> o _ . . .Ix orv 5‘ ~ a ; u a Q ~ r 4 O . . . . r . . . . o .p . v a . _ a . J I J O ‘. . . I 1. . O . \ Ir . v : lAJ‘ . 'x .. v 1 a. . . u . \ \ d p .. . , r I .u v .a . \s b . . v . . . . ’ r v. r1 . A x. v _ v a O .2 v . . I . .. . . _ J a 1 .4. s u .«a I A ~ 5 . o v v. o a 1 ‘ 4 . o. _ ¢ . a .a v . u o “ l" I .l ' I I \ .Nl .. I - \1 I . \A’ D l" _ r . .1 . . F si .\ . x a . .( _. .. > . . . C O _'v‘ J~‘ / fl ‘1: - »\ 4' ‘?~.. . r x 3:22:21 ‘ 4% PARTIAL CHLORINATION 0F SEWAGE June, 1938 Dorian H. Diokman INTRODUCTION Under the direction of Dr. W. L. Mallmann of the Michigan State College, Department of Bacteriology, this work was carried out to determine the effectiveness of partial chlorination upon the total bacteria count and colon index of sewage. Dr. Rudolphs of New Jersey and his associates conclude from laboratory experiments that partial chlorination is practicable where adequate distribution can be obtained and where E. coli reductions or 90 to 95% are sufficient, providing the chlorinated effluent can be discharged into bays or lakes where dilution is automatic. A study of their work reveals that their conclusions were based upon laboratory determinations from a very limited number of samples. Questions arise as to whether results from a great number of samples taken frequently over a period of several weeks or from actual partial chlorination in plant operation would be as effective as their results indicate. The work undertaken in this problem is an attempt to answer these questions. . i v - . . v ‘ , , l ‘ 4 ' . - r SCOPE The first part of the work deals with experiments using East Lansing sewage. Special consideration was given to the reductions in bacteria counts and colon indices resulting from various chlorination periods when the samples were partially chlorinated. The second part deals with plant scale chlorination experiments at Battle Creek, Michigan. In this work consideration was given to the percent satisfaction of the chlorine demand, the chlorination period, the resultant reduction in bacteria count and the reduction of the colon index. EX PE RI LEN TAL Chlorine Demand Determination of the chlorine demand was made by treating 100 ml. samples of sewage with 0.5 m1., 0.6 ml., 0.7 m1. and like increments up to 1.5 ml. of chlorine water containing 0.5 g. of chlorine per liter. One-tenth instead of the customary five-tenth ml. increments were used for more accurate determinations. The chlorine water was prepared by diluting strong sodium hypochlorite solution with distilled water and standardizing with a standard solution of sodium thiosulphate. Due to the fact that chlorine water loses its strength upon standing, fresh solution was prepared every week and this solution was checked several times with standard sodium thiosulphate. After shaking the 53:31:; gently and allowing them to stand for thirty minutes, a crystal of potassium iodide and l ml.of starch indicator solution was added to each bottle. The chlorine demand, in parts per million, was calculated by multiplying the ml. of chlorine water in the first sample to show a blue color by 5. Chlorine Demand (1’. P. It): 14.1. in let bottle showing blue X 5. Chlorination of Samples East Lansing Sewage: After determining the chlorine demand of sewage from East Lansing, samples were treated to give various demand satisfactions beginning at 100% and decreasing atl6% intervals to as low as 40%. Immediately after a thorough mixing with chlorine water, a portion of the chlorinated sample was placed into a glass-stoppered bottle containing steril sodium thiosulphate and at five minute intervals thereafter, portions of the chlorinated sample were similarly treated. This procedure was used to halt the bacteriacidal action of the chlorine at the end of 5, 10, 