BIOSERIES OF THE OSTRACODE PO-NDERODICTYA IN THE TRAVERSE GROUP OF MICHIGAN Thesis for the Degree oI M. S. MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Arthur Emil Wucke'n‘ I950 THESIS SUPPLEMENTARY ’ A .MBIILEOBIQOR ' i‘ \ l . ll-‘I ’ 'o.. -‘L. ‘ ' - l u.‘ ‘ a J - '— -- - s . . _. >.. This is to certify that the thesis entitled WBioeeriee or the Ostracode Punderodictya 1n the Traverse Group ’of Michigan." presented by Arthur B. Wuckert has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Master's degree in Geolggx W 63.46%, Major professor May 23. 1950 Date I -" 3343's! 1. ‘ '. u '.'-‘ 7' I. " ’15-’35? - V Wr’ .. -W..._-- " ‘ ‘7‘“ ‘ "‘ - “' '1' ' I ‘ * '.' ' l1, .' .. '7 N v N (WV, ,3" \'.L a? fight; W1,» 1‘ ‘ a l , t " in , n if“ I I"; l" 0 ‘ Ck BIOSERIES OF THE OSTRACODE PONDTRODICTYA IN THE TRAVERSE GROUP OF MICHIGAN by Arthur Emil Fuckert A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan state College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Geology and Geography 1950 THESIS ACF"“"LTPG'T'WD The writer wishes to express his appzeciation for the co ontinuous and invaluable assistance so freely given V Dr. W.A. Kelly in the laboratory as well as on the manuscript. I further extend my grateful thanks to our departr dent head, Dr. S.G. Eergquist, for his helpful ad- vice in the study and to Dr. B.T. Sandefur for his ex— cellent help on the hand drawings. Dr. J.w. Trow and Mrs. J. Smith also improved greatly upon the thesis. Dr. A.D. Perejda and Prof. R. L. Carmin of the geography deparment gave helpful advice on the style of the graphs and map. To Joe Long, a senior student in the department of geology, the writer is in debt for the drafting of the To Mr. Harold Poulson and Major P. Mellinger the writer extends his appreciation for the valuable aid on the PhOtOVTchfilC matel ial incorporated herein. Hr. Rex Grant and his staff in the Oil and Gas Division of the Michigan Geological Survey contributed very kindly to the progress of this paper. He TABLE OF COYTFTTS AcknOWledgemtscoocuecccceace-ecvoccoocdccocovoccoce List of Illustrations........................... IntfluCtiODCCOCQCO'CUO(Cf..UO'U'CO‘CU'C"CC'UC'C'OO'. ObjeCt Of Stud370000CII¢lovdoO'O’o'e'c'IOCOCCCCCCCC'CCOIG Termin‘Ology—COOCCCCCOCOG0'.CCICOCCCOCCCCOC‘COOCOOCOC DiSCUSSiOncecacoooccoccccoccocovccccoeccccccvcccocc MethOG Of PreparationcoceouvcvcecoeocooccctOOOOOOto Stratigrathoccccoccoecccooeccccooe¢0dccoccaoocoocc WGllS Examined in the Studyceccocooceoooo¢cccccccoc Orientation of Ostracodes.........................g Descriptions of the Type Specimens................. Introduction to the Graphs................ Results and Interpretations of the Study.. COnCIUSionSoccecccceocdccoeecccaccoccccccc BibliograpWCCOCOOCC'COCCIOCCCOCC'CCCCCCI’O O'CCCOCOC COOCCOCCC OCICUOCIC O‘C'C'C'CU m 03 n9 \1 to 09 m G) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure I. Columnar Section of Michigan.............. 15 Index Map of St. Clair County in Michigan........... 17 PLATES Plate I. Photographed Specimens..................... 25 Plate II. Illustrative Sketches of Ponderodictya.... 87 ') GRAPH 1'1 Graph I. Distribution Chart of the 15 Types in the Traverse Formation......................... Pocket Graph II. Frequency of the 15 Types in a Stratigraphic Section...................... 50 Graph III. Biozones Based on the 15 Types........... 31 iii INTRODUCTION Microfossils have been.used for several years as a means of subsurface correlation with special emphasis on the foraminifera; however, the Michigan basin has very few of these. Many ostracodes are found in the oil well cuttings as well as at outcrop locations in Hichigan. They are rated second only to the foraminifera in strat- igraphic value. Glaessner* states: *Glaessner, M.F., Principles of Micropaleontology, Mel- bourne University Press, Melbourne, Australia, 1945, p. 17. "Locally ostracodes are of greater value than foraminifera, because of their greater adapta- bility to a variety of environmental conditions, including brackish and fresh water habitat, as well as to the conditions leading to deposition of dark shales. Micropaleontologists are in- clined to place the ostracodes second in strat- igraphic value, after the foraminifera." Ostracodes are an important group of microfossils in the Paleozoic era.* *Kelly, W.A., Personal communication. Of the many genera found in the Devonian formations of Michigan, Ponderodictya appeared to be the most abundant; therefore, it was chosen for this bioseries or phylomorpho- genetic study. According to Glaessner,* *Glaessner, M.F., 22, cit., 1945, p. 81. the sequence of evolutionary stages of each morphologic character or feature is a bioseries. Any subdivisions or zones of a stratigraphic column based on the evidence of bioseries are known as biozones. This research method has been and is now employed by several workers in.paleontology. After citing several xamples of Jeletzky% says: a *Jeletzky, J.A., "Some Nomenclatorial and Taxonomic Problems in Paleozoology," Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1950, p. 27. "The tendency to discard specimens as a foundation of paleozoological species and to use fossil pop- ulations (i.e. series of specimens assumingly representing these) contributes considrably to the phylogenetical method and makes-it much more exact. It seems to be sufficiently evident that the old phylogenetical concept of tphylogenetic lines! did not represent the true character of paleozoological evolution. The fact that in all numerous cases when paleozoological