’51 :I; JZIIIILI;,- TEXTURAL ADJUSTMENTS DURING REGIONAL METAMORPHISM THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF M. S. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY MICHAEL PATRICK RYAN I973 .'-. ‘A‘xm “*w’o- u gdmrm ABSTRACT TEXTURAL ADJUSTMENTS DURING REGIONAL METAMORPHISM by Michael Patrick Ryan Petrographic thin sections of regionally-metamorphosed Thunderhead Sandstone have received quantitative textural evalua- tion. Interior and exterior components of surface area vol.- have been measured for quartz and plagioclase phases from 24 sites over the regional gradient. Statistical testing of components of variance within and between sampling sites indicate that quartz surface area components are very sensitive to local (outcrop-scale) conditions while plagioclase surface area is more responsive to regional effects. The textural mosaics formed by phase association were next modeled as states in a Markov chain. For non-collapsed chains, grain size variation in quartz and alkali feldspar influenced the amount of Markovity or determinism in the rock texture. Removal of grain size effects by chain collapsing suggested that a limiting value exists for the strength of neighborhood phase associations, and that the amount of site-to-site variation in determinism decreases with distance up the metamorphic gradient. TEXTURAL ADJUSTMENTS DURING REGIONAL METAMORPHISM BY Michael Patrick Ryan A Thesis Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Department of Geology 1973 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank Dr. Thomas A. Vogel for introducing me to rock textural problems and for providing guidance in the development of the research. Dr. Charles Spooner kindly machined my "spinner randomizer" for use on a petrographic microscope stage. My wife Masako was a constant source of encouragement, and deserves special thanks. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 PART I GRAIN BOUNDARY TEXTURES Discussion of the Model . . . . . . . 4 Application of Quantitative Stereology . . . . . . 9 Surface Area Changes with Metamorphic Grade . . . . l3 Variance in Surface Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Residuals from Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 PART II GRAIN AGGREGATE TEXTURES Mosaic Patterns and Grain Aggregate Textural Changes 35 Textural Mosaics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Testing the Mosaic Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Results: Non-collapsed Chains . . . . . . . . . . 43 Collapsed Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Sites 8, 15, 17, Analysis of Variance: Table 2: Sites 8, 15, 17, Analysis of Variance: Table 3: Sites 8, 15, 17, Analysis of Variance: Table 4: Sites 8, 15, 17, Analysis of Variance: Table 5: Sites 8, 17 Analysis of Variance: Table 6: Sites 8, 17 Analysis of Variance: Table 7: Sites 8, 22 Analysis of Variance: Table 8: Sites 8, 15 Analysis of Variance: Table 9: Sites 17, 22 Analysis of Variance: 22 Quartz-Quartz Sv . 22 Quartz-Others Sv . 22 Plagioclase-Plagioclase Sv 22 Plagioclase-Other Sv . Quartz-Quartz Sv . Quartz-Others Sv . Quartz-Others Sv . Plagioclase-Plagioclase Sv Plagioclase-Others Sv iv Page No. 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. LIST OF FIGURES Nomenclature of Surface Area Types . Model for Changes in Surface Area Sketch Map of the Gatlinburg, Tennessee- Cherokee, North Carolina Area Sketch Map of Regional Isograds Variation in Quartz-Quartz Sv Variation in Quartz-Other Sv . Variation in Plagioclase—Plagioclase Sv Variation in Plagioclase-Other Sv Quartz-Quartz v§_Quartz-Other Grain Boundaries . Plagioclase-Plagioclase v§_Plagioclase-Other Grain Boundaries . Distribution of the Residuals from Regression (Quartz Boundaries) Distribution of the Residuals from Regression (Plagioclase Boundaries) Residual Distribution for Quartz and Plagioclase Page No. 10 14 16 17 18 25 28 30 31 34 37 4O Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Rose Diagrams for Development of Anisotropy in Rock Texture . -2 Loge A (Non-collapsed Chains Perpendicular Traverses) Model for Markov Test Statistic v§_Distance Up Metamorphic Gradient . -2 Log A (Non-collapsed Chains, Parallel Traverses) -2 Log A (Perpendicular Traverses, Collapsed Chains -2 Loge A (Perpendicular Traverses, Collapsed Chains: Quartz, Plagioclase, Others Quartz, Kspar, Others) . -2 Log A (Perpendicular Traverses; Collapsed Chains; Quartz, K-spar, Others) . vi Page No. 41 