llHl i l llHlH‘llH/ll HI THS RED PINE (PINUS RESINOSA) SEEDLINGS AS AFFECT?” BY VARBOUS SOIL TREA'FMENTS Thesis ‘3’ the Degraa of M. S. E‘ifii'f' hid STATE CQLLEGE (3.! ‘a gift? 11w: ;m “I“! "p. '4'}. v.3 ‘1 I K‘L" \dl' .9? Kw (‘ ‘3 0-169 ._‘. ; ."J'W‘fir‘. - .s _ .( ~§ t. t This is to certifg that the thesis entitled Red Pine (Pinus resinosa) Seedlings as Affected by Various Soil Treatments. presented bg Orville Moore has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Masters Soil Science degree in £272. 7:11»sz Major professor Date WO— 3 D'- ‘ RED PINE (PINUS RESINOSA) SEEDLINGS AS AFFECTED BY VARIOUS SOIL TREATMENTS By Orville W. W A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Soil Science 1950 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Ray Cook for his help and guidance throughout the experiment and in the preparation of this paper. I am also indebted to the other faculty members and students of the Soil Science Department who gave helpful advice. I am especially grateful to Professor Forrest Strong of the Botany Department for his interest and suggestions, and for the seedlings which he generously furnished for the experiment. {uninfea TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION REVIEW OF LITERATURE HISTORY OF THE SITE EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE DISCUSSION AND RESULTS SUMMARY AND CCNCLUSIONS TABLES FIGURES REFERENCES Page 21 32 35 52 56 RED PINE (PINUS RESINOSA) SEEDLINGS AS AFFECTED BY VARIOUS SOIL TREATMENTS By Orville W} Moore INTRODUCTION Early in the growing season of 19h9, the second year seedbeds of red pine VEEEEE resinosa) and Norway spruce [giggg‘ggig§), at the Michigan State College Nursery, began to show signs of chlorosis. The chlorosis gradually became more serious until by late summer approximately 95 percent of the seed bed area was affected, and, in some spots, seedlings had died. The normal plants were distributed over the area in small spots. Each spot constituted approxi- mately one to four square feet. Field observations and studies of the plants failed to indicate the presence of disease organisms or insects, so it was concluded that the problem might be one of soil. It was the purpose of this investigation to show the cause of the stunted growth, chlorosis, and spotty normal growth; also to show comparative effects of various fertilizer and organic matter treatments by measuring the growth response of red pine seedlings. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Clark (1916), by making total plant analyses, determined that white pine (Pinus strobus) 2-0 seed- lings, having an average density of 100 per square foot, had removed 9t.6 pounds of available nitrogen, 31.8 pounds of phOSphoric acid (P205), and h1.6 pounds of potash (K20) from an acre of soil. Retan (l9lh) showed the beneficial effects of various inorganic fertilizer treatments in combination with cOWpeas and oats plowed under as green manure. Retan (1915) also found that a charcoal application to heavy soils im- proved aeration, drainage, and moisture retention, and also helped to prevent "damping off". Wilde (l9h6) shows that soil aeration data has the same significance for all soil types. He states that watering should not lower the aeration of the soil below 20 percent by vole ume for any length of time to prevent denitrification and other soil reduction processes. Toumey and Korstian (1916) recommend the plowing under of legumes and the use of heavy applications of farm manure in maintaining nurs- ery fertility. Wilde (1937) stresses the importance of organic matter in nursery soils, but he also states that manure of any kind is undesirable, because of danger of diseases and of spreading weed seeds. Wilde (1936) also shows the danger from nematode infection and consequent destruction of seedlings when barnyard manure is used. Auten (l9h3) found that acid peat had a favorable effect in correcting alkalinity and in improving den- sity and height of pitch pine (ElEEE regida) and short- leaf pine (2133; echinata) in forest nurseries of the central states. Wilde and Hull (1937) recommend the use of strongly acid peat as a fertilizer and as a buffering material. These workers have shown that strongly acid (pH 5.5 or lower) peat is valuable as a base exchange material and as a nutrient amendment particularly when its nitrogen content is 2 percent or more. The beneficial effect of acid peat in coniferous nursery soils is primarily the result of the change it causes in soil reaction. It is also valuable in pro- viding favorable soil structure. When nursery soils are low in colloids, fertilizer salts are easily leached and lost. When drought occurs, evaporation causes the salts to rise to the surface with a conse- quent "burning" of the roots of seedlings. Acid peat 'having a base exchange capacity of 80 or 100 m.e. per 100 grams is considered very satisfactory. All types of peat are of minor significance so far as phosphorus and potassium are concerned. However, their calcium, sulphur, and iron contents exceed the minimum require- ments of coniferous seedlings. The authors recommend that applications he made so that the base exchange value is brought to a desirable level. It should be worked well into the upper 8 inches of the soil. Eliason (1937) demonstrated that the color of buck- wheat, when used as a cover crOp, is a fair indication of the need of the soil for nitrogen. Lunt (1938) reports injury to plants by the use of ammonium sulfate on sandy soils of low buffer capacity. On such soils he found concentrated nitrogen salts most effective 'when used in small doses at frequent intervals. Addi- tion of calcium caused needle burning where phosphorus and potassium.were low. Red pine was found to take up less calcium than any other species tested. Lutz and Chandler (19h6) point out that large amounts of calci- um carbonate cause "damping off" and nutritional dis- orders in conifers. Mitchell (l93h) shows that seed? ling weight is influenced by seed weight. Root-shoot ratio has been a standard index of seedling quality (Wilde, 19h6; Mitchell, 193A; Toumey and Korstian, 1916). Mitchell found root-shoot ratios greater where nitrogen was a limiting factor. Nitrogen and