\. on, TH 5515 Oh... . ' ‘ A STUDY OF RYE AS A FEED FOR GROWING FAT TEL-I IN G SWIN E THESIS Submitted to the faculty of the Michigan State College in partial fulfillment of the requirementa for the degree of Maatar of Science. N. by George A. Branaman 1926 THESKS ACE-J OZ'JLLLDGLIEN TS The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor George A. Brown, Head of the Department'of Animal Husbandry, for his coOperation and assistance in planning and conducting the experimental work, and for his kindly criticisms and advice in preparing the manuscript., He also wishes to express his gratitude to Doctor R. C. Huston, Professor of Chemistry, fer his assistance and advice in planning the experiments. To Professor W.E.J. Edwards, Associate in.Animal husbandry, and V.A. Freeman, Extension Specialist in Animal Husbandry, the author is likewise grateful for suggestions and OOOperation in planning and conducting the trials. Appreciation is also expressed to Doctor E.T. Hallman and Doctor L.B. Sholl, of the Department of Pathology, and Doctor W.L. Chandler, of the Bactnriology Department, for the conduction of autOpsies and the suggestions regarding the health of the animals. Likewise the analysis of feed by the Department of Experiment Station Chemistry is gratefully acknowledged. 94115 INTRODUCTION TABLE or CONTENTS GENERAL DISCUSSIOH AHD REVIEW OF LITERATURE I II III Iv V VI VII vIII Preparation for feeding Unfavorable Results with Eye Results at the Michigan Experiment Station Other Favorable Results Some Laboratory Experiments Further Chemical Phases Digestibility Conclusions EXPERflEN TAL FEEDING TRIALS Experiment I I I II III VI VII VIII IX Objects of the Experiment Plan of Experiment Previous Treatment of Pigs Allotment of Pigs method of Weighing Lots. Water, Etc. Rations Fed and Method of Feeding Treatment for Parasites Experimental Data A Gains of Pigs (I) (2) (3) (4) Gains of’Pigs by Periods Some Pigs-Fail to Gain All Pigs Gain.Well on Corn Conclusions 10 01 N H I—' m 15 16 2O 21 24 24 24 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 5O 54 39 3? B Gains of Thrifty Pigs C Comparison of Rations (l) Feed.Deduction.for Pigs Removed (2) Average Daily Ration (3) Feed Required for Gain (4) Nutrient Requirement (5) Cost of Gains (6) Differences between Lots in rate of Gain with Probable Error Summary of Results Tables ' Table Table Table Table Table Table Table QOO'IOFOIIOH Experiment II I II III VI VII Object of the Experiment Plan of Experiment Previous Treatment-of Pigs Allotmentiof’Pigs method of Weighing Lots, Water, Etc. Rations Fed and Method of Feeding 4O 41 41 44 46 49 50 52 55 30 4O 46 49 5O 52 54 54 55 55 56 56 56 56 VIII Experimental Data . 57 A Gains of’Pigs ’ 58 (1) Influence of'Iodine 65 B Gains of Thrifty Pigs 66 C Comparison of Rations 67 (l) Feed.Deduction.fOr Pigs Removed 67 (2) Average Daily Ration. 68 (3) Feed.Required for Gain 71 (4) Milk Lots Compared with Check Lot75 (5) Nutrient Requirement 74 (6) Cost of Gains 75 (7) Differences between Lots in rate of Gain with Probable Error 76 D Summary of Results 77 E Tables fl Table 8 ' 58 Table 9 66 Table 10 68 Table 11 7l Table 12 74 Table 15 74 Table 14 75 Table 15 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY 79 APPENDIX Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table II III IV VI VII VIII IX 85. 84 91 92 99 101 105 109 110 116 118 III“ TRO DU CT ION The use of rye as a grain feed for livestock in the State of Michigan is of considerable importance. Its greatest p0pularity is found in the areas of lighter soils where it makes a satisfactory growth and produces a moderate amount of grain on soil that will not produce a fair crOp of the more papular grains. In a program of soil improvement, rye is often used as a cover cm]: and as a green manure crop on worn-out soil, and after a few rye crops have been grown and some organic matter and other fertilizing materials have been added to the soil, other crOps may be grown more successfully. Rye will withstand the rigours of the spring wheat belt and on the lighter soils of that area it will produce a greater yield than the spring wheat. Rye has not been so pOpular for milling purposes as has wheat in the United States, consequently the bulk of the cr0p grown has been used. for feed. The Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture for 1922 gives some interesting figures on the trend of rye production in the United States, summarized as follows: ”The production of rye, being the result of both acreage and acre yield, has fluctuated considerably from year to year. A gradual increase was apparent, however, from 1874 to 1911 and a rapid increase from 1912 to 1918. In 1922 the production of 95,497,000 bushels was second only to the record of 108,289,000 bushels in 1918." The CrOp Report for Michigan for July, 1926, prepared and issued by the U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, in coopera- tion with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, gives the condition of the various grain crops and the estim- ated 1926 yields for each crOp for Michigan and for the United States. The rye amp is summarized as follows: ”The indicated average yield is approximately 12.8 bushels per acre, based upon the reported condition of 80 per cent and a revised acreage of 199,000, or a total production of 2,547,000 bushels. The condition is eight per cent better than last year, but nine per cent below the ten year average. The outlook for the United States is rather poor. The acreage is about ten per cent less than last year, and the prospective production of 59,666,000 bushels is 9,000,000 less than 1925 and only about 60 per cent of the 1924 crop." The estimates given for the other grain craps show the relative importance of rye as compared to these other crOps. The Michigan rye cr0p represents 6.4 per cent of the rye crap of the United States, while the estimates of the corn crop indicate that Michigan will have 1.5 per cent of the nations corn cr0p. Michigan's corn crOp is estimated as practically the same as the United States' rye crOp, consequently Michigan's rye cr0p will represent 6.4 per cent of her corn crop, while the rye crOp of the United States will be 1.5 per cent of hereon]. crop in bushels. The rye crOp of Michigan will equal 4.4 per cent of her oat crOp, and the rye crop of the United States is estimated at 5 per cent of her cat cr0p in bushels. The rye crop of the State is to be approximately 78.6 per cent of the barley croP in bushels, and the Nation's rye crOp is to be 20.7 per cent of the barley crop. These comparisons ShOW’that rye is relatively more important in Michigan than.it is in theLHation as a whole. In fact the Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture shows Michigan to be the lead- ing rye producing State in 1909, second to North Dakota only in 1919, first again in 1920 but surpassed by both North.nakota and Minnesota since that time. The use of rye as a feed for live stock and especially swine, has been a subject for considerable investigational work. The results have been almost as varied as there are numbers of unvestigators. In some cases the pigs have done as well or better'than similar pigs have done on supposedly much better nations, while in other cases the pigs have not been.maintained, in fact in a few cases they have actually wasted away. Many farmers and hog raisers maintain that they can grow pigs as well or better on rye than any other farm grain. Other feeders will assert Just as firmly their experience that rye simply will not do as a hog feed. Yet no one seems to be able to explain the difference in such results nor to offer a ration containing rye that will produce results in the feed-lot regularily under average conditions. The purpose of this work is to determine if possible the causes fer such divergent results and to try to find a satisfactory combination of feeds in which rye may be the chief grain constituent. GENERAL DISCUSSION AND REVIEW OF LITERATURE _ Rye is one of the hard grains that must be pre- pared by either soaking or grinding before it may be eaten readily by live stock. Rye, wheat or barley are very ' seldom fed as dry whole grain. However, Rays (1) of the Delaware Experiment Station, conducted an experiment with pigs weighing from 65.1 to 78.9 pounds on the average, in which he compared soaking, grinding, and both grinding and soaking, with the whole dry rye and with hominy feed. Tankage was fed all lots as the protein supplement. The results of 80 days feeding showed the hominy feed lot to have made the fastest gains, 1.27 pounds, with the lowest feed per pound gain, 5.91 pounds. The whole rye and soaked rye lots made the same gains .91 pounds, with 4.96 and 5.71 pounds feed, reapective1y3per pound gain. The ground rye lot made 1.08 pounds gain per day on 4.56 pounds of feed, and the soaked ground rye lot made an average of 1.14 pounds gain on 451 pounds of feed per pound gain. Soaking the whole rye did not hasten the gains and increased the feed cost. Grinding the grain increased the rate of gain and lowered the feed cost. Soaking the ground grain increased the gains further but raised slightly the feed required per pound of gain. The two soaked lots showed practically the same daily feed consumption, 4.7 and 4.8 pounds of rye, which.was some what higher than the whole rye lot or the ground rye lot, at 4.1 and 4.4 pounds, reapectively. In spite of these results, soaking is commonly considered to be a desirable practise as compared to feeding the whole dry grain. However, grinding is recommended by Henry and Morrison (2) as a much more desi rable method 0 f pr eparat ion. Un favo rable Re sult s wi th Rye Beginning in 1925, Ferrin and McCarty (5) have conducted a number of eXperiments at the University of Minnesota dealing with the problem of rye as a hog feed. "At first the effort was made to devise satisfactory methods of utilizing rye when the grain ischeap in price but during the past year the trials have been planned to locate the causes of the unfavorable results obtained from rye feeding.” This statement explains the results being obtained by these investigators. During this time 21 lots of pigs were fed, chiefly without pasture. The average initial weight per pig has varied in the different trials from 62 to 104 pounds, although the average initial weight per lot in each trial was coxnparable. The protein supplements used were tankage, buttermilk, tankage and alfalfa hay, tankage and rape pasture, and milk casein. The pigs were carried to an average final weight of 200 pounds except when it was found to be impossible to get them to that weight on some of the heavy rye rations. Some of the combinations found most satisfactory were rye and creamery buttermilk in equal parts; ground rye 2/5, ground oats 1/5. plus tankage; and ground rye 4%, either ground corn or ground barley “1*, plus tankage. Rye, tankage and minerals was found to be in some way deficient as a satisfactory ration and various sub- stances were added in an effort to solve the problem. Neither vitamin A as contained in butterfat, the vitamins from cod liver oil, protein from milk casein, iron oxide, potassium iodide, nor alfalfa hey were found to furnish anything of significance in improving the ration. Cooking the rye resulted in lower rates of gain with increased feed costs. When some of these same pigs were changed to rations containing chiefly com, the gains immediately Jumped up and in some cases more than trebled, which showed the trouble to be in the ration rather than in the pigs. The question of feed intake is thought by Ferrin to be one for investigation. The favorable results secured in feeding rye in Montana (4) led Ferrin and McCarty to get a shipment of Montana rye to feed alongside some Minnesota rye. The results obtained were very much. the same, with the Minnesota rye holding a very slight advantage. In these trials during the winter of 1925-6, alfalfa hay constituted the only supplement fed with the rye. The pigs made fairly satisfactory gains with a moderate feed cost. In fact near the close of the experiment the results were considered to be more satisfactory than had been the case with the rye and tankage ration. Fieldsted.and.Potter (5) compared rye and wheat as the sole feed for fattening swine under’Oregpn.conditions. The rye fed pigs gained.an avarage of 1.06 pounds per day as compared to 1.6 pounds fer the wheat fed pigs. The feed required for one hundred pounds gain was not so much different, however, 440 pounds of rye and 425 pounds of wheat. They concluded that rye as a sole feed.f6r fatten- ing purposes was not satisfactory since it was not so palatable and did not give returns equal to other grains. The rye-fed pigs were lacking very much in finish as com- pared to the wheat-fed pigs. Eastwood (6) found that pigs weighing 44 pounds could not hog down rye in the field successfully. They made an average gain of’only 0.51 pounds, although the feed required per hundred pounds gain was only 572 pounds. When fed rye and.tankage in a dry lot for 112 days after 49 days in.the rye field, these same pigs gained exactly 1 pound per day on 4.44 pounds of feed. (A lot beside them on corn and tankage gained only 1.09 pounds per day, and required 5.99 pounds of feed fer each pound of gain. Kennedy, Evvard, Kildee and Robbins (7‘ received a return of only 9.4 cents per bushel fer rye hogged.down in the field with pigs weighing 70 pounds and rye yielding 41.25 bushels per acre. thford and Weaver (8), on the other hand, obtained an acre return of $16.95 for an average of five years with rye yielding slightly less than 14 bushels per acre. One pound of.gain was made for each 1.96 pounds of rye consumed. Other additional feed was fed at times. Results at the Michigan Experiment Station Brown, and later Brown and Edwards (9) of the Michigan Experiment Station, have also found some con- flicting results in their rye feeding eXperiments. A ration has failed entirely in some trials to give results while the same or a very similar ration may give fairly good results in another trial. In.Hovember, 1925. a series of experiments was begun in which the ground grains of barley, rye and corn were fed with tankage as a protein supplement. In one series of three lots the ration was mixed and self-fed and in another three lots the grain and tankage were self-fed, free choice. In another lot the three grains were mixed equal parts and balanced with tankage. .A simple mineral mixture was offered in self feeders. The pigs were thrifty Spring pigs, weighing