HilllHl H INFLUENCE OF AxfiTlEEC [AL BREEDING ON PRODUCTION EN SEELEC'E'ES MICHEQAN SAEEY E-EERDS 129 T319525 5m fin; Degree 0% M. S. MICHESEN S'EA’FE ENEYERSEW Lyie Harry Wade-ll 1957 mm 01 “$111an mum OI m0! II mum HIGH!” mm m uranium Int-HM to tho 60110:. of talcum Items“ It“. flavor-1t: or talcum. and > Applied .01ch 1: partial mun-mt of tho ”quit-oat. ter tho «(no of “mo, comm Dayan-at 0! buy In: 1087 Apps-ova Ogre) Q maid/Kauai 54 1 W! Lmnmm ho 6.82! mot-lo ccnoctod color tho D.I.I.A.-I.D.I. procto- in mm tro- Octchor. It“. to Jon. 1m. to hot-do mu. hoth LI. and M1. “to" voro oool to only“ tho 1:21;.“ o! attach). brooding oo tho coootlc prop-«o 1o yrchctioo to lichtfll “LL-1.1.x. don" hoflo. loo mum-1 hood“; otroo hon oftoctol horlo o: attoroot lovolo o! pnhcttco ooo o1oo Mutintol. to noon “(too-coco hotoooh tho portornoco of tho ortlflcm douchtoro out tho production of tho .toro). ”to" to and tho “from In. ooch hood on “no o night Motion: to tho rootprccol of 1to vol-thou no mu to: Iooroooy. Iolototo. on Jorooy hoodo. Eho loloton LI. Mtoro ouooaot tho loo-dd. inchtoro h: 124 1‘. ct Am on! 8.7 1h. of tot. ho homo: LI. douchtoro cocoodol tho och-no.1. . coo‘htoro h: 3.9 11). of at it voro 6 13. of out holco tho ooHJ. louhtoro. n. Joroow LI. loochtoro ouoodod tho ooh-no.1. ”to” I: 16 1‘. of out. and tho ”no.1. anchtoro oxcoolod tho L1. “Motor h 3.? lb. of lot. lhoro ooo no nutrient trood tor AJ. douchtoro to yrodoco looo tho or non tho: comm och-LI. ”to" with“ homo ot 10.17- a; lmlo .1 production. to mootooo of tho noon oouhtol “from hotvoon LI. on! loo-no.1. ”to” to ntoro oqotvolont hotto rat co tho IJ. hottortot moon of tho ollor horl ntoo voro for durum 16. lolototo 1. not 2 um 1.113 mm Jam .16. comm. iotornlo ot tho at iovol nro Gunny. 4 to so. lolotoio. 4 to O. on Jorooy. 46 to 5. ho ho“. oiro. honi-oiro iotorocticn. ood rooidnl mto ct mimo nro obtoinoi h: oqntiu oooo oanoo to oxpoctoticoo in no “11o“ of m of ncordo fro- horlo ohich Dd both artificiol on! not-n]. looshtorot lo hord-oiro iotoroctico no (cool. to on hoodo tho ccopoooot to: hori—oiro intonation no oithor ooptivo or hoot-1: ooro. no common of nriooco ohtoinod ooro oioilor to thooo ropcrtoi provicooly h othor who“. mm 0! mutant. ammo OI moo II mourn umm mm IIBDI mem A I]!!! hhittoc to tho Canon ot Ammo-n hichiao Itoto Uninnit: of Agricultooo on Appliod Iciooco in portio]. mull-oat of tho roguirooooto for tho Moo of manor some: Donut-out of kit: 1957 5/}%/57 _..- .r' ’1'". n . - gt- ’1' '9 ‘f" E: worm Wfifl....oo.......o. maumm........... Ion loiatod. Diaormoo. . . . . . “WW“...... Mhtomtimoo...oo mum............. noncommuuuu... Inoloichtodhiflom....o Outnponryoooporiuu...... lo“inlotautioo.......o mm:on................ m................. mzo................ ummcxm............. W...........o ggOCOOOUOlI-‘g '3 r5 1"!" 118901“). littoroocoo lo Induction )otnoo 1.1. houhtoro All hoir loo-v1.1. Outnpomioo Io ho ho lord. . . . Dittorooooo )otoooo LI. Doughtoro And thoir lotoroi Goat-pond“ 1o huh Ali Loo Producing Halo. . . . holyoio of Vorioooo Aoi Ooopooooto to: Ooonoovo Anuoio ot'Vox-ioooo All Ooopooooto to: lolotoino Annoio of Voriooco Mi Ooopouoto lo:- Joroqo . Ammo Md. mm. to: in Ionic . . 14 1‘ 14 10 nmmonoo hootr-throo porooot‘ of hiohiao'o 925.000' nit: covo nro hood. ortiticion: in it“. hch no: thio poroootoco ioorooooo. Io' ono ototooithoooooroiornrpoooocthoflponoootimi. hoiocroooio; input-moo of ortitioioi htoodioc io Iiohino‘o hit: hintry io ohon hr cooporiooo oith tivo yooro ooriior. no. no: 01.418. cooo or ohoot 10 pox-cont of tho totoi Coir: coo pop-lotion of tho ototo ooro hoot orti- ticiony. 0t thio onhor Iichiao Artificio‘l hrooioro coopontivo pro- vidoiiOOpnoot ottho oorvicoo. Iiooo thot tioothototoionhorooi porcoot of oovo hoot ortiticion: hovo ooto thoo loonol. Monty-thooo porcut’ oi tho ortiticiol booting conico io Iiohi'o io oov provilod h, Iichiuo Artiticiol hooloro coopoxotivo. 