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""§gg 'w"‘4 .I' . I. S —-\. i O ,O a -< I at: Magi? 1"? ‘7}. g .' “‘7‘. 1"“),il‘fi .wto—Ir. M #5de -I¢s~ ‘3 .“3 f4.-;..4 ‘, . .. 9h." ‘ I‘ Q :C.' (. .‘ .fi' . . = 7’ ‘ '- - ~ 14;? ‘9§{5&GL¢§'£~& .;.-.‘..°I1|‘9 1 V “I4WV ?’- . ' :‘r 3’; 4.7 fi‘kfififfi- Jim ‘ ”:0‘, ‘\~5R~)K ‘ ‘ -' - . 4 -QCIJ‘Q’ :3?" :f. '. _' :33:‘:‘ .{. q -. 59‘5“ «4:43 . ~ . f_5- -““"‘V O. . ---- ,5 .145»; .J?‘:‘. m¢wu {A .9- :‘IxE‘4':1..:aA-’;. .1--§J(;:s-"q““hu‘nl 4. '.'._Q_ ~ .13 T” ‘03.". 2' ‘ ' 32% "’"° 3&3: '- at V.“ J ""IIJ “Kl“- :""_ ~ ' ”J,“ 4 - . In ,. _ 3.1;” ‘ f‘ I' I ( i“ ‘ ‘ . '€ “'3' . r “ z‘;.‘." I .I ‘B. 'lw“ '0'... ".l ...:'. __ .) .3 «*9kv‘“ ‘ g, "‘4’”. . ’w. . . ~:!i“ .4 ' ' ,-§‘..,s '. . ". «"II' ‘ - .N III, ':.’I J 0‘ .a O 4;. .i 7‘“ "a5 ...., . r. szIO 0 .‘_ i2 '4 $0 .q- 1’ . 3". .< - ‘lIf {43' . .-'_ '- '_."": 4 . n 11"..." '4. f. EpPPLEMENT?E"’ MATE: H 535%. éH BACK OF 80 J'“* in"... 39‘s. ,~. .- ' ': bf’A 1.. . m. r: . .' nIIlrrrrrrrrrrjrjgrrrrrmr # PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. MDESIGIOPASPWOMED ”R m EAST LANSING SEWAGE TREATWT PLANT A than Submitted to m Faulty of HIOHIGAH STATE GOLLEGE Of mzmm AND APPLIED SCIENCE ' .I Z" r} 1. Arthur 1;." men Oandidnto for the Dome of Buholor of Satan“ Juno, 1930 THEbIS 103800 GONTENTS Mm: mmuh mtor Bod: 1n com-1 Monsignor: 003011131011 Mutton! Bibliography Drums: AOHOWW I um to emu: my gratitude to P. R. Thu-m for tho “no." um” and guidance he has 01150114“ to no concerning thin problu. Arthur L. smith. 1. MODUGTIOI m city of East Lmeing, niehigen he: a eenge treet- lent plant, located west of Hmieon Road near the south hunt er the Red Cedar River. The plant eeneiete or e. ming etntion, Imhoff tanks, and sludge b'odl'. It in deeired to present the design of euitebie addition-1 treetment works to eeeemodnte the effluent true the recent plant. The addition-t1 work. ere to emiet of tvin doling ten}: feeding to Ieperete nouled Cpl-inkling filter beds and e secondary eettling tank. The final effluent ie to be discharged into the Red cedar River. FIL'PI‘IR III-IDS m GTEKIRAL A twinkling filter bed my be deeoribed on being on Mirioiel bed of broken atone on eleg, retained within nlle and e ernooth vetorticmt mm. The floor ie thoroughly drained. The treated sewage in ope-eyed intern nittently but uniformly one possible over the entire eurfeoe of the bed. in the treated sewage ie applied to the bed en weenie film pedmlly forms on the filter media where bacteria thrive. The enepended matter in the eenge'olinge to the erg-n10 Getting: and lo turned into more, etable cub-tame: by the beeterie. ' Ihie type of filter bed undergo" periodioel unload- ing of the organic material in the bed. Due to thie, it in neeeeeary to give the bed effluent e eeoondery eettling to