THE EFFECT QF % PESTECIDES ON TUEFGRAfl GROW ANQ NEWER TRANSFG‘RMATEONS EN SQBL Thesis {or “10 Degree of M. S. MICHEGAN STATE UMVERSLITY James W. Timme‘rman R968 THESIS ‘ L [BR/1R Y Michigan State fa...‘ University ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF SELECTED PESTICIDES ON TURPGRASS GROWTH AND NITROGEN TRANSFORMATIONS IN SOIL By James W. Timmerman A study was made of the effects of selected pesticides on turfgrass growth, interactions with turf fertilizers, and nitrogen transformations in soil. In general, the two organophosphate insecticides B25141 and Diazinon and the fungicide Tersan-OM increased top growth, per cent nitrogen in the leaf tissue and nitrogen uptake during certain periods of growth in both the greenhouse and field experiments. Turf color was also improved by these pesticides in the field. Acti-dione thiram depressed growth in the greenhouse. All other pesticides had no effect. These effects were more noticeable in the first month after application, and were magnified when 10 times the recommended rate of the pesticides were used. Soil mineral nitrogen (ammonium + nitrate) in pots receiving Milorganite as the nitrogen source was significantly higher than the no pesticide treatment when treated with B25141 and Cadminate at the recommended rate, and B25141, Diazinon, Dieldrin, and acti-dione thiram at 10 times the recommended rate in the greenhouse. This was not observed in the field. In a laboratory incubation study, Tersan-OM applied at rates of possible accumulations over a period of time increased ammonification and nitrification in soil receiving Milorganite as the nitrogen source. Diazinon, 325141 , Dieldrin, and Calo Clor at these rates resulted in inhibition of ammonification. All pesticides caused significant changes from the control soil in patterns of ammonification and nitrate accumula- tion from Milorganite . THE EFFECT OF SELECTED PESTICIDES ON TURFGRASS GROWTH AND NITROGEN TRANSFORMATIONS IN SOIL By . “'0“ \ .‘ “ . James W. 1mmerman A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Soil Science 1968 ‘1' @4997) D rj~as«68 To Barbara ii ACKNOWLE DGMENT The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Dr. P. E. Rieke who has given generously of his patient guidance, helpful advice, and understanding encouragement in the preparation of this thesis. Grateful acknowledgment is also extended to Dr. A. R. Wolcott, IX. I. B. Beard, and Dr. B. D. Knezek for serving on the author's graduate committee and for their valued counsel and support. The author is deeply grateful to his wife, Barbara, for her constant encouragement and tireless efforts in making this publication a reality . iii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONO...O.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LITERATURE REVIEW Effect of Pesticides on Plant Growth-Beneficial . . . . . . Effect of Pesticides on Plant Growth-Detrimental . . . . . Effect of Pesticides on Microbial Numbers . . . . . . . . . Effect of Pesticides on Ammonification and Nitrification METHODSAND MATERIALS . . . . . . . . Greenhouse Experiment 1 . . . . . . Greenhouse Experiment 2 . . . . . . Field Experiment . . . . . . . . . . Laboratory Incubation Experiment . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . . . . . . Greenhouse Experiment 1 . . . . . Greenhouse Experiment 2 . . . . . FieldExperiment ............. Discussion of Greenhouse and Field Results laboratory Incubation Experiment Discussion of Results of Laboratory Experiment SUMMARYAND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BIBHmRAPHYO......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO APPENDIXO...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO iv 25 25 31 35 54 59 69 73 77 83 LIST OF TABLES Tables Page 1. Pesticide chemicals used in greenhouse, field, and laboratorYStUdieS OOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOIO 17 2. Materials compared as nitrogen source . . . . . . . . . . . . . l8 3. Soil treatments imposed on air-dried Hodunk sandy loam priortoincubation 23 4. Effect of pesticides on top growth of Pennlawn creeping red fescue and soil mineral nitrogen in Hodunk sandy loaminthegreenhouse..................... 26 5. Effect of pesticides and nitrogen carriers and rate on top growth of Pennlawn creeping red fescue, grown in Hodunk sandy loam in the greenhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 6. Effect of pesticides and nitrogen carriers on top growth of Cohansey bentgrass under field conditions . . . . . . . 36 7. Effect of pesticides and nitrogen carriers on per cent nitrogen in leaf tissue of Cohansey bentgrass underfieldconditions .. 40 8. Effect of pesticides and nitrogen carriers on nitrogen uptake of Cohansey bentgrass under field conditions . . 43 9. Effect of pesticides and nitrogen carriers on relative turf color rating and density counts of Cohansey bentgrass under field conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 10. Effect of pesticides and nitrogen carriers on mineral nitrogen content of field soil on October 5 . . . . . . . . . 49 11 . Effect of pesticides on relative numbers of microbial groups in field treated soil, September-October 1967 . . 52 12. Effects of pesticides and time of incubation on the change in soil ammonium levels between each sampling date in Hodunk sandy loam with Milorganite appliedasthenitrogensource ................ 60 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table Page 13. Effect of pesticides and time of incubation on change in nitrate nitrogen levels between each sampling date in Hodunk sandy loam with Milorganite applied asthenitrogensource....................... 64 14. Effect of pesticides and time of incubation on the change in total soil nitrogen levels (ammonium + nitrate) between each sampling date in Hodunk sandy loam with Milorganite as the nih‘ogen source . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 15. Analyses of variance for data of greenhouse experiment 1 . . 84 16. Analyses of variance for data of greenhouse experiment 2 . . 85 17. Analyses of variance for clipping weights data of the fieldexperimento0....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 86 18. Analyses of variance for per cent nitrogen in leaf tissue dataofthefieldexperiment . 87 19. Analyses of variance for turf color rating and density count dataofthefieldexperiment .. 88 20. Analyses of variance for soil mineral nitrogen data of the fieldexperiment........................... 89 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 . Effect of pesticides on ammonification of Milorganite inHodunksandyloam................... 62 vii INTRODUCTION The sport of golf today is enjoying it's greatest popularity. This is partly due to the impact of television, increasing population, and increasing leisure time of the people. Years ago, a golf course could expect around 5,000 to 7,000 rounds of play per year. Today, many courses have 20,000 to 50,000 rounds per year. This figure can be expected to rise as the population increases and lighted courses become prevalent. As a result of this increase in play, conditions under which the turf is grown have been affected. One fact stands out clearly; growing conditions have so been altered that greater stress has been put on the actively growing turf. For example, increased irrigation and traffic lead to greater compaction of soil, causing a reduction in the oxygen supply available for plant growth. Furthermore, this added stress has been responsible for an increasing susceptibility of the grass plants to be injured from disease and soil insects and for weeds to invade turf areas. Compounding this situation is the problem that today's player demands the finest playing conditions that turf managers can produce. All this has led the turf manager of today to use increasing amounts of pesticides to control plant parasites and weeds. Outside the area of golf courses, there has been an increased emphasis on quality home lawns with high maintenance requirements . Requirements have also risen for industrial grounds, parks, cemeteries, and school grounds. The trend here is toward applying more pesticides, either separately or contained in fertilizers, at increased levels. Much research has been done in the area of how effective these pesticides are in controlling plant parasites and weeds. However, little research has been done on the possible effects these pesticides have on plant growth, other than controlling the target species. Considerable research has been conducted with pesticides as they affect mineralization and nitrification of soil nitrogen. In the realm of turfgrass management, a number of different nitrogen fertili- zers are used. Certain of these fertilizers require breakdown by the microbial population in the soil for release of available nitrogen. It is in this area that information is lacking on the possible effects pesticides may have on microbial activity and transformations of fertilizer and soil nitrogen. It is the purpose of this investigation, first to study the effect of selected turf pesticides on turfgrass growth; second, to study possible interactions between these pesticides and turfgrass fertilizers; and third, to study what effect these pesticides have on nitrogen transformations in soil. LITERATURE REVIEW Turf fungicides and insecticides in current use have not been extensively studied as to their effects on turfgrass growth, other than controlling target species. Research on the fungicides in this respect is especially lacking. The following review of literature will focus on what is known of the effects pesticides have on plant growth and microbial activity . Effects of Pesticides on Plant Growth — Beneficial Ever since pesticides were first applied to plants and soil to control plant parasites and weeds, agricultural scientists have been interested in the effects these chemicals exert on plants, soils and non-target organisms, as well as on the target organisms. If parasites or weeds are retarding plant growth and a pesticide application to the soil or plant reduces the concentration of the parasite, the normal effect is improvement in plant growth. Sometimes, however, a pesticide will improve plant yield in the apparent absence of the parasite or when a known parasite is not killed. This type of response has been called Increased Growth Response (35) and its cause ascribed to the killing of unrecognized parasites or to various side effects. Early workers believed this IGR was due to the increased availability of plant nutrients from the decomposition of the killed microbial cells, from the decomposition of soil humus, or from the pesticidal chemicals. 