phos- phorus deficiency color symptoms on foliage are simi- lar to those of most agricultural crOps (Lutz & Chand- ler, 19L6;‘Mitchell, 193k; Cook & Miller, l9h9). Wilde (l9h6) states that green manures are most valuable as "catch" craps for commercial fertilizers by fixing a considerable portion as difficultly solu- ble organic compounds. These are slowly made avail- able over a period of time with little loss through leaching. Sandy loams and loamy sands are recommended tex- tures for coniferous nursery soils according to Toumey and Korstian (1916) and Wilde (l9h6). Wilde states that the soil reaction range 5.0 to 6.0 is Optimum for most conifers. According to Toumey and Korstian (1916) coniferous seedlings absorb nitrogen in greater amounts than they do other elements. They believe the fertilizer ratio used should be lO-h-S for best results. Concentrations of available nitrogen in excess of 100 pounds per acre in high analysis fertilizers proved to be injurious. Wilde (1938) recommends available nutrients in the ratios of 1-2-5. His analysis of the Optimum soil status for red pine is pH 5.h, base exchange capacity 8.0 m.e. per 100 grams, total nitrogen .12 percent, available nitrogen 30 pounds per acre, available P205 50 pounds per acre, available K20 150 pounds per acre, replaceable calcium 1500 pounds per acre, and replace- able magnesium 300 pounds per acre. Larson and Stump (1939) experimented with various levels of nutrients on evergreen seedlings and obtained better response from.combinations of nitrogen, phos- phorus, and potassium than from applications of single elements. In general, it was found that nitrogen increased t0p growth while phosphorus increased root development. Auten (19h3) and Lunt (1938) warn against the use of nitrOgen fertilizers applied at seeding and recommend a 25 pound per acre application two to four weeks after emergence. Roth, Tools, and Hepting (l9h8) found that inorganic nitrogen fertilizers prevented the severity of little- leaf disease of shortleaf pine when nitrogen was applied at the rate of 200 pounds per acre or higher. Shirley and Meuli (1939) show that the drought resistance of red pine decreases with the supply of available nitrogen in the soil, and that the supply of phosphorus tends to p increase drought resistance. Kopitke (l9h1) found that with the level of avail- able nitrogen adjusted at #0 pounds per acre, the. effect of potassium on carbohydrate synthesis in red pine seedlings was most favorable. It was found that red pine green tissue has the lowest freezing point (-1.63°C) when available K20 was present in the soil at 80 pounds per acre. Wilde, Nalbandov, and‘Yu (19A8) correlate highly fertilized succulent seedlings with a lower content of alcohol benzine soluble substances and a higher susceptibility to parasitic organisms. A relationship between a low specific gravity value of Jackpine (£1223 banksiana) seedlings and heavy fertilization in the seedbeds was shown by Wilde and Voight (1948). The possibility of low specific gravity as an influence in severity of damage to seedlings by drought, frost, sunscorch, winter drying, sleet, and parasites is pointed out. Mitchell (1939) stresses the importance of a bal- anced external nutrient supply and correlates this with internal nutrient concentration and consequent yields. According to his findings, "forced" seedlings grown in a well balanced and fertilized environment are unusually hardy. These seedlings were found to be significantly better than average stock grown on unfa- vorable sites. They withstood severe winter freezing and thawing, and they suffered less early frost injury than seedlings supplied with a less favorable supply of nutrients. Hatch (1935) and‘McComb (l9h3) Point out the value of mycorrhizal symbiotic fungi to the nutrition of pine seedlings and the failure of the establishment of coni- ferous nurseries on prairie soils without these fungi. HISTORY OF THE SITE M _S__c_>_i_l Management The nursery is located west of Hagadorn.Road on Hillsdale sandy loam.soil. According to Professor Hudson, Michigan State College farm manager for many years, the site had not received manure or lhme for the past ten years. During that period the rotation was oats, timothy-clover mixture, pasture. Previous to the last ten years, the rotation was corn, oats, timothy-clover, pasture. From the standpoint of nutrients and physical condition, the soil was badly depleted when the seedlings were started in l9h8. Previous Treatments 2; thgiNursegy Bed The first season's growth was normal. During the first part of June of the second year, when chlorotic symptoms appeared, the beds were fertilized with ammon- ium sulfate fed through an overhead sprinkling system at the rate of 200 pounds per acre. The same treatment was made again on one half the seed bed early in July. Neither of the applications had a noticeable effect on the seedlings. The fertilizer treatments were fol- lowed by generous sprinklings of water, and the beds were watered throughout the summer of l9h9 by this method of overhead watering. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The experimental work discussed in this paper was started on September 1, l9h9. Preliminary Investigations In early September of 19h9, more than 100 borings were made in the red pine bed to determine whether a correlation existed between spotty growth and depth of topsoil, or texture and color of subsoil. No such correlation was noted. (See Table 1.) Physical condition of the soil where growth was 10 normal was noticeably superior and somewhat sandier. T0psoil ranged from seven to twelve inches in depth. Roots of normal seedlings penetrated the subsoil in most cases investigated*, but the bulk of the root system was from three to five inches below the surface. Both surface and subsoil samples were taken on areas of normal and abnormal growth. The results of active soil tests (Spurway, l9t9) are shown in Table 2. Reaction was checked by using a Beckman pH meter with water-soil ratio Of 2:1. Ten samples each, from repre- sentative spots in normal and poor growth, were checked. The results appear in Table 3. Pigweeds and hardwood seedlings showed signs simi- lar to those characteristic of manganese deficiency on certain field crOps, but it is possible that the chlorosis was due to other causes. Sgil Preparation Soil was taken from areas where red pine seedlings had made poor growth. The areas selected were numerous enough to represent the entire red pine bed. The soil was screened through a A mesh screen and thoroughly mixed. Soil representing normal growth was removed from exact spots in which normal seedlings occurred * Based on 10 samples. 