CONSTRUCTING OPTIMAL MEDICAL MANAGEMENT AREAS FOR HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH By Chenxiao Ling A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Geography 2011 ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTING OPTIMAL MEDICAL MANAGEMENT AREAS FOR HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH By Chenxiao Ling This study constructs optimal medical management areas (MMAs) in the State of Michigan for the purpose of visualizing and exploring the spatial patterns of two health indicators: ischemic heart disease (IHD) (ICD-9-CM: 410-414) and diabetes (ICD-9-CM: 250) for the purpose of assessing population-demand for health services. Data on IHD and diabetes are obtained from the Michigan Inpatient Hospital Discharge Database (MIDB) for the year 2008. MMA boundary definitions are optimized using Automated Zone Matching (AZM) methodology software. Optimization is conducted by aggregating the residential ZIP Codes of patients discharged from hospitals with IHD or diabetes, using three constraint parameters: (1) minimum case threshold, to ensure rate stability; (2) maximum shape compactness, to avoid irregular or elongated MMAs; and (3) maximum internal homogeneity, to construct MMAs with populations that demographically similar. The modifiable area unit problem (MAUP) is examined within the context of MMA design and epidemiological scale by evaluating IHD and diabetes in relation to their relevant broader disease groups, diseases of the circulatory system (ICD-9-CM: 390-459) and endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders (ICD-9-CM: 240-279). Following the optimization of AZM-MMAs area-based proportions, crude rates and age-adjusted rates are calculated to represent the various views of demand for health services. The limitations and benefits of using AZM versus traditional ZIP Code boundary definitions to construct MMAs to assess the demand for inpatient hospital services are discussed for future applications. This thesis is dedicated to my parents, without whose support and selfless love, the completion of this work would not have been possible. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would first like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Dr. Sue C. Grady, for your invaluable guidance, patience and assistance as I learned to conduct this research. encouragement inspired confidence in me. Your It is an honor for me to be one of your students. Special thanks to the distinguished faculty members who served on my committee: Dr. Ashton M. Shortridge and Dr. Joseph P. Messina. building of my thesis. Your comments and advices greatly helped with the I feel fortune to have you on my committee. I would also like to thank Dr. David J. Campbell and Dr. Bruce Wm. Pigozzi, who provided me with comments and opinions on thesis writing. I gratefully acknowledge the use of the AZTool software, which is copyright Dr. David Martin, Ms. Samantha Cockings and University of Southampton in the UK. Thanks the Michigan Department of Community Health for kindly providing the main database. I also wish to thank Dr. Arika Ligmann-Zielinska for preparing the shapefile for this study. Special thanks to Mr. Jim T. Brown and Mr. Wilson Ndovie, for your technical support to the medical geography lab and my work. Thanks are also due to Dr. Richard E. Groop and Dr. Jiaguo Qi, for bringing me into MSU and this program, and other faculty and staff for assisting and encouraging me in many ways. I‟m so grateful to my mom and dad who provide me with this opportunity to study abroad and conduct this thesis. I‟d also like to thank Paul, Kristie, Hui, Ziting, Peter and Katie, for your accompany as lab-mates and friends. Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to all the individuals who helped with the completion of this work. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................... xi 1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1 2. BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................5 2.1 Geographic Health Services Research ................................................................................5 2.2 Government Agencies and Health Services Research .........................................................7 2.3 Important Issues in Constructing Medical Management Areas ...........................................8 2.3.1. Small Number Problem ..............................................................................................9 2.3.2. Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) .................................................................. 10 2.3.3. Epidemiological Considerations ............................................................................... 10 2.4 Automated Zone Matching (AZM) Methodology ............................................................. 11 2.5 Summary of Literature ..................................................................................................... 20 2.6 Purposes of Study ............................................................................................................ 21 2.7 Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 21 3. DATA AND METHODS ...................................................................................................... 22 3.1 Data ................................................................................................................................. 22 3.2 Methods........................................................................................................................... 23 4. RESULTS ............................................................................................................................. 33 4.1 Descriptive Statistics ........................................................................................................ 33 4.2 Automated zone matching (AZM) methodology output ................................................... 33 4.3 Medical Management Areas (Proportions) ....................................................................... 41 4.4 Medical Management Areas (Crude and Age-Adjusted Rates) ......................................... 51 4.5 Alternative Zone Designs ................................................................................................. 63 5. DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................................... 71 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................. 80 APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... 82 Appendix 1. Diseases and Injuries Tabular Index. .................................................................. 83 Appendix 2. List of incompatible ZIP Codes. ........................................................................ 84 v REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 86 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Summary of literature on zone design. ......................................................................... 11 Table 2. Patient discharge characteristics for Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) and diabetes in Michigan, 2008. ................................................................................................................ 33 Table 3. Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) results from AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. ...... 35 Table 4. Circulatory diseases results from AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. ...................... 37 Table 5. Diabetes results for AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. ........................................... 38 1 Table 6. Endocrine disorders results for AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. ........................ 40 Table 7. MMAs with high proportions of patients discharged with IHD, Michigan, 2008. ....... 43 Table 8. MMAs with high proportions of patients discharged with circulatory diseases, Michigan, 2008. ................................................................................................................................. 45 Table 9. MMAs with high crude proportions of patients discharged with diabetes, Michigan, 2008. .......................................................................................................................................... 48 1 Table 10. MMAs with high crude proportions of patients discharged with endocrine disorders , Michigan, 2008. ................................................................................................................ 50 Table 11. MMAs with high crude rates of patients discharged with ischemic heart disease, Michigan, 2008. ................................................................................................................ 52 Table 12. MMAs with high crude rates of patients discharged with circulatory diseases, Michigan, 2008. ................................................................................................................................. 54 Table 13. MMAs with high crude rates of patients discharged with diabetes, Michigan, 2008. 58 1 Table 14. MMAs with high crude rates of patients discharged with endocrine disorders , Michigan, 2008. ................................................................................................................................. 60 Table 15. Statistical outputs of zone designs using alternative methods with simulated annealing. .......................................................................................................................................... 64 Table 16. Statistical outputs of zone designs using alternative methods without simulated annealing. .......................................................................................................................... 64 Table 17. Summary of 50 restarts for diseases and disease groups. ............................................ 73 Table 18. List of incompatible ZIP Codes. ................................................................................. 84 vii 1 Includes endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. IHD: Relative standard errors (RSEs) of proportions by ZIP Code .............................. 27 Figure 2. Diabetes: Relative standard errors (RSEs) of proportions by ZIP Code ....................... 27 Figure 3. Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) results from AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. ..... 36 Figure 4. Circulatory diseases results from AZM Constraint Parameters 50 restarts. .................. 37 Figure 5. Diabetes results for AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. ......................................... 39 Figure 6. Endocrine disorders results for AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. ........................ 40 Figure 7. Ischemic heart disease: proportions by MMA (n=302), Michigan 2008. ..................... 42 Figure 8. Circulatory diseases: proportions by MMA (n=310), Michigan 2008. ......................... 44 Figure 9. Diabetes: proportions by MMA (n=183), Michigan 2008............................................ 47 Figure 10. Endocrine disorders: proportions by MMA (n=274), Michigan 2008. ....................... 49 Figure 11. Ischemic heart disease: crude rates by MMA (n=302), Michigan 2008. ..................... 51 Figure 12. Circulatory diseases: crude rates by MMA (n=310), Michigan 2008. ........................ 53 Figure 13. Ischemic heart disease: age-adjusted rates by MMA (n=302), Michigan 2008. .......... 55 Figure 14. Circulatory diseases: age-adjusted rates by MMA (n=310), Michigan 2008. ............. 56 Figure 15. Diabetes: crude rates by MMA (n=183), Michigan 2008. .......................................... 57 Figure 16. Endocrine disorders: crude rates by MMA (n=274), Michigan 2008. ........................ 59 Figure 17. Diabetes: age-adjusted rates by MMA (n=183), Michigan 2008. ............................... 61 Figure 18. Endocrine disorders: age-adjusted rates by MMA (n=274), Michigan 2008. ............. 62 Figure 19. Ischemic heart disease: crude rates by MMA (n=307) and their RSE using all HSAs (SA enabled), Michigan 2008. .................................................................................................. 67 Figure 20. Ischemic heart disease: crude rates by MMA (n=310) without using HSAs (SA enabled), Michigan 2008. ................................................................................................................. 68 Figure 21. Ischemic heart disease: crude rates by MMA (n=304) using all HSAs (SA disabled), Michigan 2008. ................................................................................................................. 69 ix Figure 22. Ischemic heart disease: crude rates by MMA (n=300) without using HSAs (SA disabled), Michigan 2008. ................................................................................................. 70 x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AZM Automated Zoning Matching AZTool Automated Zoning Tool CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CI Confidence Interval CON Certificate of Need EDs Enumeration Districts FSA Facility Sub-Areas HSA Hospital System Areas IAC Intra-Area Correlation ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification IHD Ischemic Heart Disease MAUP Modifiable Areal Unit Problem MDCH Michigan Department of Community Health MIDB Michigan Inpatient Hospital Discharge Database MMAs Medical Management Areas P2A Perimeter2/Area RSE Relative Standard Error SA Simulated Annealing WHO World Health Organization ZCTA ZIP Code Tabulation Areas xi 1. INTRODUCTION Health service researchers study health care from „supply‟ and „demand‟ perspectives. In this thesis, the „supply‟ perspective refers to the availability of inpatient hospital services for the entire population or a subset (i.e., the adequacy of the supply to meet the needs of a population) (Penchansky & Thomas, 1981). Attributes by which to measure inpatient hospital supply include: the potential for capacity or number of beds, the skill set of physicians, nurses, and other health care providers, the services that those providers offer, the length of hospital stay, and the method(s) of payment and reimbursement. acquire the available services offered. Related to supply is accessibility or the ability to Common barriers to receiving available services include: low socioeconomic status or poor health insurance coverage, distance in metric or time and hours of operation (Penchansky & Thomas, 1981). Finally, inpatient hospital services may be available and accessible, but not utilized by the population. Common barriers to utilization include: fear of diagnosis or treatment, untoward perceptions and prejudices, and language and cultural barriers (Meade et al., 1988). Most health service research focuses on the supply perspective through measurements of availability, accessibility and utilization to understand the health care system. Important also is the „demand‟ perspective. the population for inpatient hospital services. time. In this thesis, „demand‟ refers to the need of The definition of demand/need has evolved over Bradshaw (1972) for example, defined need as: expressed need, comparative need, and normative need. Expressed need refers to “an expression in action of felt need” and comparative need referred to “the comparison of situations with others.” comparative needs are subjective definitions. Expressed and Normative need on the other hand, represents “an experts‟ definition or diagnosis”, which could be subjective or objective. 