... 3.0.... “Wain-:1. .. . _. n41¢‘..1.l..-.I..l .... I“ .I.: L.” .' WNW..." : lav” ‘fl.M-J¥Ig .g1 .... if.» m.wmum4.m. fiuwwm .. . 1......“ “mm.“ 3&1... .... 1......: -1- .11...1-..01 1 1.1 (...... ...... inc... ._ - 01 -..-...ux. 1....n....m...1..-... 1 : . . I .11.»... a 9.11 1...». 0 . .J 9 In... . .11I ...0 v.11- O .OIK‘.;..1110 a 1 VI“ Luv.- ‘1ng .1 r 111.1%“ ..QIMI.~’~...14 ...-wt .4 .1 1.41;. “I . 11 Q... . . .91.“. .1. 1 011-010 ".I.! 01.1u 'fi.1’1\1 ”..‘. . . ..1 1. I u... m'. 11H 411.01. . 1 .. . "1* ’ . . . 4.9.d44‘H nuwwuh. .»I.$041I4h3..ww.4‘1.4b. 1 1.1. .‘Q’ 4.. I. ”an My. I . 1 .“.—I. ”45.11“” 1. N. 1 .10 “w a 1.1rfl.1.‘r\\NMH . HPHF—NNNUMMH FJF WWOGNOONWWfifl Ic xe Aes Ies Xi Ais Iis .40 .08 .0105 .11 .08 .0030 .02 1.12 .90 .0105 .24 .90 .0030 .04 2.03 1.24 .0105 .30 1.24 .0030 .07 2.00 1.42 .0105 .50 -- -- - 2.22 1.29 .0105 .41 1.29 .0030 .07 1.42 1.10 .0109 .30 1.10 .0030 .05 .09 .89 .0003 .10 .09 .0030 .04 .55 .73 .0003 .07 ..73 .0003 .07 .39 .03 .0003 .05 .03 .0003 .05 .30 .90 .0003 .04 .90 .0105 .00 .20 .94 .0003 .04 .94 .0105 .07 _ , 3 Ic - 1/12 t Ies = 19 x Aes x ng Total I — IC + Ies + Iis -1}... FRAME CONSTANTS 5 ad; J3 I ’f 3 ‘1 I. 9 9.0 .01 0.20 2.90 51.0 8 4.0 1.40 2.00 7.00 140.0 0 4.0 2.40 1.01 11.00 195.0 5 4.0 3.30 1.15 14.09 262.0 9 4.0 2.70 ..85 15.47 203.0 1 4.0 1.03 2.19 15.07 537.0 0 4.0 1.03 3.00 15.00 977.0 0 4.0 .09 5.00 10.05 1492.0 7 4.0 .49 0.10 16.10 2130.0 4 4.0 .42 9.52 10.29 2914.0 0 4.0 .39 10.27 10.20 gigng 11227.0 zds For 1/2 Frame - 213-37=11,227.0 - 1/2 x 2720.0== 9,007.0 ds ,— For Full Frame - Z3z’f=9,007.0 x 2 =19,734.0 - 12 _ .01 1.40 2.48 3.30 2.70 1.83 1.03 .09 .42 0.39 INFLUENCE Lwes F-OQ H,Vre i V... \ Hoerz..5c.AL.e:- I": IOI Veer 5cALe: — I" = ,2,“ -13.. LO bfl 4L 51— 0:. TL 8!. 9L. IOL HE 10‘? 9'3 8 e re 4. s | r I I I I F IR 4Q “'0”: INFLUENCE Lmes Foe MOMENTS Hoeuz- ScALsz- I" ‘-'- IO, Veer. Scnué 3" l" = 5‘3 -14.. (in'Kips) 15 ONE N T S DEAD LOAD Macao-0000000000 12407707070531 L COHU.D.nd4o.l~/IOO7.O§23— 3 .—-.....—-———. Lance/5425.32.41... .............+ 1M:0.4pfltfifiéfijfloifl 1 .11111131111111111 t...............l P o o o o o o o o O o o 00 d w 630004434400030 000000000000000 L 212111111111212 . R t LLLLLL L.R 313 P 450709®1m9w769h 111 M 0000000000000 I. 53(56907041 — _.-—-....-.- lb 48400.9 %M.HUO¢.OQHW o .I.—00 o o o o o o \dD/lU/U/lllU/Hv(3|. o ...