A REGEONAL STUDY OF THE MIDDLE DEVONKAN DUNDEE DOLOME'TE IN THE MICHiGAN BASlN - Thesis for the Degree of M. S. MBCHiGAN STATE UNIVERSITY ALFRED TRAVERS BLOOMER 1969 llH||H||||l|||||llllUllllIllllillllllllllllllHlllllHlllllll if; - 3 1293 10045 5694 § ..__A w'wm LIBRA. R v “‘3 _ & J A. . l ' ' m hlgan State Univcragzy (J '5 W JUL 1 o ”1989‘ M? ABSTRACT A REGIONAL STUDY OF THE MIDDLE DEVONIAN DUNDEE DOLOMITE 1N THE MICHiGAN BASIN By Alfred T. Bloomer In the Michigan Basin a considerable number of oil and gas fields produce from porous zones in dolomitized limestones. The Devonian system in the Michigan Basin consists of five groups; the Traverse, Casenovia, Detroit River, Onesquethaw, and the Deer Park. This thesis deals with the Casenovia group which consists of the Dundee and the Rogers City limestone formations. These formations are lithologically similar and very difficult to dis- tinguish in the subsurface. Therefore, they will be referred to as one unit; the Dundee. This study confirms that the Dundee dolomite is for the most part restricted to the center of the Michigan Basin, and that it is from this dolomitized carbonate rock that the Dundee hydrocarbons are produced. Here the Dundee is a elastic, brecciated, burrowed, brown to black, petroliferous, locally dolomitized limestone. 'Porosity within the Dundee interval is secondary. The proposed mechanism for dolomitization of the mid-basin Dundee is Alfred T. Bloomer seepage refluxion. The writer believes that the mid- basin Dundee was deposited in a supratidal environment. A REGIONAL STUDY OF THE MIDDLE DEVONIAN DUNDEE DOLOMITE IN THE MICHIGAN BASIN By Alfred Travers Bloomer A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of GeolOgy 1969 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere thanks to Dr. C. E. Prouty for his guidance and helpful suggestions throughout this investigation. The writer is indebted to Dr. Robert Ehrlich for his advice in the geological inter- pretation of the core used. Grateful acknowledgment is also due to Dr. W. J. Hinze, Dr. J. E. Smith, and Dr. R. O. Bloomer for their critical readings of this manuscript. Mobil Oil Corporation, Oklahoma City Division, through the efforts of Mr. R. M. Berry, loaned the writer 1200 mechanical logs which were essential to this study. Dr. J. H. Fisher of McClure Oil Company supplied the writer with two Dundee cores which were necessary to this investigation. The writer is grateful to these men and their respective companies. A Not the least of my gratitude is due my wife, Carol, for her patience, assistance, and understanding. ii CL}! E- - 3 IT“ T" 30? ‘T4 E3iwk’ TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF PLATES . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF CROSS SECTIONS . . . . . . . . . Chapter I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . History and Description of the Michigan Basin . . . . . . . Purpose of Study . . . . . Selection of Wells and Picking the Dundee Interval . . . . . . . . . . II. STRATIGRAFHY . . . . . . . . . . Bell Shale . . . . . . . . Dundee Unit . . . . . . . . III. HISTORICAL RESUME OF DOLOMITS . . . . . IV. DEPOSITIONAL MODEL . . . . . . . . V. STRUCTURE AND THICKNESS . . . . . . . VI. DUNDEE PRODUCTION . . . . . . . VII. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . f. . BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . iii \J'ILAJWI—J CDKI'I 25 36 “0 M5 U7 51 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Lithology of the Dundee Interval . . . . 9 2. Distribution of Dundee Oil and Gas Fields Producing and Abandoned . . . . . . . AA 3. Structure contour on Dundee Top . . . . (Back Pocket) A. Isopach of Dundee Interval . . . . . . (Back Pocket) iv Plate II. III. IV. VI. VII. VIII. LIST OF PLATES Upper Part of a Single Dundee Breccia Large Breccia Clasts Within a Dundee Breccia Zone . . . . . . . . . . Slumped Dundee Breccia Clasts Within a Single zone 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 Small Breccia Clasts Within a Single Dundee Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . Base of Dundee Breccia Zone . . . . . . Examples of Dundee Porosity . . . . Anhydrite Module with Solution Vug Fracture Patterns Within the Dundee . Page l2 13 1A 15 16 19 21 22 LIST OF CROSS SECTIONS Number Page 1. Northeast-Southwest Cross Section of the Middle Devonian in the Michigan Basin . . (Back Pocket) 2. Northwest-Southeast Cross Section of the Middle Devonian in the Michigan Basin . . (Back Pocket) vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION History and Description of the Michigan Basin The Michigan Basin has been recognized since the work of Douglass Houghton, who in 18A0 was the first state geologist of Michigan. James Hall in 1843 published a geologic map showing the circular pattern of the subcrops beneath the glacial drift. The extensive cover of Pleistocene glacial deposits, which in places reaches a thickness of nearly 1300 feet, restricted the amount of subsurface data available prior to the 1930's. Since that time extensive oil and gas exploration has been undertaken in the basin, providing valuable subsurface information. The Michigan Basin is a roughly circular, gravity- sag, intracratonic basin (Figure 3). It is frequently referred to as the type example for an autogeosyncline as classified by Marshall Kay (1951). The basin includes the Southern Peninsula and the eastern part of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, eastern Wisconsin, north— eastern Illinois, northern Indiana, northwestern Ohio, and western Ontario. This represents an area of 122,000 IX) square miles, part of which is covered by Lakes Michigan, Huron, and St. Clair (Cohee, 1965). It is bounded on the south and southeast by the Kankakee and Findlay Arches, which are the northern extensions of the north- south trending Cincinnati Arch. The east side of the basin is defined by the Algonquin Axis and the Findlay Arch. The Wisconsin Arch borders the basin on the west and the Laurentian Shield forms the north and northeastern boundaries. The basin is filled with Paleozoic rocks which reach a maximum thickness of about 1A,000 feet. The depocenter of the basin migrated throughout the Paleozoic system. During Dundee time the depocenter was in the Saginaw Bay area where the interval reaches a thickness in excess of A00 feet (Figure A). The basin began its greatest subsidence during the late Silurian-Salina time. This is indicated by a deepen- ing and thickening Of the Salina sediments basinward (Prouty, 1969). The structures in the Michigan Basin generally trend northwest—southeast. Dr. Harold Scott (1969) pointed out the similarities in tectonic develop- ment between the Illinois, Williston, and Michigan Basins. The Mississippian shows a period of the most extensive structural deveIOpment in these basins. Purpose of Study The major purpose of this investigation is to describe the lithology and porosity of the middle Devonian Dundee rocks in the Michigan Basin. Further,‘ it is the writer's intention to determine the deposi- tional and environmental conditions which were present in the Basin during Dundee time. It is also of primary interest to determine the mechanism(s) of dolomitization within this mid—basin middle Devonian interval, and its effect, if any, on