‘l ‘. 135515 gm State. Univemitv ' 11¢;ch ' J . ‘0 - A - I H: _‘4 .1—...’ 5- --.¢_’ w- - ' _ . . V‘ O—‘guwzx‘ v 1on3 '10 0 0-" “r , J '- . o _ X 0 ~‘~'-.~_.— A—s *" -w—A “‘ 4_. AW '~m-'w= 4,_—.‘- . ‘t- ’ . «~45 " INACTIVATION 0F INFECTIOUS BRONCHITIS VIRUS INFECTIVITY BY PARA-CHLOROMERCURIBENZGATE by Charles Donald Power: A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree 0! MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Microbiology and Public Health 1965 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Charles H. Cunningham, Professor of Microbiology and Public Health, whose constant interest and support has made this investiga- tion possible. Warmest thanks are extended to Mrs. M. P. Spring, Department of Microbiology and Public Health, whose techni- cal assistance has contributed immeasurably to the comple- tion of this work. I also wish to acknowledge the advice and moral support or my fellow graduate students and close friends, Drs. M. J} Robinson and S. S. Tevethia. This study was sponsored by the Agricultural Expertment Station of Michigan State University. 11 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . LISTOFTABLES............... LISTOFFIGURES INTRODUCTION . LITERATURE REVIEW . Infectious Bronchitis Virus . . . . . Sulfhydryl Groups in Protein Chemistry TABLE OF CONTENTS Sulfhydryl Groups in Virus Protein . MATERIALS AND METHODS . Virus . . Cell Culture . Buffer . . . Reagents . . Dialysis . Filtration . Storage . O Plaque Assay . . . . . . . . . . . Experimental Procedures . RESULTS . . . DISCUSSION . . SUMMARY . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . 111 RAGE LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. Effect of OMB on IBV after one hour at 25°C 0 O O O O O O O O O I O O O O O O O O 19 2. Effect of different concentrations of L-cysteine in arresting an /or reversing inactivation by CUB (1x10' ) at 25°C . . . 21 3. Inactivation of IBV by CMB (1x10‘5M) ‘t 25°C 0 O 0 O O O O O O I O I O O O O O O 24 4. Inactivation of IBV by CHB (1x10'5m) at 4° and 57°C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5. Inactivation of IBV by CIB (1x10'3n) at 4° and 37°C 0 O O O O O O O O C O O O O . 27 6. Inactivatigfi of embryo-adapted IBV by OMB (1110' ) at 25°C . . . . . . . . . . . 30 7. Effect of exposing IBV to various concentrations of L-cysteine prior to CMB (lxlO'5M) treatment at 25°C . . . . 32 8. Effect of exposing IBV to various concentrations of L-cysteine prior to CMB (1x10-3M) treatment at 2500 . . . . 33 iv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. Effect of OMB on IBV after one hour at 25°C 0 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 0 e O O 20 2. Effect of different concentrations of L-cysteine in arresting an /or reversing inactivation by CHE (lxlO‘ ) at 25°C . . . 22 s. Inactivation of IBv by ems (1x10-3u) at 25°C 0 O O O O C O O 0 O O O C O - C O O O 25 4. Inactivation of IBV by OMB (1x10'5u) at 4°, 25°, and 37°C . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5. Inactivation by CMB (1x10‘5M) at 25°C of IBV from two different sources (CEKC and AF) 0 e e e a e e e e e e e e e e 31 6. Effect of exposing IBV to various concentrations of L-cysteine prior to OMB (lxlO'5M) treatment at 25°C . . . . . . 34 INTRODUCTION Proteins possess an abundance of functional groups. One of these is the sulfhydryl (SH) group to which much of the biological activity of enzymes has been attributed. When treated with SH reagents this group can be altered with the effect that the catalytic properties of the enzyme are vastly changed. The same principles of protein chemistry apply to viruses due to their high protein content. By eXposing certain viruses to SH reagents, it has been possible to alter the protein structure of the viruses and change their biological activity. The viral response is indicative of the presence of SH groups in the viral protein. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of the SH reagent, para-chloromercuribenzoate (OMB), upon infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) as an indication of the possible presence of SH groups in the viral protein coat. LITERATURE REVIEW Infectious Bronchitis Virus Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is the causative agent of an acute, contagious, respiratory disease of chickens. According to electron microscopy, it is approxi- mately spherical with a diameter of 60 to 155 mu, and bears bulbous projections or "spikes" on its surface (Berry.g£.gl., 1964; Nazerian, 1960; Reagan 33 51., 1950; Reagan and Brueckner, 1952). The virus can be readily propagated in embryonating chicken eggs. The Beaudette chicken embryo-adapted culture of IBV can also be cultivated in several types of cell culture. Some of those in which the virus will multiply without evidence of cytopathic effects (CPR) are chicken embryo liver and heart (Fahey and Crawley, 1956), whole embryo (Mahonty and Chang, 1963), isolated chorioallantoic membrane (Ferguson, 1958; Ozawa, 1959), and de-embryonated chicken eggs (Buthala, 1956). Others in which the virus will multiply with the production of OPE are whole chicken embryo (Mallmann and Cunningham, 1965), adult chicken kidney (Kawamura 23.21,, 1961), and chicken embryo kidney (Chomiak 33.51., 1958; Mahonty and Chang, 1965; Spring, 1960; Wright and Sagik, 1958). The virus forms plaques in monolayers of chicken embryo