QUANTITATION OF WATER DEPRIVATION RESPONSES IN :MERIONES UNGUICULATUS ' Thesis for the Degree of M. S. MICHTGAN STATE UNIVERSITY DAVID L. NORTON 1970 University mi, I Mia’s—i ;1 ? nah-Sine av HIM & SIIII‘S' BIIUK BINDER? INC. ABSTRACT QUANTITATION OF WATER DEPRIVATION RESPONSES IN MERIONES UNGUICULATUS BY David L. Norton Studies were undertaken to determine the effect of prolonged water deprivation on the survival and metab- olism of Meriones unguiculatus. Survival of this desert species on a dry diet varying in protein content followed the generalization that inability to conserve water when urea must be excreted limits longevity. On a diet con- taining 20% protein (Mouse Breeder Blox), mean survival was only 5 weeks. On a 9% protein (barley) diet, mean survival was in excess of 28 weeks yet the terminal whole body water content (64% of body weight) was the same for both groups. The conclusion was made that, although water deprived animals were in negative water balance, the proportion of water to protein remained essentially the same as the animals lost weight and was unaffected by dietary composition. The water content of ad libitum control animals (59.4%) under constant illumination was significantly different from that of "normal" controls. David L. Norton The reasons are as yet, uncertain, but a possible endo- crine effect has been suggested. The effect of water deprivation on oxygen consump- tion has not heretofore been adequately investigated. Fertig and Edmonds (1969) demonstrated a fall in oxygen consumption for water deprived house mice, but these in- vestigators failed to compare experimental and control patterns. In the present study, it has been shown that, aside from merely lowering oxygen consumption, water deprivation causes a "shift" in the system relating oxygen consumption (cc/day) to body weight (g). Quanti- tation of the response resulted in two significantly displaced regression lines representing control and water deprived animals. Simple prediction equations for oxygen consumption are, therefore, inadequate if the water status of the animal is not considered. .‘i . QUANTITATION OF WATER DEPRIVATION RESPONSES IN MERIONES UNGUICULATUS BY David L. Norton A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Physiology 1970 Dedicated to my parents, Frank and Jessie Norton, whose moral and financial support made this research possible. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere thanks to Dr. Lester F. Wolterink for his encouragement and guidance during the course of this study. Appreciation is also extended to Dr. W. D. Collings and Dr. W. L. Frantz for their advice and assistance in this research effort. Special thanks go to Mrs. Lucile Jolly for her assistance in data tabulation. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O 1 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Studies in Ad Libitum Water Intake . . . . . . . 8 Toleration of Water Deprivation in the Order Rodentia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Dry Rodents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Wet Rodents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Studies in Body Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Oxygen Consumption in Relation to Body Size . . . 18 Oxygen Consumption During Water Deprivation . . . l8 METHODS O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O I O O O 22 Experimental Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Experimental Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Determination of Body Water . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Calculations and Assumptions in the Determination of Oxygen Consumption . . . . . 24 Estimation of Body Weight Changes . . . . . . . . 25 Determination of Blood Osmolarity . . . . . . . . 28 Statistical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 29 RESULTS I O O O I O O O O O O O O I O I O O O O O O 30 Water and Food Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Quantitation of Ad Libitum Water Consumption: The Heterogonic Equation . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Effects of a Deficient Water Supply on Body Weight and Survival . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Quantitation of the Survival Response to Water Deprivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 iv Body Water in the Water Deprived Animal in Light-Dark and Light-Light Environments . . Effect of Water Deprivation on Mean Oxygen Consumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effect of Water Deprivation on the Quantitation of the Oxygen Consumption Response . . . . . Plasma Osmolarity Changes During Water Deprivation in Animals on High and Low Protein Diets O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 DISCUSSION 0 O O O O O O O O O O I O O O O O O O 0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 0 O O O O O O O O I O O 0 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDICES O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Page 41 47 SO 53 56 65 67 71 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Ad Libitum Water Consumption in Some Rodents 2. Oxygen Consumption in the Order Rodentia . . 3. Oxygen Consumption when Different Foodstuffs Are Oxidized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Gerbil Survival without Water . . . . . . . 5. Gerbil Survival without Food . . . . . . . . 6. Body Water after Starvation . . . . . . . . 7. Plasma Osmolarity During Water Deprivation . Vi Page 10 20 25 39 39 46 54 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Food Consumption During Water Deprivation . . . 32 2. Quantitation of Ad Libitum Water Intake: Relation of Water Intake to Mean Body weight 0 O O O O I O O I I O O O I O O I O O O 35 3. Mortality Rates of LD and LL Animals on Water Deprivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4. Body Water in the Water Deprived Animal on High and Low Protein Diets . . . . . . . . 43 5. Comparison of Mean Oxygen Consumption During Water Deprivation . . . . . . . . . . . 48 6. Effect of Water Deprivation on the Quantita- tion of Oxygen Consumption . . . . . . . . . . 51 vii INTRODUCTION The success of a species ability to survive in a desert environment depends upon its capacity to solve the problems of food, water, and body temperature maintenance. The factors which determine the availability of the first two commodities vary in different habitats and, as Chew (1951) has so aptly phrased it, can "influence the dis- tribution and abundance of mammals" on earth. It is not a function of this dissertation to describe the ecological patterns of the world's deserts but only to examine some of the physiological mechanisms which arise from such an existance and which are necessary for survival. The problem of food is one for which mammals have no physiological defense other than tolerance of starva- tion or semi-starvation. Food must be supplied by the environment. Survival depends upon it not only because food itself is needed for survival but also because it is a source of water; be it free or metabolic. The question which now arises is whether an animal can live in the absence of the second essential, water, if food is avail- able. The answer will depend upon the animal's ability to balance water loss with oxidation or metabolic water and with that free water which may exist in the food. Water is lost through the feces and urine, and by evapora- tion at the respiratory surface, while gain, in this case, can only be had via the food. Daily fluctuations in loss to gain or in gain to loss may exist but, in the long run, the animal must be in equilibrium if it is to survive. This investigation is meant to examine the tolerance to water deprivation of that group of desert mammals belong- ing to the order Rodentia and, in particular, a species of the genus Meriones, one of several in a large group of desert rodents commonly referred to as the desert gerbil. Schmidt-Nielsen §t_al. (1948) have demonstrated the ability of the kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami) to exist on a diet of dry grain with no exogenous water available. Other investigators (Bartholemew and MacMillen, 1961; Kirmiz, 1962) have reported this independence of exogenous water in the kangaroo mouse, Microdipodops pallidus, and the jerboa, Jaculus. In contrast, Bartholemew and Hudson (1959) have shown that the antelope ground squirrel, Citellus leucurus, another desert rodent, has need of succulent plants in its diet. This dissertation attempts to classify the species Meriones unguiculatus, as either a "wet" or a "dry" desert rodent. The third stress of the desert is that of heat and, as Schmidt-Nielsen (1964) points out, there are basically three ways in which an animal can meet it; evasion, tolerance, and thermoregulation. Evasion is generally accomplished by burrowing and by being nocturnal in nature. Misonne (1959) has reported that temperatures at a one meter depth below the surface usually vary within a range of 20-30 degrees centigrade; which is well under the surface temperature during the day. Consequently, burrowing animals do not meet with the severe stress of the desert heat that one might expect. Furthermore, most of the desert rodents are nocturnal, coming out at night to forage for food and remaining in burrows during the day. Hence they are further alleviated from the stresses imposed upon them by the severe desert heat such as the need to thermoregulate and the conservation of body water. To passively put up with the heat would involve an ex- tremely high tolerance to increases in body temperature and, as yet, there are no indications that desert mammals are able to surpass the