STUDIES UN THE PATHOLOGY OF AVIAN CCiCClDlOSIS THESIS FUR THE DEGREE OF M. S. Henrik joakim Stafseth 1930 . was”: Edy '7 .1? v . 'u’. I!" r" '_ 3 .‘.‘ ' ~ 54".” ‘ ‘ c A . - 1:} ' . plaza -.‘. _ ., "J ’ a « .,- ,,.~- . . . wavy-,2: »‘:‘.‘:‘Ab,-~\i . _ .n'LIIJKI’J‘K'LL'. 7‘ ' ' 4.414;: ulb‘fl'rw a '. w ”x " “.l:'~,' 9‘. H "‘ ‘ '1‘: ‘2 {(Fl 5?, V: :JL :‘r . 9 I t ‘ a. 5‘. ~ I ’Q ‘ .3’.u~ “$1,: . 'uz ut * :"Icis bu 't g! L ...-‘.‘- ."v". f. "y" . ‘l‘ i l:.¢.._ vag‘t‘.‘ II: a}? ."/P tn,” t/:;' «5 VP?‘ 5’ ~' .t i'g. ,sg‘ .« . O,’ ‘ .' I gm?“ tax} ,..- 5r, ; . (,9 -‘\ > I -b~ . -. "k u ' _ _. akin”: _ _.- v}. . > . -.~ .‘ . t'?’ ‘. .. ‘ {t ‘(W‘ " ILQ’ qu‘é") ‘1.” . ' fiv‘ '3 I? Ey-xad‘ h‘ ”(13.5“ If’t".”;? -:':¢r‘,.~fl.': , (.‘Lw ’1‘“; .t‘ 71""1v‘s ' k '1?“ \l :4 . «w a .9 fly: -' u ..' . I . t "1 t. 1 j $5": ‘1'?“ . », .f‘ v 4,. 0 913', ‘JiJ-g .< ‘ .mj- -‘ o ; ,vr‘é‘t; . ‘ ml if Ii"; 2:45:44 “1..” '.I “:4“? ‘ r" :3 Ctr-5y; )v. 'vra'! I“: a' TI:",‘“ .‘ Orig .“ , ~ . _ . - - (r o . 'x. . "A v 5‘ __ ‘ 1. .. ".-.' 3-331 3- may ,4. l_? ‘ if. ..z' éri't. * ‘7! }:}".¢\ 43% }“" ug‘ « Hi“? ‘4” «I! q! A r f Y* t;- : \‘ " .35» £1}; gr" _‘.'a d‘, '6“: ‘7],v‘l - ' 33' >341 ‘s. /‘ ;‘. ‘. v ‘V I" t: 9 ..._r _. . x.‘ is._,- -;_ '.'.".."" .- -. ' .F 'l ‘. ' - o 4. .‘§.._.‘?“ .3. .- Stud4es in tue 59thology of Avian Coagidiosis. THESlS .+: é-L.>,. v '31}; L V\ \ odmotixnl 11t3? I + L 1.. .1. q 5 Oath C: k. Q19 .1 I 900 ‘ h .' .-- A q,‘ I.) GCOIALA», -.’.".: 9gb t 5‘ —. ..,_ a" ‘ blah "icie e S . ~~vrfi ‘ »._ Kl‘ Q; ~‘ ‘ 11E. 9.41:6 S s , s g Lift-.1. n 7 , 440.. 0; ‘\‘~ .1 E O .1 _ Q occi .9. h L. ‘i'.;OI; 0 1.116 -0 11.3.tltt‘c,.l‘ .;1 AC ‘ I.) Ho stud es in the Petnology of avian coccidiosis. Introduction. Uoccidiosis in chicgens is e disease which is steadily gaining in prevalence and imfiortence. It is no lon or considered to be e mehece to young stock only, as we now Know that fully grown birds are susceptible and may uffer rather severely from this muledy. innereds of ceickens, young and old, are sent to tnis laboratory ennuelly to be examined :or positive evidence es to tie presence of coccidie in diseased birds. Ins nistor: of the diseese outbr eke, submitted vith the various con- signments, together with the gross and microscopic f'ndings seemed to indicate tnet lesions, rethornomonic of coexidiOSis, usuelly occur durine the first two weeks or so of the disease but we: later change to such an extent that it is diiricult to mane u diuenosis merely on tue besis of pntnolOgiCel changes, i.e., when one ‘ is deeline with the disses :8 it occurs in tee smell intestines. Loreover, it Wes noted that chickeLS, sent in eurinr the early stages of the diseese, inVuriehly snowed numerous coccidiu in the intestinel conterts or screo nee from the mucous membrane, while birds, that had been sic: long enoueh to snow such symptoms as paralysis or extreme weakness often appeared to be entirely iree irom these parasites. This study was undertaken in the hope that enough 1 might be learned concerning the pathology f coceidiosis to ensble us to dievnose this disease more exactly in it chronic forms. U} historical. I there is not e greet deul of lite'eture evailublev/ covering the pethOley of avian coccidiosis, excerting, n 01 course the usuel descrittions of the cross lesions [\r 9 of the common iorn of the dissese us it effects chicns. as most boogs and bulletins on poultry diseases treet this bhuse of coccidiosis quite well no further mention of it will be mede here. rue chronic :orm or the type thet effects mostly the suull in estines is less iully described and very few publiCetions indeed contain any- thing concerning microsCOpic lesions. hckurdt (1) states thet in subecute or chronic eases the intestinal mucous membrane is reddened in Spots, coated vith tenacious mucus end us though dusted with flour. Such dustiixe * ints coedsionelly occur also in the liver; tgey nre then @150 due to COCCiulo. duel-v (2) describe‘ unite fully went he culls sub- 01 heliel infection. he iound "mere oite cysts" edjucent to the base of the c:;pts end in the core of the villi and sous tlJGS they were peeked in the cores to the exclusion of neerly ell other cell structures. In such eases they crowded closel" on the anQJeLt 0 membrane and were often necked solidly slung the musculer well or in the musculeris mucosee. Jere end Gullngher (b) hev merely this to say about the snatchicnl 031d'zgjes in the shell intestines: "Lhe lining: membrane is deeply congested or hemorrheric”. dutyra end here: (4) mention intestinal cetnrrh or enteritis with petchy desduemution of epithelium. they surjest that the sudden u€utfl me; be due to secondeiy infection. Leinfierdt (t), besides describin: the anatomical chnn es OCC’ll’il-j" in the .cute for-n.1, mentions the occurrence of teti'utheritic 1;1e;t1b"-t.1;es and smell yinheud sized gfrt.;,'ish ioci in the mchus membrlne of chickens afiected nith subccute or chr nic coccidiosis. ie seys thet those ioci are nothinf else but immense messes of necro- end micrcgnmetocytes in the e3ithelium of the ylnnd tu ules. Joest (d) found coccidie in the enithelium of the villi end the intestinal glunds with desuuemetion of enitnelimu. In places the ejit'ieliuxl us coi.1'_oletel;,‘ lushing. ihe connective tissue or the nrOfirie wee iniiltreted with leucocytes. Otte's (7) description of the inttstinel lesions of coccidiosis is very siniler to those by ncknrdt and Reinhnrdt. 36 states the* in inc liver of older birds one 01h notice li ht swots. nrijysuen (v. leelsber en) (8) describes the nethologicel enntomy of nerhcute, deute, sub cute end chronic :orns, mentioninf very briefly some nierosconic lesions. ;he ch;nfes noted do not differ from those ulreedy rejesred to. he ncntions ‘-JI grayish white foci in the liver es Loin“ les one of -.;~ I . . ' "3 \l" ‘ .A— ‘ J t 4. .' ',‘ .' 4. , ‘..,3 4f . + -.‘_ . cecclelosls on; secs .1 . it -s “L. Sh-L tic. Lleee j | — , '. , x s ‘ ,. , U ,1" . 3‘ ‘ ‘ . .' 4. .4. 1 . .. ' ‘ " 1.3 .. _ ' lCSLHMS ifiet LOt DLGL UHLlWCCQ lLl elect O bluuuflbgfl. "'~"'I'(\W ‘6 11mm ‘1 31-1 ‘21'4'-"‘ A,‘7T,}‘.:o ~ 4d ',~ '1‘ “1,;“171‘9 "5". a" v r. _‘.., p.44- v “-1-«0 A L‘4(14.~~. U .""‘" J..Lb~:.l(_a a$lc LL2.L..\.C LA. COL.l\l “e'"' e‘t‘“~=i"e ‘=+mei‘“: or "‘e t‘ ““e Ci” co'"*iCi(\“’s il‘ I -i‘ -- . V-.L\.. J u _ .anu J. -‘L J‘Lkhy L4 1 .i. UKJ \ :x. V J. m. " n.» ' ~~~ ‘ -' w1r w ',-. _ Amn‘fl: “- W -" ‘v ‘1 ~-,«»3 .3 «w 4‘;r;17'\1‘|‘.$ r1- ullluknuilfilta ..lJ.\'AL-. ,; ‘ LLLCKJLLLHJLJ .._'\J:.L. i;;.L,(,.LCC Ubuwliiiid ‘ ”‘A ' ‘f i-“ ‘ - '. - ~‘t’l -. + ‘3‘ - — | ‘1" = ‘- I 1 N " r " ~ . #1 Li- CILO‘.’V lfzj ..L. _,‘ (-A(V'AJ. .l.-' Li)lLO—L.L<~v 9.5. J \J‘Lle-LU C) - (JUL:\4~-L’ uCute '- ‘nr"“ “id‘n' ,-..' (n' n'v~ ' Wh’Q V‘"4“‘"' l"- l u {‘70 " 4‘ . 3+ «7 01. LLJl-L a 4. _L'~v lC VL‘C(J1\11(JC.LLIO .4 .L.‘LC-....Lk-'- K;(z.L.A.C i1A*C(1LL(d ..' j ,3 .c _ ' k.‘ ., ‘ v--+: _ . ‘ 4.: .q" '.1t 1 t L 1.53 _“.-'-- ‘ur: ltC UUCUMC 3’1» 013‘ . .LU “LU ‘4 \J x. 4.3- '.L:' '. -3?’ 4.. . .4. ,.| l “-."-..- .2 . - "I . v,. 4- ‘ . m- ._ 4- lloJ—l ‘4‘"- no Tu-kA‘. ..L‘ 1"-- t L‘: :3‘ae ‘ICJLCC ._ "8 £" - .3 :‘Ll- - 8111:- ‘. l ..' ‘ ' i W .. L .' , .l '. .M‘ L t . - ’ .. ' 4 4» “plti‘llel LLlCc.lnu. -;;w ‘ .usit» HL else 1L act tie ~ ' “ ‘. 4' ~' 1 " H ‘7 , '- -' . 4-: H ., '1‘ ‘ ' , .‘j‘ - .LO..’£; 1 «'92.». 0.; t ilk} (C...c-li “1.1-1.:(4‘: u—L.-ALW‘Io lill‘w‘h‘ l“; 81L”). v.11»?- ‘q } N‘W" ’ .. 1111 ‘ 3 .v_- ‘4' ,3 j _._N " '.]1 .3 '.. _ ‘7 4 1..‘ .'. Q 0‘. lebk 4:: ‘A:;‘ .l ‘. - 1L(J ... .LV {.4 (Af~‘ 2-: L _._ Lt; L15..ka \- L(,,l. _~ 1L... ‘4‘ L» "0””; ,1“ "'02:: 0,:2Itqmz: 11 1,, +20 1,0”: Ht .)-,. “1.1,“: :7""'+““i Agl L \1 LL .4. la k- (—"4 .1. 4L ’7 s - '~ - -A '. . J a. .1.