" ‘ c_ .-- vans-um- , ,wfl-nfimm . nafifimm‘ oqgoo—N“ - , o - ' o g- ,‘ WW1, “THE WORLD’S FIRST M850 STATION” A HESTORY Thesis for the Degree of M. 'A. MICHIGAN STATE *UNI’V‘ERSlTY Robert Preston "Rimes 1963 W u1llr.r‘_1 Y a . l‘. . .. .... r. . . ... . ...«rwuw.. ». y .. , .. . . . .... fl ._ . . t...‘ ... ...»..Tfl. it [1 . . .1'. a ‘ fi'.‘}:i i a l“ Knunwfiflufih. _ W%V 1.7. (fin "x ., Q o ..n. ('6 V a. , filfizwbfitwmmuufi t$3fi§s§$ffifi .3 ........ _ 4w slutylxnxfiu: v.41? 1 ...} to, .. £1 «up $.21...» ......m. fifixmww «wwnfififiw x%flw%% %*@1%@ %M... . ...; .3... «3&1... a, Wang, 55%. mamfifimfimaw; «0??» .m... ,. .. «wmmagwgmfiygwfi finfimyomxx 4 Wm ofi‘monfiwmwvhfia 441% ahmwwwfimwng A “gaw‘mwfifiwwfiéq 3% ”fivW‘W u... _. um? wxfififi ... t. A. f {we wxéfix .. 5&0. %w%%v%w$%wfififm§f «m? wad/A. $4.“ . .figfififiw .. 4.. 9mm» .. .....w§%%%fi. - an??? . #1 4 1“, .... ... 1..» 1, .xfl .r \ m kwfirwwfi ,1... a... 3.. $15.5 5%. A! u. a" k 1.4 £4 .a \«ncww 4M Myrflwmwwfiwfi,’ $wx.fi%fiavfifiw%%w%%%m%mm ..a, $Wfim 5% wmwflu #«flwflmfiowma ..... . «a» «wWfifiwaQ mmm . x $4 ... t. Aw%%w vawfia. #WWNW.» ..., .. . . 4. out... . 4... Wk 9 z. . . .. i?®fpmm¢3fi®u%fizxfifpwméfifi‘wwa yfié€1fim§fia§o a ...af...%» .74 gimme yxwwfiwamfigfi. “”13...me e fixnwafiwww¥$fiwfiéwxm wavwfawwfiwfi. ..., _ ...... w. ...... ......i... ..%.%.z.. .... ......1 .. a ...}... T... .wwwfi.“ u ( ouNfiWPA .fl Of.» A $1. 7kgimi Vat KflhflffivWMfiwdwwg . ... 9.. «K. .3...» v.. 3. “at”. . c «y an... ...... ...m... 35%....3 .....m.»% 3. £w%x.w....& my... . .. .m. .5... .... . .. m... ......m... a? .. ..mfimwfifl. ”mm”... Wm“... .... ;@%?.Wfi%$§% .....m... @131... .. .. . ...... 1......» ...?g i...” Q... 3%.... .. 3% .... .... .... o 4b «v. 4/ in. c me&\ 9 . . a. 0' W rm... .w 4%? a. w W on. s» * Q 1 o: a... ”C 3%. yiwfiwfin ., xm$fiiw aw}, LIBRARY Michigan State University ,. ABSTRACT WJ, "THE WORLD'S FIRST RADIO STATIOH" A 31570“ by Robert. Itoston Rimes no pnrposs of this study is to prossnt s systsnstio umtivs of tho post svsnts which 1“ to tbs sscsbiishnonc and snbssqnsn: development of mu. "tho world's first son- nsrcisl rsdio ststion to prsssnc rszuisr dsily programing." In oddition to so utsnsivs review of the svsilsbis published iicsrscurs. this work nobodiss taut-ch (ran my horscotors unpublished incurs. nsnuscripts, docmnts, pro- gr. logs snd other sonross. It siso includes sipificsns dots unions in psrsonsl intsfliows with brosdcsstsrs who portisipstsd in tho founding sod/or dsvsloposnt of WW new: 'bsiors upon-tad. floss inportsntiy. pathsps, is offsgs s ounshsnsiws dosctiption sad snsiysis o! the scstion's unqlisbsnu sod dissppoinmnts within tho confines of l sinxlo covsr. hobort trooton limos to fully nonprohond tho honinninzs oi lsdio Btstion am. it was nooosssry to trsco tho osrly rososroh o1 brood- sostina pionssrs Jones ”mall. asinrich Karts. Guglislno Homi. J. A. Ilanins. and Dr. I.» no tor-sot. rho work of Do lorsst is trsotsd in sons dotsil sincs his contribution to WJ's birth woo noro dirsot sod mingiul thss tho ottorts of other osrly rsdio snort-onto". Honsntous davslopmts wsrs slso node in tho wirslsso transmission ot signols by ms of tolegrsph nods in Mich“. prior to tho ioundins of HM. At smrsl port cities. such so (:1de snd Detroit, wirsloss opsrstors wors st work ssndin; ossssgos by rodio to ships on tho Grsst Lskos. 0! portionin- signiiiasnoo in this rsgsrd woo tho work of rhonss Cloth. who slso plsysd s vitsl rols is convincing tho osnszsosnt oi m Detroit laws thst o stotion should ho instsliad in m news- yspsr oiiicss for tho purpose oi sending out lots-braking bulletins which srriwd too lots to ho inclndod in tho lost dsily sdition of the laws. tho grost port of this thesis is dsvotsd to than yours hstwson August 20. 1920. sod Docsnbor 31. 1962. And. slthough it is ptinoipslly tho history oi s sinsls ststion, tho prohlsns flood by WJ. so rsdio woo tronslornod iron o toy to o giant osussroisl snd odnostionsl tons, on typiosl of tho grouting point snitorsd by countless outlsts ocross tho notion. Robert Preston lines l'hs svolotion o1 progru toasts. schodulos. brood- osstin; hours. equip-out, snd tho introduction or mobile bmtlhg. tile solos. ond tho myriad clan-Into Which. tozsthor. nonstitoto o hrosdnosting stotion. ors roportad in dotsil. liosrsphiool notorisl. which dolinosteo tho osroors of sovorsl outstonding Detroit broodcsstors including: Uillia !. Scripts. (minder o! WJs sportsosotor Ty tysoo; nswscsstor C. C. hrodnor; hmoriot Albert Hooks; dronltist no: “hits, and ootor Wynn Wright. is slso included. l’inslly. this thesis is devotod extensivoly to tho outroVorsy oncoming tho priority of stotions. including tho dissxroonont botween [DEA sod W.) which hos sristod for yosrs. It is hoped thst new light will be shed on tho sub- joot by this study ond thst tho question of which ststion non Jnstly thin to be “tho World's first" hss ham tinslly ”Crfldo Copyright by HOMER? PRESTON Emmi; 1963 WJ. "rm HORLD'S um RADIO snnon" A “mow: 3! Rohort hoston Rimes A 182315 Sub-ittod to Hichigsn Ststo Oniworsity in portiol tuliillnsnt of tho roqnirsnonts for tho dogroo o1 MASTER W AMS Dspsrtnont of Rodin snd Tolsvision 1963 f I j Appmgd (JP/V1444 .' MC (/9 HsJor Protsssor PREFACE 'i'ho porposo oi this study is to doocribs tho svcnts which lod to the founding. ond tho subsequent dovolopnzont ot Rodin Ststion W1. Detroit. Sinco W.) is rogordod by pony oournos within the connotations industry so ”The World's first hsdio Ststion." it is illodiotoly oppsroht that o dotoilod sminstion ond onslysis of its founding is the losicsl beginning in tho study of consrcisl rsdio brosdcsstinz history. Assuming thot RH.) is typicsl of stony ststions. it not tollu thot its growing psins porollol sod roiloct thoso oi outloto which slushroolssd in tho brnsdcostins iiold during tho oorly 1920s. to tho best knowledgs or tho stsii sod unsxsnsnt oi HWJ. such on oxtsnsivo study of tho stotion's history hos novsr boon ondsrtston. Boiors this projsct wss hogan only trsgoontsry. into-inlets, snd soootinos. inscoorsto histotiss oxiotod. It is hopod thst this thosis will fill tho argon: hood for o comprohonsivo history of WJ. ond. in turn, broodcutiu's wsry beginnings. within tho continoo of s singlo cover. iii lt locus thst nasrly ovsry umbsr of tho WJ ststt hslpod in tho proporstion of this thesis by irooly contributing iniorosticn. suggestions sod oncoursgmnt. 'i'hmks should go to thin t. h‘hoslor. Jonso Schisvono. snd Soy-our upotonsky. Spocisl thanks sro sxtsndsd to tho "Assocists Editors". to hsnry c. honors sad to say wits, Hsry Jons. iv PREFACE . INTECBUCTIGN . . . I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. EARLY EXT; hikbififfl IN VIC nILLIAV E. . WWJ EMERGfi" THE PI? “'1‘ “humid“? . G‘nhI”G ?‘IN" ‘5 Vivt‘ofi 0-; . ABLE OF CO 1920-1921 2‘. WV" hog-my- A. o Is: ..3 THAT '-flL hF”L V‘ch-19°2 ccwswnmn THAT .CJILWUL 122-: .221, must 2 . THE FL? ;.Iv x2 ”I: . WaiJ JOINS A human. Matt‘s-222: 0L“? CUT LF Tho haéio Act of 1927 Ty Tyson's First Baseball Broadcast S-CEII’I‘S CL‘E‘TTZS- TC i-‘Ch’E-Tii wJ': G;- A CI 51??!" 37'? if!“ A C UEIT I C!“ “III: KP Cs“; TJ ClefOIT 11' D ." 1936 o T'FY Page 111 11 19 23 31 1+6 62 84 91 98 10“ 112 127 135 152 158 T :'.. ‘31 ii" 0 F C ONT 141‘?!" :72 XV I I . Ki; Fit". N RE: i; ('1 EC ST 1:43 . Q Q o Q Q Q Facsimile and FE EEJ Goes to War Toloviaion Comes to Detroit ETJ Today XVIII. A 100% IHTO THE FUTURE . . . . . Radio's Growth Froopooto The Fabric of th'o History W Capone: to tho Roaring Motion in which i: on born. W: and radio broadcasting bod o quiet. mooning birth. lot my attended than dulivory on August 20, 1920, just o (av olooo friend. me had watched Chad intone dowlop node: the skilled hood: or a law ”not“: oporotoro.” or "hm.” on tho, or: known today. Although it. um oil-on: beyond bolt-t ow, w-HJ'o pot-or. publication. 13;; W m, did no: dovoto 0 single word to it. ooh-o0 to tho (in: utterances of thin ou found winch. ohriotaood viral“. telephony. or tactic. whit. :hooo involud in tho lira: crud. broadcast. Inn proud of the ow arrival, o complacent Detroit yon-nod and turned in «union to than "nu-jot" emu o! tho you. I: no 1920. world Hot 1 bod mood and tho orookor- barrel diooouiooo turned. no: to radio broadcasting. but to tho ”rim consequence. of tho 18th and 19th Alcoholic. Nob. troohly mated, gave women tho right to ”tea-nod nobody tho right. to ”11 or comm alcoholic bonny-no. Hm no Ila-no: delirious our hot new oolid ooh "fris- ontor which oh» porch.“ to: "only $26.50.“ and tilhd 1. 2. with oitloin otcok at 32 csnto o pound. Heanwhilo. parlor crovdo gotharcd to play tho popular game of the day. Fab Jongg, while baocball fans huddled to debato tho proa and cona at tho "Block Sox"*vorld oorloa acandal and rocurrant reporto about Preoiaont Hilooo'o hoalth. On Broadway. Mary Pickford cootcd in "Pollyanna," and at tho taco track a boautiful horn nomd Mao-Mar woo io hio prim. Who could ho bothorod with ”thio now tanglod inven- tion.“ radio-on the town rolled down their stockingo and toioed their hoolinooi who could atop to listen to those noises "oomin' (too down at tho new," oo tho nation rooted into a dacada which began with "blind pig." and "bathtub gin" and which finally oodod in economic chaos and duprdSIIOfl? W rho ooodo (or WJ'o oarly growth voro plantad in nu whoa max-y. motivating with than trononiooioo oi radio Hana. fond that a otul noodle: could to nogootioed by tho diocharu from a Loydeo jar} In 1873. Joooa Clerk Homll, a Scottioh protoooor o! phyoico. advanced tho theory that light and oloctricity VIII both Iowa in tho ”Ether.” traveling at tho rota of 186.000 oilao pot oocood. Following Homll woo Heinrich Rudolph Horto. a canon protuoor. who actually proved tho oxiotaoca of radio vavoo. In 1837...ho abound that clactWtio uaveo are in coupl-uto accordanco with the WOW. 0! light and hoot. and thereby founded tho theory upon whichzall modern radio oignallin; dhvioao aro baaod. Ba aloo built tho firot trooooittar and tocaivor and not on olactrical iopuloo acrooo a room which a young inwntor in Italy hoard about Horto'a IWWMItm." E15: iglggegia W (lo ad... 1957) 9°1o XVIII. Po 535o 3mg. 3. ‘- lauouo upon-cot. ho uodmhtodly matched that it radio moo could to not acrooo a tool, why couldn't they be out acroaa this Atlantic? In 1396, Gugliolno Mortal lodaod hio application for tho Sirot Iritioh patont tor lltolull tomography. Afton: building a tranooitto: in England. Kamooi. in 1301. tailed to: Untoucdlaod vhoro ho cooottuctod a racoivar. At loot tho fateful day to: tho down-ant arrived. narcooi adjuotod hio oorphooao and uoitad toooaly. Acrooo tho ocoao a dyoouo thin“ and I telegraph hay tappmi out gthruo doto. Mono code to: tho latter: "5". hith tho opood of light. tho oianol looped tho Atlantic and Marconi hoard throo ohort buoua in hit ‘ hoadoat. Tram-Atlantic broadcaating had hogan: Tho toot groat contribution to radio caoo tro- J. A. Ila-in; o! England. to 1904. ha adaptod tdiooo'o light bulb to detect radio aigoalo. tlooioa'o tuba woo the oo-callod too-aim: tobo. moiotinz o! an ooodo- and a cathode in on ovoouotod bulb tillod with too goo. l’hio. aoid tho oourto in flow York. woo tho font-mo: of tho .odot'o radio tutu. But it minod to: Loo no Iotoat to add tho final third oloaoot to tho tuba. ”tho :rid,” in “J ’m- ‘Grctta Dakar. "Radio Couoo at Ago,” m Wm cu. 22. m5. 9. s, ’4. A. Flu-ins. ummnzgmnmm. (undo-s the Uirolooo Pruo. 1921) p. 331. 5. ”dotting tho "audion" oo an iootmont (or mounting. oo woll oo dotacting. radio oigoolo. Up to thio tine all no- moo had boon not in not“ coda. tho "audioo" nodo it poooihlo to traoooit tho huoao voice. And although all of tho aorly mermanta poriomd hoot-toot functiona in the dowloplont of radio broadcaoting. it woo tho work of. Loo Do Poroot which had tho noot profound and looting attact m tho founding of WJ. ho roraot woo born in Council Blutto, Iowa. ouguot 26, it”. “tho oon ot acnry Swift and Anna mraarot tobhioo Do ”root. Bio tothor woo a oioiotcr whooo dooiro it woo to hovo hio ooo follow his in tho oano protcooion. Early in hlo boyhood. hia fathor boom proaidont at tho Collogo (or tho Colorod at Iallodoga, Ala” what-o tho boy wao oMnnod by tho othat which hoya bccauoo o1 hia tathor'o teaching of hagrooo. Doing lonaly, young Do Forcot oarly boom intorootod in cxpcrinooting with crudo toola. ha dcoiznod a new {on got» and built a loco-no- tivc out o! pino hoardo and harrola. wort- ohop woo tho too- dooignod for (moralo. Alto: ottoman; Mount Hermon School for loyo. ho entered Shottiold Sciontitio School. Yale, what-o ho corollod in tho iitot couroo in olectricity to ho ottorod in any Aurican col- logo. Bo woo groduotad with the dust“ or Bochalot o: Scionco in 1896, and took hio Ph. 0.. aloo at Yolo, thruo ycaro lator. ' "'le Do l'oraot. 87. Iadio Picador. via, "1312. 121mm July 2. 1961. pp. 1 and 32. 6. torrowinz $50. ho out out for Chicago, whora ho obtain“ a job with tho waotorh lloctric Company. After working houro. Do Foroot and a triond. Edwin Sn'ytho. expor- ilontod in a amall hall bedroom, jomud to tho door with wirolooo apparatuo. Thoir laboro rooultod in tho invonticn oi a radio rocoivar, min; on oloctrolytic dotoctor. which «do poooihlo tho noo ot headphonoo tor wirolooo Icooagoa. Ihio woo Do Foroot'o iirot patcnt, and it soda his a clooo competitor of lvforcoroi. Othor invention involving new principloo in wiralooa dotoctioo ooon brought him to that front in tho wirelcoo field and earned hio a imputation in tho Unitodftatoo comparablo to that of Marconi u 23m90o in 1906, Do roroot torgad tho final link in a la; chain of invontiono. Bo woo grontod a patent for a mum rootilior or audioo. in tho oaoo yoor. Goo. E. II. C. Dunwoody diooovorod tho roctityin; proportion of carton-uh- oryotalo. and Pictord laud oioilar proportiao in oilioon cryotalo. later hood in tho thou honunodo "cryotal ovum."8 Aloo in l906 cola anothor oilootono in rodio hiotory. the tint voico tranoniooicn. haioald Found-u opoko ovor a tronooittar aa Chriotnoa Eva, uoios a; ordinary tolcphmo in- otood at o oiorophono. 7xbid. . ”W "gamma, Vol. xvm. p. 385. ”mar. mm W. ,. s. 7. Do l'oroot'o oooioo toho too a vorootilo iootruant. ha diooovotod. lot only did it vootly immo roooptioo in virolooo tologrophy. but. with odoptatioo. it could oxtono tolophono omiootioo oorooo tho notion and nodulato tho voice for virolooo telephony trmmiooiono. To amtrato ito oootulnooo. Do Poroot obtainod poniooioo to oroot o radio-tolaphooo tronooittor at tho Nov York Hotmpolitn Open flouoo. Ho plaood tvo liorophoooo at tho lootlixhto on otago. It woo 1909. [Soon ooorooo gin tho dato oo Dom, 1903, othoro oo 1910] The occooioo woo tho opening night of Enrico Camoo in "covallotio M‘Lflmo u “rhio trooooiooioo of tho voioo oi Caruso." Do torso: told yoaro later. "woo tho firot brood- oaotin; oi moio othor thou phonogroph oaiootiooo. it woo a not. night. and 1 hod invitod om hall o dooon irionda ono coworker-o to lioton to tho opera ot lay hm. Coruoo aon; probobly to tho mlloot oudioooo of hit ooroor. Tho mic m obotruotod now am than by otatio diotorbonooo. but tho notoo oi tho great oingar'o voice voro oloar one hoautitul. Although only a to! moan ood ohip oporotoro had heard the oporo, to know that it had boon a ouooooo.” Boing tho inventor oi tho oooioo tuba vaa not vithoot ito problou. oo Do Foroot oooo diooovorod. Tho oudioo itooli woo tho oobjoot of a tooooo lavouit in tho Fodorol ooorto hero, in “who Do ror'aot. 87. Radio Pioneer, Dion," 212’. mum July 2, 3.961. pp. 1 ond 32. litizatioo with tho Marconi Company. in which tho court held thot the origin of tho oudioo could be traced directly to the filming valvo, o rodio rectifier inVfitod botoro tho oudioo by pro Jo Ao 'lamo lo 87 yearo, fie Foreat hover roopod tho lull tinanoial bonoiito of bio work. Ho oquondorod tour iortuooo ad warriod tour tiooo. in 1936. ha tilod a voluntary petition in bank- ruptoy. lioting liobilitiao of olmoot $400,000 and auto of 3390.12 But. for all of bio erratic behavior, Do Foroat did Into a tangiblo contribution to 3. ho founding of t’tJJ. to ho lator recoil-ad: Tho threatening wor cloudo. oorly in l917. oauaoo tho abut-down for two yoaro of my brood- oooting octivitieo, ood ohortly aftur tho ban on my High Bridge ototioo woo again lifted, in- torioranco by thio. and ito imitator ototion. with Hovy Comunioatiooo around Row York prooptod tho olort and ooolouo Government Radio inopootor to concol our pioneer liconoo, on tho theory that "than woo no roan in tho other for ouro antar- “11.30:...“ Dnohlo to broadoaot himoalf, Do Fox-oat dooidod to o-oiooturo hio oooll trononittor and diotributo it throw: on agent company which would aloo inotoll tho ototiooo. Radio Bowo ood Ruoio woo ooiectod to oorkot tho oquipuont ond ito 11M’0 P. 1' ”woo Po 32o “‘79:. Do Foruot Hallo Pioooorin; of iu'n'J." 1133 W! ‘Q““ 21o 1936o ’0 l- 9. proaidont C. 8. Thoopoon travolod tho country trying to loooo the tronomitting aquipmont. Than it woo that wy loyal oniooary. Claranoo Tho-pooo, hogon to proonlyto onong nowopopor ownoro in tho heat and south to purohaao and install rooio brooocooting tronomittoro, for tho editorial odification of tho rapidly swelling number! of liotanoro around ovary largo cityj‘wigro tho ”hon" virno woo olruady beconing opidonio. After bolas turnod down tima and ogoin, Thompoon arrivod in Detroit in 191? and found o raoponoiva ouotonor in.Hillion E. Scrippo, than vice-proaidont of tho Evoning EowI.Aaaociation. Aa an Foroat iamxnbotod it: hone, however, could be internatsd in to chimerical an iooonnono until William E. Soriopo, now prooidont of the Detroit Rows, woo approachod. Bio tor-oeoing vioion woo quioisto grooP tho poooio bllltlul dormant in thio idol. And othero followed ouit. Othor nonopoporo worn not long in tho rsali. notion of tho poooibilitieo for clooor, more intioote, approach to their public. which thia . pionoor axonplo of Tho Detroit flown had out thou. Thin nonvoloua podium, tho Radio. Which woo once draodod at a rival. now rovnolo itoolf to ho on invaluablo, irruplaooahlo ally in tho great Hark of igfovming tad nducatin; tho*llltol o! tho pooplo. But no Foroot did not woit {or radio hroadnooting to “I! in ”E! .1 l6Addrooo by Dr. loo Do Pornot. Radio Station H"J. III: £25.- IWBU“ 20. 193°. 9. l. 10. take ohapo. In 1921, ha loft hio laboratoriuo in how York and. tailed (or Comny. Thorn ho ioolotod himself to portaot Molina. tho name given to hio inwntion for noting talking not ion pic. turoa . 1'7 17 Geo otto Corn ol $9959ng fig“ new tort: florooo Livorigttzt, 1910):“): 97 and It.“ ( Thu-1‘ thonpoon propoool to loo" or purchaoo o Do Foroot trononittar in 1919 no» oo no snot ohoch to Willioo E. Scrippo. a. nod hio fothor. Jon-zeo E. scrippo, had been otuoyins tho prog'rou of wirolooo in Kiohigon .135. 1902o Thai: tutor woo a loan. intonoo young notroit in- vontor. Thoooo 2. Clark. It woo Clark. probably noro than Thonpoon or Do For-not, who oonvinnod Million 2. strippo that tho fiatroit hm ohould ootoblioh o brooooooting otation. Aa oarly ao 1901. Cloth told Jmo I. Sorippo. tom- oor of m Em. and hio ton: rhotioowillomwhooyonwillovoo oit in your living roo- and to ontortoinoo by ouoio phyod thouoondo of oil» owoy. lion will talk oorooo countloaa niloo o! waoto and watorz. natiooa will ho drown olooor tozothnr hooouoo, through thio now difiovnry. thoy will bottor udorotaoo oooh 9538315 no it woo lotor ooid of Clark: Io ono in Dotroit will tako grottor prido in on: than tho wirnlooo wiurd Thoooo 2. Clark. for it woo ho who gonorotoo within tho lato Jaooa E. “Hanoholl mu. "Event of 1902 m Up a mad." m m hm. Anzac: 20. 1930. 9- 15- ll. 12. Scrippo...tho opark oi intonoo intoroot in tho voot potantiolitioo oi virolaoo oomnnioatims.19 Born in "indoor. mtorio. Conada, in 1.867. Clark woo ll yooro old when ho owed to Datroit with hio fooily. a» ottoodoo Hoodlum Public School ond oolo mpoporo to oarn ontro opondins oonoy. in 1883. ho roooivod hit tirot Job with tho Detroit tlootrio Eorko and tivo yooro lotor ho loit hcoo for a pooi- tioo in tho oxoorinontal dopartwont oi Gonoral tloctrio in schoooctooy. low York. Hhilo in Chicago with tho Moral lloctrio oohihitioo at tho notation txpooitioo. in is”. ho not and woo inprooood by likola roola. tho brillint Sorhian-Aaorioao. who woo conducting trudo oxporioonta in tho now layotory. "virolooa tolography.” I "I woo trmndouoly oocitoo." ho oaid. “And i ruohod hack to Schwoctody to rig up a 'hickoy‘ thot would throw 'othor wowo' through opoco, which I holiowod would rovolu- 3.21:;2mfigtion. My oquaiotmcoo collod Clark rotor-nod to Dotroit in 1896 to nonutootnro oloctrical oquinoont m to opond nuoh tioo on Iollo lalo. whoro, (no (to- "Intorioro'noo," ho could oxporioont with tonoins ond roooivins ooto. And whilo ho toilod at tho 195501“ Wood, Who'o Who.“ m 2255235. 1231. loans: 20, 1955. p. 12. “on. l3. tolurophor'o code. trying to aim procticol opplicotioo oi tho principlco o! wiroleoo. pmlo on tho Detroit Rivor trout ouploiood thot hio wiroluo iotarfarud with their tolophoooo. Although ohoorvoro ooh opploud hio geniuo ood vioiou our. Clark'o oootonpororioo oooiiod ot hio apart-soot. and diniooad hill oo o armor. “There gooo 'Wirolooo Clork.’ " thuy would toy. "Ba thinko ho coo toll: through tho oir with- out wit-n." Thoir ooiloo oi pity woro poorly hidden. 1 Attor oxhonotivo tooto hod proud to Cloth that hit oquip-oot could hurl nooogoo into opooo ot incrediblo opud, ho opprooohod Senator Jmo HcHilloo io 190l. A prooinont ood woolthy Dotroitor. Hal-{illo- owood tho Dotroit h Clow- lood Navigation Canny. which ooilod pooooogor booto ho- twooo the two citioo. Clark prooantod o template plan to ”chill“ tor equipping hio hooto with wirolaoo outo. "rho omtor ground the idol inodiotoly,“ fir. Clark ooyo. ”no gov. tho order for quorturo to ho iittud up for on operator on the old City It Detroit. And he par-ittod no to ootohlioh our load ototioo on tho wotoriroot our Woodward ovoauo. ‘ 11m“ 1.. tally. "Biotory oi Bodi. in Hichizoo." flagginhiggo aiotog minim, Vol. xxx (Hintor Mir. £931). Po ‘0 ”ms. lo. whoa oll woo in rudinooo. o oodo oooooso woo not in. tho oiddlo of mo trio. "m: oyotoo woo ontiroly cut ond try.” Cloth rawboro. lot tho noxt doy, Hr. Mohillon oooiimod tho odourocy oi tho uooogo, ood tro- thot tioo our wireleoo woo o pomnoot tiaturo on tho D 6 C hooto until fill who: tho oquipeoot of tho Cloris Hirolooo Company woo ordorad removed in iovor oi United Hirolooo. o otock-aollins orgonizotioo iomd on o noth ooolo.“‘1 with hio tromittinz oquipuont pioroins tho ototio of tho Groot Lokoo ohoord tho 9 I: c booto. Cloth orrongud o outing in 1902 with ooothor poooihlo flotatiol hochor of hio otporioaato. Jun 8. strippo. Ao cloth aloud. tho oditor ooooidorod how ’ hoohoro ood m in tho otrooto ohooh their hoodo whoa tho young onthuoioot'o nooo woo oatiooed. virolooo tologrophy woo «:17 o orudo oxporiu—mt, oopoblo of mating only ovor ohort diotoncoo. Thoro wore thooo who ooid it now: would oocoood; thot it woo moony. inpoooiblo. tho droo- o£ o (lighty broioo-ond oaoro importonfiy. o thins lo which no ooooy ohould ho riohod. Finally, Sorippo and hio ooh Uilliol 8. ogrood to ottood o privoto mutation of the now oyotu. Attor hoorios wirolooo moogoo tronooittod botwooo Clori'o lob- _ orotory in tho loft of tho old honor Lomdry. oppooito tho proooot Shanta-Guilloo hotol. to o mowing outlo- ”his. “um. 12:. mm; £911.. “on" 20. ma. ... u. l3. loootod two ohort blocko my in tho Choohor o! Co-oroo landing. ot Stoto ood Griowold otrooto. tho older Borippo ood hio no ”god improoood. Uhilo tho youogor Scrippo ooooinud o dropory to mot-toil whothor o oocond oporotor Ilflh: bo hidden bohiod it. tho older Scrippo toot oooothiog iro- hio pookot ood boa- writing. Tho young iomtor oot ootioolooo. not dorm to hopo thot tho oorotchios of tho pa in tho oditor'o hood mot onything to his. And thou Strippo turned to you; cloth and hold out to his o loos olip of popor. rho invootor rooohod tor it with troubling iiogorouit woo o chock tor $1.000. "Toto it. yum; non.“ tho oditor inoiotod. "l thiohyouhovoogood idoo thorooodiwootyooto hovo owory opportunity to do who: you on with it. 1 don't ooro whether i own ooo tho moy oxoin-I‘0 it io my littlo tit toword holpiag o littlo idol booooo o biz, worth-whilo foot." in tho intorvooing yooro botwooo tho cloth Motto- tioo in l901 ond tho wioit to Dotroit by Woo in 1919, wirolooo tologrophy in tho Croat Lotto region grow with not- in; opood. in moo. o ototion, oquippod to omiooto io oodo with tho ohipo on tho lokao. woo ootobliohod io Clonlood. Groot mourogo‘ooot woo given tho ootorprioo thoro by tho iota Corrioro oooociotioo. ood by 1909 thoro wore tolegroph ototiono in tho principol port. on oil tho lokao with oquipnont go booto out oi Detroit, Cleveland, no oufiolo. ° 251539 261(‘11?’ Thai Ck .a aszson gowargno, V01. XXI (iintor humour, 1937), p. . 16. With tho otiwluo providod by tho ohip owoaro. ordioory oitioaoo. in mll ounboro. turood to tho oyotory oi ooioooo which ollowod ow: to ootroct cod-id ooooogoo iroo ‘h‘ oir. ‘ Wtu‘ “‘IflMCooohmn 1909 m tgl’ooo woo thot exortod by o group oi rodio oothuoiooto known oo "onotooro” or "homo." For tho loot port. thoy wot-o youtho oi high oohool ogo who hod coo- triwod ootonnoo in tho but yordo oi thoir hoooo. Thoir wiroleoo ohooko woro loootod in o oporo rooo or in tho ottio. And ior my oi tho roiinooooto now in uoo in rodio broodcootiox. tho ioduotry wot thonh too-o boy'o ouriooity or o ohip'! rodio oporo- tor drivoo to invention by oaooooity. 7 Di couroo, my ioilod to roolioo tho oltiooto iuoo- tioo oi tho wirolooo tolophooo, or rodio. lootood oi onio; o low oouooooot ootorprioo ovoiloblo to owory hm without thono, om oi tho oorly Hiohisoo orporioootoro omiood tho oo-ooroiol opplicotioo oi wiralooo in pointotrpoiot omiootioo ood ooooidorod tho poooibility oi ito oli-ioot- in; tolophooo torvioo by wire. tho iocrooood tutor oi mtwr oporotoro woo opurrod oar-who: by tho rooootio tolo oi Jock tiooo. tho rodio oporo- tor who woo tho horo oi o groot uritioo dioootor in 1909. who: tho otomr florido oollidod with tho Republic oii tho liootockot Lightohip during o hoovy to; on Jun. 23. 1909. Mono otuoh to hio poot ood oootiouod to and out diotrooo collo “u“ , V 4 2’;bta.. p. 10. 17. until ho ”nosed to bung, usiotonu to tin dioohlad ohtpo. l’ho otory 01 how he oovod shout 2,000 limo woo widely published in the newspapero of the Halted Stoteo, Ind tho oppuol of tho circumstances it dalotlb‘ed woo amoral. In motor to tho ra- oultlng diamond for more information on tho too- clnoting oubjoct of virolooo the matron rm. printed ochomotu warm for the: mtour oporo- tor; and ”33 tho took- of than bod moron“ anomaly. Aloo following that cloth oxporlooot. Hllllon I. Scrim' totoroot grow. Smco both ho ond Clark lived in tho om notion of tho city. they not otton to talk shout radio. Io loot, Strippo loornod tho telegraph.oodo and took great do- light to wading ond mum; Virololl moons“. Ao‘ Billion E. Ecrlppo tolkad mom and. more shout wirolooo. hLo ton Hlllloto J. olso began to take on interoot to todlo and urged bio tathar to buy has I virolooo outtlt. On one of bio tripo to Ram York, Billion B. Box-typo bought tho donned oquipmmt and 1t woo inotollod on the: oocood floor of the Scrlppo homo. rho boy'o tototuotioo to: gthlo ow “toy“ know no bouodo. Be "not houro at hie key, and ooro houro llotaolns, for tho voiooo thot he old road would cm to hi.- “out at tho air.“ mo ouht his potato hoozd his mom; dmotolro “ lull Ipafldo ”Fothor! Pothor!" ho oriod bruthloooly. "l hoard voice” two up «Ind Intonwhun'y odor-o lt to too late!" “I an no oxeitod as Bill woo.” : cuppa ohlttod. "I need no thou. clamped too on:- than“ to my hood ond liotoood. lo out to tho 25 .m~ 18. too- dot-«I ooko o oouod. And thou 1 hard too or throo wot—do» not ord ' vordo tho voro but ha thoy thr lloo no!“ 17 . y I didn't know who opoko than! had no idoo to who. thoy voro oddrooood or toolly ohot thoy nooot. but I did know thot o voioo had mo to so through tho othor-u-tho tirot l bod hootd. light thou I tooliood thot groot thiuo vould oooo oooo doy tron thio ooioooo by which one could toll: to oooh othor vithout tho uoo o! vioo. "tho thought ottuoh no thot it m“ In moot iotorootioa for toodoro at tho Em it no iootollod o rodio broodcootiog oot in tho otiioo ood not out oouo ooooto. l'ho ooto I thought obout it. tho ooro oonvincod I no thot tho Dotroit lotto not to tho iirot umpopor in .29 tho country to hovo o rodio broodcootiu outfit.’ than thou goooutiooo of tho Sorippo {nily bod o-ploo tho thrill o1 rodio trooooiooioo-anoo 3.. Billion to ‘3‘ W‘ “£111. Jo 23’hort, IRE”. W gong, Auguot 20, 1930, 9. l5 11W Ono Ill. tho loto Uillion h. Scrippo, only rightfully bo tolloo tho iothot oi m). And hocouoo oi hio vioioo. hio Ibo-o ohould to added to tho liot which include. Cloth. no toroot, Conroo ond othoro who pioooorad tho broodcooting ioduotry. In on otmoophoto olmt hootilo to hio tiukorinso with outmohiloo ond oirplonoo, on otnoophoro in which other ouhoro oi rho Detroit hovo hoord oi diroctoro ooriouoly quootinod tho oxpoodituro oi ooy groot Mono oi many to: tho purchooo oi tronooittin; oqoipooot, acrippo youiotoo. W3 voo tho btoio child oi fiillioo i. Scrippo. ooo oi tho iomdor oi 'iho hm...lt no not hio only "iitot" in Detroit. no mod tho iirot onto- Iohilo in Dotroit outoido oi tho oxporinootol notion. And ho mod tho iirot oirplooo...Will Strippo night hovo boon ono oi tho ootoootivo {into thot sovo Detroit ito iooo. Bo woo o horn nochonio. But hio iothor iooiotod thot ho iolloo tho iooily trogétioo ood min in tho Mliohio; buoioooo. Although Jonoo B. Botippo. Uillia'o iothot. hoo iouodod ‘l'ho Dotroit loco. tho prooidoocy oi tho poi-oat ooolpouy. rho toning Ion Aooociotioo. uoo hndod to o ooo-io-lov, coorgo tooth. rothor thou tho no. to Vito-pmidoot oi ‘l‘ho 2min; ”muni- u. Bingoy. 95, m 1 m (to: York: lobho- Howl“. 69o. 19"). ’o 226. 1.9. 20. News Association in 1920, Scripgo, of course, had a substantial voioo in tho naJor corporate decisions. But Booth ruled the organization and it who only by shear strength of persuasion that Scricgc convinced the com~ pony that an investment should be made in tho to Forest transmitter. George Booth dominated everything ho was ever associated with and son Will didn't have much chance to do anything. And no, he did nothing... It was not until i?29 that Pooth, non dovctinn all his tremcnaoua enervion to his Arte and cience foundation, [Crunbrook] ro- linquiehcd the rains and the con of the founder ouccoedad his father. 1 The radio station was his.3 Scripps, by nature, was a quiet, modest man who adrcitly avoided the snotlignt. As ono writer charactnrized him: #8 a youth, the dhwning unchanlcul age fascinated his. fie...pioneered as his own pilot, learning the art of flying clmoat by instinct and without asny inetruction...o local sensation as he flew over the City until bin fhaily forced him to desint [after I near fatal crash at Lotroit City Airport.] 80 it was with radio. To those who knew him intimately, ho was a gtntle, considerate and warmly kind friemd.32 hilliar S. Toriopa was born hay 6, 1882 a, in the old Scrippa home on.Trumbull avenue in Eotrcit. Ho attended 31xbad. 32'Aa we Pea It-u-williac E. crinps,' The Detroit Free trons, June in, 1952, Editorial Eage. '"‘”"‘ ll. Caaa high achool and nth-r academies. but abandonad his tonal adnoation to Join hia father in tho publiahina Minna. Although ha no. associated with his father’a newspaper to: 56 yearn and finally became President or the nova in 1929, Journaliaa on not bia ml love. Ba vaa primarily an engineer and, had In follwad hia natural inclination. probably would have ham hips; all hia life in a laboratory or nachina chop. Iaiora bio death, Juno 12. 1952, of a napiratory ail-ant, ho had Nu involvad in an almat unbaliavahlo number at mohani- aal pajaota. Aa not“. in 1912, ha pnuhuod tha iii-at privataly- and airplane in Datroit and taught binacl! to fly it. lama oi hia love for power boata, which be otton raced, ho organiaad tho Sarina Motor Coup»). one of tha nation'a fiaoat carina angina manufacturera. Ha built a 35-foot boat. ”01'“ by no of hia notora, and alnoat aailad it to Ruaaia but." hia family intervened. Bndar hia diroction, The Early bird, a plan. uaod by if.” topthar nova atoriea, flaw 85,961 mile“ on 141 asoimenta “ring “36. ita iirat year of narration. ' 8a tailed prize Aberdeen ingua, built the Scum-Booth tutor Car, and managed, and amtinoa iinancad, otbar inventim. 33W. ‘0 3931?”... 29.9. wm Juno no 1952. Editorial Pogo. 22. 