4 Fred (18) was of the opinion that, while moderate to large concentra- tions of a chemical might be toxic, small amounts could stimulate plant growth. Other investigators (48, 63) believe that improved biological control by Trichoderma and other organisms are the factors responsible for IGR. Several interesting biological control effects could be mentioned. Vaartaja (63) has shown that certain strongly antagonistic fungi and bacteria are relatively tolerant to some of the fungicides and fumigants. This fact was made use of by Bliss (4) who reported that treatment of infested soil with CS2 did not kill Armillaria mellea (oak root fungus), but Trichoderma viride, which became dominant after treatment, para- sitized and killed the fungus. Garret (21) stated that the C32 may not kill the root parasite, but may weaken it, and _T_. Egg, stimulated by the treatment, finishes the job. Muj e et al (39) noted that certain chemicals added to the soil would stimulate growth of specific fungus species. Acrylic acid, sorbic acid, and furoic acid greatly stimulated growth of I. girlie. In a greenhouse study (3 5) to determine if Phytophthora cinnamoni-infested soil treated with these chemicals would improve growth of avocado seedlings, they found the treatments stimulated growth of I. 113%, improved growth of the avocado seedlings, but did not kill the P. cinnamoni. In the area of physiological growth responses to pesticides, a number of effects have been investigated. Ries et a1 (51) showed that peach and apple trees, growing in a soil sprayed with a mixture of simazine and amitrole-T had a higher leaf nitrogen content and longer terminal growth than trees grown in a weed-free environment. They suggested that the mixed herbicide, which is applied to the soil and not the plant, affected nitrogen up— take or nitrogen metabolism. Freney (19) reported that simazine increased the yield of corn tops by 36%, and nitrogen uptake by 37%, but did not increase mineral- ization of soil nitrogen. These results suggest that simazine increased plant growth by a direct effect on plant metabolism and not through any interaction with the soil. In other experiments by Ries and co-workers (49,50, 62), simazine was shown to increase growth and nitrogen content of corn, and this effect was not due to a lack of weed competition nor to the additional available nitrogen in simazine. These responses to simazine occur in plants grown with nitrate, but not in plants grown with ammonium as the nitrogen source, and are greatest when nitrate and temperature are at sub-optimal levels. They also reported nitrate reductase activity in corn growing on sub-optimal levels of nitrate increased in a linear fashion with simazine concentration. From these observations, they presented the hypothesis that simazine enhanced nitrate utilization by increasing nitrate reductase activity. Cooke (10) showed an increase in the soluble and total nitrogen content of legumes treated with monuron, although no increase in plant growth was found. Roots of bluegrass treated with DCPA, amine methylarsonate, calcium propylarsonate and DMPA were shown by Singh and Campbell (54) to be significantly longer than on control plants. Thompson (61) observed that bermudagrass turf sprayed with Daconil 2787 fungicide exhibited a darker green color than either the check or plots receiving kromad or velsicol 2/1 fungicide, although the plots receiving the latter two were not more diseased. Eno and Everett (14) results showed that heptachlor, TDE, and DDT increased germination of Stringless Black Valentine beans. Published results from greenhouse and laboratory work with atrazine suggest that its use for pre-emergent weed control may also result in an increase in the efficiency of water use for corn production. Smith and Buchholtz (55, 56) reported a reduction in transpiration of several species, including 40% by corn and 65% by soybean plants six hours after addition of 20 ppm of atrazine to their nutrient solution. 'I‘ranspiration was reduced in plants grown on atrazine-treated soil as well. Foliar applications were also effective. Effects of Pesticides on Plant Growth — Detrimental Occasionally, following the application of a pesticide which kills a known plant parasite or weed, plant growth is not improved and may even be further retarded. Various factors may cause these unexpected results. i Almost any pesticide, if present in the soil in high enough concentrations will injure sensitive plants. Therefore, if insufficient time is allowed for a residual fumigant, fungicide, insecticide or herbicide to decompose, volatilize or leach out of the plant root area, the chemical itself may retard growth of sensitive crops. If the dosage is high, the temperature low, the soil excessively wet or high in colloids, longer intervals between pesticidal treatments will be necessary. Repeated applications of the persistent chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides may increase concentration to levels which are toxic to sensitive plants. Martin (34) noted that concentrations of residual DDT, toxaphene, chlordane, and other chlorinated hydrocarbons were high enough to injure some plants. Cucumbers, cantaloupes, water- melons, some varieties of beans, and potatoes were sensitive to one or more of the insecticides. Morrison et al (38) found that 137.5 pounds of DDT per acre caused severe stunting to bush and pole beans. Tomato transplants were slightly stunted and had small leaves. Eno and Everett (14) showed that BHC reduced germination of Black Valentine beans 14.3% compared to the check. Root and top weights were reduced by chlordane, lindane, aldrin, dieldrin, TDE, and BHC. Martin and Pratt (37) point out that inorganic end products, such as bromides and chlorides, released during the decomposition of 8 pesticides may increase to sufficiently high levels to injure plants . Several crops are sensitive to bromine containing organic compounds or to the bromide ion. Included are beans, cabbage, celery, onions, peas, and potatoes. Often, citrus trees replanted in soil previously treated with high dosages of ethyiene dibromide to control citrus nematodes, grow much slower initially than trees planted in soil treated with other fumigants (36) . Sherman and Fujimoto (53) showed that increases in extractable or soluble Mn, Cu, of Zn following soil fumigation may be sufficient to cause plant injury. Another little-understood temporary toxicity observed by Martin (34) may occasionally occur when soils are treated with a chemical which kills a large number of soil organisms. The toxicity may last from a few weeks to a year. Affected plants fail to absorb phosphorous even though the treatments may have increased the soluble or extractable soil phosphorous. The plants cease growing, but continue to adsorb Na, K, and B, which may reach toxic levels. With time and in a spotty manner, the toxic condition dissipates and the plants resume normal growth. In the area of turfgrasses, certain effects on growth have been observed. Gaskin (23) reported that Kentucky bluegrass plants treated with crabgrass herbicides showed reduction of rhizome number and length and number of tillers. Zytron, dacthal, and trifluralin produced the greatest reduction at 1 1/2 times the Standard rate of application. 9 Bandane and chlordane reduced rhizome development only at 1 1/2 times the standard rate. Crab-e-rad reduced the number of tillers and length of rhizomes. Engel and Callahan (13) showed that bensulide, terbutol, chlordane, DMPA, and DCPA reduced top growth and that bensulide and terbutol seriously inhibited root development. Singh and Campbell (54) noted that bluegrass turf treated with trifluralin and polychlorodicyclopentodiene resulted in considerably reduced turf density. Iagschitz and Skogley (2 7) presented data that showed dacthal caused a reduction in turfgrass cover where nitrogen was not used. Red fescue was reduced more than bentgrass or bluegrass. Where nitrogen was applied no apparent reduction of turfgrass was caused by the addition of dacthal. Effects of Pesticides on Microbial Numbers Pesticides added to the soil can cause varied effects. First, there is the possibility of a direct, toxic action on a microorganism by affecting some aspect of its essential metabolic activity. Second, the pesticide may have a selective toxicity for certain groups of microorganisms, and third, pesticides may promote, either directly or indirectly, the growth of one or more types of soil organisms. One of the earliest and most striking cases of increase in bacterial numbers in the field, due to the utilization of an herbicide as a substrate 10 for growth, is that of calcium cyanamide. Allison (1) showed that over a period of one or two weeks after application the total bacterial number can increase over thirty times and this is correlated with a general increase in soil respiration. In a very extensive review of the phenoxy herbicides , Audus (3) points out that in some cases adverse and beneficial effects were noted, but on the whole the great majority of observations show that with normal practical rates of application there are no adverse effects of the phenoxy herbicides on the total number of microorgan— isms in the soil. The effects of the halogenated aliphatic acids on the total soil populations are as diverse as those of the phenoxy herbicides. Kratochvil (30) reports a transitory reduction induced by herbicidal TCA, while Hale (25) notes that Dalapon has a slight stimulating effect on the general soil population. The carbamates show the same diversity of effect. Reduction in the total numbers, as measured by soil respiration, has been reported with propham by Kratochvil (30) but could not be detected by Newman (42). EPTC temporarily depresses soil respiration (9); while, on the other hand, chloropham apparently increases it (60). Audus (3) states that the nitrophenol herbicides are quite toxic to all soil microorganisms, although marked inhibitory effects are not always observed at normal rates of application. 11 Chandra et al (9) showed that simazine temporarily increased the carbon dioxide evolution 12 to 14% in two soil types. Observations by Dubey (11) show that prometryne at 100 ppm had practically no effect on microbial population. Ametryne at 100 ppm reduced the actinomycete population in heavy soils, while diuron and picloram at 100 ppm reduced the actinomycetes in all types of soils. In early studies on insecticides by Smith and Wenzel (57), DDT was shown to have no detrimental effects on soil microbes when applied up to 400 pounds per acre. Wilson and Choudri (69), in laboratory studies, showed that BHC and DDT in amounts considerably exceeding practical field applications, had no significant effect on development of bacteria and molds nor on physiological activities important to soil fertility. Bollen et al (5) found BHC isomers added to clay adobe soil at 1000 ppm varied in their effects on the number of bacteria and molds which developed during incubation. They also made field application of gamma BHC at 20 pounds per acre on several loams and found no effects. These same investigators (6) also report that parathion, dieldrin, toxaphene and EPN applied at 10 pounds per acre on several loams had no immediate harmful effects on soil microorganisms. Fletcher and Bollen (16) determined that aldrin at 200 to 1000 ppm in several types of soil had a stimulating influence upon the total number of soil organisms. 12 Richardson (48) showed that the fungicides thiram, nabam and ferbam increased the numbers of bacteria in the soil. Thiram and ferbam reduced the number of fungi; whereas, nabam killed nearly all fungi in the soil. The actinomycetes were unaffected by all the chemicals. Effects of Pesticides on Ammonification and Nitrification Ammonification is a very essential part of the nitrogen cycle. It represents the first stage in the decomposition of complex nitrogenous compounds of plant and animal origin and is carried out by the decay organisms in the soil. Whenever these microorganisms decompose organic matter, they set free more nitrogen than they are able to assimilate into their own protoplasm when excess nitrogen is present. Under aerobic conditions, the excess nitrogen appears in the soil as ammonium. Several investigators (17, 28) have been able to demonstrate no adverse effects from 2,4-D on ammonification. Jones (29) observed that DDT applied to the soil at less than 0.1% did not injure any ammonifiers. Pochon (45) concluded that simizine and other triazine herbicides are similarly without action on ammonifying bacteria. Allison (1) points out that cyanamide can itself be ammonified and thus contributes to total ammonium in the soil. Nitrification is the next stage in the nitrogen cycle, and is one of the most important phenomena occurring in soils. More attention has been giVen to nitrification because it is easier to observe in both 13 the field and laboratory than is ammonification. It includes two steps. First, ammonium is transformed to nitrite, which is an unstable compound; and second, nitrite is oxidized to nitrate. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter are the dominant microorganisms among the nitrifying population, which includes heterotrophic bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi. The effects of arsenic compounds on the activity of these organisms in soils enriched by perfusion of ammonium chloride solutions have been followed by Quastel and Scholefield (46). They found that M/ 400 sodium arsenate had no effects on the activity, but that the same concentration of sodium arsenite halved the rate of ammonium oxidation and completely inhibited nitrite oxidation. This constituted a direct effect on the enzymatic processes themselves, since the soil columns used contained saturating populations of nitrifying organisms. The phenoxy herbicides at normal field rates of application have either no effect or only a transitory one in the soil, although Flieg (17) showed that the activity of nitrifying organisms in culture can be con- siderably checked by such concentrations of 2, 4-D. The addition of soil removes this inhibition, a phenomenon which may be related to the adsorption of 2,4-D by the soil colloids or to its degradation by other soil organisms . From the majority of reports , it would appear that the chlorinated aliphatic acid herbicides are quite toxic to the nitrifying bacteria (44). The effect is temporary, however, and recovery can be complete in three weeks to a month (71). 14 A number of investigators (25, 47 , 60) have determined that the carbamates and acetamide herbicides and their homologues all inhibit nitrification in soils. However, with normal rates of application recovery takes place after a month. This again suggests that the nitrifiers acquire some kind of tolerance to them. Reports for monuron are conflicting. Quastel and Scholefield (47) claim it is a powerful inhibitor of nitrification; whereas , Hale (25) could not confirm these findings. Dubey (11) found that prometyrne did not affect nitrification. Ametyrne at 100 ppm inhibited the Nitrobacter bacteria. This effect lasted longer in heavy soils. Diuron showed no effect on nitrification in fertile loam soil, but in light and heavy-textured soils it caused increased inhibition of nitrification with increases in its level. Picloram inhibited nitrification in all soils. Farmer et a1 (15) carried out studies on nitrification with a perfusion unit in the presence of varying concentrations of simazine. Inhibition of nitrification was noted at concentrations of 6 ppm and above. A similar effect was noted with pure culture studies of Nitrobacter, but not with Nitrfiomonas. Several investigators (15,69) have shown no harmful effects to the nitrifiers from DDT. Gray (24) observed that BHC and its isomers were toxic to the nitrifiers at a concentration of 0. 01%. 15 Aldrin, dieldrin, and chlordane as reported by Brown (8), were shown to cause a significant retardation of nitrification in soil at the rate of 0.05% and 0. 5%. Heptachlor and lindane decreased nitrifica- tion at 0. 5% only, while DDT had little effect on nitrification. Nishihara (43) found that diazinon, dithane, BHC, vapam and maneb are inhibitors of nitrification. He also points out that the effectiveness of these chemicals is increased under soil conditions which suppress the activity of the nitrifiers. Their effectiveness varied with the kind of soil. Garretson (22) was able to show that aldrin, lindane and TDE at final medium concentration of l ug/ml were toxic to Nitrobacter _a_gi_li§, i with lindane being least toxic of the three. Malathion and parathion, two organic phosphate compounds, differed widely in their toxicity for Nitrobacter. Malathion was the least toxic, causing only delayed nitrification at 1000 ug/ml. Parathion, as toxic as aldrin, gave complete inhibition at 10 ug/ml or greater. Baygon, a methyl carbamate delayed nitrification by Nitrobacter at concentrations of 10 ug/ml. Lindane, malathion and baygon were also tested against Nitrosomonas europaea. All three compounds were at least 100 times more toxic for the Nitrosomonas culture than for the Nitrobacter. METHODS AND MATERIALS Greenhouse Experiment 1 In this study, the growth response of grass and nitrogen trans- formations in the soil were surveyed as affected by nine pesticides at two rates. Pennlawn creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra) was seeded in each of eighty 6-inch diameter pots. Each pot was lined with a polyethelene liner and 3,800 grams of an air-dried Hodunk sandy loam added. Soil test analysis showed this soil to be high in phosphorous and medium-high in potassium for turfgrasses, and to have a pH of 6.6. The cation exchange capacity was 5.65 me/100 g soil. Milorganite, described in Table 2, was applied at the rate of 2/ 3 pound nitrogen per 1000 square feet at seeding time and on the fifteenth of each month until the experiment was completed. No additional phosphorous or potassium was added. The plants were grown in the greenhouse on tables with supplemental light to provide a photo period of 12 hours or longer until daylength reached this duration. Position of the pots on the tables was changed periodically to reduce border effects. Watering was done every third day or as needed to bring the soil up to field capacity. Analysis and rate of application of the pesticides used are given in Table 1 . Each pesticide was applied at the recommended rate and 10 times the recommended rate of application. Treatments were started March 14, 1967. The insecticides 825141, Diazinon, dieldrin, and 16 17 unwavonwna o>wuo< % No.0H Haunmouoanoauaoumahxouvmm .oo Hmowamno ucomsv.H.m .um.qm oceaxuo q $ awnany sciammuoa oaauwauu coaumuoauoo ouwmamao .um.¢m oooaxuo d No.m u m u ocflaaccouoanoiono ouoazoavi¢.~ occuhn mxuoz okuoano oauoouoz Hmofiamsu uwouxocaaamz .um.vm oooH\uo m No.90 moanedno unannoumz uoau oawu mxuoz No.m~ abaaumo Hmuoa Hwouaonu uponxuaaaamz .um.vm oooH\no M No.0o ouucqoonm oumcfiaomo oumcqauwo mowficnwusawiamsummxouwhn I N i Aamxonoaohooxo N - thuqane_.m.e-~vumv-meaaaxosoaomu _amuana .oo muosuoum oosa .um.vm oooH\uo q AquamaomflauusanuHmsumawuuouviawuany ocoavuauo¢ oaovaaocmsuoauw.q.i ouwhnuxon .oo Haunaono Hooamfim> auoa\mnn on No.~k mameuofino ocoamnunnmaocwsumaav ,¢ .oo Huoaaoao Hamsm ouom\mnH m x~.nk .a.H-Rxoam-.k.o -oxa-ouonnouxmn-oa.oa.¢.m.N.H cauefiman oumOHSUOMosnmosn Aahcfivaaauhnio .oo Hmoaaono hwwou anom\mnH ma No.wq IAhnuoa q i ahmonaomaiuvio ahnumawio.o cocanwan aoaumuoauoo oumaamso muoa\mnn on sm.¢o nnmaosaAHAaamasmnmguuauav-o Hmsuwneuo.o Hanmmm mousom ouwm *.H .< maaahom Howuoumz .mugmaaumaxo huoumuonwa can .vHofim .omaoncoouw aw can: macadaono onfloaumom .H menus l8 chlordane were applied once a month and the fungicides Calo Clor, Cadminate, Tersan-OM, Dyrene and acti-dione thiram were applied every 14 days. All treatments were replicated four times. The plants were clipped to a 1 1/2-inch height every 10 days. The clippings were collected and oven-dried at 35°C. Dry clipping weights were recorded on a monthly basis for three months. On June 14, 1967, soil samples were taken from each pot and the soil analyzed for total mineral nitrogen (ammonium + nitrate) by a micro- Kj eldahl procedure (7) . Greenhouse Experiment 2 In this experiment, the effects of four pesticides superimposed on nitrogen treatments of 0, 1/6, and 2/3 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet per month for three nitrogen carriers were studied. The nitrogen analysis of these carriers is given in Table 2. Pennlawn creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra) was seeded in 140 six-inch pots. The preparation of the pots and the soil, the date and rate of seeding and other cultural practices used were the same as in experiment 1. Table 2. Materials compared as sources of nitrogen. Material Formula % N Source Ammonium nitrate NH 4N03 33.5 Spencer Chem. Co. Milorganite Activated sewage 7.0 Milwaukee Sewage sludge Commission Urea-formaldhyde Mixture of 38.5 E. I. duPont methylene ureas Uramite 19 Analysis of the pesticides used and rates of application are given in Table 1 . The insecticides 325141 and Diazinon were applied once a month and the fungicides Calo Clor and Cadminate were applied every 14 days. Treatments were started March 14, 1967, with four replications . The plants were clipped to a 1 1/2 inch height every 10 days; clippings were oven-dried and weights recorded on a monthly basis for 5 months. Field Experiment The experiment was located on a five-year-old stand of Cohansey bentgrass (Agrostis sp.) turf at the Soils Research Farm of Michigan State University. The soil was a specially prepared soil mixture consisting of 2 parts coarse concrete sand, 1 part Hodunk sandy loam soil, and 1 part peat by volume. Individual plot size was 3 by 6 ft. and each plot was separated by a 6-inch strip of aluminum grass guard placed vertically between plots . In the year of the test, 1967, the plots were fertilized once each in April and May, with a 10-10-10 grade fertilizer at the rate of 1 pound nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. No additional fertilizer was applied until treatments were started. Four pesticides, Diazinon, B25141 , acti—dione thiram and Tersan-OM were used at rates outlined in Table 1 . A no pesticide treatment was included in the study. Treatments were begun July 2, 20 1967 , and applied every 10 days thereafter until completion of the experiment. The pesticides were applied with an Ortho Spray-ette hand sprayer, having a fan-type nozzle, and the pressure used was 40 psi. When spraying, a 3 by 6 by 3 ft. plywood box (no bottom) was placed over the plot. On August 15, the entire area was sprayed with Cadminate fungicide to control a slight infestation of Dollar Spot disease. Superimposed on these treatments were applications of 0 and 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet applied July 1 , August 1 , and September 1 . Nitrogen carriers were ammonium nitrate and Milorganite described in Table 2. In addition, a treatment of Tersan-OM applied every 10 days at 10 times the recommended rate of Table l with no nitrogen was studied. The area was irrigated when necessary, {so as to keep the soil moisture as close as possible to field capacity and also following each nitrogen application. The plots were mowed every 5 days to a l/2—inch height with a Jacobsen greens mower. Clippings were collected from a 7.6 sq. ft. area of each plot at each mowing, oven-dried at 35° C and weights recorded on a monthly basis for three months . Color quality ratings were taken for each plot at the end of each month. A 1-10 scale, with 1 being darkest green color and 10 being. lightest green color was used for rating. 21 Density counts were obtained from two 3-inch plugs randomly selected from each plot. Counts were taken on October 5, 1967 . Soil samples were taken from each plot on October 2, 1967 , and analyzed for ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen by a micro— Kjeldahl procedure (7). The plots receiving Tersan—OM, Diazinon, and acti-dione thiram and the control with ammonium nitrate as the nitrogen source were tested for effects on microbial populations. Sampling dates were: for Diazinon, September 11; for Tersan-OM, September 27; and for acti-dione thiram, October 12, 1967. An estimate of the population of fungi, actinomycetes, and bacteria in treated and untreated soil was obtained by use of soil dilution plate counts. The actinomycetes population was estimated after 5 days growth on chitin agar (31) , the fungal population after 5 days on OAES agar (66) , and the aerobic bacteria after 5 days on soil extract agar (32) . In addition, three other media were used for estimation of aerobic bacteria. These were variations of media developed by Valera and Alexander (64) and Woldendorf (70). Their composition is listed below: M1132: #121 - Glucose - nitrate .agar plus growth factors #103 — Glucose - nitrate agar without growth factors #120 - Glutamate — nitrate agar without growth factors Aneorobic bacteria were estimated on media 103, 121 , and 120 incubated in 98% N2 and 95% CO2 atmospheres for 7 days. Bacteria suppressed by 22 the N 2 and COZ, but still viable, were estimated by counting the additional colonies which had appeared 3 days after removal from anaerobic conditions. All incubations were conducted at 25° C. Laboratory Incubation Experiment The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of some of the insecticides and fungicides used in the greenhouse and field studies on microbial activity and nitrogen transformations in soil. Milorganite fertilizer was used as the nitrogen source. Prior to incubation, 200 gram lots of an air-dried Hodunk sandy loam were mixed with the insecticides B25141 , Diazinon, and Dieldrin and the fungicides Calo Clor, acti-dione thiram, and Tersan-OM. At this time, Milorganite at 350 ppm (2 pounds nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft.) was also mixed with the soil. In addition to