( AA- ‘ _.. ‘. kw ¢\\k4 4.. .. bk} 9 \a \, .2 ~ -7. ‘0 1' ' 4_ . 7 . ‘_ -c _ "N V - ’ ‘ . o . - r - .L“, ' f 1 .. .."2 ' ‘. - ‘iiti ‘s- p.Lcrt_ Luizm steel es. .macnlso liLos 41L;nfl‘id ~‘ ‘1 r _ " 4.4.": 4.3 . 4.: ... . 1 ‘ ' ,_ . , -1 . , : J txlx‘tlwsmm cell lullltne-loh Jit; lLURtuso oi COLL.UtLYC + .0 ‘ o ‘ 4'- ’ 0‘ r . ‘r- . .0 a _- n o ' , V I .133118 1.1. . l£.;:(3 (,.J.“\-).;..\S. C. idluC‘fiu {1-1:le (h.S. I OJCUT‘: . " , .0 - , ... , i. .H . ' , .C' . " : . - A ' . i. W :uOSt , lh tie a per cortion oi -ze Sfluli lL13StthC, nOtS - r + x + . {* y - . ' ~' \ e z ' t w .‘I - "*. 1" 1‘, J -‘-‘ 2.ot ebldl .t) ocneuz‘ 11: s,“ rims u'zt tLflib$ to _7LIMJ:lKA.L tel- ,.21 V‘_ ‘ .' .2 .' .. f‘ ,. 4. ‘ " ” ' +4. - ‘;_ , __ . .' . ', , ‘ ' - i ' . liJCie‘IS 0:. 4.1..LCQeCQ CC.L1. .41»._LO Uule‘.‘ C .LS QUI-C‘ U t~.lS — r“ '-' ' . ,, -: ' < - ' .-, . 4: . . -' 4-, "-..~ ~' LEA/‘31) Cc. u. diaerlu LCG.“.U.L1.'-L uSn OCl<-eCL ‘31. L11 Cili'Ulilc zl-.' ' w’c: - ”1 “(16.x ‘fi‘ *v‘nl‘. \"+ 3W '1‘}" N“? “I x (‘3' "" '-“ " CO. . - Q . . 7‘ --V" 2‘, ‘ -? ‘ I . -. ‘-'~ ' *. -’ ' ‘ N jun tissces tsien lcr sectl‘uin; scse ll ed H- H k solution one stsiLed with eosin end nethylene [ (C *4 r.‘ r “v \ ll I J .- U1 -7- ‘ _ Olive .4. C. I . J (‘— .0 O (.1 0 in tie summer nnd fnll oi line, See end like InitEleI' siftezisiixe otrtksset41s 0;; lew' "G.nLIA;SE3 el.d 11s;‘-s“-7sis occurred in e i‘loci: over ‘LII'liCli us Find close supervision. fine birds effected were rest on s piece .2- ,-, ‘ -' 1 ~. ,~ ~,. _ ‘ ._ , ~ - We. ._ OJ. Iri'U‘Liril 1.9.1. [1nd L628}. 1.15384 an: u— ?0ditl‘; l'ulfl'tb 401.1 .u‘ 3 ~- ~* ._ _ "w‘rl ‘ .~ .— r" r ~ "‘1 ~'-‘ VI ,~.- .- ‘. an» 4-1... .- 3-. “Le...“ Cal‘s. l 11988 Oli‘ua S .0 .ed l‘u‘t 11p}? mile-N" .uee .101‘..1 I- 1. iniestetien (Luvulhe$ troglott Ls aha ccsticillus) ,, ~- 1 .- : . “Mm-4 - .‘ +.,-.‘ -"“~.- t0_‘et g6: .. ltd. 0000 {KLOL‘ So -4 .-L‘.: 5.1.(514. U; 5.-l:3 _L_L{.\b;_, ‘ _ _. _ ‘ (4 _'__-_ “ ‘_ “'1’ 4 I: , .‘1 . ' o a H ~11! ‘ _ '0 nelt on e rnnpe l‘ih? On ice side 0. e sill ice soil .L.‘ ., ' l ‘ : .- -"- .~ .. i!_- .. 1 -1 "_ , V, ' A. ._ -, oi wlel doing 0: u swede r even :xdvell; COLSlSeLLC¢, n I. 0 fl vet .~-" ~ ~ w'n -— *1 In . ~ , I .. eululllbn 4.... CG .LJ. 01.1 731.39.... 'sis end coceieiosis. entil 4-”.-' ‘ J- 4-‘ L.J.l .. 'I" 'L' "-' 1"1. "‘ 4': a“; ‘ ’ y“ “ a” .‘- +‘\r' ‘ ,1 ~“ ' .LLLCL "dub LiOLiCbU 1.14.5 Owl‘etL'-;uel ‘ lead Lilk).1. J1» 1.18 (D be due to vitnmin end minerel H £1 (15 H ,V (D U) (D C 9...; C l ' I} f . "3 r.- H a ‘4 (D H. U ri- O h . " I " fl _“ "- ' ' V ~' ‘I '4. ‘1 ‘ A. \ . Z" \1 - - .‘ :10" " ' ", 1‘. ‘ t'llo alLi.Lbl-t 1.30.5 Vt...) bx. lLLbliL 3‘11de ;._A....L UJ..;.\'.C.- 4.11 suit: In order to stucv tee rossiele relltion bet een (,1 let (aslness (‘Lzmn1351s) c1u1tgocc1tio315='t'elte 1nq-iil nirds ( lit r o 13 1 '— l '3 i1 "'1 "~ 7‘ --J. 5 .Lec -JV J. .1. L0 .KJ. . @(JLU a. La- ‘Ll J..\.L \Ltav ‘14., lDLe in; :ed ejorelnteo gQC“lu;u nuhust cl, QCTLCMUET ' ‘7'" -‘. ..‘~ ‘- , ‘ _.. .‘_‘ 3.. 77+", 4‘ _\ W4- -.‘ l e, if, ectoeer lo end -OVGMeCJ N..d. en es temper {1' 4“, 1 ‘r. - ‘- h. . ‘H -’I - . ‘. v -.~- -. _.-“ —'+1 5..-; l 011:; 000;;{14 91 Her: _let.Ll-U to OC- ‘Jb‘l‘ lemme. inner ‘ . . . ,. I... , n‘ ,u: w" ‘ .. ,—».- .1 ‘.._ 9,. ' -‘- '* ‘:_ ov, 11-..? Ll; “ 8 10.16 .- lllC GOSH 4.1-1. 4.. LUL; .LQJ.‘ t- «,1 04‘ t ..1l’L'C with—c S . UL \ 4.1‘1 - .. J. -. w. - . , 1 ..4. . '9. -. 1"" 1 , ,.. L’1C UU‘J 61’. (it ’1 L Ale “1...le ‘v‘["‘Q C\.\lui\l.LU Lei... ‘1 .Lip. h sixth Ltly-t wry—C .{U {ALB ’_l (D C r P- C «3 (U I ‘ | H (’3 C C C C ? ;ille . ;ne jello inv is tr K. Na. p. Lesion -T! \- ‘ _, 'Nfi 1}“- - l inefil .Lku 1 . .‘C J. ~30“) Lin-*9 1 - \ "‘ ‘V K If: i- C: a.“ we 1 "‘ l’ l '0. \o ‘3 mL+ l A r ‘ l 44. .Ls. "i L—' : J. AI~UU -\ ‘oflc e i 103 fi. '0 'te ': A- I- . 9.1.0.]. 6...» C ..L.,.4.' 4. " l-L€.r.: Lllnxl'- .1. Lfliout 1L W; ? «I. ‘ ll I Q‘ ‘. L‘A-tgv ‘ a}: ' v u c Q ..CI‘Cb 1C) 1"\‘ ‘e -\ l V" A'\ set 13' .,. .4. cs lhe out .. :38 I —‘ .. 10.1 1’ k- 5—».1. V». |_’ . Ll. 11 I ‘...' it; "L‘ l " .lOVGR- J. '7“ L ‘1 ILL;- 4 +w...71 .51; _..A. taut-L4. .Ld t \ «C e F ‘101 K Y; 1 C C 0 11+“ \,A i; .LCK overs; l 1‘) NI - «C 3 1n +L .i If; rhefi’ LO UnlCl‘ ‘I .. UAJ' 1'11 L-l'e 194—118 0 l .. ‘ .r a.11; ‘ . .. V‘ "I 11;}. C: 1.133-. (.16. u COCOlcln 0; .—. N La ' 1 Lt; \f'v- 1 U. 1&5 f4) 8 «C 1* 1 .ieu‘tlt‘f 1 it \1 ltrw ‘v i. : Iw-" 114‘ L1»..- 1 k V A»- u , it ”no ‘ LLB... ..O \J L~A~Lf v ‘I L LIL) . . 0'349 .‘. 1 /" , 9 OH ifln ct b .L V i-l . r1. 1‘, k 11...). a» Yr’;.~-r 1'- J‘ 3, ~ 7 ~ 1 4‘ 7 ~‘ 1* -” "- ‘ - "“ "~"- d LJ-“y UlgLL‘ L) .5“ \- £J (—4 k; 1-14 (JG-7" 3 u b u‘ ", *‘Vd‘v . AJU‘J . 1-18 LVIUL 1, k... ":| . ', I'GCQl‘u PI. (J. (I. r a O [_.l }--J C? .73“ o I I I . . ‘ “- ..,. 3-._...._~ .~ r~—~..‘ Jl-L Lt .a 0. U"/‘\/ ’- -.."A flat. -- ”ADC-Lb Q \-_ .5- L4 . ‘ 4_ . .- . _-- 1 I) ‘1LJ€1$ lbajt (« .le... \ '11 ‘, ‘ '— \‘ ‘ ‘ L...~.L-L '_'_u-“\ L2“: ylbtbi...-.bkxo -r fi ‘ ",‘: ‘ ‘z - \ x "' ' ' . 71.x ' ' 11..V‘;~;‘H;s: _‘szIuJus r.” Lpgl s ~JtS ILL LL?Uu_.\.l mucos;. IJUEG 8 some eviuenco of slow king of the “a. .l-‘ y .\ “.~ _! ‘r ,' ' - ‘ ‘ LALIUOLLC LLULIU‘3La-lAe In 80:48 L..4.1\.(.~C. c O " ‘ ‘ '3: - '~ ‘. ~~ -- " ‘ ue’ckza: $‘O:.1¢1C‘-l it- V "I: :11 -~L.Lwliceo — - .— 4.. ‘ ‘ ..~ ‘ l {SI‘VL‘JSI 4 OL'ululo m -.‘ - . -.. ~. . P ’ r‘ f'\‘ r; . ‘ ,- ‘I - ‘ - v 4ch 11- S O; “110 “dc‘pLe:‘uu.Le 1%”. .. 'LQ ,..J (T) H *4. § ’._l H“ h. t '? J ('3 O (+ f ‘- C‘ I ( ¥ {3‘ C C C. O H. F" § 0 y“ A 'J' -n n‘q‘" - -- I. 4- .- ~. w . O “1 ‘ L '2 ‘2 4' ~' "! '3 a. .“ '~ , ~~ Lublxb 04. i: “bk/’91. \- iL;_l'_- l t lizSiLb’S .Ll. .izeue c... 1 “we . )JULle v'71' - A“.',..+ ~. u . ‘ -.--—. *1;;1 S'LuLCNLUylvuelu LrOueL.cALxL.Jfitn Unit 9 lLitlfl muscul f tissue rtmgiLihfi. inure Seems to be 10 cell 13 h-fccted (rues. Larvae: L0 cellulLr 1Liiltration. U11 October 2;, ltaé a: third coclzerel Lug: lemma in ta novinrf the following: symptoms; excitzbilit" m P. s pen ’1 anemia, em;ciation cnfi sage uiurrhea (not bloody}. tle gutO‘S' record follows; I-‘ H (I. :J (x H 5. C . This bird was kll — ‘. '31.: :5 if: : -«- 1 f" \ j- ...)uL-h? J o. L, l \J. “:11083 _..33 _..C1 8 O r + v‘ -- r! 1 “.8; 1‘»: 46rd .. ”bud. H. (I) L; (D C; r 9- (I) H- 5 {a H *3 C F duodeigl mucosa. Sever» 0 ms. Deer; formal. _Licroscoyic. Scredinrs from ceca and duodenum: u number of coccidia. Liver: Ihere is a moderate perivesculer in- filtration with undifierentieted mesehchymel cells. Some of tne Capilleries are injected. Intestines bulked areas of infiltration with undiiferenti ated mesenclr1"mel cells in tne strome and muscularis muc03ee. The epithelium is hell preserved except ovsr the tire of the villi where there uyseers to ieve been some techenicel cee ti action. Inere is congestion 0; tie ee iii rise in the fieeper yortions «~ ’ .1 --— -. ..... ..-.. 4..“ -. Of tlle LILLCOUS IE:II.oI'e~llG. ill ::.OI..L: t;b’G..LOi.S Uié. fr.-e-..ter :o; tiou of the villi is sissin . iuis me; be one to »- \\ _.1 \ 4--‘-r. ‘. ~ "fi‘... ..‘ .3 +~_a.. *. - I'iCC “OlliOUJ- .1.-. .L..L ul-CtJ~: LLalfi; to a. it: ilk-lLUALLL; Us. .1LL.‘ Ll$-U.bS, but mirht else be one to u receit cocci " osis infection. 20 COCCidie were reco;jizco in the SGCtiOLS stuuied. IOi‘ziel. Seives; m Leter three more bi;es uevelooeu chronic cocciuiesis s':.10'wi1'1,:;- anemia. and emaciet ion. “bout the micele of ltovehlbel‘.’ 19L0,tlle 1‘8 L. UliJ-l.“ Si"; bil’lus 1:01.63 k-‘Loxred to -11.. C; '1' I.” :1} x. (.- A]: II ru 1-..! V‘ l'FlruL. u» -11.. , ,.. -.-. .'+2 - . -4- 1‘ r. . 1 -f‘ .. ‘. '1, a clean »U1 1.a 00103ege _lour LLu 1 -Uu 11‘s 111cr 2110t163 b1ru any; 1ounu pJULUJJ" 10p ebulessu 1- duet Wortem exquiLgtiOL ruvcgled CuudeLgl cocciuiosis. 