THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CORN PLANTS AT FOUR SYAGES OF DEVELOPMENT AS AFFECTED BY CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS Thesis for the boar» of M. S. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Hari Mahan Singh 1959 fl”...--—.._‘ ’QQ mm LIBRARY Michigan State University -— »-T. . :5... -'~_ THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CORN PLANTS AT FOUR STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT AS AFFECTED BY CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS BY HARI MOHAN SIN GH _ AN ABSTRACT Submitted to the School for Advanced Graduate Studies of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Soil Science 1959 Approved ABSTRACT Corn was grown on two soils, a Wisner loam and a Kala- mazoo sandy loam which were treated with several combinations of nitrogen, phosphate and potash. Leaves and the aerial portion of whole plants were collected at monthly intervals for chemical analysis. The relationships between the chemical composition of leaves and whole plants were investigated. The nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium contents of the various samples were determined. Amounts of fertilizer in excess of 80, 160, and 80 pounds per acre of nitrogen, phosphate and potash respectively when applied to Wisner loam did not appreciably increase the yield of grain. The same figures for the yields from the Kalamazoo sandy loam were 20, 0 and 20 pounds. With few exceptions the use of a fertilizer element resulted in an increase in concentration of that element in both the leaves and the plants. The levels in both leaves and plants were somewhat proportioned to the quantity of the nutrient used. On both soils the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents of both leaves and plants were highest early in the growing season. . The calcium levels in the leaves increased as the season progressed. The calcium levels in the plants reached a maximum 2. Hari Mohan Singh in August and then rapidly decreased. On the Wisner loam, there was a tendency for the magnesium levels in the leaves to increase as the season progressed. Magnesium levels in corn leaves from the Kalamazoo sandy loam remained relatively constant. On each soil the magnesium levels in the plants decreased as the corn plants approached maturity. The percent sodium in the leaves from each soil had a tendency to increase with each sampling date. The tendency was not as evident when whole plants were used as a sample although the highest level in corn grown on the Kalamazoo sandy loam was obtained from samples collected on the last sampling date. The percent nitrogen in the leaves was higher than in the plants on all four sampling dates. The percent phosphorus in the leaves was higher than in the plants on the first three sampling dates. The reverse was the case on the last sampling date. The whole plant contained a higher level of potassium on the first sampling date. The reverse was the case on subsequent dates. The percentages calcium in corn leaves and plants were approximately equal early in the growing season. By the time of the last sampling, the concentration in the leaves was in excess of 4. 5 times that in the plants. The magnesium relationships were not as evident, although the magnesium levels in the leaves from corn on both soils on the last sampling date were approximately 1. 7 times greater than in the plants. The percent sodium in the leaves and plants was approxi- mately the same on both soils. 3 Hari Mohan Singh On the Wisner loam a highly significant relationship was obtained between the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents of leaves and whole plants (aerial portion) in August and September. However, on the Kalamazoo sandy loam there was no one sampling time when statistically significant correlation coefficients were ob- tained between these elements in the leaves and whole plants. On the basis of these results, the composition of the leaves does not necessarily reflect the composition. of the whole plants. The interaction of date of sampling and chemical composition precludes the use of leaf samples as a measure of the calcium, magnesium and sodium composition of the plant. Grain yields and the percent of a given element in the aerial portion of the plants were not correlated except in the case of nitrogen and this only on the Wisner loam. The coefficients derived from the data obtained from the Wisner loam were statistically signi- ficant for the August, September and October samplings. In these studies, the chemical analyses of leaves were more closely related to grain yield than were the chemical analyses of plants. . From the Wisner loam site statistically significant correlation coefficients (with grain yield), involving phosphorus and potassium in July, nitrogen and phosphorus in August, nitrogen in September and nitrogen and phosphorus in October were found. From the Kalamazoo sandy loam site, nitrogen and grain yields were significantly correlated only» on 4 Hari Mohan Singh the July sampling date. The phosphorus content of the leaves and grain yields were significantly correlated only in October. The data suggest that time of sampling is an important con- sideration in evaluating the nutritional status of corn. For nitrogen and phosphorus, the most significant correlation coefficients involved leaves collected in October. For potassium the most significant correlation coefficients involved leaves collected early in the growing season. THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CORN PLANTS AT. FOUR STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT AS AFFECTED BY CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS BY HARI MOHAN SIN GH . A THESIS Submitted to the School for. Advanced Graduate Studies of MichiganState University. of Agriculture and .Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Soil Science 1959 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author-wishes to express his sincere-thanks .to 1 Dr. 1.... S..-Robertson, under-whose—guidance this investigation .was completed. He is also greatly'indebted to Dr- R. L.. Cook and . .Dr.. J. F. Davis for-their assistancein obtaining financial aidand for the facilities made available for. conducting. this. investigation. Sincere thanksis also extended-to the graduate students and. other staff members of the Department of Soil Science for their assistance and help in the completionof this. study. Chapter I. II. III. IV. