“1.11‘M‘._-.._~- -_ _ ‘u‘ - ‘—-‘A_~_r“'.A“‘.- 4-.-;mu LIME REQUIREMENT RELATED TO PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF NENE MICHIGAfi SOILS Thesis gov é‘ko Down cf M. S. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSETY Gerharé John Ross 196 2. . ‘ C, T! ”251., LIBRARY I Michigan Sta tc University LIME REQUIREMENT RELATED TO PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF NINE MICHIGAN SOILS by Gerhard John Ross AN ABSTRACT OF.A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for'the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Soil Science 1962 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to Dr; K. Lawton for his advice and assistance during the initial stage of this investigation and to Dr. B. G. Ellis for his assistance, interest, and guidance throughout the remaining course of this study. He wishes to thank Dr. E. C. Doll for his help in preparing data for the Mistic computer and for his constructive criticism of the manuscript. He also is indebted to other members of the Soil Science staff for helpful suggestions. The writer gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Michigan Limestone Association. ii AETRACT LDIE REQUIREMETI' REIATED TO PHYSICAL AND CHBHICAL PROPEtTIEB OF NINE MICHIGAN SOIL5 by Gerhard John Ross Nine Michigan soils were used in a greenhouse experiment to study the relationship between lime requirement and several physical and chemical soil properties. The effect of liming on availability and uptake of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus was also studied. Three cuttings of alfalfa were harvested and response to liming measured in terms of yield and percentage and uptake of calcium, potassium, and phOSphorus. The initial pH of all soils was close to 5.50,and the lime requirement of each soil was taken as the amount of lime needed to raise soil pH from 5.50 to 6.80 by incubating the soils for 13 weeks in the greenhouse. The lime requirement was also measured by the Shoemaker, McLean, and Pratt buffer method. Lime requirement was highly correlated (0.01 level) with cation exchange capacity, organic matter content, a function of organic matter and pH interaction expressed as (pH 6.8 - soil pH) x (%0.M;), and milli— equivalents of exchangeable hydrogen per 100 grams of soil, and was correlated (0.05 level) with clay content. Within each soil type, an increase in pH due to liming was highly correlated to a corresponding increase in percent base satura- tion. This relationship was not apparent between soil types. At a given pH level soils containing mostly 2:1 type clay minerals showed a higher percent saturation than did soils containing mostly lzl type clay minerals. Gerhard John Ross Lime requirement as determined by incubation in the greenhouse was highly correlated with lime requirement as determined by the Shoemaker, McLean, and Pratt buffer method. The availability of calcium increased consistently with increased rates of lime in all soils. Liming did not appreciably affect availa- bility of magnesium, potassium, and phOSphorus. Liming significantly increased the yield of alfalfa on eight of the nine soils studied. Calcium percentage and uptake of calcium by alfalfa increased with increased rates of lime. Potassium percentage in the alfalfa decreased with additions of lime and was inversely re- lated to calcium.percentage. Potassium uptake increased at the higher rates of lime, primarily because of increased yields. Although liming did not appreciably affect phosphorus percentage of alfalfa, phos- phorus uptake increased at the higher rates of lime. LIME REQUIREMENT RELATED TO PHYSICAL AND CHEIvIICAL PROPERTIES OF NINE MICHIGAN SOILS by Gerhard John Ross A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Soil Science 1962 H) I‘. If... V ,.— 3' ‘__. l‘ / ~ ' TABLE?OF CONTENTS mamucnon LITERATURE REVIEW”.......................................... mmmmu. PROCEDURE Greenhouse Studies.......................................... METHODS OF ANAHSIS Soils....................................................... P1ants...................................................... Lime........................................................ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION........................................ Soil Reaction and Lime Requirement.......................... Soil Texture and Lime Requirement........................... Organic matter and Lime Requirement......................... Organic matter and Cation Ekchange Capacity;................ Cation Ekchange Capacity and Lime Requirement............... Lime Requirement Determination by the Shoemaker, MCLean, and Pratt MethOd-OOO.00...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Effect of Liming on.P1ant Nutrients and Yield of Alfalfa.... CQCiuIHOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0...000. POtaSSiumOOOOOOOOO00.......0... PhosphoruSOOOOOOOO0...... smmm m CONCLIBIONS.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO LET 03‘ Rmmmc-EOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mEmIXIOOOOCOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...000...... iii PAGE: 10 10 1h 1h 15 15 16 16 20 23 25 25 28 30 3o 37 to 1:3 he 50 TABLE 1. LIST OF TABLES Soil type, location, mechanical composition, organic matter content and cation exchange capacity of the nine soils StudiedOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO00.0.0000... The effect of rate of application of lime on soil mactiODOOCOOOO0.0.0.0....00.0.00...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... The effect of rate of application of lime on soil reaction and percent base saturation of nine Michigan SOflSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0. The effect of type of clay mineral on percent base saturationOOOO0.000000000000000......OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The effect of rate of application of lime on available phosphorus, exchangeable calcium, exchangeable magnesium, and exchangeable potassium of nine Michigan SOflSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI... iv PAGE 11 12 18 19 31 FIGURE 1. 10. 11. 12. 13. lh. LIST OF FIGURES Linear correlation between exchangeable hydrogen and lime requirement for nine Michigan soils............ Linear correlation between percent silt and lime requmment for nine MiChigan SOilSooooooooooooooooooooo Linear correlation between percent clay and lime requirement for nine Michigan soils..................... Linear correlation between percent organic matter and lime requirement for nine Michigan soils............ Linear correlation between a function of pH-organic matter interaction and lime requirement for nine mom-gar)» 803.13....OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOO0.0.0.0000...0.... Linear correlation between organic matter content and cation exchange capacity for nine Michigan 80113.... Linear correlation between clay content and cation exchange capacity for nine Michigan soils............... Linear correlation between cation exchange capacity and lime requirement for nine Michigan soils............ Linear correlation between the logarithm of cation exchange capacity and lime requirement for nine FAiChigarl 80118000000000.00000......O... Linear correlation between lime requirement and predicted lime requirement for nine Michigan soils...... The effect of rate of application of lime on the total yield of three cuttings of alfalfa grown on nine mcmgan 801180....OOOOOOOOOOO'OOOOO0.0.0.000...O... The effect of rate of application of lime on the total calcium uptake by two cuttings of alfalfa grown on nine MiChigan SOflSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.......0.0.. The effect of rate of application of lime on the total calcium content of two cuttings of alfalfa grown on nine Michigan soils............................ The effect of rate of application of lime on the total potassium content of two cuttings of alfalfa grown on nine MiChigan 3011300000000...00000000000000ooo PAGE: 21 22 22 2h 2h 26 26 27 27 29 35 35 36 36 FIGURE 15. 16. 17. 18. LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) The effect of rate of application of lime on the total potassium uptake by two cuttings of alfalfa grown on nine Michigan soils............................ The effect of rate of application of lime on the total potassium and calcium content of two cuttings of alfalfa grown on nine Michigan soils................. The effect of rate of application of lime on the total phosphorus content of two cuttings of alfalfa grown on nine Michigan soils............................ The effect of rate of application of lime on the total phOSphorus uptake by two cuttings of alfalfa grown on nine Michigan soils............................ vi PAGE 39 39 L2 be FIGURE APPENDIX FIGURES X-ray diffraction patterns of the (IE/Lfractions of surface and subsoil samples of Plainfield loamy sand, Kalamazoo loam, Montcalm sandy loam, and Pence Sandy loa-mooooooooooooooooooooo0.000000000000- X—ray diffraction patterns of the (gafractions of surface and subsoil samples of Munising sandy loam, Ontonagon clay, Nester sandy loam, and Warsaw loam. . . . .. X-ray diffraction patterns of the (gufractions of surface and subsoil samples of Iron River silt 1081B...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCCOOOO'COO‘OOOCOOOIOO0.00.0000... vii PAGE 51 53 SS TABLE 7. 9. APPENDIX TABLES The effect of rate of application of lime on yield, content of calcium, potassium and phosphorus of alfalfa and uptake of calcium, potassium, and phosphorus by alfalfa grown on a Plainfield loamy sand soil...OOOOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0...... The effect of rate of application of lime on yield, content of calcium, potassium and phosphorus of alfalfa and uptake of calcium, potassium, and phosphorus by alfalfa grown on a Kalamazoo loam soil...... The effect of rate of application of lime on yield, content of calcium, potassium and phosphorus of alfalfa and uptake of calcium, potassium, and phOSphorus by alfalfa grown on a Pence sandy loam 30110000000000000..00000000000000.0000...0000.00000000.co. The effect of rate of application of lime on yield, content of calcium, potassium and phosphorus of alfalfa and uptake of calcium, potassium and phosphorus by alfalfa grown on a Montcalm sandy loam SOflOOOOCOOOOOOOO0.0.00000COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0...... The effect of rate of application of lime on yield, content of calcium, potassium and phosphorus of alfalfa and uptake of calcium, potassium, and phOSphorus by alfalfa grown on a Munising sandy loam 801.100.00.0000.00.0000...OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0.0.0... The effect of rate of application of lime on yield, content of calcium, potassium and phOSphorus of alfalfa and uptake of calcium, potassium and phOSphorus by alfalfa grown on a Nester sandy loam SOilOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOO. The effect of rate of application of lime on yield, content of calcium, potassium and phosphorus of alfalfa and uptake of calcium, potassium and phosphorus by alfalfa grown on a warsaw loam.soil........, The effect of rate of application of lime on yield, content of calcium, potassium and phOSphorus on alfalfa and uptake of calcium, potassium and phosphorus by alfalfa grown on an Ontonagon clay soil................ The effect of rate of application of lime on yield, content of calcium, potassium and phosphorus of alfalfa and uptake of calcium, potassium, and phosphorus by alfalfa grown on an Iron River silt loam soil.......... viii PAGE 56 S7 58 S9 61 62 63 6h INTRODUCTION Liming acid soils is an established practice in the humid regions of the world. Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the ef- fect of lime on soil properties and its influence on plant growth. How- ever, relatively few studies have been made concerning the relationship of lime requirement to chemical and physical soil prOperties, and there is little of this type of information available for*Michigan soils. In the past soil reaction was taken as the only criterion for lime requirement determination. It has been established that because of differences in organic matter content and clay content, soil pH alone is not an adequate criterion for estimating lime needs. There- fore, chemical methods have been developed which take into considera- tion pH, base saturation, and cation exchange capacity. Plant response to lime may also vary on.different soils with similar pH values. Differences in plant response to lime generally are due to differences in physical and chemical properties of soils. A greenhouse study, involving nine Michigan soil types, was conducted to investigate the relationship between lime requirement and several physical and chemical soil factors. In addition, values for lime requirement as determined by the MbLean, Shoemaker, and Pratt method were compared with values for lime requirement as de- termined in the greenhouse by incubation of the soils after addition of lime. Alfalfa was grown on nine soils to which different rates of lime were applied to evaluate response of alfalfa to lime on different soil types and to study interaction between lime applica- tion and plant nutrient uptake. 