V1 -——v w I": v—W vvvv FAELURE MODES IN. «CLAY Thai: far fhe mtg!“ of M. 5.. MEEHEGAN.$TATE' untVEasm David L, Waréer 1954 :rHEsxs LIBRARY Michigan State University ABSTRACT FAILURE MODES IN CLAY By David L. Warder An experimental study was made to evaluate the deformation conditions that accompany failure in a clay under axial compression. The type of end restraint and the strain rate were varied in a series of unconfined compression and CPS tests in order to study their effect on the type of failure and on the strength of the clay. It was found that after the appearance of a single failure surface, further deformation is limited to rigid body sliding along the failure surface° The use of friction— less end plates and shorter samples tend to prevent the formation of a single failure surface and produce multiple slip lines. Frictionless end plates and increased strain rate increase the strength as well as the failure strain. FAILURE MODES IN CLAY BY 1/. L" ‘/ David L. Warder A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Civil Engineering 1964 '1 ‘u’ " “' I .7-/!» t7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Dr. T. H. Wu, Department of Civil Engineering, under whose supervision this research was carried out. His guidance and encouragement in the preparation of this thesis, as well as throughout the writer's Master's Degree program, have been invaluable. The writer is also indebted to Dr. A. K. Loh for his assistance in the laboratory and for his many worthwhile suggestions. The writer wishes to thank the National Science Foundation and the Division of Engineering Research at Michigan State University for the Graduate Research Assistantship that made this research possible. ii TABLE Chapter I° INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . II. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . 2.1 Failure surface 2.2 Plasticity solutions for axial symmetry 2.3 Solution for axial symmetry by kinematics III. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM . . . . 3.1 Soils used 3.2 Preparation of samples 3.3 Unconfined compression tests 3.4 CFS tests IV. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 4.1 Failure types 4.2 Effect on strength V. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . APPENDICES . . . . . . OF CONTENTS iii boo 10 10 ll 11 15 21 21 25 32 34 35 ll. 12. l3. 14. 15. 16° 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. LIST OF TABLES Index properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Final water content variation for consolidated samples 0 0 I O 0 O O O 0 O 0 O U 0 0 0 0 Summary of testing program on kaolinite . . . Summary of unconfined testing program on Sault clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of CFS tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results of unconfined compression tests on kaolinite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results of unconfined compression tests on saUlt Clay 0 O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O 0 0 Summary of CFS results . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of CFS results on ¢ and C . . . . . Data sheet for W—K-U—l . . . . . . . . . . . . Daé. sheet for W—K-U—6 . . . . . . . . . . .. Data sheet for W—S-U—4 . . . . . . . . . . . . Data sheet for W-C-CU—2 . . . . . . . . . . . General data sheet for WF-CFS—6 . . . . . . Consolidation data sheet for WF-CFS—6 . . . . Typical CFS data sheet from WF—CFS-6 . . . . . CFS calculation sheet for WF-CFS—6 . . . . . General data sheet for GF-CFS-Z . . . . . . . Consolidation data sheet for GF-CFS-2 . . . Typical CFS data sheet from GF—CFS-Z . . . . . CFS calculation sheet for GF-CFS-Z . . . . . . iv Page 10 12 15 16 20 28 29 3O 31 36 37 38 4O 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 Figure 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18° 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. LIST OF FIGURES Mohr circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Formation of dead zones . . . . . . . . . Sketch of deforming region for Eq. (6) . Sketch of deforming region for Eq. (8) Sketch of deforming region for Eq. (13) . Cross section of frictionless end plates Set-up for instantaneous load application Sketch of bottom of triaxial sample . . . Cross section of bottom condition for CFS Diagram of triaxial set—up . . . . . . Types of failure . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of deformation modes of W-K—U—3 and 4 Relationship of $6 and CE with strain . . . . . Stress-strain curves for unconfined tests Stress—strain curves for unconfined tests Stress-strain curves for unconfined tests Stress—strain curves for unconfined tests Stress-strain curves for unconfined tests Stress-strain curves for unconfined tests CFS curves for WF—CFS—Z . . . . . . . . . CFS curves for WF-CFS-3 . . . . . . CFS curves for WF-CFS-4 . . . . CFS curves for WF—CFS-6 . . . . . . . . . CFS curves for WF-CFS-7 . . . . . . . . . O Page 14 14 17 18 19 21 23 27 42 43 44 45 46 47 59 6O 61 62 63 Figure 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. CFS CFS CFS CFS CFS curves curves curves curves curves for for for for for Photographs of Photographs of Photographs of Photographs of GF-CFS-l GF-CFS-Z GF—CFS-3 GF—CFS-4 GF—CFS-S deformed deformed deformed deformed vi specimens specimens specimens specimens Page 64 65 66 67 68 74 75 76 77 Appendix A. LIST OF APPENDICES SAMPLE DATA SHEETS AND STRESS-STRAIN CURVES FOR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . SAMPLE DATA SHEETS AND CURVES FOR CFS TESTS SAMPLE CALCULATIONS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA 0 0 O O O O O O I O O O PHOTOGRAPHS OF DEFORMED SPECIMENS vii Page 35 48 69 73 deviator Notation shear strength normal stress major principal stress minor principal stress maximum compressive stress in unconfined compression test shear stress cohesion cohesion, as determined from CFS test angle of internal friction angle of internal friction. as determined from CFS test axial strain axial strain at failure strain rate radial velocity axial velocity shear strain rate angle measured from a horizontal line through the center of a specimen tan (45° + #3) twice the angle between the principal directions of stress and strain water content length of sample at beginning of test stress, (Cl - O3) viii I . INTRODUCTION The shear strength of a soil as evaluated from a triaxial shear test is usually based on the Coulomb failure criterion. The strength is given by, S = C + J tan ¢ (1) in which S is the shear strength of the soil, C is a con- stant termed the cohesion, o is the normal stress on the slip plane, and ¢ is a constant called the angle of internal friction. In many cases, the failure surface is visible at the conclusion of a triaxial test. In other cases, exami- nation of a failed sample shows no failure surface but only a general bulging of the specimen. In still other samples, a predominant failure plane is absent but many lesser slip lines are visible. The effect of the type of failure on the shear strength and on the friction and cohesion of a soil is not fully understood. Haythornthwaite (1959, 1963) applied the plasticity theory to calculate the velocity field inea triaxial sample and showed that the solution is not unique. He states that a stress—strain relation in addition to the failure criterion would be required to establish uniqueness. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the deformation conditions that accompany failure and their effect on the failure criterion. I I . THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS 2.1 Failure surface The relationship given by the Coulomb equation (1) produces a straight line when shear stress is plotted against normal stress. Stresses at failure can be repre- sented on the same plot by a circle with the center at . 014-03 (T = 0, o = -——§———) and a diameter of (u 01 and 03 are the major and minor principal stresses respectively (see Fig. 1). l - 03), where T Fig. l. Mohr circle. The straight line defined by equation (1) is known as the failure envelope and the circle is known as the Mohr circle. Failure is represented by the point of tangency, a, between the circle and the failure envelope. In a conventional triaxial test, the friction of the end plates does not permit the soil in contact with the plates to expand in a radial direction. Rowe (1964) pointed out that this produces dead zones at the ends of the sample as shown in Fig. 2. This restricts lateral strain to the middle portion of the specimen and causes failure to occur within narrow zones. This often results in the formation of a single slip surface. Dilating /z>( g I zone \ /"\ / --L~ a=45° + 3 > ‘ 2 / \/ /é\ 1 \ Fig. 2. Formation of dead zones. Rowe (1964) notes that the use of frictionless end plates would eliminate the dead zones and thus tend to prevent the formation of a predominant failure surface. He explains that without the dead zones, uniform lateral strain results and there is no longer a tendency for one zone to fail before another. He predicts that this causes the sample to reach larger strains before failure and that the failure occurs in the form of multiple failure surfaces. 2.2 Plasticity solutions for axial symmetry Haythornthwaite (1959) used the theory of plasticity to calculate the velocity fields during a triaxial test. In his solution, the soil is assumed to be an isotropic, ideally plastic material. Due to the assumption of isotropy, the principal direction of strain coincides with the princi— pal direction of stress. Thus the shear strain rate in the r—Z plane, yrz,must be zero. This can be written as, - Bu 3w hrs—2+3?“ (2’ where u and w are the radial and axial velocities respective- ly. The other strain rate components are, . _ Bu ° _ u ° _ __. 6r — r ' 66 _ r ’ e (3) According to the plastic potential theory, the strain rate components must satisfy the relationship, . . . 2 o .3 _ er + 69 + EZ tan (45 + 2) — 0 (4) Substituting (3) into (4), -%% +-% + 3% tan2 (450 + g) = 0 (5) Equations (2) and (5) are the governing differential equations. These equations are first solved using the boundary conditions shown in Fig. 3. The rigid zones shown at both ends are the result of the end restraint. Continuity of velocity is assumed across OB so that u = w = O on OB except at 0. Using these boundary conditions, the solution of the differential equation is, ‘VNZ - tanZY (6) tan.1 'Vsz cotZY — 1 =HN =IIN r Deforming Deforming Region Region a Fig. 3. Sketch of deforming region for Eq. (6). Deforming Region Deforming Region Fig. 4. Sketch of deforming region for Eq. (8). where N = tan (450 + g). The nature of the deformation defined by (6) is shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 3. In order to show that the deformation defined by equations (6) is not the only possible mode of deformation for the axially symmetric case, Haythornthwaite solves equations (2) and (5) using the boundary conditions shown in Fig. 4. In region OAC, the field used is _ r._ 0 3; u — 2a tan (45 + 2) (7) _.Z 0 .2 w — 2a tan (45 + 2) Equations (7) satisfy (2) and (5) and also the boundary condition w = l on AC. The solution for region AOB, using the boundary conditions of Fig. 4 is, _ R (NZ cos ‘1’ tan-1 VNZ cotz‘l’ - l - sin ‘1’sz - tanz‘l’ u - ZFaN H8) 2. l w = R (cos I _VNZ - tanzY - sin I tan-l-V N coth-lL WaN The deformation described by equations (8) is shown by the dotted line in Fig. 4. In equations (6) and (8) Y varies from O0 to (450 + g). 2.3 Solution for axial symmetry by kinematics Saint—Venant's Principle states that the principal direction of strain coincides with the principal direction of stress. By an analysis of the kinematics along the slip planes, de Jong (1958) proves that this is true at failure only for a material with ¢ = O. For a material with ¢ > 0, the angle between the principal directions of stress and strain may be anywhere between zero and ¢. Haythornthwaite (1963) proves the same thing using a different approach. Haythornthwaite (1963) presents another solution for axial symmetry in which he assumes an angle of a/2 between the principal directions of stress and strain. From the geometry of the Mohr circle for strain, the following relationship holds; i tand=7—£Z—,- (9) er - EZ With the definitions E =.5_9_.€ 32.6 __.éiv r 5r'e r’zaz (3) . _ Bu SW and ”Hz-afar (10’ (9) becomes tan a 3% - §% - g¥ - tan a gg- = O (11) The zero dilation equation is Bu u 5w _ E+r+az-0 (12) Equations (11) and (12) are the governing differential equations. It can be noted here that if the principal directions of stress and strain coincide (d = O) as is assumed in the plasticity solution of Sec. 2.2, equation (11) degenerates to equation (2) which is one of the governing differential equations in the plasticity solution. Equations (11) and (12) are solved using the boundary conditions shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5. Sketch of deforming region for Eq. (13). The solution of (11) and (12) is 2 W/N - tan Y W _ cos a N + tan Y u — W l §+Cl+'2—Sin20. . N13) .1 —l .1 j’N - tan Y w _ 2 — sin (tan Y cos a - sin a) + 2 sin 2 a N + tan Y " 1 .1. - 2 + a + 2 Sln 2 a J where N = tan (450 +-%) and Y varies from O0 to (450 + %)° The deformation pattern described by (13) is shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 5. III. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM The experimental program is designed to observe the deformation characteristics of specimens at failure and their effect on the shear strength parameters. The variables studied are the strain rate and the end restraint. 