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . METHODS AND MATERIALS, . . . . . . . . . . . A. Location of Fields andDescription of Soil Types B. Fertilizer Materials and Application . . . . . - C. Management of Field Plots D. Sampling E. Methods of.- Chemical Analysis RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - A. The Effect of Applied Nutrients upon Corn Yields a. Wisner loam - b. Kalamazoo sandy loam B. Nitrogen.Content of Corn at Four Stages of Plant Development - . - . . . . . 1. Leaf Analysis . . . . . . . . . . a. Wisner loam . - . . . . . . . b. .Kalamazoo sandy loam - . - - . 2. Whole Plant Analysis . . . . - . . - . a. Wisner loam - . . . . - . . b. Kalamazoo sandy loam . - .. . . - ii Page 10 10 11 11 ll 12 13 13 .13 15 l7 17 17 .19 19 19 23 Chapte r The Phosphorus Content of Corn at Four Stages of Plant Development . . . . . . . . . . l. LeafAnalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . a. Wisner loam b. Kalamazoo sandy loam . 2. Whole Plant Analysis a. Wisner loam b. . Kalamazoo sandy loam - Potassium Content of Corn at Four‘Stages of Plant Development 1. Leaf Analysis a.! Wisner loam b. Kalamazoo sandy loam - 2. Whole Plant Analysis a. Wisner'loam b. Kalamazoo sandy loam - CalciumContent of Corn at Four Stages of Plant Development - - - - . . . - 1. Leaf Analysis a. Wisner loam b. Kalamazoo sandy loam ° 2. Whole. Plant Analysis a. Wisner-loam ° ° ° ° ' - ° / l b. . Kalamazoo sandy loam - iii Page 2.3 23 27 27 27 .27 31 31 31 31 .35 35 .35 35 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 Chapter Page F. Magnesium Content of Corn at Four Stages of Plant Developmento . . ° - . - . . - - - - 42 1. Leaf Analysis .. . - - - - - - - - - - ° 42 a. Wisner loam . . . - - - - - - . . 42 b. Kalamazoo sandy loam - - - - - - 43 2. Whole Plant Analysis - . . - . . - . - . 43 a. Wisner loam - - - . . . . . . . . 43 b. Kalamazoo sandy loam° . . - . - - 43 G. .Sodium Content of Corn at Four Stages of Plant Development - - - . - - - - - - - . - 44 1. Leaf Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 a. Wisner loam . . . . . . . . . . . 44 b. Kalamazoo sandy loam. . . . . . . 44 2. Whole Plant Analysis . . . . . . . . . . 44 a. Wisner loam . . . . . . . . . . . 44 b. . Kalamazoo sandy loam . . . . . . . 44 V. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE CHEMICAL COM- VPOSITION OF CORN LEAVES AND THE WHOLE ' PLANT 45 VI. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN YIELD AND CHEMICAL .COMPOSITION OF CORN LEAVES . . . . . . . . 50 VII. RELATIONSHIPS‘BETWEEN YIELD AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE WHOLE PLANT . . . . . . 52 VIII. SUMMARY . . . . . . . °. . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 X. APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 iv Table LIST OF TABLES (APPENDIX) . The calcium, , magnesium and sodium contents of corn leaves and of whole plants at four stages of development on Wisner loam . . . . . . . . . . The calcium, magnesium and sodium contents of corn leaves and of whole plants at four stages of development on Kalamazoo sandy loam ' - - - ° ° ° Simple correlation coefficients showing relation- ships between the elemental composition of the leaves and of whole plants, July 3, on Wisner-loam . Simple correlation coefficients showing relation- ships between the elemental composition of the leaves and of whole plants, August 8 on Wisner‘loam Simple correlation coefficients showing relationships between the elemental composition of the leaves and of whole plants, September 3, on Wisner loam - . . Simple correlation coefficients showing relationships between the elemental composition of the leaves and of whole plants, October 3, on Wisner loam . . . . Simple correlation coefficients showing relationships between the elemental composition of the leaves and of whole plants, July 2, on Kalamazoo sandy loam. . Simple correlation coefficients showing relationships between the elemental composition of the leaves and of the-whole plants, August 7, on» Kalamazoo sandy . 10am 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Simple correlation coefficients showing relationships between the elemental composition of the leaves and of the gwhole plant, September 2, oniKalamazoo sandy 10am 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Page 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Table Page 10. Simple correlation coefficients showing relationships between the elemental composition of the leaves and of the‘whole plants, October'2, on-Kalamazoo sandy loam 70 11. The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the yield. of grain, the weight and chemical composition of corn leaves, July 3,Wisnerloam.................. 71 12. The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical composition of corn leaves, August 8, Wisnerloam . . 72 13. The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the-weight and chemical composition of corn leaves, September 3, Wisner loam. 73 14. a The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical composition of corn leaves, October 3, Wisner loam. . 74 15. The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical composition of corn whole plants, July 3, Wisner loam. 75 16. The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on theweight and chemical com- position of corn whole plants, August 8, Wisnerloam . 76 17. . The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the‘weight and chemical com- position of corn whole plants, September 3, Wisner loam 77 18. The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical com- position of corn whole plants, October 3-, Wisner loam . 78 19. The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the yield of grain, the weight and chemical composition of corn leaves, July 2, Kalamazoosandyloam. .. . .. . 79 20. . The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical composition of corn leaves, August 7, Kalamazoo sandy loam 80 vi Table 21. 22. 23. 24. 