\ . ’ ba~ «WM ”-0..- DEIERmmATI-GN OF NECEESARY SPILLWAY CAPACITY WYLIE A. BOWMASTER mam Iv”— DETERIIELTIOH 0F NECESSARY SPILLIAI CAPICIT! by 1- .nj\ Vylie Li Bow-eater 1 133818 Submitted to the Greduate School of lichigan State College of Agriculture end Applied Science in pertial fulfilment of the require-eats for the degree of CIVIL ENGINEER Department of Civil Engineering 1940 THESIS -——-\_ TO IR. 3. B. [IIBALL himipel Hydraulic Engineer with the Tenneseee Valley Authority when technical inetructien and guidance during the past six years have helped to mete at proper appreciation of the reepeneibility ofthe engineer, thie theeie ie reepeeti'nny dedicated . r} pun .. max) I i) m Intredneticn Purpo.. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ”M1. 0 O O I O O O O O C I O O O O O O Cal-onllethode Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . I'p1r1¢.1 Bountione e e e e e e e e e e e e e 'QXiIu- 11°°d Of aflcord e e e e e e e e e e e Frequency of Pest Floode at the Site . . . . “hit Greph e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e lexinue Recorded Ratee of Runoff over Sieiler B‘tianll Rulfifr‘u.th0d e e e‘e e e e e e e e Applicetion in.!enneeeee River Basin Deter-inetion of lexiene Flood teeneeeee River at Chettenooge Introduction e e e e e e e e e e e DOBcrlptlon of ‘h‘ 38813 e e e e e Aveileble Hydrologic Dete . . . . . Application of Empirical Equetione Iexinnl Obeerved Rates of Runoff . Frequency of Pest Floods .. . . . . n‘tionfll RuDOff ‘.th0d e e e e e e "Ii-u. Flnod EIdrongph e e e e e Hieeeeee River at Hireeeee Dee Site Introduction e e e e e e e e e e e DUCCriptian 0f the Basin e'e e e e ‘ylilabl. Hydr01ogic Data e e e e e Applicetion of Empirical Eqnetione Frequency of Pest Floode . . . . Unit Graph UBthOd e e e e e e e e lazilnn Observed Betee of Runoff RationAI RUDOff a‘thOd e e e e e ”331'“. F1°°d Hydrogrlph e e e e 0.... Deter-inetion of Deeign Flood GCHDTCI e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Hineeee River at Hieaeeee Den . . . . . Generel Obeervetione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . selected Bibliogrephy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AGEBOIIOngIatI C e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e o e e e e e e e ale e e e e 14 16 25 28 57 59 45 49 59 65 65 65 66 67 68 69 71 76 78 85 B7 90 91 .Qassziaiiaa Topographic flap, Upper Tennessee River Basin Iean Annual Rainfall, Upper Tennessee River Basin Tennessee River Gages at end near Chattanooga, Tennessee Distribution of Floods, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn. Distribution of’aydrologie Stations, Upper Tenn. River Basin laxinue Observed Flood Discharge Rates, Selected Areas in Eastern United States lazieue Runoff Rates, Eastern United States pylood Frequencies, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tennessee Frequency Curve, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn. Free Hydro—Electric Handbook, Creager a Justin Frequency Curves, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tennessee Free Eater Supply Paper 771 Frequency Curves, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tennessee Free Ester Supply Paper 771 Frequency Curves, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tennessee Pros Hater Supply Paper 771 Probable Flood Frequency Curves, Johnsonville, Florence, Chattanooga, Knoxville-H.S. 528/7l/2 Relation betseen SOD-year Flood and Drainage Area a.n. szs/7i/2 Rational Iethod, Tine Zones, Upper Tennessee River Basin Ieteorology, Tennessee River Basin above Chattanooga Typical Stores, Cloudburst or Thunderstorn Type, Tennessee Valley'Region Distribution of Rainfall, Western North carolina Sotrn of July 14-16, 1916 West Indian Hurricane Los Pressure lovenents and the Corresponding Rainfall Areas Outstanding Stores, Occurrence and Paths of Great Rainfall Exhibit Nunbe; NH 10 11 15 14 15 16 17 19 2O §§§I§12§ {Continued} tion Cyclonic Stores, Low Pressure Hovenents and the Corresponding Rainfall Areas 3:30.817. Storl Rainfall, 1889, 1895, 1897, 1906, and 1910 EXOOCI1VI store filinfsll, 1915, 1916, 1917, 192?, and 1929 EIDOIIlV. Store Blinfall, 1956 and 1957 Tine—Ares~Depth Curves, Eastern United States Rsinfhll and Runoff Graphs, Principal Floods at Chattanooga Transposed Position, Upper Tennessee River Basin, Store of larch 22-27, 1915 Estineted Bydrograph, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn. Transposed 1915 Store Trenspoeed Position, Upper Tennessee River Basin, Store of January 12-25, 1937 Estisated Hydrograph, Tennessee hiver at Chattanooga, Tenn. Transposed 1957 Stors lees-Duration Curves, Historical and Hypothetical Floods, Tennessee ‘iver at Chattanooga, Tennessee Bydrogreph, laxisus issused Flood, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tennessee lazies- Recorded Runoff, Hieessee—Ocoee River Basins Distribution of floods, Hisassee River near Reliance, Tenn. Transposed Position, Store of larch 22-23, 1929, Bieassee River*Baein lasisun lssuned Flood, Hieassee River, Hieessee Dan, 8.0. Ares, Capacity & Discharge Curves, Hinessee Project Routing Diagram, Hivassee Des, 5-hour Intervals Exhibi Number 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 S2 53 55 INTRODUCTION m later has often been referred to as Ian's greatest friend and his vorst enemy. Asple support of the first claim is suggested by the location of every great city on a navigable waterway, vhile the cold truth expressed by the latter half of this trite phrase has been for- cibly deeonstrated in recent years by the disastrous floods vhich seept northeastern United States in 1955 and 1956, and by the great floods on the Ohio and lississippi Rivers in 1957. In the present covenant to conserve the natural resources of the United States, such disasters have given impetus to investigations for the conservation and control of the water resources and have resulted in the construction of a nunber of storage dams and the planning of a great nany more. These projects range in size free the small earthern structures built by farmers to check erosion on their fields to the huge multiple-purpose projects and systems constructed by various governnental agencies to provide integrated development and control of the actor resources of an entire drainage basin. A knowledge of the naxinun flow which each of these structures say be called upon to pass during entrees rainfall and runoff conditions is vital in assuring the safety of the structure itself and the life of the whole area which it is designed to benefit. It is the purpose of this paper to present and discuss briefly the sore cannon sethods shich have been used to detersine the spillsay capacity that should be provided in such eater control projects and to illustrate then by application to points in the Tennessee River basin. The author has assisted in sisilar investigations made in the Water Control Planning Depart-eat of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and funds-ental data and nethods available with the Authority have been utilised in the preparation of this thesis. Conclusions drawn and opinions eXpressed, however, are those of the author and not of the Tennessee Valley Authority, although they may be in substantial agree— lent in some cases. The {goblga ' The design of any structure intended for impounding flowing water lust include an energency spillway for releasing flow exceeding that which the structure is designed to store. If the failure of such a structure were to result in only a limited amount of property damage and no loss of life, the spillway eight be designed to carry a flow which is likely to be exceeded only once in 25 or 50 years, as it would be more economical to rebuild the structure and pay damages than to provide the expensive construction necessary to make it safe against any flood which night occur. lost of the structures with which we are concerned, however, are not of this type-they are planned to benefit a large area and a large number of peOple, and fialure would result in great prOperty damage and possible loss of life. Thus, they must be designed with spillways sufficiently large to carry with safety any flood which eight reasonably be expected. A large spillway is expensive, eSpecislly when the limitations of the site are such that it is diffi- cult to find space sufficient for spillway, navigation lock, and power- house, and the designing engineer is faced with the problem of providing the necessary spillway capacity and yet keeping the design practical and the costs within reason. If the spillway provided in a water control structure is subjected to a larger flood than it was designed to carry, the headwater I elevation must rise to an elevation above that considered in designing the structure. This is not necessarily serious in a cancrete structure, since the design usually provides ample factors \f safety which will cover such a contingency, but if the velocities produced below the dam are sufficiently high to cause excessive erosion at the foot of the Spillsay, the structure may be weakened to the p~int of failure. In the case of an earthern structure, headwater appreciably above that considered in the design, although below top of the structure, may weaken the structure and cause failure. Failure is sure to occur if the headwater rises sufficiently to overtop any portion of the earth banks, as a slight flow over the top produces sufficient erosion to permit an in- creased flow nhich then increases the erosion, and so on until the entire structure fails. Failure of a small water storage or power dam during the passage of a flood is apt to cause some damage to roads and buildings immediately below it, but its failure may be pertioulrrly serious if it creates a sizesble flood wave which may travel downstream to another dam and cause it to be overtoPped, and so start e chain of failures which grows progressively worse as the wave proceeds downstream. The destruction resulting from the failure of a eater control structure generally increases greatly with the size of the structure and the amount of water which it impounds, and due to the large volume of water stored and suddenly released, is particularly disastrous in the case of a structure built to control floods. The loss of life may be enormous, especially if a flood control reservoir of considerable storage capacity is built to protect a city which then continues to expend over the river's flood plain formerly considered unsafe for anything but those 4 industries which could stand an occasional flooding, but now considered secure in the protection afforded by the upstream reservoir. The property damage in such a situation would also be enormous, and it would have been better if the structure designed to control floods and to protect the city had never been built at all. Damages to highways and railroads paralleling the river would be for greater for some distance dcvnstream than the damage which might have been produced by the uncon- trolled flood itself, and the interruption to business caused by the destruction of the transportation system iould be a very real loss, even though it might be difficult to estimate. Although the loss of the dam itself and probably the powerhouse is not to be overlooked, there is also the loss of the use of these structures over the time required for their rebuilding. lore important is the loss of the confidence of the people of the surrounding area and possibly throughout the whole country in the organisation operating the structure, this lack of confidence probably affecting the success of that organization over several genera- tions in the future. ‘ Another less serious but very important result of a hesdwater elevation above that considered in the design is the damage to private preperty along the river above the dam. The height of a water control structure is often fixed to a large eitent by thexpresence of buildings, roads, and other improvements along the edges of the proposed reservoir which would have to be bought or relocated should a higher den and pool elevation be adapted. A flood which produces a heedwater elevation ' sufficient to damage such preperties may result in damage suits and litigation which are expensive in dollars but particularly expensive in the loss of the good will of those concerned. 5 Spillwsy capacity can be provided only by increasing sub- stantially the total cost of the project, and in some cases the cost of providing a spillwsy of preper sise nay be so great as to make the whole project entirely unJustifisble. It is desirable that the spillway dis- charge directly into the natural channel of the river, although in many cases this is not possible and a side channel nust be provided either through the ebutnents and thence back into the river or as open channels around the sbutsents. Small floss say be discharged through gate-controlled openings in the base of the dam itself, but this method is too expensive to be considered in dealing with the discharges that must be handled during a flood. If power is to be develOped at the project, the channel portion of the river lust also provide race for a powerhouse. Discharge from the turbines must be carried away as rapidly as possible in order to keep teilwster elevations low end to provide the noxious possible head for power production, and direct discharge into the original river channel is the most satisfactory way of doing this. In the case of a navigable stress, e sizeable portion of the channel is occupied by a navigation lock to lift boats over the den. Since sufficient depth must be svsilable below the lock’for boats to enter even during periods of low flow, the lock should be located in the deeper portion of the channel and east be aligned with the channel below to permit boats to enter with ease. Thus, the natural river channel must provide room for a powerhouse and s navigation lock, and since the densite was probably chosen because of the narrow valley and river channel at this point, the width remaining for the spillwey is apt to be 83511. To obtain greater spillway width, either the powerhouse or the lock must be moved 6 out of the channel. This is likely to result in both on expensive and en inprecticsl arrangement. The poeerhouse might be moved downstream, but a {lone or tunnel would be necessary to convey ester free the reser- voir to the turbines, and unless additional head eere to be gained by this arrange-ant, the cost would be excessive. The navigation lock night be located out of the old river channel, but this would require the reeorsl of enoreous quantities of earth and would be likely to result in poor align-out of the lock and the navigation channel below. Other spilleay arrangements might be made, such as tunnels through the shut. eents, Open channels around the shutsents, sluices and siphon spillwaye through the den, etc., but usually these are more expensive than an open spillesyt Iith the spillwey length controlled by the natural width of the river channel and the specs that must be elloted to the powerhouse and navigation lock, increased dischsrge capacity may be obtained at a given heedester eleVetion only by lowering the elevation of the spilleey crest and supplying crest gates or by increasing the height of the gates originally considered. The height of gates is limited by considerations in their design. The 50-foot gates proposed by the Tennessee Valley Authority for Kentucky Dan on the Tennessee River are among the highest in the eorld. As gate heights are increased, the intensity of pressure at the bottoe of the gate increases as well as the total pressure on the gate. The greater gate height results in greater eeight, while the in- cressed pressures near the bottom require a stronger design which further adds to the weight. Increased weight of the gate and increased pressure of the gate on its supports both lend to more powerful lifting mechanisms 7 and more coeplicated designs to reduce friction, while the increased pressures else require more elaborate gate seals. The increased thrust of the gate against its supporting piers requires that the piers be stronger, while the pressure differential on the two sides of a pier created by an ogen gate on one side and a closed gate on the other side result in another series of forces-all tending to increase the width of the piers and thereby reduce the net length of the spillway. Home of these difficulties are eliminated by using roller or drum gates in place of the usual Tainter or Stoney gates, but these may not be practical for great depth and their costs soon become excessive. It is apparent, therefore, that the engineer designing a water control project is often faced with the difficult problem of providing e epillway which will carry with safety any flow to which it say be subjected, at the same time keeping his design practical and his costs within reason, realizing all the time the disaster that night result should he underestieate the flood-producing ability of the drainage basin or allow hisjudgnent to be influenced by requests for a cheaper design. ggyhON hETHODS Introduction A consideration of the problem of determining the spillway capacity that should be provided at a water control project indicates that it can be divided into four parts: (1) Determination of a discharge hydrcgraph representing the laxilul flood reasonably to be expected at the site under the conditions existing prior to construction of the project or any other water control project within the drainage area above. This may be termed the “maximum expected flood, natural conditionsI or just the “maxi-um flood.‘ (2) Determination of a discharge hydrograph representing the greatest flood reasonably to be expected at the site under the conditions existing just prior to construction of the project. The effect of up. stream regulation is here considered. This represents the greatest -flood which must be considered in planning the project and may be termed the “project flood.“ The project flood nay bathe maximum expected flood as reduced by storage in upstream projects, or it may be the result of a very heavy store centering over the uncontrolled drainage area illediately above the project. (5) Determination of the maximum outflow and the maximum head- water elevation that are likely to result under the proposed scheme of operation of the project or under any operation that is likely to take place. This may he termed the "design flooi,‘ inasmuch as it represents the eaxieue flow for ehich the project must be designed. It will result fro: routing the project flood through the reservoir, consideration being given to the effect of the natural and controlled storages within the reservoir upon the project flood. It is here that the necessity of considering a project flood rather than Just a project discharge because apparent, as the maxi-us outflow and maximum hesdvster elevation ere dependentrupon,the total volu-e of flood flow as sell as the maxi-us rate of flee. (4) Detersinstion of the spillvey dimensions which will most closely fit the functional design of the project. The spillwsy of a flood control project shich does not have sufficient storage capacity to retein the entire flov of s single greet flood not only nust pass the design flood st s high or maxi-u- heedvster elevation, but it also lust pass rather large floss ehen the pool is at a low elevation in order that the pool say he quickly drsvn down upon the approach of a greet flood to provide additional flood storage. It should else be possible to hold the pool st s cooperatively loe elevation during the pesssge of the first portion of s flood save, thereby reserving con- siderable controlled storage space for use near the crest of the flood ehen this storage can be used to the greatest advantage in reducing the flood crest. This investigation involves routing floods of verious types through the reservoir to note the effect of various heights of gates end lengths o spillvsy upon the effectiveness of the flood control operetions of the reservoir._ Speed with vhich the reservoir say be emptied after it has been filled by e flood nay enter the problem, since it say be necessary sometimes to quickly release the stored flood esters in order to provide storage space for s second flood. The design flood will have s noxious discharge considerably less than that of the project flood if the controlled storage is lsrge, end there say be some reduction if there is no controlled storage, but othe uncontrolled reservoir storage increment is greeter than the natural 10 channel storage increnent for a given increase in discharge. The tern 'chennel storage increment' as here used represents the values of eater stored temporarily in the natural channel of the river vithin the limits of the proposed reservoir when a certain change in flow takes place under given conditions of flee. “Uncontrolled reservoir storage increnent' or feet "uncontrolled storage increment" represents the volune of water stored teeporarily vithin the reservoir when a certain change in flow takes place under given conditions of flov with all Spillsay gates open. The uncontrolled storage increment is normally greater than the channel storage increment since the reservoir area is generally much greater then the natural stress area, while the spillway usually limits the £10! to e certain extent and forces the reservoir surface to rise almost as rapidly as it sould rise under natural river conditions to accossodate a certain increase in flow. ”Controlled storage' represents the voluee of eater stored under given conditions of flow in excess of the uncon- trolled reservoir storage under the same conditions of flow. This values may be released or stored at sill by opening or closing the spill- esy gates, whereas the uncontrolled storage cannot be regulated by gate Operation. The design flood may have a naxinun discharge equal to or even slightly greater than that of the project flood if there is no controlled storage under project flood conditions and the uncontrolled storage increment is not appreciably greater than the natural channel storage increment. This simplifies the problem to a determination of the project flood, and since flood volume does not enter the study, the problea is further simplified to the anxious flow of the project flood. Since nest of the projects built for power alone belong in this class, the practice in the past often has been to compute the maximum flood to be expected 11 at the site, considering any reduction in flow produced by the reservoir or upstream reservoirs as a factor of safety but neglecting the possi- bility of discharges being increased by the reservoir. Accordingly, a large number of equations and practices have been develOped for estimating the maximum expected flow or the flow for which structures should be designed. In the case of flood control reservoirs and multiple purpose reservoirs as constructed in recent years, the large amount of space reserved for retarding; or storing flood eaters may result in a design flood substantially smaller than the project flood or the maximum eXpected flood, and more elaborate studies must be made to arrive at the most reasonable outflow for vhich a spillvay must be designed. Like most other hydraulic investigations, there is no simple nethod which can be applied to all projects to determine the naximun expected flood or the project flood. The judgment of the designing engineer must always detersine the final answer-but there are many lethods which he may employ to assist his judgment. The difficulty is tounderstand the advantages and limitations of each method in applying it to a specific project. Certain of the methods cannot be employed because of lack of necesssry data, but lack of time should never be an excuse for neglecting any of the methods. There is too much at stake to omit any study which might shed additional light on the problem. Empirical Equations ' The tern "empirical equations" is here used to cover the multitude of formulas expressing maximum flood flow as a function of size, or size and shape, of the drainage basin. The most commonly used type considers drainage area alone, and may be written as Q 3 C An, there 'A' is usually the drainage area in square miles, ”n' tn eXponent 12 varying fro: ebout 0.5 to 1.0, and "C“ a coefficient which may very fron about 5000 to 10,000, depending upon the various factors influencing flood runoff, such as type of stern, season of the year, tapogrephy, shape of the basin, vegetation, valley storage, and channel storage. Several equations of a slightly different type were formulated by luichling from A study of drainage areas up to 5000 square siles on the loheek River. Kuichling gives the equations Q =~%§;4§98. {'7.4 for rare floods, and Q 2 “Singgg. / 20 for occasional floods. A similar countion is prepcsed by lurphy for drainage areas up to 10,000 square miles from a study of Her Englenl streams: Q :.