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V EWQEIE 33E Q's-ass /"/ wmngoz xpcmm .55 55 555555 5555 .5 NW 55 555 + mam 555 5555-5 5555 :wpmpmm + 555555 5555: Awmv 5555 .5 55 555555 + 55555 555555: 555555 5555555 55555 5555 5555 5 55 55555 555555 555555: 555555 55555_v 55555 5555 5555 5 5_ 55555 555555 __55-N 5_5555 5555555 55555 55v 5555 5 5 55555 555555 _555-N 555555 555555 555_5555¥ 5555 555 P 55 555 + 55 5555-5 55555 5555_V 55553 555 55555555553 5555 555 _ m 555 5555-5 5555: Apcmugmav m::o> 5055mm 505v mngnem 50 mmmgm mucmcmmmm m5555> mmmgopm mgzumgqumh Eswumz Pmpcmsaopm>wo mmwomam mmgzumcmasmh o oo 5:5 cop :mmzpmn mmmcoam gmpmm mongEm cwpoou mo zuw_5555> F m;m 05555“ 555555m 5555555 5>555555555550 55555“ F5555< 555555555555 0555555 55 moxgnsm 55555555: 555555 55 555—5555> N mgm use 06am Abomv o_ Amomv mm «o A:.Hv m-m _Pmu-¢ Cowman: Aekmpv meagu new mooxoe AMmNV ON Awnmv Fm ANNQV mm mm Ao.~v m-“ __mu-m baa Ammo—V comcmcaumz vac me_d Agemv oNF mmm A:.~v o umxuoumm_m mu_z Aeompv sacgae=x AMQmV mNN owe 23.2v m amxuooma_m au_z .wmcmcp uu:u_>o Lo :Lox macaw mmucmcmwwm Geno» m_ncw> momsumu .oz :o_ucuco_aEH .oz _muo» can .mmcmgp .oz .cucwanFm>mo mm_umqm gmvmccgp oxcoam ocwzo_Pou moxanw cm__eesoz cw~ocwcz mo ucmsoo_m>mo _macoz v m4m.05 was used. 5. Embryo Migration To study the migration of early preimplantation embryos, all the surgical transfers were made unilaterally either to left or right ovarian bursa, oviduct or uterine horn. The recipients were killed on 33 day 6 or 14 of pregnancy and implantation sites were checked in both horns of the uterus. Migration of embryos to either left or right horn was counted and the interaction between the developmental stages and migratory capability of the embryos was also noticed. RESULTS 1. Media_ The viability of various preimplantation embryos was not affected by freezing medium TC-l99 (Table 5). The viability of l-cell and 2-cell compared to morulae were significantly affected by PBS (p<.01) when used as a freezing medium (Table 6). The developmental stages of the embryos showed different responses (p<.001) to PBS medium (Table 6). The fertility of frozen-thawed embryos was determined by the embryo trans- fer technique. The fertility of these embryos was not affected by the medium (Tables 7 and 8). The survival of hamster embryos in TC-l99 in terms of normal and TpB' embryos was significantly higher (p<.01 and p<.001 respectively) than in PBS medium (Table 9). 2. Seeding Temperature Hamster preimplantation embryos were seeded at a temperature range from -5°C to -23°C. The effect of seeding temperatures on embryo survival was studied (Figures 2,3,4, 5 and 6). The optimal seeding temperature for l-cell, 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell and morula was shown to be -5, -7, -9, -9 and -5 respectively. The survival of pre- implantation embryos in terms of embryo normality, TpB' and implanta— tion rate was lowered when the seeding temperature was below -10°C. Seeding temperatures between -5°C and -10°C did not have a deleterious effect on hamster