‘ ‘1‘ 3? 5:3» ~vltu-4; i. I} ‘ 5' —o ’ 63!“ ."r , {3.}... L [2. .« «. g; 8 .J‘té D C. _:_:_a.2.::2:._:__::____,: mm 3 "9 PW! H . 2‘. :3; “a! O'u'ho. . :1:- 5' :{EL‘E‘é‘éii'I‘ i‘B'lTuEI 311‘? 347,-? f _ a MW» ‘11" z I C \ C 9' :53 5’3: «gm 4:“, i LIBRARY Michigan Sm: University CKAMSWTICS 0333313: (F? IHFMW'S SKIE“E‘EHG KEELITY A Four 2mm Study 00th In Order Ta Establish racking :hicthods For This Level by Virginia Leo Schumann Mi ABSTEMT Submitted to W School of mu Studies at filchim state University at Woman-o and Applied Scum. in mm ruminant or flu ruminants for the dean. of 2*me OF ARTS Want at Health. mama mutton. and Recreation LfiTPufiCT W nu 9:0qu as: to charm the characteristic: of infants wining &m1tymnpnriodottmmmm”muuuhnshtuchms “bod: for thin 11ml. Alto. um hoped to determine the feasibility ammmwmummouamwummm mntmiohtwdeubomgxtbm W W: 'Spocino tad rmm. mama: putt-mu m mtpmntuurth'; mcnnponmpmnutmotugmd typo than u gnu-mm: or urinal-mm. wt: or mum. Luann; and actuation on” than ma. cute. to boom specific as early u tho 6th. 8th. 10th. or 15th math. (3. p. 153) M or about six youths or tea. tau datum. Far 13 and to b. elicited by throo factor-s (1) mental loud 0mm, (2);)‘13. (3) loss of support. W: Litmmmmsmw. htmtoflmfi. um "and to most mu ptmxoxégam characteristics or chuck-on and. on. you or use. Home. than 5.: 11m. Went mum to til-physical control mummmmtbmc mm momma-math thawiomdvnm. Mound mmtmhmmmmuum. moothwuxdvnnmu the ”the: mummemmmmmmomutum-hmm 11 mmwthommummumm. kch mfinmdmnththtmpm-umtmmmm muwwmopnmummowormumwmmu. W 1.0 it. 7. 8. Fran mmulotthcdtu. mutanmmlmmmmc Infants. ago tun 1nd a halt unth- tnd older pam- mtnnl log and m momma in tho um. than no Wind tom or the mucus]. “in. of winning know u “dogapaddlo‘. no. 13 a donut. progrualon in “tuition WKMW the tmdxqmmwmmmum. 3mm control to not «mm but Mops filth mud madame: at submersion. Thu as. of ham tannin” for prawn-.17 mm Mining to ”the. mutatmthdmbommb mammal. Its-maimohmmmummulnmof Wain: infant. to ha ”11' initial“ in the watch Conn-Int ad rum-at ”primal m m am m We to punch rapid tau-mm at m skull. Hater Mamtm plays an important part in the reactions at tho child to the flaw. A high manure a: 9G dew mos tho cmdtorwmmm thawtofnflmtuthmw and less. A four month period 9.- no‘ sufficient to Mop m1.” I01: was»: in the mm. 111 9. Based on this new? of ho month. 6 math. and your old infants. it was found that mama? in mm tamed to Gasman with ago. 1' m 3.102233 CELLifl's'm""wx£i'$3 0:352:52: a”. 'D G? IZSFAETI'S gmaama MERIT? A Four math Stw Comma In Order To mumuh Teaching Hawaii; For This Level man. he 80m A 733:5 samba to tho School as mam- am» at am am. mamaw o: Asa-1mm. 8nd Appuod Science 5.» Mn Wt a: an, Want.- rar the dagru of mm OF ARTS Deparmmt of mm. Physical mum. and figuration 1961 V . a}: [Br/£2! AC 330‘an Ema J '13 It 1- umwmmuum to: them umwu-mmm-ummm nmmmemmummu-muw £1014. tint! wwmmtuuymu. manuWKmMa-an. Doctor Emory J. mum. “momflwmm VJuS. V11 ‘LXII.E G? Cfiii‘ffii‘i’s kmwfiuo¢occoo‘oto.nauooto...concoctnuaoooatouottcoooa X T3131. 9‘ mmuquoutpuot¢¢¢b¢os.¢¢u;¢.¢¢¢onnan-nonunion CWTI‘B I. IlifiwwcrzagdOOOOOHQiifliCiitfiwfiifiit909990.909OQOOQOQO' Statmmt 0: ”I. pmmmoaccocoawutsmnunm.rovonv Ebtiflting Ramon 1‘0! this BWuu‘vnvM-Qmuobqaovs 130945 :03 this BWOOOIIOO.Q0itbtvitutfi9bfioctil... PW9980 9! the SWQa-goooatubit¢0too.nvnogginnu lithium 0: this 5m.ccooo.900.o..nu.¢09v¢o¢uo II. RITE}; 01" mm umu’alwu’l‘fioso..¢uocvoua.‘uoocuuous... Pmmm Pkwaioloflcal KBMQOOGO99199999999”9995.0.0.990.0DQGI’QilI-OIQQ In. 7.1533 immOQlio.10!lastoivoithitiitniiOhlfit000.000 17. REEL'L'ISuunuunuoutward""nun-nu"noun V. SIIILXIK. Cmmmfi. Aim ”92mmewoiccottapcguo BIELIOGRAPIH- o "um bctpo-o¢9¢uuctovo¢¢¢omuvtmnununooout.“ Page v11 §$UUUNHHHP 5 BB LNT a! nuu‘ibg’ 31333223 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. “VII. VIII. IX. 1. 11. Th. aptly“ mutton first Used For Introduction And ALUMNI T9 Th! “mtqaondooooouonooutcooooooaooooc The Upright Position “mod To main From a: In And L03 Mumtoocaounomutou1mm” no." no. no no me mm mm» to Pm “Dim-muomuoooooowu The Sound am In Prom ammunnuu.”nun"... the am. Wed Mottled End In From mung.......... tummy Position (3st F61- nuung 0n m- mm“. ‘mfl 3m 5‘? In Floating 01! Th. MpcoattoocotocoIo-oc The float Ldnncod now Used In netting an m M"... A gamed For Developing Partial Breath Control....nu... Intxnt Support: 5011' On Edge 01' Paolauuuunnuuu. Prom 01' Leg mmmgsco¢uc.o"mooooucuooco0000mu P3535019!) Of Ara “Wh'po-Iu‘coto.OQDMuooumuv-mwcv Page 23. m 25 $933 Sgfi‘tfl‘d mm I IETRODUCTIOR W This project wee deeimed with the intent or chem-Vina enemies-o ieeiee pertaining to mining emxw er intente under one yeer of ege. the fine). outoone will teen“ in the «sentiment of teeming ”mode tor thie level. PM. mummmmomemm ammonmmtmmummmmubm. Kile. m-mmmiwumm-mmcmdue arming-amp. Finally. or strong inflame. are henna et freedoe. Netty. eedeontroletbedyeeinedthreuhuperimeeintheuwudthe mamas-amoeba» W Untortuneeely. there ie e greet leaning in the eree of mm“ due. or exv at... tor the: setter. auntie). to me prob)... met little information thet can be gleaned ie filled with mustache end eontrediotory autumn. The eejoriw of coon-11mm heve eoue Ire-eon: domincuitomie. end. tenement. norich. men-nu were inadequately preemted in “leg“ seminee. thet ie. m m W W m m! w. m- one “option being the book. in Men. Menu II. (7. pp. 1-98) One also time e muceeble gap in the uterine end methods for Malling. The greet worthy of 11:26th W b children of five and than. the teem being we the ten mm contribute". ‘moummaedm. endthe't'e'. deeimenddireot theirprogrene to: older emu-n (five end an); In the in» ten yeere the "Fe” muderwmnmwmu mmmeyaoieegereue. The epproprieheneeeet thieewoenheeflrihetedeomrent deeendeerieina tuminemeuthembuettuihm pine the “Ithaca accounting of W. Twelve yell! In the Untied sun. hed 10,000 pooh. Since then a... he 175.000 have hem mm. IX wee established in 1939 ”18% en edditionei “6.000 flint” Mid instill pools that We (12. We 97-101) autumn double that for 1960 there m e tote]. or 6.100 drominge. or thie umber. 