfere with reading the tests. _ In those incubited at 2503. the growth was less apparent, but Was evident to an undesirable degree. Incubation for 48 hours in the ice box eliminated the growth factor but the length of time necessary fer agglutination is undesirable for routine work. The antigen prepared without phenol was also tested accordins to the rapid method, using 0.05, 0.L25, 0.0125 amounts of sera, 0.2 0.0. of antigen with a turbidity of l, and 0.5 0.0. of physiological salt solution being added to each tube. The tests were shaken for two min- utes at 37° and compared wi h tests similarly conducted but in which phenolized antigen was used. This method was rep ated several times with vary- ing results. at times the tests free which phcnol was omitted seemed clearer than those in which phenol Was used. at other times no difference was apparent in the results produced by the two methods. The evident conclusion is that phenolized antigen is more dependable for routine work. 33. THE £3333? ? €33 SIC CSLPCUXUs CH AGSLLrIHLTITH The next step was an attempt to influence the degree of agglutination by the addition of organic compounds. Accordingly various organic compounds, namely, blood albumen, edeetin, lecethin, and henoglohin were prepared in suspensions of 1:400, 1:2000, 1:10.000, 1:50,000 and l:250,000; giving as final dilutions in the tests 1:800, 1:4000, 1:20,000, 1:100,0CC, and l:500,000. These varying suspensions were added in 0.5 0.0. amounts to tubes adjusted with buffer solutions to hydrogen-ion concentration of pH 4.4, 4.8, 5.0, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8, 6.0, 6.2 and 6.4 using B. pullorun antigen with a turbidity of 1 and positive serum with a dilution of 1:40. Incubation use at 37° f0 24 hours. The following results were noted Lecethin with a dilution of 1:800 produced a ++ re- action at pH 6.4, 5.2, and 5.0, . at 5.8, 3 at 5.6 and 5.4, negative at pH 5.0, 4.8 and 4.4: and with a 1:4000 dilution, negative at 6.4, 0 at 6.2, 3 at 6.0 and neg- ative for the rest of the series. Higher dilutions of lecethin produced no effect. The value of edestin proved slightly less than that of lecethin. The tests were not clear, and while some agglutination was apparent in the same tubes as those noted with the use of lecethin, the tests were not satisfactory. The sane was true of blood albumen. The tests were not satisfactory even when a dilution of 1:800 was used. For this reason the use of these substances was not continued further. fihen.hemoplobin use used in the same manner with incubation at 37° £0 30 minutes, 0.5 0.0. of a 1:860 suspension produced a ++++ reaction at pH 4.4, 4.8, 5.0, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8, 6.0, and 6.2, with a ... reaction at pH 5.4. The 1:4000 suspension {reduced 3 negative re- action e: 6.4, .. at 5.2, . at 6.0, and 3 at 5.8, 5.6, 5.4, 5.0, 4.8, and 4.4. a l:20,000 suspension gave a negative test at 6.4, ++ at 6.2, * at 6.0 and 5.8, and a negative at 5.6, 5.4, 5.0, 4.8 and 4.4. a sus- pension of 1:100,000 gave a negative test at pH 6.4, + at 6.2, t at 6.0, and negative for the rest of the series, After being held at 57° for 24 hours the tube containing hemeglobin dilution 1:4000 and buffer at pH 6.2 incrensed to a +++ reaction. The other tubes were not altered. (Table III) This was a distinct increase over normal agglutir- aticn of B. pullorun serum and antigen without the add- ition of hemoglobin, since the previous tests had given only a 3 reaction at p3 4.8 and above. The previous cross agglrtinations tests with B. pullorun antigen, and Fe. pyocyanea serum had given a negative test in all serum—anticen dilutions. The effect of the addition of’hemoglobin suspension 1:800 was to increase the eensitisity of the reaction 01 Ch Table III The effect of Various concentrations of hemoglobin in the ogflutinotion of B. pullorum serum and antigen. Mouton-3n at 37° for 230 minutes. r —' I T V T j I T ' PH '4.4 '4.8 '5.0 '5.4 '5.6 '5.8'6.0 '6.2 '6.4 ' T V V V 1 1 1’ V f ' Concentration' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' of Hemoelobin’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'r r V V T V V V V V ' a a . o - v .. u - u - I - o - u .. v - I “—" F 1 T v v 1 v 1 “r O 1:500 000 v - o .. v .. v - a - o . v . a .. 