EFFECT UPON THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE BY EUMINATING CURING WATER Thesis for the Degree of B. S. Hamid J. Rathfoot i 9 2 7 , Slums ‘11 v“ 1 ‘» >IV‘x . . . ..u h...,....l. n. «HUI. Jhignchrflunnlnl .M.ll1:.f( \s . ‘4'! lit.‘t“iniu .DLI‘IIL" r ..| 'l o... .v.[6 If). .‘4 :ll .10" ...Il|| £1 1. l! . (.l(.r .I R El 1’ I I I - :1» e I 1 I ‘ l1 . I ‘ y ll ) l I w \0 . x t i H .v.\v\\t . . l. .l I! c A .r I .FI 1‘lilll..ll 1 lll.b| ‘1‘ .mL ...., g7: ..I..... 17: .1...» . . 1 n1 Cu: N‘Dylw.ll~h):auwh.. "tul‘vKJ‘I: xi. [0.qu A I, o—FV is” r: W Hidl w 0M. Michigm scan Univonify (1927), Raihfooi ioimI in. cm highway W men! in 1934 as a con- mh inspector. Ho "find of... 34 masonic. in 1967 and moved to For! Laudorddo, Ho. He is sur- rived by his wife Alice and a son, Harold Jr., on main." WW “I. M :wmy road. commission. m in Florida or. plug arranged. ’3 ”w . ’ ~ — :1 1 m--.‘ "A "‘0 ’,w’_.p.mv-" r) V. '1 1.7' yy "('T‘,‘ """~.' " 'fi“ T'Itu (“ 'W’SWI; ”\G O; 17““T1HT,‘ :‘FF“II ‘ ‘J K~ LI ALA“ [\Jl‘.-.‘ A50J~IDJ J‘ J ‘1; r‘ Coma-5L1 T’Y KEI'ZTW’Y‘IW} CUIITTG 1'“me Thesis Submitted to tho Faculty (5f Wichigtn itato College Ry Harold J._B§}hfoot Cundiduto for the “agree of Bachelor of Coieneo June 1927 THESIS EFFECT UPON THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE ( BY ELIMINATING CURING WATER It is a custom, and one hard to enforce, in the highvay department that requires pavement to be thor- oughly vetted for the first seven days after it is placed. The supposition is that the curing water makes a stronger pavement. Having worked on pavement const- ruction both as a laborer and as an inspector and re- alising hov hard it is to secure a thorough job of vetting; this thesis was performed to determine the value, if any, of such a procedure. Since not eneough time vas available to cast blocks of pavement and test under actual road conditions it vas necessary to substitute cylinders and laboratory methods of keeping the cylinders vetted. Cylinders vere made to cover an age of from one to tventy-eight days vetted from one to seven days. For a vorking basis a concrete of 2500# per sq. inch unit strength at the age of twenty-eight days, having a slump of six to seven inches, vith maximum size of aggregate as three-fourth inches was chosen. Only this type of mix vas used and all data pretains to the above designed strength. 103399 The above mix was designed according to Prof- essor Abram's Water Ratio Theory and the complete design is given belov:-- Strength 2500# per .q. In. 28 days ..1ump 6 to 7 inches Haximum size of aggregate % inch Water-Cement Ratio -- Curve B -- .78 Real mix -- 1:3 Fineness Modulus -- 5.13 Field Mix. Fineness modulus {gr sand 2.66 n u " coarse 6.48 combined5.13 r : 6 48 - = 35.3% weight per cubic foot combined aggregate 126.8 # Volume required when measured separate Sand -- .353 x 115 - 40.6 i Stone - .647 x 112 = 72,78: It vill require %é%;a_ : .894 volumes tof mixed ag regatet ocorrespong to one volume of aggregate mixed separately. Field mix - l :3 . 1 x 3.6 100 whend ryve 9 One cubic too dry gand rodded veighs 115 Bulkin of sand - al.183 g silis weiggt of sand damph and loose 8 109 #epgr Cu. Ft. . 01.19:}! x (a ntpet 105 # when d weig s 103.75 One cubic too dry and rodded 112.5 Bulking of stone }62,5 3 1.071 Weight of stone dam and loose 105 # pir Cu. Ft. Vol 0 lo so d m Sand 3.6 x .353 x 1.183 ' 1.5 “me I 9 3 pStone 3.6 x .647 x 1.071 8 2.5 Field mix -- 1 x 1.5 x 2.5 Correction for absorption and moisture Water-Cement ratio - .78. This is equivqlint to 7.48 x .78 3.5.834 gals. of water ' Water to be added to take absorptionuv 5&nd ** 150 X 97 X e01 ' 1e45 # r e17 E‘le Stone 2.5 X 103.7 x .01 - 2.67 , Or .3 gal. Total .494 gallons per sack of cement. Deductions for vater