1010 oi t1e otncr biguc uch lo cc 1L; sgdftu a 01 J- b I_1 Q . V .1 _..u 1.. L uvez‘.1bcx'. O KEG—1‘0 ULSTLMEGQ 0;. {- V F.1- (r) C- a ,r‘ . 1' ‘ .-‘. ..‘ .' -' g. I. . - ‘v J- ' 1~1_L| ode“ ' 0--. ‘Ji: (lLO-fi—‘J ‘L --L‘l‘ *J.-Lt‘ ) ‘.1’L...’e ‘LCn L ——1-'- ylL‘I.]Ue . _ .‘ , I ,. .... J. ’- a” -— _, ‘1 1. . 1 _ ‘ 33 - ' ." _. .A., , ’1' ‘ , . ,. - 10.1; 1LHJ1u2u.t L0 .110 U19 11¢€C1 11-- 1.115 e112113111,11 11.? ,. - 4w -. .. . - - ,.4. . . _.., lAAO-I-‘C L ad...’ J. ‘3ch V ‘11—. C»1A\‘ ' U L \- 8:1.JAL— lc CLLS e U .1. luma1lcl‘c C \ or "241113813 LL41.1cve]xx¢eu 111n;f tACLH 111_ t}h;,fi bi1mas ”eneiv‘u :10 S130 kind of iCLu. gol1on'n- the 1b1101t11n oi a prelim_n11 Hegort (Ll) (n1'2118 a: sqihmngt ‘t \m13 sag-1x-1cu 10 Lu, tmgt £19 leCh881 11¢ ‘1rglfsis OLSs“Veu ih cocoiuioeis 11 1t ac 11¢ -0 1113;“ L1. ‘cnc”11 Touflhcss. “ouchr, JCngl es; ; seams; to r_r‘ $10 ed 2111 we uFBS OCi ted uOle OdteL iii ufiduuLvl COGCiuiOS i8 tuLL with ‘1 00301110518. 119:11011, 511408 sec 1 cocoiuios is is tsuufl; tge u re vbvere tyye one LLn unruly 1961 .1‘ ‘. -'r~..r‘r '." 1,+"‘ .‘ '\ .‘ 1 _.c\~n . "\ \ ~~ ', -~ -. L-~‘ '3 —St L lUE\ ill LHL .l.lL ‘L‘t llfip lb buéslA‘K/t ‘ 01‘. ":\../~_1.)vv_Lv .L [AIL 11L .1." to :-.-e;;e1ul ”amass “wit: 1 3101.15 .119 11011-21110 01 0 ~ - ~ ~‘1-3r-s .‘ 1“ r ‘. ‘~’. 1' “ r‘ " 1 1.. .: Q.“ lv-311C 1&88 C: 0....) .~l C-l‘; S-LC 1L4. 14~U UC-LC -. “LbIQ‘tC O; COCK; 1C5 .LOulb .1, + x .11 w} ~ 1141., .» ~‘t~ n ,1 - 1.1 a? 1.1.1.}. {:0 98d L-$*L1-Ll-b “ by L Sr¢AkL L-d. .L C CL$$~ 11. +0.3. (’4’;- au1L111cn over a por1ou o1 tnrc~ "1rs. V—: . . - ‘N 'w. J"\ ‘1'“- . I . -' + “ ~ . 1’ ‘ 1.116 1t 13 tzu. wuqt .uspe uu1u 11 -UJ. -010 1.11 11m 111 cocc1u1051s 18 116 cause 0" le; ”Gg-ICSS “Lu 3" ’ \ - ““1 .‘ 4“ ,\ ~" . - ,1 - ‘V .-.g v '. ‘ ' ‘ '3 "I" ._‘ 4' ‘, v_“ '.~.L.-..'~-L. clS, uplbv \At U.~‘.t (-31-, LSt 5‘» Sl 1111.1.Cu111. tHA‘K/L1U. Judl1l‘t:1s 1111 110:1; OLHZL1“C60. 1L. -1011- 1: “a"u-' :15 l {_.. l I 1'1 I L~~ --—,--'.— 7 1‘4”--.“ .-‘- - -_‘-- farce ..‘BU--L5. .3}. CilLLLL'L-gui _._ ‘3'5.-;'<,~..Lv? — _ :13 0110117131311 iL u 11.116 .‘ .r' .& power 0 351%:11 Hoe; 01.. o 1101::3 111111;" at 1'. 3.137. '1‘110' broué‘i‘rlt in nine pobficlfzeo 0-110;“, some '."'.,1i"*e L"-:‘-11or1..s, _. . ‘ F - as! . 7‘ .4.‘ r.‘ _’ “- .__. u ’ ‘ ,1 .L'fi.‘ 1" _g A 80.48 JJQI‘I’GQ 11.00. “ _..QI' eonuhlJJicgt 1011 c-1ud .18 JLLC r 1 ( .7 “ .. 1; . _ .'~ fi -—~' - ' f _ x, -_ ‘ - - «‘1. "l -. ‘ a ' 1’; r 1— v - ‘1' b IliuLX/VS (,8 JJJLJIVJS. '4941 ocu19 .1:l; 11ot1n1 11118 1;e“u-. gully V 0 Cl 0 (5 F1 (—4. .1 C C l H (t 0 'r ’ l b- I C } I l—'- 1‘ u r+ a ;en hens @1193teu. 1ncre 18 h "V u' - - a '5" ‘ ‘ r“! ' . ' r ‘v ..7—3 'fi . "\q i-‘L- ‘\ * _.h‘ I ‘ V' ‘ Schuft045 e¢W3kfllaulLUSS 14A1 t 1st13,; L1 t11 Ines“. 1mm1e t-quJ otdors toe ilrst t-ixj LoLed i? tout too: 039 oown oooUloxely 1.15.65. v.4 V ‘1 (T7 .- U :- *' - ~ ~.; . .,~ +2. ~- ~~ --"—'. - ‘ poroldzeu. \L1loflb TLUtL4ot€15 d1e 1111 Lueu;¢-m*18 1 so for". ’11e owner moo GTTLJJili‘J-u severe; 01110-}: 111.1,. Snug} 110 s fns o: oeowl cocciQiosiS. “11 Line oni~gs showed severe Ho . - '- - . ,\.. - + ' , ._ 1 A .. ° -- H, 111 1 ,1 \ _ , .7 cotarrooL quULLl.lS who Cqufilh‘s I‘um Cu“ UHOmGLul muCOSa Oi elf‘ilf 0'. 12-1611 rovemieo 111.1'11‘U11631‘Lbi8 81.1311 COCOlCnlL. file . _ o _ _L. " . - ' ‘V ‘1 (‘ )~ j 1" \ -"‘. ”‘1“"4 ‘ “ ' 1 1'11 ' l 0?; _Lo 00,. .. 1-.. _L nib ggb U“: b I: ‘11 81 e t.- L«. ._ O (D O 9.; (I) C 9? 6 C *1 .— C) V.- l...) O C, O C 0 *1 C QLQ to note L0 more serious t ale no; been exoor1tered. On one 119,121,? t‘u'o ‘_-"i;"‘€OLS 11.1.11 two 0713-1011:: 11-8 brougf'ht to tie lobormtor: jrom a negro: town. 1ue history, gs fiven b" t}n3 CNVLBZ? vnflz 11S 1(Jlanss- "133: 'ieo;nles:3 arm: diiganu3u ocnn“ in some chicks one Fl“COLS. 1&6 latter ngO loose control of Win 8. Jovergl 0; one pirooys h1o becoue \ ~_ ‘1 '_' n I, ‘_ .‘ w . . .‘ . ,__' " .‘ .‘I ‘\ (I'LH. -. r.” 3‘ ~ -' N “ 1"‘m o ‘1‘. 1 paInLLJzeo.u.1ter1t c:d)flil#_ o1ozu: Cu. 1. lhh'13L_CkUJ: " «amt lguont', k . 1 v ~. ‘ 1; " ‘1 . , .‘-- 1~,— 7 (‘ ,-,- 4. r ‘\‘r'. ‘_o \.’ *: lost JNAotlt» oho kUCamG osko V“ fioct MUELGH cuomihgn10n _‘v . L.‘ '. a. 3.. _t' - LLC 11 .410 .Ll‘vbI'. I (D ( one 31"”801‘1 3,10 ‘30. 1'1“2-;el":)‘.3$ 1;".11‘ 1;:nixao COCCloiosis lnzcotior1(:&m1ll “no lorfo COCClu;cJ Yhfii fonxd in t10 Cliche. In two h1“eous tdore Hui cEOG‘Lgi Cgtarrfi oLd sofoiiuwg £303 *Wo gnoHCL1l mucosu s1ouoo Lm1orous ,1- '- -10.. m... h'gr ..V -' 7 ,. .1 : 3 4,.1- 1:11:41]. UOCiJ-LLLL— 1;; L‘.LlJ_c.._-_' to t LUQL‘ .1.~“u.l-U .LIA. t‘LU Cu...k3.:.S. jceoxoery to decelelv 0 \w m \ LJ } I f—a- C I’D 1-: r~ . i I f— I I" V l n" -1, (1' \a C I H- ( J‘ O ' 1 ' . 11+ , 1,. ‘. 1 . .. -,-‘ -1 ’ ' 7. . | , ..., . ‘ . . .‘ . _f‘ ‘ - ‘ ..LlC-..L . S lie-S 1J1. 231; O‘.‘ at). YE U. 1;; .- 3.10:. -3: C -10--.C “S <.~_.._..t‘;Ut 6L1 ‘ ' 4‘ -- 1 -. r. ' 3 '16 " e . + *' 3“”..- 'n ‘ t H‘ ' ' “1'1 _..: ~ 3 'n v‘ u '1 —. ~. .1.” ' a" .1.1L L Uu 1LL.L:LK.. - J. 1.1--Liew‘.-el. -L‘ L:-;(.. l .1.-.«.4:: --fl \. 1t, V..V(,u n 7.; ,Mn :1 v “’7 p. 3.. .«+ +1 - 1 In "a ." Mr" ' ' U00 Lug-V b..- O « 9-11,}. _L-‘o-«QL’ AlL (A‘LLLkJ. \- ‘L ‘3); L k! L" 1.LJ.L ‘JLA—LKAJ»-LJbu I ..- Can/ll; , ‘, o ‘ . , ' + >. .‘ ‘. , \ VA '3, W , . —3 y“, ‘ . ‘ v, ‘I' "‘ — 511C; 1-x. S l .L‘o. u. .1.UIL. .-J “13:46 O _- 1:49.21 11( V8 U ..LC 1} - U L}; out “L1 00.3.3 V110 \ ,. . . .- 4. - -. . . '1 z 3.4. T1. . w - .. . . fleje't': 'L\.4 1.1 ”$11569: L. O ,'.1.'€‘t:;l.'. 1L; E411 ..1-o r.- '_..--_1-- .- s. . 41.1- ._ 00.“. U _.‘U C‘ 1t "-‘t 1- -'~ .‘ -‘.: - =4- . . ,, ,~+~ 4-. 4- 4.“. 1. , .7 ".3 .1 1.: (l...) 03.. t ”1.3 L7’1.'- 1604'. J.L. .313“: 3.1 ' ELL“... . $i~L ..-L-‘ COUCLQ...\3\:..S .~-—«"'— 4-- ..- ._' “l' 4.- _. '«1'1-‘14'_~ ... '-7: 4‘,‘ ix . 4“ , 15-3. ‘- --' 4‘- ~‘ E ,3» - .LlA-UCbl—\.SJL LoLj’. .Lb x—IO llLvi-BJ._1L‘-:..C --.L~..l t-Lb LULCgLK‘lL (.3-‘ g.Lt:‘ ‘-Al1\_1 Kik-‘L U; ineooo 1g; M: t oxgxa it in‘oseiofiha Io: 1nr~c’ tn1‘7t‘lige tdeir food rEOfier y. Joceltmfl is 11‘. :‘L'Wo I5. 1311 June 1.2;, 11:37 seven oziolze, 2-1.0th $1.; meats 0:11, were brought to the l boratorf by e member of the college steaf- 10 ‘m-e (3.:13’11g; 011 elee 331t1tlticu1 c.37eriugexdns. lgxsse GillCLLS .e:e e-..:"e.1el;.' p.10 c.11o.'.'1._r.i octlte, hegerghogic cecal coccioioeis. Lye 011317-11 e of the ceo 5.11 eve-.1": inatelwe f.1egol*zeo bleed. -53 taeee Coicgs tore loot in cleen guertCTS o; .10 SGCOLQ floor of e ‘1 -‘ ' .1. Q. ‘ r‘ ‘ ’ ". 3 f" ”V ‘.‘ 'I. ‘ " I'" ‘ F" >' 1-1 O ‘1 "' fl " f :. " :1 a colle e UWlluLLL tu— .Qeziloh he: Melee, ”Om oo eooolule - * ., ._ ' ‘ 4.'\ ~, -‘ ..., . -1. ,- " 1 _ _r‘.. ,1. 4.{ met 1‘ taezwa, 9-11 1t 1%: .ukt ;...-ro.15 eey-; — — —— - J- ~. -. n .. --.|. u, \ — ~ . ‘-~ r _ ~ ~- r“ .‘ ,‘ .' er‘ ‘- ‘Nn—«l ' .1 .q .' ‘U'.’..L ’. 4'” t 11;” .40 .LG 1-1.11 _L .':'..._L9 1- ( 1L: ) ulJJ. ..v. v. ( ..’~ ) st'ae ‘ L'- .4. . _.-.1r: - -- ‘-..._ ‘ ..-,,.2 - 1-- ,‘q ._ 1.1- ' 871“".ggtC'U L’lefle CUL,“J.\1.L«_. Hwy Cit; (Ix-.l'llekl. Q“ Q“...l’-"'L‘I\..-.3. LJI.A.Lt.ll . a n o - " v ' 4 3 ‘ ‘ "1 ~‘ '2” ‘ . “; . 1 I; .. SUE} - -lv +5 1"!) ~.L c‘w‘lt\ .‘L k. -L\‘.l—.|: I —L 11 J. L V Uv‘ai ‘ ' J. k3 *1 \- ~-A. ‘ ¢ .Lylsl ""1" *‘ ’ " ~~~ 2’” ~~ "‘ 1 J " “ ’ n ’1" ~-" " 11 - 1 ~‘ 1‘ . _LL‘rLV -l.lli~j I: ' “|a(:)‘.CJ L; U (J‘,..'. J. \. wl~ .. it; ‘ -.. ~— ' ‘ “-4. 1 {Jun - eta so 7, 7 . / ~ "V .5 . I—. ' i o ._c _ _‘ _D :“ (30.1.15. "(:3 ...l-u C.i.'.:;ill.i’<-i ..OI'.‘ 2' it; V'l‘t.:.,-.U1-CJC Us. (BO-(Ju-th‘N-‘J-n- :- . —~ +- + -. -, ', - H ”‘ , j ' ,. . ,. 1‘ , t 4. .L. b1.- L" "' . \-" 5)-»... I 1'. ‘4 .1 ‘~1..:1 0:31.12 C... "k. ‘Lt/l -l;/.(..k K."ch .Lk».¢.».n ()4. u ..e .f‘. _ v.‘ '9 ‘_‘ . '_ _.. \ ‘ ‘ " r . ‘0 ‘ . _‘. ‘ 'u ‘ .. .. .0 J- ’ . ._I ' e1ue is”: Ufa. -&‘cu UUUHLUlu .b-‘ -Uuhm LL .-u an. ' r.