1 Acheson (1978) later defined demand/need as the “relief from the negative states of distress, discomfort, disability, handicap, and the risk of morbidity or mortality.” Acheson (1978) argued that “the demand for health care is hard to assess quantitatively, because it is really a reflection of perceived health status.” Health care professionals commonly assess patient‟s perceived health status, to make their diagnoses in practice. Over time, however the definition of demand/need took on a more quantitative meaning, when researcher began to view demand/need in terms of „incidence‟ and „prevalence‟ of disease. For example, (Bowling, 2002) stated, “it is reasonable that the spatial patterns of disease could reflect the „demand‟ for health services, because people with diseases have the „need‟ to seek healthcare.” (Cromley & McLafferty, 2002) also expressed „need‟ as “the prevalence of health conditions that should be addressed by health care services.” This thesis therefore, adopts the prevalence of disease as a measure by which to assess demand of inpatient hospital services in future analyses. In 2010, the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) Division of Health Policy and Access expressed an interest in visualizing the State‟s critical health indicators using rate-maps to assess the local „demand‟ for inpatient hospital services in those areas. Critical health indicators (MDCH, 2009) are defined as high-priority diseases and conditions identified by the State that also require in-depth public health program monitoring-evaluation and health care intervention. In Michigan (MDCH, 2009), heart disease-related deaths and increased diabetes prevalence were among the most important reported diseases/conditions in the State. In response to their request, data on the residential ZIP Codes of patients discharged from hospitals with ischemic heart disease (IHD) (ICD-9-CM: 410-414) and diabetes (ICD-9-CM: 250) were obtained from the Michigan Inpatient Hospital Discharge Database (MIDB) 2008 to map local areas of demand for inpatient hospital services. 2 Ischemic heart disease refers to coronary heart disease (i.e., blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle is reduced, thereby, increasing the risk of a myocardial infarction (heart attack) (The Merck Manual 16th edition, 1992). Diabetes is an endocrine disorder affecting the pancreas, limiting insulin production, and resulting in elevated blood glucose levels (The Merck Manual 16th edition, 1992). Although IHD-related deaths are decreasing in Michigan (MDCH, 2011), the prevalence of IHD and diabetes morbidity are increasing, in part related to an aging population, but environmental risks and lack of available and accessible high quality health care may also be contributing to this increasing prevalence. This research will focus on mapping the prevalence of demand and through understanding the spatial patterns of diseases, and new causal hypothesis may be generated. For the purpose of this thesis, the boundaries within which the prevalence rates of IHD and diabetes are mapped will be referred to as Medical Management Areas (MMAs). The purpose of this thesis is to (1) construct optimal MMAs by which to (2) visualize and explore the spatial patterns of IHD and diabetes in the State of Michigan to assist the MDCH staff with evaluating local areas of demand for inpatient hospital services. There are however, known inherent problems with mapping disease rates at the residential ZIP Code level: specifically ZIP Codes with small case (numerator) or population (denominator) numbers will result in unstable rates (Washington State Department of Health, 2010); and the modifiable area unit problem (MAUP), in which there will be changes in disease rates with the modification of geographic scale and/or zone design (Openshaw, 1984). Both of these problems are inherently linked to the epidemiological scale of analysis (i.e., the disease or group(s) of diseases being studied). To address these problems, residential ZIP Codes of patient‟s discharged from hospitals with IHD and diabetes will be aggregated using Automated Zone Matching (AZM) methodology 3 (AZTool) (Cockings et al., 2011) to achieve an adequate case and population count. AZM-zones will be optimized using three constraint parameters: (1) a minimum case threshold, to ensure rate stability; (2) maximum shape compactness, to avoid constructing irregular or elongated MMAs; and (3) maximum internal homogeneity, to construct MMAs of relative similar demography. The MMA boundary definitions for IHD and diabetes will be validated by running AZM 50 times using the same model-constraint parameters and quantifying the „optimal‟ run (i.e., the best output zone design). The modifiable area unit problem (MAUP) will be examined within the context of epidemiological scale by evaluating the spatial patterns of IHD and diabetes in relation to their relevant ICD-9-CM broad disease groups, diseases of circulatory system (ICD-9-CM: 390-459) (herein, referred to as circulatory diseases) and endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders (ICD-9-CM: 240-279) (herein, referred to as endocrine disorders) in Michigan. Following the optimization of MMAs, area-based IHD and diabetes proportions (cases/100 total hospital discharges) and crude and age-adjusted prevalence rates (cases/1,000 population) will be calculated to visualize and explore AZM-MMA areas of demand in the State. It is recognized that these maps will only comprise those patients who were hospitalized with these diseases and conditions (i.e., chronic, severe or late-stage disease), further justifying the need to construct optimal MMAs to inform health services research. 4 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Geographic Health Services Research During a yellow fever epidemic on New York City in 18th century, Dr. Valentine Seaman depicted a map of yellow fever deaths and tried to link them with what he called “putrid eflluvia” (Seaman et al., 1796) Although his assumption about yellow fever transmission was proved to be incorrect later, his contribution as the first disease spot map to medical geography remains important. The most well known historical disease maps were created by John Snow, when he mapped the residential locations of cholera cases during a cholera epidemic in 1854 in London. John Snow‟s maps became famous because he was able to show the relationship, i.e., the geographic proximity of drinking water source and cholera incidence. Both of these studies demonstrated the potential use of disease maps to assess demand for inpatient hospital services. Contemporary health services research appeared in the literature in the 1950s, with an emphasis on health insurance. The first national study of health insurance coverage was undertaken in 1953 by the Health Information Foundation (Institute of Medicine, 1979). Some other landmarks of health service research at that time included a five-year study report of chronic illness by the Commission of Chronic Illness, which highlighted the involvement of economical concepts as an aide in patient screening and monitoring (Institute of Medicine, 1979). In terms of health facility research, the emphasis on progressive patient care (i.e., patients are grouped according to their illness and their need for care) emerged in the late 1950s (Haldeman, 1959). Studies of the 1960s and early 1970s on health services became more diversified in terms of the administration of health service, with research topics including regionalization and rural health care (McNerney & Riedel, 1962), organization of medicine in a sociological context (Freeman et al., 1979), economies of scale in medical practice (Lorant, 1971), and ambulatory 5 medical care (Walker et al., 1964). In terms of health facility research, health care delivery was studied using location theories and various spatial models, e.g., central place theory (Shannon & Dever, 1974) and gravity models. Location theories are primarily concerned with the geographic location of economic activity. For example, central place theory aims to explain the size and location of human settlements in an urban system (Goodall, 1987). The gravity model seeks to simplify the demographic behavior of a large group of people by using the physical “gravity” model. When applied to health care studies, these theories were utilized to study people‟s behavior to seek health care (utilize), locate health care facilities (available) and identify the locations for future health services. These theories and their applications in health services research laid the framework from within which many algorithms and computer-generated programs were developed and now used today. Hierarchical location analysis primarily provided the theoretical foundation for the medical service referral system, such that with increasing hierarchy each hospital level becomes more specialized (Ghosh & Rushton, 1987). Spatial interaction issues, including the study of patients‟ travel patterns and the determination of location and size for health service facilities were both developed with the involvement of location-allocation models and algorithms (Ghosh & Rushton, 1987). The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) in health services research emerged in the 1990s to assess health care need, access, and utilization (McLafferty, 2003). In the past twenty years, an increasing number of researchers published widely on the topic, including health care access (McLafferty & Grady, 2005; Wang et al., 2008), health care disparity and inequality in access (Grady & McLafferty, 2007; McLafferty & Wang, 2009) and health care facility utilization (Bennett et al., 2010; Statler et al., 2011). work by utilizing GIS to construct MMAs in Michigan. 6 This thesis will expand on this body of 2.2 Government Agencies and Health Services Research The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy (AHSR) are federal agencies overlooking the health care system in the United States. AHRQ defines health services research as: “the examination of how people acquire access to health care, how much care costs, and what happens to patients as a result of receiving health care” (AHRQ, 2002). Within AHRQ the goals of health services research are to (1) identify the most effective ways to organize, manage, finance, and deliver high quality care; and (2) to reduce medical errors; and improve patient safety (AHRQ, 2002). In 2000, the Board of Directors of AHSR, now the Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy, adopted a new definition for the field of health services research: “the multidisciplinary field of scientific investigation that studies how social factors, financing systems, organizational structures and processes, health technologies, and personal behaviors affect access to health care, the quality and cost of health care, and ultimately our health and well-being” (Lohr & Steinwachs, 2002). The Certificate of Need (CON) legislation is “a representative of public utility regulation”, which was designed to restrict the expansion of hospitals, particularly in the number of beds and purchase of expensive equipment (CON, 1978). In 1978, the federal government required that all states implement CON programs for cardiac care services, meaning that hospitals had to apply and receive certification prior to implementing a cardiac care program. The intent of implementing such as program was to reduce the costs associated with duplicate investments (Ho et al., 2009). As hospitals merged and the numbers of facilities declined, some states other than Michigan, eliminated their CON programs (Ho, et al., 2009). The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH), Division of Health Policy and 7 Access is responsible for managing hospitals through the utilization of a CON Commission in Michigan. Hospital regulation is achieved by limiting the number of beds a hospital can use for inpatient services. The MDCH assigns hospitals to Hospital System Areas (HSAs) and Facility Sub-Areas (FSAs) through studying utilization patterns. HSAs and FSAs (Langley et al., 2010). Hospital beds are then assigned within The Michigan implementation of Bed Need Methodology is unique because it is the only state to perform a bed need methodology at the ZIP Code level. This methodology utilizes the annual inpatient records (a.k.a., Michigan Inpatient Data Base, MIDB) collected by the Michigan Health and Hospital Association (MHA). In summary, the methodology calculates a utilization rate for inpatient ZIP Codes to each hospital subarea in the base year, and multiplies this rate by the projected population (five years after base year), within each age group and ZIP Code across the state to obtain a total projected bed need by subarea. This methodology is a „supply‟ approach to understanding where hospital beds should be added or reduced. This research will provide information on MMAs for IHD and diabetes to inform bed need in Michigan. 2.3 Important Issues in Constructing Medical Management Areas In the construction of MMAs using the residential ZIP Code of patients discharged from hospitals, it will be important to address small case numbers and the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP). If there are too few cases of disease, the rates calculated will be unstable and spatial patterns observed will be inaccurate. If the constructed MMAs are not optimized there will be increased potential for MAUP problems, i.e., less reliable spatial patterns. In this study, the epidemiological scale of analysis will also be considered in the design of MMA construction. For example, studying diseases at a large epidemiological scale, i.e., primary 8 diagnostic groups there will be more case counts but lower specificity and the ability to understand the hospital bed need in Michigan. In contrast, by constructing MMAs using specific diseases, such as IHD and diabetes, there may be low case counts but increased specificity in understanding the types of services and beds that are needed in Michigan. It is therefore important to construct optimal MMAs that have an adequate case count, are minimally sensitive to changes in geographic scale and provide meaningful information on diseases and conditions that can inform future bed need in Michigan. A brief overview of the small numbers problem, the MAUP and epidemiological scale are provided below. 2.3.1. Small Number Problem The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2002) defines stable rates as those with at least 20 cases in the numerator, which corresponds to a 22% relative standard error (RSE) of the rate (please see the methods section for the equation to calculate the RSE); also referred to as the “rule of twenty” (Indiana State Department of Health, 2005). Likewise, the US Bureau of the Census suggests having at least 50 population in the denominator to define stable rates (2002). Thus, having a minimum of 20 cases in the numerator and 50 population in the denominator is considered a „stable‟ rate. In the construction of MMAs it is also important to think about what kind of future analytical analyses may be conducted. For example, in multilevel modeling it will be important to have at least 30 cases per unit (and 30 units) to achieve an adequate sample size to model fixed effects; this is also referred to in the literature as the “30/30 rule” (Kreft, 1996). 9 2.3.2. Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) The MAUP occurs when statistical results are sensitive to changes in the geographic units of which data are collected (Fotheringham & Wong, 1991). The results may vary with changes in the levels of aggregation (scale effect) and the configuration of the zoning scheme (zone effect). Gehlke and Biehl (1934) first showed that correlation coefficients for variables with absolute values would increase when contiguous areal units were aggregated because the variation in the variable(s) decreased as aggregation increased. The MAUP is also observed with changes in scale for maps of disease rates, ratios and proportions due to changes in case and/or population counts with aggregation or de-aggregation. The zoning effect refers to variation in results when the units of analysis are reconfigured, e.g., changes in the configuration of ZIP Codes. 2.3.3. Epidemiological Considerations The International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD) and related health problems is used worldwide to classify diseases and aggregate them into disease groups for diagnostic and epidemiological purposes (WHO, 2011a). The MDCH uses the ICD-9-CM version; however, the ICD-10 version is released and is in use by many US states and counties. The ICD-9-CM disease tabulations are organized into 17 primary diagnostic groups and two supplementary classifications. A list of these groups is provided in Appendix 1 (WHO, 2011b). primary disease group, there is a breakdown of sub-groups and specific diseases. Within each In this study, MMAs are constructed for two sub-groups (ischemic heart disease and diabetes) of two primary diagnostic related groups (diseases of circulatory system and endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders) to explore the constraint parameters for optimal zone design and their meaning for health services research. 10 2.4 Automated Zone Matching (AZM) Methodology This research will adopt the AZM methodology to address the small case-number problem, the MAUP and changes in epidemiological scale in the creation of optimal MMAs. A brief review of the AZM literature is therefore, provided (Table 1). Table 1. Summary of literature on zone design. Author(s) Purpose Data Martin (2003) To solve the problem of matching incompatible zonal geographies Cocking and Martin (2005) To demonstrate the usefulness of zone designs versus census boundaries; explore the MAUP in traditional versus new zone designs Haynes et al. (2007) To identify alternative sets of neighborhood units using zone design and comparing their characteristics Haynes et al. (2008) Riva et al. (2008) To use multilevel modeling to identify variations between subjective and automated zone design neighborhoods To assess the ability of census tracts as units to measure the active living potential of environments Parameters Population threshold = 100, Population target = 250, Shape = compact, Homogeneity = tenure Simulated annealing = Yes 2001 UK Census EDs and tracts Townsend score, self-reporte d LLTI (1991 UK Census) EDs and wards Conclusions AZM offers an automated approach to the matching problem. Purpose-specifi c automatically Population target = from designed zoning 250 to 4500 in the system is more increments of 250, effective than Population threshold =90% census of target value boundaries Shape = increasingly stringent, Adjacency = railways and major roads, Homogeneity = housing type Survey, 1991 UK Census EDs Population Target = larger/medium/smaller, Shape = compact (weak), Homogeneity = Townsend/tenure/house type Survey, 1991 UK Census EDs Canadian Census Homogeneity = population density, land use mix, and geographic accessibility to proximity services Disseminati on areas (DAs) 11 The administrative neighborhood units were not an improvement Subjective neighborhoods did not produce stronger neighborhood effects than computer generated areas. Census tracts are limited for measuring active living potential Table 1 (cont‟d) Stafford et al. (2008) To identify area boundaries using three methods and compare the extent of health inequalities across each area Flowerd ew et al. (2008) To evaluate how the effect of the neighborhood on health differs with different neighborhood definitions Grady and Enander (2009) Implement a methodology by which to conduct public health surveillance for low birth weight and infant mortality in Michigan To evaluate AZTool for Statistics generating robust New statistical output Zealand zones that fulfill (2009) pre-specified optimal characteristics To access the impact of racial residential segregation on low Grady birth weight and (2010) preterm birth using optimized neighborhood boundary definitions. 1999 health survey , 2001 UK Census Wards, output areas Homogeneity = proportion in rented social housing Alternative definitions of boundaries have no substantive effect on the estimates of health inequality. Population threshold = 2651, population target = 8136 1991 UK (average), Boundaries Census Shape = compact (weight 1 matter in health or 10), studies. Wards, EDs Homogeneity = employment and tenure, Simulated annealing = Yes AZM proved to be a useful tool to visualize and Michigan‟s Population threshold = 25, explore the Vital Population target = 20, spatial patterns Statistics Shape = compact, of low birth Homogeneity = mother‟s weight and ZIP Codes race infant mortality for public surveillance. AZTool has Population threshold = been evaluated Yes, to be useful to 2006 area Population target = Yes, create new units, Shape = Compact, output Meshblocks Homogeneity = population geographies to or household size replace the current ones. Optimization of Population threshold = 20, neighborhood Michigan‟s Population target = 30, boundary Vital Shape = Compact, definitions is Statistics birth Homogeneity = race, recommended registry, rental properties, vacant for future properties, and the studies on Census tracts presence or absence of a impacts of major road or highway racial segregation. 12 As Openshaw (1977) points out, the existence of scale and aggregation effects is seen as a fundamental characteristic of spatial data. irreversible damage. They cannot be removed without doing possibly Thus, the only way to minimize these effects is to control the scale and aggregation characteristics of spatially aggregated data. Openshaw then develops a heuristic procedure that turns scale and aggregation problems to one of optimal-zone design. This attempt is made to identify a set of zones, which optimizes an objective function related in some way to the performance of a model subject to whatever constraints may be relevant. The development of this automated zone procedure was regarded as the pioneer work to address the MAUP. This procedure is revised and improved by Openshaw and Rao (1995). Later on, different software packages incorporate the principles of automated zone design originally conceptualized by Openshaw (1977) came to the world. The relevant packages include SAGE (Haining et al., 1998; Wise et al., 2001), ZDES (Alvanides et al., 2001), A2Z (Daras & Alvanides, 2005), AZM (Martin, 2003) and its newer version AZTool (Cockings, et al., 2011). There are a small but growing number of studies utilizing zone design software to evaluate the spatial patterns of health outcomes and local risk factors. These packages offer different options of parameter input and they all greatly contribute to the development of software used in zone design. Martin (2003) presents his early work with AZM, extending from Openshaw‟s Automated Zone Procedure (AZP). AZP algorithm is used in order to maximize the match between two zonal geographies to reconcile incompatible zoning systems. Most of the studies using zone design software focus particularly on MAUP. Cockings and Martin (2005) conducted seminal research using AZM to measure the correlation between self-reported limiting long-term illness (LLTI) and area-level deprivation at the enumeration district (ED) and ward scales in Avon, a former county in the UK. 13 This approach took EDs as building blocks and undertook repeated design of the Avon zoning system at different scales in order to examine both the scale and aggregation aspects of the MAUP in relation to the deprivation-health relationship. from the 1991 Census. LLTI was measured using the Standard Morbidity Ratio (SMR) Areal-level deprivation was measured using the Townsend score involving standardization. The parameters used in this study were population threshold, population target and shape. Population target was set at the values from 250 increasing to 4,500 with step size of 250, covering the range from ED to ward scales. Population threshold was set to 90% of the target value to reduce the variation in acceptable zone sizes and thus aid in the production of alternative zoning systems at predetermined scales. 2 (simple statistics as perimeter /area) was minimized. constraint specified in the analysis. analysis. The shape parameter Note that there was no homogeneity The best result from the fifty random restarts is used for the The correlation coefficients of SMR and deprivation for each set of parameters were calculated. The authors concluded that the correlation between variables were markedly affected by the choice of zoning system, and were strongly associated with the scale of aggregation. The authors demonstrated the ability of AZM to explore the influence of pre-defined and alternative zoning systems and recommended the using of zone design tools as potentially important role in environmental and health studies. A study by Haynes et al. (2007) used A2Z software to compare computer-generated zone design with areal units subjectively defined by local government officers in the city of Bristol, UK. They created seven sets of different parameter input. constraints were applied for the first three sets. was used in the fourth set. Three increasingly stringent shape A railroad and major roads adjacency constraint The fifth attempted to align zone boundaries along ward boundaries. The first five zone design all used deprivation as homogeneity constraint. 14 The sixth used a weak shape constraint, but housing type as a homogeneity constraint; while the seventh also took account of ward boundaries. To create sets of neighborhoods at different scales that would be alternative to the subjectively defined communities, they also created systems of 50, 101 and 150 zones, maximizing the homogeneity of deprivation or housing type in turn, using a weak shape constraint and no population size requirement. They turned out to find that automated zone design at different scales could identify much more homogeneous areas than subjectively design ones, but had less shape compactness. The authors concluded that in the construction of optimal zone designs there needs to be balanced between the use of neighborhood homogeneity constraints and constraints relating to zone shape and boundary alignment. Following earlier tract, Haynes et al. (2008) used A2Z software to study pre-school children accidents using multilevel modeling to identify variations between alternative sets of subjective and automated zone design neighborhoods in southwest England. sets of “neighborhoods” for the study area. units in 1991 UK Population Census. They designed 13 different One consisted of enumeration districts, which are The other 12 used enumeration districts as building blocks and grouped them into larger units at three spatial scales (N = 100, 201, 307). Each automated zone set maximized the homogeneity of selected census characteristics of Enumeration Districts (EDs) within zones, subject to a weak shape constraint. Three sets of census measures (the Townsend composite index of material deprivation, housing tenure, and housing type) were used in turn within each spatial scale. Information about accident occurrence and measures of physical activity, total development and conduct difficulties, mothers‟ age at delivery, post-natal depression, life events, social support and smoking status were taken as variables. Multilevel modeling was used to identify variations between subjectively defined neighborhoods and computer-generated zones. 15 The risk of accidents to pre-school children, and most of the characteristics of children and mothers associated with accident risk, varied significantly between neighborhoods. Generally, neighborhoods subjectively defined by planners did not produce stronger effects than computer-generated areas. In contrast, a study conducted by Riva et al. (2008) intended to assess the soundness of census tracts as units of analysis for measuring the active living potential for environments, hypothesized to be associated with walking. K-mean clustering method (performed in SAS program) was used to classify smallest areas into clusters (e.g., types of environments). Through the use of zone design, using the homogeneity constraints population density, land use mix and accessibility to services, the authors identified seven types of environments within which varying levels of active living were possible. Then they compared the census tracts to the designed zones to evaluate the degree of soundness of census tracts as units of analysis. The results showed that the soundness of census tracts for measuring active living potential may be limited. In the same year, Stafford et al. (2008) used three methods to define area-boundaries and compare the extent of health inequalities across each drawing on data from the London boroughs of Camden and Islington. census ward boundaries. The first one used administrative boundaries, specifically 2001 The second method drew boundaries using physical and man-made features of the environment, i.e., roads, railway lines, canals and areas of parkland. The third method was designed to maximize the socioeconomic homogeneity of residents using ZDES 3b software. Census 2001 output areas were used as the component geography. in rented social housing was taken as the weighting variable. perform 10 runs in order to select the best performance. ensured that shape-compact zones were produced. 