approximately 120 pounds. After 60 days on feed, the two corn lots averaged approximately 220 pounds per pig, one of the barley lots 185 pounds and the other 211 pounds, the mixed grain lot 186 pounds, and the rye lots only 156 and 126 pounds per pig. The feed consumption was small in the rye lots as compared with the other lots which would indicate that the palatability of the ration might be a limiting factor. Four lots of pigs were started on feed by Brown and Edwards (9) in Marcn1924, to compare the value of corn, oats and middlings in mixtures with rye and tankage. Two parts of rye was mixed with one part of the other grain and the mixture balanced with tankage. A lot .fed corn and tankage mixed and self-fed was also used as a check. The pigs weighed 98 pounds when started on feed. ‘ At the end of 90 days the check lot averaged 255 pounds while the other lots varied from 158 to 174 pounds in weight. The com mixture showedslightly superior to the other two, and the cat mixture a trifle better than the middlings. The check lot made an average gain of 1.52 pounds as compared to 0.67 pounds for the middlings lot. The feed consumption and the gains during the first 50 days were very good in the lot fed the mixture contain- ing corn and the one containing oats- The mixture with middlings did not show so well, however. Even the second 50 days was still fairly good with those lots. During the last period the feed consumption fell markedly, and a loss in weight was shown by the corn and the cat mixture lots. While the middliigs lot did not show a loss during this period, their gains were still very low. The behaviour of the two lots would indicate that there might be something lacking in the ration, or that something in the ration finally upset the system so that they did not relish the feed. It did not seem to be a simple case of palatability, however, since pigs on a fairly low feed intake usually continue to grow slowly and show a thrifty app earanc e . ~ In June, 1924, a lot of 17 pigs averaging 45 pounds in weight was started on a self feeder of rye and tankage on rape pasture. At the end of 60 days these pigs averag- ed 60 pounds in weight. Only a few days after the begin- ing of the experiment the pigs started to scour badly. Their consumption of tankage was very heavy, in fact it was found necessary to hand feed the tankage to keep them within reasonable limits. At the end of 60 days, the pigs were divided into two lots and an attempt made to get them on rations of rye and tankage and rye and butter.- milk ‘ . fed as slop feeds. They refused almost completely to take either ration for a period of 50 days, and were turned out to pasture on a mixed ration of corn, oats, middlings and tankage. They soon began to grow and take on flesh so that before winter they were all thrifty feeder pigs. In fact some of these same pigs were in a drove that was sorted up in November of the same year and put on another experiment. Four lots of pigs averaging 125 pounds were fed on rations of rye, oats and tankage, with minerals in a simple mixture. Another lot was self-fed free choice on rye, tankage, and minerals. The four lots were all fed a mixture of cats 1 part and rye 2 parts, balanced with tankage. In one lot the mixture was self-fed, in another lep-fed, another mixture was soaked 24 hours before feeding and the fourth mixture was fermented with yeast for 24 hours. The average daily gain varied from 1.25 pounds in the self-fed mixture lot to 1.48 pounds in the yeast fermented lot, with the self-fed free choice lot showing an average gain of 1.56 pounds. An average weight of 225 pounds was reached in each lot in from 68 to 79 days. This trial would indicate that the age of the pig might change his appetite or make his system unre tolerant of the disagreeable features of rye as a feed. In January, 1925 another series of trials was launched at the Michigan EXperiment Station (9) with a bunch of pigs averaging 70 pounds in weight. Identically the same rations were fed as in the previous trial. No lot made a satisfactory gain, in fact some of them were carried for a period of 171 days and had not yet reached a weight of 200 pounds. Contrary to the previous trial the self-fed mixture lot was highest in average gain and the self-fed free choice lot was second low lot. These pigs did not seem to relish their feed andthey took on an appearance of unthriftiness, recognized by a harsh rough coat of hair and a listless attitude. Such a condition would again indicate that it was more than a mere case of unpalatability. The average results of three earlier feeding trials are reported by Brown (11) in which rye compares very favorably with corn and barley. Neither the initial weights of the pigs nor the length of the feeding period is given. All feed was fed in self feeders. The rye and barley were ground and the corn fed as shelled corn. Arranged in order of rapidity of gains produced on the pigs, the rat ions were as follows : Average Feed per da. gain cwt . gain lbs. lbs. Corn-tankage 1 . 56 477 Corn-rye -barley-tankage 1. 50 487 Barley-tankage 1 . 51 515 Rye -tanknge 1. 24 495 Rye ~barl ey-tankage 1 . 1 9 486 Barley-middl ings-tankage 1 . 17 482 Rye-middl ings-tankage 1.16 457 The feed consumed per hundred pounds gain do es not follow the rate of gain, in fact the greater the gain the more feed required in many of the lots. The author con- eludes that "considering the rate of gain and time re- quired to get the pigs ready for market the rat ion..... consisting of corn, rye, barley and tankage and the ration of corn and tankage proved most satisfactory. ... The above experiments would show that a much better return would be received from rye and barley when fed in combination with some middlings in addition to the tankage.“ Other Favorable Results Perrin and Winchester (12) report an experiment in which 60 pound pigs were fed on various grains both free choice style and in mixtures. On a percentage basis of efficiency in production of gains, the rations ranked as follows: ground rye -ground wheat equal parts, 491.5 lbs., 100%; ground corn-tankage free choice, 507.5 lbs., 96.85%; lO ground rye-tankage free choice, 510.18 lbs., 98.54%; ground rye-ground corn equal parts, tankage self fed, 518.08 lbs., 94.87%; ground rye-shorts equal parts, 555.14 lbs., 88.88%. A preliminary report of hog feeding trials in Montana (4) gives some comparisons of barley and rye as feeds for hogs. Four trials were ooh,ducted, chiefly! under dry-lot conditions with alfalfa hay in racks. Quite con- sistent results were obtained both when fed alone and in combinations. The barley seemed to be the more palatable feed and the hogs gained a little more rapidly. Considering the cost of gains, there seemed to be but little difference in the rations irrespective of the proportions of rye or barley contained. The rye fed pigs ate somewhat more alfalfa. than the barley fed pigs. The rye produced a larger percentage of lean meat and the hogs fed largely on this grain were preferred by local butchers. Gibson (15) fed three lots of pigs during the winter with mixed rations containing shorts and tankage and combined with either barley, oats or rye. The average initial weight was approximately 120 pounds and the feeding period 62 days. The barley lot gained 1.59 pounds per day on 515.4 pounds of feed per hundred pouné gain. The other two lots gained at the same rate but somewhat slower than the barley lot, 1.55 pounds, and at a greater feed require- ment. 560.4 and 564 pounds. Still the rate of gain was good and the feed requirement low. 11 _ Mathews (l4) fed another bunch of 54 pound pigs comparing oat chop with mixtures of oat and rye chop, and cat and barley chop. The average daily gains were 1.21, 1.55 and 1.55 pounds, respectively. The feed per hundred pounds gain was 520, 551 and 555 pounds, respectively. The‘rate of gain was fairly good and the feed requirement was not especially high considering the type of ration. Snyder (15) summarizes two series of seven lots each and ten pigs per lot, one series with alfalfa hay in racks and the other without: "Ground rye moistened ranked slightly lower than ground wheat moistened and higher than shelled corn in rapidity of gain and slightly lower than corn in the amount of grain to produce 100 pounds of gain. This would make the feeding value of ground rye and shelled corn about equal per bushel for fattening hogs. Grinding the rye increased its feeding value 15 per cent and also increased the rate of gain. Ihole rye was unsatisfactory. It produced slow gain and required too much grain for the gains produced. One bushel of corn produced the same gain as 1.16 bushels of whole rye." Hays (4), as mentioned before, obtained only fair gains, 1.08 and 1.14 pounds, on ground rye fed dry and soaked. However, the feed required was relatively low, 456 and 451 pounds, respectively, per hundred pounds gain. Faville (16) secured very good results in feeding rye to fattening pigs farrowed during the previous summer and carried through the winter on a maintenance rat ion. 12 Starting at a weight of 88 pounds, an average gain of 1.55 pounds was made on rye and water as compared to 1.46 pounds on barley and water for a period of ten weeks. The feeds were soaked during the last four weeks of that time and greater feed consumption was noted but less gain per pound of feed than was made earlier in the period. He attributes the less gain late in the feeding period to the fact that the hogs were near a market finish. Hultz (17) draws the following conclusions from the first years work in feeding rye to fattening pigs: "1. Ground rye ranked highest and above shelled corn for producing rapid gains on fattening pigs. I'2. Less grain was required for 100 pounds gain when rye was fed than when the grain consisted of hulled barley, bald barley, or shelled corn. "5. Pigs receiving bald barley or rye as a grain feed consumed a relatively negligible quantity of mineral mixture. . ”4. Pigs fed corn and bald barley dressed a higher percent- age of carcass to live weight than pigs fed rye or hull barley. |'5. Pigs receiving bald barley, rye or shelled corn finished with the fat in good hard condition. Hull barley produced a flabby, oily, fat. '6. In general, it appears that Wyoming small grains can be very profitable substituted for corn in a fattening ration, and that either bald barley or rye is superior to hull barley for this purpo se." Freeman (18) reports quite a few farmers in the 15 State of Michigan who get good results in feeding rye to growing fattening pigs during the summer. In fact one or two ton litters have been produced with a considerable percentage of rye in the ration. In most cases the farmers who get good results from rye are feeding it with milk in the form of a s10p, and many of them allow the rye to soak in the milk from one feed to the next. The milk is no doubt sour before it is fed when it is allowed to stand. Some Laboratory Experiments Osborne and Mendel (19) made a comparative study of barley, oats, rye and wheat as sources of protein in rations for rats. The finely ground entire grain was fed with an adequate salt mixture and sufficient butter fat to supply the fat soluble vitamin. It was considered that the grains supplied ample water soluble vitamines B and C. "Barley proteins as a whole were sufficient for nutrition and growth. The total protein of cats and wheat was also adequate for nutrition and. growth. Rye gave rise to growth but rats failed to attain large size and showed exception- ally high mortality on prolonged feeding. This mortality can scarcely be attributed to the rye proteins. Gliadin is comparatively deficient in lysine, containing enough of that amino acid for repair, but insufficient to produce growth." McCollum et a1 (20) conducted a series of exper- iments with rats dealing with the supplementary value of proteins derived from two seeds. Rations were prepared 14 each containing 9 per cent protein derived from two seeds. one furnishing two —thirds and the other one-third of the total protein, supplemented with dextrin, certain salts and fat-soluble vitamine A. The growth curves on these rations were compared with those on diets containing 9 per cent of cereal grain proteins which have been shown to bring about growth at approximately half the normal rate. “The most interesting point brought out by the growth curves in these experiments is the failure of the proteins of two seeds to sipplement each other to any greater degree than they do in most cases,......one strik- ine exception noted was the case of six per cent rye protein and three per cent flaxseed protein. This mixture has superior biological value to an equal amount of protein from any single variety of seed yet examined. Indeed this prOportion appears nearly or equal to milk protein for growth. Charts show much better growth secured with a ration contain- ing eight per cent protein from milk powder than with nine per cent protein from wheat,rye, maize, flaxseed, barley, oats or kaffi‘r, and that in a mixture of rye and flaxseed, six per cent and three per cent, protein was secured which has superior biological value to an equivalent amount of protein from any. single variety of seed yet examined." With the protein from rye alone two females produced three litters. The mothers were aged at eight months. Only in case of wheat was another litter born, and no others were weaned from single grains. In another trial, McCollum, Simmonds and Parsons (2’1) l5 fed a lot of rats on a nine per cent protein ration de- rived from rye six per cent and milk powder three per cent. Growth was slow but the animals reached nearly the adult size after some delay. These rats aged decidedly early, they looked old at feurteen months. The second generation Wire all more undersized than the first. 