§§:Z§%b / 15. Those eguetions which attenpt to include the effect of factors other than drainage area are generally lengthy and too involved to com— pare without 8 detailed plotting. The equation of C. R. Pettis, pub- lished privately in 1927, gives Q : c r I1-25 in which to” in flood discharge in cubic feet per second, "F” is the average width of the drainage area, 'P' is a rainfall coefficient, and '0' is a coefficient representing the combined influence of ell the factors not mentioned in the other terns. The rainfall coefficient is the loo-year pluvial index of e 6—day store as computed in the studies of the Miami Conservancy District for each of the quedrengles into which the eastern half of the United States was divided. The basin width is the average width obtained by dividing drainage area by the length of the main portion of the river. A similar equation was proposed in 1929 by F. G. Switzer and »H. 0. Killer, with an adjustment in the rainfall factor to allow for size of drainage area and differences in the time of concentration. 0f the various equations involving frequency, that published by I. E. Fuller in 1914 is the best known. There are really two 15 equations. The first states c; = o", (1 ,l 0.8 loglo r) in which ~03". is the average sexisue annual flood, and ”Q” is the probable maxi-us annual rate of flow during the period of years 'T.' The average maximum annual flood is to be obtained from a record of stages at the site, or if this is not available, from the second equation proposed by Fuller, which states Qa'. = c 10‘8 in which 'A' is the drainage area in square eiles and '0' is a coefficient whose value depends upon the flood pro- ducing characteristics of the drainage area. The«xnation thus reduces to o .. c 10-8 (1 ,l 0.8 loglo T). It should be noted, however, that the discharge given by this equation is the probable maxi-u- ennuel flood to be expected in a given number of years andnot the flood to be equalled or exceeded in the given number of years. The latter conception is included in sost equations involving frequency and in nest of the frequency methods to be discussed later. Another type of equation that should be sectioned here is that in which intensity of rainfall is one of the factors considered. The egaations is generally written Q 8-0 i A, in which 'A' is the drainage area in acres, "i‘I is the intensity of rainfall in inches per hour, '0' is a coefficient of runoff, and 90' is the discharge in cubic feet per second. This equation is often spoaen of as the 'retional eethod' end is used in computing the runoff for which city stern sewers should be designed. Variations of it are commonly used in coeputing culvert sizes and the size of Openings that must be provided in small bridges, but it is essentially applicable to very small drainage areas and not to the drainage areas involved in reservoirs constructed for flood control or poser. Any of the empirical eguations involving size alone or size and other characteristics of the drainage area should be used only after 14 a considerable stuiy of the data on which it is besed to make certain that it is applicable to the drainage basin in question, and then great cure should be exercised in selecting the preper constants and coeffi- cients. legion: Flood of Record , A knowledge of the largest flood that has occurred on the stress being investigated is useful in many ester control studies and should always be considered in attempting to fix the maximum flood that is to be expected, even though there can be no fixed relation between the size of these two floods. A record of stsges extending back from 50 to 75 years is sveilsble at one or more points on most of the large I rivers in the eastern portion of the United States, while newspaper V accounts and private diaries often.mention great floods which occurred in the previous 25 or 50 years. If the greatest known flood occurred prior to the period of continuous stage records, probably little is known about it other than the year of its occurrence and its height above low water or shove some other flood, and conflicting stories may make ~‘ it difficult to determine its height on present gages vith any degree ‘of accuracy. If the largest known flood hos occurred during the heriod covered by gage records, however, its height, duration, and volume are available, and such information will be exceedingly useful. i In most cases, information will be looking as to the height of the maxi-us flood of record at the particular point on the stream where s voter control structure is preposed, but if the height is known at points there the drainage area is not too different or at points above and below the site, some estinste of the size of the flood at the site may be made. 15 The liani Conservancy District used the maxinun flood of record, that of 1913, as the basis for the design of their entire flood control system. The discharge of the flood of 1915 was increased by 40 percent to obtsin the design flood used in planning and designing flood control reservoirs and inproving the river channels at critical points. This was done, however, only after a very careful and thorough investigation of all stores which have occurred over eastern United States in an attempt to determine the relation of the storm causing the 1913 flood to the maximum storms that have occurred over.areas subjected to similar meteorological conditions. Similarly in other river basins, the greatest flood which has occurred over a long period of record may be increased by 50 percent, or perhaps more, to obtain some measure of the maximum flood to be expected. In addition to its use in determining crest discharge, the hydrogreph of the maxinul flood of record is often useful along eith hydrographs of other large floods of record in estinating the shape of the maximum flood hydrograph. The greatest flood of record on a drainage area was probably produced by the same type of storn that is likely to produce the maximum flood to be expected on this drainage area, and if this record’stornfiof the past were reasonably well centered over the area, the shape of the resulting hydrogrsph should be quite similar to_tbe shape of the hydrogreph of the maximum flood to be expected. Thus, if the crest discharge of the maximum flood is fixed by e series of studies, the daily discharges of the maximum flood of record may be increased by the ratio of the two crest discharges to obtain a reasonable hydrograph for the maximum flood. 16 In making use of the maximum flood of record, it should be renembered that this flood is not the maximum that is reasonably to be expected on the drainage area, nor does it bear any fixed relation to the maximum flood, even though the flood records may cover e century or more. Certain drainage basins have never experienced a flood comparable to the great floods ehich have occurred on nearby basins having similar flood-producing characteristics, probably due to nothing but the lack of 'rhyme and reason" thich characterizes stores and floods, and care cant be exercised that this lack of great floods during the period of record does not influence too greatly the final estimate of the maximum flood reasonably to be expected on this drainage area. Frequency ongast Floods at thei§ite A nunber of methods have been developed for determining the maximum flood to be expected in a given period of time from a mathema- tical study of flood records at the site or on a nearby stream having similar flood-producing characteristics. These methods are discussed extensively in engineering literature and have been followed in the design of nany mater control structures. The results obtained are to be trusted no farther in the solution of the present problem than is the maximum flood flow shown by the same records. Both are dependent upon the length of record and upon the floods that happened to occur during this period and are completely changed if different portions of the record are used for the study. The earliest of the frequency methods was that used by I. I. Fuller in deveIOping bis equations mentioned previously. In this eethod, a tabulation is made of the maximum flood occurring in each year of the period of record, and the floods are listed in order of eagnitude and numbered serially starting with the largest. Either 17 calendar or eater year may be used. The average annual flood is computed and the size of each flood expressed in terms of this average. These ratios are used in all following steps rather thin the flood flows themselves, making the average annual flood the unit of flow. The ratios are cumulated, starting with the highest, and each divided by its serial number to obtain the average of all floods (eXpressed in terms of the average annual) equal to or exceeding each serial number. The total number of years represented by the record is divided by each serial number to find the corresponding period of years. This procedure gives the average of the floods (expressed in terms of the mean flood) occurring in various periods of tine up to the length of the record. When plotted on semi-logarithmic paper with ratio to the seen as ordinate and tine in years as abscissa, the points fore a reasonably straight line which can be extended to read the most probable maxi-us annunl flood to be expected in any given period of time. The line must start with a ratio to the averege of 1.0 for a time of one yesr since the average annual flood must occur once every year on the average. The slepe of the line is the coefficient of the log term in Inller's original equation q = Q". (1 ./ 0.8 logm 1‘). It is to be noted that the discharge obtained by this method is the most probable noxious annual flood to be expected in any given number of years and not the flood to be egualled or exceeded once in this period of time. The latter conception is involved in most of the other frequency methods. Statistical methods have been applied to flood records in many says to determine more accurately the relation between the size and frequency of floods. A special coordinate paper h;s a vertical scale which is either arithmetic or logarithmic for plotting ratio to the mean g.’ " 18 annual flood, and a horizontal scale for plotting percent of time, the horizontal graduations appearing close together near the center of the sheet and increasingly farther apart near the edges in accordance with the normal probability curve. If annual flood are studied as in the Phaler method, the ratio of each flood to the average flood may'be plotted against the corresponding percent of time during which this flood was equaled or exceeded, the points felling along s reasonably straight line which may be extended to read the size of the flood which is likely to be equaled or exceeded a certain percent of the time or once in any given number of years. A method was developed by H. A. Foster for using the Pearsonian frequency curves for mathematically extending such a frequency curve. When the ratio of each flood to the average flood is tsken, the varia— tion of each fro: the average was found and used to compute the coefficient of variation and the coefficient of skew. Tables of factors were prepared by Foster for various percentages of time and various coefficients of skew, the factors being multiplied by the coefficient of variation, added to unity, and plotted against the corresponding percentages of time to obtain an extension to the frequency curve plotted as described above. The extension should be a straight line or should curve upvsrd or downward depending upon whether the original flood date follows a normal frequency curve or is skewed. Annusl floods are also used in a similar statistical method presented by Allen Essen. His tables give rectors similar to those of Pastor, each factor being lultiplied by the coefficient of variation and added to unity before being plotted against the percent of time to which each factor corresponds. Refinements and variations of these statistical sethods have been proposed by later investigators, including Goodrich, 19 Blade, and Harris, while another variation was published by the CalifOrnie Department of PUblic Works. A method of sampling which is altogether different from the 'ennuel flood" system used in the methods just discussed may be called the “basic stage“ system. Instead of considering only the largest flood occurring in each calendar year and eliminating other floods which may be only slightly smaller than the maximum of the year, this system includes all floods above a certain besic stage, even though a large nulber of floods may be included in certain years while other years are not represented at all. The method does include, however, all floods which are significant, since the besic stage may be chosen by the investigator. The only difficulty is that a low basic stage increases the length of the computations by increasing the number of floods, and a too high basic stage does not give e fair sample. In this method, all floods above the chosen basic stege are tabulated in order of magnitude, and the size of each is plotted against the frequency'with which each was equaled or exceeded. This frequency is usually expressed in terms of the average number of occurrences per one hundred years, or its reciprocal, the average interval between occurrences. Plotting may be on any of the various forms of arithmetic, logarithmic, or probability paper which will cause the points to fell along e straight line or smooth curve which can be extended to obtain the negnitude of less frequent floods. The curve should be extended by eye, honever, end no attempt should be made to apply any of the proba- bility methods, since the floods selected for the study occur at irregular intervals of tine and do not represent the average sample necessary for a true probability study. 20 As a variation of the basic stage method, all daily discharges above the assumed basic stage might be used instead of only the crest discharge of each flood. This is often referred to as the "complete duration series” as contrasted to the "partial duration series" used in the method described above. The occurrences are again listed in order of Iagnitude and the percent of ties that each is equaled or exceeded is calputed from the total number of days in the period of record. Since Inny'lore items are involved in the complete duration series than in the partial duration series, the procedure becomes laborious end the items are usually grouped into classes and the midpoint of each Operated upon as though it represented an item instead of a large number of its-s. A smooth curve is drawn through the plotted points and extended by eye. Bore again, theoretical probability methods cannot be used in obtaining an.extension of the frequency curve since the original sample does not represent a complete duration series but only the upper end of such a series. The relation between frequency end magnitude of past floods as determined by the methods Just outlined does not entirely answer the question of necessary spilleay capacity until a design frequency is fixed. A structure vhose failure would involve only a minor property loss eight be designed with e spillwey which would pass floods likely to occur every twenty-five or fifty years, as it would be more economical to rebuild than to support an expensive spillesy. then great damage or loss of life would be involved in the failure of a water control structure, it has been common practice to design the spillway for floods of 500 to 10,000 year frecuency, frequency curves generally been-ins so flat at the very high frequencies that there is little increase in legnitude with frequency. The failure of a large storage 21 reservoir in a densely populated ere, hosever, would be so serious that the spillwny should be ample to carry any flood which might occur rather than s flood to which a definite freguency can be assigned. It thus becoees important to know the limit of e freouency curve. This is indeterminate in nest of the freguency methods, the flood magnitude continuing to increase sonewhst sith frequency, thereby leaving in the mind of the investigator considerable doubt as to the value of frequency studies in the present problem. Further, when the amount that the original flood data must be extrapolated (by eye or by one of the proba- bility sethods) is compared with the length of the available record and the effect of s slight change in the curvature of the extended line is noted, the investigator becomes all the more dubious as to the value of his results. Besides these uncertainties, it is to be remembered that the available records on American streams are generally less than 100 years in length, and.nore often in the neighborhood of 25 years, a length which is altogether too short to be of any value in predicting the size of the SOC-year flood (s flood having one chance in 500 of being equaled or exceeded in a certain year) as has been demonstrated so many times by preparing frequency curves from different portions of the flood record at a single gage and noting the variationlin size of the pre- dicted BOO-year flood. W The 'unit graphI is o rather new tool of the hydraulician. It node its first public appearance in 1952 in on article by'L. K. Sherman end has since been investigated by many others with resulting improve- rents and refine-ants but no basis changes. The principal assumption involved is that s uniform rain of a unit duration over a drainage area sill produce a hydrograph having a definite length, depending upzn the 22 run-off characteristics of the drainage basin, and having ordinates pro~ portional to the total volume of run-off included in the hydrogrsph. If the ordinates of the hydrograph are modified by the ratio of the volume corresponding to one inch of run-off to the volume under the hydrograph, the resulting hydrograph vill be a "unit graph'-a hydrograph represent- ing a unit volume of run-off from a uniform storm of unit duration, the unit of storm duration generally being tsxen as one day to permit the use of daily rainfall figures. Actually, it is impossible to find a storm which is of uniform intensity over any sizeable drainage area and which at the same time has a duration of exactly one day. Thus it becomes necessary to compute unit graphs from a series of storms which approach these reguirements, averaging the results to obtain a reasonably accurate 'unit graph.” The unit graph once having been determined for a given drain— age basin, run-off coefficients may be computed from a series of storms occurring during different seasons of the year and under various soil conditions and applied to the unit graph to determine hydrographs of run—off from any assumed rainfall. The daily amounts of rainfall are multiplied by estimated run-off coefficients to obtain daily amounts of runpoff. The ordinates of the unit graph are multiplied by each of these amounts of daily run-off to obtain a series of overlapping hydro- grephs of run-off. Ordinates for corresponding days on the different hydrographs are added together to obtain total flov on each day, each day's rainfall producing run-off over a number of days. In this manner it is possible to compute the hydrograph produced by a single storm or various combinations of storms. In the actual use of the unit graph method, various refine~ seats are made in the method just outlined. Base flow is generally 23 deducted from total flow to arrive at flood run-off in computing the unit graph, and similar estimates of base flow are added to the storm run-off computed from the unit graph when determining stream flow from rainfall. Elaborate studies may also be made to determine the runpoff coefficients to be expected for reins of various intensities occurring in different seasons of the year with various amounts of rain on pre- ceding days and various ground-eater and soil conditions. The unit graph provides a means of comquting run-off from transposed and superimposed storms, and from a hypothetical storm estimated to represent the maximum rainfall to be expected over the drainage basin. It should be possible to predict the maximum rainfall to be expected over a given area more accurately than it is possible to predict the maximum flood to be expected from this same area. This is partially due to the greater number of rainfall stations and to the longer periods over which they have been Operating, but also to the fact that great floods occur less freguentiy than great storms since each is produced by a great storm (or a series of storms).having a center near the center of the drainage area, a duration comparable to the period of concentration of the area, and a distribution to produce coincidence of floods from the tributary drainage areas, the soil and vegetation conditions being Just right over the drainage area to produce a high percentage of run—off from the rainfall. The maximum rainfall to be expected may be estimated and the run-off cosputed by the unit graph .eethod if the ground is assumed to be frozen or so saturated that the run-off will be nearly 100 percent of the rainfall. In some areas, it is necessary to consider a heavy covering of snow which will be melted by the rains and added to the assumed maximum rainfall. Similarly, large storms which have occurred over other areas having similar 24 netsrologicel characteristics may be trencpcsed to the area under study and the runpoff hydrogreph computed for assumed runpoff coefficients, or the eree night be subjected to various combinations of storms which may be reasonably expected to follow each other. The unit graph lethod of determining the mezinum flood to be expected has several distinct advantages: (1) The lexinun rainfall to be expected over the area can be estileted eith some degree of accuracy, and e hydrogreph of run-off can be computed for this rainfall and any desired assumption as to soil saturation or smount of snow on the watershed. (2) If the area is subject to seasonal stores, a maximum store lay be determined for each season endused with the preper run-off coefficients to determine the maximum flood to be expected in the different seeeons when reservoirs are held at different levels. (5) The unit graph is derived fro: run—off produced by storms which have occurred over the area being investigated and so takes into account the flood producing characteristics of the drainage area. (4) The eethod giveefthe complete maxi-um hydrogreph, not just the peak flow or the volume of run-off.- There are also several disadvantages: (1) It is difficult to determine e satisfactory unit graph, especially when rainfall records are scanty and the drainage area is so large that stores are neither of uniform intensity over the whole area nor of e eellpdefined duration. (2) The sethod seems to be limited to drainage areas less than gum thousand square liles due to the difficulty of finding uniform stores of short duration over the larger areas. 