25 26 Page The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical com- position of corn leaves, September 2, Kalamazoo sandy loam....................... 81 The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical com- position of corn leaves, October 2, Kalamazoo sandy loam 82 The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical com- position of corn whole plants, July 2, Kalamazoo sandy loam....................... 83 The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical com- position of corn whole plants, August 7, Kalamazoo sandyloam.................... 84 The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical com- position of corn whole plants, September 2, Kalamazoo sandyloam.................... 85 The effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash fertilizers on the weight and chemical com- position of corn whole plants, October 2, Kalamazoo sandyloam.................... 86 vii 10. 11. 12. LIST OF FIGURES . Corn yields as affected by various rates of nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers. Wisner loam . . . Corn yields as affected by various rates of nitrogen phosphate and potash fertilizers. . Kalamazoo sandy loam O O O O O O O O ' O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O . The nitrogen content of corn leaves at four stages of . plant development. Wisner-loam . . . . . . . . . The nitrogen content of corn leaves at four stages of plant development. Kalamazoo sandy loam . . The nitrogen content of corn plants at four stages of plant development. .Wisner loam. . . . . . . The nitrogen content of corn plants at four stages of plant development. .Kalamazoo sandy loam . . . . The phosphorus content of corn leaves at four stages of plant development. Wisner loam. . . . . . . . The phosphorus content of corn leaves at four stages of plant development. . Kalamazoo sandy loam . . The phosphorus content of corn plants at four stages of plant development. Wisner loam. . . . . . . . The phosphorus content of corn plants at four stages of plant development. Kalamazoo sandy loam . . . . The potassium content of corn leaves at four stages of plant development. Wisner loam. . . . . . . . The potassium content of corn leaves at four stages of plant development. . Kalamazoo sandy loam . . . viii Page l4 16 18 20-21 22 24-25 .26 28-29 30 32-33 34 36-37 - Figure Page 13. The'potassium content of corn-plants‘at four stages .. of plant development. Wisnerloam . . . . . . . 38 14. . The‘potassium. content of corn plants at four stages . of plant development. . Kalamazoo sandy loam. . . 39-40 ix ~ CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Total plant and foliar analyses have been used extensively as methods of studying the practical problems of utilization of fertilizer materials by plants. The effects of various placements, carriers, and rates have been studied in an effort to maximize response to fertilization. Such studies have shown, among other things, the im- portance of nutrient balance. Because of this, current concepts on plant nutrition tend to deviate somewhat from the old Liebig Law. Soil and plant relationships are highly complex. Inter- actions between various nutrients, between growth rates and soil conditions, and between crop varieties and management practices have been observed and reported. Fertilizer recommendations made by the extension service are based primarily on the results obtained from field experimental plots. Theseinvestigations are tedious and costly. Soil tests, green plant tissue tests and plant nutrient deficiency symptoms are currently used as diagnostic procedures to supplement field investigations. . These investigations were-initiated in an effort to better understand some of the problems related to the efficient utilizationof commercial fertilizer by corn. Because mature corn plants are physically so large, a significant sampling problem has historically been side-stepped. The purposes of these investigations were (1) to compare the chemical composition of corn leaves with the chemical composition of corn plants at four stages of development, and (2) to investigate possible interactions and balances between nutrient elements that might occur within the corn tissue. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE The relationships between plant development and nutrient requirements are complex. .Most physiologists and agriculturalists agree that every plant has its specific requirements. . The amount of any one element that is found-in the plant is influenced by the abundance, the solubility and the location, with respect to roots, of that element in the soil. _ After the basal nutrient requirements of a-plant are provided by a. soil,, it is generally recognized that the balance between nutrient elements within a crop can be shifted in one directionor another. This is accomplished through the use of a particular fertilizer applied at an appropriate stage of crop development (18). . Research on the time and rate of nutrient uptake has been reported by many workers. . Maximov (18) concluded that a major portion of the elements, in annual. plants, is absorbed before the flowering stage. Ohlrogge $.11. (20) found that the nitrogen content of corn grain varied between 0. 83 and 1. 84 percent and that of corn stover between 0. 36 and 1. 32 percent. . According to this research 40 to 50 percent of the applied nitrogen was recovered in the grain and stover. Tyner (28) proposed that the critical nutrient concentrations for the sixth leaf from the base of the plant selected at silking time was 2. 9 percent nitrogen, 0. 295 percent phosphorus and l. 3 percent potash. Bennett 31:31. (1) showed a significant correlation between grain yield and phosphorus content of leaves. A similar relationship existed between grain yield and nitrogen content of leaves. The nitrogen percentage inthe leaf on reaching a level of approximately 2.. 