0f three females, two were sterile, the other had 28 in three litters. In a ration.with maize substituted fer rye, growth was slow but the animals reached nearly the full size. All three females were sterile. The hair was short and silky, suggestive of a moleskin. Osborne and Mendel (22) fed other groups of white rats finely ground seed of barley, oats, wheat or rye each mixed with three per cent solution of salt mixture, five per cent butter fat, and corn starch sufficient to make the total protein of the ration five, eight,or ten per cent. They concluded that the total proteins in the kernels of the grains studied can furnish all the nitrogen units essential fer growth if the intake of food and its concentration of’protein are adequate, and the protetns of the feur grains are not widely different in their efficiency in promoting growth. “Many ultimate failures of growth and.well being and.numerous deaths were encountered in the later periods of many of the experiments, but sufficient successful prolonged growth in the case of all the cereals studied has been observed to make it unlikely, not to say mmprobable, that the protein factor is responsible fOr this 16 untoward outcome of many of the cereal experiments." Further Chemical Phases Studies of the chemical nature of the subject seem to cause almost as much difference. in results and equally as much difference in their interpretation as do the more ‘ simple feeding experiments. Ostwald (23) made a study of the proteins of wheat and rye in their relation to the colliodal chemistry of bread making. He found that “gliadin behaved in a manner similar to that of other proteins. The particles are charged positive in acid, negative in alkali and near neutral in pure water. Under the influence of acid or alkali gliadin swells, suffers dehydration and the neutral particles become ionized because salts are formed. The preperties of gliadin from rye differ} very little from those of wheat gliadin." Groh and Friedl (24), on the other hand, found considerable difference between wheat gliadin and the proteins from rye meal. The several fractions of gliadin obtained from wheat gluten and rye meal were examined by physico- chemical (colliodal chemistry) methods. They found wheat gluten to contain only one individual protein soluble in alcoholic gliadin. The protein extracted from rye meal is a mixture of several portains whose separation is very difficult. A preparation identical with wheat gliadin could not be 'o'btained. The methods used were viscosity. determination according to Scarpa, estimation of surface 17 tension, specific rotation, gold number according to Zsigmondy, and refraction.” The following conclusions concerning the supple- mentary value of protein and of amino acids were made by McOollum, Simmonds and Parsons (25) in discussing the results of a series of experiments dealing with the feeding of legume seeds: "It is a most remarkable fact that the legume seeds when combined with each other do not form protein mixtures which are superior to the proteins of the individual seeds themselves. This is apparently to be explained on the assumption that a certain amino acid, which is present in such small amounts as to be the limiting factor in determining the biological value of the proteins of these seeds. is the same in each of the legume seeds used in these experiments. Otherwise,it seems that a supplementary effect should have been observed in some of these combinations. It is by no means demonstrated that all the indispensable amino acids have been indentified, but if one may judge from the recorded data relating to yields of various amino acids it seems suggestive that the low content of cystine yielded by legume proteins may be the explanationfor their failure to enhance each others values when combine d." In an earlier article, Hart and Bentley (26) take a somewhat different view of the situation. "It is needless to say that the hOpes expressed in certain quarters of formulating rations on their amino acid content, secured by 18 , direct hydrolysis will not even begin realization until at least safer methods for the quantitative estimation of .these substances are available. .... The very fact that there is no approximate agreement between the results secured by Grindley on cottonseed meal and those of.Nollan on the same material indicates inherent difficulties in the quantitative estimation of amino acids by direct hydrolysis of the feeding stuff. . arginine lysine Grindley 19.5% 4.7% Hollan 12 . 7,3 1.975 "........ the amide nitrogen of feeding stuffs is largely composed of free amino acids and peptide linkings. In most cases the nitrogen in these structures constitutes fifty to seventy per cent of the water soluble nitrogen. The acid amide nitrogen is relatively small, seldom exceed- ing twenty per cent of the water soluble nitrogen and more often below ten per cent. Corn stover is an interesting exception, showing approximately forty per cent of the water soluble nitrogen in acid amide form. The ammonia nitrogen rarely exceeds five per cent of the total water soluble nitrogen and in some cases was wholly absent." The following table shows the distribution.of nitrogen in the various proteins as determined by Turner and Spears (27): Rye grain 7; Ammonia H . l5. Melanin N . 1.54 Oystine H. 2.2 Arginine N. 10.49 Histidine N. 10.48 .Ly81ne No 1024: Amino Nitrogen of filtrate 37.96 Mono -amino acid Non-amino acid of filtrate 21.63 proline , oxy- proline, tryptOphane 3130. V Total 100.52 Wheat Mai 26 bran kernel 5% 9.67 4.63 13.75 7. 5.96 4.06 12.53 16.19 3.84 4.45 4.04 8.53 49.95 49.69 0 O 99.74 94.55 Oat grain fl ,0 13.31 2.97 4.48 11.42 9.58 43.49 11.29 19 Barley Swift's gr 8111 fi 16.19 2.87 4.38 8.65 6.7 44.16 18.37 96.54 101.32 digester tankage 6’ 1'9 10.03 6.88 2.46 12.34 2.18 9.01 100.13 A study of this table indicates that rye is not particularly low in any of the nitrogen forms except in those in which the other grains that give very good results as feeds for livestock are also approximately as low. Probably, cystine has given the most noticeable results in nutrition experiments of any of the known nitro gen carry- ing compounds. Osborne and.Mendel (28) concluded that “such information as we have indicates lysine and tryptOphaue are relatively abundant," in the ration under investigation. "The addition or withdrawal of cystine facilitates or represses growth at will." The cystine content of rye is approximately half of that ofVany'of the other grains and slightly less than that of tankage. However, the addition 20 of these other grains to a ration of rye and tankage does not improve the ration as much as might be expected, and the addition of wheat middlings, which should show much the same analysis as wheat bran, has given poorer results than the addition of the other grains although it is considerable higher hi cystine than the grains. Such results would tend to eliminate the theory of a lack of amino acids in the ration. The indifferent results from rations con- taining various protein supplements which are recognized as efficient supplements to any of the other grains would further tend to eliminate such a conclusion. Digestibility Digestion trials were conducted with sheep fed the brans of wheat and rye in conjunction with meadow hay and dried Brewers yeasts by HonCamp and Nolte (29). The flour extraction was made in three different degrees. These trials showed that the crude protein of the wheat bran was slightly more digestible than that of the rye bran with a smaller extraction of flour. The ether extract, or fat, of the wheat bran was more digestible than that of the rye bran in all cases. The nitrogen free extract of the rye bran was less digestible with a heavy extraction of flour but more digestible with.a lighter extraction. The organic matter and crude fiber of the rye bran was more digestible in all cases. in digestion experiment of coarse rye meal and coarse wheat meal was conducted by HonCamp, Heumann and Hullner (30) 21 with both sheep and swine. The protein of rye was slightly less digestible in the case of the sheep than was the protein of wheat but was practically the same in the case of swine. The fat was more digestible in wheat meal in both trials. The crude fiber of the wheat was slightly more digestible. In all other nutrients there was very little difference but slightly in favor of the rye meal. It was estimated that the meals of rye and wheat vary in digestibility according to the degree of grinding, the coarser meals being invariably the more digestible. Conclusions .A survey of the experiments cited shows a wide variation in the rates of gain made by the pigs in the different trials conducted. In.some cases the pigs have done almost as well as in the check lots fed a recognized standard ration. In other cases very disappointing results have been secured. .A study of the feed consumption indicates that in most cases fairly good gains were made fer the feed consumed, regardless of the rapidity of gains. The pigs sometimes made very good gains fer a time on feed.and then more or less suddenly drOpped off in the feed consumption and in the rate of gain. In fact, it appears that the pigs either do well on rye ration or else they practically refuse to do at all. A.more detailed study of several of the experiments conducted at the‘Michigan.Agricultural Experiment Station shows that in the same lot some pigsmay eat well, gain well 22 and present a very thrifty appearance while other pigs make a complete failute of the fattening and growing process. The ability of such pigs to thrive and make satisfactory gains when removed from the lots and put on most any type of standard ration indicates that it was a fault of the ration rather than of the pig. Although no data is available comparing pigs fed on rye with pigs fed on a similar energy or total nutrient intake of other feeds, these pigs that fail to thrive on a lighter rat ion than is necessary for satisfactory gain do not present the thrifty appearance of growing pigs that are often being carried on a limited ration of other feeds. The question of mere palatability of the ration would thus seem to be somewhat upset, although it may still be quite a factor, especially in the rations fed in self feeders. No consistent results have been obtained that would indicate the need for a study of the proteins. The excellent condition of the bones of the pigs fed at the Michigan Station, the lack of any particular craving for minerals when fed on rye, and the complete failure of some pigs to thrive when on pasture, or when offered other mineral and vitamin carrying feeds under favorable conditions, helps to eliminate minerals as a vital consideration. Neither do such substances as butterfat, cod liver oil, milk casein, iron compounds, or potassium iodide seem to have lent any beneficial effects to otherwise apparently 23 complete rations. The following investigatianal work was therefore p1anned.with the idea that there may be some factor present, or absent, in those cases in which favorable results are obtained, and that same factor may be omitted,or present, in those cases in which entirely unfavorable results are obtained. If that factor, or at least its sources, can be determined by some means, then successful rations may be intelligently planned. 24 ‘EXPERIMENTAL FEEDING TRIALS Experiment I. July lO--November 7, 1925 120 days Objects of the Experiment The object of this series of feeding trials was to determine, if possible, the factor, or factors, that are contained in rye which are different from those in the other grain feeds and which often seem to have a detri- mental influence on the animals fed largely on rye. As noted in the review of literature, the pigs do not seem thrifty when they are consuming a light ration consisting largely of rye. On a similar light feed of other grains the pigs have a thrifty appearance as a rule even though they are making light gains. The feed required per pound of gain, when rye fed pigs are making somewhat less than normal gains for pigs of such weight, would indicate that the ration was being well digested. The absolute failure of some lots of pigs and of individual pigs in a lot to make even a fair gain on a ration that has given good results with other pigs would indicate there might be some factor that is not so detri- mental to some pigs and yet others may not be able to tolerate it at all. The tendency of a few pigs to gain sell for a short time and then suddenly go to pieces would also tend to substantiate this theory. The experiment was planned with the idea of comp paring some of the more satisfactory rations previously fed with some of those which have given good results in one case and not so good results in others. Also some other rations were included which it was thought might have some effect on the results. Palatability no doubt deserves some consideration in the study of rations containing an appreciable percent- age of rye. Plan of Experiment 1. Tankage was compared with buttermilk as,a source of protein and as an appetizing agent. 2. Linseed oilmeal was added to the rye and tankage ration to test its supplemental protein value and also any possible appetizing or conditioning values. 3. Locust bean meal was added as an appetizing agent. 4. Godliver oil was added to test any possible vitamin deficiencies and also for its lubricating value. 5. Fresh-cut green alfalfa was compared with alfalfa hay as a carrier of minerals and vitamines. 6. A fresh mixture of buttermilk and rye was compared with a similar mixture soaked twelve hours, as a palatability factor. Since the results studied indicate that older and heavier pigs have less difficulty with rye rations than do younger pigs, it was planned to start a bunch of healthy, growthypigs on feed soon after weaning in the Spring and carry them on a full feed until they reach a marketable weight. Weights were taken regularily and a careful check kept on the condition and progress of each pig throughout the experiment. Previous Treatment of Pigs Three litters of late pigs had been weaned about two weeks before they were started on experiment. They had been treated for round worms with an organic iodine compound by Dr. Chandler, of the Bacteriology Department of the 27 'lichigan State College. -Previcus to weaning a self feeder containing a mixture of cracked corn, ground oats, middlings and tankage had been accessible since the pigs would take the feed. All of the pigs seemed to be healthy and thrifty when the trials begun. Allotment of Pigs The pigs were divided into seven lots as near equal as possible according to breed, weight, sex, type and thriftiness. There were six Duroc Jersey pigs, seven Hampshires and eight Berkshires available for use from the three litters, so that there was one of each‘breed for ‘ each lot except one, which was composed of two Berkshires ' and one Hampshire. Method of Weighing Weights were taken at eight to nine o'clock in the morning on weigh days. The pigs were weighed for three mornings in succession at the beginning of the experiment and the average of the three weights taken as the initial weight. The first experimental feed was given.at the even- ing feed of the second day. . Lot weights were taken every ten days and individual weights every 30 days. . A quantity of feed was mixed for each lot, or lots receiving the same grain ration, and each food was weighed fron.the box and recorded on a sheet for that purpose. All records were kept in a loose leaf note book prepared for the purpose. 