700 infants end children nndee- tour you. or ego died. this mum mung: of pea-none swim“. plvins in the new. or telling into the enter. except on home praises. (1. p. 6.) Hiohigen elone. eon- trimtod thirty six fatalities. (17) A W 1. To etudy the plweioei upebiiiuee of intente wider one. lathemter. intoleuonhewlming. 2. “the feasibility at prelininery uew training in the home uetnotorinredmine theegeetwhicheeMdeenbe tnughttolwin. 30 To devemp methode at progression for tnininz intente to be «u eutfieient in the enter. mam-4mm 1e 2. ‘6. Scarcity of beam inter-menu: eontriheted to the leek of organised method! to he need for the luck 01 infants in the m... . I m. m: eunuch o: the cheerntion m e 1mm mm. uninvolved!“ theeveuebniwetthepeoi. enduheéule eonniete between the enbjeete end the oheerver. I: The not that photopephie ehemetlon wee only pertieI. nunm theteoeeetthepemtenvedqeiteeeeeaetenee from the pool limited the from or m «meantime. Tri- {‘13 SEP-SUFFICIEICYeeeeeeeeeee-eee'eeeeeeeeeethfi WW *9 bid 033'. head out of the water long enough to obtain e breath of air. to be eble to hold on to an object for ethanol-t. and to heve e eenee of mm in the meter. Cmnfiefileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee“” one I“: 01“ Ind ‘bOVOe EMT?) 5 mmeeeeeee-eeeeee‘eeeeeeeeeeem m m a: me “ATE-IR WHEEL..."..................«..I¢1ultlnent h m. “We balding the breeth. end e (Leeann position in the new. 9‘53 STUDY. “heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefdfl‘i h the m m Child m at the time it fine tiret intro- heed to tater tor the pmee o: lean-Mn; to Mn. BREATH COIWROLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew “I. m in “It” without em theoonrort. SigéIE-HIING................................telmng in the utter. ROM the mouth cloned. nailing em end up we fleeting none. comma II REVIEW OF LITKiATURE W . me primary interest in this area in the topic of tear u it ie relatedtondminz. rhepredoninentteolinaeemtoinaoetethet 'epeoltie and reoognisahle emotional patterns are not preemt at birth“. l‘hereeponoeepreomtereotegenerel tapedmaepleeeantneoe or . museum”. approach or withdrawal. '1. combination or loam and maturation eeaeee theee seam). etetee to take a Specific pattern and beoane afferenueted clearly. ee early as the 6th. 8th. 10th. or 15th nonth.‘ (8. p. N3) A eohue at emotional Wt. which mueodnponthreeyeere etucb'ot mumbehfliorinmreuy echool children and extensive study of notional responses anon; infants of the Montreal Fonndling and M Hoopitn. eorremnde to the general ettitudee agar-eased in the literature. It wee eleo mluded that et or ebout six months or age. tear deeelope. It ie believed that the child learn to eeeooiete :eelinge thet none from fear. with tear. It nae aleo felt that it tear ie to develop. a ehild met here eufl'ioient perceptual wthto dominimteenandeeirebletoreotetdnnuend mnoient notor development to make the menu: withdrawn lament. Although the psycho-pave“ etrneturee uhioh are neoeeeer: for vieoerel remnaee are natured at leeet et three eonthe or age the aftermatim of fear from fletreee doee not appear until eix nonthe of age. (11. p. 296-297) Year also my be influenced by leeming marines. (6. p. 265-266) 5 Ithaabeenetatedthettearohangeetdthage. Eventhoughthe mererfeereimreeeqthmaretmomteimofreereea mild grow older. Ifan infant le forced to carry out e specialised more before the central we system or the melee are entfieiently thheettwtwllleoetlikolyreemtintheeaergmeotreer end the child lill Met enoh cation min. Fear manly affect- the development or notor control end ooordnetion and produce a delq. (9.13. 73) annual-1m. notably John B. mace. etate fear is inetino- tively elicited by three teeter» (1.)me lend made. (2)311... (3)).oeeormwort‘. ruwmmwnmunmmwuwm replanthereieeendmt-peremreehmgemmrooewdm unortnmlouotmportortheehildeeemdninatheheth. (10.13.10 Keepingtheeetcmtronthemeendmaueoapin theehild'e 1.70er” imam. Ere. Jenhematetel '70! babies haveeninherentteerotmter.hntthqeeneeqaueteereeeilyif ates-tinderfamed.a (16. p. 185) W l‘helitmtnreintmaereaew. toegreetextent. uponthe basic physioloaoal almaoterletice of childrm under one year of ago. The inooneietaaoiee ariee m thie information ie related to the cape- bllitiee of infant- in the water. W The child ended-wee great plvucal and mental adjustment after birthdnetothebirthproceee. Ittnkeetentotom-toendvetoreoover fro-thiewcimeendtoedanattetheenvimment. memhemieene tourehetmtem loathe! tum. detbewnumuhwlm (mentore- hud. an nose. end receding chill). the ekelem IWM 1e pliable; plumb 1e naked]: ensured a, mmnod We. Themed.» mneeMWefthetotdWIeight. There 1e an instinctive behavior in em. Those scum we name are intimate ere due to structural or drummed “More. Rene: mmente ere present et birth or econ titer. These may exist et e primitive or “ensue level. mu- dieeppeer 11: e tee am and um mg. nu- u I put of the development pattern. Maturation mt occur before learning can take piece. Rem-n end meow." nemuon comes first bofemioomouen. There 1e e regular legume tn the developmmtal process. Emulation emee the W eat-uh stage. mwmwrkmh the-amulemeettheheed. neck. enmk. wmuuumm. kahuna-M math ‘pmoods {mmheeddemrdg mammum. mm end Wee v1.1.1 me hetero the muse. It light better be outed um. mirth 1e «plane-ennui. end proximal-ante}. in m trend. Egg: Upward movement in were promumed than domrd. The mouth um. eject. my bed hate. 2%! momdmuwmmwmmatmmm the me (Mention. We amnion to the feet mum: nausea the foot and leg to nu. Hour development 1e mature). he manure). in tonne of eta-math. speed. and coordination. In the more mare one finds that an increase MWMWummfinnMI-rmm which Mmmmmmotmm. mdthmhenmemme ILL-mm: or omen-mm” meme: invalmmt. 