25 (5) The unit graph must be made from relatively small floods during which the effect of channel storage is proportionally such loss than would be expected during the maxinun flood. (4) Application of the unit graph method requires that run— off coefficients be estimated Just as in other methods. Bali-us ecorded to of un—of over imilar Basins The empirical equations discussed previously are based more upon observed rates of run—off than upon theoretical considerations involving rainfall, drainage area, and stream flow. Each equation represents the conclusion reached by an investigator using the data available to his ehich he considered applicable to a certain river basin or to a certain section of the country. The observed maxi-um rates of run-off over drainage areas of all sizes were probably plotted in terms of cubic feet per second or cubic feet per second per square mile of contributing drainage area against the drainage area in square miles. EnveIOping curves could then be drawn to cover certain ranges in drainage area and to include only certain types of drainage basins and basins subject to certain types of stores. A factor of safety could be added if the investigator thought it necessary, and the resulting enveloping curve could be expressed as an equation involving drainage area andknaxinun discharge, or length of the river, drainage area, and discharge if the investigator cared to introduce another variable into his plotting. It is often desirable to prepare similar diagrams to show the esxilue observed rates of run—off in the drainage basin selected for a ester control project and in adjacent basins having similar rainfall and runpoff characteristics. Such a diagram presents to the eye a good picture of the available information on flood flow, its variation with sins of drainage area, and the agreement or lack of agreement between 26 flood floss determined from empirical countions, or other methods, and the sari-us floss actually observed both in the area being studied and in surrounding regions. The plotting may be either on plain coordinate paper or on logarithmic paper. The later is preferable, since observed sari-us flood flows generally fall so that a reasonably straight line represents their upper limit on this paper, while many empirical flood flow equations are of the exponential type and, therefore, represent straight lines on logarithmic paper. Considerable caution may be necessary in studying such a diagram. If the available data on flood flees in scanty, the upper linit indicated may be too low, and if the discharges assigned to past floods were not carefully deternined, the entire diagram may be mis— leading. t o Run-off'flethod The so-called “rational“ methods of computing flood flows free rainfall are an adaptation and expansion of the method long used in computing the flow for which city storm sewers should be designed. The basic equation involved is that stated previously: Q = c i A, in thick '1' is the contributing drainage area, 'i' is the intensity of rainfall, 'C' is a coefficient eXpressing the ratio of runpoff to rain- fall, and 'Q' is the resulting discharge. As originally used in sever design studies and later adapted to slightly larger drainage areas, area is expressed in acres, rainfall intensity in inches per hour, and dis- charge in cubic feet per second. The basic assumption involved in the use of this equation is that maximum run-off will be obtained from a given drainage area when it is subjected to a rainfall having a duration equal to the time of 27 concentration of the area, or the tine required for enter felling at the outerloet lieite to reach the gaging station or dam cite at the lover end of the area. This bringe up the corollary escunption that average rainfall intensity o'er a given area is inversely prOportionnl to aura-x \\\2 tion eo that a higher intensity can be expected over a short interval E ‘N of time than over a longer interval. Thus, in a drainage area of given line and shape and having a given time of concentration, the maximum flood rill generally occur when the entire area in contributing to the flee at the lower end, and the runpoff from a storm ehoae duration is leee thnn the tire of concentration eill be lees than the maximum .'poeeihle runpoft since rain hee ceeeed to fell on the lower areas by the tile rue—off fro- the farthest lieite of the drainage area reaches the lower end. If the duration of the etore is greater than the time of concentration, the entire drainage area may be contributing to the flee at the lover end over a period of tine, but the intensity of the rainfall and likeeiee the rate of run—off eould have been greater if the duration eere somewhat lese.end.eore nearly equal to the time of concentration of the drainage area. It ehculd be noted, however, that theee atateeente ere tune only in a general ray and that certain areas or.certein ctoree eay iprcve to be exceptione. Droinnge areas ehich are long and narrow nay hire Inch a long time of concentration that the intensity ie materially redneed and greater flora are produced by a eore severe storm of shorter duration covering only a portion of the drainage area. Large drainage areas ney'have such a long tire of concentration that no single store can be of sufficient duration, and the naxinue flood will be produced by one etore over the headeatere and another store at a later tine over the loner end of the basin. Direction of trowel of n etore may also 28 enter into the analysis of a large drainage area, a store which moves dovnstreae so that it continually adds enter to the flood crest produc- ing a greater flood than a more severe store which moves up the drainage area so that rain falling in the headwaters tends to increase the dura- tion of the flood crest without increasing its height. The basic equation Q 3 C i A may be applied directly to snail drainage areas, values of '0' and 'i' being obtained by estimate or reference to a handbook. Such a procedure can hardly be called a 'Iethod' and properly belongs vith the empirical equations previously given. As an improvement over obtaining values of '0' and 'i' by eetinate, various diagrams have been prepared to give these factors for drainage areas of various sizes and in various locations through- out the United States. Of the two factors, values of *C' can generally be detersined vith less uncertainty. The winter or spring of the year is the flood season in most sections of this country, and in consider— in; an extreme flood, the ground say be eupected to be either frozen or nearly saturated Iith eater at its beginning, thereby giving a run- off coefficient of nearly 100 percent. In those sections where summer stores such as West Indian hurricanes may produce the greatest rainfall, the run-off coefficient is much more indeterminate. The sane is true of very seall areas vhich nay be subjected to cloudbursts in any season of the year. In his work on the rational run-off method, Herrill Bernard has determined limiting values of the run-off coefficient through- out the eastern portion of the United States, the values being a full 100 percent throughout the Ohio River Basin and decreasing towards the southeast and northwest to a minimum of 60 percent in Florida and 50 per- cent in the lestern plain states. These values are considered to 29 represent a frequency of 100 years and may be reduced for less frequent stores. The intensity of rainfall 'i‘ that must be applied to a drainage area to produce the maximum flood is more difficult to deter- sine since it involves duration, and this in turn involves the time of concentration of the drainage area. Merrill Bernard has expressed the intensity as 1 s 5131‘ in which '1" is the frequency and 't' is the time of concentration. laps of the eastern portion of the United States are prepared to show values of '1' for different localities, one chart applying to duration periods from 5 to 60 ninutes and another for periods from 60 to 1440 ninutes. Values of 'e' are shown in a similar fashion, ehile values of '1' are shown as dependent upon location alone. The time of concentration still reeains to be found, and Merrill Bernard has prepared elaborate charts for estimating this from a knowledge of the length and width of the drainage area, the length, slope, and size of the principal channel, and a series of factors covering other charac- teristics of the watershed. This eethod of determining rainfall intensity and percent run—off appears reasonable and should be superior to any estinete of these coefficients, although values of these coefficients are dependent upon records of somewhat limited length. The method, however, appears too rigid to be practical in studying drainage areas of any size. The most elaborate of the so-called “rational" methods of coepnting flood flee divides the drainage area into a series of cones so that rain falling any place within a sons will flow to the lower end of that zone within a unit of time. The basic equation Q = c i A is applied to each zone for each unit of time to obtain a hydrograph of discharge free each zone which can be added to similar hydrographs from 50 the othor some, with prepor tho of travel allowanoo, to obtain tho hwdrogroph ot any point on tho atroon. Tho oothod is oory laborious and roquiroo oonoidorahlo dato on tho drainage area and its principal Ito-om, but onoo tho booio intonation io authored, rainfall of any ugnitndo and any duration on: Do applied to the drainage mo and tho uniting hydropoph capntod without undue effort. Sono ndjnatnent of tho hydrompha any to nooooury, hoomr, oinco the method does not tuo into account the flattening offoct of channel storage, and thin not to ootinatod or dotorainod by a prooooa of routing tho flood flooo doon tho principal chomol. tho first and most difficult my in the nothod 1: to divido tho drninogo oroo into the noooaaary zones. Tho time required for water to tron]. tron point to point on tho main channel and principal tributaries io ounpntod tron o post flood ohooo protilo is known so that aux-ago volooitioo can bo coopntod fro- knoon cross notional mad and did- ohorgoo or in ootinatod by noon: of tho Manning oqnotion for Open ohannol no- and tho “motion that tho hydraulic radial 1o oqunl to the flood hoizht obovo loo tutor, or poaaibly throo quarters of this hoight, and that tho olopo in tho mo as tho olopo of tho loo—outer profilo. ( Thou volocity and tin-of-trovol computations allow tho Iain rivor and principal tributarioo to ho dividod into time zones, and it min- nooooooryonlytooarrytnoao mootothoodgosofthobuin. Tho oolo ootbodo oro appliod to all tho nincr tributarioo ohooo protiloo oro aniloblo. volocitioo boing ootinatod in other omens thou pro- moo aro not knoon. Tho hit of tinoto bo and in laying out tho nonoo roqniroo oaoo mlmuuon. loot rooordo of rainfall hovo been obtained from 51 gagee ehich were read daily, as automatic rainfall gages are too nee and toe widely separated to furnish the necessary rainfall data on post storne. lith rainfall records linitod to daily determinations, the sane unit of time becomes convenient in studying run-off. unless tho drainage area is sufficiently large, hoeever, to have a time of concentration of eulothing like ten date, a eborter tine unit anet be need in order to obtain enfficient points on the final discharge hydrogrnph, daily rainfall figures being split up into the charter units of tine. A tine unit of twelve hours, six houre, or even less any prove successful for the elnller drainage areas, eith the obvious disadvantage that the proooee bone-on eoro laborioue an the length of the tine unit is doeroaood. lith the tine sonee sketched on a nap of the drainage basin, oechvnay’be planieotered to dotornino ita area. In the application of a certain rainfall to the drainage area, runpoff coefficients nay be chosen for each cone booed upon the season of the year, condition of the ground, aaonnt of cover, etc. the investigator oonld choose coefficients on the haeis of bio Jude-ant and knoeledgo of the run—off characteristics of each.eoeo. The investigator. may apply any rainfall Ihich he thinks reasonable to the drainage basin, transpoeing past stores frca other drainaao areas or preparing hypothetical rainfall distributions. Ho any neon-o any run-off conditions which appear reasonable and may even add in the effect of editing enoea in certain sense and frozen ground in other tones, coopering the resulting hydrographs in tern: of croet flov, total value, duration, and general shape. By neglecting the tunnel! fro. eortein zones, he lay detornino the effect of a otornge reservoir below those oonee or coepere the effecte of various poeeiblo etorego reservoirs. 52 Other difficulties are generally encountered, hooever, ohich prevent the probleo free being solved so siaply. Channel storage usually operates to reduce and broaden flood create as the floods nove downstreaa, a considerable volu-e of eater entering each length of river before any increase in flee can take place out of the loner and of the length. this values flows out of the length after the crest has passed, thereby'incroaeing the duration and decreasing the height of the flood. A siailar effect is produced by the difference in surface slopes on the rising and falling sides of the flood save, the steeper slope of the front of the save causing this enter to travel faster than the enter at the crest, and the flatter slope at the rear of the Inve causing that eater to travel closer than the ester at the crest. in.olahorate routing scheme night he sot up to transfer the ester along the rain channel fro- cone to none or free the south of one tributary to the south of the next, or an estieate night he node as to the probable crest reduction that is to be espected due to the above factors and the reduction expressed as a percentage of the coaputod Icreat discharge. A third possibility is to consider the rational lethod as resulting in a hydrogrsph which is representative of the shape and volnae of the final hydrograph but is indicative only of the crest discharge} the crest discharge is estimated by some other nothod and the cosputod hydrograph reduced to this crest discharge eithout change in vein-e and without appreciable change in shape. The rational run-off aothod appears to furnish a very flexible and ieportant schene for estimating the maxinua.flood to be expected free a drainage area shore rainfall is the principal factor in producing floods. The nethod also provides the basic information necessary in 53 ccspoting flood hydrogreph which could result from any rainfall occurring under any conditions of the drainage ores. A complete analysis by this sethod, however, requires very complete data on the drainage use and its principal stresss and very lengthy and laborious compute- tions. Estimtes night be substituted for some of the cosputstions, the rational method controlling the shape end values of the final hydrogreph Ihile other methods ere used to fix the crest discharge. The extensive study of the drsinegs ores required in the method has the decided sdvsntege thst hasty conclusions cannot be reached end the investigator must become thoroughly fanilisr vith all parts of the besin - end its flood-producing charscteristics. The stores or hypotheticsl reinfell distribution vhich are to be applied to the sres and the run-off retes shich ere to he need require the careful judgment of one having long experience in this type of sort and cannot be sttespted by an sseteur. The rational. sethod is one of the honor ssthods of estimating sexism flood hydrogrephs, and slang Iith the unit graph nethod, is deserving of e considersbls amount of additional investigation. W W Floods on the rennessee River at Chattanooga have been studied by a great eany investigators. lriters of textbooks and articles on eethods of estimating flood flow have often used the records of floods at this point to illustrate their ideas, thile more recently the problem has been studied in detail by the Corps of Engineers and the Tennessee Valley’suthority in planning a systee of reservoirs for the Tennessee River Valley and local flood protection works for the city of Chattanooga. The city of Chattanooga is located on the Tennessee River in the narrow portion of the Tennessee Valley Just above the gorge which the river has cut through lhldren's Ridge and the connecting ridges Ihioh divide the basin of the Tennessee River into two parts nearly equal in area, sililar in shape, but altogether different in geology and tepography. The conneroial and industrial portion of the city and a sunber of the residential sections spread across the river's flood plain, stile a substantial share of the residences are located on the surrounding ridges far above the reach of any flood eaters. The city has not suffered severely fron floods in recent years, but there is no reason to suspect that future floods sill not equal or exceed in nag- nitnde the large floods shich occurred 50 to 75 years ago. It has been «tinted-t that a repetition at the present tine of the flood of 1867, the sari-us of record, would result in a direct loss of $57,6000,000, with an additional intangible loss shioh eight be even sore serious. Thus, it is apparent that the city of Chattanooga needs flood protection-— and a plan for its protection involves first a deter-ination of the sexin- flood against which the city must be protected. ”louse Boon-ant lo. 91, 76 Congree, lat Session 55 A knotledge of the maxi-us flood to be expected one essential for the design of Chickanauga Dan, nos nearly coupleted by the Temessee Valley Authority across the Tennessee River a few niles above Chattanooga. The deterlination of this flood at Chattanooga applies with slight sodi- fioationito Chicks-auga Del. - he record of floods at Chattanooga is one of the longest on the Tennessee River so that flood estimates at other points along the river nest be based to a certain extent upon this record. The location of Chattanooga at the neural division between the upper and laser basins of the Tennessee River allows the results of these flood studies to be adjusted to apply for sons distance both above and bales the city; Chattanooga thus acts as a good reference point to which floods on other portions of the Tennessee River can.be related. The problsa of deternining the maxi-us flood to be expected on the Tennessee River at Chattanooga is therefore isportant in that it affects the design of the flood protection sorts of the city, the design of Chicks-Inga Del mediately above the city, and the deter- nineties of the casinos flood to be expected sithin a considerable distance along the Tennessee River. BERKS! of the Bang The drainage area of the Tennessee River at Chattanooga is 21,400 square ailes, or a little more than that of the Cuaberland River at its south and a little less than the Susquehanna River at Harris- burg. The basin is eoseshat elongated with a length of 260 miles, a sexism width of 120 ailes, and an average sidth of about 80 miles. The tepography is generally sountainous. lountain ranges of the Appalachian systes rise to an average elevation of about 5000 feet on the south, southeast, and north sides, shile the Gusherlsnd lounteins fora a 2000- 86 foot divide along the northeast side. Iithin the basin, the Great Ssoky'lountains rise to elevations above 6000 feet in the southern areas, and a series of generally parallel ridges extends over a large portion of the resainder of the basin and reaches elevations between 1030 and 2000 feet. Exhibit 1 contains loco-toot contours shich shoe the general tepographic features of the basin as sell as its shape and drainage pattern. The Tennessee River is forsed by the Junction of the French Bread and Bolston Rivers a tee silos above Knoxville and about 190 river silos above Chattanooga to flee generally southwestsard parallel to the Ohio and Cusherland Rivers. The French Broad River, vith a generally'fannshaped basin, drains the eastern portion of the Great Becky Iouatains. The Bolston River {love between straight, parallel ridges throughout nest of its length, although it branches into the lorth and South Forks to sake the upper portion of the basin fanpshaped. The Little Tennessee and Hivessee Rivers enter the Tennessee River free the south to drain east of the resaining portion of the Great hooky lountains; the Clinch River parallels the Balaton River on the north to enter the Tennessee River between the Little Tennessee and Hivassee Rivers. The surface soils of the Tennessee River basin above Chattanooga are generally of a clayey nature, nearly ispervious to eater, shile the rocks underlying the eastern portion of the basin are of the Pro—Cesbrian era and therefore ispervious and lacking in the sinks, caves, and solution Channels shich are prevalent in the shale and lisestone rocks of the lississippian era vhich cover the resainder of this basin. a shell ascent of surface storage is provided by the linestone sinks, but there are no lakes and ssenps to furnish surface-storage comparable to that found in seat river basins. ‘ 57 The average annual rainfall averages about 52 inches over the basin, fro- a sininul of around 40 inches at stations in the sheltered portion of the French Broad Valley to a naxisun of around 80 inches on the exposed peaks of the higher nountein ridges foreing the southeastern boundary of the French Broad area. Exhibit 2 shove the isohyetals. depicting variations in the 50—year mean annual rainfall over the basin. The area is subject to cyclonic stores of the type that cross the eastern portion of the United States from the scuthsest to the northeast, and sons portions of the basin say be subject to intese stores caning free the Gulf of lexico. The subject of stores and store rainfall sill be discussed in sore detail in connection with the rational sethod of estimating flood runoff. Available gydrolggic pets The record of stages of the Tennessee River at Chattanooga is prwtlcally couplets from April 1, 1874, then the first staff gage ens constructed by the U. 3. Signal Service, the predecessor of the present 8. 8. leather Bureau. Gage records are not available for the flood of 1867, the greatest of record, but the height of this flood has been deter-ined quite accurately fro- flood lurks, and the general shape of the hydrogranh has been pieced together free nevepeper descriotione of the flood. ureat floods ere knoen to have occurred in 1826 and 1847, but neither of these rivaled that of 1867, and it is doubtful if any other ' great floods occurred in the period of legendary records, 1826 to 1867. Exhibit 3 gives a sulnary of important data relative to the vsrious river gages Operated at Chattanooga; Exhibit 4 shove the principal floods of record. Discharges of the Tennessee River at Chattanooga have been lessered by the Corps of Engineers and by the B. 8. Geological Survey, 58 but the stage-discharge relation has been complicated by backwater from holes Bar Dan constructed by private interests in 1915, at a point about 85 silos holes the city. Various stage-discharge curves have been drain and extended to indicate the discharges reached by high floods of the past and the stages that night he reached by future floods. These rating curves have been revieeed in the Flood Control Section of the Tennessee Valley Authoritqiand a slightly different curve has been prepared ehich agrees reasonably sell eith all discharge neasureeents, eith the discharge indicated for great floods free a study of these floods at other points in the Tennessee River basin, and eith backwater curves computed throughout the length of the Tennessee River. The dis- charges indicated by our rating curve are felt to be reasonably accurate over the cenplete range of flee to be expected, one sectiOn of the curve applying to conditions prior to the construction of Hales Bar Dee and another section to conditions after the construction of this den. stage records have been kept at a number (f other points on the Tennessee River besides Chattanooga. The following tabulation shove the dots of establish-out of these early gages, the river mile, and the drainage area. m ve e Mimge grea Established :0mm. 98.‘ 58,500 “to“? 1. 1875 Rivertcn . 226.5 31,560 lay 18, 1891 Florence 256.6 50,810 levenber 7, 1871 Decatur 504.8 28,900 October 1, 1875 Bridgeport d14.d 22,600 larch 25, 1892 Chattanooga - 464.2 21,400 April 1, 1874 Kingston 568.2 12,500 October 1. 1874 Knoxville 647.2 8,900 January 1, 1875 Rain gages have been Operated at many points in the Tennessee [hiver'basin by the U. 8. leather Bureau, sons of these records extending farther back than those of the river gages. 'loet of the rain gages, 59 however, have been located in the larger towns along the rivers and very for records are available free the higher and sore inaccessible areas. This lakes it difficult to compute average rainfall over the basin for any store or any period of tine. [any additional gages of the automatic type have been installed by the Tennessee Valley Authority in the regions having a deficiency of gages; Exhibit 5 shoes the location of both rain gages and stress gagee in the basin above Chattanooga. 1 tion cal us lbpirical flood flow equations are of little assistance in estisating the saxieue flood to be expected at Chattanooga. while the elieatological and flood-producing characteristics of the drainage area appear quite sinilar to those of other areas in eastern.United States, the drainage area of 21,400 square silos is considerably larger than the areas free shich flood flow equations have been developed. Consequently, lost of these equations lust be extrapolated beyond the limits of the data free thich they ears derived-a process ehich is very questionablev sith any data and very dangerous in this case. 1 may s equations sere derived, fros flood no. data for drainage areas less than 5000 square silos on the flohaek River, and an -attespt to extrapolate these equations to the drainage area of the Tennessee River at Chattanooga gives the follceing absurd results: Rare floods, o s 127 l 1.4 a 284,000 cfs I 570 Occasional floods, Q s % I 20 a 470,000 cfs The lurphy equation developed for areas up to 10,000 square silos in northeastern United States gives 9:22.129 {153570,000cfs s/szo 40 The Pinningequstion for use England streams gives Q I: 800 .5/6 I! 812,000 efs, while the very eisilar Dickens equstion for the Central Provinces of India gives 0 .. 