preimplantation embryos (Figures 2 to 6). The numbers of normal, 193' and implanted embryos were significantly (p<;01) increased when the embryos were seeded at temperatures above 10°C. 34 TABLE 5 *Viability of Frozen-Thawed Hamster Preimplantation Embryos in TC-l99 Embryo Stage Number Number Number Number Number Frozen Thawed Normal TpB'(%) Donors (%) (%) l-cell 149 114 (77) 100 (88) 106 (93) 10 2-cell 102 88 (86) 72 (82) 81 (92) 8 4-cell 42 33 (79) 27 (82) 28 (85) 4 8-cell 105 90 (86) 76 (84) 77 (86) 9 Morula 50 35 (70) 28 (80) 28 (80) 4 Total 448 360 (80) 303 (84) 320 (89) 35 * p>.05 36 TABLE 6 Viability of Frozen-Thawed Hamster Preimplantation Embryos in Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) Embryo Number Number Number Number Number Stage Frozen Thawed Normal TpB'(%) Donors W W») 1-cell 357 264 (74) 1925(73) 194 (73) 24 2-ce11 94 68 (72) 46a(68) 52 (76) 7 4-ce11 43 37 (86) 32 (86) 32 (86) 5 8-ce11 91 53 (58) 41 (77) 44 (83) 8 Morula 164 133 (81) 116 (87) 102 (77) 13 Total 749 555 (74) 427b(77) 424 (76) 57 a = p<.01 Significantly different from morula b = p<.001 Morphologically normal embryos vs. developmental stages 37 TABLE 7 *Fertility of Frozen-Thawed Hamster Embryos in TC-l99 Embryo Number Number Number Number Stage Transferred Implanted Recipient Pregnant (as) m 1-cell 34 25 (74) 5 4 (80) 2-cell 36 28 (78) 4 4 (100) 4-cell 20 16 (80) 3 3 (100) 8-ce11 42 35 (83) 8 8 (100) Morula l7 14 (82) 3 3 (100) Total 149 118 (79) 23 22 (96) * p >.05 38 TABLE 8 *Fertility of Frozen-Thawed Hamster Embryos in PBS Embryo Number Number Number Number Stage Transferred Implanted Recipient Pregnant W (%1 l-cell 88 66 (75) 15 13 (86) 2—cell 25 20 (80) 5 5 (100) 4-ce11 10 8 (80) 2 2 (100) 8-ce11 24 21 (87) 4 4 (100) Morula 48 35 (73) 9 8 (88) Total 195 150 (77) 35 32 (91) * p>.05 39 mmg g. gggg gagmwg »_nguwcggmgm Poo.vg mmm cw cusp gmcmw; zpucmugmwcmwm po.vq Ammv gm mm Aggy mom ggm Agmv egg Aomv omg Aggv m_m gmpp _gpgg Aggy mm mm Aggy w_F mg, gfimmv omm gAgmv mom Aowv com meg mm_-og A_mv mm mm Aggy omp map Aggy gmg Aggy gmg Aggy mmm meg mmg pcmcmwca pcmgawumm umucmpaeH uwggmmmcmcg A&v-map PwELoz waxes» :mNOLm anumz Lamasz Lamazz gmaszz Lmnszz Lmnszz consaz Lanssz swaszz mcmnmwgu “mm.-ug .m> mmgv mwumz mcgNmmLu 03H cw moxgnEm LmumEm: nexushucmNOLu we xuwpwpgmu m u4m \‘ V\ \3 .. 'I z “ m 1 U \ M III-l a. \ 20 {\x \“x \ ‘\\\ -5 -10 -15 -2o SEEDING TEMP. 'C Figure 2. Survival of l-cell hamster embryos seeded at temperatures between -5°C and -23°C. Each point represents 2 - 3 replicates. p <.001: seeding temperature -5 to -10°C vs. -11 to ~15°C; p <.005: implantation significantly different from morphological test and trypan blue reaction at seeding temperature -11 to -15°C. 41 " ' TWO _ceu EMBRYOS 1 \l 80 {—x HMORPH. NORMAL \ 9" TPB NEGATIVE \ \\ o—--0IMPI.ANTAT[ON \ 2: 45C) \ \ no \ b\ < \ \ s I \ \\ \ 4O \ \ U- \ \ z \ \ III-l \ \\ E" \ \ W K \ a. 20 \\ \ \ \ “- \\ \\\ \x ‘4 \~\ ’ 5 '10 '15 '20 SEEDING TEMP. °C Figure 3. Survival of 2-cell hamster embryos seeded at temperatures between -7 and -23°C. Each point represents 