contained in aggregate Sand 1e5 X 2e82 I e423 gfile Stone 2.5 x 1.25 I .313 Total .736 gallons per sack of cement Total water to be added per sack of cement 5.834 .494 - .736 - 5.592 gallons Quantity of materials to be used For a real mix of 1 2 3 use 8 bags of cement per cubic yard of finished concrete. Sand t3 be added ‘8 x 1.5 = 12 cu. gt. Stone " n n 8 x 2.5 8 20 Water 8 x 5.592 x 44.736 gallons Concrete required for experiment a .165 cu. yds. Quantity 9! cement 94 x 8 x .165 = 124 f " " sand 100 x 12 x .165 8 198 n " stone 105 x 20 x .165 - 346 ” water 44.74 x 8.33 x .165 . 61.4 i After the mix was designed one hundred twenty-six cylinders vere filled and placed in the moist chamber, being removed in the following order:- twenty~seven after being in the moist chamber one day; two days tventy-four; three days twenty-one; four days eighteen; five days fifteen; six days twelve and seven days nine. ‘ At the age of one day three cylinders were broken in a compression machine to determine their strength in compression. All the cylinders were in the moist chamber one day. At the age of two days six were broken, three having been in the moist chamber one day and three for two days. At the age of three days nine cylinders were broken, three having been in the chamber one day, three for tv days and three for three days. At the age of four days twelve cylinders vere broken, three having been in the moist chamber one day, three two days, three for three days and three for four days. At the age of five days fifteen cylinders were broken, three for one day in the moist chamber and three each for two, three, four and five days. The sixth day eighteen cylinders were bro- ken, three each for one, two, three, four, five, and six days in the moist chamber. At the age of seven, fourteen, and twenty-eight days twenty-one cylinders were broken each day, three each for one, tvo, three, four, five, six, seven days in the moist chamber. "he breaking strength of each cylinder was recorded and the average of the three taken as the strength of the test. No cylinder was used in computing the aver- age which varied by more than three thousand pounds per cylinder. The Results. (Average) Broken Days 1 2 '3 4 5 6 7 14 28 set Days 730 884 1690 1635 920 777 792 990 1195 540 688 966 1040 823 930 955 1050 895 845 979 1090 1260 1220 1200 1065 1175 1225 1035 1610 1710 1195 1175 1145 1555 1865 1062 1520 1685 2150 1590 2040 2190 flcbmthl-J A graph vas made for each of the following conditir one. fine for the cylinders vhich had been in the moistt chamber for one day and broken from the ages of one to twenty-eight days. One for the cylinders which had been in the moist chamber for two days and broken at the ages of two to twenty-eight days. A graph for the cylinders which had been in the moist chamber for three days and broken from the ages of three to twenty-eight days. One- for the cylinders vhich had been in the moist chamber for four days and broken at the ages of four to twenty- eight days. One for the cylinders which had been vetted five days and broken from the ages of five to twenty- eight days. Agraph was made for the cylinders in the moist chamber six days and broken ate the age of six to twenty-eight days. Cue for the cylinders in the moist chamber for seven days and broken at the age of seven, fourteen, and twenty-eight days. 4 graph was then made comparing the above strengths. Four more graphs vere drawn, one for each the seven fouteen, and twenty-eight day strengths shoving the variation in strength due to being in the moist chamber for varying lengths of time. The last graph is one ‘ comparing the curves of the seven, fourteen, and twenty- cight day strengths. The results of this experiment are by no means certain. Several hundred tests should