A STUDY 0? LOW COST REFRIGERATKON EQUIPMENT FOR (ZOOLING CREAM Thesis ‘50: the Degree 31 M. & MiCHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Fred Eugene Satchel! [947 M-796 This is to certifg that the thesis entitled . "A STUDY 0? Low COST MLFRIGEMEIQJ EQUIPMLJT FOR COOLING CREAM" presented by has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for M. S_.___ degree infligaljgral Engineering ) /7—'/ [/1 ” K / " ‘\ l ‘ / - V 0 Major professor A STUDY OF LOW COST REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT FOR COOLING CREAM By Fred Eugene Satchell A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ) MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Agricultural Engineering 1947 . ‘L— TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements o o e o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o 2 Purpose Of PrOblem o e o e e o o o o o o o o o o o e 0 History and Deve10pment of the Butter Industry . . . . Background for the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . o CD (D $5 tF The Quality Problem . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . Relative Importance of Cleanliness and Cooling 0 o . . ll Economical Feasibility of a Cream Cooler . . . . . . . 19 Design of Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Putting Unit in Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Testing Programt ... . . . . . . o o . . p . . o o o o 40 Effect of Holding Cream at Low Temperature . . . . o . 52 Performance Under Farm Conditions . . . . . . . . . . 62 Discussion 0 . . o . . . . . . . . . . . e .'. . . . 68 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Literature Cited 0 o o o o e o o o e o o e o o o o o 71 ACKNOWLDEGEMENT The author gratefully acknowledges the helpful suggestions and valuable assistance of Professor A. W. Farrell and Professor D. E. Wiant or the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Assistant Professor J. M. Jensen of the Dairy Department of Michigan State College. Funds for the project were made available by Swift and Company. A STUDY OF LOW COST REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT FOR COOLING CREAM PURPOSE OF PROBLEM It is generally recognized that in the postwar period, considerable pressure will be brought on the butter industry to improve the quality of their product. Federal and State laws may require such improvement or it may be forced by consumer pressure. One of the most effective ways of maintaining the high quality of farm held cream is by the use of low temperatures. This problem has been set up to design, build and test one or more basic designs for a low cost mechanical refrigerator which.will prevent cream deteriora- tion and thus make better butter possible. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE BUTTER INDUSTRY 9 Butter has been used for various purposes includ! ing food, medicinal and cosmetic purposes since before the beginning of the Christian Era. Martiny, a German dairy scientist, records the making and use of butter in 2000 A.D. For centuries the oream.for this butter was separated by gravity. To be effective, gravity separation must take place on cream that has not lost the physical prOperties characteristic of sweet cream. Thus, since effective separation requires from 24 to 48 hours, this method is successful only when the temperature of the cream could be held low enough to prevent curdling in this length of time. In.the infancy of butter as a food, there seems to have been develOped a taste for rancidity, probably from necessity. Butter was even.buried and left for long periods of time. One practice was to bury the butter and then plant a tree over it to insure against its being disturbed. The Irish.buried butter in the peat bogs of that country. Specimans have been recently discovered that are believed to be over eight hundred years old. Until the middle of the 19th century the factory system of butter manufacture was practically unknown. The butter was nearly all made during the summer months on the farm. Refrigeration, pasturization and other present day quality control methods were unknown at that time and the market butter was of inferior quality. By the end of the flush season the butter was of such poor quality that it was not marketable as such. It was generally disposed of as packing stock. Efforts to renovate packing stock butter were first successful in 1885. In this process the butter is melted, clarified and refined. This oil is mixed with skim.milk, milk or cream and regranulated. About 50,000,000 [I x. pounds per year of this butter were sold during the first decade of the 19th century. Records indicate that Manchester, Iowa started the first butter factory in 1871. This first factory gathered whole milk and skimmed the cream in the factory, however, the practice of gathering cream and processing in a central plant became pOpular at nearly the same time. In 1879, Dr. Gustav Patrick DeLavel, introduced his continuous cream.aeparator in Sweden. Factories in this country changed to his separator in the years from , 1885 to 1890 and farm separation practically disappeared. During this period creameries bought whole milk and sepa- rated it at the creamery. This practice yielded a much better quality of cream.than was obtained under