3'9"?!" 3'" ”...! It I? . m yam ode-3’5.” ‘0‘.’ < 1:5 J. . ”1'10". -—'r—v-" . _ . .u a D r on. v . uh. , H. nu. 0. TI. . .. . ..H an. n! 0. 9.1“..L. .... 1231.. W... q. ..........r...... -..... G. . . .... _ m. u“ E. _ .. — . nun VA: 1. . v... _. .nU .. I. VI Si. Ii. L i . . . NW NW . we. 9...» am E .v. . . . . .. .. ...... ...”.U.......m.n....n........w.“.H...w.....4§....sn...»«3.501.215352:. 3.“... . .... 1...: ... ..p ..."; .. A ..a....x....,u...fi..: «mfier... ..."? n....22...rn...:w.....fl.£~m.wr. ... u. meMX... +4; L I B 33. A R Y Michigan State University .. m __ l‘! HUM? 8: SONS' BOOK BINDERY * w LI! RARY BINDERS on :..--..R' 433535553! ABSTRACT AN X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION OF A PHASE IN THE YTTERBIUM(III)--OXIDE--CHLORIDE 'SYSTEM by John Thomas Richards A phase which is a probable oxidechloride of ytterbium (III) was prepared and has been investigated. The green plate-like cyrstals were found to exhibit hexagonal symmetry and belong to space group P52m. The observed lattice parame eters are a = 6.1879 1 0.0016 R and c = 19.764 1 0.015 K. A partial structural determination locates the 16 metal atom positions in the unit cell along with the approximate posi- tions for 19 oxygen atoms. Chemical arguments are used to construct a complete model for the structure of this phase: (Yb203)6(YbOC1)4. This phase was isolated as a side reaction product from an attempted preparation of an ytterbium chloride phase. The oxidechloride probably resulted from the presence of traces of water. AN X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION OF A PHASE IN THE YTTERBIUM300) added to the tantalum ampoule before it was welded shut. The temperature was raised to 1000°C and held there for two hours, then main- tained at 800°C for five days. Aside from the unreacted metal and the recognizable dichloride, there was a small number of green plate-like crystals. The total yield of this type of crystal was estimated to be approximately a milligrams The majority of these crystals could be seen as twinned by means of the platelets being stacked on t0p of each other. Several others were only verified as twinned by precession’ X-ray photography. One good crystal was found for a structural determination (0.24 x 0.14 x 0.056 mm) and was mounted and sealed in a glass capillary to seal out at- mospheriC‘moisture. The precession photographs of this crystal were found to be consistent with a hexagonal unit cell with lattice parameters a - 6.17 i 0.04 A and c - 19.6 i 0.6 A. No gen— eral or specific extinction conditions were found to limit the possible reflections. There are five space groups of hexagonal symmetry which have no general or special extinc- tion conditions: P622, P6mm, P6m2, P62m.and P6/mmm. Of these five, only P6/mmm is centrosymmetric. 12 Single crystal diffraction measurements of this crystal were done on a computer controlled (program FACS I), four circle, Picker goniometer using Mo Kc radiation and a per- pendicular graphite monochromator. Room.temperature during the data collection was 22 i 3°C. Preliminary examination confirmed that the crystal has hexagonal symmetry and that it has no general or special extinction conditions. A least squares lattice parameter fit of twelve data points gave the following values: a = 6.1879 1 0.0016 A and c = 19.764 a 0.015 A. Table 2 lists pertinent data collection parameters. Table 2: X-ray Diffraction Data Collection Mo radiation A = 0.70926 A, no filter, kV - 40, ma = 18 w Scanned l°/min., no attenuator, background time - 20 sec. Perpendicular graphite monochromator, d - 3.354 A sine/A: 0.03691 3‘1 to 1.15494 3‘1 662 reflections measured, 107 absent Empirical absorption correction applied v - 655.4 A3 0(ca1c) = 8.3 g/cc u = 598 emfl In correcting the raw data for background radiation, the observed intensity was defined to be zero if the raw intensity was less than two sigma. Sigma, a measure of the 13 uncertainty in the reflection intensity, was calculated from counting statistics by the method of Ibersla. An empirical absorption correction was applied to the data to reflect the fact that the crystal is not spherical and at different ori- entations the incident X-ray beam had different path lengths to travel. Strong reflections were chosen and the