’0 A STUDY OF WELDING AND WELDED DESIGN Submitted by Philip Ii 11131:: “gagglmg TH E515 m; 4 '57 ACKNOELEDGHENTS I wish to express my uincaro appro- oiation to Dean Dirk: and the Engineering faculty, at liohigan Stat: College. for their thoughtful and friendly counsel and, ospeoiully. to profeusor L. 0. Miller for hi- hoarty 000peration. and in u like man- ner. to Hr. Bart Sangster for his willing and helpful advice. 26483 4! REFERENCES The Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding Design and Practice. Lincoln Electric Co. Designing for Arc Welding. Lincoln Electric Co. Manual of Electric Arc Welding. E. H. Hubert Arc Welding and Cutting. Westinghouse Electric Co. Manuals and papers frcm, Air Reduction Sales Corp. There are six general Olnqans of welding, namely: (a) Forge woldinr (b) Therrit welding (c) Resiotonce welfiing (d) Goa walling (6) Atomic hydrogen welding (f) Electric arc welding Thane varioua proceaaos will be diacuooed briefly so thot the rolntir: im~ort1nce of each can be better underatfiod. Forge weliins iv just whtt ’ho name states that it in. The metah in hanted in * fire or furnace until a fuoicn to yornturc is touched and is than withdrwx on: forged until the field is com- L) plated. It was “9E3 ottnnoivoiy by the oli time blacksmitha 9nd 3123 in many iniuvtriol pltnta, but '9 *hc nolfiinv method: have ir¢1¢voi it hon been largely re locefi Fy coma othe: metficfl. The coat Cf forge wo111n~ is hith anfl the procoq is slow "a cowoored to the other tyroo. Howovmr, thorn ore 1 {on scecifil fielio where this method is otill used anoneaafully. Thorwit molding i9 uaod to repair on} figgewhlg heavy p1"t3 ouch on rails