the old system. Consumption increased rapidly and the butter industry flourished. The farm separator was introduced in the last decade of the 19th century. Its acceptance was slow at first but was firmly established by 1920 and by 1930 was adapted on practically every farm in the dairy regions of this country. The creameries again adopted the gathered cream system and the responsibility for cream quality was shifted again to the farm. While the farm separator undoubtedly has helped to spread the dairy industry and thus increased the volume of dairy products, it has resulted in much of the cream being received in an advanced stage of deteriora- tion. This has in turn.had an adverse effect on the quality of American butter. Keen competition for cream volume has also aggravated the quality program. Efforts toward cream quality improvement have been nullified in many sections by the refusal of creameries to pay a premium for high quality cream. There has resulted from this situation of poor butter quality two definite trends, one is directed toward the return to the gathered milk system with.better utiliza- tion of the non-fat milk solids to pay the added trans- portation cost. There has been a great ambunt of research on better processing methods and market deve10pment for these products. The second approach is to provide the farmer with 'inexpensive facilities to maintain the quality of the cream until delivered to the factory. This approach should appeal particularily to the farmer who desires the skim milk for stock feed or other home use. Perhaps it could not be Justified unless there was a good use present for the skim milk, or unless the farmer was far removed from a market. BACKGROUND FOR THE PROJECT The butter industry has two main purposes in the American economy. The first purpose is the obvious one of providing income to thousands of farmers. These farmers are usually small producers or are isolated from a fluid milk market. The second purpose is less apparent but not less important. The butter industry acts as a balance wheel in the fluid milk industry. There have always been periods of slack and heavy production of dairy products. Usually the farmer takes advantage of the lush spring feed supply to produce the heaviest flow of milk. Conversely, in mid- winter milk production falls off markedly. Therefore, if the fluid milk supply is to be adequate in this slack winter period, some profitable means of using the surplus spring and early summer flow must be provided. The dairy industry has traditionally used this summer surplus to produce butter. THE QUALITY PROBLEM The quality of the cream and butter produced from this surplus milk is good because the milk is gathered every day and separated in the collecting station or processing plant. However, the consumer also uses butter made from cream.produced by the small or isolated dairyman I. and here the cream.quality program needs prompt and serious action. Much of this cream.is a week or more old and has already suffered severe deterioration by virtue of high temperature storage or neglect of preper cleanliness procedures. The quality of the butter made from this cream is necessarily very poor in spite of the excellent work in pasteurization and neutralization of sour cream preparatory to butter making. In view of the widespread introduction of vegetable fat substitutes during World War II, it seems very necessary to establish high standards of butter quality to meet this competition and maintain the consumer market necessary to both functions of the butter industry. The loss of the consumer market for butter would be a tremendous blow to the entire dairy industry. Butter men are becoming increasingly conscious of the adverse effect on consumer goodwill that this poor butter is producing. They are ready to back any sound program that will improve the quality of cream received. The industry technology makes good butter a simple attainment if the cream.aupply is of reasonable good quality. Current Approaches to Quality Control There are two basic approaches to the problem of maintaining the quality of farm.held cream. One method would be the use of preservatives to inhibit bacterial ,. 10 and enzyme activity. The use of common salt for this pur— pose was patented by Williams (U.S. Patent No. 2,192,864) and made available as a public service patent.19 This method was shown to be effective by several investigators3s5:11:17 but has never been approved by the Pure Food and Drug Administration. It was found that butter could be held for one week at room temperature with no appreciable deterioration in quality if about 10% of salt was added. Butter from this cream in no instance contained over 2.5% of salt and scored from 2 to 5 points higher than unsalted cream.held under the same temperature conditions.6 It would be dif- ficult to standardize the salt content of butter made from salted cream.aince the salt present could only be estimated without a chemical determination. Also salt is corrosive to all common dairy metals except stainless steel which would be a definite deterrent to its widespread use. Hydrogen peroxide has also been shown to be an effective bacteriacide and has been used to preserve dairy products particularily in Italy. The advisability