these treatments, a control receiving Milorganite but no pesticide and a check receiving no nitrogen and no pesticide were studied. Two blanks with no soil and no pesticide were included. Table 3 gives the rates of pesticides used per 200 grams of soil and a 5-fold rate. 23 Table 3. Soil treatments imposed on air-dried Hodunk sandy loam prior to incubation. ppm Added per 5-Fold rate--ppm per Pesticides 200 grams of soil 200 grams of soil B25141 320* 1600 Diazinon 320 1600 Dieldrin 60 300 Acti—dione thiram 560 2800 Calo Clor 450 2250 Tersan-OM 560 2800 * Active ingredients added. Incubation Procedure In this experiment, a static method of incubation was used as described by Stotsky (59). Ten gram samples of the soil from the treated and untreated lots were placed in 60 ml plastic cups containing 30 grams of a 30-60 mesh white silica sand. The sand and the soil were thoroughly mixed. Six ml of distilled water was then added to each cup. Groups of 16 samples for each pesticide treatment were placed in one-gallon respirometer jars to permit continuous collection of CO2 and periodic sacrifice of subsamples for determination of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen levels in the soil. Incubation was carried out in a growth chamber, with a constant temperature of 300 C beginning January 27, 1968. Two subsamples of 24 soil were removed from each respirometer jar for determination of ammonium-N and-nitrate-N by a micro-Kj eldahl procedure (7) every fourth day beginning with January 27 , 1968 until the experiment was completed. Collection of Carbon Dioxide A small vial containing 5 ml of 1N NaOH solution was placed in the bottom of each jar to collect the evolved carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide was determined every day for the first two days and then every other day until the experiment was completed. The unused NaOH was titrated against 0. SN HCl in the presence of phenolpthalien and excess barium chloride. Carbon dioxide was calculated by difference (59) and is reported as mg. carbon per 100 grams soil (oven—dried basis) per day. All data from the above experiments were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance (58). In some cases, means were compared by the Duncan's Multiple Range Test (12). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Greenhouse Experiment 1 The treatments employed in this study were applied at two rates; the recommended rate and 10 times the recommended rate of application. For the insecticides the recommended rate is that required to control sod webworms and chinch bugs in turf, and for the fungicides the recommended rate was the manufacturer's recommendation for disease control. In some instances, larger than normal rates are recommended for the control of a plant parasite. For example, some fungicides are used at 2 times the recommended rate to control a severe infestation of disease. They may be applied every 7-10 days in critical periods. Some insecticides are used at 3 times the recommended rate for chinch bugs in order to control nematodes. For these reasons, 10 times the recommended rate of application was used in this experiment. This rate may reflect the effects of large applications or accumulations of a pesticide over a period of time. All data will be compared using the Least Significant Difference or Duncan's Multiple Range Test at the 5% level. The results in Table 4 show that effects on top growth did occur with pesticide treatments. Analyses of variance for data is given in Table 15 of the Appendix. Insecticides will be compared first. For the sake of brevity, the notation "x" and "10x" will denote the recommended and 10 times the recommended rates of applications, respectively. During 25 26 w m¢.n on NN.N 60 mm. m an. nw mo. Ron mcwvHoHnU kn o¢.mn on wn.N wo Nu. n Hm. no #0. xOH cwuvnoaa *n *w 3m.~ #m mn.n *w mn.n nu no. Non soawnmnn em oo.- on wn.N «rm mm. *8 Hm.n rm mm. xon n¢nn~m v mn.o o no.~ v me. n ow. n we. N mam©H0nnU co m¢.w o mo.~. co Nu. n «w. n on. x GHHmeHQ we mn.w on wm.~ *on ow. *n ma. n «n. x Goawuwfln #on *n om.~ kn om. *n mm. nm 00. x n¢nmum mmocnonuoomcH qw.m om. 3n. ma. «a. in mmo. awn mm.k oo.~ NA. NA. Hm. -- maaz .NflmHBMw nmuoa «n mash 9n.%mz 3H ”99¢ .um.vm OOOH monogamom Amoz + «m5 2 i: as: i: a... -5 an: H83 32 nmuocwz 8am uom\w a munwwmz manmmnno mun .omooncoouw gnu an Boon momma xcnvom an cowouunc nmuocna nwom vac osomom won wcnmmouo c3wncaom mo nu3oum aou no movwonummm mo uoommm .9 onan 27 oEMm kn wmaamqaooom mosnm> .mfiESnoo annuws mononw>wnvo mo mowcwm unmaunaz m.c¢oa:nuio vac .m.o.n.c .unuauwonu Eoum page nuuaom mouom n no omuuo><¢ .Nn no ucoummwae hnuauofimacwflm uoa mum Houuon m .nouunoo wouuouuna sunk Haom condemn ovaonumom wcauwgaoo uomm .oumu vocaoaaooou mmafiu an n Rod an onnma_aoum ouch voucoaaooou u an .Ho>mn Nm gnu um unmauwmuu owaoaummm oa_aouw uaouomwnv knucuofim«cwfim c #3 kn mm.wn mm.oH om.m w¢.oH mn.m wo.w no.5 mw.n mm.nn m¢.oH *o on.n so mm. to «m. n wq. wen amuanu econwuauod so mm.n co co. co mm. a 03. Men magnum no o¢.m rm mn.n to o¢.n kg cm. on zoicmmuoa v mn.n we no. u me. n mm. xon ouncaafimo kn No.~ an em. tn no.n n om. Ran Hone Onwo so on.n *wo mm. u an. n N3. x Ecuanu ocoavnwuod v mm.n we mm. 0 me. n m3. N caouhn o mu.~ o as. an «m. n Hm. . N Scinmmuoa co Hm.n co we. 0 On. n mm. x muonaavmu o 0N.N 0 As. an mm. A n an. x “Ono Once mooaonwcsm m 28 the first two weeks of the experiment (March 27—April 14), top growth was not significantly affected by any of the insecticide treatments at the recommended rate of application. At the 10x rate, 825141 was the only insecticide to significantly increase top growth compared to the control. In the last two months and for the entire 2 1/ 2 months of the experiment, B25141 at the x rate and diazinon at both rates, significantly increased growth over the control. B25141 at the 10x rate was signif- icant over the control in the month of April 14-May 14, but in the last month, it became toxic and plant growth was greatly reduced. Visual observation showed that, while growth was still stimulated in the last month, the blade tips became yellow and the plants eventually died. Dieldrin and chlordane, at both rates of application, did not differ significantly from the control. When comparing means for insecticides against each other (Duncan's Multiple Range Test), it is seen that at the x rate B25141 significantly increased top growth over Dieldrin and chlordane during the entire growing period. At the 10x rate, clipping weights from Diazinon-treated pots were significantly greater than for Dieldrin or chlordane. B2 5141 probably would have been significant over Dieldrin and chlordane had the plants not died. These results indicate that the organophosphate insecticides, Diazinon and 825141 , significantly influenced top growth while the chlorinated hydrocarbons had no effect. Among the fungicide treatments, the recommended rate of application of Calo Clor and Tersan-OM significantly increased top growth for the 29 month of April 14-May 14, but not for the entire 2 1/2 months of the experiment. In addition, acti-dione thiram significantly decreased top growth over the 2 1/2 month period compared to the no pesticide treatment. At the .10x rate, it is seen that Tersan-OM greatly influenced growth for each harvest period. Calo Clor gave a significant increase over the control, but not to the extent that Tersan-OM did. Dyrene and iacti-dione thiram significantly reduced growth, while Cadminate had no effect. When comparing means for fungicides against each other, it is seen that Calo Clor and Tersan-OM significantly increased growth over Dyrene and acti—dione thiram at the x rate for the 2 1/ 2 months of growth. This was also evident at the 10x rate, especially with the Tersan-OM treatment as it became significant over Calo Clor. Further- more, Dyrene was significant over acti-dione thiram. The effect of these pesticides on the mineral nitrogen (NH4, N02, and N03) in the soil was determinedat the conclusion of the experiment. Milorganite was used as the nitrogen source. Results in Table 4 reveal that for the insecticide B2 5141 at both rates of application, and Diazinon and Dieldrin at the 10x rate, significantly increased mineral nitrogen over the unireated control. B25141 was, at the 10x rate, the most effective treatmentunearly tripling the mineral nitrogen level. Soils treated with Diazinon, B2 5141 , and Dieldrin at the 10x rate significantly increased mineral nitrogen over chlordane-treated soils, 30 according to Duncan's Multiple Range Test. At the x rate, only the B25141-treated soil contained significantly more mineral nitrogen compared to chlordane. For the fungicides, only Cadminate at the x rate and acti—dione thiram at the 10x rate were effective in increasing mineral nitrogen over the control. Acti-dione thiram at the 10x rate gave increased nitrogen over all other fungicide treatments. This may have been due to decreased top growth of grass under the high rate of acti-dione thiram. allowing a buildup of mineral nitrogen. 31 Greenhouse Experiment 2 In our modern era of turf management, there are a variety of nitrogen sources being used at varying rates. Also, in some instances, such as turf maintenance programs on golf courses, many insecticides and fungicides are used in connection with these nitrogen fertilizers. It was, therefore, the purpose of this experiment to study the effect of applying certain pesticides on growth of Pennlawn red fescue when treated with three different forms of nitrogen carriers. These sources were ammonium nitrate, a readily available form of nitrogen; activated sewage sludge, a natural organic form of nitrogen; and ureaform, a slow release synthetic organic carrier. The results given in Table 5 show the effect of fertilizers and pesticides on top growth over a 5-month period in the greenhouse. Analyses of variance for data is given in Table 16 of the Appendix. Where no fertilizer was applied, the insecticide 825141 was the only pesticide treatment to significantly increase growth over the no pesticide control. Compare means for pesticides horizontally using the LSD (5% level) of 0. 59 for a given nitrogen treatment. When ammonium nitrate was the nitrogen source used, no pesticide treatment significantly increased growth over the untreated control for either nitrogen rate. However, it can be seen that while clipping weights for the 825141 treatment were not: significantly greater than the control, it was significant over the effects of the Cadminate treatment 32 at the low rate of nitrogen; and that 825141, Diazinon, and Calo Clor were significant over Cadminate at the high rate of nitrogen. Where Milorganite and ureaform were the nitrogen sources used, 825141 again significantly increased growth over the untreated control, and over the Cadminate treatment for both rates of nitrogen and both carriers; but, Cadminate was not significantly different from the control in either instance. In addition, the Diazinon treatment was significant over the control under Milorganite applied at the lower rate and ureaform applied at the higher rate. Diazinon and Calo Clor significantly increased growth over Cadminate at both rates of ureaform, but not for Milorganite. The overall average effect of pesticides, regardless of nitrogen source, is given in the last row of Table 5. It shows that 825141 , Diazinon, and Calo Clor stimulated growth significantly, while Cadminate had a depressing effect. When comparing the effectiveness of the nitrogen carriers under the different pesticide treatments, certain differences are noted (Pesticide means compared by Duncan's Multiple Range test within vertical columns). For the no pesticide and Diazinon treatments, and for the average effect of nitrogen fertilizers regardless of pesticide, the order of effectiveness is the same; i.e. ammonium nitrate at the high rate is significant over all other fertilizer treatments: Milorganite and ureaform at the high rate and ammonium nitrate at the low rate, Milorganite and ureaform at the low rate; and the no nitrogen treatment. 33 .Nm um unmowmacwam no: can nouuon mama kn voqamqaooom unannoo canuws moanm> .oocono>navo mo mowamm manaunaz m.=woc=nuuv vac .Nm um usuaumouu mvfiunumom on scum uaouommww Manamoamnawnm * . mownoaumom Nu. ino.m rum.a roa.