A DESIGN OF A REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING FOR A SOY BEAN PROCESSING PLANT Thoskfor tho Donn cl 8. 3. mCHlG-AN STATE COLLEGE W R._ Radcliff 1947 TH 5515 A Design of a Reinforced Concrete Building for a Soy Bean Processing Plant A Thesis Submitted to The Faculty of MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE of AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE By Robert Redcliff M Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science June 1947 THESiS 3.; k7“ ACKNOHLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank the members of the Civil Engineering Staff for their assistance in the preparation of this_thesis. In particular, Professor 0. A. Miller, for the time and effort spent with me to per- fect the design both structurally and practicably. 189?8‘ BIBLIOGRAPHY Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. - Report on 8 in. Bearing Walls. Engineering News Record", may 1, 1947. Pulver - "Construction Estimates and Costs." Parker - "Simplified Design of Reinforced Concrete" Sutherland and Reese - "Reinforced Concrete Design" O'Rourke - "General Engineering Handbook" A.I.S.C. - "Manual of Steel Construction" A.C.I. Building Code T.E.C.O. Truss Manual Joint Committee Report. 1940 Portland Cement Association - "Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook" merriman and Wiggin - "American Civil Engineers' Handbook" - 5th Edition. National Lumber Manufacturers Association - "National Design Specifications for Stress - Grade Lumber and its Fastenings" Bateman - "Highway Engineering Portland Cement Association - "Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures" CONTENTS I. Purpose and ScOpe of Thesis II. Computations and Sketches PART I PURPOSE AND SCOPE pg THESIS The purpose of this thesis is to present a practical and economicd. design of a building for use by the owner. The property is located in the Central Ohio farm area. The objective of the owner is to have a building large enough and strong enough to house a Soy Bean Processing Plant. Mbst of the construction work will be done by the owner's organization. The building will be constructed with materials avail- able in that area, and a cost of materials estimate will be included. The project offers several practical design problems for the author. The methods used are those set forth in the respective design courses as taught at Michigan State College. much more labor was applied to this problem.than would have been necessary if it had been handled by an experienced design engineer. Despite this fact, it is a worthwhile project because it employs design fundamentals necessary to a good de- signer as a basis for the tricks and short cuts of the trade. The author will design the building in accordance with specifications supplied by the owner. The design and materials estimate will constitute the object of the thesis. The owner plans to design and fabricate all plant equipment. While this is being done the building will be used for farm.machinery repair and as a farm.locker agency. By means of these Operations the owner hOpes to establish himself in the area. The scope of the thesis will include the following: A. The design of a fireproof, durable building to perform.the following functions: 1. Provide suitable space for Operating a Soy Bean Processing Plant. 2. Provide suitable space for repairing farm machinery. 3. Provide suitable space for Operating a farm locker agency. 