A mm- m sagsmva TECERIQE‘B m TEE mmmmmax 0? ma 2 gommmcmsm mm 0% M5 amréoascm T519929 50:9 fire Dog?“ 0‘ M. S. ,HECEIGAH STATE WWW? ELe-e M. Pike . 1971 LIBRARY Michigan State University ABSTRACT A RAPID AND SENSITIVE TECHNIQUE FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE 2'-_(_)_-METHYLNUCLEOSIDE RATIO OF AN RNA MOLECULE BY Lee M. Pike A method is presented for the determination of the 2'-_Q-methyl- nucleoside ratio in an RNA molecule. The RNA to be analyzed is enzymatically digested to the nucleoside level with a combination of pancreatic ribonuclease, snake venom phosphodie sterase, and bacterial alkaline phosphatase. Isolation of the 2'-2-methylnucleo sides is achieved on an AG .lx4(borate) column. The ribonucleo sides are retained on the column since a negatively charged borate complex forms across the cis-Z', 3'-hydroxyl groups. Recovery of the 2'-Q_-methylnucleo- sides is good but deoxyribonucleoside contamination is possible if the RNA sample is not free of DNA. The isolated 2'-Q—methylnucleo sides are trimethylsilylated with BSA to form volatile derivatives for a gas-liquid chromato- graphic separation. The separation is achieved on the slightly polar liquid phase OV-l? under isothermal conditions. Peak areas are determined by weighing. The derivatives are stable at room temper- ature for a minimum of three hours and their response to the hydrogen flame detector of. the GLC is reproducible. A RAPID AND SENSITIVE TECHNIQUE FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE Z'-Q-METHYLNUCLEOSIDE RATIO OF AN RNA MOLECULE BY Lee M. Pike A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Department of Biochemistry 19 71 Dedicated to my wife, Mary and to our son, Lee, Jr. ii I thank Dr. Fritz Rottman for his guidance in my re search and graduate training. My thanks also go to Joseph Abbate, Brian Dunlap, and the other members of the Rottman group for their ' assistance and beneficial discussions in the course of this work. My thanks are extended to Dr. William Wells for his assist- ance with gas chromatographic techniques and to Roger Lane and Ray Hammond for their help in the interpretation of mass spectra. I also thank Dr. Allan Morris who served on my guidance committee. I especially thank my wife for her love, faith, and encourage- ment during my graduate training. She is also thanked for the typing of this manuscript. The financial assistance from the .National Institute of Health and the Department of Biochemistry, Michigan State University is appreciated. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES......................................vi LIST OF FIGURES......................................Vii LIST OFABBREVIATIONS..............................viii HTEMTURE REVIEW...0..O.COCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.1 Distribution of 2'-9_-methylnucleosides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Correlation of 2'-2-methylnucleo sides with rRNA processing..................................2 Correlation of Z'-9_-methylnucleosides with nuclear RNA metabolism.....................3 Quantitation of 2'- 2-methylnucleo side content ofan RNA molecule..........................4 GLC ofnucleosides................................7 INTRODUCI‘IONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIO MATERIALSOOOOOOO0.0.0.000...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0......11 METHODS...‘.0...OOOOOO-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 13 Purification of Russell's viper venom phospho- diesterase..................................l3 Hydrolysis ofRNA................................13 Isolation of 2'-0-methylnucleosides.................l3 Nucleoside derivatization..........................14 GLC analysis.....................................15 Mass spectral analysis............................16 EXPERIMENTALOOOOOOOOOOO00.0.0.0... 1. RNA hydrolysis and isolation of 2'-Q-methyl- nuCIeosideBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00.17 Enzymatic RNA hYdrOIYSi-sooooooooooo0000000000000017 Behavior of nucleo sides on AG 1x4 (borate) column. . . 18 iv Page Isolation and characterization of Z'-_Q-methyl- nucleo side fraction wheat germ rRNA. . . . . . . . . . 