L. M l—-' I" lll‘ $ t A 3mm (:1: we emu-510:: ENEFQENT sum was BETERMWATtON a? MMAM mcmmc AMENES “thesis fer the: it‘s-gr“ (2% M. S; MICHESAN Si‘ATE Cfl iiEfiE ‘ 'W‘or’" 4“ {1'th it :iennanza.§hnwden i956 ’— THEStS ‘ . ' LIBRARY 8,! Michigan State University A {Silly i3}? '25:) LL5D-ST'Q1’ ;:3‘«.L'-.«Cl:. FJID TH; BLTQLAINITLKN Ur Enimng thabTiC [mlan BY Herman G. Scholten 1“. I‘ 312:.- 18 Submitted to Lhe Echool of Grfiuugtc Studies of fiichigcn State College of figriculturu and fifpligd bciche in partial fulfillment of the reguxremcnts for the uegrce of XIETLR CF ECILLCE DQyfilththt of Chemiatry ivbd _. \T-, _f" .- -. f“:"\.‘ ‘- - 1‘ (1" T‘ ,5 inuzlel -..'. ii}: To Dr. Kenneth G ttone £ppreciatxuu is gratefully extendeu for his help, encouragement and buPervision in tn: aCC'mwlishment of this worfi t" C 131'. T Lie TS Par 1'. I fin IQVebLigption of the Bepd~5toy Lndpolut Introuuctlcn --------------------- ‘ ...... - ............... V--- l (13 :F“. ': "' -' ' .-*--'A-‘-""”“---“IP‘“'-—-“-—l-‘—--‘“--“-----~“~-'F-"“- ldLOIJ ifyurgtus ........ "flu. .............................. . --------- —— 7 (I) A‘t-é‘gi'j.it‘v---‘a-o—G—wnga—u-..n—— n‘-”d-.“,’.w-.-.~."-__-‘~”-‘.—-¢~--.—~*~”---- General PFOCug :c-*~a~—~~~w—-~n--~~—-»~~~—»~-~~-~——-- 8 LCbUltg-~ ----- - ------------- - .................................. 9 C' \ 1 ‘ ‘ ' " ‘ 'A' L“ __ -V ...... . __________________ ._ .......... ' o- «— .u. is UIJL‘UU‘VI‘L» ~~~~~~ v — 0-.- .. .- LiLiiogIo,hy~-~mm ——————————— - .................... - ........ - 13 Part II Letgrulngtion of Prluar’ Lrogpt40 bmincs Introguctiou ........................................... ----gr Ayyarctus- ........ v ........... . ............. ___ ______ __ 26 heugEDts ................. . ..... . ______________________ _ 27 Procedure—m—--—--_-------_~,__-_-H_-_-_--- ________ ,__ £9 hesuits--—- .............. _ _________ _ ______________ -__ 34 Canlubion5—-~-----—-_- ........ ---_ ________ -________- 4k bibliography ---------- -----¢—_------------_-----__-_- 44 I THE. LL! U-bTCP LLL-P-J-IHT Lain_LU.Y;xh Lhe Sigh-Ltoy «LuLOLLt techLLgue L; -n eLagtrc.atLLc 1;.g4tziod fur a-;tt¢..r.a.L..ix.g_; thn. E-L‘~...L'-.T'10...'V.CI'.LC “lint .Lz'; H Van.- u.pt; 1-; pL..-LJ‘&LL'. Li. CU..t1‘..;-L ta -.'.;:.t (:i£:t.:tl"p..c;tI‘Lc ..(.tE"s-2nJL. (H'iuun5551;, txt uth-ttdg thu. CA :..U.LC .LQ-LIAJV‘ Lg.;‘f: t; 1.2“. £111. (a u:.-J...L‘.. .. DJ. ”4;; L J, H 2.1 1L.~.«;'.Jl¢t vi...'.u “M1,!"- iii;zs;nx k4“j) fkgr t?}e Lt;tx;: ”L1L.t.Lt&L (gf thm c.ui LJL;.t 'T ELB g1“: L blag-Hut .‘.v.;LI.".uu' fur \zlec~‘;".:..Li.utL.-:.. 3f shiny. '1‘?st i....tt.£:1‘ «vy- yLLCuLiuu is gethrs by f“; tju -o.t 14,0:tunt ode. :4 ti- CCLLLLL dLbCumbLuu 9f MQQE Of the oer u L‘s“; u“ LU uJC r-l‘ 1.2.4 of JAN-1d j... cm.t¢.L;u...L 1.-. .L My“; Lg Lgtquux (\Lij). L211; ,1..,(‘.;", Ln UuLLtiu-n to gLVLn; ?;e:i<..L'L....-L Lidi2‘32 l-rtL‘W’: ,4; vacuunfi 1K) tau methods of 9,91L3_tLdn, Liza uLaCuSoflS Lap Lhcor; u; put fuxth I u L} r'duLA “Lt. L:-.‘-.‘..‘1r‘-:h Ki} 9.x“ C'J..tg.l;z:':; in. LACC'-LL€;..L LLL‘JLLQgg uwnijo . ' Q I. L..\J1 I-r rb‘dtiat Lik‘.L$‘:k&L.L‘-r.‘ ‘1‘ C‘-.i:‘;lldtri ~¢L¢'J.t- ‘--'-"\-“. t'_¢40‘.'.‘Lv L; L; . .s . , . _ :‘L '- , . .',.‘,-. . .. ' ' . ' O.. ' ‘ 1 . ~ at, :29, .‘Lt‘i ....,1; ....\I v.1 .1. 0 L1,...” , “wk. Ugh”... t L; Lt“). “mum. Ital LIL- u‘Lc-.th.:; t .1. «bar-taut L}; L c-JLLoxz...,tL‘L' .RULL'ALHJ 1...: L2s-tc;L...L;.Ln.; 5"~ '3- " "W " 5‘ -31 m... ‘L" " 3" ' F‘wr" ‘Srl "- "' ‘C' “AK/ULULJ‘udL .iLL: L4... . .L\14.J L‘v‘rL‘J :l‘vLu-s .tabu ‘1A\‘-a.LL.L. LL‘LJ .' I ‘,\ "' k ; ‘ ' .‘u ‘2 .. " ¢ ' ~.( I ”9": . . 1', ~.‘ \ -. ~' "‘. . . ...0..L.u.1v.4 I... .4 uLIL'VL ULLJL .32, thgu U‘ LHHIL-II Hutuwa a 4.5. quL'.‘.l.t-Li AA. A I $Q1.n, ULLid-LIALILF: L‘sciaLLL’int I'LJuLz‘L «L11 {Ii-8;! ..-L\.; ‘.-L‘. :s/Uutcsli, ‘ I -'~ ‘ F - I-l‘ ' ‘ 'l -‘ . -- .V: ‘ - - "s. . 'fi, .. g : buzlLubtun -ud .mJt {L}; mve L.i.,.~LL..L: 1t to 1.116 ut‘LtIJJJnut“ r . ‘ ' . . 4 ..,' . g. ‘ ‘ .. -, , . . '. , " r ' \ . _ _. .. . . 1U]! 01 .LuuLuQ: ‘Ju‘LLf: ”J L; 'C‘. “3.5 ~. *1: \J....’) IMAM: .,a\..f.lu btJuL‘;5A ‘ ’ x y“ '0 - ' ' ‘9' ’ . ‘ “i - . ". g‘ ' I. O ‘ ‘, V ’ “ "‘ v ‘ , - Ln (:UL.1LL-.tLL'11 ALL” L .u Lin-LL; “La. LL...» us LLL‘va-LLLVC “A aULLJ-"vo uuqua Lug LLOgg \Q} h“ e gerita LuLp Lccduigua ta tdc dc- Lt.L.«.L;._ LL'JLL UI UL \).-...L:A'C.‘ ..._z=..LtL..r. Hu- LL’. .3- I‘m draw. LuL- tn... 14.12:! 7‘ ‘ 'V‘ ‘ ' \ .' . k.- .. ' ‘ 5-. ' fl . '-.I p ; Lz' '- ‘I I‘ 'l . '1 ‘ [1 '. t1". 1 g-uuu udLLLHJ. 01 can?! \6. CL u L.:\JtJ.LL.L‘;\.4 “Lu uh... .Aal :kM, L1“! .1‘3 use a; flquuLLJ LM4LJ to c t Lth 'nw LnuLtLun rL,-tLtn, Eirewt..j LyCutlLl‘u'; up LXC L;-.L‘.A..'.Ll.vll JILL‘VLSLIK .LL} L;-{‘$ -mldlcl‘ LL“) uLt-.u..LaLl'.:; LIL'ULD Cut: Ly buUQLLLL-LL‘OI‘L. 54L;\-;, L'¢-_,'Cl‘b uni; tuLft {Ll} hang LLLLLLL tMLL cug{o;ut tac LL “C lL the couLo~ LLLrLc tLtyttLgn 0; chrym Le but Vtutg.te Ly -c.h: of cLeCtru— inLCplij gautxhtca cufrouu CLtrLf Luiifi lethgtun gnu thft \0) hUVp ”Lu; L r;c«ht stuaj of L CtuLuwct.Lc tLtLhthu USLD” e-LCL1‘OJ.‘leC;.J.LJ ,1»..L1.Lt... C‘;.L\:-.L1.r, ugln, Li'iz. Lint—Lb”? um— toLut LLCJLlyhto “pasty, fLIan tog .HL -uLft (Lt, htvc imfit a further Ltuuy of tth iv.t gxcccuu2L, uSLu; LLQCLILLJLL- CHLLy ;,\.IL1.L'L.L~_u 1064.1“; hutch»; 91' C:i-0£LLLC fJ' L,.{; :.eatc.1‘...‘Ln- utLon cf trlrusLLLVe cFLLLLC. pchruc LL, ;.y uhu LLLLb huve CLLeraneu chino aclgs by iOuOLrtilC tLtrLLLou of theLr co,- per bultb and hvv. ottalntu gvou rcauLts, the eccurucy of the methoq apparentLy btlng upon bfltLbr thug by tne attrcn Chu— yU$gto OWL; Lad kosher (a; hLve cevacu a QLtLOQ for the ue— thnLnutxofl Of mililgrgh guLLtLtLLS of VthggLua Ln tnc ,rtp- ence of urtnium using the uccd—LLCB proccgure. Tue theory 01' tm. up.-.u—£-toy cuqruLI‘LL tuc‘zmrfiuc ‘..-.; (JILL;- Kn . iILLLLy pl‘OyOLt-u L/ F‘Ouil’; “Lu 1;. mush (7,2. 12'th rl'urUiLu, 1r. ; Fen.LcL (LL), tngt nuttich I“ the suLe mtngcr Ls LLLLVru U“ eLcctroucs one t ch effect in ClLCLIUm=tFLC t1tr.thus to gts ftuCtan tuning pLLce on the aurftue of the untuL, this thcuoucnun resultng in the pOLLrLLLthn cf tne (LeCLLLtcs. Thea» Luthcrs stktc tnLt the rung“ cut.i Icquxicwbht fvr the proquctlun of LnL acuu~ptofi un¢ruLnt is thc uLc or L0 Lgu a -5- ‘uLLNtLLL LLLLGLA the thtLhum biLCLrUuuh thgt tug buCA Ult‘CtI'U..~/LLVC ftilb‘fi' of :Givil‘s- -t.LLJIL ILoic-hi'Itp .LL (”JG 5.3-45.6“ QuentLy no tuchLt fLonb. ficnuc, tfiLg cnurULLL ~LLL funtt- L011 the” a thug. Ltlun 1‘10... LEM- “11.14.... LLn bf Lt .LLILLLL who eLechouu tu trc Hugo; flinLLQH tf UQLh Ur vLue Vbrcu acturo; The; -bzume thy yuLLLL-HtLtn L: cue tv OkJétm gcsurtca on thy anochoLLy an.1gta eLectLouu LLu hygLuguL h tau catnochgLLy entry“ ELC’JLIUUC and th..t Ln“. {22.0.46 (291‘. m: Lf£-?‘.,\;'.Lg1l;. M1 by a Sultpblt chhCLhm .cht tau can CmtfiOQfl cum Du uQLOLarLLeu by a suLttch ULLJLKLng L ULL. IhtLL tuthurs rchopcd tth t'm u; 1m-t?‘:0ub of full'jtiUI‘LLI'z; of the t:L.-...’.‘LIL;‘:.;i2Lb mu Lu... L. tl- t: tlun cwn occur. KL) Out of tn; filiCLIOdLS lb inurlfiud uy to thy (hufulnt LLu tnLa aLngrtuq busy \5 CtLClLLlfitQ Lt the fLrbt biLght cleats of the tLtzptLug cgtut hfiLLé the 0th— (.1. ELL-.uti‘ouc 1"u.-...111'.. s..c340.Lx-l.L...\.u gnu”; Lt}: (3-1.;th Cvul'St: uI' tm; tLtr.-.tLt.n. to) but}: t.L:~.-cLL-C.a;-.-~:; an: Ull;_;.L1.lL.L..Ly OWL/Lur— l’gbu “ls-.4. 0.11:; 01" pvth LCLKIHL 1‘01...1'L.t.».. tt Elm, Ling; tint. \C} both CLL93IQuu5 Li: wILthLLLy HULLLLLuu, tug t- Luuvlttu hj'uloggm- L1; Luz; cm; H“: v.41“; bum; Caring.“ on Law bum-L, but. .. DUCULC UffcutLVCLy “CHUL-LLWMQ .L Lfic LhQrthL. bOLtLgur “Lu torchc {.L) htve t..;~'.€.n 12.x. vLas. 21.1; L13»: g..;..uu;ut cf LL};- gLLta rULUuLLol Lia LLLLchlta) it LuLufchlcnt to cvuae Lib— erctLJn of cLLhu: hjurtuuh cg Uuiibh, “Lu L“ LuuLtitn, huve shown that when tut Louan—tniosuLf-tu tLtrvtltn me ctrrleu out .le b. cunt-cu Cki‘LL, tl'h- %;L<..:tL-;...e; x...’t-..:.t‘L-..J. V...1'L';:u‘ with COILCC‘DLI'LLLUII. lhlc LL‘LI45 L‘f‘lk.‘ 24.4“, Lt .9-qu41 tumur tint the -5- dCLG—StOp phencncnun is not entirely a tulcxizaticn efrcct. Aftcr COUblUCIhblC btuQJ, a hyyothcsls ht: fintlly tos— tulctcd to the cffcct thtt LEItly a rtvcrcitit cilitticn ic- diction system Lust Lc treaclt which hill functltn effgctivc- 11 before or tftcr the enirulnt than c Shall Lttcnti-l is a,,licu berets the tto tittin'm €iLCtTOHuS. L fuztney xe— fihCSCLL of thia trotcgtl tbs to atttc tact Ln electrolytic cell must functiun ut to or Ccuncucc to function at the end— point. This ,Ic,02ci tonic th*u cxtltin the two “cthcdt of functioning cf the curient LS {ULLOL33 (a) an eicctrciytlc ccll mutt co hChCU to function a: the stoichicmctric tuitt is ratchcd, thich WQulc thus result in the ctrccrtnce of & CUIICLt; an (t) Ln cicctrclytlc cell mutt function until the oncpoint is ruched, which new: L cumgat mould fit»: my to the :tcichiometric Point tnc touli huh diatrtucr. To his icy cc Lchd a thlru method 01 functioning cf the cur— rent: (c) one PEVaniblG Clcctrolytic cell must cause to fULCLth t5 the cuutcint is reccncd cud t ccccnd reversibie electrolytic ceii Lust coa Luce to function at the enfiyoint. These tluWA:(iifftrcut nlxuxiaaf functLLJUJng cf thy ctitmzl; mt; be thctu dicgrcmmttlcclly cs in Figure 1. At first glance Luis tunic cytotr to be Lareiy L schLul Ccsc cf the normcl aLpCFOLCtriC titration. HO%LVtr, in this ctsc two half cell retctionc are invoivcd bhu the currtnt flowing be- tween them is LCLSQInQ ;ntrtcb in thc ncrctl tmrtrccctric methou, only one half Ctil reg..ctic=x'i ls liarvortm'x, the L3:.UUIkt III IIIIIIIIII V. II « Ii III a V v m . . A . . . . . n . L . .i V h g n u _ a - c Q . . V . . . V . . . II. V II. I I .... II I P H I. I. I I I F. . - II .II*VII.IV .I II . III III .I IiIIIIIIIIIII» IIIII .. .1 ..