— T——————v—_—'———— .-—,.— t .—.'-. - . . -W .. ___ ‘ . . -a. m ‘ ' ‘ ' " ' ""“'"‘""° «vmmwmumn‘m . . ‘ ~ ”WWII“ "5&1 1- \I MOSTATIC IBRECIPITATION OF DUSTS FOR AGRICULTURAL APPLICATIONS Thais. for the Dogma of M. S. MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Henry Diflimus Bowen 1951 P l ELEE'I'ROSTATIC W.KIPIT§?IQH (I? [133778 FOR AGRICULTURAL m Ams 'mmm-m “mamas! Mtuuunsom-rwsmudm- stat. cmdmmmu ”911.4 3.1.... hWWdWW frthodmd‘ max-:3. 01‘ scram new of; Agricultural EM 1951 THESIS WTATN PRECIPITATIOII G D0813 rm mum WAT!” AMdMupoudm-Wuoyndfiuflnd mwmmmw. momma-mom mummtcuomuunmuuuaorauu-m unmmmunnmdamummpuuummm Iron. no alumna pneumatic. at calculus). m 1- mmwmuwmummmm penal... ‘ ‘ mmwuummmwmmomm umuwmmuuuwummum ”Wamtmupaiudumrm mutating muanmtummmm WMmthanhflfidmupodt unmanamummmmmhumm or num- my an tho magnum u emu-god mom. . mmmmwmmwmmdgw mumummmmhammmm. h immuwmuwummmm mwuommmptmwtmmmut Mpmudlm. MWWMQh-rmtbpcucm hummus» mmxmmhmmngmuummu. numnduummnutfinflmmnuflmdbpnddWthdumdpub Immulpnnudwh 249803 mmmmam PRECIPITMIOH W BUSES Pm ACRICMMAL APPLICATIORS nun-792mm ATIEESIB mwtwumamcmummamm But. eating. of WW and Appuld m hWWflWflqfla-m teeth-mar MASTER ’W EM! WCIWM 1951 mmumhuum-WW sat-mamma- , APPARATUSAmHmman-r “ 1 w W and . mmmcmm WMINCWWW am omen- 13 a mm: m m prawns mu mommmnm , Gout-1 f“ m“ *4 I; 4 “w“ A _. "w w.“ “manhunt“. MB‘lHWW DMI‘DI‘IM_* T W mum-lacuna.- REA‘I’IVE mm m ITS m: G museum DUB! ERMA?!“ «In-u- - M 4r: ‘ W Gull-I1 Aman- and new. at M mm d m. m; A W mmmnmmmmwrmanwm mama man rm r-Immm mum nun-L A ‘* GOODQuNflg tit-1388 $38 3””! ‘I 111 mmwm~ é “W AM‘W MflmMDML “ ~ *‘ ““1- 00-01ch *2 nr mu- ~ :~— 8W MIDCWCLUSIGKS «L w m— A a w APPENHIX!w _,: :1: * : Vi‘ 1- m “nu-7 of was put manna mammdmumuuuaw Gwddimdudpufiohchnrm-u“ W :: Delano of W's aqua. * Mde‘dflmd CNNMGIICM‘“ “ w M‘hflMdWMW Baum w;- +~ AA vwwu- WW WT “ x _ “ :2 5: “fin-I- anaasscaag 88 11ml ”an: new.) nun-0‘ um! taunt: rim? new". m9 mm 11 L18? (E FIGURES cmmpummmhm Wmmdfihmm Wdam.wmmdmm {a first cloth-chm pumuau tent of till-W. mmmwmtuuummm «mush-omnmm mnummqmmmwtc muumwm.mmum plotted m w W motutmtorMGmm “data-MW“ MMVWWMMW nuaqumtmmamrum Mm : A vmotoqupmwmdwrmaum M mammmmmw WMQMMI-mlud Mmmmgdmtntmd duh-Io , mmcwmnmw A I... M -_ .. V—vv r u w , w 15 16 17 19 Hm}: 1'1ng neuron rum-015 um 16 um 17 um” um 19 11mm Pinon naummuuamMrmn-m dmdtuamddhmmmmh- We a! not ughtnotc mu u a mum at duhnooft-thonculo T — :A ;1 W or collection dink and cmging mrumunwwust—r w muuugnmmmarmaopmu I mumchugdhhdmuotLSdm Wmucmumofnhun may...» :— +~ w m mwummmmw mmflmhdltcmm‘ mg wvr‘”*t:“ : 1;_V:;M cameraman-Amman. mmmwmmunam nun “MW. in qua-r m with math-«mm w 4* * “1......— lethohdflWflofldu qWMmfifiuduMGu-tmm WMhudhfianuuo-o £9 7131.! M102! mm 1551317 1.1820!“ mmmocnummcwm man with“ (M Duh} .wa ~ . , w.” m- mmanumrmcmm Source on watta- (Galahad mu) :“ - : mum. mummy and In at.» an mm- mm m mung (M mu) m... mun mam «a no mm a mm mm mm magnum (can-man mm) W... INTECBIDTICI ruwmmammtmbddeI-um __ dewmumammmm‘: mama-mam mmmwumd mmmumwcm-mmpwu: Wmdmmumhmmmm wmmummmmmuumm. ammummmumumumm. mmummm.unmmmumm tundra-humanist”. manta-monume- «memmmuummtmmm mmuumhuuunm. nmmmmuummumm mmtuhmmmmmuymmamm ”0‘th cmumcmmm” mwmaummorum-nmmnnmmm. mmnmmmummmammm ammummmdmmmmam- mumummmmmmmmmnm. mmmanchtph-uumw Mummmuummmdm mun Wintmuhduum-mflnuuwmwd mwmmmwm DMMhMfl mmmmmwm.mmmm umnmuqmummmmhw “than. Antwammmmmumm-m M.Mnnhuvoh-n~u‘¢mubuuudfim cum-m. mmhnmmWDth-dfi. smuthcfluflmlwhw. 1"ka umxtwmuwbmumuumm flaw-hum.mw¢mamm mmmuuuomwumm. mmmpumuuncmwmuww “mauummxmmmujuuw dmmw-uammmmm‘mm Maw-tum nmdnmmm-ammm numuummun. mmmmmauucw MnmhthwMtMMMp-b muumuamwwmwua. wmnmmnuudmumnm fund—Ina. Wad-cu. mummy-m, flammummmumm. hm amnmfluutthoth-Wdu acmnammywunnunumuum «muumuam mama-manna...» mwwmummm,mmm m.mnwmmmuwmm much-mummmuummmuu. ”habit-tummy: 111-..de ”momma. “Mt-non Mob: WMWHuWAnflnL-bm a). muwmwummmmau—ew ”wdfiwmfluopfi-IWMM‘ mesmummmaommuumm mmnmumaMMctmpm-«mhmm mum-mtummummmm “ISO-mun. mmuwummum—tuu memwwwuuwmm mums-mm. mmmmmnmtmn mmthuMthu-Oddm mrmmwquMMa-m .mmmuamunmmm muuwwmmumam). hmmxmammmmn Mi‘muhmhmmufinuthI-n Melanin. mummmwu-uuq o‘o Whhugimudghidnwmd‘mumdbmllw flammmauwmummumwm M. linen, In”. In em (19“) W