the porosity. This information will be obtained by lithologic analysis of samples taken from the Prosper and Porter fields. A lithological analysis will also be made of two Dundee cores obtained from the McClure Oil Company. NOD11 Oil Corporation loaned 1200 mechanical logs which were essential to completion of this thesis. It is the hope and purpose of the writer that the information gained from this study will shed additional light on Middle Devonian—Dundee sedimentation. Selection of Wells and Picking the Dundee Interval The Dundee limestone is overlain by the Rogers City limestone in the Michigan Basin. These formations are lithologically similar and are very difficult to distinguish macrosc0picly and on radioactivity logs. Therefore, here they will be referred to as one unit; the Dundee. Two hundred fifty radioactivity logs were used in preparation of the regional structure contour map. The regional isopach map was prepared from only those logs containing the entire Dundee interval. The wells selected are represented by an "0" on the maps and are listed by county in the Appendix. The Bell shale forms the base of the Traverse Group which overlies the Dundee. It serves as an excellent marker bed since it lies between two carbonates, and it shows up clearly on the radioactivity logs (C.S. l & 2). The Detroit River Group lies immediately beneath the Dundee. The upper part of this group is characterized by an extensive series of anhydrite beds. The writer picked the top of the first anhydrite as the base of the Dundee interval. CHAPTER II STRATIGRAPHY Very little geologic work has been published on the Bell shale which overlies the Dundee. Since this shale is so closely associated with Dundee production, the writer feels that a knowledge of this formation is necessary for understanding the Dundee. Bell Shale The Dundee unit is overlain by the Bell shale except in the extreme western and southwestern part of the basin. The Bell formation is generally described as a dark gray to black, calcareous shale containing crinoid stems. The writer examined two McClure Oil Company cores, the White Est. #1, SE SW SE, Section 18, Township 17 North, Range 8 West and the Nadco-Woods, Alderman-McCoy, Section 1, Township 21 North, Range 6 West, to lend more detail to the above description. In these cores the crinoids at the top are scattered, and varying in size. Moving down in the section they occur in beds normal to the core section and are size sorted. The shale shows evidence of conchoidal fractures and parting parallel to bedding. Pyritization is Often in evidence along the afore-mentioned lines of parting. A close examination of the shale in these cores indicates that the crinoid content decreased in the basal part Of the shale interval. The shale also becomes less argillaceous and more calcareous toward the base, where it grades into a dolomitic rock, thus marking the top of the Dundee. This zone of transition is also marked by what appears to be an erosional rill that is pyritized along its boundaries. Newcombe (1930) and Landes (1951), among others, proposed a regional disconformity across the basin at the base of the Travers Group, between the Bell shale and the Dundee. The writer, on the other hand, suggests that the depositional surface in the mid-basin area at the close of Dundee time was irregular with large isolated pools of water standing in the lower areas. At the beginning of post-Dundee shale deposition, areas that were under water yielded a thin transitional zone like the one mentioned in the previous paragraph. The rill channels are the result of tidal run-off channels or small rivulet channels that cut across the Dundee deposi- tional surface. Similar rill zones may be observed within the Dundee unit itself. The higher rill horizon may have led Landes and Newcombe to recognize a regional disconformity. Due to the time interval inferred by the transitional zones, the writer prefers to interpret this break as a diastem horizon with the local zones of 7 transition reflecting lower areas. A regional diagrammatic representation of this mid-basin diastem horizon is given below. Bell Shale Diastem ’////,//’Horizon‘\\\\\\\\\ _—/,.sxf~a""F\"“"”‘-'“\~—-\‘_N\ ... (“u/P_J,._/-""‘~’~\.\_‘\_‘K L,. ..n 0' O o .l 6 ..’o'o‘. . \ Zones of Transition Dundee The distance between crests likely varied from a few tens of feet to as much as a mile. The maximum relief probably never exceeded a few feet. A depositional model is presented later that explains the origin of the diastem between the Bell shale and the Dundee. Examination of radioactivity logs yielded two criteria suggesting that the source of the Bell shale was to the north-northeast. Referring to Cross Sections 1 and 2, it is noted that the shale is thickest to the north- northeast and pinches out to the south-southwest. Secondly, it is noted that in well number 6 of Cross Section 1, the shale interval has a calcareous bed passing through it. This calcareous zone migrates from high in the shale in the northeast to low IL the shale, eventually merging into the Dundee to the southwest. The writer believes that this calcareous intertongue and the pinching out of the shale suggest a generally transgressing sea from the north-northeast which deposited the overlapping Bell shale (C.S. l). Dundee Unit The Dundee interval underlies most of the Southern Peninsula. The outcrop and subcrop pattern is shown in Figures 3 and A. The Dundee interval is commonly described as a buff to brown—grey, fine to coarsely crystalline limestone. In the central portion of the basin, it is a mixture of dolomite and limestone, and in the far central western region and the southwestern region it is predominantly dolomite (Figure 1). It is the dolomite zone in the central basin that is of primary interest. Knapp (1956) indicates that ”The Dundee in the east and northeastern areas of the Michigan Basin is a marine limestone, predominantly tan, containing oolites and stylolites and with a more varied fauna in the peripheral areas." He further states that "In west-central Michigan in a belt extending north and south, is a so- called 'primary‘ dolomite, crystalline, even-textured, predominantly tan and lacking in recognizable fossils except for occasional stromatoporoids." He considers this to be the characteristic lithology of the Dundee. DOLOMITE LIMESTONB .'~ I. \. l, I I I. .‘l ‘ I ' 0 ' z I ' r . ‘\‘ "" §§~‘..-.' \' ...... - . I ' " I l I I C U l I i .' \“ '. I I I I I I I I : LIMESTONE \ \ ‘Q q ...... ‘ l 1 - a .. 1 ", ‘ ' I \‘ "t . h _ " I I I I v I DOLOMITE/ / LIMESTONE / I I \ I | I I | .- ‘ §§“ “‘ \‘ . “ “ "‘- “\ ‘ \ ‘1 “ “ \ _. “ ‘ \ I ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ - ‘ D 1 s .- _.