*III .1? IIII.IILI. IIHIII _ . I . . V . r V _ . . . _ _ V b V .V . V H V V V _ V V I _ V V V V _ V _ _ y V. U 4 ~ _ VV ~ . a . _ V. . . w . v . . . . . . _ . . o u . .V . 'IIIIIV‘-.TIIITI.I.|IIOIIIIIII.IIII .IIIIIIV.-I‘I':II 5 IIIIIOIIII Ii. I I III 1H 4” .l _. r'llglll'II '1 + . W A . v . . . . . _ . I . V V V “ c _ . . . I. . . . n a V. v o. H . IV“ V * . . w V. . . . . . V . ‘ . . m I ~ . _ . w ‘ R fl . . I . c. I I . o . . . » ~ .. I I I“..I I ILI I. I 4 .III. IIIIII .I . I V I IIIwI, I VIIILIII LY Im“ . .‘h‘ .III; I éIIIII+II III I III. aIIIIIIIIIi Ir .IIII . ITlIilIIIIIVIII J'I II II.I.V . V _ V . _ . .IV . V H V V V V V V INLWIQIHW VuV V . V i V V V _ V . . . I _ _ .V. V i .o _ i . V V .V V n _V m V, . . I. . I. r VII V V .H V a I V p I. V ” AI IJV I V . w. I. I I 4 I. . 4 I. V V . . — ~I .- . w a «I V IWI — . _ h V 4— . . . _ . . i . .V . IV . . . . . . W . V . V . V. V. . V. V . V . _ . u I r III» “I IIII V I I vuII 14 v ‘f IIIEIIIIIIAI. I vI IIIIAIIIIIIVVIII-.CI ID. I III vIII..IO I¢IIIIIIIrIIIIIo TIII vIII III) '1‘ VII .I-I I‘lI II I QII'?’II “I I? 0 III 0,I'lv III.I V . m V n H V V: _ V. M _ V V m V V V V V _ H VI V V i V. V V t V H v IIIIAI III- AfIIIlIII I’ll." IJIIIIIIII II. f III IIIIIII I u + F V11 IILVI. L 4‘ I. I14 II II‘ III‘III II“ b V V _ . . V V i _ . V V _ .V . . H m _ _ . H I v w r . . _ v If I .T .I II- ILYIIII- I; -I A -I- IIIIV II VIII I .I I II. a -II I L IHI I I I .--IVV I. .I- V . .u. . _ . . — . _ . V _ V V V V V U m V .V M V V p I - II H II. V b p a .1 V V V V .I V a I a . . V _ ~ . . . . . _ . V ~ . _ . e . . . V . ~ . . F! W . +II ..... j V I 9 u .I III In it II+IIVIII I .4 I II III A II rI'I o .I I1 v I ..l f I 41 II IIIIIQIIII'IHII III I I I 7'- 14 IVIIOiII M . V I m . m . . ._ . V, V V M / V V . V . w 11.. I III; I... V» V. I .III VI VII I. I H p IIII f b V r V Iq 1%. _ . . H w V V . V _ L . V. V . If * V. . h . . . . H U I V, II o .1 »I I -I. II QIII.I II A I I I V II, IIIIIIIIIf II I Io ..... I II I O VII +I|III II II .4. I IL! I J I I» .V. II V II IA II Iq’IOI III- Ioi'III . I. . . V . * V fi V .. . V _ I . V . . _ w . V r. V. V . . A V M, V » II. a t ”I! n, V V V H V i h h u H J. . / . fl . g V . . . . . 0 V . V . I i I I IIIIII + I II I. IV.AFI IIIIIII II III II+HI II . I v IIIIIII II? I I g..- .1 I II I I. I% II I III* :09 I II . IAvIlI I V V V V V m V . . V . V 3g . V. v . _ . . . n V _ . _ . . . . . fi . I - - II I V i V F V I L i I IV I IIIIIII « V I V V II IIIII II V II. TIIIIIII'I _ . . _ . r . . . H. . “ _ . V V. i . 3 4 H a u d M V V H u V h 4 VI. IV I ..I H IW- - IV I. -IVIflII I”- I I . In..- 4;- - .I VII I. VIIIVIIIJIVIIIII W V . V V ”I . V J V . H V V a J I c f V q . V a V. 4 . J V _ . H V. H n H m V V. H H V V n V N V V V V V _ . A A I A I . . II IV I . IQI I.4 I. 9 v III! III V I IvI.I III, 0 v.I IIIII I I.4I I III II I.) II UI‘IIVOIIIIvIIIIIQI II'.IYI-IIV.QI.0II II I: II M m _ V . V V. M H H m V # V V V V _ V VI . V . V a V . b — V . . _ h V Y. III - LT] -‘lIIII wIIIIIIOrI II Vol'I'III‘IIIIIIIlJY IIIIIII [II {V 4] V III F Lv I §I!III .ITIII‘. I V . fl . . . . . V . q * _ a . V ‘ . . . . . . V . V p u _ . V _ . H . V . i V . . V V . I I I. I I I F l V I II . . . _ i m u . V m h . L—I - _ . d V VI VI . VI i V V . . . . .V . . V . . _ . . . V V _ . ‘ * . Wk . _ » V w w .VI V - --VI I d w I V: V- - I T w- I IVTV VIMIIIIVVI- IIIIV - IV I I .w: II----I-V..I H :II IIVI I V V V H . V m M _ V m V V V. i m V f. IléI II III I Y IIIIIIIIIII .II ._.I|III III. III {IIII V+IIIIIIIIIIIA IIIIIIIJII'IIIIICI[:IIIIAIIIIIIIVIIIIII'T’I‘IIIJTVIIP' I4- IIIIOIIJIIII'IIIIOIIIIITIIIII’IOIIIIIIIT 2..."- v LY . . V . V . . . . . . ‘ . W a V V ‘ L V . _ . . V n T . . . .V . V V . . . . . . . fl . a. (III L . . QII I II III. WIIIII I A I I. I II*. III I + .IVHII b I A III? 'IV VIII'AIILI. w- .II I. flI IIIIIVI . IIIIIIVIJI IIIIII|I 7 I IITIIIIII. IIIIII-IIII A Av . . _ _ fl V V _ . V _ . N . d V . . . _ v . * IV . . _ . . v . . IL V . n 7 Ir H V w . I I I V I I V V I VI a V I m I . V V H V _ V m i V V _ u H . H ~ . _ _ _ H . V. V . V V . . ~ k . V V . V .V . i V . .. I _ . . I o I I II I I I 9 VVVVVV II II VI I «I IIIII I Iva I q .I IV.PTVI I 14. I II+I III+I IQoILvIIfJOIvIIIIIIIIIHQIJIII .94! It 1T.III|IPIIII IIW .II..I._.|.I.I| I. III“. II .HIIIIIIHIVIIIII f. IIIIIHIII III WI IIIIII III I II. -1 I IWIIVI Ito II 4 _ V V n . _ . . V . . . i. V w . V. V — . * V V M .V _ V V V . . w . w _ . _ . I . I I v _ V _ _ « y . . . . . V _ V V . . . V . . V _ F m V . Yr! II III-4A I -0. I.’ 3. III "Iill IJIIIIIJIL -II‘IIIQI‘ III IIrI 't‘lj II 'OIIILIJIAIII I'IVOIIIIVIirIIIOIIIOIIIIIII III'II I I'jIIT'VTII‘I‘fIkI'I‘IL I‘IIIIIIOIIII'TVI‘IDII‘I? TiI‘II r!-I-.IIIA H H V N _ p . _ H V V_ mm V V V V V V V V . V m V V i V M V _ V _ V V V V _ m V W I .I I I I. I I I V.V I II II .. I.‘.I I. II I ..V.I I .IIII. I ... IIr v I IIIv I. I I III; I I I I. III . III VV H . U N V . V n i V V . V ” V a VV r V _ V V _ . _ _ _ . w ~ _ a v H. . I . IVI H H V V n i V V 01 gum; \LJnfix u; iflulA;L-UZA~ L the :JWJ‘rlly;:Lcr'nd3 CJJALLIOMGL \ bull-.5 tut: 1...‘.(>3't..nt 172L413 1“;th go) in; {yuanmrwuLewJ Lint, ”the term anrtrcmchLu :huuL; DC -rtilea cz;y Lu tLtLut~UL$ in which U. ulfrur; 1'.-C".‘;;L1'U...L(,d J.-.'...Lt;..; aquatic. 1:: -;L,\.:~u;~a.»d, t0 CLLffL. cut)“ Le Lt. fl‘U... .._..t.‘f‘.0 £5 .3qu! LL) Lia. ‘\.£L~:uu-—;,-tu‘-' ting- yUth""“o in oruu: to Lean Lac VLAiQLLy «f Lac hyrotbwsxa _5 ,Ic- Srhtuu -UOVL, v licks a,ut0.; {LIL bu: -Utnd ahich aqua-“ rc- gct ”nu glvc .n «uufulut luuiCtCqu or L-c QLJU’DLUP tech- ulgue. Faith r axe, if tut herthh‘S p5 LdgchLtd Lulu cor- I'L.CL, tile POLEILLLHL Of LEM: 1.4.0 1,.J..L.L..L...- l._‘-.CCL:“«\2!T‘Q «lthfluL any FQLEIILLul .-r.},4.i€;d Lr‘uuxd btth L9 1326; 3.4.15, and among; gLVu LJC ruLLLtL i, UimCtIQuU~3OAULLQh versus the S turuted Cu-UhU; CLQCLFUUC, nhn.cwb tflc yULLULLu; 9f the LAU ¢LEQLFUQUQ uuzlng Lnu eht¢re cvuxsc of the L-trbt-.n :hquiu show u cun~ oLahL qufczehce eguvx L3 Lnu fULLhLLLL uyklitu from kn out— Liuc buu;ce eczos“ the Lao exchroucs. The Ly;te s yrurubtu inciuueu tue titrgtiun of ruuucin; “guan buCh a; furious buifute, futas;iUm furrvcy_nlgc, thflhcu: :ULfHLe, hyarOgcn puruaiac hhu bUU4UJ LhLbbdlfutC y;L. g vb;xntj cf oA‘ulgiug ggents such as CLliC nu;f_tc, tQLULL-uQ ,uxgunb.n Lu, kotas- alum ugchrvm_te “La LUQLUC. lhy;e v.‘;uu; LytLC»5 ”L1; next-) suLJcheq to a gUaLleLiVB but Itthtr than to c guvgtxtwt;vu 02.8, Ln we. ...uc‘.-1 L L ;e chargngt a”; LL41”; c;g.tt;r..".m;ai both go- CCMtiOMCCILCLLiy an; by t;e ac;u—:tar thidguuc. -7- 1.. - . L-J 25-03." ’i‘ne g“....r;.tu:3 USU}. t1. axtzr..;;1€.~ bath LEM, ,u;m.ti.‘..z. of ‘thuf tug) e4»;:L1~”bx:r . "d ;,;;a) 1*uc QHAFLWAZL ;L: :flao.1. LII F¢iy4re ;.. 'th Lpg;rgtus conchts of LIE LCCgmLL ,i actuf Known; G), g. puma.“ c.¢o;i.c:_L exec-hone ;.:.-.;i a. bxgdhr LCL...1;LJ'.f-LC LJ.J;..£(..;-y thcuguyuut. khw urupy;ng ¢uicury c-2CL-gu& kw; re uVuU fIOL tnu‘ichCLILfixfi}E u.”..chg; ikwx: Lhc ILnJ ,4 :44Ju1 niumtgxnfics ‘;e:e lnbcxtfld in its pxch. ZEMJ.;_acur;,0uc ;;: LgtL ‘Stu ta gully the 4ctt.':.t-.e-.i “0:355 the to c_.~.i.:.;-i.:t.*«;.w;g;.: uni 12‘; L.“.J\}.Ltl'\,‘i Lhd CLC;GLEd LuAVLhUhkttI xv: used LO m.v:ure Lhé cuzrhgt flow- .mg. 011:: a..(,~c.-.m;-(1 ‘xuvyztugc in Lm. uoc cf tau:- 111:.L;u.-,c..;t L8 be qut thbt the ;v“:;L-v¢tj of tic 5h4vbhug‘tw1 cu“ L; reg- uLoLcu aver a blue rgn c. inn QCLUU; ‘urrnht 4n th;s Cgse is not “no u, but cuuiu Lu 0¢4cu;;Lbu oftcr cc;;or_L; n of the gu;V‘--ILU..CL£:‘I‘; hummer, LEu; tunugutt: (smut-.33. V£-..Lué: 111 Luz-Mb .\ 01‘ a-li;l‘0.;.:;-r.w"-5 1:: hot l’ijugl'LO. but. {nub-.44 Lge i't4.\.t.LV‘: cur- rum. {mum} to m;- r.1;os.n. '1ka IC’LLZLt‘.-J. 01‘ cvctz uf this two fl..t..Lhu.b.. c.“ .LL‘MUL‘b 'v..:.~ ,.;.t;;..:.5UI'GL1 ..;::-..u;;st. t'm; beam-“.1; intu- rutcd c.‘o¢tx exact.gue, Lug Lap n-£quuuns LLLng CuththO one to uLCu ,o;c of L uuub;e t rum stitch, bath ;vies neing Lu Luffl CyghLCLLU by a sLxgie lVLd to the bcc:mrn 1W thcr. It ahouLg nu ,QLRCUQ out tht L Vtrj 4Hcfirguvac gtkvrgLus for outcz.1n1ng thy cabs—:tgr euu‘oxut hwz been uzvxnc , the 01”.} “its, being I'c:;_u1.1pd ca,1;.-;.J.;.t;;.i; of g- ;..g-;.l bitten, with a ratchLiui of about tad VQLts, Lyn F‘Htghau LLLchcuep, u E'L'L.3¢E;V€. KIQ¢V*.LI"w-4.L I-klfi, (..