4. House the following equipment: a. b. c. d. e. f. Metal wOrking tools. Welding equipment. Overhead crane. work benches. Woodworking machines. Lubrication facilities. B. To locate and design: 1. A concrete driveway from the rear of the build- ing, running parallel to the side of the build? ing and connecting to the existing road. 2. A three-ton overhead crane system.to be located on the ground floor. C. Estimate the cost of materials for construction. The scape of the thesis is limited to the structural design of units heretofore described. No attempt has been made to perform.the functions of an architect in that architectural features and details of the allied trades such as plumbing, heating, or wiring have not been mentioned or treated. “ I I) n I I \z 111.} Ill 1! In'flvl‘ _ 4 . _ i . ‘ .1. V . r ,nli $9 ‘ .1.»lnvl. .. . v ‘nJJIIIDIIO-‘o. é . r/ .. s )5)‘ __ n . ' i I '1: v 6 III; .[ll'lllla 1 It | ‘ 1| Illoll t 1' lul . _ i i i _ . . i u l. vl _ _ . . . _ 1- a I II V [0| I 1| ‘ (I I... I‘I‘I I. lull." ; 1.1L A - T m ' \I. I I I4 I ' [v 1 l! 11"}: 11 Ill W n i . A . w . _ i . . A n‘._-- P- —. BUILDING DETAILS Drawing 1-2-3-4. The building will be 120.0' long and 80.0' wide and will be located on the property as shown in Drawing 1. Because the author was unable to visit the building site, the data for the site map was obtained from.the owner and from U.S. Geological Survey tOpographic maps of the area. The ground floor walls will be concrete blocks. The roof system will be con- structed of wood with wood sheeting and aSphalt roofing. The remainder of the building will be constructed of reinforced concrete. The driveway will be poured concrete with no tensile reinforcement. The drive will be widened at the curve to facilitate entrance into the building. Due to the heavy floor loads expected, the floor system will be designed for a live load of 400 p.s.f.; column Spacing taken as 20.0'o.c. with T-Beams inter- esting the girders at the 1/3 points. . v . . y .s - TL . .r ‘. l.l.... . _ A Y ‘n-—‘ . .- - 0. w lo. _. s .r r. Y I. t ‘ . A ‘ .1. . , .J “1.. I! ~ _ U m. r... .1 , i L T Z .9 u i ./ V o v v . . .. . _ . . _ O . H . w. J¢t _ . . \. f _ .\. . \« .4 d _ To . . . W H —17. fi. L i .1. Fri; v, ~ IL— I u W IW q» u i . . a . V. , n. N . 4 . , x I. i _ _ o , v , .... _ h . i v v i _ . a . _ . v N F . . , ,, . _. OI a... .4 .4! r T. . )4. KO . . .|»n “ I - ...., a . w a .r a..." E. F i, . § .* . _ .4 t... .. _ . r _ ~ . . I i . . V . , i _ , . ,. _r _ , , . n . fl . _ n , . _ . ..\ . . i ,I/ 1.." _ . . ' O .n .- __._..._.-._~r 0.. «a a"! fi ~ i._'. 3‘ . O l<-——. _- v.1- ---.. _ _ A, . l. , . oi; ‘ - n 7 - 7., fl.) ,2? HM..- ill-.. .‘ n s I . I 1.. ‘ n A_ . » H v ‘ 4 0},“ I | ‘1‘ .h..m,.). .. _- -v'.,_,,_‘,,-_-__ -—‘_‘_ -_~~_ ALLOWABLE UNIT STRESSES USED Taken from A.C.I Building Code 1946. Concrete Using a concrete with fc' 3000 p.s.i. n : 10 Compression fc : 1350 p.s.i. Shear v Beans W/b web Reinforcement wyb SA - 60 p.s.i. w/ SA - 90 p.s.i. 'fi/ ‘Web Reinforcement w/b SA - 180 p.s.i. W/ SA - 360 P0801. Footings - 75 p.s.i. Bond u Beams Plain bars - 120 p.s.i. Deformed bars - 150 p.s.i. Two-way footings Plain bars (hooked) - 135 p.s.i. Deformed bars (hooked) - 168 p.s.i. Bearing fc 0n full area - 750 p.s.i. On one-third area - 1125 p.s.i. Steel Billet, hard grade fs - 20,000 p.s.i. Lumber - Pine Southern Shortleaf (Dense Structural) Extreme fiber in bending - 1900 p.s.i. Horizontal shear - 120 p.s.i. Compression perpendicular to grain - 455 p.s.i. Compression parallel to grain -l450 p.s.i. Nodulus of elasticity -1,600,000 p.s.i. Soil Pressure - "American Civil Engineers' Handbook." Dry Silt-Loam -3 Tons/ sq. ft. Bearing on Masonry Wall Portland Cement Association -800 p.s.i. PART II ROOF DES IGN Sketch 1 This truss was selected from Timber Engineering Company Truss manual. Fink Truss 80' - 00" Span 16' - 00" Rise 16' - 00" Spacing 0.0. 