1 LITERATURE REVIEW Soils in humic regions tend to become acid due to leaching of bases which are replaced by hydrogen ions. Removal of bases in the harvest of crops and use of certain fertilizers, especially nitro- genous fertilizers, intensifies acidifying processes in soils. Beneficial effects of liming acid soils have long been recognized, but until soils were studied systematically, reasons for beneficial action of lime on acid soils were obscure. Thomas way (50) discovered the process of base exchange in 1850 and Opened the way to a better understanding of changes which occur when a soil is limed. Seventy yaars later, Hissink (16) introduced the concept of base saturation. Mattson, Wiklander, and others (18, 29, 51, 52) employing theories of the diffuse double layer and Donnan equilibrium have made clear many of the constituents and mechanisms which are involved in ion exchange processes. Their investigations showed that the nature of the colloidal material and the kind and concentration of ions which are present in soil solution and on the exchange complex are the principal factors affecting ion exchange in soil. Experimental evidence shows that these factors, including soil reaction, largely determine the lime requirement of a soil. Lime requirement of a soil is defined as the amount of lime needed to raise soil pH to a prescribed value. It is generally recom- mended that a mineral soil be limed to a pH of 6.5 or 6.8, while organic soils seldom need lime unless the pH is below 5.0. A common method for determining lime requirement is by measurement of pH or active soil acidity. Peach and Bradfield (38) considered pH the 2 3 best single value characteristic for estimating lime requirement of a soil. They recommended using a 1:1 soil:water ratio for routine analyses. Nevertheless, many investigators recognized that use of pH as a single value characteristic often gives inaccurate and sometimes misleading results in lime requirement determinations. Shimp (hh) found that pH alone is insufficient for determining lime requirement of soils which vary in texture and exchange capacity. Others (31, 32, hO) re- ported that soils having a similar pH value may vary widely in their percent base saturation. For this reason Mehlich (33) prepared a triethanolamine buffer for determination of exchangeable hydrogen mmi base exchange capacity to indicate lime requirement of soil. Yields of sunflowers showed that lime recommendations based on ex- changeable hydrogen and with reference to base exchange capacity were very satisfactory. However, this method was not suited to rapid routine analyses. Therefore, woodruff (53) developed a buffer, con- sisting of a solution of p-nitrOphenol, calcium acetate, and magnesium oxide with a pH of 7.0, that could be mixed directly with the soil sample. Strength of the buffer and soil to buffer ratio were ad- justed so that a pH depression of one-tenth of a unit indicated one milliequivalent of exchangeable hydrogen which would require one thousand pounds of calcium carbonate for neutralization. A major limitation of this method is that large errors in lime recommendations may result from limited accuracy in measuring pH with a pH meter. woodruff tested this method on numerous Missouri soils having lime requirements which were established by liming practice over a period of years and obtained satisfactory results. However, it was noted h by Shoemaker, gt 3;! (hS) that the woodruff method indicated much less lime than the amount actually needed to neutralize certain Ohio soils which contained large amounts of extractable aluminum. Shoemaker, et_al, (hS) investigated various combinations of a con- siderable number of buffers. This resulted in preparation of a modified WOOdruff buffer which is weaker than'Woodruff's buffer. The Shoemaker, McLean, and Pratt (S.M;P.) buffer method has proved very satisfactory for indicating lime requirement of a large number of Ohio soils. The authors suggested that the excellent results may be due to reaction of S.M;P. buffer with the acidity component in soils represented by extractable aluminum since the equilibration pH of the soil-buffer mixture will be low for soils high in active aluminum. Evidently the higher equilibrium pH of the woodruff buffer with soil preserves the aluminum in the exchange positions of the lattice so that it fails to react normally with this buffer. Lucas (25) studied the relationship of the lime requirement of soils to their exchange capacity. He found that lime requirement was highly correlated with cation exchange capacity as determined by either copper acetate or ammonium acetate and devised a practical chart for use in recommending limestone based on soil pH and cation exchange capacity. In sandy soils organic matter content appears to be mainly responsible for cation exchange capacity1and consequently for lime requirement. In fine—textured soils the inorganic fraction is more important (21). Tedrow and Gillam (h?) showed that sandy soils with contents of organic matter as low as 1.67 percent derived 75 to 80 percent of their cation exchange capacity from organic matter. For S loam soils with an average organic matter content of 3.50 percent, 6b to 68 percent of the cation exchange capacity came from organic matter. Relationships between pH and base saturation have been the subject of many investigations, (31, 32, no, hh). Mbrgan (3h) pointed out that the relationship between pH and percent base saturation may be fairly constant within a soil type, but that it may vary widely be- tween soil types. Mahlich (31) studied base saturation and pH in relation to soil types of some North Carolina soils and concluded that this relationship is almost solely influenced by the nature of the exchange complex. For montmorillonitic soils base saturation of the exchange complex at pH 7.0 is practically complete; whereas, for kaolinitic soils at the same pH value only 50 to 80 percent of the colloids are base saturated. marshall (28) studied pure kaolinitic and montmorillonitic clays and found that below 70 percent calcium saturation montmorillonite clays are characterized by'a high energy of adsorption for calcium ion. This energy of adsorption is reduced markedly above 70 percent calcium saturation. In the case of kaolinite there is no region where calcium is so strongly adsorbed. Truog (h8) distinguished between lime requirement of the soil and lime requirement of the plant and stated that lime requirement of the plant refers to the actual lime needs of the plant itself, especially in reference to ease and rate at which lime must be secured from the soil by the plant for normal growth. It is difficult to establish a general pH value which represents an optimum soil reaction for plant growth because optimum pH may vary with different soil types, crops, and crop rotations. Nevertheless, 6 for practical purposes generalizations are necessary and a useful chart has been devised to show graphically the influence of soil reaction on availability of nutrients in soils (h9). This chart shows that pH 6.5 is favorable for availability of plant nutrients. Therefore, for general purposes it is usually recommended that acid mineral soils be limed to a pH of 6.5. Many workers have attempted to isolate the factor which is primarily responsible for failure of plants to grow well in an acid soil (2, 5, 6, 39). Arnon and Johnson (5) have decisively shown