500 a} = 885,000 cfs. the Ieyere equation for extra-e floods as modified by Jervis gives 0 a 10,000 xi = 1,460,000 cfs. the Fuller equation with '0' estisated at 70 and '7' taken as 1000 years gives 0 : 0 10-3 (1 l 0.0 iogm r) : 590,000 cfs. The general width foreula of C. R. Pettis with a 1-day rain- fall of 7 inches and an average basin width of 47 miles gives s probable 100-1»:- flood of 0 : 480 I I1-25 = 415,000 01‘s. h rv te of unoff The record of stages of the Tennessee River at Chattanooga dates back less than 70 years, while the entire period over vhich there are actual or legendary records of floods is less than tvice this length. The most reliable nethod of supplementing this record in sttespting to fix the maxi-us expected flood is through the collection and comparison of the rates of runoff experienced during major floods which have occurred in drainage areas subjected to similar stores and having einilsr runoff characteristics. A etudy'of the stores which have produced the major floods of reeerd in the eastern portion of the United States indicates that these eey be divided into two general classes: those of the cyclonic type which love across the United States fro. vest to east or free the southwest to the northeast, and the‘weat Indian hurricanes which move up late the United States free the south or southeast. The sountain ridges thich surround the basin of the Tennessee River above Chattanooga are high enough to force any lest Indian hurricanes which may travel this far inland to drop nest of their soisture along the edge of the basin rather 41 than over the basin itself in a general store of the duration required to produce the anxious flood at Chattanooga. This leaves only stores of the cyclonic type to be considered as being capable of entering this basin and producing the naxisun flood and eliminates from our considera- tion the floods produced along the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts by lest Indian hurricanes. The remaining portion of eastern United States is subject to cyclonic stores and is therefore comparable to the Tennessee Valley in this respect. The basin of the Tennessee River above Chattanooga is generally sountainous vith steep slopes, ispervious soils and rocks, and lack of surface storage. ‘l0et of the rivers draining the Appalachian flountains are siailar in this respect. Thus, the flood-producing characteristics of the Connecticut, Susquehanna, Delaware, Potonac, Hudson, Cumberland, and upper Ohio Rivers are generally similar to those of the Tennessee River above Chattanooga, and the casinos rates of runoff from these river basins nay sell be studied in attempting to fix the maxi-us flood to be expected at Chattanooga. in examination of the saxinun recorded rates of runoff from these rivers draining the Appalachian ayates discloses that practically all have been produced by one of the following seven great stores: lay aleune l, 1889-Susquehanna Basin ' larch 25—27, lOlB—-Ohio River Basin lovesber 2-5, 192?-Canneoticut River Basin larch 21-23, 1929-—Tenneesee and Culberland River Basins July 7—8, 1955-Upper Susquehanna River Basin larch 1e—22, lDSfio-Upper Ohio, Susquehanna and let England Jslmary 6-25, 1957-Lover Ohio River Basins The saxisus rates of runoff produced by these stores in the various basins sere carefully tabulated from the records of the U. 8. Geological Survey and other reliable sources. The entire tabulation 42 fills 62 sheets and is too voluninous to include here, but a sanple sheet is reproduced in Enhibit 5. To provide a visual comparison of these various rates of runoff, runoff in cubic feet per second per square mile of drainage area sas plotted against drainage area on log-log paper, different eyebcls being used for the different floods. The resulting diagram is reproduced in Exhibit 7. It is noted that the highest points on the diagran define rather precisely a line passing through a runoff rate of 50 cfs per square sile for a drainage area of 10,000 square silos and 500 cfs per square sile for a drainage area of 100 square miles, this line having the equation o . ffi in which '0- is the runoff rate in ofs per square sile,and '1' is the drainage area in square siles. A sisilar diagras shoeing observed sexies- rates of runoff eas prepared free preliminary studies made in 1954.55 in connection lith the detersination of the naxinul floods to be expected at various points in the Tennessee River basin. These studies sore reviesed by a special board of consultants conposed of Harrison P. Eddy, Ivan E. Bonk, Gerard R. letthes, and Daniel I. lead, and a report was submitted by' this Board under date of lay 29, 1958. In this report the Board recon-ended the above relation between sari-us flood rates and drainage area for general application to drainage areas in the Tennessee River basin of sore than 500 square niles. In making this recommendation, hosever, the Board of Consultants recognised that in dealing sith particular drainage areas “each problen should be studied in detail eith the exercise of Judgnent in the light of the local conditions.” For the Tennessee River at Chattanooga sith a drainage area of 21,400 square miles, this represents a runoff rate of 54 cfs per square nile, or a total discharge of 750,000 cfs. as It is to be particularly noted that the enveloping curve or lisiting line shown on Exhibit 7 is supported in the vicinity of the drainage area at Chattanooga by a point representing a discharge rate of 50.7 cfs per square lilo for a drainage area of 24,100 square silos, the eylbol indicating that this point belongs to the store of harsh 14— 22, 1956, covering the northeastern part of the United states. actually, this point refers to the Susquehanna River at Harrisburg. The flood- produoing characteristics of this basin are similar to those of the Tennessee River above Chattanooga, as the watershed of each is principally sithin.the Appalachian.lonntaine with steep slopes, loe infiltration loss, and.negligible surface storage. A second point is also noted at the sale drainage area but with a runoff rate of 29.0 cfs per square eile. This point represents the 1869 flood on the Susquehanna River at.flerrisburg. A study of this flood and the store shich caused it indicates that the greater portion of the rain fell in slightly over 24 hours-too short a period fer the entire drainage area to be contri- buting to the flood crest at aarrisbnrg. This ieeediately suggests that the 1889 flood is not the sari-us to be expected, a conclusion which has been.verified by the 1956 flood. new A long record of past occurrences is often the best basis for predicting future events, but care oust be exercised to make sure that.the available seeple is a fair-sample and that the data which it presents is reasonably accurate. A record of floods at a single gaging station seldom, if ever, nests both of these requirements, and the record of the Tennessee River at Chattanooga is no exception. This is not seriously objectionable if past floods are to be used in formulating 44 a reservoir operation plan or in sstisating how frequently a highssy say be flooded, but it becoees very serious if a record having a length of less than a hundred years is to be the basis for fixing the size of the sari-us flood for ehich a water control structure sust be designed-— a flood which night occur once in 500, 1000, or 10,000 years. Accordingly, the record of past floods at Chattanooga was not used as the basis of a statistical deternination of the nuisus flood to be expected, but studies were node to shoe the great inadequacy of this record for any such purpose. A gage has been Operated on the Tennessee River at Chattanooga since 1874, and daily readings have been published by the 0. 6. Feather Bureau over the entire period. Discharge seesuresents were first node by the Corps of Engineers and later by the U. 8. Geological Survey, the latter organisation operating a recording gage for sany years and publishing daily discharges over the greater portion of the entire period of record. Although a nnsber of gages have been operated at and near Chattanooga by both the leather Bureau and the Geological Survey, the Weather Bureau gages have been located relatively close together and have been set to practically the ease datu- sc that gage heights are generally coepsrsble over the‘period.of record. Binilarly, although the discharges published by the.Geologica1 Survey have been deter-iced free gages located at Hales Bar and Bridgeport as sell as at Chattanooga, the drainage area at the various gages is not materially different and the discharge records are generally conparable. The discharges of the great floods which have occurred at Chattanooga, how» ever, are quite uncertain. lost of the Chattanooga discharge seasure- sents were node dhring recent years, and the highest recent flood is that of 1917 with a discharge of about 541,000 cfs as coepared eith an 45 estineted discharge of 459,000 cfs for the naxinun flood of record, that of 1867. Further, the anxious measured discharge is only 276,000 cfs, and only 7 discharge measurements have been ends for flows exceed- lug 200,000 etc. The discharge neasurenenta themselves may be in error by appreciable anounts, especially those made during great floods when the river velocities are high, the weather is cold and rainy, and the enter is filled with floating and subeorged debris of all sorts which is apt to dosage or carry away the measuring equipment. The stage- discharge relation probably has changed an appreciable amount between the early floods of record and the time of the discharge measurements upon which flood discharges must be based, stages at Chattanooga being increased somewhat due to the construction of Hales Bar Dan 55 silos below the city and to the encroachment of the city onto the flood plain forecrly occupied by the river. Stages say have been reduced somewhat due to leproved align-ant through the city and clearing of the wooded portions of the overflow area for none distance above and below the city. The discharges published by the U. 8. Geological Survey are taken from stage-discharge relations prepared from ties to tine froe the available discharge eeasurenents and are not all taken from the sons rating curve. This procedure may take into account some of the major changes in the stage-discharge relation, but the resulting discharges are apt to be 'soueehat unreliable at high stages because the rating curves are drawn fro- insufficient discharge measurements. Consequently, for the studies ends by the Tennessee Valley Authority, a particular rating curve was adapted for conditions prior to the construction of Hales Bar One and another curve for conditions after the construction of the don, the tee curves uniting at a discharge of 540,000 cfs and renaining coinci- dent at all higher flees. These curves are based upon all available 46 discharge eeasurelents, upon a consideration of the crest discharge of pest floods ss indicated by s study of these floods st other points in the Tennessee liver besin, end upon backwater curves coeputed throughout the length of the Tennessee River for both natural and reservoir condi— ticns. Although gages have been operated at and near Chattanooga by both the U. 3. leather Buearu and the U. 3. Geological Survey and studied by both this agency and the renneesee Volley Authority, it eust be recognised that the estiseted discharges of the higher floods ssy'be in error'by as such as 10 percent, and this possible error sust be kept in sind when u» dats 1- used in studying pest floods and in predicting possible future floods. the length of record at Chattanooga which is available for eating couplets frequency studies is less than 70 years, although con- sidersble-inforestion.has been gathered pertaining to the flood of 1.67, and high floods are known to have occurred in 1826 and 1847. This is hardly sufficient inforeetion to cake an estisate of the 10,000-yesr flood or even the 600~yesr flood, especially shen a study of the data shows that it is not a 'fair couple.“ to shes the fallacy'of atteepting to extrapolate flood dis- charges fro-.a frequency curve based on the record of past floods at Chattanooga, a series of frequency'curres were prepared using different portions of the flood record and assuming that these frequency studies night have been ssde st various times using the records svsilable at those tiles. Inhibit 4 shows the magnitude of the past floods st “cogs; the top dingran gives a picture of the distribution by 3 loser portion shows the distribution by seasons. It is 47 noted that the three greatest floods of record, those of 1867, 1875, and 1886, all occurred in a period of 20 years, while the 20-year period fhllowing the flood of 1917 does not contain a single flood comparable to any of these and only a few floods amounting to more than 50 percent of the highest. Using the basic stage method and considering all winter floods having a discharge of 100,000 cfs or greater, the resulting 500- and lOOO-year floods are as follows: zerigg gongidereg Eggber of Iparg 500-135; Flood ‘lgggzzgg;;[;ggg 1867 to 1886 20 750,000 cfs 840,000 cfs 1887 to 1955 49 421,000 450,000 1867 to 1955 69 545,000 596,000 This is a variation of 78 percent for the SOD-year flood and 87 percent for the loco-year flood. The discrepancy doubtless would increase to even greater figures if an attelpt were node to determine the naxisun flood to be expected. The various frequency curves and their extensions .r. shown on Exhibit 8. The record of floods on the Tennessee River at Chattanooga has been used by several writers to illustrate the methods they have proposed for estinating the nagnitude of the maxi-us flood to be expected or the sagnitude of the fhod corresponding to any frequency. A cospari- son of these figures is interesting in that it shows the great variation in the results obtained by the different investigators. It is to be noted, however, that all of this variation is not due to the method used in handling the data, but to the data that was used-the period of record selected and the discharges adopted for the various floods. The various frequency curves are reproduced on Exhibits 9 to 15, and the resulting floods of 500,1000, and 10,000byear frequencies are shown together with the reference, sethod, and period of record used. All the frequency 48 curves takenfroeieter supplyraperWlu-ebssedcnthe saseperiod of record and the ease discharge data so that variations in the results are wholly'due to the eethod used. In the case of the 500+year flood, the variation is free 56l,000 to 405,000 cfs, or about 12 percent, while in the case of the 10,000-year flood, the variation is free 580,000 to 400,000 cfs, or about 25 percent. The 25 percent variation is reserhably seall considering that a record of less than 100 years has been extrapolated to 10,000 years, but any sense of accuracy of the results is short-lived when the rescinded- of the table is exaeined. As previously explained, the frequency curves shown on Inhibit 8 are based on different periods in the flood record at Chattanooga and show a variation in the-selves of nearly 90 percent for the lOOO-yeer flood. The eaxilue variation considering different periods of record and different detereinations of flood floss is free the 840,000 cfs shown on Inhibit 8 for the lOOOuyear flood using the period 1867 to 1886, to the 375,000 cfs shown on Ixhibit n m the lOOO-year flood es deter-ined by the Goodrich.Type V eethcd using the period 1875 to 1881, and dis- charges as published by the U. 8. Geological Burvey. This variation aaouats to about 150 percent. further evidence of the erratic results likely to be obtained by using frequency eethods based on relatively short records and dis- charges ehioh are of questionable accuracy is sheen on Exhibit 14. Here the sagnitude of the 500-year flood expressed in cfs per square ails of drainage area is plotted against drainage area, the frequencies having been coeputed by the Corps of lhgineers using the Goodrich.eethod. The points scatter rather widely about a eean line having a slope which ~ * e uare root of indicates that the discharge varies in prepoftion to th. 'q 49 thedreinegeerea. Thereshouldbesosescatteringofthepointsdue tethedifferenceintheflcodprodecingeherecteristiceofthedifferent draieagebseies, betthevarietion of several hundred percent see-etc indicate thetthsfrequneynetbod oennotbeappliedtorecordsesshort elddisnhergeseslaoerteieasthoseinthe'fenneseeetivsrbasin. nigchaggc in 19% fig 1_ 5 1000 000 m1 him new range 10.8.1: nae nit . 9 Hydro-Electric Handbook Basic Stags 445 470 570 Greager a Justin, 1927 Iearly flood 485 480 525 10 'eter supply r eper 771 Foster type I 1875—1951 571 878 sec 111 ' 405 421 476 - Hem ' 405 424 480 ll ' Goodrich type '1 ' 871 876 400 II ' 680 598 428 V ' 361 578 594 . ll ' Slade " 416 428 474 16 an. 328 Goodrich 1876-1827 410 Corps of Engineers 8 as leeerds ‘ roster 1867-1866 750 850 1887-1955 405 450 1867-1855 511 586 W These-celled'rstional'ssthodofsstieetingrunofffr-rain- fe‘llwasdessribedefisceeofitsverietionswerediscusseduder 'Cc-cnlethods.' Thisssthodhasbeennsedtoaccnsiderableutentby theMeIseeVelleysnthcritwinestieetingthe-xi-Iefloodthetsight mathemhmetmetme. ”previouslyuplaised, thedreinegeercsisdividsdintoeseriesofsenesscthatrainfelling esypleeewithiesscnewillfleetotheloesreedcfthatsonesithine nitoftiee. Thebesioequaticnqzcisissppliedtoeachsenefor subtitoftiaetoobteinehydrographofdischargefroleechsueahich celbeeddedtesililerhadregrephsfroeetherscneswithprcpertiseof travelelleeeneetoobteisthehydregrsphetenypointcnthestreee. Boeeedjustesntlustbesadeintheresaltinghydrogrephsincsthessthod deesaeteusidsrtheflattuingeffectcfchaenelsterageuponflced 50 waves,orelsesneleberateroutingpsoeessenetbearrsngedtctrensfer theflewdontheprincipalstreaefrcescnetosenecsatleesthetwen principaltribttsries. AtteeptingtorcutetheflmdmtheTennessee liver and its principal tributaries is both laborious and of meertain eesussyetthepresentstagecfdevalopentelcngthisline. Therefore, erestdisshergesdetsseinedbythereticaelsethodwereredeeedfcrthe effectef channel storage. The rational eethod furnishes thevolueef r-effsndtheshapecfiqdrcgraph,whilethepreviouelydiscesseddieun stead—observesrneffratesfarnishestheeexieusepectedflow. ’Theweiteftisetobeusedindividingthebesinintosones wesfirsttahuasuhonrs,eosteftheavailablerainfallfiguresbeing for24-hourperieds. hates-studies, hosever, indicated thattheresulting Wereutulleeoughdefieed,destcaninseffioientsnebsrcf points, ands-howe- senesvere substituted. The floodofneeesber, 1882, furnishedthebasiedatefcreeepstingtiseoftravel,asthisflocdwes efnffisisatsagnitesstogivereeseaablyhighvelositiesendeemed recentlyeneeghtoheveitsprcfileenddisehargesrethsrwelldefieed. ummmmmmmfiorm,mmmuum o-putedbyesenscftheleuingeqnetionfercpenehennelflow. The river syst. was divided into reaches sufficiutly short so that points achtmalsoftravelsloegtheriver systuabcvemtteneega couldbeinterpolated. Theses-hmtraveldisteneeswereoontinnedepthe Tonesseeliver, itsprineipeltributsries,andalltheainortribetsries enshichtheeeeesssrydatewesavailable. sis-hourtreveldistaneesvere estieetedoverther-einingdistaeeetcthebesinboundary. fiepoints detaliudinthismdefineliaessieilarteocntcursmsptthatthey rmesntuseemehettanoogeretherthenfeetsbovesdettnplene. MibitlbshovsthsresultingO—hourtisecftrevelsonesabonmttenooge. 51 Theseus-floodtobeespestedatChattanoegawillbeps-odnoed hyastcsehavingednretionabcetequeltetheooneentreticnpericdcf thedrainageereyorahutfivedeys. Alongerstorewouldhaveescse- whatlessintensity,whileeshorterstcrewouldnctceuseallthe dreieegeereetoeutribntetothsfloodsrest. loettenptwessadeto mscnttheesxisI-possihlereinfalltebeexpectedovsrthedraisage eree,bntgreetstcrescfthepsstweretransposedoverthebesinendthe resulting ths esaputed. This required a detailed study of pest stesuevertheT-nesseeliverbesinendadjeoentareastodetereineehat typesefstoreseightbeexpsstedtcoecurinthishasinendtheesgnitude eadprebeblesessencfeceurrenoecfthesestorse. Theseeeoeeldistributioeoffleodsatdhsttanocgasspioturedon Inhibit4indicetesthstthe0hettsneogefloodseeeonesteadsfrceabout thesiddleefneeewhertethesiddleofspril,thegreetestfloods occurringinlarehendthefirstweehcfspril. Thisseessnaldistributicn isupleieedtoeoertainexteeteedsnppcrtedbythebesicsetecrologissl deteshcweonllhibitlc. Itisoheervedthsttheeveregeecnthlyreinfell udetsrsinedfreeelergennhsrofreprseeatativestetionsinthedrsinsge areaaboveChettenoogahevingWD-riodscfreccrdisgreeteetinlereh bateeerlyssgrestinnec-ber,l\ny,endsugnst,therebeingnogreetor wellndefinsdseesoualvariationinrsiafall. Thesisilareurveshowing everegeruoffatmattseoogaishighinlsnusryandrebruerybutresohesa definitsnxinielereh,dremingtolessthensthirdcfthisaecnt duriegthes-ersonths. Themvecfaverageperoentmoffisstill serestrihiegwitheesxis-efeboutmperoutduriuthewinterscnths chsnuery,lebruary,hrch,endspril,sndseinieueofslightlyover ”percentdurisgthes-ernonthsofl‘aly, August, 8epteeber,and0ctcber. It Thislewpsreentrenoffduingthesu-erecnthsasecepsredtothewinter soathsappeerelegicalwhentheothercervescnthischsrtareeonsidered. Thedayisseentebeoverwperesntlsnger(sunrisetemset)ieJ-e thenatthefirstcftheyeer,theesrveofaveragetenpereturebeingvery sieuarwithseexieuinluly. Lengdeysandhight—pereturesprceote uyiuefthescilwhichthenrequireep-eeterreiefalltoprodneeset‘m- atieeandhighrstescfrueeff. hr the present purpose, stores who grouped into three classes: winterstoraseftheeyeloeiotype, Ieetlndianhurricanes,andsoeser mm. or eleudbursts. The last named stores are umpanied by veryinteeeepreeipitetionbntthedurationisshorteedthesreacevered sesllsethetthistypecfstonceuldnctpossiblyprodncetheaexin- floodtoheexpeetedfreeslargedrainagearea. lsehyetaleapsoftgpicel stmscfthistypewhichhsveoccurredinthei'ennessee'alleyregice areshesncnlmbitl‘l. Itisnotedthatthemyintenserainfall ereascevercnlyafewsqaeresileswhileesshstorseeversatoteleres lesstheeahnadredsquareeiles. lestlndienhsrrieeaeseretropicslstereswhichoriginatenesr theeqnatoriethevisinityoftheleetlndiestotravelscrthwsrdthroegh the0elfoflexicesndaerossthescuthsrestates,generellycurving towerdstheitlantisdoeensndseldoeoseingveryferinland. They Winteeupruipitationcvershcrtperiodsoftisesedoverrelatively lergesreas,tatgenerallyoecurinthelatesueeersonthsshenrunoffis .a-allpescntageofrainfell. Matthistypesrelihelyto producenxisuflocdsintheereessubjesttosuehstorss. Thereis easiderabledoubt,however, thatsuchastorlsculdtrevelthisfar inlendanderossthsecantainseurroundingtherennesseeliverbseinand stillretainsnffisienteoistnretoprcdnceeesxil-fleodonelesge ‘8 drainage a... nu stcse of July‘l4-18, 191s, which We» greatest flsodcfreeordontheupperportiasoftherrenchlreadliverwascf thistype. hemmannsreoordedsttwepointsiniorthceroline entheeesternbeundaryoftheTennesseeniverbesin,thesepointebeing mappedtesidescfaeeuetaingepabeuteidwaybetweenmndfather Imteinwithanelevetionoffl‘dendleontlitchellwithenelmtion arm. Altepessonthseastsleperecordedareinfallofud71nohes ineperiodalittleeverflhcurs,whilesltepasslnnonthewestslcpe had22.flinehes. lainfallstatiensesretoofevinthisareetogivea scepletepictursoftheietensityendduretionofthisstore,butae isohyetaleapwssprepsredbytheliuidcnservaneyMstrietisecsnectien withtheirsterestudiesandisrepscdeeedelengwithotherstcreson mm as. The chain of the Tennessee Valley Authoriw indicate that aseseshetdifferentrainfallpettsreoanbededessdfrcsthesseerain- falldata;thereslltsereshcncnlxhibit18. oonsidsrstioe ishere given to the effect ef topography on, rainfall, resulting in a greatly rednesdvolueefreiefellwithintheTennesseehiverbasin. Gaging statieasieepereticeat thistieewerefewenddischarge estieatesncne tocucueu,bntruoffstudiescnthelrushlrosdliveriadiutethat lestofflsereinnsthsvefellnonthssoutheastsideof‘thescunteins ratherthaninthereenesseeniverbesieonthenorthwestsideefthe mum. llhibitlfishoesthepethscflcwwessureereeseeeowpewing great hurl-issues which have approached 'cr crossed the Tennessee liver bssinwhiledaadedstripsindicatethesreesofgreetestrsinfall. ' The lost ilportent stores as far as Chattanooga is concerned aretheseefflzecyolouietypewhiohtrevelscrossthiscmtryduring thewintersesscninagenerellywesttoeestersoutheesttoncrtheest directia. StonscfthistypeheveprcMedsestofthegrestfloods ormummmmmumwmwm umamrflmmmummnmnmu» MQWT-Iuloollm. muttoshoosthepaths Iona-db: smdmusmsmMmrmrmsmuvu-basmmu whitaumlupesmeamuammspomurwmanas «amummmmwmummm fennesseeliverhash. west-u, ”.mushoeisehfitalupsot themtetensofmmmudltetes,1nolmn‘theston “MM-16, amass-uumsmuorwqumcwp. Inordoroegetahettu nature or the Wave intensity or the various pat. stern om ever Mono of eastern out-s Itatu nbjoot to meteorological audition. stlmroethuettheremessee'mey,aser1esofuse-area-depth mmmtmamutmmmnsmmmuumum shrafiuottws,ot8au4¢ays,andotidsysormr. mumamsuaotaboutbmsmotpeatest mummtmmmmmmmstm huseonenfiratlenuneoraboutthism,butn1slenum “Motsughtlypeatuowleumuon. hummus.- srea-depihmsferosnda-dsypuiods,1t1saetedthsttorthe mummmp(u,soosqmamu),wa—aqm «Immunflufisnmramtanorsboutmiuheshm lostsevere;theHsystonetOetohez-H,19101s1ess1nteosebyon1y halt-aim. mnflstonmmdapomonoftheMesseeum mummhnduoloutothobsunthattmuutuoquem mustanpeuuonorMsstorn-ightreasonauybeupeeteduthis ares. W,th1sstmooourredmmtheearlypanotthenood season at chattsnooga, shilethelOlOstor-oooorred ontsideths Chattanoonneodseasoa,,mtheu¢h1talsooomrede1m:areamble mumrenesseeumhasin.