$-U LL th$s bahel i.£.‘:.'4.4. 301' 10‘ 1.1':;\A.Lwtaibc) \J 00 FIG in. 2 £991}th U13 A.—P1Ltinum biectrodes B.—&¢tu‘atcu Calgael Licctroue C.-Glass fitirrer D.—Fibchcr Scientific Comyany Ilecdroyoue Lo“bd€hhon pH gnter (fiodei G) F.~Two tgy Snitch '. ' ' ’. ‘ I t‘ "' IIt‘ '- . a ‘ ‘i - -‘ ‘ LIXC hint-Juitd t.’LL1..tJ.ulo 1'. full ut.b&.;l1.’uuuh :..-U 91.5.le..s..¢ L'i thug argurctus lg cu;.t;v.-1L.L-:q '2‘; :, ;.-..;.<..1“ Ly ~.-.i-lL.J..'.."QI.L Mm .11.),— kinson (l7). nLLVHJLp kgLuLLCh: a; suu‘u; Lnic;u1fbtc, iUJLEU LLLU rdL bLLug iouxde, yotstLuw rurfiuL;.n;Lr, Ceilc ;a*I“Lc, far;;: gg.nu- lam 311412.;6 _..'-J. :3..=~;4.ug;a ...:.I'....V.;_i;--.~;;.Lt: up“? 1...*'z-§.;.ixt.1 LI; Ewe: U3- UHL LUULeI. L JoleUn yotnbbLuw uLChruflgte 5u¢uc$cn nus pFCgQrcd by ulbLu¢Vlhg tau arrrJLriate g OUhL cf t.c 5ILLJ 3:-uu crygty;s in u can .ich VG;- b u.) ‘11::‘hlk-l 5' :ItisL;0(¢i.d, l‘bvfsfi‘iat ungtrxc {Luan. ferrous buprLC “up plérgFCd b; ”No nuLCOJ \ of nude (3). A titanoua Lu;fuLe ac;uLLcn a“; rxcrgfcd c; u;;30¢viu¢ meLh;;;c tLLgnLum :yunge ;n uLLuLa buquIlC a:;d bug {lecring off lugdgubxc mvturxugp. uxth Lae BACdleUH of the st¢nugrd dgcnrcuute, n¢nc cf these sQLQLLVnu 505 Lt-nu- arulyuu ‘n “5 much -5 Lblciy ; guplithtivu CfiLflLnLtLvn L-S Icgulrcu, tnc John-atOp aunroluL bulh5 cvuyfixpu h$tn Lug p0- LenLJ..-::;.v,-Lr1c CI;.;rUJ.Lt.. L‘Lz'tpln 1.11;.19‘. LC-‘i'ia :uch :5 1-p‘mxmn- throiLnu quFLUL nzth eerie Eu‘fLLG, ,0L\a;;um LH;00jauate hLLh fnrz¢c “Jq Lac CULUF oi fir¢uhgmh,i% ”mu *cd;nu "LIB "'~ ‘ U‘ ' V v ‘ "1 o v " \'\ 4 - . I 1 . : ' "- ‘- -, ~ .. ‘ ‘ '1 " luullu ta.) Chg-4-06 CU...\.«1 m.LC;}.L'.1 c. fb'h- '1uu-..l-<.uu'.‘.: wI c. “J... 14mm. the ,oLeLCLOLchLc “nu no u—pnop cn4,u;ut:. Uéadobo;‘[‘.$d A‘--ULI~--U‘\L n Lu “L. ,U;L*on cf tJU LLLqL;Qn L3 LL L-LrVLV¢ Lbs blues; in ; 61¢ vi. baantr L;;nLhLI zgtm xgg a;. UL aLLcr “mg as m&. of L—% LULYUALU uc-J. Ln LSL gum*uu h4hthfJLC- 1;“;nc t1tr-t-va, ix; LL; cf ghtcr h;£t ”sc;. Thu ,iqt‘uum cxnutrcha, ngcn hp; tutu ,rcvxqu;y Cguugfiu Ly b;;un;ng Lima to 5L..:.u m rabbi-15111.". .‘cszx'rq;....tu-;,».L.g1‘u1'-c (3.2“ edge-.4.— lng Loiut-.-,n lul" gt. Laud. om; hour, '6uLtU ccmx‘xc.u,L-¢u to the L.Lcuroyoue gnu pxrcyu in Lie awxut‘cn Cfléttfibr a;th the Lucambu buLUthéd cpioncx LLLuzzogu ‘4; Law g;psa ybdaLB cf tn» uechbn;cg- 3L;r1ur. b pOLCLLipl h“; betn yrEVLLULLj Ge— LCILLuLQ Lt mulch VULJC L 1cver¢1u&e CLCtLrouhCHngi cc;l houlu function uffch‘Vcly mxth the lbuh ihVuLVud. This y'- tLLtlLl “‘5 ctr;¢aa Lu the ripfi$LUm cicutzcbus by mprL of tap hiccurcyuuc, Lht LLLIJCr kws iL$lLLd, phu Inc r MUCLL 'xw ‘ mg; Luucu frpm p Luggt in a .Li thAuhuhLb. ;nu ourqut rigging pct/“cu; the €.;.(.LCtI'-glli’:.. ty-gaLhcr mxh tin; t-.ut.e;z.t..1..=..J. cf c-ch £LLCLP3U¢ VC‘SuS Lie LLLur;t&G c ibLui e;chr¢ue v.5 Lthbulflfl gftcr upcn gnu;l lucrud\ht of the rcbbgnt hug been 6(4ch 'c 4.131 the ,VL‘.J;L.L¢...L 0.3,-.Li'tt'1 ill: tut: 5C).}.L4tL’3n 'Uh-LLQ itir- rec. in Lb: VLCLHILy cf the GLgyL‘hL {up lhtlfinapt cf the I'Cé‘bt-i.t e..ci...eu Lbs, L-f t”.it: ‘VrUL'I‘ of u.-L--‘.pi. 14. 1 . r i“ a." i'LL-L’LLu‘ . . ~ ,. .3 ‘ g ' ~‘ . -4o .4' ’_ . ‘n x ‘_ r. ' ~ -, v~-A4L\—us) LJ.L.L...: a.o...TL hhgtiflgutu 3.1; -- unph Lt «uh; LIXIuUft " L“ “'siLL‘ WHV‘C ”'*'c Q '“'h*— .L. 6.. “NF" -\.. J.. «5' uJub ....u L.-~-.&. u on Lhc LLert;un of firrouz zu+1.tc azzn car-c suLIVLc vhu got gala; £C$mdeoLutf;}QLubuLQJ frrxocygg;uc v;th c¢;.t -1J_ bu-f-te -Ha Potuaaxum ,.L--ann.tL; t.t-u.u8 su.f Le ».th cerlc suxfute -Lu rdLuii-“H Eg;h.gdguwtc; hy-r;g.u “tickine m;th rotcs-.u¢ par .ngLMLa; iLhLuVMLLLL V.th;u- n.tn ftl- raga Lu;f«LC; falr;c uu;tuL¢ n;th L-thg-,; Lu-f-Lt; and so- clum n;03gLr it ».Ln ---;ni. in.;c vh;--g- LJiLimS uLLc hnrc.y :ULJLCLLQ Lu . Wu.;;L-L¢V. L»;L 1.th¢r 19.; to b a;u..1;t....t.¢.t.‘.\.. ..;.L. 131-. ILLLLLS ..lc :1:-=..n it". the rugbygfi; turns 2.... 51"..3Jls. it is iLLCrLLLiUQ Lu uuLu vat LL ... chat“ txc cur.cmt bragh cu; I‘Lb‘.LI;-;Li) ;1(-Ci:.t.;j to the, 5141‘, in.-.“ .1.“ L-.. rotmxng. of the ayattm -2; fuiLLLiLClL, uuxiLg Ln; LHL.;£ caulac of thc titrctwn Um; ‘abLL‘;.ti;..l cg-.-» g;-;.uu..;.;y I)». the; 55-14... L:x‘;5;;...c.4.ij yli.;.t:;.t to the .... ,1'.~:..-.-..L (ALEX trze uxdyudzt. Eryn th ngture hf Ln: but- prg:ghtgg, anrc c-” c. L¢tL;g uuuLt that. he. “...; l‘i..,u4..t‘..t..isL of Lin; m..a-:-stu;. L.....:L.;Ilt tuchulflue i; hcltLy Lhu an.Liun.Lg uf a LcVLraip-c cirutic- Lgtlc Cu‘l. QUL;;qu, ;-: CAa~{¢L, Lb. L;L:ht;.u .1 :vu‘u: L;.V;ui- I'VLE: hatch lg4$lIALt-I; tut/1‘1 t+\v‘..’L."..-'\..L..to A1.A.L;~..Li) 09;:me Lht.’ k0- tc;.LJ...s. 121‘ tn..- .i..L-..L;.... bi.»Ctx":‘...(E—Llllil'.14.4.1“Li; LO-L.L..~.2I;. 1ch1’ u bkaL pozuut;-l h-b buth L..L1-g, cLL t;uCL.Umc pa5u.c5 a more beguLLVU ,LLLuLLuL “a; LTC QLHL; (xgqupu. u ...; regi~ LlVC I.Utk.i.tl£..i, L..{. twingtlui \.¢lli.::"‘;..~.‘.52. Lu?“ L‘LL. I,“ this} Cite" Y _ . t1‘¢.;..:. V(:;':.‘..cb U26. 3.1.x.-. tin: C-..L.....-..L z.;.u;-..L.1'...u.;e; Lyn”; {raj-....-.J. to V30 humun rthi.Ll-..L. 1.. u... L;L:.-L.«;.~n 1..) guru...t. Lucas un— tl; tun Lh§r9LLL i: IthKLQ. Ugtli Lhu {QLLLtLLJ~L;-J brcun -11- occurs, L.u tDLaHLLh;5 VbhuLch a;t LHLJL .T.Cfi Lu--. L. cn~ may... .-Ls tar. t..-L,L.....L1‘. ‘.t-;~LriLl';~L any“: 533.1,.» \J.\J}o Lulcc $3.3;b CV“, .LL 4...: :17. Lo ILVL: ppm“? iii.) L...L-.L.v1“.)-- n... 40.3 ‘A. ‘-\..;.L ~ LLJ. ~-. . s ~ , . - _ ‘. - ~ ' - n I - a . .— ' ‘. be Lilhs-b‘lurlth §A.t'\A ‘Al-a'nk’" 10K) Iwu“ 4 k...vL ‘ *A-u‘. l‘Ll‘J. ¢ . LC} “‘1‘. unb- . . I - _ ~ " ’_ ' . - ' . .." o _’ -~ ‘ .g ‘ . . I . bL“L-‘U\-Ii-‘Qt‘ qu‘C: u. "\'.1 L—‘. ‘- L..-J.L$Q..L. .“!‘ .‘j’. su‘ E.’ k)b.a‘,l Q". at ‘..~.rl‘ LL- 1 l ,auu: t4) L;.uua2 u;n.1 n.;L13..L.;: mi' t1»: L n.-2u$-‘&b.$ «; pJ.zuc: . CLUCU Ltu¢)':.u;ic 4x.e;.s.xy FEVL-LJ“WL$ ;- Lfiwt ;fl_ng.. ..3 Lu UfiluLucu uL L50 .L-Qt -P HUIO 10L¢L;}H;y CW“. LQ ULL.L;UUU ..nu Liz’; 4.0".LILL‘ gay but ;‘-.:-. new: gt tram autumn-z or gym: :1 .ig....Lj.vc- if Chung“; e‘L.-'.L.-=.;(.‘e;-, .1: <,..L....'.L.-r.JJ.J-‘L;z: tux-3.1 .214). rant...“ .143 b currum “Ll-L l'iUh. gut? L‘uVLI‘m: L..L;'...L4.u1’;, Ln: tit:'..L.-.un of AULLILU «‘LI. b.4441”; £11.;ULJJJ‘J t3 hub ....Ln.‘ “in: tun. C.?l¢-1;;gt.3 111 c" rctbgL.u; -hu current burp 1.--.dug. 1“;L..-.y, uuth cLac- LiUkAC'b t'qu-tk; L.IL 11'.Q‘L‘.~..LL1. J. 01‘ t.l\; ‘4‘. tL;.U.—.I.n CA.‘.,'L:L;I~J'c§,-.‘k.’\}‘.11t5§’ ‘ I LniuAMU J‘~)..LAL.L~JI;. t Ith'r L. 1:5..gJLL t-UL\.,-.L.L..L LL) {‘X't’LJ‘LU but? but: c&LuL1uuc Lucpges “are ,Dh;b-¥u+j .Ll t.c nthvr pi.;Lr-uc ‘ ' " . I I v' "' ' I, .I '- 3 "‘~ - - .. "fi. . I -‘ I ' . ..UJ kc I.L..)...Lb‘-c-_f L l._¢. cm, 94;: yuub..L.L..._g \.s.a.f3.hiv'.1.k,b’ L'L‘L‘-CL.; J gun. tnU C+L-\JL1'..-i..r;1') 91.3.11. 92.4.“; [uh-«.1. LU Lit: n.334.l\4\; t.'\)L&;Il—' txfiL. Thurb- J... .. -..... ..ju 61116-21. f..Q‘u ..L tun-.- 31...-t. ‘u'fh... Ln: 5-..“). &,L;L(-Ists..-; 3.... -;.~,.a.;.\ .. LLh: to t. «.4 ..-1c;:.-;-<3<: of Data the ( luau»: ... .u 10..-...) ....yfn 1"L...~,L:s n.1,?! Lg“: Lug (.._~.t._1.‘ “up; .-.) a. IcVursLL-c c.uctxo;;L;c QuAL. inc LJAJLLJU -b ox.u-n-;iy ,,;t,“.;tu; cun.L.thcx1 ... c.x;a:.. .. L.J: i w.-.a:; 0.x.u‘fl,ugu.t;g>, L: Chg th-u;u*i-tu $5 uUuuG LLLALU fiiiL LL UuLbQfiufl “Lu there s.l.‘..L m; c. 51......) us.:C.'....;;(. 1.1; 1.31;- ......Jugt. VI' garisht Linc tv the linuLtlJ-isz; ‘V'aa‘ue (“I L:rU .L~-"~s.'blg\l r - _ M t-.. L c All '31:. L':(J ‘13..s1§.-’ii;L 4.5) -LL- erChé‘U, £3¢.L LI‘L l‘.)U$11L 1:.) (:U..;J..Alr.5i.'.b ». :Ui. ‘JILJ.’ ..L‘JLALUC Lilli: LCL$.L’~“ Ln;ongte ru;uxn. Inxs aqua nun cuu:L-LuLc “ :cvuzu;b- e;cc- C tL'ULJ'Lic Cu... .1... CL-.‘.J\' um tig‘ n» (:~.&I;l’.‘.|t 13.0-33. :l'ttJ-S the EHQFULLC, tn. .u-f-ta in ..33 Pr.;.nt but tg;a tu-eLuer uiLh the Letzatnidh Le aura nuL CJKQLLthLu L IUVLiE;D;L c-rctxc- ijt;c chl -“u hence n0 cur4cnt will flow GVBL quuz the eLu— yUleto in the 0-:0 a; tug txtr L; n of rotvb-iam ftrlquunLue thh Curie 5L;fyte, thclc :3 Ln-tLLL;y f?£3uut a ibffid bgomnt 0! Lbs Icr.ocg.ulue LLU c o.Ll¢ amount cf the fulILCJ-LLJe, hence a. ;,:....-4.; a...mu.t. of currui $13.5. ('10:. .41; the cxru: is an e., Lure furrxcygn;ue ‘3 fur.eu and huuce Lhc Currczt in- crc-5ps. rho current Lgrtlfigt¢y incrL-LL5 EU a LgnLfiuh nhdh the cancoutr-t;-n uf f0r:oc;mniuc egue;s Lhu c.~c.-tr.L.-u of fur.;cyhnlde ¢gu furthur haugt;.n of tne cu.-u rebggut CwaUS a occrc.:c in Lgu current cue to uLcrL-;” 1n tat can— CU.LL'..L3.UIL of the ft.‘1‘;x.»:;3" -.s.¢L.e~.-, 23...;le hp; 110:. Leila-wt: Ll’lu .L..1.‘.it.a.ug cu¢uxn.1.t 111' L'su ....UL.;.,L ...i' curxuzdu It Lint: cm;- roth, tncre Lib rigiukt 0.1y fLr.L¢y-n1ue ..u ccruua 1.us WhLCh 00 not Uuktt¢LUIH L IhVL;bLL;L nicctrulytxc cc.1 and hence.- nu I...;'.i.,;.t “1...; 11023. bufurc the; Lnur\.J.L;.L 3.; .-u...uizcu the rn~eISiblL {cr.xcy-n¢fle«fcrzou,cggue CQuPLL is brczunt and u c'rrcLL f¢0¢5. Up t0 tflxb thLLt, Lhu ercdt;Lib 0b- 5urVnQ grc LHULu to Lu LA‘CCLLH A¢Lfi LRL r; tLgu“ cflagtiuzev fcrLLcy.L1ae,fcrrocy;n;;c 5;;tcw. .t .wouid Lg r..ntc; out Lh-t the c usuhkt¢un of fLr1-cy.