11 and was prepared likewise. As a check, Oshtemo loamy sand from a good red pine site was chosen for one treat- ment. ‘Pgt Prgparation Five week old seedlings were used for most of the treatments. These seedlings were grown for another experiment from seed planted on August 13, 19h9 in Plainfield sand surface soil. Their likelihood of responding to greenhouse conditions during the normal dormant period seemed greater than that of the 2 year chlorotic seedlings which had begun to 'harden off" for the winter. Due to the possibility of reaponse of the affected chlorotic seedlings, a supplementary set of pots and treatments, using this material, was added to the original five week old seedling experi- ment. Six and seven inch clay pots were used for the experiment. The five week old seedlings were planted in six inch pots. Seven inch pots were used for the affected two year old seedlings. The pots were painted with asphalt varnish. Each of the two size groups of pots were brought to equal weight by the addition of pebbles before the addition of soil. An equal amount 12 of air dry soil was added to each of the pots in each size group. The six inch pots required 1800 grams of soil, and the seven inch pots required 2700 grams. Those pots involving acid peat and those involving manure treatments were filled by mixing 2/3 of the required soil by weight with the amount of organic material necessary to fill each pot. The organic material (peat and manure) was thoroughly pulverized and mixed by hand before replacing in the pots. The fertilizer and sand treatments were thoroughly hand mixed with soil of their respective pots in like manner. The mycorrhizae used for inoculation was obtained locally from a good red pine site, the soil type of which was Oshtemo loamy sand. Roots of twelve inch red pine trans- plants were examined for mycorrhizae, and the rootlets containing these symbiotic fungi were stripped off and mixed with the soil used for this treatment. Treatments Fertilizer treatments were calculated on an area basis, and the depth of the pots was considered topsoil depth. The three fertilizer analyses were made from ammonium sulfate 20-0-0, superphosphate 0-20-0, and potassium chloride 0-0-50. Minor element treatments 13 consisting of manganese and iron were applied in the form.of manganous sulfate and ferrous ammonium sulfate. The fertilizer materials and rates of application are shown in Table 5. Applications were made at the begin— ning of the experiment, and a second identical applica- tion was applied 3 months later. This second fertilizer application was applied as a nutrient solution immedi- ately following active soil tests (Spurway). Treatments (see Table 5) were set up to show the effect of soil packing (treatment 10), and organic matter amendments on seedling growth. Acid peat (treatments 11, 12, 13, 23) and stable manure (treatments 1h, 15, 17, 2A) were pulverized and thoroughly mixed with the soil before planting. Description 2; Sgilg The soil in the affected nursery is classed as Hillsdale sandy loam. The surface soil is light brownish to yellowish underlain by yellowish friable sandy loam.snd gritty clay. The surface may be some- what stoney. Fertility is classed as medium. The character of the land is hilly to smooth, rolling, upland with an original forest type of OakAHickory. Oshtemo loamy sand was the soil used as a control. --py. 1b This soil was selected from an excellent natural red pine site, and these pots, without treatment, were used as a check or index with which to compare the various treatments of the Hillsdale nursery soil. Oshtemo is described by Veatch (l9hl) as light loamy sands and sandy loams underlain by pervious sand with small amounts of clay and gravel. The fertility is regarded as low to intermediate. This type occurs on level or pitted dry sandy plains and terraces. The natural cover was an Open oak-hickory forest with some white pine in the northern areas. Planting 222 Culture All of the pots in the experiment were planted on September 16, 19h9. The five week old seedlings were cultured in natural sand prior to transplanting. The chlorotic two year seedlings were selected in such a manner that they were a fair representation of the aver- age size of the affected seedlings and of an average degree of chlorosis occurring in the red pine bad. They were taken directly from the nursery bed and transplanted to the pots. During the first month of the experiment, outdoor 15 temperatures were unusually high for the season, and the greenhouse temperature was difficult to control. All of the seedlings apparently suffered some heat damage. Many of the two year seedlings died. In view of this fact, all two year seedlings in the seven inch pots were replanted on October 12. Partial shade was then provided during bright days throughout the balance of the early fall. This was accomplighed by stretching cheesecloth on a frame above the seedlings. Thus mid-day tempera- tures were kept at a safe level. Greenhouse tempera- ture was maintained between 70° and 80° after October 10. Artificial lighting was used as a daylight supplement for approximately five hours per day after November 20, until the end of the experiment on March 27. Moisture equivalent was determined for all soils, and soil moisture was maintained as close to this value as practicable by weight adjustments every week to ten days. Clay saucers were coated with asphalt varnish and placed under each pot for watering from below. This watering from below was alternated with watering from above. Measuremepts At the beginning of the experiment, measurements and l6 weights of ten average seedlings for each of the follow- ing classes were taken: 1. 5 week old seedlings 2. 