‘ \ ' “ I ' ~ \‘J LITHOLOGY OF THE DUNDEE INTERVAL ° 12 SCALE: l___J_ Miles FIG, 1 After COhee & UnderWOod (1945) IO i The writer examined the White Est. #1 and the Nadco- Woods, Alderman-McCoy cores, and researched previous literature on the Dundee to compile a more detailed descriptiOn of the mid-basin Dundee. Here the Dundee is a elastic, in places brecciated, possibly burrowed, brown to black, petroliferous, locally dolomitized lime— stone. The Dundee in this area contains stromatoporoids, brachiopods, coral, and scattered crinoids. It is fractured, usually normal to bedding (Plate VIII). Scattered stylolites, containing black residue, roughly parallel to bedding are also in evidence. Cores also show the presence of anhydrite nodules (Plate VII) along with tabular crystals of gypsum lining many of the vugs. The afore-mentioned brecciation occurred in zones at various intervals within the Dundee unit. A single breccia zone is diagrammatically represented on the following page. The Dundee breccia zones are much like those referred to by Beales and Oldershaw (1969). A series of photographs were taken from a 2.7 foot interval in the White Est. #1 core to substantiate this similarity. The bedded sequence and the breccia molds are out- lined with white in the photographs on pages 12, 13, 1A, 15, and 16. The breccia molds range in size from ”.0 to 0.5 centimeters. The matrix is a dark, finely crystalline dolomite. Clasts are lighter colored, and Top Bedding --—--——-Larger breccia clasts showing C::;) evidence of slumping d3-——————-Smaller breccia &0 O clasts Bottom generally, a slightly coarser, crystalline dolomite. Due to their similarity to the matrix lithology and uniform recrystallization, the individual clasts are generally difficult to recognize. It is immediately apparent from Plates I, II, III, IV and V that the top beds are relatively flat lying and that the fragments generally begin to slump lower in the section (Plate III). Plate III also shows a brecciated breccia fragment. The size of the fragments becomes smaller at the base of the breccia 12 Plate I Figure A and B indicate the upper part of a single breccia zone showing the laminae outlined in white. 13 Plate II Figure A and B show the larger clasts, outlined in white. These clasts are beneath the laminae. kX Fig. B 14 Plate III This plate shows the clasts in the breccia "zone" as they begin to slump. ‘Note the large fossil clast, as well as the brecciated breccia fragment. ax 15 Plate IV This plate shows the beginning of the decrease in size of the clasts. 16 Plate V This plate shows the smallest breccia clasts at the base Of the breccia "zone". Note the white dolomite vein that crosses the zone. 17 section. Presumably this is the zone that Beales and Oldershaw (1969) called a solution breccia. This breccia may have formed from the solution of an evaporite or possibly a calcite bed or both, which occupied the space immediately below what is now seen as the brecciated zone. Overlying rock subsided, slumped, or caved into the void caused by solution. The smaller fragments in the basal part of the breccia zone probably broke off from the overlying rock first. As the caving continued these fragments in the base of the void would be broken up and rounded even more. Beales and Oldershaw (1969) point out five characteristics that support a solution origin for the breccias that they studied: 1. the repetition of angular breccia-moldic porosity in beds 2. the complex dolomitization of the box-work texture and intervening strata 3. the local sag and collapse of some layers A. the restricted variety of the faunal content 5. the presence of brecciated breccia fragments (suggestive of repeated precipitation and solution) The Dundee breccia falls closely within the first four of these five characteristics. The writer noted only One brecciated-breccia fragment within this zone (Plate III). 18 The Dundee interval shows five types of porosity in the mid-basin area of the Southern Peninsula. Geolo— gists have recognized in several Dundee wells angular vugs, which are often lined Jith white dolomite crystals. The writer suggests that this type of porosity is the result of the selective solution of breccia clasts mentioned previously. The more coarsely crystalline clasts appear to be more porous, making them susceptible to this dif— ferential selective solution (Plate 11, Figure B). It should also be noted that some of these clasts are actually fossils or fossil fragments (Plate III). Many. of these brecciated fossils have the initial porosity which favors solution. The pin point porosity observed within the White Est. #1 core also appears to be a product of the differential solution of these breccia clasts. In Plate VI, Figure A the zones of pin point porosity are outlined in white. Consistent with the writer's observations Deffeyes, et_gl, (196A) pointed out that in pelleted lime muds the pores are intergranular whereas in the dolomitized equivalent the sand size pellets and shells are commonly differentially leached to form vuggy porosity. Another common origin of porosity in Dundee rocks is the solution of fossils inherent within the interval (Plate VI, Figure B). The solution of these fossils leaves 19 Plate VI Figure A shows a zone of pin point porosity. Figure B shows porosity by fossil solution. kx Fig. A kx Fig. B 20 vugs of various sizes and shapes. The vug in Plate VI, Figure B is rounded and about 1.5 centimeters in diameter. Solution of anhydrite nodules is still another type of porosity recognized in the Dundee. Plate VII shows a circular white anhydrite nodule that is 2 centimeters in diameter. Below it is a golf-ball size vug that the writer believes is the result of the dissolution of such a nodule. The writer bases this conclusion on the proximity of the vug to the nodule, as well as the vug's size and circular shape. Replacement anhydrite in itself neither creates nor destroys porosity unless, as is quite common, earlier interparticle, intercrystalline, or vuggy void spaces are engulfed by a solid replacement crystal. However, replace- ment anhydrite is commonly dissolved later to produce anhydrite mold vugs (Murray, 196A). Fractures present in the Dundee are also avenues of migrating brines and/or hydrocarbons. These fractures are secondary and probably structurally controlled. White crystalline dolomite frequently forms along these fractures (Plate VIII). Most of the porosity at or near the top of the Dundee is thought to be due to waters percolating through the rock during a period of emergence. Solution of the limestone was not uniform; in some places the uppermost Dundee is honeycombed and in other places it is only 21 Plate VII This plate shows an anhydrite nodule, along with a vug that resulted from the solution of such a nodule. 