A STUDY €31“ PRWIARY PRDDUCTEC‘N @N ARTlFltlAL SUBSTRATES- IN A REFFLE AND 9031. AREA OF THE RED CEDAR RIVER 1?th kw Hm aw a; M. 8.. MKFCHGGAN STAGE UNWEMR‘Y Rab“? Raymond Rawsfmm k. 195% T!!’?-‘~’.""" . 3—4 A STUDY OF PR MARY PRODUCTIOK OI ARIIFICIAL SUBSTRAIES IN A RIFFLE AHD POOL AREA OF THE RED CEDAR :IVER By ROBERT RAYMOND RAWSTRON, JR. AN ABSTRACT Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIEXCE Department of Fisheries and Wildlife 1961 .1 A , /"‘ Approved (/2122 JL (M ABSTRACT Studies of the primary production of both riffle and pool situations, using artificial substrates in the Red Cedar River, were carried out in the summer of 1960. Trans- plants from the pool to the riffle were made. Primary pro- duction was measured by the accumulation of phytopigments measured as AA x 103. PhytOpigments were extracted in 95 percent ethanol and "read" on a Klett-Summerson colorimeter. The riffles were found to be more productive, attain- ing higher maxima, and showing faster growth rates than the pool. The pool substrates reached their maximum standing crops within fifteen day cycles, whereas the riffle sub- strates did not. Transplants from the pool to the riffle showed an increased growth rate after the standing crop from the pool was accumulated for nine days. Current ve- locities between 1.0 feet per second and 3.0 feet per sec- ond showed higher growth rates on the artificial substrates than that of currents above or below these values. ' Community composition differed; Melosira s . being dominant in the riffle community, while Synedra ping and Navicula cryptocephala characterized the pool community. R. R. R. A STUDY OF PRIMARY PRODUCTION OI ARTIFICIAL SUBSTRATES IN A RIFFLE AND POOL AREA OF TEE RED CEDAR RIVER 13}! ROBERT RAYMOND RAWSTRON, JR. A THESIS_ Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIEHCE Department of Fisheries and Wildlife 1961 l5! 7/ 7/3/91 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. Robert C. Bell for the interest and help he gave in both the research and writing of this thesis. In addition, the writer's fellow graduate students in the Fisheries and Wildlife Department, particularly Kenneth Linton and Dar- rell King deserve thanks for their help in the field and their constructive criticism. The research was financed by the Agricultural Experi- ment Station of Michigan State University. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Periphyton Sampling Procedures Current Velocity Measurements Qualitative Methods PhytOpigment Extraction and Measurement RESULTS AID DISCUSSION Comparison of Standing Crops from Pool and Riffle Results of "Transplanting" Effects of Different Velocities SUMMARY Appendix I Matched Pairs Test--Three day Matched Pairs Test--Six day Appendix II Current Velocity Data Appendix III PhytOpigment Extract Data LITERATURE CITED iii FIGURE 1. 2-8. 10-16. LIST OF FIGURES Phytopigment Correction Graph Comparison of attained standing creps of pool and riffle for each cycle Grand average of standing crOps of pool and riffle Comparison of standing crop changes between pdol control and "trans- plants" at each site for each cycle iv PAGE 13 19-25 30 32-38 NTRODUCTION The measurement of productivity is fundamental to the science of limnology. Productivity occurs on two levels. Primary productivity is defined by Odum (1953) as the rate at which energy is stored by the activities of primary pro- ducer organisms in the form of organic materials which can be used as food. Secondary productivity occurs as the con- sumer organisms utilize the energy produced on the primary level. Most studies to date have centered on lentic environ- ments, and much remains to be learned of the lotic situa- tions. Odum's (1956) work in studying primary productivity of flowing waters in the natural artesian springs, using di- urnal gas curves and community metabolism methods, is not generally useful in the warm-water streams in Michigan. The effects of rapid water temperature change, organic pol- lution and extreme variability in stream flow introduce other variables for which it is difficult to account, using Odum's methods. The introduction of artificial substrates into both lentic and lotic situations is not new, and Cooke (1956) de- scribes some of the history. Many substances have been used as artificial substrates. Keup (1958) used cedar shingles; others have used glass slides, stones, cinder bricks and plexiglass plates to collect the organisms that have become attached to them. Much terminology has arisen to describe the complex of l 2 organisms which become attached to underwater objects. News combe (1950) and Cooke (1956) give definitive discussions of these terms. Ruttner's term "aufwuchs" seems to be more nearly correct than the others, referring only to the organ- isms which become firmly attached, but do not penetrate in- to the substrate. Grzenda and Brehmer (1960), using the same general techniques as in this study, use the term "pe- riphyton" to describe this assemblage of organisms. Either term appears to be acceptable, but for the purposes of this study the term "aufwuchs" is preferred. Recent use of plexiglass plates in studies at Michigan State University has demonstrated their validity as an arti- ficial substrate (Peters, 1959). Investigations so far, however, have taken no cognizance of possible differences in productivity levels between pool and riffle conditions on such substrates. Stokes (1960) in his study of an artifi- cial stream demonstrated slight differences between the two situations. Ruttner (1953), and Whitford (1960) discuss the "physiological richness" of current situations and demon- strate that differences do exist between productivity of pools and of riffles. Peters (1959) gives two assumptions that must be made when using artificial substrates. "(1) The substrates are not selective for specific organisms and (2) the production on the artificial substrate is at the same rate as occurs on a natural substrate." For this study, the second assumption will be expanded to read, "the production on the artificial 3 substrate in a given environment (pool, riffle) occurs at the same rate as on a natural substrate in that same envir- onment." This study was carried on to determine whether differ- ences in rate of production occurred between the pool and riffle conditions on artificial substrates. Primary produc- tivity was estimated for each situation by the accumulation of plant material as measured by phytopigment extracts over a period of time. Comparisons were made while trying to keep all other variables as nearly the same as possible, e.g. water temperature, available light, and nutrients, tur- bidity, and stream depth. Using the same standards for mea- surement, plexiglass plates were transplanted from the pool to the riffle to determine what the effects of velocity would be on the pool-grown communities. Only limited taxonomic or quantitative work was done and this to determine whether the community structure