3.1 Soils used There are three different clays used in the testing program. The first is a glacial lake clay taken from a site near Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, at a depth of approximately 5 feet below the ground surface. This is referred to as Sault clay. The Sault clay contains about 50 percent illite, 25 percent vermiculite, and 15 percent chlorite. The re— maining 10 percent is a combination of montmorillonite, quartz, feldspar, and kaolinite according to X—ray diffraction tests (Dillon, 1963). The other two soils used are com— mercial grundite and kaolinite. The index properties of the soils used are given in Table 1. Table 1. Index properties. . Plastic Liquid Plasticity Clay Type 8011 Limit Limit Index Fraction Sault 23.6% 60.5% 36.9% 0.60 Grundite 25.0% 78.0% 53.0% 0.65 Kaolinite 28.0% 50.0% 22.0% 10 11 3.2 Preparation of samples The Sault clay and grundite samples are compacted and trimmed as described by Holliday (1963). Due to the difficulty in trimming, the kaolinite samples are prepared differently. The dry clay is mixed with enough distilled water to make a water content of approximately 25 percent. After the clay and water are thoroughly mixed, the mixture is compacted in the Harvard Compaction mold in 5 layers. Each layer is tamped 25 times evenly over the surface. The force delivered by the tamper is 50 pounds over a cir- cular area of .15 square inch. Specimens that are referred to as "compacted" are those prepared in one of the two ways mentioned above. The term "remolded" as used in this report means that the sample is remolded by hand immediately prior to trimming. 3.3 Unconfined compression tests Haythornthwaite (1963) pointed out that while the final deformation pattern of a triaxial sample is well known, it is not clear exactly how the deformation proceeds during the test. In order to study the deformation patterns of clay samples, photographs are taken at various strains throughout a series of tests. The photographs are taken by a camera that is mounted on a frame in front of the triaxial cell. Initial plans were to take photographs during triaxial tests. However, this proved unsuccessful due to the fact that the lucite of the triaxial cell and 12 the water within the cell prevented accurate focusing. It was then decided to remove the lucite cell and run un- confined compression tests. In the first unconfined compression tests (W — C - CU - 2 and W - C - CU - 3), the sample was first consolidated under a hydrostatic pressure of 2.00 kilograms per square centimeter. The pressure was then relieved, the water drained out, and the lucite cell removed. The photographs showed that most of the deformation took place at the bottom of the sample. Upon checking the final water content, it was determined that the water content was higher at the bottom of the sample. Table 2 shows the moisture content variation within the sample. Table 2. Final water content variation for consolidated samples. Test Initial Final Water Content — % Designation Water Content-% Top Huddle Bottom W—C-CU—2 40.8 30.1 31.8 32.8 W—C-CU—3 41.9 28.8 30.7 32.6 The higher water content at the bottom is probably due to the absorption of water from the porous stone as the specimen tends to swell upon release of pressure. It seems reasonable, therefore, that the large deformation at the bottom is the result of non-homogeneity rather than a failure characteristic. On the basis of this, it was determined to run tests on samples immediately after trim- ming without consolidation. 13 "Frictionless" end plates are used in order to determine their effect on the mode of failure and on the shear strength. The end plates are made of lucite and are approximately 2 inches in diameter. The bottom end plate is cut out at the bottom so that it fits over the pedestal of the triaxial cell. Two small holes that line up with the holes in the pedeStal are drilled through the bottom end plate. The frictionless condition is obtained by sprinkling graphite on to the lucite end plates and then placing a thin rubber membrane over it. The top and bottom of the sample are then in contact with a rubber membrane which is free to expand in the radial direction due to the graphite. This is illustrated in Fig. 6. Unconfined compression tests are run on both kaolinite and Sault clay. Most of the tests are run at a constant strain rate with several different strain rates being used. In order to obtain an extremely fast strain rate, an instantaneous load is applied in two of the tests (W-S-U-lO and W-S-U-ll). This is done by placing an 8 kilogram weight on to a loading yoke as shown in Fig. 7. Photographs are taken in selected tests. A summary of the test program on the kaolinite is given in Table 3 and on the Sault clay in Table 4. Stress-strain curves are obtained in each test. The maximum compressive stress (Omax) and the strain at which the maximum compressive stress occurs (6f) are determined. The deformation patterns are studied by overlaying the 14 . ' Rubber % band Graphite- ==EE”‘“”'”M ”I” 1 Rubber ' membrane .5 Sample M. 1 (a) Top (b) Bottom Fig. 6. Cross section of frictionless end plates. A AL. WT PPiston ,‘;=;—‘Loading YOke Sampleqz; _f Fig. 7. Set—up for instantaneous load application. photographs taken at different strains. failure is noted in each test. The type of Table 3. Summary of testing program on kaolinite. Water Strain Type of Length Test Designation Content Rate End Plate - in. w-% -%/Hr. ° W—K-U—l* 24.8 360 Conventional . W—K—U—2* 25.3 360 Conventional . W-K-U-3* 26.1 360 Conventional . WeK-U—4* 23.8 0.23 Conventional . W-K-U—5* 25.9 360 Frictionless . W—K-U—6* 26.2 360 Frictionless . WeK-U—7* 25.9 360 Conventional . WeK-U-8* 25.2 0.40 Frictionless . W—K-U—9 26.1 700 Frictionless . W-K-UelO 26.1 700 Frictionless . W—K—U-ll 26.1 360 Frictionless 2. *Photographs taken. 3.4 CFS tests The CFS tests follow the same technique as that described by Schmertmann and Osterberg (1960). triaxial test in which the cohesion (Ce) and angle of It is a friction (¢€) are determined at various strains throughout the loading process. below. The procedures used are described After the sample is trimmed and cut to a length of 2.8 inches, three wool yarns are placed lengthwise through the sample using a needle. This is essential to quick response to pore pressure changes and to rapid consolidation. .cwxmu mammumouoams 16 ¢0.N HmCOHucm>GOO 00m AN manna mmmv Uwumpflaomcoo «MIDUIOIZ ¢0.N Hmcofiucm>cou b.¢ AN manna mmmv pmumnflaomcou *NIDUIUIB m.m mmmHGOHuoHum 000.0¢ 0.0m pm©H0Emm HHIDImIB m.m mmmH:0HuoHHm 000.0¢ 0.0m pm0a05mm oalblmlz m.m mmmHGOHDUHHm 00¢ 0.0m UthOEom mlblmlz m.~ mmmacoapoflnm 00¢ 0.0m meHOEmm mIDImlz m.m mmmacoHuUHum 00¢ 0.0m Umoaoamm hunlmlz m.m mmeGOADUHHm 00¢ 0.0m ©m©HOEwm olblmuz m.m mmmHCOHuoHum 00¢ ¢.0m ©mUHOEmm mIDImIB m.m Hmcoflucm>coo 00¢ n.5m UmpHOEmm ¢|D|m|3 m.m Hmcoflucm>coo 00¢ m.mm wmuommsoo mIDImuz m.m mmmHGOHuUHHm 00¢ 0.0¢ meHOEQm smIDImIB m.m mmmasofluoflum 00¢ m.0¢ Umpaofimm *HIDImIB o Sinuw a-.. .CH I q wumam paw mumm Dampsou COHumnmmmum soaumsmflmmn £u0cmq mo mama cflmnuw kumz umma .mmao pasmm so Emumonm msflmumu meHmcoocs mo mumEEsm .