‘ +“ -. .3 -.4. ' - .1- _. . . , V. ' "' . y . .. .. :C-.I'T. 0. ext: .LLTJ.‘ ; . .1333, ..18 ..‘L ()L'U-1. LL; CiL).--C‘u.. . ‘.L-.~L.."~-‘L1.S '1'7‘1' \ ;'_ ‘ 14 .1 ‘63.; 5: 1" '3", + -'3 . ”Arc .1 1a 3 \W' T .,_-, MSW‘ 0' ‘L-Lbb ‘ '\- \-\a DJ. .1 ..‘ (..KL _.-- L. LL: 1... \Jx..-x.‘ i..LL.t‘..g-ul-b L- ~- v \J-LS‘v-(JC‘IO “ x '\ ' 4‘ ‘ ’9 " “ ~. ~‘ , _‘ r- '. ~ I ‘ , t . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' --GnS : 0.3 ‘Q.uu .0 gm co¢whip~ u- UUQG;Llu. _0L“ o .;u Q"*I“" 1": ""‘" 6" lo ‘1 - nwmiit': ”) ‘-‘ w: *7 .‘ 1’ 714:: L’. K!“ .. ..b; no - 2k» V'~ \_<- ‘L \Jk'KJ J—w \ .~ - .V L, 4L-\-x.. ..-— At— - it”. 4. .LM ‘ w ~ a + -'. ' 4- - . ' ~" - . . 1 .. , »: .' in r. 'weie eee...x> .- 10 .e t.-t 1. ~ ”42* :: ce-1‘ eoce.e . -Jc . A- “. ". -‘ 4‘ ‘1 " “ ~ ~ .“ ‘- , . ’ . .. _ -‘ h! ‘lee ' .LL‘tCe \r 0 ‘ A l3t l‘ 1 v Le‘ .3 ’ A’ '5‘ k’rl‘.\ - b l..CC.L' ‘--L\J'a-Ll~ . 42:1; '9‘ " ‘I 1.2. ‘ ivfi 1 ' ‘.~ 1 " 1" '3': ' ;; "3‘ 1‘1 j' 1 '1 11 1;: 1" ; -' u sU-A- h —L(_ s'v-..).. L1-L J ace—L‘Ai‘. \;1.L‘. h ’ _,{.. .LL-u -JL‘¢ 4‘.- , - L _..." _.k: ' 1731‘ 4 a "1 7‘; .' "' ‘ .~ ‘. .4 ‘ ~31“ “J... \a LLO~$¢LK¢ A-\J '>J_.‘*I‘L-1-e'—I‘; Q -;~ . ~53 - ”~ .- _ . . , .. 1 . 3. .. --. .- _ +‘~ ~_ , "‘ +- Ii; L~ ..1L’3t1l’...‘ 9 t T301. E‘t t O “1 ‘Q‘JLI‘ 04.. u...‘.. 3.. O ‘. t; g. 11L 1 L‘ .Lv .. .LL‘l- I» Cad-I ," ‘I 1] . ..u., 3 -. r‘ r), 3 .3 3 ' — -: ‘ ‘ ( as -.‘_ .7 1-. _' J’.‘t ‘ t .01. '\, ”- ’\ l I UV L' "62-; (11-... L’A-LLJ Llobb-L-Jlk31: LS (.14k‘ ngb.l A-Lb‘-lz.-L..~LJC g... .LUJLI: -‘= L}. 7" — a Ill-» (3 -L;- ii. lull».-.E-,LJ:.. FJ mesenchgmgl cell infiltrltion. QCtiLCS: 4 number 0: neulun sizeu cuccimip in ‘ _. i (_.. i ll i—u ‘ ‘ 4- ‘R r: . u x ‘ -'1,". ‘, -‘ *fl I‘:.- ~~ ' ' {21],EJC'jiLflCily.l tibiillfjfiz. l7Ll..LC_'UuE‘. CL;L~.LJ. COCO epltruil;mm. -“CteLSJAWB slozyflep 0:.zx1cuus luxlurLLe. giwgt grgduc :nllec. .1. e szane (nlncilntiiwl 91x; lb 4’3 (0 P. (‘+ :1 C‘- (D . \ , ‘ ~. L k-"w klv 4 fi‘ 1 :7») FJ. (1) O F‘: '"1 P" p r+ F—’ ('3 c o L" 1'. "u!" 9"!) “a ‘ " “ "‘ ‘ Lbi;‘5luU—L.Ll-‘ l.|l;..U,_ALtZ‘L-Cs { H ‘5. D 5 u C) H p (U H *— C.) (3 *5 C r f P. O P ) O (a H. . .+-*:\"'7‘-~~-\ " ,‘ - ~73 ,4-"-- ~ -'. 1,. -‘ Ill.c;;;l;J.:; lNJCCLJhlul :.Ll' Lgl i‘glC-A3Ll;U. 1 - ‘ I l.(:31"x7:S: - O a; lull (:3. m Licsoscogio :30rwhlnys from iLteStlLGS 3 Alvin; afious COCClulL. " ‘ ‘ 4’ . ‘ " Y“? ‘ . _ “Ha-”(i ‘1 ' 1" ' '3‘:ch ‘4. '2 t i- ' )(Jlu'wl C... Vt! J.-‘Wi$b — id.UlA..LD—v1L»-L~l t: chtsel.c;1;149.l O . cell infiltration uOEtl' on ULG siue 0; the nerve, gerenerution of nerve Llorcs. C1 in. ill b- -.- .‘y'L': ‘4 n ‘ - ‘I-q: r_ ‘ . ’V '. r~ ' , lute,LLLUS' «QM sols mauluu clued Coca I+-I‘_-QA - u' d. H‘ _ “" ‘_ ‘\1 P‘. 1 ’ i. _3 o ‘ SLIDE} 11L.L:J.Lln;-l tlSS'IUS “LC; inluallufwul‘d L;;.A».Ll CQC=.J1\...C.L 111 O coccimlu are LUQLQ 1n lOCl, tau luv":r OLCS are aura -17- ‘. " — ' ‘ . ‘- ‘1 x H I - \ . Ft 5 ‘l ' ‘ - 0 - . . -: ~ r UVULAlv: Lt LSti‘lU 11.12650. i]. 1. LlC Um”: “'. ‘._~.i.‘ CUCU lLLJ.1. LL‘L‘U "’ +‘-‘ J'- :1“ “_ ‘l" ‘ 3"“-|' ‘ f ‘, 4-... 1‘ I 3" ~ . -. 1““. §‘ C «L h -t- G. v V.— ‘. \Abbfi '4.” lg.‘ - .Le A ..‘.C Utln: Ll‘xlebJ. ;-1.U Q 1‘ ‘ ~ .2 ‘ ’ ‘A. ‘ ' .I . ~. ' " ',' ~ _. _nv ‘ - ‘ J— _I . ~ .7 7‘ ~ . ..JlichIL: :JOAJB "£44....LVYQQCLL-LL-‘ 1.L—-l-L..‘_--C.L'el-l\..L;A1.U‘.z L.LCCCALC'~‘ 1....Al \ \ .‘ t - "‘ ‘l - \ .' 'l U_.xDC ou~1 L “~— Zfizoue £51-Lfl Ixxlajucficrel. -v R -\ ‘ ‘ “ 'a J- :‘ ' : 4"“ i 'I ..~ ' ' J“ ‘ - . '1 . O *“.,1. tles 3900-130 (“C1 b! 077.. 'L ill 4. gil a. 1-le HAL}? 0.. lil‘klc ‘Ni‘ ‘ ."x'~‘ ' " ‘ (-"V ’1 “‘ "'0 ~"“". "! " ‘ V‘ . I I' :1' u ‘. i: LOALLgi 01. ;"c.;;. 94.1..- l-.LD. Lle. U11 u ‘H’;.Q‘ .Lll ”9.4.1. A \ 4': ' 7- -7"-"1 "n’-'""" .~ "t3 ' I K ..-kablh.L(gv.'.~ L~-_u I “*g. but; l‘e. .-l;'0:“o lC le~ic1e .'_~_+ _‘ .g‘ ‘ . 3 ( . ‘ : “\— . ‘ .L‘—- LL 3 .. ..‘L; ‘ S . v\‘-..:3 LDC .L.L.~.L.L\4~A|L. ( t 1011. l-lO.L"J“CO '10 -“ 111. n7 1»: 4‘30“ 4 + w'1-", M Q 3" '1 V n _J'a’ "lg ) 11" : :‘ }-’(J l-P. uL-‘bl. Kr +4.‘ ‘1 _..-I‘Le‘: h .LoA‘zc 54 -0 Lu lJ..L&'_-L.' ALI—.9“ V Cobalt-LL94 .LI‘. QUOUEHJLJ. I vous goal of coca ’— A. F" 9' F V (1 O ,— C“ L; fl. \L» $~. fix ' ,.. , '_ I a V ‘ utiOan‘lm {St (3’. _.__’.\;.‘S ,’, .1 _izn'..siull of 6711;161in,l-igfure ll,.~-.1;d SLIbCTiLLGliLl 3 '_‘ ‘ ‘- ' ' 'J " ‘ ’1‘ +2 ’- "‘ ,f' I' . ‘ ‘3 - ‘ .9 “‘ _.. |‘\ ' _ ‘ . V .‘4 tLCbLLLSo JUnLJ OJ. s..lt3€:e .LOxJ’l k..3. J.»~-.1_e. .Lll COLKC :' 19-0618 9. tie cocciaig hgvu clus=d h gc supgrltiun a; the "34.2 .:.. .—;- . ”all: fi ‘- ..1-:. l .0 -_ ‘ .. C';+.;l€li UL; 4.110311 t.C 70- ..LOIL OJ. 1: 1C: 1.1‘CL .-S - -'.,~ ~- ~J-_\ s --—l 3 ~ ‘0 4—.- ~,‘. ' “ ~ . 1, ' “, ‘ '-4‘~ r- ? “ Idehfixralna. ILL UL.Lei‘ pl.x,uC Lfli3 e fll-‘m,lllml 1.: \AHlf. :.L.L 7 fine villi. ill tuusc c. (D m + *2 O " i (D c”. F4 @ ‘14. k—on .5" H ( { C d O t f...- C H U) C |_ - coccidig are Of L;e YBJ" Sflgll t K , _ H- te Immfiorllllen, -lhxcjoxwl. , -. a s ‘ "x ”‘1. L1“: _.. ,‘ LUl-O ~ "— . “1?.”0 - _ 1 v1'\ \ I *) " N ‘ ~ I“ L‘ -‘-:' ”~ 4‘ _..L.U_L: 41141016“: L‘..L«.L..L ‘. L“: Lg]. G. ULC 0;. L. UV c1446 0-; ¢ “-3-‘ ‘ a '.1.L.L.L:1U\-0L‘AO ~— n+ .2 “+4 a1 . .m _‘bg‘,‘ u: ‘. _.,, ' L, .LC_-LQ~ ..vl¢O.LJ.-lb( CC. “ + ‘<-'. ~. ‘ n — t .- . , ' 4-: ‘1 ‘ .L- 5‘4 514-; t; . .‘ LIA aLt-L. \\'.1D V“-U- ‘s’aI—“ntc ‘JJ. CLO 5‘03. 5.4.113 )’ I'UI'ALu plan 3601.. 01248. ‘0 L’CCOL'LL (31 COCClLl'..i‘EJ_S ..LCzc‘lULS 11,-. -\ .. .. t -.| O , w . . ‘- + ‘—‘ -1- 4 gr V.‘ '-‘ L... CLL -Mlu -.a. l;.. 5-».L¢~‘~3C. ‘ a- _f" "1 “- ‘ VV- ‘ r "1' | '. --. - .~ '- - '\ 1. ~r\ “ 1-. 1 . ‘ \lI-kL u ..8 [JChltuJ SlJGu CL/CCLu Lam .LL chde 'flv $94.1; . ..L‘ -g ‘2 - 1» x. . _.‘ V"‘ .- u‘ .‘J‘TlHlCil‘vun S 0.30.361- 11» (AC 1... U t 1 tnu‘c is ¢ vet? igrye focus 0; GOCCiCiu covurLLg V w 0 U) PJ. eo .‘ ‘ I . 4" ’V’ .~ 1 ‘ hr ' -' ~v: “ — . -.' h._‘c -L‘;. .LILEJCL s»; U .0. -. -- .‘1‘ -3\4-.,.,:‘.-J-—.7‘ 1.», 7.. J. .‘ ‘°.-, - -. , -9131“, all u. J.-_: '. - '. .LLL. cu .fl; 011‘ 110111. 1 11K: ll v "I‘. i {3: f .6 .._1 352+ {" 7-): 0-1 .\_(3 "Kb ‘ 6.,- O I” (JV-I. L‘. 1 1 “ ‘.:. . 3 -; -'~ 4- ‘ -q- 1''. t‘\ ‘4 o 1-3); -V ,1 ..L. Ill. .. . -U. 4. .. LL Ody, .LI-1:.CU.L1.LC.L till-KL“. AL ~L;.L_L~\JC v. --.—n».+-',-v-- ‘~-~--.-'~ “ ~” 4L.e ctni laugh ”.icljs oi lLUlugNflac c mll sugges >1 caort. ‘5 I C”) C F! H ..— C ,2 O ’ A r I (3 ya o (L. o L ( C c (‘1 ’ h H r H II“ ‘ “‘ ." ‘ 'r‘ ' ‘x- .5 [4.11038 US$225, -_:.__‘C‘ Clue); OLLSU I) (:11t1rece ;grct1 11v 333 s uyvill' 8 H31 it 310133 ulffi uszu,llj‘ " - . " ‘rx ‘,1‘-":‘. o-|'.~ a . ““_: - 1." - 1" - q ' - IlUf U-tl‘fleo .45 ' AJL .LC; ll’w (4011 («4AA OCCBVElQiAUlJ.” .JJJ.._LUK.LJ-.LLI. 0 “allorum Acve ceah iseietcd. .filite lx3~10rn. FOSS gees 3.01-8 Q) ‘0 51-- I F] H. Sciitic nerve 0: left 1e" ~n erred, s 1t ehlcrgeueLt of 11e1“1e 11;.ri.’1t le :. 2:4": ‘47" 'r- t -_ ..c- , °‘-. ..' ..\ .- .. - .’ . - .‘ -.W [0 iquOBu Ol.cuxm;iui¢ el‘wmwsesltee~.u. ihteetljd l cclAlAltc. -~~1'~" .- ‘-‘. ‘ - 1 . " .r‘ _~ 1'. - leives secticLs. ecue2ete cifluee eLd focel I f.) LdiffereLtiuted meseuch;Mel cell iLfiltretieh. “ Le? of ('9‘ U‘ 11e..e 'ells 5-,.1'8 else £01113 thrcuq-Emut the 'ections. L‘imre O U) is marked Ge enereticn of the ncr'e fibres, medulery substance end the axis cylinder. Che picture corrGSTUnds well with the descrietion of Bep'enheieer (16) (l7)- In J 0 v areas there is M de sepwrltion of nerve fibres, partial ene cowglete COlle;£d 01 mfeiln sueitns QLG vlcuoli- ,. ._‘+' -.l ‘ _ .,"“ x 7. ,- . IntestiLes; so“ iceleclc ,reeLLL mO.L c- MlCQuS .7- ~- - -\ -“‘ . - u . g . ’ .JL' ‘ -. ‘ \ ‘x o ‘.. ‘3. _L-J. 01.x; buCil uJ‘Cu -.."(-'.;S lemme UlLe C:C’.l.;0.’.it. p... t E C F,’ § y“; '__l 11-1004; but the 13111}- } DJ (D C .4 J Fl ( | H (5 i...) fun :9 H- H 9- + L]. U} C i .‘ f‘ f P. (D H r t- ,I I. P S 3—1 r+ H ,2: C) F)- U: C *3 O i 0 y a .