°~AWA . W' 127 816 HTHS A COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS OF TEACHER-DIRECTION AND TEACHER-ASSISTANCE IN THE PRESENTATlON OF AMERICAN AND ENGLISH LITERATURE TO HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES Tixesis for the Degree of M. A. MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Mable C Tcnhaaf 1940 . ‘ v.’_#.fi.—/_ ' t'. . ‘» ~ '.‘ "k.- -.- ‘ ‘ . ‘ or. "- , 3' :3??? I ‘ . :3!" 2- "33"". . ' - ; . Vya r . w 3-: ; _¢_ -' ’ ‘ u - .; . ‘ ‘ , 9-4 . v33. .3 it»: firffiégfl #1 . gym .3 . 9.494%? 5; J.» «1&3 '1'?” file ‘ fl ‘1 I. I 6 -: .5 " ‘4. ‘ ya" ”T"; «w Wfi, ‘ 5' \} 1h . A. 7"," ~ 5"9‘ Vi: _. ' . 7‘) ‘ f ' I.(LH’1:‘.?I‘"§IO I J ".1 _._. I '3" . - r:- .1 ‘35!» ~V$i$§4 ‘jigi‘wtyfi >- . - . - vhf-z. ."fi‘g', ; I. ? ..\"‘,"f§."£ " \IV a“ Y L ,' IA ' I ‘v ‘55)“)? ‘ tk‘v'; ‘ ' ‘ : . m ~' "95'," {‘25 ‘ . L‘. ‘ u. .L'" A ‘ ‘4‘... '-‘.-\A . ".7. . c‘ .‘ ‘ ' . ‘ u , ' .~ "43‘", 3&4" 55%,".1‘ no; .r o . ....‘., '1' ""‘.'§1- . .H . .' II: ‘4 '7 ‘9'}. :5 ~ . . -- W ~ -' ‘v‘ w.» w. 72-59315". z'..; 1‘: .‘H- "_. f4, , - f1" \ ' H " O “ I r_,,v r- “‘1 . J" ' ;. i a" ' , 1 “' g2 ." n“ ‘ : 0 - ‘ ‘\ - .I-v ," , '3 \ 7-. 3 .v‘v‘fl “" 3.") ~-v_'5m 1" £6 3’; \\fl:' ‘ 3"}? 4":1-4 ‘ ‘1‘. U‘". _ “)'L‘:c ‘::a'V-_r. 2+ ,: , 0 ‘ ' jflr-Z-np U. .' \ tngJf 'J‘. ‘5' “a l‘ i ‘pg‘Tfi 5N7"! .fl ‘ _ firth-3195,»: ‘,xl$‘v,r.-?:1~.§xrw,h¢ "‘““'}'-‘¥-"i"ir 1:27. ‘5. L» 5%, . :- 5. .3.- V’ 1;" "'9‘?” "'--"-"'t"“;.., 5-93311 Hawk. 4.1" ,, V ..... (3 ‘11 A f‘~-I'7" - ‘V 1‘? '1 Dj.’:" m" "" T'fi fiTT‘T'D A CU AMIJZIDC.I CL Adj-J AJ .: .L..J;u./- .._..b-ULAL.‘V L..\.r.u 1‘? uflyvvw r3 ”'IP'! V‘P (1171—711 3-- vfimvavq-j (F—Afif ND ‘f-‘JLVL._._I .“'J‘.:33- D- £L.0 CE J.-o A... ‘4 ILQtJMAIA-AA- L .. .A -‘\ flVVV“ ‘97 -". "V"’f!T n7] 7""? 3 'W?“‘fi ~"\ ‘V’NTV fVVvvr‘r‘T ANT “M‘J;.LilJ I}.I JL-‘J 2.. J~I J.. J;‘u'h";o-~ ,o-..) ...-J.. U'J.-|~Jv-.J Van-104:») by 7' Q n '_ m ' r-D HAL-3.513 world 7113; -Gfi‘xc‘w A ' 1 a: +-»CU‘S “1.... 1. 'I ,-,.1..,.& C‘ . ,0 H: .2. , SJ mitvea to the Crguduve school U1 112%-Qun 0" n‘ 0“ ' r. . ' .- ' ,‘ Uvau‘30011'chCL AU ‘ i 114.t1..1 e 81.11 JL.),,118 ’5 ‘\ . A I. 1 :5 M L ‘- uCiQLC ln Larti 5 131111 any cf ,he .9 . . ‘ . - -C‘ r011w.ezts f: r tLo uebrue e. V' " *‘1 7‘1 ' 'v‘. \ LJQLLIX 0J1 11.1112) ”‘ ~ ‘ I" 1‘ » . #q' pegcltmcnt 0. .~ C;v13n 1NT'\-‘Q1'fiT,’~v THESIS i4" was coniu ted unner the a c, ..,.,: ,. . ”:4. . - tle 43119u¢n£ con -utec: ‘7 p a 1‘,“ ,u a. -.1-. .-- ~ C. V. Hillard 1.1, J, Williams Prof. G. H. Hill 129328 Chapter II III IV TABLE OF COFTEHT List OfTableS .0000... A Description of Teacher-direction and Teacher- assistance, Two Kethods of Presenting Literature to Hi‘-l;}1 school Classes An Explanation of the Procedure Used in Carrying Ollt tl‘le Experiment ..........OOOOIOOOIOOO00...... A. The Plan Used with Groups A and B, the Two Classes in Enrlish Literature .............. ALL) B. The Plan Used with Groups C, D, and E, the Three Classes in.American Literature ......; An Analysis of the Results of the Exneriment .... A. A Comparison of the Results in Groups A and B, the Two Classes in English Literature ... B. A Comparison of the Results in Groups C, D, and E, the Three Classes in.Americen Litera- t-Llre Summary, Conclusions, and Suggestions for Further Study 00.00000000000000000. APPEEDIX Supplementary Tables ............................ Lifst Oflieferel’lces ......O..'.'.................. C\ ("O U71 [‘3 \Q i; iii LI ST OF TABLES Dumber Peg; I A CC‘ICPARI 301'? OF THE KEATS OF GROUPS A AID 15, TILE CLASSES IN ENGLISH LITER: PULP, I}? AGE, 1.52,. , AITD * “.1’ 7nd , m ‘30 IIUAOR-POIAOJ'. Pd «LIJMU ....... o oooooo o o o o oooooooooo 0) II A COI‘ZPARI SOZI OF THE IJEAIIS OF GROUP A AFTER ADJUST- IZTG Oi? THE BASIS OF LQ. 'S Al-ID GROUP D II“? AGE, LQ. , AlTD HOITCR-PO IZ‘IT dell‘I::G . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 III A COISPARISOl-T OP THE :.m:rs OP JAI‘CHED PAIRS OF PUPILS FROM GROUPS A A311) 3 I1: AGE, 1.0.. , AID IIOEIOR—POINT EXTIITG 0.000000 000000 000000000 00000 0 0000000000000 0000. 10 IV um AGE, I.Q,, AIID HOITOIi-POIITT PJI‘I‘IZIG or G OO ’5 c, D, A1an .00. 00000000 000.0.0000000000000000000.0000... 13 v HEAL? AGE, LQ. , AID HOHOR-POIIT'E RATIZTG OF GROUPS 6, D, AIID E AETER ADJUST are 01-: BEE BASIS OF 1.0... 's 1‘6 VI ‘TEAN AGE, LQ. , AEI'D HOZTOR-POIZT’I' RA‘L‘IZFG OF LiAI'CHED PAIRS OF PUPILS FROLE GROUPS C, D, AID E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 VII A RECORD OF THE HEAD GAI‘IT, STA‘TDARD DEVIA’“IOIT, AJTD CRII‘I CAL RATIO OF GROUPS A AITD B, SHE CLASSES IN E::ILISI{ LI‘DEIRl‘t.TIJIIE 00000000000000. 000000 00000000000000 17 VIII A RECORD 0 HP IIPAN GAIZI, STMTDARD DEVIA'I'IOII, A171) CRITICAL PI T10 C.“ GROUP A AFTER ADJUSIIIIS I? THE :3ASIS OF IOQ. .S :71) GROIIP B .0000. 0000 0 0 000 0 0 0 000 00 00‘. 17 .4 IX A RECORD OF THE EZRA}? GAIZT, SI‘AITDARD DEVIA’PIOIT, Alf-D CRI‘PICI’IL RATIO OF LATCHED PAIRS 0F PLTILS FROII GROLTPSAAZIDB 0.000000000000.000000000000000000000000 13 X IDEAL? GA 23, STAI-IDARD DEVIA‘I' ICIT, ALID CRI'I‘ICAL RATIO OF GROUPS C AND E AITD OI“ GROUPS D AID E, THE CLASSES Ii: ”ERICAE‘T LI!BElLXrl‘InLE 000000000000.000000000000000... 19 XI A COILPARISOl-I OF THE REAL? GAIZT, SI‘AZIDI'LPD DE"IA1‘IOIT, [LTD CRII‘ICAL RATIO OF GROUPS C AID D, THE TWO TEACHEL- DIRECTED GROUPS III AI’LE‘RI CA1? LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 iv LIST OF PARLES (Continued) Number Pa; e XI I LEAR GAIIT, S'I‘ALTDARD DEV LA" I (3?, A’ZTD CRI PI CAL RAT IO OF GROUPS C AID E A'TD OF GROUPS D ALDF L, AFTER ADJ USTIljyr IT i}i}3 BASIS OF IQOJ.'S 0.0000000000000000000 21 XIII IEAI? GAIN, STAIDARD DEVIATIOI‘T, AID CRII'ICAL RATIO OF I'iA‘I‘CHED PAIRS OF UPILS FROM GROUPS C, D, AlTDE ... 23 XIV SUI-LEARY OF THE RECORDS OF ALL GROUPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23+ XV RECORDS OP ILDIVIDUAL PUPILS I: GROUP A, TR: CEACHEI-DIRECTED GROUP D LLGLISg LI“RAPLLD ......... 29 VIDUAL PUPILS IR GROUP 3, PAL XVI RECORDS OFI I DI ASS IS’I‘ED GROUP III EIFG LISII LI’i’fJ‘RATUPE . . . . . . . . . A». “All CITIE R- XVII AGE, I.Q., HOLOR_POILP RAPIPG, TEST SCCP ES, AID GAIL or ILDIVIDUAL PUPILS PRoz: GROUP A As AD- ‘TL‘STF‘JD 00.000000000000000 000000 0.000000000000000000000 31 XVIII COLZPARATIVE RECORDS OF ILATCI EED PAIRS OF PUPILS }?-O‘Ai GR‘)U'PSAA1:DB 00000000000000000.0000000000000000 XIX INDIVIDUAL RECORDS OP AGE, I.Q.. HOKOR-POIN’ RATIIG, PPR TEST SCORE, RE-TEST SCORE, ALD GAIN ESL? PT!PILS I:“VR OLYPC .000000000000000000000.000000000 33 'XX I: DIVIDUAL RECORDS OF AGE, I.Q., EODOR—POINT RAPILG, PRE-TDSP SCORE, RE-TEST SCORE, AID GAIL 1:03 LTPILS 1:: GROtIPD 0000.000000000000000000000.0000. 3h XXI IRDIVIDUAL RPCCRDS OF AGE, I. Q., I:O:OR— POIIT RATIHG, PPS-PEST SC :3, RE—‘EST SCORE, A:D GAIL DRPUPILS IZI‘JRLL'PE 00000000000000000000000000.0000. 75 XXII RECORDS OF PUPILS Ir GROUP C AFTER ADJUSTIIG ......... 36 XXIII RECORDS OP PUPILS ID GROUP D APPER ADJUSTING ......... 27 XXIV LECORDS OP PUPILS IL GROUP E AFTER ADJUSP HG ......... 3S XXV COI LPAPJITI “E RI} CORDS OF ILA‘I‘CH ED PAIRS OF PUPILS . MLOIt GRCLIIDSCA:'DE 00000000000000000000 000000000000 00 3‘9 XXVI COLZPARI TIVE RECOPJJS OF BEAT CIiED PAIRS OF TJPILS F1201: GROLTPSDJ‘XITDE .00000.0000000000000000.0000000000 ’40 Dumber XXVII XXVIII LIST OF TABLES (Continued) COXPARATIVE RECORDS OF KATCHED PAIRS OF PUPILS 11110.: GROLTPS C, D. A1'1)E 000000000000000000000000000000 14']. RECORD OF THE BOYS IX EACH CLASS COHPARED WITH .IEE FECCRD OF TT‘IE GIPJJS 000000000000.0000000000000000. 1;} AD m'rv' All C-Uflflf-q “QUE: | [FTYCT-K' Uw -_ MM ...-L F! b IC C a? -I V. N ‘ FT.- V‘ 1,4.