clerify and remove the oottloeble eolide. The eolide from the bed effluent may be retm'ned to the preliminary treetz-uent tank for digeetiom. The liquid m be turned into e nearby stream or body of voter. Thi- treatment with preliminary end finel eedimente- tion hoe been able to produce on effluent not subject to putrefootion, lee in booteriel ommt end well Clarified in eppeoreme. Effluente have been poodueed Ming over 90,! reduction of bacteria and 80 to 8575 reduction of the bioohomieel oxygen demand of rev emce. 5. Sprinkling filter: efford e comparatively oheep nethed of producing e eteble effluent. They ere inexpen- eive to operate and eeldom give trouble. The bode being eeeembled of concrete, atone, tile, end cast iron eneuree the bed ee being permanent and free from exoeeeive min- tenenee. --¢~~.-- I od"-F‘--~-”u I ‘ l. 'r I .Iv4qt‘ jli . w i l v . III . . . . l 4 . .. W m .. . 1.16. .‘-‘-I‘ *II- . . i v .. ‘ 4. MMATIOI Before attempting any design it is necessary to knot the conditions that have to be met and dealt with. To design a treatment plant to serve the present Inhoff tank effluent it is necessary to know the amount of sewage the tank is capable of treating. I computed the tank capacity using nominal design units of two hours detention period, tvo cubic feet of sludge storage per capita, effective channel length, and one hundred gallons of sewage per capita per tventy-four hours. I found the tank to be capable of serving ten thoneand people vithout overloading. As a hirthcr check I have taken results of a twenty- fourhaur gaging of the East Lansing sever. This is compiled in ”10 “0ng curve. Computations from this curve show the tank to be treating slightly under one million gallons of sewage per twenty-four hours. The final effluent is to be discharged into the Red Cedar River. It is desirable to try to keep the bottom of the filter bed above the high stages of river flow and to avoid additional pumping. However, there is no .particulnr‘harm in allowing the river to :11]. the lever _ section of the bed for brief and occasional periods vhen the river is at an unusually high “38°- ! referred to Volume XXVI of the Daily Stages of Principal Rivers of the United States for data concerning 5. 1 the Red Cedar River. I obtained the following: Flood stage of the river .. elev. 829.80 31811003 ' ' ' ' ' 835 .70 Bank Full” " " " " 827 .80 WCt ' ' ' I! ' 822.40 The flood stage of the river is reached during the spring months and periods of excessive rainfall. com- paring these elevations with the elevation of the Inhoff tank effluent which is 839.50, it is readily ' seen that to avoid pumping a low head filter plant must be built. , Sewage treatment plants are desigied to allow for future expansion and plant enlargement to aeoousaodate the future populace. The