2-3 replicates. p <.001: seeding temperature -7 to -10°C vs. -11 to -15°C; implantation sig- nificantly different (p <.005) from morphological test and trypan blue reaction at seeding temperature -11 to -15°C. 42 100 FOUR-CELI. EMBRYOS so H MORPH. NORMAL g—a TPB NEGATIVE .3 o---o IMPLANTATION S. 60 :> ’2' 4o )0 “I I C) I a: I u: l “ 1 12(3 I l l \ l -5 -10 -15 -2o -25 SEEDING TEMP. °c Figure 4. Survival of 4-cell hamster embryos seeded at temperatures between -6°C and -20°C. Each point represents 2-3 replicates. p <.001: seeding temperature -6 to -10°C vs. -11 to -15°C; implantation sig- nficantly different (p <.005) from morphological test and trypan blue reaction at seeding temperature -11 to -15°C. 43 10° 8 -CELL EMBRYOS \ H MORPH.NORMAL ‘ .._. TPB NEGATIVE a. ‘x g-.. IMPLANTATION -' '3 9° \ $60 ‘ \\ > \‘ \ \ I— 1 \ :5 l \ IAI ¢ \ u \ \ as x \ n. \ \ I‘ \\ \\ 12¢) \ \\ \ \ I \ \ \\ \ \ \ ' 5 '10 '15 -20 SEEDING TEMP. 0(: Figure 5. Survival of 8-cell hamster embryos seeded at temperatures between -7°C and -l9°C. Each point represents 2-3 replicates. p <.001: seeding temperature -7°C to -10°C vs. -ll°C to -l5°C; im— plantation significantly different (p <.005) from morphological test and trypan blue reaction at seeding temperatures -11 to -15°C. VIABLE PERCENT 44 100 MORULAE o———.MORPH. NORMAL 7"», h—«TPB NEGATIVE " .--,IMI>LANTATI0N ON C) 20 '5 -10 -15 -2o SEEDING TEMP. “C Figure 6. Survival of hamster morulae seeded at temperatures between -5°C and -15°C. Each point represents 2-3 replicates, (p >.05). 45 Morulae tolerated seeding temperatures up to -15°C without apparent loss in survival rate (Figure 6). The survivability of 1-, 2-, 4- and 8-cell embryos seeded at a temperature range of -5°C to -23°C (Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 were similar. The normality and TpB' of morula were similar between seeding temperatures of -5 and -15°C. The number of implanted morulae decreased when the embryos were seeded below -15°C (Figure 6). The three tests of embryo viability were positively correlated (Figures 7, 8 and 9). The correlation coefficient between these tests was 0.99. 3. Freezing and Thawing Rates There was no evidence (p>.05) that developmental stages of hamster embryos were adversely affected by slow cooling (0.33°C/min) and thawing (l.5°C/min) rates (Table 10). 0f the 576 thawed embryos, 81% were normal morphologically and 84% by TpB'. The viability of preimplanta- tion embryos in terms of embryo normality and TpB' was significantly (p<.001) affected when these embryos were thawed at a rate of 90°C/min (Table 11). This thawing rate (90°C/min) did not affect significantly (p>.05) morulae and 8-ce11 embryos (Table 11). There was significant interaction between morulae and l-, 2-, 4-cell embryos and also between 4-cell and 8-cell embryos (p<.05, Table 11) with respect to their normality and trypan blue reaction. These developmental stages showed higher sensitivity to rapid thawing (p< .001). The fertility of frozen- thawed embryos was not adversely affected by either slow or rapid thawing (p>.05, Tables 12 and 13). The viability of slow-thawed embryos was significantly higher (p<.01) than that of those rapidly thawed (Table 14). The number of pregnant recipients was not markedly different (p>.05) between slow and rapidly thawed embryos. The developmental potential ICND 6C) TBP' EBRYOS 2C) Figure 7. normal embryos. 