9 . a —'-"""_—"F 1 1 1 I 1 1 I v I 111001000 I .. i .. I - n .. I . o . I I l 4, o .. o r Y Y T T r r V Y ' 1:20Looo v .. v - v ., 0 .. I 0 3 t 3 v“, v . u 1:4 000 o .. v .. o .. o - 9 .. c 1 v , 0,, o . c U V— 1 r 7 1 V V V ' £800 ' ++++' ++++'+++r" ++ +'+++r' ++:o'++++'++++'++++' so tket with rerun dilution 1:40 upon thirty minutes incubation at 57° 3 re otions were obtained at pH 4.4, 4.8, 5.0, 5.4, 5.6, and 5.8; e at pH 6.0; +++ at pH 6.2 and negctive at p: 6.4. The 1:4,000 snapeneion gave negeti7e tests at pH 4.4 end 4.8, t at pH 5.0. 5.4, 6.6, and 5.8; + at 6.0; ++ at 6.2 and negotive at 5.4 (Table IV). when held at 37° for 24 hours the agglutinntion in the tubes containing the 1:800 suspen- sion inerehved to + at pH 4.4, 4.8, 5.0 and 5.4; ++++ at 5.6, 5.8, 6.0, 6.2 and 6.4. The tubes in.ehich.the 1:4,0L0 suspension nos :ecd inere sod to 3 at pH 4.4, 4.8 and 5.0; ++¢+ at pH 6.2 aha 6.4. The tubes contnin- ing a 1:20.000 suspension which bed given only negotive tests with 50 ninutee incub_ti'n, new gore 3 at pH 6.0 end + at 6.2. rho 1:100,660 suse~hsion produce& only a 3 reaction at pH 6.2. These results seemed very significant. In the first place, the eddition of a suspension of homo— globin apparently increused the sensitivity of the antigen to rush an intent that ++.+ reactions might be produced when nornslly negative tests would be given. -The next step Wes the application of these find- ings to tests with clouey sore, first using 0.05 0.6. of serum (X), 0.2 c.o. of 3. pullorum entiren, 0.25 0.0. amounts of hemoglobin susyensicns 1:20.000, 1:100,000 and 1:500,000 respectively. The tests were Lajnrted to pH values 6.2, 6.4, 6.6 and 6.8 with buffer sol- utions in 0.5 0.0. amounts. fiith 50 minutes incubation 3630 Table IV The effect of various hemoglobin suspensions upon cross agglutination of PB. pyocyanea serum, and B. pullorum antigens. Incubation at 57° for 60 minutes. 211 "L4 '4.8 '5.0 '5.4 '5.6 '5.8 I'5.o '5.2 «5.4 v r V V r 1 ’1'" “I v V H Concentration’ ' I I I I' I I of hemoglobin' ' ' ' 0 I I I I I T 7 ' V I T 1 v w I... o I g, I .. I '_ I - I - I ... I - I _ I - I ' .' f T V— T’ v r“ j J. 13500.000 ' - ' - ' "" ' " C "' 'I '- l - I n . .. ' 1:100.000 ' " ' " "" ' " ' " ' " I .9 I - I - v 1 T V J V “V V ‘1 ‘ T ‘1 r i" 1:30.000 I .. I - I - I I - I - I - I - I - I r ':F ‘ ¥_V f 1 f+ r i 1—— 1 _: 1:4.000 I " I I - I - I - I - I I- I «II I - I 1f* 1 + v + T + 1 * r +‘1 1— i— ‘4 1:800 «7 U. at 37°, the 1:20,060 suspension Troduccd s 1 reaction at pH 6.6 and c at 6.0 the remainder of the tests being negative. Jhen the above tests were incubated for 24 hours at room tempercture, all tubes contcin- ing the hemoglobin euSpension 1:20.000 showed a ++++ reaction, the tubes containing the higher dilutions remaining negitive. 31th a second cloudy serum (Y) run according to the'ubove eystem, the hemoglobin suspension 1:20,COC produced a 3 recction at pH 6.2, + at 6.4 and 6.6 end I+ at 6.8, the higher susyonsions having no effect with a 30 minute incubation. The 24 hour incubction produced thr seam results as those given for serum (X). Thses eeru were obtained from the routine inborn- tory and had given cloudy reactions with a dilution of 1:40 on.thc previous day. Doubtlese the disappearance o. of th» cloudy effect one due to the ice box storage durin: the intervening 24 hours. observution to this effect has been made by Hr. Linllnunn (1). 