of each community was similar. rear-u DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA The Red Cedar River is a typical southern Michigan warm-water stream, characterized by slow currents and pools with occasional rapids. The upper portions of the river have been dredged to straighten and deepen the channel while the major tributaries have been dredged for agricultural purposes. Both treated and untreated sewage enter the river throughout the watershed. Three artificial impoundments are located on the main river; in the town of Williamston, at Ferguson Park in Okemos, and on the Michigan State Univer- sity campus. The Red Cedar River begins at Cedar Lake in southeast- ern Livingston County in Sections 28 and 29. It runs a northwesterly course for approximately 18 miles, and then flows westward through Ingham County for 28 miles to its confluence with the Grand River within the city of Lansing. The climate, geology, soils and land use practices are described by Meehan, 1958. The sampling stations were located in the main stream 0.5 miles below the bridge at Dobie Road in Okemos. This choice of sites was made to take advantage of a strong rif- fle immediately adjacent to a long shallow pool and the presence of a water temperature thermograph. The stream at the sampling sites is approximately forty feet wide. The pool bottom is generally of thick sand, but at its down- stream end gives way to large rock and gravel. A natural riffle occurs here, but the water flow was too low, so a a double rock wing dam was built to increase the flow and consequently the velocity, in the middle of the river. Station A was located in the pool 15 feet from the south bank of the river. The pool depth at this point is about three feet. Velocities ranged from 0.168 feet per second to 0.893 feet per second. The riffle is approximately 35 feet long by ten feet ‘ wide, sweeping into another large pool. The bottom is of large rock and debris, and has a nearly uniform depth of three feet, varying with river flow. It lies approximately sixty feet downstream from the point at which Station A ‘was established. Its velocity during the study ranged from h.55 feet per second at its upstream end to 1.23 feet per second at its downstream end. Station B was established within this riffle. The stations were chosen to provide similar ecologi- cal variables, leaving current velocity as the only recog- nized difference. Since the stations were so close to- gether, turbidity, nutrients, and water chemistry were as- sumed to be similar. Both situations had similar shade cover. Both were covered most of the morning, and exposed two to three hours each afternoon, and shaded again in late afternoon and evening. We If, METHODS AND TECHNIQUES The measurement of productivity can be carried out by many methods. At present more emphasis seems to be placed on a general method involving the measurement of photosyn- thetic activity rate through the quantitative estimation of gas production in light and dark bottles orthe addition of various inorganic radioactive isotOpes into the medium and measurement of it after fixation into organic form. C1“, P32 and other radioactive isotOpes which are fixed in organ- ic matter have been used. Productivity can be measured by at least two other genp eral methods. One involves the estimation of plant material growth and includes such techniques as the counting of cells within a unit volume or surface area, the isolation of sin- gle or mixed components characteristic of plants, the iso- lation of a single plant constituent, chlorophyll and/or other pigments having associated optical properties. The other involves measurement of the total weight of organic matter accumulated over a period of time. Often all or part of these general methods are combined in a single study. It has been demonstrated that artificial substrates can be used to sample productivity. Peters (1959) establishes the validity of their use in the Red Cedar River. Cooke (1956) and Newcombe (1950) review the literature concerning fresh water community types and discuss the role of the auf- wuchs community. The aufwuchs are those organisms except macrophytes which attach themselves to a substrate, but do 6 7 not penetrate into it. Other terms are sessile benthos and periphyton. Benthos is a large category separating organ- isms on the bottom from those found free-floating or drift- ing as plankton. Sessile is applied to organisms which be- come attached to a substrate whether plant or animal. Peri- phyton is a term, often used synonymously with aufwuchs, which may include dead or alive plankters or drifting or- ganisms of plant or animal origin caught in the attached forms on a substrate. Since this study is concerned only with attached forms and not the organisms caught up in them, the term aufwuchs is preferred. Plexiglass plates were used as the artificial sub— strates. Each unit presents l.h square decimeters surface area for attachment. These plates are quite inert chemic- ally. They were attached to wooden racks, which in turn were bolted onto steel fence posts, which had been driven into the river bed. Grzenda and Brehmer (1960) describe the technique and give pictures of similar apparatus. During the summer of 1960 Stations A and B were com- posed of three sets of ten plexiglass plates, each on racks placed on the previously installed fence posts. Each post, with its attached rack, was designated a site. These sites were given the numbers 1, 2 and 3 to show from which rack a given plate had come. The plates, in turn, were given code numbers to indicate the position on the rack from which it had come. All those on the left as faced from behind were given odd numbers in order of increasing magnitude are 1 fr" finn’. 8 from the and toward the middle, while those on the right were given even numbers in the same way. In addition, a subscript was given to each code number to indicate Station A or B. Thus, 16A was the third plate from the right at Site 1, Station A, while 23B was the second plate from the left at Site 2, Station B. The shingles at Station A were considered to be matched working inboard from each end. At zero day, the beginning of a cycle, the 60 plates were lowered to 0.8 of the depth from the surface. This depth was chosen to eliminate the effects produced by sharp- ly reduced current at the bottom (Welch, 1952), while at the same time allowing for possibly lowered flow. On the third day at Station A, the whole rack at each site was raised and the outer plates removed (11A, 12A; 21A, 22A; 31A, 32A). One of each of the pairs was taken to the laboratory; the other was kept wet and handled as little as possible and "transplanted" to the same position at the same site at Sta- tion B, whose corresponding plate had been removed prior to that of Station A. To the Open position at the sites at Station B a clean plate was placed. This plate was coded XYbla where X and Y represent the site and position number