22 Pyridine and water hydrolysis of RNA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 II. Derivatization and GLC of nucleo side 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 BSA derivatives.................................. .30 GLC behavior and retention times of nucleoside derivatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . 31 Stability and reproducibility of derivatives. . . . . .33 Nucleoside ratio determination of synthetic copolymers.................................39 Alternative derivatization techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42- BSTFA derivatives of nucleo side 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Mass spectral analysis of A and Am derivatives formed with BST FA. . . . . . . . . .46 Effect of methoxyamine-hydrochloride pretreat- ment on the nucleoside derivatives formed by BSA................................57 TSIM derivatives of nucleosides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Effect of methanolic acetic anhydride pretreat- ment on the nucleoside derivative formed by BSTFA.............................6l DISCUSSIONO.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...OOOOOOOOOOO00......61 REFERENCESOO0......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0......73 LIST OF TAB LES Table Page 1. The recovery of 2'-_Q_-methylnucleosides from the AG 1X4 (borate) celumIIOOOOOOCOOCOOOCOO0.0.0.021 2. The retention of ribonucleosides on the AG 1x4 (borate) COlmnnOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSOOOOOOOOOOOZ3 3. The isolation of 2'-_9_-methylnucleo sides from wheat germ rRNA...............................24 4. The progress of destruction of adeno sine by incubation with pyridine and water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 5. The retention times of the BSA derivatives of the 2'-9_-methylnucleosides..........................55 6. The stability and reproducibility of the TMS derivatives of the 2'-_Q-methylnucleo side 8. . . . . . . . . .58 7. The relative molar response values for the 2'-Q_- methylnuCIeOSideSOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOhl 8. The relative molar response values for the ' nucleosides in synthetic copolymers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’42 9. The nucleo side ratios of synthetic copolymers. . . . . . Hi 10. The retention times of the BSTFA derivatives of the ribonucleo sides and the 2'-(_)_-methylnucleo- BideSOOOOO0....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00.0.00...1+6 11. The effect of pretreatment with methoxyamine- hydrochloride on the retention times of the BSA derivatives of the 2'-_9_-methy1nucleo side a. . . . . . . . . . 61 Figure 1. 2. 9. LIST OF FIGURES Page An elution profile of the 2'-_9_-methylnucleo- sides from the AG 1x4 (borate) column. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 A gas-liquid chromatogram of the TMS derivatives of the 2'-9_-methylnucleo sides on OV-l7 COlumnOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00.0.000000055 The mass spectrum of TMS4-adenosine. . . . . . . . . . . . 1+9 The mass spectrum of TMSS-2'-_(_)_-methy1adeno sine. 51 The structure of TMS4-adeno sine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 The structure of TMS3-2'-9_-methyladeno sine. . . . . . . 53 The structure of the TMS -methoxime deri- vative 0f Z'-2-methchytii Tmsocu,<__>t + TMSO TMSO OTMS' 01—“? k L N m]: 95“! rule 35'? m/e 959 from C-5' or C-3' or ion S, ions L or N respectively are produced for'TMS4-A. The related loss of the TMS ether from ion S of TMS3- Am usually occurs with a hydrogen yielding ion 0 or P, respectively. . O 0 TMS OCH; 0 P m]: 9 0° un/e 200 Loss of the C-2' ether group may be preferred since the relative intensity of the m/e 200 ion in the mass spectrum of TMS3-Am. Significant ions are also produced by the loss of two ether groups from ion 5. Loss of the C-2' ether group yields ion R when the C-5' TMS ether is lost or ion T when the C-2' TMS ether is lost. 0 0 Two C ",9 + 4. 