material is more or less plentiful and evolutionary series continuous we observe not 'lines!, but tphylo- genetical fields! or 'plexus' is very significant, It may be safely assumed that these concepts re- flect much more correctly the character and course of evolutionary processes than the concept of 'phylogenetical lines'." (3‘3 In accord with the above, the writer has employed the subspecies, or variants, as a basis for classification rather than the conventional and empirical catagorizing of the species into specific geologic time spans. This method embraces the 'phylogenetical field! concept referred to by Jeletzky above. Furthermore this method testifies to the contemporaneity and ancestry of the several variants of Ponderodictyawhich comprise its populations manifested in the Traverse formation. OBJECT OF STUDY The object of this study is determine whether there is evidence of one or more bioseries in the single ostra- code genus, Ponderodictya,and with the evidence obtained for such bioseries, to Subdivide the Traverse ostracode zone into as many biozones as may be distinguisned. TERTIHOLOCY Carapace is the entire shell or fossil composed of two halves, a right valve and left valve; often referred to as the test. Flanges are located in the anterior region of Ponderodiegya, being linear ridges, often arcuate. Some may app~ar merely as nodose structures. (Pl. I, Fig. 1,2; Pl. 2, Fig. 1,5.) Hingement. In Ponderodictya the valves articulated about J.) an axis directed through the more convex dorsal margin. The interlocking of the valves at this position is a rabbeted contact of the ridge and groove type.* (Pl. I, Fig. 1,6.) *shimer, H.W., a Shrock, E.R., Index Fossils of Berth America, J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., new York, 1947. p. 685. Mamelons are intermediate be ween nodes and monticules. Marginal overlap_is a feature where one valve overpaps he other along the free margins, he larger one may have a groove for receiving the edge of the smaller. (Pl. I, Fig. 2,4,8; P1. 2. Fig. 2,5.) Monticules are of lower relief than nodes, having a large diameter and very little height. This term differs from the general usage and is here initiated with the above de- finition. (Pl. I, Fig. 2.) Muscle scar is udhlly located in the central region on the side of the valve of Ponderodictya, it has much the appearance of an old vaccine scar. (Fl. I, Fig. 2,7; Pl.2, Figd 1,2,3.) Nodes are a variation from the spines; being broader and of lower relief than the spines. The height is about equal to the diameter. (Pl. 2, Fig. 5.) Fitting is a type of ornamentaion of the surface of the carapace. It is used in this paper to describe a condition where the area of the pits is smaller than the space between them. (Fl. 2, Fig. 5,4.) Plenation. The plenate end is the end toward which the swing of the shell is directed, andwhich tendsto be full becadse of the greater area of the region extending beyond the hinge. The degree of plenation is a composite effect of relative height of the ends, relative projection beyond the limits of the hinge, and relative fullness of the ventro- adplenate, as compared to the ventro-antiplenate portions of the shell.* IPl. I, Fig. 1,5,15; Pl. 2, Fig. 1,2,5.) *swartz, F.M., & Oriel, 3.8., Journal of Paleontology, Vol.22, No. 5, 1948, p. 546. Feticulation is the opposite of the condition for pitting, . . . ,_ , ._ ,_ . r- _. 1.e., the ple are broader than the intevening spaces, which may be ordy ridges separating the pits. (P1 I, Fig. 1, 2.) Shoulders_maj take the place of flanges, where the sides of the valves converge abruptly toward the margins. Some specimens even lack the abrupt shoulder. (Pl. I, Fig. 6,12.) g Spines are structures that appear norially in the poster- ior region of Ponderodictya and have a length greater than the d'ameter normal to the length. (Pl. 2, Fig. 2.) DISCUSSION Ostracodes comprise a subclass of bivalved marine crust- acea, which average from 0.5 m.m to 4 m.m in length. One group, the Leperditacea, not used in this study, attain a length.of some 25 m.m. The two valves of the carapace are joined at addrsal hingement, about which they articulate AS the writer will demonstrate in this study, the external surface of the valves may have various types of morphologic features and degrees thereof; or the sufface may be void of superficial ornamentation. These variations in expression of morphological characteristics are the criteria with which the biozones are delineated. According to Glaessner:% *Glaessner, M.F., o . cit., 1945, p. 225. "When it is found that the stages in the progre- ssive structural development of morphological char- acters follow each other in numbers of individuals taken from successive beds in a stratigraphic sequence, then their order of appearance supports the phylogenetic interpretation oflthese stages while, concurrently, the possibility of establish— ing phylogenetic relations between.them supports the classification of the stratigraihic sequence of biozones." In this it is not claimed that the aurorae of the several bioseries arecomplete within the Traverse group, but the statistical examination of the frequency of occurrence of mutations should indicate the existence of at least one hemera or point of peak develop- ment in the stratigraphic column. An aurora is the geologic time interval from the actual appearance bf a mutant in a bioseries to its sub- sequent disappearance or replacement by a successive mutant. An aurora is not necessarily completed within the short interval of