SOME COMMON SAWFL‘? LARVAE ATTACKWG CCMFERS IN NORTHEASTERN NORTH AMERICA Thesis for the Degree of M. S. MICHIGAN STATE. COLLEGE George A. Bradiey 1939 - I I_"‘,‘ L 9 f ill-Ill]! [1.1. , l . .A.‘ . .‘r: SOME COMMON SAWFLY LARVAE ATTACKING CONIFERS IN NORTHEASTERN NORTH AMERICA GE ORGE ARTHUR gummy 'l‘flb'S IS suhmitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Graduate School, Michigan State College Department of Entomology June, 1939 THEE-m ‘ - infliflflu.‘ ACKNOWLEDGMENT The writer wishes to thank {rofessor Ray Hutson and Associate Professor Miss E. I. McDaniel for guid- ance during the course of the work, and for the help and encouragement they have given at all times. Thanks are also owing to Dr. J. H. Peck of the Division of Entomology, Department of Agriculture, Can— ada, for notes on the literature of the various species, and to Dr. A. W. A. Brown, also of the Division, for data on distribution and parasites. 121512 o .‘ Elite.“ Us: lpgwdln “ 5‘. TABLE OF CONTENTS IntrOduction..................................... Ganeral Discussion ..0.000.00000000.00.00.....00.. Kby to SP80133 0.00..00.00000000.000000.00000..0.. math-Ms OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO. Description of Species: Anoplonyx laricis ...................... Diprion frutetorum ..................... ll DOIYtOM OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO u Simile Monoctenus Juniperinus ................. NGOdiprion abietis " dubiosus .................... " lecontei .................... " pinetum. ..............,..... " swainei ..................... Pikonema alaSken31s'.. “ dimmOCkii 0000.00.0000..00000.0 Pristiphora erichsonii ................. General References ............................... Plates .OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO0....OOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC ’I‘..rh III‘IJ.‘ -1- INTRODUCTION . During recent years people in steadily increasing num- here have become interested in forest insects. Part of this interest has no doubt been aroused by the published accounts of new infestations, and by statistics of the economic losses caused by the various outbreaks. It has been sustained, es— pecially in the case of those concerned with the lumber in- dustry, by the growing value of forest products, and the con- sequently greater need of providing the forest with protection from its insect enemies. Because of the ravages and spread of species recently in- troduced, sawflies have shared largely in the public interest. The need for additional information about sawflies has been felt by many laymen, but the means of satisfying this need have been found unsatisfactory to non-entomologists, because of the technical manner in which the work has been written. The object of this thesis is to make the knowledge of at least a limited group of sawfly larvae- i.e. those attacking conifers in northeastern North America- more readily avail- able by putting it in a less technical form, so that it may be of value, not only to those trained in entomology, but al- so to the numerous foresters, lumbermen, and other non-special- ists who may be interested in sawflies. The use of technical terms has therefore been cut to a minimum, everyday language being substituted wherever possible. Terms which could not be easily eliminated have been illustrated. (Fig. l). J . .N' ‘nput 'l'. - I . , ,I flinging-[Ofu‘ Ed I ‘ ‘l'....u —2— To further simplify the work, a watercolor illustra- tion was made for each Species, showing the typical color- ation. Considerable difficulty was experienced in obtain— ing the exact shades in some cases. The colors of the liv— ing larvae vary somewhat with individuals within the same species, so that the actual shade of a particular larva may differ from that of the color plate, but not enough to pre- vent identification of the species. Because individual conception of color varies so widely, it was thought advisable to have a set standard to which the various colors used in describing the larvae could be refer- red. A color dictionary* was employed for this purpose, the letters in brackets following the mention of the color and the name of the shade, where given, being taken from it. The references to the color dictionary are intended to provide a check on the colors of the illustrations, but it should not be necessary to consult the dictionary for ordinary purposes. * Maerz and Paul, g Dictionary gf_Color (New York: McGraw, 1930). ‘0 I'll! ‘ keno. It m HHKF‘I ll rill, x41: .. 