of recommending the use of chemical perservatives by inexp perienced farmers is Open to many criticisms and has not received official encouragement. The second and perhaps the best procedure, based on present knowledge, would be to maintain the cream at a 11 low temperature to inhibit bacteria growth. Golding and miller 8 found that mold in cream grew most rapidly at 77.5 degrees to 86 degrees F% While growth will occur at lower and higher temperatures, the rate of growth at temperatures approdaching the freezing point of water is very slow.2 The work of many investigators shows a rapid increase in bacteria growth rate when the temperature is raised from 45 degrees to 50 degrees £5 (Fig.1?A The rate does not change markedly at temperatures lower than about 48 degrees. Therefore there would seem to be no advantage in maintaining lower temperatures. In fact raw sweet cream characteristically develOps a bitter metallic flavor when held at temperatures below 40 degrees F.15 RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF CLEANLINESS AND COOLING It has been shown conclusively that the tempera- ture of cream storage is the most important single factor in cream quality and therefore, in.butter quality. All cream.possesses some initial contamination. Milk, freshly drawn into sterile containers will usually show bacteria counts in the thousands. These bacteria multiply very rapidly at temperatures above 50 degrees Ft In an experiment conducted at Pennsylvania State College, 1 milk was plated and the bacteria counted directly after drawing from.the cow and after "sooling" 12 hours. These tests were made on a farm and the milk temperature ioz .mE a. umafiemmasm... 'l‘l I. .«c emu W or» t #— 3555;: pzummta 2.3: cm 2. 4.5.53 so 1.525 E: 02.26% .145 U NT 9 s .b 0.. .7 use Vltj-BiOVB 'c’o‘. ‘. ‘ coo: 13 after cooling was still relatively warm - 60 to 68 degrees. under these conditions percentage increases of up to 762,400 percent were noted. In a study by J. M. Jensen and A. L. Bortee at Michigan State College, 10 the effect of separator clean- liness and storage temperature was studied. Three storage temperatures were used, 55, 65, and 75 degrees F5 Three samples were stored at each temperature making a total of nine samples. At each temperature, samples were stored which had been separated from (a) a carefully washed and sterilized separator bowl, (b) a dirty separator bowl stored at 55 degrees F3 and, (c) a dirty bowl stored at 75 degrees F5 The results of this test are shown in Figure 2. The overwhelming effect of temperature of storage is very apparent. Figure 5 shows work done by different investigators but also illustrates the effect of storage temperature and its relative importance compared to‘cleanliness. It may be concluded that the three essential factors in the maintaining of cream.quality are time of holding, temperature of storage, and good cleanliness habits. In this study, the element of temperature is given heavy stress. It appears that temperature control can minimize but not eliminate the evils of long holding and heavy contamination. m .oz .wflm pm. we «m1: 3 - om. cm 2. cc em monk .uenh Pd OUCOPQ 4’0. >h¢.a .II I .k can h‘ OUKOPG 430. fish—a lllt are. 23.3 ”ozuous .mmDOI a MZTP 02.040: i .uonw Aummhcom oz< zumzm... IkBOmm <_mm.—.0 . 11. 11111..(-115..1.1.1-111...1 1..1.-..l-1.-11.!.1. 1. 11-1....1 . ..1.-|-... 1 .11.-. ... .1 1- . 1. .11 v 1.1 I _ 1.1 -..-1:. - 1. .1.-. 11-1 111- 1. - I1-.11..1-| 11- . . 1 - .11 . - -.1. 1 11- 1111- 111-111. .1 711111.. 1111-1111..-1111.11-. .11 .1111. 11111. 1.... -1- 11...-.-111111-1111111111. 1 k -. . . ..111w1...11 - 1 . .. - . - . 4 1. 11 1 - . .1 M d 1. 1 I ll . ~ " . . . _ 1 ... . 1 . 1 . . , r. 1 1 1 . t 1 v. A n . 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X. e . . .1 . . .. 1 . ... 1 r1 . 1 . 1.1 .1111: (11:11 |1.1.. ..1.1(1-ll'111|.1011(1lI-1-|0-|-1I1-111111(§14 11..)11'111111-1 11-1111 1 . 1 . .911 - ...... ...-.1 1-1- - .1 1.. ..1 ) ... .1 1.1. .11 ......1 (I. a .. 1.!) .1 . 1 1. 4 1 1 . ...-1 (..11111..A11..1.10.16l\c1|\lI|-¥tl11| 2 fl / . . . - - 1 . - . (.. .. 1 .1 . . ...: . . 1:.) l1. . I . . 1 _ - - . . .1 . .1. 1 1. /» . . _ - .. . 1 1 e a - 1 . 1‘ 1111. .111 .1 . (1)111: 11.1111 111 1 1 .111. 1.1111-1‘11111l1i.0. Q.. Illilllvvl-I I. r - . - . .. .1 -. a 1. .- - . - . . .- . . .- -1. - -. -1.. 1 -.-1-.w - ..1....-. -1.. HA1... 1..:---11111-.|1..11 11.51111..- 1111.21-11.11 1 T . i1. 1.. .1 A - - . . . -1 . ..-. . . .. s y a _ .. I 1 . . a m \r. _ i| \— ... - \ . I 37 On the "8" unit, this support is obtained by using crossed wooden 2 by 4's. These tere used because it is necessary in this unit to space the inner container away from the wall. This spacing is accomplished by dressing the 4" dimension down to 3" except for 3" on the end which is left 4". The inner box then is held by the and projection as shown in Drawing No. 2. It will be necessary to pack insulation into the vertical section beside the compressor before mounting the back panel. Insulation should also be packed into the spaces around the wooden supports before the inner shell is put in placé. Plywood breaker strips are used on the tOp of the inner shell of both boxes to prevent the flow of heat from the outer to the inner shell. It is not uncommon to see coolers