geologic time as represented in the Traverse formation. Further studies on the formations directly above and below the Traverse group might easily discover biostrati- graphic divisions that integrate perfectly with the divi- sions that are evident from this study. As Tan Sin Hok* states: *Tan Sin Hok, "The Results of Phylomorphogenetic studies of Some Larger Foraminifera", De Mg, in Ned. Indie, 6, (IV), 1959, p. 95. "The biostratigraptic value of phylomorphogenetic researches is that they mean a methodical search for index fossils, and that they also enable us to establish a series of time markers in.which the geologic time is recorded in a gapless manner, as the consecutive terms of the same bioseries represent a rational and continuous sequence. Such a paleontological chronometer is of utmost improtance, as by means of it, other forms can be dated independently." The biozones, representing a continuous series of stratigraphic units in.the Michigan.synclinorial basin, may be correlated_by further work in some other region 10 that has a similar and fairly continuous section of Paleo- zoic formations. This w uld be limited to sediments of marine origin such as the section in New York or Illinois. The question has been asked whether or not a geograph— ically restricted environment could be a dominant factor affecting the variations and mutations that give rise to the bioseries. For example, if a stratigraphically contin- uous series of ostracodes in the Illinois basin had been subjected to a much different environment than.a series in the Michigan basin, the two faunal series may by assumption be highly different in types of ornamentation, in degrees of expression, and in time interval of occurrence; morpho- logic features typical in the series of one basin for a definite time interval or biozone may never occur or at least be much different in the faunal series of the other basin. Furthermore, in.harmony with the assumption, the same set of features may occur in a time interval other than that of the first found series. If this assumption were the case, then the projected correlation over the continent would not be a reliable method even if there were any hints of correlation trends that appeared to corroborate the empirical method. The latter method is that of arbi- trarily chosen ranges for species which is and has been re- lied upon quite heavily by geologists for many years. According to Glaessner,* *Glaessner, M.F., op. cit., 1945, p. 226. 11 "The stratigraphic value of morphogenetic stages would be very limited if the rate of change from one stage in a bioseries dt’the next depended largely on local environmental factors. Tan Sin Hok has considered this possibility and has found indications that the effect of such influences is rather limited. For example the stages of evolu- tion of nepionic characters in some foraminifera were reached in Southern Europe and in the Indo- Pacific region at the same time." For an illustration in the ostracodes, the co-existing faunal series of the Illinios and Michigan basins will suffice. If the two series of fossils from these two basins or any other two or more basins of marine sediments of similar age were compared on the basis of bioseries and biozoning, it is highly probable that the same combinations of morphologic features will be present in each of the faunal series in every basin in similar geologic time inter- vals. These morphologic features should invariably show the same frequency of occurrence in.a1l basins. This discussion is summarized Very well in Glaessner'sw words, *Glaessner, M.F., op. cit., 1945, p. 226. "Since it is improbable that evolutionary changes varying inspeed under the influence of environment can produce, under different circum- stances and in different regions, the smme combin- ations of bioserial stages in a number of CG- existing species (popuiations), the actual occurr- ence of such combinations would strengthen the case for the stratigraphic application of the morphogenetic method." 12 METHOD OF PEEPiFATION Practically all of the well cuttings examined in this study are he washed and bottled sets of the Mich- igan Geological Survey. Most of the rock samples were suitable for study under the binocular microscope, but occasfhally it was necessary to crush the larger rock pieces or to wash away excess drilling muds in order to recover any specimens otherwise undetectable. The contents of all the bottles covering the Traverse formation in all the wells were examined to pick out the ostracode genus Ponderodictya for mounting in stratigraphic typ slides. The state well—permit numbers and depths were recorded on each slide immediately. After all of the available wells in the St. Clair area had been checked, the mountedspecimens were again examined to obtain a control set of type specimens which a. exemplified the sundry morphologic structures and their variations necessary for the bioseries study. STRATIGRAPHY The writer here presents the Traverse* section as described in a well log from the St. Clair area. The lith- ology recorded in this log is typical of the well cuttings examined in this study. In many wells the footage inter- vals were somewhat more constant than the record below would indicate; so that, for example, thirty feet-of shale as seen in.this type of log, may be represented by three or four samples in the bottled sets. Devonian, Traverse: Thickness Total in Feet Thickness Limestone, black, hard 2 2 Limestone 8 10 Limestone, gray black 6 l6 Shale, black 12 28 Limestone, buff