3.... .lb.‘ -3- GENERAL DISCUSSION MORPHOLOGY: The morphology of sawfly larvae has been in- vestigated by various authors, notably Mac Gillivray (5) and Yuasa (6). While no attempt is made here to go into the subject as fully as they have done, it was considered advisable to discuss some of the more obvious morphological features of the larvae studied, in order to make the work more complete. The general form of the larvae in this group is cater- pillar-like, the head globose, the body long and cylindrical, tapering but slightly to the posterior. Division into head, thorax and abdomen is well marked, the posterior limit of' the thorax being between the well-developed legs of the meta- thorax and the Spiracles of the first abdominal segment. Each segment of the thorax and abdomen is divided by transverse grooves, into narrow, ring—like parts known as "annulets". The annulets are most distinct dorsally, becoming less well defined towards the ventral portion. EEAQ; The head is hard, shiny, globose. The front is some- what flattened in most species. There is a single ocellus on either side, which is situated in the center of a circular area of dark brown or black, known as an "ocularium". (Fig. 1). In species having light—colored heads, the ocularium is very con- spicuous and is frequently mistaken for the eye; in species with black heads it is visible just after a moult, before the remainder of the head has lost its creamy white appearance. ‘I‘llllnic 2!! ,y in; . PL» .(.C.§.I.’I‘ \ ~4- THORAX: (Fig. l). The three divisions of the thorax, pro-, meso-, and metapthorax, are clearly differentiated and each bears a pair of five-jointed legs, those of the prothorax being considerably smaller than the meso- and meta-thoracic pairs. The diameter of the thorax is usually greater than that of the rest of the body, and the annulets on it are gen- erally wider. ABDOMEN: The abdomen is composed of ten segments (Fig. 1), with the larvapods on either segments 8—7 and 10 or 2-8 and 10. Each larvapod is composed of two parts, a larger, basal segment attached to the body, with a narrower segment attached to it. Together they form a fleshy protuberance capable of motion and serving as a leg. SPIRACLES: There are nine spiracles; one situated above the base of the leg on the prothorax, usually larger than the rest, the remainder in a row along the side of the body just below the center, on segments 1-8, placed near the anterior margin of each segment. The body wall of the larva is often raised in larger folds around each spiracle, making these more easi- ly visible. .3 I sir-,0 input: ‘1'..." [1414! ,. a...“ -5... METHODS The colored illustrations were constructed from notes and sketches made from the living larvae. Alcohol— ic specimens were used later to check the sketches and to make more exact detail possible. No attempt was made, however, to show the exact annulation or the setal pattern. The lengths given in the descriptions are merely approxi- mate, and are intended to give some comparison between the average sizes of the various Species. They were taken from living specimens. The colors were in all cases determined from living larvae. I ....ll. 4].“ Ln} .3. o L It.» 1F hurlluIIV'Ia'. .‘Jl . . s.) “w Fifure I. 1.. at a: p. N. u. .5 .1319.» «sawedrowpeao pea «31922 acacia: flicB_.:b~ ugflaon? he... 00. "avg. 9‘ $2334.01.