respectively. They were placed here to try to determine the comparative growth rate in the riffle for the transplant period of a given shingle. The procedure moving inboard at Stations A and B con- tinued every third day for fifteen days. In addition, to the regular removals, the previous transplant and the plate coded XYbl were removed. Thus each transplant Spent three days in the current and either 3, 6, 9 or 12 days in the pool, while all the XYbl's Spent three days in the riffle. The preceding technique was carried out from July 2, 1960 to October 17, 1960. To insure that only the aufwuchs were measured and not drifting phytoplankters either dead or alive, which had set- tled out, each shingle was thoroughly stream-washed to re- move the loose materials. The plates were all washed four times to add some constancy to the maneuver. The statistical relationships between the pairs assumed to be matched were carried out. Two separate matched pair tests were run in the pool; one for six days, and the other for nine days. The results of these tests are shown in Ap- pendix I. During the summer of 1959, a different scheme was used. The stations were the same, but Station A had only two sites while Station B had three. Each site was composed of two shingles and all positions at each site were removed and brought into the laboratory every eight days. No trans- plants were made. Direct comparisons were made for each period. Little use of these data can or will be made in this paper. During the eight-day interim the operator of the impoundment at Williamston often reduced the stream flow considerably, covering and uncovering the shingles for var- ious periods of time. Either through experience or more 10 frequency on the stream during the summer of 1960, this con- dition was evaded completely, and more useful and quantita- tive information was obtained. Current velocity was measured with a Gurley bucket- type current meter, Model 622 and the micro-unit Model 625-F. Three readings were made directly over the rack on each side of the fence post at each site and averaged for each site. Four distinct gradations of velocity were noted. Therefore, four general classifications were set up. The pool which always registered velocity less than 1.0 feet per second and greater than 0.16 feet per second was desig- nated V0. The riffle area velocity at the three sites was more varied, but in general Site 1 ranged between 3.5 feet per second and h.k feet per second. Site 2 ranged from 1.77 feet per second to 3.08 feet per second. Site 3 ranged from 1.23 feet per second to 1.93 feet per second. Three categories were set up for Station B and are as follows: 1.0 feet per second to 2.0 feet per second, designated as V3, at Site 3; 2.00 feet per second to 3.00 feet per second, desig- nated as V2 at Site 2; and 3.00 feet per second to H.55 feet per second at Site 1, designated as V1. There was some overlapping in these categories, but in general they repre- sent the true picture of the velocities present during the study. Appendix II shows the average currents present at each site and the dates. During the summer periods as described above, the arti- ficial impoundment at Williamston is in operation. water T"??? _ ‘ 11 flow, and hence stream velocity, varied greatly with no a- parent regularity. In addition, meteorological conditions caused fluctuations. In order to cope with such large changes over such short periods of time, it was felt that a random measuring of the current velocities would be more ef- fective than trYing to measure every day or at regular in- tervals.* Ten random numbers were chosen from 1 to 120, the approximate length of the study in days. The current was then measured on the dates coinciding with the number cho- sen beginning July 2, 1960. It must be pointed out that the currents as measured in this study are not instantaneous, but are taken over a period of time (Welch, l9h8). Current rate is affected by a number of well-known variables such as water level, depth and bottom type,etc. (Longwell, et al., 1932). Since each shingle is in a different position in the current, differ- ences in current rate, particularly in the riffle, must have occurred. The measurement of these differences would have been extremely difficult and not necessarily useful in this type of study. McConnell and Sigler (1959) used the rate of dissolution of standardized salt tablets as an in- dicator of current rate, but attained correlations only up to 0.9 meters per second. Since velocities recorded in this study are much higher than this value, little use could be found for this type of measurement. Currents may fluctuate from moment to moment within a given maximum-min- imum range and even this range can shift a great deal over 12 a short period of a few days as a response to changes in water level (Blum, 1956). These changes in rate could then have an effect on the productivity of the aufwuchs on the shingles. The random sampling of current velocity over a period of time was an attempt, then, not only to account for changing water levels and the consequent change in vel- ocity, but also establishes a tentative maximum-minimum range for each site. water temperatures were recorded daily on a thermo- graph placed on a bridge abutment between the two stations. The single qualitative study was carried out in Octo- ber to determine the species composition of the aufwuchs communities of each situation. The method involved using the relative frequency of occurrence, 1. e. the number of times an organism was seen in 50 fields. Before extraction in alcohol, two shingles, one each from the pool and riffle, were examined by scraping approximately two square centi- meters from each shingle onto separate microscOpe slides. For quantitative determinations of the phytopigment extract the shingles were brought from the sampling stations to the laboratory in plastic freezer bags. The shingles were placed in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator for twenty-four hours. The aufwuchs were scraped off the shingle into 95 percent ethanol, using a glass slide-and a rubber policeman. Freezing facilitated the removal of the aufwuchs. The bags were then flushed out with ethanol to remove any aufwuchs which might have been dislodged from 13 Figure 1. Correction graph for phytopigment extracts. 1000 11+ I I I SOOQF—- NITS f DlOOO————— KLETT 500.