01 couraa, hia aroateat, nont laatinz, accomplishment, was tho founding and aubaaqnent development of‘RWJ. h‘hon tho govorn-ont trmo on radio bxoadeaotin; oqoipont woo littod in 1919, Gorippo mod aviltly to ooooinoo hio aooooiatoo on tho batroit Rm board oi dirootoro that a audio; and moivins aot ahould bo porohoood and inotollod in tho lowo building. to oid in tho explanation oi tho problano involvod in tho wontoro, Scrippo turned to hia kind, to. Clark. tho mollootion oi Thoma I. Clark, who naintainod a clooo iriondohip with tho Sorippo tally. io that about 1919, willian B. Scrippo talked with his about tho motto: of purchaaing a trananittor. Clark woo invited to a noting oi tho Dotroit hows board of diroctoro to pro- oont tho ideasgnd oxplaia tho principloo of radio tMUmo m corporato nioutoo of tho ironing llama Aoaociation do not contain a notation o1 Clarh'o appurmo boioro tho board. 02 oouroo, tho antrioo aro vory torao and, oa a nattor of fact. all o! tho board dooioiooo rooohod in tho throooyoar poriod, 1918-820. occupy -ly oovan pagoo oi the 5..“ journal. ”Cynthia Boyoo Young, “WW-Pioneer in Broadcaotinx.“ mmmw “1- 1L”- M'flb‘ro 1960. P- “3- 23. 25. Roconotruoting tho oonvoroation which occurod botwoon Clark, Sorippo, and tho othor board nonboro, it io quito poooiblo that it followed thio pattern. Hthat oholl wo ooo for broadcaoting‘!" tho board oi directoro ookod. And William E. Sorippo, than vice-prooidont oi tho board, onoworod: "b'owo bulletino." "And than-o?" tho board mboro quoriod. "Houoohold information by our oditoro," replied ”Io Scrippl. "But will people lioton to tolko all dry 1mg?" ho woo oohod. "Probably not." ho anoverod. "But no will entertain than, too, with room-dingo gt than world'o great voiooo and orrmeatrao.J it to known that strippo' plan to porchaoo tho trono- nittor woo givm an icy reception by tho board, but ho woo nndoontod and ho oont Clark to how York to purchaoo tho noooooary oqoipnont. Clark, uniortunotoly, woo moccuoiul in obtoinin; o trononittor ond ‘rho Rm lotor node ito own tranoaotion. ~ in mid-1919, Sorippa again odvonood bio propoool to tho board, thio tine noro oloarly defining tho purpoooo oi o tranonittinz otation. Ho auggootod thot tho equipment could bo oonotructod by Tho roclo Company oi Detroit. ”Robert Kelly, and Edwin G. Boyoo, "In tho Public in- toroot,“ o Biotory oi the Radio Aotivitioo oi tho Detroit flown iron 1920 to 1961 (Typowritten manuscript, mm rileo), p. 10. 25. PURPOSE OF THE DETROIT KENS RADIO most to pronota, dovolopo Loin], md anconraso tho noo oi radio in nmpapor rorh. to provido: tint; a rolioblo nova oorvioo for all ohip and thou ototiono oi tho great lokoo raglan. Sooold; Hoathor bullotioo third; A ooano ior publication oi ohip pooitiooa I‘mfl.o Fourth; Concorta and entertain-onto in: tho abovo nanod otationo. Iiith; A roliablo mono ior broadcaoting ouch information ao nay bo oi boniiit [sin] to navigation or tho voriooo land ototiono. Sloth; A moo to improvo auteur radio. Thio it to bo providod by publiohin; data on in- provonanto, and tho availibility oi occur- on tuning inotrunanto. Station io to ha in chargo oi o oonoroial iirot grado oporator. or oporotoro. Station will bo upon tor a linitod tino oooh day which will bo ohanaod ao io imd noooooary. lo ordor that tho abovo nay bo carried out to tho but oi our ability, wavo lonztho botwoon 600 and l,600 notor- aro noooooary. Ao thora 1o wary littlo naval buoinooo in thio region. thooo wm longtho ohoold bo grantod. rho boot oquiptnont [air] that can bo oo- oorod will bo nood thru-out tho oration. rho tolophono transnittor io to bo o throo kilowatt oot dooignod and built accord- ing to tho human oi Standardo report on radio phoooo, and the General Elootrio opcoiiiootiono ior thair radio phono, typo C. G. “000. Said tolophooo [tratmittorjj to bo oonotructod by rho toola Company, Detroit, Michigan.“ 3W. t. Sorippo, Purpooo oi rho notroit Mo Radio Phono, interoffico mono, 1919. (Inoocoroto punctuation io oootoinod in original copy). p. l. 26. happily ior Sarina, thio plan woo approvod with a ' aioxlo motion. Kathar than having tho iaola Company aaaflla tho tranaoittar. it would to ioaaod by W.) iro- Do toroot Radio ‘iolophano 6 ‘iolograw Company through ita aunt. Radio Iowa and Mic. Incorporated. WM oooo into ooiotonoo through a contract Iado by tho Dotroit two with tho Radio hm and Halo Co... oi he! York. oorly in 1920 (April). Dodo:- that oootraot a mil broadcaatios oot oanuiacturod in tho Do ioroot highbridgo labora- torioa ooo ahippod to Dotroit in May. 'i'ho contract with Radio Em and Mic. a iiro oompoaod oi C. 8. l'hoopaon and John F. aubbo‘rd. providod that tuboa ooro to bo iuroiohod to WJ oithout oxtra char-go. For aooo roaaoo. tho tuboa bur-nod out with ouch iroquoooy that loot of tho may roooivog iron rho Detroit Iona wont to tho Do l‘oroat Co. 7 tho loaoin; oi tho oquipuont iron Radio 8m and moio brought both ahort-rango and long-ranso oiaory to ‘l’ha Dotroit I". in a lotto: datod Juno 2. 1920. Radio um and tonic adviood m into: ‘l'bo third. and iiool. ahipoont oi tho apparatua ior oiroioao tulophona traoaoittioa atatioo oao ahippod to your addroaa today by tho Do tor-oat Company at our ordor. thia Coopany haa arrangod with Hr. Kiohaol D. Lyona. ooorotary oi tho Datroit Radio Aaoooiatioo. 663 Groon auoouo. for tho ioatailatioo oi tho apparatoa. Elia inatruotiooo 37c. s. rump-on. mmmmummmm (loo York: Snodloy Proaa, 1931) quotod in I121 mu, Em; Doc-bor- 21. um. p. l. 27. ior tho inatoliation aro contained in tho hon holding tho tranonittor. ahippod to you iron tho iactory on Hay 28th... ‘1'. tau-rho inatallatioo ahould not roqoi” oora than a day or two at tho out-- .‘flo Uniortunotaiy, thia tranaoittor woo loot in tho oaiia and a oocond ona woo oonotruotad by Do toroot and ahippod. Sinco tho traoooittor ahippod Hay 28th hao not yet boon locatod, tho Radio Howa and Huoic Company ia audios another radiophono tranonittor July 15th. Ho ara wory lorry that thio dolly hot tokon placo and wiah that you would aoauro ' Hr. strippo that tho atation will bo conplotad ahortly. When it it oomplotod wo can arrange ior on oporotor. houra oi oporotion. uto.. with bio.” iron oitor tho tranaoittar arriwod. Tho Bowo continuod to hava problooa. Ho rosrat to aay that wo aro not too wall plaoaod with tho oorvico your company haa roo- dorod thuo iar. Your roproaontotiwo, Hr. Lyono, directad for no a one horoo aarial and wo hovo aoan nothing oi bio aiooa. rho ooodiog aot iinoily arrivad and our own oloctrician and Building Supt" who happooo to ho a wiroloaa bug. oada tho iootallatioo. 0o Auguat 18th we wirod you ao ioilooa: ”Phono act in operation. Ploaao inatruot opera. tor roport ior duty." to thia wo roooivod no roply. ao proooodod to find our own oporator and ho haa now boon on duty for our three wooka. Since than we hovo ulntaiood tho atation at our own axpoooo, buy. ”Lotta to rho Dotroit hawa iron 6.3. rhonpoon. troai- dont. Radio nova and Huoio. loo.. Juno 2. 1920, WJ l’iloa. ”Lotto! to 1'. HcGuiro. 8min; Iowa Aaaociatioo. iro- Hiohool D. Lyooo. 463 Groon Ava" Dotroit. July 11. l920. ”do, "lflo 28. int tho nocoaaary bulba. into. at a local aloctri- ao atoro. Ha ahould iiko to hawa you oxpiain to no Juat how you wiah naintonanco chargoa ior thia atation to ba handled. Ho judao tho aimploat nothod would ho to doduot‘shio ooponao iron tho oonthly paynonto duo you. Although tho diaagroooonta with Radio flora and maid oiiorod tooporory irritationa which wora iinaiiy roaolvod, tho laaaio: oi tho oquiploont had aooo aoriouo. tar-roachina oiiocto. in atudyin; tho priority oi radio otationa. noot hiatoriano hora roliod on tho Unitod Statoa Department oi Co-oroo mot-do to dotoroioa which atotion woo on tho air iirot. Sinoa tho oquipoant wood by tho hm in ita initial broodooata waa licmod to todio liowa and Huaic Company, inc" a liooooo boarin; tho halo oi 'iho Dotroit howa dooa not appoor in tho oiiioial rocorda oi tho Dopartount oi Connorco until liil whon tho atatioo canoollod ita agroooeot with Radio two and Main. Aitor 'iho Iowa atatioo woo in oporatioo. Radio Iowa .4 liuoio advortiaod that it would oquip othor nowapopora with trooaoittoro. An inodiato roopoooa caoo iron tho a... City Star. tho Pittoburgh Sun. tho iouiavillo mm:- ‘ Journal. tho haitinoro Sun and othor nowapapora. But no otooh had boon told in Radio Iowa and Euaic. and tho nocoaoary “lottar to. Radio Iowa and Huoio 09.. inc.. In: York. iro- Harroo I. tooth. Aaat. buoioooa Manager. Tho notroit Iowa. Capt-bar ll, 1920. W.) liloo. 29. iiaoocing that had boon aapootad by tho two ownora did not oatariaiioo. thoraioro. no contracta could bo wodo with tho othar nowapapara. and Radio Iowa and Main ioldad“ WJ. howawor. woo iiroly ootabliohod. it paid ladlo Iowa and main. aitar aooo dioagroo-onta. $750 ior tho iaatollotion oi tranonittar and ooothly rontal chargoa laoo tho coat oi trananittar oaintananco which avaragod laoa than 320 not mm." to alwaya thara woo a huon paradox in WJ'a oarly bogioniogo. ihooao t. Clark. who had halpod inonaaly in tho otruggla to ootabiiah tho atation. wioitod tho atudioo . January 7. 1937. Clark. by thio tioa woo 71 yoora oi ago. and Hilli- E. Scrippa guidad hi- oaroiully through tho hallo. Do» it not ooon otrango that l'ho Iowa raportod tho out day: Oddly anough. tho occaoion Iarhad Clark'o iirat wiait to tho atudio building. which ataoda today ao aowothing oi a oynbol or hia oarly iaith. in tact. it workad hio iirot wioit to a broadoaating atudio anywhuro. Through tho yoara ha haa boon oontont to work alono in tho “1.. 8. Stavanaon. "Liio oi Do ioraat Giwoo WJ aa lirat in Hold.” :3; m m. Docaobar 21. 1920. p. l “Lotto: to u. S. tooth. Aaat. huainaoa hanagor. ‘i’ha Da- troit Bowl. iron c. 8. Mon. Radio Iowa and maid. Octobar 3. 30. voot fiold of radio exporinontatioo. which for his noont tho oiloot houra in tho loborotory. ‘3 'i'horo io otill ao much to laoro. oo ouch to do! Clark died in November. 1962. in o Detroit-area .u £01k! “Co ‘3Goorgo H. stark. "Downing of Mo Mimlo tooollod by w: Vioitor.” m m; 521: Jonuory 8. 1937. p. 10. V 1:511! iii-2'2 g 3333- ;w; 3"; Although HHJ hao alooyo colohratod tho anoivoroary o1 ito first broodcoot on August 20. 1920. the ototion ooa broodcooting oovorol Woko botoro that data. It would bo moro occuroto to ootohlioh on annivoroary oomotino botwooo July 15 and Auguot 15 when tho ototion actually began opora- tioo. In ooy event. information on both i’iJJ‘o "actual" tirot broadcast and ito ”official" iirot broadcast la oxttoooly linitod. According to moot oourooo. throo young m took part in tho "octual" opio ovoot: operator Frank Eduardo. "aonomoor" tltoo Plant and "mood opinoor" award J. ‘i'ru-bo. Ao Elton Plant rmborad it: About two yoaro aftor 1 Joined ‘i‘ho hm tho Hanging oditor collod oo into hio oitioo ood aaid ho had hoard no ainginz around tho omtoronco room. The oditor oaid they had to havo ammo to work with Froncio Eduardo. who woo. oo tho managing editor put it. "tho noohooic follow on that radiophono gadget oi Hilly ficrippo." That 1uao what i found nyoolt doing. At tho tina l objoctod to tho job. I atill wanted to ho a writor and aokod it thio woo going to intorfero. l woo told. ”For good- oooo oakoo. no. Thio io aftor boon." At 31 32. that particular tin: l woo a aonior oftioo boy and ondoavorinhto do a littla oporto writing...l waa aowontoon. Oporator Prank tdworda had boon hirod when Radio Bowa and huoio ioilod to provido on ”minoor" oa thoy had prooiood. Idwarda and l workod on tho radio in tho old tiling rooo whoro thoy kopt tho hound iiloa of tho nowopopor... For wooto wa didn’t know if wo wora rotting out on tho air. rhoro woon't anybody opooially appoiotod to roport back and wo didn t got (an nail. “thio woo tho axporioontal otago of radio prior to auguot 20. 1920. boforo tho nowopoggra' rogularly achodulod program got undor way. Although Plant. a an ottioo boy. woo ooaignod to work part tioo in tho "radiophono dopartoont." Eduardo woo told to do- woto hio ontiro anorgioo toward xotting tho atation on tho air. Eduardo woo bolus paid for thio work although 1 do not know i! ho woo on tho liowo payroll or whothor ho woo working directly for Mr. Scrippa; but ho woo giving hio full that to tho radio Job. Ho woo alwayo tutor- in; around with it but did no work for tho oowopopor propor. Ho woo tho angiooor - although at that up. wo oollod than mamas“ Howard J. 'i'runbo woo not a Detroit Iowa onployoo, and ho oiiorod hio oorvicoo oo a member of. tho original crow withv “Elton Plant. tapo-rooordod intorviaw by Frank !. hill. Oral noooaroh Oiiioo. Columbia Univoroity (windaor. htario. Canada). Kay. 1951. trooooript rlont'o iiloo. p. 3. ‘SM. “moo PI ‘- 33. out couponaotion. hio rogular Job woo oo nonagor o1 tho idiooo Shop. thon locatod on Homard avanuo next to tho prooont l'alooowa 'i'hoatar. l got into radio quito by accidont. Iranh Edwardo cm in tho ahop ono day to buy a phonograph horn. which lookod a lot liko ono of our oodorn nogaphonoo. Bo aaid thoy woro going to ooo it on tho nu tranonittor that had boon aot up in l'ho Iowa building for aondiog out wirolooa oaooagoa. l gowo hi- on old horn that woo laying around tho ahop and ha aoonod wary plooood. no invitod no r to ‘i‘ho Iowa to hora a look at tho rig.‘ Ioioro 'l‘nnho oado hio iirot viait to l‘ho Rowo. Plat and Eduardo continuod thoir carport-onto with the now traoa- wittor. Up to that tin only talking woo donu- auch ao ‘Tooting. ono. two. throo. £our"...”li you aro hoaring thio will aonoono ploaoo coll,” wo uaod to aoyuand that chattar woo port of any Job. Ua'd aay that ovor and ovor again... Ho would got tho odd call in thooo oarly dayo...but iron right around tho howl. l didn't tato radio too aariouoly and i don't think many around tho nowopapor did-cox- oopt Hr. Scrippo...ho woo quito thrillod about tho wholo oat-up. Apparently a did aoo in it for mu than tho root of no. Arriving at the Iowa to on tho rig. Ina-ho auggaotod that iootoad oi talking into tho oouthpioco of tho tronaoittor "Edward J. rumba. tapo rocordod intorviow by m.“ 'a film“ (301114.10. Hicho). J91, 12. 1962a I.” rooording Riaoa' tiloa. “Plant. W. 3o. that phonograph rocorda night bo playod into it. ho otforod to loud tho ototion an tdioon phonograph and provida a aoloo- tion of Edioon rooordinga oach ovoning for uoo in oxciting tho tronooittor. Thuo. with borrowod oquipnont and a ookoahiit crow. HWJ woo roody for ita firot official broodcoot. Auguot 20. 1920. rho aquipnont uood on tho firot broodcaato could hawo boon placod convoniontly on a onoll kitchon tabla. Tho trona- adttor woo a Do Foroot 01*10. shallot to thooo ho had hoon aoll- in; to tho Navy oinco 191‘. With a powor rating oi 20 watta. it oporatod on 200 notora. rho powor aupply woo dorivod fro. a lSO-watt. soc-v.1: diroct ourront gonorotor. driwon by a quortar horoo-powor ootor. floood cart to tho tronooittor uoa tho rocoiving oat which oontainod o throo-ooil rogonoratiwo circuit. uoing a prioory. aoo- ondary and ”ticklor." tho coilo boing of tho honayoomh typo. ly attaching coilo o: variouo oiooa to tho front of tho rocoiving oat. tho oporotcr woo oblo to rocoivo oignalo on proooot wovo longtho. tho onpliiior. which woo locotod coat to tho rocoiving oat. woo of tho tuba dotactor typo. with ono atago oi oopliiioation.‘9 ‘9"Pirat Danoo Hold to Radio and tho Firot Trano- d‘tCI." m Estrols "“3. AW‘ 20. 1930. Pa 13a 35. Iho microphono was an introgal part of tho transmittor and was nountod noor tho top of tho transmittar‘o lB-inch-high facing plota. rooonhling a toloyhono mouthpiaca at tho 19203. Tho broadcoat ronza of thio firot outfit woo limitad and undo: tho hoot conditiono woo not nora than ono hundrod niloa. lt woo oati- natad that thoro woro about throo hundrod oporotora racoiving in tho aroo oovorod... Ihoao radio oootoura woro among approoioatoly twonty thouoand in tho ontiro country. Thoir apparatuo. uaually coo and two tuba rogouora- tivo oircuito.*wg5o uaod only to connuniooto with oach othor. tho poynont of 0750 to Radio howo and unaio. following tho inotallation of tho original tronoodttor. oooood liko a high prioo to pay whoa ono oxaoinoo tho coat 0! tho oquipoant which Tho Iowa oloctod to looao rathar than purchaoo. 01-10 Tranooittar (with tubaa) $325.00 Multi-wavo TUnor (without ooiia) 77.50 Coila (plug nomtod. $1.00 to 25.00 83.60 doponding on wavo longth.oovoral raquirad) Rack (for ooilo) 3.50 Typo P-300 Combination.5udion- 67.50 Ultroudiou and l-otop .Anplitior (without tuboo) labor for Amplifior @ $7.00 10.00 soYoung.l:§g,h§ohiggg‘fliggggz,hoggzing. Vol. Xilv. Docoobor. 1960. p. ‘1‘. 36 Earphonoo 16.00 Total $528.50 Shipping. wiring, installation, autonno ozstta‘.’1 Tho ono poooihlo lozioal oxplanation io thot tho 8750 ooptionod in tho 1ottor to Radio non ond Huoio woo oloo poy- lost for o oioila: hroodoootin; outfit inotallod in tho Sorippo hooo. rho scrippo tronooittor on a Typo-0 which bod o olizhtly ooallor front pono1 with o tranoforoo: ond o tootifior tnho oomtod thoroon. It woo looo oxpomivo than tho 01-10 and oold to: 8260. 3y oonbinin; tho ooot 52 53 of tho otatim'o tranonitting outfit with tho Scrippo rig. ouo mivoo ot a total tight-o of $991.30 pluo inotollotion. Doing thio logic. tho 0750 figuro donotod o tool hotgaio. Iy contraot. tho building. orootod in 1936 to homo tho otation. ooot $1 oillion. Unfortunatoly. no ooooroto rooordo o! tho footoroo ohioh oooptiood HWJ'o firot ”oftioiol" broodooot Aunt 20. 1920. ”Tho Do Foroot Radio rolophono o “rolozraph co.. 9; m zuogworthz Rodig Rocoiving W Qotolg‘ Q, . loo York. 1920. pp. 37, 4.1. 1.9 6. 51. . 52Tho two transoittoro oro oouotantly hoin; con- !oood. Tho Sorippo outfit appooto on tho oovor of o hooklot tooontly publiohod by tho ototiou whoro it io idontitiod oo WJ'o lint tronooittor. “rho 01-10 io hound ot tho Dotroit liotuioal mum. ”no Pg”; Qua-log g. p. 51. 37. oxiot. Through tho uoo o! fragmtary intornotion it hao boon poooihlo to piooo togothor o gonoral doooription of tho ovont. but no oloio io oado oo to tho ohooluto ooourooy of tho opooitio dotoilo. Announoor tltm “out, who had boon working for oovoral wooko with Front Edwordo to proporo tho otation for ito lint hroadooot. dooidod thot tho ovont wasn't roaliy of too ouch importonoo and ho wont on voootion. Tho job of onnotnoor toll to amazing oditor hoiooln w. Iinsay. Lot no pouoo for oration idontitiootion. Tho firot in tho world woo W1. Thot dato. Auguot 20. 1920. hoo boon 1ozo11y'..eatohliohod in oourt ond 31". thio notroit nowo ototion tho authontio right to ito claim of proud priority. horo 1 will tako o how {or nyoolf. 1 had tho duhiouo honor of hoinz tho tirot hroadoaotor ond tho tirot progroo nootor of oorononioo. And _ looking down through tho yoaro ot my long lino of ouoco on throughout tho world. noy God (or- ;ivo no! min; tho phonograph horrowod from tho Ediow Shop, fro-ho ploood o rooord on tho turntahio ond woitod for tho oimol to opin it. no hod oolootod oovorol rooordo. anon; tho- "Boooo of rioordy" and "Annio tourio.”” 5filingoy, p. 224. 55th- Dotroit howo, Edio §tatigg 31a. Dotroit, 1931. (Storion Proootionol looklot). horoottor. Radio. p. 1. 38. with Piont gono. lingoy otood hotoro tho lorga ond of tho nogophono-liko horn. rho oooll ond of tho horn woo at- toohod to tho nouthpiooo of tho Do Foroot tronooittor with o ruhhor ring which rooonhlod o tiro aohtroy holdor. Whoa Bingoy finiohod opooking, ho would turn tho wido ond of tho horn toword tho opoakor of tho phonogroph. Ihuo. tho ouoio would opon tho diotonoo hotwoon tho phonograph and tho trono- nittor ond. hapotully. ho roooivod by tho oudionoo. With oarphonoo in piooo. Edwordo nodo o tow loot- uinuto adjuotnonto on tho roooivin; and tranonittin; oquip- oont ond glonood up ot tho clock on tho wa11. It woo noorly 8 pm. ninety loonod toword tho horn, and, with o nod fro- ldwordo, boson opoakins. "Thio io 0 MI oollihg. (Tho coll lottoro woro ohongod lotor to Hm. ond linolly to m”) :h;; i;.§h;nrafi§2phono of Tho Dotroit lowo, . 8- Edwordo gawo a onilo o! opprovol. rho firot hroodoaot hod hogan. For on hour. until 9 p.w. it oontinuod Sovorol oonoorto proarono hovo boon xiwon...roooiwod wootly hy.Dotroit onotouro. homo or tho lako, oro. and poooongor ohipo hovo hoord tho ooncorto o1oo. Botioo of tho oonoort io uouolly sivon with tho woioo. thon A 4. A H‘ _. A ...— “nom: P. am». "tho light Rodio woo Born." :3; mm Eowo. Auguot 21. 1960. Soo. 2. p. 1. 39. tho titlo of tho piooo to bo ployod io tollowod by o phonogrophio rooord playod into tho trono- nittor. Botwoon phogpgraphio rooordo. loto nowo itono aro givon out. Thio io undoubtodly tho pattorn which tho tirot broad- oaot followod. Ao tho loot otroino o1 "Roooo of Pioordy" diod. Iingoy agoin opoho into tho lorgo ond of tho horn. ”how do you got it?" ho oohod. And o oodloy of woiooo oono book through tho dorknooo. "lt’o toning in fino. Ho'ro gotting ovorything loudly ond distinctly." Following thio ooohongo with tho roooiving oot uood to got tho audionoo rooponoo . a nonhor of Tho Dotroit fiowo advortioing doportoons ployod "Tapo" ond‘HWJ lirot broodooot ho; ondod. 8 In porhopo 30 Dotroit hoooo. liotonoro, who‘woro tor- twnoto onough to own homonodo roooiving ooto. hod hoord tho broodooot. attor oorotully odjuoting oondouoor diolo. and o1ooning gonorotor bruohoo. hoighboro. gothorod orouad tho roooivoro. woro undouhtodly owod by tho oyotoriouo powor which onablod thoir hooto to roooivo voicoo. ond ovon nuoio, from m Ciro homo of tho ooot adwonood otudonto ownod tronooitting. oo -wo11 oo roooiwing oquipaont. honry 3. Joy, o woolthy Dotroit 57Hi11ioo Pooh loaning. Qommorcigl groodcasgigg gigggor- my PM (Cambridgo, Noun hot-ward Univoroity l‘rooo,l%6), P ssaodig, p. l. 40. onthuoiaot. who nointoinod hio own broodcooting laborotory in hio homo, and Clydo Dorr, who wao ono of tho firot Dotroit- oro to tako to tho air, woro in tho oudionco on.Auguot 20. 0thoro who "pounded tho brooo" in tho old doyo ond whooo onthuoiaoo built wirolooo ond rodio [in Michigon] woro Ed Donotoodt, [moo] in chargo of rodio tor tho Dotroit Polioo Do- portoont, Goorgo Norrio, Prod Bornnon, ond 2d Clork. [onco] chgst onginoor of rodio otation mo in Dotroit. No ono. of couroo. could prodict tho impact thot thio firot broodcost would hovo on tho culturo ond living hobito o£.Anorico. who could havo drcomod, in 1920, that two block- focod comodiono, who collod thomoolvoo Aura ond.Audy5 would otop troffic and tolophono callo at 7 p.n. ovory ovoning? Cortoinly not tho young men who woro involvod in tho ootob- liohmont of WWJ. Edwards govo up radio ond wont into tho plumbing buli- nooo in Detroit. .Ao of thio writing. ho io living in Tolodo. Plont roturnod to hio homo in Conoda ond took o job oo o nowopopor roportor on tho Bordor Citioo Star (now tho‘Windoor Star). Oddly onough, ho aloo porticipotod in tho firot brood- -coot nodo by CKLW, windoor, in 1932. Ho io probably ono of tho tow won who hovo tho distinction of cponing two otationo. Ao at thio writing, ho owns Elton Plont.Advortioing, Ltd. Boword 59Xolly, :23,Mflghigon Either: no ozino, Vol. XXI (Wintor lunbor. 1937), p. 9. 41. Irumbo couldn't havo boon woro wrong. Booouoo tho Edioon ShOp woo doing ouch o land offioo businoao in yhonograyh rooordo, and had potentod ono of tho moot odvanood rocording toohniquoo ovailablo in 1920. I now tho promioo of o bright futuro aa manager of tho shop. Sovon yooro lotor. in 1927. tho Edison Company faltorod and finally foilod. 1t woo drivou out of buoinooo by. of oll things. radio!bu Trunbo thou triod to uoko a living by ropoirin; ooto. hut woo forcod to rolinquish thio husinoao when tho brood- ooatin; atationo oftorod to portorn tho aomo aorvioo troo. With thio blow. Iruobo govo uh rodio oomplotoly ond roooutly rotirod oo Plant Enginoor for raygo Bovoragoo. A» of thio writing. ho livoo in Porndalo, Michigan. Lyona. who had inatollod tho tronouittor oorial. ohodonod radio ood wont into tho prioothood. In 1927. ho loft Dotroit to oorwo in tho Patna, lodia,yoiooion fiold as a Joauit aoholaotio ond woo ordainod four yoaro lator ot 5t. Hory'o Colloso. Eurooong. India, Aftor 19 yooro oo o udoaiooary. ho roturnod to tho Unitod Stotoa in lBAG to writo artioloo on tho plight of tho Indiano. According to tho Dotroit Joauit untor~ notion contor, ho lotor roaignod from tho prioathood ond roturhod to Calcutto'whoro ho oorriod on Indian woman. Bio oxoot'whoro- obouto io not known.61 “muse. W 61Riooo, zyg_0otroit flows, Auguat 21. 1950, Soc. E. p. 1. 52. Anon; tho hondful of liotonoro on August 20. 1920, woo o high ochool otudont. koonly intorootod in ovory phooo o1 radio hroodoooting. Alhort I. Allon woitod ottontivoly ot hio otation. Suddonly tho roooivor opoko. ot firot o bit otringy. but Allon'o odjuotoont of tho ino otrunmt ooon tonod it. raking it diatlnot ond ploinly oudihlo in on adjoining roolo. Allon now io o nonbor o! WJ'o onginnring otottuond hoo boon for tho out 33 yooro. m ‘ruoodoy. Auguot 31. 1920. following ll doyo of mo- m. nightly progrono footuring tho groot voiooo of tho doyu Coruoo. Holha, Galli-Curoi ond othoro. Tho Dotroit lowo oodo tho firot onnomoooont of ito nowly conplotod wirolooo tolo- phono. whilo noot o! mohigon wondorod whothor o young ottor- my gonorol. Alon J. Grooohock, would ouooood in hio rooo for tho Moblioon gubornotoriol nooinotion. tho Bowo onnomood in front pogo hoodlinoo: THE ms WIOPHM 1'0 GIVE V01! RESULTS Aootouro Our Hichigon Aro lnvitod to Civo Virolooo Portioo ond Boor "Voiooo in tho light" Tho Dotroit lowo. tonight. will onnounco tho rooulto...“ tho Stoto, Congroooionol ond County prinorioo ovor oouthoootorn Hichigon. uoing ito nowly oouplotod wirolooo tolophono. Tho ooooogoo will ho oorriod by rool “woiooo of tho night.“ throughout tho Lowor “ms. 43. Poninoulo poooibly, within o rodiuo of 100 oiloo o! Dotroit. hmdrodo of. wirolooo to1o~ groph oporotoro ond onthuoiooto will lioton ond got tho rooulto... U’hilo tho woioo will bo uood inotood of tho tologrophio codo. no opooiol opporotuo will ho noodod to got tho ooooogoo. to shown by tooto loot night, whon on oporotio oonoort... woo ottonptod, tho rooulto odhiovod hy uoo o! tho ordinary wirolooo tolograph roooiworo woo quito ootoniohing... Ivory wirolooo oporotor in Niohigon, Ohio ond Ontario io invitod to own up hio roooiwor ond participoto in tho ontorprioo... (for) tonight'o dononotration will bo...in o oonoo. oyoohol. A hmdrod yooro tro- now. pothopo. oll nowo will ho tronooittod by wiro- 1ooo tolophono; who know”... Boro io tho oooontiol doto noodod by tho liotoning oporatoro to got rooolto. tho wowo longth which will bo hood through- out tho dononotrotion will ho 200 ootoro. Tho firot noooogoo oont out will otort ot 8 o'clock tonight. Tho voting polio do not o1ooo until thot tino, but it io thought boot to oond oiooollonoouo oottor for oo-o ti-o botoro tho firot oloction rooulto oro onnounood, oo thot oporotoro ooy got thoir inotruoonto in portoot ottuno. ' During tho tirot hour oporotoro withing to tolh with tho Nowo for inotruotiono or to roport rooolto ooy do oo. rho officiol coll for Ibo Bowo it "8 mi." Boginning ot 9 o'clock, tho firot olootion bullotin will ho not out. Othor hollotino will bo oont ogstho hour and hall hour from thon mtil midnight. Thuo, tho firot publicly onnonncod rodio hroodooot woo do by WJ. ooaploto with loool. ototo ond oongroooional pri~ oory olootion roturno, pluo gonorol nowo hullotino and "liwo" M ##M *_ A ‘3'"i‘bo Howo nodiophono To Givo Voto Rooolto. “m Dotroit flowo. Anguot 31. 1930. p. 1. ontortoimoont. 0n tho following doy. Soptoobor l. in whot woo prob- ohly tho firot roviow of o rodio broadcoot. tho ototion'o pomt publiootion broothloooly roportod on pogo ono: LAflD.AHD‘RATER HEAR EEIURHS hI’HIEELESS Tho Dotroit nowo Rodiophono Sondo Spokon Word on Elootion to Stot o ond Shipo Out on.Lokoo Attor cooporing tho ovont to tho droono of Juloo Vorno ond B. G. Uollo. tho otory rolotod: Ibo oonding of tho olootion roturno Tooo- doy night woo fraught with rononco ond out go down in tho hiotory of oon'o oonquoot of tho olouonto oo o gigontio otop in hio progrooo. In tho four houro thot tho opporatuo. oot no in an oot-of-tho-woy oornor of Tho Howo build- ing, woo biooing and.whirling ito ooooogoo into opoco, tow rooliood thot o droon ond pro- diction hod oono truo. Tho nowo of tho world woo boing givon forth through thio invioiblo trunpot to tho woiting crowdo in tho unooon oorkot plaoo... Promptly ot 8:10 pm. [ton oinutoo loto] Tho flowo oporotor throw on tho trononiooion oorront ond oollod into tho oouthpiooo thot. proviooo to tho orrivol of tho olootion bullotino, onotour rodio oporotoro woro to bo troatod to on o1ootro~ooriol oonoort..on ordinory phonogroph woo drown clooo to tho opporotuo ond o rooord startod. - lo ooonor woo tho ooloction couplotod thou tho hoodpiooo of tho roooiwor boson to olioh...5troono o! onotonr oporotoro hogan to oond in thoir thonko ond thooo thot lockod 6"flood ond wotor Hoor haturno by Uirolooo.“ 19.! 23221.5 m. Soptombor 1. 1920. p. l. 45 tronooitting oquipnont. ruohod to thoir tolo' phonoo to coll Tho Rowo otrioo... "tour oonoort io coming in (ino. "thoy ooid. "Lot'o bovo tho oloction rooulto oo ooon oo thoy «no in..." A unifornod noooongor hurriod into tho rodio rooo. Ibo otoonor w. A. Bradloy bod hoord ovor tho wotoro of Loko Brio tho voiooo of two oingoro fron.tbo Broodwoy-Strond Thoator 65 ond tho firot tidingo at tho gubornotoriol rooo. Ao tho otoonor hrodloy oontirood. o young oingor, Chorlio Holoon. hod oodo hiotory oo tho firot non to oing oo‘wwd. And hio looolo portnor, whooo nono hoo boon loot, booooo tho lirot wooon to oing on tho ototion. Following thoir ongogooont ot tho lroodwoy-Strond Thootor. thoy quiotly diooppoorod into oblivion. Although it woo exciting to rood thot tho broodooot bod boon o hugo ouooooo. tho moot important parogroph to tho otory oppoarod in bold-fooo tyyo bonooth tho hoadlino. Tho Dotroit Nowo wirolooo oorwioo...will bo o rogulor port of Tho Howo oorwioo to tho public. Ibo oorvioo will otort nightly ot 8 o'clock ond will run until 10. Loto nowo dovolopnonto will bo floohod ond botwoon bullotino thoro will bo oongo ond nuoiool ooloctiono. Ihooo who hovo roooiving ooto ohoulg invito thoir triondo ond noighboro to lioton. 6 Tho dooioion to broodooot nightly bod boon oodo. no ' longor would tho radio ototion bo longhingly oollod "Scrippo Ploytbing.“ .Aftor houro of work. nontho of frustrotion ond dio- ‘boliot. tho otation woo ot loot o roolityu HHJ,ond rodio brood- oooting,oo wo know it todoy, bod boon lounohod. 65%. “yam. Following tho dooioion by the Dotroit houo oonogooont to>loko tho ototion o poroonont port at tho argoniootion'o ootvioo to tho community. tho otofl boson ito novor-ondinz oootoh for ptogrou notorlol. 0n soptonbor l. 1920. boooboll nouo woo prooontod for tho firot tino. olong with nouo bollotino of toroizn ottoiro ond progrooo royorto on tho voriooo politiool ooupoigno boin; wogod oorooo tho country. vivo doyo lotor, on Soptonbor 6. tho tooolto of tho Doopooy-Mioko tight woro broodooot within 30 oooondo at tho tine whon tho nowo woo roooivod from ring- oido by tologroph oodo. To nonitot tho oignol boina oont out by tho ototion. accord Trunho ooy hovo unwittingly ootobliohod tho firot toting ootvioo. Hhilo tho ototion woo in oporotion. Ito-ho 'woold boord o otrootoot ond tldo oll ovor tho oity wioitin; ‘ tho hoooo of thooo liotonoro known to hovo toooiving ooto. Bo would noko notoo it tho ototion woo boinz, or not boing, toooivod with full ond oloor oisnol.67 A 4 "km, Intorvig. A6. 67. Chotloo F. Hammond, Jr., who hod boon ot tho oontrolo o! hio toooivor in Groooo ?ointo whon tho firot broodoooto woro “do, provod that W.) woo zottin; into hio oroo of tho oity’whon ho inwitod oono of bio triondo to ottond o donoflng potty ot hio homo on Pridoy, Soptombot a. 1920. Reporting tho ovont o tow doyo lotot. Iho flowo ooid: Doublo ooroory woo ot work ot tho booo 0! an. Chorloo I. Mound, 180 Porto: owonoo. Friday night, when o dooon young poroono... gothorod to donoo by wooio oontagot into opooo by Tho Dotroit lowo todiophono. Porthor proof thot tho ototion woo tooohing ito oodl- onoo oooo on Soptonhor lO. Tho Dotroit Rodio Oporototo otaoniootion hold o looting in Tho Rowo building to thank itho ototion'o nonoxonont for ito rodio ootvioo. 1At tho oootin; tho Oporotoro ogrood to ooooo oondin; ottor l0 p... to: tho bonofit of Tho lowo bollotin broodoooting. ‘Ao night bo oxpootod thoto woo oloo oono tooontoont in o tow quottoro of tho nowopopor offioo oo oolowniot l. C. L. Jookoon honoroooly rooollod. ‘wo oow,'with o (loto o! rooontoont,‘todio ortivo. Uo didn't mind it whon Tho lowo otortod HHJ. rhot woo oll tight. not wo oortoinly did ohjoot to tho onount of opooo tho popot ooboo- qoontly xovo owor to promoting rodio. A A ‘8"Fitot Donoo Hold to Rodin ond tho Fitot Tronooittor.” gggroit flowo,.Au3uot 20, 1930. quoting I§g_bogrg§§ 533;, sCPtmr 18. 