1' - 00" Eaves Dead Load a 2470 a ~§§3§ FBM = 7410# Truss Weight -% Roof Area.: 44.0 x 16 = 704 s.fg/truss Wind Load 2 20 p.s.f. of vertical surface P normal I 2 0'3” 20 .-. 13.1 Snow Load a 20 p.s.f. vertical Maximum Expected Load Dead / Wind / % Snow Dead / % Wind 7/ Snow ‘Wooden sheathing 1.0" thick - 3 p.s.f. Asphalt covering - 2 p.s.f. Roof covering 5 p.s.f. Truss = 7410 a 5.8 (W 10.8 Total D.L. Dead / Wind / —%- Snow 10.8 / 13.1 7/ 10 a 88.9 p.s.f. Dead/ 7% Wind ,1 Snow 10.8 / 6.6 ,1 20 -.- 57.4 p.s.f. Therefore 40 p.s.f. is a safe value to use. 1 DESIGN OF MEMBERS Sketch 2 Top Chord Length . 10' 9%" a 129.25" Try 4.0" member L s 129.25 : 35.7 '3 3 625 4 WOrking stress : C(l-l/S (REE) ) l. 2 .l K = 0.64 ( .-. 0.64 (2'5 x hggoiooof = 33.7 4 Working Stress = 1450 (1-1/3 (1.331%) ) = 845 p.s.i. Area required = 60300 = 71.5 sq. in. Two 4 x 12" timbers with a cross sectional area of 2(41.69) a 83.38 sq. in. will satisfy requirements. Bottom Chord - Lo - L1 - L2 web Area required 3 56000 : 29.6 '13RR5 Two 4 x 5" timbers with a cross sectional area of 2(16.77) x 33.54 sq. in. will satisfy requirements, but further investigation shows that the joint between L1 and L2 requires a larger width. Therefore two 4 x 8" timbers are used. members - Compression Select a 4.0" timber for web members in compression. v2 length = 8' - 7 3/8" .-. 103.375" L = 1030375 = 2805 '3 .l K -_- 0.64 (W? . 21.3 3 = 0.2743 . 0.274 :5 1,60q,000 = 543 p.s.i. A (28.5)“ (3) Area required a 11,900 = 22.0 sq. in. '7RE§" A 4 x 8" member with a cross sectional area of 2719 sq. in. will satisfy the requirements, but further investigation shows that joint C requires a 12" width. Therefore a 4 x 12" member is used. v1 and v3 length .4 4.0' 3 11/16" -.- 51.688" Use 4.0" member L I 51.688 - 14.25 3. K greater than L greater than 11.0, therefore the intermediate column formula is used. 4 . _ 14.25 - . . . . g 1450 (1 1/5 (2.1.3.) )- 966 p s i Area required : 5950 : 6.16 sq. in. ’966' A 4 x 2%" member with a cross sectional area of 7.70 will satisfy the requirement. Four inch Split rings are to be used at the joints and a minimum of 5%" width is required. Therefore a 4 x 6" member is used. Web Members - Tension maximum tension load on D4 Area required.= 24000 = 12.6 sq. in. 'IUDU' Two 2 x 6" members with a cross sectional area of 2(9.l4) : 18.28 will satisfy this requirement but in order to eliminate fillers and to provide enough thickness for split rings, two 3 x 8" members are used for D3 and D . D1 and D2 Area required = 8000 : 4.22 sq. in. I966 At least 6.0" members are required for 4.0" split rings, there- fore two 2 x 6" members are used for D1 and D2. DESIGN OF JOINTS Sketch 3 Joint "A" The load on 01 and 02 acts at an angle of 20.20 with the chord U1 - U2. The allowable load on one ring : 4400#. Therefore two rings are required, one in each member. n The standard edge distance = o [/16". 8000 . 91% of full load deveroped. x 4 00 Therefore the edge distunoe can be reduced to 2 3/4". The edge distance furnished by a 6.0" members = 2 13/16". The lo:d on V2 acts an angle of 900 to U1 - U3. The allowable load on one ring = 3750#. 11900 2 2.54 "4760 Therefore three rings are required. There is not enough room for three rings, so two rings and four 3/4 x 15%" machine bolts are used. The allowable load on bolts = 700 x 4 ; 2806}. 