0n the other hand the cenbinuticn of the constituents in the tuoes may have affected the precipitotion to some extent. At this time no further studies were nude to determine the disappearance of the cloudiness. The test with serum (X) Woe then repented, using the cane amounts of serum, untiecn, and hemorlobin suspensions, but decrecsine the amount of b ffer ecl- utions to 0.26 0.0. and adding 0.25 0.0. of physiolog- 473 b coo mun" . . m .++o+. .. . 31:30.13. m . . O L bl Ir Ll +ll Lrl b b D b? b d 4 4 1i 4 4 . . o . .++++. . . . . . . . . amujm. u b “a |P b L! [DI W L 1'” I” lb! . .++++. . .44o+.++o+ . . . . . doc mo . t > t p . Ir: u in 0 fl 4. 1 . . . . . . . . .++++. m . 00m. vomuflfl - P r b L IPl F vi lllb b I I51 9 1 l i !I1 A. 4 J 1 .1. . q . . . . . . .444em 1000 00¢." D b L P 4” I u \” ”III? HI ID; .P . . .. . . . . . . . ..+§++. q o I? :m L t I w M” Mr” P “ h . . m . . . . . . . . .Houoamoacno no . . .t t L » L ti L Li - it» comwauunooemb . He.3. . . 3 . am . an . 3 . mm . ... . . 3 . 3&2": - .noo.» N b L P L r L b P D 8.: £5.33 .m .3 .593. 23.23 3. 3.3%.:— .§$ .5 no 833.235». "3: 3a p Sufi icul salt solution to each tube. hith a 50 minute incubuti n at 37° tuhee con- taining hemoglobin snipeneion 1:20,000 showed a 1 reaction at pH 6.0 and 6.2, + at pH 6.6 and 6.8 (lele VIII) Upon standing at room temperature for 24 hours a + reaction use evidenced a pH 6.0; +t at 6.2 and ++++ at 6.6 and 6.8; (Table IX) Lessining the un-unt of buffer solutions decreased the tests as might be espected. A series of teets were then run, using cloudy chicken serum of unknown rauction, in 0.05 c.c., 0.025 c.c. and 0.0125 c.c. amounts, 0.2 c.c. or W. pullorum sntieen having a turbidity of 1, 0.26 0.0. of hemoglobin sus- pension 1:20.000 and 0.5 c.c. of buffer solution of pH 5.8 and 6.8. The repid nethod was used, that is, shak- ing the tests for 2 minutes and insubsting for 15 min- utes at 37°. Those tubes containing 0.06 c.c. amounts of cloudy eerun guve e ++++ reaction; 0.026 c.c. of serum produced ++ and 0.0126 c.c. a 0 reaction at both pH 5.8 and 6.8. I Cholesterol use not obtainable at the time the previous studies with or-unic coupounde were made. At this point/::s possible to compare 1to value with thnt of hemoglobin, which thus far bud given the most Satisfactory results of the Various organis compounds used in the tests. A dilution of 1:25,660 was used arbitrcrily due to the results Ohtnined with corresponding dilutions of Uhen a FEifl) tion of cholesterol 1:25,600 wee substituted for the h norlobin in the above tests, bll tubes gave ++++ reactions. ’ These teete seemed to indicate thet both hemoplobin and cholesterol, but especi.lly cholesterol, might be u:ed to increase the sensitivity of th~ antigen. However, since the sore thus for tested were not known to be positive, the next point seemed to be would these orginio compounds produce a similar re- action with any eerun, whether positive or negative. Accordinely, a series of tests were run by the repid method, HPID? cloudy were (3),(d) end (e) in c.05, 0.025 and 0.6125 amounts, 0.2 c.c. of s suspension of B. nullorum enticen (turbidity 1), 0.25 c.c. of buffer solutiens of pH 6.2, 5.6 end 5.8 resuectively for such serum Iaed , (.2: c.c. o: hemoylobin suspension l:500,000 being added to each tube. barrel horse serum was selected be a control, since being from a different unirml, ~gy1utinin8 for B. pullorum would be ubsent. Therefore a satisfactory check would be furnished for the tests. The set-up We; duplicetad, rubsiituting cholesterol cueueneien l;m09,200 for the hemoglobin and both sets in- cubited in a wafer buth st 66°for 15 minutes. All tubes conteining chicken :cruq sure ++++ reactions, , while the terte with horse serum wer: negutive. This might indicate that the chicken tern tested were all positive, 40. or that the organic substdnce used would bring down a precipitate with any chicken serum. It Was thought that the effect of the high temper- ature might be in part responsible for the high degree of agglutination. Therefore, the previous set-up was repeated. incubating at 52° for two hours. The re- sulting agglutination was evident only at pH 5.8/ it this point, those tubes containing chicken serum in 0.05 c.c. amounts gave +.