kidney cells overlaid with agar. These plaques may be used for assay of viral infectivity (wright and Sagik, 1958; Cunningham and Spring, unpublished data). Sulfhydryl Groups in Protein Chemistry The sulfhydryl (SH) or mercapto group has perhaps received more attention than any other reactive group of the enzyme protein molecule due to its apparent importance in protein structure and activity (Boyer, 1959). Another term frequently encountered is "thio", a prefix denoting compounds in which sulfur replaces oxygen. This prefix is often expanded to "thiol," and usually refers to a complete SH- containing compound rather than to the SH group itself. Thiols, particularly aliphatic derivatives, are also known as mercaptans. Chinard and Hellerman (1954) have emphasized that many enzymes must retain at least a fraction of their substituent SH groups in the reduced form for normal catalytic activity. Examples of this are urease and triosephosphate, succinic, and alcohol dehydrogenases. Two other enzymes require at least one intact SH group each to be active (Cecil.and McPhee, 1959). Papain contains one reactive SH group which is essential for activity but the exact mechanism.of its activity is unknown. Glyceralde- hyde-S-phosphate dehydrogenasc contains two to three reactive SH groups which, through an S-acyl mechanism, are involved in enzyme function.‘ In the case of both enzymes, the remaining SH groups were somewhat less reactive with para- chloromercuribenzoate (OMB), the reagent used. The precise function of these SH groups is unknown. Oxidation of SH groups results in the formation of disulfide groups (88), a reaction which has a marked effect on enzyme activity. Such interconversions of enzyme groups in tissues may'be an important biological control mechanism (Boyer, 1959). Rather than playing a direct role in the biological action of the protein, the majority of native SS groups seem merely to form part of the covalent structure of the molecule. Consequently, their primary function seems to be to aid in the maintenance of molecular structure (Cecil and MoPhee, 1959). A The willingness of SH groups to react with other functional groups makes them more significant from.the stand- point of biological activity than the 38 groups. ‘Iith the exception of hydrogen ion associations, the SH group has greater reactivity toward covalent bond formation than any other group (Boyer, 1959). Proteins have been experimentally exposed to three types of SR reagent: (1) oxidizing, such as iodine and ferricyanide; (2) alkylating, such as iodoacetate and iodoacetamide; and (5) mercaptide-forming, such as OMB. Both oxidizing and-alkylating reagents react as rapidly, but not as specifically, with SH groups as do the mercap- tide-forming compounds (Chinard and Hellerman, 1954). Organic and inorganic mercurials have a high affinity for anions or groups, specifically SH groups, with an avail- able pair of electrons (Boyer, 19592. For biological studies, aromatic derivatives are generally preferred over the aliphatics because they are more soluble and less cyto- toxic (Cecil, 1965). The meroaptide-forming mercurials fulfill most of the requirements of an ideal protein reagent in that they (1) have high specificity, (2) react stoichiometrically under gentle conditions, and (5) can readily be removed and the original SH group replaced (Fraenkel-Conrat, 1957). Another advantage is that mercury reacts essentially with one SH group per molecule when linked through one covalent bond to an organic moiety (Boyer, 1959; Chinard and Hellerman, 1954). Hellerman at 21 (1945) introduced OMB as a specific reagent for thiol enzymes. Boyer (1959) stated that of 154 reports on enzyme inhibition by SH group reagents, 101 involved the use of CHE. The following groups: imidazole, indole, guanidyl, amide, amine, phenol, carboxyl, disulfide and alcohol were negative to the action of OMB (Fraenkel- Conrat, 1947). The reagent is not difficult to use since many reactions can be performed near neutrality and at room temperature. Such conditions are considered to be non- denaturing for most enzymes (Fraenkel-Ccnrat, 1957). Sulfhydryl groups in proteins are classified as reactive or unreactive. The reactive groups respond to SH reagents as do simple thiols. There is little or no response by the unreactive groups in the native protein. After denaturation, however, unreactive groups react normally to SH reagents (Cecil, 1965). Such groups have been classified as ”masked", "inaccessible," or "sluggish" (Fraenkel-Conrat, 1957; Fraenkel-Conrat, 1959; Cecil and McPhee, 1959). A Cecil (1965) stated that it seems reasonable to assume that these ‘masked" groups are involved in covalent bonding of some nature. This may not be the case since the type of covalent bond suggested would have to be one which is broken by protein denaturation, thereby rendering the unreactive groups fully reactive. Such treatment includes exposure to urea, guanidine, detergents, or changes of pH, none of which would be expected to cleave a covalent bond. The phenomenon of increased reactivity accompanying protein denaturation has been mentioned by Boyer (1959) and Cecil and McPhee (1959), although it has never been fully explained. It does, however, seem to be a reflection of the unique structure of the native protein, and seemingly indicates that chemical reactivity is sterically