limits of heat tolerance found in most other mammals. The third mechanism is thermoregula- tion whereby the animal combats the heat by evaporation. This is the costliest method since it infringes upon the animal's precarious water balance and, in fact, poses a threat to survival. Desert species of the type studied here are not particularly tolerant of high temperatures, nor do they use water for heat regulation. It is the fact that most desert rodents are both fossorial and noc- turnal that contributes to their capacity to withstand the aridity and temperature of the environment in which they live. Gerbils are rodents of the family Cricetidae, sub- family Gerbillinae. They are referred to by a number of common names such as sand rats, desert rats, antelOpe rats, and jirds. Their natural diet consists of dry seeds and roots. They are distributed throughout Africa, Egypt, the Middle East, Southern Russia, Central and Eastern Asia, and India. The habitat of Meriones unguiculatus is described by Rich (1968) as extending from Mongolia to the northern sections of the Sinkiang, Shensi, Ordos, and Shansi provinces of China. Since there are twelve genera presently known, it is inadequate in reports such as this to ascribe only the word "gerbil" to the species under investigation. The name Mongolian gerbil, when presented in the literature, usually refers to Meriones unguiculatus and it is to this species that this report makes reference. This research focuses on the environmental aspects of the animal's physiology with emphasis on water conser- vation and oxygen consumption. The problem of heat regu- 1ation in Meriones is not considered because, in their natural habitat, they exhibit the common behavioral characteristics described above as being typical of most desert rodents and, hence, are not subjected to the stresses of the desert heat. It only remains then to ex- amine the problems imposed upon the animal by the desert dryness. Of particular interest to this research was the ability to quantitate, or to describe in mathematical form, certain physiological responses as they relate to some independent variable. The questions of interest were as follows: 1. Can ad libitum water consumption be success- fully correlated to body weight in an interaspecific study such as this? 2. Is Meriones unguiculatus as adaptable to water deprivation as other desert species? 3. Does dietary composition have a significant effect on survival during water deprivation? 4. What effect does water deprivation have on mean oxygen consumption? 5. Can oxygen consumption be successfully quan- titated in an intraspecific study in terms of cc/(g) (days)? 6. What effect does water deprivation have on percent body water and plasma osmolarity? 7. Are these six factors affected by an artifi- cial environment such as constant illumination? The particular parameters studied include food and water intake, body weight changes during water depri- vation, oxygen consumption, body water, survival time as a function of dietary intake, and plasma changes during water deprivation. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE The quantitation of a physiological process in- volves the establishment of a relation between a response, Y, and an independent variable, X, most notably surface areas, body weights, or survival times. The equations used for the expression of such relationships have been termed heterogonic (Adolph, 1949) since they reveal the degree of disproportionality existing between the two variables investigated. If, for example, the logarithms of a response Y are a linear function of the logarithms of X, then obviously the response must be proportional to a given power function of x. The equation is usually written in the form Y = a X (2.1) in which Y is the dependent variable and X the independent variable. Taking the logarithms of both sides, the equation becomes log Y = log a + k log X (2.2) which has the same general form as the linear equation Y = a + k X (2.3) Linear equation (2.3) represents a constant absolute in- crease in Y for a constant absolute increase in X, whereas logarithmic equation (2.2) represents a constant percent- age increase for the two variables. Both equations are fitted to data by the method of least squares, but the procedure for equation (2.2) involves a logarithmic trans- formation of the measured data into terms of log Y and log X. Brody (1964) has concluded that it is often more rational to assume that a given percentage deviation has about the same significance for a large as for a small animal than it is to assume that a given absolute devia- tion has approximately the same significance for a large as for a small animal. For example, if a 100 g animal looses 5 g of body weight it has lost only 5% of its initial weight, but the same absolute loss in a 10 g animal constitutes a 50% reduction in weight. As a re- sult, the logarithmic equation (2.2) has a greater signi- ficance in such physiological quantitation than has the linear equation (2.3). Controversy has arisen over the value of the exponent, "k," when body weight is the independent vari- able. Adolph (1949) suggested that the two-third power of body weight might be a common and reasonable coeffi— cient of prOportionality, whereas Klieber (1961) showed a greater proportionality between certain variables when the three-fourth power of body weight was used. Thus, studies on the interspecific comparison of metabolic rates in 26 groups of animals resulted in a regression coeffi- cient of 0.756. Intraspecific comparisons, however, have usually resulted in higher exponential values. Lee (1939) reported a "k" value of 0.82 after metabolic studies on rabbits. Similarly, Benedict (1938), in his regression line for metabolic rates in mice, gave a "k" value of 0.89. Since animals are strikingly dissimilar in size and geometric shape, it seems illogical to equate "k" with a constant in dealing with intraspecific studies. It is more rational to take X k as the reference base, the value of "k" being determined on the basis of actual data (Brody, 1964). Studies in Ad Libitum Water Intake The use of ad libitum water intake as an index of water requirements involves the assumption that it is an accurate index of the water intake to which the species is adapted. In support of this assumption, successful correlation between ad libitum water intake and habitat aridity has been shown for a number of rodents; mice originating in areas with more mesophytic vegetation drank more water than those from primarily xerophytic regions (Lindeborg, 1952). Schmidt-Nielsen (1964) has shown that those species of rodents most able to survive during water deprivation consume the least amount of ad libitum water and generally come from the most extreme desert habitats. Lee (1963) found no correlation of water intake with habitat aridity in studies between coastal and desert Neotoma lepida. MacMillen and Lee (1967) noted that the Australian desert rodents, Notomys alexis and Notomys cervinus, which are generally independent of drinking water under moderate temperatures and a diet of carbohydrate-rich seeds, will drink water "greedily" in the laboratory. The jerboa, Jaculus jaculus, from the Sahara, has been observed to drink 4.3% of its body weight in water per day (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1964; see Table 1). It is apparent that the variables involved in ad libitum water consumption are numerous. Hudson (1962) found in- creased water consumption with rising ambient temperatures in studies on the desert ground squirrel, Citellus leucu- rus. Schmidt-Nielsen (1964) has reported that kangaroo rats, Dipodomys merriami, which ordinarily can survive water deprivation indefinitely, could not do so in rela- tive humidities below 15%. Adolph (1943) showed that a decrease in water consumption occurs when food is restricted in studies on the laboratory rat. Williams (1959) has presented evidence that ad libitum water intake is af- fected by dietary composition. Alteration of dietary protein in studies on the deer mouse was directly related 10 vmma .cmmawflzlupflfinom macs II II “Emanumfi mSEOUomflo vmma .cmmeHZIDpHE£om mcoc nu In msaaflnnmm msaaflnumw vwma .cmmHmHZIupHEnom ones In In mammmno mmcoflnmz vmma .cmmHmAZIuGHEEUm om.v In In msHsOMn mDHDUMb vmma .ammHmHZIDCH830m mm.m I: In manommsn m>800¢ mmma .uouowmm v.ma In o.o> .mm msumOHHUOmmz mmma .muonwccwq m.om HH n.vm msoflsm>ammccwm .m mDDOHOHz vmma .ammawHZIupflenom mm.aa II II mscflufinmo mMEoom mcsum mane o.HH ma m.¢m msumasoflsmcs mmcofiuwz mama .cOmcsm H.