that hydrogen, per se, is not toxic to plants except at extreme pH values normally not encountered in soil. Pierre (39) found poor cor- relation between crop growth and hydrogen ion concentration in dif- ferent soils and concluded that hydrogen concentration cannot be considered the dilect cause of poor plant growth nor the main factor governing response to liming. He noted, however, that on soils pro- ducing good growth of sorghum the percent base saturation was higher than on soils with a similar pH value producing poor growth of sorghum. Several investigators have studied the role of calcium as a plant nutrient (2, 3, h, 5, 6, 1h, 2b, 35, h6). Klingebiel and Brown (2h) studied calcium from a nutrient standpoint and applied cal- cium in the row to alfalfa on different soil types. Interaction of treatment and soil showed that plants responded similarly to equiva- lent treatments on soils having different lime requirements. Moser (35) reported that calcium supplied at low'pH values was a more im- portant growth factor than soil pH. Albrecht (2, 3) showed that calcium chloride, calcium acetate, and calcium silicate improved 7 plant growth on acid soils. He (b) stated that "plant injury by soil acidity" is largely a matter of a calcium deficiency and com- pounds of calcium other than carbonate that do not neutralize soil acidity will serve in place of limestone. Fried and Peach (1h) found that plants grown on limed soils absorbed much more calcium and gave much higher yields than those grown on gypsum-treated soils despite higher concentrations of calcium in the soil solution of gypsum-treated soils. They suggested that manganese and aluminum had prevented uptake of calcium since liming, in contrast to gypsum treatment, decreased manganese and aluminum content in the plants. Schmehl, at El, (h6), found that symptoms of manganese toxicity appeared on the alfalfa when calcium-manganese ratio in.plants was less than 75. Liming decreased the amount of readily soluble aluminum and manganese. Therefore, they concluded that the bene- ficial effect of liming may be attributed to the decrease in concen- tration of aluminum and manganese in soil solution. - Truog (D9) pointed out that between pH 6.5 and 7.5 conditions are most favorable for phOSphate availability. Cook (11) studied several Michigan soils and showed that increasing the degree of base saturation increased available phosphorus in seven soils and de- creased it in two others. Dunn (12) reported that liming resulted in a significant increase in phosphorus uptake by alfalfa but that the percent phosphorus in forage went down which indicates that per- centage of a particular element in forage does not necessarily'in- dicate availability of that nutrient in the soil. Chai and Caldwell (10) showed that the capacity of a soil to "fix" phosphorus from added KHZPOh increased with departure from a soil pH near neutrality. 8 Their data indicated that iron phosphates and aluminum.phosphates predominate in acid soils, while calcium phosphates predominate in calcareous soils. The authors suggested that iron and aluminum are the main constituents responsible for fixation in acid soils, while in calcareous soils calcium may be the main fixing constituent. Availability of potassium as affected by liming has been studied by several investigators (15, 26, 27) and many conflicting results have been published. Lysimeter studies of McIntiIe, at it! (27) have shown that lime exerts a repressive influence on the solubility of soil potassium. Others (26, 36) also reported that little, if any, potassium is made available by liming. Yet Jenny and Shade (20) pointed out that without a single exception all their*laboratory experiments showed that calcium carbonate liberates adsorbed potassium from soil colloids, and they suggested that depressive effects of lime on availability of potassium.may be due to fixation of potassium by soil micro-organisms. Wiklander (52) has shown from theoretical considerations and experimental evidence that liming affects availability of nutrients in two ways. On one hand calcium replaces more tightly held hydrogen and aluminum. Less firmly adsorbed calcium ions favor adsorption of other nutrients, and consequently the concentration of cations other than calcium in soil solution is decreased. On the other hand, activity and replacing power of the hydrogen ions, which yielded their exchange sites to calcium ions, is increased with the result finat adsorbed nutrient cations are more available to plants and more easily lost by leaching. Simultaneous and opposing exchange reactions which occur when a soil is limed, as pointed out by Wiklander (52) 9 show that the effect of lime on ion exchange is rather complex. Nor are ion exchange reactions the only processes that are changed when a soil is limed. There are also other important factors that are influenced by the degree of calcium saturation, such as oxidation- reduction conditions, ion complex formations, fixation of certain nutrients in non-exchangeable form, humification processes, solubility of certain metal oxides, microbial activity, and structure formation which add to the complexity of the influence of lime on availability of nutrients. EXPERIMENTAL.PROCEDURE Greenhouse Studies A greenhouse study was initiated in September, 1960, using nine soil types which varied in texture from loamy sand to clay. Locations of each of the nine soil types are given in Table 1. Samples from the surface layer (zero to seven inches) and the subsoil (seven to fourteen inches) of each soil type were collected from sites given in Table l. The soils were air-dried and screened through a one-fourth inch screen. Calcic limestone was thoroughly mixed with each soil at rates given in Table 2. The limed soils were placed in glazed three-gallon pots and distilled water added to bring the moisture content to field capacity of each soil. After an incubation period of thirteen weeks, each treatment was divided into three replicates. Tall containers were constructed by placing a bottomless number ten tin can on tap of a similar can with bottom and taping the two together. The lower half of each container was filled with 3200 grams of subsoil and the upper half was filled with 3200 grams of surface soil. Each of the three replicates was placed on a long table in a randomized block design. Phosphorus and potassium levels of the soils were adjusted to the equivalent of 3b0 pounds P205 and 3h0 pounds of K20 per acre by adding superphosphate and muriate of potash at planting time. The quantity to be added was obtained by subtracting the soil test value from 3h0 pounds per acre. Vernal alfalfa was planted in Harch, 1961, and thinned to ten plants per container when the plants had reached a height of one inch. The alfalfa was harvested when the first blossoms appeared 10 ll Co- Table 1. Soil type, location, mechanical