44 47 48 51 53 55 INTRODUCTION Ehrlich et a1. (1972) have discussed the general concept of rock texture in regional metamorphism and the information textural parameters can carry. They demonstrated that the surface area and the shape of plagioclase grains are highly responsive to changes in metamorphism. Moreover, in the metamorphosed granodiorite they studied, these textural variables proved more responsive to metamorphic conditions than compositional variables. This paper represents a further attempt to evaluate the response of selected textural variables to changes in the metamorphic environ— ment. Allen and Ragland (2) have reported chemical as well as textural variation in the Thunderhead Sandstone, from Gatlingburg, Tennessee to Cherokee, North Carolina. The Thunderhead Sandstone is a region- ally metamorphosed arkose, of medium-to-coarse grain size. It is Precambrian in age, and is believed to have undergone prograde meta- morphism in the Devonian, following overthrusting into its present location during the Ordovician (3). A number of factors suggested using the Thunderhead Sandstone as a testing area for further textural work: 1) Relative homogeneity in composition 2) A facies range from greenschist to upper amphibolite 3) Massive bedding and numerous roadcuts made possible an adequate sampling plan 4) Lack of appreciable penetrative deformation There are important similarities and differences between the Thunderhead Sandstone used for this study, and the Cross Lake Gneiss of Ontario used for a prior textural study (4). Both bodies have undergone prograde regional metamorphism from west to east within a distance of 20-25 miles, and in both cases, metamorphism ranged from greenschist to amphibolite facies. Differences between the Thunderhead (a meta-arkose) and the Cross Lake Gneiss (a meta-granodiorite) are compositional and textural. Modal composition in the Thunderhead Sandstone is 36% to 66% quartz, about 25% plagioclase, and an average of 21% micas, of which biotite predominates a 'The compsoition of the Cross Lake Gneiss is approximately 24% quartz, 54% plagioclase, 12% biotite and 2% muscovite (4). In the Thunderhead Sandstone, exposures in greenschist grade have preserved relict sedimentary textures, including graded bedding and cross bedding. In the Cross Lake Gneiss, primary igneous textures are preserved in the low-grade sector, including parallel alignment of plagioclase (4). Rock textures may be specified by examination of two broad variable groups: grain boundary-based variables and grain aggregate- based variables. This paper will use surface area per unit volume-- a boundary parameter and phase mosaic patterns--a grain aggregate parameter, to quantitatively test the textural effects of regional metamorphism on the Thunderhead Sandstone. For those portions of this study involving surface area, quartz and plagioclase alone are considered, while the mosaic study involves all major phases in the rock. Adjustments in the rock fabric to the changing physical condi- tions (T, deviatoric stress) of regional metamorphism produce continual changes in the topologic network of grain boundaries and the type and orientation of phases making up the neighborhood of a given grain or aggregate of grains (5). Stressed grains repair structural damage through polygonalization-recrystallization processes (6), as well as solid-state diffusion. Stressed aggregates of grains approach textural--and metamorphic-equilibria through neighbor selection when stability limits of old neighbors have broken down (7). Additionally, large aggregates of grains may organize themselves into "super neighborhoods" through compositional banding processes (8). PART I GRAIN BOUNDARY TEXTURES DISCUSSION OF THE MODEL There are two components in the total surface area of a grain: interior, or polygonal-surface area and exterior surface area (Figure 1). These two types may be termed a-a and 0-8 respectively, where a-a implies that two grains of the same phase meet at a boundary, and a-B implies the junction of two different phases. These may also be termed like-like or unlike boundaries, respectively. Our model estimates changes in both components of surface area during regional metamorphism (Figure 2). In initially unmetamorphosed sediments (left side of figure), most of the total surface area is exterior, or a-B. Only relatively minor amounts of a-a occur, and these are often diagenetically generated fractures or the chance