++ reactions, those contain- ing 0.025 0.0. e, and those having 0.0125 0.0. gave a 3 test. All tests with horse serum were negative. Hence, severel things were determined. First, cholesterol eusnensien 1:8C9,200 has an effect equal to that produced by hemoglobin :5C0,000. Second, the temnernture at which the tests are incubated is a definite factor in the rate of the resulting reactions. Evidently, too, the ontinun pH veins is 5.8. The effect of varying amounts of antigen and organic compounds was the next point in question. Cloudp seru from two birds suspected of being in- fected with B. pullorum were run dg inst a tool of cloudies previously tested end the sums horse serum used in the previous test. The tubes were set up as follows: {1) 0.05 c.c. of the respective sera with 0.2 c.c. of a suspension of B. pullorum antigen, 0.05 0.0. of buffer solution having a pH veins of 5.8 and 0.25 c.c. of hemo- globin suspension in 1:500,000; (2) 0.05 c.c. of the sera, 41. 0.15 c.c. of antigen, 0.3 c.c. of the hemoglobin, and 0.5 c.c. of buffer solution; (3) 0.05 c.c. of the sore, 0.1 c.c.cf antigen, 0.55 c.c. of henoglobin, 0.5 c.c. of buffer solution; (4) the set up for (l) was repented using cholesterol suspension 1:8L9,200 insteed of homo- globin 1:500,000; (5) was a duplicate of (2) with choles- terol substituted for hennelobin; (6) duplicated (5) with the substitution of cholesterol l:809,200 in place of hemoglobin 1:500,000. The results were the same in all cases the tests with chicken sera giving ++++ re- actions, while those with the horse serum were negative. Evidently, one of two conclusions must be drawn. Either all the chicken sera tested were from birds in- fected with 3. pullorum, or the misture Wes still too sensitive for ecou'uto results. To further dilute the serum-antigen mixture seemed the logical step. Therefore two suspected sere (B) and (L) were run with a pool of oloudies which had previously given positive tests, and horse serum, six set-ups being used for each earn. (1) 0.05 c.c. of the respective sore, 0.1 c.c. of B. pullorum antigen (turbidity 1) 0.35 c.c. of hemoglobin suspension l:500,000, 0.5 c.c. of buffer solution having pH value 5.8.. (2) 0.025 c.c. of sero, 0.1 c.c. of antigen. 0.55 c.c. of hemoglobin, and 0.5 c.c. of buffer solution., (5) 0.0125 c.c. of sere, 0.1 c.c.of antigen, 0.4 c.c. of hemoglobin, 0.5 c.c. of buffer solution., (4) was a duplicate of (l) substituting a cholesterol suspension of l:819,200 for the heooglobin., (5) duplicated (2) substituting cholesterol for hemorlcbin; 42. (6) duplicated (5) with the substitution of cholesterol for hemoglobin. These tubes were incubated for 15 min- utes at 56° and allowed to stand for 15 minutes at room temweruturo before reading. The results were as follows: In the forst set of tubes, serum 3 gave a negative test, L +++., the pool negative, and horse serum negative. The results for set (2) and (5) were identical with those of (1). Test (4) using cholesterol 1:809,200 gave a ++++ for serum L.a d for the pool. Serum B and the horse serum gave negative reactions. The results for (5) end (6) were the same as those given for (2) and (3). Th? effect of increasing the serum antigen dilution Was a decrease in the amount of egglutinstion to the ex- tent thut the pool of cloudy sera which had previously given a .... reaction, now became negative. Allowing the tubes to stand for 15 minutes at room temperature after being removed iron the ester both resulted in the pro- duction of a decidedly clear supernatant fluid. To re-check the results so far Obtained, and to further determine the effect of temperature, serum (1) was tested in 0.05 c.c., 0.025 c.c. and 0.0125 c.c. amounts at pH values 5.0, 5.2, 5.4, 5.8, 6.0 and 6.2, using 0.1 c.c. of antigen {turbidity l), 0.4 c.c. of organic Bubstunces as before, and 0.5 c.c. of