~H OH m.Hm maafimm msaouomno mmma .muonmpcwq m.m om H.Hm Oaaflcuou msmoosma msommfionmm mmma .mmq H.ma m II mowmma mEouomz mmmH .qu m.vN OH 5.0mH mwmwvmflm mfiouowz NmmH .GOwUSE v.ma NH w.mm mDHDODwH mDHHmuHU omma .Houommm n.5H II o.oma .mm COUOEmHm Amo\.u3 mocmummmm cowMMWMmWOU z pnmflmbmwmmz mmflommm umumz .m#G®©O~m 050m CH GOHUQESWCOU HMHMZ EDfiHQHQ UAN .H GHQMB 11 to the amount of water drunk. It is possible, therefore, that, although a general correlation between habitat aridity and water intake may sometimes exist, the measure- ments of ad libitum water consumption in the laboratory may not directly reflect the "normal" water consumption in nature. The natural environment itself is not usually "constant," unless behavioral adaptations carefully regu- late the selection of the ambient environment. The water requirements of Meriones unguiculatus appear to be intermediate between those of Dipodomys merriami and Citellus leucurus. Although both M. unguicu- latus and g. leucurus require free water for maintenance, the former consume less water ad libitum (Winkelmann and Getz, 1962). Adolph (1949) formulated an equation by which interspecific comparisons of ad libitum water intake could be made on the basis of body weight. His equation was heterogonic and expressed water intake as being pro- portional to the 0.88 power of body weight. Lindeborg (1952) found no meaningful correlation between water in- take and body weight in mice from xeric and mesic habitats. Using a modification of Adolph's equation, Hudson (1962) compared the water consumption of 14 species of rodents with limited success. The trend relating water intake to differences in the habitat of the various species studied was also obscure. Dipodomys merriami, an animal from an 12 extremely arid region, had a consumption equal to the predicted value, whereas the cotton rat, Siqmodon 52., an animal from a moist habitat, had a water consumption higher than would be expected on the basis of body weight. Microtus pennsylvanicus and Peromyscus leucopus tornillo showed consumptions that correlated nicely with their habitats (Lindeborg, 1952), that is, mesic versus xeric, but did not follow the predicted values (Hudson, 1962). Lee (1963) has attributed this discrepancy to the hetero- geneous conditions under which the data were collected. Hudson stated that comparisons of ad libitum water con- sumption on a relative weight basis are complicated by such variables as humidity, temperature, moisture content of the food and activity. These factors are often not explicitly acknowledged in the literature. Water intake for a number of species has been tabulated by Spector (1956). Toleration of Water Deprivation in the Order Rodentia "Dry" Rodents The ability of rodents, particularly the desert species, to survive during periods of water deprivation has been extensively studied. Body weight changes, length of survival, and dietary intake are reviewed. 13 Desert rodents of the family Heteromydae: Dipo- domys gp,, Dipodomys merriami (kangaroo rats); and Perogna- thus penicillatus pricei (pocket mice) were able to maintain water balance on a diet of dry grain with no drinking water (Schmidt-Nielsen, et a1., 1950). Dipodomys merriami sur- vived for indefinite periods of time and were able to maintain their body weights on air dried food without access to drinking water when the diet consisted of pearled barley or rolled oats. Survival was limited to 16 days when a high protein diet of soybeans was given without water (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1964). Terminal weights in these animals was 60% of initial. Bartholemew and MacMillen (1961) have shown indefinite survival under water deprivation for a third genus, Microdipodgps palli- dus, the kangaroo mouse, when on a dry carbohydrate rich diet. Pocket mice, Perognathus baileyi and Perognathus penicillatus pricei, survived well without any moist food and appeared to be even more independent of moisture than the kangaroo rats (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1964). A comparative study of the jerboa, Dipus aegyptius (family Dipodidae) and white rat, Rattus E23! was reported by Kirmiz (1962). On a dry grain diet (barley and wheat; 10% moisture) jerboas survived over a period of 1-3 years. Weight loss followed 10 months of water deprivation. In contrast, the white rats decreased food intake for the first three days of water deprivation after which they 14 ceased to eat entirely. The finding for the rat was con- sistant with that of Adolph (1943). Laboratory rats re- fused to eat whenever some essential constituent of the diet (such as water) was lacking. As a result, the body weights of the rats diminished rapidly and survival was only one week (Kirmiz, 1962). Schmidt-Nielsen, gt_§1. (1948) reported a 21 day survival for water deprived rats, Rattus norvegicus, accompanied by a 50% reduction in body weight. The capacity of jerboas to live on a dry diet was attributed to a reduced food consumption and metabo- lism, whereas the white rats ceased to eat after the third day on a dry diet. Total inanition as well as water fast- ing were considered the lethal factors (Kirmiz, 1962). Data for the subfamily Gerbillinae has been re- ported by Burns (1956); Petter (1953); Schmidt-Nielsen (1964). Gerbillus gerbillus, from Egypt, Meriones libycus and Meriones crassus, both from the Sahara, lived well on dry food and survived indefinitely, often with an increase in weight. In a comparison of seven desert species, Schmidt-Nielsen (1964) showed Gerbillus gerbillus to be the most adaptive to water deprivation with Jaculus jaculus and Acomys cahirinus the least adaptive. The latter species suffered a 30-40% weight loss after three weeks of water deprivation and are reported to consume 11.38% of their body weight daily in ad libitum water. 15 Final mention of the "dry" rodents must include a recent study on the house mouse, Mus musculus (Fertig and Edmonds, 1969). Mice kept on a dry grain diet maintained themselves at full body weight for several months. When a high protein diet was introduced, the mice consumed less food, thereby subjecting themselves to a slow starvation. The mice tolerated a temporary loss of body weight of about 40%. High protein diets were lethal but urine con- centrations often exceeded those of Dipodomys. The ability of Mus musculus to survive on limited water intake ex- ceeded that of Microtus (Chew and Hindegardner, 1957). Independence of drinking water or succulent food is due to an extreme ability to reduce urine water loss by form- ing very hypertonic urine and by reducing evaporative water loss by a decrease in oxygen consumption (Chew, 1961). "Wet" Rodents Studies in water deprivation have been done on animals classified as "wet" rodents. Data on the North American pack rat, Neotoma albigula, has been compiled by the Schmidt-Nielsens, et a1. (1948) and compared to the white rat, Rattus norvegicus. Like the kangaroo rat, the pack rats needed no source of drinking water but could not survive on air dried diets. Much of its moisture came from succulent vegetation. When given only air dried 16 food, survival was only 4-9 days as compared to 15-21 days in the white rat, also a "wet" rodent. The rate of weight loss during water deprivation was similar for both animals but the pack rats died after only a 30% reduction in weight. White rats tolerated a 50% loss of weight. Adolph (1943) found a 46% reduction in weight and a 6-15 day survival time for water deprived rats. Emphasis has been placed on the seeming contradiction of a desert species being less tolerant to water deprivation than a relative of similar size with no special adaptation to a desert existance. Findings for the sand rat, Psammomys obesus (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1964), and the carnivorous grasshopper mouse, Onychomys torridus (Schmidt-Nielsen and Haines, 1962), were similar to those of the pack rat. Related species, Neotoma lepida and Neotoma fuscipes, have been studied by Lee (1963). Neither of these species are able to maintain initial body weight or to maintain a constant weight at a lower level when water is withheld. Survival of water deprived wood rats ranges from 2-16 days. Neotoma lepida experienced a 32.5% re- duction in weight while Neotoma fuscipes lost a mean of 40.0% of their initial body weight. Animals which had experienced partial dehydration, rehydrated, and were then deprived of water, had survival times which were twice those of unacclimated animals. Similar results were found 17 for Citellus leucurus (Hudson, 1962), but survival under water deprivation reached a maximum level for all "wet" rodents considered; 51 days. Studies in Bodinater Khalil and Abdil-Messeih (1954) reported a lower water content in the tissues of desert animals than in other animals. Sokolov (1966) refuted these findings and found no such reduction in the tissues of desert rodents when compared to the dog, rat, and man. Schmidt-Nielsen gt_al. (1948) found the water content of kangaroo rats to be 66.5% after 7 weeks of water deprivation on a diet of pearled barley. Control animals averaged 67.2% after 54 days on fresh watermelon. Attempts at dehydration by feeding the rats a diet of dry soybeans resulted in an average body water content of 67.2% at the time of death. Weight loss in these animals was 66% of initial. Nega- tive water balance was achieved but the proportion of water in the body remained the same as the animals lost weight. This implied that the animals were not really dessicated. Chew (1951) reported the same percent body water (66%) for other small rodents on water deprivation. Chew (1957) found a significant decrease in body water in water deprived mice, Mus musculus. 18 Oxygen Consumption in Relation to Body Size The relation of metabolic rate to body size has been reported by a number of investigators (Adolph, 1949; Klieber, 1961; Brody, 1964). Interspecific comparisons have shown that metabolic rate is most nearly proportional to the three-fourth power of body weight or a regression coefficient (in the heterogonic equation) of 0.756 (Klieber, 1961). Brody's analysis was shown in his "mouse to elephant" curve. Intraspecific comparisons of metabolic rate to body size have yielded slightly higher coefficients; 0.89 for mice (Benedict, 1938), 0.82 for rabbits (Lee, 1939), and 0.84 for dogs (Galvao, 1942). As a result, X R has been suggested as the reference base; the value of "k" being determined on the basis of observed data (Brody, ‘1964). Oxygen Consumption During Water Deprivation The ability of desert rodents to reduce metabolic activity may be as important for water conservation as for energy conservation (Bartholemew and MacMillen, 1961). Schmidt-Nielsen (1964) has shown that a decrease in evaporative water loss accompanies a decrease in oxygen consumption. Since water conservation is essential to the water deprived animal, a reduction in oxygen 19 consumption is therefore advantageous. Klieber (1961) reported an inverse relationship between oxygen consump- tion and days of starvation. Metabolism decreased with increased time on starvation in laboratory rats. Fertig and Edmonds (1969) have shown that water deprived house mice on a lethal diet (high protein) entered a state of torpor, as indicated by a reduced oxygen consumption, in order to conserve energy. The reduction in oxygen con- sumption was accompanied by a reduction in evaporative water loss. Adolph (1943) found a similar reduction in caloric output for water deprived rats. A number of resting oxygen consumption values for certain rodents has been compiled in Table 2. 