8 or above, further‘increases did not appear to affect corn yields. Krantz and Chandler (12) showed that nitrogenfertilization increased corn yields as well as the nitrogen, phosphorus and-potassium contents of the leaves. On a high phosphorus soil there'was a direct correlationbetween the nitrogen and phosphorus Content. of cornleaves on three sampling dates. The research of Viets 3131. (30) illustrated certain relationships in nutrient utilization and specific organ development. . The second leaf below the ear collected at silking time was studied most intensively. In this research only nitrogen increased yields significantly. Yields were positively correlatedswith both nitrogen and total phosphorus contents of leaves which were sampled at silking time. The total. phosphorus and nitrogen contents of the leaves were also highly. correlated. Partial regression analysis indicated that the nitrogen in the leaves was probably the dominant factor-in the deter- mination of yield, although the leaf phosphorus content was sometimes important. Lowry 333.1. (17) obtained different effects on corn where nitrogen fertilizers were used in combination with phosphate and potash. The combination of nitrogen and phosphorus resulted in an increased concentration of calcium. Nitrogen and potassium depressed the concentration of calcium in the plant sap. Jacob and Gottwick (10) found that neither the nitrogen nor the phosphorus in corn grain was appreciably affected by the use of nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers. Tyner and Webb (29) studied limits within which nitrogen and potash exert mutual influences. The application of nitrogen as ammonium sulfate had a marked depressive effect on the percent of potassium in the corn leaf. A reduction in the efficiency of nitrogen utilization appeared to be related to high potassium levels. This, however, was not directly related to grain produced. McLean (19) observed that plants grown in cultures with variable nitrogen levels took up relatively more calcium and magnesium from cultures with high nitrogen levels. The'percentages of phosphorus, potassium and sodium were generally decreased where plants were grown with high levels of nitrogen. Phosphorus did not have any apparent effect on the nitrogen or potassium contents. This-was also the case for nitrogen and potassium as related to the phosphorus content of corn. . Foresee 32.1: (8) found yield of field corn responses to the applications of superphosphate on muck up to levels of 8 pounds per acre of water soluble phosphorus. Plants showing no phosphate deficiencies gave stem tissue test values in excess of O. 1 percent of the element. The uptake of phosphorus was apparently reduced by high levels of potassium in the soil. Krantz gt_a_l_. (13) observed that corn absorbed the bulk of phosphorus late in the season after the root system was almost fully developed. Weeks 3331. (31) found that the phosphorus content of corn varied directly with the amount of fertilizerphosphorus supplied to the soil. Where limestone was used with phosphate fertilizer, the percent of phosphorus in the grain and stover decreased and the calcium generally increased. The magnesium content of corn‘was also higher where grown on limed soil. According to Stubblefield and DeTurk (27), the percent of phosphorus in stover-is usually very low but varies more than that in the grain. Wittels and Seatz (33) found that the use of nitrogen in- creased the need for potassium in order to facilitate carbohydrate metabolism. The critical level of potassium in leaves was found .to be 1. 5 percent 60 days after planting and 1. 7 percent in later stages of growth. . In this study thepotassium content of the entire‘plant varied considerably. Two months after planting, the potassium content . of both leaves and stalks dropped considerably except in corn grown on the check plots. . This corn did not. accumulate potassium in large quantities during early stages of growth. At all stages of growth the potassium content of the plants reflected the amount of potash that had been applied. The leaves invariably contained more potassium than did the stalks. During the early srages of growth the calcium content of the plants showed little variation. Corn grown on the check plots contained more calcium than corn produced on soil fertilized with potassium. The calcium content of the stalks in mid—season was approximately the same regardless of potassium nitrogen fertilizer treatments. The calcium content of leaves was higher than in the stalk and varied inversely with the potassium content. Krantz and Chandler (12) related the potassium content of corn plants to stalk breakage and observed a decrease instalk breakage at fertilization rates up to 80 pounds of potash per acre. No further reduction occurred with application up to 320 pounds potassium per acre. Lawton and Browning {15) related nitrogen uptake to tillage'practices. In this study the percentage of nitrogenwas lowest in the larger plants. The basal absorption by corn plants was usually highest on the treatments that produced the largest amount of plant growth. The application of fertilizer usually decreased the percent of nitrogen in the plant but increased the total nitrogen absorbed by-the plants . Lawton (14) studied soil aeration and reported the following. With increases in moisture levels the percent composition of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and mag- nesium decreased. The effect of soil compaction on a Clarion soil decreased the percent composition of. potassium and phosphorus and increased the. percent of calcium, magnesium and nitrogen content in the plants. Packing treatments on a Clyde soil lowered the percent composition of potassium, magnesium and calcium. Nitrogen and phosphorus content was raised in this study. When air was forced through soils held at high moisture levels, the potassium content of corn was markedly increased, while nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and mag- nesium were lowered. The order of reduction of total absorption of elements by corn due to high soil moisture or compaction was K
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rates of nitrogen and phosphate had been used, did the use of increasing
rates of potassium increase the levels of potassium in the plant.
. E. Calcium Content of Corn at Four‘Stages
of Plant Development
1. Leaf Analysis
a. Wisner loam. --Table 1 shows that the calcium content
of corn leaves from Wisner loam was lowest at the first sampling
date. With an advance-in age of the-plants, the calcium content
increased. The calcium content on July 3 was 0. 12 percent and» on
October 3, 0.981percent.
b. Kalamazoo sandy loam. --Table 2 shows that the calcium
content of corn leaves from Kalamazoo sandy loam. showed a similar
trend as on the Wisner site. The calcium content on July 2 was 0. 09
percent and'on October 2, 0. 95 percent.