-;ue LV c-a;LerJtic Oxxubtiuu -15- will not affect the accuracy 9f tue titrut;gn LCC&¢sc the Sufi“ LMOUHE of ferrucyaniue wiL; be yrouuced by reduCLiun of the ferricyvu4ue ct the ULLLL e-cctzuue. Lt the eguiv— glance point uuiy ferricihnxue Lhu Ctruub iuhS xiii be present cud thcac GU huL 'unstLLuLc on e;cctxuijLLC CLL¢ and Lhcxufurc no currgut will fLQw. u.th tha f‘r L LLiQhL excubg uf cerlc bUlfuLb, Lhu caruus—cerLC InverSLch Cvdyle 01151.11}: to I'uuCLth. The CLLlLuL' up». flats Laura p,’ €1LC~ troijais emu this our; LILL 11561"chth as UN; imitung Subgtbhce, eerie sulfate, is lqucthu, Lne yuLCflLlcl assumLHg the va;ue of the eerie-eu:u¢a system. VorLous sy5“c;s exhibitcu varying aggraas of ICVETLibll- ity as noted by the auouut of Current {Lgn‘uq ct u SPCCLILC bpylifld potentigl and a uefiuitc cancentiaLLgu of the lama ihVUchd. “CHC6 it x93 htCfibpcr] to actgruan in ggvance a potenciui at which the courLe nouiu functiun effective¢y. lhe iodine-iogldu cougle and ciao the ferraus-fcrric system function effectively -t an Lyyiicd potential Cf 3Q mv. For the other systems, sgch b8 the ceroub-cerLC, titanous-tltgu- 1c, h hxgher bpy;itd potentigi is reguxlcj, 10¢ mv. being suff;c;an. It fOLlOLS, of course, tth uy LG c certhin lim- it the current fL0& is ysoertluLal to the arpligu vacant; i. It should be Lgtcd that in all cggcs which were investi- gctcd, the brezfi in the gotcntiu; cgrve c;incid ; with the break in the current cuzvc so tht the der-btup Lechnlgu" gives as YCLIALLE rezuita LE the l..01'1,cat..‘Lur...(--'c.r1c nethod. -14- The Elférilbntbl rezutts for the endpoint region of the souium thxosulfott-iodtne titrttiou are tubULGLUQ betuw LNG are shown in Figure 5. The exterimuntcl results for the other systems are shown grathICbtiy in the other diagrtws. Table I Titration of Sodtum Thiosulfote uxth Iodine (gadyoint hegion) Ml . Current Iodine Scale Units bk-)mv. Ev+J mv. ~1.Ud 0 “2 1&5 —0.55 O 80 142 -0.05 J 105 15a 0.00 0 0.05 so 180 2&5 0.07 185 ZQS {60 0.10 519 215 270 0.20 725 tag 276 0.50 lloo to: 255 1.17 520d £62 313 FI. WIJFII I. 0| .L .1 1 I . _ .._ t H I m ..L.-+ _ _ .I _ . V ”r . H . .. 4, .W I 1 . w. w w . I§§£§ktfififitp III ,,TIIWI ..YIII. -I. I . .... If- 1.." :.....I .. ”1...-.I..I- v.fi/—D I . l nu AI 0. Q . .r H . . M .H. . """'Y . _ »,-..----W,,-,..I-I..----II- . H IIIIAT. IIIII {III II IIIIvIIIoInIIIII IIJrIII. III . . u . , . 8 v: m I a . + IA w . o r O H . . m w 0 m . . 1 _ g fl _. I. . .I M .I . . . . E . 6 .H m. . - , . . h . - L - JP. __ n . M . D 0 7.9.1-- -IJIII .. IIIwHIE+ 1111111 In . . . L w 4 .- . . ,.. .. ,7: .-- I 5. oil w . O 0. T. . I I f/‘fé (ARA 3 - T . 01 I I I mi TH I E -N T... -m-.,¢-.: “I O l M :SQ Mv HOTENTIAL PPtI' I I S w . m 2 . . . II V o . 4 H . . W mu fiIIIoH ..... of. II I- Ici III III“! IIIIIIIIIIQ Io IItIIIII x. I III- III I .IIIII filII - II go ILIII EI.I II I . . . . . . m . . Wn. Ia.vv y. IOIIWII .n. nIHDII . n. o u n I I Ilo. I o. .I , A o. nu°.vII . . . q “u my w .. I“ _ flu . w _ fl _ . 1 . . * H . P . . fl . m . 6 v1 ....... . A .9» I n r 1* .I- ..-. I 0.. .II.Iv on IIIII L..°1.IOI _. _ a _ 1 w . J “ mu _ . . _ . . L “ fiI lIOIIIIIA II IoIonf. OIIIII Aw I I IqIIIIWIIIlY II IwIII I IIIIJfiIIII I “III I 7 ITII ITIII IIIII'IL . . . M . . m 8.. o A .I I OI A .f It I-..I.1¢-I Lv . o I I .Q I h ...... II . II 0.0 .n . . .. _ . . . _ .t. . . . . . u { p . F L I .m... . . m w .. . . a“ . _ .. . In A 1 A I QI I I.I o r .vlu I“ I fiI I I ‘: ":I-LEN I I I I I r I . 1 I I I 4;. +1.0 +0 39.!“ m3 75:“ ; L..- ..-- ‘ Z O 1 . firming, 1%“.4 gait. ___-_,. .... II I- IIIIIIFIIIIIL - _ In .. . -. I I ”F I f ...4 ---4 . (I I I _ _.-I_._.. I .. I. .. I. . . 4 .4 u. . _ . . _ . l _ . n w . III p _ L. :r- ; -H .. 4. ... I .-Q . . _ .1 . H _ . .LV. .4 ;. .da . -z . ~ . . . . ..LIGI # _ III M I II I III III .-IIILI «I III. Ir I III4I ..IU‘LIITI- . a I I my I II.II II III IV I I LIIII IILVI II I . . 1\ _ . a 4 . . .\\. . _ . . I I . .I I -I II- . 4 . II .. I. I‘.. . ,I. I w. .L .. 0 .I; w . M . fl I. w “w 4.. H. -..4 T M I I. II . w . w . ..I I -I4 .. III I - I F3594” 1a1,Appliep I Do(SOt)2 wptn .... .4- :.mwfi- - . cu m on 39 I- -- O I . --II -hmit «I. T...1..00.|'I\I Patent II I I. IIIYIII. III VIII III . _ 4 ..... I I Ii . . . . .A . o . n . 4 . . . _ . I ”I .9. Iij ..... L . . _ fi . . »I III . . ,I vII A .I . . m 1 * AU . n m _ M N _ . H I. L H M . 1 INIII; 4!...1; I .W .4 . fl “ A“ _ H , H “ ~ . , . .I a . . I . I I . .. . . . . . H n m I. . . . .. . . M . y M II 142..-. . ..I I4- I .. h . w M 0. M . H . I. m I. II” # r I. ..1.1“I w. 4 _. . . _ H m m I m . . 2* I .L. -I- IQTII r I.r-I,.III . . _ . . m . . . H II . . . GI I III I M . I :I I. II. III- I . . I IIvF I- II t . I. w . O” u . W M M _ . . k _ _ u . H 4 . I III; I . . ,II 1P. . III I.Iv.IfI¢. I* I I IIII.I.I.II..I., . I I I I I I 1.. 4I I... IIAfiIIII“ -IQI IMI L I IWIIII I4II.I+ U. A .4 IN . . H . F . \ I” 6 . _ . M H . .. t .I _ : . p I. , _ Iwr . I I. v w . .fl . . O H ... . d. . _. . _ _ _ h H .. A .. H 3 ‘ w III.” Inmf. .I » .Y .q I .I_ I . é . A 4 LTII II VI . .. I I I III. on . I . _ . _ . . . M . . _ . . . H . _ .. . . . o A I I I II III-III.I+II III .VIIOO III F I -II 4IIIIIII -III - a I . _. D. T m . . .. flI ” E . _ I. 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A .114 1.1+ . 11-1111 1111-111M1111111111. A . . . . . . . 1 1t 1 , H . .* . u f n _ u _ . _ _ _ V _ . . . ~ .. u . . 1 + 0 + 1 w w . fl . . . . d _ _ . _ . j1. n11 1 14.11 11111141111191 1fil1 111111 11111 1 111111 1 11.111 1 1 Y 111 11 J 1 A 1 1 L11 1 11L . . . . _ _ m . W n . ..fi .o. .. 1. 111.111. 1114111.?111 ’ ..1 l PdtentLa1¥App11ed W04 . 4 W H . 1” 1n . H _. t . ........1.: .41.. q 1 .1 , ..+ _ _ . . W A . 1111-1- .111M11L .1-.-.11.--I_v-1111111.r 111111-... .11 .1111w11111 .1 - 111111111m 4011.11 1111 . 4 ._ . . A) 1 m “ M . O . a h u~ 1 r A .. .. s .11.. m A 1L. 11111 11. . H e H . _ F . H _ . A o W _ ..... .. 1 m. “1 1. H 1. L . m . 11 1 '11 11% 111.1 1. 1Af110011‘111l1tv111'11 1 wmcfi N.>zu gdH zmaog .;oe. .. ,o . a . 1 . F ..»1 I - . ..-.....-.... I - _...—‘[——~ .- l . . 1 -.4.--.Q . .1 . f 1 1..-. .. 1 . . l I _.,+~.4 1 1 O 1 1 1 r-9 »-0 hobo-4 .L '1 Q‘- r 1 5...-“ w . M V... . . fi . . . . 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W W p . r' Lfi . . 4.. _ {M . g. _ Ill 1| ..l-.+I.- lull. . . . _ » o l . ; W . . TI‘VI ‘10 I -.-... - -- 4----4 I I h”Cb(SU a 4 t .‘. hpptiied-T M f . I“ 6"?th "T’““" . Y Mflo‘Ce i 16 IM5@ RV fotentiél x, m - Tl!!.lln:+l::&t-o- T$L-ll i lot | El. N1 1+ w _ MW _ . ‘lo I . . s A . Mar .-w. 4 .-- T.“ .W I ip .b _ 4 a _ T“ W ;‘ -v.m-. . O .W o! . I M . . 1" «y—uwm ~ -- I O ..~>.__- ILLLL+LL OL-L. . fl.» -.L. L -- LL.- I ..K4FL“ L l L . 50 LN-POIEILTI LLLLL . A. .4- . ..:.. - . w d H. ..L-”.... ...“. . «M. Q _ M . a 4 .fi . ...-.4..- .-L a- -- -.. L -. :- M L- +11. LIL L+ Wad]- - . -.L- -4- .11-Li L... 124.... ...LL%LLL -L.-.L..IL1...-... 74L- ..L” Ava.-. 7%. -_ Li L-.. H . M . . h H . . H ._. . g . . a , _ L . a . . _ H . _ . n _ F . H . .L. w h . . . N % -. 1. .- . . ..H . . . L_1 a - 4L L4 . . L.- . . . L . . -_ . fl « 4 L _ W . L.L. . n . J . _ . . _ . H . u a . . . H q r L ..... LIL-LIL.- _.L....--.- ....... L,- r- n LL -.-.-hmOD-HLK. m HmH Hp LMWmU-m-YEE- - -. -.L ..-- L11--.- ,-. - -L L 1.- ..L- - H . g. . M ._ . . . , . _ . . . H L . _ . . .. M . g. .... .. . ...-...... .. . . - - -- -. -- ..:.. ... - .._ m m . - L:t - -- - ..L -.L d . . . . N H . H % . . 8 ......w LLLL; LTLLL-L L LL: - L-LLL. -.LLLLL LLLLLL LT- oth- . . . U . _ _ . 0. 1.. _ . . . . L. H - .. - -...- L- --:. ----1L1: - ...... - a ..L. - - ..l . L L - L. L L - .-.L.L . . u . _ H u . 6 .- _ _ H L._« H .- w L » o . . . . . . . _ . M . O . . . . H . . H . . n . r- “ L L- F. -.. L ..... .L. L. T _L -. L 3 - - L -..- :1. -.L :- . .-L.-. D u . . . . .h H . . 4. . . . . ., . LLL LL. -LLL L L --L...- H. L. . LL- 1.. - L- L-.a.-wL-.LL-%L . . . h , m . ) . ... m. .ml . .. . .5 L. L A ..«o M. +- .4 % ILL-L L %. ... L I . _ M M _ . m 7 n 9. rLL - n p L w . h . . _ a . w 2 o n . . _ . .. . . . ) .- ..:L T ... -.L..L i L - u -L- -q--L-. - f . L-c+ - ..- - 4. IL . _ . . _ d . LL L L -.LL- 4 -L .L- Lu L LL L .. 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L I LIL-IIIL- v II.L Ll . o o . u 20 I‘LLLLIIIIL IIILOIIIIL I I I 1LI LIIL LOLIILIII I ----- - Lal ALpLLe¢ 5 with FLe'SLP4'L" .L L L --..-J---.‘_-- .- j t -n e M L m . . 0- ac... .-"u . .-:-- - ” Em. . .0 .L5 Li: . ..L- .| , v... a .. . . .o . I . -. -. ~-- . .. - .6..- k-r.'tfik‘.‘ . -‘. '5 -. .. .. I I O 14 2 D I I . 4-.+._-..4r- ....-.._. .44.” ,hc—Jpv—o—o A . - I I] . W _ n w . m . _ _ m n . m. ” ... II. I I I..III I .. .-IIIIIWI, .1 LI I4-.I-4VII... if: III 7.1. III... -. h h . 4. . 4 m .. 4 I.” . . IAI I I . I. I. I. . .I I I . . 4 m a 4 u M - _ 4 1m .1 H u . w . . M u h . M \I. 1 . a . _ II .4 I 113-4 I I -.I III I... III I I4; 4--..p I I ..T I I III..IIII I 4:14 .I.. .n 4 ... ._ . .. . . _ 04 D. W .4 . 4 3 4.1.1..” “ I4 . ._ J IQ In _ . 