8mm ortiticiol hrooiio‘ otuo oro loo )rovidioc oorvico io Iiohigoo. homo-poo otthioooooorohnoto mun-17“ thoionooooo of autumn hoooiioc on tho )roiootioo o: nonun- monk-1.5!. “inhomho oooitthoooootortitiom hroolil‘hooroollltolio (notic pron-coo in protoctioo. loo ortitioio‘i booting oiroo hovo ot- toctoo houo of intent motio coopooitioo no doc ionotiaotol. Ioliohuv ooi YM (195:) point out thot ooly o onii porooot of tho con oro on production tootio‘ not only o .11 porcoot ot thooo oto ortitioion: hood. hooo coolitiooo lioit tho otw of tho ionuhco o! ortificiol flooding. lovootiaotioo io rootrictod to thooo horio m hovoi'ocoi'u. hoflnltoofthioohdyopplytothioopociolmot tootod mm. In thooo roooito roloto to m ionoouo of mum-1 Woo m1»:- un mute. and hilotin hrooiio; oo utootoi horio nich prohohly poodooo iooo thoo tho tootoi honlo io oocoi'toio. mm or 1.1mm hooo Ioithtod Dittorooooo Antonio; tho nioo of ortiticiol hroodioc w on: nightod littor- oocoo hotnoo tho ova-go proactioo oi’ hoitoro ohtoinoi Iv ortitioioi tut-mu» ooi tho mom of othor hoitoro in tho no head no iirot oooi w lohortooo an M1 (Lou) u o my o: no: ortiticioi M’tiol mm. (on no oiroo :- o moo... our roouto to: on hrooio ton! on canton to: ortirioioi ioooointioo hoiioro of ooo ‘nlloo with o otoodord om: of {in union. to hunt noon nithtod dittorooco. tnoty-oix aouooo. with o otoolori on'or oi’ thin-tout p11ooo. w in on Mooioo bro-o. Io Cool-hoot cod mm“ hroodo maxim iooooiootioo mm. pm 1»- m cont-pour: hoiforo. tho Shorthon hot o ”tin iivo gonooo with o otooiori orror of oi: «11.... on tho cum no o ooptivo sou-m pun- with .,.W omit o1 ton (hum. I 1! Iohortooo on Moi (19M) ooooluoi thot tho out 710111 of hit. ”to” no tor: littlo iifloroot tro- thot of MI. induct-o. an ozpioiothooorooolto um: tho oirooooointuouyorooithor podiaoo or hm o‘pou‘roo oiro. bio iqlioo tht tho oiroo ohtoiooi to tho hood-no otolo troo .3. onto um oro coootioou: um- hottor tho tho oiroo tool ootoron: w thooo hordo provinoiy. an. io hoooooo m oiuonoontumhmoohtoioodtroohoriooqni nun-unpo- tootioi to thooo troo umh ortitioioi hroodio‘ oiroo voro ohtoiool. hohortooo on m (19:54) mm w coring. mm mm thot cu oiito not. of homo in ooch hrooi io littio. ii' ot on. (notinn: oo- porior to othor podi‘roo hordo and thot tho his dittoroococ in por- toroooco oro duo to congnootd' auto-pour: cooporiooo ittoqto bu hooo ndo to ooowor tho qoootioc. 'Do artificial. io- oooicotioo d-ghtorc proaco oinii’icontly dittoroot yioldo in halo with dittoroot Motion imio'. by o moo-ion of tho poodution of tho ortii’ioioi ionointioh dow‘htoro on tho hood ovoroco. lofliliiocd (1052) poioto oot thot tho uofoicooo or tho hood our c‘o dopoodo on how loch of tho dittorocco hotwooo ovoncoo io doc to goootio voriotioo. no oddc. “no not]: hord oworo‘o n, ho cood ot- toctiyoly to comet cocordo for you-1y dittoroococ in oovironoot h: nutrient; tcoo oooh rooord the hood ovoroco to: tho your in nioh it no pi'odlcod. M tho rotio of coootic to toto]. nriotioo ic ohont tho cno in tho dirforoooo hotnoo hord oworogoo oo it io within hordo. tho woof-icon ct tho hood oworoco io migihio'. . Inch (196‘) found thot tho atom prooto o! oicoo wood ortificioiiy voriod ooooidonhlydoo to tho foot thot ooch oiro'cproo! nondoioo dittoroot oowicooooct. lowowor. thooo io littlo oowiconootol voriotioc hotwooo oiroo oood ortificion: hoooooo tho doodltoro oi oooh cit-o copro- ooot o nopio of on: oovitoooootc. with owory oiro attic; o cioilor coopio. hioo (19“) holiovoo “no hord loco]. not-o tho you; an io to ho oood io tho crootoot dotocoinin‘ foctor it how Iuoh tho young holi'o douh’toro will. prohoo.‘ lo colic tho cooporiooo o! ortiticioi iconi- 6 ntioo douhtoro with thoic mi: hord owoncoo tho 'ocw iooh' io hrood- inc. nioh oohoo o corroctioo thot hoo oo ito oil tho ioworioc or oiioi- ntioc ct oovironoctoi oftocto. lohortooc cod Indoi (10M) cooporod m loco nichtod mum» of tho ortifioioi icooointioo hoitoro io hordo ot ditforoot iowoio of production with cont-pour: hord mmoo tor-od flo- tho oworoco pro- duction of tho ootcro cowo in tho ono hot-donor. lo concoi trood io thodii'toroocoonoocodoo thoiowoi ioorooood. hwtowodthoro- mooioc of tho tot porcoot or ottiticioi iooooiootioo hoitoro on tho ovoroco of oil othor oninio in tho ono hood-nor to ho 0.00 (f 0.”) to: oil hroodo. boy. thorototo. cocci-dod thot o toir proportion of tho votiotioo io tot porooct hotwooo hordo io coootic in origin. to co- groooioo of tho oiih production of ortifioioi iooniootioc hoitoro on tho prodoctioo iowoi of tho hood (or oil hroodo no 0.06 (£ 0.00) iodi- ootio‘ o noiior gnotio dittococco io oiih prodnctioo hotwooc hocdo. ho co‘roooioo of tho production of individooi rooocdo oo hocd pro- duction