28 Lots, water, Etc. Each lot of pigs was kept in a pen in the College central hog house with an adjacent outside yard fer exer- cise and sunshine. Both the inside pen and the yard were floored with concrete. Good ventilation made the quarters very comfortable during the warm weather. All the fresh water desired was allowed at noon in the concrete feeding trough. Slat racks were provided for the alfalfa hay or green forage. Self feeders were used for mineral mixture and salt. Raticns Fed and Method of Feeding Lot 7 received fresh green alfalfa similar to good tender pasture once daily. All other lots were allowed good quality, bright green alfalfa hay in racks which were kept filled at all times. The rack was fastened to the partition fence and two lots ate from it. .1 simple mineral mixture of ground limestone, acid phosphate and salt was allowed each lot. Very little was consumed, however, and later salt was supplied as desired. The grain rations were fed twice daily according to the appetite and were composed as follows, all contain- ing the same nutritive ratio as near as possible and . balanced according to Morrison Standard. Lot 1. Ground rye and tankage fed as a s10p with water. Lot 8. Ground rye, tankage and oilmeal, fed in a similar manner to Lot 1. Lot 5. Ground rye, tankage and locust bean meal fed in similar manner to Lots 1 and 2. Lot 4. Fed the same mixture as Lot 1 with cod liver oil added and fed in a similar manner. Lot 5. Ground rye and buttermilk, mixed and fed as a slcp. Lot 6. Ground rye and buttermilk, mixed, soaked 12 hours, and fed as a 810p. Lot 7. Fed the same grain ration as Lot 1 and fed in a similar manner. Treatment for Parasites All pigs were given 011 of chenOpodium and castor oil for worms on the 55th day of the eXperiment and again on the 72nd day. Experimental Data The following tables will be found in the appendix: Table I Weights of pigs by periods. Table II Total gain per lot of thrifty pigs by periods. Table III Feed consumption by periods. Table IV Feed deducted for pigs removed. Table V Feed consumed by thrifty pigs by periods. I 'Gains of Pigs Since the main object of the eXperiment was to find firation.that would produce satisfactory growth and gain rather than to compare the value of the rations for producing economical gains, a study of the gains made by each pig will be considered first. Table l Gains of pigs by periods Lot 1 Tankage check lot 3.3. 9 D.S. 15 lbs. lbs. lst. 35 days 6 29 2nd. 31 ' 13 31 3rd. 30 " -2 (10 da) 55 4th. 24 ' removed 36 Total 120 days (17) 131 Av. daily gain (.224) 1.092 Lot 2 Linseed oilmeal ' 3.3.29 D.8. 5 lbs. lbs. 1st. 35 days 15 29 2nd. 31 ' 25 29 ,3rd. 30 ' 5 36 4th. 24 " 2 (10 da) 27 removed Total 120 days (47) 121 Av. daily gain (.443) 1.008 H.B. 3 lbs. 31 38 39 35 143 1.192 H.B.43 lbs. 22 32 32 26 112 .933 Total lbs. 66 82 g 72 71 291 .921 Total lbs. 66 86 73 55 280 .809 Table 1 continued Gains of pigs by periods Lot 3 Locust Bean Meal Begs 49 DeBe 15 HeBe 33 TOt‘l lbae IbSe lbs. lbss lit. 35 days 22 24 ' 22 68 2nd. 31 ' 20 34 26 80 3rd. 30 ' 25 41 47 113 4th. 24 " 15 35 33 83 Total 120 days 82 134 128 344 A70 daily gain e683 loll? 1e067 e956 Lot 4 Cod.1iver 011 3.3. 19 B.B.419 3.3. 13 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lst.35 days 9 19 32 60 2nd.3l h" 6 22 42 7O 3rd.30 ' -2 (10 da) 28 51 77 4th.24 ' removed 25 27 52 Total 120 days (13) 94 152 259 AVe daily 88111 (e171) 0 783 lo 267 e 82 J. . ‘4I 1......III.|. I]? Table 1 continued Gains of pigs by periods Lot 5 Fresh Buttermilk B.S. 39 D.B. 5 lbs. lbs. 1st. 35 days 4 (34 da) 32 211‘s 3]. I died 4:5 3rd. 30 " worms 33 4th. 24 " - 33 Total 120 days (4) 143 Av. daily gain (.1180) 1.192 Lot 6 Soaked Buttermilk B.3. 59 D.B.25 lbs. lbs. 1st. 35 days ' 28 30 2nd. 31 ' 31 40 3rd. 30 " 37 32 '4th. 24 ' 23 19 Total 120 days 119 121 Av. daily gain .992 1.008 H.B.23 lbs. 29 31 41 35 136 1.133 3.8. 3 lbs. 30 37 46 31 144 Total lbs. 65 76 74 68 283 1.033 Total lbs. 88 108 115 73 384 1.067 34 Table 1 continued Gains of’pigs by periods Lot 7 Fresh Alfalfa BeBs 29 DeSe 25 HeSe 15 TOtal lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 1st. 35 days 22 33 23 78 2nd. 31 ' 36 38 27 101 3rd. 30 ' 20 40 35 95 4th. 24 ' -3 (10 da) 17 22 36 removed Total 120 days (75) 128 107 310 Av. daily gain (.708) 1.067 .892 .896 Some Pigs rail to Gain It will be noticed that no pig in any lot made as fast a gain as would be expected when fed on a good ration. The majorityof pigs, hmwever, made a consistent gain throughout the feeding period. One pig in Lot 5 died on the 34th day and an autopsy showed a bad infestation of round worms in the intestines. The remaining pigs were treated for worms and a large number were eXpelled. All pigs received a similar treatment again on the 72nd day, but no worms were found. . One pig in Lot 2 showed a very good gain the first 66 days and then failed to make a further appreciable gain. One pig in Lot 7 made a fair gain the first two periods but began to drop off during the next period and later lost rapidly in weight. One pig in Lot 1 and one in Lot 4 never did make even a fair gain at any time. At the time a.failure to gain is noticeable, it was also noted that those pigs were not consuming their share of the ration offered the lot. They would eat very sparing- ly of the slop-fed grain ration and exhibit a dissatisfied, hungry and somewhat irritable attitude. After once going off feed, none of them ever improved in appetite or showed a noticeable gain in weight as long as they remained in the lots. After being removed from the lots on the 76th day, the two pigs from Lots 1 and 4 were fed on rye and butter- milk for 44 days in an.attempt to get them to take more feed. They ate a very little, however, and made only very ' small gains. The pig from Lot 4 was killed at this time, and a thorough autopsy conducted by Drs. Hellman and Sholl, of the Department of Pathology. No indications whatever could be found of any physiological or pathological disturbance which might be responsible for the failure to thrive. The pigs that had been.removed from lots 1, 2 and 7 were put on a number of miscellaneous feeds in self feeders on the 120th day of the experiment. The following feeds 'were available: shelled corn, ground oats, ground barley, 36 ground rye, middlings, wheat bran, linseed oilmeal, locust bean meal, tankage, charcoal, mineral mixture and alfalfa hay. Buttermilk was also fed according to the appetite. A.ravenous appetite was manifested for shelled corn. (A moderate amount of buttermilk was taken. A small amount of each of the other grains was eaten and a. moderate amount of linseed oilmeal was desired but only a very little tankage. Some alfalfa hay was eaten. The gains immediately showed the effects of the feed being eaten. There was not so great an increase in gain during the first 20 days as there was during the second twenty days, however, the pigs showed more life and vigor, and their coats took on a sleek, shiny appearance. The pigs from Lots 1 and 2 weighed 63 and 73 pounds when turned loose to the feeders and 40 days later they weighed 119 and 138 pounds, or an average gain of 1.4 and 1.6 pounds per day. The pig from Lot 7 had not been in an unthrifty condition as long as the other two, but he was slower to get under way again. Starting at a weight of 117 pounds, he weighed 160 at the end of 40 days, an average gain of 1.07 pounds. These three pigs were put back on a ration of one part rye and two parts buttermilk after 40 days on the self feeders. Alfalfa hay was also allowed in a rack and mineral mixture and salt in.a feeder. Practically no mineral was eaten but some salt was relished. Some alfalfa was also eaten. The grain feed was consumed very readily for a period of 61 days and they were fed all they cared for. The gains continued even better than they had been during the last part of the time on the self feeders. On February 16, the weights were 237, 259 and 272 pounds, or an average gain of 1.9, 2.0 and 1.8 pounds per day. The barrow from Lot 7 was slaughtered and the carcass showed to be in prime condition and very firm. The two gilts were continued on rye and an attempt made to breed them. In fact they were bred February 5. One received rye and alfalfa until March 12, and the other received rye and buttermilk. The ration was cut down con- siderably in order to reduce their fattened condition. On larch 12 both gilts were put on rye and.water and the feed continued until May 12. 0n that date they weighed I27 and 340 pounds, showing slightly over a pound gain per day. One gilt was then put on a ration of rye and butter- milk and the other continued on rye and water. On July 12 they weighed 400 and 330 pounds. The one on rye and milk still continued her gain of better than a pound a day, but the other gilt did not eat her feed well and later lost quite a little that she had gained previously so that she showed a loss of 10 pounds in 61 days. Neither gilt proved to be pregnant although they had been bred several times. Their heat periods did not occur as regularily as is commonly found in swine. All the Pigs Gain well on Oorn All the other pigs were changed from the rye ratiom on November 7 and put on.810p rations of corn, tankage and linseed oilmeal, with alfalfa hay supplied. They were sorted into three lots according to size, with the large and small pigs separate. The rate of gain during the next 30 days was practically the same in all the lots, the average rate being 1.6 pounds per day. The lightest gain was made by one of the heaviest pigs and the heaviest gain by one of the lighter pigs, 1.3 and 2.2 pounds, respectively. Conclusions 1. There seems to be little difference among these rye rations in effectiveness for producing satisfactory gains on growing fattening pigs, with the possible exceptions of the buttermilk lots. Even then Lot 5 shows only slightly faster gain than.Lot 1, and Lot 6 slightly less. The one pig in Lot 6 did not do so well as the other two but it did finish the trial with a consistently steady rate of gain. 2. No ration has produced a satisfactory rate of gain at any time during the experiment. 3. No pig has produced an entirely satisfactory 'gain throughout the period of rye feeding although all of them made good gains on the corn ration. 4. The fact that most of the pigs in the experiment produced a fairly good and a fairly uniform gain, and that those that failed to gain on the rye rations did gain well 40 on the self feeders, indicates that the trouble was not in having pigs Who were poor feeders but that the rye rations affected them in some adverse way. 5. The ability of the poor doing pigs to continue to gain on the rye ration after a short period on other feed again suggests the point of age as a factor. 6. A very heavy feed of alfalfa was taken by the pigs in all lots, so much so in fact that practically all the pigs looked extremely paunchy throughout the feeding period. A more restricted alfalfa ration might furnish the necessary beneficial factors in the ration and still leave more capacity for increased grain consumption. following table: Gains of Thrifty Pigs The average daily gain per pig is shown in the Table 2 Average daily gain of‘thrifty pigs by periods lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Total 35 da. 31 da. 30 da. 24 da. 120 da, lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Lot 1- 2 pigs .857 1.113 1.233 1.479 l.l42t.023 Lot 2- 2 pigs .728 .984 1.133 1.104 .97lr.018 Lot 3- 3 pigs .648 .86 1.255 1.153 .955:.075 Lot 4- 2 pigs .728 1.032 1.317 1.083 1.02513115 Lot 5- 2 pigs .871 1.226 1.233 1.417 1.1621.014 Lot 6- 3 pigs .838 1.161 1.278 1.014 1.0663623? Lot 7- 2 pigs .8 1.048 1. 25 .813 .9913042 ”- s I V C e c I C O O I C e e a I I I i‘ ‘- a a. ,. C C O s O 41 The probable error has been figured for the entire period only. This table illustrates more clearly the data shown in Table 1. Lots 1 and 5 are the only ones which Show a ' consistent increase in rate of gain throughout the period. Each of the others shows a decrease during the last period. Lots 2, 3, and 7 show the smallest rates of gain. Lot 4 shows the largest probable error, which indicates that in another trial the results might be somewhat different in either direction. Lot 5 shows the smallest probable error, indicating that its rate of gain is fairly representative for that set of conditions. The gain in Lot 1 is almost_ as great as in Lot 5 and more than one tenth of a pound greater than any other lot. The pigs in the milk lots showed more finish and looked more thrifty than those in the other lots. Comparison of Rations The rations fed in the different lots are compared on the basis of the thrifty pigs which continued on feed throughout the experiment. The following method was used in deducting feed for the pigs removed. The figures by Dietrich, which are given by Henry and Morrison in "Feeds and Feeding", page 606, were used as a basis for the cal- culations of maintenance requirements. One tenth pound digestible protein per hundred pounds live weight was used as the maintenance requirement. The total nutrient require- ment was determined from the nutritive ratio of the ration hr“ 3 'a consumed. Subtraction of the maintenance requirement for the initial weight of the lot for the period,from the total nutrients consumed during the period, leaves the nutrients remaining for the gain that was made. The percentage of the nutrients required for maintenance and gain of the pig removed gives the percentage of the ration consumed by that pig. If the pig lost in weight, it was considered that only enough feed was consumed to maintain the low weight, and of course no gain was credited. The feed analyses were obtained from Table III of the appendix to "Feeds and Feeding" by Henry and Morrison, Eighteenth Edition, except for locust bean meal which was analysed by the Experiment Station Chemistry Department of Michigan State College. The digestibility of the locust bean meal was considered to be the same as for shelled corn as given in Table II in "Feeds and Feeding”. An example of calculation is as follows: Lot 1 First 35 day period Final Wt. 180 lbs. Initial Wt. 114 lbs. Gain 66 lbs. 35 da. feed Digestible Total for lot Crude Protein Digestible Nutrients lbs. lbs. lbs. Ground Rye 178.4 17.662 144.504 Tankage 19.6 11.015 13.994 Alfalfa 45. 