COMPARISON OF THE STRENGTH OF SECOND GROWTH VS. PLANTATION GROWN RED PINE POLES Thesis for tho Degree of M. S. MICHTGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Kim 0. Wilkins 1965 mm W\X‘\B\'\T\'\‘\\\W\T LIBRARY Michigan State University MSU LIBRARIES BEIQRNING MATERIALS: Place in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. M”— ABSTRACT There is, in the State of Michigan, a large reserve of red pine trees suitable for harvesting and processing for use as utility and building poles. The objective of this study was to determine whether poles from plantation grown red pine trees are as strong and stiff as those from naturally regenerated trees. The American Standards Association Specifi- cations [u] of dimension and defect limitations were assumed for acceptance of poles from both groups. The objective was approached by the following three methods: (1) By comparing strength values of both groups in full scale bending tests (major tests), (2) by comparing strength values of both groups tested as small clear specimens (minor tests), and (3) by comparison of the values obtained in this study with the values of other published studies and reports. Full scale tests were conducted on 32 poles from a plantation and 32 from a second growth stand. Ten small clear Specimens were cut from the butt of each of these poles, of which five were tested in static bending and five in compression parallel to the grain. The moisture content of all poles tested was above 30 percent. Plantation grown and second growth poles combined had an average modulus of rupture (maximum fiber stress in bending) of 4860 pounds per square inch, with a standard deviation of #75 pounds per square inch. There appeared to be no difference in the modulus of rupture, specific gravity, or in the sum of knot diameters between plantation and second growth poles. COMPARISON OF THE STRENGTH OF SECOND GROWTH VS. PLANTATION GROWN RED PINE POLES by Kim 0. Wilkins A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Forest Products 1965 ACKNOWLE DGEMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere thanks to Professors Eldon A. Behr and Byron M. Radcliffe for their direction, assistance and constant interest in the work and preparation of this paper. The author is also indebted to the entire staff and all the graduate students of the Forest Products Department for their assistance. ACKNOT'JLEDGEMENTS o o o o 0 LIST OF TABLES . . . . . 0 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . . INTRODUCTION 0 O O O O O 0 METHOD OF TESTING . . . . Major Tests . . . . . TABLE Source of Material . . . Description of Poles . . Apparatus o o o o Calculations . . . Minor Tests . . . . . Source of Material . . . Description of Samples . calmlations o o 0 TEST RESULTS . O . . . . . Major Tests . . . . . Minor Tests . . . . . DISCUSSION OF RESULTS . . Major Tests . . . . . Minor Tests . . . . . CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . o RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . LITERATURE CITED . . . . . OF CONTENTS 39 39 an 65 65 66 68 69 7O 10. ll. 13. 14. 15. LIST OF TABLES Pole classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specific strengths and index of deflection . . . . . Summary of test results , . . , , . . , , , , . , , Plantation grown, size and number of knots . . . . . Second growth, size and number of knots . . . . . . Plantation grown pole information . . . . . . . . . Second growth pole information . . . . . . . . . . . Plantation growth major tests results . . . . . . . Second growth major test results . . . . . . . . . . Plantation grown - minor tests, average results of static bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Second growth - minor tests, average results OfStatiCbendingooo00000000oooo Plantation grown - minor tests, average results Ofcom‘preSSion9000000000000... Second growth - minor tests, average results of compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strengths of red pine adjusted for moisture content Maximum fiber stress for red pine as reported by other studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv Page ”5 as u? #9 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 an 67 67 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Pole inspection for defects, measurement of circumferences, and size and location of knots . . 6 2. Form used in recording the moisture content and defects other than knots . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2a. Form for mapping locations and recording knot sizes . . 10 2b. Form for mapping locations and recording knot sizes, and sketch of failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3. TEStingfloorlayout9.0000000000000001” u. Deflection of poles during major testing . . . . . ... l6 5. Testing floor details and method of anchoring butt Of pOleS O O O O O O O O O O C O O O 0 O O 0 l8 6. Deflection locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 7. Stations for reading load and deflections, located outSide 0f teSting area 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o 23 8. Major testing load cell, where strain gages are cemented to 3/8 inch steel rod and wire leads can be seen at left end of load cell . . . . . . . 25 9. Major testing load cell with protective covering againstdamage..........o.......25 10. Top: view showing location of three Specific gravity Specimens from butt and break. Bottom: end view showing location of the five small clear SpeCimnS . O C C O O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O 27 ll. Major load deflection curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 12. Charts from electronic recorder which was attached to load cells in minor tests . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Figure Page 13. Minor static bending loading equipment . . . . . . . . 38 la. Minor static bending and compression load and deflection recording equipment . . . . . . . . . 38 15. Minor compression loading equipment . . . . . . . . . 38 16. Major tests, compression failure . . . . . . . . . . . #1 17. Major tests, tension failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . #1 18. Major tests, brash failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H3 19. Major tests, typical failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 INTRODUCTION Acceptance criteria for poles are based upon the estimated loading to be resisted in service. Bending is the principal load system on poles in use. This bending load is caused by horizontal wind forces on wires, which are most critical when the wires are ice covered. Column loads are of little consequence except when poles support loads such as extremely heavy transformers and other objects. [10] Thus, the maximum fiber stress in bending (modulus of rupture in bending) is the strength preperty on which the poles can be judged. The class designation of the American Standards Association [4] for poles depends on the circumference and the length of each pole under con- sideration. Because each class must carry a specific load, the modulus of rupture in bending for a species is used to determine the minimum circum- ferences for each length and class of pole. American Bell Telephone Company conducted pole tests as early as 1891. The first pole tests by the United States Forest Service were made at the University of Colorado in 1911. [11] The American Standards Association established a committee for dealing with poles in 192%. In 1931 the ASA Sectional Committee 05.0 published the first specifications for allowable fiber stress values of utility poles. L10] These specifi- cations underwent several revisions until the 19u8 edition was published. The maximum fiber stress value for red pine was listed as 6600 psi. Due to much criticism of the entire 19u8 specifications, the ASTM Wood Pole Research Program was established in 1953, under the direction of ASTM l 2 Committee D-7. In 1959 extensive testing of wood poles began at the Forest Products Laboratory. Some 620 poles were tested by the comple- tion date of 1960. During this time the Ontario Hydro Research Division tested western red cedar, jack pine and red pine poles. Their report of 1958 [8] indicated that the maximum fiber stress of red pine was 57u9 psi. The ASTM Wood Pole Research Program did not include testing of red pine, however, the recommendation was made that the maximum fiber stress of red pine remain at 6600 psi, the value which was listed in the ASA Specifications 05.0-1998. The final report listed the following conclusions: "There is significant correlation of the strength of untreated poles with that of untreated small clear specimens, and of treated poles with treated small clear specimens." [11] Most of the prior testing of full scale poles has been conducted on poles which had been butt soaked. In the ASTM report,[ll] poles were completely submerged and soaked long enough to bring their moisture content to, or above, the fiber saturation point before testing. No work has been done on the comparison of results to indicate the influence of moisture content on the strength of utility poles. No recent testing has been done on red pine, comparable to that conducted in the ASTM Wood Pole Research Program. METHOD OF TESTING All tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM Standards. The testing was divided into major and minor classifications. Major tests were conducted on the full size poles. Data was obtained to determine the moisture content, rate of growth, specific gravity, strength in static bending, and modulus of elasticity. Minor tests, modifications of ASTM Alternate Specifications D 1036-58 [2], were conducted on small clear specimens taken from the butt end of the poles. Data for strength in compression parallel to the grain was obtained in addition to data for the same properties on the full size poles listed above. Major Tests Source of Material. - Sixty four red pine poles, 32 grown in a plantation in Roscommon County, and 32 from natural regeneration (second growth) in Bloomfield Township, Missaukee County, were selected in accordance with ASA Standard 05.1-1963. [u] The poles were cut, shaved by machine and transported, by truck, to the Department of Forest Products Department, Michigan State University. Within 36 hours after cutting, the poles were placed in storage and covered with black six mill poly- ethylene sheeting. The moisture content was maintained above 30 percent by periodic spraying of water where poles had become exposed. Anti-stain solution was applied to all poles prior to storage under the sheeting to control staining and decay. Description of Poles. - Both groups of poles were cut from trees 3 u with an average height of 56 feet. Pole lengths varied between 33 and 35 feet. Testing personnel cut the poles to 30 feet, removing the excess from the tip or butt, in order to vary the class of the pole and in order to allow for a better fit in the testing jig. Table 1. shows the classes of resulting poles, which are in accordance with the ASA Specifications TABLE l.