— 5-3 £‘4k3 14. t) L-LQCI L~ a-l{_1_- [ALb\-1-k4. C .Llitez L€£%10111. i‘ --V ' . / l.) ILA it L‘ 1D LG " I'IC pilliC'S S . -‘ .I - ~ .. . A . . - ulClD‘ijl -ests 1 o ’1 n‘ ,e; r?- b-J , I l D ’- '—o {3 r+ (D {1.1 1+ 3- C *3 g H L 3 H f.‘ C. 5»... \) f U) (‘ y.: (D r L f—o. ,4 1 (D o L): O H- C t+ H. O H +7: 4 (B O F O K ..J F, C i '2 enleryed. '“‘OV01lfriCBIl?i;: 4Lu~ll 111093*5- ;ucdeLum: smell hemorrh.'cs and whet seem to be smell Lecretic feel in mucous membrane. ieveilee / '- ‘I . . u I‘ 4“ ‘IV' . ' 1-. ‘w \ eectic1ll.b lcuLu in lt:,e n ulscgs. COLsicereble IPLmfiif of ceccicia in.iJAnx5t J.( 1 contents. ..-‘ 1 a" I (w. . I ‘ a -.. - f‘ + - .“ . —‘ A .. ( gehclatu3, you (Ltplillfies. ., Intestiiies anodeLuu: Luccus Lemmiehe ver; re fed. iuest villi hete LO EFitAGliel cave in: over the iree ehu axe iL Jen" 'leces tne frecter sortien 01 tue villus .' " ’ " W I ‘ ‘— ‘ -‘ ‘ ’ “‘. + y 3‘. "s '. . ‘, " '1 ‘fi, ~ I. “ is LcLuueu. l}L:uLlG itces .rn, e i.xelitli,ht;cw "co-“Viiteu” esheirince. :;ere ere large 1001 0; COCCiUlg 0; ice intermedictc or Edgll 8138. Lgef are ‘tit_ualiALA. I]; 0143 thl'tze 1219 H. {x T" C 6 s-J C 3 I p r i, (T C. O ', . -,. A1 . ._|_‘ J. - -.. 1...“, V ., ‘v‘ 1‘ 1 I I--, ' leJ-l ls'L CKSLMLN 1L. 5 Cl" ; L‘l‘U L»-.’.-LL [-Lfiib‘ \Jl“"l’v (r- rv 1 .. :07 COCClul» Lr: LcuLx. L118 no” "e““‘°c11 tlc clue (I) rf .lcimtlc 281;“.‘(31 ngitjchfi, uii‘L‘uc tuLciiL‘cL'chti..tL—;L J! so huh: 0L H w fiezclcn”wgl cell in: ltL ion. 2363c c race cells tllt it is imw iblc to uCtSOt Lcrmcl Larva l ,mkni. Albxc crb£HL(3l .30 Ubjlilcllcs x z— r» q. —q.w .— ‘. 31-0 rv ( 1‘ [J'- ’ fid 2. VxAJhALVH 5.. . . . _ ‘ ‘. . . ' , J. , . + L t f‘_ ‘l I 1 1 A . I ¢ 3 I .‘J .51LLL,{A.~ C 1.; 4.11. -L 3 L. IAfJ I-» .L V U . .".-+-T"‘ Ln ., +\ ‘4‘ 5-31 -~v‘——‘““l“. 7- '.‘:~ -",' .‘zw,_ t:1.. -—. ‘- ‘i L~ 3-4143». h. iij’il Let: r. ..— l— :1 'LJ—ikja- ‘JJJ '\.‘-__;‘\JU.-L,LI ;_\»_" v. J. h (a. JESS“ gt-..l.01’-13 Q. ‘. 7 3 1' ‘7' "3"“ “t ’ -' Q ' - “'4' ~ ' {A‘v' "~-“I- "'. "'WH N'x \ ".3 I To _li‘ b .a . ‘ b-s ‘1 Wu—LKJ -I- 1-5 cl 9' .— U'4 .: - m" lack {2‘1'LCAQKJ ILL »_ _- +‘ \ - ‘ “163 L2G .u‘ 11. “"14‘ ‘0'?“ ‘-""‘-H- “WW." ~v _ -' «11 "’"V- "-1 ‘0qu '. 1]. C ‘H‘Q --l-Lke"? uLLL '53. .4; -14” fi..--~.L.L _ .4.\~-‘ “L01 L. u». .L 1....)L-\.‘..x.. ‘ .1. .. r‘ ,. ‘~ ~27.-,‘,--. uJ,‘ L18..JUI' (”1:6 ;-_LSO L- _‘_e.. C.anll 1101101. _.Llui'b! o L_ic:wL3cO:j13 ‘ >- - ' r . L V f . ,: .' , 4- . .. ‘ -. H. -. 'fi + ' I'.a " .3 l‘.'.;‘;lll"fs S 10178“ 1-0 COCCLLLlLL l1; -- $1.; ulLu cu. “cm . .. ‘3‘ (LLO-L;;3 Lu;e L. i; L n; Shgms waL LLc;m, cxc gnnuc 5:; ll tl x; c: T i I 1 ‘~‘\ ‘ ‘ I ‘1 . ‘ ;“‘ #4-V ' ’ '.\~‘( --gkl--: . *Jl‘\J—A ‘J .- ..f.‘ c ., - ~. .' 4. , a __ .-. ‘. ~.. unullles‘ L25chc4.mcl ‘ .. . : : . . “4 - . ,V we "000M .Lco ..L,l.’6 Ouuwllluu. ..L 1L2. 't \\ 3') 4‘ \ ~‘\ "~..-: v, /. .~L..~. l a. _..c .AULU_c..L 't:l .LV 92:39,- .1 --«~ ccl; ijgfiltrLtilnL, c tiWAJC "-7 ‘ u, .- ' '3 ._ V. . ‘ ' " ... . .4- -.V '. . .. 3'" ,7 “ ._ -- ..‘ uvu Oglc cc CnGDuthh Lhc Jc.€nthL cl CHUR‘OLlC “ -. 4. .: .— 4. ° ’ A.“ 1 '1 h ‘ .- ‘. -‘ '1 _ ' Cm:c;'.c:lrjglcs (: infigu .Ll.~e glllellcs ). Il+._§+ '; ‘, "3 “ o ‘0 fig) " W .. "'1‘. \‘ (“‘3 _ ';."'a- 1 l 719“ (' vaq .‘ ' 1 A. J\.: u .L .VL.‘ , \J LIL; Ml“- .La. C(JL-Q.L\lL4. (“U 8 1—bt-‘th‘JJ-Na 119‘ El ’r} “4‘“ "L r j V. v‘- 't ‘7 ‘\ ..Iofi‘fil- a": ‘4 r‘s- .r‘fi ‘. , ’3 r‘wa iffi‘flq pallavJ-Hbeu abUULL O ’3 sv . LquI'vL “- Lg, h..K.'LLJ\4‘-Q~‘b. _‘_ $.14 i‘okLC/ ~' hLV ' , ““y‘l ' 3 ‘t ‘u “‘-’I ‘7 ‘1 '1 11 y‘ "E. ‘ 4"." « . L‘ I .74 ' ' ~ (I! I‘ t - ‘ . .‘ hi‘szLIJa. 1; .11.»; {1. Olgbli .& $1.5. v.¢e u; t/ka- \; ‘_" L7;.\( .L.‘ . 'gQ m \nn" r1 ' l (‘4 .~- 5"} ' ”a ‘1 “I (.4 7 'x ' '73-. . ~» +{ - - -.-, .. _.. \J - u‘u-L‘i Lkn- 4.“-«‘CI.1‘:. ‘L 41.? 11....Q .‘ .A.\ {ill .1. .Li,b 5‘) k‘ -L’L 10.1 _ 1L.-: 6. i‘ " ‘N . .. A - _ . . . ,- A 'n‘ (q ‘2 ’ q" . - 4' A 014; lLr.c (LNIS c (necc1d1l.wz_: LcruL-.nL t-e §.fi ‘ _‘_ .i ‘ 4.. ' " . I '1 ‘- w> ‘. IV _ ~ ’ _‘_ O , .1, _ . ,Lchcul r L acne. lQLJQ 13 140 leucl GL2+QUp-lUL of v. no .0 _‘ 4. ,n 4.~ L ..‘ ,. ., . 3U \Jerl 10.1.4» l A»? ». :3 0 _~. ;.. A.) “Mac 5“an LIL/1.14»: 714;-6 o I 1- 01.6 r - '9' °‘ -.~~. " ”t . n- ' 5., . ‘ I I, ' .1 .. “- ' - *2 .' ~". ' 300.11“ €40.1L. c Lscuq 0L ”c'CLcLL hccr .uo LuEullelS a- - +4., .9 ‘\—.. ‘ .-, . ., - ‘ 3- I.iec()‘ Se LJ-Le 1"“ M :— rszr .LS L 1L)‘--:{'a- ‘3.“ .lelLJ. .1; La; a, c“; - AV5L‘-\1L.\ .. ':.'V"- ._ .4-‘ 4-.." , . L. Ll“ ‘ .-V“". '. "'14..' ..f, .1 , '_ 'JL-~ ‘LL;311L3-L~.L\—fi\bu .-g‘v' «4-8.11-4»; CUJ.‘ 1.1-4.1..Lu ‘wi... ‘1; 4.14. (“1.1; _.. 3 J. 1 - . , v: A“ ._L “r: ’ ‘ '1‘" Hal‘f.) Iltb 5 JA.LI3 .L \LJ‘IAS ’ I... i, ‘ *‘fi iLi 0— ..k\ _L' g . --f .. -. -."‘ .2 q' + .' _-l- _.7 '..‘_" ..__. 4- ° 4‘ _'-. -. V¢.'v V5 : i {54", (1-:— .'— 15. .L_L CA-L-$ 1_:_‘-'\., 1*-.‘4‘4; U‘— L TLC. «Lad 3 ’\ ‘ r ‘ z ’ - ‘ ' ‘ “j . h ‘ ‘ i' + “. .* -- "" + L‘- ’ ‘ '. 'C‘ I | '4' '-‘ .’ ' r 1 1;.CC’J-LC-L '.k..-'. : I. '. .thll-t. ‘9‘ ulc'l. 0;. .. LC -24.:‘5Ug. _L--E.._C \; "VLLS “ h 1 7 x 1 1;. .4“ _A ,.‘ ,_ ’ ‘ ‘ c _4 .4- _. ..... L, ‘V .2 .| (‘7 ‘ 4. 'V. N V i. to has $01.16 00.» d- ..:e 0;. .1; due 0.. .. 4.6 L'.‘ t. ;1. 011cm uLIb L 1J1 “'Ajl ‘- ’\ .1 LL 1" . .. n I‘ v‘ V F J. W38 5 recu cnhrt 1n SOUU chc T . ‘ fl'r v '3 r\ I clsc:jc_*wu. I '-‘- . 1-. _ ' .";.‘ '1‘ _L110 ks MIL-w“ OUthll~Gd _..-4f0t.‘ \- N, - .. .° ,‘ ~. 1 .- " 4. ,, J~ (2.10%., 1'-L~-t 1- ZAthel- 0.; .. Lb .. ,v (+- H \ p} mclizc , I. . m 4‘ . x S Lulu 11’. U‘wlbl‘b ,w J 9" L . ~ - -" “ I. ‘ n ‘ -. > -' I 1U .. LAD.” 04. 511K339 ’- 1.1 L S *nr 4-1 v \" "a V -‘ ~q .- .- L~-t.‘--L'-‘L-) (31‘ JUQUU :11 i OUiAt h -;VU- \ I. - v v - a . I 0 ' 1" ‘ - . , - .. ~ .. ‘ ‘ "j . . , , f .‘ . ’; — fi- » r ‘ " + - - ~ y ‘ *‘ -« I. -‘ I 1",“ t l 0;. tile“). ll¥-‘.U‘-‘ CUCCLUJ.--~. “‘-~L._‘ 4.5.5:: .Jsvst: ...J'.L2-KJ. AL 5* J. “-171: 01 "a ‘,4-1-- WWW 'w‘.1'v‘:+iq "“""-‘ 1 i‘fvc-J ’7 .l‘fil - 4" "H‘s W“ t.- ‘3 ’J v. ¢ALI ’J J... '.L O .L/ .'.k_'LLvl4-.~ 5 H .L y l ‘4. V“¢ '..‘- VC A.~ '- - ~Lv’ -L.'LJ. J.»-k..hkv~ 4.014. - .-. '_ ,.-, ‘ + _“ .‘. - ',- 4. “-.‘4. .2 -. V . ._ :‘ .T' 1. ' s . ‘ . _.. U... L ..0 Ct 1'94.‘ :wl' .S U... 1A0 i- - (3L. \- .L.l(.3f3 1:qu 4.1‘ MLU .1.-- L; 8‘. Cl.t GLJL _ ‘ 4. w .2 w ., v . . . ~ —. ~. , . 4. _ .7 . 4. ~ ,‘ L}... .146 U .LZ'ub 04:. 7 7 . N7 L'I‘J-Lf Ublkt . _.. ;CL.C up. LL~ waft} 4.1- .. 1U1-l- ._‘ ‘ " .“, O-“ ' “— ' ~_ ~ ~ , _ ., '.- >1 4-' ‘ ”c. V2113. .-Qt umiflncli, 01-6 “’9. 01‘ g....O*-.:l;.;‘ L‘eupxmu 0;. ..LE: P? . '3 -r\".) 1' l" 1 -~..‘\ “'3 ‘ .‘ ,1 3 ’ I‘- .. . ‘1 ", -- 1 'L “o"“ N- . ‘ + "‘ V-l l ‘_‘ {.1 L’.» L} I. \_.-- ngbb O A. C k; K] (J _..KA lL~ 11A -0 ~ » L J- 0 .LLVL‘ b O .' “"‘ int-a 4‘" 3 2 u -3 1-31 v‘ "N ‘1 ‘ ' ”’ :- 'I'V * x 1')"- ‘ .» ""(r(“‘ ‘ ..-LL4v~A\-'— v LL (JOKJC‘L1\‘--lhub$ _‘ '.-~..- ~.\J :~\’~'_ (Iv-\L“:{I Lg, ELL-dbAi-GCC’ .,.‘., _.....t,‘ .9, .,-.'. +4. ‘.'.'1° ..' '1—‘." (“2-1d..:, .hmgouluijh...ou bo.¢1s LAuJ bllhuz-:s . H 'J r+ H- or tqe acetructlon o; tge lLtUStLLgL efltxclluJ mural: ..,.. _ ,,..-,., -r.- .‘-. .~ +1. _.. .. . . , -‘ .. O _ 6$A.S L‘L-j LVl'. L» ‘0 Iv LA,LL) 0.:— ClAtaI?\/-I~(Jb .- I‘.\.l. O U .ICLQ ’L-I: .-L’ - . i-\; L‘ 1:. '1 ‘ D ‘ O ' .y .' ,. + .1. x'v" J. - \I“ \‘4. .‘ - ,._.—\ J. .. .. .. .w + t -'.‘ :_. -. t \. fl'. -. ... ',x . .112 b 4.V.L ‘— 0-3.10 \. U. C \- Q.-.LUC;:‘ ’ h. ~.~.-D;.L +14. \. O .433 5" L; 6L1 L >3...‘\-‘ U. ..LA. K... , . ‘ .. . . . ‘ .. . - . J. ". .L. ., .'. . .'. ..~’, 1‘ w ‘ . . 4‘ 1" I ‘ v .- u- ‘. , 4: .a. ‘.. . . Lkvgllh t. d. 1.11100 -m: “101.94-21-63. A.“ u C.~.L,.3t .. i; 'a» _ .LU .11--U 9‘9“”. "\ r1.‘1 \‘ "\‘u1.‘ 2.. Ta": . ’I\-"‘ + ‘ ‘- ' "”a V’- ' .Li~..'._'.LLLlAvb LL'LL‘»- \‘L'J .i.L‘A.£\.~-LJ.