agglutination of two grains of the same phase. Rapid increases in the a-a component occur as stored strain is relieved through poly- gonalization and recrystallization (6). Increases in temperature facilitate structural repair by increasing the ease of recrystalli- zation, such that the surface area in the interior of a phase (q-u) soon comprises most of the total surface area (as illustrated by the large hump over the brittle sector). Figure l. Nomenclature of Surface Area Types. omz_.._wo ._.oz mm< mm_mz_ 023m m. mo_>mzha.u.mx_._ R 3.3228 xEEzIzEmo Jain... . :3 z: mucocanoo >._mu::on .o :OZEZou Figure 2. .Model for changes in surface area in quartz and plagioclase, in response to the changing (P,T) conditions during regional metamorphism. chflumam oEaaoEmHmE a: wocsflu coyomm oszqiEmm coyomm mIZE cazocm 53m :oCmN___3mfooc mfgncaon meEIEmcm ma>fllqa coszcoamo 0233153 .33 B 3033 mocmucsoalasm marl... 522533 3:22 :30. Co 3033 9312 9321108 "s Relief of stored strain reduces the driving force producing recrystallization (6), while maintained--or increased--temperatures will aid grain growth (9). Both these effects will cause a relative reduction in like-like (a-a) boundaries. Grain growth should be expected to continue up the gradient, effecting a sub- stantial reduction in a-a surface area through the elimination of a-a boundaries. It would be expected that the final Svaa value would approach, but not equal, that in the original sedimentary fabric. Impurity levels within a phase would be expected to block some grain boundary migration (10), and therefore the elimination of subboundaries within phase interiors would not go to completion. This difference between a-a surface area in the sedimentary and equilibrium metamorphic rock is denoted ASvaa. Exterior Sv would be expected to remain approximately constant, until the integrity of grain margins begins breakdown by like-phase agglutination in areas of semi-plastic flow. The final equilibrium Sv texture should be characterized by a relatively higher level of a-B boundaries, due to the enhanced stability of a-B margins at higher grades of meta- morphism (7). SAMPLING Sampling within the Thunderhead Sandstone (Figure 3) was carried out at twenty-one individual sites along U.S. Route 441 Figure 3. Sketch map of the Gatlinburg, Tennessee- Cherokee, North Carolina area (after King, 1964). mz_<.—z:o_2 >x02w ._.x02m h a _ O coo>cn nose-Incomeou . a: I .cancZU b a .co ‘o’.II-“o‘cJ. u‘o)‘ . [\u‘.‘0 I. .\ ‘ m A .z«>v.............. .. x..... m» 3 om.m.¢hw x. ............ ooooooooo-ooo ooooooooooooo C. a o 0%, PMZCOZ 0c<0 o coimCm> meta momtsm 3353 22:50 A (€_WWZWW) S Figure 7. Variation in the surface area of plagioclase- plagioclase contacts as a function of distance up the regional metamorphic gradient. 17 mmiz om 2 or m C C u. g m a m . a. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o .N O S A mm<._oo.o<$\mmoz OZ 0c< 315 3:2. 0 .0 m m_mr0c< mSG 322.0 0. mm.m fiquAAér 62/ 2 flflI C) i Since in nearly all fabrics, varying amounts of anisotropy were present, each fabric sample was examined in two primary direc- tions, one perpendicular and the other parallel to lineation. A similar approach was taken by Pielou (25) who examined vegetation mosaics developed under conditions of strong prevailing wind. In each thin section, the position of maximum anisotropy was determined by construction of a series of Rose orientation diagrams (Figure 16). Unit-length traverses were made of the rock fabric on 15° intervals. At each interval, observations of intersected quartz-matrix and Figure 16. Rose diagrams for development of anisotropy in rock texture. 41 2-4A 3 60 l-IOB 180 360 270 I-ISA POLAR PROJECTIONS OF ROCK FABRIC TRENDS 42 plagioclase-matrix grain boundaries were recorded. These observa- tions were then plotted on polar graph paper to construct the fabric Rose (13). Directions of maximal and minimal anisotropy are loci of minimal and maximal peak modes, respectively. For each rose diagram, two angles are determined that relate the orientation of fabric anisotropy to the Chayes point counter affixed to the microscope stage. One angle relates the direction perpendicular to fabric anisotropy with the microscope axis, and the other relates the direction parallel to detected anisotropy to the axis. These angles are 0 and 011, respectively. It is therefore possible to mount the rock thin section in the counter and turn the stage through some angle 6 which will position the rock