‘1v *3 (~7-"71'r'm 77*:‘7; J. LIL-J m“ a ._‘-- ‘- CINE TIER I ‘V I‘ Tw“- -HJ$L"JJI.LH‘JVI.L u“ ~P~~T~fi~: J-vb'LI #&-----—-‘.~;q¥41 "’T‘ [bud mn‘ ' J m—w l -.. AC} :7 «17 A.I. ER S'C' .« ‘C’ 11:.) ‘1’ fl Ver J- O .' 01' \JL. I‘-'d7 at~-‘J:J ’ ' C‘ 3; 11¢ 'ALL) ‘J .AJU {fin-v u "tr“fi U‘lih .LJJ R I -. :1" 11-23» 7? h" m1 I .LuRlL'. pin ’1 “TIT-'7 T-" IfXL/L" A .43 fir‘m“ r."~_‘ '.).:J...‘. .L L .1 OF --. H :I‘JSL-H.» A. TETIC'H $ "V‘i’Y‘Y'T No fv“ ‘IJJ ¢.:;OLJ LIA I" A ~--r\ ”U mfi"vn “J T (9' ) +1:° VALQA‘K1 Am: 0 aga A l Ir P ”7‘ L 9.1- .5 ccver whether the two methods oceu* O H” 1‘ .L-.L \._.' (f U) H "D (I) differences No attempt has to general educe tic - nose of wr '1 1 er; given here, ‘- ‘n - ‘xfl v v .59 .ruglgflg “...- .— pszil learns to ffective to the v\\ *4. activity. 0 . ' I C‘ ' L116} ;r v as 1 fro m stud; literature " 77 them E; ‘V‘ I . "W veacheL. lzined to ‘ ... ”-a J (2..-“ .hey CCfild not un? ers stufly nn ess these were mic-h 95. I 1C 9"" ‘ ‘ .5-.. "‘VT’T‘U ,- (‘I‘Tflm “',"""1 .J‘n-mQxJLn/Ln. vb, CHC LIL CLADLJES 11—!" r-w-vj .- “4.ku ... .v .,. ,3. 4 C 7? L '7 JL. 11653.8 "if i 3 Ice measurable U.\ 1‘!» , 4‘- 00.1: “1 IV n ith ‘Ls‘ ~11 r L;~.. iter's Own wo orled une er sli.htly ii different from these ‘% )IJ- 11 I'D themselves. rew the arobled t'ieh the writer tried to solve t3 itrrer igstrrctian with futtre classes. Trere were no preeouceivefi ifieie gs to that tr e rests tcwli be, her was there any pr ference for a part1 cvlzr methci of teaching. The only interest VM to discover, if gossible, the relative effectiveness of (1) indiviéusl study 0y the rupils und er the (Hi ection of the teacher, and (2) interpretation and eLLlenation by the tercher to the jugils so that the net oi w-ich grodnced the better results might be used with H of cowparat ‘ve methods of teaching English, Buswell sevs, Approxi “a telv sixty reports ".ere fowlnd which attempt to make acre or ie33 direct .2.f¢ri:on betx' seen one metre” of teaching and ;nq+h_p: .. Fourteen studies were found to illustrate the method of two group coup perisons as related to readinz and language. ‘3..'-~ s r ' M r~~ ‘r‘ro ‘. r“\‘ v" .V‘”“: "' ‘~"' Stwaifio ielutina to “L; pugse of ll eratoie e19, lAucCu, vex; law. f‘. .‘ C ." Q ..—. Suitfi stateu 1% tr hCVlGW 0t uduC1tICUMl ,e rch 0“ :etrngry, 1933, There are Oily three stud i joeed to seventy—three in the f years. except as some of the f' ching of 11 teratu_re e. r within the lee t four ve rea’in: may be said U (D H ...! C ch O Dora V Siith "English Lanc“~ie, Reading, end Literature," Feview , 10 TQfiaxs. 4“. ~11. ‘hrnhns‘fiv a. 2 \ . W .‘~~r r“'f' 0- .A.) _, ~_‘-\r s}. ‘- .1 j‘LV 1 " ‘ k“, (J. C/‘ J) ’ E C ”C“ L ‘9' , ’JL‘ . r .Q u w... L k ._ . ...... .. u e e l d l e ...u L . C S .1 .. V. r n... O 6 . . _ .h C T 7) .... .1 9 ..-. r 8 C e .E O .u 9 .L 1. r 1 ... E v T W T .1 1 a C "J _ 1 t ...,.. i .h .u ... e .u ...... . C C .fi ... . . 3 1 ... r e 6.... S n 3 a ... .2 .... C 3 1. .1 ...v L . t a . .1 Q .1 .l o. C r . .h 8 .1 as t r O a.-. .. P .1. 1 w. .1 3 ...“ ... t C m x v. C J 9 C n . e y T c n v t .1 C a e . 8 t h 0 ‘r, t .1 S T... n: C C T ... S S S r ....u S. ... R .Q L a... .... T x .1, .... .C 2 n. ...... C t ...... 6 .. . e .3 1“ C S n.” T Ta. /. . e .1. .l t f .n W d m V“ r h .1 .c _. . n. . TM .2 .h f a... .3 O a. t n .1 e L .7. 1. c .1. a... ...... .. 4 1. £. 0 3 s x. 1. u .h o r s w u r N. ”Lnu.. :.v/ 1. l a .. .1 d b c C e l .c a n. 1. rn. . O L. on 9 1n... 1 . 1L ...... .3 9 .. .... 1 S t .T. n: O a, C l u r .... T, ..L m. S C .... 7 cc. a... h . . .l n t L-“ r. O .o ... .c . .. C .l T. 8 e V“ S e ...: ..u r. :2 . a v Y. an. n1 a ”I :1. «C. S e E r .... " .C H + 2 T C O . l I ...... u n a. 12 e C o: p. ... .. h ... ... t .. ... t a. V H.“ T ..T. ..c w”. t Y. .1. a. .7. L r n p .. «my 1 ... OJ 1 S 1.... .7. . .C .4. 1; w e 14 14 h. L t A... .1 C ...u .C. ...” p. ..L d ..L C S ..... P. ..." an.“ t .... C C C C. .. fl 9 0 n C At .1 9 “w Y S S.t .A n “A a 51. ..u nu J v r“ .«¢ my .1; ;M. Adv ~nq an av ,u pp ... ... a. .H. O O t I u .... b ..u J C t S w n o I 1 . . ... _ M. .c o S .M. O P .1” t ...... 9 \ur ... .v ?. P .- h n. S U 8 5 S I e .... D d ..c n 1 ...... 1L. 7.4 S 2 r h T... ...u L e an.“ F. r .1.“ ... V Lu Y“ .1 C L . cc 3 1 ..Tu flag 0 C n .L r .0. Q .... .1 C 8 ...... e 3 S e 1 S .1 .P 3 1 o u w an .u e n u h . C e .a e .- “A 9.: e 1... :. .u ”1. t t O a .1 h C v- S e u... ... .. m... . c .... .1 L- - .l t e r t .1 a 1 Am. r S u m... c. S "J ... .... 1. I "a w .. t n: r W .... e ..c U 8 L u ... T r a. S L . 3 , r «C s3 7.... C 1... S a .l t ...... .3 1 T. P C P T G Rx » A ..- a a n t .. r G n s .1 C a . .. u r 9 D 2/ e 3 fl 2% C n t .1 w... r .6 v C T t t S .c r n: 1. «..., Z .1 e v... V. O .1 e 3 S t m c. W .. 8 F. a B «C I C o l .-.. u . o .L 3 r S v. c. u .t n S .l .1 o a. a. m. R 8 6 S l .. m. n O .t .1 t e C O r an. e .1 L T. f e . o .... 1.. P O .l o 9 r e C r r... .... .. 8 t h .L o. .L at“ .0 O T. “m. 1?. t S w~ ..L t S ....V E T 9 .C. Au 8 C o .... .t .. 3 a . r ..u 0 .. .-. ...... .1 _ t n 1 3 my C r .0. u 4 Y n n T e C n 7. F. r. r T V 1.. n. ..., p, 9 m e e a . S e e .1 3/ E .1 .5 G :J 3 O O .c. .... r. ... n. v. .9 A. .u Mu “U u“ as/ r“ .. 1; :1 H u ., w. . C O .. C W. n t r r. V. S a d C e . e X C t S . mu 3 t 8 P n .1 9 .1 C U R .l .C C 1* :u n“ Ac “U : C 9“; » C ..1 a. T a 9 V. f t .... 1 T C . .o E. S t 7/ m. ..r . 7.. n n r. ...; .1 no u. S l .0 C m 1.. 1 do .... C .l m“ r... 1 n-.. A“ r... a. .1 .L ...; ..r.H n S h .1 e e H... 7/ ..E .1 h J O ..C t 1.... C S .L .... ..- .3 t L. d .Q. l u . ...L o .u A}... v.1. t .. V“ a a ..L r. _ H C n. .2 .Q o. i .1 u e C ..L L .3 1 h C .. H n h t ._ 1 . ..u 1.. "I. S A. «1. W F); 9 mm 8 «J n L. ..o t .1 n1 8 A-.. I. U. _ J 9 9 r L r e u h “.... a E. .U “ A... 1“ O .. .1 C .n C l a” u... ....w e r n; C» 4 1?.“ Pl "J: LL t a... 1“. pm 1 9. 1|». t Mn n C L a I r P. O k a O S .C. .... .C e e a .. S h 1.. .1 V. .1 .. C e r. 9 r a: n1 C .L. .Q U. “I 1... ..I qr“ v... W C .2 .7. C a-.. o. T .L/O 1.. up“ n. t h 0 o v. O t O O t r... t t 1 r 3 .9 .... l n... v- .1 t S 1 C 5. h S .n... O ..J. .1 .u . .. a r. a O u .. L. 1 0.. t n: ..L H t ...u ”-... n 3 “n. O or. r; S I C .5 F n. «r. l . P P. P. n. S .3 8 r0 0 U G T. 0 .2. M e 9 H O t. C L T. e an .c D. V. e s m S S e C :L a“ c 7“ r M ..L v. 1Lw. . . V .3 W” t .0 r l .1 V w. .1 C C W.” 1 u G r 3 L” K; n: 1 U C e 8 r . \a w. U. S h d o. a 1. . .L v “ .... t . J 0 f S at e t J n E a M C C t C. H... C r .,. 3 ...; P a... .. .1 a.) l V O U C n a w. m; .3. T. .a S c e n .c t t O C t L T, .... w 1 .1 n O O r .1 E O S ..L «n e r n V. S .... ... _ HA 0. r F). 1.!“ t A}. t v “U m e .7. “A “.1 “l w. A) an LL Aw nu t 1 e ..r, u 11 no .1 .1 o 8 .1 n .? c 0 e U n F. 1. n r : 7“ n“ "V vv t V t f l r t ..c .d. S .1 0 e .l f a. I; \4 K 1 r0 'ty of versa. Unnublished Doctor's thesis, Uni 27. 3-. Pp. ‘ -32- tucky, 19 .. Ken q: th- 1n MC 3 difference I ‘ 15518, ‘1 A t 4 q 7“ ‘I \.l minate all n u 0 ._ A? v; I lVCS‘, ject ‘7“. u, 0 O .V J re many and vrr '7 L erature fUCtS ’ (12‘1”17 ..._. 2?} e SO as C‘ u t firoteet ‘ U 31 reque f 0 TL e e C 511 V”: LA ible to .- ‘r‘ -: ‘- g y " 'I. undecvlflzs n these 49 12.7.1081? OJ. q I A. are 0 -J Ectory test 4,: ‘0‘ swt file. I‘V o--'=]l cW/cx... -c "r h . -. 1‘,- eze as Jet -e there 0 "Q 7‘ ‘$'\ PI \1-.'.E;-a€A.‘.tQ 1‘ J meet the re; ' C &v« (a ‘1' 'v'.‘ of tbe liter n l t I'S C TV 1 a ‘-\. -- & t1“. “It“. US . 111.“. ‘ ‘13P. r‘ h} .c .C- :6 q I A Q; 1' l 9 ’76 n'U-lvr 7- .\.