A STUDY OF BURIED woman: was“ MAR scum HAVEN, Macmom, av we GRAVIWMETHOD ‘6‘th EM flu: Damn? TM. '5, mmmm stuns umvmsm'. ' john 5.,Kfiasnar’ ‘ ’ * 796.4 ' ' ‘t.’" I mats LIBRARY Michigan State University mm s H994 ;' :W 2,; {Mk 2 4 ’5. 4442121511, ABSTRACT A STUDY OF BURIED BEDROCK VALLEYS NEAR SOUTH HAVEN, MICHIGAN, BY THE GRAVITY METHOD by John S. Klasner A total of 358 gravity stations were observed in an area of 55 square miles at approximately one-quarter mile intervals along east-west section line roads. Two detail gravity profiles were located over the deepest known val- ley in the area at a station spacing of approximately 300 feet. A density of 2.15 gm/cc was determined for the glacial drift from a density profile. Standard procedures were used for the reduction of the raw gravity data. The least squares profile method, the three dimensional least squares method, and the cross profile method were the interpretational techniques used to isolate the residual gravity anomalies. Each of the three methods gave essentially the same results although the magnitude of the residual anomalies varied as much as 54 per cent. A quantitative examination of the source of the residual gravity anomaly minimums was made at four loca- tions by comparing a theoretically-computed residual grav- ity anomaly with the observed residual gravity anomaly. JOHN S. KLASNER A topographic map of the bedrock surface, utilizing gravity and well-log data, shows three main bedrock valleys in the area. One valley trends north-south near the western edge of the area and the two other valleys lie on either side of a series of bedrock highs which trend diag- onally across the area. THEE“ A STUDY OF BURIED BEDROCK VALLEYS NEAR SOUTH HAVEN, MICHIGAN, BY THE GRAVITY METHOD By John S. Klasner A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Geology 1964 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere thanks to the following people and organizations: To Dr. William J. Hinze for his unceasing interest and valuable technical guidance in the preparation of this manuscript. To. Dr. H. B. Stonehouse and Dr. J. Zinn for reviewing the manuscript and for their helpful suggestions. To the United States Geological Survey for the finan— cial assistance in the gathering of the field data. The Messrs G. Hendrickson, K. Vanlier, and P. Giroux of the Lansing branch of the U. S. Geological Survey for their encouragement and suggestions during the preparation of this paper. To the Michigan State Highway Department for preparing a seismic profile in the area of this gravity study. To Mr. D. L. Merritt for his valuable assistance in the programming of the gravity data for the digital computer. 11 THESIS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1V LIST OF PLATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . V INTRODUCTION 1 GEOGRAPHY OF THE AREA . 2 GEOLOGY OF THE AREA . 4 FIELD WORK . . . . . . . . . 6 REDUCTION OF DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . 8 Observed Gravity . . . . . . . . . 9 Latitude Correction . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Free-air Correction . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mass Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . lO Terrain Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . ll ACCURACY OF BOUGUER REDUCTIONS . . . . . . . . 12 DISCUSSION OF THE BOUGUER GRAVITY ANOMALY MAP . . . 15 ISOLATION OF THE BEDROCK ANOMALIES . . . . . . 16 Introduction . . . . . . . . . 15 Least Squares Profile Method . . . . . . 20 Three Dimensional Least Squares Method . . . . 20 Cross Profile Method . . . . . 22 Discussion of the Residual Gravity Maps . . . . 23 COMPARISON PROFILES OF OBSERVED AND THEORETICAL RESIDUAL ANOMALIES . . . . . . . . . . . 25 COMBINED INTERPRETATION FROM WELL- LOG AND GRAVITY DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 SUPP M LEMENTARY IHESIE LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. Area of Investigation . . . . . . . . 3 2. Area Location Plat . . . . . . . . . 5 3. Profile of Bouguer Gravity Anomaly with Least Squares Fits . . . . . . . . . . 19 A. Bedrock Valley from Seismic Profile Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . 26 5. Comparison of Observed and Computed Residual Gravity Anomaly, Profile A-A' . . . . . 28 6. Theoretical Drift Densities versus Per cent Sand and Gravel . . . . . . . . . 3O 7. Comparison of Observed and Computed Residual Gravity Anomaly, Profile B-B' . . . . . 