2800 /'2(4700) e 12200#. Therefore four bolts and two rings are sufficient. Minimum bolt spacing : 4d a 3.0" Spacing between rows - 5d : 3 3 4". Joint "B" D4 - U3 Angle of load to grain.: 22o Allowable load on one ring = 6200# .Eégg%,= 3.87 rings are required - 6.0 rings used. 0 O of ca acit develo ed : 24000 3 64.5 9/9 / ’ y p 6 x 6200 Standard Spacing parallel to grain in D4 = 9.0" Reduced spacing : 5.0" Spacing used = 7.0" Edge distance required = 2 3/4" - 3 3/4" used End distance required e 3 3/4" - 5%" used U3 to splice plates Angle of lord to grain = 22° Allowable load on one ring 2 6200# 32000 = 5.2 rings required - 8.0 rings used 2 q/o of capacity developed 32000 . 64.5 o/b 8 x 6256 Standard spacing parallel to grain in D4 = 9.0" Reduced spacing = 64'5 g 2 ' 100 = 36 o/b of capacity for one group. 50 o/b reduction allows 4 7/8" minimum Use 7.0" spacing Edge distance required : 2 3/4" - 2 3/4" used. End distance required : 3 3/4" - 5%" used. Joint "C" 72 to L1 - L2 Angle of load to grain : 57.5° Allowable load on one ring = 4900# 11900 = 2.43 rings required - 4 rings used "—4950 11900 = 61 e/o 4T49007 Reduced edge distance = 2 3/4" o/b of capacity developed = Spacing required parallel to grain : 5%" End distance required : 3%" D3 to L1 - L2 Angle of load to grain : 45o Allowable load on one ring : 5350# 16900 = 2.98 rings required - 4 rings used o/b of capacity developed : 16000 : 75 o/b 4T5355) Reduced edge distance : 2 5/3" Spacing required parallel to grain = 5%" End distance required : 3%" Length of Me bers U0. U1. Uz. U3 10' - 9— L0, L1 = 11' - 7 3/16" L2 = 16' - 9 3/8" 71 = 4' - 3 11/16" v? = 8' - 7 3/3" v3 : 4'-1.@@" D1 -.- 11' - 7 3/16"' D2 = 10' - 7 7/16" 05 = 11' - 7 7/3" D4 = 10' - 10 3/16" NUTERIELS REQUIRED FOR TRUSSES Building 120.0' long Nine trusses @.16.0' C.C. required Lumber 36 pieces 2" x 6" x 12' 36 pieces 2" x 6" x 14' 36 pieces 2" x 6" x 16' 72 pieces 3" x 8" x 14' 18 pieces 3" x 8" x 20' 9 pieces 4" x 8" x 12' 18 pieces 4" x 6" x 16' 54 pieces 4" x 8" x 14' 45 pieces 4" x 8" x 18' 18 pieces 3" x 12" x 16' 9 pieces 3" x 12" x 10' 18 pieces 4" x 12" x 14' 81 pieces 4" x 13" x 16' 27 pieces 4" x 1:" x 18' 18 pieces 10" x 12" x 18' 18 pieces 4" x 12" x 6' Total = 22,230 FBM liardware 2736 144 72 72 ' Machine Teco Split rings 4" Taco shear plates 3 1/8" Machine Machine Machine machine machine machine machine machine bolts 3/4" Steel plates Steel plates ‘ Steel plates Steel plates bolts bolts bolts 3/4" bolts bolts bolts bolts o bolts 1 3" I 12" 18" 23" 24" 3/4" 10" -%-" x 3" x 10 7/8" %" x 3" x 12" " x 20" x 16" (73?“ 3 8" x 10" x 12" Angles 4" x 7" x.3/8", 12" long 9 Threaded rods 17' - 3" long 144‘Washers 2a 2124 Plate washers 3" x 3" x 3/16" cheek bearing on wall Total roof load . 80 x 120 x 40 : 384,0t0# well load = 192,000# 18 pieces 4" x 12" x 14' 81 pieces 4" x 13" x 16' 27 pieces 4" x 12" x 18' 18 pieces 10" x 12" x 18' 18 pieces 4" x 12" x 6' Total : 23,230 FBM IEbrdware 2736 Teco Split rings 4" 144 Teco shear plates 3 1/8" 72 machine bolts-%" x 12" 72 machine bolts 3/4" x 6%" 216 rachine bolts 3/4" x 12%" 126 machine bolts 3/4" x 15%" 396 machine bolts 3/4" x 17%" 144 Machine bolts 3/ " x 18" 36 Machine bolts 3/4" x 23" 36 machine bolts 3/4" x 24" 144 machine bolts 3/4" x 10" 9 Steel plates-%" x 3" x 10 7/8" 9 Steel plates-%" 1 3" x 12" " x 20" x 16" 4‘0ng 36 Steel plates 36 Steel plates 3/8" x 10" x 12" 36 Angles 4" x 7" x 3/8", 12" long 9 Threaded rods 17' - 3" long 144 washers 2" 2124 Plate washers 3" x 3" x 3/16" Check bearing on wall Total roof load I 80 x 120 x 40 : 384,0h0# wall load a 192,000# 18 pieces 4" x 12" x 14' 81 pieces 4" x 