fabric for traverses perpendicular or parallel to the anisotropy as identified by the roses. The traversing of thin sections was performed on a Leitz petrographic microscope, using a 16 power objective and 3.5 occular. Trials with various combinations of occulars and objectives were performed, until a match was found which provided minimal redundancy (several cross—hairs falling in the same phase), and maximized the amount of total observed variation without loss of information (periodicity of phase changes shorter than cross-hair spacing). For each 6 value, as determined by the rose diagrams, 25 traverses were performed. The starting position of each traverse 43 was randomized with respect to the x-y plane of the thin section, however each traverse in a group of 25 was performed parallel to the orientation angle 6. All traverses started on the left cross-hair and ended on the right. For each traverse, the phase intersected by the cross-hair was noted and recorded. The eleven observations per traverse formed a chain of ten transitions. Each thin section would therefore be tested by 275 data points in each of the two cardinal rock fabric directions. This generated 250 transitions perpendicular to the direction of lineation and 250 transitions parallel to the direction of lineation. Phase observation data points from each traverse were key punched into data cards. These cards were then evaluated by a modified Fortran routine of Harbaugh and Bonham- Carter (26), which formed transition frequency and transition probability matrices. Matrices so formed were further tested for Markov character by calculation of ~210ge A on a desk calculator. RESULTS Non-Collapsed Chains For perpendicular-to-fabric traverses, values of -210ge A vs. distance up metamorphic grade are plotted in Figure 17. Dotted horizontal lines indicate the u-levels for rejection of the null hypothesis of independence of association among the phases quartz, Figure 17. Degree of determinism in texture as a function of distance up the regional gradient. 44 mwn___2 Om m. op 9 / 1 mo.uu 5.”... om on 9. cm wmmIHO ...0<._anmhm<30 -mmtstpm Sm mz_<¢» m<430_ozwamwa v 9901 a- 45 plagioclase and others (alkali-feldspar and mica). Examination at the a = .01 level shows a mixture of random and non-random associa: tion, with sample sites 4, l3 and 18 showing high levels of determinism in their textures, while others are relatively subdued. Inspection of some observed data points for sample site 1 (low -21n A value) and site 4 (high value) explain the large variability in determinism. For site 1, an example traverse was: 12323313221; for site 4: 21111211111. The runs of quartz observations at site 4 are a function of grain size. Larger-than-average quartz grains receive a proportionately larger number of cross-hairs of the test transect. The effect of runs generated by large-sized grains on the transition frequency and transition probability matrices is to "load- up” the diagonal cells. Such an effect is seen in the transitions at site 4: QTZ. PLAG. OTHER QTZ. 82 21 17 120 PLAG. 25 18 ll 54 OTHER 16 15 45 I 76 123 54 73 .492 .216 .292 The large frequency of quartz-quartz contacts, and other-other contacts is due to the relatively large grain sizes in quartz and alkali-feldspar, respectively. Since 250 transitions are taken per 46 directional traverse, inflation of like-like cell values, leads to diminution of the off-diagonal a-B cells. It is this grain-size effect which produces a "premature" and abnormally high amount of determinism. Explanation of the effect of grain size on the test statistic for Markovity is provided by the mosaic model (Figure 18). Traverses taken parallel to the fabric, Figure 19, show similar perturbations in -21n A due to grain size. We should be able to expect, in the conversion of an arkose to a meta-arkose, that initially rounded or semi-rounded quartz and alkali feldspar grains would become more distended through tectonism , so that progressively elliptical shapes would be produced as distance up the gradient increases. (The effect of such shape changes on traverse observations parallel to the fabric, is to increase the likelihood of "runs”, and hence increase -21n A.) Comparison of Figures 17 and 19 shows high values for site 4 for both traverses. The implication is that large grain sizes affected both test directions, and that those grains are relatively well-rounded, since the G-statistic values are nearly the same for both perpendicular and parallel tests. For sites 11, 18, 24, 23 and 20, a substantially higher parallel test value indicates a sig- nificant flattening of the overall phase shape. For site 11, this is a flattening of both quartz and alkali feldspar. For sites at the Figure 18. Model of anticipated levels of textural determinism as a function of distance up the regional gradient. 