“ (84.x 00:91.53 02:5 in Text. Terms used in ustratc Dcag’ram 1:0 Fig. l. -7- KEY TO SPECIES A. Abdominal segments 2-8 and lO bearing larvapods. (a) (1) (2) (3) Head black, shining. Body light gray, with four rows of black spots, two along the back, two just above the spiracles ...... .................Pl. 1....Neodiprion pinetum, p. 10. Body variegated, annulets on back outlined with black, enclosed areas pearly gray or bright yellow, according to the pattern; sides of body black with numerous circular areas pearly-gray or bright yel- low. Lower portion of body, including larvapods, gray ............... Pl. II..Diprion simile, p. ll. Body dull green, with three pairs of dark green stripes: one pair on the back, wider; a pair just above the spiracles; and the third pair just below the spiracles. There is usually a narrow green stripe along the bases of the larvapods and interrupted be- tween them ........Pl.III..Neodiprion abietis,p. 12. (a.a.) Head varying in color, but not black. (1) Head yellow-brown, the front with a distinct dark brown triangular marking; the top and sides of the head without brown markings. Body with two fine closely approximated dark green stripes down the cen- ter of the back ..................................... ..................Pl. IV. Diprion frutetorum, p. 14. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) -8- Head dull brown, the front with a dark-brown triangular marking similar to that of the above species, but less distinct. Tap and sides of the head with brown markings. Body lacking the fine stripes down.the center of the back ........... ............. Pi. V. Dipriongpolytomum .. p. 15. Body yellow, four rows of black spots, two along the back, smaller; two above the spiracles, large and nearly square ............................... ............ Pl. VI. Neodiprion lecontei. p. 17. Body dull yellow with three longitudinal brown stripes, one down.the center of the back; the other two along the sides just above the spiracles .............Pl.VII. Monoctenus juniperinus.p. 19. Body yellow, the last abdominal segment with two large black spots on the top. No other markings.. ...............Pl. VIII. Neodiprion swainei. p.20. Body yellow with two sooty-black stripes, one on either side of the back and extending down over the upper portion of the side. The area above the spir- acles has either, (1) a row of large nearly square black spots, or (2) a black stripe which is wider above each spiracle than in between them ......... ...............Pl. IX. Neodiprion dubiosus. p. 21. 3.. “a r the. )5.”- Pinkie ill .. . Kara -9- A.A. Abdominal segments 2-7 and lO bearing larvapods. (a) Head black. (b) Body gray-green, without spots or stripes, uniformly darker above the spiracles than below them. Host, larch. ..........Pl. X. Pristiphora erichsonii. p. 23. (b.b.) Body with two fine, closely approximated stripes down the center of the back .......................... .....................Pikonema alaskensis (melanic). (a.a.) Head not black. (1) Head light green, a black spot above the eye and extending upwards towards the top of the head ....... 0.000..0000.Q0QP.L. XI. Pikonema dimmekiio p. 24. (2) Head light yellow-brown; body light green. Host, Larch. .........Pl. XII. Anoplonn laricis. A p. 26. (3) Head reddishpbrown; body with two fine closely approxp imated dark stripes down the center of the back. Host, Spruce ............Pl. XIII. Pikonema alaskensis. p.28. .1 El! ’i‘ anr‘yl'I.I-.II\EI;!EA‘ . . yl , . . -10- l. Neodiprion pinetum Norton (Black-headed Pine Sawfly) General Appearance: Gray with black spots. Head and thoracic legs black. Length approximately 20 mm. Plate I. Markings: Body gray near (3)(p. 63, P1. 20, B, 1). Four longitudinal rows of black Spots, two rows on the back, two above the spiracles on the sides. Spots on the back tapering posteriorly, longer than wide; Spots above the spiracles nearly square. A large black area on the upper surface of the last abdominal segment. Variations; The rows of black spots on the back are miss- ing in occasional specimens of mature larvae. Earlier lar- val stages often have black spots on the thorax only. Timg_g§.ggcurrence: Larval stage occurs in late July and August. ‘Hggt: ‘White pine. Reported also on jack pine. Distribution; Scattered points throughout range of host. Parasites: Lamachus virgihianus Mesochorus g2, Euthelaira s . gpgthimeigenia aurifrons ghorocera (noctuiformis) Synonomy; Lophyrus Norton, E. Transactions American Entomological Society. 