1920. Po 15o 40. Book in ’10 than woro o lot of folks, who todoy oro ohronio rodio liotonoto. who woro ooying thot todio novor ooold ho onything but o rich oon'o ploything, o ooro booblo. Ibot'o wbot tboy woro ooying. whot wo woro ooying couldn’t bo quotod in o Fonily howopopor. lot whon wo woro toy- ing how wo folt oboot oll thot lovoly opooo thot could hovo blooood into ropotto obout out-dot, noyhoo, oroon ond ouch. writton by tho "Crioo Boundo" [o group of young ropottoro which inolodod Jookom] who. to ho blunt oboot it. woro in tho bobit 81 forming to WJ oo tho "poonut whilltlto."6 Othot "tiroto" woro ootobliohod by tho ototion in Soon-bot. 1920. whotbor impottont or not, rho nowo ooro- Iolly tomtod oooh itoonoooolly on pogo no. Uhot woo doubtlooo tho fitot out od our oont to o nowopopor by rodiophono woo toooivod to: inoottion by Iho Dotroit lowo. through ito todiophono doportoont Itidoy night. It oono (too Albort Allon. ototion toll 8 “....ond woo oont for hio fothot. Tho woooogo dio- tinotly piokod out of tho night toodt...'Tor “lo-"Ono poi: of prion binoculotn l2 powor. Joooo P. Allon. 435 Bogs otroot." In on ottooqat to prooont livo ouoio. oo woll oo phono- gtopb oolootiono. Boword rr’mbo ogtood to bring two of tho Ediooo toootding ortioto to tho ototion for livo oonoorto. . Chariot Minor of tho Edioon Lohorototioo woo invitod to tho _._ .4‘ _‘ A “$0.!" Jookoon, "iiotoning in m Dotroit." m m gowo. Auguot 20. 1945. p. to. . 7°"Piokod Out of tho Air o Wont-Ad for tho howo," momenta. Soot-abut M 1920. P. 1. 4.9. otwdio to ploy hio violin ovor tho oir to cowhoro otudio production with thot of phonogroph t'ooortlo.n Bio oppooro onco on Soptonbor ll woo lollowod o low doyo lotor by o "vocol concott" givon by labol Horton Ayoro. Sho hoo otton boon giwon tho diotinotioc o! boing tho ototion'o firot "livo" oingor. which, of couroo. ion't occoroto oinco Chorlio Holoon. oo provioooly'notod, boldo thot honor. Bor "concort" woo on- wowol. howovor. Mioo Ayoro. who io with tho Edioon Rootootion otodio in Chicogo. oong ooworol ooloo ond oloo duoto with tho phonogroph. Sho oong How! horio” ond ”Tho Loot Rooo of Showor." with Modono Horio Roppold, ond "Annio Laurio." with Anno Coco. thoir woicoo boing roprodoood by tho rocordo. Tho concort. tho tirot of o wookly oorioo. woo tho first ono in which tho noturol woico ond tho phonogroph woro wood togothor owor tho rodio' phono. Ogorotcro roportod thot it woo cloor ond diotinct. 1 Sporto continuod to fill importont gopo in tho broodcoot- ing ochodolo oo o codo tronooittor woo inotollod on tho judgo'o plotloro for tho Gold Cup Rocco on tho Dotroit niwor on Boptow- bot ll. Bout to Tho flowo building. tho roowlto woro dooodod and hroodcoot by tho crow in tho otodio. On Octohor 5. tho ‘ oooroo of tho‘world.8orioo boooboll gonoo botwoon Clowolond "Mao. m room mm W m. xm, Dow. 1960. p. ‘16. "“singo for Virolooo." .722. Dotrwit M. “9,. 5‘3“" 20- 1930. p. 13. 50. out Iroohlyw woro oirod for tho woiting boooboll on- thwoiooto.” It woo obowt thio tioo thot Boword Trowbo woo ookod to loowo tho ototion. to ho rocollodx I bod providod phonogroph rocordo for tho ototion tro- tho zdioon shop. Ioforo oocb rocord, Iltoo Plont would ooy ocoothing lihou'tbio io Idioon rocording otor Hioo Hobol Horton Ayoro oinging ouch-ond-ooch o oong. It io Edioon rocord nuobor oo-ond-oc. And whoa i brought tho otoro to tho otodio, thoy woro oloo idonti~ tiod oo boing Ediooo rocording ortioto. 1 woo grototol thot thoy oontionod it a: tho oir. ho. oowoo l'o owro it holpod ooloo. but Hr. Stork [Goorgo 0.] told no cno doy thot I'd roooivod onowgb froo publicity ond tho, tho ototicn wowld no longor hood oy bolp. ‘5 Cliooxing o politicol bottlo which bod boon wogod throughout tho toll. Bording rcllod no on oncroooo oojcrity om Cox in lions-bot. 1920. Although tho votoro bod wodo tho docioiu co to who would occupy tho whito aouoo. tho oworogo o! thio owont triggorod o broodcooting controworoy which wont udooidod for woro thon 13 yooro. twon though WJ bod boon on tho oir for woro thon tour wontho. o oocond ototicn. ED“ in loot Rittoborgh, Po.. which bogon broodcooting on hovowbor 2. 1920. io cfton giwon crodit for boing tho ”tint" ototion to A— A ; 4‘ _ A A 73Tho honing iowo Aooociotion. m m a; m (Dotroit: Tho honing howo Aooocioticn. 1911), box tor. rodio otoft, p. D. 7“l‘rwlobo, lntorviow. 51 lnousutoto rosulor programing. And tho flooding-Coo oloctton omrozo to «too cotogctlood oo tho "tint" hoop-on. A coo- ploto aloooooloo of tho dloosrouont lo oontolood to o loto: choptor. 1o ooovor to non, toquooto from tntoxootod toodoto. o “Mo nopottoont" cola-z oodo ito (not oppooronco in tho Dotroit Hooo on Monhor 19. It offorod Morn-tun on tho oonotruotlon ond/oo' purohooo of "rodlophono rocolvoro” on tho nothodo o! ochlovln; tho hoot rocoptlon coco o ototloo ho! hooo lootollod. Slnoo tho rooponoo to tho now odltotlol dopoxtoont woo mount ond onthoolootlo. 1t hooono o rozulot («two of Tho Iovo which. with o ouhotontlol ohlft in tho tono o! lto ootorlol. contlnooo todoy.” ly Doconhot. 1920, tho anchor at rodlo llotonoro hod ° flatly lnorooood to Dotroit oud tho omomdlng mltloo. Soon boyo ookod Sonto Clouo loo rocolvtng ooto. and tho oto- tloo PtOfltI-Id opoclol holldoy molo to lto growths oodlonoo. flout; oowtlooo vorlotloo o! corool-hox cello. oor-troopot dough loud-opukoro, hottortoo, olxoo ond godgoto of ovory ' looctlptlou. tho "oogio" woo bolas oxtrootod (to: tho olt. Without o aroot dool of nochonlool ohluty. o rodlo dovotoo could put togothor o cryotol 75Kolly ond loyoo. Appoudlo. 52. dotoctor tot, cooploto with cot'o whlokor, for looo thou 88.00. .h voouuo doggotor oot could bo built tor looo thou 860.00 homo purohoood tho componento for tholr tocolvoro ftoo' locol todlo ohopo. which. by thlo tloo. bod oprung loto hool- oooo I11 ovot Dotrolt. w1th tho hoovy domd. porto woro ooon in chart oupply. Bocouoo olocttlcol ohopo couldn‘t oupply onouah hoodphonoo to ooot tho ruoh of now rodlo llotonoto, thoto grow up quito on opldoolo o! plltorlng o! tolophcno rocolvoro--ooot1y tron opottmont houoo phonoo. So onthuolootlo woro thooo boglnnoro thot nony octupulouoly honoot ooulo ludulsod 1n thio potty thlovory. Hlth o olnzlo alto ontonno otrung to tho rooo.or ot. tlc, o coll on on ootoool box. o plooo of olllccn or golono ulth o oot'o-ohlokor, olc ond o tolophono tocolvor, tho wou19~bo rodlo oporotor woo oblo to portlclpoto. to ttn; to tho non yoot. 1921. in Joyouo foohlon. Tho looo turnod to Dottolt ottoruoy LouLo Colombo ohooo ”toocoont tonoo“ ooto hoord in o "oolody o1 ohoor" thot “wont out ocrooo uncountod olloo ovor tho anlolblo othor.”78 Tho Dotrolt flown hod coohlotod lto (trot colondor yoor o! broodoootln; ond oovorol notoblo allootouoo hod boon rooohod-- ot o not loco to tho corporotlon of $3,063.92. 0! oouroo. this ”no”. 3333 Detrogt Emu, Auguot 21. 1960. Soc. 3. p. 1. 77Youn3,‘zhg_filghlggn glotorz Mogoolgg, Vol. XLIV, Docoo- bot. 1960. p. A17. "my mg. I». o. 53. onount lo poltry whoa ounporod to tuturo looooo. In lto tlrot olzht yooro of oporotlon. tho ototlou ouotolnod o not looo onnuolly of noorly $80,000. By 1928. tho mozoucht hod 1nvootod “66,386.27 or noorly o holf ollllou dolloro 1n tho oporotlon ond bod not ooruod o dluo 1n return. It to ouo thin; to bo o plcnoor ond culto onothor to book ono'o couvtctlono wlth my to ouch huso ouomto." tdltorlolly cloning thot tho rodlo ototlou oftorod onothor mono by which “rho Nowo could oorvo lto publlc. o contributing foctor to WJ'o oxlotonco in tho wory boglnnlns hlnzod opvorontly on ito prawn oblllty to ooll nowopoporo. Shortly oltor WJ'o lnltlol prozroo in 1920. Tho Nowo odltoro ouncolvod tho ldoo of tom; thlo now "nlroolo” to ooll poporo. Thoy otortod ”Torzlght'o Dlnnor" by tho houoo- hold odltor. o lsmuto tolk whlch lucludod ouzsootlono tor dinuor oo woll oo ougsootluno for oovlng in tho tltchon. Ihlo hoo boon ouc- ooooful in logarootln; wooon 1n Tho flowo ond tt. ‘C‘tuIC‘o Could tho ototlon pooolbly hovo ouotolnod ltooll oo o couploto phllonthroplo wouturo‘l’ It ooono doubtful whon mo roodox M... ...-‘4 L .... .....A AA A M ‘ A‘ 79adult: 1.. Tyoon. Stotlon Honour. Affldovlt Fllod with tho Podorol Eodlo Counloolcn. Hovoubor 7. 1928. p. l. a“Iliad Goortnor. Jr.. Housing Editor. Dotroit lowo. ., “Btotlon WJ Strong Promotion Aro for Dotroit lowo Slnco 1920." mmw Jul! 37. 1935. Do 11. 54 Tho homo "Tho Dotroit Nowo“ olwoyo io oppondod to tho coll lottoro. "HUJ.” thuo olwoyo kooping in tho liotonoro' nindo tho nooo o1 tho ototion'o owuor ond oponoot. Ao puro inotitutionol odvortiolng olono. tho ounotont "drip. drip o! tho wotor ousiho otuuo" iuoo hoo boon of groot voluo. .AlthoughflwWJ coutinuoo to identify itoolf oo Tho Dotroit lowo ototion, it long ogo bocouo for uoro woluoblo to tho poro out orgouiooticn ond not just on oxtonoion of tho uouopopor oiroulotiun doportnont. Whllo tho w J nowo hullotino woro reporting tho nojor ovonto of 1921--Hording'o inougurotion, tho Sooco-Vourotti triol ond tho Dompooy-Corpontior boxing bout ot Boylo'o thirty .Aorooo~tho originol transmitting oot woo found to ho inodo- quoto for tho incroooing roquirouonto of tho ototicn. It woo cooplotoly robuilt oorly in tho you-.82 Exporinonto in prozrommins continuod with tho oondinx o1 ouoio by rodiophono to o bonquot boin3,held ot tho floounic tooplo on Jonuory 13. ond tho oouo oorvico woo providod for tho mama l’ork nigh School on Fobruory a.” In Juno, 192l. turthor ioprovooout woo nodo in tho , tronooittin3,oquipnont with tho inotollotion of o two-wiro # A— A..____ A.— - -_.+ “$32.14- 82xolly ond Boyoo. p. 7b. a3§2d§o t.££. Po 10o 55. ontonno. 290 foot in lcnzth, which woo otrotchod botwoon Tho homo building ond tho Hotol Port Sholhy. loootod in tho uoxt block. Thlo itmcvotiou woo tootod; ond to tho delight of tho otofl. rocopticu tororto pourod in from liotonoro oll owor tho mitod Stotoo. The Floor rocoiwing oot hoord broodcooto by govornmcnt stations o5 for ouoy oo Bordooux, Fronco; Rom. Gunny; Rooo and Hamil.“ It woo obout thio tioo oloo thot ono of our. ooot populor program footoroo, ”Tho Town Crior," woo introduood. Ao Elton Plant rocollod it: Tho tirot "otorrod" radio nooocoot ot W.) woo billod oo "'i'ho Town Crior" chow. Roz Hhito uroto tho nous itooo ond 1 road thou. i would tin; tho Icon Crior boll whilo Roz cloppod coconut ohollo to oimloto tho horoo'o hoofo on which tho Iowu Crior or. rived. Ihio woo tho hoaiuoin; of "sand ottoct" oxporimto ot WJJ...1 woo tho originol “roan Crior on rodio. but only for two or throo wooto booouoo 1 bootod o ccuplo o! wordo ono night, ond than too woo doing it...ond iotor it woo Alhort R. wooko‘. It hoo boon rocordod thot Al woo tho originol Town Crior. hut not oo...Whou Wooko took owor ho wroto tho uowo itomo in hio otylo ond did tho broodoootio; hinoolf oo woll. my dovolopod him right into tho choroctor ond ho woo muouolly good or it. Aloo, in old-1921. ‘l‘ho howo rodlophono doportoo‘ut do- oidod to orgonioo ito progrouo on o woro olohoroto ocolo. 85 54gbtg. ”Float. gatorviow. p. 20. 56. Borototoro. tho ohowo hod boon rootrictod to phonoxroph onoio ad nowo bullotino with on oooooionol ouoot. Sinco tho ”otticiol" otoff of tho ototion conoiotod of o rodio- piano oditor ond two tochnicol oon. othor nonboro of rho iowo otgoniootion wolmtoorod to hook vioitin; thootricol tolont.“ main; oditor uncul- u. tinny. city oditor coouo storh ond roportoro tohort lolly. Box ubito. Al Uooho. lltn Plont ood othoro. homtod tho locol thootoro. woudovillo houooo ond.oootour thootrioolo ooorching for tolont. “hon working on tho rodio full til-o in 1921 oy joh. olou; with onnomcing. woo got- tin; oono of tho progroo toloot. “ha 1 (int wont up thoro 1 octuolly ocoutod for oo-o o1 tho tolout coon; pooplo 1 how. pooplo who woro otudying ouoic with no. 1 would bring thou ovor. I roooobor 1 brought oy oingin; toochor ovor. troncio Firth. Thoy likod hio ond did o oouplo ct prozrooo o wooh for o hit. 7 By Doconbor. 192l. tho rocruitin; drivo for tolout woo ondod oo porforooro o! owory doooription pourod into tho oto- tin. Son; plugzoro. who poid oingoro to portoro oonso in ordor to ooll noro copioo of tho ohoot mic. uood rho Kowo focilitioo otton. And ooll-hum portorooro. who woro in Dotroit for thoo- tor oppooroncoo. roodily osrood to wioit tho ototiou, without _ A _ ... ‘ __ ..A. .4. ”Plant. W. 9. n. 57. too. in ordor to proooto tho poid locol oppooronooo. tron ovoning progroming thot could bo doocrihod thuo: ‘i'ho uouol concort. intoroporood with nowo bullotiuo. will ho giwon tonight ond ovory night oxcopt Sundoy. wooiool ooloctiono oro chongod nightly, ond oro chooon to oowor o groot worioty" grond oporo. ouoiool oooody. woico. bond. orohoo' tro ond ooloo. WJ bogou to prooont incrooood "liwo" programing. Comlotoly unprodictohlo. bowovor. woo tho rooponoo gluon to tho nicrophouo by tho otogo otoro who oouoontod to oppoor on tho "11"“ ohowo. moot n. loll. oompooor of ”author Hochroo.” ”Lovo ho ond tho world io aloo." ond othor ocngo. woo opp-oring with tho toith circuit on tho otogo of tho roaplo Thootor in 1921. ho ogrood to portoro in tho WJ otudioo on Docmbor 13 ond hio rooction to tho oiorophouo woo Tho roooiwor microphono io not o wory opprociotivo inotrunont. ot looot in oppoor- onco. Ono oon't toll tron tho looko of [it] whothor hio nuhor io likod or not. Thio woo quito bottling to Ernio Boll. 8o ooug ono or two of bio looot populor our boro. hoord no opplouoo ond tinolly loohod ot tho tolophono [oicrophono] in o oonnor thot rogiotorod blind rogo. And thou ho otuok out hio tonguo ot tho inotrmont. which oomd to roliovo hio toolingo o lot. for a; owmg inoodiotoly into onothor ooloction. ... #_ k A. __ A A “”5th Hooro Rodio Concort ond Loudo Howo Sorvioo.” :33 93.93.13 Ron, soptonhor 8. 1920. p. l. 39Rodic §to£g. p. 18 58. book rinooy. ootod omodion ood oooologiot. oodo hio tint rodio oppooronco two doyo loto: on Doom»: 1:. A mim thin; in commotion with tho hroodcootin; hoo boon tho roootion o! otoao ortioto to tho mdnoootrotiwo htonoo dovico into which thoy pour thou omgo owl ton-tho. l’tmk lino” rotoood to holiovo thot ho woo not tho wiotio o! o hour. no loorod ho woo in toolity toning to: tho oolo ontortolnmoot o! proctiool Jokoro in tho priwoto roo- whoro tho microphooo o! tho tronooittio; opportuo woo locotod, until ho hoord mic roloyod book by tolophm tron “indoor, alt” oorooo tho rivor. In. bonus-out, ovou oooto "otoso fright.“ hoo boon ootlood in tho «oo o! olooot owory individul who is occootoood to opplowoo u oooooiml notivo powor.” Otho: ootohlo portal-on Ind poroooolitioo including not Md Vmoo Cooko. oooodiono Von ond Schonok (Doc. 19). no rmio Brioo (Doc. 21) oodo thou tooio dobeto on WJ. lion “in. who oppoorod oo o oingot with tho Old lowohoyo' loud. loto: pinod utionol {no for hot pottroyol of tho mohiovmu “hob, shocks.” tho prozron ochodolo. in which. thou poroouolitioo ' woro ploood. woo mound “cording to tho following tioo. tohlo. 11 139011355 o .o. Huoio phonograph 59. 3:15 - MOO p.19. noporto ot tho Liwootock,3roin. . Lihorty Bond and otock ntkoto, tho Ionian (annoy) oxchonxo and tho woothor “port. 6:25 - 6:30 9.3. mm to ”two up” inotruonto [oorroctly diol tho ototioo - ouoh tho oomo oo oarly tolowi- oion'o toot pottoro] 6:30 - no: p... Stondord hodtioo otorioo wood by Hohol Cloro Miloo. 6M3 - 7:00 p... Ropotition of. 3315 program 7:00 pm. “ginning o! rogu- ot ono tortoinoont.9 Thio oohodulo woo oointoinod dolly. oxoopt Sway. dozing tho olooing wontho of 1921. Still ooothor «shoot in tho progroo oxponoioo at noon- box. 1921. woo tho procuring of rinool’o arohootr‘o ond othor moiool argoniootimo with oovorol ouhoro. including tho riot Iollrooo Orchootro undo: tho ditoctioo of Arthur Bloch. It hooooo ooonon prootico to: Dotroitoro to otogo "wirolooo portioo” ot thoir homo ond doooo to tho "livo" oooio ooittod by tho radio tocoivor. Ao 1921 hmiod to o clooo. WJ prooontod Chriotooo two ’ union with Gowotnor oloa J. Grooohock. Hoyoo Joooo couoooo. tho 8:. Row. Chorloo D. Williuo. 0.1).. liohop of tho blow]! 91m. Voooolo '9“; up' Howo Uirolooo Moldy." m mm. 0.0“ 19. 1’21. Po lo 60. Dimoo of Richl‘on. ond tho Row. Fr. John P. Hohicholo. 8. J.. Ptooidont of tho Uniworoity o! Dotroit. portioi~ potixm.’2 And to doomotroto ito ptogron divoroity. Ronny Itown. odltor of. tho Exporionco Colomudvioo to: tho lm~ lm in l'ho howo.)oodo hot tint mu oppoorooco on Docu- bor 18.” 0o Doooobor 30, o young ngorion pioniot, Gioi Soonto. oodo hot Aoorloon concort dohot on w}. Fro- tho Cmfotoooo noon in 'l'ho howo building. whoro tho ototioo woo now houood. oho thrillod on oodiohoo which :ocoivod hot potforoonoo ot ”botwooo 350 ond ooo outour wirolooo ototlouo. in odditioo to prohobly 10 timoo oo loony roooiving ooto." Ao "on on- ioptoooiwo oogophono plocod with ito oooth opoood mt tho otringo of tho piono cousht up tho wibrotiono ond corriod tho- to a inotruomt which (lung thou out into lfl«.”“ littlo «a thio l7 you-old pioniot drooo thot oho woo ploy. in; tho owortoro to tho grootoot you o! oxponoion tho you; A_._.. A A A A... ”male Uofto mm smut." m w m. mm: 25. 1921. Po 1o ”money Brown thrillo Boororo by Virolooo," mm Newt. Doconhor 29. 1921, p. 3. 9“"hollno Voooolo 'Pick Up‘ howo Virolooo Holody.” m 9:90;; flow-g. Docoubor 19. 1921. p. l. 61. ototioo would ovor oxporiouoo. zwoo though no: hod tobuilt ohd inprovod ito trooooit- tor. oxpondod ond tofinod ito programing. onlorgod ito otofi nightly ond mod ito "otudioo" from tho cronpod qoortoro of tbo oditaiol rocoption too- to tho ooro opociooo Conform“ noon. oll thooo ooooupliohoooto would polo whon oowporod to thooo oodo during l922. thio woo tho yoor nortod with inhom- tim only drooood of hotero. with tho pcooihlo oxcoptiou of 1930, no othor yoor in rodiouhiotory con notch 1922 oo tho poriod of hroodcooting'o grootoot growth ond dowolopoont. an tho notionol lowol. coo ototico followod oncthor in on olooot lroooiod toco to find l opooo on tho diol. Locolly. HHJ incrooood ito pcwot. hixod ito firot ”potocnolity." wot tho ccopotiticn c! o ototioo ic- ttcdocod by'o rivol uowopopor. oxpondod ito otott ond ito otwdico ond‘wotchod tho oolo o! rocoiving ooto okyrockot. On Docowbor 12. 1921. tho Rowo ordorod o‘Hootorn Elocttic SOC-wott ilk tronowittor'whichuwowld opototo to tho wowo longtho hotwooh 375 ohd 600 uotoro. For tho pur- ohooo prico of 06,680.. tho ototicn oxpondod ito hrcodcooting horiocoo for boycnd thcoo obtoinoblo with tho Do tcroot oquipoont.95 Tho inotollotioo of tho how tronowittor ond ito firot broodcoot on Jonuory 28. 1922. oooood to horold tho hoginnins ot‘GWJ'o grootoot growth yoor. ~9stho Dotroit Bowo "forchooo Ordot #9549" to‘wootorn llocttic Coopooy. Dotroit. Hichiaon. Doconbor l2. 1921. p. l. 63. 63. 'l'ho “guitudo of tho vioiting otoro ohcwo hrightor. Ming o oinglo wool: in Jonuory. Eddlo Contot ond ooohoro ct hio ocopooy, who woro oppooring ot tho Conic]: in "Hidnight loudoros” Adolo Rowlond. who woo hooding tho bill ot tho Shnhort-Dottoit. ond Cloto newton. of tho ”ton-cu Pour hot- tono.“ portorood on W'o owning progtoo. Dr. ldgot DoUitt Jonoo noon-bond tho Contcr broodcoot. tho occooico of tho onnivoroory of W1... own no to tooinioco. l wodo oy dobot at thot ototicn...l‘ho night 1 wont on tho oi: to: tho tint tioo woo oodo mohlo to: no hocowoo I not in tho otcdio Eddio Contcr ond tho put 0:. Lotono of Vionno [an Adolph iorono. fooooo outgocn]. Contoo cliohod up on o otcol ond ooto-por- iood o otring of dolighttol chottor... Dr. Lorono wrooood Io...ho Iodo m oppool tor tho wot childron of tuopo... . do: “111:? a; hand on tho otcol ond wocitod bolt Among tho nucrouo poroonolitioo who troopod into tho w: otndioo doting 1922 woro: ocvio octrooooo Lillioo ond Dorothy Gioh: Hollywood prcdocor Dowid H. alum; omono Hodooo E—o elm; Shokoopooroon ortioto mood ll. Scthorn ad hio wito. Julio horlowo; conodo'o cannot-Gonna lorcn mg. ond droootiot Ccooc aniltco. rho looooo in olocot “or to ' n . go: Mitt Jcnoo. WM] o litthdoy W um Augnot 2c. 1945. p. 18. ' M. ovory tiold could ho oddod to tho liot, ond oony woro coking thoir firot rodio oppooronco. 0n robruory 6, 1922, tho {onouo Shokoopooroon octcr woltor Bonpdon orriwod ot tho ototion ond ogrood to doxo oclilcqoy tron ”Ho-lot" providod thot tho otudio could ho cloorod of oll poroounol. thio. tho onginooro oxploinod. woo iopoooiblo, oinco thoy woro noodod to oporoto tho oqnip- wont. still rotnoing to oppoor boi'oro onymo in tho otudic, Boopdoo ond tho crow finolly'roochod o ccmprooioo. Bo do~ liworod tho ooliloquy to tho rodio oudionco whilo lookod in tho wcuon‘o loworotory with o microphono hoforo him.97 Oooio Gohrilovitooh roiood hio botcn owor Tho Dotroit I Sywphony Orchootro on Fohrnory 10. 1922, ond oodo broodcoot~ ing hiotory with tho tirot oynphony ccncort prooontod by rodio onywhoro. It hoo hoon roportod in woriouo ototion pthlicotiono thot thio woo o1oo‘wHJ'o firot opcnoorod brood- coot. An oxooinoticn of tho tinonciol ototononto of tho Dotroit Bonk ond Iroot Coupony. tho ollogod opcnoor. loilod to produco contirootico o! thio oxponditnro. 11. howovor, tho Dotroit took did poy cortoin too for tho right to hovo ito nono oontionod in ccnnoctico with tho 97l1tcn Plont. topo rocordod intorwiow by Robot: P. Riooo (Windsor. antoric. Conodo). July 18. 1962. topo t.‘ cording Riooo' tiloo. 65. flywhcny contort. thio oponoorohip would prodoto HEM'o cloio ct tho lirot poid rodio cowl-orciol, Auguot 28. 1922, o lO-oin- wto onnouncomtbr tho Quoonohorongh corp. of Jockocn noighto. low tort. In my owont, tho Dotroit Symphony hroodcoot cortoinly giwoo mu priority om m'o cloio of tho tirot brcodcoot of o conploto omhonic cmoort (by tho flow York Philhoroonic, lovoohor 12, 1922).98 It woo oloo ohwt thio tino thot Rillioo F. ”hill" hollidoy bogon to mrgo oo arm's tirot, toll-flodgod "por- oonolity.“ Othoro bod priority over him oo "oxmomcoro" on tho ototion. but Hollidoy'o rooonont wcico ond protoooionol doliwory ondoorod his to liotonoro oo "tho voico of WI." nolcclo hingoy hirod Bollidoy. Tho prooonro cl tho rodic progrooo woo gotting too otoody with night ond doy progrooo. l wotchod Bill hollidoy of tho Grooo o Bollidoy Advortioing Agency ploy in mtour ohowo ot tho Dotroit Ployoro Club. Ho hod tho wolco ond ho know ouoio. Thot night ottor tho ohow, I hirod 1111. no bocooo tho tirot toll-(lodgod rodio oootor ct corononioo. rho rodio rcllod into big-tin otuff. 1 loot intoroot in it hocoooo it woo not Journolioo. 'Ihoro woo o thootriool- ioo toroign to tho locol city roco whoro o ” phony io opcttod hotoro ho con opon hio month. A A AA _L M ._._ .- 9300“. I”. RN30 0]. Wm)" gorioy , A5311 11. 1962. PO 31o ’9nlngay, p. 225. 66. lingoy woo lotor "oxilod" to Englond oo tho London corroopcndont for rho flowo ond linolly woo tirod by tho nowopopor. WJ'o tirot onncmcor thon rotnrnod to tho Unitod Stotoo ond woo hirod by tho Dotroit Froo i’rooo whoro ho oorwod oo Editoriol Dirootor until hio dooth in 1933. but. bofcro ho loft. lingoy bod pickod o winnor. mly o hondtol of w: porforooro howo oornod tho odoroticn hoopod upon hollidoy. born in 1891 in Wyoming, mic. Rollidoy ottondod public ochoclo in Pittoburgh ond Tyron. Pmoylvooio. no o1oo otndiod o "couroo" ot lucknoll thimoity. Sinco hio grondtothor. Jcooph R. louoy. bod boon prooidont ct tho woboob hoilrood. ond hio (othor ouporintondont of tho 1.. A. 6 8. noilrood. o bronch of tho Ponnoylvonio. it woo undon- otondoblo thot young hollidoy would to drown into tho tro- ditimol tonily trodo. locouoo ho didn't liko roilrcoding ond proforrod o widor fiold of poroonol ccntoct ond o oodico ct crootiwo uproooicn, ho londod in tho odwortioing booinooo with tho Joooph Richordo Col-pony aid lotor Joinod tho odwortioing doportoont of tho burrcugho Adding Hochino Coopmy. At Wroogho ho oditod tho gull otin,o coupony houoo orgon, mdor tho poo nooo Bill Boll Iloir, o nooo ho uood 1otor in m g m, o oporto oogooino publiohod by hollidoy 67. ond blo portnor. ldword R. Grooo.1°° 8o woo tho non whooo waldo and potoonollty woro roooznlood. thou owoltod. ond flnolls bolavod in tho oooourolooo onphithootor of rodlol 1 (boo tho flat wandot-ont of tho rodlo woo poot ond lt boson to «no late oodorn llto oo o {nod octlwlty. tho voloo of mu or "3111" ooon tool. on o poroouollty. ‘l‘horo woo o trtondly wornth, on urging soyoty ohout thot wolco thot otlrrod roopauolvo wot-nth in tho burn of non ond wanton. Fran tho oudloneo oooo hundtodo of lottoto thonklng tho ooh thoy know only oo o oot of lultlolo.1°1 no woo o non of unnouol vigor and of mtloggln; lntoroot to on} ootlvlty which dlrodtly or lndltootly touchod tho puhllo. Bollldoy woo o non-bot of tho Ployoro oad ootod ond wroto duo-oat drouo. And ho coupoood mold, ployod tho plono, woo octlvo la tho hoord of Comorco, wroto onythln; from flatten to ototlotl. ool ortloloo. ond oomod o llvln; oo on odltor, o mololon. o roportor. o ooloonon, o todlo onnomoor. on odwottlolng mogu- out! o pubushu.‘°3 100"“. p. 801114.] Dood," m Detrogg Reno. Juno 30. 1916. p. l. 101‘?rlondo Corry Hollldoy to out Am m mun." IE... Dotroit Rowo. July 3, 1926, p. 1. 101w. r. sumo-y Dead." 1121»; 2512.. Jun. 3°- 1926. p. 1. 1O’Coclt'go w. Stork. "Ho Old Til-on." E8. Dogrggg low; Auzuot 21, 1961. p. 8. 68. In oddltlco to cox-wing tho ototloo oo "ito wclco." Rollldoy woo oloc Ptogtoo Monogor ond chlo! tolont count, and, ot tho ooao tinc, cporotod o ouccoootnl odwortloln; ogosooy. Groco o Rolltdoy. mo of tho porforuoro during Hollldoy'o tolgn. Dr. Lwclonno Hmfctt. o cmcort plonlot. rocollod hot oxpoxlooco oooo yooro lotor. l room-hot 1t oll oc woll...m.lllon Bollldoy woo oootor ct coroncnloo. onoomcor. ond olocot owotything oloo, ovon to oppoor- oocoo oo olngor ond plono ployor...0n Iy {loot prcgrou oppoorod Front: Horgon, thou I hon. otollo ooto: ond ottorword to hocono low to tho ocvloo... Onoo tho concort woo cwor. ovoryono otood orcmd otorln; ot tho tolophono. lt boson to this. In thcoo doyo. ooythln; owou opyrcoohlng ontottolnuont woo ooro to produco o otoro o! collo tron hoororo, soot of when ooonod ootmlohsg thot thoy hod hoord onythlng ot oll. Aoothor "poroouollty" who aolnod locol todlo 1... ln oorly 1922 woo Alhott Loron "ooto. known to tho oudlooco oo ”Tho town Crlor.” Although ho dld not tooch tho public otottn'o onjcyod by Hollldoy. wooko' htcodcooto drow ouch occlolo for tholr crlgmollty ond wlt. wooko woo horn in Roohootot, now York, on my 3l. l8”. ho ottondod lootorn High School to Rochootor ond woo goodwotod lM'W-ihon Rodio woo A larval." 1‘19. _______§Dotrol 59.3.9.- Augmt 21. 191.5. v- 12. 69. (too Control High School in Dotroit in l906. Your yooro lotor. ho tocoiwod tho hocholcr of Arto douoo from tho mivoroity of Hichixomlo‘.’ ”ginning hio ootoor on tho otoff of tho Dotroit troo Prooo in 1910 oo o ropcrtor. ho loto: oovod to tho now do- {mot Dotroit Trihmo in 1912 oo tologroph oditor ond ooon hocooo city oditor. In 1913, ho joinod tho out! of. rho howo whoro ho oorwod onccoooivoly oo o roportor, drooo oditor ond litoroty critic ond whoro hio work goinod for hio on into:- noticnol toputotion. Ao WJ'o ”Town Ctior.” o lohol which proviouoly hod boon worn by Elton Plont ond Box Whito, Wooko onplcyod o ringing boll to horold hio nowocooto, which woro fillod with honor ond ootiricol choorvoticno on tho hopponingo of tho doy. In 1926. ho loft 'i'ho Rowo ond mm to toko tho oditor- ohip of tho MAS. 3 93119;. tho oogooino pnhliohod hy hio old friond. hill Hollidoy. ond which woo dowotod to oporto. thootor. litorotoro, tioonco. foohiono. oocioty md hm.1°6 Following Hollidoy'o dooth, Wooko hocooo oditor of tho m- m, ond tro- 1929 to 1932, ho woo giwon conploto ohotgo ct ‘ __._A _._‘ ‘4 A .— 10"’"Alhoo't Vooko honod Moguino Editor." 193 29533;; 2331 Pros . Notch 15. 1926, p. 2‘. 10511334. 70. Hotropcliton Hotion Pictuto Compony'o crootiwo, dirocting ond voico rocording octivitioo. ho novor roturnod to hroodcooting, which hod givon hio hio grootoot {comm7 Coot ooido woo o tolont which Goorgo‘w. Stork lotor dooorihod oo "antic goniuo"m8 and o ohow collod "tho moot populor footuro of tho progtomo." Porhopo tho moot pcpulor footuro of tho prczrono, ot looot until tho crgonizotion of Tho Dotroit Hows Orchootro, woo tho Town Criot. At firot ho hold to tho troditiono of holloon, and xovo o nightly digcot of tho doy'o nowo, with running ccmmont. 31o whinoicolity woo oc oppooling thot foncy nltinotoly took prooedonco cvor toot. Tho ononynity which ot firot chor- 109 octoriood tho Town Crior could not ho mointoinod... Tho {itot intoroot dioployod by HWJ in joining with othor ototiono in o notwork como Fohrnory 13. 1922. whonxworron s. Booth. thon.Aooiotont Buoinooo honogor of Tho Nowo ond oo of thio writing Ptooidont of tho Evoning Nowo.Aoocciotion, oont o lotto: to‘W. S. Gifford. thon Vico-Prooidont of tho.Aooricon Tolophono ond Tologzoph Conpony hr. [1. 21.] Ryon [who hod inotollod tho now SOO-wott tronooittor for Tho lowo in Jonuory] ooid thot ho undorotcod thot you would coon ho orgoniood 107”“ Wooko Joino Scott of Pictnro Compony,” IE! Dotroit News, July 31. 1932, p. 16. 1(”Goon-go U. Stork, "Ho Old Timon." 11;; Detroit flows. Anguot 21, 1941. p. 1. 1°9Rodic Stoff. p. 20. 71 to diotrihuto to oil of thooo ototiono by wiro opoochoo ond tho liko. which oro of noticnol io- pcrtonco. ond to hroodooot hy rodio from oooh cf thooo ototiono. Thio io indood o wory intor- ooting dovolovnont ond Tho Rowo io oworo thot if your compony gooo into thio, it will do co in o wholo-hoortod woy... Ho oro wondorin; whothor wo could ocoo to ocoo ogroooont whoroby Tho Now would ho con- noctod by wiro with your oonding ototion ond hroodcoot thooo opociol things o1oo; with your own rodic ototiono ooottorod ohout tho country. 0! couroo thoro would not ho ony groot rumor of owonto of notionol intoroot but whon thooo occurrod. it would oortoinly bo grootly to m odvontozo to ho hookod no with your oyotoa. 1 Apporontly Gifford did not roopcnd imodiotoly to hooth'o highly originol omooticn. but ultinotoly thio wory orrongonont linkod W1 ood my in tho firot noticml notworh of ototicno. m Morch l. 1922. tho loool 0. s. hodio Inopoctor. s. w. Edwordo, cont o roquoot to tho Coaliooicnor of lowigotion ookins thot Tho flowo ho ollowod to chongo ito coll lottoro. Ao ho ooploinod tho prohloox Tho Dotroit lowo... hoo hod o xroot dool ’ of difficulty with tho coll lottoro W31. which hovo hoon oooiznod to thoir ototion. Thoy hovo ohown Io o nuxohor of cordo ond lottoro fro- diotont pointo in which it io ototod thot tb ooll lottoro of tho ototion do not oorry woll ond oro not oooily diotinzuiohohlo. Thio nowopopor hoo roquootod no to toko up with tho Buroou tho oottor of o ohongo in ooll A 4. AA .L noLottox: to H. 8. Gifford. Vico-Prooidont. Aurioon Tolophono ond Tolozroph Coupony. from Horror: 5. Booth. Aoot. luoinooo Honosor, Tho Dotroit lowo. l'obruory 13. 1922, NJ Tiloo. 71. lottoro ond thoy hovo roquootod no to oocortoin if it will ho poooiblo for thou to howo tho coll lottoro of ma. or M. It io roopoctfully roc- cuondod thot thoy bo grontod tho chonso in coll lottoro.1n Si: doyo lotor, o roply woo rocoiwod: You will oloo ooto your coll hoo boon chonxod from Hm. to WJ. Thio 1o ohout oo good oo wo could do in tho oottor of coll lottoro ond wo hopo you will find thou ootio- foctoryJu Thuo. tho ototicn'o porwonont coll lottoro. fornorly uood by o wooool in tho Atlontic Coootol trodo, woro ootob- liohod. And tho logond thot tho ototion woo noood oftor o poroon. noooly H. J. Scrippo. ohould ho put to root. Vioiting Row Tcrk on buoinooo. w. I. Scrippo roooiwod o diotroooinx tologroo m Notch 11. 1922. mum to ram SAYS TREE PRESS to amuse ’ onwusrmc um) sow AS WESTERN ELECTRIC coo omvn A mnmmcm some As was. mum: tumzc nasnvns Chasm roa smmc Steam moo. In omen. u m! nests: on son ram snow.» or LEAST autumn us PREFERENCE to ALL canons rm and mcam’aonas. LOUDSPEAKERS, An- nuuns. roars. arc. no snow.» saw 02 inmo- cosrma norms. ALSO our rm moss non ORCHESTRA BALLAD 1nLottort to Ccmiooionor of howiaoticn. Doport-ont of Moo. woohingtcn. D. 0.. tron s. U. Edwordo. U. 8. nodio lnopoctor. Podorol Building, Dotroit. Horoh 1. 1921. uzuttor to Horton s. Booth. Aoot. Iuoinooo runogor. Tho Dotroit llowo from 8. H. Edwordo. 0. 8. Rodio lnopoctcr. Yodorol Building. Dotroit. notch 6, 1922. WJ l‘iloo. luTolozroo from U. S. tooth to H. I. Scrippo. hotol lilttocro. II. T.. Morch 11. 1922. WJ Piloo. A .- A 4A A 73. Thio woo indood unploooont nowo for WU. For now it would bo nocoooory to ohoro tho prociouo broodoooting bud oooisnod to ototiono in 1922 with Tho flowo' orch riwol. Ulti-otoly. Tho howo would bo roquirod to curtoil ito brood- cooting doy to ollcw tho Froo Prooo to on tho oooo froquonoy, oinco tho plon for multiplo froquoncioo bod not. oo yot. boon for-ulotod. To outword oppooroncoo. WJ oooood uncoocornod obcut thio turn of owonto oo it continuod to prooont o oorioo of forty Lonton ooroono, cno ooch doy. which boson on Hooch l. Tho progrooo woro oollod Wt Lont hoono to tho Cool-unity" ond clorgynon of oll dononinotimo prowidod tho oorocno for thio broodcootin; ”firot.” Tho Rt. Row. hichool J. Golloxhor. tooon Cotholio Biohop of tho Diocooo of Dotroit; tho Rt. Row. Chorloo D. Willim. Epioocpol Biohop. ond hiohop Thocdoro s. Bonorocn, woro coon; thooo who oodo oddroooooJ“ 0n mrch 15. 