4.77 23.220 Nutritive Ratio 1:4.43 33.447 181:718 35 da. feed Digestible for lot Crude Protein lbs. lbs. Nutrients for daily maintenance per cwt. .10 Nutr. for 35 da. maint. per cwt. 3.5 Nutr. for 35 da. maint. of 114 lbs. 3.99 Nutr. remaining for 66 lbs.gain29°457 Nutr. for 1 lb. gain .4463 B. S. 9 for 35 lbs. maintenance 1.225 For 6 lbs. gain ‘ 2.678 T0 t3]. as 903 Percentage of lot total consumed by B.S. 9 11.67 Therefore Gre Rye 2.3. 9 ate 11.67% of feed consumed by the lot 20.8 Total feed consumed by lot 178.4 With B.S. 9 out,t0ta1 feed 157.6 43 Total Digestible Nutrients lbs. .543 19.005 21.666 160.052 2.425 6.652 14.55 21.202 11.67 - Tanks A1 falfa 2.3 5.3 45 17.3 39.7 The average daily ration consumed per pig is shown in the following table: Table 3 Average daily ration per pig Lot 1- 2 pigs Ground Rye Tankage Alfalfa Total Lot 2- 2 pigs Ground Rye Tankage Linseed Oilmeal Alfalfa Total Lot 3— 3 pigs Ground Rye Tankage Locust Bean Alfalfa Total lst. 55 0.8» lbs. 2.251 .247 .567 3.065 1.717 .093 .261 .491 2.562 1.443 .192 .16 .381 2.176 2nd. 31 age lbs. 3.031 .267 .537 3.835 2.442 .106 .279 .46 3.287 2.154 .235 .24 .441 3.070 3rd. 30 da. lbs. 4.103 .27 .4 4.773 3.743 .127 .255 .458 4.583 3.293 .274 .366 .344 4.277 4th. 24 dam lbs. 4.933 .171 .312 5.406 4.181 .125 ..252 .362 4.920 4.464 .347 .496 .285 5.592 Total 120 ds. lbs. 3.45 .243 .467 4.160 2.904 .111 .262 .449 ' 3.726 2.693 .255 .299 .368 3.615 45 Table 3 continued Average daily ration per pig lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Total 35 da. 31 da. 30 da. 24 da. 120 da. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Lot 4- 2 pigs Ground Rye 2.01 3.243 4.078 4.717 3.387 Tankage .221 .287 .268 .283 .262 Alfalfa .474 .689 .392 .281 .445 Total 2.705 4.119 4.738 6.281 4.094 Cod Liver 011 oJ5°15 20.69 20.66 21.87 19.25 Lot 5- 2 pigs Ground Rye 1.951 2.298 4.183 4.896 3.187 Buttermilk 4.871 4.443 5.583 6.876 5.14 Alfalfa 5.81 5.16 .533 .229 .482 Total 7.403 7.257 10.299 11.000 8.809 Lot 6- 3 pigs Ground Rye 1.586 2.392 3.689 4.486 2.876 Buttermilk 3.933 4.656 4.733 5.444 4.622 Alfalfa .429 .527 .367 .236 .4 Total 5.948 7.676 8.689 10.166 7.897 Lot 7- 2 pigs eround Rye 1.896 2.66 4.51 6.666 3.498 Tankage .209 .232 .296 .34 .262 Alfalfa, fresh 1.81 2.229 3.328 , 3.102 2.556 Total 3.915 6.111 8.133 9.107 6.316 Some variation is noticed in the amounts of feed eaten no doubt due partly to variation in weight among ' the lots after the unthrifty pigs were remodedQ. Con- trary to what might be expected, neither lots 2 nor 3 showed greater feed consumption, indicating that neither linseed oilmeal nor locust bean meal were effective as appetizing agents in rye rations. The addition of cod liver oil to the ration did not increase the feed consumption. The fresh alfalfa lot showed no greater feed con- sumption than the ckeck lot. The soaked buttermilk lot showed a lighter feed consumption than the fresh buttermilk lot, although the average weight per pig was slightly less. reed Required for Gain Table 4 shows the feed required for each hundred pounds of gain in the different lots: A Table 4 feed per‘hundred pounds gain 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Total 35 da. 31 da. 30 da. 24 da. 120 da. Lot 1- 2 P183 lbs. lbs. lbs.‘ lbs. lbs. Ground Rye 262.7 272.3 332.7 332.8 302.2 Tankage 28.8 24.1 21.9 11.5 21.3 Alfalfa 66.2 48.3 32.4 21.1 40.9 Totdl 357.7 344.7 387.0 365.4 364.4 Table 4 continued Feed per hundred pounds gain lst. 55 age lbs. Lot 2- 2 pigs Ground.Rye 235.7 Tankage 12.7 Linseed Oilmeal 35.9 Alfalfa 67.4 ’ Total 361.7 Lot 3- 3 pigs Ground Rye 222.8 Tankage 29.7 Locust Bean 24.7 Alfalfa 58.8 Total 336.0 Lot 4- 2 pigs Ground Rye 275.9 Tankage 30.4 Alfalfa 65.1 ‘ Total 371.4 00d liver Oil 2079.8 2nd. 3]. da. lbs. 248.2 10.8 28.4 46.7 334.1 260.4 27.4 27.9 61.2 366.9 314.2 27.8 57 399.0 1994.7 3rde 50 da. lbs. 330.3 11.2 22.5 40.4 404.4 262.3 21.9 29.1 27.4 340.7 309.8 20.4 30 360.2 1560.8 4th. 24 63. lbs. 378.7 11.3 22.8 32.8 445.6 387.1 30.1 43 24.7 484.9 435.4 26.2 26 487.6 2019.2 ".2 7 Total 120 dae lbs. 299.1 11.5 27. 46.3 383.9 281.8 26.7 31.3 38.6 378.3 330.4 25.6 43.4 399.4 1878._ Table 4 continued Feed per hundred pounds gain 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 35 da. 31 da. 30 da. 24 da. 120 da. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Lot 5- 2 pigs Ground Rye 223.9 187.5 339.2 345.6 274.2 Buttermilk 559. 362.5 452.7 414.7 442.1 Alfalfa 66.7 42.1 43.2 16.2 41.5 Total 849.6 592.1 835.1 776.5 757.8 Lot 6- 3 pigs Ground Eye 189.2 206. 280.9 442.5 269.5 Buttermilk 469.3 400.9 370.4 537. 433.3 Alfalfa 51.1 45.4 28.7 23.3 37.5 Total 709.6 652.3 680.0 1002.8 740.3 Lot 7- 2 pigs Ground Rye 237. 252.8 360.8 697.2 357.2 Tankage 26.1 22.2 23.6 41.8 26.8 Alfalfa, fresh 226.2 212.6 266.3 381.8 261.1 Total 489.3 487.6 650.7 1120.8 645.1 Total ~ These results show a slightly different relation between the lots than was shown in feed eaten or rate of gain. .4 gradual increase in amount of feed required is seen as the feeding period lengthens and the pigs get heavier and older. Lots 4 and 7 show the highest feed 49 'requirements and the greatest difference in these lots is in the last period. Lot 7 shows extremely poor results at that stage of the game. The other lots are too close together to draw any very definite conclusions. The feed per pound of gain is reasonably low in all lots except for the last period in Lot 7. Hutrient Requirement The following table showing the total digestible nutrients required for each hundred pounds gain in the different lots emphasizes even more the similarity of the results among the lots and the failure of any of the other rations to show materially better results than the check lot of rye, tankage and alfalfa hay. Table 5 Total Digestible Rutrients per hundred puunds gain. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Total 35 da. 31 da. 30 da. 24 da. 120 da. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Lot 1- pigs 267.5 262.6 301.8 288.7 281 Lot2 - pigs 262.7 255 313.9 349.5 295.4 Lot 3- pigs 250.8 270 264.4 380.5 291 Lot 4- pigs 278.7 303.7 280.8 384.7 308.3 L05 5- pigs 262.8 204 335.1 323.1 280.7 Lot 6- pigs 219.1 224 273.4 415.5 274.1 Lot 7- pigs 237 245.4 348 650.3 343.4 50 Lot 7, the fresh alfalfa lot, shows a marked difference from the other lots and the chief variation is found there in the last period. The lot receiving cod liver oil with the rye and tankage ration shows next highest nutrient requirement. The soaked milk and rye lot made slightly the most efficient gain of the series. The check lot of rye and tankage and the fresh rye and milk lot are exactly equal. The linseed oilmeal lot and the locust bean meal lot are practically equal and slightly higher than the milk lots or the check lot in nutrients required for each pound of gain. Cost of Gains Table 6 Feed cost per hundred pounds gain lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Total 30 da. 31 da. 30 da. 24 da. 120 da. Lot 1- 2 pigs $5.30 26.17 $6.89 $6.60 85.47 L Lot 2- 2 pigs 5.23 5.04 6.10 6.78 5.78 Lot 3- 3 pigs 6.60 6.01 6.89 8.60 6.49 Lot 4- 2 pigs 6.37 6.77 6.11 8.32 6.80 Lot 6- 2 pigs 6.09 4168 7.22 6.96 6.20 Let 6- 3 pigs 5e10 5003 5e91 8096 6006 Lot 7- 2 pigs 4.76 6.86 6.62 12.43 6.65 Ground Rye $30 per ton, tankage $60 per ton, buttermilk 40 cents per cwt., alfalfa $15 per ton, fresh 51 .alfalfa $5.75 per ton, linseed oilmeal Q45 per ton, Locust Bean heal 995 per ton and Cod Liver Oil 40 cents per liter. At the prices used in calculating the feed costs the check lot of rye and tankage, with alfalfa hay self fed, is the most profitable lot in the series. Lots 4 and 7 are the least profitable lots, and Lot 3 is a close third due to the high cost of the locust bean meal. At forty cents per hundred pounds, butterilh is too high as compared with tankage at sixty dollars per ton. Due to the small numbers of pigs in each lot and the variation among the pigs, these results are important'as an indication only of the comparative value of these rations for pigs of this age. The following table shows the differences between the lots in rate of gain with the probable error of the differences: Table 7 Difference between lots in rate of gain with Probable Error. Greater Lesser Differences Probable Gain Gain in Gain Error Lot No. ' Lot No. lbs. lbs. 1 2 .171 .029 l 3 .187 .079 l 4 .117 .117 l 6 .076 .044 l 7. .163 .048 5 l .02 .028 5 2 .191 .022 5 3 .206 .076 5 4 .137 .116 5 6 .096 .039 5 7 .183 .044 6 2 .095 .041 6 3 .111 .084 6 4 .041 .121 6 7 .087 .055 4 2 .054 .076 4 3 .07 .137 4 7 .046- .122 7 2 .008' .045 7 3 .024 .086 2 3 .016 .094 The following lots only show a significant difference in rate of gain: 1 and 2, l and 7, 5 and 2, 5 and 7. Their differences in rate of gain are more than three times the probable error, which indicates that a similar lot will show the greater rate of gain in q_majority of further trials. Summary of Results 1. The palatability of the ration was not materially increased by adding linseed oilmeal or locust bean meal . 2. The vitamines contained in cod liver oil were of’no apparent benefit. 3. The vitamines and other factors carried by fresh green alfalfa were no better than those in well cured alfalfa bay of good color. 4. The rye and buttermilk ration was slightly more palatable than the rye and tankage ration. The pigs also showed a more thrifty appearance and better finish. 5. It Was not possible to put a desirable market finish on the pigs in a reasonable length of time when fed on a full feed. 6. The vital factors necessary for pr0per nutrition are evidently not in preper balance. 7. The feed required fer each hundred pounds of gain was not exceedingly high. 8. All pigs gained much faster on a similarily supplemented corn ration. Experiment II February 11 - June 1, 1926 110 days Object of the Experiment This second series of trials on feeding rye to growing fattening pigs was planned with much the same purpose as the previous experiment. Some of the conclu- sions from the study of earlier trials have been strengthened by the results of the previous experiment. 1. Pigs consuming a relatively light ration consist- ing chiefly of rye as the grain feed do not show a normal thrifty appearance. 2. Good digestion is indicated by the feed re quire- malt per pound of gain. 3. Some factor in the rye ration seems to be responsible for the failure of certain pigs to use such a ration to advantage, while other similar pigs may do acceptable well on it. 1 4. Palatability is probably one factor in secur- ing good results with rye rations although it is likely not the greatest factor. The new angles developed from the preceding experiment were also included in this trial. The question of limit- ing the alfalfa seemed to be an outstanding one. The possibility that a liberal supply of buttermilk through- out the period might exert some beneficial effect also looked favorable. Since the buttermilk pigs, especially those in Lot 5, made the most consistent gains throughout the period considering the one pig which failed to gain in 55 Lot 1, it seemed worth while to make a more detailed study - of the preperties inherent in the buttermilk. Plan of EXperiment 1. A.limited ration of alfalfa was compared with one self fed in a rack. 2. Soaking the rye in buttermilk was compared with feeding the mixture fresh. 3. .A liberal feed of buttermilk was compared.with a more restricted feed in which the ration was balanced according to the Morrison standard. 4. The acid properties of creamery buttermilk were studied by feeding one lot on sweet skimmilk. 5. Tankage was compared with buttermilk as a protein supplement to rye. 6. The younger pigs of the September pig crop were used in order to have pigs which did not possess too much possible advantage of age and weight. It was planned to feed them to a market weight of approximately 200 pounds as quickly as possible. Previous Treatment of Pigs The pigs received a grain mixture in a creep while nursing and were weaned.when about eight weeks old. A short time after weaning they were treated with.oil of chen0podium and castor oil for ascaris infestation. Only a very few worms were eXpelled. .A grain mixture of corn, oats, middlings and tankage with a small amount of butter- milk was fed and alfalfa hay was supplied.in racks. All 56 the pigs were apparently in thrifty growing condition when put on experimental feed. Allotment of Pigs . The pigs were divided into six lots as nearly uniform as possible according to breed, type, weight, sex and thriftiness. Four pigs were available for each lot. Method of Weighing Three weights were taken on successive days at the beginning and at the close of the eXperiment and the average of these three weights was considered as the initial and final weights respectively. Individual weights were taken every ten days throughout the eXperiment. The feed for each lot was weighed and recorded at each feeding. The first experimental feed was given in the evening after the second initial weight and the last feed was given in the morning of the second day of the final weight. Lots, Water, etc. The same lots and yards were used in this experiment as in Experiment I. 110 water was allowed except what was necessary to make the proper consistency of the 810p feed. Alfalfa hay was fed in slat racks to all lots except Lot 1. Self feeders were used for mineral mixtures and salt. Rations Fed and Method of Feeding The alfalfa hay for Lot 1 was ground and mixed with the grain ration. All other lots were self fed alfalfa hay in racks with two lots eating from each rack except in case of Lot 6 which had a rack alone. 57 A mineral mixture of ground limestone 20 lbs., salt 30 lbs., and steamed bonemeal 45 lbs. was kept in one compartment of a self feeder and common salt in another compartment. The grain rations were fed twice daily according to the appetite and were composed as follows: Lot 1. Ground rye, ground alfalfa (531’. to 735 of the grain ration),buttermilk, the ration balanced according to the Morrison Standard for pigs of corresponding weights. Lot 2. Ground rye and buttermilk, the same nutritive ratio as Lot 1, allowing a similar amount of alfalfa hay in the calculations. Lot 3. Ground rye and buttermilk soaked twelve hours and balanced in the same manner as Lot 2. Lot 4. Ground. rye 1 part, buttermilk 2 parts. Lot 5. Ground rye 1 part, sweet skim milk 2 parts. Lot 6. Ground rye and tankage balanced in the same manner as Lots 2 and 3. Experimental Data The following tables will be found in the appendix: Table VI Weights of pigs by 10 day periods. Table VII Total gain per lot of thrifty pigs by 30 day periods. Table VIII Feed consumption by periods. Table IX Feed deducted for pigs removed. Table X Feed consumed by thrifty pigs by periods. Lot 1 lot. and. 3rd. Total Gains of pigs by periods - 4 pigs nine days eleven," ten ' 30 days 4th.ten days 5th. 6th. Total 7th. 8th. 9th. Total n u w u 30 days ten days a n u n 30 days lOth.ten days 11th Total Total 20 days 110 days flmlee Limited Alfalfa YeB. 7 0.3. 