present tank is located in the northern side of the tract of land obtained for a savage treatment plant. Sufficient room has been allowed to place a similar Inhoff tank south of the present tank. I believe it advisable to place the additional treatment works in the northwestern part of the land available and quite close to the river. This vill allow for future enlargement on the present property. it would be possible to provide for a complete dual system of treatment. 6. - GONCLUS IOU I wish to submit the complete construction cost of the filter bed which is the major expense envolved. l’ have estimated the cost to be $105,393.45. " . we mm. A doom,” ,4. ca/acz/yO/flpz‘m/o/pt». -—1 . ”J- ("at Jan/cl JIow/n; o a: (”0/7 //r./ "g." I} ‘2 MI JmJa///wm/wk/e'ra ”‘177,’ : a 4'. 77" 1/4/74 44,, ill/'79 éofikafd 0/ //¢ ‘ l’ i .112! JiaW/z . : f‘,.~,:/,/// ;{ ’/_/// 775, Jc /, - cj¢fixzoXs jar: wzéa f/ace / ' S : 1‘ 4/ //( f/l’/k0/”é 4.5 79/: J/éfl/ .16 c //0// 6/70 no. 7'" ’//‘(//” C/WMW/fl/r/fl/e 86’-o‘ fla/a .' . [pf/u” 790/7 /(r/o 0/ Z [a «A, ~3"" ty/ec A?! Jlr/I clef/ar/Aflffl 66-: 0 " :' G'q/Amva O/flw0,(/(f cw/rréfifli % £4 [co/.9 -- / a 0 __ J/ue’ye J/or eye/er. C'q/ffé. Joel/c/a/ ,~‘d;:':'.';5£errow An 71' J/c/aée A9 J/Orer/ 0/ 36 /J’ " ' é(/ o w fife o/Iflxr} .5 If) 5c/I-C/‘dwére ~.’e ' - 0" . ." t. iii—Z! CreJJ J1 c // 0/9 v/Irea 0/ //e jtvf Ciao? Ar: . . ‘3 ‘ 7.2.5- ! 6/7 ’ 4’-/ J,// /or / (/oppr/ ' -‘7./' VP/OCI.'/y e///eW/‘O £6 , '7/6/X/MIO. 4 8X6 0 a?» A/./ //m/., 24 in, - . -7/6 x 49/ x: x .o x 24x25: x/sqooo yo/Amu. A://'W/"’f /0° 7/.e/c- dad/ll JeoQ-(‘lcoflefls wr'l/ .JUW //,J/o fie .v/A. fiver/[I Jflreyt ave/‘//é//I: 7'61. l’o/(lmp 0/0”! éo/flf' 5:6.75r3ox3. 2 2°25 cq//. ".52.? 1 so {80 45,0 7o‘l‘e/ 7:77—57 " m. 0/5 i.//,/.s : 2o; 45 “fl- 10/ e/ .8 /rqh&u'/J 0 .8:xe 8.3.!!!an I 3! "" . fofl/J/y/frJ/‘re/c ¢/0///e‘/( ’ Z 0 7 ’3 C. 0/12/06/ ,4 new 2 cq-//. 1/26.” Jfilf/(/z,. cv/Aé ana’r’iz 714/714 /.9 Ca/ydfl 0/ JrrV//7/ / g4 72 ’5! 0/4. Ii! Cam/U/Jié-Ofié /or 7‘1! o/p/Ir/D’n/floX/bv 0/ 7/iv /AW 2/7 //I Area/ziflaxy Jan/”- 2/”- 7’W1/7/y /a(/r icy/a. 7%» r/Ja/é ,o/ e 7/14/07/ 74¢r /o (/r 0 /}7 1/ //’ 5.1/ [II/.309; awn/If an J/oa/n Z? fiie/ /ar/>’?7 1/4 c ur/l. férJ/y/rw 0/ //I 7474/0rd/IbI/E’O 0///r 0/0/,é/ cam/1 A}: 1y aa/ 74 7.5.75 (some. «04”.»; J 7.5.75- - /..6’.36' c «xi/E //e////chark/0 4/7 45 dd/Irtyl //0M Til?) rzo’yce/A 70//o’7J./”: Z¢éoa~ tax/.J'ae‘xeoxze'xzo' 9 7f’ooo’7,/.d-/ 7%! Conya/afl'a/z’ fl, /ér 745/70 o/ /i( Jz/f’rr (0/ In//7‘9 0/ //'4/7€/d= _L- W/J/ 79/0//aw r/fl/ yy/ 70c! 0/ Ca/é/o/ A/oJo ,ér/J/ra/l/ 5/ /// flycé/x'c F/aaé 77/7/11 ('0 424/ floreaafloop/ flyraae Pi/clyy. I//.. ffleg/ (7 J/A)! 7/}: Je/(cflbo 0/ ieqr//a.:rat.s 40/00/76 r-o it c/Jla/ 1-4/1?! /A’lo alét Cam Ufij/i’d» o/r’éem. TAv/V 06/1/43! 74 flea/2’7 74 ”77¢.