1922. Tho Rowo rodic ototion brcodcoot tho comtry’o firot “mining poroono" ropcrt. Albino Tonnoo' Plains. tho u-yur-old odoptod oon of Hillioo Honing. rm owoy from homo with St. Louio oo hio dootinoticn. Tho pclico in oovorol citioo woro olortod but woro unoblo to locoto tho AA___ 4 4A A __ A 114mm. Tho Dotroit Rowo, "WJ firoto" (hiuoxrophod unuocript. 1950). p. h. 7o. boy. finolly. on onotour cporotor in Tolodo. who hod hoord tho WJ broodooot. sowo tho hoy'o doocription to tho notrcn of tho Juwonilo dotontion homo in tho Ohio city ond oho idontifiod ono of hor chorgoo oo tho oiooin; Flowing boy. A fow wooko lotor. mothor niooin; boy, William Doro, woo locotod in oluoot tho oono nonnor. Thooo two incidonto ouuootod tho widor uoo of rodic to oooiot tho polioo in trockin; crioinolo ond rocovoring otolon proporty. Tho focilitioo of WJ. thorofcro, woro cfforod to Moyor Joooo Cocoono who onoworod: Glod to occopt your offor. mtil tho tioo conoo whon wo con ootohlioh our own oondinz oto- tion, tho gonorouo ond publiooopiritod cffor of Tho Dotroit how will ho glodly occoptod. l howo wotchod tho dowolopoont of rodic cod 1 con cloorly ooo ito innonoo pcooihilitioo in tho copturo of crininolo flooin; tho city.113 Polico Lioutonont l’otto, who hod firot ougzootod tho on of rodic for polico work in o opoooh on WJ Docoohor 11.. 1921. imlonontod tho plon undo: tho dirocticn of Hilliolo P. nutlodso. thou ouporintondont of tho Dotroit Pclico. no. coivin; ooto woro inotollod in prooinct ototiono ood lotor in Polico Hoodquortoro. Thio dovolcpnont 1od ultiuotoly to tho ootobliohoont of user, Dotroit. tho um polico rodio ototion. Rutlodgo. incidontolly. io o1oo gonorolly croditod with tho idoo cf cmicotin; with o min; occut cor. mm. 7S. Liotonoro woro so concomod with tho plight of Albino lining. thot tho rodic dobut of o young cmdion ond wit. Will homo. on horch 15, woo olooot loot in tho othor rodic nowo hoodlinoo. No doyo lotor. Elmo Colvo. tho diotinguiohod oporotio oopronc. oodo hor rodic dohut on W3. 0:: notch 22. 1921, ot 9:30 o.-.. tho houoohold oditor of Tho Dotroit flowo. boo. hyrtlo Colkino. otoppod to tho WJ oicrcphcno ond grootod tho oudionco. “Good Morning. Sworybcdy." Thuo boson ono of tho moot populor woun'o footuroo hoord on RAJ. ”Dinnor by Rodin," o mono-plowing progroo. Originolly dooignod to intoroot roodoro in Tho howo wooon'o footuroo. it grow in pcpulority ovor tho yooro oo owidoncod by tho nil oont to tho woun'o doportnont by liotonoro. hoforo tho progroo bogon. lottoro to tho doporto Iont nuuborod obcut 300 por wook. By 1930. obcut 3.000 lottoro o wook. or o yoorly totol in «con of 156.000.woro rocoiwod. giving proioo to tho progroo oorioo.nr' Tho Uniworoity of Michison boson oxtonoion courooo by rodic on lurch 31. Locturoro. orronxod by Profooocr H. D. Hondorocn. in tho 11.14. of public hoolth. public”oducoticn. oodorn ociontific dowolopnonto. ohoniotry ond ootrcncny. woro u‘tllo Gordon saith. ”Rodic Dinnoro 8 Tooro on Air." 11;: Dotroit Nowo. Auguot 20. 1930. p. 19. 76. prooontod by UNJ.117 Concornod ovor tho incroooing popularity of rodic. tho Aooociotod Prooo ioouod on odict oorly in 1922 thot nono of tho nowo ouypliod by tho wiro oorwico would bo owoiloblo to broodcootin3 ototiono. howovor. on Morch 31. whon o oloot ond ico otor- follod tologroph poloo ond wiroo. tho.A. P.. ond othor nowo oorwicoo. turnod frontioolly to othor noono of trononitting otorioo to»oomhor nowopoporo throughout tho ototo. Tho lntornotionol hows Sorwico (1.3.3.) oont out roporto of tho hopponinzo in Lonoing uoinzflwa'o focilitioo ond oupplooontod thio oorvico with o fow bullotino oondwichod botwoon coonorciol ccrroopondonco cvor tho Chioo3o*wiro of tho ‘wootorn Union. tho only lino thot did not go down during tho otoro. Tho.Aooociotod Prooo ond tho Unitod Prooo sot loot of thoir horch 31 nowo through during o throo-hour lull botwoon tho otorno whon tho linoo woro tonpororily ropoirod. 0n Soturdoy..April l. with tho otoru otill toxin; ond tho linoo down ogoin. tho.A. P. owollcwod ito prido ond oont ito Dotroit corroopondont. Dowid J. Wilkio. to tho HWJ otudico. wilkio hurriodly wroto tho nowo copy ond tho RHJ onnouncoro rood it. whilo A. P. oubocrihoro ot tho Adrion Tologron. tho Lonoing Stoto Journol. tho Joohoon Citioon-Fotriot. ond othor 117Kolly ond noyoo. p. 81. 77. out-ototo nowopoporo. hirod court otoncgrophoro to copy tho itono. Poporo oll ovor Hichigon corriod tho lino. "Epociol Diopotch by WHJ Rodicphcno." on oovorol ot0tioo soturdoy night. Sundoy ond Mondoy. whon tho rogulor ooono of communi- ooticn woro ro-ootobliohod.118 Through tho uoo of old nowopopor clippingo. o typiool prosron of horoh. 1922. hoo boon roconotruotod. {Although Inch of tho notoriol io corny ond dotod now. it oomno worth- whilo to troco o oinglo progroo from hoginning to ond in ordor to ooooino tho olooonto of ontortoinmt which convriood on cfforing by‘WRJ during thio poriod. .A doocription of tho progtoo. printod tho noxt doy. night hovo rood liko thio: Fivo nomboro of tho Dotroit Ployoro govo o nowol ‘wirolooo concort loot night thot woo onjoyod horo ond ocrcoo tho North.Anoricon continont. Tho ovonhng otortod off whon ‘Hillioo hollidoy onncunccd that tho ovoninz hod boon turnod cwor to thooo gontlooon ond thot ho would not ho hold to- oponoihlo for onything thot hopponod. Tho firot nuubor on- nonncod woo o locturo on wirolooo tolophcny byuhl Rooko. who for onny yooro hoo oodo o doop otudy of thio norwolouo ocionco. WEEKS: Noah woo tho firot wirolooo oyorotor. with hio dovo. Tho ooocnd woo non Front- lin. who got oc nod whon lightning ottuch A 113”RodioPhono Giwoo Michigan Poporo Howo Whoa Sloot folio Vino." M 9.- ;Mlithot. April 8. 1922. p. 12. 78. hio now kito thot ho tomdod tho fiotur- doy honing Foot. 0: oooroo. oll you mio tono know whot own» on hovin; ooon thodo Soto. And Wotto oto woty hord to got rid o! oo thoy oro so tiny. moo hovo groan oo grootly in populority thot o Bottor all. Hook woo tooontly hold in Dotroit. l'd liko to loowo with ono loot wornin; to tho mtooto. Don't wind you: ornotoro too tightly or you'll brook tho ooiooprinp Willioo c. Lorohon. hotitono. oinxo two o1 hio fomito oonp. “Io-o1 Lod" ond ”Hob tindy Loo'l (Load Applouoo (too tho group gothorod oround tho otodto.) John J. Ploth dolivoto tho Kiplin; pool. ”Mao Din.” WY: suns: mmt: SIAM: ond ”Tho shooting of non Macaw." Who'o noxtl Ah. thoro’o Son Slodo. Uhotoho goin' do. Son? Goon I'll tooito mango Din. No. you ooa't do thot. Jock floth Soot sovo no on: M8. dinnot (ohookloo). 0h.woll thou. goon l'll oins o oons. (Tho hoooo tondoro tho otio from Silo: hoooonogro. by Vordi. ond to topootod dooondo (too oolloto on tho tolophonoo. ho toopmdod with "Tho Mimosa") woltot onnton woo noxt mmood with hio 'oollo. ('l‘horo follmod o torritio out-rout with tho omomding ployoro. who in- oiotod it woon't o oollo. thot tho loot tioo tho: oow ltuit woo o nioo littlo blond violin. Tho) wontod to know whot loynton hod boon («ding it to ooto it grow oo foot.) ho linolly ployod Alto by Schulonn. Cum 1'. Relation ployod "‘l'ho anon-n mad. Prom.” Al Joloon'o "My Littlo Bil-ho. Down a o Bonboo lolo." ond "Forowoll. annoy. rot-o rhoo uoll." on tho piono. 79. 8011.11)“: thot concludoo tho ovoniny'o onto:- toinoont on tho port of. tho Ployoto. 'i'ho ochodulod tioo to ond thio pro- groo pooood bolt on how: oso. Goodnight. tho rodic oudionco liotonod oo tho Ployoro woro op- ploodod by potoono coiling Chotty 7500 in otdot to giwo it not tho tolophcno. Tho owning toll: on Tho howo ionic My Contoot woo oodo by moo Edith a. Ruohokom. who loctnrod on tho conpoooto Rubinotoin ond Lint. 'i‘ho forlor'o Molody in I ond Lioot'o 8‘1!er Ehopoody woro thou ployod. And o typicol ovoninx'o ontortoinoont for o rodic noun- or in 1922 hod ondod. mo wondoro it rodic hoo toolly chonxod too ouch in tho poot forty youth“, a: Aytll 2. W1 ond tho Hichizon Agricultorol Collogo Wotod in o locturo com-co by rodiophcno. Dovid M. hidoy. Ptooidont o! H. A. 0.. ooid of tho broodcooto. ”For-or ond city son will ho brought clout togothornclooor thou ovor bototo hy ooo of Tho Dotroit Bowo' todioyhono.”u° In on otfort to proooto tofomticn ond intoroot hio bond “on in world ovonto. wot-don a. L. Burlhurt brought tho Jockoon Priocn loud to tho the.) otodioo on April 9. 1922. Tho bond potion-coco obotod tho oooo moaning log with tho Contoto can; ot st. Pool'o Epiocoool Cothodrol. nJocloptod (too "hurry Hodloy Uottod Moo." :9; m £129.: latch 29. 1922. p. 6. uotony ond loyoo. p. 31. 30 Min. tho tutor oooom oi 1922. 112.1 ontotod into on orronzoooot with St. tool'o. whotohy tho ototion would bo ollowod to flood- out tho tootot Contoto om; in tho church on Polo Sundoy ond tho looming ond owning oorvicoo on lotto: Boy. rhuothoCothodrolwoonolcnsorcno ootoly of otmo of otchitoctorol diocnoicco. but ono whooo oyofic wollo onccopooood ooot of tho continmt. 1 Hhon tho now. Horton L. nogoro otoppod to tho pulpit o2 tho Cothodrol to opon tho omiooo on April 9. ho bogoo o htoodcootin; ootioo which hoo contincod unintottoptod ovory smdoy oioco 1922. m1) mn'o hroodcooto (too tho Colwory Church in Pittohorgh. which boson on Jonuory 2. 1921. oto oldot. Sioco KDKA cortioo only o liainuto progn- frco tho church. WJ'o St. Poul'o hroodcooto homo boon honorod oo tho oldoot church omiooo in Anorico. Prod Voting ond hio Ponnoylvoniooo oodo thoit rodio dohot n W: my 2. 1922. Voting hod oppoorod ot o Uoiwotoity of Mchlm J‘Bop in Jonoory. 1922. ond Hillioo hollidoy woo in tho oodionoo. Aftot tho donco. Bollidoy ookod tho Ponnoyl- vooiono to own: on tho ototion. but it woon't until uoy thot thoy woro oblo to occopt tho offor. howord Piotco. production oonogot of tho Kmoky-Trondlo thootticol intotooto. hootd tho A”; __ ‘..._.._.. ....- At.‘ _.A ... A 111323;: mg. 9. u. 81. broodcnot and offered haring ond hio group a wook'o engage- oont ot tho now defunct Foraccunt Theater. Tho group played tho wook for which they had contracted and 12 additional wooko. Small wondcr that hoostro Waring has a warm opot in his hccrt tor Lotrcit and WhJ. Ho may call his hoyo tho Ponnoylvaniano. gut thoir otort was really made in fiichigun.1 ‘ 0! course. hnring‘o contribution to HWJ won {or woro iogorthnt than tho pragran ho prcccntod on tho ototion. hhilo ho was at wta, Holliday rcvoalod to hcring that ho woo looking for on oooiotant program oanogor--oocoono who could also help hio with tho growing announcing choroc. Holliday aloo wanted to train a likely cuccocoor. since to hcpod to loavo tho broadcasting tiold in ordor to dovoto woro time to hio od- vortioing huoincoo. In talking with toring. Hollidoy diocuvorod that thoy both had grown up in tho small town of Tyron. Pennsyl- vonio. and that they had a mutual friend, Edwin llcyd Tyoon. whring ouggootcd, co the logcnd goon. that Hollidoy hiro Tyson. This remark by Waring would bring to th, on Kay 17. 1922. ono of tho ototion'o host-known voicoo. Born Kay 11. 1885. in Phillipohurg, renncylvonio. “Ty' Tyson cttondod Tyron High School and tuna State Collage for two years studying forcotry. In oddition to two years at oilitury ocrvico with tho 28th Livicion in world hur 1, Tyson worked for o timo in the retail coal business. a wall paper and stationary 1zzocorgo w. fitork, 'HhJ Link to Post Honored by haring'c M1ch1gondoro,‘ Tho lotrcit have, Schtombcr 2 , 1936. p. 3. 82. store, on e paper maker in the Heat Vuce roger Hill and an a Eeronntile Apprnicer for Elair County Yonneylvanie. In the spring of 1922, after developing successive allergies to the fields of endeavor an outlinod above, fycon received the following telegram: ELTHL 175' A55 Pi! AfiSlf’i-Tfifi'f STU? 123 EVE. 2Tb? 911.1. EQLLIZLAY K'fsi'fIiLH KEJ 3:3. I -AE‘.Y AT'E‘R.‘.C? Cnocoloyed at the time, Tyson couldn't afford to oak questions, and so he wircd back: WELL?" ? Holliday's rcply come right to the point: AT C 51C :.2.- And .0, without knowing what broadcasting «no, Tyson became a broadcaster. Harare he retired in Enron, 1953, after core than thrce cocoons as n to: personality, Tyson had on- deared himself to legions of listeners. Few person: in the entire spectrum of broadcasting won more friends than 'iy.‘ When be celebrated his 25th Anniversary in broadcasting in i9“?. this plea was published in The Eetroit Noun. Jerry Roore, assistant conngcr of the Fort Shelby hotel route to enrhucizo that the banquet Konday night at the hotel in Ty's honor is on in- vitational affair. Hooro'a tolephone has been ringing constantly with calls from person» who want to buy blocko of tickote for the grant. he says if they sold tickets. they woo‘d hnvo to stage the banquet in Briggs Stadium. 3“ 123x31 hiasnan, "Ty Tyson Fiogrnphy' (typewritten unnu- script), HHJ files, 9. i. 12“'Tyeon Honorcd Aftor 25 tours on hadiO,‘ The retroit "QW.. ng 25. 19“?. p. “0 83. In the name article, it who aloo noted that five Ictroit radio stations, othor than KRJ, would solute Tycon; and the list of thoae cottons uttcnding the banquet reads like a tho'e tho of Lotroit'a most famous citizens. Although Tyson draw ccuntlcno announcing assignments during his long and distinguished career with WtJ, including broadcasts of the Letroit symphony orchestra, the opening of the fizbnsoador Bridge and the arrivolo of fraoidonto and other fnnouo hormone, it was hit anorto broadcasting, especially his play-by-nluy doecriptionc of baooboll conch. which gained for him his grootost recognition. V311 CCti‘JF'it'IITICN COMES TO BMBOIE Since radio stations by the dozens were being oatab- lished across America, it was inevitable that Tho Howe would on. day hora comootition on the Dotroit broadcasting scone. What had.boen a rumor on March 11. 1922, became a reality on may h, when tho Detroit Free Press announced that it would begin programming on its new station, wcx. The official notification came to The News in a letter from D. E. Carson. Commissioner or the Bureau of Navigation. There is enclosed a cepy or the schedule of hours of your station and that of tho Detroit Free Press. Tho original of this copy was at- tached to the license of ghe Dotroit Free Press which was issued today. 2 126 May a, tho Froo Press signed OnLThursdny evening, on at 8:30 p.m. with an claboroto program which included ap- poarancon by Nichignn Governor Alox Grooobook, University of Michigan Froaidont Er. flarion leroy Burton, Free Freon poet- humoriat Edgar A. Guest and a group of performers, including Valbort P. Coffey, pianiet, who lator gained considerable 125Lottor to The rotroit News from D. E. Carson, Commissioner, Puroau of Navigation, Washington, D. 6.. may h, 1922, UWJ Files. 126Preliminary teats woro mode may 2. 8k 85. {one no a member of the kRJ otcff.127 The News, as night bo oxooctod, laohod out at hCX in an editorial which ottoootod to oxalain tho cuddled situation. Cnly cno wovo longth_hod boon allottod by low for broadcasting. That won 350 notoro. Eur unotnwr station to start in thoro would have to ho legislation providing for tho use of oono OtUEF ano length and the prooont naval regulationo do not provide for thot. 3o thoro was noth ng else for tho Howartoont of Commerce to do but allot hours of sanding until ouch tire no Congress can provido by law still other wove longtho.i£ Tho linitod coomorcial lioonoo, which won issued to Tho Eotrcit fiowo on oorll 5, 1922, corriod tho ochodulo by which the threo exizting atotiono in Eotroit had egrood to share the avoilablo broadcasting times using tho some wave length. The third ototion was ownod by the Ford Rotor Ccupnny and was uofid for ‘nnrrOwcnntlng,” or the trons- micoion of 'intoroffioo‘ information between tho congnny headquarters in Toortorn to othor plantfi and officon around the city. It won not conoidorod a hindoronco to the owa coorotion, crab bly tocouoo no entortninmont woo rrooontod and bocuuco too Ford ”otor Cononny did not ooll newsonporo, as tho tron Eroos did. at the Cffico of tho radio Inooootor in tho iodoral Huilding. Lotroit, use thiof Anginoor toward 3. Coorhcll uw‘“ —— -———-—A 127'Lotroit Free iross' tango Coono,’ retrofit Froc frees, Fay k, ZCEE, p. i. lzg'an-onn Explanation." The lotroit “9W5: 3“? “I 1922. p. 1:. . 86. named with "pros-ouch“ from tho Ford hotor Company and tho 1:“ Pun. that the following nobodulo would be uintaincd for tho thru month period. Aytll 3. 1922 to Angus: s. 192:.129 7.233.229; £9.29. £32.23. :00-9:30 o.n. 9:30-10:30 c.n. 10:30-11:03 c.l. 2:00-3:00 p... 12:05-12:55 y... 12:50- 2:00 pm. 6:15-3:00 p... 3:00- 0:15 9.3. 10:00-11:00 p... (tcntctivc) W to be divided as follows: Wonk of Moy 1: News 7:00-0:30 9.3. (Providod‘rrco Press in road] to cporctc) Fro. Pros. 8:30-10:00 p.I. Huh of my 7: Pro. Pro“ 1:00-8:30 p... flown 0:30-10:00 pm. Thou mks to to cltcmctcd for tho owning hours. 1933.22: Sunday. My 7: In. Pros. 9:30 cum-2:00 9... low. 2:00 pun-0:00 pm. Free Pro" 0:00 pun-6:00 p... In. 6:00 pan-10:00 p... Sway schedule 0! hour: to be alternated «ch wok. Ford later withdraw from the diviaicn of tin. schedulc. luring only the It“ Pro“ and The new to partition the broadcast day. The new: cporotion was obviously shaken by the Pro. Pun intrusion u "fl-cud in its oditcrici pug“. A i__ ._ 129Mplrtmt of Cameron. Bureau of navigation. Radio Sax-vice. Liccngo {33; Land Radio 35.353031: :93. Q2. Clcu Li-itcd Commercial. Avril 6. 1922. typmittcn inurt. 87. Thia was tho aitootion whon tho Dotroit Proo Prooa daoidod to brook in on Tho Dotroit Iowa and dooandod at tho Government that it. too. bo o1- 1ottod houro... Beginning tonight Tho Dotroit nova will to on ito now oohodulo o! houro and it hao ovary hopo, with its ouporior aqoipooot and ion; oxporioooo in tho huoioooo. of continuing tho oorvioo it hao built up for ito raadora... tho how: oioply praaonta tho tooto in tho proo- ant oituotion...(oo that ito roadoro) nay undoratand that tho coming intorforonoo with thoir happy hour with thgbr radio ooto ia in no way any fault of thio pIPCto Tho founding of tho Frao Prooa ototion woo part of a national growth in tho noobar of hroodoaoting oot1oto in oarly 1922. On March 10, 1922. thoro woro 67 1ioanaod radLOrBIOOd‘ oaating atationo in tho Unitod Statoa. .And on.Apri1 26, joat b7 daya 1ator. 210 ototiono woro on tho air. {An avorogo of throo and coo-ninth ototiona woro pot on tho air ovary day, including Sundoyo. doting tho oI-day POIiod.131 Much of tho intoroot in ostabiiohin; broadcasting ata- tiooo ooa kindlod by tho “boon" in tho solo of roooivin; ooto and tho ooooonont yorto hood for tho oonatruotion of ooto. And for oaoh rioo in tho nuohar of roooivaro. thoro appoarod to ho an oqoally largo doooud for an itoroaao in tho nuobor of trono- aitting ototiooa. —‘— —-—n A A... _. IJWJ“AD mlm‘ta‘a" 33.12. 95339.3 Mo "‘7 ‘9 1922. p. 12. 131Joy 0. Haydon. ”Broadcasting Stationo Juno to 210 in Honth,"1;_.ootroi§ loo ..April 26. 1922, p. 1. 88. :y uovombor 1. 1922, tho national aituotion hod bo- cooo almost inpooaiblo with 554 stations: liconsod to oporato. a amoy node in Pobroory, 1923, ohowod that about half tho ototiona liconood to that timo woro auociatod with radio or olootricol ooocorna. host in inpartonco caoo odooationol ad roligiooa inotitotiona. nowapaporo and publicationo and doportoont otoroo. Tho groatoot mortality rota woo anon; ototicno oporotod by radio and oloctrioal ooocorno.‘32 'l‘ho oxiotin; rodic lava. which had boon opociticolly dooignod to rogulato tho oao o! wiroloaa tologrophy by tho aaritioo indootry and a tow wiroloaa orporinootoro. did not odoqoatoly provido for tho now application of radio to progra- broodcaotinz. and confooim in tho liconainz of atationo and aaaignoont ct wavo longtho on tho rooult. with tho growth of radio in 1922. thoro woro in forco roloo oatabliohod by tho London Incarnaticnol Radio Talo- graph Convontion and two todoral lava. all onaotod 10 yoara boioro in 1912. 'l'ho lows and agroomonto woro oiood prioorily at roxoloting tho naritimo oao of tho wiroloao. particularly at promoting oototy at aoa. Tho adminiotration ct radio liconoing woo mdor tho Dopartaant of Comoroo. and tho Socrotary o! Conuorco had boon v— lntnczclopaadia grannies. vol IV. v. 10% 89. given certain powor to make regulations. But the oxtnnt of bio pcnor vac not clear. nor was his authority.133 In ordor to obtain information concerning the oroblomc in radio which needed government attention, tho Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover, callod n norion of general conferences. The first was held February 27 and 23, 1922, and about 50 oto- ticnc attended the rooting. Very little was accomplished and tho confused oituntion which pinguod Eetroit broadcasting become commonplace across America. By tho tire that tho cocond Notional Rodin Conforonco was called March 20 through March 20, 1923, the number of etc- tiono had dropped slightly to about 550, but most woro crowded together into narrow wnvo bonds, and conditicnc or interference had become nlzont intolerable. The conference divided itself into committees which brought forth recommondotiono dealing with increasing tho frequonoy bond allocated to broadcasting to include all the range from 550 to 1350 kilocyclco. tho classification of stations according to the quality of oorvico rendorod, and the establishmont of a geographical toning basic for troouoncy assignmenta.13u The tooartmont of Commerce put into force regulations which broadly carried out tho recommendations of tho confor- onco, and broadcasters noted a slight improvement. nearly 12 years would pose, however, before tho government fully cone 133:b1d.. p. 213 13“Ib:d.. p. 213 90. to grips with tho broadcasting situation, n1thou¢h minor changes woro made along the way. :5 IE: HWERF’QL IQ!- ZARI 1 Tha oponin; of tho Froo tron ototion in 1922 woo only ono of tho prohluo tho hawa had to sroppla with in ordor to aaintoin ito aorvica. Staging what woo tantaoount to a rovolt, tho thaotor omara in Dotroit iaouod an odict that any porter-or in any of tho local otogo obcwo who dorod participato in a radio progroa at WJ would automatically bo borrod {row tho thoatar. 1 triad to orxuo with than that inotoad of hurting tho ohow buoinaao. radio would halo it. Thoy aloo ooid Tho Rm woo crooy tor pro- acting it bocauao it would coat uo circulation. Ho arzood that. inotoad. it would holp circu- 1.‘Lmoao Radio broadcooting woo barrad frco tho boll parka bocouoo it would hurt attandonca. 1 won owor Frank J. Iawin. «nor of tho Dotroit boll club. to tho idoo that it would pcpulorioo boaoball and bring in largo: crowda.135 'l'hara woro. of moo. notobla oxcapticna to tho ardor tro- tho thoatar moro, but it ocon bacon-o obmdantly cloar that 00.1 out too othor ocurcoo o! tolont. In hoapinx with thio concluoion. ‘rha Dotroit Iowa Orohootro woo organiaod on Hay 28. 1922. with 16 piocoo. .a_ A AA _.__ ...—‘4 _.__ __._4. 1333mm, 9. 22:. 91. 92. It ia haliovod that thio woo tho lirot otchoatra torood oololy tot tho purpooo o: hroodcaotin;.13‘ lt woo loto: docidod that tho orchootro would aloo ooto parocnol appoaroncoo. “to: ito titat ”in poroon" potforoanoo Juno l2. 1922. it woo hailod to: ottorins itoolt without oxponoo to churchoo and civic organi- oationo. Uhdor conductor Otto I. truozo: and concottooiotor Morita Honor. tho onaaohlo. all o! whooa Ito-hora had achiovod diatinction with tho Dotroit Symphony Orchoatta. ontortainod hi3htly on van and hocaoo an ootahliahod audionoo favorito. Two»daya attot tho tor-ation of Tho Dotroit howo Or. chootto.‘wHJ took tho hlaoo oo wall ao tho orodit for hoxinhing phyaical training prograoa hy*todio. With tho hirinz,of hill Holliday and tho dowalopoont o! othor ototion "potoonalitioa." it woo docidod that tho tadiophooo dopottoont would no longor oporoto ao an oppoodaso o! tho city tooo. 3y*oid-l922. tho radio dopartoont had grown outtioiontly in aloo and otatuto to ho dividod into {our ooo- tiona pottornod oooowhot attor tho organiaational atruototo of a oowapapot dopartoont.137 Adminiatrotiwo Dopottoout Editor and.8uporwiaot Charlao D. lolly ...; A .h A 13"WJ Hiator " 5 55 Egg. y Told In Brio! Do to Jul. 16. 19“. Pa 160 . E: 137Radio §ta£g. p. 10. 93. Editorial Raportor Elton Plant Roportor G. flarohall Uitohall m Program Nanogor ond.Announoor Million 1‘. holliday Mot. Prograo Honogor and Announcor E. L. "Ty” Tyoon mm Chic! Radio Enzinoor Howard E. Campholl Enginoor-OPorotoro Edwin G. Boyoa "altar R. Hoffman loith Barnard Qghoro Socrotory Gonoviovo Champagno btonogrophora-qoo roquirod Following tho oxpanoion of tho otatf, larzor quartaro woro noodod. Thus. tho ototion woo oowod tron ito tooporary atudioo locatod in a ooocnd floor Contoronoo Rooo.to tho fourth floor of Tho fiowo building. Slightly ooro than 3,000 oquaro toot of opaco wao dividod into oditorial and oxacutivo otfiooo. inotruoont and oporating rooomlaa 139 1&0 laboratory. phonitoriuo and producing atudioo. AA... ._ 138motor control room. 139Auditoriun or a largo: than uoual atudio. x‘oaadio §to£f. p. 10. ’4. To uncowor now talont for tho growing nooda of tho ototion, an alahorato oyaton of auditiono woo aotabliohad in Juno. 1922. Thooa wiohin; to appaar on w: woro tirat intor- wiawod by Bill Holliday or Ty Tyoon in tho "hooking offico," which waa part of tho oxocutivo ouita of ofticoa. Uoually. unknown porforooro woro givoo an audition in tho atudio undor oioulatad hroadcoatin; oonditiono. l! ouccooatul. tho por- forooro woro aokod to roport to tho phcnitoriuo. a opociouo rooo botwoon tho oporatin; rooo and tho atudioo. on tho awning of thoir ochodulod appaaronco to wait thoir turn. along with othoro on tho program. A largo blackboard indicatad tho naoo of ooch portoroor and hio plaoo on tho owanina'o "hill." Acting aloo oa atago oanagoro. Holliday and Tyoon collod tho portoroora. in turn, to tho adjoining main otudio. Thia woo a rooo 26 foot by 28 foot. oodo coho-proof by tho application of a {alt padding. two inohoo thick. on tho walla and calling. friar'o cloth drapoo hung ovor tho doorwayo and windowo. Aloo in tho atudio woro two grand pionoa. an upright piano, four or livo phonographo of variouo oakoa. ouoic otanda. oabinoto and a roadin; dock. In ordor to cuo tho ontortainoro, a boot-lika. oloctri- cally oporatod. dovioo woo uood. Connoctod to tho onginoor'o daok. it allowod tho oporator on duty to aignal tho parloroor with ouch logondo aa: "fax-tho: fro- tho phono.” ”loodor.” 95. "oottar" and "otoP." A onallor atudio, turniohod with a raading tabla. a chair and a aignol boo, ond likowioa oound doodonod, woo ro- aarvad for apooch making and nowa broodcaota. Tho oicroyhono for tho parlorooro and announcoro roooohlod a oonttl clock with tho working parta concoalod honoath a cloth ocroon. about aix inchoo in diamotor.1‘1 .Attor auditioning boforo tha‘ou otatt, a young haritono from Onoaao, hichigon. oodo hio firat radio ap- poaranco on tho ototion Juno 9. 1922.“.2 ¢Althcugh tho anginoor on duty roportod hio porforoanco aa "louoy" it nowor bocooo a campaign iaauo‘whon Thooao l. Dowoy lator ran unouccoootully for Prooidont o! Tho Unitod Statoo.1‘3 Format Prooidont horbart hoovor aloo oado hio radio dohut on HWJ in 1922 whon ho caoo to Dotroit to dolivor an addrooa in boholl ct tho Rod Crooo at St. Paul'a Cathodral. Sinca Boowor woo than tho Socrotory of Connorca and hoadod tho gcvornoont agency'which liconood ototiono. NH: woo oao pooially oagor to broodcoot hio addrooo. Unfortunatoly. hcwovor, Hoovor‘walkod down tho aialo o! tho church and otoppod A h A.‘ .... A; 1“girls" 9. l2. l‘zsooo ocorooa giwo tho doto ao July 3, 1922. “um: Biotory mo of Pirate? 133 225.2215 11919,. January ll. 19b9, 9. l7. 96. to tho pulpit, rothor than tho choncol whoro WJ had locatod ito oicrophmoa. lt woo iopoooiblo to haor tho broadoaat oinoo Ed onoa. tho anginoor on duty at tho Cathadrol. could not iutorrupt tho Bocrotary’o opooch to oak hio to ma to tho chanool. Hoanwhilo at tho otudioa bcdlao provailod until Corloy H. Kirby daapor- atoly dictatad a mo to tho Cothodrol'o oocrotary ovor tho talophono. Tho oocrotary typod tho ncto and toy“ hurriad through tho crowdod church and alippod tho noto to Boovor. whon tho booodicticn had ondod, Boovor woo uohorod into an ontorooo whora ho daliwarod hio cooplata talk again-"thio tioo for tho waiting radio audianco.1“ Wondoll Ball. "tho Rodohoadod Muaic Motor" and author d tho omg, ”It Ain’t Ochoa Rain ho ho'." took a brido a: Jmo 18. 1922, and tho corononioo woro hroodcoot by W2 from St. Paul'a catbadral. Thio io holiovad to ho tho firot wad- ding «roomy oirod by a radio autumn: Oddly Climb. Hal. Chicago. aloo claiaa to havo broodcoot wondoll Hall'o oarriago. tohruary 6. 19215.1“ “haoowor'o Iirot Radio Talk woo Mada hora. Ova: mu." m Dotroit Iowa, Iohruary S, 1933. p. 1b. 1‘Slionq and Boyoo, p. 84. 1“"1922-l’oor Rodic'o Population Soorod." W ”8.3;RC. bk] 15. 1’62. Po 11°o 97. On October a, 1922, tho first gaoo of tho World Sorioo woo broadcast by wa and thouaondo gatharod in Grand Circus fork to hoar tho rooulto on WUJ'o Supcr-ficgaphono. a hugo woodon contrafition that nogulfiod the sound. Tho first dotoilod royort of a football gano woo corriod by at: on October 21, 1922. Two contaoto, tho Richi- son-Ohio Stata and tho University of Dotroit-Boston Colloga, woro hoard whilo ocoroo of othor ganos woro given at tho quartoru».1"‘7 As tho year 1922 draw to a close, wa and radio broad- coating could look back on o yoriod of monumental growth. Proo a squeaky hobo in arms, its tuhoa nurtured and coddlad a0 ao not to blow out during on important program segment, wa had takon on a certain scyhisticotion. With ito woro yowortul $00~wott voice, it could ho heard with clarity and diotinction. WHJ had coma of ago. l"holly and Boyoa. p. 86. uhilo tho Fronch payohothorapiot Enilo Couo'o auto. ouggooticn crooc, "tvory day. ond in ovary way. I an bacon- ing hottor and bottor." and tho danco oadnooo. “Tho Charloar ton.” woro swooping tho comtry, W.) introduood tho ailont ocraon'o grootoot lovor. Rudolph Valontino. who uood hio prooioro radio oppoaronco on Fobruary 9. 1923, for a worhol olapping of tho ocvio induotry. “Savanty-tivo and ooto por- cont of tho picturoo ahown today aro a braaon inoult to tho public'o intolligonoo," ho cold of tho induatry which had givon hio world-wido haul“ 1n Hay. 1923. w: furthor inorwod tho quality of ito tronooiooion with tho purchaao and inatallation of a Raatorn Eloctric l-l SOD-watt tronooittor. Although tho net: aquipmt did not roprooont on incroaoo in powor. it did aorvo to ioprowo tho clarity of tho oignal.u9 To oxtand tho broadcaot rango of tho 3t. Paul’a Cathodrol program, tho W1 anginooro constructod a "Littlo A A“ A AA. A ..A AAAA .— 4 “a"Valontino‘o lot Broodooat.” 333 Detroit Nowg, may 21. 1961. Soc. 6. p. 5. mums. mecbi an mm W p. #26- 99. Church on Whoola.“ which woo nothing ooto than a wagon with a gigantic rocoiwor oomtod on it. With tho now oquipoont, which wont into oporation in Juno. 1923. it bacon-o poooihlo to rocoivo tho broadcoota tro- tt. Poul'o in any part of tho otato. Tho rolling church woo aloo tittod cooplotoly for aorwioao. including mic: and baptismal titoo. Aloo in mid-Juno. l923. tho arctic axploror Dr. Donald liaohillian loft on on oxtondod journoy which would tako hio within a tow dogrooo c2 tho north Polo. mm and a handtul ct othor atationa aorooa tho country woro ooloctod to ro- hroadooot Dr. HocHillian'o ropcrto tron tho i'rooon waotolando. a third ovont c! iapcrtanco in Juno. 1923. waa tho firot hroodcoota of tho lollo loland hand Concorto. Barman Sch-mu and hio ccncort band providod tho ouaic which woo pipod to tour othor city parka in addition to boing broadcaot hy WJ. Al-- though it io doubtful that tho concorto hovo boon corriod oinco l923 without intorruption. thoy woro a rogular wookly foaturo on tho w: ouooor achadulo oa loto oo 1962. RocOgnition o2 WJ'o conatont inoiotonco on noarly parloct tochnical cporation caoo at tho clooo of. 1923 whon tho luroau at Standardo. in Docoohor. oolaotod tho ototion aa ono of air broadcaoting proportioa to com oo "Iroquoocy Swath o 0 Tho aia broodcooting ototiono liatod bolow havo attainod tho goal of varying not 100. woro than 2 kilocycloo tron tho aooignod tro- quoncy aa roconnondod by tho oocond national Radio Conforonco. WJ. Dotroit. road 19 tins. ohowad a lroquoncy variation d .l porcont. By 1925. WJ woo coping with Iiorco local oowpotition. mm. which woo tamdod in Pontiac. Michigan. in 1922, by Jowott Radio 1. Phcncgroph Coupony. had toroulotod on oto tractiwo progroo ochodulo. A aharo agraooant had boon oignod with tho Dotroit Proo Proao and both ototiona. wcx and 9.19.. woro hoard on tho oooo wawo longth until l929 whon ucx woo aboorhod and tho call lottoro droppod. WJ aloo oharod tho wawo longth until 192.5. whon it woo oowod to 850 KC. 1 cm had bogun oporationo ao um mdor ownorohip ct Gocrgo Harriocn Pholpa in l923. in addition to controlling tho ototion. Pholpo aloo hoodod a ouccoootul Dotroit advor- tiaing agoncy. Locatod in tho ouhurb o! Royal Oak. juat north of. Dotroit. WE“. hogan broadoaoting in 192A undo: tho coll lottoro um: and tho ownorohip c! A. G. hillor and hio acn, Rohort. Although ito oignal ponotratod tho Dotroit oarhot. it hao continuod to idontify itoolf with Royal Oak through- out ita long oporatiom”51 u“)lJnitod Statoo Dopartoont of Comorca. Radio w W 13.1‘ U. 8. .ur““ of “.VWItm Withingtm Do Co. DCCo 1g 1913)o In"lrliatoryfl grgadgoting 2293.911: Auguat l. l949, p.743. lOl. UJLI. now a toroign lonxnazo ototion. woo foundod ao‘HHBc in l92b with otudioa locatod in tho.Addioon Hotol in Dotroit. In fobruary, 1925. tho public woo invitod to attond a oorioo of looturoro on tho toohnioal aspoota of radio broodOIotingioondnotod hy'HHJ'a Ohio! Enginoor. Ibo rooponoo to tho olooooo woo ovorwholoing aa ooro thou 1,500 otudonto orowdod into tho ototion for oaoh ooaaion. To odd to tho publio knowlodgo of radio. Tho Howo introduood, on Fob- rnory 3. a oooploto oootion in tho nowopapor dovotod oxolnoivoly to broadcasting;information. Countlooo oot diagraoo and arti- oloa oonoornin;,voioo tranoodooion and roooption woro publiohod. ‘Hhorooa UHJ had roportod tho rooulto of tho Gold Cup hy oodo from tho Judzoo' otand two yoara hotoro. tho ototion wont dirootly to tho roooa in‘auauot. 