and gray, fossiliferous; some gray limy shale 20 48 Shale, black 10 58_ Chert, limestone, gray % 59: n n n % so Shale, gray 8 68 Limestone, gray brown 10 78 Shale and limestone, gray 10 88 Limestone, gray, brown, dense,fossil- iferous, some shale, Chert, and secondary calcite 15 105 Shale, gray, soft 6 109 Shale, and limestone 5 112 Shale, gray and soft l 115 Limestone, brown, buff, dense; secondary calcite 7 120 Limestone, brownish-gray, dense, shaly; gray shale 10 150 Limestone, gray-brown, dense, fossiliferous 4 54 Shale, gray, flakey and muddy, limy 19 155 Limestone, gray-brown, dense, fossili- .ferous; some shale and seconday calcite 15 168 *See Colunnar Section, Figure I Devonian, Traverse cont'd Thickness Total in Feet Thickness Shale,ssft, gray, limy 55 225 Limestone, gra.y-brown, fossiliferous, gray shale 10 255 Limestone, gray, fossiliferous, gray muddy shale 15 2é8 Limestone, brown, fossiliferous 5 255 Limestone, gray and buff, some gray shale 5 258 Shale, gray, soft 5 265 Limestone, brown, fossiliferous 5 268 Shale, light gray, soft 10 278 Limestone, brown, fossiliferou3 pyrite, brown flaky shale 55 515 Shale, gray, flaky, soft, limy; pyrite 5 518 Shale, light gray, soft and powdery 5 525 Shale, gray, flaky, limy; pyrite 50 555 Shale, gray, flaky, limy, fossils pyrite 5 558 Limestone, gray, many fossils, a little ,gray shale; pyrite 10 568 15 GENERALIZED COLUMNAR SECTION OF MICHIGAN MICHIGAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION SYSTEM. SERIES ORMATION.GROUP LITHOLOGY THICKNESS ECONOMIC PRODUCTS , RECENT SAND. GRAVEL.CLAY, boulders, _ SAND. GR AVEL. PEAT. MARL. PLEISTOCENE GLACIAL DRIFT mm 0 IOOO FRESH WATER "PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS" "RED- BEDS" SHALE,CLAY, SANDY SHALEmsu GRAND RIVER SANDSTONE.sandy shale Bo -95 BUILDING STONEFRESH WATER PENNSYLVAN'AN SAGINAW SHALE,SANDSTONE,IImesIone,coa| 20-535. ggf‘NLEE-CEBQL'FRESH “I“ LIMESTONE. SANDY OR CHERTY BAY PORT \ LIMESTONE,SANDSTONE 2-I00 LIMESTONE,FRESH WATER MICHIGAN SHALE.gypsum,anhydrIIe.sandstone 0-500 GYPSUM "MICHIGAN STRAY“ SANDSTONE 0-Bo GAS _ FRESH WATER. BRINE MISSISSIPPIAN MARSHALL SANDSTONE.sandy shale I00 400 BUILDM STONE COLDWATER SHALEJandSIOI-w.lumesIone 500 -||00 SHALE. FRESH WATER SUNBURY SHALE O-l40 BEREA-BEDFORD SANDSTONE, SHALE 0-325 GAS.0IL ELLSWORTH- ANTRIM SHALE, lImesIone IOO‘950 SHALE, GAS TRAVERSE LIMESTONE. SHALE Ioo-Boo ggI‘EESEI‘ajfitg'L-GAS- ELL SHALE. Limestone 0-80 SHALE ROGERS CITY-DUNDEE LIMESTONE 0-475 L'MESTONE- O'L-G‘S' DEVON IAN ' LEMEESSII'OI’NAETEDROLOM ITE DETROIT RIVER engmLTE-“M'°"-”" ISO-I400 OILGASS'ALT, BRINEI Y FRESH WATER SYLVANIA SANDSTONE.SANDY DOLOMITE 0-550 GLASS SAND. FRESH WATER BOIS BLANc DOLOMITE,CHERTY DOLOMITE o-Iooo BASS ISLAND DOLOMITE 50-570 DOLOMITE. FRESH WATER SALINA SALT. DOLOMITE. Shaleanhydme 50-4000 SALT. GAS. OIL NIAGARAN SILUR'AN Guelph-Lock orI-Engadme) DOLOMITE L , h I l50’800 LIMESTONE DOLOMITE' MamsIIque-Jurnt Bluff) " ”"3 000.5 ' ° OIL. GAS. FRESH WATER CamacI CINCINNATIAN Michmpnd) Ed ) SHALE, LIMESTONE 250'800 ORDOV'C'AN 01va I. m OI GAS LIMESTONE TRENTON-BLAGII RIVER LIMESTONE. DOLOMITE zoo-I000 ”LE-SH WATER - ST PETER SANDSTONE 0 - I50 FRESH WATER OZAORKIAN PRAIRIE DU CHIEN DOLOMITE. Shale 0 - 4l0 R DOLOMITE. SANDY DOLOMITE. - CANADIAN HERMANSVILLE ”mm. I5 500 “I“? .SUPER'OR BUILDING STONE CAMBRIAN Momma? SANDSTONE 500-2000 FRESH WATER Jacobs" lo) (Coppnlormfions) shalcmndstm SEMI-PRECIOUS GEM STONES I KILLARNEY GRANITE GRANITE.GNEISS,dIorII¢.:y¢nII¢ ALGONKIAN HURON“ SLATES.HEMATITE. SCHIST, IRON ORE. ROOFING SWE- (Im mmfim) OUARTZITE. GRANITE.m5I.. 2000+ ROAD NETAL, GRAPHITE dolomite MARBLE ROAD METAL. BUILDING T LAURENTIAN SGHIST. GNEIss. GRANITE STONE,YER0E ANTIQUE.TALC. ARCHEAN GOLD AEENATIN SEAT? “REE"STOM- ROAD METAL FIGURE— I Countv St. Clair I! n I! I! I! H I! n I! I! I! I! n H I! N n Y! I! fl '1 H n " I! I! fl 1! fl Sanilac TTLL C Ontario Wells: Lambton N Y! *Morton's Salt n ‘T‘l'd’ xv ‘w-Yh a? “h » AEAMIH.W Tw Tkw . ' __J-'~.l-L.A - --_ ”A _.L. ...*__< L 16 Township Ft. Gratiot Clyde Pt. Huron Grant Clyde Wales Cottrelville Burchville Ft. Gratiot Burchville Wales Ft. Gratiot Kenockee Kimball wales Pt. mron Burchville Clyde Clyde Ft. GratiOt St. Clare Pt. Huron Clyde Ft. GratiOt Clyde Pt. HUron IPt. Huron Pt. Huron Grant Grant ' Fremont Shore Zombra Zone #11, no state permit number. State Permit Number 15841 15922 11001 1595 1562 15072 14755 14847 15028 12055 14969 5926 15702 14072 14558 5068 5526 6199 7860 8990 9271 M.S.ll* 4720 5855 6584 4671 5204 4294 2517 1595 10918 7 RI3E RME RISE RISE ,I05I8 r" - ‘ —__I_‘—T”* (n-1,.-- . , I a I I g | I I .1395 .I2035 "' I I '25I7 Imam . , r— ~ I I I z I I N I I ’I3702 * “4720 I" l I I ”3922 . I .L _ I I 6:659 7830 I ' I4358 I z I I t O I5072 I' I I4072 l _ ' I4969 .. - I 4_2% S 1 INDEX MAP SHOWING ‘- ST. CLAIR COLNTY IN MCI-IIGAN z c- 9.4? .. .2» E, I— g4 E o z 4 6 t‘ -=—=—==‘ su'ruTE MILES : WELLS EXAMINED FOR PONDERODIOTYA IN THE ST. CLAIR COUNTY AREA M LO“. ‘ ORIrLTATIO? or OSTPACOLES Glaessner* *Glaessner, M.F., on. cit., 1945, p. 15. m outlines the problem that exists on the subject of orient- ing ostracodes. "As there is no obvious relation between the shape of the test (fossil) and the internal anatomy of living ostracodes, the characters considered as distinguishing the anterior and posterior ends of the shell are not genreally accepted in the same sense by all students of Palaeozoic ostracodes." For the specimens examined in this study it was de- cided to designate the relatively more bulbous end as the posterior, (see