16 The proportion The software was configured to The selected optimization criterion The results of the two-level hierarchical models showed that there was a tendency for slightly larger estimated inequalities across areas defined by socioeconomic homogeneity compared with other definitions, but differences between methods were very small. They finally pointed out that, estimates of the extent of variation in health across neighborhoods - neighborhood inequalities in health - were very similar irrespective of the way in which the neighborhood boundaries were defined. Although administrative area boundaries have little theoretical basis for health study, those studies indicated that they have no substantive effect. Based on these findings, they can have greater confidence in the results of the numerous studies which have used administrative boundaries to define the neighborhood. While a great number of studies indicate that different sets of boundaries don‟t have a significant effect on health study outcomes, however, we can still hear the voices that disagree with this statement. Using AZTool, Flowerdew et al. (2008) have used British census Enumeration Districts as building blocks to construct alternative zonal systems using different sets of criteria, and experiment to see if neighborhoods defined in different ways have similar implications for health. of ward. Population threshold and population target were determined by the size The first three sets assigned relative weights 1:1, 10:1, and 1:10 to population: shape, without using any homogeneity constraint. Employment and tenure were used separately as homogeneity constraint in the fourth and fifth set of parameters. matter where the boundary was drawn. They found out that it did The conclusion indicated that the effect of neighborhood conditions should be looked at using several different ways to define neighborhoods, and that the size and composition of the neighborhoods may vary in different parts of a study area. Statistics New Zealand (Ralphs & Ang, 2009) published a complete report which evaluates 17 AZTool for generating robust statistical output zones that fulfill pre-specified optimal characteristics such as compactness of shape, minimum population size, standard mean population size, and constrained nesting within larger areas. They find that the new geographies produced by AZTool substantially out-perform the current geographies across almost all of the optimization criteria. The algorithm is stable, and is able to repeatedly generate high-quality solutions in a timely manner. They conclude that the ArcGIS/AZTool toolkit would form the basis of a viable workflow for the automatic production of optimal geographical areas. Grady and Enander (2009) investigate the spatial patterns of low birthweight and infant mortality in the State of Michigan using AZM methodology and minimum case and population threshold to calculate stable rates and standardized incidence and mortality ratios at the ZIP Code level. Applying AZM with a target population of 25 cases and minimum threshold of 20 cases resulted in the reconstruction of zones with at least 50 births and RSEs of rates 20–22% and below respectively, demonstrating the stability of these new estimates. Other AZM parameters included homogeneity constraints on maternal race and maximum shape compactness of zones to minimize potential confounding. With these model parameters the AZM analysis was conducted by running 50 program restarts with 100 iterations each taking the run (i.e., zone design) with the most compact shape, the strongest internal homogeneity and lastly the best target population statistic. They found that the fifty random restarts were almost equally optimal in terms of detecting the significant areas (i.e., clusters with elevated rates), and thus determined to use the initial random aggregation (IRA) as the zone design for the purpose of public surveillance. The AZM identified areas with elevated low birthweight and infant mortality rates and standardized incidence and mortality ratios. 18 The authors concluded that the AZM proved to be a useful tool for visualizing and exploring the spatial patterns of low birthweight and infant deaths for public health surveillance. Following earlier research, Grady (2010) studied the impacts of racial residential segregation on low birth weight using improved neighborhood boundary definition. recombine census tracts into new output zones. AZM was used to A target population of 30 cases and a minimum population threshold of 20 cases were set as parameter constraints. The homogeneity constraints used were race, rental properties, vacant properties and the presence or absence of a major road or highway. used in the study. The shape constraint which maximized shape compactness was also Following the new definition of neighborhood boundary, two-stage hierarchical generalized linear models (the Bernoulli models) were estimated conceptualizing mothers and infants nested within zones of varying levels of racial isolation, racial clusters and poverty to assess the effect of high racial isolation and high racial clusters on intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and preterm birth. The results showed that high racial isolation had significant impacts on IUGR, while the odds of preterm birth were higher in racially clustered zones. MAUP effects were not found in the models. Optimization of neighborhood boundary definitions is recommended for future studies on impacts of racial segregation. Although the conclusions from different studies may vary, the optimized zone design did not perform worse than the subjectively-defined boundaries and could be obtained easily through computation using automated zone design. Since the software packages will enable users to define their own parameters and the outputs are largely dependent on the input parameters, the future research could focus on standardization of parameters and therefore to optimize the zone design outputs. 19 2.5 Summary of Literature This review of the literature presented some of the major problems that will be encountered when using the residential ZIP Code of patients discharged with IHD, diabetes, circulatory diseases and endocrine disorders to construct MMAs to assess the „demand‟ for inpatient hospital services in Michigan. AZM is presented as a methodology to address these problems. The review of the AZM literature shows that the field is still in relatively early development in terms of modeling zone designs for health and health services research. For example, very few studies reported on the full set optional of parameters that are available for use in zone design. Previous studies appeared to run the program for a number of times, but some of them simply used one of the zone designs (e.g., the first restart) without validating the optimal one within multiple restarts. This study will advance previous research on AZM zone design by exploring global optima versus local optima used in previous research to further address the MAUP (described in more detail in the Methods Section Step 5). It will also explore different weighting schemes between the three constraint parameters (minimum case threshold versus shape compactness versus intra-area correlation coefficients). Finally, this study will present a statistical approach to evaluate which of 50 restarts (output generated) is the optimal zone design. Furthermore, most of the studies focus only on the aspect of zone design, i.e., geographic considerations, regardless of epidemiological considerations. For this study, optimal MMAs were constructed based on both larger and smaller epidemiological scales for different purposes. This study will assess zone design in relation to epidemiological scale. of the diseases studied will be reported for future research. 20 Elevated and low areas 2.6 Purposes of Study The goals of this study are to (1) design optimal Medical Management Areas (MMAs) for IHD and diabetes to (2) visualize and explore the spatial patterns of these disease subgroups to inform future bed need in Michigan. MMAs of these sub-groups will be compared with MMAs of the principal diagnoses to explore geographic and epidemiological scale together. 2.7 Objectives The objectives of this study include: 1. To demonstrate the need for the use of AZM in the construction of MMAs: Hypothesis 1a: Mapping disease rates by ZIP Codes will result in a large proportion of unstable rates. 2. To optimize MMA boundary definitions: Hypothesis 2a: The shape constraint parameter will be less important than the internal homogeneity for broad disease groups compared to specific diseases because of the greater variation in population within the broad disease groups; Hypothesis 2b: Aggregating on the variables sex, age and race will increase demographic homogeneity within zones. 3. To visualize disease proportions, crude rates and age-adjusted rates of IHD, diabetes, circulatory diseases and endocrine disorders: Hypothesis 3a: The spatial patterns of disease groups will vary by method used to map the diseases; new information about the prevalence of these diseases in Michigan will be learned from each method. 21 3. DATA AND METHODS 3.1 Data Geographic Data The ZIP Code boundary file that will be used in this analysis will be obtained from ESRI (2007). ESRI receives these from a private company named Tele Atlas (ESRI, 2011). The 2007 ZIP Code boundaries (n=900) will be used because it provides the boundary that is closest to the year of the MIDB 2008. Due to the requirements of the AZTool, all polygons need to be contiguous; therefore, the topology of the ZIP Code boundary file will be cleaned by removing all isolated islands, overshoots and undershoots, and connecting Michigan‟s Upper and Lower Peninsulas for statewide analysis. Health Data The Michigan Inpatient Hospital Database (MIDB) provided by the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) – Division of Health Policy and Access will be used in this research. The MIDB is a database containing the inpatients‟ discharge records for all Michigan hospitals and Michigan residents discharged from hospitals outside of Michigan for a calendar year. The MIDBs from 2000 to 2008 were given to researchers in Department of Geography at the Michigan State University by MDCH for research bed need and health care access within the State of Michigan. “Inpatient” refers to a patient who spent as least one night in a hospital. The data that will be used in this analysis from the 2008 discharge records (n=1,174,862) will include patients‟ demographic information –i.e., sex, age, race/ethnicity, ZIP Code of residence and principal diagnosis at time of discharge (ICD-9 code). Only those records that pertained to the disease groups to be studied will be used in this analysis, specifically: ischemic heart disease 22 (IHD) (ICD-9-CM: 410-414) (n=58,573), diabetes (ICD-9-CM: 250) (n=17,352), circulatory diseases (ICD-9-CM: 390-459) (n=214,649) and endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders (ICD-9-CM: 240-279) (n=44,057). Population Data Although the 2010 census has already released some primary results, detailed population with age groups at the ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) level are not yet available on the census website to calculate area-based crude and age-adjusted rates. estimates in 2008 were therefore, obtained from Geolytics, Inc. Detailed population ( These data include the total population and population by age-groups (per below) for each ZIP Code. 3.2 Methods MMA-zones will be obtained by aggregating ZIP Codes using the optimal zone design generated by AZTool. For the health data, proportions (no. cases/total hospital discharges), crude rates (no. cases/population) and age-adjusted rates will be calculated using the new MMA-zones. Those different views of the health data may be used to inform inpatient hospital services. Computer Architecture The data processing and analyses are accomplished on a Sun Microsystems Ultra 20 Workstation, which was running Microsoft Windows XP Professional. This workstation is remotely logged into from a Sun Microsystems Fire V40z Server containing MySQL using 23 KRDC. The server runs Sun Solaris 10 (x86). Additional software used for this research includes Microsoft Excel 2007, ESRI ArcGIS 9.3, SAS 9.2 and AZTool. Workflow Step 1: Database imported into SAS. The complete database MIDB08 is exported from the server using a SELECT query (SELECT * FROM endemic.MIDB08;) in MySQL and stored as a text file on the workstation. No record or field is removed during this process. Step 2: Clean the databases. The original ESRI ZIP Code boundary file is modified by removing all the slivers and isolated islands and then connecting Upper Michigan and Lower Michigan. Thus, every ZIP Code can find at least one contiguous neighbor. Step 1 is imported into SAS as a new table. data and to identify outliers. The text file in The MIDB data is cleaned to assess any missing Out of state inpatient records are removed (n=18,078). The records containing missing and vague ZIP Codes (e.g., 48400, 48600), are removed as well (n=236). MIDB ZIP Codes that don‟t have matched records in the ESRI 2007 ZIP Code boundary shapefile are recoded according to visual comparison (n=65) (please refer to Appendix 2 for a list of those ZIP Codes that were removed or recoded). Step 3: Calculate the number of cases by sex, age and race. from the cleaned SAS table. The health data was queried If IHD is to be studied, the records with the corresponding ICD-9 codes are selected from the cleaned database. Information on sex, age groups (0-14 years old, 15-44 years old, 45-64 years old, 65-74 years old, and 75 years old and older) and race groups (white, black and others) are recoded and aggregated by residential ZIP Code. 24 Additionally, using the same age divisions, the total numbers of patient discharges are also aggregated by ZIP Code to calculate the proportions (no. cases/total number patient discharges) of disease. The proportions were calculated in SAS along with their 95% confidence (upper and lower) intervals (CI) and relative standard errors (RSEs). The 95% CIs are used to measure the precision around the proportion, i.e., 5% uncertainty that the proportion occurred by chance. Since the major factor determining the length of a confidence interval is the size of the sample, the confidence interval becomes narrower –i.e., the proportion is more valid when the sample size is getting larger. Another way of determining if the proportion is unstable due to small numbers is to calculate the relative standard error. Below are the formulas used to calculate the RSE and 95% CIs in this thesis (Healthy People 2010 Statistical Note, 2002). RSE  SE  100 rate SE  rate RSE  cases rate cases  1 1  100   100 rate cases 25 /* IHD */ data IHD_proportion ; set IHD_age_diss ; proportion = (cases / total_disch) * 1000 ; RSE = 100 * (sqrt (1/cases)) ; if cases >= 100 then do ; CIL = proportion - (1.96 * proportion * (RSE/100)) ; CIU = proportion + (1.96 * proportion * (RSE/100)) ; end ; else if cases < 100 then do ; if cases = 1 then L = 0.02532 ; else if cases = 2 then L = 0.12110 ; else if cases = 3 then L = 0.20522 ; else if cases = 4 then L = 0.27247 ; else etc… up to 100 (please see NCHS 2010) CIL = proportion * L ; CIU = proportion * U ; end; if cases = '.' then cases = 0 ; if total_disch = '.' then total_disch = 0 ; if proportion = '.' then proportion = 0 ; if RSE = '.' then RSE = 0 ; if CIL = '.' then CIL = 0 ; if CIU = '.' then CIU = 0 ; Step 4: Join the health database to the ZIP Code boundary shapefile. In ArcMAP, the health database is joined to ESRI 2007 cleaned shapefile using the key ID = ZIP Code. This shapefile is exported as a new shapefile ready to be imported into AZTool. Step 5. Checking the instability of IHD and diabetes proportions by ZIP Codes. Of 900 ZIP Codes, 276 (30.7%) had fewer than 30 IHD cases and 578 (64.2%) of ZIP Codes had fewer than 30 cases of diabetes. These numbers demonstrate that using ZIP Codes as the unit of analysis will lead to a high proportion of unreliable rates (i.e., high RSEs of the rates) (Figures 1-2) justifying the need for AZM to construct MMAs in Michigan. 26 Figure 1. IHD: Relative standard errors (RSEs) of 1 proportions by ZIP Code Figure 2. Diabetes: Relative standard errors (RSEs) of proportions by ZIP Code 1 For interpretation of the references to color in this and all other figures, the reader is referred to the electronic version of this dissertation. Step 6: Using AZTool to generate MMA-zone assignment files. The cleaned ZIP Code shapefile is input into AZTool – AZTImport is used to generate intersection (.pat) and contiguity (.aat) files. A python code is used to make the contents in every column align to the right in accordance with the requirement of AZTool_Developer. The intersection and contiguity files are input into AZTool_Developer to produce optimal zone assignment using the constraint parameters defined below. This methodology implements a computationally intensive algorithm that recombines ZIP Codes from the overall dataset into a smaller set of output zones from within which to calculate stable proportions and rates. This is an iterative process, by which one geographic unit is randomly selected and user-defined constraint parameter(s) (below) are evaluated. 