. The calcium content of leaves from the Wisner sitewas
higher than that in leaves from the'Kalamazoo site. This might be
expected because the Wisneris a calcareous soil while-the'Kalamazoo
is slightly acid.
2. Whole Plant Analysis
a. Wisner loam. --Table 1 shows that the calcium content
of corn plants from Wisnerloam was lowest on July 3. On August 8,
theplant calcium content increased and then decreased on September
3 and October 3. The calcium content of whole plants was 0. 14 percent
on July 3, O. 41 percent onAugust 8, O. 25 percent on September 3
and finally, 0. 21 percent on October 3.
b. . Kalamazoo sandy loam. --—The calcium content of corn
plants from Kalamazoo sandy loam showed a similar trend as was
noticed on the Wisnerloam (Table 1). The‘percent of calcium was
0.13 on July 2, 0.30 percent on August 7, and 0. 20 percent on
September 2. On October 2, the calcium content was O. 10 percent.
The calcium content of the wholeplants grown on a
Wisner loam was higher than that of plants grown on the Kalamazoo
sandy loam. This might be accounted for by the calcareous nature
of the Wisner loam.
Calcium content: in the corn leaves increased consistently
with the stage of development. On the other hand, calcium content of
whole plants was the highest on the second sampling date, that is, in
September and it decreased on subsequent sampling dates. This was
true for both the soil types}.
F. Magnesium Content of Corn at Four
Stages of Plant Development -
1. Leaf Analysis
a. Wisner loam. “Table 1 shows that magnesium content of
corn leaves from Wisner loam was lowest on August 8 and increased
with the increase in age of the plants in subsequent samplings. The
magnesium content in leaves on August 8 was 0. 39 percent andton
October 3 it was 0. 45 percent.
b. Kalamazoo sandy loam. wTable 2 shows that the magnesium
contents of corn leaves from Kalamazoo sandy loam did not change
with date of sampling. . The magnesium percentage on August 7 was
0. 31 percent, on September 2, 0. 32 percent, and-on October 2, 0. 32
The magnesium content of the leaves on a Wisner loam
was higher than the magnesium content of Kalamazoo sandy loam.
2. Whole Plant Analysis
a. Wisner loam. ”Table 1 shows that the magnesium content
of wholeplants from Wisner loam was highest onAugust 8 and decreased
swith anincrease in the age of theplants. On August 8, the magnesium
content of the whole plant was 0. 42 percent and on October 3'it was
0. 26 percent.
b. Kalamazoo sandy loam. ~~The magnesium content of whole
plants from-Kalamazoo sandy loam followed a similarpattern as des-
cribed for-plants from the Wisner loam. In this case, the magnesium
content of the whole-plant on August 7 was 0. 30 percent andonOctober
2, 0.18 percent.
Themagnesium content of the whole plants grown on a
Wisner loam. was higher than that of plants from the Kalamazoo sandy
G. SodiumContent of Corn at Four-Stages
of Plant Development
1. Leaf Analysis
a. Wisner loam. --The sodium contents of corn leaves from
Wisner loam were lowest on July 3 and August 8, but increased in
samples obtained on the two subsequent sampling dates (Table 1).
The sodium content of leaves from the Wisner loam was 0. 01. percent
on July 3 and was 0. 04 percent on October 2.
b. Kalamazoo sandy loam. --The sodium content of corn
leaves from Kalamazoo sandy loam (Table 2) followed a similar
pattern as those from the Wisner loam. The sodium content of
leaves at the Kalamazoo site was 0. 01 percent on July 2 and 0. 03
percent on October 2.
2. Whole Plant Analysis
a. Wisner loam. --Table 1 shows that sodium content of
wholeplants from this soil was lowest on July 3 and August 8. It
increased to 0. 03 percent on September 3 and October 3.
b. Kalamazoo sandy loam. --Similar results to those from the
Wisner loam,were obtained for this soil. See Table 2.
Correlation analysis was used to study the relationships
that might exist between the chemical composition. of the leaf and-of
the entire plant at four stages of development. The results-of these
analyses are shown in Tables 3 through 10.
. On the Wiener loam there-was a direct relationship as
indicated by thepositive correlation coefficients between the nitrogen
content of the corn leaf and the nitrogen content of the-entire‘plant at
all four stages of plant growth. The coefficients were statistically
significant at the 5'percent level of probability for‘the first sampling
date and at the 1 percent level for subsequent samplings.
On the Kalamazoo sandy loam, the direct relationship
between the nitrogen content of the corn leaves and the plant was not
evident until September. While the correlation coefficient at this time
was relatively low, it was, however, statistically significant (S‘per-
cent). The'degree of relationship became more pronounced. in October.
This might be due, in part, to the low yields obtained and to preceding
alfalfa crops which supplied considerable nitrogen and possibly upset
the balance that is usually expected.