31 8. Comparison of Observed and Computed Residual Gravity Anomaly, Profile C-C' . . . . . 33 9. Comparison of Observed and Computed Residual Gravity Anomaly, Profile D-D' . . . . . 34 iv LIST OF PLATES* PLATE 1. Bouguer Gravity Map 2. Residual Gravity Map, Least Squares Profile Method 3. Residual Gravity Map, Three Dimensional Least Squares Method--5th degree fit 4. Residual Gravity Map, Three Dimensional Least Squares Method—~llth degree fit 5. Residual Gravity Map, Cross Profile Method 6. Topography of the Bedrock Surface *All plates in pocket in back. INTRODUCTION The increasing demand for water has pointed out the importance of buried bedrock valleys as possible sites for ground water exploration in the glaciated areas of the midwestern United States. In areas of adequate well control, the bedrock valleys can be mapped from well-log data. However, in areas of inadequate well control, geophysical methods may serve as useful tools for mapping of the bed— rock valley systems. It is the purpose of this study to map the bedrock valley system in the northwestern part of Van Buren County by the gravity method, to test several methods for isolating the residual anomalies caused by the buried valleys, and to make a quantitative study of the source of the residual anomalies. GEOGRAPHY OF THE AREA The area under study, shown in Figure l, is located in South Haven, Geneva, and parts of Columbia and Bangor townships of Van Buren County. It lies between latitudes 42° 19'N and A2° 25'N and longitudes 86° O5'W and 86° 16'w. Most of the area consists of privately owned farm land which is evenly divided by a network of section-line roads. Elevations range from the level of Lake Michigan, 579 feet above sea level, to a maximum of 760 feet above sea level. In general the area is relatively flat with local relief of 20 to 40 feet along the river valleys. The Black River and its tributaries constitute the main drainage system in the area. I I KALAMAZOO KALAMAZOO ST. JOSEPH AREA OF INVESTIGATION FIGURE I GEOLOGY OF THE AREA The area of investigation lies near the southwestern edge of the Michigan Basin. Goldwater shale forms the bed- rock, and it is dissected by a system of bedrock valleys which have been mapped from well-log data (Terwilliger, unpublished map). Information from Oil well data indicates the presence of anticlinal structures within the sedimentary column. Specifically, there are three anticlinal structures in the Traverse formation at an approximate depth of MOO feet below sea level. The closure on these features is approxi- mately 20 feet. Their location is shown in Figure 2 (Michigan Geological Survey, unpublished maps). N ”130.... mowzoo _ 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _ _ _ _ _ m3... _ _ _ zw><1 _ _ ":58 _ m _ " Ill- L I I "I >hzaoo zI_t>m.._.._<> xoomomm >m.j<> xoomomm 27 Observed residual anomalies were taken from the cross pro- file interpretation because the residual anomalies of interest are clearly defined and are not subject to smooth- ing effects in the cross profile method as they are in the least squares methods. Comparison profile A—A' (Figure 5) was selected at the location of coincident seismic and detail gravity profiles. The first approximation for the shape and depth of the theoretical bedrock valley was made on the basis of the results of seismic data. To obtain the desired fit between the observed and computed gravity anomalies, the width of the body from the seismic interpretation was altered as shown by comparing Figures 4 and 5. The dashed line in Figure 4 illustrates an Observed reversed seismic dip. Although this was unexplained in the seismic inter— pretation, it does support the presence of the bench on the west side of the bedrock valley as shown in Figure 5. Control for the depth and general shape of the bed- rock valley from the seismic profile permitted a reasonable estimate to be made of the density differential between the material filling the valley and the adjacent bedrock. This density differential was used as a guide in calculating the three remaining comparison profiles. 