I. hunting «pct. ‘mmmmamwummumuu mummmmmmwtruumwm ammommmammuamm Mingufluudcwmm. Irntflocuohcgompu- mmmsmmummmwmgxu. no. disputing on tho mm mine. If a relatively high mummawxmammlwm n-mmmwcmmmmmmw. “rhu- 3‘51??? gzzgéagégzg Efiggfiégfiz‘ggilis E§§;a%§§agfggii i; g 5 ‘ A“ gig ‘. ”w 2&5 if Wis; EE 8 fig 55 E?!: E i5 iii; I g 5 gig: *g 1%? f; 53‘ A 3?: ‘8 g‘ ,, .3 5: {5'51 3 s a; "I ~1in I 99- mmmkwamumshbmmwmutddm bathe dwafiomehtdeSuofmlmM 01:39.1, hmg‘lcidal ma diluent ducts as they were blow firm a W male. An elect-muffle volunta- m mod to W m chm-g... mmmnonmummm WWIOMIMngmMder-dmtmwu. it tho order of sixty miles per hour at the dint-burg! m1. fer Mord mums. first, there must be sufficient «loamy to mat «pacific ammmoanloummu-imm. Seaman”). nluumtmmmmfiwwmmwmmw In field dusting auditions. The ducting. mic ”10.1m- mt h. mmummmtamammmum mmmmuwm W,thmmtbomffldntuudv «mutomumhthohmngimotflnm. mawunmutnesumormmummuuu amwwmmumwummmmm mmmmmuumwnmwmmmm MthOdenthemdmmeoflimmom msmmwmoumnmmmmm Lawmunxmmummmmc: mammwucmmnu. mmmmwmummwuw‘m manual-macaw!“ mefluflmweMmeth-m «Whammchdeaanm -6. uwmmm-mummamu- mmwu—mmmuuuunmmhmm mumnmmunummmu-uuumu lawn. Somd’flnduuadtcmd-Waflmtmw chWotfmmmmdm-mhcta cum-nun. 6.mmpmmuuummwu nnwmwmunumuqu amummauummm.uwg mtmuuummmmumm,uuo~ mwmuwhmummmu din-plat. 7.1Whmdmanero— qummmh-mnnwmmwn mmmuu. mmmmmmtuumhamunhuu mamammmmuhmm gnu-dunk mmammmmmmupum .mmmmwmmmmmm mmiwamaummumutmummm mmaumumummuumam Willow. mm.um,m1uumuum “www.mummmmmmimumum mumummuum .7- mmmelumwhymmumnumnmv «mmmurmununuuwmm mamcmwmthqummM-oa mmmmmmuxu. ‘Wmm aha-thunk“. sun-mummy- mmtmmmmmmmnmumham aammmugmmmwnum. nmmmmuumuwmm «mmmmummmaadd-nmrmum mm~uwmmmuauuuhuamw nmmumuuwwm. nwmmmmuuommormmmm “mom,mummm.aum1remmm mummmuuw. APPARATUS arm ms canard mmemummuuuuuwungmm mwuwn Muummmmm ummmmuwwmmmw hhplnhflththocmnm mammal-u- WMflmuwmdnmtfl-CM mwmtwmmmmwwmwm tuna-involved. ”mummmummm ammmummmmu-W www.mtmmmymnmmm woman-mm urcmmmmummtunplmmamtmmm inbound. mmmm ems-AM nmmmmmmmmum. mmmsmwmammmwm wwwwwwmsm. mm.udouuwum www.mmmamnuuuumuummw M mmmwmmmmwuuu his» many-mmcmunwnmdm hmwuflmmeMnmnw .91: maunuummmmmmmumumm mmmmnuumwmumm mmmmwuwumwmmwm. mmummmwmwmmm. aa- mmdmhthomiotdmtmmfwthojobm mummmm.w'am. Aoouplohtouottb m:.muunm.(1951)byumcu1wd%eaungwofm Mam. mmammmmmmmnw mmuutnumumuohcmmomummwm hummumumwuumm. Minimu- WhymmwmouammwhgrutCMMmuud wmummamw. WNW-d!!! 0mm Amnmudddmmuuwmmundpmmh mummmmmmmunmaotmm w. mmuumuaummmmmmm Wumomommpflm nuthomgauncmh nommwmuum mummwx. Mmmmmtmmtaw-Mpmam IMMofthopeiundglmdngmdeMVI-Mdfi WMfluughpotonfid. htcflnpmmhoirmflmdw uhtithmunMafl-L Manhattan-oun- alum.duouthoohngo,mmt1uomfimmurdb mummnuuummm Monument-- muwmnmhuummmmmnu M .10. mmmwflwflmwnucwm «ww.mmamm¢nnn&.m n1m.anqummmun.c.nmmm :- mmmmwmnuw¢mummquuc mum‘s-map. wnwucaumnnw.nu. nmmnwmmd‘wm.u mmwamm.uwmhmmmm luau-Italian. ”mmndmmwmim mflmoummmwm.um.uup noun-nut. MWmmun-awum «ammunmmmutmuwwu unarmwmnm mmuwmmmmmta wmummmuamwam ammawmmmuamwumm Walufim‘mm. misfit-hwy mmwmutmwcmmumuw an. mmMmWthWfl-Idh mustmmmtunu-mmmmm mm. nmmmmmammum wammwnmammm”. 1h mmmummmwwmmm mmmmuuwmawmm “William hum-(ImmoWWv-www mammwmum AM“!!! an. mummuhmmaammumw “warmth-mm Ibo-mm Mum‘s-mammammum rammcmpmu. Ammwmsumuaum uumuuxummn. tmdml-hm mummdiflfm AMMMC‘W mm'mmumammummw mum-mm. rumba-mm.- m-wflh. ”Wmlohotdhmum ”.mmmwmmmmmmu WM. mmMHWbMII-IMU wmummmummmmq‘ ”mummmmtuuuuwmmta W mmmaammuuamuumm unnamed-plantation“ Mateo-duct wmuIth-Iuhuqnnmnmnqun mwmwmumwmummm “tumm- m-«Hmlhhahndtflhdm mmwmtmdmhthdumnh w. mmummuwmuumu mum-tum.“ numb-unman- mammumumdmmm Mata-M AWdth-Mdodtdam ultMMOIGh-fludmmth-b manna-nun. ah 12-- Amwumumgdutdmdumudodf. mmmummmuummwu. mm WMMWQa-Mmbynm.w. Mama. maumgwmmtuu munghtmaauummw. modem-abut. mwmmmmwamuuuwuu W. m.flmuummflnmm mwnmnmuntmm nmmttumummwwu mmwm-aumrmm tux-11mm mummmwm,mwmm mam amnmcmmummmh wwwmmmmuwmamua WW. mmfcuMhnfld-flbmah mnmmmwummuamum W1». ammupmmmmm-mvmw. Mmmm~muammuu..uu mummmouxm‘mmmhm. h mmmmmwummomhtu mummumwwm .mmmmwummlmm whmwdnmmm nun-pen umuammumuum Mama—nu. Whfllm MMWMEnW awuummuummwamm an. an. mmxmmmmummsm‘m mam-mammbmuumummmu hunficWfl-Mfummm mmuammanm-ammww ”mummmdwmwamm ”mmNhMQanwgdph-tmdfiw autumn-emu. Mambo-OCWM‘IWW. mmmammmumumm mo wmmtumwuuapwmmma «mummummmmutunm. m- mun-«mmcmmm. mam-mun «nonhuman-Mummwmmd WWW mawuwumum mmmdddwitcmwMfl-mdtb maunmm.mwmummm mmmwmam nmmmmuummmm dummxm-uuummmm nummdmmwnmumm “mWhfltahmdumeI-a Mmummmammmuwmm a“. mummumnma. mwm mmuuwmawmwmmmuw MmMfim-dcmwm up!