blocked by the protein structure. Protein denaturation results in structural changes whereupon the steric hindrance no longer exists. By causing structural changes in enzyme protein or by removing an SH that plays a primary role in catalysis, a chemical reaction involving OMB may alter enzyme function. Boyer (1959) considers that there_are basically three types of enzyme with respect to reaction with OMB: (1) enzymes whose SH groups react rapidly with loss of activity; (2) those whose SH groups react slowly with gradual loss of activity; and (5) those with SH groups that react rapidly without loss of activity‘but which subsequently lose activity as more "sluggish” groups react. It is possible, in the case of many enzymes, to reverse the effect of OMB through the addition of a slight excess of a thiol compound. Chinard and Hellerman (1954) illustrated the reaction as follows: En-S-HgR - R'SH ------- En-SH - R'S-HgR Cysteine and reduced glutathione are the mercapto substances of choice (Boyer, 1959; Chinard and.Hellerman, 1954; Hellerman gtugl, 1945). This reversal of inactivation by low molecular weight thiols may be due to: (l) structural changes brought about by rupturing an 8-3 bond; (2) recon- struction of an SH group possessing primary enzymic function; or (5) removal of a heavy metal inhibitor such as mercury (Boyer, 1959). Hellerman‘gt.gl (1945) reported that the activity subsequent to cysteine reactivation frequently seemed to exceed the initial activity but no explanation was offered. Another widely used method of demonstrating reactive groups in proteins is the titration of SH groups with OMB using nitrOprusside as an indicator (Boyer, 1959; Chinard and Hellerman, 1954; Fraenkel—Oonrat, 1957; Hellerman gt 21., 1945). This procedure has been modified.with good results by first adding an excess of standard CHB, then back-titra- ting with cysteine to produce a positive nitroprusside test (Chinard and Hellerman, 1954). Boyer (1954) has employed spectrophotometric techniques in SH determination. The interaction of OMB with SH groups leads to higher readings at 255 mu (Boyer and Segal, 1955). Bennett (1948, 1951) reported that mercury orange, known commonly as RSR or red sulfhydryl reagent, is a specific stain for thiol in tissues, and may be used to locate SH groups in regions of tissue previously not known to contain them as retinal rods and nerve cell bodies. Dithizone reacts with OMB, and may be used in the colorimetric determination of the reagent. Fridovich and Handler (1957) noted a linear decrease in the absorption of dithizone at 6250 A as the amount of mercurial in the system increased. Sulfhydryl (SH) Groups in Virus Protein The SH group plays a major role in viral stability and infectivity. One of the most consistent demonstrations of the essential nature of the virus SH group is inactivation of infectivity using appropriate cell cultures as the indicator system. Hany sulfhydryl reagents have been used but OMB is most frequently chosen. Ohoppin and Philipson (1961) studied the inactivation of enterovirus infectivity by OMB. The rate of inactivation depended upon the ionic environment. Inactivation was rapid im.most cases. With ECHO 7 and 9 and Ooxsackie B5 viruses, there was a 50% inactivation within one to two minutes. Allison gtflgl_(1962) concluded that most viruses, as well as the pleuropneumonia and psittacosis-lymphogranulona groups of organisms, are adversely affected when exposed to OMB and iodoacetamide. Some arboviruses and enteroviruses are resistant. According to Allison and Valentine (1960b), there was no detectable change in the rate of attachment of OHS- treated fowl plague virus to host cells but viral infec- tivity was reduced. The same pertains to other myxoviruses (Knight and Stanley, 1944; Philipson and Choppin, 1960; Philipson and Choppin, 1961). Allison (1962) investigated the effects of 613, iodo- acetamdde and HgOlg on partially purified vaccinia and fowl plague viruses. Infectivity was considerably reduced. The treated virus not only attached to the host cells but may have penetrated th'flm Intracellular»multiplication of the virus apparently did not occur. Oxidized 2,5-dimercaptopropanol (BAL) inactivated poliovirus types 1, 2 and 5, as well as ECHO 7 (Philipson and Choppin, 1962). A mixed disulfide may have been formed between the virus SH groups and BAL. I Philipson and Choppin (1962‘) noted that the hemagglu- tinating activity of ECHO 7 was inactivated by BAL. This 10 supported two earlier reports (Buckland, 1960; Philipson and Choppin, 1960) that enterovirus hemagglutination (HA) could be prevented by OMB and other similar reagents. Inactiva- tion of viral HA was due to the inability of CID-treated virus to adsorb to erythrocytes (Philipson and Choppin, 1960). These results indicate a reaction between the reagent and SH groups on the virus particle, and further suggest that viral SH groups are involved in the attachment of enteroviruses to erythrocytes. Buckland (1960) observed that the HA activity of myxoviruses and arboviruses remained unaffected by OMB, and Philipson and Ohoppin (1960) confirmed this with the myxoviruses. All agreed that the SH reagents had no effect on erythrocyte receptors. Incubation of poliovirus type 1 with L-cystine enhanced thermostability of the virus (Pohjanpelto, 1958). This phenomenon was attributed to an exchange between