35 1b8e lbs. 2 16 14 20 16 15 32 51 14 16 14 22 12 15 4O 53 16 2O 16 21 14 13 46 54 12 23 20 24 32 47 150 205 1.864 Average daily gain 1.364 P.S. 3 lbs. 11 -8 3 6- ‘c.s.26 7 22 22 51 18 22 17 57 24 23 47 161 1.464 58 H.S. 15 lbs. 6 7 4 l7 2 4 4 10 Removed April 12 (27) (.45) '"(3.8.26 substituted for P.S.3 at the end of 30 days. Total lbs. 35 33 38 106 39 62 53 154 54 59 44 157 59 67 126 543 1.392 Table 8 continued Gains of pigs by periods Lot 2- 4 pigs Fresh Buttermilk BeSe 2 CeSe 5 PeBe 3 HeSe 5 T0581 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lst. nine days 3 9 ll 5 28 2nd. eleven ' 13 12 17 12 54 3rd. ten ” ll 10 ll 11 43 Total 30 days 27 31 39 28 125 4th. ten days l5 19 12 13 59 5th. ” ' 16 15 20 14 65 6th. ' ” ll 4 9 8 32 Total 30 days 42 38 41 35 156 7th. ten days 14 13 16 18 61 8th. ” " 16 9 12 9 46 9th. " ' 10 15 13 19 57 Total 30 days 40 37 41 46 164 10th. ten days 14 13 23 6 56 11th. ” " 10 12 13 16 51 Total 20 days 24 25 36 22 107 Total 110 days 133 131 157 131 552 Average daily gain 1.209 1.191 1.427 1.191 1.266 60 Table '8 continm d Gains of pigs by periods Lot 3- 4 pigs Soaked Buttermilk Y.S. 3 C.B. 26 D.B. 4 H.S. 4 Total lbs. 1133. 1b8e lbs. lbs. lst. nine days 12 12 ll 12 47 2nd.eleven ' 14 9 l4 9 46 3rd. ten ' ll 13 9 12 45 Total 30 days 37 34 34 34 138 4th. ten days 2O 19 _ 16 ll 66 5th. 7 " 15 18 6 ll 50 6th. " " 12 14 3 0 29 Total 30 days 47 61 26 22 145 7th. ten days 19 19 -5 -4 29 8th. ' ' 15 25 7 Removed 47 9th. " " ll 20 3 April 22 34 Total 30 days 45 64 5 -4 110 lOth.tln days 19 20 2 41 11th.." 7 6 21 9 36 Total 20 days 25 41 ll 77 Total 110 days 154 190 75 (51) 470 Average daily gain 1.4 1.727 .682 (.729) 1.175 61 Table 8 continued Gains of pigs by periods Lot 4- 4 pigs Liberal Buttermilk Y.S.2 0.B.6 D.B.l H.B.2 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lst. nine days 9 ll 9 8 37 2nd. eleven 7 16 13 15 15 59 3rd. ten ” 12 15 12 8 47 Total 30 days 37 39 36 31 143 4th. ten days 20 l4 l3 14 61 5th. ” ' 22 32 -10 19 63 6th. " " ll 6 3 4 24 Total 30 days 53 52 6 37 148 7th. ten days 19 23 4 10 56 8th. ' ' 26 18 Removed 8 52 9th. " ' 15 23 April 22 10 48 Total 30 days 60 64 4 28 156 lOth.ten days 16 22 15 53 11th. ' ' 24 16 14 54 Total 30 days 40 38 29 107 Total 110 days 190 193 (46) 125 554 Average daily gain 1.727 1.755 (.657) 1.136 1.385 C) to Table 8 continued Gains of pigs by periods Lot 5- 4 pigs Liberal Skimmilk 3.3. 5 0.3. 33 D.B. 6 H.B. 4 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lst. nine days l4 12 15 2 43 2nd. eleven ' 16 8 13 ll 48 3rd. ten 7 9 l9 l4 4 46 Total 30 days 39 39 42 17 137 ‘H.s. 6 4th. ten days 14 23 14 13 64 5th. 7 ' 14 18 18 9 59 6th. ” " l5 . 23 8 9 55 . Total 30 days 43 64" 40 31 178 7th. ten days 9 16 12 8 45 8th. ' ” 9 l9 l7 13 58 9th. ' " l4 14 ll 15 54 Total 30 days 32 49 4O 36 157 10th. ten days 15 16 12 8 51 11th. " " 13 ll 16 16 56 Total 20 days 28 27 28 24 107 Total 110 days 142 179 150 108 579 Average daily gain 1.291 1.627 1.364 .982 1.316 *H.3. 5 substituted for H.B. 4 at the end of 30 days. Table 8 continued Gains of pigs by periods Let 6- 4 pigs Tankage Y.B. 8 0.3. 3 P.B. 5 H.S. 3 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. 1bs.’ lbs. lst. nine days 9 4 9 6 28 2nd. eleven 7 ll 16 11 4 42 3rd. ten 7 ll 6 6 11 34 Total 30 days 31 26 26 21 104 4th. ten days 8 19 7 16 50 5th. 7 7 8 ll 7 8 34 6th. 7 7 16 15 4 12 47 Total 30 days 32 45 18 36 131 7th. ten days 13 22 removed 14 49 8th. 7 7 19 10 April 12 16 45 .9th. 7 7 10 27 19 56 Total 30 days 42 59 49 150 10th. ten days l5 19 10 44 11th. 7 7 l6 l5 ' 9 40 Total 20 days 31 34 19 84 Total 110 days 136 164 . (44) 126 469 Average daily gain 1.236 1.491 (.733) 1.136 1.203 p. It will be noticed immediately that those pigs made considerably larger gains than those in.the first experiment. .A part of this difference might be explain- able on the basis of age and weight since these pigs averaged approximately 70 pounds in weight and those in the other trials averaged slightly less than 40 pounds. One pig in Lot 1 and one in Lot 5 was removed at the end of the first 30 days on account of an extremely unthrifty appearance evidently not due to the ration being fed. Other pigs were substituted fer them. One pig was removed from Lot 6 at the end of 60 days for the same reason. The Hampshire sow number 15 in Lot 1 shows a very light gain from the beginning of the feeding period. She did not seem to relish the ration offered and.ate only enough feed to keep from.starving. Her tail hung straight and she seemed dull and.atupid. At the end of 60 days she was removed from the lot. The Hampshire sow and the Duroc barrow in Lot 3 showed very good gains for the first part of the period. It will be noticed that their gains suddenly'dr0pped off after 40 to 50 days feeding. The Hampshire was removed from the lot soon after ceasing to gain and the Duroc was continued on the original ration throughout the experiment. The Duroc barrow in Lot 4 showed the same tendencies as the two pigs in Lot 3. He was also removed at the and 0f 70 days. These three pigs showed exactly the same symptoms at the time they failed to gain. A very laxative condition was noticeable, and they ate very little feed. This condition continued in the pig left in Lot 3 until the close of the exPeriment.. The other two pigs and the one from Lot 1 were put on a ration of rye and buttermilk in the proportion of one to two, with alfalfa hay in the rack. They were also given an organic iodide preparation recommended by Dr.0handler, of the Bacteriology Department. A rather heavy dose was given at two day-intervals for a week for the purpose of an intestinal antiseptic. The pig left in Lot 3 was also given two of these treatments and a liberal dose of castor oil. A few drops of the preparation were given in the ration of the three pigs once daily for a period of 71 days. The pig from Lot 1 which had never eaten the farmer ration well at any time, began to eat greedily and her gains increased pr0portionately. She gained 86 pounds in the 71 days, an average of 1.21 pounds per day. The pig from Lot 3, which had been off feed and losing weight for only a few days, was more slow to get started on feed. The tendency to scouring gradually dis- appeared, however, and she showed a very good rate of gain later in the period. During the last 41 days she made an average gain of 1.27 pounds per day. The pig from Lot 4, however, which had been losing weight for some time before being changed and had gained U U it all back before the change, did not show much improve- ment with the addition of the iodine to the ration. He gained a total of only 30 pounds during the 71 days on this ration. The Duroc pig from Lot 3 was also put on the iodized ration at the close of the original eXperiment. At the end of 32 days he had lost six pounds in weight. Evidently the addition of iodine did not make the ration satisfactory fer all pigs although it may have had some influence on two of the pigs. Table 9 Average daily gain of thrifty pigs by 30 day periods lst 2nd 3rd 4th Total 30 da. 30 da. 30 da. 20 da. 110 da. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Lot - 3 pigs .989 1.6 1.744 2.1 1.56413084 Lot - 4 pigs 1.042 1.3 1.367 1.337 1.25513034 Lot - 2 pigs 1.183 1.633 1.813 1.65 1.56412078 Lot - 3 pigs 1.189 1.578 1.689 1.783 1.53913111 Lot - 4 pigs 1.142 1.483 1.308 1.337 1.31613078 Lot - 3 pigs .867 1.256 1.667 1.4 1.28813058 67 The average daily gain by periods of the pigs that finished with steady gains throughout the experiment shows some variation. Quite a bit of this variation is probably due to individuality of the different pigs. The initial weights varied somewhat in the beginning so that the lack of uniformity among the lots after some pigs were removed may have been partly responsible. The pig sub- stituted in Lot 1 develOped into a very growthy pig that gained very well. Lots 2 and 5 did not contain pigs that were as good individuals as some pigs inthe other lots. This situation was evident soon after the beginning of the exgeriment. However, the milk-fed lots as a whole showed faster gains than the tankage lot, Lot 6, and yet the pigs in the tankage lot seemed to be equally as good individ- uals as those in any other lot, except possibly Lot 1. The outstanding point of the eXperiment as shown by the rates of gain is that some pigs in various lots failed ent irely to utilize to good advantage the rations offered, while all the other pigs made gains that would be considered good average results with other rations of recognized value for growing and fattening pigs. Comparison of Rations The comparative value of the rations fed is made on the basis of the pigs which finished the entire trial with continuous gains. The deduction of feed for the pigs removed from the lots is made in the same manner as in EXperiment I . Average Table 10 daily rat ion per pig Lot 1 - 3 pigs Ground Rye Ground Alfal fa Buttermilk Minerals Salt Total Lot 2 - 4 pigs Ground Rye Buttermilk Alfalfa Mineral 8 -Salt Total Lot 3 - 2 pigs Ground Rye Buttermilk Alfalfa Minerals Salt Total lst 2nd 3rd 30 da. 30 da. 30 da. lbs. lbs. lbs. 3.024 3.983 5.221 .159 .573 .446 5.051 5.141 6.478 8.234 9.497 12.145 2.858 3.779 4.759 4.829 4.958 5.717 .5 .425 .438 8.187 9.162 10.914 2.848 4.82 6.375 4.785 6.428 7.77 .513 .548 .661 8.146 11.796 14.806 4th .20 da. lbs. 6.266 .4 7.333 13.999 12.632 5.717 6.992 .307 13.016 68 Total 110 da lbs. 4.475 5.88 .0076 .0076 10.7092 4.135 5.451 .418 .0068 .0068 10.0176 4.87 6.449 .526 .0073 .0073 11.8596 Table 10 continued Lot 4 - 3 pigs Ground Rye Buttermilk Alfalfa Minerals Salt Total Lot 5 - 4 pigs Ground Rye Skim Milk Alfahfa Minerals Salt Total Lot 6 - 3 pigs Ground Rye Tankage Alfalfa Minerals Salt Total lst 30 (18.0 lbs. 2.858 5.716 .541 9.115 2.517 5.034 .542 2.908 .218 3.462 2nd 30 da. lbs. 4.708 9.168 .588 14.464 3.5 6.783 .483 10.766 4.6 .272 .346 5.218 3rd 30 da. lbs. 5.37 10.74 .39 16.5 4.2 8.4 12.963 5.416 .284 .167 5.867 4th 20 (18.. lbs. 5.333 10.667 .3 16.3 15.3 5.7 .3 .117 6.117 69 Total 110 da. lbs. 4.498 8.928 .468 .0073 .0073 13.9086 3.695 7.332 .433 .0068 .0068 11.4736 4.561 .266 .252 .0076 .0076 5.0942 These pigs ate quite a little lighter percentage of alfalfa than did the smaller pigs of Experiment I. They did not show a paunchy appearance at any time. In fact, the amount<3f alfalfa in the ration of the limited alfalfa lot was increased after a short time when it was evident that the others were not consuming an excessive amount. The tankage lot, Lot 6, shows a considerably lighter alfalfa consumption than any of’the other lots. 0f the other lots, two were eating from the same rack so that the amount taken by each lot was considered to be in preportion to the number of pigs in the lots after some were removed. There was no doubt some error there on account of the pigs which were going off feed. A small amount of mineral mixture was eaten and.an equal amount of salt. The daily ration probably was governed somewhat by the individuality of the pigs in the same manner as the gains produced. It seems reasonable that pigs consuming so large a rat ion and making greater gains per day would show a greater individual variation in the daily ration and in the rate of gain than should pigs which are taking only a light ration and gaining more slowly, as in the case of Experiment I. The possible inaccuracy in deducting feed consumed by pigs removed may account for some of the variations among the lots. This is especially trueibr Lots 3 and 4 when.they show a decreased feed consumption during the last period. Table 11 Feed per hundred pounds gain Lot 1- 3 pigs Ground Rye Ground Alfalfa Buttermilk Minerals Salt Total Lot 2 - 4 pigs Ground Rye Buttermilk Alfalfa Minerals salt Total Lot 3 - 2 pigs Ground Bye Buttermilk Alfalfa Minerals Salt Total 1st 30 da. lbs. 505.8 16.1 510.8 832.7 274.4 463.6 48 786.0 240.7 404.4 43.4 688.5 2nd 50 C130 lbs. 249 23.3 321.3 593.6 290.7 381.4 32.7 704.8 295.1 393.6 33.6 722.3 3rd 50 (139 lbs. 299.3 25.5 371.3 696.1 348.2 418.3 32.1 798.6 350.9 427.7 36.4 815.0 4th 20 6.3.. lbs. 298.4 19 349.2 666.6 422.4 502.8 19.2 944.4 346.5 423.8 18.6 788.9 71 Total 110 (130 lbs. 286.2 21.7 375. .48 .48 684.86 329.6 434.5 33.4 .54 .54 798.58 311.4 412.4 33.6 .47 .47 758.34 Feed per hundred pounds gain Lot 4 - 3 pigs Ground Rye Buttermilk Alfalfla Minerals Salt Total Lot 5 - 4 pifs Ground Rye Skim Milk Alfalfa Mineral s Salt Total Lot 6 - 3 pigs Ground Rye Tankage Alfalfa Minerals Salt Total Table 11 continued 1st 2nd 3rd 30 da. 30 da. 30 da. lbs. lbs. lbs. 240.4 298.4 318 480.8 581.1 635.9 45.5 37.3 23 766.7 916.8 976.9 220.4 236 321 440.8 457.3 642 47.4 32.6 27.8 708.6 725.9 990.8 335.5 366.4 324.9 25.1 21.7 17. 38.7 27.5 10. 399.3 415.6 351.9 4th 20 (130 lbs. 299.1 598.2 16.8 914.1 373.8 747.7 22.4 1143.9 407.1 21.4 8.3 436.8 72 Total 110 da lbs. 292.2 579.9 30.4 .47 .47 903.44 280.8 557.2 32.9 .52 .52 871.94 354.1 20.6 19.6 .59 .59 395.48 There is doubtless more or less error in.the deduction of feed for the pigs remcved since it is abso- luteley impossible to tell how much feed was consumed by the individual pugs. Although they were eating very light- ly, more feed probably is required for each pound of gain, and more especially for maintenance, than is given in the standards used.in the computations. A.sing1e weight between 30 day periods is also a likely source of'error since a pig or a lot may vary in fill at different times. A moderate increase in feed required per pound of gain is seen in all lots except Lot 1 as the feeding period progressed, and in Lots 2 and 6 a sharp increase is noted in the last period. The two pigs removed from Lot 1 early in the feeding period and the extra good pig substituted no doubt account ficr the more economical gains later in the period. Taking the lots individually and as a whole, the amount of feed required fer each unit of gain is no higher than would be eXpected for any g®od ration under similar conditions. Milk Lots compared with Check Lots. A comparison of the milk fed lots with the tankage check lot shows the following differences between each milk lot and the check lot in feed required to produce one hundred pounds gain. 7% Table 12 -Differences in feed requirements per cwt. gain Milk Lots Check Lot; Milk Alfalfa Ground Tankage hay rye lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. LOt l 576 2.]