1.6.4} HQ Tms'o T ' R R ml: '69 u "/6 l6? Mle n9 , 3: am: m/e IH , 8 = 0013 Loss of both the C-5' and C-3' TMS ether groups produces ion U. Apparently the coordinate loss of two ether groups is more easily achieved from C-5' and C-3' than from either of the other two 57 combinations since the relative intensity of the m/e 169 ion (U) is larger than the relative intensity of the rule 111 ion ( R T) in the mass spectrum of TMS3-Am. This hypothesis is supported by the un- published mass spectrum of TMS3-3'-_Q_-methyladenosine for which the relative intensity of the m/e 169 ion ( R+T) is larger than the relative intensity of the m/e 111 ion (U). The charge may also reside with the ribose moiety following the cleavage of the molecular ion in vhich C-1‘ and 0-4' reside with the base. When this occurs, the very stable ion W is produced in TMs‘o-CH. ~CH'—‘-’CH=-'C"- 0!? W m/e 930 , R. OTMS‘ m/e 173, 3" 0"”: good yield as shown by its high relative intensity. Distribution of the charge over C-4', C-3' and C-2' in this four carbon remnant of the ribose moiety probably accounts for its stability. Characteristic ions are present on both spectra resulting from fragmentation of the ribose ring leaving three carbon pieces with their constituents. Ion X represents C-S', C-4' and C-3', an m/e 217 ion for both TMS4-A and TMS3-Am. Ion Z represents C-4', C-3' and C-Z', also an m/e 217 ion for TMS4-A, but an m/e 159 ion for TMS3-Am. Fragmentation which results in the production + M *- TMSO-CuzzcurxcH-o-rms' cu,=co~rm:— CH-oR x Z mic 9'7 “I: an, Re 74»: 01/2 I57, K’CH3 58 of ion X seems to be preferred since this ion has a higher relative intensity than does the Z ion in the mass spectrum of TMS3-Am. This preference may be explained on the basis of the stability of the Xions resulting from distribution of the charge over three carbons as in the case of ion W. An m/e 103 ion is produced if the charge resides with C-5' and its constituents when it cleaves from the molecular ion or from n ion S. Several ions are charact eristically produced on mass spectra of TMS derivatives from anomolies of the trirnethylsililanol molecule. h The TMS ion at mile 73 is produced in sufficient quantities to be the base peak in these spectra. Other examples are the m/e 89 ion (aTMS) and the m/e 147 ion (DMS:6-TMS) formed by loss of a methyl group from the di-TMS ether. Effect of methoxyamine-hydrochloride pretreatment on the nucleo- side derivatives formed by BSA. The response ratio for TMS-Cm with respect to TMS-Arm displays more variation than the response ratio for TMS-Um with respect to TMS-Am as seen in Table 7. Butts (1970) reported improved gas chromatographic behavior of cytidine and deoxy- cytidine upon treatment with methoxyamine hydrochloride in pyridine to form the methoxime derivatives prior to silylation. He further reported that the reaction to form methoximes is unique to cytidine and its derivatives; other nucleo sides do not react. In an attempt to avoid difficulty with the TMS-Cm response, the TMS-methoxime- 59 Cm derivative was formed. The structure shown in Figure 7 assumes that methoxime-Cm is silylated at both available site‘s. Table 11 contains retention times for 2'-_(_)-methy1nucleo sides which were treated with methoxyamine hydrochloride prior to silylation or which were silylated only. Methoxyamine hydrochloride treat- ment does not alter the retention time of either the Um or Am derivat- ives, but there is an obvious difference in the retention times of the Cm derivatives. TMS-methoxime-Cm has a retention time of less than one-third the retention time of TMS-Cm on either OV-l or OV-17. The derivative formed is superior to TMS-Cm on both liquid phases since it forms a single sharp peak with little trailing. TMS-methoxime- Cm cannot be used to determine the 2'-9_-methylnucleoside ratio in an RNA molecule however, since it is not well resolved from TMS-Um on either liquid phase as shown in Table 11. TSIM derivatives of nucleo side 5. In addition to the TMS-methoxime-Cm derivative, two other approaches were used in an attempt to form a more satisfactory derivative of Cm. Both approaches were based on the assumption that the available sugar hydroxyls of a nucleoside are rapidly silylated and the subsequent partial silylation of the amino or keto groups on the purine or pyrimidine rings is responsible for multiple derivatization. The fir st approach was treatment of the nucleosides with trirnethylsilylimidazole (TSIM), which should silylate hydroxyl groups only (Pierce, 1970). NOCH3 21‘ TMSOCH: O H H H H TMSO O CH; Figure 7. The structure of the TMS -methoxime derivative of 2'-_Q-methylcytidine. 60 Nucleo side Retention Time s OV-l OV-l7 182° Am 11. 2 Am (methoxyamine treated) 11. 2 0 171° 186 Um “ 10. 8 14. 9 Um (methoxyamine treated) 11. 