‘ a I! WWMWWI-depthmhrms «Ida’s-aim.tetsseenthsttoradrshsgemathesiuo! memmemcneheI—dsystmotflly 0-10, 1916. eithsn mahfauofsbootlbtnohee,1staraboveauothere. hub“ 10, m.ehoueeh1sembbeeieetm1anhmimeehiothuflh mmmmumumpmnoruuoummmm “tether-onus” lens basin. mmsmum11.u.1aoe. udthi—hyetmoflmaryflO—fl.19fl,appeunmontheohafl. mufinmagenufsnorsbontlhomsomasammeue of that shove “attenuate. lore scan, the 1987 steel no so located on! Watseehsueemettsnpeuuanmtheemammtmn Webmaseaseaeppearsuesoaahle. mom-mm» mmmrmmrmumumnmmmemmmem. Mmmnmttmeuyhmmueothepoemmvottu mmfiermmvm. m,nuammmmpnsunsmamnuum Mmumm,the1987seonsmstohethesestsevmthae weseaeeaauybeupaseedeomomtheremesseeumbamabou Nemataetuoffismtmutepmamenod. It tummtumummsmmmmmm Motmufloothemflhionnrandthsttheoowusme aneslargesauotrelsuvelymununwsnudmofl data is available for mom study. mel-dsyetonoflsrohfl-fl,1918,tellenexeontheohefl nus-Mummy or shoneelnohesomufioo square sues. It Wetthemyheizhoetehemttmogsnoodsesmmm ammtfumm-thefennssseenmbasin. Itproduoedthe ”MotnmdumuniummanoodMoheqoanedehe manuammumionm.mmuunnnmumora I. although it has since been exceeded by that or January, 1957. The great dean‘s eansed.by this flood to industrial cities in Ohio led to the {creation of the lieei conservancy Dist-riot and the motruotion of a systee ot.tlood oestrol reservoirs. thus. this store also produced a (reetfloodoaalearbydreilexeereaandhubeeastudiedindetailby eecineers ot'theilisei coaserteeer -Distriot so that a large aeount of asthentie iatoreation on both rainfall and runoff is available. Il.the applioatioo of the rational runotr’sethod. the percentage of store reisrsll ehidh runs otr'as flood tloe’aust‘be estiestsd. niece the laxilne flood'leet occur in the einter season when evaporation and truepirstioaaremloesndislihelytobspeeededhyrsinaehioheill leave the mud saturated. the pcoeetege e: wrm that finds its say leeediately to the streass is likely to be large. lxhibit 26 contains hydrographs of the principal floods at Chattanooga with sass curves for each shoeing the onlnlativs rainfall and runoff, ronotf here being store runoff or the differenoe betseon the recorded flows and an estimated base flow or ground ester flow. The total runoff for each store is seen to . be a large preportion of the store rainfall. The following tabulation times the total rainfall and runoff of lea-gs floods at Chattanooga and the peroent of the store rainfall ehich appeared so flood runoff: new mm: . Influfll Duration Inches Duration Inches Rnnott '- 13-” (Total) we (Total) 'Cbe-I'Il‘s 1875 14 11.4 82 1.6 tabular. 1517 10 5e5 50 5.8 70 “fr-‘93s 1920 16 6.0 50 3e? 52 MeJue 1931 11 8.0 80 5.8 68 .Ire-‘Pl'e 192. 9 3e]. 80 8.5 7‘ these percentages appear rather low ehen ooapared with those givee.ie.the following table extracted tron 'Surfaoe'laters of Tennessee,' 57 Bulletin 40 of the Division of Geology, State of Tennessee, by lhrren s. nag, District lnginecr of the u. 5. Geological Survey: Wm:- . 122m him when inf has; unorr Rune (sq.ai. ) inches acre-ft.) acre-ft.) Gusherland Barbourville 4.55 258, 000 226,000) 95 Gusherlsnd One. lhlls 2,010 4.9 525, 000 505,000 98 Queberland Burnside 4,890 5.0 ~ 1,500,000 1,190,000 91.5 Gusherland Galina 7,520 4.58 1,780,000 2,515,000 9150 Gusherland Carthage 10,700 5.25 5,000,000 5,544,000 #118 Culberland fleshville 12,800- 5.12 5,480,000 5,840,000 9110 Bookcastle Bookcastle Spa. 746 4.2 162,000 150,000 95 low River low River 512 8.0 155,000 125,000 94.5 5.Fork Cu. lewalsville 1,260 8.08 408,000 586,000 94.8 colline lolinnville 824 7.50 249,000 228,000 91 Obey' Byrdstown 418 5.28 117,000 114,000 97.5 Stones fleyrna 552 5.90 174,000 165,000 95 Cane: fork Rock Island 1,840 8.45 740,000 894,000 95.7 Caney Fork Silver Point 2,100 8.59 958,000 912,000 97.5 leery Harri-an 795 9.00 524,000 507,000 94.8 *iainfall figures fOr Celina, Carthage and lashville do not include i-inoh of rain larch 28-27 and 1.50 inches of rein larch 50, but runoff! fros these rains are included in runoff figures. this tabulation refers to the floods of larch 25-51, 1929, on the Gusher- land and Tennessee River basins. The store producing these floods centered over the Gusherland lountains which fore the divide heteeen these two watersheds. lesions floods of record were produced on cone of these streaas, but the store did not cover a large enough area on either the Tennessee or Onshorland Rivers to produce sari-us floods on these streaes. On the heels of these figures, it would appear that 90 percent of the rain falling during a store period eight appear as runoff in the resulting flood period if the store occurred in the winter season and was preceded by ainor stores which left the ground well saturated. The working date necessary'fcr computing flood runoff fro- rainfsll by the rational aethod has been asceablsd, and this data oust not he applied to the coeputation of the serious flood to be expected at Chattanooga. The store of’larch 22-27, 1915, was transposed to the 58 Tennessee River basin above Chattanooga, and a hydrograph was computed by the rational nathod for an scanned runoff of 90 percent. Several locations of this store over the drainage area were investigated in order to detersine the one producing the greatest discharge at Chattanooga. In every case the storn was transposed without changing the direction of its axis or the shape of the isohyatal lines-that is, the store was not rotated nor were the isohyetal lines shifted in order to cake the store fit the shape of the drainage area sore closely. The position finally chosen is given by the solid isohyetals on Exhibit 27. Previous studies have showed, however, that the 1915 store had an average rainfall of only 9 inches over a drainage area equivalent to that above Chattanooga, while the 1957 store averaged 11.8 inches . over a sinilar area. The duration of the 1915 storm is generally given as five days, or about equal to the minimum estimate for the drainage area above Chattanooga, various longer periods of rainfall say be chosen for the 1937 store. It is therefore reasonable to suppose that the 1915 store is not quite the maxinun to be expected over a drainage area of this size and that it night be preceded or followed by a secondary store which would bring the total rainfall up to an amount comparable to that of the 1957 storm. Accordingly, a hypothetical stern of maxi-um intensity of 2.5 inches was assuned to occur on March 29 and to be so located that it would contribute to the crest of the flood at Chattanooga. The ieohyetals of this storm are shown as dashed lines on Exhibit 27. lith this added rainfall and a runoff of 90 percent, the rational method resulted in a flood at Chattanooga having a crest discharge of 850,000 cfs, a total volune of 5,540,000 dayasacond-feot, and a duration of 12 days. The reduction in crest discharge caused by channel storage has not been considered up to this point. If this is accused to anount 69 to 14 percent of the crest discharge, the crest is reduced to the 750,000 cfs given by the diagram of maximum Observed Runoff Rates. A crest reduction of this amount due to channel storage may not be un» reasonable, although it appears somewhat small, and the resulting dis— charge is well supported by points on the diagram of observed rates of runoff. s new hydrograph having this crest discharge was sketched from the computed hydrograph, the volume and duration being made the same and the shape similar to the computed hydrograph. Care was exercised to make the crest of the new hydrograph occur on the falling side of the computed hydrograph so that the area between the two hydro~ graphs (representing the volume of water held in channel storage) is a maxi-u: at the time of the crest of this adjusted hydrograph. The final hydrograph is reproduced on Exhibit 28. The storm of JanuarylZ-ES, 1957, was also transposed to several positions over the drainage area above Chattanooga, and the resulting hydrographs were computed by the rational method with a run- off factor of 90 percent. The position which results in the greatest discharge is shown on Exhibit 29. The computed discharge of 950,000 cfs was considered to be reduced to the previously fixed 750,000 cfs for the effect of channel storage, and the hydrograph shown on Exhibit 50 was drawn to have a similar shape and the same volume and duration. laxilul cod 0 re h In order to bring together for comparison various possible flood hydrographs at Chattanooga, a mass-duration curve was prepared for each and plotted as shown on Exhibit 51, the daily flows being summed in order of magnitude downward from the crest of each hydrograph. lass—duration curves were first computed for the floods produced by 60 the transposed storms of 1918 and 1957. It is noted that these curves are coincident for the first three days, the mass of the 1913 flood being considerably-smaller than that of the 1957 flood for longer dura- tions. This appears reasonable inasmuch as the 1915 store was much shorter than the 1957 store and contained considerably less values when the entire 1957 stern period is considered. lass-duration curves were added for the four great floods of record at Chattanooga. These curves fall far below those of the 1918 and 1957 storms, inasmuch as the crest discharges were much smaller even though the durations were about the same. The daily flows of the great floods at Chattanooga were then increased in the ratio of the . estisated maxi-us expected discharge (750,000 etc) to the actual dis- charge of each of these floods. This is merely an application of the basic principle of the unit graph: a storm of given duration over e drainage area produces a flood hydrogrsph of definite length regardless of the nagnitude of the store. The added assumption here is that great floods are likely to be caused by great storms whose durations (duration of the principal rainfall period) are approximately equal to the time or concentration of the drainage area. The duration curves of these enlarged floods all fall below that of the 1957 transposed, the enlarged 1375 and 1886 crossing the 1957 at a duration of 11 days and continuing to rise sclewhst above it. The mass-duration curve of the flood result- ing from the 1957 transposed store thus forms an enveloping curve which contains the mass-duration curves of all the other floods over a ten-day period surrounding the day of sexinun discharge, the enveloping curve being exceeded on the 11th day only because base flow was not taken out of the actual flood hydrographs and so was increased by the same ratio as the crest flow to give unusually great volumes for long durations. 61 The picture presented by the mass-duration curves is rather relarkable. The crest portions of the hydrographs produced by the 1915 and 195? stores transposed to the Tennessee River basin are very similar in shape, although the 1957 hydrograph is broader-that is, the length is greater at low discharges. The mass-duration curves of the four great floods of record at Chattanooga fall generally between these two curves when the daily flows of these floods are increased to bring their crest discharges up to the estimated maximum discharge of 750,000 cfs. The less-duration curve of the 1957 storm can be considered as the envelop- ing curve of all these individual curves. To summarise, it has been shown that the storm producing the flood of January, 1987, on the lower Ohio and Hississippi Rivers is the greatest storm of record that has occurred under conditions such that its repetition over the Tennessee Valley above Chattanooga at a season favorable to producing a great flood at Chattanooga is a reasonable possibility. This stern has been transposed to the drainage area above Chattanooga in the position which produces the greatest possible flood at Chattanooga, and the resulting hydrograph has been computed by the rational method. The crest discharge has been decreased for the effect of channel storage to 730,000 cfs, the maxi-us discharge indicated for this drainage area by the diagram of laxinun Observed Runoff Rates, and a new hydrograph has been estimated which would have the same volume and duration as the computed hydrograph, a similar shape, and the proper treatment of channel storage. A similar hydrograph has been prepared for the 1915 storm transposed to the basin with an added secondary stern. less-duration curves were prepared for the floods produced by these transposed stores and for the four greatest floods of record at Chattanooga with their daily discharges increased in the ratio of the ,‘D 62 maxi-us expected flood to the actual floods. The mass-duration curve. of the flood produced by the 1957 store transposed forms enemweloping curve for the other curves. It is thus concluded that the hydrograph produced by the 1957 store transposed to the valley above Chattanooga is a reasonable detenaination of the maximu- flood to be expected.under natural conditions at this point, and Exhibit 52 reproduces this hydro- graph under the title 'Hydrograph, maximum Assumed Flood, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tennessee.‘' 68 O IWASSEE ER T SSEE AM 8 W Hiiassee Dam is the second major tributary project to be under- taken by the Tennessee Valley Authority. It is located on the Hiwaesee River 75.8 miles above its mouth and about 113 river miles above the city of Chattanooga. 1 knowledge of the maximum flood to be expected at this point is of importance in planning the entire project and in determining the design flood on which the size of the spillway must be based. The methods which may be used in arriving at a reasonable estimate of the hydrograph of this flood are similar to those discussed in connec- tion with the determination of the maximum flood on the Tennessee River at Chattanooga and so need not be repeated in detail. However, the drainage area is much smaller, the tapography much more rugged, and the available rainfall and streamflow data less abundant and probably less dependable than at Chattanooga, so that the two situations are not altogether similar. nggggigtiog of the gagin The fliwassee River is the first major tributary to enter the Tennessee River above Chattanooga, and it is therefore important that one or more storage reservoirs be constructed on this stream to assist in controlling floods and that these structures be made capable of with- standing any floods which may be reasonably expected to occur. The river rises in the mountain ridges along the southern end of the Great leaky Mountains to flow northwestward to the town of Murphy when; it is joined by the Hottely and Valley'Rivers to form a fanpshaped drainage basin. Below lurphy, the river continues to flow through a mountainous country until it is joined by the Ocoee River, also rising in the 64 lountains and flowing roughly parallel to and west of the Hisassee River. Below the south of the 0coee River, the aountain ridges become less frequent and the river flows through a farming country to join the Thanessee River about 37 miles above Chattanooga. lhile the loser one—third of the basin is generally rolling and suitable for farsing, the upper two—thirds is very rugged with sharp ridges and deep valleys. The river cuts through a number of ridges to form deep canyons which have been long studied as potential dam sites. The ridges forming the basin boundary on the south rise to elevations between 2000 and 5000 feet, while elevations as high as 6000 feet are reached along the eastern divide between this basin and that of the Little Tennessee River. The gradient of the Hisassee River is generally steep. The slope averages slightly over a foot peraile over the lowest third of its length, reaches a narinun of 600 feet in 10 miles where the river passes through the more rugged country, and averages over 15 feet per sile over 60 silos of its length. The average annual rainfall over the Bivassee River basin is about 10 percent greater than that over the Tennessee River basin above Chattanooga, about 57 inches as conpared with 52 inches. The average runoff is slightly over 50 percent of the rainfall. The site of Hiwassee Dam is in the mountainous portion of the basin there the stress profile is steep and the valley narrow. The selection of a site far enough downstream to control a sizesble drainage area and yet not too far downstream to be out of the mountainous section with its narrow and steep valleys and its good den sites places this das about 20 miles below Murphy and therefore immediately below the 65 fan-shaped drainage area for-ed by the Junction of the Valley and Hottely Rivers with the Hiwassee River. The drainage area at this point is 977 square silee. W A nulber of streaeflow stations have been Operated on the Hiwessee River and its principal tributaries by the U. 5. Geological survey. Of particular importance are the gages on the Hiwassee River in the vicinity of Reliance. The drainage area at this point is 1180 square silos, or only 12 percent greater than the drainage area at the dam site. The first gage was installed at this point in 1900, end stage records are continuous to date, although the gage has been moved several times without obtaining a sufficient number of discharge neeeurenents at each location to adequately determine a rating curve and without obtaining overlapping records of sufficient length to deter-ins the stage relation existing between gages at the different locations. A gage was established on the Hiwessee River at lurphy in 1897 and records have been kept to date. The drainage area at this point is only 419 square miles, since the gage is above both the Valley and Nottely Rivera, but the records are of particular value in studying the backwater protection.which sust be provided through the town of lurphy. A third gage of isportance was established at Charleston in 1898 on the lower portion of the river below the south of the Ocoee River, with a drainage area of 2296 square eiles. The period of record is not complete, but stages from e staff gage read by the U. 3. leather Bureau in this vicinity are useful in filling out the record. Flood discharges detersined fro: the recorded stages must be used with caution, 66 however, since Charleston is below the steep portion of the river and stages at this point are affected by backwater free the Tennessee River. Prior to the establisheent of a large nulbsr of rainfall stations in the Hivessee River basin by the Tennessee Valley Authority, the station at Iurphy was the only one within the drainage area above the due site. Only six stations were operated at any one time within or close enough to the basin to be of such assistance in estimating store rainfall over the area. Considering the great variation in eleve- tion throughout the basin and the effect of the mountain ridges upon soisture-laden winds, these stations are far from satisfactory in any store studies where it is necessary to determine average rainfall over the drainage area. The neny additional gages installed by the Tennessee Valley Authority are a great help, but the records from these gages are too short at this time to be of such assistance. MW Although empirical flood flow equations were found to be of little assistance in estimating the marines flood to be expected on the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, they should be more successful on the Hiwaseee River since the drainage area involved is more within the lisits of the data from which these equations were originally develOped. The sountainous drainage area above Hivaesee Dan Site, however, might be expected to produce floods somewhat greater than those given by scat aspirical equations. Suichling's equations derived from the lohawk River give Rare floods, o = :—2§‘%$% / 7.4 - 100,000 cfs Occasional floods, Q . {'WU / 20 a 57,000 cfe The lnrphy'equation derived free northeastern united States 6? gives a a :5 7:30 ,l 15 a 54,000 cfs. The layers equation for extreme floods as sodified by Jarvis gives :2 = 10,000 a?! a 510,000 cfs. The Fuller equation with 'C' estiseted at 70 and '1" taken as 1000 years gives Q I C ‘0.8 (l ,1 0.8 loglo T) I 58,000 cfs. The general width forum of C. R. Pettis with a l-day rain- fall of 7 inches and an average basin width of 14 miles gives a probable loo—year flood of c = 430 r w1o25 s: 91,000 cfs. W Ctegeenddischargereeordecoveringaboutmyeersareavail- able en the livassee liver at Inrphy, Reliance, and Charleston. The record at Reliance is of particular interest since this gage is nearest to thedee site inbotheileageenddrainage area. bequency curves were prepared by the Corps of Ingineers for the gages at Iurphy and Reliance using the Goodrich sethod, end the results were published in a. D. 528 as previously sentioned. The SOC-year flood at each of these gages is plotted along with corresponding floods at other gages within the Tennessee River basin on Exhibit 15, and an average line is drawn to represent the relation between drainage area and the ceeputed SOC-year flood. This line passes directly through the point plotted for Reliance and cones very close to the point for lurphy but falls considerably below the points representing long periods of record at Knoxville, Chattanooga, and florenee. In the frequency studies described in connection with the deter-instion of the latitu- flood to be expected at Chattanooga, 20 and 60-year periods selected free the 70-year record of floods at this gage resulted in 500 and loco-year floods of considerably differut 1‘1“. 68 lepitndes. The e0-year periods of record on the Kiwassce River can not be expected to produce frequency curves which sight be extrapolated to 500 years with any degree of certainty, although they night he very usefulinstudyingthe-allerflcodsthatarelikelytooccurevery few years. Further, an alaninaticn of the store rainfall in the Kiwassee River basin indicates that this area has never been subjected to stores as severe as those which have hit surrounding areas in the Tennessee River basinandwhichsightbesnpected toocourover this drainagebaain. Thus, the period of available records is not a fair sasple of conditions beeauseitisshortanddoesnotcontainstoresasgreatashaveoccurred over adjacent drainage areas. The uncertainty of the nagnitude of the crest discharges of thehiafloods ofrecordatbothlelianoeandcharlestonnnst alsobe considered in attupting frequency conputations based on available knowledge of past floods. a discharge of 56,000 cfs has been estisated for the flood‘of April 2, 1920, at Reliance, the highest flood of record at this gage, while 65,200 cfs is reported for the flood of love-bar, 1908. lothfiguresaresubjecttocorrectioninthefutureassoredisohsrge censure-eats are nade at high flows. The flashy nature of the stres- nakes flood peaks very short so that it is quite difficult for an uginesrtoreachthegagingpointandaakeadischargeaeasureaentwhile a flood is near its crest. W n. 'unit mpa- and m "a... Manama. have been described as one of the nethcds available to the hydraulician for convert- 13g rainfall into runoff, and cenpntation of the flood produced when a lazin- store is transposed over the drainage area is one of the possible applications of this nethod. 89 is previously explained, it is often difficult to find floods which were produced by stores of unifm intensity and duration throughout thewholedreinagcarcafcrnseinpreparingaunitgraph. Thisproved to be the proble- in studying the Eiwassec River basin. Rainfall records prior to the establish-fit of the Tennessee Valley Authority gages were fed to be of little value, since only one station was located within the basin and the great variation in elevations would not per-it statim sue distance outside the basin to be used in ascertaining the nnifcrsity of the intensity and duration of the rainfall over the drainage area. In the short periods of record available since Tennessee Valley Authority rain gages were established, only a few floods of any sine have occurred, and the rainfall producing these floods did not have the required unifornity. consequently, the unit graphs which were deter-iced fron these data did not have a great deal of sinilarity; variatioasinpeakdischsrgersngedashighaswpercant. An average unit graph constructed froc these individual nit graphs could hardly be imrcased the anount necessary to obtain the sexin- flood, nor could the unit graph having the sexism crest discharge be increased in this nenncr without obtaining results which night he enpcctedtobeinerrorbysonethinglikeflorSOperccntbecauce ofthe inherut difficulty of obtaining a reliable unit graph. The hydrographs of these floods and the resulting unit graphs were useful, however, in checking the shape of the hydrographs obtained by the rational nethod and in drawing the final hydrograph of the The cannu- recorded runoff at all gages in the liwaesee liver basin is chm on Exhibit as. The short pcriods of record at these 7. gages and the apparent lack of any great stores over the basin within this period cake it advisable to consider the serious rates of runoff that have occurred in other basins having sinilar flood producing characteristics. is previously discussed, Exhibit 7 represents recorded rates of runoff throughout eastern United States, with the exception of areas along the southeastern and southern coasts share heavy runoff is produced by tropical hurricanes. The hivassee River basin is well shielded by high contain ridges so that these tropical stores are not likelytoprodueeheavyreinfall overlargeareaswithinthebasin. Thelowparoentageofrainfallwhiahappearsasrunoffdtn‘ingthesuneer scnths when stores of this type occur will further tend to produce loe runoff rates. Theenvelopinglineshownonthis diagranwasrecoanudedby the 0onsulting Board for general application to drainage areas in the Tennessee River basin of sore than 600 square niles. is previously noted, however, the Board recognised that in dealing with particular drainage areas 'each problee should be Med in detail with the exercise of Judglent in the light of the local conditions' and added further: 'In sole cases it nay be necessary to natarially increase or decreaeethevaluasecdcterwincdinordartoallowforspeciallocal conditions.