iowoio on on iotco-oico hooio choroid ho 0.5 it oil difforooooo hotwooo hondo oro contio ood 1.0 it tho: oro duo to coo-count. loodor- coc _o_t__o_i_ (10“) found tho iotco-oiro rogcoooioc of “to: co co- croocod cont-pour: hord ”01“. to ho 0. d. For Ion woichtod ditto:- oococ hotwooc ortiticioi' iooooinotioh douhtorc on ooh-ortiticioi io- oooiootioc douchtoro tho rocroooioc chooid ho ooro it oii dittoroocoo ho- twooo hordo on doc to mono” cod -0.5 it tho: oro oii gnotio. lord-Giro Iotccootioo bcoo cod lohortcoo (1056) in o otody or rcoordc tr. 13.000 oowo hrcd h: utiticioi iooniootico toood oo ovidcooc of on hordpoirc iotcrb ootioo to: yicid. oithor withio or hctwcoo noccnoot icwoic. hcptco cod Voriiodn (1“!) io o otod: of 24.766 dooghtcrc ct horooq. bictcio. ad Jcrcq oircc foul. tho hood-oiro iotcroctioo to ho oi’ iittic ioportoocc. 1o oil htccdc tho hord-oirc iotci'octico no coco or cool-1y co. oono poopic thioh thot opoouu hcccdioc voioo cod hordn-oiro mon- Iotioo oro coo cod tho c-o. Icwcvcr. tho hordu-circ iotocootioo coo coco nun cooc iotoroctioo hctwooo town cod nvironoot. Inch (nonto- tiooo nocific hroodio‘ nioo or tho poocoo o1 oiohio‘ oo tho ’hoooooooo whcrchoo cooc opooioi coopio of oowohiidwiiido hottot thooloiih. niic co ooothcr cocctiocii: dittoroot o-pic of oowo Don I on: do hottcr thoo 3:11 A. Loch (coo co to co: thot. '...oocoty cwidoocc tcoo don-y cottic iodintcc thot oi&io¢ ic of oioor ilportlocc. hchhiy it in" «ito coo-o. hot it iootoochnoii Wo thotwcwooido'tcotor coco; it wo tooccd tho cpocitio ohiiity or tho 'oichioc' cot of tho wic- dow onto: proocot condition." hoardiou of whcthor tho, occ or oro not tho noo. pronot otcdioo iodicotc thot ocithor orc of oojor ioportoocc. .1 Ottoo it io oocihi to how not portion of tho totoi vorincc on ho ottrihutcd to hoard ottocto (l2). oiro ottocto (I2), hocd-oirc iotocootioo (co). cod ditforooccc hotwcoo no..." or cooc oiro io oooc hood doc to nriotico io dooo cod onuronnontni cloocc (13). Oooot cod Inc‘otoo (1955) around '2 to m'go tron ao.1 to 37.5 pcrccot. :3 tro- 4.4 to 10.2 pcrocot. 1 cod )3 troo 68.2 to 63.2 pcrccot of tho tctoi voriotioo hotwooo oiogio roocrdo of hottcrtot mdootioo io coopioo troo 6.00 dooshtccc of 666 Iocrocq cod loictoio oirco. 36 no ocgiigihio. Iuccotcc cod Vcriiodoo (1066) fond tho concocoto of voricooc for 84,764 dowdatoro of Gloom". Eciotcio. cod Jccoov oirco to hot Ooorocoy loiotcio Joroow on; m 59; lot nag m a“ no.1; 29.5,, _ coat no.2; 19.9; out :3 «w 5.4 out o.“ 7.6} out to 0.0! 0.05 2.1! 1.2! 0.9; 0.0! :3 coat out 61.” no.1; u.» out hoptco cod Vcriiodco (1066) point out how tho torioooc ooopooooto coo houod not-o thorc orcgi‘irot douhtcro oooh inoditi'ccoot hood. no coacocioo of htnro douhtoro io dittorcot hcodc oo tho iicot tootod douchtoro coo ho writtoo: 77.22.: as ' 72-5322- monies no roocrdo oood coco not of 16.0“ his: lord Ioprowoocot iooooi- otioo rcocrdo ooiicotcd ndoc tho DJ. Lou-1.1.1. prom io him {too (Gotchor. 1066. to Inc. 1066. Go]: coqiotod rccot'do which nrc ot iooot i” dowo loo; nro iooiodcd. A11 rccordo O‘VOI' 306 don worc cot oft ot $6 don. hoco hordo io nioh hoth ortitioici cod ootuoi doochtorc oppoocod woro ocod. om ccnito tor loiotcio. doom. cod Jorooy hccodo wiii ho rcpoctcd hocoocc tho onhoro of cocci-do in tho ronioio‘ hrcodo nrc iooofi'icioot to nrcoot coy mono. wotiooooicc It no dcoidod thot tho ictorntioo ooiicd to: h: qoccticoo 0-11 of tho qocctiooooho would ho hoipfni io oooiyoioc tho roooito. nic iotorootioo no ooohtoioohio froo tho uoiiohio rocordo. locoooo ct thio o iottcr with o qoooticonoirc no proporod cod not to tho 3” hord ownorc whooo hordo woro imivcd in thio prohin. min of thio icttor cod quootioonoirc oro round in tho oppoodix. 31d”! “cont roton no roooiwod and tho ccnito oro ohowh co tho qoooticoooiroo I!” on me: loco loightod Dittcroncoo no hordo invoivod io tho ooo'o nightcd dittcrooco oooporiooo woro ncoc hordo io nid hoth ortifioioi ood ootoroi douhtoro hod tirot ioctotioo cocci-do. loco wcichtod diacrcooco wcrc ooopotcd to: ootni oiih.