Plate 2.) which usage is widely employed. This is often referred to as the plenate end. The more is. pointed, streamlincdfis the anterior or antiplenate. The portion of the margin.which is more convex, and which also lacks overlap in several of the varieties, is the hinge area as well as the dorsum. The relatively straight portion of the margin opposite the dorsum is the venter. If the Observer tips the specimen up on its venter with the pointed anterior end facing away, the valve on the observer's left is the left valve, and the one on his rigzt becomes the right valve. This latter valve is smaller and is overlapped by the left valve along the margins as described for each ype in the control set. 19 quanpTlovo OF THE TYPE FPECIETFQ EII CIVJP'l (Fig. 5)% Carapace oblong—ovate; left valve overlaps right on entire ma rgin,except at the posterodorsal portion; dorsal margin arched, ventral nearly straight; indistinct anterior flange on right valve; muscle scar not very pro— nounced; surface of right valve quite reticulate; left valve smoother than right valve; no evidence of spines on either valve. SP} CI‘VP 2 (Fig. 5) Carapace subquadrate in outline; pitting on entire surface very fine; left valve slightly larger han.right valve, overlapping the latter rather weakly on the entire margin except on the posterodorsal portion where there is no overlap; a very indistinct ridge or shoulder on the anterior portion of the right valve; muscle scar weakly expressed; one nodose spine pr sent on lower left portion of right valve. SrECIIEN’ 3(Fig. 6) Carapace subquadrate in.outline much like "2"; this specimen is shorter and wider, also has a straighter ventral line than "2"; left valve only slightly larger, overlaps right valve weakly; no overlap on the posterodorsal or an- terior margins; line of juncture forms a projecting prow aThe pictures appear on Plate I. D at the anterior (antiplenate) end; anterior shoulders Oi both valves converge abruptly to the anterior margin; the muscle scar is very indistinct; pitting appears quite fine; two tiny nodose mamelons in the posterodorsal and poster- oventral quadrants of the right valve; a very waak anterior flange is present on right valve. SPECIHEf'é (gig. 8) Carapace similar to "l", oblong-ovate, but on this specimen the anterior flange ofthe right valve is a low linear ridge rather than a spinose structure; one post- terior mamelon is prominent on the lower portion of the bulge of plenation of the right valve; left valve retic- ulate but has no other structures; overlap not prominent, entirely-lacking along the posterodorsal portion of the margin; muscle scar is only moderately expressed. SPECIMEN 5 (Fig. 2) Carapace much like "4", subquadrate; conspicuous overlap of left valve over right valve, except within the posterodorsal portion of the margin; muscle scar smooth and distinct, anterior flange on right valve very promin- ent, somewhat lunar; two distinct posterior monticules; both valves reticulate; dorsal margin somewhat less arcned than that of "4"; ventral margin nearly straight. F) Ia SPECIMFN'B (Fig. 12) Carapace larger than, but similar to "5"; left valve moderately overlaps right except on the posterodorsal slope; dorsal margin arcuate; ventral nearly straight; anterior shoulder of right valve bold, but not expressed as a flange; one nodose spine on the lower left portion of the right valve; muscle scar indistinct and shallow; left valve smoother than the right which is moderately reticulate. SPECIMEN 7 (Fig. 4) Carapace sub-elliptical; dorsal margin arcuate, ven- tral nearly straight; left valve larger than right, over- lapping the latter strongly along the margin.except in the posterodorsal portion; muscle scar very shallow and in, distict; pitting quite weak over entire carapace; no spines present; the anterior half of right valve slopes gently down.from the center to the anterior margin; no flanges or bold shoulders present. srrcnmr a (Fig. 14) ‘ Carapace like "4", oblong-ovate, though.more ellip- tical; left valve larger, overlaps right valve along entire margin.except on the posterodorsal slope; lacks any an. terior flange or shoulder; one monticule on the lower left portion of the right valve; distinct reticulation on.both valves; muscle scar smooth and very distinct. ¥0 LU SPECIMEN 9 (Fig. 11) Carapace similar to "2", subquadrate in outline; overlap very prominent and evident along er tire margin; one very prominent mamelon in the postal oventra 1 region of the right valve; the anterior ridge is bold BEL slightly pointed; muscle scar smooth and indistinct; reticulation well expressed over entire carapace. SPECIMEN'lO (Fig. 9) Carapace oblong-ovate with left valve overlapping right very markedly except on the posterodorsal portion; dorsal margin.arched; ventral margin nearly straight; muscle scar extrez Ml} weak; two rather ind is inct post— erior monticules and a much depressed anterior ridge on the right valve; surface only moderately pitted. SPECIMEN ll (Fig. 13) Carapace outline much like "10", oblong- ova te; left valve larger than an d overlapping right valve except on the posterodorsal portion; dorsal margin arched, ventral margin nearly stI*aight; two posterior ma melons on right valve; the right valve lacks the anterior shoulder and slopes gent ' down to the anterior margin; a spinose ridge is located on theis anterior slope of the right valve; muscle scar smooth and rather weakly develop ed; fairh well-pitted surface. I‘D CQ SPECIMEN 12 (Fig. 7 Carapace subquadrate similar to "5"; left valve larger than right with overlap on all margins except along the posterodorsal portion3-dorsal margin.moderately arched; ventral margin straighter than in "10"; one monticule in the center of the lower left quadrant of right valve; the anterior flange is rather weakly developed; the muscle scar is quite smooth and shallow; surface moderately pitted. SPECIMEN’IS (Fig. l) Carapace subquadrate in outline more like "12" than "5"; left valve larger than right with prominent overlap on entire margin.except along the posterodorsal porti n; dorsal margin moderately arcuate; ventral margin nearly straight; a posterior minticule present on the right valve; a very bold anterior flange on right valve and an indis- tinct anterior ridge on left valve; muscle scar distinct and smooth; reticulation distinct on both valges. a: .