22 Plate VIII This plate shows a typical fracture pattern in the Dundee. ax 23 slightly leached. In most places the initial porosity in the uppermost few feet of the Dundee was increased several fold at the time of leaching. Here and there within the Dundee interval, layers of greatest suscepti- bility, probably those with enough initial permeability to permit percolation, are several feet beneath the Bell shale. In this case the principal reservoir is there instead of at the tOp, directly beneath the shale seal. This lower zone of porosity in the Dundee is localized. Investigation has shown that this zone was very fossili- ferous, which might account for the porosity. It seems evident that the fossil content of the basal Dundee decreases. This may be due to the saline environment at the close of Detroit River time. Some of the possible mechanisms causing the leaching caf the Dundee have been pondered: l. Subaerial exposure and descending ground water prior to the deposition of the Bell shale. Refluxion of hypersaline brines prior to the deposition of the Bell shale. In this instance leaching would had to have been contemporaneous with dolomitization. Hydrothermal solutions which originated lower in the geologic column and migrated upward along fractures. These solutions would have been dispersed along the Bell shale—Dundee 2” interface. These solutions may have contributed to some dolomitization within the Dundee unit. A. Flow of ground water at the interface of the Bell shale and the Dundee, as well as ground water flow along permeable avenues within the Dundee unit. Since the best Dundee porosity is concentrated in the upper few feet of the interval, the writer favors mechanism (1). Each of the remaining mechanisms could have contributed to the porosity independently or in conjunction with any or all of the others. CHAPTER III HISTORICAL RESUME OF DOLOMITE Large amounts of petroleum have been and will continue to be produced from dolomitic strata in Michigan. A maxi- mum of triumphs and a minimum of trials require that we learn as much as possible about the conditions under which these strata were deposited. These conditions had an effect on the formation, migration, and accumulation of petroleum in the subsurface reservoirs with which the state has been endowed. The mineral dolomite has been known as such since 1779 when Arduino named it in honor of the French chemist Dolomieu (Siegel, 1961). Arduino made the first attempt to explain the formation of "magnesium limestones." He attributed these rocks to the pneumatalytic alteration of pre—existing Calcite limestones in an area of volcanic activity. In 1916 Van Tuyl published an excellent review of the dolomite problem. He treated most of the theoreti— cal possibilities with equal care, including some of the features of the scheme now accepted by most geologists. Although much has been written about the origin of dolomite, only a brief resume of the history and present 25 26 status of the problem, specifically related to the Dundee, will be given here. The terms primary and secondary are most often employed to signify the suspected genesis of any dolomite. Primary implies that the dolomite in queStion has been laid down as such without alteration (Fairbridge, 1957): 1. as a straight-out chemical precipitate' 2. as an organic secretion 3. as a clastic accumulation Regarding case (2), there is no evidence in favor of a direct organic source of dolomite, but there is plenty of evidence in favor of organically precipitated magnesium- rich calcite (Fairbridge, 1957). For case (3) there is no problem, since dolomite sands and breccias presuppose an earlier dolomite. Thus, a clastic dolomite is not really primary at all, but a detrital rock (Sander, 1951); Rodgers, 195“). As for case (1), evidence indicates that although many theories have been preposed to explain the formation of particular dolomites, it has never been demonstrated unequivocally to have been precipitated in nature directly from solution, nor has dolomite ever been formed in the laboratory under simulated sedimentary con— ditions (Krauskopf, 1967). Secondary is a term covering all other forms of dolomite genesis. For the marine realm, it may cover all dolomites. Within its scope, these are all the 27 "metasomatic" or "diagenetic" and "epigene" dolomites, alternatively "replacement" and "leached" dolomites. The "metasomatic," "diagenetic," or "replacement" classes may be subdivided further into the "contemporaneous," "penecontemporaneous," and "subsequent" types. With a reasonably slow rate of accumulation, i.e., the time element, replacement can take place directly on the sea floor (Goldich and Parmelee, 1947). Diagenetic dolomites can be found in the form of layers or lenses with obscure stratification. They have slight porosity and fine—grained texture with xenoblastic grains of irregular form, which are filled with dust-like inclusions. Relict structure is commonly evident, and the fauna ordinarily remains in the form of molds (Chilingar, 1956). The epigenetic dolomites result from alteration of completely lithified limestones by downward percolating meteoric solutions or rising hydrothermal solutions. Epigenetic dolomites are cavernous, having obscure strati— fication, patchy distribution, non-uniform grain size, and relict structure. Chilingar (1956) noted that "the Ca/Mg ratio of epigenetic dolomites varies widely over short distances, both vertically and horizontally." Although there is little agreement as to the meChanics of secondary dolomitization, there is general agreement that the parameters involve ph, salinity and temperature. One particular mechanism for dolomitization 28 of limestone advanced by Adams and Rhodes (1960) is of particular interest to the writer, since it can be applied to the Dundee. Their hypothesis of seepage refluxion has been well received and appears to explain a fair quantity of dolomite in the geologic record. According to this hypothesis, loss of water by evapora- tion lowers the water level in a marine lagoon, thereby increasing the concentration and specific gravity of the remaining brine. The heavier brine sinks and migrates into the lowest depressions in the sedimentary basin. These highly concentrated brines are chemically potent solutions with a temperature near 35°C, a pH of 9.0 or higher, and have nearly neutral redox potentials. The Mg/Ca ratio is much higher than normal sea water. This refluxing hypersaline brine is much denser than the connate water in the limestone substrate and displaces it, migrating down through the limestone. The limestone is dolomitized by this hypersaline solution. Dolomitiza— tion is terminated as these solutions lose magnesium and gain calcium, thus reducing the Mg/Ca ratio of the primary brine. Loss of heat to the cooler limestone, and lowering of the ph by CO in connate water also 2 helps to end the dolomitization. CHAPTER IV DEPOSITIONAL MODEL The abundance and widespread distribution Of major sedimentary dolomites indicate that these rocks are likely products of a common, relatively simple natural process. In order for a limestone to become dolomitized, the following requirements must be fulfilled (Deffeyes, gt_al., 196A): 1. A water having a Mg/Ca ratio larger than the ratio that would be in equilibrium with both calcite and dolomite must be available. 2. This water must flow through the limestone, because magnesium transport by diffusion is inadequate to explain most dolomite occurrences. 3. The rate of production and flow of the high- magnesium water must be adequate to dolomitize the rock in the time available. A discussion of the chemical processes involved in dis- placing the calcium by magnesium is beyond the scope of this study. The other problems are essentially geological and yield to geological analyses. 