--Pole classes Class of Pole Plantation Second Growth 5 12 ll 6 15 17 7 5 3 9 -- 1 Total 32 32 Prior to testing, a comprehensive inspection was conducted on each pole and a record kept of the size and location of all knots larger than 0.5 inches and any other strength reducing defects. Records were also kept on the amount and location of crooks, sweeps, and stains. Figure l. is a picture of the inspection of a pole and Figure 2. shows the method by which information was obtained. After each pole was broken, borings were taken at 2, 15, and 28 feet from the butt for moisture content determination. ‘ Apparatus. - Each pole was tested in accordance with the cantilever method described in ASTM Standard D 1036-58. [1] The poles were individually placed on the test floor (see Figures 3 and 4) and the butts were clamped into a rigid position (see Figure 5). The load was applied at a continuous rate of four inches per minute with a hand winch. At each 100 pound interval of load, deflection readings were takenam the three locations shown in o, o .. ... .” r. a. .. -u . . . ... .0 o t : : C F. a“ .. . 3 J. .3 . . z a a. .2 : . q s. .. r. S ... .w. r. i a. . 3‘ u 9 s 3 a. . a .c ’6’ C .u 9. a. at. v . .. a. o . a~ . 3, . . .1 xx o y f . It O.~ .’ I, . . O . . 6. . a ’-' -4. 4 s Figure 2.--Form used in recording the moisture content and defects other than knots. POLE TEST ~ POLE DATA I. DATE 4 ~ 23- 64- RECORDER C 65.9.? TEST POLE NO. p— / POLE SPECIES 16m ’57,”:- POLE CLASS 4: POLE IsNCTN __ 301 Q " POLE HEIGHT g2;- wcngé‘o MOISTURE (INTENT 2' FROM am (40. 4: 15' ms mm //a Z 23' man aun- /.5$/.s/ CNONTN RINGS _ // /INCH AT BUTT. Air/024476 MC ' //5'.5’. Lessors NAx. CROOK __ Aloua" INCHES LOCATION FROM BUTT swan? snout __ " INCHES LOCATION mow BUTT swear nounu: ” INCHES LOCATION FROM nun _¥ sues? mUBLE " INCHES LOCATICN TRON BUTT INSECT DAMAGE N LOCATION FROM Bur-r cmzcxs .. LOCATION FROM BUTT sums u LOCATION FROM BUTT OTHERS LOCATION FROM mm- _ LOCATION FROM BUTT LOCATION PROM BUTT com-Ts Jummee Wflr 55“ m _ [5; (gov 5’5 33 Z AID (Mar 36 2 0 POLE DATA I I DATE é: ~ 23 — (a ¢ RECORIIIR TEST POLE NO. P-( -... C. 5.579? on- ~..._._ CI RCUH- DISTAN BUTT FERENCB I FROM SWEEP OR CROOK mu" BUTT 24-19T‘ual 4‘12:er 3/00' 2 2%25' _.__Zé’.5o ...o }...J Figum 2b.--Forr: for mapping locations and recording knot sizes, and sketch of failure. POLE TEST POLE DATA II DATE —' 3- 4 RECORDER C. 55/92 TEST POLE NO. 9.1 DISTANCE FROM 3 T SUM KNOT DIAM. .z 5.9 CIRCUM- SWEEP OR CROOK DOWN FERENCE 24 RDIL Ii 8 4. O 4 .5 IQ lb Y 2/. 00 4./ ‘\ /';A(J'/dA/_~_ \ @9 ljfl' / 1 / .- _ _ are S I/ #2,, /, 7(5) (bin/955.5530” _> .. .. f0 3’ 13 Figure 3.--Testing floor layout. ILOCK AID TACKLE/r IUIVIL NOON s‘- r - ' #LL it an ' can: L... mo“- 0' WWII. 3341' MOTION”. UM. L mun or g I“? or) no" won-«T actuation ANO NONTIONTAL NOVINCNT sum I'DICATOI .E TESTING FLOOR LAYOUT 15 Figure LTun-Deflection of poles during major testing. 17 Figure 5.--Testing floor details and method of anchoring butt of poles. ...‘I: 2 4 INCHES 0.6. fl T/I'SLOT 4' I: 5 ofius IFT FLOOR SECTION “ JL M SLOTS IN noon 0 o o ° ° F ° If \a f > / 7— ' ’1 .. SADO}E’ /‘ v’ , v .. ..x r X 3/4- — : “I _ :_ _ __ ._ / _ 3::T_:,/_:7—‘:;f—‘ ANGLE ..__.- ll- 11-- _ _, fi_ .1 g _ p IIION - _ —¥ OLE M \, A .l_ O o «x KI IL I K 4' C 5.? LBS./ FT. J ”gamma LINE l' ' PLAN VIEW . U ‘ Li: X "‘ 4" I: 5.4 Low FT. IRON ”L: i” -——-—.—’—_ -— AA ~—————¥-—: FLOOR LINE/ SIDE VIEW 4' c 5.4 Low FT. . .. _ 413‘” .. noon LINE I' x If wooo END VIEW ANGLE IRON BUTT CLAMPS I' Moms 0' Moms 7 I _. W: *—I__ :35;/ , 2 NHL. 42' J I 0' I —'l P—_‘1 SADDLE TESTING FLOOR DETAILS 19 Figure 6. The load readings were made through the use of an SR-u strain indicator, connected to the load cell shown in Figures 7, 8 and 9. The loading rate and deflection readings were in accordance with the above standards. The poles were loaded until complete failure occurred. After each pole was broken, the 5’ 6" butt section and a 12" section at the break were removed, labelled, and placed in storage to keep the moisture content above thirty percent. From the butt section, the small clear Specimens were cut. From the 12" section at the break, the specific gravity was taken in accordance with ASTM procedures [2], using the volume at the testing moisture content and the weight oven dried. Figure 10. shows the way in which the specific gravity samples were taken. Calculations. - For each full size pole tested, the maximum fiber stress, in bending (modulus of rupture), was calculated at the ground line and at the position of failure. Fiber stress at the proportional limit was also calculated at the ground line and at the position of failure. The fiber stresses were calculated in accordance with ASTM D 143-52 [2] by the following formula: 2 F = T322 Pa (1) maximum fiber stress at ground line or at break, in pounds per square inch, where: F P = load at failure or at proportional limit, in pounds, a = distance from ground line or break to point of load, in inches, C = circumference of pole at the ground line or at the break, in inches. 20 re 6.--Deflection locations. Ti. .1 _o “33.”? I ‘I -_. APPLIED LOAD p ’éi // 6v 270 INCHES l 6v - OGL, actual deflection, in inches, deflection at loading point, in inches, movement of pole at ground line, in inches, movement of tip towards butt, in inches, load, in pounds, length of lever arm, in inches. k) k\ c : : "...... ' .