‘-~- ‘1 .s or uurycses o n.1{ » l A— .. ll 12?; v- “ I lcl .L evalu ‘ I»: - U JCh L of W C J nortion. that I the fact I‘ fi- lqrxva, —- VM‘ rlse 1 S u A bler l‘ C V‘ L1 ‘ Other vv J\' ed to the te 3t 'L r u not 56 are 1‘.) v ‘ H‘T“‘ f\ ..n '- 90 level V '5 U to the 01‘ (-1" lee 1 1n 7‘ n. W {I S ; .83". g W‘n\ 18‘ *1. A the ex 198 cult _Io .3 n 9‘... 0 he facts lear- "~““eme:t of t Va. Ale CID ~!A tlze . CT’. ..L’ 1 re? MIn; e of the p a .l for the; O11t ‘0 .. urk‘m 3&3 t‘ '3’? C. e‘her, Lav ectlon of fire te VI 4L 0 1 A. d the -‘ (LeI‘ \ fl ‘1“ 5‘ ; elve C‘ t muza ._. . ». 1'1 9 1. r‘ ”0+0 4.- 4‘ ten; 1 11 .ns and 3 J a] .- ,|_, .(' - ..i w-\ c ‘ HT!" 91' C‘ \ ‘ I .8 ye. tt-a when K -... 1‘“:- -Av t l O 1 10. wh V- ‘7‘15 .8 I"; L I. CLS e to a q \ Al ..lCA, i engt was $4 rL ,. .u n . 4. v ”ergotten, bu ‘ TLC t "'D 1‘ e 0" ra-w, 1" 'H b. - - - , add I V- p. L“ ~¢fihe 9+; Us- “ .17 CIA y‘A «flu Ja§ 4..- u.s‘ rarer—i:rec (.... ~J (A v H4- ‘3. r- «In ---' Jr ‘I‘v‘ a. ..-. r stunt A én ‘V .l .' h‘ r- r'1 {J .' LA £4348 ’ t O In enentaxj' “'\ ‘7‘1 L4. . L I‘- ‘ C _ .4 3r. #5 g ' 1 an .A. taken ta use 0, .1 13 how to n w 'l ‘5‘ LgnJ l .5 the y (11% r)?" L4.-\.. .1 to Q~.| e 60 ca L Pu e cla ‘ q 1. h t 1C --" i":: CF; W3". A. H a. - T‘. :ere V 1 g t 3 $t4L the teacher read w ‘v grOUn “P, .. ~ g «'19 L?” vat ,. 5o ‘ l d to as 8 2118 c” .a- whatever 0‘ ref» 7. I .‘ L (Lb .. ~JLLQ' ’ l 927-1 all , — v uggvhc‘l‘ S '- 4— _. , the ~; part in fre~ , V f) t; ' 3 y"u‘ ‘.\.7U atnfi‘; “(\t . IA" 1 7“ ”n I 1' ‘3’: C‘ U ‘ '- 'J 3': e g t w -- -.a ,t. La 1- 4L..-“ Bu 1. '- ere I- 1M a..- “we C(Jllgn‘ fol- , l V. I u. n as “51%,. \ v' -v ‘.'\ -‘ ‘— L‘v-‘v 1 the e '\ ‘n -. _,~\ tr‘ * a- y'r L4 0 - \ w '_ tALB CthZ; 0 tea :3 r}. ‘v 5‘- 1 O 7' I " C‘ ‘2‘ h 5‘ C~L5 '4 An Al- - ~_/ +to ’tteu O n A U lflfitlLQS wr 3» m ...” 1", .t, Ur'b--4d a“ fix.“ 5 .+ v at». {w -minut ?' czzgww ’ aha-Oak & ""T q—‘cfi:‘T ,‘59 n m- f“? (“K-r" ; 7-7-1 Tp.'fi’1fiTWN'-:q Y?“ 7.1- A - "fifu‘f'?"fl “T : . .4 v; LA VH a, t I n . T .4.“ J. ' t. w r ' f“ ' ....Jn. J-JA'UI‘ An“ ....«¢_. J.‘s\vu'4.a..l‘,-ma \. ~‘ 0— ., ka.‘.4.-...’. 4-. ,1 V”... 'T’TT‘Z‘ vn"? 11m 1' ‘71?”- 4..w HAM ¢a¢>mr~alfi Ayn-warn 'P c312 -' - Il ‘—‘- b ‘9' v: «Ir-:1 1‘7 'fiITI‘T CF MIT“ ~\",PAT"\Y'*:~:1TV(171 I:’ "N “fiertts (IN-D £34— ..‘..‘J’ 11.4.; L‘. J $1.6M L~JL5~J g-J4L ‘4‘.“ ..'_.; firv~fi “'H -n T“ Mir-v1 a .. .J Lac: -4 . JV)- ‘ ’ MIT? :: I. -‘\T T vfiT‘Q" ...... mu lav-l. .l‘ '77, q .‘ N ‘ fl .2 fir? fliv'v‘,~_ -‘T ‘. ' p‘fin :1. --.... -.LJ-‘ h-‘..o.;A Ill ... \.AL\ «L A: IL ‘ -1 -. ’ -.-—.4 .LI-v U~¢W~4¢V I"? vu'vnT «r «77 I Tam-s - "777"“ I -I Hot-—so'-L~);o --.:4-..1$ “A‘J W \ 3 C3 0- .a ) ('\ be ‘4- 4 (D O H '1 I: ,J -1 'J 6‘ ;_ VI '\ Q I»). :1' {'3 'i F4. 5‘ ') 3 c?- d *1 J S .‘P .3‘ 'x.) P.) k‘ r' i (3 ’$ (0 0 ,4 (2‘ an '1‘) E: (1) cf (9‘ {3‘ (D c+ :3‘ 1 *1 C1. 6 '3 } A. () r.) €337.” erlzzeu H“e day, the heur ‘ust preceding the lunch periofi, eni the other U q q ~ A ‘ « ~ _ _ . .0 V H_ L tee LlJ-llc 01 t?“ “rt-“‘w'i CFC"”” 9 Le“ the t‘ie cf meetiwg influence; tfie reeflts in ezy wey Wes not deter- minei. The garter cf interrfigticx: ”"3 ate”t tr» "ewe in tie 'wg Cliufes. Tnfit m;‘??;{l usel, 3“'1i“h lit0“~t**e cf the LidCtQ‘Ef‘ and ..__-_. _ tytw1+1cfl~1 c:W‘+“_:v e '"'s: t: tf't ‘to " e-w= ?__‘ c12::se.‘. ”le“e-'"e*~3 03.jit Hi-t" C? wack, 033% reculrin: ¢“1?3rimetelv two weeks. For 6;:H r;;t .L u .. Iv tl‘r*‘c ates: 5;“ f7IQ‘»;t‘*re ‘tetzt cg? LCLEIIt (ETC) *‘v:;;‘=f =1"69:t;1:‘:s ~3rzrtet‘efi 'E'" $ .. - U t‘ée antler." F." the t 2211”” .. :c‘t'*""T-'*‘;‘ t'u ““3“ "RC; "_“":“t.’u‘r'.—-—o‘ "- ‘“‘-‘.“:‘_:"T-:‘: Mina—false, fifty mlti".v'.‘.e dieice, £319. fift'-' *1:.t:-1iz:~-—-t‘t~3‘.. - ‘ » tfiece TEL. ‘77t“, exitfl3‘uztive—*f:13 t1“t fer tke #:‘“* P? tte eetir€ fe.eeter W': ;regzrei fcr ‘10 as {.jrt-tert (xi also as a :;—test. Te- cauze this was “ct a st:“5;rii:ri tert, the 11 ter cnec:el the r571:- 3’ *‘V t? tte resrlts U? finfiw“~ tfie staff's art *f Cc““e"ti“: setronr ("nn 533 r-MJ (\‘I'CJ". r"‘.r“'v’.: ‘_ T" "" f‘ '7' i ”NWT U—‘Ks .(. -t. \VV~- 9......L...-. nut: "(,4v ..e .<. -J. O Q a Q o 1","71t 1‘5“ ‘- tt‘fl‘LQ "fCAW‘C ---' Vvov‘ g~‘7§-g f'r‘ +1-0 “,3 5-101-05g ‘---+ ' .3 H *L‘-L ’ ~' ‘ I.-- J ‘ . . A» - U' -' \-.,....;,.~ .1 r4 ’ -' J ..., ~ 91. “t ‘n A 5!- we 1‘8 C" Y 1 .- 4-1Ae v’.- 44 7'1 1. +2 1" l ere ucefi ‘37 y" ‘0 ’ "YO .l..v .P“ ‘1' ‘t 1;:- ‘w Rx 9‘- 3-wu- r“1"\V‘ A ULQ--&’R.-- '. Ls. A -I‘ J. 'T I I L .- \ (N .A.1,\f~ - 0'4 Sbv‘wu: ... e t a, rm,N 4-- no I.’ go Li. 1' c C1 w ‘ a“ “‘- . ...- .- 1-J... I‘“ L1An x.-- ‘ l‘ V“ A -n C q .snvv xii-Vol r. -q p‘ .o -- ‘-\.'.-J L ; a ‘3 ‘3 '3 .7715. (1 La , c3: to qv-V ‘orrie: AA. .WM' O . n -q....1c,nt .J , I ‘ .Tq .0 551 +L \. u ‘a .- ».’ 4L A-.. n + C.- p- n : ' ~ - 7 a“. ‘ “ V I .1 ' '- K/ §,‘- ... a». o- - -.. AO'M v .UI—v this . . !_ ‘- .114 la 1 :‘i! «4".» . A _ L let to JEe V‘c‘ ‘- I a w- ;~~-- .. ...“ .. .. n. V U»... L‘A \I.. .‘\~ ‘1“): ..a‘nl‘J-v... I.“ Q ‘ t'ao (:1 't"‘:?‘.""" k . -.- 1q(‘-\"L :rwr lt’UL/LAU L ’ A. r \ ‘3 \fx \ 4 (’0 I won I I <9: 0 U-‘,~~J . ‘1?" . -. V-- A. ,\ -~ L11 1‘ A Q o ‘ . .. ..r. a 1—,", “Li—.A. VVV‘. a) an 33.2: ,‘_r.) \.A I fl A‘. 1.. -AL- .5" , °,-.$n .. 1 -..t‘ J.‘ r ‘ ‘ _ ,. ¢ . I. . F VF": 1 (\ I F1 ‘0 fl “ , V 4 I" CC“ ”‘3 ‘I4C‘: 1 89“; _L 'r t‘fi? A 4.1.: .' Hulk: .5! "'_ " ' A. st": .. C - L ‘ C n V J. 5'. 9 fl- _ _ 3.} ..J. 3.“: 1... . ‘ ..+ ‘« a- L‘-. J. ‘ I. ‘ ‘ ‘% p. ‘3'. 3“ Q r y ‘11 Y ‘(‘ I I' I")‘I‘ ‘ . n )7"‘ n 5 ‘07” L 911,.»8. J. L .9 ‘ ‘C‘: -.Lbu u .LJ " “1.... Lub' .3, ._ L, ...‘\ 4-; 'l ' ‘ J- - J» . 5 1 . .° L% L‘ . 1 _ 1 _ - -, ‘ ‘ ’— "-‘ s v A Q ,_r\ 7". ._ '\ an I v . 1W ‘5 M “F CuLu r'Ct it“? St7 12m? .Ugl .~:'~L'\ - ._ J. .Lo Kc“; HO ’3 . _U.. u .9 _“ .- .,. C 3.“). ‘- , ‘0 . - v‘" \q" 3",'~ ~~ . p -vv \" " ‘7‘ " fl ‘- 1 . L '1 I 9. a 5-, r 1 In? e' W .cJellzl C?.‘. it“ u F=.A1,Ll. he-:* n) he ._"tal 1(“L- '-b Leta . a Fu-Q I h 1 t - .- ’~ .- ‘t + _ - . ~ ~ '* 1 9' I *n P-- ‘ \ $ ,1 ‘ 1 _ 3 q a I‘Y;.1 ,_‘.(.~‘:‘ ‘ fif) --alS 7‘1 CL l‘ut‘ e IL‘JI $91 A - '3 , {-1 4 A I U}'... r“ .‘ 31.15- 0 fl . . L14- -. -. fi‘a \ ,- -: .‘ J I. ,. - n 1 I, 1 . a —- “a: A r \ ~1 A H ‘\ u "‘ \ " (‘ V fl r fir' “fiv ‘ :{Vr VC‘FV’“ ‘..?’I]59 v.-_L. t3 .'L/.-el'-C€\J-‘St€'-_- F . q) - Lu lean UCL-A--4_v‘~ DL‘u‘—'-' 4.. - Lguj .d fl fipj 7: “'Pf‘r‘fif rxf‘ 77771-1 ‘ -—_~ ‘\v<~q C? C =ATv-L'1 .{ - ‘fi 1‘ "71"! {‘1' «N '_r‘ ‘1' W~vfiT ~(u77 :5 U‘u J 0.5-. 1 C‘. (-1: ‘-L.:J l-JJL \) L -A-\ ‘ A «I 1‘. .I- . .- J}, .. ..J VLJ‘») :J:Il:) AI H-.J«J -t ~) T Tm'fivj . rpm-1:1 T9? gm? T A 7'!“ :Yfiirs’q- FCI‘Tm Y- 1"'~'n v I ..'. l W . I g- . 1-; 5“- ---.-..J’ A .. .matt’ - . «b. ’ ‘L-Ia— ~v -.‘ fit-ALL ...“.Lx m-.. .---v-0“.D “-o-O- o—c-c-w..- -.-... -——-v- o-o--—---— vuw—Dflm---‘-- “‘I‘..-..—— A 4-1 11' - 1- n ca 11 ~r~ ~ -' v,"- -' I P CTL “0- l.) .V -E 'J L) *i . rave Jr . V . AI; .r’ . u . --.-.... ._m b H I b h 3 O H ~4 l O\ H L..J .. "‘1 k’l '“J C if U). B 23 17— h 113.33 2.33 c. LL 5 n ‘Q—q : n- A An 4- A I r .3 I. r. ;\ i A . I D 3 - "v b:.flér_lbh t- -le *‘33? c ? girlt s flirr3.=, Eacause or problems ,. . ° ' 1-: 9 , '- v' ”:1 l .- “1‘ 3“ cflnwnletravlon orlv a em Chcnjec 1n the He .70?"fl5.* u“ tke classes caulfl to ride It was couclhle to adjust the nu: be e se the“ there r 9” a: a w a " A, r m 1, .- were t ert"-elrht :Hfinlc la etch “lets. erble I .l as the recerl of m ' 'm — - . n -J- ,-‘ F..‘ .. ' 7 _ ~ the lDtPlllpOfipe test? ‘fl -PL. c;ee9 hue seen :3” 2 1n tee ter‘e argue, * .41". -. T A o ‘-~ t — : ..- .. t, ..- . .