built without this precaution but merely feeling how cold the outer shell is at this point will indicate the rapid flow of heat into the box. This breaker ring is mounted differently in the two boxes. Close inspection will show that the mounting on the "8" unit has two outstanding advantages over the tOp mounted ring in the "R" unit. First, in the "3" unit the rubber cover gasket seals on the outer jacket. This eliminates all danger of 38 moisture infiltration at this point. Also, bringing the outer shell up over the breaker strip gives a metal ring on top to take the abuse of setting cans on it. Plywood was used on the underside of the covers to give them rigidity. They also act in the same manner as the breaker strip discussed above in preventing heat flowing along a metal path into the box. All outside Joints were sealed with permagum to prevent infiltration of moisture vapor. AIR CIRCULATION SYSTEM Both compressors were specified with static con- densers. This means that air circulation over the con- denser is by natural draft. The use of this type conden- ser eliminates fans and other external moving parts. They are justified on small capacity units such as this if some means of encouraging natural draft is used. Both cabinets contain built-in stacks that in- crease the flow of air through the condenser. Air is drawn from.the floor through the condenser where it picks up heat and becomes lighter. This creates an updraft which draws in more cool air to continue the process. We were unable to find design procedures for stack area or height. The dimensions used are adapted from current industrial practive. Finish Both units were finished with aluminum paint on the inside. Th "R9 unit was built according to our plans by the Revco Company, Inc., Deerfield, Michigan. It re- ceived a baked white enamel outer finish. Since we have no baking ovens in our department, the "S" unit was spec- ified with aluminum finish. It may be enameled white if desired. PUTTING UNIT IN OPERATION After the cabinet is finished the coils are throughly dehydrated before being connected to the com- pressor. Revco, Inc. heats the coils four hours at 280 degrees and then draws a vacuum of from 15-18 microns. Slightly lower vacuum.may be used with 50 microns the re- commended limit. Freon is introduced into the evacuated coil until a positive pressure is assured. Connection is made to the compressor, connecting first the high side and then the low side. Back seat the low side and then the high side valves. Dehydrate by heating the freon charg- ing line and connect to the low side valve. Start the compressor and allow freon to enter the low side valve by loosening the valve periodically. (Valve is closed when front seated - Open when back seated and vented to the atmosphere when in an intermediate position) Charge should be introduced slowly. The right amount has been charged when the frost line appears just out of the box with the compressor running full time. Freon should be purged if the frost line moves near the compressor. 40 The "R" unit was put into Operation in the above manner. The box temperature reached - 14 degrees with a coil temperature of - 19 degrees with the compressor run- ning full time. The control was then hooked in and the unit run at about 45 degrees for one week before under- going further testing. TESTING PROGRAM In evaluating the cooler performance, tests were set up to provide the following information: 1. No-load current consumption. 2. Cooling rates on water in different.amounts and in different containers. 3. Cooling rates and quality studies on cream. 4. Performance under conditions as they exist on an average farm. No-Load Current Consumption The no-load current consumption test is run on new units to obtain cost of Operation figures and to check the design heat loss figures. The unit was set up in a room of the Department of Agricultural Engineering. The test set up was as shown in Fig. 8. The circuit is controlled by a thermal control. The sensitive bulb of‘this control is therefore by the coil prOper. Control is of coil temperature. A wattmeter was placed in the circuit to record the current consump- tion. Hooked in parallel with the compressor was a self starting electric clock which will show the total Operat- ing time of the compressor. This same general setup was used in all subsequent tests. After the unit had come to equilibrium, the test was started. Fbllowing are the results of three no-load tests. NO-LOAD TEST Table No. 1 Test Time KWH Ave. Room.Ave. Cab. KWH Used/24 Hrs. °Fu No. Hr. used Temp Temp. 1 44 .60 68 ' 44 .01565 11 156 5.0 76 37.5 .01375 12 96 1.9 75 41 .0139 Average .0137 The above results show good agreement despite the widely different ambient and cabinet temperatures used. The unit of current consumption used does not conform to any recognized standards but it does put the data in a form that is easily used in further computations. Cooling Rates on Water Cooling rates were run on water to indicate something of the speed of cooling that could be expected with cream. COpper-constantin thermocouples were used for temperature measurement. The readings were made with a Leeds and Northrup potentiometer. Examination of Figs. 9 0mm: mahmm ...mu... “.0 10kmxm 0.h<3<¢o<_o mom $523 a: a: a4_oo zo .socezoo .ozcuzp >o aue<¢uao A 105.3m < V ...... \ Q mmhuv‘hhh; 2:22.... a. commucazoo 3.55:: 23. oh 353 100.5 F180 NO. 9 -J‘..