—.—._—.—.—. +0 D1 0505044344080J0 o a... 0000000 0 2L2111111111212 - R LLLLLLLLRRRRRRR 450759m10907654 ll oi -'(U.4 -15- (Con'd) Pt. 8L DEAD LOAD MOMENTS Pt. 9L Pt. 7L 5 3726024964884537 ......OOOOOCCOI 23563 1111 l . —.._.. .... 131014474010741 3 4 6 2 1 ._2. -3. -3.5 -3. -2 630864434468036 212111111111212 LLLL 4567 ML PM Pt. 10L 1496421246941 0 o .00 O 000000 000. F3 1246421 l250707070.3210 0 .L134311 Oooooooooooooo 12346312.... 34323458025413fl 27301673413211 000000000000000 123421.. c .... 630864434468036 212111111111212 R LLLLLLLLRRRRRRR 450789mnm987654 2 + 2 .T _ -16- DEAD LOAD THRUSTS (1n Kips) Pt. Load Pt. 1L Pt. 2L Pt. 3L Pt. 4L 5L-11L NF N NF N NF N NF N NF N 1L 1.3 1.00 1.3 2L 1.4 1.01 1.4 1.4 3L 1.7 1.01 1.7 1.7 1.7 4L 2.6 1.01 2.6 2.6 2.6 .71 1.8 -.01 0 5L 1.3 .95 1.2 .72 .9 .07 .1 6L 2.0 .89 1.8 .75 1.5 .16 .3 7L 1.8 .81 1.5 .77 1.4 .27 .3 8L 1.6 .73 1.2 .77 1.2 .36 .6 9L 1.4 .65 ,9 .77 1.1 .44 .6 10L 1.4 .58 .8 .76 1.1 .49 .7 llLR 1.3 .50 .7 .71 .9 .50 .7 10R 1.4 .42 .6 .65 .9 .49 .7 9R 1.4 .35 .5 .56 .8 .44 .6 BR 1.6 .27 .4 .45 .7 .36 .6 7R 1.8 .19 .3 .33 .6 .27 .5 6R 2.0 .11 .2 .19 .4 .16 .3 5R 1.3 .05 .1 .09 .1 .07 .1 4R 2.6 -.01 0 0 0 —.01 0 3R 1.7 -.01 0 0 0 0 0 2R 1.4 -.01 0 0 0 0 0 1R 1.3 0 _g_ ___ 0 0 0 0 +112 +1.22. +153 +13}. 15273. Points 1L - 3L incl.:- NF = VL Point 4L :- NF = 0.71 (H 4 V1) Points 5L - 11L 1ncl.:- NF==H - 17 - LIVE IOADS Loading on 1' strip; Cooper's E-72 loading. Allowance for two tracks; 90% of load. Allowance for impact; 60% of load. No allowance made for wind or side-sway. -18- LIVE LOAD MOMENTS & THRUSTS N Point 2L M F9278632 0.00000 M1333321 ...-... N2616183 233220g F5000030 LN8763421 l O 0.00 t n 1 878881 OMOQOOOOO P 156663¥ ....... F7133395 0000000 Mnqu111110nU .....u. w 6222244 N 2535533 NF Rionyoidnla. 1111 107387841 -32.7 _ +14.7 Point 4L u 414.7 ‘Point 3L 0 O O O O 0 01072369 244331 .7. 39871298 7777531 0 O O C O O O 1800476fl O O O O O O 0 9289762. 333311 .......4 .5 -o.3 “703 ’705 ~7.2 -4.9 -307 0089370 . O 0 3333.332 .a.——.. 6222244 2333333 Point 5L Point 5L 1577573F_ 11111 .22 A3 A9 .50 .44 28 £6 " 307 -17.0 —20.8 -22.1 ~20.4 -10.4 " 502 ~101.5 -1.1 -5.0 -6.1 -6.5 -6.0 ~4.0 -1.0 4 77 .08 0 3 C 1 2444462 333332.3 Point 6L -fl Point 1111 O + 72700 43442 O O O O 0 60760 fl“ 0 O O O O 0 37756 9 1111 ..... . 00263 0 I O O 0 45542 ...