The relationship of the phosphorus content of the corn
leaves and of the entire plants was similar in each experiment in that
a high degree of correlation was obtained for the first three sampling
dates. At the last sampling date the correlation coefficients-were
low and more statistically significant. This might be explained because
phosphorus tends to accumulate in the seed as the plants mature.
On the Wisner loam at the first sampling date there was
no significant correlation found between potassium in theplant with
that in the leaf. However a positive correlation significant at the 1
percent level was observed for August 8 and September 3 sampling
dates and at the _5 percent level of probability for October 3. On the
other hand, on the Kalamazoo sandy loam, there was apositive
correlation between the plant potassium and the leaf potassium only
at the time of the last sampling, October 2.
On the Wisner loam, the calcium contents of the whole
plants and leaveswere significantly correlated at the time of the
first sampling date. This relationship was observed for the second
sampling taken from the Kalamazoo sandy loam site.
On the Wisner loam, the plant magnesium. was positively
correlated (1 percent) with the leaf magnesium. during the second and
fourth sampling dates. Onthe Kalamazoo sandy loam, , the-plant
magnesium was positively correlated with leaf magnesium during the
second, third and fourth sampling dates. Only on the third sampling
date (September 2) was the relationship significant at the 1 percent level
of probability.
Plant sodium was significantly correlated (1 percent) with
leaf sodium on the second and fourth sampling dates on the Wisner loam.
On the Kalamazoo sandy loam this relationship was not apparent.
Plant nitrogen was significantly correlated (5 percent) with
leaf phosphorus on August 8 on Wisner loam. On Kalamazoo sandy
loam, no significant correlationswere found regardless of date of
On Wisner loam plant phosphorus had a direct relationship
(1- percent) with leaf potassium on the second and third dates of
sampling. No such relationship was evident in the corn grown on the
Kalamazoo sandy loam.
On the Wisner loam on July 3, plant phosphorus had an
inverse relationship with leaf calcium. The coefficient was significant
at the 1 percent level of probability. No such relationship was ob-
served between leaves and plants grown on the Kalamazoo sandy loam.
A negative correlation (1 percent) between magnesium
and phosphorus in leaves and whole plant was obtained on the Wisner
loam. No such relationship was found in plants from the Kalamazoo
sandy loam.
Plant phosphorus was negatively correlated with sodium
in the leaves for the second and third samplings. The degree of
significance was at levels of 5 percent and 1 percent respectively.
However, a positive correlation between phosphorus and sodium con-
tents of the plants and leaves (1 percent level) was found at last
sampling date for plants from the Kalamazoo sandy loam.
Plant potassium and magnesium in the leaves were
negatively correlated in plants from Wisner loam at the second and
third sampling dates. This relationship was evident in plants grown
on the Kalamazoo sandy loam for the last three sampling dates. On
the Kalamazoo soil during second and third sampling dates the
percent of plant potassium decreased as the percent of calcium in
the leaf increased.
On the Wisner loam as the percent of calcium in the
plant increased the percent of magnesium in the leaf increased.
This occurred only at the second date of sampling. No such
relationship was found in Kalamazoo sandy loam.
Plant calcium on the Wisner loam on October 3 and on
the Kalamazoo sandy loam on August 7 was negatively correlated
(5 percent) with the leaf phosphorus. The reverse of this occurred
on October 2 at the Kalamazoo site.
No relationship between plant calcium and leaf sodium
occurred at sampling date on the Wisner loam. However, on the
Kalamazoo sandy loam a positive correlation was noted during the
first two sampling dates. The coefficients were significant at the
1 percent level of probability.
Plant magnesium from corn grown on the Wisner loam was
positively correlated with the leaf calciumon the October 3 samplings.
This was also the case with plants sampled from the Kalamazoo sandy
loam on August 7 and September 2. These were significant at 5 per-
cent and 1 percent levels of probability. OnKalamazoo sandy loam,
plant magnesium was negatively correlated with the'leaf potassiumon
August 7, and with leaf sodium on September 2. The correlation
coefficient with leaf sodium changed from negative to positive on
October 2.
On Wisner loam plant sodium had a direct relationship
, with leaf calcium on the July 3 and October 3 sampling dates. The
coefficientswere-significant at l and Spercent levels respectively. On
October 3 plant sodium was negatively correlated with leaf potassium
and positively correlated with leaf magnesium. Each coefficient was
significant at the 5 percent level of probability. On Kalamazoo sandy
loam, plant sodium was negatively correlated (1 percent) with leaf
phosphorus on September 2.
Tables 3-10 show considerable-variation between yield-
elemental composition relationships irrespective of soil or sampling
The following field-elemental composition relationships
were obtained on the Wisner .loam. The'phosphorus and-potassium
contents of the leaves on July 3 were correlatedwith yield, phosphorus
negatively (1 percent) and potassium positively (5 percent). One
month later, the potassium relationship with yield was not apparent.