cystine and protein SH groups resulting in 8-8 bonds. If the virus were exposed to OMB prior to chystine, there was no enhancement of thermostability. The thiol reagent combined with the SH groups of virus protein, thereby making them inaccessible to cystine. Thermostability of the virus was not increased by OMB treatment alone. In 1961, Hirst reported that in addition to cystine, several polysulfides such as NagSz and Na284 stabilized poliovirus type 1 to high temperatures. Inactivation of influenza virus by various mercurials has been studied using mice and embryonating chicken eggs as 11 assay systems (Klein'gt.gl., 1948; Klein and Perez, 1948; Knight and Stanley, 1944; and Perez 23.31., 1949). Reversible inactivation of Rous sarcoma virus in vivo by OMB has been reported by Schmidt (1957). Reichmann and Hatt (1961) suggested that the action of OMB on the viral particle results in dissociation of virus into subunits. They postulated that substitution of SH groups with a bulky radical, such as mercuribenzoate, might interfere with subunit linkage sites, thereby resulting in particle degradation. Kaper and Houwing (1962), using spectrophotometry (Boyer, 1954), determined that turnip yellow mosaic virus (MW 5.5 x 106) possesses 650 SH groups per molecule. Fridovich and Handler (1957) reported 5400 SH groups per molecule of potato virus X.(MW 55 x 106), as measured by the dithizone method. Reactivation of virus inactivated by SH reagents has occurred consistently subsequent to the addition of thiol compounds (Allison, 1962; ChOppin and Philipson, 1961; Hirst, 1961; Klein 23 31., Klein and Perez, 1948; Perez 23 51,, 1949; Philipson and Choppin, 1960; Philipson and Choppin, 1962). Such reversal of inactivation by added thiols is indicative of a previous reaction between SH groups and reagents whether in viral protein or in an isolated enzyme system. MATERIAIS AND METHODS Virus The Beaudette chicken embryo-adapted culture of IBV, designated as No. 42 in the Michigan State University repository, was used. The virus had previously been passed 111 times in chicken embryo kidney cells (CEKC) in a cultural medium consisting of Hank's balanced salt solution (B83), lactalbumin hydrolysate (LAB), and bovine serunm For the experiments in the present study, medium 199 (General Biochemicals), supplemented as described below, was used. I Allantoic fluid from infected embryonating chicken eggs was used in one experiment for comparison with cell-cultured virus. Virus was harvested 48 hours after inoculation of the cultural system, dispensed into vials, and stored at -62°C until used. Cell Culture Primary cell cultures were prepared true the kidneys of 18- to 19-day—old chicken embryos. The kidneys were removed from the embryos, minced, and washed in BSS (Cunningham, 1963). The tissues were then treated with 0.25% trypsin (1:250, Nutritional Biochemical Corporation) in BSS, pH 8.0 to 8.4, allowing approximately 10 ml of 12 13 enzyme solution per pair of kidneys. Trypsinization was carried out at 37°C for 40 minutes. To facilitate digestion, the flask was clamped in place above a magnetic stirrer, and a sterile Teflon bar was placed in the tissue-trypsin mix- ture. Cells were washed free of trypsin and debris by centri- fuging at 4373 at 4°C for five minutes, decanting the super- natant, and resuspending the cells in fresh BSS. After the third cycle of centrifugation, the supernatant fluid was decanted, and the packed cells were resuspended in cultural medium to a concentration of l to 1.5 x 107 cells per milliliter. The cultural medium.consisted of medium 199, and 1% solutions each of vitamins, L-glutamine, and amino acids (General Biochemicals); 5% newborn calf serum.(Crand Island Biological Company); 100 units penicillin G potassiwm, 0.1 mg dihydrostreptomycin sulfate, and 100 units Mycostatin, respectively, per ml (E. H. Squibb and Sons). The medium was adjusted to pH 7.0 with 10% saturated NaHCOs (Cunningham, 1963). Plastic petri dishes (Falcon Plastics), 60 x 15 mm, were seeded with 4 ml per dish of the cell-medium.l99 suspension. All cultures were incubated at 57°C in an atmosphere of 8% 002, two atmospheric changes per hour, and 85% relative humidity. 14 Buffer The buffer system employed was "Sigma 121" tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (Sigma Chemical Company), 0.01M, with no additional salts added. The pH was adjusted from 9.7 (initial) to 7.0 since the reagent used (CMB) gives optimum results at neutrality (Chinard and Hellerman, 1954). For adjusting the pH, 5N HCl was used so as not to exten- sively alter buffer molarity. Reagents p-Chloromercuribenzoate (OMB), Na salt and L-cysteine HCl monohydrate, A grade (Calbiochem respectively) were dissolved in 0.01M tris buffer, pH 7.0. The solutions were freshly prepared prior to each experiment. Dialysis Dialysis tubing (Visking Company), average diameter of 4.8 mu, was used for dialyzing the virus samples against 0.01M tris buffer, pH 7.0. Individual tubes were prepared in advance and soaked overnight in buffer. After virus samples had been poured into their respective dialysis bags, which were tied at one end, the Open end of each bag was tied securely and a tag attached. The bags were then sus- pended in a large beaker containing buffer. To increase agitation, a Teflon bar was put in the buffer and the beaker was placed on a magnetic stirrer. The sample was dialyzed for 24 hours at 4°C,during which time the buffer was changed three or four times. 