(/ /flr Je/e c/eo/ /aaa.ao, 7%: 79%/ fia/d/l/Aaé/a 74 (/4! ”7 //’ V’J’b’ 2/4/75 in///f9’ 19/ I3 ///”/' 7’07’4/ /(/2% 4/ 71/! Jr/ J'.’ 00’ 7079/ Mar/my” 44/ flnyc’ 6 .oo' Leases Enflancr/oa: m Jog/n7 7.1.7”; o . 4 o ' an/fl/ 7‘ln/f £056 o,¢'a' Jyfiéon /oaa 0.40’ flufizéofl'Ia/OJJ o .40 ' /‘/¢//mam r7 r/flaar/ 4. J0' A’e/fl/m/n; 4/ 594/ /- 6 0' M04“ Ndm lu- 0/Qfl/Ana 7“ 1174-(ofl%b //0}/t/ M- Nvfi fa/r o //ow /- 57‘7- Fvfl 0/0/ /I(I7(/aa )4 7’A’/////VIA'/ 250,000fiAa/A/fl 7‘. 79/ a’e/f' ,//,;, in/ J 'p/f/enéé. a’e/f/ 43' ' Izod/)7, c yr/v ~J‘ mma/e Jazzy/”7:9 / ofl/é‘m/nw‘é /IJ/ flfr /a 9/ _ $7,1’r'om J/l/IL”O /Ir /5( Jc/f/l‘? aria 0/ . - - '17-r:.:'l,;;.i/rl’/u%V/” e . “2‘70 (Ira—7 «(m All/”'7”! 4/ yfl//ons /a/p%’II/é//o 70 = /,o 00' 000 £17" 0/ d/é///ra/xoo/N 46".7/0 v/é”. 17/. 250.'°°70/ [/(CI’I'rr a’a/z’l a//ée //'//(r Je/ 4.30! .A >‘. (Qlw Y6- ‘ E... ' 4-:Y29'o’eoo . /’/25'ooo f/‘000 . .86? Acre: e/Jc/r/dcr 0/10- -/./ g 9‘ l . .88914J5‘0 8 Ja‘faoafi//Jur/0rr Oreo 0/ fl! .L/JQ/L/rr él/ _" .rpimroa/bna o/ /I' /I/- J 6/700 . /76-5" ‘ IUJ/o aa/l'V/o’la’ Is/ 2’40 a/x'mroJ/éos a/¢,oc/ fiao// .a/ 11;! 11/ c /76' x 76" I; - - ”'20 /?r I."- d’l.’nlfia / a.” a 0/ ~//l 0/0 1/0., 7/00.!" I 2’ Mar. 15/: o///e.v Ail“! v.04 - /04/77b.m. Elré 2100;07de Occome/O/I J—MIoslé: \ 2 - 1' SKI/(l 0/000 o/ //e /w/n do:13,/onta ‘a Al. flow [07/ x 5. ' ”9590/. C VJCu/K " ' ”’7'" Jo/n’»; n, x 15/ (yaw/m. fl Lax/2x) r(/!: .4in 2. y . 69¢ -. ." a 2;" 271 = 07”! I I 2/,65'. Zea-on 1 cC/J/by //o/Irma/¢.9 UflC/ C(Ir/IJ 0/ //p cfl/a/o/ 44.30 //~I-/o cy/x'c F/c/J/I’ 7.00:. (‘e- LI'MI'l 0/ 7/1”! /fl//0Ifl’ £19.71 Ce/A/ga. F,',_ ’8 ’ I’ ”0/ fit 7/6" 7/110 -/7 7/. Jz///Ir. MIbJ/Vx/J 7a olnao, 3;,/(5 r/x'v/ adv/0’7 7’Ar/x/f’fr ital- /04/,(8 . .0513! 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Lune ”#94422 [46 547:" Md 8 1/2 LII/112 5/?1r 0/ //0 14o eel/Aror/é 0.4". jr/Ic/ ‘éf'o ’0’: 4/‘"//'Im fir /’PJA(/f‘;076fC/.f),',P’J’,Iarofic//, 29.6“ ~LLL0 . _/_z. x a; sex .fiYX/z (I‘ve: ’11: Jan/0///o J/'I/...K- f 0/4 7%! ian/a/fiic J/Ir/I0 4/4 I'/// Joli/3 I/ée élfiwo“ Ve/Ue. TA! /(/77 lrd‘ré're J/I(//b 7": 34¢ (en/{fiver (/5! - -3 70 //2 050,5 0/ 6‘ ‘.27Jf/b./Irfi0f. .0 0&XI3115 a .245" 7'19! C am/V/f //o/)a ,4,- //t 0/11/70 o///.o ink/Era '07 1/! r/ //7 /fi( éle/ ce/yfl/n’lr. life 7.! fig Act/£9 0/5. l3." 751:6. (/Jc 0 I3” mar/m am ¢//O(/IVI I 4-7.4" r 8'. , 6'0 a'ef/fl. 5?. IC'IZ [$0050 10/5" 772 c . / {a ./‘000 JI.”7 223 T/vn/(fl/xn prowl/['9’ 0///)o érl/ as ayvo/r‘ 7¢z x4.70‘xgz,a‘ r z}; x475 x470} a - Z 2 3 6940 f /6/5./0675 “/1 N- éa/‘K - a" - ff , I/""“—’.’b'/u7 .IM' age/eve: .11: 516 122/8 (//(C//r( de/rfi fflrdfiloI/ky fires: or) 3/5: caflfl/(rlr =- IOIO‘ f 772x 47.9., 4.7.70 4" 3 779! aoi/Jircr/B ayal/é y = J . 45.50 . 54-5., 5/! /34/7 x/e 7%! 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