-C.. w.) LJL‘ _.LU.UL. 1;;3 t chf”-:1Vb lxan.l inll; firo IL (lite ifii’30111 c'jxxgcns 1 are :fcd Effiulfiilpttflz 0000101-. .nc ”culture” aged uoLsisttu'305tl; of uh-t mus targeu media. sized cocciuig. ;;is UJTCTi.CLt v.3 -. -UJJJ, U) Lv-. 708 Pb ~«-—! I! g ‘V-.- 4.40 U..L;'k.u‘3 xi! 1-: O (‘7‘; L 1 F" <1 C ;_J (D (I. ’._ b (12 ( Fl ’— f.‘ H (T c.- He '1 J if C C (D (I (C (D o ~ggre .LlLlLu LJA; buikfix31uu ;;t L tLJ‘x uvg' lhic; c5 J ~"‘ ." '. . ‘~ A - T I. ‘ . .‘ ~ ' 1 . {W ". .1, .- S'LUKIBI ll- _..(-.Q.Le _..;o ... -.LIZ‘ .tL..L .L'v‘ “1&3 D.-Uu"S L 1‘0 {11088 . ,v'.‘, _ 5 { ,.."- 1'“ ._.. -, 'LSS .;.&_‘1..L1-(.1 -8 «tili. a: u“ 0801112 CL‘B f D a C. P. k. ‘J O U C O ‘7)“ Pa 0 Fl (I (U H- C 54 Que rrcynigr oeuurrchoe 0; COUOLUl- 1. tgcec Clichdhs mmgufis it Vt:"'clifiixnfibt to S¢;'14Letlnn? tau ( lGSiCLS observed 1; t¢c vhrlous er-uns were u”c to __ A ~ .5 _.. .._ 3 - l . v ’ .' > ‘ 5‘ 7' ~ " . ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ I v- . < , ~ _ _.. \_, \ . N x l . ‘ KIA ., \, k \_L ~ ’ L .. _ «.. A » . ; ‘|— .| . ‘ _ ‘ W -- v ~ v w - -. rt : L- . c 9 ‘ * ‘ 1 ~ ~ ,-. ' \ F) 3 *1 ‘- ' *3 ", r' 5 . 1 i . ‘ v I x :‘ 4‘ I ‘. 2 ' _I- \J b V .~ L‘. .LK— _.' \4 .. \. Ls .. . ..L- -L _‘_J 4-” k» ‘4 _.- '~\« 5. .5- ~ £11K) . - a . . .. - ”v -w.._h...~.n- A- _... , m a ’7 V a» . ‘1‘ P“ 5‘ 4' N — .- ..—.-~. - _...---. -0. G; . 4-1iivx- —JJ-1 . : ‘=.‘_Obc L L‘d-U‘ A ‘_. U - . “Nu—m—‘m _a—--u——u~r «M~-— -‘_ " _ I I '1 n!) ' ' ‘t .. ‘x 1 ‘ -— ~ “L ~~ V - ‘J '~ 4~ . - . ‘ ‘" - ‘N . : Q N ‘3‘_ _J o . W! O (m ‘ 3 ~,-f _ A ‘u _ '11 r ,. . v . V- ,._ . ,. _.., A. . -.f. 0‘ ‘ . “Q . J, L-.- . uJu . I' h, :l--5.t,:\; ..LLJABC 2 LVL ' ‘...' tLC GI‘VCS: . .. . - - —“ ., a a ‘ , ..... _ ._,_ - _..,~...._........... -.fl-.._..~~._-...—. _.....“— . .. fi ‘ C Q 9 I J . a 5 a -\r O O O I I ' a o a o a o 0 o a“ n 1' n * x 1 - ~ ' f” L- I ,' L2. 0 z a , ‘ n . H ,. N . I: . -. ..Lv A o . ‘\I o .. O “-0 u . — O -—-—— . . .. -...m..—m_ H _..—_... ..w , Q . ‘ C O l o n g l n . l'. n ‘ |l _ l ._ .. ‘ r a . ‘ . a. o I ' l I l . H ‘ ‘ (x , U . _. OJ. Lu» , , .L o , L2 . NJ 4-— o o , ¢ 0 o . o g a ' O O . a g c 0 H I H ~- 1 _ - < — - - a ' ‘ ‘ “ ,.4 I) 7.4‘.‘ o a 'v- o »_ V ‘ t! ‘ '"' _. . U . .3. a.‘ V , v \‘ L4-.- . J l o kl . .) .—'— O O z ‘ . , , . ’ " , ww--~w_._ _...-. 1'" m - .. ‘ o G 9 0 z ' f; . H ' -" ' —' h ‘ ‘ " H (- ‘ o . {_j I x o a a ’ h’ N 6.. . J . _.I‘LVLL . ,. o . 5 o--. . “.0 1 .45 £th ; ‘ ' ’ . . - _...._- «N- .. .. 2.7-». .. ......_«.._.- -......., ., l O I O I a O x. ,_ U \ H ‘ - 1 . —. r ‘ \ U V ‘5 v ‘, d , I a \ a '* . ~ A I! c - U . L1 . __ - L ,’ 5.x .A. 5 * u (.2 \J, . .._ -5. O . L’ . I D _: I o I .AJ . I I a . ‘ n O p n o . D I . .. A o . ... , . w -.s- ..- _‘.--- O , O O a . - o r o a a . , a . ‘ . H ; H .r . _. '* a 1 .. . . , a ( 0- I » q - . H 9 ~ . J. _ ‘ka H a . t . ’ , 3 a o , ‘ ‘ ‘ _ * .fl 1 -_~ M. _--”- _-.m'...”_.__:_::. M- - -- '- - H ' ' ' . ' '~ ' 4" ° 5 A n I- I a ‘ O C n o . . . I O O O I I ' ' I O . . I 0 fl . H j r? 1- . _\ ":7 . , . Q . . - __J:.}i._......._-.;.. *" - b— 1-4”]. . _..._: _L. , ' ' b . . H I y . . ‘ 1 A . . :m “‘" ""“"-"‘—-‘ ‘ —v . I . . O O C ” H ‘77 n ¥ - ..— x ,_ ll n i "\ o .' I 1}. . 7.. ‘ ‘1 - I . ‘1 ‘ q o ‘7' *. . ‘ . U . ' OJ—L-kfl-L ' *J". ‘ L" 0 \150 . - -. .LJ'. o .Lo‘-o\/\olo‘_10 O O O 0 n o 9 ~- . a , o o o o 2 : I ("\ ‘h/ v LA 'J 1 I b 1“ . 3' '1 ,P‘ i‘ . V “‘).“. -- I '1- ‘ ‘ 0 r ‘ 5 ~ ‘ 5 ' ' ‘- a 1/ ~. 7‘ a " n " d . .LL/ . - (/4. 1.5;».5. . _‘. 4—. a U . («a _g 0 ..‘ O r) O n J o : o -’ ’- H ' 7 - '1‘ . ‘ O C ._ i r— +— O h, 0 H O , ‘ O _.--§‘-_~ _....._. .fi...‘ ‘- W. -- -—_...._'_...... . . a . ._ ~ . A . l L— _ _ _ . O [J C A . o :".-.h ' ,V ' x Y ,_, A. ‘ o ”‘ " “ ' ‘ Lu . H-- . , ‘_c—F‘AJLC . _A‘ _Lg L5 k . ° 11 . I" . k) ' I {4 Lo;o 4___ — 4-0-15. 1' . Y! ‘j .. 1 ..— —- :' " . ‘ ~ 17 . {v.5— ' ‘ _ OI‘ilol . . ‘ "x - .~ g "j: . H . . - ",2 ‘ ° 1w. - ‘ fO "WQ’\"\: - ' +4-\4’-~' 3'. 1‘ ' ' 1‘. :1 b 'J-L L': k- ILIA;U 'v ‘—- -‘-A. C {IA-L U ‘LLLA- \‘4 L‘s p. — I‘LGl‘zncl g. = enlarged N " -. -' .3 o = L;[.;...Ll to Gross LC€10LS 1n LLthIlLGS 60.8 no less 101.8 l—‘ O I! 011 H- = out arrnal 11-1“ lung-at 2 = Cgturfihul inflammation wit foci in mucous mcuhrghe. 3 = nge :3 2 4. - .. . bulge -‘ *1IHS .41. ll (1‘ F 6 9,. U) C . ,4 H (_A h ..a more or ice (1‘ ll (0 C. 235 83 1...: *3. :3 [18.3.0 131211.?" 10 LP L. LS "oat maria; 0;;LQGS 11 f} 11.1w ad 5" “a. VI . ‘ ‘- + .‘.‘ ‘\-\V‘_ -'I.\ A. ‘xltn .c.eo:.1..l he... mange 418.0. 0 (I) (1) Q P. H. ¥ 1‘ $3 (I (D (D O C r+ r + (D g. I (D p. o = Sade LS L with G.Vefigl rouLd worms 0-11 317”. O -.xL- ..l 4:. J. = 10-?‘teciligl her..01"1‘h‘.-ffcs 3ello;ish J. J. = unite Sjots or £001 0. = no changes \ ’ r o. 4. a. = s all unite spots, LuLLer 01 ioci or s; - . ‘ _ . '-‘ I-'\"I L3. -4. --. =2 S.‘:‘.:....Ll 80.182.1101 5.114.; 3c normal the numbers iLuicute ‘-.l' "“' .. k.‘ -.:...u (I) congested pLu mottled 15o }XA;OTlflh.riC , U CQQG a. l). = e4trogr11eo est. colt: musculature L}..""E'. 1 ll 1 ot. sec. = Inyt sectioned D. =.- chenjes suggest fut: degeneration, musculature sceos somewnct loose a. = 4'16..101"I‘4"1;..:e to Lie-oscogic Qinoin. l/G = coccidia tclow nuclei of epit.eliel CL Ml I. = ihflltfgtlflh vita uLCifiereLticted ue°elc”"r-l cells ‘3. f. s. = coccioie fev emu scuttczeo U. = no coccidie, Lo lesions 4 - . :..'-.° +._-4-.°,, . ,..°-. .l":.'.".n’7'.-..’ ....', ‘ I. L. = 1, .xetioL .l-r11L-.l_lc3cL.leteo *\ . . l--.“ ."". .eseLco‘u 1 cells J. f. = icy coccidic o. i. J” == coccioie in.lxmmn. #- - —. ' " 4 “ct = QCLlLOh.m Hal lesion 0. i. e. n. = numerous coccidie in G”l-hClimu Lot. sec. 2 1-ot auctioned C“ 3, I. e. = extensive perivcacnlor iLfiltretiOL n. -- gcl cells ‘vita ngciiiereLticted meseLcs' . U. Lecrot ic ..ress cornest ion C L i . ’1 O H Qu _.‘JPLA- ’0 ’) . — . ‘ . \ \ ' + “41‘ : .. -' 1“ ‘ . .“V L10 CCLL'...10:.L§:. _. -b il-u ‘3».1.-- .L L.l<..l.L Li: L- ul.lJl€’\L ‘L--‘. ‘ _ "' ~ _ ~ ,' 'Lo . ' _O 1 t _ ‘V -‘ a f|_‘l N a .2 _ .-‘ _;y_l " :7” _‘. 4 010561. t LOSS) LL‘IUJJ 1.11 L‘li‘ut: L: 1L1...U.L°.LL.L 1.30.4 t.’ fille . J- “ -Lr,, ,- '. J- . ~ -. r- ~.‘ '5 w- 4- “ -. H .‘ ‘ u < . a - W -J"--‘ . ._. utLuCAS 01. '. 11.6 1.136;...26. .L. .'.L.L1 b0 1.*_‘Ll:.,UC1 ll'OLi 44.110 J- ‘. — - -, - > V. ‘. ,' ' v I _ ‘ 'F‘ 1 . ‘ ‘- ‘ J_ -. ‘ . _ . _. . 4’ ‘ * _ ‘ L -D-Le t Ask/Vt COOCLCL kA‘v 4.61.8 .sls'sL'. L 0.1.; 5-1% ‘4+~.1 D‘s-”L to ~11 ' u 1 ~, '14-" - ; , .- .- -- , lltu, letl, llusi, liti axe Loglltufll.1lte1 iLlect1.Lu1.4.o f. ..-.- . , - 1.. ,- . .4. .‘ .. +1 ‘- ..‘ r .. .. .2 _... ..“. ' V. . - .."-_ .,- ; .:._ Ve: '..11e.r.‘~»ec.e..l,, .2; e Mom‘vl‘cct l1-1e<3t101. wcs 1.1mm; 1 i -ll; oi? tic:13 biiwns next) Xe “t 11.11irc E otttni c :‘cs (.1=¢ inc: mesa) qhu toe iced ,ne oiluulL Vassels were pieced cs “n331.43jgyssible itnogt .cjrlvii;'t-l;:1i11g o: a c .L1m1e ; e..t Julm! difiigz :‘3cc.l .1, 4 _ ,1: ~,-~ , , or ..9 1- . (“buttdcllu.tltfi; c1.x:-tcuf L14. .JJed.. it.1 o1wxo i;- s. v? *' -—\ x . .: ‘2 x" ‘ , 0: - . . 1" 'i' .. h. III-v [a — org-q v: r‘ . . « « " Ii .ue 000010108 is inflection lo -£Ll‘ ce illsltiLg as 1 claimed by Johnson (10) she my iyzzev is tze fablithion “'5 --. 1.-'- “aw 4' '1 .4 ‘ .‘(I' *1 " ., 1- -. -‘ 4-. '5r:-.*~ ~A - ClLDVU¢ lolelreu to cum on mes Ubbfl LQAUU l0? fruL.L‘ L'C (f) D" m“scl: tae u u e oirls Mist move picxeo uh COCClQlL iron ' 1 . n -1— r ,-- ‘ ~ \ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ '- ' .P.‘ ‘a ."‘7 4. ’. " ‘- ‘1 II 14:18 ..lLLl'JJ'vl'e UlL‘tll, idle? UC(EOL.l-.’..i_g lC ha—lxl Ctbuo u-Ll'u - 0. LXI 1o1eo . siu"le leci Uh BLLLHOllI_ uLmistLlLolv LL t ectihom;cosis lesion in the stromc QHGOS e o; the sgell H- (D (J) ;—-;.t s (T) U1 0 lile s;,*r.1;7tot.1s C-]-(J. lesions were Lot Us g‘vroLom ceu cs -. ‘- 1 .. .. ..C‘ I ; u : .4 .,- .‘ . ‘- - ., . " ' . , OIL-tdb nsit (L. tie LL31 L o: tC).. lee“ 01.x ”116.08 cm: + 1-" C‘. H 90 kamt. [_.l J. 