1&9 4. .4 4 .. _ . . H . 4 a 1.. . - . .. 01 4 II II [24' III”! II. I I.L Io ._. .II #III . I. II? 0‘. 1. I a Illy Int ILVI ¢ “II LI 8 II M . H. H . . .. 4...; MM 4 h _ 4 ( Jr I I . I I .I . I. I all. M p _ H 4 p In: H . h 1 v _ . ,. _ . t. e n . 4 T l .I I; «I 1.. I.T IIfilI VIII lo 1.IIItIIIoII1II IRII ILfiIII c IMI II I- A 4» . . . . w. o . . . D LILIIIII III . I_ W¢IIPIIIJIIIITIIIFIIJIIII I I‘4VIIIIIIIIIJ I . . _ . . . H . .. q _ . _ . . 0_ m H M .. . -.I Ila. WI LrI I W TII I 4. I4}? . . [If [4: .4. I. I. I .4 I.II..5 . H Li H .I I4 .H M 4 . . 4 . . 4 . . v 4 .. . .1 . u I IIWI L- .r- I. ILMII .I...I IJTI I+Il I4II.II..|IIJ I4. -41.. II II III I I“ . 4 I4 I: I. I. 4! . _ . 4 . h 4 . h 4 4 . 4 _ H I JII I»: III: .H .....II I .IV. I JII. I. III III I . *III I.. I II I: .4 . L4 .I 4, 4 4I.. H .IJ M . ~¢ .... w H . H . . I4.II. . .. h h .. H. I- III. II - III ..III III IIILIII ..III IIIITII II--I.II- 1.1!! II . _. .. . . . _ . .H ...m.».... 2H IR *2 WHWHR. 0&4 w4wII .... 4 ._ 4 .. I. 4. W In .. {I IN| .. ... .I..II ” . ......4 .9.— . . ..:. ... J. N “IV ..I. . .... ... I4 ..I I .I ..IIWwIII4IIlMIIIII. IIIImIIIII. IIIJIIHI- .I II I ...IJ.I .5: . III-I.III -- IIIIIIIII . .4 . "a. . ; H 4 .. 43: -15- ..s C.“Cupgi_fio It is CVLGéht from the lLL“LtL u” tugs Lat of EArLIL- Luau :3 thus the ‘Llfia‘l’ftfij‘y cg...1.i;:;;‘t. is; mt. .L...;,.;;L 1.1; :~ it a; witctrol;tic Cg;‘ yh;Lum “on, “JL uLLQ3uLt+h; Lhu beL tBQL 5:5 l‘c.;--t.;.~‘:‘.s 11.1}! 3;}.623’ a. L: It 121 t:“.:.‘ (3.}.97‘3LI’J‘3L' I'E... t't4..:-:‘. Zionuvuz, if t34s Cgurq;ut tczbhi¢uu Vain EHLLIULJ b rainy- izgtLun khegonun raga; LLé from “Apazch :wu‘;, than thy taco eLc‘mrogics mwgc; amt. mm a; cqzw:...t,..;.t. iglffiluip'ii. of patentigi; thy mxfszcncu cf ,mtvntiLL of tha tau 6-66Ciuat5 :fixuuég vkry fro¢ quryh aunt xhgch a“; u,r4;;a fina. ¢¢ out— 5;“; saurxa in th«..-.2L- C};~t,t~.‘l¢1..uz'lt;., Lu.) h..;. Lam I:.'Z‘u~.l'1, the potential QLffEICflCB dis LEE vary Ln any :xgnific_ L aegrce, the magi; Vt..l.i'.-.Li'éllb L.t;;.:‘.gz ‘nitféilu 1h: .LL:.:.IL:;- 41f «1.3“.L.1‘4..;-.t-11L.-...L errar. it is opvgogz thc the QCgQ—Stbp cnu;uint tccnn;guc hes many arm vuricc gyrxiczxduup. ii‘ac: op,i.z.i3~tiu:.;: ;- ;;,..;L<..g.s in bU fpr 95 ”n mLuchuxytic Cull hULL deCt-un ,rior to ur intcr the migrant. The (el¢:.-:.'.-L2:\3.thia; at .L.'. rm not. Iguwiaau- ri41 be L ICVLIpLle the; it furthcr;orc nugn nDt inVu$Vm [rm-31%;} tho 0251;;“tgum; taming 01' out! 2.0;, but, cm mhuv‘. two ‘ixffcrvnt bracics of Luna, a; ;ong .5 an nLcctrp_yL4c CLLl ‘functions to some ngyee. it x: {nit thuL Lac LLMCIIQLJtiC CELL fozucd fxom got¢5o1um Ptrmangante -5 nuL a fthlLlDiB one, but for43 tflQ mifftrent FtLCtLOnS, ta: ozone ItuCLlGH being the OhluuLLUn Lf Lmngnnou: ion to Rangmucse aiokiue -16— and the u two-:18 1"ch atlux‘. “shaving the"; I‘ugmctluzz 0f iALthSbiUJA pfl'rlfi..ngulu.te L‘u' LIK‘Li bbcht. ...-trig“; 13stU k‘r :Iiyll’iigu..-'~:;'i;. GL03LiLiCo it. ...“,cd'b LANL 0"..1'LLLLn 4:11:111‘; tJ',J<.,-:~. ...f a...:';;..Lyf:e.5 can Lt: a“:‘v'.‘I.t<'..-.;;t.1fl.i;.z.1.j’ ruffkif‘gjgi; LJ' 'LE'ZL; kgtixi-uLOP rzncm'urc. )5 if: tJ-\u.;..\,ir3, c..;.:.J.L.t-..L L3H; ....g-tel':.:.;1..-...Ln»n uf L1". ladeJr—iflglxifl. :«JLu144nx. 1L %»44;d or ;J“€5;hix. ta 1xudflip t%ua ;:fi;rn= a*Lh ;; byud.u.~. Unosulf. Les. :wmmLLJI: to ::-:t.Ij-.--..;_‘r;t-v the: L. Hut 2.: ...u-vgue fresh-Lt r..z.u tires. \lei;;...t:‘ 0;; the 12314;»: .-LLI': e. :‘.u.i.‘.e..b...t: 0).;— u.L“iI‘:;j bug}; to m 2m. 1311; Eff}: BULL}. i\,la-;-..n€: big; Lit. ,.z;u'{.}‘m31‘ chm fiiu Luuid L: thu dttff‘LhctLUh pf L~Q rtvunnu Lon; nh;ch 1-1-2: ,x-efe;nativiiy 0:44;“:13 by t. 39.4.;t¢.l.:_..t? u.‘..;;‘.,.;213~; 4.44.. in Lu-fih ; (Jami , t'av; uurzfuht. Mud.“ IL»: L; e. 1.... 4m. .13.; than (.1‘:".'.=.‘cx:s£" LL; 4; alumna”, um: i.i.'.i..}.~U.'-.a bpuzg Linc; (.11U;‘I.L3.t .‘m tflu :cLectgvc a»;4ut.uu vf thn f;x;t CJ¢,ounut. 3 $:Cduu H;'..2si...u:s. aT-zuugz than occur f". .‘..:.-:.='.‘.a~u Ly ;, u;(;«‘.:x(:...i..v'c to or l‘lqu‘ the: 24cm.) currezut “-1.12% Cul‘l't"L“l-.-1|§1.‘J ta: the: viiamutpx; «'1' Lin-z 5CCund CULrLLuLLo LithUJéh th;a ithLr truceuurv hag not I O- 1 has“ crgiinu, it shuu;d we QFZL;CQL¢E ta »3& Uhlimtivu uf u ferruua-t;tnnuus miALqu. .211 {atttmTL '11-. E: ;a~.- (it: ta; {MIL-:12. if”: £41101 1.116 by £3.39 {unth- UQ. in thug mug, 4,; sagas-n “mount. of fur: n; :suiftme pauutiun ‘twb 115m: tCJgt,.L}'1t'.1" .‘LL‘n u 5...:“4; (..-:‘mut‘. mi” ftmwms an... x354; K'Luoruis; sanity...“ Em; a-a:;.:,»£—.:j Irv»; L-m ant, Lung. 1'1u01‘0—1‘c1'1‘1c Qumriux tum, Lt‘Llsg-g fox-.u~.1. .45 Inna-1c 4.5 1'e2;.;.:w:u frag: Lac bilttiz; by Cp'guieh fa‘;I’T.:..LL\.;n, .. (,c«:1u (1w . 2.) Ll‘ub C, b. , i :LELO (1.1.63.- 0 ’ Li, .L‘;U.L~J.~;Q:3 (lL‘lx-C.} Lv/ \jilr rLt-f :.rr, Li. I‘io, 6-". .'i rUUll", k1. 'nc, IL.\..xo £AA31‘. \J..J(.-u;., («lit-41.0 Lao , ll, ~lU-LLU kuLDh-‘wj \‘i) buUJpr’ E1. JJ.’ blfls.‘ L.“."‘Jo$, 1/0 A ., ..'...L..J-. :‘quho, A... J, Lin ‘3'- 011 {infid} (b) LUKE, F. 1;. , iTZ'J. Q'VI'JZ. CHEESE. , IT‘I'AC‘L. EU 0 ’ 17, 50.).) {1.3515} .|'\ c by- . . (6) FnI'I‘LILtft-un, P. 5., (£23 iflflLft, 2:1. H., “mi. Chm-3.... Duo-ozi \l.:ba,i k ") PK)UJ.‘1,’ {.10 N o , inliu bu‘ithJ’b’ 1.. .1 o , J o 1.“... Siikuuo LUL. ’ ‘25.), LKJ‘JO“; u‘q'JJ. (it: U) a {(1} G&.J..i.i’ 1'1. 1..., L'x..LL ~U;;-|k:l, 1:0, [;.L4l. Cili.;..., 1: ’ at)..." p5“: kiubu} w ’ Lit. r -- I « -. :21. .. t ' e ‘ l L.“— JLLkI.’ .. 1., 1nd. L. .. .. 0’ ..L, Jsd \J... } LLU‘ i...ti.:.~.:1 ... .... "1‘24: i..>u..:.L;--:L'z ..L-,Lr.:'. of fin. .....,.....'.L;5 I .9 D EJ;Q L?u.Lr rLHHJ,Llhi£5 'n i—lJtJUb i.;.utxflu.b", txs¢.t10c>4{-;i, .L.tc. Ink.“ 1.31;. No X. J...t..'~..- r.....t: 0.1,. ’ i ’ I - kll} ...bLUl, L. J o , A'nJCl J: , 1'." J g , --...L. I. 3 Lift, ‘. o 1:. , 1; q :.Ano ‘w'kt;5.... we. , 7.1., 1.31.-) (154:5? Kl ) .Jtr-, 5., cum -uift, L. 3., J. Lu. Chum. Loc., "‘ iU‘Q’Y K-LV‘JLJ) Kiu) 4..-...LLJ, h. J.’ r: 11*1‘jJt/Wfifl’ 1". Lo, tin.) ...-.LJL’ $.30 i‘o, 2x3.(;.'L. (;:U:.¢.i. ’ 1-.., , 1 1.".'. -Ct C) \LCD J; (J34) l‘-<,th1'0(.‘:...t.r, '- . r -; “My, 1" 3*- : “"4 5"1-4‘LA1‘“: 3*. ‘ ' ! ”N'L' LIICL... , I 2-. , '{.U‘.}-"IUU \‘L’I-J 4:) 7. \‘Lu) L'bLaMt’ J. 3", a'i\n .1 :.LA’ \-10, l.sh‘.1 L V’—L1.L, 1:1. 31., .L‘“'. MIC). th ‘0 , 11.x lo IJ'u'o , ls. , l..-"";: )3} (lé‘.'?) Kid) i~tQL1n, J. T. ’ uvtk-LLUA 414..., I17, 0; J'&.1\i (.L 3-‘3r"'] —.Lc-"‘ J~$> (L?) h LI'I.L.'.OL-L ’ G. , n i.\} _ . .- .- ' ‘ ." I lLuJ-o ...“. ’ Ju- ’ t1 «Q‘uLU I ‘ ‘- -... - .,‘ . o 0" , \uLO) F1U¢IILIIIKI..U’ U. , (ii‘fvfi ‘ t r . r1 3‘:4.£-.LO Lac. , Lsr ’ ‘. (I'm-h- 1‘: 'T V} kit)". liiibl.d, 5.... 3..., 1’4." Kau‘) uOULtfiI’, o, i' - -13.... O" 4 .r. V" a...) . .‘ \J . ,-‘..i_s'.;.px , .1 ~ I- 1" . l .Q‘J-\b thw :ui., I . " '9 L U .'n ‘u' Q I i" L" .' .lu. l . Cgfit...‘ ’ :11, l": 51"/".L'. L; 4 kid‘lré.) I“. J. , Lib“- 4.:.‘3l. t:.'}Ai-' 'h' } :_.. _,. . .. ¢o Uo, .Luu. Lug). u... ELI gnu--.L; . .L .L ..; N CF " 4‘ -" '~ "w gt: Pkslf! .4 hi: j-tL‘d/h.;.l IL, 3...-.;.Lb‘.a\.., ,‘J iiés;'.-._.pJLfJ. -.3 U116 uf L316 .0“;- b/u‘uud' ”..:....J'CJCJJ. z..ct'r‘n.‘u.:5 fur the Lia» t-.1....1...L.vn of “A. 1,1 “in... t...‘ -e... 1'.) Lm: Lu..-utg;ut_.on ,;ruceuurc. 13-5 “Ltlou hpo Den“ .-LchaJVQLy ctuu.cu L; nu» .4crous authors, xciu;tiug in Lao -.Lhauo pf or,-.c.tiqu, L gxlzcct “ethos “Lu a UuCfl L1tr-L.3u LtLhQUo “men a SOLULLOD or sodium n.Lx;Lc 4: “qud Lu 0 bolu— ‘LLun of u firiu-ry urgm Lie {gxuc canLglu;ug uh execs» of gala, s: guuhLlLQLJVU r‘.ut.du UCJuib in uOLt ngcu a: foixous: nauog + H’ = unog + Na* RI‘NUE'HCJ. f' “1902 3 fiPNgCl 1" EH20 IncSu .re Lac Danie 1c -t; n5 cvncrrncd Ln Lhe u;u;ut.4.t10n ~1~x.t‘zlou. lilac an; 1.u...«-_.1°~;sub “(Mutts-.3 u.ff.cg-Lins in this im-t.:,ou, Luciuuix.g SLQ'nuecbb pf 1.2. v;t‘.J.s..z-, L02- cf 1.1L1'2....:.-; “Gila gnu in haze apnea 1HCQH3$LLLM€35 J1 rugct.un reuuitihg yer- hbps from the LJOw the uf Iract-.u uf thu ”,1pu and u.Lruu» uCJu. ,xothur LLhquHt u.ff.uu.ty ta ta. .LLhuu fqr GCELlen- «Ute; Lin. uluyugut, Lin; 1.x,lg'.....i. 1....L21uu reguu‘uq; Ln». use if U! L; C2'1~LD‘.4.L'.1(3 “4&1: ..a m”. “mum-...; lzmu“..Lol'. The origJubi eru-L thNQH rcHquLu LA» QUMLLLOD Of a Stuuu-;u 50¢utlpn of bgu.um DJLiiL: ta La. .cxu ;-;uL. n of ‘Jfie yIlmmrJ preqvt;c amine Luu “IL r xMJLLng f»: a short puz- ‘LQQ 0].. L....e, LI.':JL-Alle; .,'-...*:; JL' L‘A; L..'.A.‘~ALLUIL i‘¢J.Lh tile btal‘Ch- lUUJhE beur, Lflu Lust Lalhg prJJLuu HfLer tucn Mu lCLUh un— t-lJ Luz. ,,'..,.cl‘ Lama-r1 1.3 5.91'...Iz..ht u..uc-.-—b.n.:.t;r.. -21- fhiingb .uu L3", {3) ugcd an cacass WLLhuu f.r 5L9. rune-L3“; ;-.u;.o, (.4. tl‘lc._..;;e:., L.-.,..‘..‘.f- tLtl‘uLJ‘JLg t. 'i, t:-‘.»Cii..5.‘..- rgibrou. Leia thh L at QU.TQ an;;ue hydrocflvalue Cr SuL- fun1.;c LCLG su.utlon. Thea: Lgtngra hupnv&r Young th-t c ULMuK uuteru.n-tLon fur 10s; of nitrous acid hA. to LB 54.