¢ im¢.m am.¢ you omauu>< n na.¢ an. on no.n u mm.m in mn.m 4n No.0 8 m¢.¢ m\~ = o mm.m an. a mo.m o on.m o m~.¢ ro.¢m.¢ o «n.m n\n anomaoua n nm.m on. n nm.m n mm.¢ n mo.m *n wm.m n mo.m m\u : u ma.m an. a ma.m co an.m u nn.¢ io «n.¢ u on.« 8\H ouHauwuoHHz w mw.n mm. m m~.w m ON.» a mn.w a 3w.n a oh.n m\~ : n nw.¢ mm. o mw.¢ n mm.¢ n a¢.¢ o 9H.m n qw.¢ o\n oumuuna + anacoaa< v N~.m mm. o mm.m o om.~ v no.m to «a.m av mm.~ in oaoz Hosannuuoh no. and acne onuu .ouunuawuu -,aoc«um«n.. ..H¢nm~n owwonuoom oo0n pom cannon you owmuo>< movaonmcuh--... -...mmwaonuoomaH oz 2 .annuouwm nowouuaz - - .. -.-.uom\m-nunmn03-wa«mmano hum 6.38 2:8 m “an23.34.83.838? $33838.....i-.a.3.a... rasam._a..&.a_...a.a. won mcwmoouo azunnuom mo nuBouw aou so much can uhmthdo ammouuaa can movaonumon mo uoommm .m onan Hosa, ii?.1-.liftlii .ilii . I: n».r./ I 4' II I v «AA I I u. . . I. . b ..’ . c . . a n N s, ’ .. . . 4 c ..;.. l o. . I o. a .. . 1.. . 4 I o v a i . . ‘P ‘\ 5 'u I b I u ‘ I I . k I . . p .. . . a . t . I I .1 .. . . v r A .o a .- s. I q .- . . . . n . l . u. . . . , . . . . . U ' \ I ‘ D t .. o . . . . . . U l . n 3‘ IIW-Va I Q Q 0' - I-‘u. O. C O . 1....» a -. b.....~.of.fa . . . . . . , .. . , ._ . ... J. . ; I q o H HM (n H .v to t f f . . \ . \ u . u a . .z n J o . | u . . i . o . ... . . . u r t~t Q i ¢ D |.. I . H...-.u ~ ... .. .4 .t: r r n I . I I II 1‘ .I U n fi.—nn I 1 ‘ A ‘1 I O I r I. I i \ . I I -\ I a . 1 . y . i ; . . r .- fl . n \ . . . a l . v . . x . .. \ fl . x . ..._.a..—‘...- uUT. .. :. It"! )0. III... .UU; — «I... y 1 i 4 u . i u—. Wu. \ ..... v: ~TIU~I J . ._. l .. , I p . .1... . r. .. . f I l . .. a . .. ...... . . . .. . . . . . Hr! - .0 . ..! II . i 4 34 For the remaining pesticide treatments , 825141 , Cadminate, and Calo Clor, ammonium nitrate at the high rate is again significantly greater than all other fertilizer treatments . Differences occur with the other carriers and rates. Where 825141 is used under the Milorganite and ureaform at the high rate, top growth is stimulated to the point where it is significant over ammonium nitrate at the low rate. Further, the Milorganite and ureaform treatments at the low rate of nitrogen compare favorably with ammonium nitrate at the low rate. For the Cadminate treatment, the only difference seen is that the top growth from ureaform at the high rate is depressed to a point where it is significantly lower than top growth from ammonium nitrate at the low rate . Where Calo Clor is used, the only difference compared to the no pesticide treatment noted is that top growth under the Milorganite applied at the high rate isstimulated to the point where it is significant over ammonium nitrate at the low rate. 35 Field Experiment The field experiment was conducted in the summer of 1967 . Treatments employed were based on results from the two preceding greenhouse experiments. The nitrogen carriers used were ammonium nitrate and activated sewage sludge. A no nitrogen level was also used as a comparison against the nitrogen carriers. The insecticides used were 825141 and Diazinon, and the fungicides were Tersan-OM and acti-dione thiram. In addition, Tersan-OM' was applied at 10 times the recommended rate of application, under the no nitogen level. All pesticide treatments were applied 9 times over a 3-month period. For the insecticides (825141 and Diazinon) and Tersan-OM at the 10x rate of application, this rate exceeds the normal usage for turf, although the insecticides are applied at 5 times the recommended rate for nematode contol. Normally, these insecticides are used only on turf once or twice during a growing season. The more frequent applications were used to determine what effects on plant growth and soil nitrogen tansforrnations may result from more numerous applications or from a build-up in the soil over a period of time under field conditions. Analysis of variance for all field data is given in Tables 17, 18, 19, and 20 of the Appendix. Clipping Weights The results in Table 6 show that in the month of July the insecticides 36 w noonn n Onww e home we nnom xeeno w qmnnn n Nnom e NnNn mm meme 203cmmueh w mqmwn n «one o mmoA we omen Banana enonwiwuew w mmqnn n «93¢ e omen w Nnmn nqnmmm w mannn n nemw e wwnn we omnw aoannmwn “NeuwccmROHHz e mqnnm a menu n nmmw we wwon neono no awnqu e moms m qmqm en omwo ZCuGMmueH en nnduu m Nnmn nw Noam on name amunnu eaofiwuwue¢ nm mmwmm e mmnn .nc wwnm nu moms annum m nmqem a noun nm doom rm nmow . confinmnn "Heuwuuna Enncosa< neuoa nenaeumem umsms< hnsw uceaumeuu ammonunc .um .Vm 000n\w munwnes mcammnne hum waw ownenuwem .maonuwwcoe wnewm news: wmmpwucen hemcwnoo mo nuBouw mou co mnefluuwe newouunc wcw wewaeaumea mo ueemwm .0 enan .H ennca an ae>nw we .euwu wewneaaoeeu meanu seem .nucoa Hem .um .ve oooH Hem newouunc .nn n no eumu enu um wennmmw eueamwu0nsz .nuaoa Hem .uw .um oooH Hem cewouunc .nn n no much enu um wewnamm euuuunc annaoaa .mcannoe cane“? eeaenmpnnue mo newcuu enmwunaa m.cmeaanuin wan .w.m.e.w.e.n.m t 37 ,0. M0 M0 .wnnmn. n man. n mwow n «nan xeenu nmwnn a wwmm a name a wwmm ZOIcmmueH nwmon n mmnq w mane n onwd Banana econwunuew Gamma n wwmw w Brno m mmwm nqnmum wmmmn nm name nm ammo w «woo aocnncan "newnewumen new mwmue>< mnmnn n mmnd e mnww we mmow mxon 20ucmmuea owom e wmnN w momm n mmmm neenu mmmOH e owwu w Henq nw wnow Zolaemuea mmwm e nmou w moon n anm Ethane ecowwuaue< mmwon e Namm w comm nwm mead nqnmwm numOn e comm w nomm n comm nocanwan ”cemouunc oz 38 825141 and Diazinon significantly increased clipping weights over the check when ammonium nitrate and Milorganite were used as the nitrogen sources. This trend continued in August and September for Diazinon. 825141-treated plots gave greater yields in August, but in September they were about equal with the check, indicating that toxicity may have occurred. For the total seasonal clipping weights, these two insecticides again were significant over the check for the ammonium nitrate treated plots. The significance was not evident under Milorganite, but the values tended to be higher. This trend of higher clipping weights over the check for 825141 and Diazinon was also evident in all three months under the no nitogen treatment and resulted in a significant increase for the total clipping weights for the 825141 teatnent. Among the fungicide treatments, Tersan-OM significantly increased top growth over the check in August and for the three-month period of growth under the ammonium nitate teatnent. Values were also higher in July and September. This trend for higher clipping weights from the application of Tersan-OM was also observed for the Milorganite and no nitrogen teatnent, but was significant only for the total clipping weight under the no nitrogen treatment. Acti-dione thiram showed a slight tendency to increase top growth for all nitogen treatments over the season, but no significant differences were noted. A very definite increase in growth was observed from Tersan—OM applied at 10 times the recommended rate under the no nitrogen teatnent. 39 Growth for each month compared favorably with plots receiving Milorganite. The last section of Table 6 shows the average effect of pesticides, regardless of nitogen teatments. 825141 , Diazinon and Tersan-OM stimulated growth significantly over the check, particularly in July and for the total clipping weight. Per Cent Nit'ogen in Leaf Tissue The data presented in Table 7 show that when ammonium nitrate was the nitogen source, applications of the insecticides 825141 and Diazinon resulted in a significantly greater percentage of nitogen in the leaf tissue than the check in July. 825141 continued to be signif- icant in August but not in September. When Milorganite was the nitogen source used, 825141 , Diazinon, and Tersan-OM increased the per cent of nitrogen in the leaf tissue over the check in July. In August and September, however, this trend was not significant. When no nitogen was applied, no significant increase in per cent nitrogen in the leaf tissue was observed for the months of July and September, but in August 825141 and Diazinon caused a significant increase. The acti-dione thiram treatment resulted in a significant decrease in per cent nitrogen in the leaf tissue in August. This tendency was also observable in August and September under the two nitogen carriers, although not significant. 40 on He.m no me.m mm ao.e gauge on eq.m e mm.m ew dm.¢ Sorceeuea o om.m e0 m¢.m mom s~.s saunas muone-nuo< n «o.m e mo.m we wo.¢ Hennmm en ~¢.m e qo.m ewe m¢.¢ cocnnmnn "Neufiaowuonnz e n~.¢ n ~n.¢ we no.9 xeeno m em.e no m~.¢ en on.q Zeucwmney m mo.¢ n no.9 en mm.¢ Emunnu ecoawnauew m mn.¢ m m¢.¢ w ou.m anmmn m mm.q no mN.q tnw oo.m ooaauwan "neuwuuwo.aswcoaa< uenaeuaem umsme< know uaeaumeuu :owouunc osmmnu ween an cemouuac ucee Hem wan ownenumem .mcowuwwcoe wnenm Hows: mmeuwucen mewcwnoo mo esmmnu noon on :ewouunc name you no onenuume cowouuna woe mewHeHumem mo ueommm .n enan 41 .n manna an nopfiw mm .euwu wewceaaoeeu meaau seam .nuaoa you .um .vo ooon Hen newouunc .nn n no eumu one am wennnnw euacmeOHHzN .nucoa Hem .um .ve OOOH Hem nemouuwn .nn n no mean enu um wewnmmo eumuunc Eswaoaa¢n .Nn um uceuemmnw mnuaoenmncwnm uoa one Houuen meow kn wenamaaoeew mesno> .maaanoe canun3 eecenu>nsve no woman“ onmnunaa m.cwe::nuuw wan .m.e.w.e.n.m r nu on.m on as.m n kn.q rouse m an.m n 9m.m a ~m.q zo-ammuoa n om.m u H9.m n o~.q amuanu «cone-nuo< a mm.m a kk.m a oo.¢ anmum m kn.m m ao.m a Hm.s aosnnann "newnenuoem you ewmne>< we aH.m e nm.m_ meg m¢.¢ mxon zetamauma em Hm.~ a ma.~ am ow.m sumac em sk.~ m mm.N aw sw.m zouammuoa e wo.~ e mm.~ n m~.m sauna” muone-nuo< we wa.~ e -.m am No.9 HanNm emu Na.~ e on.m new no.9 aoanumnn “demonuwc oz 42 Again, as with the clipping weights, Tersan-OM at the 10x rate under no nitogen compared quite favorably with Milorganite-teated plots. The averages for the pesticides, regardless of nitrogen carrier or level, show that the two insecticides 825141 and Diazinon were significant over the check in July and August, but not in September. Nitrogen Uptake In Table 8, clipping weights and nitrogen composition data were used to determine total nitrogen uptake. The results show that on plots receiving ammonium nitrate, Diazinon caused a significant increase in nitrogen uptake over the check in July but not August or September, although values tended to be higher in these two months. 825141 was significant over the check in July and August, but not in September. Tersan-OM gave a significant increase in nitrogen uptake in August, but not in July or September; however, again values tended to be higher in these two months than for the check. All three materials were significant over the check for total seasonal nitogen uptake. Diazinon, 825141 , and Tersan—OM tended to increase nitogen uptake for the plots receiving Milorganite and no nitogen. However, the only significant difference noted over the check was for Diazinon and 825141 in July under Milorganite and for 825141 over the 3-month period of growth for both nitogen teatnents. 