— lOO 10 Relative Concentration 15 the substrate. The use of ethanol rather than acetone pre- vented the dissolution of the plexiglass, while at the same time dissolving the phytopigments. The solutions were al- lowed to stand another twenty-four hours in the dark and then filtered through glass wool. After filtration the sam- ples were adjusted to fifty milliliters. The resulting phytOpigment extract solutions were then "read” on a Klett-Summerson calorimeter, using a 6h0-700 mu red filter. Grzenda and Brehmer (1960) found that in only small concentrations did these phytOpigment solutions fol- low the theoretical Lambert-Beer Law. As the concentration of the phytopigments in the 95 percent ethanol increases the observed and theoretical absorbancy values at 6A0-700 mu become widely divergent. They prepared a graph, using various concentrations obtained through dilution. The cor- rection values are obtained from Figure l by reading the observed Klett units on the ordinate and extending it hori- zontally to the experimental line. Vertical extension from the point of interception of the experimental line to the theoretical Lambert-Beer line and reading of the Klett units directly perpendicular to it gives the adjusted Klett units. This value is then multiplied by 2 x 103 to convert to ad- justed absorbancy AA x 103 and to avoid the use of the deci- mal. The method is more fully described by Grzenda and Brehmer (1960). It is obvious from Figure 1 that observed values above 550 Kletts become impossible to interpret and hence all 16 values above this figure in the raw data and accompanying figures are only of the proper order and are not exact. These values, when converted to AA x 103 were interpreted as 15,000 . It seems that if the sample solutions were diluted to the point where the theoretical and experimental lines are coincident, then multiplication by the dilution factor should produce the theoretical Lambert-Beer values. The few times that this was tried resulted in different values than when using Figure 1, so it was felt that a slight error in magnitude would be justified in the case of the higher ob- served values if some indication of order could be shown. The writer feels, however, that more work should be done on this dilution method because, at least, in theory, it should work. Only seven complete cycles are shown in Appendix III, but several others were interrupted due to high water in June, which made the pickup of the substrates impossible and again in October when the heavy leaf fall tended to accumup late on the surface of the shingles. Data from such collec- tions were discarded. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Since the current rates in the pool were generally the same, always less than 1.0 feet per second, the absorbancy units (AA x 103) for the three sites have been averaged for each three day period and depicted as one line in Figures .2-8. The three sites at Station B have distinct differences in velocity and are depicted as separate lines for each site in these figures. With the exception of Figure 6, which depicts Cycle V, the pool appears to reach a maximum.within the fifteen-day cycle and in some cases shows a moderate decline between the twelfth and fifteenth days. In general, they also reach much lower maxima than do those in the riffle in spite of a rapid initial increase during the first three days of a cycle. These facts are attributable to the almost "immedi- ate" colonization of the pool substrates and the comparative ineffectiveness of the slow current velocities to sweep away the metabolic wastes and to bring in nutrients and gases to the community, hence inhibiting reproduction after the inp itial colonization. In addition, much clay and silt is de- posited along with dead organic matter and these particles occupy space and perhaps cover the community on the sub? strate. They then act as a shield and prohibit adequate light penetration to the community. This last effect would be more inhibitory as the length of time the particular shingle was in the water increased, since accumulation of the inorganic and dead organic particles on the shingle 1? 18 Figures 2-8. AA x 103 per square decimeters for pool and riffle sites. V9; pool sites averaged: V , V2, 3, depicted as separate 1 nes. Cycles I-VII. 19 Figure 2 CYCLE I July 2—17 10000....— 5000... I ,’13_._. 1000—— ; , V DAYS 10000, 5000, 10 CYCLE 20 Figure 3 II July 17—August 2 10000 _____ CYCLE 5000___, 1000 . 500 100 10 21 Figure A III August 2-17 DAYS 10000. 5000, 1000 T T1|11T1‘ 1 E T F1111] H O O AA x 103 per 1.u am? U‘l O 10‘ 22 Figure 5 CYCLE IV August 17-September l 17- DAYS 10000 5000 11|1I11l T“ 1000 500 1 1 ['111T T 1 Ahwx 103 per 1.A dm2 CYCLE V 23 Figure 6 September 3-13 2h Figure 7 CYCLE VI September 18-October 2 10000,...— C 5000... V 10001___ 500._- V0 a: o 5 :- A a 0 ‘1' v M100 9. H 3 5° l 10000 5000 1000 M x 103 per 1.4 dm2 1 1111111] 1 111|1111‘ 25 Figure 8 CYCLE VII October 2-17 26 would also increase. The riffle areas, on the other hand, demonstrate a slow initial growth (except Site 3), but rise rapidly to reach higher maxima.. The higher current velocities, V1, at Site 1, Station B, sometimes appeared to be inhibitory, reducing growth rate and reaching a lower minimum. At the other two. sites, however, the growth rate was generally greater and deve10pment of higher maxima was apparent. From this study it might be concluded that the higher currents are inhibi- tory in some way, and that the Optimum current lies between 1.00 feet per second and 3.00 feet per second. Both Sites 2 and 3, with velocities of V2 and V3 respectively, show parallel growth rates generally, with Site 3 growing at a more rapid rate and reaching higher maxima. Figure 3_con- cerning Cycle II is apparently an anomaly, with each site showing a leveling off at about the twelfth day. Field notes for July 29 and July 30 show thathhe stream was ex- ceptionally turbid, with much vegetative debris, although water levels were up only one inch. Maximum current veloc-- ities were measured on the afternoon of July 28, reaching #.55 feet per second at Site 1, Station B. These conditions undoubtedly arose from the Opening of the dam in William- ston. The high turbidity reduced the available light, while the vegetative debris and molar particles caused attritional losses.- The absence of a leveling off in the riffle situation maxima except occasionally at Site 1 indicates that a longer 27 period of time is needed to reach equilibrium levels. Since this technique involves the measurement of an accumulated standing crOp over a period Of time, it is felt that even at Site 1, Station B, which characteristically was lower, the inhibitory effect which has been attributed to the high- er velocities is only apparent. During the fall of 1959, the steel fence posts were pushed over by duck hunters and were impossible to retrieve due to high water. In the spring of 1960 the shingles which had remained attached through the fall and winter (October 8, l959-May 17, 1960) were recovered. One shingle from each site in the riffle was extracted and measured on the Klett-Summerson colorime- ter. The observed values in uncorrected Klett units were as follows: Site 1, 806; Site 2, 787; Site 3, 819. These values were not converted to AA x 103 units, but are cer- tainly of the same order. The writer feels that such val- ues would be obtained if a longer time were allowed and that small differences would occur even at Site 1, which would eventually reach the same maximum standing crop as at the other two