47 H2m_omo o.— mso um; , _ \ m._.zm_s__omm ._p_.__m<_m<>.m 22:23:35: 10:14“; to 83 .< U>m amw0mmcp .822; 83335 m ON .m :V 138012— onsnms 1581 MMOMBW 49 higher-grade end, i.e. 18, 24, 23, and 20, the flattening is primarily in quartz, since alkali feldspar begins breaking down to brown biotite at the staurolite isograd (about site 15). Such distensions in the over-all quartz phase are likely recrystallization adjustments to applied stress. COLLAPSED CHAINS The noise imposed on the -21n A spectrum by grain-size effects may be removed by collapsing the observation chain (25). Such collapsing provides a means of examining the strength of association between unlike phases. Indeed, this kind of textural information may only be abstracted through the collapsing process. Sample traverses presented earlier were: 12323313221, and 21111211111, from sites 1 and 4 respectively. Their collapsed forms are 123231321, and 2121 respectively. It is important to note that the collapsing operation produces an "artificial" texture of unit grain size, and, of course, one without like-like (a-a) grain boundaries. It must, therefore, be evaluated in conjunction with the non-collapsed results for evaluation of the "real” texture. The effect of collapsing on the transition frequency matrix reduces the diagonal (like-like) cell frequencies to zero. The fre- quency matrix for site 4 (perpendicular testing) now looks like: 50 QTZ. PLAG. OTHER QTZ. 0 21 17‘I PLAG. 25 0 11 OTHER 16 15 0 K. / Elimination of non-zero diagonal elements throws all the probability of state-state transitions into the off-diagonal cells in the transition probability matrix: Q PL. 0 Q ( o .710 .289 I PL. .820 0 .179 o .473 .526 0 \ J This results in relatively large -21n A values, and strongly determin- istic "textures", as in Figure 20. Kullback, et a1. (1962) have reported that specification of zero-valued elements under the null hypothesis will reduce the number of degrees of freedom by one for each zero. This is in agreement with Pielou (1965). This causes a drop in degrees of freedom from four to two for comparison of -21n A with X2. Substantial site-toesite‘variation occurs in the strengths of phase associations. Comparison of a low -21n A at site 4 and a high value at site 6 reveals as much variation in large-scale textural phase associations as in nearly all 24 miles of prograde traverse. Examination of transition frequency matrices for non-collapsed Figure 20. Development of determinism in rock texture as a function of distance up the regional gradient. 51 Amm__Eg aco_nm.o o_nacoemuo2 a: mocm~m_o om ma ofi m .m._m;~o www.mu-.m:onmmaaum 0 L0 mc_m;o nomamZoo mmmcm>mcp .m_:2u:ma_om ‘V‘DA ‘ C O H E vasom— QIISIIBIS 1561 Kunowew 52 treatments of sites 4 and 6 reveal a substantial number of long alkali feldspar "runs" at site 4, and a significant decrease in run length at site 6. The reduction in alkali feldspar grain size between sites permitted a relative increase in the number of quartz-other plagioclase-other contacts in samples gathered at site 6. This a-B type contact increase resulted in an increase in Markov character between sites 4 and 6. Removal of alkali feldspar from the "others" state, and a lump- ing with plagioclase to form the state "feldspar" permits a new comparison to be made (Figure 21). Dashed lines tracing the values of -21n A for quartz-feldspar-others chains, closely correspond to values fer non—lumped quartz-plagioclase-others. Departure from good fit occurs, however, between sites 15 to 18 inclusive. Examination of the transition frequency matrices shows a large conditional probability shift from column 3 (others) to column 2 (feldspar) when comparisons of the non-lumped and lumped formats at site 15 are made. This results from the removal of an appreciable number of transitions involving alkali feldspar from "others", and insertion in "feldspar". As K-feldspar continues to break down to biotite the departure from fit lessens, and gocui agreement is restored by site 24, indicating absence of alkali feldspar from the rock fabric. Figure 21. Levels of determinism in rock texture for two formats of aggregates as a function of distance up the regional gradient. 