2 l4. 9 169° 200° Cm ' 3. 18 22. 6 Cm (methoxyamine treated) 8. 8 7. 6 169° 186° Um 10. 5 l4. 9 Cm (methoxyamine treated) 8. 8 15. 8 Table 11. The effect of pretreatment with methoxyamine-hydro- chloride on the retention times of the BSA derivatives of the 2'- g-methylnucleo sides Samples of Um, Am, and Cm were treated with methoxyamine- (hydrochloride in pyridine as described in Methods. These samples and similar untreated samples were then silylated with BSA and G. C was performed on a 1% OV-l column or on a 2% OV—l? column. Retention times are given in minutes at the indicated column temperatures. 61 62 The TMS derivatives of Um and Am formed by treatment with TSIM have retention times which are very similar to those formed by treatment with BSA on both OV-l and OV-l7. The peaks are symmetrical and display a minimum of trailing. However, the silylation of Cm is less satisfactory than treatment with BSA since a series of peaks was formed. The peaks were not well resolved on either liquid phase. They overlapped on OV-l and a trailing peak r esulted; they were spread out on OV-l7 resulting in a broad plateau effect rather than well defined peaks. Since silylation of the 2'-£- methylnucleosides with TSIM does not result in a satisfactory deri- vative of Cm, the procedure was not used. Effect of methanolic acetic anhydride pretreatment on the nucleo- side derivative formed by BST FA. The second approach to more clearly defining the sites of trimethylsilylation of the nucleo sides was an initial treatment with acetic anhydride in methanol. Selective N-acetylation on the presence of hydroxyl groups is routinely achieved with sphingolipids by this treatment (Gaver and Sweeley, 1966; Carter and Caver, 1967). Acetylation of the amino group of the purine ring was therefore attempted prior to silylation of the sugar hydroxyl group. Two derivatives of Am were obtained by acetylation with acetic anhydride in methanol followed by silylation with BSA. The first peak eluted with a retention time similar to that of TMS3-Am (pre- pared by treating Am with BST FA) indicating that no acetylation 63 has occurred. The other peak has a retention time about one-third longer than TMS3-Am, suggesting that acetylation has occurred. There was some indication that higher yields of acetylated Am were obtained if room temperature acetylations were performed over longer periods of time (two days or longer) or if short term acetyl- ations were carried out at elevated temperatures (90°). Mass spectral analysis of the two peaks confirmed the con- r clusion that acetylation of Am produced the second peak. The mass spectrum of the first peak eluted was identical to that of TMS3-Am, f shown in Figure 4. The mass spectrum of the second peak is shown in Figure 8. Since an acetyl group has a molecular weight of 43, 30 mass units less than a trimethylsilyl group, the number of acetyl groups present on the molecule can be deduced from the molecular weight change. The difference in molecular weight between TMS3-Am and the compound in the second peak is 30 units, indicating the presence of one acetyl group. The location of this acetyl group can be determined by com- parison of the fragmentation pattern of TMS -acetyl-Arn with the 2 -Am and TMS4-A discussed earlier. The purine ring has a strong m/e 208 ion in both TMS3-Am and TMS4-A which would be changed to an ion at m/e 178 if the acetyl- fragmentation patterns of TMS3 ation has occurred on the amino group of carbon six. The 2'-Q_- methylribose moiety has a m/e 290 ion in TMS3-.Am, the expected 58 mass units lower than the ribose moiety ion of m/e 348 in' TMS4-A. Figure 8. The mass spectrum of TMSz-5'-acetyl 2’-2-methy1adeno sine. 64‘ o" rx 00" om low is 66 Acetylation of the 2'-_g-methylribose moiety would result in a further reduction of 30 mass units giving an ion at m/e 260 for TMSz-acetyl- Am. As seen on the mass spectrum in Figure 8, the m/e 208 ion has a high relative intensity, indicating that the base remains un- altered. The ion representing the ribose moiety has shifted from m/e 290 to m/e 260, however, indicating that the acetylation has occurred on the sugar. Acetylation of the Slhydroxyl is indicated by loss of the ion 4. at m/e 217 (TMS'O-CHz-‘CH'J-‘vCH-OTMS) which originates from C-5', * C-4', and C-3' of TMS-Am as discussed earlier. The