3mm uncle (MW) in am: edvemed. me the Metal or flayed Calcium) mule 1e mum less well ewdimted. flotat- We. involve large mach me. mmugthgmehenmerupmkedw. Rename meheAdWeuepmmeioe (Mowiemmdw). Mlewmmemmuutmchbpbmddh mmmmmamwuommm new mam. mequtonowmammwmm There teemuummwpnnendmn. mm meeheeieanbeuttedm. mmnwe-mmmm Mfwmdmewmuetmegemmamemhmdup ImmembleWemepmnepoeifion. mwummm mmmmammmtummu. (2.5:.155) The minefieetthemmueeneempmudtothepnflom. 1m Form.tmeieepenodotmuaeeqmnm:n. emu» etafichlemthenmrhekimmmgleem. The candheeeontmletmmmeeleeo mereleeehegethmah wohmemamummmmmhmm Web-served. The «mam theteetwtrognukeendkieke ant. madam. The feet are not need ntmtely. Tide “admins eetieh'eenheoheerndetteetheehildheeutm-ednomto lifttheheedendehinhutheforeheieeuetorenm. (2. 99.163) Theeonoeveerehof thetrmfitie toning duetothe preaeeeingereeuoeettheheedeadmperoheet. them ”mufiduummthehudtothet‘eetuthe intentcroweolder. mm Innate like to eit with lowed-t for ma mods. room'- eapeeeeee good to enellezt equine-in. m brie: eeeente the ehildillluinteinpoiudpoeimmu milling. (both lezeereenqdedhnlmcthg Imamdfithtiete nu:- ehofldere. end lower ebdoeen lifted mu of! the floor). The heedoenhenieedeleoetpmmerendwdtroeepme position. Perception hee developed end the ehild will notice eounde. Innate do not like the Inter too deep when hething. The lete efterneon ie the beet time for e bath. The Viking houre ere epont in eotivity. Kim 1e e favorite putioe. me heed prefers e mam poeitioa. or titty «mm-on. man per cent mined their heed et but one inch or two inchee when in e prone position. (2. P. 156) The hende ere Michell: lifted the the pattern. Firm-tow pa «mt of the innate rested thdreneontheplettm. (b. p. 56) Opwmumtor-nm peeeivelyliftedbypfllmuheek extmeion. melezeextmd et the tripe end no named et the kneee with the feet raising occasionally. 8e reete ea hie thigh. when, lover eheet. end tome. mm 10 Heed end cheat an be lifted: the eupport being obtained free the hende. Bencheldentc the eldeet thebeth. Weking hcere ere spent in eetieiv. Peter Friee. e the end e hell eonth old intent. establlehed reflex breathing. (7. p. 70) W Theinrcntuillholdhie heedereotendternititheie appea- tine himeelr with hie heade. He ie eleo able to me I'm the etomohtohiebeok tohie etoaeoh. Contmlefthepoetm“ the tram end inch-cot ectivitiee develop between eix end eight eonthe. The child has e winch; etege et the eedien ege ct e11 mthe. Legemcutendhchinn hand-trench“ theehoul- dere. One eeee themeepuehor eviementuhenpleeedoe the chum. . film the intent rolle from but: to etc-eel: (on lead). am fine heed end cheat ere lifted. The intent on: now do thie with the mport of one head. 1mm Imitation eete in it the Mt a, notion u owl... am There ie beleace of the heed end truth. He ie eontmt to lie down. hutpreteee thepronepoeitionintheheth. He epleehee 11 vigomuelylithhendeendmetlmtheteet. Heheethewiw tie unmet thie level. Motor asei‘.!4.va'ityin~ «flayed. There in digit control over the center of gnaw. There 1e evidawe at mutability of emotion. end therefore he ie «any «nimble. Heieunmemmhmmmu‘Mendhflh. the hehywinuepmdtemetheneeepmetetue. Relikee W- Emma He pulls 211.3391: upright by means of mm» He has demand or hie legs and root. W 1. 2. ‘l. A haw five or six We old shoved rhythmic treading in the water with alternate feet. There were other Item." which ehoved the me thins. Babiee tend to turn on their beck. (2. p. 126. 127. 162) A few make-old baby that m «Merged cede tutti-noel): doordineted reflex movement. in the upper end Lower extradition Thu rem bled aiming. (5. p. 160) Atwmue uterbirthechildmplaoedinmm-caldmt—erin order to start breathing. Nothing wee depleyed but feet. (2. p. 126) ‘stmfiee havebeennedeotthepmet birth. «menu. of i'enexnomente which embeds-nines“: etQpina. swims. Grinding. or sitting nations. the 11mm magenta this 1: e fertile field for further inundation. It indicate thet each renew» my exact et e primitive or statistic level at birth. only to anemone-instants. until they mgenteruperto: the develapmentel pattern. (2. p. 12!») m 12 The two nejor timee mentioned reputedly in non-proteeeimel utentue in oonneetion with methods or m for innate ere maummwy-mwm mug-immatu- Wm 01 thetvo. Eruhovonheehedthecreetermberot [uni-hinge. One other figure of inns-tonne ie Cheflee 0. Men. the Whatedoneohlpteru momWhph-um neodChenee C. triee. Memedemareportd them eteplethodeueedtoteeohhieeneneeeretutemetnnende m: nonthe. metributed preetioe to aid to he euperior to neeeed produce. “emotion me by retard dong with mention. For inst-nee. in the etndiee or mwmtuimmmenem treimdendtheotherm not. it we euggnted thet mm in note: skull inoreeeed the rote or development. the. W trailing one given et e Inter dete to thetvin thetueenot teuaht. mieeppeeredtohethemetrioient eethod media: to: (1) amount loomed. end (2) eeoont or the it took to reach I given degree. (11. p. 105) W These 01qu for intente tense in exe from {our eonthe to one you“ exit. Theheet epte hetwunthreeto fixnonthe. 'Evenete mum: mp1»- ego. o my on be taught the midi-ate thet em keep him that end have it he an: into the nter.‘ (16. p. 185) are. Lam mentioned that although orthodox etmkee oi- etylieed teohniqoee «mt he leaned. on intent on do the following: (1) role: in the water. (2) keep the mouth closed. end (3) £1.11). with one and logo. 13 theeeeretheverymanenteotm. maimmmnm the RM“. the 15!th M Ma deli end fluent. tequila; hie ”lavendoonndent. WWmeinehilgentlym theater. 