= ‘ :* tatlons -cr reaClh: lcac an- :e-- coated outside of testing area. .1 ecticns, . :ffldwgtov.1._.1..n I . . . . . .o ... ...... ...:1 . if... r a... ; . ,3... . is... . . - _ ...: ....lm‘mp. it ....b ..USK‘WL . W Li - ‘. I c. .1. ..“! a: . g. . ... ... .: ”a 2: .fl. - o n. r- 2 c. J... .. C t. v. . . . . 5. . a. up” .. ”a S ’ ... . . 1 . . .. s. r” C .3 Z r. .. ... a . . C t. Z, .. 2 I” 5. .. .. ... .H ... a. o. _. 9 v. r, ’4 o. a a. .2 v. ... .r‘ . . c or. ... v. . ..., ... .2 2 L .1 a, 26 Figure lO.--Top: view showing location of three Specific gravity Specimens from butt and break. Bottom: end view showing location of the five Small clear Specimens. y , A SPECIFIC GRAVITY SPECIMENS SMALL CLEAR SPECIMENS RELATIVE LOCATIONS OF SPECIMENS 28 For each pole the modulus of elasticity was calculated according to the following formula: (see Figure 6.) This formula was formula: where: where: Oun3a3p “—5— <2) 3CA CBa E = modulus of elasticity, in pounds per square inch, a = actual length of lever arm, in inches, P = applied load 2 feet from tip end, in pounds, CA = circumference of pole at ground line, in inches, CB = circumference of pole at point of loading, in inches, a = actual deflection at point of loading, in inches. derived from the following ASTM Standard: D 1036-58 [1] Ha3b P (3) E : 3wL AA3B E = modulus of elasticity, in pounds per square inch, a = length from ground line to loading point, in inches, b = length from ground line to butt end, in inches, L - length between butt end and loading point (a+b=L), in inches, P ' applied load 2 feet from tip end, in pounds, A = observed deflection of a line drawn from loading point to butt end, in inches, A = radius of pole at ground line, in inches, B - radius of pole at loading point, in inches.~ 29 Figure 11. shows a load-deflection curve which was drawn in order to calculate the applied load (P) and the actual deflection (a) of the loading point. The specific strength and index of deflection for major and minor tests in both plantation and second growth poles were calculated according to the following formulae: [7] C S (in compression) = max (9) [SG] . . R S (in bending) = ---- (5) , E Index of deflection = -—--- (6) where: Cmax = maximum fiber stress in compression parallel to the grain, in pounds per Square inch, 86 = specific gravity, R = maximum fiber stress in bending (modulus of rupture), in pounds per Square inch, E = modulus of elasticity, in pounds per Square inch. The above values were calculated from the strength values of the wood with the moisture content above 30 percent (green). Minor Tests Source of Materials. - Five static bending and five compression specimens were cut from the 5'6" butt section of each pole. The moisture content of the butt was maintained above 30 percent. After cutting all Specimens were stored, completely submerged, in a solution of water and Figure ll.--}-fajor load deflection curve. LOAD IN LBS. // COO PIOMTIOIAL s, - 37.0 mm - nous 6“. o.I \. 700 s - 30.. mean DEFLECTION IN INCHES MAJOR LOAD DEFLECTION CURVE 32 anti-stain chemical. Description of Samples. - The static bending specimens were 1 inch x 0.5 inches x 16 inches. The compression specimens were 1 inch x 1 inch x u inches in accordance with the ASTM Standard: D 143-52 alternate method. [2] All Specimens, as free from defects as possible, were cut parallel to the grain and generally within three inches of the surface (see Figure 10.). The measurements of each specimen were taken before testing, along with the weight and the rate of growth. After testing, each Specimen was oven dried and reweighed for the determination of specific gravity and moisture content. The test procedure used for both static bending and compression tests followed that which is detailed in the ASTM Standard: D 143-52 B3, with the exception that in the static bending tests, the depth of the Specimens and the speed of loading were changed. The depth was shortened from 1.0 inches to 0.5 inches to avoid crushing the fibers on the surface of the specimen, where it came in contact with the loading head. Due to this change in depth, the loading Speed was increased from 0.05 inches per minute to 0.10 inches per minute, in accordance with the following ASTM Standard: D l98-27.[3] N = ———- (7) rate of motion of the moving loading head, in inches per minute, where: N z = unit rate of fiber strain (.0015 in./in./min.), in inches per inch of outer fiber length per minute, L = span between supports, in inches, d = depth (thickness) of Specimen, in inches. Loads for the bending Specimens were determined by an SR~4 type load 33 cell and were graphed by an electronic recorder. The deflection was recorded on the same graph by a Signal impulse every 0.02 inches, which produced the necessary load-deflection curve used in the calculation of modulus of elasticity in bending (see Figure 12.). Pictures of the equipment used in the bending test are displayed in Figures 13. and 14. For the compression specimens, only the maximum fiber stress (modulus of rupture) was calculated. Compression tests made use of the same load recorder as was used in the bending tests. Figure 15. shows the testing set-up for the compression samples. Calculations. - For each static bending specimen, the fiber stress at the proportional limit, the maximum fiber stress (modulus of rupture), and the modulus of elasticity were determined in accordance with the following formulae: 3PPLL FPL - 2bh2 (8) 3P L MAX FMAX = Eggg-- (9) PL3 13 = —— (10) nabh3a where: FPL II fiber stress at proportional limit, in pounds per square inch, PPL = load at proportional limit, in pounds, PMAX = maximum load, in pounds, P = applied load, in pounds, FMAX = maximum fiber stress, in pounds per square inch, B = modulus of elasticity, in pounds per square inch, 31+ L = length of span, in inches, b = width, in inches, h = height, in inches, o = deflection, in inches. For each compression Specimen, the maximum fiber stress (modulus of rupture) was calculated according to the following formula: FMAX = 2?? (11) where: F = maximum fiber stress in compression, in pounds MAX per square inch, P = maximum load, in pounds, b = width, in inches, h = height, in inches. Figure l2.