¢ maflme 17 With the frictionless bottom end plate, it is necessary to connect the yarns with the holes in the end plate to ensure proper drainage. This is done by placing the ends of two of the yarns so as to line up with one of the holes in the end plate and the third yarn to line up with the other hole. This is shown in Fig. 8. Filter Paper Fig. 8. Sketch of bottom of triaxial sample. A l/4 inch wide piece of filter paper is placed on each side of the sample to further speed up consolidation. The sample is then weighed and placed between the end plates. It is covered with two rubber membranes, each of which is secured at each end by at least two rubber bands. The sample is then placed in the triaxial cell by fitting the bottom end plate over the pedestal. A third membrane, which had been secured to the bottom of the pedestal by rubber bands, is then stretched over the bottom end plate and rubber bands are stretched over the outside of this membrane. This bottom condition is shown in Fig. 9. All samples are consolidated under a pressure of 2 kilograms per square centimeter for 24 hours. A back pressure of 2 kilograms per square centimeter is then applied for 24 hours. A pore pressure change of 0.5 18 kilograms per square centimeter is applied periodically in order to obtain the two stress—strain curves of the CFS test. Thus, the effective major principal stress (61) alternates between 2.0 and 1.5 kilograms per square centi- meter. For a detailed description of the procedure, see HOlliday (1963). A diagram of the triaxial set up is given in Fig.10. Bottom End Plate Rubber Bands Rubber Membrane Pedestal Fig. 9. Cross section of bottom condition for CFS test. CFS tests are run on both grundite and Sault clay compacted samples. Frictionless end plates are used in all CFS tests in this study. Due to the uniform deformation caused by the smooth ends, each CFS test is carried out to a strain of at least 40 percent. This allows ¢€ and C6 to be calculated at large strains. The pore pressure is continually adjusted to balance the deviator stress, with one exception. In the slower strain rate tests, it is necessary for the test to run overnight. In this case, valve C (Fig. 10) is closed at night and reopened in the morning. It should be noted that the pore pressure usually varies only slightly overnight and is easily readjusted in the morning. l9 .0: pom HMmeHHu mo Emummfln .0H .mflm Hmmnz amass Honucou HOMDGOU musmmmhm whom whammwnm Hawu @ HHmU mHQEmm Hamo musmmmum musmmmum ucmumcou pcmumcoo HHOU HMHxMHHB mpumusm coumHm kumfiocmz mmmw mHSmwmum 00mm whommmnm mCHm 0CH>OHm Emflcmnomz mCH>HHQ 20 Using the two stress—strain curves from each test, $6 and C6 are calculated at several strains according to the method show n in Appendix B. $6 and C6 are plotted against strain to determine their relationship and the type of failure is noted in each test. Table 5 gives a summary of the CFS tests. Table 5. Summary of CFS tests. Test Designation Clay Rig: éSEr%;Hr. Waigitgghtent wi - % WF—CFS-Z Sault 1.25 42.3 WF—CFS-3 Sault 1.28 40.8 WF—CFS-4 Sault 1.25 42.0 WF-CFS-6 Sault 6.12 42.0 WF-CFS—7 Sault 5.93 40.2 GF-CFS-l Grundite 1.24 40.9 GF—CFS—2 Grundite 1.24 40.8 GF—CFS-B Grundite 7.06 40.9 GF-CFS-4 Grundite 4.94 40.8 GF-CFS—S Grundite 1.26 41.4 IV. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The results of the unconfined compression tests on kaolinite and Sault clay are tabulated in Tables 6 and 7 reSpectively. Similarly, Tables 8 and 9 summarize the CFS test results. 4.1 Failure types The types of failure encountered in this study can be classified into three main groups. The three types, failure plane, bulging, and multiple slip lines are sketched in Fig. 11. (a) Failure plane (b) Bulging (c) Multiple slip lines Fig. 11. Types of failure. In cases where either a failure plane or slip lines appear, they become visable shortly after the maximum stress is reached. For kaolinite, the maximum stress usually occurs at about 15% strain. In all of the kaolinite tests on standard length (2.8 inches) samples, the photographs show bulging until shortly after this peak stress is reached. A single failure plane then develops and further 21 22 motion is limited to rigid body movement along the failure surface. This is particularly apparent upon comparing the photographs of W—K—U—3 and W-K-U—4 (see Fig. 12). The photographs at early strains show the same general bulging in each test. Later photographs in WeK-U—4 show large rigid body movement of the right side downward with respect to the left side. This is readily visible since the move- ment took place perpendicular to the direction of the photographs. In W-K-U-3, photographs at later strains show no change; although, it is obvious that a large amount of sliding tookplace parallel to the direction of the photo— graphs. This shows that all of the movement is along the failure plane, probably because there is a reduction in area along that section as soon as the failure plane develops. By using shorter specimens (1.4 inches) in tests W—K—U—lO and W—K-U—ll, formation of a single failure plane is prevented. Thus, there is no area reduction and failure in the form of multiple slip lines occurs at a larger strain (25% i). Since a single failure plane develops at such low strains in the 2.8 inch kaolinite specimens, the type of end plate does not affect the type of failure. In the case of the unconfined compression tests on the Sault clay, however, a failure plane does not develop at low strains and, therefore, the type of end restraint has a marked effect_on the failure type. For example, in most of the tests (W—S-U—3 and 4, W-C-CU—3) with the conventional 23 /o% . ‘ O (a) W—K-U—3 .z‘0% o I o (‘1‘10.5% . O U ' O D 9 .' N— O (b) W-K-U—4 ' ' Fig. 12. Comparison of deformation modes of WeK-U—B and 4 (taken from photographs). 10.7% . 410.7% / 16.1% 24 end plates, gross distortion was noted in the form of bulging near the center of the sample. Either a peak stress is reached at a strain of about 25% or the stress— strain curve is still rising at the conclusion of the test (see Table 7). Frictionless ends, however, allow large strains without too much bulging of the specimen and multiple slip lines form at strains of 35% i in most tests. This result, coupled with the results of the kaolinite tests on short specimens, indicates that if area reduction due to sliding along a single failure plane or bulging at the center can be prevented by the use of shorter specimens and frictionless end plates, failure occurs at greater strains in the form of multiple slip lines. The strain at which slip lines develop was found to be sensitive to strain rate. Slip planes form at greater strains as the strain rate increases. This is, particularly apparent from the results of the unconfined compression tests on the Sault clay. This trend is not as clear in the tests on kaolinite. The results of the CFS tests with frictionless end plates show two trends relating to conditions affecting the type of failure. First, single failure planes appear only in those tests in which the top end plate tilted. This is believed to be due to the fact that the tilted end plates produce non uniform stress distribution thus causing failure along the failure surface. Hence, this is not considered to be representative of the soil behavior. Multiple slip 25 lines occur in each test on the Sault clay (even though the top end plate tilted in WF-CFS-Z). Most of the failures on the grundite involve tilting of the top end plate and are combinations of A and C types. This indicates that had tilting not occurred, multiple slip lines might have developed at larger strains. While the photographs help to gain insight into the deformation conditions that accompany failure, it is difficult to measure the exact magnitude of the bulging from the photographs since the bulging takes place only at small strains in most tests. Therefore, it is difficult to confirm or reject any of the solutions given in Chapter II. In cases where the bulging continues to large strains, the change in stress distribution due to the bulge would make the solutions of questionable value. It can be noted, however, that bulging occurs throughout the entire length of the sample and is not confined to the zones predicted by Haythornthwaite's solutions (in the rough end tests). 