43 w mwm e nmn e oum ow oom neenu we moo e own e mom ow NHN SolaoouoH w moo e mun e now w onw Sounnu econwunue< e Nmo e mon e omm e CAN nonmmm we woo e won e mom e omN :oanuowm “mouwcowHOan n amm no Nnm n com on Now neono o noOn o mmm o How n mum SOuaoouoH n mom n oom no mum on mom Eouflnu econwuaue< o omen n mam o moo o own nonmwm o menn o nom no oom to now cocnuonm “nououunc Eoncoae< nouoe nonseumom uo=w=< hnsw uaeauoeuu-aomouuwa .um .vo 000n Hem exoums cowouuno maouw woo owneneoem .oconunwcoe wnenm.uewca. moouwuaon homconoo mo oxoums :omouunc no onenuuoe comouuaa woo oownenuoea mo ueomwm .w ennoH 44 .n onnoa on oo>nw oo .ouou wowooaaoeou ooaau ooH m .nuooE poo .um .vo oooH you oowouuao .nn n no euou onu uo wonnooo euwoowumnHZN .nuooE Moo .um .wo OOOH Moo oowouuao .nn H mo ouou one no wonnooo ououuwo_aoflooaa< hn wonoooaoeeo moono> n .Nm uo uoonowwww anuooenmnowfio uoo ouo nouuon eaoo .ooaonoe onnuHB.oeoono>Hove mo oowoou ononunoa o.ooeoonuum woo .o.w.e.n.o r U0 m0 m0 m0 coo a one a owe a fink on non no moo o mam e men e son a mum e “mm a #5n nmn Nun own won non oo as ch mm on no mNN mom me don wow mmu mm onn can own Hun H0 mom Hmm HHN ohm mum mnw own «on omn Hun oon neono Eoiooouoa aounnu ooonwunueo nonmu m oooanofin “mownewuooo Mom omouo>< moon Sciooouea noose Zorooouoh Bounnu ooOnwuaueo nonnmm ooonoown “oowouuno oz 45 Acti-dione thiram had no effect under any nitrogen treatment. Tersan-OM at the 10x rate under no nitogen again performed as well as plots receiving Milorganite. The averages for all pesticides showed Diazinon, 825141 , and Tersan-OM caused increases in nitogen uptake throughout the experime nt . Turf Color Rating and Density Counts For plots receiving ammonium nitrate, the data in Table 9 show no significant difference in color rating was observed for any pesticide teatnent in July, but Diazinon and Tersan-OM plots rated significantly better than the check in August and September. Tersan—OM-treated plots also rated significantly better than the check in August when Milorganite was the nitogen source. No other pesticide affected turf color ratings. Where no nitogen was applied, plots receiving Tersan-OM showed significantly better color than the check in all three months. In addition, 825141-teated plots were significantly better in September. A marked effect on color was observed for Tersan-OM applied at 10 times the recommended rate. In July and August, these plots rated with those receiving ammonium nitrate. In September, they were as good as plots receiving Milorganite. The average for the pesticides regardless of nitogen source shows that again Tersan—OM rated significantly better than the check for all ll] llll IIIInili I Aomoao: 7:: xaiimn “mint. — .441... 7...... oznov #4:: :1; ans; :3 .22.; 1.11:... z... .22.. m m U) ... L m 32...; //:n xo_o tron amen muon much A: 1 I t .0]! III.‘II- it I 233344“: 7:: 2:7mrwirsn n: .732: “It......_.._:._; ,.....n:_.__.; T. h. _.;r_; .2 ;_;:+ .22... 7:? .L. _. .em 7:1,... .20.: .n0 ._ IUCI . .mZ .I..-:.f.-.—.-.\a|. _°~u.U-.2 h.-— m m.n m m.n tam o.m at x.n am can m.m cam m.m om w.m m.m we o.m woe con m.m ow m.w emo L1) 00 C 'J 0 LT‘ (\J O 3’) am o; A a & m.m a”) O V) A.H .\‘ m 0 O l 3 V) V) (\J V) \x l‘) _ . . u oumouon Booaoaa. nooomown nonmmm Snooze oaowvuwoe> Loanaaafino4 LCCLQ ” ..u w ._ouw,.oi. _ min :::~:aan of out 5...“..11... J23... meln .U c8. 1472....x .H on \anoawy 46 o mmon e w.m ow m.m n w.~ xeono o oo0n ow m.m eno m.~ n m.~ So-ooouoe o ooon o n.m wen m.~ n m.~ Bounnu moonwunueo o Amen owe ~.m owe m.m n m.~ nonmmn o «men owe ~.m we o.m n m.~ ooonooan "Nounoowuonnz o mmOn wen m.~ en w.~ en n.~ xeono u soon a m.o a k.o no k.o 20-nomuoo o mw0n eno m.~ eno m.N n m.~ Bounne oooawufiueo o wenn no w.n no o.N n n.~ nonmmm o Amen o m.n o w.n *no o.~ ooownonn “neuouuno aoaooaao .Ew .vo woo ouoonm uonEeuoom uoowoo know uooaeoouu oowouuno ouoooe munooom.. wonuou nonoe muou owouo>< woo owwenuoom .ooonunwooe wnonm Howoo ooouwuoon heooonoo mo ouoooe zunooow woo wonuou nonoe «you o>nuonou oo ouoauuoe oowouuno woo oownenuoeo mo ueomwm .m onnoe 47 .uonoe ooouw uoounwnn H OH .uonoe oooum uooxuow u n monoeo Cain oo ooon wowuou nonooo .n onnoH on oo>ww mo .ouou wowooaaoeou one moanu ooam .nuooa poo .um .vo OOOH woo oowouuwo .nn n we ouou onu uo wownooo ounoowMOanN .nuooa uoo .um .uo oooH uoo oowouuao .nn H mo ouou onu uo wownooo ououuwo_aowooaa .ooaonoe onnuna oeoono>novo mo mowoou ononunoa o.ooeoonuum woo .o.w.e.n.o « n m.e o H.s a o.m noose o o.m o w.~ o ~.N Sciooouoa n H.e on ~.m n m.m swoon“ «cooououoo o m.m n m.m n k.m osnmuo o o.m n q.m n m.m accommoo "mowaenuooo you owouo>¢ omen m m.m no o.~ no o.o moon zouaomuoe mom m 5.0 o m.n a m.n sauce 8 mam o n.m a «.9 o o.¢ souaomuaa moon mo m.o o m.m o o.m among» maooououoo mas o m.m o ~.m a o.m HennNm noon mo ~.o o m.m o m.m aoaouoon "oowouuno oz 48 three months, and that Diazinon and 825141 rated significantly better in August and September. No significant effect on density counts taken October 1 was observed from any pesticide; however, plots receiving nitogen tended to have higher counts than those receiving no nitogen. Mineral Soil Nitrogen Mineral nitogen (ammonium + nitate) was determined on soil samples taken October 5. The results in Table 10 show that no significant differences in the level of ammonium nitrogen in the soil resulted from the use of these pesticides under either nitogen carrier or where no nitogen was applied. For the plots receiving ammonium nitate, the insecticide 825141 significantly increased the level of nitate nitogen over the check. All other pesticides tended to give higher values than the check, although no significance was noted. Where Milorganite was applied and for the plots receiving no nitogen, no significant difference in the level of nitrate nitogen in the soil was observed from any pesticide treatnent. For the total mineral nitogen (ammonium + nitate) in the soil, again no significant differences were noted from the use of these pesticides for either nitogen carrier or where no nitogen was used. The averages for the pesticides, regardless of the nitogen source or level, show no significant effect on ammonium and nitate levels or total mineral nitrogen in the soil. 49 weno o.on we N.m o m.m xeono oweno n.0n wen o.o no o.o Sciooouoa owe m.m we o.o no o.o Eoanu ooonwunue< eno c.nn wen o.o o o.o nonmmn eno N.nn weno n.o no n.m ooonuonn "Nouaoowuonwz eno o.nn wen o.o o o.o neono eno m.nn weno m.o o o.o zoioooHoH no w.~n no ¢.n no o.o aounnu ooonwinueo o o o.o no m.q Honmmm eno o.nn eno o.o rno o.o oooanonn "nououuno_aonooaao oowouuno oowouuno oowouuno uooauoonu oowouuno ououuno + aoHooaao Boo ououunz_aoo .aonooaa¢_aoo woo owwenuoom .n Honoueo oo nHoo uoouooe oowouuwo nouoona oo ouowuuoe oowouuno woo ownefiuoom mo ueommm .OH onnoH 50 .n onnoH on oo>am oo .ouou wowooaaoeou ooaau oon .nuooa uoo .uw .vo coca woo oowouuao .nn n no ouou one no wonnooo ounoowHOHHzN .nuooa Moo .um .vo oooH poo oomouuao .nn H mo ouou onu uo wonnooo ououuno.aonooaaon .Nm uo uoouommww knuooenmwowno uoo ouo uouuon oaoo kn onoooaoeeo moono> .ooaonoe onnuw3 oeoonopnovo mo oomoou ononunoa o.ooeoonuno woo .w.e.n.o * o m.On o N.m o n.m xeono o n.m o N.m o o.o solooouoa o m.m o o.o o m.¢ Bounnu ooonuaueo o n.nn o m.o o o.o nonnum o o.on o o.o o o.o ooonooen ”mowwefiuooo Mom owouo>o weno a.0n weno N.o no n.o moon sciooouoa 30 no a are e... 4.9 rouse o i: e o.o n in 20.53.; 8 w; o o.o no 5.... ago: «83-304 8 N5 8 as so To 333 33 ea 8 in e. is 8333 "oowouuwo oz 51 Microbial Counts The soil samples for microbial studies were taken over a 3—week period starting in the last week of September. The variation in counts for the control plots is probably due to differences in sampling dates. Time and facilities did not allow counts to be taken for all pesticide or nitogen teatments. The plots receiving Diazinon, acti-dione thiram and Tersan-OM using ammonium nitrate as the nitogen source were the only plots tested. Data in Table 11 show that Diazinon significantly reduced the number of bacteria grown on media 116 (soil extact agar). This effect was not noticeable on the other media. Tersan-OM had no effect on bacteria counts for any of the media. Acti-dione thiram significantly increased bacteria able to grow in a C02 atmosphere when media 103 was used. This effect was not observed with media 120. While no other significant differences Were noted for acti-dione thiram, there was a tendency for bacteria counts to be higher than the control for all media and incubation conditions where it was applied. No significant difference occurred in fungal or actinomycetes numbers from the application of any pesticide. 52 .m.z m.m- n.9mu m.-~ o.owm m.ow~ = = you msoa = .m.z 3.4m n.~m k.a~ ~.s~ = own Noe a o.aNH n «.mk o.ouo k.wm k.moH = = “on mane = a n m.m o.~o o.oH = moH Noe .m.z “.mmq m.m¢m a.sws o.oom o.omm k.wmm = = no. mafia = .m.z H.Nm m.~¢ a.Hs = own Nz .m.z o.owm «.mmm o.~om o.~km m.em~ = = Nona mans N: .m.z o.oH w.mH «.mo «.mo m.~H = mod 2 .m.z o.~soH o.~ma w.Nma o.ksoH o.~oa a.m~m = oNo “no .m.z m.ako o.moo s.ask o.oko o.omo ~.Hkn = man goo .m.z m.mmk m.mmo o.ook o.omk a.omm w.~mm manoeumm HNH Moo .m.z o.~ o.o o.o o.o m.~ s.~ nouns moo “no mwuwo .m.z o.koo o.oso «.mso s.aqo a.mso -saoaoeoo kHH “no o.oqu m.kmm w.e~m ~.awm a ~.oan on a.mHk «Homeoam eon .uno Eoanu Houuooo so Houuooo oooHuoHa Houuoou moouw aonoz ouonoooEuo oeooeH ooOHw noooHoH HoHnoHeHz H oOHuonoeoH -onome unueo 30H x HHoo how w Moo ouonaoo oooE eHHuoEoow .nomH HonoueoiuonEoumom .HHom woeoouu wHon oH monoum HoHnoueHE mo muonaoo o>HuoHou oo mowHeHuooo mo ueommm .HH oHnoH 53 .wouoooe ouoa “Ho oH woooHo>ow neHns ooHooHoe zoo kHoo .ouonoooauo «00 no Nz oH okow m Houmo uHo oH okow m wooooxo oouonN .nouoone HoHuouoz woo owonuoz mo owoo ooounouH woo .moH .HNH 1.33.. 28V ammo more .a: enema 25 Home 5qu .k: 53% .38 name 3388 :8 6: 533: .Ho>oH Rm uo uooeHMHowHo uoo ouo HouuoH oaoo kn onoooaoeeo o3ou oHnuHsnooHo> .oeooHo>Hovo wo mowoom oHoHuHoz o.ooeooniun woo o r 54 Discussion of Greenhouse and Field Results The results of the greenhouse and field experiments indicate that pesticides may exhibit stimulatory, inhibitory, or no influence on plant growth. Under higher than recommended rates, it was seen that effects tended to be magnified. If a pesticide is successful in killing a plant parasite, plant growth should be improved. However, in both the greenhouse and field experiments no apparent effects from disease or insects were noted on control plants receiving nitrogen in any form. A, slight infestation of dollar spot did occur on the no nitogen plots of the field experiment. This was cleared up with an application of Cadminate, which was applied to all plots. No changes in patterns of growth were observed after this application. This does not, however, rule out the possibility that unrecognized parasites could have been contolled. If no apparent disease or insects were contolled, these results suggest that the stimulus to growth may be physiological or micro- biological in nature. A number of explanations may exist for these influences and will be discussed here and in the laboratory incubation study that follows . The results of the field experiment substantiate, to a certain degree, the results of the two greenhouse experiments. It is seen that, in most cases, the two organophosphate insecticides, 825141 55 and Diazinon increased growth over the no pesticide treatment in both the greenhouse and field experiments, but differences occurred with nitrogen carriers. In the greenhouse, when Milorganite was used, the two insecticides increased growth. This was not evident when ammonium nitrate was used. In the field, they increased growth under both nitogen carriers. The difference in turf species or environmental or soil con— ditions between the greenhouse and field experiments may be responsible. The increased growth response due to applying Tersan-OM was also evident in both the greenhouse and field, especially at the higher rate of application. For acti-dione thiram, the apparent decrease in growth in the greenhouse was not observed in the field. Again, specie tolerance or environmental factors may play some role in this result. 