2 year chlorotic seedlings 3. 2 year normal seedlings The root measurements, top measurements (root collar to tip), air dry weights, and root-shoot ratios are given in Table A. These represent initial values at the beginning of the experiment. On December 20, 19h9, height measurements above the soil line were taken of all seedlings to compare treat- ments by their tOp growth during the first 3 months. The average length of 10 seedlings by treatment is shown in Table 5. Since the initial leaves of each of the young seedlings dried up and were lost in the normal growth process of these seedlings, some measurements after 3 months appear smaller in the table than the initial measurements taken at the beginning or the experiment. Therefore, the new growth which took place during this period is not satisfactorily revealed by this table at three mOnths growth. However, a comparison of growth by treatment is the purpose here, and the differences in growth are shown by these measurements. While tOp 17 growth was taking place at the terminal bud, thus put- ting out all new leaves, the original seed leaves dried up and eventually dropped off. Harvesting 2; Plants On March 27, 1950, the plants were carefully removed in the following manner: The soil was loosened from the side of each pot with a spatula, and the pot was tapped gently to allow the contents to drOp from the pot as one solid ball of soil. The ball was then carefully broken up to avoid breaking rootlets. The seedlings were thus taken up with their complete root systems and placed in beaksrs of distilled water and labeled according to treatment. By keeping them fresh in this manner, they were in excellent condition for photo- graphing and for handling for measurements. After photographs and measurements were taken, the seedlings were cut off at the root collar, and the roots and the tape were placed in separate paper bags according to treatment. They were dried in a low temperature (110°?) oven for a week, then allowed to come to equilibrium at room temperature for another week before weighing. All weighings were made on an analytical type balance. 18 Final msasursments in millimeters and weights in grams were recorded for all treatments. The root and top lengths as well as the dry tissue weights and the root-shoot ratios are shown in Table 8a for the young seedlings. Table 8b shows the same data for the two year chlorotic seedlings. A comparison of size of plants as affected by treat- ment is made in Figures 3 and A. Soil tests: In addition to the tOpsoil-subsoil data in Table 1 and the initial soil test and reaction data presented in Tables 2 and 3 respectively, additional possible differences in the soils of good and poor growth were sought. Additional active soil tests (Spurway, l9h9) for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were made after 3 months. See Table 6. At the same time, measurements were taken as stated above. (Table 5). At the end of the experiment, March 22, active soil tests (Spurway, 19L9) were made for nitrogen, phOSphorus, potassium; also active and reserve iron and manganese on all treat- 19 ments. See Table 7. Soil reaction: Soil reaction was determined with a pH meter. Results are shown in Table 7. Moisture equivalent: Moisture equivalent was determined in duplicate by the centrifuge method (Vsihmsyer and Hendrickson, 1931). Determinations were made on the following samples: 1. Hillsdale (poor growth) and 1/3 peat 2. Hillsdale (poor growth) and 1/3 manure 3. Hillsdale (poor growth) a. Hillsdale (good growth) 5. Oshtemo loamy sand Samples were placed in moisture equivalent boxes after screening through a 2 mm. screen. They were then allowed to become saturated with water for 2h hours and were permitted to drain for 30 minutes. They were then subjected to a centrifugal force of 1000 times gravity by placing in a centrifuge for 30 minutes at 2AAO r.p.m. The percentage of moisture was then calculated on an oven dry basis. See Table 83for results. 20 Base exchange capacity and percent base saturation: Base exchange capacity and percent total base satur- ation was determined (Schollenberger, 1945) on the poor growth Hillsdale soil. Results are shown in Table 9. Organic matter content: Organic matter content was determined on the Hills- dale soil samples of good and poor growth for comparison. The dry combustion method was used (Schollenberger, 19h5) and organic matter was determined from the organic car- bon content by use of the factor 1.72h. Values are given in Table 9. Phosphorus Determination Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency (Mitchell, 1939; Lutz a Chandler, l9h6: Cook & Millar, l9h9) appeared on a few of the seedlings after approximately 3 to h months in the greenhouse. Therefore, a total phosphorus deter- mination was made (Piper, 19A6) based on the weight of air dry plant material for all treatments of the young seedling experiment. The determination was made colori- metrically after dry ashing the plants. Roots and tOps of each treatment (10 seedlings) were combined and weighed H. “a... u..— 21 to the 3rd decimal place on an analytical balance. The plant material was ashed in a muffle furnace, and the silica was dehydrated with.HCl over a warm hot plate. The dehydrated ash was taken up in HCl and diluted to 200 ml. Colorimetric determination was made by use of a "Lumetron" colorimeter after treating the extract with ammonium.molybdats and an organic reducing agent. The results appear in Table 10 as percent total phosphorus. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS The benefits derived from the use of soil amendments and commercial fertilizers in forest nursery management has long been recognized. (Toumey &'Korstian, 1916; Wilde, 1916) Nursery soils require particular attention to avoid depletion of fertility and structural character- istics. The intensive nature of nursery practice is the reason for this. Mbst nursery soils are worked to a very fine state of tilth. This allows the soil to be more easily eroded. The use of legumes with prOper rota- tions should be practiced to maintain fertility. Since trees are taken up by the roots, there are no plant residues left after a crOp of seedlings is removed frOm a nursery bed. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that ’O. 22 nursery management without soil amendments and good rotaions is soil depleting. The stunted growth and chlorotic condition of the 2-0 seedlings of the college forest nursery is probably a result of a combination of adverse soil conditions. An ideal site for a red pine nursery would demand loamy sends to sandy loam having excellent drainage. A soil without radically different composition of its gen- etic horizons would be in order (Wilde, 1946). Due to the heterogeneity of the soil profile (see Table 1), it is possible that variations in drainage, aeration, re- action, tsxturs, and chemical composition are such as to cause spotty growth. Aeration gpd_Drainags A lack of legumes in past rotations resulted in a soil of poor aggregation, porosity, and structure. The very fine sand and clay particles have a tendency to pack, resulting in seemingly poor aeration and perco- lation, Due to adverse weather conditions, core samples for porosity were not obtained. However, spots of good growth were of noticeably lighter texture. Percolation rate was checked in the greenhouse by watering 7 inch 23 pots of good and poor growth soil. Percolation was approximately 20 percent greater in the soil of good growth. The moisture equivalent values presented in Table 9 show that organic matter increased water hold- ing capacity. Values for pest and manure treatments are rather low, probably due to the raw stats of the peat and manure used. That good aeration and drain— age ars important prerequisites to red pine establish- ment is shown by considering the natural sites on which this species occurs. Even where competition is elimin- atsd, red pine will not tolerate poorly drained or poorly aerated soils. Due to the poor response of the chlorotic two year seedling experiment, the remaining results and discus- sion will refer only to the young seedling treatments unless otherwise indicated. ghysicp; Properties The effect of organic matter treatments to improve physical prOperties of the soil is reflected by the excellent growth of the trees where peat was incorpor- ated with the soil. During the first 4 months of the experiment, very good growth resulted where manure was 24 used, after which a toxicity devleped which inhibited growth. Packing the soil depressed growth of the trees. This is shown by the fact that plants subjected to this soil treatment produced the second lowest yields of any in the experiment (Table 10). Total phosphorus was also extremely low in these plants. §2_i_l Reaction The Optimum soil reaction range for red pine has been determined by Wilde (1946) to be between pH 5.0 and 6.0. This was borne out by the fact that treatment 16, 1/3 alkaline sand (pH 8.0), resulted in the lowest yield of plant material (Table 8a). These seedlings remained stunted and unhealthy in appearance throughout the experi- ment, and they exhibited phosphorus deficiency symptOms by a purpling of the older needles. The total phosphorus content of the seedlings of this treatment was rather low (Table 10). ‘thrs acid peat was used as a physical treatment (treatment nos. 11, 12, 13), reaction was lowered by more than one pH unit. Nitrogen added as ammonium Sulfate solution in treatment 9 contributed to lowering the pH. (See Table 3 for original pH values; also Table 7, treatment nos. 19, 3, 4). The relation-' 25 ship between seedling yield and soil reaction is illustrated graphically by Figure 1. Effect 2f Organic Matter and Fertilizer According to Wilde, Optimum organic matter content should be approximately 2 percent. Results on the untreated Hillsdale soil (Table 9) correspond favorably with this figure. Yield was appreciably higher where fertilizer was used with peat than in the case of fertilizer used alone (Tables 8a, 10). Where peat alone was used, yield was approximately the same as where the soil was untreated (treatment 19, Table 10). However, the phosphorus content of the plants was higher, and the root-shoot ratio and the general appearance of the plants were more favorable where peat was used (Tables 7, 8a and 10). This was probably caused by the effect of the peat in lowering soil reaction a full pH unit. Where fertilizer as 1000 pounds per acre of 10-4-5 was added with peat, higher yields, higher total phOSphorus, and improved plant appearance resulted. Still better results" were obtained where the higher strength fertilizer 10- 12-I2 was applied . 26 Manure treatments resulted in improved growth and appearance during the first 3 or 4 months after plant- ing. After February 1, 1950, they began to show signs of yellowing at the needle tips. This condition became more acute as time went on. By March 1, some seedlings thus treated had died. Apparently this condition was caused by an excess of nitrates resulting in acute tox- icity. According to Wilde (1946), Optimum available nitrogen content should be approximately 30 pounds per acre. According to soil tests (Table 7) made by the Spurway method of soil testing, nitrates were more than five times this value. It is also conceivable that in the process of nitrification, intermediate products played a role in toxicity. Where peat was used, nitrates A were high only in treatment no. 12 which had been treated with 10-4-5, 1000 pounds per acre and where the reaction was pH 4.5. Where fertilizer treatments only were used, at 300 pounds per acre the 10-6-6 analysis yielded best results both for height and weight values. Where the level was increased to 1000 pounds per acre, average heights and weights were about equal for 10-6-6 and 10-12-12 analyses. Values for the 10-4-5 analysis were somewhat lower. Where only nitrOgen was applied as ammonium sulfate solution, 9‘ P. 27 yield increase was somewhat lower than it was where the treatment was 300 pounds of complete fertilizer. Minor Elements Minor elements (manganese and iron) had little apparent effect on results (Tables 5, 8a, 10). Mycorrhizas Mycorrhizal dsvlepment was best on the roots of plants grown on the untreated Oshtemo loamy sand (no. 20). Some development of mycorrhizae was also evi- dent in all pots involving acid peat. The roots of all plants bearing mycorrhizal fungi were healthy appear- ing having a light brown color and an abundance of fi- brous rootlets (treatments 11, 12, 13).. A generally healthy appearance of these seedlings prevailed through- out the experiment. Bass'Exchange According to Wilde (1946), Optimum base exchange ' capacity for red pine nursery soil is 8.0 milliequi- valents per 100 grams of soil. Taking this value as a criteria, 1‘;"would seem that the most desirable method ”-0..