20 IIIII. Aomaav ..Hm um .cmemAZIucflsaom mm mm.m o.mm msHsomsE msz Anomav .mmq mm mn.o In mmmHUmSM mEouomz Ammmav .mmq am ms.o .. Aamummoov mended «souomz Ammmac .mmq am mn.o .. Auummmuo mended msouomz Ammmav .comesm om mo.a H.6m mausosma msaamuao Ammmav .cOmzmo Hm om.a m.ma mausosma msaamuflo Ammaav .comzmo mm om.a a.mm mscnucasmcmm mmsooomno Asmmav .mmn a cmaaazomz mm Ha.a H.0OH mandamuommm masocomno .aflMlmm .cmmHoHZInmwmmww mm ov.a H.ooa mnaanmuommm mssooomflo Ammmflv .aOmgmo Hm o~.H n.4m nsmfiuums mssooomno Insane .qu a cmaaflzomz mm as.m H.mm Aswannws masowomao ..AMIMM comeHz|u%meww mm vm.m H.mm HEMHMHmE mwaopomwa U mmmummo Awmwwmwmw Amy mocmummmm musumnmmEmB coaumESmcou pamflmz mmflommm ucmflnfim mmmmxo com: .mwpcmpom Hmpuo mnu ca coHumESmcoo cmmwxo .N magma 21 AhmmHV .qu w cmaaflzomz Ahmmav .mmq w cmHHHZOMz Anomav .mmq a cmaaazomz Anomav .aomcnnom Ammmav .cOmcflnom Aommav .20mnmmm Acmmav ..Hm um .cmmamflzlupflfinom Aommav ..Hm um .cmmHmHZIDwasnom III 3mm: ..Hm pm .cmmamflzlupfiesom Afloaav .smaawzomz w 3mEmHonuumm IIIII Aommav ..Hm um .cmmeHZIDUflfinom IIIII AommHv ..Hm um .cmmamnz-ucasgom mm mm mm hm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mv.m mm.H «H.m MH.H mm.H om.~ vH.m mm.m mm.H om.H wm.H Hm.m m.NH mflmcmmnsnmccmfiums mcwpmmmmq >.vm mscfl>uwo mhfiouoz m.mm mflxmam mmfiouoz mealmn Sapfiamuwm msHHHQHmw omlam mDuMHSOHsmcs mmcoflumz o.m mfluonmmE m>EOMGOUs0H£uHmm «.mm .mmm msg#mcmoumm o.m~ msuflcano msommfionmm H.mm msmnsm msumowno «.ma mspflaamm mQOUomHGOHOAZ H.moH Amuflnzv msowmm>uoc mspumm «.mm Amuflczv msasomse ms: METHODS Experimental Rationale Meriones' response to prolonged water deprivation was observed over periods ranging from 20-40 days in several experimental trials. The designs of all trials were essentially the same although different parameters were investigated after each experimental run. The abso- lute values of the results obtained are of interest to this research only to the extent that they have led to a description or quantitation of a particular response. For example, the values for ad libitum water consumption are not as critical as the system which relates water con- sumption to body weight. The results formulate the system but the system alone describes the response. With the exception of oxygen consumption, all parameters were observed directly. Oxygen consumption was found by calculation from the food intake and adjusted for body weight changes. Experimental Design Adult, male and female Mongolian gerbils, Meriones unguiculatus, were placed in individual cages containing a granulated corn cob litter and starved for 12 days in 22 23 order to reduce body fat. A reduction in body fat was necessary to eliminate individual variations in percent body water inherent between animals. During the starva- tion period, water was available ad libitum. The animals were then transferred to clean cages, with no litter, and divided into two uniform groups of twenty animals each. One group was housed in a constant light laboratory while the other group was kept in the original laboratory under light-dark conditions (12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness daily). The relative humidity in both labora- tories ranged from 40-80%. After the twelve days of starvation, each animal received approximately 50 g of Wayne mouse breeder blox (MBB) or barley (see Appendix I) and from then on food was added as needed. Food remaining at the end of the trial was measured and individual consumption was recorded as mg/(g mean body weight)(day). Ten animals from each group also received ad libitum water. The light-dark watered animals (LDW) were considered the normal controls. Body weights were measured every two days on a Mettler balance to the nearest 0.1 9 beginning with the first day of the starvation period. Water bottles were also weighed at this time. Individual water consumption was measured using the techniques described by Bartholemew and Hudson (1959) using inverted water bottles fitted with L-shaped drinking tubes to reduce spillage. No correction was made 24 for occasional spillage and evaporative water loss was negligible. Thus, the values for mean water consumption, and its error, may be slightly biased. Water consumed was expressed as g/(g of mean body weight)(day). Measure- ments made during the starvation period were separated from those made during the experimental period. Determination of Body Water After each animal died, its carcass was placed in a drying oven at 105 degrees centigrade and weighed periodically. A constant weight was recorded after three identical weighings. Body water was then recorded as a percent of the terminal wet body weight. Control animals were sacrificed after most of the water deprived animals had died. Calculations and Assumptions in the Determination of Oxygen Consumption Total food ingested was measured at the end of the experimental period and corrected for digestibility. Fat and starch were considered 90% digestible; protein was considered 80% digestible. The percent composition of the diets studied is given in Appendix I. Since these compositions are at 40% relative humidity, there exists a small percentage of water in each case. It was assumed that the oxidation of digestible foodstuffs led to the standard end products of carbon dioxide, water, and urea. 25 Table 3. Oxygen Consumption when Different Foodstuffs Are Oxidized. 1 t Liters of 0 Liters of O * Gms. H 0 formed 2 % Food Type consumed pe used per g . per gm. fOOd gm. food water formed Starch 0.556 0.828 1.489 Fat 1.071 2.019 1.885 Protein 0.396 0.967 2.441 *From Schmidt-Nielsen, Desert Animals, 1964. Oxygen consumption values were found using the values of Schmidt-Nielsen (Table 3) for calculating the amount of oxygen needed to oxidize one gram of starch, fat or protein. For example, the oxidation of one gram of starch requires the consumption of 0.828 liters of oxygen and from this gram of starch, 0.556 gms. of water are produced metabolically. To find the total amount of oxygen consumed, corrections had to be made for changes in body weight. Estimation of Body Weight Changes It was assumed that the composition of weight gain or of weight loss was probably a function of initial body weight. It was therefore necessary to estimate the initial and terminal body composition of each animal in 26 order to determine what percentage of the weight change could be attributed to fat, protein, and water. Terminal carcasses were ashed in a muffle furnace at a temperature of not less than 675 degrees centigrade for eight hours. The ash content of these carcasses was then expressed as a percent of the terminal wet body weight. The percent ash was considered constant during either weight gain or weight loss. The animal with the highest percent body water was taken as the most "fat-free" animal. Its water con- tent was associated with approximately 2.68% fat, a mean percentage calculated from the values of Pitts and Bullard (1968) on six small rodents trapped in the wild. These species were considered relatively "fat-free." The values for ash, body water, and estimated fat were sub- tracted from 100% to give this animal a protein percentage of 21.21% of its body weight. J. T. Ried, et_al. (1968) have shown, by their prediction equations for body composition in sheep, that the protein/water ratio during weight change remains es- sentially constant. It was assumed that this relationship was also true of rodents and, hence, knowing the ratio for one animal, it was possible to find the percentage of protein in the terminal carcass of every animal using the following identity: 27 69.57 = % body water (measured in every animal) 21.21 % proteinTYunknown) The percent fat in the terminal carcass of each animal was found by subtracting the values for water, protein, and ash from 100%. Regression analysis of percent body fat versus terminal body weight showed that 40% of the variation in body weight could be attributed to percent body fat (Appendix II). Knowing the initial body weight, and using the regression line as the best predictor of percent body fat, the amount of fat present initially could then be estimated. The percent ash present initially was con- sidered unchanged. The remaining percentage consisted of protein and water. The average protein/water ratio was 0.306156. Multiplying this value by the remaining percentage gave the percent protein present initially. Body water was found by multiplying the remaining percent— age by 0.693844 or by subtracting the other components from 100%. The difference in composition between the in- itial and terminal weights constituted the body weight change. A detailed account of the procedure for estimat- ing the composition of body weight change can be found in Appendix II. The amount of fat and protein lost by water de- prived animals was added to the total digestible food and the total amount of oxygen consumed was calculated. The 28 amount of fat and protein gained by water ad libitum animals was subtracted from the food intake and again the total oxygen consumed was calculated. Determination of Blood Osmolarity Animals deprived of water over periods ranging from 20-46 days as well as ad libitum control animals were ether anesthetized and a 0.6cc. sample of blood ob- tained by direct heart puncture. Duplicate hematocrits were taken immediately. Blood samples were covered dur- ing the procedure to prevent evaporation and then centri- fuged for 20 minutes. A 0.2cc. aliquot of plasma was withdrawn using a 0.2cc. diSPO Prothrombin Pipet (accuracy : 2%; Scientific Products) fitted with an airtight gasket (Adams Suction Apparatus No. A-2473). In cases where blood samples were small, a 20uL pipet was fitted to the gasket. The 0.2cc. samples were diluted in 0.2cc. of ammonia-free distilled water; the 30uL samples were diluted in 0.3cc. of ammonia-free distilled water. All samples were placed in a Precision Systems Osmette cali- brated to i 3 mos. and the osmolarity measured in tripli- cate after three successful runs. A mean value was recorded for each sample. Comparisons were made between LD and LL (constant light) animals on high and low pro- tein diets. 