--Charts from electronic recorder which was attached to load cells in minor tests. IN LOS. LOAD IN LBS. LOA O MINOR .. A l“ ..... _ I V ,1 7 - I b .. -7... ..-. . _ - ——_<_7+__L— --a-, 'V“fl mm; 'uonnou 'OILVIOdUODNI SMII‘O'LSNI IVDJ. No DEFLECTION READINGS wane TAKEN COMPRESSION N I . I ‘ I ' I o I 1.. , , tumor. or .mu ~_ - __ I I ‘ I I “7— . v ‘— ———— ¢ . ... _ i . PBOPDRTIONAL LIMIT It; ‘ ¥ . 34. 0 LBS\ ‘ i 0. 02 IN. .' -4, h ,g ' i I g . w .— — a -’ N. . L y I i I l g I I , . . , I ' ’ ._ I I i ___L:. -___ --___-__.;__-__:_, _ ..__-_.-;-_---..- ___ .- ,1; __ ,-_, .-___ —___.-_ ‘Vl‘fl I" DOV. I'M “VH3 “Tl 'IVXIL 'NOL‘I'IOM 'OILWOOUODNI SININOULCNI svm DEFLECTION UNITS = 0.02 INCHES STATIC BENDING LOAD DEFLECTION CURVES Figure 13.--Minor static bending loading equipment. Fiflure lu.--Minor static bending and compression load and deflection recording equipment. Figure 15.--Minor compression loading equipmento TEST RESULTS The results of major and minor tests are presented in detail in Tables 3 through 12. Major Tests In the major tests, the first visible sign of failure was the appearance of localized compression failures across the fibers of the compression face at the knot whorls. This failure was generally followed by splintering of fibers on the tension face. Even though wrinkles on the compression face occurred early, at about one-third of maximum load, the appearance of tension failure occurred just before total failure of the pole. Of the 32 plantation poles tested, 13 failed at, or very near, knot whorls, which included all nine of the brash failures. The second growth poles showed only eight failures that appeared to be affected by knot whorls, which included all four of the brash failures. Figures 16, 17, 18 and 19 Show typical failures. Only 30.5 percent of the poles tested appeared to be affected by the presence of knots and other defects. These were the poles which failed at knot whorls. Thirteen of the poles tested showed a brash failure. These 13 were among the same poles that were affected by knots. Brash failures constituted 20.3 percent of all the failures. Most failures occurred in the middle half of the pole. The average sum of knot diameters larger than 0.5 inches, for this area, was 36.6 inches for plantation poles and 33.8 inches for second growth poles. 39 1+0 Figure 16.--Major tests, compression failure. Figure l7.--Major tests, tension failure. n+2 Figure 18.--Major tests, brash failures. Figure 19.--Major tests, typical failure. an The average maximum fiber stress for plantation grown poles was #800 psi and for second growth was 4920 psi. The average maximum fiber stress for plantation and second growth poles combined was 4860 psi, which is 1740 below the fiber stress given by the American Standards Associations' Specification and Dimensions for Wood Poles, ASA Designation: 05.1-1963 [u] for red pine poles. The average modulus of elasticity for plantation poles was found to be 842,000 psi and for second growth poles 873,000 psi. Minor Tests The average maximum fiber stress for the bending specimens from the plantation poles was 4730 psi, compared to 5410 psi for the second growth poles. The average modulus of elasticity for the bending Specimens from the plantation poles was 916,000 psi, while for the second growth bending specimens it was 1,113,000 psi. The specific gravity of these specimens for plantation and second growth poles was .356 and .370 respectively. The results of the compression test gave an average maximum fiber stress in compression for the plantation specimens of 1980 psi and 2105 psi for the second growth Specimens. The bending specimens failed most often on the compression face. Less than 10 percent of the specimens showed any failure on the tension face. The compression specimens often failed in a manner described in the ASTM [2] as brooming. This was due, in part, to the high moisture content under which the tests were run. The specific strength and index of deflection values for major and minor tests are given in Table 2. 45 was.» oma.m oma.m moa.o moa.a oma.o oooa x consumamma no xoaaH omm.m In cam.m nu 0:3.m In A.Qsoov npmcoapw owMflomom om:.o~ ooo.:m ooo.o~ ooo.m~ A.ecoav apwamppm onmwomam Lona: a 90mm: nos“: 90mm: noowz pommz pmoe Awmav wmmno>< Awmav :p3onw ocooom Awwav cowumucmam coauomammo Mo xwvcw cam :pmcmauw owmmomomul.