the buffer solutions. The testl were incubeted at 56° for 15 minutes with an added 15 minutes at room tempereture, and in duplicate at 57° for 24 hours. All tubes indicat- ed a .... reaction. however, these i~cubdted in the 43. water bmth ct 56° guve a sharper reaction than those held at 37° for 24 hours. Likewise, the tubes in which cholesterol was used gave a cleerer test then those n th hemoglobin. The same conditions were repeated, using negctive chicken serum (not cloudy) with negntive results in all tubes. The questi n unturell: drove us to whether the agglutinatixn with cloudy sers was due to a combination vd th the organic coupounds, not formed with cleer sera. This was refuted by the micriscopic test which showed a merked agglutination with serum (L) and none with the clear negative serum. . the nest question to arise was that of specificity 9 whether Other antigens would produce like results when sensitized with cholesterol. Accordingly, the previous set-up was repeated using serum (L) with B. sanguincrium, B. typhosus, and PS. pyooysnes antigens. Positive re- sults w=re obtained in ell cases, indicating that the test was still too sensitive for precticticsl use in the diagnosis of Bacillsry Shite hiurrhes in chickens. The test with the vuri us antigens were repeated, with decrensing snounts of serum (L) the latter being used in 0.0125 c.c. und.0.01 c.c. amounts, the amount of the other constituents remaining sonctunt. 3 resc- -tions Were still evident with-B. typhosus end 3. sung- uinerium antigens. However, when the amount of serum 44. used was decreased to .005 c.c.. B. typhosus and B. ssnguinsriun antigens failed to react above pH 5.4 while B. pullorum antigen still produced ¢+++ agglutination at pH 5.5 end 5.8, ... at pH 5.0, ++ at 5.2, 1 at 5.4, with a negative at 6.6. Therefore the development of the test seemed to be approaching the point where reliable reactions might be expected. As a further proof cf the relsibility of the test, th; turbidity of the antigen was decreased to 1/2 and used in 0.2 c.c. amounts in testing four known positive sera (clear) sgninst a known negative and a guinea pig serum, using buffer solutions of 6.4 and 6.6 in 0.4 c.c. amounts, 0.4 c.c. o: cholesterol suspen- sion 1:809,200 and 0.005 6.0. of the resp ctive sore. Incubstion was for-15 minutes at 56° and 15 minutes at room temperature. The results were checked with the routine test, and With the microscopic test, the results in all cases bein: identiOcl. Serus R gave a 0+ reaction, serum 213 ++++, serum 138 +++, and serum 187 ++, while the known negative chicken serum gave a negative reaction, and the guinea pig serum likewise failed to agglutinate. As the cloudy sore available for the test had been limit- ed in number, 102 chickens were bled. and the sore tested for the purpose of substantiating the reliability of the test. 01 the sera thus obtained, 50 gave cloudy reactions with the routine test. Of these 30 cloudy ones (32) gave a +9 reaction with the sensitized test and likewise showed 45. some agglutimtion v.1 th the microscopic test. The other (933) gave a +++e rea;tian when testod according to both methods. The clear ECIJ were WC‘ 1 b7 the Eonswiti ca trot, the routine toot, and tho micr030031o test, the results in all cases being identioxl. when the birds CB and 9%3 were starved for 48 hours and bled, the oloqr sera tfiua obtlined wo?e testea by the sensitized, routine and 3'370330710 H‘tund,g1ving the some results as those noted ”have. -3noo it see :od Ju ”t1 13:13 to con01u&e that the sen- sitizod to t as oufilinod may be oonoiaered a reliable means of diagnosis for the presence of B. pullorum in the zero of chickens. who fidVJntdgGS of thio te“t ma,7 be st ted as follows; first,'the rapidity w 1h which it may he conducted, only 30 minutes 38 mg necessary for incubation, 15 minutve 1n the Water bath at 56°C., and 15 minutes st1nding at roo;:n togporature, to allow o:z,lotn preoiritation. Second, only one tenth 88 inch serua 13 rrsnuirofl as in the st.ndard test. Third, the avoidance o? the loss of rroduction cune- ed by starving the birds to obtain clear Ecru. The abject of runniav th tasts at both p? 6.2 and 6.4 is tnot corn v r3 1:1 tb 1r reaction with the buffer solu‘ions. Some rfive: u oliorc=1* test at p7 5.2, while 0th rs éivo a olifiht- 1y sharper tost at pH 6.4. H-nco to obtain th: nozisun re- sults 1t {Genoa qd715431c to an all scru at both concentrationa. I33 Ci . rrfi- \Q- I‘m-,1 ~ ~ (“TI-9? ~ -‘y'fi-Tq--vv. L4... .u:.u ..LL. .4...