29 Statistical Considerations Statistical significance was determined using either the Student's "t" test or the Analysis of Variance F-test for one-way classification (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969). Homogeneous within group variation was tested using the critical values of Fm (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969). When ax significance was revealed in the analysis of variance, the treatment sums of squares was partitioned into single- degree of freedom orthogonal contrasts for determination of the significant mean responses. Regression analysis of plasma osmolarity changes with time and percent body fat followed the procedures outlined by Sokal and Rohlf (1969). Quantitating equations were found using the method of least squares regression following a logarith- mic transformation of the data points. Justification for the log-log scale in the survival response is best explained as "goodness of fit." A detailed account of the procedures can be found in the Appendix. RESULTS The rates of many and diverse physiological pro- cesses are proportional to some power function of body weight. It is possible, therefore, to express certain particular responses in such an equational form and thus to interrelate those parameters whose values are dependent upon the same variables. The purpose of this chapter is to present the results of a number of studies involving Meriones' response to water deprivation with significance levels for the treatment combinations (i.e., water de- prived vs. controls; light-light vs. light-dark). A more detailed account of the statistical treatment is given in Appendix III. Whenever the data for a particular para- meter are amenable to mathematical interpretation, the response is expressed in equational form. Predicted values can be obtained directly from the graphs or through a series of computations (see Appendix IV). (Although several of the parameters already studied were quantified in this manner, the interrelationships of other closely allied responses were left for a future study. 30 31 Water and Food Consumption At room temperatures between 25-27 degrees centi- grade, and with the relative humidity between 50-80%, the mean rates of ad libitum water consumption for light-dark (LD) and light-light(LL) animals (n = 20 animals not significantly different in body weight at time 0) were 0.113 g/(g mean body weight)(day) and 0.106 g/(g mean body weight)(day) when food was available. The difference in mean response was not significant (p > 0.05). When water consumption for these control groups was compared with water consumption during the initial starvation period, a significant difference was found. Mean water consump- tion during starvation was 0.046 g/(g mean body weight) 35) compared to 0.11 g/(g mean body weight) (day) (n (day) (n 19) when food was given ad libitum. The "t" value of 9.13 was highly significant at p < 0.01. Food consumption during water deprivation was also measured (Figure 1). Ad libitum control animals under LD and LL conditions had an average food consumption of 80.59 mg/(g body weight)(day) and 77.69 mg/(g body weight)(day). Water deprived animals under LD and LL conditions had mean responses of 35.93mg/(g body weight) (day) and 24.95 mg/(g body weight)(day). A one-way analy- sis of variance was run to determine the significance of the four groups as a whole. The analysis resulted in an "F" value of 46.74 which was highly significant at p<:0.01. Figure l. 32 Food consumption during water deprivation. Vertical lines represent ranges; horizontal lines represent the mean. Boxes imply : 2 standard deviations from the mean. A: LD Controls B: LL Controls C: LL Water Deprived D: LD Water Deprived (Width of vertical bars in Figure l, and all similar figures, has no significance.) 33 wmp\.u3 moon w :OHDQESchU poom Figure l 050505050505050 machommmmarmehnuauaui3 ___74_.m_d_mJ_ _I D J C _ _ B _ _ A-_ 4 _ _ _e__r_u__u__.___e__ 0505050505050505050 m998877665544332211 mmo\m\mfi cofiugfismcou boom 34 An orthogonal breakdown of the treatment sums of squares resulted in the following null comparisons: Hol: LDW animals = LLW animals (controls) H02: LDNW animals = LLNW animals (water deprived) H03: LDW:LLW animals = LDNW:LLNW animals (controls vs. water deprived) The values of 02 for the first two nulls, testing the differences in mean response under light-dark and light- light conditions, were not significant (p > 0.05). It follows that constant light does not lower food consump- tion in animals under a similar water status. The value of Q2 for the third null hypothesis measured the significance between animals on a dissimilar water status. It was highly significant at p < 0.001. From the above facts, it is evident that food deprivation causes a significant decrease in ad libitum water consumption and, likewise, that water deprivation significantly reduces food consumption. The absence of one dietary factor will lower the animal's response to the other. Light status apparently is not a significant factor. Quantitation of Ad Libitum Water Consumption: The Heterogonic Equation The time rate of water intake (cc/day) in relation to body weight (g) is shown in Figure 2. It is evident 35 Figure 2. Quantitation of ad libitum water intake; relation of water intake to mean body weight. log Y = 1.72 log X - 2.309 r = 0.868 Sy x = 0.0135 Dotted lines represent 95% confidence on the line. Ad Libitum Water Consumption cc/day 20-- 36 l l I I l I A 1 10 20 1 U I I I T I I 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mean body weight (g) Figure 2 I 150 37 that the logarithms of water intake are directly propor- tional to the logarithms of body weight. The data fit an equation of the form log Y = log a + k log X where "k" represents the constant rate of change of the dependent variable function, log Y, for unit increments of log X, the independent variable ("a" is equal to TEE—Y - k TEE—X). The values of "a" and "k" were found and the line drawn using the method of least squares re- gression following a logarithmic transformation of the data points. The mean log of Y, for eighteen animals, was 0.8524, and the mean log of X was 1.8371. The slope of regression, "k," was 1.72. Expansion of the equation yielded log Y (cc/day) = Tog-Y - k TEE—R + k log X 0.8524 - (l.72)(l.837l) + 1.72 log x 1.72 log x - 2.309 The mean drinking response, 7, of eighteen animals averag- ing 69.5 g to ad libitum water was 7.39 cc/day. The general form of this equation, Y = a X k, expresses the degree of disproportionality between the physiological response, Y, and an independent variable, X. The correlation coefficient, r, measuring the degree of interdependence between water consumption and body weight, was 0.868. 38 Effects of a Deficient Water Supply on Body Weight and SurVIVal Water deprived gerbils on a high protein diet of Wayne mouse breeder blox were unable to maintain their initial body weight or to maintain a constant weight at a lower level. The average weight loss experienced by constant light animals was 57.6% of their initial body weight. Animals under a light-dark cycle lost 58.2% of their initial weight. Upon the removal of drinking water, animals on a low protein diet of pearled barley experience an initial loss of weight followed by a plateau at about 66% of initial. At no time was a significant gain in weight observed for water deprived animals on either ration. Survival of water deprived gerbils was found to be inversely related to protein intake (Table 4). Mean survival was slightly in excess of 22 and 35 days for LD and LL animals on a high protein diet. Barley fed animals had mean survival times of 92.3 days in LD and 199.9 days in LL. Statistical significance was found between the mean survival response of animals on the two diets as well as between animals on the same ration but under different environmental treatments (LD vs. LL). Animals under constant light survived for a significantly longer period than did animals on the same diet but under a light-dark cycle. Animals on a barley diet had 39 Table 4. Gerbil Survival Without Water. mean - survival protein diet light N intake (d) 22.0 ~6.4 MBB LD 11 35.0 6.1 MBB LL 10 92.3 2.8 BARLEY LD 104.3 2.3 SUNFLOWER LL 199.9 2.4 BARLEY LL *mg protein/g mean body weight/day. significantly longer survival times