'he zete eneooeeionn eoethm hot eoonleerne toheep hie oath ole-ed end to hold hie hreeth end row." (16. p. 185) renewing thie. the tntentiepnoedteoedotnendelioeedtowizgleeloee. men-mom ”metathemk mmuthdt-hdrhudupto hreethe ont of the Inter. eo one met teke thu out every fee eeoonde. he the hreeth oontml inereeeee, the dietenee the: one win inoreeeee elem (16. p. 185) W Thie swimming theta-actor epeoielieed to: thirty eight yen-e in teeohingyoungehndrentom. 'Seineingeeeeeeenemenyee mmmtouuuichuw (15. 'p. 95-96) Sheteeohee intenteee man-”mm. Shebe11me.hoem.tlntoneendehelfyeere teenidoolegeheuneetheohildieomendiehewudnztoexplore. meromtvo'nhete'inteeohinaenintenttouiee(1)'thepoolmt he heeted to n'ooaxoéubiogo degreeeeten tinee'. end ('2) mun-um tommtelmyebeeme.p1vedwmhuendbow; (15. 9- 95-96) . m 'Leemins ie let-gel: accomplished w initetion er reopenee to «ruin eeneetione'o (3. p. M) The «men mu: 1- Me tine intro- dutionto winning. The etegoeiuheeethereendtheemdvmheve e negative or positive ettitude eboot the Inter eeteblieheds therefore. 1b the first opulence ehould be eeeooieted with pleeenre end fun. All eon-1y eftotte ehould be directed tolerd hula; the child leern breeth control. which ie the noet fundamental eohlnuontn Lemdommumtunmtuthetobumw eixinohee deeply thefollovingnethode (Uplwoeronedtrmiender the Math head. Pleoe heads under hie body. (2) Later. hold the heed eithhothhendeendcredulu takeem thehmde. Infant .Ag. Chmoterietlce Jolie Sheldon 10 We o1d. (note: are. Jen Loven eteted thet ehe thought tn dare too young to begin teeohinz to win.) are. he Loren (child'e whether) moon-eununtdoorpool Onoeebytor teammate thenorninznnpo The daily leeeon boglne with slow immersion of the hetv in the pool. Next. the intent ie releened face down and the inetmotor- well:- behind. liftinc theohildop tohreethe every tee eeoonde. At nine wake of ego the child intimately holde lte hreeth end novel emeendlegeop toe diet-nu of ten toot. At ninetem months. Julie m “Merging endeavour for no long u on. eeoonde. The letter eee brought about by placing toys on the bottom or the pool et e tour toot depth. Such item on e tricycle end tooten-totter were and. (1“. p- 35) Intent Age lnetnmtor Looetion Procedure Characterletioe 15 Sherry Lynn mutton 6 wedge Crystal Scarborough (Sher; lam'e oonein. Cryetel hee tensht eone forty odd bahiee to win) Loe Angel». Californie m instruction «Mote or tench- inshertoneeheremetorpmpm- eion. The amid onuht on otter the ewe wereeovedbeok mdtortheone five hmdred tines. At eleven nonthe ehe mine not-one e thirty toot pool. doing the do; peddle. i‘hie ie m motel tines e dun um the how retooled emetic telent et eix voice of ego. ehe m torthei’irettineettheegeot eeven monthe. Bo some of auction no evident. but she won't strong noughtonieeuptorein eheouine eonoee. the pool in one breath. She get-intothepooltvelttingon the edgeoi’ thepoolendflopping in. it eleven months of age she hes not yet talked. Later diving no leerned hybodng droppedlnto mounts-heed first hy the instructor. The letter no not ettcnpted until the bow hed lea-nod to maid her we to brook theemuthentc. (13. 9. 80.82) 2 months Blanthe lonenthe Snonthe 6 months 16 Peter Friee 7 MI CM“ 6. Mon Unlmity of Michigan. Ann Arbor. Kiohlgen Peter hogan hie enter exporiemee in e tam five feet long. thirty inchoo deep. The water taper-eta“ m mnety-five degrees Fahrenheit. Homedtron aide to side. Next.- ehen kid on hie book there me e noticeable roeotion. Motion or time in the enter one ton nlmtoo. He weighed tn We thirteen omen. later tummturo no ninety degrees. Homin thowotorchilyforton nimteo et 713) p... more one foot ”‘10“ in the “We Be epleehee with hie hmde. Hater et timeouuoovorIuonouthend me. There io e reflex booth control that ie due meant to in- etinot: he eutonetioolly etopo uneth- ingehutheeeter covero themth. Very detinitohreethoontrolieovi- dent. Belmoneouononlendie beaming. Breeth oontrol ie eo eomloto thet they tried couplote autumn; of the hood end played 'poelc-e-boo'. Ho euhnorged four time“ The maxim time under enter one three eeoondec Played “pods-aha“ with onhmrglnc. He no mowed to fleet to the our. {one before being unsupported. no balanced.“ the enter. He eleo floote on his book alone with no support for five to ton eooonde when hie ettmtion ie tum with e person in such e position that it allow him to be mlotely related. 1? Gen 2 “3 Charles C. Friee believee the eeqme in which the child edjuate to the water em to be determined by the genera. phyaieel developomts If. e ohild mike et the time. he will begin en eltermte leg kick in menterreflzerthenedouhleom. The earlieet ego en infant can win. even in e mammary way. is ebout theegeot eighttomeeonthez nee: thetieeheie new» mt; However. one is true only exter e long period a: carefully «treated end mar eater omerienee (at least eix nonthe). Inching et thie age dooe not refer to method. but to giving the intent emeri- moe in the water. W l. The child not never be frightened in my way. The heed should be oerotnllyeqaportedettireteonoeeterceteinto thence. 2. me teacher should be in the inter the with hie teoe on the level of the ohild‘u Thin aim the child confidence. 3. Water twentm should be 88 to 90 dogma. In the summer time it ehould not fell below 80 degreee. 1+. One met meet elm! progress: don't ettmt to epoed up the develop- amt of the child. more will be eppmmtely tale end e hell months between the recognition or the first breath control end the first commute Merging of the face. 5. Gonoentute on developing only one thing at e tine. Otherwise oonhmion will result. 