2: 328. 1869. 1 -‘1_ Lophyrus Packard, A.S. Report U. 3. Entomolog- ical Commission. 5:759. 1890. " Dalla Torre, C.G. Catalogue Hymenop— terorum. 1:297. 1894. Neodipriog_ Rohwer, S.A. Proceedings Entomolog— ical Society of Washington. 20:87. 1818. (. Lgphyrus abboti most American authors). 2. Diprion simile Hartig (Introduced Pine Sawfly) General Appearance: Variegated, black, yellow and gray. Head black. Abdominal segments 2~8 and 10 with larvapods. Length, approximately 24 mm. Plate II. Markings: Annulets on the back outlined with black, with the enclosed areas yellow or gray. On the sides, body black with numerous nearly circular areas yellow,(3) (p. 41, P1.9, L,2) or gray. Larvapods and lower portion gray. ConSpicu— ous folds below and behind each spiracle, bright yellow. Variations: Earlier larval stages have the head black, body dull yellowishpgreen. 52332. Scots pine; mugho pine. Distribution: Scattered points in southern Ontario and United States. -12- Parasites: Monodontamerus dentipes Boh. References : Britten, W. E. Britton, W. E. and Zappa, M. P. Enslin, E. Middleton, w. 3. General Appearance: segments 2-8 and 10 III. Markiggs: Two wide Report State Entomologist, Connecticut, 15: 118. P18. VII, VIII. 1916. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion Bulletin. 203: 273-290. 1917. Die Tenthredinoidea Mitteleuropas, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. : 540-565. 1912-17. U. S. Department Agriculture Bulletin 1182, Washington, D.C. 1923. Neodiprion abietis Harris (Black-headed Fir Sawfly) Dull olive-green; head black; abdominal with larvapods; length.about 20 mm. Plate longitudinal stripes on the back, green (3) (p. 67, Pl. 22, K,2) "Lincoln green". A stripe just above and another just belowrthe spiracles, dark green (3) (p. 71, P1. 24, H, 1). A dark green stripe along the foot insertions -13- same color as the other stripes on the side. Body between stripes light green (3) (p. 67, Pl. 28,K,2). Color of larva- pods and ventral portion gray-green, (3) (p. 63,Pl. 20, B, 1). Variations: Stripe below spiracles occasionally absent; other stripes frequently lighter in color. limg‘gi Occurrence: Larval stage between May and July. figfiiz Spruce; balsam fir; white pine; jack pine; red pine. - Distribution: Ontario and Quebec, north to James Bay and as far west as Lake Winnipegosis, Manitoba. Syponomy: L0phyrus abietis Harris, T.W. Report Insects of Massachusetts. : 376, 1841. " ” Fitch, A. Noxious Insects of New York. (4) 63: 283. 1857. " " Norton, E. Transactions Amer- ican Entomological Society. 2:325. 1869. " " Riley, C.V. Annual Report In- sects of Missouri. 9: 89. 1877. " ” Packard, A.S. Insects Injuri- ous to Forest and Shade Trees. U.S. Entomological Commission Bulletin 7. 236: 265, 1881. " “ Provancher, L. Additions and Corrections Faune Hym. de Que- bec. :19, 1886. -l4- Lophyrus abietis Packard, A.S. Report U.S. Entomological Commission. 5: 757. 1890. " " Dalla Torre, C.G. Catalogue Hymenopterorum. l: 293, 1894. Neodiorion abietis Bird. 60th Report Ontario Entomological Society. :76. 1929. 4. Diprion fgptetcrum Hartig (Nursery Pine Sawfly) General Appearance: Green, body yellow with dark green stripes; head yellowish—brown; length, approximately 17 mm. Plate IV. Markings: Head with a triangular dark-brown marking on the front. Body with two longitudinal stripes down the center of the back, narrow and dark green; a broad stripe above the spiracles, and an interrupted stripe along the foot insertions also dark green. ‘flggg: Jack pine; red pine; Scots pine. SynonomY: Lophyrus (Dippion) frutetorum (Foler) Lotr. Dalla Torre, C.G. Catalogue Hymenopterorum. l: 293, 1894, Rohwer, S.A. Proceedings U.S. -15... National Museum. 