~ mqmc mpw>mpw ofiwwooom .. pop cop poop .popo oz u- cop u- mop p poopooo opopopoz .. us poopopppo co oco mcpu cop coop poo oooppo poopp soapxoz "choomzczcc .. u- pcooopppo cm opc. coo. omc. com. zoo .pz .poop .po>c >pw>mpw owmwooom .. oop cop poop .popo oz .. cop u- cop o poopooo opspopoz mom -- poooopppo ooopo>< c:c cppp mop opo poo cccp zppoppoopo po ocpoooz poo :. pcooopppo owooo>< coo cp:m opo coo: poo oooopo poopp eoepxoz ”mozpz .. o.oo cop poop .popo oz -u c.po .. mo .opz omo opoc op.o .pppo .ompo oz cc.o ::.o co.oc .oz ppm: oopooo up opocz op.:p oo.:o .pppo .oopo oz cc.op mc.cp oo.oo .oz opoc opppoo op opooz an mm:p coo poop .popo oz u- c::p u- :o:p poo coop opoEpppc opc. :oo. .pppo .cmpo oz coo. ooc. opc. coo. zoo .p: .poop .po>c mpw>mpm owmmooam .. opp cop poop .popo oz n- opp .. cop o poopooo ooopopoz o.ocp m.omc .pppo .oopo oz o.cmp coo o.oo m:o poo cccp zppoppoopo po oopsooz moo coo: .pppo .ompo oz mo: coo: oco cpo: poo zoopo po mwoppm nonwm Esewxmz om: coo: .pppo .ompo oz :p: coo: pom coo: poo oopp oooopm po mwoppm pmnpm ESwam: “moccz am mmmnm>< Ho>op mo. am owmpw>< om ommpo>< wpwcs mummy ooopoeoo po pomopppompo zpzopo oooooo ooppopoopc mpasmon poop mo hmeEsm In.m mqmce u7 po :p o: : o.oo o.op o.oo o.o cm-o po op oo o o.o: o.po o.oo p.o opuo oo co oo cp o.oo o.oo o.oo c.c opuo oo op p: op p.po o.o: p.o op-o oo up so op o.oo p.oo o.o: o.op opuo co op oo :o o.oo o.oo o.p: o.op opno co op o: o p.oo o.oo o.o: o.o :p-o oo cc oo o o.oo o.oo o.o op-o :o op oo o o.oo o.oo o.oo o.o opuo :o op oo o :.oo p.oo :.oo o.o ppuo as mm c: op o.oo :.oo o.p: c.c cpno co op oo o o.po o.oo o.oo o.p o-o :: op on c p.o: o.oo :.op c.c o-o :o co :o co p.oo o.oo o.p: o.op o-o oo op oo pp o.oo o.op o.oo o.o o-o No pm pm :p o.oo p.oo p.oo o.op o-o op co m: :p o.oo o.op o.oo o.o :-o po op oo op o.oo :.op o.p: o.o o-o oo op oo op o.oo o.oo o.oo o.o o-o oo op o: cp p.oo o.oo :.o: p.o puo popop :\p ooooc «\p opoopz :\p oozop popop :\p poocc «\p opoopz :\p oozop .oz opoo :« mpocx mo nonssz cw mpocx mo poposmwo mo Esm wpocx mo popes: mam ouwm .czopw cowpmpcmamuu.z mpmo wpocx mo ouwm pocx ommpo>< co op :: o o.oo o.oo o.o: o.o mono co co o: :p o.:c o.op o.o: o.o poso :: op on : o.oo o.op o.op :.o cono po :o o: op :.oo o.oo p.o: o.:p oouo po op o: :p p.oo o.oo o.o: o.o oo-o oo op oo o o.oo o.oo :.oo o.: sono oo op :o op o.oo o.po o.oo o.pp oouo oo op p: cp o.oo o.op p.p: o.o oo-o :o op o: op o.oo o.oo o.oo o.:p :ouo oo op :o o o.oo o.:o o.po o.o oouo :o op oo o o.oo o.po c.:o o.: mono po op oo : o.oo o.:o o.oo :.o pouo popop :\p poooc «\p opoopz :\p pozop popop :\p poooc o\p opoopz :\p oozop .oz opoo 5 mpocx mo .3852 E.” wpocvp opo popoempo "p0 sum wmscwpcooui .: Hump; us po co oo o o.o: p.op cmoo I I oo co oo :p o.oo o.oo o.oo M.M opuo 0: ma mm N N.H mle mm mp mm op o.o: o.op 0.: “Mum mo Hm hm m m.Hm m.mH ®.bN :.m mdlw hm 0H om m N.b: N.hH .©.JN :.m :Htm ob NN m: HH m.hN o.m mfllm om op :: o o.op p.: mdtm mm mm o: b H.H: m.© HHIm mm mm mm b m.mN m.m oatm mm mm mm ma m.oo H.wm o.m mlm oo pm oo :p :.oo ~.:o o.p: o.o o-o om Hm mm H m.o: m.mH m.HN m. him mm mm o: o 0.05 «.3 mam me ha. 1m HH h.®m m.m.~. 0.5 mlm Hm ha H: m o.mH o.m :Im hm Hm H: m Hobo m.mN m.O+. m.m mam mm ma mm 5H m.m: Nlm mm mm m: hm Homm m.HN 0.94 meow Him HMHOH :\H 90mm: «\H macaw: :\H 90304 HmHOB :\H hwaab N\H mavvwz :\H hmxoq .oz mach ow wpocx Mo ponezz cw mpocx mo pmpoemwn Mo sum mpocx mo popes: com owwm ospzopw ccoommu|.m mqmga 50 .monocp mmm.o no m.o po>o mpocx p0 onwm ommpo><« oo.oo o.oo o.oo p.cp «o.oo p.oo o.oo op.o oooopo>< po op oo o p.oo o.op o.po o.o oouo co oo oo o p.oo o.po o.oo o.o mono co on :: : :.po o.:o o.oo o.o pogo :o oo co o o.oo o.oo o.oo c.: couo o: op po o o.o: o.op o.oo o.p oouo oo :o p: op o.oo o.po o.o: :.op oouo oo oo oo oo o.oo p.oo o.po p.cp couo oo oo co om o.oo o.oo o.o: o.op oo-o so op oo pp :.oo o.op o.oo p.o oouo co op po o o.o: o.:o o.p :o-o :o oo o: pp o.oo p.:o o.:o o.o oouo oo po oo op p.oo o.oo o.oo o.pp mono oo oo o: op o.po o.oo m.:: o.op pono popop :\p poooc «\p opoopz :\p pozop popop o\p ooocc o\p opoopz :\p pozop .oz opoo cw muocx mo poassz no mpocx mo pmpoemwn mo Esm oozoppooo--.o Boa. 51 TABLE 6.--Plantation grown pole information k *Volume at test, weight at oven dry. Age Rings Specific Gravity Moisture Content Pole Pole of Outer Sap 8 Heartwood* Distance From Butt No. Class Pole 2 in. Bfitt Break‘ 2" ’T15' 281 Ave. P-l 6 52 21 .398 .339 100.6 110.9 134.4 115.3 P-2 6 52 21 .344 .317 83.7 71.4 136.4 97.1 P-3 6 52 21 .342 .338 None was taken P-4 6 52 19 .394 .357 127.5 141.6 162.3 143.8 P-S 7 52 19 .428 .350 91.7 133.6 103.8 109.7 P-6 5 52 19 .384 .354 106.0 116.2 179.4 133.8 P-7 6 52 19 .394 .350 156.3 133.8 64.3 118.1 P-8 5 52 19 .397* .368 93.7 150.1 136.2 126.2 P-9 5 52 19 .416 .349 84.0 135.8 98.4 106.0 P-10 5 52 19 .386 .349 145.2 108.1 110.7 121.3 P-11 6 52 21 .378 .357 133.5 149.3 119.0 133.9 P-12 6 52 21 .388 .337 127.6 129.1 162.0 139.5 P-13 5 52 21 .416 .374 108.6 114.8 132.2 118.5 P-14 6 -- -- .423 .356 131.9 134.0 161.9 142.6 P-15 5 52 21 .378 .344 113.3 163.3 158.2 144.9 P-16 6 52 18 .375 .335 135.2 133.2 106.5 124.9 P-17 6 52 18 .391 .332 120.7 92.4 92.5 101.8 P-18 5 52 18 .366 .350 100.9 116.8 118.5 112.0 P-19 6 52 20 .395 .413 106.2 105.9 92.0 101.3 P-20 6 52 20 .382 .339 132.1 137.0 125.5 131.5 P-21 5 52 20 .388 .365 111.4 112.7 150.0 124.7 P-22 6 52 20 .410 .361 135.0 117.5 156.2 136.2 P-23 5 52 20 .418 .384 113.6 123.5 134.7 123.9 P-24 7 52 20 .351 .332 160.2 133.3 125.3 139.6 P-25 5 52 20 .399 .356 98.4 112.5 117.4 109.4 P-26 5 52 20 .408 .360 133.0 146.1 142.6 140.5 P-27 6 52 2o -- .327 113.9 117.8 129.4 120.3 P-28 5 52 20 .400 .355 90.4 108.8 102.4 100.5 P729 7 52 20 .382 .332 -- -- -- -- P-30 7 52 20 .427 .370 85.9 107.1 125.4 106.1 P-31 6 52 18 .411 .344 85.3 77.5 130.7 97.8 P732 7 52 18 .368 .325 84.3 161.3 170.6 138.7 . Average 52 19.7 .392 .359 111.6 123.1 129.2 121.9 TABLE 6 . --Cont inued 52 Circumference (inches) Sapwood Summer Wood Depth Area Butt G.Line Break T0p In. % Butt Break 32.75 28.8 26.8 20.25 3 84 32% 26% 29.50 27.6 23.75 18.0 3 86.4 37% 22% 30.25 29.5 28.8 