The relationship between the phosphorus content of the leaf and yield
had changed from negative to positive. At this time, the nitrogen
content of the leaf could be correlated with the final yield. OnSeptember
3, the relationship between the phosphorus content of the leaf and yield
had decreased below the 5 percent level of significance. The relation-
ships between nitrogen levels and yield remained relatively constant
as indicated by the nitrogen values for the remainder of the sampling
The phosphorus-yield relationship was again evident.
Yield-elemental composition relationships of corn grown
on Kalamazoo sandy loam showed leaf nitrogen to be negatively
correlated with yield on July 2. On October 2, the yield-was positively
correlated with- leaf phosphorus and leaf sodium at the 5 percent and
1 percent levels of probability respectively.
On the basis of these data it would be difficult to predict
corn yields on the basis of theelemental composition of the ear
leaf. Wide variationin relationships occurred not only between soils
but also between sampling dates.
Tables 3--10 show that on the Wisner soil the nitrogen
content of the above gro...nd portion of the corn plant was the only
element that could be correlated with grain yield.
There were no Statistically significant correlation
coefficients found between the percent of any of the elements in the
plant and yield of plants grown on the Kalamazoo sandy loam.
Corn was grown on two soils, a Wisner loam and a Kala-
mazoo sandy loam. which were treated with several combinations of
nitrogen, phosphate and potash. Leaves andthe aerial portion-of
whole plants'were colleCted at monthly intervals for chemical analysis.
The relationships between the chemical composition of leaves and
-whole'plants were investigated. The nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,
calcium, magnesium and sodium contents of the various samples
were determined.
Amounts of fertilizer-in excess of 80,. 160 and 80 pounds
per acre of nitrogen, phosphate and'potash respectively-when applied
to Wisner-loam did not appreciably. increase'the yieldof grain. The
same «figures for theyields from the‘Kalamazoo sandy loam were 20,
O, and. 20’ pounds. With few exceptions the use of a fertilizer-element
resulted-in anincrease' in concentration of that element in both the
leaves and theplants. The levels in both leaves and'plants were
somewhat proportioned to the'quantity of the nutrient used.
On both soils thenitrogen, phosphorus andspotassium
contents of bothleaves and-plants were highest early in the growing
season. The calcium levelsin the-leaves increased as thecseason
progressed. The calcium levels in the plants reached a maximum
in August and then rapidly decreased. On the Wisner loam, there was
a tendency for the magnesium levels in the leaves to increase as the
season progressed. Magnesium levels in corn leaves from the
-Kalamazoo sandy loam remained relatively constant. On each soil
the magnesium levels in the plants decreased as the cornplants
approached maturity. The percent sodium in the leaves from each
soil had a tendency to increase with each sampling date. The tendency
was not as evident when whole plants were used as a sample although
the highest level in corn grownon the‘Kalamazoo sandy loamwas
obtained from samples collected on the last sampling. date.
The percent nitrogenin the leaves‘was. higher‘than in the
plants on all four sampling dates. The‘percent phosphorusin the
leaves was higher than in the plants on the first three sampling dates.
The reverse was thecase on thelast sampling date. The‘whole
plant contained a higher level of potassium-on the first sampling
date. The reverse was-the case on subsequent dates. The‘percentages
calcium in corn leaves and plants‘were approximately equal early
in the growing season. By the time of the last sampling, the
concentration in the leaves was in excess of 4. 5 times that in the
plants. The-magnesium relationships-were not as evident, although
the-magnesium levels in the leaves from corn on both soils on the
last sampling date were-approximately 1.”? times greater‘than in
the plants. The percent sodium in the-leaves and plants was approxi-
mately. the same on both soils.
On the Wisnerloam a highly significant relationship was
obtained between the nitrogen, phosphorus and-potassium contents of
leaves and whole plants (aerial portion) inAugust and September.
However, on the Kalamazoo sandy loam there-was no one sampling
time when statistically significant correlation coefficients-were ob-
tained between these elements in the leaves andwhole plants.
On the basis of these results, the compositionof the
leaves does not necessarily reflect the compositionof the-wholeplants.
The‘interaction of date of sampling and chemical composition precludes
the use of leaf samples as a measure of the calcium, magnesium and
sodium composition . of the plant.
Grain yields and the percent of a given element in the
aerial portion. of the'plants'were not correlated except in the case of
nitrogen and this only on the Wisnerloam. The coefficientsderived
from the data obtained from the Wisner loam were statistically. signi-
ficant for the August, September and October samplings.
Inthese studies, the chemical analyses of leaves were more
closely related to grain yield than were» the chemical analyses of plants.