crystal was rotated full-circle around the angle 6 in polar coordi- nates. Rotating a crystal 3600 through the X-ray beam, as described, necessarily results in a sinusoidal empirical absorption curve. The absorption correction was determined after the reflection data had been collected. To achieve a sinusoidal correction the diffractometer had to be realigned. Phi curves around the 120 and the 360 were collected and averaged for the empirical absorption correction. The raw data set contains two equivalent sets of reflections: the hexagonal symmetry requires that the sets th and khZ be equivalent because they are related by a mirror plane. Examination of the absorption corrected data shows that the reflections which are supposed to be equiva- lent do not differ from each other by more than three sigma. These two sets of data were averaged together to give 378 independent reflections. CHAPTER V STRUCTURE DETERMINATION A three dimensional Patterson function was calculated for the data set after the absorption correction had been applied to the data and the equivalent reflections averaged. The centrosymmetric space group P6/mmm was used in the syn- thesis. Table 3 lists the positions, relative peak heights and assignments to the vectors observed in the map. Table 4 lists the equivalent positions in P6/mmm that describe the vector peak positions. The largest vector peaks were found in six levels of the Patterson map: fractional w coordinates 0.000, 0.155, 0.187, 0.310, 0.337 and 0.500. These levels were interpreted as being the six distances of separation of planes of metal atoms along the long axis of the unit cell. There are only three types of vector positions in the map: u,0,w; 1/3,2/3,w 15 were used on the and 0,0,w. Two image seeking functions map to establish possible real fragments of the heavy atom positions--(1/3,2/3,z and 2/3,1/3,z) and (0.325,0,z; 0,0.325,z and 0.675,0.675,z). The image seeking functions indicated the 1/3,2/3,z position was real and the x,0,z position was probably real, but for more than one value of x. The requirement for strong peaks at the level w = 0.187 was found to be satisfied by two eclipsed sets of x,0,z positions separated by that increment in 2. These positions 14 15 Table 3: Patterson.Map P6/mmm Relative Positions u v w Height Assignment 1a 0.000 0.000 0.000 999 Origin 2c 0.333 0.667 0.000 505 Yb-Yb in same x,y plane 2e 0.000 0.000 0.098 66 Yb(x,0,z)- Anion(x,0,z+ 0.098) 4h 0.333 0.667 0.098 13 Yb(x,0,z)- Anion(0,x,z+ 0.098) 12n 0.325 0.000 0.155 195 Yb(x,0,z)- Yb(1/3,2/3,z+ 0.155) 2e 0.000 0.000 0.187 387 Yb(x,0,z)-Yb (no.2) 4h 0.333 0.667 0.187 178 Yb(x,0,z)-Yb (0.X.2) 12n 0.325 0.000 0.255 16 Yb(l/3,2/3,z)- Anion(x,0,z+ 0.255) 12n 0.350 0.000 0.310* 104 Yb(x,0,z)-Yb (x,0,z+0.310) 12n 0.325 0.000 0.337* 195 Yb(x,0,z)-Yb 073,2/3,z+0.337) 12n 0.325 0.000 0.405 19 Yb(x,0,z)-Anion (i,0,z+0.405) lb 0.000 0.000 0.500 171 Yb(1/3,2/3,z)- Yb(1/3,2/3,z+ 0.500) 2d 0.333 0.667 0.500 96 Yb(l/3,2/3,z)- Yb(2/3,1/3,z+ 0.500) 6k 0.350 0.000 0.500 238 Yb(x,0,z)-Yb (i,0,z+0.500) *Strongly overlapping peaks l6 Table 4: Properties of Space Group P6/mmm16 Point Coordinates of Positions Summetry Equivalent Positions 12n ‘m x,0,z; 0,x,z; i,i,z; i,o,z; 0,x,z; x,x,z; x,0,z; 0,x,z; i,i,2; i,0,2; 0,i,2; x,x,z. 6k mm x,0,1/2; 0,x,1/2; i,i,1/2; i,o,1/2; 0,i,1/2; x,x,1/2. 4h 3m 1/3,2/3,z; 2/3,1/3,z; 1/3,2/3,E; 2/3,1/3.2. 2e 6mm 0,02; 0,0,2. 2d 6m2 1/3,2/3,1/2; 2/3,1/3,1/2. 2c 6m2 1/3,2/3,0; 2/3,1/3,0. 1b 6/mmm 0,0,1/2. 1a 6/mmm 0,0,0. disallowed the space group P622 because the only levels pos- sible for x,0,z positions in this symmetry are 2 - 0 and z = 1/2, a separation of z I 0.500. The space group P6m2 ‘was rejected for the same reason. Space groups P6mm and P6/mmm were not considered because the x,0,z positions in these two symmetries require placing six metal atoms in the same x,y plane. With six metals in the same plane, the best metaldmetal separation in x,0,z positions would be 2.06 A, less than half the Yb-Yb separation found in YbClz, for example3 . Of the five possible space groups listed previously, P62m.is the only one consistent with the Patterson results. 