‘ootni tot. ootoro oquivoioot oiih. cod ootoro cooiwcioot tot. Ihoro o divioico no oodo hotnoo grodc cod rogictorod hordo. o hood with on (rodo ooiooio in it no cioccitiod co o grodo hcrd cod o miotorod hordoootoioodooiyrociotorodcoinio. Mcohordncccnpocodcf oovccoi hrccdo. it no hrohoo ioto hord-hrcod mo cod ooch cioocitiod oo o oopocotc hcrd. Bio procodorc i’oiiowcd io oohio; tho coiooioticoo no thot cot torth hy lohortooo ood loodoi (10“). Ito oooo nightod dittoroooc ic o dittcrcoco ncrcio tho owcrccc pcctorooooo of tho orti- tioioi doo‘htcro ood tho ovoro‘c productico of tho ootuoi dnchtcro orc oooh cicco o night proportioni to tho rociprccoi of their woricooo. no oooo woidltod ditroroocc no ooiooiotod oo ohon hcicw: ‘2‘1'5'1 a“. Ihorc: it...“ tho on o! ortitioioi rooordo in tho ith hot-d ' Icon Icightod rum-on. '1 I1...“ tho nohor ct ortiticioi cooordc io tho ith hood onto tho on o: ntuoi rcoocdo io tho _i_th'hocd ca...“ tho nohoc of ntoroi rocordo io tho _i_th hood. 0oc mdrod cod oovootr-oix Iciotoio hot-do iovoiviu 14.00 cocci-do ct ortitioioi cod cotuoi douhtoro govo for on choroctoriotioo otodiod o '. 10 pccitiwc dittcrcooc to: 1.1. hoitcro. no 6111ch for hoiotoio oiih no 126 D. cod 6.7 1h. for loiotcio tot. Io homo: ad Jcrcoy hrocdo coo-hi. hcii'orc onoodod 1.1. hcitcro in oiih cod io tot. ccopootivoiy. ”Modoodthirtoooflocroooyrcoordo io33hordchodooooowoi¢ht~ oddittoroucforoiihot-dih. ood8.01h. for fit. 0ochoodrodood twooty-ocvoo rcoordo in 17 «long hordo poo o oooo wouhtod dittoroooo for oiih or 16 1h. nod 4.7 1h. for tot. bhio 1 ohowo tho oooo nint- od diitcroocco. m 1 cm: II manna! mm 6.1. ms maniacal-no.1. mammal» 33. o? lo. 0? To; icigtod Diflorcoooc io 15, lo.“ initicioi lotoroi tooi ll . find hordo lcccrdo locordo in): l‘ot Em To't oto i 0 .0 6.7 kodc hoiotoio 160 667 676 86 0.6 60 1.7 log. loiotcio , 66 111 106 366 11.6 670 11.6 611 Cool-coo: 66 116 107 -10 3.0 .6 6.0 6ndc honooy 26 06 116 ~31 1.6 .07 3.1 log. “crow 6 fl 6: 30 6.0 71 10.6 611 Jcrcoy i7 66 76 60 -0.7 16 4.7 dado Jot-coy 12 66 86 118 3.3 66 -0.6 2" Jot-cg # g 10 36 ~73 4.6 46 4.6 Inc miotorod Iciotoio cod anon-q hordo chowod o my: ponmvo dittcroocc thoo did tho grodc hordo. in tho coco of tho Jcroon. honvoc. tho podo hordo hod o ior‘or pooitivo ditrorcnoo for oiih with iittio ammo 1.: tot. Moo nicoc foil withio tho romeo chocflod h: lohortcoo cod loodoi (1066). Do ninoo ohtoiood horo oohotcotioto tho ooooicoioo thot thcro io iittic ditforcooo hctwooo tho productioo ct ortiticioi cod ootoroi ii dooghtcro. It no fond thot cocci: on tho hordo udor otody hod hooo ooio‘ o rogiotorod doc or o oiro h: o rogiotorcd oiro prior to coin; ortii'icioi Ill-coding. Onto-pour: 0ooporiooo do oooiyoio c1 noioocc no oood to dctoroioc nothcr tho oooo woidntod dittorcocoo worc oiaitioootiy ditforoot ot voriono iovcio of production of hordc. ho io'oio o: production in thio ooqoriooo oto hoood co tho ooto:c occinicot tot oworogo of tho cowo in tho hcrd ot tho no tioc htoctooodioflioprovimooqoricoo. Itchcrdcworodi- Vidod iotc roogco of 60 pondo ct ntocc coninioot hottortot. i.o. 060-300. ”-660. oto. 0min“ woro thoo oodo o: ditforohocc hotwooo 1.1. douhtoro ood non-no.1. manor. co ootni oiih. ootooi m. ntu'c oqwivoioot oiik. cod ootoco cqoivoioot tot. no dittcroocoo io ootooi oiih for tho Gooncq hoood oro nuns:- cootiy diffcrcot ot tho 5 porcoot 1on1. I. n11 othor ooooc oo oin- oitiooot dittcrooco oppooccd hctwcco tho oooo wcidntod dittoccnooo ct dittorcot icvoio c: pcodootioo. no oooo nightod dinorooooo ot ditto:- oot icvoio o: ptcdootioo orc ohowo io inhio 2. moo rcooito chow co cipitiooot trood for 1.1. don‘tcro to poc- dooc icoo thoo or ocro thoo oootooporory mod. I. douhtcro withio hordo ot vowing iovcio of pndoctico. Io tho coco of tho loictoioo tho oo- oiyoio oi' miuco aowc io Iii cocco oo I-t'oioo o1 iooo thoo coo. d roccocoioo mic of thooo no doto with tho iodcpoodcot mi- ohio hoioc tho ootoro oninioot hottoctot ovoroco of tho oidor hord ntoo BM “6.1. mum: on mm mm commas I! [103 LID LOU P303101” mo _A~ w.” . -_ m... wmfi— ~ ‘ _,-. n. I. V I ' — _ luohor of- loco 'cmtodwrcooog lottcrfot Rcoordo ' do I . , - . . .. . _ """1!!! Elia; “fl um 1'61 - nu: 660-690 1 i 1 ~66“ ~66 ~6666 ~66 600-660 16 61 66 ~i60 ~6 ~106 --7 660-” 0 66 66 ~666 ~16 ~666 ~10 “0-660 6 61 i0 776 66 776 67 660~600 6 61 66 76 6 166 6 loiotoio 660-600 1 6 1 ~6666 -iii ~6666 ~166 600-660 11 66 60 601 66 679 67 zoo-ac 66 an? 116 ~66 ~i -oo --1 00-660 66 666 166 06 6 166 6 660-600 67 666 166 ~166 0 -666 ~1 600-660 I! 66 76 666 10 716 6 ;~- oto—eat '6 66 66 166 ~6 666 -6 «30,660 6 10 6 . 