“v— - v A- - --*-—— 4-,. . w..- .-db.— 4-- via d-osad ’ L. ”o .. .3 ”I ... .1 T. 3.. r .1... T .1 t. C .. S , ._. r; .. a «.3 2. in 1.: 1.3 .4 L. 1.. z. a, v“ Z ..i .1: .4 a. L; .m.;. 1 ’I‘ 7‘ ~' 5. : ..... .. .1 1.: 7.... a A. a .9 ._. .7. 1 v’.- cfioov d --- ‘1 v-H _--Q~. fist-fl“ VI — I v- -1- -f’.‘ O“ V r'OP‘I'. .JI' I O l..- 4.‘:. '41. U “Aqn‘ .._ r‘fifiv—u- - V—o‘---’.- “Va-P“ 5... vs..- 4.4!.-- ‘ v... LJ “-A "I 7" " a- lv‘u’ V‘--' v 42-- ’ ,1 I. ’1 -' 3' c-f a f "" "\- "v . , a 5 t-L-A- a. W O . a“ LL g. a: C.“ 3 Q. A. t. S , , a. .a. i 1.. .C v. :4 in“ .- 3. r 3.. av .. u n. C. C o .1. w. w... T1» 3 CL C :L .3. S T . . r: a; A: u . 1‘ a .3 C was i E n“ h... 1 w a .l 1.. : ... r. 31; 9 Pr: 3 C. .qn. O , ’ , n 2 i O 3 C . . 1a- 3.. 1... c. .Tu .1 "a a? . . q- f. a in“ 2 C n. .1 fl. .1. L 4 r4 L J 9.. 9 t. .... ... ; C O «a. ,/. . . q. o o .7. ",2. ., . o.‘ .,. .. ”trelons, s u o— a .- - a." a “'1' Cu ‘1 atio der, intis l u C. :L .i‘ t D E O 'o. nf“ 5 O l O .l ted. st: nerwi 5'3 1 O C v S .3 3‘ PLATE II All three sketches exhibit a definite swing or plen- ation to the left or posterior. They may be reticulate or pitted; nodes may be replaced by monticular mounds. Fig. l. R'ght valve; anterior ridge, moderate overlap, distinct central muscle scar, no posterior spines, convex dorsal margin, straight ventral margin. Fig. 2. Right valve; prominent anterior shoulder, no flange, 1 posterior Spine, muscle scar, distinct overlap, arcuate dorsal and ventral margiHS. Fi«. 5. Right valve; prominent overLap, lunar anterior ridge, 2 nodose posterior spines, m sole scar, dorsal margin much more arched than ven.ral. 3.7214... . . .t. v . . nuke. -ONM V. y ..|..\...v . I\. fir . . ....M!nr.n.\.._* .- .Wr. . h o . . ruff». ‘ ”.451. v I t l. 5?? . O ‘ _ . .artr inf—s . . Q... t a I. . . . 3. . .. .. ’ . all...“ “or; .q....... ... I .._.e,.......c. .... o ‘. o» . .J . . .. m.......t ,. weww we a... . a. n .l .1. .n. U. .| IT: .. .ov..+§.n_. .. a 4 . .. .K INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPES Of all the wells examined in the study the twenty one that had a minimum of poor features, as missing intervals, were graphed to illustrate the distribution of the type variants counted. he base of the Antrim shale is the top of the Traverse formation, which is used in this study as the marker horizon below which the depths in feet an in negative elevations. This feature is recorded on all three graphs on the extreme left, and it also serves as the vertical or stratigraphic scale on the graphs. The same portion of the Traverse formation is shown on all the graphs, to preclude any confusion when the graphs are com- pared. Since there is no appreciable variation in the thickness of the Traverse formation in the small area studied, it was possible to draw an approximately straight base for this formation, which line also serves as the top of the Dundee formation. (See Fig. I, p. 15.) The Bell formation shown on figure I has been included as part of the Traverse formational group, because the two are not easily differentiated. This is be true also by the absence of the Bell on the driller's log. Graph I (in pocket) shows the frequency in numbers of the variants throughout their vertical extent in twenty on e wells. As indicated in the legend each type variant has a different color, but the size of the geometric symbol expresses an absolute number of the specimens at the proper 29 elevations. At the extreme right on graph I are the conventional zones based on the various combinations of faunal assemblages throughout the column examined. The length of the vertical line for each type variant expresses the upper and lower limits of the respective t'pe. Graph 2 (p. 50.) is not a group ofwells but rather the thirteen type variants of Ponderodictya plotted to show the percentage of the total number of each type that occurs at any given elevation. The points of highest percentages as well as the second highest points for each type variant have been plotteistratigraphically on graph 5 (p. 51.) as major and minor highs. They appear as large and small circles, from which horizontal lines are shown projected to the right side. The lines projected from the large circles limit the major zones which are lettEd; the small circles or minor highs subdivide the major zones into minor zones which are numbered. In summary, Graph 5 illustrates the biozones previous- ly defined in contrast to the stratigraphic range zones shown on graph I. €50 s > 3 m 5 II I IIIIIIIIIIII O 2 m 2 .I. m 5. O 2 5‘ l m 5 O 2 :lo 0 l m 5 5 9 m 5 5' 8 m 515 N T A m: M -1 R 7 Cleal 0 .l I F 57 E E wlI D 5 II 1 N 2,- w 0T 2 III 6 .9. F \p A 0 alumna II Sr P «L Q 1 T. O 2 .,..III... III. - II Wollllaas 5 .I mvl... I 5...! OTIII: 2 IL quII .1 4 0T, 3 L 2 I II - I II I 1 67 ill mt III; 5T. . I .11 ”w __ #rll! . A P/o . a 1 _ a” Y. 0 ~ 0 Cw CM n: C. U . r); a R: .U "Dm C TfiTm I.