12" x 16' 27 pieces 4" x 12" x 16' 18 pieces 10" x 12" x 18' 18 pieces 4" x 12" x 6' Total = 23,230 FBM IEmrdware 2736 Teco split rings 4" 144 Teco shear plates 3 1/8" 72 machine bolts-%" x 12" 72 Machine bolts 3/4" x 6%" 216 Machinebolts 3/4" x 12%" 126 machine bolts 3/4" x 15%" 396 machine bolts 3/4" x 17%" 144 machine bolts 3/4" x 18" 36 machine bolts 3/4" x 23" 36 machine bolts 3/4" x 24" 144 Machine bolts 3/4" x 10" 9 Steel plates " x 3" x 10 7/8" l‘Olb-J (Oh-J : 9 Steel plates 1 3" x 12" 36 Steel plates " x 20" x 16" as: 36 Steel plates 3/8" x 10" x 12" 36 Angles 4" x 7" x 3/8", 12" long 9 Threaded rods 17' - 3" long 144 washers 2" 2124 Plate washers 3" x 3" x 3/16" Check bearing on wall Total roof load 3 80 x 120 x 40 = 384,000# wall load : 192,000# Load er lineal foot : 1927000 = 1600 .f. p "m— P Gross area of 8" x 8" x 16" concrete block:: 15.75 x 7.75 : 122 sq“. in. 122 x.%§.= 91.5 sq. in. per lineal foot 1600 8 1705 p.801. 91.5 Therefore, the bearing on the top course is within the allowable. Use 3/4" bearing plate over top course on E and W walls to distribute truss load. UPPER WALL DESIGN 'Weight of 8" x 8" x 16" heavy bearing blocks‘/ %" joints : 50# 14.0' wall height : 168" 158 = 21 courses 120.0' wall length = 1440" 1440 s 90 blocks 16 . 'Wall area = 1680 sq. ft. requires 1890 blocks 1.125 blocks required per square foot of wall North‘Wall 80.0' long 1 - 12' x 14' door 2 - 10' x 20' Windows South W811 80.0' long 1 - 12' x 14' door East'Wall 120.0' long 3 - 8' x 10' windows west W811 120.0' long 3 - 8' x 10"windows N.W. S .W. E.W. W.W. Area sq. ft. 552 952 1440 1440 No. Blocks 620 1080 1620 1620 Total Wt.# 33,000 63,000 94,500 94,500 (Assuming solid wall) Unit ht.#/lin.t 787 787 787 787 Check for bearing on bottom course - Esst and best halls. Live load - 1600 Dead load - 787 Total load - 2337fi/Lin. ft. h: I»: hIRDON LINTEL DESIGN East and'West'halls Sketch 15 3 courses on top : 3 x 50 : 150% 150 x ‘1‘; = 1133%/lin. ft. Live load leoofi/lin. ft. Dead load 113. lin. ft. Total lord l713#/lin. ft. 2 ~ -2 thimum.B.M. = W'l = 1713 x 100 = 14,3001W ‘12 Section modulus = M= 14,300 x 12 = 8.6 in.3 T 20,000 Use 2 angles 6 x 4 x 7/8" section modulus = 2 x 7.2 : 14.4 in.3 North‘Wall Sketch 16 3 courses on top \. 160 x 1'3 : 113#/ft. sax B.M. = wl2 1": : 113 x (20)2 = 3770 *12 Section modulus = 5770 x 12 = 2.27 in.3 '1fififfifif“ 1 Use 2 angles 4 x 4 x-g" Section modulus : 2(2.0) = 4.0 in.5 Doors Use 4 x 4 x-%" angles for door lintels. DESIGN UPPER FLOOR SLAB Sketches 4 and 5 Live load assumed 400 p.s.f. This figure used in order to satisfy future requirements to which building Hwy be put. Assume an 8.0" slab L. L. 400 p.s.f. D. L. : 100 p.s.f. T. L. : 500 p.s.f. or for a 1.0' section 5007mm. ft. Considering this a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed 2 load, B0143. = _w_8_]_’__ Max B.M. = w 12 = 500 x 64 = 400011" 8"" V': "'1 - 500 x 8 : 200 ” T ' ‘—2'— O" From table #2 RCDH d : 4%" Change sltb thickness to 6.0" TL 3 475 p.s.f. BM .-.- 38001" d : 4%" v = 19005;é From table #1 RCDH a = 1.44 As a M .: 3800 : 0.587 sq. int/ft. required Use %" circular 4.0" spacing Check shear - V _ 1900 _ 41 1 0 K V— n . - .S. o o o 5.33 1?): 7/8 x 4.5 p "" Check Bond u . v 3 190,0 .1 106 p.s.i. 00K. 2013 4.7:: 7/8 x 4.5 ‘- 10 Placement of negative moment steel. Sketch 6 Reinforcing steel of the same size and placing as that used for tension will be placed over supports; the length to be fi-clear span each side of support. 