666 66 1071 66 Jcrooy 7 ”0-666 1 i i 1766 06 6166 no 600-660 6 10 16 160 66 . 166 66 660-30 7 61 i7 ~661 ~66 ~661 ~66 600-660 6 16 to «o 0 606 .. 6 660-600 1 6 1 ~76 ~66 66 ~66 ggg-fl 1 W 7 6 176 L W 460 16 cod tho dopoodoot voriohic hoiu tho oooo nightcd dittorcooo for ootu-c conivoioot hottorfot {on tho toiiowio‘ rocroooioo ocottioicnto; Wood 16. i7. loiotoio 1.06. cod Jot-coy «46.66. ltoodord omrc of ootiooto ohocrvod worc loiotoio 70. doom» 76. cod Jot-coy 66. no rcgroooioo ooottioiooto worc tcctcd h: o I-rotio cod toood oot to ho oi;- oitioootiy ditfcroot {coo ooro ot tho 6 porooot iovci. 0cotidoooc iotor- cnio ot tho 6 pot-cont iovoi for tho cocroooioo cootficicoto oto; Gama (-6.66 to 66.66). loiotcio (-6.60 to 6.60). cod Jot-cow (-66.8) to 6.66). hcoo rcnito woro tootod for iiocority cod no cvidooco no ioond thot 16 tho rciotioochi, no oot iiocor. not-c no oo ciaifiooot dittcroocc hotwoa tho rcgrcccico coctticiato toad ad coco: hot. ocwctthoicoc. thooo ooictc o oii‘t iioooc rciotioochip. i'ho ctaiocd orrorc oto co iorco tut tho oqntiooo orc of iittio nioc io cctinticc poocihio ioprownoot of 6.1. dnchtorc ot vocicoc hood ionic. lord-din iotocootioo no hord-circ iotoroctioo ad othcr coopoaotc o! woriaoc woro ch- toiood Iv antic; ooa cont-cc to copoototiooc to a aoiycic or voriaoc of coooodc tron hordc noun hod hoth ortiticioi cod ootwroi douchtorc. lch ortificioi ccoot'd no ozprcccod oc o doviotioo tron tho oworcgo ct oiiootoroi oowoiotho cachcrd. lopootodrcoordcothothortitioioi ad atuoi daohtcrc woco oiiointod in o condoo aoocr. Onontiooo woro coopictod oo ootoro cuitoiat oiih ad atu'c cqoinioot tot. lo hood-ciao iotcrootioo no (cool to thio ctolly io tho ton oo pro- Vioooiy dotiocd. lho rcooitc orc non io i'ohioc 6—6. Io on non tho hord-ciro iotaoctioo no oithcr ooaotivo or oooriy coco. lontivo iotoroctioo ooopoocotc ac ohtoiood noo tho hordc ad circc orc toad to ho ooro oiiho thn cnootcd. noco cocoitc coopoco tmrohiy with thooo ct Iocco ad Iohortooo (1066). Logotoc ad Voriioioo (1066). ad Inch (1060). hcco rcooitc now thot oiroo wiii ho rotod ohoot tho cao ro- ncdicco of tho troop oi oowc with which thou‘ orc ntod. no voriaoc ooopooatc ad porcoot or miaoo oiictod to ciroc. hordc. ad om:- oppoor io thico 6-6. nonriaocdootohordc modhctwcoo 16ad66pcrooot. voriacc 16 616111616 01 mm m comm 1'01. MS orco of Yo c D l' toi 667 Iirc 76 6616” lord 66 6066” logictorod vc 0rodo 1 13326" lotoooo lordc wi/oiooo 67 6061" lord o Biro 67 ~11? 61cc 3 logictctcdtlrodc 6 666 noaiodor 66 ~17? m: 2231921! 2 1'0 can" 33 3a 340 14 c 10797" 13 794 1003 as c) 31177» « 10439” 388 no 10 .618 O O 706 -67 ,‘fi. -‘o “v Voricoco Porcoot 7 it ~, L'--11o11to of 70 .r. r. I... _, -,‘ 3111.13 Tm; . ’1 m 1495 8.1;.- - .. . 196 coco” 703w c3 244 .45. o. . 1 lord cu coco" 11667” n3 1050 1151 21 17 logicth to Grodc 1 6036 16622 )otwooo lordc wi’oiooc zoo 9531" 11259" lord x 6iro - _ 771 3200 4744 to ~66? ~616 o o dirc x Motorcdwro‘dc to one" moot - haciodor 711 6667 6766'“I L13” ‘3 1 - mo 6 ‘ wucummmmom.m macro. 0cto1 06 Iiro 66 6&1 lord ao 6&6 logictcrod vc Grodo i 1066 Iotwooo Ecrdc wi/cioco 19 6066 lord x Biro . i7 ~1660 Biro x hccictorcderodo 6 1611 loniodor 16 ~6161 lrror ”dinitioat ot c 16 mm . ,:~2."o, 74711.32 454 1666 1o 12 10666 13 son 1oco 17 1c 14: 11407 .3707 m we 0 a 7m .7163 'im “111311“ 3 1o-35 I ”"fiW 15 duo to oiroo hotvooo 1-14 porooat and. orror nrimo hotvooo 53-84 porooIt an no hora-lino iotorootloo. n 411 hroodo :3 m1. holov tho app» tom of thooo {inroo ottoinod by Count «1 Loptoo (19“) old L‘too at rhino. (1966). Mr. tho Iolotoih tot ‘3 ohd Joroow hilt out tot 13 £411. to1ov pronoun-1y total rigor“. no ron1to for 82 1441.414 thot tho Iolotoih oiroo hood voro a: “not «In motion]. who. out thot tho Jorooy oiroo not "riot oonoiiorouy in thoir coutiool who. no “notion ho to tho dittorooooo hotvoon longhtoro of tho o-o oiro to tho no hori ho to Ill-lotion 13 duo oil cum-44m onooo ('3) ooooutot for tho ooJor portion or tho totoJ. urionoo. luopt for tho Ounooyhrooi thol’hmoooooohgrootor thohroportod 14141-4. no l3 for tho Quorum brood. io “nor thon potion” noon“. 16 DIMBIIOI an 14:44 invoivoi u an. may oro ohovo 4mm 14:44 4: 1414111.: diohonloooohwooqoriocthopromuohhmootthooohordom in ”lo 6vith tho production o! tho ovoroco oov autumn. 