- 1 67 11 + 2 0 O 3 O 0 00 O O O 1 34 11 4| 2 3 2 2444462 0 O I I 0 3333323 Point 7L Point 7L 764029 1111 08 08 54 30 3 .3 921923 4.8841? 11 _-.—.. 88388 2332 _.__. 831 480 124 .99.2 0 O 0 2:02) 1. 7:5A0 O I O 1:3 0.2nchf4L4430 .33333332 12 n 4 +30.3 - 19 - H C i»: a LIVE 131W ' :1L3111to :31. 4:2 13.0 21.8 N? .10 .23 .56 C\‘>4>J>-L‘POMIU Mmp‘uwp b.0- N-blUI-J O O OKACDUT O I O O O O O [‘0 .b [‘0 F. O O O Q C3‘JCHA G‘\-l>4‘—‘-£>I\JMI\JM 1‘0 -NKNU‘UUUU o o o 23* i0 ##MM‘UMCB o a o o ['0 L:- .'U I-J o o o o o '0‘ \NU-Uxbvp; IO (.?‘U- C“ (h 3U '04 I HMiUI-J O OFDC I ‘n'\ '- O #- t. .b o 0 VV I L‘ o J?’ 0 0 O I . . ‘Q o C7 o b C“ 3 .h' 19 '?O&; .22 14.6 .55 22.4 .44 10.4 .52 mmI’JI“ o NUCDIU ‘102 -401 .35 -l.o -5.4 .22 - .3 -1.0 .10 .1 ‘1 4— \2 0 III) 4. O O I p ...: O 10 ‘Point ch soint 10L 8.3 .32 24.3 .49 10.4 .)2 .45 I—‘NMI’UI—J o o o o U-‘NI Cxu—q CO H 0 U4 . . “-7 ...-.... w 1 *22L2 ‘11-1 -1.4 O P :3 C" p ...: —-. .8 .21 .6 5.5 .40 2.3 F;TE:- 18313 are 10.) .48 P.) ta five tax. ” ' 93.0 .92 1.7 thrusts are letc 15.0 .48 2.3 frun luals in :13 2.7 .'L 1.1 .paitiung, .7 .15 “Li +33.3 +1?.7 ”pintq ii~3l:- LV‘=' ‘Ulnt 4E :- '_ FJH . #C‘?‘ h.) (A O *1 i u.‘ .+ .. f ‘51 "Y Y ‘VIWUEE J;’J_J_i:- 1‘;.—— I: 20 — Pt. .lL 2L 3L 4L 5L 7L 8L 9L 10L llLR 10R 93 BR 7R OR 5R 4R 3R 2R 1R M 11.4 24. 4 29. 9 310) 31. 5 31. 5 31. 5 31. 5 31. 5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31. 5 31. 5 31. 5 31.5 EARTH PRESSURES FROM LEFT Total ygg Total H Mai-M. I (ma a-m2\1&_§ y 11.5 20.50 236 - 2.5 24.7 20.02 495 - 7.1 3003 17071 j36 -1101 31.8 17.67 562 ~15.0 29.9 13.15 393 ~15.6 28.0 34.32 960 ~15.8 25.5 61.61 1570 -15.0 23.1 93.09 2150 -16.2 20.7 132.03 2735 ~15.3 18.2 154.70 2830 -16.4 15.8 167.20 2640 ~16.5 13.4 154.70 2075 -16.4 10.9 132.03 1440 ~16.3 805 93009 790 -1602 6.0 61.61 570 —16.0 3.6 34.32 124 -15.8 107 13015 22 “1506 o2 17067 4 -1500 - .3 17.71 5 -1l.1 .2 20.02 4 - 7.1 O 20.50 0 - 2.5 +19915 ‘fiLQ‘° --—\.OI\< |9 134- .___....-— X W B -.15 .1 —.44 .3 T070 .4 -040 03 2.60 - 1.6 3075 - 305 9075 “ 6.0 13.75 - 8.4 17075 '1008 21.75 ~13.3 25.75 ~15.7 29075 ”18.1 33.75 ~20.6 37.75 -23.0 41.75 “2505 45075 '2709 48.90 -29. 8 51090 -3107 52.20 -31. 8 51094 -310 7 51.65 -3105 —me§ _ Z s it) (if. -21.. E II HP HHHHH “30'4in l—MP'ONKCN-L‘O‘WONW; NO-xlkONlm-L‘KOUHQUOJNONO - 209 TfiRUSTS ** EARTH FROM LEFT Points 1L - 3L incl.:- N = VI. = - .6 K Points 5L - 5R inc1.:- N = H = +1.0 K. Point. 