composition, organic matter content and cation exchange capacity of the nine soils studied. . . Sand Silt Clay Organic Cation 5011 Type Location (% (%) (%) Matter Exchange (fl) Capacity (me./100g) Ontonagon Sec. 21, Th8N, 9 31 60 6.07 32.50 clay RhOW, waracheck Farm, Ontonagon Co. Iron River Sec. 1h, Th2N, 1135le, 16 70 1h 11.55 20.25 silt loam. Petroff Farm, Iron River Co. warsaw Sec. 19, Th8, Rllw, h8 3h 18 2.80 16.62 loam Rhoda Farm, Kalamazoo ' Co. Munising Sec. 31, T5hN, R33W, ‘72 19 9 3.16 1b.25 sandy loam Larsen Farm, Houghton Co. Kalamazoo Sec. 30, T25, R6W, h2 MS 13 3.72 12.25 loam Lutz Farm, Calhoun Co. Pence Sec. 13, Th3N, R33W, 67 26 7 2.19 11.25 sandy loam Groof Farm, Iron Co. Montcalm Sec. 27, T9N, R7N, 72 21 7 1.87 8.83 sandy loam State Game Hunting Area, Montcalm Co. Nester Sec. 30, T9N, R6w, 62 28 10 1.61 7.85 sandy loam Thomas Farm, Montcalm Co. ”Plainfield we, NE , Sec. 27, 8h 10 6 0.89 6.08 loamy sand T5N, le, Clinton ! .mdoapeowadmn omega Ho mwmnm>m :0 ma povpommn odds» noem** .sofipmnfioew 0x003 ma Magma emnsmmoza -- -- -- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 a0.0 0a.0 0a.0 .00.0 00000000 0 00000 00 0000 50000 -- -- -- 00.a HH.a H0.» 00.0 00.0 00.0 05.0 00.0 0000 mewsesaa 00 00 0H0H0000Ha -- -- 00.0 a0.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 a0.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00000000 m s0000 :0 0000 aeewm -- -- 00.a 0a.0 00.0 00.0 0H.0 00.0 00.0 HN.0 00.0 0000 weapamaa 00 00 000002 -- -- -- 00.0 00.0 NH.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00000000 0 h0000 00 5000.00000 -- -- -- 0a.0 00.0 00.0 am.0 00.0 a0.0 00.0 00.0 0000 00000000 00 ma EH000002 -- -- 00.0 00.0 HH.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00000000 0 h0000 ma asoa 00000 -- -- 00.0 H0.0 eH.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 0a.0 00.0 00.0 0000 meapeeaa 00 00 00000 -- u- .. 00.0 00.0 Ha.0 00.0 00.0 H0.0 00.0 00.0 00200000 m smpee ma 2000 -- -- -- 00.0 0H.0 as.0 05.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 0000 maapeeaa 00 ma ooumeease -- -- -- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 0a.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00000000 m asses 00 0000 00000 -- -- -- HN.0 00.0 00.0 0a.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 meme 00000000 00 ma 0000000: -- 0H.0 00.0 00.0 Ha.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 -- 00.0 00000000 0 A0000 me 2000 -- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 0a.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 -- 00.0 0000 00000000 00 00 games; -- -- -- 00.0 a0.0 0a.0 0a.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 mmaaspso 0 h0000 00 000H 0000 -a -- -- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 0000 meapesfla 00 00 posse eoeH a0.0 00.0 00.0 0a.0 ~0.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 -- **00.0 00000000 m hopes 00 00H0 00.0 00.0 00.0 a0.0 sa.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 -- 00.0 #0000 00000000 00 00 000M00000 000a 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000a 0000 000 0 oaay 0000 Amped you meqsomv emflaaad mafia .GOflpowon Hfiom :0 mafia mo eofipeowaaam mo case we poemwo 039 .m wanes l3 and cut at a height of one and one-half inches from soil. The plant material was dried at 600 0., weighed, ground in a Wiley mill, and the material from the first two cuttings saved for analysis. Three cuttings were obtained over a six-month period ending September h, 1961. After the last harvest, samples were taken from subsoil and topsoil for chemical analysis. METHODS OF ANALXSIS Soils Soil samples were taken before potting the soils, at planting time, and after the last harvest. All samples were crushed and sieved through a two millimeter screen prior to analysis. Mechanical analysis of the nine soils studied was determined by the pipette method (23). The organic matter content was determined by the dry-combustion method as described by Piper (bl). Soil pH was measured with a Beckman (Model G) potentiometer using a 1:1 soil to water ratio. Cation exchange capacity and exchangeable calcium, magnesium, and potassium were determined by centrifuge methods as described by Richards. (h3) Lime requirement of each soil was evaluated by the buffer method as described by Shoemaker, g£_al, (h5) and compared with lime re- quirement indicated by incubating the soils with lime for thirteen weeks in the greenhouse. Available phosphorus was determined by the method of Bray (9). The extracting solution consisted of 0.03 N NHhF and 0.025 N H01. A soil extracting solution ratio of 1:8 was used. Qualitative identification of the clay minerals in each soil was made by x-ray diffraction. Forty to fifty milligrams of clay was deposited from suspension onto a porous plate and washed with three increments of a 0.1 N Mg012 solution which contained three percent glycerol by volume. The deposit was first air dried and then dried in a desiccator for two days. The sample was then 1h 15 mounted on a Norelco x-ray soectrometer using nickel filtered copper radiation. After the first x-ray exposure the magnesium-saturated, glycerol-solvated, oriented particles were potassium saturated by using 0.1 N K01 solution, and the excess of K01 washed out with distilled water. The sample was then heated to 1100 C. and x-ray analysis repeated. Finally the sample was heated to 550° c. for twelve hours and x—ray analysis again repeated. Plants Samples of the plant material were wet digested with nitric and perchloric acid as described by Piper (bl). The residue was dissolved in 0.05 N H01 and calcium and potassium determined using a Coleman Mbdel 21 flame photometer. The phosphorus content was determined by the ammonium molybdate-colorimetric procedure as out- lined by Fiske and Subbarrow (13). Lime Bellevue limestone (calcic) was sieved through an 80-mesh screen, and its neutralizing valuewdetermined by standard A.0.A.C. methods (7). A calcium carbonate equivalent of 75 percent was obtained. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Soil Reaction and Lime Requirement Data for soil reaction are given.in Table 2. Soil pH was measured prior to liming, after the limed soils had been incubated for thirteen.weeks in the greenhouse, and after harvest of the third cutting of alfalfa. Soil pH values of the nine soils prior to lim- ing varied from 5.15 to 5.60 with an average pH of S.hh. The data in Table 2 show that at rates of 2,000 pounds of lime per acre and higher, pH decreased during growth of three cuttings of alfalfa. This decrease in pH was less apparent at rates below 2,000 pounds of lime per acre. This result would be expected because yield of alfalfa and uptake and removal of bases by alfalfa were higher at high rates of liming than at low rates. The check soils were not incubated prior to planting. .A comparison of pH of unincubated checks with.pH of treatments with the first increment of lime of incubated soils at planting time shows that for most soils pH of the checks was higher than pH after addition of the first increment of lime. This depres- sion in.pH did not occur in the poorly buffered Plainfield, Montcalm, and Nester soils. After growth of three cuttings of alfalfa the de- pression in pH was not apparent and the checks showed a lower pH than treatments with the first increment of lime on all soils except warsaw loam. Alban and Lin (1) reported similar observations on Oregon soils. These observations may be explained by the fact that the number and activity of micro-organisms increase in limed and incubated soils which gives rise to an accumulation of organic acids and a decrease in soil pH. 16 17 Percent base saturation of each soil at different pH values is given in Table 3. A close linear relationship exists within each soil type between increase in pH and increase in percent base satura- tion at successive increments of lime. InSpection of the data in Table 3 fails to show the same relationship between soil types. The lack of correlation of pH to percent base saturation between different soil types may be explained by differences in strength of adsorption of exchangeable cations. Differences in strength of adsorption may be due to variations in type and proportion of clay minerals present in different soil types. Also, variations in organic matter content may affect the strength with which bases are adsorbed on the colloidal complex. The effect of different types of clay minerals on percent base saturation is shown in Table h. This table includes data for percent base saturation and estimated amounts of different types of clay minerals. The x—ray diffraction patterns are shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3 of the appendix. The data in Table b show that in general lower base saturation percentages are associated with soils having a relatively greater proportion of kaolinite, a 1:1 type clay mineral. Higher base saturation percentages tend to be associated with soils containing a relatively greater proportion of 2:1 type clay minerals. For example, at a pH of 6.00 the base saturation of the colloidal complex in Munising sandy loam is 36.9 percent. At the same pH, the base saturation of the colloidal complex in 0ntonagon.clay is 77.0 per- cent. The data in Table h show that the greater proportion of clay minerals in Munising sandy loam is kaolinite, a 1:1 type clay mineral, whereas, the clay minerals in Ontonagon clay consist mainly of montmorillonite and vermiculite which are 2:1 type clay minerals. 18 .Hmpma peoommm m 020 pm 0:00000cm0m** .Hm>oa “scoped 0 0:0 00 #:00090GM0m* .eowymmmpmmsmmmm 0&Wohem pqm.mm0womma Hmom :003Wem,d0£meowwmfimh paw mom m¥e0000mmeoo cowvmwmahOOH 00000.0 .. n- -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000.000 0000 0000 00000 -- -- -- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00 00.0 0000000000 00000.0 -- -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A0 .000 0000 0000 00000 -- -- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00 00.0 000000 00000.0 -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000.000 0000 0000 00000 -- -- -- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00 00.0 00000000 0000.0 -- u- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000.000 0000 0000 00000 -- -- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00 00.00 00000 0000.0 I- n- u- 0.00 0.0: 0.00 0.00 0.0: 0.0: 0.0: 0.00 000.000 0000 0000 -- -- .. 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00 00.00 000000000 00000.0 -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000.000 0000 0000 00000 -- -- -- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00 00.00 00000000 aemmm.o nu m.mo 4.00 m.pm 0.0m m.mm m.o: 0.0: m.mm I: ~.wm Auv.00m 000m 5000 -- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 -- 00.0 00 00.00 000000 00000.0 -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000.000 0000 0000 0000 u- I- u- 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00 00.00 00000 0000 00000.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .. 0.00 000.000 0000 0000 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 -- 00.0 00 00.00 000000000 00000m000000 0000 mmo0 0000 70000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 0 0000\00 000050000 1e000efimmmoo it 111‘ named 00d messOdv MmHHQQMlmewH . mmao .00000 smm0200m 0e0e mo :00pmaspmm when pCmOAmd one COHvomea 0000 do 0500 mo c000000aadm mo open mo 000000 use .m @0905 19 0200200 tho 00900 00 9200009 owuom u xxxx #200200 hmHo Haven mo p2monma omnom u xxx p2mv2oo 0000 HmFOP Ho 9200009 Om|OH u xx 0200200 0000 00000 no 9200000 OHIO a x 020000* 0200 05000 xx xx 0 x xxxx o.m: 00.0 mo.o mm.o 0 0000920000 500a 50200 0 000 0 000 0000 0.00 00.0 00.0 00.0 00 000002 0000 00200 x xx 0 x xxxx m.o: 00.0 mw.m 0m.0 0 50000202 500a 002mm x xx 0 x xxx 0.0: 00.0 mN.HH mH.m 0 00200 5000 o xxxx 0 x xxx 0.00 00.0 mm.mH mu.m m0 000050000 5000 002mm x 0 0 50 00000 0.00 00.0 00.00 00.0 0 00000000 5000 x xx 0 xxx xxx 0.0m 00.0 00.00 ow.m wH 300003 500a pafiw x 0 .xx 0 x xxxx 0.0: 00.0 mw.om mm.: 2H no>fim 2onH hmao 0 xx 0000 000 00 0.00 00.0 00.00 00.0 00 000000000 0.0 000 000 00 000 0.0 00 0085.05 00 00 000. 0.00 09020020 0000200500> 00020000005p2oz mvHaHH 000200000 .amm 000m .000 .2oxm 00000: 0000 200900 0020mxo .2000002000 0009 p2moumm.2o 0000205 Adan mo waxy mo 000000 029 .4 00909 20 These results confirm findings of Marshall (28) and Mehlich (32). They showed that bases, eSpecially'calcium, were adsorbed more strongly on 2:1 type clay minerals than on 1:1 type clay minerals. Consequently, percent base saturation at a given pH was considerably higher in mont- morillonitic soils than in kaolinitic soils. The practical implication of these results is that at a given pH, calcium is more easily available to plants in kaolinitic soils than.in.montmorillonitic soils. Thus, montmorillonitic soils require more lime at a given pH, cation exchange capacity, and percent base saturation than kaolinitic soils to effect a sufficient release of calcium to plants. From the results discussed 'previously'it may be concluded that soil pH alone and base saturation alone are inadequate criteria for predicting lime requirement of soils. However, a close relationship was found between exchangeable hydrogen, obtained by the difference between cation exchange capacitygtand total base content of the soils, and lime requirement1 as shown in Figure l. Shimp (uh) reported a similar relationship for 15 Michigan soils. These results indicate that exchangeable hydrogen is a good criterion for evaluating lime requirement of soils. Soil Texture and Lime Requirement It is commonly accepted that soil texture affects lime require- ment of soils. In this experiment percent silt in soil and lime re- quirement were not correlated as shown in.Figure 2. This result indicates that silt contributes relatively little to buffer capacity and lime requirement of soils. Percent clay in the soil was significantly 1Lime requirement used in correlation studies is the amount of lime needed to raise soil pH from an average pH of 5.5 to 6.8 as determined by incubating the nine soils for 13 weeks in the greenhouse. x 10'3 (lbs/AFS) Lime Req. 21 1b 1 12 r 339 + 612 (Exch. H+) + .877** (D H n n O 1 A 1 L 1 l . J . v a O 2 h 6 8 10 12 lb 16 Exchangeable Hydrogen (me./lOO g) Figure 1. Linear correlation between exchangeable hydrogen and lime requirement for nine Michigan soils. S) (lbs/AF fi TC- " 3' Lime Req. Lime Req. x 10'3 (lbs/AFS) 22 12 r 5 c> 10L- 8 L //e i C) ’////” 6? ® // o m 62/ .