4.2 Effect on strength The strength depends on the strain rate and the type of end restraint. The strain rate effect is parti— cularly apparent in the CFS tests and unconfined compression tests W—C—CU—Z and W-C-CU-3. Comparison of these tests, in which other variables are held constant, clearly shows that the strength increases as the strain rate increases. Further examination of the CFS test results shows that as the strain rate increases, the cohesion (Ce) increases while 26 the angle of friction ($6) decreases. More tests at dif- ferent strain rates would be necessary to determine the relationship between the shear strength parameters and strain rate. The strength is greater in the tests in which frictionless end plates are used. This is best exemplified by comparing tests W—S-U-l and 2 with W-S-U—3 and 4. The former pair of tests with frictionless end plates, shows greater strength even though the tests are similar in all other respects. Comparison of the CFS test results with those obtained by A. K. Loh at Michigan State University using conventional end plates show the same trend. This is believed to be due to the fact that the frictionless ends produce a more uniform stress distribution and de- formation mode, thus preventing a premature failure caused by stress concentrations in certain portions of the specimen. Since the frictionless end plates produce fairly uniform deformation even at large strains, it is possible to measure the shear strength parameters to a strain of 40%. These relationships are shown in Fig. 13 (for results of specific tests, see Appendix B). The angle of friction increases with strain as shown in Fig. 13(a). Most of the friction is developed before the strain reaches 10 percent but in most cases it continues to rise at larger strains. The cohesion reaches a peak between 5 and 13 percent strain and then decreases to a constant value at large strains. The strain at which the peak cohesion 27 occurs increases as the strain rate increases. This differs significantly from tests with conventional end plates in which the maximum cohesion is developed at a strain of 1 percent or less (see Loh, 1964). m N 8 5 | H \ a“ :2: ' o l I . I U) U) U I ‘9 l y l 4? ' .1 mi 10 40 5-13 40 Strain % Strain % (a) ¢€ vs. strain (b) Ce vs. strain Fig. 13. Reglationship of ¢ and Ce with strain. manna gnaw mamfluasz I- o mcflmasm II m mamam mHsHHmm mamaflm II m ”musaflmm mo mommaa 28 m 0H mm.m m.m mmmHCOHDUHum 00m H.0m HHIDIxIS O m.am 00.¢ ¢.H mmmHQOHDUHHm 00h H.0N OHIDIMI3 0 mm mm.m ¢.H mmmacofluoflnm 00h H.0N mIDIMIz m m.HH 0m.H w.m mmeCOHuUHHm 0¢.0 N.mm mlblsz m m.0a 0m.m m.m Hmcoflucm>soo 00m 0.mm hIDIMIB « m.HN 00.m m.m mmoHCOHuoHHm 00m m.0m OIDIXIZ d 0 0¢.0 m.m mmmHCOADUHHm 00m 0.mm mIDIMIB 4 m.0H 00.¢ m.N HmGOHucm>cOU mm.0 m.mm ¢IDIMI3 < ma 00.m m.N HMGOHDQ¢>GOO 00m H.0N MIDIXIS @ m 0N 00.¢ m.m HMCOHucm>coo 00m m.mm NIDIxIZ < m.ma m0.m m.m HMCOflusw>COU 00m m.¢m HIDIMIZ «musaflmm X I No EO\0& I meo .Hm\x I o X I 3 mo mmmuum xmmm N mmmnum .CA I 0A mumHm 0cm mumm . ucmuaoo soflumcmflmmn mama um camnum Mmmm Samson mo mama Camupm Hmumz ummfi .muflcflaomx so mummy coflmmmumfioo Umsflmsoocs mo wuasmmm .0 manna 0 .pmflammm pmoH M m msomamusmumcHsss .mmsHm> :ummu mo Dam: mHm cm>Hm mosam> II pmnommu uoc xmmmss mmcaq gnaw mamauass I U maflmasm I m m mamam musaflmm mamcflm I “musaflmm m0 me>E« 29 m .Ima .4mn.fi so.m omumnaaomcoo Hmaoflucm>coo oom Am mawwmv musouous m a 4 m OH.H eo.m nmumoflaomcoo Hmcoaucm>coo n.¢ Am mamwwv museuuus 0 0m ass m.m UmUHOEmm mmmHGOADUHHm 000.0¢ mm HHIDImIB w m 0m sea m.m potaoamm mmmHQOHuoHHm 000.0¢ 0m 0HIDIwI3 O ss0¢ *«00¢.0 m.m meHOEQm mmmasofluoflnm 00¢ mm mlbImIB O **0¢ ss0hm.0 m.N pmpaofimm mmmacofluoflum 00¢ 0m wIDImIz U sshm s«0am.0 m.N Umpaofimm mmeQOHuUHHm 00¢ mm NIDImIB II ssmm ¥*0HN.0 m.m UmUHOEmm mmmasofluoanm 00¢ 0m mIDImIS 0 mm mmm.0 m.m meHoEmm mmmacofluoflum 00¢ ¢.0m mIDImIz « mm 0mN.0 m.m UdtHOEmm Hmcofluam>s00 00¢ 5.5m ¢IDImI3 w m 0m 0¢N.0 m.m Uwuommfioo Hmcoflusm>cou 00¢ m.mm MIDImIB O 0m mmm.0 m.N UmUHOEmm mmeQOADUHHm 00¢ 0.0¢ NIDImI3 6 mm mem.o m.~ omnuoamm mmmuaoHuoHHm cow m.o¢ snoumuz smusafimm x I Mm NEU\mMImeo o .Hm\&1w X I 3 mo mmmuum xmwm mmmuum CHI A coflumummmnm wumam tam mumm . Dampcov coflumcmflmmn mama xmmm numcmq m0 maze :Hmnum Hmumz puma .mmao pasmm co mummu scammwumEoo modemsooss mo muasmmm .h magma 30 mamam mnsaflmm wHGCHm .nmuaae mumam mmcflq gnaw manauanz msflmasm tam 0094* U m I < “wusaflmm mo mmmwas «so a a m.© 0N.H b.mm ¢.H¢ 0N.H wufltcsuw mImmoImo 0 w m 0 m¢.a 0.Nm 0.0¢ ¢0.¢ mUHpcsuw ¢Immulmw sad 0H mm¢.H ®.mm 0.0¢ 00.n muflpcsuo Mlmmulmw O w m Ha m0N.H m.mm 0.0¢ ¢N.H mUHUasuw NImmOImw rev 0 4 0 0N.H m.mm 0.0¢ ¢N.H muflpcsuw HImmUImO O m.HH ¢¢.H m.mm N.0¢ m0.m pasmm hImmUImB 0 ma m0¢.a N.Nm 0.N¢ NH.0 pasmm mImmOImZ O ma ¢m.H H.Nm 0.N¢ mm.a Dasmm ¢ImmUImz 0 ma mm.a N.Nm 0.0¢ mm.H pasmm MImmOImz Irv m.NH 0m.a 0.Nm m.N¢ mN.H pasmm NImmUImz X I.Ww EO\0&IAMOIHOV x I m X I H .Hm\$Iw swusafimm musHHmm mmwuum usmucou ucmusoo mumm. hmao mo soaumcmflmma mo mama um HODMH>wQ Hmumz noun: aflmuum mmwe ummB samuum .xmz Hmsflm HMHUHsH .m>m .muasmmn mmu mo mumEEsm .m mHQmB 31 m Nmm. ¢0.b men. mh.¢ 0H.0 0N.H mlmmulmw 0H 00. 00.m N00. 00.H 00.N ¢0.¢ ¢ImmOImo 0a 000. mm.m mmm. hh.a 00.H 00.h MImmUImO 0.0 000. 00.0 000.H 00.0 mn.m ¢N.H NImmUImU 0.0 00¢. 00.0 ~00.H 0.0 0H.0 ¢N.H HImmUImo OH mm. hm.m mom.H on.e m¢.o, mm.m nummoums m.ma mm. 00.0 Nmm.a ¢H.m 0.0 NH.0 0ImmOImz h mh¢. ¢.NH 00H.H N.0H N0.0 0N.H ¢ImmUIm3 0 00¢. 0.¢H 50H.H 0.