19.25 2.75 84.9 36% 30% 29.67 28.0 27.2 19.75 2.75 89.9 35% 27% 29.75 26.6 27.0 18.00 3.62 85.9 35% 25% 34.0 30.5 29.5 20.5 3 83.9 35% 30% 29.5 28.1 27.25 18.0 3.5 93.0 32% 32% 33.5 30.2 29.0 21.00 4.25 94.8 Miss. 30% 31.5 29.6 28.4 20.25 3.5 93.0 35% 26% 31.0 29.6 27.8 19.5 3.1 88.2 37% 37% 30.5 28.9 28.5 20.0 3.5 91.0 31% 27% 32.75 28.8 28.5 20.75 3.0 91.3 34% 27% 33.75 29.2 28.8 21.25 3.25 87.7 35% 34% 29.25 28.7 26.4 20.0 3 88.8 40% 27% 29.75 29.2 28.4 19.0 3.4 90.6 32% 30% 31.0 29 28 19.50 3.25 88.8 31% 22% 29.0 27.1 25.8 18.25 3.125 90.7 31% 30% 33.0 29.5 29.0 21.5 3.250 89.9 31% 22% 30.5 27.8 27.5 19.00 3.250 92.2 42% 34% 29.5 28.3 27.5 20.25 3.250 89.9 31% 27% 3” 30.4 29.4 22.08 4.000 92.5 32% 27% 32.5 28.6 27.6 20.75 3.250 89.9 30% 34% 34.5 29.0 28.1 21.50 3.250 93.1 36% 32% 30.5 29.0 28.6 15.00 3.250 87.7 27% 26% 34.3 30.8 30.5 21.75 3.750 91.8 47% 17% 30.2 29.0 27.7 19.50 3.250 87.7 34% 29% 33.5 29.8 28.9 18.25 4.000 96.0 -- 20% 32.5 29.4 28.8 21.25 3.500 88.9 35% 31% 28.50 27.3 26.8 16.00 3.000 88.9 29% 27% 30.5 28.6 26.6 20.50 3.250 92.2 -- 34% 29.5 28.1 27.6 19.50 3.500 93.0 32% 45% 29.0 27.0 26.5 16.75 3.125 90.7 34% 25% 34.2 28.8 27.8 19.6 3.308 89.9 34% 28.5% 53 TABLE 7.--Second growth pole information Age Rings Specific Gravity Moisture Content Pole Pole of Outer Sap 8 Heartwood* Distance From Butt No. Class Pole 2 in. Butf' Break 21" 15' 28T' AVe. 5-1 9 57 23 .359 .332 126.9 154.7 150.0 143.8 5-2 5 57 23 .398 .373 92.0 75.6 140.0 102.5 5-3 5 57 23 .419 .367 100.0 138.8 156.6 131.8 5-4 6 57 23 .392 .351 111.2 121.7 140.7 124.5 5-5 6 57 23 .401 .376 112.4 140.9 135.9 129.7 5-6 6 61 22 .396 .363 120.1 138.7 175.9 144.9 5-7 5 61 23 .431 .396 84.4 80.8 90.4 85.2 5-8 5 61 22 .378 .341 110.5 108.4 152.4 123.7 5-9 5 61 22 .389 .402 76.1 91.1 131.4 99.5 5-10 6 61 22 .385 .344 109.1 126.1 125.6 120.2 8-11 5 62 24 .388=’~' .379 88.4 113.0 154.6 118.6 5-12 6 62 24 .403 .381 74.6 89.9 91.2 85.2 3-13 5 62 24 .414 .362 106.1 124.5 136.8 122.4 5-14 6 62 24 .377 .360 82.4 92.5 100.7 91.8 5-15 6 62 24 .382 .351 112.5 142.6 129.2 128.1 5'15 7 59 21+ .392 .376 86.4 120.3 121.5 109.4 5'17 5 59 24 .369 .365 113.7 120.6 143.8 126.0 S-18 7 59 24 .393 .370 94.1 125.3 147.1 122.1 :33 6 59 24 .375 .376 112.2 146.7 160.0 139.6 8:21 2 69 b r o k e d u r i n g u n l o a d i n g 18 .366 .337 77.8 146.8 155.1 126.5 3'32 6 69 19 -”07 M i s s i n g 5:23 2 g: 19 .394 .370 82.8 40.0 111.2 78.0 5-25 6 69 19 .435 .404 107.4 113.7 140.2 120.4 S-26 7 60 i9 .361 .357 101.5 110.8 103.5 105.2 5-27 6 60 1: .367 .323 132.4 110.9 155.2 132.8 $28 6 60 18 '33” .337 122.0 131.2 105.6 119.6 5-29 5 60 18 '46 .330 106.2 100.0 134.6 113.6 5-30 6 60 18 .411 .351 125.2 129.2 162.4 138.9 5-31 5 60 21 - 21* .373 124.4 137.2 167.0 142.8 5-32 6 6o 21 'fifi," .361 107.4 109.5 93.6 103.5 5-33 5 60 21 .413 o36u 113.7 117.9 129.5 120.3 ° .363 M i s s i n g Avera 8‘3 61.3 21.5 .3944 .3624 103.7 116.6 134.7 118-3 *Volume at test and weight at oven dry TABLE 7.--Continued 59 Circumference (inches) Sapwood Summer Wood Depth Area Butt G.Line Break TOp In. % Butt Break 27.25 25.8 25.2 19.75 3 88.8 37% 32% 31.25 29.2 28.0 19.00 3.5 90.9 37% 31% 33.5 31.3 30.1 21.75 4 92.2 40% 27% 36.0 29.3 27.7 18.25 5.9 95.2 31% 27% 30.75 28.7 28.3 20.25 9.25 88.9 37% 35% 39.0 29.8 29.6 20.75 3.9 92.2 37% 39% 35.0 3l.6 30.0 22.0 9.1 92.8 35% 31% 32.25 30.3 30.0 19.5 3.5 86.7 29% 30% 33.25 30.9 28.8 22.75 3.25 87.7 92% 35% 30.0 28.8 28.8 19.5 3.25 87.7 31% 30% 32.5 29.5 28.3 21.25 3.25 89.9 32% 95% 31.75 28.3 27.6 20.50 2.25 89.9 32% 27% 31.75 29.6 29.1 20.25 9.0 92.5 92% 32% 29.5 27.9 26.5 19.50 3.75 91.8 92% 32% 31.25 27.8 27.3 20.50 3.75 93.7 39% 22% 27.0 25.5 25.1 18.0 2.8 88.1 32% 25% 32.0 27.1 26.1 21.25 3.5 93.0 37% 37% 28.0 26.6 26.2 18.5 3.9 91.6 32% 30% 29.5 27.8 27.1 19.75 3.75 93.7 32% 31% 31.5 29.6 27.8 20.00 3.12 85.9 33% 22% 30.25 28.3 27.9 18.25 3.50 87.9 27% -- 29.00 28.9 28.2 20.25 3.25 91.8 32% -- 33.25 29.3 28.7 22.00 3.25 85.9 35% 92% 31.50 28.5 28.20 19.50 3.00 88.8 396 33% 29.00 27.3 29.0 16.50 3.50 90.9 31% 22; 30.75 28.8 28.5 18.5 3.25 85.9 323 36; 29.75 28.2 26.0 17.50 3.12 89.9 37: 35: 39.25 31.0 30.8 21.00 3.50 90.9 306 33: 31.50 27.6 26.8 17.25 9.00 96.0 31% 32; 33.00 29.7 28.0 21.00 3.50 90.0 31: 29: 29.25 27.1 27.1 17.50 3.25 89.9 55: 32: 33.00 30.5 30.3 22.00 3.50 90.9 37o 310 31.33 28.7 27.0 19.7 3.51 90.9 35% 31% 55 TABLE 8.--P1antation growth major test results Maximum Fiber Stress Pole Pole Ultimate Load Ground—Line Break No. Class Lbs. Psi Psi P-l 6 1120 3820 3420 P-2 6 1090 4380 5380 P-3 5 1510 4550 4310 P-9 6 1500 5650 5150 P-S 7 1075 4800 4150 P-6 5 1510 4270 4402 P-7 6 1100 4040 4130 P-8 5 1620 4840 4280 P-9 5 1450 4640 4580 P-10 5 1550 4900 4860 P-11 6 1600 5530 5330 P-12 6 1350 4680 4340 P-13 5 1610 5210 5080 P-14 6 1550 5200 4790 P-15 5 1700 5210 5120 P-16 6 1390 4670 4850 P'17 5 1190 4960 4080 P-18 5 1350 4410 4280 P'19 5 1180 4570 4590 P'20 5 1380 4980 4700 P-21 5 1780 5220 4860 P-22 6 1380 4870 5420 P'23 5 1590 5360 4950 5'2“ 7 1380 4570 4350 P'25 5 1600 4500 4190 P‘26 5 1550 4800 4590 P'27 6 1300 3950 3730 5:2: 3 1500 4830 4690 9-30 7 1130 4440 4210 P-31 6 1350 5770 5000 p-32 1500 5540 5310 7 1080 4550 4270 Average 150” 4800 4610 Standard Dev1ation -- 501 538 56 TABLE 8.