29 30 For the most part geologists agree that the Middle Devonian sediments of Michigan are a part of a typical evaporite cycle. Krumbein and Sloss (1963) point out that .black shales or siltstones, as in the Middle Devonian of the Michigan Basin, may intervene between the normal marine and penesaline stages. The ideal evaporite cycle as applied to Michigan's Middle DevOnian by the writer is: NORMAL MARINE Traverse Group Bell Shale PENASALINE Dundee formation SALINE Upper Detroit River PENESALINE Lower Detroit River Lucas formation The normal marine state is characterized by biomicrites and other fossiliferous limestones indicative of open circulating marine waters. The penesaline stage includes finely laminated dolomitic micrites often interbedded with anhydrite and dolomite, with anhydrite replacements and vug fillings. The saline stage begins with massive anhydrite beds and progresses upward to intercalaticns of salt and anhydrite. Following the recession of the late Silurian sea from the basin, there was a period during which no great amounts of sediment were deposited, or if deposited, they were subsequently removed by erosion (Cohee, 1965). The Devonian Period was especially a time 31 of sea transgressions and regressions. The Dundee was deposited in the latter part of Middle Devonian time when the basin was not isolated (Cohee, 1965). Based on the writer's observations, he proposes that the central—basin Dundee was deposited in a somewhat restricted supratidal environment. Further, it is believed that the Dundee is not time equivalent. As the Dundee sea transgressed and regressed, the supratidal zone migrated accordingly. Since this supratidal flat was only awash during spring tides and storm conditions, limestones accumulated more slowly and were denser than those forming on the rapidly growing modern oceanic banks. These lime— stones were reworked giving the section its clastic appear- ance and also fossil orientation. Sorting is fair to poor but locally, where currents were strong enough, the sorting is good. Other criteria suggesting a supratidal environment during Dundee time are burrows as well as evidence of calcitic mudcracks. Examination of the core further shows the presence of rill channels, which are consistent with the environmental interpretation given here. Two "lows" on the east were probably the major avenues for the storm tides as they encroached upon the supratidal zone. The isopach map (Figure 2) reflects the position of these supratidal inlets. One inlet suggested in the vicinity of Saginaw Bay was also considered an inlet by Briggs (1958) and by Briggs and Pollack (1968) 32 during upper Silurian (Salina) evaporite sedimentation. The other, the Chatham Sag, is located southeast of Michigan. The influence of this structure was noted by Fettke (19A8) in the Ordovician and by Briggs (1958) and Majedi (1968) in the upper Silurian and middle Devonian. The supratidal zone was irregular, with large pools of water trapped in the lower areas. This irregular sur- face at the end of Dundee deposition explains the diastem and the local zones of transition between the Dundee and the Bell shale. Those areas that were under water show a thin zone of transition between the carbonate and the shale, while the mounds exposed to air yield a diastem horizon. The material supplied from the various sources is reworked by the tides and organisms inherent in the sedi— ment. This reworking is characterized in the deposit by the occasional presence of streaky and irregular bedding. The principal source of material was wave cut off shore, as well as shore zone sediment. The color of sediments is variable but generally dark due mostly to inter- crystalline oil stain. Reducing conditions that existed a few feet below the depositional surface, along with fecal deposition, further contributed to the darker color. In a supratidal area the ground water flow would be very close to the surface. Presumably, this ground 33 water flow was the mechanism causing the solution breccias mentioned previously and some of the early porosity. A model for dolomitization by seepage refluxion was published by Adams and Rhodes (1960), which the writer has applied in this study. As the supratidal zone was subject to long periods of subaerial exposure, evapora- tion would have played a significant role. Evaporation takes place from the capillary water held in the exposed sediment. As a result, gypsum is precipitated in these supratidal sediments. The initially precipitated gypsum would be changed to anhydrite as a result of increased heat and pressure after burial. The hypersaline brines that are produced eventually become heavy enough to displace the connate water and reflux slowly downward through the slightly permeable carbonates of the supra- tidal deposits. The writer suggests that the proposed supratidal flat was somewhat isolated by a barrier on the east, giving the zone a very shallow saucer shape. This explains why the brines would have migrated to the center producing the dolomite configuration in the basin, as we see it today (Figure 1). Water flowing in from the open ocean as well as fresh water replaces that lost by refluxion and evaporation. Circulation is maintained by this influx of sea water and the outflow of fresh water from cratonal streams. 3“ Typical hypersaline water contains about 0.25, 0.01 2+ 2+ and 0.002 molecule of Mg , Ca ,~and total CO per kilo- 2 gram of solution, respectively. It thus contains one hundred times as much magnesium ion as total CO2 carbon. Weyl (1960) has shown that such waters should dolomitize by utilizing the carbonate in the limestone and replacing half its calcium with magnesium. The hypersaline reflux mechanism combines a source of high-magnesium water with a natural driving force to move this water through the sediments. The only environmental requirements necessary are a seasonally or fairly continuous dry climate, so that evaporation may exceed precipitation, and a nearly flat sediment surface near sea level to provide a supratidal environment of sufficient areal extent. Although the evidence does not prove unequivocally that the Dundee was dolomitized by this proposed mechanism, the writer suggests that the mechanism was adequate for the time available. It should be pointed out that seepage refluxion is probably not the cause of all the mid-basin Dundee dolomitization. Another probable mechanism responsible, in part, for the dolomitization is the upward migration of hydrothermal solutions along fracture patterns. The North Adams field in Arenac County and the Pinconning field in Bay County are examples of a Dundee limestone that has been dolomitized by such a mechanism. 