53 73:83 23:35 25305322 a: 3:320 mm om .fl 3 m umzmmnlmszo C333... ”Ntmzoumgmam uzom I 22:0 ”.92; ”Ntmzonmopmam mEmco 33230 3238; 5.36.53: — DHSHBIS 1561 MIonJew 54 Plotting a "best-fit" straight line through values of -21n A, for both coding formats, does not provide the overall increase initially suspected (Figure 22). Ho: 8 = 0 for the regression equa- tion is not rejected at a = .05 with 16 degrees of freedom. It is of interest to note, however, that departures from this best fit line reduce with distance up the metamorphic gradient. For both coding formats, the reductions are comparable in magnitude. Hence, it appears that collapsed-chain textural determinism may approach some limiting value. This suggests classic stochastic convergence. CONCLUSIONS We have presented models t0'predict changes in surface area and changes in neighborhood mosaic patterns with increased metamorphic grade. Results of several analyses of variance indicate that substantial variation in both the like (a-a) and unlike (u-B) components of surface area can occur in quartz within a single sample site. This indicates that quartz surface area may be too sensitive a parameter for region— al comparisons of recrystallization and grain growth. Significant differences in both the components of plagioclase surface area between sample sites indicate that plagioclase may be most suited for region- al comparisons. This is in general agreement with the results of an earlier study (1). Figure 22. Bouncing level of determinism in rock texture as a function of distance up the regional gradient. 55 Ame-Zea u:o_um.o oztr_oEmHm2 a: wucmHm_o om mg 0“ m mtmfotmamEmduNtmao $3.3m m:_m:o cmmam__oo mwmto>map .m_:o_u:macom 09 E Y3801'3_ OHSHBIS 1591 KHAOHJBW 56 Results of the least-squares regression of the two components of surface area, and the evaluation of the residuals from regression, indicates that the ratio of like (a-u) to unlike (u-B) surface area does not change linearly with increased metamorphic grade. This is true for both quartz and plagioclase. Higher order terms in the regression equation appear necessary to account for the sinusoidal behavior of the surface area ratios with increased metamorphic grade. It appears that the contributions of initial sedimentary facies (in terms of pelitic interbedding) and local stress fields may explain variations in surface area not explained by the regression of one component on another. Textural mosaics were investigated by permitting phases to simulate states in a first—order Markov chain. The rock fabric was examined in directions perpendicular and parallel to the anisotropy of mineral phases. For non-collapsed chains, grain size variation in quartz and alkali feldspar influenced the amount of Markovity, or determinism of phases in the rock fabric. Removal of grain-size effects by chain collapsing, permitted the examination of neighborhood changes induced by regional metamorphism. This examination suggests that a limiting value exists for the strength of neighborhood phase associations, and that values obtained 57 at individual sample sites converge on this limit in a stochastic manner with increasing metamorphic grade. This work represents a pilot study in a long-range project. It has attempted to outline some of the problems confronting textural work in regional metamorphic environments. From the results of this study, we suggest: 1) Future work to define the effects that small-scale variations in sedimentary facies, and local variations in the stress field, have on surface area. 2) Increased reliance on approaches which examine all compon- ents of variance. 3) Future work to investigate the capabilities of Markov approaches to textural mosaics. 4) Efforts to couple the solid-state physics (i.e.: micro- mechanics, diffusional processes and associated creep) with small-scale textural evaluations (statistically augmented) on an outcrop scale. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 58 REFERENCES Ehrlich, et al., 1972, Textural variation in petrographic analyses: Geological Society of America Bulletin, V. 83, p. 665-676. Allen, G.C. and Ragland, P.C., 1972, Chemical and mineralogic variations during prograde metamorphism, Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina-Tennessee: Geological Society of America Bulletin, V. 83, p. 1285-1298. 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