- g 77““; - Fig. No. 10 --.—- -....a.~h -L - »‘—‘—_._. F18. NO. 11 46 and 11 will give the reader the general test setup. The thermocouples were shielded in five millimeter glass tub- ing which had been drawn to a capillary at the end and then sealed. The capillary was drawn small enough so that the thermocouple junction just fit. The thin glass walls and good physical contact made the thermocouples rapidly responsive to temperature changes. The combination thermocouple'holder and con- tainer cover was drilled for seven tubes. It was made from two different thicknesses of plywood. The thicker piece was of a smaller diameter then the mouth of the can. A thin piece was cut with a larger diameter and fastened as shown to form the cover. The couples are adjustable in depth so that a good cross sectional picture of tem- perature conditions can be obtained. A summary of the results obtained with water are given in the following table. Table NO. 2 Test Size Lbs. initial Final Time Initial Rate of No. can water Temp. Temp. Hr. Cooling oF/Hr. 2 10 Gal. 72 98 74 8.5 2.56 5 5 Gal. 55.5 91 66 8.5 2.94 4 5 Gal. 16.5 86 57.5 8.5 3.40 5_ 5 Gal. 16.5 87 54 8.5 5.80' 6 10 Gal. 72 89.5 87 1.0 2.50 7 5(gal. 72 81 61 7.5 2.67 Typical cooling curves are shown in Fig. 12. These test show that the rate of cooling was relatively slow in all cases. The rate is affected by both the amount of water to be cooled and the container used. The dif- ference caused by the containers is due to the larger area for heat transfer when using smaller containers. Determination of Compressor Performance The coefficient of performance of a refrigeratiOn machine is defined as the ratio of refrigeration obtained to the heat equivalent of the power supplbd. 18 Coefficient of Perf. : Heat removed - BTU's (KWH’ (54I27 A refrigeration unit is not considered to have an efficiency in the same sense as a power plant since it does no useful physical work. Its function is rather to pump heat from a low temperature T2 to a higher tempera- ture T1. Thermodynamic consideration of the carnot or ideal refrigeration plant leads to the following treatment. The coefficient of performance in a carnot refrigeration plant is equal to: Q2 : WT2 (82-81) : T2 Heat absorbed in evaporator D N) I Q1 - Heat rejected by the condenser 2 ll weight of refrigerant circulated T2 : Absolute temperature in evaporator 380LV836N31 ”£90: a u!.# 0.. w w w m m w M .« fl _ _ so I! on // / . N.” MQOJm . O /// amt; .mm._ 0.2 n.~ macaw // /// . as zqo .eoxm. zonaqe n. mWWWNu 1// «n+4; do; can \\ ////////// w I 6. m.~ . macaw zqo zoance 9 z. \e. mus<3 .mmn «a +- muk<3 mm>mao 02.40001 dc 49 T1 : Absolute temperature in condenser s2 = entrOpy of vapor s1 : entropy of liquid Inspection of this equation shows that the efficiency of performance is a function of the absolute temperature and that the efficiency rises as the difference between T2 and T1 becomes less. Inserting values obtained in testing the "R" unit with the control setting at the lowest temperature, we have the following: Evaporator temperature 220 F. 4820 R Condenser temperature 1120 F. 5720 R Carnot coefficient of performance 482 - 5.55 572 - 482 In cooling a load of 5,212 BTU's over a period. of 162 hours, ambient temperature 75 degrees and cabinet temperature 43 degrees, the unit used 5.4 KWH. Using the previously determined figure of .0157 BTU/24 hours 0 F. for heat leakage with a temperature difference of 52°: ( 247'1rs.y This leaves 5.4 - 2.97 or .43 KWH to handle the load of 5,212 BTU or a coefficient of performance 0. of P. = _5 212 = 5.58 fresh 54157 This value for the coefficient of performance is higher than might be expected for a small unit. EXpressed as '5 .2” N? . oz _¢ 0? mm ) ..Hrm mm Kn mm mm mUPDEI - NI; H d H IJ # 4 i cm - w o |.\/\I \\ _ .oz ozCemw nomkzoo mmammwmd mo_m . 102i ON. Oc cm 00 OO~ ON. 01¢. BHHSSEBd lSd 52 percent, this becomes 66.7% of the theoretical. The dif- ference between this value and 100 represents the inefficiencies in the compressor and motor. EFFECT OF HOLDING CREAM AT LOW TEMPERATURE Since these coolers were designed to maintain high quality in farm held cream, much stress was given to the following series of tests which were set up to closely simulate farm conditions. Many investigators have found that adding warm milk to cold milk has a tendency to stimulate the activity of the enzyme lipase. However, there is no doubt that the farmer would be very happy to be able to add his cream to the previously accumulated cream with no further treatment. We decided that this point should be explored so in each test twenty gallons of milk were divided into two equal ten gallon portions before separating. When ten gallons had been separated, the cream.was placed in a cold water bath and the temperature was lowered rapidly twenty or more degrees before placing in the cooler. The results of this treatment are given in the series of samples lettered "A". The remaining milk was separated and the cream was placed in the cooler at the separating temperature. This series was lettered "B". This procedure was repeated for four consecutive 1“ 55 days with the cream added