- 28 of raising the base exchange capacity would be by the addition of the proper amount of acid peat. This would seem especially beneficial since the peat improves soil physical prOperties and may be used to regulate soil reaction. Height Growth The effect of treatments on the height of the plants was apparent toward the latter part of the experiment. Apparently the seasonal dormant characteristics of the species influenced the time of growth response in spite of the ideal growing conditions in the greenhouse. Weights Mean weights are probably the most satisfactory measure of growth in young seedlings, since needle drOp or a rapid rate of needle growth is likely to give tOp measurements a distorted picture of actual growth gain. Total yields expressed as air dry weights (Table 10) and root and tOp weights (Table 8a) were considerably affected by treatments. The combination of 1/3 peat by volume and 10-12-12 fertilizer at the rate of 1000 pounds per acre proved far more effective than did any other treatment. 29 Root-Shoot Ratios Root-shoot ratios are given in Table 8a with indi- vidual top and root lengths and weights. Root-shoot ratio is considered to be an index of planting stock quality for seedlings two years or older. However, root-shoot ratios for very young seedlings such as those used in this experiment would tend to give wide ratios, since initial growth does not tend toward root develop- ment as does growth after the first season. Fertilizer treatments also tend to stimulate tOp growth more than root growth especially in the earlier months of growth. This is illustrated by treatments 11, 12, 13, and 20 in Table 8a. Root-shoot ratio has a tendency to be greater where nitrogen is limiting (See Tables 7 and 8a). Egggl’Phosphorus According to Mitchell (1939), white pine seedlings showed optimum.growth where their total phosphorus con- tent was approximately .67 percent. The results of this experiment show the same to be true of red pine. This fact is illustrated by the graph in Figure 2 where Opti- mum growth as measured by dry seedling weight is approx- imately at the point where total phosphorus is .67 30 percent. It is interesting to note that during the third and fourth months after planting in the green- house, treatment numbers 1, 3, h. 9, 10, 14, 16, and 19 showed varying degrees of abnormal purpling of the needles. This is characteristic of phosphorus defici- ency symptoms of coniferous seedlings as described by Mitchell (1939), and Lutz and Chandler (1946). The extremely high phosphorus content (.98 percent) of the seedlings grown on untreated Oshtemo sand from an excellent natural red pine site is worthy of attention. The excellent deve10pment of ectotrOpic mycorrhizae on the rootlets of these seedlings may be an explanation to the high phosphorus content of the plants. According to mitchell (1934), mycorrhizae tend to deveIOp on the short roots of seedlings more abundantly in less fertile soils. It is thought that roots react to nutrient unbalance by becoming mycorrhizal. .Absorptivs powers of rootlets are increased manyfold by mycorrhizal development (Mitchell, l93h; Hatch, 1936; McComb, 1943). Plant analysis shows nitrogen, phOSphorus, and potassium content of seedlings having abundant nycorrhizal development to be signifi- cantly higher than plants having few mycorrhizae. The difference in total phosphorus in this case was three- 31 fold (Lutz and Chandler, 1946). Mycorrhizal inoculation has been fOund to be necessary for successful establish- msnt of coniferous nurseries in prairie soils (Hatch, 1935, 1936). Mycorrhizae were stimulating to growth and activity of roots, and they allowed roots to absorb more phosphorus which was apparently limiting to growth in prairie soils. Mycorrhizal plants contained twice as much nitrogen and potassium and four times as much phos- phorus as plants without mycorrhizas (McComb, 1943). Therefore, it would be reasonable to assume that the high phosphorus content in the seedlings of treatment 20 (Osh- temo sand) could be at least partially due to the effici- ency of mycorrhizal roots in absorbing phOSphorus. 2:9 Chlorotic Seedlings_ A The two year chlorotic seedlings taken from the nursery bed did not greatly respond to treatment. Little top growth took place throughout the experiment. Some root growth took place, however. The effect of nitrOgen treatments in lowering the root-shoot ratio are evident in all treatments involving nitrogen application in the form of manure, peat, and complete fertilizer (see Tables 8b and 4). All root-shoot ratios were narrowed on these 32 seedlings, however, due to root growth only. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS A greenhouse eXperiment was set up to determine the cause of chlorosis and the stunted growth which occurred in the red pine forest nursery of Michigan State College. Soil from the affected area was prepared and placed in clay pots. Five week old seedlings were used for one part of the experiment, and two year old chlorotic seed- lings from the affected nursery were used for the other part. Treatments consisted of various levels of complete fertilizer, peat, manure, sand, and combinations of peat and fertilizer. Little response occurred from.the two year old chlorotic seedlings. The "new" five week old seedlings responded very well to treatment. In the case of fertilizer treatments only, the 10-6-6 analysis gave best results in both height growth and in yield. Acid peat with 10-12-12 fertilizer at the rate of 1000 pounds per acre gave the highest yield. Plants appeared vigor- one and healthy where peat was used. Peat applied at the ' rate of 1/3 by volume lowered the reaction by more than a full pH unit. A correlation between pH and yield was 33 noted. A pH range of 5.5 to 