6. lo the very mil ohild the do; peddle will ease the east natural. mekick ie the moeotpoworuhile thehendeeidinbmthing. no ettention ehould he paid to the stroke until after the child swim Itith considerable mount a: freedom. (7. p. 70.75) CHAPTZQ III PROCEXIRE Llocalpediatrioieh We“ thie We: hummu- being «than: mhjeetiooable. ‘Pu-ente «ream-aged to obtain the mmumdrmwaim :wmmuupumimt-m WM. Fininfente.ehoyuwoendehelteontheheboycieomthe). teemie (eixmnthe)endehag(onemold).mthemaoote. Auilehuitv. willingneee.eodenegeliudtofonemetegemme only trim for selection of meeote. meeMuemtedmemlettheHmn'eInmwm ethiehimsutem‘vereiw. mmmmmwmm endthreeendehaitteotdeqaettheeheueeend. Allenooioneteek pleoeettheehaneuendetthepool. WWmtnremminteined etMWtdoamnhx-uhedter metriceedjunttethepoolneeeedtoemendmm otthebehiee. WWMMO‘WMMHIBWWWM an electric heater et that e mum of Mattie dove-u. memeemmeeedplutiepenteinmtoeeanitm purpoeee. Whinfmtmehnkednrethmthetthemmdiv mountainstheeetem Ihyeeeeeeeedeeenmotmmtheinrente‘ettentioneeveu umtribntinztomkinathewerimeintheatuplmebleendmn. 18 19 hemmeietedotelerzepleefieyelloetell.plutieutfieend mendethetnutedr theeeintenteeereMttethepeeleoedveeeek.meeeeew eeehveelc. mhemaepentheetutetuuweimteeinthem. theetheeeixdveemtheeethereepenteeedchmmue: mmwmmmummmmummm wmmmmummutbepool. itmemmwmunummummm. mmt‘ummmmuwmmummmmm duo. mmmmemmmmmmnuoumm www’mummmmmmmmmcm WWWWWMM fithine‘mtflendintentm mm-Watnhmwmuumwumumum mmmmmmmm Memmtpointe .muotuhmmmhmgmemm etunopointm mwdumamnmmummtmuumm teplqiiththuendtoepllehmtilllleiwettenmaw Pendulum“ mammmummeummmwm heehendeoneither eide or the inteut'e eheet Juetmder thempite. sunheichnathebeheinenupeuhtpoeitieeeothetheeeeteeingthe teeehee.theinetmteeettovetewin¢theinnnttoepointeewrm heeenddinotlyinfmtetheretemlencthm. Bothereetneok depthinthenter. theehnd'eeteeendlepmmtreetoreoment. imamueihdfoethehehytereluhdoreeontim. Stillholding thetety in thie leet poeitim. theinetmotoe eoteted hen-heme ee the W'eteeteoee.endheeeeinepmpeeitionontopotmemtee. Bert. theheby'epoeitionmehenged. Stillpmnghemheldhyone 20 tendeneithereideauetehovetheniet. lheiutrnctoemetenfina udmhdmmhieheohtodethie. Inthiepeeitionthehhy'e Iideeeetotheinetmtor. utenhothhendemertedtheemldem mammalian Attuepointthwemtwverymtent tutotetekeapieeind. (”whnholdinctheinfentinepmneeflne nation. theheametheempertedeeleeietheutereepoeeihieayet efillhemmeheedeetettheueten Meievitelteeimnetin‘en WMpmnoet. (2)1'hehehywilleeeeeieneuydrephieheed intetheuteeeothettheeenthoetheeeethendnouempm‘ eeter. Ihieieneoeeeerrrertheomldteleunteeleeeiteeeethend holditebreeth. Mtheehildanllmtheummerem. umeupmummueawumhom. Ito-undue e-eeheeedthethieupciaeeeinthenteeeeetbempeeiuvdy museuWerioted. Attettheehildheeleernedteoloeeiteeeeth. Meovmdnthuter.heeeetbeheidlowemeshintheueteeeothe ntnwmfleeeotheonetentwtetleeuehieeeeetreetertflethim. muemammwnmmmuwmmumm renuotemletebreethholm'iuheleemed. toyepleoedeyerdereomwoeeteeeeflortonthemld'epm teobteinthee. assumes-pmmpewunumm mtheehildehemethhmlithea-IM m ehilduilleoooleemtoeeeeeietefeetendhendmuteeithlmtion Wthemter. Whentheehildreeaheetheteye.thvehouldbeteken muthineteeeinteeeemetthehendeeillbenegliaihle. thetoneuincpmedueeerhetollmdtointrodeeenoetmsen the heck. me how ie tread in the one end held very oloee to the WW mileohhie teak. moundmtbeundemeeth the ehild'e 21 nook enthJIor mt. Free 1: etmrhnz position. both elem? lower entilthebfiwieintheweter. Theimtroctorehouldlemmme behemthetheeheediedimtlyemmehehy'eteoe. Someone“ team momma menummmidmmwuummmorw mtiuhadunmmmmdmummhiumw. nun-mm... mtoremrrect floatim poeitiontobeeemed. Gremlin. one mailman)»thepointweretheohildieholdewtmtheimtroe- tor‘ehoch'.bein¢eqaporteduthonehendeodeethemueekeendthe MWWWMmk. mwmmmewmm tweetheqreeuinkeeptheheedinthemtpoeitieemdfletveet theehild. Meoonueuedjneteentheeheeeeedeinthiepeeitiomee thetnlteneieniem.thehendemportin¢thebattodtemmdbe mmiummmhudmmw Hemmumwa leanerenotextendedinlineviththehewuvmheuetendemyto Oink. meme-unnukmmmmruwomwum. Inthiepoaitionflzemendlmmottheheedmltemgodq theinIentwoeeuiemuyheloemdintheuteetemedepththet onlytheemmmdthemthendqeenn-ineehuethentu. Mitietmndthettheinrmtrminemendmttdepoeiuomend theinetmetoetuiethetthementieeeertoheiegmleulymorted hem-mm. meehouldmelmendeenmuaimheehendbeneeth mammo- theothat the howflllnoetotitemmord fore brief period. the baby's heed to «we; rde ee that ite fete ienoteilovedteeinhhaweththeuter. tithtine. thieperiodorno mpoflehouldbelmgfllmedmdmtmuythechudmheelleeedto nihnerge beneath the surface or the tutor for e second before being W ported. mutter werimce results lulmrting to hold the breath. 22 fine procedure used with the one your old child differed from the othw hounds due to the fact that he owressod fear of the water. The pmmmencuythemeurortheotharhabioewtothepoint where hem hold inmxpright position. close to the instructor. end. emportedwithmhandunderthebettockeendtheotherbdzindthe beck. me: this point on there it little 63:31le in motmd. Starting in the upright position. the child who hold tightly but in such e name: ”thiemmfmtomuhtbauhmmdforthvlthmmer pm Arteredaueuenttethieeitntionweenedemdtennonflaep- peeredthenextetmmhem wwwwmmmmm mmmtmtionedmnebothhemdtheinetwtorhobbedup enddominthemter. rhieeeeeedeintoe'ceee-like‘eimetionw Wmmmmummdmmmmm momm' ummnmmodumme. meineomuuumuhmmmm mun-authtorebeiei‘period. unmatmmebobbixueohtimed indqathnoultheheodueemletaym Obemtionewerereeordedweeeneoteeviu.eheuklieteendin neuron. Alec. eeeheotheomeumecherteummWrmz-d Mn; theweak the number or time thie eeoeprooeoemettomted at m.” Shem instructed also to morderwmbduviorormvmt ehomhytheintont. 23 m1 theme-inst Poeitien Fleet Beedmlntrehetionend Adjutatihrhefleteo mu mmtmmmmmn Motinmmw 15 lieu-em mmmummm m1? mwewnmnoetm 26 Figure V The host Advanced hound Used In Prone Floating 2? Finn“: Inventory Poeitiom Used For Fleeting On The not mm theSeeendStepInneetin-emrhehek 1—mh-i/‘U‘A-u'" 7... .