15, and 20 minute intervals. Thus it was possible to study the effect of the chlorination period in conjunction with the partial chlorination investigations conducted upon East Lansing sewage. Battle Creek Sewage: Chlorination of Battle Creek sewage was conducted somewhat differently than at East Lansing. This difference was due to the fact that this experimental work was conducted on a plant scale in place of the laboratory scale at East Lansing. In chlorinating the Battle Creek sewage, an automatic wet feed chlorinator (Wallace and Tiernon) was used to treat the effluent. Since the outfall sewer is comparitively long and is equipped at regular intervals with sampling stations, it was ideally adapted to the study of the effect of the chlorination period an plant scale.eh&errha$ions. At the rate of flow during the experimental work, it was determined that a detention period of 2.5 minutes could be obtained. This was not considered long enough for the purposes of our eXperiment so baffle boards were placed at the end of the outfall. As a result, the detention period was lengthened to 24 minutes. Then for the 2.5 minute detention period, samples were taken at approximately 20 second intervals and with the 24 minute period, samples were taken at 5 minute intervals. This of course was made possible through the use of the seven regularly Spaced sampling stations along the outfall. Bacteriological Determinations Dilution of Samples: In carrying out the bacteriological determinations, it was found necessary to make various dilutions using chlorinated sewage samples and distilled water. Erlenmeyer flaskSof 150 ml. capacity were filled with enough distilled water so that upon sterilization and cooling, they «intained 90 to 99 m1. depending upon the dilution desired. Then by using steril 1 ml. and 10 ml. graduated pipettes, dilutions of 1:100, 1:1000, 1:10,000, 1:100,000 and 1:1000000 were made. Total Count: From the various dilutions prepared, nutrient agar plates were prepared and incubated at 57° C for 24 hours. One ml. of the highest dilution of a sample of sewage was withdrawn by means of a steril pipette and placed into a steril Petri dish. Then with the same pipette a one m1. portion was withdrawn from the next lower‘ dilution of this same sample and placed into a second steril Petri dish. After portions from all the dilutions had been placed into Petri dishes in this manner, melted nutrient agar was poured into them, this was mixed with the ml. of diluted sewage, cooled and placed in a 57° C constant temperature room to incubate for 24 hours. Because of insufficient time none of the plates were incubated at 20° C. The agar culture medium was prepared from a tap water, meat extract, agar, peptone and salt according to the procedure outlined in the ”Laboratory Manual of General hicrobiology" by Giltner. It was found conven- ient to make up several liters of this agar at a time and then melt small portions as needed. After the agar was melted, it was kept in a 45° C. oven until all the plates were poured. This eliminated the necessity of having to melt agar so frequently. After the plates had been incubated for 24 hours, the colonies were counted using an electrically illuminated counting devise equipped with a magnifying lens. Calcu- lations were based on data obtained from plates showing between 50 and 500 colonies because of the fact that within these limits, greater accuracy can be obtained. Colon Index: In addition to the total count determinations on the chlorinated samples, their colon index was also determined. While the agar plates were being poured, 5 fermentation tubes of nutrient lactose broth were innoculated with 1 ml. portions from the particular dilution being used. Thus 5 fermentation tubes, con- taining 10 ml. of