sites. Clarke (19H6) describes the relation be- tweem standing crOp and rate of growth of pOpulation. Al- though the rates of production may differ, he shows that the equilibrium level may eventually be the same over a longer period of time. At this point no rate of growth can be de- termined from the magnitude of the standing crop. This study does not show an equilibrium level except for the pool. This level appears to be between 550 AA x 103 28 and 600 AA x 103 in the pool. The absence of an equilibrium level for the riffle may actually present more useful infor- mation. Past studies using artificial substrates tended to rely on accumulated standing crOp as an index to productiv- ity. Although it is true that accumulated standing crOp was used as a measurement in this study, the rate of growth (productivity) can be determined from the changes over a period of three days. By comparison of these growth curves then, the riffle appears to be more productive than the pool with larger attained maxima and a more rapid rate of growth. The grand average graph, Figure 9, shows the aforementioned to be true. From Figures 10-16 it can be shown that the transplants from the pool to the riffle also were affected by the "phys- iological richness" of the riffle. The values for the change between the unmatched shingles are derived from the algebraic difference between the controls used in the mat- ched pair. The value for the change between the transplant and the control was arrived at similarly. Both values rep- resent the changes over the same period. The values Of the pool change were averaged since they were generally quite close, and compared to the change which occurred between the control member of the matched pair and its "transplant- ed" counterpart for each site. In the early stages, three to six days, growth increase of the transplants was generally behind that of the controls in the pool. 'As the period of accumulation in the pool was 29 Figure 9. Grand average of accumulation of phytopigments measured as AA x 103 against time at Vb, V1, V2, V3. 100001 5000 1000 10 Figure T 1 1 ‘171T1 30 Figures 10-16. 31 Changes in accumulation of pgyto- pi ents measured as AA x 10 per 1. square decimeters after ”trans- plant". Pool values from average change between controls over same three day period. Riffle values from change between control and "transplant". 32 Aauaa mass o> :HuHH ease H oHonoauoa onsmaa Hanw maze H> os as mum hash oom M> N> as as 33 w paswsenmm has» ms TE. ||Il1l|llll|||lv -1 El . HH odonouuaa mmumm ease us as madman mmunm nase a as _ on com mm-om ease I. 1 , 0 $511 > s s o> 1 T.oom 2 18am. C. I. .a 9 J doom”; h. 1. m. 3 1.00m 1.oooH 311» Nata pmamsé os Hs Ns Hanm op ms aduaa pmsms< HHH oaoseuuma shaman Hana poemse H> W> Hs oom mum enemas. T 0 H5. 1 W m > Nb 0b X loom m. C. 1 d a J 100.: w. .W. Tl a. 1com 1000..” 35 H.9domlmm unswn< "s os mmumm enemas >H oHOsOIIMH unawam mmamm unsws< Hs o. X L mmuom gunman oom _ N>_ Ta . law r 1 C) C) cu 1 1 O 3 gotxvv 1 1 00m amp fi’t sad 1 com IOOOH 36 H1mH nonsosoom Hb s oaosounaa onsmas manna noosopaon IHI>L . cu 931mm) U 0 b rmmla a. manm nonsosoon is. Hs > mtw honaepdom com ms Ns [loom 103 I .xed {01: x W sloow. r a“P A Room .IOOOH 37 m .soouom .pdon j _ Hsrouu Ns omnsm nonsopaon Hp enchouuma enemas smtsm noosopdom ‘ ms r1, Hs :waam Monsopdom L _ oom 1 - H _ Mb Nb ig# os amp n't Jed {OI I‘vv oloom iuoooa 38 Aausa nonopoo sauaa noaoooo HH> oaosoulma enemas Hauw sonosoo mum-no asst Hs _ s s Hs mnmn*ms Hs s os _ 1.00m F1 .d> cow 1.000H 39 increased and larger standing crops transplanted, increases in productivity resulted. Not only was the rate increased, but also higher maxima were attained. No changes were noted in community structure in the tranSplants, but this may have occurred. The effects of "physiological richness“ may over- come the ability of the species in the pool to make secure purchase on the substrate. After the whole substrate has been colonized in the pool, attritional losses may be re- duced when moved to the riffle or the increased diffusion gradient may provide more nutrients and gases for increased reproduction and cellular growth. Blum (1956) notes that certain algae which cannot live in rapid current in the spring and fall seasons, and must live in slow water during these seasons, are able to attain good growth in the riffles in the summer. Although some organisms have inherent current demands as Welch (1952), Blum (1956), and others show, certain or- ganisms appear to be able to produce increased growth in the current, but are incapable initially of colonizing a bare substrate successfully where excess velocities occur. Once having successfully established themselves in relative- ly quiet situations however, they are capable of increased productivity in the riffle environment. This is demonstrat- ed by the slow or negative growth shown in the transplants of three and six days from the pool, and the increasing growth as the age of the tranSplanted community increases. Since no transplants were made for longer than three days, 1+0 3 it is possible that these organisms from the pool may have shown only initial rapid growth and might not have sustain- ed it. Eventually these transplanted organisms would have been replaced by other organisms which can compete more successfully. Even among the transplants from the pool to the riffle, the effects of different velocities can be seen. Generally, the increase in production is less in V1 than in the less rapid currents of V2 and V3., Much of this difference may have been derived from attritional losses from the trans- planted pool community. It is possible that productivity is as high on the V1 tranSplanted shingles as on the others, but as soon as growth and multiplication occur, the cells are swept off the substrate. The one qualitative study made on October 1%, 1960 shows that the communities differed. The organisms found in the pool were characterized by two diatoms, Navicula cryptocephala and Sygedra Elna, with the last named species occurring in 76 percent of the fields examined. In the rif- fles, the filamentous diatom Melosira s . occurred in 100~ percent of the fields examined. NO other species were seen in the riffle samples. The presence of S, ulna and,fi. cr - tocephala throughout the summer as characteristic species Of the pool community is unknown, but Peters' (1959) study showed this community to be a dominant for much of the sum- mer and early fall. Melosira gp,, however, was present all through the study. This species grew in dense, brown, gel- #1 atinous masses on all the riffle shingles and was easily recognized in the field. There is no reason to believe that the phytopigments derived from the different species should exhibit any wide differences. Some differences, both quantitative and qual- itative, certainly exist, but evidence of these differences between species is lacking in the literature. Riley (1938) discusses the pigments of the various classes of algae, but