6600 lb. of silk. ho ovoro‘o mum: of thooo hordo in 611 hot-hon is n11 otovo thio Intro. m 6 4m WI. manual m 41.1. ms ~.. mm 111 D - _ - lordo lorio Itdioi Brood. lubor t ' 1 - . Ii t lolotoih 13.899 11.866 466 5.340 12.170 - - Grodo 7.01 11.701 an 2.931 11.641 437 logiotoroa 6.466 13.6» 466 3.460 13.666 461 “no. 6.067 6.30 661 1.001 6.166 666 No 1.401 6.167 67! 06 7.644 670 logiotorod 1.646 6.68 06 611 0.400 «07 Jorooy 1.677 7.80 666 466 7.664 00 , into 766 7.463 604 204 7.666 401 W mu 449 1 200 mm 3.9. know-{ito porno-t o2 thooo hordo hovo hooo unis ortitioiol. trod:- intor1ouorthoo6monltodq66porouto£thonorouiuorti~ :ioiol booth; ouluivou. 66 porooot oro toil; oo1ootivo noting. out 14 porout of tho horio roport tho oro ottuptto‘ to follor oono (or. of 11mm 61w tho ronltio‘ “Doro tron tho motionoiro oro .11, thoro io ouo iouootioo thot tho croao horio oro booting thoir hottor con ortittoiony ooro tronootly tho. tho rogiotoroi honio. boro io o1oo o .411 portio- ot tho undo 14:44 thot brood tho rogiotoroi 441.14 in thoir hon! ortitioion: and tho croto «1.414 in thoir hora hotnrony. 17 an an. hordo hnvo n motor tau-aw to 3:444 thoir 14174:. nntnrnny th- tho rociotorod horn. h lorcor portion of tho erodo hordo chin to ho trying to follov n lihohroodin‘ pron-n. ho “horn nro Inn. hnt thoro noon to ho no indiootion thnt tho horio nt n 1n 1ovo1 4: prolaotion oro brooding thoir hottor corn orti- (141411;. oni tho hottor horio brooding thoir pooror oono mummy. m- in ohon h: totniotint qnootion 11 or tho qnootionnniro 4444:4143 to 1ovo1 of probation. Sonny-two poroont 4: tho horio in thio otndy hovo noro thnn ”- oono nni oonnty-oovon poreont Into hoon on o tootiu procrnn 1on¢or till 4 non. ' in down pronoun. tho ovorn11 noon noichtoi iittoronoo hotnoon 6.1. ”torn not non-4.1. “torn io pooitivo. honour. noon-1y fl poroont 4: tho horio in thio otndy hm noantivo noon noightoi littor- onooo. no iittoronooo in prolootion hotvoon 6.1. Inchtoro 4.4 non-4.14 don‘htorovithinthoonnohorlooonto onpport thoidonthntthooiroo noot tw tho brood“; otnoo nro 1itt1o it on conotionny onporior to tho oiro. Wino]: hood now-411:. Prior to noinc nrtifiom hroodiu 66 ”rout of tho horio inolnlol. mor thio otnly noro noin; n rogiotorod oiro oro oirohyorngiotoroi oiro. lorty-ronrporoontot thooohorio thnt tow nro noin; nrtitioin and ntnrnl oiroo wont]: hro noin‘ .tnrnuy n rogiotoroi oiro or n oiro h: o ro‘iotorol oiro. Iho 1on1 of protution at tho horn in thin otnly indiootoo tut tho nonroo 4: tho oiroonoodntnronyooudhvohoontho o-onothooonrooortho oiroo nood. I, tho brooding otnio. 16 A ton of tho hrondin'g Dunn tor tho hordn on ELLL-IJJ. no lonht onno tron thohont of thooo hnrln. fin Drooling otnihonnvor “nonpu- dlnnon n oiro tron ono of. tho boot D.H.1.A.-1.l.l. hordn hnt m4 nro 1iho1y pnrohnoo tron on 'o1ito' brooding hori. h 'olito' hrooting horn in n popnior hori tron nhioh tho loin-Inn in noting it n tnoinooo to non hrootling ntooh. ho intoronting point in thnt tho hottor ELLA-1.3.5 hordo nw ho no good gonotionn: on tho 'o1ito' brooding horin. tho ”or littoronoon toning to oniro-ont. Monro. n portion of tho hordo on 1.3.3. dlouu n1oo ho ino1nlo4 on tho 'o1ito' horin oi tho ntnto nnll nonu to no good. o oonroo tor yon-g tn11o for tho otni no tho 'oiito' hrooding hordn. It tho niron nnol not-roll: nnd nrtitioinlly nnro totally oQInl in gonotio potontinl. no 4.414 horny oxyoot n 1nrgo Mot-noon hotnoon 1.1. not non-4.1. longhtorn. honour. it no nonnnoi tho oiroo not! by tho ntuo nun tron horin nt n highor p1nno of production thu thooo in thin otnly. .no on nti11 oxp1oin tho ronnlto. in hohortoon nni Moi (1964) )ointoi ont. tho 44-4411“ 'o1ito' horio nro not noooooorily gonotionn: onporior to tho horin nnlor ntniy ninoo tho Nor dittoronoon hotnoon hordo noon to ho ho to onvironnontnl ooniitionn. no ponitivo littoronoon or 4.1. our non-4.1. nro grontor tor rogintoroi thnn grndon in the Guns-oto: ond Ioiotoin broodo. no rovnrno in tron for tho Joroq trod. In tho lo1otoin not Onomoq hroodn tho rogiotorod ninln hnro n highor mrogo thnn tho undo thinnlo Mor nrtitioini or notnrni. In tho Jornq brood nrtiticini grndoo honour «Wot tho rogiotorod. no rogrnnnion of tho noon noightod omn- 19 ono'on on horn nvorngoo indionton nn inoronno in non noightod dittoronoon for on inoronoo in horn nvorngo tor tho lo1ntoin an Onornnoy hroodo. Ionovor tho Jornovn horn n