27 If the parameters are not met, AZM will search contiguous ZIP Codes until it is achieved, thereafter, aggregating the data and dissolving internal boundaries to create a new zone. Minimum Population Threshold The first parameter selected is the minimum population threshold. In this study, the minimum population threshold is set as 30 cases. cases from which to calculate stable rates. Thus, all new zones created have at least 30 The relative weight is set to 100%. Shape Compactness 2 The second parameter (perimeter /area, P2A) selected is the shape compactness, defined as: 2 1 qk  4 A k Where qk is the perimeter of zone k and Ak is its area. The automated zone design function is to minimize the perimeter squared divided by area, which maximizes shape compactness of zones. In this study it is desirable to have compact zones in order to minimize the potential for local variability across the zone. The relative weight is set to 50%. Internal Homogeneity The third parameter selected is the homogeneity constraint. The homogeneity constraint promotes homogeneity within zones and heterogeneity between zones. inpatients‟ sex, age and race as homogeneity constraint. This study uses Although the theoretical maximum score for internal homogeneity is 1.0, this will not be found in census areas, and any value above about 0.05 implies a reasonable degree of homogeneity (Martin & Cockings, 2001). 28 Consider a grouping variable, with k=1,2,…, K categories. This study has K=3 categories (sex, age, race). For each category, e.g. sex measure of homogeneity can be obtained using the intra-area correlation (IAC). This is calculated as: 1 M g 1 N g Pkg  Pk 2 1  k  M 1  N *  1 PK 1  PK  N * 1  Where,    N * is the mean case size of the ZIP Codes, with an adjustment (Tranmer & Steel, 1998) to take into account variation in the case size of the units. N *. In practice, N * is close to Ng is the number of cases of a ZIP Code, PK is the overall proportion of the cases in category K, and Pkg is the proportion in category k in ZIP Code g. After each variable is calculated, the overall IAC is calculated as: 1 K   1  Pk  k K  1 k 1 The overall relative weight is set to 100% for the sub-groups of disease and 150% for the primary diagnostic groups. Circulatory diseases and endocrine disorders generally have more variability in patients within ZIP Codes than IHD and diabetes because of the epidemiological scale of analysis. Within internal homogeneity each constraint parameter is given equal weight. Simulated/Synthetic Annealing (SA) AZTool will be run in SA mode, swaps which cause a deterioration in the overall solution will be allowed in the first half of the iteration cycle (50 iteration cycles). 29 This enables the program to search for the global-optima by escaping from the local-optima. The size of initial margin is set to 1 (default) in this study. Region The last constraint parameter is that the new zones will be constrained within existing Hospital Service Areas (HSAs). Because ZIP Codes are not perfectly nested within HSAs, a ZIP Code is considered to belong to an HSA if the centroid of ZIP Code falls within the HSA. Constraining zones within HSAs was preferred because these are health services administrative units from within which, hospital services are managed. From an administrative perspective it was therefore, important to create new zones that respected these boundaries. Optimization With these parameters, the AZM analysis is conducted by running 100 times with 20 iterations taking the run with the minimum threshold, the most compact shape and the maximum homogeneity as the optimal AZM-MMA boundary definition. parameters are described in an .xml file. All the input route and A batch mode is utilized to execute a single .xml file for 50 times for each disease/disease groups. Each output assigns a tract ID (repeatable) for a ZIP Code, as well as generates a statistical report containing the information about zone number, zone size, P2A score, IAC score, etc. Of the 50 outputs, the one with the lowest P2A and highest IAC is chosen to be the optimal (MMA) zone design. With the same parameters, AZTool is conducted by running 50 program restarts with 100 runs and 20 iterations, each of which takes the most compact shape and maximum IAC. The optimal output of the program restarts is identified using Wilcoxon signed-rank test (a paired difference test) to select the lowest 30 P2A and highest IAC score. Because the P2A score is almost 1 million times larger than the IAC score, they are not comparable on different orders of magnitude. direct way will result in simply ranking the P2A score. To rank the outputs in a Thus, the IAC score is magnified by multiplying the ratio of the average of P2A scores to the average of IAC scores. The modified IAC score will then be ranked along with the P2A score. Step 7: Dissolve the ZIP Code boundaries. Join the zone assignment file and second table generated in step 3 on the boundary shapefile. Dissolve the boundary using new TractID and keep the variables of summation of cases, total discharge and total population by age groups. The attribute table should contain the information with all age groups. MMA-Zone table back into SAS to calculate proportions and rates. Bring the new Herein only the IHD example is provided. Step 8: Calculate the proportion of IHD. The total number of hospital discharges by MMA-Zone is used in the denominator to calculate the proportions.  case i Proportion =  total _ disch arg esi  100 Step 9: Calculate the rates of IHD and diabetes. The total population is used as the denominator to calculate the crude rate.  case  pop i Crude rate =  100 i Age-adjustment is a statistical process applied to rates of disease, death, injuries or other 31 health outcomes which allows communities with different age structures to be compared (NYSDOH, 1999). A large number of diseases occur at different rates in different age groups. Most chronic diseases, for example heart diseases, occur more often among older people. other outcomes, such as injuries, occur more often among younger people. Some Thus, an area with more older people tend to show higher rates of chronic diseases, and similarly an area with more younger people tend show higher rates of injuries or other youth- susceptible diseases. high rates don‟t necessarily indicate that population within areas are less healthy. The In order to minimize the effect brought by different age distribution within an area (e.g., zone), the standard population from a higher political unit (e.g., state) should be used to adjust proportion and rate. In this study, age standardization (direct method) is used to adjust the proportion and rate using the statewide population as standard population.  5 Age-adjusted rate = i 1 agei  popi popi  100 , i=1, 2, …, 5 popi  Step 10: Visualize the proportion and rate maps. Join the proportion, crude and age-adjusted rates (tables) by MMA-Zone to the dissolved zone-shapefiles and create choropleth maps. The steps above were repeated for diabetes, the circulatory diseases and endocrine conditions. 32 4. RESULTS 4.1 Descriptive Statistics Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics for IHD and diabetes in Michigan. were 1,174,862 hospitalized patients in Michigan. discharged with IHD and 17,352 (1.5%) with diabetes. were male compared with 51.6% for diabetes. In 2008, there Of these, 58,573 (5.0%) were patients Of patients discharged with IHD 60.1% Almost all patients discharged with IHD were over 44 years of age; however, a substantial proportion of patients with diabetes were less than 44 years of age. Of patients discharged with diabetes, 33.9% were Blacks compared with 13.0% for IHD. Table 2. Patient discharge characteristics for Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) and diabetes in Michigan, 2008. IHD Diabetes No. % No. % 1 Sex Male 35,200 60.1 8,951 51.6 Female 23,367 39.9 8,401 48.4 Age 0-14 3 <1.0 906 5.2 15-44 2,812 4.8 5,389 31.1 45-64 22,972 39.2 6,224 35.9 65-74 14,566 24.9 2,215 12.8 75+ 18,220 31.1 2,618 15.1 Race White 50,141 85.6 11,069 63.8 Black 7,624 13.0 5,874 33.9 Others 808 1.4 409 2.4 Total 58,573 100.0 17,352 100.0 1 Data variable missing = 6 4.2 Automated zone matching (AZM) methodology output The optimal zone design in this study met the requirements of a minimum case threshold of 33 30, maximum shape compactness (P2A) and maximum internal homogeneity (IAC) (patient‟s sex, age and race). Based on the statistical results from these constraint parameters the optimal zone design was selected from 50 program restarts (20 runs with 100 iterations in each restart). Tables 3-6 display the statistical results from the constraint parameters (P2A and IAC) for each of the 50 restarts. Thus, most optimal restart was that with the combination of a low P2A and high IAC scores. However, the lowest P2A and highest IAC scores do not necessarily occur in the same „restart‟. Therefore, to select the optimal zone design the Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to prioritize the 50 restarts. The Wilcoxon signed rank test is a method used to compare two repeated measurements on a single sample. In this study it was used to rank the P2A and IAC output from the 50 restarts. The direct method of Wilcoxon signed rank simply ranks the difference between the P2A and IAC scores from the lowest to the highest in order to get a relatively small P2A and IAC combination score (4th column). However, the P2A score was over 100,000 times larger than the IAC score, and therefore the variation of IAC score (± 0.1) was negligible compared to the variation of P2A score (± 400~500). Thus, this method appeared to rank only the P2A score. In order to make the IAC score more comparable to the P2A score, the IAC score was magnified by multiplying the ratio of the average of P2A scores to the average of IAC scores. The new IAC score (5th column) was then used to conduct the Wilcoxon signed rank along with the raw P2A score. The final signed rank is shown in the last column of each table. Comparing the results from the two ranking methods the „top restarts‟ are identical for IHD, diabetes, circulatory diseases and endocrine disorders, although the other restarts are not the same. Thus this top restart (zone design) was used to construct the MMAs. the scatter charts of P2A and IAC scores. Figures 3-6 show The marked pair of P2A and IAC in each table is the 34 one that was chosen. For the 50 restarts for IHD, the P2A score ranged from 12159.985 to 13097.956 and the raw IAC score ranged from 0.101 to 0.104. There was no certain order or obvious pattern for the 50 restarts. For this disease the optimal run was the run 50. In order to validate that the 51st or later runs would not offer a better solution AZM was run for an additional 10 restarts. A better solution was not found within the additional 10 restarts (results not shown). Table 3. Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) results from AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. # P2A IAC direct IAC signed sign xi-yi |xi-yi| rank Restart Score Score rank Score* rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 12706.433 12578.864 12587.606 12665.61 12650.174 12311.717 12659.281 12530.21 12479.754 12702.271 0.102 0.103 0.101 0.103 0.102 0.102 0.103 0.102 0.102 0.102 32 18 19 27 25 4 26 17 14 31 12581.069 12704.413 12457.725 12704.413 12581.069 12581.069 12704.413 12581.069 12581.069 12581.069 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 125.364 -125.549 129.881 -38.803 69.105 -269.352 -45.132 -50.859 -101.315 121.202 125.364 125.549 129.881 38.803 69.105 269.352 45.132 50.859 101.315 121.202 25 26 28 7 17 44 9 11 21 23 25 -26 28 -7 17 -44 -9 -11 -21 23 12406.211 12422.611 12516.299 12606.672 12667.231 12445.146 12731.338 12632.239 12829.676 12412.041 12159.985 0.102 0.101 0.102 0.103 0.103 0.101 0.102 0.103 0.103 0.102 0.103 8 11 16 21 28 13 34 22 42 10 1 12581.069 12457.725 12581.069 12704.413 12704.413 12457.725 12581.069 12704.413 12704.413 12581.069 12704.413 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -174.858 -35.114 -64.770 -97.741 -37.182 -12.579 150.269 -72.174 125.263 -169.028 -544.428 174.858 35.114 64.770 97.741 37.182 12.579 150.269 72.174 125.263 169.028 544.428 35 5 15 20 6 1 32 18 24 34 50 -35 -5 -15 -20 -6 -1 32 -18 24 -34 -50 35 Figure 3. Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) results from AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. For circulatory diseases the 50 restarts showed the P2A scores ranging from 12290.7 to 13180.417 and the IAC scores ranged from 0.105 to 0.107. The P2A score was slightly higher than that of IHD but the IAC score was also slightly higher than that of IHD. This finding suggests that the internal homogeneity of MMAs for circulatory diseases is better than IHD, but at the cost of shape compactness. schemes (150% versus 100%). restarts. These findings were the result of the different weighting Again there was no certain order or obvious pattern for the 50 For circulatory diseases the best run occurred at the 44th restart. 36 Table 4. Circulatory diseases results from AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. # P2A IAC direct IAC sign xi-yi |xi-yi| rank Restart Score Score rank Score* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 signed rank 12698.642 12814.638 12817.251 13180.417 12833.441 12882.058 12587.874 12653.838 13142.169 12886.871 0.106 0.106 0.106 0.107 0.106 0.106 0.106 0.105 0.107 0.105 11 19 21 50 24 31 7 9 49 32 12830.206 12830.206 12830.206 12951.245 12830.206 12830.206 12830.206 12709.166 12951.245 12709.166 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -131.564 -15.568 -12.955 229.172 3.235 51.852 -242.332 -55.328 190.924 177.705 131.564 15.568 12.955 229.172 3.235 51.852 242.332 55.328 190.924 177.705 32 8 6 43 2 19 44 20 41 38 -32 -8 -6 43 2 19 -44 -20 41 38 12852.792 12510.993 12586.063 13113.917 12290.7 12465.152 12939.848 12874.901 12825.617 12997.182 12994.496 0.106 0.106 0.105 0.106 0.105 0.106 0.106 0.106 0.106 0.107 0.107 27 3 6 47 1 2 37 29 23 42 41 12830.206 12830.206 12709.166 12830.206 12709.166 12830.206 12830.206 12830.206 12830.206 12951.245 12951.245 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 22.586 -319.213 -123.103 283.711 -418.466 -365.054 109.642 44.695 -4.589 45.937 43.251 22.586 319.213 123.103 283.711 418.466 365.054 109.642 44.695 4.589 45.937 43.251 11 48 29 46 50 49 28 16 3 17 15 11 -48 -29 46 -50 -49 28 16 -3 17 15 Figure 4. Circulatory diseases results from AZM Constraint Parameters 50 restarts. 