17 Table 5 lists some of the equivalent positions of this symmetry, and Figure 1 shows a representation of the symmetry. All the major peaks in the Patterson map are accounted for by placing metal atoms in the positions shown in Table 6. The values of x, y and z for the positions are refined values to be discussed later. The metal atoms are located in the unit cell in three sets of special positions. Two sets are x,0,z positions around 2 = 0.000 and z = 0.500 ("staggered" to each other with x = 0.638 and x = 0.369) which account for the Patterson peaks at 0,0,0.l87 and 1/3,2/3,0.l87--each x,0,z set is split by symmetry into two eclipsed subsets with an average spacing between them of z = 0.187. Between the staggered sets are average distances of z = 0.310 and z = 0.500. The third set of metal atoms occupies the positions l/3,2/3,z at z = 1 0.251. Between this third set and the first two are aver- age distances of 2 equal to 0.155 and 0.337. Some metal to anion vectors are found in the Patterson map at low peak heights. The x,0,z sets of metal atoms are spaced an average of z I 0.094 above and below the levels of z = 0.000 and z = 0.500. Thus the vector peaks at 0,0,0.098 and 1/3,2/3,0.098 are interpreted to mean that anions are located at the zero and 1/2 levels in positions eclipsed to the surrounding metal atoms. The u,0,w vector positions at w = 0.255 and 0.405 confirm that the anions at the zero and one-half levels are in x,0,z positions in real space. 18 Table 5: Properties of Space Group P62m16 Point Coordinates of Positions Symmetry Equivalent Positions 6i m x,0,z; 0,x,z; i,i,z; x,0,z; 0,x,z; x,x,z. 4h 3 1/3,2/3,z; 1/3,2/3,2; 2/3,1/3,z; 2/3,1/3,z. 16 Figure 1: Representation of Space Group P62m 19 Table 6: Refined Atom Positions in Space Group P62m Atom x y z Anion 1 0.5957 0.0000 0.0000 Yb 1 0.6383 0.0000 0.0962 Anion 2 0.5892 0.0000 0.1900 Yb 2 0.3333 0.6667 0.2513 Anion 3 0.3716 0.0000 0.2902 Anion 4 0.3333 0.6667 0.3578 Yb 3 0.3609 0.0000 0.4073 The arguments outlined above account for the gross spacing and positioning of the vector peaks in the Patterson map. However, the peak heights and shapes proved difficult to completely predict in an a priori manner from the proposed model. To prove that this model is consistent with the observed Patterson map, two new Patterson maps were cal- culated--one for the refined metal atom positions alone and one for the metal and anion positions listed in Table 6. The results of these two maps are listed in Table 7. Even though the final refinement must be regarded as only tenta- tive (for reasons to be discussed later), the Patterson syntheses from.calcu1ated structure factors show close agreement with the vector map derived from the observed reflection data. Even the three dimensional shapes are reproduced closely. 20 Table 7: Patterson Maps from Final Refinement P6/mmm Relative Heights Positions u v w Metals Metals and Anions la 0.000 0.000 0.000 999 999 2c 0.333 0.667 0.000 485 495 2e 0.000 0.000 0.099 0 69 4h 0.333 0.667 0.099 0 27 12n 0.325 0.000 0.155 196 190 2e 0.000 0.000 0.189 380 377 4h 0.333 0.667 0.189 178 175 12n 0.325 0.000 0.255 0 19 12n 0.350 0.000 0.310 100 100 12n 0.325 0.000 0.337 201 200 12n 0.350 0.000 0.405 0 19 1b 0.000 0.000 0.500 173 173 2d 0.333 0.667 0.500 112 102 6k 0.350 0.000 0.500 240 240 *Strongly overlapping peaks The final least squares refinement of the atomic posi- tions listed in Table 6 and the corresponding temperature factors listed in Table 8 contains only those positions which were statistically stable. After eight cycles of refinement, the largest shift in a metal position parameter was 0.00009 and for the anion position parameters 0.0007. The largest shift in the anisotropic metal B values was 0.05 and for the isotropic anion B values 0.02. 