m/e 187 + ion (CH3-COO-CmH-OTMS) replaces this ion as would be expected for a C-5' acetylation. The m/e 103 ion (CHZOTMS) representing C-5' and its constituents is also missing from the mass spectrum of TMSZ-acetyl-Am. Its replacement ion at m/e 73 (CHz-OOC-CH3) cannot be distinguished from the ion produced by TMS alone without high resolution mass spectroscopy. The complete structure of TMSz-S'acetyl-Am is given in Figure 9. Since the acetylation occurred at the 5' hydroxyl rather than at the amino group on the purine ring of Am, this derivati; zation procedure was not applied to Cm. Incomplete acetylation was another difficulty to be faced if the investigation was to continue. NHTMS “213 9 K” " CH3°C’OCH3 O H H H H TMSO OCH; Figure 9. The structure of TMS -5'-acetyl 2'-_Q-methyladenosine. 67 DISC USSION A study of the distribution of 2'-_Q-methy1nucleosides in an RNA molecule can be approached from several levels. The first is quantity, a determination of the percent which the combined 2'-_9_- methylnucleo sides represent of the total nucleosides (Abbate and Rottman, 1971). These data are easily obtained and are informative. Although differences may be more subtle, comparisons of RNA molecules can be made on the basis of the percentage of the nucleo- sides which are 2'-_(_)_-methylated. 'A more complete analysis, short of the complete sequence of the RNA, would include characterization of the 16 alkaline stable dinucleotide s. Lane and his co-workers have perfected this technique; very complex contrasts and similarities become evident when com- parisons are made on this basis (Lane and Lane, 1971). Unfortunately, isolation and resolution of the 16 dinucleotides is tedious and involved (Gray and Lane, 1967). Digestion of this fraction with snake venom phosPhodiesterase and separation of the eight resulting nucleo sides is nearly as involved and gives less information. The re search presented here makes possible an RNA chara- cterization which is intermediate to the two discussed above--with (respect to sophistication of the information obtained as well as the ease with which it is done. The objective was a more rapid technique by which one could obtain the 2'-_(_)_-methy1nucleo side ratio of an RNA 68 69 molecule for comparative purposes. Isolation of the 2'-_g—methylnucleo side fraction from an enzymatic digest of RNA as described in this research utilizes the borate-complex formed with ribonucleosides to retain them on an AG-l column. Hall (1964) also used this principle, but he used a diatomaceous earth partition column which is more difficult to work with than the AG-l column. Complete recovery of the 2'-_(_)_-methyl- nucleoside standards was achieved on the AG-l columa. The amount of RNA which can be applied to the AG-l column under the reported conditions is restricted. Although the amount of 2'-9_-methylnucleosides obtained from 200 A260 units of digested RNA will suffice for mo st determinations, it would be convenient if larger amounts could be used in some cases (eg. with RNA mole- cules containing very low percentages of the 2'-0-methylnucleo- sides). An initial measurement of the total percentage of 2'-0— methylation in an RNA sample (Abbate and Rottman, 1971) should be done to establish the amount of RNA required for the ratio deter- minations. The AG-l column isolation requires extra caution to insure that deoxyribonucleo sides do not contaminate the 2'-2-methy1nucleo- side fraction. Extensive treatment of RNA samples with deoxyribo- nuclease during their preparation should minimize the danger of contamination. If contamination is suspected, the 2'-_Q-methyl- nucleoside fraction may be analyzed for deoxyribonucleosides by paper chromatography following the GLC determination. To this end, the TMS groups may be hydrolyzed from the nucleosides with water or methanol. The above research describes the successful separation of the TMS derivatives of the 2'-_0-methylnucleo sides on a 2% OV-l7 column of the GLC. The use of GLC for separation of the isolated 2'-_Q_- methylnucleo sides takes advantage of the sensitivity of the hydrogen flame ionization detector for quantitation. Model studies by Jacobson et a1 (1968) showed that ratio determinations of ribonucleosides can be done with as little as 0. 