1924. .At tho oioro- phono ovorlookin; tho oouroo, Ty Tyoon gavo a araphio dooorip- tion of tho action involvod in tho rogotto on tho Dotroit Rivor. 1h. Tyson hroadoaot wao aloo lod to KPIU. ”tho ototion on board coorzo Harrison Pholpo' yaoht.” and to roooivins ooto and loud- opoakoro plaood at oovorol loootiono along tho wotorfront. During tho raooo.‘UCXJwJa graoofully agrood to ronain oilont to that UH: could noo thoir rharod fraquonoy without intorrnption.131 “Locum By max..." m was; Em. “an" 24. 1924. Po 160 102 o Tho ourcioo program, also tirat hoard two yoora hatoro, woro oxpandod into a roxolar daily toatnro in 192‘. “ginning Hmday, at 8:00 a... and contin- uing daily at tho oaoo hour. Roy J. Horton. diroo- to: o! phyoical aducation of tho Dotroit mm, will givo louona in tho "Daily Doaon" or outing-up oxorciaoo to tho radio audionoo. Ihooo loooono will ho about 15 Iinutoo duation.153 At tho third radio contoranco. Octohor 6, 1924. Sacra- tary of Cmorco hoovor savo an indication of tho ocopo of tho indnotry in hio oponin; opooch. Radio has paoood tron tho tiold of an advantnro to that of a public utility. Uo havo. in fact. ootahliohod an ontiraly now omicotimo oyotoo. national in ocopo. At tho ond of (our yoaro. 530 ototiono arc in oporation. noting radio owl lahlo to ovary homo in tho country. Tho aaloa of radio apparatua hawa inoroaood from a oillion dolloro a you to a million dollaro a day. it io ootinatod that our 200.000 non aro no» omployod in tho industry and tho radio andionohgrohohly oxooodo 20oilliona o1 pocplo. Ty 'l'yoon again nado aporto hoodlinoo on satorday. Gotcha: 25. 192A, with a ploy-hrplay doocription of tho Hichigona Wiooonoin football aaoa fro- Forry Fiold. Ann Arm. with advancod tickot ooloo guarantaoing a cold-out otadim. rioldin; ll. toot govo poroiooion to ml.) to hroodcaot thio ringlo U o! u “no. Hichisan hoot Hioconain l) to o and hotoro tho naxt A A _ 153'WJ to Prooont Daily Dooon.“ IE... Dotroit howl, Iohruary 24. 1924. p. 8. “W W. Vol IV. 9. 213. 103. U of R garo so many requests had boon rocoivod for tickets, due to {on intoront aroused by tho first Tyson broadcast, that rormiosion was given to broadcast play-by-play rororto of all home gameo.155 The Michigan Eamon hmvo boon heard continuously ovary {all on wa since 192a. Although the station has often oloimod that this was the first play-by-pluy radio report of a football game, it was not. Tho Erinooton-Chiougo game, broadcast Octo- ber 28, 1?22, the University of Chicago-University of Kentucky gamo, oirod by whiz. Chicago, and sevoral other footbhll broad- casto, pro-doth Tyoon'a report of tho Univoroity of Elohigon £336 in 132“. On November h, 192h, tho Eetroit Hows nnd.Tho American Foundation begun a fund drivo with the elegan, ”Lot Evory Sighted ioroon Kelp tho Fightlooh via Radio.” The Campaign who designed to rlnco a radio in the home of every blind person in Petroit and before the drive had ended morn than 100 radios had boon collected, ropairod and delivered by 51.1313 . 15 6 155'Cuartiono and Answers,“ Tho Dotroit News. July 6- 1935. p. 26' 155Kolly and Hayes, 9. E9. KW 0R3 QM By 1925, whon tho fourth radio conforonco woo hold. tho praoouro to liconoo noro and ooro ototiono woo hocouing alooot unboarahlo. Tho main tcpic of diocuooion at thio looting contorod around an offoctivo ooano of kooping addi- tional ototiono off tho air. In opito of tho rocouuondoticno of tho conforonco agoinot tho granting of now lioonooo. tho Dopartnont of Connorco woo alnoot poworlooo, undor tho oxioting hroodcaoting lawo onaotod in l912. to atop tho wavo of now ototiono which woo owooping tho country. Tho final uphaaval coma whon a Chioogo ototion, without authority. hogan to broadcast on ono of tho ohannolo ollocatod to Canada. Moving owiftly, tho Dcportnant of Commorco brought ouit againt tho ototion in court and loot! It woo now abundantly cloar that logiolotivo action would ho roquirod to put tooth into tho antiquo radio lawo. On Now Yoor'o day, 1925, WRJ hroadcaot o play'hy-play doocription of tho Stanford-hotro Damo foethall gala in Paoadono, California. By ooohining hroodcaoting oorvico with continuouo wiro oorvico diroct from tho play. ing fiold, tho ototion woo ahlo to hring.to Dotroit honoo firot hand tho gano that Tho 106. 105. Dotroit Hora doeorihod g, hoing "romarkohlo" and ”full of thrillo."1 our in Kanooo City informod Tho flows on January o. 1923. that it had ontortoinod radio fano in Eiaaouri hy ra- hroodoaoting,wwd'o prograna on how Yoar'o Eva. Thio io ho- liovod to ho tho firot tioo that ow: ohowo woro hoard on anothor ototion. Broadcasting on a now wove longth of 352.7 notoro or 850 to in January. WE: addod an hour program at noon featur- ingidnloo Klain'a orchestra from tho dining room of tho Hotol Static: and Joan Goldkotto’a Victor Recording Orchootra woo hoard for an hour in tho ovoning originating from tho Gray- atono Ballroom. Although officially licenood and in oporation oinoo ouguot 18. 1921, watt. tho Eichigon Stato Univoroity ototion. rocoivod a ouhotantial boost in powor in January. 1925. whon Tho Dotroit hows donatod o valuohlo SOD-watt tranonittor to tho collogo ototion. Tho howa Orchaotra woo aont to loot ianoing for tho inaugural broadcast with tho now oquipnont. in Fahruary. 1925.158 UHJ joinad ll othor radio ototiona aorooo tho country for tho firot national hroadcaat ‘__“ A .- A. A 157roung, Hiohiggg 31.20:; Hoistino. Vol. XLIV. Docanhor. 1960. p. 423. 158Shoo oourooa givo tho data aa Fahruary 8. othoro ao lahruary 13. 1925. 106. oorriad by $43.1. Tho chain of atationo had boon torood on Juno 7. 1923, hut WJJ ooitod noarly two yaara botoro aiming tho agramt to rahroodoaot “notwork” program. It io difficult to mdoratand why tho ototion voltad to join tho ”chain” ainoo Horror: 8. Booth. oo notod oarlior, had in- wind about tbo prepoood plan on tabruary 13. 1922.1” rho chain originatod aa a roault o! tho plan of tho Anorioan 'ralaphmo 6 rolozraph Company our) to oxporimt in long-lino broodooatin; trmaniaaiou... (Iain; tho tolophono linoo of A‘l’l-I'a anxinuring divioion. tho Boll Laboratoriaa. 9w broodooat program that woro oarriad by a aorioa o1 offlfistad ototiono in tho loot and Hiddlo Hoot. Violiniat Rania about ia gonarally rosardad oo tho fir-t ooloiat on tho lirat notvorlt program oarriod by m. In a lottor to ho Dotroit lava. Soorotary of Goo-- ooroo Earhart Boovar aaid of tho an! notwork: l oonxrotulata Tho Dotroit nova upon ito ontry into tho fiald o! notion-uido hroodooat‘ ins. Simltanoouo hroodoaatin; of high olaoa program to on important atop toward portoot- in; of aorvioa to tho liatonina public Each loot bo tho final ai- d ovary ototion. A: a macho: of tho nooly tort-ad national 1009. W.) 1598“ loath lottor to Giftord. p. 70. “010.313, Hiohigon W W Vol. XLIV. Doooohor. 1960. p. 428. 1“tally and Doyaa. p. 92. 107 . broodoaat tho proaidontiol inauguration corooonioa for Calvin Coolidgo on Hatch o. 1925. along'uith 10 othor ataticno from loaton to San Prmciaco. “rho frao tasting of rocoivin; aota by tho W‘JJ anginoora oaa diacontinood on March 1. 1925. ha monoc- aont in tho Iowa orplainod: ‘l'ho nova radio onginoaring atofl will thuo bo onablod to dovoto thoir ontira tino and anorgy to tho furthor dovolopmont of. atao ticn w: and tho oxponoion o: tho broadcaatin; aarwica givon tho radio public through linking Tho Iowa ototion with um. haodora of tho popor woro odviaod that daalaro in tho city woro now ahlo to turniah thio aarvico to thoir cuoto-ora. Advica through tho nail and in tho "Qoootimo and Mara" colun of tho sunday Radio Sootion would ho continual. Tho looa articla pointod out.162 sinco w: woa now a notwork alliliota. it taco-o noooaoory for tho ototion to ootabliah ito tirat rota atroc- toro. our in law York, tho llagahip ototion. oaa charging ito local clionta 8500 par hour for hroadcoat tioo. In tho awn-oar of 1915 tho achodula of ratoa for aooo of tho ataticno in tho ow llatoork woo oa tollowa: g ration Pa; agar 133:; am 3500. 152%.! to Diaccntinoo rroo Sat rooting.” m m “fil. Horch l. 1923. p. l. 103. Station For Hour Hato has! 3250. WOO 200. “th 200. (Ch! 150. For tie faciliticc of all stations in a notwork oomoorcial breadcact tho charge was $2, 600. an hour, instead f $2 ,900. if ooch were uoed individually. Although the network offered some proarhms on a coals novor hcforo enjoyed by the local liatanoro, the major burden for filling the broadcast day still rooted with HMJ. A long procoosion of local talent and viaiting colobritieo filled the availablo time. Viciting the studion in April and may, 1925, were such divorce attractiono no pact hdwin fiarkham, a wicoonsin University troupe of 10 professional performers and 80 ctudcnts, Judge Florence Allen of the Ohio Supromo court and Fro. Ford Smith of the Letroit Fodorntion of Woman's Clubo. Cthorc included Randell Hall, “Tho Bod-ha adod Huoio thor,“ James A. yrain, fihticnal Commander of the Amcri- can Legion, and three world trade cxpcrtc, Dr. Julius Klein, Forcy D. Owne and f. H. Groom. If tho pragrnms were not creativoly exciting, at least they wore voriod, and an oagcr audience absorbed them. On June 28, 1925, 4AJ'o power was increased to 1,000 1”Gleason L. Archer, Hi: ‘torz of Endio to 1926 (New York: Anoric a Hit toricol Society, Inc., 1938). p. 360. 109. wette eith the pnrcheee o! e western Electric 6-! trene- nitter; and lettere of epprecietion fro- ;retetnl iietenere flooded the etetion. i‘o oelebrete the inoreeee in power, an etezed e epeoiel progren on July 1, which tutored The Detroit have Orcheetre mder the beta: of Otto Kruger with respleton More to the tenor eoloiet. rrohehly one of the tiret retinge to deter-nine the popnierity of. one ototion over enother «cured in 1925. More beginning the Ateeter Kent ertiet oouree, Kr. Kent eeked (or end received, from A‘l'a'l‘, figuree on the potentiei redio eudienoe the propel-e could expect to ettreot. Dete applied by ”tr rented the etetione, heed on the nun-her 02 receiving eete within one hundred eilee of the turnout- ter, in the following order: m ml“ w: (New York) 2,000,000 WEE! (Baotou) 1,000,000 woo (2hiledeiphie) 900,000 weer (Pittlburgh) 150.000 w: (Detroit) 700,000 Apperently Hr. Kent wee impreeeed by the eudienoe figuree (or he errenzed thirty Sande: night reoitele which were oer-tied en en li-etetien network et e an o! $120,000.. which wee peid by the Atueter lent ConpenyJ“ __-‘ WWW: Anon; rusting. im- °°A°Wr 3"- 1’15- “- 165Deming, p. 261. 110. The.Atweter Kent Preston could not foil to set e stenderd o! quelity thet would commend univereel ecclein for the eponeor. Thet it become en instent coo. tees to now e wetter of historicel record. Thus Sundey evening concerte were given et 9315 through WEAF... (end) WQJ. Reineld Uerrenreth, Medene Louiee Homer, end Ioeche Seidel were enong the firet ertiete listed on the progree.1 5 The yeer 1926 we: nerked with progren innovetione thet ranged from e eeriee of fivewoinute telks hy Edith L. Hilderhrent celled "Tips on Spelling," to the hroedceet of the Depart-eat of Porto end Reoreetion checker tournenent-n me by wove! 0n.Auxuet 13, 1926, HHJ wee pieced on the "Honor Roll” of redio etetione by the Deperteent of Commerce for eeintein- in; e constant frequency with high eocurecy. Veteren eporteceeter end ennounoer Ty Iyeon.wee neeed nonexer of the etetiou in 1926, e poeiticn he held until 1929, when the pressure of hie neny other ectiwitiee end e redioel chenge in the lewe eenegeoent forced his to reltnquieh the title. ' .Aleo in 1926,¢AI&I ecld ite flegehip ototion, VEAF, to the Redio Corporetion o2 Americe, end the network e! ete0 time toreed by A'l‘h‘i‘ in 1925 beam the core of the Ietionel 166Archer, p. 368. lll. Broedceeting Company's chain. {)2 Hovember 15, 1926, med signed, es to original effiliete of NBC. en agreement which is etill in force today. The iret line-up of stations wee letet given the designation, The Red network, when fiBC ee- tehlished e cecond chain. The Blue Network. With the peat signed with no for netionel presume. w: egein decided to improve its eignel by erecting two eteel towere. one etop The he.“ building end enothor on The flewe page ecroee the etreet. An entenne wire. 1&0 feet long, wee etruched from the top of one tower to the top of the other . 265 feet ebove the ground. Prelieinery teete on Noven- her 6. 1926. end lull mention in December showed thet the new towere eubetentielly improved the etetion'e eixnel tense. By now, eix etetione were eherin; the eudienoe in the "Detroit eerket. The eixth eteticn hed been edded by Erneet I“. Goodwin on October 7. 1925. with the cell lettere um end etndioe loceted in Ypeiienti, Michigen. m: joined e group which included 3.18, mm. um, we end USU. Sixteen yeere peeeed before enother AH great wee nede in the eree167 157'mgtory," announcing tailgating, Augnet l. 1969. PO 760 ‘1'. '— . I -. . .L .' '1‘; -~ '7‘ ha *r01WCartlflfi 'ttlnfv, 3» {fits a national and local love}, wax Fr: ht an the your 1“:7 ouvofi on to tro caloniur. ;ven thsuyh the firotl no of interfurnnoo loomed largo, tin 1%;3314t1Vfi rthnfx in naskiu; an Lava :rcxiaa that a rocclntinn of fire fiifffcnltlts duo clove at hand. I the Rational *rcaccaotinx (at any nude tx; victure look even no?” r :3 wfitn tho announc::un- on January 21, l§27. tfifit it man}? 12v:£: S fillilon dollars in irvruving and enlarging: f?” {“3 V’. 1:53" In (hungry, an: novnd to the :nlverhlty of Fichignn cannon for the vreuontutlon ff n fifirinfi hf ”tickigan Night“ o. '_ I—"'I v 1 ‘ .‘v’.r: 7' ‘1'.‘ .‘2 ~ ‘. e 1- -.-:. f:\‘.l programs whiLL {suturud iLm unlvootit; of Fienl,an {19$ Glob, 'i- talhs by lac rustern, and -u1 rrc,rnns from i <2 I've HI “3 La. .5 a) I"? Q el "- *0 0 1 i. ‘3 ..e ('2 01d tnlvarnity wall. '9" - ~. ~ -.. " q s - "-0 'e- sv- ,- l-Mr 1035'.“'£213:.'.1t:lt1 thio infinl-htlvc action Laud 0:} w I? wruhry 23 nith tin Tfififlm?3 of the -nilo Lot pf lC&?. The not took tho “owfir of Eicunoing ntetlcng away from tho in- portnont nf Convorco and placed it in tho human of a five man ccrnlsoiOn, $3?Ciflfi6§ by tho {ruoidont. mmpowariug the Federal indie LOL"1E$103 to iiccn*o Stutiflfifi, agei n fro- queueing, ehtnhllat crunn of service flli dotargino lcoatlono, a ._ . i -, . 1.; if (ind h_»”b. ,-'e iv e 112. 113. tho act hlao gave hir h to the now famous broudcontlng phrneo when it ordernfi that a station would be ileonomfl only if 'publlc convenience, lotoroot and nocooalty all} ho norvod has of the commionion'u first projectn in notting un an improved oyat n of regulation was to :no are now terms for all tywos cf 8?- yllcatlawo for licansoa had cunntruction mornita. all ntmtlunn woro razgsred to submit new unfillCJtlcna for llconxoh.l( Ln tho finals cf renuorlnx tutllc service, de man the host pfinulnf station in tho country, accoriing to a gotrolt newe hell nuhllohud yarca 15. 1$3?.171 fig; EVTF.TT 1,027 gThfi Cleveland 2,652 EfiKA Pittsburgh 2.2%8 355 How York 2,213 Hid? New York 2,177 to! Vchonootndy 1,99 v12 Chicago 1,507 at; Cincinnati 1.285 th DflThCI 1.2?2 MGR ERTHUIT 1,132 The balloting nan undertakon for 10 days among fietr01t area listeners and.thc results or the poll were sent to the ’ Fedornl Ladle (omnisnion in weshington, Q. C. On April 19, 99?, Ty Tynou took the HMJ llatsnore to Kevin éinld for the station's first olny-hy-nley hrondoast of e baaabhll gaafl. alth the tflaa bouncing around in the second #— 169incylopafidla “ritunnlon, V010 1V. 3‘ 2:3' ”ozoung, Mohlgan Motor-y hagnaino, “al.3411131, Eocomber,1960, p. “310 171'ka Favorite of shale finno,' Tho $atroit News, Sarah 15. 1927. p. 1. ' 11h. division, tho loto Frona J. havin, rraoidott of tho fintroit Band “all [his] Comnony, booed that the radio broadcasts right stimulate sore additional intorost in tho Tigers. Ty went on the air. he one knew what the rooults would be. And Ty afloito to woon’t at all sure or tLB listening reaction to his style of verbal bane bull reoortinfi. hut tho broadcast regiotorod from the first. ooll onouru, and in- creasingly well enough, no tho ototion carried it for eight oeaaono hoforo a onoosor came along. Carriod it until Ty won an integral a port of , haoo ball in flotroit no is the ntooiuo itsolf.172 In the root row yoaro, tho ototion hon claimed that this descriotion by Tyson who tho first radio ploy-by-play rooort of a baseball game. Unfortunately, several other eta- tiono huvo rriority cror th in this regard, including KTfiA in Pittsburg. Thereoftor, howovar, Tyson bocaoo a Eotrolt baooboll tradition, broadcasting all Dotroit homo guooa in 1927 and with difforing arrangements for many years aftor.173 find although ho rocoived othor announcing assigumonts, nuns could match his pooulority as a Sports bPCfifiCHgtwr. Vtatiotioo are vital, but they oooohcw {all uo, boonuoo they neglect to roorxduce the booming friendly voico, with its noosion for accuracy, its quick roougnition of color; tho vrioo that brought the whole wloo ornit- ina field of combatitivo ooort into the mono and mafia the broadoaotor’s homo [Tyson] a household word and ooorly lovod.”h 172E. c. 1. Jackson, ~L1aten1na in on Detroit.‘ Eng totroit News, p. 55- 173In 1930, 1931 and 1932, the Funday gnooo were bannod on radio and in l?33 Faturday,£unday and Holiday gumos word not carried. 17ufioorgo h. ?tark, "Tyrone Tradition Fades From the Air,' zfig’Fotroit Vows, Pobrumry 26, 1353, n. “2. 115. A moasure of Tyson's oudienco oooularity cone in 193“. In that your, the Tigora won the :ennant and more than 630,000 liatonoro potltionod tho Rational Proadzosting Comouny to have Tyson announce tho Horld Sari;9. Judge fionooow Lunéia, than Wooaboll c.3missicnor, refused Lo plsus of tho fang, explaining that ainco tta Tigers were participants in the ylayoffo it would be unfair to have a local yersonolity oo tho hrooocaoto. tor the next two years, 1935 and 1935, towovor, Tyson aid tlo olay~ by-play of the Feriao on REC ana was hoarfi coast to coast.175 Tyson, ouroly one of th's greatest voices, woo silonood only coca in his long and diotinguiohod ooroor. In late 1?2-, to roiood the {gully refrigerator and file- ccvarsd a hard, high-studded biscuit. Cooning hio mouth wifio, to placofi too biscuit in it, and than rmnlizod that he was unable to 01088 $18 mouth. A visit to tho flontist tho next day repairod tho fiaaago but his mouth continued to bother him until a doctor wired it shut for 10 days to give an injurod Eonbrono on ootortunlty to heal.176 In Arril, 132?, tho howl] formod Radio Comm Salon hogan issuing toroorary licoocoo to all broadcasters and, in tho assigomant of wave longths, adogted the plan of ooporoting all hroadcootin, stationt by a froougncy of 10,000 cyclos and placing all ototiono on froguanciog that woro multiples of 10 kilocyclxa. 1t wan hopad that the new ass gnaenta would cage 1751b1d, 176"Tough Fiscuit Tough on at ,' Th3 retroit Rowe, ' ...-comm. Jannary 3, 1927, p. 3. 116. the chaotic notional sit'ation with 3t3tion3 51133 one on too of anoth r in on alwont frantic stru 512 to bo board by tho growing rafilo oufiionca. Eat the Erobl me which tho new assignmonto croetafl for kid woro outlined in a rotort aubuittefl by th3 ntution‘s Chiof ”n53 naar ‘xittr Hoffman. 3133 stctions wars 333 igndd to the wave» 1315th of 353.? notaro, {F50 K08 ), and whil tho natimo mal aituestic-n {:3}; 2.3313 b.3133 13.: ‘i‘ovxl by tti 3 31301 nt of etazti one, o 5r33t oe31 of harm h:3 b on done to ua. Cur 533t porformanco of Erlanvid rro5roso, reliable sorvico, wriority, 333: to nova boon ontiroly overlooked...To allow tho ('1tt9bur5}, $63313 anfl Clourwatar {$13.} otations to ungrata on thin 33v: is an injua 103.177 a Hooing to chango the situ3tion, warren h. Eootk, than Tronaur3r of the Evoning H933 Asoociotioo, sant a lottor to The 3333' tash1n5ton correspondent, J3y G. huydon, oofiing him to bring tho H3vo assignment inoquity to tho attention of the Radio Commioaion. To :ut it brioflv, we ur3 not 33 3611 off new as we woxo befo.o tno enun5e. (It 13 Elfinlflcnnt) that *tutlon ka is the :8d flatworu uutl3t for Tolodo and vicinity, it haing the station on tha network noaroat to that cornunitv...(Tho} interfariog otations are 113t33.1? The F3dio Commission roo: onooi favorably to aid 8 nu5 - :3 stion and on Juno 15, 1927, iatuod an orfior for tho station ... to broud¢a3t on €00 kilocyclaa. This was a most satisfactory 177331t3r Foff33n, layort, of Trio of 33313 «orinoar o Tolodo to iotarmine :xtont of Int3rferonco with trogoouot- in; Forvioo of Station 333, ;3y h, 1927, p. 1. 175lett3r to Jay G. éyoea, Yetrcit Rows haohington 9ur33u, from «arren 1. Booth, £33 5, 132?, HKJ P1133. 117. froouoncy since tna intorfaronoe complaints stepped and an recantured much of its lost auéience. It was almost expected that wa would have good fortune in convincing the Radio Comziasion that it should to given special tr33t33nt in tho a3signment of wave lengths. Bear Admiral William H. G. flullurd, the Comaisaion chairman, was from the Richigan district and well aware of the station's pioneering effcrta. Howev3r, from 33J'a viawpcint, Comvisoioncr Hoary A. Bellowo suddenly loomad as the powerful member of the Ccmwiaaion. On fiuyust 29, i¢27, Covniasioner $331033 sent a letter to the station su5535t1n5 that qu exchange wave lengths with 3C8 in E3V3nport, Iowa. 333 propoead shift would return HWJ to 550 kc, a frequency tha station had Just loft in June and which had caused them untold miserins. In order to eliminate interference roport3d from tho Operation of 33!, rena- nectady, on 790 kilocycloa and th, Latroit, on 800 kilccyclea, and also to eliminate the serious interfarenco b3t3aen 31?, Chicago, on 870 kilocyolea, and MCC, Eavanport, on 850 kilocycies, it is su55ested that wa and H06 exchange frequencies... The ororoaad shift seems aovantugeous all around. I shall be grateful if you will let me know 3L3: you think of 13.179 Rany of tho staff moatera believed that Commissioner Pollowa was making the change in frequencies singly to inouro the confirmation of tin a5pointment to the Commission. 17913tter to Eadie Station was from H. A. Bellows. Commissionor, federal nadio Commission, August 29, 1927, KWJ F1198. 113. Mr. hdwarén [local radio innmoctur for tha Co3miacionj1doac not want to bo quotad in any way, but the concluaion rwachaa during the course of cur conversation was that «LG is not only chafing bacauao of the intarf3r~ 33cc occurring bctwaan £333 333 31$, but also becauaa of tro nsceacity of dividing cvaning hours with 3&3, and exchanging frcouancy chunnall with ua uigtt free tnem of thin raquiraasnt also. it aopcarc that Fr. 3621033, who it one of the unconfirmcc nowhere of the Federal R3310 Comxiccion, 13 trying to imnrove a situation confronting two of the most inbortant otationa in tno district union he ronronants, and thus halo to pcva tha way toward tta confirWRtiou or his appointment, by securing the backing of thaea stationc, but at the cxrensn of coniitionc in othar districtc.13° Kesrito mountains of correspondenca from warren fl. Booth, R. Zonting 3nd R. 5. Scott, giving arguments to the contrary, 333 was raturncd to 650 to on the dial. 33J re- mained on this frequancy {row flagtazbar 13, 1927 to Saptama bar, 1928, nhun it was agnin moved by the Eudoral tadio Commission-~thia tics to 823 no. It in quite posaibia that many broadcasters who endured similar situaticna with the FhC woudorafl if tha 33w agency 301966 as many probleua as it creatad. Erobatly one of the moat cignificunt documanta to ozcrge from tum oarly 9L6 hearings was a reyort from the Aaarican L35in33ring Council. The lcn5thy 33313312, gro- parcd by the Radio aroudccating Committee of the Council, embodied many of the :rinciplac cutafiquontly adooted by ___~ A 3 . . 1‘03. 2. Hoffman, 'wxchnngc of trondcaeting fro- quancy with 30C,“ [apartmental Communic3tion Keno, Septem- bar 2. 1927. ?pc 1 & 2. 119. tbs Cammiesion. an the Eraadcfiatiag Comaittaa were such diatinguiahad cantributors as Calvar Tawnley, J. H. Bailin- ger cf tha Euraau of Sififld$$fi8 and {avid inrnoff. who later becazo Load of th Ladio Corpcraticn of Ameriea. Taking up the quantiona of fraquunoy aflaignuent, share-time agrae::nta, 'national‘ radio atationa, claar channel alleoatiOne, and ether treblema racing broaficasting, tbs revert predictad, nith amazing accuracy, the final colu- tionn to man of thaso aaaminéiy inaclvabio dilemuan.151 Commiasioner Craatia R. Culdwoll lamented the altar- nativaa loft to the Etc after hearing the Connittae'a report. Sou have udviawd against widening the broadcast band so to Add any more channels... you Lava adviafld vary wide fr¢quanoyoawyaration tatnean all stations taut are naar finch other gecgrashically... . Hou hava pointfid out tha iapartnnce of power in nwcuring good aarvico {or the Ria- tener...and...adviaod againat much dividing at time. Yen rave than dfiflnfld the Crohlem from all E1589... tut, it your navice in t0 he taaen by the Coaxiasizn on all thate variuua rointa, yen will 399 that you have out off all avo- nues er agents far the solution of the pro- sent nrctlam of 733 stationa, exceyt a reduc- tion in thy numbfir of etfitions that may 'bruaécaat.153 “at of the hearings, tho Commission canatruotad tho relieving guidegosts tar dattruing which stations stoula or nhould not be taken from the air. I: I, t. . llefiy haydan, ”nopart at tha American anginaaring Council,” Uhnumberad Tulatypa Lispntcg. cape“. Avril 1’ 1937' p? O l.’1°. 1”me Hayden, '::.emarks at Cemmiasionar Calcium at Radio Conference,” Unnumberad Talatyge Lifipatuh, april, 1927. Po 1. 120. 1. Power: Stations with power as low as five watts oBviously Ought to be eliminated and the Commission should give preference generally to the higher powered plants. 2. Priority: The stations which have been in useful'Operaron for a long time should be given preference. 3. Stations which have Jumped wave lengths or which have come in since June, 1926, should bs given secondary consideration. b. Program Value: This must be determined by the CommissIOn and include a multitude of factors.1 ' The Federal Radio Commission finally had begun to bring order out of the chaos which had existed when they took office. While the battle of the wave lengths was going on in Washington, the Detroit audience was thrilled as WWJ broadcast the official welcome of a new national hero, Col. Charles Lindberg. The cit; took great pride in its native born son and listened intently as WWJ carried the reports of the events from the time he landed in New York on June 9, 1927, through the Lindberg-Detroit reception at Northwestern Field and tho Book Cadi4lac Hotel, August 10, 1927.18“ The fall radio schedule, announced on September 25, 1927, in The Detroit News, had these attractive features: Regular morning exercises; household talks, supplemented by 183Ibid, 184WWJ, The Detroit News, "Outstanding Events and Series Programs Broadcast by WWJ” (mimeographed manuscript, 1950; hereafter outstanding events, p. 8. 121. suggestions on home decoration; the popular 'Hichigsn Eight“ broadcasts; sports programs; concerts by local artists; road bulletins; networa pregrams from flew Kora, and news service by The Eetroit fleas. Kissing from the schedule was the highly acclaimed Eetroit Hews Crohestra. In its place was The Gypsy herons Orchestra fully attired in aprOpos coetuaes.185 In what is believed to be wa'a first use as an in- achool educational tool, hey J. finell introduced a unique series of pregrans which were heard beginning in nevember, 1927. At a given signal, teachers in selected classrooms would show a series of slides, which by srearrangcment, would illustrate a talk being given at the same time by Snell on wa. Fore than 3,030 Letrcit school students took part in the exterieent which was highly successful. In theory, this crude system could have been the forerunner of teaching by television. uaJ added to the safety and convenience of highway travel on Lecember h, 1927, when it began a series of Baily Highway hcports, prepared by the Letroit Auto Association. The puilicit for the programs reminded listeners: £- This service is important to farmers, traveling ten, interstate tourists and hue travelers. It avoids costly mistakes by information, within 23 hours or less, of changes made in local and national high- way 3 o 1" 135K311, and Payee, p. 108. leéxoao, p. 121. 122. filth a prelude glnyod by the chimes on Big Ben in London, heard for the first tiao on qu February 22, 1928, the station rotlocted a fornign, as wall as a local. flavor. Cn Fobruary 27, a eorios of “International Programs” begun and on tho tarot program the wolsh peeplo of fietrolt heard native music on xHJ. The pregruma which followed featured folk melodios of othor foreign-born grouya 1n Eotroit with program listings in Tho news in tho languogo of the country roorooontod.1g7 'xa are now 3,700 root above Grand Ciroua Park,” Ty Tyson told the wa auoianco early in April, 1928, “find you have been liatonlng to music baing playod on the piano in which we are riding. Ion now will hear Er. 311d- fiorris Coopor, soprano, singing 'Tharo's Tomothlng about A hoso." Thus aaa the station announco ita first airborne program which the nowenaoors hailed as a new era in broadcasting. Aloft Nita fygon an} Era. £0096? more Janna Furna, fihO ac- companied the soprono on an organ and two radio exports from the U. 3. Eureau of Stondarfia, who had hung tho radio trans- mittor from tho 0 tling of the aircraft to minimize vibra- tions. The airborne broudcaat was mafia to colokruto the Oponing of the All American Aircraft Show at Detroit's Con- 'vent10n Hull and it mignalod the boglnnifiu of oxtonsivo nee of airplanes by the station, osoooially in tho gathering of 'on-tho-spot' nows rooorta. whilo communication botween 1570utatand1ng Evonts, p. 8. 123. an airplane and a grOund station was not ununual in 1925, this broadcast is generally rogaréod as the first pregram over tranamittod through another station to the gonoral aunience.193 Another significant onéinooring achievement occurred on July 26, 1928, whon KiJ, for tho firot time in Entroit, trananitted photographs by ratio. The ayatnm unod was in- vontwd ty fiustin G. Cooley, a young radio onginoor, not employed by EIJ. iistonora with ordinary rocoivors woro advised that the regular pregram heard on #33 both an 7300 and 7:30 p.n. WOuld bo_intorruptod by a series or hbifitlflfi. lasting about throo minutes. Euring tho intorvula, portrait photOgragha of two box:r5, Tunney and Haonoy, who wore to battle in Now York that evening, woro Rout from RWJ to the Fook-Cnfiilluo Hotel. Those exgorinonts dovoloped into {ac- simile bronficasting, whion in reportod in dotnil in a later chapter. In 3 Speech boforo the firidgoyort (Conn.) Chamber of Commerce on Cotober 15, 1328, FiC Commissioner 3. fl. Caldwell outlinoi the ro-nllooation orflers that would shortly be re- laaeed by the Commission and which would sand ka to a new frequency, 920 kiiocycloa, on Hovombor 11. Caldwell asked his audience: Shall the r8610 broaécasting situation be cloonod up now and for all time, and good radio reception be romtorod to our million. of listeners? __._ ——‘-""‘ 153~gwa Broadcasts in Ilana while Soaring Cvor Detroitf' Tho fiatroit wows, April in, 1925, p. 1. 12“. Gr shall radio be allowed to 8119 book to the confusion or intartoronco and hoterodynaa union nova bannt the brondonstinh wuvon for tho pant two years? That is tho ianuo before the radio lin- tonnra of the United Stutnn...?or on ficvembnr ii, tho cublic will nave within its grasp a radio net-on with reduced nunbor of stations, for which the neonlé, Congress and radio folk gonnraily tnvg natiently waited all thona many uontns.1‘9 Colonel} also pointed out that the now Funeral Ludio Commission ordor would entail time-sharing, time-reductions, lower wave lengths and powar out: for oovorni ntntiona. After Novembor 11, he told his audience, only 315 atatic.3, of the 600 licenood at the tino of the order, would be allowed to broadcast simultaneously.1?