'x- ' - I 4- . ' - ‘_‘ .1 . ‘ I I ’3‘ ....' I ,. LlG “Lgt o1 .1e ClltulC 1%: a is ollli. \- C C) H ‘— P (I (- H p.) H \J‘ V f‘ 4} y... ,C 3 13 i C“ ..J I) A (m V p. I H I ( (T ,_ C C} p k— r Q (+ C I H O 7 I (a ’-l D 0) ~' - -’ 34-“ , - 1‘1‘ '— "~‘r ~ -( c =Jill uL xeloc H.1u1- L. to COCOluldfilS. 1.3~tr x.) Jvu . . 1 ,,-_r-.= . __ 4. A. ,: ,r: ., ~.-' f" 9.15" S, 7.0} {31‘ 4.. 1L..t 1:1." '-'.....h-‘_£\3.i.-2J..~ .ZETCULBL C... COUClUiL- -l;.;J- '-'n.." ‘u _‘ _ I c ~~_- L M111: uCLhK 3.110tch11o r?- L: (I? h L H ‘\ } a U H. ‘ _..-.. -1_. .,-_ , ‘..‘.V..° .' 4.1- '(~~Q 1;- ._let _‘3flUL‘J-(J-LLt , 11011pc1t'1103enio. 1-1": 'tLle ti.;e this 30131; was oohe I 11-10 110 1nxxvleu e (x; Lysuex”23‘;or; Llfla..lllC I lilit CEI'LLH1 1 a v : - x. .- ‘ f" ,_ , ‘ , “i . “ _‘ .. - 3 ~. ._‘ I. o ." _"'/_ -,—. . », ‘ . . " h... (19V .L 1‘_ UUL:“1 \ GL1 LLT. 139134;. tL11 LL; hlLLC; but “ILLUQ OJ. oocoxclu, uguoubtedly L. teLellL, L. LCLEVHilLu aha L. i..L--:.l_.'.‘.c.. LJ1U. £35.23; “£38 LuiSO 4.... 5.14.1. 4.32. , ci- COCO 1U .L‘LLI .s"llU‘.l 11.8 — ‘. . . V -. ,.'_‘ - . 1‘ . .3 a -- .. .L. . V.‘ ‘ ‘4. ., .9 - ' ‘- 1-" Dccn 781ejfea t0 LL m. LOL”: .8 u cLfixhlngi ‘.= » rub/qutr a ,1 + +31!“ 4 Hp~ “ ““-l “1*..a~- llpu .LLO .L..-_L. 0.1.1-.(_~ .LOI; L.\4 LO \- IALJ .L... .L‘. All..LJ.()—LO:’ +LL» .L C .LU‘ \- *k‘ll- J. v). ...+ . 1., 1‘ .9 --..4.L ,.- , 3 .. H --,. x 1-1,. 1119. 1,. 1.1%.. we 01 111Le‘eet to Lotte 11ers 111m. tie L1ms (D used Came from L Slog; unere coccidioeis hgd been prqulCLt 4:" " " - t ‘ - { ‘ 1. . - '1‘V 3 ~v- . -\ v' ~- . 1 . . 2 “ 1, 1 1o: SOJL t1me. In luwe LLu lLLL verd Lexeye 1oeeLe here ---.. 31 . . , ' -. -; "hl‘w . 3' J" 7‘ -_- .‘N‘ .. ‘~ ‘ xv . ‘ u -* * . 1 ~-.- -. (1,9L316Lced 1L1 L413 1locu.LLu3't eooLlieu.1m1i<3 m1xL1ysxs. J 31208 t Lgt t1 fiajuyjuere” Lang: ”BELJJI‘CJS reCOLLmnuLeu o; I t - ‘-- . V. ‘. ’ -‘ 4' v"" N K \ ' '. + ‘ +7,\ ._ 1‘ . . V' -_. ’\1 V‘. \ ,geacn 1.41:1 99413 (1%?) LOLLB'tfl. f '.;.L.I1 01.1103? SL111l'tLfll“ !.;t3c..;:LlI'£-.c hcvw Been enolLfeu for the control of coccid1031s LLL ior - ' ~v ‘ Ia ., ‘.- a, - - -‘ -. u -.'-~ - ‘1 ‘ w ,‘ r- :, ~~¢ 111,9 ." Lure l0;~e (1.7.6 to‘(41 8...“; 1141;; LGEJL Cx‘LCQLdIIOUSlu L . O. u n m abeefit. , L *3. _ -. .1,.1,..‘. 4. ,, e..‘ ‘ 1”“; 1.. c,“ 1,.13 5L..-e 1.11e Lo; L1'.11L,. .1;L¢41Lt LLL 1e b (.Lu) .“ -, ’-‘ .. . . 4‘ . .—v‘ \ " 4- ‘- . ~ 4- h; -“| -. 1.7 - ~ I ‘ r: ’ ' - su; eetion Lo tAL ef1ec. LnLL 3;“ e p. -L,&1s lS tthL- ' ’. I 4‘ “ ‘ . I - \ I “— -J . . ‘ - \ ‘. A. "- ~ ‘ "° . ‘ I 4' ‘Q 4 L1tteo Llficu,n tue L__. it is L;-O iLLefles.1- Lo L‘LL J. 1 _"'.-..‘~ . _ ‘. .‘ 4 J 10.... 1. ._ .2. 3,19 t11L poru1ce1? LL1 1L eLflnees OCUQ1“1LM 1“ Looc1u1oels . " 'Lfi 4‘ ' fl ‘9‘ ' " ~ '. ‘. “\ v3 ' O J‘ -,‘ - " ': "'\ . ‘- ‘ x. w 3‘ _. ‘1 a - v. 14-1.80 1.6“ -LiOCJ.S M-fB _..‘efO-.-tCU. LO 1;L.~‘ ‘ ULCV-) WELLBLIQ +0il0k1- 0 1Lteye”t13;“.- . 17-... '0 "‘."'" ”itcfi, -Lllow, LutL‘. -r-'_ ‘ 4- ‘.-V .311. .1 J." L: 1- lL/«Lw. . - 1+ ' 1 . , 7 .-. 4 - “ “ v ' 1 ° ' L 11t‘ it \- lI-{ k. , 1-0 LL ‘ ..LJ 0 u‘C~... .3119. .L KL Lt.OuUl-lt Q. u t ‘ .1 :2 -— ‘ ., -.1- . 4. .2 . " ,, ._ ,L 1 -‘UK.’~_.:.t : 3.; IJL€3 ‘U't t. (keLC.LUJ.1k- L J-OiL, looiae 'l-"L::C‘L11\—1u;‘(;. + .13". ' C: n .' “.1. '-.1~ - W ) '¢.:'.- :2 r.:1*y' 1-- (:1 ."+ '.~-o1 ' _LI-_;\/ -4 -illbu. _LA-a.\4.u v (”LL 5‘ .LU‘u (JV VA~_L‘ ~1th std-LOU '.___l cocciuiu (one to th"Le coccl'diL n._r vi a J- _‘ ' . ‘ - ‘I‘ ‘ - ' + . “\ . ‘ -. -: .‘ . ‘ ‘5 . ‘ . ‘u . V ioc1L—c guwi L 10¢ .10 e 111e11uA. 11e L0001L1L.1L1-e -. J" -" ~ ‘ . an .‘ N --\.' . ' '2‘ \\\ O -r -‘ . ‘ . I: " j ‘ "". N \ J- b -IL/cb. COILCLeLL ta;- :3e:p.11;» 101$ 0L bl-’lt-LeilIJJ.1 (”I‘D id‘Lt k .f‘i.’ 11‘C O :~~. .. . ~ ... 1.. 7 -. '. ---°+‘- ". 1 t1eeue o: f1e uLVL ,1 c330 oL tge e 1.1e11m1 so iuet the cell? hLve become 1lLth Led Lnd the eubepitheliLl I -‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ O 0 _n'a .0 . . . n ‘ ..I 4.: . . o .‘c 4‘ ‘1 .-‘ . O '9" 1 1: ewte_elxe 1111 trLtlcc m1.1 uLL111exLLtlL10u ne‘e‘cl“1Ll cells in tee etrcme uuc 08L L L101uc tie Lniectee Lrees. :he coccidie seem L030 1 i. '3‘ m ’ 0 O p (T) (1. H b 'S rt ..J (D c f- H. I J m 0 h) ..J C“ 4 r... ..ed coccici111ngfuet l, 1128. ILilleo -mee1utoosied -'0 v q _ _‘1‘ _‘ ‘ 1 "+J -‘. 11100; JCL e tee Luu UJLLLeu. T y I. ‘ 1Ltest1nes: LLL ~f). J‘") “ 111-;N. ‘ 1'15-3‘15, ,H ‘1. (q --J‘ul\J-Ll 1‘ .L I Q. _ O V-h":-L_ L-fi‘J 91L ‘1- LC. ‘ '9 '.- + '-' 34 "" v.‘-: - ._"' ‘ ‘1 .“,‘ 4‘ ‘h‘ ‘ ‘ ' n '+- L 1 11-11 L111L1§ bLl L1L1 sgn1e.111- 1111ucyf. 11icroschic. fl " ‘ 4" _" ° ’ V. r. 1 ‘..13 r. "‘ ‘1:- "‘ 7"“ '30 L. 1.0 1.001 L~I1U L; 01.18 :3L1 .1.\'LLEC.-L1LL~I' 'g-‘r‘do ‘_ ‘ ‘ v‘ . .—\’. -AU (1 :d uhoiifereLtiLtcd LeechnfU;1 08111. .\ .~ (1. “..‘w. 1., .J . 1,...‘_ 1: ‘1" .'_. 1":11. 1, 4'-.- ‘.. .,.-1. 1119.8 L~1L 9’1.qu (.1. 1111.1 LIL-.Lp“ “1.11 ' 't;='\ I 3(‘ ‘7 a-""- l r'Ifi 15‘ .‘xl 1“ “4'"? 11-. ""‘.'\1:-‘ ( x... CK... AAAbQL¢-C-L~ [.lku bb-‘._Lc 1.1L; L..L(J L; §-();.Lu LLHLL'LJLLQQ :3 H H C1 Ho Pb H. (T, 5 C T (1* P. L 0 1+ ,1. C, H n (I) .- f: ( ’s'c (LE tiese szxxs -Mo KIA) coccid 11 «3. number of uth LrchrC to Te sc;imoLts 1; ;y the nfiltrui31n1 LreLs :gu; in othLL' "le wortixu1 consists of t ssuc 1 = ' ; W 310 a c¢115 txc borders of {ac LreL Lre F'- ‘ l V L?OQLQ ‘.lCl.10:1L1'lC...'.U ) «.LJ.'L. \ 111211030113 scxizzomzs, 1‘i—j‘u‘1‘o VII. L“-1-e section 5; 117‘s L ngber 01 oocciciL iL fig: L'*'r fi1:: of the villi. r ~O r} 0 w)’ ( 5) FJI C" A LVLL 4.11 .' JLcLQLLGP L, 110 :‘lxlml o - x P\ «I: 4-“:39'01. v w ,1. 7' 1m: . U. ‘v'rOCS 41004.01“). ‘ O wivlLZo-Ltj 16' .‘IV'LLL .— n Lervcs: 1orle. LLCifi-I-t 1U Lin 1-?- 0116 ilCM-Jl’l‘rlL ‘10 - o v x‘ 1? .. -... v (-1. -‘ _‘. J41 .' b .1. : _._ - b.1— .c “—7 3t: 0L1. L215: I 11539 are ”150 preps of ilfliltrgtiOL Litn uLg‘iichLtibted - - - - - ' .« ~, 4- -:+,. .' 01"" L .0 .t l 3 L»: 1.4:: V .L-L:Ll o _L... a .8 t 15.1. - ." 13.1.- U; 1 4L . ~s v’ . . - ' ‘- ‘y' N. ‘ 4' . '- "‘ ‘ I‘ ‘. ‘~ ‘ t l- s 0.1-. N. OL 10 I 1111 £~1*u .Li::; “4-1 - U ‘5 1‘\C U-L 0+, $4.18 a vir. "I._/ Lviqe Eflwlhg% of coczxiuig. ;;15f LJTB loc;te£11M3101 ting] tclsl . o ‘ _ ”’5 .I -’ .’. - -‘- f .: . 415%49 .;. H #01 “re lccwguu Eh I-‘ ('0 -'. J C .' “. " “- “ . '0 " I“- "-.\_'" v “-N ‘ “ “ “ " l‘ '2 “1m; Otfhrfib (use EzeLuullfi it ;n. glc s;uu£m>ctruzl;gh H . .‘ ‘ ‘fi - ' J“ :— . . '1 N - ‘ N -»\ - 3 ,~._~' . - .- K" ~‘ I‘ - ' ‘ ,‘ tlccue. 1L L‘ls chtl n Che Cmu 3300““128 t: 7gOuUltbc, ‘ . _O. . °.., ..\..~ . )ue ac;1zeht la Vt" {I} . .P .. "' ,, f .5 ‘ -3- .-~. ' .4. 0* ..— C 4’ S C '-l :1 L11- .. S {MILCK lug-«lid? * -«-L.l‘\.ll L e 3 0 ;,.Jo F‘ r- | . C r g, C U) C.‘ H; I...’ C. C p. A r 1 7 (ll COCCLula. Quese mwlsc were xefit 1n u1r= uot.1_ c; LS. 1‘ -. .. -. - 1- .. .- - x,v.-.4. K .‘- .. - r v, o . ., \ .- Azle‘. name “:th tutu Db wanna: “Vt ‘ 11- Ofut‘r' to cm. .L ‘ “" ‘.‘ -'- ‘ A“ P 'w \. ' -" . -_ ‘ - “I I -‘ , taut JOle dcvclop concrlcuuus Erm.~0m5. .o s¢;¢ ‘ T-.-. .f‘ - \ ‘ :':. : "VI - ‘ ‘ 37'4137‘50n18 LCVGlevcu. -- +-.- 0.. tut; uLms .__LL_;\311,3;_eu .0 ..' + q- ‘.‘ _ V-.. A . 3“ ~1 ._ A ‘ ”v 4. Q’\ .‘ . - ‘31 4‘ -ul‘ blooum 01‘0‘ ..LLS 0L .;Lutb .l ' _‘ lut. ;, Lat; “1.1 I - ' ‘ “ -. ‘0 . ‘. '. _ ‘. 'Jf _ ‘I ‘- _‘ . :' '- : - ‘ _I _- ‘ I. '. _‘ ‘ v I Q ‘ -- SlLJ, mJOpflL i as .euusr ”Uta. $.o wifus nU‘e ”liltd " ‘ J. , ‘. “.3 . 1' 1 JeéLemoL: N?ta ‘ : ° w. '..-.. ., .,-, .. M4.' .- .- A -r‘ I‘L..AL;.L:L11L _.lV‘V‘ Ll-“AS ..UI‘G C 1‘1 L4; L,J.\-5\.‘-i._'.1 LOCB 0.1. Q'I"1“"11 ‘t p . a n ' f) ’31 C? '3 ".' 3Tb "r. '1' ‘ '5 w' ‘5’!"' '7 .7-wr. u-."_. .L (/~ JO. (JOUClkle-o _‘1ex.b :15... e O; \. ‘1‘; ~. -.L.._ .L;.J.