nutrient lactose broth, were innoculated for each dilution of the chlorinated sample. The use of five tubes for each dilution was chosen in order to employ the "Most Probable Number" method of determining the colon index and at the same time obtain highly accurate results. The most probable number may be computed, but the mathematics involved are rather complex, therefore it has been found more convenient to use the table which has been included (page 9). This table has been worked out and is designed to cover all possibilities that can arise when five tubes of each are incubated for gas production. Since this production of gas from lactose is onLy a presumptive test indicating the presence of the colon- aerogenes group and not a definitely positive reaction, it is necessary to confirm the presence of this group of organisms. In the present work, brilliant green bile ere P u I... . . l . I , _ c I r ' v r . . . Io . e . . . . . 0 ~ v . i I. t I i a . t \ . 0 ~ - . . t. A _ w .I . C r ‘ . x- . A . i .. . . , at. . . . , u w . u _ . . . . .U I- A . . . \ A . I i . . i i . v . _ . . . .. n . A i. a i u . . . i. . . . . ~ \A . Ii». . of . . . 1* . . n i i I . u . s v l I ‘1 n .. 4 o 5. .. a I . o . . . . . . . I I. o t - . .. .. 4 . a . a . . . . O 0 l I o A. . . .l w A . , . w 1 . g V . o y . in . 1A . ,I l . . l A . . a I y. . . . '- I broth was used as the confirmatory medium. It was made up according to the method as outlined in "AnaLysis of Water and Sewage" by Theroux, Eldridge and Mallmann (pp. 209-10, 2nd Ed.). From each tube of lactose broth showing gas, a loopful of material was transplanted to a Durham fermentation tube containing brilliant green bile broth. The latter tubes were then incubated at 37° C for 24 hours; at the end of which time, all tubes showing gas production were considered positive evidence of the presence of the colon-aerogenes group and as such were used in computing the colon index. 5/ ..L Most Probable Number of Organisms With live Samples of Bach Dilution. Significant Probable Significant Probable Significant Probable e u e . *um e e 4 O 502 1.4 504 l. 1. 11 l a) 01 l. H U! PH dip- 2 2 22 231 500 Explanation on following page. 1, a: i r :5 ,Q a. l a. . V '1‘4 .P . ‘ I - . . . I l J fi I h ,. _ . . , o . e. . .~ . r“ . . ll 10 The most probable number of organisms present in that volume represented by the dilution which corresponds to the first figure of the significant number is given in the table. For example, for a series x cc., 0.1 1 cc., 0.0001 1 cc., the results secured might be 22100. The significant number is 210. Examination of the table mows the probable number to be 0.7. This is the probable number of bacteria in 0.1 1 cc. of original suspension of the organism. In these tables, numbers from 0 to 2.0 are correct to the nearest tenth. from 2 to 20 correct to the nearest 0.5 and above 20 correct to the nearest 5.0. \‘fl L? Tabulated Data and Results 11 - TABLE I East Lansing Samples Total Count Data 12 Series Demandgfidgzdne T fiél Co t Number p.p.m. p.p.m. % Sat. Raw 5 Min. 10 Min. 15 Min. 20 Min. 1 3.3 3.3 100 91,000 70,000 27,000 8,000 2 3.3 3.3 100 5&55,000%_23,000 2,500 2,200 2,250 3 2.2 2.2 1 100 25,000 2,300 1,800 1,800 495 4 4.95 4.95 100 55,000 23,000 2,500 2,200 2,250 5 4.95 4.45 90 38,700 540 282 212 228 5 5.5 5.5 100 117,000 5,500 950 380 825 7 5.5 3.3 50 154,000 157,000 79,500 48,400 17,450 $_* 8 4.95 3.95 80 133,750 33,525 8,355 2,203 8,155 ___ 9 4.95 3.45 70 133,750 130,000 24,300 14,755 5,900 h—‘io 5.5 3.45 70 154,000 98,250 43,400 32,380 10,280 11 5.5 3.3 50 49,400 42,200 45,700 10,700 24,200 __‘12 5.5 $.2175 50 49,400 47,300 82,500 57,800 77,000 _+13 '5.5 +m2.20— 40“ 49,400 215,400 590000 259,000 153,000 TABLE II East Lansing Samples Colon Index Data- Chlorine Series