39: 103, 1911. (7 = D. variegatus Hartig) 5. Diprion polztcmum Hartig (European Spruce Sawfly) General Appearance: Light green, with green and white stripes; head brown; abdominal segments 2-8 and 10 with larvapods; length approximately 21 mm. Plate V. Markings: Three pair stripes, green,(3) (p. 65,P1. 21, K, 6), two on the back, two above the spiracles, broad; two a- long the foot insertions, narrow and interrupted. Three narrow white stripes, one along the center of the back, the others above the spiracles. A narrow, irregular dark green longitudinal line just above the spiracles, and forming low- er edge of the broad stripe above the spiracles. Body below Spiracles light yellowish-green,(3) (p. 59,P1. 18, K,2). Ground color of head brown,(3) (p. 51,Pl. 14, L, 8) ”syrup brown"; a brown triangle on the front, and an inverted U- shaped brown line on each side of the head, from behind the eyes to the top of the head. Top of head irregularly flecked with darker brown; color of markings on head near (3),(p. 52, Pl. 15,0,9) "pine-cone". Variations: The white stripes are characteristic of the fourth -16— and fifth stages. In the final or fully mature stage the nar- row dark green stripe above the Spiracles is the only marking. Above this strips, in the sixth stage, the body is uniformly darker green; below it, light yellow-green. In the stages previous to the fourth and fifth, the white lines are absent, the green stripes well differentiated, the Spaces between them being light yellow—green. Egg§,p£ Occurrence: Larval stage occurs from June until late September. 'fipggz Spruce. Larvae Show a decided preference for older foliage. Diptgibution: Heaviest concentration occurs in Gaspe Penin- sula. Also in all of New Brunswick; northern Quebec from a point opposite Anticosti Island to just over the boundary in- to northern Ontario. Scattered infestations occur between Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario. Also in northeastern United States north of a line drawn from New York City to Rochester, N.Y., with the heaviest concentration in northern Maine. Parasites: Micriplectron fuscipennis Zett. (European) Bessa selecpg Spathimeigenia aurifrons Aptesis indistincta Prov. Phorocera lamaoa A & W Stygocryptus subclavatus Say. Reference; Annual Report Forest. Insect Survey, Department of Agriculture, Canada. -l7- 6. ngodiprion lecontei Fitch (Red-headed Pine Sawfly) General Appearance: Yellow with black spots; head reddish- brown; abdominal segments 2-8 and 10 with larvapods; length approximately 25 mm. Plate VI. Markingp: Four longitudinal rows of black spots, two on the back, the Spots longer than.broad and tapering posteriorly; two above the spiracles with the spots larger and nearly square. Two large black spots on the top of the last abdom- inal segment, separated by a very narrow yellow line, of the same shade as the general body color. Ground color of body near (3) (p. 41, Pl. 9, K, 3). Color of head fairly uni- form, near (3) (p. 47, P1. 12, K, 10). "Chinese Gold". Variations: Ground color of mature larvae varies from the typical bright yellow to dull grayish or greenish yellow. The spots vary from.dark, velvety-black to dull brownish black. The typical long, tapering-form of the dorsal spots may give way in some cases to small, round, dot-like spots. An addi- tional row of black spots may occur, each Spot being just a- bove and in front of the first segment of each larvapod, and in a simdlar position in regard to the meso- and meta-thoracic legs. In the earliest larval stages the rows of black spots are missing or very faint, appearing first on the thorax. The spots above the spiracles are usually first to appear. giggflgg Occurrence: Larvae occur in greatest numbers in the latter part of July and August. v18- gpfl: Red pine; Scots pine; jack pine. jprasites: Spathimeigenia Egrifrons Lamancnus lophEi " contortionis Perilggpus hyalinus (Phorocera hamata A & w Mesoleuis g2. Hmlocremus s . nxenterus‘gp. Phorocera claripennis Spathimeigenia spinigera Phorocera (near m) 32. Admontia hylotomae Coq. Masicera (near exilis)__2. Syponogy: Lophyrus lecontei Fitch, A. 'Report Noxious Insects (4) 58: 273. 