‘ _ . It is notedonthediagrsn oflannunhunoffhatcs that the stain of larch 22-28, ‘1929, over the Tennessee and Ounberland basins resulted in a point representing a discharge of 198 ofs per square ails frce a drainage area of 800 square nilcs, this point lying sonewhat above thesnveloping line. Thisfloodoocurredcnthelaoryniver atnarrinan, a drainage basin sinilar in shape and topography to that of the liwacsee River basin above livassce Den Site and not far distant fro- this area. This rate of runoff is based largely upon discharge neasureeent’aade under difficult conditions and is therefore subject te cone doubt. It nay'be either too high or too low. However, when this high rate ofheunbff is considered alongdeitb the fact that the liwassee liver'basin has steep slopes, no surfeee storage, a fan-shaped drainage pattern, and a soil and rock cover which is highly inparvious te water, it is reasonable to expect this basin to produce floods greater than those occurring on cost basins of this siae in eastern.0nited Btatec, and the enveloping curve on Inhibit 7 should be raised to include every point rather than Just the great naJ ority of point}. in enveloping line having the equation 0 : /£QQQ. rather than.0 : .gggp, is considered to represent a reasonable ectiaate of the sari-us di‘oh:rge to be expected free drainage .1»... in the upper portion of the liwaesee liver basin. This gives a runoff rate of 10! efs per square ails at the den site of a discharge of 100,000 cfs. . The so-called 'rational' nethod of computing flood flow fron rainfall nay be applied tothe Hiwassee River basin in much the cane way that it was used in detereining the naxinun flood on the Tennessee River at Chattanooga. The general principles of this method were discussed previously and need not be repeated. Tine cones were computed at 6—hour intervals over the Tennessee River basin above Chattanooga, and these nones on the Hiwassee River may also be used in studying floods above the Hiwassee Dan Site. is shown on IXhibit 15, there are only three time zones above the den sits, indicating a period of concentration of between 12 and 18 hours. The 6-hour cones are rather large for this small drainage area, but smaller cones would probably give an appearance of refinement which could not 72 be attained with the available data. 0f the three types of storms previously discussed as occurring within the Tennessee River basin, cloudbursts result in intense precipi- tation over only a fee square miles and generally spread over less than a hundred square miles so that they need not be considered as possible producers of a maximum flood at the dam site with its drainage area of nearly a thousand square miles. Both cyclonic storms and West Indian hurricanes lust be considered. The annual and seasonal distribution of floods at the Reliance gage of the U. 8. Geological Survey is pictured on Exhibit 54. The record is complete from 1901 to 1057, with the exception of the period from 1914 through 1918 when the gage was located at Apalachis, 16 miles upstream, and stages could not be related to the present gage with reasonable accuracy for comparison with other floods. The seasonal distribution of floods is seen to be similar to that of the Tennessee River at Chattanooga as pictured on Exhibit 4, although the flood season appears to be somewhat longer, starting a little earlier in the full and continuing s little later in the spring. It is noted also that the maximum flood sheen occurred on November 19, or very early in the flood season, while the second highest flood occurred near the end of the flood season, on April 2. There are only a fee summer floods and none of any magnitude. This diagram suggests, therefore, that winter storms of the cyclonic type are the principal producers of floods at Reliance Just as at Chattanooga but does not prove that great floods night not be produced by summer stores of the West Indian hurricane type. in examination of the tabulation of the maximum floods of record at the various gaging stations in the Hiwsssee River basin as 78 given on llhibit 55 shows that the West Indian hurricane of July 6-10, 1916, produced the sari-us flood of record on the 0coee River at both Eat and Plrksville, even though all the canine on the Hiwassee River itself were produced by other stores. The path followed by this hurricane is pictured on Exhibit 19. Here it is noted that this storm had an intensity of about 15 inches just before it entered the Tennessee River basin, dropping to only 6 inches in Tennessee. It was explained previously that the lest Indian hurricane of July 14-16, 1916, also resulted in the greatest rainfall Just outside the Tennessee River basin, although the rain which fell upon the upper portion of the French Broad River was great enough to produce the maxi-um flood of record at many points on this stress. in examination of the contours on Exhibit 1 discloses a gap in the divide along the southern edge of the 0coee River basin; the elevation drops below 2000 feet for a short distance along this divide, whereas the divide generally ranges from 5000 to 5000 feet above sea level. There is some possibility that a West Indian hurricane night nove up through this gap to cause excessive precipitation in the valley, but the narrowness of the gap and the high and rugged ridges surrounding it would doubtless prevent such a stern from covering an area the sine of that above the den site with rainfall of sufficient intensity and duraticn to produce the naxiwul flood at this point. It must also be considered that'Iest Indian hurricanes occur in the suller and early fall uonthe when the percentage of rainfall that appears as runoff is low, even in the case of intense storms of short duration. To produce the ease runoff, a West Indian hurricane lust therefore have an intensity aleost twice as great as that of a winter store, and it is not reasonable to expect a hurricane of this 74 intensity to enter the Hiwassee River basin and to cover an area the else of that above the den site. Btorss of the cyclonic type are the remaining class to be con- sidered as being capable of producing the naxilun flood at the den site. As shown on Exhibit 20, storns of this type seen to follow up the basins of the Ohio, Gueberland, and Tennessee Rivers, and it is reasonable to expect that one say center over alsost any portion of the Tennessee River basin. To be applicable to the present case, such a storm must have a duration of less than one day, as the ties of concentration for this drainage area is between 12 and 18 hours. The store of March 22-25, 1929, previously referred to, which centered over the divide between the Culberland and Tennessee River basins is a good example. This store produced the sari-us flood of record on the Enory River, a tributary of ‘the Tennessee River system, and on various tributaries of the Culber- land River system, causing property dosage approaching $5,000,000 and drowning at least 22 persons. A considerable amount of date was collected on this flood and the stars which produced it by l. in. ring of the U. 3. Geological Survey. lo recording rain gages were in operation within the store area, but issediate field investigations were undertaken and the observations of the regular leather Bureau stations supple-ented by the measure-ant of rain collected in cans and tanks. the store began on the earning of larch 22 and continued until the next warning, but local observers reported that seat of the rain fell within 18 hours and about half of it fell in sosething like two hours. The isohyetals of this stern are drawn on Exhibit 25, and the computed tine-area-depth curve is shown on Exhibit 25. It is noted that 75 the tise—ares-depth curve for this store falls very close to curves for the storss of lay 51-June l, 1889, and love-her 5-4, 1927, and is exceeded only by that of October 5-4, 1869, the naxisus rainfall being about 11 inches while nearly 9 inches was averaged over an area of a thousand sQuare siles. The stars of larch 22-25, 1929, appears to be a reasonable stors to transpose to the Hisassee River basin to produce the saxinua flood. The tine—erea-depth curves show it to have been exceeded only by the stars of October 5~4, 1869, which occurred outside of the flood season. The flood discharges caused by this store plot very high on the diagras of eaxisus runoff rates. The store had about the proper duration, and it occurred on a similar drainage area located very close to the Hiwaseee River basin. Further, a considerable amount of reliable data has been collected on this store and is available for study and use. Since no recording rain gages were in operation within the area covered by this store, sone assusption has to be made as to the time of occurrence of the rainfall before the stors can be applied to the Hiwassee River basin. Based on the available information regarding the stern, it is assumed that all of the rain fell in a 24-hour period: 20 percent within the first six hours, 40 percent in the second six, 50 percent in the third, and the reeaining 10 percent in the fourth sixrhour period. The percentage of rainfall which is likely to appear as runoff during a major flood on the Hiwassee River cannot be estimated from 'eveiiebie records of rainfall and streanflow in this basin. Rainfall stations are too scattered prior to the establish-eat of a large number ' of stations by the Tennessee Valley Authority to give an accurate 78 picture of the average rainfall over the drainage area, and a sufficient nuiber of floods of any sise have not occurred since these stations were established. The investigations node in connection with the application of the rational runoff nethod to the Tennessee River at Chattanooga indicated that an average runoff of 90-percent during a flood period is reasonable for that area, and the sane figure appears reasonable for the Biwaseee River basin above the dam site. The store of larch 22—25, 1929, was transposed to the basin of the Hiwassee River above the den site with the area of maxi-us rain— fall located ilnediately above the den site, care being taken not to rotate the axis of the store in transposing it to this location. The rain was all assueed to occur in a 24~hour period with the distribution previously explained, a runoff factor of 90 percent being applied in computing the flow at the do. site for each 6—hour period. The resulting hydrograph does not contain the effect of channel storage in reducing and broadening flood peaks but gives a reasonable picture of the hydrograph that night he produced by a store like that of 1929 if it were to occur over the Hiwassee River basin in the position assuled. W The crest discharge of the eaxinue flood hydrograph has been estieated at 188,000 cfs free a study of the naxiwue rates of runoff observed on streans'haying similar flood producing characteristics, but it reeains to estimate the volume and duration of this flood and to sketch a hydrograph having a reasonable shape. The hydrograph coeputed by the rational nethod for the storm of larch 22-23, 1929, transposed to the area above Hiwassee Dan Site nay have its crest discharge reduced by channel storage to the 188,000 cfs previously detereined without change in duration or total flood voluee. 77 The resulting hydrogreph eppoere generally similar in duration and ahape to many of the unit graphs ooeputod for the Hieaaaee River at Reliance. This hydrograph, therefore, has a crest discharge determined from maximu- fleode which have occurred over eieilar drainage areas on other rivers in eastern United statee, e duration equal to that produced by tranc- poeing the 1929 ltorl avor the drainage area and a shape similar to the unit graphe at Reliance and the coeputed hydrograph of the 1929 store transpoeed, and eo represents a reasonable estimate of the maxi-u: flood. 78 mgggflggzon 01" DESIGN 21,922 m In discussing the methods commonly used to estimate necessary spillsay capacity, the problelsas divided into four parts: Detersination of (l) sainUI flood hydrograph, (2) project flood, (5) design flood, and (4) planning the spillsay. The various methods commonly employed in estimating the dis- charge hydrograph of the maxi-us flood reasonably to be expected at the site under the conditions existing prior to construction of the project or any other eater control project within the contributing drainage area sore reviesed in a general say and then illustrated by reference to the Tennessee River at Chattanooga and the Hissssee River at the Hisaseee Den Bite, the first representing a drainage area of 21,400 square miles, shile the second represents less than 1000 square miles. The "project flood" differs from the "maximum flood' in that it is the greatest flood reasonably to be eXpected at the site under the conditions existing prior to construction of the project and thus in— cludes the effect of any upstream regulation, while the maximum flood is based on natural conditions Iithout any upstream regulation. The project flood say be determined from the maxinun flood by computing the effect of upstream storage, or it say be the result of a store centering over the uncontrolled drainage area between the upstream projects and the point under study. Both possibilities must be investigated. The rational method of estimating runoff frOm rainfall say be used with hydrographs computed at each of the upstream projects and these routed through the various reservoirs and finally down the river channels to the site being studied. 79 the 'delign flood' results free routing the project flood through the preposed reservoir, consideration being given to the effects of natural and controlled storagee within the reservoir upon the original flood hydrograph. Binoe the natural channel storage existing within the length of river covered by the reservoir is displaced by the reservoir storage, the effect of this natural storage oust be taken out of the bydrozraph of the project flood or it will be considered twice in the routing ooeputaticns. This requires another routing under natural channel conditions to detarsine the hydrogreph produced by the project flood at the upper end of the reservoir under the natural channel condi- tions existing prior to construction of the project. In case the next upstreas project is immediately above the proposed project, its outflow hydrogrsph will be the required inflow hydrograph, and in cans the natural channel storage is snail, the project flood say be taken as the infloe hydrograph rithout serious error. the hydrograph of the local inflow which is discharged directly into the reservoir is to be added to the inflow hydrocrsph to obtain the total inflow. This hydrograph is then equal in voluse to that of the project flood but has a shorter duration and higher crest discharge since the flattening effect of the displaced channel storage has been elininated. It is this total inflow hydrogrsph which oust be routed through the reservoir to obtain the design flood. In routing the total inflow hydrozraph through the reservoir to obtain the design flood, the scat severe conditions that eight be reasonably expected are assused to exist. The project flood is generally seas-ed to occur sith the reservoir at the highest level at which it can be saintained eith all the gates closed. The gates reeain closed until the store has struck and then are opened, at first only sufficiently to hold the pool elevation constant by asking outflow equal to inflow 80 and then fully as the seriousness of the flood becomes apparent, in order to lower the pool and provide additional capacity for storing at the time of the flood crest. Sons allowance should be made, however, for difficulty end delay in gate operations. It is often assumed that the power plant is closed down so that no flow is discharged through the turbines and that several, or all, of the sluices have become clogged with debris or the gates stuck so that they cannot assist in discharging the flood esters. If there are e large nunber of gates to be opened, it may also be reasonable to assume that some of these gates are jammed with debris and cdnnot be Operated. I The routing procedure generally followed in determining the effect of s reservoir upon s flood or in computing the design flood free the total inflow hydrograph is s step process using inflows at equal intervals of tins and ccnputing outflows at similar intervals, the difference between inflow and outflow over the ties interval considered being equal to change in reservoir storage. If inflows at the beginning and end of s tine interval 't' are denoted by '11” and '12' with 'Qll end '02. representing the corresponding rates of outflow, and '81“ end '82. representing the reservoir storeges, the equality'msy be written: W-(Q1/Qz)t-82-sl 2 ...__..___......... 2 If the tine interval is taken es 24 hours and the flows expressed in cubic feet per second, the terms expressing everage inflow and sversge outflow will be in day-second-feet, or since the flows are divided by 2, each tern represents acre feet. If the storages are also expressed in sore feet, the equality reduces to 11‘/ 12 - Q1 - Q2 = 82 - d1. ' In the routing process, the inflows are always known while the storage and outflow at the beginning of each tine interval are obtained from the 81 omtotiono for tho prooooding intorwol, ond thooo waluoo oro “and for tho bocinnin. of tho firot intornl—thot in, tho gotoo oro umlly Wehoodoothotthoroilnooutflowotthoboginnin‘oftho flood poriod, ond tho pool io oonoidorod at tho top of tho gatoo to fix tho otorogo. magmammmymM-mmoqmuty. lhon thooo unknom oro tronopoood to tho right oido of tho oquotion, thou-o roonltoc 11/121181-013Q2/82. tho otorogoo horo omidorod not ho tho totol mount of “tort-porcih'ota'odhthorooorwirot thoinotontoftiooboin; moidorod. an o largo riwor whoro tho rooorvoir io loos, tho olopoo my not, ond tho flow through tho rooorwoir rolotiwoly lorgo, tho otorocouodinthoooloulotiono emotbothotmdorolowolwotor mfooo but not ho thot ondor o hookwotor our" for tho hoodwotor ond flow oooditiooo oxiotiog ot tho tioo. In tho oooo of o tributory proJoot, tho otoopor olopo ond lulla- flow prodnoo o ooollor nomt of bookwotoromoohortordiotouoondthononlyinthoupporondoftho roomoir whoa-o tho pool ooworo tho rim ohohnol only, thuo roaming hookntor otorozo to on ooount which con gonorolly ho moglootod. If bookwotor otorogo oon bo noglootod, both outflow ond otorogo hooooo o function of dioohorgo whoa tho opillwoy xotoo oro oponod, ond tho right hood oido of tho oqootion, or tho 'outflow-otorago footor,‘ no: ho plottod ogoinot hoodwotor olovotion or ogoinot oithor outflow or otorogo. Such a :ourwo ooobloo both outflow and otoroco to ho rood dirootly oftor 'thoir no hoo boon mm by «an. togothor tho hon quontitioo on tho loft oido of tho oquotion. Mo givoo o diroot solution of tho otorogo oquotion ond ponito outflowo to ho ooopotod by oooooooiwo otopo without tho out-ond-try ooopntotiono that would othorwioo 82 ho noooooory to bolonoo tho difforonoo hotwoon inflow ond outflow oaoinot ohonco in otorogo. Ifhoohwotorotoruoiotoolorgotoboooclootod.nuorono booklotor mo not to o-putod for miono hoodwotoo' olovotiono ond woriouo inflowo o‘ ontflowo. ltorogo thou boooooo o function of tho throo mun-u hoodwotor olowotion, inflow, and outflow. If tho rooorwoir‘ io not too long, boohwotor otorogo will ho dopondont lorgoly upon hoodwotor olowotion on! inflow, ond tho offoot of outflow no: ho noclootod, thoroby olioinotinx ono of tho voriohloo ond ponitting ontflow-otorozo to ho plottod. ogoinot outflow in o fooily of onrm, oooh mo rmooutin: o difforont inflow. 'lhio ogoin 31on o diroot oolntiou of tho oqnotion of otorogo ond poroito outflowo to ho oooputod in onoooooiwo otopo. lfontflowoonnotbonoclootodinooopntingboohwotor otoroco. tho prohla boooooo ono of plotting four woriobloo, ond odditionol fuilioo of onrwoo out ho proporod. In tho oooo of wory long rooorwoiro, otoo-ogoo booooo dopondont upon flowo and olowotiono ot voriono pointo olong tho longth of tho rooorwoir ond o out-onddtry prooooo out ho rooowtod to in orriwinc ot ohongooin otoo'ogo. Tho otoroco oqnotionooybohondlodbyoonyothoroomodo in rootinxfloodothroughorooomir,hntthooothodoorobooioollytho oolo old tho rooolto xonorolly idontiool. mmmmmmbyapwmmmsmm to tho rooorwoir nndor tho ooot oowoo-o condition to ho moon-bl: W boo boon torIod tho 'dooign flood.“ If tho olovotion to which tho pool riooo in thooo oooputotiono mood- thot prowiouoly fixod u tho hixhoot ollowohlo pool olowotion, tho dioonoiono of tho opillwoy BB nothinoroooodbyoithorloworingtho orootor inoroooing ito lonzth. low rooting olrwoo not ho proporod for tho oodifiod opillwoy, ond tho prooooo loot bo ropootod until tho ooot ootiofootory and ooonooiool oolhinotion of opillwoy noun ond goto oioo io found whioh will oofoly pooo tho dooiu flood. Forthor opillwoy invootigotiono onot ho oodo in tho fourth otopofthopoooooifthorooorwoiriotohoooodforfloodoontrol ood tho otorogo oopooity io not onffioiontly groot to rotoin tho ntiro flowofo oinclogrootfloodwiththohoodwotorot thohoginninzoftho flood ot tho olowotioo ot which tho projoot will nor-oily ho oporotod during tho flood ooooon. ‘ WW tho W Of mm flood ,roooonoflly,to,bo 'OIPOGtfid ot tho Iliwooooo no: lito hoo boon dooidod nomad it'rohoino to dotoooioo tho projoot flood and tho dooia flood boforo tinny fixing tho odoo of tho opdllwoy. Atthoproooottioothorooroooworolhydro—olootrio dmlopontowithinthodroinogoorooohowotholiwooooonooaito, but thooo dowolopoooto oro oll oooll ond thoir otorogo oopooitioo nogligihlo widow flood condition. Shooo would, thoroforo, howo littlo offoot upon tho Ion-m flood hydropoph ot liwooooo D on alto, ond tho projoot floodio idontioolwiththoooxiouoflood. rhonotnrolohonnoloftholiwoooooliwor ioworynorrowond otoopwithprootioollyoofloodploinolongogrootportiooofito 1““. Manual: in tho mtoinono notion of tho wolloy whoro tho rim pooooo through o. oorioo of ridgoo. 