~ ‘“ G ‘6” 063”? *-%.'3 "v~ ~4Sx9 e7"“n tn tte setcnth gran? tcrc use . in phvsicel education and music were counted. These U cause they do not ”ive five hours of credit a semes k) ter as LC which were used. In the system of merlcin3 us ed.A e1ucls four points 3 three, C two, and D one. 13 ks for the nint21 3ra‘ counted. In 3rouo A* the I.Q.'s ren3ed from 132 o the range was slightly less, fr01 131 to 92. In honor-point rating tE 90; in ran 3e for 3ro 19 A \.es 2.50 and for eroun 3 2.90. Km ‘ the previous semester were at first consiiered as a DJ 5‘) U) H a C) H) son, but the total honor-point rating seemed a more desirable TABLE II .- OI‘ 00”"){71‘1- 7.190. sure . ov,‘ A CCIPE 30? OF THE KEATS OF GROUP A AFT'i ADJUSTITG C3 THE 3ASIS OF II Log. 5 AID 3 UP 13 C) -E Lo, , 1m) HOZTOR-POIZT’I‘ my: I $1.] 1e Teccher- A 25 17- 5 115-01 3-55 directed Adjusted PO 021 H N l 3? Teacner- B as Cor pnrison f the records OI trouo A adjusted 0-— u—Z-u—lfi-u ‘ on the b: one groun B. As one check on the eXperiment grouo A was acjusted to n— ...—4— - ' ‘ match more nearly group 3 in I.Q.'s. By drawin3 ou t the records of two unils from 3roun A the mean I.Q. Deceme 01mlr .28 lo:.er than t2mt of group B. The ciffcrence in honor-noint rating was, sli3htly. l"See Peje 29 in tlie Apoenfl mi *‘See Pa3e 30 in the Apnendix. however, increased 10 TABLE III A COWIP RISON OF THE M"S OF KATCHED PAIRS OF PUPILS -303 GROUPS A AhD B IE AGE, I.Q.. AID HOYCR—PC TB RATIIG Groun Class E. Are I.Q. H.P.R. L) Teecher- .A 13 17- M 117.00 2.73 directed Pairs Teacher- 3 13 17- 6 116-53 2-73 assisted Pairs Comnnrison of the records of meta hed . Jr f gunils from grouns §_an . As s further check indivi uel eurils from grouo A were haired with individual nunils from group B in age, I.Q., and honor—point rating. ‘xcent in one case* the age difference was six months or less. Tile neir which was an excention differed in age by a year Rnfl three months, but it was included because there was a Hf erence 01 only one noint in I.Q.'s and a 61 ff Ierence of .01 in honor-point ratings. The I.Q.'s of the etched pu.n1ils did not vary by more than three points nor the honor- noint ratings by more than .13 except in tVo cases. In one case the lif- fcrence was .22 and in the other . 8. The mean I.Q. for the heirs from group A was .h? larger than that for gr un P. In Elonor-noint ratin the matched neirs from the two grouns were identical. No attempt was made to match boys with boys and girls with girls, for the numoers were to “I 3" too few and the di iIferences in the scores made on the tests did not seem gnificent. ** H. S *See Page 32 in the Appendix. I""‘See Page M3 in the Annendix. ll B. TEEE PL. ’XI.T Ub ED Tt‘i’I TIE Cr C" 'PS C, D, AID E, iEfE ‘L'I'ITU‘E CLASDT“ Ii“? AXERICK T LITERA‘JURE Procedure used with grooms C, D, and E. In the three llA classes J—l used in this exoeriment the writer teu3ht American literature of the period since the Civil Her. Of the class hour tw enty-f live minutes was used for recitation and thirty minutes in 3 ed for stud3x just as with the t Welft ;';rcde clu sses Cne cl:?s s, desi3nated group C, net the first 1 _1 L hour in the mornin;, and another, group D, met the firs st perior lunch. In both of these classes the teacher directed the study as was done with group A in the twelfth ggrold.e. The third class, groun E, met the last hour in the day. In this cless the teec as was done for the B grouo in the twelfth grade. Several factors beyond the writer's control may have influenced the 3 results with these classes. Hunhers could not be adjusted n (I) done in the twelfth grade. In grouo C there were twenty-nine nunils: in grouo D there were twenty-four; end in groun E there were thirty-two. Groun D met in the English room where the tables were usually erranged in a hollow square and the teacher set with the grouo. At one end of the room was a stage which could be used whenever desired. A nieno was . mg me available for use when the class stu M1 t folk songs. inere were very few interruotions in this class. All of these factors made nossihle an H. nformelity and ease \VIIiCh were not present to the same de ree in tile other classes. They also permitted the teacher to give the nuoils more individual attention. How much the re ults of group E, meeting the last hour in the day, me.‘ have been influenced by fetigue there was no way of determining. ‘Ehere were also many more absences in this class then in '4 R) either of the other two classes. Test material used. As in the twelfth grade an objective—tyne pre— test was jiven, and a re-test was given at the end of the scuester. There were fewer units of work in the eleventh 3r de tlaen in the twelfth be- cause literature constitutes about helf of the work in En3lish for the llA grade but practically all of the work in En; lish for the ISA grade. The tes.t, which LES prenared in the same way as the one for the En3lish liters ture cle sses, 73s less satisfactory. It contained only 150 ques- tions instead or 209. The coefficient of correlation between the odd and even answers for this test was .3 3.0227, not quite as high as the test for the twelfth :r reds had been. (J Connerison of t'n e recorcls f ”rouns Q, 2, and a. leole IV shows the records of the ole ss es in American literature. As in tlie one of a. the English literature classes tne information was obtained from the cu- muletive files in the school office. Hearly all of the I.Q.'s Were from tests given in the tenth 3 rade. A few were from tests that had been given in the seventh or in the ei- jnth 3r reds. In finding the honor-point rating all the marks excent those in music and physical education were used as for the En3lish literature classes. The marks of the five nre- ceding semesters were considered. The mean I.Q.'s varied by only 1.r in the three classes. In group B, however, there were two nunils who 5 $1: H C (if) U) 0 H) —q —4 L. H CO H- n each of the other two grouse the lowest I.Q. was 8H, seven noints hi3her. In 3roun 0 there was a mean honor-noint retin3 of 2. 35, in group D a mean honor—noint rating of 2.53, and in group E a mean rating of 2.31. Thus in mee n honor—noints t}1ese three cles U} es differed by only .22. 13 TAELE IV XEAE AGE, I.Q., AID HOKCR-PCIHT BATIK} CF GROUPS C, D, AID E Grour Class 3. Ase I.Q. H.P.R. Teacher- 0 29 16- 6 107.uu 2.35 directed Teacher— D 2M 16-10 1C7,16 2,53 directed Teecher— E 32 16- 7 103.63 2.31 assisted .— —-‘-..—h‘— Connerison of the records f grouns C, D, end E as edjusted on the basis 0 H, I.Q.'s. As a heck on the experiment the classes were adjust- .A—n C ed on the basis of I.Q.'s as was done with the twelfth 3rade classes by TABLE V REA: AGE, I.Q.. AID HCECR—PCIYT ilTIIG OF GROUPS C, D, AKD E AFTER ADJUsrlze -H THE BASIS OF I.Q.'s Group Class I. Age I.Q. H.P.R. Teecher- C 23 16- 6 107.92 2.39 directed Adjusted Teecher- D 22 16—10 107.57 2.hs directed Adjusted Tea her- assisted E 29 16- 3 193.17 2.3% Adjusted drawing out punils from the records of one punil from group C, the records of two group D, and the records of three nunils from groun E. 1).], Table V shows the records of grouns C, D, and E after these adjustments had been made. The mean ages of the groups varied only four months and the mean I.Q.'s only 7(‘2. The honor-point ratings 611” ...! , After ad'ustin3, groun E, the teacher-assisted group, ned the highest mean I.Q. but the lowest mean honor-point rating among the three grouos. Conggrison of the records of notched Qeirs of ounils from groups 9, D, and E, As was done with the classes in En3lish literature, in- dividual nunils from the grouns were haired for a further check on the experiment. Punils from grouns C and E were matched, nunils from groups D and E, and puoils from the combined C and D groups were matched with punils from group E. Table VI shows the record of the matched pairs of pupils from the three groups. Again the ounils