“de mummmumumammwnme .u. Haul-I. MWpln-dmwfimamm‘m ”mmuummmmwum‘umm amulvmmumuumd. mmmmmmummmmuma nmwmmmmmmmmm «be. Annacwunmnu-ummmnm III-Wm.ngmh mmhdmaWhtb MWMumumwmum-s. nu MdMWMhWhWL Mind” mwmawmmamm. nun-nah." uuwmmmmwwmamu “mum-annulus“ mrmwmummouummduw hwmummmrwmmm. m: mmuummummmmmflw unaumamummum mmmcmammummmu Ml mmmmmmauuumm __— Wm“:— WOOD STRIP I TOP 3: BOTTOM U FLEX I GLAS SIDES FIRST CHARGING GRID FIRST DUSTER Figure 1 Charging grid and duster used in first electrostatic precipitation test -16.. CHARGING INDUCING DUSTER 5R2 PLATE . M» 2;: {1/ {I . IJ -\ \ / X/ ....r L. u L. Figure 2 Arrangement of duster, charging grid and plant for first electrostatic precipitation test of this investigation fiofl €530 23 you no.5: mo 35.3 03 nouns: flufifi Woo: madman»? vacuum m 0.8»: HI «Ia I -- ALUMINUM HALF-FIFE 2— INDUCING PLATE 3 - CORONA PRODUCING WIRE TO HIGH POTENTIAL Figure A Sketch of low velocity charging head used for relative humidity test, distance test and bean plant test Figure 5 Manner of attachment of electric charging head to dust distributor tubes 6. _ 19 - TO HIGH POTENTIAL High velocity electric charging head Figure 6 DUST DWI? AS A FUETIOII C! m DISTAI‘CE FROM TEE 0mm om anneal mwmwummuumm mmuampMutumma-wmm MMWMth-hmmw'h Awh- Mahatm‘mummunmwm mmmmm nummum.numdumamnam mummwtflnhmdflnufliflm m "mmmummauummumm wumutcmaumn-mmmb WMthbflfltmu-Wflu. mmnwmumwwuu mummamum-madw mamas-m1. mMWumbMImOQ-cpu. «mammmmmmwmm unaware-dram “Mt-mum" ”Muhammad-Hutton” .21. I'll. Wham mmwmmpamamumpauuum mmutmummxmmmnmm mmaummmmmuuumuawmu mwmnwwwmumewmwm ”mam-inn. mmmummnmuo-pnm ”mmmMmmummuuum'mw 7min. mmammwmmnuumhmm whammummuwummum ummmmmamsmda. Wmmmmuumbnam mammammmmm.m,m mam.mumrmmmm '11. mum-mmumnnmn. new Mmmuwmmmmmmnww haul-«them. mommmmmwm mumwhwmmucmum. muummwmmmammam whkmfimmflanwum-Muu “.muhuthomtmcfl.thccmunuawm much-m. mmcmmmmmm—nmmdm Nwmmumumm. momma-m -22- gunnimuimummwamnuw recipe-ink. mucus-amummam thm¢0.¢w. mama umxwmuummwuwwm umdmmwmumm mannmcammummu-cmwm “numeracy-tum“ Mach. wbmw’uumuwmnuuwtmup “mamammmm mam-anus. Mu'mmmmmcumummuu all. mummumm'urumumu- www.munMMmacuuu-cuh mm mummmmm-umunmu mummMMu—ummmmm mmruamwwdwudmm “MMmMMMflflmmhAQ-l. MM mduwnmcurmammmc mammal-an. mmhdmnmmuummcmmu och-chalk. MMmeu‘luw-tfi- unite“. ”mumMWMhudfi-m III-’- curacy mmwwmmmmummA mcumwunmummwumm mmmwmmmm mam-cm mmmmwmrummmumm mutant. Mow-mmumdflucup‘hum nil-fl. mmmwmmuumm mmwmuwnm~mm,m mumwmmmommummm mam. AmouWu-uwnmmuu muwnammmmamummm mmummnmmmtmmmu mum-mammograms. thorns-cw .uwumbhmitmwmnmmn. MiiwthWMQMhthdo-dh ma-mmmnmmwwc ma.mnumcummmummcm mmummmmmwmm. rumm- mmrummemmwmnmmxmu mmwocuggimuu. Mom-anmI-qu «gunman-«muchmmmmmcmmm unwnmumtmu—ummmm» mutmmmwummmmum mmwammumm. .24. MWIfmmmkdimhmMMmm WWofdmtmtedm mutmmmr ummmamuw. Mmdtbmndm.“ mummmamm.umnmcmm WW.wu-rwmmumm mun-mommies mmmmmlyinflmmgthmtofdmtmmm mmummm.munumwummm-mmun “vummummuwummmtmh mtmmmmmtam‘mu.m thudmuohnrged,mthonlociwefthnuir~dMIm-MV «mumsmmmocmmuumvm mwummrmmwwmmmmmthomtd Mummunhtdhflnmdthom mmuwmummgmwmb mhmduhthmramh “mun-sum unmpmumwdammmmmrgu “WMMflmfith-dwhumflmh Mill “mammumumumodmmvorm mmammmvamwm Futil- ”dmwausdwtmmmaumuuem nun-Whammtumhamwarmw mwamummmwm.umap mummumwmm Mmkwmhwuwmbm «mumcMmmummW.mu-t -25.. mannemumchgumdopodtatuchlmflmhthcm vhnflndmtuchnrgedumdtothommthodmtin mob-reed. mmmammmmmmmtmm mmmwummunwmwwm ”WMMMMumh mmeWIMflMflnmdMM «wrutmwmmmMmah-mam Wwwmmmumwmnmmm mmmmdutmmm. mun-mum”:- bthphflnWMnMgh-‘Monhmm nomimmmtwbomm-tmwum mmmwmwmmm mmmmamauumhmomm wmmumfuh “inhuman“. wmwmmmwwmm.m ”indict-nu. MN‘mmufluMMMmflh-flhhw ammuubmuwmwmwuw,mm “rmm.umamummmm mugmummunvm.pmmm¢mwp ahmflchmlthd-Wmhmt wtumamwmummmmw. mm wmwmmmmmwa‘uu deWHMWhW-u-Mh thin—1. -26. “whom-total autumn-mammalian.»- ommmummtormummwamm wammmuummmmummmmu’ “IMMWchm-gingm Thicdmnotmludothlpouiunw dulmmddopuittcmhpuwmm. .27. ,W“ “no. “swamp-mamma- distant”. t5:- .W‘a: 1. a . . _ ' . ..‘ W , "'"‘ - 3"” ”-‘r' ‘.,3-zr-...-n» 2.. 4’ *4,- o. ' '~.- "‘.\_..5 min wmmmmu :WflMMunMfln 3 993m JMZZDh Z. m20_._.