'fhio io oquolly trno of tho portiooofthoriworwhiohwillhofloododhythopropooodfliwooooonoo 84 oothotthomtofohonnolotorozowhiohwinbodioplooodbytho noorvoir io vory loll. If only flot pool otorogo io oonoidorod in tho flood routing oooputotiono, tho noglootod otorogo inorooonto hotwoon flotpoolondthohookwotoroorwooproduoodbythoflowoooyhooonoidorod to offoot tho inorooonto of dioploood ohmol otorogo and tho inflow hydrou-oph will ho tho oooo oo tho hydrogroph of tho proJoot flood. It io propoood thot flood flowo ot niwooooo Do- to pooood hyoopillwoyhowinxooloorln‘thofzwfootondhyfour oluiooo howing o totol oopooity of ohout 20,000 ofo Nor norool hoods. tho opillwoy oroot io propoood to ho ot olowotion 1508.8 ond tho top of gotoo ot olovotion 1526.5, tho pool boing hold .1th holow tho top of thontooduringthoouooorooooonbutouohlowordurinxthowintor floodooooon. fhopoololowotionionottooxooodlminordorto prowont uooooiwo upotrooo dougo. fhooo opillwoy dioonoiono provido o dioohorgo oopooity of 130,000 ofo, or o total oopooity for opillwoy old oluiooo of ohout 150,000 ofo. Aooriooofroutingourwooworowoporodforthoooondothor propoood opillwoy ond oluioo ooobinotiono, ond tho projoot flood woo routod through tho rooorvoir Indor woriouo ooouood oonditiono to dotor- oino tho noxiou- dioohorgo ond tho pool olowotion rooohod by tho dooign flood. looplo routing oorwoo oro shown on Inhibit 80 for o throo-hour tioo intornl. i lonxor timo intorwol would not furnioh ouffioiont pointo to dofino tho dooign flood hydrogroph with ouffioiont ooourooy. In thio ding-on, tho ohoioooo roprooonto rooorwoir outflow in tono of moo doy-oooond-foot por 5-hour poriod of tioo, whilo tho ordinotoo oro outflow-otorogo footor, or tho on. of outflow and otorogo. in odditionol our" in oddod to ohow tho rolotion of otorogo to rooorwoir olowotion. iopo-owiouolydioouoood, thoooxionfloodio oonoidorodto 85 rooultfruowintorotornofthooyolmwpo,ondthorooorwoirio tohoholdotorothorlowolowotionduringthowintorooooontoprowido otoroeo oopooity for oootrolling floodo of thin typo. If tho oluioo 'goltoooroollooounodtoboolooodorthooluioooolowd'flhdibflls finish on 1510 (8.! foot ohowo tho top of tho opillwoy) ot tho tino of ‘. , ‘ f i y I ooourronoo of tho projoot flood ond otill onoblo tho opillwoy to pooo fl ,1 I rioutin oonpntotiono indiooto thot tho rooorwoir olowotion night ho oo ' ' thio flood without onooodinz tho noxinu poo-niooihlo olowotion of 1582. ainoo it io propoood to drow tho pool down to on olovotion of about 1415 by tho hozinning of tho flood ooooon, tho otoruo hotwoon thio olowotion ond olovotion 1510 noy ho oonoidorod oo o footor of oofoty. If tho projoot flood ohould ooour (duo to oouo pooulior ond unforooon ooohinotion of oirounotonooo) with tho pool at tho highoot olowotion ot which it oon ho nointoinod, olowotion 1520, routing oooputotiono ohow that by oponing oll opillwoy ond oluioo cotoo thio flood could ho oofoly pooood with o dioohargo not oxoooding 130,000 ofo ond o hoodIotor olovotim not mooding 1580.6. lith o roooonobly rolioblo forooooting oyoton, tho opillwoy gotoo night ho oporotod to roduoo thio oroot dioohorgo oooowhot, by holding tho outflow to 110,000 ofo without ollowin; tho rooorwoir to rioo obowo olowotion 1532. Q m propoood opillwoy hoo boon found to ho ouffioiontly lor‘go to pone tho dioohorgoo rooulting fron tho projoot flood, but nony ,Mtionol otudioo not to nodo in oonnootion with port 4 of tho invootigotion: running tho opillwoy. fhooo studioo nuot noko oortoin . thot tho propoood opillwoy ond oluiooo oro tho propor oonhinotion to provido tho pootoot poooiblo flood oontrol bonofito (ot roooonoblo ' out) fron tho ovoilohlo otorogo oopooity of tho rooorwoir. rho oon— binotion of olniooo ond opillwoy not ponit tho rooorwoir to to drown 00 doonropidlyuponthoopprooohofoaonorolfloodoworthodroinago oroo ohowo tho pointo to ho protootod ond botwoon twin floodo that night occur in quick ouoooooion. Buoh otudioo prooont nony now prohlono in tho ohoioo of twin floodo, tho poooihlo opooing of thooo floodo, ond tho mood ooh-on of tho flood control oporotion of thio rooorwoir ond othor roomoiro in tho oyoton for tho flood control honofito to loool orou and to tho Ohio and liooiooippi limo. Ouch prohlono oro hoyond tho ooopo of thio dioouooion. B7 tho nothodo ouonly uood in ootinoting tho noxinun flood dioohorgoforwhioh tho opillwoyofowotor control otruoturo nuotho dooignod nod tho oppliootion of thooo nothodo to pointo within tho fonnoooooliworbooinoorwotoduonotroto thodongorofohootyond iuonploto inwootigotion of out: o prohlon ond point out tho nood for odditionol hydrologio doto ond inprovod nothodo of onolyning ouch doto. hginooro mogod in hydroulio invootigotiono oro gaorolly opprooiotivo of tho innonoo onoxmt of donogo thot oon rooult fron wotor whiohhooohoowoyfroothooontroloudorwhiohithooboonplooodond ogroothotonroooonohloproooutiononootboonoroioodtoprowontoah no mo. tho prooont doy tondonoy tooordo tho motruotion of rooorwiro of oll oiooo on o noono of orooting Jobo for tho unonployod, howowow, in opt to rooult in hooty phoning of thooo otruotm-oo in on ottupt to prowido i-odioto .ploynont ond in tho «who. of dooigning aginooro on tho booio of politiool affiliation rothor thou utility ond oxporiouoo. rho otodioo and dioouooiono horo poooontod Wto that noooooory opillooy oopooity oonnot ho proporly ootinotod fron o oinglo nothod of otudy nor from tho oppliootion of hondhook oquotiono but out rooult froo tho oxporiooood Judgnont of o ooopotont nginoorwhohoonodoothoroughotudyofthohydrologioolondutoorologiool ohorootoriotioo of tho portioulor droinogo booin. loinfollondotroonflowrooordoorothofnndooontoldotoof thohydroulioionongogodinwotoroontrol otudioo, ondolthoughthonood for o grootor quontity ond hottor quolity of thooo doto howo boon W by now inwootigotoro, it oon boor ropotition. Iony odditionol roin gogoo woo-o inotollod by tho fonnooooo Volloy Authority throughout tho 88 Tonnoooeo River basin as tho existing gages were too widely separated to provide a true picture of store rainfall, particularly in a nountain- ouo area where elevation and exposure influence rainfall to a high degree. In a siniler way, our knowledge of stern rainfall inoother drainage basins nay be increased by tho installation of additional gages in those areas where gages are scarce, particularly if tho topography is such as to produce a considerable variation in rainfall over short distances. intonatio rain gages are particularly useful as they may be installed in isolated areas with only occasional inspections. in accurate record of rainfall intensities over short periods can thus be obtained as well as tho tines of beginning and ending of rainfall periods. lany additional recording streen gages have boon installed by the U. 8. Geological Survey in recent years, and an ever greater nunber would be.useful. It is inportant, however, that each gage instal- lation be so arranged that stages will be recorded by the gage over the conplote range in water surface elevation that nay be reasonably expected. It in oonetinoo impractical to build the float well of a recording gage of sufficient height to allow the gage to record the naxinun flood to be expected, but every effort should be made towards this result. Stroan gages are generally only a means to an end, the results sought being a record of strean discharge. Accordingly, each gage should be rated as accurately as possible and daily discharge neasuronenta (oftsner on flashy streams) made during the passage of a great flood. It is often very difficult to make an accurate discharge neasurenent during a flood, as the cableway or bridge from which the noaouronento are node may be isolated by the high water, the river filled with floating debris which is apt to damage or carry away the 89 current netor, and the weather cold and disagreeable. An accurate knowledge of flood discharges, however, is of prime importance in any flood control investigations, and the actual measurement of these dis- charges must be accomplished regardless of the difficulties. The U. 8. Geological Survey is to be particularly commended for the mass of rainfall and streamflow information which it has collect- ed and published on the floods of 1956 in northeastern United States and the flood of 1957 on the Ohio and Hississippi Rivers. This practice should be continued, even though a glance at the volumes of figures elresdy collected nay suggest that such a great mass of information has been accumulated that more is unnecessary. Inprcvod methods of analysing rainfall and streamflow data are continually being developed. It is well that these be given circa, lotion among engineers to ascertain the advantages and weaknesses of _ each. The theories of air mass analysis as developed by Norwegian notoorologists appear to be a scene of determining the validity of stern transpositions as well as indicating the maximum amount of rainfall that might be expected over an area. The unit graph method of estimating runoff from rainfall presents possibilities for determining crest dis- charge as well as shape of the maximum flood hydrograph. hethods of routing floods through reservoirs and down natural channels to obtain the effect of changes in surface slepes and storagea is subject to a great deal of improvement and simplification. The determination of runoff coefficients from a knowledge of preceding weather conditions and ground water elevations presents interesting possibilities; but these are only a few of the many phases of the determination of necessary spillway capacity in which the existing methods of analyzing the basic data are being improved and new methods originated. 9O SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Creager, Hillia- P. Possible and Probable Future Floods, Civil Engineering, loveeber, 1959 Creager and Justin. Hydro-Electric Handbook, 1927 Fettis, C. R. The Probable lOO—Iear Flood, November, 1952 Cher-an, L. I. Streaaflow froa Rainfall by Unit Graph Method, Enginuring News-Record, April 7, 1952 71st Congress, 2nd Session. House Docuaent No. 528, Tennessee River and Tributaries 76th Congress, lst Session. House Document lo. 91, The Chattanooga Flood control Problee. Tennessee Valley Authority. The Iliwassee Fro: eat on the licensee River , February, 19 59 m, mm ,e, 1'“ la Honk, 0.1...“ He utm‘., ”1.1 'e ”we Certain Flood Froblees in the Tennessee Valley, lay 26, 1958 United States Geological survey. Floods in the United States, tater supply Paper 771 United states Geological Survey. Rainfall and Runoff in the United states, later amply Paper 772 lational Resources Coaaittee. Low Dans, 1988 lie-i Conservancy District. Store Rainfall of Eastern United States, Technical Reports, Fart V, 1917 lie-i Conservancy District. Hydraulics of the liaai Flood Control Project, Technical Reports, Fart '11, 1920 91 W The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge the suggestions and constructive criticises of Ir. J. H. Kimball, Principal Hydraulic miner with the Tennessee Valley Authority; the courtesy of the Tennessee Valley Authority in per-itting the use of unpublished data free their files; and the assistance of Ira. lylie Bow-aster in editing this thesis. E TU'§_KY IRGINIA 9's" "5931 if ”3;“ fi‘ 06 ~ Iv i .cfid u. " at 9 ’ ' ’ Rh .0 \\ _ . raéii9$anfiia= » new \. ~ WM’ 6573' Y3 ’14 LEGEND _ ----- — Slate lines Tennessee River Basin ----------- Intermediate drainage areas NOTE: The IOOO-foot contours shown were traced from the topographic quadrangle: of the area prepared by the U. S.Geoloqics| Survey about I900, on a scale of |=I25.000. New quadrangle sheets are under preparation for this some area but are not available at this time. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP UPPER TENNESSEE RIVER BASIN ‘ 7 I J -j "T- I 1 r’ I T FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS :Ml” “unseen vausv amoerrv . I CITE. courses ”I: ”PM" i files... - “I. h--- ... ................ g“, .“’ - pploIflxsgn I .mo.-._-----~“oo“m E5 . Tracy City Chattanooga Dunlap . McMinnvllle Rock Island Sparta Erasmus Decatur Charleston . Parksville . Reaace . Ramhurst Copperhlll i4. Blue Ridge l6. Diamond l6. Dahlonega l7. Murphy l6. Etowah I9. Taillco Plains 20. Rockwood 2i. Crossvllie 2?. Harrlmen 3wps99eyw— 5:3: NOTE: The isohyetals shown represent the average annual rainfall for the period I904 to I933. incl- usive, and are based on the actual and computed 30-year values for the stations listed. RAINFALL STATIONS . Kingston 45. Newport . Loudon 46. Waynesvllle . Mc Shae 47. Breverd Andrews 46. Caesars Head . Clayton 49. Liberty . Waihslla 50. Landrum . Rock House 5i. Tryon . Highlands 5?. Hendersonvilla Culiowhae 53. Chimney Rock Bryson 64. Montreat Elkmont 55. Ashevllle . Gatlinburg 56. Mt. Mitchell . Maryville 57. Marshall . Sevlerville 56. Hot Springs . Knoxville 59. Birds Bridge Clinton 60. Sraanevllla . New River 6|. Rogersviila . Mlddlesboro 62. Spears Ferry . Tazeweil 61 Klnqaport . Sprinqdeia 64 Mendota Jefferson City 65. Bristol . Dandridga 66. Bluff City 67. Johnson City 66 Elizabethton 69. Banners Elk 7Q Altspass 7I. Linvilla Falls 72. Gorge 73. Marlon,N.C. 74. Morganton 75 Lenoir 76. Caroleen 17. Jefferson 76. Mountain City 79. Parker 66 Dante 6|. Saltvllle 62. Marion. Va. 66. Wythevllla 64 Burke’s Garden 65. Bluaf‘leld Scale 20 0 20 40 Niles MEAN ANNUAL RAINFALL UPPER TENN RIVER BASIN FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS TfllNlOBtl VALLIY AUTHORITY Juana com RANDOM eel-amen . -é'fmm TENN“ RIVER GAGES AT AND NEAR CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE v 8a. Ill. (I. ”011““! crennsl and Cmtrol Accuracy (3) m (6) (a) A" m llateblishsdmw 0.8.” W turned lo dllcm neeurs- 6. s1 can ever to signal Service lions - n “m“ . 0.8 “mt ) 3. ll 1“ 1913 52.9%.,- in m of U. 8 Baden “:1?” P‘" d1 ”40° 1676 w s‘am mfjo '0'” an. as 1902-1913 1891 ”up: ' m "m until - . in cilr f neersmdrssetin “maroon. polls .‘L‘....“"".Za'“t.l’°l§“ .. ...., vs c schar aeasur 31-“ tiabsr on cliff of left "m 9'- “ 1903-1913 1891- Mpln chem ot'u‘gfu bank. Heatinr m. 81, m Vertical brass scale None 8-. as I“ 1913 lot reliable. Projectim bass bolted to Pier. of pier influ-lces accuracy. Construction of tiles hr Dc (:5 ailes Bed exposed of loose send rock,and gravel. Autmtic recordim dmtreen began in hair constant. sun” ""38 CW". Ml rs- sscflfiu 0" ’W I" U322, 21 m gage imtallsd. The 1905. in 1 lo rudro- a: t bank is high ‘1'“ "final” “mm“ “Hm ‘ ' of 1% is consi- aph coaperisans in- overflows M 1911 "NO-‘10 3880 “fill.” Mint 3" at "c023 erad standard. icets no backwater flood stages. tiles ‘ Mum”. "'1 "10°14 effect. 0coss No.1 Bar M is contr b‘ “"d '1‘" “W10"- ol capletsd in 1911. after Oct.&,1913. Flow during low u 3 3.. an..." read .9...” Welsh. U. 8. Heather mrseu stones regulated to (revel am Rock used tn” in, h. a.” 6. 17 "all? 3'32. a: established in sale eitentrtu the about ale—mu sills“1 discrirgeuug‘isgroirggdpug? 1916 . operet on 0 power baloe . Pa ' a”: punt “ an“ a" see- r-naot. lienea by State Geologist in he [T1 mlletin 36. is in 2°ie . . Results cmaidered ood alt a?“ saw: an No.1 is 1684 1 an error in esti-stes'forw- 1.1916 um”"'.o‘. ”u.“ 21.aoo is vertical st’a’f rose Operation of power Gimme {tactically vidual «lawman: during 10' a, Iiles above ant ' at (has in three sections plant cilanges slope gm Control is f1°"- ““1 curve “011 defined «It-W . ”I... Cant! lo. 1 33¢ gm»;- on left or water surface. m0: planlth am new“. 11 tmam ass. ooo cfs. nursferrsdto - '0'. ' tr tasenssubectto as tan-at t “til. gag-fights. «tom to Station not rated for disc cat. 1.1913 “W6 nab-a ac coo stages regulem to drum and rock shoal Wflfiu‘mm 91”” In: an. a incl 93: 33.8 3:: .11.- st's-a- "' 3- "“W WW- so. extant to open- about 000-le .11. 0mm min-t III-mom gap - a 0-) tion of power plant below gags. Per-neat. “919'" “10'“! °"‘ at Hales Ber. mggmi‘23mgh-ith n _ on pester differences used. iii No l is installed r10- duri l . l . ng lo- ' 1hr 80 6,1”! :3 I”; ”tingle 1:: 21.eoo during 1 ,ussd with stages regulated to WI {statically thlz-mtmrmoem; 8 u m i. am 9‘ 0:0. Tilta‘rocmfl'. No.2 no. extent to opera- M'gfil 1‘ noting curve for th a condition .1“. m t . . s c d n gags set to tion of power plant plant poorly defined. Records fair fa- " sens att- es lo 1 at Hales DrL 90"“ ’ other periods. . . ‘3'“) emu-01 for ”0.1.2 Slope -tM used except during est 1 a. no.3 on laser .0 0‘91 lo.3 is a Bristol '1" duw“ 1°“ ‘9‘ t " “'1“ 3”“ mm m' 3'”. ' "" a raw... mi we a. . 1...... :mmt‘m "-0 5:3”? r"... “am-Wm .. ‘°' “°' . . s a Bristol " 3 5 J.” .0. located on l a hour recorder. tion of poser plant gravel shoal ona- $31313”?ng but _ permanent. No.4. “Deco magma m. m u... om... Mu recorder gags” gggglgym ‘0 ”:1? "3 mm "133 3"” in M We c of ex opere- Sens as 92 - 923. sc c ’3.“ W tar mt 23,1924. tion of m:- plant 1 1 1 Power Cm since they were 3M4 “mun“- lo.4 bolted tow (legs a .4 changed “0" “WW! 10" ”can” ”gnarl on 3%. Un- mrleyoas-hm neg-oer' "- :‘mlgeo to C°2§$°mtmgtu 1236.3 ~.u'w m ”0'. mm in . comm 11'“! n 0”r‘- form [V "to” w 8. u Jmeto 309‘. m1. ear pan-er Ml... stilling well. 3°“ °‘ 9°": 91"“ Dan, 22 miles below. ‘0 ° "‘ 7’ 21 coo (See Coll-l 7) 3.. CO1 a :2“ W... ' °‘ m 7 s of var at a.“ (8-0 sects-sen ' I I (3“ “1‘" '7) will: maxi-ugh Sam 3 cwton; eaaaee cm - “ho med. IOJ Gags No. 1 staff cage to River at lseton. u ‘ Maggi-ital 21 400 that Moatlgfi' “tut i "'1 pmuc‘n' , e au out c pennant. Control is m. 1.1“ stetiJassof no. :3 0:“ gagggrgr inwtia— a? “I“;ggllmm to col-pound. Channel M curves used; one a slope- .S 1‘ ‘0“ above “In! (21 800 inch comgatezriron “a” extent by opere- 33:1 modified by velocity-.mcurve, “ the “Punt 0 street triage) no.2 at stilling well i - “°" °‘ 9"" 91"“ c "r cm“ W ' ' cm" mm c cellar-loci: lo. 2 stalled June is, a n “t “‘1“ 3‘" 322‘me:3:2£¥°.: "11 “1mm ”com no" at lee ear $30.2 is a vertical rabid; by water '- h. cage. in s at power ham M. 1.1“ Once No. l unchemed. Santeetlah coapletsd to locations mm. ""' cage No.2 is a eeter- in 1928. Heterville so. as 1925-1926 mm S°°°° “”h'n“ “”- cmged ° summer. completed in 1%0. sated 5" “7‘” ”fl“.- osae :ust tele- titles 5‘ low regulated to t‘ m6 “11:32" 21,” Hater-stage recorder. :12: fiflhyafifr“ Control is widows l I dlllfllle- Mo e I. ate non regulated to u, ,, ,_. ml: 33?» ti: mam?"- 6 h.“ shag-but of 22.000 Hater-stage record-n power lent above guise-l is widows Reta-dd good. 30313" IN s "1. m “- acts strsal flo- aftsr June 10.1%5. ~...// anneal...“ at. 2. 00.5 o a and -n 54.3822 eeeoeaae 88.! staircases seized. Jeeves apps! aliases Pfizer—a: >345. Dunno-Ink mZO_._.<0.me>Z. Jog—.200 000.... 22“.: 0 52m mummmzzmr ag_33:_a.s...~_.s._w mooodno 20.59590 umo >02 huo mum 03¢ 42. z 3.. >3. ¢a< «(a own. 2!. ownun.nn~o_nn~n_an~n_nnmn.nn~n.nn~n.nn~n.nn~o_nn~2no~flnn~flno~ on on en em on on N 1’ «a D V’ 0' G on on 3 3. O N O M V M S I.. v 9 3 v I. «J H v I. I. v N O O 9 v . .n .S .M .9 9 v OJ 3 O n s N C 3 ngno 0 TVA daily rain gages ' TVA recording rain gages 4" TVA radio rain gages ° USWB and private daily rain gages ° USWB and private recording rain gages—'“ RAINFALL STATIONS ”/ V A. Laggno 0 Streamflow station K Y' I Recording streamflow station :1 Recording river stagestation 0 River stage station 3"“ T E N N. 3‘ f9 .. ' '2.’ TT . ix . DISTRIBUTION OF. \ RWER GAGES HYDROLOGIC STATIONS UPPER TENN. RIVER BASIN FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS g nuance! nu.“ amour!" A van. mum "PM M'.‘t"“‘”“m‘ i E i ii 52 ii i ii” 5 ii i in H H 2 :55 g hoe-0nd m III“. M. m.hl. mm.n¢. m. 111. Vine-I00. ht. It. ~cal-01.. n1. III-m.“ hue-u w. 1:1. (10:?) man. aunt-10.111. mo'm an 0. A. 5. In. a w In. 20. 1903 “up an. 16. 1937 1.610 III-- 26. 1913 ' an. 16. 1930 2.010 In. 1915 3.160 In. 26. 1913 ' 105. 27. 1936 10.570 - hr. 1913 7.80 . tr. 26. 1915 ' I». 27. 1956 0.180 hr. 1913 W In. 1913 11.000 hr. 27. 1913 ' In. 11.. 1953 12.800 Ir. 2!. 1913 ' Iv 15. 1953 15.310 Int- 198 13.100 In. 29. 1913 ' 1.0 17. 1930 08,600 In. 30. 1913 " an. 22. 1957 19.30 In. 1913 33,100 hr. 193 In I! 12. 1935 " 3-. 15. 1957 1.80 105. 21. 1956 ' h 3. 1996 as an. 1957 1.900 .7 30. 1!?! ' an. 16. 1957 awe-wavztmrr-rwm’é t ”Menu-00 mrhfiam ‘I:mh_ammwhhmm. 3 Dad-math. mmmmm-mmnmmwm “p in at. M r . Reference 20.0‘ 105.000 95-700 3.0. 100 15.00 10.000 23.00 up 025 1507 60.000 3509' ‘1’ 533 2.65 31.100 ‘ 18.60 In 025 -- 110.000 39.200 11.0. 100 2505 11W 3009' I? 025 17.85 63.100 16.9- ' _ - 135.000 29.60 3.0. 100 3209 Mm 1909' '1’ 335 350? 18.600 1009' " - 110.000 20.80 3.0. 100 3501‘ 115.000 00.80 0.0. 100 310-9 ‘. 192.000 17.90 m 838 20.19 101.000 9.20. m 023 93.0 000.000 16.00 in 003 26.5 106.” 807‘ ' - 225.000 16.00 3.0. 100 20.3 00.000 110.60 In 023 05.25 mono 0.30 - 21.65 098.000 15.000 I: 025 35019 35.000 1000‘ " .. 1.05.000 13.700 3.0. 100 . “0.000 13.300 3.0. 100 15099 0.600 2708‘ '1’ 323 M 10.700 25-30 " 22.16 22.000 11.20 up 025 21-69 19.800 1501:- ' 500‘ 9.700 III-0‘ 'P 033 ‘05 39.000 25.50 '1’ 825 80.79 17.300 1102 ' H can; r _ 3-..; ijxozx AQRWEQN .N%.imw,. N. «QEQNNES -88 .8223 .8 8:00:63 2 9.33 2 .3 >2...) 83...... 83.118... anti-3 339.5% 92 E 5:00:30 3.550 Lo... moon 32.an 0+ 28 blulrxfio 05:21.0 Jozkzou 5.5:! £501.23 >u....<> NUWMuZZu... WZO....<0_me>Z_ JOmFZOU 000.... vooC xmmu .6 8228 2.0.8 m 8.865 8: £935 och . 8.2m :3 2... 2.5.2 :38 9: 5082,. 05:6... $9: 583 355 note: 5298 c. 958% .6» BESS 8+9 woo: xmwa 23:90 3.865 EEmmB mE» . 30288 2 Emma taommi of B tmq .mmzztoc of c. 85 2.6 of 52; Eat Emma .82”. 693522 9: 2 28m _E cm 000.com. L96 235 .3865 mu...<...m OMEZD zmuFm/‘u mukoz .6 E53 . ncoacu 52 92 .58 new: .0 ES. 3:2, 2.5 mmm_._mc2.-_m >32 .6 52m . Emma 52a 052333 32 . 3-3 :82. .o 6.5.... . £an L02: ncmtmneau 952m maoto> 67.3 .52.. ucmtmnEDU mNa_.m~-~N 2822 B Ego? . Emma .52”. wwmmwccmh mate? moot? . Emma 32.. mwmmmccwh m4002>m o§°¢EJ€+Dedx m o o mtz: .V m .....v§§.\.§ :féiu IUU!.OIU dozélauTtxoToelTQoH so.“ L... . _._. N _ OOGDVMN on ov on oo oo_ com com ooV com com ooo _ TIM 3UVODS 83d 1333 GNODBS NI 398VHDSIG ooo~ ooon 08 Q mm 2_ 55:05... ooo. coo coo 03 com com oo oo 3 on om rivi¢0ua 01.83.30 02.03251. 5.7.3....qu raj.) 51.327: an)... unguZZuh .ZZu... .(OOOZ1 a?” ~ “a" 2 8838888838 0 o 0 <0 0 3% Percentage of tlae 1n yeere from “Floods in the United States“ Water Supply. Paper 771 99.9 99.99 99.9 99.99 R e Ratio to average annual flood hue to nu fleet latte to lean need can of annual floodo, temeeeee River at mttmop. 2a.. 1376-1931. at. by Blue nethoa baa annual flood = 2m,560 mend-feet 0"“ It“. 0 0 0 31‘. curve — 8 .. ”teen-lame method; renneeeee River at Chat 1 - taller fox-mu B - Inner I-thod, beat fit c - router nethoa, type 1 D - Poater nethed. type In I - aaaen nthod ------- D - Goetrioh Intact -- —'-— G - Slade lethod -—--— 50 100 500 §. 0.000 The 111wa From “Flooda in the United States" Water Supply Paper 771 . . 4 _ . . . . .. a.“ anx a. 3: N U 00“. Sex 23¢ \KQQU \xxfificbaus {mafia . (9.000% e I e I'll . ease! 3...}: I e ll. . 4 3a.»: eaeeIe-oeeu O - l , C 0%.. we: sate-e: e r l | e “V0! V iii-.09. Qua lifit bad ~§r€ f 'a 30'. .‘ veto-a. OZUQ 4 ._ \. NER \0 NBVNKMUQMO. 90 a 90 a. Go 6h. 2 9‘ h. QN HQ ‘5 “G MD \Q .8 \Q a , .1 < 44 l 11 4 A l 4 . A 4 l ,4 S“ .‘Di‘. ‘ L'-. 'OIUk o v on .n o a e. . .. a ... . . o 5 . o o u M. o . e o 4 . V . u a . o . . e wu§0.203¥.o8dug¢e .. ... .... .. . .... .. . . .. . _ 3 . . . .. . . . . . .... .. . ... . . .. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . biggttdb .. .... .. .... ... . . . ... . . .. . ... . . . . Q ’6 irizlrtfel l o f 0| ' lei] e e 1 o e 0 9 a is 0 e 9 0 l [Ill 0 . 6. +1 lit I u 0 it Q 0’ (1| tillJ‘\° ”In! & a ”W . .... .u . .. . . 4.. 4 4.. n .. . . . .o . .o .. .... . ... a a . . . . - a . . . . e . . Wufi. . . a o. . .e . .... . a. .m o a o . . _ . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 1W ”FYI‘1Lw0lFl‘Q “-0 tig'fi b V k n .* h e e n e D e D it e I a v < * i a .o M e 0 lo V C O.|.O ..l ' -l-l|lI JAN“ . ... .4: .. ...... .... . . 4 . _ . ._ . . . _ ,.. a . .. . . o... o .. .. .. . . .4 .. 4 . . . . 4 . . . . . . o . . . . . ... o . . . . v. . .< 4. . . . . . . i . . . . i . a o . e . Y... o .9 o . ve . u .o . . .. .4 4. . . . . _ . 4 H . _ . . . . . a _ . . . It- 4 F 11!. O.- Ocevltlele Qlilo e e e e a ...: o e o e e e o e .. l... 0 r1 0 9 o . I ll 0 I. 9 no If e o «i a. 0 e I I. .0 i- 0 a 1 IO f..a T e e O. a 0“ Ha e e v e o. .... fl. .. o o v o . o . . o . . a a . . . . . o . + . . e . e . 0 v v al tee e e ev... o a e. .a c . . .r “9H. . . u . . a v . . H . H . o . o . . ¢ . H u o . -01 Qvlll. ‘1. ...". ...- ... . ... o . o . . . . . a . . . . . . ..HH. ..3..1.... . ....m .33...“ 3.. , . 3 . . m . I 10' ll- 0|.» l0 .0 l o o i... e l a i i i :0 I0 I i o o v §.ia l .. l in. .l 9 - lo I '0'. [bit I ll v e e to a . . c n. o e .1 ....1T.’ . W Hfi+0el . . v W (0. . u . w . M . M 1 e . Ifl . N . e. . H . a Y.e.l ee . 0 .wt . v a . . . . o u o . . . . . . . , . . e . . . . i . . We .4.” . . m . .. . . . :. . m . . . fl . . m . . . 3 m YI‘IOJV" YIFLILIPhe 0“ lo. et...91r.'llta k ll n e on n . a w .. o. h .v u g l i n i a . n u . . . k i . u n t o i 18 e e . V F .... n a o . . o . . . . 9 . H 4 a _ . 4 + . 4 . o e . IlliI Ill; O’IAV-....-‘IiOlela“..t.¢000-1v'.ei6t O ‘0 e V O I o o a u e 6 e o a o v . l o v . O o + e o o o a i e e o o $ 0 O I o 14 'l‘ 0 I? i 3 e e O . . u. o. . o .. . .. . . o k a . . . . . . . . . . a . . . 4 . . . Il.v a-’zlvlve.i¢lll.¢.v.o i.v. . i . o a . . . . . . . . . H - . l . . . . v - ¢ 0 . o l. .|+ wit all i- k 9 l o a i .NQ . i - ee ... .. .. .... . . u . . . o e . 4 . o . . . . . . o H v a l o v o a a i 1 .Y'COPAYll’tlm e 0.1. e 670 I H. e I it l o e v n i t f o u o b a A 0. b e. ... 6. i111; *lll-|i§lll0| O'Trllllaa a 9. I i e o .. . . u o . . . . . o o e I:.v+llf{9+llvv0lzvv¥ Yliao'e.o i h h h e 9 'le 0 . . . e. . o i u .9 o i 0 fi 9 N. . m . .4 9|- e ‘ Olive. 6 H o l -Iii ‘8 Pnliwbl .oil-...iw»i.1ll-l....oh n“ 3 n . --w a . . . . a . a . 4 - - - “ - .il- (I. i. -41 l? -L. its. Till; iloni ll .9. . . . .. . . . . . . . o . 4 . . . k ,. a . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . , . . . o .. . .H. o. . . e e . . . . o a . o . t H. . . .. . 4 .. . . o . . . . . . . . .1..le [filer’ rTi' e: r O 0 V i” l b l v + 0 VI ’. 0 9. . § it ll- ’1 911! .e l ’ lily 0 a“\. om . . . e a o . u o . . . . ‘ o . a o . u . c . a o r . . . . ... . . . . . 4 . M . . . . . o n a . A A .. . . . .. . ... . . . . . . o . \‘I . . . . . a . a ...?rrarl- .-.- .-.: i-».-“h..h- .. . - . ... .15.“...3. . p- n . ...)- .. ll 7|- -«Il--o-+ r.~ JV .. . . . c . .. . . ‘. . . I ~i§Hul~ \N., . . . . . . . . 0” .e . o . .+ e , . 4 . e a . §.‘ .0 ‘0 w . . . a . u . . 5” .. .o 9 . . . . . ‘il on u C . . . . . . o . o an .o . a . .. . a O . . . . . o . a , 0"16oln. e v . u .i a‘. i o l V a e t i.. l l v ls! Flilillll‘lllllfil r! a . o . . . n . . . . . e U o . H .. . a _ a . . . U . . . . . . . . . . . . .uwp--»-..h». . . .p 3 - n - .. . . . 4.- .,-l.|..tllv. m. 1 y a u c J n I . u e I I . . . . . . . . o u w m 3 . H . u u . 3 , . n . . P O.» O i i a. e. o e l e I O 4 . v I O a a O till i“- . . ..4 . . . . . . .. . a 0 r O .Yeeeth‘Oee.. e n e v i o .v o o i i v . it A ll. 1‘ . a . . . . a. o l a. o o 7| 9, . . o v u . i . o ‘lllh J . . . . . . / a o a i c o e v + o . o . e i e 0| 0 o I Oll1~. x J . . . . o . . . . . 3 3 . .. . 3. . .74-”- ....- -- .3- line #5 i e e e 1 i ‘l l ' -1 ll? 0 IIPI" i 4 I l.’ | i I- l T‘IIOIIIIIA Q.‘ u n . o o a e O I. O f O O a I C t O O 9 A . 9 4 . o . . o v a . e < . M u . . ~ 6 a u e . . . . . . _ . . _ . . . a . . o o . . e o e v e e . ... N . . . . . e . . _ a i . . o .