than those raised on a mouse breeder block ration (p<:0.05). Tolerance to food deprivation might be an important physiological adaptation in desert species. In the ab- sence of water, gerbil survival without food was only 21 days. A significantly longer survival period was observed in LD animals given ad libitum water (Table 5). The in- crease was also significant under LL but the mean re- sponse was only 30.4 days making it significant from water ad libitum animals under LD as well. Table 5. Gerbil Survival Without Food. In LD: In LL: N days : S.E. N days : S.E. No water 18 21.0 I.1°3 17 21.5 :_1.7 Water ad lib. 16 41.2 i 2.8 18 30.4 + 1.7 40 Quantitation of the Survival Response To Water Deprivation The effect of environmental treatment on the mortality rate of water deprived animals is shown in Figure 3. Least squares analysis resulted in two statistically different regression lines (Figure 3a; 3b). Figure 3a represents the mortality rate of LD animals and Figure 3b the mortality rate of LL animals. The logarithms of the percents of the population surviving (Y) was inversely related to the logarithms of survival days (X). The slopes of regression were ka = 1.58 and k = 0.41. After b a logarithmic transformation of the data points, the mean logs of Y for LD and LL animals were found to be 1.66 and 1.83 respectively. Likewise, the mean logs of X were 1.58 and 1.20. The heterogonic equations expressing the two responses are as follows: LD Water Deprived Animals log Y log Y + k log X - k log X 1.66 + l.58(l.32) 1.58 log X = 3.75 - 1.58 log x LL Water Deprived Animals log Y log Y + k log X - k log X 1.83 + 0.41(l.20) 0.41 log X 2.32 - 0.41 log X Under constant light, 50% of the population were alive after 30 days of water deprivation whereas under a 41 cow 1 mmomo ow om ow om cowuo>wummo nmum3 mo ammo on x mom Ha.o . mm.~ x 00H mm.H I mn.m .:0flum>flummp Hmumz so mHmEHcm Amv Ag pom Adv GA mo mmpmn wuwamuuoz OH . m . . m h m p r p » mod w mod m P D “mm Guzman "4m musmflm m q-N .m musmflm c P d r u q 1 d 4 LI OH 6N bm be bm do 65 dm 6m doa DUIAIAJHS uorqetndod go % 42 light-dark cycle 50% survived only 20 days. Since the function describing the survival response of LD animals appears sigmoid, the predicted values of the regression line may be slightly biased. Nevertheless, significance in survival was shown to exist between populations under a different light status. Body Water in the Water Deprived Animal in Light-Dark and Light-Light Environments Since much of the variation in percent body water between individual animals can be attributed to percent body fat, animals were placed on a 12 day starvation per- iod with ad libitum water. Afterwards, food was available ad libitum and 10 animals from each environmental treat- ment were water deprived. The starting weights of each group did not vary significantly. After 40 days of ex- perimental treatment, body water was measured. The results in Figure 4 represent percent water in the terminal carcass. LD and LL water deprived animals had an average percent body water of 64.49 and 64.51 re- spectively. Control animals averaged 64.06% under LD and 59.44% under LL. Water deprived animals on a diet of pearled barley and under constant light had an average percent body water of 65.8. A one-way analysis of vari- ance determined the significance of environmental treat- ment. An "F" value of 5.052 was significant at p< 0.01. Figure 4. 43 Body water in the water deprived animal on high and low protein diets. Vertical lines represent ranges; horizontal lines represent the mean. Boxes imply : 2 standard deviations. : (n=10) LD Controls MBB B: (n=10) LL Controls MBB C: (n=10) LL Water Deprived MBB D: (n=ll) LD Water Deprived MBB E: (n= 6) LL Water Deprived Barley Hmuoz hpom usmouwm 4. 2 0 8 --76 ‘J74 “‘70 -472 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ E WIT FIT 44 I——b IhJ' _——— -— 56 -~ 52 -—+-so -— 48 fi54 Figure 4 B <—_. _ L. _ _ _ 76.... 74— 72,— 7o— 64 " —-—L-—I—- — 68r- 2 0 8 6 6 5 Hmumz moom unwoumm 52 P- 564—- 54*h- 50 —- 48- 45 Construction of orthogonal contrasts resulted in the fol- lowing null hypotheses: Ho : LDW = LLW 1 H02: LDNW = LLNW H03: LDW:LLW = LDNW:LLNW Comparison of barley animals with controls utilized the Student's "t." The first and third null hypotheses were rejected at p> 0.05. No significance could be found between water deprived animals under LD and LL. Barley animals did not differ significantly from LD controls. The mean response of LL ad libitum animals was low enough to produce signi- ficance between water ad libitum and water deprived ani- mals. When LD controls were compared to LD water deprived animals, no significance was found (p:>0.05). Thus, it was concluded that a significant decrease in percent body water resulted from a constant light environment when water was available. Since no significance was found between water deprived animals, it was concluded that the effect of constant light on body water is dependent upon the "water--no water" regime. Within group variation about the mean were homogeneous and hence not significant. Body water after starvation was also measured (Table 6). No significance could be shown between LD and LL animals on a no water regime or between animals given water ad libitum. The populations were combined in column 3. 46 «00.0 a «00.0 a 000.0 a hN.o + mm.m® vm vv.o.H mm.mm wH Hm.o + hv.mm ma .QHH Um Hmflmg mm.o H mm.©w mm mm.o H Nh.mw NH Nm.o H hH.hm ma HQHM3 OZ .m.m H w : .m.m H w c .m.m H w c ucmEuwwue "pmcflnaoo "qq cH "on cH .coflpw>umum “ovum Hmumz hpom .m canoe 47 A significant difference in percent body water was observed between water ad libitum and water deprived animals during starvation. Environmental light status apparently has no effect during starvation. Effect of Water Deprivation on Mean Oxygen ConsumptIOn Comparisons of mean oxygen consumption values be- tween water deprived animals and controls are shown in Figure 5. The results are expressed in cc 02/( g mean body weight)(day) on four treatment groups. LD controls had a mean oxygen response of 56.72 cc/(g mean body weight) (day) compared to 52.21 cc/(g mean body weight)(day) in LL ad libitum animals. No significance could be shown (p> 0.05) with the Student's "t." LD water deprived animals had a mean oxygen consumption value of 41.27 cc/(g mean body weight)(day) while LL water deprived animals consumed an average of 41.62 cc/(g mean body weight)(day). As with the control groups, no significance could be shown. A one-way analysis of variance was run to deter- mine significance among the four groups as a whole. The treatment sums of squares gave an "F" value of 5.3 which was highly significant at p<<0.01. An orthogonal break- down of the treatment sums of squares into single degree (of freedom contrasts was used to determine the signifi- czance of water availability (water status) since no Figure 5. 48 Comparison of mean oxygen consumption during water deprivation. Vertical lines represent the ranges: horizontal lines represent the means. Boxes imply :_2 standard deviations. A: LD Controls B: LL Controls C: LL Water Deprived D: LD Water Deprived 49 wmp\.u3 apon m coaumESmcou Gmmhxo Figure 5 50 50505 05 05 05050505 xv LJ “8 8. 7 7 as «a :3 :3 .4 .w .3 .3 9“ 92 1h .L m . q . _ _ _ _ . . . I. q . _ 4‘ a _ 1 _ _ .0 D r _ . i. j. __ a 1 1 pP.—._bL.bb_-_bb.__ 505050505050505050 998877 66 5544332211 wmp\m\oo sOHumfidmcoo cmmwxo 50 significance was found between environmental treatments (light status). The breakdown resulted in the following null hypotheses: H01: LLW = LLNW H02: LDW = LDNW H03: LDW:LDNW = LLW:LLNW The values of Qi and 0: representing the first two nulls were highly significant at p<<0.01 and p<:0.002 respec- tively. Qi for the third null was not significant (p>'0.25), as could be expected from the results of the Student's "t." Water deprivation significantly lowered mean oxygen consumption in those animals so treated as compared with control animals on ad libitum water. No significance could be attributed to the two conditions of environmental light. Effect of Water Deprivation on the Quantitationof the Oxygen Consumption Response Graphic interpretation of oxygen consumption (cc/day) and mean body weight (g) resulted in two statis— tically significant regression lines. Figure 6a and Figure 6b represent data from ad libitum and water de- prived animals respectively. As evidenced by the graph, the logarithms of oxygen consumption are prOportional to the logarithms of mean body weight. The equations for the regression lines are again heterogonic. Following a 51 zfday a l I N O L I Oxygen Consumption L O 1.0-- 0.9" 0.8--L 0.7-b 0.64- I g l I 11 44 I I I 4'4 10 2o 30 40 56 65 501090100 150 Mean Body Weight (g) Figure 6. Effect of water deprivation on the quantitation of oxygen consumption. Figure 6a - controls; Figure 6B - water deprived animals. 82 = standard error of the line. 52 logarithmic transformation of the data, the slopes of re- gression were found to be 0.736 for controls and 0.938 for water deprived animals. The slopes of the two systems are not significantly different. The degree of disproportion- ality existing between oxygen consumption and mean body weight is less than that found for water consumption and mean body weight. The mean logs of Y were 3.58 and 3.24 for ad libitum and water deprived animals respectively; the mean logs of X were 1.84 and 1.68. The prediction equations for ad libitum and water deprived animals are as follows: Ad Libitum Controls (Y = cc/day; X = g) Iog Y - k Iog X + k log X 3.58 - 0.736(l.84) + 0.736 log X 2.23 + 0.736 log X log Y Water Deprived (Y = cc/day; X = g) Iog Y - k Iog X + k log X 3.24 - 0.938(1.68) + 0.938 log X 1.67 + 0.938 log X log Y It was concluded that water deprivation caused a signifi- cant "shift" in the oxygen consumption to body weight relationship. The correlation coefficients, r, measuring the degree of interdependence between oxygen consumption and body weight were ra = 0.828 and rb = 0.888 for control and water deprived animals respectively. 