points out that differences exist not only between classes, but also may exist within a single organism due to its phys- iological state. Gardiner (19h3) seems to feel that the phytopigment extract method depends for its reliability on the constancy of the ratios of common pigments in different classes and in the different seasons. Tucker (19%9) estab- lishes a high correlation between number of phytOplankters and phytOpigment density in samples containing over 90 per- cent diatoms. Little published research is available for phytopigment quantity and/or quality in taxonomic groups lower than classes. Strickland (1960) lists phytopigments present in the various classes of.algae and discusses the problems involved in determining the amount Of pigments present in the classes. He states that the pigments found in the various classes have probably evolved before many orders and genera. All genera encountered in this study Are of the BacillariOphyceae and any differences in phyto-o pigments that might exist are considered to be only transi- tory and not real, but rather due to the age of the algae #2 involved, inhibition or exhibition by sunlight, or other ecological factors affecting their physiological state with regard to their phytOpigments. Neel (1951) states that greater consumption of nutri- ents occurs in the rapids than in the pool.' It would follow that this is true, particularly since the nutrients are in greater "physiological" abundance.s That is, more individual molecules are contacted by an individual organism growing in the riffles over the same period of time. The rate of consumption then, would depend on the organisms' ability to utilize these nutrients, the particular biota present, and their biomass. In the case of the filamentous diatom, M212? giga, it seems probable that volumes of water essentially stationary, but in close contact with.moving water are en- closed within the filaments. This moving water then can re- new the supplies of nutrients and gases. Although Ruttner's "physiological richness" appears to be true, it does not Of- fer a real eXplanation of the differences exhibited. Blum (1953) in his work on the Saline River in Michigan, states that no differences in oxygen content between riffles and pools were detected either day or night. It has not been demonstrated that differences in nutrient or gas levels ex- ist between pool and riffle situations, but it seems obvious that over a given period of time more nutrients and gases are presented to a given community of algae in a riffle. Hence if they have the ability to utilize the nutrients in reproduction and growth, then the riffle should be more 1+3 productive. Whitford (1960) feels that the difference is a physical one and that Ruttner's discussion of "physiological richness" is correct, but does not go far enough. Ferrell, et a1. (1955) used both organic and inorganic molecules to show an increased diffusion gradient in water velocities greater than 0.5 feet per second. This current is able to reduce the distance between the cell wall and the nutrients involved to less than 0.25 millimeters. The greater this proximity, the more able the cell is to capture the molecule for use in its metabolism. It follows from Whitford's (1960) study, then, that the higher the current velocity, the higher the diffusion gradient, and hence increased growth. This study does not demonstrate this and the writer feels that excessive velocity might cause greater attrition- al losses in spite of increased growth rate, but that at some time their equilibrium level might be similar.. Another ecological factor which might have produced the better growth of the riffle aufwuchs are differences in light quality. No evidence can be presented concerning the exact amount of light penetrating to the substrates in the pool or riffle. Both received approximately the same amount and time of shading. Butcher (l9h6) noted that the number of algae appearing on his submersed slides was always great- er when the amount of sunlight was greater. Both stations received the full noon sun for two to three hours through- out the summer. More exact measurements might have shown differences in light intensity, but the difference in growth Ah rate cannot be attributed only to light quality. Other ecological factors such as turbidity, depth and water temperature offer little explanation for the differ- ences exhibited. The depth at both stations was essentially the same and all shingles were placed at the same depth from the surface (0.8). The proximity of the stations rules out major differences in either water temperature or turbidity. Peters (1959) found temperatures at a station upstream to vary less than one degree from that on the thermograph po- sitioned between the two stations of this study. The writer feels that if the length of the cycles were increased and "tranSplants" made from the riffle to the pool, a more complete and useful study might result. It seems clear, however, that any future studies using artifi- cial substrates as a device for gaining information on pro- ductivity should take into account current velocities which exceed 1.0 feet per second. l. 2. 3. 5. SUMMARY Differences in growth rate and attained maxima between aufwuchs communities in pool and riffle situations on artificial substrates were demonstrated. The riffle, in general, had a faster growth rate and attained higher maxima than the pool. Aufwuchs communities grown in the pool for 3, 6, 9, or 12 days were transplanted to the riffle for three days. Only slight or negative growth were observed from the 3 and 6 day pool-grown transplants. The 9 and 12 day transplants showed greatly increased growth after three days in the current. Differences in growth rate cannot be attributed to dif- ferences in gas content, nutrients, turbidity, depth, temperature or community structure. Light quality and intensity may have varied, but both received approxi- mately the same amount of shading and full sun. Differences exhibited are, therefore, attributed to the effects of a current with its attendant "physiological richness" and to an increased diffusion gradient between the diatom cell walls and a particular nutrient or gas molecule, which puts this molecule closer to the cell and as a consequence, becomes more available for meta- bolic use. Any future studies using artificial substrates for pro- ductivity studies should take into account the presence or absence of a current above 1.0 feet per second. #5 ’+6 Appendix I Matched pairs tests Test 1 - Six days Test 2 - Nine days 1+7 d d2 2 (R-L) (R-L) 8 6% - h 16 o o h 16 n 16 - 3 9 19 361 - 1 1 6 36 - 2 u -1u 256 -10 100 8 6h 15 225 k 16 _ 168E RIGHT LEFT 85 77 86 90 103 103 10% 100 86 82 122 125 110 91 105 106 113 107 11% 116 12% 138 89 99 inc 132 1M1 126 110 106 _ _ g; =2.267 ‘n 612 _ 108k _76. 267 fif""l3””‘ t _‘cT.0_2.267-0 ._ . No significant difference at five per cent level. SIX BAX TEST AAxlO3 RIGHT LEFT 230 226 220 222 229 221 258 2H9 283 253 287 228 229 23% 222 229 226 218 216 222 .....,_' r- ,J. .. 