21 Table 8. Temperature Factors Atom 3:13 B22 B33 B12 313 B23 Anion 1 -2.44 Yb 1 -l.53 -0 81 0.65 -0.81 -0.02 0.00 Anion 2 -1.74 Yb 2 -1.00 -l.00 1.34 -1.00 0.00 0.00 Anion 3 4.96 Anion 4 0.23 Yb 3 -l.20 -l.27 1.56 -1.27 0.21 0.00 Scattering factor tables and a correction for anomalous dispersion were included in the least squares refinement. The scattering factors computed by Cromer and W'aberl7 were used for the ytterbium and chloride ions, those of Tokonami18 were used for the oxide ion. The anomalous dispersion corrections of Cromer19 were used. The scattering factor tables allow corrections for an atom interacting with the incident X-ray beam as a function of the scattering angle. Anomalous dispersion is an effect by which an atom that is absorbing radiation strongly will scatter radiation with different phase changes than the other atoms in the structure. With only the metal atoms in the refinement and with isotropic temperature factors, an R value of 0.196 was attained. Employing anisotropic motion gave an R value of 0.136 for the metal atoms alone. For the final refined 22 parameters listed in Table 6 and Table 8, an R value of 0.101 was achieved. Fourier and difference Fourier series were computed at several stages in the refinement. With only the metal atom positions occupied, both the Fourier and the difference Fourier showed light atoms located directly above and below the metal atom positions, in agreement with observed Patterson peaks. Additionally, the difference map showed that light atoms should be put in the same x,y planes as the x,0,z metal atoms. The Fourier showed no peaks in these positions. 0f the light atom'positions indicated by the difference Fourier, only the four listed in Table 6 could be refined simultaneously with the metal atoms. This problem will be addressed later. A Fourier and difference Fourier were computed from the final refinement. The Fourier only shows electron density at the seven refined atomic positions. A structure factor table is included as Appendix I. The difference map is not flat--1arge peaks are again evident in the same x,y plane as the x,0,z metal positions. Other- wise, no peaks are seen in the difference Fourier. The remaining cyrstals of the same morphology as the one that has been investigated above were collected for X-ray fluorescence and powder diffraction experiments. The powder pattern, although weak because of the small amount of sample present, was indexed successfully on the hexagonal unit cell and lattice parameters found for the single 23 crystal. This result is tabulated as Appendix II. Included with the pattern are both the observed intensities and relative intensities for the corresponding single crystal reflections. The X-ray fluorescence experiment was run on the powder sample to confirm the presence of ytterbium. For reasons to be discussed later, an investigation for tantalum was included in the analysis. The La1 peaks of both metals were to be observed. At high gain a small but definite ytterbium peak was seen, but the presence of tantalum could neither be confirmed nor denied because of interference from platinum and copper. Of the three materials available as sample holders, platinum interfered strongly with the tantalum peak, aluminum contained too much interfering copper impurity and at the high gains necessary to observe an ytterbium response, quartz impurities interfered also. Peaks in the fluorescence spectra of both platinum and copper give strong responses at the scattering angle of the tantalum La1 peak. CHAPTER VI DISCUSSION After the metal atom positions of the unit cell had been determined, it was seen that the phase being investi- gated contained atoms other than just ytterbium and chlorine. From a consideration of the closest packing of hard spheres with radii equal to the crystal radius of the chloride anion (1.81 X)20, calculations show that between six and seven layers of three chloride ions each can be packed within the dimensions of the unit cell. Allowance for negative deviations from this crystal radius allows for up to eight or nine layers, or a maximum of 27 negative charges in the unit cell. Even the assumption that all 16 metal positions are filled by divalent ytterbium leaves a deficiency of five negative charges. This problem may be solved by recognizing oxygen as a 1to likely contaminant. Ytterbium oxide chloride is known form in ytterbium chloride systems when a trace of water is present. From a single crystal structural studyZIthe following lattice parameters are reported for hexagonal YbOCl: a = 3.726 3., c = 27.830 3.. The atomic positions of YbOCl all lie on the z-axis of the unit cell, forming linear anion- metal-anion interactions. The Patterson and Fourier maps in this study indicate linear aniondmetal-anion interactions, parallel to the z-axis of the unit cell. An oxide anion has 24 25 a much smaller crystal radius (1.40 A)20 than