53 Plasma Osmolaritprhanges During Water Deprivation in Animals on High and Low Protein Diets Blood osmolarity changes in animals on a water deficient diet varying in protein content were measured over a period of days (Table 7). Each animal was used once and therefore variations between individual animals were not accounted for. They appeared to be insignificant (see standard errors). Regression analysis of osmolarity (mOs/L) versus days yielded insignificant slopes (k = 0) for all groups. Comparisons of mean responses utilized the Student's "t" test. Animals under similar environ- mental treatments (LD and LL) were compared to each other to determine the effect of the diet on plasma osmolarity changes. Likewise, comparisons were made between animals on the same diet but under different environmental treat- ments. No significance could be attributed to light status (p> 0.10). Animals raised on a barley diet were not significantly different from controls. The difference between LL controls and LL animals raised on mouse breeder blox bordered on significance. Only one animal survived under LD and mouse breeder blox and hence, no meaningful comparison could be made. Since the slope of regression for LL animals on mouse breeder blox did not differ significantly from zero after 20 days of water deprivation, 54 Houum pumpcoum H « 00.0“ 00 000000 00.000 00.00 00-00 0000 2 0 00.0“ 00 mm: 00.000 00.00 00-00 0:0: z 0 00.000 00 mm: 00.000 00.00 00-00 .n00 00 z 0 00.00“ 00 000000 00.000 00.00 00-00 0000 2 0 00 mm: 00.000 00.00 00 mac: 2 0 00.mfl 00 mm: 00.000 00.00 00-00 .000 00 z 0 mx\EmOE m mwoo x. 00000 0000 mn0um0osmo .060 00 00000 000000 umumz xmm xzv .coflpm>00mmo Hmumz mcflusa muHHoHOEmO mEmmam .5 OHQMB 55 it was concluded that plasma osmolarity rose during the initial phase of water deprivation (although probably not to a significant level) and then leveled off during the remaining days of the trial. DISCUSSION Among the species of rodents listed in Table 1, the ad libitum water intake of Meriones unguiculatus (11% of their body weights/day) is between that of Dipodomys agilis and Acomys cahirinus. In contrast to the findings of Lindeborg (1952) or of Lee (1963), successful correla- tion of ad libitum water intake (cc/day) to body weight (g) was found for this species. The correlation coeffi- cient of 0.868 is well above those of Lindeborg (which ranged from 0.032 in Noveboracensis bairdi to 0.536 in Tornillo blandus). The reason for such a contrast might be explained on the basis of individual methods. In this study, prior to the measurement of ad libitum water intake, all animals were starved in an at- tempt to reduce individual variation in percent body water due to the presence of fat. Fat deposition acts as a "sink" in the physiological system and removes this tissue from the lean body mass. Fat adds to the weight of the animal but in no significant way does it reflect the requirements of the active cell mass. As a result, the highest correlation of a physiological process to body weight would be expected to occur when the body weight of an animal is a close approximation of the lean 56 57 body mass (i.e., an essentially "fat-free" animal). Evi- dence for the assumption that ad libitum control animals were relatively "fat-free" during the experimental period is supplied by the fact that the percent body water in these animals did not differ significantly from that of water deprived animals. Water deprived animals (which continue to loose weight during water deprivation) were almost certainly low in body fat since the highest per- cent body water recorded was for this group. It is as- sumed, therefore, that the body weights of control animals more accurately reflected the lean body masses of the animals than did the body weights of the animals used by Lindeborg and Lee, and are the reason for the high cor- relation of water intake to body weight seen in this study. Quantitation of ad libitum water consumption (cc/ day) versus mean body weight (g) resulted in a regression equation of the form y (cc/day) = 0.0045 x 1'72 On a weight relative basis (cc/g/day), the equation becomes y (cc/g/day) = 0.0045 x 0'72 revealing that, relative to weight, water intake is pro- portional, not to body weight, but to the 0.72 power of body weight. The exponent of X, 0.72, is a close approxi- mation of Klieber's (1961) use of body weight to the 58 three-fourth power as the reference base for physiological quantitation. It must be said, then, that water intake is relatively size dependent. Water deprivation is an extreme procedure and probably unnatural, but survival time without water may reflect the extent to which a species is adapted to limited amounts of water. In addition, this study has shown, that dietary intake is an important factor to the survival of water deprived animals in that survival time was found to be inversely related to protein intake (Table 4). Increasing the amount of dietary protein significantly reduced the time at which 50% of the popu- lation of water deprived animals survived. A significant increase in the survival of constant light animals was also observed but this was probably the result of a slightly increased protein intake in these animals since no significance could be shown in either the starting weights or in the oxygen consumption of these animals as compared to LD controls. Aside from the small amount of metabolic water formed from the oxidation of protein, the formation of urea as a degredative product of protein metabolism necessitates an increase in the obligatory water needed for urine production. The combined effects of water deprivation and a high protein diet are lethal to Meriones. Animals fed a diet of pearled barley, however, had a 59 significantly longer survival time which is attributed to a reduction in the need for urea processing. It has been assumed (Howell and Gersh, 1935) that certain desert species like the kangaroo rat, are able to withstand a greater degree of dessication than other mam- mals. The present study does not concur with this assump- tion. Water deprived gerbils contined to lose weight on a high protein diet but, after 40 days of water depriva- tion, the body water percentage was not significantly different from the normal LD controls given ad libitum water (Figure 4). The difference between normal controls and barley-fed animals was also insignificant. On a starvation regime, however, water deprived animals had a significant reduction in percent body water when compared to animals given ad libitum water. Apparently, enough free and metabolic water can be obtained from the food intake to handle urine and evaporative water loss. The conclusion must be made that, although water deprived animals were in negative water balance, the proportion of water in the body remained essentially the same as they gradually lost weight. Even though a considerable amount of water had been lost by these animals their bodies were not really dessicated. The average percent body water of 10 animals under constant light was significantly lower than that for nor- mal LD controls. The reasons for this finding are as yet 60 uncertain but a possible hormonal effect has been suggested. Piacsek and Meites (1967), working with underfed rats, found a decrease in reproductive function which they attri- buted to a deficiency of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) release from the pituitary. Reactivation of gonadotropin release (FSH: LH) in the starved rats was achieved under constant illumination. Estrogen secretion was indicated by an increase in uterine weight, enhanced mammary duct development, and by increased pituitary weight. Although the animals in the current study were randomly assigned to treatment groups, six of the 10 animals under constant light were females. It is suggested that estrogen secretion in these water ad libitum animals resulted in a synthesis and deposition of fat which lowered the mean percent body water of the group as a whole. Since no estrogen levels were measured, the prob- lem, however interesting, needs further research. Plasma osmolarity changes in the water deprived gerbil appear to be insignificant under both environmental treatments and type of diet. The plasma osmolarities of animals on a high protein diet were higher but not signi- ficantly higher than control or barley fed animals. Ap- parently, plasma osmolarity rises slightly during the initial phases of water deprivation after which the animal retains relative homeostasis. The initial stages of water deprivation are probably transient phases during which 61 time the kidney is adjusting to plasma osmolarity changes. Homeostasis is regained but at a level slightly higher than normal. It is known that a reduction in food intake occurs during periods of water deprivation in rodents (Klieber, 1961; Fertig and Edmonds, 1969). Moreover, during periods of relative starvation, there is a decrease in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) by the pituitary resulting in a depression of thyroid function. This decrease in thyroid activity causes an concommittant decrease in oxygen con- sumption by the tissues. In the present study, water deprived animals reduced their food intake and showed a 24% reduction in oxygen consumption below that of control animals (Figure 5), supporting the work of these investi- gators. Robinson (1959) has reported a resting oxygen consumption value of 2.14 cc/(g)(hr) for M. unguiculatus at 25 degrees centigrade. In the current study, the mean value for oxygen consumption in control animals was found to be 2.27 cc/(g)(hr), which approximates Robinson's figure. When gerbils are housed individually rather than in groups, activity is very often at a minimum. It is assumed, therefore, that the values obtained for control animals approximated the normal resting condition of the animal, being only 6% above Robinson's figure. 