37 For diabetes the P2A scores ranged from 7723.661 to 8382.684 and the IAC scores ranged from 0.113 to 0.115. Both P2A and IAC scores performed better than those of IHD, indicating that MMAs for diabetes has an overall more compact shape and higher levels of internal homogeneity. The best run was the 42nd restart. Table 5. Diabetes results for AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. # P2A IAC direct IAC sign xi-yi Restart Score Score rank Score* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 |xi-yi| rank signed rank 8199.467 7958.955 8229.87 8073.524 8201.623 8115.091 8010.526 8122.558 8103.236 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.113 0.115 0.115 0.113 0.114 0.115 41 9 45 22 42 28 12 32 25 8081.797 8081.797 8081.797 8010.904 8152.690 8152.690 8010.904 8081.797 8152.690 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 117.670 117.670 -122.842 122.842 148.073 148.073 62.620 62.620 48.933 48.933 -37.599 37.599 -0.378 0.378 40.761 40.761 -49.454 49.454 36 37 44 26 19 14 1 17 20 36 -37 44 26 19 -14 -1 17 -20 8143.834 8127.077 7723.661 8054.704 8101.63 7779.17 8226.145 7986.754 8184.887 8029.364 8024.535 0.115 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.113 0.114 36 33 1 20 24 2 44 10 40 15 13 8152.690 8081.797 8081.797 8081.797 8081.797 8081.797 8081.797 8081.797 8081.797 8010.904 8081.797 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -8.856 45.280 -358.136 -27.093 19.833 -302.627 144.348 -95.043 103.090 18.460 -57.262 3 18 50 8 7 49 42 31 34 6 22 -3 18 -50 -8 7 -49 42 -31 34 6 -22 38 8.856 45.280 358.136 27.093 19.833 302.627 144.348 95.043 103.090 18.460 57.262 Figure 5. Diabetes results for AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. Finally for endocrine disorders the P2A scores ranged from 11205.813 to 12094.776 and the IAC scores ranged from 0.105 to 0.108. The shape compactness is better than for IHD and circulatory diseases, but not as good as diabetes. The internal homogeneity of endocrine disorders (0.105-0.108) is similar to circulatory diseases (0.105-0.107), which is between IHD (0.101-0.104) and diabetes (0.113-0.115). The 45th restart was the best. 39 Table 6. Endocrine disorders results for AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. # P2A IAC direct IAC sign xi-yi |xi-yi| Restart Score Score rank Score* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 rank signed rank 11978.361 11708.393 11372.357 11772.844 11544.485 11775.188 11811.23 11330.497 11478.534 11449.538 0.108 0.106 0.106 0.107 0.107 0.107 0.107 0.106 0.106 0.106 28 32 6 37 17 38 39 3 13 11 11818.119 11599.265 11599.265 11708.692 11708.692 11708.692 11708.692 11599.265 11599.265 11599.265 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 160.242 109.128 -226.908 64.152 -164.207 66.496 102.538 -268.768 -120.731 -149.727 160.242 109.128 226.908 64.152 164.207 66.496 102.538 268.768 120.731 149.727 30 20 40 10 31 11 18 46 23 28 30 20 -40 10 -31 11 18 -46 -23 -28 11563.882 11418.243 11836.446 11205.813 11528.659 11376.88 11900.819 11731.725 11372.179 0.106 0.107 0.107 0.106 0.106 0.106 0.107 0.106 0.106 21 9 41 1 16 7 47 34 5 11599.265 11708.692 11708.692 11599.265 11599.265 11599.265 11708.692 11599.265 11599.265 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -35.383 -290.449 127.754 -393.452 -70.606 -222.385 192.127 132.460 -227.086 35.383 290.449 127.754 393.452 70.606 222.385 192.127 132.460 227.086 5 47 24 50 12 39 38 26 41 -5 -47 24 -50 -12 -39 38 26 -41 Figure 6. Endocrine disorders results for AZM constraint parameter 50 restarts. 40 4.3 Medical Management Areas (Proportions) Following automated zone design the number of ZIP Codes was reduced from 900 to 274 zones for IHD (Figure 7), 310 zones for circulatory diseases (Figure 8), 183 zones for diabetes (Figure 9) and 274 zones for endocrine disorders (Figure 10). calculated within the optimal zone designs. Their proportions were Each zone had at least 30 cases and therefore met the case threshold for stable proportions. Figure 7 and Table 7 shows the MMAs of crude proportions for IHD. The spatial patterns show MMAs with high proportions (11.8, 95% CI 9.3, 14.7) of patients discharged from hospitals in Au Gres and the northwestern portion of the state (hospital system area) (HSA=6) with IHD. High proportions of discharges are also observed near the southern portion of the state (9.3, 95% CI 8.3, 10.4) (HSA=2) bordering with Indiana and Ohio and in western Michigan (10.6, 95% CI 7.6, 14.3) (HSA=4). 41 Figure 7. Ischemic heart disease: proportions by MMA (n=302), Michigan 2008. (statewide proportion: 5.0 per 100 discharges) 42 1 Table 7. MMAs with high proportions of patients discharged with IHD, Michigan, 2008. # MMA 316 627 42 557 210 412 170 36 535 468 393 52 381 151 573 302 18 2 3 4 Cases total crude proportion 95% CI RSE 77 57 75 39 42 136 167 87 268 112 159 297 57 36 289 83 38 654 504 679 365 398 1,293 1,598 857 2,713 1,166 1,658 3,183 613 388 3,150 909 426 11.8 11.3 11.0 10.7 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.2 9.9 9.6 9.6 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.2 9.1 8.9 9.3, 14.7 8.6, 14.7 8.7, 13.8 7.6, 14.6 7.6, 14.3 8.8, 12.3 8.9, 12 8.1, 12.5 8.7, 11.1 7.8, 11.4 8.1, 11.1 8.3, 10.4 7, 12 6.5, 12.8 8.1, 10.2 7.3, 11.3 6.3, 12.2 11.4 13.2 11.5 16.0 15.4 8.6 7.7 10.7 6.1 9.4 7.9 5.8 13.2 16.7 5.9 11.0 16.2 1 High crude proportions are marked as red areas in the maps. Proportion: cases per 100 discharges 3 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval 4 RSE: Relative Standard Error 2 Figure 8 shows the MMAs of crude proportions of patients discharged with circulatory diseases. These spatial patterns are somehow similar to that of IHD. The northeast and northwestern sides of Lower Michigan (HSA=7), MMAs near the southern border (HSA=2) and some scattered areas of the Upper Peninsula. The highest crude proportion was 30.5 per 100 discharges (95% CI 23.6, 38.7) in Black River and Spruce (Table 8). Those large urban areas, such as Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapids and Marquette, tended to have low proportions of hospital discharges for circulatory diseases, which conforms to the pattern of IHD. 43 Figure 8. Circulatory diseases: proportions by MMA (n=310), Michigan 2008. (statewide proportion: 18.3 per 100 discharges) 44 1 Table 8. MMAs with high proportions of patients discharged with circulatory diseases, Michigan, 2008. 2 3 4 # MMA Cases total crude proportion 95% CI RSE 781 28 466 484 533 753 763 463 500 774 386 495 559 811 713 343 426 694 593 262 618 354 37 166 585 652 379 165 624 512 48 660 802 67 206 98 61 96 71 166 117 644 267 188 370 410 42 1210 424 144 58 173 64 36 416 549 906 248 171 61 100 150 387 143 238 101 220 679 327 219 354 262 613 433 2,473 1,026 728 1,437 1,598 164 4,748 1,671 576 233 695 258 146 1,692 2,241 3,728 1,021 704 252 416 625 1,616 598 999 425 30.5 30.3 30.0 27.9 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.0 26.0 26.0 25.8 25.7 25.7 25.6 25.5 25.4 25.0 24.9 24.9 24.8 24.7 24.6 24.5 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.2 24.0 24.0 23.9 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.6, 38.7 26.2, 34.5 24.3, 36.5 21.3, 35.8 22, 33.1 21.2, 34.2 23, 31.2 22.1, 31.9 24, 28.1 22.9, 29.1 22.1, 29.5 23.1, 28.4 23.2, 28.1 18.5, 34.6 24, 26.9 23, 27.8 20.9, 29.1 18.9, 32.2 21.2, 28.6 19.1, 31.7 17.3, 34.1 22.2, 26.9 22.4, 26.5 22.7, 25.9 21.3, 27.3 20.6, 27.9 18.5, 31.1 19.3, 28.8 20.2, 27.8 21.6, 26.3 20, 27.8 20.8, 26.9 19.1, 28.4 1 High crude proportions are marked as red areas in the maps. Proportion: cases per 100 discharges 3 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval 4 RSE: Relative Standard Error 2 45 12.2 7.0 10.1 12.8 10.2 11.9 7.8 9.2 3.9 6.1 7.3 5.2 4.9 15.4 2.9 4.9 8.3 13.1 7.6 12.5 16.7 4.9 4.3 3.3 6.4 7.6 12.8 10.0 8.2 5.1 8.4 6.5 10.0 Figure 9 shows the MMAs of crude proportions of patients discharged with diabetes. Different from previous maps of MMAs for IHD and circulatory diseases, the MMAs with high and low proportions of diabetes were more dispersed. Those large cities, such as Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapids Kalamazoo, Saginaw, Muskegon and Flint, tended to have high proportions of patients discharged with diabetes, which was opposite to the pattern of IHD. The highest crude proportion was 3.4 per 100 discharges (95% CI 2.9, 3.9) in Detroit (Table 9). Suburban and rural areas were more likely to have lower proportions of patient‟s discharged with diabetes that urban areas. 46 Figure 9. Diabetes: proportions by MMA (n=183), Michigan 2008. (statewide proportion: 1.5 per 100 discharges) 47 1 Table 9. MMAs with high crude proportions of patients discharged with diabetes, Michigan, 2008. 2 3 4 # MMA cases total crude proportion 95% CI RSE 343 250 323 199 344 40 182 154 10 241 2 228 298 297 252 169 331 167 108 235 43 311 332 270 306 341 334 194 421 175 968 214 208 669 103 280 277 112 36 163 40 114 75 128 246 123 111 212 246 103 127 154 118 124 5,712 14,410 6,379 36,453 8,078 7,870 25,883 3,988 10,965 10,899 4,448 1,442 6,779 1,668 4,812 3,224 5,568 10,932 5,470 4,957 9,528 11,060 4,718 5,835 7,228 5,581 6,033 3.4 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.9, 3.9 2.6, 3.2 2.3, 3.1 2.5, 2.8 2.3, 3 2.3, 3 2.4, 2.8 2.1, 3.1 2.3, 2.9 2.2, 2.8 2.1, 3 1.7, 3.5 2, 2.8 1.7, 3.3 1.9, 2.8 1.8, 2.9 1.9, 2.7 2, 2.5 1.9, 2.6 1.8, 2.7 1.9, 2.5 1.9, 2.5 1.8, 2.6 1.8, 2.6 1.8, 2.5 1.7, 2.5 1.7, 2.4 1 High crude proportions are marked as red areas in the maps. Proportion: cases per 100 discharges 3 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval 4 RSE: Relative Standard Error 2 48 7.2 4.9 7.6 3.2 6.8 6.9 3.9 9.9 6.0 6.0 9.4 16.7 7.8 15.8 9.4 11.5 8.8 6.4 9.0 9.5 6.9 6.4 9.9 8.9 8.1 9.2 9.0 Figure 10 is the map of crude proportions of patients discharged with endocrine disorders. The spatial pattern is generally similar to diabetes, which seldom has large clusters. Urban areas like Detroit, Lansing, Muskegon, Kalamazoo and Midland, as well as some other areas show MMAs with elevated proportions of hospital discharges with endocrine disorders in the Upper Peninsula and Lower Michigan. The highest crude proportion of discharges with endocrine disorders was 6.16 per 100 discharges (95% CI 4.27, 8.61) in Munith (Table 10). Figure 10. Endocrine disorders: proportions by MMA (n=274), Michigan 2008. (statewide proportion: 3.8 per 100 discharges) 49 1 Table 10. MMAs with high crude proportions of patients discharged with endocrine disorders, Michigan, 2008. 2 3 4 # MMA Cases total crude proportion 95% CI RSE 29 365 107 453 499 369 8 186 508 391 518 539 23 143 424 416 417 316 410 129 510 229 310 80 169 34 30 67 1,319 90 570 456 56 627 620 786 44 35 114 218 166 481 653 130 50 41 31 60 69 373 552 519 1,186 24,355 1,668 10,578 8,633 1,068 12,195 12,086 15,545 878 704 2,300 4,448 3,431 9,986 13,565 2,705 1,052 868 659 1,283 1,480 8,078 6.2 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.3, 8.6 3.9, 8.3 4.4, 7.2 5.1, 5.7 4.3, 6.6 4.9, 5.8 4.8, 5.8 4, 6.8 4.7, 5.5 4.7, 5.5 4.7, 5.4 3.6, 6.7 3.5, 6.9 4, 5.9 4.3, 5.6 4.1, 5.6 4.4, 5.2 4.4, 5.2 4, 5.6 3.5, 6.3 3.4, 6.4 3.2, 6.7 3.6, 6 3.6, 5.9 4.1, 5.1 1 High crude proportions are marked as red areas in the maps. Proportion: cases per 100 discharges 3 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval 4 RSE: Relative Standard Error 2 50 17.1 18.3 12.2 2.8 10.5 4.2 4.7 13.4 4.0 4.0 3.6 15.1 16.9 9.4 6.8 7.8 4.6 3.9 8.8 14.1 15.6 18.0 12.9 12.0 5.2 4.4 Medical Management Areas (Crude and Age-Adjusted Rates) Figure 11 shows the MMAs of crude rates of patients discharged with IHD in the population using the optimal zone design. The spatial patterns showed that high rates of IHD in the population did not scatter evenly throughout the state. The northeast and southern portions of Lower Michigan (HSA=2,6,7) showed elevated crude rates of discharges with IHD. The highest crude rate was 24.2 per 1,000 population (95% CI 19.1, 30.3) and the age-adjusted rate was 17.2 in Au Gres (Table 11). Figure 11. Ischemic heart disease: crude rates by MMA (n=302), Michigan 2008. (statewide rate: 5.8 per 1,000 population) 51 1 Table 11. MMAs with high crude rates of patients discharged with ischemic heart disease, Michigan, 2008. # 2 3 4 2 cases population crude rate 95% CI RSE age-adjusted rate MMA 316 170 151 573 468 412 535 55 557 336 36 302 182 354 393 627 150 52 202 585 70 77 167 36 289 112 136 268 38 39 469 87 83 502 180 159 57 39 297 177 516 50 3,180 9,888 2,307 19,283 7,535 9,331 18,437 2,685 2,844 34,425 6,411 6,124 37,945 13,811 12,252 4,560 3,130 23,928 14,323 41,988 4,144 24.2 16.9 15.6 15.0 14.9 14.6 14.5 14.2 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.2 13.0 13.0 12.5 12.5 12.4 12.4 12.3 12.1 19.1, 30.3 14.3, 19.5 10.9, 21.6 13.3, 16.7 12.1, 17.6 12.1, 17 12.8, 16.3 10, 19.4 9.8, 18.7 12.4, 14.9 10.9, 16.7 10.8, 16.8 12.1, 14.4 11.1, 14.9 11, 15 9.5, 16.2 8.9, 17 11, 13.8 10.5, 14.2 11.2, 13.3 9, 15.9 11.4 7.7 16.7 5.9 9.4 8.6 6.1 16.2 16.0 4.6 10.7 11.0 4.5 7.5 7.9 13.2 16.0 5.8 7.5 4.4 14.1 17.2 10.8 8.5 10.1 10.9 13.5 11.8 8.6 11.1 12.9 10.7 10.5 12.3 10.3 11.7 11.4 10.9 12.2 11.6 10.3 7.8 1 High crude proportions are marked as red areas in the maps. Rate: cases per 1,000 population 3 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval 4 RSE: Relative Standard Error 2 Figure 12 shows the MMAs of crude rates of patients discharged with circulatory diseases using the optimal zone design. The spatial pattern still showed MMAs with high proportions of patient‟s discharged with IHD throughout the state. A large cluster of high proportion of discharges with circulatory diseases was located in northeast of Lower Michigan (HSA=6,7) and two large clusters of low proportion were located in southwest and southeast of Lower Michigan. 52 The highest crude rate was 54.7 per 1,000 population (95% CI 44.4, 66.7) and its age-adjusted rate was 34.15 in Comins and Fairview (Table 12). Figure 12. Circulatory diseases: crude rates by MMA (n=310), Michigan 2008. (statewide rate: 21.2 per 1,000 population) 53 1 Table 12. MMAs with high crude rates of patients discharged with circulatory diseases, Michigan, 2008. # MMA cases population crude 2 rate 95% CI 3 RSE 466 774 152 343 618 713 753 781 533 593 559 671 694 98 267 1,558 424 36 1,210 71 67 96 173 410 1,587 58 1,790 5,886 34,638 9,777 848 29,171 1,747 1,663 2,383 4,385 10,511 41,622 1,593 54.7 45.4 45.0 43.4 42.5 41.5 40.6 40.3 40.3 39.5 39.0 38.1 36.4 44.4, 66.7 39.9, 50.8 42.7, 47.2 39.2, 47.5 29.7, 58.8 39.1, 43.8 31.7, 51.3 31.2, 51.2 32.6, 49.2 33.6, 45.3 35.2, 42.8 36.3, 40 27.6, 47.1 10.1 6.1 2.5 4.9 16.7 2.9 11.9 12.2 10.2 7.6 4.9 2.5 13.1 1 High crude proportions are marked as red areas in the maps. Rate: cases per 1,000 population 3 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval 4 RSE: Relative Standard Error 2 54 4 age-adjusted 2 rate 34.1 34.8 43.9 29.7 23.2 26.5 30.4 24.7 20.2 25.1 25.5 34.6 24.2 Figure 13 shows the age-adjusted rates of MMA-IHD. IHD age-adjusted rates were still generally high in the northwest portion of the state and other rural areas. age-adjusted rate was 17.2 per 1,000 population in Flint (MMA 316). The highest MMAs that had high age-adjusted rates also included Kingsley and Buckley (MMA 452: 10.7 per 1,000 population) and Monroe (MMA 388: 10.1 per 1,000 population). In contrast, some other areas seem not to have very high rates in this map, such as Glennie, compared to the map of crude rates. Figure 13. Ischemic heart disease: age-adjusted rates by MMA (n=302), Michigan 2008. 55 Figure 14 shows the age-adjusted rates of patient‟s discharged with circulatory diseases. The spatial pattern of discharges with circulatory diseases was somehow similar to that of IHD. Compared to the map of crude rates, areas with high and low age-adjusted rates were even more scattered. Areas with high age-adjusted rates generally scattered in the Lower Michigan. The highest age-adjusted rate was 43.9 per 1,000 population in Detroit (MMA 152). Some other urban areas, such as Battle Creek (MMA 337: 33.5 per 1,000 population) and Flint (MMA 654: 39.5 per 1,000 population), showed elevated age-adjusted rates as well. Figure 14. Circulatory diseases: age-adjusted rates by MMA (n=310), Michigan 2008. 