to the previously accumulated cream. Four series of runs were made with "A" and "B" treatment in each series. Thus a total of eight batches were cooled and tested. Only in run No. 2 was the cream stirred into the older cream. In runs 1, 5, and 4, the cream was merely poured into the older cream. In runs 1, 2, and 5, the milk to be separated was taken from.the delivery truck at the college receiving station. Run No. 4 was made from college herd milk. A relatively high bacteria count was obtained on this milk due to the fact that it stood for some time before separat- ing. (See Table No. 5) There was no way of telling whether the milk taken from the delivery route was morning or night milk. The milk was sampled immediately for bacteria count and then warmed to approximately 95 degrees before separation. An effort was made to choose milk with an average to poor quality since it is recognized that the quality of milk produced by the farmer that markets cream is generally of lower quality than the whole milk producer. That we did get highly contaminated or poorly handled milk is apparent from both the bacteria counts and the flavor criticisms. In no case was there acid deve10pment in the cream to a degree sufficient to impair the flavor of butter made from it. ‘C , ~——————-_1:.\=3 s YET" Table NO. 5‘ DATA ON MILK SEPARAT‘ED RUN DATE FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH ND. STARTED DAY DAY DAY DAY I 4/I5/47 250.000 2Io,ooo 96,000 660,000 ”CTR” 2 4/26/47 2I6.Doo ”50,000 900,000 50,000 00”" T‘ 3 6/23/47 20,000,0“3 8,000,000 2,000,000 §,700,000 .4 7/0/47 90,000 30,000 660,000 770,000 I S 55 6 TEMR| 7' o ' 0 MILK 2 62 63 as so "new“ 3 _ 72 7D 69 70 'F 4 7s 7s ‘ so 76 I V I00 90 as 7 es TEW' 2 as 92 95 I00 SEPARATE!) 3 96 , as 97 I00 ..F 4 96 as as S7 MILK WAS RECEIVED COLD AT THE COLLEGE Rs- CEIVING STATION. IT WAS WARMED To 90-I00° BEFORE SEPARATING. THE MILK WAS SAMPLED FOR BACTERIA BEFORE WARMING. 55 The butter was all hand made and in many cases the score could have been raised a point if more buttermilk had been removed. Effectiveness in Cooling Cream The cooling rate was faster than had been ex- pected considering the rather slow rate with water. Figure No. 15 shows a representative curve made from data obtained in run No. 1. This shows a cooling rate on the "B" sample of 25 degrees in the first four hours or 6.25 degrees per hour. This may be eXplained by the smaller volume of cream per can and by the lower specific heat of cream. Each subsequent day after the first shows a lower peak temperature due to the mixing of the cold cream with the warm. Table NO. 4 tabulates the weight and temperature of the cream used in the tests. The weight varied from 6 to 10.5 pounds depending on the richness of the milk used in the test. The separator was set to deliver cream test- 1118 40% fat. It can be seen that the cream in the "A" series averages about 20 degrees lower in temperature than the ”B" series. 2 .. o: J .....ME mm: 0:, uzz. N. '_L’ ‘I J I. . :12 \. IIILAIII d q h¢\o_\¢ /, 7. . /’j /r / / £2 uh 20:. (cc -..um 5 88¢ .PBIIIII 838qu .226 .2. I I l 52“me 76/, ' .2122. .. 5132’ mo40 Iom= 0 22.68 on 0.? O I‘D O 0 O p. 00 on 3801'8341'31 :Io amcwm 20. 9 final... >20 ...mZtmmbdcmm 0.... own): COO—IMO (max... 0... 03m»! gone 40 coorma 4min. on can)... izwz roono on... . "I 1.3 m u A _ m u A :ocwm > m > > m > m > m > m p. m > m o .o e a , 9»... o m a me as so no we on 3 .3 EEEEE m. ...... so 4 3a Nu who a me so a»... .3 so we so so a u .2... 4 Pa 4 93.. no as as m. a» me co «m 5.6 Pa cheese 6 a Na 4 a. .3 am on an so so no a. .2 m3: «mean no 25.23 an ...rx 5.... 2:23 .232 6263 .23. .0 can 6 3:02.336: (so «moraine ..zo 4:." nan»: a) r r02 1 02.302”. «.1 a) 1_or< 82.3 .623. no. Western 1: r>unrno ...... .3... 5.» 532.3 .m... unroi ...:m umv>8’4_oz «filmmaDHCSM. ....r. .....n 3:: spa 325:3 2:. .34 32.3.. 004: ublwrmm (man 13 .2 din GOO—una. 58 DevelOpment of Acidity It is interesting to note that the difference in deveIOped acidity is significantly larger in the "E" series than in the "A" series only if milk of high initial bacteria is used. Figure No. 16 shows this development for the poorest batch and for the best. The "B" series was notice- ably more acid when the initial bacteria load is very high but when milk of relatively good quality was used, neither series showed much acid develOpment. This indicates that cream.from freshly produced milk can safely be added to the cooler at separation temperature with.no criticism on an acid development basis. Further study of enzyme activity or of other considerations may alter this vieWpoint. Flavor of Stored Cream The tabulated data of Table No. 5 gives both the acidity deveIOpment and a flavor score of the quality of butter that could be reasonably expected from the cream. The observer is presented with the fact that acidity develOpment is not the only criteria of deterioration in quality. Three samples scored 95 after 96 hours holding and these samples had acidities of .180, .185 and .155. However we have a sample with the lowest acidity, .155. which graded 92 and made butter grading 91. This sample p. .50 .30 ACIDITYf PERCENT .IO I4: / POOR / I / ‘3’ CREA FRO“ ,0 / NILN A'aI .20 A. / :A ERIou 000D 24 4D 72 ELAPSED TIME " HOURS GRAPH SHOWING DEVELOPED AOIDITY WITH GOOD HILKIAVE. BACTERIA, 300,000 PER 00.) ‘ POOR NILK I'AVE. couNT 9.050.000) AND WITH F18. NO. 16 emuwm 20. m >0.D.H< >20 mr>223 g. . mr><0a mooam 4.3m zocrm . m . a A _ m u A > m > m > m > m > m > m >‘ m > m 0 .8 .....0...