-.,. o " Finn-em mzmwmdmemnoemmmm ——1-—-r F18". II A Method tor Developing Pertiel Breeth Control m1 Wsmeumldeeotm CENTER IV 323mm mu em begun with rm children. After the first three or tour eeetingemintentmmbletomtimeendthuethemlueioneo: thie etuch ere heeed won four euhjeete. A detailed deeeription of the imhviduel moo follows. Subjects mac Spam sen fume Age: 6 monthe W The first opulence in the In“ luted 10-15 mm. him 111L- tilllyput into themwmlookedbwilderedg he if eheoouldmt make ephernindbetoreeet. metinttioeeheueyheldinenmnght position thm a no meet or the me- me tag... mm. W. lea meats in en eltemete feehion rumbling 'treeding Inter' occurred. in e prone floating poeition the heed em to drop into the water and ehe m returned to the upright position. ' mmmmmum mention tobdngplecedonherbeek otha' than e blinking of the wee. There m en elterndte frog kick becmmrd in line with the W. W Tine epent in the utter wee Wkly 15-20 antes. Hater tem- pemtnreuee 86 Wee F. We time there nee no evidmceo: bewilderment. 33 3a wmumwmumwonpoum Holdinepmne volitionehekickedlltmtehm Memmflutterm (upendmuthonele; we). Stillintheeuepoeition. eheeooid epleeheithoneheodortheether. balmpleoedoaha‘heokehemtemoontinuedtokiekflog-like- Weitmtelnheteeeeeionenykiekedhethteettegethereein eneltmtemenddnmeement. emmmm. pelltmherteetmtoherbodyendkmmthuthlflo muwmmeumammud. auctions mmmmteimtothetinttinein theater. A3317 mime liflflmteememtinthemter. mmmemmgaa deer-see. InepmnepoeitiontheWeheedu-eeleoet elmeheld wright. Forthenretueemleemedteeieeeheemthimenmter eoveeeditmdtoheeethethnoeghheenoee. shemetillkiddnzelter- netely ted: end forth nos-like stale elthoesh not periodic rather then oeeeeionelly. memeullephmoneetetmgeehetore. Inenoeting poeiuononhorhoek ehenelonger kicked et ell. She etretehedhee legs out etreimat Mind her in line with thebothrc mmmemmentottheeme. whmi‘iretpleoedonhermme magma-mm Water mature ruined et 83 degreee I. In the prone floating position. the intent'e kick had changed than one frog-like to e peddling 35 tashion with climate legs. The action chmgad from periodic to almost constant. The em notion changed too. from 01:69.31:me to periodlcw. when placed on her back she still maintained her position with m mtaf mamalags. Thongs max-amt? tone:- knew. AGE: 3 shame Lmottmmmmmmzoamm Watertmmturem 85 deg-eon. In thepmpoatuon thongs eithtmg-uke. hack mmumm mummdobomothonmtonutm mammmmmnmnmmmm‘muormm mnpmm‘mmmnmmupmmumrmt signer BMW-118- (WMdehmmeme mmuwdmm‘mmwm mmmmn mmmmmimmmmmwmmwmommw Ummmergot' nummmm.mommtheutumotekickmohm many mama. both {out together and flog-11km Sm album“ frog- lmomtiomwereeleonmh MemmenntMmurtholega inmebeckpoaifion. Am still. mm Irate! mt into hamthfiledloaodth She Gould hold on to the side of the pool in en upright. position nun only men: support. mder m; buttocka. (mmmtmmaumemewamwomkeptmzo: ”I. tater.) Obamumnmemrdedtgmotmuoa. ASE: 9mm wemtapmmmduwmmummm Mile. cause. The apmt in the interns m mm. In pm fleeting position. mthbel-ammetmtent umupoamumm um mugs. the heads um showed Mamaetmo alternate meshing Mmsflypacknm periodically. Breath controls The nose andmuth mmermmwmmwmmuy. memtmed «brewed. Shommmwtmmmzmwme. m.meuve1ahbeimpueedmhu-mk. (Tbs-ocular mmumeumummmmmam.) mwmmmnaawumw. Inchoaeupm ammumm1mhdmnmutm'mmguemme 11¢.qu The em. too. Was! rm» autumn to paw. mod. muytoemtantenddiaumcpedcnomum. Mummmm ume-mmmuom Bflllthmmmdwotbm ensmmaormmmmmmz. ~ShONCHONMmtotheaidaofthepoollawman”:- nonmweemork I She leached. mum and will}! enjoyed the water. Subsecta Raw trend sen bide Age: 2} months Thehety mutant-make 1n866egreeueter. Rolmkofeur. prlee wee evident ee with the ethere but hie lower lip gamed. The nether lubed that. be due thie when he ie cold. When pieced in e prune- poeition in the am he kicked mid): neonate}: end beam in e {mg-like new file bends. in e clenched position. apleshed in trentendeo eltheeeideotmeheed. When fleeting on the heck he kept hie um quietly by hie need. me use emwhedeutbehindmlnlmuth his body. Re meshed mewtwieeuthonelegbut memmterezulume. It hie mouth vent into the new. be coughed me did not cry. Immunemmemepmtuthemw. Ineprenepoeiuon. m legs kicked durum W end frog-11!“ ell before. Bill me memedteepleeheltemewumugnepmmeotimeimm. Menehunretueeefthemetorpeddunc. memmumtundw the ureter e1: or men thee. Wendy he use "noun: the water. On Me bear; in the new. the lege kicked eltemetely end true-like ”Manly. FumenretmmqeuepmedtomeWerhdd mathemmtlenleee. memestmmedqmeuyetmehoed. "immuneheedmenedheneemneeteduene. Onlqtheereeot the eyes. mum-net]: were not emerged. He ehouedenly pleasure on hie heck. He else nailed. 2 593* n 4 (me entrees ebemt due to e cold.) me infant spent 20 mm in 88 degree water. hioviee were taken. The baby's! eddustmwt to the water we: very similar to the first time. Just like eterting over from the begiming. One noticed when the intact as pieced in e pmne position that there was no covenant of the has. these being stretched out directly behind and in line with the how. The tether stated that he had been holding the infant in e eimiler position over hie head in the eit- end the intent hcd developed this same body position (legs stretched out behind end rigid) in the at». Hie heads were used to splash e little. The head we held madam periodi. “11:. ’ The infant netmlly kept hie heed extmded in line with his body chm placed on hie hack to neat. his tags again were kmt stretched out behind him. For the first time the hands did not remain clenched 13 me heed. .et the eidee. or ecroce hie chest; but were extended out unruly from the shoulders et hie side. he no mletely related Ind quiet.- Ffl’teen nimteée were spent in 88 degree filter. He etill showed signs or tmeneee just for e tee eeconde et first end hie lip quivcred. This most likely one we to the eetcr being colder than he wee need to. Otherwiee be mailed. leached. end ”proceed enjoyment. Since the euthor worked with the infant. observations were limited. It we believed that when the intent us on his back in the Inter. had he been released he meld have ncetede Muemthentctookplmetorisumteetnaadmn mun. Madmepmnoatirgpoadttonhedddmthokw museum. mehudmttm mamnmpmmu. Wheat!» muthdmppedtntetheuterhewhedermthedout. amethemle tucumttntheater.. WmtettheemendIQIentheMWCnoaungmthe mentor themmnoet.. momma-readhehndbemleeeutive ethanelleo..