56 Figure 15 shows the crude rates of discharges with diabetes using the optimal zone design. The spatial pattern of diabetes was more evenly distributed throughout the state than IHD. The highest crude rate was 6.31 per 1,000 population (95% CI 5.42, 7.2) and the age-adjusted rate was 6.46 in Detroit (Table 13). There are two more high areas in Detroit too. The other obviously elevated crude rate (in the middle of the map) was 4.62 per 1,000 (95% CI 4, 5.24) and its age-adjusted rate was 5.12. Most of the state seems to have medium to low rates. Figure 15. Diabetes: crude rates by MMA (n=183), Michigan 2008. (statewide rate: 1.7 per 1,000 population) 57 1 Table 13. MMAs with high crude rates of patients discharged with diabetes, Michigan, 2008. # MMA cases population crude rate 343 154 250 344 40 10 194 103 421 214 208 280 30,733 20,273 86,598 46,337 46,155 70,276 6.3 5.1 4.9 4.6 4.5 4.0 2 95% CI 3 5.4, 7.2 4.1, 6.1 4.4, 5.3 4, 5.2 3.9, 5.1 3.5, 4.5 RSE 4 7.2 9.9 4.9 6.8 6.9 6.0 age-adjusted rate 2 6.5 5.0 4.9 5.1 4.7 4.5 1 High crude proportions are marked as red areas in the maps. Rate: cases per 1,000 population 3 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval 4 RSE: Relative Standard Error 2 Figure 16 shows the crude rates of discharges with endocrine disorders. The spatial pattern of endocrine conditions were scattered throughout the state. The highest crude rate was 9.54 per 1,000 population (95% CI 9.02, 10.05) and the age-adjusted rate was 10.14 still in Detroit (Table 13). There are a couple more high areas all over the state as well, including Saginaw, Lansing, Flint and west and east corners of the Upper Michigan. are more likely to have low crude rates. 58 The suburban and rural areas Figure 16. Endocrine disorders: crude rates by MMA (n=274), Michigan 2008. (statewide rate: 4.4 per 1,000 population) 59 1 Table 14. MMAs with high crude rates of patients discharged with endocrine disorders, Michigan, 2008. # MMA Cases population crude rate 95% CI RSE age-adjusted 2 rate 453 499 169 369 518 508 365 8 107 417 487 535 30 23 1,319 90 373 570 786 627 30 456 67 481 215 390 487 35 138,325 10,868 46,337 72,281 99,998 80,461 3,908 60,885 8,966 64,926 29,113 55,949 70,276 5,367 9.5 8.3 8.0 7.9 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.0 6.9 6.5 9, 10.1 6.7, 10.2 7.2, 8.9 7.2, 8.5 7.3, 8.4 7.2, 8.4 5.2, 11 6.8, 8.2 5.8, 9.5 6.7, 8.1 6.4, 8.4 6.3, 7.7 6.3, 7.5 4.5, 9.1 2.8 10.5 5.2 4.2 3.6 4.0 18.3 4.7 12.2 4.6 6.8 5.1 4.5 16.9 10.1 9.1 8.9 8.2 8.5 8.1 6.0 8.2 5.8 8.1 7.7 6.9 8.0 6.6 2 3 4 1 High crude proportions are marked as red areas in the maps. Rate: cases per 1,000 population 3 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval 4 RSE: Relative Standard Error 2 The map of age-adjusted rates for diabetes is shown in Figure 17. Besides Saginaw, which also had an elevated crude rate, Flint, Pontiac, Lansing, Kalamazoo and Detroit all had high age-adjusted rates. (MMA 343). The highest age-adjusted rate was 6.5 per 1,000 population in Detroit Direct age-standardization generally makes the rates higher than crude ones. 60 Figure 17. Diabetes: age-adjusted rates by MMA (n=183), Michigan 2008. The map of age-adjusted rates for endocrine disorders is shown in Figure 18. This map is very similar to the map of crude rates, except rates become higher after age-standardization. The highest age-adjusted rate was 10.1 per 1,000 population still in Detroit (MMA 453). Those areas that popped up in the map of crude rates seem not to be apparent in this map, such as Battle Creek and two other areas in the Upper Michigan. lower age-adjusted rates than urban areas. 61 Rural and suburban areas still tend to have Figure 18. Endocrine disorders: age-adjusted rates by MMA (n=274), Michigan 2008. 62 4.5 Alternative Zone Designs Following the implementation of the AZM constraint parameters listed in the Methods Section it was observed that zones constrained within the HSAs may also be prone to the MAUP thus, reducing the quality of the overall zone design via simulated annealing by achieving regional optima. To examine the differences in these possible effects, three different ways to use regions were implemented one by one. The first model conformed to the previous zone design, i.e., using all the HSAs as regions and respect the region boundary. disenabled the region option, i.e., didn‟t respect any region boundary. The second model The third model ran the program within each HSA, i.e. took HSAs one by one as a region, and merged the eight HSA outputs. All the other constraint parameters (minimum case threshold, maximum shape compactness and maximum internal homogeneity), weighting scheme and simulated annealing option, remained the same as in previous zone designs. To target the specific diseases that are representative, IHD and diabetes were used in this part. Due to limited time, the AZTool program only ran each method once (i.e., one restart) and compare the outputs of the three zone designs. The zone designs and statistical outputs are shown in Table 15. The second concern while constructing the optimal MMAs is whether simulated annealing improved the overall zone design. Since the zone design improvements by using simulated annealing is still controversial (Ralphs & Ang, 2009), this study attempted to further understand the impact of simulated annealing with and without regional constraints. The AZTool program was operated again without enabling simulated annealing to supplement earlier results. zone designs and statistical outputs are shown in Table 16. 63 The Table 15. Statistical outputs of zone designs using alternative methods with simulated annealing. IHD Diabetes Region Zones Zones IAC score P2A score IAC score P2A score No. No. Statewide with HSA 307 0.102 12706.400 192 0.114 8199.470 Statewide without HSA 310 0.101 12156.900 191 0.114 8002.900 With each HSA 296 0.105 12221.575 184 0.117 7568.432 HSA 1 79 0.114 2387.320 74 0.121 2311.410 HSA 2 28 0.033 1286.960 15 0.083 669.343 HSA 3 34 0.033 1545.980 20 0.055 940.288 HSA 4 45 0.045 1952.860 23 0.063 1038.820 HSA 5 14 0.127 696.123 10 0.096 456.856 HSA 6 41 0.083 1597.520 22 0.113 922.021 HSA 7 33 0.015 1645.530 12 0.047 767.508 HSA 8 22 0.044 1109.280 8 0.031 462.185 Table 16. Statistical outputs of zone designs using alternative methods without simulated annealing. IHD Diabetes Region Zones Zones IAC score P2A score IAC score P2A score No. No. Statewide with HSA 304 0.105 12153.600 191 0.117 7892.021 Statewide without HSA 300 0.105 11692.740 190 0.117 7684.949 With Each HSA 294 0.105 12122.198 187 0.120 7907.426 HSA 1 77 0.114 2319.089 77 0.127 2457.142 HSA 2 27 0.032 1175.123 14 0.085 726.182 HSA 3 31 0.032 1288.262 19 0.054 893.580 HSA 4 45 0.048 2035.757 26 0.068 1255.703 HSA 5 12 0.121 554.482 9 0.095 432.163 HSA 6 43 0.085 1769.000 22 0.118 934.050 HSA 7 36 0.015 1859.815 12 0.043 712.513 HSA 8 23 0.041 1120.669 8 0.028 496.092 The first model conformed to the previous zone design, i.e., using all the HSAs as regions and respect the region boundary. respect any region boundary. The second model disenabled the region option, i.e., didn‟t The third model ran the program within each HSA, i.e. took HSAs one by one as a region, and merged the eight HSA outputs. 64 The results from these analyses showed that the differences between the first and second models (statewide with/without HSAs) in terms of the number of zones were not substantially different (n=307 versus 310); however, the numbers of zones using each HSA as the region constraint (the sum of number of zones in each HSA – third model) was slightly less (n=296). The IAC was similar across all three models demonstrating that the zones had similar levels of demographic homogeneity regardless of the different number of zones and whether or not the zones where constrained within HSAs. These results indicate that the number and size of zones across the three alternative methods are generally similar. Since the P2A and IAC scores vary greatly by HSA, only the overall zone design which merged the eight HSAs is compared to the other two statewide methods. The overall internal homogeneity generated by merging HSAs appear to be better than the other two methods using statewide geographic units for both IHD and diabetes. Again, the differences of internal homogeneity between the two methods using statewide geographic units with or without HSA are not substantial. In contrast to internal homogeneity, it‟s too early to conclude anything from the shape compactness scores. The unclear results of shape compactness possibly result from their lighter relative weights compared to case threshold and maximum homogeneity. The shape constraint parameter might be sacrificed to obtain better results of the other two. Two statewide maps showing the crude rates and selected RSE values with and without using HSA (SA enabled) are shown in Figure 19 and Figure 20. Comparing the output results of enabling and disabling simulated annealing, it is interesting to observe that the three zone design models using simulated annealing do not appear to perform better than the three zone design models without simulated annealing as evidenced by the similar number of zones and slightly lower IAC and higher P2A scores. 65 Thus simulated annealing does not seem to be an important parameter in the construction of new zones. This finding was similar to that reported in research conducted in New Zealand (Ralphs & Ang, 2009). Future research should continue to explore the use of simulated annealing in AZM research. Another approach to examining how constraining new zones impacts the overall study results is to assess the RSE of rates on each side of regional boundaries. Statewide maps showing the crude rates and selected RSE values for the three models are shown in Figure 21 and Figure 22. Note that these maps use the optimal zone design from the first random start, rather than the „best‟ from 50 random restarts. Future research should also use multiple restarts to prioritize the zone design and comparing the effects of regional constraints and simulated annealing based on the zone construction. The assessment of RSE‟s on each side of HSA boundaries show that all rates are stable (i.e., RSEs < 20%) and do not demonstrate substantial differences, suggesting that regional constraints do not impact the local rate results. 66 Figure 19. Ischemic heart disease: crude rates by MMA (n=307) and their RSE using all HSAs (SA enabled), Michigan 2008. 67 Figure 20. Ischemic heart disease: crude rates by MMA (n=310) without using HSAs (SA enabled), Michigan 2008. 68 Figure 21. Ischemic heart disease: crude rates by MMA (n=304) using all HSAs (SA disabled), Michigan 2008. 69 Figure 22. Ischemic heart disease: crude rates by MMA (n=300) without using HSAs (SA disabled), Michigan 2008. 70 5. DISCUSSION The goals of this study were to (1) design optimal Medical Management Areas (MMAs) for IHD and diabetes to (2) visualize and explore the spatial patterns of these disease subgroups to inform future bed need in Michigan. MMAs of these sub-groups were compared with MMAs of the principal diagnoses to explore geographic and epidemiological scale together. The objectives of this study included and the results from the analyses are provided below. Objective 1: To demonstrate the need for the use of AZM in the construction of MMAs. Hypothesis 1a: Mapping disease rates by ZIP Codes will result in a large proportion of unstable rates. Much health services research focuses on the „supply‟ perspective. This thesis provided a detailed methodology by which demand could also be measured to inform inpatient bed need in Michigan. The methodology was justified after constructing rate maps of the diseases being studied using ZIP Codes and identifying large areas across the state with unstable rates defined by the RSE > 20%. By creating the RSE maps, this study finds hypothesis 1a to be true and further illustrates that it is inappropriate to map disease rates using ZIP Codes in Michigan. Therefore, AZM, as a program to provide new zones that ensure the stability of rates, is needed to construct optimal MMAs to show the demand of health services. Objective 2: To optimize MMA boundary definitions. Hypothesis 2a: The shape constraint parameter will be less important than the internal homogeneity for broad disease groups compared to specific diseases because of the greater 71 variation in population within the broad disease groups. Since when a couple of ZIP Codes are aggregated into a zone, the population is becoming larger which results in more homogeneity. Table 17 is a summary of the AZM outputs for IHD, circulatory diseases, diabetes and endocrine disorders. Note that generally the best restart occurred between 40 and 50 restarts. These best restarts met the constraint parameter requirements of the minimum case threshold, maximizing the shape compactness and maximizing the internal homogeneity. This study advanced earlier research by exploring different weighting schemes for the constraint parameters and finally using the combination of minimum threshold (100%), shape compactness (50%), IAC (sex, age, race) for IHD and diabetes (100%) and circulatory diseases and endocrine disorders (150%). In other words, the IAC was modeled according to the epidemiological scale of analysis (i.e., twice as important as the shape constraint for IHD and diabetes and three times as important for circulatory disease and endocrine disorders). The IAC was considered more important than the shape constraint in order to ensure greater demographic-homogeneity within zones, which conceptually should be helpful when assessing bed need in areas. At a lower epidemiological scale, a lower IAC weight was needed because the patients discharged with IHD or diabetes were expected to be more similar than patients discharges with diagnoses within the primary diagnostic related groups, circulatory diseases and endocrine disorders. Interestingly, all sets of MMAs constructed had a similar number of zones in the their output demonstrating the success of the modeling because if the IAC had been weighted similar to shape compactness there would have been fewer and more heterogeneous zones which would have been less informative to the inpatient bed need in Michigan. The reason that IHD has a lower IAC score is probably due to the great variety of etiology within IHD. diabetes has higher level of internal homogeneity. 72 More specific disease such as Thus the internal homogeneity of population discharged with certain diseases is dependent on the specificity of diseases. Objective 2 of optimizing MMA boundary has been completed and thus hypothesis 2a stating that the shape constraint parameter will be less important than the IAC for broad disease groups compared to specific diseases is found to be partly true. Table 17. Summary of 50 restarts for diseases and disease groups. Best restart Cases No. Zones No. P2A Score IHD 50 58,573 302 12160-13098 0.101-0.104 0.109 Circulatory diseases 44 214,649 310 12291-13180 0.105-0.107 0.112 Diabetes 42 17,352 183 Endocrine disorders 45 44,057 274 7724-8383 IAC Score ZIP Code IAC Score 0.113-0.115 0.127 11206-12095 0.105-0.108 0.113 Objective 2: To optimize MMA boundary definitions. Hypothesis 2b: Aggregating on the variables sex, age and race will increase demographic homogeneity within zones. The results showed that as the zones get larger, they become more similar and therefore the differences between zones become smaller, i.e., less heterogeneous. That explains why the ZIP Code level homogeneity is better than the MMA level. Therefore, hypothesis 2b is found to be true. This study also advanced the AZM approach by applying the Wilcoxon signed-rank method to prioritize the top „restart‟ out of the 50 restarts conducted. While the Wilcoxon signed rank may not be the only test available to prioritize the restarts it applied nicely to this study and is recommended for use in future AMZ modeling because of it is relatively easy to automate and implement. Other related approaches to prioritize the 50 restarts could be explored and compared in the future. 