~0 .00 ..00 .80 .3 .3 00 00 00 00 ea 00 0a 00 .NA .00 .00 ..0u..a0 ...... .-.u.._A0.A0 00 00 0.... 00 00 on 00 0a km .00 ..NO .30 ..NN .NOO.UHO.30 .50 mm 0U 06 nu mu m. cu 0m NM .00 ..m0 ..VO ..ou.»oo..uuo..ao..oo mu mu 0.» ON on 0. 00 om , . . M u a 0 mm .50. .50 ..mo .NNu .Nmo .umo..uu..uu mm mm m. mm. mm 0. on ma mr><0a 02.10.01. . 70523.: a>20_0-...mm0 . A- 1.0: ...mmo. s. 050.3,: >20 .. u .. 050.15.. 820.23 .. 222.50 a. 50:... ...mmo. .. . 61 (series "A", run No. 4) developed a slight utensil flavor during holding. The "A" series of run No. 2 was also criticised for a similar defect. It may be dangerous to draw conclusions from such meager data, but the impression is received that maintaining too low an acidity may inhance the chances of metal catalyzed oxidation. Acidity development can be controlled by control- ling temperature. Perhaps a small amount of acidity should be developed to exhaust the dissolved oxygen in the cream and thus 510w the development of oxidized and metallic flavors. An indication that a small amount Of acidity may be beneficial if cream is to be held for three or more days is shown in the "B" series run No. 2. This is the only sample of cream that made 95 score butter yet it had an acidity of .225%. There were five other samples with lower acidity which graded no better than 92. Treatment of Cream After Holding After holding the cream the prescribed 96 hours, it was neutralized with Wyandotte C. A. S. if the acidity of either "A" or "B" was in excess of .20%. The cream was then pasteurized by setting the can in hot water. A pasteurizing temperature of 156 degrees F. was chosen. When the cream temperature reached this value it was held ten minutes and then cooled rapidly in cold water. The cream was held overnight at 54 degrees, heated to churning 62 temperature and churned in a small laboratory churn. See Table NO. 6 . The butter was worked by hand and about 2.5% of salt was added. The butter was stored at 40 degrees over- night and then graded. The grading was done by Mr. G. M. lrout and Mr. J. M. Jensen of the Dairy Department of Michigan State College. Butter from runs one and two were given storage stability tests of ten days at 70 degrees. All samples received the same score after this test as they had re- ceived previously. Flavor scores are shown in Table NO. 7. PERFORMANCE UNDER FARM CONDITIONS The cooler was placed on the farm of Austin Cunningham to test its performance under actual conditions. Mr. Cunningham was recommended by the Dairy Department as being cOOperative in spirit and a producer of considerable cream. At the time of the test he was delivering about 150 pounds of 40% cream every week. The cooler was placed in the basement of Mr. Cunningham's home and set up with a meter and a clock as in the laboratory. (Figure No. 17) Four new "shot" cans were used for storage of the cream. The cream was added with no cooling or agitation filling each five gallon can in turn before starting on the next one. This represents D 02.2030 000.000 ...: 5. 2.0.2030 023.0 0» 0030...... 02¢ 00:; 0.00 2. 30.03. 00.000 04; 30000 0..» .0052... 20» 00... 02:0 0.. 0030...... 0...... 02.0200 0; 200 0.: .0020}... 0:. 0005.00.20» 02.0.0000... use 20.; 0.0.03 00: .0 5; < z. .3000 0.: We 02.2.5200 :00 10:0. 20.300. 02.. 4. 05:00 .0 000.0005... 04.... 2.3.00 00 00 00 .0 00 .00.. 00.. oz 00_._00_. 00. ... .00.. 0 .0 00 00 0.0 00 00.. 00.. 00> 002—000. 00. 3.000 0 00 .00 0.. 00 00 00.00.. 00» 000. 00.. 00. 3.00... 0 .0 00 ..,.0_m.20."z 00 00.. 00.. oz 00.. 00.L 00. 5.0... _ he 4 m 4 ...—o m 4 m 4 .010» , m .0 00m. 020.. 0.... omkmdhm .02 00000 02:. 02.2”“:0 .2500... .2000 8-5000040 whdo 23m cutbowzzcaxo T5004. >....0.0¢ . g mmnooo Z. wrdo .0 62.040 . oz 0 Home .... mwkud 24mmo .....o kzuih<40 . 0. n .0300 000. -0000000-0000 m N. mmum .mNmNmOm .mNmnmNm .mNmmmNQ _mNmNm _mmmnm wmoom 00.0000000000000004000000. ¢~m N _ ¢ m N _ ¢ m N _ 02230. .00 2 0.200. 000000 00:00 . 00:00 00000 20000 00330 000.039 oza. 24000 0 .oz 0.000 Fig. No. 17 66 the minimum.effort on his part and the worst conditions that could be expected. His practice in the past has been to cool the freshly separated cream immediately to about 65 - 70 degrees. This was then added to the old cream in a ten gallon can. No further cooling was provided so that the storage temperature became the temperature of his basement where the cream.was held. The cream was delivered once every week. TABLE NO. 8 QATA ON THREE WEEKLgRQDUCTION Cream Cooler Can Temp. Ave. Current EIOQEpedfl, Used NOQ#, Reed. Acidity Acidg=§gpre Usedggflfl 7-12-47 1 73 .855 89 to No .778 7-19-47 2 73 .720 89 7-26-47 1 45 .42 90 to Yes 2 43 .54 .295 92 4.7 8-2-47 5 43 .25 92 4 62 .17 92 8-2-47 Yes 1 42 .53 91 t0 2 42 054 .265 92 405 8-9-47 3 42 .24 92 _______A 4 64_i [l4 93 None of the cream showed any trace of metal or bitter flavor. The oldest cream had been held seven days and had an old flavor in both batches. As the cooler is set, acid develOps to an appreciable degree in seven days. It was felt that the combined cream could be used to produce ..