6 The field results point out that the percentage nitrogen in the leaf tissue and nitogen uptake were stimulated by Diazinon, 825141 and Tersan-OM. This effect was more noticeable in July for the two insect- icides Diazinon and 825141 , and more noticeable in August for Tersan-OM. Increases in growth and nitogen uptake caused by pesticides have been observed by other investigators. Freney (19) and Ries et a1 (51) showed increases in growth and nitrogen uptake in fruit trees and corn teated with simazine. The work of Ries and co—workers (50, 62) demonstrated that small amounts of simazine stimulate nitate reductase activity in corn and they have presented the hypothesis that simazine enhances nitate utilization by increasing nitate reductase activity. . ‘ . . v. 56 Roberts et al (52) observed that the action of DDT and nonherbicidal concentrations of 2,4-D on plant growth closely resemble that of some plant hormones. These observations indicate that pesticides can have an effect on the physiology of the turf plants which enhances growth and nitogen uptake. Musser and Duich (40) have raised a question as to whether serious consideration should be given to an increase in growth and nitrogen uptake unless color quality of the turf is improved. To many turf managers, the quality of color or how green the grass is has become a leading criterion for rating turfgrasses. In this respect, it was seen that Diazinon and Tersan-OM were effective in producing significantly better color in the field during certain periods of growth for all nitogen teatnents. The increases in the total mineral nitogen in the soil found for Diazinon, 825141 , and acti—dione thiram in the greenhouse were not detectable under field conditions. Possibly, the soil and management conditions could explain these differences. In the greenhouse, the turf was grown in plastic-lined pots so no leaching took place. Also, the soil used was considerably less sandy than out in the field. The field soil was a specially prepared soil mixture that was approximately 50% coarse sand. This required more frequent applications of water than for the greenhouse soil. Any appreciable increases in nitate nitrogen would have been subjected to leaching. If the soil had been 57 had been sampled to a deeper depth or sampled more frequently during the experiment, these increases in soil nitogen may have been detectable. The increase in total mineral nitogen in the soil observed for acti-dione thiram in greenhouse experiment 1 , may have been due to the decreased growth of the turf resulting in less nitrogen uptake. This was not the case with 825141 and Diazinon, as total mineral nitogen and growth were increased, suggesting that these two insecti- cides enhance mineralization and nitification. Another possible explanation for increases in mineral nitrogen is that these pesticides may cause destuction of certain predators whose cell material becomes an added food supply to the surviving microbial population and upon decomposition increases the amount of nitrogen in the soil. Clipping weights, nitrogen composition, and uptake were all increased by nitrogen application. The greater availability of nitogen in ammonium nitate compared to Milorganite and ureaform was particularly apparent. This increase in growth from ammonium nitate over Milorganite and ureaform has been observed by other investigators (26,40). This is due to a greater amount of nitogen available to the plant in the first few weeks after application. Lunt (33) points out that, usually, about one- third to one-half of the nitogen in Milorganite is mineralized by soil organisms in four weeks time when conditions are favorable. The remaining fraction is very slowly available. He further notes that about 58 25% of the nitrogen in ureaform is cold water soluble, with the remaining cold water insoluble fraction able to mineralize at a rate of about 7 to 11 per cent per month depending on soil conditions influencing micro- bial activity. A possible explanation for the increase in growth over the control when pesticides are applied to turf receiving Milorganite or ureaform, is that the pesticide could influence microbial activity to a point where more rapid mineralization of the fertilizers occurs, thus releasing more nitrogen for plant growth. Waksman (65) has suggested partial sterilization effects could be responsible for a phenomenon of this type. He points out that partial sterilization of a soil, brings about a chemical change in the organic matter of the soil, making it more available as a source of energy for microorganisms, resulting in higher nitogen levels in soils. 59 Laboratory Incubation Experiment The laboratory experiment was designed to investigate effects of some of the pesticides used in the greenhouse and field experiments on microbial activites in Hodunk sandy loam. Of specific concern, was the microbial activity as it affected nitogen tansformations in the soil using Milorganite as the nitrogen source. This carrier requires microbial breakdown for release of its nitrogen, and is used extensively in the turfgrass field. Nitogen Transformations The data for nitogen transformations are given in Table 12, 13, and 14. The tables are designed so that quantitative changes in ammonium, nitate, and ammonium plus nitate, respectively are shown for each 4-day incubation period. During the 28 days of incubation marked changes in patterns of ammonium accumulation were caused by the added pesticides. The results in Table 12 show that Tersan—OM at both rates of application greatly stimulated ammonification ova' the 28 days of incubation. This is illustrated in Fig. l . Calo Clor and 825141 at both rates and Dieldrin at the high rate stongly inhibited ammonification. In addition, Dieldrin at the low rate caused significantly less ammonification than the contol, but not to the extent of the high rate. 60 ~.~m «.mu H.H~ ¢.kH m.kH o.o no. own so.H n.~u o.o: om.H o.o: oo.o om.~ so.o xm : so.oH o.o m.H *m.~ o.NHu o.m «o.o so.H x HoHo oHoo so.qu m.Hm * o.~m so.¢m on : so.nmm m.wq « * m.¢n * x Ectooouoa n.¢NH o.nH * o.o m.nm o.o on : n.HwH m.mH * *m.o~ km.ok to.o km.H m.NH x aoanu oooniHue< sn.m n.o o.H so.Hu o.o: on.m so.Hu rm.¢ on : so.moH sm.m¢ on.HH sm.o *o.oH *m.m x oHuwHoHn *m.Hm n.o o.mmu om.mH on.~ *o.m on : m.owH o.nm o.omn om.H so.kH sm.oo o.oo «o.mH x oooHooHo n.nH o.o- o.o on.~ *o.H so.o *m.H om.¢ xn : on.mH o.o m.ou ow.o- *o.o so.Hu so.oH *m.m x HquNm o.~oH m.wH o.Nu o.o: m.m~ n.No m.HH mHouuooo m.Ho- n.H- o.o- n.~ o.o- n.~- n.m o.H- NAz oav noose owoone on om om oH NH w o ouo.H uooEuooHH Houoa okow .ooHuonoeoH mo oSHH owHenuoom H oowoouHo EsHooEEo Son 1 oHo>oH aoHooEEo HHoo oH owoono .oeuooo oomouuHo onu oo onHooo ouHoowuoan nuH3.aooH~::ao xoowom oH ouow onHoaoo neoo ooo3uon oHo>oH EsHooEEo HHOo oH owoone onu oo ooHuonoeoH mo oEHu woo mowHeHuooo mo ueommm .NH oHnoH 61 .ouHoowHoHHz.oo wowwo oowouuHo.aoo omm uon .wowwo owHeHuooo 02m .wowwo HooHHHunom ouHoowuoHHz_oo woo owHeHuooo ozN .Houoone oHoHHouoz woo owonuoz one no m oHnoH oH oo>Hm oo HHoo oaouw CON non ouou wHomam u on .HHoo oaoum com non ouou u xH .Hm>oH on on» no Houuaou aouo paramoooo knuaoooooamom * 62 _ —-- -- - Acti—dione thiram -- --- —-- Dieldrin / 400 _ .. . _ . .— - Tersan-OM / ~ No pesticide / ’ 350 _ .l I l 300 . ' l / 5 / ° 8 o 3:; 250 _ l .8 . S .’ o g 200 .. .l E o. o. 150 F 100 .... / 50 _ ' / I ’ of . .. —— —- —- - o " 1 l l 1 L I l 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Days Fig. 1 Effect of pesticides on ammonification of Milorganite in Hodunk sandy loam. 63 While Diazinon at the low rate and acti-dione thiram at both rates did not significantly affect ammonification, patterns of accumulation of ammonium were significantly altered from the control. For example, the control soil showed a disappearance of 9. 5 ppm ammonium between the twelfth and sixteenth day, and an increase of 75. 5 ppm between the sixteenth and twentieth days. Whereas, Diazinon-treated soils showed an increase of 17 ppm ammonium between the twelfth and sixteenth day and only an increase of l . 5 ppm between the sixteenth and twentieth day. Similar fluctuations in rate of release appear for the other pesticides that allowed ammonification. Table 13 shows the effect of pesticides on soil nitrate levels. Here it is observed that the accumulation of nitrate in the control soil was inhibited by Milorganite itself. This would suggest that some other factor associated with Milorganite inhibited activity of nitrifying organisms or stimulated activity of microbial groups using nitrate assimilatively or in dentification. It has been reported by Fuller (20) that high ammonium salt concentration under high soil pH inhibits nitrate production. However, the pH of the control soil was 6.3. This would indicate that something other than high pH inhibited the Nitrobacter activity. On the basis of these data, it was impossible to identify what effects 825141 , Diazinon, Dieldrin, and Calo Clor at both rates and acti- dione thiram at the low rate may have had on any specific microbial processes leading to the appearance or disappearance of nitate. 64 w.~o «.mo o.o o.oo a.m N.” ~.m no. no; m.o m.H m.o- o.o- m.o o.o n.o o.o- on = o.o o.o o.o- m.o- m.oH- so.~n m.o- m.H x none come «m.wm- o.oo- o.o- o.o o.o xm = o.o m.o- m.m- o.m o.o on.oo- x so-ammumo ..n.os o.o o.o m.oH- on.oH- on = m.o- m.~- m.m o.o- o.o- n.m o.n- o.m x saunas oaooo-ouo¢ o.~- o.o o.o o.o o.~- o.o o.o- o.o- on = o.o n.m m.o- m.o- m.H- o.o m.o m.o- x anueoooa n.o- m.o o.o o.o- o.o o.m- o.o n.o on = o.m- o.o m.o- o.o m.m- o.o m.o m.H- x socoumon n.o- o.o o.m- o.o m.o o.o o.o o.~- xm = m.m- o.m- o.o o.o o.~ o.o- o.m m.m- x HsHmNm m.o m.o o.o m.o- o.o o.o o.o- o.o moouuaoe o.m~ m.~ o.~ o.o m.o- m.a o.o o.o «Hz oav noose momaone om 3N ow 3 NH o 3 Son uooeeooea Houoa okow .oOHuonoeoH mo oEHH owHeHuoom oowouuHo ououuHo Boo a mHo>oH ououuHo HHoo oH omoono H .oenooo oowouuHo one mo onHooo ouHoomuoHHz nuHB BooH kwooo xoowom oH ouow onHoEoo neoo oooBuon oHo>oH ooonUHo ououuHo oH owoone oo oOHuonoeoH mo oaHu woo oowHeHuooo mo ueommm .mo annoy 65 .ouHoownoHH=_oo wowwo oowouuHo.aoo onm uon .wowwo owHeHuooo 02m .wowwo nouHHHunom ouHoowuoHHz_oo woo owHeHuooo ozN .uouoone HoHuouoz woo owonuoz onu mo m oHnoH oH oo>Hm mo HHoo oaouw oom Moo ouou wHomum u on .HHoo oaoum oow Moo ouou a xH .Ho>oH fin one no Houuooe Eonw uoouomme kHuooeHMHomHm k 66 The data of Table 13 do, however, reveal that Tersan-OM at both rates and acti-dione thiram at the high rate significantly increased nitrate accumulations. These pesticides were evidently able to over— come the apparent inhibition. The effect of these pesticides on total nitogen changes (ammonium + nitrate) as shown in Table 14, follows closely the patterns for ammonium. This is related to the apparent inhibition of nitrate production. However, due to the increases in nitrates caused by acti-dione thiram at the high rate, a significant increase in total nitogen over the control was observed. Carbon Dioxide Evolution Data for the carbon dioxide evolution were not consistent. With certain pesticides, evidence of microbial activity was shown by increases in ammonium in the (soil. This apparent microbial activity did not consistently result in increases in carbon dioxide evolution. These results indicate that the carbon dioxide evolved was in some way being held in the soil. Therefore, no basis for comparison of pesticides is valid . 67 n.0m m.m9 k.m~ 0.0N 0.0H ~.0~ n.~H no. can o.o o.o- o.o- 90.0 0.0- «0.9 o0.m 90.H- on = 0.HH 90.m *0.0 *0.H m.-- 0.H~ 90.0 n.~ x “one come *O.Nkm sm.ou so.wo so.9m so.m9 *o.ok *o.~oH on : so.-o so.w¢ *m.m~ o.o: em.wm * x SOuooouoH *0.0H~ 0.~m m.o9 0.9m om.0o- on.9n 0.n~ n.0H on = 0.00s 0.kH 9m.~m 9m.m~ *0.m0 m.0 rm.m- m.mH x among“ oa0n0-nuoo 90.o 0.~ 0.~ tn.0- 0.0- 90.9 90.~- n.m on = 40.90H 90.09 40.0H 0.0- m.k 40.0H 0.m x coueooon 90.05 o.o 0.0m- m.~0 n.0m 90.0- 40.9 n.m x0 = 0.0ko 0.nm om.H m.mH 9m.90 n.m9 m.HH x coaoumna 90.0H 0.m- 0.m on.~ m.H 90.H «m.~ n.~ xm = 40.0H 0.m m.~- rm.0- 0.0 90.“- 90.mH 0.0 x H9Hmmm 0.~0H 0.0o 0.N- n.0- m.m~ m.H9 0.~H moouuaoe 0.~H o.o 0.0- 0.0 0.0- 0.“ m.HH 0.0 NAz ocv x0050 mousse 0m 9m 0m 0H NH 0 9 mean uamauomua HouoH okow .ooHuonoeoH mo oBHH HowHeHuoom oowouuHo Houou Eon u oHo>oH AououuHo +_EoHooaaov oowouuHo Houoofia Houou oH owoono .oeuooo oowouuHo one no ouHoowuoHHz nuHB EoOH kwooo nonwom oH ouow onHoEoo neoo oooBuon AououuHo.+ aoHooaaov oHo>oH oowouuHo HHoo Houou oH owoone one oo ooHuonoeoH mo oaHu woo oowHeHuooo mo ueommm .oH oHnoH 68 .ouHoowuoHHz oo wowwo oowouuHo Boo omm uon .wowwo owHeHuooo 02m .wowwo nooHHHuHom ouHoowuoHHz.oo woo owHeHuooo ozN .uouoone HoHuouoz woo owonuoz one no m oHnoH oH oopHm mo HHom oaouw com poo ouou wHOMIm u Mm .HHoo oaouw CON poo ouou u NH .Ho>oH Rm uo Houuooe Boom uooquMHw kHuooeHMHome * 69 Discussion of Results of Incubation Experiment Pesticides added to soil in the laboratory produced some stimu- lating and depressive effects on ammonification and nitification. Two rates of application were used for each pesticide, as shown in Table 3 of the Methods and Materials chapter. The high rates are higher than recommended for field use. This was done to allow for effects of potential residues resulting from long periods of extended use and to force possible microbial effects. The rates are based on a one-inch depth of soil as the effective zone of pesticidal action. The low rate, however, may represent amounts that reach the soil in the course of one growing season. For example, Tersan-OM applied at 4 oz. per 1000 sq. ft. is equivalent to 35 ppm, based on a one-inch depth of soil with a density of l . 