From the Wisner loam site statistically. significant correlation
coefficients (with grain yield), involvingwphosphorus and’potassium in
July, nitrogen and phosphorus in August, nitrogenin September and
nitrogen and phosphorus in October were found. From the Kalamazoo
sandy loam site, nitrogen and grain yields were significantly cor—-
related only. on the July sampling date. The phorphorus content of
the leaves and grain yields were significantly correlatedonly in
The data suggest that time of sampling is an important con-
siderationin evaluating the nutritional status of corn. For nitrogen
and phosphorus, the most significant correlationcoefficients involved
leaves collectedin October. For potassium the-most significant
correlation coefficients involved leaves collected early in the growing
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July 3 August 8 September 3 October 3
a. Leaves .12 . 57 . 96 . 98
b. , Plants .14 .41 .25 .21
a. Leaves - . 39 . 42 . 45
b. Plants - . 42 . 27 . 26
a. Leaves .01 .01 .03 .04
b. Plants .01 .01 .03 .03
July 2 August 7 September 2 October 2
a. Leaves . 09 . 64 . 86 . 95
b. Plants .13 . 3O . 20 .10
a. Leaves - . 31 . 32 . 32
b. Plants ~ . 3O . 25 .18
4 Sodium
a. Leaves .01 .02 .03 .03
b. Plants . 01 . 02 . 02 . 04
N P K Ca . Mg aNa . Yield
0.szs* -0.oss 0.054 -0.186 -0.197 -0.001
-0.416 0.688** 0.123 -0.615 -0.017 -O.156
-0.465 0.038 0.011 -0.311 -0.113 -o.027
-0.234 -0.415 -0.449 0.739** -0.357 -O.164
-0.240 -O.467 -0.402 0.687 0.230 0.233
10.351 -0.674 0.545 .0.418 -0.370 1.000
*Significant at 5% level.
*f'sunmcsnt at 17. level.
Whole Leaf
N P K Ca \Mg .Na Yield
N .833’°‘* . 582* . 371 . 217 .164 . 075 . 582*
P .118 . 727M .769“ -. 192 .056 ’-. 541* -. 084
K .179 .412 .626** .093 -. 559* .140 .003
Ca .717“ .124 -. 149 .352 .585* .114 .435
Mg . 436 -.10.0 . .432 -. 017 .739”. 277 . 247
Na . 037 -. 234 —. 254 .248 .260 .577* .021
Yield .592* .489* .319 .231 .340 -.019 1.000
*Significant at 5% level.
**Significant at 1% level.
Whole 'Leaf
N .P K Ca Mg Na Yield
N .763” -.031 .303 .104 .118 .067 .622“
P .465 .762“ .609M -.304 —.694** -.960** .192
K .257 .331 .926“ -.254 -.729** -.061 .063
Ca -.235 -.569* -.232 .440 .224 .429 - .217
'Mg .353 -.117 -.127 .427 .210 .042 .087
”Na -.373 -.350 -.240 .096 .140 .134 - .276
Yield .583* . 276 .199 .211 .060 .109 1. 000
*Significant at 5% level.
**Significant at 1% level.
' Plant
N P K Ca Mg Na Yield
.829** .464 .333 .179 .093 -.232 .645**
.423 .366 .074 .165 .135 -.083 .227
.444 .312 .510* -.186 -.Z48 -.287 .042
.066 -.004 -.075 .424 .462 .356 .318
-.263 -.129 .398 .572* .670** .357 .328
:1: . 6
,-.012 .138 -.503 .596* .592* .564* - .078
.770** .642** .248 --.358 .300 .347 1.000
a"Significant at 5% level.
Significant at 1% level.
. Plant
N P K Ca Mg Na Yield
.313 -.037 .089 -.177 -.027 - .279
0282 e699 -0086 “.236 0180 " .325
.082 .267 .177 -.353 .126 .155
.077 -.711** -.248 .360 .626** - .012
.339 .112 .132 .133 .001 .104
-.422* -.346 —.138 .147 -.099 1.000
*Significant at 5% level.
“Significant at 1% level.
N P K Ca 1 Mg vNa Yield
.260 .176 “.127 -.153 -.005 .090 .344
.033 .576*I ..323 .002 -.180 .118 - .045
.017 .560** .165 -.557 -.511* .214 .113
.394 -.058 -.409 .497 .403 .566** - .162
:1: a1: '
.286 -.198 -.656** .505 .459 -.029 .082
-.327 -.026 -.335 .039 .020 .132 - .040
.133 -.244 .118 -.015 .330 -.044 1.000
*Significant at 5% level.
“‘Significant at 1% level.
Whole 'Leaf
, Plant
N P K . Ca «Mg -Na Yield
N .463* -.104 _ .376 .018 -.024 .099 .184
P .175 .539“ .178 .417 -. 059 -. 159 - —. 078
K .417 -.823** -. 152 -.585** -.530** .093 .029
. Ca .018 -.395 .046 .210 .100 -.024 - .378
Mg .025 .164 -. 190 .592** .700** -.430* .220
Na -.358 -.736** -.018 -.138 -.160 -.060 - .364
Yield . 003 -. 368 . 033 . 138 . 210 ~. 059 . 1. 000
*Significant at 5% level.
“Significant at 1% level.
- Leaf
N P K Ca Mg Na Yield
.706 .434 .392 -.005 -.136 .422 1.145
.236 .279 -.011 -.l48 .220 .750** - .078
‘* 31‘
.145 .555 .550 -.396 -.456* -.040 - .132
.335 .592 .213 .123 -.121 .378 - .105
3|! 311*
.113 -.086 .294 .191 .464 .895 - .150
.348 .105 .126 .029 .293 -.154 - .116
.421 .548* -.028 .003 -.025 .893** 1.000
*Significant at 5% level.
Significant at 1% level.
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