62 The physiological significance of a reduced meta- bolic rate during water deprivation is two-fold. A re- duction in energy expenditure, similar to that seen in aestivating mammals, would prolong survival by extending the period during which the energy reserves of the organ- ism can last. Moreover, Fertig and Edmonds (1969), using water deprived mice, have reported a decrease in evapora- tive water loss following a reduction in oxygen consump- tion. It is, therefore, apparent that a decrease in oxygen consumption during water deprivation is as import- ant for water economy as it is for energy conservation. The system relating oxygen consumption (L/day) to mean body weight (g) is shown in Figure 6. Regression analysis of the data points resulted in two significantly displaced regression lines representing control Figure 6a and water deprived Figure 6b animals respectively; whereas the slopes of each system were not significantly different. Three significant physiological features can be elucidated from this regression analysis. First, water deprived animals show a significant reduction in oxygen consumption below control animals but the data points for this group do not constitute the lower end of regression line a, instead, the entire system correlating oxygen consumption to body weight is shifted downward so that animals of the same weight will have different oxygen consumption values depending upon their water status. The 63 use of a prediction equation for oxygen consumption must, therefore, acknowledge the water status of the animal since two different systems relating oxygen consumption to body weight can be shown to occur. Secondly, there exists a high degree of correla- tion between oxygen consumption (L/day) and body weight (g). The correlation coefficient (rb) for water deprived animals, 0.888, is slightly but not significantly higher than that for controls (ra = 0.828). Since oxygen con- sumption is a function of the active cell mass of an animal, the high correlations suggest that the body weights of the animals were a close approximation of the lean body mass; the starvation period significantly re- duced the variation inherent between individuals due to the presence of fat. The third significant feature of Figure 6 involves the use of the heterogonic equations which describe the response. The equations for control and water deprived animals were as follows: Control Animals: Y (cc/day) = 54.95 x 0°736 Water Deprived Animals: Y (cc/day) = 36.31 x 0°938 On a weight relative basis, the equations become 64 Control Animals: Y (cc/g/day) = 54.95 X-o'264 Water Deprived Animals: Y (cc/g/day) = 36.31 x‘°°162 the slopes of which are not significantly different from zero. This implies that on a weight relative basis (i.e., cc/g/day) oxygen consumption is virtually size independ- ent in intraspecific studies. It is possible, however, that the range of body weights within this species is not significant enough to show the inverse relationship of O2 (cc/g/day) to body weight (g) that is seen between species. It seems logical to assume that, given the con- ditions of this study (i.e., relatively "fat-free" animals) this relationship of oxygen consumption to body size probably would not exist in intraspecific studies. SUMMARY AND CONCLUS IONS 1. Physiological processes which reflect the requirements of the active cell mass of an animal can be successfully correlated to the body weight of the animal. The highest correlations between the responses and the independent variable (body weight) will occur when the body weight is a close approximation of the lean body mass. 2. Quantitation of ad libitum water intake showed that water intake was proportional to the 0.72 power of body weight. 3. Meriones unguiculatus appear to be less adapt- able to water deprivation than the kangaroo rat, Dippdomys merriami. On a dry barley diet, Meriones' survival is indefinite but does not reach the limits seen for the kangaroo rat. 4. Survival under water deprivation is inversely related to protein intake. Increasing the amount of por- tein in the diet necessitates an increase in the obliga— tory water needed for urea excretion and infringes upon the animal's water balance. 5. The percent body water of water deprived animals does not vary significantly from that of control 65 66 animals and is not influenced by dietary composition. 6. A significant reduction in oxygen consumption is observed during periods of water deprivation. The re- duction is an important mechanism for energy conservation and water economy. 7. Water deprivation causes a significant "shift" in the system relating oxygen consumption (cc/day) to body weight (g). Thus, animals of the same body weight will have different oxygen consumption values depending upon their water status. LITERATURE CITED LITERATURE CITED Adolph, Edward E. 1943. Do rats thrive when drinking sea water? Amer. J. Physiol. 123: 369-378. Adolph, E. F. 1949. Quantitative relations in the physiological constitutions of mammals. Science 109: 579-585. Bartholemew, George A. and Jack W. Hudson. 1959. Effects of sodium chloride on weight and drinking in the antelope ground squirrel. J. Mamm. 40: 354-360. 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APPENDICES APPENDIX I Percent Composition of Air-Dry Diets Mouse Sunflower Pearled Breeder Blox Seeds Barley Water* 13.3 4.8 11.1 Ash 4.7 4.0 0.9 Starch 55.1 19.9 78.8 Fat 9.1 47.3 1.0 Protein 17.8 24.0 8.2 kcal/lOOgm 356 560 349 *water content variable with humidity; values are for equilibration with 40% R.H. Metabolic Parameters for (a) Diets as Fed (40% R.H.) and (b) Fat Free Weight Loss Mouse Sunflower Pearled Weight Breeder Blox Seeds Barley Loss Caloric Density (kcal/lOOgm) 356 560 349 130 Protein/Energy Ratio (g/kcal) 0.0500 0.0429 0.0235 0.2419 Urea/Oxygen (mg/m1) 0.0685 0.0555 0.0341 0.3548 Urea/Total Water* (mosmols/liter) 1527 1644 721 2222 TOtal water1"/°xygen0.748 0.562 0.788 2.664 (mg/ml) *Total Water = free water in diet plus water formed by oxidation. 71 APPENDIX II Regression Analysis of Body Fat Least Squares Prediction from Body Weight Regression ANOVA Source of Variation d.f. SS M88 F Regression 1 481.274 481.274 25.21 Residual 39 744.662 19.094 Total 40 1225.935 P(F = 25.21) < 0.001 Least Squares Regression Line Y = a + bX b = 0.17 a = Y}- bXI= 2.01 Y = estimated mean % fat X mean body weight Y' = 2.01 + 0.17X 39.25% of variation in body weight is due to fat content r = 0.625 72 73 xha.¢ + Ho.m u .M .mm0.o u ucmwoflmmmoo GOHumamuuoo .unm003 upon 800m sofluowomum mmumowm ummma “you Soon mo mammamcm aoflmmmummm Amfionmv Davao: hoom Hmcfifiuma moa mm mm mh mm mm mv mm mm — _ . . F . p _ 0 0 . 0 1 0 _ 0 o o 0 o o o o 0 O 0 0 O O O o o o O. Q o o o. o. o, o O O o o 0 o o 6 O O 0 OH om fin 190 Kpos % penemtqss APPENDIX III Statistical Treatment of Parameters Analysis of Variance and Orthogonal Linear Contrasts N = number of observations n = sample size a = number of treatment groups Ey.= grand sum y = sample mean Ey2 = sum of squared observations Eyi = sum of sample ni CT grand total squared and divided by N The Sum of Squares: SS (Total) = By2 - CT SS (Treatments) = (Eyi)2/ni - CT SS (Error) = SST - SSt The anova table is constructed as follows: Source of variation d.f. SS M88 Among groups a-l SSt SSt/a-l Within groups N-a SSe SSe/N-a Total N-l SST MSt/MSe When significance is found with the F test, the among group sums of squares can be partitioned into single-degree of freedom contracts which are orthogonal and hence ask in- dependent questions about the treatment combinations. 74 75 The Orthogonal Breakdown There are as many orthogonal contrasts in a statis- tical analysis as there are degrees of freedom in the treatment sums of squares. An orthogonal set consists of scalars which sum to zero when any combination of "vectors" is cross multiplied. The test statistic is Q . Z Z 02 = (EMT)2/NEM2 M = scalar value = l,0,-l T = treatment total Q2 = 88 + sum of squares The anova table is identical to that of the analysis of variance F test. The mean sums of squares are equal to the sums of squares since each contrast has but one degree of freedom. Variance Homogeneity 2 F(max) = S max/82min p = 0.05 Method of Least Squares Regression (log transformation) X = log X Y = log Y Ex = sum of independent variable Ey = sum of dependent variable Ex ,Ey = sum of squared variable Exy = sum of cross products (SP) b = slope of the line = SP/SSx a = ordinate intercept = TEE—Y - b TEE—2' Y = a + bX Coefficient of Correlation r2 = SSregression/SStotal r 76 Student's "t" t = Y1 - YZ/SE t = test statistic Y1,Yé = mean response SE = standard error = (SE1)2 + (SE2)2 "t" is significant when p is less than or equal to 0.05. APPENDIX IV Log Computation of the Heterogonic Equation Y = an log Y = log a + k log X a = 1739—? - k TEE—7 log Y = log Y - k Iog X + k log X The value of any one Y can be found by taking the antilog. The least squares regression line uses only the logarithmic values of the data points. 77 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES IIIIIIIGIIIIIIIIII 904 I 5! III I