6.5 appeared to give best results. Manure treatments deve10ped toxic symptoms after the fourth month of the experiment. This was probably due to the effect of excess nitrates and inter- mediate compounds produced in the process of nitrifica- tion. Depressing effects on yield by high reaction was reflected by the treatments involving alkaline sand. Abundance of available nitrogen decreased root-shoot ratios due to its effect in stimulating t0p growth. Oshtemo loamy sand was used as a control, and it produced the second highest yield. Mycorrhizal devel- opment was excellent on seedlings grown in this soil, and some mycorrhiZae were present on all treatments in- volving peat. Phosphorus deficiency symptoms developed on several of the treatments which received low fertilizer applica- tions. No apparent deficiency was evident where peat was used. A good correlation between total phosphorus con- tent of seedlings and yield was noted. High phosphorus content of seedlings grown on Oshtemo loamy sand may be correlated with exceptional mycorrhizal deve10pment and the ability of these symbiotic fungi to assist in taking up phosphorus from the soil. The possibility of phosphorus deficiency as well as 31+ the need of better physical prOperties and a somewhat lower reaction for the problem soil was presented by the results of this experiment. Table 1. Number of boring 1* 2** 3* 1+** 5* 6** 7* 8** 9* 10** 11* 12*!!! 13* lh** 15* 16** 17*. 18** depth 6" 7» 7n 6n 8" 11" ll" 10" 10" 9. 10" 10" 11" 10¢ 11" 10" 11" 35 TOpsoil * Areas of poor growth ** Areas of good growth texture sand sand sand sand sand sand loamy sand clay clay loam clay loamy sand sand loamy sand sand clay sand clay clay dubsoil A comparison of soil in areas of good and poor growth. (Soil color-texture-growth relationship) color light gray light gray light light light medium light light brown brown brown brown brown br own brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown medium brown medium gray mottled gray yellow brown Table 1. Number of boring 19* 20** 21* 22** 23* 2h** 25* 26** 27* 28** 29* 3020“ 31* 32** 33* 31P** 35* 36** * Areas of poor growth ** Areas of good growth continued TOpsoil depth 8» 9n 10" ll" 10" ll" 8" 12" 7w 1h" ll" 7" ll" 8" ll" 8" 10" 9w 1 O" 10" texture sand sand loamy sand sand loam sand loamy sand sand loamy sand clay sand sand sand sand sand loamy sand loam sand sandy loam loam sandy loam subsoil color med ium br own gray light brown medium gray medium brown gray medium brown gray brown light brown gray mottled light brown medium gray gray medium gray light brown gray brown light brown yellowish medium brown medium gray medium brown 37 Table 1. continued Number of Topsoil boring texture AO** 9" sand hl* l2" sand h2** ll" sand h3* 9" sand hh** 9" loam 45* ll" sand L6”* 9" sandy loam 47* ll" sand h8** 9" sand h9* 8" sand 50** 7" sand 51* 10" sand 52** ll" loamy sand 53* ll" sand 5L** 8" sand 55* 10" sand 56** 8" sand 57* 9" sand 58** ll" sand 59* 9" sand 60** 9" sand * Areas of poor growth ** Areas of good growth subsoil color light brown medium gray gray light gray light gray light gray gray brown light gray yellow brown reddish brown gray brown yellow brown gray medium gray gray brown medium gray gray red brown medium gray reddish—yellow light gray Table 2. Nitrates Iron Phosphorus Potassium Calcium Magnesium Manganese Chlorides Sulphates Nitrites Aluminwm 38 Normal Growth Surface Ppm. h 0 trace 3 so 6 0 3o 20 0 0 Subsoil Ppm. 3 O 3/h 100 30 20 Results* of active soil test (Spurway Method) of soil from nursery bed at the beginning of the experiment, September 16, l9h9. Poor Growth Surface Ppm. 10 O trace no 30 20 Subsoil Ppm. 5 * All values are in parts per million in soil extract- soil-water ratio lzh. 39 Table 3. Beckman pH meter readings on soils from areas of good and poor growth. Sample No. Normal Growth Poor Growth 1 6.1 6.7 2 6.2 6.1 3 6.7 6.h h 6.8 6.6 5 6.9 6.0 6 6.5 6.h 7 6.h 6.0 8 6.3 6.0 9 6.5 6.5 10 6.9 6.2 LO Table A. Mean lengths* and weights** and root-shoot ratios of seedlings at the beginning of the experiment, September 16, l9h9. Age of Seedlings Length (mm.) Root TOp New*** 39.7 60.9 2 yr. stunted 226.5 92.5 2 yr. normal 2L2.1 163.5 * Mean value-~10 items ** Total value-~10 items *** 5 weeks old Weight (g.) Root TOp .02 .12 1.2h 2.72 3.h5 10.n2 Root-shoot Ratio .18 .L5 .33 hl Table 5. Heights* of seedlings after approximately 3 months in the greenhouse, December 20, New Seedlings (6" pots) No. Treatment Height (mm) 1 lO-h-S, 300 1bs./A u1.u 2 10-6-6, 300 lbs./A a9.o 3 10-12-12, 300 lbs./A 4a.9 a 10-u-5, 1000 1bs./A 40.0 5 10—6-6, 1000 1bs./A ha.3 6 10-12-12, 1000 1bs./A L3.5 7 lO-L-S, 1000 lbs./A and Mn, 100 lbs./A u3.u 8 10-a-5, 1000 1bs./A and Fe, 100 lbs./A h5.0 9 (NHA)ZSOL solution, 200 lbs./A h3.1 10 Soil** firmly packed ' no.3 11 1/3 peat 39.9 12 1/3 peat and 10-h-5, 1000 1bS./A h1.0 13 1/3 peat and 10—12-12, 1000 1bs./A b7.h it 1/3 manure . no.6 15 1/3 manure and 0-20-0, 250 lbs./A and 0-0-50, 100 lbs./A h3.6 16 1/3 sand (pH 8.0) 34.8 17 l/h sand (pH 8.0) and l/h manure 3h.6 18 Soil of good growth, no treatment h5.8 * Mean value-~10 items ** "Soil” refers to soil of poor growth unless other- wise indicated. A? Table 5. continued No. Treatment Height (mm.) 19 Soil of poor growth, no treatment hl.h 2O Oshtemo loamy sand, no treatment h5.3 Chlorotic 2-O* Seedlings (7" pots) 21 lO-h-S, 1000 lbs./A 92.8 22 1/3 sand (pH 8.0) 82.6 23 1/3 peat . 