does the chloride anion. The double negative charge on the oxide anion also requires that fewer of these anions be put in the unit cell. However, a combination of space group symmetry and closest packing considerations still restricts to three the number of oxide anions that can be placed in any x,y plane. The final refinement listed in Table 6 and Table 8 identifies four anion positions. Anions l, 2 and 4 were assigned the oxide anion scattering factor table during the least squares refinement; Anion 3 was assigned the chloride anion scattering table. This assignment was made in earlier cycles of refinement; with more than four anion positions occupied, Anion 3 had metal-anion distances closer to those of Yb-Cl than Yb-0 (see below). With just four anion posi- tions occupied, the metal-anion distances of separation have readjusted to different values, so no definite identification of the anions should be made from metal-anion separation distances until after the structure has been completed. In Table 9 some selected interatomic distances for the refined atomic positions are listed. These distances repre- sent the closest approach between layers of atoms and were obtained from a complete computation of all distances less than five angstroms. Table 10 lists angles between several sets of atoms. From Table 9 it can be seen that the anion to metal 0 distances of separation are no greater than 2.3 A. These 26 Table 9: Interatomic Distances Estimated Atoms Distance Standard Deviation Anion 1 to Anion 1 3.259 A 0.003 3. Yb 1 to Yb 1 3.431 0.001 Anion 2 to Anion 2 3.238 0.002 Yb 2 to Yb 2 3.573 0.001 Anion 3 to Anion 3 3.386 0.003 Anion 4 to Anion 4 3.573 0.001 Yb 3 to Yb 3 3.434 0.001 Yb 1 to Anion 1 1.920 0.002 Yb 1 to Anion 2 1.878 0.002 Yb 1 to Yb 2 3.650 0.002 Yb 2 to Anion 2 2.228 0.001 Yb 2 to Anion 3 2.100 0.002 Yb 2 to Anion 4 2.104 0.005 Yb 2 to Yb 3 3.666 0.002 Yb 3 to Anion 3 2.316 0.002 Yb 3 to Anion 4 2.212 0.002 Anion l to Anion 2 3.755 0.003 Anion 2 to Anion 3 2.394 0.003 Anion 2 to Anion 4 3.806 0.005 Anion 3 to Anion 4 2.368 0.003 27 distances are shorter than the ytterbium to chloride dis- tance in YbOCl (2.75 X)21 or in YbC12 (2.76 X)3. They are comparable to the ytterbium to oxygen distance in YbOCl (2.2 A)21. It appears then that the distances calculated from.the atomic positions of the final refinement support oxide anions in the refinement rather than chloride anions. Table 10: Interatomic Angles Estimated Angle Degrees Standard Deviation Yb 1 - Anion 1 - Yb 1 164.21° 0.27° Anion l - Yb 1 - Anion 2 162.80 0.16 Anion 2 - Yb 2 - Anion 3 67.10 0.07 Anion 2 - Yb 2 - Anion 4 122.95 0.03 Anion 4 - Yb 3 - Anion 3 63.01 0.12 Yb 1 - Anion 2 - Yb 2 125.23 0.03 Yb 2 - Anion 4 - Yb 3 103.09 0.06 Yb 2 - Anion 3 - Yb 3 99.36 0.06 Final assignment of anion positions may not be made be- cause the structure is too incomplete-eanion positions could not be refined at the z - 1/2 level. Chemically, anions must occupy this vacant level and are required to balance the positive charges of the surrounding metal atoms. As stated previously, the Patterson vectors indicate only anions eclipsed to the metal atoms at this level. Additionally, the difference Fourier calculated with only the metal positions occupied indicates a similar result. In all refinements, 28 however, the least squares program was unable to find a statistical minimum for the atomic parameters at this level. Setting the temperature factor to a constant value for anion positions at the z = 1/2 level did not allow the position parameters to refine; populating the special positions 1/3,2/3,1/2 and 0,0,1/2 did not help either. Difference Fouriers calculated with other anion positions occupied did not even show a small peak at the z = 1/2 level. There are several possible explanations for this in- ability of the entire structure to refine. Some of these include a bad crystal or data set, a bad absorption correc- tion, the wrong space group or even the wrong assumptions about the chemistry of the reaction that formed the crystal. Although very small, the crystal gave good sharp re- flections with the 001 reflections found to have a mosaic spread of 0.5° during a 26 scan. This spread is indicative that there was not a large amount of disorder in the crystal. Some bad