- t1-uLeu from eguh flCterinhCLUL, Lb. p-..5 v-;jimg thh Lgc excess umount. or sodium n;LriLe upeu ..u LL30 .ith the @- {JOuflt vi acid §FtL€ht. FFLVJOUCly, Lee auu Janus (4} bp- yilcd the Luca Litr-L;an to LE: ueLcru.nht;ch of dvhyuxo- tn.O-y-toluidine Luifonic acid Lucgcasfuliy “Ld uxso to QHLLLHB 95¢ its honaiugs. They “1:0 fggnu Lt t, in the ex— Ccpp method, Lhc CLCcSS nitrpus QCLQ u,s 5L.b1.ificd ash;;d£r— “bly by nae plGStnce of nitric no.4. Tn: EXyréSSLUL com¢only given for he accumfiuaitisn cf nitraus ncxd 2 :: HIJOE, 1" 2R0 + 820 suggcated the ‘St uf nitric “ex; fur :u,p:as.ing txe L085 of nitraus .ci; in L.truLLan¢. Bast rffigitb in Lhu.r norn Acre ObtuLned by al.9xing tflw aciutiflha to stwd fur $u-45 @Lhutcs before back titruting with L JLULUUFC SJLULLOH of p-nxtro- «LIJLne. it “‘5 necessary in th.s case huaner to ccol the so.utiuu to apyroximptcly .03 in arugr to fuxthar stgblxize tne excess nitrous aciu. A lbtcr FEfLLC¢€ht 0f the airent LCChOfi (7) involved h; adJLticn of FOprwlum bro Ada to the SJLULIUH of the amine in hyarochioric acid, This procesure is apparently esyecially adcptable to amines which diazotize slowly, b5 0" c‘ -"~- it greatly increases the uitzqtiziticu rate in Sva ccaew. Perh;;s tue answer to thib ,hencmegcn can be faund in the retort of bcunuuzs (6) in which the foiiuming yuiuts eun— cerning diLLCtithiun rctctious huve been estubiiwueu: i. The veiucltj cf ciczotizctign incrcaacs bflpfl the CORCQUEIELiUh of hyarochioric ceiq rises from J..afl to 4H. 2. The Syfltu of ciazotizatiun is b-é Linc» fiTUCLEi at i000 than .t uoc. é. Cubstituths affect speed in thc orctr Ci > COUH.> 835}! > Back. a. tubstitucnts in Lne ortho positicn have most effect, mhiie those pcra or mcta hcve lest. fiinyl gnu ainoxy- groups hcvr no cttect. b. Ihe syecd of UibLOtlZLLiOL '5 much greater with thrObromic bcid thcn with hJurochioric acid, thiic with nitric acid, suiyhuric LCLU, gnu naphthaicnc-i,5-cisui- phonic acid the Speed is less. Hence, the cduiticn of pot.55ium bromine in the irebtnce of a icrgc -mount of hydx'chiarlc uCiO cyrccxs to be equiv.icnt to the udiitiun of hygrouromic uCiG. It h;s Dunn founu in this horn that Lac roLc of ounSumftiun uf quium nitrite aith ybt..bL-J.Li... 1.10-4.8 ,r::...t is cud). ...»...1; icyid track in ms -b-— since, cud no appreci-bic cahngc in rtbuitb ¢Cuhio I giugh LLQ “fined KG} Crtiitd Lbbbfltluliy tau ber LLCHhi%uu to ”LLUCS ubing a yotcgtioichic CuQrUlht, unthinihg cxcciicnt rebuit: in thi: min or. [a m... ,.:'«:Vi.-.uzij acutiqmu, cm; A‘ Lac i:-.‘rh;ic.-.-t ail"- ficu.tics cf tni; mctno; i: an gutcrmiuctiun uf Lac egcriiit. Inc normci ,ruccwurc ibgbiite t:c 1c cvui -f ; Aihuto tiount of Lg: LJLQLLJD cltcr L-:h i cii ---iticn cf ccgiua nitlite .- '. r \ ‘ 1" I ‘59 . ~ .. v‘ ‘3 a ‘ 'I‘I' '~ . , . -- _ j ‘: ' . hub yiuCth it uh a fibuu bl htuiLu-Luuiuu rqulo but“ u ziiént tiCcsn U; nitrcus ceiu i; rrcccnt, tni; rcpcr talus u to; uncut Li'utJ-biccs. nitilin c. 1'23. LtCJn-J'; . Cv-l'.i;t.-'uc;.t.i.j, this ICXLLLCS g 5hoxt twining fictiod -chr ccch cuVitiuu uf SUuiug niintc in quLP to giVe tic: 1;: the nichcs ccic to fuiiy reuct. This is rcthcr . CQWCUIQQ c Muijfiu, rciuixts a gin t ceci cf t. 3, ,;g it nct tqo ccc.;-tc. Fu;thcziu.e, the; mire uiiutc LE1... mung. nitzitc, tue more uii’i‘icuit it DUCOMLD to Octtrmiu; the crucige churciut. gn tag ctnur hcnc, with a guru canc:utr-tcd sciatiwa cf Lapin“ nit;ite, o much larger error in iififiij La Lcsuit due tc i035 of hitlaus acid. it Wu; fuit tu.t since hitrcas Lei; i. chic L- uncczgo LOLh UthJtLUn -ud rauuct-in fiuitu gc ciij, a bbcth rapiert might be {guns rhlch a uiu scrvc Gaza ticiiy to for; a re- vUrbibie ur iTFEVUiSLLi: ticctrdijtic courit -Lq Nance tue acid-stop chuggint tcchuifiue ui3nt Lb .kriicg. HQLhVLr, in thcmgtin; to ucvise a :uit.uic aicctroigtic Ctgrie thich did not ,uizun tut eicct;occ;, it hgfi dehu tact .ccium Li- tritc ltacif “can unwed to a Euffitihutiy -c-g :uiutiun be- h“Vc5 cs bu Cicctrciytic Ccii .Lgn LUL two yi.tinug ciCJtIOULm i=1"? J-l-U’l‘tt': amid-.3 C118 fLi.‘.Lu‘Li'-.£i ..:.“ .. :..z.;.i :-u-=tx.ixti-i 13 wiry-Lib“ UCFLLL LJQ ULBCLIuMCLO zitrunJgh t u.£uxi"t :ttflx ”is .tn. tuc it“ ,L.~uc irdattiwh ls. lbutl _c..;tslb’|’1;, it; iLS 1“-LL t:ltat L.“l- i). Ali-L tl-‘.L-LC\Y¢ ‘.\:1rL-u‘t&ul c.uatg .4 u4-u-tiwn LNG icuustinn a ; r-t r s c h .1... r. c F 3.. ( H ’ f I :u.tigg in tau 1.: .t--n pi Minute .wmuuts of nitrttc iunb ..:.;u e314: cf tm: 1.9.4.; tangle; hitxuba; oaiqcc. ’i‘nu‘t. ti; 1".0 expuriACLtui ev-ucgcc for tui: int“ cgu fQItficrhwic, no Ou- :;(;i'V&.L;.Lc 5.43 fpi-....ti.;h Chittgc gt tiLEhI‘ t-uuti'~J-..L:. in 0:;- suLiLg tn oxiu Cidh vgu FLUuCLLwH {auctivn ~.t thc eieztiuccs, it ouiQ gt,8-r thdb tx-t nitrous -ciw kQUiQ be Cuuauneu it: other t::..-1. tilt: uic.uti..;.ti-‘JI“. rbt.Ct;UIi. ..Vun tilvugh t‘fz’.’ gmy c curicut thich flats 15 Luch taut iittic Of 96' the CLLB t; ('J L the hilehS tcia acuiu 0c cqusuccu in tnis Luuflbro For the goat ttit, with a {hiriy bio; r.te cf guultiun cf the sodium nitiite :Jiut; n (t,::oxi;ctciy i Li. ,tr a sac;, Lac current ICJLLnS LLLMJ] in the vicihitj of -gro ULLLL th tfiutblht is uptrucchcd. In the vici it; of the Phflrhiht, c-wh tray of $0"..qu mu itc .33.th1 c..u:.-.v:.-:s i..zg;c z..t,...£z’.t..2‘y ccz’icctigais cf tzm gci'v'-.r.L.-..;cztcr mach 1‘;-,iu.;.y rctm'..5 tn tn:- I‘.cutr:.i blush tins. 11.1.5 instagoixogon 1:; §,-..l'ti:ui;1‘iy gigandtghticuu .-.L. it If: igncis thc arrro.ch 3f the egctjint. it Chn cuurcint, a yurmLhULt ce;ie;tiun or thg QuiVLhturtcr occu;b. bJLLLn a ii...itc:i rmgimn ti'ttr 1...: i.".;(}r=...;.;.L “taut 2: ;..i. ci‘ Staniu‘. Li- tritc), th. cmount of nefiéctign in Linc r .itn ta. w02.11.12 of Chem-.3: sexiu... hit: J.L<.‘ uL,:.‘:. ti tittiuii; 1‘ cuvththe 11; the utc of this tLC‘KJAfiuJ.ulinHLCrth‘Lg Ldu tang: nit it the fuct ~25- thtt L viuuhi icing Lb tvtiitbic thicn nu pie: ULL to -qunt r C tum rtte tr cu itibu wf tht tgciuh Litxitw LJ4QLLQh in tug: {75 " ' . . _ . ‘ _ . . . _ ~ .. ... . "‘ ~, -. . ' - I‘nb:;&\-’I‘ L}1|-t (4:1 La’s‘Jl.bLb “I I‘LL: ko'ub LACApk-d ‘:) Ibpt 153: .A («KC J—Io tile reactiun aviatiun. LL; uhcnbo hitivus ucig i; inucni twig pivuuagtttr gufiCctiuLU. thor— [f a) t1..,'.x...rc-..t as shown by .13): “'I: T Q- L...\. (,9... ting the tie” oi bUbikm nitiitc i Ltciuttij CQUMLE Vtimgtttr to 1'..;,i.-.iy return to th .- :.<,uL.:¢..i (21' tel-c) Jacint. ..:a the: tiiC..‘JJLLL.-t-tik)ll 1-1m {ALPUI'iub' Lu; the tt.:,u.-.-1‘L..tu1c, the ..c-u strength ...g Lhu “cit; wit, it n.5, cecicca to 3.40- Juct to magiytit one chine ..t VLJ',‘ i135; tu-;.;,,c1':.tu1t:; (aw-J var- iuus tciu LLXCugLHb in Uidhr to gtt z inu utti;um cauc-titns for thuoe vciitbica. in 5 uucn :-s iittic iui‘alu:;.ti~1>n is ovuiihtic CULUUX'Lii’zg the bLLDliitj of a deLUfl nitrite buiULiuh, it n“; uncidcd to pgcrt;c . iurgc cu “tit; hug nutcrmihu its fLLuLLVC 5L-Liiity in tnc ture tt.t= ”ad ciso of stiuticu. to LHiCh h.c ttcu cc- fled SUDbtoths which giant Lttbiiigc thy bvlhtluu. Lnuvihg thut u nitruu: tciu tUiutiuu in unttutic, it toui. L,,uhr tnct if tum SOUiUL nitrite Laiutiuu LLFU pita hU;Lgbin, it wouiu rabbitie be out Lu hyurcijoit, stain” hitiite being the scit of a htufl cciu LLJ a ttrong btdt. Centtcutztiy, if this htre tue c950, tnc ,ruauct cf hyuiuiytis huhifl at nitruus acid anu :uuium hycroiice, “him... 1' i353: = fun-J; + "taxi L. . tug the ‘utttuiiity nouiu taut feasibly tripe Cue to the oc— cunyUSLticu of tnc nitrcub ocig. if thig tcru trufi, guy pup- btunCL tuned tJ txc a iut-un which nuuii burfrcs. tflc hyaruly— sis ancuiu lhtfz.tu tic LC tiiity. LiLn thi: h;tgxt ;n mind, bduigu c.rttnttc ..b .“ucq ta tug tuiutiuns thicn mtg: turn :tgLCurQlLCQ fullufiiUL-Lyo i. try. choice cf ;.-1..;:uI‘J £11-...LLC (......JJLHb in ;.v...i.t-i<: hhich Cuuid be bubjtcttu ta chgil-it by the citauti-vti u mtthuc. it 2.3 ctcigta t: chou;c fti tLiz tcln cgiy a ihts hthh couid be ILLuiiy antichu by :-mt othtr yiUQudeC max- L5 u:c cf another functivhcl grout. .5 t Ccnctgtxtct, those tritium] (.I!.1.Tn.$ tut: chum-1". which h... t l..Ui;U-b..LiC gran, tt- ttcncd to the éLvLMLIC HUCitU&. Ihb choiCu cf Lthtfi inciug- td tuiftniiic Leia, O-LgLLULCKLQLC ccic, m-miiflUbbuiUlC Leia, tau y—hiitctcu;uic tcic. it tcuic thus DC rQSéibie to ac- ttrs'..~ime t .a: LCJI'CC of tuzity cl" thugk. Ll. 1.th Ly titr..tin£; the cold functicn-i grcut tith a ttphfiilu butt. :rv;%;itt; Th: b¢_;;.e t.1,rt1..tu:. ms nit-.1 it; than: e.-t11‘i:..uzzi.;s as in r-rt i, eicrtt th-t the patenticmttric LyrmrLtUS uts no TLgUiibd. The eitctrt.tq were schaitigtd f L uthtiy by r190- ing the; in a totts;iu- cichrtxctc-suifuric .cic SuiUtiJfl for O a ttriou 01 LLUUL one hour. In Lil c.3tt, a ;.4 tht totem- tlvl "H5 Winn-Hi DJ 14th Cf the; Fitch-gr ciccarwrwtze. ..fz'd the Current chugu- v.5 ;:.¢.;.Lui't,u sit)”. the Li..L\_C~,.I".'.\.uQI gt.ivg.«.ba.ctcr. L Ctiibrhtfid is 31. tultt LLB u;tu {tr mt.;uring the Lvaht of Scaium nitiite tucud. to PC by -17- :t;' Draw-‘ian A atwn42rfl rut 5;;u” rer4gn:,nvte soLuLi H 293 xcgqireu D“- Ltdvlgu‘t’r-A‘ig—C L-lt bL/“Ii'sC'b I$LsztC2 L-2‘L‘t-L\dzl. lrlJozl I'L‘thia'kJLuu-o r gnguhcte sv2utian ;;3 y;cywrud $3 a fuur Liter agoht-ty c;saaiv1n Lhu ru.41rej amount of rot Sbluf ygrmunggngte m "4 ' I . {fin-n r . I w a : - - 2 2., ",‘ , ‘ ... CI'J"Qta.:L5 \Co". UthJe ,' t.) “numb (a 4.