55. It is not uncommon for fungicides to be applied every 7-10 days by turf managers as a disease preventative during a growing season giving a likely maximum of 16 applications per year. Therefore, 16 times the recommended rate (35 ppm) of Tersan—OM was used to study effects of possible accumu- lation in the soil over the course of one growing season. Actual amounts used will depend on turf and environmental conditions. This basis for application rates was used for the other fungicides as well. For the insecticides, 6 times the recommended rate was used. The point can be raised as to what depth of soil pesticides can exert an influence on microbial activity. If the solubility of pesticides 70 is low and they are adsorbed onto clay minerals, they may be concen- trated in the top 1/4 to 1/ 2 inch of soil. This would result in even greater concentrations of pesticides in the soil than were used in this experiment, assuming no decomposition of the pesticide takes place. Further research on pesticide residues is certainly needed to determine what actually is the effective zone of soil pesticide influence. Certain effects of pesticides observed in this incubation study .may explain some of the responses in the greenhouse and field experi- ments. It was seen that Tersan—OM, at both rates of application greatly stimulated ammonification. Lunt (33) has reported that from 1/3 to 1/2 of the nitrogen in Milorganite is mineralized in four weeks time when conditions are favorable. This is consistent with data in Table 12, where 162 ppm (nearly half of the 350 ppm nitogen added to the control soil) was mineralized during the four weeks of incubation. When Tersan—OM was applied, however, 380 ppm (over 100%) of nitrogen was released from Milorganite. The amount of nitrogen recovered above the 350ppm added may have resulted from the break- down of organic matter already in the soil, stimulated nitogen fixation, or variation in the per cent nitogen in Milorganite. Regardless of the greater nitrogen recovery, the data do suggest that Tersan-OM may stimulate microorganisms that are able to decompose Milorganite rapidly. Increases in growth observed in greenhouse experiment 1 when Tersan-OM was applied at 10 times the recommended rate may have been due to the increased availability of nitogen from Milorganite. 71 Another (possible explanation for increases in ammonium levels from soil treated with Tersan-OM, is that partial sterilization may occur (65) . Tolerant organisms may decompose killed microbial cell material, resulting in increased nitrogen availability. Increases in growth observed in the greenhouse and field experiments from 825141 , Diazinon, and Calo Clor could not be correlated with responses in the incubation study. Rates used may have been toxic to ammonifying organisms. Furthermore, these responses may be physiological in nature and not related to microbial activity. One point brought out in this experiment that is of particular interest is the apparent cyclic pattern of ammonification and nitifica- tion of Milorganite (see Fig. 1). This suggests that high populations of specific microbes may be present in the soil at certain periods. As was seen in Tables 12 and 13 , when ammonification and nitification occured a number of the pesticides caused significant variation in the pattern of ammonium accumulation and nitification. This would indicate that microbial activity is also being affected. Naumann (41) has shown peak ofmicrobial populations at 5-7, 11-12, and 21—22 days from a 1% application of Parathion to soils. What effects on plant growth the cyclic patterns of ammonification and nitrification of Milorganite have cannot be determined by this experiment. Further investigations are certainly needed to establish if this effect will influence soil fertility and plant growth to any significant degree . 72 Disappearance of ammonium and nitrate is evident from Table 12 and Table 13, and in many cases is not accounted for by nitrification. Milorganite is high in carbonaceous material. It is possible that during its decomposition the high population of specific microbes suggested by the observed cyclic patterns may result in assimilation of some mineral nitrogen. As shown in Table 11 , acti-dione thiram increased the populations of carbon dioxide tolerant and nitate utilizing bacteria. This could account for some of the disappearance of nitrate, if these microorganisms were stimuh ted. Denitrification losses can occur in well-aerated soils (67). It is possible that disappearance of nitogen in this experiment was due to this process. Fixation by certain clay minerals, as reported by Allison et a1 (2) can result in apparent losses of nitogen by rendering significant amounts of ammonium unavailable for nitification. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The purpose of this investigation was to study the effect of selected pesticides on turfgrass growth, interaction with turf fertilizers, and nitrogen tansformations in soil. The following conclusions were drawn from greenhouse, field, and laboratory incubation experiments. Greenhouse Experiment 1: 1. The organophosphate insecticides 825141 and Diazinon increased top growth of Pennlawn red fescue significantly over the contol at both the recommended and 10 times the recommended rate of application. Tersan-OM and Calo Clor fungicides greatly stimulated growth at 10 times the recommended rate. Acti-dione thiram at both rates and Dyrene at the high rate depressed growth. 2. 825141 at both rates, Diazinon, Dieldrin, and acti-dione thiram at 10 times the recommended rate, and Cadminate at the recommended rate resulted in higher levels of soil mineral nitogen than the contol at the conclusion of the experiment. Greenhouse Experiment 2: l . Pots treated with the insecticide 825141 gave significantly greater top growth of Pennlawn red fescue over a 5-month period when Milorganite or ureaform were used as the nitogen source. This was also. tue when no nitogen was applied. Diazinon-teated pots gave greater top growth 73 74 when ureaform was used at the higher rate. Pots receiving ammonium nitrate were not significantly affected by any pesticides. Field Experiment: 1 . Top growth of Cohansey bentgrass, receiving ammonium nitate and Milorganite as the nitogen source, was significantly increased over the no pesticide t'eatment when treated with 825141 and Diazinon. This stimulus to growth was especially noticeable in July. 2 . Continued usage of Tersan—OM increased top growth significantly over the no pesticide treatment when ammonium nitate and no nitogen were used. 3. Diazinon and 825141- treated plots, receiving ammonium nitrate or Milorganite as the nitogen source, had a significantly higher per cent nitogen in the leaf tissue in July and in August when no nitogen was applied. 4. Nitrogen uptake was significantly increased over the no pesticide treatment in plants receiving ammonium nitate or Milorganite, when 825141 , Diazinon, and Tersan-OM was applied, especially in July. When no nitrogen was used, the 825141 teatnent resulted in a significant increase in nitogen uptake over the 3—month period of growth. 5. Tersan-OM-treated plots receiving ammonium nitrate as the nitrogen source and no nitogen had significantly better color than the no pesticide treatnent in all three months of growth. Diazinon—treated 75 plots receiving ammonium nitrate rated better than the no pesticide treatment in August and September. 6. Applications of 825141 insecticide resulted in a significantly higher soil nitrate level than the no pesticide treatment at the end of the experiment, when ammonium nitrate was the nitrogen carrier used. 7. When ammonium nitrate was used, Diazinon treatments resulted in lower numbers of bacteria in the soil than the no pesticide treatment in September. Acti-dione thiram treatments resulted in increased CO2 tolerant and nitrate utilizing bacteria in September. 8. For all evaluations, plots treated with Tersan—OM at 10 times the recommended rate receiving no nitrogen rated with plots receiving Milorganite . Laboratory Incubation Experiment 1. Ammonification and accumulations of nitate were significantly increased over the no pesticide treatment in soil receiving Milorganite as the nitrogen source when Tersan-OM was applied at rates that may accumulate in soils over a period of time. 2. At these rates, 825141 , Diazinon, Dieldrin and Calo Clor resulted in inhibition of ammonification. 3. 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F significance Clipping weights March 27 - April 14 A (pesticide) 8 0.062 4.671 0.0005 8 (rate) 1 0.220 16.623 0.0005 A x B 8 0.024 1.799 0.098 Error 54 0.132 Clipping weights April 14 - May 14 A 8 0.454 32.290 0.0005 8 1 0.056 3.994 0.051 A x B 8 0.130 0.276 0.0005 Error 54 0.014 Clipping weights May 14 - June 14 A 8 0.242 18.548 0.0005 8 1 0.003 0.197 0.659 A x B 8 0.206 15.770 0.0005 Error 54 0.013 Total clipping weights A 8 1.693 29.162 0.0005 8 1 0.429 7.395 0.009 Error 54 0.058 ppm Soil mineral nitrogen A 8 78.288 8.033 0.0005 8 1 264.883 29.9942 0.0005 A x B 8 37.592 3.831 0.001 Error 54 9.813 85 Table 16. Analyses of variance for data of greenhouse experiment 2. Approximate Source d.f. Mean sq. F significance Total clipping weight A (pesticide) 4 5.036 28.104 0.0005 B (nitrogen carrier) 6 45.231 252.402 0.0005 A x B 24 0.312 1.741 0.029 Error 105 0.179 86 Table 17. Analyses of variance for clipping weight data of the field experiment. Approximate Source d.f. Mean sq. F significance Clipping weights - July A (pesticide) 4 2582400.199 12.053 0.0005 B (nitrogen carrier) 2 32653196.183 152.404 0.0005 A.x B 8 481240.806 2.246 0.054 C (replication) 2 . 827325.640 3.861 0.330 Error 4 28 214253.733 Clipping weights - August A 4 990740.233 ‘ 4.328 0.008 B 2 102720518.141 448.772 0.0005 A x B 8 76828.425 0.336 .0.945 C 2 989811.287 4.234 0.023 Error 28 228892.520 Clipping weights - September A 4 511952.188 2.764 0.047 B 2 92155654.082 497.456 0.0005 A x B 8 106943.988 0.577 0.788 C 2 9472.514 0.053 0.949 Error 28 185253.805 Clipping weights - Total A 4 5894592.391 6.490 0.001 B 2 640218930.516 704.873 0.0005 A x B 8 474302.262 0.522 0.830 C 2 21704.601 0.024 0.976 Error 28 908275.834 87 Table 18. Analyses of variance for per cent nitrogen in leaf tissue data of the field experiment. Approximate Source d.f. Mean sq. F significance Per cent nitrogen in leaf tissue - July A (pesticide) 4 0.279 10.815 0.0005 B (nitrogen carrier) 2 3.701 143.513 0.0005 A x B 8 0.016 0.612 0.760 C (replication) 2 0.013 0.501 0.611 Error 28 0.026 Per cent nitrogen in leaf tissue - August A v 4 0.186 12.544 0.0005 B 2 5.747 387.466 0.0005 A x B 8 0.019 1.304 0.282 C 2 0.042 2.855 0.074 Error 28 0.014 Per cent nitrogen in leaf tissue - September A 4 0.076 3.673 0.016 B 2 7.561 367.239 0.0005 A x B 8 0.030 1.470 0.213 C 2 0.010 0.485 0.621 Error 28 0.021 88 Table 19. Analyses of variance for turf color rating and density count data of the field experiment. Approximate Source d.f. Mean sq. F significance Turf color rating - July A (pesticide) 4 1.361 4.744 0.005 B (nitrogen carrier) 2 30.717 107.062 0.005 A x B 8 0.369 1.288 0.290 C (replication) 2 2.317 8.075 0.002 Error 28 0.287 Turf color rating - August A 2 1.986 9.931 0.0005 B 2 39.267 196.333 0.0005 A.x B 8 0.315 1.576 0.177 C 2 0.950 4.750 0.017 Error 28 0.200 r Turf color rating - September A 4 1.425 6.401 0.001 B 2 64.550 289.957 0.0005 A x B 8 0.154 0.693 0.695 C 2 1.217 5.465 0.010 Error 28 0.223 Density counts A 4 2318.611 0.373 0.862 B 2 27482.067 4.416 0.022 A x B 8 161.594 0.026 1.000 C 2 130.400 0.021 0.979 Error 28 6223.995 89 Table 20. Analyses of variance for soil mineral nitrogen data of the field experiment. Approximate Source d.f. Mean sq. F _. significance ' ppm Ammonium nitrogen A (pesticide) 4 0.826 1.072 0.389 B (nitrogen carrier) 2 5.931 7.695 0.002 A x B 8 0.394 0.511 0.838 C (replication) 2 5.435 7.051 0.003 Error 28 0.771 ppm Nitrate nitrogen A 4 1.981 1.406 0.285 B 2 21.095 14.997 0.0005 C 2 1.558 1.106 0.345 Error 28 1.408 ppm Total nitrogen A 4 3.047 1.242 0.316 B 2 46.430 18.929 0.0005 A x B 8 1.744 0.711 0.680 C 2 10.238 4.147 0.026 Error 28 2.453