<._.m no 20:400.. - I .l.@ Illnnlflln , :IIJN: , A I.I.v IiJiil.‘ -II1xr.N A.NIH.N .NIL . 0 .: .. .. .0. -30... cannon one song cognac mo €302 a 8 fimoeme awe Ed 898.88 2m: we was? nanosecond aoz Hum“. Z. MANNOZ 20mm 825.90 NH who: mm. E 2 Q a w m. u . 0 me 2 #3 an 8 25283 owuhobd 3838 «.0 .«o 026 can» mama Egan dog: 9.3 woman hagaauuon non: cannon Po. 23 25 893.3. 23 no 3308...“ a 2. 38.5. :8 3. omwmqumz IS: oh NET LIGHTMETER VALUES IN UNITS " . A=CHARGED l A B=UNCHARGED I2 ‘g\\\ IO“ 3 \ b \\ 4 0 a 05 \o o ~-———~..O._q~\~~‘~~1 a I 40 so 90 m RELATIVE HUMIDITY IN PERCENT Figure 15 The net lightmcter values of the deposit of negatively charged talc dusts of 1.5 micron average diameter as a function of relative humidity TIE AW LED nmmmmm W DEBT on BEAN PLANTS Resume mm WEE Emmi??? mum Wammmundmu—uxmawu- owuumwmu,flha~MMdc Mama-mummntwmuummuu- mmammmmam-mwmm manna-m. m.ommmdtb “ummcmcmtaummmu handc- mun-um mmuammtmocmmunuaumm mod. mmmumtmnuuummmw “cull-thud. “MtMmfluWWMQII-‘rwu tin-pint. Mmummummmamun hhMtIh-Mfiund.flumohc¢h¢m negligible. MquMumMWh-c mmmmmm-m. mmmmWVMcMch ”Mutant. mmmmummmm Mmdmhflnmcflutd’thmmwfll swam-mun. mmmmsdwmm (J) a: rum. 16 to a punitive voltage a: 13,000 volts. rho pin. (2) an”. mmwtfiamu.manmmmu. mMatMF-fllm mwumxmum.nmmmum “mmtmmm. Wildflutupmmvind WWflmflwadmu‘OmWhm mmmmumwp. mmmhmdn- mmmmmwmwmmumm ummumpucmmunmm. mm mmummmunmmuwmm Mamanmumunmmm. mm mummmmmmm unmet mmuuuumx. ammuumuummamum mwwwummmummm A “mm-wwwmumoman mum-urn... mwmwum. ”aru‘mummmwmummm hmhmuhwmwwm hold—M(2)nmhmhod.nmlb. mm. mmwumewwamwotmmmu mmmummm'mmwamw “dauphin. mm0)drimquMh mmmuuumuwmmumm volt» mwmmeummumw mummwmmmmmw. mum “tawny-nut. «0‘0- mmumm-ammaommnhann- muwumcmucmmmmm-mmw thWhthMhafiflbuwhfln-im pm... mwmmimmwutmmmum «Mtatwmmuu. Mmhmwm «cmmmmummmwlmmw mommatmlumaunhunbthflmm mMWVmI-uthnmdhwm. mamunng-tmmmm,umn.umum. mmmamcmmmmamx tin-outta”. nuuummumtaaumummnww mummnnmmcmuu-unummu mun-mu. Mummduummnmm WWChMMGUMflfiWMon-lmm noun. Amummnmm,unauam mummmmmaumucmautn mmmmummwwummm minimum. madam-attaiodpmummfiunmualudm punch. mimmumunuamumpapamm mmtmwumumuumumz Wigwam w amnedeGcagoc.m1n¢noMmdMncApp1-m I. Cummi- Spray Applications. K. 8. M. Inciden- But. cm... 19”.56mm.6hhhcg9flmo ..u. summgmtmmmmmm WGCQWM NWCthofniIfl-tm“ mmmumn-mnuamuumumu mmmmmmyuhmammdammd “Womb. mmuumwmnmummmm ”I. mwwmmmummm caution. mmmmmmmmm m mac-m. ”nun may. an em Myth”... Wummummmmmumum nummmun-M macaw-ammu- mdfiWMMutiuden-lqdo 1h. mmammmumunmwuuy «vouch-Walsh. nmmmmmm ham... awakens-Manama".- mmmhm. AWflude ”magma-mm. Minn-unnam- mmammwmmunnmmamu ”mutant-luau”. woman...” “Muhammcunmu. mil-mam mmwmmmmnumn-mw nah. WNWMMMMJWIQIWC m. MquMWc-tb‘niudtb .‘a. mm,amwmmumm «mammmmmcm mammMmmwmmum-om WWW“. WWMWWW ”nutmtmmdmdwmuwm mmmmnum‘mvumum no. «hummus-venuumm-mmam Muhammdmuuhcmm mmwmmwmdmmcwmm AmmmwamNuwcmt-mam mummum-dumMcmcm-u Wm mmmmwubm. dWithq‘lth-Wmcmnmhthm demwmmm. mule-Immi- mwmcummamnaflmu mwmmmwmnuwwnm Mun. nuwmmmwmum mamummwhwwmmauw ammmwwmmmdmm awn-murmur» mmmmrdmrmmmummm WMWGOWMWWWII'W. mumWWMowmddu-tmhm amen-mm. mwummm muammnmuctanuummmupuwm. wmumummmwumm- a”. “plant. mmmtcducummmmwm www.mwmuum mmmumumtmmmwmdm mmwmmumcmwmmum mwmmxam-umwmd mum. mmwuumumotu humans-mum mmmmmmcmmmm memgowunmmsmmmam. Mmuummmumumum mumm.nqmmdmmwmuum mummmmaummuumm mutual-and“. mmumwwwamu-uotnum mammalian-«m. “10mm.“thnn- muwmmummmcmmum mmmmxum. mmudwmmuwwawm Wmmwmmmuma» Mummmmmmaw. couch-inn mammmmwmwm mummummumm. nummmmuwxmmmu ”Wamnummccnuub-M u“- mmdutthWh-amgddut. flan-01’ mmwuunwmawuumtmdmwm mum,mammdmautupdcum .muumm mcmmwumm «mmmuuwmiumwamm «WNW. mmwmuuunukumo-m mitmmmmmmmwmmcmc hon-m”. .— . . .. JV. . -‘ 4...... -.--W' L -.o‘A ".:“- ‘.;.I -w . . " flan-01'! new awn”. hurl-nun t. ~46- _____ “—..— ELECTROSTATIC “DU—ST PRECIPITATION '.' -I Q ' . . . ‘ . I' .. . t t a ' ' '-d- ) 1 f- e — . _. - I -‘:_' ‘.. .'