nogntivo rogroonion. rrovionn to thin oto” it hi hoon Wt poohnpo thnt 4.1. Innghtorn non14 roooivo on inoronoing pooitivo noon noightoi iittoronoo to n oortnin p1nno of pronotion nnd thnn 1on1 off. giving n onrvilinonr ro1ntionnhi) hotnoon honi nvorngo nod noon mum 41:74:41.4». h. .m. m. m n linonr rointionnhip nith no tontonq to hooono onrvilinonr. ho noon noighton iittoronooo tonal to got nightly 1nrgor no tho hora. 1ovo1 inoronnon hnt not nignitionntly no. At n 1on 1on1 of probation tho hono- titn of on nrtii‘ioin1 oiro onnld. ho 44.441144 ont it tho onviro-ont giving n grontor dunno for n nnn11or or nogntivo noon noightoi “from. n» «In mortod. w mm. no non-41:4 intornction. um nrtitioin1 niron nnn ho oon’nroi nithont tnhing' into nooonnt tho horin in nhioh thoir unghtoro opponrod. bin Coon not noon. honour. thnt it noun not ho n goon idon to orprono tho longhtor'n ”motion no n doti- ntiontron thohorinvorngo infiid it nppnnrnnhonoonpnrinonnnrn nnto. no orproonion of; tho «Innator'n prodnotion no n dovintion tron tho hora nvorngo n'ido in o1ininnting n portion of tho minnoo ho to real: onvironontnl ooniitionn. ' ho 1.4: noight nnd ngo nt troohoning of tho firnt hotntion dnnghtorn noro n1oo hnnlloi by tho noon noightoi littoronoo nothon. lhny tinon a. to11oning nro iiotod no ndtnntngon for 4211114141 brooding: 1) on. nhility to brood hoiroro nt on onrlior ngo on 6) tho nhiiit: to brood hoitorn Inn in nino. boon tnn notorn. nino nnd ngo. do nftoot tho so prodnotion of on oni-i nnd noro ntodiod to non it tho: hnd on: ndtoot on tho diti'oronoon ohoornod. horn no 1itt1o difroronoo hotnoon A. 1. dnoghtorn ad non-L1. ”torn in my of tho hroodo in ngo nt i'irnt onlving. horn on no dirroronoo hotnoon lointoin 4.1. dnnghtorn ond non-4.1. dnnghtoro in hody noight nt tirnt onlving. rho Jornq n.1, donghtoro nnro 60 1h. hnnvior thon tho non-L1. donghtorn in body noight. ho Gnonnoy non-LI. dnnghtoro noro no 117. honvior thnn tho 6. 1. dughtorn in body noight. boon difforonoon nrn inoignii'ionnt Mouton of tho tnrintion thnt oxiotn hotnoon oninnlo. boon roonito ohon thnt LI. dooghtorn or MI. ”torn ohonid not hnvn on odvontogo our tho othor Dunno or body noight or ngo nt firot outing nnd. thunk. nti'oot tho )rodnotion' noon noightod dirtoronoo units. A ntnd: to non if thooo hordn noing no1ootino nting nro notnnu: roooiving hottnr roon'lto thon thooo hordn noing niron rondonl: ohtninod nonld to n good oddition to thooo roonltn. noon roon1to on not nppiy dirootly to hordn nt n dittoront 1on1 of production thnn thooo hordn in thin ntody. In hnvo noon thnt tho. inportnnoo of onvironnontni condition otor Mono tho inportuoo of tho niron. hordn. nnd hood-oiro intornotion. m. oxp1nino 1n: thorn in not n inrgor ndvnntngo for A. 1. dnnghtorn nt tho 1onor hub of pro- dnotion. A1... nith 1onor 1nvo1n of production in non: mm. a... 4 poor onvirouont. Mouton thnt tho hordo nt tho 1onor 1on1 of pro- dootion no not nt tho o-o 1on1 gonoticnl): no tho brooding hordn. no oon1d oxpoot tho 5.1. niron to holp thooo hordo nt n ionor 1on1 or prodution to n grontor oxtont it tho onvironnont in not nnoh thnt it n111 oovnr op tho ottootn. 1! tho oiroo nnod by thooo hordn nrn not gonotionuy nnporior to thooo provionoir nood nntnrnn: no tho ronnito tond to indionto. hot on finnohordndot no rnnn1to nhon thnt tho tnnoropinnonnnhingon 11h- oronood noo o: .nrtiricini ’orooding. 1: thow oro to noho on: oignirioont gonotio progronn. tho brooding otndo nnot tor-unto oiro oo1ootion pro- gronn thnt ni11 prodnoo nnporior oiroo ovoi1nh1o to n11 of thooo hordn. lho rooorclo nood in thin ntnd: noro pnrt of 16.944 rocordo oo11ootod nndor tho“ progr- in lidxm tron Ootobor. 1964. to Jnno. 1956. Coanioono noro nndo botnoon 6.1. dnoghtoro ond non-4.1. dnoghtorn for tho Onornooy. lolntoin. ad Joroq hroodo. ho lo1ntoin 6.1. dnnghtorn ooooodod non-6.1. donghtorn In 124 1b. nilh nod 6.7 1b. Int. no Onornnoy 6.1. dnnghtoro onooodod tho non-6.1. donghtorn 6.9 lb. or tot hot noro 6 1b. of nin: bo1on tho M1. donghtorn. ho Joroq 6.1. hoghtornonoodod thooo-4.1. dughtorowulb. otnilhudthonon- 6.1. donghtoro ouoodod tho 6.1. ”torn In 3.7 lb. 4: tot. hogroooiono of tho ditforonooo botnoon 6.1. on! non-4.1. donatoro on tho oontonpornr: hord mrngo noro 1. 