--Continued Fiber Stress at Pro. Mod. of Position of Break Limit (psi) Blast., From Ground Line, GrounduLine Break 1000 psi Inches Type of Break 2500 2260 660 70 C 6 T* 3090 3890 785 139 T at whorl (brash) 2900 2780 660 29 C 3870 3990 787 95 C 6 T 3580 3090 899 25 C 6 T at whorl 3032 3150 669 16 C 8 T at whorl 2600 2660 830 18 T at whorl (brash) 2980 2990 889 29 C 6 T 3380 3390 856 39 C 3980 3980 860 96 C 8 T at whorl 3270 3160 918 20 C 6 T at whorl (brash) 3200 2910 766 35 C 6 T 3960 3380 708 17 C 6 T 3290 3070 963 73 C 6 T 2920 2910 959 23 C 6 T 2950 2990 898 27 T at whorl (brash) 3560 2990 880 76 T at whorl (brash) 2830 2750 831 18 C 6 T 2950 2990 897 15 C 6 T 3290 3080 859 35 C 8 T at whorl (brash) 2930 2690 1000 95 C 5 T 2770 2760 719 29 C 6 T 3020 2370 995 77 C 6 T 3130 2990 778 29 C 8 T at whorl (brash) 2770 2530 798 30 C 8 T 2350 2750 895 99 C 8 T at whorl (brash) 2340 2220 780 36 g 2 g u 21 2763 22:3 529 26 C 8 T at whorl (brash) 3760 3330 1012 36 C 6 T 3650 3510 963 29 C 6 T 2862 2690 916 30 C 8 T at whorl 3080 2960 842 37.6 -- -- 98.5 -' *C = Compression failure; T = Tension failure 57 TABLE 9.-—Second growth major test results Maximum Fiber Stress Pole Pole Ultimate Load Ground Line Break No. Class Lbs. Psi Psi 5-1 9 900 4240 4200 5-2 5 1420 4470 4700 5-3 5 1760 4800 4280 5-4 6 1680 5140 4823 5-5 6 1550 5510 5480 S-6 6 1680 5200 5020 5-7 5 2130 5440 5900 5-8 5 1600 4740 4530 5-9 5 1750 4990 4690 5-10 6 1500 4960 4956 5-11 5 1700 5280 5130 5-12 6 1400 5110 4960 5-13 5 1600 5020 4960 5-15 6 1300 5130 5000 5-15 6 1150 4460 4352 5'16 7 1000 5040 5000 5'17 5 1350 5680 5210 5-15 7 1200 5104 4580 5’19 5 1360 5200 5160 §:§g g o l e b r o k d u r i n g 1111 1 o a d i n g 1250 4010 4070 5'22 6 1250 4330 4500 3'23 5 1550 5050 5000 5:25 2 1600 5090 5090 S-26 7 1500 4880 4720 5-27 6 980 4020 3360 S-28 6 1575 5040 4800 5-29 5 $330 4480 4010 3-30 6 1453 4860 4720 3-31 5 1520 5990 5950 3-32 6 1200 9790 9560 3-33 5 165 4958 4960 0 4840 4710 Average Standard Deviation 1990 9920 ”780 ‘“ 414 475 58 TABLE 9.--Continued Fiber Stress at Pro. Mod. of Position of Break Limit (psi) Blast., From Ground Line, Ground’Line Break 1000 psi Inches Type of Break Compression failure; T Tension failure 2060 2050 871 11 c 6 T* 2510 2320 714 49 c 6 T 2620 2340 773 48 c 8 T at whorl 3200 2540 769 88 c 6 T 3560 3400 1099 12 c 6 T at whorl 3890 3730 698 14 c 6 T 3710 4180 913 9 c 6 T 2950 2820 1056 20 c 6 T 2530 2680 870 26 c 6 T 2620 2620 1160 0 T at whorl (brash) 2710 2660 918 36 c 6 T 4290 4370 700 14 c 6 T 3950 3680 916 9 C at whorl 2710 2650 911 24 c 6 T 2570 2510 846 20 c 6 T 3110 3120 958 20 c 8 T at whorl 4130 3790 912 43 c 8 T 2930 2800 1049 24 c 8 T 3190 3220 996 18 c 8 T f r o m t r u c 2320 2370 872 92 T at whorl (brash) 2930 2490 873 12 c 6 T 2840 2820 1048 6 C 8 T 3670 2670 787 24 c 2740 2670 823 16 c 6 T (brash) 2993 2480 747 114 T (brash) 3080 2940 910 20 c 6 T 3900 3080 920 78 C 8 T at whorl 2840 2760 721 12 c 6 T 3450 3440 869 23 c 6 T 2810 2680 766 39 c 6 T 3100 3100 743 1 c 6 T 2920 2840 826 12 c 6 T at whorl 3040 2960 873 27.8 -- -- 120 -- 59 m3oa 0mm: comm mm m ooa 0mm. omum bio omw: oaam mm m pm «0:. manm oopo «coo: «c:op co o oop :oo. opno oopp oopo cpoo oo cp -- .. opno o:o ooo: cooo po pp oop ooo. opno «mama «oamm «comm mm 0H :oa wmm. malm oocp cooo cooo oo op :op ooo. :puo m1HH 02mm omom mm Hp :mH mo:. main poo cooo cp:o oo o oop ooo. op-o omm can: o:mm mm m amp mmm. Halm oocp ooo: cc:o oo o u- u: cp:o «mad comm omou Hm m pod mmm. mum ooo ooo: oo:o op o pop ooo. o-o opo cop: oopo oo o oop ooo. o-o Hmm OHm: 05mm mm m II II 00% oocp ooo: cpoo op o pop ooo. o-o poo cooo cooo oo o pop ooo. :-o coo oop: cooo po o oop opo. o-o ooo coo: c:oo po op u- :1 o-o oo: cooo coop oo op oop ::o. p-o poo oocp Apooo ppooo zoo ooo: oocp zoo poop pooo oo>o poopoz .oz ..pmwam Am mo .nozv ppEwp .opm poeasm pom pm poopcoo .pmmp pm .Hm>v opom MO .82 wmwhvm ...—wasp...“ Hm mwgpm mmcwm whdvmwox ~335th OHMHUKm Esemmmz . . . wcwocom owHMpm mcwccon owpmpm mo mpazwmp ommpo>m .mpwop poems I c:opm coppmpcmamll.OHomqmm cw com: #02 « co co oo oo oo oo oo u z oop opo ooo .. cu u- ooo. .ooo opoosopo opo coo: cooo :o o.o oop ooo. ooopo>< oocp oopo c:oo op o oop :oo. oouo :ccp cooo cooo oo o u- .. po-o ooop cpoo cooo oo op oop poo. oouo ooo co:: cooo oo o o:p ooo. oouo :po cooo oopo co o :op ooo. oouo oopp cooo cooo oo op o:p :oo. oouo ooo ooo: oopo po o oop ooo. ooTo ooo ooo: coop oo o oop ooo. oono :oo c:o: cpoo oo o poo :oo. oono coop cp:o coop oo o n- u- oouo ooo cooo coop oo op oop ooo. oouo ooo ooo: oopo oo op oop ooo. pogo poo ooop Apooo Apooc poo ooo: poop zoo poop zooo sooo psopoz .oz ..poopo pm oo .oozo ppEpp .ooo posgso ooo pm poopooo .poop po .po>c opoo Mo .ooz mwoppm prawn pm mmonpm mmowm onspmooz >pw>mpw oomwommm soopooz o:poeoo oppopo vmscwpcooll.0H mqmo vnmpmz .oz ..pwwpm pm we .cozv ppEpp .onm poesom pom pm ucopcoo .pmop pm .po>v opom mo .coz mmoppm ponpm um mmopwm mmcpm opzpmpo: app>mpw Upwpooom asapxmz wapccom oppmpm mcpccmn uppmpm mo mppsmop ommpo>m .mpmop poops a cp:opm c:ooomuu.pp mpmm up cows #02 « mm mm mm mm mm mm mm u z c:m omo ooo II II II opo. .>oo ppmocmpw oppp cp:o c:oo oo o.o cop coo . ooopooo 030p cpmm cmmm mm pp cpp pom . mmIm mmmp ommm comm mm o cop pmm . mmIm «oopp «cicm «comm mm m mmp bmm . mem poop comm comm mm m mmp ohm . chm mmpp comm comm om o mmp mom . chm pmpp comm ccim mm op II II mmIm mom cooo ooop op o oop :oo . omIm m:m com: comm . mm op II II mmIm com cmpm cmmm :m cp II II mmIm wimp comm cocm mm m II II :me mmmp omom comm :m op mmp mom . mmIm mppp comm comm mm mp II II mmIm poo oocp ppooc ppooc poo ooo; ooop poo poop zopo so>o poopo: .oz ..pmMpm Am mo .cozv ppspp .oom pmeszm pom pm poopcoo .pmop pm .po>v upom mo .co: wmoppm ponpm pm mmmppm mm:pm opopwpoz mpp>mpw owmwooom EDprmz oapocoo oppopo woZEMHCOUIlopH mqm