. - . . FNO- Front No charge ENG-Bock No charge POD-From charged duet BOD-Beck charged duet POOP-meorgedduetacha'gedplam ' Bow-mm macharged glues ; ' .;.fi‘;: z Figure 18 seem an CMLUSIDIIS mm-ummuuuemmmuu-m m‘mmawemwmmmdmn m'ocman. MeiIWWMuMeI-rge nmwmmmuau. _ mmemmmmmumummuuumm «unguamwmmmmemxamum mummuwmmm. momma-mu mammmuauuuommamm pawn-anemone. mwmuwmwmmmmtmw fluemdhbpmemmemmemnwmem «mmuwmuumeywmm WWW “whuwpedmeermgeuudmutheMefhb pertain decked. the genitive eaten will. produce pacified: chew-zed mmwmmunmmmcmmumIfinm mmnwmmwmm. Mmgeuumuthem amammmngmmmxmummmpu- mumwumpmmd. mien-e or the magma. regarding the ammu- pu- muuuctauumuwmmammunm mamMMmhfluumnsieu-Mmeb- mmwuumnhuuhim menace-11mm cw. mmmwwmmmmmmmmmum Wjobubedueuithemeidmmeflimhm mwmmmmmmuwne-Wm wumxememumwmmmmtwmm (Mmdwteaaim). rcmammnoumubnrmmmam,m IeMgemtmi-utheperuelufwethuteuflemeftmu ehtutmmeewginamle. Ate-tmperfemadmingteh duet e! u average 61mm or! 0.8 uterus that chewed met the charge meflnunmflnmmlutwedutmetulmmtefl. mmwawmeuwmmymmmwm. ammumdmmwweummta dutdwoeitedmohteimdbyehergingthedmtuemedtofi. depdeitefthemgoddmt- mommumuumuwuuamommeddm depositedutnereletivewdityiew monumedduflie WWWumwuhdmitmgmmemfmete relativemityetlmMnte-Wtoerehuvemwd Aim. nee-periemdthedepuitdmeeetleedduetmueppnd tebe‘eeedlingeehmndemmtentielimmintheqmuv «medwmmmamemwuomumewe “€10“ng mmmqu‘thedmtntheMu fimlmmmwwmmdmtmemm. mmudthemcemmugeumepwtobem mmmmmmmmmgmeommmmu. Theprineiplevnibetridhthefieldinmemereffifio mcmmuuammmummmwm WWhmthdetuwu-msemm «mmummwmupmm Amus- httqmmuemimuuuifieWMeughmlupbfio mmmumumummw. recluse mmemmmmmmum. APPENDIX 1 mmdwummnmpem The theory of elect-octane duet granite“ new be uprated mama-mm. WWI-emotewginthem much. mmummmmmamwmw Wuhmplat. MW-qhmnehdetmune hWemWfleflanmtekeplmetMQ-u utmuwrmtwnwm Thebttcnthedmthee-e WhWWdiflem. Thermostat-inca- wammmmmmmummmmna mmmmwuwmummmu mmmatcpmpauummmwmdm denier-vein“ mmmemum-guumeumomu «mmmom-npa. mmugxmwmrmwm mum ' TI II 1t J? b (1) when zaomrmummum. end «inedib- WWII“: Q1 than” ngu( tummwamun-(mman. rummmmmnm. 0.519 mmnuwmpumhuuaummamq n,mmmmu-nawuwummu. whamwthooqmuauiu. F=EQ ‘” shoe rummutfiwhum. :ueunmmwwuugmhumum wwwuvdwq. azummuwmmum. fln'imetmedequMdeMum monumeemdeUeflmemuum-tue. Me mummmdmomumm It nuwmcm'nmmmemmuu wmmumemuumomammmm ammummmm F=_o..l.z (3) III-'0 rumrmammmam Q‘ietheMputhepefllfl-heu. hath-WW. numemxmmmmmum Wild. -52. Stoke'elugiwethemmwofepcuolem mmmhemmmmcumrmeamum vgaiaaef (1.) m vietheveieeityieeapereeeend. dieflndeneityetthepctieieiempceubieeeetinetc. gietheeeeelmflmefthepcmiednetemwethm enmmmdeqmed, rietherediuectthepatieleinn. A ie the coefficient of density ta the media (fa air ie M 200 x 10 poem). mmammmmuummme-eemw eneqmleuleueppeeiteehugeeeemwo Am mmeeeetheieeidedem.u1euthiemeheeu- humeqnelueimeppoeiteehene,htuinreeideuthem Mace. mutmmummuewmrutmmeem molmmehumemtheeteihemhemiueeMtI-Ce edghbcingmeehergeeepeeeible. wmmwmmmw‘uewmm charged. Theflrfliehymdm 1110510“..th Mathewneleeendthegee.thepertie1eeeadflueideedflle mung tube. It poeibly betel. Melee of nuke new. mowaguuuwmwmwm-umwumu lushhtmmypeflhheefdiftmtummMneeenm $53. “306 to the ”01de alga. whim (1926) In. em that partial” of both mauve and negative signs do exist along with were). pea-Melee in the em duet elem!- Yedefl (1%) he done ”memorable m “plains the Menu ehergegaieedbythetriefleeetehighepeedeirjeteethejeteteir ieblenflwwfithem InelieeeeeeefueMiedvhm-emefln ieuedeeechefgimp’ieeiple,thehighre1nnnm1tyefthefldd murmzywmohumuuummmw Wimeeedmnuetimefflndnetfiutmhepedtc. lawnmmmwemeehunmiwiemmmmww usummuu,mmmmoaemepmwn,m memgmummmamummmm mwtmetumehmbyEueuaM)ulmmmw manages). mammmmtpmnwmhmmmuw deetupeeeeepieueeupphefgeeieue. meehcgdieneeteither peeitiveunegetiveemeqbeeeea,depwdingupuehemflnem etthewtieiebeiugehergedieiehpeeitinweegeun. new mt.thcemtheemtpeemdmeigeuthem mthmeemzimfldd. mmumwhmwmmumm Ieeeetbetheignmmedbyrdieticufruennlmuoleengm «were. mwdhehueedeeiurppdnteeemmm mjmuemmmtmwmmpoommumm 1!— et both positive em negative Ilene. Wumelmiefleldiemeeeewebthepeeiuve inefreetheeegetiveieee. themdhehergeeefludhtheue -51.