28 I I T WEST A SURFACE A FEET BEDROCK VALLEY G‘ IO.224 amt/cc. DEPTH CONTROL TAKEN FROM SEISMIC PROFILE BSERVED ANOMALY COMPUTED ANOMALY \J .1 RESIDUAL GRAVITY ANOMALY EAST -0.0 --O.l --02 ”0.3 --O.4 r-O.5 --O.6 ”0.7 --O.8 --O.9 --I.O h--I.I COMPARISON OF OBSERVED AND COMPUTED FIGURE 5 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL MILLIGALS 29 A density differential of 0.224 gm/cc was obtained from comparison profile A-A'. The density of the Coldwater shale is estimated at 2.65 gm/cc (Michigan State University, unpublished data). This gives 2.43 gm/cc as the density of the material filling the bedrock valley. McGinnis, Kempton, and Heigold (1963) made a theoreti— cal study of the density of the glacial drift, assuming spherical grains, as a function of percentage of sand and gravel. The study was made in connection with a gravity study of bedrock valleys in northern Illinois. In refer- ence to their results as shownillFigure 6, a density of 2.43 gm/cc gives either 48 or 87 per cent sand and gravel for the saturated material in the bedrock valley. The energy levels in this diagram refer to the type of packing of the glacial material. The lowest energy level refers to the situation in which the Spherical grains are packed to give the least amount of pore space. The highest energy level refers to the situation in which the Spherical grains give the greatest amount of pore space. A value near the lowest energy level (saturated) was chosen for the material filling the valley since it is buried by several hundreds of feet of glacial drift. Comparison profile B-B' (Figure 7) was located over a detail gravity profile two miles north of profile A-A'. The shape of the valley was determined through repeated 30 o muswwm $3 .3..me e5 5393 eo25o£ .832 .3»on can Ban #8939 «=98» 333:2. Pane E03385 00. 00 on on .365 use can» .583. cm 0% on ON 0. O or _ :3 :5. .0 a. 4 3:3 £56.52 On; 0.} / 00.. 100.. \\\\\I \\\\\i \‘I \ \\ M. / r/ / f/ / =09 . .. 3.2.3 .625; / / I V\ /\ 7\ \, MIRA c. 3.3292": (ea/tub) Aigsuao 31 FEET my e++~4- J um _ —\ URFA E B' - GOO BEDROCK VALLEY G 'I 0.225 amt/cc. POINT or DEPTH CONTROL FROM WELL-LOG "’ '00 (COMPUTED ANOMALY " .. OBSERVED ANOMALY COMPARISON OF OBSERVED AND COMPUTED RESIDUAL GRAVITY ANOMALY FIGURE 7 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL MILLIGALS 32 alterations of an initial, arbitrary approximation. A value of 0.225 gm/cc for the density differential was used in this approximation. Profile C-C' (Figure 8) was located over the bedrock valley that trends in a northwest—southeast direction in the northwest corner of Geneva township. The shape of the valley was approximated in the same manner as profile B—B'. A value of 0.224 gm/cc was used as the density differential for the calculation of the theoretical valley. Profile D-D' was located in the southeast corner of the area across the northwest-southwest trending bedrock valley. The shape of the bedrock valley was approximated in the same manner as profiles B—B' and C-C'. Figure 9 illustrates the results that were obtained. The bench on the northeast side of the valley is based on a depth obtained from an oil well log. The observed residual anomaly appears to be incorrectly estimated because a reasonable comparison cannot be made with the well—log depth. The incorrect estimate of the magnitude of the residual anomaly is attributed to the fact that this is near the edge of the area of gravity control. In order to obtain a better estim— ate of the size of the residual anomaly, the gravity control would have to be extended outside of the present area of control. Without the depth control that was available for each profile, a unique solution for the size and shape of 33 SOUTHWEST NORTHEAST c SURFACE ‘ c' _ (W 030.224omucs. BEDROCK -4m L POINT OF DEPTH CONTROL VALLEY haoo FROM WELL - LOG I § FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL fOMPUTED ANOMALY ......... oBSERVED ANOMALY I p 01 MILLIGALS COMPARISON OF OBSERVED AND COMPUTED RESIDUAL GRAVITY ANOMALY FIGURE 3 31+ FEET O 5000 L 4 L 42 l J SOUTHWEST NORTHEAST *- [W' - TOO BEDROCK VALLEY 0' IO.23O mice. POINT OF DEPTH CONTROL FIOO FROM WELL-LOG I P-0.0 r-OJ L'02 -'O.3 --04 OMPUTED ANOMALY OBSERVED ANOMALY " -036 COMPARISON OF OBSERVED AND COMPUTED RESIDUAL GRAVITY ANOMALY FIGURE 9 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL MILLIGALS 35 the bedrock valley could not be obtained. A series of theoretical valleys could be computed by changing one or more of the three variables, depth, size, and density. For example, if the theoretical valley for profile B-B' was lowered 40 feet, and the dimensions and density of the body were increased, a new comparison could be obtained . between the observed and computed residual gravity anomalies. This process could be repeated at several different depths until the depth factor would make it impossible to attain an agreement between the computed and observed residual anomalies. COMBINED INTERPRETATION