-- 67 92 score butter both weeks. We do not know the Optimum temperature for storage at this time. Evidence points to danger in too cold temperatures as well as tOO warm. It seems that this Optimum temperature would vary with the producer depending on the condition of the cream that is placed in the cooler. The tests on Mr. Cunningham's farm are going forward. During the week ending August 16, 1947, he is filling all four cans simultaneously. This should pro- vide more rapid cooling and may lower the average acidity. On the assumption that 98 score butter could be made from the cream delivered on August 2, 1947, average acidity .295%, and that his regular delivery without the cooler would produce 89 score butter, Mr. Cunningham would market a product worth $3.05 more for this weeks period 'by the use of the cooler. Added to this would be a saving in time and water since he previously cooled the cream down before placing in the storage can. Mr. Cunningham's personal reaction to the cooler has been extremely favorable. He would be very interested in Operating under the premium.aysbem and would be willing to purchase a cooler to maintain high.quality in his product; Present plans call for leaving mhe cooler on his farm for a period Of several months. We believe much valuable information can.be Obtained by a careful inspection 68 Of the cooler after a prolonged periOd of unsupervised usage. Typical information would be points Of physical weakness and something Of how dirty the cooler will become after long usage. DISCUSSION Most of the work in refrigerating dairy products has been centered about milk. While the use of a dry box has not been successful in cooling milk, we believe that it has shown great promise as a means of holding cream. Several Observations were made in the course Of the project. First, very little is known about the physical behavior of cream. There is room for research On such basic prOperties as specific heats, coefficients Of heat transfer and viscosity studies. We Observed that cream will become extremely viscous, almost plastic, when cooled if it is separated from milk which has been held cold and rewarmed to about 85 degrees before separating. This plasticity does not Occur in cream separated from fresh, warm milk or from cold milk which is warmed to 95 - 100 degrees and held for a few minutes. This must be caused by incomplete melt- ing Of the fat and agglomeration into larger particles to cause the high viscosity. Such thickening might improve the customer appeal of whipping cream and thus be 0: commercial value. 19 69 Cooling rates on cream were more rapid than was predicted from the values given with water. This seems to indicate that the characteristic formation of a thick layer of cream on the inside container wall observed when cooling with cold water does not occur with cold air. This elim- inates some of the Speed advantage expected with water. The quality of the cream.beld in the cooler was all that could be expected. Many of the experiments were run in the spring and feed flavors were observed more often than any other defect. The "shot" cans and the separator bowl both had some exposed iron and metallic flavors were observed in two samples. The acid develop- ment could be kept below .20% very easily. The butter was hand churned and contained considerable buttermilk. This caused some lowering in score but all samples had good aging qualities. Points particularily worth further investigation include: (1) Finding the Optimum temperature of storage. (2) The method of adding cream, whether it should be added warm or cold. (5) Should the cream.be thoroughly stirred into the older cold cream or added carefully with as little mixing as possible. (4) What acidity should be allowed to develOp in stored cream. The use of vacuum in conjunction with evaporative cooling might show interesting results. It is possible 70 that low pressure could be maintained more easily than refrigeration. Use of a vacuum.chamber might also improve quality by removing dissolved oxygen from the cream. CONCLUSIONS (1) A dry box type of refrigeration unit ef- fectively maintains the quality of farm held cream for about five days. This cream should score 92 or better. Longer storage is not recommended for best quality. (2) The use of this refrigerator will show a good profit to the farmer providing a reasonable premium is given for producing quality cremm. (5) These units may be designed to provide cold storage for eggs or other perishables. (4) To keep the investment cost low, they should be retailed at cost by the creamery. 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Kelvinator Service Kannal. Form 4540. Detroit Thompson, D. 1., and Facy, H. 1940. Effect of Salt on the Hicroflora and Acidity of Cream. Butter_and Cheese Jour- g1; 12 Venemann, H. G. 1946. Refrigeration Theory and Practice. 2nd Ed. 336 pp. Chicago - Eicmerson ‘ and Collins. Williams 1939. U. 8. Patent No. 2,192,864. A Kethod of Preserving Cream pith Salt. Original not seen. Cited by Caulfield, etc. 1940 Wooley, H. H. 1940. Moisture Condensation in Building walls Natl. Bur. of Stu. Report 8K363. ’35,; “1 USE “NE! Jun 22 194% JTUIZO 7 I94 8 ‘48 ’71 O O jxug ”h ’1» Sep 27 ’48 fl. ; T63l.2 190934 5253 .0 mummymmmmtltmlmllfllmlmH