}- ... .;~O.L;AL.L..~;1, ‘1”;3 $4.2." turn st LWLA hhfltai to “ff;3t u;3;u;uti 3 cf hm cr,;tp-s, gnu Miter ;;Lozxng tJ .tggd f;r a an rt ymrle or t; c, the 3.: E. LJLLuL n25 f;2t&ruq igto & fLVc 21tcr EuTELpH f2.5n using J. .l’db“ sultan“; gluiT-S bug‘sg‘gr tJ-':,:3 fugngi, i?.-J-.;"-n‘;; i; burr- L;;i vbcuug a; muth Of a m-tmr “sylrflLqr. ihe 9,31um hLLriLE 2,;;t;an gring¢1iy UbCJ far txtrwt- lug the cginus uws zxc- red in g tho Liter authlt" b* éLs- J ) r J O Giving the ayyru,rivte adagnt of 2 :Lum nitrite nyztgib O. 1.; - ‘ ' \ -:' I '* - a ‘ 2 "‘ t ' .‘ 2‘ r V ' .371 oL‘LtLJ t‘ it) ‘l‘go {I Ltl‘tv‘2;9:1 Ut- La 3 £-: "fr; 3-" t‘J. ‘11 V- N . ‘ I 1 ‘ '4 f“ ' . q i" .‘ , ~‘. \ ' L ‘ . -. l .‘ -‘ P . _4 I" r l h bOiuLLJH. LHLLF a ¢uVLu LL.U gd;ht¢vn L gy‘20x— ’ w (w '"5 1'" K C" h fl the StgflliLty of a bidiUfl nitr;ta :JLJLirn,,h fl"a litur - " . ‘. . ' - *2 a " r - . I . ... .' U. I 2’ ‘, - g- 2, ...-I _, - _ .“ 30.1..At+0f1 ar‘I(.AL..::_LkLJ ugi It. H..- (12.1»)? J. [TU-‘4 - 9 ’ : ;.x.L:: b-~-LUbJ-vn u.s diVlch Luto fxve pgrtiuys gs fuliaus: 2) f. (I H 1. One ;;t:r o: gurc sg;ut-¢n c;nt;;uc4 in L " . . . ., . ,. .... 2,...“ - 2 _, ,1 . 2,. ', ___..' "- . \l‘.‘ g} £$L-_‘.'(;ht£'....1.1.0113 the rite Cf con- bu ,tion of SOViUt nitritu L“; UkCtEUlhgiy 5&9“. 4 “nothrr i ,ottint affect “cticcc CQHCCIHtU the icuher of uuqition of the souium nitr-tc SLLULlflhS. In irtcticciiy tii Cotes, LUCH tetttr rc:Uits atiu UCtuLLtd than the tic of the: DUL'Lt ..-.s oiig‘tfitiy maxi tit: SUI 12cc of tilt? Lqi‘utlfit’i, an effect hthh his prCVighiij bean notou by iigjio (7). Ihe sensitivity of the dCod-ttot can uiLt is rci;tco directij to the sensitiVity of both the {@LVhbfiwfit r pad the yiutihum tiectruaes. Eh: inttrticnt u:ti in tut; tori; the F1: her biecdroyode, hLS L 5iivuhcmttci with .ujuotibie sen- oitLVitj. it i: info;tcnt in “ii c Lth tn t this gcivunticter be c.£i,ju:tcd to “..L“. Len: itivity 1.11:.- ttiii Ate; the 'r'CJLIitaE'I‘ within the. ociie ii.;.it£3. it is iifmgaiie iiioitiztt to mainttin -3.- the eiectroces in t Condition of m-ximum atnsitivity which is best obtainec by plUCin; ht eitctrqgcs in u totLSoiug di— chromite—sulfuric icic soiutian for LL least one hour. It his been ragga that one set of ticctroits retain th is san- sitivity fat at least Six titrttions cvtr L tericc of four hours. The entire gunertl troccuuru thy be cihctri ed as foilots: i teigfitd scmpie of the hhihu of such Size ts to reguire 24-;5 mi. of the J.i k suuium nitrite soiution was Icightu on on untiyticcl buitnCt. This uhmyic its diSbUthd in Lpproximateiy cog—tau mi. of vcter to thich had btcn adu- eu L5 mi. of concentrcteu hyorcchioric “Cid tau 3 to i0 grcis of yOtqu-hm brouioe. The tho pittinui clcctroien togeth‘r “ith the StiFiCJ “Cid than pine G into the saiution; the stirrer was stcrttu gnu a v.4 voit potflntiol has attiied terms; the electroutb by heufis of tht Lincdrutede. The goi- thomoter at this yoiht ma; aha; Ln inititi i rgc doficction but it rctuins tuite royiciy to nccr the zero 'oint with the R- sensitivity is huJuéttd to c utxigum. The standard bonium nitrite aviation is added flux a i5 mi. burnt, the tip of which is submergcu in the buiution, GL3 the {@036ht is tudtd at such a rote thht the gtiVLnUflttgr rmelhb at or in the vi- Cinity of tht zero Point. is the LMUEOLLL i: attrotchtc, tem- porary deflections any occur dut to LumChthy locoiizctiun of unreocteu nitroub uciu trougo the ciuctreacs. then this oc— curs, the rote of ignition is cecrt.oeu somethit so thtt iit- tle or no dnfitction occurs. hour thc lg.ntictfi Vicinity of , \ _.‘ ' "0 | ‘ .. “‘ . ‘ " 1 t$-‘t KL.-J A.“ ‘1‘0‘: ts.‘ \1‘1 .\00‘ tta . t. _ . 7 1‘ . ‘ t v '. ¢ ~ t . ro- - -. a‘...15 s.‘ -...C‘J CL 12. 4.5- K ’ L. ‘\o l -‘1 wt) C -- LA~ flnCtiCHb 01 9" '0‘. \' Q OL stv‘d “-..-1.. u v \ v “C nitrite t . £4 - p .‘ to ZCFO tho tihn occu;o, " 1 ‘9‘ "'| "f - ‘0 : . r- 4‘ - ~. 3, 1» ~~ . ‘ l‘._‘ 4.4 “LL 1 t. t.....~..‘.,.r.t. \.L ‘x I ' t’.“ ‘ '4. " —- '- ‘ .- ' av I" “ Chan/KAI v’f C(cIL'arJLL‘w31 NJ} at ccruttt.;t i":r on trot of L19? C r. \ tion to the enu;cint Lu ’3 LC ' QCILCCLiUn dait Lybgg n thn Lflrw at the --Lt. Int innit Cab; trite L luLLCn is tfitu off con barinwtiun “Lita ist‘iit 22L ..:.“ “unit;- ._ 1’ . ‘ '. a '0 \nl \I‘/ a \r o. . - o i L 51 I t). .k..! ‘1‘}u ” '* 1 “ * v ‘. ¢L I ‘A‘L‘ ‘H . O I c' ‘ 3.4.. , + -L .= "N -. A\ i t; . I .L. . n 0' I .- ... v.1. {citing LLG \‘V ....L I“ .. $i4‘vs 9P3..L.L‘:.’Q LJ' Ntfitgti-n tar L‘. 1.1. -.... u . L .‘1 {'3 L. "Hi-u.- 15 l: ‘ ' ‘ ' '1 54 'J-s"‘ “LI * ‘s'l‘ {3 . .51. ca" sl.‘ ‘3 r. Il‘n‘ .'- tt‘I- .‘- . ‘1' , '1", t I.” volt; Vs“un L (' U 1“ K};— \ x ml. b 1A.? i... t chop; int 5.2: .L t...- to subtrict fro; « l ' r. t 7- ‘J- «Lo-:-. 1- ti .1'54 ‘J § . v ' ' ‘. ’7 ’ ' ' 75¢ 0 L9».- "1 4.1:1‘11 '-u'-'~.4t4¢. '.;.v|. _——‘-‘.. 'H-‘- ‘ K 10 LL? ‘ -— —‘—-—w LBJ.‘:.*_‘;.;.L. :.wiluq 1;;L1‘LLQ: Lx).LlAtJ.~.,T1;> \M E: (:9 LL12..11;<.:.1 b! L ~3’;‘ :wa1;;ty uf the taL‘v13 ( . " I :‘ &)L‘J5n‘.l I.-‘ le~". d uchlet ,4:L.$:igz4 ,tx‘uchgga;-tu. ;;n¢ xwugu¢ti,:3f L‘n: : {iii} of gt‘l.,....;.:..1-;:;;,¢than: ‘lc :,E;;)'.~:1 ;:; llama, i. ILLLL I LLLLllLLy of .ugium niinLc LsiuLLuns thé .3;4~; L w. L f ; __ 7/:.7/..JU 4).. a/LLMi -.-J‘Ju :.L q‘H-LIu - , . ‘ 1 \J l: _. O - ~ - V (I i' L. 'J ‘1.‘;‘d \J o o :‘J S/C/bd «1.»/: . r;h‘, a .._ 0/ . U Q J k) 0 I- V 1.5 U.“ V...) o L, u’p'L)&‘ 9 0"" ;‘ -". ‘ 1' _ 0"“: 4' '3; -~.‘« {3/1. (/3 -Joo."“lli\ u'oa..uu‘.-;N :oLuL;ur 4.. km; t. 1 i. u.2g./i. of souxum c IDUhctc Lu cu b. u.eg./i. or bum-u; c lhffl‘Lt Lnxcd ~ ~ v . .. .V -. z ‘ - -' b l‘UL. LLJ‘o v .. .L ‘A 4‘. :— 50 ~34} ’ 4" uL‘ - I; 1‘ L. L h—L‘ \ L\ “" ’ I‘ “ u;;utc buu;un LLLLLLE acgun;;n .1f(,:3 tv - II ‘ W. n. ‘ ‘ 9 l . ‘ '1 .‘,'. 4. ~LC=LJL€J 131‘ - L L‘.wi.t (- t‘u‘a‘ t L’J; r; :Jk.’\.;. (‘f ”L; LéLnOuL auQLug ngLdu; uztuguij L4}; out; to Lim- .,t,..4;.-;,-;..':1 ~ - - ‘ ' ‘ —‘. .~ r' .. uncut; n-.-.Ln'2 Vinny». [tn-Li! Ll“. k-‘vw... K01 -' J : \ I‘ \.-.-...9\« lUt.‘ KL} . Lgigt; n 1: not a . ‘7‘ '. ‘ v' ‘I‘ C- 3-4.CUL- LL'ibC“ r-v , V ‘. if‘k’»&. :3". Lu- a . ,4. . ‘ .v ,; . #- k }~ ‘ .,.' .~ tAugL 5..L..L.L Lt: L‘L...1\,.~¥ l ”14.04“ r. L fatal *7 V , ...t u p}. LILIJH- “v; “L1 L5 to 5L¢ 4f ¢ny ;,11Lc;,p*c or Lsut oeuur. .' ‘ - ‘ '_ , H“. “ ’,. LL- L‘i-LJoir‘J L: ; -rL .11.“ 1"“ l. L ‘L‘f {H .. NHLL’ ~..': ,LIH; rut- L~$Luh “LI ,crugugpnute s -ut‘pn uptu -u Lug LL»LuuruluQLiQh bf t.c l szulu; LLLF¢L€ LpLutiyuu an; CHCCrCU fiu¢ufinL;y n;tu 9V.-u~ 019;.ln;. LJU Ichu‘th :Ixsixnw1;.u3 L,U;u ‘1. lLDLt ll ¢.L.ui*LLJ‘ uf rut. 5:34;”. 1'Ll'.-.;.1..__Li,lu t~.. ‘. ‘,‘...uL..~..n LULI.‘ £5.13.- +lti 7/‘7/9'.) uoLu'Cléi‘ d/L/gu v.1 Jill“ d/iB/DJ V.Luuifi B/LB/uu u.;u¢aa b/LG/UJ v.29ubh The vgxuus given in Tublfi £1 suggbgt tn”: h eryLrly ,rc,prcd ,ULLSgLum ,cImghgvnvLL Lu;ut;qu is CV.‘;utt;y LLhLLL over a tho nouths rur;qu of tkue (;). The $1;5ht v rxutqus cwn be accountci for us nu cyrract;un m“: LprLLuu for vu¢umc ch Lugs cue to Qiffcrunccs in Lumngwtuic .t the vt1;3ub t‘hus gr athnqg‘ux_wt;on. £13$9;§::n.gfi_LLLyg;&giLa£$x&_£;kneu2_£L£_gga£uk u~trita- fhlLLlps gnu Lany (a; ruuua a cwu;;uurbb‘e uxffcrthc of norm.lity in bionubluxp;hg bJVLum MLL1¢LC wa;u:t amine: “Lu PUtVLLLuL germungangtt. In LtvfidurULLLJg an erFUALQgLQ u.;n suuLum hlL-LtU 5L;uti0d yd ¢npt LHL*;Hc hJarvch;u1;uu, LUifu- LlLLC gala “nu butpsslu; yLsm;n¢LLgte, thcy Ubtblhcu 1tb¢+tb '1 . - , , .. . . 4“ . '7'" ~. (’1 UoAAJD‘O 3i, 'JQLJUL) Li 91.54 u'o‘LuLUA'- H lLb-‘W-QLLVLLJ’Q 4.:le lb -36.. Cynéigtcgt 2.1L?) Icy-1.11.5 \.LT.:'.....2‘;t:-.; 11; trig; 1../1'3; “Tux“; List: 5t...“- quUiLutlwfl L6¢Ln5t ,CLVuLLUM ytfdwhg-thU flLVL LL “Vnggé Vuiuc of J.llvo; with L ,TuClbiqm of 1;,rox1. tel; DUE Fer- CUHt frvm hl$h to la“ vs¢uh way-iLH ‘0 u Vu4un Uf Jo~w075 ugu;n;t su1fggl1ic “uLu upxng an uggQ-gtgt tccfig¢gUu uheru L'Zc VICULL‘LQII rulkz."\;'¥.;$ L}.-‘...IOQ'.L.L.LCL;1' Jaw”; DitLQCMIi nigh “I'M 10m VaiUbS. T6u-c Ill Ludnuzipga tnmuc zésu1LL. ’1't..D.L1L 11.1 1;v..1u..t1un ”1‘ ;.t..--..L.-.,1v.11...-.L1u1. Swag {Ur buulux: L..~.L:.1L1. \ ..-+. ‘.. ,. ~ , .. -. -. . ; . .1 .. .. iVbt-bo’ld- i‘CrL-IL‘..1IL- '.Ii\ t\. s --' I! . -....J , 'ud‘l u oi Lu”. pLVL.LLuh a VI hwud. Luv1-t;pn a. ‘ flaw, -v;13.;g flaw; .v.;que UoLllUN Uonyv U0;4065 ‘QOUQQl U911; Ji‘ god-J1"! \JOIKJ‘t-Jl‘r‘ 'J..VE~V‘=V'~‘¢: ' ‘ I. ~ 0 \ ~ \ . f lv\ q . . U0k.Jb'J-‘$ "‘Uo JUL.) \Jo-i voilll ’dovddl u' ‘ ' ‘, .‘ .. . ';. ‘. ,\ . ‘. J.-.Lk);.u -\).v‘.-'..’-1 -u.\,uug Joa. 1L,\:'L‘ x}. ‘1‘.)‘kl‘J' m m ‘ . - I 1 d '7?“ \ "4" UOL-LUU“ UOVU-LJ 00- L10 1“ \JouWJxJLJ in vim. uf tamc 1w-;.w.L:-., it. 1,313.11: LE1». £32.; 1.V,1'.1;_;c‘ v.1uc bugca um su;fun11;c QCLQ is .umh more ILLLnb¢bo T19 1.1n15 ugcu Ln Lh45 z.rh than firat bucjncteu to “nuLj513, all gave hxgh ILuu‘tS of tue 01ucr of cyrron1¢ Lei] uLe ,c1c1pt nhcn LitI'-..Lcd With 5-414.143. LILYLLQE ..I'uc‘n f1..