15 Filtration All virus samples were filtered subsequent to dialysis using Type HA, 0.45 u pore size, 47 mm disc diameter Milli- pore filters. Storage Samples which were not immediately used following dialysis and filtration were dispensed in vials and stored at -62°C. Plaque Assay The cultural medium was decanted from.72-hour-old cell cultures. The monolayers were washed with 2 ml of BSS and inoculated with 0.5 m1 of serial tenfold dilutions of virus with BSS as the diluent. Two to four cultures were used per dilution of virus. After incubation for 120 minutes, the inoculum was poured off but the cells were not washed. Agar medium overlay consisting of equal volumes of 1.8% Special agar-Noble (Difco Laboratories) and two times con- centrated medium 199 was added, 4 ml to each.monolayer. After the agar had hardened, the cultures were returned to the incubator. After three days, 0.5 m1 of a 0.1% neutral red dye in phosphate-buffered saline solution was added to each culture. The cultures were incubated at 57°C without C02 for 15 to 50 minutes, and then for an hour at 4°C before the plaques were counted. The amount of infective virus was expressed in plaque- forming units (PFU). 16 Experimental Procedures The 0MB solutions were equilibrated at the reaction temperature immediately prior to use. Virus was thawed and mixed with an equal volume of twice concentrated CHE solu- tion in a flask. A control consisted of equal volumes of virus and tris buffer. In the single instance in which virus in allantoic fluid was used, the sample was thawed, centrifuged at 457g for 15 minutes at 4°C to remove cellular debris, and the supernatant fluid was used. The flask was frequently shaken and, at appropriate intervals, samples of the mixture were removed. Each sample, including the control, was dialyzed, filtered, and assayed for infective virus. To arrest OMB-inactivation at specific times, equal volumes of CMB—treated virus and L-cysteine were mixed. The final proportions of virus:CMB:L-cysteine were 1:122. These mixtures were held at room.temperature (25°C) for varying periods of time, depending upon the experiment. Controls consisted of OMB-treated virus in tris buffer, untreated virus in tris, and untreated virus in Lecysteine. The foregoing procedure was altered to establish the effect of L-cysteine upon virus previously untreated and then exposed to ONE. One part of untreated virus was mixed with two parts of anysteine to match the ratio of respec- tive components in other eXperhments. The mixture was agitated at 25°C. Samples were removed at 15 and 50 17 minutes, pipetted into flasks containing a volume of OMB 'equal to that of the virus, then incubated at 25°C for 15 minutes. Controls consisted of untreated virus plus tris, and untreated virus plus L-cysteine. For reactivation of OMB-treated virus after 15 minutes at 25°C, samples were added to flasks containing varying concentrations of chysteine. The proportions of virus:CMB: Lwcysteine were the same as in previous experiments. Controls consisted of untreated virus plus tris, and virus plus OMB. After 15 minutes at 25°C, all samples were assayed for infective virus. RESULTS The concentrations of OMB and L-cysteine referred to are the final concentrations in the mixture. Determination of_0ptimum Concentration of CUB for Inactivation of Infectivity Inactivation of virus increased with the concentration of OMB during the one hour reaction time (Table 1, Figure 1). There was at least an 85% reduction of infectivity. Both the 10-5 and 10'2M concentrations were adequate but, since an excess of reagent in the system.would be of no advantage, the former concentration was selected. All subsequent experiments utilized 1x10'5m CHB. Determination of Optimum Concentration of chysteine for ArreSting OMB-inactivation L-cysteine, 1x10‘3m, did not arrest inactivation within 15 minutes at 25°C (Table 2, Figure 2). At 2x10'5m, inacti- vation was reversed. At 1.5x10‘5M, L-cysteine halted inactivation but did not reverse it. During the subsequent 15 minutes to the termination of the experiment, there was only an insignificant decrease in viral infectivity. For subsequent studies, 1.5x10‘5M L-cysteine was employed. There was no noticeable decrease of infectivity of the untreated virus control. The results of this experiment indicate that most of the OMB-inactivation process occurs within 15 minutes. 18 19 “.mm Nomw.o- men a ~.H AzeIOHxHV mzu +.msna> m.mm Nonm.H- can x N.H Azm-onHV mzo +.npna> m.mm HomH.~- mes x m.n Az~-onHv mzu +.n:nn> o o moH x m.w Anana +.nsna>v Houuaou www>guoomcH AH8\DmmV :« mmmmuomn N o>\> woA Hmuwfi muw>wuommaH camawm comm um neon use undue smH do use no hummus .H eHnnH 20 Figure 1. Effect of OMB on IBV after One Hour at 25°C \\\ v0 = 8.5 x 105 10‘ Log V/Vo \ -2. \ 10 10'4 10'3 10'2 Molar Concentration of CMB 21 aseo.o- --- --- mos x s.~ --- --- eccenmao-s 2m-oH x o.~ memo.m- --- --- sea a o.~ --- -u- danennso-s 2w-oH x m.H momm.~- --- --- Hofl x H.H --- --- enaennao-u 2m-oH a o.H “no.3 mg + mat, mamm.m- gomm.fl- o HoH a o.H 10H x m.~ men a m.~ Amzu +.n=nn>v HOHUGOO m5 ammo.o- --- o mom a H.N --- men s m.