46 100 2t) 6!) MORPH . NORMAL EMBRYOS Positive correlation between TpB- and morphologically Each point represents 3-4 replicates. 47 80 g = -99 Y : 2-87 '1' ° 73X 2 2 60 p— S 2 S 40 G. .75 20 l 20 4O 60 80 MORPH. NORMAL EMBRYOS Figure 8. Positive correlation between morphologically normal embryos and implantation. Each point represents 3-4 replicates. 48 80 r = .99 ‘***9 Ay : 2.94 + '74x it“ I: g 60 S I! ‘I z 40 E 72¢) 20 4o 60 80 TBP' EMBRYOS Figure 9. Positive correlation between TpB' embryos and implantation Each point represents 3-4 replicates. 49 TABLE 10 *Viability of Frozen Hamster Embryos Following Slow Thawing l.5°C/min Cell Stage Number Number Number Number Number Frozen Thawed Normal TpB'(%) Donors 1-CE11 217 171 (79) 141 (82) 152 (89) 15 2-cell 196 156 (79) 118 (76) 133 (85) 14 4-ce11 114 4(74) 69 (82) 69 (82) 11 8-cell 101 (6 2) 50 (79) 52 (83) 10 Morula 123 102 (83) 86 (84) 79 (77) 12 Total 751 576 (77) 464 (81) 485 (84) 62 * p >.05 50 TABLE 11 Viability of Frozen Hamster Embryos Following Rapid Thawing 90°C/min Cell Stage Number Number Number Number Number Frozen Thawed Normal TpB (%) Donors (%) (%) 1-ce11 212 140 (66) 94 (67)a 90 (64)b 14 2-ce11 228 193 (85) 124 (64)a 143 (74)a 15 4-ce11 69 60 (87) 30 (50)b 32 (53)b 6 8-cell 71 46 (65) 36 (78)c 37 (80)C 7 Moru1a 99 57 (58) 49 (86) 53 (93) 9 Total 679 496 (73) 333 (67)d 355 (72)d 51 a = p <.05 Significantly different from morula b = p <.01 Significantly different from morula c = p <.05 Significantly different from 4-ce11 d = p <.001 Over all data 51 TABLE 12 *Fertility of Slowly Thawed Hamster Embryos Following Embryo Transfer Cell Stage Number Number Number Number Transferred Implanted Recipients Pregnant (%) (%) 1-cell 46 34 (74) 6 5 (83) 2-cell 61 48 (79) 8 7 (87) 4-cell 42 34 (81) 8 7 (87) 8-cell 24 21 (87) 5 5 (100) Morula 40 29 (73) 7 6 (85) Total 213 166 (78) 34 30 (88) * p >.05 52 TABLE 13 *Fertility of Rapidly Thawed Hamster Embryos Following Embryo Transfer Cell Stage Number Number Number Number Transferred Implanted Recipients Pregnant (%) (%) l-cell 42 33 (78) 6 5 2-cell 58 39 (67) 6 4 4—cell 16 ll (69) 3 2 8-cell 22 18 (82) 4 4 Morula 28 16 (57) 4 3 Total 166 117 (70) 23 18 (78) * p >.05 5 umzocu xpuwamg wmogu can» gmpmmgm appcmueegcmem eo.v a u a umzmcp xecgamg mmosp can» Lmummgm aepcmugwgcmem Foo.v a u m Aewv we gm Amgv new gNm Awgv gem Aggy gag Amgv Neg. ome_ egggg Aggy mg mg AoAV g__ ge_ Amgv meg Aeev gem Aggy egg egg ggg\ooog Amwv an em Awgv ege mew gaewv meg gAPmV egg Aggv gem emg ggg\u.m.e Age Age Rev Agv ucmcmmgm mpcmeagumm cmpcmgaeH cwggmemcmg» Axvumag emELoz umzmgh cmNogd mama Lassaz Emnszz Lmnszz Lungs: Lmnszz gmnE:z gmaszz swassz acezmsh macavmuoga mcwzmce ceamm veg 30pm acezoegom moxLaEm coepmucmeasemgm memsm: cmNogu mo zueeepgmu up mgm.05 57 TABLE 17 *Pregnancy Percentage in Golden Hamster Following Embryo Transfer Cell Stage No. Transf. No. Recip. No. Pregn. Pregn. % Embryos Recip. 