“ B I; a; 3. 4 I i u a v _ , «flu 31$..qu KOJMm Ihamo A STRATIGRAPHIC SECTION SHOWING FREQUENCY IN PERCENT OF THE l3 TYPES OF PONDERODICTYA FROM 2| WELLS IN THE ST. CLAIR COUNTY AREA GRAPH 2 31 BIOZONES IN THE TRAVERSE FORMATION BASED ON THE FREQUENCIES OF THE I3 TYPE SPECIMENS FEET TYPE bI’ELIMENS MINOR MAJOR THICK‘ I00 I 2 3 4 5 5 7.-..‘8_.__9 -10-.-”.-.-I2.._I;?________,_ ZONES ZONES NESS 4 I r I— I I BARREN __ _ _ ._ ._ __ __ __ _._. __ ._ __. __ ____ __ ._ ‘4‘ I 5 30 I I I 7-I——-———————-———-——-—-———--r———-——« K I50 I___'___________ ______ 4 ‘ l T 3 IO i I I I I I I J uJ' I I :I I I 2 60 a - I I . 200 l {- I i : I I I 3 ' I 5 I I I t E "_.._.__.,_______. ______ I_.._A (1:, I . I—‘ , . 2‘ . I I 20 q. I I I O-©-I——-—————--—-—--— ————— —- I 1‘50 ._ I 2 IO 5 ; I vI—————~—————-— . H m a ' ¢-fi~~—flflw~~ ————— G ._I I I. . . IO I! : c>—I—¢>-o—.—I— — -__ _____ 4 i (I) (i) '. (I) I i F IO __ ____,___.;____._________. I i I I 9 I I 1; we I i | E 30 E; I I ‘ I g g cp—I—<>-—CD——-—-—-—-——: 2 D 5 I &_ _. _II:C;: _‘:::_ . j I I I I I ' C 30 550 I I @— ’¢“>‘q,::i: :: 2 5“" I B 25 l 4 b 9 “ ”"‘ g .0 ___-_...--.._...__.._____... _____ r__._.___‘-- 400 BARREN TOP OF DUNDEE FREQUENCY POINTS! O:MAJOR HIGHS o: MINOR HIGHS GRAPH 3 RESULTS AFB INTERPRETAIONS OF THE STLJY The graphic illustrations of the counts on the diff- erent variants of Ponderodictya show that their individual peak developments did not maintain within the same short straigraphic interval, but rather, there is indicated a phylomorphogenetic succession through much of the Traverse formation. Some of the types show considerable overlapp- ing of their time periods or zones, which indicates trans- itional periods in which the younger groups of variant morphologic structures were gradually replacing the pre- ceeding ancestral groups. (Graph 2.) The thirteen.type specimens Were graphfid in descend- ing order with respect of their hemerae, (Graph 2 and 5.) but the writer is not able to account for the succession of the various groups of taxonomic features, although an ample amount of projection has been done by students of paleozoology to explain such occurrences. For example; the posterior structures vary in number as well as expression from spinose to monticular; the flanges vary in degree of develOpment, even being replaced by a shoulder or lack of either feature at the anterior or antiplenate end. Similar discussion is applicable to the other features as the overlap, muscle scar, reticula- tion, pitting, and general outline of the carapace. These morphologic structures are variations within the genus, so C1] C23 that we may expect the types to be generally similar. A greater variation of these features or subsequent replace- ment by some other features would cross the generic boundary. From an examination of the zones on graph I, the reader may see the longQDntemporaneous life spans of various types. Specimens 7 and 10 exhibit much overlap of life span. They have some common.morphologic features, so that one may be more closely related to the other than either is with a more dissimilar form such as number 15. It is evident from graph 5 that the peak development of 7 is forty feet strat- igraphically higher or later than that of 10. These two types may be very close variants of a common ancestral form. Further investigation of the formations stratigraphically lower than the Traverse group may disclose variants of Ponderodictya that are similar and ancestral to these. Such studies need not be confined to the Michigan Basin alone; for in.harmony with the bioseries concept, the development of the phylomorphogenetic series was similar over the entire world within the same geologic time inter- val even though breaks in sedimentation took place at diff- erent times in.different basins of deposition. Another point necessary for clarification is that the stratigraphic points of peak deve10pment or hemerae do not express the same stratigraphic terminal points that limit the life span or stratigraphic range of each type specimen; therefore, the biozones made evident on their reSpective 0-] graphs (1 and E) are different with respect to the number of zones and their vertical distribution. The zones shown on graph 5 are not proposed to be the same zones or even a similar expression of the zones shown on graph I. Since the hemeral peaks or major and minor highs on graph 3 are the points of highest frequencies of the individual var- iant types, then the peak point of each type must fall with- in the stratigraphic range of that respective type on graph I. From the nature of the two kinds of zones as shown on graphs 1 and 3, it appears faster and easier to locate and define a zone stratigraphically accurate by the high fre- quency points (hemerae) the conventional life span or stratigraphic range of a type. It would be necessary to check several of the type variants by the old method of graph I in order to find the various assemblages of those types that define any one zone of graph I. On the other hand, if a student were reasonably sure he had located two hemeral or major points as those of types 10 and 12 (graph 3), then he will have limited the horizon to approximately ten geet. The top of this horizon is 510 feet stratigraphically below the base of the Antrim shale or its equivalent. (See graph 5, major zone D.) The frequency-biozones (graph 5) are further preferred to