- mmwmmemumnuumun.aw mmmmmimmmmmmmmm eeiveWMen-‘itrueueewneeueee. momma” MiumelmieflemehetlmenMemnpefletfln Wmaeommuounmummwu elect-helm neieeeettheeeheeeignmdrueethevinu mammmmpmmm AmeWuMMeemmtaefln-fln memesghmmuwuemmm AW (1949) bed the tanning to lay regal-ding eueee We» “theatrical“: Mghvoltege gnome ()xloévolee/eeec tannin”). mam that mybepreeentiethieregiu eeguinenmghemgyhtdlimegdutflufleflhideemd etaeintoneeeleetrenemdpeeitiveieee,vhioherempenedh emeeitedireetieuwtherield. Themeleeerueeeueneethe original group oeutime to generate etill nee-e elect-one end peeitive tone. Thepreeeeeiekemee'mletieeweefia'. Bantu-e nentral gee etemo in colliding with oleetrone my be raised to “united“ energy- etetee below the «he needed for “dentin, em interrehu-ningtethoirmleteteetheyeuitthieemrgmthe tnofredietien. Senoftheredietieeneeumvieeblew timottheepeetnn. munidieplwumum Amadieeueeiooofthemiemadutperueieem wwemrmamwmugemm. Memmmuw-mneemnemumm peeitivoeadnegetiveineeretm. Theaeiuemheqaelm htheecenegleeme,beetheieeee£eeeeiamemtethe vireeadtheuneettheotheeeimmrepenedevquthevirehy theneugredienie thematieemiemetehiethnthepeduveem,mo elem: (1930). and ie more effective in pane usage with reapeet to the .55. «II-techno“. memeueeeuneieonenymefleeuvoh mummmumum. Ifeeegetivemeegeieuduthedrefieethepeeiuwdr mawmwmmmmummmm eeeeiemfleueunfieeieeeeegetiveiywm.neqbe Mmueeuemmsmemetun.mm~nhm ”metememmwdeuhm. PM u9flIhuehmthethertmhthetmdmfini-e memmunemwnmemvuewm nae. lmhenWMutheemmetpu-fleheheebeee deeeenheeynmeeeam enmemieem utoleymaiheehngedandeeefleMgthflh mwmuumwmmmu nemmmmmemmnmfim Maudie WMWWdeepu-fldeheqnflcw emwmfimrammnummwmumm (1930). mtmmmmpumwenmumumm Unpuflohemduymeruquidepheree. WinstoIedenm (191))epeeie1teetehevemmetflseineguiernyehepedm1e1ee wMeWMgwemmmebflifie-a theefimieelpanielee. PM. (1933) on! Mental (1930) have “that“. electric nmwemmmwamorwmugmw mummmormmunmumemm .56- ecendieehrgemototheaoundedevm. Thenineetthe nmumwsmmronummormmmgm WMmmtuietl-enit. maimdzfenedfm ammummmmumwyemmmm ”Mdmemmewmmuummgh mkthemddevmeon. mmamamumave. memmmefflunwiegimwhumum into]: E.=J—f—‘L"- (5) m ihmmwmdflniengfihm «utmnamweemwnmmnwmm. manmgwwuuemmzmummme mnmitsowummmmemmmv mmmuqmnnmummauunmm prmurigurefl. anthem: (1933) end m; (1930) hove Ween: emu mwmwpmewuwwemce ammmuemmwz. “manomeqmtiuee Q‘g- ne = E. [hag-p.742 “’ whet. neqeelethewbcoteleaenmehuaeee, eietheehu‘geefenelumethLme‘mflue seththedmmeeeetutetthepenieh. equalethenuueetthepeeueieieeentheteee. Luminteaeiwotthe field!!!“ neperueleieeeemedto beeepheremdtobeeuepndediefliegeeetflteieeieedfleu. The 'hegefaree' OIIIefnoeemequeueeintheeeeeotpu-tielee Ie>3exo“-)mumuwmmn9ao). newtieheet mm(r<3xm"a)umm-morwmmueum mommummwuumammmmgm vinbeeeeerihdletc. mmunmmrmmmwmhuu OIMOY'EQ'BJ (2). wemmmew-mmeu etc ”Mefmdmleiummeegeunehementb Whefiwugeflwiujmmtheedgeotthemum- .mmmursgqegel. mrnmmmwm mmmteuemhmrmdmammmum q‘.mcmmmmamm.x,.mmm. mmamme,umumdmmm ammmaummnmnmmmmmm mummctmwueh. Mame-lemme“ beeqaelte E+2(§—-;’,’,)] Mahmdmufleepetutet chop-nun. mummmumumwmmv zwermeemiuee-pumgmmuammd “particle. mmtcmmmmram wwemuumLs-ezeememwum tunnel”). mrmdmemmtbrmdtbnmmml “WWWMWMII ”WWW!“ .58. theeqmtiummeni-nehergeq‘zeewberm. =E.I_T+2(z€=z)J 6 Guild Q.=neaE.Ee-8(";)]hz (I) II‘ Wham-amwmmmmmm mmuwmmmmuugng‘. ram (19%) hee me eerieh W thee indicate thee mummva-uummmmu mmmuwmeuwmmauuuem Materiel. Mammuahmmmmmm Whfifllmummmemuflfid Lumen)» Mmuuehwedeeeeeteeeemehetm ”mummemmm’WQm‘Imem memmummmmumwumm erehepctieieddepemwctheeeeeiVoftheieeehm MWdWMM hm‘fmilmtglflmm mmumwmmuqnmw eithfleuinteneitioeneedieettheaduotfilm mmwmphawmumnnmmmm tie!» at rediue (34104“) to e greet.- ehuae thn 1e inflated by mmunanmnummuamumumtum eethehatnetiaoftheeireeuee‘lee. mama-nun” mmrummmmmmmmwmu mmanamhmymemaum. Rutheiguotiuem ~59. Mmmtmxemuumeummmmc mummmmrmnuemam mmmewpurmrMu-muuuumaum flamingo-em». summon-racemes: mmummmdmmhmmm mmmmuhmemmnmwuem Mine NewmmemhtheWhI—v mum. rmmuuemumm-mmw ememmumeemgenMMe-mm epeethetmwmwthermieintceeetflbmgee Mm‘meuummmmmmm mnemmmumutha «mamwmmummwmmtmoh meeqmungimtutheweetmmeue Wauumusm"uohemuunmmmm bemdw"wwuetmeu¢mm auntie mat-mnemmmmmwwmm mmmmmu-mmeeuneueneuumww wetheemuhuflmmuflyime‘meinm I n=ZOILXIO m M euq-lieeheeeeineetperfloieun. eueqenieeme—heeeteimwyemeseee. Itmthrmwmtmmewgeumbyae wtheetheeprineiphoteherging,endthetfluemettheMeew mwmhmtphmoebm mm to mm; (1930) on charge on the particle due to MMwmetMmbefa-etheperuehentmthenmun mmmmemawmunmuam thetheureuhthemmcMrgeWuMeimeem mekeedyeetheperueleo " PeutheeieeIBMIheeeheutheetheeheh-uflonmeeeiwie midmuyoheegedhytheietrodutiuofedneeewetdminte awash. metatheetheefteetofemtheemdie- cheese; needutomieeeiethemtimtmmmehermm Mmutredoeedumeeeedeolugemetbeeppnedtetheflre. numemtheeutemiuuhemmnpctetthe