%eettr1hutedtt to gamma thin tneteme..t0 mmtmtmmmmmunm.. heathen-11mm unmanmnmammadoépada-mm.n2mmm evidence of 3182,va the inter... he 1%! were kwt “night out behind mmxmummw..mumamummm..mmm wwwommmmmnmmuanumumrw nomad... Duetotheteetthathemmzhm..mmem.d (www.mmmumvaodwum-mum paeittonmetiffernndIue "lead. #03:; bmtm' i 2 21 '5”. 22.212 _ mom-ntmtntheutnterpmmmmm.mm pm he kept his bad m for WW periods at ttne. 11m" to the punt or holding “wow-tinny- Famous-attach sewn-need:- heehomdeimot kicking..hoth teat togethernndbnekmrd Ines-dike. eevmudtemtelytma-tucu. MemnnHutothebeMns mt mum themat 1mm. Stilt mnmmtor the modem-rod. ho hommmtnmontwlixtiml. mwcmmcomzhm. En medialodorapumomwwh Haunted-1m (”nomad-r. mommammmmto: thofthInowu-IIMM unwwmmrmmgemw mu-Mko a wen. u nun-mm: Max-d frog-11km. Occasionally the mmlmdmwdmumc thultodrm'humbing' 'Amamsm. anamahanmenuwmm. nomimt ' atmmnttMMpauomuntwwumIMsmthnndr-oumt what. mummamumdmmmmeowana. minimum. :mtmummmm. Atmmmnwmmummtho tubmddidmtchnke. ‘ wom.pmunomngpammm:mekhadpmommumadm c mm frog-11k. kick man. or In ntarmto frog-11k. kick. to C mt; um» mew kick. Frequent an of th- ug- We” mmmmm. Ammtmltmmueamo. Banned whammxmumaommmmmmmmm Athmhohluhxbblutnmmw. Eofldmtlikomwmmsm Cold um caused mm.“ mm in floating. on the beak. Haw mm in 83 W. H. almost. cried when first put macaw. mustnooflm's. honmnhadlmdencytnhann blunt look to: the first. (on mm. In the prone 33031an be had may chanqu fan I pedodiaal kick to a constant one. It was usuauy (a. “tenant. back and form and ting-like but 906331913311! both leg: was Mod togeth‘el' in t {tog-11k. mm. 1110 only ”mom of m land: um- being held at tho awn. gum.- in that of tho Mam-I. m nnmmmmmdwom fichnthwmmmmmt 3‘9“ anammmmmhauckodmmnmmym tron-.1120. Us. at both teem togethu' u u the put an disappearing. Mourn- but. mummoumwmme Manny. With vu‘yutflowmmmmmgnizmnmflmmm wwmumwmumuqmmh mmohmd mmvathtbcuwmm flatmatmtma ”Madmwmtmmumo Subject: Am Bahama am 1min Ago: 6 months mammemdmmmmmmmmm. A'Wlook or m of bewildmant Wed he: «Edam to the new; when Mdmlpmmitmmthomw.hmdmd1egmentcm mumarrmmm ammmnmtaslmpingmqflm with thohandswhila the feet propelled tumolm in an amt. trog— uko kick now. An mm m but nutta- me): no mm nan. ‘ mmumhumumwmuumwemmhm Ear Immatmehntw§mflpmmtuurumpmw whWWorplmedwmthenJu Tummtoommmtinthotiédamoomter. ”mutant” Immunmterharhrmtmngopoododmbutmmtomml monimtoorao. 1mm placed tnampooition “mounted that thatmidemoflmwvodlosomottmmmwthommw manning her. 5110 kicked both lag: togetha' Indbackmd in I trog- likonmmor. Mammthmgnw. Omaormoanntnmatobm: lardkickoowaabafors. Unliko the lost the them did not mjoybeing place-don its back in the mtor. I'm-ass no: «admit. wumtmmturomaém Maputtnthomtcmtody {.015th Inthopmonmummiumtholagomutmwm nmmymwmmdmummmum. mama» Matumtmtultmtmthoboglm. mmumamo bottom pushing utmtoiy. uploahing togathor. and the W phou orpaddllngntomtdy. Wyetmmmoumamo. fixahudmmtuwoumwmtpoottm mommmoovond with untu- olwan times. Reactions mo coughing. wallowing. and «dialing. Bothnoaomdnouthmtnndwautinoa.drhmmnom~ tion thruot tho “no, the mghod Moo, moaned once. mmmmmgsmnrmodpunodupmhcmwormm up a the nu. Bands. were to tho math. She mu am not like being “Whack. “3 In the prone position tho loge haw ohangod from tho previous together or alternate mg kick to on alternate padai n1; maiden. the nommt ma still almost constant. Penman galaxdximo. "bando con- timed. Ear head in: only henna hold up pmwcanya Breathing reactions to summon maultad in 00:13am and antler-:1. a. She continued to show dislike for floatmg on the back. There was I tigitmlng or mach: mm placed in this position. 230 kids we mamt yo?» mmmxsummmunwuaam Oath! amcnumuw.mnuummmmnmum may ma'mmomuammtmmmcmm mm dtmtolyubdorn Bothm mdlgmantmeonatont. more mmmdavolopmuttnbrqthmtmh Mummmmtotammmwa. “Mod Wmnmumzuammmlmmgemammw nag-11mm 41-1.”!me Macon-mutt: mmmwntwamuummgmmm “W. ' mm. m «aroma with sauna. 1mm. mention. and Wt. Emanplmedtnnpmpoattionbummmadum Hands mammodtorthoflrstumrrontqzuammtomntmu Wm» mmmmomrmpmmmmmm hood upright or in bar breath control. Sharagrooodmktommmmplmadonmm. Shobant otthohipnandkeptbarhaadtomd. Shosadanstntchadmtmtaa minoposition. mmwmmmmmmxmummw. nth- antfimmuflHMMotnmmW mmmmnmuawmnmupmum man-nut muonmpodrningwithhothlm.mmmuomummtm Mmmmmmttmhholdwfluhnddmtmfly. mmmm1gsmnmmdgmmunmm ammuwmmhm. AGE: Quanta: $1?! 5931 2! 1961§2mnt1§ latar) Isiata-taanmmrommmmdmmmtrmimdinthe “mm-15mm». mew-mtwwmmucmtumuodmmm: donate paddle notion. 111mm still. no mamas Mamba-anthem- trola mmmgmumanmdwdoptngnthatWhmdmbfld mmmmmmommum '35 This was the first time on bar book that she reared mmhat re- land. “so .210 kicked with her foot and splashed with Mr bands Ln this position for the first tint. She held onto the 33.6.. of the pool unamportad for I couple of seconds. Subjects Jot: Titled. Sen an. Age: 1 your old W “nu warm-am Materials-20 mm. Althoaghho did mtmmtflatma match. um clung tightly to tho instructor. 