reflections may be in the data set, though. In the course of refinement it was noted that the calculated structure factor for a strong 006 reflection was twice the observed value. When this reflection was deleted from.the data set, the R value dropped considerably and a few addi- tional anion positions could be located. The 006 reflection was the only strong reflection to stand out in this manner, and it was the only one deleted from the data set. The complete list of observed and calculated structure factors is given in Appendix I. 29 Table 2 lists a very large linear absorption coefficient (598 cm-1) for the crystal being investigated. As described earlier, the empirical absorption measured small angular variations in the intensity of a reflection. For crystals that absorb X-rays strongly, the empirical correction measures small variations in a large absorption effect, allowing the correction to be imprecise. As mentioned previously, P62m is the only space group of the five groups considered which could accommodate the ‘metal orientation that was consistent with the Patterson map. Yet there is a very special type of crystal twinning that could be operating in this system--Buerger22 warns that in apparently hexagonal cells which have no general or special extinction conditions, the possibility of trilling should be considered. Trilling is a twinning mechanism by which three orthorhombic cells of symmetry 2mm are intergrown in a manner that yields an additional mirror plane for a combined sym- metry as high as 6/mmm. Intergrowth such as this masks the true extinction conditions. The observation of pseudo-extinctions or periodic ar- rangements of weak reflections might support this or other twinning mechanisms. A pseudo-extinction is especially noticeable along the 001 axis where the intensity for a re- flection with an even numbered Z is consistently greater than for an odd numbered 1. In defense of the solution, how- ever, it should be pointed out that the least square refine- ment and calculated structure factors match this odd-even behavior quite closely. 30 The assumption that ytterbium was the only heavy atom in the crystal was also investigated. The crystal was iso- lated from a reaction carried out in a sealed tantalum ampoule, so tantalum is a possible heavy metal contaminant. Additionally, the possibility of tantalum.being present in the crystal was investigated because of certain similarities between published structures in a tantalum.cxide system23’24 and results of this study. Specific points of similarity are some tantalum oxygen distances of less than 2.0 A and negative temperature factors for some of the metal atoms and anions. In the tantalum contamination model of the structure being investigated in this work, the two x,0,z sets of metal positions can be interpreted as groups of composition Ta6015, with nine oxygen atoms above, below and bridging the x,0,z metals. Six oxygen atoms occupy positions previously mentioned as being large peaks in the difference Fourier calculated from metal occupancy only: anion positions almost in the same plane as the metal atoms, in x,0,z positions staggered to the metal positions. This tantalum contamination theory is rejected. One reason is that the oxide anion position in the same planes as the x,0,z metal positions cannot be refined, the least squares program being unable to find a position for it. Additionally, this oxide anion position gives a closest oxygen-oxygen approach of less than the sums of the two crystal radii. 31 The peak in the difference map that gave rise to the tantalum oxide impurity speculation is not attributed to a real anion position but rather to a reflection of the aniso- tropic motion of the nearby metal atom. The short ytterbium- oxygen anion distances listed in Table 9 and the negative temperature factors in the final refinement are attributed to a lack of electrons in the refinement--i.e., an incomplete structure. Small changes in the position coordinates of the atoms in a complete refinement could add 0.2 A to the short distances. The negative temperature factors are a result of the least squares program trying to match the observed structure factors. If more electrons could be included in the refinement, the temperature factor would