Demand‘Added olon Index Number p.p.m.!p.p.m. % Sat. Raw 5 Min. 10 Min. 15 min. 20 Min. 1 3.3 3.3 100 500 r 35 r 15 r 2 3.3 3.3 100 25 r 350 350 350 50 3 2.2 2.2 100 200 o 0 o 0 4 4.95 4.95 100 800 r 800—? ‘350*fl _—m350 o 5 4.95 '1195 2 9o 15"& "5‘rl— 450 it 200 20 5 5.5 5.5 100 800 r 50 r 350 o 50 7 5.5 3.3 _ 50 350 r 800 r 1.3 M 500 r 1.3 u 8 4.95 3.95 I »80 ‘I2T5mumt‘lj5—i' 80 r 30 r 5 c _* 9 4.95 3.45 70 2.5 M 800 r I_ 10 5.5 3.45 70 '350 r 1.1 hula—1.3 M 350 r 350 r 11 hw5.5 1% 3.3 “I 50 1.7 n. 300 r 170 r 170 c 350 r _¥12 5.5 2.75 50 1.7 M 400 r 500 r 350 r 300 r -~13 5.5 2.20 40 1.7 n 250 r 250 r 170 r 170 r 14 TABLE III East Lansing Samples Total Count and Colon Index Reductions Percent Reductions Series Total Count Colon Index Amber 7% Sat. 5 Min. 10 Min._l§ gin. 20 Min. 5Min.10 Min. 15 Min. 20 gig! 1 100 23.0 70.0 . 91.0 93.0 96.8“ 100 72.0 95.0 95.5 95.5 98.6 98.5 ’ 98.5 99.9 100 8.0 28.0 28.0 98.0 100 100 100 100 “P"_——'— __ 90 98.6 99.3 99.5 99.5 62.0 96.5 98.5 99.9 2 3 4 100 72.0 96.0 96.5 96.5 "99.9 99.9 99.9 100 5 . M_dn. . 6 ul_111111°°.+?5‘3_t_33f° $ 99.5 99.0 _ 95.0 99.9 100 99.9 ' 7 50 48.5 58.5 :T:_.é§,nfl:93.75:93 :31 19:5: 15-3.};5_19_9_18 ‘39-" __1f11_,_79., 2.8 81.8 ##88.95 _95.5 58.0_ J 10 70 35.2 71.8 7 78.0 92.3 Lfihiiuwfl 50— 85.5 "3&5.4 78.4 51.0 3&82.4_ 90.0. 90.0 79.3 5’12_“_##50—flIWd—Ww—“_w'_—*_~J_' “I- _*#75.0 55:7 79.3 82.4 13 40 85.3 85.3 90.0 90.0 TABLE IV Battle Creek Samples Total Count and Colon Index Series Chlorine Detent. Total Count E.4ooli Number Stat1on,§5815u21_25r155 _§er 5.0. 2 Red. 1555 9 Red 14 East 0 1,055,800 3.5 m West 0 533,400 3.5 n 1 20 Sec.‘- 8,475 99.8 7.0 1' 99.8 2 40 .. 525 99.99 2.5 T 99.99 3 50 .. 475 99.99 3.5 I 99.99 4 80 .. 440 99.99 1.3 m 99 99 5 100 .. 425 99.99 3.5 T 99.99 5 120 j. 230 99.99 2.5 I 99.99 7 140 ..1-__1_ 240 99.99 800 99.99 Outfall 1.0 150 .. 200 99.99 1.8 m 99.99 15 East 0 725,000 9.0 5 west 0 L 508,000 18.0 11 1 0.5 20 .._,__14’000 98.0 180 m 98.7 2 0.75 40 .. 15,200 98.0 150 m 98.8 3 1.0 50 .. 912 99.99 140 99.99 4 0.7 80 .. 1,870 99.99 3.5 m 99.99 5 1.0 100 .. 2,055 99.99 1.1 m 99.99 5 120 .. 458 99.99 1.7 m 99.99 7 140 .. 1,015 99.99 2.5 1 99.99 Outtall 0.75 150 .. 454 99.99 5.0 m 99.99 TABLE Iv (comm'n) Battle Creek Samples Total Count and Colon Index Series Chlorine Detent. Totel_Count E. coli Number Station Residual_Period_rferlslc.l2% Bed.l Index 15 East 0 502,400 800 1 E55;_m_w_m_0 9H“*_ ‘9‘” 880,000 250 m 1 1.5 20 Sam 274,000 50.4 25 T 95.2 2 1.0 40 ..4 110,000 84.0 350 0 33.3 3 1.0—_ -503 .. 9 23,000 95.7 8 m 98.5 4 __0.5 80“ .. 350,000 49.4 35 1 93.3 Y 5 0.5 100 .. 19,000 97.3 9 1 98.3 5 0.5 120 .. __ 500 99.9 7 0.4 140 .. 11,900 98.4 17 1 95.8 Outfall 0.4 150 .. 59 99.99 50 T 88.5 . .4 f! . 1. A ~ ' I f f. . p o o _ u . vi . . 1 .1 I I . 1 v c a a v o n . I u o I I o O J c . l P? I 1 \ n 0 - J r: . . o C. . o .. . , \ . O . . v .1 I t _ a a I a O a l u s . . 2 4 l . . u. {o {s .u t 1 I. Q ~ .1 . l . . of. . 0 . . . TABLE V Battle Creek Samples Additional Data Series Total Suspended Oxygen Number Station Solids Solids 8.0.D. pH Consumed 14 East 78 153 West 67 153 Outfall 77 119 15 East 862 56 164 6.60 West 898 61 170 6.62 Outtallmwm—879“ 72 147 6.16 16 East 942 87 190 6.75 20.6 West 891 81 194 6.72 20.0 Outfall 913 68 127 6.17 22.3 Curves 18 38 ,_ o _'.. >._ . :4 A t n 419 v A ¢ . H. r . . .. 9 v . A v. 1 c v. a O u . a t .. 4 .4 .0 74 O« 9 c ‘.e\A Vt! . 4 ..5 o 41. I . 9.. vcolrr‘ .7‘IOI. .1. .4 5‘ 5. u . Y 1‘ 5‘ .99 v .54 5.. o <0. .l 0.0 vF.H J . . a». 9. '9 . . no 0 Q II. 0 1. >5 9 v . 5c. .. 5... .51 lrt .. . ... .5: .c' .54. 5.6-0 .6 .OIO . 4 _vv ll. .. . . . 5 w o. 5.4 v o o v :4 . . t 40. av .15 O u 6 1" 44+ ATV 'v 6.0 II. .55 .F ‘09.; 40 f0. 4.... 5,3 I»; . $1. .4 ,. .+. .1 a o .t D" ,. .9. 5‘? .4, a, .u‘\ . fi.|4 x‘.lxlri. 