35 There is no uniform shape to a supratidal flat. Thicknesses of sediment vary with the rate of subsidence in the area. The best chance for preservation is where there is rapid subsidence and/or rapid transgression over the tidal flat covering the flat with marine shales or muds, i.e., the Bell shale. This appears to be the most common relationship in preserved such flats. CHAPTER V STRUCTURE AND THICKNESS Structure contours at the top of the Dundee interval show more than 3,000 feet of relief (Figure 3). The struc- ture contour map further shows an average regional dip of approximately 35 feet per mile. The dominant structural trends in the central basin area are generally northwest— southeast, whereas around the margin of the basin, trends in other directions are noted. These marginal trends appear to be somewhat radial. The "radial structures" are not in evidence on the isopach map (Figure A) indicat- ing that they were probably post-Dundee in origin. Similar "radial-like" structures were pointed out by Asseez (1967) in the lower Mississippian. An intrabasinal system of gentle folds has a relief ranging from a few tens to a few hundred feet, and the northwest-southeast trends parallel the axis of the slightly ovate basin (Cohee, 1945). The age of the folding is not entirely clear. Pirtle (1932) believed that the folds originated early in basin development and were controlled by fold trends or structural weakness within the basement rocks. He suggested that folding continued during 36 successive periods of geologic history and that compression was most intense in post—middle Mississippian time. The structural traps were formed, or at least enhanced, at this time. Jodry (1957) described evidence for a probable pre-Devonian tectonic fabric with essentially no relation to the post-Mississippian basin folds. He concluded that although the Older fabric is not readily apparent in the Devonian rocks, it affected the environment in which the Traverse Group and older sediments were deposited. Conspicuous faults appear to be scarce, and the central basin area lacks the lithologic and tectonic complexities known to characterize the basin margins. The Howell anticline, the major anticlinal fold in the basin, extends northwest-southeast through Livingston County into Shiawassee County. There is no isopach evidence for the Howell anticline during Dundee time. It was undoubtedly structurally formed earlier, but during Dundee it was ironed out by sedimentation. Newcombe (1933) described faulting on the west flank of the Howell anti- cline, which he pointed out as being responsible for displacement of beds on its southwest flank. Ells (1969) showed the structural development of the Howell anticline at different stages from the Ordovician to lower Missis— sippian, including the Dundee. The deepest part of the Dundee structure conforms to the present structural basin. The Dundee isopach shows 38 a thickness in excess of U00 feet in the Saginaw Bay area, which suggests this area was structurally low at the time of deposition. Cross Sections 1 and 2 further show basinal thickening of the Dundee. In addition, Cross Section 1 shows "local" basinal structure in the Saginaw Bay area. The irregular distribution of Dundee rocks is apparent upon initial observation of the isopach map. However, there is an indication of lineation from Livings— ton County northwest through Shiawassee, Gratiot, on up into Missaukee County. The interval is absent in the extreme southwestern part of the state, and in most of western Michigan it is less than 100 feet thick. Thinning suggests the configuration of the basin changed from time to time during Dundee deposition. Dr. J. H. Fisher (1969) published a series of maps showing how the depocenter of the basin migrated in Paleozoic time. During the Ordovi— cian he showed the depocenter northeast of the Saginaw Bay area, with a shallow extension to the northeast across Manitoulin Island. In Silurian-Salina time the depocenter was near the southwest end of Saginaw Bay. An isopach of total Devonian sedimentation shows the depocenter north- west of Saginaw Bay, while the writer's Dundee isopach shows the depocenter conforming closely with Saginaw Bay. Comparing Fisher's (1969) complete Devonian isopach with 39 the writer's Dundee .1;.:opach, one sees how the depocenter migrated within the Devonian period. Periods of non—deposition and the presence of broad structural features during Dundee time are also possible explanations for the thinning. CHAPTER VI DUNDEE PRODUCTION Oil production in the Michigan Basin began at Petrolia, Ontario, in 1858; but production in volume began with the discovery of the Muskegon field on the west side of the basin and the Mt. Pleasant field near the center of the basin in 1928. Since that time more than 200 oil fields and more than 100 gas fields have been discovered in the basin. According to figures published by the Michigan Geological Survey, the Dundee interval through 1967 has produced over 325 million barrels of oil and A9 billion cubic feet of gas. Even though Dundee production has decreased since l9A7, it still leads all other Michigan formations in the production of hydrocarbons. This decrease in Dundee yield may be due to a lesser heritage of hydrocarbons per cubic mile of sediment or because the production is from carbonate with erratic porosity. Geophysical exploration is made difficult by the thick cover of glacial overburden. In any event exploration techniques are not at present able to reverse the downward trend of Dundee production. A0 Al Oil and gas in the Dundee occurs in anticlinal folds, and along the flanks, in zones of secondary porosity in the upper part and in zones of initial porosity lower in the section. The greatest production is from well developed zones of secondary porosity that are generally lenticular and are two to twenty feet thick. Wells from zones of initial porosity have low initial yields and low total recoveries. Most of the oil produced in the central part of the basin is from the Detroit River and Dundee rocks. Figure 2 shows the distribution of Dundee produc- tion within the basin. The source of the Dundee hydrocarbons has been of interest to petroleum geologists. The most apparent source of the Oil appears to be from the overlying black, organic Bell shale. It is believed that as this overlying shale was compacted, the hydrocarbons were squeezed down— ward into the porous zones of the Dundee. It is also known that there is very little Dundee production in the western part of the state where the Bell shale is absent. Here production apparently comes from lower permeable zones within the Dundee referred to earlier. This could be due to a lack of source rock or simply a lack of an effective seal. The writer believes that it is equally probable that the source of the hydrocarbons is from within the Dundee interval itself. From information gathered in the core it is evident that the Dundee contains A2 abundant organic material, and that in the areas studied it contains intercrystalline oil stain throughout the interval. This stain is so persistent within the core, that it appears logical to the writer that migration from without the Dundee could not account for all of it. However, early pre-consolidation migration from some source outside the Dundee could place intercrystalline oil throughout the Dundee. The writer is not able to state that the one source is predominant over the other; he does believe that both contributed significantly to the Dundee reservoir. It is probable that migration from within the Dundee was early, while migration from the overlying Bell shale came much later after Dundee lithi- fication. The Dundee is primarily a limestone deposit that has undergone dolomitization locally. It is from these dolomites that the majority of Dundee oil is produced. Probably much undiscovered oil is contained in Michigan rocks of this type. Allegedly "dry" domes, tested by one or two wells near the crest, may contain oil in a belt of local dolomitization porosity on the flanks. It is suggested that in regions where oil is known to occur in reservoirs of this type, the exploration not be con- fined to the tops of the anticlines, and that the samples be analyzed for MgCO content. A dry hole in which the 3 1:3 limestone samples contain more than an average amount of MgCO3 should encourage exploration laterally in the hepe of finding true dolomite. AA O Q \ 0° ° 0 O C§ Q . e 0%: 0 3% 0°00 0% °o 00° 0 s, . 