. 1‘6placed 6709 2006 Lot 2 434.5 13.8 24.5 20.6 Lot 3 412.4 14 42.7 20.6 Lot 4 579.9 10.8 61.9 20.6 Lot 5 557.2 13.3 73.3 20.6 Nutrient Requirement The total digestible nutrients used in producing each hundred pounds of gain in the various lots shows agann the similar results obtained from the different rations. Table 13 Total Digestible Nutrients per hundred pounds gain 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Total 30 da. 30 da. 30 da. 20 da. 110 da. lbs. lbs. leQ leQ - lbs. Lot 1- 3 pigs 298.9 240.7 286.9 280.9 274.6 Lot 2- 4 pigs 285.9 284.4 333.7 394.3 320.7 Lot 3- 2 pigs 251.3 289.3 339 326.2 304.3 Lot 4- 3 pigs 258.6 309.7 322.8 301.2 301 Lot 5- 4 pigs 243.2 249.5 332.7 382.4 295.1 --1 c a “2:: 505.7 326.4 280.5 349.4 310.9 75 As mentioned before, the individuality of the pigs doubtless was reSponsible for some of the differences shown. The good pigs in Lot 1 show the best results and the common pigs in Lot 2 show the poorest results. The check lot of rye and tankage, Lot 6, is slightly higher than the other three milk lots, which are quite close together in nutrients trequired. No lot shows a material advantage over the check lot of rye, tankage and alfalfa hay. Table 14 Feed cost per hundred pounds gain lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Total 50 d3. 30 d3. 30 (18.. 20 6.80 110 d8. Lot 1- 3 pigs $6.75 $5.19 $6.16 $6.01 $5.97 Lot 2- 4 pigs 6.33 6.13 7.14 8.49 6.95 Lot 3- 2 pigs 5.55 6.25' 7.24 7.03 6.59 Lot 4- 3 pigs 5.87 7.08 7.49 7.00 6.94 Lot 5- 4 pigs 5.42 5.61 7.59 8.76 6.70 Lot 6- 3 pigs 6.08 6.35 5.46 6.81 6.09 Ground Rye $30 per ton, tankage $60 per ton, milk 40 cents per cwt., alfalfa $15 per ton, mineral and salt $30 per ton. The cost of the rations was figured on the same basis as in.EXperiment 1. Lot 1, the limited alfalfa lot, again shows an advantage, part of which may be due to the ration and part to the individuality of the pigs. With the 76 ,exception of Lot 1, Lot 6, fed Ground Rye, Tankage and Alfalfa hay shows the cheapest cost per pound of gain. However, they did not show as good finish as the pigs in the milk lots. The differences among the other lots receiving milk with the rye are entirely within the possibility of experimental error. Table 15 Differences between lots in rate of gain with Probable Error. Greater Gain Lesser Cain Differences Probable in gain Error Lot ho. Lot no. lbs. lbs. 1 2 .31 .09 1 3 .0 .115 1 4 .025 .139 1 5 .248 .114 1 6 .276 .102 3 2 '.309 .085 3 4 .025 .136 3 5 .248 .11 3 6 .276 .077 4 2 .284 .116 4 5 .223 .136 4 6 .251 .125 5 2 .061 .084 5 6 .028 .097 6 2 .033 .067 .77 In only three cases is the difference in rate of gain between two lots greater than three times the probable error. The probable error of many of the differences is practically as great and in some cases even greater than the difference in gain. This table emphasizes the conclusion mentioned previously, that with the small number of pigs and the individual differences among the pigs there is little significant difference among the lots. Summary of Results l..A ration containing ground rye as the chief source of grain feed can not be used efficiently by many pigs. 2. Older and heavier pigs seem to utilize rye to better advantage.6 3. Limiting the alfalfa in the ration may be of some advantage. 4. There is little if any benefit from soaking the ration ofhrye and buttermilk before feeding. 5. Increasing the amount of buttermilk beyond the amounts necessary to balance the ration prOperly is of little or no advantage. 6. Buttermilk and sweet skim milk are apparently equal as supplements to rye. 7. Buttermilk or skimmilk seems to be supprior to 60% meat meal tankage in producing gains and finish on pigs with rye as the source of grain. 78 8t Iodine does not seem to be efficient in all cases, if any, in completing the deficiencies in a ration of ground rye and buttermilk, with alfalfa self-fed. 9. Ground rye produces economical gains if the pigs will consume enough feed to gain consistently. 10. Palatability is probably not the only limiting factor. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 79 Bibliography Hays , F. A. Delaware Station Bulletin 124, 1919. Henry and Morrison. "Feeds and Feeding". Ferrin, E. F. and McCarty, 11. A. Mimeograph Sheets. Paper delivered at the American Society of Animal Production, IIov. 27, 1925 by E. F. Ferrin. Personal information from Ferrin and McCarty. University of Minnesota. Morgan, George, Supt., North Montana Branch Station, University of Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Thirtieth annual report, February,1924. Fieldsted, E. J. and Potter, E. L. Oregon Agricultural College Station Bulletin 165 Eastwood Ohio Station Bulletin 268, pages 147-164. Kennedy, Evvard, Kildee and Robbins Iowa Agricultural Station Bulletin 136 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 80 Mumford, F. B. and Weaver, L. A. Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 110. Brown, G. A. and Edwards, W. E. J. Unpublished data from Experiment Station 'TMichigan State College. BrOVV-Al, Go A. 811d Edwards. 170 E. J. Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 2,.Nov. 1925. Michigan Experiment Station. Brown, G. A. Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 4, Ho. 1, Aug. 1921. Michigan Experiment Station. Ferrin, E. F. and Winchester, H. B. Kansas State Agricultural College Circular 89. Gibson, U. H. Dominion of Canada EXperiment Farm, Indian Head, Sask. Report of Supt., 1925. Matthews, Victor .Agricultural Experiment Station, Scott, Sask. Report of Supt., 1924. Snyder, W. P. Supt. Horth.Platte Substation Hebraska.Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 147 Horth.P1atte Substation Bulletin 16. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 81 Faville, A. D. Wyoming Experiment Station Bulletin 114, 1917. Hultz, Ered S. ' flyo. Annual Report,Experiment Station 1924-5. Freeman, V. A. Extension Specialist in Animal Husbandry Michigan State College Personal Information. Osborne, T. B. and Mendel, L. B. Carnegie Institute Chemical Abstracts, Vol. 16, page 4255. McCollum et a1 John.H0pkins University Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1919, pp. 155-178 McCollum, Simmonds and.Parsons J. B. C. 47, 1921, pp. 255-420 Osborne and.Hendel J. B. Co 41. 1920, pp. 275-950 Chemical Abstract, Vol. 14, page 2365. 0stwa1d, U0 Colloidal Chemistry of Bread Kblloid Zeit., Liepzig. Chemical Abstract, Vol. 14, page 1167. e4. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 82 Groh, J. and Priedl, G. University of Budapest Biochemical Zeitung, 66, pp. 154-64. Chemical Abstract, Vol. ', page 3446. McCollum, Simmonds and Parsons J.B.C. 47, 1921, Page 215. Hart and Bentley University of Wisconsin J.B.C. 22. 1915, pp. 479 and 483. Turner, J. D. and Spears, H. D. Kentucky Station Bulletin 203 Experiment Station Record, Vol. 36, page 269. Osborne and Mendel Connecticutt Agricultural College and Carnegie Institute J.B.C. 20, 1915, page 352. HonCamp, F. and Nolte, 0. Landwerts Vers. Stat. 96, 1920. Experiment Station Record, Vol. 44, page 867. HonCamp, ileumami and Mullner Landierts Vers, Stat. 81, 1913 Experiment Station Record, Vol. 30, 1914, page 565. APPENDIX 83 84 Table I Weights of pigs by periods Lot 1 - 3 pigs Tankagi check lot. 9.3. 9 5.3. 15 H.B. 3 Total lbs. 159. lbs. 153. July 9,1925 35 34 43 112 ' 10 36 36 45 117 7 11 33 34 43 110 Avirago Initial at. July 10 35 35 44 114 ' 25 140 465. I 169 ' 14 41 64 75 190 ' 25 209 s.pt. 4 236 ' 14 54 95 113 262 i 24 *52 299 Oct. 3 I"5358 ' 14 130 152 *292 i 24 146 164 310 Nov. 7 166 197 353 * 3.3. 9 ICmOVCd SCPto 24 Table-I continued Weights of pigs by periods hot 2- 3 pigs Linseed meal 5.5. 29 5.5. 5 H.B. 43 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. July 9,1925 32 39 40 111 ' 10 33 39 42 114 7 11 33 39 40 111 Average Initial It. July 10 ' 33 39 41 113 7 25 136 .... 5 ' 159 7 14 49 69 53 179 7 25 205 Sept. 4 235 7 14 73 97 95 265 7 24 294 o... 3 319 - 7 14 79 133 127 339 7 24 *90 145 139 365 55v. 7 150 153 *313 *5.5. 29 removed Oct. 24 86 Table I continued Weights of pigs by periods Lot 3- 3 pigs Locust Bean.Meal 3.3. 49 D.B. 15 H.B. 33 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. July 9, 1925 31 30 48 109 ' 10 80 29 48 107 ' 11 30 30 49 109 Arerege Initial Wt. July'lo 30 30 49 108 7 25 132 Aug. 5 168 7 14 52 54 70 176 7 25 199 Sept. 4 228 7 14 72 99 96 256 7 24 296 out. 3 337 7 14 ' 97 129 143 369 7 24 103 144 159 405 Nov. 7 112 164 175 452 Table I continued Weights of pigs by periods .Lot 4- 3 pigs Cod liver oil 3.3. 19 D.B. 419 H.B. 13 lbs. lbs. lbs. July 9, 1925 36 35 41 ' 10 36 35 43 ' ll 36 33 41 Aterege Initial Wt. July 10 35 34 42 ' 86 1... 5 ' 14 45 53 74 " 85 3.55: 4 ' 14 51 75 116 " 24 *49 Oct. 3 " 14 103 167 " 24 112 176 Nov. 7 128 194 * 3.3. 19 removed Sept. 24 87 Total lbs. 112 11} 110 112 135 154 178 190 221 242 271 *243 270 288 322 88 Table.I continued Weights of pigs by periods Lot 5- 3 pigs Fresh Buttermilk 3.8. 39 D.B. 5 H.B. 23 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. July 9,1926 37 4O 30 107 ' 10 39 4o 31 110 " 11 37 43 31 111 Average Initial Wt. July 10 39 41 31 110 7 25 135 .... 5 155 7 14 *42 73 60 175 7 25 *155 Sept. 4 p 179 7 14 119 91 209 7 24 232 Oct. 3 ' 269 7 14 151 132 293 7 24 ‘155 152 317 Nov. 7 194 157 351 * 5.3. 39 5144 August 13. 89 Table I continued Weights of pigs by periods Lot 6- 3 pigs Soaked Buttermilk 5.3. 59 5.5. 25 5.3. 3 707.1 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. July 9,1925 34 39 37 110 7 lo 35 7 41 39 114 7 11 33 4o 40 113 Average Initial Wt. July 10 34 4o 39 112 7 25 149 lug. 5 190 7 14 52 7o 59 200 7 25 232 Sept. 4 ‘269 7 14 93 110 105 309 7 24 345 o... 3 - 394 7 14 130 ' 142 151 423 7 24 140 156 169 464 Nov. 7 153 161 182 496 Table I continued Heights of pigs by periods Lot 7- 3 pigs Fresh Alfalfa ' 5.5. 29 5.3. 25 5.3. 13 lbs. lbs. lbs. July 9, 1925 37 40 33 ‘ n 10 36 41 31 n 11 37 40 30 Average Initial Wt. July 10 '37 4o 31 7 25 Aug. 5 u 14 59 73 54 " 25 Sept. 4 n 14 _ 95 111 81 '" 24 Oct. 3 u 14 115 151 115 n 24 *112 170 126 Nov. 7 7 168 158 * 5.5. 29 removed Oct. 24th. Total lbs. 109 108 107 Table II 91 Total gain.per lot of thrifty pigs by 30 day periods Lot 1- 8 Lot 2- 2 Lot 3- 3 Lot 4- 2 Lot 6-72 Lot 6-_3 Lot 7- 8 pigs 9183 918' pigs 9183 918' pigs lot 35 da. lbfie 50 51 68 51 61 88 56 and 31 ds. lble 69 61 80 64 76 108 65 3rd 30 dCe lbs. 74 68 113 79 74 115 75 4th 24 ds. lbs. 71 53 83 52 68 73 39 Total 120 do. 188s 274 833 344 246 279 384 235 Table 111 read Consumption.by periods Lot 1 Tankage oheok lot lat 15 da.(rye ao-manr.6i) 8nd 11 ' ' 3rd 9 9 5 Total 35 days 4th 11 da.(rye 60-2.nk.6&) 6th 10 ' (rye 50-Tank. 4) 6th 10 * (rye SO-Tank. 4i Total 31 days. I 7th 10 da.(rys 60-Tank. 4) 8th 9 " (rye 60-Tank. 3) 9th 11 3' ' ‘ Total so days 10th 10 da.(rye 50-Tank.3) 11th 14 * " ' total 24 days‘ Total 120 days * Approximately 16% alfalfa deducted for waste Ground Tankage Rye lbs. lbs. .....59.... 0 0.0006600... 0.00.6300... 178.4 19.6 00.0.7105... .....8‘05000 0.00.9000... 226 20 00.0.8905... .....77.5... 00.0.9900... 249.5 16.5 0.0010500... 0.0.1‘105000 236.3 » 8.2 890.2 64.3 9 £3 Alfalfa lbs. 14 24 16 *45 18 15 15 I"4O 12 9.6 7.2 I“24.5 9.6 8 *15 *124.5_ from,raoks. Table III continued lead consumption by periods Lot 2 Linseed Oilmeal Ground Tankage Linseed Alfalfa rye Oilmeal lbae lbse 1b8e lbs. lit 15 110(2). 46-L.0.M. 7; tags. 205 eeeeee 69 eeeeee 14 2nd11 II I eeeeee 67.5 eeeee 24 3rd. 9 I ll eeeeee 53 eeeeee 15 303.1 36 days 157.1 3.3 23.9 *45 4th 11 dlo(r70 45-L.0.M. 7) t‘nkaga 205 eeeeee 7105 eeeee 18 5th 10 " (rye 50-L.0.M. 5) a . tankage 2 ) eeeeee “e5eeeeee 15 5th 10 7 ' ...... 90 ...... 15 902.1 31 days 212.4 9.3 24.3 *40 7th 10 da.(rye so-L.o.m. 5) , tankag. 2 ) eeeeee 89.5 aeeee 12 8th 9 " (rye so-L.o.u. 3) . , tankago 105 ) 00.9.. 80 eeeee 1404 gth 11 age I! eeeeee 110 eeeee 10e8 fatal 30 a... 262.8 8.5 17.2 *31 10th 10 da.(rye BO-L.0.M. 3) tmkage 105 ) eaeeee 100 eeeee 14e‘ 11th 14 n ' eeeeee 130 eeeee 8 133.1 24 a... 211 6.3 ' 12.7 *19 Totll 120 days 833.3 32.5 78.1 *135 * Approximately 16% alfalfa was deducted for waste from racks 94 iable III continued Feed consumption by periods Lot 3- Locust Bean.Meal Ground Tankage Locust Alfalfa - rye Bean.Mea1 lbaa lbae lbs. lee lst 15 da.(rye 5) tankage 6 ) eeeeee 69 eeeeee 14 2nd 11 n R eeeeee 66 eeeeee 21 .3rd 9 u n eeeeee 53.5 eeeee 12 Total 35 days 151.5 20.2 16.8 *40 4th 11 da.(rye 45-L.B.M. 5) tankage 6 ) eeeeee 71e5 eeee 18 5th 10 d8e‘ry0 45-LeBQMe 5) eeeeee 84.5 eeee 15 tankage 4.5 ) 6th 10 n 7' .0000. 8805 O... 16 58581 31 days 200.3 21.9 22.3 *41 7th 10 da.(rye 45-L.B.M. 5) tank‘s. 3.5 ) eeeeee 89.5 eeee 12 8th 9 “0‘”. ‘E'LeBaMe 6) . tankage 3.5 ’ eeeeee 110.5 eeee 1‘04 gth 11 d‘e N eeeeee 154 eeee 10e8 Total 30 days 295.4 24.7 32.9 *31 10th 10 da.(rye 45-L.B.M. 5) . tankage 3.5 ) ...... 150 .... 14.4 llth 14 9 7 ' ...... 232 .... 9.5 703.1 24 days 321.3 25 35.7 *20.5 lotal 120 days 959.5 91.8 107.7 *132.5 ‘ Approximately 16% alfalfa deducted for waste from racks Table III continued Feed consumption by periods Lot 4 Cod Liver Oil Ground Tankage rye 1b8. lbs. lot 15 da.(rye 50-Tank. 5.5) .... 69 .... 2nd 11 ' ' .... 55 .... 3rd 9 7 * .... 53.5 .. 5...; 35 days 159.8 18.7 4th 11 da.(rye BO-Tank. 5.5) .... 71.5 .. 5th 10 ' (rye BO-Tank. 4 ) .... 84.5 .. 6th 10 5 " .... 90 ... Total 31 day. 225 20 7th 10 da.(rye BO-Tank. 4) .... 87.5 .. 8th 9 " (rye BO-Tank. 5) .... 77.6 .. 9th 11 7 ' .... 99 ... Total 30 day5 247.! 15.3 10th 10 da.(rye 50-Tank. 3) ... 100 ... 11th 14 " ' ... 140 ... Total 24 day. 225.4 13.5 Total 120 days 859.9 58.5 lbl. 14 21 12 *40 18 15 15 *41 12 9.6 7.2 *24 9.6 6.4 *13.5 *118.5 * Approximately 15% deducted for waste from racks. Alfalfa Cod Liver Oil 5.0. 500 440 340 1280 435 500 L500 1435 450 500 300 1250 400 650 1050 5015 96 ‘Table III continued Peed consumption by periods Lot 6 Fresh Buttermilk Ground Tankage Alfalfa rye lbs. lbs. lbs. Lat 15 days 66.6 140.6 16 2nd 11 7 43.5 108.8 24 3rd 9 7 51 127.5 12 4.4.1 35 days 151 375.8 *45 4th 11 days 43.5 108.7 13.5 5th 10 7 41.5 71.5 12 525 10 7 57.5 95 12 roto1 31 days ' 142.5 275.5 *32 7th 10 days 72 117 9.5 8th 9 7 79 98 9.5 9th 11 7 100 I20 7.2 Total30 days 261 336 *22 10th 10 days 96 114 7.2 llth 14 7 140 158 5.4 Total 24 days 235 282 *11 Total 120 days 779.5 1259.3 *110 * Approximately 16% alfalfa deducted for waste from racks. 