// 14} /////“/’ c> L.R. = 3398 + 76.6 (% Silt) tx’ Q r = +.536 2 i c> 3 O E _J 1* I J 0 20 no 60 - 80 Silt (%) Figure 2. Linear correlation between percent silt and lime requirement of nine Michigan soils. 12 - 10}- (3 8 ' <3 6) GD/ L.R. = 3976 : 115.6 (56 Clay) 6 r 0 {9/ r = 4-.79h K h C) 2 L c) O l -.._.-.--_..-o .--_e.. -J._d-.--._.. _L 4' o 20 ho 6o 80 Clay (%) Figure 3. Linear correlation between percent clay and ' lime requirement of nine Michigan soils. 23 . related to lime requirement as shown in.Figure 3. Shimp (hh), on 15 Michigan soils and Keeney, §t_§l, (22), on 23'Wisconsin soils noted that clay content did not appear to be an important factor in lime requirement determination. However, it is easier to explain a good correlation betweei'these two factors than to account for poor cor- relation because clay, as an important colloidal constituent in most soils, should contribute a significant share to the buffer capacity and lime requirement of acid soils. Organic Matter and Lime Requirement The important effect of organic matter on lime requirement is indicated in Figure h. This result agrees with findings of other investigators (21, 22, 32, 3h). Keeney, gt a}, (22) found that organic matter was significantly related to lime requirement and that a function of pH and organic matter interaction, (pH 6.5 - soil pH) x:(% O.M.), was highly correlated with lime requirement. As is shown in Figure 5, this function is also highly correlated with the lime requirement of the Michigan soils studied in this investigation. The clay content of eight of the nine soils on.which this equation was tested was below eighteen percent. In these soils, variations in buffer capacity are closely related to differences in organic matter content. This may account for the high correlation of the function of pH and organic matter interaction with lime requirement of these soils. It is questionable, however, whether this equation would hold true for soils having a relatively low organic matter content and high clay content. The equation may also give anomolous results in calculating lime re- quirement for very acid soils containing relatively large amounts Lime Req. x 10"3 (lbs/AFS) Lime Req. x 10-3 (lbs/AFS) 2h l2r 10' L.R. inns + 1&63 (% O.M.) I' *6? - +.9h9 o 2 h' 6 8 Organic Matter (%) Figure h. Linear correlation between percent organic matter and lime requirement for nine Michigan soils. 1 12 10*- 1352 + 1108 (FpH x O.M.) +.927** O n l l 1 o 2 h 6 8 (pH 6.8apH initial) x (% organic matter) Figure 5. Linear correlation between a function of pH-- organic matter interaction and lime require- ment for'nine Michigan soils. 25 of exchangeable aluminum. Organic Matter and Cation Exchange Capacity The important effect of organic matter content on cation exchange capacity is illustrated in.Figure 6. Similar results have been reported in the literature (21, 3h, h8). Tedrow and Gillam (h?) showed that in coarse- and medium—textured soils cation exchange capacity is mainly derived from organic matter, while in fine-textured soils the major pro- portion of cation exchange capacity is derived from.clay. Clay content of eight of the nine soils studied in this investigation was below eighteen percent. Thus, the effect of organic matter on cation exchange capacity should be relatively large. This is confirmed in Figures 6 and 7, in which is shown that cation exchange capacity is less affected by variations in clay content than by variations in organic matter content. Cation Exchange Capacity and Lime Requirement Lime requirement was highly correlated with cation exchange capacity as illustrated in.Figure 8. This is to be expected from the pronounced relationships between lime requirement and clay content, lime requirement and organic matter content, cation exchange capacity and organic matter content, and cation exchange capacity and clay content, which have previously been discussed. Ekcept for variations in percent base saturation.due to differences in types of clay, the reserve acidity of an acid soil is proportional to the cation exchange capacity. Since the major'portion of lime reacts with the reserve acidity of a soil, lime requirement at a given pH increases with increasing reserve acidity Figure 6. 35 A 9[ so 6 .5 f: *‘i t 20 D. Q. <3 C) no I: (L .n 3 a: 10 a o w 4.) ‘5 L) 35 30 2O 10 Cation Exchange Capacity (me./100g) ' Figure 7. 26 Linear correlation between organic matter content and cation exchange capacity for nine Michigan soils. <9 (C.E.C.) . -1 r - 4. J I A l .1 l“ 2 3 h S 6 -- Organic Matter (%) (C.E.C.) 3 6.1 r=+. 1 A l 10 20 30 to So 60 Clay (%) Linear correlation between clay conte exchange capacity for nine Michigan 3 .52 + n.73 (% O.M.) 9h1** 3 + .h3O (% clay) O ** 9 6 nt and cation oils. x 10‘3 (lbs/AFS) Lime Req. Lime Req. x 10"3 (Ihs/AFS) 12 10 2? ‘1581’+ 293 (c.E.c.) 4. 956“ 10 20 30 MO Cation Exchange Capacity (me./lOOg) Figure 8. Linear correlation between cation exchange 12 10 O I .7 capacity and lime requirement for nine Michigan soils. L.R. = -6h36 + 11070 (log C.E.C.) r - +.99h** A A I .8 1.0 1.2 “l.h Logarithm of Cation EXchange Capacity (me./lOOg) Figure 9. Linear correlation between the logarithm of cation exchange capacity and lime requirement for nine Michigan soils. 28 and cation exchange capacity. The plotting of lime requirement against cation exchange capacity suggested a correlation between lime require- ment and the logarithm of cation exchange capacity. Plotting the data for these two factors resulted in a nearly perfect linear relationship, as shown in Figure 9. The graph indicates that increase in lime re- quirement is lowered with increasing cation exchange capacity. No reference to such a relationship is made in the literature, and it is difficult to explain. Additional experiments with a larger number of soils are necessary to discover whether or not such a relationship is valid. Lime Requirement Determination by the Shoemaker, McLean, and Pratt Method Lime requirement of the nine soils studied was also determined in the laboratory by using the Shoemaker, McLean, and Pratt (S.M.P.) blffer method. As shown in Figure 10, lime requirement determined in the greenhouse and lime requirement indicated by the S.M.P. buffer method were closely correlated. Shoemaker, gt a}; (’45) and Keeney, 31 3.3;. (22) obtained the same relationship in similar studies. Figure 10 also illustrates that less lime was required by incubating the soils in the greenhouse than was indicated by the S.M.P. method. The reason for this may be that S.M.P. lime recomnerxiations are based on the use of coarser limestone than was used in this experiment. Furthermore, S.M.P. lime reconnnendations are suited to field conditions. Because reactions in soils in the greenhouse are generally more intensive than in the field, it is to be expected that S.M.P. lime recommendations are high for soils in the greenhouse. 