¢H S.HH 0N.H MImmOImB 0 h¢. ¢.ma ma¢.a ¢.0H ma mm.a NImmUImB o I do .mew .Xme .st EU\0MI O .meI 0 0H9 mmmnmmnI0¢ mmmnmmnIoae .Hm\&Iw w m w 0¢ cflmnum $0¢ cflmnum Xoa mumm. coaumcmfimmn 0 pm 0 e e w camuum umme :Hmuum xmz sz um um hm>< .00 pan 09 co muasmmu who 00 mumfifism .0 manna V. CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions may be drawn from the test results. a. further a. After a single failure plane develops, further deformation is limited to rigid body sliding along the failure surface since that section experiences an area reduction. If gross distortion of the specimen can be pre— vented by using frictionless end plates and shorter samples, failure occurs at a greater strain in the form of multiple slip lines. The strain at which slip lines appear increases as the strain rate increases. The strength increases with strain rate. The unconfined compressive strength, cohesion and friction are all higher when frictionless end plates are used. The strain at which the peak cohesion occurs in- creases as the strain rate increases. On the basis of this study, it is suggested that investigations be carried out on these subjects. The use of frictionless end plates and shorter samples should be investigated further to determine their general usefulness. 32 33 Tests should be run at different strain rates so that the relationship between the appearance of slip lines and strain rate can be established. Tests similar to those used in this study should be conducted on other soils to determine the general application of the findings of this report. BIBLIOGRAPHY de Jong, G. "The Undefiniteness in Kinematics for Friction Materials," pp. 55—70. Brussels Conference 58 on Earth Pressure Problems, vol. 1. Brussels: 1958. Dillon, H. B. "Structure and Identification of Clay Soils," Laboratory report for Soil Science 945, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1963. Haythornthwaite, R. M. "The Kinematics of Soils," pp. 235-250. Progress in Applied Mechanics, The Prager Anniversary V01ume. U.S.A.: 1963. Haythornthwaite, R. M. "The Mechanics of the Triaxial Test for Soils." U.S. Army Ordnance Corps Tech. Rept. No. l: 1959 .Holliday, Frank J. "Stress Transfer Due to Creep in a Saturated Clay." Master's thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1963. Loh, A. K. “Mechanism of Friction and Cohesion in Clay." Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1964. Rowe, P. W. "Importance of Free Ends in Triaxial Testing," pp. 1-27. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, A.S.C.E., vol. 90. Ann Arbor: 1964. Schmertmann, John H. and JoerL Osterberg. "An Experimental Study of the Development of Cohesion and Friction with Axial Strain in Saturated Cohesive Soils," pp. 643-694. Research Conference on Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, A.S.C.E. Ann Arbor: 1960. 34 APPENDIX A SAMPLE DATA SHEETS AND STRESS-STRAIN CURVES FOR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS Table 10. Data sheet for W—K-U—l. a. General Data Water Content Data: Date - April 20, 1964 Container No. 319 Operator - Warder Wt. of cont 26.97 9 Test - W—K—U—l Wt. wet soil + Call - #3 cont. 63.73 g Proving Ring ~ #3141 Wt. dry soil + Proving Ring Constant — cont. 56.43 9 0.0382 kg/div Wt. water 7.30 9 Length - 2.80 in I 7.11 cm Dry wt. 29.46 9 Diameter = 3.33 cm w 24.8 % Area - 8.71 cm V01. - 62.0 cm3 Weight of Sample - 120.00 g Strain Rate — 360 %/hr End Plates - conventional b. Stress-Strain Data Load Axial Strain Photograph Dial N Pressure Dial % Strain Taken KG/cm2 0500 0 0 000 0 1 0643 143 0.619 050 1.79 0795 295 1.25 100 3.57 2 0990 490 2.04 150 5.26 1200 700 2.86 200 7.15 3 1425 925 3.71 250 8.93 1604 1104 4.35 300 10.71 4 1800 1300 5.00 350 12.50 1820 1320 4.98 400 14.38 5 1450 950 3.50 450 16.07 1180 680 2.46 500 17.85 6 36 37 Table 11. Data sheet for W-K-U—6. a. General Data Wt. of sample 119.85 Date - May 3, 1964 Dry wt. 94.97 Operator - Warder Wt. water 24.88 Test — W-K-U-6 w 26.2 % Cell - #3 Proving Ring - #684 Proving Ring Const. - .147 kg/div. Length - 2.80 in = 7.11 cm Diameter - 3.33 cm Area - 8.71 cm2 Vol. - 62.0 cm3 Strain rate — 360 %/hr End Plates — frictionless b. Stress—Strain Data Load Axial Strain Photograph Dial N Pressure Dial % Strain Taken KG/cm2 0000 0 0 000 0 6 0009 9 0.149 050 1.79 0014 14 0.228 100 3.57 0027 27 0.431 150 5.36 7 0047 47 0.737 200 7.15 0077 77 1.185 250 8.94 0112 112 1.69 300 10.71 8 0155 155 2.29 350 12.5 0190 190 2.75 400 14.3 0226 226 3.20 450 16.1 9 0259 259 3.59 500 17.9 0280 280 3.81 550 19.6 0293 293 3.90 600 21.4 10 0271 271 3.52 650 23.2 0216 216 2.74 700 25.0 0215 215 2.66 750 26.8 11 Table 38 12. Data sheet for W—S—U—4. a. General Data Water Date — May 23, 1964 Operator — Warder Test - W-S-U—4 Cell - #3 Proving ring — #314A Proving ring constant = 0.00455 kg/div. Length — 2.80 in = 7.11 cm Area - 10 cm Vol. - 71.1 Strain Rate — 400 %/hr End Plates - Conventional Content Data: Container no. 7 Container wt. 16.32 g Cont. wt. + wet wt. 30.00 g Cont. wt. + dry wt. 26.26 g Water wt. 3.74 9 Dry wt. 9.94 9 w 37.7 % 39 Table 12. Continued. 33:? N -233; 85:21“ % KG/cm 0500 0 0 000 0 0522 22 .098 050 1.79 0526 26 .114 100 3.57 0533 33 .142 150 5.36 0536—1/2 36-1/2 .154 200 7.15 0540 40 .166 250 8.94 0546 46 .187 300 10.71 0550 50 .199 350 12.50 0556 56 .218 400 14.3 0558—1/2 58-1/2 .223 450 16.1 0562 62 .232 500 17.9 -- -- —— 550 19.6 0569 69 .247 600 21.4 0571-1/2 71-1/2 .250 650 23.2 0571 71 .242 700 25.0 0572-1/2 72—1/2 .242 750 g 26.8 0574 74 .240 800 28.6 0574 74 .234 850 30.4 0574 74 .228 900 32.1 40 Table 13. Data sheet for W-C-CU—Z. a. General Data Date - March 20, 1964 Operator — Warder Test - W-C-CU—2 Cell - #2 Proving Ring — #3141 Proving Ring Constant Strain Rate - 4.7 %/hr End Plates - Conventio Length - 2.64 in. Area - 8.88 cm2 Volume - 59.5 cm3 Initial wt. - 123.17 9 Final wt. - 113.70 g Initial Water Content Da Container no. Container wt. Cont. wt. + wet wt. Cont. wt. + dry wt. Water wt. Dry wt. w Final Water Content Data: Top Container no. 3 Wet wt. 33.99 9 Dry wt. 26.10 9 Water wt. 7.89 g - .0382 kg/div nal ta: 2 15.74 51.56 41.17 10.39 25.43 40.8 % Middle 4 38.61 g 29.41 g 9.20 9 w 30.1 % 31.3 % Bottom 10 40.97 30.87 10.10 32.8 9 9 9 % 41 Table 13. Continued. b. Consolidation Data Elapsed Chamber Burette Drainage Date Time Time Pressur cc cc -Min. — KG/cm 3—21—64 8:53 2.00 0 0 .25 2.00 1.5 1.5 2.00 1.7 1.7 8:54 2.00 2.0 2.0 8:55 2.00 2.45 2.45 8:58 2.00 3.40 3.40 9:03 10 2.00 4.50 4.50 9:08 15 2.00 5.50 5.50 9:23 30 2.00 7.50—a-0 7.50 9:53 60 2.00 2.30 9.80 10.53 120 2.00 3.90 11.40 12:53 240 2.00 4.45—4-0 11.95 16:53 480 2.00 .35 12.30 3—22-64 08:53 1440 2.00 .60 12.55 c. Stress-Strain Data Time 3:2? N .3:::i.. Saizi“ % ...... Phazizzaph KG/cm2 11:00 0500 0 0 000 0 9 11:15 0702 202 0.85 050 1.89 10 11:31 0743 243 1.01 100 3.79 11 11:59 0762-1/2 262—1/2 1.06 150 5.68 12 12:26 0774-1/2 274-1/2 1.09 200 7.58 13 12:54 0781 281 1.09 250 9.47 14 13:21 0784—1/2 284—1/2 1.07 300 11.38 15 14:15 0791 291 1.06 400 15.15 16 42 .mummu ¢Ionxus H60 aflmuum R 0m 0m 0H 0 I I I H [IN I m If? Lr m NIDIMIB AQV sflmnum S mm on mH 0 a H . 0 IIH I-m [Tm I-¢ UmCHmcoocs How mm>Hso :Hmupmlmmmnpm mo — 0 Z /9X mo — D Z /9X MIDIMIB A00 sflmnum X .eH .mHm om om OH o HIDIMJB Amy sHmHum R am am 0H 0 -. awe/9x - o zmo/ox - o 43 .mummu mupuxss HOV damnum X Om ON OH O --H I-m -.m -H. OIOIMIS HHS CHmuum X Om Om OH O I I H --H --m --m --¢ 1-m --O UOCHMCOUCD .HOM mm>HDU CHMHUW mw0H9m 1113 -O 2 /9x awn/9x - o hIDIMI3 A00 chHum x 0m @N CH __- mIDIMIS Amy :HmHum R Om pm OH v- _- .mH .OHm mo - 0 Z /9X zmo/sx — o 44 .mummu COHmmmHmEoo wmcflmcous: How mm>nso :HmHum mmwnum .0H wmflm HHIDIMI3 ADV Gflmhum X Om ow OH O O IIH 0 JUN _ H 9 lum W m z Ifi¢ OHIDIMIS AQV mIDIMIK Amy :HmHum x. samuuw X mm ON ad 0 0m 0m 0H 0 . w _ w - n O . O i H IIH D . 