were matched on the basis of age, I.Q., and honor-point rating, and no attempt was made to match boys with boys and. r1- '3 irls with girls. In mean I.Q.'s the matched pairs from groups C and E varied .08; those>from grouos D and E varied 1.M2; and the pairs from the combined C and D groups and groun E varied .55. In honor-point ratings the matched pairs from groups C and E were only .01 apart; those from groups D end E were .OM apart. The mean honor- point rating of the pairs from the combined C and D groups was .91 hi3her than the mean rating of the pairs from group E. TABLE VI HEAE AGE, I.Q,, AED HOKOR-POIHT RAE OF PUPILS FRO; GROUPS C, D, AID E \rn -.J OF HATCHED PAIRS Group Class H. Age I.Q. H.P.R. Teacher- 0 13 16- 0 113.07 2.h5 directed Pairs Teacher- E 13 16- 5 113.15 2.hu assisted Pairs Teacher- D 12 16-10 109.u1 2.23 directed Pairs Teacher- E 12 15- 8 110.83 2.32 assisted Pairs Teacher- C,D so 16- 3 111.70 2.39 directed Pairs Teacher— E 20 16- 6 112.25 2.33 assisted Pairs Ci-IAP‘I‘ER I I I Al? AZTALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF THE EXPERIiEl-IT ChAPTER III AH AEALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF THE EXPERIHEYT A. A COEPARISCH OF THE RESULTS IN GROUPS A AED B, THE Tut CLASSES 3 EEGLISH LITERATURE At the beginning of this study the writer honed to discover whether the two methods to be emnloyed in the experiment would oroduce results of measurable difference. In no nart of the exneriment were the dif- ferences in results as great as had been anticipated; indeed, in no case could the difference be called significant, for in no case did the Cl critical ratio equal 3. Lee says, "Statisticians state that the ratio should be 3 before a true difference between the results is considered to exist." Comnarison of the results for grouns A and B. Table VII shows how the results for groups A and B, the two classes in English literature, comnare. Grouo A, the teacher-directed class, made a mean gain of 99.32, and group B, the teacher—assisted class, mode a mean gain of 100.21. he mean gain for group B was 1.89 more then the mean gain for groun A. That the difference which seemed to exist betteen the gains made by these two grouns did not constitute a significant difference is indicated by the critical ratio of .lU. A ccitical ratio as low as this would indicate that there were fewer than fifty-eight chances in one hundred that the difference is significant. J. Hurray Lee, A Guide to Measurenent in Secondar£_5chools. New YO‘k: D. Anpleton—Century Comeany. 1936. Po. 51H. 17 TABLE VII A RECORD 01“ THE 1." ‘T GAIIT, STAZ-IDARD DEVIATIOI‘T, Al’l) CFITICAL‘RATIC OF GROUPS A AID B, THE CLA SE3 II E'GLISH LII ‘EATURE Group Class E. Kenn Gain S.D. C.R. Teacher— A 23 3,.32 13.2) directed Tee cher- 3 23 100.2 2".95 H881 ted .lh Como? srison of the results for 3roun A ediusted on the b sis of —m-——-—m—- .Q.'s and groun B. when the record of grouo A as it was aljusted :25 compared with that of group B, group A was found to have hide a neon gain of 1.02. Fnus the res lts for the adjusted grouns were the re— verse of the results for the gr ups as a whole. The gain of groun A adjusted over groun 3 an no more significant, however, than the wain of group B over “roup A he d been before the adjusting was done. The critical ratio for group A as adjusted and group B was .1: in TABLE VIII A RECORD OF THEI WEIVG I, STA1.DARD DEVIATIO-T, ATD CRITICAL RATIO OF GROUP A AFTER ADJUSTIKG OI TVJ BASIS OF I. Q. '5 A1. D GRSUP B Group Class E. Mean Gain S.D. C.R. Tencher- A 26 101.23 19.55 iirected Adjusted Teacher— B 23 100.21 26.93 assisted .lo favor of the teacher-directed class. Again there were fewer then fifty- eight chances in a hundred that the difference in results was significant. Comoarison of the results for matched neirs of nunils from rrouos A and B. The gains which were made by the Hitched pairs of nupils from groups A and.B vere scarcely more significant than were the gains which ”1,. 1. were made by the grouns as a whole. -uule IX compares the gains of the matched pairs. TAELE IX A LECORD OF THE KERN GAIH, STAIDARD DEVIATIOK, AND CRITICAL RATIO OF MATCHE‘ PAIRS OF PUPILS EROS GROUPS A AND B Group Class I. Mean Gain S.D. C.R. Teacher- A 13 97.33 16.8 directed Pairs Teacher— B 13 106. 62 233. 3.0 assisted Pairs 1.09 With the matched pairs of puoils from groups A and B as with the entire classes tne nupils from the teacheréassisted grouu nede somewhat greater gains than did the punils from the teacher-directed groun. The critical ratio for the matched nairs from group A and group B was 1.09. ticel ratio was sli;ht y larger than the ratio for these groups *3 :3 H. U) H0 or as a whole or as adjusted. It indicates that there are about eighty— four chances in a hun'red that the results have a real significance. In the grouns as a whole and in the matched hairs of nunils from grouse A and B the results favor teacher-assistance. In the adjusted -‘ grouhs the results 19 vor tee Cher—direction. These inconsistencies in the results of the exueriment with grouns A and B would seem to indi- cate that such slight differences as have been noted are due to chance. B. A COMPARISOH OF THE RE U L S H GROUPS C, D, AHD E, lnE THREE CLASSES IN AHER CAI? L I TEE/I‘m 11E 1 k-lH The results of the exneriment with the American literature classes are more consistent than were those for the English literature cl :se es. Here again, however, the dif Iieisnce indicated is not significant. Comparison of the results for firouns C and E9 nd IO T;TOU:S D and E. The results for groun C, the laraer of the teacher—directed grouns, showed that the mean gain was 1.93 more than for group E, the teacher- assisted group. Although group C did show this slightly greater (‘5 .in, -.‘J BLE X :IEA: GAIN, SIAIDARD DEVIATIOH, AHD CRITICAL RATIO OFU W ROUPS C AND E AID OF GRLUPS D A::D E, I" CLASSES INA AzenICAzz LITE; TUPE Group Class N. hean Gain S.D. C.R. Teacher- C 29 h7.69 15.MO directed Teacher— E 32 U5.91 19.10 assisted .39 Teacher— D at 60.12 ' 21.60 directed Teacher— E 32 MS.91 19.10 assisted 2.56 the difference had no real signif icance, for the critical ratio was only .39. The results of the scores for groups D and E most nearly anoroach a significant difference. Gioup D, the smaller of the teacher-directed grouns, made a mean gain of b0.12 as comnared with a mean gain of H5.9l for the teacher-assisted grouu. The critical ratio for these groups f was 2.5 , he largest difference found. This critical ratio would in- dicate that there are aoout 99. chances in one hundred that the differ- KAI ence has si gni; "iccnce and 18 not due to mere chance. Thus far the re- sults for the groups in American literature fa vor tec.cher-direction. J! Comparison of the results for roups Ca D, the two teacher-dir- ected grouns. The question nuxt arose as to whether the difference in ‘ scores between grouus D and E was dIIe to a Lifference in meth ds of tea chin; or to some other factor. By way of a check on this the writer next compared the scores of groups C and D, both tea her-directed groups. The results of this comparison are shorn in Table XI. Group D made a TABLE XI A COHPARISOH OF THE KEAH uAIH, TAHDARD DEVIATIOH, AHD CRITICAL RATIO OF GROLPS C ATD D, THE TWO TEACHER-DIRECTED GROUPS III ALERICAH LITER.’.