-_.|.-....o C.- A io,___.\,'.. .‘44‘ The lost division of the work dog on attempt to prove .Eet entiyens Eifht be o‘enderdized, that is that differoet etrhins of the some ergonicn siting widely different resolts in to guundard test 3 rht be eheeied with 3 Known orneerred cerue, and by the addition of o”- sonic substinoee, be made to Rive a ++++ reaction. Ten strains of B. pullorum more need in making the uniifenr, which Yuried freq a straight ++++ when tested with the standerd method to a negotive. ?er:infi yroportisns of eerun-antigen more need in the attempt to otunderdise these unfifie 2. The antigens were used in Various turbiditiae, with different amounts of saline, with and without buf?er solutions, and with different dilutions of cholesterol. The ersteo giving the best results may be outlined as follows: Each antigen wee teetéd for its reaction with a known ++++ scrum, uzing 0.125 c.c. of the serum, 0.2 6.0. of antigen with a turbidity c? 2, end .8 c.c. of normal Selina, givin? a final dilution of 1:400. Of the antigens tested § 13 alone VuTe a inerp ++++ reaction. The remain- ing anti: no were then repeated, Uiifi? th“ sane serum- entigen dilution, but decreeein? the «mount of saline to 0.4 c.c. and oddinv 0.4 c.c. of cholesterol oueponcien 1:4L9,BCQ. finti?:n Cfib fore a ++++ reaction, those givcn by the other entifon: heinr UHSLtififACtflrya The remaining 49. eight antigens were use n tested, th e tinv= Heine 0.4 c.c. of cholesterol soluti n 1:204,ROO, the other conetitutente remaining eonetcnt. it this noint a ++++ reaction was given by antigen F 7. Tests on the rennin- ing antigens werx repented, substitutin? chole:terol 1:1L2,4OO for the suspension yreviously ured. This caused ++++ reactions to eppcer with nntigane 29, El, and 8. Cholesterol suspeneion 1:51,200 one then need with the rencining entifene, resulting in a ++t+ reeetion with $4?. It was found that by rubetituting 0.4 c.c. of cholesterol 1:25,SUU, ++ + reactions co Id be forced with th: remaining three antigens, 525, 40, end 11 (Teble Vf‘ Since Up to this tine, no agglutination had ever been obtained with ontigen 5 11 and only very week re- actions with § 47 the above results seem to indicite more than the ever the poorest antigens may be reinforced or sensitized by the addition of cholesterol euepeneione of sufficient concentrcticn so that a reaction, e uul in strength to that produced b' the more effective antigens, umy'be secured. Hence the conclution.nuy be erwn that it is possible to standardize entifene for use with a known preserved seru. :1. This would prevent the possibility of Variations in the standard te:t, enueed by chnnging from one strain to another. Liaewiee, antigens prepared from th sine etrcin mdy be checked from tine to ti;e to secure constcnt re- Enltgo *Followe p.ge 57 The value of such a stonderdizotion is apparent. is noted by'fiollmunn (l) in an extensive survey of B. pullorum antigens of various stroine, great irregularity occurs froa time to ti 2. This irregularity is, of course reflected in the routine laboratory tests. iceurdte results cannot be insured, and definite stonderds cannot be maintained, if antigens giving widely different re- sults are used. 51. HITHGD 0 LT m1 'R'IJ TI D O? JET 3 H (1) ++++ serum, having a 1-400 titre, obtained by bleed- ing chickens known to be infected with B. pullorun is used. (2) Irepcrs.antigen us usuul, and dilute to a turbidity of 2. t (3) Set up 7 tubes according to the following table. 