2. 21 #8 .“.~8oo—o_: 0.616 d d2 (R-L) (R-L)2 u 16 - 2 u 8 6H 9 81 -10 100 19 361 - s 25 - 7 1+9 8 an ‘88 83% s- -<82.(:d)2 800- 32.8 No significant difference at 5 per cent level. NINE DAY TEST 49 APPENDIX II--CURRENT DATA Average Station Velocity Velocity and Site Side ft./sec. For Site ft./sec. Date EB g Ejég n.17 E388 3’ EB E 3:8 . 3.06 21 E 8:;68 O 519 3A E 82323 O 573 2. a 2:528 “65 n L h. 5 8.41 July 13, 2B R 2.68 1960 n L 2.63 2.66 21 E 8322 M32 3A E 82%;? O 572 IE E E13§1 0.590 July 16, .. L 1,. 5 11.110 1960 EA E 813E7 1.31 31 E giggE‘ 0'711 " L 0.638 0.629 EA E 8:323 0.816 EB if E35 11.87 E3836 28’ 33 2 3:12 3.17 3B E EIZE 1-70 EA E 8;;fié 0.750 EA E 8:2EE o 828 EA E 8:322 o 856 50 APPENDIX II--CURRENT DATA, Cont. Average Station. , Velocity Velocity and Site Side ft./sec. For Site ft./sec. Date EB: E 3.3; 3.83 igggst 6, 83 E 3:38 2.87 33 3, 833 3-36 33 3;: 8:33? 0531 33 3 88% 0-585 .3 3 8:232 0.627 " L 1379 1‘83 93 E 828% 1.37 8A E 8:888- 0~313 E: E §:;1§ 0.523 IB 8 3.5 5 0.5%8 August 2%, n L 3.06 3'05 1960 33 3 393 8B E 1:33 1.30 88 E glféfi 0.191 58 E 0.361 0'391 3A E 8: 88E 0~382 3. 3 3323' 2'73 n L 1. 71 1.70 33 I; 33333 0.3.. EA E 8 888 0.60% 8A E 8:2E: 0.631 51 APPENDIX II--CURRENT DATA, Cont. ' Average Station Velocity Velocity and Site Side ft./sec. P 8 888 3.10 3 3:33 83 E }:33 1.91 33 3 8:233 0.625 33 3 3:23:- 0.... i: g §E§§8 0.683 " L 3.0M 3'17 53 8 8:83 1:91 83 E 81:; 1.30 %A E 8:3é2 0.335 5A i 8.339 0.371 gA E 0.30& 0.396 0.388 For Site ft./sec. Date September 22, 1960 October 1, 1960 52 Appendix.III PhytOpigment extract data 53 Table I. Changes in phytopi ent extract measured as AA x 10 between con- trol member of matched pairs from pool. Includes change in AA x 103, percent change, and logarithm of percent change. 5a Table I CYCLE I Change 3 Days Site 0 % Change Log % Change 1 81 8100 3.008u9 0-3 2 103 10300 .0128h 3 97 9700 3.98677 1 8 120.0 2. 07918 3-6 2 2 78.8 1. .89653 3 56 57.1 1 7566 1 88 h,.0 1.69020 6.9 2 109 5 .6 1.76790 3 101 6 .5 1. 81623 1 252 9 .0 1. 97 13 9-12 2 305 103.3 2. 01 10 3 315' 162.7 2. .211E: 1 9 1.7 0. 2305 12-15 2 3 8.8 W9 3 " 7 " 1+ 0-9 0.906 CYCLE II 1 111 11100 a. 08532 0.3 2 117 11700 M. 06819 3 107 Iogoo M. 02938 1 110 82 1. 99211 3-6 2 100 n. 7 1.92788 3 92 85.11.92993 1 fig .16.6 1.22011 6-9 2 1 86.2 1.93551 3 137 68. 1. 83569 1 267 6%. 1.80889 9-12 2 23% 57.6 1. 76042 3 192 56.9 1.75511 1 - 12 - 1.9 0.27875 12—15 2 -152 - 23.7 1.37375 3 2n .7 0.67210 CYCLE III 1 97 9700 3% 38677 0-3 2 73 7300 mg 3 76 7600 3. 880 1 1 110 112.2 2. 08999 3-6 2 128 167.5 2.22801 3 112 137.3 2.16820 1 #7 22.5 1. 3 218 5-9 2 17% 87.8 1. 9 389 3 230 122.3 2 08783 55 Table I Cont. CYCLE III Cont. Change Days Site AAx103 % Change Log % Change 1 330 129.9 2.111 9-12 2 2 68.2 1.83338 3 3 9 83.h 1.92117 1 -101 - 17.2 1.23553 12-15 2 - #9 - 7.8 0.89209 3 -106 - 11.9 1.17319 CYCLE IV 1 81 8100 3.90899 0-3 2 67 6700 3.82607 3 93 9 00 3.968u8 1 40 u .7 1.68753 3-6 2 #2 61.7 1.79029 1 1g6 152.8 E'ZZ”52 - . . 2 6-9 2 88 0.0 1.90 83 3 32 21.3 1.32 8 l 227 7 .5 1. 9h 7 9-12 2 217 109.5 2.03991 3 1M9 112.3 2.07628 - - . 0 790 12-15 2 38 11.5 1.06070 3 75 22.6 1.35%11 CYCLE v 1 M5 #500 3.6 321 0‘3 2 55 5500 3.7 036 » g 1 5100 3.70557 6 208.6 2.31 31 3-6 2 122 217.8 2.33 06 3 112 215.3 2.3330h 7h 52.1 1.7168h 6-9 2 92 117. 2.07151 3 26 15. 1.19866 2 316 196.2 2.16H95 9-12 13 78.2 1.89321 1 236 §3°1 l°g163t . 1. 99 12-15 2 112 79.8 1.90200 3 167 57.» 1.75891 9-12 12-15 9-12 12-15 Site LUNHle-‘WNHUJNHUJNH UJMHWNHWNHWNHWNH 56 Table I Cont. CYCLE VI Change AAx103 7 Change 39 3900 91 9100 9 9300 53 13 .0 96 10 .3 82 87.2 237 126.0 252 13H.0 176 100.0 61 18.h 13 11.8 12.5 6 1.5 13 2.8 15 3.7 CYCLE VII 77 700 71 100 $3 6500 56.h 20 27.7 125 102.” 116 126.0 165 175.5 297 120.2 257 123-5 326 125.8 - “'6 801* " 21 I+05 2 0.39 Log % Change 3.59106 3.9590h 3.968%8 2.1303 2.0182 1.99052 2.10037 2.12710 2.00000 1.26882 1.07188 1.09691 0.17609 O.HH716 0.56820 3.88619 3.85126 3.81291 1.7 28 1. 2M8 1.62737 2.01030 2.10037 2.29928 2.07990 2.09167 2.09968 0.92928 0.65321 .1 oh7712 Table II o- 57 Change in phytopigment extract between riffle ontrols meas- ured as AA x 10 . Controls av- eraged for each site and dgy. Includes change in AA x 10 percent change, and logarithm of percent change. 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-15 0-3 6-9 9-12 12-15 Site WNHle-JWNHUJNHWNH WNHWNHWNHWNHWNH WNHWNHWNH 58 Table II CYCLE I Change3 AAxlO. % Change 6 600 9 900 #0 #000 2% 3h2.8 2 320.0 7 11h.2 31 100 13% 319.0 179 203.h 136 219.3 172 97.7 3067 1199 310 156.5 1767 507.7 165 . n.90 CYCLE II n 1100 18 1800 118 11800 #6 92.0 #8 252.6 269 226.0 73 183.1 213 317.9 2 0 59.2 2 H 222.0 782 233.0 1262 2 .2 7 9.0 6 11.8 995 50.2 CYCLE III 1 50 16 1600 13 1300 10 goo 15 8 .2 86 619.2 2% 200 66 206.2 #59 859.0 Log % Change 2.05767 2.00000 2.50 79 2.30 3 2.3910 1.98989 3.059791 2.19851 2.70561 0.69020 2.60206 3.25527 .03188 1.9 379 2.90293 2.35811 2.15568 2.33229 1. 2 2 2. 598% 2. 1996 2.31006 0.9 2% 0.63315 1.70070 3.2OH12 3.%lg9$ 2. 9 1.92587 2.78831 2.30103 2.31h29 2.66181 Days 9-12 12-15 9-12 12—15 9-12 12-15 Site UJNl—‘UJIUI-J WNHWNHWMHWNHWNH 00:01-4memememe Table II 59 Cont. CYCLE III Cont. Chang 363 AAxlO % Change 20 580. 31 320. 3269 589. 7 210 85. 7 9073 988.5 9995 109.5 CYCLE Iv 11 1100 12 1200 119 11900 25 208. 179 137 1189 1030 106 286. 9 1985 7;a.9 711 7 29g H 1727 1. 0 1995 79.3 501 128. 6995 909.7 7920 225.9 CYCLE v o 0.00 18 1800 53 5300 51 5100 176 926. 3 795 1380 £5 67 3 11 0 589. 6 2680 335. 9 122 158. 9 2899 213. 9 2996 71.7 269 126.3 10816 258. 5 9025 151. 0 Log % Change 2.76380 2.50569 2. .76693 1.9329 2. 99998 2.03991 3.09133 .0791 .05690 E 31369 13 9.01283 2. 95697 2. 88890 1. 73799 2.23729 0.00000 1.87099 2.10857 2.612 7 2.35392 9-12 12-15 Site WNHWNmel—JWNHWNH WNHWNI—‘WNHWNHLUNH 60 Table II Cont .- CYCLE VI Change3 AAxlO % Change 10 1000 18 1800 63 6300 25 227.3 19 100.0 39 196.8 0 111.1 195 513.1 2990 1576 65 85.5 666 1573 302 313.5 55 9.0 1666 2. 1300 ‘ 11. CYCLE v11 6 600 12 1200 17 1700 12 171.9 38 292.3 50 277.7 129 652.6 305 598.0 39 586.7 17 121.6 619 172.9 1063 227.6 551 17g.8 7105 73 .9 8180 539.6 Log % Change 3.00000 3-25527 3.79939 2.35660 2.00000 2.16673 2.09571 2.71020 3-19756 318%?" 2.9962?» 1.59106 1.6309 1.0718 2.77815 3.07918 .23095 2.23901 2.93533 2. . E65 2.77670 2.76892 2.0899 2.236 2.3 717 2.2 05 2.86975 2.72803 LU 61 Table III. Change in ghytopigment measured as AA x 10 between control from pool and transplant from pool to r1 fle. Includes change in AA x. 10 , percent change,—logarithm of percent change. Days 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-15 9-12 12-15 3-6 9-12 12-15 Site WNHWNHWNHWNH WNHWNHWNHWNH WNHWNHWNHWNH 62 Table III CYCLE I Change AAxlO3 % Change 70 85.3 18 17.3 $3 381’; 289 152.6 338 219. 135 50. 53 311-2 7 . 183 28.8 1 1. 79 130.9 CYCLE II 8 7.1 19 11.8 30 27. a3 19.8 1 g 89.8 21 109.0 186 71.8 189 96.5 591 175.3 59 11.2 72 11.2 396 65.9 CYCLE III 5% 53.0 62.1 66 86.8 97 22.5 232 117.1 230 122.3 195 76. 