81.3 2h l/h manure ,77.1 25 10-12-12, 1000 1bs./A 75.3 26 1/3 Oshtemo sand and mycorrhizae 72.2 27 10-5-5, 1000 1bs./A and Mn, 100 lbs./A 6a.u 28 10-4-5, 1000 lbs./A and Mn, 100 1bs./A and Fe, 100 lbs./A 78.7 29 Soil of poor growth, no treatment 68.5 30 Soil of good growth, no treatment 190.3 * 2 years in seed bed; 0 years in transplant bed L3 Table 6. Active soil tests (Spurway) after 3 months in the greenhouse Treatment Parts per million in soil extract* N P K iMn Fe io-t-S, 300 1bs./A 0 0 t 0 0 10-4-5, 1000 lbs./A trace trace is 0 0 10-12-12, 1000 lbs./A 0 trace 7 o o io-t-s, 1000 1bs./A and Mn 100 lbs./A trace trace 6 O O (NHL)ZSOQ solution, 200 lbs./A 0 trace t~ 0 0 Soil packed O 1/2 A O 0 1/3 peat 2 O O O 1/3 peat & 10-12-12, 1000 1bs./A 2 trace 20 0 0 1/3 manure lO l/2 25 O 0 good growth soil-none 15 O 5 O 0 poor growth soil-none O O 6 O O Oshtemo (natural site) none 0 O 3 O O * Soil-water ratio lzh Table 7. Treat. NO. \OG)\}O\\J'I(>\ANI~' HI—‘i—‘l—‘I—‘I—‘HH \jome'wNI—JO hh Results of soil tests (Spurway) taken at the end of the experiment, March 22, 1950. Ppm. in soil extract--soil water ratio l:h 00002 10 25 GOOD tr. 25 25 Active W’U h‘ are uu 25 E H 00‘ \iocwvuwrmmm k' (0 N ha 04>me OOOOOOOOOO tr. tr. tr. tr. 000000 ('9' H . O O O 0 I39“ 0 O O O O by 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Reserve Mn Fe 1 2 1 2 l 2 1 2 1 2 l 2 2 2 l 2 1 2 l 2 tr. 1 tr. 5 l h tr. tr. tr. tr. tr. tr. tr. tr. DH 6.50 6.02 6.50 5.32 5.35 5.30 5.58 5.50 5.59 7.05 6.15 b.55 5.75 7.05 6.75 8.02 7.21 h5 Table 7. continued Active Reserve Treat. No. N P K NH3 Mp Fe Mn Fe pH 18 0 tr. 2 o 0 0 tr. tr. 6.50 19 0 i 3 o 0 0 tr. tr. 7.10 20 o a 2 o o 0 0 t 6.15 21 5 1 3 O O 0 tr. tr. 5.22 22 0 tr. 1 0 0 0 tr. tr. 8.00 23 0 2 2 2 0 0 tr. 1 6.35 24 15 as 15 2 0 0 tr. tr. 7.15 25 2 a 4 tr. 0 0 1 2 5.38 26 0 tr. 5 tr. 0 0 tr. tr. 6.80 (’1‘ (7‘ :10 Fightz r [r1 . . . He‘ll. L6 Table 8a. Root and tOp measurements*, weights**, and root-shoot ratios of new seedlings at the end of the experiment, March 28, 1950 Length (mm.) Weight (g.) Root-shoot Ratio Treat. TOp Root Top Root NO. 1 59 186 .h26 .531 1.25 2 7h 221 .652 .662 1.03 3 62 152 .508 .7h8 1.h7 h 62 192 .566 .568 1.00 5 77 200 .803 .731 .91 6 80 187 .935 .810 .87 7 62 181 .622 .688 1.10 8 62 205 .590 .790 1.3h 9 58 201 .506 .722 1.h2 10 5h 13h .hll .h98 1.21 11 65 229 .516 .532 1.03 12 93 183 .886 .h90 .55 13 113 177 1.331 .68A .51 1h 55 156 .h27 .355 .83 15 66 15h .598 .519 .87 16 5h 229 .h15 .h80 1.15 17 56 197 .t55 .h8l 1.03 18 70 251 .650 .798 1.22 * Mean value~~10 items ** Total value-~10 items Table 8a. Treat. No. 19 20 #7 continued Length (mm.) Weight (g.) Top Root Top Root 56 203 .h60 .627 98 279 1.028 1.050 Root-shoot Ratio 1.36 1.02 Table 8b. Treat. No. 21 22 23 2h 25 26 27 28 29 30 Root and t0p measurements*, weights**, root-shoot ratios of 2 year affected seedlings taken at the end of the experi- A8 ment, March 28, 1950. Length (mm.) TOp 98 87 89 87 92 85 89 85 93 162 306 223 309 2h6 297 307 27h 2A9 331 #91 *-¥ean value--10 items Root ** Total value--lO items Weight (g.) Top b.537 3.590 3.958 3.162 3.328 2.503 3.351 3.650 2.820 10.730 Root 3.772 3.63h 3.372 2.525 2.578 2.952 2.30h 2.251 2.750 9.3h2 and Root-shoot Ratio .83 1.01 . .85 .80 .77 1.18 .68 .62 .97 .87 L9 Table 9. Moisture equivalents of greenhouse soil treatments; Organic matter, base exchange capacity and percent base saturation of nursery soil used in experiment. Soil M.E. 73 0.11. B.E.C. 95 Base (m.e./100 g.) Saturation Hillsdale (poor growth) 11.6 2.2 7.03 85 Hillsdale (good growth) 15.8 2.9 -- -- 1/3 peat 15.0 -- -- -- 1/3 manure 13.9 -- -- __ Oshtemo loamy sand 5.8 -- —- -- 50 Table 10. Overall lengths*, total weights**, and total phosphorus content of new seedlings at the end of the experiment, March 28, 1950. Treatment overall Total % total length weight phosphorus (mm.) (8.) 10-1-5, 300 1bs./A 245 0.957 .08h 10-6-6, 300 1bs./A 295 1.31t .263 10-12-12, 300 1bs./A 21L 1.256 .128 10-h-5, 1000 lbs./A 25h 1.13t .136 10-6-6, 1000 1bs./A 277 1.737 .3ho 10-12-12, 1000 1bs./A 267 1.7t5 .532 lO-h-S. 1000 lbs./A and Mn, 100 1bs./A 2&3 1.310 .220 lO-L-S, 1000 lbs./A and Fe, 100 1bs./A 267 1.389 .260 (NH ) 30 solution a 2 h 200 1bef/A 259 1.288 .170 Packed soil 188 0.909 .085 1/3 peat 7 29h 1.0h8 .189 1/3 peat and 10-1-5, 1000 1bs./A 276 1.376 .216 1/3 peat and 10-12-12, 1000 lbs./A 290 2.015 .665 1/3 manure 211 . 0.782 .137 1/3 manure & 0-20-20, 250 1bs./A; 0-0-50, 100 1bs./A 220 1.117 .282 * Average value--1O items ** Total value-—10 items 51 Table 10. continued Treatment Overall length (mm.) 1/3 sand (pH 8.0) ‘ 283 k sand (pH 8.0) and A manure 253 Good growth soil-- no treatment 321 Poor growth soil-- no treatment 259 Oshtemo loamy sand-- no treatment 377 Total ‘weight (8.) 0.895 0.936 l.hh8 1.087 2.078 $ total phosphorus .lh3 - .180 .h05 .152 .980 0L f HUI Also '"llllHlLF '6':le (.0 "I’ll .‘O 7OIIO FIR INCH 3.9! 53 ushonmmonm uncoumm ..H . cm 0.. . 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IIII 01+wilLI-oii+1.1-1.M101I+1IQ1.1 U . . . a p . . 1 . . . . . . ...... .. . .. . .. . 1 M i . . n . . .‘ a 1 . A W m L .* .1. .. M. . . 1 . . .1. M N W .. / u 1. m .H . _ w p ... ... ._ .. . w . .. m.. . . . . . . V .. . H . _ . . . 71 1|: 0 I I OII .IIIII 91. I 11I II III I III I41 .111 5 I 11 I I I4II I1 I I I I 1 I av I IIIII .I 1| ran-II III II ‘1) I v IIIII. v I .I 11‘ II 1 191. M .1! O1 III-v III 1 I I I . WI 10. o I IV III1I9 I 4.111311 l|1I III... .11 ..... 41111111 I l 11117~ A? LH 1% IL 11111 . . . . 1 . _ . . . . . .. 1 . .. .. ... 1 1 . . . ... 1 1 _. . . .. . . . . . .1 : . a . -4 .. . 1 . . . a 1 _ 1 . .. . . . . . .._ . ... II I . 9 V1 +I II . I I I I . . . . . .. . . H . . . I” .. . . . ... .. H. h h I. o ..I I I I1. I. «II I ......... a. II I I -.. .I I . I I e 1.. ...... . I ...II c 1 o I y (I lIJII I II ..III. fillIIIIeIIIJIIFIII 116.? ..... I1 1| 91» IIOI. . 1.... .1. . .. . H l . . . . .. . . .. . 1 . . _ ; ....... 1 . 1 . . _ . _ . . M i _ . 1 _ _ 1 . . 1 . 1. fl. .... .... ... L _ . . . . . . . . 1 . . a . .. . . . g _ p . h a 1 a . . ... a a H a n H . I. ... . .1 .» 5h . ‘l 7; J1 ~ \ 19.4-;- b-l-c 10.4- / - _ Io- - I. - 10-4-4' ’0-4- ,. .. ...... 1..... “'45:. I I ”H” ”“9“ "“9“ “"5" '4'"va Amen "“- Figure 3. Seedlings at the end of the experiment showing the effect or the treatments on root and top growth. 55 3"/ I'M-y 3'” Of Poor 1 5".J 1’0! or ”.4 'Mnrh f 5:1“ 7"cr4. Io ’"l'V" '0 (root-an: trtltm-r '9 t"0Y~-~t 5' Soul ‘\ J'OI/ [In]! if P 5' Pg.t ff’cat y 3"". 5 still; ”:ch “t “'4: ”'ll-Il manure 2.1:" I la ' O 3;. 0° /4 1009.74 A¢-o-‘-._ 4 Figure A. Seedlings at the end of the experiment showing the effect of the treatments on root and tOp growth. 56 REFERENCES Auten, J. T. 19h3. ReSponse of shortleaf and pitch pines to soil amendments and fertilizers in newly established nurseries in the central states. Jour. Agr. Research 70:h05-h26. Clark, W. D. 1916. A cheap fertilizer for white pine seed- lings. Proc. 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