(i [1114.“ atmizga. 1’31..th ugbingt Lhu rat”; Lum Pgru;ngtn.tu : 1ut14n. Lutcr pupijSiS of Lhn-Lu 'c.-.u.<.;-; 13:34.315 the mum: ul” the .oxuxgtj of tn; SULLUL: h;LrLtc ngca on thu ;u;1-n;;;c gc;u gbv: much LUIS CCuUFMtc inpu;L5, mhgch fuzther thhvhccb the ¢he¢ thut the ¢u;,r;ty of $00¢ufl nitrxte buscu an au;fbhl;ic Lc;d lb V .oxe ItiluLLe vuiuc. gurlti xxf .i: axe: i=3 (“Ll the a..u::.:z CULtullngu a; .:4.u;.0—b...:.¢c functicLLl grou the 'q.it it: uctcr;1nuu bv titlat;nv mith J 3", 3" u U a LLuhuer sou;um hyurufi-uc $g_utiun. The soulum hyuxon;ue Lu; thhuuLUl-Ld “guinzt knightd bhbritfi of ‘Plhmly stouQLLu putusaium chu ,htnui Le; t3» rcau;ta are CNUHn in T“b;e 1V. Tgble IV Stundgruizatipn of NLGH n hlhfit PotabL1um ;c1u Phthalcte height or mi. N of Pht'm:-...LL tr? N50}. 3‘11. C’H u.q705g Z .56 u.gvééufi 3.47ng k .27 6.J854£N d 0.08555N .‘ 1§“',_ ('1: I" Uoflduug néog 0.4a40g £a.74 u.uzb4lN 0,427Eg £1.33 3.;vaUN fiVEFu’Q H.0354GN b The resuLLa OUtmlUCu for the purlty of an aancs un Lac ba- sis of the sodium hydroxiuc t;trhtigus “Le Shuhn infrab;c V. ”‘- --1-. \;-C Tgble V Titration of Amines with 0.0354J N NaGH height Cf : H1310 Ml. Eigkiffl Eulfanilic I. H ‘3. o ‘3- 7"! :15 ha w '.&0 . ’ F4 0 a; 4:. O C: C) ilnthrulillc 23.47 2J.=é {$.6L 25.$7 :4.El ! 1 l V is»: .* n C .l C») r L Reid Ac 3 m-Lminabenzaic Bold p-fimiuabvnzoic 1010 Fur i ty l¢;.o;fi lad.14% lou.18£ 1;0.15£ 133.12% "'_ , ,. .. . . l ' ‘ " ' __ ! 1 - . $.16 (.2VCI \.- U A hL'LALt 132$ t;\4&th-.LJ..L‘- 1.C.L\¢’ -I~Lfll L4114bh 1~CJ¢LI~ ' - . , _ I .9: I . ‘\ s_ 0 Q . a ‘ a . , ‘ . - ~ - 91¢‘J so-»~;‘.lo‘iobta).ic..'\-lc x..-CJ.u l;— 4~LL.'J.;& $4-314 .L.LA.-.«LL:I («'1 (Jam: kl .Lb..‘x.$;tlt.--L '. -~r',‘ ' - ‘ . (3 =_ t}‘ ¢ .___ .~ (n - . a u 1 ‘, -= -. a 4'“ . .v . - Lr‘ Mr 0., {akl' {11.3. .0‘: ...(u.."-- “A {. a, A .g'J—gd. 1'.--! ..I "u‘ ‘1 “\J. ‘i \IL551«I..3 . [‘3-l‘ _ . _. I . Vt ' - _ . I ' ‘ I E ' ‘. ' ‘ .’ . _ . I; .' 3" O } $415 V..J.ui.‘ iv; y‘u...L_.1.L/=.:__-..O..'- . ~-Ju .Lq ..LJ.:,.£E.LJ ~15“, ..«-_-_.<,t-, the .csu-Ls JLL.lLLu Ly tht q.;;;t;-.t.uu mathqg 1H9u-) vur‘ :..-\.x..é.‘.'s:1..t, 3.£"..LJ-»L.-4‘.j L;LV¢II.{; i..LL.,.’1T.;_‘,’ .LU‘w I(;LLA.LL'::. C'l'igiuculy the cairn:- mvr'c manned J 5-‘:Lt‘l".....f-z LL'JH “f :".' LAY-".1 D q using th. again; nitrite 5-;ut.0n :hxuh h‘o bean alLLfiuruiLEd f bgulflbt goLLSbium p rmhnggu to. Ihe rcuuLts cbtgxneu “tic nil high, being of the OIQLr of 4d. in LS when 05 the Pre- Ciblon is much bcttrr using LUlfuhliiC tale to btbnutru1;e the aopium nitrlte SULHLLUH, the vu;ue cotuxnta in an.: Lun- ncr Lb ULBU ft: ICyOILng Ln: LholeLS of Lhc pu;h L. conge- QUCLLLY, no -u;u-ute thuc cmn Lu rubczttu fez suxfpn.;1c Lem. HU'r-L'VLI‘, a. t..uui..tion bf the: }.2"'.'Clbl.b11 of tin. mt'w is of VcLUb bug is LhULfl in Lyle Vi. Ttbie VI Precisign Using Suif;nx;ic 12-3 I' '1 Caveat/‘6 inlo GUI-C o .LLJ. o is: L f LCVlLat-b-Uri Lexi-:31 HCL liar 31.41;) 11%.. EU) [‘1'1; V1.41't.;;e Joédlbt; :15 iJ :.Jo'JB QOLJ‘IlL-I "Jou‘w’u‘tfi J 0 (fr-r" . OE; LO 1‘1 :1 o {fit-K V o l'J’xésv; “J O ‘VU'yl 0.46d7g 25 id 14.;5 5.1346h J.a33; U‘oéfié‘dé :5 ‘J :.w‘o’nx JOLJ‘IUJ". -Jouu‘Jl - ,-, " ' r ’ - - ( .. ‘. -.‘ . . ‘\ JQ‘FJ‘Jt‘g ab U :1: 04'- J JolJ‘xu‘u- “Jov'J'J‘L TLbLe VI (Can't) Precision Using Suifunilic kcid Scmgle El. Cone. Grtas £1. E of Deviation height HCl Kbr Nhfiflv NsNQEV frcm fivertge 0.4363g a o za..a a.1J45m v.03ul 0.56é5g 1:) J LJ‘OL’ J‘olJ’Z‘MZ. “'V’.J JJ'E) Jot—”bi“; 5 J 1:50:15 -;oi-f}.,:;'i". Va-J~-v\.."t) Java‘SLg 1:) J :10. Z. .4.J..J‘.10:i: ..I‘QXJJV‘; JQ‘S'J7QC; .LO U :.-.‘;7 ..'.l-J"‘..J.- ‘J- J-JJ‘: JQ‘; (Am/‘6 1:) J : C-o‘.d JQJA-JIJH'Ju 2J0 JJJ‘J Jo'ng"‘.b 1:.) J 5‘01:- ~;olJ‘:.- JOJ .J- l VLLI.—' 1.3"” ..‘ol'xi‘i’.:‘r1 JQJVJL g.a vo;t ,Qtthtltl Crrilbfl in fiLCfi eta; The results 1;;Lc; Ln pris Vii art on the heals of the 0.134afi sodium nitrite, btuLULrGiLCG g-in:t su4funixtc LCLQ. r: 21}.“ tr":- XLJLL Vii ILLLyS;5 by UJL1Jtlfipthn LLLFLE .1. Csnc. Gr;ms kl. talc. LCViuLLUn pclght HCl KBr NLRQE Letght Pcr's Her iJUJ AntinLs of Luthrttitic Acxd c.1735gQ1} :3 5 15.6d c.2515 8 “DD-2 :3 f"l.6'd 9.4.x; 4 100.3 r‘. (7‘ 11.;J J.¢l’i;5 i5 ’O’D'q. q‘i.€- 1 5 1..:; 9.27.5 -4 9 9~(¢ r1 1; LC , , 4 y . 7‘ f - 4‘ u . .\. s." . L 0 ‘;‘J J o L. .../L J ‘L V V V ‘4’ r -! ‘3 I“; Tabic VII (Cin't) :~.."1a-iy L is Ly L152; «.11 “..L. Sangie . HCi i; 41' “Eight ‘ ....“ r. “a" (JJALC o C’ a. 50.; V1 .4'.J.. o ‘t ‘ ' fi '0 - - 1"”. N i.) :._ a l 7 «I. 6.8-5 tion Cale. DCViLtiUn Pu H?- a. Q. Uh. Ber 190$ u.du27g(b) 2b 5 25 (fl c.5zBQgfib) fivertge deviation (a) satium nitrite “cue (L) ti,» 01' Lui'at in :.(liuLi 3an..3.;,r:...i;; U.-:.&J:.;.g 2:) 5 0.5Jiég Lb 5 IA (51 a V [o , 'sf’ J09". \I6 {I- Q C." 4 . '\ ‘ "('. 3'. U0‘.Ul-c-‘g LL) 1.; ‘ 2": -z: rr ‘ s douuaag 10 iJ devittion ivertéc (ti; of burnt in soiution guaiyiis of 5 5 .I. 1‘ ‘ t '1‘ U0 k‘Q'LL/E; \ r b O ‘I ‘D..'.-". 13-? J.‘ ULJQJO y- a 0'- (,1 r-a ., "I \ 'rf- \11 r U. ‘dL-VL'b '7 r" ~ r -'_- ._. K).&IUU‘ ~36 '4 L) N.) -' 'J' 1 '-. r ‘ r 7'. ’J O kr'l‘y’g fix a g' tzvi.tion (tilt. of hunt in r t~ ‘ , .. In) ~4‘Ldt-Lklll d druptisu --1‘. 0f {Ir-1' i in "‘ auLOLJ \ f‘ _“_I ...-och: 21‘ ‘.A‘ Lu.‘/{) t l "— " 1 $01.1; .. ' ‘5 .r 0 'Y“. G: s "f O ‘4’. \J J‘ g . fit» a. ‘1 I (Jb fr 3m “inugunuoic {Joviii bulct (‘ I" I '5 Jot/J3- 5' V . .-.:I C)g: \..r x “a“ '2 \o’ 0 (.501 v‘L " -,. 2 L 'J . t.\J-‘--u . 1 .1 4 . (ti ‘ a. ' l ‘ . ...-o -I, - M 1" U i 5.) li a ‘1 0— 49.3 0,9,4 ”0.010."! 0M3 / 100.3 MM qa'ct 56.7 [043.3 9%? A 100. 010.3 -4: .. CUJCLUbidus it hes Lena shown that the mend-stofi tudrulflt tgchuiyue can be successfu$lj agy;;cu to thy ,uvlys;s uf lx‘m-ry wru— ;thc “LIHLS. The JLLhOfi is b=iipveu to hgv; a nuchr of ad- Vanthgcs UVcr ‘hoze FIEVLUUSLY repartad; the prepeucc sf aux; coloreu utteripis chubcs no ihttleFCLCG; ergors uue to iosg .“iium; aha Lac method is B ‘ t... 9“ of n;trous acid are reaucea to fairly rurid gnd pLIELCULLIij "LLL suited for rgutina LLLL~ ysis. The rcsuitz obthinau Ly tfixs PrOCufiuIC prcwr to be much more Lccurune tth nou;d have begn LCILLDEJ by using the sturch—ioaxue engyolnt anthoa. The p:c;1sluu in this r1'0- Ccuugc is L150 very good. in uduitlon, the rvtc cf COLSUuP- tion of the soulum nitrite suiution can be foLLQ g; V91] remu- lLJ Lilom.ng the tutu of uqutiOn to be regulwttu in such a fgbhxun that a Loss of nitruus acxd Lo -vzdeu. There ;: ycL much uurL tu LC LQJL 1f thia hpthpd fur ue~ terwxuxhg priery p19: tic gglnau is to 06 perfectcu. gore worn nevus to be gone on the Li it¢ug guuntxtics of 5 inc; which c.n be accurately acturminca in V nguu vc-u~c pf salu- tiun by thin ,zQCCUure. In th.: mgrg bctneeu i-L.b uiiiieguxv- alent: pf tqe gmine in a f;ngx vo¢uzc of bLJ-éug hi. were ce- ternincd. The acxa ccncentrotlon 5h1Ch g;vus goon ruau;Ls should L8 LUUQL lJ hi. of Cunantr Ltd hyurpCALuflC Vela yer miiiiegunglent of tau L inc hgg the c-0uLL Lf FOLnprum br0* {aide addnd Cal; Vary butt-rem; 5-14 gl‘;..i..:, a, LLttalr (sings-11¢ occurlng by u;;ng Lhc Lurgt LnterLLcncC; in this .}I .~L L'U\:i.‘t Antiy l nethuu hill ouvxuupiy be EubLLihCu; wiucn an.“ L‘Lhcr 0,454.12 u; m- ..ucu 1;;LLI'~..u; Luau um; biog thou; LL3JbL~J£CLIJ xzzick1 CL}: C'H.L;J-L \zkax LL. :4; VAyklUJMJLL which bxuhfifisLL LtbLJi‘sii.Lt‘u¢M; twlis LLL- ttl‘ Uihqubtua shag v1” tit-c- (.LU-‘L2:)Q~.‘, sun‘cLLaz‘.» yum“ mask}, of \ Ctr-:.LLL Containing; e. 5'. ~ 1 .- ,. . \u' -‘ " ‘ \ I‘ '\ (..CLLL QUJAAt‘CH, Ubtfl ‘vb'ilé‘a L .. ..~. N" » . . " legétuLb. ‘nth cm;;s can; LIAHC’U ~..n£ IA bk.) ass ,; tLHuH e¢cuzrcueb Cum» L LLQ‘XALS 'u'f L711; VQFLJQS ,nxu; nitr;Lc uruc cf xvvtmsti“; :.;..Lut....‘.n gawcu x;:'.t\4.h.a.1'.,.; .Lgtshtl‘h'l gumntitufi of V: bee "ULJJwgtugz by ‘11 a»:.r Lw.LL U ‘ L‘t-xcg for a Purxwa of tlhe n the Su;qLLUL:, gfter uhlcn the CLLJ.“ CluA.‘-‘ LL": i'oLJL-J.qu éw‘uj. trai CULSALtihg of 3515;] one engi with Lgcnticui canstxt- uans hyuAd hCCprM11+J hav hit—b éi 4.11 Thin FXGCUJUIB one: 39...,40 (.f t....l£LU ix ¢ccqrucy. In all rtbrECtS, the u nigue 1n CULJUECL;uH 1|;L1'] to bu a simpib LQQ uccur.Lc aLuing pr; pry grvuitLC an; 1L5 suLanALIQ LCLU 9F}.ruh SOL; LLLhoa in LLunq-:u;hing E’:u1.-;;.L'.;J-I.‘:, L2“; LIPIL" £1 a to ma LLL ur. 0 Lean ogii;ud tu the angiyais of in FLbuit pf Littnr tth ;,e if LE”; Masai-41. (;;:...,;.:Llit tech-— tn u;¢.fluL;‘wt4¢x;_,rwcL3ngxe a‘,-i;;xz;;lduuzu.;a am tr‘;r iruhn;gul :J‘ilc-ti:u5“, LQKIL;HS, Gram; ;r. Co., A: U“ lul.£‘~’ is. X. , kin [MU] , Pk. x:;\/:I bi-Uii. .‘ C‘ {7) pigglb, L., ";uanLtLlec pry L;c (“LLJCLQ VLL Func— tluhui Gr;uia", John nlLLy age tans, lnc., La‘ Y3: , 3. Y., 'I 4 (.Lz‘LL',‘ , tau“; .1 t‘j-TQ. k{),’ C..LIL,.;."1, Lo , Gu’id 1.:1;aCQ, G. J. , itlkl. LIILH.. LUC. ’ 1.5, ‘14LU" . ‘ 3 , ‘ I-I (9.5 ‘4: k;lfic D) T? (:1 Vill‘v‘.u bath, be, tel. EEC-U, L . , 3. I”, JL‘JC'W- 3C?) 1345*t10 nun Leihi, icpg—i-¢7, ind-lué (Lab?) I'I Ill/Illl/ll/lilfll/ll :1 IQIILILIIifl7/ifl/Jfilfliflfi M?" I!!! 3 1293