‘C TIE Group Class H. Mean Gain S.D. C.R. Teacher- C 29 M7.69 16.n0 directed Teacher- D 2N 60.12 21.60 directed 2.12 mean gain of 12.1} more than group C. For these grouns the critical ratio was 2.32. While this critical ratio is less than 3 it does in- ‘ dicate that there are about 99 chances in a hundred that the differ- ence has significance. The critical ratio of 2.32 seems to ind cate Ho that the differences in results favoring groun D may be due to the size of the class or some other factor rather than to the method used since the method was the same for groups C and D. Comparison of the results for groups C and E and for “rouns D and ——-———~_ [ E after adfustinv on the basis of 1.0 's. When the results for the ad- _ j s __ _;2__. justed grouns as well as for the entire classes were considered, the scores showed that a.y differences that might exist were in favor of the teacher-directed groups. The scores for group C as adjusted were slightly better than the scores for rroun E. The critical ratio was .70 exactl"r -3 «J )2: TABLE XII HEAN GAIN, STAHDARD DEVIATIOH, AND CRITICAL RATIO OF GROUPS C AHD E AHD OF GROUPS D AID E, AFTER ADJUSTING OI THE BASIS OF I.Q.'S Group Class H. Mean Gain S.D. C.R. Teacher- C 23 M7.35 16.60 directed Adjusted Teacher- E 29 u7.17 19.20 assisted Adjusted ,3g Teacher- D 22 60.86 22.00 directed Adjusted Teacher- E 29 u7.17 19.20 assisted Adjusted 2.32 R) R) the same as for the entire class before adjusting. A comparison of the scores for the adjusted D and E groups showed a trend similar to the other comnarisons involving results for groun D. The critical ratio for gr ”ps D and E after adjustinj and the critical ratio for groups C and D, the two teacher-directed gr ups, were the same, 2.32. Aga'n this was not a significant difference, but it was a greater one than the results from any of the groups other than group D show. Since this difference betreen D, the directed grouo, and E, the assisted group, is the same as that between the two directed groues, it would seem to confirm the idea that the factors accounting for the difference might be factors which affect groun D only. Connarison of the results for matched Qairs f nunils from srouns ---"‘—‘ C, D, and E. A comparison of the results for the matched pairs of ou- nils from the three groups studying American literature showed the same general trend as use shown by the grouns as a whole and by the grouns as adjusted on the basis of I.Q.'s. Although the nunils from grouns C and D made slightly greater gains than did the punils from group E, in no case was the difference in scores one of real sisnificance. Again the critical ratio for the scores of the D and E groups was the largest, but this time it was not so large as in the other cases where the gains for groun D were considered. The critical ratio of .83 indicates about 79 chances out of a hundred that the difference is significant. Only six nunils from groun D were included in the pairs from the combined C and D groups, not enougl to influence the results to any great extent. 23 TABLE XIII nsAx GAIN, STAHDARD DEVIATIOI, AED CRITICAL RATIO OF MATCEED PAIRS or PUPILS Pnon GROUPS 0, D, AHD E Group Class H. Mean Gain S.D. C.R. Teacher-i C 13 M3.§M 16.65 directed Pairs Teacher— E 13 u5.u6 11.15 assisted Pairs .5 Teacher— D 12 5M.5o 19.60 directed Pairs Teacher- E 12 M7.83 19.75 assisted Pairs .83 Teacher— C,D 20 51.25 17.90 directed Pairs Teacher— E 20 h9.oo 1M.95 assisted Pairs .43 TABLE XIV SUMMARY OF THE RECORDS OF ALL GROUPS Group Class N. Age 1.0. H.P.R. Pre-test de-test Gain S.D. C.R. Directed A 28 17- 6 115.85 2.48 44.14 142.90 99.52 18.25 Assisted B 28 17- 4 115.89 2.50 58.96 159.52 100.21 26.95 .14 Directed A-Adjusted 26 17- 5 115.61 2.55 44.50 145.27 101.25 19.55 Assisted B 28 17- 4 115.89 2.50 58.96 159.52 100.21 26.95 .16 Directed A-Pairs 15 17- 4 117.00 2.75 52.58 149.51 97.58 16.80 Assisted B-Pairs 15 17- 6 116.55 2.75 59.50 146.25 106.62 25.50 1.09 Directed C 29 16- 6 107.44 2.55 59.41 86.85 47.69 16.40 Assisted E 52 16~ 7 108.68 2.51 41.22 88.09 45.91 19.10 .Bg Directed D 24 16-10 107.16 2.55 50.15 91.52 60.12 21.60 Assisted E 52 16- 7 108.68 3.51 41.22 88.09 45.91 19.10 2.56 Directed C-Adjusted 28 16- 6 107.92 2.59 59.52 86.46 47.55 16.60 Assisted E-Adjusted 29 16- 8 108.17 2.55 41.51 89.41 47.17 19.20 .59 Directed D-Adjusted 22 16~10 107.87 2.48 50.80 91.77 60.86 22.00 Assisted E-Adjusted 29 18- 8 108.17 2.55 41.51 89.41 47.17 19.20 2.52 D1 rested C-Peir s 15 16- s 115.07 2.45 39 .51 88.15 48.54 16.65 ( Assisted E-Pairs 15 16- 5 115.15 2.44 40.46 84.69 45.46 11.15 .55 Directed D-Pairs 12 16-10 109.41 2.28 51.16 87.00 54.50 19.60 Assisted E-Pairs 12 16- 8 110.85 2.52 41.16 89.08 47.85 19.75 .85 Directed C,D~Pairs 20 16- 8 111.70 2.59 55.50 87.25 51.25 17.90 Assisted E-Pairs 20 16- 6 112.25 2.58 59.75 88.00 49.00 14.95 .45 2.52 CHAPTER IV SUHHARY, COHCLUSIOJS, AND SUGGESTIOES FOR FURTHER STUDY CHAPTER IV SUIMARY, 001 WCLUS CYS, AID SUGGESTIOIS FOR r nTHER STUDY Summary gf_th§_study. The experiment renorted in this thesis was undertaken to discover whether individual study of literature by the puoils under t21e direction of the tee cher or interbretation and xrlana- tion to the nunils by the teacher was more effective with eleventh and twelfth grade classes. Everv possible effort was r1ede to limit the study to a single variable, a di ifference in methods of study, but this was not completely successful. Cle sses were matched as closely as nos c~siole on I. Q.‘ s, honor—noint ratings, and chronOIOgical ages. As a further check pairs of pupils were matched on the same three points. A ore-test was given at the be- i 3inr1n 30f th as semester and a re-tes t at the end of the semester. The gain for each punil and the mean gains of the various groups were deter— 4‘ mined. In no case was a i nil icent di ffe ence as indicated by a criti— cal ratio of 3 or more found between grouns. The twelfth frade Engli 1s_1 literature cla sses, there the major nor- tion of the time is snent on literature, made the following records. 1. Th e teacher—a ssistcd group as a whole made a slight y greater gain than the directed group. 2. The matched pairs from the assisted group also showed a greater 0 near galn. 3. The teacher-directed group as adjusted, however, gained more than the assisted group. In the eleventh grade classes in American literature the results were more consistent but not much more conclusive than in the twelfth 1. In every ase the greater gain was made by the teacher-di- rected group. 2. In no case was a difference of real significance found to 1 The greater gains were made by the smaller teacher-directed groun. M. The difference in scores made by the two teacher-directed grouns was almost as great as the difference in scores made by the smaller teach- er—directed group and the teacher-assisted group. 5. The greater gains made by the smaller teacher-directed group w uld seem to be due to some factor or factors other than method. Conclusions drawn from the study. Subject to the limitations of the methods used in the exoeriment the writer came to the following con- clusions. l. Pupils seem to learn factual material of literature about a well by themselves as they do when assisted. 2. By wise planning the teacher should be able to organize the work in literature so as to have the nunils learn factual material by themselves, thus allowing the teacher to have more time to nresent back- ground material and to develon desirable attitudes and.annreciations. 3. There is need for a variety of tests for measuring all the ob- jectives of a course in literature. H. Other factors such as, nerhais, the size of a class seem to affect the amount of factual material learned by th pupils more than do the methods of presentation used in this exncriment. V ner study. The exneriment undertaken by J. the writer suggested several tonics for further study. 