° Just a month before, in Japtombor, 1&28, KEJ had been aniftod tomporily to 820 Kc. In a littlo less than a your, de Iroquoney had been chungad four tioon, donating some of the confusion that th’ Ludio Commission was creating in its stumbling nttonpts to seek a solution to the national radio nroblnns. A critical error in Judgonont wan nude by the tiJ manngotont in October, 1928, which would thwart for several years any attoanta to secure powor incrennea for too station. Two canningly inaiynificnnt télogrnnn raulod the station's doom. The first came from durl Filler of The town Washington Buraau. 1590. d. Calduoll, Eooooh before the Bridgeport Chan- bor of Connorce, FL; Transcript W272, Cctobor 15, 1928, p. 1. 19°Ibzd., r. 2. 125. :0. C. fatten, raoi o cosmiccicn cn.incor, notified on toouy some change unparently rust to $366 in u.J'o H vs longth aunifnmont. He says ”ichiren has woro than its share of nation- al otflannalsl9 1 and that siJ must aoco,-t unsign- mont to a regional channol it it does not incroase its power. He says someone authorized to spook regarding uaJ‘a plans for luture choold cc.;o hero at onoo for personal negotiation with him.192 The reply to Fillcr'o plea was torso. TELL 5.3.215 CVVVIJ} (115.5: .4341! ."....£ 129:" 9 a "'3 t“- g .- N' ‘9!- TV. I 3 ‘ 1 ' '1’. 1 fl KW?" Lfllh L.— 1‘52.- Jub as 19..-.fh {an-f. o ‘w l a?» I it; ’ U“: 'ths'? 2*: . alum“ F UL NC! '_‘:1x.' « ,~.:'\r" rm ,.93 r; 4% «£0: :9? ..-A.k1~ 9 ‘-I&¢ 05:: re.“ M‘E5.IL »&J£O.‘\:;;: \l 22““ :1.” U 3:193 T! .is sin lo dociaion not to increase tro gowor of ind when the Fodaral Eadio Coamiasion undo the final allocations in 1938 goons to have killed all subooquont petitions by tho station to broadcast ’nation-wido' with a 50,003 watt or stronger oignal. Soveral theories, root of them inaccurnto, have been advanced no to why EAJ did not increase its power in 1928. First, it must be reresborcd_that the docioion not to cook a powor incroaoa was mafia with the undorotanding that oven 1f VqHJ remained at 1, 000 motto, it would have nearly a clear— channal anyway. is Karl Hillor exolainod it: Goo. C. Sutton, radio Commission Englnoor, Enid tofioy that in all probability HHJ'a now an- aignmant vauld be 920 kilooyoloa. This in not 191Cloar chunnola '0' Ir ' - m 19‘horl rillor, flashington Hurouu Unnumborod solotypo to Er. Gilmore, Tho fietroit town, Cotobor 6, 1923. 1931' "s 'q. t!- '1'", " .. A . a} .... ’.,‘ ., t“: R‘ , a. n. too—i, .Lc totzcit «can, "outern onion inla- grow to Karl fills-r, The Retro-it flown, laughington, Catcher-8,1928. 1:6. officio l tut is gructicullyr srtnin...futton said that §20 kilooytlog mus ""Ffltti onlly a clesr wove lon,th, ” heir; Fr:or-.d ty only two 1 b stations, one in Houston and tr e othor in boottIO. 9 Two additioxal r asona for not incroacing tho powor of the station were offcrad by engineer lo Hayes: no sogg~ntc that tho dacinion to turn down the offer toy lava boon made bQCJUBfl The Estroit Hews felt it was givin,; aoeauato oorvico to ito circu- lotion area with its pronont orrnn erant, or becauso tho oxoanoo or Heating tr.o roouiro touts tor a clear chonna 3.2., rorovi rg the looot: on of tho trans- Hitterl fro: tne cantor of pooulotion and increasing power, at old Lave roant too grout an oxuendituro.15 It is true that the coats of inttalling z 30 kilowatt transmitter woro sizeablo. Figures submitted in 1?29 show that ,2h8,03:.c 0 would be noooed to build a 50,000 watt station and 5105,1h5.00 would be needed each year to ovorflto it. Thooo coats do not include oozconrol , tolayhono chmrgxs, paid tol- ent and ElSC?1 “‘3 can char,-eo.196 TO lnfitoll B 15 kilowatt station, tho cash outlay w “Ti hovo boon :15”, 033.00 with a proportionata re duction in tho annual o crating exoonso. By Reaping tho 1,000 watt tracotlttor, which was already in Operation, comfiorativoly littl 3 add it101o1 cont not to he incurri ’10 197 AAAA‘A‘“ out . . . m m 1“ nwrl filler, xoetorn Lnion .ologram to torron b. Booth, unnumbe and not datod, circa: Hovoobor i, 1925. G . ,. - .. 16‘0 au;;51°ung' wicriron hitter: Foruzino, RI , Locombor, ’4'"?- fi- 195‘stimoted First Lost 50 K5, August 21, 1929, kHJ F1133. p. 2. 1“ if 1‘ - 'a. ' 97 . ‘17m. . rolchuon, brayhur ilootrio Company, {F100 tuototion for 5 h: troaooa:ting Trunxuittzr, August 2, 193?, .90 30 12?. find the manofomont given more weight to tho advice being offered by its washington oorrooponflont, the unfortunc at. situation could not. boon completely avoided. 0n. letter sent by Jay Haydon predictod with uncanny accuracy the exact couroo The flow: should havo taken, but which it did not. The future dovelopnent is going to be in the direction or bigfior and bigger stations, with more money involvod, and that it is going to become, as time goon on, loan compatible with the function of a ncwooanor. wa...pocaosaoo on intrinsic value for boyond its physical equipment and the money The Now- hao out into it...I boliovo that if The Home was to close up its ototion or sell it for a nominal amount it would be surrender- ing tho basis for a opiondio business develop- ment ontiroly accornto from the newspaper... The larger radio ntationo now are coking nonoy and they have much larger profits in pronooot...1n a matter of two or throo your. at most no will b6 forood to a decision as to uhothor no want to abandon broadcasting...or nova out into the country and build a station of 20,000 watts or more. and if no wait vory long no may not have this altornotivo tor the roaaon that oomoono also has preempted tho Lo- trait t1e1d.193 The Opportunity to broadcaat with 50,000 watts of power would never come again. 195Lettor to warren S. Booth, Latroit Hows, fro: Joy 0. fiayden, Now: Washington ruroau, September 27, 1927. g- f“ .. fra“ I‘-.. \r? "'3!- i ‘1)?" r. 9" XII :tz‘C :‘1 :4 a. 'I u‘ (I i: 2“: - ‘ n. .5) I, {(1 YIJ}: In April, 1929, Ty Tyson, who bud boon manager of ou since 192?, turned the reoponsibilitioa of running the ototion ovor to Eobort Emily who not naood acting manager in addition to his duties as Radio Editor of The Rowe. telly was convincod that the station chould increase its power and ooizod upon ovary opportunity to make his point of View hoard. uithout higher power, we arc likely to be gradually rushed into the background by the othoro. The growth or MHJ should parallel the growth of Tho News. With a station equal in power to the others we should be far ahead of them becouoc or the ideals of corvico which we have; they Operate for profit only.19 Since one of the functions of tho station continued to to tho promotion of The flown circulation, Bally attomoted to weave this coiling point into his argument. uito higher powor we would cover all of Michigan offectivoly...?hie would help the air» culotion of The Nowc in the ctato...ln other states the name of Tho fiewa would bocomc a household word, influencing pooolo planning to cove to retroit in favor of this neweoaper,2°° Finally, he pointed out the revenue advantages of going to higher power. 19gfiobort Kelly, Intorofficg Roma to Horbert looting. WM} F1168. p. 10 2°°Ir14.. p. 2. 127. 128. Offering the aoouronoo of coverage such on high power would givo us the pick of sponsors in Detroit. Cur rotoo could be higher, and I'a cor- toin that we coold show a profit on pragrooo and still keen our standards well above the othora.‘°1 In 1929, Goorgo Booth, who had dominatod the dovelooment of the station during its first nine ycora of oxiatonco in his position on Treaidcnt of The Roma, rotirod and turnod his tro- mondous energies toward the founding of Cronbrook. This cultural inatituto stands today no a testament to tho vigor Booth out into hio new projoct. Quito naturally, h’llllum IS. :Z-cripps, ac vice-prooidont of the corporation undor Rooth, assumed the presidency and, thereby, became the cporotlng hood of the newspaper and tho radio ototion. Changes coco quickly to HwJ under the Fcrippo control. than Kr. Scriopo did take ovor in 1929 tho oooration of tho nowspopor founded by his (other, he did it no a matter of personal duty, rather than through keen desire. His brother-in-law, the late Coorgo G. hooth, had rotirod...ond tho tocilyzegli- gotion fell upon Will fcriooo to succeed him. whatovor love was lost between Scripoo and the newcpopor, was lavished on the station. This had been Scrin?o' poroonal project and he soomod dotoroinod to coo that the radio station should no longer struggle through life. To do this, several alterations would be necessary. Although the corporation had refused to increase its 2°1Ibid. 202nu, E. *crippc,‘ The totroit Times, June 13. 1953. Editorial page. 129. ctotion'c powcr under Rooth'o control, wa, almost iono- diatcly, filed for a 50,000 watt clear channel under ficripps.2°3 hhoroas tho ototion had boon housed in oaxcahirt quarters with Booth at the helm, tho ontiro :hyciccl plant has renovated and improvod in 1929 with iorippc in charge. The ctudico were substantially enlarged and the master con- trol room no: covcd from The News building to a new location in The Home garage. Tho facilitioa, thuc onhanood, would serve the station until 1936, when a new building was erected. other swooping changoc would coco during 1929 and 1930, giving oKJ a new vitality which had somehow boon lacking before. To tho staff, tho new boss mount buninooo-radio busi- nous: th issued ito first rate card Soptcobor 1,. 1929. Compared to 1962's six-oogo booklet, tho single-shoot, four inch by six inch 192? cord ottorc a marked contrast in size and in airplicity of rate structure. Tho cooploto 1929 rate card follows: RATE Clhfi -~ 6:00 IN to 12:00 EM -- fiaptombor l, 1939 1. Once 13-ticcc 26-ticoc 39-tioos sz-tiooc One Hour £350. £315. $395. 5295. 5255- Hclf Hour 200. 175. 165. 155. 1&5. Quarter Hour 125. 100. 95. 9o. 85. 2. Basic chargoo for poriOdc other than botwoon 6:00 F.E. and 12:00 P.!. are one-halt torogoing rates. 2°3Frnnk Foott, figont and Attorney, rho Evening “awn Association, “Excootionc to lxuminor'u honort Ho. 83,“ hearings .2£ the Federal todio Corriooioo, flocket ho. 975, p. 2. 130. 3. Local tie-in announcements immodiotely following Ron York proaroca are £25.00. Those cannot oxcoed 20 soccndc. ...4... ...— #4 5. Commission: to rocognizod advortioing agencioo on charges for ototion tizo-oisfi. CC‘HDITIC. 3 CF BEGMTCAST SEJSVICE.’ Enlks are limited to 15 minute: and aunt go on the air boforo :00 P.#. All ovoning pragrnms must havo 1 high gruoo musical netting. All oregrams are to be subject to the approval of tho Station Eamgor. The station will ooaiot in arranging pragrona and provide announcers at no ohargo for this corvico. Eaten printed on this card do not includo talent. If talent in obtainofl by the ototion it in to be h lled to the Client at coct.2° Those rates romainod in effect until June 1, 1930, when they were increased to better reflect tho onlargod audience being reached by ka. qu'a ratoa reached a peak in 1950, tho year of Dotroit radio'n grontoct pOpularity. Lvon though television had boon in- troéuood into the market in 190?, radio old not fool the impact of the new oodium for nearly four yoars. The KwJ rnto cord iaouod in Recombor,1950, ohowoa that the class A coat of a one-hour proarnn, worth fjho in 1929. would cost £300. 20 CLAES A -- 6:00 rm to 11:00 on 5 1 Time 13 Times 26 Timon 52 Timon 1 hour £800. €760. $720. 5 00. ! hour hao. #56. hjz. 20. . hour 320. 30%. 298. 2R0. 2°”g;J.?ho Totroit News, Rate Card fio. 1 (September 1, l§2?.) 3°5wRJ-?ho tetroit flows, Fate Cord No.;2l (Coooobor l, 1950.) ‘" 131. By April 1, 1951, tolovinion had begun to oak. inroads into tho radio aufiionoo, and the loss in listeners won reflectod by a decrease in the class A rntoa. 1 Time 13 Timon 26 Times 52 Times 1 hour $6h0.00 $624.00 $608.00 $592.00 hour 380.00 270.00 36h.80 355.20 . hour 256.00 209.60 203.20 236.80 On starch i, 1953. the rates were slashed again, this tin. to nearly half of the rrico charged in 1950. falong with the rat. cuts, a major shift was mafia in the class A tine poriodo. Cinff A -- 7100 L! to 10:30 rv HondnycathroUgh Fridays 3:00 In to 10:30 to sundays~07 i limo 13 Times 26 Tina: 52 Timon 1 hour £000.00 £055.00 £032.00 £020.00 2 hour 258.00 273.60 250.20 252.00 hour 192.00 182.h0 172.80 168.00 Comnared to the cost of othor goods and services, the cost of purchasing tioo on HtJ docs not domonntroto tho general inflatSOnnry trend which oocured botwoon 1929 and 1952. In fact, wa has not changed its one-time, one-hour clans A rate since 1953. Radio navortiaoro in 1962 obviously no longer buy one hour programs on HkJ, or othor Dotroit stations, proforring instead to purchaoo spot announcements of io-oocond, BO-nooond, and 1-minute duration. 2OGHEJ-Tho Eotroit flown, hots Card No. 32 (March 1,1951). 2°7qudrno Fotroit Hows, Rate Card No. 22 (March 1.1953)- 132. Prime tino on radio in 1962 has also chongod. With the incroaoo in tho numbor of automobile radios, “Drive Tina,” when most core are on tho Lotroit Frooways, connando the high- oat price tag, oven though WHJ does not normally coll one hour programs in 0180! A time, 1.0. 6:30 n.n. to 9:30 n.m. and 3:00 0.3. to 6:00 p.11... it continuuc to publinh a rate structure for thoeo tine classificationscnoo regular in 1929. CLASS A ~- 6:30 an to 9:30 am Eonday through Friday 3 3:00 an to 6:00 In Rooney throngh Fridnyzo 1-“ Tina: 13 Tina. Zéatinec BQJTinoa sszincl 1 hour 0&80. théh. Sh56. tune. tuba. hour 290. 280. 275. 270. 265. hour 180. 172. 168. 16“. 160. Fragramming highlights of 1929 included a neck of broad- costing from the first annual International Radio Show at Olympic Stadium beginning Sontonhor 9. Civic leaders, radio exocrta and a new comedy team from Chicago, Anon and Andy, appeared on tho programs. 0n Octohor 21, MaJ took its microphonoo to Greenfield Village for the ”Golden Jubilee of Lights,” which marked the 50th anniversary of Thomas Edinon’c invention. Prooidont Hoover, Governor Grcon and Euyor Lodge delivered speeches which woro fed by HMJ to tho nwc network. A third program of importance in tho fall of 1929 no: the broadcast or the dedication ceremonies Opening the Ambassa- dor Bridge. Tho cudicnco won tronaportod tron one and of tho 2°300J.rho Botroit Hows, Rate Card Ho. 22. (April 1. 1962). p. u. 133. bridge to the othor for glowing talks by Govcrnor Srcen and Ontario Attorney-General Col. h. h. ?rice. as usual, Ty Tyccn govo a vivia descriotion of the event. The eucccos of an arrangement with tho Canadian national hailwaya not- uork, which allowed qu, as an asaooiete Fenbor, to carry the Toronto fiymahcny brOmécaete earlier in the year, was extendcd to the bridge dedication and tho Canadians hoard wa'e broadcast along with the fictroit nudionce.2°9 The increasing amount of advertising which use being accepted by the station nae broadcast almost hnlf~henrtodly in 1929, as evidenced by n atcry in Tho hows Sunday Engaginc. while wad coco occupy its time to e con- siderable extant with commercial programs, such foeturoc are chosen for their actual merit, and the commercial side is not oftcncive. How and than there is a local feature with commercial flavor, but the talent in always carefully pickcd. ?heae local fonturoe are also upon- tanocus, so far as their initiative is con- cerneglo The News woken no effort 22 8311 EEJ time. IEhIIca n no "” Eespitc its ettitude toward commercials, WEJ could point nridotully to the audience response to Charlee H. Ramp. Billed as a singer, pianist and toothpaste orploiter extra- ordinary, he ”averaged 900 lottoro a any from folks who admitted their aporecietion of Fr. Hoop, and their need of toothpaste.’ One evening, ”he made a special pernonel 209gg11y and Eoycs, p. 118. 21°?eul H. Pruoke. ”From kirolasa to WHJ.' Th0 Petroit have flunday Engagino, February 2, 1929, p. E. 13“. appeal and 6,000 letters and telegrams flooded the station with toothpaste ordera.'211 with its etudio and technical facilities firmly established, with o pro row schedule oxoended to 15 hours each day, with a profcociOnel staff of Beaconed broadcaetero, with commercial orflors trickling into the ototion from ad- venturouh eoonoora, with network committoenta bringing orc- gremc of subotence and high interest into the Letroit market and with a management devoted to enlarging and enhancing the local offerings, htJ stood proualy at the threuhold of the 19308--brondoocting's golden era. 211mm. XIV H’EJ'S GUYS?! ELLA hith a decade of successful broadcasting completed, the doubts, which had existed among tezberc of the stuff and management concerning the station's fruitful Operation, dic- appeared. Although ceverel at The Home reporters and editors continucd to serve both the paper and the cteticn, NWJ begun to sever the umbilical cord which had tied it to the psrent publication. The audience, which had once gathered around homemade eats, now relaxed in comfortable living room: before reccivers of elaborate design, and listened to WHJ programs which reflected core ingenious entertainsent values. Several ixfiortsnt staff changes were cede February 17. 1930, by William E. Scrippc. Jefferson B. Each, distinguished as e asleceun and highly reapected as so enthusiastic eduinic- tretor, Hes naced.ccneger of th, in acciticn to his duties as asles director of The Detroit Hews. kebb was an ideal choice for he brought to the radio Operation wide eXpericnce gained so bucinocs manager of the Detroit fiymchcny and e uide diver- Iity of interests in e number of unusual fields. To balance webb'c business and sales knowledge, 3. L. 'Ty' Tyson, veteran sportccastor an: announcer, was made Assistant ficnager. Robert Kelly, who had corvcd as acting manager before Echo's appointment, was returned to his Job ea Dotroit Hews radio editor and rctuincd on the HWJ staff 135. 136 as on nnnounoor. Tho late Horncholl Kurt, who subsequently gained fans on tho radio, and later toluvicion, editor of The News, was cafie MwJ nroéuction manager and announcor. filo experience in radio dotod cock to the early days of broad- casting when ho had rand news items on RCA, the Free Press radio ctation.212 In annwor to the increased advertiser interest in Wt , Janos C. floor was and: commercial repronnntativo. Wnrion Eartin corv d as staff pianist, organist and pragram manager. Handing tho techniCnl crow, composed of eight control accretorc and technicians, wag ohiof enginocr Halter H. Hoffman.213 Harold Iricctloy, who had begun his radio career with th in 1923 and Pranklyn Gruonwood, woo was both entertainer and actor, formed tho balance of the announcing staff in 1930. The crowd of entertainers, orcheatrn men, singers, story-tellers and part-time noucnapor reporters, who ccrvod as program pcroonnlitioc, had varied and unusual backgrounfls. Frank Greenwood and Arnold Tiozan, known to tho audi- ence as 'Frank and Lrnect,‘ entortoinod each morning with "Breakfaat Tunas.‘ 'Frank,‘ woo plcyod tne guitar, was an cx-cnrino who can action in Kiorld ‘n‘or I. "din teammate, 'Erncltf who playod the piano, had boon a church and theator organiat “A lelhn iveninq News association, Yaaio Station wa (pro- motional booklet, 1911),h3rouftor, Radio HEaEicn 3&3, . 3. 213Four of too oporotcrc--;dwin G. Hoyno, Alonrt R. Allen, Olin Licorice and log-2r ...llic-u-rarn tho only remaining members of the 1930 staff who are ctill with tho ototion in l9é2. 13?. for many yours before coming to HoJ. Both could oing any- thing from papular balloon to hymno and each was adept at drawing the humor out of tho fan lottoro road on the program each :orning. Ono or the favorite features of the early pro~ gram was the 'Littio Church in the no11,' in which hymns nor. played on tho studio pipe organ, by 'Ernoat,’ and sung by the team. A cythicol horas, “Clo motor,” cupooaodly brought than to the studio each zeroing at 6 o.o. and oarriod thou away at 9 n.&.21“ Host of tho remaining corning programming in 1930 was devotod to wooon'u shows conducted by newborn of The Dotroit News staff. Although it is impossible to detail ovary pregran in this octagory, soon or the offerings included: 'Tonigat's [inner by Eadio' with fire. Myrtlo Culkina, Detroit News Household Editor-~a cooking program. (9 c.o. Konday through Friday). "Facts about tho Kitchen“ with an. 3113 Gordon Smith, woman's Editor of Tho Noun-~vnrious cubjoots relating to bone managooont and maintenance. (10:30 «.3. Mondays). “Beauty in tho homo,‘ with aditb 2. Crumb, News Interior Dooorctor, and antrico Kuonzol, News Houaohold do- purtoont--anauorod quoctiona from listeners con- cerning intorior decoration. (10:30 a.:. Tuesdays). zlhhadio Station qu, p. 8. 138. “Fashion Tolko' with fire. Cecil loan Lhittonden, hows Foobion Authority. (10:30 n.m. Thuredoyo). Other programs and rerformors heard during 1930-1931 were: The Boyle Kids, Lillian and Frank, reading tho funnioe each Sunday; The Pixiona Tea with Tobe Grammar singing soutborn oolodioa; Kean Kirk B. C'Ferrall of St. Eoul'e EpincOpcl Cathe- dral answering religious questions; songs from Tin ran Alley with Rob Killer and leggy Nealon; The Sunny filngera; The Shorten ringers (etuoenta at Fichigun Stage College); dozens of soloists heard on various programs each week, and baseball and football coverage with Ty Tyson at the cicrophone.215 Where did th find its staff? what type of experience was necessary to be c radio performer or technician during WWJ's golden era? Announcer Harold iricotley was an office boy in the radio department before making an on-the-uir appearance; engineer Ed Royce was a wireless operator on the Great Lakes before Join» ing the station; Lee hooker of the orchestra aterf had been in vaudeville; fierion Fortin had studied piano in Ypsilanti; 010 Foerch, director of the orchestra and one of the three "melody hon," had been a church and thoater organist and leader of the St. Johns (tichigan) town bend, and Rex white, author of the weekly hi3 dramas, was an advance can for a ”Ton show,‘ an actor, a wanderer and a newepopcr man, before coming to the station.216 215Ibid., p. 10. 216huoeell Gore, Iowa has Birthday Party: Hero's Peep Behind ficenoe,‘ The Ictroit Rowe, Luguct 21, 1931, p. 32. 139. Cf tho performers who opponrod on HHJ in 1930, two, Hymn wright and Curtiss Cantor aradnor, race to positions of unusual cudionco papulnrity. C. C. Erminor is protobly the: greatest newscaster the ototion has over known. with a twinkling aye and a sharp tonguo, ho gava the day's new: a whinoioul, humorous tone, that brought listeners by the thousands to their radios. When he diod huguat 7, iSQO, more than 2,000 totroitors gathorod to any their final 'goodbyoa' to 'Brnd.‘ A: H. C. Li Jackson doooribod hio: Brad. you sea, was himself. And therein, yorhaoc, lay tho chin! secret of bin chart. Cthors might pose of poaturo, or react to our- rcundings, but, in tavern or palace, in homo or office. in good luck or in reversals, Brad wan always Hrod. Thoro will be those who think of Brad chiefly no o wit, I man who could catch, in a pot and aoarohing quip tho nub or a con- plicotod aituntion...(or, for the grip ho had on the news of the nation, and the world... (or) who will grin at acne apt rennrk with which he turned tho nowa.2 Born in 3t. Janna, tichigun, flootenbor 6, 1878, Eradnor nttondod Northwestern Academy for a yoar before dropping out of school to take his first newspaper Job in 1900. No man a reporter and eventually city editor or the Flint Journal. In 1910, to Joined The Hows staff and cxcowt for a your with tho Aeaoointod Trees in California, agent hio ontiro career with the Home and fiwJ. Ho conducted a column on tho editorial page ...—..LA 217R. C. I. Jockoon, 'Liatoning In on Fotroit,‘ ?ho Potroit flows, fiugust 9. 19u0. p. 1. 1140. of The None for many years callod "oftorthoughta” and wrote n group of bizarre fouturcu which were cautionod "Tho Grouch.“ Cftnn he in givon cronit, along witn Lox thito, Al Heoko, tulcoln Fingay, and oovoroi othoro, for writing “The Town Crier“ pro;rno on utJ, which undo Al took: famous. inportor Uoorgo u. itork rcmooborod hio thus: It iun't taxing crodulity too much to say ttnt Prod had were friends than anybody in tLio town. Ho won than oooily and naturally, kart them loyolly oné with n tanner devotion... when radio cnrc along and Brad hocoro instantly identified with that :ediuu, tin circlo of his voice atnibod the fur diotonCun with” E“ otco- cnto punch and ito whimsical npuonl.“ “ If n list of uwd‘o groutoct poroonnlitios be code, C. C. Frndnor'o name should cortoinly be on it. on “ovecbor 2}, i?30, tho formation of a dramatic crock comoony woo announcod by HwJ. Ito director, Ryan oright, woo tho second noraonoiity to rico in audionco stu- taro during rnfiio'o golcon ore. firight "no a dramatic por- focticnint. In odiition to directing Tho Zotroit Hows Fluyorn, on the acting group was colloo, tright oftcn took tho loading P01 *7." 0 $0 non legends have grown uu around Wright, it is difficult to ocoornto the truth from the fiction. One parti- .cularly causing anecdote is told about the sound man who worked with Tho Ilayora. For a drama on trnfic safety, wright zlaccorgo a. itorx, “Hows arcadcnot Originator In :aafi at 61 Artur Collaooo,‘ Tho ?otr:it flows, August 7, 191‘“). E3. 1 o 1&1. told the sound can thnt he needed the sound of screeching broken, followed by c crash and finally the noise of a human body hitting the pavement. The technician worked fcrvinhly on tho orojoct and finally discovered that by running across the studio and throwing hinaolf ngninct the room's beaver- bo-rd walla, he could cinulatc tho hound or a human body hitting the pavement. Ha oozed Wright to come to tho ctucio to chart hi: diccovcry. Again and again, under urging from oright, the can ran across the floor and throw himself against tho wall, while wright, with eyes closed, listened in the control roan. “Try it once nora,‘ wright urged, '1 think you've ul- toct got it.‘ Finally, the sound can muatcrod all of his strength, cached on fact on he could across the studio, and flung his body againlt the wall. The Hill gave way and he went through it,landing on top of C. C. Eradnor‘c dock which was in tho next room. Erndncr'c typowritcr fall to the floor with a crash. ”Thst'c itt' exclaicod wright, throwing his hands over his hand. ’That'o Just the sound no nood.'319 wright began his thcctricul career at tho can of i9. unaisting Fan huoc ct the Arts and Craft: theater in Detroit. Two years later, he cnlistod in the United Htctc: Navy on a cocoon and during world war I was sent to Officer‘s School, 219?. Ernie hicca, ‘Fran flurria' 35th Annivorcary Program', August 18, 1955, tnoo rocording in WWJ Files. 1&2. and while thero eccieted in the production of plays for Bettina men at the Community Theater ht nonport, Ehode Island. he played 'stcck' for a your in the '13th Choir' ond returned to retroit where he organized and directed little theater productions for 10 years. Before coming to HEJ, he won diroctor of the University of Eetroit thcnter for two years. While at the station, he maintained.c rigorous cchcdule, appearing with the Flayerc each Tuesday and Friday evenings and directing The Detroit Hews Children’s Theater heard each Rednec— day on the station. Wright later cored to Hon York on Yroduo- tion Manager of the National Broaficucting Cocpany.22° Of course, Ty Tyson continued to attract listeners with hie distinctive style. A poll conductcd by the Toledo Elude in 1930 Ihcuod that Tyson woe the third acct ponular personality in national radio. The voting results woro: Graham Renamee, 8923 Ted Musing, 297; Ty Tynan, 219.22t Re: 0. white nae anather staff member who ontoblichcd an almost imposeible echedule for hincelf. no the Itaff dramatict, he wrote the first production of The Detroit hows Players, “Romance Cones to Broadway,“ uhich was per- formed on Novembor 25, 1930, and all of the group'e unbec- quent drooac which were broadcast every Tuesday and Friday ZZOyadio Ftntion woo, p. 1“. 221Kelly and 90103. Po 120- 1&3. evenings. In addition, he wroto the Childron'c Theator plays heard each wodnoadoy, another redio ccrioc, ”hitting of the Hinetice,‘ and made regular contributions to the editorial departmont or The Howe. he also often appeared on the air.222 while wa'c interesting and entertaining local orc- graoe were being improved and refined, the atation’c competition continued to gain strength. HJE, which has always been kHJ's keenent competitor, Joined the 33C alue network on April 29, 192?, and was ac- cigned to 680 to, a channel which was cleared of all stations except KFFE, Fun 31330, in late 1927. In fieotombor, 192?, control of hJE passed from Jonett hadio to U. a. Richards. Two years later, HCX, the Freo Frans station, was absorbed by 33E end the complete fooility moved to the newlyocoooloted Fiohor Building, «hero it remains today. Granted 50,000 watts of power in 1935 on a clear channel, hJH drappod ito affiliation with EBC'a Blue network and became the Setroit outlet for 832.223 WXXZ was purchased 1; Goorge o. Trondle and John H. King in 1930. Undor the King-Trondle Eroadoosting Coroorution banner, EXYZ produced some of radio's best known programs inoluding‘The lone Ranger, The Green Hornet and Challonge of the Yukon, which were fed to the national network for nearly 20 consecutive years. when th droprcd NFC'B Elna network, wxyz signed as the retroit affiliate. It romainod with REC until ifihé, when King- 22253fl10 Ftfitiflfi nod, PO 1““ 223'Hictory,“ Broadcasting: Fagozino, August 1.19%?»- 7h. ibh. Trondlo sold tho station to Etc for $2,900,000 cash.22u Tinna were already underway in 1930 for the construc- tion of Hindaor-Ectroit's first ototion, CKLW, which began broadcasting in June, 1932, under the call letters CKCK. Elton Finnt, who took part in KHJ'a first broadcasts, also oopaaroé on CKIH‘B first program 'Broakfaot Plornoy,' which ilant and his wife conducted for aovornl yoarn.225 WJBK, which had been broadcasting from Ypsilanti, richigan, since Cotobor 7, 1925, moved its otudion and trans- mitter to fiighland Fork, 3 city completely surrounded by Dotroit, in 1930. Tho station oreciolixod in foroign language broadcasts and sports events until 19h7, when it was purchased by Goorgo B. Storer as tho second station in his growing group croration.226 During the period 1928 through 1930, uJiB gained national prominence through tho work or its outspokon com- mentator, Jerry “uckley, who was fatally shot in the lobby of the Lnfiallo Hotel in 1936. The murder wan novor solved. In 1939. the station was purchased by Booth Radio Stations Incoroorated and converted into a foreign language station.227 In July. 1930, HHJ offered its facilitioo for a poll- tical broadcast for tho firct tine. The invitation came in 22‘1b1d. 225?1nnt Interview. 226'filgtory.' Froadcesting Pagazino,August1,19“9ppo7“- 227xr1d. 1&5. the midst of a cnmnoign to romovo Eotroit'n Fuyor Charloo a. Ronlos from office. in a Latter to halter H. Emory, Choir- mun of the iocnli Coonittoo, Jillian ;. Lorippn snifl: no nova from tine to time boon requootad during political canonigns of one nature or anothor to oormit pol tical cnoocnos to be mafia over our ototion. to have ulwnyn rnfrninod fro: so doing, and this in tho firot time that any nooocnaa of a political nuIEFE'hE?3“beon por- mittod, tho oxconticn being thoao rude during the lost Irooidontiol canonign whicn emanated from the National Vroaécnntinr Commany.33' More thnn i?5 guests Joanna tho KHJ studios as tho station calobratnd its 16th anniversary with talkn by «iliino h. “criooa, Jefferson 9. knob, No: White, richigon Honntorn Janos Ccuzono and Arthur Vandenherg, and ontortoinmont by ZEJ staff members and national celobrotios Sondoll null, Charles Homo and addio inabody. Ty Tyson wan unator of ceremonies. Tho sooocnoo givon during the annivornnry program August 20, 1Q30, reveal some of tho oarly growing ruins suffered by the station. A3 Fax G. white reported: The anniversary party wont off an if by clock work. A very different affair than the things that hayrenod 13 yearn ago when onJ was on infant. irOLr;os were pieced toyothar sons way in those days, but the building uo of a program was often a weird affair with unoxroctod breaks and guns and substitutiono. Thono of tho wad studio who rerou- borod the first amali beginnings when toloohono calio wore nnxiounly waited for, when talent was hard to got, whon crystal 228I%EJ ingg Ladio Tire To Cary and the Mnyor,‘ Th0 Petroit Hume, July 12, 1§30, p. “. 