29 16 . 111 L ’8 3 a, 12 +- :5 7> 1o - 9.. x. a - L.R. (s.M.P.) = 1.72 L.R. - 686 8' r = +.9hh** m 92’ 6 ’ H 0—1 '0 3 11’ U -:-l '0 0 if 2 ' O L - n ' x a A L o 2 L 6 8 10 12 1h 16 Lime Req. x 10"3 (lbs/AFS) Figure 10. Linear correlation between lime requirement and predicted lime requirement for nine Michigan soils. 30 Effect of Liming on Plant Nutrients and Yield of Alfalfa Table 5 contains the data for acidufluoride extractable phOSphorus, exchangeable calcium, magnesium and potassium as measured by soil test at given rates of lime. Exchangeable calcium in the soils increased consistently with increased rates of lime application. Exchangeable xnagnesium did not show this trend and remained relatively constant. The data for the yield of alfalfa.and its calcium, potassium, and phOSphorus content and uptake are given in Tables 1 to 9 in the appen- dix. The data were statistically analyzed and grouped according to Duncan's multiple range method. Bar graphs representing the totals of each of the plant factors for three cuttings of alfalfa are included as Figures 11 to 18 in the discussion. Calcium The effect of lime additions on yield of alfalfa and its calcium uptake and content is shown in Figures 11, 12 and 13, respectively; Liming increased yield of alfalfa on eight of the nine soils studied. On the Ontonagon soil the check gave a higher yield than did the treat- ments of 1,000 and 2,000 pounds of lime per acre. The first increment of 1,000 pounds of lime per acre gave a large increase in yield on the Plainfield and Warsaw soils. Suzukil found that the unlimed Plainfield and warsaw soils at pH 5.60 and 5.50, respectively, were high in aluminum phosphate. These results suggest that the large increase in j”Suzuki, A., Lawton, K., and Doll, E. C. PhOSphorus uptake and soil tests as related to forms of phOSphorus in some Michigan soils. (Submitted to Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.) 31 Table 5. The effect of rate of application of lime on available phosphorus, exchangeable calcium, exchangeable magnesium, and exchangeable potassium of nine Michigan soils. Lime Applied (Pounds peFFAcna) Soil gype Rate 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Ontonagon pH 5.50 -- §.h1 5.h8 5.50 clay Avail. P205 2h - 16 2h 2h Exch. Ca. 5550 -- 5925 6075 6325 Exch. Mg. 1200 -- 1350 1500 1850 Exch. K20 690 -— 698 695 735 Iron River pH 5.50 5.29 5.32 5.80 5.50 silt loam Avail. P205 56 58 56 56 58 Exch. Ca. 2050 2375 2850 2575 2725 Exch. Mg. 75 175 130 150 130 Bath. K20 123 123 118 113 123 'Warsaw pH 5.50 -- 5.h5 5.60 5.68 loam Avail. P205 312 -- 30h 320 320 Exch. Ca. 2050 -- 2150 2366 2533 Exch. Mg. 170 -- 117 183 167 Exch. K20 h75 -- 508 515 512 Munising pH 5.50 5.h9 5.68 5.67 5.71 sandy loam Avail. P20S 136 160 152 160 lhh Exch. Ca. 1017 1150 1867 1617 1617 Exch. mg. 33 50 80 83 67 Exch. K20 283 2h6 227 262 250 Kalamazoo pH 5.35 5.15 5.35 5.85 5.71 loam Avail. P205 2h 26 27 26 22 Exch. Ca. 1867 1667 1766 1950 2016 Exch. Mg. 33 SO 80 83 67 Exch. K20 283 2u6 227 -262 250 Pence pH 5.50 5.115 5.70 5.80 5.91 va‘ . P 0 88 96 10h 112 10h sandy loam $3381 Ca? 5 1000 1250 1267 1800 1700 Exch. Mg. 67 83 100 67 83 Exch. K20 120 98 80 83 78 Montcalm pH S.h0 5.55 5.67 6.30 6.37 vs . P 0 168 168 176 168 168 sandy loam 233%E Ca? 5 867 883 1117 1183 1317 Exch. Mg. 80 133 87 83 83 inch. K20 150 163 162 157 153 Table 5. Continued. 32 Lime Applied (FSunds per leis) Correlation 2500 3000 8000 5000 6000 7000 Coefficient1 5.53 5.;3 5.2; 5.33 6.0: 6.22 2 32 0.18 6600 6975 7050 7275 7525 7925 9 1825 1500 1800 1800 1325 1225 730 735 728 720 698 693 +0.079 5/59 5.65 6.00 -- -- -- 56 56 58 - -- -- +0.2hh 2975 3100 3375 - -- -- 125 125 175 -- -- .. 123 108 123 -- -- -- +0.060 5.75 5.85 6.25 6.82 6.52 -- 328 302 296 280 296 - -0.718* 2750 2883 3200 3516 3616 .- 180 183 167 183 180 -- 523 525 528 527 523 -- +0.661 5.80 5.98 6.21 -- -- -- 188 152 188 -- -- -— -0.l71 1766 1850 2016 —- -- -- 67 83 83 - .. -- 238 228 286 -- - ~0.098 5.77 6.10 6.38 .. -- 28 28 26 -. -- -- -0.210 2833 1866 2733 —- .. .. 67 83 83 -- -- -- 238 228 286 -- —- -- -0.286 6.09 6.17 6.81 6.65 -— -- 112 108 96 88 -- -- -O.ll9 1866 2033 2166 2550 -- -- 50 100 67 50 -- -- 83 95 92 85 - -- -0.806 6.82 6.55 6.78 - -- .. 168 188 168 -- -- -- -0.182 1550 1650 2083 -. -- -- 83 83 80 -- -- -- 160 187 157 - -- -- v0.371 ICorrelation coefficients for the relationship between soil reaction and available phOSphorus and between soil reaction and exchangeable potassium. 'Weights in pounds per acre. *Significant at the 5 percent level. Table 5. Continued ‘Lime Applied (Pounds perrAcre) Soil Type Rate 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Nester pH 5.15 5.21 5.53 5.85 6.18 sandy loam Avail. P205 56 72 6h 72 72 Exch. Ca. 867 983 1150 1300 1350 Exch. mg. 133 133 133 100 100 Exch. K20 178 177 173 173 165 Plainfield pH 5.60 5.76 6.08 6.39 6.89 loamy sand Avail. P205 128 117 118 120 122 Exch. Ca. 867 767 851 1000 1183 Exch. Mg. 83 83 83 67 67 Exch. K20 70 100 98 102 90 38 Table 5. Continued. Lime Applied (Rounds perlcre) Correlation 2500 3000 8000 5000 6000 7000 Coefficient 6.80 6.58 6.73 7.00 -- -- 68 72 72 72 -- -- +0.528 1533 1700 2033 2300 -- —- 117 113 80 67 -- -- 153 160 163 163 —- -- -0.835** 7 001 7 011 7 o 01 "" "" "'- 123 123 122 -- -— -- v0.130 1167 1333 1333 - -- -- 33 80 83 -- -- -- *tSigniiioant at the 1 percent level. 35-8 awed pafim ao>fim moaH hmfio commGOpeo Emoa semamz emoa human nopmmz smoa_he:mm madness: smoa enema samopeoz smoa momma momma emoa oonmsmadx econ aeoofl eaeemeamfim weepmmEflH mo whom hem amazon coo: onvmoEHH Ho meow Mom meesom 000m encammswa mo meow nod messed oooa noose pcowmq NH eee S magma Home: «mommmwmn .meOm sewasowz we“: so c3oum emammfiw mo mwcwuuso OBu a; madman Enmofimu Hmuou oau so meg“ mo cowuwcwpaae we was» no uoowao och smug «mug eéwmt «mug «MNH emwfi qmmfi dmNH err. 1.1 1 . .NH macawa 1 H . cc~ . w L or.» com. o m m D o m r 35-h .mHHom amwwzowz we“: so e30pw mwfimwwm mo mmcHuuvo wousu mo wfiofim amuOu way so wEHH mo cowuwowfiamm we came mo uoommo 85H .HH ouswwm emma emun emwa emws emma emms emws emms emw _ H Ii u i . OH f. . om . 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