~ Anana +.n=nn>v Houuaoo mnuw> .dua om .sns ma .cns o .nna om .nas mu .ens o madden o>\> won AHa\smmv nanny snu>nneemda comm an Azm-oH x av use an GOfiumK/HuuwcH wafimugrmm Hobucm wswummufiw cw mcflmumkouq mo mcowumuuamoaoo ucmummmwa mo uumwmm .N “:an 22 Figure 2. Effect of Different Concentrations of L-Cysteine in Arresting and/or Reversing Inactivation by CMB (1 x 10'3M) at 25°C “-5—“ x % CONTROL (Vines + TKO‘) / v0 = 2.5 x 103 10'1 \ \\ / Log V/Vo 10‘2 \ 4' \ /' \ Vuaus + QMB \ \ \ \ \ —" — Z.OIOO.3M L‘CYSTEINE \ \ '.s‘ g. I. ._ __ ._ _ __ _. '00 u u N 0 15 30 Time (minutes) 25 Kinetics of Inactivation of IBV by CMB at 25°C Inactivation by OMB was halted at desired time intervals by the addition of L—cysteine. There was a 98% reduction in viral infectivity within ten minutes after treatment with the reagent (Table 5, Figure 5). A decrease in the rate of effect was noticeable at about 15 minutes and extended to the termination of the experiment. The virus was never completely inactivated. The titer of the controls remained fairly constant throughout the experiment. At 60 minutes, there was a 78% greater reduction in infectivity in the treated sample than in the untreated sample. After 180 minutes, the un- treated virus had lost only 40% of its infectivity. The L-cysteine control indicated that the thiol com- pound had no deleterious effect on the untreated virus. Kinetics of Inactivation of IBV by OMB at 4° and 57°C The inactivation rate of the virus was directly related to temperature (Tables 4 and 5, Figure 4). The curves from the data at 4° and 57°C have been superimposed on those at 25°C. The infectivity titer of the treated, 180 minute sample at 4°C was no lower than that of the 60 minute sample, offering another example of "tailing-off" after the initial reaction. Total inactivation during the three hour period was only a small fraction of that observed at the other two reaction temperatures. The untreated control (4°C) retained 74% infectivity after the three hour period. 24 Table 3. inactivation of raw by can (1x10‘3M) at 25°C Sample Infectivity Titer Log) V/Vo ' 1 Decrease (Pfu/ml) in Infectivity Untreated Controls: (flrus + Tris) 0 minutes. 2.5 x 105 o 0 6o " 2.0 x 105 . -o.0969 21 180 " 1.5 x 105 -o.2218 40 (Eirus + L-cysteine) 60 minutes 2.1 x 10 -0.0757 16 Treated Virus: (Virus + 6MB) 0 minutes 2.5 x 105 0 0 5 " 4.5 x 104 -o.7447 82 10 " 5.1 x 103 -1.6903 98 15 " 8.5 x 103 -l.4685 96.6 20 " 3.2 x 103 -1.8928 98.7 25 " 1.8 x 103 -2.1426 99.3 30 " 1.7 x 103 -2.1675 99.32 45 " 1.2 x 103 -2.3187 99.44 60 " 1.1 x 103 -2.3565 99.56 90 " - 3.8 x 102 -2.8181 99.85 120 " 2.3 x 102 -3.0362 99.91 180 " 3.0 x 101 53.9208 99.99 255 Figure 3. Inactivation of IBV by CMB (1 x 10'3!) at 25°C 0 \ ._______ If" CONTROL. \ N \ (VIKUI + L- CYCTIHNL) \; ~ ~ ‘ fl Corn-act. Lviaos + Tans) Vo = 2.5 x 105 e 10'1 Log V/Vo . 10-2 ‘I‘\ Vines + M3 + L- cars-rams. 10'3 - 1 1o 4 O 60 120 180 Time (minutes) 265 oooo sea a e.~ sea a m.m nos 4 o.H : owa sea a 5.6 sea a o.~ sea a m.a --- = oo --- sea a N.~ --- --- = we NoH a o.s cos x 6.5 see a o.m --- e on moa a ~.H sea a m.e sea a o.~ --- = ma mes x s.m --- --- --- = oH moa a o.o --- -u- --- = m mes x m.~ mod n m.~ moH a m.~ moH x m.~ meadows o ooam ooe comm . cos. ndmmmmwnmmmw_ . Ammo +.nonasu monam.+.nsna>v pmummua roundups: Aaaxsmmv noose sua>nooomoH oonm one oe no AzmuonHv mzu so smH mo ooaoooaoooeH .e manna 27’ oooo aaHo.H- wmmn.o- HoHH.o- = one Homm.m- owno.o- oemm.o- --- = oo --- ammo.n- --- --- = we “no“.m- Haan.o- moNd.o- --- = on mem.~- aoaa.o- ommm.o- --- = we mmoo.a- -1- --- --- = oH omae.a- --- --- --- = m o o o o mouaafia o uoR cos 8on cos 3368 mean. Ammo +.npna>v raunchy nanny +.oona>v woucouusp o>\> mos comm one oe no Azw-oHaHv n28 an smH no oonuoonooooH .m manna 28 rigors 4. Inactivation of 13' by can (1x10'3na at 4°, 25°, and 37°C 104- Los v/vo _ r” — -— —- CONTROL (Vines +T'ms) _________.__._____——— VH‘lU‘l +- CM! .. _._—__‘_..’___—. _'-_——_.—-— “v — 10'3 2.5%.. o 120 180 Time (minutes) 29 At 57°C, the reaction reached completion sometime prior to the final sampling. At 15 minutes, 0.5% infectivity re- mained and, after one hour, 0.05% was detectable. Due to the elevated temperature, the ”tailing-off" process also was accelerated. . The titer of the untreated control after three hours at 57°C represented 14% of the original infectivity. Kinetics of Inactivation of Embryo-adapted IBV by DEB at’25°C The CEKC-propagated IBV was used for all studies up to this point.. The chicken embryo-cultured virus, later adapted to CEKC, was tested.with OMB for comparison of susceptibility. Although the rates of inactivation were approximately the same for both strains, the embryo-cultured virus was not as susceptible to CMB as was the tissue- cultured virus (Table 6, Figure 5). Effect of ExposingleV to.L-cysteine Prior to OMB Treatment at 25°C To further determine the effect of Lwcysteine, three different molar solutions of the thiol compound were mixed with untreated virus. After 15 and 50 minutes at 25°C, OMB was added. None of the concentrations fully protected the virus from the effects of OMB (Tables 7 and 8, Figure 6). Inactivation, however, was considerably less than that observed with OMB alone. In contrast to previous results, there was a marked decrease of infectivity of the controls .