8000" "’ 1000" = 07000" 70-0 = 17.5 Use 18.0" each side. "T T - Beam Design Sketch 7 Span 20.0' cc Assume clear span 19.0' LL 475 x 6.67 = 3170# DL : weight of stem assumed a 239i TL : 3400%/' v'= W’l : 3400 x 19 2 3g 30 ' T "_"2'—_ , 074 v allowable with web reinforcement : 180 p.s.i. v = FEE bd : 32,:00 : 205 sq. in. Let b : 10.0" d = 23.0" d / 3 : 26.0" 26 - t = 20.0" Check weight of stem 9'5 x 20 x 150 = 19 T 8# Assume j : 0.875 BM _ w 1‘2= 3400 x (19)2 x 12 : 1,470,000"# ‘ ‘127' *10 BM .1 Tjd T = 1.470.000 = 72,900# 11 As . 72,900 = 3.65 sq. ind/Tt. required 9 Use 4 - 1" square bars Area : 4.0 sq in. two rows Check_bond - V 32 300 - 101 s i u - ’ .. .. - O O 0 Check fiber stresses Sketch 8 %-0f Span.: 20 I 12 = 60.0" Least (8 x 6) 2 7’ 10 = 106.0" (80'0" ‘ 10") I 3': 35" 35x2/10= 80" moment NA = (60 x 6) (x - 3) = 40 (23 _ x) X.= 6.25" .25 mfc _, 0.04fo .. Z 23.0 - 6.25 = 20.92" "3" Compression C Arm. Mbment C1 - 0.04fc x 6 x 60 : 14.4fc x 20 : 288fc 02 = é-x 0.96fc x 6 x 60 = 172.8fc x 20.92 : 3620fo 187.2fc 3908fc 01 2'02 = C 3908fc = 1,470,000 f0 = 377 p.s.i. C T = 377 x 187.2 = 70,500# T Asfs f3 = 70,500 = 17,600 p.s.i. Check T beams at support 12 Sketch 9 (N - 1) As = 36 sq. in. NAs : 40 sq. in. 10X : 10 x sq. in. 36 (x - 3) /10 1022): 40 (23 - x) 36x - 108 /'5x3 = 920 - 40x 51:2 7’ 76X : 1028 3.: 8.6" jd = 23.0 - -_- 20.2 8.6 T Co = .152 (10) (8.6) ;_- 43.0fc Cs : gig. fc (36) = 37.6fc 43.0fc x 20.2 : 876fc 37.6fc x 20.0 :- 752fc 80.6fc (a) .-. 1628fc a = 20.2 T = C = 1,470,000 : 72,700# 20.2 f0 3 72,700 = 901 P0301. 00K. f8 = 72,7(X) : 18,200 p.s.i. 00K. T Beam Web Reinforcement Sketch 10 The maximum shear occurs at the ends when the entire span.is loaded. vnax : 329500 : 153 p.s.i. x o 1 Center shear taken as 25 q/b of maximum. vb : 153 x .25 = 38.3 p.s.i. Shear takeniby stirrups :- w x 10 : 43,000# Use-%" circular stirrups. 13 '- .. 1, 1m 7 a .7 _ «I- r——-——-—_-_._ q"‘_ _- __...~._.. _. ‘r-vv" ~ . r .1. ———-.-.—..w-__- —__.._‘ -—— \1 am "Ills-"1 d ‘1...“ a 4 51-1.! 17.1.»; a a 7 I m n ,1 ll: E I GJPM‘ —_—..--.~——< _ , 3: As = 0.1963 x 2 = .3926 sq. in. 16,000 x .3926 = 62807}E taken by each stirrup 45.000 = 6.85 Use 7. 'YEfifiT' d. 23 = 1105" '2 '—2 93 0 . - 80 1175- 1 Therefore 9 stirrups will be used from support to center. 205" 7@10" GIRDER DES IGN Sketch 11 Span 20.0' Clear span = 18.5' assumed simply supported beam. Assume stem weight : 5004/rt. B.M. = 64,600 x 80 x 2/3 /’1/10 x 500 x (18.5)2 /’12 3,450,000 /'205,000 3,655,000"# vmax. : 64,600 /'500 g 18-5 = 69,225# Assume j : 0.875 at support 69 225 bd : V' = = 440 s . in. 180j 180 x .875 q Use b .. 15.0" d 32.0" d‘/ 3 35-6 _ 29.0" 35.0" Check stem weight 39 I 15 x 150 : 455' ' ._4F@f_. ua/ Assume j : 0.92 between supports B.M. .-.: Tjd 14 As : T = 124 200 = 6.21 Sp. in 'TE "26f606 ’ Use 1.0" circular bars Use 8.0 bars - two rows .. 3%" Spacing. AS : 6.32" o = 25.1" Bond 'V - 69 225 ' u = - , . 9307 0801. 00K. Review of Girder Design Sketch 12 pp span : 32.11.13 : 60.0" 8 1 thickness x 2 /'15 111.0" Clear span : 18.5 x 12 222.0" meent NA.= (60 x 6) (x - 3) = 63.2 (32 - x) X = 7036" Z : fc 036 7.36 Z = 0.0488fc fc - Z = .95fc cl = (60 x 6) (.osrc) = 18.0fc x 29 = 522fc 02 : (60 x 6) $942323) = 171fc x 30 : 5130fc c ; cl /’cz : 18.9fc = 5652fc f0 = w = 646 13.8.1. 00K. T = c : 189.0 x 646 = 122,200# fs =.1§§i§g2.