4Rz- N = .71(H - VL) = +1.2 K. Points 3R -lR incl.:- N=VR = 4 .6 K. THRUSTS ** EARTH FROM RIGHT Points 1R - 3R incl.:- N: -__._6 K. Point. 4R:- N: +42 K. Points 5R — 5L incl.:- N .. 1L9 K. Point. 4L2» N = 111-Lg K. Points 3L - 1L incl.:- N'= + .6 K. -22- RIB SHORTENING (From D. L. only) (Refer to p. 120 of McCullough & Thayer's Elastic Arch Bridges) Approximate method (on-{ea o:- 566. 0.....1-Srqcss 5.6. N CoNc. S1€€Li|§ A (SiF/TT.‘ 1 R&L 16.3 1.79 .29 2.08 7.83 ' 2 R&L 15.0 2.38 .29 2.67 5.62 3 R&L 13.6 2.90 .29 3.19 4.26 4 R&L 12.3 3.25 .25 3.50 3.51 5 R&L 5.6 2.99 .29 3.28 1.71 6 R&L 5.6 2.61 .29 2.90 1.93 7 R&L 5.6 2.20 .17 2.37 2.36 8 R&L 5.6 1.88 .25 2.13 2.63 9 R&L 5.6 1.67 .25 1.92 2.92 10 R&L 5.6 1.54 .37 1.91 2.94 $11 R&L 2.8 1.50 .37 1.87 1.50 +37.2I que == 37.21 =,3.54 Kips/Sq. ft. ‘ 10.5 2240 __ 24.6 #/m2 145 “ Rib shortening approximates temp. drop of tgj- 2416 = 1.84 2,000,000 x .0000067 *0 (.1 ll 81qu - 23 - TEMPERATURE DROP H : :jzgg§;__ -2.000.000 x .0000067 x 7—401351.5x144=: I ts—s—O" 202 # = 413.31; MOMENTS FOR TEMPERATURfigRIB SHORTENING & SERINKAGE Tia-mp 12202 $23 ?' 5' S ““""" ’PT- , ‘“’ pq (Q 03 (n lR&L 2.50 .5 ~ .5 0 .2 2R&L 7.00 1.4 -1.4 .1 .7 3R&L 11.00 2.2 -2.2 .1 1.1 4R&L 14.85 3.0 -3.0 .1 1.5 5R&L 15.47 3.1 -3.1 .l 1.5 6R&L 15067 302 '302 01 106 7R&L 15.88 3.2 -3.2 .l 1.6 8R&L 16.05 3.2 ~3.2 .1 1.6 9R&L 16.18 3.3 -3.3 .2 1.6 10R&L 16.25 3.3 -3.3 .2 1.6 11R&L 16.28 3.3 -3.3 .2 1.6 THRUSTS FOR TEMPERATURE, RIB SECRTENING & SHRINKAGE 'PT. T3236 $75: 12'5” s““""“' 1R&L 2R&L 3R&L 4R&L 5R&L 6R&L 7R&L - 8R&L - 9R&L - 10R&L llR&L 00000000000 MMNMNMMl—J 00000000000 NMI’DIDIUMIUH OOOOOOOOOOO - 24 - DEAD LOAD SHEARS LIVE Points lL - 3L incl. -6.2 Point 4L 2.8 Point 5L 10.2 Point 6L 8.9 Point 7L 66.9 Point 8L 5.1 Point 9L 3.5 Point 10L 2.1 Point 11L .7 LOAD SREARS Points 1L - 3L incl. -l2.0 Point 4L 10.2 Point 5L 17.0 Point 6L 20.3 Point 7L 17.9 Point 8L 20.1 Pohfl.9L 17.8 Point 10L 17.3 Point 11L 15.0 - 25 - xxx WWWNWW SREARS FRCM EARTH FROH LEFT Point 1L, J==He-H-(.556-.484)l.25== P011115 2L, J: Point 3L, J: Point 4L, J= Point 5L-5R, J: Point 4R, J: Point 3R-1R, J= SHEARS FROM EARTH PROM RIGHT Point lL-3L 1ncl., Point 4L, Point 5L-5R, incl., Point 4R, Point 3R, Point 2R, Point 1R, SHEARS FRCM TEMPERATURE DROP Points 