1859. “ “ Norton, E. Transactions Ame erican Entomological Society. 2: 329. 1869. “ " 'Riley, C.V. ”Report Insects of Missouri. 9: 33, 1877. “ " Packard, A.S. 'Report U.S. Entomological Commission. 5: 758. 1890. u u Dalla Torre, C.G. Catalogue Hymenopterorum. 1: 295. 1894. -LQ- Neodiprio§_lecontei Rohwer, S.A. Proceedings Entomological Society of washington. 20: 84, l918. “ " Middleton, W. JOurnal of Agricultural Research. 20: 941, 1921. " “ Ross, H. H. Illinois Bi- 7 ological Monographs. (15) 2: 58, 1937. 7. .Eonoctenus jpniperinug Mac Gillivray (Juniper Sawfly) General éppearancg: Dull yellow, with brown stripes; head yellowish-brown; abdominal segments 2-8 and 10 with larvapods. Length approximately 16 mm. Plate VII. Markings: Three longitudinal brown stripes, one along the center of the back, and the other two just above each row of spiracles. Color of stripes near (3) (p. 55, P1. 16, J, 7). Ground color of body dull yellow, close to (3) (p. 51, P1. 14, I, 2). BOdy above spiracles more brownish, darker than ventral half. Head uniformly yellow-brown, near (3) (p. 49, P1. 13, L. 10). Host: Cedar; juniper. 1193 93 Qccprrence: Larval stage occurs during July and August. Distrigutiop;_ A few scattered points in Ontario, Quebec and New‘York state. ‘Referenqp: Mac Gillivray, A.D. Canadian Entomologist. 26: 328, 1894. 8. Neodiprign‘gwaingi Middleton (Swaine's Jack Pine Sawfly) General éppearancg; Yellow, without markings except for large black areas on the upper surface of the last abdominal segment; head reddish-brown; abdominal segments 2-8 and 10 with larva- pods; length approximately 20 mm. Plate VIII. Markings: Body uniform.yellow, no spots or stripes except as stated above, shade of yellow near (3) (P. 49, P1. 13, K, 1). Last abdominal segment with two large black spots, one on either side of the narrow middle area. Thoracic legs black. COlor of head close to (3) (p. bl, P1. 14, D, l2). Vgriations: Color of body varies from.bright yellow to a duller yellowish-green. Earlier stages resemble mature larvae. Host: Jack pine; red pine. -21- Distribution;' Scattered areas in Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Parasiteg: Perilggpus gyalinus (as primary) Spathimeigenia aurifrons 'References: Middleton, w. Proceedings Entomological Society of washington. 33: 171. P.Q. 1931. _ Dunn, G. W. Glst Annual Report Ontario Entomological Society 1936. 9. Neodiprion dubiosu§_Schedl. (Red-headed Jack Pine Sawfly) General_Appearance: Yellow with.wide black stripes; head reddish-brown; abdominal segments 2-8 and 10 with larvapods; length approximately 20 mm. Plate IX. Markingts Two wide stripes on the back, dull greenish-black and separated by a central area of yellow, same shade as gener- al body color (3) (p. 59, P1. 18, G, 1). TOp of last abdomin- al segment with a large nearly circular black spot. Area just above spiracles with either (1) a black stripe, slightly dark- er and enlarged above each spiracle, or (2) a row of large near- ly square black spots. Also, a narrow stripe along the foot insertions, black, and interrupted faintly between them. larvapods and lower portion dull yellow-white, near (3) (p. 61, P1. 19, C, 1). Head uniformly reddish-brown, near (3) (p. 47, P1. 12 K, 10) “Chinese Geld“. Variations: Earlier larval stages lack the black stripes and the black spot on the last abdominal segment. In later stages the black stripes along the back and on the last seg- ment are visible, but quite faint. _‘I'_i__m_e_ 3f: Occurrence: Larval stage occurs in July and August. £933: Jack pine; red pine. Distribution; A few scattered points in northern Ontario and Quebec, Muskoka, Sault Ste Marie, Orangeville, Gansnoque, and Berthierv 11 1e . Parasiteg: Spathimeigenia aurifrons Reference: Annual Report Forest. Insect Survey, Department of Agriculture, Canada. 