= 19,500 p.s.i. 07.. Check girder over support Sketch 13 meent 34.: Q§)(15X)1/'(56.9) (x - 2) a 63.2 (32 - x) 15 X = 10.7" Co = £29 (15)(10.7) 80.3fc x 28.2 = 2270rc c - 8.7 fc (56.9) 46.4fc x 30 = 1390rc 8- iU.V 125.7?0 3600fc a = 28.9" T : C = 3,655,000 : 126 50 ' “—2‘8 7‘9 ’ 0;) f0 = _126,500 3 1000 p.s.i. 126.7 fs : W = 20,000 p.s.i. .0 Girder'fieb Reinforcement Sketch 14 maximum shear occurs at the end with the entire span loaded. VV : 69,225 = 157 p.s.i. ‘15 x 0.92 x 32 Shear at center taken as 25 q/o of mpx. 157 x 0025 3 39.2 P0801. Sheer taken by stirrups 15 x : 66,600# 66.600 - 10.6 stirru a re uired- "'62—‘80 - p 9 Use 12 stirrups from support to center. Spacing 4 @.5.0" 4 @ 8.0" 2 @ 10" 2 @ 12" Eg§LL.BEAM DESIGN Sketch 17 North and South wall beams will carry half the floor load of the of the other cross beams and no roof 108d. Therefore the floor 16 w ¢-,-s. , ,1 3A 0.1 ‘. I . . :41 1 u ., : T ...I.s!i.ri-s!-lll _ r u v I ~ I 1 . ,/ / . . 2 ,, _ , w / , V: .. . \. 2_ .A V. w. +1 < y l f l .1411 I 4" in I 0‘ , .. v. . _ _/ _ . . / r. .v ‘9‘. H / I I , _ . v A‘ f.- /l 1 1t H\ \ to I , . n 1 1/ ’ls. 2.. xv beam design will suffice for the North and South wall beams. East and west Wall Beams Assumed weight of stem.= 500#/' Wall load =17102’Z' 2210#/' Max. v = 32,300 / 221012: 18.5 V'= 52,800# B.M. = 32,300 x 80 x 2/3 / 1/10 x 2210 '(18.5)2 x 12 = 2,707,000"# Since the B.M. and shear for the East and West wall beams are less than that used in the design of the interior girders, the previous girder design will be used for the East West wall beams. COLUMN DESIGN Sketches 18 and 19 A11 columns concentric - Axial Icaded. Columns 1, 7, 29, 35. Sketch 20 Maximum.load will be on columns 29 and 35 due to the crane on the first floor. Girder load 3 69,225# Floor beam.load - 32,300# Crane load = 3,000# Column'Wt.(assumed) a SIOOQfi N ‘ :107,525# From R.C.D.H. table fi20 Use 10" x l4"-column. Load taken by concrete 3 95,000# Load taken by steel = 15,099fi Mex. allowable load -110,000# 17 1F '- I r . ._ — x ll ‘ _ , a a _ f a. H v. M. i do I \n.h yr L V II“ J 3‘ 1 a , .. r . “1.: x 1.1 VI A, r . . .. ,r _ x d . r 1. .. .w .. . ... .H ....\ A \ ‘ ,C . t .1 T. .. . . V . m f \ J L _. -1 , . 3 ‘ v I. _ , I p ! ullllliv 1211' i I l. r5111»! V i 05!... . .. III‘ y :0 n!| I L ¢ ‘ _ d . _ v . IL »1 ‘ V . a u :I . ll ‘ w y‘lr. 1-6.-.. _ r. . . .._ .. -. 2 11.13: 1.1 ' ,, V . H- a a 1 ,n .o, ._ ”A; m 1-11-. -. - - - 1 L; 1- Q . L . 1 . V l a (I 1 . n.“ _ 3 - r - .. . a - , . -- . sq z I. _ f I . v. .a Use 4 - 7/8" circular bars. Tie spacing - Use the least of the following conditions. 1. 16 bar diameters - 14.0" 2. 48 tie diameters 24.0" 3. least column dimension.= 10.0" Least Use-%" ties @ 10.0. Check column weight 10 x 14 x 14 x 150 - 210 ’ 0.K. ‘12?- ’ 0* -- Columns 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 30, 51, 32, 33, 34. Sketch 21 Maximum.load will be on columns 50, 51, 52, 55, and 54 due to the crane on the first floor. Girder load = 2 x 69,225 . 58,450# 32,300# 3,000# I Column wt.(assumed) a 3 50 ” Floor beam.load Crane load N 177,250# Use 14" x 16" column. Load taken by concrete = 151,000# Load taken by steel - 50,009fi Max. allowable load = 181,000# Use 6 - l" circular bars. nee fin ties @ 14.0". Check column weight. 131$=14x150=3270# _C_)_._K_. Columns 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28. Sketch 22 maximum.load will be on columns 22 and 28 due to the crane on the first floor. 18 3 so >VT'11 I. V4“. V :3 a a a: '9 D 1 $1 Girder load 69,225# Floor beam 108d - 2 x 52,500 3 64,600# Crane load - 5,000# Column wt. (assumed) = 5,00 N 159,825# Use 10" x 18" column. Load taken by concrete = 122,000# Load taken by steel = 19,009fi Nbx. allowable load : l4l,000# Use 4 - l" circular bars. er-%" ties @ 10.0". Check column weight. _m__10118x14x150=2620# 2:}; Columns 9, 10, ll, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 24, 25, 26, 2?. Sketch 25 Nbximum load will be on columns 25, 24, 25, 26 and 27 due to the crane on the first floor. Girder load : 2 x 69,225 = 158,450# Floor beam load = 2 x 52,500 ; 64,600# Crane load : 5,000# Column wt. (assumed) g 4:009fi N = 210,050# Use 16" x 18" column. Load taken by concrete = 194,000# Load taken by steel = 25,009fi max. allowable load : 217,000# Use 6 - 7/8" circular bars. Use é” ties @ 14.0". Check column weight. Eifilé x 14 x 150 - 4200;“,4 Egg: 19 ‘_.. ”AA...” . A v-.. 