3. did not progress any I’m-the than an upright posh- “ . fiatwtmmtmnmmm Roma-onthmtrvothu tmthlthohldbmuthopooh Itmnmnydocldodthflhoflmnd not!»foraodandlobommmdtopnwonthomnthoatdoot tumlmmhmlmmmmdnmotmmtogomumanta. memtnnmwm Ltmnpointhulothormaod «momma-awmmxudnamu Hoax-1mm. utmomtumdhowthMduothotfiaontormutw mmmmmtmnmmmmw. xtmmmt Mom-othcmmdiumtnmmflzhtpfliuonmdbobbmw uddomthuthonmtbolmtaflmhumthmmwnb- urged. ficthmmmmwmmmtmod. Wtbo “amouw-mummummn Renotmbow lockinslmmdtthoolbutalmhlkod. Bo bod Wkly turned to close his mouth in the water. He no u longer clinging to tightly to his mother. Infant, ho mm one mmmwmmamummra-mnmmmm flmflght position. I! this some poaitionm triad atmlmgth nmthatnatwotor.hoortod. Mammmmmtedbo mmtmodom "a‘hon first placed in a win. position in the tutor. he cried. um, utbougb mtcr Manny max-ad both tho mouth and nose ho didnotcry. mtortqamtunmehm Jdtrmdinthommtor 13mm. Cryinztoohplucanlwfarnaborttmmunnntputtnto mum. amumpmdummmmnw. Bothmthmd mmtmmumuutummtm. mamas-Mow” um'wmmmmnmmmmmup. Botbthonotha‘ madman—um. Ifhomholdmtmmuothar bout-d. Fwtbottutflmbanflmflu-tathnutwbdnndhm. MWuflomanMMnflloflfimhm mmmmmmnw. mtmmmmmuuwaammmm samumrmtmumuw. mmmmmmw wannanmmobomupmm Romanian. Mmmmmmtodsutm mumhaduu pmpoaitionmhumthwnmthtltutmodmm. thmmmmtothiatut. Boamuthmthbmatohumthar. SEEEAEK ThoMpWottbomthodmtattb-my magnammtummammmeunpm position. nutmtththagoth-obtutwtoholdthom mishttnomod. Bruthmtmlmm Wormuwmmm MWMWMOQ spitthonwouhormn withoutwmd‘tuto. uthcmlmthMlun-dto clos- hio south m it In nova-ad “that". Bra-tn control. involving hothnounndmtbattbomttno.’d«dap¢dmmuumuuu utuoormmmtotflaoommdlogumm ”uncut mmomumxagammmuummmm Mpmtonottbo1mdndopodtmnmmww Mhpwaommmuummm Spout- Mpngruaionottbalmmutonms umgmmu atom“ l'roa-uko no): Mammalian with nobody. umupoad. 1m tubton. and flatul- _\k1¢l:¢ Wmmuonorthommtdonttcntotbolmg We prom-anions Maud no tomcat. mustang nth on. hand and than mmhammmdMnNn-amoumwpwuw w tho at» u in tho dog-pubic). and m atom“ Min: utbthom In womdmuMMMmmbmWAtmmI-t. launmmuwmmmmmummmlm Illa, Il I \r. I.’ "lfrn‘l JD“ l"|lrnn IYIII‘I «I... I 9;: I t ” iflfil .1 u g 1 Il', air! I I I a a ., w . n . _ u a a _ U N. ./ _. _ _ w I. m . . u . . a w l . w ,. . O / a . m 1/ r m .z . r/ . “ a o a, m. /. __ . ¢ 0 w .W ., /, a W o / I u I . “w /, / . / / m . / / _ I/ . __ . , ., _ . l ‘ . // C O ./ o O . _ . , / a o O o / / C O _ . A . " F . w . ... . a a .. ._ fl . Ln . I C . _ . _ . t“ ‘l. a. .U . a u. a .u n .. . . ...._ n. 3 _ . .. u . z u .. . ‘. in. \. ’l g .11 h a H\ U M E n.\ u I”: toll in? I” {It I; ‘i!’.:!" 0 .I ""“ I .il‘l‘ "Q‘l’a. c '9. l /u .. .In» .3 . ... 1J. .mv ... - ml... , k. t z. .- 7 a .9 ,m at .1» .5 a .. a. w «l. u Go fin. u. I ' r.— l J OWL 1 m. 3.1.. .w . 1/ a9 ,_.J I all \C) .9 TC! L/ " Ln “n. .t‘ Figure “II: Progression of Arm Movement lJ.._—>- v. -.. ‘.~ Subj63- H. S. . imbject A. R. O — — ‘— SL‘.‘(3‘L'QCt R. A. A o I o o o f. £2,_,_,, _,,_- . ,--.. . A - .._..-.. .. . —-_. ~ - - - . ____ - -.... --_-.-...... . .. . h- a..._...... .h.--...._.-A .. , r--- -- V0 One Both Alter- Both Alternate fave- Nani Hand mate Hand Hand lash- Hand Paddling Padalin 7-4—. .“A._n- - -cn_-—~r- -— amass v mama. cozmmmaa. mm amamazmnazs swam-Ir Watt“ at tho admins ability of fin infants were abumd during a four nontb period. The object of this study was Wald: (1) to otad: tho physical. capabilitieo at intents under one. tnthoutw.hrmumtow1m1nga{2)todatmflutmmuw ummmwmmngmuamouammunanmmo matmtohlcbndmbotmgxttomsmd (finder-109mm or progression for training Wants to In sear-mnum: in tho tutor. Thosubjocumpartioipotodmmaommaboymmn halt months old, two gm: 011mm old. and they om year old. mmtnfmuwmmttothopoolmdqavodc. mohobild mttantotnmtymtuuthopool. moothoratxaayoomdc. the authors want an gamma tn mimics 1n the tab. “to tbo bathing ported. mingthrmmmpmmumdommthopool. mob notharmgtmlomumordaohdaytmtthopmmmtouomd andtonotouvmdavatmutntbowatrmttomarmmto. COEELUSIW Mammal-01th.“ marmommmumm 1. mm.mtuomdlmfmthn¢ndolm.maunmm1¢g Indonootucntahthoutc. thanmmdinodtomottha mum Moot Mum“ “dog-paddle". S) 6. 7. 8- 9. a $- Mlanmuwuumummnw broadlqondmmtolnmntlonto W. Brant}: control ll not “taunt“ but W3 filth mm upon- m at Mon. mmammmtm fol-pram Int-r trotting tom. thouontmohnohlldunbctmam to m1: lwmtloal. Itlopoulblotodonlopnothodnatprogmsmnomd taming Wants to be 8012 snfl'lclant in tho tutor. Communal and frequent marl-noon ln tho water no desirabl- to promote mu learning a! calming 6cm“ Hater tau-Alma plan an WMS port in tho mum of the childlo thumb-r. lbw: taperatnrootsio Womootho chudhrduwlmthomtotmmmtfllth their“ and 103:. A four month Mod to not sufficient to Map couple“ colt anatomy in the voter. Based on this stuck at two month: 6 month. and year old manta. u. an round that mummy to wat-ar tended to decrease with age. mammnaa l. Mthor India should be combusted based upon I larger umber or 3. manta not weeding one year 0: ago. A that should he Mdopad using in ldmtloal was; one to be the wanna-am Inbjoct and tho athor a control subject. It should be data-ulnar! 11‘ than method: an cannula. to group luau-mum of infants. 52 h. In future em“ louse would be taken periodical]: from the beginning of the enamt to the ad. 5. hmmumpalodwouldbout aside for tbeparents at tho- beaimmc or the'lenm. 6. 1'th lldl Md be Moped which are pmotlcal. Mammal“, and erasable for home we. Hammm , 1. 2.. W Chm. 133th am mu, 1959, M‘ W 3“}; ' ',’_~-;‘ r' .. 001W Uni“? Press. 193:5. 3. Gabrlolaan. Almdar 21.. B. H. Gobrlallal. Batty Spoor“ *. 'Teeoblng Pro-School Chlldrm to am”. anal Cliffs; Nam have Prentice-Hall. 1m" 2.960. . b. Geosll. Amld. Helen Moon. W fies Kerk: atoms- nm Book Wm me... 193“- 50, W. 31%“ n. H!“ , r -_.'“' -. ,' a" YO“. 30mm Book We I.” 19 - 6. Jerald. Arthur 2:. We thalamod 63.11138. New Jersey: Prentloe-fien me. 1 e ' 7. m II. Matt l Charlee C. Mm Prentice-Inn. In“. 19%. 8. Merry. Frlech Mater. 9. 10. ."c‘ ‘ " . * Harman-«mus. Inna. 19549- 11. Thompson. 6mm 0. W. Boston: Senator: mama We 199. W 12. "The not; About 3W Pools.‘ W :17 (June. 1959). 13. “mm mtg harm to am.“ 343, 23 (April 3. 19118). 1% 'A Precocim Lady swimar,‘ m 36 (Jammy 18. 1994). 53 5" 15- 'Twch Your Tadpole To Swim," gait-a; Egg-wag w9:631! Carmina, V01. 3? (Jme 1953)e - 16. “They m Before lbw Halb.‘ W LIKE! (April. 1955)- 17. gaugzogoumu 1n manna-1959.- Elohlw out. 9011». (any 1 . - ROOM USE. L’st‘I _“'."..-H*.'- _‘ I e I ‘- - 4. .O'l"\* a .1 I‘ ”F 1' v- a 4 Ml 9 ‘. r, I 5 .r- * ...':‘l._-' . c}. .- ‘0 .)() I l H (.1) am! JP #54332, j"! / ml 6:3