2 ug of each nucleoside onto the GLC column. An even lower limit is indicated from the studies done with standard nucleo sides in determining the copolymer ratios re- ported above. As little as 0. 02 ug of Am may be quantitated success- fully. The other nucleo sides would require larger amounts of material since they have relative molar response ratios below one with respect to Am. Cm is the limiting nucleo side with respect to detection; a minimum injection of 0. 1 ug would be required under the conditions presented. Since the minimum volume of BSA which can be handled conven— iently is in excess of the volume which must be injected, a single ratio determination requires more material. The extra volume permits multiple injection of a sample, a process which results in statistically reliable data. In addition, the unused portion of a sample may be saved for subsequent checking of an analysis by evaporating 71 the BSA and storing the nucleoside mixture. Both Hall and Lane made use of paper chromatographic separ- ations. Quantitation of unlabeled nucleosides was accomplished by eluting the spots corresponding to each nucleo side (or dinucleotide) and measuring the ultraviolet absorbance of the material recovered from the chromatogram. The sensitivity of this approach is limited by the amount of material necessary to obtain an accurate absorbance reading (ca 7 ug of each nucleoside). The material eluted from the chromatogram gives a single absorbance reading and there is no recourse for checking its validity (i. e. the spots may not be completely eluted). 1 The sensitivity of paper chromatographic determinations may be greatly increased through the use of radiochemically labeled RNA. Lane and Tamoaki (1969) have made successful use of this technique with their characterization of l"ircumethyl labeled rRNA molecules from L-cells. Unfortunately, the use of labeled RNA may often require a sacrifice in convenience. Labeled precursors must be obtained, a process which may involve several complicated synthetic steps or a great deal of expense. Specific samples must be prepared to contain the label, when the isolation steps are difficult this process Imay become tedious. In several instances labeled RNA may be difficult if not imposs- ible to obtain. The brine shrimp cyst is almost completely impervious to RNA precursors (McClean and Warner, 1971). Since the oocyte of the South African clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, undergoes oogene sis eight weeks prior to ovulation, the labeled precursors must be administered at this time to obtain labeled rRNA (Brown and Littna, 1964). RNA obtained from the organs of higher eukaryotes (eg. mammals) cannot be labeled without complicated experimental designs. There are some difficulties to be faced with the GLC analysis of the 2'-_(_)_-methylnucleo side derivatives. From the low relative molar response of Cm, it is concluded that only a small portion of the Cm is being derivatized. Multiple derivatives form under more severe conditions than those reported, which no derivative forms a t all if the temperature if lower. The formation of the methoxime derivative of Cm prior to its trimethylsilylation with BSA results in a derivative which gives a good response with a single, symmetrical peak on the OV—l7 GLC column. This derivative can be used very successfully for quantitation with synthetic copolymers which do not contain Um or U. Since the retention times of TMS-Um and TMS-methoxime-Cm nearly coincide, the derivative cannot be used with natural RNA molecules. The technique is designed for the calculation of the 2'-_Q-methyl- nucleoside ratio since the percent of the nucleosides which are 2'-9_- methylated can be obtained rapidly and accurately with small amounts of RNA as described by Abbate and Rottman (1971). An attempt to obtain absolute amounts of the 2'-_Q-methylnucleosides would complicate 73 the procedure since an internal standard would have to be added and since the handling of the 2'-_Q-rnethylnucleo side fraction would have to be quantitative. REFERENCES Abbate,J. and F. Rottman, 1971, Anal. Biochem. In press. Aronson,A.I. and F. H. Wilt, 1969, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., U. S. 62 186. Bacher, J. E. and F. W. Allen, 1951, J. Biol. Chem. 188 59. Balle, G., P.A. Cerutti, and B. 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