be run on this strength and a like amount on other strengths and then some definite conclusions could be drawn. The results obtained shov that vith the same mic and with an age of twenty-eight days a concrete which has been vetted only one day vill be only about one-half as strong as one vetted seven days. This ratio also holds for the seven and fourteen day ages. 0n the lesser ages the results are less varying and below five days it is not easy to notice any change in the strength due to the different lengths of thim that the cylinders were left in the moist chamber. It is therefore a matter of much concern for'the State to be sure the pave- ment is well vetted for the first seven days, since they may be sure the resulting concrete is about twice as strong and thus better than a pavement which has been vetted one day. 6 4 t a a a. .f #1 9 .e 6 A o. .. r L I + g *k ‘ ~O—o—O ~0— is. —< 14 41 _ _ . . Q . e T J _ 1_-. g1 11.3-1. g.- 4 _ . H p . -11]. 141 :- mfiI-d Lr b .1.» 2. 411* .1+ _ . 4 i1 H A. ~‘ A MHL.I~1I+1¢ +1 A L r” 1" w. «41.. — .111H1Mt 1514+ . t a t t V . or 4 d 1.: ..-.|e.| [.1 . . text? .1 . a ‘1 Ht Wt HH- l1rrlhzlfiJ- M H #1 Mr M H F Hit $1 «rt .. a . . int. lillhldl41 J11!“ . _ _ L t «1H t h tr _ .411 1% i 1.? w l 41 .1 A .1 _ B "tulle fl . _ . . _ _ “0111!.th .1 14141 fi 14 [by h It h 1‘! Ml 11H Iffiy ”H Mtl . H Httr Oll'lletIQil -vll'tfllltotle. n‘.lt.lll+ltf1 +04 1-0' l Ly! +1? 11 141411“ 1._1 4 r _ 4 _ J .w ti t . . .-.l1‘- .et‘lldlvdlfilJI, L .10911 1? F vi? +1 .V 1&1lv blitz“? 1% - Fit L.- All 4 4 J- lelA 1+. +1 . e e i . . 9.? 01.516114 '4! e 1e. 1 ‘fi Tl+1 . L . t H H v.01+19 . . ifi+e1t . -elv-§. Olv 1’14. . -. .. f0 4 v . r edl .11 till oaut. r- 51.! . “lit J _ - -O.el1_1lvt§tévle1 411*l_1 _ . .. -l V 0! c.1rlsx 14711.4.) . -%I. '1‘1 {I . . t *IYI-i 0 . ‘11 .O114'*l¢. OIL + ab» 0 v a . Q 4 . . e 0 L 1M O c v .t—I1et I. LL L111 J. 41.. It’t’lol. 4110-1119 . j e p 1 r 14 .1. e . . . _ . .e e r o 1 till/1.1141“ -4 . . Ml» .t.ll.t . . e v. . . t . r pit“ 1r . _ . 4 4 4.74 p . . . . a a e e. e if .. in +1.- v14 .7..o.-1l.. m .t . 1 t i14- 4 . «P- flihowiTa 1149-4- ' c e o A .l o e e s 0 . a . . J . H .1 . . F11V1+4 41* . _ . rLlJ. al . . . t 1 . . . 115.1- ..JOTJ . 1.1. “41+ 4 Tun-.1111. _ . l .111. . - - - 21.- 1 T11...- u-Lz-i . .11.- -11. .1-..- I 1 , 1“- e 0...-.. Q T 4.1. ‘ .1t. . PHJ'utut.luJ Pt_ . “014.1” A. _ 1d . . h 4 “1&1 0|“. r JIJ! 411 . . . . . . V Ltd-4'04 e 1 0.1111191 . .l. t9-. -1 1 l 1 -_ 91 174 14 +4 til- H . i A! .1. _ . _ «iv-H1: tt-1..1H.14 4.1 . -11.“; .._fi4 fl. 41o. .14 a a e 3 L 1} [fl 4 . . t F 0119.494 ‘_ . Li vi ll- * 61061111171 1 r w m i 1 [fl Llrlrt Ft . 11 . _ v - 1111A ill-5+} . tuteII-Iell..+1’J -1 v . _ . . g '0' 01.4.”! .11 1“. 1%1 1W1 1%: 14i4 141 T1? 4 o. ' Yie- 41" . 41,113 1.4th x n _ . .vl‘l++‘.. O11 . .l. _ lilr . . .sO.lOf-§|-OOAOIJ .l. . _ it .1ATTO (1 .- . l .1‘ tl.l-. 19.01719 .. .1 1 4.1.14. Win-1.1114 ._ 11141.1 117.1111 ”114 .1 lye-Trrniiil 11.1.1-1”...11-74114444 41-13 -1...:-..--.-.-.1-_.-m.-...-1- 31-11 _ in .1111. -111..- m- . r1 I 0 -el 1~ .1 lit 0 ¢.vi+le$j 1.1 « .Lfe V 1P1 . . - All . 1 t 0-. .0 V O t V O H L? > .0 . _. - 42.14134- [1441: . ._ 1.: . :- - t- - n “4.....- ‘le 0 _ - l . - v 4 1 . o . . - . e . “ 1.t ”It“ 011.0031Hv0 1411.1.4-4. . 4 *IH I. ."viwtwt ed . JP- .4.1.‘ 4‘. r§1910 a e no A71 OH O.FH.E * A - . 1 To . . .. 1 .1 tn _ t . . . o o . . . Al 11 .1 . . -.1..H141.1._1- 1. .11“ 1.. a A 1. . . . - . a - . 1. . .1; . . . V . .... 4.7+ .. 4 . «- #141171 . .- i O o . I 1‘ .. vi . . ..... . 1 . .1... T...;.-1.-T+44fl1+ a 1 .1441“-- o . a e k + . e . e . i 4. e e oi. .9; o .v 411.. Ted-4,»-P4-_ -.+ “14 J. “ll-wit no.-1_.-. - 1 . o . .e .e . . . l I ill .91 l. .4- _. 1 -.11+- . .. 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