1938. l0. Pristiphora erichsonii'Hartig (Larch Sawfly) General éppearance: Gray-green; head black; abdominal seg- ments 2-7 and lo with larvapods; length approximately 20 mun Plate X. Markings: ‘BOdy above spiracles is dull gray-green (3) (p. 85, Pl. 31, A,4) except upper part of prothorax, which is dull whitish-green; lower half of body lighter greenishewhite, near (5) (p. 6b, Pl. 21, D, 2); head solid black, shining, cov- ered with a minute network of shallow cracks. Earlier stages resemble mature larvae. Variatignsi Color of upper half of body varies from.a light greenishpgray to a very dark gray-green approaching black. gigs; _o_f; Occurrence: larval stage occurs from late May to mid- August. Apparently just one generation per year. ' [Egggz Larch Distribution: ‘ggggg selecta (native) Mesoleiug tenthredinis (introduced) 8 one : Nematus erichsonii Hartig, T. Die familien der Blattwespen und Holz- wespen. Joseephy, Berlin, 8 187, 1857. " Hagen, H.A. Canadian'Entomol— ogist. 13: 37, 1881. -24- Nematus erichsgnii Fletcher, J. Canadian unto- mologist. 16: 215, 1884. gygaeonematus_“ Konow, F. w. Deutsch‘Entomol- ogische Zeitschrift XxXIV. :247, 1890. Nematus ericheonit: Dalla Torre, C.G. Catalogue Hymenopterorum. 1: 221, 1894. Lflgaeonematus “ Marlatt, C.L. UkS. Department I of Agriculture Technical Bulle- tin. 5: 111, 1896. “ _ “ Mac Gillivray, AWD. Hymenoptera of Connecticut. :115, 1916. Pristiphora " 'Ross, H.H. Illinois Biologi- cal Monographs (15) 2: 15%. ll. Pikonema dimmockii CressOn (Green-headed Spruce Sawfly) General Appearance: Light green with white stripes; head green, shining; abdominal segments 2-7 and 10 with larvapods; length approximately 19 mm. Plate XI. markings: A wide white longitudinal stripe on the side along the center of the body. Area immediately below white stripe slightly darker than elsewhere. No other conspicuous markings -25- on the body. General body color light green, near (5) (p. 67, P1. 22, E, 9). Head shiny green, near (5) (p. 67, P1. 22, K, 4); a black marking Just above the eye, and extending up- wards towards the top of the head. The black mark above the eye is constant throughout individuals of this species, although varying somewhat in size and distinctness. The two segments of the thoracic legs close to the body are green, the other seg- ments light yellowishibrown. 2352.22'9ccurrence: Larval stage occurs from.June until early August. ‘Egggz Spruce Distribution: wherever spruce occurs, but rarely found in large numbers. Parasites: huromemnus s . Holocremnusvsp. Mesochorugpsp. Szgpnogz: Nematus dimmockii Cresson, E. T. Transactions American Entomological Society. 8: 6, 1880. “ ocreatus Harrington, W.H. Canadian.Ent- omelogist. 21 (5) : 95. Pachynematus " Marlatt, C.L. U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomological Technical Bulletin. 3: 94. Pachynematus ocreatus Mac Gillivray, A.D. Hyman- optera of Connecticut. :120, 1916. Pikonema dimmockii floss, H.H. Illinois BiOl- ogical Monographs. 15 (2) :86, 19:57. “ “Ross, H.H. Proceedings sn- tomological Society of washp ington. 40: 17, 1958. (3 mam dcreatus Hartig) l2. AnoplonE laricis Marlatt (Marlatt's Larch Sawfly) General Appearance: Light green; head brown; abdominal seg- ‘ ments 2-7 and lo with larvapods; length approximately 11 mm. Plate XII. Markings: Body with two pair of stripes, one pair on the back, the other above the spiracles. Stripes darker green than re- mainder of body, near (3) (p. 71, P1. 24, H, 10), they may be quite faint, especially those on the back. General body color light green (3) (p. 63, P1. 20, B, 7). Head yellow brown, near -27- (:5) (p.49, P1. 15, L, e) “Sumac brown“. Variations: The stripes above the spiracles may be nearly black in some cases, and are apparently darker in larvae oc- curring later inthe summer. The general body color is often decidedly blue-green. earlier larval stages resemble the ma- ture larvae. 2325_g£,00currence: The larval stage occurs from.June to July and into September. The numbers seem to decrease for a time in August. ' ‘gggg: Larch Distribution: Throughout range of host. W: A Hemichrqg Marlatt, C.L. Canadian Entomolo- gist. 28: 251, 1896. garlattia Ashmead, w. H. Canadian'Entomolo- gist. 50: 587, 1898. 'Rohwer, S.A. U. S. Department of Agriculture hntomOlogical Technical Bulletin. 