1L - 3L incl. .1: POint 41. J: Points 5L - 5R incl. J: Point 4R J: Points 3R - 1R incl. J= SHEARS FROM TEMVERATL E RISE Points 1L - 3L, Point 4L, Points 5L - 5R, Point 4R, Points 3R - 1R, SHEARS FROM RIB SRORTENING II M u u ll “ II Cdtqc-‘CdC-aC-cC—a I l4-+ H FWO 0.... O. oxuouanquo NNNNWNN +-LI 0 0 O0 0 [UN mm ram 7H2 4‘- U 0 0 O0 0 mm mm :7??? WW NNRWNWN J 1 .046 x (Shears from temp. drop)z 0 SREARS FRO? SHRINKAGE Points 1L - 3L Point 4L Points 5L - 5R Point 4R Points 3R - 1R -26- C—ahQC—«C-a H 'l n \I II 4.+ O00 HFJ FJH 2121, 2:271 DESIGN OF 5 Total shear Pt. 42? ~51 inches r/au ”/8 an 1L 19,300 19.0 96.8 6.8 2L 19,300 26.1 70.5 0 3L 19,300 32.3 57.0 0 4L 13,600 36.5 35.5 0 5L 27.800 33.4 79.2 0 6L 29,800 28.8 81. 0 7L 25,400 23.9 101.2 10.2 8L 25,800 20.0 122.5 32.5 9L 21,900 17.5 119.0 29.0 10 20,000 16.0 119.0 29.0 11L 16,300 15.5 100.0 10.0 Shear to be taken by stirrups =Total unit shear - 90/,f/in2 The allowable unit shear of 90;}"/in2 for concrete was obtained from the table on page 401 of "Rein- forced Concrete Structures" by Peabody using a 3,000 lb. concrete. Total unit shear=v; v , Use 327/8. bjd A = V x_g v be , vs:: v - 90 S fsjd ‘ 58 s := 12" b —- 12" A3=v5§l2x12=v§ 10,000 125 It may be seen from.the above tabulated results that the unit shears are rather high and should be lowered. - 27 _ CALCULATIONS FOR STEEL REINFORSENENT I‘fiom . N to C1 Pt. Ft. Lb. In. Lb. Lb. e M in. t—2 _ N 1L - 53,100 - 636,000 32,500 . 21 19 19 6 2L -148,400 -1,780,000 31,200 ' .2 2' 2 2L -232,300 -2,790,000 29,800 93 5 9 7 L -299,300 -3,590,000 33,900 105.8 39 37 5L -187,400 -2,250,000 17,300 130.0 36 34 6L -127,300 -1,530,000 17,000 90.0 32 30 7L - 77,400 - 928,000 14,300 65.0 2 2* 7L - 43,000 - 516,000 12,800 40.4 27 25 8L — 60,200 - 722,000 14,600 49.4 23 21 8L — 35,500 - 426,000 13,900 30.6 23 21 l9L - 79,200 - 950,000 19,200 49.5 20 18 0L - 89,800 -1,078,000 20,000 53.8 19 17 llL - 89,400 -1,07o,poo 20,500 52.3 18 16 e' g: 33% Req. Req. Pt. e—t-2 d bd f0 f8 p As 2 1L 28.1 1.5 210 1150 18,000 .0055 1.25 2L 69.7 2.6 248 1240 18,000 .0110 3.56 3L 108.0 3.4 246 1290 18,000 .0115 4.56 4L 123.3 3.3 254 1320 18,000 .0120 5.32 5L 146.0 4.3 182 1060 18,000 .0093 3.79 6L 104.0 3.5 164 996 18,000 .0074 2.66 7L 76.5 3.1 146 935 18.000 .0062 1.86 7L 51.9 2.1 89 675 18,000 .0031 .90 8L 58.9 2.8 163 990 18,000 .0068 1.72 8L 