308 82.7 612 196.9 12 21.7 79 127.9 2311 301.3 Log % Change 1.93095 1.23805 1.00860 1.58933 2.1835 - 2.391 1.702 3 2.060 2 2. 3 2 1. 5939 2.11826 2.11528 0.85126 1.07188 1.99298 1.17026 1.92890 2.03793 1.66795 2.29378 1.09961 1.09961 1.81558 1.72928 1.79 09 1.93 52 1.35218 2.068 6 2.087 3 1.88309 1.917 2.16559 1.33696 1.10517 2.97900 Days 6-9 9-12 12-15 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-15 3-6 9-12 12—15 Site WNerUHUJNP-JUJNH WNHWNHWNHU’NH WNHWNHWNHWNH 63 Table III Cont. CYCLE IV Chang 883 AAxlO % Change 120 196.0 58 §E.0 333 3 .0 . 277 227.1 350 318.1 107 37 0 297 129.7 898 993$ 39 715 172.2 869 262. 5 CYCLE V 32 62.5 201 35 .9 207 398.0 3% 85:2: 99 26. 8 19 6.9 - 100 - 3700 202 106.3 128 29.0 369 9O 3 588 125.7 CYCLE VI 26 65.0 - 60 - 65.2 "' 20 " 21.2 70 79.9 228 122.7 - 16 .- 9:8 10 2.2 890 252.8 - 6 - 16.3 - 138 " 3003 832 210.1 Log % Change 2.169 5 1. 9292 2. 59900 2. 35603 2. 50293 1.56820 2.09 8% 2.69 0 0.81291 2. 23603 2. 91913 1.95569 2.09939 1.81291 1. 8192 1 263 1. 7157 1.10380 2.11227 0.68129 0.9292 .0106 1. 21219 1.98199 2.32293 Lb.- . -J-PA Q”) 1 Ir :wu-ung- A- 69 Table III Cont. CYCLE VII Change3 Days Site AAxlO % Change Log % Change 1 "' 60 - 7609 - 1088 93 3-6 2 - ,‘I'8 - 66.7 1.82 13 3 39 51.5 1.71181 6-9 2 96 50.0 1.69897 3 99 100.0 2.00000 9-12 2 160 76.9 1.88593 1 - 18 - 3.3 0.51851 12-15 2 95 127.9 2.09687 3 03 137.2 2.13735 ‘ Table IV 0 Raw data. 65 Conversion to AA x 103 from Klett units as determ ned from Figure 1 times 2 x 10 . ‘2 E E E E y': CYCLE I July 2-17, 1960' Days 0-3 6-9 9-12 Code No. 11a 21a 31a 11b 12b 21b 22b 31b 32b 13a 23a 33a 12a* 22a* 32a* EEE 33% 33% 15a 25a 3 a 1 a* 29a* 39a* 15b 16b 25b 26b 35b 36b 173 27a 37a 16a* 26a* 36a* 1 b 1 b 27b 28b 3 b 3 b Kletts 91 33 2 AAx103 82 109 98 6 8 12 3550 66 Table IV CYCLE I Cont. Days 9-12 Code No. 19a 20a 29a 38a 3 a 90a 18a* 28a* 38a* 19b 20b 29b 30b 9b 0b Kletts 205 197 211 218 219 227 226 309 316 199 200 AAx103 0 E38 685 620 600 665 670 1388 1 96 28 2 , 1880 3328 3670 CYCLE 11 July 17-Aug. 2, 1960 0-3 3-6 6-9 12a 22a 32a ,11b 12b 21b 22b 31b 32b 19a 29a 39a 11a* 21a* 31a* EB? 33% 33% 12b, 22b, 32b. 16a 26a 36a 56 33 2 8 11 58 61 111 109 100 60 66 69 22 29 38 31 169 170 o 1 5 121 172 159 112 118 108 a 6 16 22 116 122 259 906 337 67 Table IV Cont. CYCLE II Cont. CYCLE III Aug 2-17, 1960 Code Code Days No. Kletts AAXlO3 Days No. Kletts AAx103 6-9 l3a* ]_ 2 0-3 11a 99 98 238* 12; 965 21a 37 79 338* 17 918 312 38 76 15b 66 132 11b 1 2 16b 38 116 12b ]_ 2 25b 1 l 299 21b 1 2 26b 130 265 22b 16 32 35b 212 590 31b 2 1+ 36b 223 695 32b 12 29 lfib' 16+ 18 8 2 bu 1 2 -6 l 2 10‘4- 20 39b, 22 99 3 333a 9 198 33a 9 188 9-12 18a 201 526 122* 75 150 28a 222 690 223* 60 120 383 202 29 32a* 71 192 .3 15a* 183 5 lab -- --- j 2a; :2 333 1b 6 12 '3 a* 2 b 23 17b 182 990 23b 9 18 18b 169 376 33b 30 60 27b 278 1080 3 b 70 190 28b 266 968 11b, 0 0 37b 332 1780 21b. 9 8 38b 3 2 1980 31b. 9 8 16b. 1 2 26bI 9 18 6-9 158 125 255 36b, 16 32 252 163 972 35a 176 18 12-15 19a 200 520 19a* 125 255 20a 197 508 29a* 180 930 29a 199 16 39a* 176 918 302 186 60 15b 10 20 9a 209 599 16b 26 52 0a 207 562 25b 93 86 17a* 211 585 26b 55 110 27a* 239 312 35b 197 19 372* 255 73 36b 297 09 19b 191 98 13b. a 6 20b 132 906 23b. 8 29b 2 2 1120 33b' 5 10 30b 2g2 1020 9b 3 2 2850 9-12 17a 21 585 0b 380 2800 278 21 626 18b. 2 9 378 291 767 28b| 11 22 16a* 189 950 38b. 32 69» 26a* 230 680 Days 9-12 12-15 68 Table IV Cont. CYCLE III Cont. Code No. Kletts AAXIO3 36a* 273 1030 13b 112 226 1 b 129 253 27b 109 218 28b 215 605 37b 922 3880 38b 925 3775 15b. 1 2 25bl 7 19 35b: 36 72 19a 203 38 20a 180 330 292 216 610 302 209 599 39a 211 585 906 237 736 182* 239 712 28a* 30? 1929 38a* 392 3078 19b 195 500 20b 297 809 29b 97 3170 30b 67 5800 9b 510 8015 0b 518 8050 17b, 2 9 27b: 3 6 37b. 1 28 CYCLE IV Aug 17-Sept 1, 1960 0-3 12a 91 22a 9 328 7 11b 6 12b 6 21b 6 22b 7 31b. '35 32b 80 19a 61 29a 55 39a 75 1181"l 101 21a* 63 Days 3-6 9-12 12-15 Code No. 81* l b 2: 3E}: 12b 22b 32b 16a 26a 36a 13a* 23a* 26b, 36b: 19a 20a 29a 302 39a CYCLE IV Cont. Kletts 1;; 15 73 116 258 326 1 10 21 AAX103. ”El 132 237 902 1696 2 2O 92 .1 CYCLE IV Cont. Code 69 Table IV Cont. Code CYCLE V Cont. Days No. Kletts AAxlO3 Days N0. Kletts AAxlO3 12-15 90a 171 903 6-9 39a* 109 208 17a* 205 550 15b 60 120 27a* 283 1130 16b 27 59 372* 290 1200 25b 230 680 19b 250 830 26b ‘3‘3 1990 200 269 952 35b 392 3118 29b 510 8580 36b 26 3890 300 520 8700 130. a 5 39b 579 11900 230. 8 90b 556 10950 330. 12 29 18b| 11 22 28b. 19 28 9-12 170 202 32 38b. 92 89 27a 171 0g 37a 167 38 16a* 115 230 CYCLE v Sept 3-18, 1960 262* 85 170 36a* 168 392 0-3 Ila 23 96 17b 107 219 21a 2 56 18b 102 209 31a 26 52 27b 92 3118 110 1 2 280 57 5250 12h 0 0 37b 530 960.0 21b 8 16 38b 360 2350 22b 6 12 15b. 2 9 310 18 36 25b. 8 16 32b 36 72 35b. 8 16 3-6 13a 71 192 12-15 192 252 898 23a 89 178 20a 291 767 33a 82 169 292 212 590 123* 39 78 308 log 00 222* 126 257 39a 18 1+£0 32a* 127 233 906 182 0 1 b 27 18a* 226 660 1 b 26 52 28a* 291 767 2 b 75 152 382* 267 976 2 b 116 237 19b 180 930 3 b 219 600 200 199 516 3 b 268 989 29b 600 15000 11b: 9 8 300 629 15000 21b. 9 8 9b 638 15000 31b: 29 98 0b 636 15000 6-9 17b, 9 8 15a 108 216 27b. 6 12 25a 133 270 37b. 21 92 33a 95 190 l a* 115 2&5 29a* 122 2 9 70 Table IV Cont. ' CYCLE VI Sept 18-Oct 2, 1960 Days 0-3 3-6 6-9 9-12 Code No. 112 212 312 11b 12b 21b 22b 31b 32b 132 23a 33a 122* 33b. 17a 16a* 262* 362* Kletts 293 AAX103 352 169 212 62 90 368 1696 3600 16 l6 16 92 396 15 50 12 2 Days 9-12 12-15 CYCLE VII Oct 2-Oct 17, 1960 0-3 Code No. l b 18b 27b 28b 37b 38b 15b. 25b| 35b: 19a 20a 29a 308 9a 0a 182* 282* 38a* 19b 20b 29b 30b 9b 128 22a 32a 11b 12b 21b 22b 31b 32b 19a 29a , 39a lla* 2la* 312* CYCLE VI Cont. Kletts 79 62 283 2 556 556 8 12 170 169 188 187 170 171 2.. 292 96 100 92 61 27 73 6 10 9 .. . .‘u, 71 Table IV Cont. CYCLE VII Cont. CYCLE VII Cont. Code 3 Code Days No. Kletts AAxlO Days No. Kletts 3-6 lab 7 19 12-15 172* 201 1 b 12 29 272* 276 23b 30 60 372* 309 2 b 21 92 19b 266 33b 33 66 20b 291 3 b 35 70 29b 519 12b 7 19 30b 998 22b 7 19 9b 555 32b 15 30 0b 512 18b. 7 6-9 16a 121 29 28b. 11 26a 109 20 38b. 19 36a 127 259 132* 53 106 232* 69 1&8 332* 99 1 8 15b 51 102 160 72 199 25b 187 965 26b 121 297 35b 199 16 36b 176 18 19b. 9 8 29b. 6 .12 34b. 13 26 9-12 18a 209 28a 187 38; 382 211 585 15a* 101 202 25a* 162 368 352* 291 1219 1 b 199 311 1 b 199 323 27b 239 712 28b 292 1228 37b 278 1080 38b 392 1980 16b, 0 o, 26bl 9 8 12-15 19a 198 12 202 191 89 29a 179 927 302 186 960 9a 219 600 0a 209 579 72 LITERATURE CITED Blum, J. L. 1953. The ecology of algae growing in the Saline River, Michigan with special reference to water pollution. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Michigan. . 1956. The ecology of river algae. Bot. Rev. XXII No. 5, May. 297. Butcher R. W. 1996. Studies in the ecology of rivers. V . 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