FROM WELL-LOG DATA AND GRAVITY DATA The residual gravity maps, discussed above, are not bedrock surface maps as such. They represent the effects of the near surface materials on the acceleration of gravity after the regional gravity effects have been removed from the Bouguer gravity anomaly. A map of the elevation of the bedrock surface was made from a combined interpretation of the gravity data and well—log data (Plate 6). In the areas of adequate well control, the gravity interpretation was supported by the well—log data, and in areas of poor well control the gravity data aided in the mapping of the bed- rock surface. There are three major bedrock valleys in the area. One of these valleys trends along the South Haven—Geneva township line. The two other valleys lie on either side of bedrock high which trends diagonally across the area in a northeast-southwest direction. A low area, or saddle, with about 150 feet of local relief joins these two oppositely trending valleys. The directions from which the tributary valleys enter the main valleys indicate the probable direc- tion of former stream-flow in the bedrock valleys. The depths of the bedrock valleys vary considerably. The north-south trending valley is a maximum of 400 feet 36 37 deep. The valley which lies on the northwestern SIOpe of the bedrock divide is approximately 180 feet deep at the location of profile B—B'. The valley which lies on the southwestern Slope of the bedrock divide is of the order of 600 feet deep, however, an accurate depth approximation cannot be made at this location because it is near the edge of the area of gravity control. SUMMARY The bedrock valley system has been successfully mapped by the gravity method in the northwestern corner of Van Buren County. Three main bedrock valleys were delini- ated. These are a north-south trending valley along the South Haven-Geneva township line, and two valleys which lie on the Opposite slopes of a northeast-southwest trending bedrock divide. A tOpographic map of the bedrock surface has been made from a combined interpretation of the gravity and well—log data. The three interpretation techniques, the two least squares methods, and the cross profile method have success- fully isolated the anomalies caused by the bedrock valleys. The least squares equations below the sixth degree approxi- mate the regional gravity anomaly more closely than the higher degree equations. A quantitative study of the residual gravity anomalies was made at four locations by the method of Talwani. Two profiles were calculated for the north—south trending valley, and a profile was computed for each of the two northwest-southeast trending anomalies. All of the com- parison profiles were selected in an area of depth control so that unique solutions could be obtained for the dimen— sions of the bedrock valleys. 38 39 The quantitative studies of the shape and approximate density differentials of the bedrock valleys proved success— ful and were supported by the known geology in the areas. BIBLIOGRAPHY HALL, D. H., and HAJNAL, Z. (1962) The gravimeter in studies of buried valleys: Geophysics, v. 27, pp- 939-951. HAMMER, SIGMUND. (1939) Terrain corrections for gravi- meter stations: Geophysics, v. 4, pp. 184—194. HINZE, W. J. (1963) Regional gravity and magnetic maps of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan: Michigan Dept. of Conservation, Geological Survey Division, Report of Investigation 1. JUNG, KARL, (1953) Some remarks on the interpretation of gravitational and magnetic anomalies: Geophysical Prospecting, v. 1, pp. 29-35. MCGINNIS, L. D., KEMPTON, J. P., and HEIGOLD, P. c. (1963) Relationship of gravity anomalies to a drift—filled bedrock valley system in northern Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular 354. NETTLETON, L. L. (1940) Geophysical Prospecting for Oil: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York and London. SMITH, J. G. (1934) Elementary Statistics: Henry Holt and Co., Inc., New York. TALWANI, MANIK, WORZEL, J. L., and LANDISMAN, MARK, (1959) Rapid gravity computations for two—dimensional bodies with application to the Mendicino submarine fracture zone: Hour. Geophysical Research, v. 64, pp. 49—59. TERWILLIGER, F. W. (1954) The glacial geology and ground water resources of Van Buren County, Michigan in_ Occasional Papers on the Geology of Michigan: Michigan Dept. of Conservation, Geological Survey Division, Publication 48, pp. 14—95. 40 a-.. 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