11 N D II N Va _ m X . D I m 9 . I. m m2 . W m _C II. 45 . mummy. @QCHMCOUQD HON muoououz H60 mw>Hso :Hmuum mmmuum .ha .mflm NIDUIUI3 ADV camuum R dfimuum x 0H NH m _¢ 0 NH 0 _¢ 0 W A H H O H H H O I N. D O _ .I¢ X MN I- . o 0 m a it w. 4-0.m .10.H muoumus HHO HIDImnz Hmv 5.3... a . £83.... a 0m 00 0v pw 0 0w 9¢ pm 0 H H q H H H o zmo/ax - o 46 OIDImIs H60 :Hmnum x on 0 0H ” Hw H O IIH so I1N . o -.m.0 -.¢.0 nubnmnz Any samuum R. Om Om OH O I T I 0 [UH O o 4N0 . :m.O zulo/sx - o zHID/I‘D» — o omummu. UGCHMCOUGS HOW m0>HDU GHMHUN wwwhum 0IDI0I3 A00 .mHm cflmnum .x. om ow Om O -H.O --N.O . -m.O r¢.O OIOImns HOV 5.3.30 .x. om Om 1 om O .H.O . .. . . -~.O .m.O -e.O mo - D Z /9)I zmo /9)1 -— o 47 .mummu Umdflmcoocs How ww>Hso :Hmuum mmmnum .0H .mHm MIDImIB ADV cflmnum x Om ON OH O I u . O D _ H 9 /, D m z vusumus H90 mumnmus Ame cflmuum N. samuum x Om ow OH Om ow OH O H H H O H H H O . IIH. mo 9x - D Z / APPENDIX B SAMPLE DATA SHEETS AND CURVES FOR CFS TESTS Table 14. General data sheet for WF—CFS-6. 1 Date - July 13, 1964 Operator — Warder Test - WF-CFS-6 2 Chamber Pressure - 2.00 kg/cm Cell ~ #4 Proving Ring - #3141 Proving Ring Const. - .0382 kg/div. Strain Rate - 6.12 %/hr. End Plates — Frictionless Initial wt. - 127.01 9 Initial Measurements: Length - 2.80 in. Area - 10 cm2 V01. - 71.1 cm3 After Consolidation: Length - 2.64 in Area - 8.93 cm3 Vol. — 59.8 cm Initial Water Content Data: Container no. 2 Container wt. 15.74 g Cont. wt. + wet wt. 49.07 g Cont. wt. + dry wt. 39.06 9 Water wt. 10.01 9 Dry wt. 24.32 9 w 42.0 % Final Water Content Data: Final wet wt. 118.18 9 Final dry wt. 89.42 g Water wt. 28.76 9 w 32.2 % 49 50 Table 15. Consolidation data sheet for WF—CFS-6. Elapsed Chamber Burette Drainage Pore Date Time Time Pressure (cc) (cc) Pressu e (min.) (KG/cmz) (KG/cm ) 7—14—64 07:58 0 2.00 0 0 -- .25 2.00 1.70 1.70 .5 2.00 1.80 1.80 07:59 1 2.00 1.90 1.90 08:00 2 2.00 2.15 2.15 08:03 5 2.00 2.60 2.60 08:08 10 2.00 3.15 3.15 08:13 15 2.00 3.65 3.65 08:28 30 2.00 4.95 4.95 08:58 60 2.00 .75—"0 6.75 09:58 120 2.00 2.25 9.00 10:58 180 2.00 3.40 10.15 11:58 240 2.00 .95-¢~0 10.70 19:58 720 2.00 1.30 12.00 7-15—64 08:06 1448 2.00 2.00 12.70 -- 08:15 -- 4.00 Back Pressure Applied 2.00 51 OO.~ ¢OO.H «Om.H eH.m mHN mmOH mmOH memo OO.~ mmm.H Omm.H mO.e OHN «mm mmOH HOOO OO.~ mem.H mhm.H ee.e mom mem vaH OmOO OO.~ mom.H mOO.H Om.n OON m¢.m vaH emOO OO.~ II II Om.e OOH II II II OO.~ Hem.H Ham.H Om.n OOH Omm OmOH «moo OO.~ emm.H emm.H HO.e mmH ~\HImmm ~\HIOMOH ammo OO.~ «Hm.H «Hm.H ~O.O OOH Omm ONOH OmOO OO.~ OON.H OON.H HO.O mnH mam mmOH ONOO OO.~ ON.H O~.H m¢.O OeH mam ONOH ONOO OO.~ mem.H ms~.H O~.O OOH OHm OHOH «NOO OO.~ ON.H Om.H bO.O OOH eHm «HOH ammo OO.~ m~.H m~.H Om.m mmH OHm OHOH ONOO OO.~ ¢~.H ON.H OO.m omH «\HIeOm «\HI5OOH OHOO OO.~ Hmm.H Hmm.H Om.m meH «\HIOOm ~\HI¢OOH FHOO OO.~ NHN.H ~H~.H Hm.m OOH mom OOO mHOO OO.~ emH.H eOH.H NH.m mmH mmm mmm NHOO Om.m NOH.H OOH.H mm.¢ OmH mmm mmm OHOO om.~ «OH.H «OH.H en.e mmH «\HINON N\HI~OO OOOO Om.~ nOH.H emH.H mm.¢ ONH OON OOO OOOO Om.~ mOH.H mOH.H Om.¢ mHH Omm OOO mOOO Om.m eOH.H ROH.H bH.¢ OHH «\HIOON «\HIOOO mOOO mumwmwum mwmmwwmmw «Mmmwwwmm. x. HmHo z HmHo msHe ucmumcou whom amaxm :Hmupm sflmnum cmoa . .Olthlmg EOHM Hmwflm MDMU WMU HMOflQxflH. 90H GHQMHH 52 Table 17. CFS calculation sheet for WF-CFS-6. Upper Curve Lower Curve '31 2.00 '01 = 1.50 3(31" 3‘31" %(El— 3(3 "’ Strain U 47 a, U3) 03 3 _6, 3 C’3) G3) % 1 3 3 Y2 X2 1 3 3 Y1 X 2.5 1.120 0.880 0.5600 1.4400 1.068 0.432 0.5340 0.9660 5.0 1.276 0.724 0.6380 1.3620 1.192 0.308 0.5960 0.9040 7.5 1.378 0.622 0.6890 1.3110 1.280 0.220 0.6400 0.8600 10.0 1.433 0.567 0.7165 1.2835 1.330 0.170 0.6650 0.8350 12.5 1.463 0.547 0.7265 1.2735 1.348 0.152 0.6740 0.8260 15.0 1.440 0.560 0.7200 1.2800 1.329 0.171 0.6645 0.8356 17.5 1.387 0.613 0.6935 1.3065 1.258 0.242 0.6290 0.8710 20.0 1.338 0.662 0.6690 1.3310 1.207 0.293 0.6035 0.8965 22.5 1.301 0.699 0.6505 1.3495 1.777 0.323 0.5885 0.9115 25.0 1.280 0.720 0.6400 1.3600 1.155 0.345 0.5775 0.9225 27.5 1.268 0.732 0.6340 1.3660 1.143 0.351 0.5715 0.9285 30.0 1.261 0.739 0.6305 1.3695 1.140 0.360 0.5700 0.9300 32.5 1.259 0.741 0.6295 1.3705 1.137 0.363 0.5685 0.9315 35.0 1.256 0.744 0.6280 1.3720 1.133 0.367 0.5665 0.9335 37.5 1.254 0.746 0.6270 1.3730 1.132 0.368 0.5660 0.9340 40.0 1.255 0.745 0.6275 1.3725 1.131 0.369 0.5655 0.9345 53 Test No. WF-CFS-6 Computed by Warder Sample No. WC-l6 Date 7—17-64 .4380 Tan 0 Y;-:1Tana YZ-Yl XZ-X1 =Sin 9e ¢€ XlTana = Cecos 06 Ce .0260 .474 .055 3.15° 00531 .4809 .482 .0420 .458 .0917 5.260 .0829 .5131 .515 .0490 .451 .1087 6.240 .0935 .4565 .551 .0515 .4485 .115 6.600 .0960 .5690 .572 10525 .4475 .1172 6.730 .0968 .5772 .582 .0555 .4445 .125 7.180 .1044 .5601 .565 .0645 .4355 .148 8.500 .1289 .5001 .505 .0655 .4345 .151 8.680 .1354 .4681 .473 .0620 .438 .1418 8.150 .1293 .4592 .464 .0625 .4375 .143 8.220 .1319 .4456 .451 .0625 .4375 .141 8.220 .1328 .4387 .444 .0605 .4395 .1377 7.900 .1281 .4419 .447 .0610 .4390 .139 8.000 .1295 .4390 .444 .0615 .4385 .1403 8.070 .1310 .4355 .441 .0610 .4390 .139 8.000 .1298 .4362 .441 .0620 .1417 8.140 .1324 .4331 .438 54' Table 18. General data sheet for GF-CFS-Z Date - August 10, 1964 Operator - Warder Test - GF—CFS-2 2 Chamber Pressure — 2.00 kg/cm Cell - #4 Proving Ring — #3141 Proving Ring Const. — .0382 kg/div. Strain Rate - 1.24 %/hr. End Plates - Frictionless Initial wt. — 126.03 Initial Measurements: Length 2.80 in Area 10 cm V01. 71.1 cm3 After Consolidation: Length 2.66 in. Area 9.09 cm2 vo1. 61.4 cm3 Initial Water Content Data: Container no. 3 Container wt. 15.76 g Cont. wt. + wet wt. 47.00 g Cont. wt. + dry wt. 37.95 9 Water wt. 9.05 g Dry wt. 22.19 9 w 40.8 % Final Water Content Data: Final wet wt. 116.95 Final dry wt. 88.29 Water wt. 28.66 w 32.5 Bat-GOLD 55 Table 19. Consolidation data sheet for GF-CFS-Z. Elapsed Chamber Pore Date Time Time Pressure Burette Drainage Pressure (min.) (KG/cmz) (cc) (cc) (KG/cmz) 8-11-64 07:52 0 2.00 0 0 —- .25 2.00 1.50 1.50 .5 2.00 1.90 1.90 07:53 1 2.00 2.05 2.05 07:54 2 2.00 2.30 2.30 07:57 5 2.00 2.80 2.80 08:02 10 2.00 3.30 3.30 08:07 15 2.00 3.70 3.70 08:22 30 2.00 4.70 4.70 08:52 60 2.00 6.10 6.10 09:52 120 2.00 7.80—->0 7.85 10:52 180 2.00 .95 8.80 12:02 250 2.00 1.60 9.45 14:00 368 2.00 2.35 10.20 15:52 480 2.00 2.80 '10.65 19:52 720 2100 3.25 11.10 8-12-64 07:52 1440 2.00 3.75 11.60 —— 08:00 —— 4.00 Back Pressure Applied 2.00 56 OO.O OH~.H OHO.H OO.O OOH O\HIOOO O\HIOOO OOOH OO.O OO~.H OOO.H OO.O OOH OOO OOO OOOH OO.O OOH.H OOH.H OO.O OOH OOO OOO OOOH OO.O OH.H OH.H OH.O OOH OOO OOO OOOH Om.~ OH.H OH.H O0.0 OOH «\HIHOO «\HIHOO OOOH Om.~ OOH.H OOH.H OO.O OOH O\HIOOO O\HIOOO OOOH OO.O OOH.H OOH.H OO.O OOH OOO OOO HOOH OO.O OOH.H OOH.H OO.O OOH HOO HOO OHOH OO.