40.1 1.9 105 765 18,000 .0034 .86 91 57.5 3.2 284 1390 18,000 .0140 3.03 10L 61.3 3.6 354 1640 18,000 .0180 3.68 11L 59.3 3.7 395 1790 18,000 .0200 3.84 The above results show that the allowable fc of 1200 is greatly exceeded in several instances and that, therefore, the first trial is unsatisfactory and an increase in design sections is required. -28- FINAL DES IGN DATA -29- FINAL TRIAL For the final trial the sections were in- creased in thickness to the values listed below. Pt. #1 - 2.68' Pt. #2 - 3.57' Pt. #3 - 4.35' Pt. #4 - 4.87' Pt. #5 - 4.48' Pt. #6 - 3.92' Pt. #7 - 3.30' Pt. #8 - 2.82' Pt. #9 - 2.50' Pt.#lO - 2.31' Pt.#ll - 2.25' Repeating the computations as in.the preliminary trial using these new values for "t", new results were obtained. These results are shown in tabulated form on the following pages. - 3o - Total shear d A Pt. 4# -# inches v vS Rea. 1L 22,300 31 68.6 0 0 2L 22,300 41 51.8 0 0 3L 22,300 51 41.7 0 0 4L 14,900 57 24.9 0 0 5L 32,600 52 59.8 0 0 6L 34,000 45 72.0 0 0 7L 28,600 38 71.8 0 0 8L 28,200 32 84.1 0 0 9L 23,500 28 80.0 0 O 10L 20,600 26 75.6 0 0 11L 16,600 25 63.4 0 0 These results are satisfactory and show that stirrups are not needed in the frame re- inforcement. - 31 - Pt. 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 7L 8L 8L 9L 10L 11L CALCULATIONS FOR STEEL REINFORCETENT Mom. Ft. Lb. In. Lb. - 61,500 4 740,000 -172,400 -2,070,000 -269,000 -3,230,000 -343,200 -4,l20,000 -221,100 -2,540,000 -148,400 -1,780,000 - 43,600 - 525,000 - 83,100 - 996,000 - 62,100 - 746,000 - 36,100 - 433,000 - 87,100 -1,050,000 - 97,900 -1,175,000 -102,300 -1,230,000 K. e' e' Ne e-t—2 d_ 552 2 32.2 1.0 116 72.0 1.8 141 111.9 2.2 132 128.3 2.3 135 149.0 2.9 96 108.3 2.4 92 50.2 1.3 47 .73:0 1.9 75 57. 1.8 84 39.0 1.2 57 57.0 2.0 145 59.6 2.3 182 64. 2.6 208 N Lb. 41,800 39,500 37,000 40,800 20,800 20,500 16,300 17,800 17,400 18,100 23,900 24,700 24,200 fc 1150 890 870 860 690 650 550 615 640 640 910 1050 1100 These rwnults are satisfactory. - 32 - 2.82 2.50 1.90 1.14 1.00 .29 1.68 2.12 2.55 #UMH o o 0 U1 DESIGN OF ABUTMENT FOOTINGS / ' u 3 o . f ' '1 b x 8 fi/ ‘ u x Z, \ 2 n J l x \ 1 J‘ ’9,380 - 1 s. 24{i_zs’ ml 32> o fli 1 ‘ 44> ‘L b “07- ARM. (Wow. ”4 21.5x2.4x100 = 5150 1.20 6,200 17.0x2.5x%x100 = 2120 3.24 6,880 N 2 38900 6.00 233,000 3.0x9.0x150 = 4050 4.50 18 250 Direct load P = 50220 205,330 J = -19 880x3.00 - 59 600 ’ +2'0'1i‘,'7'3‘0“" Sliding -- 19,880 = .396 0.K. 50,220 Position of Resultant --- | M , 204,730 __ 4.1 to rt. of A — * 2 50,220 Eccentricity --—- 4.50 - 4.10 5 .40 - 33 - ABUTMENT FOOTING (CON'D) E _ 50,220 2 -5,580 -5,580 A 7 9 M. 2. 