‘50 Table 6. Inactivation of Embryo-adapted IBV by CMB (lxlO‘3M) at 25°C Sample Infectivity Titer Log V/Vo 1 Decrease in (Pfu/ml) Infectivity Untreated Controls: (Virus + Tris) 0 minutes 2.5 x 105 0 0 60 " 2.2 x 105 -0.0555 12 180 " 1.6 x 105 -0.1938 36 Treated Virus: (girus + CMB) 0 minutes 2.5 x 105 O O 15 " 2.0 x 104 -1.0969 92 30 " 8.1 x 103 -1.4894 96.8 60 " 3.6 x 103 -1.8416 98.6 180 " 6.0 x 101 -3.6197 99.98 51 Figure 5. Inactivation by can (1x10‘3M) at 25°C of IBV from Two Different Sources (CEIC and AF) 0 CONTROL: \ LVmu: +Tan) 1 1 - vo - 2.5 x 105 \ \ 10'1 ‘ ——- — — — IIV41-AF \ \ nv az-csxc Log v/vo 10'2 10'3 10'“ 1 0 60 1 120 180 . Time (minutes) o S x mic. sen e2 4 an eon .82 x we nuns. + sons 08 m camoumhong +.m:a«> e18 e2 4 ea oxen e3 4 we one e2 x 9m 88 + peas 83 mdwoum%019 +.mDHH> see 2 x m4 «.8 2 x ~.N 2mm eS a 64 use + Acne m3 m d maweumzolfl +.m:ufi> a. we}: .e as}: a. as}: cam-Sam cam-Sam. H zm-ou: nouosem 32 oawcum%01q mo nowumuucmoaoo on e2 x 0.6 .. me o moH x m.N - mouaafia o bazoooufi 9335 Ania + eongfi cw museuoma N uwuHH kuw>wuoomaH mHouunou veuwcuudb comm um uncaumoua mamuoaxav mzu ou uoaum ccwcum%014 mo mcowumuuacocoo msowum> ou >mH wswmomxm mo uocmmm .n caan 35 0 sea 28.? {on Echo- on; + cons 83 cfiw0umh01fl +.m:ufi> .26 see 886. one wowed- 88 + cons 83 mafioummouq +.msuw> wee «.3 33.7 6.2 82.7 88 + eons m3 ocamummonq +.m:u«> a. o>\> won a. o>\> mos .N. oi» m3 . x moamamm SnuonN Smuoaxm H EMIOH H odwouw%01a mo dowumuucmoaoo #, a w w w w w w w on mmao.on = me o o wouszE_o hufi>wuoomaH uH mmmouoon.N H>\> moA AmHHH +.mDHH>v mHouusoo pmumcuucn comm no essence: AZMIOHxHV mzc ou uoHHm camoumhong mo msowumuunoocoo mDOHum> ou >mH wwwmomxm mo uoommm .w manna :54 Figure 6. Effect of Exposing IBV to Various Concentrations of L-Cysteine Prior to CMB (1x10' Treatment at 25°C 0— — —-o thus CONTROL o———————o Loago'3M L‘CYSTEINL 0 as 1.: .- °__———'—OZ.OI n u % CMB Annan 01\ Log V/Vo 10'1 10"2 g - ¢ . ; - A - 0 15 30 4'5 0 15 30 45 0 15 50 4‘5 Time (minutes) 55 with one exception. When compared with these controls, it is seen that inactivation due to OMB was not extensive. The exceptional control consisted of virus and 2x10'5M L-cysteine. This sample was stable to whatever environ- mental factors were responsible for decreasing the titers of the other controls. It also confirmed that L-cysteine, under these circumstances, did not inactivate the virus. There was no consistent difference between a 15 and 50 minute eXposure of virus to L-cysteine. Reactivation of OMB-treated Virus By adding 2x10'3M L-cysteine to OMB-inactivated virus, it was possible to reactivate viral infectivity (Table 2, Figure 2). This indicated that previous inactivation was due to a reaction between OMB and viral protein SH groups. DISCUSSION The susceptibility of the OEKC- and embryo-adapted IBV 42 to OMB indicates that the reagent reacts with SH groups in the viral protein. The inactivation reaction with OMB appears to be first-order for the first ten minutes during which there was a 98% decrease of infectivity. At this point, there was a break in the curve and a "tailing effect" which extended to the termination of the experiment. A decrease such as this is quite common in virus survival curves (Hiatt, 1964). The initial slope may be abrupt but more often is gradual, as was the case here. The problem.arose as to whether the reaction was first- order followed by a "tailing effect“, or second-order involving two p0pulations of the virus. The former seemed to apply here because the curve was linear until 98% of the virus had been inactivated. Hiatt (1964) states that "thermal inactivation of viruses has often been observed to proceed as a first-order reaction until about’90% or more of the infective particles have succumbed.” Had a hetero- geneous population been involved, an earlier break in the curve would have been expected. Since only three points.were available for the first ten minutes, wherein the greatest inactivation occurred, no attempt was made to determine the velocity constant (k) or energy of activation (E). 56 37 One experiment (Figure 5) compared the inactivation rates of viruses from two different sources, CEKC and infected AF. The regression curves for inactivation of OEKO-cultured virus and viral-infected AF were relatively parallel, although the AF virus was somewhat less suscep- tible to the reagent. There are two possible explanations for this differential response: (1) The tissue culture (TC) virus, originally derived from.AF virus, may have undergone a modification of its protein coat as a result of propaga- tion in kidney cells. This implies the possible acquisition of more SH groups essential to infection than the ”parent" strain possesses; (2) The AF virus, in the highly protein? aceous embryonic fluid, may not have been in as intimate contact with as many OMB molecules as was the TC virus. It is possible that much of the reagent united with SH groups in the AF proteins. The,TC medium contains proteins, also, but perhaps not as many with SH groups as may be found in AF. It is possible that both alternatives are involved. The regression curves for inactivation at 4°, 25° and 57°C were linear for initial inactivation of virus with two exceptions which occurred at 15 minutes at 25°C, and 50 minutes at 4°C. No explanation can be offered for this other than a possible disruption of viral clusters due to temperature effects and agitation of the reaction flasks. At 57°C, such a disaggregation may have occurred before the first sampling so was not reflected in the curve. The time 58 required for