1&6. ooto woro tho rule ruthur than tho oxcowtion looked over this ? rty of faamoua men and o:.on and 215L.35 i: notintoction. There was ong293ront or ”or rent tLat had been made good. ””‘ William E. Tcriaoc used the occasion for recalling hin firot contact witn radio tro33dca5ting. -- ? firut hon d n awoken word from the other...aoout 1918 noon 3 board Juqt two or throo wordi ovor an in ““cvion ulroloon ro- coivio; set ogulorod with earphonuo. It cortainly sounded like a toLoohono that was out of ordur. “oliaving tint rn: id navoloonunts would no Hana in tLin new art and not know- ing "ut thfit nirolono right he a non noo- oooary nogunct to a nowaoaoor in tho colloc- tion and dissemination of news, I ornVnilod ur on tr: nourd of Lirootoro of Tho introit £333 to install a radio trnncziaoion and receiving not. Iittl o dii we think at the tiro trio first sot was inrtnlled that what no woro doingn zld rovolutioni? o tho home life of this entiro nation and toot of too WC‘I‘ld .230 although to night hnvo stretched the truth slightly in his usual comic fashion, 31'33339 rnrom‘orcd: I no recalling tho afternoon when our orograx consisted of conga and storing by [eon hrrol, Van nnd'fohonck, Burt Millions, Fannia Frice and deio Cantor. The announcer for thi c occasion was kill Pogorn. find we paid them not a Gino, for none of then had ovor soon a micrOphono bot: and they wore eager to axrorionco tho thrill of on air debut... “ow ca rclcooly :.nfl li.}t-hoartodly, it goers now, wo cc nduotod tho a fairs of totro W 20, 1 Q .5 I." 5‘ t 3 229. , . . ;ey d. lhita, “Station KR: flan “irtbdny,” ”he Hews, August 21, 1%30, p. 1. Zaoiillino 1. “crioyc, Lndio Talk Given on txJ, August 0, trunncriyt in The Entroit News library. 1H7. ‘1. 0’ a E} tho station! Jo had any ntntofl tire on the air. When n’ nished--in five or ten or tizirty ninutas--trore was so: etc.y also to go o.., or the orohmtra ,le‘yo-z‘z. There was usually somebouy to yo on. The studio was turongtd tron norni n,g until night with h-itiiul a3piruntc for i‘a:o on the air, and every coorono whens accomfianicont Val Coffoy could olav had her .onent heforo the wiko, Orton for tio firrt and tLo last time iodio no? fun tt.en before it got to be his businuccéj UWJ attcmrtefi to aocuro a grant for 50,030 watts Of power fro: the boo 6x31 acio Con:wisaicn in arterber, 1230. 2ccoroi~.g to a rerort putlieteo in the tnitcd ftotos 29-1y, the station cent2rad its 3r; uront for tic incrouve in newer around two factors, intorforence and ororating loss. Fecnusa or interference, ftution RKJ at Lotroit, Fich., has been losing name of its audience anfl in 1G2? suotainod an oozeruting loss of a oroximitoly 365, 000, HhPIBfl n. Footh, treasurer [now Ir2aident] of the Lv2ning Hows Aro’ciatlon..to tifi:3 beforo ti.u nudoral ladlo Coxuission .e;t. 22‘U Rooth also testifiod that £'uh,219. had boon loot on f? 35 oooration of the station frog nugus , 1}20, to august i, 1930, which ”333 oartly ouo to tho refusal of tho station to accert many commercial crotrczs which the station does not 233 toliavo coma up to tie etananrfi. ‘3131b2rt ”oats, quotod in u Esm'io Tsd ‘ dleGfl by Jofforson 3. Vobh on 33J (2U3. 20, if -35', t2 anecriot in {he Letroit Hows library. , 2’2“««J ”larva Interference for wudionce loosen, "nitod ”taton Emily (Eormwrly publirhod in hn3hing gtou, -.(2. ) Clioting quoted from {ctroit flaws charenco Kept. under Lo- troit flown ‘Mflio-Touiooant. 2333kid. 1&8. waiter R. Hoffman, chief engineer or tha station, gava details an tie i:~te:farwnce nrcblu"s buing fucsd by x15 and pointsd out trat if the transmitter wars placed outsid a tr: cit' limits with its present power of 1,000 watts, it could not be heard ucronn the city.23h Testimony offer d by Jefferson ‘. zobb at the F20 hearings giva an indication of awd'a Operating cryonses in 19300 «ebb told the terminaion that tha ata- tion has an abundanco of good talent, that mora than no per cent of tha programs of the atation originate at the station, and that tha station is on the air 18 hours a day during the weak and 13 on Vunduys. Ea amid that tna station carrias 10 nuchanical employea on the payrcll and twat the station has a talent staff of 32, fiva of whom are net bald by the ntation. The regular way roll of the station, as fluid, in about L2,122 per week exclusive of extra talent, which negatives runs te arcund ;2, 000. Le s9id ti.ut tt.a inca.e from advurtiaing is bstwoen 11 000 and $12,000 yer month and that ths total 003;- «- ating cost n9r month ran around 15 000.535 Feenito 9abb's atatamwnta to tho ;I.C, by Pay 192 9, kflfl'ahowed a small urofit of $1,757.92 for the first time in nearly a decade of Operation. Cn January 3, i931, Rad launched another affcrt for a 50,000 watt grant, this time basing its requnat on an al- location which had been ”leaned“ to the fourth radio district by the second radio district several yaarn batcre and assignad to KIN, Chicago (now locutcd in Cleveland). 23‘1b1a. 235Ibid. 1&9. fitfitlen UHJ...0n Jan. 3 :11“ With tn. iodarul hadio Commission an aopliootion for authority to use the maximum power of 50,000 watts, anfi for u ohanao in frequency from its prooont regional channol anoignmont of 920 kilocyclea to the cleared Chantal of 1,020 k1100yoloo. Thrflfi ogpoals, t1} involving Etotlon Kiw'a assignxent to tho 1,220-kilocyclo channel and contooting the Commisoion'a contention that tnia channel is “leanod‘ tho fourth tons, now aro romding in the Court of Appeals of the Eintrict of Colum- bia. In the past your, a half dozen sta- tions in the second zone havo sougnt an- 6 signnent to this channel on the soon grounds.23 after mountaino cf corrosgondonco had boon exchangod onfl hours of hoaringo had been confiuctad, the Federal Radio Comzisaion stood firm. In 1G28, the 92c had asked Tho News to incrouso its powar and the answer Come back from fiotroit-- '50.” And now it was too late. 31th the country oividad into zonos, and each zone givon a quota of eight clear chun- nol allocationo, the grants had been woflo. The quota had boon filled with stations in Chicago, Clovolund, and also- where, Operating at high power. MaJ, a pioneer broadcaster, must confine its signal strength to 1,000 watto--a meager voice for the grano old lady of broadcasting. Since taking office in 1???, Tor figs had tried to inoronoe the power-- and fullad. In i§31, the {eyne County Hedical :cciety bejan a systematic oorios of hsulth diocussiona. incouragod by 336“stution th at Lotroit Petitions For Use of fiaximum Radio Sewer,“ Vnitod Staten Foil (Formorly putlishod in Haahington, F. 5.), Loo footnote (,2. 150. their success, the Society pronosod a numbor of short plays which woro givon tho title, 'Dromon of Scionco.‘ Ewo yearn later, in an effort to oncourago additional rublic involo- went in tho rrogrfim, a quoetion and answer sorioo was begun which oontinuod for eight yoaro. 'Eroaas of Science“ woro followed by a now aorios in 1935, “Booth Eightors.' The books of Foul do Kruif woro nood as oouroa notoriol for 'Doath Fightoro' with tho author assisting in their adapta- tion for WNJ. Coordinated with a campaign against tubercu- loria in totroit, tho oorioa rosultod in tho passage of a bill calling for the oxoondituro of $230,033 annually to fight tho diseaoo. The results of the corias were doacribod by fie Kruif in hio book, ”The Fight for {ifo.'237 Unfior tho guidance of Jofforoon Hobo, the oregram concoots introducod in 1930 more oxoanCod and improvod, with rerforooro ono otmrf mortars polishing and rofining their broadcasting skills. he tho contributiono by tho homon'a Hooortoont of The Saws dwindlod, it b came nocosoary in time to ooloct a performer who could orooont program» of intoroot to the station's Cistaff liatonoro. tally Woodward was finally chooon and for six yearn oho aired a ooily program Foriea con- cerned with 500331, club and hororaking activitior. on iohruury 1, 193b, ka introoucod tho 'hinute Farada,‘ one of tho longoot running couoorcial programs in broadcasting fl .. - e- a. ‘ ‘ “37afiJ, Tho 98tP91t hove, Cutotanding hventa and Forioc Erogrooc Vrooficaot by EHJ,.mitoogrnphod nonuscript, p. 10. 151. V 1 history. Sponsored by the u. L. Hudaon Ccmvany, a Eetroit derartmfint Etcre, it was tsarfi «act mcrning from 9 a.v. to 9 8.2. for mars than 23 years. Earhara Vraoka was the ori- ginal hootasa of the rroyram HhiCh featurad taxi—elastical mutic, intergsrrtcu with store news, hath infititutional and merchandising. The {afiaral raéio rerulntory bofly, the éedernl Radio Commission, was disbanded on July 1, 1?)“, in favor of the Federal Communicxtians Commisaicn, which 50 drne breadcaating in 1962. Under tra firovieiona of tie act panama by Congrtsu, seven tfimbfirs H6P% appointad to tha Lecmiasion to deal, not only with national brs&doaet regulation, but all interstate and forsign t313:.;na and telegrugh cgmzunicmtien by air. and ratio. :39 ;CC waa fiiviiea into three divisions, of which ona, the Frsntcast fivision, carries on the functiona 238 i of tha Bedsrdl :aaio C67KIEBIOU, which the FCC su?erseded. 23vw1cyclawaacfia fifitfififiiffi, Vol. ;i, p. 213. xv A ofgvr Ffvwéfih 9T3?"1936 In January, 1935, s. A. Jacob: Joined the staff. Batter known to the KHJ audionco no audio Jake, ho wandered tho city ctroota, with c oar-load or oquipmont, responding to distress ooll: tron radio listeners. with hadic Juno on the Job, tho station's obsession with the elimination of rodic intorforonco no. ontioficd and hundreds of lottoro of appreciation pourcd into HRJ from grateful members of the audience. You will recall that I called you in cooperation for help on tho trouble we are having with radio intorforonoo. Tho situa- tion was ac serious that no were facing rcal danger, doc to our inability to out. clear contacts with encroaching planoa. You woro good enough to sand hudio Jake out hero to locate the trouble quickly 239 and followed through to have it corrected. Although Jottcrcon Webb had announced the construction of a magnificent our building to house the WRJ studios and offices on the station's 15th Anniversary pragroo in 1935. he did not live to sea its fcrral dedication in 1936. H. J. Sorippc, son of founder tillian E. Ecrippo, carved an acting manager of wa in the interim hotwoon wcbh'a death and tho 239lottor to w. J. Scripoc, WWJ. from C. V- Burnett, Ranogor, {otroit City iirport, circa, Pabruory, ifiBé, one Files. 152. 153. appointcont of cotton R. #00113, who bocuoo concgor of the station on footeobor 15, 1936, a any hoforo the new studios woro formally dedicated. uooluy had boon fiRC'c director or station relations and he managed RAJ for almost a your, leaving Juno 1, 1937. The million dollar structure that ooonod in 1936 to shelter tho iHJ Operation rivolod the Han lork facilities of the major networks. hioing five storing, the building boosted fivo studicu, tho lurgoct of which was tho Auditorium Studio, coating 340 porcona and ntill in use today. Tho auditorium occupiod nearly half of tho firot floor. and contained an elaborate lighting ayatou for both the audience section and the broadcasting stage; a projection booth; con- trol room ovorlooking tho ctaga, and one of two console: of a hugc pips organ. Co the coccnd floor, separated.by translucent glaaa partitions, woro tho offices for tho ototion ooongor, sales and sales manager and o conferenco room. Located on the third floor woro throo utudiom: studio A (30 foot by no toot) coold accocodoto a cinccblc audience in addition to the per- foruorn; studio 3 (35 foot by 21 feat). and atucio C (21 foot by 12 foot, 6 inchoo). Etudio D (20 foot by 1“ foot, 11 inchoc) on the fourth floor comolotod the cluster of origin:- tion points and shared the floor with studio 5 observation room, studio A client's roco, studio 3 observation room, a rohocrsol room and storage and mucic rooms. Tho {on roomo, radio ahop, battery room and organ 15“. cbuobor occupied tho fifth floor and on the lower level were the test kitchen, The Eetrcit News none Institute exhibition room, chorus room, crossing rooms and the office of the Home Institute director. Thin canninbly detoilod deccription of the varioue studio and office locations will help to dononctrcte the dramatic matcnorphcoic which tho building hue undergone since it Opened in 1936. Apponflnd to the west ciao of the original structure in a {2 million, throe-lovnl television building. 0n the second floor of the radio building, the various offices once located there have boon convertod into a single offico for the who and uaJdTV general enncgor. Studio 8 is the only studio still in its original form, with studio A housing the wa neua dopurtnent, studio C the tape recording equipment and studio 0 the ototion bookkeeping department. Television motion picture file is now deveIOpcd in the former test kitchen and the rafiio colon department occupies the space once uocc for Rome Institute displays. It in quite possible, in short, that Albert Kohn, the inter- nationally-known architect who designed the ctructuro, would have difficulty finding his way about the building. A: part of the i936 exnnneion pregrnn, HXJ also ocved its trancnitter to n new location on the edge of the city at 8-Kile and Ryera toads. find it boon willing to cakc the trip in 1928, 50,000 watts, instead of 5,000 wette, at power mould have radiated from the too-foot Elan-Knox vertical radiator antenna. Icelgnod by Clarence 3. Cay, the transmitter building, 155. in its first yoar, drew 60,000 visitors who marveled at its magnificont aural: doyicting the varioua phonon of the broad- caeting art and its opacioua flower garcons which captured aoveral lunGBCaping awards.2ho fiho building was also equipped with living quarters for its start and a studio 80 that the transmitter could.bo Operated in case of disaster or an interruption in the city‘s telephone service which would break communication with the downtown studioo.2h1 Aloft during KHJ'B now tronouittor dedication was The Early 31rd, tho ataticn'a nova-gathering airplane. The air- plane nos aquippod to broadcast directly to fiBJ, which, in turn, could relay the pilot'u deacripticn of a news event to tho radio audionco. As C. C. Erndnor, Ty Tyson and William hishlor described the transmittor Opening on April 16, 1936, from tho ground, Jason V. Fioraol, aviation writer of The News, reportod the oven: from tho fling“2 In addition to the main studio builfling and tho trons- citter alto, NRJ Opened 3 third facility in the renobscot Building on January 29, 1936. Located horo use ototion h$¥kJ, an ultra-high frequency, exporiznntai outlet. The 2“°-ao,ooo Visitors Boo sun's Transmitter,‘ The Eotroit Hows, Fay 30, 193?, p. l. 2“15tcddard hhito, Nous Leloaao, Captoabsr 13, 1936, The Eotroit Home library, p. 1. Zuzutranafi1tcor of 5,000 aatto opona a new ira for th,‘ Tho {atroit Hews, fipril 1?, 1935, p. 1. 156. loto Carl Nasser was hBWXJ's first Operator when it signod on with a power rating or 100 watts at a frequency of 31.600 kilocyclos. Tho station's pragrsnming consisted chiefly of public service offerings and horse Coda classes.2h3 Also in 1936, RKJ put its elaborate radio and photo- graphic field car into servico-tor the first time at tho All-Asorican Foop Sex Corby in Akron, Ohio. Taggod “a unique Journalistic achievement," the 8,800 pound truck was designed to carry a crew of reporters, photographers, radio announcers and technicians to the scene of an important news story. Aboard the mobile unit, in soditicn to its crow,uac c mass or equipment for transsitting tho news back to the station and the newspaper. Two pack transmitters, carried in a harness on the reporter's back, were used by the radio announcers for on-tho-scono covorogo of an event. The unit also containod s photographic dark room where plates were devolOpod and sent to the newscaoor from a photo-tronsaission cachino. The Early Bird airolano was also equipped to broadcast from the air, to tho ground mobile unit, and thence to tho qu main studios. In all, six separate licenses woro roquired to cporato tho Jumble of remote apparatus.2uh Er. Lee to Forest returned to tho wa studios in 1936 to help the station celebrate its 16th Anniversary. His spooch. 2&3Pictcrial Eadie Histor The Dotroit News Ultra High Prequofifixffsrviceo, The Lotrcit Rows IIErury, pp. 1- . 2““:toadard white, News holoaoo, August 16, 1936, Tha TetrOIt ”0W3 library. {333. 1-20 157. in which ho claimed over and over again that HNJ was the first broadcasting station, roooonod a controversy that had existed for years. He said: Boginnings uro always mysteriouo, and the beginnings of ionic are no exception... On this iéth Anniversary of the Opening of the first commorciol hadio Broadcasting ftstlon In tho entire world, ahJ, I ostoos it a rare orivilogo to address a nation-wide, l porhurs a world-Nico sudionco italics mine .2’5 Second place, he claimed, wont to KERR. So on tho night of Auiust 20, 1920, the first commercial Lndio irosdccst ototion.in ETI'EI tho world was Opened. Not until eleven weeks aftor its found- ing did KWJ sharo tho channels of tho air with a rival broadcasting station. Tho honor of bring socond in a raoidly lengthening pro- cossiOH"T§II to ATKA of iittnburgh...nnd thourh it has erroneously claimed and boon credited with iriority among broadcasters. it in still ontitlod to a place of distinc- tion as one of tho pionooro. But HWJ can tonight point with Just rrido to its oresioro status among all the thousands of FEETU'EFoadcuoEing stations subooouantly fouggod throughout the world italics rino .2 Tho fie Forest pronouncononto, giving kNJ priority as the world's first commorcisl broadcasting ototion, caused a furor of activity in the press. Claims and counter-claims came from a dozon different directions. Tho KKKA-WhJ controversy, over which station began broadcasti : first, was luunchod and still lingers today. austr. loo fie Fcroot, Spooch Given on HWJ, Auruut 20, 1936, transcript in.Tho totroit News library, pp. 1- . 2&6Ibid , pp. 3-1;. XVI A HISi’ZTIiZH CF“ E'PICRITY-Kfifln (TEE: HRJ? it broadcasting's beginning had been a rovolution, instead of on evolution, the answer to the question of station priority could coma quickly unn without reservation. However, commorcial broadcasting won the outgrowth of hundreds of ”ham. stations which ooorated across tho country before and icoodiately following World War I. The two loading contenders for the title of tho world's first commercial broadcasting station are tron and find, although other cutlota have boon oddod to tho struggle in recent years. The grant body of radio history noon: to favor KSKA. voreory Tho rise of the radio industry in the finitod States has boon the cost rocorkabl. achievomont...ctarting from a single broad- casting station in 19EO-athc pioneer station EDKA in iittoburgh...--David Sarnoff, The Radio Industry. -Tho first regular broadcasting station to ho cstobliohod in the Unitod fitntoa was... the station well known as aria...--A. E. Purrowo, Tho Ftory of Broudconting. Cne of the earliest and moat successful... stations «as KIKA at Rent Pittsburgh, $3., owned by tho testinghouao oloctric and Rnng£acturing Conrany...--hncyclooedin Britannica. 7 motivatod by Cr. to Forcst'n speech at the 16th Anni- colabration, writers and oditora who had perpetrated p. 29. 158. 159. tho Ktfin myth began to ro-cxamino tho facts concerning brondcnating'a beginnings. in Tina magazino renortod: Kine rodic dovcteoo out of ton have doubtlosc hoard or road aomowhoro that anti use tho first regular brooficooting station in tho U. 3. Great, therofore, was their auroriao one night last neck when RRJ... colashod over the air a ...progrnn in which it claimed seniority over hoary KDKA.... Neither of tho rivals can claim oricr- ity oxcoot as a commercial atation...leo La Foroot...oné othor pro-tar radiocuotcra were Er. Frank Conrad of nestinghcuso and Eiobfll‘t Gownn or in i'OMi-lt 5:36.10 7910:7330}!!! & Telegraph... Unable to got around the colic foot of the Lotrcit station's priority on the calendar, hiai arguod that it was operating under ito precont call letter: 16 months bofore %WJ was assigned its proacnt latter: on Karen 3, 1922. ngoinot this was ##J'l claim that it had received its third licence (in October, 1921) before KZfiA appliod for its first. $253 was, in fact, the aigtfiga U. 3. station to be Fodorally licensed. Housuock magazine echoed many of tho none argucontn and added: Neither station could arcane a listing of tho facts: ‘EEi Khxi l. Firat broadcast on 1. First broadcastzfig Aug. 20, 19:30 Nov. 2 (h), 1920 2. Night and day pro- 2. Froxrnmo semi-weekly gran since above date until 390. l, 1920 3. Commercial licence 3. Cccccrciul license 250 issued Oct. 13, 1921 issued Oct. 27, 1ozo 2“”Ib1a. 2h9£everol tontinghouac officials wore quortionod by Howswcok. Soon gave MoVoobor 2 on tho date or the firot_brouacant, hfé§,cthcre insisted that Elfin had begun broadcasting on Hovombar . O o‘fiirthdayn: th's fiixtconth Annivorcory Loopona Cld Feud,” Homework 7:9, august 29, 1936, p. 12. 160. Even with the facts clearly ototod, by Tioc and flows- uook, othor radio authorities who attampted to explain the Etta-HMJ situation cannon to bocomo hopelooaly cuddled. The How: itaclf had probiccc, which prompted this memo from public Relationa fiirector Leo units: Nov. 22, we ran on ongo 1 (col. 5) a story on our aoolication for permission to oonttruct and oporato a toleviaion brood- casting station. In it, no Broke of The Now: as being “first to cooratc regular broadcasting I? Tali Ahifi.” This under- statement of our validatad cluin to having tho world's first coocorciol broadcasting statTEfiT—Efihfifi'ffio cldofit‘trouacatting EEEETSK oxistinfi, woo rafieotcd, pcrhuns not unnoturally, in yesterday's 'Howaetto.' iloction night a ccoonntatcr in Now York, broadcaoting ovor H30 and co over th itecif, rcoooted the hoary and indo- 'TEE£TSIG‘Iogond about KIKA, which no corrected on the air next day. Couldn't we niacin be correct in Tho none too on thd’fiir? J The Inatituto or Eadie nnginflors triod to solve tho ccntrovercy by tracing broadcasting’a coooleto lineage. In tho mauntimo a do Foroot radio set had been put into oooration by tho Lotroit town, and on august 31, 1920, thio station cont out election roturno...boforo tho ao- tivitioc of Er. Conrad had boon tranoforrad to tho testingnouao factory. So the Letrcit Haws ototion untodaton the heatinrhouco factory station (fiflfifi), the Conrad homo station antidotes tho Latroit flows, the Cowon homo station (in Cfifiinifig, a. X.) antodatao tho courts, and Ge Poroot'o activitioa ontodato than all. As to which no: tho “oicnoor broodcaotor‘ tho roador any Judgo for himself.252 251Loo A. thitc, Ecoortmontal Communication to Prod Gaerther, fiovembor 27, 19hu, WiJ Files. 252Th9 Inctituto or hadio finginearc, Erocaodingg‘gg the Institute, cc. Alfrod N. Goldsmith (Mow Eork,‘Fcbrucry, I?257 V01. XIII, No. i, p. 123. 161. Unfortunately, most of the existing books, wholly, or in part, devoted to radio history, are more often a concoction of reminiscences rather than a scholarly report of the facts. Typical of this group is a book, This Thing Called Broadcasting. The authors vigorously disclaim the title of radio historians. No attempt has been made herein to write radio history...(and) they have not attempted to decide the grave qugggion of the paternity of radio broadcasting. After this impressive disclaimer, the authors add to the confusion surrounding priority with this erroneous state- ment: There were many others who took part in the pioneer broadcasting efforts. WWJ, for instance, was on the air soon after the igafiguration of regular broadcasting by KDKA. 5 Gleason L. Archer‘s book, History 3E Hadio 32,1926, is often quoted in support of the KDKA claim of priority. Although Archer's book is indeed an impressive work, it is interesting to note how many times he uses the words alleged and assuming in describing the founding of WWJ. A station Operated by the Detroit News, is allowed to have antedated KDKA in broad- casting news. It is claimed that on August 31, 1920, a radiophone program was put on the air from an alle ed Detroit News wireless telephone station and %Eat the service thus inaugurated 253Alfred N. Goldsmith and Austin C. Lescarboura, This Thin. Called Broadcasting (New York: Henry Holt and Co., , p. v. 25‘*Ibid. , p. 314. 162. was continued on a regular schedule thereafter. If this can be substantiated [it has been] then M miss, unless it have other claims to rriority, would yield its crown to Station yea, the lineal 2_. successor of this early beginning. [italics mine]. 55 Er. Archer mentions that ”3??! was the lineal euc- cessor of the westinghouso exserisental station that Er. Erank Conrad had operated on a schedule for a long time >rior to the Opening of T?3A.'256 what Er. firoher fails to point out is that Conrad, in addition to operating a station long before {SKA went on the air, also Operated a station long after ESEA began broadcasting. To quote Sr. Archer: He (Conrad) rushed hose to his own garage-station EEK and remained there during the broadcast-o'standing by“ to pick up the program in case a thing should go wrong in the new station. It was not until 192“ that Dr. Conrad finally trans- ferred his station to hostinghouse Broadcasting Compeny.258 Since KEKA and the Conrad station Operated simultaneously for four years under different call letters at different locations, it is impossible for one to be the lineal ouc- cessor of the other. In studying the priority of stations, most historians, including Ir. archer, have relied on the chronology of grants ZSSGleaoon i. archer, fiiotor of indie to 1926 (Han York: American historical Society, 1nd77'19383,'5} 257. zsélbifi. 257Ib160. p. 23“. i} . ‘Sa'hsdio stations he or hora fears Lid in 1962,‘ Proadcasting Engagino, Ray 1“, 1962, p. 133. 163 o as recorded in the Radio Service fiullctin of the Department of Commerce. The author has examined with great care the back numbers of the Eadie fervice unlic- ,tin prior to November 1, 1921, and {E unable ‘t3_Eiscovcr any such station, denyitc the fact that other ennerimcntal stations in Letroit not affiliated with the Lctrcit flows are in the listings.2 Since wed rented its first transmitter from hadio flaws and Eusic, Inc.. it in true that a station specifically aseigned.tc The Detroit how: would not be in the early do» partmenx.of Commerce records. Nevertheless, huJ did broad- cast on august 20, 1920, and has continued to broadcast daily since that date. In a publication entitled, nesteur hadio rtntiOns of the rnitsd States or f?’FTET.TTTBE W,m1m appears Em: (WEE; Wow: and Hueic Comouny. Inc. of Iotroit, Elohigan, as the Operator of station 33% with a power of 1,000 watts. thether this is a station 260 established by if: letroit News is not evident. This was indeed the station established by ERG and coblicized on the front page of The News on august 31, 1920. The National Association of Broadcasters, after de- ferring its decision for several years, finally emerged in favor of’wud in the Association's 25th anniversary Bulletin. 1920 (Aug. 20) station siJ, letroit (Then 83%; later eel; wsJ, July 7, 1922). owned by retrcit News and installed by hillism J. [fi.] ficripps, began accretion, broadcasting daily there- after. ient out returns of State primary election hug. 31. 1920. 259 archer, p. 20?. 25°1h1d. 16“. 1920 (Rev. 2)--KLEA, Iittcburgh (Rooting- hcuco Co.}, foundod by Dr. Frank Conrafi, begins regular nchcdulc of broaflcccting with hardingogox prohi- dentiol oloction returns.2 1 Also supporting huJ's claim wan tho coon of radio and television editors, Ran Gross. tony newsnaoors, magazinac, nd books have croditad Knit with having been the first American station on the air and tho Harding-Cox summary an tho first broadcast. They are wrong on both counts. haJ, the radio outlet of :25 Lotrcit hows, dascrvoa tho roccgnition.‘ Even with this preponderanoo of cviéonco to subctantictc qu'a priority, some publications continua to dcago tho iccuo. Ry your and (1920) HHJ and KLfiA woro gathering audiences and making claims about which was tho first ctution--a question that still can start fig argument among oldtimora in tho industry. 3 Oporating as an experimental station, HEJ in Hotroit, want on tho air Aug. 20, 1920. ‘ Proudcucting begun "officially” with the fiarding-Cox eloction roturnc cargo on Hov. 2, 1920, by EDLA, Iittsnurbn.¢b It in also quite possible that noit.cr NHJ nor Kama cpcncd the firat commercial station. othor outlots which "' 61 2 fiational association of Broadcasters, ”Icvolonnont of Radio Cormunicction Since 1920," chcial 25th Annivcraagz Bullotin (Washington, I. C.: ufiB, Kay 2, 39h5T,mp. . zezfien Gross, I 100394 find I Fistonod (Now York: Rundou House, 195E) cited by Horocheil‘fiarf 'JWJ and KSKA hrguccnt Eattled,‘ The Patroit Hana, October é, 195“, p. 36. 263'1922-iaar oadio'o Eopulation Scared,“ Broadcactigfi ”crazino, Kay 1h, 1962, p. 82. 25“~iadio'a Chronolofir of Filsatoncs.' hfldiq‘T"1°'1“1°n Ecilz, Tocccbor 19, 1962, p. 31. :65. claim to be as old as or older than eithar kaJ or EDKA are: KQV, Pittsburgh, (1?19); EBA, Madison, Wiaconein, (1??? a! 9 XV); HEB, Fallaa, (1920); £31, tkluhoma City, (1920); K KO, Fvorott, Washington, (August 1?, 1?20); 5TH, Soattle, Wash- ington, (huguat 20, 1920}; ENE, Lon fingalos, (lfifio); KLZ, [envor, (1993), and KCFT, fan Frwnoiuco, (January, 1&09). There may be additional otationa inadvortantly omittod from this list. or this group, KC?3 has built the zest impresaiva argument toward establishing itsolt as tho first commercial station. Its first raaio exierimenta have boon traced to voice trunsmissiona made by Charles E. Horrold, principal of a San Jose tachniCal 0011353 bearing his name, in January, 1909, unfier the call lottoro xxx, which woro ohungad to £633 in 19h9 when the station was acquirod by CBA.265 KGB: aasorta that Er. Isa 30 Forest, at the Fan Francisco World's Fair in 19h0, said: “That station, H4323“, can rightfully 01313266 to be the oldent station of tho entire uorld.‘ To tho rebuttal that tho call letters Xgi did not appear in tho Eadie Vorvico Fullotin of the Dazartment of Commerce until January, 1922.267 K693 annwevs: Early in excerimontal stages, the call 5“ W38 used. Cxoerimental land licenses SXE and 6X? preceded the call SJN which was first 265'Fonulat10n 5oarad...' Broadcasting Ragazino, p. 83. 266Ihid. 267Ar°hor. p0 3930 166. usad in 1913. tnfl, in 1921, when licsnaoa were first ieouod undor tho clusnification of Lroadoaating, the San Jose station become ELK. Lwtar it moved to San #rnncinog Qua in 19u9 the call lettera ware changed to fitta.‘ ” Iothapa the boat answer to tho quostion of priority is this one: trodging up radio’s oarly history isn't an ea$y Job. indie historiuna find much that was nevar documantod. The regult hao been a sort of abbott-ggfi-Coatello routine of “who was on first?“29r 255...}, zaw 'Firat' Cla fl: KCSE Predecanaor Fagnn in 1909" Grab,“ quaagflstigg Fa~2zi , Fabruary 16, 1959, quoting 00:- don t. area, {ggynui gf C‘owdcawtiéx, "acbnical ggqgggz‘gfi frfltécaflt Ffiucutnrn {Janugry. 1g59 ' p. 52. 269“attelou :3terson, 'hnfiio looks flack b0 roars." Thu retrait fires Fraas, June 11, 1562, p. 6-3. xVII Foray” Pnontcaarrvo HHJ'B new stucioo were formally codicstod on ficoton- her 16, 1936, with o weak-long corina of programs featuring many of radio's most colobrotcd personalition. Prod flaring and bio ?onncylvanionl; Joan Plains, who played the role of Mary Earlin on the popular soap cpcro of the name name; coprano Jessica tragonetto, and Broadway stars Ethel Barrymore and Waltor Ramadan participatod in tho ceremonioc.2?° Homodon anfi Kiss Barrymore Quantod Charlon Konnody'a ”The servant in the House,‘ 1 full-length play which was broadcast by 5WJ without cuts or revisions and which re- quirod two hours of air tico.271 This was the first of three full~longth productions presented by the station. The other: woro 'Jano Clogg,‘ starring Joan Elaine, aired in huguat, 193?. and a spacial two-hour version of tho ro- ligioun ploy, 'Tto Passing of tha Third Floor BaCk,‘ broad- cast in roceabor, 1937.272 A. FACEIHILZ fiHD FM Poginning August 13, 1938, with the tocporary coll letters KEXTI, station th undertook extensive experiments 27°”toddard Whito,Nowl Boloaco,S0ptonbor13.193égvo‘o 271'Tho florvant: KHJ, 10:05,! fho Eotroit Nous, Santan- ber 20. 1936. p. 1. 272'Cutctonding Eventa...' Po 10- 167. 168. in faccixile broodcacting. A Finch ccanncr and rccorder and a Crocloy rccnivor-roccrdar enabled the station to broadcuut and receive photogrcoha and text catcricl electrically. A facsimile installation was also placed in the mobile unit. Eadie oditor and formcr acting cunngor cf Rod, Lobcrt Kelly, was made facsimilo editor. Asaucing that newccapera woold oomodcy be dolivorrd to the home via this new invention, The hows again demonctratad its willingness to invent time and money toward dovoloping a new method of distribution.273 Facsimile, although revived briefly followed horld War II by KHJ, nCVcr trovcd aucconsful in rsclccing the neighborhood newcboy and the long and costly exhorimenta were crooped. Ultra-high frcquency broadcasts woro also ruogcnded in 19h6. Overctiag on a daytime power of 5,000 watts since 1936, KMJ raceivod a temporary grant to increase its night- time power to 5,000 outta in Ray, 1937. In Novcmhor, i938, tho Federal Communications Commission abolished all temporary authorities, flooding HVJ and all other regional channels back to 1,000 watts nighttino. on October 1?. i9u0, wad scoured a permanent grant frog the FCC uhich gave it 5 kilowatts of power around the clock. A now 533-foot tower was erected 90 foot to tho north of tho existing hao-foot tower to accomplish the directional signal pattern ayprovod by 273r1ctor1ai Eadie Hictcgz: on; totroit News Ultra- High Frogooncg Sorvicos, pp. 23-26. 