250 °; Q‘ Q0 fl 0 o ' O 000 69 0 0° % 0 ° Q0 § § 0 \ O O O 0 ° 0 Q) 0 9 o 1___________ DISTRIBUTION OF DUNDEE OIL & GAS FIELDS PRODUCING AND ABANDONED ~ 1967 SCALE: °__‘?_—.'3 M|L|$ FIG. 2 CHAPTER VII CONCLUSIONS The close of Dundee time was marked by the deposition of the Bell shale by a transgressing sea from the east.) From the maps prepared and from the data obtained by analyzing the Dundee rocks in the mid-basin, certain conclusions may be drawn: 1. The Dundee is a clastic, in places brecciated, burrowed, brown to black, petroliferous, locally dolomitized limestone. 2. Porosity within the Dundee is secondary but is not related to the chemical process of dolomitization. 3. Fossils, evaporites, mudcracks, solution breccias, rill channels and reworked sediments all suggest a supratidal depositional environment. A. The structure contour map shows the Dundee to have a concentric—ovate distribution, with northwest-southeast trending intrabasinal structure. The isopach contour map shows an irregular U1 Dundee distribution, with the thickest A5 accumulation in the Midland and Bay County areas. 6. The major mechanism for Dundee dolomitization was seepage refluxion of hypersaline brines. In these supratidal sediments no one sedimentary process or fabric is exclusively diagnostic. Fortunately there are many diverse fabrics which as a group indicate the distinctive aspect of the environment. The quality of any one of these as a potential reservoir rock depends on continuity of a porous matrix. At any one time and locality supratidal sediments of one fabric type may be fairly continuous but more commonly they are interrupted by the formation of other impinging supratidal fabrics, by meandering channels, and by irregular low-profile topography (Roehl, 1967). BIBLIOGRAPHY A7 BIBLIOGRAPHY Adams, J. 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Grashaw #lA 625 2065 —- —— 5-19N—3E State—Adams #A-l 767 219] —— -— 26-19N-3E Hasty G-l 7A0 210A __ -— 16-19N-AE Josephine Kozira #1 738 2017 -- -— 5-20N-AE Metzgar #3 819 16A3 —- _- 26-20N-7E Van Horn #1 610 26A7 -- -- a o c o o. m C E O E O w 0 d -H +38 m .H z p O -H C p m 6 0:4 x (U .—1 > '0 $40) 0 o H m C p > -H o O r4 3 eta c a 3 [D c: act 9 BARRY 23—lN—7W Ernest Farley #1 8A8 1125 1157 '32 l7-1N-8W Mary Puttman #1 979 1111 11A6 35 3—AN-8W Greta McClellan #1 869 1568 160A 36 20-AN—8W J. M. Allerding #1 850 1A83 1525 A2 3A—AN-10W Jack Janose #1 781 13AA 1386 A2 20—AN-7W Schaibly #1 869 1573 1606 33 BAY l9—lAN-3E C. L. Duel #1 661 2985 -- -- l-lAN-AE Kaiser #5 587 2138 -— -— BERRIEN 1—6S-19W Schlutt #1 6A5. -- 53.5 -- CALHOUN 27—1S-5W Donald E. Cushman #1 951 986 1182 196 1A-3S-AW Radee, et a1. #1 1019. 815. 863.5 A8 CASS 1A-6S-1AW Fancheon Kimmich #1 912 A68 -- -— CHARLEVOIX 7-32N-AW Romaniak #1 833 167 257 90 ‘J‘I J: o c 8 o. m C E O E4 O U) 0 m -H +99 6 'H 2 u m H Q p m 6 0:4 x (C r-I :> T3 ' L (D O 8 2;: :2 a s > “J 3 LL] C3 8 ET? :7 CHEBOYGAN ll—33N~1W State—Nunda #A-l 83A 218 311 93 l—33N-2W Lewis A. Garred #1 783 177 267 90 CLARE 6—17N-AW J.D. & 0.0. McKay 956 2933 3189 256 21—20N-AW Mary Yake #1 1211 2821 2979 158 8—20N—5W Francis T. Amstutz, et a1. #1 1099 2678 2966 288 CLINTON 27-7N—1W Fickies #1 773 1972 2077 105 13-7N-2W Henning #1 75A 20A3 21A9 106 26—8N—2W N.R. Irrer #l 716 2105 2219 11A 35-8N—AW Fred Watts #1 738. 2189.5 -- -- CRAWFORD 6—25N-3W State Beaver Creek #1 1262 19A2 2238 296 20-26N—2W B. McClintiC Trustee #1 1186 1903.5 2165 262 28-27N-1W Consumers Lovell #1 1070 1629 179A 165 EATON 2-1N-6W Palmer-Miller Comm. #1 935 1155 1270 115 \j‘l \ a (1) C 8“ Q. U) a". E O E—i 0 U) 0 <0 -H 4—) E-* <1) -H :2: p <1) «4 C u m o o L x m H > e :46 o O H (D C P > ‘H o o H 3 m-H ; J 3 m a can: E GENESEE 29-6N-7E Elmer A. Everson #1 850 1267 1A78 211 l2—6N-8E E. J. Coffee #1 915 1231 1AA5 21A A—9N—8E Hutchinson #1 327 1633 868 235 GLADWIN 19-17N—2W State Beaverton #a-2 7A8 5 3096.5 3362. 266 15-18N-1E Heil #1 713 2 2331.8 —— -- 6-18N—1W S.I.Briggs #1 783 6 2979.3 -- —— 36-18N—1W McMahon #1 728 5 2757.A 209A 337.1 A—18N—2W J.E. Mills #1 8A: 2976 3260 28A 1A-18N—2W James A. Ogg B #1 793 2937 320A 267 19—18N—2W Consumers and Bonninghausen #1 7A3 3002 -- -- 30-19N-2W J. Watson #1 888 2897 3177 280 16-20N-1E State-Clement #A-l 817 27270 —— -- GRAN TRAVERSE 9—25N—10W Reu J. Lemcool 1101 1A9A 1691 197 GRATIOT 23-10N-2W Chester Cowdrey #1 705 “375 -— —- 13-llN—3W Melvin Gearig #1 769 2A93 -- —- p Q. e : o I: E c. E-q O C) O (O -:--1 pE-«o (1) w-I Z 4.) (1) ur-l C u m a) ox. x (0 H > ”:3 £4 (1) o o H O c +>> «A O Q) r—4 :3 (D H .C q 3 m D cum 54 HILLSDALE 20—5S—1W Harry Alley #1 1128 5A2 -- —— 3A—58-1W Robertson #1 1113 552 —- —- l9~58—2W Dallas Finegan #1 1118 562 —- ---- HURON 10—15N-10E Andrew J. 8: E112. I Szidik #1 639 2117 2321 20A 36-16N—12E C. P. Scott #1 79'. 1870 2200 330 36-17N-10E Schulze #1 625.5 22.0 2A80 280 INGRAM 13-lN-2E Dave Basore #1 963 752 830 78 l6-2N-2W F. W. Harkness #l 902 1525 1566 Al 33—3N—1W Nelson Whipple #1 915 1598 1660 62 IONIA 15—5N-7W Wildman #1 857 1708 1738 30 A-6N—8W C. E. Burtle #1 707 1883 1908 25 IOSCO 29-2lN—5E Erickson #1 763 21109 2667 258 20-21N—6E Natl. Gypsum Co. #1 6A6.5 2A88.5 2773.5 285 28—23N~5E Mott #1 863.5 2276.5 2620.5 3AA g <1) :3 C C). U) 5: E O E4 O U) 0 C0 #4 4.) Ed (1) 0H :2: 4—) G) H C 4) m m c>L x 05 H .‘> *1 L. (1) C) O H (1) S: 4.) 3» .r—q o m H 3 m¢4 m J 3 u: m acx E4 ISABELLA 2—1UN—3W State Isabella B—U 728 2787 —- -— 17-1AN-5W E.E. Courser & M.S. Wardrop #1 878 2772 2997 225 1-1uN—6w Herman Cook et us Unit A—l 876.5 2753. -- -— 25—1uN—6w R.0. Rendell, 93 a1. #1 98A 2741 2937 196 23-15N—6W Woodin & Forbes #1 927.5 2777. -— —- 30-15N-6W H.R. & L.A. Latham, et a1. #1 1033 27A“ -- -— 17—16N—3W Northwise Unit—Tract Well #2W 579“ 2866 -- —- 26-16N—5W O'Rourke #1 896.5 ‘3003. -- -- JACKSON 1U-lS-3w Schultz—Canull Comm. #1 93A 1161 1211 50 36—18-3W Campbell #1 1019.5 1155 1212. 57 27—28—2W Reardon #1 976 989 1039 50 26—2S-3W McConkey #1 963 917 962 U5 32-38-1W Herman Gumper #1 983 812 -- -— 19—us—1w Gumper #1 1136 51A 56“ 50 9-US-2E Albert Baylis #1 963 7U2 817 75 5—“8—2W Ford #1 1023 677 727 50 28-US-3W Dawson #2 1066 539 599 60 (L m c o a m C t? O L4 O w 0 m or—a 43 E4 (1) 0H ’2: u 0.3 'H C p m o o L .x ('3 H > ”J L (1) o o H m c p > -H O G) H :3 (D «4 .C s—3 3 L11 (.1. C) (III E" KALKASKA 10-25N-8W State-Springfield #1 1123 1992 2235 243 29-27N-5W Ten Point Club #1 1176 160“ 1769 175 11-28N-6w State-Cold Springs #1 1271 1361 1559 373 1(E1VP 12—6N—9W Leg #U 620 1765 1800 35 35-8N-9w George Francisco #1 860 1970 2000 30 9-10N-11W Free #1 907 1993 2083 90 LAKE 5—19N-13W USA #1 867 2008 2098 90 lU—l9N—13W State—Peacock #1 87A 2041 2138 97 30—2ON-12W State Newark #1 977 2111 2203 92 LAPHER 6—6N—12E Edward Ulatowski #1 8A1 977 1108 131 17—6N—12E John Braidwood #1 913 902 1070 168 IU—7N-11# Bagley #1 926 115A 1321 167 10—8N-9E Irving Thom #GG-l 790 1570 1672 102 6—8N-10E State Mayfield #1 839 1536 1731 195 l—9N-1OE Andrew Roseltha Mathews #1 797 1631 18U5 21A L; Q o C) C L O. H) C E O E 4 0 If) 0 ('3 W +3 E4 (1) H 2: 4—) (1) -H C 4» c5 6 o L .x w H > 3 Sam 0 O H Cl.) C .1.) > «4 o m H 3 6-4 s a 3 m D cam E LAPEER cont. 17-1ON—1OE Theodore B. & Ann B. Lyon #1 827.’ 