this phenomenon to occur was directly related to temperature in all cases. The presence of OMB in the sample appeared to accele- rate dispersal of viral clusters, as indicated by the delayed response of the control at 57°C. Reichmann and Hatt (1961) reported that OMB caused the virus particle to disso- ciate into subunits. Control samples at 4° and 25°C were removed late in the experiment and disruption, if it occurred, was not detected. L-cysteine added to the reaction mixture arrested inactivation of the virus by OMB. However, none of the concentrations of L-cysteine employed completely protected the virus from inactivation by subsequent treatment with OMB. This indicates that even though excessive thiol com- pound was present, at least a few OMB molecules altered some virus particles. This seems logical, although Allison (1962) stated that SH reagents react with cysteine much more rapidly than with virus. On this basis, one might expect nearly 100% protection by the excess cysteine. The present results indicate that OMB is not necessarily so very selective in its.choice of SB groups and will react almost as readily with SH groups of viral origin as with those in cysteine. The question arose as to why the 2x10'5M L-cysteine permitted some inactivation by OMB with no evidence of reactivation, when the same concentration had reversed 59 inactivation in an earlier experiment. It might be assumed that a certain amount of excess cysteine remained free in the reaction mixture following the interaction of OMB with virus and cysteine molecules. Such free cysteine might be capable of reversing whatever viral inactivation had occurred if given sufficient time. The samples for assay may have been removed too soon for reactivation to occur. An attempt at reactivation using a slightly modified technique proved unsuccessful. Each sample was dialyzed immediately after OMB treatment, and again after exposure to L-cysteine but there was no significant reversal of inactivation. Perhaps some protective substance was lost during initial dialysis, thereby rendering the virus sus- ceptible to the low pH of the cysteine solutions. Adjusting the cysteine solutions to pH 7.0 resulted in a limited renewal of infectivity but this was not interpreted as positive reactivation. During the initial dialysis, more than the removal of excess OMB may have taken place. Certain ions or substances essential for reversal by L-cysteine might also have been removed; or possibly some factor was involved which made the virus-OMB union more stable. In a previous experiment, reactivation occurred after only single dialysis, that following the addition of L-cysteine to the virus-OMB mixture. Essential ions or substances, if they exist, must have been present in that 4O mixture as well as in the mixture that was dialyzed twice. It could be assumed that such substances would have demon- strated the same tendency to dialyze out, and yet reactiva- tion occurred. Perhaps their egression was sufficiently gradual to enable them to assist cysteine in reactivation prior to being dialyzed out with excess OMB and thiol compound. Second dialysis had no deleterious effect on the virus, as both controls and inactivated samples produced anticipa- ted titers. The technique of ridding the sample of excess OMB prior to thiol exposure has been employed with success by others (Allison, 1962; Oh0ppin and Philipson, 1961). A possible improvement was suggested by Fraenkel—Oonrat (1957) invol- ving single dialysis of OMB-inactivated virus against a cysteine solution. The author claimed that this reversed the reaction and simultaneously removed the SH reagent. The virus was more stable in tris buffer than in cultural medium, and the incorporation of L—cysteine into the buffer further enhanced viral stability. Hirst (1961) and Pohjanpelto (1958) stabilized certain enteroviruses to heat by exposure to cystine. It is possible that a similar phenomenon occurs with IBV but this aspect of SH involve- ment was not explored in the present study. l. 2. 5. 4. SUMMARY The Beaudette culture of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV 42) is susceptible to inactivation of infectivity by the sulfhydryl (SH) reagent, p-chlcromercuribensoate (OMB). This reaction indicates the presence of 3H- ccntaining components in the viral protein. Both the embryo-adapted and chicken embryo kidney cell cultured IBV 42 responded to OMB treatment. Differ- ences in reaction rates of the two samples suggest that minor changes in protein structure may have accompanied adaptation of the virus to tissue culture from.the chicken embryo. Inactivation is typical of a firsteorder reaction, and proceeds rapidly at 25° and 57°C. A "tailing effect" is noticeable at all three reaction temperatures (4°, 25° and 37°C) but is most obvious at 25°C. The possibility exists of a disruption of viral clusters in the early minutes of experimentation. The presence of OMB may have an accelerating effect but the same phenomenon was observed in an untreated control. This implies that such a-breakup of particles is due prime arily to factors such as temperature, pH, and agitation of the reaction flask. 41 5. 6. 7. 42 Addition of anysteine to a OMB-virus mixture arrests or reverses the inactivation reaction depending upon the concentration of cysteine used. 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