4*- : - 1 11 n-M" , .\ fl . . . .. A a a. 1 . \l... A A - 1 a ., 2 a.” _ . ., _ to ._ . _, w. A 2-! q». A I .\ 0’. .x .L ,. a, 11 -1 A ._ _ 11.1 L A A II COLUMN FOCTING DESIGN Sketch 24 Column footing l. Allowable soil pressure 6000 p.s.f. Footing weight will be assumed 6 o/b of live load. Hooked, deformed bars will be used in all footings. Column size 10" x 14" DL = 6,459& TL1: 115,975# Area =.£%§6%%§,= 19.0 sq. ft. required. Use L: 4' - 6" Net pressure : 107,525 : ‘20-'25- A = 20025 sq. ft. 5320 p.s.f. . _ . 14 22:: 22 3'1““ - 5330 ( x m)/ 5520 ((22)210.6 €32) : 30,000'# d - M = 30,000 x 12 = 15.2 ’K‘B 256x10 d 2 16.0" h 3 400 h/d Use 16.0“ 20.0" Check weight. 20.25 x'gg 2 150 - 5060# As 3, M I, 50,000 x 12 3;, 20,000 x .866 x 16 Use-%" circular bars. A -.- 0.2 sq. in. 1.30 = 67’ Check Bond. 3 1030 sq. in. Use 7 bars @.6.0" 0.0. u = V‘ = Neg pressure (L2 - (q/Zd)zfll_x'% 262-13 053 u : 5C20 (20' 25 - 12' 2Q: 70 p. ..s is 00K. 11 x .866 x 16 x 4 Check shear. V- 42, 560 = 1805 PoSoio =4! a72dljd= ’168 x .866 x’16 20 Column footing 2. Column size 14" x 16" LL : 177,250# DL.: 10,659fi TL = 187,900# Area : 187,900 : 51.5 sq. ft. required 4' USe L: 5' " 8" A 8 32.2 sq. ft. Net pressure = 177,250 : 5500 p.s.f. 13.1. .. ”500(‘11'21— x 21);! (Lag x x 17)‘ 56,100 # d ; 56,100 x 12 .-_- 20.4" Use 21.0" 236 x‘14 d :- 21.0" h .-. 4.0" d/h = 25.0" Check weight. 32.2 x 12,; x 150 = 10.10056 0.x. As : 56,100 x 12 a 1.85 sq. in. 20,000 x .866 x‘ZI Use 10 - %" circular bars @ 6.0" c.c. Check bond. u - 5500(32°2 - 21.8) = 50 p.s.i. O.K.O "1527’x .866 x 21 x_4 Check shear V = 5500 x 10.4 = 14.1 p.s.i. O.K. ‘224 x .865 x 21 —__-' Column footing 8. Column size 10" x 18" 11.: 159,825# DL : 8, 40% TL : 148,225# Area = 148,225 a 24.7 sq. ft. required. 6,000 Use L = 5.0. A = 25.0 Sq. ft. 21 Net pressure : 159,825 : 5590 p.s.f. , , 18 25 25 _ .- 2 _ 8.1-1. = seam-Igr— x E) / 5590 (1.3.21 x 0.6 x g) = 48,500'# d = 48,500 x 12 = 13.7" Use 14.0" 256 x’18 a = 14.0 h -.- 4.0" h / d = 18.0" Check weight 25 x 18 x 150 = 5630;} O.K. '12 As : 48,500 x 12 g 2.40 sq. in. 20,000 x .866 x‘I4 Use 13 --%" circular bars @,4.0" c.c. Check bond. 11 .-. 5590(25 - 10.1) = 84.2 p.s.i. O.K. 2024 x .866 x ll’x 4 Check shear. V = 5590 x 14.9 8 45.2 p.s.i. O.K. 38 zilfix .866 xfil4 Column footing 9. Column size 16" x 18" LL = 2l0,050# DL = 12,609fi TL 3 222,650# Area : 222,650 g 57.1 sq. ft. required Tum- 9 Use L8 6' - 2" A: 38.0 sq. ft. Net pressure : 210,050 a 5520 p.s.f. '1fl?77" ' 2 B.M. = 5520(EIZI‘ZPE x .32) 7’ 5520 ($12.24) x 0.6 x g) . 70,800:# d : 70,800 x 12 = 22.5" Use 23.0" 256 x 16 a = 23.0" h = 4.0" h 7’ d = 27.0" Check weight. 58 x 27 x 150 = 12,800# O.K. ' IE. '___- 22 "-7 —_—— _,_ \. fil-l|l-l r - 1- n . |.1 i . |l| u . g 1 4 _ _ , V n ‘ll 11 . yr 4 _ ~ _ 1"... 'laflflltlnla .J _ A. «I __ \fi 7 . n _ O _ _ .l: _ . (L 1 p .L 7 7 4 _ _ . -- Q - f- 5--.}--. \ H _ .\. _ _ m . _ . m i i . 1 . ,_ n . 7 1, . A As : 70,800 x 12 = 2.15 sq. in. Use 11 - g" circular bars e 6.0" c.c. Check bond. u a 5520(38 - 26.6) = 45.7 p.s.i. O.K. 173 x .866 x 237x 14’ Check shear v = 5520 x 11.4 : 12.9 P0801. O.K. 2487x.366 x