1-cell 298 57 48 84 2-cell 343 103 95 92 4-ce11 77 24 19 79 8-cell 175 32 26 81 Total 893 216 188 87 * p >.05 58 TABLE 18 Recovery Times of Hamster Embryos Cell Stage Natura1 Ovulation Superovulation Hour after mating Hour after mating Mean (Range) Mean (Range) l-cell a26 (24-37) 31 (18-50) 2-cell a36 (25.5-53) 43.14 (24-64) 4-cell a51.51 (Bl-53.5) 69.6 (65-74) 8-cell a68.7 (64-76) 72.52 (68-76) Total b45.5 (24-76) 54.06 (18-76) 0) II p <.05 Significantly different from corresponding superovulated embryos 0' II p <.001 Overall data 59 TABLE 19 Survival of Superovulated Hamster Embryos Following Embryo Transfer Cell Stage Natural Ovulation Superovu1ation* No. implanted/No. transferred No. implanted/No. transferred (%) (%) 1-cell 30/42 a(71) 147/273 (54) 2-cell 57/85 (67) 154/258 (60) 4-cell 26/39 (67) 20/38 (53) 8-cell 37/55 (67) 75/120 (62) Total 167/246 b(68) 396/689 (57) * Both groups (donor and recipient) were superovulated D.) II p <.05 Significantly different from super- ovulated l-cell embryos U' 11 p <.005 Overall data 60 TABLE 20 *Implantation in Golden Hamster Following Intrabursal and Intraoviductal Transfer of Preimplantation Embryos Cell Stage Intrabursal Transfer Intraoviductal Transfer No. Implanted/No. Transferred No. Implanted/ No. Transferred (%) (%) l-cell 152/277 (55) 23/41 (56) 2-cell 184/299 (61) 27/44 (61) Total 336/576 (58) 50/85 (59) * p >.05 61 TABLE 21 Implantation in Golden Hamster Following Intrabursal and Intrauterine Transfer Cell Stage Intrabursal Transfer Intrauterine Transfer No. implanted/No. transferred No. implanted/No. transferred (%) (%) 4-cell 21/39 (54) 25/38 (66) 8-cell 25/47 (53) 87/128 (68) Total 46/86 (53) 112/166 a(67) a = p <.05 Significantly different from intrabursal transfer 62 TABLE 22 Effect of Side of Embryo Transfer on Implantation in Golden Hamster Cell Stage Unilateral Transfer Bilateral Transfer No. implanted/No. transferred No. implanted/No. transferred (%) (%) 1-cell 121/206 a(59) 43/92 (47) 2-cell 123/195 (63) 88/148 (59) 4-cell 33/55 (60) 19/32 (59) 8-cell 81/121 (67) 31/54 (57) Total 358/577 b(62) 181/326 (55) a = p <.l Significantly different from Bilateral Transfer b = p < 1 Overall data 63 TABLE 23 Effect of Uterine Horn on Implantation of Golden Hamster Embryos Cell Stage Right Horn Left Horn No. implanted/No. transferred No. implanted/No. Transferred (% % 1-ce11 84/166 (51) 80/132 a(61) 2-cell 107/84 (58) 104/159 (65) 4-ce11 29/46 (63) 17/31 (55) 8-cell 53/78 (68) 59/97 (61) Total 273/474 (58) 260/419 (62) a = p <.05 Significantly different from right horn 64 (p>.05) by the type of transfer (Table 22). The transfer of l-cell embryos to the left horn yield higher implantation rates (p<.05) compared to the right horn (Table 23). Both horns were equally effective for the transfer of other embryo stages (Table 23). Two transfer media (PBS and TC-199) were used for embryo