‘~ e H ‘1 type. “ sli ht gnuuLt 0+ bloud ““7e,reu ix tie d?0““irg U“ a few dare ;itcrwurds und coccidia were found 1n the i Q *‘S O L) x ) ..J. ’ i 3 C0 ,1 *4 r}- L V O O ( + ,‘L e {‘ w Fa ful- ‘r :3 C) U) (+- i" (-f Ho 0 H) ,_ U3 0 F!) r-‘ Ho (3 r- {1" (D (D C. C) .J (D ( *3 (D OI . O O H r+ .3 (D (D :3 P- C fi *5 (D :3“ HI Fl l...) (D C H C C; Q 0 c-J U) r '- (D cm October 11th cm tile 1'cz;.u,~iz;ihy three on October 17th. ‘i‘le 0111;; post mortal c'i'lu'rr-cs note-.3; in these birds were: A. slitut flabbiness of the hear; in five of them LLJ very mild Cuturrhel enteritis in ull. Since the petholo;icel chances Ware so insignificant no sections were mode ‘ from these oirxs. It mu" seem unwise to nsve uubu birds coming from 0‘ coccidiosis infected sto=x for such egperlheLts, out it must be remembered thet cocciuie ere 00Lsiuereu nearly ubifluitous and that ugtil very recently such e thin; as iumuLity to coccidicsis Was not seriously tnought of. GOCCidiosiS in Chicks. ( In the summer end fall of 182) a study was made of gross emu azicz'cscoyic lesions ‘30th in tuxenty-Iive cilici;s sxowiuf various stefes oi coccidiosis. n Cescrirtion of the lesions £01m in clicks Los. 1o, 17, 16 1‘. 20110176. was Lot lQQLU in tu se thLG cuicns. TV L 0. 1(30 1" : 7,. V'.‘1.LC.';. (H"t. u'LJy. } D- Q Q ) (1” H. (U [1: C4 ,3 H Q l I C ¢ }_1 -‘ --' ‘3‘»‘4' )- 1': I .-. v» A-L4. W nhGMiC end Groovy. f"a (— (I) C O ) 'J C {_-l (T (u ..— C 5.; (D o 3.- CC ' }._J P- H (+ (7: U) (_L ‘. H C“ J. o dccttered :etecuiee in smel cc u: Listenoeu witu ces nut LO lesions 0; cocciuiosis. -30- smell ihtestihes sh v considerable :etcuy oesuuegetion o: e ituelium. inert ure consiuerable numbers oi L) cocci ie in emu just belaw the eoitielim” oi tue villi. Inese cocciuia are retuer evenly seettereu. th fluLQ epituelium is entirel: free from coccidia. host oi tue coccidie ere founu Lcur tue tins 01 tue villi 0L1: e Lev ucvihfi reuchcc down to tituin one-tiiru to cLe-fiitu . f) .t.‘- r ‘3 .- ,, . ,. i _. ‘1. , , , .‘i‘ ‘ ._ .._. . . .n . oi Lie cistuuce ir\m tue bottom oi toe c: t to tie iree . i». .:.-..---" .-,-4:,.,—a ‘ ‘. —- : ' "1 - t ' K.- .Irti.e .l.0L.¢l-(.lt 17$~1U .a..L4L ‘ I'Ql-i'..L\.’.c.;.LLL l .LIL Slzc ‘ uLJ. ‘LO ll); [.;1 \jg..\.|'lis 1- a o S _ ‘ I‘ n .“\ 0' ‘ l 4- LLLie, 111*: trm; lii'zxr 01R_$ LO] c” refinles tgmstli4,t q. -' ”u w ‘ r ‘4’ ~ . N . + ‘4' —\ H 1‘ v _ _. alui CL h cleus. oUm* oi t-eu c-e vectc eLe 1'": schizonts vergihr in size iiom so 3 ea MlUTOLS to 31.4 ~ *7 a: - ~ .~-.. _ 's -. 1 waif: w : 4 ca.9 mic30us Jule ”clou tuc efltielium. iuere is LO cell reucticn in tee iLiectec execs. in Inc stroma II InciifereLtiuteu H. H . I i- H. F, (-9" *3 g}. (_f F. C: L * r ‘_+ p rxucosee t unna is Inesenxfiifmcl. .‘ . '\ " _.. '0 h 'i'“ I \W‘ ‘-. ,-I v\ V yr. 4.- 61t1er eestro eu o: uisyieceu. lug sciLUOLts, t LL- in all, are situctec ground the perifhcrv 0; 3e lesion. ilzzxcetiIJ-t tuut tue: represezi sieees out o; ix'uicu se..1:; w. ‘ ‘ -‘ -~ I - ‘- . ..‘N ’ ... o ‘l . ‘. . " ' ‘ _. ‘ ‘ _ 111:.“ 000111“ all“; (11111116151110 ;-.L:-.1--I‘LI.‘L:-.. ALA/c -150 Use-ll ooservec. 1: tie 01: see JCCV 111 ;'r Loout tho weegs ‘ ,." ... -___‘ L‘ _ . ..-_ ,r : . 4. L_ f.’ , .1 ‘ , W ‘ ., 4._ .7 - DULoi‘e .1. _-L UL'.u-;11.Li.;- t. _LOlL tLifiJ’ .LlL‘. Lw i1.US ». .L..._L L» ‘AL A .JLI L. ..Lll ‘ ’"U ' "~ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ .‘1 . {‘4‘ "v '\ ' ‘ - V‘. F? C 1" '. "‘ . " . ~ "1 “ I'. r . ‘ ‘ ' f " ~ — ' K)... h.**.l..L‘I-‘LL/Al, (LI... .. 1.. ’ .AJLQUKA L91 L--.-\L l-1_L—L'~~[1lbkto'_"q . .LJLJ. (...LSO "' - g ‘ O ‘ ' w; \ . -‘ , - - ‘~ I .- a s , ‘, -- ~I - -l' -' '~- fi ~, \ s. "v . Q - ‘ ' r I... ' -w . ‘ L-(J E-J‘ .Lélbnu‘L 0.. 13.....‘11 -111: 0.. 3.10011: L11111L11‘911Q. uUCulLsicL " - 7"-.- .~.' ~- ~ 4 . °~- ‘: 1. . ' g L136: 113171-11‘; e-LL;.,~_..l _.p‘lhlu CHCCT'T. 11.- Cali: cL.:—.es 11. -. 410-1 ‘W - ’ 1" r “ ' \‘ ’\ . ‘ " '- ' I — ‘ .‘ - " c-1res -Lgte ULHA-\:lCH ;01 c.10ut t 1) leeLs .3-“ s ALI COL- q r v: -.\ _f‘. ‘ : - 4- .-‘ ‘--:- a v -. \‘--; -‘ - . 12 "p.61: 1011 0.1. t 1" 11-1.8: -1;-3c. 1.11 t11,0_'_ 1.-G —' -‘ A ' 1 h - ‘ — . - ~ ’- "1 . .—- -*"‘ -' 4- x - ' -. .1 1. 1.1-tCCtlLL.LL OI. 06001 (5014.1. {vi-11: Lip-t 11,-...1 LO l‘CVCui (1000 ..L ..LL» ‘ . 0 'Q V. ~ ‘- . ‘-" y". -, I. ‘ " ..‘ _‘ ' R_- .0 _ " r, f _ V x111e ::cri,JJ1 s tLLLen.tuLye 01'.1es¢ (1e ev1. 1L 191e Lghzous twaiorshe Lug'ssiwx ls:{t21511ters oi umu1 uhu V1.%fi ersu. I . ‘ - " -‘r- ‘ . ' '. er, -' Fu.“ 1' ‘ . . i‘ ' 1-e tin: o: ci-Lc ea tires 11‘ sac” vn1t1s1 or m (. h C O I C‘ 0. - 7 5.. ... 0‘ f C O O ‘_ La 9 C - 4. L . . . .L .4. .‘ . - L L . ‘ T 1“ L . I \ , " .VCL . .2 .. O S \l‘ (3; u 1 I‘d ‘.-...'::‘ .1 -., “'~" ..x . r~v I“ x T - N: --\ ‘ ‘1' " , — -" 3 ,, ~. .' 't “‘ 1210,-; 4' ;iO l ulLC.-!1t,-L.d. 1::101.S 11L...b sexli 101.3..d 111 (,leciLS < F 4- - - ~ - -: I ~ ‘ - - 'n . P s ot:; c: +.m2 lose tr* 1ess u 1cchL 01111-1eeu (“LioLs. -n ‘ I 1' Q - ‘ .. ‘ "T: . — ' ‘. . " ‘_ '. *‘ ‘ ' ‘ \ Q ‘- :1 \ 1" .JWais 03.11L3 VLsu311L4‘.LL111tngticz.131L1 untii; 1*e;.LLLteu LMJ53-4;131111 06:113 freuws UL. cu.i oz. occuzr:en«:e SJ. t‘x; L;1WJS " q H . ‘ r“ -: .. + .w 1‘ + 1~ _ + :L t 'uleL. .L I‘LJL: J 5/: (at-fr; l A L --+\. L16 h... _ L b \- bk) - ‘- § {1 0 N - -~ ”L -: a "f i w. ~. \' 1n, . 4‘ I V- ‘ ‘ : -e onc-'c 1.,ecL11L on. .Li‘c 1e. ‘oL1;1.e uecLeJLLl .1 I‘ .. ‘ - v. / :v ‘ I — -"' V - -. v ‘ -‘ ‘ .vu’f / . ‘- u-1 ‘ LAC. -. ’, C‘J.1l‘.z.-'0:: maze O'JLcdieu 1-01-1 ill/{31‘s. 8.10.411 {.2101 1.1:-10118. ‘1‘! O- |‘* - .‘. -\ ‘ ‘~ V‘ " '. '+' .'t ‘x l' . v-‘ ** '9‘ r- r ~ 3 —. . . ' . ‘f' ‘.‘ , . 4‘ . ‘ ... r‘ ‘ ‘u.;\—II-(L lbs), jfii$LlL-ClbOld .L\;‘L b l.’\'. . 1kg“ cUuOUlK- 1319 (n u Q‘Als V LC-L ...K'la. " ° ‘4. - _' , . a i- ' ' .. -. , ' c ‘ 4. - .- i13LVJt-L‘s .Lfix i.'\{_z . ‘ ’ J._O 1.51” 1J— C: JL-LwAl OV‘J—O—‘i O . l-) l ' l ’ n‘?‘ ' 7. _"V V ‘ 1- q k "‘ ‘, \ " ‘ - ' - I N -. -1’J v-I U tt'U-K: dileK-w-L-L‘ 0‘ r, \J' I‘ Cu '\ dou k -;U 1 {V} t b .11 U .1." k 7" K7 ’GlglfcliQ'lilstfiKf. lei ;nc;mni:c :4; Tt;fl;0cgltlwl ;.lfllfl.15»S Lot Incuii on. L1-:iictcscux*ic e; aegxigicn tqunnc SCLmbt ‘ -- -.* '. o‘ 1 -. “a ~- j - >.. .. - ~ *- -. : - ‘ . \ , 1 -I ‘\ to we mOfid 0: less icttd ULLULCSwLLOL lu 1J8 muscle (“-2 “-\ - ~ q 4“ fl Q r ‘. w- ' r-._ ‘ I ,— r“ . \ . ~v ' linses wLu p13 musculctu e cGCmCQ lOUce in LLL‘ C0868. ~ 11 u v. 3" - J" .m V. r A --v ..\ '- r- 1)" ~ ‘ H1" ' *- ~"+ ~ ~- .L.Il.L--\.L_. Just/1-; 0.1. IA‘jé.‘ 6:; ..JL‘-C OL'CZC‘..- ICU ‘i~Ll be 0.; “61‘. ‘ ‘ ‘, ”CD _rI ‘ .L o f _ 3“ ‘ ~ I ‘ rt I - . _t it _ ‘ 'N cuuiiiereniiuted QGSBLOH dul cell lLfilit‘ut¢Oh h¢c luch '3“ ‘t ‘. ”-11- :-~'2 v" '7? a 1,1 ~17. - t " -.\- ' an “1‘ l '1"! ? ."‘ e " “'4.‘om .LLL 11‘; ...LnLl" \— LL-C—-.L (JAAOJ— (A Calla JlbrlEJALQL L'A- lit.’ V (:1: COLzue L .L.'.AVIL; uss notiCable. LU even ii LO fliCthle of idese LCBVB; .Jiether tlnxre is cagf ccinx3_icn let xxx- :he c AJQfGS noted 11 the he rt cnd nervous tissues end ccccicicsis infection is difficult to Set. 111 - - hw‘r _J \L-.Z Lu” ,s . ..._—_...L 111 (0111-: c-1"c-:s 1.120.;-ll;,' me its ceet 03 i (i) Ucccidic in the cecc c1161 luxer 3:01.“;"01; of sucll intestii‘es. "_..“:1e fisflf1clx)'iccfil cnsjifes sire; 'Vcifiic; 4‘."O‘: ...-h N; (n P-- , -' V ‘ —' ' f1“. - " W‘ ‘-" ‘.;:,.a. : Llewelu’HIpfie cum i0...‘:..v.’.lch 0.. more Of leer. UlObeJLMLlibu cheesy mgtEDicl 1L fine cecw. Licrcscoyiceilf one sees: ',-J r): asst:"“*ticrx c; tacit u; 'tux cj'ifie Vtilli. Lug; 'lLJAl itfiAiles .s;d sslctifdig;" ()f tile :guc\)as id€hfl3P;118. itxe :sechll. cclztcigts consist of tissue debris Lucretic heteri 1, blood cells cud coccidic. ..‘eLLS 01' LNG 014, 11811.17“ 3:11.68 --.. H H g - C H c. L. 0 <1 (I) k- H ...) ('1' tact tne ceCe ere very seldom visibly e:;ecteu. yfidufihgi ‘ . ‘ I .- — .6. -4‘ 4 _ . ‘ -" common ens LAG otue’ sxgs-ci .zu.:;