43 ‘-44- 9. 07.99 7 .1. 11¢ +|b f. 'v. 0 o 5 .54 A 0 fi O .‘5 5 . o A . y A o I ¢.> 71¢ 19 9.; 75.0 I». .4 54 A . .5 5+ 94 5 4 or? V 5 4 . 9 .0 O o. o. 04 I. .. 15 ..v o .. . o. 5 Y . v p Q‘ 9» .4, o 50.. ofi—o o ._. 5.. .2 .15 . . _ ., 9., 6A . b s «so if Alt. 4. -9 11.1 +11. 994 #74 9|? I I'll ll ll! 5 Ill-II ll llllll Ill" l5. '5 III}. I I - ‘Ilr‘ll 3‘1 r 'I n I I I- I 'II II"!- . .II 555.! IIIII-l' I II lb. 5. LII'IIIIII III .I .TL‘ \‘I‘fi‘.»fih . 1. . ,. . . . . a 4 . . a . ‘ . . a . 4 . . I . u .. .1 . . . I . . I I I . . I.l.l III Illl'1.l|l| .. -IiN I V VbV\\\ . \ /\ ‘. ‘I..‘~‘ ... 61 o .7 .r« vow v I .4 A. . T. 0‘. OI 5.4 V > y . ~Io I._ I III I 5 0|. :6. 9. v 5 Q I 0. v -IQJIo 9.. ,5 o. _ w... .6IY .Ia' .5 o 0-. I ..~ on 9.7 5 99 . o. p o. I '. M - I 9 o O . 4 . . 5. p v .6 11 It? a. o'lcu a I. v 4» . I. 9 1 v 17.. .5 7|. .. .1. 5 I 4 r 5 o I. O I.. e 5 “5 V I to f , o. 5.0 v V 4 . + T v r .0 o . I. 1- .54r t b o 2. ’Yr «[5 b—Q .\.I..kv . r3 \na‘\_\.\ 67 CONCLUSIONS Reduction of Total Bacteria: East Lansing Sewage. From the work on East Lansing sewage it is evident that partial chlorination in amounts as low as 70% of the chlorine demand will effectively reduce the total bacteria. In fact the data in this work indicates that chlorination amounting to 70% of the chlorine demand will reduce the total bacteria count by more than 90%- However, these reductions from 70% of the chlorine demand were only obtained when a chlorination period of twenty minutes was used. Amounts of chlorine of less than 70% of the chlorine demand did not reduce the total count, but in some cases actually increased it.(Table I - Series 12,15). From the curves it may be seen that the higher demand satisfactions gave more rapid reductions than did the lower satisfactions (Curves from Table III). Reduction of Colon Index: East Lansing Sewage. As might be expected, partial chlorination is much more effective in reducing the number of E. 0011 than in reducing total count. This is probably due to the fact that in the total count tsere are inculded a great number of Spore formers. Since these organisms are not readily removed by chlorination, the effectiveness of this agent 68 in reduction of total count is less than in reduction of E. coli. Chlorination in amounts as low as 40% of the chlorine demand gave marked reductions, although from the rather incomplete data in this respect it is apparent that at least 705 of the chlorine demand is necessary to consistently give reductions in the colon index of over 90%. Reductions of Total Count and Colon Index: Battle Creek Sewage. It was 1 possible to carry out more than preliminary experiments on a plant scale at Battle Creek, but from the data obtained it is evident that very complete reductions in both total count and colon index were obtained. When chlorinating with such amounts as to produce a residual of 1.0 p.p.m. at end of the outfall, practically complete reductions in both total count and colon index were obtained within 20 seconds after chlorination (Table IV - Series 14). Even Upon reducing the chlorine so as to leave only 0.4 p.p.m. residual at the outfall, practically complete reductions were obtained within 160 seconds. 69 SUfiMAHY I Partial chlorination of 70% of chlorine demand gives reduction of more than 90% of total bacteria count. II Partial chlorination as low as 40% of chlorine demand effectively reduces the colon index. III Partial chlorination of 70% of chlorine demand consistently gives reductions of more than 90% of colon index. IV A chlorine residual as low as 0.4 p.p.m. in plant scale operation gives practically complete reductions in total count and colon index in less than 160 seconds. ‘0 ’t‘ L J H w {133 ‘ ‘1 i "9' I ‘. ‘ “I 1‘ .. ‘17 T ; \ f ,‘H 4.: M ‘J (LY. r' _1 if M ,r l as J 4.