1. There is a definite need for objective tests which will meas— ure attitudes and enureciations in the study of literoture. There should be tests for measuring eeurecietion of the classics just as there are tests for measuring information about th n. A few sucn tests have been made for lyric poetry, but there is a need for tests to measure various tynes of urOse also. Such tests should be nrepered for different grade levels. 2. In the American literature classes the trend of the exoeriment seemed to favor the directed groups. In the twelfth grade classes, where more time was snent on literature, this did not seem to be the case. It might be valuable to carry on an exneriment for more than one semester, if possible, to see what effect time would have on the results. 3. Since the gains made in the smaller of the eleventh grade teach- er-directed groups were greater than in the other directed groun or in the assisted groun, a study of the effect of class size in the teaching of literature would be interesting even though such studies have been made in several fields. M. Knowledge of nrogress seemed to motivate the work to a consi- de able degree. here wee much interest in the results of the unit tests every time they were nested. Some studies which have been made in this line do not ennrove of the comnetition which mey result from letting R) (1 pupils know just where they rank in the group. In the five classes used in this exoeriment the writer did not find excessive rivalry nor a feel- in; of inferiority on the port of those with lower scores resulted from a knowledge of progress. Instead the pupils generally tried to make their own work more satisfactory. This is, of course, the subjective judgment of the writer besed upon comments of the nunils from all of the five classes end from all levels of ability in the classes. Further studies in this field would seem desirable. APPEITDIX 29 P“.---.~ qr. - ‘5‘ 7' fi‘mflffififi.‘ r‘fi I‘,ET'" “77;? “707-.vvl ,-. I-f N-rx 'wvvw-D q (—va r“.— fiq -r--) ~‘Tv-‘f‘flrflQ-O" ..I .. - ,‘ i | ‘ d . ' ' ,.. 3" 4 ,. u . iv.‘.'v\.l....J; v.‘ . '4. .'.L.}\..4.L'..4 1 pi 1-x.) .. aliv'-.i A, -."J -:.L«¢Lu-.‘...L-J.4.L...~4V...— “fiff‘fi I“? “-7.1? 1' 9* 9~1~1f~ .- «WT-{1E U-.-J\4A ..n H - J 1". LL-JL.—l--‘ A‘sl/J‘ 1"- ... . -" ‘ . " " T’ , "‘ . L 7‘ x. L ”I“ P111311. “,3- l.%. IL.P..§1. I‘l‘p- II st : C-‘JI:SU L'v t r... j l “/13 Its 711 f." 1.1-: 11s "" one... +v".. ,. 04-h u;- “:J .. , ., ‘ ’1 ‘_.": 1"_ "- ". "C‘ 7‘ t‘.‘ 7'. ’7 1‘r.‘ 4t poo-coo «L, V ‘19 -—°j r ,1“ 1-1-} ""L/ 1'. 7 7 ." ’1‘ 7 7'7 "- f‘ 5;. f "f“ ‘O-(joooooo 1‘“ J Lj J. v" Jet/L; 1.17) ..v \ ’ ’ ‘ . 1'7 I ”“7 ‘7 I1. :’ r: ,7 1A... 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O o O 0 l o l o o O O O O o O O O O a 0 O O O O O O 0 I O O o o .0 o O o o o .I-. «I. n... .1 J‘II. ... 1 f. 7-.- m J. A»). «r1. «I. ..m. .4 an. .. / «II N u A4/ «I. A... 7-/\-. ...-J a--. 7. n J ...u/ «I. «I. 11. 1... «... «I. «I. l «I. «I. ......— A-.. ..- _ n1. 0-. n. . a... a; r... _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ u . . . . _ flu. AL ab flu Fv C C flv fl. av nv flv «Iv Av flu flv fl-u AU AM AV Fv fiv my fix.» C C C Av 1.1-“ 'I‘ ..-K m... ‘9 37 I-v- “’7'- ~LF"?T? ‘Lkuu—o‘a J’LMJJ- 4* 13-) f‘ (x 11 :1 r111 _,? -~I— ... .7. . 0.1- f, n raw '1': T“ . T‘\ If- - :« 9'1 1r '- v '1 -.....vvpu'- v.‘ F-.. .LJ .. -J..'.;u.'. .J .‘Luu \ Q... J — Q’m-w‘— - -, ' ‘ ~ 7' “ T7 - J. FLyll A”? ..q. -. .-. Te-tnSL —.9¢t «In D I 1" " 7“ fl 7 11 1‘1 11 -..—o o o 1" ‘4 .1... .. / L_’l .54. ‘— ’ . T‘-__j") 1 __ I; 'I “T ’5 'T‘ '27 1"” 77‘ at u—. C 0 Av a..." _. -1 y)», __ J“ ‘/ T‘ —. 1 1 1“ n <"- «—- -' I: 71 «J- 3 o o o - J- .b J. .. . .; ‘3 ' .L. .. \ b/ -.g I ‘ f . - ".- ‘9 1“. '2 "1 7-7 11'. F E-‘ o g o ..-"..1 -..J /.’ ~ '1'] a.--’/ J10 r - .. 11 r: 1 . 7 r11 :7? «1 w... . -.-— 11- 1..- ,- .- .- D ’.' 1’_11 11p 1 K‘N'fi "‘V’} 1‘1 ~71 —\-.. 0 .~.' .L. ...L/ .. J... -1 J. /«l g 7 1 I‘ \I 1“... 7 fiI-«v ...:H 77 1.;- D :0. . «Au-«J‘— ._.| Jud-«J ’,.w- .....J ‘1 5": 1‘ 'r n ;’ a '11" r1 v‘." m-j -7r'} :——.1 I‘J—‘~/. O O .L- _ ---h ' 4. I ,, .4- I}, j" 1" ..,\ ,.. 7‘ r- 1 - ‘I 1 1 '1 '2"? 77 ,,- . 1J- /o o o J.--"' ‘7 ...-.7. .. ‘- w"? ,l - ’ .1 .4” ./.r ‘r’ 1 1 1. 1" 1 7 W1 7 7: 11 1.4"...— 4’. . ~-- -... 1. *ll 1"“ a j-) I) Lt;- ‘1 11 11' 11 " '1 r“ '7’ 7" 1'11 1 U--'-.A_. Q «o—V— l -—V ...-I- ) a}: _.a. 1‘- K‘ P. r- "- ‘\ '1 1 r‘ '1') '7 (-r‘ 3“}. -o a 1‘;— J' ......a' 0.1.) J... 11 I} . _ rt .'-. —- (\f— q. 7 71 ‘. I ‘ I - I I ' A; 3.14. O 1“" l _u/ l../ .L; ... ’- Q " d {\f' 7/ n7 -’_- ’- "1‘: D“... "‘0 g 17" K;- 1\J:) .. '«JU C.‘ VS ",1- T‘ ’ 17 1‘“ A 1? 7-I ’7 -7 I- . ._ a .I. - L 1“ . «h. 1- -—J;. ...)j J. ’I; L.) --l (Sr) ff fif‘l .’ T‘s-l 7. g j- _;‘- 7 1.1.- 1. '_.’J b 3 LI]. 1 .Z) '1 H 1"- fi. 1 r1 1*- ":"\ LI- xi. 0 17— 1 *U1 1. ...l U 1514' “Id v 1‘ 1C 7 a: 1 1f “7 1rfl ~— w... ‘1. . .5 :’ ‘1 J -..—«J ;_\'/ ..‘J‘u, '«J I T\ r) .- .1 ( .. “-1 'n ’T-l C" H-.l. . lU—l'q LI 1‘ 2. «J‘J ‘4" :3 Y 'jv /' I .« ”A 1“,“ 1 ('- f’\_. . Ifin .* 7'1 I .1 \ ‘_l. I: ”bk... 0 «.7- U I! l. ...; C.) VV .1 o—- f / fl 3". . o 4.9- 4; ’1 :- -.l'v LV «.3, J “ “H 17 1 ”M 1 1r 11 1's :‘1 U-..‘ o . ....“ 'J + -_'_o «.11 J./ a. .J “I\) up..- 1,”? 1 « - “-7 '1 r1 ‘1 " 1' 1'. {‘1 '77 ’. ~ ":7 Al. Lu.-.'.. 0 "—0-.- .1' .1. \ I Q -;I’ ... " -4 ,‘d. J‘u J-A- I I \lv 0 .1 ./ 38 TABLE .KIV “‘1?!“ “A A“ '_ '- ("l 711' “71% f? ’V “NW-T fl “TT’C‘ ".'.fl RJ-L‘JI'JPQ/ID U3 FLT}. ILL.) $-I Gd\JT-: :4 111‘ g“. I‘M-1U k's-JT.LL-U Pupil Age I.Q. P.F.P. Pre-test Pe-test Ga1n E—l...... 15-10 126 2.6M "3 105 72 E-2...... 15-10 12M 3.03 3 93 13 E- ...... 16- 8 12M 2.90 35 10 6s E-M...... 16- 0 123 2.36 32 9 61 3-5...... 16- 6 123 2.66 60 108 M3 3-6...... 16- 2 121 3.00 MM 11- 66 E-Y...... 16— 3 12 3.15 35 8 52 E—S...... 17- 1 120 2.69 "2 92 60 3-9...... 16- 5 120 2.22 :1 77 26 3-10..... 16— M 119 2.55 31 76 1+5 2-12..... 16- 1 116 2.66 32 3 M6 2-1M..... 16- 5 115 3.76 5 120 85 0-15..... 16- M 11M 2.92 5 121 76 3-16..... 16- 9 113 2.83 30 101 71 3-13..... 16- 3 08 1.83 2 70 M6 E-19..... 18- 5 108 1.09 73 S5 12 E-20..... 16- 8 107 2.33 39 86 M7 E-21..... 16-10 107 2.66 2 7M M8 E-22..... 16-10 105 1.83 MM 100 56 2-23..... 17- 5 10M 1.50 38 76 3g E-2M..... 16- M 10M 2.09 63 93 25 E-25..... 16- 8 102 2.30 53 75 2 E-26..... 16- 3 98 1.53 51 88 37 E-27..... 17-10 9M 1.18 31 85 5 E“28..... 16— 2 :1 2.1? g; 7: 56 E~29..... 17- O 89 2.15 MO 69 23 E-3C..... 17- 2 87 1.50 37 53 28 E-31..... 13-11 77 1.12 60 66 6 E-32..... 16- 6 77 2.33 5“ 88 31+ H O\ I 09. H O 021 O ...; ..‘l m 0 \14 U1 .1: H O \ H 89.M1 J: N O ...: M8811, . . . . ‘4 38 TABLE XXIV RECORDS OF PUPILS 1H GROUP 3 AFTE1 hEJUS IEG no“ 0- m -: :‘— “m.‘ V... i! Pupil Age I.Q. F.P P. Pre-test Pe-test Ga1n E-l...... 15-10 126 2.6M 73 105 7 9-2...... 15-10 129 3.98 :5 93 Ms 3- ...... 16- 8 12M 2.90 3 10 63 E-4...... 6- 0 123 2.36 32 9 6 8-5...... 6- 6 123 2.66 60 108 M8 8-6...... 16- 2 121 3.00 MM 110 66 E-Y...... 16- 3 121 3.16 35 87 52 E-S...... 17- 1 120 2.69 *2 92 60 B-9...... 16- 5 120 2.92 31 77 26 8-10..... 16- M 119 2.95 3- 76 M5 E-12..... 16- 1 115 2.66 32 78 M6 E-IM..... 15— 5 115 3.75 35 120 5 E—IS..... 16- M 11M 2.92 M5 121 75 9-16..... 16- 9 113 2.83 30 101 71 8-18..... 16- 3 108 1.83 2M 70 M6 E-IB..... 18- 5 108 1.09 73 SS 12 E-20..... 16- 8 107 2.33 9 86 M7 E-21..... 16-10 107 2.66 2 7M M8 E—22..... 16-10 105 1.83 MM 100 5 E—23..... 17- 5 10M 1.50 38 76 38 E-EM..... 16- 10M 2.09 68 93 25 E¢25..ooo 16- 8 102 2.30 53 75 22 E-26..... 16- 98 1.53 51 88 37 E-27..... 17-10 9M 1.18 31 85 5M E-28..... 16— 2 91 2.M6 23 7; 55 8-29..... 17— 0 89 2.15 MO 69 29 E—30..... 17- 2 87 1.50 37 65 28 E—31..... 18-11 77 1.12 60 66 6 E-32..... 