memeoeeimtheepmohergemucebh. Ace-perm «mnemmemmmmunmneqmm ummummemumtengmm. uuuwnwxmmtdmmmmumuum amtupueplentm.butegemldueuuienofthomip velveduinehuthepeflplqedbythemiwtm. Bye-cerea- mammemuuuummwuwmm mmnumwuunmrmmrmmnmm mmmuunmm-ammmem ctheeeneetinzeu-teee. mmuhumrmmumm mwmvrm cslee my... I In“... ,... mm were» memmammueuupmmummmmu dueewmfeeeherrieemtheleefeueteee. theta-Dem mampctuhueurmamw. menace-muse“ thetieetineirtheeeveuebeeeteeeeeeuutedepedteperuele amendereueefehet. I A I mummehugeiephoduthemh,thetm mummmunuumm. W ‘ IIIIIIIUIIIIIDJ mun teeee I Greeley tree 1-“. tree Rem-lee fcee EJIIIHJIIIIIIIJ anew twee mwrweeeeeheebuenmeudeeeethe'i-getcee' detMumehvintheptetmeundie- mumtmwmfeee. Hheeeehergeiepheedeetheperueleeedeeoppeueeeheegeie Mummuuumm.mzmmmmum. Wars-Io mum » rue-«am mum Mt“ Ingeteeee rue-«wade W’” mm mm» twee «~62- finedddfmeuduehthotmeotflnfleMaeeMgd Wmumraemmhwmaummm ”not“. ' ummmmeumrmmmmwmmwe “muddhmuddomifiudmmwmmd mwmaamrmmumammmm-mge feree'efettreetieae thheheuewunumtmeetMeee WMMeboveenfltheebelevflumineflneko remumumuthmnmmmmu-Mmun “mummwmmmwmwmm Meehuxeuemlemmeevinheetmoemmmm mummmmmmummme eaeteetehuputheindiflduiwuelu. Meieeeeemteerc mmwamumwmwhmum mmmunmwummbommmmnmduma mu. neetheehugeimeiieeeteemuuthepuueeiee obamuummmwmuueemmmmm m-mrwuemunmummmm mmuummmwmm particle. Mquwmwmmeedngh mmmaeummmmunuumu. mama-tea. mmrwdemxaeu teeeieeuedehngenthemeuedwtbdegleehcged “We e063. humebovedieeneeiuitvoflnbeepeeuletedmttcm hemmoehmmmmdmemmmem mwdutuudtueMmthnraeemeedmmene attuned. mamhdepuithemltetfimbeingtm mummmueuncauwmm Queen-rue. mufihetthennieinneuneutheeeneeflegmeeeie ”than. nummuamwmumeermce muemwueieeetiegeeehepnueh.nlythenm mwdwuwgumebhhmueheMmM§. mmmmmuwemmmmu nee-(191.6). hire-unmetpeeueleeetnmm ebhtepmheuthemmflurmeeetmwdm. The mmdmmmumiummgmmmd mmuuummmumunmuau Wuumeum-motmmmhmeumm umvupmwmu 1a. nmmmmumxmumuumumu mmmemmmmmmmmum metehugemtemeipiteeeepefiioledegimeiee.tm eitheeebeveeebeleethemreee. Itmdewmwnmgimmtumemmb Mummmmmwdmmwtm ammumwmebomewemwmm came-mm. -64. mmmung-eerwrueemuumueum ammuwuwmummuma newmmnthepuuehe.duetheuieeetueeerm hmmmmmhumuaedmmm mum-magnum WM“! eeheeeeeeeienri'ee.‘ mumrwummnunmm.mmu deummmmmmm “needle-fingering mmmuwmemeeuhpheeeeeemdee. hWbytheMdW(19fi)£¢wdum Mwmmaummmummnm mummammu-mmnmmmewu Mathew Uifimmfimnfiem «mam-mr-weqhmuuwmndm- ”mount-u. ammotfiefleMWVIMemmuh numumunuemmmnmmm-m mumwhwufimmwm mamrmmnmmuemdmh emmmmmmmuumecum. W mnuunummmmmnuhm m rmummmwmmmmme erreeeieeeaeeteewfiem. memodeeeeeeueeeie «emu-enummmwmnemm. a“. ”M'IWMdmewmheW nuunmuewmnnnumumww eeeeeeehveeeeeeeeeit‘Ieerteeetl-ee. Menuhin“ mrmummumvmwbwu MmWetemmmmmuitepefi .mitfenegeieetthereeietiveWMthem new- mmuummuucmmmummm MWMWMmmweelmufietmd wmmuwmm mtmmumm«m(w.-ee,)teeueee. “aimed-e. pgmfi'M. (e) M rutlerceehdnee. 113*"deth 7...", mthecigieeidtwvehuueeetthemflele lee-perm. cumulus-new. mmmummmmewmmumm “armeummumeaawumeeuummc metre-them meteeeeIeeepheeieeipee-ueheuuveeee [3:67th (9) M runs-mum. qumwwemmmdebmnpdm. v'ietheeeleeiwetthepertieheehuvetetheehhnpeeeeeu. rummmateepcuehhee. ~66. num-m‘eutommmmhumwme mmmummwemmm uni-twee umwtwwmmmeteuhflnhelum eitheeepeettetheeie. rummrmo-ummee emmczmemueewwda,nem umrmmwmwmmmumnemv 2.23m“ gamma-cad. mrmmummammumwmau- mrmmemmueweamwpamm mmmumrmmumMermme-em WMMbhumwmumeMet MMWMWMMKRWebGMUdM “mt-ammo)“ «mmwmuammwuu muuhMflI-eeehmeemmmGIde- MW. mmmpmummuuemmv “mummumuemmmerm mdwwmummmmmum myamm‘n-emmmmmmwun Mumumuwmmm '_Mmmnuwuewmoe~eun mummmummmmum (1928). MWGWMdedmd-l em Intuition. The ions ere tamed by the eeeendery radiation of o 67- wmmmmmwwrmmmmmmm mmun-mmumm. mwnuuvmmnultemuwemwetem perm. :l'henobintieemrelotedtethemeee. Thomson-e marten. mnnmmeumaaeummm lerxeiuhevemeeeetpchepeemti-etheteftheeir he. mevhueemaeieiumetmte «quwm. Mindingeueeemheveehevdne «my. mmammuumamwuuomamem Mmuttnhmmimthemuthem. ‘I‘Ine itthedeetmeeeehcwtetheeeaefluda,thepeeitive Mhtheehmuuuhnmmm. nmwmummeaem‘m mumuwmmmmmemuu ummmmmcmmnuma “dewwaueMeWMeru-Im no. mmummwu.mdmmxmxm feet. remumgmmumammunm headtmhthepeeipiteunetdueteemthedmthee WWIWdefi. _ I=I.2xto" STATAMFS \ i: o rodiué In cm. '0 Figure 19 Field distribution in a cylinder condensor with and without mirrent flowing; O DUST PRESENT in new" STATAMI'S NO DUSTI‘ lsI-z xm‘ :rATAMPe ° rodiuss In cm.” Figure 20 A couperieon of the ionized electric field. of a cylinder condenser. with and without duet preeent _ 69 - (—I The electric circuit used for first teet. . I Circuit used for distance test and for second port of been plant teet which use labeled POD 8. BOD on the photograph. fig) 3 I figure 18. A positive high Ia-Ib‘ KY potential no need. 1— . Circuit used for third nart HUI-II ' of the bean toot“. Reeults were " labeled row a. soap on the , @— " photogreoh. figure 18. A I3KY €47; positive high potential ms fi:’ 7 50 KY usede E 1710’ l II 3.