- ¢ 0 e e e e e e- i.» 7'0» c. ll iii 0 e u i e o O O b 0 ¢ . a it I'll ‘ *Ieli‘ ’ I'I } 1 1 . . . . . . % o . . . .v u . . o o l W. n e e e e a e - “fl . . » . . 4 o < . M . . e . o . u a . e e a e e a . . . a . _ . . ‘ . . . . o . g . t . . u o o o --.-..fwi---“ ...»...1-.-L. . Til-..“ . a . . 4 . «lllb-i ”he 4 .r -..; . i. .. H . .... . . . 4 _ 4 . o , . . . . o . . . e . e . e lo ll. 4 . a H o .. o . . o . . o I ie 0 i H e 4 Q o e rIlY Alto 'l o e 1 . M . . o .. . . 4 _ . 4 . . u . o 4 o o n O o O we a e. . . . . . . .. . . o a . . o . . . . e a . . . e e e vilelt I ’6'. e . . u a. .. l'oie. ..00 a r e 4 . o u . o o a i . i L'Ii‘l- I'lif I ll > No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . .. o . . .. . . s 4 . . o u o a e e e 0 e e e O. e «. . . .. .. 4 . o e g i o . e a e e e 0 e 6 e Y‘rhvo of. “e0lo eh ll; 06. 9. O-Nhg e e e e e t a a o a I 4 . M A i 'l. . h Plirl lr‘llArle’l all! . v e e .h e e H .v c. . . . . . . . . 4 . o . . e e . o .. . . . . . e u . e n a . a v e e e o l a: k . 4” . . . - H . 3 .. 3 . . 3 u n h . . n- . 7.00970 l e e it ii .0 O '0‘... I000¢ 0 e O V e e e C e u l e e a e 'AY'OilFlIIOI‘I- . I’ll: Olli4|1 M Mr 1 [Ml ~ .. . 4 o. .o . . . . 4 . u o . . c u . o . a a a 9 e 9 e {9911... .eOOOIAv‘O... vttlllvloo’r-l “’9 Av e. e .e l O .0 e o e e 9 a . e c a e I o 0 . lIII'IIOI‘leYav" '57 .r 4} 0 «r I“ . . 4.. 4 .. h. . h 4. . . . I . o . . . . 4 p e e o A 9 e e .v . .TIO: 090210;.Y90991 9191 Io e . e e . . . o . . o o a c o 9 l i l 0 cl illILr'OIol l t rr 1 B .H.. .. . . .. .... . .4 .. . . . , . . vi. . . -. Tl o . . . 4 *Ji...+.+ . l I %l '0. .‘I 14 } “11> +0.. 0’ ‘l 0 e 0 e 9 e 0 Oil. 0 IO! "Il .0 0"- l9 t [L1 4 11 r} t 9 in " OH fl . . .e .. . .. e n e o b . . . . o e a e e a H 1H w 0'.» +0 I vl rl. e. l 0. 'l' “w ' ‘ 0 e 9 e e e Ie r V 0 I- V .6 i -l"- ‘Ol 1 1 1 4 1 ' mm): a. a y»: ». ...» .~.. ..n» m.»» . . n .. .l n . l. . . . L. 9:? . .I » Ti W- ..4- .IHFL. 1.. O F 9. > . . . o . C O o o . t, I * it'll, ' Ev. NU§§K§Q g §qk Q‘NLiSn. ENEVQ gut. ._.+ .— ‘T” f‘ ‘f" ' —-—+——- +-e f--o 9——H~-o~ev—e——Tro—e *- ..+_ lisgag Duke's awn. S QUKV «$.00..ka o O o 6 e ' 3 efee.e .ep vie Hz-.. ...! . . .... e-‘0 e e o 4i 1 a Ozel+ll+l.. \V\ “x P... on S 90. m c. 9 0 9.. M 8 a 4 d a . J 4 c. . ... H w. W. m. . .9 .4. n ,. Q8 8.. one one. king‘s at) N0 TE .' Zones shown hereon ind/bare fime of run-off frave/ ac compufea’ from fhe sform records of Dec l932. S YMBOLS .' — " ‘ — Sfafe boundary _ Basin boundary — — — Tribufary baa/n boundary —— 24 hour zone boundary ------ 6 hour zone boundary Sale l0 0 IO 20 Milee L . I I RAT IONAL M ETHOD TIME ZONES UPPER TENN RIVER BASIN TENNIOOEE VAtLEV AUTHORITY WITCH CONTROL PLANNING DIPImINT 322 333“ ‘or o l AY l —J i :3 l t i 70 . - 4 O {MEAN OF 60 YEARS 2 L---— I. _ l x...” r Pm 60 T 1 (—d - ‘3: , “1‘9 \— ( ~ ~ 4 G. a: 4O. : r——-—-—-J T — \ ”‘4 5 »~:~=;;l;’v t 4 - lAVERAGE TEMPERATUREF ‘ l ,\ *- 3or—— l ‘ 1 L l l l N 6.0 T . i i I 7 . 80 ~ 4 «l -$ 4 I i - + l l - + 5.0 lmixnl 1 i/J‘KRA‘WM - -70 : l I . P l E LLJ f.-- __- . -.-. g 0‘5 g: 3: Q 2 E '— La. ‘5 2 D m L ~ --- " R'A‘i'Nfi’ALL AND RUNOFF 20 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC METEOROLOGY TENNESSEE RIVER BASIN ABOVE CHATTANOOGA FLOOD CONTROL lNVESTlGATIONS TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORIYY I"!!! CONTRO‘ PtANHING DU'MIYIHNV , V" “ ...QI‘IVIID I ' U. 9'0 .‘V‘W'IC4 "" wan—W» - KNOXVILLE ll-l8‘33 Ev LPPi 0 I lA|32R l I;llffi1mm--_._ l l Sale 0 0 I) m um N0. / CUMBERLAND FLA TEAU ' JUNE :9. 192: Ham 6' 33% Alto /\ w ‘55 / N0. .3 WINCHESTER SPRINGS . N0. 4 BURNS VILI. E, MISSISSIPPI JULY 6, am AUGUST 29-30. I930 W/r 0.... WM... ' ‘ “5° m 0". J ‘29:"- Sf Paul ‘W, ' A ‘ cum I" v» (”man \ / mill. V C°"¢9¢ I No.6 CEDAR CREEK NAVISJO.” NOTE: 77)::farmsshom moo/kwdfobcrypia/offm summer Mandel-sham and cloudouaf: Mo! m --' \\ \\\‘ ~'--- 4‘ A I" \ ‘;.~' \“ \\" ‘ ' \\\-\ ‘ ii 6» ,/ ,i’ like/I’Lfo oczgr eggslfnwf any sod/m of Mo 5cm 4 O 4 8 Mile: CE‘ZEZE Except as noted TYPICAL STORMS CLOUDBURST on ._ THUNDERSTORM TYPE \ - TENNESSEE VALLEY-REGION A L A. . \ L004 770” ”AP F [“0043I ”(3‘0 NTROvl‘ligvAE STlGrA'I ION 5 ram com mm WINCH? new Am HIM. ' - r mom], a-a-uhfipplnl 32262lno ' _ ru ”-00.04 7 ,__ K Y. / / f "" 7/ / / / ow; $ ’\ ‘ jewporf ”39005 .2 Ce 0’ / I ”33 l 2 m 1 Asheville 0’ NOTE: The isohyefals shown represent fhe thbes’r rainfall center resulting from The WesT 1nd38n Hurricane of July I446, I9l6. They have been , V [A W ‘11 .1 plotted from dafa published by +he uswa. «car '5 i P. :9 , 4E " ”‘5 The high eievaflons nOrfheaeT Cf Asheville re5ulfed in The inTense rainfail bemg Um— cenfra+ed in This area. Tppoqraphy of The area was carequ‘ "on- D'STRIBUT'ON OF RAINFALL ssdercd :n defermming The shape 0 These lineS. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA .7 _ STORM OF JULY l4-l6,|9|6 FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATI ONS TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORTTY *‘an (IIZNI‘IOl FLINNIN'. 0| 5'.” UI'NT xvainuu :( ‘ Ann . tau-“l I‘nupuuo ' ’ I" ’1 ...“, )g’d cod/JD 7“ M4 414,; a.“ PM KNOXWLLE FU 33-9: 63 i" ll! . ‘ ‘7 '0’.) 2n: sun: ("Injury INS? J L “I v M ILL no 0“” w m I” N u m min nc m I“ sc 5 GA LA m SEP 4-5. |9I5 JUL S-IO. |9|6 JUL I4-l7. |9I5 OCT I6-l9. |923 AUG IO-Il, l928 AUG I4-l6. I928 NOTE: The hurricane paThs shown represenT The movemenTs of The low pressure areas which accompanied The disTurbances . The maximum rainfall areas shown ropresenT The IOO-mile wide zone of maximum rainfall which resulTed from The passage of These sTorms . Basic daTa for deTermining These paThs and amas were Taken from published records of The U S WeaTher Bureau. ' Scale 200 0 400 800 Miles WEST INDIAN HURRICANE LEGEND “ LOW PRESSURE MOVEMENTS we ”mm '°‘"*°"a'°'° AND THE CORRESPONDING -——* Hurricane pa+h RAINFALL AREAS @ Rainfall-inches FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY wan. OONTROL PLANNING DEPARTIENY comm-to REOOIIINOED “ ”mm MAW (I ’x‘ U. BuilA KNOXVILLE io-A-aa] w IPP] o I IA68R: N D S D w NEE RAN ' OKLA R‘ ‘Av‘fvnv/ - TEXAS NOTE: The arrows Shown indicaTe The locaTion of The cenTer and The lengTh of The rainfall zones of The ouTsTanding sTorms which have occurred. or which if is believed may reoccur, in The viciniTy of The Tennessee River basin. DaTa for This sTudy were Taken from The publicaTions of The Miami Conser- vancy DiSTricT and OF The U.S.WeaTher Bureau. Ia cor .cf Scale 50 O ICC 200 Miles OUTSTANDING STORMS OCCURRENCE AND PATHS OF GREAT RAINFALL 7.,- mm. ' FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS ' ‘°‘ °'“‘ W" "‘"- TENNIS“: VALLEY AUTHORITY ...” "I". CONTROL 'LINNIM OCPIITn'NT ‘ “'Nn“ auammo "consume“ APP-oven "m” .‘I‘..‘..‘.'.;'*“ Tag-4a: -, 14;.-- .:Q% a...“ KNOXVILLE II -Iz-37[ STOIJ OJ OAZO RI L; —r “mun—— ‘7 ...—7 .777 77 M0 9%“ ”A fiat‘imw 9 APR I-S. I920 Wm MAR ZI-24, I929 DEC 24-3I. l932 NOTE 1 WeaTher Bureau . JAN 20-25, I937 LEGEND §3§X ' M ' ' f u S \§ § ammum rain a area 7 PaTh of low pressure area O Rainfall - inches 7‘“ ............................... m... m ..... The paThs of low pressure areas represenT Those ThaT accompanied The cyclonic disTurbances shown. The maximum rainfall areas shown represenT The IOO-mile wide zone of maximum rainfall which resulTed from The passage of These sTorms . Basic daTa for deTermining These paThs and areas were Taken from published records of The U S DEC 26-29. I926 MAR I6-I9. I936 Scale 200 0 400 800 Miles _=—===:=l CYCLONIC STORMS LOW PRESSURE MOVEMENTS AND THE CORRESPONDING RAINFALL AREAS FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS Tennessee VALLEY AUTHORITY WATER come EARNING OEPAmENT mom: lO-4-3I w PP OT IAGORO I'll 1-nn n9 _. oan_(_ 70 (".7 373-9-.. uijozz . IVQQNI 3. ._ essay . . H 33:34 ouozmusbwuhllr 35.103 03. oiv .50 005?. >02 ooEum >P.¢OIPD( >UI_I_(> UUWWUZZUP mZO_._.<0_.rmu>z_ Jomhzou OOOIE .seaeieeazaséaalsi H tom n32» 3:5 :35 3 =93. ER? .5: if. to: 522 E8... :8 “an! .. . a. xi :28 35528 25: ..taa 52! H .5. “8.5. 3.5 523 s :95. 5.2m; SEC :9... to! :83; :39... 28 O H E! , 12/ L \l/ll 7N p. I l f 4. pl. __ . _ , . - A \ /. .. 0.0. OZ< mom. Nam. .mmm. don. I) IE Ij_mmu0xu A F w 7|) .. I a. Enemfim com o oo~ 3:: 8a; 28a. :3.“ .3... no.3, 8885» ...: Les hau- nl. 5....) Etc: 2. a 2163.. .35 .5... e .28... :2 25: as: HEb: So. .07». «<1 ooEua >3;- gao ifl: 5. use 3.333 moo. ._ 22?; ><1 no.5; >02 8.5: 3:. :2 n 52-3 SE 8.5: :3; P2325230 02.224...“ JoxszU 5:; >P.¢OIPD( >UI_I._(> UMflWUZZUP mZO_.—.2_ JOKFZOU 0001.... mmm. oz< Km. .22 .06. .mS. I_._<.._z_P_¢OIPD( >MJJ(> UHWMUZZUF ”ZO.F(U—FWU>Z_ JOfiFZOU 0004:.— 52 oz< one jEzZm. 3.05 35888 Tdnuflfi W I: wanna». ' . U, 8.... 2: 8a 8w 0 2.x :3“ ...-:8 2.1.. .0: .... ... €82 .2an En: 1E8 to: 822 E65 25 .3..- ao:-> 882E.» ...: .26 53.. E coil Etc? .5 3 33:5. 1915 I! 3 3.8.3 to: 2:8: 32¢ ..Htoz c3. .o~-o_ «<1 ooEum > ( 53 t‘.‘ < U a: 0 5 TO 7-DAY STORMS 1 DAY muoo MAR I6-22.l936 3 456789I 2 3 456789I 2 3 4567 HUNDREDS 1mm: TEN THOUSANDS STORM AREA IN SQUARE MILES NOTE= The Timo-Ares-Depth curves shown represent sIorms which hove occurred over toss in sos'ern T'fiE - AREA . DEPTH CURVES sod northeastern UnIIed States. end M hose run— ffchsr ter'flc I IIsrvoI’hosedIblhpev-T - :ssoo RTter L;.s"1"hese curves Ihsl'eforo giveem EASTERN UN'TED STATES sh Indication o! Ihc rsinfoII which my my be expected to occur over this ores. Storms occurr- ing slang m. South Am“; end The (3qu of you“ FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS cows hm hm cchod-d- mm'mm DsIs for these curves hove been Isl-en from published dsts ofthe HIsmI Conservsncy District the US Westhor Buresu and fho TVA. o-al-ss w n o IA33nz _\.\\ \ \\\\\\\“. “i {cu ‘ “c1 ‘ 1!: -_- --.‘-_-.u~ - -...... m":— APP-‘2 500 500 459.000cfs 3“) 4| 000cfs 39!,000cfs 400 U __ 8 341000075 5 t5” 0:200 200 < I U 0') 5m I00 0 0 I2 U) U E 0 Lu ROM)“ RUNOFF 2 RAINFALL ’2 ..I 4 RUNOI’T D 2 D U 05 I0 IS 20 25 30 20 25 2 7 I2 I7 22 27 26 III 5 IO I5 20 25 28 5 IO I5 20 0 MAR FEB MAR MAR APR FEB MAR I867 |875 I886 I9I7 $300 300 U 298.000cf5 247.000 cfs 250.000 cfs § 2387.000 crfs -200 200 E m 3100 I00 < :1: U ‘_’3 Q 0 0 I2 (I) Lu I U E a L; '* RAINFALL RAINFALL E 5: 4 HRUNOFF RUIIOFF RAINFALL 2 D U 0 0 2530 4 9 I4 I9 2025 304 9 l4 202530 4 9 I4|52025 30 4 9 I4I924 MAR APR DEC JAN MAR APR MAR APR |920 l926-27 I929 ‘ I936 RAINFALL AND RUNOFF GRAPHS PRINCIPAL FLOODS AT CHATTANOOGA. TENN FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS TENNIIIII VALLIY AUTHORITY UATIN CONTNOL PLANNING DIPANTNINT 9mm W9 IUINImO 0 COIIINDIO AWN. "...... -------------- mum KW v °m~mmww ----- momma” II-Io-aalwrpplol IAI24no 1...).-m .31 ...Ian ’l—. 75..an 11 ' ...».iEE 3 7 €393? 7'. " ”‘7" .fitl‘. H I ...... NOTE: . .. solid isoh etal lines indicate the posmo-n nghe Ohio Raver Valley storm of March 22 27, l9l3,ss transposed over the Upper Tennedsse; River Basin In such a locatlon as to pro uc a maximum crest at Chattanooga, Tenn. th t‘ l The dashed isohyetal lines Indicate a hypod e la _ secondary storm‘sssumed to have occurre hover the basin on March 29, I9I3, In the posntion s own. The computed hydroqraph, resulting from the combined rainfall is shown on dwq.w-PP-O-IA63 Scale lo 0 I0 20 Miles TRANSPOSED POSITION UPPER TENN. RIVER BASIN STORM OF MARCH 22-27, I9l3 FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS TENNISSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY NAT... CONTROL PLANNING DCPAR‘I’HINT .UIMITTID It I APPNOVID ...-2‘ _ 'I—I xuoxanLt. 9-zo—3s w P? o IC54R __.___---e-——- __ _ T.“ ---. _. -. 700 ——~———.— , - . . . _ . -. 7, , , _.___,,+ 600 - 2 500 . ..- u U) u. . . ‘ I I u 400 . ~ . i . - was. a o , O 0 Z 3 3 o 00 ..J LL 200 I00 0 f s i Y T 1 20 2 2 24 9 MARCH NOTE: Ohio River Valley storm of March . ' 22-27, I9I3 assumed applied to the Upper Tennessee River Basin in position ESTIMATED HYDROGRAPH shown on dwg No. w-pp-o-ICS4 together ' with a one-day hypothetical secondary TENNESSEE RIVER AT storm assumed to occur two days after CHATTANOOGA TENN the above storm and in the position ' _._l__1_.L__-L_F__ shown on the same drawing. TRANSPOSED I9I3 STORM I f F 14 A 907. runoff factor was assumed and , the crest reduced to a discharge in FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS m‘I°"'I"°'f"'+""T""' cfs equal to 5000 i/ Drainage Area (sq mile). 32:5:fififimtfil’.filrfifim, ”Mm com, The drainage area above Chattanooga “Hum. . o- ~o .mom veco.D.J.f. is 2|.400 sq miles. “0&1 ' ’ ._ ._ __ cu-o.,.- __ .. ..fikflfl/ l KNOXVILLI s-so-seLvflpp OI IA63 R —_g.l_l.,..l_l-n 56 . ‘ 1"“ . 3:: T ‘L \ 'fi ‘ . . - I "G. ‘aa—gafliwa'f» Y J W? ‘ i'fl. ‘ , P ' ' . . , I‘ I \ .‘~ - . . O "‘, a '1- 1'7 \ I. s ' ' I .r‘ ‘ L " NOTE: The Isohyetel lines shown indicate the position of the Ohio River Valley storm // of Janus? I2-25, l937 as transposed over the pper Tennessee Basin in such a location as to produce a maximum crest at Chattanoogeflenn. ~ The computed hydrograph resulting from this rainfall is shown on deg. w-rr-o- IA54. - Scale l0 0 lo 20 Miles TRANSPOSED POSITION UPPER TENN. RIVER BASIN _ STORM or JANUARY I2-25. I937 ...“ ' F L023." tCiONTROL INVESTIGATIONS '1 - 8t ‘ - ...... ......0. sacrum. I: ""- 7 ”"7 - 2f ,2. « “WW~ .. - 700 ‘ i . -__-._,_4___, _E_.___._2Jj_ _ 600 A V T J ' ' —o—~——o—_+——.—__+—- -..-fl 500 CHI-9019 in , . LI. I U I o 400 WALES, _c_. O O | I Lu L9 9:“ J: 300 U 22 O 200 IOO 0 I I i T* T I T i Ii 20 22 24 26 28 JANUARY ' FEBRUARY NOTE: Ohio River Valley storm of January IZ- ESTIMATED HYDROGRAPH 25, I937 assumed applied to the Upper ' Tennessee River Basin in position shown TENNESSEE RIVER AT on dwg No. w-Pv-o-ICSB. A 90% runoff factor was assumed and CHATTANOOGA’ TENN L I I I the crest reduced to a discharge in TRANSPOSED I937 STORM 1 I 1 I 1 cfs equal to 5000 VDrainage Area (sq mile). v I .V The drainage area above Chattanooga FLOOD CONTROI; INVESTJSIYATIONS 1%?01'0 as 21,400 sq mu... .12::::.2§3.¢::I.: DWJ!” COIMID IUIII‘H’IO I CON. NDCO Imouo 'm..p.2'.fi. ”'0 n wwaemyv .XJJ‘AH- .....L 12479222110111- , I KNoxVILu: 9-29-39 WTPP]OT IA64 R . EXHIBIT 33 MASS RUNOFF+MILLION DAY-SECOND-FEET 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DAYS NOTE: The mass-duration curve for each flood was obtained by summing, in order of magnitude. the daily flows downward from the crest of the flood. Mass-duration curves for the floods of l867, l875. l886 and I9” are shown as determined from actual flows. and from the actual daily flows in each flood increased by the ratio of the maximum assumed flood crest of 730,000 cfs to the actual crest. l2 I3 I4 I5 MASS-DURATION CURVES HISTORICAL AND HYPOTHETICAL FLOODS - TENN. RIVER AT CHATTANOOGA, TENN. FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS Tlflfllllll VALLEY AUTHORITY warn com nanmno avenues-r non-mun. 42441.44 5213.13.44 Min—gt- o-za—aa [ w [RP 01 IASIR Jz“_-, _‘s- I - i ' _-_- _ F— -— 1 --.-__-.1-__ =—~ .. 800 w 7 . 4 w 4 T . I I I y [T I i I I I ’ l I l I l I #I fit I I 4 i - I L L I g I I ' I r I T— V l ' I T ”k R . I I . Nun 730.000 cfs ; . I i I ‘ I i I I 700 * T I I : f I I l I N I 1 T ‘ 7 I I / I I \ I ; I I l I J I i I I I I I I I V ' T l I Y i “ I ' : I ' I l I I I. i i l ; ' I ‘ I I ‘ 4 I I I ' I - I i -_ _-_I__ I z «n ' I ' I .._ 500 I . u / I ; o I I 1 8 I l i I T _ I I z 400 I I I .. j i I g A. < i I I 1 I I 5 300 I T ° I I I 200 41 / x\ I/ \ 0 4 2 4 6 8 I0 I2 I4 I6 I8 20 22 24 DAYS NOTE: It Is assumed that a flood of this magnitude HYDROGRAPH may"1 o+ccur taro??? the flogd season MAXIMUM ASSUMED FLOOD It ' I1 ’1 I5. ' :UbSIIIJ‘TIfafI.;Io:dOS a: :ormewt'gt 1:: magnltude TENNESSEE RIVER I 1 I "“3! ”CU" '9 I”. “ AP"_' '5' AT CHATTANOOGA TENN I r I L FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS .?:::::.£:.'A:::l.:9.rrf.:m. ' 4 a - 2 Mfim KNOX s-zo-sa w PP o ””2310 FII 911—5:an \ \ \i\mi %\ NUyOSV II. I l - kigoo 68.4 3,3-551'1441; Tennessee .. I \ ... Noam CAROLINA GEORUA 'f "—‘f "—4-- ” " GEORGIA LEGEND . Stream Gaging Shim R R mi new flood - Mammm rates “In were MAXIMUM RECD OED UN OFF RATES "a" Mm“ m " “U" a. a, DRAINAGE PEAK FLOW DATE Tenneseee'and publiohd recorde 0‘ the u 3 STATION AREA C [3. PER O “his“ 30. MILES 30. MIL! OCCURRENCS ‘7’" drairuga amend minim race-dd . IQ” h . Cherie-ha 2,!00 t! l 4 -3 '20 '9': are pelican Wemgw.‘.§3?qm .“ Bellanca l,IBO 415 "40-00 Mary», 4 l0 5“ 3 - i9 - n Nye-villa :90 “a it 7 -2! Twila IOO 755 l ‘ S ' 3 Raw 27! 359 l - 22 ' 02 Parhoville 500 20.4 7 - no -16 (ml 530 40‘ 7- lo-Ie M‘Harga 45l 29 O l - Zl - £2 Dial I75 52.5 7 - 9 ‘ 06 Bin R' t 3| 60.! 7 ‘ 9 ' U Maximum length of reord- ”para at Manly Awe, la a! recent - leper- Low rate a U‘Harg 4 due to stat-or being establvehed In My l9l‘l and therefore no record is available for ma flood- “I O 5 ”HI” Lu fl MAXIMUM RECORDED RUN-OFF 353,, m ....o. cm HIWASSEE-OCOEE RIVER BASINS ' ' ‘ SE UTHORITY 9M. ”64 PR EPA R E 0 BY‘ mg“ i ‘ TWEAhTIERE EON TEROLVAPIC lA-IENYINGADI PART Ml NT men-(J2, . gmwg% M0 - §NOXVILLE Ia-la-silslcplsl BAG 0 "x . . . 4 9.4.... . - . -. . . e - J—I . .a CH. A m. 9.. . .2 rr . r . . . O¢o> a: 2 68“. .39.. Loco-Do 36... 2.33 o coma mm; 52; . $385... . mucmzoa . . . cmwc xmtaw 2.65280 6.: of Co mama Emmmca of 2 2&0 E85 32:». or: A .33 qaam mmm; vm oMFOLconwsfiowww mOOOJ... ...O ZOEmePmE L52 one 52 .50 :2 «.2 as; 3.1 2:. mm m. n nm 2 n 3 2 mm m. m. 30. n 3 n. ammo. 8.... no N. m. cm em em 5 w. mm 9 3 m m. an: own. o~2 22 com. W g > - b h b p n b p p p h b h P n b h . Q B 3 H N- Av t s.. c . . t N- W . - 3 C C v v n 3 v o. H a .4 I c 4 .w : c. 3 z A L. °~ . 4 . 2 . 2.. 4- a a a a A.“ 2.8“". oz k I 9.8:. oz «a Na 4 TENNESSEE RIVER NOTE. '. , The isohyetais shown indicate the - position of the East Tennessee storm Of March 22-23,l929 as transposed over -the Hiwassee River Basin in such a . Scale IO 0 IO 20 mm location as to reduce maximum crests at HiwaaSee am and at mouth of Hiwassee Rfivei;i d _ - . - * The com u ed rOgraphs resulting ' from thiapramfalyar‘e Shown on dwg TRANSPOSED POSIT'ON .S'GP'°‘5A‘2- 3‘ "'P""3"AZ°- STORM OF MARCH 22-23 1929 Due to lack of satisfactory Topographic [ T Maps relief shown was prepared from HIWASSEE R'VER BASIN I I 'Aerial Mosaics with control from eem-..4..1.. M... ereeeeee eme- FL°°2.Rearmsizvséilaei'°~s no 'I . . wane comm names permit-m Olin IMO . ' . OUDIlTTID ~ Recofi‘TE—W . -- - ...-24 ____________ cum”. -W KNOJVILLE 7-5-39 INIPPIl 13 2A 90‘ Funso -lo.o'2 runs-luuu * - -__ 7 I. A -1. ———— —-— ‘vVn'j _ . ~ ——~ ‘\ . q < oe , u ‘ I O ... * ~+~—4—‘ o-.e.. ' I r 4'- 4—. ,. I v vo—H I IOOO C.F.S. IN DISCHARGE l8 24 30 36 TIME IN HOURS NOTE? - Eastern Tennessee storm of March 22-23, MAXIMUM ASSUMED FLOOD l929, assumed applied to the Hiwassee . River basin in positlon on dwg w-pp-i-322A8 HIWASSEE RIVER A 90% runoff factor was assumed and the crest reduced to discharge in ’cfs H|WA$$EE DAM N. C. equal to GOOOWrainaqe Area (sq miles). DFSIDSQC area at this DOIDI IS 977 sq miles. FLOOD CONTROL INVESTIGATIONS TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORUTY emu ruinous ovum-nu - O . l ‘ . ............... _ (‘ ----.éc/l ' Supersedes S‘GP'9'5A7” KNOXVILLE Io-io- 5 or o SAIZR ,FU l53-I0.0I l"- I - l532 5:532 Jy-e—ov ' “ e‘- fi , ».+o-+—.'l-—+—o—e ’ 1‘ ' ». v—e—‘oe o e.,._.‘_._,_._§_r_‘ >— * < . 4,. : ‘er§FP.-eeelb+«7+v~ +9L9¢0He romH—e—hq H y Y , r YT ‘fi, '500 YY ‘CO—eo»>oe»o fro—Y 4 .H.« HCfVoO—O—o&< A...._.I.e.e HveH-..~y Mme—ML H '47‘~~‘ «coveO—o—e-e >—-4— ‘09-—H—- ~~N4ooeHe kw e—erO—Hrkoin-‘too-GOV H+‘H+‘_‘ -1 -..»ov Ho+e++vo T —+-e—H t-¢-?H-'t4—v-Fr+’—r—o "« 4++.,.~. ..h ‘Hefi—M H ""H ""‘ ‘+‘ H‘? ‘T‘Ttt'twr‘f? ' “WtHVH-5‘4 v y~oHH ‘--,,,-A,.__+_‘ l—4 ‘ .4. o , o o uo—v etqu er—ee‘“ QHT—n—Tawo-T—eea‘ MfH o+e< #veHo tHY* >H.§.o—o-e—e H ’H‘*4 'tt—trH-O—fs ‘ —e—¢—OH>~>e«+—+aoe ~o~09ee—vT-+—+ veHv4—o—v4 eo»-o~e< O‘Plb? eeaoeoeo—g—e—e—i ea—eeT—eeH. eson-o He,.et.-.e4.§-4 +4—QH‘O4v—l yeeee.o—o—+—§_4 “* +>—‘—¢v—v~-9~ rr-veehv el-a xoe+.e—->e.+ -+—oe—+o-9—+—i H WW +4 ore ~++H v r1t~0H"—H‘ +1 eee e He~ .+e to». o H o oar—ve’q v o .+o-H»¢ e .eeero—e-o-ow—ef—i O—r-s H »>— +~ Q —>+++e-.—. b—o—o - ¢—. . «e e e—o—e-o—e—o .H Lee- . . L. 4 M’TW s‘O-«vev e’O‘Hoo «4 e .kTQQ-fi 'H'HVO—*‘ >e-e -- o—fv 4-1«roHe Hwy—9.4+ ‘Htrt 0 o-o‘erto—wvo—v—oo-e-gre > o—e—+ -.e>.¢—.~A.»r-e1oo~te+fi :I—Q—fl-Q—‘ahO—F H tree—tr §+oHo ‘o kg: H .44 .H .. >--<.,4.._H MH‘M‘ Wt—t—i ot—fe—Qt4-9 feeke—t—oo—l~e4»—+eof—¢— pas-4 o~e'O—H—4—eov—i—fooofvvo+1 Who—«sew ' ~04- _ ‘ Ttt—Ht-s-l t —+ Hv~o—-Yrt—O—'¢+ 44+. §.H< oe ~44—9ot—ooe—4 e-yo—T-fe “FM e ‘H‘tt . r—f ’t‘MI—T‘thtva Fe .H$¢ooe ,,, eeoeeef—e—le—i WM . e . +9 #4 'v‘O—eo A ’t—vro If‘t—ft4H—l +¢~fT+e eu—‘eTfI—eeez-efo—er‘ e. e» b-v e—ero4veo—e—T—4 I4 .420 M—e’4-Q—I—94 kt—H H e— - A A 4 I—T— ' 7 V v y V v v Y 7 THsg—freeo—e f. .44 o+eLo—e%:i:i+§vi—%Hrf t++~e ouf e04-6Iee—fre—lee—da 9 +9— Iee—eee-o—en >—' e th-oeho—t O—H-O—é—o VH‘ .,,,+ ‘ " ‘44 t-t ‘4 .3 t—H»«>—r—+ v+++ , ~< e+++++++¢ I V 9+. +$1 0» H4 —6—< *‘m ~voeoron—r moo-LTee—t—wo—é-ofi e v» Gee-ie >eeeeveHQp—4 ‘ ‘ T - _ y— t o e b—p-e—e v v 1 v 7 r r v i v >O~T+fi -+e+94~1efH—oee + «r—l‘e—l—le .4 H I 1 I IlJIII ll — -4 F... $44 9 o—e—‘eeLoo—H e 4e.- e Awe—e .4—0—1 e—e—o .H—Q e . H-‘ee—4—oeo . - QAH+ ..HA—o—ffil l A . A A - t I bffl-ore‘aee» >O— 4-4—54— Y ' _ V . Y ' A v, V 7 ¢ : ,, l A ll . L, , i . ‘ _Y 1 v v y y yy . ~¢ » H++e a e447+..o+oo—+_4>s.p—oe.ge—'e .QH.e.. ‘+‘ .AMHeye' HA, H++ >—+ W4 ‘ «4—. .-L. e+o . i t—O—o‘ v-o—o v4-- 0 rev 6 . >Oeon—Q oHe .4 < e+¢—< . t—T44—06—H69—o-o-4—ivymep—p4—‘y—ii ¢e~~o ...HoH4«¢Ho++..—L« H-e4—H H9 9 e44 Mvo ~9—c QH?—?—t— —e—-q 9+”; H'f"“ v+H>6+6i4—H4¢—1 ‘ o-o—oHfi» 94—s. e. . e— .04 . .+—ye++—e>-o eHeec—q—H 4e . .-.—h ‘4 . . e-.e.H 96H t-“§¢‘CQQO~OU*Q§+H H.~O—HOH" +0..—O—">O-—< .+'OO‘+§. oo—o—o >4f0 - v—v—c o— oo—O¢Y+ 0"0‘ vO—fikfioeo ..4‘?‘>49H909i‘+1>+—O‘+-+‘0““ oeeoeoaeoe—oeq—e—e—z—eeew o o-e— o—e—o ?o ooe—pfie—Hee-‘Hee—os e-e -. . 7e V-O—V" e o .e >V‘-T—.T‘ eeee. L ob—y—oO—Y—4 9' iy—e—oeH—fo—o—e—‘—o—lefiepee.-¢e a.4..->eveeeo—e—H—+—¢ee.e.1 O—Ht meme—H“ Wweeeeoeo1e4¢eu>veeee e—f—Q—eoo-H Hve o+ f—Q—o M. e—n-feH—e 5‘ 1%. e . e ++<>o . o v-O o+y<>:It—I—Q_Q_._.*+—i ’ e w‘rf‘r‘ H—. ...—.4 H».H—._+ e—e—pfi . . .,_§_i»—4 A. e o—o+e<»H—$+¢—e—.4 ‘ O O W. S. ELEVATION-FEET ABOVE M.S.L. ii ii i i i i i w.$.ELEVATlON-FEET ABOVE M.S.L. . . ... ve-o»-<>« k+¢ro¢~<+e .H4H—4—ie—a—eevooeea. Ho H O—H-‘ —y~4—.¢+4_¢ev. I300 1 A A l , e i—o—a . e-e 4 . H. 9 ..-—... e oe-v—ee k4. . .C... ‘49—4 v ‘44. o ..-. e o—e—e-4—o—e—,—o—e— e_e——.. ++ L. '¢+O—o‘—o~ _,,. o—eeoe—eee~o “—e-QOH‘HHQO-Oeb<--OO 4»o-eeo —o ' ‘ Y ' I’ eo-e .Hee»._¢—' kfa - A on . e .—>v—oe >—-¢—o—4 u. e e 0 HH fieo-p—o eeo—e-oeiLa—o—Jweet H e-o—e Hep—i ‘HOeO—O-O‘O o—meb—Q—e—e 5+. o . ¢4t—He‘-o—’..Ho—< g—H . ovew—o-o— oer. OQ—ofiHt—OO—vm I+¢OO~¢-e—o.fikr,‘4—egt—Q~H»¢+H.g ‘ o. e >*~<‘~~—to —>~¢¢-—4—oO+_—f— Jeéeo-AH-ce4>ew§iefo'o‘—.1 -eo—o—e—oeHe-e ‘ Y Hoo-H v». aeoveeeoo- eoeom >m¢+0~<§ H—{Atoafie >9 _ a H--O—O—~¢ Lew—re >H+++o—._H— >—+~‘-— Hey»; . .. . t . +e ~ e +oeo~¢414~4 4—0—7v~o—O.O e 4 l e .e. .e, i o— e ' 4+—+‘ . e—ee H -4- r». «eo—o—oe Mv-e +9—O—f—Q- i . ; ‘4—+ 774e. e v e- . . ~e—eeo4~+§ e—e_ 44+, HT‘ _._‘... ’14 k b, _ kt“. '260 Oeo—vaOO-f—é- i-o—o—H—eo—o—f-r >o—e—H+~¢—e— A 1 A A e A .260 2 4 6 3 5000 6000 7000 . DISC HA PACITY :QUATIONS AND ASSUMED LOSSES: ”"LLWMN .3: . g Q- 90%}, - seesaw“ ( RNbrudenell, Univ. of iowe) ‘ ”HTIIE? it? 2:“. I‘ “‘ "’ ‘ “TH“ ,. “ ”1:33; ‘H gram j ’ Where I540 ' ' w 7 ' ‘ ‘ Ct 3.80 This value determined end the com 1:17: HM ' : i ' Egg discharge checked by model teete In the e *t-O-J 4 IVA. Hydraulic Laboratory. L- Length of Crest - 224' . i , . 0' Design Heed on Crest -26.5' :WETI-‘égdfirt ' H-Actuel Heed on Crest —i T:::L“+—H+w~m , as vrwfitbfltw. - A EGULATlNG counuuT , >O-HH f—T‘ ‘7 A v - :35: flags , A Entrenoe Loos-0.05?- ) I530 H 5 Alt we. 4‘“ ‘ e e m 7%“; [We ‘f’m ”TM ~ .1 T Friction Lou-W (Manning's Formula) > bkn+4wl htAIIIlv I . "I . H’ t“. L 'I'A :7 3A 1111 . 1 8 W7 " LeeLMCeL * i. ; .. Nozzle Lou fi-9_2!;_ Wfi" 4ere—v—e- > L ' m < PhlfiWO—Hfli . H 1' ‘ U . *t, Mn. i- ’- :::3:f:j.4—4. .14. we: Whore ‘ l- A It 11 ( U :WH—Hwfiot-Tt ; L‘f¥£ T f 'I%; 1 V' VCIOC'fym P. 3 "J r ‘71 ‘:Ti:fiiz Li: frIIT Vi- Velocity et Smell End of Nozzle (Die.-7'-l0') O u. WWI i ,’4 1 sittterl n-QOIO I ”ease. tj' “A i ‘T‘Tti'lfi 5 z .520 T” 7i ;V :A ¢ {1431; L- Length ofStrelght Pipe-l80.5' I 0 agent ft? 1' e; 39.1%? D-Diemeter ofPipe-U-G' ;: :rrrr Wasp; p; ; in? ~ C.-o.sa(King-s Hendbookof' Hydrauliee,Pg56) t < :LTTT‘_IF.,1:-UA'§;* 7T metre e t a ti ‘44 ; 4: tyr11‘f 1‘ GTE: ‘ _‘ r I. Q: .1531? ‘ olid portion of tellweter retlng curve ie booed on actual gage reedinge; ; u; of Y; If ashed portion is estimated by eree-meen depth method. . ' 4 "TA' if ' :I‘Il¥ ] m. v:v:¢vIIj J V fitl Y?” 3 i; {I 7; A e e. "f I5I0 _. ~ A Lgrifjgxfi' . . DAM a4 7 egg: Leg: HYDRAULICS . "u. 'ffieeiii"* 1: is ‘ £33,? " I505 ‘7‘ e ‘ ‘3‘: VJ» , yam"... AREA. CAPACITY a. A ' “if r?" Curve. 1 1 1 1 I 1 0 20 DISCHARGE CURVES ui-l-t-I-I-‘I-I“ HIWASSEE PROJECT .-.”--- NN v u I v (Gill. MONCERINC DEMON “MITHINT mm ..---"’H‘ .I ° ’ ICCOUHCNOIO AP'IOVEO I.” - - b ................. >—--—--------—-——- IZ-iO-a‘ll s I c I 4] IOK2l4R ' Q J ‘_ ~ ‘ ' 3 'I “On” ”June; q I L! r‘t k). I‘M; ’ . Us .§,_ .... MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES I ll l l lllll Ill lllllllllll 3 1293 03196 3261