0 0 0 0 I I 0 v} - 2' 3'4 ; 5' G‘Control at n . . ' 0.2 ' 0.2 ’ O 2 ’ 0.2 ' 0.2 ' 0.2 ' 0.2 A ige o c ' ' . ' ' ' ___ Serum c.c. '0.025'0.025'0. 02 5'0.025'0.025'0.025' - Th f I :I—"""'—""I; T Sfiline 0.0. ' 0.8 ' 0.4 . 004 . 0.4. 004’ ' 0.4. 0.4 '1 v v v v T =f Concentration ' ' ' ' ' ' ' of cholcctrrolc.b. - ' ' ' ' ' ' I T Y 1 1 v 1* 1°40? GOO ' ' 0.4 ' ' ' ' ' H 1 1 ”I r r 1 T 1:204 sco ' ' ' 0.4 ' v v v """""'"L VA 1 1 v r "*r 1 1:102 L400 ' ' ' ' 0.4 ' ' ' r‘ ‘v 1 1 1" I *r :51 200 ’ ' ' ' . 004 . . 2—4: F 1 1 v r v “v 1:25.1LO ' ' ' ' ' ' 0.4 ' 0.4 (4) Shane and incuthe at 58° for 15 minutes and sllow to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. (5) Observe and record. The tube containing the least amount of cholesterol giving a ++1+ reaction has the right antigen cancontru- tion. This amount of cholesterol should be udaed to eJoh tube when this particular antigen is used in the routine test. (6) Set up at lesst two known neg Jtiv and two known positive sers ans the newly prcerod antigen Jo F") u». follows: 0 I ' 1 ' 2 T 1 “1‘; c.c.' 0.2 ' 0.2 1 V 7 :1.“ ‘2??? 0000 .000025' 0.001 V" 1 432111319 0.00 ' 0.4 . 004 1 3 Cholesterol ' ' 000‘ 0.4 ' 3-4 (7) Shake and incubate at 55° for 15 minutes in the water bcth. Remove st the end of this period and allow to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. (8) Read the results. The nonstive sera should be negative in both tubes, and th positive sore should be positive in at least the first tube. In this case the correct antigen-cholesterol mixture has been determined. This combination of antigen and cholesterol is now ready for use in the routine test. If dilutions 1:40 and 1:100 have been used according to the standard.sethod, then dilutions of 1:400 and 1:1000 should be used in this test, as indicnted by the above table. The object of the higher diluti ns is to kae the test applicable to general use. By increasing the sensitivity, cloudy re- actions are avoided. The above procedure is tentative and should be adapted to th routine of the individual laboratory. 53. 01?“? P! - ”HI-4-“-5 Sodium chloride as used in the standard agglutination test produced meinuu efficiency. At least none of the salts studied guve better results at the same concentration. Incubation at temperstures below 37°C. decreases the amount of growth when phenol is omitted, but also decreases the amount of agglutination unless held for a decidedly longer period. Hydrogen-ion concentration influences the results meter- ielly. Verying reaults were obtained. The addition of cholesterol or hemoglobin causes en increszed sensitivity of the antigen, resulting in higher titres for the sore used. Cloudy reactions can be avoided by using high titres, mode possible by using more unstJble antigens. Conbinstions have been obtained allowing the use of a dilution tin tines higher than could be used with the usual entie n, still giving a negatire and a positive test as usuul. This ask s possible the use of an antigen ten times as sensitive. Th: modifiedite t any be conducted in a much shorter time then the st ndurd toit. Fifteen minutes incubution at 56°C uni 15 minutes standing Lt room temperature is suffic- ient to clear the aura. Antigens may be stunderiJed ageinst a known preserved serum. Even the weakest antigens which produce no agglutin- ation in the stunderd test n.y be brOUjht to a ++++ reaction by the addition of a snsoension o- of the correct concentration. .P J cholesterol * t“fr~.“' "-‘hfl-r-rfi’a “04-3.“; ML ..Le'J- Lb 111,0 I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to fit. xsllmsnn, Dr. Ciltner end other members of the Department for suggestion: and assistance re- ceived during the course of these studies. 1)?‘ a: 131 w ~1- u‘ 48*-----b—- iJ O.) 1. Hellmann, ¥.L. 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