— Circuit used for the relative humidity test. A negative high potential was used. Figure 21 Electrical circuits used in the investigation. (Dust deposit as a function of when positively charged and dust of 0.8 microns EFFECT 03‘ BI -70.. TfimEI STANCE FRCX CTAEGIKG SOURCE ON PRECIPITATION D ata Sheet the distance from the nozzle when uncharged using talc average diameter) W Distance from Lightmoter Lightmeter Duster Nozzle Reading for Reading for Station in Feet F0 Charge Charged Test Test 1 2 1 2 A 2 10.50 14.50 82.00 55.00 B A 4.00 ".00 19.25 24.'. C 6 3.25 4.50 12.00 12.00 D 8 3.00 4.25 (3.25 ”00 E 12 2.75 4.00 5.00 5.0J F 16 2.75 4.00 5.00 (.0C G 24 2.75 3.75 5.00 5.00 H 32 2.75 3.25 4.75 L..§ C' 6 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.95 F‘ 16 3.00 3.00 4.50 4.C0 Cheek 2.75 3000 2.75 3.0!: .-;".':':fT OF FISTILITCE mm: CiTziriCIITG L A-L'qzx some? 0:: FTT“T".’.TIC€E A.‘ jimleAA’ J..' Coler‘ated Data E ’3 (P '.+ He Pot C'zrrgad Charged Ratio Average Vet Averzfio Eet ,harge/Ho Charge (3 12.50 9.63 68.90 65.63 6.83 \o O 0‘ N C) O \J C\ x} O m z a 1x. 0 \l G\ C\ C to N) 2‘3 0 0 \JI H \fi 0 W O 7‘3 0 (.\ KI.) \a"! o H \ I" k») e h J \J‘! C) O \ T) Kn O (.3 D N O H b.) \31 e "\ O N b.) o 70 U1 0 e K») 00 $\ 0 N] ‘JI H e '33 C 1 ,1). e \ O \n - 72 - TABLE III RELATIVE ’I’LWIDITY EM) ITS IIFFTIIT 0N EELETROSTATIC DUST PRECIPITATIOfi (The deposit of negatively charged talc dust of 1.5 micron average diameter under VLrying relative humidities and a nearly constant temperature) Data Sheet Lightneter Lightmeter 4‘: Lightmeter Relative Reading for Reading for Reading for Wueidity Terjeretvre Charged Uncharged Cheek Pie“ _' l(’.O 13.2 16.0 alt-405,0 0500'; 1509 500 301 17.0 3.1,(02 59.C% 94.0 F 14.0 5.0 3.0 13.0 35.9 6900:; {$5.0 F 1401 80C 301 13.0 11.0 91.05 ”5.0 F 10.0 5.0 3.1 9.0 10.0 88.0% 82.0 F 10.0 4.1 3.1 12.0 6.0 2.5* 100.0% 93.0 F 7.0 3.0 2.6 5.3 2.5 4"Two groups of disks were used and the average of the zero readings for all stations hut the 100 percent relative humidity group was 3.1, and the average zero reading for the 100 percent relative humidity group was 2.6. -73- A H TnPLa IV ”37 FUCLEKTItirE YFJITIT‘Y :fiT‘TD ITS TFSCT \Ju ELmaoswrlc DUST ““IIPITXSIS} Calculatefl Da.a “.37.... r-------—-—------ fieletive Average Liehtneter Net Lightneter Set Lighteeter Thrfldity Rea'in;, Charged Reading, Charged Fecain5,Uneherrnd 42.0: 14.5 31.4 i.2 A~.;p 16.3 13.2 1.? 59.02 13.7 10.» 1.9 63.02 14.3 11.2 4.9‘t -1": 10.0 6.9 1.9 03.0} 10.7 7.6 1.0 100.0% 6.1 3.5 0.4 *01‘5161“ nets have shown that at 70 percent relative humidity the net lightneter value aheuld lie between the values for 60 percent and 80 4- pCFC 911 U o .71..» 3mm BELIOGEAPH! John “a” . 5m. Mo. “0' I“ 0.178: Poem Cm, Bwak. 204m. Mme. 19” Pruinguanmcfmpflulpphmrxcmbm Application. at. s. mm.mch13n mu Coll-go. 56 maul 1m.6iabhag9rlgxoa. mm; 19” fimmmmWVa-Mnd M Elutrlachca Wm. M 5: 863-897. Translated w H. 13th We 11.. and Mann-mm 1933 Rocha-chm, W at man: ax 1a mum- Eloomqm do. Panama. a... = .. _. . . 3: SW. fraught-d W P. Ha“. mu. W.. “a. cu! MW“ 193‘ mmuammammnwuw [W90 m. a. v. 1910 - www.mumcmgw. ”.mwwwd. pm. a r 191.3 Mon fludMoldaaam mnmuaumnmuu. nun-11min, and Dayna“. 3! 716-720. quot-d p. 716. a. 1m mmmummsemw w. 17. 253-365. MM. 1930 ”nautmzudmcmmmm W 33-“ M. “a u. 191) “ma Poaltlsu and luau” Gm as! W Pruning... V110“, P.) and ”In“, 8. Ea A." 1931 Malena]. [mum of Sulfur. x .~. mm 1: 509-527. W p. w... E. L. Jena. 3. 3.. and Balsam, E. 3. 19M Electrostaua Luau-go Effacta Produced by functional mu. 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