1630.5 1895. 265 28—10N-10E Homer Nowlin #1 780 1603 18U1 238 21-9N-115 Wilder #1 82A 1996 1695 199 LEELANAU 6—30N-11W Kirt #1 913 392 U87 95 LIVINGSTON 35—3N-AE Martin J. McPherson #1 992 78 178 100 MACOMB 10-3N-1UE Max & Helen Henning State #1 598 202 382 180 29-UN—13E W. Payne-D. Gray #1 655 505 620 115 36—HN—1AE John Siefert #1 613 279 U06 127 36-5N-12E M.E. Lanphar & Co. 757 578 678 100 8—5N—13E Ward #1 777 658 813 155 MANISTEE 13—21N-17W Joseph Gambs #1 606 999 1129 135 8—2AN-13w Robert & Cecelia Northrup, et a1. #1 896 13AM 1A79 135 10—2UN-1UW Consumers Power Co. #1 758 1139 1287 153 60 '1; C 55 Q. (0 c E o b o 'c O m -H +39 m .r—«g Z 4..) Q! w-i S: 4.) (*3 Q) 0 L1 .2 m H > 'U L w o 0 H G) C +>> -H o 6 H4 : ng c A 3 m an ::m B MASON 9-17N-15W Healey #1 708 1770 1937 167 7—18N—17W Disposal Well #90 689 1901 1531 130 1U-18N-17W Jacobson #3 69A. 152 .5 1671.5 1A8 20—19N-17W Paul P. Timby #1 678 1367 1997 130 MECOSTA 2-13N-10w Clare & Margret Whipple #1 968 2387 —- —— 8-13N—10w Wm. H. & Crpha P. Finch #1 929 2310 -- -- 36-1AN-8w G. Delong #1 1025 2630 -- -- 3-15N-7W H.C. Phillips #1 1015 2810 -- -- 23-15N-8w R. Darling #1 1056 269M -— -— 9-15N—9w W. Flanders & F. Wilkins, et a1. #1 958 2U77 -— —— 2-16N—8W Elgin Denslow #1 1177 2733 2873 1A0 13—16N-10W Adair #3 1020 2959 —— —— MIDLAND 12-13N-1E Brine #56 699.9 2885.1 3210.1 325 21-13N-1W Merton Emery #1 683.7 2679.3 3020.3 389 7-13N-2E Brine #55 639.5 2795.5 3420.5 -- 21-1UN-2E Salt #8 609.3 3002.7 3310.7 308 13-15N-1W C & 0 #1 699 3015.5 -- -- 61 Q G) C O Q. U) C E: O '54 O (I) O 0.3 H p E4 (1) -H 2 p o oH C p m a) o:« x m H > U Sam 0 o H m : 13> .H O m H 3 01H .C d 3 IL? :3 CA (I: E-+ MIDLAND cont. 10—16N—1E Rider #1 692 3076 -— -- l-l6N-2E Askevich #1 670 2726 —- -- MISSAUKEE 16-21N-7W Gibbs #1 1215 2770 -— —— 20-2lN-7W Geo. & Clarice Meekhoff #1 1319.5 2669.5 -- -- 23-22N—6W State Aetna #1 1316 2699 3006 312 25-22N-7W Jager #1-25 1189 2681 2761 80 32—22N-7W Stroh & McBain #2 1193.5 2758.5 -- —- 1—29N-5W Faharney #7 1297 1875 2178 303 19-29N-5W Horner #68 1168 1932 2127 195 MONTCALM 9-10N-7W Neilson #1 890.5 2379.5 2919. 95 26—1ON-7W Goodenough #1 893 2327 2392 65 8—11N-8W Bessie & Fernon Lee #1 956 2509 -— —— 30-llN—8w Christensen #1 930 2325 2380 55 5-11N-5W E.N. Race #1 908.5 2336.5 -- -- MONTMORENCY 30-3ON—9E Joe Carrier-Glen Pittenger-Leslie Cunningham #1 810 602 895 293 -op (b C: Q. w it E O E‘ C (n O ((5 v4 +3 17:" (1) -H Z 4.) (1) H C. p w m ()L x m H > ”O $.m o o H (1) C 4—3 :> H o m H s 01H 5 A 3 as Q 21m E4 MUSKEGON 21—9N—19W Carl Wunsch #1 673 1577 1617 90 9-10N—19W Leon Raison #1 700 1672 1728 - 56 15-1ON-17w McMahn #1 620.5 1997. 1509. 57 NEWAGO 18-11N-12W John Nyhof & Richard Dobbin #1 819 1991 2066 75 15-11N-13w C.F. Seaman 803 1992 2017 75 10—12N-13W Stanley J. Purcell #1 891 1939 2015 76 26—12N-19W Sheridan TWp. #1 738 1877 1992 65 26-13N—19w c. Siersema #1 890 1935 2000 65 OCEANA 36—15N—17W Peters #1 720 1665 1762 97 15-16N—16w Everett Hill #1 885 1570 1720 150 OGEMAW 1—21N-2E State Horton #2 837 1678 2031 353 9-29N-3E State Rose #1 1232.5 1762.5 2050.5 288 OSCROLA 29-17N-7W Wm. H. Rountree, et. ux #1 1115.5 2809.5 -- -- 63 a) c: 8‘ o. m C E O E O m 0 m -H +39 0 H n p m -H c p m m o h .x m H > U Sam 0 o H m c +>> -H o m H : Q)H s a 3 m c: cam B OSCEOLA 32-18N-7w R. Wimmer, et a1. '31 1056.5 2838.5 -- _- 20-18N-10W Dan Richards A-2 1191 2369 2619 295 30—18N-10W Emma Fatum #3 1081 2361 2933 72 35-19N-8W Arnold Yarhouse #1 1213 2832 2929 97 26—19N-10W Carl Lindell #1 1197 2993 —— -- 5-2ON—7w Chas. Stewart Mott Foundation #1 1213 2775 2859 89 17-20N—8W Gerrit Kleinhess- elink #1 1309. 2763. -- -- 19-20N-9w George Johnson- Ted Thomsen #1 1586 2719 2796 77 19-20N-10W Lindberg #1 1168. 2986. -- -- OSCODA 32-25N-3E State Mentor #1 1268 1732 -- -- OTSEGO 13-29N-1W St. Charlton BE #1 1280 1232 1980 298 16-29N—3W State Otsego Lake #1 1929 1071 1331 260 2-29N-9w Lake Horicon Dorp. #1 1902 998 1223 225 69 m c 8' o. m s: E O B O m o m *1 +38 6 .H z p m *4 C p m a) o L .x m H > U :.m o 0 H m C +>> H o m H s m~4 g H 3 uJ Q cum B OTTAWA 39-7N-13w Reinhard Fenske #9-A 695 1987 1935 52 21-8N-19w Heckel State #1 651 1539 1589 US ROSCOMMON 28-22N-2w Leander J. Meldrum Est. 1180 2599 2835 291 39-22N-2W St. Helen "C" #1 1203. 2536. -- -- 8-22N-9W Ida H.P. Hooan #6 1136. 2598. 2738. 190 23-29N—1W North Mich. Land & Oil USAB #1 1168 1632 1972 390 SAGINAW 21-10N-3E F.G. & Allen L. Swartzmiller #1 601 2222 -- -- 33-11N-3E Robt. Gage Coal CO. 593 2319 2612 293 L. Elbers #1 606 2509 2811 237 SANILAC ~ 8-9N-19E Edward Donnelly #1 785 1225 1925 200 3-9N-15E Chas. & Ethel Francis #1 757 991 685 109 31-9N-15E Chas. & Arthur Kappler #1 768 922 1055 133 2-10N-15E Robert E. Trowhill #1 716 709 929 215 (D 3: L3‘ 04 I") 5:: 13 K3 F ‘ 0 if) Q ('3 H p E74 (1) 'r‘i :: 4—) (1) "‘1 S: 4—) (U (I) 0 $4 :31 (U H > "3 84 OJ C) O H (D C 43 > H o (1;- H 3 (D H 1.3 d 3 1:. Q C) D: E‘ SANILAC cont. 9-10N—16E Phillips #1 Sanilac 99 S.T.-Keglovitz #1 772 606 811 205 25—11N-12E Ode #1 771 168M 1929 2u5 7—11H—19E Felker—Mica Comm. #1 786 1399 '—- —- 7-11N-16E Jerome G. Essenmacher #1 805.5 806.5 966.5 160 9-12N-13E Phillips #1 Snover ST Leonard Wiswell #1 789 1381 1681 300 12-12N—19E Phillips #1 Sanilac 76 S.T.-Detary #1 762 1171 1368 197 28-19N-12E Linderman #1 776 1829 -— . —- 21—19N-15E Ray J. Cleary #1 802 1273 -- -- SHIAWASSEE 22-5N-2E Dysinger #1 89’ 1985 1575 90 15—5N—3E Scribner #1 871 989 -- -- G.H.&S.L. Ferris #1 856.9 1309 1932 123 Scribner #1 881 976 1193 217 ST. CLAIR 11-3N—16E Sharrow #Bl-ll 590 ‘ 77 135 58 2-9N-15E Dittman-LOpakiewicz 697 323 998 125 9-5N-15E Stern gt_al. #1 70A U26 561 135 7-6N-19E Evans-Korth-Schmidt #1 792 693 818 125 66 Q. Q) C O Q. 50 c E O B O m 0 9 -H 43% m .H 2 4—) <1) H C p a o ox. x (U H > "o L. (1) o o H Q : +>> oH O (1) H :5 (1) -H .C 63 3 3 s1 :cn E4 ST. CLAIR cont. 5—7N-13E D.W. & V.M. Hull #1 789.5 1035.5 1195.5 160 11—7N-19E D.J. Gleason #1 783.5 79U.5 931.5 137 9—8N-16E R.“. 0'Conner et a1. #1 721 225 329 99 TUSCOLA 31-10N-8E McCormick #1 770.5 1619.5 -- ~- 8-13N-9E B.& L. Sattelberg #1 668 2092 -- —- 16-13N—11E Novesta Township, et al. #1 727 1868 2298 380 12-19N-9E R.V. Dancey #1 659 2066 -- -- C. & B. Montle #1 731 1729 2007 283 31-19N-11E Lounsbury—Perry et a1. #1 7M3 1777 -- -- VAN BUREN 8-1s-1uw Pease #1 736 617 798 181 2u—2s-15w Tomcola Arendt Curtis #1 708 607 723 161 39-98—19W Kern #1 911 351 379 28 WASHTENAW 22-1S-3E R. & E. Wagner - C. Slocum #1 959.5 587.5 665.5 78 67 Q) C COL CL U) C.‘ E O E—4 O U) 0 (U H 4-39 (D -H 2 4—) (I) 0H C P m m o L .x (U H :> ’O L. (D o o r—1 (1) C: p :> H o 6 F4 5 01H c a 3 m a cum 8 WASHTENAW cont. 12-1S-7E Butler—Angell-Stroh #2 939 +287 +233 5U 25—2S-3E Goers #1 937 308 U68 160 26—2S—7E Knudt Jorgensen #1 768 +123 11 13M 2U-3S-7E Wabash Railroad Co. #1 691 +336 +202 13“ 3u-US-HE O.B. Bohnenstiehl #1 917 +90 18 108 16-US-5E W.P. Schowacko #GG—l 862. +266. +12U.S 1U2 WEXFORD 28-21N-9W Davidson #1 1323 2577 2657 80 13-21N-10W J.W. Stites #1 13U7 2U98 2585 87 27-21N-10w State Cherry Grove A-l 1268 2U90 2577 87 23-21N-11w State Henderson#k4. 13U6 23H8 2MUO 92 32-22N-9W Leeson & Sours #1 1303 2u89 2572 83 9-22N—1OW Cummer Sons Cypress CO. #1 1911 2209 2301 92 20-2uN-9W State Liberty . "A"-1 101“ 2131 2221 90 'IICHIGRN STQTE UNIV. LIBRQRIES 31293100455694