those of the conventional zones based on the stratigraphic range of individuals (graph I) because the missing of one OJ '1 or more type specimens for some footage interval will rasult in an erroneous faunal assemblage. Even some of the zones shown on graph I may be in error because of this. Where small footage (5—20 feet) intervals are missing from the well samples, the range of the type specimen may not be determined correctly to its true upper or lower extent if the missing interval is at such a critical stratigraphic position. It is true that where such an interval is miss; ing, the frequency or statistical methods will have no specimens either, but if the student has sufficient well samples to locate the high points or hemerae, then he has the biozones (graph 5) located stratigraphically in spite of the missing intervals. It may be argued that the use of samples from several wells would increase the accuracy of determining the zones of graph I. This may be very true; but that same number of wells will locate the hem— erae much better, so that the zones of graph 3 become more accurate than those of graph I. by so doing. I Since the study was made from well samples in a rel- ative y sahll area (See map.) it was possible to obviate the possible arguments of environmental differences and extreme variations of thickness of the Traverse iormation. The absence of specimens for different intevals as evi- denced by graph I is not due to contemporareous environ- mental differences within the area, but this absence is often due to a break in.well samples for several feet. 56 It is also caused by poor sampling; for example, several of the wells examined were not used in the cunt because entire trays of 25 bottles each, may have had little besides the drilling muds, which was1 d away readily to reveal a pau— city of rock fragments and fossils. The variation in thickness of the formation over some thirty miles approximates stty to seventy feet, the slightly thicker portion is toward the basin itself. Accordingly, if any area with a thicker or thinner section is studied for comparison, then its hemerae points and their respective biozones must be compared on a strati- graphically proportional basis with the zones outlined in this study. (Graph 3) 01 K] CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the hemerae of the respective variant types of Ponderodictya there is a definite zoning in the lower three fourths of the Traverse formation. This zon— ing or subdividing of a formational group is not only pos- sible with the frequency method, but such zones are also more accurately located stratigraphically than the zones defined by he conventional method of vertiCal ranges of species. B BLIOGRAPEY Glaessner, M.F., Principles of hicropaleontology, Mel- bourne University Press, Melbourne, Australia, 1945. Jeletzky, J.A., "Some hbmenclatoria and Taxonomic Problems in Paleozoology," Journal of Paleontology,Vol. 24, to. l, 1950. Kelly, W.A., Personal Communication. Shimer, H.W., and Shrock, R.R., Index Fossils of Perth America, J.¥iley a S ons, Inc., New York, 1947. 1 Swartz, F.H., and Oriel, S.S., Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 22, Nb. 5, 1948. Tan Sin Hok, "The Results of Phylomorphogenenc Studies of Some Larger Foraminifera," De Hg. in Ned. Indie., 6, I TYPE SPECIMENS g ZONE I384I 5526 I3922 5926 I3028 5068 IIOOI 5204 4294 467i CANADA I2 |4072 ; I3702 6584 4720 6I99 7860 CANADA SOCANADAIS M733 I4358 g 3 4 5 g 7 8 9 IO II I3; I3 DISTRIBUTION CHART OF THE I3 TYPES OF I ._ I a . . I —— — ~— _ - 4— —.. ~— -— _- “—- ' ; I g f I I9 i I I I can: - _..___..,_.___—m~_— . Izo I... . . I ; I I... I PONDERODICTYA IN THE TRAVERSE FORMATION ; b p I t i ‘8 I, I U B i I I I n . I D ' I i g I I I] ____-______,_.___~.____.____ IN THE ST. CLAIR COUNTY AREA I z i I / I40 Cw--. LPQEIYR m ‘ I w 5 L I ' ' "‘ "“‘ “' "“ “ “‘ " ““"‘ “' TYPE" SF“EC‘.IMEI\IS FRI-:UUI.I'I I I I I ; I IPPI I Ea ; t3 (,7: .Y, M B If. I m I I B i E! a P _ ‘ I : a a Ifi E! P P‘ "I a E) , I I ‘ I f” ‘ v I 3 ' PP 73" I I I I I! a Ibo y H ; .3 1: 4.- f I] I} ; I I I . £an 35;: i “I I I I I g '- rPI PP IP: PPI— A I a - . ‘“' I- b-— i I I I '6 - . - « g I? {a ' ‘ 3t: ISC “I P i P I I i my; (D ’ I l a E] I a m \ I. ; - (.2 B I - E I i I g mo I a ' I 1 I ' “ ugln — m H __ __ __ ““ I - I ‘ I [53’ . (“J . - RE] I E m 2 I a E3 53 22C I3 - I a IP—J \ I [:3 'I I m I I I5 I- P -m I I m I E ‘ a I I I l I a I i a I} l a I I a B I I a B ' ._.._.. ....._ .— __. -.__.._.... ' m P . I :4 I ._ can re :1 I 240 m T m u a U . I I, [4 GE I I <_ LPEPE‘J -&]BI ' g ______.________________________________________ is _ I W o I D I _ i. __ 53 5:; E: I r C3) 260 M" l '_ m a m i 0 _l ' ’3?! - r... .. II c: I _ I: a In I ma. I I «~m—-—-~—-————--—-—-———— m a D I u o 1 . I3 I ., a I'“ ---a new I--”' 280 a ‘ 1:3 .3 I I L -‘ cm I I I m I [:3 i I m - I. II I e m :3 ’I — 1 300 R ,I- - .I :3 3 ' D M wig-3 - u m . ' II LE} : [:1 I I - I P U a ' N; ’— In P—PI I I) PPP PP-PPPPPP I: ‘ Lot: 3 I . I SI , I Q 320 ‘3 a l :3 (:3 I I0 ‘ .. I D :3 ., I " . 3 § 0 o In a a: ' P F .3 I IPPI ,_ ; a ' --———- ~-— -— —— ___. u I, ._ i ._ ._ “T — .. _____ a an m a I ' m I a can: :2 m C: I a 3 D i Q I I a 9 340 a I D m PP” . I z I _ _ a mac: C3 3 m (:3 I "‘”—“‘“"‘"“”‘"“‘ a a , 8 I w a a _. __ _ __ __ ._ _ ._ i. _ B 535:: El 3‘ m I D _. ___. ‘“ .__.__ 7 360 .I m ‘ a D m a 6 I ——. _ ._._._ __ _ ..___... a a I n __ __ __ _ 2 “‘ _. "- — —- “-— m m __ 3 2 330 _ I —--—~———— —————— I _ , ---— -— —-—--—-—— 400 ‘ '_ . I23456789IOIIIzI3 ‘ TOP OF DUNDEE GRAPH I £43?ng