73 Region The use of HSA boundary as region constraint parameter doesn‟t appear to have adverse effect on the overall zone design because the statewide zone outputs with and without HSA boundary have similar numbers of zones, P2A scores and IAC scores. That greatly reduces that possibility that using HSAs as regions will result in sub-optimal zone design. Thus in the main section, there is no significant effect to use region constraint. Simulated Annealing (SA) Finally, this study used simulated annealing (SA) in the construction of MMAs, which is not documented in previous studies. Theoretically, SA helps to achieve the better global-optima, which would be an ideal solution to reduce bias associated with the MAUP. However, only one research (Ralphs & Ang, 2009) had done the experiment to compare the results between running AZM in a SA mode or not and the conclusion is that SA didn‟t improve the performance of AZM significantly in terms of the population target, and also at the cost of shape compactness. This study also tested the SA effect and found that running AZM in a SA mode didn‟t produce better zone designs. Since there isn‟t any final conclusion yet, this could be a promising topic for future research. Objective 3: To visualize disease proportions, crude rates and age-adjusted rates of IHD, diabetes, circulatory diseases and endocrine disorders: Hypothesis 3a: The spatial patterns of disease groups will vary by method used to map the diseases; new information about the prevalence of these diseases in Michigan will be learned from each method. 74 Area-based proportions of patient discharges, crude rates and age-adjusted rates of patient discharges in the population were calculated using the new MMAs and their spatial patterns were visualized. Some of the interesting findings and interpretation of those findings is presented below. Ischemic Heart Disease Generally, MMAs that showed elevated proportions of discharged patients represented demand for inpatient hospital services in Michigan. If more people were discharged from hospitals with IHD in 2008, it could be assumed that people would still have that demand in the near future. The medical information of proportion is especially useful for local health department and hospitals, because they would know that the amount and quality of health facilities and equipment should meet the demand of patients with IHD. On the map showing proportions of patients discharged with IHD, HSA 6 and 7 showed elevated proportions. The highest proportion was also located in HSA 6. The general pattern of crude map is similar to that of proportion map, indicating that patients attended hospitals were fairly representative of the total population. Since the areas with elevated rates and proportions were mostly rural areas where people were less rich, people with IHD should be taken better care of by providing availability and accessibility of health services to them. reasons that those areas showed elevated rates remain unknown. However, the true For example, doctors might refer quite a lot of patients to those areas where high-quality health care services were offered in local hospitals and clinics. Thus it might be too early to conclude that people were less healthy over in those areas. From the legend of maps showing age-adjusted rates and crude rates, it is found that 75 age-adjustment reduced the overall rates significantly. The highest rates reduced from 24.2 to 17.2 per 1,000 population, indicating the elder people could largely contribute to the high rates. However, even after age-adjustment, the rate maps still showed that HSA 6 and 7 and other scattered MMAs had elevated age-adjusted rates. This illustrates that more elder people is not the only factor causing the high crude rates, and other factors (e.g., more doctors‟ referral, more health insurance coverage, high socioeconomic states) could also contribute to the high rates. Future research should continue to explore the factors that are associated with the high rates. The circulatory diseases always show similar patterns as IHD‟s, no matter proportion maps or rate maps. Since IHD is the main cause of heart diseases and even circulatory diseases, it‟s not surprising to see similar patterns. As a broad disease group, circulatory diseases show the demand of health services from people with more various characteristics. Diabetes The proportion maps of patients discharged with diabetes and endocrine disorders are less similar than IHD and circulatory diseases, although of all people discharged with endocrine disorders, the cases of diabetes were more than one third in 2008. Thus, if the spatial pattern of diabetes is the solely one to be studied, using its broader group (i.e., endocrine disorders) to obtain more cases will not be a wise idea. But one thing in common for these two maps is, the high proportions of patient discharges are mostly located in urban areas, indicating that people with endocrine disorders sought more health services or their physicians were more likely to admit them to hospitals than in rural areas. The age-adjustment doesn‟t reduce the rate of patients discharged with diabetes in urban areas. These findings suggest that the population of diabetic patients is relatively similar to the 76 state‟s population. It is worth noting that the highest crude rate and the highest age-adjusted rate were located in the same metropolitan area – Detroit. reason of high rates in Detroit. More elderly people might not be the Thus, it will be interesting to explore the causes of high rates over there. Another important point is, diabetes is usually less severe and harmful than IHD, and thus there may be a substantial number of outpatients throughout the state. not be fully aware of their state of diabetes. Moreover, people may Because diabetes is an all-age disease, young people may not have health insurance coverage, which impedes their ability to access health care. People living in rural areas may not be able to see a doctor because hospitals are hardly accessible or affordable. Those factors should be taken into consideration while make decisions. Future research should target on the causes of high rates or low rates to explore the actual reasons of certain spatial patterns. Limitations Though AZM offered an optimal zone design for health service study, some limitations are still inevitable. First, using simulated annealing, the aggregation of contiguous ZIP Codes is random until there is not random ZIP Code left and then selection criteria begins. Although the number of zones and IAC/P2A coefficients were similar for each restart, the ways that ZIP Codes were aggregated were completely different. AZM cannot produce two set of zones with exactly the same design within a finite number of running. might be slightly different in each restart. As a result, the disease patterns But the optimal zone design could always be selected meeting the criteria of strongest IAC and smallest P2A coefficients to reduce the uncertainty. Future study should continue to evaluate the global versus local optima (with the local optima 77 the optimal selection occurs first increasing the likelihood that the boundary definitions will appear similar) and simulated annealing. While previous studies (Flowerdew, et al., 2008; Martin, 2003; Riva, et al., 2008) largely tested the zone effect by conducting analysis at different scales, a further step may also consider the scale effect. Second, this study didn‟t test how different weights would have influences on AZM zone output. While a set of parameters was recommended in this study, weights of parameters were determined more on an empirical basis. It is highly possible that changing the weights could result in different zone design outputs and different number of zones. David Martin also suggested that great attention should be paid while determining the weights (Atkinson & Martin, 2000). Further study could focus on choosing the optimal weight for each parameter based on knowledge of how it may relate to the disease in question. Third, for the maximum homogeneity parameter, only sex, age and race were used because of the data limitation. However, the choices of parameters should depend on the specific need. However, as implemented, only a limited number of variables (i.e., a maximum of 12 variables) could be taken into homogeneity parameter. Another limitation in the mapping process is that we used multiple data sources. collected data from patients who usually reported their USPS ZIP Codes. MIDB Population estimates from the private company Geolytics were originally derived from census 2000 which used ZCTAs. The boundary used in this study is from ESRI 2007 who appeared to use USPS ZIP Codes. As is known to people, the USPS ZIP Codes and ZCTAs do not align very well. Although recoding has been performed, some of the boundaries are still inaccurate. It might lead to the misinterpretation if population was misallocated due to approximate matching of 78 geographic units. Future research should perform analysis and make maps based on the same geographic boundary. Finally, natural break was the classification method used in the choropleth maps because a good distribution of data is preferable. However, a different classification scheme (e.g., quantiles) may have a substantial visual impact on the perceived spatial patterns of the diseases. Since quantile was proven to be suitable for showing health data on choropleth maps (Brewer & Pickle, 2002) because it keeps the same number of units in each class, it should be explored in future research with the knowledge that interesting data outliers may be smoothed over. Besides quantile, equal interval also provides the possibility to compare different maps. Future Research In this analysis health service demand was assessed by constructing Medical Management Areas to visualize and explore the proportions, crude rates and age-adjusted rates of IHD and diabetes. Similarities and differences between these measures were analyzed. Future research could explore underlying mechanisms associated with high or low level of patient discharges to further inform health service researchers and also future epidemiological research. Sociologists and public health researchers may further examine the disparities of health service demand between urban and rural areas, and between younger and elder people in the state of Michigan. These methods may also be applied in other states to assess hospital demand in those areas. 79 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Ischemic heart disease (IHD) and diabetes, as two of the critical health indicators in the state of Michigan, receive substantial attention from the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH). MDCH is interested to know the spatial patterns of the critical health indicators for the purpose of health service regulation from demand perspective. This study illustrates that the spatial patterns of IHD and diabetes derived from administrative units (i.e., ZIP Codes), can result in a substantial number of units with high RSEs and therefore unstable rates throughout the state when the numbers of cases within units are small. One of the methods to solve this small number problem is to aggregate ZIP Codes into larger zones to obtain more cases within zones. In this study, AZM dissolves the boundaries of ZIP Codes with less than 30 cases, and constructs new MMAs with maximum shape compactness and maximum internal homogeneity. The corresponding broader groups of IHD and diabetes in ICD-9-CM (circulatory diseases and endocrine disorders) are also utilized to construct MMAs for the comparison with IHD and diabetes. Choropleth maps serve as the media to represent the spatial patterns of those diseases and disease groups. Proportions (cases per 100 discharges), area-based crude rates (cases per 1,000 population) and age-adjusted rates are shown as different health views. MMAs with high and low prevalence are informative to health care regulators and are useful to assist decision-making and health service management. AZM is therefore an efficient tool that could be used in health service research to explore health care demand. While AZM is useful in constructing MMAs for health service studies, future researchers should be aware that the construction of zone designs are a relatively subjective process. The output of this program is significantly influenced by the purposes of study, data availability and the input parameters. Researchers should therefore, be careful with the selection of input 80 parameters in the optimization of new zones. With these issues considered, AZM is still recommended for future health service and geographic-epidemiological research. 81 APPENDICES 82 Appendix 1. Diseases and Injuries Tabular Index. 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001-139) 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-319) 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-679) 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSIFICATION OF FACTORS INFLUENCING HEALTH STATUS AND CONTACT WITH HEALTH SERVICES (V01-V89) SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSIFICATION OF EXTERNAL CAUSES OF INJURY AND POISONING (E800-E999) 83 Appendix 2. List of incompatible ZIP Codes. Table 18. List of incompatible ZIP Codes. Incompatible ZIP Codes 48028 48033 48138 48139 48143 48168 48190 48193 48243 48434 48437 48476 48620 48627 48630 48633 48638 48710 48724 48758 48824 48852 48853 48874 48894 48896 49027 49104 49115 49119 49282 49289 49312 49335 49406 49434 49458 49519 49534 49611 49626 49627 Operation removed divided into 48033, 48034 removed recode to 48189 recode to 48169 divided into 48167, 48168 recode to 48191 divided into 48192, 48193 removed recode to 48465 recode to 48458 recode to 48429 removed recode to 48653 recode to 48629 recode to 48632 divided into 48603, 48638 divided into 48706, 48710 recode to 48604 removed divided into 48823, 48824 recode to 48829 recode to 48879 recode to 48871 recode to 48835 recode to 48858 recode to 49056 divided into 49103, 49104 recode to 49125 recode to 49128 recode to 49233 recode to 49279 recode to 49309 recode to 49348 recode to 49453 recode to 49423 recode to 49402 divided into 49509, 49519 divided into 49534, 49544 recode to 49659 recode to 49660 recode to 49648 84 Table 18 (Cont‟d) 49628 49634 49666 49674 49722 49748 49757 49764 49775 49782 49791 49793 49796 49805 49808 49852 49863 49864 49871 49872 49901 49915 49917 49918 49922 49929 49934 49955 49959 49660 49961 49963 49971 recode to 49635 recode to 49660 recode to 49649 removed recode to 49770 recode to 49728 removed removed removed removed recode to 49721 recode to 49780 recode to 49713 recode to 49950 recode to 49814 removed removed removed recode to 49866 recode to 49878 recode to 49950 recode to 49935 recode to 49913 recode to 49913 recode to 49945 recode to 49953 recode to 49930 recode to 49916 recode to 49911 recode to 49953 recode to 49967 recode to 49905 recode to 49953 85 REFERENCES 86 REFERENCES Acheson, R. 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