transplantation. Both media were found to be effective except in 8-cell embryos (p<.01) where the implantation rate was higher in TC-l99 than PBS (Table 24). The implantation rate of preimplantation embryos obtained either from young (14 wk) 0r mature (26 wk) hamsters did not differ significantly (p>.05, Table 25). The numbers of transferred embryos had no significant effect (p>.05) on the implantation rates of the developmental stages of the embryos (Table 26). The transfer of 7 to 9 embryos vs. 3 to 6 or 10 to 12 embryos to recipient females showed relatively higher implantation rate than the other two groups (66% vs. 61% and 57% respectively). Embryo migration was determined by unilateral transfer of pre- implantation embryos into one uterine horn. The different develop- mental stages showed significantly (p<.05) different migratory capability (Table 27). One-cell embryos had a higher migration rate (p<.05) than the two-cell embryos. Migration of l-cell embryos to the left uterine horn was significantly higher (p< .05) than to the right uterine horn. 65 TABLE 24 Viability of Hamster Embryos in Two Transfer Media (PBS vs. TC-199) Embryo PBS TC-l99 Number Stage No. Implanted/ No. Implanted/ Recipients No. Transferred (%) No. Transferred (%) 1-cell 78/140 (56) 86/158 (54) 57 2-cell 79/133 (59) 132/210 (63) 103 4-cell 17/32 (53) 29/45 (64) 24 8-cell 41/77 (53) 71/98 a(72) 32 Total 215/382 (56) 318/511 (62) 216 a = p <.01 Significantly different from PBS medium 66 TABLE 25 Implantation of Hamster Embryos in Young and Mature Recipients Following Embryo Transfer Cell Stage Young Hamstera Mature Hamsterb No. Implanted/ No. Implanted/ No. Transferred (%) No. Transferred (%) l-cell 100/189 (53) 64/109 (59) 2-cell 101/170 (59) 110/173 (53) 4-cell 29/50 (58) 17/27 (63) 8-cell 69/111 (62) 43/64 (67) Total 299/520 (57) 234/373 (63) a = Age range 12-16 weeks, mean: 14 weeks, young group b = Age range 24-28 weeks, mean: 26 weeks, mature group 67 Agmv omm\g~_ Agev NFM\mo~ Apgv ew~\egp .gpgg Agmv N~\mg Amgv em\ge Aggy Fm\em P_mo-m Ammv e~\ep Aggv mm\mN Ammv gN\g_ Pegu-e Agmv gg\ee Amev gm_\wm Aegv epe\mg __66-N Ammv mm\mm Aggy mfi\me Aggy Nm\gm _P55-_ ARV umggmemcmgk .oz Axv cmggmemcmgp .oz ARV umggmmmcmgh .oz \umucmenEH .oz \vmpcmeaEH .oz \umucmegEH .oz mosgggm NF - o, moegggw e - g mgxgggm g - m megem Fego gmumEm: :mueow cg Lmemcmcg oxenEm acezoeeou moanEm vmggmwmcmgh mo Emassz ms» o» pcwscogw>cm mcegmy: mo >¢e>epgmumm om m4m Heme ”cogpmgmez mo.v a u u moxgasm ms» go mummum Fmpcwsgoem>mu .m> xpeegnwamo agoumgmez mo.v a u a eemuum sage acmgmgwgu aepcmueeecmem mo.v a u m Acevg mom\mm ANPV cg gee Awe mm Nee Fgegg AN_V mgg\gm Aoev m mg Aggy me go _gge-e Ag V gg\m Ag 3 m we Amy N Am __gg-e Ag V meM\eN Ag 3 g_ og_ Age e meg __65-N hepvg mOM\me Amgvo Ne gg_ Amy e_ _m_ _.56-. flew umcgmmmcmgu .oz \vamgmes .oz Ayv ago: new; ago: “saga “NV ago: enmex :Lo: new; coepmgmez op umpmgmgz op nmcgmmmcmge op umpmcmez op umggmgmcosg Pepe» moxanm .oz momenEu .oz moxgnsm .oz momenEm .oz mmmpm eemu cmmmcmgg oxgnsm acezo—eom prmEm: coveou cg coeumgmez oxgasm mm m4m