50,220x.4x6 = 41 490 -1,490 3 9x9 -E,O9O -7,070 Design of Heel --- M = 52,250,}! d == 26“ Use 1" @ 8" AS==1.501n2 p=1.50 = .0048 K=.315 m J'=.895 fsz52,260 x 12 :14,800 win? 0.K. I.5X.3ISX.895 re: 2x14,800x :Qggs ... 450 .44/1n? 0.x. Shear --- v = 21,630 # v z I2x'5385x26 1 77 iii/in? 0.x. Bond --- u = 21,630 2 _ 2 6x.895x26 154 #/in. 0.K. Toe design comes under the values of the heel design so the same steel is used. -34- ABUTMENT FCGTING {CON'D) Bearing of Shaft on Footing --- N == 38,900 # 38 900 = 270 #/in? 0.K. "12:27 Dowels at top 09 footing --- Total shear to be taken by dowels As = 19,880 x 141 z 1.50 in? 18,000 Use 1" 0 0 6" As: 1.57m? - 35 - WINGWALL DESIGN The cantilever type of retaining wall was used in this design as the wingwalls. The assumed dimensions were as follows: heigth 21.5' stem thickness 1.33' base thickness 3.00' Design ——-- Base = 65%h = .65 x 21.5'= 14' Earth pressure 2 Cewh2 : fl§29# 2 Wt. of earth = 17,300# Wt. of foundation = 6,300# Live load surcharge --- For Cooper's E-72 loading the side P is 300#/in? This value combined with the earth pressure gives a total P of j220#/in? acting at a point 7.15' above the base. -35.. WINGWALL DESIGN (CON'D) Point of application of vertical forces ~- 17,300 - 6300 x : 8.76' y = 7.15 5220 =; 1.58' ‘23,600 z : 8.76 - 1.58 = 7.18' e = 7.18 - 7.00 :. .2‘ p : 23 6gg_ (1i6x.2) _ 1830: toe it 14" ' 1540"hee1 . f :. 23,600 x .4 : 1.8 5220 Stem ---- EP 1 0.27x100 x (18.512=_4620# 1 Surcharge 2 EM =. 5220 (6.2) = 32,400'# d : 32,400 x 12 2 14" Add 3" a 11": D 12 x 164 v,, 5220 = 35_#/1n? O.K. 12x7/8x14 - 37 - WINGNALL DESIGN (CON'D) AS :. .0094 x 12 x 12 == 1.35 in? Use "('/8‘3 0 bars @ 5“ AS=-l.44 in? u z 5220 =_ 65 #/1n? 0.x. (2.75x12)7/8x14 5 The heel and toe sections were also checked in the usual manner and the assumed dimensions were fmmnd to be satisfactory. This concludes the basic design features of this problem and general views of the structure are shown in the accompanying drawings. -38- BIBLIOGRAPHY "The Rigid-Frame Bridge," A. G. Hayden, puzéished by John Wiley & Sons, New York, 19 . "Analysis of Rigid Frame Concrete Bridges," published by Portland Cement Association, Chicago, 1941. "The Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures,“ Dean Peabody,_Jr., published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1936. "Concrete Engineers' Handbook," H001 & John- son, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company,Inc. New York, 1918. - 39 - ... - MICHIGAN STATE U Hy 7/ lllil 3 1293 5 E": IN 99 .i— C“ “o. - ;; kin-7.; , u 4. I» I __I W‘MQMIG 5‘” CKED 5‘3””)? TH 6515 CH — __.—.——-——.—._'-— M l CH IGAN STA7 e CLLEGE EesT Laumwc I r I -1 -,' an; SPAM E L. E v A T I i. .99.: AT 90° “’1'“ wastes—W A .. 5.9 FUTURE wisswms 2* __---___-_.___.___I SHEET No.3 5ECTION «Cl-(4 _I lflmuth ckeo’Br : E ’DI’ITEZ (.‘z ’43 CN LRN E“ UNDEI’EPASS Samoa Tucsns FARM EAST Lawmwc M ICHIGRN STATE COLLEGE DQSwN ET: W300. T'rface-D T34". afiyrfi? AJ :Q‘ SCALE: I" ELE VAT I O N AT 900 IUITH ROIRDWRT ‘ -_§O Cueag_,_S?M§I . _ _ , LOIDGNIHS FUTU Q6 -———-——-———_—-—-.——-—~_ \ ‘—_ba I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r— I I LI I-- 3 .285" 3.7.55" 3.68“" h - .- .- 4:: II I' 4" (I 4": 3.88“" “/4 C? 4" I‘/4" I‘/4" 4" N ’PAQA’BOuDa 00 4.50 SYMMETE’ICAL. ABOOT EL-" 6334:34- .~ Ooo‘ poe'DesIsN I 26.20 FEAME DESIGN Seed-E: I" r- 3‘ MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE} ELLANMNG V‘NMUHQRN SENIOQ THE-$15 f FARM LANE UNDEEPASS J DRAwN 58" “ ”31:0 CHECKEDRV~_ Twace'o 'B‘r ‘3’Kbt’207. DnTe-" (9-2743 5866? No.2 2.6.45 E-L..- a 34. ‘PAQABOLA . - 0.00‘ peeve—slap! I 26.20 h a 4“: 3 -b 6“" 3.46“" l‘/4 CI? 4" I'd-"II ere I, CAL— 5YMM FE, AME- DESIGN . II I A MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE" E. LNNMNQ. ~-~ WWIIQIIMUAIxmi SENIOQ “THEE-51‘s FH.RIV\ LANE- Uwoekvass . f3 .. -- ; mWQRwN BY ‘ JEJCO. Lamas-n 8V . 57mm; {1.7 No ('2 ”.IN’AC’VD 'BT ' 916.1110 Thwart: in - (I " II 3 [9.36 ’ Decefhéer FGUNTQIN MICHIGAN STHTE COLLEGE 5.951“ LANSING, MICH. ' lea VM/fisf/ne' :5 P411134 N MEMO 21.41. w... .__ _ __-_-..._-_. --..- M-._, ”...-.».” ~Wn~m~24—-- - —,. x- .-...-" .J/ m m I 0 c’ozvneow. ' m.- I m c VAL WE I I-) I) . . .Iv IIIII‘IIIII III 1.72.1. [III III: )Ilzu\1J|01I-Il .IlI‘II-I. III. . I . II. ‘4’ 1" ’1‘...’ it; {.I.-III. all!" .- I I 3175 5907 I II I||| l I; 0 C v 3 i A g T II I 2 . I'll-I- CC I1 N .I A {3 ..4-II IIII I | 1 Ill - V .