16- 6 77 2.53 5% 88 3” Mean..... 16- 8 108.17 2.35 M1.31 89.M1 M7.17 XXV 0‘ .... TABL- \...1 KO R .1... O O n KO 8 7. .... 2K0 M... 3., 5 Cu 122 .12.? 0.70 71d. 1.. 7. 7.K0 K0 7. S 7 3 :J .6“ ...-)1“. 1.“... KC fwd/C 14. 3 F1214. FC ...-1’ KC 1U. 71/ Cr. 7%“. KC ..L. \U Lu. 9. 9.. q) 1”... 1n . G r.) 3./ .ru 1.. C... S o a e 0 ..3 h. 9.. 3 0 KO 7. 1. 8 KO 7. O/KC 7.- 7. .421... 7.5... O .0 r3 7) .... no 31.... t. 7. C. 010. 6/1.. 3.8 mg 7. Av 00 O. 7. (b KC 3 7 no 8 7. 7. 7. 0.. 7. w- ... ab . 1.. 1. 1.. 1.. 6 UL. +1.. 1.. KO % ...-L O o +9 \u. :2 7. 2 K01... A... 00 7) 9.. 35 KO 1.. 8 1.. flJKO K3 0/ 2L. 3.. .6 Kb 1. 0/3 . 1. h. h... ..D .4 1...- 8.7.. .4 ...) h. ..3 I; ..J 2 r2 7) f. a... 2.. 2/ E .... K0 KC r) .3h, 6 W T E P ..m . D.» 7. a... 3.14... a... O .3 O 1.. 6 55... 0 I) 7) 7) KC KO 1 8 Ca, 7) FJ .1 1 K0 7.) 514 C o A... a... KC Kb fiv A J 1. Au KCKL 1. 1.. 2.14 2 a... 76:. as v 7:. no A... aU L ....) 1...... P o o o o o o o o o o o o v 9. o O O o o o o o o o o o O o ._ S . 7)..) 2 2 ..J 7) Q... 9.. ad a... .33 7. ...c 2 D; 2 9.. 2 9. 1.. 1.. p 0.. 1.. 1.. 2 2 . E H .0 R G 3....) 2 1.. .. urn... o o 0 FE Q 211.1 0/0 - J1. db KC 8 f0 HO 1. no 0/ 2 nu ad 7. 7. 7. 7.. GO F314 78 71/ .1) - m... . ad a... 1.. 3.. 1.. T. 1. 1.. 1. 1. 1.. 2 1. 1.. 1. 1. 1. O Q a... Q 1.-.. a; G C. 0.. 11. 1.. 8. T. 1...... 1.1. 1.1. 11.1.. 1.1. 1.1. 1.1. 1.1. 1.1.. 1.1.. 1.1. 1.1.. 1.1.. F. C C 1.. h. 2 .... 0 8 1.. 7. 3 wlh. 0 0/ h. .0 328 r33 K01... 2 3 KO .3 9 1 1.. 1.... 1. . Ag ......awu...__.%_. k.._ .m, .. ¢. .. KO ...) KC 7 Km, KO K KL KC KO r3 KC K) KO r K... K Kd f3 KC Km, K . KO KO K... KO Kb KO 11. 1.1. 1.1.. 1.1.. 1.1.. 1.1.. 1.1. 1.1. 1.1. 1.1. 1.1 1...... 1.1.. 1.1. O 0 O I I O O O O O 0 O O O O O O 0 O 0 O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O C O C O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O 0 O C O O 0 O O O I O 0 O O O o 0 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O o o c o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o c o o a o o o o C “L O O O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O o O 0 O O O 1. o o o o . o .o 1. o 2 o . A0 A... 1. 7- .4 1. KO 3 7.00 8h .../KC nm n .l a) n... h 00 ...JKD KC 1. 7.1. 0/ 7. 1.. 1L. 1. 1.” 1.. 2 1. n... 1.. 1.. 1 n... 2 3.. C 6 m. .... __.______. ... —._._ ...-... rank... m... C E nv E C E C .... Fu 3 C E «U E nu T. C E a.» E C E c E C n... . u .. . TABLE XXVI COJPARAIIVE RECCT“S CF KAICFED PAIHS CF PUPILS F301 GZCUFS D AXE E Pupil Age 1.2. H.P.R. Pre-test Ee—te G ii C 67 9 FA 1 n7 Due...... lg— n IL; L.%: 3) 1¢Q 3.100000. 13-33 125 50:4 )3 IUD D 1 14 1 121 0 2. ~~ 0* v ”Jocoooo 4“ -r L.“ L) 4* #- 1 C A: n 0’ :1 n1 , E“). . . . . . 1.)“ 8 1C7 LOJ‘) J/ 1V) wk) , —, -y '- 1! D_1u ..., 13—11 111 ).33 J} .3 12 f "1 11 m1 E-J.6,.,.. 1- O 111 2....) )J 1 . 71 n-3,...,, 13—11 11; 1.92 3 100 71 E-13..... 11—1” 11: 2.00 ha 37 33 f — 1 D-YOOOOOO 1:” u 11? 3.08 2 7 4; 3-15..... 13- u 114 2.32 L1 1. 70 f 1 PM 7 D-goooooo 1:" 2 lli 20}? 21 2 %§ 3-12..... 1:- 1 110 2.00 32 {S 19 f r1 " D-1}ooooo 7" 1 113 C.flg 8? 12 3.17...., 1:- 9 113 2.23 51 6 .— K n K D-1n ..., 17- g 1 3 P,o§ g7 c r r n/ E—“I..... 12-13 107 2.00 is 7H 3.16..... 17- 1 10? 2.33 3h 5 f .. r——, E-£5..... lo- 8 10' 2.53 :2 . . ff m D~17.,,., 13. 102 1.00 .8 C n-1 ,Fx‘ :- (‘i n E”i390000 17‘ 1V 1.20 J 7’ . $7?“ \n—q "31) O ..J .4 ...—l .> H O (D \Q Q ” KC) &) A. 'A r v-22..... 17- o ,L 1.00 23 o E~¢{,.... 17—lu 54 1.13 )1 8 1: f A t ,- .een D... 19-19 1.3.+1 2.23 31.1 8 a 50 \r f n -y f. . q. Lezn E... 10- 8 113.33 ¢.;2 M1.1« a h 8; 1&1 test ,.. D V-;L " r ‘3 A‘h 's ' - DV" + U P.“ -. ~’A re-tes P VII I J; *1 X“ ~ ~- .‘L’I LL T '37"... » ,b ‘ ‘5 . W .Lv‘J T- [“4- .— H A“- {‘e . h- ‘1': . I“ r. \ up: l a b Pupil r0 cu 7an acre n% 0/ "sfk. 22m; 743/ 34/0 . vJao 1 .1 7: 73/0 r0 7... VJ}... \Ur r0 R73 \w ...) 53...». r: :2 rt Lu. 3 CL 7.»... KC .....- \4 La 2 2 fl. 7) M... 3... HO 9 f3 7.. 1.. at /O 7.- 0.?C wt. 7. ”.../‘4. ultra. 32 O p; 7) 7.. Cu 0/ a... a Ca 1 1) CC 0.. 7.0 ..-V 99 Q 4 7! KC CO A... 7.- no 00 ~15 ale 7.. Cd 1 1 .l 1 ‘1. SJ 7! 7... r0 ‘3. AL a0 .2) «L «J F) r3 1.. do 1 0 r0 KC A-) a; nu. 3/ HQ .1 MM h. 7) h. h. r (u. L. .5 $4 7) 14 7) 9.. r) 22 E 2 7) _ J ...: ‘4 KC 7; Cu 31 32 0 Au ....) 3 11— f3 .fJ/O Au ”9 vfi/ 3 f0 KC 1... .00 Tw/ 2 SJ fi/ flu nJ KC .5; 0... Pd 1; A» CL KC 1 1 fi/h AC 6L all/C T‘J ...) 7‘ 8 n; A... O O O O O O O O O O 9541/ 5.... «2r. 7.1.1., G.— n,_._ mi 6;. 7117/ fir. AC 2 0:. AC. 2 2 ad 1 1 9.. 0..» 2h». 3/3 9/1; ”.-./O as (J a: 1 3 3,. n; O C 7- 7.7. 7‘9. 72%» n..- C; ...“ A_ 1 n; 1; 1 1L 1.; 1.. a; 1L1 1.1. 1:. n; m4 A... A. n. F4 O, 11 11 141 .11 11 11 11 11 11 111 11.. 11 53 n, 1 14 2 1 C 8 l 7. 3 7h. 8 a, L» C 0/8 :1) 6 h- 1) 11 1 1J . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . f0 ....J /T 7.. f9 KT f3 f3 / .55 /J (V r: KG KC KC It) f: fa... f0 f0 KC f: f? 11 11 11 11 11.. 11 11 1.1. 11 11.1 11 11 o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o _ o o o o O O O O I O O O O O O C O I C O O O C O f 0 O O O C . O C I O C O C O O O O O C O O C C . O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O o a o o o o o o o o o , o o o o o o a o o o o o o o O o o o o -0 1-. o 2 a o “4 AU a!“ 7:. \MH. 1L K: Na 7.. HQ .7; 11% ~22 1... 3 7-75 r0 .1. 71.}. 1.27.. 3 3 1. 1 1.. a... 1. E 1 .1 «In C . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ .~ _ _ _ . _ _ a . d _ flu “L C “L «v h; C «L «U Ta C T. C T; ab “L ab 7; C V“ my fl“ ab «L “—9..— kn L") , 10- 8 16-11 / \, 13- l+ )‘\) ’1 -_"J \ '. I\ \ 1‘ 10h A 91; J f u—S 16— 6 111 . 70 11* .54.; '~ J 0'). \-l PJU‘. “IN -1 (’3 \ .— \)‘. \N (J\- L4 #3 DJ R‘ I 41’\ )~J k“. \N ...,J i. C.'\ [U -4\() U] K: (3 Nb! 9) H! O\ O\ *4 U) \M bib! cu m \;2 L.) U) x... 4*: H \J‘. L) m (’1 "n ‘1 DU; 0 m NU] TABLE ""II I 3.33 an 22 :23 3333 13 3132 CL .53 03323333 3:32 223 333033 CE 3:231: 33 N, I,Q, H,P.R. Ere-test Re—teet Gain S.D. 0,2. I." ‘97 :7: 9:“; 7" r. ’Nf. 5; C 0 111043 20") /O'-/ J)‘I./j 3b.;/ ' - V0 3 111.03 2.,; L1.; 32.33 111.2; 16.3. n —. an.) \. . 1; 113.3‘ 2.43 32.77 1;;.g2 131.o2 23,13 ."f 5? .3 - '_I_ _ 7‘: r. :‘ ‘7 1.1 1120:} 20.4.? +"’05" 0.).) )9qu 22-10 ...... 02/. f‘ U ,- . 1 ,. .., _. ..-- Boys 3 132.73 2 11 L1.co 24.53 33.;3 1{.{3 a: 2 q H r? 1 r7 03 r" 23 "3 : : Ukrls 3 (J. D C../) ‘D./. -v.// 4".CJ 1).?) ..- 0J3 11 111.29 2.33 27 93 26.95 37.k§ 13.23 -. ,- r’ .- - n. 3 3,.63 2.71 32.33 3 .43 62,33 25,20 .30 3 , r. ‘ .. . rr 1,- r Boys 3 112.23 2.22 «2.3, 3“.co 'J.37 13.23 . — — -2 . — A . 1' - — 81313 7 13;.33 2.); iu.v, 31.12 43.12 1;,3» LIST OF REFEREICES Alex2ncer, C2rter. 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UNPUBLISHED MATERLAL Payne, Virgil F. "The Lecture-Demonstration and Individual Laboratory Methods Compared." Unpublished Doctor's thesis, University of Kentucky, 1932. Pp. 27. .. ..v‘ ...T...w.a~.. aflVH iv... .4‘..\....... riweauhfi. a. .... at .\... ....l\ .V. IKI’ I.w«§\\‘|.u. I. . «K. . ... ... - .. , . ta... .(.\1 . h v ’ \. . . . .. . . . ... o . I. . .. .... . \ ...Q....11.I. 1 his ..... 9...)...” A . .. ... .... \«O ....v..l..- .wv ..\ 1 ..~ ”LI”. \ \I. .Is.. .... A. ‘ Mo . . l . ... _ ‘ ‘.. . a D .t | l .I. ‘ ‘1'. . I\.IL.(¢ \. ...}... Y..& J _ (H0 ..., .. . ‘~. v as .. L. w "‘1... ... . . .at . ‘ x . v a... .s.’ 1“ . a. . .. ... L «a I. I. I! \-.. I I . . v . 7. . .x I, ..AI ...... D. . r i v k — r 4 . - In. .I.. I ‘ r». r . . . 4 “1!... 5» i 1" . . . u . .. . .. . f . . _ .\ .. , n A I .. . . \n ...,,.\...... L... .9 a3521\\d1.¢ . . , ...: . . . \ ”.....o ...)... .u‘. I“. w . . . x . .ss.\. - . ... q - 1.... . .1.‘ . . | .. . v ., . 34 . . 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