not have to be varied so much to calculate good structure factors. The results of this crystal study can be tied to other work with lanthanide series elements. Caro has reported a study25 of the crystal structures of rare-earth oxides and oxide salts and is able to describe these structures as 0M4 tetrahedra sharing edges. Specifically, the structure of an oxide chloride is described in this theory as sheets of OM4 tetrahedra, each sharing four edges. Caro's theory is consistent with only part of the structure found in this study. Tetrahedral orientation for the metal atoms cannot exist for the x,0,z positions at z = 0.096 and z = 0.407. Each of these sets of metal atoms is eclipsed by symmetry, so oxygens at z = 0 and z = 1/2 do not conform to Caro's theory. Tetrahedral orientation does 32 exist between x,0,z and the l/3,2/3,z metal positions which are staggered to each other. Anions located in planes be- tween these metal positions must necessarily be located in a tetrahedral M4 net although the last three angles listed in Table 10 show large deviations from the 1090 angles of a regular tetrahedron. 2 Fishel attempted to prepare crystals of Yb304Cl anal- ogous to the phase Y304C126. From his work a new phase of unknown composition resulted. A comparison of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern listed in Appendix II to that reported by Fishel shows no relationship between these two phases. CHAPTER VII CONCLUSION The intent of this research was to characterize a mixed oxidation state in the ytterbium(II)—ytterbium(lII) chloride system. Based on ionic size considerations and observed metal-anion distances from the partial structure refinement that was possible, the phase probably contains oxygen atoms. Sixteen ytterbium atoms are contained in the unit cell in two types of special positions: two sixfold x,0,z positions and a fourfold l/3,2/3,z position. Moreover, anions occupy only these two types of positions as indicated by the Patterson map, Fouriers and difference Fouriers, and the partial refinement of three metal and four anion positions. As a necessary consequence of space group P62m, these sets of ions are located in a layered pattern along the long c—axis of the unit cell, in good agreement with the plate-like morphology of the phase. The ytterbium positions and the partial set of refined anion positions may be interpreted in terms of three possible models for the complete crystal structure. All three models assign both x,0,z sets of metal atoms to Yb203 structural units. The first model consists of the l/3,2/3,z metal atoms as part of linear units of YbClz, the second puts Yb0C1 units in these positions, and the third has YbO units in the fourfold position. 33 34 These three models require a linear group around the fourfold position. Of the three possibilities, Yb0 units le must be linear, units of YbOCl are reporte to be linear, and units of YbCl2 are reported3 to have a bent configuration. 1 contaminant in Because the oxide chloride is a known ytterbium chloride systems, the model chosen for the complete structure is the one having YbOCl units in the fourfold positions. The final structure by this model would consist of sesquioxide and oxide chloride units to build the Yb16022C14 unit cell, or (Yb203)6(Yb0C1)4. This formula was used to calculate a density and linear absorption coefficient for the crystal, as listed in Table 2. Figures 2-4 show three projections of this structural model. Figure 2 is a projection of the refined metal atom positions on the (001) plane, Figure 3 is a projection of the refined anion positions on the (001) plane. Numbering of positions on both figures corresponds to the numbering system of the final refinement (Table 6). Figure 4 is a projection of the Yb16022C14 model on the (010) plane. The darker circles of Figure 4 represent atomic positions in the (010) plane, the fully dashed circles represent anion positions that are not refineable. Figure 3 shows the near-eclipsing of x,0,z anion positions, Figure 4 shows the layered packing of ions in the unit cell. The unit cell for the above model may be considered to be derived from the hexagonal symmetry of YbOCl with that of the cubic symmetry exhibited in ytterbium sesquioxide. 