169. the Fcc.27“ As a rosult of the new antenna doaian, tho utJ‘ nighttime covorec' e area assumed the stare of c Qarlett poor, with a bulge extenfiing generally a few degree: to the northwest and its smaller tap pointing to the south- eeot. Thin in the nighttime powor and coverage pattorn maintained by HKJ today, with the daytime power and pattern unchanged since 1936. On March 29, i9hi, th left a channel address, 920 kilocyclec, which it had cointainod since 1928. Without a great deal of fanfare, it began broadcasting on 950 kilo- cyclec, where it remains today.275 It «no clue early in 19hi when the Federal Communica- tions Coociccion began to issue licences for frequency noduo lotion stations. One of the first to apply, HHJ no. given c grant under the call letters, whsD, in the initial group of allocation: made by the Conclusion. Hobart Kelly, who had previously served as radio editor, acting ototion manager of H53, {accicile editor and announcer, was named manager or the new 33 installation. Don Georoot use made program manager and a small staff, which would exclusively service the in operation, use assembled. 0n Rovecber iO, i9hi. Edwin K. Wheeler reolaced Kelly an monogor. 27”" .fiuo hyctor, “Hen Tower Up for h'aJ, ' The Detroit News, March 28,1981. p. i7. 275'Chnnge-Over Mot 5aey Job, ' Trze netroit News, VBPCh 28, l9h1, p. 190 170. hagular daily FF programming begun Ray 9, 19h1, on hh.5 uegaoycloo, under a rato cara iaouod Juno 1, 1901. CL$E£ A--;oakdays: 6:00 3! to 10:30 YE :undays: 3:00 rm to 10:30 rm loss than 26-51 52-103 10141-155 156 or more 26 time: tines time. tine: time- 1 hour £75.00 £71.25 £69.30 €67.50 €65.63 i hour 05.00 02.75 1:22.63 00.50 259.382 6 t hour 30.00 28.50 27.75 27.00 26.25 7 3050 changod its call lottoro to KLNA on Novosbor 1, 19h), the 'M' donating a station east of the Eionissippi Ind tho 'zwa' representing the Eyoning Eon. fisaooiation. Under the new call letters, it isouod rate card nuobor 3, reducing its Class A, one-time, hourly rats to $50.00, the half-hour to $30.00 and tho quartar-hour to 320.00277 Ultimately. the call lottoro were again changod, this $100 to wa-fix, tho PM staff was diabnnded and the Eonobaoot studio. closed. ?rograaa presentod by VHJ are now titultan- oouaiy broadcast by Hus-F? and commercials or. heard on.both ltntiona at no additional charge for the frequency modulation listonoro. WHJ-Fm has had an application pending before the Fooornl Communications Commisoion since Hay. 1961, for an increase in its effectiva radiatod power from 50 kilowatts to 500 kilowatta. 275h55y’ gags Card 390.30 Effective Juno 1, 19“1. 377ugyA, Rate Card Ho. 2’ Effective January 1. 19h5. 171. B. th GLLS T0 wan n. J. Scrippa, who had oervod as nonagar of HKJ from January 17, 1938, to November i0, 19b1, was elevated to the newly created position of director of broadcasting for’Tha Evening News Association on the ova of the outbreak of World War II. on Novenbor 12, Harry Bannister, who had been 03100 manager of the station, was named goneral manager. A: a nrelude to the hostilities which were to follow, huncell Rarnoa, foreign affair. commentator for'Tho News. seated himself at c ticrOphone in Iondon to make a apooicl radio report to WK: on the conditions which oxiatod in that boebnd out city early in November, i?h1. The broadcast is strictly for thin urea and fins, and will be the first in the memory of National ”roadcaeting prone renreaentativoa to bo race tron Iondon and directed oweoifically to any station outside of New york. 3 In the period between Pearl Harbor flay and V-J 03y-- one hundred and ninety-four nooks-awa broadcast the follow- ing containing pregrama in the wartino public intereat: 621 JG-ainute programa 1,315 15-minute programs “08 10-minute programs 626 S-uinute programs 17,531 Spot announcementuz79 The programs indicated were WMJ local originationn 278'Bornoc on Air Fro: Iondon,' The tetrogt flaws. C’CtOber 30' 19:41. p. 1. «III-I’m” 27930J, The iatroit Nona, wartime henort of Prorraeo ‘ig the fublio Intoroot (Eetroit: circa 15h , p.'§: 172. Rational flroadcanting comrnny proarnmn broadcast by HEJ urn not included. Along with other stations across the country, th complied with government orders for otrict consorahip of all programs emanating from the Detroit outlet. Ear the last two nooks HHJ has boon prornring for censorship restrictions and attcmotlng to anticioato them. All uro- fironfi have been canceled or altered rudi- cclly it they were broadcast by persons not fully under the station's control. Tue principal orcgroa involved was Ty Tyson'o ”Run on the fitroet," a quiz proxrnm oarticinatod in by paoocroby in front or a downtown theater. A week ago this program was altered so that a daily recording was node of Tyeon'n interviewn, and then, after boing checkod carefully, each recording was broadcast tne folIOuing day. The connorahio regulations, however, have rode it nocoooory to discontinue the ‘orogruo nltogetnor, and in place of it, HHJ today broadcast e new program, also featuring Ty Tynon.2°° £33 took othor stops to aid the war effort. It elimin- ated tie middle commercial from all neuocestn to allow more news to be presented; aired frequent reporte by Dotroit Hows corrospondenta 2. i. A. Earsnnll and huaoell Borneo on the progress of the fighting; end, with ito staff marching off to war in incroening numbers, introducod Fran Harrie, prob~ ably the first female newscaster to broadount on e regular schedule. In fiuguot, 19h2. it becane necessary to roducc the number of broadcast houre. The difficulty of getting transmitter G 2‘0'533 Couplieo hith U. E. Legulationo.' $92 {222223 tows, January 16, 19b2, p. h. 1?}. tubes made it imperative to conserve those on hand.281 Even though the war years woro grin, an continued to entertain its local audience with such lyrical groups on the ”Town Club“ eoyhic*o-Cats, under the direction of Paul Leach, with fiaye foster an Tabby and Franklyn Forguaon on Jugneod. Rot quite so corny van a young announcer, fiugh Downs, who worked for tho station in 19h2 and later went on to greater fano on the host of several popular progrnno on hBC- TV including the "Today Linen.“ nouns was the central figure in an amusing hoax. one day two police officer. crrivnd at the ototion to invootigatn on allogod robpory. Ho can on tho staff know what had boon taken, although the officers incistod that the inapoctcr had hoard the robbery renorted on tho air. Running comnrchonsion lighted the foe. of the engineer. ”Say," he cxcluinod. “I know what that one. Hugh Icwns...not off on tho fourth floor incteed cf the third floor when he cone to work. He was kidding at the mike about it and he said ho thought somebody must have stolen tho studio.“ 3 rurid investiiction followed. mg blueb- ing ootcctives returned to neudquarters.‘ tn Fobruxry 1, 19h}, unJ becaxo the firnt, and partner the only, station to ban tronucribcd announcements and singing commercials, which have since been reinstated. ZBlow3-J Will ueduce Ito Broadcast noura,‘ The Detroit New», August 7, 19h2,p. l. 282'f’tudio Robbery a Joke on riko, ' The Detroit Nona, June 28. 19142. :00. 1’ p. 1“. 175. Kanagor Harry Bannister consioored tho ban his groatoat contribution to broadcasting, although ho, of course, muoo many othor, are significant advnnooo in tho local overa- tion. C. TEiICLVI‘ZIIfTfl CHE-$3 T3 DEZTEiC’IT fit war's and, the HHJ staff increased ita efforts, begun in 19k}, toward learning ovary known fact about a “now“ method of commercial broadcasting callod tolovision. Radio hardly reactod to «waatv'a introduction of toloviaion in Fiohigan on Forcn h, 19b7. Cf oouraa, son. of the regular me shows, including "Cottoo Club“ and “Cin- Corolla kooxond,' woro slightly altered ano out on television, but even with tho loss of two or throo orogrums, it was bo- liovod that radio would continue to be pooulur donjito talc. viaion's introduction. And'it was. An late as 1950, HWJ'Q basic hourly rate was $800 an hour and th continued to charao its clionta €1,000, one of too highest radio rates in tho nation. It was not until 1953 that radio rflally felt tale- viaion's impact. The steady growth of toleviaion receivers in the Estroit market finally reached a sizoublo number and captivo radio listeners by the thouaando loft thoir sysakoro to aquint at television tubes. along with the other problems it faced with increased comootition from toleviaion, kuJ was hit by its first sajor labor dioouto in August, 1950. iickot linoo, formed by non- bern of the fiationol association of Proadouating Engineers and 173. Technicians, rimmed the building. fitter two duyo, tho walkout onfied ané tho engineers roturnmd to their Jobs oooding ”tote and hodoral c noiliotion conforonooo.283 The strike oocurod on the 30th finnlvoroary of tho ototion to the day, and the weekly Hfigfla ogrood Upon and said to the 56 engineers would have ooorotod the station for a year in 1920. A solos booxlot, publishefl in uotobor, 1951, by th, ootod tho question that was undoubtodly on many brood- castoro' lips, “that about EAZIG in Eotroit?' In analyzing tho audionco, the bootlot oointed out that, doooita tele- vision, qu woo rooctinq woro people than evor before: tartar of iooolo‘ig tiJ lrimorz Coverox firoaaza“ mun-m ... Mn“.— Eoytino 3,930,200 19h0 fl ghttimo 3,h51,900 Loytioa u,5oo,ooo 19b5 Kighttimo 4,000,000 Toytimo h,9oé,ooo i951 Nighttioo u,335,eoo In the ooto ooriod, 15b0-1951, tho booklet pointod out, lotroit‘s per family iocooo had grown from £2,200 to {b.7oo, In 19‘1, there was 331,000 woro radio homoa in the WES §r1mory area than in i?“0, 207,000 more than in 19u6.235 283'33J and Tho Hows Eeetoro Full ’orvica,‘ The Totroit “w News, Auguat 22, 1950, p. i. 28kg Ttuéy by HNJ lfi-FR, 'Ahzt About EKEIC in Dotroit?,' 295rr1d., p. 10. 176. Bosnito figuron to tho contrary, the tolovision audi- onoo was growing at an almoat untalioveatlo rats and promised to submerge radio forovor as an oftootivo odvortioing medium. tot purchasoa, a good baromotor of audience intoroot, were tipping tho scaloa in favor of television. C? 0v 57000 2““ Igor kfifilfi FlT3 1951 (b 000.) 20,100 70,100 1050 83,000 291,100 1000 61,000 03,100 1008 71,900 26,500 1005-h? 122,100 5,000 i9k3-“5 111,200 1,500 1900-01 100,500 1,000 Eeforo 1900 189,300 500 Sadly enough, whilo HEJ struggled for its audience during 1950 and 1951, it won two of broadcasting's moat cherishod aworfio, tho filfrod I duiont Award and the George Fostor Poabody Lword, {or o orogrom aorios on alcoholics and anothor aorios titled '?rotoct Your Child.‘ Hooognizing that tho upsurge of intorost in television would have to be rorloctod in tho corporate structure of the €vening gens fiascoiotion, the radio and tolovioion cporationl woro monarated into corpotitivo organizations. Each was given ito own administrative hood, salon force and pragrom poroonnol, operating under the over-all guidance of fiarry Bannister, who , L 1 . 28 was 0009 general manager. “on .BJFOOt become manager of tHJ. 7 It took r0010 almost fivo yours to recover from 2861bid.. p. i7. 9. . .-_ ,. in q . 2‘7’howa nadio, Video uplit,' The wotroit 0909. Cctobor 31, 1950, p. 32. 177. telovieicn'a onvlaught. Fillingo, which had eaggod in the early 1950's, olowly, on& with roinful rate cuts, took on new vigor. ”also charta, which had dipped to the danger point, turned upward, and tho posoiciots, who had pronounced radio doad, auddonly noticed the body taking on now color. than, in the 1350's, television absorbed the entertainment stars, radio providnd uround~ tho-clock broodcnsto of popular and oymohonio music, hourly news oumourios, pluy-by-play ro- rorto or all major snorta events, and such toeciol sorvicoo as frequent announcononta of time, tnnroraturo mouther forecaots, and traffic bu11et1ns.335 In the midot of raflio‘s rebirth, Harry Eunniator loft MAJ to Join tho Rational Groooouoting Comfiany as vice-proai- dent in charge of station relations. Ho woo suoooodod by Zflwin K. Rheolar, who served the an: atationn as genural manager from 1952 to 1961, whon Jnmos Tobinvono became gen- eral manager. Under Rheolor'e guidanco, th aoved from the 01019- tered environment of its downtown studios to its first "permanent” rotate location, Northlond. an the “world's largest shepeing contor,‘ Horttland looked almost gleefully to recacbar, 1955, as its biggest sales month. However, Just as record crowds were boginning to finthwr, the mononupors, which had carrizd the bulk of the now Center's advertising, wont on otriko. moalizing the hivertialng Vuid that had bean created, 3;; saved swiftly to fill it. 7L3 station was given permiaoion to entutlioh a tonoorory broaocooting booth 3? n, . . - 2“ Kay. The Iotroit News, non Loflroot, The Firthglacosg' Proodcmnting, 1953, p. 5. 178. in the hopo that :33 could stimulate oncoming intaroot in its audionoo. Tho oxccriccnt won a success as thousands of choooors stormed the Cantor, and naJ boooue a pgrtonont fixture at Northlnnd. than tho J. L. Fucson Company oocncd its second stomping contcr, nuatluno, ttJ has again given broadcast rightu. A tiiro rezoto studio is Currently in the planninr ctugos to be located on toodward Avenue in downtown Entroit. It is impossible to deal historically with the present. For tho purposes of this study, however, come of the important innovations of cooorn radio arc detailod hora. Rocnuco cost Lotroitcrs drive to work on a complex system of Frcowogs, tLe automobile radio has taken on new significanco in 1362. th picnocrod tho now coraonplaco txpreacuay Lorortc using periodic bulletins on traffic condi- tions. 4nd wtorocc rooio's prime time was once the evening hours, the 'driving times,“ when cozuutcro are rushing to and from work, now command tho highwct rates. Fragrnns ooocifically geared to the auto audience, such as “The Bumpor-to-Eungcr Club,“ first presided over by the late ulim Selena, tuvo guinod large followings in Acnrica's motor canital. Findful of its newsrnpor affiliation, finJ places COncidcrcolc emphasis on news. Unlike the oarly radio audio encec wt: inciatcd on whimsical, witty rooortc, the 1962 rouiio lictcnor ocschs that nxJ proton news quickly, 179. concisely and comnrchcncively. To accomplish this task, .53 hug convnrted its huge Studio A into a manoive nawsroon and axcoablcd a thirteon-mun ctaff which is unrivnled in Hicnignn broadcasting. 5t its fingartips is a maze of olcctronic and mechanical equipment for gatnoring fact, accurate news reports. The news gathering resources cf the station's tirant publication are availablc on a daily basis. Leapito industry tronds toward standardized progrun— wing formats variously titled "To? #0‘ and “dock 'n hell," NJJ has anintainad a divaraity of programming, and a middle- of-tho-roud music concapt which it currently labels ”Total hadio.‘ Frobubly lacs trafiiticnol than itc major competitor, RJE, 1t nonethclasn avoids program extromoa--acintainina a bacic 'adult' arrcal. A multituds of offerings give Butroit listenara a wide variety of cntwrtuining radio featuras. Stackc of awards and citationo uttomt to QEJ'c annaa of community responsibility. hoflocting n cornorato mundats that two station truly aorva ita public, haJ has fostnrad many public affairs noriaa which have proved both interacting and enlightoning. XVIII A [00% INTG TH? Ftrurg fiadio'a growth has indeed been inpraccivo. In 1962, there are more than 3,700 AN and 1,000 FM stations licensed to broadcast. About 126,900,000 homo radios and pcrtablcs are in use, nnd core than h6,900,000 automobiloc are equippcd with radicc.289 In iQéO, latest year for which figurea are available, total radio revenue was $557.7 million, the highect in radio history. But, in the name your, 33% of all stations lost ncney. 9° In the fotroit area, wa shares the broadcasting band, and the market ravcnue, with i? othor AM radio stations and 22 FM outlctc. And what of thc future? Broadcasting Magazine predicta: Nobofly cxrcctc radio to become again the center of family activity that it was in tho 19308 and 'bOa. But neither does anyone think it's apt to go actt again as it did in thc early pont- tclovision 19503, or that it'll fail to continue the gradual rexurgcnco it has made since then... The long-range future in harflcr to access- exccct that virtually evcrytody expects the radio business to be far bettcr io, 20, or #0 years from now than it is today.2 §ogt also think it’ll be a fur different modium. 9 Broadcasting Engaging did offer some guidcpcctn: 289'Eadio at ho tntcrs It: Critical Yours,“ Proudcanting annzinc, May 1“. 1962, p. 75. 29°Ibid. 291'Eadio Foals Confidenco in Ito Futuro,' Frtfldchfltinfi Harmzino, Hay in, 1962. p. 77. 180. 181. Lna f*rture, hownvnr, sticka out mara than any otn*r in tun lcnv-rnngc tcrccnctn. .lnt':s thfi ,rchinh rule of tu~ vortunl c rucio... }naio in the future will be far more “n9?“cral‘ ti.un it i: anu dg, stations will BLVO more diaticct ncrwsnul itins, and adver- tigers will be buttrr s;bl: tc pinncint their uudicm‘mn: 0y choozzin; t‘: a tynen of undicnce tuuy wunto-und tncy vi; 1 5:3nd fur aura zoney in radio an a rcnult.“9 It in evident that rudin ail grow. The only flin- agrccncnt 11:3 in what direction this growth will tune. Ry nccennity, ccmchCial radio broadcantcrn are dcaply concernna with n :.:uzc of tub sand translators, with adver- tiger intercM er a nthy, with tnd daiicutn balance bntucon demanding unions awn E..ti“i ntuckholdcrn, with nncournging cr fliuccurnging ratings, with imnrussivo or puny returns on invnetmcntz an; wit“ gtvernmant directives or innccisivcncuc. To tta listener, howcvcr, radio in a familiar place on tha dial whera one can find humor tu ruliavn nafinuaa, intcrzation to rsalncc i:noxnncc, cairitunl unlifting to overcome dnhrnsaicn, unt:rtuinwnnt to baninh bcrcficm, and stimulqticn ins tcu1 of com: lac ncy. hadic is the lmugntnr ?PCViXfld by two comedians who Cullcd themenIVn3 Amen and Andy. Ludio in thc tcurn triggnrcd by an announcer an ho described the burning of the Leppellfi fiinécnbarg. Laiio is the cxcit¢cnnt of a Ty Tyscn norld :erinc broaflcaat; the tnrrcr of John Lnly's nnnouncnncnt that the Jannnnaa had bonbcd Icnrl harbor. 152. hudic in Eirter Vcaoc'a clcsot, J~cx Fanny's vault, anfi Helen Trent's unending gratings. a thread of radio‘s fabric of Listtry has bnen curcfnlly, painntztingly hOVJfl by 315, tua infant that raisefi its feeblc voice to an infliiteront butroit in 1920. .nJ, “the world's first radio station.“ th, tun grand old downger cf brcaicncting, uto nun stands nnjcntically ooch cornin; um? cloorn bar threat. And bucnusm one oust present a new on: vital face to a waiting audinncc each day, sno way be NB 2r 1&2. Ear 8L3 wil nnvnr grow old. BIBLIOGEAEHI Books Archer, Gleason I. "into of Radio to 1926. New York: Amorican Historical TociaEy',‘Thc., 1938. ennning, million Peck. Cormorcinl Prondcactinr Fion~ordThc '51:?" rxnfrimont. 1.1.1515)? 33136,? was: rinrvnrflihivorem “ingay, Hulcolm w.“ M 12?. New York: Robbo-Norrill C0.. 1"‘1159. 0-— ”?roudcasting,' Incyclopuodia Britannica, 16th ed. Vol. XVIII. Corneal, Georgette. A Conquoror of Fonco. New York: Horace Iivori ht,1930. ” Fncyclonaedia Pritannico, Vol. IV, pp. 207-213. Flamin53, J. 1. Fitt! Years or T'loctricit,)1. Lonaon: The Miro- lcoa Praoo, LE5., 1’11. Goldsmith, Alfred N., ano Iooc1rbourn, Austin 6.71113 Thing lelwd Fro refigting. Now iork: Henry HolEo no 0.. #930. Gross, Fen. I Looked and I Liptonod. Now York: ionaon Rouse, 195h. Thomnscn, C. Tia fife and aorko SENEE' [on Io E>ront. New York: £‘2odloy 1rTos, 1331. m " '" "' Booklets and honorts The To Forest iadio Talo;~hone & Talogroph Company. Laufigzggi Erurt Pr+r1,}nu;g 3coiving 1M3 1rntu§ Cntqlgp‘g, New Yorx: In rorwszt gadio Telephons & Telegraph Company, 1‘30, pp. 36-51. BoGroot, Con. TF9 Pirtholaco of “roadcnoting, retroit: WWJ, Tho Introit Haws, 1964, pp. 2511. Th3 Evoning Hews Association, Fufiio :tngg‘gg gr 3 Est ggit Ngw a, rotroit: The Evenin» flows noaociotion, 1922, pp. 5 183. 18“. The Lvening News 6.330c1ntion, F:.dto tation d1J,Dotroit: knJ, 1931, station rroaoEiona I 500x105, pp. 2-25. The Inatituto of Fadio 91ngineara, Tr‘cenflin'n of the Instituta, 0d. Alfred H. 0016:151th,1 33w “Kori: Fibruary, 1925, Vol. 1111,50. 1. K9111, Hobart. ELCth‘Fl Tad;2_HiAtQ£11TTh Vetrtlt New Ultra-Riva Frequc3gy ArviCAA, Eotroit:1he latroit Rows, circa, iaki,vpp. E-fij. Xat1onfl Aoacoiation of FrondoactArA. H.evalopmont of Radio Communioat1on fines i?20,' A0131 Zfith Irriversar ”ullAtin, .aahington, D.C.x “afloza A8 AAociAtion o 211131111111, :uy 2,19b5, p. u. A Ftudy by WFJ AF-FE, “what Abaut EAFIO in retroit?,' Cotobor, 1951, pp. 3-19. United Statas FApartAonb of Commerce, Radio Fervice Fullatin 13-1h U. 3. Buroau of Navigation, Jauh1ng50n, b. 6., Eeoember 1, 1923. khfifi, Rate Card Ac. 5, flatro1t: FHJ, Juno 1, iFh1. wits-LA, Eats Card No. 2, Entroitzk'w' , Jnnmry 1, 19‘15. u‘AJ-Tha [strait Hana, Pate Card No. i, Fetrc1t: Radio Station "kJ, September I, 152'. Mal-'1‘ he Fotroit Hows. Fats Carri! 3‘30. 23, Fetroit: Fadiofltation hq‘iJ. April 1’ 195 a waagrha Fotroit Hows. Fartima F9~0rt or Ere rAAa ;3_tha Igblig gnterAAt. A heporf IrcpArAa 53' he iub 10 Afia1ra partAAnt of WAJ, Dotroit: circa, 19b6. Articles and Por1odicuis ”A1 weeks Joins itaff of Ilcturo Comnany,' The Eatro1t flown, JUI’ 31.1932. 'hlbert Raenn Ragga Fagazina Lditor,‘ The Fotroit Erna Frees, "As 10 .90 It-ok1lliam L. for1ppe, "Tho Latroit Froo lreea, Juno 1h,1952,d1toriul Iatza. ' ' Faker, Gretta. “Radio Conan of Ago,‘ FAnior Foholastio Engagine, Catcher 22, 19h5, p. 5. ‘Parnea on Air From london,‘ The Datrou Rows, October 30, 19161. 185. 'airthdaya: th'o Elxteenth Anniversary Leapana Cld Feud," Newsweek 7:9, éuguet 29. 1935, p. 12. Rruako, Tani H. 'Frcm xireloau to HRJ,‘ The recruit Row. Sundaz Hafazina, February 2, 192?. 'Chango-Cvar Bot éaey Jab,“ The Entroit Nana, rarch 28, 1901. 'Eetrait Free Press' Radio Openn,‘ Tho Petrol: Fran Press, R“! h, 1922. 'rr. to Foraat Rails Tloneering of HWJ,‘ Th3 retreat News, fiuguat 21, 1936, p. 1. Fr. Edgar toaite Jones, 'RWJ': Elvthduy,‘ fluocoearul raving, fiUEUfit 2h. 19kg. inter, Sue. “Hon Towar Up far aw: Th9 retro” ”we, Enron 26, 19b1. "‘ """”""' “First Danna Held to hadio and the First Trunamittar,‘ The £3- trcit flaws, August 30, 1?}0, quoting The FfitEOIE flows Legtaaber 18, 1920. 'Prlends Carry Holliday to heat Among the Hills,‘ The Detroit ”3". JUI’ 3. 19260 aaurtnar, Fred. 'Stttion HBJ Strong Promotion Ara for [otrolt Rows Since 1920. 'Edltar and rubllaher, July 27. 1935. pp. 11-12. Gore, huaaoll. 'HHJ flan Birthday Farty: Hero's reap Hehind Scenes,'.‘?ho [strait Home, August 21. 1931. Hart, Heracholl, 'fivont of 1902 Led Up to WHJ,‘ The Fotroit News, fiuguat 20, 1930, p. 15. Hayden, Jay O."?roadcast1ng Stations Jump to 210 in Month,“ The Fatroit Hews, April 26, 1922. 'History,‘ Broadcsstlng, August 1, 19“?. v9. 73-75. Jackson, H.C.I. 'Ilntening In on totrolt,‘ The {strait News, 'lietanlng In on Iotroit,‘ The Totroit News, April 15. lghlo ~ 'Listanlng In on Letrolt,‘ The notrolt Nona, Augnat 20. was. ""'"'" ""'""'""‘""’ """"' Kelly, Robert L. 'fiistory of Ladle 1n K10h1gun,‘ Th; ‘0; "a Elston: ragazlne Ail, aintor Huzb2r, 1937. pp. -12. 156. 'Lako Vessel. 'Iiok Uo' Saws niroleaa Felony, ' The Iotroit Hews, Taco her 19, 1921. "land and wutar Hour ?oturna by wireless,“ The Vetrcit News, antarber 1, 1920. ”Leo Ta Forost, 87, Radio Eionoor, tiisc,‘ The New York Timon, July 2, 1961,pp.1nnd 32. -x. Too, KTBC (No REAP),' Variotz, April 11, 1962. 'Herry Fodloy Tufted Afar,‘ Tho tetroit News, farcb 29, 1922. ”Haney Brown Thrill. Hoarora by hireloas,” The Latroit Hows. Locwnber 29, 1921. 'Wew 'Firat' Claim: :C‘a lrodeooaaor Pagan in 1909o-Grob, ' Froadcastinn, Fabruary 16.1959. pp. 52-53. “News hadio, Video Split,“ The Tetroie News, October 31. 195° 'Tho Rana I.ndi¢phono To Give Vote rosu1t8,' Tho oWroit News, 3-u1fU3t 31,1920. Peterson, Bottolou. 'Eadio Looks Back #0 Ianra,‘ The Dotroit Free Prose, Juan 11, 1962. ' ickod Out of the Air 1 want-Ad for Tho Hana, ' Trs rotroit Nous, Taotombor “.1920. .--‘~’ ';uostiono and Anauora,' Tho Entroit News, July 6. 1995. “533616 at £40 haters Ito Critical roan," Broadcasting, My 1“ 1962, P. 73.76. 'Fadio Foals Confidence in Its ruturo,“ Broadcasting, Kay 1% 1962. 9?. 7?“?90 Eadie ”tationa he or Pore Yours old in 1962, ' "roadcaatiqg, ray 1h,1962,pp. 127-1h3. 'Fadio Rafts Yule ‘pirit,' Tho Eatroit Fons, Tooaaber £5.1921. 'Ladioohono Given Richigan Tapers News Then Sloot Foils Tires,“ Fditor & Publishnr, April 8, 1922, pp. 11-12. 'Endio's Chronoloyy of Fiiostonoz,' RadiodTolovision roiiz. EGCB'ber 19. 1962. p. 31. ‘Legatta by Padio,‘ The Totroit flows, august 2“, 1929. Times, izobort P. 'Tho "ighc Radio has Earn," The Petroit tiewa, Mu ust 21,1950 ‘oo. 31, op. i and 14. 18?. “The Servant: 313, 10:05,“ Th9 totrott News, :optefibmr20,1936. 'Scionco-owHJ,' T199 28:23, August 31. 1936. p. 29. “Shin Hears Tania Concert and Lauda Hows fervioa,' The Petrol: Haws, Fentemhar E, 1920. f’mith, E116 Gordon, 'Eiaéio Dinnars 8 Years on Air,'1‘he Retroit News, Hugust 20, 1930. i‘tark, George H. 'Bawntng or Ladio Liraolo Haoallad by NHJ Visitor," Th9 Letrcit Haws, January E, 1937, p. 10. 'Hows Prondcact Crigginator In Enad at 61 After Collarea,‘ Tta “etroit Eéews, augrust 7. 19“O. ”Tyrone Tradition Fadan From the n1r,‘ The petroit Hows, February 26,1953. "£0 01a Timors,‘ ‘t'ho retreat New». Jinan”: 21- 19H1. "we Old T1:ara,' The Eetroit Haws, august 22, 19h1. 'dWJ Link to Past Honored by Haring'a richl- gandura,‘ Th5 fatrott fiewa, Lentoubar 20, 1936. 'Ctfition HHJ at Eetroit letlticna For 935 of Kazimum Radio Fowar, ' Lnitfid txtas lull , formerly pub linked 1n {achingtun, 3.y.. clinsing quoted available in Do- troit News horaronoo Le artmont. itevonaon. I. 5. 'Llfo of Ea Forest Given HHJ as First in P191d,‘ The neural: Hews, Beoembar 21, 1920, p. 1. 'Ttudlo Hobbery a Joke on Bike,” The Dntroit H838, June 28. 9142. “mm 'Tough Fiscal: Tough on LLJ,‘ Th9 Fotroit flows, January 3,1927. Transaitter of 5, 000 Hatte Span: a new Era for H;J ' The D - trolt Haws, April 17, 1936. ”Tyson Honored After 25 learn on Eadie, Th0 Botroit News, Fay 25. lga7. m ...—... “Valentino's Int firsadcaet,‘ Th3 Totroit News, Fay 21. 1961. '80,000 Visitora See HHJ's Transaittcr,‘ The Cetroit News. my 30. 1937. - ------- ---- 'T.E. Scripra,' The T:ntr01t T1H+H,June 13. 1952, E‘ltorlul i ago. 188. 'Xhan Eadie has a Varvel,‘ The {strait flows, august 21, 19h5. White, Lax G. "Station WEJ Han P1rthflny,‘ The hatroit News, Auauat 21. 1930. Hood, ‘keila, 'Hho's Xho,‘ The ”atroit Haws, Auguat 20, 19h5, p. 12. 'wa Among F1rut,’ IE2.123£2£EI§223, Cotobor 2B, 1925. ~x.$. flollifiay, Lona,“ The tatroit Hews. Jun» 30. 1325- 'EkJ-ofin .xplanatien,' Th3 hetroit "3“fio flay “v 1922. ”REJ and The new: heaters Full Service," The retroit Rows, kugust 22. 1950. 'qu 313333 Interferanca for Audlanoa Loanoa,"§n;§gg gtgigg 3311:, farmerly publiahad in Washington, E. 6., 6 1p- ping quote available in Retrofit Hana hsferenco Dupartannt. “kkJ Frosdcaats 1n Elana while Soaring Cvor notroit,‘ The :2- trait yaks, April 1h, 1928. 'MHJ Complies 31th 8.3. hagulatlnne,‘ Th3 Estrott News, JflDUHrY 16. 1932. 'aHJ Favorite at Radio Fana,‘ Tha ratroit flows, Karen 15, 192?. 'qu Gives Tina to Gary and the Fuyor,‘ Th9 Botrolt Howe, July 12, 1930. 'kHJ History Ens of F1rats,’ The fetrolt Haws, January 11.19“9. 'wa Bistory Told in Prior,“ The retroit Haws, June 16, 19h1. 'wa to Eieoontinua Free Rot Toetingn,‘ Tho Detroit News, Farah 1. 1925. ‘ 'KHJ to Frasent Euily Began,“ The Dotroifi Rows, Fabruury 2h, *wEJ kill Eeduca Ira “roadoaat Heurn,” The Latrott News, éugufit 7, 19h2. '1922-13Hr fiadlo'a ?opu1at10n *oarod,' Prufldcnntlng, K5] 1“, 1962, pp. 82-110. Young, Cynthia Royas. 'wa-Flonaar in firoadcasting,' The Fichivun Blstorz Rapaz1ne, XLIV, Jocamber, 1965,;uxh13. 189. Unpub11ah9d Entor1ala Address by Er. Lou 30 Parent audio Station wa, The Tntrolt News, August 20, 1933, pp. 1-“. 9.011033, 3.54. Latter to 116410 Lté‘atlon “VJ. itngIflt 29' 13:27. Booth, warren S. latter to Jay 6. Hayden, Kay 6, 192?. Lattar to Badlo News and Husio Congnny, In- corporated, soptembar 11, 1920. Latter to v. S. Glftord, February 13, 1922. .#_, Telegram to H.£. florippa, Farah 11. 1922. western Union.201egran to Karl Rillor, Cath- ber 8, 1928. Purnott, C.V. latter to H.J. Sorlppa, circa, February. 1936. Caldwell. 0.3. Fpooon szoro the Bridgeport Chaaber of Con- merce, FM? Transact-13% $3272, October- 15, 1928, pp. 1-10. Carson, 9.3. Letter to Tho totrolt Hows, Ray 3, 1922. to Forest, Dr. Ice. “Speech Given on HHJ,‘ August 20, 1935, transcript 1n.Tba Lotrolt Hows librarY. PD. 1-“. roiohman, K.”. Oraybnr Electric Cannany, “Price Quotation for 51w Proadcaat1ng Transmittar,‘ fiuguat 2. 1929. Denartment of Commerce, Bureau of navigation, Radio Service, 'Llcansa for Land haéto Station No. 239,‘ Clan. 11-- 1ted Commercial, April 6, 1922, pp. 1-u. The :etroit Eons Purchaso Order #9589 to woutorn Elootrio Company, Dotroit, Elohigan, Dacoabor 12, 1921. Edwards, 3.3. lattar to Commiaslonar of Havigatlon, Perch 1, 1922. Lettar to Warren S. Booth, Enron 6, 1922. “activated First Coat 50 K3 Transaittar,' August 21, 1929. ..J Files, pp. 1-5. Hayden, Jay C. Letter to Warren S. 300th, Eatroit Noun, September 2?, 192?. 'herarkn of Cozmloslonar Caldwell at Radio Confor- onoo,‘ Unnumborod Teletype Elapatcn, April, 1927. 190. “honort of the American Enginooring Council,‘ Unnumborod Toletypo Llapatch, April 1, 192?, pp. 1-10. Hoffann, Kaltor E. Exchango of Eroadonoting Frequency with wcc, 'topartoontal Communication tomo,’ fiaptombor 2, i927. ’aaport of Trio of Radio Engineer to Toledo to Eotorcino fixtont or Interferonoo with firoudoaoting Forvioo of Station WHJ,' Kay 0, 1927. Kelly, Eobort. "Intorotfioo Fooo' to Herbert routing, oiron: June, 1929. Rally, hobort and Eoyoa, Edwin 0. 'In tho Fuhlio Interest,” A History of the Radio Activitiqo of The Entroit News from 1920 to 19hi, (Typouritton Kanuooript) pp. 9-123. lyono, Viohaol E. Letter to T. HoOuiro, July 12, 1920. Killer, Kori. Unnumberod Teletype to Mr. Gilmore, Tho flotroit News, October 6, 1923. -—_' vw_ Nestor“ Uhion Telegram to finrron S. Booth, un- numborod and not dated, circa: ”creator 1, i928. Elant, Elton. Taro recorded intorViow by Frank E. Hill, Oral Hoooaroh office, Columbia University, tronuoript pp. 2-17. 4*. Tune recorded interview by Robort P. Rimes, hiooa, F. Ernio. ”Fran Earrin' 35th Anniversary FrOKrum,' August 18, 1955, tape-rooording in th Filoo. Scott, Frank. Agent and Attorney, the Evening News Association, “Exceptions to txaminor'o Looort Ho. 3,“ Hoorin o 25 the Federal Radio Coorisoion, Lockot KO. 975, 95.1-5. Foripps, w.a. ‘iurpooo of The totroit Rows hadio ihono,‘ Inter. office Keno circa: 1919. 'hadio Talk Givon on kkJ,‘ August 20, 1930, transcript in The Dotroit News Library. Thomooon, C.Z. latter to The Eotroit Mews, Juno 2, 1920. lettor to 3.x. Pooth, Octobor 3, i920. ?rurbo, ”award J. taoo roccrdod intorviow by hobort P. Linen, fierndalo, Pichignn, July 12, 1962. 191. Tyson, Edwin L. Station Konugor, offiaavit Filed with the Fodornl Eodio commission, hovoubor 7, 1928. teams, Albort. iuotod in a hadio Talk Givon by Jefferson B. hobo on HWJ, August 20, 1930, transcript in tho Latrolt flowa library. ihito, Loo A. 'Eeonrtoontal Communication“ to Frau Gaorthor, fiovozbor 27, 19““. bhito, Stoddard. "Rows Lolaaso,” huguzt 16, 1936, The Eotroit Rows library, pa. 1-“. "how: helonao,‘ Sontoobor 13, 1936, The fotroit hows library, pp. 1-“ hiosxan, Fol. “Ty Tyson Fgogranhy,“ typouritton monuocript, no onto. HEJ, Th5 {otroit News, ”Outstanding hvento and Series Yrograu Proadoaot by hiJ,’ mimoogrophed manuooriot, pg. 1-13. hRJ, The Eotroit wows, 'khJ Firsts: mimoogrophod manuscript, 373:. “E; E-‘vaf‘gg‘ ROOM USE ONLY 9: 5E7“??? E. E55? SE 1?" Ea- E‘E Méfiafi‘ E EE' '25: £52,? E}! ...J‘ ., LN... «... ...-Eng? Eh... E. _ . - m%E#@w%wE¥E%MEMWE E... E... E EEE .. E ....EEEEE EEEEEEEEE .... §E%E%EE .. ...,wEmEEr... .. ......»EEEEE um. .....Eo EEEEEHEEE ...... gm...” «REE Maw... KEEN... mfiww. ... Er... EEEW0%..E mam...“ ”flow”? EEEW0% ..WEE..E.EEEEE ...EEEE, . E. E... ...-E. E. .. E. ..E... Wo v”. ..7 $1M ...WEE ....me mu)...“ . :3 or 0mc$uwnw¢fuo or . 3W; ..7. Wm£v$u¢mvoo « .W W»... .w .7 vmxuwy «no ”4. ...... a...» .....an E... .... .... 5...». E... .33.... p.22...- Ewfiwsxfiy E2 .3? 32.- E.