20: 108, 1911. “ Mac Gillivray, A.D. HymenOptera of a Connecticut. : 105, 1916. Anoplonyé 'Ross, H.H. Illinois Biological Mon- ographs. 15 (2): 82. -28.. 13. Pikonema alaskensis‘Rohwer (Yellow-headed Spruce Sawfly) General Appearance: Yellow with green stripes; head reddish- brown, typically; abdominal segments 2-7 and 10 with larva- pods; length approximate ly 20 mm. Plate XIII. Markings: Two fine, closely approximated lines down the center of the back, green; a wide green stripe above the spiracles; a row of green.markings along the bases of the larvapods. Stripes and lines green, near (5) (p. 65, P1. 25, L, 5). “cedar green". Color of body between stripes and lower portion greenish-yellow, near (5) (p. 59, P1. 18, J, 1). Head reddish-brown, near (3) (P. 45, P1. 12, K, 11). Variations: In some specimens, head black, shining; stripes black; body between stripes and lower portion dirty-white ex- cept for the tips of the larvapods which have a yellowish tinge. General appearance of such individuals is preponderantly black. Less commonly, specimens have body shiny-green between the black stripes. The head in these varies from shiny-black to partially black andzmuddyebrown. The two narrow lines down the center of the back are constant throughout the species. I 23g§_g£_0ccurrence: From early June until mid-September. M: Spruce. Distribution: Various points in Muskoka, eastern and northern Ontario, New Brunswick, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, North- west Territories and Alaska. -29.. Parasites: HOlocremnus g2, huronemus s . Monoblastu§_s . Mesoleuis s . Bessa selecta Mesochorus s . 3 one Nematus ocreatus Harrington, w. H. Canadian Entomologist. XXI. :95. 1889. “ “ Harrington, w. H. Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Department of Agri- culture Entomological Technical .Bulletin. 3: 95. 1896. Pachygematus piceae hohwer, S.A. Proceedings U. 8. national Museum. 41: 387. 1912. Pikonema-alaskensis 'Ross, H.H. Proceedings Entomo- logical Society of Washington. 40: 19, 1937. l. 2. 5. 4. b. 6. -50- GENERAL REFERENCES Dalla Torre, C.G. 1894. Catalogue Hymenopterorum. Vol. I. Tenthredinidae. hngelmann Lipsiae. 459 pp. Greene, C.T. 1921. Dipterous parasites of saw- flies. Proceedings entomo- logical Society of washing- ton. 23 (2) 41-43. users, A. and Paul, M.R. 1930. A'Dictionarngf Color. McGraw- Hill, New‘York: London. Ross, H.H. 1937. A Generic Classification of the heartic Sawflies. Illin- ois Biological Monographs. l5 (2) 173 pp. 17 P13. Mac Gillivray, A.D. 1913. The Immature Stages of the Tenthredinoidea. Extract from.Annual Report hntomolog- ical Society of Ontario. '75 PD. 1 Pl. luasa, H. 1922. A Classification of the Lar- vae of the Tenthredinoidea. Illinois Biological Mono- graphs. 17 (4) 172 pp. 14 P13. . O ‘0'.‘ ._...-o-‘ . __...,~.--"*'. . . v V..- 0"." w ~..*,.oe ““‘w “. at -..‘~‘%.I- " . < ' -.. - l'. 9 .- 4" "at-:— ’ '_ o -..0'. . .- .--"‘ fl '._ u u ”a . fl -_ . ’ .. ‘_ t a , \ . n- .. '- "-‘. ' "'- - ~~- 4 on..." . . ’ ' - o....n-no- 0...". .- n '. e we. no ‘ '0 a .. vow" M‘”..‘ f. "we... a. “--:--~ .o .e ' m-...—.. -n . . ‘04..” C -52- PLATE II Diprion simile Hartig <55- PLA‘I’E III Neodippion abietis Harris -54- PLA‘I'E IV Diprion frutetorum.Hartig Plate. IV -55.. PLATE V Diprion polztomum Hartig V Plate -55- IEATE VI Neodiprign lecontei Fitch VI 6 t 4 IV D: «~37- PLATE VII Monoctenus Juniperinus Mac Gillivray Plate. VII -58- PLNTE'VIII Neodiprion swainei Middleton plate VI PLATE IX Neodiprion dubiosvug Schedl IX Plate PLATE X Pristiphora erichsoni_i Hartig Plato -41- PLATE XI Pikonema dimmockii Cresson El‘f. P IIuII . II IIII‘IIIIIIII I 4 X l Plate PLATE XII Anoplonyx laricis Marlatt a: nun-In. INDIE“. . - XII PLa‘te PIdtc XIII 3' I "o 1 Q USE GI‘I‘LY .. . . u v 1.. . ‘ ’1 i, . q «f $51: 1 " ’i 4' 3.. “I; t ‘ a A . 'f .. ~ _ fi ‘3‘ .V. r k, f ‘. .' ’ ‘ '§ ( ‘ , \‘| ’“I . ‘3'- <~. ,5 A ‘ I ‘- 91‘ --. - "' 1 4' ‘3‘ \~ . ‘3’ ’3‘ I I . ‘- \1‘. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBR | IIIIIIIIILIIIII 43 ARIES I III 3 1293 03196 3