16. nnd ~16 for lo1otoin. Gnornooy. nnd Jornoy. ronpootivolr. For onoh brood tho rogrnnnion oooi’tioiat no tonnd not to dittor odgnirionntly tron noro. boon ro1ntionohipn noro not onrvilinonr. Ln “Join of “onto ohonnd thnt thorn no u hord-nirn inton- notion. an tnrinnoo oonponontn ohtninod noro ninilnr to thooo pro- riono1: obtninod. mu no 1ottor ond qnnotionnniro nont to in 240 hord onuro involvod inthiontndynppooronthotomningthrooplgon. horonn1tnontho onootionnniro nro around no n poroontogo .1 tho totnl onootionnoiron rotnlnod. Ihoro tho poroontogon odd to noro thno 100 poroont. nn1tip1o ononoro noro poooibio. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 3‘ OP AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE 0 EAST LANSING COLLEGE OE AGRICULTURE 7 DEPARTMENT OF DAIRY Dooonhor 14. 1966 mo "or n otnd: nnn ntnrtod to dotornino nhnt offooto nrtii'ioinl brooding ho hnd on Kiohipn hordo. At thio tino no nood your holy to oonp1oto thin rononroh. noro nro oortnin itcn of informtion nhiohonnboobtninodonlytronyon. Ionoudnpproointo it umnoud ohooh tho nyproprinto nnnnorn to tho onootiono on tho onoioood toot ad rotnrn tho motionnniro in tho propnrod omiopo. 1onr hord ni11 not bo idontiiiod nith thio infornntion nor n111 on of tho roonlto pnbiiohod nontion you lord. Blink ru- linonroly yon". m. I. nan-11 lononroh Aooiotnnt 10. m 6 Iolotoin. 77# min 0 In. Jorooy 11 blooponoo 9 Onnonooy 16 hair—5“- )o’nnhnnnnnygrndooonninyonrhordr Ion_ Q In 19 lolooponno 1 Ion-woundoyonhnooinyonrhnrdt hoonthnn10 1 M 17 lohonponno 6 1M 66- M 9 M 37 horohnn$9 Onrtin 0nd; 0".) Mo 41 hnnrionn hroodorn Sortino 46 Indy: hroodorn Connorntino 4 Othor L In hnponon 6 _ not 53 m4__ 7___ mun-10$ 1o 76f fi- 66f 10 Inhooponno 4 loniongbvoyonbonnoingnrtifioiolbroodixl honothoniyonr 6 Hyonro A IUD-quot 6 1-61onro 6 “porn Hyonrn g hongortlnn6yonro75 Priortonningnrtitioinwoodingnoromnningnrogiotorododrot Inn 76 ' lo 3 lolooponoow 6 . 1thonogrodo.uohobynrogintorodnirot Inn 12 In 6 lolooponno g Lroyonnonnoingnntnrnloorvioonlnngnithnrtifioinloorvioot Inn 46_ lo 66 lolonponno 6.. In tho bollnoodnntnrnuy. rogintorod't Inn 69 lo 4 _ lolooponno 04 1! ho in grndo. no hin n1” rngintnrndf Inn 6 lo 1 . 11. I! yon nro noing both nrtii'ioin). ond nnt'nrnl oiroo. thnt dotorninoo nhioh 1.1» nro nntod to onoh? 16. dro yon noing oo1ootino nntingt ‘oo 66 lo 76 . In In nponoo 4 13. 4:4 m fo11oning 4 1ino brooding progron m tho noo o: nrtitioinl brooding! Inn 14 lo 66 lo hooponno 1 14. 1! yon hot-n nny odditionni oonnonto. plonno odd tho. ammo 01m Innnt. 6.6.. nnd Lognton. «1.9.. 1966, ho lointino Iorito or lino hnnonroo of n airy Siro'n Irnnonitting Ahdlity. Jonrnnll. of Dnig Boionoo. 3681411. Don—hot 1966. londoroon. 0.1.. dnrtor. 6.7.. not Godrrq. J.9.. 1964 Uoo of fin Contonpornry lord Anorngo 1n Apprnioing MN 9m- .1 Mr: 3-11" W. 16:969. 1964. hognton. J.n.. fox-nun. 7.3.. 4-4 londrioh. 3.7.. 1954 ‘ lirn by lord Intonotion in rrodnotion Ernito in hniry “tun. Jm of m! 601g. 3081055. My 1956. - hnoh. 1.1... 1949 lotinnting rho )rooding Voino of Young John. 19220 . rnnol Dioonooion-ho Job or Dniry lord Inprovonont. lnorioon Dniry Ioionoo Aoooointdon looting. 1noh. 6.6.. 1964 , ' Inprovnnont m Artitioioi Irooding. m lroodoro £3233. 9021036. April 16. 1954. “‘3 1.190. I“. ”mat. m. I,“ no rrogony rooting 0! Dniry m1- Lt Dittoront 1min or rrodnotion. to J or «1 4714;667. “111M. hobo. 1966 Unoitlnooo of tho lord inorngo 1n lotinnting lrooding 7n1non oi’ Dniry 0ntt1o. an , loin lo, g. In 9tnto 0011ogo. ~‘o 10’. Mo lion. 7.». 1964 Artitioin or htnrnn Both! lot to ho no.1 rum). mg Broodoro J92)... 96:766. Ion-bor 16. 1964. “3616698. ‘1“. m “I. Jo‘.’ 1* ho tortomnoo 0: Hoitoro Got. 6y Artitioinl Inn-inntion. 6m oi" 513mm Being. 44:6. 1964. 9n11nhnry. 0.6.. ond Vnnbonnrh. 1.1...1966 1n drtitioind Innoninntion Doing 6 Good Joht. .w m. Antun 1966. 776169. W 1 would 11b 40 osprooo w mun“ to Dr. 6.). mm. for mupooiuotorootourryouthionrk. 1-o1oopoouyio- «but ”Dr. 1.6. marmu-umoumm. in tho pun-inc. W. int-mom nan-mu of this storm. I oodl1ihoboflodmthonh4oh.h.l.loflooonlr.kl.l’o¢4 for thou- Moo o‘ b13641 caution. 51?th o1oo cooo 4o 6:. A. holo- oollr. 1. Into for thoir oooiotoooo ool toohion oivioo in mmuunmummummm. 11311:. qowmmuqmuumuum-uupuim tor-onion“. Date Due Demco-293 I IIII'HHINHIII 93 03177 7976 l l I II I. II I! ll II I ll [ll I' III II I I ll, ’ l I [I I III. It'l‘. ll l I’ I I ll 1 I 31