~ HOO.H HOO.H OO.O OOH OOO OOO OOOH OO.O OO~.H OOO.H OH.O OOH OOO OOO OOOH Om.m OOO.H OOO.H OO.O OOH OOO OOO HOOH OO.O OOO.H ~OO.H OO.O OOH «\HIOOO «\HIOOO OOOH OO.O OOH.H OOH.H 46.4 OOH OOO OOO OOOH OO.O OOH.H OOH.H OO.O OOH «\HIOOO «\HIOOO OOOH OO.O OH.H OH.H 44.4 OHH «\HIOOO O\HIOOO «OOH OO.~ OH.H OH.H OO.O OHH HON HOO OHOH OO.O HOH.H HOH.H OH.O OHH ~\HIOOO ~\HIOOO OOOH OO.O OOH.H OOH.H OO.~ OOH OOO OOO OOOH OO.~ OOH.H OOH.H OO.m OOH OOO OOO «OHH O0.0 HOH.H HOH.H OO.m OOO O\HIOO~ O\HIOOO OOHH OO.O ~H.H OH.H Om.m OOO OOO OOO OmHH OO.m OOH.H OOH.H OO.O OOO «\HIOOO O\HI~OO OOHH HHoo mau\osIs< Oso\omIm< OHDmmOHm OHfimmOHm OHSmmOHm X. HMHQ Z HMHQ OEHB ucmuwcoo whom Hmflx< camuum afimuum UMOA . .Nlmmolmw EOHM uwmnm mumo 0&0 HMOHmwe .ON magma 57 Table 21. CFS calculation sheet for GF—CFS—Z. Upper Curve Lower Curve '51 = 2.00 '81 = 1.50 _ _ _ 30.1 3*; ' _ _ _ 3%1) 3(g1) Stgain 01—03 03 YV3) X 3) 01-33 33 Y3 X 3 ° 2 2 1 1 2.50 1.051 .949 .5255 1.4745 1.032 .468 .5160 .9840 3.75 1.139 .861 .5695 1.4305 1.109 .391 .5545 .9455 5.00 1.197 .803 .5985 1.4015 1.159 .341 .5795 .9205 6.25 1.238 .762 .6190 1.3810 1.193 .307 .5965 .9035 7.50 1.267 .733 .6335 1.3665 1.217 .283 .6085 .8915 8.75 1.283 .717 .6415 1.3585 1.228 .272 .6140 .8860 10.00 1.292 .708 .6460 1.3540 1.231 .269 .6155 .8845 12.50 1.289 .711 .6445 1.3555 1.219 .281 .6095 .8205 15.00 1.263 .737 .6315 1.3685 1.180 .320 .5900 .9100 17.50 1.230 .770 .6150 1.3850 1.142 .358 .5710 .9290 20.00 1.201 .799 .6005 1.3995 1.112 .388 .5560 .9440 25 1.160 .840 .5800 1.4200 1.069 .431 .5345 .9655 30 1.132 .868 .5660 1.4340 1.039 .461 .5195 .9805 35 1.111 .889 .5555 1.4445 1.017 .483 .5085 .9915 40 1.094 .906 .4570 1.4530 1.000 .500 .5000 1.000 58 Test No. GF-CFS-Z Sample No. G—16 Computed by Warder Date 9-9—64 Yl-XlTand Tan 0 = a Yz-Yl xz—xl =Sin 4E 4E XlTan 0 -C€cos 46 C6 .0095 .4905 .0194 1.110 .0191 .4969 .497 .0150 .4850 .0309 1.770 .0292 .5253 .526 .0190 .4810 00395 2.260 .0364 .5431 .544 .0225 .4775 .0471 2.700 .0426 .5539 .555 .0250 .4750 .0526 3.020 .0469 .5616 .563 .0275 .4725 .0582 3.340 .0516 .5624 .564 .0305 .4695 .0650 3.730 .0575 .5580 .559 .0350 .4650 °0753 4.320 .0671 .5424 .544 .0415 .4585 .0905 5.200 .0824 .5076 .509 .0440 .4560 .0965 5.540 .0896 .4814 .483 .0445 .4555 .0977 5.620 .0922 .4638 .466 .0455 .4545 .1001 5.75 .0966 .4379 .440 .0465 .4535 .1025 5.880 .1005 .4190 .421 .0470 °4530 .1038 5.950 .1029 .4056 .408 .0470 .4530 .1038 5.950 .1038 .3962 .399 NlmmUImIB MOM mm>HHHU who .OO .OHO samuum .x. OO OO Om OH O h _ P u . I, Ow Om Ow 3¢ O . mm . . O . O m I. I .O 5 I . 9 3 m II S OH-- w OH.- G < OO.- O \\ 6 OO.. -Im. H .MImMUIhIz How mm>uso mmv .HN 593.0 O G. Orm Om OH O 56.45 O OH. O OPH o % 0m . 0m. 4 NI. ¢I .mm. O 0 3 It 3 I X _ . m . a m e w .m O- .OO. 7. e a I S I 0H. NH If. ID?. 0 T - x x . . JI .mHm zmo/DX - 9V .OImmoImIz How mo>uso Omo .mm .OHm chHum X OW .Om tON ma 0 H H H H No fimnum OO 6 0O OH OH O H H Q Om”. gin-cw. Nll ij I-mMO ¢ 3 D 1.0. . 0% O 3 . W _ 1 6 O H _V 6 M mi 0 . 1.01—V. m E .. . o _ m c O O we -O. In 9 G O .. m8 . NH... O G 50¢. O o o -.O.H ¢..w. x . ITNoH II¢.H 62 o¢ 0m HL— cwmugm X :Hmuum x 0N w OO O.O ‘— OH .0ImmOIm3 mom wm>Hso mmU .mm .mflm .3. sz/DX — 8v IN.H p. .hlmmvlmz MOM cwmuum x on 1+ "0 r-l mm>uso 000 .¢m .mHm 63 o¢ 0m 58.30 x. cm 0H seexbeq - 30 D sz/SX - 0H sz/OX — 9v .Hlmmolmw Mom 00>HDU 000 .mm .mflm GHMHU0 K 0m 0m 0H 0 m - T . H N o sflmnum x 64 seelfieq — 3¢ |\ N H O . a O Om. D zmo/sx — 3 zmo/sx — 8v .mlthImw How 00>H50 0&0 .0N .mmm 335 .O . Om Om OH O w J—1 u N. / :Hmuum Om OO Om OO OH O O + u H mm. II¢. .OO. . T3. 93 3¢. _ Irma _ l om. m . 5 O O . 6 5 m _ _v 1 .00. Z 2 % _ s Irm. H '00. m D m Z 1-0.H x 4O.H IrfloH .mlmmUImo Mom mm>uso who 53pm x om om 0H ~— .hm 66 0% d - camuum X 0.“ gum/9x — 33 omflm awe/9x — 9v 4r- .filmmUImU Mom mm>H50 th cflmuum x om ON OH .mm 67 saexbeq - 3¢ ow .1— 4 d cannuw x mm mm @H o Immo too. D auto/9x - [one I omflm w. zIna/ax - EV ow ‘- .mlmmulmw Mom mm>uso who .mm .mmm ammuum x -r 68 sealbaq - 3¢ 0% T" N. ammuum x Om Om OH . O . u a. w. .OO. 3 ,mv. 3 1O. _ m -Om. w, w z . mm. -O x D / D m Z 4.094.. .:N.H APPENDIX C SAMPLE CALCULATIONS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA 1. Sample Calculations (a) Calculation of stress The stress is calculated on the assumption that the area increases as the inverse of one minus the axial strain. The load is determined from a linearly elastic proving ring which is calibrated and the constant slope of the load-deflection curve is known. An example is given from WF-CFS-6. Given: No. of divisions on load dial = N = 345 div. Proving ring constant = C = 0.0382 kg/div. Strain = e = 7.58% = .0758 in/in. Area of start of test = A0 = 8.93 cm2 Stress calculation: CNgl-e) A O (.0382L(345)(l-.0758) 8.93 Deviation Stress = Aa 1.363 kg/cm2 (b) Corrected dimensions after consolidation If the sample is consolidated before the test is run, it is necessary to correct the dimension of the sample to account for changes due to consolidation. This is done on the assumption that the area changes as the two—thirds power of the ratio of the volume at the end of consolidation 7O 71 to the original volume and the length varies as the one— third power of this ratio. The volume change is measured by means of a burette during consolidation. An example from test WF-CFS-6 is given below. Given: 3 Original volume V = 71.1 cm Original area = A = 10 cm2 Original length = L - 2.80 in Volume change during consolidation = AV = 11.1 cm Calculation of corrected dimensions: Corrected volume = Vb = VOAV = 71.1 - 11.1 = 60.0 cm3 V o _ 60.0 _ V — 7ITI'_ 0.844 V Corrected area = A0 = A (3302/3= 10(.844)2/3= 8.93 cm2 VO 1/3 1/3 . Corrected length = L = L 0-) = 2.80(.844) = 2.64in 0 V (c) CFS calculations Examples of calculating Ce and $6 from a CFS test are given in Tables 17 and 21. These calculations are based on the geometry of two Mohr circles, one representing the upper curve and one representing the lower curve. For a detailed explanation see Holliday (1963). 6i is constant for each curve throughout the test since the porewater pressure is continuously adjusted to balance the increase in axial pressure. (61433) is the deviation stress and is calculated as shown in part (a) of this appendix. The remaining calculations in Tables 17 and 21 are self—explanatory. 72 2. Interpretation of Data The failure stress and strain correspond to the peak on the stress-strain curve. In cases where the stress- strain curve did not reach a peak, the values of stress and strain at the end of the test were recorded. In the two unconfined compression tests in which the instantaneous load was applied, the failure strain was estimated on the basis of the final deformation. The peak deviator stress referred to in Tables 8 and 9 refers to the upper curve in the CFS test. APPENDIX D PHOTOGRAPHS OF DEFORMED SPECIMENS Fig. 4 A. h-._J.. 30. Photographs of deformed specimens. 74 75 (a) W—K-U-7 (Front view) (b) W—K-U-7 (Side View) Fig. 31. Photographs of deformed specimens. (a) W-K-U-4 (b) W-K-U-lO Fig. 32. Photographs of deformed specimens. 77 (a) w—s-U-2 (b) W—S-U—ll Fig. 33. Photographs of deformed specimens. ROOM 05E UHLI'