97 Table III continued FIOd consumption by periods Lot 6 Soaked Buttermilk Ground rye Buttermilk Alfalfa soaked 12 hours. lbs. lbs. 158. 1st 15 days 55.5 150.5 15 2nd 11 7 54 135 24 3rd 9 7 47 117.5 12 Total 35 days 155.5 413 *45 4th 11 days 52.5 154.5 20.4 55a 10 7 73 131.5 18 6th 10 7 87 147 18 Total 31 days 222.5 433 *49 7th 10 days 90 153 . 14.4 8th 9 7 101 119 14.4 995 11 7 132 154 10.8 Total 30ndays 323 425 *33 10th 10 days 127 154 10.8 11th 14 7 195 238 9.5 Total 24 days 323 392 *17 Total 120 days 1035 1554 *144 * Approximately 16% alfalfa deducted for waste from racks. 98 Table III continued Deed consumption by periods Lot 7 1.... 41:51:. Ground Tankage Fresh rye Alfalfa lbs. lbs. lbs. let l6 da.(rye 50-tank. 6.5) ..... 78 ..... 83 2nd ll 7 7 ..... 55 ..... 48 3rd 9 7 7 ..... 53 ..... 47 Total 35 days 185.5 20.5 178 4th 11 da.(rye 50-tank. 6.5) ..... 71.6 ... 68 6th 10 7 (rye 60-tank. 4 ) ..... 94.5 ... 54 6th 10 2 7 .....109.5 .... 81 fotal 31 days ' 253.3 22.2 213 7th 10 da.(rye 60-tank. 4) .....108 ..... 94 8th 9 7 (rye 50-tank 3 ) .... 115 ..... 83 9th 11 7 7 .... 151 ..... 82 Total 30 days 351 7 23 259 1075 10 days(rye 60-tank. 3) .... 140 ..... 73 11th 14 7 7 .... 155 ...... 80 Total 24 days. 279.3 15.7 153 Total 120 days 1070.1 82.4 803 99 Table IV 'Feed deducted for pigs removed lst 2nd 3rd 4th Total 36 da. 31 da. 30 da. 24da. 120 da. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Lot 1 10 da. 5.5. 9 711.57% 16.87% 3.93% Ground Rye 20.8 38.1 3.3 62.2 18338.8. 2.3 3.4 .3 60 Alfalfa 5.3 6.7 .5 12.6 Lot 2 1 10 da. B.S. 29 “723.52% 28.74% 11.15% 11.23 Ground rye 36.9 61 28.2 10.3 136.4 Tankage 2. 2.7 .9 .3 5.9 Linseed Meal 5.5 ‘7. 1.9 .5 15.1 Alfalfa 10.6 11.5 3.6 1.6 27.2 Lot 4 10 da. 3.8. 19 717.13% 11.04% 3.7 Ground Rye 29.1 24.9 3. 57. Tankage 3.2 2.2 .2 6.6 Alfalfa 6.8 4.5 .6 11.8 Cod Liver 011 219.3 0.0. l58.4c.c. l7c.c. 394.7c.c. * Percentage of total feed of the lot consumed by pig later removed. 100 Table IV continued Feed deducted for pigs removed lat 2nd 3rd 4th Total 35 da. 31 da. 30,da. 24 da. 120 da. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Lot 5 ' ‘ 3.8. 39 * 9.51% Ground Rye 14.4 14.4 Buttermilk 36.8 35.8 Alfalfa 4.3 4.3 Lot 7 . ‘ 10 da. B.B. 29 *28.84% 35.14% 22.9% 6.62% Ground Rye 63.8 89 .80.4 7.4 230.6 Tankage 5.9 7.9 5.3 .4 19.5 Alfalfa 61.3 74.8 69.3 4.1 189.6 fresh * Percentage of remove d 0 total feed of the lot consumed by pig later 101 Table V Feed consumed by thrifty pigs by periods lst 2nd 3rd 4th Total 35 da 31 da 30 da 24 da 120 68.. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Lot 1- 2 pigs Ground Rye 157.5 187.9 245.2 235.3 828 Tankage 17.3: 16.6 16.2 8.2 68.3 Alfalfa 39.7 33.3 24 16 112 Lot 2- 2 pigs Ground Rye 120.2 161.4 224.6 200.7 696.9 Tankage 6.6 6.6 7.6 5. 26.7 Linseed 18.3 17.3 16.3 12.1 63. Oilmeal Alfalfa 34.4 28.6 27.5 17.4 107.8 Lot 3- 3 pigs Ground Rye 161.6 200.3 296.4 321.3 969.6 Tankage 20.2 21.9 24.7 26 91.8 Locust Bean 16.8 22.3 32.9 36.7 107.7 Alfalfa 40 41 31 20.6 132.6 Lot 4- 2 pigs Ground Rye 140.7 201.1 244.7 226.4 812.9 Tankage 16.6 17.8 16.1 13.6 63 Alfalfa 33.2 36.5 23.6 13.6 106.7 God liver oil 1060.700 1276.600 1233 00 106000 4620.300 102 Table 7 continued Feed consumed by thrifty pigs by periods lst 2nd 3rd 4th Total 36 da 31 da 30 da 24 da 120 da lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Lot 6- 2 pigs Ground Rye 136.6 142.6 261 236 766.1 Buttermilk 341 276.6 336 282 1233.6 Alfalfa 40.7 32 32 11 116.7 Lot 6- 3 pigs Ground Rye 166.6 222.6 323 323 1036 Buttermilk 413 433 426 392 1664 Alfalfa 45 49 33 17 144 Lot 7- 2 pigs (Ground Eye 132.7 164.3 270.6 271.9 839.5 Tankage 14.6 14.4 17.7 16.3 63 Alfalfa 126.7 138.2 199.7 148.9 613.6 fresh 103 Table VI Weights of pigs by 10 day periods Lot 1- 4 pigs Limited Alfalfa ‘ Y.B. 7 C.B. 35 P.S. 3 H.S. 15 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Feb. 10,1926 66 77 57 74 274 Feb. 11 65 80 57 74 276 " 12 66 82 58 72 278 Average Initial Wt. rob. 11 55 80 57 73 275 7 20 58 95 58 79 311 Mar. 3 82 115 50 _ 86 344 7 13 98 131 53 90 382 7 23 112 147 *124 92 *475 Apr. 2 125 159 145 95 537 7 12 _ 138 184 158 *I100 590 7 22 154 , 204 186 **544 May 2 170 225 7 208 503 7 12 184 238 225 547 7 22 195 251 249 705 7 31 217 281 259 757 June 1 214 284 273 771 7 2 ' 217 290 275 783 Average Final Wt. June 1 216 285 272 773 * P.S. 3 removed Mar. 13th. 0.3. 26 put in the same date, weight 117 lbs. Gain in weight by change 54 lbs. ** 3.8. 16 removed April 12th. 104 Table VI continued Weights of pigs by 10 day periods 'Lot 2- 4 pigs Fresh Buttermilk B.S. 2 0.8. 6 P.B. 3 H.S. 6 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Feb. 10,1925 79 50 so 73 292 " 11 77 61 79 76 293 " 12 75 59 82 *67 283 Average Initial Wt. Feb. 11 77 50 80 73 290 7, 20 80 - 59 91 78 318 Mar. 3 93 81 108 90 372 7 13 104 91 119 101 415 7 23 119 110 131 114 474 Apr. 2 135 125 151 128 539 7 12 145 129 150 135 571 7 22 150 142 175 154 532 _ n4, 2 175 151 188 153 578 7 12 185 155 201 182 735 7 ‘ 22_ 200 179 224 188 791 7 31 210 191 239 207 847 June 1 210 193 237 205 845 7 2 210 195 234 200 834 Average'Final Wt. June 1 210 191 237 204 842 * H.S. 6 not eating Feb. 12, weighed empty. Lot 3- 4 pigs Table VI continued 105 Weights of pigs by 10 day periods Y.S. 3 lbs. Fob. 10.1926 82 " ll " 12 Average Feb. 11 ' 20 Mar. 3 ' 13 " 23 Apr. 2 ' l2 " 22 May 2 " 12 7 22 " 31 June 1 " 2 82 81 Initial Wt. 82 94 108 119 139 154 166 185 200 211 230 234 236 240 Average Final Wt. June 1 236 C.B. lbs. 61 63 62 62 74 83 96 115 133 147 166 191 211 231 250 252 253 252 * B.S. 4 removed April 22nd. 26 Soaked Buttermilk D.B. 4 lbs. 73 74 77 74 85 99 108 124 130 133 128 135 138 140 151 146 149 149 3.8. lbs. 68 66 67 67 79 88 100 111 122 122 *118 4 Total lbs. 284 285 287 285 332 378 423 489 539 558 597 *525 550 501 535 534 542 637 106 Table VI continued Weights of pigs by 10 day periods Lot 4- 4 pigs Liberal Buttermilk Y.S. 2 0.3. 5 D.B. 1 H.B. 2 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 353. 10,1925 83 75 55 53 278 " ll 82 77 66 61 276 " 12 81 77 67 50 276 Average Initial Wt. Feb. 11 82 77 55 51 275 7 20 91 88 75 59 313 1.4. 3 107 101 90 74 372 7 13 119 115 102 82 419 7 23 139 130 115 95 480 Apr. 2 151 152 105 115 543 7 12 172 158 108 119 557 7 22 191 191 *112 129 523 May 2 217 209 137 *553 7 12 232 232 147 511 7 22 248 254 152 554 7 31 272 255 178 715 June 1 . 274 27: 173 ‘ 7.19 " 2 271 273 176 720 Average Final Wt. June -1 .272 270 176 718 ‘ D.B. 1 removed April 22nd. 107 Table VI continued Weights of pigs by 10 day periods Lot 6- 4 pigs Liberal Skim milk B.S. 5 0.3. 33 3.5. 5 8.3. 4 Total lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Feb. 10,1925 79 72 71 51 283 7 11 77 71 74 52 284 7 12 75 71 *53 53 273 Average Initial Wt. 1 lab 11 77 - 71 72 52 282 7 20 91 83 87 54 325 I23. 3 107 91 100 73 373 7 13 115 110 114 79 419 7 23 130 133 128 574101 **492 Apr. 2 144 151 145 - 110 551 7 12 159 174 154 119 505 7 22 158 190 155 127 551 May 2 177 209 033 140 709 7 12 191 223 194 155 753 7 22 205 239 205 153 814 7 31 220 251 ' 222 179 872 Jun. 1 220 249 225 178 872 7 2 217 251 219 179 855 Average Final Wt. June 1 219 260 222 179 870 ‘ D.B. 6 not eating Feb. 12, weighed empty. 3* H.B. 4 removed.Mar. 13. 3.5. 5 put in same date, weight 88 lbs. Gain in weight by change 9 lbs. 108 Table VI continued Weights of pigs by 10 day periods ,LOt 6- 4 pigs Tankage .r.3. 8 0.5. 3 P.B. 5 H.S. 3 Total - lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Feb. 10, 1925 57 50 75 57 259 7 11 72 5o 74 70 275 7 12 58 52 73 ' 58 271 Aterage Initial Wt. Feb. 11 59 51 74 58 272 7 20 78 55 83 74 300 Mar. 3 89 81 94 78 342 7 15 100 87 100 89 375 7 23 108 105 107 105 425 Apr. 2 115 117 114 113 450 7 12 132 132 *118 125 507 7 22 145 154 139 *438 may 2 154 154 155 483 7 12 174 191 174A 539 7 22 189 210 184 583 7 31 200 222 192 514 June 1 205 225 193 523 '7 2 210 228 193 531 A7erage Final Wt. June 1 205 225 193 623 *IP.B. 5 removed.Apri1 1233. "Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 139 Table VII Total gain per lot of thrifty pigs by 30 day periods 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 30 da 30 da 30 da 20 da 110 da lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 1- 3 pigs 89 144 157 126 516 2- 4 pigs 125 156 164 107 552 3- 2 pigs 71 98 109 66 344 4- 3 pigs 107 112 152 107 508 6- 4 pigs 137 178 157 107 579 5- 3 pigs 78 113 150 84 425 110 Table VIII. Feed consumption by periods Lot 1- Limited.Alfalfa Ground Ground Buttermilk ZMineral Salt Rye Alfalfa - lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. let 10 days 102.5 5.4 172 1 1 2nd 7 7' 114 5 190 3rd. 7 7 114 5 190 Total‘30 da. 330.5 17.4 552 1 1 4th 10 days 119.2 5.3 189.5 1 1 5th 7 7 140.4 15.5 152 6th 7 7 135.8 15.2 170 Total 35 da. 395.4 '37.1 511.5 1 7th 10 days 132.3 14.7 153.5 1 8th 7 7 150.9 12.4 199.5 9th 7 7 175.7 13.3 220 Total‘30 days 459.9 40.1 583 1 10th 10 days 185 14 220 llth 7 7 190 10 220 Total 20 da. 375 24 440 Total 110 days 1572.9 118.5 2085.5 3 111 Table VIII continued Feed consumption by periods lot 2- Fresh Buttermilk Ground Buttermilk Self fed Mineral Salt ' Rye Alfalfa lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. let. it days 100 170 20 1 1 2nd. 7 7 113 189.5 20 3rd 7 7 130 220 20 Total 30 da. 343 579.5 50 1 1 4th. 10 days 143.5 234 23 l 1 5th 7 “ 158 171 V 13 6th 7 “7 152 190 15 Total 30 da. 453.5 595 51 l 1 7th 10 days 150 190 24 1 1 8th 7 7 193 238 11.4 9th 7 7 218 258 17.2 Total 50 da. 571 585 52.5 1 1 lOthmlO days 220 250 11.4 11th 7 “ 232 278 9.2 Total 25 da. 452 538 20.5 Total 110 days 1819.5 2398.5 184.2 3 3 ll 2 Table VIII continued .Feed consumption by periods Lot 3- Soaked Buttermilk ‘ Ground Buttermilk Self fed, Mineral Salt Rye Alfalfa lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lst.10 days 100 170 20 1 1 2nd 7 7 113 189.5 20 3rd 7 7 120 200 20 Total 30 days 333 559.5 50 l 1 4th 10 days 140 240 23 1 1 5th 7 7 155 157.5 13 6th 7 7 152 190 15 _ Total 30 days 448 597.5 51 1 1 7th 10 days 160 190 24 l 1 8th 7 7 140 170 8.5 9th 7 7 131 155 12.8 Total 30 days 431 525 45.4 1 1 10th 10 days 124 150 8.5 11th 7 7 152 187.5 5.8 Total 20 days 275 337.5" 15.4 Total 110 days 1488 2019.5 171.8 3 3 113 Table VIII continued Feed consumption by periods ,Lot 4- Liberal Buttermilk Ground Buttermilk Self fed Mineral Salt Rye Alfalfa lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 1st 10 days 100 200 20 m 1 2nd 7 7 113 225 20 3rd 7 7 130 250 25 Total 50 da. 343 585 55 l 1 4th 10 days 125 238 24 1 1 5th 7 7 159.5 291 15 6th 7 “ 171 350 17 Total 30 da. 455.5 889 57. 1 1 7th 10 days 180 350 15 1 1 8th 7 “ 150 320 8.5 9th 7 “7 150 320 12.8 Total‘30 da. 500 1000 35.4 1 1 10th 10 days 150 320 8.6 11th 7 7 150 320 9.4 Total 20 da. 320 540 18 Total 110 days 1619.5 3215 176.4 3 3 Table VIII continued Feed consumption by periods Skimmilk lbs. 200 204 200 604 210 284 320 814 320 368 1008 400 400 800 Lot 5 Liberal Skim milk Ground Rye lbs. 1st. 10 days 100 2nd “ ". 102 3rd " " 100 Total 30 da. 302 4th 10 days 112 5th " “ 156 6th 7 ‘7 152 Total 30 da. 420 7th 10 days 160 8th " “ 160 9th " " 184 Total 30 da. 504 10th 10 days 200 11th “ " 200 TotalA2O da. 400 Total 110 days 1626 3226 Sfilf fed ‘Hineral Alfalfa lbs. 20 20 25 65 25 16 17 58 15 11.4 17.2 43.6 11.4 12.6 24 190.6 Salt lee 1bSe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 3 3 Table VIII continued “Feed consumption by periods 'Lot 6 Tankage 'Ground Rye lbs. lst 10 days 93 2nd “ “ 120 3rd 7 7 134 Total 30 da.347 4th 10 days 142.3 5th 7 7 159.1 6th 7 7 180.5 Total 30 da 491.9 7th 10 days 152 8th " " 164.4 9th 7 7 171 Total 30 da 487.4 10th 10 days 171 11th “ " 171 Total 20 da 342 Total 110 day81668.3 Tankage lbs. 7 9 10 26 10.7 8.9 9.5 29.1 98.7 Self-fed Alfalfa lbs. 10 25 5 4O 22 5 99 115 mineral Salt Feed deducted for pigs removed Lot 1 B.S. 15 Ground Rye Alfalfa Buttermilk Kineral Salt Lot 3 D.B. 4 Ground Rye Buttermilk Alfalfa mineral Salt H.S. 4 Ground Rye Buttermilk Alfalfa Mineral Salt * Percentage of removed. 1st 30 da. lbs. *17.55; 58.4 *24.83fl 82.7 138.9 14.9 .25 .25 *23.85fl 79.4 133.4 14.3 .25 .25 Table IX End 30 da. lbs. 9.55; 37.9 3.5 48.8 .25 .25 18.74fl 84 112 9.5 .25 .25 15.70; 74.8 99.8 8.5 .25 .25 3rd 30 da. lbs. 9.68fi 40.9 49.8 4.5 .3 .3 10 da 4.753 7.6 9. 1.1 .1 .l 116 4th 20 da. lbs. 17.15% 47.3 57.8 3.1 Total 110 da. 1bSe 96.3 6.6 146.2 .5 .5 254.9 358.5 32.2 .8 .8 161.8 242.2 23.9 .6 total feed of the lot consumed by pig later Feed deducted for pigs removed. Lot4 D.B. 1 Ground Rye Buttermilk Alfalfa Mineral Salt Lot 6 P.B. 5 Ground Rye Tankage Alfalfa Mineral Salt Table IX continued lst 30 da. lbs. *25.0 % 85.8 171.5 15.3 .25 ..25 *24.58; 85.3 5.4 9.8 2nd 3rd 30 da. 30 da. lbs. lbs. 10 da. 7.19% 9.28; 32.8 16.7 63.9 33.4 4.1 1.4 .25 .1 .25 .1 15.84% 77.9 4.6 5.9 .25 .25 4th 20 da. lbs. 117 Total 110 da. lbs. 135.3 268.9 21.8 .6 .6 163.2 11 15.7 .5 .5 * fiercentage of total feed of the lot consumed by pig later removed. 118 Table X Feed consumed by thrifty pigs by periods lst 2nd 3rd 4th Total '30 da. 30 da. 30 da. 20 da. 110 da. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Lot 1- 3 pigs Ground Rye 272.2 358.5 469.9 376 1476.6 “. Alfalfa 14.3 33.6 40.1 24 112 Buttermilk 464.6 462.7 583 440 1940.3 Mineral .75 .76 'l 2.6 Salt .76 .76 l 2.5 Lot 2- 4 pigs Ground Rye 343 453.6 671 462 1819.6 Buttermilk 679.6 696 686 638 2398.6 Alfalfa 6O 61 62.6 20.6 184.2 Mineral l 1 l 3 Salt 1 l l 3 Lot 3- 2 pigs Ground Rye 170.9 289.2 382.5 228.7 1071.3 Buttermilk 287.1 385.7 466.2 279.7 1418.8 Alfalfa 30.8 32.9 f39§7 12.3 116.7 Mineral .6 .6 .6 1.6 Salt .5 .6 .6 1.6 Table X continued Feed consumed by thrifty pigs by periods lot 4- 3 pigs Ground Rye Buttermilk .Alfalfa Mineral Salt Lot 6. 4 pigs Ground Rye Skimmilk Alfalfa Mineral Salt Lot 6. 3 pigs Ground Rye Tankage Alfalfa Mineral Salt 1st 50 (18.. lbs. 257.2 514.4 48.7 .75 .75 302 604 65 261.7 18.6 30.2 .75 .75 2nd 30 da. lbs. 423.7 4 825.1 9 62.9 .75 .76 420 6 814 10 58 1 1 414 48 24.6 2 31.1 1 .76 .75 1 3rd 30,da. lbs. 83.3 66.6 35 19 .9 04 08 43.5 7.4 5.6 5 1 4th 20 da. 1b 320 540 18 400 800 24 342 18 8. Total 110 da. lbs 0 1484.2 2946.1 154.6 2.4 2.4 1626 3226 190.6 1505.1 87.7 83.3 2.5 2.5 an... flu 3...... 7' f7?” 7: . ,, uh I». 3‘, P i 5“” £7; :.' 5 "‘ 7._ 1.9”.934"? fl .3 fl /“‘* . . .t. llluufl . ...... ....ie wit! K. . '4: ..1 .1‘.' 2.3“]. m" ':. ‘7 s.’ . _ 4‘. ,._. \- 7‘7, 4“ ' fa \ <. :15.“ c. e “W"‘ _v_- .' l MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Ll Illl ”um ”mu 3 1293 3 96 472 BRARIES 3