35 Figure 2: Projection of Metal Atom Positions on (001) Plane Figure 3: Projection of Anion Positions on (001) Plane. z = 0.000 2 = 0.096 2 = (0.12) z = 0.190 2 = 0.251 2 = 0.290 2 = 0.358 2 = 0.407 2 = 0.593 2 = 0.593 2 = 0.642 2 = 0.710 2 = 0.749 2 = 0.810 2 = (0.88) z = 0.904 2 = 1.000 Figure 4: 36 ’\ I " P .0 T’O ~" \o m Oxygen . Ytterbium ‘5 (Chlorine) Oxygen < Ytterbium Oxygen C Oxygen Ytterbium (Oxygen) Ytterbium < Oxygen Oxygen C Ytterbium Oxygen ' (Chlorine) Ytterbium Oxygen Projection of Yb16022C14 on (010) Plane. 37 Wyckoff27 indicates that the sesquioxide unit cell contains 16 sesquioxide units; the metal atoms are in special posi- tions at four levels on the z-axis, with 24 atoms in an x,0,z closest packing type of position in the Ia3 space group and eight in special positions at z = i 1/4. The oxygen atoms are in the 48 general positions. Substitution of chloride ions for some of the oxygen atoms in the cubic sesquioxide lattice probably distorts the symmetry to hexagonal because the large chloride ion increases the anion to cation radius ratio. The structure remains similar, the symmetry changes. The structure is not refineable further than the metal positions and four anion positions, most likely the result of a faulty data set or a bad absorption correction. Pos- sibly a few strong reflections were measured at an intensity less than the actual value. This condition would be similar to that mentioned earlier in which the 006 reflection had to be deleted from the data set. Reasons for the reflections being recorded at too low intensity values are not known but probably reflect an absorption or extinction problem. As discussed earlier, for a small crystal that absorbs X-rays strongly, a good absorption correction may be difficult to obtain. The possibility of twinning cannot be completely re- jected until the crystal structure is solved: the proba- bility of twinning is lessened by the sharp diffraction peaks 38 observed in the data set. A twinning geometry would have to be of a precise nature that did not introduce disorder into the crystal and broaden the diffraction peaks. The final solution will require at least the collection of another data set--h0pefully from a larger crystal which is not now available. Since the full structure is not known, a direct reaction to obtain more of this phase may not be possible. A.repetition of the one reaction which led to this phase may reproduce the conditions which led to its accidental formation. The original intent of this research was to increase an understanding of the structural aspects of phases of inter- mediate oxidation states in the ytterbium(II)-ytterbium(III) chloride system. The new phase that was isolated was con- taminated by oxygen and only a partial structure could be obtained. This result may not help characterize the chlor- ide system, but it does help characterize the reactions used to obtain the phases in the chloride system. The phase that was isolated as a side product of these reactions and its presence can now be rapidly identified from.the X-ray powder diffraction pattern. REFERENCES REFERENCES l) D. Brown, "Halides of the Lanthanides and Actinides," John Wiley and Sons Ltd., London, 1968. 2) N. A. Fishel, Ph. D. 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Wyckoff, "Crystal Structures," Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 1964. APPENDICES 41 Structure Factor Table APPENDIX I ( L Fflfl< FCAL K L FDRS FCAL L rnus VCAL roux 'CAL K 7H"517705‘H‘h75975“??01QR“6?R56H5RQQRQQQ1QO§qq77flnRQHQU n7.31505““9°nhqqnn5759799579g?“5n0055,000 70,475hQ55576597Q7Sn?03020550625766??566 2747nQBR?03°Q7 53.7553‘076?“2537SR703666900700785.89%] 75W9$70“HIPWHH“qsa742?fi05?39§7§7569697575457569Q70527§93906“35“1830?08999.3055855597095989O6075 1 «In0‘6076940404106790206900749P3476085705935818Q759124§44 110036135036 3204803060455071350 093600 ‘9‘"6"‘"QQ?‘?Q7HQ“QQQQ‘Q“ S5“fi???‘“7135766quah13HQQ?755 ,5 5355“ 6960955 1n977‘7‘36n91 “72 $70010Q5lqg“?75070Q1??705 g0“gA?R5q96g5525n?70&985‘65767 25 65960 0‘069‘9 573‘sng0907g7 Q35 1? 5 P7555 ?5 5 2 ? ‘7 ??5 5 ’5 55 3? 23 5552287 5 S 2 2 ‘ ? 5 35 575 5 55. 5? 6’HU"520575“$57“905?TQQfi7H90.05?.3Lq578905?15q50523556739MHH05PJQSfi7R905?3“5670521$S67N9m5?H052300 5555??? 5555555 55555555 5. 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